Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

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channel is created where electrons and holes coexist and can annihilate each other, some of which emit light. Misewich, et al. 73 found that the light intensity is maximum when VGS = VDS/2, that is, when the band structure is symmetrical with respect to the electrons and holes, so that they are injected at equal rates. The light intensity is governed by the number of minority carriers, since they limit the total number of electron-hole pairs that can be created per unit time. Therefore, the greatest recombination rate occurs when the numbers of carriers are equal and there is a region of strong concentration of both carriers. Consequently, a later experiment using long-channel CNTFETs found that the ambipolar radiative spot can be physically moved along the channel by changing the gate voltage 74 . The size of the recombination spot was 1 μm (spatial resolution limit) or less, and a simple analytic model with drift transport was found to describe the phenomenon quite well 75 . Because carriers are injected directly, the quantum efficiency of the ambipolar emission can be calculated in a straightforward manner in the case of equal-rate injection. The EL efficiency was found to be 10 -6 to 10 -7 per electron-hole pair compared to the observed PL efficiency of up to 10 -2 , and to depend on the type of nanotube and the channel length 76 . However, these numbers are not necessarily comparable since PL efficiency has been measured from tubes in solution or on suspended CNTs 77-79 , unlike EL efficiency measured in on-substrate devices. PL from on- substrate single tubes is very difficult to observe because of the severe quenching due to the presence of the substrate. At this writing, the efficiency of PL on a substrate has not been quantified, and there is yet to be a study of EL from suspended CNTFETs in the ambipolar regime. One way to improve efficiency is to electrostatically create p- and n- regions within the channel so that the recombination can occur at a well-defined p-n junction. Such a device was first demonstrated by Lee et al. in 2004 80 using an embedded split-gate design, which remarkably showed a close to ideal p-n junction diode behavior. The device was consequently improved so that the SWNT was suspended, which showed the ideal p-n diode characteristics and enabled a photovoltaic investigation of the bandgap structure, excitonic transition states and bandgap renormalization from the electronic self energy 81-83 . A natural extension of this work was a single-tube carbon nanotube light-emitting diode, which was demonstrated by us in 2009 11 and was shown to give a narrow spectrum (compared to conventional EL) and a quantum efficiency of about 10 -4 , an improvement of two to three orders of magnitude over the 23

conventional ambipolar emission. This work comprises Chapter 4 of this thesis, and will be discussed in detail. There is another mechanism that can efficiently create electron-hole pairs in SWNTs, namely, impact excitation of excitons. This process is analogous to impact ionization in bulk semiconductors; a high-energy carrier goes through an inelastic scattering process to excite an electron from the valence to the conduction band, thus producing an electron-hole pair. Since only one type of carrier is necessary to impact-excite an electron, this type of emission can happen in a unipolar device. The large exciton binding energy because of SWNT’s 1D structure means that the product of this scattering process is mostly excitons, not free electrons and holes. Perebeinos et al. found that the large Coulomb interaction in 1D results in a large enhancement of exciton production in SWNTs, about four orders of magnitude greater than in bulk semiconductors 84 . However, the process requires an initial electron with large kinetic energy and therefore relies on the existence of a large electric field to accelerate the carriers. The first observation of light emission by impact excitation was reported on single SWNTs suspended over a narrow trench 71 , where there was an abrupt change in the dielectric constant between the substrate and the vacuum at a trench edge. It was found that the light generated was about 1000 times brighter than in an ambipolar emission with comparable current, dramatically illustrating the efficiency of impact excitation in SWNTs. Localized emission due to high fields has also been observed at various heterogeneities that produce a potential drop, such as a change in the environmental conditions (i.e., PMMA vs. air), local defects, nanotube loops, and Schottky barriers. Emission from such localized spots was found to be more intense than the ambipolar emission from the same device 72 . Marty, et al. further investigated the dynamics of exciton formation and annihilation from unipolar emission, most likely from Schottky barriers 85 . These observations are of a fundamentally different origin than light emission from blackbody radiation observed in bundled multi-wall nanotubes 86 , or from thermally excited carriers in metallic carbon nanotubes that can be understood by the Fermi distribution of hot (free) carriers 87, 88 . In suspended metallic nanotubes used in hot carrier emission experiments, the light originates from the center of the channel where the temperature is the highest 87, 89 , in contrast to the light generation from CNTFETs, in which the emission is localized at Schottky barriers and other high-field regions. 24

channel is created where electrons and holes coexist and can annihilate each other, some of<br />

which emit light. Misewich, et al. 73 found that the light intensity is maximum when VGS =<br />

VDS/2, that is, when the band structure is symmetrical <strong>with</strong> respect to the electrons and holes, so<br />

that they are injected at equal rates. The light intensity is governed by the number of minority<br />

carriers, since they limit the total number of electron-hole pairs that can be created per unit time.<br />

Therefore, the greatest recombination rate occurs when the numbers of carriers are equal and<br />

there is a region of strong concentration of both carriers.<br />

Consequently, a later experiment using long-channel CNTFETs found that the ambipolar<br />

radiative spot can be physically moved along the channel by changing the gate voltage 74 . The<br />

size of the recombination spot was 1 μm (spatial resolution limit) or less, and a simple analytic<br />

model <strong>with</strong> drift transport was found to describe the phenomenon quite well 75 . Because carriers<br />

are injected directly, the quantum efficiency of the ambipolar emission can be calculated in a<br />

straightforward manner in the case of equal-rate injection. The EL efficiency was found to be<br />

10 -6 to 10 -7 per electron-hole pair compared to the observed PL efficiency of up to 10 -2 , and to<br />

depend on the type of nanotube and the channel length 76 . However, these numbers are not<br />

necessarily comparable since PL efficiency has been measured from tubes in solution or on<br />

suspended CNTs 77-79 , unlike EL efficiency measured in on-substrate devices. PL from on-<br />

substrate single tubes is very difficult to observe because of the severe quenching due to the<br />

presence of the substrate. At this writing, the efficiency of PL on a substrate has not been<br />

quantified, and there is yet to be a study of EL from suspended CNTFETs in the ambipolar<br />

regime.<br />

One way to improve efficiency is to electrostatically create p- and n- regions <strong>with</strong>in the<br />

channel so that the recombination can occur at a well-defined p-n junction. Such a device was<br />

first demonstrated by Lee et al. in 2004 80 using an embedded split-gate design, which<br />

remarkably showed a close to ideal p-n junction diode behavior. The device was consequently<br />

improved so that the SWNT was suspended, which showed the ideal p-n diode characteristics<br />

and enabled a photovoltaic investigation of the bandgap structure, excitonic transition states and<br />

bandgap renormalization from the electronic self energy 81-83 . A natural extension of this work<br />

was a single-tube carbon nanotube light-emitting diode, which was demonstrated by us in 2009<br />

11 and was shown to give a narrow spectrum (compared to conventional EL) and a quantum<br />

efficiency of about 10 -4 , an improvement of two to three orders of magnitude over the<br />


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