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engineering report is out on ne of wntcrfloodlng the c"?oll field, which includes Xof Post. A copy hain received here, ns yci, uui Scr Mortland of Drown Brothers of nil In- - ,. ihnt a meeting ..J nif!IP5 111 IIIU ... w , ha rn i ini u i mi. nviu ....rf.kc ihc watcrfloodlng. H the walcrfloodlnR Is undcrtnk- -' w while River Municipal n .iriii nnnrv 111 sen iiiu .L..i-nn- ff n f rms tnc wnicr J. IkA I fHHI 111! ..... m rmu fTUlU. iicr inu - - a . u-- ori oou nc icasiuiiiLy .'.. uiiii consiueruuiu DeuiK . I "" From the White River dam site ihf rnntrnctor StCVC k ihn Hin nnrinrn nnm iif e rem -- iwj - - "o it t fimvn tho eirpnm nca. mc 11 ik . , . ... JEfl fnnf tlHli ft f r uam - . .lAi nm- - OVIIlt tihIU iiw tn mtr nn earn 01 flClgl UlVUIt UHVUJVJ i ui nwin v. ..Li i in nnu chnno fnr some I.J .HUn rnlnfl p iircuiu Un swim rlMf 1. .aUmliilA nmil nrwl . I fl. .U The park develop- - . ...Ill tkn Yrt nmn Pill DIJI1 Will Stl Ulv uih mind the building, south of MJIIIIMll vaiLiii tn tin vuu t ttt. ikn nrirr i ( nn innn inn ri rp n ;tl Ka Iinrfcrimw1 nnil n iipw nlr. urea nnrnpr! there. All the hoo nd rattle ocns have been moved at of the nrca around the uilding but one and It is to go t ...t. t ii soon as a nog wmcn is i:xpi-cun- - Lil . - .1 f I Each year we sec the results of utig lijviu is uuiiu mill 1111; limn- - funds available. She ev Camn. rir rnn rmin u'nv in i nrr mc oiner uav mot nnout ine js of the small flowering trees. carasi me vounpsiprs." i nmn iv. The new clubhouse expansion out the CaDrOCK finlf rnilrsn Ic nnnr. t rnmn ai nn thiK ...n-- i. ...i.i.t. Pane mir ennn nnHnM ...ill locker room, a place to leave Ht.u ii i , uiiu aituni.1 . vnn, 1 , . t . - ..,v u4,,y iiuuit;iii. JIUUL the present, is water. There Isn't fflurh lrf riont r,n... i fc,"k iiu iu ntuiJ .1 . . IUIIIU1 1111:11 -- mm wi ams nnil . uuncan uare. .Jiiuiiv riTwrniAi ,hn irt K. 1." : ..v.t iUr swern VPnr hplnri o . 111 mle cDrunrv. Tom n t - . -"-wuuecu anv Itllurn nlnn HONEYCOMB FILES UP THE TROPHIES More than 20 trophies havo ben won by Honeycomb (inset), Ed Sims mare, on her way to the 1962 world s championship and a flying start tovard a repeat performance in 1963 Honeycomb 5 trophies are shown here in the Sims home. (Staff Photo) "Honeycomb' en route to 2nd worlds title mnnco classes. Ed Sims' paint mare, Honeycomb, upparcntly not content with winning n world's championship in 19G2, is well on her way to top honors ngnln this year. The mure, who hns never been defeated in her class, was the world's champion paint halter horse last year in addition to piling up points in the pcrfor- - Sab in ora Final phase of polio immunization Sunday Several hundred Gnrzn County residents are expected to show up at the school cafeteria Sunday afternoon for Typo III Snbin oral polio vaccine, which will complete the threc-phus- o here. The vaccine will be administered from 1 p. m. until G immunization p. m accord ing Phil Crenshaw, chairman number dropped sharply of SOS steering committee The Typo I vaccine was given here last summer. H.JS Then, in n following S""C 0, H. Hoover Wednesday night herc- - farmer of the Grassland communi died shortly before midnight wcunesuny jmcuiuuisi uumm at Lubbock, where had been pntlcnt for about week. Funeral services for Mr. were this morning at Hud- - vaccine was given out of turn here and elsewhere in the areas served Lubbock-Crosby-Gurz- by the a County Medical Society, which sponsors tho polio clinics. Nearly 1,000 Garza County res idents received the Type I vaccine, to but the the for Typo II following the nn tlonwidc over Typo III. " Mnmtirrn " " nf thi mmHrnl " ' TJ" ner i , ; lW the III the complete In by the j 00k nsk . Sims said. 'Oarzn Memorial Hospital, local physicians, other will assist in Sunday's linmuniza- ( in n n man Funeral Home. I Is who Mnn,inv r,.vipwl., Rress ,0 d(,e on securlllR stes The Post 28 units built Chap-- , hm. of Herbert Jerry have uiiu limy miu nt. win - lio cll,,ic O. H. Hoover, about 75, ty, Progress he housing project Authority in City He survived by his wife, ii,t nn,i nn. tho Grnsslund community corres- - three months the organization has 500 new members and 1,000 The heudquar- - tcrs in Amnrillo. mass Post man is also president of the West Tcxns-Ne- Paint Horse Club. Honeycomb is, naturally, n of Sims; his wife, Jo, and the their two daughters, controversy La ri, and Jconna. Other paint horses at Sims' place nrin switch over just east of are s "on7com, Type vaccine, the Type lS.!"J ' and II of vaccine their -- Anyone Interested paint immunization tnking Type horses Is invited to come out to our HI when it Is dies administered p)ucCi thcrn ovur anJ ino women's Auxiliary" of the questions," owner purchased pharmacists nnd hcr early last year from of and retired showing hcr. "What so you Sims was asked. seen on "A lot of money." he I "She wus champion at Hous-- i ton nnd the reserve champion sold for Hoover pending The Post held I Jn;rf,n,prJ ones is for pondent for Dispatch; one housing to be daughter. Mrs. Nlnn Hello man J'lalnvtcw. anu live sons, Harper, administrator Houston of Litllefleld, of f()r ,ho ,)0USn(, authority, reported Shnllownter. of Lubbock nnd ,htlt been secured and ' t..i. mil.. ifM..dM xsiU jfitiw uvuvui, abstracts now being brought of California. to date on the for the white units on South F Street. :n gnincd Thirty-Sixt- horses. association's h Yoar arc The Mexico TAG SALES fov-orit- SLOW e AT OFFICE HERE Tax Assessor-Collecto- r T. H. Tipton says business is a little slow at his place and he would controversy Fost like some customers. iiepuucs i Sunday, Honeycomb's Lcroy i ran k Spires Snyder immediately Tlmnn kJL" h i, started lit luiiivu figure Honeycomb inu allies, iiu jui worth?" to the courthouse these pretty, answered. grand may uu luuiy luauuu. $7,500." Housing Its Murch meeting h..ii ranger fcdcrnl Slow dog tag sales Lumer 0,)tons peril pets nro are to up location The new 1963 dog tags, which that the stray dog problem is grad- - 9 Stampede, Junior rodeos to combine in one show Aug. 7-1- 0 are dates set for 1963 event Directors of Post Stampede, Inc., and the Post Junior Rodeo Association reached an agreement Tues-- ) day night to combine the two rodeos tor the 19G3 show. I The one rodeo will be held Aug. 7, 8, 9 and 10. dates previously set j by Post Stampede, Inc., directors for their annual show. Tho shnw will combine fenturcy. County records ' C. P. Benson Sr. and wife to . .tanlcy H. McMillan and wife, Lot i, Block 90, Post: $11,500. Stnnley H. McMillan and wife to .. P. Benson and wife. Lot 8 and ast 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 147, ost: $1,500. First National Bank of Amnrillo jlo Paul A. Foster and wife, south '8 feet of Lot 1 and north 55 feet of Lot 2, Block 3, Wcstgatc Addition: $15.-100- . Honeycomb's latest honors, which added a pile of points to her standing for 1363, came at the recent Houston Fnt Stock Show and Rodeo where she was named grand champion paint mare. A few weeks earlier, she had received reserve champion honors at the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show Frank Anderson and wife to S In Fort Worth. W. Potter, onc-ha-if acre in north-- . Honeycomb won 22 performance! ens' corner of west half of north- - trophies in 19G2. She was grand west quarter of Section 12G7. champion of six 1962 shows nnd reserve champion of four. She placed Largest county In England is first 10 times in the aged mare Yorkshire; smallest is Rutland, class. With two big 19G3 shows already! The "City of London'' is just one ncninu ner. Honeycomb will nrjo square mile in size. compete this spring at Abilene, Big Spring, Dallas and at Richmond Boston Is the largest state Hills in Fort Worth, her ownei city In the United States. said. Honeycomb's chnmpionshit points come from her entry in shows sanctioned by the American Paint Stock Horse, Association. which Honeycomb's owner says is ' growing by leaps nnd bounds. Sims, who Is a director of thc association, saiu inar in inc last rn .i. ... w ES.BiMiiiiiiiMjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH.iiiiiiiiimL. B.1111111111111111. wh HIGH-POINTER- S I DISPLAY FHA EMBLEM February s high point Future Homemakcrs of America girls are displaying the FFA emblem us an indication of the big plans being made bv the Post chapter for FHA Week March rI 6 girls are Carol Dee daughter Mr Mrs Ray Hodges, and The Hodges (ic'i' 17 o and Sherry Bevers. 15. daughter of Mr and Mrs h D Happyl Bevcrs Carol Dec. in her third iycar of FHA, s chapter treasurer Th s is Sher y s 'it year m FHA Staff Photo) Over on page 13 of today's DIs- - LLn vnn ii fi ,m i i. uu w,v nnnouncemeni II I.An 1 . w . ... v uuvu iiurrnnspfi i nm'o ftt WeeJc, the cllV nnH .rhrv.1 vuiiuiuaiOS Will hn o hiAn ll. TIm. ui. . . v ,,,c,r Pictures ...:r,,M,cn a'ong with stato-- "l 10 200 Mini. Tl.1. 1. ""lMDCr rnnlrllttln l :riMi.. . .. j IU1U - v. in., n ti n n P I I nit.. - "f 'u mem. nm ih.,.i.. ..n iuiiicu nml u''i .1: "t receive Over on naim 11 r ...i-..- ,. juii I nil il... - m.L - . . tvuiuin iinrv nn.i "ic nnmi . r - -- .iiy Wn .... ' Vnnnn 1 . " iivi n r.i . . 7 " uiB ih . - enterprising. united iiere AIOO.OMo. n.: .: -- the tllnh Krhnnl'c be night's benefit npion nna nis oiuce hnnnuct will be held at 30 could definitely where to with Beta Sluma Phi oro selling 1963 registration yniiuy m tho junor high school hold tho banquet.'1 Teal said ity members, heard report from rruS flr Tho nuthrolty Is awaiting approv- arrived here several weeks ago, unity al by the PHA regional office In are selling at n slow pace, accord- Post men are ul Fort Worth before securing site ing to City Secretary Wynelle Hol- for the location of the Mexland.ican high bidders nnd Negro units. Holland said yesterday that iIiaI The authority voted to change only five dog tags have been sold Its monthly meeting time to the iKir this year. Post men were high bidders rn first Tuesday of each month In City Compared with the city's canine all cattle nnd farm equipment and Hall. population, that Is only grazing land leases on tho four Atcndlng wero Chant Lee, Lee small percentage of dogs licensed farm unit of the O. G. Humllton Ward, Arnold Pnrrlsh, Jim Corn- Illce Chief Elton Corley observed. estate hero Inst weekend, ish und Harper. Ncw license tags ore required J. II. Potts, executive vlco pres- Tho nuthrolty Is hopeful of get-lin- g year. Lust year's dog tags, ident ol tho First National Hank construction under way here like the 1962 automobile tags, are- whose trust department Is handling by Federal fundi for n't good In the estate, told The Dispatch that the project havo been approved. The police chief yesterday a total of 31 bldi were received, n lot of Interest was shown, nnd re- I 2 p. m. sults were very satisfactory. Ifh annual Boo sot for 'bko iuu wm (iu,i T'" Ultlrl,. . ...... Jte said a total of $41,600 was raised In the sale and lease bidding. 9 n inn J, W. (Dub) Gray was hlRh bid i VI Hun- -- .,. . " II v A. E. '',ea ,no dcr on tho Canyon Valley farm, " "Sain- - The Uth annual Gana County who Is serving his 11th year nt tho Josey brothers, Hoy, R. II . Spelling neidnn ii.. " lice for students through Spelling Bee chairman, Royce, and L. L. Wright, were high grade 8, will be held nt 3 p. m. The Post Junior High School was bidders on both tho farm north of Friday In the district courtroom, to have Its elimination contest early Post and the unit east of Pott on with contestants expected from this afternoon to determine Its two the Clnlrcmont highway, Post Junior High. Juitlceburg, contestants. Wash- Close City and Southland. Robinson announced today that ington, D. W. J. Huddletton of Post was high Two contestants will be cllgbile Mrs. Dorothy Bouchltr will cr be f vi; uuv lned by hu bidder on the Lynn County farm from each school, according to the lice and that Mrs. unit. County Supt. Dean A. Robinson, Helen Livingston. Mrs. Eva Mae m, 1, ,s' gymnasium (old school gym) Tickets arc to remain on the nominating Ihe thing about Tipton mer- - committee Athletlc iirectox- Harold Teal on- - until today Tickets will not night's regular week chnndise is that If you don t nounccd twiay. be available the door Friday meeting. Plans for the banquet have been! according to Teal. Tho ncw ofnctrs will Jnii under way for the last few "'y purenaseu iur ..JU mm, .but definite for the event any of business places dis- - . " "I" C. was not until today. 7 n m a u G p m ai l"y' wants people to come on down "wo needed to see many sunshiny days because the last ff J L two or three days ' in March POUSOn S DaMOW levelling off from the head ache it once was, but that "it is still with us." Dog owners who want to make 1 Mrs. iMrfl ri I , nnl. ... ..ILft.l very the The In cess every Police the Bcv- 1963. said for - Pnct nil sports tickets would sold we I riday basketball decide came sorersale s Tuesday at night, Llons. weeks, 9 a place announced "unquci (Kisiurs, how "We're still short on tickets for some of the high athletes to be honored," the dlrec- - uii m iiiii muiniiiK. nv uHm ai A sports fans who will be unable to mi.. attend the that the ticket they reserve champion purchase will admit ono of n the athletes. The tmnniipt. ctfrHhfri fiK a rfim- Robert of munlty-wid- affair, is being spon-Hig- School of Future jored by the department of America the snt SG Lettcrmen's Club, reserve Tho will be China hog at the South Plains Jun-- ; nationally known Claude lor Fat Stock Sliow In Gilstrap. head coach at Arlington state Young Dodson's reserve Tho will be with bred Post Delton pleased" with turnout th FFA Conch Glynn will recog Tho champion in the nize of Antelope China shown team and prosont their of Abomnthy. nwords. Recognition of and number of other Post FFA boys 10 team 1. nnd Club mem-- , wi" he Coach Will Blgott and to Impounded If at t h e he Doe basketball respce-unclnimeshow, no tivo community welfare projects. them vaccinated and high placlngs. The vaccination fee Is $2.25 Post's and of the city police ty's organization were also do the vaccinating. $2.25 stock show prin-fe- e covers the cost of tho contest hold Saturday. Vivian Chief chapter re- - the dog is vaccinated, presented tho FFA nnd Sherry tng be purchased at the City crs represented the tion for $1. tion. County's spellers to compete Friday Kennedy and Charles Dldway will of $30 In prizes to tho three serve as Judges. top spellers on tho level. The winner of the Gana placo will $15; Bee will go on to the regional contest In Lubbock on April 6, from place, $10 and plnco, whero tho winner will go to Blue and boll point pens C for the national Spel- will also bo presented the first, ling Bee. and third Tho Post Chamber of Commerco White ribbons will go to all other again this year will award n total contestants. - Members of Post Lions Clu' many of still "sore" froi.i before high They' elected April from the slate nom inatcd the committee, with nom also being accepted from the floor at that time. school Members of com mlttce were John E. Carter iiiiniiiun !,.,, banquet Travis Thomas. The Lions had to settle 17 17 in their buskctball game witli sorority members nftor hnv .Pete) Dodson the Post mg some of their points "taken chapter athletic away" because wero made Farmers showed thL. the members of tho sorority champion Spotted Poland RUest speaker the team were carrying roforee "Flam (Chena) Fanniolou" Ramsey from the Lubbock floor bodily. Tuesday. College. Both the Lions and sorority mem champ-- 1 program opened hers expressed themselves as barrow was tho the Invocation by Robinson. the and chapter. Gregg proceeds. A crowd of about 200 at- Spotted member the tended and proceeds nl Poland class was by football ready are near the $175 mark, witTr Terry Barton nwards some of ticket sellers yet to A the Antelope basketball report. Gaan County by The Lions Club nnd sorority nnd disposed of. bers exhibited llvostock toam Conch use the proceeds for their nro warned to have there were other licensed. Conch Teal will present the first chapter annual awards to outstanding force boy und girl athletes. the The monl will be served Furr's Catering Service of Lubbock Corley McWhirt. Teal said today that plans After being made to accommodate more organiza than 300 persons nt the banquet One-ac- t play contest at Spur on Tuesday cash county County First win second Linda Teddy third $5. Bamcs. Howard ribbons Carlylc, speech Instuctor, is play second winners. before Rotarlans at luncheon Tuesday In Vn" by the athletic Dr. for tie the ion by the net up, by Kpunt. FFA the re-wi-ll Land presented by judging is vucclne, said, swecthoart. nre set for Friday can The annual land Judging of th Mesa District of Future Farm ers of Americu will bo held In Post nt 3 p, m, Frlduy. Tho Gurzn Soil Conservation The Post High School entry In ino coumy-place s young the one-n- et play contest at Spur duetto "cZZ,io noxt Tuesday will be '"Mooncalf Trimble. FFA chanter advisor. MuRtord." j Four fields, selected by Soil Cai- - The six member cast Includes seovatlon Service personnel, have Alyn Cox. Jimmy Wells, Cherl "een for Uic land Judgln.-;- , them (nations nom'.nating they while ing "well tho the wilf but the DIb- - Furm- Moore. McMahon, Scott nnd Kenneth the director. Ine piny was presented Post their weekly City Hall. - Ike selected Trlmblo said, A plaque for the first place team and individual medals for the three high point Judgcrs will be funds by the SCS. Banners for tl'o first, second and third! place teams will be furnished by the JrFA Actions Post, Garza County, Texas, Thursday, March 71, 1963 Sports banquet is set for tonight Price Number Officer sfafe is presented Lions 10c 42

engineering report is out on<br />

ne<br />

of wntcrfloodlng the<br />

c"?oll field, which includes<br />

Xof Post. A copy hain<br />

received here, ns yci, uui<br />

Scr Mortland of Drown Brothers<br />

of nil In- -<br />

,. ihnt a meeting<br />

..J nif!IP5 111 IIIU ... w<br />

, ha rn i ini u i mi. nviu<br />

....rf.kc ihc watcrfloodlng.<br />

H the walcrfloodlnR Is undcrtnk- -'<br />

w while River Municipal<br />

n .iriii nnnrv 111 sen iiiu<br />

.L..i-nn- ff n f rms tnc wnicr<br />

J. IkA I fHHI 111! .....<br />

m rmu fTUlU. iicr inu - - a<br />

. u-- ori oou nc icasiuiiiLy<br />

.'.. uiiii consiueruuiu<br />

DeuiK<br />

. I ""<br />

From the White River dam site<br />

ihf rnntrnctor StCVC<br />

k ihn Hin nnrinrn nnm<br />

iif e rem -- iwj - - "o it t fimvn tho eirpnm nca.<br />

mc 11 ik . ,<br />

. ... JEfl fnnf tlHli ft f<br />

r uam<br />

-<br />

.<br />

.lAi nm- - OVIIlt tihIU iiw tn mtr nn earn<br />

01 flClgl UlVUIt UHVUJVJ<br />

i ui nwin v.<br />

..Li i in nnu chnno fnr some<br />

I.J .HUn rnlnfl p iircuiu Un swim<br />

rlMf<br />

1. .aUmliilA nmil nrwl<br />

. I fl. .U<br />

The park develop- -<br />

. ...Ill tkn Yrt nmn<br />

Pill DIJI1 Will Stl Ulv uih<br />

mind the building, south of<br />

MJIIIIMll vaiLiii tn tin vuu t ttt.<br />

ikn nrirr i ( nn innn inn ri rp n<br />

;tl Ka Iinrfcrimw1 nnil n iipw nlr.<br />

urea nnrnpr! there. All the hoo<br />

nd rattle ocns have been moved<br />

at of the nrca around the<br />

uilding but one and It is to go<br />

t ...t. t ii<br />

soon as a nog wmcn is i:xpi-cun-<br />

- Lil . - .1 f I<br />

Each year we sec the results of<br />

utig lijviu is uuiiu mill 1111; limn- -<br />

funds available. She ev Camn.<br />

rir rnn rmin u'nv in i nrr<br />

mc oiner uav mot nnout ine<br />

js of the small flowering trees.<br />

carasi me vounpsiprs." i nmn iv.<br />

The new clubhouse expansion out<br />

the CaDrOCK finlf rnilrsn Ic nnnr.<br />

t rnmn ai nn thiK ...n-- i. ...i.i.t.<br />

Pane mir ennn nnHnM ...ill<br />

locker room, a place to leave<br />

Ht.u ii i , uiiu aituni.1<br />

. vnn, 1 , . t .<br />

- ..,v u4,,y iiuuit;iii. JIUUL<br />

the present, is water. There Isn't<br />

fflurh lrf riont r,n... i<br />

fc,"k iiu iu ntuiJ<br />

.1 . . IUIIIU1 1111:11<br />

-- mm wi ams nnil<br />

. uuncan uare.<br />

.Jiiuiiv riTwrniAi ,hn<br />

irt K. 1." :<br />

..v.t iUr swern VPnr hplnri<br />

o . 111 mle cDrunrv. Tom<br />

n t<br />

-<br />

. -"-wuuecu anv Itllurn nlnn<br />


More than 20 trophies havo ben won by Honeycomb (inset), Ed Sims mare, on her way to the<br />

1962 world s championship and a flying start tovard a repeat performance in 1963 Honeycomb<br />

5 trophies are shown here in the Sims home. (Staff Photo)<br />

"Honeycomb' en route<br />

to 2nd worlds title<br />

mnnco classes.<br />

Ed Sims' paint mare, Honeycomb,<br />

upparcntly not content with<br />

winning n world's championship in<br />

19G2, is well on her way to top<br />

honors ngnln this year.<br />

The mure, who hns<br />

never been defeated in her class,<br />

was the world's champion paint<br />

halter horse last year in addition<br />

to piling up points in the pcrfor- -<br />

Sab in ora<br />

Final phase of polio<br />

immunization Sunday<br />

Several hundred Gnrzn County<br />

residents are expected to show up<br />

at the school cafeteria Sunday afternoon<br />

for Typo III Snbin oral polio<br />

vaccine, which will complete the<br />

threc-phus- o here.<br />

The vaccine will be administered<br />

from 1 p. m. until G immunization<br />

p. m accord<br />

ing Phil Crenshaw, chairman number dropped sharply<br />

of SOS steering committee<br />

The Typo I vaccine was given<br />

here last summer.<br />

H.JS<br />

Then, in n<br />

following<br />

S""C<br />

0, H. Hoover<br />

Wednesday night<br />

herc- -<br />

farmer of the Grassland communi<br />

died shortly before midnight<br />

wcunesuny jmcuiuuisi uumm<br />

at Lubbock, where had been<br />

pntlcnt for about week.<br />

Funeral services for Mr.<br />

were this morning at Hud- -<br />

vaccine was given out of turn here<br />

and elsewhere in the areas served<br />

Lubbock-Crosby-Gurz- by the a County<br />

Medical Society, which sponsors<br />

tho polio clinics.<br />

Nearly 1,000 Garza County res<br />

idents received the Type I vaccine,<br />

to<br />

but the<br />

the for Typo II following the nn<br />

tlonwidc over Typo III.<br />

" Mnmtirrn " " nf thi mmHrnl<br />

" '<br />

TJ" ner i , ;<br />

lW<br />

the III<br />

the complete In<br />

by the<br />

j 00k nsk<br />

. Sims said.<br />

'Oarzn Memorial Hospital, local<br />

physicians, other<br />

will assist in Sunday's linmuniza-<br />

(<br />

in<br />

n<br />

n<br />

man Funeral Home.<br />

I<br />

Is who Mnn,inv r,.vipwl.,<br />

Rress ,0 d(,e on securlllR stes<br />

The Post 28 units built<br />

Chap-- ,<br />

hm.<br />

of<br />

Herbert<br />

Jerry have<br />

uiiu limy miu nt. win<br />

-<br />

lio cll,,ic<br />

O. H. Hoover, about 75,<br />

ty,<br />

Progress<br />

he<br />

housing project<br />

Authority<br />

in City<br />

He survived by his wife, ii,t nn,i nn.<br />

tho Grnsslund community corres- -<br />

three months the organization has<br />

500 new members and 1,000<br />

The heudquar- -<br />

tcrs in Amnrillo.<br />

mass<br />

Post man is also president<br />

of the West Tcxns-Ne-<br />

Paint Horse Club.<br />

Honeycomb is, naturally, n<br />

of Sims; his wife, Jo, and<br />

the their two daughters,<br />

controversy<br />

La ri, and Jconna.<br />

Other paint horses at Sims' place<br />

nrin<br />

switch<br />

over<br />

just east of are s "on7com,<br />

Type vaccine, the Type<br />

lS.!"J '<br />

and II of vaccine their --<br />

Anyone Interested paint<br />

immunization tnking Type horses Is invited to come out to our<br />

HI when it Is dies<br />

administered p)ucCi thcrn ovur anJ<br />

ino women's Auxiliary" of the questions,"<br />

owner purchased<br />

pharmacists nnd hcr early last year from<br />

of and<br />

retired<br />

showing hcr.<br />

"What so you<br />

Sims was asked.<br />

seen on "A lot of money." he<br />

I "She wus champion at Hous-- i<br />

ton nnd the reserve champion sold<br />

for<br />

Hoover<br />

pending<br />

The Post held I Jn;rf,n,prJ ones<br />

is<br />

for<br />

pondent for Dispatch; one housing to be<br />

daughter. Mrs. Nlnn Hello<br />

man J'lalnvtcw. anu live sons, Harper, administrator<br />

Houston of Litllefleld, of f()r ,ho ,)0USn(, authority, reported<br />

Shnllownter. of Lubbock nnd ,htlt been secured and<br />

'<br />

t..i. mil.. ifM..dM xsiU<br />

jfitiw uvuvui, abstracts now being brought<br />

of California.<br />

to date on the for the<br />

white units on South F Street.<br />

:n<br />

gnincd<br />

Thirty-Sixt- horses. association's<br />

h Yoar<br />

arc<br />

The<br />

Mexico<br />

TAG SALES fov-orit- SLOW<br />

e<br />


Tax Assessor-Collecto- r T. H.<br />

Tipton says business is a little<br />

slow at his place and he would<br />

controversy<br />

Fost<br />

like some customers.<br />

iiepuucs<br />

i<br />

Sunday,<br />

Honeycomb's<br />

Lcroy i ran k<br />

Spires Snyder immediately<br />

Tlmnn kJL" h i,<br />

started<br />

lit luiiivu<br />

figure Honeycomb<br />

inu allies, iiu jui<br />

worth?"<br />

to the courthouse these pretty,<br />

answered.<br />

grand<br />

may uu luuiy luauuu.<br />

$7,500."<br />

Housing<br />

Its Murch meeting<br />

h..ii<br />

ranger<br />

fcdcrnl Slow dog tag sales<br />

Lumer<br />

0,)tons peril pets<br />

nro are to<br />

up location<br />

The new 1963 dog tags, which that the stray dog problem is grad- -<br />

9<br />

Stampede, Junior rodeos<br />

to combine in one show<br />

Aug. 7-1- 0 are<br />

dates set for<br />

1963 event<br />

Directors of Post Stampede, Inc.,<br />

and the Post Junior Rodeo Association<br />

reached an agreement Tues-- )<br />

day night to combine the two rodeos<br />

tor the 19G3 show.<br />

I The one rodeo will be held Aug.<br />

7, 8, 9 and 10. dates previously set<br />

j by Post Stampede, Inc., directors<br />

for their annual show.<br />

Tho shnw will combine fenturcy.<br />

County records<br />

'<br />

C. P. Benson Sr. and wife to .<br />

.tanlcy H. McMillan and wife, Lot<br />

i, Block 90, Post: $11,500.<br />

Stnnley H. McMillan and wife to<br />

.. P. Benson and wife. Lot 8 and<br />

ast 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 147,<br />

ost: $1,500.<br />

First National Bank of Amnrillo<br />

jlo Paul A. Foster and wife, south<br />

'8 feet of Lot 1 and north 55 feet<br />

of Lot 2, Block 3, Wcstgatc Addition:<br />

$15.-100- .<br />

Honeycomb's latest honors,<br />

which added a pile of points to<br />

her standing for 1363, came at the<br />

recent Houston Fnt Stock Show and<br />

Rodeo where she was named grand<br />

champion paint mare. A few weeks<br />

earlier, she had received reserve<br />

champion honors at the Southwestern<br />

Exposition and Fat Stock Show<br />

Frank Anderson and wife to S<br />

In Fort Worth.<br />

W. Potter, onc-ha-if acre in north-- .<br />

Honeycomb won 22 performance! ens' corner of west half of north- -<br />

trophies in 19G2. She was grand west quarter of Section 12G7.<br />

champion of six 1962 shows nnd reserve<br />

champion of four. She placed Largest county In England is<br />

first 10 times in the aged mare Yorkshire; smallest is Rutland,<br />

class.<br />

With two big 19G3 shows already! The "City of London'' is just one<br />

ncninu ner. Honeycomb will nrjo square mile in size.<br />

compete this spring at Abilene, Big<br />

Spring, Dallas and at Richmond Boston Is the largest state<br />

Hills in Fort Worth, her ownei city In the United States.<br />

said.<br />

Honeycomb's chnmpionshit<br />

points come from her entry in<br />

shows sanctioned by the American<br />

Paint Stock Horse, Association.<br />

which Honeycomb's owner says is<br />

'<br />

growing by leaps nnd bounds.<br />

Sims, who Is a director of thc<br />

association, saiu inar in inc last<br />

rn .i. ... w<br />

ES.BiMiiiiiiiMjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH.iiiiiiiiimL. B.1111111111111111. wh<br />


S I<br />


February s high point Future Homemakcrs of America girls are displaying the FFA emblem<br />

us an indication of the big plans being made bv the Post chapter for FHA Week March rI<br />

6 girls are Carol Dee daughter Mr Mrs Ray Hodges, and<br />

The Hodges (ic'i' 17 o and<br />

Sherry Bevers. 15. daughter of Mr and Mrs h D Happyl Bevcrs Carol Dec. in her third<br />

iycar of FHA, s chapter treasurer Th s is Sher y s 'it year m FHA Staff Photo)<br />

Over on page 13 of today's DIs- -<br />

LLn vnn ii fi ,m i i. uu w,v nnnouncemeni<br />

II I.An 1 . w . ...<br />

v uuvu iiurrnnspfi i nm'o<br />

ftt WeeJc, the cllV nnH .rhrv.1<br />

vuiiuiuaiOS Will hn o hiAn ll.<br />

TIm. ui. . .<br />

v ,,,c,r Pictures<br />

...:r,,M,cn a'ong with stato--<br />

"l 10 200 Mini. Tl.1. 1.<br />

""lMDCr rnnlrllttln l<br />

:riMi.. . .. j IU1U<br />

- v. in., n ti n n P I I nit..<br />

- "f 'u mem. nm ih.,.i.. ..n<br />

iuiiicu nml u''i .1:<br />

"t receive<br />

Over on naim 11 r ...i-..- ,.<br />

juii I nil il... - m.L<br />

- . . tvuiuin iinrv nn.i<br />

"ic nnmi . r<br />

- -- .iiy Wn ....<br />

' Vnnnn 1 . "<br />

iivi n r.i . . 7 "<br />

uiB ih .<br />

- enterprising.<br />

united iiere<br />

AIOO.OMo.<br />

n.: .: -- the<br />

tllnh Krhnnl'c<br />

be night's benefit<br />

npion nna nis oiuce hnnnuct will be held at 30 could definitely where to with Beta Sluma Phi<br />

oro selling 1963 registration yniiuy m tho junor high school hold tho banquet.'1 Teal said ity members, heard report from<br />

rruS flr<br />

Tho nuthrolty Is awaiting approv- arrived here several weeks ago, unity<br />

al by the PHA regional office In are selling at n slow pace, accord-<br />

Post men are<br />

ul<br />

Fort Worth before securing site ing to City Secretary Wynelle Hol-<br />

for the location of the Mexland.ican high bidders<br />

nnd Negro units.<br />

Holland said yesterday that<br />

iIiaI<br />

The authority voted to change only five dog tags have been sold<br />

Its monthly meeting time to the iKir this year.<br />

Post men were high bidders rn first Tuesday of each month In City Compared with the city's canine<br />

all cattle nnd farm equipment and Hall.<br />

population, that Is only<br />

grazing land leases on tho four Atcndlng wero Chant Lee, Lee small percentage of dogs licensed<br />

farm unit of the O. G. Humllton Ward, Arnold Pnrrlsh, Jim Corn- Illce Chief Elton Corley observed.<br />

estate hero Inst weekend,<br />

ish und Harper.<br />

Ncw license tags ore required<br />

J. II. Potts, executive vlco pres- Tho nuthrolty Is hopeful of get-lin- g year. Lust year's dog tags,<br />

ident ol tho First National Hank construction under way here like the 1962 automobile tags, are-<br />

whose trust department Is handling by Federal fundi for n't good In<br />

the estate, told The Dispatch that the project havo been approved. The police chief yesterday<br />

a total of 31 bldi were received, n<br />

lot of Interest was shown, nnd re-<br />

I 2 p. m.<br />

sults were very satisfactory. Ifh annual Boo sot for<br />

'bko iuu wm (iu,i<br />

T'" Ultlrl,. . ...... Jte said a total of $41,600 was<br />

raised In the sale and lease bidding.<br />

9 n inn J, W. (Dub) Gray was hlRh bid<br />

i<br />

VI Hun- -- .,. . " II v<br />

A. E. '',ea ,no dcr on tho Canyon Valley farm,<br />

" "Sain- -<br />

The Uth annual Gana County who Is serving his 11th year nt<br />

tho Josey brothers, Hoy, R. II .<br />

Spelling<br />

neidnn ii.. "<br />

lice for students through Spelling Bee chairman,<br />

Royce, and L. L. Wright, were high grade 8, will be held nt 3 p. m. The Post Junior High School was<br />

bidders on both tho farm north of Friday In the district courtroom, to have Its elimination contest early<br />

Post and the unit east of Pott on with contestants expected from this afternoon to determine Its two<br />

the Clnlrcmont highway,<br />

Post Junior High. Juitlceburg, contestants.<br />

Wash-<br />

Close City and Southland.<br />

Robinson announced today that ington, D.<br />

W. J. Huddletton of Post was high<br />

Two contestants will be cllgbile Mrs. Dorothy Bouchltr will cr be<br />

f vi; uuv lned by hu bidder on the Lynn County farm from each school, according to<br />

the lice and that Mrs.<br />

unit.<br />

County Supt. Dean A. Robinson, Helen Livingston. Mrs. Eva Mae<br />

m, 1, ,s' gymnasium (old school gym) Tickets arc to remain on the nominating<br />

Ihe thing about Tipton mer- - committee<br />

Athletlc iirectox- Harold Teal on- - until today Tickets will not night's regular week<br />

chnndise is that If you don t<br />

nounccd twiay. be available the door Friday meeting.<br />

Plans for the banquet have been! according to Teal. Tho ncw ofnctrs will<br />

Jnii under way for the last few "'y purenaseu iur ..JU<br />

mm, .but definite for the event any of business places dis- -<br />

. " "I" C. was not until today. 7 n m<br />

a<br />

u<br />

G p m<br />

ai<br />

l"y'<br />

wants people to come on down "wo needed to see many<br />

sunshiny days because the last ff J L<br />

two or three days '<br />

in March POUSOn S DaMOW<br />

levelling off from the head<br />

ache it once was, but that "it is<br />

still with us."<br />

Dog owners who want to make<br />

1 Mrs.<br />

iMrfl ri I , nnl. ... ..ILft.l<br />

very<br />

the<br />

The In<br />

cess<br />

every<br />

Police<br />

the<br />

Bcv-<br />

1963.<br />

said<br />

for<br />

-<br />

Pnct<br />

nil sports tickets would sold we I riday basketball<br />

decide came sorersale<br />

s Tuesday<br />

at<br />

night,<br />

Llons.<br />

weeks,<br />

9<br />

a place<br />

announced<br />

"unquci (Kisiurs,<br />

how "We're still short on tickets for<br />

some of the high athletes<br />

to be honored," the dlrec- -<br />

uii m iiiii muiniiiK. nv<br />

uHm ai A<br />

sports fans who will be unable to<br />

mi..<br />

attend the that the ticket<br />

they reserve champion purchase will admit ono of<br />

n<br />

the athletes.<br />

The tmnniipt. ctfrHhfri fiK a rfim-<br />

Robert of munlty-wid- affair, is being spon-Hig-<br />

School of Future jored by the department<br />

of America the snt SG Lettcrmen's Club,<br />

reserve Tho will be<br />

China hog at the South Plains Jun-- ; nationally known Claude<br />

lor Fat Stock Sliow In Gilstrap. head coach at Arlington<br />

state<br />

Young Dodson's reserve<br />

Tho will be with<br />

bred Post Delton pleased" with turnout th<br />

FFA Conch Glynn will recog<br />

Tho champion in the nize of Antelope<br />

China<br />

shown team and prosont their<br />

of Abomnthy. nwords. Recognition of and<br />

number of other Post FFA boys 10<br />

team<br />

1.<br />

nnd Club mem-- , wi" he Coach Will Blgott and to<br />

Impounded If at t h e he Doe basketball respce-unclnimeshow,<br />

no tivo community welfare projects.<br />

them vaccinated and high placlngs.<br />

The vaccination fee Is $2.25 Post's and<br />

of the city police ty's organization were also<br />

do the vaccinating. $2.25 stock show prin-fe- e<br />

covers the cost of tho contest hold Saturday. Vivian<br />

Chief chapter re- -<br />

the dog is vaccinated, presented tho FFA nnd Sherry<br />

tng be purchased at the City crs represented the<br />

tion for $1.<br />

tion.<br />

County's spellers to compete Friday<br />

Kennedy and Charles Dldway will of $30 In prizes to tho three<br />

serve as Judges.<br />

top spellers on tho level.<br />

The winner of the Gana<br />

placo will $15;<br />

Bee will go on to the regional contest<br />

In Lubbock on April 6, from<br />

place, $10 and plnco,<br />

whero tho winner will go to<br />

Blue and boll point pens<br />

C for the national Spel- will also bo presented the first,<br />

ling Bee.<br />

and third<br />

Tho Post Chamber of Commerco White ribbons will go to all other<br />

again this year will award n total contestants.<br />

-<br />

Members of Post Lions Clu'<br />

many of still "sore" froi.i<br />

before<br />

high<br />

They'<br />

elected April from the slate nom<br />

inatcd the committee, with nom<br />

also being accepted from<br />

the floor at that time.<br />

school<br />

Members of com<br />

mlttce were John E. Carter<br />

iiiiniiiun !,.,,<br />

banquet<br />

Travis Thomas.<br />

The Lions had to settle 17<br />

17 in their buskctball game witli<br />

sorority members nftor hnv<br />

.Pete) Dodson the Post<br />

mg some of their points "taken<br />

chapter athletic<br />

away" because wero made<br />

Farmers showed thL.<br />

the members of tho sorority<br />

champion Spotted Poland RUest speaker the team were carrying roforee "Flam<br />

(Chena) Fanniolou" Ramsey from the<br />

Lubbock<br />

floor bodily.<br />

Tuesday. College.<br />

Both the Lions and sorority mem<br />

champ-- 1 program opened hers expressed themselves as<br />

barrow was tho the Invocation by Robinson. the and<br />

chapter. Gregg<br />

proceeds. A crowd of about 200 at-<br />

Spotted member the<br />

tended and proceeds nl<br />

Poland class was by football<br />

ready are near the $175 mark, witTr<br />

Terry Barton<br />

nwards some of ticket sellers yet to<br />

A the Antelope basketball report.<br />

Gaan County<br />

by<br />

The Lions Club nnd sorority<br />

nnd disposed of. bers exhibited llvostock toam Conch use the proceeds for their<br />

nro warned to have there were other<br />

licensed.<br />

Conch Teal will present the first<br />

chapter<br />

annual awards to outstanding<br />

force<br />

boy und girl athletes.<br />

the<br />

The monl will be served<br />

Furr's Catering Service of Lubbock<br />

Corley<br />

McWhirt.<br />

Teal said today that plans<br />

After<br />

being made to accommodate more<br />

organiza than 300 persons nt the banquet<br />

One-ac- t play contest<br />

at Spur on Tuesday<br />

cash<br />

county<br />

County<br />

First<br />

win second<br />

Linda Teddy<br />

third $5.<br />

Bamcs. Howard<br />

ribbons<br />

Carlylc, speech Instuctor, is<br />

play<br />

second winners.<br />

before<br />

Rotarlans at<br />

luncheon Tuesday In<br />

Vn" by<br />

the<br />

athletic<br />

Dr.<br />

for<br />

tie<br />

the<br />

ion by<br />

the net<br />

up,<br />

by<br />

Kpunt.<br />

FFA<br />

the<br />

re-wi-ll<br />

Land<br />

presented<br />

by judging is<br />

vucclne,<br />

said, swecthoart.<br />

nre set for Friday<br />

can<br />

The annual land Judging of th<br />

Mesa District of Future Farm<br />

ers of Americu will bo held In Post<br />

nt 3 p, m, Frlduy.<br />

Tho Gurzn Soil Conservation<br />

The Post High School entry In ino coumy-place<br />

s young<br />

the one-n- et play contest at Spur duetto "cZZ,io<br />

noxt Tuesday will be '"Mooncalf Trimble. FFA chanter advisor.<br />

MuRtord." j Four fields, selected by Soil Cai- -<br />

The six member cast Includes seovatlon Service personnel, have<br />

Alyn Cox. Jimmy Wells, Cherl "een for Uic land Judgln.-;- ,<br />

them<br />

(nations<br />

nom'.nating<br />

they<br />

while<br />

ing<br />

"well<br />

tho<br />

the<br />

wilf<br />

but<br />

the<br />

DIb- -<br />

Furm-<br />

Moore. McMahon,<br />

Scott nnd Kenneth<br />

the<br />

director.<br />

Ine piny was presented<br />

Post their weekly<br />

City Hall.<br />

-<br />

Ike<br />

selected<br />

Trlmblo said,<br />

A plaque for the first place team<br />

and individual medals for the three<br />

high point Judgcrs will be funds<br />

by the SCS. Banners for tl'o<br />

first, second and third! place teams<br />

will be furnished by the JrFA<br />

Actions<br />

Post, Garza County, Texas, Thursday, March 71, 1963<br />

Sports banquet is<br />

set for tonight<br />

Price<br />

Number<br />

Officer sfafe is<br />

presented Lions<br />

10c<br />


Hi<br />

Dispatch Editorials<br />

We're boosting state park plan<br />

wits So J Uraajwa toe<br />

h ejcswuary park bare. a fae efaaf<br />

Aair the jaraoras. a ar wbecs<br />

wvjii one as rstrrret-f- d 3C ..ilhii iW fasc<br />

The plas at spend appraxwaisieajr ST.oac.8W<br />

esasar far the tirtTaepriea: af r usetm. Tbe<br />

upkeep si iTir enftrs saas-a- s wber awsfateted<br />

-- arotSd cost CSSCBW lewcnspt sf 3E seaat per wh-Jta- r$<br />

pha wist wsoii sent bark is ssnaassawa.<br />

etc Teras now iats rackety park lyosss af C--<br />

sestly uiiag-"c.p?e- d acres. The c piss sei<br />

te add wm a? rssre land irac<br />

the total w CS.SWC scm Of tins asm" KK.ttS<br />

acre woaid be preaeryed js ns jumses! state aad<br />

r.B would be arsoped far jessrmwu.frt par-poss- e<br />

The TBsreabosus: porticos of Sae propaned park<br />

wmili he feicxtsd washes ear mcco<br />

Texas 22 iar3poiitEC esatess thw ptsntsr, tbsai<br />

close to S5 per eeat of the aitrt pspfabBas.<br />

3t 1 ejfitauaed that by toe year ZJBt. 3<br />

persons trrrrradlf wuidd v ttrr packs.<br />

Such a evsaese wtsatd tsrese is ninr-nf- l S<br />

saiabes tsara buamea Jerfaeataae.<br />

2i,<br />

bir-ailo- y, Ko-s- t. I"Vt3<br />

A bliltt, Hew<br />

"Texas suae part ;<br />

cf Issdatn at<br />

'im tor d. far TV-- toe n.janaiu<br />

rw seeae paebs ymina<br />

in fae<br />

LMabuat Trfa<br />

i.enmi i 1: wwfae be Meet far was . vW u e.u--j<br />

asd he a .l iana ad MTtfc)W<br />

TV: Sfcspales is list tig1 aagrt af fait<br />

writing your congressman<br />

ywf'Te j Ufc tbe trea f<br />

ere number af faa fe watdiit ban yes<br />

fca If yac 4act strMiWr<br />

fe bw wtMhL if jnw vaaot ywar aapsai fa<br />

war anQenwsawe is jmk mwhSv, e JHC<br />

b sMtrr tfane ' rnr bsm T.iwr'iwmiC. jmw<br />

sbBEitf 4: kww wr fturtJiiiiiiL. Ct cb<br />

wmtr su9ct; sMi ft faw flte jmii Mil u<br />

T&taac abree psaaH aoe at aaxr<br />

1 KMCKT trTOCT. CnB03MAl( It ym<br />

tbsst. ir or taaat Matr aaar faatcr<br />


To 3?eet 't fcf risbcSiaa waf aar jNNar. be<br />

fan batte umr wm mmnt tmm. vmrk<br />

race iiiiasm or faaf mmmnnl aaaparr Hr teir aa ta eaaajrsaaatac i vakaaae tot ar that<br />

Ml Mf sum sMvraaMMaiL af btt saaC vk S-b- e MHe Ibev wmaWiPai be 4i be iMjOnBm ay<br />

zmr zbm mm baa w<br />

Vai br sa kaeir. w bm V at<br />

t met a<br />

wmsm fata wae aarfl<br />

tbaft )m whmC a aiaiii-<br />

Brete-vs- taaasr be<br />

brtf zstf the paaal<br />

The boat t w a sacs. M k ooun. at 7Cr nrs<br />

3e jswar awsjMut<br />

tsaaryeaee racst as irbel<br />

yaar vm esecciee Gnr Jwebt<br />

facas jaaC fajaarcw caaioaHw 4aB<br />

mHar sataa aaaar aas baw Oar aaaae waaM safaa jaw ks baaMeac<br />

Tbawr fav Tlia tralrrf Mat ut paolers<br />

48 jjM&e aagr eaosaaMaoaifaci yac aanit jar<br />

eBCSJe. CD<br />

Automobile thefts made easy<br />

"CtteautNot nr saar tawav wt be aasa<br />

ceUMt r.r ' vree J Trta" Hinr as<br />

cart eat LJw fcjaarTtjwiai IwsBtif wse s<br />

yanticiiaif s w<br />

uo 3aC9cat uai. She t QMef<br />

AsswMcias aaaaaaalMilnr aMHnsm<br />

samuuias vv s rati cass' tHnniea' far<br />

rertiaaa a? oabar iMaaaMa afaw far<br />

fan aa af a at car tbatL Madk af<br />

be taafli saaMv 4hbsht Qw<br />

be saaaar wtt ffa far<br />

aV wgr.<br />

nabaat as a warr aaMCL<br />

AM<br />

fa MJ<br />

wtare f pw aaM<br />

fan--'<br />

sjnaalar fa IHi<br />

M pr oaat f fax e fa1<br />

"w<br />

aakaas.<br />

acjijajurf far<br />

ware iirwam iir fmmm f jajat. -<br />

officaaojr. asasmaSoaialr m m j<br />

aaas rbarjwi walk mm faMk JsaatssW fa<br />

tar<br />

On<br />

The trouble with freshman English<br />

brute<br />

EzusKsb cJwiwir art.<br />

Tfac fait aebaaa<br />

the SmiK<br />

iniacii tbe ustiit<br />

tboar raiMk at w wfeat<br />

studf f Eaaafai<br />

b fxtfartt "<br />

nit<br />

as<br />

m<br />

e<br />

He pmmH mm that w<br />

coe IrrrbrMK<br />

ttKMt teprJfawae fa<br />

tbe ball anatbar<br />

rratere<br />

M tbe Ireabmao<br />

faa far safari ajiiiim. aar awfac a<br />

fraafaaaaa sraafaaaaA faM aMtfa baa em aaabsr a bfab aefai fa- -<br />

ajaNt sfaiM at far UaflBM Mane, fat nafaf arfi be btfaor<br />

tbn aaaeb far paaaaaaa can ar wm af wt s aaaaape eaaat a wMMav sjh tweawr<br />

ajb cfWl ant sat. afatmi tbe smm wayanaarr aa fawe pbaaas at<br />

tMgtmk wmmm aMfaat aabwfa fae afaaaan faat faflre as pVaMr ?<br />

muaafai II ifaat-- wave inaiaif aar awatr aaaa ala ib mi bweai bfab ifaaial<br />

Ire nk win abfafaai taaafaar rfafaat t Ufa . a4 m bafac<br />

aa ifaal mmMT afaallrk Lav unfamMfOr wvabt fa aatub IwwsMC<br />

atwanar aanym fa Cnt<br />

bacfxaac a be ac Kafa-- CO far<br />

What our contemporaries are saying<br />

An Ja&epenaese pfe m sail aw aeiirteat a<br />

Mt and beet wrayaB prteeam ai ibe Mmw<br />

a tmpmant fa jswefafat 'Whawt a<br />

JdiT4 way anemjawt prwNpw aetvM<br />

tioC keic nirvH-- e Imidomf<br />

liie vur<br />

Tbe HaaAtus HerabbKrwc<br />

A taaas base aeeau snast Mae bu astfr<br />

when be jmft tbe taxes aa it iUraM Huiaao fa<br />

Tbe Prftyfan Stasday Herald.<br />

Ifisfaflafts teX as about aVe pm asd<br />

about ibe fwfare Tbus euy fa preeis<br />

Tbe<br />

ease-mict- s<br />

eesfaafa- - Kbceti ib Aadfrws Caua-t- y<br />

Kws.<br />

Jase<br />

If yea remember tbe chtirtk tbe sab- -<br />

wooden<br />

sers-jgra- far twr jeas&TH.<br />

Fsrac a: lite musiracrraEBr aest ad stale p<br />

ar'uiaeM wt smc thak af a aaer pmj-s- s c wtwei<br />

antes<br />

lhe tbessM woalS recem s moehfar<br />

tes- - ncnrj' We sas thesk of so prqeac w warfi-whS- e<br />

"ct "ouii reari: ea be etycwr bf w<br />

SMEOf pespSe.<br />

Si n rtL "Tezsf r.mur p ts wu.1l 1: j tp<br />

dewtsep ki tzmns tnfiaagrj.. The perk, gyaaa st<br />

1 aetcrt. hrrt es jtrr xl V'"C f resrexaracsi ir-- sf<br />

The prnpaaed perk pics nx issbr 2a the aetrf<br />

sar estsses bs. the imiopsxss. aC ssr tsunsi<br />

&ost uci bs das! rrrne irac direct mrryrT<br />

wilt acw lull ts gnrijLi:aJ the "rahK- - of sri<br />

mrs tssf arte ?nr m-rapf- osr lae bifiry<br />

resi vfli br 3a beaer fcascei ti ,i:u7tgrt<br />

wc pjr ttsse saae grsntme trses Sra, StVn; Axes<br />

or jaodc rai teifiaja premie zsrr jrcs "i:r,;riiiie<br />

1c fact if the stzse pzrt auM cmar<br />

tse TirtBwis of 9er uurag an eaj vesr<br />

9e Mwniau. atentfs: br tMsasevex. wteSi hafii<br />

pay<br />

s far 1 ttte jar-fr- t. X<br />

be wm Sawe t persaaS ledase abacs year pr<br />

Mest.<br />

SC1CI7. StS2K3CT Dir Cae Texe<br />

fc&f sajal faac af fee stEtttf af<br />

baW iaaa s contevmsamft Bt5cr ever- shettbsc-aai- r<br />

abaac etie lealer 2 21 be cscaic-Boat- t r<br />

waat bwrt bw swbjues.<br />

The rna.ri aar i n r bac a: best saN- - lias<br />

three nr<br />

fmr staff awnabtr ar aoawer abajr 3 jsatrs<br />

s awjr Tbe eact tarrr trjnaf; M expiaus xr jbrau<br />

taeo re to::m r ii inrj<br />

3K ktttes tae Taaaaiicrrae lertr-- Viraan<br />

:<br />

S<br />

wrttor tism t vajue bat ar stnee --rp<br />

thai aa cne awifail.c tbe uw.. tsjjras<br />

J KM0V THT ?CCEW.-?X- 5 TO tLCV<br />

Oanani'i, tbe a' rsae of teaer-w-ttxa- c S3kaarr<br />

te: s a staji-t- i vamed etc Xtast<br />

c tar ceafar) bucl.(t faat buaf tai fae wtal tbe<br />

wattaa afaw fae oea Mi fatafi fae wwf seat<br />

aa fae aawe wbfa pt aad fa nA baard.<br />

wnnLe basue twaabar ar4 nAasi-e- . tbe sfaw-larafa-<br />

ae anrart and eoafaiatd eaJUrt. (be eee-ww- m<br />

anuairr sebnaL brush arbor asemsi. tbe<br />

HfafxBUnk SfwtW and MeCufJrvi readers<br />

fawfaer. you're tm as uf as ys ad fa be<br />

Feaak MM an Tbe tyan Cetfatjr Newt<br />

If tewttfee md be takes fa tapssSe at re<br />

afar dbars iwant as wOd ffad tbrsi mertf<br />

bareaare aad babnfttrmfaf It ibe fratsaafry<br />

t fae Hnrxprrtrd faat keeps fpna saka fa a<br />

bifh bracket Ova&iu Mdsr fa bUtadar<br />

SPHfHC VTAS SMjpme te hvt<br />

ym. m r appewmce as 3 elect<br />

tt Umt mat I CMtt be arr<br />

V Jt rX JTi be te<br />

tot bat Me shape lhes .t<br />

stHca&pc Tec caift IsS Whst st<br />

IB CBffiSjte<br />

Afat if Nsab 3tam b5 ?ce Asm<br />

ca-rn-<br />

JmHSfr 'rTai: tbriKt wt bit<br />

cass-Sir- e plunb-ho- h cx<br />

penraeae siesicsaiae the fiirec-JNb- e<br />

of the wia KnriK rc fee<br />

Jct; lb:' af tpmp. wrK bzve<br />

KTraethof is leiiT'i Dspatrh<br />

nh that The ni ffrtTTrs lepeni<br />

Vsah araw oae. yosrl rerflem-be- r<br />

a-- last the djrestins of the<br />

vta2 is siiaat te Sie Itrc dry of<br />

tp: leS tis wtast tnai eC cm?<br />

ccr wel ieve.<br />

r<br />

THE KAK XaP the C.K m<br />

ywrre yoaaf onr ane t!:er<br />

tbst. yoc aeei sscae gib f: live.<br />

IaaaWr;iKl?<br />

opporrt-vrr- y<br />

is bsri re--<br />

PBfst leccase usunUy ppes<br />

mKa ""k etoCbe.<br />

fast<br />

Tbe ;i n . c<br />

fast c. tau. w:"T 109<br />

it sppesrt tries lae mmber<br />

f acresx irtctmvu we've ha tar- -<br />

Tbe fine tmata utebcc curat<br />

torcs CwLtrj- - Atthttwh, Tfapnirh<br />

sbsp farross. ux it duasat araat<br />

ti ftrst." snce Cacker wacbei<br />

fae prabbes wbfie rwriTfac tbe<br />

sasqr tbtsaax aw rypwstnc<br />

befare jt ev-- m ppsst ts<br />

Tbe first rtuAec ca s<br />

wba la s ber :uue. but aaatf<br />

faat aae setaerreel fast ae I<br />

K Awsdier w caaoK ap US tbe<br />

oarwas safacaac vm Wtatl rbwer<br />

ae af twr test oS m Tbnre<br />

vw ate r lira orik faats<br />

wm4m wfa niniaebT faey barf sbe<br />

aT'iir bat abac';<br />

fame at baw the iiifa aw ae:<br />

J2watwwgaKjLtobar at as--<br />

arali aaiaan 2 1 aac . Artanr eas-af- a<br />

be teaoaer. wnaer. aajsu tr<br />

r aacaar Hr ttmrnafae tfa U<br />

fee Aaat aa fas trriifiatiiiai are<br />

aaisBiir aarf<br />

aa. iwr Mil in him I abawt. ts me<br />

ft wMtar bat r mii iTiiiiii nnaje<br />

be BfamuB traaa akasaar laadeire<br />

mA I'wpai ae ?na atataatoa: !<br />

tbe afacaar aac Mkeaar ae t w e<br />

eUafanaat mi Hac m be<br />

aaaantae Me tmanvt lu<br />

facear bneata faat wrii uw<br />

ncbr br wewts- - far CbarVe<br />

wfaca: stateaaat 2 farfafa S Bes<br />

M far teaeber aad eatfarwer<br />

Tfaat faawes dwaar aad wcaer nr<br />

Chsslac<br />

btos TbBcofa Tes yes aaa<br />

fae raooa was as wiraermmg tr<br />

pacts atsi as ppruniry J Iwr,<br />

Tes ynsrs brses ah it m<br />

asEMtier aarport.<br />

McAXXX) S r.KEO bar<br />

MahaC seaa t-c- wws tbe<br />

tsate flt! B ebacMpirnfatp at fae<br />

state touraaiaeK to Ausbo a.rbtr<br />

bu oweSs ani -- be Asantcsted<br />

Press bad feid dar with wwr<br />

ssBnet abwst tbe Fr.r nvafy of<br />

tbrss ti ibe tonjcauvbeTk rsj<br />

SOUND<br />

I<br />

1<br />

l.B<br />

J<br />

06HTS2SS.<br />

aaBataawsC-- y<br />

fJaaaaabslllafcaaaaalaaaaaaaaa?<br />

Remembering yesteryears<br />

nve ytiri ago<br />

Tices beii Inr Herbert Hrwin.<br />

EspbysHXtms tnjia in. levir<br />

bie ctaBSres sbtnr cnprnursMSC<br />

siicr bemf bscptmhrett Msrimat<br />

Jvrsrt. tSaujsaer cf Mr<br />

--Hir bee J 32. Bradirt recr- -<br />

?-3- es MiB wicker ares Jr<br />

3 Vateaac W apes oHire jn<br />

Pas; Jask resapas M<br />

Pnsr Sejnerajrr Sshoo". prmsipci<br />

Jim 5i Crwa presides:<br />

FTA. blrx. Jen- - 3one. Jarmer<br />

I.lntSt L'.rery limaei Kh bnda!<br />

utawr bstsketbafi isam arapb-raerawtth<br />

t mrpper ja school<br />

csJeseraL J V f3a?) Lace Gn-Ih-<br />

""Dtrt t Leo" namei prarti<br />

chcs3pB is Sns chtkhJ tjacner<br />

Here as eaeeerp: Srrns toe A?<br />

eae 3sr tJbtwei ca: tnesr<br />

ta as suaustsre bastetbiilli is<br />

lcAdo Grade scbaai stadents<br />

pirT bssketbuS isstesi af ssrhtes."<br />

Here usachtsr FoIki rocai<br />

McAaao vrr littt is the first pmde<br />

teacher tacks the waste pxper<br />

basfcer H she wS. at tbe sains<br />

httfic f t baskethtJ! pcstl If tbe<br />

firs; trader cart bat tbe basket<br />

wks fas waste paper, they aaaf<br />

fsxxxsrae bes V Jsrtber pursue<br />

fas edscetKc"<br />

Aai here is tbe ooe I Jike bet<br />

"Herr-- - Hams. McKiao larser:<br />

reparey cafied the Crosttoa<br />

Ftre Deparaaea: V jafles fratn<br />

Mc.Jka and taM ibess w iict<br />

far ssncfce wrr 5cidj way Harris<br />

teai therr: that af McAdss ctrpht<br />

fire wbe the state tssrszraen:<br />

wm ss prscres, Crabvitir. wadlj<br />

bae v rah er far there- - are ax<br />

J<br />

JIW. COEbnSH<br />



JUfSCS TIT o 9<br />

rE3?d s&Ksef- - mg<br />

BSBaaWeal<br />

. . .<br />

barse show is Hale Center: two<br />

deep weEs as Slaophisr Ennrh near<br />

csctpisttas.<br />

Ten ye-ir-s ago<br />

bias Trnnmir VShumi receives<br />

jtevere lamsi esc is schaoS acci-ne- st<br />

Dr Strasos ?mnk<br />

Crnae psyKirsns, dies is prji'ate<br />

plane crash acxr Pocr. Eajiaaad<br />

Toaac withdraws as e&adidaie of<br />

csrr Anielapes play<br />

cses" is tjr;:ig practice grid<br />

puae; ymci cemer prop plaas<br />

laiex: show-- , Jinhiasos.<br />

a iraiae bafldisi piv.<br />

es w the Gel Scouts by aa aaaa-yno- as<br />

dsraar has been raoved oa<br />

ia tbe site daaated by 2rowa Bros. ,<br />

Brownie Troop celebrates birthday<br />

of GtrJ Scouts is the borne of their<br />

leader, bin. Jack BaBeatsie; Mrs.<br />

B. C Chads aad Mrs. Hearr Ales<br />

lafaated is OHS.<br />

Bfreen years ago<br />

jfirs. Bea "Sabtmi boaared by<br />

recemsj; aa orchid from Tom<br />

Sreaersas, star of tbe radio show<br />

The Breakfas: dab . as part of<br />

a proprxsa spoasared by ladies at<br />

the Methodist Church ia Lubbock:<br />

Soeabiaad KD Quo holds pie supper<br />

Jar Red Cross benefit and<br />

tavses aB pobtical caa-tbdate-s.<br />

Marshall Masos daaaies<br />

roam for Post Air Scouts to bold<br />

r ceraetery dues are needed<br />

lor tprmf cleanup casapaiga.<br />

ptpe sbortape is threat to Garsa<br />

oS drveJopKoecc Mr. T A<br />

celebrates 75th birthdey<br />

wuh aa opea boose; J. W. Header-so-a<br />

ejected cecacaaader of local<br />

VF' post. (Jocnd ia story aikx-i- p<br />

lor birthdsys ta be seat sa for use<br />

ia "Happy Brthdsy" cokcas) Tbe<br />

Past Iispaach wishes trverytat<br />

crwafsh faft m the cesasKsary hivira; a bsnhdsy<br />

a pat sus z hlzse "<br />

a IMS a "Hap-p-y<br />

Btnbdsy'<br />

963<br />



PubJisbei Every TbcrvUy at Dispatch PahHshiag Company<br />

Saftiaj is Post. Gsrsa County, Texai<br />

PubTithef<br />

Editor<br />

Ewrred at the Pes: Ol&ce at Pass. Texas. Jar transmission throuph<br />

the mafts as tteoo diss xaatter. aassriiss to aa Aa at Cascres,<br />

March X JS7J<br />

Asy erroatecis refltctsaa vpact the character o! aqy persaa or<br />

pejKKis appearar ss these cafcmrit wfl be gladly aad proinprfy<br />

"ereaed upas beta braatbt to the attesstioo tbe racnreerst.<br />



Ydo can har five rcturrs on the important theme<br />

of ividtocrm by oititandSng spaekarst<br />

THUJSOA. Y. Md ?1 . 739 jfaMMfafeaick<br />

?Kr f ekee arf CW s Gwt "<br />

RHOAY, Vaaafa 7.31 jv a, J a bon Mm<br />

Owwbeaa Cadke. KwdetM 5b Ca! K."<br />

SAJUJIsAY. Mwb 20. 7m fa ,e aee!ie4.<br />

fte Wane. ob. -- Swoee rfCwT s Aset.<br />

Wr. M 7, fa3 .<br />

Srs aAa.!fal<br />

0--l,,<br />


AT THE CHOtCH OF CHttST. 10TH t AVt M<br />

At CHwcli af tK Nir<br />

ucuiaiiy VsViicijc CllOln<br />

to sing here March 23<br />

Tbe A CappeSa Cbas- - vt 5eib-s- r<br />

Jlcsareae CoaffL StShaay<br />

Okaa wW appear at tbe Church<br />

td tbe TiaEareae bere. 1Kb Street<br />

aad Aveaue E. at " 39 p rs. Sst-urde-<br />

March 22, ia a coaceri td<br />

aacrrd rau'sc<br />

Tbe cbssr, Arreted by Va&a L<br />

.Thm praiessar af wee. makes<br />

ssare Than W appearaaces each<br />

veur, incladust a spnsx tow of<br />

25W radtes tor 14 ccoceru. They<br />

trrreE Ja serta stales, iadadiajc<br />

QHtV", Texas. Loobdasa. Ark-trss-a.<br />

Sdissasri Nebraska and<br />

lat-sa- t.<br />

Tbe chocr has pves snare thtr.<br />

OS coocerts rad tnnrled 4C,Kft<br />

sal dcrinr the past 15 yezrs af<br />

T c Jeadershlp.<br />

Thir5-- x roices are cbssea Jar<br />

Sir choir cash ieM thraaps tryoots<br />

iross the stairs: body of tnrr<br />

Membership is rot Ifrrrit rd to st- -<br />

deati of tbe Fiae Arts D.tisios.<br />

Thty aisj; from memory a a;ety<br />

a irtmB-arrthera- s. sacred classics.<br />

spiritsals asid isaspel s'K'fflt. with<br />

out accatnaatzicsest.<br />

at the 25-ac- re cssspot is<br />

Be3aay. Okie., jast northwest of<br />

Oklahoma Ciry Dr Roy H. Caa-tre- H<br />

is president af tbe scboai.<br />

winch is backed by 999 Nasartae<br />

churches ta its tevea-stal-e edaca-tiaa- al<br />

zaae.<br />

edacataea.<br />

so: i t<br />

er fa-?,'- - t --at:<br />

3 K<br />

iij i . .<br />

a. isit v ... ' . , , .<br />

me ixauaiia. x- - t . .1<br />

of Tea--- - Soa r ...IT"4!<br />

.tsastefs dete<br />

'cadied a. V " any<br />

r<br />

' Kcxareae -e "L<br />

3ethary Nerercae CoSce aerr-e-s<br />

a student body vt over 12W fy<br />

. it, netii<br />

" "oaj<br />

Rev Ctin.1 f-- v<br />

! tbe Prenier-- .<br />

IT. ZJt<br />

. B<br />

- --<br />

I r- .. U<br />

i<br />

cert coaceratrtj: the coSep m<br />

. terrjew praspecTe ttsitai.<br />

rfi.n A . .1<br />

is to adaistac tiarje<br />




C. A. CLEM, 316 W. I2i<br />

pnSodle Hail inyjtonzt of<br />

JAY'S FK ET - SHOP<br />

Soeostcing ia P.epcir of Hosie<br />

Applorcesv Wsihers, Drj-eisT.rro'ers<br />

ond<br />

A1A WEST I2TH<br />

s<br />


See BU EDWARDS<br />

Ksnd'ing Residential. Farm, Basinets<br />

listings<br />

209 MOHAWK<br />



516 West J2rh Strt-e-t<br />



"Oxygen Equipped"<br />


Mason Funeral Home<br />

"Since J9I5<br />

Netkml tuv<br />


We Semce All Moies And<br />

Models of TV Ses.<br />

218 Wstt BghtH<br />


Machine<br />

SOAUrNG<br />

Shop<br />


104 Wwsf 5b<br />

Styles' ImpleMenf Co.<br />

JOHN<br />

OtMtfiey Fane tajMfiww<br />

-<br />

Phone<br />

Phone<br />



PHON!<br />

jjcjj<br />

495"<br />

0AA$<br />

telwhom<br />

rni'HoM<br />

"<br />


John C. WJnH, lommimonr<br />

in<br />

rosT-curriN-o<br />

;,,rrnV (.MOWING<br />

. ..hi rnnnnlnl an Klni:<br />

Vs S"J h tat one of the<br />

P.r..ilve crops to produce,<br />

Pl<br />

of this cco--<br />

P'.'.l ..a,, mnv have been nch<br />

trf : : ?:;;<br />

the Hign '""":' " .<br />

t.n,inr trn urns -- - In<br />

Thi first unwu.u"<br />

ting the rows oniy nine mu.<br />

S on Irrlgnted land. Purpose<br />

inch middles was to<br /> w-- much cultivation<br />

.tj tut punuwiiiu. . .......<br />

KIU "v -<br />

, ,<br />

ring the RrowinR scusu.. u<br />

i ( Mnlnt nf Horn<br />

i Miion production.<br />

lite initial tests were conducted<br />

I the Texas Agricultural Expert-L- .<br />

etitinn nt Lubbock. Cotton<br />

L. KM n HC yield.<br />

Tho close row spacing produced<br />

plants that were more Ideally<br />

adapted to stripper harvesting than<br />

plants grown In h rows, The<br />

closely spaced plants were short<br />

and had few branches and thin<br />

stems.<br />

T1IE EXPERIMENTS were con<br />

ducted prlmnrlly for (he II<br />

nmflin.ll iuiys<br />

Li nf the usual AO Inches, nnd<br />

fai an application was made of n<br />

emergence ncrniciac. un mis<br />

i eiwrimcnt. n bumper two<br />

i!ej were taken from a one-acr- e<br />

without n sinfiie cumvauon<br />

ANOTHER test plot, cotton<br />

IW<br />

In the usual h rows<br />

tided IK to P bales per ncre.<br />

I g h<br />

Plains of Texas nnd Oklahomn<br />

where stripper harvesters nro In<br />

fairly common use. These mnchln<br />

cs harvest cotton by stripping both<br />

mature nnd Immature bolls from<br />

the plant.<br />

Doth the narrow-ro- nnd t h c<br />

wide-ro- w plots In the experiment<br />

were sprinkler Irrigated three<br />

times with three Inches of water,<br />

Tho water activated the herbicide<br />

and nldcd seed germination. Both<br />

plots received the same fertilizer<br />

treatment 80 pounds of nitrogen<br />

nna u pounus or phosphorus per<br />

ncro applied before planting.<br />

Close plantings may not work In<br />

the humid nrens of Texas nnd the<br />

South where boll rot Is n problem<br />

however. These growing conditions<br />

may he tested by this method later,<br />

And tests have not yet been made<br />

on the harvested cotton's spinning<br />

quality.<br />

iNcvcrtneicss, lor certain areas<br />

of Texas where Irrigation Is avail<br />

able, the experiment may be n slg<br />

nlflcant fnctor In reducinn the<br />

high costs of cotton production.<br />

It weeds In this plot were con<br />

Mltd bv several machine cultl<br />

lions and by hand hoeing.<br />

Iffeeds didn't strfld n chance In<br />

! narrow-ro- plots, nccordlng to<br />

Iseners. The emergence herbf- -<br />

de controlled the early season<br />

ted growth. As the season pro-resse-d,<br />

the closely spaced plants<br />

kaded out weeds that emerged.<br />

The narrow-ro- cotton was plan<br />

d by grain drill like whent. Norm'<br />

y, about 30.000 cotton plants nre<br />

town on an ncre but on this plot<br />

lore than 200.000 plants per ncre<br />

fere permitted to stand. Each<br />

wit produced only three or four<br />

Is but the dense planting offset<br />

s loss and helped raise the total<br />

I<br />


THE NEW<br />

SOUND<br />

IN TOWN<br />

n .<br />

j<br />


GO<br />

'Bon Voyage' is<br />

feature at Tower<br />

Moviegoers who like their screen<br />

fare light nnd breezy nnd loaded<br />

with Inughs have a real entertain<br />

mcnt treat In store for them nt<br />

Walt Disney's rollicking new Tech<br />

nlcolor romantic-comed- y , "11 o n<br />

Voynge," now showing through<br />

Saturday nt the Tower Theatre.<br />

Hosed on the delightful best-sc- l<br />

er, "Hon Voyage" Is the story of n<br />

typical American family s misadventures<br />

on their first European<br />

'dream vacation."<br />

A glittering array of tnlent com<br />

prises the cast, headed by Fred<br />

McMurrny and Jnno Wymnn. Oth<br />

ers Includo Deborah Wnlley, Michael<br />

Callan, Tommy Kirk nnd Jessie<br />

Royco Lnndis.<br />

I<br />

!<br />

I V<br />

:IR<br />

G O LIT<br />

when you" have a<br />

completely automaticiI!<br />


'i g0imioj<br />

4 I0U ?ALVE FOOD -e- xclusive Burner-witha-Draf- n<br />

J<br />

0ll'0vcrs' scorchinB or bufning...0ven-with- .<br />

vniaH.5?eps cnlire mea,s serving-read- (or hours.<br />

y I?VkSAVE FUEL-Center-S-<br />

X<br />

immcr burners meas- -<br />

ml. pr?ciiib of at to do the job and no<br />

you ,rue fuel economy.<br />

Y sSiU ?A,VE TIME Gas cooks (aster because it<br />

oI..L,,,no warmuP wail or ''eat hangover.<br />

Vinrl S,AVE REAL MONEY -n- othing compares<br />

i!or cconorny of performance... cooks five<br />

mes cheaper than the coil-typ- kind.<br />

Sqq Your Appliance Dealer, Now, and<br />


FOR LESS with(fl5J<br />

m<br />

W3m.<br />

m<br />


Now moon flight facilities for Cape Canaveral, shown In artist's rendering above, are now<br />

boing designed by a combine of four New York City architectural and engineering firms.<br />

,The 360-foo- t tall space vehicles, destined to take American astronauts to the moon, will bo<br />

erected and checked out in tho immense assembly building and then transported three<br />

milos to the launch pad.<br />

CPI supports research on penetration<br />

of cotton leaves by certain chemicals<br />

Storie Ranch member<br />

Aberdeen Angus group<br />

Storlc Ranch. Post, has been<br />

elected to membership In the American<br />

Angus Association nt St. Joseph,<br />

Mo., announces Frank Richards,<br />

secretary- -<br />

The Storie Ranch received one<br />

of 4G memberships Issued to breed-- 1<br />

Aberdeen-Angu- s<br />

ers of registered<br />

In Texas during the past month.<br />

The 1903 season for Six Flags<br />

Over Texas will commence on<br />

Saturday, April 20. The third operating<br />

yenr for the historical theme<br />

park, located midway between Dallas<br />

and Fort Wortn, has tccn set<br />

up to begin on a Saturday nnd Sun'<br />

day basis only until June I. For<br />

the months of June, July and Aug<br />

ust, Six Flags will be open seven<br />

days n week. Following Labor Day<br />

I n September nnd continuing<br />

throuch Dec. 1. the park will re<br />

vert to n weekends only operation<br />

smartj<br />

people are<br />

In'dURAB!L!Ty'<br />


lv house PAH" iONLY<br />


has painted more houses than any<br />

other paint in tho world<br />

Lasts lonaor . . . saves you monoy<br />

Endorsed by loading painters ovorywhoro<br />

Easier than ovor to apply<br />



County records<br />

LUBnOCK Research on howiic insecticides now bclnc done un<br />

to get certain chemicals to penc-jde- r tin Institute grant nt the Uni<br />

trate surfaces of cotton leaves in versity ot inuiornia, Kivcrsiue.<br />

n way that will help growers fight Development of nn effective me<br />

Insect nnd other problems more thod for foliar penetration and ab-<br />

effectively is now under way at sorption of insecticides would be n<br />

Stanford Research Institute. boost for growers. It would enable<br />

A $35,000 grnnt for the project them to put needed quantities of<br />

was announced today by Roy Fork-nc- r chemicals on plants at the right<br />

of Lubbock and LcRoy Dur- time for Improved protection from<br />

ham of Plninvicw. Cotton Produc- pests. It also may broaden the<br />

ers Institute trustees for West Tex range of chemicals offering prom-<br />

as. Research supjxirt by the Inise for use as systemlcs.<br />

stitute, as well as a consumer ad- An Institute agreement with the<br />

vertising campaign, is aimed at Hoard of Directors of the Nation-<br />

increasing markets and profits for al Cotton Council make the Coun-<br />

growers.<br />

cil staff available without charge<br />

for developing nnd<br />

In the project, researchers nre<br />

servicing re-<br />

investigating cotton leaf surfaces<br />

search and promotion projects.<br />

In an effort to determine how and<br />

why leaves may or may not ab- SIX FLAGS OPENING<br />

sorb specific types of systemic<br />

chemicals, especially insecticides.<br />

Initially, the research will be concerned<br />

with naturally occurring<br />

variations of chemical and physical<br />

properties of the cuticle, a thin<br />

film on the surface of the leaf, ns<br />

they nffect entry of applied chemicals<br />

into the plant.<br />

Tho project will complement bas<br />

C. P. nenson Sr. nnd wife to<br />

Stanley H. McMillan nnd wife, Lot<br />

14, Block 90, Post: $11,500.<br />

Stanley H. McMillan and wife to<br />

C. P. Benson nnd wife, Lot 8 nnd<br />

cast 30 feet of Lot 7, Block 147.<br />

Post; $1,500.<br />

First National Bank or Amnrillo<br />

to Paul A. Foster and wife, south<br />

8 feet 1 of Lot and north 55 feet<br />

of Lot 2, Block 3, Westgntc Addition;<br />

$I5,-100- .<br />

Frank Anderson and wife to S.<br />

W. Potter, one-ha- lf acre in<br />

ic and applied research on system- -<br />

north-cas- t<br />

corner of west half of northwest<br />

quarter of Section 12C7.<br />

Largest county in England Is<br />

Yorkshire; smallest is Rutland.<br />

The "City of London" is just one<br />

square mile in size.<br />

Boston Is the largest state capital<br />

city in the United States.<br />

OUR<br />

16th<br />

YEAR<br />

Is the Law<br />


Courts see that your Intention of<br />

"will" as to property Is carried)<br />

out after you die. Before then you<br />

may revoke or change it any time<br />

Thn n.ilnt nf nmnerlv In heirs<br />

Is one of man's oldest transactions.<br />

As far back as tho Egyptian, Assyrian<br />

and Jewish civilizations, we<br />

have wills written nnd witnessed<br />

on papyrus, clay tablets, etc. In<br />

one will an early testator left some<br />

of his property to his wife nnd<br />

named n guardian for his children.<br />

The Hammurabi code (2100 B. C.)<br />

permitted a father by deed to favor<br />

his son.<br />

Under early Roman law the head<br />

of a house could tell the pntrlcian<br />

assembly his wishes, but later Roman<br />

law favored a written will to<br />

keep the testator's plans secret<br />

until death. It also favored having<br />

n firm record of his wishes, not<br />

resting on memory.<br />

By 1200 A. D. England, where<br />

we got our law of wills, was quite<br />

well advanced: The church courts<br />

(like our probate courts) supervised<br />

dlspotltlon of property according<br />

to n "testament" of how the<br />

testator wanted his property to go.<br />

Church courts supervised personal<br />

property (movables like armor<br />

or personal effects); land was<br />

passed on by wills which the king's<br />

Portrait<br />

Photography<br />

Dial 3451<br />

DODSON'S<br />

206 EAST MAIN<br />


SUk. Sporty Scntatlontl 7Mi hoi ntw middtwl0t<br />

FtlrUno hardtop new offtn a JT1 hp Duett) iati and<br />

canlvr coaoI art standard) Ntw fouMpttd tticfc ahitt<br />

and smart ntw vinyl 100I art optional<br />

Wo Ford Dealers oiler you 14 great hard-top- s<br />

In four popular urea and a wholo<br />

range of popular prlcoil Compact hard<br />

topil MlddlowolQlit hardtop1 Big Ford<br />

The Post (Texas) Dispatch Thursday, March 21, 1963 Pago 3<br />

cout handled, Hence today we<br />

speak of "last will nnd testament"<br />

since English courts came to pass<br />

on both real and personal property,<br />

so that one court could handle the<br />

Whole estate,<br />

English church courts had "executors"<br />

who carried out one's testament.<br />

To die "Intestate" (with-u- t<br />

a testament) was almost like<br />

dying unconfessed. Sometimes the<br />

church In the interests of n mnn's<br />

soul could give some of the man's<br />

goods to others besides his family,<br />

Then, as now, some property had<br />

to be left to the surviving wife nnd<br />

children.<br />

(This newsfenture, prepared by<br />

the State Bar of Texas, is written<br />

to Inform not to advise. No person<br />

should ever apply or interpret<br />

any law without the nid of nn attorney<br />

who is fully advised concerning<br />

the facts Involved, because<br />

a slight variance in facts may<br />

change the application of the law.)<br />

New 4Q(I1J' males<br />

220 West 8th<br />

jfi$jsz? drinks<br />

Icoe was Invented for<br />

people who refuse to put<br />

up with "soft drink sag" (ice melts, flavor<br />

fades, bubbles burst). Iceo is the new<br />

process that perks up your favorite drink<br />

. . . locks-i- n carbonation and freezes flavor<br />

right in tho cup!<br />

hardtops, Thundorblrdt, tool And thoy all<br />

dollvor tho kind of V-- B porformnnco wo<br />

nood lor our long Toxas<br />

so hurry<br />

trips prices,<br />

Hardtop<br />

t In right now<br />

Low<br />

to HOI<br />

-<br />


The Kcv. Ed Herring nnd Elder<br />

Burncy Francis nre attending a<br />

meeting of the Plnlns Presbytery<br />

nt Childress today. Rev. Herring<br />

is pastor of the First Presbyter-Ia- n<br />

Church nnd<br />

church officer.<br />

Mr. Francis Is a<br />

AT<br />

"Good credit Is worth<br />

moro than all tho gold<br />

mines<br />

RETAIL<br />

Daniel<br />


or<br />

DR. PEPPER<br />

OF POST<br />

The Snak Shak<br />

Jackio Payne<br />


We Texas Ford Dealers<br />

are pricing our hardtops so<br />

they are easy for you to own!<br />



Topped tm at) in tht Mont Carlo Ral'ytl Ntw<br />

Uuektl ttatt ay itval tachometer, ctnltf contola, 'rally'<br />

altering vthtel wire whet) covert. AH art standard equipment<br />

All wrapped up In smart new "acatbacV roolllnt.<br />

Nrw '63H SUPER TORQUE<br />


Hera s the hardtop that really looks lVe a con<br />

veMibie tsperlatly with Its optional new vtnyt<br />

rot' Option! ranging up to 425 hp.<br />

Standard in SOOXl model: Bucket stats,<br />

automstlt shift!<br />





THE<br />

I AT<br />



I<br />

In tho<br />

world."<br />


ComB see your Texas Ford Dealer today r<br />

- jfifcaliaW ' I'lli<br />

Dial<br />

.D.AJT.<br />

Webster<br />

3064<br />

MM<br />

FORD fp<br />

si<br />

' 41

j;<br />

n<br />

r<br />

.' Kim<br />

Page 4 Thursday, March 21, 1963 The Posl (Texas) Dispatch<br />

Legal Advertising Rates<br />

Consecutive Insertions<br />

per ward 3c:<br />

Classified Advertising Rates<br />

First Insertion, per word tc<br />

Consecutive Insertions<br />

per word<br />

Minimum Ad, 12 words 50c<br />

Brief Card of Thanks<br />

Wanted<br />

Jc<br />

1.00<br />

DO ALL KINDS of roofing. Free<br />

estimates. Call Cart KniRer, rooi<br />

ins contractor, Snyder HI<br />

tfc ),<br />

IRONING DONE In my home for<br />

$1.50 per dozen. 112 West Fifth.<br />

Call 3138.<br />

3tc (3-1-<br />

WANTED Ironing to do In my<br />

home; by piece or by dozen. Telephone<br />

3384.<br />

tfc (3-2-<br />

Business<br />

Opportunities<br />

WANTED Aggressive Legal Re--,<br />

serve Company expanding state-- ,<br />

wide, needs general agents and<br />

managers to sell<br />

hospitalization, plus full line of<br />

life policies. Money making<br />

con-tract- s<br />

offered to those qualified.<br />

Write Box 8176. Dallas 5. Tex .<br />

giving qualifications to be held<br />

confidential.<br />

ltp (3-2-<br />

MR. FARMER:<br />

Buy Your<br />

Fertilizer Now!<br />

We Handle ie Besi:<br />

Dry Fertilizer<br />

Pellet Form<br />

Wafer Soluble<br />

Wo Deliver and Put<br />

It Down for You<br />

At a price par acre cheaper<br />

than you can put it down<br />

yoursolf.<br />

Dial WY 6-20-<br />

Biddy & Lancaster<br />

Fertilizing Co.<br />



Real Estate Legal Notice<br />


945 acre blackland ranch on State<br />

Hwy., extra fine grass and abundant<br />

water. 200 A. farm land with<br />

allotments. 3 bedroom home. 120<br />

A native bluestem meadow. Wonderful<br />

quail hunting and all ponds<br />

stocked with fish. Located In Johnston<br />

and Byran counties. Okln. V<br />

minerals, near oil and gas production<br />

One of the best ranches<br />

available anywhere at $125 per<br />

acre. Phone or write for inspection<br />

appointment.<br />


Phone 1 Star Rt.<br />

Milburn, Okla. Durant, Okln.<br />


Farm. Kane hen. Homes. Motels<br />

For Free Catalog i<br />

Write<br />


P. O. Box 127 Msnn, Ark.,<br />

2tp );<br />

WANT TO TRADE ArUona proper--'<br />

ty for motel In the $400,000 price<br />

ranae. Bruce Crawford. Box 26,<br />

Camm City, Colo.<br />

ltp Oil)1<br />

LAND and royalty for sale. $27 50<br />

por acre uo. Jackson W. Roberts,<br />

AMlai. Okla.<br />

ltp 1<br />

Rlfirib1w110ME. tUedroom.<br />

brick. reetrfcted are, don. all j<br />

electrical kitchen, fireplace, carpeting,<br />

tile bath with water wll<br />

ami butane. $17.5000 cash or trade<br />

for land. Owner at Levelloml. j<br />

Tex Box 923. Phone aft-- '<br />

er 6 p m<br />

Up<br />

FOR SALE Thrw bJroom house.<br />

907 West 7th. Call 2146 G W<br />

Northcutt.<br />

ltc (321)'<br />


AGENCY<br />

Still <strong>Open</strong> fnr Huilnrt<br />

Dial Hit<br />

Domett Ic ft Criminal CaiM<br />

Complete Engine<br />

Overhaul Specia<br />


6 Cylinder Fords & ChevroSets<br />

Passenger Cars & Pickups<br />

Only 99.50<br />


(Plus Tax, Oil & Filter)<br />

Ovexheul liuludat Nw Rings, Now Rod Bowings,<br />

Now Main Hearings and CMmting Vlv<br />


1200 A. level land all open but 100 j<br />

acres. Native and coastal bermuda j<br />

grnss. Good modem home, 3 barns,<br />

10 pastures, plenty water. 90 hog<br />

prove fences will carry 300 mother<br />

cows. 390 A. soil bank bringing<br />

$4,300 per year. 23 down, balance<br />

10 years.<br />

1360 A. Red' River bottom. Pecan<br />

trees, bermuda grass, open for cattle,<br />

no clearing needed, 175 A. fine<br />

for alfalfa borders river.<br />

These ranches priced rifht and<br />

among best in this section. Let me<br />

know what you want. I have it or<br />

will get it for you.<br />

Clay T. Holland Real Estate<br />

Box 515 Honey Grove, Tex.<br />

Ph. FR or FR<br />

Up (3-2-<br />

FOR SALE Yenr-ol- d brick home<br />

in Westgate Terrace Addition.<br />

Terms available. Guy Floyd.<br />

(2-2- tfc<br />

FOR SALE By owner, three bed-- 1<br />

room and den residence, central<br />

heat, refrigerated air condition-- ,<br />



TO: Frances Grlgsby<br />


You are commanded to appear by<br />

filing a written answer to the<br />

plaintiff's petition nt or before 10<br />

o'clock A. M. of the first Monday<br />

after the expiration of 42 days from<br />

the date of Issuance of this Citation,<br />

the same being Monday the<br />

29th day of April. A. D.. 1963 at<br />

or before 10 o'clock A. M., before<br />

the Honorable District Court of<br />

Garza County, at the Court House.<br />

In Post, Texas.<br />

Said plaintiff's petition was filed<br />

on the 21 day of February, 1963.<br />

The file number of said suit being<br />

No. 1785.<br />

The names of the parties in said<br />

suit arc: Clifton M. Grlgsby n s<br />

Plaintiff, and Frances Grlgsby as<br />

Defendant.<br />

ing. double garage. 402 Osage.<br />

Phone<br />

tfc (3-7- )<br />

The nature of said suit being<br />

substantially as follows, to wit:<br />

Suit for Divorce.<br />

If this Citation Is not served<br />

within 90 days after the date of its<br />

issuance, it shall be returned unserved.<br />

Issued this the 13th day of March<br />

A. D., 1963.<br />

Given under my hand and seal<br />

of said Court, at office In Post<br />

Texas, this the 13 the day of March<br />

A. D.. 1963.<br />

sf CARL<br />

Clerk.<br />


District Court, Garza<br />

County Texas<br />

4tc (3-1-<br />

B N<br />

IB<br />

mu u<br />

NOTICE<br />

All interested persons are advised<br />

that the improvement of FM<br />

2458 In the town of Justiccburg is<br />

being planned by the Texas Highway<br />

Commission.<br />

Preliminary plans showing the<br />

proposed work on file at the office<br />

of Julian F. Smith. Sr. Resident)<br />

Engineer. Texas Highway Deport<br />

ment. Post. Texas. Any interested<br />

citizen may request that a public<br />

hearing be held concerning such,<br />

proposed work and the economic,<br />

effect of such Improvement by de--1<br />

llvering a written request to the!<br />

Resident Engineer on or before<br />

April 4. 1963.<br />

In the event such a request is received,<br />

a public hearing will be<br />

scheduled nnd adequate notice will<br />

be given ns to Its time nnd place<br />

2tc (3-2-<br />

For Sale<br />

KEYS For your car. house or business<br />

building. Made while you<br />

wait. Keys duplicated for all<br />

locks. We guarantee our keys<br />

to fit, R. E. COX LUMBER CO.<br />

tfc (2 1)<br />

FO RSA LE One used 950 model<br />

Ford and equipment, two 9N<br />

roruc on? used sand fighter:<br />

ami other items useful on farm.<br />

Garza Farm Store. Earl Rogers.<br />

tfc (2-2-<br />

A & BIATTltESS CO.<br />

All kinds of mattrsM work, guar-nntcw- d.<br />

Call Mrs. F. P. Keeton,<br />

J890. Pott.<br />

tfc (3-7- )<br />


Sh ing machine guarantMd, g pay.<br />

nu-nf- s of $5 X or $20 cash. Alto<br />

vaccum cleaner. 1 payments<br />

ff $5 SO Write credit manager. 1330<br />

l!h I uh!K-k-<br />

.<br />

Tex.<br />

tfc O 7)<br />

i<br />

For Sale<br />

FOR SALE Yellow, size 13 for<br />

mal, $10. Call 3054.<br />

tfc (3-2-<br />

$1 PER DAY RENTALfor Electri<br />

cal Carpet Shampoocr with purchase<br />

of Blue Lustre. Hudman<br />

Furniture Co.<br />

ltc (3-2-<br />



renr-mountc-d tool bars, chisel<br />

nd bean cultivators. Gives<br />

superior performance working<br />

fallow ground, harvesting beans<br />

nnd onions. Write ror literature,<br />

rjpnlrrs wanted. Colorado Rod<br />

Wceder Co., Box 15095, Denver<br />

15, Colo.<br />

2tp (3-1-<br />

1963 AUTOMATIC scwlnc machine<br />

sews on buttons, makes fancy<br />

ttlti'hrs. no attachments needed.<br />

Take up payments of $7.50 of $56<br />

cash. To try in your nome can<br />

or write Credit Manager. 1908<br />

Broadway, PO Lubbock.<br />

2tc (3-1-<br />

FOR SALE Poodles, registered,<br />

miniature puppies six weeks old<br />

J. M. Mnson. Box 172 Southland.<br />

Call 996-227-<br />

2tc (3-1-<br />

Help Wanted<br />

HELP WANTED Car hops and<br />

fountain help. Apply In person.<br />

Mac's Drive-In- n.<br />

tfc (11-2-<br />

Miscellaneous<br />

NOW OPEN. Fixit Shop, small clec- - j<br />

trical appliances repaired. 40S<br />

South Broadway. Guy Davis.<br />

tfc (2-7- )'<br />

inninATinsr Piit.uNr;. elcnn<br />

lilfi, wiaiuiituii JMVMUIV flJsV"'"<br />

casing pulling. Contact H. A<br />

Justice. Route 2. dial 495-220- 3<br />

tfc (2--<br />


Faulkner Ranch. 12 miles north-cast<br />

of Post, two black Angus'<br />

cows. One branded Rocker A on<br />

left shoulder, other believed to<br />

bo branded TH on right hip, Lib-<br />

eral reward. Homer Gordon,<br />

2287.<br />

Dial<br />

2tp )!<br />

Public Notice<br />

I will not be responsible for any<br />

debts made by rmyonc other than<br />

myscll<br />

Donald R Ammons<br />

2tc (314)<br />

FOR HOME delivery of the Lubbock<br />

Avalanche Journal, coll<br />

Stanley McMIIIIn. Dial 3276.<br />

(4-6- tfc )<br />

IF YOU NEED HELP with a<br />

drinking problem, call 6<br />

or 495-296- or write Box 7.<br />

52tc (8-1-<br />


Scott's c Laundry is<br />

under new management, now be- -<br />

ing operated by Iock Dewbrv<br />

)' 4tc<br />

I --- S.'niNG I<br />

j .REAL ESTATE! p<br />

I<br />


I.ii-j- thirf Ih'J'.-m- " tr.'lrn. Ixutmi of 716 vVt<br />

I"" nuf'f til l OCX t jnifNHfion, luirdAOOci flooft. ot-- i<br />

i. I'- -i ;u po' rlioc location, 80-roo- tomor front Prued<br />

'iOO. $1,000 down, baionc on Irrns at 7 pt cent<br />

Two bedroom, from dwelling, located ot 401 North<br />

Bioativay to b movd. Living room and room are<br />

iatpr.iti Central rMW!mj Any tody will testify to the<br />

of Youncjifown kitchen cabinets wh.h th.s hovn<br />

y no<br />

Ih , clival na is occupied and will b ihon<br />

ne ii r ale-$2,5- lev o quick O0 caUi<br />


Cniidenble Inlet! Is being shown right new in<br />

re.niol property hee in Petl. Let us shew yours.<br />

Broadway Garage j J HAROLD LUCAS, Realtor<br />

'<br />

j<br />

Potato-Chees-e Sauce For Chops<br />

illlllllll' L V laariilllllllllllHiiH<br />


3ntu.rK amir hnld Ihn kev to successful meat cookery, so the<br />

wise homcmnker Is tho ono who seeks out new recipes to give meals<br />

new flavor and ndded glamor. Ono such sauce thnt is cxtrn-dcHcioserved<br />

over broiled lamb chops has been developed by tho Borden<br />

Kitchen. Tho casy-to-mak- o sauco combines two convenience foods<br />

cheeso slices and instant whipped potatoes. The instant whipped<br />

potatoes, which come in and pnekages, can<br />

be prepared in as llttlo as six minutes. This sauce-mea- t combination<br />

is a real food for fitness. It contains worthwhile amounts of health-Kivin- g<br />

vitamins, minerals and proteins.<br />

Lamb Chopi In<br />

I'otato-Clirei- e Sauce<br />

(Makes 6 cups sauce enough for 1S cup<br />

sauce per chop or six servings)<br />

12 rib or loin lamb chops 3 cups (two z. pVgs.)<br />

cups (4 servings) instant nhredded pasteurized<br />

whipped potato flakes process Gruycro cheeso<br />

3 cups (two cans) slices<br />

evaporated milk, undiluted 1 tablespoon salt<br />

1 teaspoon whito pepper<br />

1 cup white wine, optional<br />

Droll lamb chops. In a medium-slr- o saucopan, prcparo 4 servings<br />

of instant whipped potatoes according to nackago directions. Set<br />

aside. Pour milk into a largo saucepan. Place over medium heat<br />

until milk is hot. DO SOT UOIL. Add cheese, salt, pepper and<br />

potatoes. Cook, stirring constantly until cheese melts nnd sauce is<br />

well blended. Stir in wine. Cook an additional five minutes stir<br />

occasionally. Srrvn nininir hot over lamb clions.<br />

Rentals<br />

FOR RENT 2 room furnished<br />

house. Bills paid. 109 E. 14th.<br />

ltc (3-2-<br />

FOR RENT One three - room<br />

furnished house and one two-roofurnished<br />

house. Cnll Basil Puck-et- t<br />

at 3 after 5:30 p. m.<br />

(12-6- tfc )<br />

for iNTpTcxTno nTavc.<br />

S. Bills paid. Call 2192.<br />

tfc (3-2-<br />

FOR RENT Six room house, 409<br />

West 10th. Call 2290.<br />

tfc (3-2-<br />

FOR SALE OR RENT: Houses.<br />

For Information on L. R. Mason<br />

properties, call Mis. Alcno<br />

Brewer, Dial 23S9,<br />

tfc (11-9- )<br />

FOR RENT Unfurnished house,<br />

ono bedroom, 902 West Main.<br />

Call 2868.<br />

tfc (1-3-<br />

FOR<br />

or<br />

RENT<br />

week,<br />

Bedrooms,<br />

123 North<br />

by night<br />

Broadway.<br />

4tc (3-7- )<br />

FOR RENT Two nnd three room<br />

furnished apartments, two and<br />

four room furnished houses. In-- ,<br />

quiro 210 East 10th,<br />

tfc (3-7- )<br />

FOR RENT Three rooms nnd bath<br />

npartmont, most bills paid. Power<br />

Apartments on Broadway<br />

across from United. Cull 3190 or<br />

2874. tfc (3-1-<br />

FOR RENT Three bedroom, unfurnished<br />

house with luth. 511<br />

South Avenue P, Call Oscm Gray.<br />

3176. tfc<br />

Lost & found<br />

I OST of children's plaste s<br />

Willi wh ir ami pink frjmr j'l.ld<br />

dr".i;n J5 rewjrd- - 408 Ninth<br />

A', cnue I<br />

ltp (3 21)<br />

Card of Thanks<br />

I want to express my thanks to<br />

the entire hopital staff, to all of<br />

tlnow who visited me or sent flow- -<br />

er and cards during my rectvit<br />

tay in tho IwMpital.<br />

It coco Hodges<br />

I wish to thank evoryone for the<br />

viiu. Mower, and cards, nlto the<br />

prayer, while I was In the honpl-- '<br />

ul with the flu.<br />

Mrs Durward llartlett<br />

OIL<br />


Garza Auto Parts<br />

Tr, u r .M<br />

f G i I . V- i<br />

N DROADWAY DIAL 3000 I 122 "Mum D ol 2894 107 W Moln Dial 2144<br />

Absentee voting<br />

is going slow<br />

Two absentee ballots had been<br />

cast In the city election and none<br />

in the school election up to 3 p. m.<br />

yesterday.<br />

Absentee ballots for the city elec-<br />

tion, which is April 2, are to be<br />

cast at the City Hall, with the<br />

deadline for voting absentee three<br />

days before the election.<br />

Those wishing to vote absentee<br />

for the April 6 school election may<br />

do so nt the county clerk's office,<br />

with the deadline also three days<br />

before the election.<br />

City voters arc to elect a mayor<br />

and two councilmcn In the April<br />

2 election. Candidates for mayor<br />

arc Harold Lucas and John N. Hopkins.<br />

The candidates for the two<br />

council scats are J, U. Potts, Ed<br />

Sawyers, Bob Collier, Frank<br />

Blan-to- n<br />

nnd Chant D. Lee.<br />

Two school trustees nre to be<br />

elected April 6 from among candidates<br />

Malcolm T. Bull, Martin<br />

Nichols, Wallace Simpson and Virgil<br />

Bilbo.<br />

School count in<br />

Garza drops 15<br />

The number of Gann County<br />

scholastics enumerated in the 1963<br />

school census Is down 15 from last<br />

year s count, it was reported today<br />

from the office of County Supt<br />

Dean A. Robinson,<br />

The 1963 totnl is 1.747 as compared<br />

with the 19G2 totnl of 1.762<br />

Scholastics in t h c Southland<br />

school district are 216 as compared<br />

with 208 last year, a gain of eight<br />

The Justlceburg district has 42<br />

scholastics th s year as compared<br />

to last year's 33 a ga n of sam<br />

The Pnst Independent School<br />


1959 CHEVROLET El Camlno<br />

Stan. Trans., Ovordrlvo.<br />

1959 CHEVROLET Dot Air, 6<br />

Cylinder, Slan. Trans., R&H<br />

1959 FORD Galaxlo, air cond.<br />

pwr. flooring, pwr. brakes.<br />

1950 FORD V8, Aulo. Trans.<br />

Radio and Heater<br />

1956 FORD Vfl, Aulo. Tram.<br />

Radio and Healer<br />

1955 FORD V8, Aulo. Trans.<br />

Radio and Healer<br />

SEE WHEY Hill OP<br />


WE SEIL<br />

C ni'.jrtd, Rebuilt<br />


I All Mokes of<br />

.o i and T.tKpi<br />


605 N Broadway D al 2526<br />

JP kept busy<br />

with truckers<br />

and speeders<br />

Truck drivers nnd speeders almost<br />

had a traffic Jam In Justice<br />

of tho Pence D. C. Roberts' court<br />

here during the past seven days.<br />

Those charged, together with date<br />

of charge and fine and costs If<br />

paid, are ns follows:<br />

A, L. Couch, March 13, no lease<br />

on vehicle, $25.50.<br />

D. G. Murphreo, March 13, over<br />

32,000 pounds axle limit.<br />

B. F. Cnvett. March 13, no RRC<br />

permit, $40.50.<br />

S. L. Ellison. March 15, no RRC<br />

permit, $40.50.<br />

J. M. Rotlriqucr, March 15, no<br />

RRC permit, $40.50.<br />

Stanley Cobb, March 15, over<br />

nxlc weight.<br />

Rudy Harmon, March 15, speed<br />

ing. $16.50.<br />

R. L. Borgman, March 15, opcr<br />

a ting unregistered vehicle, $16.50.<br />

W. M. Erath. March 15, drunk,<br />

$24.70.<br />

P. A. Wnynlck, March 15, speed<br />

Ing.<br />

J. O. Martinez, March 16, defec<br />

tlve stop light.<br />

B. J. Bedford, March 16, speed<br />

Ing.<br />

H. D. Musick, March 17, speed<br />

ing.<br />

A. D. Hnlford. March 18, over<br />

axle weight, $40.50.<br />

Lloyd Nail Jr., March 18, over<br />

axle weight.<br />

Profit sharing<br />

plan announced<br />

by Burlington<br />

NEW YORK, N. Y. A profit<br />

sharing retirement plan for wage<br />

(employees was announced today<br />

(by Burlington Industries, leading<br />

lexme innnuiaciunng company.<br />

Tho new program, approved by<br />

the Board of Directors in n meeting<br />

hero today, is designed to provide<br />

retirement benefits for<br />

employees who nre eligible<br />

under terms of the plan.<br />

Charles F. Myers, Jr., president,<br />

said that "the purpose of tho profit<br />

sharing retirement program is to<br />

provide additional security for our<br />

employees, wid to create greater<br />

awareness of tho importance of<br />

profits nnd of our employees' contribution<br />

to profitable operations."<br />

Details of the new plan were not<br />

disclosed, pending full explanation<br />

to cmploycei nt the Company's<br />

many plant locations. However, It<br />

is understood the plan Is effective<br />

Immediately, nnd that each year,<br />

subject to profits will be contributed<br />

by the Company to a bank<br />

trustee, to be held nnd Invested<br />

for benefit of the participating<br />

employees.<br />

A company spokesman said the<br />

profit-sharin- g plnn, had it been In<br />

effect during the Company's 1962<br />

fiscal year, would hnvc required n<br />

contribution of approximately<br />

District is down 26 from 1.441 last<br />

year to 1,426 this year. The Close i<br />

uty school district has 74 scholastics<br />

ns compared with last year's<br />

78 a decrease of four.<br />

Plans completed<br />

for Good Friday<br />

Tho Good Friday service, Jpoa.<br />

sored by tho Post Ministerial n<br />

llanco, will be held from ij.w ..<br />

1:15 p. m. April 12 at the FiJ<br />

nuptial u was decided I<br />

Tuesday at the regular month,<br />

meeting of the ministerial<br />

Bernard S. Ramsey, minister oil<br />

ins rirsi unnsuan Church, w<br />

named president of the Alliance to<br />

replace the Rev Ed Herring, Fini<br />

rrcsoyicnan pastor, who resigned<br />

I<br />

tho office.<br />

Announcement was made at del<br />

meeting ot two singing groups flat<br />

will appear at local churches n.<br />

ri t t.i n . . ' I<br />

ucinany, UKla., will jtyl<br />

A Coppella Choir from Dethwl<br />

at the Church of the Naiarenml<br />

7:30 p. m. Saturday. March 23. The!<br />

McMurry College Chanters Iron<br />

Abilene will sing at the First MmJ<br />

odist Church at 7 30 p. m. April<br />

Automobile fire at<br />

Graham extinguished<br />

The Post Volunteer Fire Dean;.<br />

ment answered on alarm from the<br />

Graham community late Mondij<br />

oftcrnnon to put out a blaze in i<br />

1956 model sutomobllc owned bj<br />

Elmer D. Jones.<br />

Tho firemen have also answered I<br />

two grass fire alarms in the last j<br />

few days, but neither of the fires I<br />

was ns big as the grass fires of I<br />

the previous week.<br />

SPRING<br />



Low mileage, a work horse,<br />

priced right.<br />


drive, free wheeling<br />

hubs, winch, radio and heater<br />

Only 6,000 miles.<br />

62 RAMBLER Classic St. Wgn,<br />

Automatic transmission, radio<br />

and heater, low m.leage.<br />

54 CHEVROLET<br />

Just like new orlv 39.000<br />

actual miles by one careful<br />

owner, radio and heater, std.<br />

transmission.<br />

56 DEL AIR CHEVROLET -4-d-<br />

oor sedan, standard Irani'<br />

mission, radio and healer,<br />

priced lo sell.<br />


ON THE LOT<br />


MOTOR CO.<br />


Cattle Audio?<br />

P.M. Saturday, Mar. 30<br />

Vi Mile South of Spur on<br />

Post Highway<br />

150 Head of Cattle<br />

r-- t f .1. I It i<br />

' I "W<br />

a '"iy VI IUWI Willi lUIVOl.<br />

fpr-jef- i jpveicil head of yearlings. f !<br />

t) 1 if 3 .red bulls.<br />


A i f ii p. p (ot a' my own ptiH'iw i<br />

' ') t!euni.' of entire licrl<br />

KEN BOZPMAN, Owner<br />


fab<br />

Please Send or Tolephono Nows to HELEN CORNISH, Women's Editor,<br />

was the<br />

ffirtower honoring<br />

Moore, brdc- -<br />

?? iSIclas T Roddcn. Mon- -<br />

' Pi lwp'<br />

March 18.<br />

receiving imc ""<br />

BM- - wvih Stone Sr Mrs.<br />

jloore, MrS' John V- Roddjn<br />

ir daugmcr,<br />

Moore<br />

chose a pale blue<br />

. j.... Anhnnrrd With<br />

itnpco urc<br />

, orchid corsage,<br />

u W Stone Jr., sister of<br />

. fl...ri wrn used<br />

,ring "V- -<br />

uhout the room. i.u".<br />

cloth covered the refresh-uhle- h<br />

was centered<br />

u arrangement of pink and<br />

. flowers carrying out the<br />

'<br />

colors of the honorce.<br />

( squares, nuts, minis u u<br />

,ere served to tho guests<br />

ri..! :<br />

rs, ltkois is<br />

lapter hostess<br />

Louise Simpson gave the<br />

. . m t. I I.<br />

am on ' inc uiurcn ui will<br />

Day Saints", when XI Delta<br />

chapter of Beta Sigma Phi<br />

ity met Monday night In the<br />

rm S<br />

calling between tho hours of 7:30<br />

nnd 9 o'clock.<br />

Classmates of Miss Moore's assisting<br />

wllli tho houscparty were<br />

Mrs. Kay Edwards, Miss Janice<br />

Morcmnn nnd Miss Jean Johnston.<br />

Hostesses for the occnslon were:<br />

The Eplslon Sigma Alpha sorority<br />

met last Thursday night In the<br />

home of Mrs. B. F. Evans with<br />

Mrs. Marion Duncan as hostess.<br />

Mary Raphelt was given a leave<br />

of absence nnd further plans were<br />

mado for tho forthcoming district<br />

meeting, during the business meeting.<br />

Also leaving the group will be<br />

Wanda Sandlln nnd Sandra Feather<br />

who have accepted teaching positions<br />

In Odessa for the fall school<br />

term.<br />

Mrs. D. C. Williams presented n<br />

program on " Environment and<br />

Heredity".<br />

After refreshments were served,<br />

the group went to the Primary<br />

School auditorium to view a dress<br />

rehearsal of the Intcrscholastic<br />

League play. Mrs. Bllilc Cariylc,<br />

wife of the speech instructor, arranged<br />

tho showing.<br />

Those attending were:<br />

La Rue Jones, Hetty Huddles-ton- ,<br />

I.ea Mock, Dlllle Cnrlyle, Sandra<br />

Feather, Wnndn Sandlln. Bon-ni- e<br />

Duren, Leah Herring, Mrs. Williams<br />

nnd the hostess.<br />

FOR<br />

WANT ADS<br />

DIAL 2816<br />


erSonciutied<br />

Mother and son<br />

complimented<br />

Mrs. Dclwin Flultt and her baby<br />

son were complimented at a coffee,<br />

March 12 at 9:30 o'clock in<br />

the morning In the homo of Mrs.<br />

Tholbcrt McBride with Mrs. Mack<br />

Lcdbcttcr as<br />

Mrs. Fluitt. nsslstcd bv her<br />

mother, Mrs. Clinton Edwards of<br />

Fort Worth, opened tho nrroy of<br />

gifts.<br />

Mmcs. Malcolm Dull, We a v c r<br />

Morcman, Leo Cobb, Jack Bnllcn-tine- ,<br />

Tillman Jones, Dob Collier,<br />

Don Osborn, Noah Stono Sr., Jess<br />

Ec-kol- Rogers, Dick Tanner, s. Darrcll<br />

R. T. Smith. L, G Thuett Sr.,<br />

At Norrls, Ralph Welch nnd Miss<br />

Jewel Parsons.<br />

Tho serving table was centered<br />

with an arrangement of blue sweet-pea- s<br />

and blue tapers. Mrs. Jimmy<br />

Redman nnd Mrs, Lewis Mason<br />

served coffee, spiced tea nnd chocolate<br />

cinnamon rolls to the guests,<br />

Sorority group<br />

sees rehearsal<br />

of one-ac- t play<br />

Tho attending were:<br />

Mmcs. Ray McClcllan, Maurice<br />

Flultt, Elmo Bush, Carl Flultt,<br />

Grovcr Mason. James Stone, Don<br />

Greer, Homer Cato, Auvy McBride,<br />

Elmer Cowdrey, Wanda Smith, W.<br />

C. Bush, Bill McMahon. Bryan<br />

Maxcy, Bob Macy, Burncy Francis,<br />

Curtis Williams and Carter<br />

White.<br />

Japan trip plans<br />

are told class<br />

'Okinawa' program ct<br />

church circle meeting<br />

5<br />

Tho Post (Tcxoi) Dltpatch Thursday, March 27, 7963 Page 5<br />

Phono 495-281- Not later Than<br />

Couple hosts<br />

to seniors at<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom Williams<br />

were hosts for a dinner Saturday<br />

night at G o'clock honoring the Post<br />

High School senior class In their<br />

cafeteria.<br />

The serving tnbles were covered<br />

with white cloths with floral arrangements<br />

donated by The Flower<br />

Shop carrying out the class color<br />

scheme of white and orchid. Two<br />

silhouettes of graduates were featured<br />

at the head table.<br />

Mrs. Williams welcomed the<br />

students and Glenn Polk made n<br />

"thank you" speech for tho class.<br />

The dinner menu conlstcd of<br />

steak, creamed potatoes and gravy,<br />

green beans, tossed salad, hot rolls,<br />

cherry cobbler and Iced ten.<br />

Misses Carol Hodges, Jaqutta<br />

Box, Linda McMahon, Margie Harrison,<br />

Diane Maxcy and Judy c,<br />

Junior Home Ec students,<br />

served.<br />

Other Invited guests were the<br />

class sponsors. Those attending<br />

were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins<br />

nnd Mr. and Mrs. John May.<br />

Seniors attending were:<br />

Dinnn Bias, Stanna Butler, Janic<br />

Carradlnc, Chris Cornish, A 1 y n<br />

Cox, Gayle Henton. Vonda Howell,<br />

Wllla Hoyle. Glenda Hutto. Marianne<br />

Jones. Norma Julian, Susanne<br />

Krnuse, Chcrl Moore, Ann Penning- -<br />

Members of the Merrymakers<br />

Club pieced n quilt top for their<br />

hostess, Mrs. Clarence Martin,<br />

March 12.<br />

Plans were made to meet with<br />

Mrs. Scott Storie and quilt a quilt<br />

for her March 20. This will also<br />

ho gift day.<br />

Refreshments were served to-<br />

Mmes. J. F. Storie. Nels Crisp.<br />

Wren Cross. Arthur Floyd. Percy<br />

Printz. L. H. Peel. Boo Whentley.<br />

Alice Parsons. Bonnie Adamson.<br />

and Alma Sims.<br />

Bazaar and rummage<br />

sale to be Saturday<br />

The Naomi Circle of the First<br />

Methodist Church met last Thurs-di- v<br />

morning In the home of Mrs.<br />

W R Grnebor at 9:30.<br />

Continuing the study. "On Asia's<br />

Rim". Mrs. Bill Edwards. Mrs. J.<br />

F Parker and Mrs. Horner J. Irons<br />

presented the program on "Okln- -<br />

4V,.' '<br />

Mrs Graeher. the study leader,<br />

g.iv the devotional.<br />

cof-fe- bread, full tarts end o<br />

were served to the following<br />

members:<br />

Mmes Jim Hundlev, Joe Cnllls.<br />

R T Smith. Dan-el- l The women of the Church of God<br />

of Prophecy will hold an<br />

Eckols liner-pir- .<br />

Parker. Irons and Edwards<br />

all-dabasaar<br />

and mm ma tie sale Saturday<br />

at 121 East Main St.<br />

Proceeds from the sale will be<br />

used In the mission work of the<br />

church.<br />


The Prlscilla Club will meet Friday.<br />

March 23. In the home of Mrs.<br />

C. W. Terry at 3 o'clock.<br />


Now Marked on Largo Portion of<br />

Our Shoo Stocks<br />


Sovoral Shipments of Now<br />


215 E- - MAIN, POST<br />

DIAL 495-366- 1<br />

Givarcli e5<br />

Wednesday Morning<br />

Saturday night<br />

cafeteria meal<br />

ton, Jnnlth Short, Marsha Smith,<br />

Elaine Whcatlcy, Wanda Williams,<br />

Mary Ann Williams, Mary Alice<br />

Cleveland;<br />

Robert Bcvcrs, Charles Brannon,<br />

Gary Brewer, Jerry Bush, Melvln<br />

Byrd, Tom Campbell, Robert Dod-so-<br />

Frankle Gary, Sonny Gossctt,<br />

Buddy Morcland, David Nichols,<br />

Glenn Polk, Ken Rankin, Bobby<br />

Roach, Dclton Robinson, Freddie<br />

Simmons, Ronald Talent, Howard<br />

Teaff. Jlmmlc Wells. Kent Wheat- -<br />

Icy, Philip Foster.<br />

Coffee honors<br />

Kansas visitor<br />

Mrs. Harold Wiley of Cherry-val- e,<br />

Kans., who Is visiting her<br />

daughter, Mrs. Bud Schlchubcr, In<br />

Justlccburg, was honored with n<br />

coffee last Thursday afternoon nt<br />

the Justlccburg School lunchroom.<br />

Mrs. Riley Miller, Mrs. Doug-In- s<br />

McWhlrt and Mrs. Babe Norrls<br />

were hostesses.<br />

Sandwiches, stuffed celery, apple<br />

dumplings, coffee and punch were<br />

served to the following guests:<br />

Mmes. Mason Justice, Weldon<br />

Reed, Pearl Nance, Cameron Jus<br />

tice, Fernlo Reed, E, C. Franklin,<br />

Leo Reed, Jim Boren, W. T. Parch- -<br />

man of Carlsbad. N. M. and Bud<br />

Schlchubcr and Deborah Boren,<br />

Danny McWhlrt, Jenny Miller and<br />

the honorce.<br />

Texas theme is<br />

carried out in<br />

clubs program<br />

The Amity Study Club carried<br />

out the "Texas" theme In Its program<br />

when they met March 12 in<br />

the Community Room. Mrs. Jack<br />

Burress nnd Mrs. Russell Wilks<br />

Jr. were hostesses.<br />

Mrs. V. L. Peel, president, was<br />

In charge of the business meeting.<br />

Plans were discussed for the<br />

club's fund-raisin- project a beauty<br />

contest to be held in April. Mrs.<br />

Thurman Francis Is chairman of<br />

the contest committee. The district<br />

convention to bo held in Lubbock<br />

at the Pioneer Hotel Mnrch 29 and<br />

30 wns also discussed.<br />

Roll call was answered with<br />

members naming Texas' greats.<br />

Mrs. Pat N. Walker gave a resume<br />

of Texas' poet laureates, and<br />

Mrs. C. H. Hartcl gave nn Interesting<br />

talk on J. Frank Doblc, n<br />

Texas writer and a weekly column<br />

ist lor leading Texas newspapers.<br />

Those attending were:<br />

Mmcs. Ronald Babb, W. C. Bush,<br />

Bob Macy, Wayne Carpenter, Leo<br />

Cobb, Marion Duncan, Thurman<br />

Fronds, George Miller, Peel, Lor-en- o<br />

Scarbrough, Walker, Charles<br />

Black, Tom Greenwood, Jack Gray,<br />

Darrcll Stone, nnd the hostesses.<br />

Next meeting will be In the Rcd<br />

dy Room March 26.<br />

Jim Rogers new<br />

P-T- A president<br />

Jim Rogers, pharmacist at Bob<br />

Collier Drug, was elected president<br />

of the Parent-Teach- Association<br />

Jr. nnn<br />

in<br />

I'm so sorry that Mrs. H, A.,<br />

Thurlo got bitten by a mouse last<br />

week nnd has to take a series of<br />

rabies shots. If anyone had to be<br />

bitten I wish It could have been a<br />

member of the male sex.<br />

I've been terrified of the dam<br />

things for years knowing full well<br />

that they'd bite and have received<br />

all sorts of jeers from any male<br />

around. (Mostly, Mr. C) I turn Into<br />

a completely feminine female at<br />

the sight of one and have wrangled<br />

more than a few dinner Invitations<br />

out because of knowing one wns in<br />

the kitchen under nn appllcancc of<br />

one kind or another.<br />

Even the Misses Cs scoff at my<br />

fear and I've found artificial mice<br />

of all kinds hidden In appropriate<br />

spots around the house. I'd much<br />

rather have a snake in the house<br />

than n rodent of any kind nnd I'm<br />

glad to know that my fears arc not<br />

entirely groundless.<br />

I broke Into a loud chuckle last<br />

week while punching the Pleasant<br />

Valley news. Mrs. Max Chaff In<br />

wrote that a Mrs. Jim Hall was<br />

admitted to the hospital when the<br />

Post Dispatch hit the newsstand.<br />

I realized hat we might make n<br />

few people sick but heaven forbid<br />

that we cause anyone to be hospitalized.<br />

Our deepest apologies,<br />

Mrs. Hall. Hope we didn't cause<br />

anything too serious!<br />

I hope Ed Warren will forgive<br />

me for printing the following bit<br />

from a paper dated in March of<br />

,94B- - 1 iust couldn't resist the tcmp- -<br />

tntion on finding this piece while<br />

gathering up the "Yesteryears"<br />

material.<br />

By MRS. C.<br />

cooperate with the Garza County<br />

schools In every wny possible, Including<br />

providing whenever availablecardboard<br />

for poster assignments.<br />

But the Post Dispatch staff Is<br />

not ndequate to wait on hundreds<br />

of school children who call nt the<br />

office one at a time for a sheet of<br />

cardboard In a single day, as they<br />

did yesterday.<br />

It is suggested that a teacher<br />

assigning posters to students call<br />

in advance at the Post Dispatch<br />

nnd buy cardboard which she can<br />

re-se-ll to the students,<br />

The Post Dispatch believes this<br />

plan will save trouble for Its own<br />

employes and also for the students<br />

and their parents. (Unquote)<br />

I mean you can tell that some<br />

body had had it up to here and<br />

didn't care who knew It.<br />

We have solved this problem by<br />

bringing the poster board up front<br />

on those rush days and yelling.<br />

"Thick or thin?" (thnt means 10<br />

or 20 cent) before most of the students<br />

have n chance to say what<br />

they are there for. It's usually the<br />

tag end of the day when they hit<br />

and we enjoy seeing those carefree<br />

faces, so keep right on coming<br />

in.<br />

It's nn nmuslng thing about<br />

Most customers, Including<br />

parents, make the measurements<br />

with their hands before even<br />

saying what they want, and seem<br />

to be grateful that we understand<br />

Another thing I've<br />

noticed, the kids just buy one sheet<br />

but most mothers play It smart<br />

and buy two sheets to save a trip<br />

back for a mined one!<br />

The Amiga Class of tho First<br />

Baptist Church met Tuesday night<br />

at the Community Room at 7:30<br />

and enjoyed a program by those<br />

planning to be a part of the New<br />

i Room.<br />

Life Movement In Japan. Club planning<br />

s. Marry Eckols was hostess<br />

Mrs. C. B. Hogue, Mrs. Wesley<br />

meeting<br />

Scott and Mrs. Jnmcs R. Matthews<br />

benefit bridge held last Snt- -<br />

told of their preparations for the family party<br />

In the Community Room was<br />

trip. All of the couples will leave<br />

-- ed to be quite successful,<br />

at different times nnd serve In dif- Plnns for n family party were<br />

reds from the benefit will be<br />

ferent places. The Hogucs will made when the Mystic Sewing Club<br />

is the scholarship fund,<br />

leave April 20 and will work in mot with Mrs. Llllie Short Inst Frl<br />

ending the meeting were:<br />

Imnbari, Japan nnd Hong Kong: day.<br />

nes. Sue Cornell. Ucrnlce Eu- -<br />

the Scotts will leave April 6 to work The party will bo held March 2S<br />

Johnny Francis, Joan Hill,<br />

for three weeks in Fukuoka, nnd in the Southland School lunchroom<br />

!a Mitchell, Shirley Moore. Jo<br />

the Matthews will leave April 10 with Mrs. Mary Ellis and Mrs.<br />

, Louise Simpson nnd the hos- -<br />

to work in Saga for three weeks Winnie Henderson as hostesses.<br />

and with the Hogucs in Imnbari Mrs. Short served sandwiches,<br />

will be hostess for the<br />

for two weeks.<br />

pickles, olives, lemon pic, coffee,<br />

1 meeting In her home.<br />

Mrs. Homer McCrary. Mrs. L. P. and Cokes to the following:<br />

Kennedy Jr., Mrs. Leo Cobb nnd Mmes. Eva Bailey. Ellis. Hcnder-<br />


Mrs. Glenn Potts were hostesses son, Jlmmie Hudmnn, Thclma Kuy-<br />

Green Thumb club hears and served cherry pie, punch nnd<br />

and Mrs, Garland Davics<br />

coffee to the group.<br />

visited Don Davics in of state flowers<br />

Others attending were:<br />

xk Thursday Don Is n senior<br />

Mmcs. Frank Runklcs, Ben Ault.<br />

at at Texas Tech and a first<br />

Mrs. Elsie Mae Whlttenberg nnvc Pat Blacklock, Bailey Matslcr, Ray<br />

sant in Tech's<br />

tho<br />

ROTC unit.<br />

program on "States and Their N. Smith, Tom Williams, Winnie<br />

Flowers" last Thursday night when Henderson, Louie Burkes, Wayne<br />

the Green Thumb Garden Club met Pennington. Lowell Short and Mar-<br />

at the Rcddy Room with M r s. vin Hudmnn,<br />

ISTEN FOR Vivian Shook as hostess.<br />

Mrs. Ada Buchanan, president, W. H. Shiws hosfs<br />

THE NEW presided over the regular monthly to weekend company<br />

meeting.<br />

Attending were:<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Shaw of 110<br />

Mmcs. SOUND<br />

Florcnc King, Lll Con- East Ith St. were hosts over the<br />

weekend to a number of their chilner,<br />

Roberta Herron, Ada Buch dren and grandchildren.<br />

anan, Elsie Mao wmiicnocrg, un The Shaws visitors were their<br />

I<br />

IN TOWN lie Wlndhnm. Mnurlne Hudmnn. son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. William<br />

Mary Landrcth, Estlea Nichols and; preen of Fort Worth; also the<br />

Bill<br />

ni? children nnd famines of<br />

the hostess.<br />

Post: Mr. nnd Mrs. Eddie Shaw<br />

and children, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hcnrv<br />

Shaw and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence<br />

Warren and children, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. James Amnions nnd children,<br />

nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Seals<br />

and daughter.<br />

Also present were grandchildren<br />

Mr and Mrs. Charles Roy Seals,<br />

Mr Leslie Seals.<br />

They all went to the Clarence<br />

Warren homo for dinner Sunday<br />

nnd then went to the Little League<br />

Park to play ball.<br />

-<br />

19G3-G- for the 4 year last Thursday<br />

when met In the Junior High<br />

library for a called business meet-<br />

A-<br />

ing at 4 o'clock.<br />

He will succeed Phil<br />

We all<br />

Crenshaw<br />

have our bad days when<br />

who has held the office<br />

Interruptions<br />

for two<br />

can drive you out of<br />

years.<br />

your mind so I feel I know what<br />

prompted this blast-of- f. Here we<br />

Other officers elected for the new go:<br />

Needlecrafters hold term arc: Jack Alexander, vice<br />

-<br />

president: Mrs. Wanda Potts, sec-<br />

St. Patrick's party<br />

(Quote) N o t i c c to school teachretary;<br />

Mrs. Joy Smith, treasurer: ers:<br />

The Necdlecraft Club<br />

Mrs.<br />

met last<br />

Mary Rnphelt, historian, and The Post Dispatch Is happy to<br />

Friday and enjoyed a program<br />

Mrs. Betty<br />

on<br />

Yancey, parlimcntnr-lan- .<br />

St. Patrick's Day. Mrs. M. H. Hutto<br />

was the hostess.<br />

The slate of officers was present- Couple honored<br />

Members answered roll call with ed by Herb Smith, chairman of the<br />

something of Interest about St. Pat- nominating committee. His comrick.<br />

A "Pat nnd Mike" contest mittee members were Mrs. June at M2' party<br />

wns held and Mrs. W. R. Gracbcr Peel, Mrs. Betty Jo Bilbo, Don<br />

gave an nrticlc on the Irish Night- Marth and Jack Alexander.<br />

Mr and Mrs W H Barton, who<br />

ingale.<br />

Mrs. B. D. Litton served cookies arc leaving to make thicr home In<br />

Refreshments consisted of green and coffee to those present. McCaulley next week<br />

kendnll, Estlea Nichols, Alylenc<br />

after resid<br />

congealed salad, wafers, cake, nuts<br />

ing<br />

Runklcs, Mac Shipley. Nell Wind-<br />

in the Baroum Springs com<br />

and coffee, nnd were served to:<br />

ham. Cecil Gray and Miss Henri-<br />

Mrs. Lew Baker is<br />

Mmcs. S. C. Storie Sr.. Graeber.<br />

etta Nichols.<br />

F. C. Barker, Boone Evans, Nell Fellowship hostess<br />

McCrary. Carl Jones. H. J. Die<br />

Rebecca Circle meets trich, R. A. Moore, Mae Voss, Jack The Christian Woman's Fellow-shi- p<br />

Kennedy and H. W. Schmidt.<br />

of the First Christian Church<br />

at Methodist Church The next meeting will be with met Monday afternoon at 2:30 In<br />

Mrs. L. G. Thuett Sr., Friday, the church parlor with Mrs. Lew<br />

Mrs. R. A. Moore was the study March 22.<br />

Baker as hostess.<br />

leader when the Recbcccn Circle<br />

After Mrs. Hub Halre opened the<br />

met at the First Methodist Church<br />

meeting with prayer. Mrs. Charles<br />

for its study of "Today's Children Mrs. Kirkpatrick is Luttrell gave tho worship service.<br />

for Tomorrow's World".<br />

Mrs.<br />

Assisting with the program were Hobby Club Leo Davis hostess<br />

Sr. was in charge<br />

of the lesson taken from the Old<br />

Mrs. Charlie Voss, Mrs. Tillman The Hobby Club, one of Post's Testament duscussing chapters, 23.<br />

Jones nnd Mrs. L. G. Thuett Sr. newest organizations, met last Wed- 30 and 39 from Exodus. Mrs. Davis<br />

Others present were: Mmes. Don nesday afternoon in tho home of also gave the answers from "World<br />

Osborn, Jlmmie Redman, Waggon- Mrs. Jack Kirkpatrick.<br />

Call."<br />

er Johnson, Jess Rogers nnd A. M. Each club member worked on Those present included a guest,<br />

Lucas.<br />

n current project of their own.<br />

Mrs. Kirkpatrick served Danish<br />

Club pieces quilt top pastry and coffee to:<br />

Mrs. Ervln Lamb. Mrs Bob<br />

for March 12 hostess Macy. Mrs I"d Kelly Sims M- -i<br />

Jlmmie Bird and Mrs Bud Davis<br />

-<br />

munity for 1G years, were honored<br />

in that community with a 42<br />

party last Friday night.<br />

Homemade cookies, cake and<br />

coffee were served to the 14 couples<br />

n!li.nrllni<br />

The community presented the<br />

honored couple with n table and<br />

the Bnrnum Springs Home Dcm- -<br />

onstration Club made them n gift<br />

of a table lamp.<br />

Those present were:<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson,<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. D. Williams and<br />

Quay, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ryan,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Long. Mr<br />

and Mrs. O. F. Pennell. Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Ted Ray. Mr. and Mrs. M. H.<br />

Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Welch,<br />

Mrs. Lillian Tizard. and the follow- - Mr. nnd Mrs. Melvln Williams. Mr.<br />

Ing members: Mmes. Jack Burcss, and Mrs. Bob Smith. Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Halre. Luttrell. Davis. Janle Davis. C. K. Pierce and daughter. Mrs.<br />

K Stoker. Ida Robinson. F. C Velmn Long and Mrs. June Hcmp-llarke-<br />

I'm always running across Items<br />

when writing the "Yesteryears"<br />

and wondering if some one would<br />

really like to have certain things<br />

repeated In the paper. Just last<br />

week. I saw, while scanning the<br />

society page, that Mrs. Pat N.<br />

Walker had danced the Irish Jig<br />

at a club meeting for the St. Patrick's<br />

Day program five years ago.<br />

I decided (perhaps wrongly) thnt<br />

Mrs. Walker maybe would rather<br />

not be reminded of that day so left<br />

it out of "Five Years Ago."<br />

I feel I must explain to some one<br />

about a phone call to the Post<br />

Dispatch a few weeks ago. 1 don't<br />

know to whom<br />

Wlllnrd Kirkpatrick. J. B. hill and Mrs M H. Barton and<br />

Jones nnd Max Mitchell children of Lubbock<br />

1 am apologizing<br />

' but want to explain that I am only<br />

iiuiiiaii utiu nut u un jjaLiiiu.<br />

We have two lines coming into<br />

our office but renlly only one number.<br />

If 2810 is busy when one calls,.<br />

the phone automatically flips over<br />

,0 2S17- - Naturally If both lines are<br />

being used, one gets n busy signal,<br />

'f 28IC Is not being used and tho<br />

Phone rings on 2817, we know right<br />

away inni u is a wrons numucr.<br />

The wrong number is usually Pos-te- x<br />

Mills whose number is 2818.<br />

Feeling a bit devilish one day<br />

when the phone rang on 2817, I<br />

answered not by saying, "Post Dispatch."<br />

but by saying: "I'm sorry<br />

you have the wrong number." I<br />

took ndvantage of the silence on<br />

the other end for n good minute<br />

and further mystified the party by<br />

saying- - "You were probably dialing<br />

2818 " All I got wns n few<br />

splutters and n quiet click In my<br />

car.<br />

ond M on<br />

morc tUb- o- soo 1<br />

3lSi Use Your Cycle Mff<br />

Tgyfigrffi Crodit Account wP<br />

. I'<br />

1. 1 a- -<br />

1,--<br />

ft<br />


I) f<br />

1<br />

...<br />

Page 6 Thursday, March 21, J 963 The Post (Texas) Dispatch<br />


1 10 S. Broadway Ph. 495-208- 0<br />

"Wo Furnish Your Home from Plans to Palnl"<br />



401 S. Broadway Ph. 495-270- 1<br />



114 S. Ave. I Ph. 495-288- 1<br />





HIS. Broadway Ph. 495-282- 5<br />

205 W. Main<br />



Ph. 495-314- 0<br />

BROWN BROS. ET AL, Operators<br />

E. R. MORELAND<br />

Lubbock Hwy. Ph. 495-288- 6<br />



612 N. Broadway<br />

Ph. 495-991- 4<br />




510 N. Broadway Ph. 495-300- 0<br />


615 W. Main<br />

Ph.<br />


H & N GARAGE<br />


510 N. Broadway<br />

f<br />

495-282- 1<br />

Ph. 495-252-<br />


- A A A AmA<br />

F1KST<br />

C.<br />


B. (BUI)<br />

CHURCH<br />

Hague<br />

Bible School<br />

Morning Worship<br />

Radio Broadcast<br />

KUKO<br />

Training Union<br />

Evening Worship<br />

9:45 n.m<br />

10:50 n m<br />

11:00 a. ro.<br />

8:30 p.ra<br />

7; 30 p.m.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Officers and Teachers<br />

Meeting --7:30 pm<br />

Pruyor Servlco nnd<br />

Illblo Study 8:00 p.m<br />

Choir Rchewsnl 8: 43 p.m<br />


CHURCH<br />

Graydon Howell, Pastor<br />

Sunday<br />

Junior Choir 9; 30 a.n<br />

Sunday School - 9:43 a.n<br />

MornlnR Worship<br />

Training Union<br />

Uvenlflg Worship<br />

Monday<br />

I0 S0 a.rr<br />

8:00 p. m<br />

7:00 p. m<br />

Drotherhoad and<br />

T WMU -<br />

Wednesday<br />

Prayer Servian 7:30<br />

P'"1<br />

p ro<br />


Herbert A. SmlJh, Mlnliter<br />

Sunday morning<br />

Bible Sludy<br />

9:30 a. m.<br />

Sunday morning<br />

Worship Service . 10:30 a. m<br />

Sunday evening<br />

Worship Service 8:30<br />

Wednesday evening<br />

Worship Service ore<br />


CHURCH<br />

At Close Clt)<br />

Shelby Rlshop<br />

Sunia School Classy 10 n.<br />

worship Sarvires II m<br />

1 Training Unwn<br />

30 p m<br />

Kvnttme Warship 30 IS m<br />

WwlnMuay<br />

W MU ... .<br />

R A O A<br />

Inet's 90 to Church lunnlay<br />

Thlt Servlco of Church Fcaturot It Doing Publiihod Through tho Cooperation of tho Lotal Mintstors end It Sponsored by tho Abovo Individuals and Dutlnott Firms<br />

With tho Hopo That Moro Pooplo Will Attend tho Church of Tholr Choico.<br />

4 tMi 1 II.<br />

w a m<br />

II H II A M<br />


diMa Sludy . .. Q 00 h.<br />

Morning Warship It tf a<br />

Wwshlp 00 9 to<br />

gvttmg<br />

!<br />

..<br />

Pfai- -<br />



The Church is the greatest factor<br />

on earth for the building of charac-<br />

ter nnd gcxxl citizenship. It is a<br />

storc-liou- se<br />

of spiritual values. Without a<br />

strong Church, neither democracy<br />

nor civilization can survive. Thcro<br />

arc four sound reasons why every<br />

person should attend services regu-l.trl- y<br />

and support the Church. They<br />

nre U' For his own sake. (2) For<br />

Jus children's sake. (3) For the sake<br />

of his community and nation. U)<br />

For the sake of tho Church itself,<br />

which needs his moral and material<br />

support. Plan to go to churcn regularly<br />

nnd rend your XJible c!iiy.<br />

Sunday<br />

Psalms<br />

33:13-2- 2<br />

.AAA..A..A,..niA A..AA-AAAA-AA--AAAAA-.-A-<br />

I' o i 1<br />


Monday<br />

Proverbs<br />

21:11-1- 7<br />

A<br />

Rev. W. W. Pettyjohn<br />

Sunday . .. - s School t .m<br />

Morning Worship II 00 a m<br />

rfvtmtng Worship 7 00 p.m<br />

1st Wednesday Missionary<br />

Jarvke<br />

7.00 p. m.<br />

2nd Wedwwday Prayer<br />

Maattng . 7:00 p. m<br />

3rd Wdniay IHUe<br />

Stutty<br />

7:00 p. m.<br />

Uit Wa4nday CPM-A- .<br />

fervte. 7:90 p. m.<br />

FrWuy Victory<br />

t d- -r fl<br />

HIRST MFnHIMl'5- -<br />

CHURCH<br />

Rev. Oscar Rrure<br />

iurxiay Selvwl 9.41 a.m<br />

Marnmg Wrh4fi 11:00 a.rr<br />

"<br />

UYF ... 4 p rr<br />

BwmHiw Worship 7.30 p.m<br />

Second Monday<br />

MMhmUst Man 7 50 p.m<br />

Second Wednesday<br />

Boar-- Mwtmg . 7 30 p.ra<br />


All dressed up, the expression goes, and no place to go. These boys are<br />

hardly "dressed up." But the rest of the description fits them perfectly.<br />

They are two of the millions of American children who are growing up<br />

WITHOUT A CHURCH. Boys with the God-give- n right to grow up in faith<br />

. . . with the American right to worship God freely according to the dictates<br />

of their own conscience. But someone hasn't understood their rights.<br />

Parents who make no provision for their children's religious education<br />

are, in effect, robbing these children of the most precious heritage of every<br />

American. Grownups who, by the tell-tal- e example of indifference, encourage<br />

boys and girls to emulate the Godlessness that tho Iron Curtain seeks<br />

to foster are undermining the spiritual substance of our nation.<br />

No more serious problem faces America today than the children who on<br />

Sunday morning in a land of churches have no place to go.<br />

Honestly, now, are 7oh creating the problem or helping to conquer it?<br />

Tucsdny Wednesday<br />

Isntnh Jeremiah<br />

47:10-1- 5<br />

14:10-1- 6<br />


CHURCH<br />


ot Lubbock<br />

Sunday School<br />

Training ServlM.<br />

.Second And Fourth<br />

Morning Worship<br />

9: 45 a.m.<br />

8:30 p.m.<br />

Sundays<br />

1 1 00 a.m<br />

Evening Worship 7:30 p.m<br />

Wednesday<br />

Prayer Services 7:30 p.m<br />


CHURCH<br />

Rev, nernard S. Ramsey<br />

Sunday School<br />

Mnrnlne Warship<br />

livening Worship<br />

9:43 a, m.<br />

11:00 am<br />

7 00 p. m.<br />

ChlRo 6.00 p. m<br />



Rev. Kendall S. While<br />

Juno ay School 9.41 a.m<br />

Worship Servleu I0:4J a.rr<br />

NYPS<br />

8 30 pro<br />

Evening ServWe . 7 00 p.m<br />

Wednesday<br />

Prayer Meeting--. 7 30 ?<br />

1<br />

-<br />

Thursday<br />

Daniel<br />

3 :8-1- 9<br />

Todos Blcn tlenldos"<br />


407 May St.<br />

Rev. Cruz Molina, Pastor<br />

Sunday School 10 a, m.<br />

Evening Worship 7 p. m.<br />

Tuesday<br />

CMP Service 7:30 p. m.<br />

Thursday<br />

Ed. de C. Service 7:30 p. m.<br />

Saturday<br />

Special Service 7 p. m.<br />



Sunday Scrx)t10:00 a.m<br />

Morning Worshlpll:00 a.m<br />

Training Union 7:30 p.m<br />

UviiiUik Worship ....,..8:30 p tr<br />

Wednesdays<br />

Prayrr Met-tln- and Hlble<br />

Studv ..,8 00 p.m<br />

2nd and 4th Thursday<br />

WMU and Hlble<br />

Studv 8-OV p.m<br />

MKTHCiniST atURCH<br />

Sunday Sehoo! 10 M a m<br />

Morning Worship 1100 am<br />

Pining Worship I 09 p ro<br />

.A. A .A A.<br />

Friday<br />

Ephesinns<br />

2:13-2- 2<br />

A A A A<br />

Saturday<br />

12 plies in 113<br />

3:7-1- 3<br />


Located ot US West 14th St<br />

Sunday Morning<br />

Worship Service 10:30 a.m.<br />

Sunday Evening<br />

Evening Service 7:00 p.m.<br />

Wednesday Evening . 7:00 p.m<br />



Bible Study . 10 a. m.<br />

Morning Viorshlp 11:00 .m.<br />

Evening Worship 8:00 p.m<br />



Avenue V & 14th<br />

Rev. James Itrlckson. Pastor<br />

Asst. Pastor<br />

Massos<br />

Sunday g and 10 a. m.<br />

Friday 7 p.<br />


D. L, Hembree, Pastor<br />

Stsnstay School iMS a. in.<br />

Sunday Night 7 30 p m.<br />

Mnming Worship II 00 a tu<br />

Y P I. . Tlmri . . 7 JO p tn.<br />

1<br />



129 W. Main pn. 495.27,4<br />



122 W. Bth Ph 495-206- 1<br />




122 E. Main Ph. 495-239- 4<br />



101 W. Main Ph 495-332-<br />


122B E. Main Ph 495-204-<br />

Clairemont<br />


CHURCH<br />

Rev. Joel Plstono<br />

Sunday School .... 10:00 a. m.<br />

Worship Servictt--..U:0- 0 n. m.<br />

Training Union C p. m.<br />

Worship 7 p. m.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Bible Sludy &<br />

Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m.<br />

(North Broadway - 15th St.)<br />


PROPHECY (Spanish)<br />

GULF<br />

FRED CAMACHO, Pastor<br />

Sunday Sehnm inrrw n.m<br />

Worship 11:00 .ra.<br />

Evening Wnrshlp,7;30 p.m.<br />

Wed. Eve. W.M.I17:J0 p. ra.<br />

Friday Eve. Victory<br />

Leaden ,,, 7:30 p. tn,<br />


CHURCH<br />

Rev. Ed liming<br />

Sunday School 9:43 n. ni.<br />

Morning Worship II 00 a. tn.<br />



HInhway Ph 4<br />

PAT N.<br />

WALKER<br />


MILLS<br />

A Unit of Burlington Indus'! es<br />

"Sloopy Tlmo Is Garza Time"<br />



ft<br />

Ph<br />

1 ' -<br />

cordon ciiubcii opanufl<br />

Cllne Drake, .nu-.- ..sunuay<br />

niuii ..<br />

UIWIV M.MJ<br />

Sunday mrning<br />

Worship Service<br />

495-27-<br />

.iufti<br />

sunuay cvcninu ,.b.b.1<br />

Worship Sen-icwednesuay<br />

evcnuw - ;<br />


Sunday School -<br />

Mumlng Worship<br />

Evening Worship -- 7.w<br />

Wedncsdsf ,<br />

' " r<br />

Prayer Meeting -<br />

CA. Sen lce<br />

HHTIf F"1"5<br />

Sunday fchvt .<br />

IllUlllUlt, " U'r-1- - 1<br />

1<br />

. " f'


rode Tex,, will bo host April 4-- 6 to the annual conference of District 573, Rotary Interna- -<br />

10,<br />

al The Post Rotary Club will be represented with its president-elect- , James Mitchell,<br />

llWiea IO , -- I..U. CI.J CrL. .41. ,:.-- r,,t Tinrll nn(r.<br />

tOt the inamrOCK KOlUly nufu wiuirv, ukiiiu y.i...,,, unu uum, wmiv.i- -<br />

Rninrv, eluhs. in the- Texas Panhandle - - - comDrisc - . District 573.<br />

iice cnairniu"<br />

Dramatic 'Days of Wine and Roses'<br />

film open Sunday, Tower Theatre<br />

etching a daringly different love<br />

"Days of wine and Koscs,<br />

iring JaCK Lcmmon anu wc<br />

aide opens s u n u a y m uib<br />

ttr Theatre and continues<br />


THE NEW<br />

SOUND<br />


to<br />

N TOWN<br />

through Tuesday.<br />

The<br />

romantic<br />

drama probes the terrifying, tangled<br />

triangle of n handsome young<br />

married couple and their bout with<br />

the bottle.<br />

Heretofore renowned for his brilliant<br />

comedy performances, Lcmmon<br />

in a virtuoso change of pace<br />

portrays n public relations<br />

man who suddenly discovers<br />

he and his lovely wife have unwittingly<br />

becomo alcoholics, plunging<br />

headlong toward<br />

Miss Remlck, whoso shimmering<br />

talent and ability to suggest a sim-<br />

mering sexuality beneath an almost<br />

child-lik- e Innocence have skyrocketed<br />

her to stardom, plays the<br />

wholesome young girl who disinte-<br />

drink-sodde- grates Into n a wife<br />

HEY, MAW!<br />

You can got everything done at BRITTON'S CONOCO<br />

What did you say, Paw?<br />

Aw, Maw I mean most everything washing, greasing,<br />

brakes adiusted, wheels' packed, filters changed, your fav- -<br />

brite brands of oil and that good CONOCO GAS.<br />

Welcome, old friends and new ones. Come ion down,<br />

I of you!<br />



1 05 N. Broadway Across Street from Lovi's Restaurant<br />

with him.<br />

Charles Bickford<br />

are<br />

and Jack<br />

In the hard-hittindrama.<br />


If you want a truck that docs its work without yelling<br />

for attention all the time, buy a "new reliable"<br />

Chevrolet.<br />

You have to take care of it: it's a machine. But<br />

this isn't a full-tim- e activity. The clear idea is that<br />

the truck works for you, not vice versa.<br />

The way to build such a track is to<br />

put more quality into it. For example,<br />

Chevrolet doesn't build one type of sus-<br />

pension system for all sizes of trucks.<br />

Chevrolet designs suspension systems to<br />

H SOIITU rm . .<br />


March 22<br />

Don Cornell<br />

March 23<br />

Jerry Don McCampbcll<br />

Layne Gossctt, Lubbock<br />

Hershel Bcvers<br />

Carol Elaine Davles<br />

March 24<br />

John Lott, Lubbock<br />

Beth Peel<br />

Roy Shnhnn, Das Palos, Calif.<br />

Bob Schmidt<br />

March 25<br />

Glenn Wheatley, Lubbock<br />

Mrs. Darw'n Sanders, Rancho<br />

Cordova, Calif.<br />

Mrs, A. V. Nelson<br />

March 26<br />

Hcrbic Hays<br />

Karen Shepherd, Levelland<br />

Mrs. Morris Ncff<br />

Lonnlc Crowley<br />

Danny Paul Rose<br />

Howard L. Brown<br />

Bobby Josey<br />

March 27<br />

Johnny Carl Claborn<br />

Carolyn Ann Hodges<br />

Mrs. Jim Hays<br />

Mrs. W. F. Prcsson<br />

James Ncff<br />

Mlko Burk ' T'<br />

Diana Kay Kellcy<br />

Klug-ma- n<br />

Tmltmhonm your Chevrolet daaltr for a tletnonatrmtlon<br />



POST<br />


Although he is quick to adopt<br />

the latest practices to increase his<br />

yields and quality, McEachcrn admits<br />

"It Is a lot easier to make a<br />

good crop when the severe weather<br />

misses you."<br />

He has seen hnll destroy one<br />

crop and weather severely damage<br />

another. The hallcd out cotton was<br />

not counted on his record.<br />

McEachcrn grows cotton on the<br />

family farm and plans to continue<br />

farming when he completes his college<br />

education. He's a senior at<br />

Plainview High School and the son<br />

of William T. McEachcrn.<br />

fit your need. light-dut- y The type is strong on comfort.<br />

Another kind for heavier trucks stiffens up as<br />

you increase your load and vice versa. Mnko sense?<br />

Conventional pickups have double-wa-ll construction<br />

in cabs, doors, lower side panels. Hoofs are<br />

insulated, uouy noors are select wooi,<br />

not metal. Tailgate chains are wrapped<br />

in rubber. If you'd liku to examine<br />

or drive a new 'G3 Chevrolet truck,<br />

just call us. We'll be right over.<br />

CWTlfiT<br />

Availability of pesticides is one<br />

of benefits of today's Space Age<br />

CO.<br />

Dial 282b<br />

Gtntrtl Ttliphont foumi<br />

at on (lie move!<br />

Today Is not only the Space Age,<br />

One of the main benefits of llv-On-e<br />

of the mlan benefits of living<br />

In this chemical age Is availability<br />

of numerous pesticides.<br />

They have been essential for the<br />

Improvement of our agricultural<br />

output ond therefore for raising<br />

our standard of living. Also, these<br />

pesticides have been helpful In<br />

the control of many insect borne<br />

diseases,<br />

Unfortunately, the most effective<br />

pesticides arc often the most toxic<br />

and precautions against them the<br />

most difficult to enforce. In 19C2,<br />

13 Tcxans died as n result of mishandling<br />

of these toxic materials.<br />

With the Increased use of these<br />

Ginners of state<br />

will make award<br />

to<br />

A Hale Club<br />

Dalo<br />

will a $100 far<br />

cotton In<br />

2.<br />

of the will<br />

be at the<br />

to<br />

New The<br />

the in<br />

with the<br />

two bales<br />

of to the ncre In 1562 to<br />

a seven year with<br />

His<br />

never a bale nn acre on his<br />

five ncre plot<br />

with his in<br />

to earn him the<br />

Club from all cotton<br />

areas of the state<br />

In the<br />

at A&M<br />

the<br />

has In<br />

such as a<br />

water cut-of-f date by<br />

the<br />

He also has in the field<br />

of new cotton<br />

4-- highly toxic materials, both at<br />

home and In Industry, It is essential<br />

that we stress safety measures<br />

nt every opportunity. Listed below<br />

nro some Important points to remember<br />

when handling and using<br />

toxic Insecticides,<br />

1, Follow the Instructions on the<br />

manufacturer's label to the small<br />

est detail.<br />

2. Store toxic sprays and dust<br />

away from children and irrespon<br />

sible Individuals, as well as livestock,<br />

foods and animal feeds.<br />

3. All regular handlers of phosphorous<br />

Insecticides whould have<br />

chollncstcrasc tests at Intervals not<br />

greater than 10 days during the<br />

periods they arc working with the<br />

materials.<br />

4. All applicators should avoid<br />

breathing dust, vapors, or spray<br />

from the insecticides.<br />

5. Respirators, which meet the<br />

specifications of the U. S. Bureau<br />

of Mines, should be worn when<br />

H Club boy handling or working around highly<br />

toxic Insecticides.<br />

County member,<br />

McEachcrn,<br />

receive award outstanding<br />

production Dallas.<br />

April<br />

Presentation nward<br />

made Texas Cotton Ginners'<br />

Association annual convention,<br />

according Wllmcr Smith,<br />

Home, president. ginners<br />

organization sponsors nward<br />

cooperation Texas Extension<br />

Service.<br />

6. Freshly laundered protective<br />

clothing and gloves should be worn<br />

when sprays and dust arc being<br />

applied.<br />

7. If toxic Insecticides are spil<br />

led on the skin or clothing, work<br />

should be suspended and the per<br />

son Involved should bathe and<br />

change clothes.<br />

8. Individuals handling toxic in<br />

sccticldcs should bathe and change<br />

clothes immediately after completing<br />

jobs or during any extensive<br />

McEachcrn harvested<br />

cotton<br />

climax project<br />

cotton. production history<br />

below<br />

demonstration coupled<br />

participation research<br />

projects<br />

honor.<br />

members<br />

growing entered<br />

records contest. Extension<br />

Service personnel under director<br />

Floyd Lynch Texas<br />

College selected winner.<br />

breaks.<br />

9. All personnel nnd livestock<br />

should bo protected from drifts of<br />

spray or dust.<br />

10. When toxic insecticides arc<br />

applied to agricultural plants such<br />

as cotton or grain the fields should<br />

not be reentered for three days<br />

after application.<br />

11. Toxic Insecticides should bo<br />

kept away from flames and sparks<br />

when beini diluted for application<br />

since many solvents used In preparing<br />

insecticides are highly<br />

McEachcrn participated<br />

research experiments<br />

Investigation<br />

Lubbock Experiment Station.<br />

cooperated<br />

testing several var-Itlc- s. bTg<br />

1<br />

Port<br />

O'Connor<br />

Defies a<br />

Hurricane's<br />

Fury<br />

In September of 1961. the Texas Gulf<br />

resort and fishing center of Port<br />

O'Connor suffered almost total destruction<br />

from Hurricane Carla<br />

Dut the proud, determined and energetic<br />

community of about a thousand<br />

people, refused to admit defeat.<br />

day, homes, business buildings<br />

To-<br />

and<br />

fishing facilities have been rebuilt<br />

larger, more permanently and with a<br />

fresh, new look.<br />

Port O'Connor's amazingly<br />

Tiny tots arc lots of fun as they take their first<br />

steps or say their first words. But, there's a<br />

"catch" just as in all good things and the<br />

catch is hard work. It's hard work to wash and<br />

dry diapers and baby's clothes but not if you<br />

have an electric clothes washer and dryer.<br />

MY<br />

ind<br />

toth th iMitmiiur 117 iron-sn- d<br />

ttii thit fold Hit Ml<br />

In sultutt. At<br />


Buy your slidjle clothis drytr new ttjjr -<br />

titim sna<br />

Ironlnt toird<br />

your psrtidpittni Riddy<br />

Kilowatt AvillibU to kll SouthwUin<br />

IMUic Strvttt Ceropuiy (utfentrt, .v J<br />

The Post (Texas) Dispatch Thursday, March 21, J 963 Pag 7<br />

complete<br />

come-bac- is another reason why we<br />

say that big things arc happening in<br />

General Telephone towns.<br />

Yes. towns in our service area arc on<br />

the move. Community improvements<br />

arc under way. local resources arc<br />

being developed, new industries arc<br />

coming in. If your town seeks additional<br />

information about this expansion,<br />

wc arc at your service. Just<br />

write our Community Development<br />

Dcpt , Box 1001. San Angelo, Texas.<br />



(general)<br />



cram<br />

laBMCiraSlHHI<br />

iM3<br />

Rcddy docs the hard work of washing and dry-<br />

ing. And baby's clothes and diapers come out<br />

of the electric dryer -o clean that they're<br />

a delight to hold against your skin.<br />

Yes, baby IS a big reason for an electric clothes<br />

dryer a most delightful reason to be sure.<br />


!<br />


15 I<br />

Page 8 Thuraday, March 21, T963 Tho Pott (Toxat) Dliparch<br />

What Theii Wore...<br />

MIT"<br />

mvffSr<br />

Was did not stop<br />

all the flaviand<br />

fiWlVWUNS WAS A<br />





HAD t0t5 &LEEYES<br />

(7<br />

By Sana County chapter<br />

Social<br />

Always in<br />

Tastw<br />

Be<br />

pcEsanG uk Irene castie amp<br />


With<br />

Our invitations and<br />

announcements<br />

aro<br />

always socially cor-roc- f,<br />

ferf" 5ampl, I<br />

Tho Post<br />

Iho<br />

got our prices I<br />

PHYIUS<br />




wcetD vjmi r. man<br />



frivolous oothes<br />

And connep<br />


THIS KcP LHD55.<br />


joinep in the ww<br />

effort;<br />

TT5ftV<br />

WHEN<br />



BIMN6..W3MEVS<br />


JOYCE<br />

ill<br />



Disaster relief report<br />

of Red Cross received<br />

The American Red Cross last<br />

year conducted 33S mujor disaster<br />

relief operations, the Garza County<br />

Red Cross Chapter reported to- -<br />

day. In these, nearly 550,000 por--l<br />

sons received emergency food,<br />

33.-60- clothing and medical help 0 and<br />

families received long-ter- re- -<br />

covery assistance.<br />

An anyalysis of the nation-wid- e<br />

Red Cross disaster relief activities<br />

for fiscal 1961-62- , Insular territory during the<br />

period. Of the 336 relief<br />

operations, 209 followed fires, 57<br />

floods, and 30 tornadoes. ,<br />

The other categories were 14 for<br />

other storms, two for hurricanes,<br />

and 24 for such catastrophes as<br />

transportation wrecks and explo-- 1<br />

stons.<br />

Congress has charged tho Red<br />

Cross with the role of the nation's<br />

just received here.<br />

official volunteer disaster relief<br />

agency.<br />

shows that the ARC spent<br />

In its congressional char-<br />

$12.-- !<br />

928,305 to help victims of natural<br />

ter, the agency is made respon-<br />

disasters. The aid rangtd from sible for carrying on a disaster<br />

emergency care to the repair or<br />

preparedness program as well as<br />

rebuilding and refurnishing<br />

of homes.<br />

The catastrophes hurricanes,<br />

floods, tornadoes, and fires killed<br />

585 persons, Injured 17. 17S others,<br />

destroyed 5.3D4 homes and dam-- 1<br />

aged a totnl of 96.400 dwelling<br />

Reflected in tho statistics nre<br />

figures for Hurricon Carlo, which<br />

struck tho Texas const In September<br />

1961, and the coni-ta- l<br />

storm of March 1962.<br />

Tho biggest relief operation was<br />

Carta, during which tho Red Cross<br />

spent about $5,600,000 to provide<br />

mass care to 383,030 persons and<br />

rehabilitation aid to 17,539 families.<br />

Red Cross relief efforts for the!<br />

coastal storm exceeded<br />

$1,000,000 for long-ter- aid to<br />

3,279 families nnd emergency help<br />

to over 25.000 persons.<br />

Disaster relief was carried on by<br />

53t chapters In 49 states and one<br />

l<br />

providing relief to victims.<br />

The Red Cross defines emergency<br />

relief as food, clothing, shelter and<br />

medical assistance in the period<br />

Immediately following a disaster<br />

Long-ter- or rehabilitation aid is<br />

help in tho repair, rebuilding or<br />

refurnishing of homes, assistance<br />

With medical costs arising from dls- -<br />

nster-cause- d injuries, occupational<br />

supplies, and equipment for small<br />

businesses suffering lowes in a disaster.<br />

Such help meet needs which<br />

the victims cannot meet with their<br />

own resources.<br />

All Red Cross aid Is given without<br />

charge. It is designed to close'<br />

Accordant<br />

perfectly<br />

Custom<br />

LySiis<br />

Mm J<br />

Dispatch<br />

the gap between what a stricken<br />

family can do for itself and what<br />

h needed to return it to normal<br />

j living.<br />

In carrying out its relief pro--I<br />

gram, the Red Cross works with<br />

civil defense, local, state, and<br />

other federal agencies. Should a<br />

disaster be of such magnitude that<br />

the Red Cross chapter in the com<br />

munity is unable to cope with the<br />

problem, skilled Red Cross dins-te- r<br />

relief specialists and funds from<br />

the national organization are quick<br />

ly mado available.<br />

Illegal transporting<br />

charge filed here<br />

Vornon Mllo was charged In<br />

county court Monday with Illegal<br />

transportation of alcoholic bever<br />

ages.<br />

Mllo was n Trailed it the nor'h<br />

oast part of town Saturday bv Police<br />

CM Elton Corlev and Poli.c<br />

man Junior Shepherd<br />

Tho officers said rmo rase of<br />

wine, one case of beer In quart<br />

bottles nnd eight pints of wh.skey<br />

were found In Milo s automobile<br />


THE NEW<br />

SOUND<br />

IN TOWN<br />

GALS...<br />

shop the<br />

MM<br />

Credit course is<br />

to be April 1-- 2<br />

A streamlined study of credit<br />

conditions, including sccurlnc In<br />

formation and credit promotion,,<br />

wm oo prcscmcu in rosi on pni<br />

t and 2<br />

The short couse, sponsored by<br />

tho Retail Merchants Association<br />

of Post and Retail Merchants Executives<br />

of Lubbock, will be conducted<br />

at the Rcddy Room.<br />

The courso will be from 7 until<br />

10 o'clock each of tho two nights,<br />

with time out each night for a coffee<br />

break.<br />

The Instructor will be Sterling<br />

S. Spcakc, educational staff lecturer<br />

for the International Consumers<br />

Credit Association of St. Louis,<br />

Mo.<br />

All business firms nro Invited to<br />

be represented nt the course, for<br />

which there will b n charge of<br />


WHITE SWAN Whole Blue Lake<br />

...<br />


WHITE SWAN Bartlett<br />

WHITE SWAN Early Jun<br />


HALO Shampoo and<br />

U1ID ODD1V 95c Value!<br />

1111111 01 llll I Both for.<br />


Postcards save<br />

time and money<br />

Sheriff Fay Claborn says his new<br />

postcard system of notification of<br />

both jurors and grand jurors for<br />

duty Is going to save the county<br />

both time and money, besides saving<br />

jurors time ns well.<br />

His new postenrd notification to<br />

jurors contains a listing of persons<br />

who aro disqualified to serve or<br />

who have n legal exemption from<br />

serving. Tho back of the card hns<br />

space for an nffldavlt for those<br />

taking their legal exemptions from<br />

jury duty.<br />

This saves the exempted jurors<br />

from answering the jury call on<br />

the opening day of court, taking<br />

the exemption then, and saves the<br />

$12 per person.<br />

on 'This is fho Life,'<br />

The Rev. nernanl Ramsey, minister<br />

of the First Christian Church,<br />

is preaching n prc-Enst- series<br />

of sermons using the book of Revelations<br />

as n background.<br />

The scries Is entitled "This Is<br />

the Life." His first message was<br />

"This Is the Life Live It." The<br />

second: "Leave It", The message<br />

at tho 11 n. m. worship service<br />

this Sunday will be: "This Is the<br />

Llfc-G- lvc It!"<br />

At the 7 p. m. evening worship,<br />

his sermon will be "The Fine Art<br />

of Getting Lost."<br />

county from paying each of them<br />

$5 for one day's Jury pay.<br />

The summons to grand Jurors<br />

by postcard saves n lot of time<br />

and mileage expense by the sheriff's<br />

department In personally notifying<br />

grand Jurors.<br />

Three women charged with vagrancy<br />

pleaded not Rullty In city<br />

pollco court Sunday and their appearance<br />

bonds were set nt $200<br />

each by Judgo Percy Prlntx.<br />

Tho women nre Jeano Dclorcs<br />

Ewers, Rltn Hall and Corlne (Pinkie)<br />

llrown.<br />

David lies pleaded not guilty to<br />

being drunk In n public placo and<br />

his appearance bond was set at<br />

$200.<br />

Others filed on, dato and nmount<br />

of fine, If paid, were as follows:<br />

Morris Sherman Workman, drunk<br />

In public place, March 18; $20.<br />

Jimmy Harold Doss of Southland,<br />

running stop sign, March 17; $5.<br />

Carmon Hernandez, drunk in public<br />

place, March 16: $20.<br />

Joe Garcia, drunk In public place,<br />

March 16; $20.<br />

L. 13. Dukes of Lubbock, disturb<br />


WHITE SWAN Sliced or Halves Yellow Cling<br />

PEACHES 4 ",- -<br />


Tot Peas<br />


Luncheon Meat<br />


Coffee<br />


Tea<br />


Jar<br />

v<br />

2 303 Cans<br />

12-0- z. Can<br />

Pound Can<br />

303<br />

Cans<br />

303<br />

Cans<br />

Cranberry Sauce<br />

L<br />

Luncheon Peas<br />

Potted Meat<br />


Fruit Cocktail<br />


Tomato Sauce<br />


CHEF'S Charcoal<br />


39c<br />

25<br />

SOUSOOe Regular Cans<br />

l0-g;,- -J<br />


shampoo v39vggo<br />

Package<br />

5<br />

5 303 cam<br />

1 1)1 -<br />

Pre-East- er sermons<br />


MARCH 22-2- 6<br />

Quantity Rights Reserved<br />

iillllllllllH<br />

MU WHSBBmm<br />

p .IIIIIIIB fftW'Hl.llllllllllllllllWMiiltllllllllllli<br />

FM<br />

Shop and Sav Your BUDGETEER STAMPS for Valuable Pramlumt al PARRISH GROCERY. Each<br />

BUDGETEER Stamp Book U Worth S3 ,00 In Prmlum.<br />


GR0.&<br />

MKT.<br />


Fr Dolivtry on $2 30 Purthoio or Merw<br />

DIAL 2630<br />

i<br />

iflll<br />

Cfls SSKP1 ' H<br />

Green<br />


WILSON C.rtlfl.d Pork<br />


WILSON Family Slylt Thick Sllc.d<br />

Bacon<br />

2.pound pk.<br />


Bonds are set on vagrancy charges<br />

Wa<br />

rHBllllllfc--<br />

19e<br />

YORK<br />

ing the pence, March 17; $25.<br />

Ralph Edward Joy of Lubbock,<br />

disturbing tho peace, March 17;<br />

$25.<br />

Grcgorlo Mlndlctn, drunk In pub<br />

lic place, March 16; $25.<br />

Jessie Steel, vagrancy, March 10;<br />

$10.<br />


Total carloads moved over Santn<br />

Fo System Lines for the week end<br />

Ing March 16 were 33,194 compared<br />

with 34,917 for tho samo week a<br />

year ngo. On-IIn- loadings were<br />

20,483 compared with 22,277 for the<br />

corresponding week last year. Cars<br />

received from connections totaled<br />

12,706 compared with 12,640 for the<br />

same week a year ago. Santn Fe<br />

handled a total of 34,274 carloads<br />

In the preceding week of this year.<br />

Save on<br />

White Swan<br />

Finer<br />

TEA FLAKE Saltina<br />

. Crackers<br />

Pound Box<br />

BREMNER Pr?ncis Cram<br />

Cookies JlA<br />

Y<br />

CHICKEN of tfi SEA<br />

Tuna Rs. Can<br />

Chunk StyU<br />

CONCHO Pink<br />

Salmon GO<br />

TaB Can 00 V<br />

AU5TEX 'Btf<br />

Stew 24-O- r. Can<br />


Cream Style or Whole Kernel<br />

llllllilllHmillllHIVlrlllllllH<br />

RUBY<br />

BAKER'S Southern Style<br />


BAKER'S Angel Flak<br />


Toilet<br />


TISSUE<br />


idl TiSSUeS SOO Count Packages<br />


Pound<br />


230<br />

290<br />

390<br />

W<br />

A Roll<br />

Pkg.<br />

,JTS b.ulldfns .... ... Perm..<br /> nave<br />

construct on tnii i.::U8?ltte<br />

Stnrllle, Inc., w Z<br />

mil ior conumriu.<br />

residence at lots r<br />

" ugCIICIU Addition ti<br />

nomc vil lavn i mi . "<br />

snnrn. inron k.i - vi<br />

nml , J 0<br />

'""w Enrage<br />

Rnlph Welch wnj hSaM...<br />

..siiucuon or a car- -.<br />

..v.. ,u S nomc nt i t .. .<br />

Sf<br />

.. I."" "Wt<br />

KRAFTS Borbtcu.<br />

Sauce<br />

Coffee<br />

18-O- r. Bottl.<br />

REYNOLD'S Aluminum<br />

Foil<br />


Lemonade 2 b-o-<br />

Extra Fancy APPLES<br />

RED<br />

r. Jar<br />

12-- k Rol<br />

SHASTA Canntd Airfi<br />

flu<br />

1 1 1 1 PI .3<br />


303<br />

Cans<br />

Pound Carton<br />

"<br />

m .<br />

x.<br />

39<br />

m<br />

01<br />

m m<br />

z. cansZJ<br />

rtun m l.<br />

rRucn<br />

FlSh StickS 8 --Or. PackageJ<br />

PATIO Frozen Mexican<br />

DinnerS 16 0r. Package<br />

BANQUET Frozen Assorted Meat<br />

Dinners<br />

pack3ge<br />

2 Pounds<br />

Florida GRAPEFRUIT<br />

Pound<br />

Tender<br />

Colorado<br />

RIIUFT<br />


19<br />

Foods<br />

FOLOER'SInilant<br />

Margarine<br />

in Dxunrl Rna<br />

0<br />

Al<br />

STEAK Pound S9

Freshman track team wins<br />

championship at Crosbyton<br />

r h Will Mnott's 9th r. r n il c<br />

tr,t. .i In It division<br />

Snt-- 1<br />

M thtc vton Junior High<br />

prgninth<br />

in moot<br />

Eagles score<br />

20 at Rotan<br />

DclroyOdom u uusn, n.u.<br />

Troy Lewis, dash, 27.8.<br />

Lowell E. Kneg, left, vice president and general manager of<br />

Winchester-Wester- n Division of Olin Mathieson Chemical<br />

Corp., holds custom-mad- e gun given af sports: banquet honoring<br />

Nash Buckingham, center, and John M. Olln, chairman<br />

of the executive committee of Olln Mathieson looks on. Buckingham<br />

was named 1962 Outdoorsman of the Year.<br />

Coach, girls see<br />

cage tournament<br />

Post Doe Coach Van Kountz,<br />

r i' . i .i i.ft. v. i<br />

weekend,<br />

TV nt.tH . i : ... r!ltl<br />

ii son.<br />

state tournament saw Friona,<br />

- - ttiv,<br />

ra h nrA<br />

kUl a ULIIU<br />

nfir.- - , Mnnin,.<br />

1111<br />

.nu<br />

wninn<br />

r-- UII1IU3L<br />

ThpV filer n.. P. ...I ...1- .- I t<br />

on uuwn, who ucui<br />

At Austin, the cirls wcro cucsts<br />

a uiuiiicr nnn I iipr. n. iw<br />

trm '<br />


Mr and Mrs J . re--<br />

Klker<br />

home last Wednesday from<br />

.<br />

M Zt,m Drlllini CRipia<br />

ipiri Coraptnt<br />

Mm Comptny<br />

Drilling<br />

DrilUnc<br />

.00 Iu.f<br />

APRIL 2<br />

' " UUi<br />

7962 OUTDOORSMAN<br />

PUBLIC<br />



RIGS<br />

SNYDIR,<br />

TEX.<br />

NELSON<br />


team finished fourth In Its division<br />

with CO points.<br />

In the flth grade division, Olton<br />

finlslicd second to Post with Gl<br />

points. Kress scored 58 points;<br />

51; Lockncy, I8H; Crosby-ton- ,<br />

VS, nnd Kails, 10.<br />

Tlio freshmen's<br />

relny<br />

Manuel<br />

team of Luis Aynln, Mln- -<br />

Big weekend is<br />

slated on Tech<br />

sports schedule<br />

LUBnOCK Texas Tech's track<br />

and field squad including bom<br />

freshmen and varsity will be In<br />

action here Saturdoy.<br />

Coach Don Sparks' Red Raiders<br />

will bo hosts to University of Colorado's<br />

Buffaloes while the Picadors<br />

are meeting Abilene Christian 's<br />

frosh. Fort Worth Christian<br />

nnd Lubbock Christian College.<br />

Also under wny will be a meet<br />

Involving nrca hlph schools, arrnnp-e- d<br />

by tho Lubbock Public School<br />

system. I<br />

Dvrr In Jones Stadium the first<br />

d scrimmage of the 1DG3<br />

spring training period will bo held.<br />

Texas Tech's tennis team will<br />

bo winding up play In tho Rico<br />

Intercollegiate at Houston, and next<br />

week tho other snrhiK sports teams<br />

will compete.<br />

vansiy uascouiiers novo a<br />

against Abilene Christian<br />

there Monday, March 25 and<br />

tho freshman nlno engages Odessa<br />

College on the Wrunglcrs' diamond<br />

Tuesduy. Golfers play Texas<br />

Western hero Wednesday before<br />

launching Southwest Conference<br />

play nt Texas A&M the following<br />

Saturday.<br />

Collier<br />

BUY AN<br />

CmVMM<br />

With A<br />

AT<br />

Chavrolot-Old- s<br />

DOWE<br />

l,fo<br />

Business<br />

1506 Main,<br />

dicta, Iloh Snecd and Ruben Soils<br />

won first place, and the 880-yar- d<br />

relay team composed of the same<br />

boys, won second.<br />

Soils placed second In the 220<br />

yard dash and Sneed second In the<br />

100. Soils also won fifth place in<br />

the broad jump.<br />

Rickey Welch won third place in<br />

chinning the bar, sixth In the pole<br />

vault and tied for sixth in the<br />

low hurdles.<br />

. nioii School track<br />

"rj-.i'Tn<br />

it; revision<br />

tcjm niuna<br />

- .Ilr nf inn WIILllJIi: illVtMI- -<br />

tflUl win- - ' . . .. .<br />

. tt.i... tinM smurunv in iw<br />

T31II lvi; -<br />

Tin. . ...<br />

itmnv Ha re ana wuumui<br />

u<br />

IMrfi's t me in We uuu<br />

.,t r. ihn ??n tr was 23.5.<br />

oou-jwi- u<br />

fivi't iimn in liiu<br />

... 111 1<br />

Other Eagle trncKmm cto-- Ayala placed sixth In the broad<br />

lump and Itlrcli Lobban added to<br />

Post's point total with a second<br />

place In the discus throw.<br />

Condron won three first and two<br />

.Inn Unit. d dnsh. 57.5.<br />

Don Altman, dash, 58.7.<br />

440-yar- d Relay Malre, Rod<br />

Callaway, Odom and Jackie Dunn,<br />

47.4.<br />

Ronald Saunders, d low<br />

hurdles, 24.1.<br />

Dunn, low hurdles, 24.2.<br />

Callaway, low hurdles, 24.G.<br />

seconds In scoring the Post 7th-gradteam's<br />

total for sec '<br />

ond place in their division.<br />

The 7th grade speedster wen i<br />

firsts In the 50, 75 nnd d .<br />

dashes and seconds in the shot put<br />

. . . . . i .! mm infr ." mnrlf?<br />

in InC<br />

" -<br />

Saunders, d high hurdles,<br />

19.7.<br />

Dunn, high hurdles, 20.2.<br />

5--<br />

Callaway, high jump,<br />

Saunders, broad jump, 17 feet.<br />

17--<br />

Callaway, broad Jump,<br />

Hall, shot put, 34--<br />

The Eagles ore entered in the<br />

Sundown track meet Saturday.<br />

I<br />

and chinning events.<br />

In the 8th grade division. Post s<br />

Jimmy Bartlett won first place in<br />

the broad jump with a fine leap<br />

lor an sin graucr n ii icct, a<br />

inches. j<br />

Unrtlett also finished fourth in<br />

the 220-yar- dash and ran on the ,<br />

440-yar- d relay team, which won ,<br />

third, and the d relay team. (<br />

which placed fourth.<br />

Other members of the 410-yar- d<br />

relay team were Steve Stone. File--1<br />

mon Vargas and Ronnie Pierce<br />

Running on the 880-yar- d relay<br />

team with Ilartlctt were Stone.<br />

Vargas and Donnie Windham.<br />

Hilly Hodges placed third in<br />

hoth the 50 and d dashes for<br />

the 8th grade team. Paul Wolkcr<br />

placed fourth In the dash.<br />

Mike Petty finished fourth In the<br />

175-var- d dash ond fifth in the 50.<br />

Windham was fifth in the t00-yarrun.<br />

Pierce placed second in<br />

the high jump and fourth In the<br />

low hurdles.<br />


Garza County Agent<br />



Docs sending In screwworm samples<br />

produce any results? If Kinney<br />

County livestockmen ever had<br />

any doubts that collecting specimens<br />

brings quick sction. that<br />

doubt no longer exists. Within hours<br />

after a sample submitted by ft producer<br />

from that county was confirmed<br />

as a screwworm, emergency<br />

procedures were In force and<br />

additional sterile flies were being<br />

dispersed. The same prompt action<br />

can be taken anywhere In the<br />

state, if producers will send In<br />

samples, screwworm eradication<br /> 5.1V.<br />

The screwworm case was dis<br />

covered In a costratcd calf by acici<br />

rhfinmnn whose much Is iocated<br />

about 22 miles northeast of lirack-ettvill- e<br />

on the Nueces River. The<br />

sample was received In Mission on<br />

Feb. 22. Upon being told It was a<br />

screwworm, Dr. M. B. Meadows,<br />

who heads up field operations for<br />

the Southwest screwworm unim<br />

oniinn Pmirnm. immediately in<br />

ctriinml the screwworm livestock<br />

inspector serving Kinney County to<br />

check out the case. Three Inspec<br />

tors from nearby areas were puiicu<br />

In to make a detailed survey of<br />

f v release area, nui miumumn<br />

i,.r i. f n were mmci aieiy tin<br />

dropped on the Chapman Ranch<br />

and surrounding premises nnd up<br />

nnil flrm'n ihn Nueces River. Flies<br />

were also brought In by station<br />

wagon and releasee; nt grounu<br />

to Insure that the native flics were<br />

outnumbered by sterile flies.<br />

Upon request oy vemon iiiik.t.<br />

Kinney County agricultural ugent.<br />

radio stations In the adjoining counties<br />

of Uvnlde, Maverick and Vnl<br />

Verdo broadcast spot announce-m.n- i<br />

nvprv 15 la 30 minutes<br />

throughout the weekend, asking pro<br />

ducers to tnKc special enre hi tnt-wall<br />

animals, treat wounds and report<br />

cases. The local newspapers<br />

also were advised of tho situa<br />

tion.<br />

Officials hope that because they<br />

were able to tako prompt action,<br />

tho migration of screwworms from<br />

rvinntv will hnvc been pre<br />

vented, and expanded lly drop,<br />

spraying ami inspection is ocmg<br />

continued. An outbreak In that area<br />

could spread swiftly throughout the<br />

Hill Country where sheep and goat<br />

shearing is presently being conducted.<br />

Individual producer cooperation<br />

can make the difference, officials<br />

say.<br />

"Wc were able to move qulcklv<br />

beeauio the case was detected and<br />

a samplo was sent In," Dr. Meadows<br />

sold. "Tim same prompt action<br />

can be taken anywhere In the<br />

state that n caso is reported, but<br />

only If the producers are faithful<br />

tn furnishing us the necessary Information."<br />

H. MAYFIELD, JR.<br />

Hoipllalliallon Group<br />

Man's Assurance Co.<br />

of America<br />

Lubbock<br />

PO<br />

'<br />

Thursday, March$ot<br />

21, 1963<br />


The 1962-6- Post Does and their coach, Van Kountz. are shown with the trophies they won<br />

in this season s basketball campaign The Does were District 4AA champions and lost by only<br />

two points to state finalist Friona in tho bi district playoff game From left to right, front row,<br />

are: Cheryl Martin, Mananno Jones, Vivian McWIvrt, Mary Ann Williams, Barbara Craig and<br />

Pamela Stweart Back row Dee Ann Walker, Darla Pierce, Jamth Short, Janio Carradme, Nita<br />

Wilson and Coach Kountz (Staff Photo)<br />

Vote,<br />

Those admitted to Garza Mem<br />

orial Hospital since last Tuesday<br />

were:<br />

Mrs. Opal Thaxton, medical<br />

Gilbert Morris, medical<br />

Melzar Johnson, medical<br />

Mrs. Sylvia Seals, medical<br />

Jackie Dale Redman, medical<br />

Jolm Gray, medical<br />

Mrs. Ruby Soulcs, medical<br />

Mrs. Linda Dye, medical<br />

Mrs. Harry Yocham, obstetrical<br />

A. E. Little, medical<br />

Mrs, Jewel Graham, medical<br />

Mrs. Robert Robinson, obstetri<br />

cal B. C. Manls, medical<br />

Mrs. Lula Baker, medical<br />

Mrs. Emma Dunlap, medical<br />

Mrs. Peggy Curpenter, surgical<br />

Allen Johnson, surgical<br />

Dismissed<br />

Mrs. Emma Dunlap<br />

Jackie Dale Redman<br />

B. C. Manls<br />

Mrs. Romclia Luna<br />

Reese Hodges<br />

Mrs. Robert Robinson<br />

Mrs. Peggy Carpenter<br />

Mrs. Cordie Stewart<br />

Mrs, II. E. Huddleston<br />

Mrs. Lula Baker<br />

O, J I. Hoover<br />

Allen Johnson<br />

Mrs. Judy Short<br />

Mrs. Carol Whlthurst<br />

Jim Pocr<br />


COKES 57c<br />


Pork Chops<br />


Pork Steak<br />


Pork Roast<br />



121 E. 8th Charles<br />

IKalgary youth also<br />

...<br />

...<br />

...<br />


lb. 49c<br />

lb. 39c<br />

lb. 39c<br />

MILK<br />

79'<br />

JimBo jVteat Market<br />

Trulll, Mgr. Dial<br />

3245<br />

TWO<br />

Bispatct)<br />

Pago 9<br />

Antelopes going<br />

to Sundown meet<br />

The Denver City Mustangs tabbed<br />

themselves as odds-o- n favor-<br />

ites to win the District 4AA track<br />

and field championship by winnlni<br />

their own invitational meet Satui-da- y<br />

against stiff competition, most<br />

of "it from Class AAA schools.<br />

The Post Antelopes failed to<br />

score tn the meet, hut Coach Glenn<br />

Gregg said he was pleased with<br />

the improved performance of some<br />

11 boys earn<br />

cage letters<br />

All 11 members of the 1902-C- 3<br />

Post Antelope basketball squad<br />

earned letters. Coach Will Uigott<br />

has announced.<br />

Only two of the letlermcn,<br />

David Nichols ond Glenn<br />

Polk . are seniors, which makes<br />

the outlook brighter for next season's<br />

basketball team than it has<br />

been in the last few years.<br />

Junior class lettcrmen are<br />

Danny Odom. Pat Cornell<br />

and Wendell Johnson.<br />

Sophomore leller winners arc<br />

Butch Cross. Teddy Scott, Benny<br />

Owen. Robert Morenu, Danny<br />

Pierce nnd Ronald Simpson.<br />

Winners are named<br />

in bowling tourney<br />

VISIT IN<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Williams<br />

Ht'nctnrL In Kiirrnutulini! herds. and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.<br />

Kinncv County Is already in the Rogers Jr. and babv and Linda<br />

. - . . ,.!(., Joan Rogers visited Sunday in s<br />

In the home of Mr. ond<br />

Mrs. J. E. Dcmpsey.<br />


Mr and Mrs. Roy Brown Jr .<br />

AUSTIN The official Texas<br />

traffic "death book<br />


Paul and Susan of Carlsbad, N M<br />

visited last Wednesday and Thursday<br />

in the homes of Mrs. Susie<br />

Brown and Mr. and Mrs W. C<br />

Klker<br />

' the same period of 195G. when an<br />


for 19C2 was<br />

e high of 2.611 motorcides<br />

closed Friday with 2.421 entries in were recorded," he said.<br />

Weekend visitors m the home of<br />

Mr and Mrs W.irrcn Hays were<br />

the motorclde column an increase "Unless this trend is halted, Tex-<br />

the Rev and Mrs Robert<br />

of 107 or five per cent over<br />

Patter<br />

deaths<br />

as could well be headed for n new<br />

son and son of Phoenix Ariz<br />

I9G1, it was announced today by traffic death record the most<br />

Col Homer Garrison Jr., director deadly year ever on our streets<br />

of the Texas Department of Public and highways. We can ill afford<br />

Safety.<br />

this tragic and needless loss of life<br />

He said that In spite of the fact Traffic accidents arc caused by a<br />

that travel Increased four per cent disregard of traffic lows anil or<br />

In the 107 additional motor-cide- s<br />

l!lfi2.<br />

dinonces and it is essential that<br />

raised the death rate p e r the public support our enforcement<br />

hundred million miles from 4.8 in officers and the courts in control<br />

I9R1 the lowest in history to 4.0 ling the violators.<br />

in 19C2.<br />

"In the meantime, every driver SOUND j<br />

Garrison said the upward trend should take cognizance of the cur<br />

in traffic fatalities began in the rent dangerous trend and avoid all<br />

summer of 1962 and is continuing<br />

into 19C3 at nn even greater<br />

hazardous situations especially the<br />

rate. violators whose<br />

During the first 11 weeks of this<br />

actions might cause<br />

an accident "<br />

year, there were 43 or 13 per cent<br />

more deaths than during the same<br />

i<br />

period of 19C2. So far in 19G3. 3CI<br />

deaths have been reported<br />

Closing Days<br />

"Tills trend is especially alarm<br />

ing because nearly as many trnf<br />

fic deaths have occurred In Texas<br />

so far this year us compared with<br />

Somp ,ct oyt may have tried to gft in the<br />

store o few w-c- ks ago ONE SATURDAY Af TERNOON when<br />

we tlosed 'or a tr.p to Stephenvilie BUT WE DO HOPE you<br />

were not too much inconvenienced or that you wanted something<br />

that you were able to do without until Monday.<br />

NOW AGAIN on Saturday March 30th we plan to bo<br />

CLOSCD ALL DAY as wo have a COLLEGE TRIP to make and<br />

it i neceiiary to make It at that time.<br />

YOU MAY WONDER why wo don't gut somoons to ttay<br />

in the itoro on that day but moit of our cmtomers will understand<br />

as wo think IT WOULD BE CRUELTY to aik someono<br />

to wonder all day where lomolhlncj Is. It's bad enough for<br />

us and someono who doem't work regularly would never<br />

find it.<br />

BESIDES you may not even know we are cloiwJ anyway<br />

BUT IN EVENT you do come and PIND US LOCKED UP wo<br />

lust aik you to not HOLD IT AGAINST US but COME ON<br />

BACK We II be on the job Monday.<br />

ir YOU HAVE COLLEGE KIDS you II understand and if<br />



of his trackmen,<br />

"By tho tlmo the district meet<br />

rolls around on April 5, I believe<br />

we'll be able to give Spur, Slaton<br />

and Frenshlp a run for second<br />

place.'' Coach Gregg said.<br />

Tho coach said he was especially<br />

pleased with the times chalked up<br />

by his qUartcr-mllcr- s Teddy Scott,<br />

Frunklo Gary and Chunky John-sewho<br />

was running the 440 for<br />

the first time.<br />

Scott, a sophomore, turned in n<br />

55.-- seconds In the dash,<br />

then ran a 55. G seconds In his 440-yar- d<br />

lap of the mile relay. Gary<br />

also turned In a 55.6 performance<br />

and Johnson, n 58.0.<br />

The Antelopes finished ahead cf<br />

Colorado City, a Class AAA schoo',<br />

in both the sprint and mile relays,<br />

Coach Gregg said. ,<br />

The coach said he expects to<br />

have sophomore Danny Pierce h<br />

shape for Saturday's competition<br />

at Sundown. Pierce, who lettered<br />

as u freshman lost year, has been<br />

out with an ankle injury.<br />

Seventeen teams are entered in<br />

the Sundown meet.<br />

The Antelopes will go to South<br />

land this afternoon for a dual mcc'<br />

with the Eagles, who have a rcn'<br />

strong Class B track and ficlJ<br />

team.<br />

i<br />

wins<br />

and Fayc Cockrcll and and<br />

of won interested joining to the<br />

divisions Sunday regulur club meetings<br />

Club's or<br />

at<br />

j<br />

range held at the<br />

Cockrcll won the s division, Fred Cockrcll home, 618 west uui<br />

Mrs. Cockrell the women's division St.<br />

and Canslcr the intermediate div- - The local club is well under way<br />

ision.<br />

with plans for its first annual in- -<br />

new were coined vitational tournament to be held<br />

at the tournament, making the Sunday. April 21.<br />

event an d successful A number of members of the lo- -<br />

a member said.<br />

cal club wll go to Snyder Sunday<br />

The archery club still needs more for the regular monthly West lexyoungsters<br />

its<br />


-<br />

Post couple win in<br />

archery shoot here<br />

Winners have hci-- Announced in<br />

the Post Bowling Association s<br />

third annual tournament held Sal<br />

urdny and Sunday at the Tangerine<br />

Bowl.<br />

The team event was won by Hays<br />

Texaco: doubles by Wesley Scott<br />

and Hap Bcvers; singles by Troy<br />

Holly, all events by Wesley Scott;<br />

high game by Scott, and high series<br />

by Nick Vukad.<br />

Holly won the singles events wi 'i<br />

u core of 654 Jim Rogers was<br />

second with G29. Roy Gilmore third<br />

Willi C2G and Roy Slewert fourt.i<br />

with G24.<br />

Scott had n total score of IS"<br />

in capturing the title. His<br />

high game honors was won with n<br />

2G5 score, and Vukad finished with<br />

GR3 to take the high series crown.<br />

Fred and Billy invites boys girls who are Hays Texaco scored 2853 in tak-<br />

Ray C'ansler Kalgary top in attend ing the team event. OK Foods was<br />

honors in their on the first second with a score Of 281G.<br />

in the Post Archery annual Monday of each month the b In copping the doubles. Scott and<br />

championship shoot Its tivitles at the archery range, Bevers scored 1270 to 1223 for the<br />

near the city reservoir. The club meetings are<br />

second place team of Gene Has<br />

men<br />

and Bill Hall.<br />

Top ropers expected<br />

Four members<br />

at event in Lubbock<br />

af-<br />

LUBBOCK Many of the top<br />

fair, club<br />

calf ropers in the country will be<br />

featured here Sunday at the Lub-<br />

'<br />

among membership as Archery League shoot.<br />

bock Jaycees' second annual Indoor<br />

championship calf roping In<br />

Auflll's Sports Arena.<br />

Among those expected to compete<br />

are Denn Oliver of Boise.<br />

Official Texas traffic fatality count Idnho, the world's champion calf<br />

roper: Clifton Smith. Glen Frank-<br />

for last year shows 107 lin. Tom Nesmith. Olin Young and<br />

more deaths Sonny Davis.<br />

DMiia<br />






FAMILY!<br />

in<br />

ill jacic<br />


Presents<br />

BON<br />

VOYAGE<br />

- STARRING<br />

Fred Macmurray<br />

Jane Vyman<br />

Michael Callan<br />

Deborah Walley<br />

IN color<br />

Adults 75c<br />

Children 50c<br />

SUN-MON-TU-<br />

MARCH 24-25--<br />

26<br />

AN HONDI O OetAt t'l'INlTtO<br />


25L<br />


Jack Lommon<br />


Loo Romick<br />


Black & White<br />





Lemmoit<br />

nee ReitiiCK<br />

"naYSOFWitte<br />

suiDMses".<br />

iMAftmwaiSMKiwi wmai mad<br />

etui wi hi.Awu ma mm<br />

in<br />

4<br />

i<br />

.1"!<br />

J 1.1 LImH i ft<br />

i. iWll H a I<br />


4ll<br />

Victorian<br />

showcase<br />

Tho Victorian Era is the theme<br />

of tho English IV showcase. Two<br />

showcases aro filled brimful with<br />

tho cholco English IV class projects<br />

for this semester.<br />

There xc drawings of Victorian<br />

authors, machinery invented In that<br />

cm, Victorian musical Instruments,<br />

a Victorian house, maps showing<br />

where the Important authors of that<br />

time lived, and drawings of the different<br />

coats of arms. There is a<br />

chart of Victorian English Liter<br />

aturc. Dolls are dressed in tho Victorian<br />

costume and even a Victorian<br />

school Is recreated with styro-foa- m<br />

and dolls. The furniture of<br />

that era Is represented by a miniature<br />

chair<br />

Posters showing Victorian architecture<br />

and fox hunting arc also<br />

Linda Floyd is<br />

a new student<br />

added a new<br />

Post High student iUn!r' .<br />

To be eligible<br />

from Fort Worth this week. Her<br />

for candidacy each<br />

student to<br />

name is Linda Floyd. She is<br />

had have three teachers<br />

,,,,, .. ,,.. .,.( .i ,. , v and five students sign his ballot I<br />

brown eyes. She is living with her lhm aW could " lor cilher<br />

grandparents, Mr. und Mrs. Guy<br />

Floyd.<br />

Before Linda moved here she attended<br />

Evcrmon High School in<br />

Fort Worth. Linda was Sophomore<br />

favorite sophomore<br />

and was elected third most<br />

beautiful girl In school in Fort<br />

Worth. Linda was serving on the<br />

Student Council for her second<br />

year. She was cheerleader her<br />

Freshman year and also cheerleader<br />

in the 7th and Sth grades.<br />

Linda Is classified as a Sophomore<br />

and Is taking English II.<br />

World History, Algebra I Home-makin- g<br />

II. and P E.<br />

Mrs. Dun Ynndoll. Joanne nnd<br />

Dunn Sue of Odessa visited Mr<br />

nnd Mrs. G. E. Fleming over the<br />

weekend.<br />

Barbara Craig played volleyball<br />

nt Wilson Saturday night. She<br />

ployed with the "Hill Tops" from<br />

Lubbnck. They won first place and<br />

received a beautiful trophy.<br />

Wanda Williams nnd Linda Rogers<br />

visited In Snyder Saturday.<br />

wonder why Doyle, Tony, and<br />

Sammy didn't attempt again to<br />

ride their bikes 50 miles. It Is a<br />

llttlo farther than you thought it<br />

was. itignt, Doys<br />

Mary Alice Cleveland was lonesome<br />

after Walt McCoy went back<br />

to Abilene.<br />

Norma sure does have a pretty<br />

new cedar chest. Wonder who gave<br />

It to her? Pot?<br />


By Danny Cooper<br />

There's nothing busier than the<br />

antyet It always finds time to go<br />

to picnics.<br />

He:<br />

ngnt.<br />

"Ive just been In a terrible<br />

She: "Who won?"<br />

He: "I don't know.<br />

middle."<br />

I left In the<br />

"Iceland Is about the sume Ue<br />

ns Slam," said the teacher<br />

"Iceland," wrote Danny on hit<br />

test paper, "Is about the tame slie<br />

as my teacher"<br />

Era is<br />

feature<br />

included.<br />

The National Honor Society's<br />

showcase is honoring their new<br />

members. Tho basis for selection<br />

of these members was citizenship,<br />

scholarship, leadership and service.<br />

Fifteen per cent were chosen<br />

from the Senior class. 10 per cent<br />

from the Junior class, and 5 per<br />

cent from tho Sophomore class.<br />

Susie Schmidt,<br />

Dee Ann Walker<br />

to head Council<br />

Hy Gary llrcwcr<br />

Last Thursday the Post High<br />

School elected Student Council pre--!<br />

sident and vice president<br />

coming school year.<br />

for the<br />

The president was Susie Jo Sch- -<br />

midt, a senior, and vice president<br />

was Dee Ann Walker, who will be.<br />

a<br />

office.<br />

The new president and vice pre--1<br />

sident will take the place of James .<br />

Mitchell and Stnnna Dutlcr, who I<br />

now occupy the positions, and who<br />

will graduate this year.<br />

Can You Imagine<br />

II y Dcanna Adams<br />

Davis Heaton Going with any<br />

By Zellka Freeman<br />

It was Inst Monday evening at 6,<br />

wasn't it, 7th grade basketball<br />

girls?<br />

Yes. the 7th grade basketball<br />

class had a supper spnnored by!<br />

im moinors ot mo girls. These<br />

present were Mr and Mrs Billy<br />

Hiihn and the majority of the basketball<br />

class.<br />

After the fine supper had been<br />

eaten, all the girls received awards<br />

presented by Coach Hnbn. We<br />

thank all the mothers who helped<br />

wnn trie supper<br />

8th grade to recite<br />

poems on March 21<br />

The Sth graders are learning<br />

poems to So said In class March<br />

21. The poems that can be recited<br />

are:<br />

"Tho Builders." "Charge of the<br />

Light Brigade." "The Man With<br />

the Hoe," "Abou Ben Adhem."<br />

"The Children's Hour." "Each in<br />

His Own Tongue." "Old Ironsides."<br />

"Velvet Shoes." "Oh. Captain. My<br />

Captain." "How Cyrus Laid the<br />

liable." "Pioneers. O. Pioneers.'<br />

Good luok, 8th graders!<br />

Your Book Week<br />

By Sharon Bilberry<br />

Sunday "Rose In Bloom."<br />

Monday - "They Went RpIor-ing.-<br />

Tuesday - "Silver Pennies '<br />

Wednesday "The White Panther<br />

"<br />

Thursday "The Sacred Jewel "<br />

Friday "Ifeldf"<br />

Saturday "Hidden Staircase<br />

i<br />

Garza County<br />


Pago 10 Thursday, March 21, 1963 Tho Poll (Texas) Dispatch<br />

jttmb<br />

tw j<br />

one?<br />

Roger North Not talking about<br />

Edith?<br />

Carol Crenshaw Talking In<br />

Linda says she loves the<br />

class?<br />

school<br />

Suo<br />

because the kids and teachers arc<br />

Gilmorc Not laughing in<br />

so friendly.<br />

Mr. Stone's<br />

Linda likes Algebra<br />

class?<br />

I<br />

Benny Hriggs Not<br />

nnd her<br />

smiling?<br />

favorite teacher is Coach<br />

Gregg. She loves to eat hamburg<br />

Paul Harmon Not making 100<br />

on his<br />

ers and said that she likes red<br />

Science test?<br />

and black best because<br />

Jerry Sullivan Going<br />

it's the<br />

with<br />

only color she looks good in (but<br />

Marcia Ncwby?<br />

8th grade girls had outstanding<br />

Linda Hays Making 50 on<br />

we know different),<br />

her<br />

The student who impressed Linda<br />

tests?<br />

basketball season; won 24, lost Linda<br />

most her first day was Diane<br />

Altman Not talking to<br />

Borgman. was<br />

Donnie Windham?<br />

Sho friendly and1<br />

helpful, which Linda, as a strang- Scharlcne Holland Not dreser,sing<br />

in<br />

appreciated very much.<br />

cute clothes?<br />

Welcome to our school, Linda!<br />

Linda Williams Drinking a<br />

whole Coke at once?<br />

Mike Petty Not saying "I'm<br />

sorry"1<br />

This 'n' That Girls Not talking about boys?<br />

Larry Johnson Going with De-b- ni<br />

Brttton?<br />

The Senior Class want to thank<br />

Roy Snpplngton Not fighting<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams for<br />

with Nat?<br />

tho wonderful supper Saturday Shelr Perdue Spending a mil-- '<br />

Hon nljit.<br />

dollar on candy?<br />

Mr WHlson Being a cook at<br />

Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ford. Royce<br />

'Tom's Place?<br />

and Mrs. Leola Williams a of Martha Soils Not fussing with<br />

visited Mr and Mrs. H. V<br />

Mr Stone?<br />

Williams, Mary Alice, and Mr. and<br />

Summer Coming In December?<br />

Mrs, G. E. Fleming Sunday. Paula Unldrce Not talking<br />

about Royce?<br />

KKJty unrjcman singing on<br />

i,i, ,i rw a ur..ti,., i ,rip P""nr '<br />

coming president and vice presi- onrrry uisi n science icncncr'<br />

dent of tho Student Council for the<br />

Linda Byrd A P. E coach?<br />

1063-'-6t school year. j "T wav" 7 . 'cner<br />

i<br />

N R. King<br />

nice<br />

and Wendell visited<br />

things?<br />

In Welch.<br />

FlUtmon Varan Not wswtins<br />

to Twist?<br />

Friday tho 22nd there will<br />

Mr.<br />

be an Whlttcnberfc A dancing<br />

ts banquet rumoring the<br />

teacher?<br />

varsity nthletes of<br />

Belinda<br />

PHS.<br />

Lee<br />

Admis-<br />

Winning a beauty<br />

sion is $2.50. Let's nil buy a ticket<br />

contest'<br />

Conch<br />

nnd honor our athletes.<br />

Robertson Being black-headed- ?<br />

G<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins<br />

regit Jones Winning a boby<br />

nnd Mr. and Mrs. John May<br />

contest?<br />

at-<br />

Mrs.<br />

tended tho Sonior supper<br />

WriAlen Driving<br />

Saturday<br />

an oil<br />

night.<br />

truck?<br />

Cherryl Penned Being fat?<br />

We hear that some of the students<br />

walked three or four miles 7th basketball class<br />

over tho weekend, but no more le<br />

hikes were attempted. are guests at supper<br />

1<br />

The Sth grade girls' basketball tcrs, 4G fouls.<br />

team had an outstanding season Martha Soils: 6 points, 82 quar-<br />

this year, pluying 24 games and ters, 74 fouls.<br />

losing only one. They outscorcd Edith Johnson: 2 points, 82 quar-<br />

their opponents, 511 points to 281. ters, 56 fouls.<br />

The points, quarters and fouls Jaynic Josey: 9 points, 32 quar-<br />

for each member of the team were ters, 16 fouls,<br />

as follows:<br />

Brcnda Holly: 3 points, 34 quar-<br />

Sherry Woods: 233 points, 85 ters, 12 fouls.<br />

quarters, 37 fouls.<br />

Cherryl Pcnncll: 5 points, 42<br />

Marcia Ncwby: 10S points, 83 quarters, 21 fouls.<br />

quarters, 31 fouls.<br />

The entire season Post had 322<br />

Belinda Lcc: 95 points, 78 quar- fouls to their opponents' 203 fouls.<br />

ters, 12 fouls.<br />

La Gayluah Young: 72 points, 62<br />

quarters. 10 fouls.<br />

Jr. High kids<br />

Short Perdue; 17 points, 26 quarters.<br />

3 fouls.<br />

Doylcne Fry: 16 points, 24 quar- tell hobbies<br />

ters, I fouls.<br />

Linda Hoys: 2 points, 2 quarters.<br />

By Emily Potts<br />

no fouls.<br />

Helyn Cheshire Ploying with<br />

Linda Altman: 4 points, 80 quar-- her dog.<br />

Julie Clark Riding Horses.<br />

Zclika Freeman Roller skat-<br />

FFA boys enter ing.<br />

Calvin Davis Riding calves.<br />

Tcresla Maddox Watching TV.<br />

stock in show<br />

Donnie Cole Cars.<br />

John Cnto Golf.<br />

Jimmy Johnston Coin collecting.<br />

Donnie Blncklock Riding horses.<br />

Debbie Rydor Cooking.<br />

Sandra Forrest Horseback riding.<br />

Carolyn Davis Cooking.<br />

Sandra Howell Reading books.<br />

Chris Stelier Hunting.<br />

Dennis Rny Gardening.<br />

Mike Robinson Hot rods.<br />

Larry Rosas Girls.<br />

Lee Norman Reading.<br />


Mrs Joan Tubbs, laboratory technician, is shown at The Medical Center's Ortholux largo<br />

research microscope, which was demonstraled at tho clinic last Thursday to high school<br />

science teachers and Principal T C Clark Shown at the top of the powerful microscope is a<br />

35 mm leica camera, which enables the technician to take pictures of cells. The microscope<br />

and its many features will also be demonstrated to Post High School science students, according<br />

to Dr Harry A Tubbs Also in the picture is Mrs. Lester Josey of the clinic staff.<br />

By Danny Stone<br />

The following FFA boys have<br />

livestock entered in the Panhan<br />

dle South Plains Fat Stock Show<br />

at Lubbock:<br />

Fred Leiby Throe hogs, one<br />

Chester White and two Spotted Poland<br />

China. The Chester White was<br />

sifted on Sunday.<br />

Charles Wallace One Hampshire<br />

Charles Brown Jr. One Hampshire.<br />

Rbert (Pele) Dodson One<br />

Spotted Poland China.<br />

Danny Stone One Hampshire<br />

Danny Richard son One lamb<br />

ami twu hofts.<br />

All the above animals got in the<br />

show.<br />

Seven Club boys went to the<br />

show with livestock also.<br />

Carl Kline is o new<br />

student from Canada<br />

By Susie Jo Schmidt<br />

The Junior class Is happy to<br />

wel-eom- o<br />

a new addition. This addition<br />

Is Carl Kline, who moved here<br />

from Canada.<br />

Carl lived here in the 3rd grade,<br />

also. His father Is a pilot for the<br />

Autalr Helicopters Limited in Can- -<br />

ada, his Job being to fly supplies<br />

to and from military radar sites<br />

In the Arctic.<br />

Since Cart started to school In<br />

the first grade, he has attended<br />

hrtl In rAnritln KTnrfh fiimllnii !<br />

Texas. Washington State. Louisiana,<br />

South America, and Canada<br />

We hope that Carl enjoys living J<br />

In Post<br />

?<br />

', Try<br />

'<br />

8th grade girls to<br />

get cage sweaters<br />

By Sherry Woods<br />

This year the Sth grade basketball<br />

team, manager and bookkeeper<br />

will get nthletlc sweaters.<br />

The sweaters will be white with<br />

a black basketball and gold lettering.<br />

On the basketball will be<br />

wrillcn, ' District Champions, Sth,<br />

1S63, Post "<br />

TRY<br />


VisVsWsSkO<br />

Now<br />

Froion Flavored<br />

Drink<br />


The 54th annual special summer<br />

cotton school will be held at Texas<br />

A&M College, June 3 through July<br />

12. Details arc available from Prof.<br />

J. M. Ward, Department of Agricultural<br />

Economics nnd Sociology,<br />

Texas A&M College, College Station,<br />

Texas.<br />

'<br />


L fled<br />

By Sue Prltdiard<br />

At this writing, the track boys<br />

are running in Rotnn. I sure hope<br />

that they're doing O. K. Come on,<br />

boys!<br />

Congratulations Knthy nnd Rod,<br />

on making nil district In basketball.<br />

Both of you really deserve It.<br />

Way to como through for good old<br />

SHS, kids!<br />

The seniors are In the midst of<br />

planning their senior trip. So far,<br />

they'vo eliminated Hawaii, Cata-Un- a<br />

Island, nnd Washington, D. C,<br />

but they're still not sure about<br />

Florida. Here's hoping they decide<br />

before graduation!<br />

Larry L you and Mr. Outlaw<br />

did n fine job In charming those<br />

snakes, but Johnny, I fall to sec<br />

why you turned so purple with<br />

laughter!<br />

Library receives<br />

books on Texas<br />

The library has received some<br />

new books on Texas. Three of them<br />

arc humorous by Boycc House<br />

nnd two ore about the early days<br />

of Texas, which were ordered b<br />

a member of the city library.<br />

Science and Biology students arc<br />

doing research work in the library.<br />

Tncy are working on projects for<br />

the Science Fair.<br />

Children In the first five grades<br />

nrc about to finish nil the books<br />

the library has on their level, loan<br />

cd by the state; therefore, they<br />

will be looking for more books for<br />

summer reading.<br />

Army mobile unit<br />

visits high school<br />

Wednesday, March 13, n United<br />

States Army mobile unit visited<br />

Pvst High School during the noon<br />

hour and fourth period.<br />

Tho mobile unit Is n small traveling<br />

museum. It displayed equipment<br />

that was used by the Army<br />

from tho frontier days up to the<br />

present time. Some of tho more<br />

outstanding things displayed were<br />

n book of tiring regulations, n<br />

Cav-nlr- y<br />

bugle, n Colt pistol nnd other<br />

equipment used during tho U. S.<br />

Indian campaigns.<br />

Equipment used by Teddy Roosevelt's<br />

Rough Riders and equipment<br />

used during the Civil Wnr were<br />

nlso shown. Included nmong the<br />

equipment used during the World<br />

Wars I nnd II were n gas mask,<br />

a trench knife, n hnnd grenade, and<br />

n radio receiver nnd transmitter.<br />

By their colors<br />

you'll know 'em<br />

By Mnrla Carpenter<br />

nnd Kathlyn Lee<br />

Here are matching colors nnd<br />

dispositions for some of the Junior<br />

High students:<br />

Mnricn Ncwby Red, she's so<br />

cheerful.<br />

Judy Doolcy Pink; sweet.<br />

Pctra Hill Brown; okay.<br />

Lillie Wilkc Pink; sweet.<br />

Knthlyn Lcc Red; happy all<br />

the time.<br />

Marin Carpenter Blue, tomboy.<br />

Donna Stewart Blue; her eyes<br />

nrc.<br />

Dale Burkes Blue; happy.<br />

David Gage Brown; nice.<br />

Christine Morris Red; she<br />

looks gay.<br />

Sharon Bilberry Violet; precious.<br />

Tommy Duncan White; friendly.<br />

Gary Nichols Yellow; a nice<br />

fellow.<br />

Debbie Eubank White,' nice.<br />

Karen Hundley Gold; she's as<br />

good as gold.<br />

Karen Lee Gray; funny.<br />

Pnttl Power Brown; trees.<br />

J. O. Smith Brown; he likes<br />

nature.<br />

Jimmy Jones Purple; King<br />

Leonardo.<br />

A chart showed the Inlcnv,t,<br />

of a rocket. Tho<br />

MM that Is now repaCfe<br />

was shown. A map ffijfj<br />

hanncn ncs In n,<br />

was displayed Thai<br />

display of decorations<br />

Ice medals.<br />

Tho mobile unit u.i.<br />

and ml<br />

"tnioycdv,,nucha<br />

Senior couples<br />

seen together<br />

mil nnd Jnquita<br />

' pl<br />

Kent Whentley and Betsy J j<br />

Elaine Wheay<br />

nnnn, Sonny Gossctt and Ch.,<br />

Cornish, Marianne Jones andRw<br />

Hart. I.pnnv lln...-- J?'<br />

urns, unry iircwor nnd Carol<br />

Hodges, Frnnkle Gnry and Si<br />

miinsL-y- ,<br />

uicnua tiutto and V<br />

McCIellnn;<br />

Norman Julian ami Pat SufeJ<br />

Vonda Howell and Davis wSI<br />

Elaine Whcatley and Mnt ffl<br />

uuii, muiaiui omun and DwarJ<br />

Capps, Ronald Tallcnt<br />

Smith. Howard Lcc Tcaff and Sal<br />

ii;iiiuii, onaron uiackwellaai<br />

Teddy Jackson, Tom CamniMJ<br />

Lourn Gcrncr. Bobby Roach el<br />

Sussnnc Krausc 1<br />

Dclton Robinson and Ruthell Ma-- J<br />

tin, Buddy Moreland and LiadJ<br />

Bias, Freddie Simmons and SuJ<br />

na Butler, Wayne Gamblia<br />

Al..H r-- t.<br />

. i<br />

Freddie Slice, Jimmy Weill<br />

Sharon Borgman.<br />


THE NEW<br />

SOUND<br />

IN TOWN<br />

JayMi Hey, Kids! I<br />



ff' Easter I<br />

'S' Coloring I<br />

iPwl Contest I<br />

Youngster through 12 Years I

Whole beef hamburgers<br />

new Dairy Hart feature<br />

ncw proprietor of this wcck"wholc beef hamburg<br />

TtlK?t nt 412 North Broad- - crs."<br />

M"1"' ncw In Toby explains that he purchases<br />

.mounted something<br />

lor his busy drlve-l- n n wnoie dcci nnu lias n nil grounu<br />

11<br />

101<br />


Farmall Tractor<br />

Parts & Service<br />

SEE<br />


205 West Main<br />

Now's the time to plant . . .<br />


495-314- 0<br />

Gladiola Bulbs<br />

We Have Them Get Yours Today!<br />



615 West 5th St.<br />


Dial<br />



See Us First -- We'll Save<br />

Dial<br />

You Lots of Money on Our Deal!<br />

Sexton Insurance Agency<br />


Headquarters for All Your Insuranco Needs"<br />

217 Weil Main Dial<br />

Place Your Order Now<br />

favorite cuts of<br />


From Animals We're Buying Saturday<br />

At Borden 4-- H Livestock Show<br />

IN GAIL<br />


JI -S. AVE. H<br />


DIAL<br />

Three Famous Cosmetic Lines<br />

Holona Rubonstoin<br />

Max Factor<br />

Coty<br />

Coming Soon Will Bo A Fourth:<br />

Rovlon<br />


'<br />

for<br />


2187<br />

3240<br />

3246<br />

up for his hamburger nt the Jock-so- n<br />

Druthers Food Locker here<br />

You've heard of whole hog sausage,<br />

well this Is whole beef hamburger<br />

meat.<br />

"It makes a mighty tasty difference,"<br />

says Toby. "Come on out<br />

and sec for yourself."<br />

Thomas says he Is planning to<br />

raise his own beef in the future<br />

and have It butchered ut Jackson<br />

Drothers.<br />

Toby, In being Interviewed for<br />

the feature story of The Dispatch's<br />

March Uusiness Page this week,<br />

said that the bulk of a drive-I-n restaurant's<br />

business Is food.<br />

"We have our regular dinner<br />

nnd supper runs, but we find that<br />

people also snack nil through the<br />

day," Thomas, n relative newcom- business too. Tliomas said people<br />

er to Post, said.<br />

call up for say a sack of seven or<br />

The Dairy Hart pulls quite a bit eight basket burgers (hamburgers<br />

of highway trade, heavier In the with french fries) or for several<br />

summer of course than In the win- stcuk sandwiches In baskets (with<br />

ter, as well as a lot of local trade. french fries).<br />

Toby said Sundays are different Toby figures this Is part of the<br />

though. People drive around a lot<br />

on<br />

new<br />

Sundays "so<br />

American leisure to call In<br />

we have n lot of<br />

soft drink business."<br />

nnd order food for the family, pick<br />

You'd be surprised nt least Toby It up a few minutes later, and then<br />

was by the amount of "call In" serve It five minutes after that<br />

Iff<br />

Beat The Rush!<br />

Get Your Safety Check and<br />

State Inspection Sticker Now<br />

That State Deadline Is April 15<br />

Cutlom Tallorod<br />

to Your OrrUr<br />

and the Rush Will Be On Then<br />

'Remember A Good Deal Depends On Your Dealer'<br />


South Broadway<br />

MR. FARMER<br />

Call Us Anytime for Your<br />


24<br />

Hour Service<br />

Equipped with ay Radio<br />

Speed Deliveries<br />

Serving Entire Post Trade Territory<br />

D.<br />

Clairomonf Highway<br />


D. C.<br />

Specializing<br />

HILL<br />

In<br />

to<br />

Dial<br />

Dial<br />

Washing & Greasing<br />

- -<br />

CALL 2640<br />

We Pickup and Deliver<br />



Hays' Texaco<br />


(Billy)<br />

201 S.<br />

Station Hours<br />

495-287- 1<br />

6:30 A M to 9 P M on Weekdays<br />

7 A. M. to 7 P M Sundays<br />

Complete Modern Equipment<br />

To Handle All Your<br />

Dry Cleaning Needs<br />

24 Hour<br />

TAILOR<br />

Service<br />

Required<br />




,ls EU Main Dial 2950<br />

2825<br />


89.50 down<br />

back home on the family dinner Right now he's finding out what<br />

table. his local customers like best. I<br />

Teenagers stick mostly to the Strangely enough. Toby first got<br />

hamburgers and french fries. Toby Into the drive-i- n restaurant bus!- -<br />

reports. In fact a large percentage ncss "working his way through<br />

of the Dairy Hart's food sales are college." He paid his way through<br />

In hamburgers, steak sandwiches, a year ai icxns lecn worwng in<br />

and french fries.<br />

"But wc have enough demand<br />

for fish, chicken, and shrimp to<br />

carry it regularly on our menu nnd<br />

have It on hand for quick serving,"<br />

Thomas said.<br />

Coffee Isn't such n big Item of<br />

drivc-l- n fare, Toby says.<br />

The Dispatch's<br />

March<br />


Thomas, who purchased the Dairy<br />

Hart from Shorty Duncan In late<br />

February, is very enthusiastic<br />

about his ncw home town.<br />

"I'vo found Post to be the<br />

friendliest town I've ever lived In,"<br />

Thomas says. "All our customers<br />

are really nice. And the teenagers<br />

are A-- l here."<br />

Thomas says he has lived In a<br />

good number of towns and Post<br />

tops them all for friendliness.<br />

"What we strive for nt the Dairy<br />

Hart." Toby says, "is the quickest<br />

and best service possible. Nobody<br />

likes to wait and the traveling customers<br />

are always in a hurry."<br />

To improve the service, Toby<br />

has installed a drive-I-n order window<br />

on the south side of the Dairy<br />

Hart where customers can drive<br />

up and give their orders without<br />

getting out of their cars.<br />

They can park elsewhere to leave<br />

the window open ror otners nnu<br />

when their order Is ready drive<br />

back to the window, pick up nnd<br />

pav for their order, all without<br />

leaving the car.<br />

Toby plans to get a directional<br />

sign In on the drive-i- n window as<br />

soon as possible.<br />

The Dairy Hart is closed<br />

Wednesday,<br />

Get<br />

each<br />

119 N, Avo, H<br />

Dial 2835<br />

Acquainted<br />

Thomas is just working into the<br />

"swing of things" again In the<br />

drive-i- n restaurant business.<br />

When he took over from Shorty<br />

he advertised: "The same menu, SPECIALS<br />

same prices, and same friendly<br />

service."<br />

Hut Toby figures to make some<br />


menu changes as he goes along<br />

Calling All<br />

COWBOYS!<br />

COWBOY<br />

BOOTS<br />

NOCONA<br />





Full Range<br />

of Sizes<br />

11.95 to 47.50<br />

If You Hoiti to R<br />

wvh Ofibr vyiwi<br />

You MwkI<br />

CITY<br />


a drive-i-n and also met college expenses<br />

at Abilene Christian College<br />

nt Abilene by working in a drive- -<br />

in there.<br />

Toby went into nrmy service r<br />

college, serving some 37 months<br />

nt Travis Air Force Base in California<br />

and Fort Richardson In Alaska.<br />

After service, Toby was employed<br />

by the Rcxall Chemical Co. at<br />

Odessa, but kept wanting to "get<br />

into business for myself." So it<br />

was only natural that he would<br />

turn to the drive-I-n restaurant business.<br />

The Thomas family includes his<br />

wife, Helen, and two youngsters,<br />

Elizabeth. 5, and Roberta, 2. Toby<br />

is still looking for a family home<br />

for them here.<br />

The Thomases are members of<br />

the Church of Christ.<br />

Toby is offering some "get acquainted<br />

specials" to run through<br />

the weekend in his big ad on this<br />

business page today. He Invites<br />

everyone who hasn't to stop In and<br />

see him and try his food and service.<br />

And those who have been out to<br />

the Dairy Hart, he urges you to<br />

come back again nnd soon.<br />

On yes, looy has the same<br />

hours" too as Shorty did at the<br />

Dairy Hart. Weekdays he s open<br />

from 11 a in to 10 p. m and on<br />

Sundays from 2 p. m. to 10 p m<br />

124 E. MAIN<br />

1 1 1 Weil Main Dial 2345 412 NORTH BROADWAY TODY THOMAS DIAL 2240<br />

MARY and ELTON LEE<br />

DIAL 495.3455<br />

3 DAY<br />


Regular 65c<br />

49<br />

The Posf (Texas) DUpalch Thursday, March 21, 963 Page IT<br />

Complete Menu<br />

Char-Broile- d<br />

STEAKS<br />



Yard &<br />


Largo Parking Lot<br />


Buy Your's Here Today<br />

Turf Magic Fertilizer<br />

Grass Seed<br />

AH Kinds of Sprays<br />

Also Ranch Supplies Feed & Seed<br />

131 South Ave. I<br />

Hamburger<br />

6t Shake<br />

NOV SERVING . . .<br />


Garza<br />

New Homes Built<br />

Contracting<br />

Paint<br />

Farm Store<br />

We Invite You To Use These<br />

Painting-Decorator- s<br />

Room Additions<br />

Glass Installed<br />

Heating Systems<br />

Financing<br />

Plumbing Supplies<br />

Home Repairs<br />

Labor<br />

Roofs<br />

Cement Sand-Gravel<br />


- -<br />

MARCH 22-2- 4<br />

Garden Supplies<br />

3 DAY<br />



Dial 495-203- 1<br />

Keys Made<br />

Builders Hardware<br />

Modern Kitchens<br />

Fences<br />

Tools<br />

Built-i- n Appliances<br />

Artist Supplies<br />

Custom Picture Framing<br />

Electrical Supplies<br />

Storm Doors<br />

Wallpaper<br />

light Fixtures<br />

Linoleum<br />

R. E. COX LUMBER CO.<br />

Basket Burger<br />

& Malt<br />

Regular 85c<br />

69c<br />

Whole Beef Hamburgers<br />

Our hamburgers are the best because we have entire beef<br />

ground up for our hamburger moat at Jackson Bros. Food Locker<br />

hero. Tho extra taste is the oxlra quality. If you haven't tried<br />

ono of our whole boof hamburgers, do it today.<br />

En Your Orders to 2240<br />

The Dairy Hart

Page- - 12 Thursday, March 21, ? 963 Tho Post (Texas! Dlspatth<br />

Pleasant Valley news<br />

Area ginners take<br />

trip to Alabama<br />


Weldon McGchec, president of<br />

tho board of directors of the<br />

Hack-berr- y<br />

Co-o- p Gin and on the executive<br />

board of the Co-o-p Oil Mill In<br />

Lubbock (phew, that was a Ions<br />

one), and T. W. Uryscn, manager<br />

of the Ilackberry Co-o- Gin took<br />

off in a chartered plane from Lubbock<br />

the first day of the week and<br />

flow to Pratt, Ala., to see the new<br />

machinery that is being manufactured<br />

for Continental Gin Co. The<br />

pair were to be gone two days if<br />

fair weather prevails.<br />

What a lovely setting for a fond<br />

"adieu" to Mrs. W. H. Barton of<br />

Barnum Springs, the home of Mrs.<br />

Leta Smith, our Garza County i<br />

Home Demonstration agent. Mrs<br />

Barton has worked hard here in<br />

Garza County as chairman of the<br />

fair end as a faithful council member.<br />

Those from this area who<br />

paid tribute to our honorce (don't<br />

you dare look that one up because<br />

you won't find it) were Mrs. Carl<br />

Payton and Mrs. Robert Mock besides<br />

the council members who<br />

served as hostesses, Mmes. Max<br />

Chaffin and Maurice Flultt.<br />

Correction on last week's col- -<br />

umn Mrs. Dillard Dunn was not i<br />

in tho hospital but plenty sick at<br />

home.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meeks and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edwards have<br />

taken a trip to the coast of Texas<br />

and New Orleans. j<br />

Mrs. S. M. Lewis visited with)<br />

Mrs. Jim Sain, her daughter, in<br />

Siaton last week.<br />

Sad news was received via phone<br />

from Magnolia. Ark., on Saturday<br />

Frank Chaffta, the late J. D. Chaf-fin'- s<br />

oldest brother, passed away<br />

suddenly in Magnolia at the age<br />

of 82.<br />

The Dawson Samples of Lubbock<br />

visited with the Spencer tlevers<br />

and the Carl Paytons of this com<br />

munity one day this past week.<br />

Cindy Altman and Lou Alice<br />

Edwards spent the night with Sue<br />

Prltchard on Saturday night.<br />

Did you know that the Goorge<br />

Baker's living room is really lovely<br />

as the refinlshing is completed--<br />

Robert and David Mock visited<br />

Mrs. Marthy Mock in Siaton on '<br />

Saturday.<br />

Mrs. Charlie Scott honored Mrs.<br />

Wesley Scott with a birthday din-- .<br />

nor last Frtdav night. Wesley Scott,<br />

Mike. Mr Elmer Hltt and the'<br />

Vernon Scotti were tho invited<br />

Euests.<br />

The James She) tons attended the<br />

Llons-sororit- y basketball game In<br />

Post Friday night. Also thore were<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Taylor ami<br />

daughter. Sharla, and Mr and Mrs<br />

Doug Livingston from this area.<br />

Mrs. Jim Hall seems to be getting<br />

along a little bit better now<br />

und has had her two sons. Comer<br />

find Elmer, of Littlefleld with her<br />

on Sunday to speed along her re-<br />

covery Also, her grandson, Teddy<br />

Lay, came from Dullas to see<br />

Muinn Time<br />

N, ...<br />

- Nj ' ii .. l .mil H uoouyear s rremium t<br />

m,<br />

ij h.i. ,<br />

,s A<br />

4 Goodyear's Original ,<br />

.<br />

Equipment Rayon<br />

I<br />

tbout her nnd they all had dinner ,<br />

with the Pete Lancaster.<br />

Floyd Reese and Myrtle Johnson<br />

stopped by the Clovis Robinsons<br />

home on Sunday uflornoon.<br />

Miss Carolyn Edwards was "at<br />

home " this past week.<br />

The Eastern Star members of this<br />

nrea treated the Masons of the<br />

Southland chapter to a dinner nt<br />

the Southland School cafeteria on<br />

Friday night. Ham, baked beans,<br />

potato salad, pickles, onions, pic<br />

and coffee and tea were served<br />

to 4S diners. Those who got to go<br />

rrom here were: Mr. and Mrs. Carl<br />

Chilcoat, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bur<br />

kett, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lewis,<br />

Mrs. Thelma Burkett and Mrs. Sam<br />

Martin.<br />

Tho Spcnce Bcvers inspected the<br />

oundatlon of the Floyd Hodges<br />

dairy barn (future, that is) this<br />

last week.<br />

MR. AND MRS. WILL Barton<br />

went to Sweetwater for a few days<br />

ind returned Saturday. They went<br />

o see Mrs. Barton's sister. Mrs.<br />

August Dressier, who is very ill<br />

in the hospital Mr and Mrs. Buddy<br />

Hall took Mrs. Barton back<br />

there Sunday to be with her sister.<br />

David Mock spent Sunday with<br />

his grandparents, the Lee Wards.<br />

A gala affair at the Elmer Hltts<br />

on Sunday Mrs. Hltt had the birth-<br />

day and invited all her children,<br />

grandchildren and Mrs. Thelma<br />

Burkett and the Carl Chlllcoats.<br />

Jerry Hitt was the only one who<br />

didn't make it home for this birth-da- v<br />

dinner<br />

The Earl Kenncys of Lubbock<br />

spent the duy at the Carl Paytons<br />

on Saturday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott traveled<br />

to Abilene over the weekend<br />

and saw Shirley Lee and Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Don Scargill.<br />

Max Chaffin moved his drilling<br />

rig onto the Spence Bevers place<br />

o trv for a water well.<br />

Weldon McGchec and Clovis<br />

lob'nson ounrved to Carlsbad.<br />

N M. on Saturday.<br />

Our new arrivals, the L. M. Shortens,<br />

have already had n<br />

visitors. Mr and Mrs. Leroy Graham<br />

of Lamesn.<br />

Aunt Dolly stxyed two davs with<br />

the James Sheltons lust week.<br />

Mrs. T. W. Bryson hat been sick<br />

with the flu.<br />

I had hop) to say that ye ole<br />

flu bug had left these parts but I<br />

can't y It yet. Artie Baxter and<br />

Carte Gu are still under a doctor's<br />

care with that old germ.<br />

Here's hoping you fel up ami at<br />

'em soon!<br />

Mr. and Mrs. AM Robinson have<br />

been to Eunice. N. M this past<br />

weeke to vtait her two stater. Mrs<br />

Bill Owen and Mm. Bill Twiiky.<br />

People are reallv starting t h e<br />

weok riant this week On Monday,<br />

the Spence Bever had Mrs L C.<br />

McCullough from Prwt drop by In<br />

he morning, then Mr and Mrs<br />

Bonnev Hodges of Pmt in the afternoon<br />

and Mrs Leta Smith The lat<br />


2 --CAR FOR OWNERS<br />

For your No. 1 car<br />



Hw'Oi<br />

24<br />

22<br />

IS hurt 1ut)l9t,<br />

plu t - 1 Phi (it off yowl<br />

You will receive this Natlon-Wld- e Road<br />

Hazard and Quality Guarantee In Wnlln:<br />

AH New Goodyear Auto Time Are Quftrantmd<br />

NatKMi-Wld- e 1 Against noimel 'M(I Hai-ard- s<br />

I.e., blowout, faUte lxk. outs<br />

etxeept repawebie (uicturos. limited to<br />

anginal owner for number ol mont spaci<br />

MM. except fur the J T Nylon Cuitom<br />

Tstare<br />

driiiK "tskss. sLsa jaflflHessV<br />



WsaBBBWWBffBii, iJsK5Bs!sMSMaisfcaisneasJBMMBIBHsi<br />


Gregory Peck and Harper Lee, Pulitzer Prize winner, shown<br />

with plaque awarded in New York for the Popular Library's<br />

edition or her novel, "To Kill a Mockingbird," designated as<br />

tho 1962 Paperback of the Year. Mr, Peck, just named "the<br />

most popular actor of tho year" by tho Theatre Owners of<br />

America, portrays the lead role of Atticus in tho film version<br />

of Miss Lee's book.<br />

tcr went home with a freshly baked<br />

loaf of Orcta bread, the lucky<br />

thing. (This is a new bread made<br />

down the road from me). The<br />

others must have left too soon!<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheatley<br />

invite you all to attend the lectureship<br />

this week at the Post<br />

Church of Christ as they haven't<br />

missed one.<br />

Leo Bartlett dropped by the T.<br />

L. Barnes this last week.<br />

Kay and Ray Altman celebrated<br />

their birthday last Monday. Their<br />

guests were Mrs. Francis Sargent<br />

of Siaton and Stanley Abshirc nnd<br />

Norma Eckert spent the night with<br />

them.<br />

Mrs. Earl Kenney and Mrs. Carl<br />

Payton visited the Robert Mocks<br />

Saturday afternoon.<br />

Elmer Hltt, Ed Cummlngs nnd<br />

Curtis Driver came back from their<br />

fishing trip and brought a few fish<br />

but they said that It was too cold<br />

away down there in the South for<br />

most of the fish1<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pool and<br />

fnmilv of Big Spring spent Sunday<br />

and Monday with Mrs. Charlie<br />

Scott.<br />

The James McKenzies of r o s t<br />

visited Princess and Betsy Saturday<br />

at the Max Chaffin place.<br />

(Princess and Betsy are two registered<br />

Shetland ponies who are<br />

boarding and roaming (not rooming)<br />

in our pasture<br />

MR. AND MRS. ALV1 Kohlnson<br />

vMted Mr, B. C. Norton nnd fam- -<br />

Hv over the weekend In Seminole.<br />

The Norton's son Carrol, Was home<br />

for the weekend from Baylor.<br />

Agnes Rlnker's brother-in-law- .<br />

Herb Ausburn of Long Beach,<br />

Calif., stopped by the T. L. Barnes<br />

last week en route to Oklahoma on<br />

business.<br />

Snm Horton has been visiting<br />

ognin at the Pleasant Valley store.<br />

The James Sheltons attended the<br />

Junior Fat Stock Show In Lubbock<br />

en Monday.<br />

C E Patterson of Lubbock visited<br />

old friends at the Pleasant Valley<br />

Store and In Mrs. B. D. Robinson's<br />

home on the same day.<br />

The Vancll Bowcns were out to<br />

the Ben Altman home Sunday.<br />

For your No. 2 car<br />


vvim TursrN<br />

Nylon Safoty-AII-Weath- f , -<br />

$1 088 '<br />

i<br />

Month Ko.4 Haunl viwHnt4 MJ<br />

Nylon $1K3Q<br />

Nylon "42 $1188' fyf<br />

iwi i 4nw twv in pvv ir<br />

guaranteed<br />

Super CueliKMi which ti for the<br />

lite or the original tread dewgn Milttout<br />

limit as to time J Against any dafactt in<br />

wmKmanthip and rruitrial without IwiMt to<br />

time nr mileae Coodvear tire dealer n<br />

t'i U S or Can.iJa will mike admstment<br />

lloaitc on tir Milii on original<br />

lieatl depth ' raiaiiunj ana currant Qood-ve- r<br />

pi. " i n<br />

Company<br />

..mm1<br />

132 WW MAIN MAX CORDON DIAL 3031<br />

Peak day load<br />

of gas reaches<br />

new high mark<br />

AMARILLO A record peak<br />

day load of 370,287,000 cubic feet<br />

of gas was put through Pioneer<br />

Natural Gas Company's pipeline<br />

system this past Jan. 11. according<br />

to figures released today by<br />

Billy G, Grant, superintendent of<br />

tho Company's gas measurement<br />

department at Amarillo.<br />

During a severe arctic snap<br />

throughout Pioneer Natural's service<br />

area In middle January, temperatures<br />

dipped to 16 below zero<br />

at Lubbock. In Amarillo and surrounding<br />

areas, the mercury dropped<br />

to 9 b e I o w. Other areas<br />

throughout the system, which serves<br />

41 Panhandle-Sout- h Plains<br />

counties, had similar numbing weather.<br />

The peak deliveries of gas were<br />

hondlcd from 8 a. m. on Jnn. 11<br />

to 8 a. m. on Jan. 12, and topped<br />

the previous wintertime peak load<br />

of 312.118.000 cubic feet which had<br />

occurred on Jan. 9, 19G2.<br />

Gas supplies were adequate on<br />

the peak day nnd there were no<br />

failures of n critical nature, according<br />

to T. S. Whltis, Pioneer<br />

vice president In charge of<br />

Mrs. Spence Rcvcrs visited Mrs.<br />

Jim Hall and Mrs. L. M. Sherbert<br />

this past week.<br />

Pat came hone on the weekend<br />

to the Henry Wheatleys with a<br />

friend from college. West Texas<br />

State College and Plainvlcw, Peg-F,- y<br />

Dunlap.<br />

Mrs. C. R. Scott stopped by Mrs.<br />

S. M. Lewis for n visit last week.<br />

Mrs. Carl Payton enjoyed coffee<br />

with Mrs. Floy Richardson Tuesday.<br />

Visitors in Mrs. B. D. Robinson<br />

home on Sunday were: Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. D. C. Roberts of Post, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. J. 11. Rohinsnn nnd Mr<br />

and Mrs. Jerry Dixon nnd Steve.n.<br />

01 1'iainvicw, ;<br />

The Wayne Chaffins were out j<br />

from Lubbock for a visit at Mrs.<br />

Lena Chaffin's home Saturday.<br />

A pretty colleen born on St. Patty's<br />

Day, Miss Kathy Green celebrated<br />

her birthday at the Spence '<br />

Hevcrs A switch took place; mil<br />

and Larry Bevers spent the aftcr-nno- n<br />

nt the Joe Greens in Siaton<br />

A track meet for A and B high,<br />

school boys at Rotan on Saturday<br />

The Iwys who entered from Pleasant<br />

Valley were: Billy Joe Hall, '<br />

Don Altman. Troy Lewis and Ronald<br />

Saunders. Winners (who<br />

warmed up with that famous cereal)<br />

were- - Johnny Halre. second<br />

'.i the 220 and 100 yard-das- h nnd<br />

Webster Crawford, fourth In the<br />

SSO yards.<br />

News from the nowlyweds. Mr<br />

ami Mr Jack Roberts, In Kansas<br />

Thrw have purchased themselves<br />

home while Jack is in the Air<br />

Force It is one of the wide trailers<br />

twn bedroom complete with<br />

rir conditioning. That is the way<br />

to move while you are in the service:<br />

carrv vmir home with you!<br />

ci.osr: cm' Nnws<br />

Now for the little news gathered<br />

from the Clo City area.<br />

The Charles Morrisos had Mrs<br />

Carolyn Gray ami Caren as visitors<br />

last Tuesday, anil aim Mrs Itnr.<br />

Imrn irihrklge and Cindy.<br />

Jessie Lofton and Joe Keren of<br />

Post came mil to the Howard Toaff<br />

home Sunday.<br />

Mr and Mrs. Sonny Solomon of<br />

Deniaon visited In the Charles<br />

Morris home lust wokwn!.<br />

Ami that concludes th new from<br />

this correspondent.<br />

Frank Gotrh was one of the<br />

greatest wrestlers of all time<br />

William Muldonrt was known as<br />

the father of American wrestling<br />

TRY<br />


Grassland aroa nows<br />

0. H. Hoover under care<br />

of specialist in Lubbock<br />

The first Postal Savings Bank in<br />

America was opened In 1911.<br />

VSSll J<br />

"lt' better to give than<br />

receive. I!cnide.s, It's<br />

Hes the on!<br />

MAWinTOWM<br />

whodoesnfuse ihti<br />

WAMT-AD-S<br />

IV<br />

I<br />

c, Couch & Chair<br />

Fondue: Fun To Serve And To Tkr<br />

ir<br />

1 Reg. 39.50, Clean Up Sale<br />

5 - Piece Suite<br />

Clean Up Sale Price for All 5 Pieces<br />

With bevel edge plate glass mirror<br />

Tangier Mahogany, Reg. 99.50<br />

Clean Up Sale Priced at<br />

gsesBssseV :AV. v ati"'lj Kit<br />

ss-jiaf-c. BaBsgsssRj x.- - SMSsi I<br />

eV<br />

By MRS. 0. 11. HOOVER<br />

0 H. Hoover who has been In<br />

Garza Memorial Hospital for several<br />

days, was transferred to Lubbock<br />

Methodist Hospital Thursday<br />

afternoon where he would be tinder<br />

the care of n specialist. His cOndi-Io- n<br />

has not improved. Dlllle Bob<br />

Hoover and Major Jack Hoover<br />

who livo In California have been<br />

at their father's bedside the past<br />

few days. The other Hoover children<br />

who live here have also been<br />

helping to cans for their father.<br />

Several people from Grassland<br />

and the Graham Chapel communities<br />

visited the Hoover children<br />

and Mrs. Hoover In the lobby of<br />

Methodist Hospital Sunday. We received<br />

word Tuesday that Mr.<br />

Hoover has had surgery for the<br />

removal of two blood clots. The<br />

doctor says he now has a 50-5- nn.l litre t U' Wnrrlrl, QnlllfitnV<br />

illlV, 4,1,.,. . , ,,,...... ,,<br />

and on Sunday tho same group had<br />

lunch with itr. nnu Mrs. j.<br />

0<br />

chance to recover.<br />

Mrs. E. B. Mnthls, who has been<br />

a patient In the Tahokn Hospital<br />

for several days, was well cnought<br />

to return to her home Saturday.<br />

The Rev. and Mrs. Yeats nnd<br />

son, Jackie, and family of Snyder<br />

were here Sunday.<br />

Howard Davis from Virginia has<br />

been here visiting the LcRoy Davis<br />

family and his father and mother,<br />

the W. M. Daviscs. Mrs. Davis has<br />

been very ill for some time.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goree and<br />

children of Floydada spent Sunday<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Walker.<br />

Mrs. Edith Inklebarger was a<br />

visitor in the W. G. McCIcskcy<br />

home Tuesday afternoon.<br />

W. G. McCleskey Bcr-nlc- and Mrs. e<br />

Gribble visited in the M. C.<br />

Rlchey home Monday afternoon.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Allen and<br />

granddaughter of Lubbock were<br />

guests of the C. O. McCleskeys<br />

Tusday evening.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Melton left<br />

Friday night for Edgewood to be<br />

with her father, Mrs. Berry, who<br />

suffered a heart attack.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas Jones of<br />

Ropcsville were guests in the home<br />

of her sister and family, the J. F.<br />

Moores, Sunday.<br />

MR. AND MRS. Robert Joins,<br />

who lives nt San Dcnito In the Rio<br />

Grande Valley, arrived Friday to!<br />

visit relatives here and in Lubbock.<br />

The C. O. McCleskeys and the<br />

W. L. Bribbles had lunch with Mr.<br />

i--. ai<br />

len In Lubbock.<br />

Mr nnil Mn W ft. MrClpRkeV<br />

had dinner Tuesday with the Carlos<br />

McCIcskcy family.<br />

Mrs. Gartman went to Seminole<br />

this week after her mother, Mrs.<br />

Dixie Wat Icy, who will spend several<br />

days with the Gnrtmans.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. McCIcskcy,<br />

the Rev. nnd Mrs, Ira Campbell<br />

nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. Murry<br />

were luncheon guests In the H. E.<br />

Huffaker homo Sunday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Bert McDonald<br />

spent Snturday night In Rotan with<br />

the Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Rogers.<br />

J. H. Burk of Cisco was a visitor<br />

in the Lucian Walker home Monday.<br />

He also visited his brother,<br />

L. B. Burk, and family.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. King nnd<br />

Gary nnd Mr, and Mrs. Dick King<br />

attended the funeral of Mr. King's<br />

brother In Canyon Friday. Mrs.<br />

King, wife of the deceased, returned<br />

home with them and will spend<br />

some time here with the C, B.<br />

Kings.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Norris Workman<br />

have been down near Fort Worth<br />

visiting her sister and family.<br />

Mrs. Virginia Terry. Mrs. Inex<br />

McGrcw nnd granddaughcr, Robin<br />

Rains, visited their sister and aunt,<br />

Mrs. C. A. Walker. Friday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cunningham<br />

came by Sunday night to visit his<br />

mother, Mrs. Lucy Cunningham.<br />

They were on their way home from<br />

Abilene where they had been to<br />

visit her father who has been ill<br />

for some time.<br />


nnd Mrs. Ronald D. McGrcw. proud<br />

parents of a baby girl, born March<br />

12, in Medical Arts Hospital in<br />

Lamcsa. The little lady weighed<br />

six pounds, 10 ounces and has been<br />

named Shari Lynn.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. McCleskey<br />

nnd Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mum'<br />

Clean Up Sale<br />

BseBegsliiK gssBseflssssEaizlBSBsl<br />

IsssssM lllsW'' ' iMSfJgssssssMWIsBssssgssi<br />

ggflBgglgggggggggHgggfK''<br />

A fnmluB is fun to make and fun to serve and cat. ton. ti,. i<br />

basis for the excellence of the fondue is tho cheeso itself: Pmw.<br />

ited process Gruyorc. Choice aged Swiss cheese is used in rroccsiine<br />

Gruyere cheese, and the result is a high quality nut-swechetw<br />

Dunk .crusty pieces of French bread or toast chunks Into the fondue'<br />

and then deposit them on a small plate. Let guests take turns heb!<br />

ing themselves by swirling the speared toast in the fondue, and<br />

remind them to swirl the mixture in only one direction, Dorden<br />

kitchen experts point out that this is important to prevent the mix.<br />

ture from curdling.<br />

Crayere Chrefe Party Fondue<br />

(Makt$ S<br />

cujM<br />

Fondue<br />

Ttn lit cup timingi)<br />

14 cup butter<br />

3 cups homogenized milk<br />

14 cup flour<br />

C cups (four packages or 2(<br />

12 teaspoon salt<br />

o portions) shredded<br />

18 teaspoon white pepper Gruyero cheeso<br />

2 tablespoons Sauterno wine,<br />

optional<br />

Melt butter in chafing dish pan over hot water. Blend in flour,<br />

salt and pspper. Gradually stir in milk. Cook, stirring occnslonilly.<br />

until the mixture is smooth and thickened. Add shredded checit.<br />

Stir slowly IN ONE DIRECTION 30 to 40 minutes or until cheew<br />

is well blended. Just before serving, add Sauterno wine and itir<br />

steadily in one direction until mixture is velvety. Scire accompanied<br />

by toasted buttered bread squares or toasted buttered htlf.<br />

alices of French bread. Provide guests with d forks for<br />

dipping toast into fonduo mixture. Keep mixture warm over gentle<br />

chafing dish heat.<br />

A it oj<br />

doubl boutr tin lor manxng ont-na- if tnt aoove rip.<br />

visited Grandma Gribble Sunday<br />

afternoon.<br />

John Gray, brother of the late<br />

Mrs. II. A. Roberts, Is in Garza<br />

Memorial Hospital. "Unkie" as he<br />

Is so fondly called by members of<br />

the Roberts family, fell Saturday<br />

morning injuring one of his legs.<br />

The leg wasn't broken but shows<br />

a fracture. We wish for him n<br />

speedy recovery.<br />

(fort thn T M i,<br />

w . (n ,'.vj ILII, T.<br />

iim<br />

They also visited the B<br />

Atin-<br />

Mrs. and Mrs. C. A. Walker vis- -<br />

- nml 1 1 Bnn.U 1 1 . "<br />

and Shari Lynn of Welch.<br />

Edd Love of N. M<br />

U 1. n ...III. . L -<br />

family tho past week He Is<br />

of Mr Hoover<br />

HfH .1 . . L ..<br />

fnmilv nri mnufnn fmm PurlrV..<br />

nnf tn T Sunday.<br />

Lovincton.<br />

brother-in-lallKKnl<br />

Tlilltn tfttl Ka m<br />

tioncd nt Recce Air Base<br />



Includes couch that makes bed,<br />

foam cushion chair, hassock, and<br />

2 matching 1<br />

pillows, Reg. 49.95<br />

9 Drawer Dresser<br />

" Is<br />


86<br />

A familiar sight in TEXAS is llic tumbling, slumhling,<br />

Your advertising needn't be like a tumbleweed.<br />

OQOO<br />

59<br />

Hudmans' Furniture<br />

Your Credit Good"<br />

fumbling Tumbleweed!<br />

tumbleweed drifting aimlessly, going nowhere<br />

particular, and accomplishing nothing.<br />

Consult the adman on your local<br />

newspaper. Hc can steer you<br />

straight to sales.<br />

in<br />

00<br />

00<br />


planned<br />

tilnn nro be<br />

I'frreunion to be set<br />

.. r Dm<br />

rminlon<br />

k.'V Ffrrvono Inter- -<br />

'.rnion is urged to at- -<br />

Ainu".<br />

dthls mectlriB'<br />

and addresses of anyone<br />

A taClolremont nre need- -<br />

iyl!le reunion com...."- .w<br />

of former<br />

urncd to<br />

urn""'"<br />

fftem to Clalremont Reunion.<br />

-<br />

lirtnont, Tex.. " wcy i<br />

Kd the "CXI mm".<br />

omcersofthere- -<br />

.....<br />

n commiui--<br />

.North, president, Mrs. Jewell<br />

f W. Davis.<br />

liytir, 3cui'<br />

kotr. and Mrs. Chnrlcne Dav- -<br />

I reporter.<br />


ii vr Pnrker of Shrcvcport,<br />

find her daughter Mrs. A. E.<br />

Ich o( Lubbock, were m rosi<br />

htsday visiting relatives, tne<br />

i Powers, the R M. Thomases<br />

(lie J. E. Parkers.<br />

is when you<br />

- J. . ..tlilniv Villi ttUtft<br />

(, but not until tomorrow."<br />

DfrYOllKltlHlf?<br />



ft 1. yf<br />





II III II I<br />

7<br />

OVER 2,000 DECREES (F.) I<br />

i<br />

II<br />

i i<br />

ii i ii<br />

I H<br />

,11 Jl<br />

ii in i<br />

par---1 Tl<br />

r-- . rx.<br />




SOMfc tKlulPAlKE.<br />



Garza County group<br />

attends convention<br />

Attending the West Texas County<br />

Judges and Commissioners Association<br />

convention In Lubbock Sunday<br />

were: Judge and Mrs. J. E. Pnrker,<br />

and commissioners, and their<br />

wives, Mr. and Mrs. Ozcll Williams,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Myers, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Mason Justice and Mr. and<br />

Mrs. A. P. Gurlcy.<br />

Convention headquarters was the<br />

Caprock Hotel.<br />








FIMKH.<br />

"<br />

ENAMEL<br />

BOUGHT YOUR 1963<br />


If the answer is "no", better hurry.<br />

Because<br />

After April I, any unregistered vehicle that's one with-<br />

out 1963 license plates on it operating on Texas highways<br />

is subject to the driver's fine plus 20 per cent penalty on registration.<br />

, . . ?. fill<br />

We want to serve you as quickly and efficiently as possi-<br />

ble that's why we're urging you to come in soon and not<br />

ger caught in our annual "last minute line". Bring your cert-<br />

ificate of title and last year's registration receipt.<br />

I<br />

H. TIPTON<br />

Garza County Tax<br />

Assessor-Collect- or<br />

We Have Purchased Tom's Place from Tom Williams and Mon-<br />

day began its operation under the name:<br />

Duncan Cafeteria<br />

Across from Junior High on West Eighth<br />

hi<br />

Jervng lunch from 11 A. M. to 1:30 P. M. Mondays througn rnaay uu<br />

y Wcntf. donufs and cinnamon rolls aro oil homemade<br />

to coma eat with us. Our pics, rolls,<br />

H. Tho toffee pot is always on. <strong>Open</strong> from 7 A. M. to 4 P. M. Come see us on.<br />

Mli, ana rino,<br />

Kalgary trio find eight<br />

rattlers at dam site<br />

Hy MRS. CJLENN E. JONES I day.<br />

lccii Henry Slack, Henry<br />

Johns and Leon Orccr went rattlesnake<br />

hunting nt the White River<br />

Dam site Sundny. They found eight.<br />

Mrs. Henry Slack was honored<br />

with a surprise birthday party Friday<br />

night at the homo of Mrs.<br />

Alctta Walker. Those present were<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Dannie Pace, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Henry Slack, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Huron Jones, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Larry Hooper, Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert<br />

Cnnnon, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn<br />

Jones nnd Gary and David. Birthday<br />

enke, coffco and punch were<br />

served. Everyone enjoyed playing<br />

"84".<br />

Tho White River Homo Demonstration<br />

Club met at the home of<br />

Mrs. Hurnn Jones at 2 p, m. Friday.<br />

The program was given by<br />

Mrs. Vonn Fisher. The subject was<br />

"Driver Education nnd Scat Ilclts."<br />

White cookies decorated with green<br />

shamrocks, punch, nnd coffee were<br />

served to Mmes. Wanda Parsons,<br />

Pntsy Humble, her grandson, Dairy<br />

Keith Jones, Vera Urlggs, Elvaleta<br />

Havens, Vona Fisher, Lcanora<br />

Jones nnd sons. Hostesses were<br />

Mrs. Effle Jones and Mrs. Parsons.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fox of Spur<br />

celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary<br />

by having dinner nt the<br />

White River Lunch Room on March<br />

15.<br />

Dick Dowden. superintendent of<br />

tho White River Dam spent Inst<br />

weekend nt his home in Dallas.<br />

Mrs. C. W. Hlnson went to<br />

Thursday to see her mother,<br />

Mrs. John Self, who was celebrating<br />

her 84th birthday.<br />

Doncy Winkler and Cnrla attend-<br />

lunchroom Friday night.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. mil Starr visited<br />

with relatives at Throckmorton lost<br />

week.<br />

The Jimmy Alexanders have<br />

been to Albany to visit with rcla-- 1<br />

lives.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. C. H. Rronson vis- -<br />

ited Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Humble<br />

last Sunday night.<br />

Mr and Mrs. R. R. Jones of<br />

Crosbyton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy<br />

Winkler attended the Lions Club<br />

Pancake Supper at Lubbock Saturday<br />

night.<br />

MR. AND MRS. Robert Cnnnon<br />

nnd Mrs. Vclma Smith went to<br />

Lubbock Tuesday and looked at<br />

new houses.<br />

Steve Luce, contractor on the<br />

White River Dam, had business in<br />

Austin last week.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ola Miller visited<br />

i their niece. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey<br />

I f t fnmll., T.rv.1it nftnp.<br />

noon.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ted Hlndman nnd<br />

children of Spur were supper guests<br />

of Mr and Mrs. Glen Jones Tuesday<br />

night.<br />

Sunday visitors of tho Doncy<br />

Wlnklcrs were: Mary Ileth. Judy,1<br />

Lindy and Rornlo of Post; Jamie j<br />

Hcnrv. Lubbock; Chris Berry, Lar<br />

ry Hadderton. Mr. an Mrs. Roy<br />

Winkler nnd Roy Don, Mrs. Huron<br />

Jones. Mrs. Glenn Jones nnd sons,<br />

Conda Starett and Mary Ann, Mrs.<br />

Tookle Maze and Conda Howard.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. CInyburn Marsh<br />

nnd daughters of Crosbyton were<br />

t Mrs Dee Horry visited Mrs. Bcr-nic- e<br />

Eubank Wednesday night<br />

Mr nnd Mrs. Harold Campy<br />

had dinner nt the White River<br />

Lunch Room Thursday, to ccle-brate<br />

their anniversary.<br />

Miss Donna Hinson was nt home<br />

this weekend visiting her parents,<br />

Mr and Mrs. Doug Hinson Donna<br />

goes to school at Draugli'on's Business<br />

College at Lubbock<br />

Mrs H E. Fisher of Crosbyton<br />

visited Mrs. Derrcl Fisher Wednesday<br />

nfternoon.<br />

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs Homer Robinett were the Rev<br />

and Mrs. Tommy Conawny nnd<br />

family of Dickens, and the Rev<br />

nnd Mrs G. W. Fine nnd family<br />

of I.lttlefield.<br />

GREG FISHER vUitcd 1) n v I d<br />

Parsons Sunday afternoon<br />

Mrs Alia Martin. Mrs<br />

Swanner. Mrs. Aleene Auslin. nnd<br />

Mr and Mrs. Coy Drennon were<br />

puens of their sister. Mrs Henry<br />

Slack and Mrs. Allctn Wnlker I n<br />

tended the Girl Scout Banquet at<br />

tho East Ward lunchroom In Spur<br />

Saturday night.<br />

Darry Keith Jones visited his<br />

grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Elbert<br />

Humble, Wednesday through Saturday.<br />

His mother, Mrs. Ronnie<br />

Jones, enmc Saturday and they returned<br />

home Sunday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Deo Berry went<br />

to EIDorndo, Okln., Friday to take<br />

his fnthcr, L. C. Berry, back home.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hooper visited<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cannon<br />

Monday night.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Jones visited<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Slack Wednesday<br />

night.<br />

Mrs. Chnrlcne Rucker nnd children<br />

of Burkburnctt and Mrs. Char-<br />

lie Witt of Spur visited Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Robert Cannon Sunday after-Sunda- y<br />

nfternoon guests of Mr. and<br />

noon.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Seaward were<br />

Mrs. Dee Berry.<br />

Jimmy Gllmorc visited his parents,<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonnio Gllmorc,<br />

In Crosbyton Sunday.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Waldo Havens vis<br />

ited Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer Robinett<br />

Thursday.<br />

W. W. McArthur and Christl s.<br />

R. W. Self.<br />

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Elbert Humble and Elaine<br />

attended a bridal shower for Mrs.<br />

Gerald Ward in Ropesville<br />

First Grade,<br />

Slab,<br />

Neuhoff's<br />

POUND<br />

nrca<br />

&<br />

Kim, 1 0 Or. Jar<br />

Sfra. - Apr. - Peach - Pine.<br />

FOR<br />

0O<br />

Saturday.<br />

Gnry Jones visited Cnrla and Nan<br />

Winkler Saturday nfternoon. The<br />

Glenn Jones family were supper<br />

cuests of her brother and family,<br />

the Honey Wlnklcrs. Saturday night.<br />

Billv Rav Cansclor sncnt Satur<br />

day with David Parsons.<br />

Saturday evening the Intermed<br />

late Class of the Watson Baptist<br />

Church enjoyed roller skating and<br />

eating supper at Mackenzie Park.<br />

Those attending were Mike Fisher.<br />

R. G.. Myrtle Ann nnd Llta Belli<br />

Havens. D wight Webster, Freda<br />

and Barbara Parsons. Mr. nnd Mrs<br />

R. G. Hnvcns, Mrs. Mary Ann Con<br />

nwny, Rita and Ginn.<br />

Wayne Harris and Gary Usscry<br />

attended the Junior High track<br />

meet In Crosbyton Saturday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lcgg nnd Sue<br />

of Lubbock visited Mr. and Mrs<br />

Henry Slack Tuesday afternoon. '<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Buran Jones visited<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Pug Wnldcn of<br />

Canyon Valley Saturday night.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Darl Walker of<br />

Meadow visited his mother, Mrs.<br />

Lee Walker, Tuesday of last week.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marsh visited<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Self and daughters<br />

Wednesday night.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cannon<br />

have Installed a telephone. Their<br />

number is AX6-231-<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. James Chote of<br />

Ralls observed the operations at<br />

the White River Dam and had<br />

lunch nt the White River Lunchroom<br />

Thursday of last week.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harvey Try nnd<br />

Tracy visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn<br />

Jones Sunday night.<br />

Mrs. Thurmon Moore Sr. and<br />

Thurmon Moore Jr. visited the<br />

White River Dnm last week.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cannon and<br />


NO. 2Vi CAN<br />


16 OZ CAN<br />

4 EARS<br />


I<br />

Tho Post (Texas) Dispatch Thursday, March 21, J 963 Page 73<br />

I<br />

SUN-KISSE-<br />

D<br />

Swim, anyone, asks an attractive<br />

Nassau vacationer. Winter<br />

visitors to the capital city<br />

of the British Bahama Islands<br />

spend daylight hours on the<br />

beach, where sun and surf<br />

sweep away all memories of<br />

home town chills and cold<br />

weather.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Winkler were<br />

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and<br />


Mrs. Glenn Jones.<br />

The Rev. Gray don Howell re<br />

turned home Saturday from sever-<br />

Mrs. Edgar Witt is in the Crosbyal<br />

days stny In Houston while Mrs.<br />

ton Hospital where she underwent<br />

Howell was hospitalized. She is con<br />

surgery last week.<br />

valescing In the home of relatives<br />

The core of the White River Dam<br />

In La Mnrquo and Is reported re<br />

Mr. and Mrs Harvey Cannon nnd<br />

was 11<br />

grandchildren<br />

feet above tho river Frl- -<br />

visited the White<br />

covering very satisfactorily.<br />

children spent Wednesday night in<br />

Dickens with her brother " nnd sis<br />

(of onlookers at the dam site Sun- -<br />

noon.<br />

J<br />


ter. Mrs. Cannon's<br />

d<br />

mother. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Buran Jones and J'<br />

Joo KIdd,<br />

Mrs. Jerry White and son<br />

underwent surgery<br />

of Dal<br />

at Mrs.<br />

ed the<br />

iiarvcy cannon ana<br />

Girl Scouts Father<br />

children<br />

and the Crosbyton hospital<br />

las, who have been visiting in the<br />

Thursday were Wednesday<br />

Daughter<br />

dinner guests of<br />

Banquet nt the Crosby-to- n moming. She Is<br />

home of her parents,<br />

recovering nicely.<br />

the Rev<br />

the Glenn Jones family.<br />

Lowest Rates Available Anywhere<br />

Ray Smith,<br />

and Mrs. Graydon Howell,<br />

shop<br />

return<br />

foreman for W. W. MArthur I<br />

and his son took<br />

the Luce Construction Work,<br />

cd home Monday<br />

visited part in tho Archery Club contest<br />

his home in Vernon one night last at Post Sunday. They both won<br />

week.<br />

I<br />

first in their separate divisions<br />

Mrs Arthur Stearns<br />

s<br />

of Lubbock Mr Dennard and Mr Lynch of<br />

and Miss Willie Stafford of Abilene Ralls visited at the White River.<br />

visited tho White River Lunchroom Dam Wednesday of I<br />

last week<br />

PICNICS 3 5C<br />

...<br />

It<br />

Sausage lbs. 89c Chops lb. 39c<br />

BACON<br />

39c<br />

Macaroni & Cheese<br />

Pot Pies<br />

T D V C V C<br />


Purple<br />

Plums<br />


Corn-on-Co- b<br />

Km.<br />

sa 3 Pork sir<br />


Orange Juice 6 OZ. FROZEN<br />

419<br />

E.<br />



Star Orchard<br />

Whole, No. 2 12<br />

OO<br />

Can<br />

29<br />

KALAX<br />

V2 GALLON<br />



New Arrivals<br />

Mr nnd Mrs. Robert O, Robinson<br />

announce the birth of a son, Ches<br />

ter Ray, born March 12, in Gann<br />

'Memorial Hospital and weighing<br />

six pounds, 11 ounces.<br />

Yocham<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry aro<br />

the of a son, Danny GcneJ<br />

born March 1G parents<br />

in Garza Memorial<br />

Hospital and weighing seven<br />

pounds,<br />

014 ounces.<br />


Victor Hudmnn showed slides<br />

taken on a trip to Alaska during<br />

fellowship Sunday<br />

Baptist<br />

Church. Sanwltcues and punch were<br />

served to approximately 20.<br />

the youth hour<br />

j night at the Calvary<br />

The "Great Plague of London"<br />

in 1CG5 caused G8.596 deaths.<br />

LEACH<br />

Facial Tissue rc, 19c Wax Paper 125 FT ROLL 25<br />

CAKE MIX<br />

100<br />

for<br />

3rd<br />

COLA<br />

12 Bottle<br />

Carton<br />

DINNER<br />

2--45'<br />

2-- 39c<br />

1 1 esl 2Qc<br />

JAM<br />

Redeem Your<br />

Coupon<br />


JELLYS<br />

3cans1<br />

79<br />

29c<br />

3<br />

79<br />

PEPSI<br />

swow 3 for<br />

49<br />


SUGAR<br />

2 29c<br />


35'<br />

00<br />

Market Basket<br />

PH. 2232<br />

'4: .1 to<br />

if<br />

P.<br />

s '<br />

!' U

I<br />

Pog 14 Thursday, March 21, 1963 The Post (Texas) Dispatch LOW COST OF EDUCATION i committee set It at $300.<br />


I SCHOOL CALENDAR SSjjgjj5jjs-::- J<br />

IZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZI Complaints too-lo- about opprop-- Reps, Henry Orovcr and J. C. Wfikf C Frll Mr. im and Mrs. D. F. Evans visit- - H<br />

rlatlons came from members who Whitfield of Houston won approval V CI O IUIUIII Friday, March 22: s ban- - ... .. . . ,<br />

,0 t g J said allotments for higher cduca-- from the House State Affairs Com-- "M<br />

, quet. T?--, mL L<br />

w<br />

' 5 ' E N<br />

' ' FORI<br />

jts C. --: m" tion in 1964-6- are too small. mlttee on their bill to require com- - Saturday. March 23: Post Ante- - wllh "cr ' C' Mc<br />

BsliiimttLlZ6iVixZiV<br />

E<br />

! The last Legislature appropriated potltlvc bidding on public school Q. What nrc the average ages of lope track team to compete at Sun- - Celvcy, and with their daughter, T U c<br />

$159,600,000<br />

mt-s-si<br />

from the State General purchases nbovo $1,000. living veterans? down: PFA Chapter to Judging Mrs. Jean Tycr and family In Wolf- - I n fc NEW<br />

Revenue Fund for MCI higher education '<br />

SALES TAX FREEZE FAILS A. According to the Veterans Ad- - contests at Sweetwater. IEsHaL<br />

forlh'<br />

1982-6-<br />

Va, SbnforU<br />

An attempt by Rep. John Allen of ministration, average ages arc as Mcnday, March 25; Math and ff<br />

Statu college administrators re-- , Longvicw to pass a constitutional Spanish-America- follows: n War, 85; Science Club meeting. 7 p. m , T s V Crv H 1 11 B quested lull H<br />

$243,000,000 for the coming amendment to frccie the state sales World War 1. 68; World War II, I" I A chapter to area land contest, 9ArCN 3rW VUlttU WA<br />

HIGH COST OF FLYING Art-- two years. Former Gov. Price tax at two per cent and keep food I 44, and Korean Conflict, 33. Abilene. n V PJI IM<br />

,,,K'r 10 r cut ? sPcci'lc,re; "nnle11 nnd thc L?Kalntvc HudgctUnd drugs exempt failed by a 72- -<br />

Q Th(, VA s , , veterans Tuesday, March 26 - Post High K I lift mdl J<br />

of Representatives. wnmendat.on out of the budget recommended $226.000.000. , 64 vote.<br />

itiWl<br />

MlC? ,N 'OWN I<br />

who draw compensation and pen- - School one-a- play to be present- -<br />

Wft Before it cleared the House and bill almost was successful. ' SSY Jl2vCi H0"nn,l" commends! However, food may remain safe son and who nlso have GI insur-- cd at Spur In Intcrscholnstlc Lea-- Vlljr m,, ! T UyimW MLj3 M<br />

B tM wcnt on 10 ,ne Scna,e- - tnc Di" e"" ReP- - J"rncs Cotten of Weather-- 1 ZZ5.000,000. I aducah Rep. I Bill from the sales tax if a measure nnce to have their Insurance pre- - guo One-A- Play contest.<br />


; cited several cries of anguish from ford tried to get the House to Heotly s appropriations bill allows by Rep. Ben Atwcll of Dallas and miums deducted from their com- - --rrr- - B<br />

'ii'ifi<br />

some who protested agency be- -' "ground" the State Land Office for $187,600,000 to educate the bum- - Rep. Charles Wilson of Trinity pas- - pcnsatlon or pension payments. If<br />

ipfi&jjj quests as too small and some who! airplane. He pointed out that $100,-- """"B<br />

1 Per C"P of war babies that Is ex- - ses. They have proposed legislation 1 do this, how will I benefit?<br />

WS&if claimed certain allotments w e r e 000 is appropriated annually for Pjectcd to begin to flow Into state I<br />

; to simplify sales tax bookkeeping j a. The VA points out such pro-- fk I<br />

irTlllkl<br />

llmki toobl8- - j operation and maintenance of a coUegcs next year.<br />

J<br />

for grocers. Since grocers have c,cdurc the NEW HAS BEcN ADDFD'<br />

d I<br />

Rep. Forrest Harding of S a n Land Office plane. cl5j'tthB "tlng for n blanket Ksed Vlicy. but JUFICIIlinU<br />

Mm AnScl clnlmed appropriations for Cotter, showed a photostatic copy X , Tr Ln" ,a' 'h'S bl" may Sa"Sfy ,hcm- - would also save the veteran thc<br />

the State Armory Board and the, if the plane's flight log for thc I<br />

? rllnRt on $ TUITION RAISES PROPOSED time and cost of drawing a check<br />

State Board of Control were too year ended October. 1962. He stat-- . "DJSff LL VrMtZ'J -R-epresentative Atwcll picked up or money order and mailing It to I big. since they involved $1,000 sa!- - ed. "In a year s time, only 68 a recommendation by the Commls-- his VA Insurance office. II Aa. V.ll am I<br />

for executive director- - Hishts were recorded. Sixteen were i Higher Education to double ru O What Is thc first steo in aonlv- -<br />

i<br />

of'those agencies. .e. flights to fami.larl.e the pilot ucofPaFC<br />

' VonhRgd for ?,?,,e, fl fcd Ing for a GI Iran to buy a home? llUWW III lUllY I<br />

ReD Terrv Townsend of Bradv wilh tho Plnne before he broke the tttSl<br />

! Jl", an t0 ralsc " W0 to $100 a<br />

when he am,e"d ,0. ralf,c Arlington's ap-- A<br />

semcstcr.<br />

First a certificate of eligibility<br />

claimed ir nropeller collided with an- - m,<br />

0nd 8 V0, ' ConnaHy ?T W has ignored .offlcTnSeSfict<br />

. I<br />

total of $14,800 more than the j Jeh. J. jht ' mor. est j the commission's suggestion. exXn dt'of To T I All I<br />

fthe<br />

Legislature authorized. with<br />

TexM Maritimc Academy In Gal-- Dick Morgan. Republican veteran's entitlement to obtain a AlllWll m M<br />

new<br />

Townsend also tried to cut out r, propeller!<br />

vnum a reality was JJmm. absent from I<br />

from Dallas, chose "a good com- - loan. I 1 llf'liw lllr"! jUll! 1 B f fltfl<br />

$250,000 appropriation to improve I'P- - J Chapman of Sulphur j thc appropriations bill. But Gov-- Promise." He Introduced a bill to I W MVff I IIVI UIIW the illIIIIU I<br />

newly-donate- d Wheatley Ranch 'nrlnR disagreed. He said that the crnor Connally said. "I have real ra'o toMon to $75 a semester.<br />

In Blanco County as a state par ' nccess<br />

Children of members of the Tex- - KUVkPHnAlk rlfP t7fl<br />

1 I He claimed thc money was need- -' "nd Pb"'B"'P" to confirm restore I the mnritlme money." He as National Guard who hove been lUjlNIIUUH3 L j I<br />

II..<br />

for established pa r k s. But this hc 1941 stale land y. didn't say whether he had any hope killed In the "cold war crisis" ..l W1 C M I<br />

move failed. r"en Insisted that thc Land Of- -' of getting the allotment for higher since 1950 will be provided IIO IllllfflllC f r e e fHOV RQ OUl WGST fVlClvlllllw lIUUwll3 I<br />

Hce should hire commercial aerial education boosted. tuition in state colleges. If a bill<br />

PUBLIC Photographers, as the Texas Water. COUNTk BUYING EASIER - by Representative Parmer is pas- - Mr and Mrs Spencer Kuvkcn- -<br />

does.<br />

Rep. Vernon Bcckman of Denison sed. jail<br />

at 1009<br />

""ion frAllPTinMl Cottcn's amendment to strike out 'got<br />

llth sold their a green light from the House STATES RIGHTS STAND The West St and wilT move to f ft<br />

C'<br />

1<br />

i 'u"!1" lhe nmount 8 c?unty put" Congress to call a constitutional of this week.<br />

lllkklllV s chasing agent may spend or i cmcr-- convention to leave legislative re-- Thc Kuykcndalls arc In the nro- -<br />

RIGS rwmm 'SsSS&t iH;ntf sks Typewriters<br />

T Klf All PrinillAr MalfDC f I<br />

and Adding Machines I<br />

PAMPA, TEX. kurite'toZJ'S may bc ,hc ,ast of sta,e s riRhls-- " Includes a one-ha-lf mile lake front<br />

Tues.. 10:00 A.M. hi U ,he PP0 amendment Is where they have gone trout-fishin- g fL nM, '<br />

march 26 &ttJiJ5S?L. We ve Had So Many Requests That We ast Stt&ssAxarz I<br />

tl P"HHHMMM ally, dominated legislature, despite Kuykcndalls Invite all of t h e I r<br />

urban snw,h- - Stocked<br />

!( yJ0ji : coT buy an IXs. hunSenvi.hie StzJz<br />

These Ribbons for You I<br />

IIVvM f.Tu4u<br />

Ml HOSPITAL PATIENT or just resting.<br />

470 i l<br />

I mwWm. I<br />

. xuykendall will continue his H .<br />

131' Leo C. Moore V J 0 W W. Humphrey, father of Mrs.<br />

M Vv IM mT H. A. Justice, Route 2. suffered<br />

charter<br />

a<br />

service<br />

f<br />

as a sideline<br />

. flMFTHINft MFW TAH Natl. EMSCO JJW iMf 1 stroke LLJL I I<br />

while visiting In the home from lhe ranching business.<br />

Hi f<br />

W 1i;mrm<br />

i Help<br />

! SlOp<br />

zkrtZ'Tl Ml' ICNJ ""SiS-Xtr- S<br />

62 drill collars t Th.i rvo h JPo,1d m.<br />

0 "ivcd Cisco In 1940. He Is re-- Mr and Mrs- - A" C- Cash of Rou,e<br />

. I<br />

Misc. and Extra ,<br />

Ttiat'i the way c .ret our wl,h Prlcd tf<br />

A<br />

bp 8 a well as can 2 ill<br />

have purchased the Kuykendall<br />

1<br />

be expected<br />

for brochure write:<br />

-.o-mor, Uut. even more m- - j!!!!":, "T" I Q<br />

NELSON SHEr' P ' "e "osr uisparcn I DR- -<br />

I<br />

T-EAD<br />

AT<br />

AUCTION SERVICE Lobban's Gulf Service<br />

V3Bf7 VISUAL care - - - contact LENSES 48 Hour Service on All Rubber Stamp Orders I<br />

4484 Cn,on Dr Ammlto. Tm 99461 Col ler Chevrolet-Old- s NSTx 2148 50th Lubbock SH<br />

AMARILLO - DALLAS Moln & Broodwoy Ph. 1 MMMMMMnMJ I M<br />

W.AIHWASpplfStampPl.tnBIlRl1 I<br />

I<br />

Eostr Q<br />

Jfy<br />

"<br />

Coming on April 14 Is<br />

I Not Verv Far Awav 21fc I<br />

M.-.-- -<br />

vfTf spring buying rush is yl 'I<br />

when buying your spring I drrjfe. ' I<br />

ssm wardrobe and the new c<br />

!51 (T551 uEaster outfits" for you and McWm I<br />

'S' iii your's shop Post's stores P I<br />

f I) and watch for your local 'QJ I<br />

i j merchants' Easter sugges-- - ,nr I<br />

In Post tions in the advertising M I<br />

Build Your Town columns of I<br />

L ' ne Pos Dispatch I<br />


faster party,<br />

m<br />

egg<br />

hint to be held<br />

I<br />

Dtjl SCIH.EHUnEJl<br />

Pfi Mother' Club will<br />

M' innn!. In the lunch- -<br />

PrTy he What 2 o'clock.<br />

'.ry too.tcndns plans KI, made lor the prc-.cno-<br />

L. Mnv nnd cgR hunt.<br />

I extends sympn-VM- r<br />

. Rymon Key upon the<br />

?o her cousin. Robert Lcc<br />

W , "nnt Mr..<br />

l ".a ihr funcrnl services<br />

fcf ?"?''<br />

Ifcrac nomc "<br />

, the Koy .- .- "-- .j...<br />

Mll.<br />

f ctrnrs in iiiu n"vj<br />

J' " ... ... were Mr.<br />

i" "u " riip<br />

IW1"6 . .... nll. Millar<br />

tr Mr an" ",rs' ""<br />

I Becky ana uim<br />

r and family all of Fluvanna<br />

i I'M- firrpn of Snvdcr.<br />

Irj. Ruby Travclstcad nnd Paul<br />

Mice of lcwisviiic, iniu<br />

mmwsi<br />

.I<br />

nBaa good lorn. DIE'<br />

on balanced meal<br />

without lots of en<br />

ergy, hunger ping<br />

V<br />

or jumplnets. DIE'<br />

on the<br />


full guaranteed ti<br />

1 htlp you lose excesi<br />

I wight,oryourmonej<br />

I back.<br />

T"m""<br />

Pharmacy<br />

1<br />

I<br />

i<br />

brother of Mrs. Rnymon Key, were<br />

Saturday night guests In the Roy-mon<br />

Key homo.<br />

Ollvln Crispin returned to school<br />

Tuesday after n week's absence<br />

duo to Illness.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Chalmer Davis nnd<br />

children were Saturday night vis<br />

(tors In the Jim Boron home,<br />

Visiting In the Babo Norrls home<br />

Tuesday were Mrs. Bud Schlchubcr<br />

nnd Dcnlsc, Mrs. Cameron Jus-tlc- o<br />

nnd Mrs. Harold Wiley of<br />

Chcrryvale, Knns,<br />

Dinner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.<br />

Mason Justice nnd Dec Cecil<br />

Tucs-da- y<br />

evening were Mr. nnd Mrs.<br />

Bnbo Norrls nnd Cnscy Cllnc.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Riley Miller and<br />

Jenny visited In tho Clyde Miller<br />

homo In Fluvanna Wednesday.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo Uccd wore<br />

medical visitors In Slnton Wednesday<br />

nnd wore luncheon guests of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks.<br />

Mrs. Dculo Bcvcrs and M r s.<br />

Evelyn Dormnn were luncheon<br />

guests in the Hcrshcl Severs home<br />

in Post Wednesday.<br />

MRS. BUD nnd<br />

her mother, Mrs. Harold Wiley<br />

wcro visitors In tho Jim Boron<br />

homo Wednesday morning.<br />

Mrs. Cameron Justice was hos<br />

tess to n homo appliance party<br />

held in the lunchroom, March 13<br />

nt 2 oclock. German chocolate<br />

cake nnd coffee were served to<br />

Mmes. Pearl Nance, Jim Tidwell,<br />

Douglas McWhlrt and Danny, Bud<br />

Schlchubcr, Elton Nnnce, Lee Reed,<br />

Rnymon Key, Bill Mlze nnd chil<br />

dren, Jim Boron. Dczzlo Bcvcrs,<br />

Cecil Smith, Riley Miller nnd Jennifer,<br />

Wcldon Reed, Winnie Tuffing,<br />

Evelyn Dormnn. Harold Wiley and<br />

Miss Pauline Knox. Mrs. Tuffing<br />

was lucky lady for the drawing.<br />

Justiceburg HD Club will meet<br />

In the lunchroom nt 2 o'clock Thursday,<br />

March 21.<br />

Vistlng In the Riley Miller home<br />

Wednesday evening were Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Babe Norrls and Cnscy Clinc.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Van Taylor nnd<br />

son. David, or Post were visitors<br />

In tho Wcldon Reed home Wednes<br />

day evening.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Lcc Reed nnd Mr.<br />

nnd Mrs. Fernie Reed and Bruce<br />

visited In Gall Wednesday evening<br />

with the Vivian Clarks.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Justice<br />

visited In Slnton Thursday morn<br />

ing with Mr. and Mrs. D. Borcn.<br />

MRS. SAM BEVERS Jr. was HI<br />

Dr. Drew A. Browne, Opiomefrht<br />

In Offko Each Thursday 9 AM to 5 PM at<br />


318-2- 0 Wo$ Eighth Phono 495-284- 4<br />

jms?<br />

aavliVTOSn!ifllla<br />

aBBBHBBBBBIaiaiil9B9tl?<br />


With half tho big blade hanging in space, a bulldozer gouges<br />

a rocky road up a Colorado peak in the never ending search<br />

for oil. Humble Oil & Refining Co recently built a 6', mile<br />

mountain road lo reach tho Free World s highest drilling site.<br />

two miles above sea level in the Colorado Rockies. Drilling<br />

crews worked around tho clock to sink the wildcat well<br />

before winter storms blew in. They boat tho snow, but their<br />

work and an estimated investment of $350,000 wore in vain<br />

The well was dry, a dramatic example of the more than<br />

17,000 dry holes drilled In the U. S. each year.<br />

with the flu this past week.<br />

Visitors in the Hud Schlchubcr<br />

home Thursday were Mrs. Douglas<br />

McWhlrt and Mr. and Mrs. Babe<br />

Norris and Casey.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Mason Justice at<br />

tended the Judge nnd Commission<br />

er's meeting in Lubbock this past<br />

weekend. Deo Cecil stayed with<br />

his grandparents, the Cecil Smiths.<br />

The Cecil Smiths visited the Riley<br />

Millers Thursday.<br />

Mrs. Mason Justice, Mrs. J I m<br />

Boren nnd Mrs. Fernie Reed at<br />

tended the bridge benefit Saturday<br />

in Post.<br />

Babo Norris visited his<br />

Mrs. Corine Foster, and other relatives<br />

and friends in Lubbock<br />

Saturday.<br />

The Rev. Dale Dozier visited sev<br />

eral Justiceburg families Saturday.<br />

He was a luncheon guests of the<br />

Lee Reeds.<br />

Benny Schlchubcr returned from<br />

a week's visit in Chcrryvale, Kans.<br />

His grandfather, Harold Wiley,<br />

drove him homo and will visit for<br />

a week in the Schlchubcr home.<br />

Mrs. Wiley, who has been visiting<br />

hero, will return home with Mr.<br />

Wiley.<br />

Mrs. Eloisc Gordon, school nurse,<br />

visited our school Friday.<br />

Cnscy Clino hns the chicken pox.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hnrdlc Ainsworth<br />

visited the Lee Reeds Saturday.<br />

Tho Chris Cornells spent the<br />

weekend In Gall with their son,<br />

Bud, and family. Their granddaughter,<br />

Rcta Ann, is Improving and<br />

Announcing<br />

NewRambler Classic V--8<br />

with superiorperformance and high economy<br />

"Car of the Year" now offers HP V-- 8<br />

running mate to famed Classic 6.<br />

llus for a surprise package. A brand-ne-<br />

V--8. I .conomy in the Kamblcr tradition. Kcspomivc performance.<br />

Price? S76 lo SI 95 less than comparable<br />

Sixes of the two best sellers.<br />

Through years of research, American Motors<br />

y V-- was convinced thai u 8 could be<br />

pcifccicd. Today the Classic V-- 8 is tested, proved<br />

nnd ready for you, at your Rambler dealer, You<br />

gel balanced performance plus high economy<br />

the llcst of lloih. And many other "bcsls" you<br />

never heard of before in any car priced so low I<br />

198<br />

Try<br />

hd"",. c,,ult v dt.Vm VI "ihmr or moiqji uaomim awmo<br />

--<br />

Konomir, UAH UP Jt lMMi XM1JX<br />

GJY T. FLOYD MOTOR CO., 112 N. Broadway<br />

Cits, TMJ y Kw Yw RmmWkIi<br />


sister.<br />

able to be up some of the day.<br />

Mrs. uougins McWhlrt. Mary<br />

Ann Stone and Jackie Fluitt attended<br />

the South Plains Princess<br />

contest in Lubbock Saturday. Vivian<br />

McWhlrt was one of the contestants<br />

nnd finished in the top 12.<br />

Paula Helms celebrated a birthday<br />

March 17.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bcvcrs Jr.<br />

ond children. Mrs. Dczzie Bcvcrs<br />

and Mrs. Evelyn Dormnn nnd children<br />

were Sunday visitors in the<br />

Henry Skipper home In Midland.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Wood visit-c- d<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Haskell Odom and<br />

sons in Lubbock Sunday nfternoon.<br />

SKIPPER LIVELY ot Snyder<br />

was a visitor of the Cecil Smiths<br />

Sunday.<br />

jfl LISTEN FOR I<br />

I<br />

TUC M C A I<br />

I I L. W nel L. Campbell.<br />

of L. A. T.<br />

1 lo--<br />

Temple, president<br />

Retail lumbermen will gather to<br />

look over the latest developments<br />

in building materials and related<br />

lines and attend n scries of programs<br />

devoted to helping lumber<br />

I men to render better ind more<br />

complete service to their individual<br />

'<br />

communities<br />

I.SOUND I<br />


Mmes. Dnrrcll Eckots and J P.<br />

Pnrncll and your correspondent<br />

were among the 18 Girl Scout leaders<br />

of the Caprock Council who enjoyed<br />

the "rlgnhs of vlgnh" nt<br />

Cnmp Rio Blanco last Friday night<br />

p.nd Saturday morning.<br />

Everyone brought n sack lunch<br />

for supper nnd exchanged scouting<br />

Ideas In n roundtnblc discussion<br />

idurlng the meal. This exchange of<br />

experiences is one of the most rc--I<br />

wnrdlng results of n lenders' get--'<br />

together.<br />

The first test of "vigah" was a<br />

midnight trek to the green latrine<br />

and wo were nil so glnd wo had<br />

brought our flnshllghts. Did you<br />

ever look for n whlppcnpoof log<br />

nt 12:15 n. m. while another group<br />

was gathering firewood for breakfast?<br />

The REAL test of our "vlgnh"<br />

came when we prepared nnd nte<br />

brcakfnst around the enmpfire Saturday<br />

morning with the north wind<br />

blowing nt the traditional West<br />

Texas rate. One can only say that<br />

the wind did not interfere with<br />

anyone's appetite.<br />

Wo laid a trail for n "wide game''<br />

lo be followed by the group who<br />

were to be there over Saturday<br />

night nnd made use of the compass<br />

and the whlppcnpoof log.<br />

Lunch was cooked over n camp-fire<br />

nt a choice site down in the<br />

canyon, out of the wind nnd near<br />

the edge of White River. Everyone<br />

felt that this was n fitting cllmnx<br />

lo the Cnmpcrnft course nnd made<br />

the six Monday nights to Lubbock<br />

well worth the effort.<br />

Miss Mary (Skcet) Anderson, our<br />

Inslructor. nwnrded us with Cnmpcrnft<br />

Certificates and badges of the<br />

American Cnmpcrnft Association.<br />

Post lenders receiving certificates<br />

were: Mrs. Darrcll Eckols and Mrs.<br />

Katharine Trammcll.<br />

All due apology to Mrs. Comish<br />

ond JFK on th use of "vignh".<br />

In Lubbock visiting her daughters mcn suppilcrs of building moter-nnfamilies<br />

there jas aml manufacturers will con- -<br />

vene In Fort Worth April G. 7. 8<br />

for the 77th Annual Convention and<br />

-<br />

Exposition of the Lumbermen's<br />

of Texas, the largest<br />

trade show of Its type held in the<br />

Lone Star State, according to<br />


To no to your hondl From our so oxcltlno<br />

collection of como-hlth- or hot In tho spirit<br />

of atprlno '031<br />

Dun<br />

laps<br />

i v<br />

The) Post (Texas) Dispatch Thursday, March 21, 1963 Page 15<br />

More than SI 6 million spent in<br />

Texas last year in TB control<br />

AUSTIN More than $1G mil-- 1 by the state, cities and counties.<br />

lien was spent In Texas last year I the Children's Hospital at Corpus<br />

In tuberculosis control, Dr. Robert Chrlstl nnd the Veternns Admlnis-I)- .<br />

Morrison, incoming president (ration Hospitals. An additional 1'<br />

of tho Texas Tuberculosis Assoclu-- . million was spent by the depart- -<br />

lion, told the group at Its annual mcnts of health shite and local.<br />

meeting here Sunday<br />

Dr. Morrison, nn Austin chest<br />

specialist, succeeds Joe H. Sorrels<br />

of College Station, professor and<br />

research engineer of Texas A&M<br />

College.<br />

Dr. Morrison remarked that<br />

"more than $16 million was spent<br />

In one yenr In one state to control<br />

a disease which many Tcxans<br />

think is almost He<br />

stntcd that nearly $13 million of the<br />

totnl of $1C,235.351 was spent on TH<br />

hospitals, including those operuted<br />

April plentifuls<br />

suggest eating<br />

'high on hog'<br />

COLLEGE STATION April will<br />

be n good time to cot "high on<br />

the hog," both literally and<br />

Texas consumers also may well<br />

choose the better cuts of beef, because<br />

both pork and beef are on<br />

the nine-ite- April list of plentiful<br />

foods, reports the Texas Agricultural<br />

Extension Service.<br />

The list features pork and carrots,<br />

as April supplies of each pro<br />

mise to run far nbovc usual trade<br />

needs.<br />

Beef rntes a spot on the list for<br />

the first time in 11$ years. Prices<br />

on both pork nnd beef arc noticeably<br />

lower than last winter.<br />

Also plentiful arc milk. eggs, potatoes,<br />

peanuts ond all peanut products,<br />

including peanut better, canned<br />

freestone penches and canned<br />

ripe olives.<br />

The monthly list Is prcpatcd by<br />

the Agricultural Marketing Service,<br />

a pari of the U. S. Depart mr.-!- - of<br />

Agriculture, in cooperation w i t h<br />

producers, processors and the food<br />

trade. When supplies of nnv food<br />

evreed expected demand, it is eligible<br />

for official listing as a plentiful.<br />

Distributors and retail grocers<br />

cooperate In the Plentiful F o o d s<br />

1<br />

Third largest expenditure was by<br />

the tuberculosis associations. They<br />

spent $1,011,782 in 1902, he stated,<br />

and noted that this was contribut-<br />

practical housing nnd equipment ,<br />

for the hoj; fnrm will be featured<br />

on the program of the 12th nnnuul<br />

Swine Short Course to be held at<br />

Texas A&M College. April 2 T<br />

D. Tunkslcy, extension swine sne<br />

cialist. expects a highlight of the<br />

program to be the discussion by<br />

eight Texas commercial hoj; producers<br />

on their operations.<br />


SET<br />

The one-da- y commercial cj;f<br />

clinic will be held March 27 in the<br />

Memorial Student Center on the<br />

campus of Texas A&M College<br />

Ben Wormcli, extension poultry<br />

husbandman, says the program will<br />

feature subiccts of current concern<br />

to the Texas ecc industry. He ex- -<br />

;<br />

!S3r 5<br />


Knowing Immediately where<br />

every screwworm case In the<br />

Southwest Is located has become<br />

so Important to the eradication<br />

program that arrangements have<br />

been made so livestock producers<br />

can call the Mission headquarters<br />

collect when a case Is found. Producers<br />

are urged to call day or<br />

night Justice Mission, whenever<br />

an infestation Is found. They<br />

nre asked by the program officials<br />

to do two things collect about 10<br />

worms from the wound, place them<br />

In water or alcohol nnd hold for<br />

Instructions and report the Infestn-tlo- n<br />

by telephone to Mission.<br />

ed funds, in contrast to the other<br />

funds, which were derived from<br />

taxes. The remaining funds were<br />

spent by the public welfare departments,<br />

the vocational rchnbllitn-tio- n<br />

divisions and the visiting nurse<br />

nssociatlon.<br />

"These figures ore under the actual<br />

figure," the physician staled.<br />

"They only include sources from<br />

which we have definite figures A<br />

number of the agencies did not respond<br />

to our request for figures,<br />

and we have not included any estimates<br />

of probable spending in<br />

this report."<br />

The Empire Stnte Building Is 102<br />

stories (1,250 ft.) high.<br />

Work on the Great Wnll of China<br />

began In 255 B. C.<br />

WILL<br />

you be willing to<br />

About 100 doctors nnd lnv health<br />

leaders from across the state were<br />

In attendance nt the Sunday meeting,<br />

at which a program and bud-co- t<br />

for the 12 months ending March<br />

31, 1DG4, were adopted.<br />

TRADE<br />

for a new automatic<br />


New developments in feeding and WASHING<br />


if we allow you $10<br />

trade n<br />

FOR TUB<br />

that has broken your<br />

wrfe s back?<br />

Wizard Custom<br />

Automatic Washer<br />

$232.95<br />

Dates to remember:<br />

Jnckey Fluitt was n Sunday visit Monday. March 25 Troops'<br />

or in the Douglas McWhlrt home. Cnshier Checks to<br />

Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Franklin vis- Cookie Chairman.<br />

ited their son, Harold, nnd family Tuesday. Mnrch 2C Neighbor-<br />

In Jal, N. M. Sunday afternoon. hood Meeting. Girl Scout<br />

Visitors In the Little<br />

Cameron Justice House. 7 p. m.<br />

home Sunday evening were Mr. Tuesday. April 2 Caravan Out-<br />

ond Mrs. Cecil Smith, Dee Cecil door Training, New Home, 9:30-2:3nnd<br />

Skipper Lively.<br />

(bring covered dish)<br />

Visitors in the Lee Reed home<br />

Sundny wcro Bud Schlchubcr nnd<br />

Benny, Harold Wiley, the Fcmlc<br />

Brownie Troop No. M met Wed<br />

Reed family, the Wcldon Reed nesday. March It. nt the Little<br />

family and Joe and Luther Reed.<br />

House. Each nrownle mnde a hike<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas McWhlrt pack from n red bandana. Patri<br />

visited the Danny McWhlrts in Lub- cia Greenwood served birthday cup<br />

bock Sunday night. Skipper, who cakes in honor of the Girl Scouts<br />

had spent the weekend hero, went<br />

51st birthday to the following: Jan<br />

back to Texas Tech.<br />

Bilbo. Sue Brltlon, I'hilly Eckols.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Babe Norrls, Mrs. Jo Beth Gnndv. Cvnthin Hill, Jean<br />

Johnny Cline ond son were medi- Huffman. Debbie Hundley. Patricio<br />

cal visitors in Lubbock Monday.<br />

Mann, Crystal Nichols, Vlckl Odom.<br />

I Mrs. Bud Schlchubcr and Mrs<br />

Knthy Smith nnd Mmes. Jean Gan-d- y<br />

Harold Wiley were visitors In the<br />

nnd Dnrrell Eckols.<br />

Lee Rceu home Monday morning<br />


Mrs. W K Dent returned set for Fort Worth<br />

last<br />

Thursday after spending four days rNUSTIN Over 5,000 lumber- -<br />

tends a special invitation to those<br />

Neighborhood<br />

interested in the industry.<br />


Roy Rawlings. a brother of Mrs<br />

L. A. Presson. died last Saturday<br />

P roc ram by providing special pro- morning after a lengthy illness<br />

motions, including lower prices on the Veteran's Hospital in Oklahoma<br />

many items. j City punen,i Rcrvices were held<br />

Extension home cce.nomlsts sup.- -<br />

Monday )n ndmend. Okla . the famly<br />

provide economy, ready availability<br />

and choice quality.<br />


derivative of cereal grain<br />

been found to make stronger<br />

paper, reports<br />

the Department of Agricul<br />

ture. xnnthatc, an insoluble<br />

Lumbermen's meeting cereal product, used USDA<br />

tests best experimental<br />

boards containing 10 per cent of<br />

derivative lighter bui one<br />

a hulf to two a half<br />

stronger than commercial insula<br />

boards of similar density<br />

-<br />

gest that consumers will f it to<br />

ily home Mrs Presson had return- -<br />

tnelr lutvnntiipp In sprvi nlonfifitlc<br />

often, as foods in abundance usual- - less trade in<br />

in westernh<br />

ml<br />

T. B. & LOUISE ODAM<br />

cd recently from a visit with her<br />

Main<br />

brother.<br />

wide In<br />

Try New<br />

1 Frozen<br />

A has f Flavored<br />

in- K Z2 Drink<br />

sulation board and<br />

U. S.<br />

Zinc<br />

was in<br />

The<br />

the<br />

were<br />

and and times<br />

Hon<br />

TIE VAL<br />

UE<br />

An outstanding collodion of tics In<br />

styles, colors, patterns to suit your<br />

taste. Regular, and the new roady- -<br />

mades. Comparable to ties sell<br />

ing for $1.00 or more elsewhere.<br />

Groat for giving , , .<br />

groat for gottlng. Buy a<br />

handful and dare any<br />

ono to guess what<br />

you paid for them!<br />


Fertilizer Peat Moss<br />

ar Only 1.99 sag 1,88<br />

1.<br />


l "<br />

.)<br />

I<br />

,t i<br />

I'll<br />

r-<br />

'<br />

Page I 6 Thun., Mar. 21 , 1 963<br />


Woman's foot is<br />

cut when wind<br />

breaks doorglass<br />


Mr. nnd Mrs. Glcjin Davis visited<br />

Thursday morning in Post Mr<br />

nnd Mrs. Will Wright Mrs. W right<br />

received a bad cut on her foot the<br />

Sunday afternoon the sand and<br />

wind blew, when a storm door she<br />

was opening at her home blew shut<br />

and tho glass fell on it. It took 12<br />

stitches to close the cut. We are<br />

glad to report the foot is improving<br />

t. and Mrs. Clovis Tucker<br />

of Wichita, Kans.. former Post residents,<br />

announce tho birth of a<br />

daughter, Joy Lynn, bom March,<br />

6 and weighing six pounus, is2<br />

ounces. Maternal grandparents are<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wallace of this<br />

community. I<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jerrel Stone and<br />

family of Dallas. Mr and Mrs ,<br />

Randall Laurence and family of j<br />

Levelland nnd Mr. and Mrs Pete<br />

Pierce were Sunday guests of Mr I<br />

and Mrs. James Stone.<br />

Saturday evening guests of Mr<br />

and Mrs. Carl Fluitt and Jack were<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Thelbert Mc Bride<br />

and David, Mr. and Mrs. Hinton<br />

Fluitt and Vivian McWhirt.<br />

Darlene Jones spent Friday nif,ht<br />

with Vera Mae Jones in Post and<br />

Beth Peel spent Friday night with<br />

Sandy Jones.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James Stone visited<br />

Monday evening with the Ray<br />

McCJolIans.<br />

Mrs. Delmo Gossett and children<br />

visited Saturday morning with Mr<br />

and Mrs. Lonnic Peel and Gene ,<br />

Mrs. Elmer D. Jones and chil<br />

dren and Shirley and Lee GogRett<br />

nnd Brcnda Bilberry visited In Pest<br />

Sunday with the J. B. Jones family.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Elvus Davis and<br />

daughters drove to Brownfield Sunday<br />

afternoon to visit the Alvin<br />

Davis family but found ihem gone<br />

Mr. und Mrs. Quanah Mn.xey and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mason and<br />

son visited in Lubbock Sunday wt'h<br />

the John Kirksey family<br />

MR. AND MRS. Alvln Davis ami<br />

family of Brownfield were Thursday<br />

supper guests of his parents,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davis<br />

Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs<br />

A. P. lledrick were his nieces. Mrs<br />

Elmoreo Perkins and Ann of Sul<br />

phur Springs, and Mrs. l.eola<br />

Sunday guests were the Paut Hrtl-rlck- s<br />

and Hootch Bowman of lub-boc-k,<br />

the Sholtons, Everett<br />

Wind-ham- s<br />

and the Jerry Wtndhnms<br />

Tho Rev and Mrs. Elbert Net<br />

son and family of Lubbock, Mr<br />

and Mrs. Cnrl Fluitt and Mrs<br />

.Jleutl Thomas were Sunday luncheon<br />

guests of Mr. and Mr. Thelbert<br />

McBride and David. After<br />

noon guests were Mrs. L F Mc<br />

Bride, Vada and Venrl<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Oakley spent<br />

tho weekend with her parents, Mr<br />

and Mrs. Bryan Mnxcy and fam<br />

lly. Dave spoke at the Grassland<br />

Church of Christ.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray McCIellan and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Grovcr Mason visited<br />

In Post Sunday with Mrs. Tcnnie<br />

Mason.<br />

Mrs. Bill Stone and baby and<br />

Mrs. Ray McCIellan visited Mon-day<br />

morning with Mrs. Bill Mc<br />

Mr.hon.<br />

The Grnhnm 1ID Club met last<br />

Thursday in the Reddy Room with<br />

Mrs. Nlta McCIellan nnd Iris Mc<br />

Mnhon as hostesses. Roll call was<br />

answered with "My Favorite Color".<br />

Mrs. Lodesca Cobb gave a<br />

demonstration on sewing today's<br />

fabrics and other sewing hints.<br />

Refreshments of congealed pie,<br />

coffee and Cokes were served to<br />

three guests. Mrs. Romaine Par<br />

rish. Mrs. Sharon Pnrrish nnd Mrs<br />

Mnry Pnrrish and to the following<br />

members: Mmes. Lucille Bush<br />

Cobb. Dorothy Cowdrey. Mae Gossett,<br />

Katherino Johnson. Berrnia<br />

Maxcy. Sue Mnxey. Jewell Parmli<br />

Tnnls Thuett. Ornbeth White Sybil<br />

White. Mary Cowdrev. Viva Davis,<br />

nnd tho hostesses. The next meft<br />

Ing Will be March 28 in the Reddy<br />

Room.<br />

"Of Hie many remedies that<br />

won't cure a cold wlifitkey la<br />

by far the most popular."<br />

6 people are<br />

Vtf<br />

want-a-d minded!<br />

I SOUND I<br />

'<br />



Apples COMSTOCK,<br />


NO. 2 CAN<br />

Pork<br />

Tuna<br />

Milk<br />

',", Plastic, 50 Fool, Rog. $2.44<br />

VO-- 5, Gren or Golden<br />

Regular $7.75<br />

SQUASH,<br />

lb.<br />

ELGIN<br />


LB. PKG.<br />

BITS O<br />

GRATED<br />

', CAN<br />

SEA<br />

NO.<br />



TALL CAN<br />

66c<br />

Morroll's<br />

Luncheon<br />

Meat, 72<br />

Oz. Can<br />


Garden Hoso $1.66<br />

Shampoo<br />


12'2e<br />

VO-- 5, Plus 7c Tax, Reg. $7.75<br />

Cream Rinso 66c<br />

long Cuff, Tan, Plastic Coated<br />

Regular $7.49<br />

Irrigation Gloves $1.29<br />


LEMONS<br />

Potatoes :<br />

23e<br />

12V2C<br />

39c<br />



POUND<br />


I9c ROMAINE LETTUCE, ea, 19c<br />

MIRACLE WHIP , 49<br />

,<br />

VELVEETA 2 79<br />


SUGAR<br />

TIDE ALL<br />

Biscuits 5l 4ns 29<br />

Oleo<br />

Snack<br />

IsFh<br />

n' Beans 3s<br />

Post Mar<br />




Valuts<br />


C&H OR<br />



KRAFT<br />





BAG<br />

Zest, Regular Bars Household Cleanser, Largo Can<br />

ToiletSoap..2for31c<br />

COMET<br />

17c<br />

Zest, Bath Bars All Purpojo Cleaner, Large Botllo<br />

Toilet Soap 2 for 43c MR. CLEAN 69c<br />

Detergent, Mild & Gcnllo, 22 oz. btl Fabric Softener, Giant Bottle<br />

5 4<br />

JOY 69c DOWNY 85c<br />

For Automatic Dishwashers, 20 oz. Liquid Detergent, for Dishes, 22 oz.<br />

Box Botllo<br />

CASCADE 45c Liquid Ivory .... 69c<br />

15e<br />

69e<br />


"m 1 1<br />

C III Juice<br />

Rcalcmon, 76 oz. Bottlo J<br />

Mm Scott, 1000 Sheet Roll<br />

Toilet Tissue. .2 rolls 27c<br />

19e Scott, Ass'l Colors, 720 Ct. Roll<br />

Paper Towels 21c<br />

III<br />



22 oz. family size ..<br />

WT I I 1<br />

00c<br />

Z. 7<br />

25<br />

Sioux Bee, Extracted, 76 oz. Jar<br />

Honey 39c<br />

Our Lcador, Household<br />

Brooms<br />

fi0r<br />

National, Nylon Dust Mop<br />

Regular 52.39 Value<br />




FRENCH FRIES, 9 oz. Pkg.<br />


BAR-B-- Q BEEF, l4oz. Pkg. .<br />


2 10 oz. Pkgs. 39c<br />

10c<br />

79c<br />

39c<br />




TO<br />

In<br />

ARE 101<br />



VALUE ..<br />




RIB STEAK, Pound . ,<br />


SLICED<br />


BACON,<br />

Pound , 49c<br />

Pound 45c<br />

PORK STEAK, Pound 39c<br />

Thesa<br />

PORK<br />

LIMIT<br />


21-2- 5,<br />

Good<br />

7964<br />


"VALU-TRIM- "<br />

"VALU-TRIM- "<br />

DECKER'S<br />

SMOKED,<br />

POUND<br />

69c<br />

WHOLE<br />

73c<br />


ROSE<br />

50 POUND BAG<br />

STEER<br />


80 POUND BAG<br />

....<br />

. .<br />

3 for U<br />


Armstrong, Ono Step, Quart Can<br />

Floor Wax $1.09<br />

crr<br />


Nabisco Oreo Crcmc Sandwich<br />

CD IT<br />

I Lemon 37c I 1 0 I 13<br />

ARMOUR'S<br />

Mops $1.99<br />

TV DINNERS, 12 oz. Pkg.<br />




Lean, Northern<br />

Pork, Contor<br />

Cut Rib<br />

Chops, Pound<br />

2<br />

LB,<br />

PKG.<br />

3.79<br />

79c<br />

3.98<br />

D I C<br />


PORK CHOPS, Pound<br />


PORK RIBS, Pound<br />

PORK<br />

SEA PAK<br />

FISH STICKS 4 8 oz. pkgs.<br />


D<br />

SLICED BEEF, V2 oz. Pkg<br />



BUSHES<br />

MANURE<br />



ONE WIPE<br />

69c SIZE<br />

25"<br />

9<br />

49c<br />

49c<br />

89c<br />


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