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Untitled - AT&T Clec Online

Untitled - AT&T Clec Online


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Attachment 25: Appendix Line Sharing/SOUTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE, L.P.<br />


PAGE 1 OF 11<br />

082505<br />


1.1 This Appendix sets forth terms and conditions under which SBC TEXAS will make available to CLEC the<br />

High Frequency Portion of the Loop (HFPL) for purposes of line sharing in accordance with the FCC’s<br />

Triennial Review Order. 1 Line Sharing is defined as the process by which CLEC provides digital subscriber<br />

line service over the same copper loop over which SBC TEXAS is providing voice circuit switched (POTs)<br />

service, SBC TEXAS using the low frequency portion of the loop and CLEC using the HFPL. The HFPL<br />

consists of the frequency range on the copper loop above the range that carries analog circuit-switched<br />

voice transmission. Terms and conditions for line splitting are provided in Appendix UNE Line Splitting. In<br />

order to take advantage of this offer, CLEC must currently have an effective Texas Interconnection<br />

Agreement with appropriate rates, terms, and conditions for the ordering of xDSL loops. SBC TEXAS is not<br />

obligated to make available the HFPL as a UNE; provided, however, SBC TEXAS will continue to make the<br />

HFPL available subject to the transitional line sharing conditions set forth in Sections 3.1-3.4.<br />

1.2 The prices at which SBC TEXAS agrees to provide CLEC with the HFPL and associated charges are<br />

contained in the Pricing Schedule.<br />

#1.2.1 Intentionally left blank.<br />

#1.2.2 Intentionally left blank.<br />

#1.2.3 Intentionally left blank.<br />

1.3 SBC TEXAS agrees to provide CLEC with access to the HFPL in accordance with the rates, terms and<br />

conditions referenced in this Appendix Line Sharing and the general terms and conditions applicable to<br />

xDSL under Attachment 25 of this Agreement, for CLEC to use in conjunction with xDSL technologies and<br />

equipment to provide xDSL services to its end user customers.<br />

1.4 To the extent that any of the provisions set forth in this Appendix Line Sharing are subject to performance<br />

measure and/or remedies, those will be set forth in Attachment 17 of this Agreement. Nothing in this<br />

Appendix shall constitute a waiver by either Party of any positions it may have taken or will take in the<br />

Section 251/252 negotiations and subsequent arbitration proceeding(s), if any, or any other regulatory or<br />

judicial proceeding.<br />


2.1 Definitions as written in this Appendix Line Sharing shall apply, however if undefined, the definitions set forth<br />

in Attachment 25: DSL and Attachment 6: UNEs will apply to this Appendix.<br />

2.2 “High Frequency Portion of the Loop” (“HFPL”) is defined as the frequency above the voice band on a<br />

copper loop facility that is being used to carry traditional POTS analog circuit-switched voice band<br />

transmissions. Voice band frequency of the spectrum is generally 300 to 3000 Hertz (and possibly up to<br />

1 In the Matter of Review of the Section 251 Unbundling Obligations of Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers, CC<br />

Docket No. 01-338, Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996,<br />

CC Docket No. 96-98, Deployment of Wireline Services Offering Advanced Telecommunications Capability, CC<br />

Docket No. 98-147 (FCC 03-36), rel. August 21, 2004.

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