SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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Pacey would spend the next twenty years swearing he didn't intend to say it until it was<br />

out of his mouth. "Are you sure that was the dentist, man? Maybe it was dying of<br />

boredom."<br />

***<br />

part four: pulse<br />

It created an interesting dilemma at the dinner table. The line echoed in the room.<br />

Maybe it was dying of boredom.<br />

"Don't be silly," Grams said as she buttered a roll. "I'm sure Josephine's palate is just<br />

fine. California has plenty of good food, even if they don't know how to make a good<br />

New England clam chowder without resorting to a can opener."<br />

Jen made a mental note: Buy Grams flowers. Then she scribbled out that mental note<br />

and composed a new one: Buy Grams a car.<br />

Pacey was now miserably staring into his plate. Dawson was making a half-hearted<br />

effort to cut into a slice of turkey, and Joey was rhythmically tapping her mashed<br />

potatoes with her fork. Jen stood up and dropped her napkin on the table. "I want to<br />

see you in the kitchen. And you, and you." She walked over to the kitchen door and<br />

held it open. Dawson went through first, then Joey, then Pacey, who grimaced at her as<br />

he went <strong>by</strong>.<br />

"What did I do?"<br />

"Get in the kitchen," she whispered harshly. A stunned Jack and Andie quickly<br />

downshifted to entertaining the adults, all of whom were taking larger-than-usual sips of<br />

wine.<br />

As the door swung shut, Jen looked at the three of them lined up against the counter.<br />

Dawson and Pacey, with Joey in the middle. How depressingly literal. "Look, I don't<br />

know what the three of you think you're doing, but Grams invited you here for dinner and<br />

you're acting like you've been cast in the dullest one-act play a college theater<br />

department has ever produced. Now I don't care who's angry at who, or who doesn't<br />

bring who flowers anymore. I don't care what torches people are carrying, I don't care<br />

what grudges remain to be resolved, and I sure as hell don't care about a love triangle<br />

plot that wouldn't even make for a passable episode of Growing Pains. But I do care<br />

about the fact that all three of you are making me wish I'd told Grams not to invite you."

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