Immunity 12.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

Immunity 12.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki

Immunity 12.pdf - Dawson's Creek Fandom Wiki


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<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12: Survivor Wheel of Fortune<br />

Doug has entered the room.<br />

New Joey has entered the room.<br />

Andie has entered the room.<br />

Doug: Hey!<br />

New Joey: hey y'all<br />

Doug: GINALLY<br />

Andie: hello!<br />

Doug: FINALLY<br />

Doug: hee<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Henry as usual is late...<br />

New Joey: she's coming<br />

Doug: dock her 10 pts<br />

Andie: go Doug!<br />

Dick Dawson: That's ok, the order will be:<br />

Dick Dawson: 1) Doug<br />

Henry has entered the room.<br />

Doug: *does 10 jumping jacks*<br />

Dick Dawson: 2) New Joey<br />

Henry: Here I am!<br />

Doug: sheesh<br />

New Joey: Hey Henry<br />

Henry: Step up, bitch!<br />

Dick Dawson: 3) Andie<br />

Dick Dawson: 4) Henry<br />

Andie: isn't Henry fiesty today<br />

Henry: **air punches**<br />

New Joey: damn, now i'm all scared and spineless<br />

Doug: *chants* I'm number 1!<br />

Henry: **does Pee Pee Dance**<br />

Doug: *jumps on Henry's back*<br />

Dick Dawson: OK any questions?<br />

Henry: Whee!<br />

Andie: ahem. *we're* number one Doug.<br />

Henry: Um. Yeah. What's at stake?<br />

Doug: um..what if we've never actually seen this show before?<br />

New Joey: Um...can I second that question?<br />

Doug: sorry honee..we're actually numbers 1-2- and 3!<br />

Doug: baby Andie<br />

Andie: god, am I the only one to have seen this show?<br />

Henry: Pfft. I've heard from friends.<br />

Andie: *hangs head*<br />

Doug: I'm just kidding<br />

Henry: Start thinking of who to kick of Witchy Bitches!<br />

Doug: that's right hon<br />

Dick Dawson: You want to try a practice run?<br />

Doug: I've heard that that Henry character sucks!<br />

New Joey: yes<br />

Dick Dawson: OK let me come up with one<br />

Andie: I'm confused by the rules PIggy<br />

New Joey: What does Henry suck?

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 2<br />

Dick Dawson: OK<br />

Henry: What? He does not suck.<br />

Dick Dawson: Round 0: (1 pt per letter)<br />

Henry: He blows.<br />

Doug: (I was trying to taunt Henry- she's weak)<br />

Dick Dawson: Category: episode title<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _<br />

Andie: coda!<br />

Dick Dawson: So first up is DOUG<br />

Doug: lmao<br />

Henry: Fuck. T minus 30 seconds before absolute failure.<br />

New Joey: oh my god<br />

Doug: um... D<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Doug, guess a letter<br />

Dick Dawson: consonants worth 1 pt, vowels 0<br />

Doug: I just did<br />

Doug: D<br />

Dick Dawson: Oh sorry I'm behing<br />

Dick Dawson: Sorry no D's<br />

Dick Dawson: next, New Joey<br />

Henry: Am I supposed be doing something?<br />

New Joey: Um...f?<br />

Dick Dawson: No Fs<br />

Dick Dawson: OK now Andie<br />

Andie: L<br />

Dick Dawson: L _ _ _ (YOu have 30 seconds)<br />

Andie: late<br />

Dick Dawson: COrrect<br />

New Joey: damn<br />

Andie: woo hoo!<br />

Doug: **blows a kiss to Andie**<br />

Henry: Don't mind me. I'll just stand here and air punch.<br />

Dick Dawson: She earned 1 point for that round<br />

Henry: Is Andie on my team?<br />

Andie: hee!<br />

New Joey: no, I am<br />

Dick Dawson: Get it?<br />

Doug: not on your short life, m<br />

New Joey: got it<br />

Andie: got it Piggy<br />

Henry: Fuck you.<br />

Henry: Ass.<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry, you would have been next.<br />

Henry: I like New Joey better anyways.<br />

New Joey: aww thanks<br />

Andie: hey!<br />

Doug: **gasp*<br />

Dick Dawson: OK ready for the real game?<br />

Henry: Can I go now?<br />

New Joey: no...but okay<br />

Henry: Yes!<br />

Andie: yes!!!<br />

Doug: yes..but wash your hands

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 3<br />

Dick Dawson: Round 1 (1 point per letter)<br />

Dick Dawson: Category: Fan Fiction<br />

Henry: Oh dear.<br />

Andie: uh oh<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

New Joey: I know nothing about fan fic<br />

Henry: I haven't read anyone's.<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug<br />

Doug: S<br />

Henry: Except Neo's.<br />

Dick Dawson: One S<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Doug: no guess<br />

Dick Dawson: OK, New Joey<br />

New Joey: T<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ts<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie<br />

Henry: New Joey!<br />

New Joey: i know. i suck<br />

Andie: N<br />

Henry: Don't worry. I think I know what it is.<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ns<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry<br />

Henry: I was lying!<br />

Henry: Okay.<br />

Henry: C<br />

Dick Dawson: No Cs<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug<br />

Doug: D<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ds<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey<br />

New Joey: L<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ls<br />

Henry: I plan on riding your coattails New Joey.<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie<br />

New Joey: yeah whatever.<br />

Andie: R<br />

New Joey: you didn't get it either<br />

Dick Dawson: One R<br />

Henry: Whee! **riding coattails**<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ S (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Andie: no clue<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: never mind<br />

Doug: H<br />

Dick Dawson: Wait it's Henry' turn<br />

Andie: heh!<br />

Doug: oops<br />

Henry: H<br />

New Joey: hee<br />

Dick Dawson: No Hs<br />

Henry: Damn!

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 4<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug?<br />

Andie: it worked Doug...<br />

Doug: G<br />

Andie: we tricked her<br />

Doug: hee<br />

Henry: You tricked me!<br />

Dick Dawson: NO Gs<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey?<br />

New Joey: P?<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ps<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie?<br />

New Joey: of course not<br />

Andie: M<br />

Henry: Just work your way down the alphabet, baby.<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ms<br />

New Joey: I forgetting letters.<br />

Dick Dawson: (Guess a vowel some body with banked points!)<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry?<br />

Henry: A<br />

Dick Dawson: One A<br />

Henry: Whee!<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ A R _ _ _ _ S (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Dick Dawson: (ah Henry you have no points though)<br />

Henry: Why?<br />

Dick Dawson: vowels don't earn points<br />

Henry: Ohhh.<br />

Dick Dawson: that's why I said with "banked points")<br />

Dick Dawson: Any guess?<br />

Henry: Ohhhh..<br />

Dick Dawson: I'll give you 15 more<br />

Dick Dawson: seconds<br />

Henry: Parcels?<br />

Dick Dawson: Sorry<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug<br />

Doug: F<br />

New Joey: heh<br />

Dick Dawson: No Fs<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey<br />

Henry: Stupid, Henry. Who names fanfic "Parcels"?<br />

New Joey: B...<br />

Dick Dawson: One B<br />

New Joey: yes!!!<br />

Henry: Whee!<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ A R B _ _ _ S (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: no clue. sigh.<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

New Joey: there goes my euphoria<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Andie?<br />

Andie: ok, I'm feeling confident here... Y<br />

Dick Dawson: One Y<br />

New Joey: damn<br />

Dick Dawson: Y _ A R B _ _ _ S (You have 30 seconds)

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 5<br />

New Joey: shit<br />

Andie: Yearbooks<br />

Henry: I need to get me some smut.<br />

Dick Dawson: Correct!<br />

Andie: whew<br />

Doug: **blows kisses to Andie**<br />

New Joey: I'm so very bitter.<br />

Dick Dawson: Whores earn the Andie's two banked points!<br />

Henry: It's all my fault.<br />

Doug: So how many points did Andie rack up for us?<br />

Henry: I'm sorry, New Joey.<br />

Dick Dawson: OK this is taking longer than I thought<br />

New Joey: it's okay, Henry<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie got 2 points<br />

Doug: Head thumping is in order<br />

Henry: Someone's sleeping on the couch.<br />

Andie: ok, what's the next one?<br />

New Joey: I'm having trouble remembering the alphabet myself<br />

Andie: me too New Joey<br />

Dick Dawson: Round 2 (2 points per letter)<br />

Dick Dawson: Category: Cast<br />

Henry: Yay!<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Henry: Aw.<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey's turn to start<br />

New Joey: B?<br />

Henry: I know what it is!<br />

Dick Dawson: 4 Bs and (8 points)<br />

Andie: damn<br />

New Joey: really, wow<br />

New Joey: that's my lucky letter now<br />

Henry: **counts fingers** No, I don't.<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B _ B _ B _ _ _ _ _ _ (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: i am such a failure<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Andie?<br />

Henry: I guess it's not Babaa Booey.<br />

Andie: S?<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ss<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry?<br />

New Joey: well that was my first guess, Henry<br />

Henry: A<br />

Dick Dawson: Psst Henry, you don't earn points with vowels and you have no points<br />

Dick Dawson: Try a consonant honey<br />

Henry: Oh. Sorry. I'm still trying for Babaa Booey.<br />

New Joey: heh<br />

Henry: Umm..Y<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ys

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 6<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug?<br />

Henry: What am I doing! It's not Babaa Booey!<br />

Doug: S<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ss<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey?<br />

New Joey: T?<br />

Dick Dawson: One T (2 points)<br />

New Joey: woo.<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B _ B _ B _ T _ _ _ _ (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: not happy enough for the hoo yet<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

New Joey: this person is on the cast?<br />

Dick Dawson: Yes, an actor's name<br />

New Joey: huh.<br />

New Joey: damn actor<br />

Andie: L<br />

Henry: I don't think it's Michael Pitt.<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ls<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry?<br />

Henry: T<br />

New Joey: psst Henry...i already guessed t<br />

Dick Dawson: try again honey<br />

Henry: Oh. I mean C<br />

Dick Dawson: No Cs<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug?<br />

Doug: G<br />

Henry: I'm going to break my own face.<br />

Dick Dawson: No Gs<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey (how about some vowels?)<br />

New Joey: E?<br />

Dick Dawson: One E (no points)<br />

New Joey: well that's not as much fun as consonants<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B _ B _ B _ T _ _ _ E (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: oops<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Henry: I know, I probably nailed this person.<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Andie?<br />

Andie: umm... N<br />

Dick Dawson: One N<br />

Dick Dawson: 2 pts<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B _ B _ B _ T _ N _ E (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Dick Dawson: 5

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 7<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Andie: no idea<br />

New Joey: this person is on the show. huh.<br />

Dick Dawson kicked out of Chat Room<br />

Dick Dawson: Fuck me!<br />

Henry: Will it get us a win?<br />

Andie: is that the answer?<br />

Dick Dawson: Ok Henry, your turn<br />

Dick Dawson: Wait I didn't see anything my chat froze!<br />

New Joey: is it okay now?<br />

Henry: H<br />

Andie: ok, where are we/<br />

Dick Dawson: No Hs<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug your turn<br />

Doug: D<br />

New Joey: that was my guess<br />

New Joey: bitch<br />

Dick Dawson: One D<br />

Doug: ho<br />

Doug: yay!<br />

New Joey: damn it<br />

Dick Dawson: 2 pts<br />

Doug: (like that's gonna help)<br />

Henry: And I thought it wasn't Brian Denehey.<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B _ B _ B _ T _ N D E (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Doug: Abbi Bobatande?<br />

Henry: What?<br />

Dick Dawson: Close but no cigar<br />

New Joey: excuse me?<br />

Dick Dawson: New Joey<br />

New Joey: Ugh. um...A<br />

Dick Dawson: 3 As (no pts)<br />

New Joey: like it<br />

New Joey: it'll help<br />

Dick Dawson: _ B B A B A B A T _ N D E (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Henry: Didn't I use that already?<br />

New Joey: Ubba Babatunde<br />

Dick Dawson: Oh so close but no<br />

New Joey: well i was just making it up<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie<br />

Andie: are you going to tell us when there are only vowels left?<br />

Henry: When's it my turn?<br />

Doug: **crosses fingers, legs, and eyes**<br />

Dick Dawson: Am I supposed to do that?<br />

Andie: yep<br />

Doug: yeah<br />

Doug: you are

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 8<br />

Dick Dawson: OOk<br />

New Joey: *crosses toes*<br />

Doug: rule #2534.78<br />

Henry: **pees in pants**<br />

Dick Dawson: Sorry it's all vowels<br />

Henry: Damn!<br />

New Joey: well that just bites<br />

Andie: so, do I guess a vowel for no pints?<br />

Andie: points<br />

Doug: yes!<br />

Doug: she does, right?<br />

Andie: E<br />

Dick Dawson: You'd block the others from getting it<br />

Dick Dawson: We already did E<br />

Doug: already picked<br />

Doug: Andie<br />

Andie: sorry<br />

Dick Dawson: Another vowel?<br />

Andie: I<br />

Dick Dawson: No Is<br />

Andie: fuck!<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry<br />

Henry: o<br />

Dick Dawson: One O<br />

Henry: You know what I mean.<br />

Dick Dawson: O B B A B A B A T _ N D E (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Henry: Obba Babatunde?<br />

Dick Dawson: Yup!<br />

New Joey: woohoo!<br />

Henry: Yeah!<br />

Andie: who the hell is that?<br />

Henry: **pees in pants**<br />

New Joey: yay Henry!<br />

Doug: sheeyat!<br />

New Joey: yeah who is that?<br />

Henry: Princepatunde?<br />

Dick Dawson: Green<br />

New Joey: wow<br />

Dick Dawson: Principal Green<br />

New Joey: what a name<br />

New Joey: i like it<br />

Doug: Henry cheated!<br />

Dick Dawson: OK so Henry has no points<br />

Henry: I now know whay I'll name my children.<br />

Andie: ** puts it on the baby name list**<br />

New Joey: no Henry didn't<br />

Dick Dawson: Witches 0, Whores 2<br />

Henry: Wha?<br />

Henry: How did I cheat?<br />

Andie: whew<br />

New Joey: hey, wait a minute?<br />

New Joey: why do we have O?<br />

Dick Dawson: Yes New Joey

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 9<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry guessed o<br />

New Joey: okay..but do we get points for the puzzle?<br />

Dick Dawson: You earn what you banked<br />

Henry: Well, I got no points but I didn't cheat! **claps hands**<br />

Dick Dawson: and Henry banked 0<br />

Doug: we didnt for the first one<br />

Andie: yay Henry!<br />

New Joey: okay<br />

Dick Dawson: but she prevented Doug from earning 2 points<br />

Doug: bitch<br />

Henry: I still am Satan's whore.<br />

New Joey: i understand now<br />

Dick Dawson: Sorry it's taking so long!!<br />

Andie: ok, I need to eat dinner...<br />

New Joey: no prob<br />

Henry: Like Weakest Link?<br />

Andie: can we hurry up<br />

Andie: **demanding bitch**<br />

Dick Dawson: Round 3 (3 points per letter)<br />

Dick Dawson: Category: Episode Title<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Dick Dawson: Andie your turn to start<br />

Andie: S<br />

Dick Dawson: No Ss<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry<br />

Henry: D<br />

Dick Dawson: One D (3 pts)<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ D (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug<br />

Doug: R<br />

Dick Dawson: One R (3 pts)<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ D (You have 30 seconds)<br />

Doug: neverland<br />

Dick Dawson: Yes!<br />

New Joey: damn<br />

Henry: Whoops.<br />

Andie: **kisses Doug**<br />

Doug: my fave ep<br />

Dick Dawson: Doug earns 3 points<br />

Andie: I love Doug<br />

Doug: woohoo!!!<br />

Dick Dawson: Witches 0; Whores 5<br />

Andie: yay!<br />

Henry: One day, New Joey.<br />

Henry: One day!<br />

New Joey: yeah<br />

Henry: Did you know that one?

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 10<br />

New Joey: sadly yeah<br />

Dick Dawson: Round 4 (4 points per letter)<br />

Dick Dawson: Category: Featured Music<br />

Dick Dawson: (Song Title)<br />

Dick Dawson: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _<br />

Henry: Oh great. I haven't brushed up on Rob Thomas or Stephen Jenkins.<br />

Dick Dawson: Henry you're up<br />

Doug: man...<br />

Henry: N<br />

Dick Dawson: One N (4 pts)<br />

Dick Dawson: N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: woohoo!<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Doug<br />

Doug: S<br />

Henry: I have no idea.<br />

Dick Dawson: One S (4 pts)<br />

Dick Dawson: N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: shit<br />

Dick Dawson: 5<br />

Dick Dawson: 4<br />

Dick Dawson: 3<br />

Dick Dawson: 2<br />

Dick Dawson: 1<br />

Dick Dawson: 0<br />

Dick Dawson: OK New Joey<br />

Doug: question..<br />

New Joey: T<br />

Dick Dawson: OK Doug<br />

Doug: nevermind...<br />

Dick Dawson: One T (4 pts)<br />

Dick Dawson: N _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ S _ _ _ (You have 30 seconds)<br />

New Joey: Never Be The Same<br />

Doug: damn!<br />

Henry: Huh?<br />

Henry: Who sang that?<br />

Andie: damn!<br />

Doug: I thought the last word was 2 2 letter words!<br />

Doug: I had it!<br />

Doug: damnit<br />

Dick Dawson: Yup<br />

New Joey: yeah, that makes me sad that i know that<br />

Henry: Who sang it?<br />

Dick Dawson: Witches earn 4 points for that one<br />

Doug: I put it on cd for several ppl<br />

New Joey: susan agluklark<br />

Andie: not me<br />

New Joey: agluklark

<strong>Immunity</strong> Challenge #12 11<br />

Doug: Agulkark<br />

Henry: Oh. **nods head feigning understanding**<br />

Andie: *pouts*<br />

Andie: so, do we win?<br />

Doug: well fuck me running<br />

Dick Dawson: But since it's the last round<br />

Dick Dawson: Whores win 5 to 4.<br />

New Joey: yeah you did anyways<br />

Andie: yay!!!<br />

New Joey: damn it<br />

Andie: **kisses Doug**<br />

Henry: It was close.<br />

New Joey: sorry Henry<br />

Doug: Throws Andie on floor and rolls around in bear hug<br />

Andie: good game guys<br />

Dick Dawson: Yes it was close<br />

Henry: Naw man. I suck<br />

New Joey: very good game<br />

Dick Dawson: Nice job everyone!

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