Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

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Figure II-3. Schematics of the optics to detect emitted light. The light path is indicated by the dotted line, which goes through various optical components (not to scale). Emitted photons were collected by a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) camera manufactured by Infrared Laboratories (Dewar 3592). MCT is a tunable semiconductor alloy whose bandgap depends on the relative amount of cadmium. The 256 × 256 pixel PICNIC IR array manufactured by Rockwell International was mounted in this detector and covers the spectral range of 800 to 2500 nm. The IR detector must operate at low temperature (~77 K) in order to minimize blackbody background radiation. In addition, short-pass filters with the cut- 35

off wavelengths of 2150 nm, 2000 nm and 1800 nm were used to further improve the signal-to- noise ratio. It was found that most pixels on the array saturate after two seconds of integration with the 2150 nm filter. Hence, most measurements were taken with one-second integration time per frame. The optical system was calibrated for the spectral-dependent transmission or efficiency of all optical components using a black-body source with a known temperature. Spectra were measured by dispersing a point-source emission spatially with the GRISM, which was calibrated by krypton and xenon light sources chosen for their strong spectral lines within the detection window. The resulting wavelength resolution was better than 7 nm, with a systematic measurement error no larger than 7 nm. 4. Electroluminescence measurements The electrical transport and light emission properties were all measured in vacuum (~5 ×10 -6 Torr) to avoid oxidation and burning of the devices at high current. Light emission intensity as a function of applied voltage was measured by sweeping the applied voltage slowly while the IR detector recorded photon counts frame by frame. The total sweeping time was typically about two minutes. Current was measured simultaneously and was synchronized to the photon measurement. Photon signals were integrated spatially from multiple pixels to account for any de-focusing or movement of the stage during the measurement. Finally, the background was subtracted from each frame against neighboring pixels without signals, and also linearly against the beginning and end frames without any applied voltage to correct for any drifting in the response of the chip. For spectroscopy, it was often necessary to integrate the spatially (i.e. spectroscopically) dispersed signal across many frames in order to obtain a reasonable signal-to-noise ratio. The applied voltage was kept constant throughout the measurement period of tens to hundreds of seconds, while light image frames with one-second integration time were continuously taken. The current was also recorded throughout. Both the spectrum and the current were then averaged for analysis, and the background was subtracted from the spectral data in a similar manner as from the intensity data. 36

Figure II-3. Schematics of the optics to detect emitted light. The light path is<br />

indicated by the dotted line, which goes through various optical components (not to<br />

scale).<br />

Emitted photons were collected by a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) camera<br />

manufactured by Infrared Laboratories (Dewar 3592). MCT is a tunable semiconductor alloy<br />

whose bandgap depends on the relative amount of cadmium. The 256 × 256 pixel PICNIC IR<br />

array manufactured by Rockwell International was mounted in this detector and covers the<br />

spectral range of 800 to 2500 nm. The IR detector must operate at low temperature (~77 K) in<br />

order to minimize blackbody background radiation. In addition, short-pass filters <strong>with</strong> the cut-<br />


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