Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

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iii. Film p-n diodes The design of the film p-n diodes is the same as the single-tube p-n junction (Figure 2), except that there are multiple tubes and most of the tubes do not traverse the entire channel length so that carriers have to tunnel from tube to tube. Using the same CNT films as described in Ref. 99, we redesigned the gate stack to construct a split-gate configuration to create separate p- and n-doped regions along the transport channel. First, we identified film FET devices with clear ambipolar characteristics and the on/off ratio of at least 10 3 . We used e-beam lithography to open 100 μm × 100 μm windows over the critical device areas. The existing single top gate (Al and Au) and the Al2O3 oxide layer were removed by wet-etching in H3PO4. The lithography to wet-etch process was repeated once to completely remove the Al2O3 layer because the PMMA layer tends to degrade after a time in the H3PO4 solution. We followed this process by a very brief rinse in a KI/I2 gold etchant to remove residual gold particles, preserving only the CNT films and the metal (Ti = 1 nm/Pd = 40 nm/Au = 20 nm) source and drain contacts. A new layer of Al2O3 = 33 nm was deposited over the same device area to serve as the top gate oxide. The top split-gate pattern was then defined by another round of e-beam lithography, and Ti = 35 nm was deposited by e-beam evaporation. The distances between the top gates were 1 to 2 μm, and the widths of top gates varied from 1.5 to 2 μm. After the first round of measurements, many of the Al2O3 layers developed a significant leakage when the voltage bias between a contact and a top gate exceeded 15 V. Subsequently, the above process was repeated, but with a thicker Al2O3 layer (50 nm). In order to lift off the PMMA covered with a hard shell of 50-nm Al2O3, the sample was exposed to UV light (wavelength 252 nm) for 10 minutes in order to facilitate the breakdown of PMMA. The top split-gate metal (Ti=15 nm) was patterned and deposited by e-beam lithography and e-beam evaporation as before. The excessive processing seems to have degraded the film quality, judging from the transport and luminescent properties after the second time. 33

3. Experimental set-up The optical path for detecting emitted light is schematically described in Figure 3. The sample was mounted on a sample stage with silver paint in an MRR vacuum chamber equipped with four probes. The stage and the probes were electrically connected to an Agilent 4145C parameter analyzer for applying voltages and measuring currents. The vacuum level in the chamber was typically 3 to 5 × 10 -6 Torr. Emitted light from samples was collected by a 10x, 20x or 50x Mitutoyo near-infrared (NIR) objective lens mounted directly above the sapphire view port on top of the chamber. Light then goes through a grating prism (GRISM) for spectroscopy, and/or through a linear polarizer for polarized measurements. The field lens mounted before the camera is used to keep the light path parallel through the GRISM and the polarizer. All the optical components are at ambient temperature before the light enters the detector through the outer window. The short-pass filters and the mercury-cadmium-telluride (MCT) chip inside the detector are cooled by liquid nitrogen. For low-temperature measurements, a sample stage cooled directly by a small continuous-flow liquid helium cryostat by MMR Technologies was used in conjunction with an MMR K-20A Programmable Temperature Controller. The cold pad on the stage is equipped with a resistor heater and a temperature sensor. Liquid helium is pushed by the pressure in the dewar through a specially designed transfer line and into the cryostat. The sample stage can be cooled to about 20 K, but when the probe needles (connected thermally to ambient temperature through cables) are touching the sample, the temperature increases quickly and the practical low temperature measurement limit is close to 90 K. 34

iii. Film p-n diodes<br />

The design of the film p-n diodes is the same as the single-tube p-n junction (Figure 2),<br />

except that there are multiple tubes and most of the tubes do not traverse the entire channel<br />

length so that carriers have to tunnel from tube to tube. Using the same CNT films as described<br />

in Ref. 99, we redesigned the gate stack to construct a split-gate configuration to create separate<br />

p- and n-doped regions along the transport channel. First, we identified film FET devices <strong>with</strong><br />

clear ambipolar characteristics and the on/off ratio of at least 10 3 . We used e-beam lithography<br />

to open 100 μm × 100 μm windows over the critical device areas. The existing single top gate<br />

(Al and Au) and the Al2O3 oxide layer were removed by wet-etching in H3PO4. The lithography<br />

to wet-etch process was repeated once to completely remove the Al2O3 layer because the PMMA<br />

layer tends to degrade after a time in the H3PO4 solution. We followed this process by a very<br />

brief rinse in a KI/I2 gold etchant to remove residual gold particles, preserving only the CNT<br />

films and the metal (Ti = 1 nm/Pd = 40 nm/Au = 20 nm) source and drain contacts.<br />

A new layer of Al2O3 = 33 nm was deposited over the same device area to serve as the<br />

top gate oxide. The top split-gate pattern was then defined by another round of e-beam<br />

lithography, and Ti = 35 nm was deposited by e-beam evaporation. The distances between the<br />

top gates were 1 to 2 μm, and the widths of top gates varied from 1.5 to 2 μm.<br />

After the first round of measurements, many of the Al2O3 layers developed a significant<br />

leakage when the voltage bias between a contact and a top gate exceeded 15 V. Subsequently,<br />

the above process was repeated, but <strong>with</strong> a thicker Al2O3 layer (50 nm). In order to lift off the<br />

PMMA covered <strong>with</strong> a hard shell of 50-nm Al2O3, the sample was exposed to UV light<br />

(wavelength 252 nm) for 10 minutes in order to facilitate the breakdown of PMMA. The top<br />

split-gate metal (Ti=15 nm) was patterned and deposited by e-beam lithography and e-beam<br />

evaporation as before. The excessive processing seems to have degraded the film quality,<br />

judging from the transport and luminescent properties after the second time.<br />


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