April 3, 2011 (pdf)

April 3, 2011 (pdf)

April 3, 2011 (pdf)


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Rev. Joseph P. LaMorte............................................ Pastor<br />

Rev. Peter Cimbert Ekanem ..................Parochial Vicar<br />

Salesians of Don Bosco ....................................... Assisting<br />

Deacon Gus Pappalardo<br />

Deacon Ron Dowen<br />

Deacon John Kelly<br />

Deacon George Albin<br />

Mrs. Cathleen Cassel...............................School Principal<br />

Mr. Donald Ruzzi ....Coordinator, Religious Education<br />

Mrs. Janine Friscoe ...............Sacramental Coordinator<br />

Ms. Patricia Sullivan ................... Pastoral Council Chair<br />

Mr. Victor York.............................. Finance Council Chair<br />

Mr. Tom Snowden ................................Director of Music<br />


Sunday Masses<br />

Saturday .....................................................................5:30 pm<br />

Sunday ............7:00, 8:15, 9:30, 11:00 am & 12:30 pm<br />

Weekday Masses<br />

Monday through Friday......................... 7:30 & 9:00 am<br />

Saturday .....................................................................9:00 am<br />

Holy Day Masses....................7:00 & 9:00 am, 7:30 pm<br />

PARISH OFFICE---------------21 Cinder Road 947-1873<br />

E-mail ....................................sgbparish@verizon.net<br />

Website ....................... www.stgregorybarbarigo.org<br />


Sunday ....................................................9:00 am - 2:00 pm<br />

Monday - Friday ..................................9:00 am - 8:00 pm<br />

Saturday .............................................. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm<br />

SCHOOL--------------------------29 Cinder Road 947-1330<br />

Website .............www.stgregorybarbarigoschool.org<br />

SCHOOL OF RELIGION----29 Cinder Road 429-2775<br />


<strong>April</strong> 3, <strong>2011</strong><br />


Confessions are heard on Saturday afternoon from 4:00 to 5:00 pm and<br />

anytime upon reasonable request.<br />


The Sacraments are available to those unable to come to church due to<br />

sickness, age or incapacitation. Please call the parish office.<br />


Preliminary arrangements should be made by calling the parish office at<br />

least six months in advance of the proposed date of marriage. Couples<br />

are required to attend Pre-Cana Conferences and to meet with a priest<br />

or deacon for preparations.<br />


The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and third Sundays<br />

of the month at 2:00 pm. Attendance at an instruction class, held<br />

on the first Monday of the month, is required before a date can be set.<br />

All requirements will be discussed at the class. Please call the parish<br />

office to arrange to attend the class early to avoid having to wait for a<br />

baptismal date. A follow-up meeting is held with a priest or deacon after<br />

the class.<br />

Our Adoration Chapel is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days<br />

a week for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration. It is located just in<br />

front of the rectory. Parishioners are encouraged to become<br />

regular and/or substitute adorers. Visitors are always welcome to<br />

stop in and spend some time in quiet prayer with Jesus, Our Lord.<br />

Welcome visitors and new parishioners to our community of faith<br />

and prayer! We are always happy to have you join us in worship<br />

and the many activities of our parish. If you are a new parishioner,<br />

please call the parish office to register so that we can provide you<br />

with information about all St. Gregory Barbarigo Parish has to<br />

offer.<br />


We parishioners of St. Gregory Barbarigo Roman Catholic Church are called by Jesus to be a community of His disciples, united<br />

in Eucharistic worship and growing in Faith, Hope and Love. Nourished through the sacraments and strengthened by God’s<br />

transforming love, we are empowered to know the gospel message and to witness it to others. As Christian stewards, we are<br />

thankful for God’s many gifts and we commit ourselves to share our time, talent and treasure in Christ-like service within our<br />

parish community and beyond. We seek God’s blessing and guidance to be faithful to this mission.


PRAYERS FOR THE SICK The sick are comforted knowing that we pray for them. In your charity, please remember Eleanor Collopy,<br />

Joe Picarello, Victor Haubner, and all the petitions in the prayer corner.<br />

THE BLUE STAR BANNER, created in 1917, hung in a family’s window to show pride in a loved one serving in the armed<br />

forces. Please pray for those protecting our liberty: PFC SCOTT M. BREWER, USA: MAJOR EDWARD CARDINALE, USAF; CAPTAIN<br />



IN PARADISUM Please remember Father John McGuire, Father<br />

Thomas McGarry, Father Joseph Duc Vu, Harold Korff, Geraldine<br />

Ferraro, Elizabeth Taylor, the Gulf War II casualties and these<br />

souls for whom Mass will be offered:<br />


Lenten Weekday/St. Isidore, bishop and doctor<br />

7:30 am Ambrose Coyne<br />

9:00 am Louie, Dominic and Tony Tummillo<br />


Lenten Weekday/St. Vincent Ferrer, priest<br />

7:30 am The People of St. Gregory Barbarigo<br />

9:00 am Josephine Kenny<br />


Lenten Weekday<br />

7:30 am Josephine Cerrudo<br />

9:00 am Mary Hynes<br />


Lenten Weekday/St. John Baptist de la Salle, priest<br />

7:30 am F. Wilson Smith<br />

9:00 am Jeanine Genovese<br />


Lenten Weekday<br />

7:30 am Joan Wilson<br />

9:00 am Theresa Kelly<br />


Lenten Weekday<br />

9:00 am Leslie Spatta-Cioffoletti<br />

SUNDAY, APRIL 10<br />

The Fifth Sunday of Lent<br />

5:30 pm James and Ida Cappuccino<br />

7:00 am Walter Krupa<br />

8:15 am John Patrick O’Reilly<br />

9:30 am Patrick Aidan Horan<br />

11:00 am Marta & Sergio Pacheco<br />

12:30 pm James George<br />



2:00 pm Baptism, Church<br />

3:00 pm School House Rock, Gym<br />

7:30 pm Teens Connected by Christ, Gym<br />


4:00 pm CYO Basketball, Gym<br />

5:30 pm School of Religion<br />

7:30 pm Baptism Seminar, School 101<br />

8:00 pm Exodus Men’s Night of Prayer, Church<br />


2:40 pm Girl Scouts, School 101<br />

4:00 pm CYO Basketball, Gym<br />

5:00 pm School of Religion<br />

5:30 pm Rehearsal for First Holy Communion, Church<br />

7:30 pm Women’s Cornerstone, School 101<br />


9:00 am School Liturgy, Church<br />

4:00 pm CYO Basketball, Gym<br />

6:30 pm Adult Choir, School Church<br />

7:00 pm School of Religion<br />

7:30 pm RCIA, OCR<br />


4:00 pm CYO Basketball, Gym<br />

FRIDAY, APRIL 8 (Day of Abstinence from Meat and Poultry)<br />

1:30 pm Golden Agers, Gym<br />

2:45 pm Cub Scouts, School 101<br />

3:00 pm Women’s Cornerstone, Gym<br />

7:00 pm Stations of the Cross, Church<br />


Women’s Cornerstone<br />

1:00 pm Baptism, Church<br />

SUNDAY, APRIL 10<br />

2:00 pm Baptism, Church<br />

7:30 pm Teens Connected by Christ, Gym<br />

ARCHDIOCESAN STEWARDSHIP APPEAL SHARING GOD’S GIFTS Thanks to all of you who have so generously responded to this year’s<br />

charitable campaign. For this appeal to be truly successful, we must have the support of all of our families. The appeal is a vital source<br />

of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift. Pledge<br />

cards are in the narthex and may be returned to the parish office or placed in the offertory basket at Mass.. Not everyone can give<br />

a lot, but we hope you will give what you can afford, especially spread across five months. Many people have found a gift of $100 ($20<br />

a month) to be a sacrificial level they can give. All donors, of any amount, will be thanked by Archbishop Dolan. We look forward to<br />

providing you an update on the appeal’s progress each week. Thank you for your generosity and good faith.<br />

APPEAL UPDATE ($59,000 GOAL ~~ 500 GIFTS)<br />

TOTAL PLEDGES:$58,330 (243 GIFTS)<br />


www.stgregorybarbarigo.org 2<br />



Iwant to thank you one more time for your tremendous<br />

response to last month’s In Pew Solicitation. It takes a while<br />

for the pledges to be recorded in the system, but at this<br />

writing, we are well on our way to passing our goal for the<br />

first time since 2004. Congratulations, one and all. I hope<br />

everyone will participate. This way, the victory will belong to<br />

all of us.<br />

There is only one more week to go as our parish<br />

prepares for the <strong>2011</strong> Women’s Cornerstone which begins on<br />

Friday evening in the gym. You will read another testimonial<br />

in this bulletin about how this spiritual weekend has touched<br />

another life to become closer to God and to be more involved<br />

in our parish community. I am looking forward to the graces<br />

that will wash over those women who participate. If you are<br />

still undecided, just turn in our application at the parish office<br />

and we will reserve a place for you.<br />

Plans are underway for a number of activities that are<br />

coming up on our calendar. We have already begun<br />

preparations for the Spring Golf Outing at the Rotella Course.<br />

We have been meeting to discuss how we want to celebrate<br />

the Golden Jubilee of our parish (1961) and its school (1963).<br />

And, the alumni association will meet on Thursday to resume<br />

its organization to help build a stronger St. Gregory. All of<br />

these activities are signs that the community who prays and<br />

worships together on Sunday also maintains a vibrant life<br />

during the week. We know that the Eucharist is the source<br />

and summit of our life. It gathers our week’s activities into a<br />

hymn of praise and it sends us forth to proclaim the gospel to<br />

all we meet. We hear many of those opportunities to<br />

evangelize in the announcements at Mass and in the parish<br />

bulletin. Those who leave Mass early miss this important<br />

time. All who share communion are summoned into service.<br />

The announcements extend an invitation to let our<br />

communion take root in the community.<br />

I hope you enjoyed the school production of<br />

Schoolhouse Rock. Under the leadership of Mrs. Mello,<br />

Broadway comes to Garnerville. There are still two<br />

performances left: Saturday night at 7:30 and Sunday<br />

afternoon at 3:00. Maybe I will see you there.<br />

Have a wonderful week. Father LaMorte<br />

A GOSPEL PRAYER Jesus asked, “Do you believe in the Son of<br />

Man?” (John 9:34) Dear Jesus, help me express my belief in you<br />

through my actions towards others. Help me be others-centered; not<br />

self-centered. Help me love you through acts the acts of love called<br />

forgiving others.<br />


For the Lord’s generosity, we returned to His Church<br />

A Week Ago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,833.00<br />

A Year Ago (Palm Sunday) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,451.00<br />

Variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($3,618.00)<br />

“The Lord led us to St. Greg’s in a miraculous way in a time of deep<br />

need. We are delighted to give something back to Him.”<br />

BAPTISM SEMINAR Our parish offers a<br />

monthly seminar for those parents awaiting<br />

the birth or adoption of a child, or have an<br />

infant ready for baptism. Please call our<br />

parish office (947-1973) to make your<br />

reservation. The next seminar will be held<br />

on Monday, <strong>April</strong> 4 th at 7:30 PM in the school Room101. The<br />

upcoming dates for Sunday baptisms at 2:00 PM are: <strong>April</strong> 10 th ,<br />

17 th ; May 8 th , and 15 th ; June 12 th and 19 th ; July 10 th and 17 th .<br />

COLLECTION OF VITAMINS A Maryknoll priest serving in<br />

Tanzania, Africa, is seeking over the counter vitamins, cough<br />

and cold medications and aspirin. This project is being<br />

coordinated by one of our catechists and her husband. There<br />

is a red box in the narthex where these may be left until Easter<br />

Sunday.<br />



Friday, 3 June from 0730 - 0900 hours at the<br />

dining facility at Stewart ANGB in Newburgh.<br />

Tickets are $3 per person and include<br />

scrambled eggs, potato patty, pancakes,<br />

biscuit, juice and coffee. Keynote speaker is<br />

Captain Scotty Smiley, the US Army’s first blind active duty<br />

officer who is stationed at West Point. Special music will be<br />

provided by the Good Will Church Music Ministry. Please<br />

speak with Father if you would like to come accompany with<br />

him.<br />

EXODUS MEN’S NIGHT OF PRAYER will meet on Monday<br />

evening, <strong>April</strong> 4 th at 8:00 PM in the church. As we enter our<br />

second year, we would like to have everyone present for<br />

prayer. Call Tom (290-2699) or Bobby (914-263-6451) for more<br />

information.<br />

WEDDING JUBILEES <strong>2011</strong> for couples<br />

celebrating their 25 th or 50 th wedding<br />

anniversary anytime this year. Golden<br />

Jubilarians will be honored by Archbishop<br />

Dolan on Sunday, May 22 nd at a 2:00 PM<br />

Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Silver Jubilarians will be<br />

honored by Father at our own parish at 9:30 Mass on June 12 th .<br />

Please call the parish office (947-1873) or e-mail<br />

sgbparish@verizon.net today in order to register.<br />


Total Purchased by 45 Families . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,590.00<br />

5% Commission to Parish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $329.50<br />

Remember to purchase your gift cards for ShopRite,<br />

Stop&Shop, Home Depot and Kohl’s before you go out<br />

marketing every Saturday morning from 9:00 to 10:30 in<br />

the school; Saturday evening and Sunday morning during<br />

Mass times in the narthex.<br />

www.stgregorybarbarigo.org 3<br />


OFFERTORY COUNTERS’ REQUEST Envelope users, please take a moment to write the amount of your contribution on the outside<br />

of your weekly envelope. This will ensure that our contribution records are accurate and it will really help our volunteer counters who<br />

have been spending additional time “filling in the blanks.” Are you not currently an envelope using parishioner? Just call the parish<br />

office (947-1873) and we will be happy to help you.<br />

SCHOOL OF RELIGION It is not too early to begin thinking about fall religious education classes for your children.<br />

Registration for the <strong>2011</strong>-2012 school year has begun and materials have been sent last week. Weekly faith<br />

formation for children in grades K through 8 takes place between September and May and includes preparation for<br />

the sacraments of reconciliation, Eucharist and confirmation. New families should call the office at 429-2775 to be<br />

put on our mailing list and receive a registration packet as soon as it becomes available. We especially encourage<br />

families with older children, regardless of their previous religious education to call Mr. Donald Ruzzi to discuss<br />

placement in our program.<br />

ENJOY COMING TO DAILY MASS We have a good core of faithful people who pray for their families, themselves and others at our daily<br />

Masses at 7:30 and 9:00 AM. Give this devotional practice a try if your schedule permits. Announced Masses for the new year <strong>2011</strong><br />

are immediately available each weekday, beginning this week and through the remainder of the year. The practice of having a Mass<br />

offered for the living or the dead, or a particular intention, is an ancient tradition within our church. These are printed in the bulletin<br />

and the intention is ordinarily mentioned within the Prayer of the Faithful. Masses are reserved along with the donation of a $15<br />

stipend. Memorial Leather Covers may be obtained for an additional $5 donation.<br />

RECONCILIATION MONDAY APRIL 18, <strong>2011</strong> 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM: CELEBRATE GOD’S MERCY. It’s a great thing to hear about<br />

God’s merciful love. It’s even better to experience it personally. No matter how long it may have been since your<br />

last confession, weeks, years or even decades, there is no time like the start of Holy Week to know the mercy of God<br />

in the Sacrament of Penance. Seize this moment of grace at the start of Holy Week. Bring a friend.<br />

SEVENTH ANNUAL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH CONGRESS: ROOTED IN CHRIST, FIRM IN FAITH Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 9 th from 9:00 AM to 4 PM at<br />

Archbishop Stepinac High School, 950 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains. Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop Dolan. Keynote<br />

address by Father Stephen Norton. Registration $20 which includes lunch and tee shirt. To register, contact Cynthia at cynthia<br />

martinez@archny.org.<br />

GOLDEN AGE CLUB MEETING this Friday in the school gym. Doors open at 1:30 PM. Please come to finalize your<br />

ticket to the Westchester Dinner Theatre presentation of “Singing in the Rain” on <strong>April</strong> 10 th . Cost is only $76 per<br />

person and includes lunch, coffee, tea, tax, gratuity. We arrive at noon for the 1:30 show.<br />

FAMILY LIFE CONFERENCE on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 9 th at St. Joseph’s Seminary from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm beginning with Mass 8:45.<br />

Presentations include Archbishop Dolan, Dr. Anne Mielnik, Mrs. Christine Nugent, John M. Haas, and Father Paul Chaim Benedicta<br />

Schenck. Admission Fee: $25 (lunch included). Register at www.flrl.org or call 212-371-1011, x3195, or you may e-mail<br />

sr.lucy.marie@archny.org.<br />

“SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE!” performed by the students of St. Gregory Barbarigo School will be presented on<br />

Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 2 nd at 7:30 PM and Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 3 rd at 3:00 PM in the school gym. Tickets are $3 for students and<br />

seniors; $5 for adults; $20 for a Family Pack of Six and will be on sale at the school office.<br />

DEBT REDUCTION COLLECTION NEXT WEEK ~~ NOT THIS WEEK! We are sorry for the error. This week’s second offering will be<br />

collected for the CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES. This is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United<br />

States. They alleviate suffering and provide emergency assistance and peace building activities to people in need in more than 100<br />

countries, also assisting the Japan Relief efforts through Caritas Japan. Provide hope by giving generously today. Next week’s second<br />

offering will be the monthly DEBT REDUCTION APPEAL. It is our hope to begin paying the principal on the remainder of the outstanding<br />

loan which we borrowed from the archdiocese in 2005 of almost $70,000 for the repair of the school roof. In the summer of 2007,<br />

we paid $15,000 toward it. The rest was to have come from the capital campaign in connection with the desire to build a new church<br />

at that time. Since then, we have been paying about $135 per month in interest, without touching the principal on that original<br />

$85,000 loan.<br />

www.stgregorybarbarigo.org 4<br />


EASTER DECORATING The flowers have been ordered. On Holy Saturday morning, we will need the help of some<br />

willing hands to assist with the decorating of the Church for Easter Sunday. It shouldn’t take much more than an<br />

hour. We will begin right after Tenebrae. Please call the parish office (947-1873) if you can volunteer.<br />

ANOINTING OF THE SICK “If one member suffers in the Body of Christ, which is the Church, all members suffer with that member.” (1Cor12:26)<br />

The sacrament of the anointing of the sick is the proper sacrament for those Catholics whose health is seriously impaired by sickness<br />

or age. On Saturday, <strong>April</strong>30 th at 9:00 AM, we will celebrate this sacrament and we invite our parishioners to come and join in prayer<br />

for those among us who experience the effects of illness or age. If you know someone, or if you yourself intend to participate, please<br />

call Father at the parish office (947-1983).<br />

WASHING OF THE FEET Each year, our parish needs twelve people, of both genders and different ages to have their<br />

feet washed on Holy Thursday at the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Just as the priest is not Jesus, these twelve<br />

are not the apostles. But the priest by his ordination has been ordered to be alter Christus, another Christ, and each<br />

of us by our baptism have become members of the church founded on the apostles and aiming for salvation. If you<br />

feel the call to be one of the twelve this year, please volunteer by calling Father at the office.<br />

FORTY DAYS OF LENT, DAYS OF PRAYER, DAYS FOR LIFE Please join other pro-lifer supporters as we peacefully pray for life outside<br />

the Planned Parenthood office, 17 Perlman Drive, Spring Valley from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 9 th and<br />

running until Palm Sunday, <strong>April</strong> 17 th . We will be outside on public property. We will continue in the chapel of Perpetual Eucharistic<br />

Adoration through 8:00 AM. We will be in solidarity with all those who cannot speak for themselves, in thanksgiving to God for the<br />

gift of life, because the Blessed Mother is praying with us. Please commit to an hour or two by contacting rachelminister1@aol.com.<br />

AUTOMOBILE PARKING AT ST. GREGORY This month, the town police began patrolling the church campus to issue<br />

fines for all those who are illegally parked. We have done our best to alert all churchgoers, basketball spectators<br />

and school families that the parking of cars in the striped areas around the church and the school, along the curbing<br />

and by the dumpster is dangerous and imposes a safety problem. In compliance with fire regulations, we must keep<br />

these zones accessible to emergency vehicles. Last Sunday, when the first aid responded during one of the playoff<br />

games, it was difficult for them to get close to the entrance of the school. This has been a chronic problem for many<br />

years, but it does affect the rest of us. We hope that you will not be angry with us if you get a ticket and have to<br />

pay a summons. To keep the money in your own pocket, follow the parking regulations. Thank you.<br />

STATIONS OF THE CROSS will be held on the Fridays of Lent at 7:00 PM. On <strong>April</strong> 15 th , our parish will present “LIVING STATIONS OF THE<br />

CROSS” from 7:00 to 8:00 in our church. On Good Friday, <strong>April</strong> 22 nd , stations will be held at 12:00 noon.<br />

HOLY THURSDAY PILGRIMAGE OF CHURCH VISITATION At the end of the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, we<br />

carry the Blessed Sacrament in solemn procession around the church and “repose” the Sacrament in the repository<br />

for solemn adoration until eleven o’clock. Following a moment of silent prayer, you are invited to take a trip to<br />

three other churches within the neighborhood to pray before their altars of repose – to take a long walk (by car,<br />

mostly) to adore the Lord as we begin the celebration of His passion, death and resurrection. This practice of visiting<br />

churches on Holy Thursday night is an old and popular Catholic custom. After the Last Supper of Jesus, he journeyed<br />

to the Garden of Gethsemane. There, he prayed until the time of his arrest, leading to his crucifixion commemorated on Good Friday.<br />

It is that “night watch of the Lord” we remember when we visit a church on Holy Thursday evening. It is a time to watch and pray with<br />

the Lord. It is a remarkably special and prayerful experience. Why not make this pilgrimage of faith, to watch with the Lord in prayer<br />

on this holy night, and to adore Him, present in the Blessed Sacrament? Your sacrifice of time and effort, for love of Him, will not go<br />

unnoticed by the Lord. Come and grow in your love and devotion for Jesus who gave his life that we might have life eternal.<br />

FALSE ADVERTISEMENTS Sometimes, parishioners report receiving advertisements or brochures from individuals or groups that claim<br />

to provide priests who will perform Masses, marriages, or other sacraments. Although these “priests” may use Catholic prayers and<br />

rituals, Church law prohibits them from doing this because they have left or been removed from the priesthood. Despite their<br />

attractive promises, please know that these individuals or groups do not offer authentic sacraments or services of the Catholic Church.<br />

Your priests at St. Gregory Barbarigo are ready to serve you in any way that we can. If you have questions about any of these<br />

individuals or groups, please speak with Father.<br />

www.stgregorybarbarigo.org 5<br />



We are very happy to announce the rescheduled<br />

dates for the Women’s<br />

Cornerstone weekend. Our new dates will<br />

be Friday, <strong>April</strong> 8 th and Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 9 th .<br />

This very special weekend will take place during the holy<br />

season of Lent. We would like to extend a heartfelt invitation<br />

to all the women of our parish and our school community,<br />

including the school of religion women. From our<br />

experiences, we know that the weekend is like no other and<br />

will be remembered forever as a gift of faith and community.<br />


attend the Women's Cornerstone in 2006. Even though I heard<br />

how wonderful it was, I made the decision not to go. I guess<br />

I felt that I would be pressured to socialize with a bunch of<br />

strangers. When the 2007 Cornerstone came around, I was<br />

asked to go again. This time I felt the need to give it a try.<br />

Even though I was hesitant, I didn't let that get in my way. I<br />

knew I needed to restore my faith and try to connect with God.<br />

During the weekend, I realized there was no pressure at all<br />

from anyone, which is why I didn't want to do it originally. I<br />

found out that it was a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. I will<br />

always be grateful for the experiences that weekend and for<br />

giving it a chance. Please consider attending the Women's<br />

Cornerstone on Friday, <strong>April</strong> 8 th . It will be one of the most<br />

rewarding experiences. You will not regret going; I know I<br />

didn't. Elisa McGuire, Women's Cornerstone 2007<br />


Sacrament of Reconciliation will be<br />

celebrated on the Saturdays of Lent from<br />

4:00 to 5:00 PM; and during Holy Week on<br />

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, <strong>April</strong> 18 th ,<br />

19 th and 20 th after the 7:30 and 9:00 AM<br />

Masses. Also, we will be celebrating<br />

Reconciliation Monday, with confession being available in<br />

every parish in the archdiocese from 3:00 PM to 9:00 PM.<br />

More information is coming.<br />

MASS OF THE CHRISM Our chief shepherd, Archbishop<br />

Timothy Dolan and the priests of the archdiocese will<br />

concelebrate this 4:00 Mass at which the holy oils that are<br />

used for the sacraments will be blessed and all will renew their<br />

ordination promises. Your participation is greatly encouraged.<br />

Round trip transportation for the <strong>April</strong> 19 th liturgy will be<br />

leaving from St. Francis of Assisi Church in West Nyack at 1:00<br />

PM. For reservations, please call 634-4957. The cost is $20 per<br />

person. Consider being with us this very beautiful day.<br />

HOSPITALIZATION If you’re planning to<br />

enter the hospital, please notify the Catholic<br />

Chaplain at Nyack, Good Samaritan or Helen<br />

Hayes Hospitals. Be sure to tell the admitting<br />

office that you are Catholic and a member of<br />

St. Gregory Barbarigo.<br />

EASTER DUTY The time for fulfilling Easter Duty to receive<br />

Holy Communion is from the First Sunday of Lent to Trinity<br />

Sunday (June 19 th .)<br />

LOST AND FOUND BASKET is located in the<br />

narthex. We have a collection of hats,<br />

gloves, scarves, eyeglasses, keys, jewelry,<br />

umbrellas and books. Look in the basket<br />

and reclaim what is rightfully yours. We’ll<br />

print this reminder a few more weeks, then<br />

empty the basket into the trash . . only to begin all over again!<br />

T’AI CHI CHIH This eight-week course will begin Wednesday,<br />

<strong>April</strong> 6 th from 10:00 to 11:10 AM, and continue until<br />

Wednesday, May 25 th at Dominican Convent, 175 Route 340,<br />

Sparkill. Fee is $100 payable at first class.<br />

R e g i s t r a t i o n / I n f o r m a t i o n : 8 4 5 3 5 9 - 4 0 6 8 o r<br />

dominican.center@sparkill.org.<br />

MEN’S BREAKFAST The next Men’s<br />

Breakfast will be held on Saturday, <strong>April</strong> 16 th<br />

at 7:30 AM at Sonoma Grill, which is located<br />

at the Phillip J. Rotella Golf Course at 200<br />

Thiells Mount Ivy Road. The guest speaker<br />

will be Deacon George Albin. The cost is $12<br />

per person, which includes an open buffet breakfast of bacon,<br />

sausage, eggs, hash browns and unlimited coffee and juice. To<br />

reserve a place please contact Diego Aviles via email at<br />

diegoaviles@optonline.net.<br />


MEMORIAL MASS will be celebrated on Friday, <strong>April</strong> 29 th at<br />

noon at the Marian Shrine Pavilion Chapel. Father Lapin was<br />

chaplain for the Ancient Order of Hibernians, (men and<br />

women) from 1972 to 1998.<br />

<strong>2011</strong> HESBURGH LECTURE “Who Will Save<br />

Catholic Schools?” A nationwide effort is<br />

underway to help revitalize Catholic schools,<br />

led by Notre Dame’s ACE programs. Catholic<br />

schools are successful in many academic<br />

areas, but often struggle with enrollment,<br />

finances, and broader community, parish,<br />

and civic support. The challenges facing<br />

Catholic education are many, but the plans for the next ten<br />

years help address the pressing issues, with Notre Dame<br />

leading the way. A lecture given by Father Ron Nuzzi, Director<br />

of Catholic Leadership Programs in the Alliance for Catholic<br />

Education (ACE) at The University of Notre Dame will take<br />

place at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, <strong>April</strong> 5 th at the Nelly Goletti<br />

Theater, 3 rd floor, Marist Student Center Marist College. The<br />

lecture is free and open to the public. Refreshments will<br />

follow. For information call Ed Stubbing at 942-2690.<br />

www.stgregorybarbarigo.org 6<br />


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