GLEETT - University of Washington

GLEETT - University of Washington

GLEETT - University of Washington


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director. We negotiated an exthange in the aimxint <strong>of</strong> $500 with an<br />

exthanga rate <strong>of</strong> $1 to 140 dinars (about half <strong>of</strong> the cificial earqs<br />

rate at the tire, ithith thangea daily In a outxy where lnflaticei is<br />

rated 80%). We will receive all Sexbian cadesrj pblicaticea In the<br />

lbp*nitiea aid n'1,i1. Scietxms, ilidin Wosic, aid we shall eid<br />

thea en a regular basis Yankee Book ler yellow slits for selection<br />

<strong>of</strong> American university press pjblicaticn.. Ms. Wecilovic took ma to<br />

the boa for the <strong>University</strong> Library "Svetozar Markavic" where I had a<br />

four-hour meeting with the director, Stanija Gligorijevic, Vera Sekulic,<br />

the lntire aange librarian whose ,rk will soon be entirely taken<br />

over by Mirela Djokic, a og university-trained librarian .to speaks<br />

fluent American E1ish. The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Vinglnia Library had had very<br />

little ccxtact with the Belgrade <strong>University</strong> Library until srj visit. I was<br />

surprised to flid auth eagerness en the part <strong>of</strong> my colleagues at<br />

"Syatosar Markxwic" for activatieg enthanges with American libraries.<br />

ligain I <strong>of</strong>fered an exthange <strong>of</strong> $500 for Serbian isp?ints in the<br />

anities g,4.1 with selection lists sent to me before<br />

books are ehirced. I was told that they can send books ru.t theaper<br />

since they are net held to ctharge <strong>of</strong>ficial ociasercial rates.<br />

)y cnly evening in Belgrade I spent in the delirtful ar' <strong>of</strong><br />

Fasnija Gacinovic, is the eweoutive director <strong>of</strong> the lbright<br />

Caasission in Yugoslavia. Having been born In Pittehurgh, she speaks<br />

native American with ease. I bad made her acquaintance in tharlottesville<br />

in April, 1985, then abe vistad the <strong>University</strong> en a PuThright-apcnaorei<br />

tour <strong>of</strong> the Eastern Seaboard e was very helpful in erving hotel<br />

Mtirss for ma, a rather threnic problea in Belgrade. The<br />

next sorning I took <strong>of</strong>f to D.ibrovnik by plane for a axh-neeied<br />

three-day rest to try to ours w bronrthitis and 1axitis en the blue<br />

Adriatic coast, 'where the weather was decidedly sore cheerful aid<br />

warmer than in rairy apeet and Belgrade.<br />

Since late June and early July is still low season, I was<br />

forthnate to flid loc%ing for $14 per night in a clean aid rather elegant<br />

private lune 4xee windows overlooked the Old n aid the Adriatic.<br />

*at sore wild one ask for.<br />

Fxra flbronhJc I lky to catth a boat for an eight-hour trip to<br />

Split with its magnificent Diocletian palace, ithicth is so big that it<br />

the Renan center <strong>of</strong> town. Slice I arrived en a Saturday,<br />

libraries were closed aid I was free to rose the asn labyrinth before<br />

taking <strong>of</strong>f en Sunday for Zagrth, the capital <strong>of</strong> the Croatian Haç*iblic.<br />

Mirjana Gross, esinent Tugoslaw historian, r seni-retired, who<br />

taught at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> Virginia several years ago, was a meet<br />

gracious hcetesa aid saw to it that I got a wry good fesslen <strong>of</strong> the<br />

lovely old city. The next sorning I was plcJced t at the madam aid<br />

very afortable. Hotel llbrovnlJc by Dzdica VUJvlc, he handles the<br />

American aid other sc*angee at the Naciemaina i Svsucilisna<br />

Biblioteka (National aid Uhiversity Library). She had made the hotel<br />

reservation for ma aid also played host to ma during the ..tole day.<br />

Croatia's National Library is housed in a mast meiable balding built<br />

in the Secession style <strong>of</strong> 1913, which thviously eurvived World War II<br />

with only minimal damage. Brenko HanS, the dity director <strong>of</strong> the libraxy,<br />

Elsara Saric, head af Acquisiticms aid Unrdica Vuic, spent the<br />

marning together disoussing our eiuthange prc.am, which is set at $2,500<br />

per year, again with the exdaare rate <strong>of</strong> $1 to 140 diners for Fl 1985/86.<br />

We also agreed that Zagrab will, true now on, send us preselection<br />

lists <strong>of</strong> Croatian titles in order for us to better coordinate our Yugoelav<br />

earqes and avoid duplication. &anko Hans told ma that the National<br />


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