CKRS 2011-2012 Community Handbook

CKRS 2011-2012 Community Handbook

CKRS 2011-2012 Community Handbook


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Cafeteria<br />

Respect and obey adults on lunch duty.<br />

Stay in seats until directed to get up.<br />

Use appropriate language.<br />

Use conversational voices (inside voices).<br />

Leave eating area clean.<br />

Classrooms<br />

Within each classroom teachers set their own procedures and expectations consistent with school policy.<br />

Hallways/Stairways<br />

Remain silent and orderly when passing other students and classrooms.<br />

Keep to the right especially when passing on the stairs.<br />

Playground<br />

Respect all playing areas.<br />

Follow posted playground rules.<br />

Be considerate of others.<br />

Respond promptly to the bell; walk to the line in an orderly fashion.<br />

Return to classroom quickly and quietly.<br />

Consequences to NON-COMPLIANCE of school rules<br />

At all levels students will be expected to state the unacceptable behavior, and accept responsibility for their choices. Part of accepting responsibility<br />

is accepting consequences that result from choices. In disciplinary cases consequences may include, but are not limited to the following:<br />

Written warning for the first offense. Parents<br />

A written warning and loss of recess/privilege will be issued upon the subsequent offense.<br />

Upon receipt of a third written warning for any offense, the student will be assigned an after school detention. At this time the teacher or<br />

an administrator may request a parent conference. Parents will also have the opportunity to request a conference.<br />

A second detention will warrant a suspension. A parent conference will be mandatory at this time.<br />

An excess of two suspensions will be cause for a review and possible expulsion.<br />

Any student serving any type of suspension will not be allowed to participate in any school related extra-curricular activities the day of the<br />

suspension.<br />

All discipline is communicated to parents via Churchwerks.<br />

More serious offences, such as the following, may warrant suspension, expulsion, and in some cases civil prosecution:<br />

Gross insubordination<br />

Disrespect of others by word, gesture or action<br />

Stealing or cheating<br />

Continual and willful defiance and disobedience<br />

Damage or defacement of school property or the property of others<br />

Possession of weapons or instruments that are deemed inappropriate or injury causing<br />

Threats of violence<br />

Possession or association with alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs on school property or at school sponsored events<br />

Any immoral conduct of a serious nature<br />

Arson<br />

Endangering the welfare of others<br />

Any serious conduct, which causes disruption in the classroom or the school, is unacceptable. The Principal reserves the right to determine the<br />

seriousness of any school infraction and to determine the appropriate course of action to be followed. Under normal circumstances serious offences<br />

are referred to the Discipline Committee, which recommends appropriate action to the Principal. The discipline committee is made up of the<br />

Principal and the two Assistant-Principals. In cases of expulsion, the decision will be made in consultation with the Pastor and the Superintendent of<br />

schools or an Assistant Superintendent.<br />


The purpose of the dress code at Christ the King Regional School is to:<br />

Have students neat, clean, and ready to learn.<br />

Prevent distractions to the learning environment.<br />

Minimize fads and the comparison of one student to another.<br />

Assist parents in the time-consuming and expensive process of purchasing clothes for school.<br />


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