Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes Optoelectronics with Carbon Nanotubes

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Furthermore, the fraction of spectral weight transfer is expected to depend on the nanotube diameter, which was also observed in a PLE experiment 29 . The appearance of such a phonon side band is another strong evidence for the dominance of excitonic transitions in SWNT light emission and absorption. In Perebeinos’ theoretical work, some of the spectral weight was also found to be transferred to the coupling to the RBM phonons, which is very close to the exciton line because of the low energy of the RBM phonons near the Γ point 39 . More recently, an updated theoretical work taking multiphonon sidebands into account also suggested the presence of a sideband due to RBM phonons, in addition to a prominent sideband due to the LO phonon coupling with the bright exciton 45 . The presence of an exciton-phonon sideband has also been observed in metallic SWNTs using Raleigh scattering spectroscopy 46 , highlighting the importance of excitons even in metallic tubes in which screening plays a greater role and exciton binding energy should be smaller. Given the prominent characteristics of phonon modes in SWNTs and their strong coupling to excitons, phonons are expected to play an important part in EL as well. 5. Transport mechanism in semiconducting SWNT devices In EL, carrier transport is an essential aspect of the operating principle because it is by electrically exciting carriers in a device that a CNT generates light. Here, we discuss electrical transfer characteristics of SWNTs, with the main focus on semiconducting tubes, since this work explores EL originating from excitation of carriers across the bandgap. Electrical emission from metallic tubes has also been observed and will be touched on briefly in the subsequent section on the history of EL theory and observations. One of the remarkable characteristics of carbon nanotubes is their extraordinary ability to withstand a current density exceeding 10 9 A/cm 2 47-49 . For metallic nanotubes, the current- carrying capability seems to hit a limit at 25 μA by Joule self-heating 50 and by the scattering of optical phonons 49, 51-53 . Since the inelastic optical phonon scattering length is about 10-15 nm 54 , a SWNT can carry even more current, up to 100 μA 55 if the channel is shorter than that characteristic length. 15

The saturation limit for semiconducting SWNTs is more complex, since a main source of a device’s electrical resistance is the Schottky barrier at the nanotube-metal contact whose height depends on the diameter and work function of the contact metal 56 , and also because the phonon scattering mechanism is different from metallic tubes because of the different electronic band structures. Large diameter tubes form thin and small Schottky barriers, i.e., “transparent contacts” through which carriers can easily tunnel. In such tubes, there is some evidence that the saturation behavior is similar to that of metallic tubes 55, 57 . However, others have shown that this limit can be exceeded in semiconducting tube devices (limited by velocity saturation) 58 , and there is evidence that avalanche generation of carriers involving higher subbands can create a current “up-kick”, allowing currents > 25 μA in semiconducting tubes 54 . The three main sources of resistance that limit carrier transport in SWNTs are (1) the quantized contact resistance RQ arising from the mismatch in the number of states between bulk contacts and a 1D nanotube; (2) elastic and inelastic scattering mechanisms; and (3) Schottky barriers and possible additional contact resistance. When RQ is the only resistance observed, the conduction is said to be in the “ballistic” regime, i.e., no scattering or energy losses occur in the channel. SWNT is a structure that enables the observation of ballistic conduction in one dimension, but only if the channel length is less than the mean free path of the scatterers and if the Schottky barriers are transparent. Quantized contact resistance RQ is inherent in the structure of a device and thus puts a theoretical limit on its conductivity. The minimum resistance RQ that can be achieved when contacting three-dimensional electrodes with continuous states to a one-dimensional SWNT with discrete states is calculated to be R Q h (Eq. I.6) 2 2eM where M is the number of modes between the Fermi levels of the source and drain 59 . M = 2 (valley degeneracy) in metallic SWNTs, so in a ballistic conductor, RQ is 6.5 kΩ. Resistances approaching this limit have been demonstrated in both metallic 60, 61 and large-diameter (2 to 2.4 nm) semiconducting 57 SWNT devices. 16

The saturation limit for semiconducting SWNTs is more complex, since a main source of<br />

a device’s electrical resistance is the Schottky barrier at the nanotube-metal contact whose height<br />

depends on the diameter and work function of the contact metal 56 , and also because the phonon<br />

scattering mechanism is different from metallic tubes because of the different electronic band<br />

structures. Large diameter tubes form thin and small Schottky barriers, i.e., “transparent<br />

contacts” through which carriers can easily tunnel. In such tubes, there is some evidence that the<br />

saturation behavior is similar to that of metallic tubes 55, 57 . However, others have shown that<br />

this limit can be exceeded in semiconducting tube devices (limited by velocity saturation) 58 , and<br />

there is evidence that avalanche generation of carriers involving higher subbands can create a<br />

current “up-kick”, allowing currents > 25 μA in semiconducting tubes 54 .<br />

The three main sources of resistance that limit carrier transport in SWNTs are (1) the<br />

quantized contact resistance RQ arising from the mismatch in the number of states between bulk<br />

contacts and a 1D nanotube; (2) elastic and inelastic scattering mechanisms; and (3) Schottky<br />

barriers and possible additional contact resistance. When RQ is the only resistance observed, the<br />

conduction is said to be in the “ballistic” regime, i.e., no scattering or energy losses occur in the<br />

channel. SWNT is a structure that enables the observation of ballistic conduction in one<br />

dimension, but only if the channel length is less than the mean free path of the scatterers and if<br />

the Schottky barriers are transparent.<br />

Quantized contact resistance RQ is inherent in the structure of a device and thus puts a<br />

theoretical limit on its conductivity. The minimum resistance RQ that can be achieved when<br />

contacting three-dimensional electrodes <strong>with</strong> continuous states to a one-dimensional SWNT <strong>with</strong><br />

discrete states is calculated to be<br />

R<br />

Q<br />

h<br />

(Eq. I.6)<br />

2<br />

2eM<br />

where M is the number of modes between the Fermi levels of the source and drain 59 . M = 2<br />

(valley degeneracy) in metallic SWNTs, so in a ballistic conductor, RQ is 6.5 kΩ. Resistances<br />

approaching this limit have been demonstrated in both metallic 60, 61 and large-diameter (2 to 2.4<br />

nm) semiconducting 57 SWNT devices.<br />


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