Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online


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Attachment 2<br />

Page 35<br />

transitioned, as applicable, or the first day after the end of the Subsequent<br />

Transition Period.<br />

4.10 Rearrangements<br />

4.10.1 A request to move a working BHN CFA to another BHN CFA, where both CFAs<br />

terminate in the same AT&T Central Office (“Change in CFA”), shall not<br />

constitute the establishment of new service. The applicable rates set forth in<br />

Exhibit A.<br />

4.10.2 Requests to re-terminate one end of a facility that is not a Change in CFA<br />

constitute the establishment of new service and require disconnection of existing<br />

service and the applicable rates set forth in Exhibit A shall apply.<br />

4.10.3 Upon request of BHN, AT&T shall project manage the Change in CFA or retermination<br />

of a facility as described in Sections 6.10.1 and 6.10.2 above and<br />

BHN may request OC-TS for such orders.<br />

4.10.4 AT&T shall accept a Letter of Authorization (LOA) between BHN and another<br />

carrier that will allow BHN to connect a facility, or Combination that includes<br />

Dedicated Transport to the other carrier’s collocation space or to another carrier’s<br />

CFA associated with higher bandwidth transport.<br />

5 Operational Support Systems<br />

5.1 AT&T has developed and made available electronic interfaces by which BHN may<br />

submit LSRs electronically.<br />

5.2 LSRs submitted by means of one of these electronic interfaces will incur an OSS<br />

electronic ordering charge. An individual LSR will be identified for billing<br />

purposes by its Purchase Order Number (PON). LSRs submitted by means other<br />

than one of these interactive interfaces (mail, fax, courier, etc.) will incur a manual<br />

order charge. All OSS charges are specified in Exhibit A of this Attachment.<br />

5.3 Denial/Restoral OSS Charge<br />

5.4 In the event BHN provides a list of customers to be denied and restored, rather<br />

than an LSR, each location on the list will require a separate PON and therefore<br />

will be billed as one LSR per location.<br />

5.5 Cancellation OSS Charge<br />

5.6 BHN will incur an OSS charge for an accepted LSR that is later canceled.<br />

5.7 Supplements or clarifications to a previously billed LSR will not incur another<br />

OSS charge.<br />

CCCS 87 of 369

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