Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online


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Attachment 4-Central Office<br />

Page 7<br />

unbundled network elements for the provision of telecommunications services. AT&T<br />

will permit BHN to interconnect between its virtual or physical collocation<br />

arrangement(s) and that (those) of another collocated telecommunications carrier<br />

within the same “AT&T Premises”. Both BHN’s agreement and the other collocated<br />

telecommunications carrier’s agreement must contain the CCXC rates, terms and<br />

conditions before AT&T will permit the provisioning of CCXCs between the two<br />

collocated carriers. BHN is prohibited from using the Collocation Space for the sole<br />

or primary purpose of cross-connecting to other collocated telecommunications<br />

carriers.<br />

3.5.1 BHN must contract with a AT&T Certified Supplier to place the CCXC. The CCXC<br />

shall be provisioned using facilities owned or leased by BHN. Such cross-connections<br />

to other collocated telecommunications carriers may be made using either electrical or<br />

optical facilities. BHN shall be responsible for providing a letter of authorization<br />

(LOA), with the application, to AT&T from the other collocated telecommunications<br />

carrier to which it will be cross-connecting. The BHN-provisioned CCXC shall utilize<br />

AT&T common cable support structure. There will be a recurring charge per linear<br />

foot, per cable, of common cable support structure used by BHN to provision the<br />

CCXC to the other collocated telecommunications carrier. In those instances where<br />

BHN’s equipment and the equipment of the other collocated telecommunications<br />

carrier are located in contiguous caged Collocation Space, BHN may use its own<br />

technicians to install co-carrier cross connects using either electrical or optical facilities<br />

between the equipment of both collocated telecommunications carriers by constructing<br />

a dedicated cable support structure between the two contiguous cages. BHN shall<br />

deploy such electrical or optical cross-connections directly between its own facilities<br />

and the facilities of another collocated telecommunications carrier without being<br />

routed through AT&T’s equipment. BHN shall not provision CCXC on any AT&T<br />

distribution frame, POT (Point of Termination) Bay, DSX (Digital System Cross-<br />

Connect) or LGX (Light Guide Cross-Connect). BHN is responsible for ensuring the<br />

integrity of the signal.<br />

3.5.2 To place an order for CCXCs, BHN must submit an application to AT&T. If no<br />

modification to the Collocation Space is requested other than the placement of<br />

CCXCs, only the CCXC Application Fee, as defined in Exhibit B, will apply. If other<br />

modifications, in addition to the placement of CCXCs, are requested, either an Initial<br />

Application or Subsequent Application Fee will apply, pursuant to Section 6.3.1 of this<br />

Attachment. AT&T will bill this nonrecurring fee on the date that it provides an<br />

Application Response to BHN.<br />

4. Occupancy<br />

4.1 Occupancy. AT&T will notify BHN in writing when the Collocation Space is ready<br />

for occupancy (Space Ready Date). BHN will schedule and complete an acceptance<br />

walkthrough of the Collocation Space with AT&T within fifteen (15) calendar days of<br />

the Space Ready Date. AT&T will correct any deviations in BHN’s original or jointly<br />

amended application requirements within seven (7) calendar days after the<br />

Version 4Q01: 12/01/01<br />

CCCS 137 of 369

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