Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map


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Rock Island Woods State Natural Area<br />

Description: Rock Island Woods consist of 570-acres with a mosaic of plant community types including<br />

northern hardwood forest, northern wet-mesic forest, forested seeps, and shaded cliff community. The<br />

interior plateau of Rock Island contains a mature mesic hardwood forest dominated by beech and sugar<br />

maple. Canopy associates include basswood and red oak. Groundlayer species are wild leek, springbeauty,<br />

trout-lily, large-flowered trillium, common lady fern, blue cohosh, and jack-in-the-pulpit. Rare<br />

plants include drooping sedge (Carex prasina), Chilean sweet cicely (Osmorhiza berteroi), broad-leaf<br />

sedge (Carex platyphylla), and climbing fumi<strong>to</strong>ry (Adlumia fungosa). Several moist swales and forested<br />

seeps are found on north-facing depressions within the forest containing herbaceous species such as<br />

ostrich fern, clustered snakeroot, hairy sedge, and squirrel corn. Dolos<strong>to</strong>ne cliffs and ledges occur on the<br />

margins of the forest and some support an upland stand of nearly pure white cedar with some balsam fir<br />

and white birch along the rocky coastline. About 4 linear kilometers of low moist shaded dolos<strong>to</strong>ne cliffs<br />

are found in the interior of Rock Island. These moist seepage slopes support a lush growth of ferns with<br />

bulbet bladder, fragile, walking, slender cliff brake, northern wood, and intermediate wood ferns. Bird life<br />

is diverse with Spotted Sandpiper, Cliff Swallow, Veery, Ovenbird, American Redstart, and Canada,<br />

Blackburnian, and Black-throated Green Warblers. Rare plants and animals include Common Tern<br />

Caspian Tern, northern ringneck snake (Diadophis punctatus edwardsii), rock whitlow-grass (Draba<br />

arabisans), and mystery vertigo (Vertigo paradoxa), a land snail. Rock Island Woods is owned by the<br />

DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 2002.<br />

Access: Most visi<strong>to</strong>rs reach the area by taking the Washing<strong>to</strong>n Island ferry from Northport <strong>to</strong> Detroit<br />

Harbor then drive <strong>to</strong> Jackson Harbor and take the passenger ferry <strong>to</strong> Rock Island. No mo<strong>to</strong>rized vehicles<br />

are allowed.<br />

Europe Bay Woods State Natural Area<br />

Description: Europe Bay Woods encompasses 200-acres located on an undeveloped isthmus between<br />

Lake Michigan and Europe Lake featuring over one mile of Great Lakes dune and beach communities,<br />

red pine groves, boreal forest, and northern dry-mesic and mesic forest. Once the ancient shoreline of<br />

Lake Michigan, the isthmus was created through wave action, resulting in the deposition of layers of sand<br />

and gravel. And now contains northern dry-mesic forest dominated by red pine and red oak with scattered<br />

hemlock, beech, and red maple. Common unders<strong>to</strong>ry plants include beaked hazelnut, wild sarsaparilla,<br />

wintergreen, Canada mayflower, and rough-leaved rice grass. Also present is a mature mesic forest<br />

consisting of beech, sugar maple, red oak, and yellow birch on undulating <strong>to</strong>pography. Along Lake<br />

Michigan is an undeveloped sand beach and low dunes grading <strong>to</strong> cobbles<strong>to</strong>ne beach and finally<br />

dolos<strong>to</strong>ne bedrock. The dunes contain extensive mats of bearberry and creeping juniper intermingled with<br />

rabbit-berry, sand cherry, and the state threatened prairie sand-reed (Calamovilfa longifolia var. magna).<br />

The dunes and beach harbor numerous rare plants and animals including bird’s-eye primrose (Primula<br />

mistassinica), dune goldenrod (Solidago simplex var. gillmanii), seaside spurge (Euphorbia<br />

polygonifolia), lesser fringed gentian (Gentianopsis procera), Lake Huron locust (Trimerotropis<br />

huroniana), and beach-dune tiger beetle (Cicindela hirticollis rhodensis). On gently sloping sandy soils<br />

is a boreal forest of balsam fir, white cedar, quaking aspen, white birch, and white spruce with white and<br />

red pine as the site grades in<strong>to</strong> a forested ridge and swale community. Rare boreal forest species include<br />

the federally threatened dwarf lake iris (Iris lacustris), giant pinedrops (Pterospora andromedea), crawe<br />

sedge (Carex craweii), Cape May Warbler, and Black-throated Blue Warbler. Europe Bay Woods is<br />

owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 2002.<br />

Access: From Ellison Bay, go east on State Highway 42 about 2 miles, then south and east on <strong>County</strong><br />

Highway NP about 3 miles <strong>to</strong> the Newport State Park entrance. Get a park map at the contact station.<br />

A Wisconsin State Park sticker must be displayed on all vehicles entering the park.<br />

Appendix D – Natural Areas: A Definition &Status Report

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