Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online

Bright House Networks Information Services ... - AT&T Clec Online


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Attachment 3<br />

Page 7<br />

4.9 Each Party shall order interconnection trunks and trunk group including trunk and<br />

trunk group augmentations via the ASR process. A Firm Order Confirmation<br />

(FOC) shall be returned to the ordering Party, after receipt of a valid, error free<br />

ASR, within the timeframes set forth in each state’s applicable Performance<br />

Measures. The ordering party shall be timely notified in the event that an ASR is<br />

deemed to be invalid. In addition, the receiving Party will issue a Design<br />

Layout Record (“DLR”), if appropriate, to the ordering Party within the same<br />

timeframe as the FOC is returned if the Party has a mechanized receipt process. If<br />

the FOC and/or the DLR are not received within each state’s applicable<br />

timeframe, then both Parties agree to escalate within the respective network and<br />

operations organizations as appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, blocking<br />

situations and projects shall be managed through AT&T’s Local Interconnection<br />

Switching Center (LISC) Project Management Group and BHN’s equivalent<br />

trunking group, and FOCs for such orders shall be returned in the timeframes<br />

applicable to the project. A project is defined as (1) a new trunk group or (2) a<br />

request for more than 192 trunks on a single or multiple group(s) in a given<br />

AT&T local calling area, or (3) new switch deployments for switches deployed by<br />

either Party. The Parties agree to jointly plan and coordinate new projects.<br />

4.10 Interconnection Trunk Groups for Exchange of Local Traffic and Transit<br />

Traffic<br />

Upon mutual agreement of the Parties in a joint planning meeting, the Parties’<br />

shall exchange Local Traffic on two-way interconnection trunk group(s) with the<br />

quantity of trunks being mutually determined and the provisioning being jointly<br />

coordinated. Furthermore, the Parties shall agree upon the IP(s) for two-way<br />

interconnection trunk groups transporting both Parties’ Local Traffic. BHN shall<br />

order such two-way trunks via the Access Service Request (ASR) process.<br />

AT&T will use the Trunk Group Service Request (TGSR) to request changes in<br />

trunking. Furthermore, semi-annually the Parties shall jointly review trunk<br />

performance and AT&T shall assist in the development of BHN’s trunking<br />

forecast.. The Parties’ use of two-way interconnection trunk groups for the<br />

transport of Local Traffic between the Parties does not preclude either Party from<br />

establishing additional one-way interconnection trunks for the delivery of its<br />

originated Local Traffic to the other Party.<br />

4.10.1 AT&T Access Tandem Interconnection<br />

AT&T access tandem interconnection at a single access tandem provides access<br />

to those end offices subtending that access tandem (“Intratandem Access”).<br />

Access tandem interconnection is available for any of the following access<br />

tandem architectures.<br /> Basic Architecture<br />

In the basic architecture, BHN’s originating Local Traffic and originating and<br />

terminating Transit Traffic is transported on a single two-way trunk group<br />

between BHN and AT&T access tandem(s) within a LATA to provide<br />

Intratandem Access. This trunk group carries Transit Traffic between BHN and<br />

Independent Companies, Interexchange Carriers, other CLECs, CMRS providers<br />

CCCS 108 of 369

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