P k Rd. RateandApproves Two to Win - Local History Archives

P k Rd. RateandApproves Two to Win - Local History Archives

P k Rd. RateandApproves Two to Win - Local History Archives


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I'<br />

AD the News of<br />

All the. Pointes Every<br />

I<br />

Thursday Moming<br />

Vol. 3O-No. 20 Entered as Seeonll Class Matter at<br />

_____________ th_e_P_o_5t;..._O_cf.....:..lce at Detroit, Mlchl&all.<br />

"':.<br />

. ". .,..<br />

~Il~ Cou~eThof=Y~rk stu-trial Education Society Awards, held at Stevenson<br />

the en college .cen rwas tryingay<strong>to</strong>Just, r~pen as High .• in Livonia, d students f f at Parcells • Middle School<br />

after Wednesday's bloody racial reCelVec. awar s or era tsmanshlp. Pictur(ld with<br />

SOTER D ., .. 0."".'.<br />



L.Y.. , CRA,IG WID. MA.. I.RR, 'and RICHA. R..D .r.>. ,- ALLENS. v<br />

The. metals stude.nts lire under t.he supervi~ion of Mr.<br />

The tax rate for the 1969.70 d' wo mda]or<br />

fiscal year he announced is Iscusse at<br />

$13.40for g~neral operatin.g pur- me.eting of<br />

pose~, and 36 cents for debt Pomte Board<br />

service. on¥onday,<br />

lssues Were<br />

the regular<br />

the Grosse<br />

of Ed uca t'Ion M~y 12, at<br />

~~dre~ l:~ancys have, six<br />

• R. Glancy, III,<br />

~a:HgTaarvduated fr~m Prince<strong>to</strong>n<br />

and is eurrently ard Busmess employed School ~<br />

the finance department of Mich.<br />

battle~ CCNY President Buell<br />

G. Gallagher said "adventurers<br />

NEIL. SU0!dELA .(far left) .and FRANK<br />

(far rIght) mdustrIal arts teachers, are<br />


(left" <strong>to</strong> right)<br />

Creelman<br />

graphic<br />

and the .. woodturmng,<br />

arts under the supervision<br />

sketchine, and<br />

of Mr. Suomela.<br />

No Challenge<br />

No. one appeared<br />

Heard Montieth<br />

at Mondlly's 'being a<br />

School,<br />

request<br />

the ill'St<br />

<strong>to</strong> meonigan<br />

CODsoI~dated Gas Co H<br />

is married .nd bas two' eJU!.<br />

in guerllla<br />

over from<br />

tactics"had<br />

responsib!~<br />

taken<br />

Negro.<br />

the winners: RONALD<br />

. .,'<br />

GOULD, JONATHAN WEB- ~earmg <strong>to</strong> challenge<br />

tlO!? ,of thep~posed<br />

any por.<br />

budget,<br />

sider<br />

tempt<br />

permission for<br />

at a Modified<br />

an at.<br />

Open<br />

deen.<br />

Krystyn<br />

-<br />

G. RollIns Wall grat\-<br />

~~"~J~.jl\4iI18J;)i;i~\P6~'~1i£l~n:"tJJl! \l~~not' !iz~~:;:~;~<br />

!!f~91~!:~~~<br />

Saturday, M.y 111 . '$67192 25 <strong>to</strong> Campal.gn k"~,p.... . ~.. "[1;:0' 1..-,;re'Dt':/lI'al'Se' t ' trfl. tJo.n.. ~nd.,....GeD,eraJ,. '.148,O.'l.5; Year. ., ..•. '.' '.. ..... ., .. ~~..... , ••..... -'H ... .:.... emuaee •..t 'ft-O_':<br />

VNITED, STATE8SEN~NR 0 ,. .,./, • .' iDJ,~~>:,;,<br />

~~~~tln~.p~~:nco::;:ri::~ Center Drive ExtraoCOIlectiori!Service' For 'nllag~' $121,100; PUbUc Worts; ,$525,- e;afkl!lon'FebruarY3iaexeeQ:- Peier:S. G1i1DCy,a stUdeutat<br />

W Deetdrnoeits'dSayS,tathtlae.tr ;h!illIS ..offjtODc:eHOhtea'di A''.: \•. C.. ~.\ A., .... "d' I . , . ::; :; : '.' .' '/<br />

l<br />

'd ts CRt S ; • I' K: .. h.' . I -A': .0' t • t 375: ~lPpJoye Pensi~n :and In. tlve Iesslon. On April 11, North Gru~'P'llinte North HI g h '<br />

p' • k . U' o'f . surance.' $177)542; Contin,gency, requested a pubUc hearing on 8,chool; and David C. Glancyreceiv.ed<br />

a call' ,ft. oJ:D.an. \Ui_ .. nnu.a, ~mpalgn rme. I Re 51 en II!" e~ues pecla IC ups; se ere eva venue IS rlc $20,000, CapItal Improvement the matter. The Board agreed attends Grosse Poinle Univer'<br />

~0W!1 person who threalened at Goal of $85,000 by I Plastic Bags Being Encouraged <strong>to</strong> Help '<strong>to</strong> Offer Colorful Pre. Appropriation, $2p,~; Highway <strong>to</strong> hear it last night. Making sity School. .•<br />

hiS life. The seD~<strong>to</strong>r ~ported Memorial Day' All I with Rubbish Disposal Problems sentation May 22 fun d, ApproprIation, $15,000; the presentation for North High 011 'l'tuft other Boards<br />

the taU <strong>to</strong> DeJ;nnt police. He .... , __ ~____ and I?e.bt Service, $42,400. School were At Fiorello, presi- Mr. Glaney's principal busi<strong>to</strong>ld<br />

newsmen he has important Urged <strong>to</strong> Con- The Pointe communities are doing their part in the ,Through 24 AnticIpaled revenues are from dent of,the Student Association' ness affiliation is president and<br />

information in the ~ustice Abe tribute curr~nt beautification program, in tbat the respective .--. the following: Property Tax, Dr. Robert C. Everett, presi: direc<strong>to</strong>r of Realty Investment<br />

ForUis case but dcclmed <strong>to</strong> ~ay PublIc Works Departments are making regular 'sched- InternatIonal Fe s t 1val $1,058,400; Miscellaneous R.e~e. dent of the Parenb' Club. and Corporation, DP.troit, New York<br />

what it is or whether it could . A <strong>to</strong>tal of $67,192.25 has<br />

have been the reason for. the<br />

threat. The sena<strong>to</strong>r is now been given. by 4,178 donors<br />

avelm'g Wl.thbody. g-uards.. thus far hi Grosse Pointe<br />

tr<br />

• .. • War . Memorial's . 20th Anuled<br />

rubbish pickups, and in some cases ST!. ecial p-ickups time in Grosse Pointe Vil- ~ues, $678,800; and Approprlalag<br />

has b en t f M tion of Surplus, $15,142.<br />

if residents request them, it was stated by city officials.' e e se or ay -----<br />

In the .Park and Woods, t6$' .<br />

Frl<br />

22'day through and. Satu 24, da Thursday, h T H Id D b<br />

belp facilitate the ',cleanup . of Grosse Pointe City Manager the world will be r cy,.wt en ed 0 0 e ate<br />

Earl Veenendahl, chairman of and SeaWe. He is prl'sentIy<br />

the FacuIty poundl. \, serving on three independrmt<br />

Cites Bisfe BeIIiGllS school boards.<br />

The baSI'Creasons ~or the re- un. ""en q.uen'ed as t0<br />

why be<br />

quest were spelledI' out by was runmng iora<br />

seat on t;be<br />

' .~~~ r.'1 ~ .,;~., . .-. . / :;:~ffl.~V~~~tI~~f::lr '~~~ib1~=:: ~e:!fj;~~5<br />

Sunday, May 11 niversary Family Participa- rubbish .and small Items, IPlas- Thomas Kressbach said that the. th 't b' I k ap ur Fiorello. He said that such a ,~chool Boar~ M~. Glanc! sald,<br />

tion CampaIgn,. This com- tic bags are made availab e <strong>to</strong> special pickups in his commu- m ree Cl y OC s. Over Parochiaid policy is in keeping with the . I have h~d a Ufelo!!g 10terest<br />

,<br />

MIKE MANSFIELD, Senate pares <strong>to</strong> $68,232 recel'ved<br />

Democratic dent Nixon'sLeader, secret said diplomacy Presi- from 4,447 givers by this<br />

. tl'me l'n la"'t year's earn.<br />

may haye broken the P am "<br />

stalemate and started thll Viet- paign.<br />

namese war on the way <strong>to</strong> a<br />

eaceful solution. Pham Dang William Croul, Center Treas.<br />

P<br />

the residents. The bags are<br />

~ 'd ea1 e;pecla. 11 y IO~ ~ th~ eont'al~ mg 0 grass c ppmgs an<br />

leaves!'<br />

During the month of May, accordini<br />

<strong>to</strong> Park City. Manager<br />

nity are geared <strong>to</strong> the weather. Everything in The Village, the North High School basic pbilo- 10 ed.ucational affa.lfs. I 8m.<br />

Tr ~ uCks aregulon th. . ekroa d f don" ......' ,.. ",rce block-long<br />

area from Cad. . Parochlafd will be the sublect sophy of developing a more servmg on three mdependent<br />

Ior the re ar pIC ups 0 nIb- ieux <strong>to</strong> Neff on KerchevllI and of a deba'A sponsored by the mature 8nd respons'lble student s;hool boards at the J;>resent<br />

bish and debris, and. if heavier its intersecting cross streets, St. "" tim F the st tw<br />

ilems' are placed for hauling Clair and' Notre Dame, will 14th Distri~t Young Democratic .body; that ~any other schools r h~ve o~ .ir guI 0 y~:rs,<br />

Club and the ,Grtlsse Pointe nationally are able <strong>to</strong> suppart . n. ear. a enti~way,thiSiS<br />

done at the same Ihtav':'lanOld worlddda.tmff oSPhtere. Democratic Club on Sunday, an open campus situation; that tdhaentpaol~nttheBoParUbdliC fmEeedtingtis. of<br />

Lam, South Vietnam's chief urer, and chairman of. this<br />

year's campaign is pleased <strong>to</strong><br />

negotia<strong>to</strong>r, was ordered back <strong>to</strong> s.ee the gap between last year's<br />

Paris f om Saigon <strong>to</strong> be on<br />

r .. donations and this year's closing<br />

Robert. Slone". every piece of<br />

DPW equipment is being utilized,<br />

and extra manl)()_wer used<br />

in picking up bn:;;!I, limbs and<br />

me: , . W', even soun I eren, as M 18 t 730 . . th e 0 - I f I d .. - ay. '. a : p.m., m Fries ere were n.o.immediate busi. I feel that if elecled uca <strong>to</strong> the' on<br />

,How4i!ver,he said, it would be co or u ancers m varIous na- A d<br />

helpful.if res'l'dents WI. 'll call the. tional costumes perform the u l<strong>to</strong>num, at the G r 0 sse ness properties <strong>to</strong> be troubled Board I could drawing on my<br />

Pointe War Memorial. by students; that many stu. ! .' .<br />

city in the event there is a need dances native <strong>to</strong> their respec, Panellst in favor of parochi- dents live in the immediate ecoXnPtrerI.lbeunti~ellSm tthe thfleld'Gmake<br />

bargaining<br />

hand when<br />

with<br />

the<br />

the<br />

Allies<br />

Commu-.<br />

begin<br />

nists. Saigon feels the allies . can<br />

lore at least two of the 10<br />

points exp proposed by the Viet<br />

Cong,' the exchange of war<br />

prisoners, and the reestablish.<br />

ment of a demilitarized zone,<br />

but he emphasizes<br />

d<br />

the immeif<br />

th<br />

other items. for a special pickup: The ,regudiale<br />

nee for returns . e CI.tl.zens haVl'ng heavy items la.r pickups. are ma,de from the<br />

War Memo;ial is <strong>to</strong> achieve its for disposal, such as old hot Side yarlis a{ld the ~ear of yards<br />

goal of $85,000 ($5,000. more water tank'~ and dlS'carded of homes, he said, although<br />

~<br />

than last year) by Memorial washing machines should con. sometimes, depending on the<br />

Day, the target date. tact the CI'tyfor inf' ormation on items, they are placed at the<br />

The $85,000 goal is iust one. Ipickups. curb.<br />

fourth of the budget needed <strong>to</strong> Haye Bags for Sale Is COIlSidering Sales<br />

tive<br />

0<br />

countries<br />

. db'<br />

of origin,<br />

al<br />

'd will be W'll'<br />

I I~m.<br />

A<br />

.<br />

R<br />

yan, VICInity<br />

. . .<br />

and could easily go<br />

Co" rgamze y Grosse Pointe Speaker 0f the. MiA>"g ..... an H.ouse hom.e; tha t an ,our h I unch<br />

mmerCe an\, Civic Associa- of R e e laU d B h od f tud<br />

tion in The Village' <strong>to</strong> pay trib. Th epr s n vebs, an IS .0P perl or s en~ and teacht<br />

t d . tad' omas J. Gum le<strong>to</strong>n, Auxlli- ers could be prOVIded with no<br />

u e 0 an acquam t ay s res- ary. Bishop, A.rchdloces.e. of D.e- extra .sta.ff required; that bet.<br />

ide:lts with h hthe various t 'b ted ethnic tr 01t• Those m °PPOSIIon t will . ter bul.dmg I control'and reduced<br />

grouhPs<br />

t<br />

wtho ave, co~ rhlu It SOlbe Stale Sena<strong>to</strong>r James Gray, vandalism could result. that.<br />

muc 0 e area s lIC cu ura of Warren representing Citi- lun h '00 ld be 'd<br />

0 0<br />

Porn'te PU"'II'C SChool<br />

e<br />

S<br />

rosse<br />

stem<br />

.U particularly l'n the ~rea Yof'<br />

the'<br />

..<br />

relationship of the Board <strong>to</strong> ad.<br />

ministration and of th Bo d<br />

<strong>to</strong> the commum't. at laer e. aArS<br />

the greater part of y my bus.mess g<br />

h~' .<br />

c: ueer Mansfield said Saturday.<br />

• • •<br />

h .<br />

operate the Cenler in the fiscal To encourage the bagging of Kressbach said t at the City<br />

year beginning August 1. The small items .and grass and other does not sell plastic bags, but<br />

herI'tage th Internatl'o IF' . c per.I s cou re ueed<br />

,e ns es. zens <strong>to</strong> 4.dvance Puohc Educa- <strong>to</strong> two With only a few special<br />

tival is now in its fifth year. ti?n (CAP~) and. Mrs. Zl:lin.e students, assigned <strong>to</strong> the third<br />

, ..." ~een along fin8nclal<br />

hnes, ! believe I can make a<br />

tr'b- ti <strong>to</strong> th S te .<br />

~:t ~r~a o~s well.'~ ys m m<br />

SEVERAL THOUSAND young other three-fourths of the mon- flexible materials, plastic bags such sales are being cantem. B <strong>to</strong> Booths All Over . Richards, Vlce:chamnan, MiChl, lunch hour; that the majority Is Kenyon Graduate<br />

people, many. of them college ies needed <strong>to</strong> operate c()me are available at the Municipal plated, inasmucb as this is oot ~s are set up ?n the sl~e- gan Democ~a~c .Pa~ty. of the staff and students favor William C. Porter 681 Hampstudents,<br />

wreaked havoc in the from income from invested en- Building, 15115 East Jefferson. helpful in bagging of rubbish walks, In s<strong>to</strong>re lobbies, and ID- .Th.e p~bhc IS lDVlted and ad- an open campus situation, and <strong>to</strong>n l'oad, is 45 ye;rs old and<br />

~:~r~my~~~~n~. ~:~~d~~~<br />

were called in <strong>to</strong> oust the reveldowment<br />

and fees charged for<br />

certain activities and services<br />

These are sold <strong>to</strong> the public at<br />

a. cost of $5 for a box of 100,<br />

for disposal.<br />

In. the Farms,<br />

.'<br />

specl~1 plck-<br />

~~e ~fU~~eOf::o:.h~:n~~a~~<br />

arts, crafts and impOrled mer.<br />

mission 1S free.<br />

-----that<br />

other schedules would be<br />

only acceptable as expedients.<br />

has been<br />

19 years.<br />

a Pointe reside~t for<br />

He and his wife_ Lor.<br />

ers afler they turned mainstreet at the Center. as an extra service, and at no ups are norm all?, camed out chandise from Poland, Ger. VW LOSES GLASS He added that the Board one, have four children: Armin,<br />

in<strong>to</strong> a shambles, This shattered Many Reasons <strong>to</strong> Give profit <strong>to</strong> the ci,_. ,. about th~sa.me time that.regn- many, Greece, France, India, Sometime between Friday, could be assured that if the re- 1B, attending GroS8C Pointe<br />

the dream of ~.()meZap busi. Among the many reasons <strong>to</strong> ' Slone said that <strong>to</strong> further :lid la.r rubbish IS ~athered, It w~s Italy, Serbia, the Orient and May 2. and Monday May 5, the quest was granted, the program (Conlinued on Plge S)<br />

nessmen who expected a $100.- give <strong>to</strong> Grosse Pointe War Me. the beautification of the Park, dlS::l?sed by Direc<strong>to</strong>r of 'Public other faraway places will find windshield from.a Volkswagen would be carefully administered ------<br />

000 profit, and dub~d the city morlal are these: It is a 2'h 31l Quanzan Oherry trees, pur- SefVIccs, ,John DeFoe. their way <strong>to</strong> the boolhs and sedan parked at the Farms Pier and established with the follow- Four CandlOdates<br />

Fort Lauderdale of the Norlh. mill ion dollar complex of chased by the merchants of By special pickups, he point- fTom them in<strong>to</strong> the homes of was s<strong>to</strong>len. The car is used for ing guidelines dearly under-<br />

• • • grounds and buildings on the Ke!,cheval avenue, were planted ed out, it is meant heavy items Festival visi<strong>to</strong>rs. Women in cl:iver education at North High s<strong>to</strong>od by students, parents and File' len Sllores<br />

(Continued on Page 12) in Kercheval by city personnel. such as are taken out of ga. richly embroidered dresses will School. (Continued on Page 2)<br />

Monday, May 12 _" __ -----------'--------- Irages and basements, other than sell pastries and other delica.<br />

ONE PERSON WAS KILLED C regular rubbish. The city HI on cies made from recipes treas- P bl H ,Three incumbents and a new.<br />

anlt 12 others injured Sunday Spor", ClassiC, Anti.true ar call al! :rear around for spe. ur~d from generation <strong>to</strong> genera. U ic earing Scheduled comer filed nomination peti.<br />

when a car" driven by Horst -'1 cials.' lion. Hons by the 4 p.m. deadline on<br />

Kwech, driving a Shelby Ford .Show Scheduled 'at C,enter I Residents are not required <strong>to</strong>, (Continued on Page 4) On Bon Secour.s Proposals Monday, May 12, <strong>to</strong> seek elecoff<br />

of the Michigan Inlerna- , .. I place rubbish and other mater- ! ------ lion as trustees in tlie Shores,<br />

tionalSpeedwayin<strong>to</strong> a crowd of ,ial at the curb, although this Buddy Poppies .. according <strong>to</strong> Village Cle.k<br />

specta<strong>to</strong>rs. Durward Fletcher.<br />

43, an American Mo<strong>to</strong>rs Cor.<br />

pOration dealer from Mason,<br />

died in Foote Hospital in Jack-<br />

The Spring SpOrt, Classic and' will be sold at cost. Visi<strong>to</strong>rs will . is done at times, DeFoe said..<br />

Antique Car Show will be held be invited <strong>to</strong> cast a vote for the The city ~1I6 equipment. <strong>to</strong><br />

on the grounds of Grosse Pointe most popular car and an award gather rubbIsh from the SIde.<br />

War Memorial on Saturday, will be made at a dinner for yards and r~r yards, a service<br />

Sale Next Week<br />

Representatives of Bon Se. should not occupy more than 35<br />

cours Hospital requested on percent of the site.<br />

Monday, May 12, during an Ex- Planners for llle hospital have<br />

ecutive Session of the City of devoted nearly a year <strong>to</strong> devel.<br />

Clifford B. Loranger.<br />

Seeking a return <strong>to</strong> their<br />

seats lIround the council table<br />

at a regular Shores election <strong>to</strong><br />

son shortly after being admitted<br />

with bead and chest injuries<br />

May 24, from 11 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 5 p.m. exhibi<strong>to</strong>rs held at the end of t.he rendererl<br />

The admission charge of SOc ShoW-in Alger House. years.<br />

for the past several The Gen. R. A, & Co!. F. M. Grosse Pointe Council, that the<br />

Alger Post & Aux. #995 Vet. Council consider revised peti.<br />

oping new approaches and de- be held on Tuesday, May 20,<br />

tailing numerous d('sign ch8ngp,~ are Frank Columbo of 611 Lake<br />

and a possible<br />

Kwech, driving<br />

broken pelvis.<br />

a Shelby Boss<br />

for students and $1 for adults<br />

will go <strong>to</strong> the benefit of the<br />

Honorary<br />

Ivor Harris<br />

past<br />

and<br />

chairmen<br />

Richard<br />

Dr.<br />

Wi!-<br />

Would Help Personnel<br />

.<br />

crans of Foreign Wars are con- tions that would facilitate ex.<br />

dncling a sale of Buddy Poppies pansion of the hospital's facil.<br />

<strong>to</strong> its expansion<br />

plan!.:, completed<br />

program, New<br />

this month by<br />

Shore road; Arnold P. Fuchs<br />

68 Roslyn road; and Chester<br />

of<br />

F.<br />

Mustang, lost control at Turn War Memorial's ?Oth Anniver. Iiams have on thcir committee The Fa!'ms does not. reqUIre on 'I1tursday, May 22 and Fri. ities and services. Giffels and Rossetti. Detroit Ogden of 20 Hawthorne road,<br />

11 at 120 miles an hour and the<br />

car skidded off the rain'slick<br />

track.<br />

• • •<br />

sary Family Particillation Cam.<br />

paign.<br />

The Show will be preceded<br />

John Egan. Dr. Loyal<br />

George Wellman. Keith<br />

Roy SCharfenberg and<br />

Farr.<br />

Jodar,<br />

Smith,<br />

Gray<br />

the ba~gm.g of rubbISh and day, May 23 in Grosse Pointe. The City Council was re. architectural fil m, incorporate<br />

gl~ss cl~ppmgs, etc:, although Paul McGowan, TUxedo 5.2605, quested <strong>to</strong> approve: c~osing requests made previously by the<br />

domg thIS would be very be~p. Is chairman and Mrs. Ockford Caroline avenue, since the City Council and by adjoining<br />

ful <strong>to</strong> .nP~ pe!5O!1ncI, he saId. Keller, 882-3443, is auxill&i')' street extends for only one block property owners. The plans ful.<br />

the incumbents.<br />

Challenging the trio for the<br />

office, and hoping <strong>to</strong> replace<br />

one of them, is Daniel R. Beck<br />

AN<br />

ll'uesday, May 13<br />


by a parade of cars through<br />

the Hill and Village shopping<br />

Cars <strong>to</strong> be included among<br />

those shown are Dave Gabhart's<br />

The City IS t~mklllg of future<br />


Page <strong>Two</strong><br />

.9:<br />

~~;<br />

,.6'<br />

/"', ..<br />

horn <strong>to</strong> Lc ndmirc(l, ••,~~~::.<br />


I,p lIICKBY.FRBE,\J..IN<br />

lishr:mJ com(otlablcas }'our fwor.<br />

il.: M\'eltcr ••• you'll soon become:<br />

aWJrc of the: :tJ\'an<strong>to</strong>1ges of hi£h1y<br />

s);illcJ llICKnY.FRI:J:MAN'llIlnd '<br />

uilorinS, Your friends will JU the<br />

differcncc .<strong>to</strong>ll td/ >'ou about it, We:<br />

lm'itc)'ouwslip one nn, •• :tnddo<br />

abi<strong>to</strong>flldmuinSJQIlrJtif, IrDIIlS135.<br />

!IG1GIl~~rc~mlnaoTHES AIU: IlXClUSIVli wml us IN DElllOiT<br />

white.stripcd dcep<strong>to</strong>no<br />

short IIClOYD dress shirts<br />

ThQt's'h~,;'a SO~;hll'~k tallor'!iilgg~sh~<br />

:','011 discover t]i~ea!iy-going cOIilfort 1IC. \ r<br />

. :tet4':t in'o et'cry'.Sollthw,ieh shoulder.<br />

1;~'JQsh~li ~port:;ac~et.sthat beml'"<br />

with your f1am" d"J bltulfr1l1ith" '<br />

'Joltr frallle pf mina.T~ls sprlllg's 1<br />

'Scmt~wic1c _~eltCI'oJl brillgs yo"rlcll ,.1,<br />

, Dr/tlsk fabrics, raNging fro,I/. lms~tcd<br />

'lp"'Jd, ", hquRhty ,"IP", p.,rtct/r<br />

I 'coordlHllled wi,n)'our.Srml1nvick '<br />

slds. You'll make qllire (J 'lit - if t~e<br />

lah.1 i' Sof/thwlch,<br />

eottllJwl"rk<br />

"" .."'.' " ,;,<br />

car/sterr"<br />

8o.0!-l TilE HILL<br />

G,osse Pointe 'Farms<br />

with fashion spread collars<br />

reflect taday's trend <strong>to</strong> color<br />

and pattern for men. Cool, neat.<br />

comfortable ..• and they stay that<br />

way for they're tailored of<br />

permanent press polyester/cot<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

blue, red, gold or charcoal with<br />

narrow white stripes. 6.50<br />


CUillera Cl.ll 1) IIIees t 1, ay ~~ee~.~,s.~~:'!lh:nment, "JsllllrJ pe~l alllpllS eqltest or ort ~ "g" I<br />

'I 20 I"""""'" Iwo .ot"," .11d"" 0 C' R" f N 1 H' 1 I<br />

The GI'l35Se Pointe Camera War Memorial at a o'c1ack In ,<br />

~:~~~~II.:n~h~<br />

l~~.~<br />

~e~~~p~1~rc J}~~U5e~~nl~{;('cC~~j~~~lt~olld ~n~~fo~h~n~llt~~ud~~isss~11~I.io fOCI~~~t~~~r~hZ~;~~~I~~ ~p(ln I~~~~p~n~l:t ht:rtgrJ:~drrll~t~h~ ~~:'~c::I~~Wlt~~,~I~rt~~~~\~~tr~~<br />

------------------.- ...-.. --.- ----- Compll~ Program would bo CR_ purflllse (lC prollram develop_ port.<br />

r':':~:~":r""':":'~<br />

ir~"<br />

f I<br />

i i<br />

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re; ~. l:~:li~el:c~~c.°tl~~la~C~~i~il:~~~ :~~~~~d re~~t~'~~sllmll:ecol~~ sl:~r'alfU:;; ~~~~affor;;e~o:'s~s~<br />

fi: ~rrt~~~l~e~~eellcessh'e problem~ Il~~~~: MeGlnnlR then asked U ~~~I~l;I~~y~'r~s~I~~edet~a~~ }~~:<br />

r::....... ~ (b~"S~ld r~:l~~y~r~~~~~t(~dent :~;r~::~:I~~~\~rr;:~ls~~~n~~: ~~iJ~~vb~.~~~v1nm5~~~b~~~~i~::<br />

.,} *,,"~' \ r:. I. eommtlle~ would lIe e~tll'hll~bed which her daU.llhter bod alle-.:ed. Sllndhenl IndIcated that tbe mo-<br />

'~ • fi:l a~ an 0ilcn Compus Board wllh Iy heen abown nt Pleree, Tha lion would establish polley !o<br />

-,. t::;.lthe respon~lhlllty of asseulnlf traulloreneleR accordinG <strong>to</strong> nolhlmfoddlUonol could hendd.'1<br />

l~~I""\1 f'!\. Ithe ~ltuollon perlodlcolly nnd Mn, 1IlcGlnnlR,were rrom the cd 10 th" ,prollram wllhout<br />

- t ~ ~~ ~~ I~h~~~:a l~e;~l'1c~~~I~a~~::t1e~~~:l ~~e~::P:c~~OI P~lnelpnl WU. ~k:~ ~fthr;r~.J. F~~hs v~~~~'rr~<br />

.'? ~~. ~ ~:~ul~h~eb~:ro~~IlI~:~\~'I~~le~~r~~1:h~oll1~r:e~~~~lel~~~d ll~~nt:ll~i rl~~~~~r~M~~~ln~h~~p:g:, 1I~~~:I<br />

~ ~ tenJlnrcn~npJlroval <strong>to</strong> lenvCltho transparenelellin aell educatlan POOllrac?, lIfr, Whitely nod Lee<br />

__J,. ,':.' , ~: ~~~P\~'~u~~1~:n;~rtT~~Rn~c~~~~ ~~~I~~pr~,~~ed:J~II~II~~aa~~n ~~ ~~lr~~t~d~lnGnn. The motion Willi I<br />

~ CllmllllR contract 1I!I:nedhy tho teacher In our school "ystem ne.<br />

,J , ".,':.~:~ 1)~Il~~t~r ;j~l~op~::f~i~n~os;c~l~i1 :~~~~rll~fp,i~g~v~~~r~~rc~It~~p~~<br />

~, ~~~klnnlt~l~ci~fll,e~o (~~u~~!. r~~.meeun" wIth ber thllt morn.<br />


Thursday, May IS, 1969<br />

SICE AND SORRY Icontinuation of the moaning<br />

Blue ~01lday is often just a after the night beCore.<br />

IDOl'''' '0' 'lien 'NO LOWER FIGURE ANYPLACE.<br />

1001'''' 10. S"VICf? WE GIVE THE FI,.ST.<br />

AU THIS .' •• AND MORE, TOO AT<br />



. N... C.n • U.lI Cen • Pam • Cust_ Callision Shop<br />

..13033 . (iR ....TIOT LAkeview 6.3000<br />

Night Se,vice LA J -9877 .<br />


A delivery car owned by the<br />

Park. Pharmacy, 15324 E. JeC:<br />

ferson, lost one of its tires and<br />

wheels sC'metime between the<br />

late evening hours of Wed~esday<br />

May 8, and 9 a.m. the next<br />

day: The car, parked behind<br />

the pharmacy, had been jacked<br />

up, the tire and wheel removed,<br />

and then left <strong>to</strong> rest on the hub.<br />

Christiari<br />

Science<br />

Moni<strong>to</strong>r I<br />

" "..(".' .... ,.t<br />

re~ommehds<br />

you '~eadl"ilf''''''ll'''';<br />

your,loeal<br />

'newspaper<br />

Your local newspaper keepsY"U In.<br />

formed of whal's happening in your<br />

area - communityevenls, public<br />

.meetings, s<strong>to</strong>ries about people in<br />

your vicinity. These you can't ~ and<br />

shoul<br />

::',,::;=:!<br />

:..::<br />

".:<br />

------<br />

Insured 6-men" bnestment CertIfIcates of<br />

$7500 or more ellrll a high 5~'" Evenif ,.<br />

should .'ithdra. your money before tile<br />

maturity date, D .. N will still palY4'"<br />

On Passbook Accounts, earnings .. paid and<br />

compounded quarterly at the rate of 4Y2'"<br />

Open an accountwith any amount and add ,.<br />

withdraw .Ithout aff"tin. the •• rnlni r....<br />


19107 Mlck It loum.mou'h<br />


11" Griswold It SIlt.<br />

Our service technicians haveoeen<br />

. trained by the Volkswagen.<br />

BMW and Mercedes-Benz fac<strong>to</strong>ries,'<br />

So . , • for buying and superb servicing of a .<br />

Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz,<br />

there's on,1yone place <strong>to</strong> come,<br />

The Woods,<br />

We're a three car garage.<br />


CALUZI'"<br />

--J.<br />

SRAnOTATI~1l£,DETIlOR' I l:W.5ZI'"<br />

what's the,<br />

percentage i.n<br />

saving atD&N?<br />

Detroit & Northern<br />


Hom.O",c.<br />


26 OUices! Aglnc;os in Michiglll<br />

k~J<br />

~<br />

\<br />

)<br />

.,<br />

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II<br />

i<br />

'. Four<br />

Tbe felJ,o" who ill hi. OWD best I... Learn this lesSODwell-there's<br />

frieDd aeed5 DO uemiea. no reward for findiDlfault.<br />


9249 Em JeffersOn - VAlley 2.1055<br />





Solving Detroiters sueae and leather problems<br />

since 1949 and now a new and exelusive finishing<br />

process developed by us which leaves that soft.<br />

luxurient feel and new look.<br />

TIle followg appre,ti <strong>to</strong>p • .,ality dry deaner, Ire 80W<br />

IldIerIzed' assodates of D " C Leatker Cleaaers lDel our<br />

PleleuiRa\ &erriceI are .. a,allaltle ~ tlIele<br />

~ deaaen. Y...... ,. tWt tbea ... call for pick.<br />

u, aDd cleJber)',<br />

Bellll, alll'n.. 15139lC"vaI,<br />

GmII ....<br />

enw. CIeaIers, 15323 E. Jeffenel<br />

Grone 'elm<br />

Delity CleaMnr 15029 .... v.I,<br />

Grtut Poiat.'<br />

DenII, CIeBers,2OOI7 Mack Aft.,<br />

Ga, CIenen, 16129 Meek An.,<br />

VA t.SIOO<br />

VA 1.7500<br />

.... PtiItI<br />

Grtae 'oilllt Vtlet c..... (... )<br />

17854 MtICk, GrtIK! 'lillt.<br />

Grosse 'oild' Valet 'Ieaen (ar.cII)<br />

21155 Mack, Grone 'eillft<br />

5.-. Delle ..... , 20331Ma4<br />

6nat ,lillie<br />

TU 5-5930<br />

TU 1.9770<br />

TU 1-4225<br />


AID DfnllDAIU Sa,ICf','<br />

~~<br />

tV 4-8888<br />

Extra CoUection Service<br />

~i:: NYLON<br />


Spec ie 1 '5 98<br />

Names .Expertly Sewed On<br />

VETERE<br />


15291 E. Seven Mile<br />

Bet. Hayes ."d Mar'll'"<br />

. Open , I.m. <strong>to</strong> 7 p.m. dilly<br />

VE 9.4145<br />

AN'i<br />

RADI~.'<br />

Bm' of all 1V 1rOubJesare tubes.<br />

" YDII en ~~j';'Jght bulb, yoO celt CMngeTV tubes Ind save<br />

uPenIfva IIIlfYice calfs. . '<br />

Corne in <strong>to</strong>dq end teet roar tt1besthe ..., Wtft • , • on our New<br />

,~T...... . I<br />

EverytIIing in Electronics at Fantastic Savings<br />



-yoU _'t c:omp4etety AtiafIed, your purchue pric:e win be refunded.<br />

~adio •.<br />

~Tronlcs<br />

... of f<strong>to</strong>aIe Elecbodicl c.aen. Inc.<br />

(ContlDuecifromPlle 1) jeeti, the property owners wUl<br />

their regular picKup days are, have <strong>to</strong> have them removed by<br />

but there are two days when a private contrac<strong>to</strong>r. The' city<br />

the city will gather shrubbery does not do this, he added..<br />

and limbs and other debris Has SOW 2... _<br />

placed at the surb. Mondays For the past year, Petersen,<br />

and Tuesdays ~re th~ de~ignat- the Woods has been selling<br />

ed dars for thIS spe4!lal pickup, plastic bags <strong>to</strong> the public. He<br />

he said.. .estimated that the city has sold<br />

As fl\r other Items, such as Imore than. 200,000 bags within<br />

ol~ water heaters, washing ma- this time.<br />

chInes and other heavy ob- The bags are of a larger size<br />

------- - and heavier in texture and far<br />

superior <strong>to</strong> those tiold commercially,<br />

he Pointed out, and come<br />

50 in a roll. The price is $2.50<br />

a roll, at no profit <strong>to</strong> the City,<br />

it was added .•<br />

The Woods council is debating'the<br />

enactment of an ordin.<br />

ance that will make it compulsory<br />

that local residents use<br />

plastic bags for grass clippings,<br />

rubbish and so on.<br />

In the Shores, Village Superintendent<br />

Thoma. JeIferi6 stated<br />

that the Village does not<br />

hiv~ the'j problems that the<br />

19193 MACK AVE.<br />

/<br />

7-Mack Shoppillg Center<br />

Phone<br />

881-2720<br />

0,.. MIL, T111rs., Fr~ & Slit. 10 ... , h 9 p.a-Tues .. Weth. 10 .... 10 6 ,...<br />

o ~AORRU<br />

'YOU CAN AL ...YS I.<br />


FOODS AT<br />


TU 5.1565<br />



Hom. Made-Bulk<br />

PORK 65<br />

SAUSAGE I~.<br />


35 c .ag<br />

Fresh<br />


'acki,ed<br />

Radishes<br />

2 'It 19 C<br />


w...<br />

'I"<br />


c.therYolntes have, in that his<br />

community has no commercial<br />

buildings, th~refOle, there are<br />

no rubbish and other items<br />

such as are'1eft at corners or at<br />

th.! rear of such buildings.<br />

Cites Fine service<br />

He said be is of the opillion<br />

that the service rendered <strong>to</strong><br />

Shores residentS is better than<br />

its sister ComriltU1lties because<br />

DPW. 'personnel with mo<strong>to</strong>rized<br />

pickup' equipment go in<strong>to</strong><br />

the sideyards and ,rear yards<br />

of all property <strong>to</strong> pick up' rub •<br />


Clau'de A. MagarieUo, 12525<br />

Moran, reported <strong>to</strong> City IlOlice<br />

on Saturday, May 10, that perbans<br />

unknown had broken in<strong>to</strong><br />

the trunk of his car, while it<br />

was parked in the lot behind<br />

Kresge's. 17101 Kercheval,' on<br />

that date, and s<strong>to</strong>len a tire and<br />

wheel. The lock of the trunk<br />

had been pried open .<br />

.&m-DBmoDD<br />

Florida<br />


591.<br />

Fe$tival Set. for 'Village'<br />

(Coatiauecl from Pqe 1)<br />

A large tent will house an art<br />

exhibit arid artists at work, a<br />

popcorn wagoo will delight the<br />

children and bring memories<br />

<strong>to</strong> those whose childhood is be.<br />

hind them, and a steam caltiope<br />

will make its appearance on the<br />

first afternoon, Thursday, between<br />

3 aDd 5 o'clock.<br />

Demonstrations of some of the<br />

handcrafts, such as pysanky,<br />

the intricately decorated Easter<br />

eggs of the Ukranian people,<br />

will be given. Materials and in.<br />

structions will be available for<br />

creating these works of art at<br />

home.<br />

Proceeds for Projects<br />

Participating grQups will use<br />

the proc eeds of their sales <strong>to</strong><br />

support various benevolent aDd<br />

educational projects.<br />

Locations will be as follows:<br />

Armenian, Kay Baum; Chinese,<br />

Village Manor; French; Jaqobson's<br />

Home Decorative' Shpp;<br />

German, Michigan Consolidated<br />

Gas Co. Hospitality Center;<br />

Greek, Himelhoch's. Doubleday<br />

Books, and Day Travel; Ameri.<br />

can Indians, Village Cleaners;<br />

East India, Jacobsons; Italian,<br />

McCourt Shoes; Me~can, Best<br />

& Co; Polisb. Kresge; Serbian,<br />

Y 0 r k Je~elers;, Ukrainian,<br />

Pointers Earn<br />

U of DDegrees<br />

bish and what have you. Among the more than 1,600<br />

The Shores will pick up any. students receiving their degrees<br />

thing residents request, if the from the University of Detroit<br />

residents call the ,MUDicipal list week were mlny Pointers.<br />

Building, he said. . They included the following<br />

Jefferis 6aid that residents students, who were graduated<br />

are not required <strong>to</strong> use plastic from The College of Arts and<br />

bags if they do not want <strong>to</strong>, but Sciences; Margaret A. Bums,<br />

tiley are encouraged <strong>to</strong> do so. 832, Berkshire road; Jean A.<br />

He said that the, Village trus- Connell, 8118 Pemlier<strong>to</strong>n road;<br />

tees do not expect <strong>to</strong> pay an Virginia R. MUllem, 1365Three<br />

ordinance <strong>to</strong> eoJnPEll the use of Mile drive; Veronica A. Sumf'rthe<br />

bags. A newsletter wasre. acki. 715 Balfour roa'd; Mar,Y B.<br />

cenUy sent <strong>to</strong> every borne in Dakoske,, 471 Lakeshore lane:<br />

the Shores,<br />

mg. whether<br />

Jefferis said, ask.. {(ibert Paul Grammens; 1814<br />

or not the people Kenmore drive; Faith Marle A.<br />

want bags made available, and Kolly, 20475 WqodIand place;<br />

" o.nly about three persons <strong>to</strong>?k Micbael J. Let8cher, 64 Merri.<br />

time <strong>to</strong>. answer. It was not dlS. weather road; Tbomas J. Padilclosed<br />

if those who responded la 1886 Prestwick road' Frank<br />

favored the bags. Atithony Pelleri<strong>to</strong>, 119t Paget<br />

---- court; Mary ,M. Sloan, 35 Duval<br />

Pack 85 Holds place; Sharon Vogtll, 1797AI.lard<br />

avenue and Nancy J. Matzka,<br />

Pinewood Derby 1478 Do~{n road. ,<br />

Lawrence Thomas Le<strong>to</strong>,459<br />

NeH rOad; Thomas J. Dlngell,<br />

., Thirty-one e,ntrics in Cub 732 Lo;ame road; lean Jif.Cu,<br />

Scout Pack Il5s, annual Pine- sou 2182 Vernier road' Michael<br />

wood Derby raced down the T 'Kr 185 'U ' • th<br />

track recently in the gym at. ag, ~emwea er<br />

Monteith School. ..' . . r 0 a d: Dennis Pin<strong>to</strong>s,. au<br />

,'. ' ....".<br />

!'Me.~I.made by the boY',<br />

WIth a little help from Dad -<br />

were of every shape and color.<br />

~adI<strong>to</strong>nero.d; ..JOhll1C•.~<br />

'l... WoocI.lt!l ....e: aU'received cI~-<br />

.' h L<br />

geel from Graduate Sil 00<br />

Each car ,ra.qin,. four races,<br />

and the run-offrace for tbe <strong>to</strong>p<br />

Graduating from the Con,eg~<br />

01 Bqsiness and Administration<br />

six cars resulted in a first place were Salva<strong>to</strong>re 'Cipriano, 51<br />

vic<strong>to</strong>ry for. Darryll Graham. Greenbriar drive;Hugb B. Corr<br />

.Dave Greenspan came in sec. teville, 1810 HoUywood avenue;<br />

ond, followed by Joe Vier in teonard.J. Schweitzer, 1220 Au.<br />

third. Fourth place went <strong>to</strong> dubon road, and Charles .J.<br />

Bruce Shepherd. Fifth place<br />

resulted in a tie between Jeft<br />

Vier and PhU <strong>Win</strong>chester.<br />

SpiJad1er, 1332 Balfour road.<br />

Boneless-Rolled<br />


ROAST89~<br />

Stuffed 98c<br />

PORK CHOPS . I lb.<br />

Wilson's Grade A, Fortified 3~<br />

SKIMMED MILK, Ya... 1 Ctn. '0.<br />

lor K.. ptr's Friend - Cleans, Polish.. -<br />

Copper - Til. - Ir'llil - S<strong>to</strong>inlell Steel<br />

- Rellloyes Rult.<br />

16.GZ. 21c R, •.<br />

Pk.. Special ea. 49c<br />


2.roll Twin Pic••<br />

(7cl with coupon licl<br />


lOO-e.unt '1c•. -Specl,1 Off.,<br />

~."I_A,le"tlc Irand<br />


Galli Kilt e",.. f"lr'"<br />

'ltIED CHICKEN<br />

• plecu 0' lIlore-taJly cooked<br />

lIel'" hot or cold-I.lb. Ikz. bucket<br />

MARKET<br />

.~ ~...:..- ..:;~:.~..#r..~ , , .,.,_~""._""'__ " _<br />

Hickey:s. Mens Shop; and the<br />

Grosse Pointe Foundation for<br />

Exceptional Children, Jacob.<br />

son's.<br />

Hours of the International<br />

Festlval in the Village will be<br />

the same as Village s<strong>to</strong>re bours.<br />

continuing until 9 p.m. on<br />

Thursday and Friday, May 22<br />

and 23, closing at 5:30 p.m. on<br />

Saturday, May 24.<br />

• His Lordl"l, Jewlfry<br />

• D9ck~Y'1Spmrose<br />

(eHY ctune lIIetter}<br />

,SIMrry TOIKlthr<br />

safety BolIt IhoH<br />

• linocu'lri<br />

• IiIlutlcll Limps<br />

• Clnldlln Chuts<br />


SGUin, J.c1tm wittl the hidden hoo4<br />

24.50 VAlUE $17.95<br />

comet'yout<br />

featuring:<br />

* CONES<br />

*SUNDAES<br />

* SHAKES<br />

*MALTS<br />

* PARFAITS<br />



and CHERRY<br />

ThurSd.y, May t 6, 1969<br />

If it's lIOutic.1 lI.ut<br />

nice, we've .• et itl<br />

Browse<br />

ihe<br />

ship's<br />

wheel<br />

19605 Mack<br />

Open Dallv ''',<br />

FrldaYI 'tll •<br />

, "All Summer LDng~'<br />

IntrCMludory .,<br />

.$pe(iaI.':<br />

,FRIDAY f MAlt '''.:';<br />

.3:30 p.m. 10 9:30p •.m~.~<br />

~uyOn~ t;~~e'~: .... ,<br />

AnySiz~ ..<br />

GElON&';<br />

'(".-R.. £'\ '.E":~...'

Thursday, Miy IS, 1969<br />

\<br />

I.", • '69 ImfIG/ •• r ,It.<br />

n" w.": or 1II0a'••<br />

Special Weeleendlate, $15,<br />

plus mileage, Fri. noo" ',il<br />

MOil. lloon.<br />



16555 H~~PER<br />

Hr. Whittier 885 • OS'.75<br />

Book 'siZedTunerl<br />

", .,<br />

•••• 1 ••• ,<br />


Five Pointe Municipalities Bradley Promoted;<br />

Serving in Vietnam<br />

Share $218,414 State Fund WilHam 0. Bradley III, son<br />

'A proposed legend plaque --,..---- of, Mr. and Mrs, William 0,<br />

Park Won't Pay<br />

$425 for Plaque<br />

bearing the new name of <strong>Win</strong>d- ~ecord ,first quarter Mo<strong>to</strong>r. The. Woods, the .. biggest of IBradley. Jr, oC Ford court, has<br />

mill Pointe Park, with names Vehicle ,HIghway Fund coHec- the Pomte commumtIes, receiv. been promoted <strong>to</strong> Lance Corporof<br />

city officials and local gov- tions are being distri~uted <strong>to</strong> ed as its share of the fund in al in the Marine Corps.<br />

ernment aides, <strong>to</strong> be attached .r.~ichigan'~ counties, cities and 1967 !he sum o~_$51,418; i.n L/Corporal !lradley is serv<strong>to</strong><br />

the new ~athhouse in t~e villages,. It was reveal~d .by the 1968, ~t .was $60....75; and thIS ing with the 3rd Military Police<br />

parle•. was rejected by a, tl~- State HIghway CommIssIOn. year. It IS $71,564. Battalion in DaNang Vietnam.<br />

brea~mg vute at a Park council Highway Direc<strong>to</strong>r' Henrik E. The Park's share in 1967 wa '<br />

meetmg held on Monday. May I ~lafseth said net receipts duro $42.578; in 1968 it was $50.230~<br />

12. 109 January, February and and for the first three months of<br />

The plaque, which was <strong>to</strong><br />

have. cQst $425,.was JavOred by<br />

March <strong>to</strong>taled $131.46 mi!Ii?~, 1969, its<br />

as oompared <strong>to</strong> $110.76 millIOn $59655.<br />

share of the fund is<br />

Councilmen William Luedders.<br />

Georg~ VerCionckt and Warr~n<br />

in the same period of 1968, and I~ 1967 the Farm . d<br />

$99.81 million in .1967. $36,299; i~ 1968, it w:s $:~~~~~;<br />

'.<br />

Page Six G R 0 SSE P-o IN TEN E.W S<br />

---------------------'- \<br />

The reckless driver and his I Pride loses It flavor when a Mack Widening ICinema League Blaz~ Destroys Summer H.olne,<br />

new au<strong>to</strong> are soon parted. man has tD eat his words.<br />

------------------ Plans Discussed Banquet May 22 The O. J. Mulford summer around 2 a.m. FiI:emea arrived<br />

'residence, on South Channel within minutes, but high winds<br />

~~~:J~,<br />

.. ----<br />




~822- 8022 14259 MACK AVE<br />

, . DETROIT, MICH.<br />

--------_._~---_•.. ~.- ..._._~._----------------_._-_.-_ .._--_.-<br />

• •<br />

For Mother •••The Best Gift. of All'<br />

A QuakdMaid- Kitchen!<br />

.,<br />

Nothing would make a Mother happier than an<br />

..1- ....n....1.-.Ma.icP Kit- L :"- . the Mother"<br />

~_~. ,01Cll... ..8<br />

Day gift &be'lla1ways~ember. She'tHove the'<br />

true beauty, the- day-<strong>to</strong>-day ~ her<br />

Quaker ~ .lGtcben will give her. Call U$<br />

this week or come 'in for' ~.OD,PUtting a<br />

Quaker Mai~ Kitchen in .,our home. You can<br />

choosefront!? lovely cabinet 8tY1es,and 38<br />

attractive wocxl finishes.<br />

Quaker Mai~ MeaDIQuality 5iade ,<br />

Thiele Construction<br />

(Show Room at)<br />

24' 45 Little Mac:k'; St. '(n,~j'Sh'orfi' ..,.,<br />

PR 5-2323<br />


Mrs. Richard Levitan, 942<br />

Rivard, ,called City p'olice on<br />

Thursday, May 1, tq.report that<br />

a dark blue or black' car had<br />

run over the lawn and fled the<br />

area heading nortJ! on Rivard<br />

<strong>to</strong> Mack.: Investigation' tevealed<br />

tire marks across lawns at 932.<br />

936, 942 and 946 Rivard. All<br />

lawns were badly rutted.<br />





WIED CONrROl<br />





3 POTENT<br />







IT ALSO<br />








This nutrient packed turf food with a powerful<br />

16-8-8 formula gives grass more <strong>to</strong><br />

grow on. 60% organic nitrogen feeds grass<br />

all through the Spring season. Large 32-lb.<br />

bag nourishes 5,000 square feet of lawn.<br />

5,000 Sq. Ft. Bag Only<br />

$4 95<br />

Buy AGRleO at<br />

Nelson C. Frolund Viaene's Nursery Sales<br />

19815 Mack A"e. TU 1-6233 21807 Mack Ave. 777-2800<br />

At Hunting<strong>to</strong>n At Sunnyside<br />

Meldrum Trucking &<br />

Gar.en Supplies<br />

17921 Mack Ave. TU 4.2184<br />

Comer W•• 1111"<strong>to</strong>n<br />

American Mo<strong>to</strong>rs'Am.<br />

.. . ~<br />

FRESH<br />

AIR IS •••<br />

• • t<br />

Thursday, May 15. 1969<br />

FREE! I<br />

Why Not ,Tiki Advlntl" Of It Tl)ls SumllMt' ., l'fOAIIIN • .,<br />

By Karen Frlh: drive, near The Old Club OD prevented them from control.<br />

WI<br />

REPLACING YOYI !MoD •• ,<br />

Wayne Co u n t y SuperviS9r The Grosse Pointe public is Harsen's Island, burlled <strong>to</strong> the ling the blaze.<br />

William Bryant, Jr., of Mt. invited <strong>to</strong> the annual banquet grOund Saturday morning, May1------------<br />

V<br />

'.' th t an~ pro~am of the Grosse 10, due <strong>to</strong> what firefighters I.-~------'---.II<br />

"dernon atvenue, salu th: ~udn y Pomte Cmema Leo:tgue, Thurs. believe was faulty wiring. For Professional<br />


. oes no reeommen d " WI en, da Ma 22. Tick~ts are vail. '.. A . I<br />

Jlolr.Ttesc,."" far In ty ttwl-W0IlImg<br />

of Mack avenue from Somer. y', y 00 a The reslClence IS now owned pprOISQ 5<br />

• .lumlnum window or por~. AI: 1MIr,lu.UII'Ch<br />

set <strong>to</strong> Cadieux" _ mainly for aatblteh frowDI M o St.. 1 I Aluminum I .ront. o."Ift .... Itlll • FlblrtI_ .<br />

m IoU' AIR-TEC W.. dWio Coil TW2-7800<br />

~ M.U ~D Igt' ~Id. eGIi<br />

f'"<br />

ard ~alembffe:sand by the three Mulford'da.,ghfers, Coli<br />

financial reasons. e .ar ~morl 0 Ice.. Mrs. Sterling Graham, of Mea.<br />

Br ant alon with N E FollowlDg dmner, at 6:30. m dow lane, Mrs. Peter Dixon, of LAlKE REALTORS<br />

y .' g .. ,the Crystal Ballroom, a pNgram Manistee and ,Mrs. Thomas . 777 1230<br />

G~Il?er.on,.County Road Com. of films will be shown in the Little at'<strong>Win</strong>netka ill -<br />

(fi<br />


I<br />

IXI'Y<br />

n;,sslon engmeer, pre~e~ted the Fries. Audi<strong>to</strong>rium. The fl1ms Mr~. Grabam <strong>to</strong>ld tbe NEWS " ' mJ.1j 1ft! j<br />

views' .of the CommiSSIon an~ are a group selected from award that many of the priceless fam.lll'Im!.~mt~~~~MIaiillW:.lIiUiJ I lUll=: •<br />

supe~vlsors at the Park counCil winning entries in the 39th An. ily antiques and first editions<br />

mcetlllg on Monday, Ma~ 12. nual Pho<strong>to</strong>graphic S

..<br />

~" . ".. ' . "<br />

" -, .... - .... -' .;'/ ".'- ,<br />

Thursday, May 15, 1969 G R 0 SSE POI N T EN E W S Page Seven<br />

KottJJe,'sGrosse P.'te Lilli" Co.<br />

• AUTO LEASING •<br />


. / /. We Call Adjust<br />

O fl' ell or II.. t ' Ollr Iltall<br />

To raur Hoeft<br />

Lusillg Doily, Waekly, Mollthly, Vaorly<br />

15550 E. Warren . 885.4770<br />

...::-&n .<br />

MIch~riwrs<br />

can ~ wo.,-,ing<br />

about Iosilll ..<br />

their car insurance<br />

because"'or<br />

accidellf; ,<br />

Grosse Pointe D~~crn<br />

15415 E. Jefferson<br />

Phone,821.6300<br />

George Polosky, M,r.<br />


i.«iess AWNINGS<br />


1t<br />

: Visit Our Showroom<br />

: or Just Call<br />

..<br />

: LO 7-0890<br />

Find out how your car insurance can last forever<br />

with 'Au<strong>to</strong>mof:)i1e Club of Michigan'! unique new<br />

Members' Utetime Au<strong>to</strong>mObile Insurance Guarantee.<br />

Join Today and Start Leading the Way Now!<br />

GeOrge Measel, ,Manpger .<br />

; ~ ' , -j' .. '.• -. "<br />

Carrier .<br />

goes round<br />

hiding in<br />

the bushes.<br />

Carrier's round condensing unit goes in<strong>to</strong> hiding,<br />

every year. The round one sends the hot air up,<br />

not out <strong>to</strong> the sides like the square units.<br />

Shrubs can grow up around it. You can forget it.<br />

Carrier's round one is bettar than the boxes<br />

for other good re.3sons.<br />

The coil is curved <strong>to</strong> give you a larger cooling space area.<br />

You have more efficient, more compact, more economical<br />

air conditioning.<br />

Letusplant<br />

yours now.<br />

Call now for a free, no-obligation survey of your<br />

air conditioning needs.<br />

~<br />

WilliAMS<br />


14711 Harper<br />

372.5500<br />

IWitness Nails<br />

Hit-Run Driver<br />

II<br />

Late Friday afternoon, May<br />

9, two cars parked in front of<br />

the NEWS' office at 00 Ker.<br />

cheval were damaged by a hit.<br />

an.d.run mo<strong>to</strong>rist.<br />

Parked on the north sfde of<br />

'Kercheval, a station wagon,<br />

owned by Robert Sholty of 592<br />

____ Lakeland, was hit first. The<br />

force of the impact pushed it<br />

*.* in<strong>to</strong> a sedan owned by Marie<br />

'* Pelleri<strong>to</strong> of 1138 Whittier .<br />

: At the time, there was no one<br />

.. in either of the two cars.<br />

It A businessman in' the area<br />

__ noted the license number of the<br />

It fleeing car and gave it <strong>to</strong> Farms<br />

.. pol' lce.<br />

.. After checking with Lansing,<br />

':<br />

..<br />

it was disCQvered that the bit.<br />

and.run car, a 1966 Chrysler,<br />

It was owned by Marion Ferry of<br />

tf 276 Kercheval. Further investi .<br />

It gation disclosed that the driver<br />

'It was Ferry's 15.year-old daugh .<br />

.... tel'. Randall Gerry.<br />

I Miss Ferry has no opera<strong>to</strong>r's<br />

license, but she was driving<br />

wit h the knowledge of her<br />

mother.<br />

The <strong>to</strong>tal damag(' <strong>to</strong> the three<br />

cars wa~ set at $105.<br />

I<br />

--ILatin Week'Set<br />

IAt St, Paul High<br />

,<br />


: SHOOTERS<br />

• Hear .~rotec<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

• Shooti n9 Glasses<br />

• Gloves & Vests<br />

B. McDaniel Gun Shop<br />

15101 KERCHIVAL VA '-8200<br />

Open 1Mn., T...... WI"., Sit., t <strong>to</strong> , p.m.<br />

0_ 'rfclay , I.m. <strong>to</strong> • p,m.<br />

Forum <strong>to</strong> Probe Heart A.ttacks<br />

"Heart Attack Survival -<br />

1969" is the tiUe of a public<br />

forum sponsored by Cottage,<br />

Saint John, and Bon Secours<br />

Hospitals at 8 p.m., Friday,<br />

May 16, in the audi<strong>to</strong>rium of<br />

Parcells. Middle School, 20600<br />

Mack at 8 Mile road.<br />

A panel of experts in the field<br />

of cardiology from 'the staffs of<br />

the three hospitals will present<br />

the latest information on the<br />

causes, methods of prevention<br />

and the treatment of the nation's<br />

number one killer - the<br />

heart attack.<br />

Included in the presentations<br />

will be a description of how the<br />

cardiac team working in the<br />

coronary care units of modern<br />

community hospitals significantly<br />

increases the survival rate ot<br />

heart attack victims. ,<br />

Said Dr. Hugh Henderson, Direc<strong>to</strong>r<br />

of the Coronary Care<br />

Unit at Saint John Hospital, and<br />

principal speaker, "It has been<br />

estimated that as many as 50"<br />

000 lives of heart attack vic.<br />

tims CQuld be saved annually<br />

if aU heart attack victims could<br />

reach a hospital coronary care<br />

unit similar <strong>to</strong> the one at Saint<br />

John Hospital."<br />

Appearing .on the program<br />

besides Dr. Henderson are Wal.<br />

tel' Kujawski, M.D. and Robert<br />

G riff in, M.D., Cardiologists;<br />

Catherine Mulligan, R.N., and<br />

Shiela Le Sueur, R.N., Cardiac<br />

Nurses, and Mrs. Joan McHale,<br />

Dietician .<br />

. Following their presentations<br />

I The Latin students of St.' Paul<br />

Iwill reserve next week, May 19<br />

I. <strong>to</strong> May 23, for Latin Week.<br />

I It will begin on Monday, with<br />

an exhibit of projects, done by<br />

Latin I and Latin II students.<br />

The projects will generally cen.<br />

tel' around the subjects of Ro-<br />

Clinic Day Set<br />

At BOlt Secours<br />

Management of advanced kid.<br />

man His<strong>to</strong>ry, Architecture and<br />

i the Background of Roman Cus.<br />

I<strong>to</strong>ms. These projects will be<br />

Ijudged by the advanclid Latin<br />

ney failure with dialysis and<br />

renal transplantation will be<br />

discussed by Dr. Ralph Atwood<br />

Strafion, heau of the Departstudents<br />

week.<br />

on Tuesday of ,that merit of Urology of the Cleve.<br />

land Clinic at the twenty.first<br />

On' Wednesday, May 14, stu.<br />

dents of Latin m classes will<br />

present a fashion show, model,<br />

Annual Clinic Day of Bon Se.<br />

cours Hospital on Wednesday,<br />

May 21. 'All Grosse Pointe<br />

physicians ale invited.<br />

ing styles<br />

Rome. The<br />

worn in<br />

following<br />

Ancient<br />

day will<br />

Dr. Straffon's talk will clio<br />

max a day of scient.ific papers<br />

be an outdoor gamell day. All<br />

of the LatiJi students will parti.<br />

beginning at 1 o'clock when 19<br />

members of theStaf{ of thehos.<br />

cipat~ in simulated games of pital will present results of tbeii-<br />

Old Rome, investigation and experience in<br />

Latin Week will enB on Fri. clinical medicine. Eight of the<br />

~ay, May 16, with a bariquetfor pape~s'lire byitl'~ and Resi.<br />

all of the 8dvanced Latin stu. ,dents. . .', _:.•" :" ,.<br />

dents. The hanquet willco11llisf .M' IeD~g.etheve',~.~. : ' 'm"'~.'A<br />

e tin w eaDrdinandner.<br />

of various type.s of Italian ""'w ie$f.A'<br />

dishllS.. . .the Holden AwirdSi~ fJe con.<br />

ferred upon membl!rs<br />

House st~"',; .<br />

of ~<br />

Teeners'Dance<br />

tt'~".,Stq,:r'(J.,JSen;.~....<br />

.. ....... :~<br />

.' BOB WELCH,: aslijstant prin.<br />

,cillll\ ~,~~~tioIitat N911h<br />

,•... "'~ 'f" "' .. ' ' •.... '.••.'."',; ~'o'Ill]' .•.•.'.c , ,(, ..,,r";' , ..• c:.'~~\'.", :HiChi .. ~. . ".iIDd c.gm.lL-VOGT<br />

";V("~" 'c&unseUifat'NQrth:'~nded th~<br />

.T~e Tee!!. (;1\l~:and; SOpJio. tJiird annual Aero~Plce Educamore<br />

CJasso~ Our Lady, Star tiOD, 'Se.' miJiar ..at,' iltrjd.i~.,Air .....<br />

P#tbe Sea will bold a dance For'e'i''lfase-re'''' . - .... .:.,','<br />

from 8 o'clock <strong>to</strong> 11 o'clock,"<br />

5aturda!, May I?, ~~the scho?l<br />

gymnasIUm..Provldmg the. musIC<br />

~,,,:.<br />


Mary Ellen Hlic!sisky 16824<br />

will ~~ "Tbe Kandle" and "The Cranford, called CitY ~lice on<br />

Free. Tuesday, May 6, <strong>to</strong> report that<br />

All ninth through twelve the right side window and right<br />

grade area students are invited<br />

<strong>to</strong> attend. Tickets may he purrear<br />

door of her '67 Dodge bad<br />

been broken by persons 'un.<br />

chased in advance.for $1.25, or known sometime during the<br />

at the door for $1.50. . previous night.<br />

.Dlners Chi,..<br />

Amer. EqI'lU<br />

Mich. Blnk.,,,<br />

H_rtcl HII'I<br />

NOW Invest now in Colonial Federal Savings<br />

Certificates. Earn a high 5V4 % on<br />

H IGH E R your savings. Savings certificates<br />

are issued in a minimum<br />

EARNINGS amount of $5,000 and may<br />

be increased in $1,000 steps. Available <strong>to</strong> mature<br />

at either 12 months or 6 months. S<strong>to</strong>p in ,for com.<br />

plete details: Timing<br />

high yield Certificates!<br />

is very important for these<br />

SAVINGS ARE INSURED TO $15.000.00<br />


GROSSE PrE. WOODS 20247 Mlek It Hunt Club-TU .'010<br />

GROSSE Pre. FARMS 13 K'rcMvll "On the HIII"-TU .. 8111<br />

HOURI:.:30 11II, <strong>to</strong>. 4;10 pm. Frkfl" 'till pm. .<br />

at this forum, which is free and<br />

open <strong>to</strong> the public, speakers<br />

will answer questions submitted<br />

from the audience.<br />

"Heart Attack Survival -<br />

1969" is One of the series of<br />

public forums presented by Cot.<br />

tage, Bon Secours and Saint<br />

John Hospitals as part of their<br />

joint community health education<br />

activities during National<br />

Hospital Week, May 11.17.<br />


I .<br />

Granus, Spinets and small<br />

Uprights. Highest cash paid.<br />

VE 7.0506<br />

r---<br />

I<br />

36 Size<br />

Pink or<br />

White<br />




All<br />

Blade<br />

Cuts<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />


(4 <strong>to</strong> 5 servings)<br />

• 49c .,<br />

•<br />

•$2.99.,<br />

I Rose Bushes 3 *or$1.99 I<br />

Allemon Florist on E.Warren<br />

17931 EAST WARREN TU 4-6120<br />

Jm DIlR-Dj-a-.kind JJwIJJ alJr<br />

inApiJr<strong>Rd</strong> J,lJ 1Jul R1Rqmd J1RIl.b.oDDd &k!oJUidJJ,:<br />


Van Dylc.e BetWeen' 10-1'~iMjf"IRoadifr<br />

Telep,hone 157-0767 ~r 536-6260<br />

U.S.D.A. CHOICE<br />

CHUCK<br />

ROAS'<br />


(4 <strong>to</strong> 6 servln,")<br />

Gravy Is delicious. Don't be afraid <strong>to</strong> sop the bread!<br />

T (3 <strong>to</strong> 4,111.1piece beef chvck; I tellpoon nit; 1 cion girlie,<br />

finely chopped; 1 Ilrge c&rrOI, cvl In thin strips; T larll'< onion,<br />

sllceel; ~. cup red Ilble wine; ¥.! cvp e1alry sour crl.m It<br />

,oom temp.r.tvre; '" cvp w.ter; 2 10 3 tlblospoons flour;<br />

T leaspoon limon lulce.<br />

Rub meat with salt and pepper Brown meat on all sides over<br />

high heat. Add garlic, carrot and onion; cook unUl onion I.<br />

golden brown, about 3 mlnule •. Lower heat; atlr In wine and<br />

sour cream. Cover tightly and cook over very low heat (liquid<br />

barelY simmering) for Z <strong>to</strong> Z'h hours, or until meat Is tender.<br />

Ren,ove meat, Skim off rat from pan juices. Mix water and<br />

nour <strong>to</strong> a smooth pastt'. Add <strong>to</strong> pan juices, stirring until<br />

thickened, (Add a JlUle more boiling water. If gravy Is <strong>to</strong>o thLek.)<br />

Stir In 1~ •<br />

c<br />

Ib,<br />

'1:1 cup butter; "1> cups lef<strong>to</strong>ver roasl buf, cut In If.,lnch cvbes;<br />

2 cups raw potaloos, cvl In 'I•.lnch cIIIM.; T medium onion.<br />

choppeel; 'I> cvp Ihlck IMef ,ravy (or 'h (10'l2-oz.1 can of bHf<br />

with barley soup); ',. tlaspoon thyme; eI.. h .arllc poweler;<br />

'.... cvp C.llfornll rod tabll wine; ~ tl.spoon sail; VI "aspoon<br />

freshly lIrounel pepper.<br />

Melt butter In heavy skillet. MLx remaining Ingredients; turn<br />

In<strong>to</strong> sklllet. Place skillet In a moderate oven (350 dell.); bake<br />

1';' hours. turning 3 <strong>to</strong> 4 time. with spatula. Serve with crisp<br />

green salad. .<br />

••••• 59c<br />

lb.<br />


I<br />

~!<br />

,) i<br />

, ,<br />

~<br />

ii<br />

\'"<br />

,t.<br />

.~.l<br />

1 I<br />

i<br />

I,<br />

,<br />

,<br />

Page Eight<br />


'NEW CARS<br />

Immedilte Delivery<br />



All Mikes Availble<br />


Jim Causley Leasing<br />

17601 MACK AVE. TU,6-4605<br />



• GARAGES<br />





Phone 293-0100<br />

by<br />

FRASER<br />

LU'MBER CO./<br />

Mode's& Shw I,..<br />

31471 UtIca Road & M.97<br />


Don Smith<br />

Jim GoddHris<br />

Our aewV-4 ia 10good $50 will buy.you a lifetime<br />

~'\W'8Dtee OIl the eagine. That'. moaey well ipent. See<br />

'118 for details. We design am the way we deIigD jet<br />

planes. For mamnum<br />

--<br />

performance, comfort aDd safety.<br />

_....... .'..... .waJu-.wt __ , 'O'&' CM&<br />

OF SWEDEN ii<br />


1'455 Grallot Annut, ROIIVIlI.,<br />

Mlchl,_n 41066, T.I. 3l3-7S5-1OID<br />

l "'D~.<br />


MEANS<br />


Treat your family <strong>to</strong> 24 hour a day comfort-Eat-Sleep<br />

-Work-Play in refreshing atmosphere provided by<br />

. whole house air condition:ng.<br />

Have your AFCO Dealer explain the added advantaie8<br />

of C.omfottnlaker Cooling,<br />

Call for" free estimate.<br />


••<br />



Rebullt-RepaJrellChlmney Coyers.<br />

Incinera<strong>to</strong>r Screens . Violations<br />

Corrected''Il1lck .Pointing .<br />

Advance" Maintenance<br />

" 8U-5539<br />

and "Finale from Stmphony<br />

Number .," by P. I. Tschaikowsky.<br />

The entire production will be<br />

under the direction of Russen<br />

D. Reed.<br />

Music and dance lovers are<br />

reminded that the second Annual<br />

Cabaret Party, featuring<br />

tile South High School Stage<br />

Band in a dance party for<br />

adults, will be held on Friday,<br />

May 23, from 9 <strong>to</strong> 12 o'clock in<br />

the gymna<strong>to</strong>rium. Free reo<br />

freshments will be served,<br />

Proceeds from this event will be<br />

used for summer music camp<br />

scholarships. Adults are asked<br />

<strong>to</strong> come and dance or listen,<br />

Cost is $3 p(" couple.<br />

::im~J::I:t~tbl~,on~~OI ..c:. ::<br />

SUIt, Call the exptrts. VG,elRitt<br />

- TE 4-6~. No more pests, /tD<br />

.ore probltms:<br />

~o' ~Micl!;lfan<br />

12525lraad RMr-TE 4-88llO<br />

lor ,..Iiabl. te,m'" (odf,oJ,<br />

""II J"",inl,,-JE 4-tPQ2<br />


'i ond semester is interested in paper.<br />

~ ..:7": the "Writings of Lorca," which "We rely upon the judgment 'I ~'rA'~~~~'~<br />

p:e::n.:e~i~~.y:a~~~~~h ~~d~:ts.c~~~el~oU~h :~e~~ .~'<br />

H.otin, onel Coolin,<br />

779-2498<br />

Your aulh"rlzed Singer/AFCO deBler<br />

\<br />

Students Get Opportunity<br />

For Independent Studies<br />


At • time when "doing your terested in "l'ragmatism and<br />

own thing" has become impor. American Education."<br />

tant <strong>to</strong> a large segment of the John Kelly, who <strong>to</strong>Ok a course<br />

young adult population of the in pho<strong>to</strong>graphy at W8yne State<br />

United States, if DOt the entire University during the summer,<br />

world, even the academic pro. has as his <strong>to</strong>pic "Pho<strong>to</strong>graphic<br />

gram at Grosse Pointe South Techniclil Control in Negatives<br />

Hig~ School reflects the point and Printing, Advanced Ter-h.<br />

of vIew.. . niques."<br />

Followmg the philosophy ex. I .<br />

ressed by the contemporary Ka~hy. Kraeme~ researched<br />

p ,. "India m Art" fIrst semester<br />

cliche. permits st.udents <strong>to</strong>, en- nd followed by stud ing diUer.<br />

gage m a meanJllgful variety a, . Y<br />

of activities related <strong>to</strong> their ent kmds of media the second<br />

own personal interest. semester.<br />

Even <strong>to</strong>day's range of normal James Osetek's <strong>to</strong>pic is "Castclass<br />

activities is wider and ing," while Bill Pace is work.<br />

deeper than it has been in the ing on "Race Relations-An<br />

past, but does not always sat. Analysis."<br />

isfy the intellectual curiosity of Peter Pettit's study of Ger.<br />

youth. So, in recent years a man literature has focused on<br />

new dimension <strong>to</strong> learning has Brecht. while Edward Robertbeen<br />

added, with a fully-organ- son's <strong>to</strong>pics are "Genetics of<br />

ized program of independent Paremecium Aurelia" and the<br />

study available <strong>to</strong> qul'lified stu. production of a black and white<br />

dents in grades 10, 11 and 12. film.<br />

At South High this year, for Rod Rose is currently fashion.<br />

example, 26 students are ta~g ing a musical composition. Baradvantage<br />

of the opportumty bara White is investigating op<strong>to</strong><br />

embark on various projects 'portunities and requirements in<br />

in ~, b;ls<strong>to</strong>ry, ~ysics, literary, libral}' science, and Beverly<br />

<strong>to</strong>PICS m fore1gn languages Wood is studying "The Rela.<br />

(Spanish, French, ,or German) tionship between Ancient CuI.<br />

or American education. They tures and thei17Folklore."<br />

may even ~a~t a pictw-.e. or Miss Weier said that <strong>to</strong> par.<br />

cre~te an ongmal co~posltion. ticipate in the program this<br />

Miss, L e".n a Weier" the school year, last summer stu.<br />

SCh061 s Coordina~r of Indepen. dents must have earned an<br />

dent S~.udy, explamed !he pro- average of at least C plus in<br />

gram. The. concept of mdepen. the field in which they will be<br />

~ent study 1Sb~sed on the real- doing researcb in depth, great<br />

1~ that learnmg and educa. dependability, keen interest in<br />

lion c~ OIlly take place when the area, (shown by thl:! back.<br />

~ ~esll'e ~ ~e~m c~mes fr~m ground reading or research<br />

within the mdivldual, she saId. which the student has done and<br />

"It is further based OD the which he has continued through<br />

knowledge ~I!t .a11stu~e~f:s ~s. the summer so that he knows<br />

sess ~~?al for self-lDltiative, exactly what he wishes <strong>to</strong> do<br />

se1f-diSC:1p,line,resow-cefuIness, tbroughol$t the year,)<br />

p'roductivlly, and se1f-eva~u~. In ;;ddIuQli"each 'student sets<br />

t!0n. ,!o release these potentiah. the duration 'of ,his study in<br />

ties IS the purpose of educa. ' uItaf . With"bis adviser<br />

tion," she added. cons. 100 , . i :<br />

J;!rojects cw-rently underway He m~st be able~. work w thl<br />

include Bill Allen's "Study of out direct supervlSlon and be<br />

American Indians," which was able <strong>to</strong> condu.ct himself ~o tha:<br />

presented as a series of lectures he. d~s Dot IDtedere W1th th<br />

<strong>to</strong> a claSS' Ni(:ola Balderi's al:tivlties of others.<br />

project on 'oil painting; Brad . ~e. student is resp.onsib.le for<br />

Barker';> "Medieval Pretenders ~tiating c?ntacts .wlth h1s ad.<br />

<strong>to</strong> the English Throne. a Study vlser" seeking adVice fron,t the<br />

of Henry- VII"; and Sigl'id .Bow- Coordma<strong>to</strong>r of.l n d ~ p enG en, t<br />

er's "Problems of the American 'Study, correcting his own er.<br />

Indian." rors, or seeking help. He m~st<br />

Linda Adler has elected a be prepared for conft!rence dls'<br />

project in English His<strong>to</strong>ry, "The cussi?ns that h~ve b~en sched.<br />

Last of the Romanovs" whUe uled 10 cooperation WIth the Co.<br />

Forrest Brown's <strong>to</strong>pic is' "Elec- ordina<strong>to</strong>r of Independent stud~<br />

tricity, Magnctism, and Nuclear and/or his adviser.<br />

Physics." ; ChHs<strong>to</strong>pher Ca~sel1, Commentiifg' upon the prG-.<br />

who has clecided upon a career gram, Miss Weier; w~o also<br />

in medicine, and who missed teaches two classes of contemtaking<br />

the regular course in porary world. his<strong>to</strong>ry and. two<br />

---------------------- biology, is taking the subject in- classes, of American his<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

.,,~:w.'<br />

dependently. John. DiLore<strong>to</strong> ill said that. students receive ~O:'<br />

building a spark chamber. ' hours' credit for the year. She'<br />

During the illst.semester Kris adJJet:f that they present their<br />

, '.11

fa g & 2 , &Ii 6. t.J 2!ll a 1. 1 2 I 1£&1 Ed a II 4i 5 .2Ei$!LJ14 JLbItk.2L IUlSLJlIU;;lJlJill,AS SinIMtASk ..... ,i,' .. .J •...<br />

(<br />

Thursday, May IS, 1969<br />


An intern~ti.'~nal rer\\l~tiOill It's n.ot y~ur walk ill liCe that<br />

callDot be bwlt if your trl,Ul of count& - .t's smooth running<br />

thought Is _only a local. that actually gets you there.<br />

• .' UPHOlSTERING CO.<br />

...tt I.. ..., 14322 Mod: Awe•. PhoIIe VA 2.9660<br />

• Cus<strong>to</strong>m •<br />


•<br />

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tree pick up 0I'Id deliveTJI<br />

select ,trom hundreds oj ff.ne<br />

jabrie'<br />

• cus<strong>to</strong>m made slip covers<br />

• guaranteed • tel,/l.S ' avltiltlble<br />

flEE ESTIMATES;...VA 2.9660<br />

0\10 30 YEAkS EXPERIENCE<br />


15406 Mack<br />

(Between Nottingham & Somerset)<br />


Serving lunch from 11 :30 'til 4:30.<br />

Dinner from 4:30 'ta 7:30 - Tuesday thru Friday<br />

TU 2-9444 .<br />


of<br />

Super DellIs!<br />

Carl Rashid<br />

A Cood Man<br />

To Know<br />


Phi Beta Kappa Writing Award J~F. Wiedelman<br />

Honors Scholars To Judith Frutig A.ward <strong>Win</strong>ner<br />

Scholarsllip Set<br />

For Air Cadets<br />

At the Detroit. Press Club<br />

Foundation dinner beldon Fri .<br />

day, May 2, at the Shera<strong>to</strong>ll'<br />

Cadillac Hotel, F 0 un dati 0 n<br />

president James Roche presented<br />

a scroll and a $359<br />

check <strong>to</strong> Pointe pho<strong>to</strong>grapher<br />

Jo~eph F. Wiedelman, of 975<br />

Fisher road.<br />

Wiedel man's winning entry<br />

in the pho<strong>to</strong>graphic category of<br />

the Foundation's annual a'-ards I<br />

competition was a series of .<br />

The Men's Garden Club of<br />

Grosse Poi n t e will hold its<br />

monthly meeting <strong>to</strong>night. Thurs.<br />

day, May Ill, at the Grosse<br />

Pointe War MemorfaI', 32 Lakeshore,<br />

at 8 o'clock .<br />

The <strong>to</strong>pic for the night is<br />

"Grasses, Old and New." The<br />

speaker will be Jack Swarlze.<br />

Army Mas~,r 'Serge'ant Edward<br />

W. AIbachten, Jr.,! whose<br />

father, Edward, W. AIbachten,<br />

lives at 2030l Morningside drive,<br />

was assigned April 9 <strong>to</strong> the 1st<br />

Signal Brigade in Vietnam, as<br />

au 9perations sergeant.<br />

,<br />



CLEAN/fiG &<br />



faT bolh ladies ond gentlemen<br />

Skilled workmanship.<br />

Some 45 Grosse Pointe Soutb At tbe fourth annual awards<br />

High seniors will receive the<br />

Cerlifi!late Award of the De.<br />

troit Association .'of Phi Beta<br />

dinner of the Delroit Press ~lub<br />

Foundation held on Friday eve.<br />

ning, May. 2, at the Shera<strong>to</strong>n-<br />

Kappa at a formal presentation Cadillac Hotel, Juditb Frutig,<br />

<strong>to</strong>night, Thursday, May 15, at daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil.<br />

Ford Audi<strong>to</strong>rium.<br />

liam A. Frutig of 255 Hamil<strong>to</strong>n<br />

court, receiv,ed a $350 award<br />

In order <strong>to</strong> be cODsidered for ~or ~xc,ellenCe ~n feature writ.<br />

this honor a 3.6 grade average 109 10 a magazme.<br />

on a 4.0 scale must hI:: main- Miss Frutig's article was an<br />

tained throughout the sopho. in.depth examination of under-<br />

more and junior years and the ground music in the Detroit<br />

first half of the senior year. area.<br />

The grade a v era g e is based Currently neliring her jour.<br />

only on college prepara<strong>to</strong>ry nalism degree at Wayne State<br />

courses. Students. receiving this University, J u dith attended<br />

award must not only meet l1Je Kerby School before going on<br />

pho<strong>to</strong>graphs of the beating of<br />

a dissident Teamster Union<br />

member by another Teamster<br />

outside a union hall.<br />

We ""' IISH .illif COifs<br />

II,", s<strong>to</strong>les.<br />

14440 E. JeHerson<br />

VA 1-4063<br />

-"'-'- _<br />

a cad e m i c requirements but<br />

must mai;ltain good citizenship<br />

records throughout high school.<br />

!J'bese students make up less<br />

,than three percent of the 40<br />

thousand graduat'!s of the pub.<br />

I lie, parochial and private high<br />

schools in the Detroit metropolitan<br />

area.<br />

10 Principia Upper School in<br />

St. Louis, Mo.<br />

Press Club Foundation presi.<br />

dent James Roche, Chairman,<br />

General Mo<strong>to</strong>rs Corporation,<br />

made the awards. -<br />

Chet Huntley, NBC news.<br />

caster and commenta<strong>to</strong>r, was<br />

guest speaker .at the dinner.<br />

Men Gardeners<br />

Meet Tonight<br />

I<br />

Students receiving this recognition<br />

include 'fhomas Arndt,<br />

David Barker, Linda: Belanger,<br />

Perry Bowen, 'Bonnie Brey, El-<br />

len-Clarke Buckminister, Chris. Air Force T/Sergeant Lawtine<br />

Corcoran, Matthew Devine, rence L. Loos, son of Mr. aDd Sergeant Albachten<br />

Kathy Dietrich, Jon DiLore<strong>to</strong>, Mrs.' Elmer Laos, 2110 Roslyn<br />

William Edmunds, Gary Enz. road, has established an annual Serves in Vietnam<br />

mann, Kristin Franz, James h I h<br />

Frede, Carl Graham, Kerry se 08rs ip of $600 for Civil<br />

Air Patrol cadets in the Colo-<br />

Graham, Robert Halk and. John rado Springs, Colo., area.<br />

Hamann. . Loos, a 1954 graduate of<br />

Others are Ruth Harbo, Rich. Grosse Pointe High School, es-<br />

I ard Hendricks, Irving<br />

ham, Lois Kavanagh,'<br />

Ingra. tablished the scholarship by<br />

An):le saying that, "Except for CAP's<br />


KIeene, Julie Kornieck, Linda<br />

Kulma, Rebecca Lake, Timo.<br />

thy Macaddino, Lincoln Lee,<br />

'annual summer flying program,<br />

open <strong>to</strong> several hundred cadets,<br />

not .many others have an oppor-<br />

Karen 'Mauuil:,Qeorge Mandich tumty 1.0 learn <strong>to</strong> fly."<br />

~ A" s,ecilill7 selec'" 6, ou, expel" s,aff.<br />

Ellen Martin:i' Mary McLe'eod: Cadets 'applying for. assi~t-<br />

Where Would You Like <strong>to</strong> Go? IBeth Meyers, ChristinePittel, .a~ce under the n~w'scholarshlp<br />

Frances Platz,. 'Kenneth Rem,. W1~ be sell!cted liy a board ap-<br />

Here I~ Your Vacation?<br />

Sally Slater, Kenneth Sorenson, ,pomted by the. local CAP com-<br />

Neeil Tuttle SusanVaDce Pe- 'mander. They must be 16;2<br />

Not.: All prices 4U~ are per perso~ ldouble 'occupanc)'/and ter VanHo~k, Mariana.' ivan, when they apply, and they m,!st<br />

include tronspcrtalian from Detroit. .<br />

Gruneigen, Carolyn Westhoff;~ave. pa~s-:c'.the.Fe?eraI A!Ja.<br />

Karen WiIsoDaDd Sigrid Bower. UOD .AdJ!11Dlstration.s pbY~lcal<br />

exammation for pnvate pilots MICHIGAN PREMIERE<br />

Hawaii ... s4850 In 1968, 25 South High stu~ and the FFA's ground school<br />

dents were named <strong>to</strong> -Phi Beta examination. .<br />

lIIaggie Smith -<br />

Kappa, in 1967, 32 were sJion-. Sergeant Loos haS' been ISSO' Robert Stephens<br />

ored -and in 1966, 33 students' dated with the CAP for 15 liTHE PRIME OF MISS<br />

were honored. years and holds the grade of<br />

first lieutenant in that organiza-<br />


tion. The CAP is an auxiliary<br />

in Color<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Air Force .and assumes<br />

Plan Festival the b,urden ..~ ,'mugh of the Plus Fp.aturette -<br />

search and rescu~ work which<br />

For Writers<br />

occurs in aU.50 sta.. ' "WORLD OF FASHION"<br />

Sergeant Loos _liS: presenUy<br />

in color<br />

An all day Writerr; Festival, serving In Thail •. , eooi:'dillat.<br />

sponsI'red by the Grosse Po~te Ing. ~ home<strong>to</strong>wl1;" ews:',pro,<br />

Public Libraries a~d the Detroit gram; which involj es pho<strong>to</strong>-<br />

Women Writers, will be held on graphy, TV films -and radiI' LAD' alES' HDAI"VMEOYNODUSR<br />

Saturday, May 24, in the Cen. tapes. He also writer. a quarter. ..<br />

tra! Grosse Pointe _Public _~b; _lYel~ -Qfhis vving, _the size _ • ~':.E~~~R~Y<br />


~.<br />

I~'<br />

~.<br />

~<br />

1 ,<br />

Page Ten GROSSE POINTE ~.EW~<br />

.<br />

GIBB~S<br />

World. Wide. <strong>Win</strong>es<br />

fllIportH & A .. erie..<br />

Spo,"orH fly'<br />


••• the<br />


White or Black<br />

Enameled Aluminum<br />


i~';;'I" DOORS; .....",: .<br />


ALUMntuM SIDING, DlM.,A,ND- GUTTUl..,.<br />



JJ7e Rspair SWf11J. Sub, and Scree",<br />

FREE mlMATES<br />


20497 Mack All.<br />


"1-6130 or 88104600~.<br />

You'll b. glad you waited for<br />

I<br />

this new concept in mower.!!<br />




LittLe 'League ResuLts<br />

With full fac<strong>to</strong>ry equIp.<br />

El menl. Branel new at this<br />

specl.' price.<br />

$2369<br />

I)<br />

I<br />

I)<br />

~ '69 Dart<br />

III<br />

~ $2359 ~<br />

, III<br />

WHICH<br />

TwO<br />

PIT'Ht:1l WON<br />

GAMf5 1/

Thursday. May 15; 1969<br />

n Prep School News re::rk~ an invited, honored<br />

The anl1ual AustiJl Awards<br />

D i 11n er Will stalled at the<br />

Latin Quarter on Friday, May 9.<br />

The sixth year saw Il50 people<br />

honoring the 230 studenb who<br />

haye achieved merit ill the<br />

areas of academics, athletics<br />

and activities. '<br />

The program included dinner,<br />

the. conferring of award medals<br />

and trophies, vocal selections<br />

by the Austin Ensemble and<br />

dancing., The yearly event Is<br />

guest, a student must have 'par.<br />

spOnsored by the Austia Did's ticipate4 throuJbout the year<br />

Club and the5eDate Committee. su~ssful1y In school. twnls.<br />

, The ijOllOr RoUs, athletie teams<br />

MIste~ oj CeremoDiel owu ami activities orranlzAtloDs are<br />

ThQmI' E. Bao.y" VIet~. .uch eventa. The aWl.ld "Activpal<br />

of Studies aDel Mtiv~U", i~1 Han 01 the Year" was<br />

with the eoDferriDI of ~J giveJS<strong>to</strong> Timothy GlItVey white<br />

done, by Rev. Tbonw Osbllrne, Jllcilael ~pie' reeeived '1'be<br />

O.S'.A., Lawrerice RaIIeUlo, aDd Sporta EDthuliast of the Year."<br />

'Rev. Lawrence Dore, O.S.A. Mlehael' MI~ice received ttle<br />

The principal, KJY. A. J. HiDe. Jolm J. Michael FOrensic Award<br />

brand, O.&,A. and T. E"!l';" Dieet "';..,ihr P"'.;L '.' ..... ~n..l ... _ '"!!I'""<br />

established is continued and officially DlJDed Three . e' , ,,ua,1II _' :, -- " ." ";,.,,,,!~_e £VI all)'<br />

Drivellarit. Said' parka and any additional areas ~ed J, dama,e'ea~ <strong>to</strong> sueheqiiipmlll(i'.4 rerult of<br />

, there<strong>to</strong> by landfill or ac:quillitionof adjoining property ~ 1ID1l.~, ,rouP or unwarranted UN(I,. and<br />

herematter referred <strong>to</strong> iDdividualIy u "the Part" or sball be respoJlsfble for theretui'n ~,such equipcollectively<br />

'as "the ,Parks." ' ,meat <strong>to</strong> its proper place or. <strong>to</strong> ,the e~ployee of<br />

. . ' ... the Pari!: from wtlomsuch equipment wa.s obtained.<br />

3.21.. ADMlTI'ANCE TO PARKS. No pel'llOJl'.ball be (5) The :PirkSupervDor iJWl 'have au~rity <strong>to</strong> reo<br />

admitted <strong>to</strong> the Parks except persGn. havin, a1ld exldblt- ' . atrict the UN of . any reenational equipment &0<br />

ing valid permit cards entlWng <strong>to</strong> ad!Dlttanee the holder aJ <strong>to</strong> wute it l'IIIOIIIble availability <strong>to</strong> all per.<br />

and guests In the company.of. pel'llOllJ holdlni and e~t. IOftI using the Park and desir.in, <strong>to</strong> use such<br />

iDg valid guest permit cardi. recreatiOnal equipm~t. ':,." . . .<br />

. • ". (8) The UN of the Parb sball be "restricted <strong>to</strong> sucb<br />

3.22. P~TC~.Applica~iln for; permit ~. .' hOW'llI' ml)"be dosignaled'from time <strong>to</strong> time by<br />

snaUbe maqe, <strong>to</strong> the Du:eewr of Public Sl;J'Vlce,UpoD;lUch_, the City CoUDdJ.,. .'<br />

forms ~she,sball,.prescnbe and shall be JSSutc1,in acCord- (7) ,At ~he closing oour of either Park, an penons<br />

anCe WIth the following rules:, withill the Park,hall Immediately depart there-<br />

(1) Permit cirds may be issued upon appUcation of ~m. ~OpenoD, hayin~-beeD.directed <strong>to</strong> leave<br />

, any resident of the City and shan eDtitle tile appli- said Park at ~e cI06U1g hour by. the !ark Supereant<br />

and each member of ' the applicant'l famil7 visor or. a~y Pa~ employee, .hall f&li<strong>to</strong> depart<br />

<strong>to</strong> be admitted <strong>to</strong> the Parka upon PreHIltatioD of therefrom ImmedIately. .<br />

said permit card . (8) The City Manager, subject <strong>to</strong> the approval of the<br />

(2) Permit eards sball be lBsued' aDIIuallJ IJId shal1 City. Counc!1, shaU from time <strong>to</strong> time. make and<br />

expire on the first d.y ()f Ma, foUowiq th. publish a bst of sports and games which may be<br />

issuance th~reof. If the holder tbeieollhall ceue, e!lgaged In within ,either Parle. No ~r~n ~haU<br />

<strong>to</strong> be a resident of the City, such permit carda eng'ge in any otbe~ game or ~~ W1thin ~I~er<br />

shall thereupon be void and .• ball be lUrrendered Park except. those listed u peml1tted. by the ':ity<br />

<strong>to</strong> any Park employee or <strong>to</strong> the Cler., for em- Manager, WIth the approval of the City Council.<br />

ceUation. (9) No dogs sh.ll be permitted within either Park.<br />

(3) U any person <strong>to</strong>. wbom a permit cam hal been ,3.25. MOTOR VEHICLES. No mo<strong>to</strong>r vehicle shaU be<br />

is!iued or any member of such person's family or driven within either Park at a speed in exeas of ten (10)<br />

household, o~ any guest aecompaJl~ such ~- ~i1e.per hour and no mo<strong>to</strong>r vehicle shall be operated in<br />

son, shall V10late any of the proV1SlODl of this either Park other than with due clre and caution. No<br />

Code regulating the conduct of penons in publie pe1'5Im shaU part any mo<strong>to</strong>r vehicle within' either Park<br />

places, such person shall be ejected from the Park other than within a space or _rea ,proyidecl for, 'parking<br />

I and the permit Cl.l'd m3Y be taken up and cancelled. and deslpated as a place where parking is permitted.<br />

Such permit. card shall not thereattel' be reinstated~xc~pt<br />

by order of the City Council upon US. DOCKING PRIVILEGES. No person .~ll doc;k<br />

application made t.o it.. or s<strong>to</strong>re any boat or water craft at any Park pier or In<br />

(4) No person shal1 make allY false statement or false any Park harbor untll a permit th~refo,:, ~han have been<br />

,representation in his or Mt'app1ication for a per. obtaJned from the Direc<strong>to</strong>r. cf Pubhc .Servlce and the fee,<br />

mit card.. - as ~blished by resolution. of the City Council, ~or sueh<br />

(5) The household of eacb family resident ill the City per~llt has been raid. Appllca~s for ~ock pernuta Ihall<br />

shall be entitled <strong>to</strong> one family guest card which be .made <strong>to</strong> the Direc<strong>to</strong>r of Pubh~ Setvlce. on forms pr~shall<br />

authorize the admittance of guests in the scnbed by him. Each person haVlI!" a valid dock permIt<br />

company of oue or more members of the family shall bave dock space assigned ~ hIm. ;<br />

in such number as may be perrnisslble accordlne 3.2"1.BOATS AND WATER CRAFT. No person shaU<br />

<strong>to</strong> the terms Cof any ,resolu~on rtlUlating the dump or discharge any refuse, sewage or !lUge water from<br />

number of guests, <strong>to</strong> be ,dmitted b, such card, all)' boat or water craft, or use 'ny <strong>to</strong>ilet on any boat or<br />

adopted by the City CouDell. ..' water craft, while the ume shaU. be docked in any Park<br />

(6) OrganizatiOns, .clu~ and eroups, conslstine prm- pier or .ball be in any Park harbor. The Direc<strong>to</strong>r of<br />

cipally of residents of the City,. may be gran!td Public Service sb.U furnish each bo,t owner with a copy<br />

exclusive use of any Par'[ building upon app1i?- of this section of this Chapter, and every person <strong>to</strong> whom<br />

tion <strong>to</strong> the City Clerk and .pprova~ ~y the City a dock permit Is issued shaD post a copy thereof in a<br />

Manager, upon such terms and conditions as may conspieuOIl. place OIl the boat for which such permit is<br />

be established by the Oity Manager, and su~ject issued.<br />

<strong>to</strong> such rules and regulations as may be prucnbed<br />

by the City Council.<br />

(7) Application for permit eards m.y be made by nonresidents<br />

who own personal property or unimproved<br />

real estate in the City and who have presenled<br />

proof that the City taxes for the current<br />

year for such property. U sueh taxes have been<br />

levied, are paid, and if such taxes have not been<br />

levied at the time application is made, then proof<br />

that the taxes for the immediately preceding year<br />

for such property have been paid. Non-residents<br />

shall not be entitled <strong>to</strong> a famny guest card.<br />

3,23. GUE.~STS.Pel-sons who are guests of reslmtl of<br />

the City may be admitted <strong>to</strong> the Parb when they ~re In<br />

the company of a rwdent who has in biI possemon a<br />

valid resident permit card and a valid famlly guest card.<br />

The resident upon whose resident permit eard allY guest<br />

secures admission <strong>to</strong> either Park, shan be responsible for<br />

the conduct of such guest during the time he Is in such<br />

Park.<br />

3,24. PARK RULES, The foUowing rules and .reiU1a•<br />

tions shall govern the conduct of aU persons usll1l the<br />

Parks:<br />

(1) No person shall conduct himself III a loud,<br />

boisterous or IJIdeeent manner, and It .hall be<br />

the duty of the person <strong>to</strong> whom the 1lfI1Ilft card<br />

bas been issued und8r tbe provlllona of this GPN &-15.. ,<br />

• • •<br />

3.28, RECKLESS BOAT OPERATION. No person ~hall<br />

operate in any Park harbor any mo<strong>to</strong>r boat, launch or<br />

other water rraft In a reckless manner or at an excessive<br />

rate of speed so as <strong>to</strong> end.nger the life or property of any<br />

person in or on said waters, having d~e. regard <strong>to</strong> the<br />

pres-ence or other bollts, bathers. persons engaged in<br />

fishing, or objects in or on such waters and of any other<br />

conditiool then existing, No person shall operate any mo<strong>to</strong>r<br />

boat on Aid waters at a rate of speed greater than wiD<br />

permit him <strong>to</strong> bring it <strong>to</strong> a s<strong>to</strong>p withlD the assured clear<br />

distance ahead.<br />

3.18. ENFORCEMENT. The Park Supervisor and the<br />

Park employees are hereby designated II special police<br />

officers for the purpose cf maintalnln, peace and good<br />

order at the Parks and <strong>to</strong> enforce the proviaJ4ril of this<br />

Code within the area of either Par)o_ l'<br />

3.30. ADDITIONAL RULES. The City MaDager, subject<br />

<strong>to</strong> the appNlval of Ule City Counell, shall m,ke sueh<br />

additional rules and regulations concerning the QporaUon<br />

of the Park! and promoting the' health, sifety and' w~lfare<br />

of the persons using such Parks, as he may deem proper.<br />

No penon shan faU <strong>to</strong> obey any such rule or regulation.<br />

SeetlOIl 2. Th1!1 Ordinance .haIl be effective May 30, 11H19.<br />

N. J, ORTIS.<br />

crrY CLERX<br />

slam bome run. ROier Hohl Athletics 1 1<br />

and Billy Monaco were the Red Sox 1 1<br />

hitters a~ Dave Thomas the Tigers 1 2<br />

fielding atar. y.nkeu 0 3<br />

On M.y ,~,the Phillie' be.t sell.<strong>to</strong>rs , 0 3<br />

the ~tes", ~ 1,o~th.e *lNll The Natioual League<br />

three-hit pitChingof'RoIer Hobl W L<br />

and the home riuls of Mait Philliea '0 .<br />

Rinke and Kem' Soraelool. Cubl 3 1<br />

The Buc. didn't score until the Dod,ers 3 1<br />

sixth., Fine defensive plays Bravea. 2 2<br />

were turned in by John David Cards 2 2<br />

and Billy 'Monaco. Plratea 1 3<br />

On MaY, 8 the PhlWes beat Red Le,. 1 3<br />

the Dodge,rs 2, <strong>to</strong> I, on the aile' Giants 0'<br />

hit pltchin. of Kerry .Dd Xen<br />

Sorgeloos; ~~,cGXeiDj. ~~.tWl<br />

" bome run.,~ gllme... lIS<br />

Dodgers "alld, l~.lPbilUes ,'0<br />

down on llt;\'!kes. DOdier pitchers<br />

were El1cVanHee and Bob<br />

DeCrane. '<br />

On May 8 the Red Legs won<br />

over the Pirates 7 <strong>to</strong> •. '!'be<br />

Red pitcher, were Fritz: 'Lebman,<br />

Dale Ellis, and Dan :Matzka.<br />

Dale EDis, ,Din Matzkl and<br />

Paul Adamo pitched fO!', the<br />

" Pirates.' Fritz ,Lehmill bad I<br />

crand-slani' hOmer '.<strong>to</strong> 'win the<br />

game .' ." i<br />

On •M.y f tl:le Chieaco Cubs<br />

beat the Giants 10 t.o 4.. i 'nte<br />

wilmtngpiteber, was Drew: BI'C!ph)".<br />

Jeff Cardwell and Keltlt<br />

Alard eacih bad tIiree hita. For<br />

the Gianta Xeith~Uwaaon had<br />

two hita. On M.y " tbeCubi<br />

beat the GlaDts, 10 <strong>to</strong> ""<br />

7911 ew-nt..-d.' ••.<br />

.... ~. MIch .. " oU7S1<br />

s...."y .1aHcIr ........ , hK.<br />

,'. Seven<br />

St. Paulrr~m Set for Friday<br />

Juniors and Senior•. Of 1St, the Pompeii In Room frOm •<br />

Paui High School will bold the p,m.-1 a,m. '<br />

annual Junior,Senior Prom' on This yeir's prom will Get IJI-<br />

Friday, May 16., This year It elude a dinner, thus lowerfQ<br />

will he heid at the Whittier in the price of the tickets.<br />



LAKESIDE LIVING on "The POINT'" of Sand Point, A PRIVATE ond exclusive<br />

C1r~cn Saginow Boy with bulldinsi restrictlons'<strong>to</strong> prOtect your Investment. Prices<br />

steirt fit $7,000.00, ;Terms available, 100 <strong>to</strong>ot of WATER, FRONTAGE on IOndy<br />

beoC"'I. Loc:ate~ only four miles from Caseville, Write or call:<br />


517<br />

l5iS.4201,<br />

156-9962<br />

YEAR\<br />

AROUND<br />

RESORt,<br />

LIVING<br />


36000 EAST JEFFERSON<br />

DITItOtT '<br />

, UJ<br />

. 545-2500<br />

, ",V'!,~I"'W'& fMt>:~,;Il;" .t,,~ ~U;l ::,l~~;;'''<br />

.,LUXURYl,AND'~ SEDRpoM<br />




:$J70'MONTHLY • ~'. If the ,\<br />

'pi~tur~sque enchilntment of,<br />

lake-side living lures. you" ,if: .'<br />

yO,u'erijoy boating, .swimminc .<br />

and. fishing, then ytiU'II' want<br />

<strong>to</strong> ,makt9 . Ha:'bor Club Apartments<br />

your permanent home<br />

"port-of-ca II. " Each spaciOU$<br />

apartment, includes wa ii-<strong>to</strong>.<br />

wall car p,t iIiI, complet.ly<br />

'equipped G.E, 'kitchen and ,.ir<br />

conditioning .. PRIVATE BOAT<br />

WELL FACfLlTIES A V A I L~ .<br />

ABLE. The waterfront, club.<br />

hous.e adjoining the swimming' .<br />

pool is ~JsO avail~l:ire for ten-, '<br />

ant. use; So sail.out, sign' on",<br />

arid 's<strong>to</strong>w your gear ,at the<br />

Hari!or Club Apartments." For<br />

information ' please call our'<br />

resident manager at 791 ~1441.<br />

COMMONWEALTH .LDG~ •. DETllO,T, MICHI."N • Woo l.atl<br />

y.....<br />

naDF<br />

.......<br />

,.......... .t<br />

~r..... lfUffJ@"*"<br />

011I' ~ l!oonnIII m IIIOIt tlIM ".., JIll .... .,<br />

&". " He'll P'~ ,. car.lId wIlen)'DU dill "4" 11'01IIJ'OIIf SIIorIliII (M'"<br />

III'U UVI H PUrrilll.'11le ",tllllCf when you',. reedy <strong>to</strong> ItM.<br />

"bal', nw,.. 1II'vt." ItId a ,,*,1.8enlJlyl<br />

SHOREliNllAst<br />

1_APA"TM.N"~ '''IT .r1"11te01li<br />

Itvdlo. OM Ind twIllled*""<br />

lperlmtnll "0", $175/monlll<br />

CI1I517U.<br />

' I.<br />

~ .. 1IOOlI41lO",M.<br />

.;~<br />

, .<br />


Page Tw.fv.<br />

/<br />

,<br />

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursci.y, .M.y 15, 1969<br />

!<br />

Obituaries'<br />

119 KERCH EV.AL<br />

(over Trail Apothecary)<br />

To cell!brate our opening we are<br />

presenting an exhibition of paintings by<br />


The public is invited <strong>to</strong> meet the artist<br />

SUNDAY ..\lAY 18 from 2 <strong>to</strong> 5<br />

fcmnerly of<br />

395 Fisher Road, wish <strong>to</strong> announce<br />

their new location,<br />

'119 KERCHEVAL "on the hill" 886.6694<br />

Hours: Tues. thru Sat. noon 'tilll; ThUrsday <strong>to</strong> 7 p,m.<br />

-.<br />

Grosse Pointe Studio<br />

'Grosse Pointe Studio<br />

Ch1P"ChOfferiDg<br />

Recital.Concert. '<br />

Additional Donors To. Memorial- Center Drive<br />

(CoIdIaaed from Pqe 1) Mr. aDd 111'1. Bernard P. EoUar, C. A. Kramer, Mr. ,Ie Kohring, Mr. & Mn. ,CbarlesK. Halm, Mr. " Mrs. LawreneeI.<br />

Pointe's most beautiful prop. Pearse, Mr. 'abld )frs. I)u. Mrs. Edward H. Kramer, Mr. Kreiche1t, ... " Mrs. Jolm E. H~r, Mrs. Robert G. Hart- Miss Betty Jane Shew.n, the MAilGAIlBTJLlZABB'I'II. 9, in Col~mbia General Hospi'<br />

erty, which was given outright Wayne 1. Petenoa, Mr. &lid " Mrs; Kurt J. KreIll1icJi, Mr. LandinO, Louis Larke, Alvina wick, Mr. " Mrs. Frank R. Church Organist, aDd the Cb~. JSABN tal, Detroit. A mass wu said<br />

<strong>to</strong> the five Grosse Pointes with. Mn. V. L. PetellOD, Jiln. Stan. & Mrs. Frank A. ~, Jr., M. Lee, W. Harold Lightbody, Helminski, Mr. " Mrs. Bussell eel Cboir under the direction of Memorial service' for, Mrs. at Our Lady of the Rosary<br />

out costing them a cent. ford Phelps, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. T. W. Kuhn FOWKIatlon, Mr. Dr. " Mr •. Clarence S. Livin. L. Herbn,ick" Mr. " Mr•. ~om Rich.rd B.. Johns, Choirmaster, Balm, 1386 Gray<strong>to</strong>n road, who Church on Monday, May 12.<br />

It provides true service for Platz, )lr. and Mn. Jo1m E. "Mrs. Edward F. LaDil, Dr. good, J. E. Lucast. R. Heydma~, Mr. " Mrs. Leoa. will present a cOmbined O!pn died suddenly in Adelaide, Aus. '-Mr. HofWeber was' a retired<br />

the living while standing as a ;:e:;r/~~'m ~S;W~~~sMr~ f~::sa~.:r~ Mr. & Mrs. Ray T. Lyons, llrd

Thursday. MIY ,;, .1969 _____6 JLa..s.S.E. POI N TEN .EW S Page Thirteen<br />

"?t. '",<br />

,": ", "':" ,,~ :::~.<br />

... :~:<br />

:.'. : ",::: / :><br />

/.i<br />

...~ ~;':<br />

... ~'.,.<br />

~::<br />

'.:z,'<br />

ft~~: '.<br />

'.::'~<br />

";:';<br />

20th ANN~VERSARY<br />


"<br />

Page Fourteen GROSSE POINTE NE'WS Thursd~y, May IS, 1969<br />

Grosse Pointe News<br />




second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, lIiehi'lIl<br />

Memoria I Center Sehedu Ie<br />

May 15.May 22-<br />

Open DaUy 9 a.m••9 p.m.<br />

FULLY'PAID CIRCULATION (ticket office closed Sunday)<br />

*All Memorial sponsored aetivlties OpeD <strong>to</strong> the<br />

What Goes 0.0<br />

a'<br />

.Your Librar,-<br />

B1 virltab LeoDanI<br />

Over a Century of Service!<br />

•<br />

--.<br />

The Wm,R.lIamil<strong>to</strong>n G'0,<br />


Since 1855<br />






TE 1.2i12<br />

MI4.60oo<br />

Whalj nwon<br />

.rl-'E 1-'11.1.<br />

By Sibyl<br />

'1 Before we r~ally became acquainted with the<br />

Hill, we used <strong>to</strong> shop for special brand name gifts<br />

in New<br />

luggage,<br />

York.<br />

carry<br />

Then<br />

them<br />

we'd try<br />

on bOard<br />

<strong>to</strong> squeeze them in<br />

a plane in shopping<br />

Phone TU 2-6900<br />

~IemberMJChl~~'h~~~" ~f>~~~~n~daI!N...~ril~~a1 AuoeI.tIoll<br />

WeeklyNewspaperRepreaentaUve.IDe.<br />

404 Fifth Avenue,New Yor~.:J~C:JJ'J3f~CE BYrant '.7300<br />

Grosse Pointe public:. Hospital equipment available for<br />

free loan: crutches, wheel cbairs, helltiJig la- and hOl'<br />

-,...<br />

pital beds. .,<br />

Tulips are blO

I.<br />

.'<br />

Thursday, May 15. 1969<br />

WOMEN'S<br />

%<br />

OFF<br />

• SUITS<br />

• DRESSES<br />


• COSTUMES<br />

//J;l~<br />

3 Kercheval Ave., at Fisher Road<br />

Pun(;h and Judy Block<br />

TU 1-1505<br />

G R OS S E POI N TEN E W S<br />

><br />

Planning On-Air Auction<br />

$45<br />

Navy with<br />

White-<br />

White with<br />

Black<br />

Now at<br />

Peter Morrr s<br />

Salon<br />

D'Elegance<br />

20902 Mack<br />

TU 6-6530<br />

Tulip Show Set<br />

For Tomorrow<br />

,The Garden Club ofMi~hi.<br />

gan will present a Tulip Show<br />

in the Grosse Pointe War Me.<br />

morial's Fries Audi<strong>to</strong>rium <strong>to</strong>.<br />

morrow, Friday, May 16, from<br />

2:30 until 5:30 o'clock.<br />

All members of the com.<br />

munlty are invited <strong>to</strong> view' the<br />

display which, In addition <strong>to</strong><br />

tulips, will include dish gardens,<br />

container gardens and hangirg<br />

baskets grown by Garden Club<br />

members.<br />

Mrs. John H. French, Jr.,<br />

and Mrs. William D. Daurie,<br />

Jr., are co.chairmen of the<br />

event. Mrs. Walter B. Ford, II,<br />

is in charge of the exhibits and<br />

Mrs. Dexter Ferry has done the<br />

pr0i!amming.<br />

Page Fifteen<br />

Offer 'Double .Bill' ,<br />

Garden Workshops<br />

Pointe Center <strong>to</strong> Sponsor Wednesday Session on<br />

Flowering Shrubs and Trees, Thursday Programs<br />

on Bonsai<br />

Grosse Pointe Garden Center's two workshops for<br />

members and prospective. members this mont.h are set<br />

for WedJ1esday and Thursday, May 21 'and 22.<br />

Wednesday morning a!'e>'-----------<br />

10 o'clock in the Center's by calling the Garden Center,<br />

room at the Grosse Pointe for the classes, free <strong>to</strong> members<br />

War Memorial the subject of ~e. Center, an~ for the sub.<br />

will be "Flowering Shrubs sCription sandWlch luncheon<br />

Short and To<br />

The Pointe<br />


TKE, of University' place, were<br />

among the recent gJlests at<br />

Rosedown Pia n a t ion .and<br />

GardellS in St. Francisville, La.<br />

Rosedown is a res<strong>to</strong>red plan.<br />

tation empire in the Felicians,<br />

the region made famous by the<br />

artist-naturalist John Jamet<br />

Audubon, who painteD. more<br />

than 30 of his famous birdIife<br />

studies there more than a cen.<br />

tury ago. Their visit coincided<br />

with the peak spring bloom<br />

of century-old camellias and<br />

azaleas, some of the first ever<br />

planted, in the South.<br />

• • •<br />


BLOSSEY announce the bi,tth<br />

of their second child, a son,<br />

ERIC :JOHN, April i~,in Seat.<br />

tle, Wash. Paternal grandpar.<br />

ents are the HELMUT BLOS.<br />

SEYS, of Pear Tree Lane. Ma.<br />

ternal grandparents are MR.<br />

AND MRS. H A\R OL D J.<br />

MEINKE, of Fair Acres Drive.<br />

* • •<br />

CAROL ,GROVES, of Moran<br />

road ,ash bee n awar ded an<br />

NDEA, Title VI. Fellowship in<br />

Latin American-, Studies at the<br />

and Flowering Trees" pre- served at noon. .<br />

Because of Memonal Day,<br />

sen.et d by H arry Western, this Bonsai Workshop is one<br />

owner of De Sloovere Nur- week earlier than usual.<br />

THOMAS PEARSALL, HER. sery. . Both workshops afford Point.<br />

BERT LOUNT, }!'RED JEAN, MrS.. He~ry Walker, chair. ers ~ re:u oppor.tunity <strong>to</strong> get<br />

ETHEL LEVERENZ ROBERT man, will l~troduce Mr: West. practicalmformation.<br />

WINKLER B' 'B SHERMAN ern, who .wIIl talk on now <strong>to</strong> Mr. Western knows how<br />

and T T HENNE eKE use flowering shrubs and trees plant material grows in this<br />

. . . . as a background for the garden. area with its .peculiar weather<br />

• • • He will answer questions about conditions.<br />

Serving as general chairman landscaping, his specialty in Mrs. Bailey, with Mrs. Har.<br />

of a "Fourscore" celebration for this area since World War II. ley Higbie and ~Irs. Monte J.<br />

. .:,. Pho<strong>to</strong> by Eddie McGrath. Jr. The Honorable THOMAS D. Thursday morning and after. Edelen, chainnen' of Bonsai for<br />

MRS. CHARLES V. HICKS, (left), of University 'LEADBETTER, Detroit C 1t y noon' Mrs. Harold Bailey will the Garden Center Is an ex,<br />

Clerk, who is retiring from City give instruction in BOI.':.1ai from perienced instruc<strong>to</strong>; in this 3rt<br />

place, general co-chairtnan of the June 4, through 7' on-<br />

government effective January 2, 10:~ until noon and from 11 of composing miniature Jap.<br />

air auction benefitting WTVS-56, I)etroit's only com- 1970, on his 80th bii-thday June until 2:30 .o'clock. anese trees, tray and dish gar.<br />

munity-owned public'ed,ucational TV station, discusses 18 will be Circuit Court Judge Reservations should be made. dens.<br />

project plans with one of her busiest vOlunteer team EDWARD S. PIG GINS, whose --.-----------------captains,<br />

MRS. RICHARD H. W. CHADWELL, JR., committee includes fellow Poin. Friday evening, May 16, in the Among the 372 students ini-<br />

of Cloverly road. Mrs. ,Chadw~n's team, now comping ters LOUIS ASMUS, WALKER Scottish Rite Cathedral of De. tiated in<strong>to</strong> Michigan State Uni-<br />

The Pointe ~sking local 'merchant$ for new 'and excit- CISLER, DAVID' FAIRLESS, troit's Masonic Temple, featur. versity's Phi Kappa Phi naing<br />

merchandise, authenticated antiques and services, The Honorable NEAL FITZ- ing soprano Marilyn Q>tlow in tiona! scholastic honorary<br />

includes Mrs. ThatcherW.Rea, Jr., Mrs. Albert-C. GERALD, DWIGHT HAVENS, the one.act. opera "The Tele. recently is NORMAN A.<br />

Dickson, Jr., Mrs. Leslie A. Sanders, .Mrs. David G.<br />

CARL JOHNSON, The Honor- phone" as well as Samuel Bar. KIBIGER, son of MR. and<br />

able JOSEPH A. MOYNIHAN, ber's "Capricorn Concer<strong>to</strong>" and MRS. A. H. KIBIGER, of Loch.<br />

Wormer, Mrs. Clark R.,Lawrence, Mrs. Martin C. Oet-<br />

JAMES QUELLO, DR. JOHN Jean Sibelius' Second Sym. moor boulevard, working <strong>to</strong>ting,<br />

Mrs. Laurence G.O:Donnell, Mrs. Robert J.Sille- ROSS and 'fbe ReverendAJ.. phony. The concert will con. ward his Doc<strong>to</strong>ral degree in<br />

ry, Mrs. Robert Peller an"d Mrs.'Charle!! Kuller. Among LAI:i ZAUN. Coordinating de. elude with the traditional flags Veterinary Medicine. To qualify<br />

other Pointe auction' 'volur.teers are the Mesdames tails for the luncheon fete is and anthems of the Scandina- for m~mbership a student must<br />

Gerard Slattery, David E. Halter, Leo J.Fiizpatrick, GERTRUDE ENGEL, of East vian countries followed by re- hal'e junior or senior standing,<br />

Jr., Jeremy D. Webster and;David.Bogle and the Mes- Jefferson avenue. freshments in the Colonnade or must be working on his MassieuI'3<br />

Jehn S. Pingel and John D. Owen.<br />

• • • Room and dancing in the Crys. ters or doc<strong>to</strong>ral degree. Only a<br />

. Among those honored at a tri- tal Ballroom. small number of the <strong>to</strong>p percently<br />

formed ,<strong>Win</strong>dsor' CasUe gial1 IDn May 14. Pointers as. county "Salute <strong>to</strong> Youth" Sun. • • • cent of the students from each<br />

Chapter. of the Daughters of the sisting her were MRS. DANIEL day, May 11, In Ford Audi<strong>to</strong>r- FRANK COUZENS, JR." of class are nominated.<br />

BriijshEmpire. Various proj. DY E R, MRS. HAROLD C. ium by the Young Women's Lothrop road, is serving as cam. • ,. •<br />

ects, both money-raising and KNOFF, MRS. DOUGLAS E. Christian Association of Metro. paignchairman for ,the sixth MR: and MRS. JOHN HARsocial,<br />

will be discussed and a NEWKIRK, MRS. W. G. ROB- poUtan Detroit was MATTHEW annual Detroit Adventure "Ex- LEY RAMSDELL. of Philadel.<br />

tentative program will be ar- RECHT and MRS. STEPHEN FARMER, of Rivard bouelvard,<br />

ranged: GAWURA.' who received an award for cursions in Music" fund d,rive. phia, Pa., announce the birth of<br />

• • • ',•• \,. volunteer service. launched last week ata lunch. a son, SEAN MICHAEL, April<br />

University of Texas, in Austiri.<br />

C.arol is ,a '65 g r a d u ate. of<br />

Grosse ,Pointe S 9 u t h High<br />

.<br />

School and a seDlor 8t the Un!.<br />

versity of Colorado, in Boulder.<br />

• .. •<br />


DISSER f Littl <strong>to</strong> d.<br />

' ' 0 es ne roa , opened,.her HIlicrest road home<br />

announce the birth of a daugh. for the Milk Fund Association's,<br />

ter, ELIZABETH ANN, April u.<br />

27. Mrs. Disser is the former Dlay 6 meeting.<br />

ANN TERHUNE, daughter of • • ..<br />

' • • • eon meeting at the Engineering<br />

Society of Deu'oit. The drive is<br />

DR. BERNT EKVALL, of held each year <strong>to</strong> help under.<br />

Buckin.'gbam road, is publicity write the costs of presenting en.<br />

h • f th D i<br />

c altman or e etro t Scan- sembles of Detroit Symphony<br />

dinavian Symphony Orchestra, musicians in Detroit.area public<br />

22. Mrs. Ramsdell, former.<br />

Pointer JUDITH JOHNSON, is .<br />

completing her first year as. a<br />

medical student' at nToman's<br />

"'<br />

Medical College of Pennsylva~<br />

nia. sean was born in Woman' •<br />

- MRS. CARL MR. and<br />


MRS. ARTHUR G.<br />

of Trombley road.<br />


daughter of MR.<br />

I E<br />

and<br />

MOORE,<br />

MRS. W.<br />

which will present a program<br />

---.------------------------------and<br />

parochial schools. Medical College HospitaL<br />

~<br />

J. BENNETT, of . Vandenberg<br />

Air Force Base, Calif., announce<br />

the birth 0f a son,<br />

TREVOR RILEY, April 18:<br />

Mrs. Bennett is the former<br />

DIANE C. McDONALD, daugbter<br />

R. McDONALD,<br />

of. MR. and<br />

of<br />

MRS.<br />

Allard<br />

DAVID<br />

road.<br />

Paternal graDdparents'areMR.<br />

Paternal grandparents are MR. JAMES "'OORE ..., f Balf 0 our<br />

and MRS. RALPH A. DISSER" roa, d has won.e. th Theresa Ney<br />

of Fairford road. Grea.t-grand. Memorial MI.u, SICSch.olarship at<br />

V C un J C II<br />

parents are MR. and. MRS.' .. e~on 0 UDlor. 0 ege,<br />

BE it N A R D KILBRIDE of Newport, R.I., where. she is, a<br />

.Anita avenue and MRS. LOlJlS candidate for the degree of As-<br />

DISSER, of Detroit.<br />

'<br />

soclate in Fine Arts and expects<br />

' : ••.•• "(', ,,'. <strong>to</strong> be gra'duated in the spring<br />

and MRS. RICHARD V. BEN. Visiting her .parents the. of 1970. , . .'<br />

NE'IT, of Plymouth,' Mich..BEaNJF/.F~~>9f;1(~I~Il~ ' " , !I' ••• '.<br />

" •• oo 'avenue,last',wee1r:end 'WII!;' Among Pointers plll11l1?!g <strong>to</strong>.<br />

daughter KRISTINE, who'leave.s a~n~ th; HI!8uenot SocIety of .<br />

MRS. ROBERT' McBRIDE for .San Ju~n,' Pu'er<strong>to</strong>' Rico, in) MIchigan s 3.?D<br />

opens. her Lincoln road home<br />

<strong>to</strong>day, Thursday, May 15, for<br />

tbe second meeting of the reo<br />

d observation of<br />

June and will teacb there in the the Annual Day of Remem-<br />

Caribbean Consolidated Schools brance May 18/ at Midland's<br />

next . year. . She's currently Memorial Pr~sbyterian .Chur~h<br />

Health Education instruc<strong>to</strong>r at followed by dinner at Midiand s<br />

Brookline Higb School a suburb Holiday Itin and a <strong>to</strong>ur of the<br />

. . .<br />

of Bos<strong>to</strong>n, Mass. Another Falk city's most interesting churches<br />

cont"nUf,ngour<br />

daughter, KATHRYN returns are MRS. ROBERT HALE<br />

<strong>to</strong> her New York hon:e after 'a PETERSON, MR. and MRS.<br />

business trip in Europe, during ARTHUR H; BACON and Mr.<br />

SPRIN(J<br />

which she's visiteC:!:..London<br />

Paris, Amsterdam and Brus:<br />

sels, this week. ',.<br />

~ .. •<br />

MRS. LADDY A. RIC!!;, of<br />

Hawthorne' road, served' as<br />

chairman of the Society of En.<br />


• • .. • .1<br />

MS. WAYNE DUPUIS, of<br />

BriarcliH drive, headed the De.<br />

troit Yacht Club Sea Gulls'<br />

party honoring all past.prC$i'<br />

dents of tb,e group. Assisting her<br />

gineers' Wives annual Mav in planning the May 13 festiviparty.<br />

held at Roseville's Geor- ties were the MESDAMES<br />

From Another Pointe<br />

of View.<br />

UP<br />

TO<br />

By Janet Mueller<br />

That annually "angelic" party, the Blossomtime<br />

Brunch and Fashion Show benefitting the Novitiate of<br />

the Dominican Sisters of the Sick Poor who serve the<br />

needy sick in the Metropolitan Detroit community, will<br />

be. presented next Thursday, May 22, in the Grosse<br />

POInte War Memorial's Fries Audi<strong>to</strong>rium. ,<br />

Fashions by Claire Pearone will be featured followiI'lg<br />

bruncp <strong>to</strong> be served at 11 o'clock, and Mrs. Kurt B.<br />

Lagerfel,dt, one of the charming chairmen, has designs<br />

of her own for making the day a delight. for everyone.<br />

Pointers assisting Sarah include her mother, Mrs.<br />

Januariu.s Mullen, Mrs. Emmett Tracy, Miss Margaret<br />

Bradford, Miss Rosemary Downey, Mrs. L. V~rne Ansel,<br />

Mrs. Walter Tomicic, Mrs .. Dainforth B. French, Mrs.<br />

Robert H. Ollison and Mrs. Philip Rahm.<br />

Mrs. Aloysius Power, Mrs. Frank J. Perron and<br />

Mrs, Jerry T. Flanig:in are the 'other chairmen. In charge<br />

of tickets is Miss Margaret Lynch, of Yorkshire .road,<br />

(Continued .011 Page 20)<br />

A ~.<br />

Tbl8ls the newest &00••• 017. '<br />

Hair. Today y)u plan it <strong>to</strong> go with.what you're.wearing.<br />

Like you do shoes or gloves .. With pant things,<br />

you might wear it pulled back over a .little heightgiving<br />

hairpiece and tied with a scarf. Later, around<br />

six.ish, you might let a few curls escape arouid your<br />

face and pin on a pin-on chignon. And for big nights,<br />

naturally you'd want some marvelous fantasy, arrived<br />

at via all your hairpieces. Ready <strong>to</strong> take the' new<br />

accemory approach <strong>to</strong> hair. Then see tis. You may<br />

never look the Same twice, again. .<br />

Bart Edmond<br />


21316 MACK AVE. 45 E. ADAMS<br />

886-6060 wo 2-1112<br />

)bt shops of<br />

W4\lol\.J'i~r,~<br />

Kercheval at Sf, ClairA.Grosse ,oildt1<br />

50 N. WMdwarli lirmi..,_<br />

, , ,

.<br />

,I<br />

i;<br />

1£<br />

I'<br />

I;<br />

. ~'<br />

Page Sixteen<br />


Thursday. May .15. ,1969<br />

, -<br />

Society NewsG.athere~,fromAII of the Pointes<br />

r " '.". .... .<br />

-------------------'-------------- --------------------------------------------------------<br />

Womants Aquatic Club<br />

Mrs. Thornas M. Drummy Daniel C~Book Weds in Oltio<br />

Mary Louise Quilter l<br />

tAarries Mr. Drummy<br />

Reception at Grosse Pointe Yacht Club follows noon<br />

nuptials in Our lady Star of the Sea Church<br />

Vacationing in Lexing<strong>to</strong>n and Lake Cumberland,<br />

Ky., are the newlywed Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Michael<br />

Drummy who exchanged their wedding vows Saturday,<br />

May 10, 'in Our Lady Star of the Sea Church.<br />

The bride is the former s------------<br />

Mar y Lou i s e Quilter Flowergirls were Julie and<br />

daughter of Mr. and Mrs~ Peggy. Jacobs, both nieces of<br />

Thomas R. Quilter, Jr., of the brIde.<br />

Blairmoor court. The bride-, The attendants wore Empire<br />

groom is the son of Mr. and ~o'N~ of organza ove~ taffeta<br />

Mrs John L Drumm. of In raInbow colors of pmk, ~el.<br />

. • y, , low, green and turquoIse,<br />

Lothrop road. brimmed ~traw pic~ure hats and<br />

The Reverend Tboma~ J. Fin. carried Colonial bouquets oJ:<br />

nigan oJ:ficiated at the 12 multi-shaded spring flowers.<br />

o'clock nuptials which were [01- Lawrence Drummy was his<br />

lowed by a reception at the brother's best man. Ushers<br />

Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. were John L. Druo:wny, Jr. aD.<br />

The bride wore a gown of other brother of the bridegr~m<br />

silk organza accented wiith flor- Thomas R. Quilter, Ill, brothe;<br />

aI-patterned Venice lace at her of the bride, and John O. Meri.<br />

neckline, oolice, waist and koski, the bridegroom's brotbersleeves<br />

and featuring a Wat- in.law.<br />

teau panel train. Her tiered The bride's mother chose a<br />

illusion veil fell from a Camelot blue cot<strong>to</strong>n brocade coat and<br />

cap, and she carried a Colonial dress ensemble. The mother of<br />

bouquet of white roses, daisies the bridegroom selected a oneand<br />

baby's-breath. ' piece costume of pink and<br />

Carol Brisson, of Ann Arbor, white noral print. Both mothers<br />

was maid of honor. Brides. had white camellias pinned <strong>to</strong><br />

maids were Linda Walter, of. their handbags.<br />

Rochester, Sarah Ann Drummy, Following their wedding trip<br />

and Mary VIrginia Drummy, the newlyweds W;ill be at hom~<br />

both sisters of the bridegroom. in East Lalllling.<br />

Former Pointer To, Claim Bride<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R.<br />

Hwass, of Short l;Iills, N.J.,<br />

have announced the engagement<br />

of their daughter, Kathy Lou,<br />

<strong>to</strong> Ronald G, Cramp<strong>to</strong>n, son of<br />

Mr. 8!Id Mrs. George W. Cramp.<br />

<strong>to</strong>n, 'who moved a year ago<br />

from La Belle cirde <strong>to</strong> Bloom.<br />

field Hills.<br />

The bride-elect will be graduated<br />

in June frOm :Michigan<br />

State University, where she is<br />

affiliated with Kappa A1pna<br />

Theta sorority and was named<br />

Miss Michigan State University<br />

for 1968-69.Her fiance is also a<br />

senior at Michigan State, majoring<br />

in Finance. '<br />

The wedding is planned for<br />

June 14 in St. Rose of Lima<br />

Church, Short Hills. •<br />

DAN SIENKIEWICZ, a junior<br />

at Nortth High School !\Iid edi.<br />

ror of the school paper, has been<br />

named an officer of the Michi.<br />

gan Youth Advisory' Council <strong>to</strong><br />

tthe 1l{iehlla!! Yooth Commission.<br />

Dan represents the Catholic<br />

Youth Organization on the<br />

Council.<br />

Organ Recitalj Choir Con~ert<br />



An music lovers are cordially Invited <strong>to</strong> ottend on ,organ<br />

reci<strong>to</strong>l and .hoir concert Wednesdoy evening, MoV 21, 1969,<br />

ot 8:00 P.M: at the GraUe Pointe Woods PreWyterion Church<br />

at 1'l950 Mock Avenue, Gro~ Pointe Woods. The Church'<br />

Organist,. '<br />


will be the reci<strong>to</strong>fist; and', the Chancel Choir, assisted by<br />

violinist Borbora Parbe, violist Judy Davis and soprano soloist<br />

Patricio Nelson, will perform several anthems.<br />


special guest violist, will perform a Hinde:mith' Sonata for<br />

solo viola (unaccompanied>. Reception immediately fallowing<br />

jn 'Andrew F. Routh Fellowship Hall.<br />

He AII",is,;" CU'"<br />

It It'5 from Wright Kay, It's Distinctlve.<br />

,CJHCd~~<br />

~~b~-<br />

@tIr(8'~~<br />


Wright Kay's new Birmingham s<strong>to</strong>re:lt<br />

180 South Woodward is a many splendored<br />

thing ... a collection of exquisite departments<br />

that sparkle for all the world<br />

like precious gems in a setting of supreme<br />

luxury. Won't you plan right now <strong>to</strong> take<br />

a trip across <strong>to</strong>wn within the next few<br />

days, during all our Grand Opening excitement,<br />

and visit us in all our exotic<br />

newness? We'll greet you with open arms.<br />

Phone (Birmingham S<strong>to</strong>re I 566-9808<br />

Wright Kay<br />

NOW WE ARE FOUR: 1500 Woodword,. 17051 Kercheyol in<br />

G<strong>to</strong>~e Poinfe, Northland, and 185 S. Woodward, Birminghom.<br />

!irm;ngham S<strong>to</strong>re "'en Thurs. and Fri. till 9 p,m .<br />

..<br />

,;,' Photci,:~'Ej!d\e: ~rath, Jr.<br />

MARY LOUISE QDrLTER became 'the tiride. of<br />

Mr. Drummy Saturday, M~y lO,inOui- L~diStar of<br />

the Sea Church. Parents of the couple are Mt: ahdMrs.<br />

'thomas R. Quilter, Jr., of Blairmoor court, and Mrs.<br />

and Mrs. John L. Drummy,of Lothrop road ....<br />

Miss Jameson Will:Be Bride<br />

Dr. 'and Mrs. Marshall C. Miss Jameson isa graduate<br />

Jameson, of San D~go, Calif., of ,Grosse' Pointe High' School<br />

!lave announced the engagement .~nd Michigan ~ta~; University.<br />

o[ his daughter, Geralyn, <strong>to</strong> She is el'r\ployedasan executive<br />

Larry Zaiss, ,~on of. Mr. and'llecretary'by 'die .r~ePropu1siOli<br />

Mrs. David Zaiss, of Centre- Labora<strong>to</strong>ry, 'CalifQrnia1nstitute<br />

ville, Micb .. Miss Jameson is of Techilology, Pasadena, Calif.<br />

also the daughter of the late Her fiance attended Western<br />

Opal Jameson, of Pontiac. Michigan Uriiversi!?', where he<br />

Dr .. Jameson, t former Mon. affiliat4;d with u:e velta Upsilon<br />

teith School Principal, and his fraterm~y. J.Ie IS. emplo.y~ by<br />

daughter formerly resided in th.e Califonua State, DiV1Slonof<br />

Lancast,er road. Highways, Los Angllies.<br />

. . An August wedding is planned<br />

Set May Blossom Fete<br />

At Saint Joseph Home<br />

The Saint Joseph Home for<br />

the Aged C&,'meJite Guild will<br />

sponsor a May Blossom' luncbeon<br />

and card party .next Tues.<br />

day, May 20, beginning at 12:30<br />

o'clock, at the Home in Cadieux<br />

road, Detroit. DODation is $1.50.<br />

Reservations may be obtained<br />

by calling TUxedo 2.3800.<br />

RUSSELL REED, who teaches<br />

instrum~ntal -music at sbuth<br />

High School,. will conduct the<br />

band for Music' Youtb Interna- --I<br />

tiona I during the group's sum.<br />

mer <strong>to</strong>ur of Japan: En route<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Orient the high school<br />

group will also perfonn in the<br />

western United States.<br />

:,. :"",~" .". ,('::I~,~<br />

for<br />

• " : :,,''',',~"'I)~;":~<br />

that most zmlJOrtant "<br />

:', >y£~~~,.:.;~.<br />

-;~i ~":",c,.,,<br />

dClYlet Robelle', exp~rt~, .<br />

stylist create<br />

,"<br />

a Sf.Unning\. ~{<br />

: ~~"<br />

style <strong>to</strong> ~ompliment wlwt-<br />

ever )'Oflr wedding fCls1tion<br />

mood.<br />


"We Curl Up 'and Dye for You"<br />

Bobelle~s<br />

19027 Mack at7 -Milt, ....<br />

in Glendale, Calif. ' ,<br />

•<br />

HAIR<br />

STYLES<br />

Telephone 884.1130<br />

St. Rose Cburch, ~errysburg,<br />

0 .• was the setting for the Saturday,<br />

April 12, wedding of<br />

Nancy Eliza\leth Woodward,<br />

daugbter of Mr. aDd Mrs. John<br />

Combs Woodward, of S<strong>to</strong>ck<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Calif., aDd Daniel Cramer Bopk,<br />

son of Mrs. James Burgess<br />

Book, nI, of Roslyn road, and<br />

the late Mr. Book.<br />

A reception at Perrysburg's<br />

Carranon Hunt and Polo Club<br />

followed the 2 o'clock rites; at<br />

which The Reverend Raymond<br />

Sheperd officiated.<br />

Tlie bride wore a traditional<br />

gown of ivory silk.satin and a<br />

floor length veil of ivory silk<br />

illusion edged with ivory Rosepointe<br />

lace. Her bouquet was<br />

fashioned of ,lilies-of -the.v aJey<br />

and stephanotis.<br />

Her attendants, in pale turquoise<br />

Saki cloth dresses. were<br />

honor ,maid Roberta Bowers, of<br />

Rossford. 0., honor matroD Mrs.<br />

Charles Easterly, of Tucson,<br />

Ariz., :I cousin of the bride, and<br />

bridesmaids Ranny Riley. of<br />

Ather<strong>to</strong>n, Calif., LeAnne Karnes,<br />

of Mountaill View, Calif.,<br />

~<br />

Levi's for Gals<br />


ctassic levi's jeans<br />

take on a dramatic flared line<br />

for<strong>to</strong>day's<br />

hottest fashion look.<br />

Faultless<br />

tailoring<br />

gives you<br />

Levi's famous<br />

fit,<br />

Woman's Aquatic. Club mem.<br />

Flow(!r girls Barbara Book, bers will celebrate their 55th<br />

the bridegroom's niece, aDd all!liversary on Saturday, May<br />

MlIrgaret Steele, a cousin of the 17, at S<strong>to</strong>uffer's Northland'Inn.<br />

bride, both of Prince<strong>to</strong>n, N.J., Cocktails will be se ..ved from<br />

wore floor length frocks of white 12:30 o'clock and luncheon at<br />

organza sashed with pale tur. 1:30 o'clock.<br />

quoise velvet ribbons and car- _<br />

ried baskets filled with tulips.<br />

iris and hyacinth.<br />

Acting as best man was Clarence<br />

Livingood. In the \ usher<br />

corps were Jame,s B. Book, of<br />

Prince<strong>to</strong>n, N. J., the b rid egroom's<br />

brother. Pbilip Pitt.<br />

man, of Hunting<strong>to</strong>n, W.Va., the<br />

bridegroom's cousin, William<br />

Walker, Michael Krag, David<br />

Temple<strong>to</strong>n, Peter Kross, G. Robert<br />

Woodward, the bride's broth.<br />

er, and Miller MacMillan. of<br />

Alexandria, Va.<br />

The newlyweds will make<br />

their home in Yonkers, N.Y.<br />

The bridegroom is a securities<br />

Analyst at Bankers Trust in<br />

New York City.<br />

Grand Marais<br />

Questers Tour<br />

Catherine Thompson and Mrs. Members of the Grand Marais<br />

Cl~renee Livingood. Chapter ot Questers rec!!ntly en.<br />

'!'bey carried bouquets oJ: joyed a <strong>to</strong>ur through the Detroit<br />

spring Howers, tulips, iris, hya. His<strong>to</strong>rical Museum followed by<br />

cin~ and. fresias" and wore luncheon at the Engineering So.<br />

ma~g Bora! headpieces. ' dety 'of Detroit.<br />

A nice gi~for'any proud father from Leonore Doskow.<br />

Children's names and birthdays engraved on one or<br />

both sides. Up <strong>to</strong> 16 names and dates, 3- long.<br />

Grosse Pointe Farms<br />

Kercheval on the Hill<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Topics<br />

Good news from the U.S.<br />

Publi'c Health Service: this<br />

past year we've had the low.<br />

est incidence of<br />

.,.<br />

illnesses and<br />

injuries in a decade.<br />

•<br />

The first shot of measles<br />

vaccine is recom.Jllended by<br />

pediatricians at 9 months,<br />

then at intervals of from 1-3<br />

months, depending on the<br />

type of vaccine. Inoculation<br />

is available free or' at little<br />

cost. No pain, no discomfort<br />

,-and no measles.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

. -<br />

Medical research is looking<br />

[or ways <strong>to</strong> feed people with<br />

pills. 1\fo . Department of<br />

Agriculture scientists have<br />

developed citruS fruit in tablet<br />

form, 8 tablets equaling<br />

one orange or half a grapefruIt.<br />



ING, says the AMA. It is<br />

rarely heredity, glands, or<br />

metabolic abnormalities.<br />

One of the brightest career<br />

o p p 0 r t unities beckoning<br />

young women <strong>to</strong>day is hospital<br />

pharmacy. More and more<br />

wornell are being attracted <strong>to</strong><br />

this specialized field, so vital<br />

<strong>to</strong> good patient care.<br />

Only $5.00'" SOt .• ch first name and date en- For modem service with oldaraved.<br />

'. !ashionep courtesy; b r i n g<br />

'. your prescril?tiQ~ <strong>to</strong><br />

Open T1nrrsday<br />

""'''''.,<br />

•.. • ~~. "M' _ ...<br />

~ •••~h.:';.,•<br />

,i'"'' ~ , , ,. ..'., .."'"" _.""...,.__ .c, ."'~,.." ;,,:,I.:I,I,KJ!IICHJ;iU~~~::i~t!leHi;~,.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

,<br />

Give tile etber fellow a boost<br />

--it'. a hitch ahead for you.<br />

HANDS<br />

-<br />

DOWN<br />

s<br />

p<br />

T<br />

L<br />

I<br />

T<br />

5<br />

ITS'<br />

BIG<br />

5<br />

p<br />

R<br />

I<br />

N<br />

G<br />

SALE<br />

63<br />

Kercheval<br />

Colonial Federal<br />

Building<br />


~.Thursday, May IS, 1969<br />

Grosse-Gear /,Vows<br />

Exchanged .May 10<br />

':16 lhe 6ea60n<br />

<strong>to</strong> te married<br />

Page • • •<br />

'Tis the 'season for<br />



call .<br />

Miss Campbell<br />

Married ~fay 9<br />

884-3284<br />

G R 0 SSE P 0 J N TEN E W S Page Seventeen<br />

,: .'1<br />

by~of and for ,Pointe Women<br />

~ .<br />

Mrs. Norman D. Grosse<br />

, Pho<strong>to</strong> by Paul GaCh<br />

, .E~ch~nging marriage vQws in, G<strong>to</strong>ssePointe<br />

Congregational Church Saturday evening,' ,May 10,<br />

were CANDICE LYNN GEER, daughter of Dr. and<br />

Mrs. William Geer, of Lakeland aven,u.e, and Mr.<br />

Grosse, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grosse, of West<br />

, Kings court. ><br />

H ood-M cCart-ney Pa~ies, Laun~h Gowanie<br />

O' Ladles Golfing Season<br />

Troth Reveae' l d -- '<br />

I The Tee.Off Breakf8st on<br />

I Former p'ointers Mr. and.. Mrs. I! April. 1~ aiid.th.e A~n~al Spring<br />

,Patrick McCartney. who now .Fashion Show on :Ap.?1 29 baye<br />

make their home in Illdiimapo. I.~uncbed the, ~omen s .Asso~lalis,'<br />

Ind.. h'ave annouri'ced the I bon of Gowarue Go~ ..~~uP mta<br />

engagement 'Of: their daughter. another ye~r, of, activIties.<br />

. , . , ,The fashion show followed a<br />

S.h",ar?DElle.n M~Cartney. <strong>to</strong> En. 'ce~nelected Thomas Becker.<br />

preSIdent of the Board of Trust- ..<br />

ees of the, Metropolitan' Society Crime never pays, but we all<br />

for the Blind.. • I have ta pay heavily for it.<br />

•• the fj,nfist in<br />


• Bleaches • Tints<br />

• Frosting • Wig Service<br />

• Expert styling at all times .<br />

• CAPPELLI NO-exclusive try on<br />

before y~u .buy stretch wig<br />

ClJa~te~ COlllures<br />

19839 MACK AVE., ~,a.... Pointe Woads .TU 6.30B8<br />

--- -~--~------~~ --._--<br />

Reservations<br />

Now Being<br />

Accepted ..~.<br />

~&JI~tt"~~~uw#~<br />

Your opportunity <strong>to</strong> join the exclusive Eastland Village<br />

community is here! Ntw deluxe 2.bedroorn apartment5<br />

wirh spacious floor plans and luxurious d~ails are now<br />

under construction on Webber Dr. adjoining Eas!land<br />

Center, Won't you call our renlal agent for more of the<br />

exciting derails?<br />

Phone 839.2455<br />

Remals from $285<br />

include carpeting,<br />

OV~*',~<br />

gas heat and cooking, hot wa(er<br />

nclllllYe/)' IN nloM bJ'<br />

Book Review Season Ending<br />

The Friday Book Review<br />

Group of,tbe Women's Associa.<br />

tlon of Grosse' Pointe Memorial<br />

Church will conclude the sea.<br />

son's activities wtb • tea fol.<br />

lowed by a program, on floral<br />

designing and a "Fashionscope"<br />

on Friday, May 16, at 1 o'clock<br />

in Fellowship Hall.<br />

Trudy ~iller has arranged for I'<br />

the "FashionscoPe," with clothes<br />

modelled by the, Association's<br />

members. ~enry Kohl will make<br />

floral arrangements.<br />

Hostess for the day is Mrs.<br />

Lester Elliott, assisted by Mrs.<br />

Elden Baumgartner, Mrs. Stephen<br />

Chorny, Mrs. Fred Cous.<br />

ins, Mrs. Leland Engel, Mrs.<br />

Lawrence Kimbrel!, Mrs. William<br />

Lakin. Mrs. Clifford 1.0-<br />

BRENDA STOUT, daughter of j<br />

MR. and MRS. MILTON W.'<br />

STOUT, of Fishet: road, will be<br />

graduated from Immaculata<br />

College of Washing<strong>to</strong>n with an<br />

Associate in Arts degree on<br />

Sunday, May 25.<br />

,e<br />

t ,<br />

t ,s<br />

we<br />

true!<br />

do<br />

Recipient of a' first place<br />

award in the Michigan Crafts.<br />

ranger, Mrs. Ivor Menzies, men's Council biennial exhibi.<br />

Mrs, Dallas Newkirk, Mrs. tion scheduled <strong>to</strong> open Sunday,<br />

Harold Quackenbush. Mrs. Paul May 18. at the Bloomfield Art<br />

Sage and Mr~. Hansel Wilson. \ Association's Birmingham Gal.<br />

Mrs. Jamea A. Lafcr will read lery is Pointe silversmith EVA<br />

the devotions. KLEIN.<br />


Ins <strong>to</strong>lit romance; put drop of perfume on unlit light bulb'<br />

when he arrives, tUn! on light ..• the wannth perfumes the<br />

air. Don't overdo it!<br />

To give your face a pearly glow: smooth on moisture<br />

base ... dllst baby powder over face with cot<strong>to</strong>n puff'<br />

the tiny particles pick up lights. '<br />

Women who want <strong>to</strong> hold up their heads should visit<br />

OUT salon at .<br />

Miss Nancy s Hairdressers<br />

19877 MACK, GROSSE PT(. WIS.<br />

A,poi,,'ments 110' .Iwars nec.ssar,<br />

,I<br />

carry shoes<br />

at W"l<strong>to</strong>1t.:J'i~r't<br />

,<br />

\.<br />

TVe have before: a1Uj, after 5<br />

Naturalizer,' priced_fro~t<br />

Al1dia,,!o," pri~ed from ,<br />

Cobblers" 'priced fro~<br />

Bass TVeeju1lS, priced from<br />

up<br />

<strong>to</strong><br />

$18 <strong>to</strong> $22<br />

$14 <strong>to</strong> $.17<br />

$13 <strong>to</strong> $18<br />

$10,<strong>to</strong>$16<br />

, W&l\lon."?mu<br />

,<br />

, -"SHOE SALON<br />

r.I'dllwlf ... Sf: 0.;1' ..... _''''<br />

the finaI .d'ays<br />

.'<br />

are drawing near<br />

In our STOREWIDE<br />


SALE<br />

fashiOn is<br />

of early, SPRING FASHIONS<br />



We urge you <strong>to</strong> take advantage<br />

now . . . in the few remaining<br />

days of this important sale! All<br />

departments are offering desir-<br />

able, unmistakably Margaret<br />

Rice fashions at savings very<br />

worth\,Vhile. All sales final, no<br />

approvals, no C.O.D.'s.<br />


, .<br />

1<br />

'2<br />

.OFF<br />

and<br />

more<br />


881-0761<br />

, .<br />

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I.<br />

.,(<br />

•,<br />

•,.,<br />

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I ~<br />

"<br />

, ,<br />

i<br />

:I , j<br />

, 1<br />

{<br />

, i

,",'<br />

Society News Gathered<br />

Ingrid Wortman<br />

Married May 10<br />

Couple <strong>to</strong>uring G.rmeny .nd A'lStri. following<br />

nuptials in St. Clare de Montefalco Church<br />

St. Clare de Montefaleo Church was the setting for<br />

the Saturday, May 10, marriage of Ingrid Margaret<br />

Wortman and Thomas F. Adelsbach.<br />

Parents of the couple ~--..,..------are<br />

the Albert Wortmans, Clemens, the bridegroom's<br />

of Audubon road, and the brother-in.law, was the lec<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

A ,reception at the home of<br />

Me} PurceUs, of Harper the bride's parents followed<br />

Woods. the ccremony.<br />

Officiating at the 10 o'clock The bride wore an A.llne<br />

nuptialll was the bridegroom's skimmer gown of peau de soie,<br />

cousin, The Reverend Robert fashioned with a mandarin col.<br />

Poledink. ~loist was The Rev- lar and bodice of Venetian lace,<br />

erend Donald M. Clark, of De'l aD

Thursday,' May' IS, 1969<br />

.Woman's Page<br />

,:Pre" s:e'; :n,'t' Theatre A' t«f'sIL. R. Z?stro't~<br />

; ,,', ,To Clalm Bnde<br />

.Season Finale .Friday<br />

, Late' SJpper '<strong>to</strong> Follow Show; Painters Appearing<br />

,. Dramatic Offering and Gilbert and<br />

Sullivan Song Medley<br />

•<br />

•<br />

_.._.';.\Gl&sE POINTE NEW~<br />

Plge Nineteen<br />

by~of'and for Pointe Women<br />

•<br />

To Wed<br />

August Bride C.ll.Peterson, Jr.<br />

Will Take Bride<br />

;,<br />

'.~' ~..~':<br />

" ';'<br />

Daughte'rs Of American I, Among those receiving Also-<br />

Colonists Plan Meeting Iciate in Arts degrees from ste--<br />

'" Ip~ens College Monday, May 26,<br />

The Detroit Chapter, Daugh. wll be JENNIFER LEE SOMES,<br />

ters of the American Colonists, daughter of :MR. an~ MRS.<br />

will meet next Wednesday, May FREDERICK SOMES, JR., of<br />

21, at the borne of their regent" Duval road, aDd SUSAN HAR-<br />

Mrs. Robert O. Artner, i~ Doyle RIET SCHAUPETER, daugllter<br />

Place east. Following luncheon of MRS, MARTIN FENTNER,<br />

Mrs, Orvis L, Henke will speak of Brys drive, and ARTHUR<br />

on "The 19 Witches of Salem." SCHAUPETER, of Detroit.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Warn. Making plans for an August 2<br />

wedding are Kathleen Ann Dunstrom,<br />

of Flint, have an. ham, daughter of Mrs. Robert<br />

nounced the engagement of G. Smith, of Livonia, and Perry<br />

in their daughter, Li,nda Carole, <strong>to</strong> O. Dunham, of' Crown Pointe,<br />

Lawrence Ralph Zastrow, son Ind,,' and Charles R. Peterson,<br />

of Mr, and Mrs, Alfred Zastrow, Jr., son pf Charles R. Peterson,<br />

of Nottingham road. of Berkstire road, and the late<br />

Mrs, Peterson,. ' ~!!ma(liB;Mj'l}~Wjj;H;r;@~'I&ii',~!@@!;lt~~,tk~~<br />

fro~' ~~~~Og~nw~ec~~o~~;~~<br />

Univel'6ity and is currently<br />

serving with the United States<br />

Almy in Vietnam,<br />

medley of Gilbert and Sullivan<br />

sQngs in an unusual setting, The bride-elect also attended<br />

staged by Mrs. Robert E. Schul- Michigan Technological Univer.<br />

theiss and Mrs, Joseph N. Jen- sity.<br />

nings. Producers are Mrs.<br />

James B-. Doll and Mrs. Rex A spring, 1970, wedding is<br />

L. Brophy. planned. .<br />

Pointers in "Enter A Queen" I<br />

include Mrs. R, Sidney Sin. Pointers singing in the Gil.<br />

Clair., who plays the. Qu.een, bert arid Sullivan fantasy are Mr,. and Mrs,. Ira<br />

I Miss Dunham will be grad-I' # JACK & JILL NURSERY<br />

uatedin June from Central M<br />

'1<br />

Michigan University, where sbe i! ! 175 Lakepointe, Grosse Pointe Park<br />

is affiliated with Zeta Tau M<br />

Alpha sorority. Her fiance, now fj Hours•• Mornl'ngs' 9 10 11',15<br />

I<br />

serving with the United States t11<br />

Army stationed at HUI\ter Army W Afternoons 1 10 ] ••15<br />

Airfield, Savannah, Ga., attend. I M<br />

ed the University of Michigan Iill A '3 t 5 .<br />

where he affiliated with Lamb. t ges, 0<br />

da Chi Alpha fraternity. % Reser~ation$ now being mode for fa" .<br />

~, ------ f>'! 220046 d 881 5835<br />

,., . ' Men who take one step at a t ~ 8. an. !!!i<br />

WhON.lC. hol, I ~Ugust 23.weddm g The ~inal Theatre Arts performance of the cl,lrl'ent<br />

l season WIll/be presen!ed <strong>to</strong>morrow evening, Friday,<br />

, May 16, at 8:30 0 clock In the Players Playhouse in East<br />

,Jefferson avenue.

lil .•.<br />

, ••• ,<br />

Page Twenty<br />

Woman's Page •<br />

.t Exh.lbl.t Gabriel RiC,hard Council<br />

Double House - "Home or Investment"<br />



This property is nicely situated on a short attractive street jU'.t two blocks from<br />

bus and s<strong>to</strong>res, and five blacks from the city lakefront pork, Also near at hand<br />

are churches, schools and lhe Punch alld Judy thcatre.<br />

Each unit contains a living room, din;n!) room. kitchen and small reor screened<br />

porch on the 1st floor; and:;' bedrooms and balh on the ~nd. In Ihe basemenl "<br />

on unfir'lished plastered room wilh fireplace that could be developed in<strong>to</strong> a games<br />

room if desired.<br />




The Sign<br />

Of The Times<br />

3<br />

GROSSP. POINTE .... C."',<br />

omCES ,; y. ~"<br />

At i 's%"lillili _ I i .,.Q<br />


TU 4-0600<br />

FOR SALE<br />

_MOW"_'" A~""'''''.,"T OML't<br />


Br.nch office. In<br />


....<br />

G R O.S S E P 0 I NT E ~tV!'S<br />

Thursday,. May IS, 1969<br />

by" of and for Pointe Women'<br />

for all makes<br />

. . . done on our premises<br />

with ultrasonic cleaning<br />

OMEGA & TI550T<br />

Authorized Agency<br />

Ramon B. Damon, Jr.<br />

1/3 OFF : ~~~~\EATS<br />

Ask Abolll Our. • CHAIRS<br />

Progressi... Savil.,s Plan • SWIVEL ROCKER<br />

Country House • CHERRY DINING<br />

Furniture ROOft\ SET<br />

14922 KERCHEVAL Plus Many Other<br />

(Mir Aller <strong>Rd</strong>.) Savings<br />

Phone .11.1166 - open'.' .<br />

-- .- ..- .-- ~......--~.-.-~~~ ...<br />

--_. --------------<br />

1<br />

!~- --' l<br />

'. WATCH<br />

•<br />

;; ,REPAIRING<br />

It<br />

I<br />

Valente gewelers<br />

Fine Jewelers Since 1934<br />

1660 I E. Warren at Kensing<strong>to</strong>n <strong>Rd</strong>.<br />

TU 1~800<br />

OPEN DAILY 9 <strong>to</strong> 6-FRI. TILL 8<br />

- - - -<br />

-<br />

I<br />

Theater Trip Follows Dinner<br />

Open . h FDetrol I Continuing their nrogr8m of . Is sponsQringa dinner and <strong>to</strong>ur<br />

· D.' activities, Gabriel Ri chit I' d I "I, 10 Meadow Brook Tbeater al<br />

I ,or ma, Inn e r Council Kni~b~ of Columbus . (Continued from Page 1-5) Oakland University's Rochester<br />

W<br />

t<br />

Activities Set For May From Another Pointe of VI.ew GrO$sePointe War MemQrial<br />

., members WIll Jo~rne~ by bus who with all the other ladies invol ed' rt. I . campus this Saturdl1Y night,<br />

___ '__ ~_ and car <strong>to</strong> BoysvilleIn Macon v In pa y p armmg, May 17. Sbakespeare's "Troilus<br />

Selections from Collections of Friends of Modern Art Mich. f~r an open house o~ urges eve~one <strong>to</strong> "Be an Angel and come." and Cressida" is being played<br />

on Display at Detroit In~titute of Arts Sunday, May 18. Members from * .t III by the Fernald Companyand it<br />

Th h J 22 ,every subordinate Council in Friday: France is given tbe type of production<br />

roug une I Michiganwill attend. The BaSque Orchestra is donning beretS, kerchiefs<br />

A black. tie dinner in the Detroit Institute of Arts I Boy~vill~ is operated under and tu~ienecks • • • the chanteuse is preparing her<br />

Scul~ture C;ourt launched the e~ibition. "Det~oit Col., ~:n:I~~~I~ :~e ~~o~:r m~~~ reper<strong>to</strong>Ire ••• the caric~turist is sharpening his pencil<br />

It<br />

lects, Select:,ons from the<br />

Modern Art Wednesday,<br />

CollectIons<br />

May 14.<br />

of tne Frtends of! projects receiving financial sup. • • Mme. Charles Bachrach bas chosen a vin blanc and<br />

I pori from the MichiganKnigbts a vin rouge <strong>to</strong> accompany ber six-course menu, •• two<br />

. Mr. and Mrs. George C. ~ . , of Columbus. local artists have bung over 50 unframed paintings,<br />

(}()1anty, of Detroit, were I hibition, the largest showing of I The following.evening, M.o~. examples of their work. . . , 'I<br />

chairmen for the dinner, I privately.o~ned 1?odern art ! ~ay.' Ma~ 19, a fIrSt degree IDl' All, in short, i,s ready for th~ Gro.sse Pointe Hunt<br />

assisted by Mr. and Mrs., ever held In De~rOlt. g~~I~~il W~~la~e ~an~~~~dwa:r~~: Club's Evening in Fr;lnce, finale <strong>to</strong> the Club's Interna-<br />

Henry B. Frank of Hunt- i From 8 <strong>to</strong> 10 0 clock members D t't d tb d. tional Night serIes of parties '<br />

ing<strong>to</strong>n Woods, M~. and Mrs. I. ~ t~~ Founder~ ~ociet)' )oi~edi :;:(7~~'<br />

Of e r~~greUen% a sete ~ The Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs ~1II be on hand <strong>to</strong>morrow<br />

S.. Brooks Barron. of De- th: :~~~i~~:~ T~epr~v:~~~,~I P.G.K. John Gingella immedi- evening <strong>to</strong> greet the Consul General de France and his<br />

trolt and W. Hawkms Fer- Committee of the Founders So. I ~telyfollowing.tberegular meet. Iwife, M. and Mme. Jacques Dircks-Dilly, honor guests.<br />

ry, of Lakeshcre road. I ciety hostessed the reception I mg An euc~re <strong>to</strong>urnament for, " ~ *<br />

MorethaL 100 members of the I planned .bY Mrs.. Wilbur Mack I members will also he started S t d • B 't . . I<br />

FMA. an auxiliary group of and Mrs J. Den<strong>to</strong>n Anderson. that evening.. a ur ay. rl a.n. ~ ..<br />

the. Founders Society Detroit "Detroit Colleets" will be dis'l A stag p~r~yhonormg th~ 50th Many, many Pomters have made plans <strong>to</strong> tr~vel out<br />

Institute of Arts, made resen-a. played in the South <strong>Win</strong>g of. year of pnestnood of MonSignor <strong>to</strong> Dearborn Inn Saturday for -the Daughters of the<br />

tions for the dinner. the Detroit Institute of Arts I Jo~eph Pfeffe~. pas<strong>to</strong>r. of ~t. British Empire in Michigan's annual Founder's Day<br />

Some 70 FMA members are Ithrough June 22. Th~ exhibition! Elizabeth .P3rlsh, Detro~t,;~ luncheon. . .. ,<br />

lending 225 contemporary paint. opens <strong>to</strong> the public <strong>to</strong>day, I be held m the oco~~c~Sin~r.A~Wng thein are Mrs. Ilarry Gee and Mrs. A, B.<br />

iogs and sculpture for this ex. Thl1rsday,May 15. Admissionis ~~:~:~\a~a: fo~~er ~ha~ain H~nderSoJ1j meD,lbers of the Detroit Chapter; Mr~. R. J.<br />

, of the Council. Srlgley, Mr,s.F. W. Evans, Mrs. Atlee McFellm and<br />

~ ~./J • ~r An.- .:...p~~, A major degree initiation for Mrs. Curt Patterson, Princess Beatrice Chapter; Mrs.<br />

O~ ~'" third degree members will be Russell Skitch, (she'll sing the Anthems), Mrs; David<br />

held at the clubhouse on Sun. Gardiner, Mrs. Lester McIn<strong>to</strong>sh and Mrs. Paul Preuthun,<br />

. Fre~ and Pat Jean day ~fterooon,.May IS, in honor M.B.E., St. La>,yrence Seaway Chaptet~ the Mesdames<br />

'R ALL OCCASIONS of .Bls!J,opBrletenbeck, of De. Arthur B. Hillegas, Leslie S. D'Ath, Jenny Carradus,<br />

fLOWERS fO trolt. IG. M. Free, Coli:g B. Neal, Chester W. Todd and Austin<br />

YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED . Wheatley, Vincent Massey Chapter; and Mrs. J. K.<br />


1925 VERN IER RD.<br />

__________ ~<br />


~~?Ji-~ TU 6-0600<br />

~<br />

~o~/~~~~g<strong>to</strong> ~~;;:l:~clO~ku~~~~Bresser, M~S. R,opert McBride and Mrs. B. M. Rogers,<br />

s Idays;' 9:30 <strong>to</strong> 5:'30 o'clock Wed. W.indso.r:.~astle Ch.apter. . . . .<br />

nesday through Sunday. SpeCial honor guests WIll mclude the BrItIsh Consul<br />

~.---------- General E. 1. R.,MacGregor and Mrs. MacGregor, Brmsh<br />


Consul Ronald V. Juchau and Mrs. Juchau and Mrs. E. C.<br />

Boughner, regent of the Imperial Order Daughters of the<br />

Empire in W.indsor.<br />

* * *<br />

Reee.,tly: Spain '<br />

The Raymond J. Duffys, of Handy road, have ended<br />

~two-week visU<strong>to</strong> Spain, vacatioD!ng o~. the beautiful<br />

Island of Mallorca ~ but they're still a bit "gone."<br />

"It will be months," admits Camilla Duffy, "before<br />

we come down from Cloud Nine.'"<br />

They d€serVe a long stay Up There.<br />

.<br />

They've been<br />

about <strong>to</strong> take tbis trip for five years, planned it for tbeir<br />

25th 'wedding anniversary, finally made it on their 30th<br />

... "It was," says Camilla, "certainly worth waiting for."<br />

* '" *<br />

Letter From A$oldier .<br />

Whatever Yl>\ir feelings ~bout "The War,"we know<br />

you are concerned with the safety and.;well-being<br />

individual young American men who must. fight<br />

of the<br />

it . . .<br />

Here is a letter from one of them, Ii ,thank-you note<br />

received by one of our subscribers, wl1o.bas requeste.d<br />

that she remain anonymous but who weuld like all qur<br />

readers <strong>to</strong> share Medic Ramon Damon, Jr!s thoughts:<br />

.• L ,,-; ••• '. ~1 .• ." .<br />

,New CoJonial-Livingroom with circular bay, dIning room, kitchen with<br />

large eating area and built-ins, including refrigera<strong>to</strong>r-freezer, Family<br />

room with Fireplace, 1st floor-utility room. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths on second<br />

floor. F,ne quality carpeting and drapes included. Paneled basement<br />

recreation room and office, fully carpeted.<br />

Dear Mrs. -- i ...<br />

I would like <strong>to</strong> take this time <strong>to</strong> eg;tendmy .sincere<br />

"Thank you" <strong>to</strong> you for your "Vietna'!'t'.Gift, Pac!' The<br />

contents of the Gift Pac were very wiSely selected and<br />

very much appr:eciated, but mdst important <strong>to</strong> me was<br />

the greatness o{the thought behind th~ gift. ,.<br />

The support and concern from pepple at .home are<br />

84 Kercheval-886-7100<br />

the<br />

son<br />

most important gifts that anyone could glVe a ..per-<br />

in this situation and I thank you very much for<br />

Hugo S. Higbie<br />

yours.<br />

J am Senior Medical<br />

:<br />


;i""",,',<br />

~<br />

~~~<br />

l<br />

Thursday, May 15. 1969<br />

Woman's Page<br />

Slate Wellesley Club' s Meeting<br />

The Detroit Wellesley Club's secretary and Mrs. Don P.<br />

annual meeting will be held at Jones, of Yo r k s hi r e road,<br />

the home of Mrs. Donald R. treasurer.<br />

Flintermann in Lakeshore road Following brief annual reo<br />

next Wednesday, May 21, at ports, .l\1rs, John S. North, of<br />

12:30 o'clock.<br />

Yorkshi,re road, will report on<br />

Continuing terms for another the Wellesley Alumnae Council<br />

year are Mrs. Raymond A. which she attended March 26<br />

B row n, presidentj and Mrs. through 28.<br />

Horace Gilmore, of Harvard '<br />

road recording secretar The. p~rpose of the Alumnae<br />

, y. Council IS <strong>to</strong> strengthen rela-<br />

New officers are Mrs. John Itionships between the College<br />

C. O'Meara, vice-president, Mrs. and its alumnae, <strong>to</strong> consider<br />

John W. Taylor, oorrespondlng alumnae policy and <strong>to</strong> Indic,ate<br />


is <strong>to</strong>o difficult at Meyer!<br />

•<br />

lines of alumnae activity.<br />

••<br />

A report also will be given<br />

on the benefit of the Seven<br />

Eastern Women's Colleges Committee,<br />

a cabaret ooncert of the<br />

Detroit S y m p ho n y Orchestra<br />

conducted by Arthur Fiedler.<br />


daugbter of MR. and MRS. W.<br />

JAlIIES MOORE, of Balfour<br />

road, was a featured instrumen.<br />

tal and vocal soloist at the an.<br />

nual Senior Recital and Opera .<br />

WorksboJl May 5 at Vernon<br />

Court Junior College, Newport,<br />

R.I.<br />

We are a prescription p'harmacy and filling prescriptions<br />

and dispensing professional service is our primary<br />

concern. No prescription is <strong>to</strong>o difficult. We main-<br />

. tain over 20,000 items in s<strong>to</strong>ck so that our patrons<br />

can always be sure of obtaining the newest of medicine<br />

is well as the old standbys. Where you have your<br />

prescription filled does make a difference. Choose<br />

your pharmacist as you would your doc<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

EYER<br />


.19786 Mack (TU 1-138~n 16361 Mack (TU 2-1040)<br />

Ask ,'out our senior c;f;;rens disco.'" pla••<br />

Open Thunday and Friday evenings<br />



Moy.16 thrOtlgA May 2.4.<br />

"<br />

Here is an opportunfty <strong>to</strong> ro;a wardrobe of s<strong>to</strong>ckings<br />

for 'all of Y9ur summer fashion needs ••. now. at substantial<br />

savings during our aflnual sale of your favorite hosiery<br />

iA a comptete range of costl!me.complementing styles and colors.<br />

Reg. '1.59 pr.. Walking Sh-eer. , • , ••••••••••• , • pr. 1.29; 3 pr.'3.8~ -<br />

, Reg. 1.55 pro Heel and Toe Dress Sheer ..... ,.pr. 1.32; 3 pro 3.95'<br />

Reg. 1:55 pr. Mesh .•••••••••••••••••••• , •. pr. 1'.32; 3 pro 3.95<br />

Reg. 1.65 pr. Demi.<strong>to</strong>e Dress Sheer ..•. , •• ," . pr. 1.39; 3 pr. 4.15<br />

Reg. 1.75 pr. Heel and Toe Mini.Cantrece ..•.. pr. 1.49; 3 P.r. 4.45<br />

Reg•.1.75 pr. Demi-<strong>to</strong>e Cantrecc ... , ••.... " .. pr. 1.49; 3 pr. 4.45<br />

Reg. 2.00 pr. Demi.<strong>to</strong>e Agilon Sheer ,., •.••.. pr. 1.69; 3 p~. 5.05<br />

Reg. 2.00 pr. Thigh.high Agilon, self.gartering ... pr. 1.69; 3 pr. 5.05<br />

PROPORTIONED SIZES: Brev for small, slender legs;<br />

sizes 8}2 <strong>to</strong> 10%. Modite for average legs; size:; 9 <strong>to</strong> 11, Duchess<br />

for long, .ampJe legs; sizes 9% <strong>to</strong> 11 ~<br />

SNAP.HAPPIES garment and Agilori s<strong>to</strong>cking combination.<br />

Reg. 8.25 Snap-Happy set. set 6.~O<br />

PANTY STOCKING non-run .sheer; sizes pet~te, medium, medium<br />

taH, tall,' Reg. 3.50 pr, panty s<strong>to</strong>cking .••••• ., ••• pr.2.98<br />

Jacob SonS<br />

in the Village<br />


. ,<br />

ANNUAL<br />

kitchen<br />

<strong>to</strong>ur<br />

ertson and Mrs. Frederick W.<br />

Schlegel.<br />

Following approval of the officers,<br />

luncheon will be served<br />

in .the Club's Green Room.<br />

Among those receiving de.<br />

grees from the University of<br />

Detroit May 3 were The. REV~<br />


DF,:LL, son of MR. and MRS.<br />

NEIL BLONDELL, of Rivard<br />

boulevar:l, who majored in<br />

Guidance and Counseling and<br />

was graduated from the Graduate<br />

School; and DEN N I S<br />

PINKO~, son of MR. and MRS..<br />


Broadslone road, who majored<br />

in His<strong>to</strong>ry and was graduated<br />

from the Graduate Scbool.<br />

Support the Cottage Hospital<br />

Women's Auxiliary<br />

Today, Thursday, May 15<br />

1 p,m. <strong>to</strong> 5 p,m.<br />

Tickets Available At •<br />

Pholo by Paul Gacb<br />

chairman, MRS. MARRION U. 'SCOTT<br />

and MRS. WILLIAM C. RANDS make<br />

mental notes. Tickets for the Follies, <strong>to</strong><br />

be presented May 23 and 24 at 8:30<br />

o'clock in Ford Audi<strong>to</strong>rium, are on sale<br />

atthe,J. 'L.Hudson Company, Ford Audi<strong>to</strong>rium<br />

.box office and the Junior<br />

League's War Memorial office. 'The Afterglow<br />

following the Sah~day evening,<br />

May 24, performance has been changed<br />

<strong>to</strong> the Country Club of Detroit because<br />

of the great number who plan <strong>to</strong> attend.<br />

Other Make-Up committee members are<br />

the Mesdames Jerry H. Nissen, Willard<br />

P. Kerr, Julia B. Tobin, Roger K. Powers<br />

and Carole Williams.<br />

ParticiPliting in M i chi g a n<br />

Week Highland Games at Oakland<br />

University May 17 and 18<br />

will be Highland Dan c er s<br />


LEM, of Severn road.<br />


Page Twenty-one<br />

by, of and for Pointe .Women<br />

Now, Everybody line Up For The Eyes<br />

The Make-Up committe~ for the Junior<br />

League of Detroit's production of<br />

"Follies and Funds for Detroit" got last<br />

minute instruction from MRS. BAR-<br />

',RIETT' SUTTLE, (seated, center), .of<br />

Trail Apothecary Shop this week at the<br />

Grosse Pointe War Memorial, and it was<br />

decided'that the quickest method of ~p'<br />

plying the cast's make-up would be' <strong>to</strong><br />

set up an assembly line with each com.<br />

mittee member applying one part of the<br />

make-up. Mrs. Suttle demonstrates the<br />

,correct "eye" .t ec h n ique s. on MRS.<br />

'GEORGE M. FERN as, Oeft <strong>to</strong> right),<br />



CHARLES E. SWENSON, .committee<br />

New President For Pointe tW'V<br />

Mrs. Robert Everett .has been sources, led by Mrs. H. W. Butelected<br />

<strong>to</strong> a two-year term as ler, and Aid, Trade and the<br />

president of \the League of U.N., led by Mrs. C. ,James<br />

Women Voters of Grosse Pointe. Stickford. .<br />

She succeeds Mrs. Carl J. Fisch. <strong>Local</strong> items are County Home<br />

er in the post. I Rule, led by 'Mrs. Howard Hush;<br />

other c new officers of the School Finance, led by Mrs: Jo-<br />

League include Mrs. Donald Mc.<br />

Conacllie and Mrs. Kenneth<br />

Pitts, first and second vice.<br />

seph Thompson; Sch?O~Semces,<br />

led by Mrs. Jack Still, andRe~.<br />

'reation, led by Mrs. James<br />

presidents,' respectively; Mrs.<br />

Charles . Kinnaird, :secretary;<br />

and Mrs. William G. Ehrlich,<br />

treasurer'<br />

. '; ... .<br />

April Unit meetings, according<br />

<strong>to</strong> Mrs. Everett, were de.<br />

Weber.<br />

Mrs. Everett reports the<br />

League boar~ was rounded out<br />

by the followlDg elected and ap.<br />

pointed direc<strong>to</strong>rs: Mrs; Bruce<br />

Miller, Mrs: Andrew Hall,. Mrs.<br />

Sterling Berry, Mrs; H. W. But.<br />

voted <strong>to</strong> program planning for ler, Mrs. J. R. Jessup; Mrs.<br />

next year. There was a review<br />

of League positions taken asa<br />

Frank Clements, Mrs.<br />

Marshall, lIIrs. Forman<br />

Joseph<br />

Johnresult<br />

of previous<br />

two national and<br />

studJes on<br />

four local<br />

s<strong>to</strong>n Mrs. James<br />

J. Howard Kay,<br />

Sanford, Mrs.<br />

Mrs. George<br />

matters. Brown and Mrs; C: James Stick-<br />

National items are Water Re- ford.<br />

Slate Briarcliff Club's Meeting<br />

The Briarcliff Club of Detroit<br />

will hold its annual meeting and<br />

ele ction of officers at Birmingham's<br />

Village. Club next Tues-<br />

. day, May 20, at noon, with president<br />

Mrs .. Carew P. Martindale<br />

presiding.<br />

The slate proposed by the<br />

Nominating committee will include<br />

Mrs. Reynold W. Semmler,<br />

recording secretary; Mrs.<br />

Maynard R. Andreae, Ways and<br />

Means chairman; Mrs. Lester<br />

Morris, hospitality chairman;<br />

IIIrs. Raymond J. Biggs, publicity<br />

chairman; and members-at.<br />

large Mrs. Thomas R. Bramson,<br />

Mrs. Howard S. Buhl,. Mrs.<br />

George E. McKean, n, Mrs. Edmond<br />

T. Neeme, Mrs. Lester<br />

Neiman, Mrs. Edward K. Rob-<br />

George<br />

Pres<strong>to</strong>ns'<br />

19850 Mack Avenue<br />

at Hunting<strong>to</strong>n, Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

TU 4.6011<br />

Dr. Calcaterra To Claim Bride,<br />

Mrs. Ruth Harvey Manning,<br />

of Westport, Conn.. has announced<br />

the engagement of her<br />

daughler. Ellen Berne, <strong>to</strong> Dr.<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>r E. Calcaterra, son of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Vic<strong>to</strong>r Calcaterra, of<br />

Sunoingdale drive. Miss Berne<br />

is also the daughter of Dr. Eric<br />

Berne, of Carmel, Cal.<br />

Miss Berne attended Colby<br />

College, in Waterville, Me., and<br />

was graduated from the Wash.<br />

ing<strong>to</strong>n Scmare College of Arts<br />

and Science of New York Uni.<br />

versity. She is a caseworker in<br />

Form~r Pointer<br />

Claims Bride<br />

Susan Lee Stanley, daughter<br />

of lIIr. and Mrs. Wallace Stanley,<br />

of Southfield, became the<br />

bride of Thomas Duross Keis.<br />

wetter, son of former Pointers<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. Duross Keiswetter,<br />

who now make their<br />

home in Pe<strong>to</strong>skey, at an evening<br />

ceremony Saturday, lIIay 3,<br />

in Royal Oak's Shrine of the<br />

Little Flower.<br />

Upon their return from a va.<br />

cation in the Shenandoah Mountains,<br />

the newlyweds will make<br />

their home in Warren.<br />

Mrs. Gary Sieb came from<br />

her North Carolina home <strong>to</strong><br />

serve as her sister's matron of<br />

honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs.<br />

Paul Keiswetter, Miff Keiswetter;<br />

Joan Parent and Pauline<br />

Shultz. Marie Kassab was flower<br />

girl.<br />

Paul KeisweUer, of Grand<br />

Rapids, acted as his brother's<br />

best man and another brother,<br />

Richard. J. Keiswetter, headed<br />

the usher corps which included<br />

Michael Harring<strong>to</strong>n, Gary Sieb,<br />

David Pott and Terry Haynor.<br />

MR. and MRS. DAVIDMlL-<br />

LER McDONALD, of Detroit,<br />

announce the birth of their first<br />

child, a daughter, TARA ANNE,<br />

May 6. Mrs. McDonald is the<br />

former ELAINE NIE.CKARZ,<br />

daughter of MR. and. 'MRS.<br />


East Detroit. Paternal grandparf'ots<br />

are MR. and MRS. \<br />

FRANK McDONALD, of Audubon<br />

road. "<br />


Member of Grosse Pointe Rea! Estate Board's<br />

lIfultipleListing System<br />

the Rehabilitation Division of<br />

the Social Service Department<br />

at Bellevue Ho'spilal.<br />

Dr. Calcaterra is a second.<br />

year resident in O<strong>to</strong>laryngology<br />

at New York University Med.<br />

ical Center. He was graduated<br />

from Grosse Pointe South High<br />

School, tbe University of Michigan<br />

and the University of<br />

Michigan Medical School.<br />

A June wedding Is planned.<br />

Our<br />

Maichmaken<br />

Paul Maxon<br />

Richard L. Moxon<br />

Bernard Whitley<br />

Hugh C. WiliOn<br />

William 8. Devlin<br />

Thomas Nester<br />

Au: P. Holt<br />

William H.. Rieman, Jr.<br />

<strong>Win</strong>ifred S. Jewel, Jr.<br />

<strong>Win</strong>nif,.d M. We,hing<br />

Robert H. Opdyke<br />

M•• ry Stamman<br />

Ilene Kelly<br />

Roch.1 Baumann<br />

lecky Wickard<br />

Ruth R. 80lla<br />



NEW HOME<br />

MAXON<br />


Inc. '<br />

TU 2-6000<br />

The layout inCludes 3 Bedrooms, 2 V:z Bathrooms, a large Livingtroom (l4'S"x2S')<br />

ond L-shape Family .aom (14'x2S' plus 12'x 13'). This rt'om is panelled; it has<br />

beamed ceiling and air conditioner. There are fireplaces in the Living room,<br />

Family room and the basement Recreation room. The Jaler is panelled, tiled,<br />

with bar and Lava<strong>to</strong>ry. There is a large walled Patio aff the Family room with<br />

a built-in grill. Ask us for floor pia ... We think you'll li"e it. The house was<br />

built in 1954 ana is in good condition. The heat is gas A.C. 2.cor atta~hed<br />

garage. We'd like 10 arrange an inspection. '<br />

We're not fast talkers, but we're good listeners - 10 the problems of both<br />

buye.s and sellerS. Talking and thinking don't always go <strong>to</strong>gether. We'"<br />

;notch moke.s - you and your new home.<br />

Exclusive Agent<br />

MAXON BROTHERS,IM. TiJ 2~.sOOO __ ~<br />

A conscientious polley mikes Iii 0 •• frie.d.<br />

Only nine years old. This home features three nice size bedrooms,<br />

large kitchen, family room with corner fireplace and<br />

two full baths. Excellent closet and s<strong>to</strong>rage space. Convenient<br />

<strong>to</strong> Ferry, Parcells, and New North High.<br />

III<br />

84 Kercheval-886-7100<br />

Hugo S. Jligbie<br />

Frank D. Cotler<br />

Donald E, Smith<br />

iii<br />

C. C. Wilkerson<br />

Orison S. White<br />

John E. Mendenhall Carl Bruder<br />

Roger Southworth<br />

Member-Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board<br />


Pig. Twenty-two<br />

Woman's Page<br />

S<strong>to</strong>etzer-Speier Rites Are Read<br />

A reception in the Muskegon<br />

Womens Club followed the Sat.<br />

urday, May 10, wedding of<br />

Paula Anne Speire, daughter of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Speier,<br />

of N,'lrth Muskegon, and James<br />

Brian S<strong>to</strong>euer, son of Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Gerald L. ,'><strong>to</strong>etzer, of<br />

Littles<strong>to</strong>ne road.<br />

Setting for the 5:30 o'clock<br />

rites was Muskegon's St. Mary's<br />

Church. Following a vacation in<br />

The Bahamas, the newlyweds<br />

will make their home in Newport,<br />

R.I.., while the bridegroom<br />

attends Naval Officers SchooL<br />

The bride wore a floor length<br />

white satin gown and a lace.<br />

bordered floor length veil, fall.<br />

ing from a white rose headpiece.<br />

She carried an arrangement<br />

of stephanotis centered<br />

with three white roses.<br />

She was attended by her<br />

sister, Mrs. Robert Bruce, of<br />

Atlanta, Ga., wbo served as<br />

matron of honor, and brides.<br />

maids Susan S<strong>to</strong>etzer, the bridegroom's<br />

sister, Mrs. John Den<br />

Braeber, of Bos<strong>to</strong>n, Mass., and<br />

Janelle Sevmy, of Birmingham.<br />

Sashes accented their floor<br />

length pants dresses, f2.shloned<br />

with long sleeves and Iquare<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I ,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

•I<br />

I<br />

T Ii<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

-, -, .,......- ... ..;<br />

necklineli. They wore flowers in<br />

their hair and carried matchlng<br />

floral garlands.<br />

Flower g i r 1 was Lynette<br />

:Bruce, the bride's niece.<br />

Gerald L. S<strong>to</strong>etzer, Jr., came<br />

from Pearl Harbor, HawaIJ,<br />

where he is stationed as a Pelty<br />

Officer in the Navy, <strong>to</strong> act as<br />

his brother's be:.1 man.<br />

Ushering were Mark Speier.<br />

the bride's brother, a student at<br />

the Air Force Academy In<br />

Colorado Springs, Colo., Steven<br />

Ladd, of Ann Arbor, and Steven<br />

Davenport.<br />

The bride's mother chose a<br />

dress and. coat of pastel peau<br />

de soie and a corsage of roses.<br />

The bridegroom's mother wore<br />

an aqua coat and dress ensemble.<br />

Her flowers were camellas.<br />

Among the 16 private collec.<br />

<strong>to</strong>rs exhibiting books, manu.<br />

scripts and rare au<strong>to</strong>graphs in<br />

the "Detroiters Collect" exhibit<br />

from May 14. through June 19,<br />

in Adam Strohm Hall, Detroit<br />

Public Library, is PROFESSOR<br />

ROBERT E. BOOTH, of Balfour<br />

road. Professor Booth has collected<br />

the works of Andrew<br />

Lang since 1960.<br />

Open Thursday arid Frida, eyetlinp<br />

•<br />

Engaged<br />

•<br />

. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester C.<br />

ShE'a, of Sunningdale drive,<br />

have announced the engage.<br />

ment of their daughter, ANN<br />

LORINE, <strong>to</strong> Peter Joseph Good.<br />

win, of Niles, 111., SOD o-l Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Wilfred P. Goodwin,<br />

of Green Bay, Wis.<br />

Larre is a graduate of the<br />

Academy of the Sacred Heart<br />

in Lakeshore road and Barat<br />

College, Lake Forest, ID., and is<br />

presently an airline hostess with<br />

TWA.<br />

~erfiance is a graduate of<br />

the Univehity of Wisconsin and<br />

is associated fu sales work with<br />

Marathon Electric.<br />

A September wed din g is<br />

planned.<br />

give her the convenience of<br />

Feather-Maca travel-cased slippers<br />

with summer-bright braid trim on<br />

soft leather •• ,perfect for<br />

vacations and lounging.<br />

White or tea rose.<br />

Jacob SorrS<br />

iN<br />

The<br />

Moth .Hole<br />

Needle Point<br />


. .<br />



S-M-ML-L-XL.<br />

6.00<br />

refresh your eyes with Polly Bergen's Eye Cere Kit<br />

A quick:. an.<strong>to</strong>gether quartet of eye-easing tricks •••<br />

Cleansing Cream <strong>to</strong> whisk away makeup; Eye Clear<br />


Thursd.y, May 15, 1969<br />


ADS<br />

Coli TU .... 2-6900 - 3 TIUIlIt Li.... To Se~.YOu Quickly<br />

You ~ c.. .. a..reM .<br />


VacaUon In Luxury at low Off. VIC TANNY<br />

Season rates at the AU New .<br />

"White Marlin Motel". Top NO~ HIRING for major expan.<br />

o! Galt OCean Mile, Ft. Laud. SlO~. program. Instruetress<br />

erdale, Fla. 33308. Brochure poS.IUonsavailable' at all De.<br />

on request. Owned and opr. trOlt .area locations. Excellent<br />

by former Grosse Pointe resi. starting salary. Most be at.<br />

dent. tractive, between ages of<br />

20.35, Apply 10 a.m ..6 p.m. on<br />

2A-Musrc EDUCATION<br />

LESSONS on organ, piano, saxo.<br />

phone, popular, classical, age<br />

14 or over. Saturdays. Sun.<br />

days. 821.8368.<br />

PIANO, guitar lessons. Detroit<br />

Institute of Musical Art,<br />

16237 Mack at 3 Mile Drive.<br />

Call TUxedo 2-4963, Tuesday,<br />

T~ursday, Friday after<br />

1:30.<br />

28- TUTORING<br />


. IN .<br />


AU subjects; all grades.<br />

Adults and children. cer.<br />

tified teachers., r .<br />

Call:<br />



KE 7-4653<br />

FRENCH tu<strong>to</strong>ring for grades,<br />

high school, college ar.d<br />

adult by. certified and ex.<br />

perienced teacher. Cr.ll: 886.<br />

1609.<br />

..<br />

..<br />

--<br />

PIANO, THEORY: Pre-school<br />

through university level. WaI.<br />

te! Mueller, 482 Colonial Ct.<br />

N. TUxedo 6-1090.<br />



Guitar Piano<br />

GuitlU' Rental and Silles<br />

15 Kercheval<br />

Grosse -Pointe Farms<br />

TU 4-4440 Res. TU 6-3399<br />




TOR Tu<strong>to</strong>ring by degree teach.<br />

ers available in all suhjects, for<br />

grades high school, college and<br />

jidult education.<br />

339 Merriweather<br />

TUxedo 4-2820<br />


Grosse Pointe Farms'<br />

QUALIFIED math tea c her<br />

wants <strong>to</strong> tu<strong>to</strong>r gradei 1-6 'during<br />

summer months. $5 per<br />

hour. Call. Bfter 6:00. 371.<br />

6'12?.<br />

--<br />

EXPERIENCED college senior<br />

tu<strong>to</strong>r's u m mer elementary<br />

remedial reading, arithmetic.<br />

'Your home or mine. 882.<br />

1139<br />

TEACHER eager <strong>to</strong> tu<strong>to</strong>r ele.<br />

mentary subjects during sl11n.<br />

mer. 884-5190.<br />

Saturday at our Oak Park<br />

location. 14370 W. 8 Mile <strong>Rd</strong>.<br />

or eal! Miss Calavenna for ap.<br />

pointment. 541.3100.<br />

GENERAL office girl. TYPing<br />

knowledge, good with figures.<br />

$90 week <strong>to</strong> start. 9751 Erwin<br />

at Grinnell. Located near<br />

Detroit City Airport 923-<br />

0700.<br />

RESPONSIBL,E hi,!;hschooler <strong>to</strong><br />

care for 3% year girl dally.<br />

Prefer person with younger<br />

in family. Commence imme.<br />

diately through summer and<br />

thereafter. Washing<strong>to</strong>n Road<br />

and Kercheval. Excenent ref.<br />

erences only. TUxedo 2.5262.<br />


FEMALE, SINGLE-2O'35, for<br />

,Ea.st Detroit public accounting<br />

.office, experienced .. Full time<br />

with benefits., Call386~.<br />


office in Grosse Pointe needs<br />

a mature experienj:ed stenographer<br />

for one girl offiee.<br />

Telephone answering, shorthand,<br />

typing and records<br />

maintenance. HO'Jrs 8:30 <strong>to</strong> 5,<br />

Monday through Friday. Can<br />

881-8131.<br />

COUNTER WOMAN - Days -<br />

experienced dry cleaning.<br />

Full time" benefits. Denby<br />

Cleaners, 15029 Kercheval<br />

- Drivers<br />

2 DRIVERS ,needed immediate.<br />

ly for Cook Ford's service de.<br />

partment and bump shop. Ap.<br />

ply S~rviceManager.<br />


16901 MACK AT CADIEUX<br />

COUPLE WANTED for domestic<br />

work in Birmingham Area.<br />

Cooking, serving and cleaning<br />

for adult family of three. Liv(.<br />

on residence or otherwise. Ex.<br />

cellent wages; References reo<br />

quested. Call 322-0170from 9<br />

a.m. <strong>to</strong> 5 p.m.<br />

MASSEUR - Handyman for<br />

.prj.vate 'hODie:' Gardemlig" and<br />

some driving also. 885.1365.<br />

.......... ., ..... ~t'."''''' ..,~<br />

.' CLERK<br />

Young. girl with some high,<br />

schoolaccOuntmgor bookkeep.<br />

ing. On.the job experience help.<br />

ful but not essential. Some light<br />

typing. Gall Mr. Robson at 567-<br />

0215 or apply in person. Stan.<br />

dard Forge Co., !}Ieavy Stamp.<br />

ing Division, 2130 Franklin<br />

Street, Detroit, Mich.<br />

An Equal OJ;Iportunity Employer<br />

CASHIER, afternOOllS and Saturday,<br />

will train. Apply 18330<br />

MALE nursing care-Pre.med<br />

student will make daily or<br />

weekly visit <strong>to</strong> your home for<br />

male care. Excellent refer.<br />

ences. 372.9471.<br />

WANTED, odd jobs, yard work,<br />

painting, exterior, Interior,<br />

light hauling. References. 822-<br />

1968.<br />


I~EED la~n or ,arden work:<br />

. done? Call TUxedl) 4.5962. .<br />

HIGH school student desires<br />

typing, general office work<br />

for summer. TUxedo 1-8584.<br />

CLEAN CARPETS at home ...<br />

shaampoo without water with<br />

new Racine Rent Machme.<br />

Walkers. 20369 Mrack.<br />

MOVING. Radio and reilor":<br />

player combination. Attic<br />

treasures and clothes. 9 a.m.<br />

Saturday, May 17 at 21102<br />

Kenmore, Harper Woods.<br />

WAYNE University chemical<br />

engineering senior desires<br />

summer e~ployment, prefer.<br />

ably pertaining <strong>to</strong> chemistry.<br />

TUxedo 2-3692.<br />

HrGH SCHOOL graduate wish.<br />

e.s' posi~n as seeretary.<br />

Good tYPIst, other machines<br />

filing. Also has had French<br />

translation. After 5, 881.8174.<br />

BASEMENTS washed, waxed<br />

and buffed. Bob, after 3 p.m.<br />

756-1748.<br />

COLLEGE girl wishes <strong>to</strong> plan<br />

for summer position starting<br />

June 23. H~s 2-year college,<br />

including shorthand, typing<br />

and business machines. Also<br />

has p l' act i c a I experience.<br />

TUxedo 1-4230.<br />

BABY SITTING for summer,<br />

part or full time, Grosse<br />

Pointe area, 886.2168.<br />

NURSE AID would like home<br />

nursing, Saturday aud Sunday.<br />

Reference. 291.3275 or<br />

386-3680.<br />

LAUNDRY or cleaning, Friday,<br />

~14.00. Refere~ces. 821-Q855.<br />

KINDLY, experieneed nurse<br />

will take care of your loved<br />

ones, convalescent or cllronic<br />

cases. Day '01' night. Willillg<br />

<strong>to</strong> llssumeresponsibility. Ex.<br />

cellent references. 331.5031.<br />


(Domesticl<br />

EXPERIENCED .laundress or<br />

housework. Own transportation,<br />

$13. References •.VAlley<br />

1-5029.<br />

HOUSEKEEPER:C 0 0 K, ex.<br />

perienced, live.in; small fam.<br />

ily;references. Box M 30,<br />

Grosse Pointe News.<br />

WOMAN wishes day work.<br />

Phone 923.9235.<br />

RELIABLE worker wishes one<br />

day work, Thursdays. Call<br />

875-6733.<br />

LADY wants one day domestic<br />

work, Wednesdays, $13. OWn<br />

car. 823-6784.<br />

6, R Q~ S E P 0 IN TEN E W S<br />

'-FOR ,RENT-<br />

(U"fu"' ......l<br />

GROSSE POINTE, t4 bedrooms,<br />

21,2baths, 2 car jarage, avail.<br />

able July. $325 per month.<br />

884.0'700.<br />

..<br />

BEAU1'IFUL large 6 room fhit,<br />

adults only. 3006, Lakewood.<br />

GROSSE POINTE. 5 room lipper.<br />

Prefer middle aged work.<br />

lng couple. No children no<br />

pets, $130. VAllex 2.0812.<br />

~ ~,<br />

MODERN 4 bedroom 21,2 bath<br />

colonial in the FaI'lJiii. Immediate<br />

pOssession. $450.<br />


'TU 6.3800 •<br />

LAKEPOINTE.Outer Dr. 1m.<br />

ma,culate 3 room and bath<br />

upper, $130, includes utilities.<br />

CO\~ple only. Security de.<br />

POSIt. DRexel 2-8873.<br />

ATTRACTIVE 1'h s<strong>to</strong>ry. 2 bed.<br />

rooms,. bath down, 2 bed.<br />

rooms, bath up. Covered en.<br />

closed porch .. Secluded Woods<br />

Court. $375.00 per month. 1<br />

year lease. Vaeant.<br />

HIGBIE<br />

REALTY<br />

84 Kercbeval Avenue<br />

886.7100<br />

2 B~DROOM house, large yard.<br />

CIty of Grosse Pointe. Adults<br />

only. TUxedo 1-0500or TUxedo<br />

1.3810.<br />

915COOK ROAD, Gro:>sePointe<br />

Farms. 3 lx>droom Colonial<br />

f~~ily room, dining room:<br />

hvmg room with natural fire.<br />

plac.e, 2 car attachM' garage.<br />

Available May 15th.<br />

COX (7 BAKER<br />

TUxedo 5.7900<br />

2 BEDROOM apartment practically<br />

new. Carpetin):: heat,<br />

air-conditioning. All appli.<br />

6A-FOR RENT /<br />

IF,,mi.hed)<br />

HOPSE available June 24th.Au.<br />

gust 25th. Adults: Park, pool,<br />

privileges. 884;6462, evenings.<br />

2 BEDROOM furnished brick<br />

home with garage available<br />

June 1 <strong>to</strong> Oc<strong>to</strong>ber 1. Adults<br />

preferred. References, secur.<br />

ity deposit. $200 per month.<br />

LAkeview 6.7056.<br />


ROOM in a '11l1ethome. Ideal<br />

for gentleman. References<br />

required. TUxedo 5.1698.<br />

BUSINESS WOMAN or nurse.<br />

. Near transportation. Kitcben<br />

privileges. $15 per week.<br />

TUxedo 6.6818.<br />


LUXURIOUS office space avail.<br />

able in desired location in St.<br />

Clair Shores. Carpeted and<br />

air.conditioned. Excellen! access<br />

<strong>to</strong> 194 expressway. 773.<br />

2500,<br />


MODEIDj" medical office. 1100,<br />

sq. ft. Good IDeation and<br />

parking. Large enongh for 2<br />

TUxedo 5.1337 or TUxedo 1.<br />

6498.<br />

AVAILABLE i1nmedlatelY: Eev.<br />

eral OffiCllSin Chet Sampson<br />

Travel Service' 8uilding, 100<br />

Kercheval. Possillle suite ar.<br />

rangement. $70-$90, ineluding<br />

utilities. TUxedo 5.7510.<br />



Choice space for lease.<br />

Available at once.<br />

"On The llill"<br />

Bus line at door. Ample parking<br />

KARL DAVIES TU 5.3220<br />

PRIVATE office, Eastland area.<br />

Parking, complete mainte.<br />

nanl!e <strong>to</strong> responsible tenant<br />

Lease. 886.1800.<br />

ances. 20401 E. 8 Mile Road NEW BRICK BUILDING<br />

near Harper. Available June GROSSE POINTE WOODS _<br />

1st. TUxedo 4.7657. 21312 Mack, corner Aline,<br />

EAST SIDE apartment build- 2200 sq. ft. open area, air.<br />

ing, Jefferson near Water- con~tioned, lar~e re.ar area<br />

works Park.' One and two p:;rking ~ot also Indivld~a~ of.<br />

bedr~m apa.r.tm.ents, newly I flces .avaJl.able.Can be dIVIded<br />

decorated, eleva<strong>to</strong>r, excellent <strong>to</strong> SUIttenant.<br />

tranSportation. Adults, only. MEDICAi;..;..PROFESSIONAL-<br />

822.8602 between 9 a.m. and 20867Mack. One 5.room suite.<br />

8 p.m. Immediate occupancy.<br />



E. Jefferson at 9* Mile<br />

, ..<br />

L and 2'bedroom at'ts. Central<br />

air conditioning,. prh.ate basements,<br />

GE appliances include<br />

surface burner, oven, refrig.<br />

2 RELIABLE, experienced era<strong>to</strong>r, dishwasher, disposal,<br />

~omeD ,,l:Icldng ...fa"<br />

tizen, mature lady, available ci1itie.. ' " \<br />

June. Reply <strong>to</strong> Grosse fointe MANCHESTER~bal Mack. 5<br />

News. 6-15. . room brick' house attacbed<br />


BUREAU<br />


. ployme.rit Agency has experi.<br />

enced day workers, general<br />

housework, • live.Ins, cooks.<br />

LOraine 8-3118.<br />

6.-FOR RENT--<br />

( Unfumishecl)<br />

garage .. Welcome' chilc:.-no<br />

pets. $215. ",<br />

.Call 771.3124 ..<br />

TV 4-1340 TU 6-1068<br />


Offices - desk spaee - parking<br />

TV 5-0518 I TV 2-7252<br />

500.TO 1,200 sq. ft. air condi.<br />

tioned b Iiil din g. st. Clair<br />

Shores. 7n.1S70.<br />


MACK Cor. of Littles<strong>to</strong>ne:-F9r<br />

lease one .medicaI, one dental<br />

suite noW-available in modern<br />

clinic. 600 sq. ft. each. Excel.<br />

facilities, ample parking. Includes.<br />

all utilities, air-cond.,<br />

jani<strong>to</strong>r service. Reasonable.<br />

TU 1-6300.<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>ne (7 Johns<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

4 ROOM lower income, newly 6D-RESORT PROPERTY<br />

.' carpeted, near Cottage Hos. FOR RENT<br />

TU 6-4444 mediate occupancy, ideal for<br />

. working couples, bachelor,<br />

DEVONSIDRE AND MACK~ etc. Adults only. No pets.<br />

room lower. Separate base-I ---ment,<br />

furnace, entrances. Ga. MOD E R ~ 3 ~drooms, 2 1 ?<br />

rage. Adults, no cbildren, no baths, WIth famIly room. AIr<br />

pets. TU 5-6215. conditioned, attached 2 car<br />

lIarage. Available mid June<br />

GRAYTON, upper 5 room, heat. for one year. $400 month. Se.<br />

ed, carpeted, adult.~. $150. curity depo.~it - references.<br />

TUxedo 2-0573. TUxedo 4-6834.<br />

EMPLOYED lady 10 share mr<br />

apartment. References. Box<br />

N-60. Grosse Pointe News.<br />

----- --<br />

ALTER RD. below Jefferson, 6<br />

room upper flat. Security de.<br />

posit. Adults preferred. VAl.<br />

ley 2.0333, evenings.<br />

HARVARD RD., Grosse Pointe,<br />

3 hedroom home, available<br />

June 1st. $250. HO 8.7832.<br />


EXECUTIVE and family of<br />

three grown chUdren desires<br />

three or four bedroom home<br />

in Grosse Pointe. One or two<br />

year lease. Excellent ref.<br />

erences. 886.2218.<br />

YOUNG COUPLFo with infant<br />

wishes <strong>to</strong>, rent 2 bedroom unfurnished<br />

income or dllDles<br />

773-4278.<br />

RESPONSIBLE couple desires<br />

quiet home,' 3 bedrooms, 2<br />

ba ths. 886-4216.<br />

LARGE CARRIAGE-for "ii'iiture<br />

couple, wife will help wilh<br />

your children. 886-4276.<br />

REFINED professional 1 a d y<br />

would like studio apartment<br />

or room and bath with kiwh.<br />

en and latlndry privileges in<br />

Grosse Pointe, Harper Woods<br />

Dr Eastland a,rea. Must be<br />

fur nished. References ex.<br />

changed. Calls taken by Mrs.<br />

Woodward. 331-8058.<br />

FAMILY of 4 wisbes <strong>to</strong> lease<br />

furnished house or lipartment<br />

through August. 871-1800.<br />


DARE <strong>to</strong> be DIFFERENT with<br />



JEWELRY and JUNKQUE at<br />


21151 Mack 886.1640<br />

AUTOMOBILE OWNERS!-Approximately<br />

$20 quarterly buys<br />

$10,000/$20,000public llabWty,<br />

property d.a ma g e. TUxedo<br />

1-2376.<br />

ESTATES bought and sold.<br />

Complete or odd pieces. An.<br />

tiques, silver, cbina, funJi.<br />

ture. Oriental .rugs. Hugh C.<br />

Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO<br />

6.2500.<br />

2 MODERN living room table,<br />

lamps, sewing machine and<br />

cabir.et, hand painted tea set,<br />

- Zenith stereo, Oriental rugs,<br />

books, clothes 12.14. Needlepoint<br />

b e n c h,. broiImaster,<br />

kitChen Items. Andrew Geller<br />

shoes, ~ize 8. 822-4960.<br />

SCHWINN 10 - speed Vars~ty,<br />

very good condi<strong>to</strong>n, $55. TUxed~<br />

1-3424 .<br />

WANTED: Old guns, any con.<br />

dition. Call Monte at 8M.2654.<br />

4" UNITRON telescope, electric<br />

drive;_15' Doughboy pool<br />

and accessories, 1ronrite ironer<br />

and chair. 884.1341.<br />

. -<br />

FRAMUS bass guitar, like new,<br />

$100. 885~. ..:: .. '<br />

ARM CHAIRS, .cedar chest,<br />

service plates, pair end tables,<br />

Dirylite<br />

laneous<br />

service for 6 miscel-<br />

items from estate .<br />

LAkeview 6-3427, 886.5947.<br />

f '"jt,<br />

"Ubl(' t .... _ e(<br />

UNUSUAL basket purses -<br />

dressy and casual. Cus<strong>to</strong>m<br />

made and from s<strong>to</strong>ck. VAl.<br />

ley 2.2288 or VAlley. 2-9743.<br />


~ntiqued French mahogany:<br />

m warm honey color, Cabriole<br />

legs, matching, bench, $500.<br />

882.3863.<br />

pital. $160 monthly including BUGGY, car bed, car 'seat in.<br />

all utUities and garage, se- SUMMER COTTAGE, Walloon fant seat, potty seats~ale<br />

curity deposit. .Immediate Lake near Pe<strong>to</strong>skey, 4 bed- ~~mp cJ1air, drapes, p~il, ster:<br />

occupancy. 1.651.3375. "Cooms, paneled living room illzer, mat emity c10thin a<br />

GRAMMAR and creative Writ.<br />

ing. Experienced En g lis h Mack. Must be over 18.<br />

WI.th fl'replace elecm kit h chair SWl'n

.j<br />

. i<br />

. i<br />

\<br />

Page Twenty-four<br />

,<br />

: STOVE, refrigera<strong>to</strong>r, 2 kitche"<br />

, sets, ladies and childrens<br />

, clothing, tricycle, Zoom.loom,<br />

: 0 the r <strong>to</strong>ys, miscel1Bneous.<br />

• 881.1137.<br />

; CLOSE OUT 0/1 artists supplies.<br />

: original oil paintings and<br />

; frames.<br />

: CANVAS and BRUSH<br />

: 11840 Harper 521-8077<br />

15175 E. Jefferson<br />

VA 1-0678<br />

See or Call<br />

Ron Blakely CJT<br />

Doug Seigfried<br />

J a-:-ARTICLES FOR ~LE<br />

Rummage sale<br />



1'1105 MAUMEE<br />

Between Neff and St. Clair<br />

Thursday. May 22<br />

9 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 1 p.m.<br />

881-0420<br />

GARAGE SALE: Friday, Sat.<br />

urday 10 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 4 p.m., 350<br />

Maselli! Place off Williams.<br />

Near Kerby Road. Golf cart,<br />

mo<strong>to</strong>r bike, 12 large porch<br />

screens, bowling ball. cloth.<br />

ing, fluorescent lights. win.<br />

dow shades. oil paintings,<br />

books, <strong>to</strong>ys, drapes. etc.<br />

LUDWIG Drums, all accessories<br />

includillg covers. Black<br />

diamond pearl Like new $350.<br />

481 Lakeland.<br />

Beautiful draperies, remnants<br />

and rolls.<br />

3 DAY SALE<br />

50c Yd.<br />



Imported gifts, arts, crafts, and<br />

gourmet items, tarragon vine.<br />

gat, 36" long French brea?,<br />

new imported' electric coffee<br />

mills, folkloric dolls, wine.<br />

bottle candle lamps, antiques<br />

of all kinds, garden. sculpture,<br />

grapevine corkscrews, pew.<br />

ter jewelry, antique maps,<br />

and much more. Plain prices.<br />

. Saturday'andSunday, May 17<br />

and 18 from noon <strong>to</strong> six p.m.<br />

Come early. 560 Notre Dame.<br />

SPALDING golf clubs, irons, ~"<br />

5. 7, 9, putter, woods, I, 3.<br />

Bag included. 882.8522.<br />

GAMES TABLE and 4 captains<br />

chairs, like new, sacrifice,<br />

_ $590., TUxedo 5-ll9n.<br />

GARAGE SALE: Saturday May<br />

17th, 10 <strong>to</strong> '4.399 Neff Road.<br />

Household items and clothing.<br />

1969 CHEVROLET<br />

\<br />

IMPALA<br />

.$2495<br />


V-8, au<strong>to</strong>. trans., power steering, power<br />

vinyl <strong>to</strong>p, radio, neater, whitewall tires _<br />

\A/OOD<br />

MOTORS<br />

100% GUARANTEE<br />


30 days 01' 1,000 miles.<br />

MODERN SOFA and chair, good<br />

eondi<strong>to</strong>n, must sell. LAkeview<br />

7.7463.<br />


<strong>to</strong>rchieres, magnificent library<br />

desk. ~liscellaneous chairs.<br />

VAlley 1-6900.<br />

DRAPERIES, 5 sets of brocade<br />

rose beige. Lined and tra;<br />

versed. Matchin~ glass cur.<br />

tains. One-44"x87" rest -<br />

33"x87". 886.1328.<br />

FORMALS, size 10.12. Rose lace,<br />

all white, $16 each. TUxedo<br />

4.5004.<br />


ANTIQUE TAB LE, carnival<br />

glass, and other items. TU,<br />

1.3980.<br />

8 Antique Dealers<br />

Jefferson House Antiques<br />

34427 E. Jefferson<br />

between 14 and 15 Mile <strong>Rd</strong>s.<br />

Dolls, furniture, glass, primi.<br />

tives,: china, bottles, clocks,<br />

Vic<strong>to</strong>riana.<br />

. Closed MOJldays.<br />



A smail collection of antiques<br />

from Near and Far .East in.<br />

'cluding China, Japan, India,<br />

Tibet, Persia\ Tne Caucasl1s<br />

GYM SET and sand box $20. and poiIltsEast. ,Jade; Luri.<br />

881.3105. '. stan aridNnl~h, I,lronzes; Hit.<br />

. .' . . . . ,ti~e. an4, ,.~s~an cylinder<br />

MOVING. Willet dmmg set. Red . seal.s;~qti.Jln11qlle and anneedlepoint,<br />

new. Many other ,.tiQue ,or~eiJt.al rUgs in small<br />

items. 777-6255. sizes; ,Jewelry from 800 BC<br />

HYDRO FLITE outboard water <strong>to</strong> 19004»; Chinese Export<br />

skis, rope and racing type ,wlIres;18th and 19th century<br />

jacket, all $25.00. ru 1-3980. orientalceraiplcs; 14th. 17th<br />

Century Siamese bronzes and<br />

BARREL BACK brocade chair. numerouS other small items<br />

Weiman heirloom table. Large of. virtue,. '.' ,.<br />

baby crib. 884.1115. " .' " co~t~cT9.R;?I';9tI0~CE<br />

MOVING: Dining roomta.ble, ,72!! SouthcA;~~~~, ~~mlllgham<br />

six chairs, $85;. sideboard, I.... ., .. ,<br />

$50; Bell & Howell slide, pro.<br />

jec<strong>to</strong>r and screen, $75; Magnavox<br />

portable stereo, $95;<br />

chair, tables, lamps, pictures,<br />

carpets, etc.; call aft~r6<br />

TUxedo 4.6767. '<br />

CAMERA CM Argus, with:at. :.<br />

tachments. In very good con.<br />

dition. Call 885.Q745.<br />

0745.<br />

ENGLISH lady's racing bike. APPLIANCES, new range, new<br />

TUexdo 1-6589. and used refrigera<strong>to</strong>rs, dish.<br />

washer, antique mangle. 886.<br />

704,,"6.<br />

-<br />

FROM THE comers of 4 homes<br />

furniture, clothes and surprises.<br />

May 15 - 17 at 321 I<br />

Beaupre near ~Ioross in the .<br />

Farms. 10 a.m. <strong>to</strong> 3 p.m, ,<br />

brakes,<br />

INC.<br />

8 MILE<br />

PR 8-6400<br />

DUNCAN PHYFE drop leaf table,<br />

will seat 12, 4 dining<br />

chairs. Very good condition,<br />

$75. Call evenings. Saturday<br />

885.8317.<br />

,."TH [NC$::' ANTIQUE"<br />

ANTIQ~SHbpclosing, s<strong>to</strong>ck<br />

liquidation'sale, .Entire inven<strong>to</strong>ry<br />

must be sold. Every item<br />

reduced 30%, 40%. Final day<br />

of sale. May 17,noon 'ti] 5<br />

p.m. 16525 Hamil<strong>to</strong>n, High.<br />

land PatR.For further infor.<br />

mation' 864-55114.,<br />

~ . ~. :r: I " :<br />

.I:~'.,'Jl' . ~ .rfu ,".,<br />

.," ;':'..;l\NTIQUE:<br />

Back Yard - S<strong>to</strong>re Sale<br />

SATURDAY, MAY 17<br />

10 A.M. - 6 P.M.<br />


23220'Mack, nr.'9 Mile<br />

775.1970<br />

WANT,ED: six year '1!ib in good<br />

condition. 822-5421.<br />

WAN'r&) ESTATES. antiques,<br />

furniture, art objects. ornate<br />

picture frames, paintings, ori-<br />

ental rugs, cut glass, old china,<br />

etc. 'New dealer. Top cash<br />

paid. 372-0070. Evenings -I'<br />

821-4911.<br />




15200 GRATIOT BET 7 &- 8 MILE<br />

DR 2-r-qT, ID:~)(1<br />


3 DAYS OI\J,LY<br />

THURS .• FRI., SAT ..<br />

1966 MUSTANG, 6 cyL,.' ~~66 '~I{STA~~,( V-8,<br />

au<strong>to</strong>., r. & h., w.w,t. Ex- au<strong>to</strong>., p.S., r. ana h. Blue<br />

tra sharp. with 'a white vinyl r(l('f.<br />

t l' "'1.1'<br />

1966 MUSTANG, 6 cyL, 1965 MUSTANG, V-B,<br />

au<strong>to</strong>., p.s., radio, heater, au<strong>to</strong>., r. &- h;, w,w.t.,<br />

W.W.t. Vinyl roof, p.s.<br />

..' J,1195<br />

.. I<br />

1965 MUSTANG, V.8, 1967' "MUSTANG, 2+2,<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matic, radio, heat~r, 4 speed, V.8. Extra sharp,<br />

whitewalls.<br />

$1195 $1895<br />


16801 MACK nr. CAD IEUX<br />

TU 2-7787<br />

!-ARTleHrWAt:(tiif." "lj~lrrOS FOR $Au' " l1-AuTOSFOR $ALE- .<br />

BOOKS, ~1QJl~ectlSought. 1967 PONTIACTem~st ~.door aGe BUICK -Wildeat % door<br />

Browsers _..always welcome. hard<strong>to</strong>p. va; double power. hard<strong>to</strong>p. Turquoise, blaek<br />

B. C. Cl",'B.ook Sbop. Mils Dart blue. $W5. vinyl <strong>to</strong>p, power steering,<br />

lIo'the1 C3es, .16'10 Leverette PO INTE power brakes, radio, beater,<br />

(48216). ffiJ) 3-426'1'00t)(;E V-S; au<strong>to</strong>matic, $1,595, $295<br />

10A-MdTORCYCLES : 18155 MACK ~5410 ..down. ' . ,<br />

FO~ $4L.E .. 1968TRIUMPH Roadster, T;R.4. R Ie H A RD<br />

HONDA 9O"CC~crambhii', 1968 One owner. Must sell, leav. . ,.<br />

, model. ~~'~ um e 'payments. ing for service. Call TUxedo B U IC K<br />

TUxedo :i.S362. - • 1.2852.<br />

HONDA SPORT 50 excellent 196'7 OLDS Cutlass S hard<strong>to</strong>p.<br />

condi<strong>to</strong>n. 886.5287.' Vinyl roof. 4 speed. Really<br />

DUCAT!, 25Occ. "63" SO H.P.<br />

Call after 5:30. 885.0492.<br />

HONDA S90, 3,600 orijpnal<br />

miles, mint, sllcrifice $175.<br />

VAlley 3.1268.<br />

1966 S U Z UK I, 250cc, X.6,<br />

Hustler. $300 with helmet.<br />

Call evenings, TUxedo 5.1025.<br />

HONDA Sport 50, excellent<br />

condition. 888.5287.<br />

101- TRUCKS- '<br />

1969<br />


PICKUP<br />

Fleetside. H e a v y duty rear<br />

springs, rear bumpers. Jr. w/c<br />

mirrors.<br />

$1872.91<br />

Complete<br />


365.6000, ext. 6Z<br />

TRUCK<br />

SALE'<br />

100<br />

New aud used. Ready <strong>to</strong> work.<br />


SHALLA<br />


16700 Harper TU'1-7600<br />

;61 TEMPEST, 4 door, au<strong>to</strong>matic<br />

•. radio, good, condition.<br />

Best offer. TU 5-6215.<br />

1009 CADILLAC Coupe deVille.<br />

Silver with.a black. vinyl <strong>to</strong>p.<br />

Ail'conditioning, "5,280.miles.<br />

$595 down.<br />


3180 E. JEFFERSON<br />

L0'1-6811<br />

1968 CADILLAC<br />

COUPES &<br />



NO AIR COND.<br />

Chestnut Brown coupe. Power<br />

windows. $4,195.<br />

Mateo Red. Coupe de Ville.<br />

Black vinyl <strong>to</strong>p. Full power.<br />

Only $4,395.<br />

Baroque G old convertible.<br />

Black <strong>to</strong>P. black interior.<br />

Low mileagc. $4,495.<br />

COFFEY<br />


3180 E. JEFFERSON<br />

LO 7.6811<br />

l.<br />

sharp! $1899, $169 QOWll,<br />



15000 KERC}l:EVAL<br />

822-7740<br />

1962 PORSCHE, good condition.<br />

Call after 9 p.m. 821.9241.<br />

16700 HARPER . ,TU 1-7600 1965 PLYMOUTH Sports Fury.<br />

1966 CADILLAC convertible~ Midnight blue. $1031.<br />

Arctic white, black <strong>to</strong>p, black PO INTE<br />

interior, tilt, telescopic wheel, DODGE<br />

st~reo<br />

miles.<br />

radio. Only 24,000 118155 MACK . 886.5410<br />

COFFEY CADI LLAC '65 MERCURY six' passenger<br />

3180 E. JEFFERSON<br />

LO 7.6811'<br />

station wagon. Silver with red<br />

interior. Fires<strong>to</strong>ne 500 pre.<br />

T.BIRD, '68 Landau, 2-door'<br />

hard<strong>to</strong>p, vinyl roof,interior,<br />

fac<strong>to</strong>ry air, 14,900 mil~. Harper-l0<br />

area. 21820 Lange.<br />

1966 BurCK SpeciaI,.2 door.<br />

Power steering, V-8.' au<strong>to</strong>matic,<br />

radio, heater, Burgundy,<br />

,black trim. Like new. $1395.<br />

$199 down.<br />

R'ICHARD,<br />

BUICK<br />

16941 E, WARREN<br />

886-3b90<br />

1968 PLY¥OUTH Sport. Satel.<br />

lite wagon. 3 seat, 318cubio<br />

inches. Dar.k .greeD, white'<br />

sidewalls, power :steering,<br />

brakes and rear window. Push<br />

but<strong>to</strong>n radio, etc. $2600,.886,<br />

'0446. ..... . ."','<br />

1969 NEW YORKER, Hloor,<br />

hard<strong>to</strong>p. Demo..Fac<strong>to</strong>ry' air<br />

conditioning, power steering,<br />

power brakes, power, windows.<br />

Many more extras. $99 .<br />

down.<br />



1962 .MONZA red convertible, 18165 Mack '886-3000<br />

au<strong>to</strong>matic, goo d condition.<br />


ThUrsdl~, May IS, 1969<br />

J 21- TRAILERS AND<br />

CAMPERS ' .<br />



Sleeps 4, gas stave, beater, 110<br />

and 12 valt hook.up. Stainless<br />

sink, polyfoam mattress, pow.<br />

er range hood, 2O.,allon pres.<br />

sure water system with gauge,<br />

6.way camper <strong>to</strong> truck ~nnection,<br />

cab over bunk, city<br />

wa~er book-up, gas relula<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

camper jacks.<br />

ALSO<br />

1968 3A.TON CAMPER Special,<br />

V.B, cus<strong>to</strong>m cab.<br />

$3,199.<br />


ED RINKE<br />


VAN DYKE at 10 1 12 MILE RD.<br />

. JE 6-0255<br />


Michigan's exclusive Cobra<br />

Dealer<br />


1969 DODGE Family Wagan<br />

Vans fully equipped, sleeps<br />

2 adults and 2 children.<br />

For infarmation call<br />

881.Q867<br />


Michigan Bankard Honored.<br />


'69 Dodge 27' Matar Hame.<br />

Sleeps 7 adults. Ca~pletely<br />

selI.coatained. RENTAL IN.<br />

FORMATION. TUxedO' 6-5840.<br />


17.ft. travel 'traner. Sleeps 6.<br />

Campletely . self contained.<br />

Used only twiclt.<br />

$277. dn.<br />

and<br />

COBRA<br />

1969 Cabra 17 it. travei trailer.<br />

6 sleeper. Completely self<br />

contained. Baught ilew in fall<br />

af 1968-Never used. '<br />

$299. dn.<br />



VAN DYKE' at loih MILE<br />

JE 6-0255<br />


12D-AtREAGE :AND<br />

SUBURBAflU!,ROP.<br />

EftTY 'FOR SALE<br />

METAMORA - 50 acres. 884-<br />

9535.<br />


Spacious and Gracious livlng on<br />

on Lake Huron. Beautiful. 4bedrooF~<br />

home on 9Ox5OO' lat.<br />

Full utilities, private beach.<br />

Full price $33,500. Tenns.<br />

COZY Lfi'TLE 2-BEDROoM<br />

Ranch home an large lot, gas<br />

heat, in Lexing<strong>to</strong>n. 3 blow<br />

fraD) <strong>to</strong>wn. ~ price $8,250.<br />

Call Lexing<strong>to</strong>n affice. 313-359.<br />

9611 ar 883.3700<br />



the Rochester Area? We have<br />

several parcels from 4 <strong>to</strong> 26<br />

acre$. Some wooded aDd witb<br />

litreams. ,Excellent location<br />

for your cauntry bome.<br />

41 BEAUTIFUL' ACRES of<br />

rolling g r a u n d partially<br />

wooded. Stream runs thraugh<br />

north east corner of property.<br />

Located in Lapeer Township.<br />

Excellent inveatment<br />

property.<br />


lovely cleared acres with<br />

running stream? Includes a<br />

barn and well, situated on<br />

<strong>to</strong>p of hill surrounded by oak<br />

trees. A perfect spot far the<br />

gentleman farmer. Located<br />

in Bruce Township.<br />

CALL<br />

I<br />

- . _'6 R:C!S S E POINT ENE Vi S<br />

12F-RESOIT ~OPl*TY I~QL mATI U-REAL ~l", lJ-1EAL ..rAn<br />


qAANl) 8END AREA GROSSE ~INTZ' ana, Har. ST. CLA]R SHORES - 22l3O CROSSE PT. WOODS - 1"1<br />

LAXEFRONT exeeuUve cotta,e vard. Wlik St. Clue ~I. Edmun<strong>to</strong>n Dr. st. Joan af Aline, by Owner, 3 bedrooms,<br />

in Ilclusive lubdiviiioll. Five La... e a bedroom co.1ollill, Are PaM. ~'tran'p&rta. 1~ caf ,.rafe. 881.0682."<br />

~ms, 1~. baths. !ar,e 1.* bath., breeifut, recrea. tioD, 3 bec1rOOlll.l;complete<br />

Exclusive by<br />


•<br />


lJ-1L\L ""ATI<br />

FOI SALI .<br />


OPEN %:10 TO Uo SUNDAY<br />

livm, room, diDlng room, kit.<br />

ellen. Air eondiUoDed, gal<br />

paDelheat. VOU maple fur.<br />

nitUre.Double carport. For<br />

further information caU WIL.<br />

I,JAM DAC E, Southeott<br />

Pines, GRAND BEND, 238.<br />

24~7.<br />


LTD.<br />

EXETER-l.&18.23$.2420<br />

1ZG--FARMS.<br />


tiOn lOOlJl. MIDY extras. OWn.<br />

er. TUaedo 2-MD3.<br />

,<br />


WE'RE OFF <strong>to</strong> tile raees with a<br />

fiDe' faeld of entries, OPe af<br />

wbic~ is' bound <strong>to</strong> be a<br />

winner for ~u. It's a fast<br />

track IJld aU of these thoro<br />

oughbreds are capable of<br />

moving in a hurry. Best<br />

yau get your bet down with<br />

Purdy &: Edgar ar you mlY<br />

electric kitchen, Beautiful CROSSE POI NTE<br />

finished .recreatio'a room. In. .HOMES<br />

sIde must be seen <strong>to</strong> be apo<br />

preciated. Shown by appoint.<br />

OPEN SUN. 2.5<br />

ment. Phane 7'13:0728 ar '778. E. BALLANTYNE 20063 - OIl<br />

9M3. .<br />

Flirford. Excellent location<br />

,<br />

near Star of Sea, Semi RallCh.<br />

2 Bedrooms .nd Bath down,<br />

one lar'e Bedroom and Lava.<br />

First Offering<br />

<strong>to</strong>ry up. F.mily room. 2 car<br />

~ttacbed Ilr.ge. '<br />

HILLCREST 356-ln the Farms.<br />

Substantial three bedroom Co.<br />

lonial with breakfa st nook. 1St<br />

floor lav., formal dining room,<br />

attacbed garage and nice<br />

large lot. Carpeting: Drapes<br />

11 STRATTON PLAt'!: near<br />

Loebmoor Blvd. ExceptiOl1al<br />

oew traditional eo1oaia1. Ex.<br />

cellent view 01 the Jake, luxurll)USmaster<br />

suite, <strong>to</strong>tal of 5<br />

bedrooms. spacious rustic<br />

,•...,......... -.n. u>-,<br />

rary, air - conditiOl1lng. See<br />

yaur broker or. TV.xedo 2-<br />

58:lO. .<br />

. '.<br />

1NmAN .VILLAGE - 5 bed.<br />

rooms. 3 baths, 2 fireplaces,'<br />

2 ear garale. Call Mr. Clark<br />

at 963.3400. '<br />

and.appliancel included. Quick -<br />

67 acres, house, barn and out be left at the gate.<br />

buildings, 300 ft. on itream.<br />

.small woods. Near Harbor WIN ... you aver with this<br />

Beach. On corner af Schock new entry in the Farms.<br />

<strong>Rd</strong>. and. McIntOlh. It's an odds-on favorite if<br />

, you require three bedrooms<br />

BROOKS. BEGG :Representative plus that extra room on the<br />


REAltOR<br />

313-886-4444<br />


FORSAlt<br />

LARGE loci,. 011 Torch Lake.<br />

131.ft. sandy beach. 11l1eeping<br />

rooms. Suita~le for a club.<br />

Complete restaurallt. equipment.<br />




Charmin, smaUer 1 floor horne.<br />

Family room facill( river.<br />

nice living room, 2. bedrOoms;<br />

lovely kitchen, carpeting all<br />

thru hollie, gas furnace, .city<br />

water. sewer,. 1ar&e ,arap<br />

wit.. electric eye. $32,000,<br />

$15.000down a1Io inchldes aU<br />

electric appliancel. By appt.<br />


Income propeny, '.3-1fioor year<br />

around homes, 3 cottages,<br />

steel breakw~U, dock. lorgeoUi<br />

large lot, trees. Freight.<br />

er, Channel. .,000. ..000<br />

dawn, owner will .carry 'eontract.<br />

Get in ontbe IUIllmef<br />

rentals. By appt.<br />


ALGONAC ,<br />

4087 M.29 Hwy~. 'fM-3881<br />

LARGE beautiful restrleted lake<br />

lots, eaat sltOn Hubbatd Lake.<br />

TUxedo 202351.<br />

j - ••<br />

TRAVERSE ciTY, wooded lot<br />

on exCluSive 'DeepW~ter<br />

Point <strong>Rd</strong>., facing Grand Tn-<br />

,verse Bay. Acme TO'WDsb1p.<br />

Beach acetlsa.<br />


Charming 3 bedroom, 1~ bath<br />

Farm house, Co19nJal ;ID, the<br />

Farms. Living room with fire.<br />

place aild .built-ins, diJJinI<br />

room, mOdern - JUteheit With<br />

built.ins . and . panelled, bay<br />

breakf,ront area., clen, 'rec.<br />

room, 2\h ear prage. Anumable<br />

morter-ge .•. 1808.<br />

STATLER. Rambling 3 ~<br />

brick rallCb overlOClkiJ1lLake<br />

St. Clair. Basement, gara,e.<br />

Ask for ADne D. Dlly B. F.<br />

Chamberlain. Co.,PR 1-3223.<br />

TV 4-1502.<br />

SUNNINGDALE. 1567- Exceptional<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>m built" bedroOm<br />

semi.ranch, 2~ bathli, bUlle<br />

kitchen Jt\d breakfast area.<br />

'lavely family room with fireplace.<br />

laree UvinI room over.<br />

looking L 0 c h moor Golf<br />

Course, 2 car attached. ga.<br />

rage, many ather extras. By<br />

appOiJJtment.<br />

TORREY ROAD 1200- Exc"l.<br />

lent 4 bedrooms, 3 fun baths.<br />

formal dining room. Enjoy<br />

your hat summer in this air.<br />

candltianed home and out.<br />

door swimming pool. Don't<br />

wait--eall DOW!<br />

KENMORE - Well mamtained<br />

3 bed ro 0 m raIlcb. Large<br />

breezeway which can be con.<br />

verted in<strong>to</strong> family room and<br />

2 car attached garage. Call<br />

far appointment.<br />

Weir, Manu~I, BETTYVINGI<br />

S d &<br />



are unequaled in this ma.<br />

jestic Ita UaD Rena issIDce<br />

bome designed by the late<br />

Louis X.amper for one of<br />

the Pointes' oldest families.<br />

Completely refurbished by<br />

present architect,owner as<br />

featured in Life magazine<br />

and Detroit Free Press.<br />

Large 'rooms with 12' ceil.<br />

ingsradlatc fram an exten.<br />

sive but inviting hall an<br />

main floor. A music room,<br />

. family and two guest pow.<br />

der rooms are unexpected<br />

extras. 5 family bedroom.s<br />

and 4 baths plus study on<br />

seeand floor. maids' quar.<br />

ters ar apartment above. 2.<br />

bedroom garage apartment<br />

and magnifit1ent lfI'Ovnds in<br />

the b,eart of Grosse Pointe.<br />

PLACE •. 1. yourself in the un.<br />

usually shaped library af<br />

the majeltic Southern colonial<br />

we offel' an Balfaur<br />

Raad. From here you may<br />

strIde in<strong>to</strong> tlie living room, . '<br />

foyer or breakfut room. Directly on lake<br />

Must you have qua~rs for<br />

stay.iIl.help or just the ALL THE ,"UXURY OF counroollUl<br />

wbich you kJiow are try living On the lake is<br />

there for visiting family afforded by this truly mag.<br />

ana brood? Ideal for the' nlficent Georg'ian residence.<br />

family which requires run. ActlJ:llly this hame is not<br />

ningcroom in a bouse on an over-whelming in size. The<br />

es~te-llized lot ina~ floor rooms (five plus<br />

SHOW . . . your better half<br />

what yau, have found. on<br />

Whittier Road, in tile .first<br />

blOck off Jefferson. Here<br />

stands a. lIOund colonial<br />

with good l1Des. The four<br />

bedrooma and two baths<br />

an ,..the second. Door are<br />

enough <strong>to</strong> stable a fair.<br />

sized family and there is. a<br />

librarY IJId a lCI'eened and<br />

covered porch <strong>to</strong> supple.<br />

ment the living room and<br />

lieparate dining room.<br />

ALSO RAN • •• in<strong>to</strong>- a nifty<br />

litUe three bedroom an<br />

Univenity wbieh is making<br />

its fint appeltranee on our<br />

. track. Here's a new twist<br />

• •. the owner has beeD put<br />

out <strong>to</strong> pasture 'and, will<br />

SOOIl be moved (0 Florida.<br />

~ let tile little lady jockey<br />

you over <strong>to</strong> thilS oae and<br />

maybe yau'll want <strong>to</strong> put<br />

your maney down.<br />

YOU CAN'T MISS the green<br />

silks ~ing sported., on the<br />

. windows of this entry OD<br />

Devon.hire. Five larle sec.<br />

0fId. floor . bedrooms with<br />

two extn first floor rooms<br />

plu. a' pair of lava<strong>to</strong>ries.<br />

TtIe baMJn811tha. the snappiest<br />

jockey cJub in the<br />

block, and we're sure the<br />

most pop u 1a r watering<br />

trou,h.<br />

"He wOOlives <strong>to</strong>' buy, loves <strong>to</strong><br />

live."<br />

Clarf'Jn C. Purdy, Jr.<br />

Robert G. Edgar<br />

Mary F. Schlaff Marian J. Bode<br />

Julia B. Tobin Dorothy M~ker<br />

James P. Danaher Sue MegoweD<br />

Don Perrie<br />

63 Kercheval<br />

Purdy<br />

6-<br />

Edgar<br />

3 BEDROOMS<br />

liThia race is not <strong>to</strong> the .swift,<br />

nor the battle <strong>to</strong> the strong . • .<br />

time and chance bappeneth <strong>to</strong><br />

them all."<br />








PRICED WELL UNDER $40,000.00<br />


REALTOR and BROKER. 886-4060<br />

81 Kercheval OIl the 8Ul<br />

first floor. The kitchen has<br />

been completely remodeled<br />

and there is a first fioor<br />

lay. ?>lay be claimed for<br />

$34,llOO.<br />

m-45lO .,. . CLAIM: THIS "sleeper" .Whlch<br />

i. .hoJd1D, ita OWII an<br />

. GILLEN. RE/U.TY . ... 1 ,<br />

13=R'E~L"mAta.. nne' """"''Grosae Poln~Boulevard.L<br />

'FOR SALE. andil in a 1iI1e wblehl!~s.<br />

averared mucb h 11 b er<br />

ny e r 20741 MACK 886-3210<br />

Ranke<br />

651-3500<br />

1205 W. UNIVERSITY<br />





Excellent apportunity <strong>to</strong>' purchase<br />

modem medical-dental<br />

building an Mack Ave. bet.<br />

7-8 Mile in Grosse Painte<br />

Woods. 6424 sq. ft. with 7<br />

suites. Parking for 21 cars,<br />

lully.ir-cond, Income, poten.<br />

tial $36,000 annual 1971 an $6<br />

per sq. ft. basis. Assume<br />

present mtge. bal. of $85,000<br />

at 6%. Call for 1urther details.<br />

TU 1-6300.<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>ne & Johns<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

priceJ m recent ~es.<br />

Three bedrooma and twO'<br />

b.ths an the aeeon/f floor ..<br />

, There.li a. fourth bedroom<br />

ud third J)ath oa the first<br />

,floor. StabJe talk says this<br />

aDe may be claimed far .<br />

$54,900 . . . and aU she<br />

Deeds il a little grooming.<br />

TV 8-6010<br />



utility and powder rooms)<br />

are enhaneed. by bigh ceil.<br />

ings, beautiful, fireplaces<br />

and impressive entrance<br />

ball. 4 family bedrooms and<br />

3eomplete1y remodeled<br />

baths. Furnace. electrical<br />

and. plumbing extensively<br />

replaced. Includes a well<br />

, maintained carriage hause.<br />

There is DO comparable<br />

lakefroDt property available<br />

at such a price.<br />

Price Reduced<br />

WESTCHESTER 741- Exceptional<br />

Colonial located near<br />

the lake on a lot measuring<br />

8Oxl00'; . Paneled library<br />

and family room, lava<strong>to</strong>ry,<br />

.. 4 bedrooms, '2 baths, 'plus<br />

" ,'a ba8ementrecreat<strong>to</strong>ntQOm<br />

.' . wit~. bar. al\l!o firew~ce.<br />

Lawn sprinkler IIy sYe "l"<br />

Claiie <strong>to</strong> schools. '<br />

WHITTiERIOl(~A walled<br />

patio'witb a'hace brick bar-<br />

'becue griD p~des' an<br />

. ~dear-ie£t!ntffJr -summer<br />

fun In thlii..:attiact1ve ColaniaL<br />

Lib#y, J8r1e kitcben<br />

with brealdast area, 4 bed.<br />

rooms, 2* baths, paneled<br />

recreation room with liar<br />

and fireplace. .Attached p-<br />

,rile. Immediate occupancy.<br />

St. Clair Shores<br />

COLONY 22836. Nine M41e-Mack<br />

area - Large brick, 1¥.a<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ry in ~ condition.<br />

Family room. ~w ,kitchen,<br />

I, bedrooms, '1* baths.<br />

111(e lat, built 1~ Near<br />

seboob and shollplng.Priced<br />

in .mid thirties, FHA mort.<br />

,age available.<br />

NEARLY EVERY 11om e far<br />

sale in Grasse Pointe eaD be<br />

seell in our catalogue af<br />

photOl. S<strong>to</strong>p III and lie<br />

them <strong>to</strong>day.<br />

TOLES<br />

Real<strong>to</strong>r<br />


Our 28th ye~r in Grosse Pointe<br />

ONE, TWO,<br />

THREE<br />


One-20846 Waadmont,<br />

H.W., three bedrooms,<br />

cus<strong>to</strong>m built in, move.in<br />

conditian. Low down<br />

payment moves yau in<br />

by Jaly 1. $28,500.<br />

<strong>Two</strong>-New for thiJ week in<br />

The Woods at 20]23<br />

Doyle Ct. Brand new 4<br />

Br. Colonial with 2700<br />

sq. ft. af beautiful space,<br />

inc. both library, family<br />

room and first floor<br />

laundry. Assume $43,-<br />

700 mtge. Priced below<br />

competitian at $86,700.<br />

ABOVE<br />

OPEN SUN(;A Y<br />

2:30.5 p.m.<br />

'l'bree-Call for a sneak pre.<br />

view - It's in the city<br />

in the mid fUties.<br />


SITES, INC.<br />

886-3518<br />

posselsion. Reasonable. \ 791 S. RENAUD. Cus<strong>to</strong>m bullt 3<br />

N. OXF9RD 106O-Cboice laea. bedroom ran c h (Builder's<br />

tion. Center Hall Colonial. 4' bome). Family room, 2 full<br />

Bedrooms, 2~ baths. 2 car baths plus half ofl ree. room.<br />

attached garage. Star Of sea 21h att,ched garage. 95x15O<br />

Parish. Groase Pointe High lat.<br />

North. Large landscaped lot.<br />

ROSLYN 1513 _ Nice center 950 SHOREHAM, Excitingly dif.<br />

entrance ColOiUal. 2 Fire ferent Early American ranch<br />

Plaus, Carpetin" 2 car ,a. with first floor laundry room,<br />

rage. Rec. Room. Excellent Florida room and 2~ atlocation.<br />

tached garaee. 011¥.I acrf lot.<br />


COOK RD. !i2O - Cus<strong>to</strong>m.built<br />

home in choice loeation. Ideal<br />

far ,rowing' .family. ( large<br />

bedrooms,' 2 baths, 2 ema<br />

lava<strong>to</strong>ries. SpaeiOUJ family<br />

room with lIatur'll fireplace.<br />

All b\lilt.in appliances. Public<br />

andParoeblal ichool just twO'<br />

blocks away. Quiet. occupancy.<br />

Will sell 011 lalld con.<br />

tract.. ,<br />

E. JEFFERSON1~tB~.<br />

ford. Estate. 4 Bedroom Co.<br />

lonial bUl1t like a rock OD<br />

large lot apprcixlraately 140 x<br />

150. AU large rooms. Libr.ry<br />

with F. P." large 2 car ga.<br />

rage. HouSe and garage bave<br />

slate r~ •. Priee reduced.<br />

House has 'chann. can for<br />

appointment. .,.<br />

SiUowa,y & CO.<br />

TU 4-7000<br />



.18 OUR BUS1NESS<br />


SUNDAY 2-5<br />

WILCOX<br />


884-3550<br />

New England"<br />

settin, that creates years of happiness and<br />

pride is so aften found only in this type of<br />

hame. 4 family bedrooms. den, 'games room,<br />

. . etc•••• It'a like living in the •country when<br />

you wander out ,<strong>to</strong> the b&.ckyarli .'.on ,this<br />

lat (~). We invite your inquiries;<br />

Priced at $41,500. Loeated in the heart of<br />

Grosse Pointe City. .<br />

Its A Beauty!<br />

, ." •.• hSG1ld quaJity is obvious upon in~tlon of<br />

t1Jis tmee.bedroom, 2* bath, center ball<br />

Colonial Joeated in Groese Pointe Park. Out.<br />

itanding rutures include large aUding win.<br />

dow.walled Florida room, modern kitchen.<br />

larp breakfast room, paneled recreation<br />

with fireplace. 2-eIr attached prage. Excel.<br />

lent condition. PrIced in the mid forties. Call<br />

for complete details.<br />

Merriweather Roa.d<br />

Sparkling 3 bedroom Colonial, with 1~ baths<br />

and a den. WalkinJ distance <strong>to</strong> Kerby<br />

Elementary aDd Brownell :Middle' schools.<br />

Only 1 block from down<strong>to</strong>wn bus line. Includes<br />

eupetill(, s9me draperies. s<strong>to</strong>ve and<br />

refrigeratM. Very ,ood condition. Good 6~%<br />

mortgage ca'll be assumed. ~,500. Be sure<br />

<strong>to</strong> see this one. .<br />

"In-Town" Charming Color<br />

Luily enjoy the summer clays ahead in this<br />

tree-lIiJaded atmosplJere. 4 bedrooms, 2*<br />

balhl, larie den, 111x10'glassed Ud screened<br />

porch .' •• all neatly set 0" ita 60x206' lat.<br />

Ideally located <strong>to</strong> Gr05sePointe schools and<br />

shopping. $46,500.<br />

Want A Newer<br />

four bedroom bome in a lovely old Grosse<br />

Pointe neliUborhood . • • where your children<br />

can walk <strong>to</strong> aU pubUc Ich09!1 . . .<br />

where tran.sporlaUon is less than a block<br />

away .•. where shopping is minute! away<br />

. . . wh>!re dad Cill enjoy his leisure hours?<br />

Theil buy this beauty for $f9,DOO.<br />

Six Bedrooms??<br />

Here's a ch,oiee olIerin, that affords all the<br />

featuru that really counl Schools, transportation,<br />

public library, shopping, lakefront<br />

park, churcbu • • • all within walking dis.<br />

tance. Even a modern kitcben foe mother.<br />

Approximately $18,000 down would enable<br />

one <strong>to</strong> assume tlJis existing mortgage. Many<br />

intriiulD' features.<br />

Only~ $27,500<br />

for a brick 2 bedroom hame which Is ideal<br />

for a wldaw or a couple seeking a convenient<br />

location in Grosse Pointe Firms. Near<br />

ahopping and traneportatioa. Call for an<br />

appointment<br />

No Where Else<br />

can you find a 3 bedroom, Hi bath Colanlal<br />

with • paneled family room pius the addi.<br />

tional extr .. thil home provides for ~,500.<br />

Firm FHA cammltment. Immediate posses:<br />

sion. Hurryl<br />

10 Kercbeval Real<strong>to</strong>r.<br />

(Next <strong>to</strong> Pul1clJ II Judy Theater)<br />


LATE.<br />

1091 S. OXFORD. Charming<br />

center entrance colanial, on a<br />

quiet street, near schools.<br />

Large Flarida room and den,<br />

(mished basement. Priced at<br />

$49,800.<br />


HUNT CLUB 20687, 3. bedroom<br />

lanch, 2~ car garage, near<br />

Eastland. Grosse Poi n t e<br />

school diltri~.<br />

•<br />

HAMPTON 208ll2. 3 bedroom<br />

brick ranch, breezeway and<br />

1¥.i attached garage. 70' lot.<br />

Grosse Painte schools.<br />

Member of: GroS8e Pointe Real Estate Board<br />

TU 6.3800<br />

U-lIAL ISTAn<br />

FOil SALI ,<br />


1.94area. 4.bedroom colonial.<br />

2 yearl old; 2~ bath!. Deco.<br />

ra<strong>to</strong>r draperies, carpcUng,<br />

dishwasher, paneled family<br />

room, au<strong>to</strong>matic garage door ,<br />

opener, paUu, maty extras.<br />

Large landscaped lot Low<br />

taxes, $15,900. Owner trans.<br />

ferred.1~.<br />

GROSSE<br />


BEAUP~Attractive 1~.<br />

STORY brick. 2 bedrooms<br />

with room far 3 more up.<br />

stairs. Chaice ~ocatian.<br />

Quick occupancy. Lovely<br />

trees. Good size fenced<br />

lot. Attached garage. TU<br />

.4-0600.<br />


FOI5.\LI<br />


Air.conditioned COLONIAL In<br />

Detroit, nell' river - a bed.<br />

rooms, IIh batN, ,"m. room<br />

with bar, new' roof, new<br />

forced air furnace. _W1Y<br />

decorated. Mu I t b. 101 d.<br />

$19,500., PR 1.2300.<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>ne & Johns<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

POINTE<br />

ST. CLAlR-In. the Villa,e.<br />

3-bedroom 2 STORY brick<br />

hame with generous rooms.<br />

26' living room, delli, 1'"<br />

baths, 60' lot.. 4-ear ,ar.<br />

age. Priee reduced <strong>to</strong> $30,'<br />

000 for quick 1I1e. TU 1.<br />

6300.<br />


BEDFORD-5t. Clare Par- POINTE PARK-Near St.<br />

ish. Well. maintained 4. Clare School, bUI, and<br />

bedroom. 2-STORY brick shops. Large (.bedroom,<br />

h~e. 2* baths. den, mod- 2~ bath brick hOGie. W"ill<br />

e.rn kitchen with built.ins. fit a real lar,e family.<br />

Own e r transferred. A TU 1-4200.<br />

gOOd family home. TU 1- NORTH RENAUD-Luxury<br />

6300. 3.bedroom RANCH, on a<br />

'. large Jot, 21h bathS. new<br />

BERKSHIRE - Destrable • kitchen first lJoor. ]aUD'<br />

English .TUD

(<br />

: \ ; ,<br />

I<br />

f<br />

,!<br />

'l .<br />

I<br />

Page Twtniy-six<br />

U-ltEAL ESTA11<br />

FOR SAU,<br />

IJ-ItIAL I$TAn<br />

FOI $AU'<br />

U-REAL !STAn<br />

FOR SALE<br />





SUNDAY 2:30.5:00.<br />

N. DEEPLANDS n... Four. bed.<br />

rooms,3~' baths. Library,<br />

family I room, glass enclosed<br />

t err ace room overlooking<br />

beautifully landscaped garden.<br />

Price reduced.<br />

BUCKINGHAM - Fun in the<br />

summer wi swimmingpqol<br />

fenced for privacy. Family<br />

room, extra large' kitchen<br />

plus de,D.$45,000. ,<br />



OFFERING. Unusual charm<br />

.and, spaciousness - between<br />

. JeHel'!ion and Kerclleval. Five<br />

,becirooms, three baths, library,<br />

enclosed terrace, dou.<br />

...ble landscaPl1d lot.<br />

BEDFORD-New OrleanS Colonial<br />

Dining room and family<br />

room open <strong>to</strong> super kitchen:<br />

3 bedrooms. 1~ baths. Cen.<br />

tral air conditioning. 5~% as.<br />

sumable mortgage.<br />

BISHOP - Living areas galore<br />

for large family. Four bed.<br />

rooms, three baths, great<br />

family roo~ and music room.<br />

ON THE ~ - Spectacular<br />

view from all family rooms.<br />

Fabulous panelling, beams,<br />

fir e p I aces, entertainment<br />

areas. Master suite plus 6<br />

family bedroms and five<br />

baths. Carriage house.<br />

'_,w .. ,'.,'<br />





. 2 :30-5 :O()<br />

1931 OXFORD RD. - Delight.<br />

,ful center. ,entrance, Ilh<br />

s<strong>to</strong>ry home. with large kitchen<br />

and breakfast area. Full<br />

bath'iuld 2'. bedrooms down,<br />

one of which' is 22 ft. long.<br />

lArge' bedrooms witb ¥.! bath<br />

up. Recreation rO!lm in basement.<br />

Excellent location near<br />

Ghesquire Park. Monteith<br />

school district. Priced under<br />

30:-with quick, occupancy. '<br />

1930 LANCASTER-2 bedr~m<br />

ranch. Living room with fire-<br />

'place, kitchen with eating<br />

area and dining room. Paneled<br />

family rOlM11,recreation<br />

room in basement. Prie,ed<br />

, low 30's. '<br />


FARMS - On this treeiined<br />

street you find a house of<br />

true quality. Magnificent 1st<br />

floor indudes living and din.<br />

ing rooms. Paneled library<br />

plus family room. Covered<br />

teriace,4 'bedrooms, 3 baths,<br />

maids'. Great family suite on<br />

3rd.<br />

FARMS-Charming Early Am.<br />

erican. Perfect condition. Liv.<br />

ing room, dining L, beautiful<br />

kitchen with breakfast<br />

area,' Large beamed family<br />

room with fireplace, 3 bed.<br />

rooms, 2Jh baths, terrace<br />

overlooks spacious garden.<br />

Many extras.<br />

CITY - Cus<strong>to</strong>m built English<br />

home. Living room with fire.<br />

place and baYJ formal dining<br />

room, family room and full<br />

bath on first floor. 3 bedrooms<br />

and'sitting room with<br />

fireplace and IIh baths on<br />

second floor. Lots of charm.<br />

I WOODS ~ Center entrance trilevel,<br />

3 bedrooms, 2 baths,<br />

with large ki<strong>to</strong>:hen, family<br />

room with firenlace and excellent<br />

s<strong>to</strong>rage-' areas. Excellent<br />

location.,-near schools.<br />

Only 9 years o~d. -<br />

WOODS - Under $43,000. No<br />

mortgage required for qualified<br />

buyer."Features 4 bed.<br />

rooms and 2 baths. Attractive<br />

elevation, on nicely landscap.<br />

ed lot. 2% car garage. You'll<br />

like this one.<br />

ST. CLAIR SHORES-Prestige<br />

street. Cus<strong>to</strong>m 3 bedroom<br />

rallcb with 1* baths and 14<br />

ft. family room. Baseme:lt<br />

features 4th bedroom and full<br />

bath plus fabulous 50 ft. pan.<br />

eled recreation room with<br />

beautiful formica bar. 2 car<br />

attached garage. You must<br />

see th16!<br />

HIGBIE<br />

REALTY<br />

~ Kercheval Avenue 888.7100<br />

Member - Grosse Pointe Real<br />

Estate Board<br />

Three bedroom ranch, liv-<br />

"ing room W!NFP, full dining<br />

room, kitchenw Ibrk.<br />

area and ample cupboards,<br />

1¥.! baths. All lpacious<br />

rooms. Screened & glassed<br />

terrace,!'2 car, attached ga.<br />

.rage wle1e1i. eye. Star of<br />

the Sea Parish.<br />

M.S.C. CO.<br />

886-4880<br />

1~1A1. ESTATE<br />

. FOI sALE '<br />


2:30 Till 5<br />

Purdy<br />

&<br />

Edgar<br />


M, C. S. CO,<br />

888-4880<br />

, ,<br />

(,HAMptON", ',~'<br />

REALTOR .<br />






TU 4-5700<br />

Thursday, May IS, 1969<br />


, FOR SALE FOR $AU<br />


- IHIDDF-NLANE; r.io, 31ledroom ST: CLAIR SHORES, 22521<br />

S. BRYS, 1059-3 bedr40m and GROSS.E POINTE<br />

GROSSE PTE. MANOR rancb. can 881-0707• .j)peJ1<br />

.room, '3~ bath CoiotJial. 3 large bedrOom., 3~ baths<br />

Englebardt, by Owner, be<br />

family'room ranch JD exce 1.<br />

WOODS<br />

, Sunday 2-5. tween 8.9 Mile, a bedroom<br />

Family room, central,air con. (l bedroom " bath down) 3 BEDROOM colonial, living<br />

lent condition. Walk <strong>to</strong> aII BRYS D~~" •• k . d CONDOMINIUM ranch. Beautiful family room,<br />

ditioning, swimming pool, 2 Beautifill p a It e1e d library. roQm witbnatural fireplace, schools. Large kitchen with niT:" near ""ac an<br />

m.l,CADIEUi: 2~ ear garage. Open Sunday<br />

car garage. Tremendous sereened porch. full size dining room, 1st floor complete built-ins. C~pet!n g 8 yo. Road - Charming 3 ...... . HARPER WOODS. . 2.5. 884.9089.<br />

. Formal dlnlngroom, separ. lava<strong>to</strong>ry, .carpeting, t i 1 e d and drapes. Fireplace. At. bedroom eolonial with modern Attr ti 3 bedroo >-""-.•6 LA'"'GE 3 bedroom brick fanch<br />

ST~OPE -.2 bedroom face ate breakfast room. Wt!ll built basement,' gas heat, 2 car ga. tac,hed garage. kitcben~ s 'e r e e n e d terrace, ac ve m n<br />

apartme~<br />

SO .... .;SET 1047... .. bedroom<br />

T louin" roo- - ,22x16 family room, dining.....".. ~ .,<br />

b.nck center entra~ Colo. and weU. maintained 011 l2O' rage, side drive, 60 ft. lot,<br />

baseme.nt and garage. .close<br />

.. 0 ..... ".. ...,<br />

ing room, 1st floor' powder<br />

wu.<br />

room, 2 fireplaces, recreation,<br />

. 2tL baths, brick home, 2 car<br />

n<br />

mal. Excellent COIlQtion. sprinklered lot, $69,~.<br />

screenl!d terrace. Convenient HAMPTON, 2160-3 bedroom <strong>to</strong>. all conveniences.: See <strong>to</strong>day room. All new ,kitchen with 2 car ,arage, 10' rot. Priced garage, gas heat. Shown by<br />

<strong>to</strong> schools and shopping. $31," bungalow, reasonably prIced<br />


formica COWlter <strong>to</strong>p. Range in lower 40's. appointment onIy. J. M. Say<br />

500. _<br />

Gas FA heat, 1~ car garage SOUTH ROSEDALE COURT<br />

refrigera<strong>to</strong>r and disposal. FuJi lor, Broker - 886~.<br />

REALTY CO. 5 bed ro 0 m s, 3~ baths, C<br />

near Morninl{side Drive _A<br />

M.C.S. CO. . 886-4880 Carpeting., Park" privileges<br />

26431 Mack 886-8110 BLOCKS TO SCHOOLS. Beau<br />

Clean. 'Qulck possession. cus<strong>to</strong>m built 4 bedroom brick basement, '84 heat, &.:eODdi GROSSE PT~. WOODS FOR SALE by owner; 20'139<br />

tiful new kitcben with all' ,<br />

Colonial and attached 2 car tioDed, car port. JDort.~ale 1858 BOURN£MOUTH-Lovely Young Lane, Grosse Pointe<br />

PEACH TREE LANE, 699.,-<br />

"built.ins." Separate break HUNT CLUB-This is an ex.<br />

garage, featuring a marble available. Full price $28,990 3 !:ledroombrick ranch, has' Woods cul-de-sac, off Vernier.<br />

fast room. Attached heated ceptionally elegant 3 bed. Modified tri-level. 3 bedrooms",<br />

floored entrance hall, a Open Saturday aDd Sunday s<strong>to</strong>ne fireplace in living, room 3 bedrooms, l*,bath Colonial<br />

21,2baths. Famny room. Deco dream kitchen with built.ins, 2.5, weekdays by appo~tment and carpetilig througbout! 2'h paneled family room 16xlS:<br />

Grosse PO'lnte garage: Near bus line. Well room brick Colonial. Florida<br />

built home with copper gut- room. fireplace and garage ra<strong>to</strong>r colors in, carpets an'a<br />

2* baths, a large family<br />

car garage, basement, large N G E k'tch I b ilt ins<br />

MICHIGAN CONDOMINIUM ew . . I en, au-<br />

ters 4&: doWDSpouts.$52,000. and <strong>to</strong>o much more <strong>to</strong> men. drapes. Cus<strong>to</strong>m ~It home by room with a wall-la.wall firelot.<br />

Breezeway, 2* car garage.<br />

OPEN SuNDAY 2:30.5:00<br />

tion. S<strong>to</strong>p looking! THIS IS <strong>to</strong>p Grosse Pointe builder. place and a sliding door wall<br />

SALES .CO. Large lot with 'Walnut rail<br />

leading out <strong>to</strong> > KARL DAVIES<br />

IT-<br />

a beautiful<br />

886-4880 GEORGE F. SHORT INC fence. Ferry Pnrce,Us, Grosse<br />

FISHER ROAD 406. Conserva.<br />

S~ ROSEDALE, 681-4 bed<br />

patio and formal garden<br />

. 199M Harper 881.2811 Pointe North. By appoillC1e.nt.<br />

tive English, well maintained. 'TU 5-3220<br />

rooms, 2~ bath colonial. Lib<br />

RlVER ROAD - Price reduced<br />

area. See this <strong>to</strong>day.<br />

Four bedrooms of which<br />

rary, family room,' 1st floor<br />

" :2025HUNT CLUB, 3 bedroom 886-0562. -<br />

on this bonus brick beauty!<br />


three are twin.sized. Recrea.<br />

laundry. Corner location.<br />

E . W<br />

OOOS<br />

Ranch home with 3 bedrooms,<br />

brick colonial with deep fire- N. OXFORD<br />

tion room. In the Farms. 810 SOUTH RENAUD formal dining room, spacious WOODS LANE COURT, 963- MARV<br />

19183 IDA LA. Excellent loca place. Traffic pattern adds Spotless 4 bedrm. COLONIAL<br />

Immaculate brick ranch on kitchen and Florida room. Ask First oUering., Modified face<br />

tion, perfect condition, large <strong>to</strong> convenience of floor plan with 2 car attacb. gar. Mod<br />

WOODS LANE NEAR MORN- cul-de.sac off Wedgewood <strong>to</strong> see this one!<br />

brick tri.level. Liggett SChooI<br />

kitchen, Florida room, "3 bed Completely new kitchen. New ern kitchen, 2 baths; finished<br />

INGSIDE 728. Like new cus-<br />

BOUTIN<br />

Central air-conditioning. 3<br />

area. Many, many cus<strong>to</strong>m<br />

rooms.. OpeD SUn.. 2-5. 2 car garage .and drive. He.. games rm. w/bar. Price re<br />

<strong>to</strong>m built one owner home.<br />

bedrooms, 2* baths, library, LAKESHORE ROAD AREA - features. Must be seen. Cen<br />

ceqt decoration and rtDOVa- duced <strong>to</strong> $49t500~ Assume<br />

<strong>Two</strong> bedrooms, one and one-<br />

-<br />

family room' and outstand. The ultimate in living ~waits Iral ,air con,ditioning, Air puri 884-7733<br />

tion inside and out make this 51,2% mtge. Owner transf.<br />

hal! baths, Formal dining<br />

ing recreation room.- Fine you in this 20 room esute. fier. Exceptional f eat u res<br />

SCHWEITZER an excellent buy in the low Mllke oUer! TU 1-0300.<br />

room. Utility room. Family<br />

20:)69 Mack Ave.<br />

30's. OPen from 2 <strong>to</strong> 4 Sun. _. , _<br />

carpets and drapes. Large, Pluth interior decorating and througnout.<br />

room. Attached two car ga.<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods<br />

TU 2-2100<br />

sprinklered lot. .<br />

available for immediate occu-<br />

day or call 886-7938 for ap- Johns<strong>to</strong>ne &-. Johns<strong>to</strong>ne<br />

rage. Sprinkler system. Own.<br />

pancy. Let us teU you more!<br />

pointment. '<br />

er moving soou. $48,500. See 827 WHITTIER<br />

Thinking of Selling?<br />

A VISIT <strong>to</strong> this N~w GROSSE POINTE FARMS<br />


<strong>to</strong>day. • Best 5 bedroom home in the FLEETWOOD, HARPER<br />


65 Fontana Lane<br />

Pointesfor 1l!S6than $50,000. WOODS. This luxurious cus- LET US OUTLINE OUR En~land Atmosphere<br />

7'1 MEA~OW LANE'<br />

AUDUBON 1329. Very inter.<br />

3* baths, family room, play <strong>to</strong>m built home rests on u PLAt'J' TO YOU<br />

UNIQUE ce.nter hall COLON 276 It{cKINLEY AVENUE<br />

will find you the home<br />

Large 3 bedroom cus<strong>to</strong>m brick<br />

esting Eoglish. Three bed- room. Deautiful area. near large lot in the beauty spot<br />

IAL: Paneled. living room and OPEN BUNDA Y 2 TO 5 ranch. Paneled family room,<br />

roo m s, one and one-half<br />

lake.Phol)e <strong>to</strong> see this ex- of the city, 'fireplacE1 and fin-<br />

,of your choice. dining room, .complete new An unusually fine house in ex. 2Y.lcbaths, lanudry room. Air<br />

baths. Library. Breakfast<br />

cellent home.<br />

ished basement, near East-<br />

kitchen, . wall-<strong>to</strong>-wall carpet cellent condii<strong>to</strong>n with large conditioned. Full tiled base.<br />

room. Early possession. Price<br />

land. Be sure <strong>to</strong> see this one. CARTER&CO. 3, 4 and 5-bedroom homes<br />

•<br />

ing, \S bedrooms and bath on living room, full dining room ment with fireplace. Imme.<br />

reduced. DETROIT,<br />

TU~edb 4-4400<br />

Grosse Pointe SChooIa _ second floor, -lava<strong>to</strong>ry on b'reikfast room; 11p d ate d diate possession Tuxedo 6.<br />

•Hudson's<br />

Eastland~ blocks first, recreation room in kitchen, screened terrace and 1068or Tuxedo 4~134().<br />


•tI Edsel Ford Exp~1 block<br />

basement. Walk,. <strong>to</strong> ,sctiools, f'ITJlt flOor lavatOry, 3 twin.<br />


INGSIDE, 817. Cus<strong>to</strong>m built 3969' COURVILLE--4 J>e.drms., , _ room ColoiualJn the Farms.<br />

shopping. and transportatlGII.<br />

model ranch. Three bed- St. Clare, $24,900. '<br />

'~00 '21,2 baths, fa\i1ily,<strong>to</strong>om, Ige. Park.Playground-1 block $42,500.'6%% mortgage can<br />

size bedrooms with: bath and 199MI' ,E. CLAIRVIEW. Brick,<br />

rooms, two baths. . Family 3474 HAVERHIL~ bedrms., 886-4 •<br />

L kitchen. Ideal traffic -pattern.<br />

extra 'lava<strong>to</strong>ry. Exce1lent car- ~ OOdl'QOms, family room, fin.<br />

be assumed. oPen Sunday<br />

room. <strong>Two</strong> car attached ga. St. Clare, $24,900. .<br />

Builtin, W5q,.,III!m~diate oc-<br />

2:30 <strong>to</strong> 5.<br />

pets. Convenient <strong>to</strong> scbools lShed basemnt, 2 car garage.<br />

rage. Central air condition. 472 AL'-rER. - 4 bedrms., St.<br />

cupancy."Mtl'st lieiseen lobe<br />


St Paul. parish. ExCellent condition. Owner,<br />

ing. Sprinkler sYstem. Own. Ambrose, $30,000.<br />

Glen Arbor LaJ:1~ ""ppreciated. Call owner for a development by<br />

Call<br />

'" VOLTAIRE PLACE TU 4-4621.<br />

er moVing out of <strong>to</strong>wn. See 5966 WID'M'lER-3 bedrms., 2 blocks soutP of Vernier Road, , appomtment. - 881"2642' eve.<br />

<strong>to</strong>day St. Matth~, '$26,500. oU Morningside' -Grosse<br />

A. W. MILLER, INC.<br />

nmgs, 869-2212days.<br />

GEORGE PALMS Anarcbitecturally perfect ('year. S. ROSEDALE CT., 578<br />

• 11836 E. OUTER DRIVE - 3 .Pointe Woods, New ,larger 4<br />

VA2-_<br />

", REALTOR<br />

gian bouse in Grosse Pointe's 4 .BEDRooMS, 2~. baths .. Fam.<br />

bedrms., Sl Mattbews, $28,- bedroom COLONIAL. Latest BARGAiN, $25,500 CASH for<br />

. f'mest location. Outstanding Ii. ily room. Carpeted ,through.<br />


500. .<br />

features. $75,000. Open daily. equitY. By Owner,: Van An. OpeD 9:llO-S:00 weetdayl; 2.00 TU 6-4444<br />

'brary. and Family ~opm,. 4 out. C~ asSume 'mortgage. 2<br />

twerp, Gro~se Pointe Woods. ~ SuDdays. Closed' Saturday.<br />


¥ember, Grosse Pointe bedroorp.s, 3b1!ths plus maid's car atta~q~ g8rage., Low<br />

First advertised. Wide front. L,nL TY LLOYD ,MARKS Lovely brick bungalow, 2 bed. La led .. th 'W" st Do 'd , Real .Estate Boara I quarters. Please call for fur. 60's. 884-3519.<br />

age on the lake. Beautiful TU 1-771 0 TU 4-7411 ' 886-5566 rooms finished basement ,1Y.lc ca ou, e. '7" un<br />

'ther detlj]s' and, information<br />

mansion. Plenty of bedrooms _<br />

baths,' fireplace, carPeting. H~r A~e. Sez:vtce Drive,<br />

TOT"''' n"E. R'OAD' . HAWTHORNE, 1014 - Ear I y<br />

and baths plus ample Excellent co.ndition. Appoint. betw~ Eig:ht MIle ~ and BElTER LIVING<br />

"'.."..,..u American Colonial, 4 bed.<br />

IlPt"\'-<br />

1150 N. RENAUD. Livmg room, . ment only;f884.:ss19. Vermer <strong>Rd</strong>. III Harper Woods.<br />

ant's quarters. Walnut pan., l36il BUCKINGHAM<br />


An opporfunity <strong>to</strong> buy a 'cus<strong>to</strong>m. rooms, ,exceptional fa mil y<br />

dining ~ 2, bedrooms:md<br />

eling in living room and Ii. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5<br />

built one ~owner house in, this room; 18X36it. guni,te swim.<br />

bath down, 2' bedrooms, .aJ:ldKENSrNGTON4320' ~ 3 bed.<br />

A NEW HOME pnme Fanris location.' Prac. ,mini pOOl. "<br />

bra_')' is only one of many D:...:- : E I' h Tud bath up,' Lot, 68xl

;<br />

I<br />

t-.<br />

l<br />

Th'ursClay, May 15; 1969<br />

G R Q'~' E PO IN TEN<br />

l2~t<br />

E W S<br />


. 13A-LOTS FOR SALE ••<br />



8JIile cor. Beacoufie1d<br />

19\1x160 Buainess<br />

TUxedo fS.:JfICYl .<br />

Attractive Lot Oft Jeffersoa<br />

Zoned, 2 famlly<br />

FOl' Further Information<br />

CALL<br />


TU 6-4444<br />


Cameron Place - Vacant Lot<br />

105x126. View of Lake.<br />


Residential Lot on Lemon,<br />

'16x133. Grosse Pointe School<br />

District.<br />

Sweeney & Moore<br />

881-6800<br />

SHE L DEN, Grosse Pointe<br />

Shores, 777-3310.<br />


McKinley near Chalfonte.<br />

TUxedo 4-3927.<br />

FREE KITTENS, 8 weeks old.<br />

884.4805.<br />



--<br />

KEN'S MOVING - <strong>Local</strong> sub.<br />

urbs. One piece or houseful.<br />

Low rates. TU 2-8540.<br />




Stair Carpet Shifted<br />

Repairs of All Types<br />

Ciliaret Burns Re.Woven<br />

ALSO<br />


Samples Shown in<br />

Your Home<br />


TV 5.0703<br />

PAINTING-interior, exterior.<br />

Also flat roofs, gutters, metal<br />

decks, masonry. Guaranteed.<br />

Free !!Stimates. N. Mills, 832-<br />

1065. '<br />



21 ~LECTIUCAL<br />

APPLI~NeES<br />


HOOVER<br />

....DECORATING '. {i' - CEMENT WORK<br />

COMPLETE decorating. Paper. ADV~CE ~ANCB LA"'.iRENCe! VERBEKE<br />

hanging insured, guaraJteed. ElectrIC sewer Cle~ fOl' .vv<br />

41 Sc}u{eid' mn edo 1-". aUdra.ins and ~. CEl..tENT CO. .<br />

~., er.4Ux,..,.,...,. COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL IVI<br />

EXPERT paintl!lg, paper hug- WE DIG AND REPAIR .CONCRETE-BRICE<br />

ing. Free 'estimates. G. Van BROKEN .S~RS STONE-WATERPROOFING<br />

PAINTING, PLASTER, Patching,<br />

Repairs, Woodwork re.<br />

finished. 35 years experience.<br />

Reasonable. 822-«'14.<br />


Expert Crafumansblp .<br />

All phases of Residential<br />

Waterproofing<br />

• Brick pointing a specialty<br />

• Foundation leaks<br />

• Leaders and gutters<br />

• Roofing and Shingling<br />

Call for free estimate<br />

882~215 ..<br />

TU 2-5956<br />

Masonry Specialist<br />

Quality Masonry. Repair<br />

Work !<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>m Fireplaces and<br />

S<strong>to</strong>ne Work.<br />

R. A. See!binder<br />

Contrac<strong>to</strong>r<br />

5526 Lowe. 264.3517<br />

•<br />


•<br />

I Additiona, Dormen,<br />

Rec. Rooms, ;Bathrooms,<br />

KilcheDll, New Homes;<br />

Cus<strong>to</strong>m Garages & Doors<br />

•<br />

Free Eatimates I: PlllllDinl<br />

, .<br />


•<br />


1677 Brys Dr.<br />

TU 4-2942 TV 2.2436<br />


2,~I'EMTER ~ORK<br />

Additions - Alterations<br />

New Homes<br />

Xltchens. i'aJDDY Rooma<br />

We Also Specialize Us<br />

:Modernizing Bathrooma<br />

Assehe, VAlley. "1492, All Work ~ CONCRETE -DrIveways,..... THIEL! ConstructIon<br />

,AINT . 884-951.2., waUu, patiOl, (Ira'_ fJoon. & c'_1y Co.<br />

WE P<br />

ELECTRICAL WIRING"'" cement ~ of aD tJpa. """W<br />

Moderni'zation<br />

15139 MACK<br />

MORE VALUE for your money<br />

Additions. kitche'ns, dormers, 882-7730<br />

..<br />


• PLUMBING<br />

• HEATING. i<br />

• SEWER a.EANJN'G<br />

VA 2~1282<br />

Since 1916<br />


With, four years e.qlerience<br />

desire:<br />

• Lawn Cutting<br />

• Spring Clean.Up<br />

. • Gardening<br />

• Fertilizing<br />

Lipski li.t FO 6.1000 (Ans. S~.)<br />

Call Ken Chrilltiall or Harry<br />

COMPLETE landscaping servO'<br />

ice by Julillt LaQulere. Top<br />

dreslling, cultivating, edging,<br />

shrubs, evergreens pruned,<br />

Lawn cut tin g, fertilizinl<br />

Spring clean-up work. Hourly<br />

rates. Reasonable. Free esti.<br />

mates. 885-5659.<br />

Licensed and Insured S C H ERV ISH<br />

QUALITY WORK by carpenter<br />

with 20 years e,(perience in L d C<br />

Grosse Poi!!t~. Conscientious, an seape o~<br />

can do anything. Reasonable<br />

prices on recr,eation rooms d<br />

and 'kitchens •. TUxedo 4.5372. Complete Lawn an<br />

. . Garden Service<br />

.l:':".' " .<br />

• Attics • Porch EllclOlUrei Landscape Design<br />

• Additions- • Kitc~ens ... and Construction<br />

• Garages ..<br />

• Commercial Buildings<br />

• Spring Cleanup<br />

Rolling and Thatch Removal.<br />

Fertilization and Weed Con.<br />

trol.<br />

, " • Weekly Lawn .Maintenance<br />

• Sodding and Seeding<br />


• Garden Service<br />

, • Patio, Walls, Plantings<br />

CUSTOM moderni~i1lion.-. addl, • Personalized Service at Rea.<br />

lions .- aUit!i.!.. Kitchens - sonable rates.<br />

Estate maintenance,<br />

Call Anytime<br />

Free Estimlltes<br />

Serving Grosse Ptes.<br />

for Six Years<br />

hasements. ba~hrooms. wall .MEMBER OF EAST SIDE<br />

removals. No Job <strong>to</strong>o small, LANDSCAPE CONTRACTORS<br />

or <strong>to</strong>o large. I<br />


Office 772.5715 LAWN SERV ICE<br />

evenings till 11, TV 1.6088 ,. Experienced Hil!h School and'<br />

2' .z.-LAMDSCAPING<br />


ARE<br />

YOU<br />




TU 2-5900 _ 775-4319 293-4885 WA~~~~MING ::~&~Pa:== HBUf~~aN :~=pS~<br />

ALL TYPES WIRING T.& E,painting an~ decorating, INSIDE OUTSIDE Deys. - Home aDd IDduaIriIl repeIn. pl'Operty,~ the .. orten III<br />

Ranges, dryers, air condition- ~tel'lor and_exteriOr. Free es. ALL WORK guaranteed. W. dig STONE-Patiol, waID. flower Addltlou. attlea compJeted. your properly?<br />

ers. Violations corrected. timates. 1773820. outside waterproofing' water boxes; s<strong>to</strong>lle repa1rl of an Poreh ~ reereatioD Cheek the following before mak-<br />

FREE ESTIMATES ALl. AROUND PAINTING and drains broken or crackedare types. IOOIDI. JIl''- repaired. iIlg urangements for the 19l1I9<br />

I ALL WORK decorating. Wall washing. replaced. Free estimate&. No WATERPROOFLVG - B aI.-TU l-1'7M 'l'U N011 1e.1OlL<br />

.ARANTEED. Insured. Jesse Page, VAlley job <strong>to</strong>o small-just. c:a1l ment lew. -Workmau Compe.DlatioD <strong>to</strong><br />

CU 2-7348. FRED NAVARRO 15 Years in ~ PoiDtu INTERIORS protect the worker ..<br />

PR 8-0598 WATERPROOFING CO. 'FREE ESTIVATES, LA 1~ Dea1=Jete~~ -Public. LiabilitJ <strong>to</strong> protect<br />




Beautiful uaterfront site POINTE VACUUM<br />

l36x466. Solid .br(j~wall; d.eep TU 1-1014. PR.2-4050<br />

water doc k age. Flenble 21002 MACK .<br />

terms. TU 1-6300. .. FREE PICKUP &: DELIVERY<br />

Johns<strong>to</strong>ne & Johns<strong>to</strong>ne NEW REBtJU,T PARTS I :House and garage paiJlting. E:tcellent<br />

references. Free esti-<br />

LANDSCAPED LOT - mates. Very'reasonablo. Full<br />

S.E. CORNER 21I-SEWINS. MACHINE time professional painters.<br />

JEFFERSON AND WHI'ITIER REPA¥R ,. • . Call apytime, 3n-7~78.<br />

VAlley 3-0950 . . .'<br />

GROSSE POINTE S H 0 RES. S'£Rv:rCE cALi., ttllie:up, cortJ.- . -'<br />

Large desirable lot .. 886-5002. plete" $3.75. We. ~epair ~ KUR.TO. BAEHR<br />

makeS'. TUxedo ~-1881. , CUSTOM Painting and Decent- .<br />

CHOICE buildlllg site on tbe . . WI' ..<br />

YERKEY & SON '173-4018 NO JOB 1'00 SJIALL 886-8551 you and your ileighbOrs from<br />

WE . SPEClALlZE _ Exterior BASEMENTS WATERPROOF- Ucensecl. BODded • lDIured damages mid possible 1Djuries.<br />

painting. 27 years' expe,-ience, ED-Reasonable rates, work- . 21T-etlESSMAICING -Lic:eDIled by tile state Dep,U't-<br />

. PONT PA INTS Used . mansbip guaranteed; 881-0063 BRIe'" B'" /V'fIV c.-& -- . . meat Clf Agric11lture.<br />

DU<br />

or 779-1225. ~..., """".....__ ==, ALTERATIONS aDd Ie1riq. -Qualifi. '. ed. worken Co give. 'OU<br />

Reasonable. Call Evenings. biWt ~ re~~ wm Jlick up cd deliver, TU reliability and a profesSIOnal<br />

TW 1.5898 772-3115 waterpl'oofing:-~~ 1.... job.<br />

D. L. & w. D~~~~ fiDe c prmeDt8eUiOD.S<br />


former<br />

Grosse<br />

Backus estate' in. 21F-SIDING<br />

Pointe Shores. Mea-<br />


...' .<br />

ie~. :r~e~~=~~~<br />

' view 1-5716.<br />


CHAm CANING and Rushing-<br />

BRICK, . AWNINGS,.. worD seats rewoven like new. ... ... .<br />

s~~~~~~:JM~~50'<br />

AND BRICK WORK alteratimll..983-9538.<br />

-::_ ,.

j ;'<br />

L:; ,~<br />

;,<br />

~<br />

It<br />

If ! .',~<br />

: 'I,<br />

Page Twenfy-eight<br />

. ' ,<br />

*<br />

ffJ-Otnte<br />

, .<br />

Counter Points<br />

by Pat Rousseau<br />

In Gay Profusion'. , • Lilies have arrived at Wal<strong>to</strong>n.<br />

Pierce. PicJt brand new styles and perennials •.. all in a<br />

variety of newsy prints from tills abundantjust-unpacked-shipment<br />

from Lily Pulitzer. The bounty of the New<br />

York buy is apparent in the beautiful coeUail and evening<br />

dresses and. the 'new city sUks and cot<strong>to</strong>ns. Black<br />

and white slicked with patent and the browJis, taupes<br />

and other sophisticated travel.wise colors. Par those of<br />

you who love Emilio Pucci's fabulous designs, there are<br />

new additions from Italy, including zephyr light cot<strong>to</strong>n<br />

shirts and cot<strong>to</strong>n zipped ~ront dresses. These are breezing<br />

out the doors at Wal<strong>to</strong>n.Pierce. Catch them if you<br />

can!<br />

,*<br />


, ). t' ,":~.;~, ••• '~/"<br />

Feature Page<br />

Pointes of Interest<br />

GOodTute<br />

Fauorlte Recipes<br />

of<br />

People ,in The Kw<br />


COGtn •• telI 1'y<br />

Mis. E. W, JacksoJS<br />

1 medium avocado .<br />

2 three-ounce pkgs. cream<br />

cheese '<br />

'*<br />

Thursday. May '15. :1969<br />

*<br />

1 who. w~ere ~Ddwhatnot, I<br />

by whoozit ' I<br />

The 16th annual Michigan Week .'. • Michigan<br />

,citizens pulling <strong>to</strong>geth~r '<strong>to</strong> ~romote. ~heir own state i~<br />

every way possible -IS commg up May 17 through 24<br />

I••• and Grosse Pointe's own "Mr. Michigan 'Y~k" could<br />

I very well be Dale 1. Sellers, senior vice preSIdent of the<br />

Bank of the Commonwealth and immediate past president<br />

of the Greater Michigan Foundation, the charitable<br />

educational foundation that sponso~s Michigan W~k • , ,<br />

* * •<br />

2 tsp. lime juice • , • The Foundati~ll's- 90.~an , , • Bo~rd of ~over.<br />

norn honored Mr. Sellers April 10, at.tbel1' mee~g at<br />

1A. tsp. Tabasco <strong>Win</strong> Schuler's in Jaekson, for his 14 years of servIce <strong>to</strong><br />

1,4 tsp. salt Michigan and Michigan WeeJ!; .•. Mr. Sellers, w~s Michi.<br />

1h tsp. Worcestershire gan Week general chairman in 1964 .•. He s Just consauce<br />

' c'uded three years in the Four~dation's president's post<br />

Cut a~ocados in half length. and served as fioancial chairman f~r two years ... B~ard<br />

wise. remove pit. Peel skin members presented Mr. Sellers With an engraved sIlver<br />

fro~ halves; mash pulp. Add tray and Mrs. Sellers with a gold "charms of Michigan"<br />

.. ~ remaining ingredients; bzat bracelet , • , '<br />

Hair! Hair! Hair! •• , You ,just can't have, enough with electric beater .until '" '" '"<br />

J smooth. Use as dip for pOta<strong>to</strong><br />

of it according <strong>to</strong> now fashion and faU forecasts. Don't chips or ..crisp crackers. Yields ... While Dale Sellers was president of the<br />

fool around. Buy 'it by the box! If you read the Detroit- approximately JIh cups. Greater Michigan Foundation, he assisted with. great<br />

News you saw the feature s<strong>to</strong>ry, in whiCh very t

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