Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map

Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat - Door County Web Map


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The Grand Traverse Islands (or Lake Michigan Islands) includes all of the major islands located<br />

in the water surrounding <strong>Door</strong> <strong>County</strong>, such as Pilot Island (T32N, R30E), Plum Island (T33N, R30E),<br />

Washing<strong>to</strong>n Island (T33-34N, R30E), Detroit Island (T32-33N, R30E), Rock Island (T34N, R30E), and<br />

Chambers Island (T31N, R29E). Smaller islands included in this landscape are Cana Island (T30N,<br />

R29E), Horseshoe Island (T31N, R26E), Hat Island (T30N, R26E), Adventure/Strawberry Island (T31N,<br />

R 26E), Little Strawberry Island (T31N, R26E), Jack Island (T31N, R26E), Sister Islands (T31N, R27E),<br />

Spider Island (T31N, R29E), Gravel Island (T32N, R29E), Hog Island (T33N, R30E), and Fish Island<br />

(T33N, R30E). As this report represents general areas of concern, exact locations of boundary lines have<br />

not been designated.<br />


Surrounding the <strong>Door</strong> Peninsula is a chain of islands in Lake Michigan and Green Bay called the<br />

Grand Traverse Islands. Grand Traverse refers <strong>to</strong> the route travelers followed; once they came <strong>to</strong> Rock<br />

Island, a “Grand Traverse” was made across Lake Michigan <strong>to</strong> the southern peninsula (Holand 1917).<br />

Most islands (except Chambers Island) are underlain by Silurian dolos<strong>to</strong>ne with outcrops along<br />

shorelines and an occasional interior escarpment. Dolos<strong>to</strong>ne shoreline communities known as Great<br />

Lakes alkaline rock shores are present on eastern and southeastern coasts of the islands. Sometimes these<br />

communities grade in<strong>to</strong> alvar, a globally rare plant assemblage. Of the 19 islands in the Grand Traverse,<br />

17 are located in <strong>Door</strong> <strong>County</strong> and are discussed. Pilot, Plum, Washing<strong>to</strong>n, Detroit, Rock, and Chambers<br />

Islands have been studied at length and descriptions are fairly detailed. These islands are also labeled<br />

accordingly on site maps.<br />

Cana Island and Horseshoe Island are both small and have been less well documented. The other<br />

islands are considered smaller ‘bird’ islands. They include Hat Island, Adventure Island, Little<br />

Strawberry Island, Jack Island, Sister Island, Spider Island, Gravel Island, Hog Island, and Fish Island.<br />

The bird islands are now predominantly used by colonial waterbirds such as Herring Gulls (Larus<br />

argentatus) and Double-crested Cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus). Their value for rare plant and<br />

animal communities has thus been degraded (Judziewicz and Kopitzke 1999).<br />


Five State Natural Areas have been designated at various sites among the Grand Traverse Islands:<br />

Jackson Harbor Ridges, Big & Little Marsh, and Coffee Swamp all on Washing<strong>to</strong>n Island. Rock Island is<br />

a state park and a large portion of the island, Rock Island Woods, is a State Natural Area. Sister Islands is<br />

also State Natural Area. Washing<strong>to</strong>n Island has several exposed areas of escarpment along the northern,<br />

western, and southeastern edges with 20-120 foot tall bluffs. All of these islands form a portion of the<br />

Niagara Escarpment. Nearly 850 acres of wetlands (Coffee Swamp, Jackson Harbor Ridges, Big and<br />

Little Marsh, and Boyer’s Bluff) are found near the eastern and northwestern portions of Washing<strong>to</strong>n<br />

Island.<br />

. When comparing the islands with data from 25-75 years ago drastic changes can be seen<br />

(Judziewicz and Kopitzke 1999). Vegetation on the smaller islands has been severely impacted by<br />

colonial water birds in the last decade. Human residential developments and white-tailed deer herbivory<br />

are widespread on most islands. The sensitive nature of the plant and animal assemblage makes them<br />

particularly susceptible <strong>to</strong> human disturbance. Despite <strong>Door</strong> Peninsula’s islands having been severely<br />

impacted by human activity in the late 19 th and early 20 th century, evidence is clear that the many of these<br />

islands still house some of the richest rare plant reserves in Wisconsin.<br />

Grand Traverse Islands 127

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