The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral

The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral

The Subject Patent Already Has Underlining or ... - Bayhdolecentral


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<strong>The</strong> search fee which the applicant is required to<br />

pay is intended to compensate the International<br />

Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity f<strong>or</strong> carrying ont an international<br />

search on the international application, but only where<br />

the international application meets the "requirement<br />

of unity of invention". That means that the international<br />

application must relate to only one invention <strong>or</strong><br />

must relate to a group of inventions which are so<br />

linked as to f<strong>or</strong>m a single general inventive concept<br />

(PCT Articles 3(4)(iii) and 17(3)(a».<br />

If the International Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity finds that<br />

the international application does not comply with the<br />

requirement of unity ofinvention, the applicant will<br />

be invited to pay additional search fees. <strong>The</strong> International<br />

Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity will specify the reasons f<strong>or</strong><br />

its findings and indicate the number of additional fees<br />

to bepaid (pCT Rules 40.1, 40.2(a) and (bj), Such<br />

additional fees are payable directly to the International<br />

Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity which is conducting the<br />

search, either the United States <strong>Patent</strong> and Trademark<br />

Office <strong>or</strong> European <strong>Patent</strong> Office, within the. time<br />

limit fixed, which must not be sh<strong>or</strong>ter than 15 days, if<br />

the applicant's address is in the same country as the<br />

International Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity; <strong>or</strong> 30 days, if<br />

applicant's address is in a. country different than the<br />

country of the International Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity; and<br />

not longer than 45 days from the date of the invitation<br />

(PCT Rule 40.3). <strong>The</strong> search fee amounts f<strong>or</strong> the U.S.<br />

and the European <strong>Patent</strong> Office are found in each<br />

weekly edition of the Official Gazette.<br />

<strong>The</strong> International Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity will establish<br />

the international search rep<strong>or</strong>t on those parts of<br />

international application which relate to the "main<br />

invention," that is, the invention <strong>or</strong> the group of<br />

inventions so linked as to f<strong>or</strong>m a single general inventive<br />

concept first mentioned in the claims (PCT Article<br />

17(3)(a». M<strong>or</strong>eover, the international search<br />

rep<strong>or</strong>t will be established also on those parts of the<br />

international application which relate to any invention<br />

(<strong>or</strong> any group of inventions so linked as to f<strong>or</strong>m a single<br />

general inventive concept) in respect of which the<br />

applicant has paid any additional fee within the prescribed<br />

time limits.<br />

Any applicant may pay the additional fee under<br />

protest, that is, accompanied by a reasoned statement<br />

to the effect that the international application complies<br />

with the requirementof unity of invention <strong>or</strong> that<br />

the amount of the required additional fee is excessive<br />

August2001<br />

1800-64<br />

(PCT Rule 4O.2(c». Any such protest filed with the<br />

U.S. International Searching Auth<strong>or</strong>ity will be examined<br />

and decided by a Technology Center Direct<strong>or</strong> (37<br />

CFR 1.477). To the extent that the applicant's protest<br />

is found to be justified, total <strong>or</strong> partial reimbursement<br />

of the additional fee will be made. On the request of<br />

the applicant, the text of both the protest and the decision<br />

thereon is sent to the designated Offices together<br />

with the international search rep<strong>or</strong>t (37 CFR 1.477).<br />

Where, within the prescribed time limit, the applicant<br />

does not pay any additional fees <strong>or</strong> only pays<br />

some of the additional fees indicated.'certain parts of<br />

the international application will consequently not be<br />

searched. <strong>The</strong> lack of an international search rep<strong>or</strong>t in<br />

respect of such parts of the international application<br />

will, in itself, have no influence on the validity ofthe<br />

international application and processing of the international<br />

application will continue, both in the international<br />

and in the national (regional) phases. <strong>The</strong><br />

unsearched claims, upon entry into the national stage,<br />

will be considered by the examiner and may be the<br />

subject of a holding oflack ofunity ofinvention.<br />

See MPEP § 1875.01 f<strong>or</strong> telephone unity practice.<br />

It applies in the same manner under Chapter I.<br />



Under 37 CPR 1.475 and 1.499 et seq., when<br />

claims do not comply with the requirement of unity of<br />

invention, i.e., when the claimed subject matter does<br />

not involve "one <strong>or</strong> m<strong>or</strong>e of the same <strong>or</strong> c<strong>or</strong>responding<br />

special technical features," 37 CFR 1.475(a), an<br />

additional fee is required to maintain the claims in the<br />

same application. 37 CFR 1.476 (b).<br />

<strong>The</strong> Commissioner has decided sua sponte to partially<br />

waive 37 CFR 1.475 and 1.499 et seq. to permit<br />

applicants to claim up to ten (10) nucleotide<br />

sequences that do not have the same <strong>or</strong> c<strong>or</strong>responding<br />

special technical feature without the payment of an<br />

additional fee. <strong>The</strong> PCT permits inventions that lack<br />

unity of invention to be maintained in the same international<br />

application f<strong>or</strong> payment of additional fees.<br />

Thus, in international applications, f<strong>or</strong> each group f<strong>or</strong><br />

which applicant has paid additional international<br />

search and/<strong>or</strong> preliminary examination fees, the<br />

USPTO has determined that up to four (4) such additional<br />

sequences per group is a reasonable number f<strong>or</strong><br />

examination. Further, claims directed to the selected

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