Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map


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• The main surface water body of Gardner Swamp is Kayes Creek.<br />

• A Wisconsin special concern species, long-spurred violet (Viola rostrata) is found at Gardner Swamp<br />

(Clark 1999). It is unknown if any additional threatened or endangered plants and animals are<br />

present, as biological inven<strong>to</strong>ries have not been completed.<br />


• Protect the remaining upland forest habitat throughout the Brussels Hill area and limit further<br />

fragmentation of the landscape.<br />

• Res<strong>to</strong>re and maintain the water quality and landscapes buffers along the Kayes Creek corridor <strong>to</strong><br />

protect the fish-spawning habitat.<br />

• Eliminate or prevent the introduction of exotic invasive species within the site (e.g., garlic mustard in<br />

the Brussels Hill area).<br />

• Enhance the ecological integrity and landscape connectivity within the corridor of Brussels Hill,<br />

Gardner Swamp and Kayes Creek.<br />

THREATS:<br />

• Escalating numbers of residential and commercial developments, seasonal housing and recreational<br />

facilities threaten the ecological health of the area. Because of close proximity of this area <strong>to</strong> Sturgeon<br />

Bay and Green Bay, people find it convenient <strong>to</strong> live in this outlying area and commute <strong>to</strong> work in the<br />

city. This tendency is expected <strong>to</strong> increase with the upgrade of Highway 57 <strong>to</strong> a divided 4-lane road<br />

in the near future.<br />

• Water quality is threatened in some areas by unsuitable septic system uses.<br />

• Pesticide use and agricultural runoff from inadequately moni<strong>to</strong>red/managed farms also contribute <strong>to</strong><br />

water quality degradation. This is especially problematic in <strong>Door</strong> <strong>County</strong> because of shallow soils<br />

and fractured bedrock. Fractures act as pathways for polluted water <strong>to</strong> directly enter underground<br />

aquifers (Stieglitz and Schuster 1985), and contaminants are often not filtered by adequate soil<br />

amounts before contact is made with groundwater (Grimm et al. 1999).<br />

• Water quality in Kayes Creek is threatened by low dissolved oxygen content and abundant algae<br />

growth. Sources of these threats are cropland erosion, stream bank pasturing, and barnyard or<br />

exercise lot runoff (Corbisier 2000).<br />

• Agricultural lands and other open spaces are declining due <strong>to</strong> residential development. The average<br />

age of farmers is increasing as land prices are escalating, supporting an incentive <strong>to</strong> sell.<br />


• Biological and habitat inven<strong>to</strong>ry for Brussels Hill and Kayes Creek<br />


Planning for Natural Areas in <strong>Door</strong> <strong>County</strong>, Wisconsin, May 1995, by Laura E. Hewitt<br />

54<br />

Glaciokarst Depressions in the <strong>Door</strong> Peninsula, Wisconsin, Physical Geology 1987, by Carol<br />

Rosen and Michael Day<br />

Brussels Hill / Kayes Creek / Gardner Swamp Complex

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