Untitled - AT&T Clec Online

Untitled - AT&T Clec Online

Untitled - AT&T Clec Online


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PAGE 14 OF 15<br />

082505<br />

15.0 Billing Arrangements for Termination of Section 251(b)(5), Optional EAS, ISP-Bound, and Transit Traffic<br />

15.1 In SBC-TEXAS each Party, unless otherwise agreed, will calculate terminating interconnection minutes of<br />

use based on standard switch recordings made within the terminating carrier’s network for Section 251(b)(5)<br />

Traffic, Optional EAS Traffic, ISP-Bound Traffic and Transit Traffic. These terminating recordings are the<br />

basis for each Party to generate bills to the other Party. If CLEC does not have the technical ability to<br />

correctly generate bills from terminating recordings, the terminating carrier shall use any method agreed<br />

upon between the Parties.<br />

15.2 For Option 1, ISP-Bound Traffic will be calculated using the 3:1 Presumption as outlined in Sections 1.5.3<br />

above.<br />

15.3 The measurement of minutes of use over Local Interconnection Trunk Groups shall be in actual<br />

conversation seconds. The total conversation seconds over each individual Local Interconnection Trunk<br />

Group will be totaled for the entire monthly bill and then rounded to the next whole minute.<br />

15.4 In the event of a loss of data, both Parties shall cooperate to reconstruct the lost data within sixty (60) days<br />

of notification and if such reconstruction is not possible, shall accept a reasonable estimate of the lost data,<br />

based upon no more than three (3) to twelve (12) consecutive months of prior usage data.<br />

16.0 Billing Arrangements for LEC Carried IntraLATA Toll<br />

16.1 For LEC Carried IntraLATA Toll each Party will deliver monthly settlement statements for terminating the<br />

other Party's IntraLATA Toll traffic based on a mutually agreed schedule as described in this Section:<br />

16.2 Until such time when SBC Texas offers to bill IntraLATA Toll Traffic using terminating records, the Parties<br />

will use the Category 92 method of data exchange. Once the terminating records are offered by SBC<br />

TEXAS, if CLEC does not have the technical ability to correctly generate bills from terminating recordings,<br />

SBC TEXAS will continue to provide the appropriate Category 92 records to allow billing by the CLEC. The<br />

decision by the CLEC to cease the exchange of Category 92 records with SBC TEXAS and replace it with<br />

terminating recordings does not in any way relieve the obligation of the CLEC to exchange data with other<br />

LECs<br />

16.3 When applicable, the Parties will transmit the summarized originating minutes of use within 15 business<br />

days following the prior month's close of business via the Category 92 record process to the terminating<br />

Party for subsequent monthly intercompany settlement billing.<br />

16.4 Bills rendered by either Party will be paid within 30 days of receipt subject to subsequent audit verification.<br />

16.5 Detailed technical descriptions and requirements for the recording, record exchange and billing of traffic are<br />

included in the Technical Exhibit Settlement Procedures (TESP), a copy of which has been provided to<br />

CLEC by SBC TEXAS.<br />

16.6 MOUs for the rates contained in this Attachment will be measured in seconds by call type, and accumulated<br />

each billing period into one minute increments for billing purposes in accordance with industry rounding<br />


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