Advanced Computer Architecture Exercise Interconnection Networks

Advanced Computer Architecture Exercise Interconnection Networks

Advanced Computer Architecture Exercise Interconnection Networks


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<strong>Advanced</strong> <strong>Computer</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong><br />

<strong>Exercise</strong><br />

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel Hunger<br />

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information<br />

Technology<br />

Institute for <strong>Computer</strong> Engineering.<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Kevin Moheb<br />

Institute for <strong>Computer</strong> Engineering<br />

BB 321, Tel: 0203 – 379 - 3200<br />

E-mail: kevin.moheb@uni-due.de<br />

<strong>Interconnection</strong> <strong>Networks</strong><br />

27.06.2008<br />


Class of networks scaling with N<br />

Logical Properties:<br />

◦ distance, degree<br />

Physical properties<br />

◦ length, width<br />

VLSI technology determines switch degree<br />

Fully Connected Network:<br />

• Every node is connected to all other nodes using N- 1 direct links<br />

• N(N-1)/2 Links -> O(N2 ) complexity<br />

• NNode d DDegree: N -1 1<br />

• Diameter = 1<br />

• Average Distance = 1<br />

• Bisection Width = (N/2) 2<br />

Chain (Linear Array):<br />

◦ N-1 Links -> O(N) complexity<br />

◦ Node Degree: 1-2<br />

◦ Diameter = N -1<br />

◦ Average Distance = (N+1)/3 ~ N/3<br />

◦ Bisection Width = 1<br />

Ring (1-D Torus):<br />

◦ N bi-directional Links -> O(N) complexity<br />

◦ Node Degree: 2<br />

◦ Diameter<br />

N is even: N/2<br />

N is s odd: odd (N-1)/2 ( )/<br />

◦ Average Distance:<br />

N is even: N2 /4/(N-1)<br />

N is odd: (N+1)/4<br />

~ N/4<br />

◦ Bisection Width = 2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

27.06.2008<br />


2D Mesh and Torus<br />

• Mesh:<br />

– 2k(k-1) links<br />

– Node degree: 2-4<br />

– Diameter: 2(k-1)<br />

– Average distance?<br />

– Bisection width: k<br />

• Torus:<br />

– 2k2links – NNode d ddegree: 4<br />

– Diameter: k - 1<br />

– Average distance?<br />

– Bisection width: 2k<br />

1D mesh<br />

d-dimensional mesh or torus :<br />

– N = kd-1 x kd-2 ...x k1 x k0 nodes<br />

– Described by d-vector of coordinates (id-1, ..., i0) – Where 0 < ij ≤ kj for 0 ≤ j ≤ d-1<br />

d-dimensional k-ary mesh: N = kd – k = d 1D torus 2D mesh 2D torus 3D mesh<br />

√N<br />

– Described by d-vector of radix k coordinate.<br />

– Diameter = d·(k -1)<br />

d-dimensional k-ary torus:<br />

– Edges wrap around, every node has degree 2d and is<br />

connected to nodes that differ by one (mod k) in every<br />

dimension.<br />

– d-dimensional k-ary cube: uni-directional links<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Distance:<br />

◦ Relative distance: R = (b d-1 -a d-1, ... , b 0 -a 0 )<br />

◦ Traverse r i = b i -a i hops in each dimension<br />

i i i p<br />

Average Distance:<br />

◦ d x k/3 for mesh<br />

◦ d x k/4 for torus<br />

Degree:<br />

◦ d to 2d for mesh<br />

◦ 2d for torus<br />

Bisection width:<br />

◦ k d-1 for mesh<br />

◦ 2k d-1 for torus<br />

1824 node Paragon: 16 x 114 array<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Also called binary n-cubes<br />

Dimension = n = log2N Number of nodes =N=2n Number of nodes = N = 2<br />

Diameter: O(log2N) hops<br />

Good bisection width: N/2<br />

Number of bidirectional links: N·(log2N)/2 Node degree is n = log2N 0-D 1-D 2-D 3-D<br />

4-D<br />

0010<br />

0110<br />

0100<br />

0011<br />

0000 0001<br />

0111<br />

0101<br />

1010<br />

1110<br />

1011<br />

1100<br />

1000 1001<br />

1111<br />

1101<br />

5-D<br />

9<br />

10<br />

27.06.2008<br />


Trees<br />

• Diameter and average distance are logarithmic.<br />

– kk-ary ary tree tree, height d =log = logk N<br />

• Fixed degree k.<br />

• Low bisection width = 1<br />

Fat Tree<br />

Fatter higher bandwidth links (more connections in reality)<br />

Bisection width scales with number of nodes N.<br />

11<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Switch<br />

0<br />

1<br />

Either connects the same set<br />

of processors or connects<br />

processors with memory.<br />

Complexity: N/2 x log 2 N<br />

Exactly one route from any<br />

source to any destination node<br />

Same length for all routes<br />

Bisection: N/2<br />

Diameter: log 2 N<br />

Bus is shared by processors and memories.<br />

Bus provides uniform access to shared memory (UMA).<br />

When Wh bus b saturates, performance f of f system degrades. d d<br />

For this reason, bus-based systems do not scale to<br />

more than 30-40 processors.<br />

memory … memory<br />

bus<br />

processor processor<br />

…<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Crossbar switch connects m processors and n memories<br />

with distinct paths between each processor/memory pair<br />

Crossbar provides uniform access to shared memory (UMA)<br />

m·n switches required for m processors and n memories<br />

Crossbar scalable in terms of performance but not in terms<br />

of cost<br />

P1<br />

P2<br />

P3<br />

P4<br />

P5<br />

M1<br />

M2 M3 M4 M5<br />

Topology Degree Diameter Ave Dist Bisection Ave Dist N=1024<br />

1D Array 2 N-1 ~ N / 3 1 342<br />

1D Ring 2 N/2 (even) ~ N/4 2 256<br />

2D Mesh 2-4 2 (N1/2 -1) 2/3 N1/2 N1/2 21<br />

2D Torus 4 N1/2 1/2 N1/2 2N1/2 16<br />

Hypercube n=log2 N n ~ n/2 N/2 5<br />

All have some bad permutations<br />

◦ Many popular permutations are very bad for meshes<br />

(transpose)<br />

◦ Randomness in wiring or routing makes it hard to find a<br />

bad one!<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Wide links, smaller routing delay<br />

Tremendous variation<br />

d = 2 or d = 3<br />

◦ Short wires, , easy y to build<br />

◦ Many hops, low bisection bandwidth<br />

◦ Requires traffic locality<br />

d >= 4<br />

◦ Harder to build, more wires, longer average length<br />

◦ Fewer hops, better bisection bandwidth<br />

◦ Can handle non-local traffic<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


Wire density tends to be very high near the bisection and<br />

low near the perimeter.<br />

2D mesh has uniform density throughout.<br />

It requires also longer links. Cycle time for network<br />

increases as the logarithm of the wire length.<br />

Rich set of topological alternatives with deep relationships<br />

Design point depends heavily on cost model<br />

◦ Nodes, pins, area, ...<br />

◦ Wire length or wire delay metrics favour small dimension<br />

◦ Long (pipelined) links increase optimal dimension<br />

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27.06.2008<br />


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