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Pexto Rate Marion Pupils Learn Art From Navy Veteran Of Pay Up 5c Air Hour A general increase of 5 cents Wilcox Company, Southingtows largest factory, in.to effect Monday. Far,men and office workers t - ceived an equivalent sahu,y increase of $2 a week. The company slanted a 2 per cent houus to all employees enterng the armed forces, retroactive to the time of induction. The iacre;tse for production workers v.a _" negotiated by Local 799, UA FL. Representing the radon were Frank Swol, l'e " Belial, William Peck and Lynward no ":, a3Vo icccs of the |ocal, and Albert Casale aentativc. The coln Samuel W eox, Waiter Hushak Walter Grubcnm .mh Walter Mu-' Butler's Name , hopes this week that adding the same of Edward C. Butler, one of] the party's best vote-getters, to the 1 Mate would strengthen theil hances in the State election No-! ., €ember 7. Mr. Butler was nominated for' representative Monday night by I he Republican Town Committee to i g ccced ,Pascal D. Forgione, who I thdrcx because of pressure of crsonal bus hess. The GaP-leaders figured that i dr. Butler would makc an even ! ttcr showing than two years ago 'ben Mrs. Mary Flynn, Democratic Early in tile fall of 1949 a woman active in the Marion PTA passed the school' --News Stafl'Ph°t° ynobPlaCe Shirley Kerr looks on while her husband touchea up a aeasospe. In background is another of his paintings. Clifford Rush To Head Diabetes Hospital Corporation, will serve as chairman of Diabetes Detection Week, November 12-18, to Dr. R0 E. Thalberg, letil nl health officer. Others on the committee ar James Upson and Edward Slough- ton . Free examinations will be offered at tim Bradley Memornd Hospital. The family doctor will be, informed as to the results and he In turn will inform the patient. 1 hest Le der fident G al Be Maae Southington now than In the de.pl ssmn days, but we're going to P. Parker, Community hesf drive chairman, as he attended to last- The goal was jumped l lom l the budget vommittce Monday i night In the Broadley Memorial NEWS" TELEPHONE8 Machanl l Depa nt ........ . Single py 5c To Speak At Chamber Dinner IThalb erg .... :'Y Goes Out; The De r0eratlc Board--0f- Selectmen' health officer, balked a month ago, succeeded yesterday. Dr Thomas W. Dudac0 nora,,hated by the selectmeu on September 15, was appointed to the post by the Connecticut State Public Heatt,h uncit at its-anonthl meeting in Rax dord. Dr Stanley H. Osborn, Commissioner of Health, said that the vote of the seven-man council was The couned at its September 1 meeting had voted to defer actlbh on the appointment, pending furthor investigation. The selectmen's uctlon on th health officership became a leado tton and was believed by servet to have been a fact0r,in running behind the i cratic ticket. Hospital. , r$. Hattie May Pavia (above) of Rye, N. Y., a member Mr. DePaolo was m-elected I William E Smith, budget cam- 1 of tile " he-A-t4antie-L rion-C-ommittee, : Selec an Edgar F. Cu i t --" . : will be n¢ipal eaker at tim annual dinner of the meting in the hos it91 tha fol- This compared with a lead 0 48 lowed e committe meeting. ;Oc '26, i ....... votes by Tox Clerk Ro E; o r his Republish-op agency x presentahves, blr. V th Atlahhc Umou". The At- are Edward N. Stough n, first nent. ' - xx" " x " Wd b Owen Roberts, former justme con vlce-p s dent; ] ]ng Wess- Dr. T be has se ....) ,, ., -- ,., , of the United Stat Sup.eros man sectehuT; Frank Gahet ,,health artier for rune yea ........ n Ltnle z Cam2 't asurcr; Wdham H Eustis,, Thee o 1 pohtz l l e Dzie ic. Mrs. Pavia, xho is a pla vmght Ro al J. courctere and Adolph, lled at the Sta H lth affix. Th - t € u and d ma tea er, centlv re- ' J. Trapp, directors for two years, J early in the w k and s wh v,,hl th q "curt , turned from a speaking tour of and and C. Gates, Jr, Paul they ought Dr.. alberg nhould .en's .rts.mn • h -s.oc.a- , t].. ., -,- , Europe. One of her enga ments Nyren and Frank Pott pka, di- not be continued in affix. - ...... , ....... , ,was the International Federatmn motor for one year Joseph H • mm...,, ..., ,mm. i.,,, of Women wyers in Rome. .amerg, ularK Gould and Ken- l,- al Has . . ....... .] - - Harry A Walla 11 be re- ne L. Gilson complete tbe Boa I $250; Salvation Army, ,10 Na- elce _ , s e of t e Chambm-. 'Of Dl e rs. " ,[ Rnke_a Higl ' 81"00. The goal l t year w $15,4oo. Like The Army? See Below 'In Fke Safe ........ sU ssed that e dmnvm giv- e Answers o Print : B dley emo a, Hos i l ' , ' ' fatlonal Committeewoman, was 6n and en for workem during the dr ve B pL j v ua a --- " a high rating this w k m-' grounds and noticed a gTOUpl.ar, o c ticket for representative. • v . the community. of boys playmg football• 1 "The parents soon found they ughttbe moneys projectorf°r field andtrips a [, w eoK h n , nog g.but. fi g¢ g¢:hMhy ofCb the 0u ' ,me ....tae "..... armyr ' 'vo you - 7",m tt ] Re l o I h r all the me." I Walter ¢01 of Because of his personal follow- !rig and record of independence Reco.gnizing all bu o'ae, she d|dn't have to come o ¢'r,to the?. . equipme for the school. Its mem- S L John a "K e- th. ,., ....... . ,rhea he 'erved in the General sai to so m e fa ends -I think , school ta keep up th their rs wrote vehement lette to the Chamber of Commmce, se 'me be.e m the South Got a thmg mm ...... ' Board of Education flecting clubs and other o am tioas, vo-' , -- - s..... ,,_ . ........ s-" , ca , told the Lions Club tha a thole is a new family in the'neigh- I klds. T ey ¢.ould talk with me at home " I Pot. Frank Magnano -- It s all t sound const ction and spurious ocmbly, the Republican leaders oped Mr. Butler would pick up bm'beod with a boy of high school the post office or the neighbor- theu. proprietary feeling for the, right (the Army) but I hate to get, rooms of the local hospital offered any independent and Democratic age. Do you know who they are ''. I hood store. That made things little frame school. ! Gott's Not Keeping I Tho c aze 0me of the qoeshons up so early in the merinoS,'" st] ng promotion a i t re. .... - . easter on both slde . Ask PTA members m Mat,ton' his Under Her Hat [ I asked of the Southmgton fellows Pfc. Earl Fransen "Say beHo The speaker said at ho thls, -otes. Another factor, they bMieved, 'was answered hen she lleo at wh t their chief, pt, jcet is and Got a funn hat? long to I n he H v M ttu Company and to the olks back home and tell hates n gh clubs, schools ....... ..... ,,. ,, his teaching career, the Marmn vou II be told zt s to keep the lhe Sou h ngton Democratic , he t an t., : me of them, up- them I d rat er be thcze than merchant shzps had b n the set- : ' .......... . s ".... , most rabzd o gamzatmns m to tn., Wt want the best fat our ch - If the answer o h ques- . , Nenec My, no-at f res, wth hcavv loss of hfe." - - . . . . .. . - .. ,It p u ged nto the d spute over dren, stud one officer of the or- tons ts es, attend the clubs Pfc Andv roka The fool ,. 100 • becatt of e O etter Prone dama from f; .......... , , . . ,.. . teachers salaries and took t standlgamzat on, implying that the best , meeting at 8 p.m. Monday at the I i good and It q not too bad hole I p gotten from nly darling wife. 1949, he stated was 725 million ......... _ '......... for the teachers possibly stt ngertand Gerald Ke T were synonymous. Old T mers Restaurant and wear but xxhen I get home I I1 never Lt. Bah De hy -- A k 3h Lo dollars. He tn d out that is " .. ,,,. .... " .. " .. ",than that of their n leade . Be-, The youthftl t pri ntipa I and hm" ; the funny hat . A p rtze " wll " leave a ,a " n.' xxhen he -s cam ng oxen " e c• to the cost- ve verson in the United ....... I, -- , $1 -- ..... cause Kerr and bh's. Amy Wdson wife look somewhat embarrass a ard to the el b e Pfc Ra IPop} Norman I - . . (Editor s Note. S s $4 a year which in effect . , . " I ....... " the other teacher m blarlon, were ] when 3ou meat on that the Mar- adjudg to have the funni t put too much faith n th s southe n hen he geLq back his southern amounted to a h dden hzabe ker t e caucusX as -- esented -. rne za " ." a . Terrible r ree aes each, I Vthe earmarks of i headpins. . ' /x eather and cauzht a €ohl. " , d " a " .' He M Zdunczvk ts m ing with en " ince " "[the PTA asked that a bonus be a Gerald Kerr fan club but hope . Mrs. Gertrude L. Kilboorn, Cpl "hff Ka sh I can t 'art' P. .' • ' t ma -- I be kept in homes and au mobiles. ' .... " . , . [ ts -. " . [ ven teachers a.sg s tned to mo " e theY n hoe " u P to the ht"g h club president, ." urg all mere" to get btck - to cwfltzat " "" o and hem qsel " : to dtshke B oad " - tte " but t Mr. Colhas m socmtcd On the ticket with Mr. utler s Edumation dotsn to the school for a B .l I - A .l " here but I m]g. tht old gall at .- .__ . glr . Edna Wood. " "", ,ITA meeting and asked how the" Drainer in 1" 1-r-n-- - notn-r lo DOOr . • Ratnou., snail.as, of t.e : 'rhi t,on b th y u. te ch- ? ' .... '- "%" . . th , be,,,,,-- ,, " "-- craD Metal. Parade Ph Pape" 1 , ww • a ul'age sad statesmaash,p flora, Hallows'on ,hyado. u. Pratt, execut,ve secre-; - - . , P,zz,tola ,,ha sa.I "'l'd ,',=the, by back with Brunalh. fhlx,ng tho.c [ U 1" , tory of the Connecticut Edueatron -, " truck- and poo m cement " D ____£ [ Assocmt*on. IO De Ul'alteti , One eek late, , the "boy" be- C €... . , ' " Pfc Ha o, Ha, tman ."I x,:qh I x, ete home f,t',hng (hetken- Rememher the scrap meal of Wmhl War it'es 1 laas for the sixth annmd Hallo- come p s dent of the Southm on 4'o'eu Pur;ldo will be made at a ,Teaches Club. " meting in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Like most yonng men whose i , Sgt, %VIIbul S11*, [et beheve In " outhe n - h(, "] don't ' ng bv the L ons Club. Kemwth Cook, chmrmun, 8aid p]ta t3" the club ould eoll t all types of onday. All local orgavizatioas schooling as tnlerruptt by the a fa] as llac x omvn o " ave been entatives. invited to send l pl'c- second World War, Kerr had no time 1o plan a eater. He did I Pit Fran. - [lu he- _ neve washed o man pot "'INe meal except tm cans and in additmn ould pick up rags. old mat- 1 tresses, rugs. rubber hd old b Tcatative date of tbe parade is odd factory jobs in his native pans n mx hie " uesday, October 31. The parade city of Rristol while allend ng Pot Sam Svl e Icl -- ho . terms, =viii be followed by refreshments, {he public school there and lefi o er th e estum judgmg, prizes ao cnter- high school nt 17 Io join lhe 9th A. Forte, a.L "'h'- a Io dff- Sunoeo statmn at Mare Street and alument. Nav . He didn't see lhe whole felem frmn the aid a mx "' Memden enue at 9 n. m. and A letter sent te orgamzatmns worM bat did see a lul of tlae Pft Hob [lu del - "I d.n't canva eve y section of town. Prohis week said: "Hallows'on m just ar nd the Pacific from the lail gunner's position iu a Navy bomber. , '3 mind too mnd 1 Ell..- hut 1 nu - my leeds of the d ive will be used te bid .reel Ideaeher ea at the high ornm" with Hallows'on cornea the When he got out m 1946, he still ' IIM ('ompan Mageol tbool fmld and fat other Lioas' irls to put on a false face and,thought he would hke to have a' • httle Idack aml x h h, pupp3 th.t Serving th Mr (uok'on the committee are Robert tletght, Rich- 9al icipate in the thousand and fliug at art. Aftc speudmg a "" . (apt. Kellx Mou h m f )m tox n e pranks that only Amm'wan . summer at the tlartford A t la.t Sundax n* ht v ,I.n't I.nox ntd Huttau. John Cushing and Wilrids can think of. ;School, he enrolled at Teachers h b e,.d and he o(,.n't ba e .* ham Ely "For fivo yca Southm on hua Cullege m the fall. He s quick tos. pcdl but he'. a m,,.I Itttb, pup o. edroees tspu soan¢ t,oa- ad,mt no, ta,t he ,, snt con- and th,. r,,ho,,..:] h ,. h,,,, W Lions Be n Sale l fity-wide" Imrade and pm y for ' corned then sc nmch about a ' call him "'Sa e' , ' : . a setting up the committee o,'- I "Teache*s College off,red a t,,o- acted ,, ;u iz t o o ] Monday, October 3 year enel'al coulse before the couph, of dax-. hi,'- ettm *lifo at 8 o'clock m the Town lhdl. slmendized c urse in education,and hnlw aml fll make a good httle The e'll be no sho age of tleke ' "Wb have a small balance from it k as Imndy to Bristol. I had al- * . , sohtiel. fo) th,' folmign fthn series opening ,mr funds of last your but nm,d a 15 ays antcd t. go to col ego but * . The fallout,as men x cre pr.mot- Tuesday. October 31, at the Colonontribution from your orgaolzn-,had n.ve tlmught about it se - ell hv (',llq Kelly la l =ion te entry ut a successful pro- ously until the GI Bill cunw were r,.c tutq and are m,x P i-;Tussle Sold the Lions Club vate , .Ioe Abuts, Dale A, (,emmel.' *' nesday mght.' :olnp suggestion8 and hell). I'h,ase Ily taking cnurs(,a evqly 8ula- * AIIdmnso J. S,mty, I{oecn Sombpllo,' "I have eoough tickets ml ' I ' amke your ch cks payubh, to Rob- ram., Korr ns just short of a fe , . :rt E. Foley, treasurer Hallows'on, cledits for h s d glt.e I ft t]u'Pe - e $ Puradc Committee. We w uld ap-' years. He felt lucky te get phlccd ; r c ' coutr button as the Sopthln chool system: ning Monday and wdl he there fro. g al ach membcr seHin =m t i eonve li e hat at th end nf his ju flo yea '. So m evm'al weeks Lt, Jmk FMey is ets apiece. rganizatloas will have to meet to]aftra' hosmng be had u jo . bere, Two b thers, 1. 3ese h Sludzms ...... h left, aod Edwa Sl dztnsk , ment f lhe F rst Marine Dl lsmn.' lhs umt.... later se zrd tm there no , as s s Joe Snow, Fimt pmductioa in 'the otc amQunts for this cause, ,o he was tmuvted to bliss Shirley ] sees of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph lodziuski of 19 East Summer Street, Airfield sad moved inlo Sceul. He is now stationed at lnchou and j and there houhl he quite n reunion will be "Carmen', in l ian f i is ImposMble to arrangu u Se berg of Forc tvi I I Iqantsville, art€ now on active duty with lhe I S. Marine Corps. inform kis parents by letter that he doesn't know where they'll lw]mn a l the feilow from Sou h- English su titlc , It will b Parade your check will be Just as[apnrtamnt within a fe feet of tbe[ graduated whh the schooPs last class In June o ldg -ear. k SlodzlnsM a-r ent nltste left Monday for Pards Island, S.C. Forgionc arrwed here Sunday 7, by "The Iron lair In the and bc m very mu a Slodzlaski Inches lauding with the fth Re - to t training.

Pexto Rate Marion Pupils Learn Art From Navy Veteran<br />

Of Pay Up<br />

5c Air Hour<br />

A general increase of 5<br />

cents<br />

Wilcox Company, Southingtows<br />

largest factory, in.to<br />

effect Monday.<br />

Far,men and office workers t -<br />

ceived an equivalent sahu,y increase<br />

of $2 a week.<br />

The company slanted a 2 per<br />

cent houus to all employees enterng<br />

the armed forces, retroactive<br />

to the time of induction.<br />

The iacre;tse for production<br />

workers v.a _" negotiated by Local<br />

799, UA FL. Representing the<br />

radon were Frank Swol, l'e " Belial,<br />

William Peck and Lynward<br />

no ":, a3Vo icccs of the |ocal, and<br />

Albert Casale<br />

aentativc.<br />

The coln<br />

Samuel W eox, Waiter Hushak<br />

Walter Grubcnm .mh Walter Mu-'<br />

Butler's Name<br />

,<br />

hopes this week that adding the<br />

same of Edward C. Butler, one of]<br />

the party's best vote-getters, to the 1<br />

Mate would strengthen theil<br />

hances in the State election No-! .,<br />

€ember 7.<br />

Mr. Butler was nominated for'<br />

representative Monday night by I<br />

he Republican Town Committee to i<br />

g ccced ,Pascal D. F<strong>org</strong>ione, who I<br />

thdrcx because of pressure of<br />

crsonal bus hess.<br />

The GaP-leaders figured that i<br />

dr. Butler would makc an even<br />

! ttcr showing than two years ago<br />

'ben Mrs. Mary Flynn, Democratic<br />

Early in tile fall of 1949<br />

a woman active in the Marion<br />

PTA passed the school'<br />

--News Stafl'Ph°t° ynobPlaCe<br />

Shirley Kerr looks on while her husband touchea up a aeasospe.<br />

In background is another of his paintings.<br />

Clifford Rush To Head<br />

Diabetes<br />

Hospital Corporation, will serve<br />

as chairman of Diabetes Detection<br />

Week, November 12-18,<br />

to Dr. R0 E. Thalberg, letil nl<br />

health officer.<br />

Others on the committee ar<br />

James Upson and Edward Slough-<br />

ton .<br />

Free examinations will be offered<br />

at tim Bradley Memornd Hospital.<br />

The family doctor will be,<br />

informed as to the results and he<br />

In turn will inform the patient.<br />

1 hest Le der<br />

fident G al<br />

Be Maae<br />

Southington now than In the de.pl<br />

ssmn days, but we're going to<br />

P. Parker, Community hesf drive<br />

chairman, as he attended to last-<br />

The goal was jumped l lom<br />

l the budget vommittce Monday<br />

i night In the Broadley Memorial<br />


Machanl l Depa nt ........ .<br />

Single py 5c<br />

To Speak At Chamber Dinner IThalb erg .... :'Y<br />

Goes Out;<br />

The De r0eratlc Board--0f-<br />

Selectmen'<br />

health officer, balked a month<br />

ago, succeeded yesterday.<br />

Dr Thomas W. Dudac0 nora,,hated<br />

by the selectmeu on September<br />

15, was appointed to the post by<br />

the Connecticut State Public<br />

Heatt,h uncit at its-anonthl<br />

meeting in Rax dord.<br />

Dr Stanley H. Osborn, Commissioner<br />

of Health, said that the<br />

vote of the seven-man council was<br />

The couned at its September 1<br />

meeting had voted to defer actlbh<br />

on the appointment, pending furthor<br />

investigation.<br />

The selectmen's uctlon on th<br />

health officership became a leado<br />

tton and was believed by<br />

servet to have been a fact0r,in<br />

running behind the<br />

i cratic ticket.<br />

Hospital. , r$. Hattie May Pavia (above) of Rye, N. Y., a member Mr. DePaolo was m-elected<br />

I William E Smith, budget cam- 1 of tile " he-A-t4antie-L rion-C-ommittee, : Selec an Edgar F. Cu i t --"<br />

. : will be n¢ipal eaker at tim annual dinner of the<br />

meting in the hos it91 tha fol- This compared with a lead 0 48<br />

lowed e committe meeting. ;Oc '26, i ....... votes by Tox Clerk Ro E;<br />

o r his Republish-op<br />

agency x presentahves, blr. V th Atlahhc Umou". The At- are Edward N. Stough n, first nent.<br />

'<br />

- xx" " x " Wd b Owen Roberts, former justme con vlce-p s dent; ] ]ng Wess- Dr. T be has se<br />

....) ,, ., -- ,., , of the United Stat Sup.eros man sectehuT; Frank Gahet ,,health artier for rune yea<br />

........ n Ltnle z Cam2 't asurcr; Wdham H Eustis,, Thee o 1 pohtz l l e<br />

Dzie ic. Mrs. Pavia, xho is a pla vmght Ro al J. courctere and Adolph, lled at the Sta H lth affix.<br />

Th - t € u and d ma tea er, centlv re- ' J. Trapp, directors for two years, J early in the w k and s wh<br />

v,,hl th q "curt , turned from a speaking tour of and and C. Gates, Jr, Paul they ought Dr.. alberg nhould<br />

.en's .rts.mn • h -s.oc.a- , t].. ., -,- , Europe. One of her enga ments Nyren and Frank Pott pka, di- not be continued in affix. -<br />

...... , ....... , ,was the International Federatmn motor for one year Joseph H<br />

• mm...,, ..., ,mm. i.,,, of Women wyers in Rome. .amerg, ularK Gould and Ken- l,- al Has . . ....... .] - - Harry A Walla 11 be re- ne L. Gilson complete tbe Boa I<br />

$250; Salvation Army, ,10 Na- elce _ , s e of t e Chambm-. 'Of Dl e rs. " ,[ Rnke_a Higl<br />

'<br />

81"00.<br />

The goal l t year w $15,4oo. Like The Army? See Below 'In Fke Safe<br />

........ sU ssed that e dmnvm giv- e Answers o Print : B dley emo a, Hos i l '<br />

,<br />

'<br />

'<br />

fatlonal Committeewoman, was 6n<br />

and en for workem during the dr ve B pL j v ua a --- " a high rating this w k m-'<br />

grounds and noticed a gTOUpl.ar, o<br />

c ticket for representative.<br />

• v . the community.<br />

of boys playmg football• 1 "The parents soon found they ughttbe moneys projectorf°r field andtrips a [, w eoK h n , nog g.but. fi g¢ g¢:hMhy ofCb the 0u ' ,me ....tae "..... armyr ' 'vo you - 7",m tt ] Re l o I h r all the me." I Walter ¢01 of<br />

Because of his personal follow-<br />

!rig and record of independence<br />

Reco.gnizing all bu o'ae, she d|dn't have to come o ¢'r,to the?. . equipme for the school. Its mem- S L John a "K e- th. ,., ....... .<br />

,rhea he 'erved in the General sai to so m e fa ends -I think , school ta keep up th their<br />

rs wrote vehement lette to the Chamber of Commmce, se 'me be.e m the South Got a thmg mm ...... '<br />

Board of Education flecting clubs and other o am tioas, vo-' , -- - s..... ,,_ . ........ s-" , ca , told the Lions Club tha a<br />

thole is a new family in the'neigh- I klds. T ey ¢.ould talk with me at<br />

home " I Pot. Frank Magnano -- It s all t sound const ction and spurious<br />

ocmbly, the Republican leaders<br />

oped Mr. Butler would pick up<br />

bm'beod with a boy of high school the post office or the neighbor- theu. proprietary feeling for the, right (the Army) but I hate to get, rooms of the local hospital offered<br />

any independent and Democratic age. Do you know who they are ''. I hood store. That made things little frame school. ! Gott's Not Keeping I Tho c aze 0me of the qoeshons up so early in the merinoS,'" st] ng promotion a i t re.<br />

.... - . easter on both slde .<br />

Ask PTA members m Mat,ton' his Under Her Hat [ I asked of the Southmgton fellows Pfc. Earl Fransen "Say beHo The speaker said at ho thls,<br />

-otes.<br />

Another factor, they bMieved, 'was answered hen she lleo at wh t their chief, pt, jcet is and Got a funn hat? long to I n he H v M ttu Company and to the olks back home and tell hates n gh clubs, schools<br />

....... ..... ,,. ,, his teaching career, the Marmn vou II be told zt s to keep the lhe Sou h ngton Democratic , he t an t., : me of them, up- them I d rat er be thcze than merchant shzps had b n the set-<br />

:<br />

'<br />

..........<br />

. s "....<br />

, most rabzd o gamzatmns m to tn., Wt want the best fat our ch - If the answer o h ques- . , Nenec My, no-at f res, wth hcavv loss of hfe."<br />

- - . . . . .. . - .. ,It p u ged nto the d spute over dren, stud one officer of the or- tons ts es, attend the clubs Pfc Andv roka The fool ,. 100 • becatt of e O etter Prone dama from f;<br />

.......... , , . . ,.. . teachers salaries and took t standlgamzat on, implying that the best , meeting at 8 p.m. Monday at the I i good and It q not too bad hole I p gotten from nly darling wife. 1949, he stated was 725 million<br />

......... _ '......... for the teachers possibly stt ngertand Gerald Ke T were synonymous. Old T mers Restaurant and wear but xxhen I get home I I1 never Lt. Bah De hy -- A k 3h Lo dollars. He tn d out that is<br />

" .. ,,,. .... " .. " .. ",than that of their n leade . Be-, The youthftl t pri ntipa I and hm" ; the funny hat . A p rtze " wll " leave a ,a " n.' xxhen he -s cam ng oxen " e c• to the<br />

cost- ve verson in the United<br />

....... I, -- , $1 -- ..... cause Kerr and bh's. Amy Wdson wife look somewhat embarrass a ard to the el b e Pfc Ra IPop} Norman I - . . (Editor s Note. S s $4 a year which in effect<br />

. , . " I ....... " the other teacher m blarlon, were ] when 3ou meat on that the Mar- adjudg to have the funni t put too much faith n th s southe n hen he geLq back his southern amounted to a h dden<br />

hzabe ker t e caucusX as -- esented -. rne za " ." a . Terrible r ree aes each, I Vthe earmarks of i headpins. . ' /x eather and cauzht a €ohl. " , d " a " .' He<br />

M Zdunczvk ts m ing with en " ince " "[the PTA asked that a bonus be a Gerald Kerr fan club but hope . Mrs. Gertrude L. Kilboorn, Cpl "hff Ka sh I can t 'art' P. .' • ' t ma -- I be kept in homes and au mobiles.<br />

' .... " . , . [ ts -. " . [ ven teachers a.sg s tned to mo " e theY n hoe " u P to the ht"g h club president, ." urg all mere" to get btck - to cwfltzat " "" o and hem qsel " : to dtshke B oad " - tte " but t Mr. Colhas m socmtcd<br />

On the ticket with Mr. utler s Edumation dotsn to the school for a B .l I - A .l " here but I m]g. tht old gall at .- .__ .<br />

glr . Edna Wood. " "", ,ITA meeting and asked how the" Drainer in 1" 1-r-n--<br />

- notn-r lo DOOr . • Ratnou., snail.as, of t.e<br />

: 'rhi t,on b th y u. te ch- ? ' .... '- "%" . . th , be,,,,,-- ,, " "-- craD Metal.<br />

Parade Ph Pape" 1<br />

,<br />

ww • a ul'age sad statesmaash,p flora,<br />

Hallows'on ,hyado. u. Pratt, execut,ve secre-; -<br />

- . , P,zz,tola ,,ha sa.I "'l'd ,',=the, by<br />

back with Brunalh. fhlx,ng tho.c [<br />

U<br />

1"<br />

, tory of the Connecticut Edueatron -, " truck- and poo m cement "<br />

D ____£ [ Assocmt*on.<br />

IO De Ul'alteti , One eek late,<br />

,<br />

the "boy" be-<br />

C €...<br />

.<br />

, '<br />

"<br />

Pfc Ha o, Ha, tman ."I<br />

x,:qh I x, ete home f,t',hng (hetken-<br />

Rememher the scrap meal<br />

of Wmhl War<br />

it'es<br />

1 laas for the sixth annmd Hallo- come p s dent of the Southm on<br />

4'o'eu Pur;ldo will be made at a ,Teaches Club. "<br />

meting in the Town Hall at 8 p.m. Like most yonng men whose i<br />

,<br />

Sgt, %VIIbul S11*, [et<br />

beheve In " outhe n<br />

-<br />

h(,<br />

"] don't ' ng bv the L ons Club.<br />

Kemwth Cook, chmrmun, 8aid<br />

p]ta t3" the club ould eoll t all types of<br />

onday. All local <strong>org</strong>avizatioas schooling as tnlerruptt by the a fa] as llac x omvn o "<br />

ave been<br />

entatives.<br />

invited to send l pl'c- second World War, Kerr had no<br />

time 1o plan a eater. He did I<br />

Pit Fran. - [lu he-<br />

_ neve washed o man pot<br />

"'INe meal except tm cans and in additmn<br />

ould pick up rags. old mat-<br />

1 tresses, rugs. rubber hd old b<br />

Tcatative date of tbe parade is odd factory jobs in his native pans n mx hie "<br />

uesday, October 31. The parade city of Rristol while allend ng Pot Sam Svl e Icl -- ho . terms,<br />

=viii be followed by refreshments, {he public school there and lefi o er th e<br />

estum judgmg, prizes ao cnter- high school nt 17 Io join lhe 9th A. Forte, a.L "'h'- a Io dff- Sunoeo statmn at Mare Street and<br />

alument. Nav . He didn't see lhe whole felem frmn the aid a mx "' Memden enue at 9 n. m. and<br />

A letter sent te <strong>org</strong>amzatmns worM bat did see a lul of tlae Pft Hob [lu del - "I d.n't canva eve y section of town. Prohis<br />

week said:<br />

"Hallows'on m just ar nd the<br />

Pacific from the lail gunner's<br />

position iu a Navy bomber.<br />

,<br />

'3<br />

mind too mnd<br />

1 Ell..-<br />

hut 1 nu - my leeds of the d ive will be used te<br />

bid .reel Ideaeher ea at the high<br />

ornm" with Hallows'on cornea the When he got out m 1946, he still ' IIM ('ompan Mageol tbool fmld and fat other Lioas'<br />

irls to put on a false face and,thought he would hke to have a' • httle Idack aml x h h, pupp3 th.t Serving th Mr (uok'on the<br />

committee are Robert tletght, Rich-<br />

9al icipate in the thousand and fliug at art. Aftc speudmg a "" . (apt. Kellx Mou h m f )m tox n<br />

e pranks that only Amm'wan . summer at the tlartford A t la.t Sundax n* ht v ,I.n't I.nox ntd Huttau. John Cushing and Wilrids<br />

can think of. ;School, he enrolled at Teachers h b e,.d and he o(,.n't ba e .* ham Ely<br />

"For fivo yca Southm on hua Cullege m the fall. He s quick tos. pcdl but he'. a m,,.I Itttb, pup<br />

o. edroees tspu soan¢ t,oa- ad,mt no, ta,t he ,, snt con- and th,. r,,ho,,..:] h ,. h,,,, W Lions Be n Sale<br />

l fity-wide" Imrade and pm y for ' corned then sc nmch about a ' call him "'Sa e'<br />

, '<br />

: .<br />

a setting up the committee o,'- I "Teache*s College off,red a t,,o- acted ,,<br />

;u iz t o o ] Monday, October 3 year enel'al coulse before the couph, of dax-. hi,'- ettm *lifo<br />

at 8 o'clock m the Town lhdl. slmendized c urse in education,and hnlw aml fll make a good httle The e'll be no sho age of tleke<br />

' "Wb have a small balance from it k as Imndy to Bristol. I had al- * . , sohtiel. fo) th,' folmign fthn series opening<br />

,mr funds of last your but nm,d a 15 ays antcd t. go to col ego but * . The fallout,as men x cre pr.mot- Tuesday. October 31, at the Colonontribution<br />

from your <strong>org</strong>aolzn-,had n.ve tlmught about it se - ell hv (',llq Kelly la l<br />

=ion te entry ut a successful pro- ously until the GI Bill cunw<br />

were r,.c tutq and are m,x P i-;Tussle Sold the Lions Club<br />

vate , .Ioe Abuts, Dale A, (,emmel.' *' nesday mght.'<br />

:olnp suggestion8 and hell). I'h,ase Ily taking cnurs(,a evqly 8ula- *<br />

AIIdmnso J. S,mty, I{oecn Sombpllo,' "I have eoough tickets ml<br />

'<br />

I<br />

'<br />

amke your ch cks payubh, to Rob- ram., Korr ns just short of a fe , .<br />

:rt E. Foley, treasurer Hallows'on, cledits for h s d glt.e I ft t]u'Pe - e $<br />

Puradc Committee. We w uld ap-' years. He felt lucky te get phlccd ;<br />

r c ' coutr button as the Sopthln chool system:<br />

ning Monday and wdl he there fro. g al ach membcr seHin<br />

=m t i eonve li e hat at th end nf his ju flo yea '. So m evm'al weeks Lt, Jmk FMey is ets apiece.<br />

rganizatloas will have to meet to]aftra' hosmng be had u jo . bere, Two b thers, 1. 3ese h Sludzms ......<br />

h left, aod Edwa Sl dztnsk , ment f lhe F rst Marine Dl lsmn.' lhs umt....<br />

later se zrd tm there no , as s s Joe Snow, Fimt pmductioa in 'the<br />

otc amQunts for this cause, ,o he was tmuvted to bliss Shirley ] sees of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph lodziuski of 19 East Summer Street, Airfield sad moved inlo Sceul. He is now stationed at lnchou and j and there houhl he quite n reunion will be "Carmen', in l ian<br />

f i is ImposMble to arrangu u Se berg of Forc tvi I I Iqantsville, art€ now on active duty with lhe I S. Marine Corps. inform kis parents by letter that he doesn't know where they'll lw]mn a l the feilow from Sou h- English su titlc , It will b<br />

Parade your check will be Just as[apnrtamnt within a fe feet of tbe[ graduated whh the schooPs last class In June o ldg -ear. k SlodzlnsM a-r ent nltste left Monday for Pards Island, S.C. F<strong>org</strong>ionc arrwed here Sunday 7, by "The Iron<br />

lair In the and bc m very mu a Slodzlaski Inches lauding with the fth Re - to t training.

TWO<br />

An iletta ] Miss P ladino Engaged<br />

r " • I To Robert MeCo mack<br />

ne lJ l,ae, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Palladino<br />

Z -s B Avenue this week anenIln<br />

I nounced the engagement of<br />

f I !. .. and Mrs. Ge<strong>org</strong>e ladino, to Robert E. MeCormaek of<br />

of 63 Park Stret, Meri- Meriden Avenue. The wedding will<br />

Mrs_. John Zenu h o f W.a yember 4, at<br />

were married Satmday. Miss Palla no, a duate of<br />

at the Immanuel Luther- Lewis High School, is employed<br />

v ureh, Mm'ideu, by the Rev. by the R kwe]l Silver mpany,<br />

A. Hagedo % pastor. Meriden. r. € rmack, a d-<br />

Fm Mil o, sf t r of the ua the ew B tain schools<br />

w e roan'on of honor. and a Navy veteran of World War<br />

Mrs Henry II, i9 employed a a co.enter by<br />

hmaD bride's cousin, and Michael Haburo oca] ntractor.<br />

er o( he br deg n, wus tbu,<br />

- m . she] we Fr:mk Md- Anthony Egidlos Note<br />

, , and Fr . bngd tta,: iIver Anniversary<br />

cr o the bride. The bride wa , Mr. and Mls. Anthony Egi o of<br />

n marrmge by her father, ' Ha Acre {oad celebrated their<br />

The bride was attired m a gown silver wedding anniver ry last<br />

• ri t atin with notched l]<br />

on a bib yoke of Chantilly Iace tober 12, 1925, at St. Thomas'<br />

- with pearl cmb fidery, fitted Chu h by the Rev. Father<br />

b dlee ¢ thlong sleeves and the<br />

. l y g'athcred "sklt whw] as<br />

complete with a rom -length train<br />

designed m redm ate effect<br />

rith I € appliqued net panel at<br />

oe frost. A pearl-tvlmmed ratio<br />

held her fingertip yell of<br />

"and her bouquet was of<br />

Milano, the matron of<br />

h hor, wore a gown of candy green<br />

bodice, the full sku<br />

hemline to reveal a pleated<br />

r fl;le. rh'e bridesmaids were similarly<br />

gowned m dusty rose satin.<br />

All nf the attendants completed<br />

et L. Christopher, then the assistant<br />

pastor.<br />

The Egidios have one sou, James<br />

E__. dd o of this taw Before<br />

marriage Mrs. Egidio was Miss<br />

Susie Carbone, daughter of Michael<br />

Carbone of South Center<br />

Street and the late Mrs. Carbone.<br />

at the new high school building.<br />

Dr..loll Presiding<br />

Of School Boards<br />

Dr. Leonard W. Joll will prcside<br />


..Miss Persinger Engaged Board To Interview<br />

tismCandidates<br />

unday<br />

The engagement of Miss Thelma Marie Persinger of Woodruff<br />

Street to Herbert Hobell of 31eriden was announct,d this week<br />

Army and is stationed at Alexandria, Va. A late November<br />

and Mrs. Nicl/ols !fl'ame, drainage pump,<br />

Note Silver Anniversary coffeemaker, Calommeter, nurser<br />

Mr. and Mrs. blalcolm Ntchols supplies and reupholstering of<br />

Quiet, Or Quiet But Loud," the<br />

selies of sermons on parables of<br />

10:30 a.m. service Sunday at the<br />

Fwst Bapt' st Church. Charles E.<br />

Nnsh will direct the choir in the<br />

anthem, "While. Thou At Near,"<br />

and Mrs. Waiter Hyne.ck will sink<br />

a solo, "The Publican."<br />

T[ Rev. Mr. Deer announced<br />

Sunday at the chinch to iater ew<br />

candidates fo baptism.<br />

Mr. nod Mrs. Richard B nnett,<br />

counselors, will direct the Junior<br />

Baptist Fellowship's social pro-<br />

church. All those from the seventh<br />

through ninth grades are invited.<br />

A box lunch will follow, with each<br />

person to brlug his own box lunch.<br />

The Junior group will be guests of<br />

ship at its 7 p.m. meeting Sunday.<br />

The Young Adult Fellowship of<br />

Southlnglon will meet at 7:{]0 p.m.<br />

theme, "Unity Through Know-<br />

speaker for the group, explaining<br />

the unique contribution of the Bap<br />

World,;' a sound n otlon picture,<br />

will be shown. Mr. Deer assisted in<br />

the production of this film.<br />

:<br />

"rditts nd<br />

adora-ed with bows at - New Haven with an open house event ]gifts to the Bradley Memorial Hos-]Att p.nl mlda t_the hom<br />

etreamere of eontrasting eotors, were married }pit l amounted to $1,513.90. Andrew Wink, chaix .<br />

o honor ca n October 17, t925, Stamfo at The annual The'Moth lub will mee at<br />

a e bridesmaids had white Board of purpose mer Miss Dorothy L. Homer all months• 5hs. F mont Jones of 27 Hoba<br />

mpoms :ith een baby's b ath, of the confe nee is to enable S mford. Street. Mrs. W. David DelIe] and<br />

school boa membe in each re- T "'i hols "mxe o ... I<br />

: er the w din- a ce-tion .......... ne c • ne son al- . , 'Mt . Howa Lmke will be the<br />

held at lov - " " " " gmn o the v ate o mee one ms- cohn Nmhols, Jr. The 30 ests I Dicky Pop, ors l anled hostesses The p m "Don't Be<br />

A nue te in th .. € ......... who attended the part} presented.President O[ ar]ia ks I Aft.rod Of Ye r Chfld n," will be<br />

........ .. ; the couple ath gift of silver. , Dtcky Iowers was elected pres- presented by M . Delle . Mothe<br />

c ..... " , ., -, . - g " . _ "[ Gra-Y Club, at the e<strong>org</strong>anization ' to attend<br />

mg ac so es and a co age of taught will be add ss by Wil- Ilss Kathleen IaHnHcm ,meeting at the hMCA. Other offi- Other meetm next w will<br />

ca<br />

.......<br />

s. ey wdl side m I lard Elsbree, professor of ucal<br />

1o e<br />

w,<br />

We n 2 111<br />

ice's<br />

'<br />

a'e Frank Martin, vice presi- be as follows: dies Aid Soclet"<br />

..... ,dent; David Langlois, treasurer; I 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, at the home<br />

S uthin on upon their return, ltmn.at Teachets College, Columbm M ss Kath een lannucc, dau h- i h<br />

' . i..m..aro maverman, secretary;, of Mt . Sarah utton; Training<br />

I The meeting at which Dr. Joll ter of Mr. and Mrs. Angelo fan-.Thomas Rush .msmtan" s<br />

wd p side g ns at 7:30 p m The nucci of 96 Center Street, and . [ . . Institute, 7:30 p.m. Wednes y, at<br />

'ann treasm r. e tar meetings the church; Senior Choir, 7:30 p.m.<br />

SheDDa s Obese ]top c wil be "School Boa Citi- R ph K Evans, son of Mr and x h h a<br />

Mr. and M . John Sheppa of . . _ [ Members of the club are James day, October 2 , and Semor Bop-<br />

440 Noah<br />

.<br />

Main St et noted their ]<br />

be Alf] a R. Wolff,<br />

......<br />

member ol the fled at II a<br />

"<br />

m<br />

"<br />

Saturday,<br />

, ,. .<br />

October<br />

An erson,<br />

•<br />

Rebert Brenner, "Rmh-<br />

.<br />

trot<br />

.<br />

Youth Fellowship<br />

, .<br />

Halloween<br />

• • M Ifo.d Board of Eaucahon; vlo et 8, at St Thomas unu n.<br />

..e ..ev..a.,er --h,m n. en- [of " Ham e Boa of Finan ........... thony Maddalena, Richard Powers, Ull IHg an<br />

3la m vanaugh ,Sr. of Eden .... • u:r s .ssmn of t o leta GammaIwdl be held at 8 pm Mon at<br />

tmn. tto onno u. • • Y<br />

Avenue. The Sheppa s have one, Hi-Y Club thts wvek. Michael Ithe Asseeiation's office on Main<br />

s n, C , and one daughter, , .Hams. membvr of tho Holcomb [ Strut, Thomae E. E n, Jr., sec-<br />

M . Mr. Sheppard, a World War A daugMer was this week rs. Foley Elccled Sch,,, faculty, spok.. ,a "'R ed- retary, announced yeste ay.<br />

II' ve n, is employed by the at the Bradley Memor l Hospital'Bradley Auxiliary Head ml Educat,m." An l,q meetmg' Reacts will read and office<br />

T mbull Eleet e Manufacturing to Mr. aml Mrs. Andrsw Galiette Mrs Edmund J Foley of Ca or :of the club t dl b* h .hl Tupsday will be elected. Action w I tak-<br />

Com y, Plainville. of 105 Liherty Street. ne was named ptmstdent of the [ mgbt at the YMCA. . en on the commendation of the<br />

,Women's Auxiliary of the Brad.... 'Boa of Di c rs that the by-<br />

Icy emorml Hospital at thin" Boberl Hurh. To Report laws now in effect<br />

IT'S FALL<br />

Complete Line of<br />

..... Sno suits_--__N_o_w In<br />

Gloves Mittens -- Caps<br />

Hallowe'en Costumes<br />

Masks Noisemakers<br />

Open Till 9 P.M. Tues., Thurs., Fri. Nights<br />

"The Variety Store In The Suburb"<br />

25 West Main St. Tel. South. 1854-W Plantsville<br />

.eSNOW<br />

eCOLD<br />


Zip-in Lined TOPCOATS<br />

E)ouble duty coats .-'.. it's only ninety seconds<br />

from Fall to Winter . . . the all wool lining<br />

(sleeves and oil).hangs smoothly without<br />

bunching or wrinkling. In Sheddar gabardine,<br />

•ro sland Worumbo Covert and<br />

many other fine fabrics . . .<br />

-- NLJNED COATS -- $45<br />


4B-Years-oLCtmtomer_Satisfaction<br />

21 @OLONY ST... MERIDEN<br />

ceeds Mrs. Gertrude L. Kflbnurn of<br />

Academy Hill.<br />

The other officers are Mrs..Kilbourn,<br />

• ice president ; Miss Cather-<br />

'me DiBlaSo, secretary, and Mrs.<br />

. h Cockayne, treasurer, bh .<br />

{ etald M. Gmg]as and 5ha. Mdton<br />

of the membership committee.<br />

As sho reUred f; m the Auxiliary<br />

presidency, M . Kflbourn expressed<br />

her apprematton to the<br />

general pubhc for ;ts sup of<br />

the group's varmus fund-raining<br />

proj ts. Through the money ramed<br />

in the . drives, a fractm<br />

For Duty With Marines<br />

Itobert l Imloy, s n -f Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Frank J. Hmh,y ,ff Wo.druff<br />

War IL<br />

Mr. Hunrloy attend.d Lewi<br />

l High School, graduated from Che-<br />

a member of the Soutbln on A C.<br />

that h hew set of by-]aws he<br />

adopted.<br />

New Gy;n's First Dance<br />

Scheduled Tomorrow<br />

Southington Higb Scho_ l's gym<br />

wttt ee*tn scene<br />

tomorraw night when t e Senior<br />

Class sponsors one in honor of<br />

]the Freshmen. Dancing will be<br />

I from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Donald Fiat-<br />

[ian is chairman of arrangements.<br />

i At the class's election this week<br />

Mr. Florian was elected president;<br />

Miss Lucille Lofgren, secretary;<br />

I' oy Nyren, vice president and<br />

Chester Tomaslewicz, treasurer.<br />


CO.<br />

Visit the new Southlngton<br />

High School and see the<br />

type work we do. The entire<br />

job, both blinds and<br />

shades have been done by<br />

the<br />


BLIND-O0<br />

Southington Ave. -Tel. H8-7 s0Uthington<br />

• Our<br />

Mastercraft<br />

SHEETS<br />

3.29 3.49<br />

promptly for your share of this shipment<br />

Sturdy and long-wearnmg MASTER-<br />

CRAFT sheets and cases will delight<br />

and 81x108. Cases, 46x36.<br />

Ligh_ter weight sheets at a budget price.<br />

Another UPHAM'S exclusive brand. Full<br />


DEPT<br />

STORE<br />

Sanitary protectihn for your good mattresses.<br />

Sturdy bleached muslin. Filling of snowy-white<br />

absorbent cotton. Securely stitched and b' dnd to<br />

withstand repeated washing. BLUEGRASS quilted<br />

pads in full and twin sizes.<br />

MEtHDEN-<br />

Depend on favorite UPHAM'S to supply<br />

your needs ! Quality, good workmanship<br />

hdlow p ices. Here's a trio of vdhtes Vn<br />

mexchandise of excellence!<br />

--Kenwood-A-RON-DAC<br />

Cboosd big, handsome ARONDAC that fea u -es<br />

a long, fleecy nap for wonderful warmth. Blanky<br />

Kenwood, 100% wool. Six favorite decorator<br />

shades. Wide rayon satin binding. Size 72x90.<br />

ALL WOOL<br />

_ -CometnL<br />

Telephone<br />

or Write!<br />

Twin Size-3.98-<br />

Full Size 3.98<br />


Styletex<br />


Manufacturers Sample<br />

tracks for Styletex Now! Hundreds<br />

o styles, colors and sizes at a tremendous<br />

savings. "<br />


• Finest fabrics used in coats.<br />

• Persians, beaver, muskrat, fox.<br />

• Green, wine, black, grey chartreuse<br />

brown, gold, red, many colors.<br />

• Long coats, toppers, fur trimmed coats,<br />

dressy untrimmed coats.<br />

• All sizes.<br />

Sport and<br />

Untrimmed, Coats<br />

Untrimmed Coats<br />

Values to<br />

39.98<br />

Values to<br />

59.98<br />

Fur Trimmed Coats Values to89.98<br />

Fur Trimmed Coats Values to. 110.00<br />

Suits<br />

One ot a kind<br />

Values to 69.98<br />

35.00<br />

59.98<br />

79.98<br />

33.00<br />

•Take advantage of this Coat Savings<br />

Event Now. A Small Deposit<br />

holds your selection. -

Prices Are DOWN-Not<br />

Yes, thanks again. We're<br />

tid it before and we hope<br />

to repeat it many times in<br />

the years to come. Today<br />

marks the 5th year of set-<br />

ity.<br />


Topo. ats<br />

Tl E OUT -IINGTON NEWS, OCTOBER 20, 1950<br />

En gaged To Chester Dabrowskl<br />





r PARIS<br />

[teg $52.50 PaEe-<br />

Wool Coverts and<br />

Donegal tweed. All<br />

with 100 e, wool and<br />

pla|d lining.<br />

,00<br />

worsted "gabardines',<br />

ravenette processed.<br />

All wool Zip-Oat<br />

"Forever-<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Sankowski of Mill Street this week announced Ollng<br />

the engagement of their daughter, Miss Florence Sankowski. to<br />

Chester Dahrowski, son of 31r. and Mrs. Teofil Dabrowski of Martdes<br />

Avenue. Both are graduates of Lewis High School and attend-<br />

Dabrowski is still attending Post College. No date has 'been set<br />

• - /the thrill of<br />

Of Meriden Is Wed To C. J. Giampaolo<br />

To Edward ,siOf Torrington authentic<br />

Call<br />

for Large Sizes<br />

live up to its namei Pastel-<br />

!<br />

i<br />

!<br />

:<br />

I.<br />

'<br />

Pure wool worsteds and<br />

Sharkskins. Reg. $45 qualtop<br />

dress and beau<br />

bolero iacket. Embroidery<br />

ity. Miss Mildred Margaret Kosien<br />

- ski, daughter of MI . Mary = metal<br />

Tedays repla¢ Stmet.and..... t 24 V<br />

f Part worsted gabardine shell, iden t and Edward P. Kot lys, son<br />

3. G mpaolo, son of Mr.<br />

Timmie Tuft Alpaca liniu , lux-<br />

of Mr. und Mrs. Paul<br />

urious<br />

utMay morning at St. Stanislau's at St. Thomas' Church.<br />

Church, Meriden. The Ray. Father William H. Ken-<br />

Sharkskins in nailheads,<br />

stripes and overplaids.<br />

Hand detailed. Reg. $47.50<br />

to $52.50.<br />

Mrs. Stanley Bakaj, sister of nedy, pastor, performe the wedthe<br />

bride, was the matron of benin" ding ceremon. and celebrated the<br />

and the bridesmmd was Miss Hat'- !nuptial mass.<br />

, riet Ko :dys, sister of the bride- I blrs. Joseph Crispino of Milldale,<br />

groom, Stanley BakaJ was the best [ cousin of the bride, was the matron sizes<br />

man and the usher was Henry of honor. Bridesmaids weze Miss .<br />

T lla.<br />

The bride was attired in a go<br />

Catherine Per tU of Mflldale, anvn<br />

other cousin, and Mms Mary Giam-]<br />

1<br />

l%l/ [O<br />

:<br />

I N UIN<br />

St<br />

m u" l gllt<br />

k of well-known . ,<br />

J<br />

7+ .<br />

of candlelight sati n "ith a sveet- paolo . of TozTmgton, sister of the<br />

it hea neckline princess dice w th bride oom. Paul Bazzano of Tor-,<br />

' seallo b 31ngton x as best man and the ush<br />

] ... Hlwith seed pearls and rhinestones er. were oseph Porte, brother i ' l/@<br />

I<br />

I1.<br />


.€olor dre s irls . • . % II and long sleeves poin d at the of the bride, and Salvatore Spine or] "<br />

-- -- -- . . re.ula " coil.tin spread, I[[' ]A II]wrists. The draped skirt was corn- " • " " "" ' The litt,le wool sult.that ou<br />

g lute t mart age by hut father •<br />

. • " , fell f m a fili e tiara of pe ls "q " " P" " '<br />

shoulder nylon xoke apph ed pockets. A<br />

oot nannem or rayon lo ngl g ......... ][ s , w th trades.at sequins a fitted I<br />

l fled cuffs ,md a full skirt cascad<br />

lls . m. - . .... II,ed with a stole of rose taffeta and " " " " " I m •<br />

and st ph z ot s xt t I x x e zves •<br />

$tl<br />

$4<br />

Your Chmte " of tire<br />

Stock of s. 1 oO T " es<br />

....<br />

" *:<br />

, • •<br />

RayonS, Flannel% W ls.<br />

/<br />

..<br />

Illrose-colored nomnoms The b des<br />

II maid had a jacketed gown of n e<br />

II en taffeta th -uilted neckhno<br />

honm. wore a tuzt Iumse - blue satin --<br />

" batlerma" d "-. ess " xth .z ' m' r(lmsetto - I<br />

yoke edged th dam - lace, hort ]l<br />

, cap le e , a fitted b (be, md<br />

: l " " mo nn n full kiH Her - ad ¢6 an bo ul zh a sUtrched nvlou<br />

[ n ---- " ........... -- ---- qm't matchml those o£ the matron apr n" er ensemme was complet- " ........<br />

. At u'ic ior }l.ZO .0O ............ . 7 of hone. ied ith a Dutch cap of sat,n, edged ] ]<br />

x t]) pearls and tulle streamers and<br />

q __ . U.Uff O,O ' ""hi........... M natural ol lnd and ste flumoti I AUTHENTI nE tODUCTIO<br />

8 / ceve n a dress of forest gzve<br />

l e(I flo al muffs<br />

crepe with black accessories. Mm. " "<br />

anff car- -<br />

1<br />

o ....... . ' After the wedding a reception' "Dinner at seven"<br />


,<br />

!<br />

:e Wool Shetla fl fl fe g. Re $3.00 ................................... $2.6 xv...... tn n a cn ng "accesso" ms." math-. . Restaurant, South Cent.v Street . ,,<br />

utifully Tailor .......... $22,19<br />

:duroy, Fully Lined<br />

41 Tailored ................ $15.26<br />

•<br />

S L A C K S<br />

.. Sale Price<br />

Reg. $4.0 Button Front . -$3.5G<br />


Re . Sale Price<br />

u.00 ............................. $3.56<br />

$5.00 ........................... $4.49 t<br />

wo;'e an orchid co.age [Mrm L=P t , th *. n ,"<br />

When M,x and Mrs. Kordvs left rece,ved ,n a go,,. of champagne,<br />

. ...... . . lace ore. taffeta wzth taupe aczorn<br />

weaamg trlp to anaaa t te<br />

in the day, the bride wore a pale cessorws and an orch,d cmsa .<br />

blue ensemble with pink and navy Mrs. Giampaolo, mother of the<br />

bridegroom, had a frost blue lace<br />

'95<br />

beautiful t ny<br />

hip drape klrt with deep<br />

front pleat for up tnd do<br />

smartness. And a<br />

cent sunburs of expensive<br />

00 Crease Resistant Gab.............. $6.99 $6.00 ............................. $5.39 accessories and her bridal cur- gown t ith black yah'at accessories[ cut tee[ be d . .<br />

.00 All Wool Flannels--Coveris .... $10.98 $8.00 .............................. $7.19 sage. Thev will side at 419 Crown and a white orchid corsage, by hand. Sizes 14Vz to 24Vz.<br />

.00 Pure Wool Worsted Gab............. $11.67<br />

J A C K E T S<br />

.<br />

$10.00 ............................. $9.09<br />

$11.00 ...... $9.87<br />

...................<br />


Street, Meriden.<br />

Mrs. Kordys, a Meriden High' Late in the day bit. and Mm.<br />

Ginmpaolo left for a wedding p<br />

is employed at FnctoD" to Florida and rmudn. For tra<br />

H of the International Sih'er Corn-<br />

: Salio Twill, Quilt Lining $10.98<br />

' •..........<br />

Satin Twill, Mouton Collar .........$13.49<br />

Reg.<br />

$7 0<br />

Sale Price<br />

............................ 6.69<br />

pony. Mr. Kordys, a duate of el the bride chose a brown bar-<br />

:dine suit, matching velour hat<br />

Lewm High here, is associated w,ith w th feather trimming and an orilip<br />

Length Gab. Lin ................... $14.89 $8.50 ............................. $7.79 the Charles Parker Company to, chid corsage. They wtIl reside at<br />

50..Gab. Saree.t, Mouton Collar .... $20.19 $10.00 .......................... $9.09 iMeriden.. [486 East Main Street, Torrin on.<br />

H O S E<br />

ire Stock--Anklet or Pull Length Rayon<br />

m.00 ............................. [9,s7 "<br />


Edward Butlers Honored<br />

o. 30th Anniversary<br />

M . Giampaolo, a 'aduate of<br />

I Lewis High School was employed<br />

as secretary by the Solthm on<br />

o Nylon Lmles Trench M el Gabardine, Fall Rayon • I Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Butler Printing Company. Mr. Gmmpaolo,<br />

g. 5 ........ 44G 3 Pair for $1.25 ning, Reg. $25 .................................. $19.69 lot Merre]l Avenue were honon.d ,a Tot in.on High graduate,<br />

Reg. 65¢ ........ 59 3 Pair for $1.50 Single Breasted Gab. Zip-Out Vool at a family party Thursd " mght [ as seeretar by the Southington "<br />

Reg. 75c ........ 69 3 Pair for $2.00<br />

Reg. $1.00 ........ 89¢, 3 Pair for $2.50<br />

Lining, Reg. $27.50 .................... $23.89 at the home of their son.in-law and [ Market tho e.<br />

daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel At- other<br />

eelat Group .... eg. 5 9e, 3 for $L00<br />

H A T S -<br />


Reg. $1. 5 Broadcloth Shorts<br />

Woven Fabrics, xer or Gripper .......... 99¢<br />

mond of Eden Avenue. The occa-[<br />

mon was the Butlers' thirtieth Miss Persingee Engaged<br />

wedding annlve mT. To Herbert Hobeli, Jr.<br />

s les<br />

Mire Stbck--Nationally known Felt Hats Reg. SL00 ' " "Shirts. Fine combed Mr. and Mrs. Butler were mar- Mrs. John Persmger of Woodtmff just l k at the to see<br />

eg. $10.0 $8.99 Reg. $7.5 $6.89 Yarn. Shape retaining ...................... 89c 'tied October 12, 1920, at St. i Street thin week announced the<br />

- Thomas' Church by the late Rev. engagement of her daughter, Miss fabulous labels!<br />

% = ' = thcr Wilham J. Doolan, ho was Thehna Marie Pet mger, to Her-<br />

OPEN FRIDAY NITES TILL 9 10 OFF ON then the pastor. Mrs. Buffer is b ltobell, Jr., son o Mr. and<br />

OPEN ALL DAY MONDAYS Bel Suspenders Jewelry the former Miss Katherine Kinary. Mrs. Her:bert Hobell of 8 Green- . Manguin<br />

Wallets Tie Racks And All Mer- "For ninny years, Mr. Butler, a way Place, Mer den. The wedding r Mnggy Rouff<br />

Ose Our y-Away Plan. Small ehandi Not Advertised Except World War I veteran, was active wdl take place next month,<br />

Deposit Will Hold Your Selection Certain B nded Lines Covered hy in Repubhcan Imrty polities ere •Mad-Carpentier as beautif !<br />

Until Wanted. Fair Trade Agreements. and was Borough wa en for several<br />

terms, also erving term as Mrs, Helen Lane of Prospect<br />

rep sentative to the General A - Street, Plantsville, i a patient at l Fall's rich<br />

the a ey mnorm<br />

sembly. Mrs. Butler is a member and flattering "+ - -<br />

LAKE £O.pANY at<br />

HER , " edMen'sHall, Main t e . "<br />

Street Schook<br />

the Bcccher St. Rita Circ]o, Daughters of<br />

Isabella, will meet at 8 p, m. today colorin I . just<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hapi . who social hour will foltow tho b iness S value.ful '<br />

s ent severnl months a t o guests meeting. ,<br />

of M . IIapi 'a pa n M<br />

l t thi week fo Tulsa. Okla. Memorial Hospital. e ,, ,,<br />


Telephone: Southington 15<br />


Payable in Advancs<br />

Grove Street.<br />

dinner Wedm.sdnv at tilt. Old Shin<br />

' ......................... s eekend at East Northfmld, Moss., nmg Wheel hm, Ih,ddmg. .<br />

the scheme was aired in court and in all the newspapers m e . u' ,. ,, tero r{'.. m r t, .. ,., , ;., . S'I gaa zat on for'the upport of the<br />

f_th St t Mogt mombot of the club intended no _ '". . • • ]tl. . '- ' " " ,,i.<br />

one l'aisi schedules no matter he s-)o sorship havo moved into their sew borne Nm man M. MacLeod, Jr. pustor, l . awd Dellert, n ,w Southi g-<br />

tlll d M, . James J O'Shea. Mr. M,'. aud Mrs. Wilham E Smith] Club meeting at tbe Plantsv,lle<br />

'- Perhaps the Southington Lions Club has taken the<br />

in¢ident to heart. Tile local elul .s current nt'6ie t-of<br />

.selling t]eket to a setqes Of fdreign "filrn at -thd<br />

,+ nial Theatre offers an example o$ a legitimate way of<br />

;alsing money. Whether the project succeeds or not,<br />

it.a'epresents a commendable attempt to add something<br />

to the cultural life of the community. That contrasts<br />

sharply with lottery schemes tnd other ganlbling promotions<br />

that appeal to the baser instincts.<br />

Like The Army?--,Pupils Learn---<br />

(Continued from Page I) . (Continued from Page I)<br />

visit vith. her husband atvl llbS, standards the communit£ ha, .'.el<br />

Esther Kritz, Mrs. Fotglone' -t -, for them.<br />

ter, and Miss Malilyn "Cample" Oue boast of the Mati,m<br />

Camp came do n t. lth her. Thcy'ts that their chtldt ,t, [irl, getting<br />

all ate Sunday dinner lO oor me. b a , ooIId ftmlldation in a]t. for<br />

i Happy Hour nt the Phmtsville'ter, .S,h. . Eduard Rleb ao t faro-, ..<br />

da3 begmoing October 29. This M s. Ktnlmth P,uth'l of Sunnult t<br />

, the ninth annual dinner meeting of<br />

children cnrod for while they at. Mrs. Ruth l".rgmne of H:llside ' night at the Waverly Inn, Cheshire.<br />

tend the worship services. Avenue left I"Hduy for Camp Pick-',The Rev. Hugh Shields, pastor of<br />

, the First Congregations Church,<br />

Mr. and Ml .. Roy Landon of ett, Vs., hene her husband, LL., . .<br />

East Hartford o,'e the recent'Mt.'s. I"otg,,,nc a] ' no at ('amp TEN YEARS AGO<br />

Definite action on the construc-<br />

M.rs. Elizabeth Ward<br />

D es In Mlddlebury<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Alice Ward, widow<br />

of James Wa died late last<br />

Tharaday night after a brief<br />

hess at the home of her daughter,<br />

Mrs. Harold Terry of. Hillcrest<br />

Middlebury. A native of East<br />

_Ghu.,rc.h, .Mrs. Ward resided.., in<br />

outmngton:s economy laces a 60 years, was a member of St.l h e was a member of St. Thomas'<br />

l<br />

n sear ' b0 lx monms z.ov tn e montns z. , ' i ' ) S'o ....... MIS Bu'b Auno McNerne of sharp dl p if the strike continue: Thomas' Church and of St. Ri IChurch here and of Prospect<br />

r<br />

n<br />

a<br />

n,<br />

ona-u an. ma r/, n<br />

rut, unaer tne act ox<br />

"<br />

ff st, 2lc .<br />

a . *e#<br />

Yale-Columbia football ame at] Hillside Avenm, uas the guest of<br />

I Ne Haven Satul ay. '[ honm. at a persoual shower this closely allied with the steel indus-<br />

T blrs. Ads Vin nt. of Mulberry week t the home of Mrs. Clifford try in the manufacture of p o-<br />

Circle, Daughters of Isabella,<br />

Mrs. Gill ia survived by one<br />

daugbter, Mrs. Herbert Reeve, St.,<br />

Grange.<br />

Mrs. Ward is smwived by her<br />

daughter; one sister, Mrs. Anna<br />

O g DBDi Oll D ,@ 1}11 Stt+et entertained n group .f her F,gg m Meriden. She will be mar- ducts here.<br />

with whom she resided one son, Desilet of Southing on; two broth-<br />

. .<br />

A fimtl sordid chapter in the Cheshlle "dream<br />

urt ordered sale by foreclosure of the $30,000 lottery<br />

residence.<br />

There is only one difference'between the Cheshire<br />

gambling promotion, s SOl'ed by n misguided Lions<br />

Club, and other lotteries m querading under tile good<br />

n e of civic, seiwice and patriotic <strong>org</strong>anizations. The<br />

&fferenee s t lat m'ofessional amblers moved into<br />

{ tmnds at a card putty at bet rttd tomorrow to Allied H. Bus- The Southington Rotary Club an- Malcolm Gill of Hertford; sloven ers, Herbert E. and John Anderson,<br />

home Wcdneeduy. sett of Milldalc at St- Thooms' nounced this week that it will spon- grandchildren, five greut grendm<br />

mtmige c rs s nd m.<br />

both. of this town. and several<br />

children-and---several--niecc= and .ie en und ncphe . -<br />

eft b p e F 'idiy for Sire Dingo,. Stat ey B. tte ot urovc<br />

' nephews. ,<br />

The funeral .was held at 8:15<br />

Cal, to - spend a vucattoe<br />

.<br />

wtth<br />

.<br />

ts Street m II t t s ho ne<br />

Lex<br />

_.<br />

s H gh Schoo, to nclude a The funeral will be held st 9:15<br />

' " " , "; ....... ,[ narcn ng oand The club voted a<br />

a.m. Monday at the Hallahan Fus<br />

ster, M's He e Mover trs a r a]o a s oosepa z,ygmun.,.... •<br />

a. m. tonmrrow at the Hallahan 'neral Home, 208 Mcriden Avenue<br />

" " .... ,, nee" "h " eonatmn ot<br />

Move" atd her son will rest rn to eL West Mt ul 'tl'iCt t a t el • . . .. .<br />

Funeral Home, 208 Meriden Ave<br />

" . enom mumc Fnnd.<br />

nd at-9--a.m. at - St. Thomas'<br />

, cmum here whdc bh-. bloyer is fit t wedding utmivctsary at a Wi<br />

hue, and at 10 a. m. at St. Thomas' Church where a solemn high muss Cemetery.<br />

,m ser,,ce, dinner party.at .their home for<br />

Church where a solemn high mass of req cm was celebrated. Burial<br />

M . G c 'd q v Mulbo" w ho ddillg tttendants. cs ..<br />

o equiem will be celebrated. Bui'-<br />

Cheshire and ovelola3ed then" h,md, leaxmg tie Lions Street as solmst for Order of Included Ml. and ahs. John MI- ._ .<br />

Club holdin the ba l Amaranth meetings w euth" at" kosz, bll'. ltl1(I M,s. Ld ,nd Sloka<br />

,,....... ial will be in St. Thomas' Cemetery.<br />

The Rosary will be recited at<br />

-- z.<br />

r "<br />

t.... 4,..<br />

€ €;11; tl............lul ....fY ,<br />

the ullible were rude v s tottered<br />

i111<br />

mn<br />

'XV nm tm*and Stratfot<br />

, nmht she ,as secretary<br />

l rJday<br />

t Eve<br />

M': d M { 1 M s, Wa te* m o<br />

Zygmunt, M,ss lhubara Hall, all #a<br />

!oggt tl e 9Xllloale Tu -<br />

tght- Th chatrman of the<br />

8 p. m. today at the funerM home.<br />

Friends may call there from 2 to<br />

10 p. m,<br />

Mrs. McNerney Dies<br />

In Sih•er Springs, Md.<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Fay McNerney, 4<br />

Silver Springs, Md., died Friday<br />

at ber'home brief illness.<br />

eNerney, a c in<br />

the Nava M edt ' q 6rp, 7-m' th -<br />

i _Oem?t r _ llere. . .<br />

i<br />

Funeral Services Held<br />

For Mrs. Rose Piteo<br />

The funeral of Mrs. Rose Piteo,<br />

58, wife of Benjamin Piteo, St., ef<br />

221 Berlin Avenue was held at 9<br />

a.m. Saturday at the Hallnhan Fu-"<br />

neral Home, 208 Meriden Avenue,<br />

and at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas'<br />

Church whe e a solemn high mass<br />

of requiem was celebrated.<br />

'rhc Rev, Father Fr,ancis J, Mihalek,<br />

assistant pastor, officiated<br />

at the mass with the Rev. Father<br />

O, hairman f the Board of h<br />

cox Company here, died October<br />

Mrs. Victoria Nvch<br />

Dies At Home I ere<br />

Afte Long-Illness<br />

Mrs. Victoriu Nych, 84,.of West<br />

Nych. o£ this town, died at her<br />

home Mondoy following a long<br />

years and a member of the HoI<br />

Trinity Church.<br />

Mrs. Nych is survived by one<br />

son, Edward Nyeb of Southiogton,<br />

and one sister Mrs. Mary Albrycht<br />

of Pohmd.<br />

The £uneral was held tit 8:15<br />

a. m. Wednesday at the HaIlahaa<br />

unol al-Home 208-Movider.<br />

nue, and at 9 a. m. at the Holy<br />

Trinity Church where a requiem<br />

mass was eclebrated. Bucial was in<br />

the faluily plot in the Holy Trinity -- ,<br />

:<br />

tloH lr l l t" .. . , . . d,do. . ' l e d Haek al stuoent at I ,,u.uu ers<br />

commtttcd o£ the<br />

, . • , . .... ., '. ..... ... , sor u pubhc turkey mtpper in the tht wtektnd guest of his lmrcots, chool are on Main Street within<br />

lue lact' t mt t m esllle lons [UD x , S. t OIOl-. coufe'e me 'oo of the Iqan vi tic h......<br />

and 31 ["d atd G Havk- a few a',s . lu =" was. assured Wedtunate<br />

enough to get caug It wh le other <strong>org</strong>anizations Baptist Church o t Wednesd v, No- butts t)f 6G6 Mare Street I s ......<br />

get by with schemes ever b t as lind m no av con- vemb,,r 1 Serv,n s win h..d 5-30 Mr and M, . Doom He,uht oil , , g . . tng<br />

dories the fantastic dream louse otterv and a.l} o m Tickets may be oh-'Summit St, 'el and Mrs. Bo 'd J. :.,<br />

e lesson is plain. BuCi 6 v many <strong>org</strong>anizations taincd d from 'tvunde Circle members alChtlf Hetght g fnlHb Hd s d Ave )°d "us h tee n t t R and°l<br />

" vilt e it.... "" " " , pma e m ,o v xor rougn dmg<br />

admitted tt a reduced prrce for the Vt. Town Hall was filled Mnnv sill-<br />

McNerney of South Main Strut<br />

Plantsville.<br />

Mrs. McNerney is survived by<br />

her husband and on brother: Rubert<br />

Fa f Evansville, Ind.<br />

- he funcm was .held Monday<br />

m or _'ng at Sih*e.r-Sp ng ,, M tL<br />

and burial was in St. Thomas'<br />

' bn-and m ompan n<br />

land.<br />

He was a gnmdson of the founder<br />

of the Lanmon and Session<br />

Company and was p sident of th<br />

conee m 192 to 1938 u en<br />

sh . p. e was named chairman . of<br />

--Gift to a sbut-iu<br />

--"Thauk you" gtfL<br />

hostess<br />

f.r your<br />


Spots are gone ...<br />

leaves no troce of<br />

dry cleaning odor<br />

It's called<br />


People everywhere are finding ont<br />

about this different kind of dry<br />

•cleanlng. Perspiration vanishes!<br />

Spots are gone. Sanitone Service is<br />

better every w:iy. It gets out more<br />

dirt, leaves no dry cleaning bdor!<br />

Carei'ul press stays in. Garments<br />

last longer, look better, when you<br />

use Sanitone! Call us today!<br />

13 1 IIANO ER S'I'. MERIDEN<br />

PHONE LN ER! RISE 9050<br />

"Quality Wins Every Time"<br />


S. Case, Jr,, wa made pr ident<br />

of e company.<br />

Mr. Case was a director of the<br />

ational Association of Manufacture<br />

; vice president of the<br />

American Standard Association,<br />

and president of the Board Jones<br />

Home for F endless Children in<br />

Cleveland. He was president of the<br />

Peck, S w and Wilcox Company<br />

mg chairman of the Board of<br />

In World War I Mr. Case was a<br />

Chemical<br />

friends<br />

--Gift to YOURSELF -- who<br />

A Good Gift for an)one al attytimc<br />

EATON'S<br />

h 'TER<br />

PAPERS<br />

lohn F. Molloy,<br />







$37 1 to .00<br />

Many of Ihese coats are also avaihlhle<br />

ith a Zip-In Lining for extra warnlth.<br />

7.50 to<br />

We have these seals in regulars, shorls,<br />

and longs We can fit almost<br />

everyone.<br />

P. HUTTON & SON, INC.'7<br />

"Selling Good Clothes Since 1875"<br />




Wednesday the eighth grade, Me Back to Colorado," a duct ac-<br />

the direction of Miss Grap<br />

sented n assembly l rn-<br />

Rex. Klopfenstein and Barrie<br />

ht were inastcra of ceremonies<br />

9avid Skolsky and Anne Cardehvcred<br />

the opening cxcr-<br />

:rd Laodmo anti Robert La-<br />

, musical band; Lucille Moore,<br />

:dine Hughes, Lolraine Dell,<br />

Ann Del Santo and Joyce<br />

as, "Take Me Out to the<br />

ame" skit; Barrm Hnight,<br />

iy net; Albm.t Angiletto, reel-<br />

companied by Marjorie Schabel.<br />

And, Edward<br />

in a skit, "The Great<br />

Bob err011, violin<br />

: "The Chattanooga<br />

Shoeshine Kids" in a dance; .".Julids"<br />

and "It's Later than You<br />

O<br />

The aisles in Mrs. Gre r's bransroom<br />

community have been named<br />

Flag Street, Chatterbox Avenue,<br />

Governor's Lane and Fifth Avenue.<br />

The front of the room is Main<br />

Street and the rear is Governor's<br />

Avenue. he room slogan, w ich is<br />


Alfred Sarvi, "Whispering all the pupils that they should<br />

" piano solo. live up to the law of their "town."<br />

o, Judy Abata, recitation of This law is that people are happitool":<br />

Bernard Butena Rob- est when they are helping other<br />

Veneer and Robert LaFlem', people to be happy. The pupils fecl<br />

of "Two Hits and a Miss"; that f they can live up to this "<br />

-ilarm Ald vocal solb M law, the ld will<br />

" accompamed bv Jean Del place to live in. and Judy Lauswr played uee b cmty . one ?a tul red whyn. tht ya ybove crashed into the<br />

, ; MarJoric Sch bel, piano -- r, • ,s - , . .<br />

- - ......... . meek King I, crdmand The pult o Street. According to.oboe, the treck was disabled and was parked<br />

..... I .......... I.. -o-,t h. c, as nh ed by m the street lust outh of West Qeeeo Street when tbe car driven<br />

........ ..... Gcor,.e Hard The ,day x en-' ey onert aIom, 30, of rmnders Street, collided wHh iL Police<br />

- .... " - ..,,I.- * • . - . ...... ookm- In do ng so h s car ramme t e rear of he Iruck. 'lh , iml)hCl<br />

ws nd S ode Hol ws, "Take ,son played th pa of uotum us<br />

.......... for the entirgs oo [ to the truck was a few minor scratches in th, paiut. Lajole was<br />

--O-- t arrested on a charge of violating the rules of the road.<br />


IN<br />

MERIDEN - -o-- ------ t - . , t<br />

_ _ O Ftada " Alphqn e .D At gtlo, v tvd W D w II be observed at 8 a. m..<br />

ADQUARTERS * aPe the fourth meeting of Mr,. the weekend. SchoM ser, iee at 9"45 t , and [<br />

our TELEVISION . l, tto's Club a2 to__orde,. The ; m Mms Clean's , o,n t<br />

'<br />

Featuring:<br />

pmty. Victor D NeI was elected bulletin board. The background col<br />

by. the class as chan'man of the I o are orange and yack. The decm.<br />

The Rev. Mr. Newton ai,l there<br />


pa ty commit .r. Jam. Clark wall o s are 0range and black. The dec- will be a pecml<br />

ha,' cha, ge of refreshments and stalks, a haunted house, bats, black, vice at 7 :{o p. , ,<br />

mi stonmy set':<br />

Stnlay at the ',<br />

a ARVIN<br />

• CAPEHART<br />

.Pat Cassclla will take care of cats and a btg orange moon with<br />

'clemfing up after the party. During a w teh t ding ]n the center of it.<br />

th meeting, Vtctol DtNello, Mel- The lettering was done by Robe,t<br />

chinch. Ih ) R. N rkel of Hart-'<br />

f d. one of a group of 40 laymen<br />

especially trained t. luesent to<br />

anw Sepko, (h.otgo K afc k, AI- Raymond. The students ho did Connectuut pamM es the story of<br />

$ EMERSON<br />


,'A.ze ,,, X,.m, t ... not work o. the b ,et,, bo ,'d<br />

Ma cm Zantow exhibited their col- (hew Hallot e'en ptctmes.<br />

¢t,,,,, of ca,.ds, corns and scrap- Thc coming of .allowe'cu m<br />

th ,,, op ('b,.,.b' ..,,<br />

for 19 1 both at beret, and tbroughout<br />

the ,,otld. ,,ill he the<br />

* MAJESTIC<br />

books. Dmmg the week, Lm]y Or-<br />

,, , ducquchne DeLage, Kenneth<br />

te v ev dent m Mr. Kozml's room. t spcakeL<br />

The bulletin board and<br />

• PHILCO .<br />

Bell, Pat Cassella and Mary Buca- ate decorated w th b om sucks, All nut,w, members of St.<br />

ko b ought m puppets and demon-'witches, bats and other eerie crea- are ut¢cd t. attend the Sund '.'<br />

I .C.A. ,strated them. tares. At them class meeting Wed- mornln et' tte hen the founda-<br />


O-- ncsdav the pupils dmcussed plans tmn ,tll be shotted for. tin • Every<br />

The eect on results tn MIs. Fer- re. fo n ng 1 bow ng te Noth- Member (anva - November 12.<br />

, ,' reo.,,.er a follows: Rmh- in definite ,.as settled. They also . r the e,v*¢cM*. Nmke, wdil<br />

- " ...... a Landmo, p stdent; Francis discussed how to best utilize their meet ith the vestrypmn at the<br />

Mongdlo. vice-president and pro- physical education period• The:par] h house.<br />

52 East Main St. Meriden tam cha.man g"" • : Be natM • Buteau, ..u-ds are in farm of de, olin .. ..... ....... [<br />

urel nnd Stud-at C+mncll icple- the other halite play. Mis Molski Vi il<br />

......... --O-- , Sturbridgc Village<br />

The girls of Mr. Gam py's room' Miss henc Molskh a senior at<br />

ha e bad good luck m baseball so the Un e s ty of Connecticut,<br />

far. They have won gaines flora spent last .kend at Old Stur-'<br />

Miss (; tham's and Mrs. Fcrrucet's blidge Vdlage, m Sturbrtdge,<br />

T h e investment . O r,,mus. A aeturn game ,,,th Mrs. Massachust,tts. th ,,xctal other<br />

, ' Fe rucci's room is being pkmned, members of lu. U. S. Hmtory<br />

make in your Television_ The room club ts doing n,cely, class. The Vdiage ,s a ,e-creation,<br />

.... There s a ut $15 m the treasury, of a typtca count*3" to n of ten- '<br />

set certainly wa ants The g,rls m Mr. Bryan's morn t,al New England as ,t aught have,<br />

the be tgradeofservic,e<br />

obtainable.<br />

Whethe it be a set<br />

we have sold you or<br />

one purchased elsewhere<br />

y.ou'll find the same high<br />

quality "workmanship<br />

prevails. Call us and see.<br />


The cake sale, put on by the ........ -- --<br />

almost $10. The pupils lsh to lector, and Robert Weaver and<br />

foodo b gh f°r<br />

Our F I V E laboratory<br />

trained technicians arc<br />

always read to solve<br />

physical education period the boys'<br />

theth salefood.and c_ alSOMc aythose m*t and second teams we,e defei - l;, or The New Year<br />

t om's third successive time. Ien and Misston Suml<br />

sentative on the Studen --O-- ' observed Ortobe 22 at the services<br />

Others. nominated for the position Mr. Li oti's "class decorated a gt. tH Episcopal urcb.lWe<br />

t ete Rhoda Pteschet, Robelt Zob- their loom with post rs in antici-<br />

your television problems<br />

regardless of their size--<br />

or nature.<br />







.were defiled on Thmsday by the appeared in the e:u%: 19th cen- I<br />

Hs rrMr. Andet onM oom Seah turv Besides lecotstruclaonse hich<br />

[Hamhn has been elected captam are stdl m p gress the 500-aere<br />

tel the team in Mr. Bryan's om. rote displays thitt shops, nulls,<br />

The hne-up is follows: Selah .houses, and an old-tram general,<br />

llamlm, Barbara Kitchen, Bobby 'store.<br />

Wink, Judy blot lli, Lorctta De-<br />

_ opes, Lucllle_Moore ' _ d blz . Htnty A, M lski<br />

h tralne Del San - and Kathy of Berbn Street.<br />

l'arnham. Donald Moore, a Inod0] _ __ .<br />

plane builder, won a trophy for ing the noon hour.<br />

fit t pltzc m the untor Dtvlslon of The girls of Mr. Anderson's<br />

the tow hne glider contest. Sandl . teem roonl beat the tl of Mr.<br />

Bobnes has been adt, penalty Bryan's lOOm 15 to G. The wi -.<br />

kt't'ptq for the whole room. "<br />

nmg pitcher .t 3Ialyana Fer-I<br />

--O-- rucci.<br />

On Fmday Mrs. McSorle 's om<br />

Idayed a uue called "Spell It. Reporters: lllam Curliss, C n-<br />

I'b'ase" during thmr clu erlod, thia Nagle. Nancy Porter, Mary<br />

The g tls cre the tnners. Next Ker in. Eli clh Adam ,<br />

vek, more ill be accomphshcd m Del Santo. .lith Navaretta. Gtrthr<br />

club period. Tbc pupJ]s are akline Ilughe , Franee Caaa, John<br />

bmkmg o ving a dance m tbc Bu her. 'l'homa Maringola and<br />

assembly room on rainy days dur- Selab<br />

For Television<br />

- IT'S<br />

STATE<br />



•Ai)MIRAL<br />

•ZENITH<br />

• •EMERSON<br />

•PHILCO<br />

WE I"EATURE :<br />

•()I.YMPIC<br />

•R.C.A.<br />


•G.E.<br />


A ('omplete Service I,'or Every Make and Mallei<br />

Also ('ontplete Line of Nnrge and I"h,'encc<br />

Applian,ees -- l)eep I"reezers -- I{efrigeratnrs<br />

(,as mid Electric Apliances.<br />

For Information ,Call<br />

NEW BRITAIN 3-0309<br />

MARION NEWS tab,e, Church at her the<br />

The second annual Hal 'est Ba- tlcles 'or the white elephuat Mrs. Wntsua 5Io e,<br />

Bazaar, sponsored by the Marion Refreshments w il I b e se 'ed' sell Hunt and three child n ihn,<br />

PTA, w 11 be he d frmn 2 to 8 pm. flyoughout the .afternoon attd cw- Judith and Peter, a of tl<br />

nm1, 'sTb'ecpubbc<br />

." , _ , N Y, were the weekend<br />

WednesdaVMarmn Chapel.N°vemberMrs. Gc<strong>org</strong>vIS' at Lo-the r. I r d<br />

thee and M s Waltm Ma ,o x terrain the Brevity Club at Iv M:,uaon Road. "<br />

" P ' " ' " ) ' ' . rbe past torthy advisors o thv<br />

set 'e as co-chart men of at range- home on the Metiden-Wah ;bray<br />

Road on Ft d; embet 3. OlMtq of Rainbow of<br />

gt cemcs dl be awarded. A hat of AIInunbla, Cal., ate the guests<br />

certificate, donated by Mrs. Jack of their shn-m-lat and daughtrt, The Matron School pupil and<br />

Havens, t dl also be attatded. All Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hatcns of M..- p v-bthool chddren of the a h will<br />

residents of the commumty will be nm A enue. attend .t Hallo een party at 1:30<br />

solicited for donatmns of food, sec- Mrs. lvali Srhoomnake of Mal- p m Yutsda3, October 31, at the<br />

mid haad clothing, second band mn Avenue entertained the Ma lon Marmn School, sponsored 'by the<br />

toys, faocy work, books and nr- Group of the Ladmv Aid society of' Ma t.n I'TA.<br />


Wc are ,authorized dealers for:<br />

RCA VIO¥OR<br />

PHILCO<br />


DUMONT<br />

ZENITH<br />

__ MOTOROLA--<br />

omp e e y qulppe ervice epar men<br />

%2801<br />

Are you willing to pay<br />

a few dollars more for<br />


i er ormanee s no neeident. . . in telecision it must<br />

be engineered-the wall ANDilEA has built performance<br />

into the slx new 1951 30th ANNIVERSAnW models...<br />

AS AN ECONOMY-MINDED TELEVISION BUYER, you want thc most for"<br />

.}'our dollar, not the least. You want what.only Audrea offcrs.., picture<br />

perfection, tone supremacy, luxury cabinet craftsmanship, the very<br />

•latest engineering features, with no quality compromise.., the finest<br />

TV chassis for top performance under all conditions.., freedom from<br />

service headaches. ANDREA, therefore, is your choice., You will be<br />

pleased to learn how little more it cost.s to own an ANDREA.<br />


(cnt,'al Connecticut s ntost eomplete<br />

Television<br />

TELCO<br />


TEL. 5-0:|08 • Sales and Service<br />


1<br />


E<br />




!i!i!i ",:.._._.: * COMEDIF_5- __ , * KIDDIE SHOWS<br />

: ..::...... , ':ii :i""" ""t ' ";:::/.!:": * SPORTING EVENTS * WESTERN FILMS<br />







7<br />

" , Tonmrrow Last Time<br />

rs [ on To Be Made Valet<br />

each, Attendin 'Convent<br />

Hartford And " Tbo Se,oetnot and Tow° Clerk<br />

Rri n rt f,'om to<br />

--- -- [ p.m. tomorrnw at the Town Hall<br />

All Southington ehaols=will close today-so-that the- tdmin ter- e -rleCtor s-oati t<br />

Education Associa- residents found qualified. This will<br />

be the final vale-making session<br />

before the November 7 election<br />

except for those persons 9.'hose<br />

hers may attend the Connecticut<br />

's 103rd convention<br />

ssions will be held in Hartfm'd<br />

Bridge tort necordin in CTA<br />

]dent Elms C. LeBIoml of<br />

t Hartford.<br />

e teachers will imve a choice<br />

ing to either city, dependln<br />

eil' ])articular interests.<br />

Hm'tford, the gmleral session<br />

at 9:80 a. m. at t l- :'-<br />

Bushnell Menmrial flail anti in<br />

.oew-l'oli Majestic Theatre.<br />

triee Pitney Loath,' United<br />

United N ions News, pub-<br />

,I by the Wood:'ew Wilson<br />

Marion, will be the chief speak-<br />

4 I a 'TfS-I' Hertopie--w ff 6tr<br />

ted Nations Aroun'-I the<br />

ow Cenaan, has truvelled wide-<br />

.udyln UN and its agendas<br />

activities hroughout tim<br />

,I. She . erved a. -Delegat to-<br />

1949 Conference of the Instl-<br />

t India. An authority on_ the<br />

at Four Progranb" designed<br />

alp the "under-developed" no-<br />

o1" in this fieh'l.<br />

Brklgeport the speakei- will be<br />

dg r A. Fuller, Ex utiv<br />

etary of the National Assecia-<br />

Beatrice Pitne ; Lamb will speak<br />

on United N.atlons activities at<br />

the teaehere'<br />

llartfard.<br />

law, educational finance, rnn. rerx;a-tion<br />

edncation anti other administt'<br />

ti:.'e areas. His suidect will be<br />

'--'F-riends-and-Foes of Gonnectleut-<br />

CEA President LeBlend will<br />

side at the Hartford meeting anti<br />

Wihner L. httLtz,. Jce pre. ident<br />

will be in charge of tile B'ridgeport<br />

session.<br />

As in past years, special lunch°<br />

ebn -eet]nga and p ograms<br />

Aravng those <strong>org</strong>anizations<br />

ning post-convention luncheon<br />

meetings in Bridgeport are the<br />

Connecticut State Association of<br />

ority in the fiehls of school Atq s Association, the Connecticut<br />


Program<br />

suma dally at 5:55 p. m.)<br />

day, October 19'--<br />

y, October 20-- • -<br />

,'day, October 21--<br />

Education and Recreation, the Con-<br />

low and election duy.<br />

Oa Saturday 132 new" voters<br />

were made with 51 registering as<br />

Democrats, 18 us Republicans anti<br />

E3 faihng to affiliate with elth .er<br />

of the two maim' political<br />

TB (;roul Continues<br />

Gingr-as As-Dh+cto<br />

Gerahl Gingras of Nm'tb Main<br />

Street was conthmed as a director<br />

of the Conneetieut Tubereulosls<br />

Assoeiatlon at the eleventh annual<br />

meeting nt the New Haven City<br />

Club Tuesday night.<br />

of educatimt and public health at<br />

was re-elected president.<br />

The prinelpal speaker at the<br />

dinner meeting was Dr. Alton S.<br />

Pope, deputy eolnnlissioner of the<br />

Massachusetts State Department of<br />

The annual Forty Hours Devotions<br />

will begin at the 11 a.m.<br />

Sunda " at St.<br />

the Rev<br />

H.K%hned- asto saidthlswe<br />

t.3a<br />

a.m. Tuesday with the usual _l'oes,<br />

ion through the c u ch.<br />

During these special devotions<br />

Father Francis J. Mihalek and the<br />

assis' ed by visiting priests<br />

tion, the School Nurse Association,<br />

the Connecticqt Association of<br />

Social Studies Teachers, the Spe- Want To Befriend<br />

cial Education Association, the z Bewildered GI?<br />

Connecticut Speech and Hearing<br />

Association and the Connecti':ut Here's YourChance<br />

School Library Association. Recrnit Johnny Polrler of Main<br />

In Hartford the following groups Street, P antsvi e, now at Fort<br />

will hold luncheon meetings follow- Dix N J for basic Army trainmg<br />

the general sesslonr the Con- lag, has a problem - "<br />

nechcut Assocmtion for 'hddhood I In a letter to. The News this!<br />

Edutation, the ConnectLut Asso- week he wrote "If am, of -on<br />

clatmn ef Educatlonal Secretarles, fellows know how to take tattlethe<br />

Connecticut Elementary School tale gray out of GI clothes, I wlsh<br />

Principals Association, the Con- you would let me know. I wash my<br />

neeticut Assoeiatio.n of School<br />

cial Workers, the Connecticut Association<br />

of Social Sto,lies Teachers<br />

and he Connecticut Home<br />

Eeonmnics Association.<br />

Schipke Serving Aboard<br />

Destroyer In Pacific<br />

Edward A. Schipke, boilerman,<br />

USN, son o£ ?,It'. and Mrs. Edwin<br />

A. Sch!pke of 18 Johnson Street,<br />

is serving aboard the USS Massey,<br />

one oT seven destroyers which recently<br />

arrived from fhe East Coast<br />

to strengthen the Pacific Fleet.<br />

Sehipke entered the Navy in<br />

August, 1947, and reecive his recruit<br />

training at Great Lakes, Ill.<br />

Potluck Supper Monday<br />

At Grace Methodist<br />

The Women's Society for Christian<br />

Service will hold a potluck<br />

supper at 6 p.m. Monday at the<br />

Moshler and Mrs. Buth Olson will<br />

be the hostesses. Mrs. Lizzie Bal-<br />

? oo IIank McCune Show<br />

:' 30--- Alan Young Show lea and Miss Erma Godfrey will<br />

:.oo-- K,n Murra Show<br />

;.00-- Saturday Night Review direct the program, "Memoirs of<br />

:00-- WreMllng tallowed by the Grace Methodist Church." New<br />

Late News '<br />

members will be welcomed at this<br />

ay, Octol r 22-- meeting.<br />

!! __. Sign on with Teletunes<br />

Western Theatre<br />

:0 Fred Waring Show<br />


- CROSS DOWN --15-Balance-<br />

5. Yawn 2. a sof ,17 Type<br />

ainty undies in sdap flakes but it<br />

doesn't do much good."<br />

Can you help him?<br />

Joh,nny's letter road in part, "I<br />

want you to know that I really<br />

appreciate your sending The News<br />

down here to me. It bring a Gh<br />

just a little closet" to his home<br />

town and it's nice to know that the<br />

folks back home haven't fro'gotten<br />

as.<br />

"Things here at Fort Dix are<br />

really rolling in high gear. We get<br />

n 14-week basic training course<br />

crammed into six weeks with a<br />

normal win'king day of 12 o 15<br />

hours. It doesn't leave much time<br />


Cat Flowers--Potted Plants<br />

Wedding Bouquet.<br />

Funeral Designs<br />


& SONS, INC.<br />

Buckland St. Tel. 3 0<br />

11.1 Late ewa BuUetlns as d 3. Encountered 18 SheReced<br />

y, tober 2<br />

10. Worship 4.<br />

....l P ed an/msl 5 vely<br />

13 So et eader dance<br />

.<br />

side<br />

20 Temperate<br />

22 DIv des .<br />

(d. 1924) 60l a BHUth portionally<br />

4b Prescott Bush<br />

14 S-shap<br />

15 Secured<br />

under bond<br />

p tectorate 23 Per to<br />

|SW Arab.) medicine<br />

7. Meditated 25. Resort<br />

8. One of the 26 Dancer's 34. Ancestral<br />

,4<br />

:.<br />

Newsreel<br />

Video Theatre<br />

16. Close to<br />

17 Sllp away,<br />

M rime<br />

19. Asia.<br />

Great Lakes cymbals<br />

9, Presiding 28. Little girl<br />

officer of 30 Localities<br />

• House 31. Equals<br />

35. Swine<br />

37 Man's nick-<br />

name<br />

38. Keel-billed<br />

flavored<br />

cordial '<br />

21 Male sheep<br />

24 Appearing<br />

11 C nclude 33 BOvlneanimal cuckoo<br />

ay, October 24--<br />

a If eaten<br />

25 Man's<br />

. nickname<br />

7 Color o the<br />

spectrum<br />

25 Worked<br />

with a spade<br />

29 Action of a<br />

Spy<br />

32 Small stat<br />

ofU S.<br />

iabbr )<br />

33 Cavities In<br />

teeth<br />

esday, OctOber 25--<br />

P.M.<br />

•00 noon to 6:00-- Same as Thurs•<br />

3 Frontiersman's<br />

shoe<br />

as. fl.<br />

ahapcd<br />

- Sboepllke<br />

ant lolm<br />

40 Theatrical<br />

backer<br />


e rme EMPLOYMENT<br />

At Lincoln-Lewis<br />

A special meeting to form a BSaT GREETINOe In the East. Make<br />

Parent-Teacher <strong>org</strong>anization at the<br />

rim l Christmas Cards. 50 for $1.<br />

ut 8 p.m. Tuesday at the Lewis<br />

School• Leo Garrepy, principal,<br />

urged fathers and mothers to attend,<br />



Estate of JOSEPH COOPER. late nf<br />

ORDERED -- That the 27t da of<br />

NOTICE<br />

k 5ICCAnE. Clerk<br />

Arthur G• Potter. certified public accountant<br />

of III St.. Plants-<br />

audit of the Town of<br />

fiscal Ist.<br />

---- 'EGAL NOTICE<br />


Probate Court October llth. 1950.<br />

Estate of RAYMOND SHEA, JR.,<br />

of Southlngton hath Ilmltv and a!-<br />

od. Imprinted Statlon,wy. Extra ca .h<br />

Imprint samph.s. Ityc , t. 78 Chauncy.<br />

D pt 372• Bo ton 11. Ma s<br />

WOULD k KE TO CARE for e drPn<br />

In my home ,lays Phnno Southington<br />

1277-J 1<br />

my own home. M nd } h tlgh Frl-<br />

Steady Job At<br />


MACttlNIST--<br />

Also<br />

?'liscellaneous<br />

Machine Operators<br />

LIGHT INO. and<br />

or cqll<br />


FOR SALE<br />

LOTS<br />

• Recreation Park Road<br />

• We t Street<br />

• West Center Street<br />

• Belleview Avenue<br />

• Meriden-Waterbury<br />

Mulberry Street -- New, modern,<br />

fully plastered entrance closet,<br />

ample closets in bedrooms, flush<br />

dare, oak floors, hot water ell<br />

heat,'eonstaant hot water. Lot 75<br />

x 400. Occupancy at once.<br />

West Street-- Colonial, 12 rooms,<br />

frontage and ample land. Earl)"<br />

occupn'ncy.<br />


Tel. Southington 47<br />

The Conrt of Probate for th Dis*riot [ FOR SALEI<br />

for t! ,, or.tilters of said Estat,. t! ,.x- ] SOUTHINGTON--<br />

• ': re ,threeb dr ms hot<br />

I<br />

. tINNIE BILLINOTO , copper plumbing. Wired for elec-<br />

Soutl ington, Conn.=_.__ o. Rourke Avenue -- Two-family<br />

house, 5-4, warm nil' heat with<br />

CLASSIFIED oil first floor. Hardwood floors,<br />

-- AUTOMOTIVE *- Domestic hot water with oil<br />

ND-BODY r palrlng. aloe- Stillman Ueights -- New single<br />




TRUMBbE IOTORS, Inc.<br />

Tel. 3-g641 or 3-2771<br />

Service On Aa Makes OI Cars<br />


"Where Better Used<br />

Cars Are Sold"<br />

'48 Chevrolet C.C. .$1295<br />

'47 Chevrolet 2 dr. 1145<br />

'47 Plymouth 4 dr. 1145<br />

'46 Chevrolet 4 dr.-- 1095<br />

"46 Pontiac Sedanette -- 1245<br />

'46 Ford Tudor 895<br />

more up. Cape Cod style. Hot<br />

water heat with oil, oak floors,<br />

modern kitchen, copper plumbing,<br />

insulation. Wired for electric<br />

stove. Lot approx. 100' x 182'.<br />

Car. Pleasant and Berlin Street --<br />

2-family, 5-6, ell furnsce heat<br />

down, fireplace, wired for elec.<br />

stove, about 3 acres land, 30 day<br />

occupancy. A good house requiring<br />

only a low'down payment!<br />

Avenue -- 2 family, 6-6,<br />

sewer, 3% ac÷es.of land, 2-car<br />

garage, outside fireplace. Let us<br />

show you this one[<br />

Flandere Street-- Modern 6-room<br />

bungalow, hot water heat with<br />

oil, oak floors, copper plumbbtg,<br />

insulated, lot approx. 175 x 200.<br />

South Main Street -- 2 loftily,<br />

6-6, furnace heat do n,- abo ut<br />

1½ acres of land, barn. Tenement<br />

vacant for buyer• On main<br />

highway.near Plnntsville center.<br />

Merlden-Watby. Turapike---Single<br />

6 rooms plus sun porch, new hot<br />

'46 Ford Coupe 845 i air heat with oil, hard wood<br />

895 floors, lot approx. 98 x 425, gar-<br />

'46 Dodge Coupe<br />

675 age.'<br />

'41 Chevre let Club Coupe --<br />

'41 Chevrolet 4 d . Sedan -- 595 IMer[den Avenue-- 2 family house,<br />

'41 Buick 4 dr: Sedan ---- 595 [ 2 car garage, in very good con-<br />

445 dillon hardwood floors, nice 1o-<br />

,'40 Ford ,4 dr. Sedan , 595! cation ne.hr schools, churches,<br />

41 I lym th Station Wag n -- . hospital, btis line and buslnes<br />

'41 Chrysler Club Coupe -- 5951 center.<br />

'41 C1wvrolet 2 dr. ecdan<br />

M1 Packard Cot pe 495<br />



440 East St., elaine]lie<br />

One Mile below Plalnville Center<br />

On College Highway<br />

Phone Plairivill.e 366<br />

Open 9 to 9<br />

room house with 4 bedrooms<br />

warm air furnace, fireplace lot<br />

approx. 99 x 235 garage, centrally<br />

located.<br />

rants, building lots, luuncheonettes,<br />

factory buildings -- CALL<br />

EUST[S & DALEY<br />

Real Estate Insurance<br />

2-1595 766<br />

FOR ,SALE<br />

MOTOROLA CAR RADIO, custon hullt<br />

GRASS SEED -- Do your fall lawn<br />

edlng now for a full healthy lawn<br />

• - FOR SALE . | /<br />

LD--CJLO ff 'd -,. ,.d 77r,.f g,.,'ator<br />


Call P a nlvl , 190 INVALID EQUIPMENT<br />

*" now R, aqanahly priced Phmm NIGHT OWLS<br />

SAW PILING n,I rledlng ] risnd<br />

One Garwsed_ Oil -B_mming_Eor d<br />

Air Boiler, Ducts and Control__<br />

--Iw-Ne r-Umid o --<br />

New type radiation and boiler<br />

complete with oil burners<br />

and controls.<br />

Conn. Demolition Co., Inc.<br />

9-Wood-StTe ,t;-West-ltnven-<br />

Tel. N. H. %2600<br />

costly and hard-to-grit outdoor antennas<br />


USED<br />


The Conn. Demolition Co., Inc.<br />

19 Wood Street, West Haven<br />

Tel. New Haven 7-2600<br />



USED<br />


N. Washington St. P[alnvlne<br />

also<br />


Have You Seen<br />

The Deluxe<br />

3-Room Home Outfit<br />

At<br />



Complete Bedroom<br />

Complete li ving Room<br />

Complete Ki:tchen<br />

Cmn lete to the Last Detail<br />

$299<br />

Open Evenings<br />

Easy Ter m.a<br />



32 Cook Ave. Merlden<br />

Tel. 5-0014<br />



New Steel sash, beams, 'ire lath,<br />

rods nnd wire mescal.<br />


19 Wood Street, West Haven<br />

FOR 8ALE<br />

Save<br />

Not 8", Nat 10" -- BUT -- tile<br />

RI.I)'S LON HOT DOG"<br />

on toasted roll.<br />

--- /dsa-Delle r-Grlnders-<br />

-- -- "NIGHT OWL" -- --<br />

Plainville<br />

Wilbur Kamen<br />


THE<br />

Land, Sea and Air Tours<br />

Td A ny Port 6f th WoT d<br />

Foreign Exchange - Travel rs' Checks<br />

Foreign & Domestic Money Orders<br />


Factory, Stores, Offices ,<br />

an, Ho \,<br />

14 Taunton S reet<br />

TeL Soutbington 1694<br />

Office Dial Meriden 5-9<br />



----- FL hlsTs .<br />

N. GRILLO<br />

FOWLER<br />

& LAPLACE<br />

Furniture and Furnlshlnffs<br />

Shop Itere and Be Sure<br />

Merlden. Corm•<br />


Rock Wool Home Insuhtion<br />

g -<br />

and .<br />

--?'i o re drnTdrtVLess Fuel. - - New Brffa -<br />


687 Brood St et, Meriden<br />

Tel. Meriden 7:1682<br />

or Southln on 1005<br />


Complete Selection of the Finest<br />

-<br />

WANTED . In Housewares -- Palnt -- Wallp<br />

m,.t and tam,,v t r, LAUNDRY & DRY<br />

cocos Call J Aldrich.<br />

Merld n. Tel.<br />

3-2161 IND DUAL LAUNDRY<br />

WICKER STROLLER in falrl good & DRY CLEANERS, INC.<br />

Southmgton. Corm LUMBER<br />

rh by 7 am v,. days w,.,,kl) THE BOYCE LURER CO. -<br />

ton 1 o-Wl aft r .) p m OPTICIANS<br />

lngton 4GI-R HARVE & LEWIS CO., In<br />

BUSINESS DIRE OR Dlsp nslng O0 lanap<br />


79 v Ma n. N w rnain<br />

wALLI'APER -<br />



nter SL u hln n VENETIAN BLINDS<br />



T I, bl -- North Math St.<br />

Mitchell's Service Station<br />

"'v ere All ¢riends Meet'"<br />

DeSOTO Dealer PLYMOUTH<br />





at The Plalnvllle RUE Co., Inc.<br />

Iy A v Tsea nr ds ly.<br />

O 1 the College IIIghway<br />




terlden<br />

Quality Wearing Aplmrel<br />

Men -- Wmasa,<br />

51 COLONY MERIDEN 5-4141<br />

PAINTS<br />


Dlstrlb Jtors of<br />



Southington Customers<br />

Call Enterprise 9160<br />

55 Grove St. Meriden<br />


We have tll merchandise tO deliver Or /<br />

Install Sge us ftrst for your plumblng.- /<br />

7<br />




Est. 1932 -- EXPERT REPAIRING<br />



Rr Our Own Crew<br />

$56 IIanover St, Merlden. Tel. 7-1474<br />



& HYATT CO.<br />

Upholstering -- Slip Covers<br />



8 Franklin Sq.<br />

New Britain -- Phons 9-046<br />

:GFFMA<br />



FulbFledged Leathernecks CharlesGammerino<br />

i Will Be Installed<br />

!CWV Commander<br />

Newly named offieer of St.<br />

Thomas' Post No. 1836, Catholic<br />

War Veterans, will- be installed<br />

Monday night, November 20, by a<br />

Mrs. Derby's Post Card Collectioh<br />

Grows As Word Gets Round Country<br />

That The News gets around and is thoroughly read<br />

was proved this week by'a 'phone call from Mrs. Halsted<br />

Bailey of 129 Berlin Avenue.<br />

Mrs. Bailey is the daughter of H's And Kelsey Team<br />

Mrs, Sarah Derby, whese picture Will Girls' Encounters<br />

The News printed three weeks ago Jeanne Lopatosky'a 294 eaabled<br />

in honor o.f her 93rd birthday. The the H's to take two games<br />

,<br />

D. Fotgione, retiring picture showed Mrs. Derby look- the Dots Wednesday mght in their<br />

"'',-,, • nu nder, mmounced yesterday. ing over her collection of post Girls Merchants Bowling agmc<br />

* the neseatation of the newly [ cards. The stray under the picture nmtch. Mary AId hit 286 for the<br />

eletted offkers will be made at the exp a ned that she has been say- losers.<br />

Post's Armistice Gommun'ion[ lag the e postcards and has them The Kelsey Sign girls won three'<br />

Breakfast Sunday, November 12, at f m vvery state in the Union ex-/from the Blue Belies. Florence<br />

lhe Old Timers Restaurant, Sou h cept blissi ippi, Alabama, Arkan- Suow lnt 286 for the vmtors. Bar-<br />

Center Sheet. sas and Oklahoma. The s rv also ba a lleiae's 277 as best for the


Crippled Knights Me- Sacred Heart In Wager'bury I'o lay<br />

'otiith Victory<br />

Simson Aim<br />

OfHigh School<br />


A c r i p p I e d Soutbington<br />

High eleven will go after its<br />

"ourtlt win of tbe season at 2<br />

.m. today at Municipal Sta-<br />

:ium, Waterbury, when it<br />

R es acred Heart. At least<br />

out of-CoactwJoe Fontana;s<br />

1rat stringers will not be in<br />

nifozan.<br />

Ba ed on th_c team's pc]'f m-,<br />

nee" Saturday agmdst Enfiehl,<br />

oach Foutana is loohlng fro' a<br />

dn a[thou h be admits the going<br />

ay be teogh. Sac ed Heart IIigh,<br />

inlcss in four starts this season,<br />

has n vcrt eless d! [a yed some<br />

good sound football. Coached by<br />

Bi|I Bm 'y, the Waterbury elqvcn<br />

ope a os- ou r-fomwation usinga<br />

lot of spread, according to Fentans.<br />

The team is sprinkled with<br />

enough veterans to make it a tough<br />

foe.<br />

John Mayo, Fran Verderame. Joe<br />

D'Agostmo and Jack Barry. all<br />

linemen except the latter, are unlikely<br />

to see action today beeadse<br />

cent wee all'y<br />

variety of leg and hip injuries, appeared<br />

only once in the Eufield<br />

game and then laerely to punt and<br />

return to the sidelines. Codch Fentans<br />

said he will give his injm.ed<br />

men plenty of test to ready them<br />

for the k ' games ahead -oh t -e<br />

schedule.<br />


--We-hav 2-7-Men -W tches -<br />

17 Jewels, Gold-Filled Case,<br />

Yellow Gold Expansion Bracelet.<br />



• Super.R ght'" Meats:<br />

It's the Iotol c st you . . not the price per pound that<br />

• on the s a e end alghed tar you.<br />

Trimmed belore weighing--"Super-R'ight"<br />


imm be[oro weiohm --"Su - tght" HADDOCK<br />

SIRLO TEAK .......... I,05 - FILL S<br />

Tflm before weighinff "Super-Etghf'<br />

RIB LAMB CHOPS .85<br />

Trimmed belore welghing--"Super-Rl ht"<br />

Boz 15<br />

Cole Slaw REOALOBRA"O P'O<br />

Spinach :ELLO--WA,.E 2'0OZ29 C<br />


Tod a 's game_ was shifted<br />

from its original October 21 date<br />

at the request of the Sacred<br />

Heart coach.. Many local high<br />

lioof sfudents are expected to<br />

accompany the team to Waterbury.<br />

Coach Fontana e ples e(I surprise<br />

this wcch when qaeried regarding<br />

the tremendous drop in llttendanee<br />

at tl e high school games I<br />

bore this fall. He sol'l, "When (<br />

Recleation Polk dbl net that too!<br />

tion difficulties involved. I am at a i<br />

los% howe el, to explain the lack[<br />

tug--interest- dus_ . e.a an.<br />

team as x e did in 1949 but we do<br />

lug hneup today x fll have Hank<br />

Br uh and ctetan Ray 5hchantzyk.at<br />

the ends, with Dick Knap]<br />

eady fm plenty of servire; Bdl<br />

their rehaf; Dave Callahnn and'<br />

Snow will call the signals w th Roy,<br />

The team's performance against i Rangy Ray Michauczyk is shown above as he stepped into the end<br />

Enfiold was cue of the best of 1 zoae for his first touchdown of the 1950 seasmh He grabbed a pass<br />

the ,,eaten from the standpoint<br />

(.f blocking and tackling• The from Roy Scott to move into Eafield High's paydirt steading up ia<br />

Fta'l.,La ,La,mrAL mo eJ ith .knife- the late s age ,, o %'ntllrday'wk"ame here.<br />

sharp precision agaim.t their big- ,<br />

ger heavier foes from the north- ' point was wide.<br />

rrn end of the state. [ '<br />

Meanwhile the big, lugged n fact they ere on the eight-yard<br />

After today's game only gluer field eleven was able to do hothmg; Southington mark hen Coaches<br />

halves. Charlie Wcndt anti Eoger beS°Uthlngt'°n, here, Octel.SChedule'. 28 folDnrmnt to, filial I Blue Knights"<br />

Hubcny will alternate at the full-I<br />

Ilomt gam¢<br />

,<br />

of the year. The South-<br />

I tile second )cited a pa%<br />

-<br />

mtertep-' Uon. plays later, having<br />

back slot.<br />

t ingtcn lad- will go to Nex Haven tion by Chin-lie Scabs blought the, gained only foul. yards, Enf]eldl<br />

• _ November 4 gel<br />

'/' -- t: " • , last chance to eore. Tile<br />

- "conclude Nuvember kl when ±hal tim 10-yaad hne but. with thetr . .<br />

, t v. , f r,ba ks to the al the Fontanamen<br />

/ " :their a,'eh-l,val from tae,'e. .t{. "..... " " . , BenneU Gmr. Michanczyk.,<br />

, Brooks Knapp. Nyren and Calla<br />

Southmgton' had bttle trouble', ,<br />

With a eomfortablt 20-0 lead. I their shag p hloel.mg notmeable<br />

[ . ,- .'c , " - [ C ch Fontana su tituted freely e en to the uninmated. Beshuk, the<br />

lield Hi h Satmday to brin thei: , .<br />

. " lsto er , current record to three ans and I the boys a chance or some game<br />

' - "- ] exper ence A becked kck car<br />

Have you noticed that<br />

our freBh fruit and vegetable<br />

departments are<br />

more attractive than ever<br />

before?<br />

That's l cause we have<br />

worked hard to make<br />

them thatway.<br />

Our expert buyers<br />

g ttop quali yproduce.<br />

• Our skilled clerks<br />

o e trained o keep<br />

dbplays neat end .fresh.<br />

•"e ve improved our<br />

reJrigeration and pack.<br />

aging methods to ir ure<br />

Jreshness and shopping<br />

convenience.<br />

in the l ndling o] pro.<br />

dace co thai we can<br />

fiesa ingsalongtoyom<br />

All these things should<br />

make A&P fresh fruits<br />

and vegetables the best<br />

buy.<br />

If they aren*h the era-<br />

.45 c o know about it.<br />

Reduced<br />

Price!<br />

80'CLOCK<br />

COFFEE<br />

- 77<br />

DONUTS<br />

Plam or<br />

Sugared<br />

mz 19:<br />

Worthmoro<br />

]Please writ:<br />

,<br />

i<br />

I<br />

; from seven yard out fo the first Bill Eennett doing the blocking, evidence throughout the contest.<br />

; score and Michanczyk u'om tly<br />

boote the extra point. The boys l<br />

I shuck hold again late In the f rat<br />

[period to scots again as Scott<br />

set up the fourth local score.<br />

Taking over on the Enfield+lS. it<br />

took three pla;.s In send Huheny<br />

.<br />

Hubeny aml Wendt. die.hag the<br />

fullback chores, give promi e of<br />

good years ahead for the Southingrammed<br />

into paythrt fronl eight I into the end sons. Michanczyk's<br />

kick was ide again.<br />

' ton team. Both are sophomores.<br />

Gemge Weaver. tall. spee'ly hackyalds<br />

out. Ones again Michancaykl fielder, the fastest nmn on the Inbooted<br />

the exha point.* An unnecessary oughness pen- col , quad, dmplayed improved fo]m<br />

Play tapered off m the seeoml' alty soon put the Enfmlders m a i m this game as he reol.ed off a<br />

pro'ted xlth Southington In Enfmld i deep hole again and the mtuation i.coup e of lengthy gains against the<br />

termtory most of the time hut an- Ig t lots ,worse when Scott inter- I Enfield lads• ,<br />

nhb, ta et'n- s the oa nc but once I cept d an Orcinoli pass on the En-|<br />

That came late in the le'od when field .4. Five plays<br />

battering" Charlie Wc dt crashed' cracked over from the two-yard| great factor iu the team's sacfor<br />

six yards The tly for extra stripe to roll the score to 32-0 'r ©e s continues to look good at<br />

Once more the Michanczyk tly for t the end spot. One particular play<br />

the exile point was not good• Saturday stood out when this big<br />

guy pulled out of the line to<br />

The fourth period found pr ctw- t form tremendous interference on<br />

all of the Blue Kmghts' te-<br />

serves In the bneup aml still the!<br />

a reverse for Beshuk. It looked<br />

like big-time football<br />

Enftelders x ele unable to do any<br />

,applmmable danmge to the Iooals'<br />

defense. Another pass interception.<br />

Statistics for Saturday's game<br />

this time by Dick Keep, gave the. 9f the Knights. They rolled up<br />

Knights' possession of the oval seven first downs in the first peragain<br />

on the Enfml'l d0. Beahuk led, one m the second, four m the<br />

struck quickly, for a first down, ithird and t o m the fourth for<br />

Michanezyk moved fm seven eel total of 14. Against thi<br />

the old end-around, Scott made t,was able te ack up only a single;<br />

first down on the Enfteld eight, flint down m the first half anti'<br />

From there Scott lut Mtcham.z k two more in the fourth quarter,<br />

uith a stlike pas fm the final,against the e crvea.<br />

"Woo't yml eser get wise to<br />

yourself, Margaret? Why doest<br />

you get color IN yonr cheeks<br />

instead of ON 'era. Drink plenty<br />

'at Riverside Dairy's milk and<br />

light your fa.ce up with color of<br />

health."<br />

Drive in today<br />

fog Pittsburgh<br />

Safety<br />

Glassandauto<br />

body ha¢dwage--<br />

ft r all<br />

makes and<br />

models.<br />



190 MAIN ST., TEl,. 1707-J<br />


Open Eveoings By<br />

Appointment<br />

Authentic<br />

Jacobean Pattem<br />

" TREE of LIFE<br />



Fres Samples Senti<br />

'"<br />

touchdown and the n y cud hoot- The Knights went to the mr 10<br />

A couple of quirk Enfwld i,:t. es ' good. Scott t. smg and Mtchanezyk<br />

after tile next kickoff put thc<br />

/%,,-...<br />

T is precious AII.Nflon IPispese<br />

+ gtt,es 2 way stretch tbat; "/ash.<br />

to.ed- In. the. uttttug". . . but<br />

don't let it$ cuddly o] te$$ ]ool<br />

you/Your uatsthne, tummy aud<br />

demere will bat'e respect/or<br />

amazing gure.eouholler, ntth<br />

tt N lon net pauel Ex¢lmire<br />

ll'e tpe*e uJtted<br />

I albet and drte m a<br />

$5,95<br />

' Michanczs k to get hls first'touch- tel, . howed .ome improvement<br />

down of the season, the first by i tlua ueek's game. although<br />

the Fontanamen vat the air route choice of pin s Is not yet<br />

the game. Twu of the vl ttors' toss-. +' . ea on n 19dl .when he ll likely-<br />

Chi&. tai or-ed waislh'ne<br />

blossoms into a deep<br />

olassio drape.<br />

"" ed off<br />

with a double row o[<br />

novelty butlons. Ca, lier cuffs.<br />

100% Worsted Gabardine.<br />

Black, Green, Wine, Brown.<br />

and Grey. Juniors 7-17<br />

LEVY'S-<br />


of the seas+ .<br />

ltere is one of our<br />

n ew dresses hy<br />

"Puritan". You'll<br />

ant to . ee this and<br />

o'thers. Sizes 16' z to<br />

21t z.<br />

USE ONE 01," 1,1,<br />


I LANS<br />


• I,AY-AW AY I'LAN<br />

• BU1)(;ET PLAN<br />




.t<br />

i.r •, . :s' *s, Airnno of the oi s was tops for I QUINTET<br />

Ith J. o lli' 2 leading the score .<br />

l the contest ith 306.<br />

Goliette ... 77<br />

B. Santago's 303 wa's o t for Mo olh ..... 9<br />

t e Lights as they wou two g ms S. Mamvarc . 98<br />

from the B. G. 's. Gamache's 304 Testa . .t.. 86<br />

.Quintet .t.qo three The Hot Rods drew a bye. ln<br />

from the Roundthe<br />

lloff, Lee Cart hud 307.<br />

Phyllis<br />

b<br />

eat Bowlt<br />

d the<br />

Wilt<br />

Wendt<br />

...<br />

. ..<br />

98<br />

93<br />

f14<br />

Casale ....... 93<br />

87 279 Smmne . . 89<br />

84--261 Tounotti ..... 76<br />

Kania .... 77 75 9[;-- 248 Alfano . 92<br />

Mis'Its icked up chree TemT ..... 80 72 79 231<br />

in a'<br />

t from t . ellev. A Keat-<br />

02 paced the'i r,e s. Vicky.<br />

Totals 348 325 34C 1019<br />

Totals .... 350<br />

MIS ' ITS<br />

Keatnlg . .o<br />

.... 93<br />

Fallen .. . $4<br />

J. Martin ..... 85<br />

91<br />

93 101-- 285<br />

80 93-- 271<br />

92 85-- 253<br />

95 76--2CA<br />

66 73--228<br />

72 7C -224<br />

103 111-- ql)6<br />

336 336 1022<br />

104<br />

86<br />

93--3O2<br />

88 8.--.o4<br />

77 79--24<br />

Totals .... 367 355 343 1065<br />


LIGItTS<br />

'O-U 0<br />

Nohm ...... 82<br />

93 102--277<br />

atmospheric and refreshing ice cream treats Camp ...... 77 83 97--257<br />

when youh on! driving. Stop in often.., you'll<br />

Battmta<br />

Santago<br />

.<br />

.....<br />

77<br />

97<br />

94<br />

112<br />

97--268<br />

94 03<br />

PHONE 8-16TI<br />

Enterprise 96" 0 without charge<br />

re m Madden, $outhlng n d<br />

Platnville.<br />


Totals . .. 412 4(;2 473 1347<br />

B. C.' S<br />

Liguori .... 8.5 104<br />

Tonnottl .. . g0 75<br />

[-G.amache == --ltl8<br />

.- re .......<br />

L. Score . . 67<br />

Totals .... 430<br />

D via ...... 80<br />

Cart ...... 109<br />

BYE<br />

RE.ELECT<br />

U. S. SENATOR<br />

RIEN McMAH<br />

A<br />


107--296<br />

85--24U<br />

--News Staff Photo by Bob Place<br />

37--277<br />

7 -2|,l Cri Knights_.,,,.inne was W. Osden, a first<br />

GREAT ets<br />

Asttarriers<br />


rlmM<br />

A<br />

,GREAT<br />

STATE<br />



(Democrat) OF CONNECTICUT<br />


•MEMBER OF<br />




Vote ForMcMahon'Pull Top Lever ,,<br />

Independent Committee For Electimt of Senator McMahon<br />

.<br />

The speed)' Ge<strong>org</strong>e Weaver, sop<br />

tars a jarring traight-arm to Joe Scalio, wonld-be Enfield tackler,<br />

as he blazed to the right for a gain. Weaver, fastest man on the<br />

squad, is being groomed for full-time backfield dtdy with lhe Blue<br />

,<br />

,<br />

'<br />

438<br />

. •<br />

4. 'J. 1. 2<br />

(Connmwd from Page 11 buv's<br />

I¢o well. the Knights' eleven was<br />

. titan;<br />

forced to boot only twice n the an- l<br />

finishers were<br />

Fairchild,. sixth;<br />

LoTurco<br />

Johnson<br />

84<br />

84<br />

90<br />

tile Enfield game. Bamy belted his<br />

7C,---251 . va a, en,...<br />

,),,) -lone kick into the end zone and "" t- no- b th<br />

82--_6_, , ttea xe a y e rapid improve-<br />

Beshuks pant. al o put the En-I<br />

,10S---:107 f el boys dee) m<br />

•<br />

thew<br />

.<br />

own temu-<br />

. ment in his team, Coach Rathbun<br />

• ., ....... l,; h hulye 6f def t -<br />

"7_ tor '4 e defers ve setup for the the Mi l lletown igh harriers<br />

plenty of time to get away their in ti g_next me t.<br />

pu.als. 'I Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cnsh-<br />

Broo.ks" le Marefdni attended the Army-Mmhigan<br />

Bennett It Orifice football game Saturday in New<br />

Callah<br />

N<br />

-"<br />

ten<br />

n _ _l<br />

c<br />

DeV_t n r°!v ,,City Thoi dmmht r. Bar-<br />

Theoflles<br />

". bara, a s udent at Levite College,<br />

"<br />

Patz rg J. Scaha.Cambridge, Mass., attended the<br />

Gmr •<br />

• M " chancz k" rt<br />

" e<br />

Handleylfootball dance at the Hotel Astor,<br />

Ryan I New York, following the game.<br />

Snow<br />

Scott<br />

qb<br />

lh<br />

St mets • .<br />

• Improvement m reported in the<br />

D.aws. Icondition of Miss Annie Lamb of<br />

Beshuk h Orcmoh . .<br />

_ _ ,South Mam Street, Plantsvdle,<br />

Wendt fb Zarcaro .. . ,<br />

Touchdowns: Southington, Hu- "<br />

tuve in a fall at her home.<br />

bony 2, Wendt 2. Scott, Miehanezyk.<br />

Points after touchdown:<br />

l Southington, Michanczyk 3 (p lace-<br />

The eond t on of A hur .W.<br />

Oberempt of Main Street, who ias<br />

menlo). Time: 10 minute quarters, been ill for the past several weeks,<br />

,Officials: Kulkm, referee; Hart, is reported improved.<br />

headwilson,lioesman, ficld ud.e; .Re. .S t ington K,nap,<br />

os man, l. otos, E ond. Putz, Huheny.. Reisch, Wea ,er,<br />

Barry Mayo, Bassett. Mattarazzo;<br />

ED$O ----N-OS '-<br />


Enfleh . Thompson. Ra,h. Xi,ner.<br />

Olscbafskm. t'. Stalls.<br />


Sco e by periods:<br />

Southington .. 14 0 12 7--39<br />

I outDanburyTeam<br />

Chat Tomnsiex ,cz, the team's<br />

ace, cracked t he Southington<br />

day afternoon hen he tinveled<br />

the 2.7 miles' distance m 14:25.5<br />

minutes. The old n 'k was<br />

minutes. His performance enabled<br />

l hm to take first place m be dual<br />

,High and Danbmy High ct.sS t<br />

Coach John Rathbun's team won<br />

,the meet, scoring 19 polnt as<br />

'agmnst 30 for DanbmT. It wa the<br />

than lOO races directed by the new<br />

Danbury coach.<br />

S.uthlngton took the first four'I<br />

x *(.z. Dick and Bob Parizo, two<br />

hn m a tie for second p.lac.. Ed<br />

Your clothe, look like a work<br />

of art when we clean and press<br />

them for yon• We don't stand<br />

still like a statne when yon:<br />

call, but run to do your bidding<br />

immediately. A nodal cleaning<br />

Iflanl that doeq model worK,<br />

• . . putty wonderful!<br />

32 S echer'Sl., Southlngton<br />

PHOHE 1423-W<br />

Beginning Fri., Oct. 27<br />

and Thereafter<br />

BILLY JOY.<br />

And His Band<br />

Will Play FRIDAYS<br />

In<br />

Already-Popular Saturday<br />

Nile Date.<br />

Never A Minimum<br />

or Cover Charge at<br />


Lorenzo .... 105 101<br />

CI k .D. Jadd .... 112<br />

er s Fontana .... 198 194<br />

Merchant Loop -Sngiu.d .... lO7 115<br />

rapp Totals .... 432 424 417--1273<br />

327 Monday night as the Banke<br />

grabbed three point flora the Post JEWELERS<br />

H. Wallace . 91 95<br />

League match. Jim Skinner had D. Wallace . 95 83<br />

319 for the. losers. J. ,. lilo .... 118 77<br />

The Gould Company rollers got Low Score . 75 75<br />

a big assist from Dick Judd's 337<br />

as they swept four points from the Totals .... 874 330<br />

undermanned Wallace Jewelere.<br />

Johnny Mile had 301 for the los- PRINTERS<br />

ers.<br />

Gallette ....<br />

VanGasbeek.<br />

99<br />

'91<br />

82<br />

93<br />

88-- 269<br />

111-- 295<br />

way for the Post Office Clerks' Lo wScm'e .. 75 75 75-- 225<br />

shutout win over the Prin ers. Roy<br />

VanGasbeck |led 295 foc the los- Totals .... 356 353 359--1078<br />

era' top effort.<br />


POSTOFFICE CARRIERS MSrawski .. 103 112 !19-- 334<br />

Skinner .... 1 7 105 107-- 31fl K. Welch .. 83 91 94-- 268<br />

Callahan ... 93 89 84-- 266 K. Judd .... 96 123 105-- 324<br />

Clark ...-.. 82 89 110-- 281 Mongillo ... 127 86<br />

R. Welch ... 99 95 82-- 276<br />

Totals .... 409 412 417--1238<br />

Totals .... 381 378 383--1142<br />


Smith ..... 111 91 105-- 307<br />

Nelson .... 126 100 83-- 309<br />

Tassle ..... 107 95 12 --- 327<br />

At The<br />


Fin e Food In A<br />

Pleasant AtmospHere<br />

SNACKS<br />


, Sat. Night<br />

To Orchestra.<br />

We Cater to Parties,<br />

Weddings & Banquets<br />

Apizza Every Fri. & Sat.<br />

Tel. Southington 197<br />

Free Parking In Rear<br />


Adolph J. Trapp of Oak Street<br />

91--297 was renamed chairman of the<br />

L21-- 337 Board of Water Commissioners at<br />

109-- 321 the <strong>org</strong>anization meeting last<br />

week. Kenneth Cook of Cartm'<br />

87-- 265]<br />

111-- 3011<br />

Thurs, Fri., fiat., Oct. 19, 20, 21<br />

(In technicolor)<br />

-- '"the Hunted"<br />

Sat. PTA Matinee<br />

Selected Short Subjects<br />

John Garfield, Patric[al Neal in<br />

Point"<br />

"Master Minds" .<br />

Tnes., Wed, Oct. 24, 25<br />

Brian Donlevy,<br />

MacDonald Carey in<br />

"Wake Island"<br />

Also<br />

"Joe Palooka Meets<br />

Humphrey"<br />

......... Thurs., Frl. SaU, Ont 26, 27, 28<br />

..... - N - Ay---<br />


5 to 9 P.M.<br />

Old Fashioned---Square<br />


113 Li rty St. South.s;on<br />

Po a M ern<br />

At The<br />

¢'MON INN<br />

It's Always Cool<br />

And Comfortable<br />

We Serve<br />


Every Friday<br />

Featuring<br />

"JACK"<br />

At The Piano Console<br />

Fri., Sat., & Sun.<br />

Busine men's<br />

Luncheon 65c<br />

DinneP Engagement<br />

Or Just For Fun<br />

VISIT<br />

E D M 0 N D' S ¢'MON INN<br />

Rt. 10 Plainville N. Liberty St..... Southington<br />

CHESUm<br />

For" Your Dining<br />

and<br />

Dancing Pleasure<br />



ARTIE'S<br />

DINE---DANCE<br />

florae Cooked Meals--Apizza<br />

Cot. West & South Center Sis.<br />

Orchestra Fri., Sat.<br />

9 P.M. till 1 A.M.<br />

Phone 1294<br />


MID-WAY<br />

Italian Foods Our Spatially<br />

APIZZA<br />

Every Frl, Sat., Sun.<br />

Beer, Wines, Ltguora<br />

O<br />

Soulhin glen .Plainvllle Hiway<br />

Tel. Southington 289<br />

Richard Widmark,<br />

Paul Douglas in<br />

"Panic In The<br />

Streets"<br />

Also<br />

"Girl Of My Heart"<br />

Sat. PTA Matinee<br />

"Girl Of My Heart':<br />

TLANTI<br />

tire DePaolo of Highwood Avenue.<br />

the board's n west members, will<br />

AIS0 "C-MAN"<br />


New<br />

LAKE<br />

ROUTE 6-A<br />

Near Lake Hitchco k<br />

Fri., Sat. Oct. 20-21<br />

Hurter & Howard Keel<br />

in<br />

"Annie Get Y6ur<br />

Gun"<br />

in Technicolor<br />

John Wayne in<br />

"Back To Bataan"<br />

Sun. Men. Tue., Ocl. 22-23-24<br />

James Stewart and<br />

Shelly Winters<br />

"Winchester 73"<br />

Also<br />

"Shaggy"<br />

in color<br />



Cocktail Lounge & Grille<br />



Coach-and-Four •<br />

Cocktail Lounge<br />





AVE Nr. g<br />


• FINE LIQUOR8 467 W. Maln.St.<br />

• DANCIN Tel. 8322 Merlden<br />

Plan Your Next Date, " t 9 S S,od., 0,<br />

or Party at the Waverly JOHNNY'S GRILL , // ,\ // '/. U I/L * Gratlaus<br />

Tel. ChesMre m OPEN SU qDA"/S ". V "You're boundlo<br />

Tak Cheshire Sue 33.35 South Grove Street<br />

At Milldale To Our Door "Just A Little Street . " , enjoy your stay nt<br />

Where Old Friends Meet" F ' M HAffA T0W S<br />

Telephone Merlden 5-1505 '%Sroadway t Newest.end Largest Holell<br />

THE 1880 HOUSE . At The "Confer Of Activity."<br />

LunCheons & Dinner Television, too I<br />

At The Ionument In Meridtn<br />

Phone 7-9217 For Keeervations $3.00 daily<br />


filGHWA '<br />


181-83 Main St. Sou;bins;on<br />

Open 24 hrs. m -<br />


Spatial<br />

I<br />



3- s RungFs 353 "Sparks Totals .... 40.<br />

St P t S T A o .H..igh tr smlth .... 4 i07 Four Roses' Win P,PrRS 14-.<br />

• am verage z i ...... o m-<br />

Despite Lack Of Competttto tP. I¢ISTNO. ...... I W -- Or Sankowski .... .. 10o 7 81-- 255<br />

Doug pushed out a nets and match. Both teams werotHamlin .... 84 96 10 286 Joe Run '6 a ap Marshall ... 93 75 79-- 247<br />

353, one e best l p ....<br />

No. 1 First Congos won three Fran Kirkland came up with a Thompson .. 106 112 102-- 0 sco s of the new se n, as s -Lav°r a. 104 lo0 90-- 294<br />

points from the No. 1 Plantsvl]le shm'p 345 cffo t as the No. 2 First Abetz ...... 94 98 10 298 Four Rases team took ee points DiBiaso<br />

League match. Seyinour Tassie Grace Methodists. Don Kelsey beltcontributed<br />

a 144 smgle game to ed 331 for the losers. Totals ...... 440<br />

tbe ureters' total. Join Tbampson[<br />

320 fro" tbe Baptists. I The First Lutherans poled out IST CONGO NO.<br />

Nt three point victory over the No. Hebel ...... 113<br />

Bob Clarke had 305 as the No. 1 Grace Methodists with Otto Lewis ...... 116<br />

Plantsv lie Ceases won three from field's 333 setting the pace. Paul ... 87<br />

the No. 4 Firqt Congo.q, W. Hebel Olgon of'the losers was tops for ........ 117<br />

of the losers was best for the the conte t with 347. L. Score .... 80<br />

Totals<br />

The No 3 Fi .st Ceases pick ( I points when the First Baptists<br />

up three from the No. 3 Plant,ville failed to appear. In the rolloff ! P. cON-GO NO. 1<br />

Baptist. as Clarence ,Mo ,tagac'sl every man hit above 300 with Gouhl ...... 94<br />

13 paced the winners. ( laldnce[ Andy Orslnl's .:.|(; leading th par- Snow ...... 85<br />

Crosby had 30.1 for the defeated!ado.,€ Farnham ... 84<br />

keglers• [IST CONGO NO. 1 Clarke ..... 99<br />

A three point et ge was gainel[D. Smedberg 117 10S 10T- 882 Cooper . .... "87<br />

by the No. 2 Plantsvdlc Congo. tGrooman ... 96 105 112-- 313 -over<br />

the No. 5 First Ceases. Fled i E. Smith ... 104 94 -- 198 Totals ...... 449<br />

Hobson's 304 wa tops fur the in- A. lttrrav . 79 94-- t73 1ST CONGO NO. 3<br />

AT<br />

FlOral- Gardens<br />


Let us Steam Clean Your Car Motor<br />



Pratts Cor. Tel. Meriden .5-6732 Southington<br />

•lG 513--1475<br />

4<br />

103 9 -- 313<br />

68 78-- 262<br />

85 87-- 2 9<br />

88 94-- 299<br />

80 80-- 240<br />

424 4.qC 1373<br />

99 90-- 283<br />

11 83-- 279<br />

90 81-- 255<br />

105 101 305<br />

88 104-- 279<br />

493 459--1401<br />

night in the<br />

Bowling League. Joe Marotto of<br />

the lo.qers weighed in with 386. SNOWSHOES<br />

With all scores generally low, Oberempt ,.<br />

the Piper maltaged to eke out a W. McKay .. 78<br />

foot" point win over the Showshoes. Panella .... 92<br />

Jim Lav<strong>org</strong>wa had 294 for the win- FnsuIo .... 92<br />

nersq. Ge<strong>org</strong>e (O'Rourke) Oberempt Shanley .... 90<br />

Sh0e.. uinlan .<br />

Butler ..... 88 90 91-<br />

Giles ...... 97 94 107-- 298<br />

Mazzaccaro . 99 lO4 81-- 284<br />

Bernardi ... 92 9:]-- 185<br />

Totals .... 42 461 453--1342<br />

K-Ii LERS •<br />

Skinner .... 79 75-- 154<br />

DeRosn ... !}3 80 77-- 2511<br />

Totals ... 465 428 43:]--1:126, Hotchki.qs 98 79 -- 177<br />

Gtoia . 99 93-- 192<br />

, F.Lnv<strong>org</strong>na . 89 99 188<br />

83 93-- 27<br />

79 15# Totals ...<br />

75 86 .2 3<br />

85<br />

ss ,o- , oacn Lozoskt Btds<br />

85 84-- lfi9<br />

teamed up o hit 807 each as the Totals .... 452 41a 432-- :,,, To First Practice<br />

Toppers won three from the Cork- ' C nch Walt L zoski issu[,d his<br />

er.q. Joe Kizilaki copped 301 for the TOPPERS first call for basketball camhdates<br />

The Lucky Sevens picked u Taclnelll f. 89 82 93 264 thls week at Southln on Illgh<br />

t e f m the Kille . Tomm De zis .... 75 75 79 29 School. Those not member of the<br />

" I Haupt .... 87 107 l:t . 07 faotball team will begin practice<br />

led he -wi e qt 29 Abdella .... 77 84 93-- 54 sessions within a few days.<br />

Jack Fiske's 2 was the Killers' adino ... 117 92 9 .]07 Likely candidates for the first<br />

best scoring fo bnsketball team to repres t the,<br />

OLD CROWS otals .... 445 440 476--1361, new htgh school are Joe DePaolo.<br />

Terry ......<br />

MeKay .....<br />

88<br />

98<br />

85<br />

95<br />

88-- 262<br />

88-- 281<br />

Venditto ...<br />

Geloso .....<br />

82<br />

88 86,<br />

75-- 157<br />

81-- 255<br />


John Fontana, Fran Verderame<br />

and Joe LaPorte, fmwards; Ray<br />

.......... 88 86. 87 261 Downes ..." 92<br />

Montague .. 92 113 108-- 3 3 MoroCCo .... 92 141 103-- 336 M,astriann 87<br />

Mauch ..... 87 "8-I' 1]} --276 Santo ...... 85 9 .isilskl .... 88<br />

-- -- J. Quinlan ,. 04 110-- 20 uinlan . 8fl<br />

BAPTIST NO. 3<br />

..... 95 99 108 302<br />

Crosby<br />

Witkovlc ... 74 83 78--- 235<br />

L. Score .... 80<br />

To,Is ...... 451<br />

P. CONGO NO. 2<br />

449 465--1465<br />

... 75 86 87-- 248<br />

E. Hobson .. 85 80 99--264<br />

Totals ...... 422 459 447--1328<br />

IST CO.'N GO NO. 5<br />

Bacon ...... 86 98---275<br />

Griffin ..... 77 96 86--- 269<br />

Grusse ..... 94 88 102-- 284<br />

L. Score .... 80 80 80 240,<br />

L. Score .... 80 80 80-- 240<br />

Totals ...... 422 430 446 1308<br />


Francis .... 109 106 109-- 324<br />

Raymond ... 78 73 214<br />

Abbey ..... 68 98 104-- 270<br />

Kelsey ..... 112 118 lffl-- 331<br />

L. Score .... 80. 80 "80--- 240<br />

Total.q ...... 447 475<br />

IST CONGO NO. 2<br />

F. Smith ... 99 109 116-- 324<br />

B. Nyren.... 88 1.13 -8%- 284<br />

R. Ven ... 75 125 96--- 296<br />

F. Nyren ... 81 103 106--- 290<br />

Kirkland ... 95 123 127-- 345<br />

Totals ...... 438 573 528---1539<br />


R. Braldield. 90 102 110-- 302<br />

Lachelt ..... 114 87 103-- 304<br />

E. Brayfleld. 80 93 116 289<br />

O. Brayfield. 118 101 114-- 333<br />

N. Laribes .. 83 78 119-- 280<br />

Totals ...... 485 461 562---1508<br />


Snow ...... 69 116 101-- 286<br />

Gates ..... , 109 97 123-- 329<br />

Deetsch .... 83 87 86--- 256<br />

Olson ...... 113 116 118-- 347<br />

L. Score .... 80 80 80-- 24{)<br />

Tbtala ...... 454 496 508---1458<br />

T,_P&uL'S_.<br />

Sheppard. 108 114 1,03 - 325<br />

Orsini ...... 94 120 122-- 336<br />

Wright ..... 114 118 94-- 3 0,<br />

Hubbard .... 90 126 105--- 321<br />

Totals ...... 505 589 528--1622<br />


( Foffei.ted)<br />

Hoyt ......<br />

2A L<br />

85 85<br />

D'Aunn9 ... 78 79<br />

Rungi .... 106 98<br />

91-- 261<br />

87-- 2 4 Dlugos .. 80<br />

149--353 Grieco ..... 64<br />

91<br />

lol<br />

98--'281 i ' ii, centers; Ge<strong>org</strong>e Snow,<br />

-- 71 yren, oe i'uno, Pat 'M'assucc<br />

112-- 101 [ and Gee ge Beebe, ards.<br />

14 [freshn n and sophomore<br />

11o-- member to tu out for the<br />

,them for the seasons ahead.<br />

' Jo. e h J. Renkar of West Can-<br />

81 -- 161 tar Street has returned home from<br />

81-- 145, the Bradley Memorial Hospital.<br />

Electric Power is Vital to<br />

and New England has it<br />

Your business-managed electric<br />

snapped-lnl6 a huge'building<br />

restrictions were lifted after VJ<br />

is now paying off in preparedness for<br />

- industrial production needed for national defense. Already<br />

"/. CHILI IJFE New England has a "percentage of reserve power<br />

• SHOES<br />

k l That's a fact to remember the next t,me New England<br />

Child Life... ,n the matter of electric power.<br />

b t known name in<br />

children's shoes and<br />

"- USE " OUR BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN with ne good go rein. out of toNo<br />

e ectric<br />




Go To HALE With It.<br />

Next To Plantsville Pharmacy<br />

THREE<br />




• AUTO • ALL FORM<br />

JOSEPH_ _,.DEPAOLO,Jr.<br />

R idence I 164-R - Office 378<br />



The Southington-Building<br />

The Annual meeting of the SharehOlders÷of the<br />

-, outhington-Buildingand--Loan :s sociation<br />

held in the office of th Association on Monday evening,<br />

cers, to--eFe/ t D e fors for the coming yes-r, and<br />

Directors,<br />

laws nqw in effect be and a new set of<br />

be adopted, and to transact propert-o-c<br />

me be fort rld-meeting:.<br />


et them :, ht here in . compa<br />


" J U DD' S INCLUD G<br />


, Foundry, Machine, Office, t<br />

Buffaloes. Win Pexto Tilts<br />

performance by Cookie with the Machine Room taking l<br />


T/Sgt. Totlt ReEalled Clover Club ial for our blouses, tim project<br />

By Tile Air Force The Clover Club meetiag was on which we are now working. The<br />

T/Sgt. Arthur W. Toth of called to order at 4:45 p.m. Wed- meeting closed at 5:45 p.m.<br />

Church Street, Plantsvillc, hos re- needay. A Hallowcea party was Gretchen Wiegand, Reporter.<br />

ceived his recall to active duty in discussed and will be held Satin'-<br />

torll - ,vho blanked the Peckers this chine gang. Pau! Wetch's 296 was<br />

their Pexto Bowling Lea- tops for the wtnnels. Ahii and 7 at Fort Dix, N. J. He Jeanette Fantozzi, who takes resumed her duties Monday at tnc<br />

Angiletta spilled the IMatt Welsh had 291 euch fro' the was on active duty dm'ing World Of NextOUt' scrapbook.week we bring antt '- Southlngton Banksweek'sandTrUetwtcatioa.COm-<br />

for a 321 tune for the los- ll°eers"<br />

Aoew kind of Studebaker truck engineering assures<br />

substantial daily operating savings!<br />

A new kind of structural strength keeps Studebaker<br />

trucks remerkahly free from the nel d for repairs!<br />

How true th|s is--and how big ihe economies are<br />

yau can find out by talking to any Studebaker<br />

truck owner. Stop in! Let's give you some names!<br />


"We'll have to make thb short...<br />

some.of the boys are getting re t/ess"<br />

Everyone wantl and axpectl geod party-line servlce. Others<br />

on our hhe ere just as anxious to make calls as you are.<br />

By sharing pariy lines fairly, you help every o e lto betie<br />

te[ephl ne servlcil<br />


(|) Make calls of reasonable length. (2) Space out calls.<br />

(3) Give up the line in ernergencies. ,<br />

I<br />

('olne in and learn all alnmt<br />

l# t'lll ._ ax ing Bank Life lnsulmnce<br />

* Pull the Top Lever *<br />

$0uthingt0n' 0100*t<br />

,% NA ! IONAL 1 l(,llRl,<br />

"il r, a rale e\perieoce Ihese days--and,<br />

lhel'ofore, Ii ralher mo',ing One--to come<br />

tipnn hone,' ly, i'nlelligence and real CUUl'age<br />

iiriy lhcl'e in WaMiin hln, It is perlnips<br />

llarlh'uhu'l) Fare lo coele upon lhese qulil-<br />

ilie in lhe,l'. . tloosc of Ileprcsenhiii s<br />

• , . Yel :ill Illree of these qn,llilies'•"life/o<br />

• hy fouml in the person nf a certain fresh-<br />

ntan Itepre cntative. AhrahAm A. "Rilfi-<br />

,Wqnn|sored. hy Ilibicoff for ('oligree l ('olunlilh,i,<br />


'TIL 90 CLOCK<br />

No Money Down<br />

l']xtrli slorage space PI,US the proleetinn<br />

thnt nnly genuine aromatic<br />

CEDAR cnn give! Plenty of roont un<br />

Ihe full length hhnger for dozens of<br />

dresses, conts or suits! All solid red<br />

cedar. henever cedar counts. Solid<br />

cedar doors,"fronts and sides -- with<br />

t high gloss natural finish. Lots of<br />

extra storage space in lower comlmrtmeot<br />

fnr blankets, m e flers, etc. It's<br />

heautiful -- it's practicnl and it's<br />

unbelievnbly low priced at Morunsl<br />

Immediate<br />

Delivery<br />

Open DailyMonday Throu'gh Saturday<br />


Mike Mile Rolls 378 As Team<br />

Smash, s Town Loop Record<br />

Men Thru Sat. 9 ta 9 . . . BudK - Terms<br />


Fall Itouse Cleaning? Then you'll want your rugs propcrly<br />

cleaned with the colors br.ight again. Oriental or<br />

Domestic, we'll see that .the job is done right. Just Call<br />

Southington 140.<br />


Dembwzak . I<br />




i<br />

'<br />

'<br />

.<br />

[Meola ...... 104 97 --201 McDonough. 109 119 9 323 Longo's 34.8 Sparks G,e,rnce ..... 89 94 12@--309 Churches w 11 a so part c pate in[ The potluck supper for<br />

Mazzaccaro ," 94<br />

Kleszcz ... 90<br />

Mathews ...<br />

91<br />

87<br />

0<br />

93<br />

9<br />

87<br />

278<br />

267<br />

177<br />

......<br />

asum .....<br />

,- Isabella ., w,.<br />

CollllCll Will<br />

,<br />

.... F nk Longo , bowled 348 ,m "" Isa- Totals ...... 447 467 49 1404 bella Councils keglers won two<br />

OConnell 110<br />

" "' '<br />

Mz'nzig ... 112<br />

Totals . 515<br />

"'<br />

108<br />

111<br />

07<br />

118--336<br />

338<br />

the<br />

115-- r n<br />

583 1605[ g" F<br />

'e<br />

llo<br />

•mp<br />

s" "in<br />

nor<br />

an"<br />

a<br />

-<br />

me<br />

eL- ] of the Women<br />

'<br />

s Soci..ty<br />

I<br />

tmn Service ' fll " be held<br />

", t t t o race '<br />

_ . ,IL' , Tire Shim rolled to a clean struction team.<br />

.... PARKER HARDWARE Jgames from e Wallingford I • [ Lzonel M. Crawfotd of Academy[ ---c,l- -arlors Thls event .<br />

- veel of-t4 eee-gmues vid t th-Lon s-tho-pac set- DAN'S "I'IR<br />

against the All-Stars in their Town ter the Pm'ker Hardwaremen pich .<br />

Bo slmg League nmtch at the ¢d up a pan"<br />

.<br />

against<br />

.<br />

the Kmghtsl<br />

. rase .... 98<br />

% m n loyd o£ Columbus. Bernard McDonough[ . 92<br />

was best for the Kaycces x tth 323. ..... 88<br />

[ zuznlo .... 09<br />

wmnvrs with 335. C. Evans hnd The So.fine Barbers shcmcd a Ro0or , .... 126<br />

114<br />

91<br />

124<br />

I02<br />

212<br />

97-- 280<br />

99-- 187<br />

95-- 328<br />

107.-.- 335<br />

Kemp ..... 6o<br />

Judd, Jr. ,.. 104<br />

Eyres ...... 94<br />

Long ....... 185<br />

R. Jmld ....<br />

87<br />

88<br />

113<br />

96<br />

83-- 1fl8 Columbus League matciL All mum-'Scln,duled Novemll,er 13<br />

-- 191 be 's of the winners tot)l)ed the ; ,0, The thtrd annual Men s Fellow-<br />

8 268<br />

mark. Mruzik's 338 sas bt. t foe 'ship droner and muss nleetl g wdl<br />

116--- 364 the losers. e held Monday night, Noxember<br />

91-- 187<br />

13, according to C. A. Mmafino of<br />

SOUTIIINGTON Marion, arrangemenLq chailman.<br />

Memorial HoM)ital. " P " p ' "<br />

--<br />



John G no's sharp 342 effort bowlers. G ammatteos 334 imced "<br />

enabled thb Popular Restaurant the x nRers with Cardinnlc of the TotaN .... 513<br />

huls to blanh tlm VFW keglers. Pat losers as top man for the mate i VF V<br />

Camlmgnano turned in 321 for the with 346. Tvlkc ....... "12<br />

Setting a new l h s nge mark its slump to take a pair fro u the Powers 92<br />

of h.)4 vn'[ a)ml. . ln 1716 for a H-Way Restaurant, defending lea-1 Mazzaccaro 80<br />

532<br />

87<br />

()2<br />

96-- 197<br />

494--1599<br />

94-- 307<br />

80-- 264<br />

8 168<br />

Totals ...... 504 487<br />


Br noli ..... 88 119<br />

Giammatteo . 130 89<br />

Ingriselli ... 117 102<br />

L, ;eore .... 85 85<br />

O'Agtino ... 103 89<br />

484--1475 Schumann .. 102<br />

, Long .... 137<br />

9 29 Gldictt c . .. 116<br />

115-- 334 Tarantmo .. 12o<br />

i 28s5 McDonough . I.0<br />

--.<br />

96 8<br />


108<br />

115<br />

120<br />

127<br />

,,I<br />

lt)S-- 318 JDmners ?.ill be served at the Fu'st<br />

!,;-- 348 1 Baptist, Gzace l [ethodmt and Fast,<br />

83 319 Congz gatmnal Churches<br />

9-- 34fi After the dinners, the mass<br />

8-- :,,,:, :meet,ng ,,'fit be hdd at the F..t ',<br />

t .<br />

ments a e being nmde fo a est<br />

speake foe the event. Men of the<br />

Sittings Made In Your Home<br />

At Your Conveneince<br />

BY<br />

- LEW-ME-TZ- ER<br />

('ALL DAYS<br />

SOUTHINGTON 1114<br />

lind httle trouble ovetcom]n the gue champions. AI LaFleur hud p ('anH)'nano 112 108 I01 321 Totals ...... b 3 00 Denya ..... 113 102 IH 334 First ut era an set e onpmfall<br />

total A]hc's Rcstam mt 345 for tl e Firestone laddie while DeSorbo . .. 82 -- 82 DELAIIUNTY CO, , [ lla ..... 91 92<br />

B mmlli ('on,t ut Lion boy Mike Vie Fontana's 338 paced the umler- .... Casey ... .. 93 88 -- 268<br />

h]o zapped out 378, one of the manned loser . JTotala ...... 500 ,164 .149 1,113 Wentland ... 98 87 80 2G5<br />

top three.siting tota;s of lhe sea- gLL-STARS ]POPULAR'RESTgURANT }S nish ..... 91 83 81-- 255(<br />

stm, to )ace the umnez Johnny ]F.Campa ano85 7C 161 D. MEtro 115 108 223 N emczysk . 75 129 20t<br />

Sl)red t('d 337" foe t] e Con- [Evans . . 124-- o4fi<br />

Mauro, Sr... 111 114 99-- 324 Delahunty .. 70 --<br />

Finer Furniture At Lower Prices<br />

M. Mauro . 90<br />

G iano ... lo8<br />

Mauro, Jr...<br />

120<br />

123<br />

93--- 183<br />

11,1-- 22<br />

99--<br />

ToLals. 471 483<br />

..<br />


o1--1408<br />

," .<br />

Rubin ...... 83 lo7 103-- 293<br />

Tota : , 5: 567 503--1609 [ Morse ...... 9G 92 -- 178<br />

ARTIE'S RESTAURANT -- ,IcL fi • Sg 88--<br />

Nonemacher. lfi9 119 110-- .,8 LaFlcur .... 12fl 93 1.32-- ,345<br />

Ohala ..... 113 100 109-- 322 Casale . t06 114 119-- 339<br />

TarantinoMilo " . --154 . : 8-<br />


Kline ....<br />

f 52 93 94 108--<br />

BRUNALL! CO. I Gaeh'z ..... 93 105 139-- 337<br />

Rossi .....<br />

Della Bi.tta . 91 93 94-- 278 L. Scm'e ... 85 85 85-- 255.<br />

J. S0tcda ... 110 123 104-- 337<br />

Masthay . 99 118 99-- 316 Totals ..... 511 496 546--21553<br />

Totals ... 494 532 492--1518 Al l Red Sox<br />

OF COLUMBUS oose Matches<br />

Ross ....... 'I 89 88 O0<br />

Lnban . .. 82 95 106--- 283 their Moose League match at the<br />

Michnud .... 93 83 109-- 285 YMCA Alleys. Tarantino had 279<br />

i'for the winnel . J. Crlspino of the<br />

MobiEflame<br />

The Quality<br />

Brand Bottled Gas<br />

with All the Extras!<br />

DA'YTON'S<br />

Bottled Gas<br />

E m ST. tmRWrN"<br />

remium price for a<br />

grad of-mea t, yetitcosts you n<br />

more. Every._ ound is DOUBLY<br />

government inspectors -- by our own critical staff<br />

of buyers. No wonder cvery pound is guaranteed<br />

tender, delicious and free from excess waste.<br />


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables<br />


Cheese Food<br />


Sliced Cheese<br />


Swiss Cheese SL,CED<br />

]q - AG"ED-OVER A Y R............<br />

Sharp Cheddar LB 59€<br />


Mild Cheddar L, 49€<br />


Grapefruit Juice TIN 2.9€<br />


Educator Crax LBPKG 30°<br />


Gelatine DAINTY DOT 3 PK S 19,<br />

---ffAVE UP-TO-Sc PACK-AGE<br />



Finast Soap GRANULATED LGE PKG Z4i<br />


Marvo 3-LB "fin 8 5 |'LB TiN

C un s Game I Ross|, Nick Romano a d T hy Barboza.<br />

So good was their play that<br />

Before a slim gathering of 300 Norwalk was able to connect only<br />

On fans, the Southington A. C. grid- once ia 11 pass tries, and three<br />

men moved into the victory column ere intercepted by alert South-<br />

I<br />

, - -<br />

•<br />

rtt<br />

turned m one brilliant catch of a<br />

hat. they've movedl °f Norwalk by 21-0 count. . pass thrown by Parker. He also<br />

e win column, the After being htld to a mgle TD auled m two other fl ps for size-<br />

" .' m the opening half tbt lhflandouth<br />

ngtonA. C. d-[ , .<br />

have reached far ield men arove or two sco es m th*<br />

abh<br />

num..<br />


..e.....xt o ,.one ts the<br />

N. Y., Clippm's, who but outph y(d pponents. Rmnnn. le Coco<br />

face the Bolandmen bere To We his attack better hal- , Kata It Snnsonci<br />

p; , Sunday at the new[ once, Coach Boland uhifh,d his :Rnsai lg<br />

school field. [ play from the T-Formaliou back Stdwcll e Pelle no<br />

The invaders will come to South- o the familiar single wing, a B.trbaza<br />

" ith a record of four wins lype of play familiar o all [h(, T: m l rg Williams<br />

having been at the expense of on the squad. ho played nnder Johnson qh Spinolnl<br />

h chool p<br />

ar New York C ty. Or nized[ Although they had only n few'Hubeuy rh Varinn<br />

1948 when they won e ght, practice sessn ns using tile single Parker fb Ricci<br />

lost none, the Clippers last wmg a tack, fhe A. C. lads looked' Touchdowns: Southin on, Knap.<br />

year compiled a record of seven goml and can be ,,xpvcted to ira- Hubeny, Hurley. Points after<br />

wins, two losses and one tie. ,p rove rapidly. Annther shift touchdown, Howard 3. (placeaa<br />

nov i T dd lu[terc p).Iah nn. m mL bs Sou mgc<br />

e vis to , is ated as forme star Lewis High fullback, ton, Pollick, L. Clements, D'Angeone<br />

of the be semi-pro passers rote the s,gnal-calhng slot. His 1o, Howard, Abuts, Knapp, Wagenlin<br />

the Metropolitan m .a. "Bugs" first effo t Sunday as an excel- b eaner, J. Clements, A. Johnson,<br />

- edfo , ran end, is on the -Ilent one. Mandevdle, Hurley, Giralamo;<br />

lving end of many of M ck'n'a Rit Hubeny, Rob Ha'Icy, Teddy Norwalk, lebia, Tu er, Toss,<br />

....<br />

Ted Sip', Pat Dolan and* p a - a .rge P " all looked Noyd, A. Santo, Dahl en, Brash-<br />

- Je and Sil DeMenna fo]m a good at their backfield posts m the'over, smith', Stack, A. gpino]a,<br />

g quartet of backs, de- Norwalk encounter. Hubeny moved Gambardella.<br />

to give opposing teams 1. ar . -" - " . ies from scr m- Scot By periods:<br />

made. In additmn, he reeled off one Soothly<br />

his A. C. lads to be at full pass fro' the thi and final score<br />

for the tilt. Their wm<br />

he S nday has dven them the _ s - on offense "urin - "<br />

onfiden whi¢ " Th Flower Lead.<br />

the fomth pe md treated the, "<br />

- The majority of theteam'smem-., to some y running, gtvare<br />

now from uthington, ',rag p omise that he'll be $ ing<br />

tho e from most other towns plenty of action m future A. C. st Break Even<br />

ng dmp out of play. ,games. W th a 305 lift from Ken Bolder,<br />

he is making ev effort to ckoff, Teddy Knap a, the Sp<br />

b n p football atttactmns to [Norwalk fun ble on the visitors" Control Bo ling Lea e. Pete<br />

Sout n on each week and that 30-yard stt* e. Hubeny rapped for Procko of the Spiders was tops<br />

he is hopeful of futu incloses<br />

attendance. At Sunday's game. the 19 and H beny banged to the The Ants and Fleas split four<br />

A.C. back to the Nomvalk 15 bu poked vat a 343 sco whde J. AI-<br />

The Cllppe will bring their Knap regained the lost -ouRd and brycht nf th Fleas weighed in<br />

full squad of 27 playem for then" scooted foe a first do n on the w th 33t;.<br />

C. me. Included ill Bed- Nort alk four. Hubeny bulled for A three point edge went to the<br />

o Cmwley, Devhn and Boyd, t o, Parker lammed to the one- C ickets m their contest with the<br />

ends; S ck, Taylor, Rallens and: %t hoe and Knap skirted right 'Termites. R. Munson 295 was<br />

t amld, tackles; Fox, DaVy, R. De- for the TD. Hairy Hottard host fro' the vice. o Oken-<br />

Rossi and Bear, ckles; k cked the fast of th] e perfect_ quest of the Term es led all seerand<br />

Jordan, cen¢ers. Vo , placements to make t 7-0. ors with 319.<br />

: burre, Si , Bear, McCann, J. Again in the econd period, Don Munson's 327 gave the<br />

DeMenna, S. DeMenna, McKelson, the Bolandmen .pick np me- Ticks enough margin o take three<br />

Kennedy, O'Neil and Maekm, mentum to moss from their own from the Bees. Frank Nevelos of<br />

bac 25 to the Norwalk 25 where a .the losers was tops for the match<br />

Unless last minute changes are fumble cost them posession of w th a nice 343 effort.<br />

made by aeh Boland, the start-, the ball and another possible<br />

ing'A. .lineup sdl have N ck score. They earned plenty of FLI q<br />

Romano and Vmme Clements, )ardage during the remainder Rizk 2 73 84--219<br />

Kata and Frank To - of the period but were trouble Peidl ...... 76 80 82-- 238<br />

Qulto Rossi and Tony o pose another scoring threat. Hanpt .... 83 97 85--<br />

Bar za, ckles; Rusty Stds ell, Pa]ker grabbed the opening Moulton .. . 103 114 83center;<br />

Teddy Johnson, qua er- k ckoff m the second half and I Handicap • 14 14 1 42<br />

ba ; Teddy Knap and lht Hubeny, aced back 20 yards to the A. C. Balder. . . 123 89 93-- 305<br />

halfback, and Ed Parker, full- 31. Fading to m, Hubeny punted .<br />

back. Behind these starters wdl be to the Not alk 20. No valk emn-, Totals .. 461 467 I--1369:<br />

Polliek, L. Clements, Howard, cd ts first first down as Pete'<br />

Abatu, Knapp, Wagenbrenner, J. lugged the ,v.d back to the A.C. SPIDERS<br />

• ENOUGH FOR ALL!i<br />

The Southington Community Chest Campaign is<br />

A Neighborly Affair- Your friends and neigh-<br />

bors. are giving their Work and Time to make<br />

it Successful- Your friends and neighbors...<br />

Yourself, in fact . . . Will Benefit By It.<br />



,o ... Fv( ybody Gi ves Everybody<br />

Bob Hurley and Joe (; rahtmo. punt but regmned possessmn of Robmts . 89 77 73--239<br />

.... the ball ,dnmst ) n .d at d xx th Clark ..... 79 102 92-- 273<br />

an nt ,ro,p¢ ono[ d Pa k ,l pass Pritt 83 113 84--280 1<br />

Once again No ,dk failed to Totals 444 475 484--1 3<br />

B<br />

'<br />

efits Large Or Small<br />

gum an4 c e f(n('ed t. punt. (h- ]<br />

ralamo took the hall .n th,. A. . ANTS . '<br />

37-yard ,uuk. l'a k and KnaP Marg nolh .<br />

Your Contribution Is Wel<br />

WE AL A 5 A E i . and th, n outran th,. last t fn Nor-. HandicaP' "" 10 10 1 30 m<br />

sxalkers to' go .ver standing up, LaFleur . .. 124 111 108-- 43<br />

on the Norwalk 22. after a FLEA<br />

Soetbin lon drise had been halt- , Mm'olh . 83 91 74-- 248<br />

ed on the Norwalk 15 Hurley Thayo . 83 , 81 80-- 244<br />

enl around left end for a first Suchar 8 ; 80 I07-- 273 #<br />

center to (he Mx. Hu en). fnk- Albr 'eht . 119 1 9 99G<br />

in z an off-tackle ma b. fired a<br />

jomp pa to Hurh, and he Totals 461 480 456--139 [I<br />


tepped into the end<br />

the TD.<br />

zone for<br />


Th A.C. hn<br />

def,.ns,vely all<br />

wark wa excellent Shaker<br />

aftern,on. Out- Webster '<br />

R5<br />

91<br />

74<br />

77<br />

78-- 237'<br />

88--2. 1 Commercial PETERS MOTOR SALES, INC.<br />

tandmg perf.rmanc s ole<br />

ed n by Snapper Knapp,<br />

turn- Sollack<br />

Quite Okenquist<br />

87<br />

109<br />

95<br />



Let t,e<strong>org</strong>e - •<br />

I T tal .. 461 434 478---1373 THE BOYCE LUMBER CO.<br />




Held You. "" " ' I ('RICKETS<br />

s,, dbe,.g 7 . 9-- , VAL DePAOLO SANITARY LAUNDRY<br />


Whena you have a Rlqtox, 83 107 103--293 CASTALDI HOUSE FURNISHINGS WM. FISCHER & SONS, INC.<br />

floor ¢ overing problem it. Mun on , 100 97 98-- 295<br />

Haupt 82 s5 1,o- THE CUSHING CO..<br />

on your hands feel free Hamhcap n fi , - is, THE PICKWICK Industrial<br />

to call Geo,rg..e Reeve at t<br />

1779-J1 Southington. Totn , 4. ,2 09--1. TS ELSIE REISCH BEAUTY SALON ALLIED CONTROL CO., INC.<br />



Ge<strong>org</strong>e is thoroughly - l,ockyor. 67 7. 7'.1--21. ' NELSON SCREW MACHINE PRODUCTS<br />

Klocko . 92 89 83--2C,4 HIGHWAY RESTAURANT CLARK BROS. BOLT CO.<br />

experienced in the floor . , ast,,.hono . . . lo. -- . HOME & AUTO SUPPLIES, INC. GARRY METAL PRODUCTS CO.<br />

covering field having Judd 93 93 93-- 279<br />

heencpnnecled with our F. No,., ., l . 1 .4 ll -- 4, ; HUBENY'S PLUMBING & HEATING PECK, STOW & WILCOX CO.<br />

f 'm for several years Total ". ---- "5 . :lC -l ,l FREEMAN M. JIIDD SIMONE BROS.<br />


" TICKS<br />

sound advice and offers you all types of floor covering Zygmuot'.. 74 . 0 7o-- 2. L E V Y ' S STANLEY ,TOOLS<br />

t M-afiuTac]ur t's . . • . cqch .' V,,Iosk, KANUTE'S AUTO-& HOUSEHOLD SUPPLY TORREY S. CRANE CO.<br />

• Congoleum Tairn a.nd Armstrofig Linoleum $bitz . 82 74 98-- 264 " CLARK SCREW MACH INE CO.<br />

• Kentile and Tiletex Asphalt Tile Fazzone ... 101 s9 u2-- M.J. TAYLOR<br />

Amtieo Rubber Tile • Congowall D. Munson . 117 94 1¢2--327 MORELLI'S MARKET<br />

• Aiex der Smith, Mohawk, Lees, Firth aml Artloom Handicap .. 4 4 4-- 12 Financiai<br />

Rugs nd Carpets'. N. GRILLO "<br />

PE R R Y R U II 0 0 Totals ...471 440 485--1396 NYREN BROS. SOUTHINGTON BANK & TRUST CO.<br />

• A daughter ' as 'born this week P. HUTTON & SON THE SOUTHINGTON BUILDING & LOAN ASSN.<br />


"If It's Floor Covering--It's Perry" to Officer and Mrs. John Oahlyda<br />

of lIIghwo0d

ToughForDiamonit<br />

tin'Jcd (lisqipation ,hmn the yeats time to big business since tht: (kEys, Well, m qHmared m 49 games week from the Teachers. Amly Or- Angolillo ...<br />

leduced this hulking f gtHe of a when Old Alex was the te ffmng ( pitched .276 inn ng won 31 games sini belted 83 to load the wimmrs. llushak .... 98-- 98 Stevens<br />

265.<br />

paced the victors with<br />

man to a mere shaduxs a t m , I,mg of ptcbers in the Natmnal , and lost 10. Dohlg this he struck Ge<strong>org</strong>e Wood rolled 303 for the<br />

who glimpsed him at the xecent, l.enlzne. A n mattei' of reemd )ti out 241, x alked only 64 (Tommy Tesche|.s.<br />

Series will attest. ,tas Alex ho won t e o y gam ' Berne please note), allowed 25.21 In a match whe'e mast scores<br />

The money he earned a a hig .f the 1915 t,Vo l I Serie fox the [ :. --+ t'^l -n amazin earned] wore below pay the Country Resleague<br />

hurler i++ lv,ng ,.tact, gone. Phd then he hnrled a 1 wctory I .... ..-,, .] c o2 a mark that[taurant lads won a pmr from the<br />

.... -" still stan s n the National League. Atwatm' Manufacturing team• Joe<br />

We Featt re: " it m, it may he added, a rermdlS°llack's 299 ,,as best fox the wintime<br />

may forever staml, judging by necs. J. Varanko of the losm's<br />

'Brownie' & 'Bradlee' Cards the type of hmb.r now extant in' topped all match scoring with 809.<br />

the major leag w .<br />

J. Crisldno ..<br />

Sollack ... 9.2<br />

The Exchange won only on [lt. Crlspino<br />

Totals .... +5:11 427 506--1464 Selectmen Pick EIllott<br />

As Town Counsel Again<br />

COUNTRY RESTAURANT Judge Stephen K. Elliott of<br />

DePastino .. 95 87 -- 182 North Ma n Street was xename,d<br />

McLeod .... 91 87 90-- 268<br />

Caxdlnale ... 81 13G-- 217[ counsel fox' the coming year<br />

105 89-- the Selectmen's meeting Fri-<br />

ll3 9.2-- 299! day"<br />

111 99-- 210 Other appointmen made by the<br />

Selectmen were as follows: Wil-<br />

+ i/ . Imagine how P d]ly fans wonl'l Moose Club boys. M. Mongillo Total++ .... 4GI 5O3 507--1471 M. +P ch, one year term on<br />

Don't F<strong>org</strong>et To Mail Your<br />

Christmas Cardt<br />

Alex's in 1950 Of course, tbeir whl]e Laeoureiere's 3.26 Paul McLaughlin, renamed to fiw<br />

Dr pIn nd See r Selection of an avera ht innings in i Della Neve boys who won two Tommtti .. I10 104<br />

games from the Qulnnipiac Pack-<br />

Dain Gift Sc r e Hankie<br />

" " ference sewer superin-<br />

..... 1320 was tops for the lose<br />

Konstanty won u an mm seven, 560 15 0 tendent; Geor D. Butler, Thom<br />

allowed 109 hits, walked 51 and] The Telephone Company won<br />

I ave It<br />

week's advice<br />

ROYAL WHIPPET .. $10.00<br />

ROYAL DELUXE . .. $12.50<br />

IMPERIAL ......... $15.00<br />

SOVEREIGN ....... $20.00<br />


=, (Forfeit) 1 $8.50 & $I0,00<br />

• Low Score .. 80 80 80-- 2401 ....<br />

- FOWL & ° LEE<br />

HEAVY MODELS ' Totals ... 470 478 454--1402t l<br />

-"+'°"+ ' -- " FRESH PRE-SHA ED .......<br />

of englne-body-¢hattit<br />

¢omblnationstofiteve<br />


Koziol ..... 84 104 94-- 282<br />

ADVENTURER ..... 0.00<br />

t cklng need Crockwell .. 82 107 105 294l<br />

,om.<br />

Wood<br />

......<br />

Low Scm.e<br />

Derynoskl.,<br />

126<br />

98<br />

98--.20.2'<br />

-- a '<br />

104-- 2021 ROASTERS<br />

,<br />

While you're here ask to see the new "Chick", Van<br />

Heusen's newest shirt creation . . . The shirt with the<br />

magic-stitch collar and cuffs'. This shirt ts made with<br />

Totals .... 409 5.2.2 481--1423] ] regular barrel cuffs and French cuffs . . ..soft pastel<br />

One more incklent that might) READY TO C "=-' -<br />

throw more light on the greatness ] UU We also have a fine selection of Van Henof<br />

this old-time hurler is the fact', COOK sen sport shirts, tailored of fine gabardine<br />

that he was sent back into the 1915, cloth. All sizes, small to extra large. They<br />

Worl4 Series for the third game in m ESH K LED TH SDAYS . for S.l.95.<br />

Boston aml drbpped a 2-1 deeision]<br />

to Dutch Leonard. The amazing, TEL. SOUTHINGTON 657-W3<br />

ing about these two Series', By the way, if you buy a White shirt ask the Mesman<br />

games is that Alexander's earned l<br />

n average was only 1.53. al-[ FREE DEL rERY FRIDAY ( uthington Only) to put your monogram on it.<br />

Think iodo ,,.+ +,,-,. e mNE H mLL FARM<br />

thoogh his record of won and test<br />

Old PHe. another Or his nick- =<br />

name, as ge passes hi days COLLEGE HIGHWAY, PLANTSVILLE<br />

quietly now al his home out I * "-".<br />

there in SL Paul, has plenty ef ]1 This is a signal yott ofion<br />

pleasant memori to while away ] _ ...... see. It means that time is out<br />

lhe hour . For the sake of this " _ and no plays an be rsn. It's<br />

" old timer s magnificent r ord, called b either Ie m or by<br />

,<br />

aaTnew t ck you re considering,may<br />

&have to last a long time. So you II be<br />

GMC ext.-value fedtures clude Synchro-Mesh<br />

transmis ton,Tocco-hardened<br />

let u hope that time has dim-<br />

.... reed in his mind the days of ]<br />

m<br />

Me<br />

.<br />

right" to stay whde<br />

the officia :"<br />

Wise to look at a GMC for these Impel crankshaft, full-promote lubrication, re- downhill that ensued after his 1<br />

tent reasons: circnlatingball-b ring steerlnggear, air- major league car r had ended. ] [<br />

. plane-typebearingsandLifett eWeath- The , ohl fellow..... knocked around in / / o $e l [<br />

GMC's are built by the world's largest ersealed bs as standard equipment on<br />

exclosive manufacturer of commercial pmctI ll all models from ton up.<br />

vehlcle wlth the @oadest truck engln<br />

rlng experience. That's why more truckers are buyl<br />

oase all for a tong me after nel /<br />

was too old to hurl in the majors. / ?/<br />

.e to,sod tom, tless exh ition l ml lJl l<br />

anms in the l)20s when the magic m m, mt / n / _<br />

-<br />

8a#s<br />

" "<br />

GMC's are tra s. Engine, tmnsmis- proves them best in the long haull to the parks in large numbers. m r @t<br />

81on and f me, s well as b nd xles,<br />

• ' b ghL nd beauhful The<br />

GMCtr ck- llten Ineshavehl hhorse- i n th B eb H w ood tol /<br />

reater pullin power. They re built t tinue o tod y, nlthon h be i 1-; , - ,., * ........ or Information<br />

,,, ,, o, o,, ,o fo the,, / u /- = Z ''-'-, GEORGE MAYNARD<br />

tvee trnyear of ervt wlthlessmain " - monthlyebe whn, h eontrihate to/ 1i<br />

tenance, . OLINE IESELTRUCKS t,i+ a.+++.L t m / x ,.+...,


.Week In Sports feated -- Yale, Trinity and expe,rts had figured would oaccumb l<br />

New Haven Te,a,chers College by 30 or more points to the Hill-]<br />

Faces Stubborn Cornell are in this select group, with:toppers... Ooly the passing wl -<br />

i all three in danger of losmg ardry of Ed Ludorf kept the<br />

record 51,065 fans at Chicago, iathletic endeavor.<br />

gave t e Bears first place in the Thomas G. Benean is one of<br />

loop . . . Cleveland's Browns the few investors in thoroughpaced<br />

the American Conference bred racing flesh to receive an<br />

on his money<br />

r mm kend. c mbt ut in<br />

B J CK DALTON [ Coach Hm'man Hmkman's sin'- game was made by Red ] only last week and the lightlystate<br />

colic e prosing Yale team, w th four wins former Plainvillv High grid s Joe Louis made it official last<br />

Here it is only a few days are but three m fou starts, has sullnlst.d a lot 'now a center for Jessec . . . Ne week when he informed boxing weighted horse crashed through<br />

d there £eotball elevens as yet ue:T formance -Haven, the third member of the leaders that. h fl tu n ta the Saturday to win the Grey Lag<br />

Hnndicap at Jamaica, N.Y.<br />

date . . Liberally spHok[ed th charmed unbeaten trio, will fa ring for more fights . . . He cx- picking up a purse of more than<br />

sophommes, no one, not even Hick- Bmdgepo t tomorrow mght at e pacts to resume training at once $20,000. for his new owner . .<br />

man can predict uhat,the Ehs wall Park C ty . .,. Bmdgepol is ex- for a germs of boats designed to Kei[h Stuart, the apprentice<br />

--- mox the B u vfi[ mu u out tile Htw H veoe*s. partic lpr no er fight with Champ zzax whee scored his first ntlk<br />

. _<br />

Yale Bowl to* th first tmu, m<br />

eleven at lt aca, N, Y.... Also<br />

afte* the per ornmncc a dnst Charles . . . The BVow B ber<br />

^ g'ave a couple of weak reasons for<br />

Haven his action . . . One, he stud he stdl<br />

p cks: Trm,ty to in, New owes raceme tax<br />

success a ard the Benton<br />

B dster . , . Almahmoud, run*<br />

ning for the Willi m H i *<br />





The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation<br />

has increased the insurance on all<br />

vided among several accounts but only<br />

__u__p_ to a total of $10,000 is covered.<br />

During the past seven years, the FDIC<br />

r0port , not a single de }osito_ in an v insured<br />

Ban mLs suffered any loss u balsaever.<br />



CediEed rulings prove Char.<br />

tales heavy-duty trucks with<br />

Valve-in-Head Loodmaner<br />

engine deliver more net honepower<br />

Ihan them o| Ihe princi-<br />

, , After bezng bodt ap as a<br />

last<br />

,, fell 17-6, before the hUsburgh<br />

Col-<br />

, o ,'g,', It.am the<br />


i AT<br />

ers' Joe Geri Beb Waterfield<br />

belted a 15-yard field goal<br />

m the la'q mioule of play to<br />

give the Lo Angeles Barns a<br />

30-28 victory over the Detroit<br />

I,ojack personally accounted for<br />

, • - as he led the Phi Bears to a<br />

For Informatmn Write<br />

. , Box 213. So,thin ton P. O- 28-14 win over the •Green Bay<br />


BUT--We have 21 sets that<br />

will be sold at the OLD PRICE.<br />

All Sets Are Well Known Brands<br />

S. P. WALLACE<br />



iernment, and t mXe ls he will @arden State Park, smden,<br />

]do better in his next go against]<br />

,Charles . . . As of right now al N.J.,towintheVinelandHandl-<br />

Ireturo bout be'tween t ese two, cap, worth $20,000 . .. aten<br />

fellows wou d dr tw exact y pe- three times pre ously by esser<br />

nuts .. uis is through, washed,[ horses, Almahmoud was hgh ly<br />

up, over the hilt... Why can't hv regarded by the ttora... She<br />

:1 well enough alone, or does he I paid off at the rate of $103 for<br />

each deuce wagered on her to<br />

anxiously look £orwmd to the day[ win . . . The veteran<br />

t rlngmg bells in h*s ars will Jimmy Stout, the pilot • . •<br />

{be the le rather than the excep- King Ranch's Assault, Triple<br />

n? . . . His continued fighting'<br />

: can only further dispel the m h Crown winoer in 1946, will make<br />

a comeback this winter on the<br />

h / vi cl ht ', built up<br />

hlm through the ea s when he<br />

[was at his peak. Random spo shots: Ted Knureks<br />

P anv e High gridmen<br />

L ke everyone else connected seined their third straight win of<br />

wlth lc team, we're a xlous to<br />

why Suu in n<br />

I<br />

suppo ed<br />

are<br />

in games he by 'id<br />

. . . And this from a am<br />

fans work- according<br />

ers, the team is far bette than an<br />

.<br />

ave] ge high school agg] tmn<br />

. * to thecoach . . WhaUs<br />

]t mean .... Just that So thing-<br />

]and they nave an of action when the annual<br />

located field for their .nes . . . game rolls around on November<br />

Why are the fans staying away in 11 . . . O. B. Keelcr, the natio lly<br />

such numbe ? . . . Do they expect<br />

every season to :Bobby Jones intogolf immorally,<br />

' ied Saturday at Atlanta, a....<br />

po] a team of kids that gives its He was with the Atlan Jou al<br />

best every, week, crowd or no'... Jesse Owens, acclaimed as the<br />

crewd . : . It's admitt?dly, it ea st t c f e ntu ,<br />

game against Leavemvo h, a night * . y at a<br />

,momal dinner in C icago<br />

affai , the sttendance have Owens is now in social work in.<br />

off stead y to the mere<br />

,<br />

thundful present for Saturdays ca tat f-h U Indian<br />

contc, t a mst EnfieId . .<br />

"<br />

an out-and-oat pea for<br />

Thin s,.<br />

'lootoRa<br />

.......<br />

team, alea at a<br />

n"<br />

m<br />

better "'eu M xi o a fe -ours af<br />

Fc<br />

h<br />

[suppo for thi 1 0 tram, the was inju d in a f tball game<br />

first ever to r pre.cnt the new ..<br />



Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head<br />

engine design gets more power<br />

aut o| every drop el gasoline.<br />

High efficiency combustion<br />

i<br />

Coach Wait Lozoski call a<br />

meetmg of Southm on High ba -<br />

ketball hopefuls this week . . .<br />

Practice is slated to star soon with<br />

ithe former Providence College<br />

c.urt star in h{s first year as head<br />

coach . . . Two $5,000 races will<br />

t highhght the progTams tonight and<br />

tomorrow at Yonkers, N. Y., Race-<br />

'way, one of the country's newest<br />

t and most successful trotting tracks<br />

i... Big Walt Drape's hometo rn<br />

t fans presented him with a new<br />

Caddlac last week when the Red<br />

Sox slugger appeared in Mooscup<br />

in the lineup of a team of major<br />

league barnstormc) . . . Governer<br />

Bowleg made the presentation . . .<br />

Babe Zahartas, top U. S. woman<br />

golfer, probably the greatest woman<br />

golfer in the world, has accepted<br />

a post as winter professional<br />

at the Forest Hills Club at Tampa,<br />

pe dando d equipped con- " "'" - chambels, specially shaped ,Fla.... Plenty of local linkstera<br />

.Chswolet'l great Valve-In-<br />

Head engine and ruggedly<br />

dependable units mean genuine<br />

economy in operation . . .<br />

lower running costs and le.<br />

maintenance €ash Operalors'<br />

experience with more than<br />

2,000,000 bucks prove it]<br />

Registrations ,Show More Than<br />

2,000,000 Chevrolet Trucks<br />

- Now on the Road...<br />

More Than Any Other Make!.<br />

Today over 2,000,000 truck operators have<br />

the world's most popular engine in the<br />

world's most popular truck. For the last<br />

ei ht co sn utiv e_fr.uck producfi?n<br />

Chevrolet trucks have led in sales.., are<br />

Sar ahead this year. Come in--let us give<br />

re0 the facts.<br />

M gl [ I with blumRamucombu.lon.<br />

suorays of the 1950 se on .<br />

,<br />

" "" ....... WAY LUBRICATION Miss Wendt On Air Trip<br />

'... To Miami And Havana<br />

" "N Wfih he olet't Iubdcaffon Miss Joan Wcndt of Southingsyaem,<br />

Oil Row is conholled ton. and the Misses Shirley McCor-<br />

4 ways so all beorlngs and mack and Nancy Orris of Plainopemfing<br />

surlaces receive an vdle left by plane Saturday for a<br />

adequate supply ol oil--ham 'vacation m Miami, Fla., and Hatee<br />

tint turn of the engine-- vuna. Cuba. On the retu trip<br />

regardless of temperature and Miss Wendt -i11 stop at Camp Pieopemllng<br />

conditions, kerr, Vs., to visit Cpl. James Wal-<br />

BOYD J.HEIGHT, Inc.<br />

15 High St. • Tel. 1480 SouthIngton, Conn.<br />

Two great Valve-ln-Hea.d Englnea •<br />

Power-Jet Carburetor * Diaphragm Spring<br />

Clutch * Synchro-Megh Tra_nsmlaslons *<br />

Hypold Rear Axles • Double.Articulated<br />

Broken * Wlda-BaseWheel,s * Advance.<br />

Design Styling • gall-Type Steering<br />

Unlt.Design godlea.<br />

day.<br />

lace.<br />

Ars Package<br />

Store<br />

NOW OPEN<br />


Full Line of I,iqnors, Wines<br />

and Beers. Yes, we deliver.<br />

311 Center St. Tel. 1747<br />

Southiogton<br />


HOOVER<br />

Kay Furniture<br />

Co., Inc.<br />

Across the Green<br />

Tel. 75? SoutMn oa<br />

HOMGAS<br />




KAY<br />



AnOpenLetter--<br />

Dear People:<br />

In a shin'S time the Southington Community<br />

Chest campaign will get underway in an effm't to<br />

raise funds for local <strong>org</strong>anizations. One of the two<br />

important factors to remember about the Community<br />

L;nest is tl at: 1--TillS 1s many n<br />

one. Instead of being asked to give seven or<br />

cent that ou contribute to the Chest goes to some<br />

Southington ageney Ydm mondy sVays rigi t here<br />

in town to help people you may know . . . to<br />

our hospital facilities . . . to help our<br />

Y.M.C.A. program . . . to see that youth moveents<br />

get more funds.<br />

The staging of a Community Chest Drive is<br />

effort for those in charge to <strong>org</strong>anize it. It-requires<br />

a lot of volunteers to serve as canvassers.<br />

Many.of ,our friends and hbors are " '<br />

lected. They ar getting_nothing out of it save the<br />

feeling that they are serving their commuuity.<br />

When tile time comes to make your contribution<br />

give what you can afford. Small gifts and large<br />

gifts will be welcomed.<br />

Sou[hington's school population, now at about<br />

2500, is one of the highest in the state in nroportion<br />

to its total population• Looks like we got the high<br />

school up just in time . . . and maybe that extra<br />

wing which might have been an auditorium may<br />

turn out to be extra classrooms.<br />

Anybody know where the "King's llighway"<br />

runs ?<br />

It is supposed to run through Southington and,<br />

in some way, passes through Fairfield to New<br />

York. It doesn't appear to follow' any known route<br />

today but references to it crop up now and then.<br />

Only ten more weeks until Christmas. Better<br />

get that ChriStmas shopl)ing done early this 3.ear.<br />

Come in at your convenience and we'll be glad to<br />

show you a grand selection of gift suggestions for<br />

the home. Select your gift now and use our layaway<br />

plan.<br />

Autumn leaves are bea,u.tifol . . . and dangeroUS.<br />

Get a highway coated ith wet'!caXeS<br />

to stop your car suddenly and you<br />

Watch your step. " /<br />

If yott want to vote in the state elections on<br />

November 7 and are not a registered voter tomol'row<br />

will be your last day to become one. If you<br />

have resided in the state for one year, have lived<br />

in town six months and are of lawfql age you "can<br />

go to the town hall between 9 a.m. a d 8 p.m. tomorrow<br />

(Saturday, October 21) and be made a<br />

• vo er.<br />

Cold weather is really with us (at least while<br />

this is being written). If you find some of your<br />

rooms not being kept comfortably warm drop in<br />

and see our selection of fine space heaters. We have<br />

heaters designed to heat from single rooms to entire<br />

homes. Don't be cold when you can make your<br />

home comfortable at such a reasonable expenditure•<br />

The corner of Main and Center Streets is eel'tainly<br />

going to look more attractive. The new building,<br />

which, I understand, will house two stores,<br />

will go far towards dressing up the center of the<br />

town.<br />

An out-of-town paper commented ()it t]l IIoor<br />

condi.tion of the I)igl/ school football fie d We<br />

menttoncd somethtng,about it last week. Where<br />

there'<br />


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