The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral

The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral

The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral


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3. In bracket 2, insert name of additional pri<strong>or</strong> art relied upon.<br />

4. In bracket 3, add reasoning.<br />

'f{ 18.03 Lacks 1ndustrial Applicability<br />

Claim [1] industrial applicability as defined by PCT Article<br />

33(4). [2]<br />

Examiner Note:<br />

1. In bracket I, pluralize 'claim' if needed, insert claim no.(s),<br />

and the verb --lack-- <strong>or</strong> --lacks--, as appropriate.<br />

2. In bracket 2, add reasoning.<br />

'f{ 18.04 Meets Novelty, 1nventive Step and Industrial<br />

Applicability<br />

Claim [1] lbe criteria set out in PCT Article 33(2)-(4), because<br />

the pri<strong>or</strong> art does not teach <strong>or</strong> fairly suggest [2].<br />

Examiner Note:<br />

1. In bracketl, pluralize 'claim' if needed, insert claim no.(s),<br />

and the verb --meet-- <strong>or</strong> -rneets-. as appropriate.<br />

2. In bracket 2, insert patentable subject matter.<br />


Item VI provides a convenient manner of listing<br />

two different types of documents:<br />

(A) Published documents - by the application<br />

number <strong>or</strong> patent number as well as the publication<br />

date, filing date and pri<strong>or</strong>ity date; and<br />

(B) Nonwritten disclosure - by the kind of disclosure,<br />

date of the disclosure and the date of the written<br />

disclosure referring to the nonwritten disclosure.<br />



In Item VII, defects in the f<strong>or</strong>m and content of the<br />

international application are identified.<br />

Examples of defects that would be listed in Item<br />

VII are:<br />

(A) Inf<strong>or</strong>malities such as misplaced and/<strong>or</strong> omit'<br />

ted drawing numerals, misspelled w<strong>or</strong>ds, grammatical<br />

err<strong>or</strong>s, etc.<br />

(B) An amendment to the drawings, description<br />

<strong>or</strong> claims which was not timely filed.<br />

(C) Improper multiple-dependent claims (PCT<br />

Rule 6.4) if riot indicated under Item III.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following f<strong>or</strong>m paragraphs are used in Box VII<br />

of PCTIIPEAJ408 <strong>or</strong> PCTIIPEAJ409 "Certain defects<br />

in the international application" f<strong>or</strong> noting technical<br />

defects.<br />


'f{ 1& 08 Drawing Objections - Defects<br />

<strong>The</strong> drawings are objected to under.PCT Rule 66.2(a)(iii) as<br />

containing the following defect(s) in the f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>or</strong> contentthereof:<br />

[II<br />

Examiner Note:<br />

In bracket. I, insert identificationofdefects in drawings.<br />

'f{ 18.08.01 Drawing 1s Required<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Subject</strong> matter of this application admits of illustration by<br />

drawing to facilitate understanding of the invention. Applicantis<br />

required under PCT Article 7(1) to furnish a drawing.<br />

'f{ 18.09 Description Defective<br />

<strong>The</strong> description is objected to as containing the following<br />

defect(s) under PeT Rule 66.2(a)(iii) in lbe f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>or</strong> contents.<br />

lbereof: [1]<br />

Examiner Note:<br />

In bracket 1, insert the technical problem, e.g., misspelled<br />

w<strong>or</strong>d.<br />

'f{ 18.10 Claims Defective<br />

Claim [1] objected to under PCT Rule 66.2(a)(iii) as containing<br />

lbe following defect(s) in lbe f<strong>or</strong>m <strong>or</strong> contents thereof [21<br />

Examiner Note:<br />

1. In bracket I, pluralize 'claim:' if heeded, insert claim no.Is)<br />

and the appropriate verb --is-- <strong>or</strong> --are--.<br />

2. In bracket 2, identify lbe technical deficiency.<br />



Iri Item VIII, the examiner notifies the applicant of<br />

observations made as to the clarity of the claims, the<br />

description, the drawings, <strong>or</strong> on the.question whether<br />

the claims are fully supp<strong>or</strong>ted by the description."<br />

Ifthe claims, the description, <strong>or</strong> the drawings are so<br />

unclear, <strong>or</strong> the claims are so inadequately supp<strong>or</strong>ted<br />

by the description, that no meaningful opinion can be<br />

f<strong>or</strong>med On the question of novelty, inventive step<br />

(nonobviousness) <strong>or</strong> industrial applicability, the applicant<br />

is so inf<strong>or</strong>med in Item III (PCT Article<br />

34(4)(a)(ii». Reasons f<strong>or</strong> the examiner's opinion that<br />

the claims, description and drawings, etc., lackclarity<br />

must also be provided.<br />

If the above situation is found to exist in certain<br />

claims only, the provisions of PCT Article 34(4)(ii)<br />

shall apply to those claims only.<br />

If the lack of clarity of the claims, the description,<br />

<strong>or</strong> the drawings is ofsuch a nature thatit is possible to<br />

f<strong>or</strong>m a meaningful opinion on the claimed subject<br />

matter, .then it is required that the examiner consider<br />

the claims and render a written opinion on novelty,<br />

1800-109 August 2001

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