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Untitled - AT&T Clec Online

Untitled - AT&T Clec Online


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PAGE 20 of 42<br />

082505<br />

(A) A “fiber-based collocator” is defined in accordance with TRRO and 47 C.F.R. 51.5.<br />

(B) The term "same building" is to be interpreted to mean a structure under one roof or two or more<br />

structures on one premises which are connected by an enclosed or covered passageway.<br />

(C) A “business line” is defined in accordance with TRRO and 47 C.F.R. 51.5.<br />

4.8 251(c)(3) UNE DS1 and DS3 Loops may not be employed in combination with transport facilities to replace<br />

Special Access services or facilities, except consistently with the other terms and conditions of this<br />

Agreement including, but not limited to, Section 2.0 of this Attachment.<br />

4.9 Hybrid Loops – SBC TEXAS will provide CLEC with access to hybrid loops in accordance with 47 C.F.R.<br />

§51.319(a)(2). A Hybrid Loop is a local loop composed of both fiber optic cable usually in the feeder plant,<br />

and copper wire or cable, usually in the distribution plant.<br />

4.10 When CLEC seeks access to a hybrid loop for the provision of broadband services, SBC TEXAS shall<br />

provide CLEC with nondiscriminatory access to the time division multiplexing features, functions, and<br />

capabilities of that hybrid loop, including DS1 or DS3 capacity (where impairment has been found to exist),<br />

on an 251(c)(3) Unbundled basis to establish a complete transmission path between SBC TEXAS’ central<br />

office and an end user’s customer premises. This access shall include access to all features, functions, and<br />

capabilities of the hybrid loop that are not used to transmit packetized information.<br />

4.11 For narrowband access, SBC TEXAS shall provide non-discriminatory access either to an entire hybrid loop<br />

capable of voice grade services (i.e. equivalent to DS0 capacity) using time division multiplexing; or to a<br />

spare home-run copper loop serving that customer on an 251(c)(3) Unbundled basis.<br />

4.12 Fiber to the Home Loops – A fiber to the home loop (FTTH) is a local loop consisting of entirely fiber cable,<br />

whether dark or lit, and serving an end user’s customer premises. SBC TEXAS shall provide access to<br />

FTTH consistent with the terms set forth below.<br />

4.12.1 New Builds – SBC TEXAS is not required to provide nondiscriminatory access to a fiber-to-the-home loop<br />

on an 251(c)(3) Unbundled basis when SBC TEXAS deploys such a loop to an end user’s customer<br />

premises that previously has not been served by any loop facility.<br />

4.12.2 Over Builds – SBC TEXAS is not required to provide nondiscriminatory access to a fiber-to-the-home loop<br />

on an 251(c)(3) Unbundled basis when SBC TEXAS has deployed such a loop parallel to, or in replacement<br />

of, an existing copper loop facility, except that:<br /> SBC TEXAS must maintain the existing copper loop connected to the particular customer premises after<br />

deploying the fiber-to-the-home loop and provide nondiscriminatory access to that copper loop on an<br />

251(c)(3) Unbundled basis unless SBC TEXAS retires the copper loop pursuant to Section 4.12.3 and 47<br />

CFR § 51.319(a)(3)(iii).<br /> If SBC TEXAS maintains the existing copper loop pursuant to Section 51.319(a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section need<br />

not incur any expenses to ensure that the existing copper loop remains capable of transmitting signals prior<br />

to receiving a request for access pursuant to that paragraph, in which case SBC TEXAS shall restore the<br />

copper loop to serviceable condition upon request.

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