Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks
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Embroideries ....................... 89 Lnmber dealers ............. .11S-- 119 Second hand stores , I44 6t 145 Electro baths ......................... 87 Machinery depots ................. 119 Seeds. (flowers and trees) ....... 145 Electrotypers ......................... 87 Machinists ........................... 119 5ewer pipes ............................ 14'7 Elevators ........................... S!j Nalsters ................................ 119 Sewing machines, .................. 147 Engravers (peneral) ............... 89 Manufacturing chemists ......... I19 Shawls. .................................. 147 EX celsior '08 manfs ................ 91 'Maps ..................................... 119 Sheet muaic. ........................ 147 Exchange. foreign ................ 80 /Marble works ................. 119-120 Shin les manufr ., .................. 147 Express lines .................... SW)l manufs ......................... 120 Ship%niidere, ........................ 147 Estracts. fluid ........................ 91 Mathematical instm't mannfs.120 Ship blocks ............................ 14'7 Fancy goods .......................... 91 TvIeerchaum pipes ................. 120I~hip chandlers , ..................... 147 Fancy goodu. wholesale ......... 91 Mechanics' tools .................... 120,Shfp owners, ......... 147 and 148 Felt. fire and muter proof ....... 91 hlerchandise brokers ............. 57, Sli!ppers. ..................... 148 . Pile cutters .......................... $13 Merchant tailors ........... .I2 0-IT2 Shlrts manufr., ............... 148 Fish dealers ........................... 98 .Mercantile agencies ............... 120 Show cases, .................. 14S Flaga and banners, manfs .... 93 Musical instruments ............. 123 Silks. ......................... 14s Flavorillg extracts ................. 93 Music 111)lishers , ................... 123 Silver plate^ ware, ............ 14s Flour. self-raising .................. 93 News sealers , ......................... 123 Silver plat&, ............... -148 Flour and feed ........................ 93 Newspapers .................. ; ......... I23 Silversmiths, ................. 146 Flouring mills ........................ $3 Notaries Public ............ 123 dZ 124 Slate rcsofingi ................. 148 Foreign passage agent ............ 93 Nurseries , .............................. 124 Smokers' articles. ........... .Id.$ Founc\rles ............................ 95 Oculists ................................. 124 Soda water manufr., .......... 145 Frnit ..................................... 05 Oil manfrs . and dealers , ......... I24 Solder. ...................... -143 Fnrnacee. wood and coal ........ 03 'Omnibus line. ........................ 1.24 Spice mills. ................... I40 Furniture, mamf8 and deal- Opticians ............................... 124 Spring bed manufss., ......... 141) ers ............................. .%-97 Organs. .................................. 124 Springs and axles, ........... 14:) Fnrriers ............................... 97 Ornameiltal treea. .................. IrWIStatuary manufrs ............. .Id!) Garden seeds ........................ 97 Oval photograph frame manfrs 125 Steamboat lines. ............. 14!# Gas fistures ............................ 97 Oxygenized alr institute , ....... 124 Ste:rm engines. .............. -139 Gas and team fitters ............. 07 Oysters, ................................. 125 Steamship agents. ............ 150 gent^' furnishing good8 .. -97 -!I!) Packers. ............................... 125 Stencil cutters, ............... 150 German agents .................... 9!) Pain paint. .............................. 2 Stenographers, ............... 150 Gilders ................................. 99 Paints. oils and gla~s .............. 126 Stereotypers. ................. 150 Glassware ............................ !$!) Painters ......................... 125 &- 126 Stock and b>nd bsolress ...... 150 Gold pen n~anf .................... U!) Puinter~' material , .................. 126 Stoneware. ................... 150 Gold and silver platers ........... 9:) Paper manufucturers, ............ 126 Stone yards. . : ................ 150 (:rain delles~ ......................... 99 Paper hangers ........................ 128 Stoves and tinware, .......... 150 Grape vlaes .......................... 99 Paper box manufrs ., ............... 126 Straw goods. ................. 151 Gravel roof manufacturers .... 99 P;issenger depote, .................. Sl Surgical & dental instruments 151 Grocers ......................... 39 to 107 Patent solicitors.. .................. 12fi Tailors ....................... 151 (3rocers. wholeetlle ................ 107 Patent medicines ................... 126 Tailors' trimmings, .......... 161 (;uns and piutols .................... 107 Pattern 1!1a kera , ..................... 127 Tanners. ..................... 151 Hack stables ........................... 107 Perfumeries , ......................... 127 Teas. coffees and spices, ...... 151 Hair dressers (ladies) ........... 108 Photograph galleries ............. 127 Telegraph Co's, ............... 152 I-lair jewelry ........................... 10s Physicians, ............ 127, 129 & 131 Ticket agents. ............... 132 Ilair oil and pomade ............... 10S Picture frame dealers , ...... 1318132 Tinners. ...................... 152 Hair ~vorkera ......................... 10s Pianos, organs (& melodeons, .. 131 Tobacco. ............................... 152 ZIar~dkerchief extracts ........... lOS Plate glass, ............................ 133 Toilet articles , ........................ 1% ITardware ........................ 10s-0 Platers, ................................. 132 Trimmings, .......................... 16.3 Harness makers .................... 109 Plaster .. ., ............................. 132 Trunks .................................. 153 Hats. caps and furs ............... 100 Plumbers. .............................. 152 Tubing ................................... 153 Hedge plants ...................... 109 Police agencies , .................... 1.32 Tng and vessel owner , ........... 153 Hides aud pelts ...................... 109 Pop corn. ............................... 132 Turners. ................................. 153 Hoes ..................................... 12~J~orlt packers .......................... 1% Twines. ........................ i ........ 15.3 FIoop skirts ........................... 110 Portrait painters, ................... 13.3 Umbrellas ............................ 163 Hop dealers ........................... 110 Potteries , ............................... 13.3 jundertakers ............................ 163 Iiosiery and gloves ............... 110 Poultry and game. .................. 133 Uphol~terers .......................... 154 l losiery and white goods ....... 110 Printers. ................................ I TTaris nlmfrs ................... 154 Hotels ........................ .110-- 111 Produce and provisions , ......... 138 Vegetable dealers, ................. 154 TIoure-furnishing goods ....... .Ill Pubiishers ............................. l.3Lil~eterinary surwon , ............... 1N 1 ee companies ...................... .Ill Pump dealers, ........................ 134 1Vine.g manufC.6.. .................. I54 T ce cream saloons ................... 111 Puttty manufrs.. ...................... 134!~iols and guitars .............. 154 Ink manf ................................ 1.11 Railroad agents , ..................... 134~~agons and carriage makere, . 65 Insnrance agents ............ 111-112 Rag dealers ........................... 184 1 Wagon malcers , ...................... 154 lneurance companies ............. 113 Real estate dealers , ....... I34 & 135 Wall paper , ............................ 154 Irltelligence ofiices ............. 113 Rectifier. ............................... 13; Washing machines ................ 154 Inventor and patentee ............ 113 Restaurants , ........................... 1 Watches and jewelry, ............. 15.1 Japanned ware ..................... 114 Rohee. ................................ .11'~eavers. ............................... lUi . J e\veler@ ............................... 114 Rolljng mills, ......................... 135! w h ~ and ~ s lashes. ................. 151; Junk dealers ......................... 113 Roofers, ................................ 1351 White lead andzinc ............... 166 Justices of the Peace ............. 114 Rubber capotes ............. 135 & 136! Whitewashers , ....................... 151i I. tidies' furnishing goods ...... 115 Rubber mould~ngs , ................ 136 W5 malrers ........................... I5ti Lsrnpn ................................... I15 Saddlery hardware. ................ 1.36 ~~lfiom.\vare. ....................... 156 I. nst manfs ............................. 115 Saddles and harness ................ 136. Winaolv glass. ............... 156 J.aundries ............................... 116 Safes manufrs ., ...................... 13fjl Window ~hacles, .............. 1st; I. arvyers ................... 115, 116, I17 Sail lofts ............................... 13fjlWnes and liqoors. .......... ISfi Leaf tohacco .................... ..x.. 117 Sail makers. ......................... ;.136 Wlre workers, ................ 167 Leather be1 tinr ..................... ll7JSaloons ....................... 137 to 144 Wood yards. .................. 1%' Leather and flndings ............... 117 Salt dealers, ........................... 144 Wooden ware ................ 157 Lime deiilers ......................... 11'7 ISnsh. doors and blinds , .......... 143 Wool dealer; ............... -15s ].ithographere ......................... 118 .Saw filers ............................. 144 Woolen manufr~., ........... -15s Livery and sale stables ............ 11~iSaw manufrs.. ....................... 144 Worsted yarns, ................. 155 Loan ofIices ........................... 118'~cales and balancee, .............. 144 Wringing machines, .......... 153 Lockamitha ......................... .ll~!~cul~tor,. ............................ IM/Yankee notions, .............. 158 ......

G. II ARGR~AVES & BIEO., PICTURE FRABIE BIBNUFACTURERS. This stcrling firm was established upwards of eight years ago, since wlliclr ti~ne they have met wit.11 grea.t success, and have clone a 1;~rge business ~~l~icli they 1i:~ve justly n~eriiecl. This is consiciered the largest ix~anufitctory of tlle kind in tllc vest,, conscqiiently havc greater il~cilities for supplying country dealers st prices ~vhicll defy conlpetition. Tlieir n~orks are large ancl well adapted for carrying on tllt~ir extensive business, occupying 150 by 208 feet, having a conlplete clepartnient for their various blanclies of business, they have an extensive seasoning dcj)artlnent, caref~~lly superintei~clect by the proprietors themselves, this is a valuable fenl~~re ill their business, ensuring buye1.s ng:tinst loss by frames shrinliing, ailcl becomiiig tlelrd stock. They havc also complete cutting and groovilig, glueing, shaping :tncl 1110111!1- ing, enameling, mounting, staining ancl granning, ancl gilding and varnislliiig clepnrt>- lue~lts. They employ fro111 SO to I25 hands, ancl are thus enabled to tnrn out s great ar-~lount of work. This fir111 is held in high rep~ltation aud is considered very resllonsil)le. Wc Iiave been l~ersonally acquainted with the ineinbers of this film for some tiine, and can chcerf~~lly add our testimony to that of many others, tlint tllcy are tlrustwortlly and we can :issure the public that all represent at i011s ~nntlc hy tllcuz may be relied on. Country buyers m7ill fincl it to their advantage to send in their orders to this firm trliicli will be pronlptly attended to. Tllcy nlaii~~ficture rj:)lcly arch top mirror, oral photoq,ap11 and picture fi~amcs. ltemember their inan- ~i~ictory js located on tllc corner of: 1'7th and Howard sts. See their aclvcrtiseiuent f'1.011 t colored page. FARRAND SHELET L!C CO., TVHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. This n-ell-linonrn house was establislled in 1845 by J. S. Farrancl, Escl., ancl carric(l on ~ ury successfully by him until 1856. Tlie business having tlien increased to such :trr extent he found it necessary to talte in several partners, ancl he associatecl wit11 Iiim A. Sheley, Esq. ancl TV. C. Williams, Escl., since which they hixve llact oile of Ille leading drug stores in the State. Their store is 25x100, four stories and basement, No SO TVooclwarcl av., besides.3 large warellouses on Bates and Larnecl sts. Tliey have great facilities fbr ~1111plying all country dealers at very low figures as tlicy are large i~llporters. They clca1 in all lcincls of clrugs, toilet articles, perfumeries, chenlicals, llniut s, oils, glass, varnishes, brushes ancl every thing usually kept by our largest Drug I-Touses. Tllcy are :~lso sole agent-s in the city for the celebrated Fai1b:tnlis' Scales. This house is a thoroughly reliable one, all reprcsei~tations nlnde by them it ri~ay be relied on ; country buyers will find it to their advantage to sencl in their orders to this olcl ailcl reliable l~ouse which will be attencled to promptly. Rcineiilber the store is 80 Wcoclward av. ANTHONY GER3IAN, CONFECTIONER, c!C. This geiltlelnan llas been in business upnrarcls of 15 years, he has a nicely fitted ul) confectionery esta~~lisl~inent where may always be founcl all kincls of candy, cnkcs, etc., hc lias also an oyster room where pel-sons call partake of that "clai~lt~y clish" in quiet :1nd at a reasonable price, in suminer he opens liis Ice Cream saloon 1~11ci.c t11:tt rcfkeshing article nlay be obtained. He sells v~holeeale ancl retail txncl is preptlrcci to supply country dealers at low figures. Remember his store is 31 BIichigan avcnuc. TIIE CALVERT LITHOGR,APHING, ENGRAVIITG AND 3lRP PUBLISI-IING C 03fPANIT. The Calvert Lithographing, Engraving and Nap Publishing Co. nlay be lllentioned anlong tile business houses which deserve more than a passing notice. Tlle company lras establishcci about six years ago, ancl from a s ~~all beginning has grown into :in establishment which for coinl~leteness, artistic talent, and elcg,.nncc nf work ex ecuted is secol-d to none in the ~j-est. Their " Comlriercial IY 01 k," sucll as Loncl 20

Embroideries ....................... 89 Lnmber dealers ............. .11S-- 119 Second hand stores , I44 6t 145<br />

Electro baths ......................... 87 Machinery depots ................. 119 Seeds. (flowers and trees) ....... 145<br />

Electrotypers ......................... 87 Machinists ........................... 119 5ewer pipes ............................ 14'7<br />

Elevators ........................... S!j Nalsters ................................ 119 Sewing machines, .................. 147<br />

Engravers (peneral) ............... 89 Manufacturing chemists ......... I19 Shawls. .................................. 147<br />

EX celsior '08 manfs ................ 91 'Maps ..................................... 119 Sheet muaic. ........................ 147<br />

Exchange. foreign ................ 80 /Marble works ................. 119-120 Shin les manufr ., .................. 147<br />

Express lines .................... SW)l manufs ......................... 120 Ship%niidere, ........................ 147<br />

Estracts. fluid ........................ 91 Mathematical instm't mannfs.120 Ship blocks ............................ 14'7<br />

Fancy goods .......................... 91 TvIeerchaum pipes ................. 120I~hip chandlers , ..................... 147<br />

Fancy goodu. wholesale ......... 91 Mechanics' tools .................... 120,Shfp owners, ......... 147 and 148<br />

Felt. fire and muter proof ....... 91 hlerchandise brokers ............. 57, Sli!ppers. ..................... 148 .<br />

Pile cutters .......................... $13 Merchant tailors ........... .I2 0-IT2 Shlrts manufr., ............... 148<br />

Fish dealers ........................... 98 .Mercantile agencies ............... 120 Show cases, .................. 14S<br />

Flaga and banners, manfs .... 93 Musical instruments ............. 123 Silks. ......................... 14s<br />

Flavorillg extracts ................. 93 Music 111)lishers , ................... 123 Silver plate^ ware, ............ 14s<br />

Flour. self-raising .................. 93 News sealers , ......................... 123 Silver plat&, ............... -148<br />

Flour and feed ........................ 93 Newspapers .................. ; ......... I23 Silversmiths, ................. 146<br />

Flouring mills ........................ $3 Notaries Public ............ 123 dZ 124 Slate rcsofingi ................. 148<br />

Foreign passage agent ............ 93 Nurseries , .............................. 124 Smokers' articles. ........... .Id.$<br />

Founc\rles ............................ 95 Oculists ................................. 124 Soda water manufr., .......... 145<br />

Frnit ..................................... 05 Oil manfrs . and dealers , ......... I24 Solder. ...................... -143<br />

Fnrnacee. wood and coal ........ 03 'Omnibus line. ........................ 1.24 Spice mills. ................... I40<br />

Furniture, mamf8 and deal- Opticians ............................... 124 Spring bed manufss., ......... 141)<br />

ers ............................. .%-97 Organs. .................................. 124 Springs and axles, ........... 14:)<br />

Fnrriers ............................... 97 Ornameiltal treea. .................. IrWIStatuary manufrs ............. .Id!)<br />

Garden seeds ........................ 97 Oval photograph frame manfrs 125 Steamboat lines. ............. 14!#<br />

Gas fistures ............................ 97 Oxygenized alr institute , ....... 124 Ste:rm engines. .............. -139<br />

Gas and team fitters ............. 07 Oysters, ................................. 125 Steamship agents. ............ 150<br />

gent^' furnishing good8 .. -97 -!I!) Packers. ............................... 125 Stencil cutters, ............... 150<br />

German agents .................... 9!) Pain paint. .............................. 2 Stenographers, ............... 150<br />

Gilders ................................. 99 Paints. oils and gla~s .............. 126 Stereotypers. ................. 150<br />

Glassware ............................ !$!) Painters ......................... 125 &- 126 Stock and b>nd bsolress ...... 150<br />

Gold pen n~anf .................... U!) Puinter~' material , .................. 126 Stoneware. ................... 150<br />

Gold and silver platers ........... 9:) Paper manufucturers, ............ 126 Stone yards. . : ................ 150<br />

(:rain delles~ ......................... 99 Paper hangers ........................ 128 Stoves and tinware, .......... 150<br />

Grape vlaes .......................... 99 Paper box manufrs ., ............... 126 Straw goods. ................. 151<br />

Gravel roof manufacturers .... 99 P;issenger depote, .................. Sl Surgical & dental instruments 151<br />

Grocers ......................... 39 to 107 Patent solicitors.. .................. 12fi Tailors ....................... 151<br />

(3rocers. wholeetlle ................ 107 Patent medicines ................... 126 Tailors' trimmings, .......... 161<br />

(;uns and piutols .................... 107 Pattern 1!1a kera , ..................... 127 Tanners. ..................... 151<br />

Hack stables ........................... 107 Perfumeries , ......................... 127 Teas. coffees and spices, ...... 151<br />

Hair dressers (ladies) ........... 108 Photograph galleries ............. 127 Telegraph Co's, ............... 152<br />

I-lair jewelry ........................... 10s Physicians, ............ 127, 129 & 131 Ticket agents. ............... 132<br />

Ilair oil and pomade ............... 10S Picture frame dealers , ...... 1318132 Tinners. ...................... 152<br />

Hair ~vorkera ......................... 10s Pianos, organs (& melodeons, .. 131 Tobacco. ............................... 152<br />

ZIar~dkerchief extracts ........... lOS Plate glass, ............................ 133 Toilet articles , ........................ 1%<br />

ITardware ........................ 10s-0 Platers, ................................. 132 Trimmings, .......................... 16.3<br />

Harness makers .................... 109 Plaster .. ., ............................. 132 Trunks .................................. 153<br />

Hats. caps and furs ............... 100 Plumbers. .............................. 152 Tubing ................................... 153<br />

Hedge plants ...................... 109 Police agencies , .................... 1.32 Tng and vessel owner , ........... 153<br />

Hides aud pelts ...................... 109 Pop corn. ............................... 132 Turners. ................................. 153<br />

Hoes ..................................... 12~J~orlt packers .......................... 1% Twines. ........................ i ........ 15.3<br />

FIoop skirts ........................... 110 Portrait painters, ................... 13.3 Umbrellas ............................ 163<br />

Hop dealers ........................... 110 Potteries , ............................... 13.3 jundertakers ............................ 163<br />

Iiosiery and gloves ............... 110 Poultry and game. .................. 133 Uphol~terers .......................... 154<br />

l losiery and white goods ....... 110 Printers. ................................ I TTaris nlmfrs ................... 154<br />

Hotels ........................ .110-- 111 Produce and provisions , ......... 138 Vegetable dealers, ................. 154<br />

TIoure-furnishing goods ....... .Ill Pubiishers ............................. l.3Lil~eterinary surwon , ............... 1N<br />

1 ee companies ...................... .Ill Pump dealers, ........................ 134 1Vine.g manufC.6.. .................. I54<br />

T ce cream saloons ................... 111 Puttty manufrs.. ...................... 134!~iols and guitars .............. 154<br />

Ink manf ................................ 1.11 Railroad agents , ..................... 134~~agons and carriage makere, . 65<br />

Insnrance agents ............ 111-112 Rag dealers ........................... 184 1 Wagon malcers , ...................... 154<br />

lneurance companies ............. 113 Real estate dealers , ....... I34 & 135 Wall paper , ............................ 154<br />

Irltelligence ofiices ............. 113 Rectifier. ............................... 13; Washing machines ................ 154<br />

Inventor and patentee ............ 113 Restaurants , ........................... 1 Watches and jewelry, ............. 15.1<br />

Japanned ware ..................... 114 Rohee. ................................ .11'~eavers. ............................... lUi<br />

. J e\veler@ ............................... 114 Rolljng mills, ......................... 135! w h ~ and ~ s lashes. ................. 151;<br />

Junk dealers ......................... 113 Roofers, ................................ 1351 White lead andzinc ............... 166<br />

Justices of the Peace ............. 114 Rubber capotes ............. 135 & 136! Whitewashers , ....................... 151i<br />

I. tidies' furnishing goods ...... 115 Rubber mould~ngs , ................ 136 W5 malrers ........................... I5ti<br />

Lsrnpn ................................... I15 Saddlery hardware. ................ 1.36 ~~lfiom.\vare. ....................... 156<br />

I. nst manfs ............................. 115 Saddles and harness ................ 136. Winaolv glass. ............... 156<br />

J.aundries ............................... 116 Safes manufrs ., ...................... 13fjl Window ~hacles, .............. 1st;<br />

I. arvyers ................... 115, 116, I17 Sail lofts ............................... 13fjlWnes and liqoors. .......... ISfi<br />

Leaf tohacco .................... ..x.. 117 Sail makers. ......................... ;.136 Wlre workers, ................ 167<br />

Leather be1 tinr ..................... ll7JSaloons ....................... 137 to 144 Wood yards. .................. 1%'<br />

Leather and flndings ............... 117 Salt dealers, ........................... 144 Wooden ware ................ 157<br />

Lime deiilers ......................... 11'7 ISnsh. doors and blinds , .......... 143 Wool dealer; ............... -15s<br />

].ithographere ......................... 118 .Saw filers ............................. 144 Woolen manufr~., ........... -15s<br />

Livery and sale stables ............ 11~iSaw manufrs.. ....................... 144 Worsted yarns, ................. 155<br />

Loan ofIices ........................... 118'~cales and balancee, .............. 144 Wringing machines, .......... 153<br />

Lockamitha ......................... .ll~!~cul~tor,. ............................ IM/Yankee notions, .............. 158<br />


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