SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

SOS by Glory, Girl Writer.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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"Me, too." She hit the button, dropped the phone in her bag, and walked into class<br />

smiling.<br />

***<br />

When Pacey had moved out of his old apartment, he'd figured he would have trouble<br />

getting used to anything new, but the new place was okay. Leaving Capeside had been<br />

hard -- Doug had become downright tolerable, and he missed Gretchen like crazy -- but<br />

the close proximity to Joey without actually being able to see her had eventually gotten<br />

to be too much. Leaving school had been even worse, but he could start again in<br />

January. So now here he was, with at least his Dumbo clock as a mark of familiarity.<br />

He lay down on the couch, put his feet up, and put his hands over his eyes.<br />

When she had left after Andie's party weekend in August, he'd been sure he and Joey<br />

were doing the right thing, and equally sure that it was going to hurt as much as anything<br />

he'd ever done. At first, it had actually been easier than he thought. He spent a lot of<br />

time working, eating, going to the movies -- anything that would keep him from having<br />

those horrible moments when he stared at the wall, seeing her face grow out of it like a<br />

ghost. When he'd gotten back to his apartment just after she left, he'd collapsed on his<br />

bed exhausted, only to notice that the pillows smelled like her, so much that he<br />

momentarily buried his face in them and inhaled deeply. Almost immediately, though, he<br />

took them from the bed and threw them into a laundry bag, stuffing the sheets in after<br />

them. He propped himself up on his bed with pillows from the couch and lay in the sunlit<br />

room, thinking about her, for long hours until he finally fell asleep.<br />

The biggest surprise of early fall had been a phone call from Dawson. At first, he'd been<br />

inclined to be bitter -- sure, now that I can't have her eiither, we can be friends again --<br />

but to his surprise, Dawson had wanted to talk about everything but Joey. It was the first<br />

time he remembered ever talking to Dawson without there being some reference --<br />

whether explicit or clumsily veiled -- to her. These days, Dawson mostly wanted to talk<br />

about Megan, who had him in such an explosively good mood it had almost lifted him out<br />

of the ostentatious self-importance he'd picked up somewhere around the ninth grade.<br />

Among her charms, she had an exercise she'd put him through three times since the<br />

beginning of the school year. The way Dawson told it, Megan would take him to a party,<br />

and tell him that he was forbidden to speak to anyone in declarative sentences. He<br />

could employ interjections, like "Wow!" and "Sure!" and "Thanks!". He could say hello.<br />

He could ask other people questions. He could nod, he could gesture, he could send<br />

smoke signals if he could figure out a way to do it -- but no declarative sentences. She<br />

called the game "How Long Can You Go Without Talking About Yourself?" It made<br />

Pacey laugh just thinking about it.<br />

He had made it through September, but a week into October, he had hit a wall. Knowing<br />

Joey was still so close, knowing that Bessie was in town, knowing Joey would be home<br />

for holidays and he'd have to see her over and over and over again, it had hit him like a<br />

ton of bricks that it just wasn't going to work. The nauseating irony was not lost on him<br />

that if he had known he wasn't going to be able to take it, he could have saved them<br />

both all the hurt that the good<strong>by</strong> had caused, because as it turned out, he'd had to leave<br />

school anyway. He'd left Gretchen, left Doug . . . why hadn't he realized this was going<br />

to happen just a little sooner? Now, lying on the couch staring at the toes of his shoes,

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