Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks

Detroit R L Polk City Directory 1869 - JewishGen KehilaLinks


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FOR <strong>1869</strong>-70,<br />

Complete List of oll Business Houses in the <strong>City</strong><br />

ALSO A<br />


WITH TIIb<br />

Names and address of the Merchants, Manufacturers,<br />

Professional Men, &c., in the <strong>City</strong>.<br />

CHICAGO,<br />


Office 146 South 'JCTater Street.<br />

Pri~~ting offree 95 & 97 West Randolph Street.

- :,;,<br />

~~>LLAND 8' 'DE~E(~]~T<br />


l.:.lc().- * * v- :- 1 .j :<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />


Between Dctroit and New yorli <strong>City</strong>. via<br />

On arrival of Trains of the IXichigi~a Central, i)etl.oit :~i~d Mil~vaukce<br />

and Blichigan Southern Railroacls.<br />

(Sundays excepted. )<br />

Tor London, Payis, Toronto, Niugara fills, Uu....c~lo, Rochester,<br />

Ogdensburg, Burlington, Elmirn, A.lbin!y, ATe2u<br />

2Tork, Boston, Pi~iladelpl~ia, Baltin?oj*e, 7t%lshi,?cgton<br />

and all internzecfiate places.<br />


Will find this route<br />

Via Boc?~estes* and JVorthern Ce~trnl Bnil~*oclt-d<br />

the sllortest :~nd 111ost clircct to tllosc cities<br />


Pcwe atwags as Aoeo as i3y other E

TO THE<br />

:JAY 0 R,<br />



Ge7ztle77zen : 2'7~7'~ 7101~~71 LC, 0 ~ T~T's~<br />

~ 7 ~ BZLS~I~~SS<br />

Dil*ecto~y of' 1128 CCy of Det~aoif;, is 7~zo.~t ~aespectfid1y<br />

tlcdicat~tl to got^, as a/ sl-i~ght ioken of repartl.<br />

6g<br />

4'bz~.79 nzo~t ebeclient seruai.zts,<br />


146 South Water street, Chicago .<br />

December 26th, 1868.



146 S. Water street, Chicago.<br />

DECEMBER 26th, 1868. j<br />

In presenting this, our first volume of HOLLAND'S DETROIT BUSINESS<br />

UIRECTORY to the busirless men of <strong>Detroit</strong>, we feel a justifiable pride<br />

in being able to furnish such a reliable and handsome book.<br />

We ask comparison of this, with any of the directories which have<br />

preceded it, and feel confident the result mill be satisfactory. We<br />

think we have improved on the preceding works; and if we have sueceeded<br />

in satisfying our numerous pbtrons and friends, we shall feel<br />

happy to have merited their kind appreciation.<br />

With many thanks to Augustus 13. Taber, Esq., the gentlemanly proprietor<br />

of the Biddle House, Geo. B. Kelley, Esq., A. G.. Hibbard, Esq.,<br />

G. I-Iargreaves & Bro., J. Henry Whitt-ernore, S. C. Eandall, James<br />

Brown, E. Eeidy and Chas. NcCabc, Esqrs., and many others, who<br />

I~ave given us their patronage, and assuring them contirlued devotion in<br />

our future works, to the task of properly representing their interests at<br />

home and abroad,<br />

TVe remain, Kespectfully,<br />


Publishers.<br />


.. -.* "-<br />


.-----------<br />

.-<br />


Angel1 A . D ........................ 21iHubba, rd& Davis .................... 24<br />

Ashley A ........................... 24 Jennings a Dark ...................... 21<br />

~:;artholonle~v TV . E .................. 25 Johns William, jr .................... 20<br />

i3cttlnne Donald, jl* ................... 19 Joslyn H . El ..................***.~.... 2G<br />

I:i~elom H .......................... 24 Iielley Geo . a Co .................. 28<br />

. tZreqister TV . F .. : ................... 18 Icuhn J r>seph ...................... 28<br />

F:!-orisonR .., ......................... SEi'BLaddenJohuB ...................... 19<br />

13~11.ger F . 11 ......................., 29 AIa.rxhausen C ....................... 20<br />

(.!.rlvert Lithogl aphing Co ...... 17 and 18 BIarxhausell A. ...................... 28<br />

(Ilarl; L . B .......................... 23 Natthews & Wilsoli .................. 24<br />

Ol:~y 8; Allen ........................ 22 Merrell K . B .................. 26 and 21<br />

(:layton Flour 31ills ................. 28 Palmer E ........................... 2'7<br />

Vousc Ad.tl~l ........................ 18 Randall S. C ......................... 21<br />

Iletroit Lamp ancl Glass TVorks ....... 20 ltose s; Battishill .................... 19<br />

ISltll.edge J . V . D . 5; Co .............. 20 Rowley N . B . & Son .................... 25<br />

P.ir1.ai~1, Sl~~ley & Co ................ 17 Sparks G . W ........................ 28<br />

17el.rand ~k Osborne .................. 24 /Smith M . 8 . a Co ............... 10 and 20<br />

rrry D . 31 . s; Co .................... 5 1 Slnitli &Reeve ....................... 28<br />

Foster Jollil Jay .................... 26 Standish & Ives ...................... 26<br />

F risbie J . IV ........................ 20 St . Mary's IIospitjal .................. 2'7<br />

G;issmann Geol.ge ................... 2% Stone IPr ............................. 27<br />

(qeorge I-I ........................... 23 Sutter Bros .......................... 18<br />

German Anthony ................... 17 The Det, rsit Chair Factory ........... 28<br />

(4lovcr Poi~~ell, ..................... 22 The <strong>Detroit</strong> White Lead and Zinc wks 21<br />

(:rall:lill W111 .................. 29 an(1 23 The Western Suada, y crescent ........ 27<br />

IIarqreaves G . & Bro .............*,.. 17 Trsub Bras.. ........................ 25<br />

1-Teffron & Co ............................... 29 The Veranda Saloon ................. 15<br />

k1c:rrington I) . fZ . Co ............... 22 IVtllace R . H ........................ 21<br />

i.ie-11.1.ir)g~on IVillard, ....,............ 22 Whitternore J . Henry Q Co.,. ......... 23<br />

I-Iill Hugo .......................... 20 jlTii~on Thomas ................ 18 and 19<br />

Zioln~cs Wcbster ................... 19 Wright TVm . & CO ................... 26<br />

JIoyt, 1-linlnnn 8.5 Co ................ 20<br />


............................<br />

Agent8 cars ............................ 33'liottlers (ale and cider) .......... 55;Chiropodist 67<br />

Agcnt.s foreign yflssape ......... 83 Bowling allev ......................... 5BjCigar-box makers .................. 69<br />

Agents (German) .................... 38 Brass fonndiies .................... 551Cigars and tobacco, wholesale. 67<br />

12gents insnrancc .................... 38 Breweries ..................... ~55-. 57 Cigars and tqbncco ......... .6 1-69<br />

i\gcnts real est,nt e.. .............. 35 Brick machines ................... 57 Coal. dealers In ...................... '73<br />

Agei~ts rewil.lg machines ........ 35 Bridge works ........................ 57 Coffee, dealers in ................... 73<br />

-~qricalti~rnI i~nplements .......... 35 Brick yards ............................ :7 Coffee and spice mills ............ 73<br />

Ale bottlers .......................... 55 Broliers (merchandise) ........... 57 Coihns. wholesale .................. 73<br />

12rcliitccts ............................. '.35 Broom manufs ........................ 57 Collecting agents ................... 'id<br />

Arch-top mirror frames ........... 35 Brush manfs ......................... 57 Colleges. business ................ 73<br />

21rtitici:ll limbs ...................... 35 Buck goods .......................... 57 Commission merchants ...... 73-'76<br />

:?riists .................................... 55 Bnffalo and fancy robes .......... 57 Contractors (city) ................... 69<br />

At1 onicyr;i .............................. 3 Burglar alarms .................... 57 Confect~onaers ................... .7 5-77<br />

Z;nctioneeri; ........................... 37 Business agencies .................. 67<br />

ii:tliei-s .................................... 37'jBntchers ..................... .50, 61, 63<br />

T'::i!iil~g po~vcler<br />

Conveyancers ......................... 77<br />

Colltractors (paving) ............... 77<br />

Co~triictore, cartage ............... 77<br />

Coopers .......................... .7 1-79<br />

Copperemiths ....................... 70<br />

Corsets. manfs ..................... 79<br />

Crockery ............................ 'i!)<br />

Crockery, wholegale ............... '7!+<br />

Cutlery .................................. 7!4<br />

Cycloid piano fortes ............... 7!r<br />

Decoraters ........................... 'i'!)<br />

Dentists ................................. 71<br />

Depots .................................. 81 .<br />

Dining rooms ......................... S1<br />

........................ 37'Car manfs ............................ 63<br />

!Isl~lis iuld b:lnkerr ............ 37-39 / carpeta ................................ ti3<br />

tS:trbere ................................. 3!11 ~iir~~enters and builders ......... 83<br />

f3:ttlls ...................................... 4l Carriage and wagon makers .. 65<br />

i{:~rl~s (clectl-o) ........................ 41 Carriawe trimmings ............... 65<br />

fbil!inrd h:~lls ........................... 41 ~arrit~ie trimmers ................. 65<br />

I:ill ~)ostcrs ............................ 41 'carriage hardware ................ 65<br />

Iiircl t;tvl.cn. .............................. 41 Cart.age contractors .............. 77<br />

I.il.tors. m:infs allcl dealcrs ...... 41 Catcrers ................................ '66<br />

l!lacksmitlis .......................... 4 3 Claim a~ents ........................ 6!i<br />

I:lr:ilc:her~ ........................ .'H..-l 5 Cloalis &d cloak makers ....... 69<br />

I.!.lcillq. bos and liiluicl .......... ~15iC!ocks and watches ................ 71<br />

1:onvdillg Ilctuscs .............. .15-i~7~~1ot~~iers~ .......................... 71-73 Divers, aubmnrine ................. 81<br />

Iioiler \Gorlis ......................... 47 Clot!ls. cassimeres and vest- Drags, cart, 6 and lorry~ .......... 81<br />

Ih~lt :lnd nut nianfs ............... 47 111g6 ................................. 73 Dree8 goode .......................... 81<br />

Il)ooli binilcr:; ..................... 33-47 Cloths (wholesr14e) ............... 73 Dressmakere ..................... 81-43<br />


Embroideries ....................... 89 Lnmber dealers ............. .11S-- 119 Second hand stores , I44 6t 145<br />

Electro baths ......................... 87 Machinery depots ................. 119 Seeds. (flowers and trees) ....... 145<br />

Electrotypers ......................... 87 Machinists ........................... 119 5ewer pipes ............................ 14'7<br />

Elevators ........................... S!j Nalsters ................................ 119 Sewing machines, .................. 147<br />

Engravers (peneral) ............... 89 Manufacturing chemists ......... I19 Shawls. .................................. 147<br />

EX celsior '08 manfs ................ 91 'Maps ..................................... 119 Sheet muaic. ........................ 147<br />

Exchange. foreign ................ 80 /Marble works ................. 119-120 Shin les manufr ., .................. 147<br />

Express lines .................... SW)l ELLut.ch manufs ......................... 120 Ship%niidere, ........................ 147<br />

Estracts. fluid ........................ 91 Mathematical instm't mannfs.120 Ship blocks ............................ 14'7<br />

Fancy goods .......................... 91 TvIeerchaum pipes ................. 120I~hip chandlers , ..................... 147<br />

Fancy goodu. wholesale ......... 91 Mechanics' tools .................... 120,Shfp owners, ......... 147 and 148<br />

Felt. fire and muter proof ....... 91 hlerchandise brokers ............. 57, Sli!ppers. ..................... 148 .<br />

Pile cutters .......................... $13 Merchant tailors ........... .I2 0-IT2 Shlrts manufr., ............... 148<br />

Fish dealers ........................... 98 .Mercantile agencies ............... 120 Show cases, .................. 14S<br />

Flaga and banners, manfs .... 93 Musical instruments ............. 123 Silks. ......................... 14s<br />

Flavorillg extracts ................. 93 Music 111)lishers , ................... 123 Silver plate^ ware, ............ 14s<br />

Flour. self-raising .................. 93 News sealers , ......................... 123 Silver plat&, ............... -148<br />

Flour and feed ........................ 93 Newspapers .................. ; ......... I23 Silversmiths, ................. 146<br />

Flouring mills ........................ $3 Notaries Public ............ 123 dZ 124 Slate rcsofingi ................. 148<br />

Foreign passage agent ............ 93 Nurseries , .............................. 124 Smokers' articles. ........... .Id.$<br />

Founc\rles ............................ 95 Oculists ................................. 124 Soda water manufr., .......... 145<br />

Frnit ..................................... 05 Oil manfrs . and dealers , ......... I24 Solder. ...................... -143<br />

Fnrnacee. wood and coal ........ 03 'Omnibus line. ........................ 1.24 Spice mills. ................... I40<br />

Furniture, mamf8 and deal- Opticians ............................... 124 Spring bed manufss., ......... 141)<br />

ers ............................. .%-97 Organs. .................................. 124 Springs and axles, ........... 14:)<br />

Fnrriers ............................... 97 Ornameiltal treea. .................. IrWIStatuary manufrs ............. .Id!)<br />

Garden seeds ........................ 97 Oval photograph frame manfrs 125 Steamboat lines. ............. 14!#<br />

Gas fistures ............................ 97 Oxygenized alr institute , ....... 124 Ste:rm engines. .............. -139<br />

Gas and team fitters ............. 07 Oysters, ................................. 125 Steamship agents. ............ 150<br />

gent^' furnishing good8 .. -97 -!I!) Packers. ............................... 125 Stencil cutters, ............... 150<br />

German agents .................... 9!) Pain paint. .............................. 2 Stenographers, ............... 150<br />

Gilders ................................. 99 Paints. oils and gla~s .............. 126 Stereotypers. ................. 150<br />

Glassware ............................ !$!) Painters ......................... 125 &- 126 Stock and b>nd bsolress ...... 150<br />

Gold pen n~anf .................... U!) Puinter~' material , .................. 126 Stoneware. ................... 150<br />

Gold and silver platers ........... 9:) Paper manufucturers, ............ 126 Stone yards. . : ................ 150<br />

(:rain delles~ ......................... 99 Paper hangers ........................ 128 Stoves and tinware, .......... 150<br />

Grape vlaes .......................... 99 Paper box manufrs ., ............... 126 Straw goods. ................. 151<br />

Gravel roof manufacturers .... 99 P;issenger depote, .................. Sl Surgical & dental instruments 151<br />

Grocers ......................... 39 to 107 Patent solicitors.. .................. 12fi Tailors ....................... 151<br />

(3rocers. wholeetlle ................ 107 Patent medicines ................... 126 Tailors' trimmings, .......... 161<br />

(;uns and piutols .................... 107 Pattern 1!1a kera , ..................... 127 Tanners. ..................... 151<br />

Hack stables ........................... 107 Perfumeries , ......................... 127 Teas. coffees and spices, ...... 151<br />

Hair dressers (ladies) ........... 108 Photograph galleries ............. 127 Telegraph Co's, ............... 152<br />

I-lair jewelry ........................... 10s Physicians, ............ 127, 129 & 131 Ticket agents. ............... 132<br />

Ilair oil and pomade ............... 10S Picture frame dealers , ...... 1318132 Tinners. ...................... 152<br />

Hair ~vorkera ......................... 10s Pianos, organs (& melodeons, .. 131 Tobacco. ............................... 152<br />

ZIar~dkerchief extracts ........... lOS Plate glass, ............................ 133 Toilet articles , ........................ 1%<br />

ITardware ........................ 10s-0 Platers, ................................. 132 Trimmings, .......................... 16.3<br />

Harness makers .................... 109 Plaster .. ., ............................. 132 Trunks .................................. 153<br />

Hats. caps and furs ............... 100 Plumbers. .............................. 152 Tubing ................................... 153<br />

Hedge plants ...................... 109 Police agencies , .................... 1.32 Tng and vessel owner , ........... 153<br />

Hides aud pelts ...................... 109 Pop corn. ............................... 132 Turners. ................................. 153<br />

Hoes ..................................... 12~J~orlt packers .......................... 1% Twines. ........................ i ........ 15.3<br />

FIoop skirts ........................... 110 Portrait painters, ................... 13.3 Umbrellas ............................ 163<br />

Hop dealers ........................... 110 Potteries , ............................... 13.3 jundertakers ............................ 163<br />

Iiosiery and gloves ............... 110 Poultry and game. .................. 133 Uphol~terers .......................... 154<br />

l losiery and white goods ....... 110 Printers. ................................ I TTaris nlmfrs ................... 154<br />

Hotels ........................ .110-- 111 Produce and provisions , ......... 138 Vegetable dealers, ................. 154<br />

TIoure-furnishing goods ....... .Ill Pubiishers ............................. l.3Lil~eterinary surwon , ............... 1N<br />

1 ee companies ...................... .Ill Pump dealers, ........................ 134 1Vine.g manufC.6.. .................. I54<br />

T ce cream saloons ................... 111 Puttty manufrs.. ...................... 134!~iols and guitars .............. 154<br />

Ink manf ................................ 1.11 Railroad agents , ..................... 134~~agons and carriage makere, . 65<br />

Insnrance agents ............ 111-112 Rag dealers ........................... 184 1 Wagon malcers , ...................... 154<br />

lneurance companies ............. 113 Real estate dealers , ....... I34 & 135 Wall paper , ............................ 154<br />

Irltelligence ofiices ............. 113 Rectifier. ............................... 13; Washing machines ................ 154<br />

Inventor and patentee ............ 113 Restaurants , ........................... 1 Watches and jewelry, ............. 15.1<br />

Japanned ware ..................... 114 Rohee. ................................ .11'~eavers. ............................... lUi<br />

. J e\veler@ ............................... 114 Rolljng mills, ......................... 135! w h ~ and ~ s lashes. ................. 151;<br />

Junk dealers ......................... 113 Roofers, ................................ 1351 White lead andzinc ............... 166<br />

Justices of the Peace ............. 114 Rubber capotes ............. 135 & 136! Whitewashers , ....................... 151i<br />

I. tidies' furnishing goods ...... 115 Rubber mould~ngs , ................ 136 W5 malrers ........................... I5ti<br />

Lsrnpn ................................... I15 Saddlery hardware. ................ 1.36 ~~lfiom.\vare. ....................... 156<br />

I. nst manfs ............................. 115 Saddles and harness ................ 136. Winaolv glass. ............... 156<br />

J.aundries ............................... 116 Safes manufrs ., ...................... 13fjl Window ~hacles, .............. 1st;<br />

I. arvyers ................... 115, 116, I17 Sail lofts ............................... 13fjlWnes and liqoors. .......... ISfi<br />

Leaf tohacco .................... ..x.. 117 Sail makers. ......................... ;.136 Wlre workers, ................ 167<br />

Leather be1 tinr ..................... ll7JSaloons ....................... 137 to 144 Wood yards. .................. 1%'<br />

Leather and flndings ............... 117 Salt dealers, ........................... 144 Wooden ware ................ 157<br />

Lime deiilers ......................... 11'7 ISnsh. doors and blinds , .......... 143 Wool dealer; ............... -15s<br />

].ithographere ......................... 118 .Saw filers ............................. 144 Woolen manufr~., ........... -15s<br />

Livery and sale stables ............ 11~iSaw manufrs.. ....................... 144 Worsted yarns, ................. 155<br />

Loan ofIices ........................... 118'~cales and balancee, .............. 144 Wringing machines, .......... 153<br />

Lockamitha ......................... .ll~!~cul~tor,. ............................ IM/Yankee notions, .............. 158<br />



This stcrling firm was established upwards of eight years ago, since wlliclr ti~ne<br />

they have met wit.11 grea.t success, and have clone a 1;~rge business ~~l~icli they 1i:~ve<br />

justly n~eriiecl. This is consiciered the largest ix~anufitctory of tlle kind in tllc vest,,<br />

conscqiiently havc greater il~cilities for supplying country dealers st prices ~vhicll<br />

defy conlpetition. Tlieir n~orks are large ancl well adapted for carrying on tllt~ir<br />

extensive business, occupying 150 by 208 feet, having a conlplete clepartnient for<br />

their various blanclies of business, they have an extensive seasoning dcj)artlnent,<br />

caref~~lly superintei~clect by the proprietors themselves, this is a valuable fenl~~re ill<br />

their business, ensuring buye1.s ng:tinst loss by frames shrinliing, ailcl becomiiig tlelrd<br />

stock. They havc also complete cutting and groovilig, glueing, shaping :tncl 1110111!1-<br />

ing, enameling, mounting, staining ancl granning, ancl gilding and varnislliiig clepnrt>-<br />

lue~lts. They employ fro111 SO to I25 hands, ancl are thus enabled to tnrn out s great<br />

ar-~lount of work. This fir111 is held in high rep~ltation aud is considered very resllonsil)le.<br />

Wc Iiave been l~ersonally acquainted with the ineinbers of this film for some<br />

tiine, and can chcerf~~lly add our testimony to that of many others, tlint tllcy are<br />

tlrustwortlly and we can :issure the public that all represent at i011s ~nntlc<br />

hy tllcuz may be relied on. Country buyers m7ill fincl it to their advantage to send<br />

in their orders to this firm trliicli will be pronlptly attended to. Tllcy nlaii~~ficture<br />

rj:)lcly arch top mirror, oral photoq,ap11 and picture fi~amcs. ltemember their inan-<br />

~i~ictory js located on tllc corner of: 1'7th and Howard sts. See their aclvcrtiseiuent<br />

f'1.011 t colored page.<br />


This n-ell-linonrn house was establislled in 1845 by J. S. Farrancl, Escl., ancl carric(l<br />

on ~ ury successfully by him until 1856. Tlie business having tlien increased to such<br />

:trr extent he found it necessary to talte in several partners, ancl he associatecl wit11<br />

Iiim A. Sheley, Esq. ancl TV. C. Williams, Escl., since which they hixve llact oile of<br />

Ille leading drug stores in the State. Their store is 25x100, four stories and basement,<br />

No SO TVooclwarcl av., besides.3 large warellouses on Bates and Larnecl sts. Tliey have<br />

great facilities fbr ~1111plying all country dealers at very low figures as tlicy are large<br />

i~llporters. They clca1 in all lcincls of clrugs, toilet articles, perfumeries, chenlicals,<br />

llniut s, oils, glass, varnishes, brushes ancl every thing usually kept by our largest Drug<br />

I-Touses. Tllcy are :~lso sole agent-s in the city for the celebrated Fai1b:tnlis' Scales.<br />

This house is a thoroughly reliable one, all reprcsei~tations nlnde by them it ri~ay<br />

be relied on ; country buyers will find it to their advantage to sencl in their orders to<br />

this olcl ailcl reliable l~ouse which will be attencled to promptly. Rcineiilber the<br />

store is 80 Wcoclward av.<br />


This geiltlelnan llas been in business upnrarcls of 15 years, he has a nicely fitted ul)<br />

confectionery esta~~lisl~inent where may always be founcl all kincls of candy, cnkcs,<br />

etc., hc lias also an oyster room where pel-sons call partake of that "clai~lt~y clish" in<br />

quiet :1nd at a reasonable price, in suminer he opens liis Ice Cream saloon 1~11ci.c t11:tt<br />

rcfkeshing article nlay be obtained. He sells v~holeeale ancl retail txncl is preptlrcci to<br />

supply country dealers at low figures. Remember his store is 31 BIichigan avcnuc.<br />


C 03fPANIT.<br />

The Calvert Lithographing, Engraving and Nap Publishing Co. nlay be lllentioned<br />

anlong tile business houses which deserve more than a passing notice. Tlle company<br />

lras establishcci about six years ago, ancl from a s ~~all beginning has grown into :in<br />

establishment which for coinl~leteness, artistic talent, and elcg,.nncc nf work ex<br />

ecuted is secol-d to none in the ~j-est. Their " Comlriercial IY 01 k," sucll as Loncl<br />


drafts, letter ancl bill.heaclings, diploillas,, etc., etc., is among the best we have ever<br />

seen, a,nd this opinion seellls to be fully share8 by the business comnlunity, not only<br />

of Michigan, but also Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, judging from the<br />

increa~ed coilnections mTllicll the Coinpany is forming in each of these States. Their<br />

chronlo works are incleed hcautifi~l specinlens of the Lithographic artt, and with a<br />

conti.n~zatisn of t.he liberal pntmnage which is being bestowed upon the establishment,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> will soon be ennblecl to boast of one of the leading Lithograplling<br />

Establishments in the country.<br />


To all those wishing good piano or organ, 11-e say go to A. Couse's store at 137<br />

Jefferson avenue. Mr. Come is State Agent for Lindeil~an & Sons Unrivaled Cycloicl<br />

Pianos, and it necds only to have heard this instrument to speak highly in its praise,<br />

they lmve acquired 8 ~vorld-wicle repute, and Mr. C. sells them at as low *rates as<br />

, possible. Estey & Co.'s celebratect Cottage organs will also be found in Mr. Couse's<br />

store, and me strongly aclvise all to call ai~cl see for themsrlves before deserting the<br />

Home Market for TI-hat tileg suppose to be a better ancl larger one. Pianos to rent<br />

anci sold on lllontllly payments.<br />

This Gentleman has been so locg a resident and is so well known that anything<br />

nTe could say could not add to his already goocl stancling. Mr. 12ronson stands first in<br />

his particular line of business in this city, a~xl as he emplojvs none but the most experiencecl<br />

htlncls, ratisfaction can be safely g~~grmnteecl. Orders will, we are sure, be<br />

fdithfully and speeclily executed and reasonable terms will be aslred. Mr. Bronsou<br />

is a wholesale and retail ciealer in all kinds of wood and metalec burial cases casquets<br />

and undertalcers' tlvimrnings, etc. Hearses and carriages are furnished at all times.<br />

Anybody wishing for the services of ail undertaker, cannot go to a more thoroughly<br />

reliable man than Mr. Bronson.<br />


We call especial attention of the business public to the above named gentleman<br />

who has been in the nlerchanclise brokerage business for some time, ancl hits earned<br />

for hiillself a good reputation. 13e comnlenced with little hope of success and much<br />

n?~position. Stories of all lrincls being maliciously circulated about hin~, to tlie effect<br />

that he was c~nnect~cd with ant! acted partial to some firms, all of which reports he<br />

has been able by his straightfor~varcl concluct to clisprove. Gradually and steadily he<br />

has increasecl the number of his custonlers, till now he is doing business for all the first<br />

class grocery stores in the city, and instead of preclictecl failure he has bought for this<br />

market horn $100,000 to $150,000 per month, zli~cl his business is still rapidly increasing.<br />

He is doing a large business for the well finow finn of Stevenson &Applegate<br />

whose extensive acquaintance, large business and well-known iategrity speaks volumes<br />

in itself. Mr. B~.ewst~er is fully awa,re that aoitlzout cntire con,fidence in his integrity<br />

and ability to nct, his 'nusiness cannot be permanently successful, and he<br />

solicits a trial and gunmantees satisfi~ction. His references will be found on his advertisement<br />

page. Office 1 I1 Jefferson. avenue.<br />


This house has been established'several years, clurlng which time they have earned<br />

a good reputation, both in the straightforward luannrr in which they do their buniness<br />

annil the cluality of articles they n~anufi~~ctu re. TVe would call especial attention (to<br />

persons of a smoking turn) to their soperior brands of " Sotter's own," "Espanola,"<br />

and '' Croquet," Cigars, wl~ich are clairneci to be first class, while the prices are low.<br />

We have tried these cigars and can add our t,estinlony to that of many others, that<br />

they are a superior brand. To retailers they offer great inducements. Remember<br />

their store is corner Jefferson anct Woodward aves.<br />


We nyoulcl call the especial attention of the public to the fact that our well-known<br />

citizen, T. -CYilson, has opened n Rowling Alley at 4"JToodward ave. where lovers of<br />

this athletic game can spend a pleasant hour. We believe this is the only Alley in<br />

this part of the city. We hope the proprietor may meet with that success he de-<br />

serves. He also opened a Restaurant nt the same place, where meals may he had at

all hours, and at all prices. Mr. Mr. informs US that 11e intencls keeping his est'abljsli-<br />

ment in first-class order, and that tlie comfort of his guests will be secured. Do not<br />

ibrget the place, 42 Wooclwarct avc.<br />


This gentleiuen has lntely removeci to 77 Lnrned street, where, by strict attention<br />

to business, he conficlently bopes for a continuance of the liberal patronage of' the<br />

public. Facts speak for thelllselves, ancl when me mention that Mr. Madden is the<br />

only shoemaker in <strong>Detroit</strong>, or perhaps in Michig~n, who has ever taken A DIPLOMA,<br />

we believe we have given good reason for our unqualified recoinmel~cltttion of this<br />

gentleman and his business. A cliplomil was amarclecl to llim with S'i:c PGst P?.izes<br />

at the State Fair in <strong>Detroit</strong> in 1862, for superior ~vorlcmnnshjp on boots and slioes ;<br />

and J. B. 31. now, as he has for years, malies for the leacling men ill this and other<br />

cities. Mr. Madden unclerstztnds the anatomy of human feet, and herein lies the secret<br />

of liis great success in making such splenclicl fits. We are ourselves persoilally<br />

sccluainted with the make of his boots, aucl in our own judgment his work is not to<br />

be surpassed, while his terms are very rnoden~te. Satisfaction is guaranteed, and success<br />

insureci with the first order, which will be promptly executed. See advertisement,<br />


We are pleased to notice Nessrs. PEose & Baitishill, as inen who understand tho-<br />

roughly all kinds of painting, house, sign and ornamental. Also, marbling, grain-<br />

ing, paper hanging, etc. They invite persons to call at their place ancl see specimens<br />

of their work at No. 443 Croghan street.<br />

We have little need to say iaucll respecting the acknowleclgcd merit of Messrs.<br />

Holmes I(t Webster's establishment ; they have zt world-wide reput ation of thirty<br />

yeals' standing, and in theiy every-clzy business arc not to be surpassecl,<br />

"expediency and good work " being their nott to;--a motto which we are assured<br />

they fully act up to. Tlley have a li~r~c and constantly increasing tmde, ancl always<br />

give satishction to their nnmerous fkiends and customers ; and wc are confident all<br />

orders will meet with prompt attention, and be executed at the lowest possible prices.<br />

Their wood and coal E'urnaces are well known through the State ancl clty. They are<br />

located on the corner of JefYerson ave. and Shelby. See their cxrd.<br />


"The Veranda" is kept by a gentleman vl~o only requires to be lcnnwn to be fully<br />

appreciated, and his ciloica b~.ancls of' wines, liquors and ciprj: to be tasted to be<br />

largely patronized. The proprietor himself is courteous ancl i~ffable to all, and liis<br />

patror~s will be sure to meet with civility ancl a real good article at the lowest rates<br />

Ilf r. Rice has but lately started nis Restaurant ancl Saloon. but he is rapidly becoming<br />

well known as the veuclcr of the purest ancl clieapest articles of wines, &c., and,<br />

judging from our own personal observation ot' the nt11ul)c:r of customersalways to be<br />

found in the (& Veranda" we predict for its worthy l)roprietor, a successful career.<br />

Heals on shortest notice. Game i11 season.<br />


We would particularly recommend IIr. Donxlcl Betliune, Jr., collecting agent in<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>,, as a gentlemail worthy of public confidence, and t l~or~)~gl~Iy reliable in<br />

every respect. He hsls had large experience, bot,li in the Siates and Cansdu ; this, together<br />

with his responsible references, is sufiicie~lt to rccommencl him to public patronage.<br />

His Office is 9, Rot.unda Building. See his ad~ert~iselllent ancl references.<br />

Recent1 there has been displayed in lllc ~~~inclo~vs of the jewclry store of M. S.<br />

Smith & d o., on the corner of MToodward ancl Jeffe~~~n avenues, a large number of<br />

~vorlts of art which have attracted very great attention. BIr. Sii~ith has<br />

lately returned from a trip through Europe, and during his visit, he lias t,Rken<br />

occasion to make himself acquainted professionally, with artistic works in Paris,<br />

Geneva, Florence, Rome, and otlier cities which are the places to which artists and<br />

dealers report. The one to produce and the other to purchase. He has also select %

:uld brought witli liiin, or ordered a large number of objects of art of a character<br />

snch as we selclom see offered in any of our western cities, all of which 11e int.eads to<br />

sell at prices which clefy competition. This IS tlie leacling jewelry establishil~ent in<br />

tllc city, a d the place where purcllasers may clepencl upon getting the ~vortll of<br />

their money, ancl at the same time courteously waited upon by tbc gentlen~anly pro-<br />

1)rietol.s or tlieir salesnlea.<br />


This is one of t11c most splenclidly fitted up stores we llt~ve seen, and we believe<br />

the only one ~n:il:ing a specialty in silk :lnd dress goocls, cloaks and shawls, in i he city.<br />

Mr. F~isbie lias built, up for himself a large trade by representing his articles just<br />

di3t they are, etc., so that a person once p~lrcllasing of him invariably returns a second<br />

tiinc. TTe hope he nlay have larger patronage extended to him, tvhicll we believe<br />

to justly deserve. His store is 53 and 55 Wooclward ave.<br />


Tllese nlachines have been before the public up~7arcls of five yenrs, during which<br />

tiille large n~ulabers ot' them have been manuFdctured ancl sold, and tlie utmost satisfitction<br />

given to purchasers. These machines have been nwa~ clecl tlie first prelniu~n<br />

1)y the "Michigan State Agricultural Society," for tlie last ibur yenrs, for Doinestic<br />

Se~ving ancl 3Ianufacturing purposes. Messrs. Eldredge & Co. lrave just patentecl t~<br />

self-adjusting lake-up for these machines, which docs away with the brcnlring of<br />

tlireacl ancl dl-opping of stitches, wliich so many of our seamstresses l~nve so bitterly<br />

conipla,iued of; ancl enables tliein to sew all articles, fr-oin the lieaviest to the liglltesl,<br />

~v1t110ut cllallgc of tension. Wllen clesiring to secure one of these u~acliines, do not<br />

forget where they may be obtained,-188 Jefferson avc., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Michigan. 3less1.s.<br />

3. c!! Co. llave the sole agency for the States of Nichigarr, Incliana, Illinor., \Visconsin<br />

t1ncl I0w:x.<br />


Tlie Michigan Journal, a German daily ancl meekly paper, c-stablisliecl in 1855, is<br />

tlie best inecliurn tor nclvertisers to reach the German population of'tlie city of Detisoit<br />

and Statc of Xichigin. We believe its circu1;ition is b~r fi~r the largest of any<br />

C:c~*nlalz 1x~per ~ubllsllccl in tliis State, ni~cl it will pay advertisers to sencl i11 tlleii*<br />

c.;l1.tls to tlle job roorrls of the ATichigan Journal 11 anel 13 E. TYooci1)ridge street<br />

-tvllcre every kilicl of Book aud Job printing will be esecutccl witlr neatness and<br />

cl ispa tch.<br />


'd'his gcntlcnlan is in good standing in this city, ]laving a reputtlt.ion in this State of<br />

a nui~ibcr of yews to fill1 back on. Re is 2311 attorney and solicitor in chancery, ant1<br />

we are asst~retl Ile may safely be reccomnrenclecl to all in anlit of lcgal advice. His<br />

oilice is 34) Iltln.necl street.<br />

This gentlemail deals lieavily wl~ol~sale and retail in millinery, fancy and ladies,<br />

furnislling goocls, also hosiery, gloves, etc. I-Ie has been establislicci upwarcls 01' five<br />

yc:~'s a11d has built up a Ltrge trade which is (judging f'rom the number of custom el.^<br />

almost idwags to he found ill his store,) mpidly incrensing. He is always up to the<br />

lui.cst f:~slrioiis, ancl offkrs his goods lower than nlnlly we liave seen before, while he<br />

is conrtcous and c)bljging to all. Remember his Emporium of Fnsllioil is 181 Jcfl'crson<br />

avenue.<br />



'?he cstensive Lamp ancl Glass Depot. of IIoyt. 1-Iinm:ln & Co., at 156 Jcff'erson<br />

nvenne, lvn3 cstablisliccl in IS00 by Arthnr Burtis wl~o was succeedecl by Franli J.<br />

J'liclps c!! Co. in 1SCi4, 2nd in Bcpt'enlber lS(iS, p~rcliasccl 1)jr the first i~a~ne~l fir111,<br />

a.1~ ;ire now c:trrging on one of the lalgcst busiriesses of this liir~d in <strong>Detroit</strong>, and<br />

lwcp 01.1 Iiand a large stocli. of lamps, glassware, cllimneys, and t.he inost extcllsive<br />

:~ssorhllcnt of gjls .fixtures to be found in the city, they say to the people of Miclligan,<br />

"Let t1ie1.c be 11$!t" and they will furnish tlie most approved fixtures for producing<br />



The name of this Compnny represented by Vorcesier, Laible & Standish speaks<br />

volulnes for itself, while the utility ancl genuiiless of the articles they u~ili~~~facturt:<br />

llave a far spread reputation thruug,.h the eastern ailcl westean States; 'I'hey arc:<br />

" sole " agents for the superior celebrated " Bartlett Leacl," which clefies col~petitioil<br />

wilh other leads, and its peculiar advantages are plainly set forth in the extensive<br />

sale which it bas. We arc tl~orougfily convincec! of tlle positive escellenae of the<br />

article inentiohecl, and we solicit for it n fair trial, The Coupsay are proprietors ot<br />

their Mines and no olller lead ore of this description has been fijund else~vllere, Z L ~ C ~<br />

to parties using it witll pure boilccl or ~tlw l~nseed oil, rtiicl pure spirits of tui~pc.ilti~~e<br />

tliey gc2irantc.e it in rcsyect to peeling tigainst any White Lead. These gentlellleil<br />

will Le pleasecl to send p~ices aucl samples on request. See trout colored pxge.<br />


This gentleman has been jn tlic procluce commission bnsimess upwt~rcls of five<br />

yews. He having resiclecl in the city many years previously, (luring ~vlllcll tilne he<br />

lias earned ancl maintained nu il-reyroacl~able character as a busincss Illail. He iu a<br />

person in whom the f'ullist confi~ience nlay be placetl. Ije occupies tl, nice conlnii..;sion<br />

house in the Hiussell I-Iouse block on the ina~ket square ivl~icll is vela$ apy1.oy<br />

riately situated for his business. It being just the place .vvlwre tile wealtlliest peol~le<br />

of the city go to ptzrc11:ise most of what they want in his line, consequently it is tile<br />

place where the highest price is obt ainecl for grain, game, poultry, trtlit, beans, butter,<br />

eggs, dressed hogs alld all Binds of country produce. Rlr. IV. solicits consigi~iuenls<br />

for which pronlpt rsrnittni~ces n7ill be matte. Farmers and other-s will see at once<br />

that this is just the 1)li~ce to send tlieir procluce, etc. as the higlitest illarket price<br />

?\:ill be secured, ancl they lnay rest slssurecl that the right tiling will be cioile by<br />

them. Location 5 Russell House block.<br />



The Vilson Shuttle Sewing Machine is fast earning for itself a first c'ass reputation,<br />

and on account of its ext?.aordi~~a7.y low p~ice as well as the sim yle and easy<br />

mode in which it is operated. They are sold at a price within the reach of every<br />

fiimily, and Mr. Herrington assures us they are as goad as t'heyare cheap. The<br />

Wilso~i makes the celebrabed lock stitch alike on both sides and which will not<br />

rip or ravel. The machine is spoken very highly of by the press and thc public<br />

who lluve tried it, and it is solcl fix a. price that brings a good sewing machine<br />

within the reach of thousands of families. We strongly advise the man of sluall<br />

means to buy this cheap but genuine machine, and Mr. Herriugton is now prepared<br />

to fill all orders. His store is 35 Monroe avenue.<br />


Mr. Gassmdnn enjoys a goocl reputation in his line of business, it being known tllclt<br />

work done at his establishment is faultless, while the quality of the cloths he kecps<br />

ie of the first Tuter. Mr. Gassman invites all to call and inspect his goods, and 110<br />

assures us that he enlploys none but first class hands, while his figures are reasonable.<br />

He purchases cloth at first hand, thus saving the profit paid by other houses<br />

to n~idclle men. A fine assortlncnt of Gents Furnishing Goods is always in store and<br />

supplied at close figures, the public must remember this fact when desiring anything<br />

in tile above line. The store is on Jefferson avenue.<br />


v c have great pleasure in calling the attention of the public to these gentlemen's<br />

advertisement, which will be fbuncl in this <strong>Directory</strong>. Theirs is an every day required<br />

line of business, and from what we have head of their esperfness in their work, we<br />

have no liesitation in recomlnending thein to the eommunlty. hfcssrs. Clay & Allen<br />

have lately commenced business at 10 Larned street, west, ancl their good reputation<br />

is fast mslring fir themselves a good business. Both gentlemen have had a large<br />

experience. Mr. Clay has worked frir fifteen years in this particular brunch of the<br />

tmde, while hi+ partner mas for five years with the Meriden Britannia Company,<br />

-a fdct which speaks well for his proficiency. Gold and silver plating done in the<br />

best style, and all work wi~rranted ; and they set forth in their card that old plated<br />

ware will be re-plated equal to new, at less lhsn half the original cost. They con&<br />

deutly ask for a trial, and all orders mill be faithfully and promptly executed.<br />


These gentlemen commenced in their new store a short time ago, since wllicll timu<br />

they have acldcd largely to their stock, ancl now they have a nicely fitted up store and<br />

well selected st80ck of goods. They are well experienced in tlleir business, having<br />

been for many years in one of the largest wholesale houses in the city. They are<br />

wide-awake, enterprising gentlemen, obliging and courteous to all their customers,<br />

and this, conlbiued with their other qualitications, lins gained for them a goocl niliue,<br />

and secured them large patronage. Their American '& Ease Burner Coal Stove " is<br />

considered the leading stove in tile marlret. They also have the sole agency in the<br />

city for "O'Meill's Patent Copper Bottoms," for stove furniture, and patent Alonitor<br />

self-~vasher and bleacher, which call be placed in any coinmon wash boiler. No<br />

hotzse should be without the above; one trial will convince the most fexacting of<br />

their vdue. Remember, when wanting anything in the stove, tin, or hardware line,<br />

that their store is 98 Woodward ave., where they will be most happy to wait upon all<br />

who may hvor them with a call. See their advertisement ou. frolit cover of this<br />

<strong>Directory</strong>..<br />


Thin gentlenlali commenced business as commission merchant a few months ago, at<br />

41 JIiclligan avenue, where he has nice store rooms, well adapted for the business.<br />

IIe solicits consignments of wool, hops, butter, cheese, eggs, hams, potatoes, onions,<br />

apples, beaus, poultry, etc., for wliicll prompt remittances will be made. Fronl the<br />

reputation he has lleld for year4 in this city, we have no hesitation in saying to the<br />

public that this is the place at which to do business. Remember the location,41<br />

Michigan avenue.<br />


The above named gentleman has for many years been identified with the book and

jo% printing business, in the city of <strong>Detroit</strong>. We have had the pleasure of examining<br />

specimens of his work, and find it equal to any we have seen before, while his prices<br />

are very low, considering the quality of work turned out by him. All orders en-<br />

trusted to his care invariably meet with prompt attention. He is courteous anti<br />

obliging, and we believe hi111 to be a gentleman who may he thoroughly relied upon.<br />

Remember, his Steam Printing Office is 41. Bates street. See card front cover.<br />


The above named firm has been established over twelve years, during which time<br />

they have earned a good reputation for the honorable manner in which tlley have<br />

clone their business. Theirs has long been considered the leading music house in the<br />

city, oflering, as they do, great inducements to purchasers, being enabled to do so in<br />

eollsequence of tlie extent of their business. Althoush their store is large, they are<br />

considerably enlarging their ware rooms, nnd tastily fitting up a reception room (especially<br />

adapted for ladies), where private lessons on pianos, etc., may be talcen. Tlley<br />

deal (wholesale and retail) in all kincls of musical instruments, all of which they offer<br />

nt prices as low as can be afforded. Amongst their most prominent organs Rre tho<br />

world-renowned u&lsson & Hamlin" and "Burdett Celeste1'; and pianos, the "Jveber,"<br />

which are conceded by the most talented musicians, conservatories of music, and the<br />

press of tlie Unit,ed Sta'tes, to be the very best n~anufacf~ured. The great uumber of<br />

these instruments sold is an ev~dence of their merit. Therefore, we say to the public,<br />

when wanting anything in the music line, do not fail to call upon Messrs. Wliittemore<br />

& Co., where conrt~sy and affability is always extended to customers. Store and<br />

Warerooms 179 Jefferson avenue.<br />


This gentleman has been established upwarcls of twenty-three years. Having been<br />

for many years during that time justice of the peace, and gained for himself a good<br />

name, for the honorable manner in which he has conducted his business. He buys<br />

nnd sells real estate, secures all kinds of Insurance, and sells passage tickets to and<br />

from the old country ; does a heavy business in conveyanaing, dravs up deeds, mortgages,<br />

leases, wills, contracts, negotiates monev loflns, L%C. Does a large general age.encv<br />

bosiness, especially among the Germans. We would 6a.y for their special guidance<br />

that this is the place at wl~ich to do business, as he is a responsible gentleman, and<br />

the greatest confidence may be placed in him. Remember that he ma,y be found at<br />

his office, south-east corner Woodward aye. and Congress st.<br />


The above named gentleman has been very successful as a physician for many<br />

years, he having affected Inany remarltable cures, even when the cases appearecl<br />

hopeless. We ch, from the reputation we hear he has gained, reccornend him to the<br />

public as a reliable physician. He may be found at 284 Clinton street. See his advertisement.<br />


The above mills have been established a number 'of years, and the proprietor<br />

is known asa,n honest and fairdealing gentleman and all representations made may be<br />

relied on. He has a large and increasing trade, and this argues well for his reliability.<br />

He msnufi~ctures all kinds of wheat, rye, gra.ham and buckwheat flour,<br />

grinds for farmers and pay cash for all kinds of grain. Give this e~t~ablishment your<br />

patronage and satisfaction is certain. 489 Griswold street.<br />


We call special attention to the s~lvert~isement of the above 'named gentleman who<br />

has established, we believe, the only Rubber lrrlouldin and Weather Strip Manufac-<br />

tory in the city and the State, and he is prepared to fi 1 any and all orders in this city<br />

nncl western States, for which places agents are wanted to whom liberal induce-<br />

ments are offered, carpenters preferred. Me is also a carpenter and builder and all<br />

orders intrusted to his care will meet with immediate attention. We believe him to<br />

be n gentleman who is thoroughly reliable in every respect, and one in whom the<br />

greatest confidence may be plaeed. His Moulding establishment is 157 Jefferson are.,<br />

and carpenter shop 193 Gratiot street.<br />



3Ir. Fcrrand, nf'ter being four yews in the nursery stoclr importing business, in<br />

o~~cler to meet the continual increase of his operations. asssociatecl wit11 llilll Mr.<br />

Osborne, a gentlr~nnn of large experience in the nursery business in the east. They<br />

have bo~ueht a splendid plat of land, in tlie very best part of the city, on ~vllich they<br />

:Ire establishing thcir green-houses, they have already built a splendid one 80 by 20<br />

fiaet-, l~entecl wit,h a new patent boiler. They do an immense business with nurseries<br />

all over the west, furnishing them with evergreens ancl all sorts of ornamental young<br />

treps imported from Europe, they alsoimport tree sceds, making pear seed a speciality.<br />

They arc now bnililiag green-hnuses in wllich they. intend to store ancl propoarate all<br />

t he new greenllousc and valuable plants as soon as they apllear in Europe* This is n<br />

~eliable firm and me bespeak for them an increase to their alreacly large business.<br />

Rcn~cnlber their office and green-honses corner Fort and Twenty-fourth strccts,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Michigan.<br />


This g~ntlemnn has ol~~ned an office for the transaction of business in real estafr,<br />

negotiation cLf loans, collecting of accounts etc., at room 15, Rotunda building, Griswolcl<br />

street, 11c is well and fd.vorsbly known and lias references of many of the lentlilia<br />

men both in the city and State. IIe is also agt.nt for the Bxrtrain '6 Fauton Sew-<br />

BRlaelli~lc, wllicI1 is said to be a first class machine, making btltton lioles upon thin<br />

!;ll,rics ancl finishing then1 off'coniplete. It nlao has an attacl~rneilt for malrii~g c~lelet<br />

holt~s. Xt will also embroider, tuck, quilt, cord, bincl, gather, felI, rume, braicl, hem,<br />

cltc., etc., each nlacliiile is provided with n hemmer, braider, ptuge, scre\ir-driver,<br />

wrcncl,, oil call, tllr~e-fourtlis (lozcn IICC~~(~S, c~c., and perfect instructions iinparteil<br />

to all pt~rcllnsers of macllincs ,free of ehn?y~e. Mr. Aslllry m:Ly be f'onnci at 63 1i:tnclolpli<br />

sircct or 15 Rottulda building, Gris~~olcl strect. See his n(1vertisemcnt colorcd<br />

page front of <strong>Directory</strong>.<br />


Tllcse gel~tle~~isn have been established since 18G4, aad they and there fiimous<br />

grcen-llouses aiicl rerbenns are so widely known that we neecl not say much in com-<br />

~licndt~tion of tileill, but we copy the following from the flreste~n Ru~nl:<br />

From L. L. FA~~CIIILD, Roll~ug Prairie TVis.<br />

(( 1,:tst spring I sent to 3Iessrs. Hubbarcl Ss Davis, who advertised in the Te8tern<br />

,T~',L?YIZ 30,000 verbenas for s~tle, for a small selccl; nssortlnent. They were rcceivccl in<br />

:rood or*dvr, and grew finely, thougli our seasoil has been a dry one. They occupiecl<br />

,><br />

n s~nnll octngon bed in our front yard. The cliircrent colors and varieties mere luixed<br />

:ill tl~rougll tile bed, mcl it was n mass of rich bloom. It mas much admired, nnrl<br />

passers-by ~xroulcl stop to drinlr in its beauties. A hoquet from the bect was exllibit~tl<br />

at the Beaver Dan1 Fair, and receivecl a premiuin nncl a compli~~le~itary notice."<br />

At'lcr 3Iny 1st. ISGO, they will open a green-house ancl office corner Cass n~cl<br />

L:~rlzecl streets, (only 3 blocks from Post Office,) for the convcniencc of their nuinerous<br />

patrons. Nurseries 24th ncnr corner Fort street <strong>Detroit</strong> 31ichigan.<br />


No better place can be found in this State at which to do business, than the wellknown<br />

"Great Wester11 Ci@r 39auufactory '' of 31atthews & Wilson, 154 and 186<br />

Jefierson am., where mny always be found a large stock of the cekhratecl J. L. 31."<br />

" Continental," ancl other rich flavored brands, at prices which defy cornpetition.<br />

'I'heir already large business is so rapidly increasing, that Mr. 3Iattliews lias found it<br />

necesqwy to associate with him G. fi. Wilson, Esq. ; and they are considerably increasing<br />

their busincss ficilities, employing upwards of forty ~vorkmcn. We call<br />

confdr~ntly recommend this firm as a thoroughly rcliilble one, all orders being satis-<br />

B~ctoriIy and promptly attcnted to. He~nelnber their Manufactory is located 154 anci<br />

18 6 Jeffcrfon avenue.<br />


Thc above x~anicd gentleman has had a large experience in the treatnlent of the<br />

diseases of the Eye and Ear, ancl has been eiliinently successful ancl earned a wide<br />

spreacl reputation. All surgical operations perfor~nccl in tlie most successful manner.<br />

Therefore we sap when requiring any assistance, rcnlember that he may be foutlcl<br />

at room 9 BIerrill Block.

- ---.-><br />


-<br />


This house has been established upwards of twelve years in the busineps of ill)porting<br />

and growing of seeds, they occupy as wirehouse, 16 rooms 20 by 100 feet, at<br />

189 and 191 Woodward avenue, and have a large seed farm on Grand River road<br />

at westerrn limits, so that they are able to supply wholesale seedsmen in the<br />

country* They are the largest mercliants in their line in the city and ral~k among t<br />

the largest in the United States. This is a very responsible firm, all the parti1el.s<br />

are sffable, courteous gentlemen. B~lyers in the West especially will do well t,o send<br />

their orders to this house which mill be promptly executed. Warehouse 189 and 191<br />

Woodward avenue.<br />


The above firm was established over 18 years ago, and during the lnst 10 years havc<br />

acted as State agents for the celebrated United States Btandard Scales, manuFactured<br />

by the Buffdo scale ~vorks company; which was awarded first premium at the last<br />

Michigan State Fair over Fairbanlrs. Tlre may here state the reasons why these<br />

acales merit public conficlence :<br />

F$~~tl~--Because they are manufactured upon scientific, long tested and most approved<br />

principles.<br />

~~ndl~-Bec?nse they are made by the inost ~killftll worlmen, from the best<br />

materials and with the latest improved machinery, and are hence necessarily uniform<br />

in conriltruction, and alike accurate ancl durable.<br />

Thirdly-Because from the central location and superior facilities of the manuftictnrers,<br />

they are furnished at lower prices than any other good, reliable scales.<br />

FourtUy-Because they have been thoroughly tested, and are in use by sollie of the<br />

leading railroaclg, the largest grain houses ancl most prominent merchants in t21c<br />

country, and have been pronounced accurate, reliable and durable.<br />

iri'iftidy-Because every scale is warrrnted to give entire satiskction, ai~cl the<br />

manufacturers, who are amply responsible, will always be ready and prompt to malie<br />

the warranty good.<br />

Mossrs. Ro~rley & Son lmve also the sole right to manufacture and sell Aclter's<br />

Patent Burglar alarm, which was strongly reccolnmended by the President ai~d<br />

officers of the Michipn St.ate Agricultural Society last year as tlie most simple and<br />

reliable Burglar Alarm ever presented to the public. It is so arranged that by taking<br />

off a "catch" at the alarm it becomes disconnected at all wincloms and doors in tlie<br />

house, and by putting on the same all are atstached and so the premises becoine<br />

secure for the night, the alarm may be erected in the hall. or bedroom or any other<br />

pIace at the pleasure of the purchaser. No house should be without this. Remember<br />

that they may be obtained at 40 Woodward avenue. See front colored page of<br />

<strong>Directory</strong>.<br />


The above named gentleman bas been in business upwards of five years as an inlporter<br />

and wholesale m;enufacturer of flavoring extracts, hair oil, pomades, colognes,<br />

fine handkerchief extracts, inks, bluing, pepper sauce, pickles, catsup, &c., kc,, ancl<br />

bas built up for l~imself a large and increasing trade over the western States. He<br />

is a gentle~uan who ought to be patronized, as 11% articles are of the very best quality<br />

and prices close, arjd one who believes in small profits and quiclr sales. We recconimend<br />

those wanting anything in his line io give him a trial, as we believe by so<br />

cloing satisfaction will be assured. His msnufictory may be found at 227 &Iichigiln<br />

avenue. ,#<br />


This well known house has been established since 1850, and during that time has<br />

preserved a reputation for reliability and good work. BIessrs. Traub have always<br />

on hand a first class and large assortment of watches, clocks, fancy goods, sea shells,<br />

eta, and they deal extensively in Fine Silver and Plated Ware. A speciality is nladc<br />

of Silver Door Plates, Carriage Irons, &c., and they have the name of cloing this kind<br />

of work in a finished style not tc be surpassed. Especlition and good ~vorlimanship<br />

is the motto they work on, and all work wiil be warranted. Tlie Ilessrs. Trnub<br />

respectfully solicit a trial and inspection of their goods, a stoclr they n~aiutain second<br />

to none in the city. Do not Fall to give them a call and we can promise that you<br />

will meet with cousteours and fair clealing.<br />


C<br />

: ,.<br />



This firm was established in 1856 by 6. D. Standish, Esq., and carried on very<br />

succesfifully and extensively until two years ago, when he associated with him Caleb<br />

Ives, Esq., (President First; National Bank, Monroe,) since which time they have<br />

greatly increased their business, packing troln 5,000 to 10,000 hogs annually, thus it<br />

will be seen that this is the place at which to trade, as the larger the bus'lness the<br />

greater the advantages offered. They also deal largely in wool, handling from<br />

500,000 to 1,000,000 lbs. annually and do a general commission business making n<br />

speciality in hogs and wool. They have a very prominent location, being on the<br />

market square. Tile public will find this n reliable and well established firm and<br />

one in which the iullest confidence may be placed. Their house is 88 Michigan<br />

Grand Avenue.<br />


The above named gentleman is general agent for the well known Singer Sewing<br />

;Il?',zchine, the following extract will be sufficient to convince the most increclulous indiviclnal<br />

of the qualifications of the machine :<br />

"This Machine uses a finer needle than any other, and has perfect derices for hemming,<br />

felling, ruffling, binding, cording, braiding, etc., and iS capable of the widest<br />

range of work. It is also simple, with few parts, easily adjusted, compact, positive<br />

and quiet in action, with an even tension, and is a pleasant object to look upon in<br />

tlle house, and can be commended and recco~llmended to all who wish to supply themselves<br />

with this modern home necessity."-T. P: !Z'l.ibune.<br />

Samples of every st,yle of machine ancl ot the wonderfully fine work executed on<br />

tohe Singer machine can be examined at 60 Woodward avenue, a' cordial invitation<br />

iq extended to all by H. R. Joslyn, Esq., the general agent to call and examine for<br />

themselves.<br />


iin engraving to be of any use most be accurate and pleasing to the eye, by bejn<br />

engraved in an artistic manner; and we are assured that every description of wor 8-<br />

done at this establishment is done in a style heretofore unsurpassed in this country.<br />

Envelopes and note paper embossed with Monograms in every variety of color. Wedcling,<br />

visiting anci professional cards, engraved and printed in tile most artistic style.<br />

31r. Foster is prepared ts execute every description of work at reasonable prlces,<br />

:~nd customers may rely on all orders being promptly and faithfully filled. We have<br />

examined this gentlemen's work ancl were particularly struck with the neat and excellent<br />

manner in which it was finished. Mr. F. invites inspection. His office is now<br />

on the north-west corner Campus filartins. See advertisement on front colored page<br />

W. & CO., PAINTERS.<br />

Tlds is considered the leading house of the kind in the city. They have a magnificent<br />

store at 92 Woodward avenue, 22 by 100 feet, four st,or~es high and cellar. The<br />

first floor is devotecl to the window shade, wall paper and mirror business ; the second<br />

t.o picture frames, carved goods, paintings, cliromos aud engravings, all of which are<br />

lcept in large supply and neatly arranged, making a beautiful fine art gallery? which<br />

is open daily to the public, FREE OF CHARGE. The third floor is their picture frame<br />

manufactory and gilding department ; Fourth, ornamental painting and sign writing ;<br />

Cellar, pints and gla,ss depot. We can recommend this as a thoroughly responsible<br />

firm. Country buyers will find it t~ their advantage to examme their stock before<br />

purchasing elsewhere, as it is large and goocls of the best quality, while their<br />

prices are not greater than are often charged for inferior articles. Remember, when<br />

wanting any kind of painting, wall paper, gilding, or anything in their line, that<br />

their Store is 92 Woodward ave.<br />


This gentleman is the general agent of the 3Xutual Life Insurance Company of N.<br />

T., for the States of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, and<br />

the manner in which he discharges his onerous duties is, we believe, a credit to the<br />

c3mpany he represents. The 3Iutual Life Insurance Company, (which claims to bc<br />

the most respousible coinpany in the world, halving assets of over $30,000,000), as its<br />

name indicates, is for the benefit of policy-holders. T4e entire surplus resulting

from the business is divided among the policy-holders exclusively. There are no<br />

stockholders to absorb any portion. Fifty-two thousand, three hundred and eightyfour<br />

(52,384,) policy-holders have united to assure each other, and they have accumulated<br />

the sum of $25,819,319.55 as an earnest of their a.bility and determination to fulfill<br />

the agreements into which they have entered. Remember the office is No. l Butler's<br />

Block, ol~posite Post OEce.<br />


The publishers have the honor to unnounce that, with number fifteen of The Qres<br />

cent, (old series), they have greatly enlarged and improved their paper, and do not<br />

hesitate to pronoullce it fully up to the standard of non-political and non-sectarian<br />

ju~zrnals. 'I'hey have added a large number of contributors and correspondents, and<br />

greatly augmented the editorial staE The Crnscent contains articles esch meek of<br />

general interest to all, on science, agciculture, choice literary, sporting, the clramn,<br />

eLc. It is, unquestionably, the cheapest and best jonrnal of its class now published,<br />

and the only Sunday paper issued in the United States, that does not contain sectarian<br />

articles. It is, emphatically, everybody's paper. Get specimen copy. Just<br />

the paper for those who wish to bring their business before the first families of the<br />

MTcst. Rates furnished on application. Terms only $1.50 a. pear. All the matter<br />

prepsred expressly tor it-forty columns a week-fresh and vigorous. JCOLAR cE:<br />

SLAFVSON, publishers, 46 Monroe ave., <strong>Detroit</strong>. See advertisement.<br />


This institution, which was for so many years the only hospital in the State, is noljr<br />

as it always has been, under the eare of the Sisters of Charity. These self-sacrificing<br />

gentle and kind women devote themselves to the care of the sick in a manner whici~<br />

is unexcelled, and which unavoidably calls forth the admiration of ersry medical Inau<br />

who rightly appreciates the value of good nursing and proper attention to the vari-<br />

ous wants of patients. The hospital is now in a prosperous condition, anci its wards<br />

vell filled with patients from city and country, with the various forms of diseases<br />

found in a establishments of a like character.<br />

Medical students who may attend the courses of instruction in the <strong>Detroit</strong> 3Iedical<br />

College can avail themselves of the clinical advantages of St. Mary's, as the recently<br />

appointed hospitaI staft' is so arranged that at least one physician and one surgeon<br />

will be in daily attendance. An important feature in the organization of the staR is<br />

the appointment of Prof. J- F. Noyes as oculist to the hospital, who will give clinical<br />

lectures on aiated days during college session.<br />


The above reliable and renowned baths were opened by Dr. Stone seine years figo<br />

in the city of <strong>Detroit</strong>, since which time huudreds have been relieved and cured of<br />

various diseases, especially diseases of the skin, coughs, colds, rheumatisnl, neuralgia,<br />

intermittent fevers and its consequences, ancl local congestions, and iilflamations of all<br />

kinds. The effect of the bath to cleanse and promote heczltliift~l action of the skin anti<br />

the seven million perspiratory sewers or pores which open upon its surface and carry<br />

off tvaste and effete matter from the system. We hear them spoken of highly 1 )~'<br />

many eminent physicians and others who have tried them. Dr. Beverton, says .<br />

" Pain and ache vanish as if by magic in the bath by placing the body in a better<br />

condit.ion to use its own resources against diseases. It is serviceable in any c:zse."<br />

No one should fail to give these baths a trial, they may be found at 80 ancl 85 Wayne<br />

Street, bet. Congress and Fort.<br />

The above xiamed gentleman hag been in busiiless about fourteen years, (luring<br />

which time he has earned a wide spread reput~taon for honesty :lnd fair dealing, a11rl<br />

for the excellent bread and pastry wltich he manufactures, while his prices are as low<br />

or lower than elsewhere. We know that 'sorne people use such language only as<br />

"brow," but we can assure the public that all representations made may be relied on.<br />

We can confidently recommend this gentleman to the public as we have been personallyfacquainted<br />

with him for some time ancl can add our testimony to that of iuany<br />

others that he is in every sense of the word a substantial and honest man, therefore<br />

we say give him your patronage. Remember thestore 168 Michigan are.


The <strong>Detroit</strong> Eveaing Post', '(a german paper) has been considerabIy enlarged and<br />

its circulation greatly increased. It is extensively circulated among the Germans,<br />

consequently is a good advertising i~ledium. ,411 kincls of book and job printing,<br />

(english and german) is done at this establishment, with neatness and dispatch. We<br />

bespeak large patronage for this paper. Location 10 and 12 Larned street.<br />


Tlie above named gentleman has been in business upwarcls of eight years, during<br />

whieh timelie has covered some of the most prominent houses and stores in the States,<br />

among the nunluer are the Taylor House ancl Eolia Hall, Sagiaaw <strong>City</strong> and many<br />

bloclcs in <strong>Detroit</strong> and other cities too numerous to mention. The advantage of this<br />

Itind of roofing over all other is clearly seen in the fact that it is $re as well as water<br />

proof, wliile the durability of the same is acknowledged by a.11 who have used it, and<br />

by the most prominent arcllitecls in tlie city of <strong>Detroit</strong> and elsewhere, to be superior<br />

to all other, and the charges as low or lower than inferior roofing. Remember when<br />

wanting anytliing of the kind done, that Mr. Spark's may be found at 10 Alerrill Hall<br />

:~nd we lnay adci that we believe him to be a thoro~zghly reliable gentleman, quite<br />

competent for his business.<br />


Ws cannot pass by the well knonrn and sterling firm of G. B. Icellek & Co., which<br />

has bee11 established since 1859, wit,hout saying a few words. They are manufwturors<br />

aud wholesale c1ealp.r~ in Hats, Caps, Furs, Buffalo and Fancy Robes, all of which<br />

they offer at prices which defy competition, as tliey believe in quick sales and small<br />

roti its. Tlie one price system being characteristic of this hobse. Wc have been<br />

personally acquainted wit11 the senior partner for some time and can add our testilnony<br />

to that of lllany others, that he is an honest straightforward gentleman. We<br />

baing held in high estimatioil by all who know him. This is considered one of the<br />

lmst responsible firms in tlle city. Country buyers mill find it to their advantage to<br />

purchase at tlii~ house, as tlieir stock is large t~nd complete, and prices satisfactory.<br />

Kernember their store and manufactory are located 182 JeEerson ave.<br />


'CVe have a few words to say about the well known <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory located<br />

on the corner Porter and Fourth streets, which occupies 100 feet front by 190 deep,<br />

being four stories high and is by far the largest estltblishment of the kind in the west.<br />

This factory was erected in 1864 by a joint stock company, they being the owners at the<br />

time of the well known Oswego Chair factory of New York, but their business<br />

llaving become so extensive they felt the necessity of building the above. J. M.<br />

Wright, Esq., who was treasurer and superintendent of both companies, died soon<br />

after the erection of the fbctory in <strong>Detroit</strong> in 1865. Henry Smith, Esq., is its present<br />

able treasurer and superintendent, Franklin Barber, Esq., Secretary, Luther Wright,<br />

Esq., Presiclent. The <strong>Detroit</strong> Cane seat chairs are known or ought to be by every<br />

body in the Vnited States as they are beautiful in appearance, durable and cheap,<br />

13rices ranging from $14.50 to $116 per dozen. They have a capacity for manufacturing<br />

100,000 chairs annually, employing about 350 hands, and are competent to fill<br />

all orders. Dealers will clo well to bear this establishment in mind, as all their<br />

chairs are put toget her with screws instead of nails ancl every one of them warranted.<br />

Bee their. advertiseulent on colored page front of <strong>Directory</strong>.<br />


This office was established over 24 years ago by R. C. Smith Esq., (who recently<br />

associated with him Mr. Reeve,) and .a perfect record of the very large business that<br />

has pnssecl through it has been kept, conseqnently they have a large amount of<br />

valuable information relative to this State, and the real estate business thereof difflcult<br />

to obtain elsewhere. He has accrxmulated in the same time a very large-number<br />

of plats, maps, descriptions and eslimates, showing distinctly the face of the country,<br />

villages, roads, streams, growth, kinds and qualities of timber, and all improvements.<br />

Their* oflice is such that any person can obtain all information neecled as to lands<br />

witllout tlie expense or trouble of visiting them. We are assured that this is a substantial<br />

office, mlicre persons have the right thing done by them in every case, in<br />

1)roof of ~vl~ich see references on their aclvertisement page. Remember their office<br />

1s 4 Butler's bloclc, opposite Post office.


The above named gentleman has been establishecl upwards of six years and has the<br />

leading corset manufactory in the city. He also deals Iargely in fancy goods and all<br />

kinds of underclothing, all of which he offers at low p~ices. We clip the following<br />

from the November number of Godey's Lady's Book : " We are pleased to call the<br />

attention of our Northwestern friends to the admirable styles of corsets manufactur-<br />

ed by F. Alonzq Burger, at <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich. A recent examination of his goods con-<br />

vinces us that, for perfect adaptation, aud beauty of finish, they are not surpassed<br />

by any made. We bespeak for Mr. Burger great success in his enterprise of supply-<br />

ing the West, and especially his own State, with so desirable a class of goods. Mr.<br />

Burger's improved skirt supporter is also worthy of mention here, as combining corset<br />

and shoulder brace with colnplete support fi)r skirts. A most clesirable article for all<br />

who do not wear the regular corset." Relnelllber his store is 208 Wooclward avc.<br />


This is considered one of the leading Restaurants in tlie city. It has been estab-<br />

lished over twelve years and the affability of the proprietors, Messrs. HeEron &<br />

Bowen, is too well known to need any comment from us, but we may s9.y for the<br />

guidsnce of those in search of a first class restaurant that this is the place to go to,<br />

their charges being within the reach of all. They have two tantily fitted up rooms,<br />

where they can accommodate about eighty persons, and where meals may behad at all<br />

hours. Their reeulsr dinner being served from 12 m. to 2% p. m. In conclusion we<br />

can heartily recommend this est tabliahment and its proprietors t.o the public. When<br />

wanting a good and cheap meal do not forget the piace, corner Woodwilrd and Jeffer-<br />

son avenues.<br />

Oflee 111 Jeferson Avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mieh.<br />


I23 Peaqgl Sweet, New Pork.<br />

Deals only for and with Jobbers.<br />

Refers by Permission to<br />

More, Foot & Co., <strong>Detroit</strong>. L. J. Staple & Co., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Wm. Phelps & Co., " L. W. Tinker & Co., L L<br />

'I'. H. Rinchman & Son, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Evans & Walker, 4i<br />

John V. Nuhling, tL A, R. & W. F. Linn, 6 b<br />

Or any of the <strong>Detroit</strong> Trade.

i<br />

1<br />

l<br />

Engraving,<br />





Show Cards, and all branches of CHBOMO LITHOGRA-<br />

PHY in the %nest style of the art, Particular<br />

attention paid to<br />


Bonds, Bankers' Drafts, Checke, ~eriificates of Stock and Deposit,<br />

Bill, Letter and Note Headings, Car&, Views of Build-<br />

I<br />

ings and Machinery, Druggist, Cigar and Tobacco Labels. I<br />


German Fa mil y Paper,<br />

(Weekly), afe published by<br />


BE. Lasne<br />


0<br />

I have recently enlarged my<br />


, which haa a large circulation both in the <strong>City</strong> and State, and<br />

i<br />

~ offer great inducements to advertisers. My<br />

~<br />


I<br />

1<br />

! I<br />

Is a very useful one, and its pages are replete with interesting<br />

@9<br />

matter. I<br />

' A.<br />



Names received too late for Classiflcstion.<br />

Aurists.<br />

Bigelow H., 9 Merrill Bloclr. (See advt.)<br />

Blacksmiths.<br />

Chop & Sons, 8483 and 84 Randolph.<br />

BIuing, Box and Li~uid.<br />

Wiggins % MoMillan, 124 W. Lamed.<br />

Book-Binders.<br />

Wanless A,, 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

BoskseIless and Stationers.<br />

Smith E. B. & Co,, ll6 and 118 Woodward aye.<br />

Broom Manufactory.<br />

F. C. & CQ., cor. Michigan ave. and First. [See advt].<br />

Confectioner.<br />

Palmer Richard, 168 lklichigan ave. [See sdvt]. ,<br />

Gents Furnishing Goods.<br />

Culver G. W., 3 Congress st., West. [See adrt].<br />

MiIIliners.<br />

Moore Misses, n end Woodmard ave.<br />

Spring Bed Manfrs.<br />

Gaffney & Dunks, 151 Jefierson ave.<br />


77 Lsrned Street, East,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, IrtrichBgart.<br />



125 and 127 Jefferson .Avenue,<br />


C. & Dm<br />

WHITNEY, JR., & CO,,<br />


DEKiPEtOXT, 11M:xa=.<br />

Office, No. 5 Merrill Block, (up stairs).<br />

An Kinds of Lumber wa~ted.







-<br />

Agents Car.<br />

Corran R. Ii., 119i- Woodward av.<br />

Agents Foreign Passage.<br />

Kuhn Joeeph, cor JVoodward av. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Agents, (German.<br />

Xuhn Joseph, core Woodward av. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Agents, (Insurance see. also Insurance Agents.)<br />

Kuhn Joseph, core Woodmard av. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Agents Insurance.<br />

Merrell H. B., No. 1 Butlers Block. (See advt .)<br />

Peavey F. t C. C., No. 4 Merrill Block. (8ee advt.)<br />

6<br />


I<br />

Beans, Eggs, Dressed Hogs, &G,, &c,;<br />

FOP' Which, Prompt Renzittancas will be Xade.<br />

No. 5 Russell House Block.<br />


rC I<br />

P. 8. This is the 6est.poiat in the city for selling green fruit of<br />

all kinds, butter, eggs poultry etc. ; 6eing on the , Market Square.<br />

I<br />


Agents (ReaI Estate.)<br />

Ashley A., 15 Rotunda Building Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Kuhn Joseph, cor. Woodward av. and Congress st. (Seb advt.)<br />

Smith & Reeve, Griswold opp. post office. (See advt.1<br />

Watermaq William J., Griswold opp. post office. (See advt.)<br />

Agents (Sewing Machines.)<br />

Ashley Am, 15 Rotunda, Building Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Eldridge J. V. D. & CO., 185 Jefferson av., (up stairs.) (See advt.)<br />

Herrington D. B., agt. Wilson shuttle sewing machine, 35 Monroe av.<br />

(See advertisement.)<br />

Joslyn H. E., 60 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Randall S. C., agent, Grover 85 Baker sewing machines, No. 4<br />

Opera House block. (See front paster and card front cover.)<br />

AgrieuItural Implements.<br />

Bryan J. P. & Ero., 180 woodward ttv.<br />

Hill & Trollope, 149 W. Larned.<br />

Limeback M;, 100 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Penfield W. S., 103 Woodward av.<br />

Ganborn William, 38 Larned.<br />

Arch Top Mirror Frame9 (Manufrs.)<br />

Hargreaves G. & Bro., cor 17th and Howard. (See advt).<br />

Architects.<br />

Anderson James, 80 Griswold.<br />

Lloyd Gordon W., cor Griswold and Congress.<br />

Sheldon, Smith gt Son, 125 Jefferson av.<br />

Smith E. W., 84 Griswold.<br />

Smith John V., office, 10 Merrill block.<br />

Artificial Limbs.<br />

Foster James A., 172 Jefferson av., and Cincinnati and Rochester.<br />

Artists.<br />

Bigelow H., room 9 Merrill block. (See advt).<br />

Johnston James, cor. Larned and Bates,<br />

Norton C. W., Dock, foot Bates.<br />

Stanley J. M., 159 Jefferson av.<br />

Winchester F. E,, 20 Merrilt block.<br />

Attorneys. (See also Lawyers).<br />

Chipman J. Logan, Butler's block.<br />

Cochrane L z, man, 12 Rotunda buildings, Griswold st.<br />

PrentiEt B. ,n a EO~. Criswold and Congress.<br />

Prentis Gw. H,, n w core Griswold and Congress. (See advt.)

6. 8. FARRAKD. ' A. SHELEP. WM. C, .MrILLIAMS. I<br />

Importers, Wholesale,<br />


s, Paints, Oils,<br />


-6.7 X<br />

No. 80. WOODWARD AVENUE,<br />

T%Tarelio~~ses Nos. 10,11 & 12 Lamed Street,<br />

M I C H m<br />

-Agents for Pai~banks' Scales and Ware?~ouse Trucks.<br />

I<br />


Iledmond N. H., 15 Rotunda building, Griswold st., (See advt).<br />

Weber John, Butler's block. (See advt.)<br />

Auctioneers.<br />

Cargill J. A,, 7 Michigan Grand av.<br />

French T. P., 21 Rotunda building, Grisnold st.<br />

Renne John J., 203 Jefferson av.<br />

Bakers.<br />

Barie L. W., 114 Fort.<br />

Barns J. A*, 193 Woodward sv.<br />

Bolger P., 175 Michigan av.<br />

Byer J. Be, 163 E. Lafayette.<br />

Claria J., 68 Marion.<br />

Clark & Bros., 579 Orchatrd.<br />

Copland A. W. & Go., 20 Monroe.<br />

Copland J. & Co., 34 Randolph corm Woodbridge.<br />

Diener J., cor High and Russell. -<br />

Elliott Robert, 168 Gratiot.<br />

Quilloz F., 473 Gratiot.<br />

I-Zackl J., corm Marion and I-Iastings.<br />

Hahn H., 25 Pirst st.<br />

Harrison T. J., 279 Woodward av.<br />

Hatch J. & Coo6 87 E. Congress.<br />

Hunter J., 225 Michigan av.<br />

Jeanes Jamesc 49 W. Larned.<br />

Kenngott G*, 249 Michigan av.<br />

ICretzschmar E. L., Chestnut cor Riopelle.<br />

Lee William, 130 Randolph.<br />

Muehleck J., 116 Woodbridge.<br />

Palmer Richard, 168 Michigan av. (See advt.)<br />

Petrequin Peter, 104 Croghan.<br />

Petre E., 295 Franklin.<br />

Rischert Charles, 223 Franklin.<br />

Schynider I?., 606 Jefferson av.<br />

Stockbourg F., 462 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Whitecomb William, 67 Larned east.<br />

Wilcoxson G., 306 Woodward av.<br />

Winckler J. W., 282 Jefferson av.<br />

Wittelsberger F., 257 Michigan av.<br />

Zeuner E. 341 Sixteenth.<br />

Baking Powders, (Manufactures.)<br />

Beasley G. M., 128 E. Fort.<br />

Banks and Bankers.<br />

American National Bank, 73 GriswoId.

Mm&cturer, Wholesale and &tail Dealer in<br />


Por ExcEud2"iZi-j Cold, Dud, Rain. no it^, etc., etc., front Dowe and<br />

Windows. Will prevent their rattling, and do not interfere<br />

with the free uee of the windows. Orders in the <strong>City</strong><br />

promptly filled. Liberal discount made on large aales<br />

ALSO,<br />

Practical Carpenterz, Joiner,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

-<br />

Orders soZ&&ted md promptly attended to.


Brown and Co., 51 Griswold.<br />

Butler W. A &. Co., 68 Griswold.<br />

Fieher, Booth Bt Co., 58 Woodward av.<br />

First National Bank cor. Jefferson sv. and Griswold.<br />

Granger & Sabin, 37 Woodward av.<br />

Hawk W. W., cor. Jefferson and Woodward avs.<br />

Hosie Robert, 75 Griswold.<br />

Ives A. &I Son, 149 Jefferson av.<br />

Kannady & ~i-jlor, 53 Griswold.<br />

Kanter E. & Co., 22 Larned.<br />

National ~nsurance Bank, 150 J'efferson av.<br />

Parsons P., cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Preston David & Co., 72 Woodwsrd av.<br />

Savings Bank, Butler's building, Griswold.<br />

Scott Vincent J., 159 Jefferson sv.<br />

Seits & Co., 53 Griswold.<br />

Second National Bank, Bank building, Griawold.<br />

Bar hers.<br />

Andrew John, Antisdel House.<br />

Beyer C. H., 108 Jefferson av.<br />

Biriga James H., basement I, Campus Martius.<br />

Bluma A., 692 Michigan av.<br />

Brewer John, 99 Atwater.<br />

Brown J. A., 183 Woodward av.<br />

Burnett dS Bro., 139 Michigan av.<br />

Carter William, 66 Atwater.<br />

Casterton D., 283 Woodward av.<br />

Deginder George, 183 Randolph.<br />

Dugger A., Case, bet. Larned and Jefferson av.<br />

Foster J., 143 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Gordon R., 2 E. Larned.<br />

Haley J., 338 Franklin.<br />

Harrison G. C., 50 e Fort.<br />

Jones Bichard, 333 Atwater.<br />

Kramer Louis, 199 Atwater.<br />

Madden A., 104 Griswold.<br />

Manleg J. W., Grand River cor. Griswold.<br />

Rleisner William, 119 Woodward av.<br />

Mills D., Case block, Third.<br />

Moody Robert, 179 Michigan av.<br />

L'Moore A. D. 72 Wosdward av.<br />

31ueller C., 197 Michigan av.<br />

Mumford BG Parker, 235 Jefferson av.<br />

Niedermueller C., Lafapette corm liaitings.<br />

Niedermueller Frederic, 25.9 Elastings.<br />


1 STEAM<br />

1 Nos. 1181 13 Woodbridge St.,<br />

i<br />


I<br />

/ Of every Description executed with elegance and di3piayatei~.<br />

I<br />


the &tichigun Journal, Gerntan Daily and Weekly. (largest<br />

edition of any German paper in Michigan.)<br />

DafPy Edition :<br />

Per square, one day. 75 cts.; per square, one month, $5,00 ; per<br />

square, three months, $10, do six months, $18, do twelve mo. $25.<br />

Weekly Eilieion :<br />

, One square one insertion, $1.00, each additional insertion 75 cts.<br />

Prfoe of Sx~bsorgpt3on<br />

Daily per week, 15 cts.; do per year, $7,80, Weekly per year 2,50<br />

I Address. P. 0. Drawer 137,<br />


-<br />


- Nickless Thomas, 139 w Woodbridge.<br />

Page N. R. 69 Monroe av.<br />

Rector E., 109 Griswold.<br />

Rennan Francis, cor. Atwater and Brush.<br />

Eichards & Bro., 50+ Griswold.<br />

Richter J., 379 Gratiot.<br />

Robinson &' Owen, 58 Michigan av.<br />

Starks R., Grand Eiver cor. Cass.<br />

Story John, 262 Jefferson av.<br />

Washington J., First cor. Grand P' biver.<br />

Weekenburg John, 76 Woodbridge.<br />

Baths, (Dealers in.)<br />

Bamer 8E Steiner, 21 E. Congress. (See rtdvt.)<br />

Baths, (Eleetro.)<br />

Stone B., 80 and 82 Wayne, bet. Congress and Fort. (See advt.)<br />

Bill Posters.<br />

Henry W. A., cor. Bates and Jefferson ave.<br />

Walker J. D., 32 w. Larned.<br />

Billiard Malls.<br />

Armstrong's Billiard Room, 215 Jefferson ave.<br />

Baker J. B., 36 E. Congress.<br />

Gibson E. J., 157 Woodward ave.<br />

Ives P. B., 61 Grand River.<br />

Schuetz John C., 65 Bates.<br />

Seereiter John, under Russell House.<br />

Sheeran Thomas, 85 Michigan ave.<br />

The Woodbine, 66 Randolph.<br />

Thomas A,, 1.53 Woodmard ave.<br />

BiIliard Tables, (Manfrs. )<br />

Schulenburg G. & Co., 98, 100, and 102 Randolph.<br />

Smith George, 65, 67, and 69 E. Larned.<br />

Birds, (Dearer in.)<br />

Sloeurn C. A, 133$ Woodward ave.<br />

Bitters, (Infrs and Dealers in.)<br />

Aromatic Bitters, Griggs & Go., props., 15 Jefferson ave.<br />

Parrand, Sheley & Co., 80 Woodmard ave. (See advt.)<br />

Haigh Henry, s. e. cor. Jefferson and Brush. (See advt.)<br />

Poole Richard, 8 Monroe ave.

- -<br />


*<br />



Registers, Ventilators, and Parlor grates,<br />

All Kinds of Plumber's Goods, Pumps and Hydraulic Rams,<br />




Nearly oppoaite Michigan Exchange.<br />



Blacksmiths*<br />

Anscomb G. C., 143 Grand River.<br />

Armitage W, 546 Michigan avo.<br />

Armitage W. & Bro., 540 Michigan ave.<br />

Ballard A., 383 Grand River.<br />

Belnap, Hill 8t Ford, 420 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Bezallon M., Congrees, cor. Lamed.<br />

Borrnan Conrad, 400 Gratiot.<br />

Bourboin & ~huihrua, 55 Michigan aye.<br />

Cain N.. 121 W. Larned.<br />

Danz William, 342 Gratiot.<br />

Dreher C., 180 Rivard.<br />

Dumontier Alexander, cor. Maoomb and Duboig.<br />

Eggers A*, cor. Twentieth and Michigan ave. .<br />

Gies E., 318 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hickey D. L., 40 e. Lamed.<br />

Horn F., 313 Michigan sve.<br />

Hortan M., 52 w. Larned.<br />

Katus Alois, 137 Macomb.<br />

Katus Peter, cor. Macomb and Rivsrd.<br />

Lara Re, 9 Middle.<br />

Lernond E., 601 Gratiot.<br />

Lempke C., 509 Gratiot.<br />

Lernpke F., 335 Grand River.<br />

McCarthy W. 147 w. Larned.<br />

Madden Walter, cor. Atwater and Rivard.<br />

Miller John, 303 Atwater.<br />

Moodie & Mette, 323 Michigan ave.<br />

O'Donnell & Carmody 19 e. Congreaa.<br />

Orr Thomas, .512 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Plantz Adam, 199 Beaubien.<br />

Purvis W. & Jov, Clifford, cor. Griswold.<br />

Ryan John, cor: Atwater and Rivard.<br />

Schaefer John 8t Bro., 60 w. Larned.<br />

Schamatan James, 32 e. Fort.<br />

Smith John, 174 Third.<br />

steinbrake; W., Woodbridge, bet. 176 and 18b.<br />

Taylor A. G., 121 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Thornley K., 191 Gratiot.<br />

Vanantwerp C., Atwater, cor. Riopelle.<br />

Wade William, 11 State.<br />

Wieber Peter, 295 Rastings.<br />

Wortham R. E., cor. Gratiot and Antoine.<br />

Busch W., 85 Grstiot.<br />

Drinkwater J., 142 Riopelle.

German Agent Boreiln Passale,<br />

Cor. Woodward Av, and Congress Street,<br />



And other Legal Documents drawn uy ; Money Loans<br />

negotiated, and Zeal Zstate loug7~t and sold.<br />

Residence, 141 Croghm Street.

* Hurd<br />

T -<br />

-<br />


0. & Go., 84 w. Mt. Calm.<br />

Layng Bros., 204 Jefferson ave.<br />

bl[illar Mrs., 235 Michigan ave.<br />

Stephenson James, 258 Jefferson ave.<br />

Blueing, (Box and Liquid.)<br />

Bronson, Jay & Co., 179 Woodward av.<br />

Wiggins 8E McMillar, 124 W. Lamed.<br />

Boarding Houses.<br />

Adams E. C., 13 Griswold.<br />

Avis William, 588 TV. Woodbridge.<br />

Beaton Mrs., 101 W. Larned.<br />

Blsckurn N., 47 Atwater.<br />

Bolion F., 141 Cass.<br />

Bostwick William, 42 Michigan av.<br />

Boyde Mrs., 148 First.<br />

Brazinton &I. H., 103 W. Larned.<br />

Burton A. B., 166 Woodmard av.<br />

Cleeff F. W., Fifth, cor. Congreas.<br />

Cornehl Frederick, 23 Clinton av.<br />

Cromden Mrs. M., 283 Sherman.<br />

Curtis S. W. 407 FV. Fort.<br />

Daly John W., 5 Abbott.<br />

Duck James, 49 Atwater.<br />

Durand J. H., 163 Howard.<br />

Ege J. R., 292 Woodward av.<br />

Flannigan Patrick, 163 Franklin.<br />

Gordon H. U., 38 Jefferson av.<br />

Grimes Samuel, 124 E. Fort.<br />

Harris Joseph We, 310 Franklin.<br />

Harsh%, William, 89 W. Larned.<br />

Healey Ma, A,, 263 Jefferson av.<br />

Hoops Henry C., 84 Lafayette.<br />

Jacobson Louis, 75 Monroe av.<br />

Jepson Mrs. E., 125 E. Larned.<br />

Joy F. S., 263 Woodmard av.<br />

Lamp Michael, 356 Franklin.<br />

Lute Peter, 140 Catherine.<br />

Lynch Mrs., 202 Cass av.<br />

McCallum Alexander, 41 E. Fort.<br />

McIntosh D. J., 112 Randolph.<br />

Marchise Mrs. J., Michigan av., cor. Shelby.<br />

Marker John J., 114 Randolpl~.<br />

Marschner Frederick, 278 Gratiot.<br />

Meston J., 259 Larned.<br />

Metzen Joseph, cor. Antoine and Atwater.

1<br />

I<br />


Read the Verdict of 300,000 Persons<br />

Who eithe? own or use<br />


As expressed by a prominent paper East.<br />

And them purchase imtelligentty when you are ~eady.<br />

[From the New Pork Dispatch, Jan. 21st, 1866.1<br />

The public has long felt the want of a Sewing Nachine which should conl-<br />

bine in a form most suitable for the family all the superior excellencies which<br />

the '' Singer " Machine confessedly possesses for the manufactory. Such a m a<br />

chine, after the expenditure of an immense amount of money and time, we<br />

now announce, unhesitatingly, has been produced by this Company-a Na-<br />

chine, which for grace and beauty of finish, great range of work, ease, rapid-<br />

ity, and quietness of action, simplicity of construction, great strength and<br />

durability, is destined to supercede much of the trash which is now imposed<br />

upon the public.<br />

0<br />

Office and Salesroom : 60 Woodward Aye,,<br />

1 DETROIT,<br />


' ~ichael George, 335 Atwater.<br />

Nedean Joseph, 45 Atwater.<br />

Neff Miss, Sixth, cor. Congress.<br />

Parker Mrs., 219 Woodmard av.<br />

Parnacott Mrs. A., 20 Beaubien.<br />

Person H. If., 83 E. Congress.<br />

Purdy Mary 278 Woodward av.<br />

Quinlivan Mrs. M., 43 E. Port.<br />

Reaume A., 110 Rivard.<br />

Reily Francis, 97 Jefferson av.<br />

Rice Mrs. 0. P., 8 Rowland.<br />

Rily Mrs. M., 152 Woodward av.<br />

Screwford Mrs., 170 W. Congress.<br />

Shannon Mrs., 324 Michigan av.<br />

Strong Mrs.' M., 34 Seventh.<br />

Sweeney J., 168 Gratiot.<br />

Tatman J., 23 Farmer.<br />

Thoulby Mrs., 108 Rivard.<br />

Tremain, J. G., 95 Michigan av.<br />

Wain William, 91 Lamed.<br />

Waite W., 60 Beaubien.<br />

Wight Mrs. A., 79 E. Congress.<br />

Whiteing J., Mt. Elliott, cor. Jefferson av.<br />

Boiler Works.<br />

Buchanan & Carroll, 181 Atwater.<br />

Desotell & Hutton, 411 Atwater.<br />

McGregor J. & F., Atwater bet. Hastings and Antoine.<br />

Strstton & Pratt, cor. 8th and Woodbridge.<br />

Bolt and Nut (Mnfrs,)<br />

Michigan Bolt & Nut Co., White nr. Marine Hospitd.<br />

Book Binders.<br />

Pohl & Suckert, cor Jefferson av. and Griswold.<br />

Book and Job Printers.<br />

Graham William, 41 Bates. (See card front cover.)<br />

Gulley 0. S., 10 and 12 E. Larned.<br />

larxhausen A,, 10 and 12 E Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Marxhausen C., (Journal Office,) 11 and 13 Woodbridge. (See adv.)<br />

Tribune Job Office, 212 Jefferson ave.<br />

-..-.. . Books, (German.)<br />

Boehnlein 4;i. Bc RI., 260 Jefferson me.


Ofhe, Over Savings Bank, Opposite the Post Office,<br />

-<br />

R. C. SMITH. N. IEEEPE.<br />


Or any part of the State. Negotiate Loans on Real Estate or<br />

Corporate Bonds, Pay Taxes, Redeem Tax Titles, Enter Lands{<br />

Fzcrnish Maps and Estimates' of Value, and any other Business in conmction<br />

with Real Estate.<br />

Mr. Smith's office has now been established twenty-four years, and a perfect<br />

record of the very large business that has passed tiirough it has been kept,<br />

consequently we have a large amount of valuable infor~nation relative to our<br />

State, and the Real Estate business thereof, difficult and expensive to obtain<br />

elsewhere. He has accumulated in the same time a very large quantity of<br />

Pluts, Maps! Descriptions and Estimates, showing distinctly the Face of the<br />

Country, Villages, Roads, Streams, Gron~th, kinds and qualities of Timber,<br />

and all Improvements. -Our Office is such that all can obtain informatioil<br />

needed as to Lands, without the expense or trouble of visiting them in person.<br />

-: 0 :-<br />


Hon. H. H. Crapo, Gov. of Mich. D. C. Holbrook, Esq., Attorney %; Coun-<br />

Hon. John Owen, State Treas. Mich. sellor for Office, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

Hsn. Robt. filcClellan, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich. G. W. Davis, Esy., Prest. 2c1 Natio~al<br />

Hon. E. Farnswsrth, <strong>Detroit</strong>, BIich. Bank, Toledo, Ohio.<br />

Messrs. Willets & Co., N. York <strong>City</strong>. E. Wenclell, Esq., Cashier 1st National<br />

Messrs. E. Roberts, Rhodes & Co., N.Y. Bank, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

J. H. Suydam, Esq., New York <strong>City</strong>. J.Mills,Esq.,Cash. 2dNat. B'k., Lansing '<br />

A. H. Dey, Esq., Prest. Amer. National Gen. 0. B. Wilcox, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

Bank, <strong>Detroit</strong>. 6. H. Buhl, Escl., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Hon. wm. A. Howard, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich. Robt. P. Toms, Dctroit,PIIich. I<br />

-. . 0 :-<br />

WWe have constantly in our employ Reliable Woodsmen selecting Gov-<br />

ernment and state Lands, aud in all cases guarantee tlie selection and tile cor-<br />

rectness of descriptions, and to be as representecl. -A11 Corresponclencc<br />

promptly answered, and any information as regards our State givon without I<br />

charge. !

Books and Stationery.<br />

Arnold J. M. & Co., 123 Woodward ave.<br />

Bannerman John, 137+ Woodward aye.<br />

Boothroyd W. H., 205 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clarke S. A. & Co. 192 Jefferson avc.<br />

Davey Jabez, 423 Jefferson ave.<br />

Foster & Co., 121 Jefferson ave.<br />

Krug John G., cor. Croghan and Antoine.<br />

Michigan News Company, 153 Jefferson av. and 46 Griswold st.<br />

Pattison & Cornstock, 51 Griswold:<br />

Phillips S. A., 99 Grand River.<br />

Raymond Francis, 130 Jefferson eve.<br />

Richmonds Bt; Backus, 185 Jefferson av.<br />

Roys J. A., cor. Griswold and Larned.<br />

Smith E. B. & Co., 116 & 118 Woodward avei<br />

Steckel G. R. L., 426 Gratict.<br />

Throop W. A. & Co., 90 Woodmard ave.<br />

Boots and Shoes (Mnf's and Dealers in.)<br />

Abbott F., 495 Jefferson avc.<br />

Bateson S. A., 518 Michigan ave.<br />

Bayer Michael, 454 Gratiot.<br />

B entler F., 4 e. Montcalm.<br />

Beverly J. P., 17 Grand River.<br />

~il~er-~., 138 Grand River.<br />

Bo%hrnann G. H., 510 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Boulter W., 109 Grand River.<br />

Dour Joseph, 254 Jefferson ave.<br />

Boushuy Joseph, Atwater, cor. Hastings.<br />

Brasna I?., 531 Michigan ave.<br />

Burton A. B., 276 Woodward avc.<br />

Cavell R., 199 Gratiot.<br />

Clark Archibald, 125 Jefferson avc.<br />

Connay C., 6th, cor. Abbott.<br />

Cotharin J. D., Woodwsrd ave., core State.<br />

Deitz Bros., corner Randolph and Atwater.<br />

Demay T., 645 Jefferson ave.<br />

Derenger M., 656 Michigan ave.<br />

Diehr J., 59 St. Aubin we.<br />

Dindle Henry, 149 Woodbridge.<br />

Domney Maurice, 209 Michigan ave.<br />

Eckart J., 69 Gratiot.<br />

Eib John, 365 Orleans.<br />

Erlenbach P., 73 Monroe ave.<br />

Farnsworth L. L., Woodward av. cor. Michigan av.<br />

Fawcett Itobei t, 42 Jefferson av.<br />



Patented January 538, XSCSS.<br />

No axles, no box in the hub, no taking off of wheels for oiling, Weight llluch<br />

less, run much easier, run silently, and arevery stylish, and cost no<br />

moi e than ordinary ones, and are more durable.<br />

Office and Factory 1'72 Grand River Street,<br />

DErJ?ROIT, - MICHIeAN.<br />

0-<br />

3. PE. WITWEY, Patentee and Mannfacturer.<br />


Wedding Cake, Pies, and all kinds of Pastry<br />

MADE TO ORDER, .<br />

168 Michigan Ave., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

0-<br />

N. B. Also attached is an Ice Cream Saloon.

Feirtag R., 74 Atwater:<br />

Fenton J., 128 Michigan av.<br />

Fischer Charles, 333 Woodward av.<br />

Fish A. A,, 118 Michigan av.<br />

Forster John, 64 Gratiot.<br />

Foster John, 53 Farmer.<br />

Frankinstin M., 49 Jefferson av.<br />

Fry J., 224 Woodward av.<br />

Funke J. W., 27 Michigan av.<br />

Fyfe Richard H., 83 Woodward av.<br />

Giefel Joseph, 46 W. Larned.<br />

Glass John, 93 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gorman T., 527 Michigan ave.<br />

Graves H, P., 166 Jefferson av.<br />

Keinecke I?., 5 Calone.<br />

Higgins H., 282 Woodmard ave.<br />

Hiller J. G., 260 Jefferson av..<br />

Hoffman P., 405 Gratiot.<br />

Hude J. N., 153 Grand River.<br />

Humrnel Y., 35 Michigan ave.<br />

Jager A,, cor. Watson and Calone.<br />

Jones William, 34 Jefferson ave.<br />

Jones Samuel, Michigan av. cor. Porter.<br />

Jordan J., 113 Griswold.<br />

Josephelt C., 235 Seventh.<br />

Judson O., 166 Woodward ave.<br />

Knodt Henry, 194 Gratiot.<br />

Iiramesr M., 918 Jefferson av.<br />

Kremer F., 246 Jefferson av.<br />

Krickawa F. T., 125 Randolph.<br />

Iiydd W., 3d cor. Abbott.<br />

Leclerc & Bro., 133 Jefferson av.<br />

LeFavour Edward. 108 Woodward av.<br />

Loring D. A., 109'Michigan av.<br />

Luebner F., cor. Beaubien and Woodbridge.<br />

McAfee J., 345 Michigan av.<br />

Mc Allister D., 270 Michigan av.<br />

Xadden John B.? 77E. Larned. (Seeadvt.)<br />

Maier J., 249 Antoine.<br />

Martin Bro's., 141 Woodward av.<br />

Martin & Griffin, 112 Michigan av.<br />

Martin & Lougheed, 137 Woodward av.<br />

Martz M., 220 Jefferson av.<br />

Mercer J., 78 Grand River.<br />

Mesn Joseph, 216 Antoine.<br />

Meper J., Riopelle cor. Graitot.


NO. 147 JEFFERSON AVEae<br />

UP STAIRS.<br />


Eouses, Lots and Parms to SeZl or 3xchanze for<br />

<strong>City</strong> or Country Property.<br />

Houses and Rooms Furnished or Unfurnished. to Rent.<br />


Confidential Infoormation given when Desired.<br />



NC; AGENT.<br />

AZI Claims (i.ncZzc&i.ng 1126Zitccry and Naval)<br />

Prompttv Co Wected. +<br />


MICH.<br />


DETROIT, - I<br />

D. C. Holbrook. James V. Campbell. R. P. Toms.<br />

H. ill. & W. E. Checver. D. Betllune Duffield. Hon. Robt. McClellmd.<br />

Calvert L& CO. G. & E. McMillan,

Morgan A. R., 81 Woodward av.<br />

Mueller Louis, 75 Lafayette.<br />

Munch William, 30 E. Fort.<br />

Neckel A., 12 Grand River.<br />

Neville W., 574 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Oldridge John W., 203 Michigan ave.<br />

Ott John G;, 54 Brush.<br />

Pallmann August, 142 Randolph.<br />

Peters W.. 6 1 Monroe ave.<br />

Petz & Young, 54 Monroe ave.<br />

Pfeffer David, 279 Jefferson ave.<br />

Pfeifle Jacob, 305 Woodward ave.<br />

Pingree & Smith, cor. Bates and Woodbridge.<br />

Pommershein Thomas, Macomb, cor; Dubois.<br />

P urkard M., 242 Beaubien.<br />

Reinheardt J., 457 Gratiot.<br />

Reno A., 308 .Atwater.<br />

Rice George & Co., 263 Jefferson ave.<br />

Robinson W. D., Burtenshaw $ Co., 73 & 75 Jefferson ave.<br />

Roe C.. 93 Grand Itiver.<br />

Runge J.. 336 Hastings.<br />

Scerl Gottlieb. 185 Randolph,<br />

Schaffler C., 696 ~ ichi~an %e.<br />

Schene Me, 24 Centre.<br />

Schieber A. 421 Grand River.<br />

Schmid Henry, cor. Brush and Clinton.<br />

Schrnidttdiel A. H., 65 Michigan ave.<br />

Scholes Richard G., 147 Michigan ave.:<br />

Smith Stephen, 8E CO;, 76 Woodward ave. %<br />

Stewart William W., 105 Woodward ave.<br />

Stieler J., loth, cor. Labrosse.<br />

Sunley Robert, cor. Porter and 3d.<br />

Swink J., 93 Grand River.<br />

Theus F., 127 St. Aubin av.<br />

Thuemling George H.,<br />

234 Qrtltiot.<br />

Vanderheyde & Weber, 51 Michigan Grand rlve.<br />

UTaelde Charles, 170 Gratiot.<br />

Wallace J. H., 539 Michigan ave.<br />

Wen& J. F., 253 Gratiot.<br />

Wien Jacob, 27 Bates.<br />

Withey J., 18th cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Worpell J., 318 Michigan ave.<br />

Zachereder J., 123 Gratiot.<br />

Zeller Joseph, 474 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Baldwin, H. P., 25 Woodward ave.<br />

Boots and Shoes. (Wholesale. 1

-<br />


THE<br />

Arnishes every approved de$cr@tion of Life and Eiidow-<br />

~nent Insurance, combining the advantages offered<br />

by all other Convawies, with<br />


CASE ASSETS OTTER $30,000,000.<br />

Allprojtts ozer and dove the net cost of the Insurmzce RXTUBNED PO<br />


H. 3% MEE31RtELL,<br />

No. I, ButZer's BZoek, Betrsit, A?i'ch.<br />



Old Plated Ware Re-plated equal to New, at less than half tho original cost-

Loring & Tilton, 71 and 73 Jeffers )n ave:<br />

IcGraw, A. @. & Co., 69 Woodward ave.<br />

Robinson W. D,, Burtenshaw L Co., 73 and 75 Jeffergo ibv.<br />

Norris Charles, 45 Second.<br />

Bottlers. (Ale and Cider,)<br />

Bowling Alleys.<br />

Wilson Thomas, 42 Woodward ave.(See advt.)<br />

Brass Foundries,<br />

Dinnen, Cleland & Thompson, 17 and 19 Woodbridge.<br />

Jackson & Wiley, cor. 5th and Woodbridge.<br />

Harvey & Son, 123 and 125 TIT. Woodbridge.<br />

Breweries.<br />

Bonninghausen William, 274 Russell.<br />

Carne George W.? Woodbridge, rear Firemen's Hall.<br />

Darmstaetter Jacob, 315 Howard.<br />

Darmstaetter wL.,<br />

cor. Riopelle and Catherine. (See adv.) ,<br />

Dash J., 92 John R.<br />

Davis A. C. & Co., cor. Abbott and 7th.<br />

Duncan's Central Brewery, oppposite M. C. R. R. Depot.<br />

Eudriss Charles, 244 Rivard<br />

Feasard tk Stouder, cor. Sherman and Russell.<br />

Henri A. & Co., Sherman, cor. St. Aubin ave. .<br />

EIeuser Joseph, Gratiot, near Antoine Church.<br />

Hunt Henry, Gratiot, near Tollgate.<br />

Johnson E. & Son, 6th, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Xunze Carl, cor. Howard & 12th.<br />

Mcgrath T., 420 Grand River.<br />

Mackay J., 5th, cor. Beech.<br />

McRoy Daniel, 5th, cor. Abbott.<br />

Hann Jacob, 20 Ma.ple. (See advt.)<br />

Marsh Bobert, 93 Catherine.<br />

Martin & Co., 362 Bussell.<br />

Michenfelder Anton, cor. Sherman and Rivard.<br />

Miller Henry, 953 Jefferson ave.<br />

llirlard C. W., 547 Michigan ave.<br />

Nagel Phillip, 130 Sherman.<br />

Bfromm & Co., cor. Jay and St. Aubin ave. (See advt.)<br />

Reutter F., 367 Antoine.<br />

Stegmeyer F., 325 Eiastings.<br />

Stroth B., Gratiot, bet. Hastings and Itivard.<br />

Vellger C., 130 Bherman.

DR. B. STON E,<br />


Electro Hot and Cold Air Baths,<br />

Administered by Dr. Stone, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich. Electro Hot and Cold Air Baths,<br />

Patented by Dr. S. M. Landis, May 14th, 1867, and in successful operation at<br />

No. 80 for Ladies, and 82 for Gentlemen, Wayne-st. bet. Congress & Fort,<br />

Each having their rooms, every appointment is eon~plete in point of order<br />

neatness and attention. The La.dies' Department will be under the direction of<br />

Mrs. Dr. Stone, who has had years of experience in the application of Baths<br />

to invillids, and will see that the duties are performed with skill that only<br />

comes from long practice, and with civility and faithfulness. In connection<br />

with the Baths is a large House for the Accommodation of Invalids and others<br />

who wish to avail themselves of the Baths. The rooms are all very pleasant<br />

and comfort,ably furnished. Invalids suffering with Rheumatism, Neuralgia,<br />

Severe Colds, Gout, Dyspepsia, or any other nervous diesase, will receive more<br />

benefit than from any other source, in connection with proper ,diet and exercise.<br />

Single Bath, $1.50; Jive Tickets, $6.00; Ten Tickets, $10.00.<br />

Location, 80 and 82 Wayne street, between Congress and Port,<br />

BOSTON,<br />

OHtGANIZEH) Pf343e<br />

Net Cash Assets, $7,000,000. 1 Policies in Force, $20,000.<br />

Total Lossea Paid, over $3,000,000.<br />

Total surplus returned to Policy Holders over $3,000,000. Distrib::tion of<br />

surplus annudlly on the contribution plan.<br />

A Loan of 40 per Cent; on Premium allowed-when desired.<br />

All Policies Nor-Forfeitable after one Payment.<br />

The Laws of Massachusetts require that all Life Insurance Policies shall be<br />

kept in force so long ns there remains any surrencer value, by which, for ex-<br />

ample, a policy issued at the age of 40 on Life Plan by payment of one An-<br />

nual Premium will continue in force two years and forty-n~ne days ; By pav-<br />

ment of Three Annual Premiums, will continue in force six years and one huh-<br />

dred and twenty-five days; By payment of Five Annual Premiums will con-<br />

fi<br />

tinue in force ten years and ei hty-six days.<br />

An endowment Policy issue at age 35 payable at death, or to insured at 50,<br />

after one payment continues in force four years and 115 days.<br />

=WANTED-Active men to represent this Company in every County<br />

in the State.<br />

F. $ C Q PEAVEY, General Agents.<br />

No. 4 MerrilZ BZock9 DB!Z!ROI!l?j ZZCH.

Voelkel Joseph, 42 Maple.<br />

Voight W., Grand River, bet. 2d. and 3d.<br />

Zittel George, 217 Croghan.<br />

Brick Machines.<br />

Franklin Brick Machine. We H. Dunning, Agent, 185 Jefferson ayeo<br />

Greusel J o & Sons, 177 Third.<br />

Hall Richard H., 113 Griswold.<br />

Brick Yards.<br />

Bridge Works.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge & Iron Works, cor. Foundry st. and M. C. R. R.<br />

Brokers, (Merchandise.)<br />

Erewster W. F., 111 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Stewart William, foot woodward ave.<br />

Broom, (Manfrs.)<br />

Fisher T. & Co., Gratiot, cor. Brush.<br />

Giddey W., 87 Oass ave.<br />

Griswold Hinman, 83 Seventh.<br />

Lenfestey J., 820 Jefferson rtve.<br />

Moore F. C. & Co., cor. Michigan ave. and 1st.<br />

Roost H., 18th, core Michigan ave.<br />

Brush, (Manfrs.)<br />

Farrand, Sheley & CQ., 80 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Laitner Bros., 40 Monroe ave.<br />

Buck Goods.<br />

Kelley Geo. B. & Co., 182 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Buffalo and Fancy Robes)<br />

Kelley Geo. B, & Co., 182 Jefferson ave. (See itdvt.j<br />

Stenton F. S., 184 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Burglar Alarms.<br />

Acker's Burglar Alarm, N. B. Rowley & Son, Proprietors, 40<br />

Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

McLeod J. C., 51 Griswold.<br />

9<br />

Business Agencies.

I<br />

I<br />

489 Gratiot-St,, crossing of <strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railroad.<br />

Dekroft,<br />


DEZASEHa Xl?B<br />

Blanufacturer of the following Brands of Flour,:<br />

Snow Flake, W olveri~~e, Day Ion, Challenge, Hanover,<br />

Rye Flour, Graham Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn-Meal, Cracked<br />

Wheat, Mill Feed, etc., etc.<br />

Pay Cash for Wheat, BuckwheaT, Oats, Corn, etc., and<br />

Grind for Farmers.<br />


I Have also attached, a Restaurant, Oyster Depot and Ice<br />

Cream Saloon, where persons may be acoorn-<br />

modated at reasonable charges.<br />

31 Michigan Ave,,<br />

DETROIT, -<br />


Butchers.<br />

Aris H, 339 Grand River.<br />

Baxter John, 273 Woodward we.<br />

Bilkavsky A., 368 Hastings.<br />

Blanke E., 447 Gratiot.<br />

Bowman J. S., 9th, cor. Baker.<br />

Brown J., ~ockst, ;or. 9th ave.<br />

Buhler Joseph, 79 Monroe ave.<br />

Burkart F. J., 219 Gratiot.<br />

Clark William, 122 w. Larned.<br />

Cobb J., 815 Woodward ave.<br />

Cross D., 225 Michigan ave.<br />

Crowley C., 5th, cor. Porter.<br />

Dave7 J~ohii, 125 Michigan ave.<br />

Davey William, 201 Michigan ave.<br />

Deimel A*, cor. St. Aubins ave. and Gratiot.<br />

Denhew J., 184 Michigan ave.<br />

Denk Joseph J., core Clinton and Dubois.<br />

Derbert Emil, 452 Gratiot.<br />

Desborough W., 262 Michigan ave.<br />

Downey J., 16th, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

.. . Eberle F. & Co., 211 Cass.<br />

Eberle P., Adams, cor. Cass ave.<br />

Ehle John, 174 Croghan.<br />

Foser M., cor. Marion and Beaubien.<br />

Frencher J., 551 Hastings.<br />

Geer P., 423 Antoine.<br />

Genther F., 393 Grand River.<br />

Gerber Joseph, 262 Croghan.<br />

Gleagon Me, 231 Grand River.<br />

Gochenon C., 360 Orleans.<br />

Gottleib R., Adams, cor. Cass avo.<br />

Hammond G. H., 36 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Hammond Thomas, 3d, cor. Howard.<br />

Harman F. 252 Clinton ave.<br />

Hayes A., 209 Woodward ave.<br />

Hendres C., Gratiot, cor. Rivard.<br />

Hilderschied, P. Croghan, cor. Riopelle<br />

fIilterschied J., Fort, core Russell.<br />

Hubbert R., 1 Abbott.<br />

Iluetter William, Russell, cor. Lafayette.<br />

Ingersoll A,, 318 Grand River.<br />

Jackson Thomas, 53 Brush.<br />

Jepp W., 335 Michigan ave.<br />

Judge Aaron, Franklin, cor. St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kaisar J., cor. High and Hastings.

Warehouse 189 and 191 Woodward Avenue.<br />

Seed Parm, Grand rive^. Roan7, Western Ci6y<br />

Limits,<br />

/ DETROIT,<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I -<br />

MICE-<br />

D. M. Ferry. H. K. White. 0. C. Brown.<br />


Deulers in Cigars, Tobacco and Smokers' Articles.<br />



'Kern Conrad, cor. Lafayette and Hastings.<br />

Kerr A., 296 Michigan ave.<br />

Kolb & Eggemam, 37 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Kraft J., 551, Michigan ave.<br />

Kull C. F., cor. ~ranklin and DeQuindre.<br />

Lamphere L., 175 Grand River.<br />

Lansdall W., 255 Michigan ave.<br />

Lindemann Charles, 164 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Lockwood & Mullen, Abbott, cor, 8th.<br />

Lotharins M., 153 Prospect.<br />

Lucking J., Clifford, cor. Griswold.<br />

McCune G., 311 Woodward ave.<br />

McCune J. N. M. k Co., 220 Woodward aye.<br />

Martmer J., 456 Congress.<br />

May Paul, 554 w. Woodbridge.<br />

Messmore P. J., 100 Grand River.<br />

Mueller William, 304 Orleans.<br />

Nuessle Gallus, Hastings, cor. E'rsnklin.<br />

Patchett William, 7th, cor. Howard.<br />

Pipp George, 60 Gratiot.<br />

Pltrer P., 28 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Post David D. 2 Clinton.<br />

Rauss J. & B., 118 Randolph.<br />

Renton N., 79 Riopelle.<br />

Beibachenbach George, 136 Macomb.<br />

Robinson J., 329 Michigan ave.<br />

Roebn A. F., 211 w. Fort.<br />

Roeser Guenther, cor. Fort and Orleans.<br />

Rowe George, Fort, bet. 17th and 18th.<br />

Schmidt Andrew, 12 Gratiot.<br />

Schmidt Casper, cor. Clinton ave. and Orleans.<br />

Schmitt Frederick, 103 Catherine.<br />

Sealy H. A., 65 Grand River.<br />

Sheahan William, 80 Porter.<br />

Smith William, 129 and 131 Woodbridge.<br />

Spitzlei John, 80 Croghan.<br />

Stasser J., 538 Michigan ave.<br />

Stenton G., 655 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stickel & Lutz, 155 Michigan ave.<br />

Stieckel Jacob, Clinton. cor. Rivard.<br />

Stocker Adam, 153 Fort East.<br />

Tapert ~ enr~,' 347 Riopelle.<br />

Venn Thomas J., 273 Jefferson ave.<br />

Voight William, cor. Fort & St. Aubin me.<br />

Weber F., 157 Gratiot.<br />

Weissenstean C., 48 Harriett.<br />

8. 433 Hastings.<br />






State Agent for LINDEMAN AND SONS<br />


ALSO<br />


Pianos to Rent and sold on Nonthly Payments.<br />

A -<br />

This Institution, which is under the control of the SISTERS OF<br />

CHARITY, is situated on<br />

Clinl-on-St., near both Gratiot and Fort-St. Railroads<br />

and easy accessible from all parts of the city. It was established in 1'845, and<br />

has annually accommodated large numbers of patients.<br />

The capacity of the Hospital. is sufficient to. allow the adn~iason of about<br />

one hundred in the General Wards, and contains private rooms that will<br />

accommodate thirty.<br />

Patients are admitted to the priva.te rooms of the Ilospital, under the care of<br />

ally ~egulnr Physician whom they may choose. The mcently appointed Ros-<br />

pita1 Staff comprises Physicians, Surgeons, and an Oculist, selected from<br />

among the very best medical and surgical talent of the city.<br />

The price of Board in public wards, including medical attendance, medi-<br />

cines and nursing, $4 per week. In private rooms prices range from $5 to<br />

$7 per week.<br />

Further inquiries may be made in person or by letter of<br />


At the Hospital.<br />


Winter C., 90 Prospect.<br />

Wreford W. 497 Jefferson ave.<br />

Youngblood G. B., 101 Gratiot.<br />

Car (Nnfrs.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car Manufacturing Co., cor.. Croghan and DeQuindre.<br />

Michigan Car GO., Larned, bet. 3d. and 5th.<br />

Carpenters and Builders.<br />

Armstrong U., Clifford, cor. Washington ave.<br />

Candler --., State, bet. Woodward ave. and Griswold.<br />

Carter J. D., cor. Beaubien and Lafayette.<br />

Close John, 331 Catherine.<br />

Cockle S. E., 40 Sixth.<br />

Creasey B., Griswold, cor. Clifford.<br />

Dingeman P. & Co., Third, cor. Grand River.<br />

Dobson G., Clifford, cor. Griswold.<br />

Fraser A,, 45 West Larned. (See advt.)<br />

George H.,<br />

157 Jefferson avenue and 193 Gratiot st. (See advt).<br />

Hake Henry, Maple, cor. Russell.<br />

Homel A., 72 Jones.<br />

Knowles B. M.. 5 Middle.<br />

Enomles H., 46 Palmer.<br />

McCausland Wm. H,,<br />

56 West Lamed.<br />

Malty H., cor. Ninth and Michigan avenue.<br />

Marshall 8t Worsaw, 19 Cass.<br />

Metz Henry, 10 West Larned.<br />

Monaghan P. K., 13& cor. Baker.<br />

Nicholson P., Gilman, cor. Grand River.<br />

Park.s J. B. & Co., cor. Cass avenue and Columbia.<br />

Picard J., 50 Riapelle.<br />

Pip C. & Co., Bacon, cor. Antoine.<br />

Bay J. I. & Co., 31 Harriett.<br />

Reeves Thomas, 107 East Fort.<br />

Reeves We<br />

& Co., core Park and Charlotte.<br />

Robinson Bros., core Third and Limburg.<br />

Seaton & Ritchie, Cass avenue, cor. Spencer.<br />

Stalker H. W., cor. Third and Cherry.<br />

Thomas J. S., 13 East Congress.<br />

Vinton W. G;., rear 141 Cass.<br />

Waterfall S., cor. Oak and Fifth.<br />

Way W., 138 Montcalm.<br />

Willard Patrick. 147 Twelfth.<br />

Carpets.<br />

Abbot T. F., 142 Jefferson avenue.


Commission<br />




41 MICX31GAN AVENDE,<br />

(Rressk~ Block.)<br />

MICH.<br />

Chandeliers, Brackets, Burners, Chimneys, Wicks, Shades, Lanterns,<br />

Reflectors, Tumblers, Candy Jars, Fruit Jars, Etc.,<br />

156 Jefferson Ave.,<br />



Carriage .Hardware.<br />

Redcliff' Roehm & Weston, 24 Woodward avenue.<br />

Carriage, (Manfrs.) (See also Waqon Makers.)<br />

Anti-Friction Adjustable, Withey's patent, 172 Grand River.<br />

(See advertisement).<br />

Gisler M. M., 138 West Larned.<br />

Hartman William, 117 Hastings.<br />

Hopkin W. & Bro., John R., cor. Farmer.<br />

Johnson Hugh, 15,17 and 19 Monroe avenue.<br />

Kengel J., 33 Gratiot.<br />

Lyons W. M., 64 Grand River.<br />

Neubronner John C., 31 East Front.<br />

P?jot Thomas, 40 and 42 East Larned.<br />

Patton John, corm Brush and Woodbridge.<br />

Priest Jerome, cor. Franklin and Bandolph.<br />

Randall F. R., 36 West Larned.<br />

Reichle F., corm Randolph and Franklin.<br />

Scott H. W., 14 and 16 Cass avenue.<br />

Vinedame P., 605 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Withey J" B;, 172 Grand River. (See advt).<br />

Carriage . Trimmings.<br />

Fisher, Baker & Co.. 156 Woodward avenue.<br />

IXayden 8t ~alddn, 88 Woodward avenue. (See advt).<br />

Bruner F. R., 68 Grand River.<br />

Carriage Trimmers.<br />

Caterer.<br />

DeBaptists George, cor. Jefferson avenue and Beaubien.<br />

Chair, (Manfrs. 1<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory. Luther Wright, Prest.; Henry Smith,<br />

Treas. and Supt. ; Franklin Barber, Secy. ; cor. l'orter and<br />

Fourth. (See advt.)<br />

Griffith Alfred, cor. Monroe and Farrer.<br />

Ray A. To, cor. John R and Elizabeth.<br />

Chandeliers, (WhoIesale.<br />

Hoyt, Hinman & Co., 156 Jefferson avenue. (See advt).<br />

Wetmore F. & Co;, 68 Woodward avenue. (See advt.)<br />


I<br />

And Curers of Extra Sugar-Cured Hams, Shouldere, Breakfast Bacon,<br />

Etc. Etc. Also,<br />

Commission Rlerchants for the Purchase L Bale of<br />

WOOL,<br />

Tarehouse, Corner MiehQan &and Avenue and Bates Street,<br />

REFER TO<br />

3. D. STANDISH, ) Cashier 2d Nat.Bank, <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

cum IYEB. I DETRO IT, MICII. i Cashier let Nat.Bank, Monroe.<br />

Cash Advances made on Consignments.<br />

DR. b. BmqCLARK,<br />


The Great West Indian Physician, recommends his Celebrated Medicines<br />

for all<br />

Such as Gonorrhoea, Stricture, Gleet;, Syphilis in its worst forms, Fleur<br />

Albus, or the Whites, Rheumatism, Cancers and all running or<br />

ulcerated sores of short or long standing. The above<br />

and other diseases, will .be treated with care<br />

and caution by DR. CLARK. All commullications<br />

strictly pri We.<br />

1<br />

Dr. also recommends his ASIATIt PILLS, for Gleet and Weakness of the Prosbate Gland.<br />

Office hours from 6 to 10 A. M. and from 2 to 10 P. M<br />

261 Clinton-St., Bet. Russel1 & Riope11e9 DETROIT, BICU.

L'Hommedieu George, 71 Atwitter.<br />

Cheese, (Dealer in. )<br />

Chemical Works.<br />

Duffleld, Parke & Co., cor. Henry and Clifford;<br />

Stearns 8. S. & Co., 13 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Chemists, (Manfrs.)<br />

Duffield, Parke Bi Co., cor. Henry and Clifford.<br />

China, Glass and Queensware.<br />

Fiske & Moses, 93 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Wetmore F. $ CO., 68 Woodward avenue. (See advt.)<br />

Saunders N. V., 70 Griswold.<br />

Chiropodist.<br />

Cigars and Tobacco. (Manfrs and Dealers in.)<br />

Albus William, 99 Maple.<br />

Brigga A. A., 256 Fort.<br />

eacklen M., Sixteenth, corm Douglaa.<br />

Delp & Co., 206 Randolph.<br />

Ehrrnann M.. 280 Woodward avenue.<br />

Eceard Francis, 126 and 128 Randolph. (See advt).<br />

Fincken Henry, 90 Catherine.<br />

Goldsmith Oliver, 163 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Goldstein Louis, 154 Lafayette.<br />

Graneist Otto, 161 East Fort.<br />

Gr2at Western Cigar Kanufact ~ry,<br />

184 and 186 Jefferson avenue. (See advt).<br />

Harf F., Seventh, cor. Congress.<br />

Heiser J., 362 Fort.<br />

Hirschman J. L., 275 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Huperz Henry, Lor. Clinton avenue and Antoine.<br />

Jeff R., 152 Grand River.<br />

J ~ S C Bt ~ Tannahill, ,<br />

opposite <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

Ketchen H.. 50 and 52 Michigan avenue.<br />

Kremer ~ ris. & Co., 231 ~effGrson ave.<br />

Kremer Edmond, 165 Woodward ave.<br />

Kuhle Charles, 58 Monroe ave.<br />

Levy Harris, 61 Grstiot.<br />

Lorenz A., 121 Sherman.<br />

Mann C. Me, 153 Michigan ave.<br />

Marter C. I. 142 Bandolph.<br />

Matthews & Williams, props.,

I<br />

I<br />

-<br />





Also, manufacture Heavy and Light<br />


All kinds of Brewery Supplies, Copper<br />

and Iron Deer-Kettles, Pumps, Malt-<br />

Kiln and Coo'lers, Etc., Etc.<br />


Gents' Furnishing<br />

No. 255 Jefferson Ave,;<br />

---<br />

282 & 284 GEATIOT STBl!ET,

' Martinek J., 8843 14th.<br />

Matthews &bibon, 184 and 186 Jefferson ave. (See sdvt.)<br />

Yelchere G., 63 ksndolph.<br />

lordhorst John, Jefferson ave. bet. 2d and 3d. (See advt.)<br />

Myers M. S., 106 Michigan ave.<br />

Otto Ernst, 2* Mrrnroe ave.<br />

Pohl A., 62 Monrhg-,itive.<br />

Rosenthal S., 97 ~?&%d River.<br />

Rothschild & Bro., 232 Jeffers In ave.<br />

Schulte & Bros., cor. Gratiot and DeQuindre.<br />

Schulte Henry, 328 Gratiot.<br />

Silberman Jacob, 222 Jefferson ave.<br />

Solon R., 239 Michigan ave.<br />

Stahl F., cor. 3d and Front.<br />

Stevenson Eobert, 105 Michigan ave.<br />

Sullivan & Dittmer, cor. Jefferson av. and Griswold st.<br />

Sutter Bros., cor Jefferson an$ Woodward sves. (See advt.)<br />

Thiemer E., 327 Woodward ave.<br />

Thiesen J. B., 139 and 141 Gratiot.<br />

Traup H., 188 Michigan ave.<br />

Verhoeff & Shipman, under Russell House.<br />

Wellendorff F., 5 Brueh.<br />

Wertheimer 8. S., 137 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Woelk Edward, 196 Gratiot.<br />

Cigars and Tobacco, (Wholesale.)<br />

Mordhorst John, Jefferson ave. bet. 2d and 3d. (See advt.)<br />

Mowry & Co., 60 and 62 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rosenfield I. & Bros., 19 and 89 Jefferson ave.<br />

$utter Broa., eor. Jefferson and Woodward aves. (See advt.)<br />

Webber A. B., 31 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cigar Box (Mnfrs.)<br />

Wadsworth T. A., 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Contractor.<br />

Hill N., cor. 16th and Grand River.<br />

Claim Agents.<br />

Bampton John E., 25 Rotunda, building, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Bethune Donald, Jr., 9 Rotunda building, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

CIoakings and Makers.<br />

Frisbie James W., 53 and 55 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Zelnansky Mrse S., 188 Jefferson av. (See advt.)

HUGO H<br />

Wholesde & Retail Dealer in<br />


Ladies' Furnishing Goods,<br />

18 1 Jefferson Avenue,-<br />

(Merrill Block, Four Doors East of Woodward Ave.)<br />

1 HAIR JE ELRP 1<br />

Ornamental Hair Work.<br />

Largest ~ntablishlnent in the Weste<br />

Wigs for Gentlemen, Wigs for Ladies, Bandoux, Curls, Waterfalls, Coils,<br />

Switches, Bands, Braids, etc. Orders by Mail or Express to any<br />

part of the Country.<br />

R. C. WILLSON,<br />

198 Jeffersolz Awe., Detrdt. I<br />

!<br />

Or, No. 74 Public Square, Cleveland, 0. I<br />


Clocks and Watches-<br />

Kaiser A,, 179 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Smith M. 8. Bc Co., 51 Woodward and 169 Jefferson avee. .(See advt.)<br />

Clothiers,<br />

Blumberg L., 38 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Bresler A., 14 Michigan avenue.<br />

Deroy A., Michigan, cor. Lafayette avenue.<br />

Ferner & Kraushaar, 94 Woodward avenue.<br />

Gage B~Qs,, 110 Woodward av.<br />

Goodman P., 265 Jefferson av.<br />

Greenbaum J., 47 Jefferson av.<br />

Rallock H. & Co., 168 Jefferson av.<br />

Hart Abraham, 186 Jefferson av.<br />

Heavenrich Bros., 78 Woodward av.<br />

Heineman E. S. & Go., 5 and 7'Fort.<br />

Keveney Patrick, 27 Jefferson sv.<br />

King J. L., 174 Jefferson av.<br />

King William, 42 Woodward av.<br />

Labold L., 36 Woodward av.<br />

Lehnhoff & Kallmeyer, 69 Jefferson av.<br />

Levi D., 127 West Woodbridge.<br />

Levi M., 35 Jefferson av.<br />

Lowenberg E., 151 Michigan av.<br />

Moore J. W. & Co., 106 Woodward av.<br />

Robinson M., 168 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Rosenberger M., 139 Grand River.<br />

Ross J. & Co., 258 Jefferson av.<br />

Simmons Solomon, 139 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smit L. N., 15 Michigan Grand rtve.<br />

Trounstine M., 189 Jefferson ave. (See sdvt).<br />

Van Baalan A. E., Griswold, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Van Baalan E., 16 Michigan ave.<br />

Van Baalan H., 41 Jefferson ave.<br />

Van Baalan I., 34 Jefferson ave.<br />

Van Baalan Israel, 10 Michigan avo.<br />

ran Baalan W., 233 Jefferson avo.<br />

Wilson John, 7 West Fort.<br />

Yates A. C. & Co., 166 Jefferson ave.<br />

Eallack H, gl Co., 168 Jefferson ave.<br />

KauffmanJ., 135 Jefferson sve.<br />

Lieberman E., 34 Woodward aye.

I<br />

l I<br />

HUBBARD & DAVIS, Propr's.<br />


INursery Stock of a<br />

Ornmntal Trees and Shrubs, also, a2Z kinds of Wenhouse pzanta,<br />

Tdip8, Hyacinths Topan Lilies, Flowers, BoqUeta, PloraZ<br />

Designs, &c., do. ; making a specidty 0.4 Perhenas<br />

and Bedding Plants, forwarding them to aU<br />

points by mail or otherzoise.<br />



A -<br />

N. B. After May 1st. f669? we shall h8ve.s Greenhouse and omce open on the cor. Case and<br />

Lamed sts., for the convenience of our numerous patrons.<br />

---<br />

ESTABLISHED 1862.<br />

208 WOODWARD AVE,, SHAW'8 B&BCP(.<br />

Manufacturm of French pattern<br />


ALSO<br />

9=8EAL3hERB a C N<br />

Fas7~w~snble Hoop Slci~ts, Wove Oorsets, Panie~ Bustles, Skirt Suppo~ters,<br />

Xho?.dder Bra,m, Muslin and Merino Underzoea~,<br />

&inen Collars and Cuff4 do.,

on ave.<br />

Schloss & Bro., 180 Jeffer-<br />

Cloths, (Wholesale.)<br />

Hitchcock & Eeselstyn, 147 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cloths, Cassirneres and Vestings.<br />

Culver G. W., 3W. Congress st. (See advt).<br />

Elliott Richard R., 89 Woodmard ave.<br />

Gassmann George, 255 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Heavenrich Bros., 78 Woodwltrd ave.<br />

Pierce, Farrington $ MelYlillan, 77 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trounstine M., 189 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Coal, (Dealers in.)<br />

Crawford, Bacon & Forsyth, foot of Griswold.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Protective Fuel Co., G. H. Rattenbury, Secy., cor. Jefferson<br />

ave. and Griswold st., and cor. Rivard and Atwater.<br />

Fisk $ Ford, foot of 3d, opposite Central Depot.<br />

pittman Jarnee E., office and yard foot of Cass.<br />

Viger Bros., office and yard foot of Randolph.<br />

Coffee (Dealers in.)<br />

Linn A. R, & W. F., 120 Jefferson ave. (ske advt.)<br />

Coffee and Spice Mills.<br />

Sanderson Walter, 154 Jefferson ave. -<br />

CoEns (Wholesale.)<br />

Bronson a,, 92 and 94 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Collecting Agents.<br />

Ashley A., 15 Rotunda building, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Bampton John E., 25 Rotunda building, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

CoIleges (Business.)<br />

Goldsmith, Bryant, & Strattons, business college, Griswold nearP. 0.<br />

School of Business, D. M. Bell supt., 85 Woodward ave.<br />

Commission Merchants.<br />

Anderson R. H., 44 and 46 Woodbridge.<br />

Aspinall J. & Co., 8 Board of Trade building.<br />

Bagg & Son, cor. Randolph and Atwater.<br />

Beeson Jacob & Co.. 57 W. Woodbridee.

Fine Han<br />

Importer and Wholesale Manufacturer of<br />


Inks, Bluing, Pepper Sauce, Pickles, Catsup, Etc,,<br />

No. 227 Michigan Ave., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

/ Best and Cheapest Boots made in <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

A Diploma awarded with Six P'irst Prizes at the<br />

State Pair held in <strong>Detroit</strong> in Sept. 1862.<br />

I<br />



Ladies measured at their homes, if desired.


Bissell A. E. & Co., foot 1st.<br />

Bissell George W., foot of 1st.<br />

Black & Young, on Dock bet. Shelby and Wayne.<br />

Bloss J. B., 5 Woodward ave., (up stair8.j<br />

Botsford S. A., foot 2d.<br />

Bourke Walter, 52 Woodbridge.<br />

Brady BE CO., 1 Woodward dye. *<br />

Buckley & Co., foot of 1st.<br />

Cargill J. A., 7 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Davis W. & Sons, 1 and 2 Russell House Block.<br />

Daweon BG CO., 37 Atwater.<br />

Dickinson Geo. B., Board of Trade Building.<br />

Erwin John G.., Board of Trade Building.<br />

Gillett & Hall, cor. Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Herrington Willard, 41 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Hibbsrd A. G. & CO., 48 and 50 Woodbridge.<br />

Hinchman James A,, 28 Woodbridge.<br />

Hirschman L., 224 Jefferson -ave.<br />

Holmes, Butler & Co., 11 and 13 Woodbri ge.<br />

Jennings P. E. & Co., 13 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Johnson M. & Son, 56 Moodbridge.<br />

Keith J. W. Bi Co., foot of Bates.<br />

Lsmbie F. & Bro., <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Elevator.<br />

Lewis Alexander & Co., Foot of Randolph.<br />

Lichtenberg & Sons, 34 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Livingston B Co., office foot Randolph.<br />

McPherson A. & Co., 63 Woodbridge.<br />

Major & Isham, 71 and 73 Atwater.<br />

Moore & Co., 5 Woodward ave.<br />

Pratt John, cor. Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Phelpe E & Co., 42 Michigan Graud ave.<br />

Rider William, 65 Monroe sve.<br />

Schumm Chas. E., 111 West Larned.<br />

Sheldon C. A., foot of 2d.<br />

Showerman D. 56 Jefferson ave.<br />

Slade Ira, 4 Russell Eouse Block.<br />

Standish $ Ives, 38 Michigan Grand ave. (See advt.)<br />

Stansell Hiram, 3 Eussell House Block.<br />

Taft S. K., 155 Woodmard ave.<br />

Thompson S. We, Jr., 6 Board of Trade building.<br />

Voorheea Peter, core Randolph and Atwater.<br />

Wallace 8. H., 5 Russell House Block. (See advt.)<br />

Willmarth, Sherwood & Co., 26 Woodbridge.<br />

Bancroft G. A,, 89 Griswold.<br />


TEAM P<br />

-*-<br />

Railroad Printing, Steamboat Printing Mercantile Printing,<br />

Legal Pr.infiZ$%g, Prgmtirtg in Bronxe, PruZnt.Cn y .In<br />

Colors EZegarztZy Executed.<br />

Every variety of Book, Job and Ornamental Printing.<br />

Wo~k done 072 short notice and in the best styte,<br />


Corner First-St. and Michigan Ave.,<br />


There you can buy<br />


Cllenper than any other place in tlie city. If you don't believe it, come and<br />

see for yourselves. Wigllest prices paid for all kinds of second-hand goods.<br />


119 Dirichigan Avenue, corner of P'irst St., <strong>Detroit</strong>, iMich.<br />

Oxigenized Air bstilu t e aul Medical Dispensary.<br />

PROF. @. IS. HICYDE, M. D.<br />

For the treatment and cure of Diseases of the Nose, Thrcat and<br />

Lungs ; Catarrh, Broilchitis, Consumption, Scrofula, Neuralgia, Rheuma-<br />

tism, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Female Weaknesses, Eruptions, Lucorrl~rheo,<br />

Erysipelas, Mercurial Disenses, Liver Complaints, Cancers, Gen-<br />

eral Debility, Nervousness, Hysteria, Epilepsy, and many<br />

other Iliseaees too numerous to mention, by the use of<br />


The only true and philoeophical system of medical practice without drugging the stomach<br />

with deleterious, doubtful remedies.<br />

No. 4 B'HSEHEW'S BEQBCIS, I[PIE'rB(BB[T, ItllXClf%.<br />

164 Jefferson Avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Michigan<br />



I<br />

-<br />

*<br />


-<br />

Beedzler J., 101 Woodward ave.<br />

Bell J., 191 Michigan ave.<br />

Bolger D., 187 Mionigan ave.<br />

Brommer Charles G., 116 Randolph.<br />

Castello T. F., 186i Woodward aye.<br />

Chambe F.,. 164 Gratiot.<br />

Chudleigh W. H., 129 Michigan av.<br />

Droot Albert, 396 Gratiot.<br />

Dupont L., 76 Gratiot.<br />

Dupont L. & Son, 287 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dwyer Bros., 104 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fox J. B. & Co., 221 Jefferson ave.<br />

German Anthony, 31 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Gray & Toynton, 143 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hesselbacher Q., 228 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hill J., 207 Gratiot.<br />

Hut ton Charles, 261 Jefferson.<br />

Joseph A., 80 E. Fort.<br />

Keleinow F., Gratiot, cor. Eandolph.<br />

McDonald J., 183 Gratiot.<br />

McGillgcuddy Daniel, 131 Jefferson sve.<br />

Mommer J. C., 230 Woodward aye.<br />

BIueller Otto, 251 Jefferson ave.<br />

Palmer Richard, 168 Michigan ave.<br />

Hogamski R., 189 Lafayette.<br />

Sommer J. C., 230 Woodward ave.<br />

Vhay James H., 75 Michigan ave.<br />

Wineman EX., cor. Randolph and Jefferson.<br />

~end&e<br />

a ? '<br />

Contracters (Cartage.) *d) ,a t~<br />

'* Q<br />

gt Co., office Dm & M. Re R., foot of Brush.<br />

Smith, Co )k $ Co., 81 Uriswold.<br />

Contractors (Paving.)<br />

Conveyancers.<br />

Xuhn Joseph, core Woodward av and Congress st. (See advt)<br />

~&ke~ J., 451 G-ratiot.<br />

Degautels James, 108 Maple.<br />

Dodewyck Broa., 71 Rivard.<br />

Ewers William, 33 Cass.<br />

Gimer B., 217 Gratiot.<br />







-DETROIT,<br />

for their victims.<br />

Remember ! these<br />

, are the fatal eeeds<br />

' -the obscure ems-<br />

et?-- t he positive con-<br />

dition-that a re<br />

n1a.y be the pre-<br />

curser of, or ?re-<br />

disposition to, con-<br />

sumption ? If so,<br />

come at once and.<br />

be cured ! lest &-<br />

lay or procrastina-<br />

tion steal your<br />

chailces and gold-<br />

en opportunities,<br />

ancl disease and t i o n ?--charcter-<br />

or any of the many ille<br />

chronic? If so, Come<br />

gan~zations have taken<br />

recuperation---we again<br />

the treatment of diseae-

- -<br />


Hoste F., 364 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Ickler Henry, 38 Maple.<br />

Jacob Gilliam, 291 Hastings.<br />

Kraper F., 291 Croghan.<br />

Marr J., 400 Gratiot.<br />

Overmeer A., Biopelle, cor. Gratiot.<br />

Both M., 399 Mullet.<br />

Simon P. H., 256 Michigan ave.<br />

Usia P., 571 Gratiot.<br />

Vandenbrouck David, cor. Fort and Orleans.<br />

Whitney Reynolds, 65 E. Fort. (See advt.)<br />

Coppersmiths.<br />

Frumviller Antony, cor Ilandolph and Monroe ave.<br />

. McGrane & Walker, 45 Jefferson ave.<br />

Corsets, (Manfrs.)<br />

Burger F. A,, 208 Woodward ave. (See odvt.)<br />

Crockery, (See also Glassware.)<br />

Bromly William, 39 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Henderson John, 139 Woodward ave.<br />

Hughes T., 135 Michigan ave.<br />

King Robert W., 90 Jefferson ave.<br />

McCormick David, 12 Michigan ave.<br />

Mather & Co., 169 Woodward ave.<br />

Bowell J., Michigan ave., cor. 1st. (See advt.)<br />

Shefferly J. B., 138 and 140 Woodwaad ave.<br />

Crookerg, Wholesale.<br />

Wetmore F. & Co.; 68 Woodmrd ave. (See advt.)<br />

Cutlery.<br />

Glover Bi Powell, 99 Woodward ave. (See card front cover.)<br />

Limbach M., 100 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Wetmore F. 8t Go., 68 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Wuelfing F. & CQ., cor. Atwater and Bates.<br />

Cycloid Piano Forte.<br />

Couee Adam, State Agent, 137 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Decorators.<br />

Wright William & Co., 92 Woodward ave. (See back paster.)





We have the sole agency for O'Neill's Patent COPPER BOILER BOTTOMS for<br />

Sto \re Furniture ; also, Patent MONITOR Self-washer and Cleaner, and keep<br />

constantly on hand the Celebrated American BASE BURNER and BASE<br />

HEATER Coal Stove, which is acknowledged by all who have used It to<br />

be the best in use. Before purchasing, call and see the Furniture<br />

with which we furnish our Cook Stoves.<br />

98 Woodward Awe., DEITROG MICH.<br />


F, WETMQItE & CO.<br />

Importers and Jobbers of<br />





Including Black Walnut, Butternut, Cherry, Chestnut,<br />

Ash, Oak, Whitewood, Basswood, Maple, Etc.<br />

Atwater Street, corner Riopelle,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

JACOB .XANN, P~ropvdetor.<br />

Lager Beer Constantly on Hand,<br />


Location, corner Maple and Rivard Streets.

Dentists.<br />

Ashley Xi. V., 6 Merrill Block.<br />

Benedict H., 158 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brown W., 126 Michigan ave.<br />

Cleland & Cpwie, cor. Woodward ave and Larned st.<br />

Farmer J. H., 35 Blonroe ave.<br />

Farnsworth J. H., 95 Jefferson ave.<br />

Field George L., 87 Woodward ave.<br />

Knowlton C. F., 35 Monroe ave.<br />

Lathrop Joseph, 148 Woodward ave.<br />

Thomas G. R., (D. Do 8.;) OperaHouse block.<br />

Wright & Watton, room 2 Pisber's;block.<br />

'CITarren W. A,, 164 Michigan ave.<br />

Depots (Passenger. )<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> & Milwaukee R. R. foot of Brush. (See advt.)<br />

Grand Trunk Railway, cor. 3d and Woodbridge. (See advt.)<br />

Great Western Ik. R., foot of 3d. (See advt.)<br />

Michigan Central It. R., foot of 3d. (See advt.)<br />

foot of Brush. (See advt.)<br />

Michigan Southern &No<br />

I. R. Re,<br />

Dining Rooms, see also Restaurants.<br />

Heffron & Co., cor. FIToodward and Jefferson aves. (See advt.)<br />

Perry William C., 398 12th.<br />

Divers, Sub-Marine.<br />

Drays, Carts and Lorrys.<br />

Chope & Sons, 80, 82 and 84 Randolph.<br />

Dress Goods.<br />

Frisbie James W., 53 and 55 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Dressmakers.<br />

Allen Mrs. M., 352 Lafayette.<br />

Atkinson Mrs., 39 West Larned.<br />

Bell Mrs. J., 351 Michigan ave.<br />

Breen Mar aret IKrs., 151 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brodie Mrs. KM . E., 115 East Larned.<br />

Grue Mrs., 97 Antoine.<br />

Butler Mrs. R. A., 137 West Woodbridge.<br />

Campbell Miss M. T.. 289 Jefferson ave.<br />

Carrier Mrs., 326 Congress.<br />

Clark M. Me, 118 Marion.<br />



----<br />


Bonnet Plumes Dyed, Cleaned and Curled,<br />

E. ROBERTS & GO.,<br />

No. 114 Ranclolpli-St., bet. Fort & Congrcss-Ste., near Narket,<br />

jMIC..GAX<br />


Goods received by Express promptly attended to.<br />


Nails, Stoves, Glass, Agricultural Implenlents, Hubs, Felloes, Etc.,<br />

No. 1 60 Woodward Avea'rae,<br />


Munuftrctnrers of and Dealers in<br />

Alade from the Best Philadelphin Oak Leather, and Warranted.<br />

88 \Voodward=avenue,<br />

DET-S'ROHT<br />

N. B. Sole State Agents for Cole's Put. Wedge Collar Buckles.<br />

THE EYES ! ! THE EARS ! !<br />



. I. Walker ; Eon.

Collins Mrs. M. A., 23 Catherine.<br />

Deffield Miss 3161 Monroe ave.<br />

Foster Mrs. S., 90 Rivard.<br />

Frantz Mrs. A., 123 Brush.<br />

Furst Mrs. B., 54. Macomb.<br />

Galene A., 118 E. Fort.<br />

Goyette Mrs. N., 1'569 Woodward aye.<br />

Hahn A,, cor. Beaubien and High.<br />

Iiancock Mrs. H. R., 6 Gratiot.<br />

Harrison Miss, 214 Woodward ave.<br />

Honey M.. 196 Woodward ave.<br />

Hutchins Mrs. E., 171 E. Congress.<br />

Ingalsbe Mrs. F. T., 136 E. Fort.<br />

Jones Mrs. H. L., 409 Larned.<br />

ICeliher Mrs. M., 99 Beaubien.<br />

Kent Miss R. K., 54 Monroe gv.<br />

Koran Mrs., 125 Gratiot.<br />

Mane Mrs. H. N., 223 Michigan ave.<br />

Marabell'& Talmadge, 128 Clinton.<br />

Laloney C., 346 12th.<br />

Larriott Mrs., 63 Orleans.<br />

Matthews Mrs., 425 Larned.<br />

Merritt Mrs. L. C., 30 Strong's block, Jefferson sve.<br />

Miller Mrs. Nellie, 118 Michigan ave.<br />

Newell Mrs., 8 Spruce.<br />

Peter Mrs. M., 71 E. Fort.<br />

Purdue E., 526 Michigan ave.<br />

Savage Mrs., 522 Michigan ave.<br />

Sigler Mrs T., 96 Michigan ave,<br />

Stevenson Mrs., 310 Michigan ave.<br />

Tucker Mrs. S., 113 Grand River.<br />

Woodward Mrs. Ma S., 52 Brush.<br />

Wright I., 123 Gratiot.<br />

Zemansky lklr~. S., 188 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Druggists.<br />

Bisbee J. B., 285 Jefferson ave.<br />

Chapman 3; R. & Co., 199 Jefferson ave.<br />

Crowley J. J., 347 Michigan ave.<br />

Drexel Mrs. M., cor. Croghan and Antoine.<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co., 80 TlToodmard ave. (See advt.)<br />

Fletcher F. E., 208 Randolph.<br />

Griffiths T. H., 241 Michigan ave.<br />

Haigh Henry, s e cor. Jefferson and Brush.<br />

Harvey John, 187 Woodward ave.<br />

Harvey J., 176 Michigan are.<br />

Harvey John, 269 Woodward ave.

I 1<br />






j -<br />

nETRo=m, ~XWE~CX~AX,<br />


A large assortnlent of Genuine and Imitation Precious Stones always on hand<br />

Repairing done in the Nizcctest Munnw.<br />



AND FUR<br />

ALSO<br />



(Formerly Old Black Bear Stand,)<br />


-- -<br />

1V. B. Silk Hats, Felt Hats, Furs and Robes ltrade to Ordeer.<br />

-.<br />



OP CIGARS, 1<br />

Jefferson av.<br />

i<br />

I<br />

bet, 3d & 3d. 1<br />


I<br />

GASP HOTEL, i I<br />

DETROlT,<br />

MICH. 1<br />

FISK &: F.CIRIP,<br />



I<br />

Dock foot of Third Street, opp. Central Depot. 1<br />

I<br />




- Hill F. P., 121 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnston William, 31 and 155 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kitton E. D., 107 Michigan ave.<br />

Lay E. D., Jr., 173 Woodward ave.<br />

~ehschner ~tto, 191 JeEerson srTe.<br />

Monagham N., Grand River, cor. Cam.<br />

Moser ~heodo~e, 234 Randolph.<br />

lionnefeld T., 143 Gratiot.<br />

Scherer J. C., 39 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Ychroeder Edward, 398 Gratiot.<br />

Sickler B. E., 162 Woodward ave.<br />

Supple William R., 269 Jefferson nve.<br />

Sutton & Co., Grand River, opp. Cass Market.<br />

Swift H. F. & Bro., 104 Woodvara ave.<br />

Vernor J.. & Co., 219 Woodward zve.<br />

Watson S. @., 499 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wheeler George M., 85 Griswold.<br />

Druggists, Wholesale.<br />

Eaton Theodore He & Son, 18 Woodward ave.<br />

Farrand, Sheley &GO., 80 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Griffith J. H., 106 Jefferson ave., under Michigan Exchange.<br />

Hinchman T. H., 78 and 80 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stearns Frederick, 71 Woodward ave.<br />

Dry Goods.<br />

Ihmberger N., 99 Woodward ave.<br />

Blitz Samuel, 184 Randolph.<br />

Blame F. C., 61 Woodward ave.<br />

Bretlnan & Bros., 184 Michigan ave.<br />

Brown M. C., 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Burkheiser John, 79 Croghan.<br />

Burns gG Smith, 57 Woodward ave.<br />

Campbell, Linn & Co., Woodward ave cor. Congress.<br />

Fonda & Esselst yn, 146 Woodward ave.<br />

Freedman 8. & Bros., 82 and 84 Woodward ave.<br />

Fuchs Otto, 200 Randolph.<br />

Ginsburg M., 185 Croghau.<br />

Goodman B., 226 Gratiot.<br />

Greening H., 63 Woodmard ave.<br />

Gunn & Locke, 96 Woodsard<br />

Hanley Bros. 16'7 Michigan ave.<br />

Henderson William, 149 Michigan ave.<br />

Hetfield F. O., 167 Jefferson ave.<br />

Holthoeper & ICensch, 125 Woodward aye.<br />

Huss & Bloom, cor. Monroe ave. and Randolph.


- - - -- -<br />

IH. S m SMITM & GO.,<br />

Inlporters and Dealers in<br />


51 Woodward dZ 169 Jefferson Aveu.,<br />


J. W FRISBIE,<br />





JOHX I?- HEN.SIENq<br />



Nos. 128 & 130, cor St. Antoine & Fort Sts.,<br />


\Vliolesnle dnd Retail Dealer in<br />

Also, First Glass Dress & Cloak Malring,<br />

188 Jgerson Ave., Bet. ~oodwurd Ave. uad Butes St.,<br />


L<br />


--.<br />

'Johnston & Co., 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnston W., 264 Michigan ave.<br />

Kirchner A., 22 b1onroe ave.<br />

Kirchner S., 18 Monroe ave.<br />

Iiochler C. E., 170 Michigan ave.<br />

Lowrie James & Sons, 148 Woodwzrd ave.<br />

Lyons H., 229 Michigan ave.<br />

McRae, Gordon & Bacon, 97IWoodward ave.<br />

Nall James, Jr., & Co., 74 Woodward ave.<br />

Mewcomb, Endicott & Co., Opera House Block.<br />

Peck George, 127 Woodwa,rd ave.<br />

Pierce, Farrington 8i McMillan, 77 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

Reeg L., 177 Michigan ave.<br />

Youngblood Jacob, 456 Gratiot.<br />

Dry Goods, Wholesale.<br />

Orr Edward, 120 and 122 Jeffergon ave.<br />

Pierce, Farrington $ McMillan, 77 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

Root & Barbour, 46 and 48 Woodward ave.<br />

Shelden Allen & Co., 21 and 23 Woodward ave.<br />

Dye Stuffs.<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co., 80 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Dyers and Scourers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Fancy Dyeing House, 26 E. Congress.<br />

French Steam Dye Works, 62 Randolph.<br />

Lambert William, 15 E. Congress.<br />

Lippold Henry, 81 E. Congress.<br />

Raths N., w. s. Bates. near Congress.<br />

lZoberts E. & Co., 107 Grand River.<br />

Roberts E. & Go*, 114 Randolph. (See advt.)<br />

Schumers M., Bates, cor. Congress.<br />

Stevens A., 140 E. Fort.<br />

Edge Tools, (Manfrs.)<br />

Shaw Samuel, 147 W. Larned.<br />

Zug Samuel, cor. Burch and Woodbridge.<br />

Electro Not and Cold Air Baths.<br />

Stone B., 80 and 82 Wayne, bet. Congress and Fort. (See advt.)<br />

Electrotypers.<br />

--<br />

The Calvert Lithographing, Engraving and Map Publishing


1s noted to be tl~e best Best and Cheapest in <strong>Detroit</strong>, for<br />

all Goods aye of the Best Brands..<br />

Hotels and Private Families Supplied at Wholesale and Retail,<br />

No. 102 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT; MICHIGAN.<br />


"<br />

Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Fancy Goods,<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong>, I,B%ich.<br />

Old Plated Ware lieplated equal to New, at less tlinn half tlie original cost,<br />

Silver Door Plates Made and Engraved to Order. Carriage Irons, etc., Fire<br />

Plated. Watches and Jewelry made and repaired. =Work warranted.

-----<br />

* --<br />


-- ----.<br />

CO., cor. Jefferson avo. and Griswold. (See advt.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Elevator, foot of Cass.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Railroad Elevat,or, office 19 Bank Building.<br />

, Michigan Central Railroad Elevator, Woodbridge, foot of 8th.<br />

Hude Mrs., 181 Woodward ave.<br />

Messe Misses, 75 E. Larned.<br />

Embroideries.<br />

Engravers, (Cards. 1<br />

Foster John Jay, n. TV. cor. Campus Martius. . (See advt.)<br />

Enqravers, (General,)<br />

Downer IIenry C., 85 Woodward ave.<br />

Foster John Jay, n. w. cor. Campus Wartius. (See advt.)<br />

Eochgraff Maximilian, 246 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith I. 8. & Co., 51 Woodward and 169 Jefferson apes. (See advt-)<br />

The Calvert Lithographing, Engraving and BIap Publishing<br />

Co., cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Traub Bras., 206 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Engravers,(GoId and Silver.)<br />

Foster John Jay, n. w. cor. Campus Martius. (See advt.)<br />

Enqravers, (Steel.)<br />

Poster John Jay, n. w. cor. Campus Martius. (See advt.)<br />

Morton J. D., Room 16 Merrill Block.<br />

Engravers, (Stone.)<br />

Wilkinson T. A., 246 Jefferson ave.<br />

Earl W. E., 214 Jefferson ave.<br />

O'Brien James, 187 Jefferson ave.<br />

Engravers, (Wood.)<br />

Exchange, (Foreign. )<br />

Kuhn Joseph, cor. Woodward ave. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Express Lines.<br />

Canadian Express Co,, core Griswold and Larned.<br />

13<br />




Dealer in<br />

NEY AT LAW,<br />


Provisions, Teas, Coffees, Sugars,<br />

Spices, Etc., Etc., AND NO T ARY PUBLIC,<br />

Cor. DIacomb & Antoine-sts,,<br />

No. 15 Rotunda Building,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

- -<br />

N. B. Give us a call. Griswold d., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Xich.<br />



125 & 127 JEFERSON-AVE.,<br />


45 Larned St., West, below Shelby,<br />

-<br />

Detroi&, Hick<br />

Jobbing a~zd Furnitum Bepairing<br />

-<br />

DETROIT, MICHIGAN. attended to.<br />


~ 1 1<br />

kind8 of<br />



Done to order.<br />

HOOPS MANUFACTURED Solicitor in CI~,ancerg a d Notary<br />

for Lake Superior Market. Public.<br />


Location : 65 Fort Street, 33 Lamed 8i!Wet9 west,<br />

Em%<br />

MICHIGAN. De&~oif, Mich,<br />


S. E. tor. Jefferson Ave. and Brush Street,<br />




CARVER,<br />

And Dealer in a11 kinds of Cut and<br />

Rough Stone,<br />

(lor. Beaubien and Maple sts.,<br />

N. B. Dealer in pure imported Wines and<br />

Liquors for I).Iedicinal pLzrposea. DETROIT, ISgICHIGAN.

-.<br />


Merchants' Dispatch, 36 Grisw old.<br />

The American Merchants' Union Express Co., cor.Griswold & Larned.<br />

United States Express Co., F. K. Cone, Agent, 52 Griswold.<br />

Excelsior Oil, Mnfrs*<br />

Randall & Lamb, 257 Michigan av.<br />

Extracts, FIuid.<br />

Duffield, Parke *& CO., core Henry and Clifford.<br />

Fancy Goods.<br />

Black D. $ Co., 38 Woodward ave.<br />

Burger F. A,, 208 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Calvert Miss, 680 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cohen L. Bt Broa., 145 Gratiot.<br />

Cohen S. & M., 151 Woodward ave.<br />

Dalton & O'Dwyer, 187 Jefferson ave.<br />

Deering Wr J. & Go., 267 Michigan ave.<br />

Doeltz G. & Bro., 70 Woodward ave.<br />

DuMont E., 249 Jefferson aye.<br />

Duncan L. A., 278 Woodward ave.<br />

Fenton Mrs., 128 Michigan av.<br />

Fleischer Peter, 75 Monroe ave.<br />

Frisbie J. W., 53 and 55 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Hill Hugo, 181 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Levv We, 253 Michigan ave.<br />

~eEcer Hiss C. & E., 244 Woodward ave.<br />

Ychwartz Charles, 59 Woodward ave.<br />

Segar Miss M., 77 Larned.<br />

Sholtpe J., 222 Woodward ave.<br />

Sullivan C., 91 Grand River.<br />

Van Slyke & Co., 219 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ticks H. H., 235 Michigan ave.<br />

Weiss P., 77 Gratiot.<br />

Wendriner A*, 27 Michigan aye.<br />

Wilson T. H., 194 Woodward ave.<br />

Zemaneky Mrs. S., 188 Jefferson aye. (Sec advt.)<br />

Fancy Goods, Wholesale.<br />

Burnstine N., 85 Woodward ave.<br />

Rothschild Bc Bro., 232 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shzc: A. We, 105 and 107 Jefferson ave.<br />

S p h<br />

Felt, Fire and Water Proof.<br />

G.. We, 10 Merrill block. (See advt.)

Non- Po ZZtical,<br />

The Largest, Cheapest, and on day Paper of this character<br />

Published in the United States.<br />

Eight Large, Well - Filled Pages Every Week.<br />

Zver?/th.ing Besh and of General Iraterest $0 the Ha6ram<br />

A Ma,gniJiccnt Engraving, 24x30 inches, Given to Bvery Subscriber.<br />

Terms only $1.50 a Year. Forty Large Columns a Week.<br />

The Circulation of THE CRESCENT exceeds that of any other Sunday publication<br />

in the West, and is constantly increasing.<br />

.L.L<br />

TO ~~DVE~TISERS :<br />

We admit nothing to our advertising columns of a humbug or indecent<br />

character, thereby securing to those who make known their business through<br />

THE CRESCENT t.he confidence of its readers. Terms very liberal. Specimen<br />

copies sent, with advertising rates, on receipt of Five Cents.<br />

A New Volume was commenced December 20th, 1868, and o'ur Editorial and<br />

and Reportorial force greatly augmented.<br />

KOLAR & SLAWSON, Publishers,<br />

-<br />

WSee editorial notice. . 46 Monroe Ave., DETROIT, MICII.<br />



77 Larned Street, East,

Camus Pet.er, 192 Gratiot.<br />

File Cutters.<br />

Fish, Dealers in.<br />

Craig James, Woodbridge bet. Cass and Wayne.<br />

Davis W. & Sons, 192 ltussell House block.<br />

Johnson BSOS., 179 Woodward ave.<br />

Parkinson Joseph c% Co., 109 and 111 W. Larned.<br />

Flags and Banners, (Manfrs.1<br />

Eldredge J. V. ID. & Co., 185 Jefferson ave., up stairs, (See advt.)<br />

FIavoring Extracts. '<br />

Bartholomew W. E., 227 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Wiggins $ McMillan, 124 We Larned.<br />

FIous and Feed.<br />

Babillion, Hinchman & Co., cor. Wayne and Woodbridge.<br />

Chaney & Howell, 148 Grand River.<br />

Clayton 'Mills, 489 Gratiot. (See advt.)<br />

Danehey James J., 79 Michigan ave.<br />

Dawson Bc Co., 37 Atwater.<br />

Herrington Willard, 41 Michigan nve. (See advt.)<br />

Eittelberger George, 196 Randolph.<br />

Martin J., 116 Michigan ave.<br />

Martin S., 258 Michigan ave.<br />

Sabin BE Baker, 12 Atmater.<br />

Safford C. I-I., cor. Randolph and Woodbridge.<br />

'CVilks George, 39 Jefferson ave.<br />

Flouring Mills.<br />

Clayton Mills, 489 Gratiot. (See advt.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mills, 314 and 316 W. Woodbridge.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Flouring Mills, T. R. Jones, Prop., cor. Larned and 2d.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Mills, Clee Lk Coville, Props., cor. Michigan ave. and 1st st.<br />

Perrien & Bros., 176 Gratiot.<br />

Lemon E. M., 231 Michigan ave.<br />

Flour, Self Rising.<br />

Foreign Passage Agent<br />

Kuhn Joseph, cor. Woodward ave. and Congress st. (See advt.)

F. C. MOORE & CO.,<br />

Manufacturers of all kinds of<br />

00MS AND<br />

Gor. 1st St. and Michigan Ave.,<br />


Orders Filled with promptness at Low-<br />

est Prices.<br />




Also, Wholesale Rag Dealer,<br />

KO I Croghan Street,<br />


The highest gice paid for Rags, Copper,<br />

rass, Etc., Etc.:<br />



Plain and Ornamental<br />


44 Columbia, Street.<br />

East Detarof t,<br />



And Dealer in Clothing, Cloth,<br />

Cassimeres, Vestings, 'i'ailor's<br />

Trimmings, and - Gents'<br />


189 Jefferson A ,re.,<br />


CHAS. I?. PARENT, Manager.<br />



1 Nortllrest Corner Grisnrold and 1<br />

\<br />


Congress Streets, Cor. Cnt11erine:anci Riopelle<br />

-<br />

Sts.,<br />



Manufacturers of<br />

Awarded First Premium at Mich- JOHN PFRORIM & CO., Proprs.<br />

igan State Fair, 1868.<br />


5,7 and 9 Orchard St. Give us a Call. @or. Jay & St. Aubin-st.<br />


Foundries.<br />

Elmer A. W., Fort cor. 20th.<br />

Glendinning D. W., 154 Michigan as.<br />

Hodge B Christie, cor. Atwater and Rivard.<br />

~acksbn &. Wiley, cor. 5th and Woodbridge.<br />

Purcell William, cor 7th and Woodbridge.<br />

Wilson J. B., Woodbridge bet. 13th and 14th.<br />

Fruit.<br />

Beard Q. & Son, Russell House cor.<br />

Carew John H., 193 Jefferson av.<br />

Dwyer John, 68 Jefferson avo.<br />

Lichtenberg & Sons, 34 Michigan Grand av.<br />

Sullivan Eugene, 25 Jefferson me.<br />

Wallace RY H.; 5 Russell House block. (See advt.)<br />

Farrand & Osborne, cor. Porf and 24th. (See advt.)<br />

Furnaces, Wood and Coal.<br />

Holmes Bc Webster, 115 Jefferson ave.<br />

Furniture. Mnfrs. and Dealers in.<br />

Aberle J., 459 Hastings.<br />

Abraham A. W., 126 Michigan ave.<br />

Beavis G., 349 Michigan aye.<br />

Blake P., 21 Michigan ave.<br />

Bromly William, 39 Michigan ave.<br />

Broolrs - , cor. Bates and Larned.<br />

Brown W. & Bro., 195 Jefferson ave.<br />

Caillee J., 515 Gratiot.<br />

Clark & Stevens, 24 Michigan ave.<br />

Corns J., 115 Grand River.<br />

Deinze F. & Co., 243 Gratiot.<br />

Domine Charles, 90 Gratiot.<br />

Plach & Guninger, 57 and 59 E. Fort.<br />

Flattery & Bros., 26 Woodward ave. and Franklin, cor. Antoine.<br />

For sy th & Berry, 97 Michigan ave.<br />

Fort & Larne, 2 and 3 Michigan ave.<br />

Gimbel Martin, 99 E. Lamed.<br />

Gost A,~gust, 140 Randolph.<br />

Eargreaves & Bro., 252 Nichigan ave.<br />

Herfurth Charles, 68 Gratiot.<br />

Hommel J., 96 Gratiot.<br />

Kirby E., 78 Rivard.<br />

Kooch Andrew, 58 Larned.

L-<br />



RCHAHTS,<br />

Office No. 5 3Ierrill Block, up stairs.<br />

All kinds of Lumber wanted.<br />

I<br />

f'<br />


Warrants to cure all diseases inciclent<br />

to the human frame.<br />

Location 116 Lafayette, St., East.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

SXJ~'J?0llriT'S<br />

New Gallery of Painting and Photography,<br />

205 and 207 Jefferson avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

After a retirement of over eight years from<br />

the Photograph Picture business in <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

I have purchased my old Gallery some nine<br />

months ago, and have since rebuilt and refitted<br />

it with every improvement in the art.<br />

Jly artists elnployed in painting and photographing<br />

are strictly first class. Satisfaction<br />

guaranteed, and punctuality will be the order<br />

of the institution.<br />

1<br />

Every style of picture beautif~~lly finished i<br />

from the finest Ivory miniature to life size, in I<br />

Ink, Water colors, Crayon, Pastelle and Oil<br />

colors. The public are respectfully invited to<br />

call and examine specimens. Also wholeeale<br />

and retail dealer in every kind and variet.y of<br />

Frames, Artists' materials and Photoaruph I<br />

GOO~S. ,, MOSES SUTTO~.<br />

I I<br />

g.. . .,.r,. 205 and 207 Jefferson Ave., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

- ---<br />

Office hours 9 to 11 a. m. 2 to 4 & 7 to 8 p. rn-<br />


D.<br />

1 Physician, Surgeon & Accoucheor,<br />

I<br />


(Over Schuler's Jewelry Store.)<br />

1<br />

DETROIT.<br />

Reaidence, 164 Second St., near Howard.<br />

--<br />



Manufacturers and Dealers in<br />

& BLINDS<br />

And all kinds of Mouldings.<br />


8HO.P :<br />


Eet. Hastings and Rivard-sts, near the Gratiot<br />

Street Hay-Market,<br />


JAMES CILL, 1<br />

Ded er in<br />




Bressler Block,<br />


Jo6bing neatly and Promptly atten.ded to.<br />

- -<br />


CLAIM: AND<br />

E AGENT '<br />

Anci Money Lender on Real Estnte<br />

in the <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />


Griswolcl St.<br />




I<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Michigan. ~

ir -<br />

I _ _ _ _ . p - --<br />


- -<br />

Kuengel F. & Co., 198 Gratiot.<br />

La~ham & Bedell, 63 Michigan ave.<br />

~iete T. T., 8 Gratiot.<br />

Meyers William, 346 Grakiot.<br />

Neuhauser Antoine, 134 E. Lafayette.<br />

Pnton & Son 172 Gratiot.<br />

Pfeiffle Peter, 86 E. Lafayette.<br />

Pullen E., core 2d and Spencer.<br />

Rowell J., 119 Michigan ave. cor. First.<br />

Schwartz & Deinzer, cor. Bronson and Hastings.<br />

Seeley Daniel, cor. Michigan av. and Griswold st.<br />

Smith & Guieterman, 174. Woodward av<br />

Steele Charles A,, 138 Michigan av.<br />

Tillman, Silsbee & Co., 144 Jefferson av.<br />

Wagner A. & J., 54 Monroe av.<br />

Weber H., 129 Woodward av.<br />

Woodhams Thomas, 161 Rivard. \<br />

Wright. John, 19 Michigan av.<br />

Furriers.<br />

Altrnan I. & Co., 79 Woodward av.<br />

I(elley Geo. B. & Co., 182 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Roehler G., 81 Gratiot.<br />

Zeiter C., cor. Hastings and Montca.lm.<br />

Garden Seeds.<br />


Ferrand BE Osbornu, cor. Fort and 24th. (See advt.)<br />

Ferr Do M. & Co., 389 and 191 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Hub C ard $ Davis, 24th nr. Fort. (See advt.)<br />

@as Fixtures.<br />

Xoyt, Hinman $ Co., 156 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Webster Howard, 227 Jefferson av.<br />

Wetmore F. Br, Co., 68 Woodmard av. (See a h.)<br />

Gas and Steam Fitters.<br />

Rolmes Bi Webster, 115 Jefferson ave. (See advt.<br />

Kramer & Steiner, 21 E. Congress. (See advt.)<br />

Lovett S. We, 43 Griswold. (See advt.)<br />

McIntyre John M., 29 Shelby. (See advt.)<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods.<br />

Chandler George G., 1 W. Lamed.<br />

Cole Walter B., 108 Griswold.<br />

Colman 11. W., 129 Jefferson ave,<br />


a. N~ M~ICNTYIRE, The Wsranda,<br />

PLUMBER,<br />


RICE,<br />

No. 20 SHELBY STREET, ]Manager,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, 48 ,4ND 50 SHELBY STREET.<br />

Particular attention paid to Steamboat Work. I<br />

WOOD YARD,<br />

G. W. I-IUDSON cE CO.,<br />

Are prepnrecl to Fill all Orders on<br />

Short Notice nrlcl Reasonable Bates.<br />

WIYIeals at all hours.<br />

il. KAISER,<br />

Dealer in all kinds of<br />

I Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.<br />

AI! kinds of Jewel~y repnirecl by<br />

experienced workmen,. with dispatch,<br />

63 Woodbridge St., 179 Jefferson Avenue,<br />



Ornauzexxtal<br />

Pai7ztin.g neatly exec<br />

ted on 81~0rt ~zotim.<br />

A Large Assortment of Paints, Oils and Painters' Materials<br />

, Constantly on Hand. Prices to Compete with Wholesale Market.<br />

445 Croghan-St., <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

WPartictioulw Attention Given to Ka!somining and Wall Coloring.<br />


-- - - -,*--- .- - - - - ---,<br />

' ' 4 1 ' 4 .-<br />

a ? , ,<br />

H ~ DETROIT ~ CITY BU$:~&.$ ~ rt&~:g'if~z,'j.:.<br />

~ ~ ~ ' ~<br />

Derrick A., 58 Michigan ave. 5 . .<br />

> - :-<br />

1 .<br />

a -3P5 - , -<br />

- . - i~i<br />

- ) : .<br />

Donaldson J. & Co., 212 Jefferson ave.<br />

G;assmann ~eorge, 255 Jefferson aye. (See advt.)<br />

Heller Abraham, 111 Woodward we.<br />

Lehmann & ~ adhan, 109 Jefferson nve.<br />

Lehnhoff Lewis, 127 Jefferson ' ave.<br />

Potter $ Northrop, 170 Jefferson ave. and 1 Opera House blk.<br />

Ramsay R. T. & C. S., 120 Woodward ave.<br />

Ryan Charles, 123 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trounstine M,, 189 Jefferson aye. (See advt.)<br />

Tucker D., 240 Jefferson ave.<br />

Workum D. J., 226 Jefferson ave.<br />

German Agents.<br />

Kuhn Joseph, core Woodward we. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Gilders.<br />

Wright William & Co., 92 Moodward ave. (See back pastier.)<br />

Glassware.<br />

Ryrne M., 108 Michigan ave.<br />

Harris A. M., 127 Jefferson av.<br />

Hoyt, Hiaman & Co., 156 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Roehler Anton, 232 Randolph.<br />

Gold Pens (Mnfrs.) .<br />

Dunks C. H., 157 Jefferson av.<br />

Griesharber & St. Jorre, 164 Jefferson av.<br />

Gold and Silver Platers.<br />

Clay BE Allen, 10 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Grain Dealers.<br />

Wallace R. H., 5 Russell House block. (See advt.)<br />

Grape Vines.<br />

Ferrand &o~borne, cor. Fort and 24th. (See advt.) -,<br />

Hubbard & Davis, 24th nr. Fort. (See advt.)<br />

Gravel Roof (gVIanfrs.1<br />

Sparke a. W., 10 Merrill Hall. (See advt.)<br />

Adams M, A,, 172 Michigan av.<br />

Grocers.<br />

> Q ?

~~:?'. jjo~r,~br~9'~ a~3~&~22-<br />


Ash Richard &#,.(I@:,. (38 Randolph.<br />

Baker G., 339 Uiahigan av.<br />

Ball W., 301 Grand River.<br />

Louis, cor. Beaubien and Macomb.<br />

Barkenowitz G. F., cor. Maple and Dubois.<br />

Barlage A., 128 Franklin.<br />

Barrett D. T., cor Woodbridge and 15t.<br />

13arris J. C., 218 Woodward ave.<br />

Barry William, cor. Franklin and Antoine.<br />

Bartels W., 400 Grctnd River.<br />

13ates W. C., 34 cor. Abbott.<br />

Eauer John, 408 Croghan.<br />

Beaker F. F., cor. Fort and Hastings.<br />

Beebe C., 240 Grand River.<br />

13enoit E. P., 191 E. Fort.<br />

Bentley L% Alexander, cor. Bandolph and Macomb.<br />

Betzing Adam, cor. ltussell and Mullet.<br />

Blazer J., 538 Michigan aye.<br />

Bockheim John, cor. Fort and Beaubien.<br />

Bourgeoes I-Ienry, 171 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Bawer J., 88 Prospect.<br />

Bomnie lZobert, Fort, bet. 17th and 18th.<br />

Erassard J., 472 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Breen W., 211 Woodward ave.<br />

Ilrennan E., 160 Grand River.<br />

Urennen W., 333 Michigan ave.<br />

Brennen P., 270 Sixth.<br />

13rewster J. E., 216 Woodward ave.<br />

Erodkorb W.? cor. Grove and Hastings.<br />

Buchan G., 387 Grand River.<br />

13uckley W., 682 Jefferson ave.<br />

13urger John, 143 Rlacornb.<br />

Burlatge G., 99 Gratiot.<br />

Burnham Il., 313 Woodward we.<br />

Cachen T., Beech, cor. Sixth.<br />

Cailill, P. F., 24th, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Calnon Jeremiah, 50 and 52 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Oampbell T.. 253 Michigan ave.<br />

Chabe A., 181 Grand River.<br />

Christa N., 355 Kastings.<br />

Christiansen & Bush, 259 Jefferson ave.<br />

Claroux I,. D., cor. 12th and Woodbridge.<br />

Clessen Peter, cor. Russell and Macomb..<br />

Coe Willis H., Fort, cor. 7th.<br />

Conway & Defer, 300 Franklin.<br />

Copp J., Grand River, nr. Thompson.<br />

Corbett T., 185 Michigan ave.<br />

.I<br />


- Courtney J., 178 Jones.<br />

Crabb George, 20th, opp. Baker.<br />

Crowley C., 5th, cor. Porter.<br />

Crowley M., 17th, cor. Howard.<br />

Cueny J. J. 191 E. Lafa.yette.<br />

Cullen J., 9 Sproat.<br />

Currie John C., 117 Twelfth.'<br />

Daly M., 5th, cor. Abbott.<br />

Degindei Mrs. It., 201 Clinton ave.<br />

Deleeenne G. J., 885 Franklin.<br />

Dickson D., cor. First and Larned.<br />

Doetsch M., cor. Antoine and Napoleon.<br />

Donnell John O., 335 Woodward ave.<br />

Donnelly W., 684 Michigan ave.<br />

Dormann E., 77 Twelfth.<br />

Dreher H. k Bros,, 46 Columbia.<br />

Drexelius Peter, 240 Macomb.<br />

Duffy C., St. Aubin ave., cor. Congress.<br />

Dufrene A. R., 94 Rivard.<br />

Dunnbake John II., cor. Franklin and Xivard.<br />

Duross M., cor. Congress and Hastings.<br />

Dwver J.. Fifth, cor Porter.<br />

I3rnbey *., ~nandol~h, cor. Gratiot.<br />

Ermann Reuben, 367 Woodward ave.<br />

Ernesti Henry, D~s~le, cor Orleans.<br />

Farquhar &. CO., 175 Woodward avc.<br />

Farrell D., 308 Sixteenth.<br />

Fettars E. J., 347 Grand River.<br />

Fey John, 651 Michigan aye.<br />

Fink J., 371 Hastings.<br />

I'ink S., 270 Beaubien.<br />

Finsterwald M., 80 Adams ave.<br />

Fischback N., 56 and 58 Nichigan Grand ave.<br />

Fischback Phillip, 184 Russell.<br />

Fisher P., Congress, cor. Chene.<br />

Fitzpatrick J., 672 Michigan ave.<br />

Fitzsimrnons U., 98 Grand River.<br />

Fleper Daniel, cor. Clinton ave. and Riopelle.<br />

France J., Rivard, cor. Congress.<br />

Frank W. H.. cor. Campfield and 15th.<br />

Frieling ~ en& 515 ~lhton ave.<br />

Fulda F., 159 Adams ave.<br />

Garlic ~dward E., cor. Lerned and Beaubien.<br />

Gaunt S., cor. National and Michigan ave.<br />

Gellow Peter,.4l.G Gratiot.<br />

Gerherd A,, 482 Antoine.<br />

Giddey F., 329 Woodward ave.

Cries Frederick, 95 Congress.<br />

Gillman E., I35 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Gillman ~ e n r 43 ~ Michigan , aye.<br />

Goebel Augustus, cor. Fort and Orleans.<br />

Goodheart H., 344 Antoine.<br />

Goodman A., 24 Grand River.<br />

Goodsell 0. C., 237 Michigan we. Gottgen G. H., cor. Harrison and Michigsn ave.<br />

Graham J. He, 304 Michigan ave.<br />

Graham P., Michigan ave., bet. 13th and 14th.<br />

Gray D. W., cor. Congress and Hastings.<br />

Green J., core 6th and Beech.<br />

Griffin T. J., core Walnut and National aye.<br />

Grosfield & Son, 23d st., cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Guinney D., 6th, cor. Orchard.<br />

Gundlach William, cor. Fort and Antoine.<br />

Gunia J., 417 Grand Biver.<br />

Ournell T., 55 Watson.<br />

Gutenaw G., cor. Chestnut and Orleans.<br />

Halloran Thomas, 7th corm Porter.<br />

Hamlin & DeMars, 560 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Hannigan John, corm Atwater and Beaubien.<br />

IIannimann J. B., 148 Sherman.<br />

I-larbison A,, 319 6th.<br />

Hartwig F., 248 Beaubien.<br />

W., Harrison ave. cor. Spencer.<br />

Hasse John, core Chestnut and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hay J., 352 Michigan ave.<br />

Hays Mrs. R., 143 Michigan ave.<br />

Hayden P. H., 294 Michigsn aye.<br />

nechtner H. R., 40 Michigan G~arntf av.'<br />

Hechtner John C., 40 Michigan Grand aye.<br />

Heley E., cor. Prospect and Watson.<br />

Hellwig William, cor. Macomb and Rivarc?.<br />

Hendy R., 259 Michigan av.<br />

Hengsterback John, cor. Croghan and Grayfield.<br />

Henrion George,, 233 Lafayette.<br />

Henry Robert, 7th cor. Abbott.<br />

Herth P., cor. Woodbridge and 13th.<br />

.<br />

Hickey P., 285 Michigan ave.<br />

I-lill N., core 16th and Grand River.<br />

Hlein A*, 158 St. Aubin av.<br />

IIoff V., cor. Prospect and Montcalm.<br />

Hogan M. F., 270 Michigan ave.<br />

Holland M., 196 Fifth.<br />

Horton D., 17 Elmwood ave.


Hoy J., 280 Twelfth.<br />

Huber John 262 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Huetteman Joseph, 226 Rivard.<br />

l3ughes R., 826 Michigan ave.<br />

Hunt E. W.,<br />

cor. St. Aubin ave. and Lafayette.<br />

Hunt & Mosher, 202 Michigan ave.<br />

fIuyser P. R. &- Co., 271 Woodward eve.<br />

Ivers John, 211 Michigan ave.<br />

Jacobs John C., 188 Itivard.<br />

Jones E. W., cor. Larned and Cass.<br />

Kanann J., Woodbridge, cor. Dequindre.<br />

Keiser John, 520 Gratiot.<br />

ICellogg F. E. D., 66 Grand River.<br />

~ell~~Zf., eor. ~ a j b uand r ~ Michigan aye.<br />

Kew J., Sixth, core Porter.<br />

Kidd & Macomb, Sixth, cor. Abbott.<br />

Killen J. J., 313 Grand River.-<br />

ICimball J. E.. 317 Woodmard ave.<br />

King Henry, cor. Clinton ave. and Antoine.<br />

IClaas Charles, cor. Catherine & Russell.<br />

Iilein A., 158- St. Aubin rtv.<br />

Knorr C., cor Prospect and Watson.<br />

ICoch A., 394 Prospect.<br />

Hrebbel Mrs., 320 Grand River.<br />

Luhn Frederick, 306 Riopelle.<br />

Icurth A. & F., 414 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Ibne &I., 193 Atwater.<br />

Langley William, 16th cor. Baker.<br />

Lauder J. R., 6 Russell House b!ock.<br />

Lebot D., 323 Franklin.<br />

Lebot Enos, Franklin cor. Orleans.<br />

Long R. II., Jefferson cor. Iron.<br />

llotz Charles, 47 Catherine.<br />

Louranger A. J., 18$ cor Fort.<br />

Lucey J., 88 Grand River.<br />

Lutticke Joseph, 171 Hastings.<br />

Lyon & Whitten, 195 Frankhn.<br />

YcBride J., 82 Grand River.<br />

McCarthy Mrs. 6th cor. Lafayette.<br />

McFarlane Patrick, 7th cor. Labrosse.<br />

Bbc(jiil1 Francis, 170 W. Woodbridge.<br />

McGraw M., 190 Michigan av.<br />

McMillan G. 6 R., 113 Woodward av.<br />

McMamara John, 189 Michigan av.<br />

McNoah John, 105 Michigan av.<br />

Mackay William, 329 Jefferson av.

Macomb A,, 8th cor. IIoward.<br />

Magerman A., 297 Croghan.<br />

Malady P., 3d cor. Howard.<br />

Malcomson R., 341 Michigan nv.<br />

Maloney dames, 6th cor. Labrosse.<br />

Martindale Bros, 390 Grand River.<br />

Marx I., 119 Gratiot.<br />

Marx M.? 70 Gratiot.<br />

Mason Robert, 63 W. Larned.<br />

Mathewson Charles M., 39 W. Larned.<br />

Nay Henry, 1 Clinton ave.<br />

May N. II., 140 Grand River.<br />

Meagher D., 368 Michigan ave.<br />

Meldrum James, Meldrum, cor. Jefferson aye.<br />

31ertens Joseph, Catherine, cor. St. Aubin aye.<br />

Michels P., 435 Antoine.<br />

BIignaul t Theodore, cor. hntoine and Congress.<br />

llliller rl., 420 Antoine.<br />

Miller H., 330 Michigan avo.<br />

Miller W, B., 178 Woodward avc.<br />

Mink C., '385 Hastings.<br />

Moe George, 223 Jeff'erson ave. ,<br />

Molncy J., cor. 5th and Cherry.<br />

Mona,ghan P. I

'<br />

Perkins J. J., 103 Grand River.<br />

I'errault & Cowville, 320 Atwater.<br />

Pickett John J., 6th, cor. Abbott.<br />

Pinnel William, 25 Atwa,ter.<br />

Platt & House, 185 Woodward ave.<br />

Prouty F. & Son, 71 Grand River.<br />

Puhl J.: 251 Michigan aye.<br />

Quinkert J., Franklin, cor. Dequindre.<br />

Raths P. & Bro., 12th, cor Michigan ave.<br />

Iteekie J. & W., 103 Michigan G.<br />

Reno J., 524 Jefferson av.<br />

Eensch C., 112 Catherine.<br />

Rhode $ Bretz, 155 Gratiot. (See advt.)<br />

Rice J. B. & CQ., 265 Michigan av.<br />

8 Rice Mrs. L., 53 Beaubein.<br />

nickel Henry, 263 Croghan.<br />

Riggs John H., 112 Randolph. -<br />

ltinge C.. 429 Beaubien.<br />

Ritter C. H., 136 Grand River.<br />

Roberts &I., cor. Prospect and Webster.<br />

Roby Horace, Franklin cor. Antoine.<br />

Eodiger Henry, 210 Rivard.<br />

Roehrig F*, 52 Catherine.<br />

Rogers &I., cor. 16th and Michigan av.<br />

Ron John, 338 Gratiot.<br />

Rosier F. 'E., cor.Croghan and Rivard.<br />

Rothenberg C. F.9 201 Woodward av.<br />

Itowland 1t., 23'3 Woodward ave.<br />

Huehle F., 74 Russell.<br />

Evan J., 53 1st<br />

$alter C. H., 224 W. Fort.<br />

Sander Peter, cor. Macomb and Chene.<br />

Sanders & Dreher, 222 Gratiot.<br />

Schelbe A., 417 Grand River.<br />

Schlasenger V., 82 E. Front.<br />

Schmidt F., cor. Hastings and Bronson.<br />

Schmidt J. cor. Humbard and Michigan ave.<br />

Schmidt Theodore W., 290 Gratiot.<br />

Schmitt C., 29 Prospect.<br />

Schneider J., Chene, cor. Congress.<br />

Schroeder C., 246 Beaubien.<br />

Schuch C., 379 Marion.<br />

Schulte A,, cor. Macomb and Antoine.<br />

Schulte J. C., 502 Riopelle.<br />

Schulze F., 289 Orleans.<br />

Schumacher M., Orleans, cor. Macomb.<br />

Schwartz John, 320 St. Aubin ave.<br />



Zeiner Frederick, 314 Clinton.<br />

Zens P., 703 Michigan ave.<br />

Grocers, (Fancy.)<br />

Mack Charlee A., Larned, cor. Griswold.<br />

Grocers, (Wholesale.)<br />

Beatty & Fitzsimons, 10 & 12 Woodward ave.<br />

Brstshaw J. B. H., 122 Jefferson aye.<br />

.<br />

Coyne & Strong. 70 Jefferson avo.<br />

Field M. W. dk Co., foot Griswold. (Refused agent information.)<br />

Garrison, Newberry & Waterman, cor. Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Gould & Fellers, 22 Woodward ave.<br />

Henkel P., 100 and 102 Randolph.<br />

Hurlbut Chauncey, 20 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnson & Wheeler, 15 Woodward ave.<br />

Mclienna & Radcliff, 28 Woodward aye.<br />

Mehling J. V,, 25 and 27 Michigan Grand aye.<br />

Moore, Foote & Co., foot of Cass.<br />

Nebe J & H., 49 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Parker Thomas A., 75 Woodward ave.<br />

Phelpe W. & Co., 81 & 83 Jeffers In av.<br />

Pulte A. & Son, 36 Monroe av.<br />

Schmitt John, Michigan Grand ave. cor Bates.<br />

Staplee L. 6. & Co., 7 and 9 Woodward ave:<br />

Stephen8 John & Co., 27, 29 and 31 Woodward av.<br />

Sutherlaud 6. We & Co., 55 GrandMichigan ave.<br />

Tinker L. W. & Co., 6 Atwater.<br />

Trowbridge, W~~COX & CO., Custom House block, 1 door e of<br />

Woodward avo.<br />

Wheaton, Leonard & Burr, 14 Woodward ave.<br />

Guns and Pistols.<br />

Cunningham G. W., 33 Monroe ave.<br />

Fieher 8G Lon , 10 E. Congress.<br />

Hag adorn A. %I ., 6 Gratiot.<br />

Hale S. A. J., 158 Grand River.<br />

Poapishil Francis, 19 Monroe ave.<br />

Bheiner William, 63 Randolph.<br />

Werner L., 213 J efferson ave.<br />

Hack Stables.<br />

Hoffman George, 11 Lafayette sve.


- Wilcox & Bro., 17 and 19 Grand River.<br />

Willet M., 195 Michigan ave.<br />

Hardware, (Heavy. )<br />

Bahl, Ducharme BG CO., 17 and 19 Woodbridge.<br />

Hardware, (Wholesale.)<br />

Bus& Ghas., 201 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ducharme & Prentiss, 73 Woodward ave.<br />

James J. & Son, 85 and 87 Jefferson ave.<br />

Standsrt Bros., 72 Jefferson ave. and 81 Woodward ave.<br />

Tefft, Casey & Kellogg 44 Woodward aye.<br />

Harness Makers. (See Saddles and Harness.)<br />

Hayden 8t Baldwin, 88 Wopdward aye. (See advt.)<br />

Hospitals.<br />

St. Mary's Hospital, Sister M. De Sales, Superior, Clinton, bet.<br />

Antoine and IIastings. (See advt.)<br />

Hats, Caps and Furs.<br />

Armstrong T. %I., 176 Jefferson are.<br />

Barje J. P., 188+ Michigan ave.<br />

Ruhl F. &. Go., 146 and 148 Jefferson ave. -<br />

Dickerson C. II., 157 Jefferson av.<br />

Harrison A., 202 Graltiot.<br />

Kelley Gee; Be & CQ., I82 Jefferson aye. (See advt.)<br />

Icruger William A., 72 Gmtiot.<br />

Mather F. P., 119 Woodwerd ave.<br />

Morris George, 216 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stenton Fred $., 184 Woodward we. (See advt.)<br />

Ulrich J., 202 Jefferson ave.<br />

Warshauer I., 33 Michigan sve.<br />

Winter George, 260 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hedge Plants.<br />

Ferrand & Osborne, cor. Fort and 24th. (See advt.)<br />

Hubbard &Davis, Nth, near Fort. (See advt.)<br />

Hides and Pelts.

Hoop Skirts.<br />

Barmon A. M. & Bro., 66 Bates.<br />

Burger Fo A,, 208 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Herzberg B., 23 Michigan ave.,<br />

Zeman8k-y S,, 188 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Morton J. A., 35 Atwater.<br />

Hops, (Dealers in.)<br />

Hosiery and Gloves.<br />

Potter & Northrop, 170 Jefferson ave. and 1 Opera IIouse blk.<br />

Hosiery and White Goods.<br />

Hill Hugo, 181 Jefferson aye. (See advt.)<br />

Motels.<br />

Adams Hotel, 80 Fro11t.<br />

Akerman Hotel, cor. Brush and Atwater.<br />

American Exchange, 87 Atwater.<br />

American House, James Page prop., 202 Jefferson av.<br />

Antisdel House, cor. Michigan and Washington aves.<br />

Belfell Joseph, 78 Woodbridge.<br />

Biddle House, A. B. Taber propr., Jefferson av. cor. Randolph.<br />

(See top card front cover.)<br />

Bordeaux House, 7 Jefferson av.<br />

Brighton Rouse, 174 Grand River.<br />

C~BS Hotel, Tyrrel & Bro. props., cor 3t1 and Jefferson av.<br />

Central Railway Hotel, 3d opp. M. C. R. It.Depot.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hotel, J. G. Brown propr., 7 and 9 Lafayette av.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hotel, Brush cor. Atwater.<br />

Collins House, 39 3d.<br />

Commercial Hotel, 25 Bates.<br />

Eagle Hotel, 156 Woodbridge.<br />

Eisenlords House, Cass cor. Lewis.<br />

Erichsen Hotel, 222 and 224 Randolph.<br />

Fanchon Houee, 9 Jefferson ave. '<br />

Farmers' Hotel, 367 Gratiot.<br />

Pinney's Hotel, 160 Woodward ave.<br />

Franklin House, cor Bates and Larned. .<br />

Garrison House, 65 and 67 Jefferson av.<br />

German Hotel, cor. 3d and Larned.<br />

German Hotel, 65 Atwater.<br />

Goodman House, Grand River eor. Griewold.


Grant House, cor. 3d and Woodbridge.<br />

Green Tree Hotel, core Jefferson ave. and 2d.<br />

Howard Eouse, A. A. Corkins propr. cor. Congress and Griswold.<br />

Mauch Hotel, 43 Michigan Grand ave<br />

Mechanics9 Hotel. cor. Third and Larned.<br />

Michigan ~xchange Hotel, E. & I?. Lyons, Props. 11 2 & 114 Jeff. av.<br />

Milwaukee Exchange, cor. Atwater and Beaubien<br />

Monroe House, 37 ~hird.<br />

Montreal Hotel, cor. Front and Second.<br />

Nichols House, 283 Jefferson ave.<br />

Northern Railroad Hotel, cor. Bat-es and Atwater.<br />

Peninsular Hotel, Grand River, corm Macomb ave.<br />

Perkins House, 106 Grand River.<br />

Pike Creek Hotel, cor. Franklin and Riopelle.<br />

Railroad Exchange, Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Bueaell House, s e corm Campus Martius.<br />

Sherman House, 5 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sherman House, 69 Atwater.<br />

St. Lawrence Hotel, cor. Atwater and Randolph.<br />

Teledo Exchange, 67 Atwater.<br />

Tremont House, Dm C. Goodal, Prop., corm Jeffn av. and Randolph.<br />

Victor Hotel. Beaubien, cor. Franklin.<br />

Western ~oiel, nr. ~ ichi~an Central R. R. depot.<br />

Union Hotel, 174 W. Woodbridge.<br />

House Furnishing Goods.<br />

Glover Bt Powell, 98 Woodward av. (See card front cover.)<br />

Ice Cream Saloons,<br />

German Anthony, 31 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Palmer Richard, 168 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Lake St. Clair (e; <strong>Detroit</strong> Ice Co., 53 Griswold.<br />

Wilkins L., 64 Woodbridge<br />

Ink (Mnfrs.1<br />

Ink and Mucilage.<br />

Insurance Agents.<br />

Acker S., 74 Griswold.<br />

Annis & McOune, Griswold opp. Post Office.


Ambridge W., gen'l agcnt for Atlantic Mutual Life Ins. Co., of<br />

Albany N. Y., s w cor. Jefferson and Wood~vard ave.<br />

Armstrong JLnes, A:. cor. Woodbridge and Shelby.<br />

Auringer Chas., 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Beach W. P., 150 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brown J. T. R $ Bro,, 5 Bank Building.<br />

Clarke James J., 124 Jefferson avc.<br />

Deipenbach R., 72 Congress<br />

Duvernois F. W., 60 Monroe av.<br />

Frazer J. H., 126 Jefferson sve.<br />

8riswold H., 2 E Larned.<br />

Haight W. J.? 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hebbard C. B., 70 Griswold.<br />

IIodges Brothers, Bank Building, Griswold st.<br />

IIodgkin J. W., 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kelley Ronald, 11 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Kuhn Jose h, cor. Woodmard av. and Congress st. (See advt.)<br />

Lee, Parris g BL: Son, 125 and 127 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Lindsay A. G., 77 Griswold.<br />

Luedinghausen 0. W., 164 E. Lafayette.<br />

Mack J. M., 21 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

.<br />

Mattison S. A., 73 Chiswold.<br />

Merrell H. B., 1 Butler's block, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

lmson H. C., 34 Griswold, rear First Nationa,l Rank.<br />

Noyes A. G. St CO., 10 W. Larned.<br />

Palmer John, 2 Merrill block.<br />

Peavey F. $ C. C., 4 Merrill Block. (Sec advt.)<br />

Peltier Charles & Son, 2 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Pixley A., 82 Gniswold.<br />

Riepenbeck R., 72 Griswold.<br />

Schmemann - , cor. &Ionroe ave. and Iisndolph.<br />

Stevens 6 Hunter, 1 Merrill block.<br />

- Stringham Henry T., 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Strong John W., 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Taliman $ Rillman, No 3 Brady's Block, Woodward aye.<br />

Terry 0. Lo, 185 Jefferson ave., (up stairs.)<br />

_L-<br />

Thompson B. F., 10. Arcade building. . -<br />

Van Buren $. Son, 74 Griswold.<br />

Vernor B., Bank building, cor; Griswold and Congress.<br />

Wendell A. B.,Agt National Life Ins. Co. of U. S. of America, Jefferson<br />

av. over First National Bank.<br />

Wheeler Edmund S., 111 Jefferson ave. '<br />

Wo~lverton & Brady, foot of FVoodwa.rd aye.<br />

IVcrcester Ira, 48 Griswold.<br />

Wuerth Aloys, 158 Antoine.

Insurance Companies, (Fire.<br />

American Exchange Ins. Co., of New York. J. L. Whiting, Agt.<br />

53 Griswold.<br />

Rope Fire Insurance, of New York, J. L. Whitir~g agt, 53 Griswold.<br />

Lamar Fire Insurance Co., of Providence, J. L. Whiting agent,<br />

53 Griswold.<br />

Merchants Fire Insurance Co., of Providence, J. L. Whiting agent,<br />

53 Griswold.<br />

Insurance Co.'s (Fire and Marine.)<br />

Btsa Ins, Co., of Ilartford, Marine Department, Woolverton &<br />

Brady agts., foot WoodWard av.<br />

Rome Ins. GO., of New Haven, Woolverton & Erady agents, foot<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

North American Fire Ins. CQ., of Hartford. 'YVoolvorton & Urady,<br />

agents, foot of Woodward ave.<br />

Insurance Co.'s (Life).<br />

Continental Life Insurance Go., of New Pork. Annis &- McCune,<br />

general agents, Griswold, opp. post-office.<br />

Connecticut mutual Life Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connecticut.<br />

Hodges Bro's general agents, Bank building, Griswold.<br />

Guardian Mutual Life, of New York. J. W. Donovan general<br />

agent, 147 Jefferson ave.<br />

Home Life Insurance Co., of New Pork. Lee, Parrish L! Son, 125<br />

and 127 Jefferaon aye. (See advt.)<br />

Michigan Mutual Life ~nsbrance eo. * J. J. Bngley, Pres., J.<br />

Bobertson, Vice Pres., J. T. Liggett, Sec., 77 Griswold.<br />

National Life Insurance Co., of U. 8. America. A. 13. Wendell<br />

agent, Jefferson ave., over First National Bank.<br />

New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., Boston. F. & C. C.<br />

Peavey general agents, No. 4 Merrill Block. (See advt.)<br />

Standard Life Insurance Co., of New York. B. F. Thompson agent,<br />

10 Arcade building.<br />

The Mutual Life Insurance &., of Kew York, B. B. Morrell<br />

general agent, No. 1 Butler's block. (See advt,)<br />

Intelligence Offices.<br />

Dodds Mrs. E., 356 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lafferty F. A,, 42 Woodward ave. (up stairs.)<br />

Inventor and Patentee.<br />

Day Augustus, cor. Bates and Larned.<br />



Japanned Ware.<br />

Limbach NI., 100 Woodmsrd ave. (See advt.)<br />

Jewelers.<br />

Allison J. H., 155 Woodward ave.<br />

Anaheim C., 77 Croghan.<br />

Breitenbucher Robert, 109 Macomb.<br />

Carr Michael, Cass blk, 311.<br />

Gonklin J. S., cor. Woodward ave. and laroed.<br />

Doty George, 39 FVoodward ave.<br />

Fellows & Burnett, cor. IVoodwnrd and Michigan aves.<br />

Fish A., 328 Antoine.<br />

Fischer P. & W., 213 Jefferson aye.<br />

Gresbeck F., 10 Monroe ave.<br />

Hall William, 137 Jefferson we.<br />

Kaiser A,, 179 Jefferson avo. (Seo advt.)<br />

Kennedy Thomas, 160 Jefferson ave.<br />

Levinburg S., 38 Jefferson ave.<br />

Singernan F., 1256 Jefferson ave.<br />

fiIesser Jbhn, 35 Michigan a,ve.<br />

&liles Thomas, 1374 Jefferson ave.<br />

Morse C. B., 214 Woodward ave.<br />

Nathan M., 198 Eandolph.<br />

Petz F. & J., 26 Monroe we.<br />

Reinstein Joseph, 145 Hastings.<br />

Roehm R. J. F., core Woodward ave* and Larned st. (See advt.)<br />

Rolshoven F., 204 Jefferson ava.<br />

nossenburg S., 29 Michigan avc.<br />

Smith &I.<br />

S. 8t GO., 51 Woodward and 169 Jeff'. ave. (See advt.)<br />

Strengson Gustave, 150 Antoine.<br />

Traub Brothers, 206 Jefferson ave. (Seo advt.)<br />

Walsh P. J., 122 Woodward ave.<br />

Wendell M., 11 Jefferson ave.<br />

Yentsch W. H., 173 Woodward ave.<br />

Junk Dealers.<br />

-<br />

Bostwick Rr; Son, 94 Woodbridge.<br />

Justices sf the Peace.<br />

Fecht Eugene, 25 W. Larned.<br />

lHcCarthy Timothy, 30 W. Larned.<br />

IIcCracken S. B., cor. Grisnold and Jefferson ave.<br />

Spencer G., 10 W. Larned,

Ladies Furnishing Goods.<br />

Burger F. A,, 208 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Flint Mrs. E. W., 231 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hill IIu 0,. 181 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Snlomon 5 ., 244 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lamps.<br />

Glover BL: Powell, 98 Woodmard ave. (See card front cover.)<br />

Hoyt, Hinman & Co., 156 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Wetmore F. & GO., 68 Woodward ave. (See advt.) %<br />

Last, (Manfrs.1<br />

Mumford, Foster S: Co., cor. Riopelle and Atwater.<br />

I<br />

La'bndries,<br />

Clark Xrs., 285 E..Fort.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Laundry. 116 Jeff'erson we.<br />

Lawyers.<br />

Atterbury Chas. L., cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Backus S y lvanus, Butler's block.<br />

Barbour Levi L., 19 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Bishop Levi, 6 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Blackmar Thomas S., 10 Rotunda building, Griiwold st.<br />

Boynton A. G., Griswold, opp. Post Office.<br />

Brown H. B., 11 Bank building.<br />

Brown James J., <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

Brown R. II., 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

Canfield Frank H., 20 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Caplis J., 16 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Cheever Henry M., 8 and 9 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Cheever William C., 8 and 9 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Clarke 11. K., room 14 Bank block, G-riswold.<br />

Coohrane Lyman, 12 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Cole C. S., 145 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cullen J. W. A. S., 154 Jefferson aye.<br />

Dickinson & Burt, 53 %riswold.<br />

1)ouglass & Miller, Griswold, opp. post-office.<br />

Driggs Frederick L., room 14 Bank building, Griswold st.<br />

Duffield D. B. $ E. X.,<br />

164 Jefferson ave.<br />

Emmons & McNeil, Bank building, Griswold.<br />

Fecht Eugene, 21 Larned.<br />

Finney J. W., post-office block.

Flinn Elisha H., 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

k'raser A. I)., 35 Bates.<br />

Fraser A. J., 38 Bates.<br />

Qillet Ss Chambers, 2 Buhl block, Griswold.<br />

Goodwin D., 124 Jefferson ave.<br />

Graves John, 88 Griswold. .<br />

Gray & Morsn, 17 and 18 Rotunda building, Griswold.<br />

Green W. A., 86 Griswolcl.<br />

Hall Edmund, 4 Rotunda building, Griswold.<br />

Hebden George, 73 Oriswold.<br />

Hebden ck Crofoot, 73 Griswold.<br />

IIodges & Dickinson, 149 Jefferson aye.<br />

IIolbrook DeWitt C., cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Howard S; Welch, 145 Jefferson av.<br />

Hogt Wm. C., 1874 Jefferson av.<br />

Hand George E., 162 Jefferson av.<br />

Hinsdnle E. C., 3 E. Larned.<br />

Hunt Cleveland, 1 Buhl block.<br />

Jennison 'CVilliam, 73 Griswold.<br />

Johns William, jr*, 39 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

liaichen Arnold, 12 Bank bloclr.<br />

Kirchner 0 tto, 14 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

ICoch Peter G., 32 W. Larned.<br />

Larned & Hebden, 80 Griswold.<br />

Lothrop G. V. N., 154 Jefferson slT.<br />

~c~onald Allan, cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Maynard, Meddaugh dk Davison, 7, 8 and 9, Bank blk. Griswold st.<br />

Mizner T. W., 129 Jefferson av.<br />

Moore &. Griffin, 149 Jefferson we.<br />

Newberry & Pond, Bank building, Griswold.<br />

Noble Chas. W., 81 Griswold.<br />

09Flynn C. J., 5 Rotunda building Griswold at.<br />

O'Reilly Miles J., s e cor. IVoodward av. and Congress st.<br />

Parsons E. A*, 154 Jefferson av.<br />

Patchin & Brown, cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Penniman G. H., $3 Griswold.<br />

Porter Frederick B., 24 Rotunda building Griswold st.<br />

Prentis B. T., circuit court Comr., n w cor. Griswold and Congress.<br />

Prentis George IT., n w cor. Griswold and Congress. (See advt.)<br />

l'urdy S. P., 32 W. Larned.<br />

Redmond AT. E., 15 Rotunda building, Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

ltiopelle C. N., 6 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Ltobinson & Brooks, 149 Jefferson av.<br />

Rogers E. He, 127 Jefferson av.<br />

Komeyn James W., 127 Jefferson av.<br />

Homeyn Theodore, 127 Jefferson av.<br />

Russell A,, Post Office building.

. Skinner Eugene C.. 53 Griswold.<br />

Speed John J., 134 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stevens Sears, 22 Bank building.<br />

Swift Edward Y., 86 Woodward, (up stairs.)<br />

Swift George S., 10 Rotunda building, Griswoltl st.<br />

Taylor Elisha, Jefferson nv., over First National Bank.<br />

Thompson J., 3 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Toms R. P., 124 Jefferson av.<br />

Trowbridge L. S., 73 Griswold.<br />

Van Dyke Philip J. D., 19 Rotunda building, G~iswold st.<br />

Vining &. Minock, 53 Griswold.<br />

Walker C. I., 2 E. Lamed.<br />

Walker & Kent, 2 E. Larned.<br />

Ward &- ~almei, 73 Griswold.<br />

Waterman J. IT., Griswold, opp. post oilice.<br />

Weber John, Butler's block. (See advt.)<br />

Wells W. P., cor. Griswold and -Congress.<br />

Whitternore Joseph P., 12 Rotunda building, Griswold st.<br />

Wilcox George A., 4 Rotunda building, Grimold st.<br />

Wilkinson & Post, room 17 and 18 Bank building.<br />

Willcox E. N., Griswold, opp. post office.<br />

Williams J., 38 Bates.<br />

Leaf Tobacco.<br />

Eccard Francis, 126 and 128 Randolph. (See advt.)<br />

Croul Bro's, 22 and 24 Woodbridge.<br />

Leather Belting. .<br />

Leather and Findings.<br />

Curtis George E., 215 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hall B. & Co., 88 Jefferson sve.<br />

]Karrer J. & Bra's, 85 Monroe sse.<br />

Kirby George, 33 Woodward ave.<br />

Mumford L Foster, 28 Monroe ave.<br />

Parker G. IX., cor. State and Farmer.<br />

Stridiron Sr; Williams, 24 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Lech C. E., 310 Atwater.<br />

Lewis Thomas, 404 Atwster.<br />

Stange Charles, 322 Atwater.<br />

Sibley & Co., 292 Atwater.<br />

Lime Dealers.

.---I_I_<br />


- - -- --- --.- ---<br />

Liquors (See Wines andr;i.tpors.) .<br />

Lithographers.<br />

The Calvere Lithographing, Engraving &: Map Publishing Co.,<br />

cor. JefTerson av aild Griswold st. (See adv~.)<br />

Livery and Sale Stables.<br />

Burrell A., 24 Michigan Grand air.<br />

Uohn S. R. GO., 110 Griswold.<br />

Cootes Charles, cor. State and Griswold.<br />

Jennings F. A., 37 Cass.<br />

Moore IV., 76 E. Larnetl.<br />

O'Conner D., 51 Jenkrsoil av.<br />

Rolfe A., 13 a*nd 15 ililonroe av.<br />

Smoak & Son, 77 and 79 Farmer.<br />

Thompson B. H., cor. Bates and Woodbridge.<br />

Williaqms E., 26 W. Larned.<br />

Bampton John E., 25 irtotunda building, Griswold st. (See aclvt.)<br />

McAllister E. 5.,119 Grismold.<br />

Smit I. &I., 85 Randolph.<br />

Smith 8E Reeve, Griswold opp. post office. (See zdvt.)<br />

Bsisch J. F., 23 Congress.<br />

Eeutel J., 219 Brush.<br />

Hansing H., 67 Randolpll.<br />

Mohn John, 133 Griswold.<br />

Gubert W., 318 Michigan xi7.<br />

Locksmiths.<br />

Allen E. G., cor. 0rle:~rls :L:~LI At~v:l trr.<br />

& Bra., \Voodbl*i:l~c, lho t I I t 11.<br />

Benson IIenry E., 4-27? ~t\vntrl~.<br />

Eigelom W. C. S: A. E., hlacourl~ :LYP., cor. C:w.<br />

Brooks & Adams, on \Vonctl)ri(!gc, foot 13th.<br />

Campbell E. P., 1 Kotui~da Luil(liirg, Cii*is~\~old st.<br />

Candler Ero's, 272 Atwatcr.<br />

Cra,po Henry H., Atwatcr, bet. lInstir~ys :~riJ itivai.il.<br />

Detr~it Itiver Lumber Co., 315 Atwater.<br />

Dwight W. M. & GO., Atwater, cor. Itiopelle. (See adrt.)<br />

Green G. 13. & Co., Atwater, foot Eiopelle.<br />

nubbard $ Ifing, 571 W. Woodbridge and Butler's tdock.<br />

Luce T. & Co., 1 Kotuilda building, Griswold st.<br />

Mason E. C .,., ,Woodbridge, foot 12th.<br />


- Merick, Fowler $ Esselstyn, 1 Woodmard ave.<br />

Alerrill Charles, 5 Merrill block.<br />

BIoore F. &L S., 603 W. Vfoodbridge.<br />

Pitts Thomas R- Co., Dubois, coy. Atwater.<br />

l30toss D. A. & Co., cor. Atwater and Rivard, and 36 Michigan ave.<br />

Steele A. &f., 85 Griswold.<br />

Trowbridge J. & Ero's, 284 Atwater.<br />

Truesdail W., 185 Jefferson ave. (up stairs.)<br />

Turner H., Atwater, cor. St. Aubin aye.<br />

Warriner W. E., 1 Rotunda building, Griawold st.<br />

Weber J. F. (e- Co., Grotiot, nr. Eivard, and gth, cor. Michigan av.<br />

Whitney C. & D., Jr,, $ Co., office 5 Merrill block. (See advt.)<br />

Wight He A. & S. G.? Campau, cor. Atwater.<br />

Machinery Depots.<br />

Jenks James, 29 Atwater.<br />

Wormer G. S. & Son, 99, 101 and 103 Jefferson ar.<br />

Machinists.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive Works. Lrtrned from 3d to 4th.<br />

Dry Dock Engine Works, Atwater bet. Orleans and DcQuindre.<br />

Flower James Kt Bros., cor. Brush arid 14Toodbridgc.<br />

Fulton Iron & Engine Works, Brush cor. Franklin.<br />

Hedge & Christie, cor. Atwater and Itivard.<br />

Jackson L Wiley, cor. 5th and Woodbridge.<br />

Kornar Joseph, Ijaker cor. 19th.<br />

Benhardt George, 196 Jefferson av.<br />

Petit, Benoit & Bros., 207 Croghart.<br />

Rill D. E., 161 and 163 Atwater.<br />

IVulfing Frederick, 32 Catherine.<br />

Yackcl & SchoEe'eld, 164 Rivsrd.<br />

Duncan E. E., 41 and 43 E. Woodbridge.<br />

IIanmer L. C.? 29 Bates.<br />

IIawley R. C% Sons, 48 Bates.<br />

Manufacturing Chemists.<br />

Duffield, Parke & Go., cor. Henry and Clifford.<br />

Farmer Silas, 35 hIonroc av.<br />

Billings & Co., 33 Woodbridge.<br />


Christa P., 53 and 55 E., Columbia.<br />

Combs J. W., 6G1 Jefferson avc.<br />

JIussche J. B., 42 Monroe avo.<br />

Patterson D., 43 Larned.<br />

J'cters gl. Fitsgerald, 149 Grand River.<br />

Peters J. S., 145 Grand River.<br />

Schultheis W., 29 and 33 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

TVanbecq J., IT1 and 173 Gratiot.<br />

Match Mlnfr.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> latch Works, David RI. Richardson, Prop., 8th, bet. Fort<br />

and MTooclbridge.<br />

Grant 717. C., 37 Woodmard aye.<br />

Ninden hI. I., 213 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mathematical Instruments, (Mnfis. 1<br />

PJHechanics' Tools.<br />

Glover t Powell, 08 Wooclward avo. (See card cd front cover.)<br />

kleerschaum Pipes.<br />

Sutter Bra's, cor. JeEcrson and Woodward avc. (See ndvt.)<br />

Mercantile Agencies.<br />

Eradst.reet J. &I. L! Co., cor. Griswoltl amcl Jefferson ave.<br />

Dun I


- --<br />

Declsire T., St. hubin dire. cor. Congress.<br />

- Deuter Williil~, cor. Fort asnit 1Z:~stiil~~. \<br />

Duniap W. II., 15 Griswol~t.<br />

Xlliott T., 21 Abbott.<br />

ld'itch & Carpenter, 112 and 11-4 Jefiison t~v.<br />

Garrett G., 243 5th.<br />

Gassmanq George, 255 JcGrso 11 ;ivc. (khc :1:1 vt.)<br />

Gootlrich J., 70 C+ritnd Rive:.<br />

Govin Cha8r!cs, cor. 13:ttfcs atlrl L:L~I~C,~.<br />

1<br />

Greig Di~~itl, 46 TIT. IAarilcd.<br />

EIansc!mnnm G., 19 Grand 1,' ~1 VCI-.<br />

ilara,glly ~ d~~ard, 59 Rilntloll~ll.<br />

Iretger John, 300 Gratiot,.<br />

Hintermister E., 200 Jefh'eraon ar.<br />

Jato b c! EIollstein, 90 C+risivo!d.<br />

Jaick Phiiipp, 151 E. Fort.<br />

linitt~~eis, 44 Monroe av.<br />

Iiredel C., 231 Gmtiot.<br />

Iiuhn F. ~k Son, 141 Grstiot.<br />

Levy L., 285 Woodwarcl av.<br />

Levy L., 114 Jficlligan.<br />

Loawer Ilenry, 5-1 Brusl~.<br />

I,oehbihler M., ltiopelle cor. RIuplc.<br />

Eomasne y William, 81 BIi~bigibll<br />

iLv.<br />

McGtrath James, 12 E Congress.<br />

lKcTerne y P., 207 Jefferson sve.<br />

AIaltz George C., 162 3cl.<br />

3Iailchester k Driatoi, 185 JelYersou 2v.<br />

Martine J., coy. BIonroe av. and Rs~idolpl! st. .<br />

bIilward 11. G., 186 Wooclwnrd av.<br />

EIiner E. LC- Son, 64 Cates.<br />

b'llitchell A. 1st cor. Abbott.<br />

AIueller C. F., 117 Jefferson av.<br />

Myers Charles, 97 Jefferson av.<br />

Xelson N., I06 Grand Bivei*.<br />

0'13rien T. E., 56 \IT. Lamed.<br />

Plets F., 41 Orleans.<br />

I'rell J. G., 107 JiTood~vard av.<br />

Rash c! Bemart, 045 Jeferson iivc.<br />

ltehnhn Wm., 454 Grstiot.<br />

Ibalston A., 339 Grand River.<br />

S~eger Anton, 170 Gratiot.<br />

Sham W. S., 80 Griswold.<br />

Spricb G., coy. Croghan 2nd Ccaubic~l.<br />

Stickel F. 6: Co., I90 Woodwa~d avc.<br />

Trounstine M., 189 JefI'erson nvc. (Scc atlvt. j<br />

JVassenr Chiirles, 101 Bates.<br />


Weber L., 706 Michigan ave.<br />

Winiker William, I74 Larned.<br />

Milk Depot.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Milk House, G. A. Duggan, 43 E. Congress.<br />

Rarlter Mrs. S. A., 284 ~Vooclmard avc.<br />

Beattie 31. & E., 310 Woodwa.rd avc.<br />

Chateau Miss T., 69 Croghan.<br />

Duerselen Mrs. W., IS8 Randolph.<br />

Dwyer 85 Gearin, 5th: cor. Porter.<br />

Faragut Mrs. &I., 94 Gratiot.<br />

French Louisa, 55 Brush.<br />

Gillet S. O., 292 Woodward aye.<br />

Golovsky II., 303 Wooclmard ave.<br />

Hill Hugo, 181 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Johnson Mrs. N. D., 274 iiiopelle.<br />

Langer Mrs. A., 118 E. Fort.<br />

McFarlane M. L., 48 Michigan aye.<br />

Macadam Mrs. A*, 144 JVoodward ave.<br />

hlontague Mrs. I?., 70 Beaubein.<br />

Morenus Mrs. R. ti., 287 Woodward ave.<br />

Sickle Mrs. F., 114 Randolph.<br />

Veragut Mrs. hl., 94 Gratiot.<br />

Vogler Mrs. M., 132 Clinton.<br />

Winchell Mrs. S. B., 117 E. Fort.<br />

1;Voodbury Miss C., 160 Gratiot.<br />

MiiIinery Goods.<br />

Forsyth & Co., 150 Woodward av.<br />

Hill Eugd, 181 Jegerson av. (!he advt.)<br />

Hirschman Fanny, 224 Jefferson ave.<br />

Zemansky Mrs. S., 188 Jefferson av (See atdvt.)<br />

Elder Adam, 164 JeEersbn av. (See &dvt.)<br />

Wetmore F. & GO., 68 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Wright William & CQ., 92 lVoodmatrd av. (See back paster.)<br />

Mouldings.<br />

Date &- Berry, cor. Randolph and Atwater.<br />

Widman & Aspinall, 40 E. Congress.<br />

Bailey John, 148 E. Congress.<br />

Music Teachers.

Meakin I-I., 18 Merrill block.<br />

Waltz D. F., 91 Maple.<br />

Music Publishers.<br />

Whittenore J. Henry Bt Co., 179 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Musical Hnstruments.<br />

Whitternore J. Henry & Co., 179 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

News DeaIers.<br />

Campbell W. G., 67 Grand River.<br />

Freeman L. S., 253 Jefferson av.<br />

Johnson L). E., 147 Woodward sv.<br />

Kendall Richard S., 64 Gratiot.<br />

Michigan News Co., Jefferson are., near Orismold.<br />

. McKerrow 5. P., Cass Block, Jefferson nv.<br />

Sanford John El., 89 Griswold.<br />

Smith D. B., cor. Front and Third.<br />

Newspapers<br />

Advertiser and Tribune Co., 312 Jefferson ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Commercial Advertiser, W. El. Uurk ccL- Co., 32 La1 ned.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Evening Post, (German), A. llorxhsusen, propr., 10 and 13<br />

Larned, Esst. (See advt).<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press, H . N. Walkel*, Prest.,.F. Norvell, Sec., corner<br />

Griswold and Woodbridge.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Journal of Commerce, (weekly), Barry & Garadwell, proprs.,<br />

192 Jefferson ave.<br />

German Family Paper, (weeekly), A. Marxhausen, propr., 10 and<br />

12 Larned. (See advt).<br />

Michigan Journal, (Germam, daily and weekly), C. &ICL~.X~~:IIH~:<br />

b,<br />

propr., 11 and 13 Woodbridge. (See advt).<br />

Peninsular Herald, J. Russel! LC- Son, proprs., Wood~~ard ave., coroc3r<br />

Grand Ever st.<br />

The Daily Union, Union Printing Co., proprs., IT Lamed, West.<br />

The <strong>Detroit</strong> Post, The Daily Post Co. prop~:s, cor. Ltlrned & Shelby.<br />

The Index and Eailroad Guide, W. E. Tunis, propr., cor. Bates and<br />

W oodbridge.<br />

The Western Crescent, Iiolsr cL: Slawson, proprs., 46 Alollroe ave.<br />

(See atlvertisernent).<br />

The Western Rural, (weekly), IT. N. F. Lewis, propr, 192 Jefl'erson ave.<br />

Western Catholic, (meekly), David Barry & Co., proprs., 192 Jefn ave.<br />

Booth James S., 15 Woodbridge.<br />

Notaries Public.

-- -- -<br />

_ _ - ---<br />


Burt H. E., 53 Grismolcl.<br />

Diekinso11 J. G. 53 G-riswold.<br />

auhn Joseph, cor. Woodward we. and Congrcss st. (See atlvt.)<br />

XJcCsrthy Timothy, 30 W. Laruetl.<br />

NcLeod J. C., 51 Grismold.<br />

Iledmond W. IT., 15 Rotunda building, Griswolii st. (See atlvt).<br />

Adair ?T., 952 Jeff*e~son ave.<br />

Ferrand & &borne, cpr. Fort and 24th. (See ndvb.)<br />

Rubbard & Davis, 24th near Fort. (See aclvt).<br />

Bigelow E., room 9 Nerrill block. (Sec a,tl~rt.)<br />

hfontfort 0. F., 313 Jefferson ave.<br />

Oils (Mnfrs. and Dealers ie).<br />

Bentley M. V., 128 Jegerson aye.<br />

Ihry II. A., 46 Jefferson ave.<br />

Forest <strong>City</strong> Oil, 128 Jefferson avk.<br />

Greenslade J. L! Co., 100 W. Woodbridge.<br />

IIinman c ! Co., 54 Selby.<br />

I-Inrlbut C., 20 Wood~~ard aye.<br />

Millerd E. H., 40 Jefferson sve.<br />

Rantlall & Lamb, 257 Michigan avr.<br />

Cox T. S: Co., office 27 ilsndolpl~.<br />

Omnibus Line.<br />

Opticians.<br />

Black La & Co*, 194 Jetferson ave.<br />

Organs.<br />

Estey & co.'s Celebrated Cottage Orgn,ns, A. Couse, State agent, 137<br />

Jeff'erson ave. (See advt.)<br />

I,iug 8~ Chandler, Opera House block.<br />

Moeller Andrew, 233 Russell.<br />

OsnamentaI Trees.<br />

Kubbard & Davis, 24th,'near Fort. (See atlvt.)<br />

Oval Photograph Frames, (Mnfr.)<br />

gargreaves G, & B~Q., coy. 17th and ilownrd. (See sdvt.)


-- - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - ----- --- -.-<br />

Oxygenizecl Air Instituic.<br />

Hyde C, A., rooul -1 Fisher block. (See sdvt.)<br />

Oysters.<br />

Allen BJ&~, cor. 1st and Front.<br />

Nrown C. I,., 46 Michigan ave.<br />

Clarlr G.& Co., 309 JVood~~ard sv.<br />

German Antllony, 31 Washington :LV.<br />

Jlackett & Ross, C~SS I3iook, 31.<br />

Hamblen @. & Co., 168 Woodward av.<br />

(See ulvt.)<br />

HeRron John, 218 Jefferson av.<br />

Keffron & Go., cor. Woodward mcl Tel'iersou ayes.<br />

Jennings & Dark, 102 JeRersoil av. (See a.dvt>.)<br />

(See aclvt.)<br />

Oysters (Wliolesa'e)<br />

Sennings & Dark, 102 Jefferson av. (See acil{tr.)<br />

3fallory D. D. ck Co., 94 Jeiforson avc.<br />

Packers (Pork and Beef.)<br />

Belknap c! Drake, 19 and 31 TVootlbritljy.<br />

Cigly John, 46 1Voodbridgo.<br />

I-Ienlrel P., 47 Biiclrigan Grand av.<br />

Ilull Uros., Opera lIouse block.<br />

I'srke', Willard & &., 32, 3-2 and 36 E. T\'ootlhridge.<br />

Standish & Ives, 38 MicBige8n Grand av. '(See a'dvt).<br />

Scott Jollil, 157 Jercrson av.<br />

Pain Paint.<br />

Painters.<br />

iidams IV., 79 Blsrion.<br />

Alilous Willism, m s Brush bet. Alacomb nitd Grntiot.<br />

Eottne F., 55 Bronsort.<br />

Boydell Jobn, 100 Randolph.<br />

Eurgis J. IT. S: Son, 21 and 23 Crnncl R.ivc:..<br />

Darwin B. BT., 217 T\Toodward av.<br />

Dean, Brow $ CO., 161 JcKerson av.<br />

1)ecring J. Ss Sons, room 9, Fisher Block.<br />

Elder Adam, 164 Jefferson ave. (See stlvt).<br />

Prancony Edward, cor. Antictn~n :~nd St. hilbirl ave.<br />

Godfrey &I. II. & Co., 30 G~iswold.<br />

EIirsemann S., 232 Calone.<br />

Tgosser C. R., 209 Park.

Ottley & Brand, n m cor. Bates and Larned.<br />

Pettie J., 495 Jefferson axe.<br />

Richter Gustave, cor. Beaubien and Woodbridge.<br />

Bose & Battishill, 445 Croghan. (See advt).<br />

Schaghen F. C., 249 Hastings.<br />

Sprenge J., 342 Antoine.<br />

Walthew A*, corm Congress and Brush.<br />

Weber E. G., 27 First.<br />

Wollenweber P. & Co., 193 Randolph.<br />

Wright Wm. & Go., 92 Woodward ave. (See back pastes).<br />

Painters' Materials.<br />

Worcester, Laible $ Standish, 14 and 16 E. Congress. (See advt).<br />

Paints, Bits and Glass.<br />

Farrand, Shele BG CO., 80 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

le & Standish, 14 and 16 E. Congress. (See advt.)<br />

Wright William & CQ., 92 Woodward ave. (See .backOpaster.)<br />

Worcester, Lai g<br />

Berry J. A & Co., 24 Woodbridge.<br />

Fowler Henry, 17 Jefferson ave.<br />

Paper Box, (Manufacturers).<br />

Paper Hangers.<br />

& Battishill, 445 Crogl~nn. (See advt.)<br />

Wright William & CO., 92 Woodward ave. (See back paster.)<br />

Paper (Mnfrs. and Dealers in).<br />

Barnes Brothers, 141 Jeff'erson ave.<br />

Cornwels, Price & Go., 118 Jefferson w e.<br />

Dean W., 146 Grand River.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Co., 208 and 210 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shiawassee Psper Co., 32 Woodward ave.<br />

Patent Adjustable Hoes.<br />

C., room 1 Fisher block.<br />

Patent Medicines.,<br />

Ballary, Glass & Co., 214 Woodward ave.<br />

Farrand, Sheley dk Co., 80 Woodward ave.. (See advt.)<br />

Haigh Henry, 8. E. cor. Jefferson ave. and Brush. (See advt.)<br />

Patent Solicitors.<br />

Sprague Thomas S., 1 and 3 Arcade building.


Hale James, T Abbott.<br />

Pattern Maker.<br />

Perfumeries.<br />

Bartholomew W. E., 227 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co., 80 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Seely J. M. dr. Oo., 265 Woodwalrd ave.<br />

Wiggins & Iclillan, 124 IT. Lamed.<br />

Photograph Galleries.<br />

Brush James A., cor. Woodward ave. and Lar~ed st.<br />

Cadwallader Bros., 223 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doran F. I%., cor. Michigan avo. and Wayne.<br />

Dullring Frederick, 41 Monroe ave.<br />

Ferrerty J. F., Brush cor. Gratiot.<br />

Grelling G., 219 Jefferson av..<br />

Johnston James, cor. Larned and Bates.<br />

Lutge F. C., 61 Monroe sv.<br />

hIoore 0. D., 158 Jegerson av.<br />

Parsons en;^, 28 Michigan av.<br />

Itandall J. J., room 12 Fisher's block.<br />

Sanderson I. 'A., 181 Michigan av.<br />

Sutton Moses, 205 and 207 ,Jefferson av. (See advt).<br />

Van Deusen C. H., 196 Jefferson av.<br />

Watson George, 127 Jefferson av.<br />

Winchester's Gallery, Francis E. Winchester propr., 20 Merriil blk.<br />

Wing S., 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Photographers Stock and IYlaterials.<br />

Angel1 George R., 127 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sutton E oses, 205 and 207 J efferson av. (See advt).<br />

Physicians.<br />

Albus Mrs. Anglica, 99 Maple.<br />

Jlndrews G. P., 41 Congress.<br />

Andrers >I. H., No. 1 Coyls bl jck.<br />

Angel1 A. D., 235 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Arnold Lucy, 74 E. Larned.<br />

Benettia, - 121 Gratiot.<br />

Bigelow John M., 187 E. Larned.<br />

Brodie William, 31 W. Lefayette ave.<br />

Brown J. A., 37 M. Lafayette av.<br />

Brumme Carl, N. S. Fort, bet. Russell and Biopelle.<br />



, I -<br />

I<br />

I<br />

. _ . _ I _ _ _ _ _._ _. _.. . __ _- .- -<br />

--- -.---p-------.-....----- - -<br />

Lcnvc (_-;lion I)el)ot,, Soot of'l:rl~sh ~trcct, <strong>Detroit</strong>, c1:;ily (Stnlilnys escc~)tcd). Jsor C'~lic:bgo,<br />

ct)ll~lccting 111 the (:rc;~l TTnion l)c.r)ot with t~.:~int: OF C'liic:~qo, J20(:1; 1sl:und ant1<br />

Pnciric li,i~ilrortd, 2nd 111:llii1lg direct coiincctionr; for<br />

/ whcrc oiosc con~ic(:linns<br />

I<br />

I<br />

iirc m:~:!c? wit!^ Lolii: Silorc 1:. R. for Clcvc?;in~l, Eric,<br />

Diulkirk, BalE~lo, a;~d all points E:ist, mil I!!e Oil Regions of Pcnn.<br />

--<br />


.- 0-<br />

l'he 1';ls~eilgrr Depat.t~ncnt i,sl ul~snrpn~acd in its osmm.rements fix the c,oruSort and ~rCct,g of<br />

tr;lvclcrs. Tile Day ssprc

- -<br />


- --<br />

carrier a. E., 221 Michigan ave.<br />

Chantler H. C., 181 Woodmard ave.<br />

Chavey P. L., 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clark B. L., 264 E. Clinton. See advt.)<br />

Cleland 11. A,, 21 State.<br />

Davenport Louis, cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold st.<br />

DP EIart II. II., 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

De Los D .' C., 203 Jefferson ave.<br />

Durfee J. M., 286 Woodward ave.<br />

Fairbairn T. A,, 139 Griswold.<br />

Farrand D. O., 86 W. Congress.<br />

Ferguson Joseph, 173 E. Congress.<br />

Flintermann J.. 378 Antoine.<br />

Gilbert C. B., 37 Adams ave.<br />

Gilmartin P. P., 29 Abbott.<br />

Griggs S., 15 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gustin W. C., 25 Adalms ave.<br />

IIarlow A., 234 Woodward ave.<br />

Henderson D., 170 Lafayette.-<br />

Hyde 6. A,, 4 Fisher's block, Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Inglis Richard, 21 W. State.<br />

Jenlrs E. W., 52 W. Fort.<br />

Kermott J. W.? 214 Woodmalrd ave.<br />

Rlein Peter, 257 JeRerso~~ ave.<br />

La.brey A,, 80 and 82 Wayne.<br />

Lathrop W. H., 92 E. Congress.<br />

Zauderdale Edward, 206 Jefferson av.<br />

Lighthill C. B., 275 Brush.<br />

Lyons R. J., Farmer cor. Randolph.<br />

Lyster Henry F., 105 E. Congress.<br />

hlcGram R., 225 Jefferson av.<br />

McKeown J., 260 Jefferson av.<br />

Mignault John B., cor. Congress and Antoine.<br />

Miller Mrs. E., 7 Elizabeth.<br />

Newland Henry, 165 E. Congress.<br />

Noyes J. F., Shelby cor. Fort.<br />

Oakley J. J., 130 Jefferson av.<br />

Pitcher Z., 86 TV. Congress.<br />

Rose L. C., 1 Fisher's block.<br />

Savage H. W. N.. 13 Griswold.<br />

Schulte Casper, 30 Monroe av.<br />

Scovel John B., 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

Shay G., 36 Bronson.<br />

Sims John, 404 Gratiot.<br />

Smith E., room 3 Fisher's block.<br />

Smith a. Earvey, M. D., 1\1. It. . S. Eng., F. P. S. Glassow,<br />

280 Jefferson ave.<br />







I<br />

Running from Buffalo .<br />


To New York, Without chme;e of coaches, making the most desirable route<br />

from all places in Michigin to all points East. New York<br />

and Boston via New Pork, and via Elmira to<br />



Via Grand Trunk and Vermont Central railway^, will save<br />

$3. 00 in Fare !<br />

-+O-<br />


Can purchase through tickets to all places io Canada for AMERICAN CUR-<br />

RENCY, and arrive at all principal stations seaeral hours in advance of com-<br />

peting routes. (See t.ime tables of each route.)<br />

SPECIAL NOTICE.L..=B~ this line all trains of Baturday run directly<br />

through to Buffalo and Toronto. Night Express ot Saturday arrives in Buffalo<br />

630 A. M., and in Toronto 5:15 A. N., Sunday-Twentyfour hours in, adsccnce<br />

of any other rou'e.<br />

-0 .o:-<br />


And Berths or Staterooms in aleeping coaches can be secured at the Co.'s Gen'l office<br />


H a<br />

Or st the Depot, foot of Third Street.<br />


Qen'l Pass. Agent, Montreal.<br />

E. REIDY,<br />

Passenger Agent, <strong>Detroit</strong>.

'<br />


Smith H. E., 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith John C., 174 Catherine.<br />

Stewart Alexander, 116 E. Lafayette. (See advt.)<br />

Stewart M., 71 Brush..<br />

$tone B., 80 and 82 Wayne bet. Congress and Fort. (Seeadvt.)<br />

$utherlmd W. G., 283 Michigan ave.<br />

Thorn J. J., Elizabeth, bet. William and John R.<br />

Trudell S., Fort, cor. 13th.<br />

Van Norman J. M., M. D., 160 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Va-Zair Dr., 40 Woodward ave.<br />

Volland J., 108 Griswold.<br />

Walker Henry O., 60 Monroe ave.<br />

Waterman J., 308 Woodward ave.<br />

Webber N. W.,<br />

92 E. Congress.<br />

Whiteford Richard, room 14 Merrill block.<br />

Wildi J., 263 Russell.<br />

Physicians (Homeopathic).<br />

Adams E. T., 54 Henry.<br />

Day D., 17 Rawland.<br />

Drake E. H., 16 W. Fort.<br />

Ellis E. R., 90 Griswold.<br />

Gorton W. R., 138 Woodward ave.<br />

Rastings C., 80 W. Lafayette.<br />

Lodge Edwin A*, 51 Wayne.<br />

Pomeroy Thomas F., 103 E. Congress.<br />

Rudolph B., 144 Randolph.<br />

Spranger F. X., 36 Monroe ave.<br />

$pranger M. J., 594 Michigan ave.<br />

Pianos, Organs and Helodeons.<br />

Amsden D. S., 137 Jefferson ave.<br />

Cause Adam, set. Unrivalled Cycloids, 137 Jefferson av. (See adst.)<br />

Cycloid Piano ~orte, Adam Couse, State agt., 137 Jefferson we.<br />

(See advt.)<br />

Jacquemain We, 32 Harriett.<br />

Simmons, Clough & Co., 96 and 98 Miami ev.<br />

Weiss & Van Laer, 66 Woodward av.<br />

Whitney C. J., 197 Jefferson av.<br />

Whitternore J. Henry Q Co., 179 Jefferson av. (See advt.j<br />

Picture Frame Dealers.<br />

Elder Adam, 164 Jefferson sv. (See advt.)<br />

Hughes Ezra, 127 Michigan ave.<br />

Winchester F. E., 20 Merrill block.<br />

Wright William & Co., 92 Woodward av. (See advt.)

Picture Frame (Mmfrs.)<br />

Eargreaves & Bra;, cor. 17th and Howard. (See advt.)<br />

Smith George B., foot of 1st.<br />

Blaster.<br />

Plasterers.<br />

Roberts $ Hanley, 44 E. Columbia. (See advt.)<br />

Plate Grass.<br />

Wright William & Co., 92 Woodward ave. (See back psster.)<br />

Platers (Gold and Silver.)<br />

Clay Br; Allen, 10 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Traub Bros., 206 Jefferson av. (See advt.) . *<br />

Weller & Dolbeer, 119 Jefferson av.<br />

Plumbers.<br />

Cooper R., 3d cor. Michigan av.<br />

Ferguson Samuel, 91 Jefferson av.<br />

Holmes & Webster, 115 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Iloward II., 8th cor. Michigan av.<br />

Kramer & Steiner, 21 E. Congress. (See advt.)<br />

Linbutdau L., 162 Cslone.<br />

43 Griswold. (See advt.)<br />

Lovett S. W.,<br />

MeIntyre John P., 20 Shelby. (See advt).<br />

Quighley John, 66 Woodbridge.<br />

lteiley john, 28 W. Larned.<br />

ltoss E. H., 53 TV. Larned.<br />

Schafer Anthony, 297 EIastings.<br />

Stewart J., 52 Brusl~.<br />

Sullivan J. J., 160 'CVoodbridge.<br />

IValsh Richard, 66 Larned.<br />

White & Cameron, 102 Bates.<br />

Whitman T., 165 Macomb.<br />

Police Agencv.<br />

Northwestern Detective Agency, E. H. Itaymonr, .principal, 1273 Jef-<br />

ferson avenue.<br />

Pop Corn.<br />

Turner C. Be & Co., 233 Michigan ave.<br />

. .


- -. -- - - - --- --<br />

Pork Packers ; (See also Packers).<br />

Standish & Ives, 38 Michigan Grand ave. (See adut).<br />

Portrait Painters.<br />

Black ~hurston, 154 ~efferion ave.<br />

Potteries.<br />

Autretsch Martin, 162 Croghan.<br />

Balsley T. S., cor. Howard and 13th.<br />

Pflugk August, 512 Gratiot.<br />

Poultry and Game.<br />

Phillips H. T. BG CO., 42 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Wallace 8. H;, 5 Russell House block. (See advt).<br />

Walsh J., 284 Woodward ave.<br />

Printers, (Book and Job).<br />

Aykroyd & Cliff, 41 Woodward ave.<br />

Burk W. H. & CO., 32 Larned.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press Co., cor. Griswold and Larned.<br />

Diack & Ostler, 164 Jefferson ave.<br />

Graham William, 41 Bates. (See card frollt cover.)<br />

Gulley 0. $., 10 and 12 E. Larned.<br />

Hadger Joseph F., 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

Harrington I). B., 214 Jefferson ave.<br />

Yarxhausen A., 10 and 12 E. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Marxhausen C., (Journal office) 11 and 13 Woodbridge. (See advt.)<br />

stennstra F. H., 33 Griswold.<br />

The Daily Post Coo, cor. Larned and Shelby.<br />

Tribune Job Office, 212 Jefferson we.<br />

Union Printing CD., 17 W. Larned.<br />

Produce and Provisions.<br />

Herrington Willard, 41 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

I-Iurd J. L. 6 Co., foot 2d.<br />

ivor G. B. & Co., 155 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnson H. B Co., 156 Grand River.<br />

Lafayette Whitman, 109 Michigan ave.<br />

Morrison Alexander, 77 Monroe ave.<br />

Rothenberg C. F., 291 Woodward ave.<br />

Standish & Ives, 38 Michigan Grand ave. (See advt<br />

5 Russell House block. (See advt.)<br />

Wallace 8, H,,<br />


Publishers.<br />

Briggs Harlan P., 137 Jefferson ave.<br />

Clark Charles F., Publisher of <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Directory</strong>, S. W. cor.<br />

Griswold and Jefferson ave.<br />

Griswold F. W., 2 E. Larned.<br />

Harrington D. B., 214 Jefferson sv.<br />

KO~U Bi Slawson, 46 Monroe av. (See advt.)<br />

Virtue & Yorston, room 11 Fisher's block.<br />

Pumps (Mnfrs. and Dealers in.)<br />

Brunner Stephen, 178 Clinton.<br />

I(ramer &Steiner, 21 E. Congress. (See advt.)<br />

Taff S. S. & Son, 19 Griswold.<br />

Putty (Mnfrs. 1<br />

Worcxter, Laible & Standish, 14 and 16 E. Congress. (See ad.)<br />

Rags (Dealers in.)<br />

Haley C., 313 Michigan av.<br />

Rengstebeck Christian, 71 Croghan. (See a h.)<br />

Jennings John, 117 Woodbridge.<br />

Watson G. & CC, 154 Grand River.<br />

11Tatson J. & Co., 113 Grand River.<br />

Ready Made Clothing (See Clothiers.<br />

Rail Road Agents.<br />

Norton B, F., cor. 3 and Woodbridge.<br />

Real Estate, Agents and Dealers.<br />

Boehm Emil, 46 Monroe sv.<br />

Crane F. J. B., 130 Jefferson sv.<br />

Crane & Wesson cor. Griswolcl ant1 Corigreus.<br />

Crawford F., 40 Fort.<br />

Poxen William, 80 Griswold.<br />

French T, P., 21 Rotunda Luildiog, Grisaold st.<br />

Frost George S. & Co., 81 Grisnrold.<br />

Hunt G. W., 32 W. Larned.<br />

Johnston J. W., Griswold, opp. post office.<br />

Kibbee P., 3632 Larned.<br />

Xuhn Jose h, cor. Woodward ave. and Congress st. (See adrt.)<br />

ILee, Parris fl & Son, 125 and 127 Jefferson ave. (See advt.)<br />

Littlefield & Williams. 149 Woodward ave.<br />

BlcLean A. I-I., 185 Jefferson ttve. (up stairs*)<br />

McLeod J. C., 51 Griswold.

Norris P. W., Griswold, opp. post office.<br />

Noves A. G., 10 Larned.<br />

~afms F., 945 Jefferson ave.<br />

Elathbone William Pa, 44 Griswold.<br />

Reeves H. L., 147 Jefferson ave.<br />

Real Estate Exchange, William J. Waterman, prop., Griswold, opp.<br />

post office.<br />

Smith Bradford, 82 Griswold.<br />

Smith Bt Reeve, Griswold, opp. post office. (See advt.)<br />

Rectifier.<br />

Chamberlain M. W. & Co., 88 Jefferson ave.<br />

Restaurants.<br />

Campbell Mrs. N., 283 Woodward ave.<br />

Carroll D., 49 Shelby.<br />

Christian & Son, Russell House corner.<br />

Fowler W. J., <strong>Detroit</strong> & M. &pot.<br />

German Anthony, 31 Michigan ave. (See advt.)<br />

Heffron & CO., cor. Woodaard and Jefferson aves. (See advt.)<br />

Jenks Mrs. J., 279 Jefferson ave.<br />

King S. B., 173 Grand River.<br />

Leigh Miss, 142 Woodbridge.<br />

Lynch D., 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Mappelbeck James, 147 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Pawley William, 76 Atwater.<br />

Reath T. S., 8 Woodward ave.<br />

Veranda, P. Rice, manager, 48 anb 50 Shelby. (See advt).<br />

Wilmot Wm., 243 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilson Thoma$, 42 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Robes, (Buffalo and Fancy).<br />

Kelley Gea. B. $ Co., 182 Jefferson ave. (See advt).<br />

Stenton F. S., 184 Jefferson ave. (See advt).<br />

RoIling Mills.<br />

Wysndotte Rolling Mill Co., oftice, foot of Wayne.<br />

Roofers, (Patent).<br />

Armstrong B. & Co., 215 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gidday James, 72 Atwater.<br />

Gilbert J. W. Bt Co., " Patent Gravel Roofers," 54 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sparks G. W., 10 Merril! Hall. (See advt).<br />

Rubber Capotes. (Wholesale).<br />

Chapman J. R. & Co., 199 Jefferson ave.


Rubber Goods.<br />

Edwards He D. & Co., 87 Woodward ave.<br />

Rubber Mouldinqs.<br />

George H., 157 Jefferson aye. and 193 Gratiot st. (See a6vt).<br />

-<br />

Saddlery and Hardware.<br />

Duncan 'CVilliam & Co., 165 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hayden 8E Baldwin, 88 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Saddles and Harness.<br />

Amberg A, 377 Gratiot.<br />

Bottle H. E., 113 Grand River.<br />

Dunnebacke J., 67 Gratiot.<br />

Foster F. S., 65 Grand River.<br />

Gabler L., 424 Gratiot.<br />

Hayden & Baldwin, 88 Woochrard av. (See advt.)<br />

Hudson J., 98 Grand Ever.<br />

Iiahler N., 504 Grand P' er.<br />

~ i v<br />

Lowson J., 360 Michigan av.<br />

McCulley G. E., 226 Jefferson av.<br />

Pearce He, 331 Woodward av.<br />

Rothenberg Herman, 230 Gratiot.<br />

Itussell & Matoon, 25 Grand River.<br />

Sabine A. & Co., 137 Grand River.<br />

Sabine 3. C., 111 Griswold.<br />

Sabine W. C., 35 Jefferson av.<br />

Ghane D. L., 92 Michigan av. .<br />

Trempler J., 354 Michigan av.<br />

Van Buren Samuel, 6 Michigan ave.<br />

Safes, Mnfrs. and Agents.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co., Atwater bet. Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Neff E. W., 74 Griswold. -<br />

Rowley R. B. 8t Son, 40 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Sail Lofts.<br />

Wilson & Robeson, 3 and 5 Woodward ave.<br />

HoEner 8r; hfayes, foot of Bates.<br />

White Thomas, foot of Griswold.<br />

Sail Makers.


Ackerhalt Aaron, 54 Lafayette.<br />

Ackerman Jacob, 343 Atwater.<br />

Albrecht August, 297 Grand River.<br />

Alder Jacob, 127 Clinton ave.<br />

Armstrong Miss J., 86 Franklin.<br />

Aull Adam, 464 Gratiot.<br />

Aunt S., 11.9 Grand River.<br />

Austin Mrs. I?., 191 Atwater.<br />

Bachold F., 820 Gratiot.<br />

Barker Jacob, 286 Croghan;<br />

Barry John, 122 Franklin.<br />

Usrtenback Andrel-, 160 Eivard.<br />

Bawer A*, 827 Michigan ave.<br />

Beller Jacob, 12 W. Congress.<br />

Bird Joseph F., 70 Woodbridge.<br />

Blackmer J. W., 33 Jefferson-ave.<br />

Uloynk John, 128 Antoine.<br />

Boland H., 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

Brady Job, 8 Michigan ave.<br />

Brandt .b'. H.. 186 Gratiot.<br />

Braze1 Thomas P., 9 and 11 Congress, East.<br />

Bridge D., cor. Sixth and Woodbridge.<br />

Brooks H. 0.: 53 Clinton eve.<br />

Brushey I., 203 Gratiot. b<br />

Erust P., cor. Napoleon and Russell.<br />

Erustmaker Joseph, 205 Michigan ave.<br />

Uryenk J., James cor. Riopelle.<br />

Buof C., cor. Brush and Jefferson ave.<br />

Burdingnan Joseph, 301 Atwater.<br />

Burge Jacob, 159 W. Larned.<br />

Eyer M., cor. Kastings and Kapoleon.<br />

Byron He, 72 Atwater.<br />

Caldwell John, Guoin bet. Atwater and Franklin.<br />

Cantin Nelson, 302 Atwater.<br />

Cardy John, 287 Atwater.<br />

Carr I. L., I-Ioward House Block.<br />

Castello Patrick, 21 W. Larned.<br />

Castermans John, 322 Gratiot.<br />

Cavknow J., 530 Michigan ave.<br />

Chapin C. A*, 4 Beaubien.<br />

Charlton A., cor. Hastings and Iientucky.<br />

Clare T., 66 Woodbridge.<br />

Clark Charles, 72 Woodbridge.<br />

Cleeff F. W., Congress cor. Fifth.<br />

Clifford D. J., 251 Michigan avc.<br />


Closset A*, 171 Grand River.<br />

Cole J. E.. 41 Larned.<br />

Commercial Saloon, 28 Griswold.<br />

Conrad Joseph, 322 Atwater.<br />

Crosby Elizabeth, 17 Monroe ave.<br />

Culnal J., cor. Maybury and Michigan av.<br />

Danielson W., 108 Grand Eiver.<br />

Danz William, 344 Gratiot.<br />

Davis William 61 Jefferson av,<br />

Delle John, 228 Russell.<br />

Delos Desire, Franklin cor. I-lastings.<br />

Delpier L., 96 St. Aubin av.<br />

De Schryver F. G., 162 ?IT. Woodbridge.<br />

Devrux William, 158 Franklin.<br />

Dewson Henry, 183 3d.<br />

Diehrick A., 682 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Dihle C., 121 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Dilyot Joseph, cor. Croghan and St. Aubin av.<br />

Ding Levi, 20th cor. Alexander.<br />

Dither N., 180 Michigan ave.<br />

Donne11 & Fitzgerald, 246 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Donohoe J. F., 71 Monroe ave.<br />

Dormer ~eorgk, 199 Mihhigan av.<br />


77 Lamed Street, East,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Jf4ch;iga.n.

-.<br />


Dorr H., 9th av. cor. Michigan av.<br />

Dorr & Walters, foot of 3d.<br />

Drews John, cor. Chene and Macomb.<br />

Dsoulliard Oliver, 10 Hastings.<br />

Dunn P., Congress cor. ~ubois.<br />

Ebel L., 61 Randolph.<br />

Eberts John M., cor. Fort and Elastinge.<br />

Elliott John, 111 Woodbridge.<br />

Engel Conrad, cor. Mullet and Itivard.<br />

Engles J., 223 Grand River.<br />

Engstler John, 45 Clinton ave.<br />

Erion John, cor. Clinton ave. and Beaubien.<br />

Esser J., Mechanic, cor. Beaubien.<br />

Evettns P., 24th, cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Fav C., 20th: cor. Michigan ave.<br />

~ e kL., r Fort, cor. Orleans.<br />

Finn T., Woodbridge, bet. 1st and 2d.<br />

Fisher John T., cor. Michigan ave. and Cass.<br />

Fleming D., 680 W. Moodbridge.<br />

Flood J., Woodward ave., cor. Srady.<br />

Fogarty John, 137 Michigan ave.<br />

Fogle Edward, 48 Monroe ave.<br />

Forni V., 479 Gratiot.<br />

Foster W., 94 Michigan ave.<br />

Fowler W. J., <strong>Detroit</strong> & hf. depot.<br />

Frank Lewis, 322 Croghan.<br />

Frantz 8. S., 301 Woodward ave.<br />

Frieburger F., 916 Jefferson ave.<br />

Furlong William, cor. Larned and 2d.<br />

Garber Peter, 93 Macomb.<br />

Garrison Thomas, 159 Beaubien.<br />

Gassar J., 217 Gratiot.<br />

Gert Herman, cor. Fort and Rivard.<br />

Gies George H., 16 Monroe av.<br />

Gies Henry, 175 Croghan.<br />

Gilbey F. We, 190 Woodward av.<br />

Gintter W., 406 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Gladmitz P,, 34 W. Larned.<br />

Godde J., 96 St. Aubin av.<br />

Goellner G., 284 Gratiot.<br />

Goodchild B., 285 Woodmard ar.<br />

Boodwood G., 90 Grand River.<br />

Gordon Limes, 277 Woodward av.<br />

Gore A., cor Bates and Atwater.<br />

Gravels E., 305 Hastings.<br />

Griesinger Lewis, 178 Russell.<br />

-<br />


Gross John P., 238 Russell.<br />

Grunewald & Brugg, 55 Michigan Grand av.<br />

Guyette J., Cass block, Jefferson av.<br />

IIahn A,, 123 Eandolph.<br />

Harm Louis, core Mullet and Russell.<br />

Hanner William, 292 Gratiot.<br />

liansmann Mrs. M., 85 Catherine.<br />

Harpfer U., 418 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Harrmann A., Clinton cor. Edward av.<br />

I-Iatzenbuhler John, 3 Michigan Grand av.<br />

Heck J., 303 Gratiot.<br />

Heffron & CO., cor- Woodward and Jefferson avs. (See advt.)<br />

Heinike Charles, 29 E. Fort.<br />

Henrion George, 233 Lafayette.<br />

Henry H., 165 Gratiot.<br />

Herrmann M., cor. Clinton and Elmwood avs.<br />

I-Iesse Francis, 12 Monroe av.<br />

Higgins M., 302 Michigan av.<br />

Hill Mrs. M., 73 Franklin.<br />

Hillabrand F., core 16th and Woodbridge.<br />

Hoffmann J., cor. Woodbridge and 7th.<br />

Holland Mrs., 298 Michigan av.<br />

Eollihan James, Rivard, core Franklin.<br />

I.olmes Mrs. S., 26 Beaubien.<br />

Honses J., 69 Bronson.<br />

Horn John, 2 Woodward av.<br />

Huber Caster, 476 Gratiot.<br />

Illing John, 63 Croghan.<br />

Irving John, cor. Fort and Dubois.<br />

Jacklin William T., 60 Michigan av.<br />

Jacobs I-I., 674 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Jacob William B., 228 Gratiot.<br />

Janson H., 186 Michigan aye.<br />

Jelsch J., 357 Congress.<br />

Jenez Charles, Randolph, cor. Lamed,<br />

Jones E., 169 Michigan av.<br />

Kantman I?. J., 41 Michigan Grand av.<br />

Iceiler John, 392 Gratiot.<br />

lieussch Michael, 281 Hastings.<br />

lihon J., 427 Gratiot.<br />

Icieler Henry, 5 Michigan Grand av.<br />

ICilborn J., 278 Woodward av.<br />

Iilap M., 240 Woodbridge.<br />

Iiline Elizabeth, 154 W. Larned.<br />

Kline J., 325 Franklin.<br />

Klink J. C., 476 W. Woodbridge.


--<br />

. lilintworth Peter, cor. Atwater and DeQuindre.<br />

lioch K. L., 497 Hastings.<br />

Iiorff Mrs., Croghan cor. Eimwood av.<br />

ICriet V., 163 Gratiot.<br />

Rrunow Herman, 132 Clinton.<br />

Kunze George, Woodbridge bet. 9th and 10th.<br />

Iiuemmel-H., 288 Antoine.<br />

Ladroot Ely, 63 Macomb.<br />

Lambert C., cor. Calone and Prospect.<br />

Lavigne Mrs., Croghan cor. Elmwood av.<br />

Lawiena Mrs. T., Croghan cor. Elmwood ave.<br />

Leaite F., 181 Randolph.<br />

Le Elanc J., Woodbridge bet. 2d and 1st.<br />

Le Clair J., 918 Jeffer- on av.<br />

Lemlaen C., 249 Gratiot.<br />

Levassort George, 56 Brush.<br />

Levingst on James, 98 Woodbridge.<br />

Linto Joseph, 422 Gratiot. -<br />

Locke Joseph, Atwater, cor. Beaubien.<br />

Loeser A., 119 Randolph.<br />

Loewe Q., 39 Clinton av.<br />

Lucas U. S., 297 Woodward av.<br />

Lyons Joseph, cor. Beaubien and Fort.<br />

McAdam J. & Bros., 192 Woodward av.<br />

McDonald James J., 39 Woodward av.<br />

BfcDurmon J., Church, cor. Michigan av.<br />

McGumot J., Church, cor. Michigan av.<br />

McLaughin William, 74 Woodbridge. * .<br />

DIackey Mrs. E., 10 Beaubien.<br />

Rlathauer Paul, 237 Jefferson av.<br />

Mayer C., Riopelle, bet. Catherine and Sherman.<br />

3Iayville Anthony, St. Aubin av., cor. Guoin.<br />

Mende G., 2 Catherine.<br />

Metzer C., 347 Michigan av.<br />

Mills Mrs. A., 99 Atwater.<br />

Miners' Home, cor. 1st and Front.<br />

Mitchel Anthony, 21 Abbott.<br />

31onene John, 404 Gratiot.<br />

Monte Christo, Charles Richter, prop., 24 W. Lamed.<br />

l\iloran John, 438 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Moran M., Toll Gate, Michigan av.<br />

Morgan Q., 244 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Mueller Abraham, cor. Lafayette and Antoine.<br />

Mueller C. I?., 193 Atmater.<br />

Myll William, 74 Croghan.<br />

Newman C., cor. Alexander and Woodward av.<br />

Nemrnan Samuel, 77 E. Fort.<br />


Netting George, core Larned and Shelby.<br />

Niles George, 116 Jefferson av.<br />

P'Iieefe John, 172 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Page A., 520 Michigan av.<br />

Paul C., 701 Michigan av.<br />

Pent1 P., 439 Hastings.<br />

Peterson Mrs., 23 Elmwood av.<br />

Pfeffer D., 204 Napoleon.<br />

Pinnel Henry, cur. Hastings and Atwater.<br />

Quinn Joseph, cor. Larned and Beaubein.<br />

Rahley M., 17 Griswold.<br />

Randall J.9 63 Jefferson av.<br />

Reithard C., 20th core Michigan av.<br />

Revall Mrs. M., 24 Beaubein.<br />

Rhaesa J.9 core Larned and 2nd.<br />

Richter Charles, 24 W. Larned.<br />

Richter L., 28+ Beaubein.<br />

Bici A., 64 Randolph.<br />

Rickel H. We, 78 Griswold.<br />

Riley M. Q., 250 Michigan avo<br />

Ringwald W., 528 Michigan avo<br />

Roof P. Me, 255 Michigan av.<br />

Rook W. H., 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Roos Philip, 107 W. Larned.<br />

Root J. A., Dubois, cor. Larned.<br />

Roth Me, 72 Riopelle.<br />

Ruebelmann E., 262 Russell.<br />

Ruoff A., 32 Monroe av.<br />

ltuoff Charles, 139 Bates.<br />

Sandford Charles, 76 Griswold.<br />

Sayers E., 341 Atwater.<br />

Schachteler Emil, cor. Macomb and IIastings.<br />

Schmidt Henry, Larned, bet. Brush and Randolph.<br />

Schoettle Carl, 163 W. Larned.<br />

Schroeder V., Franklin, core DeQuindre.<br />

Schuetz John C., 65 Bates.<br />

Schulz G., core Hastings and JVilkins.<br />

Schwab F., cor. Hastings and Columbia.<br />

Schwartz Nicholas, 212 Gratiot.<br />

Gchweikart Walter, 76 Elmwood av.<br />

Schweizer August, 92 Gratiot.<br />

Seiler Peter, cor. Fort and Antoine.<br />

Gelak Me, 393 Antoine.<br />

Serenbergh C., 378 W. Woodbridge. '<br />

Sheffler J., 362 Michigan av.<br />

Sherwin John, cor. Franklin and Riopelle.<br />

Short J., Woodbridge, bet. lstand 2d-

Shute F. A*, 90 Grand River.<br />

Siell A., cor. Prospect and Moore.<br />

Sihler John, 220 Croghan.<br />

Simpson J. F., Franklin cor. St. Aubin av.<br />

$ink a. R., 44 Michigan Grand av.<br />

Smith A. W., 414 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Smith Wm. T., 113 W. Lamed.<br />

Snell Samuel C., 17 E. Fort.<br />

Sohtioker L., 407 Gratiot.<br />

Sprenninger N., 317 Gratiot.<br />

Stadler C., 926 Jefferson sv.<br />

Starkloff Charles, 131 Michigan av.<br />

Stehfest Herman, 2 Monroe av.<br />

Steiner H., Elmwood cor. Jefferson ave.<br />

Streninger C., 147 Grstiot.<br />

Stevenson I., 368 Michigan av.<br />

S tobel Henry, cor. Mullet and Rivard.<br />

Strassburg William, cor. Fort and Brush.<br />

Strauss Frederick, 271 Lafayette.<br />

Strelinger J., 101 Bates.<br />

Sutter V., 223 1st and Orchard.<br />

Surmond F., 609 Jefferson av.<br />

Sweeny B., 24 Michigan av.<br />

Sweke Louis, 3 Franklin.<br />

Tate Edward, Woodbridge bet. 9th and 10th.<br />

Tinker A. H., 8 Lamed.<br />

Tinnette John P., cor. Catherine and Rivard.<br />

Toohey P., 524 Michigan av.<br />

Tuck Charles, 10 Franklin.<br />

Ulrich Peter, 17 Michigan Grand sv.<br />

Vallier A., 11 3 Franklin.<br />

Van Cloakvand Matthew, 96 Woodbridge.<br />

Van Dgke P., 574 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Van Tiflin M., 114 Clinton.<br />

Vellger Charles, 130 Sherman.<br />

Vermulen Frederick, 72 E. Fort.<br />

Victorson H., 121 Michigan av.<br />

Vonderheide H., 175 Gratiot.<br />

Waldmann J., 421 Grand River.<br />

Walter L., Croghan, near Elmwood av.<br />

Ward John, 127 Croghan.<br />

Ward M., 200 Michigan av.<br />

Waring L. M., 126 Jefferson av.<br />

Warner M. W., 155 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Watson R., 523 Michigan av.<br />

Web er Chsrlee, cor. Mullet and ftnasell.

Wenig John H., 20th, near R. R. crossing.<br />

ettleufer F., 187 Gratiot.<br />

Weyns J. & P., 197 Atwater.<br />

White George, 435 Atwater.<br />

Wiethoff A., 91 Atwater.<br />

Wilkinson James, 171 Franklin.<br />

Wilson J., 105 Gratiot.<br />

Wilson Thomas, 42 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Wilt Frederick, 415 Lafayette.<br />

Wirth P., 767 Michigan av.<br />

Wunsch William, 37 Clinton av.<br />

Pager John, 125 Randolph.<br />

Ziesse Adolph, 49 E. Fort.<br />

Zimmerman John, 4 Monroe ave.<br />

Salt (Dealers in,)<br />

Mann J. M., 66, 68 and 70 Atwater.<br />

Sash, Doors and Blinds.<br />

Cobb & Keller, Lafayette bet. St. Aubin av. and Dubois.<br />

Dewey, Middlewood & Co., eor Atwater and Riopelle.<br />

Flynn Hugh, cor. of 3d and Congress.<br />

Ingersoll I. W., 66 and 68 E. Fort.<br />

Japes & Wiesenhoefer, 503 Gratiot.<br />

&lorhous Mitchell & Bgram, Woodbridge bet. Beaubien and Antoine.<br />

Ziesse, Dahlinger $ Bro;, Sherman bet. Hastings and Rivard.<br />

(See advertisement.)<br />

Saw Fjlers.<br />

Wilson David, 17 E. Congress.<br />

Saws (Mnfrs.)<br />

Mellus G. & I?., 60 E. Fort.<br />

Welch &- Griffiths, 42 Woodbridge.<br />

ScaIes and Balances.<br />

Bdalo Scale Works Go., N. B. Rowley & Son State agents, 40<br />

Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co., (Fairbanks,) 80 Woodmard av. (Sec advt.)<br />

Holderried & Son, 67 Monroe av.<br />

Melchers J., 63 Randolph.<br />

Sculptor.<br />

Second-Hand Stores.<br />

Barnett L., cor. Macomb and Antoine.

. Blacker John, 6 Monroe ave.<br />

Bouteljo E., 24 E. Port.<br />

Cahill James, 1 Congress st., TITest.<br />

Davis A., 20 Michigan ape.<br />

Dunn Mrs. T., 183 Hastings.<br />

Irwin William, 83 Michigan ave.<br />

Lampert Levi, 15 E. Fort.<br />

Lentelo L., Bronson cor. Gratiot.<br />

Rabaut C. P., 157 and 159 Antoine.<br />

Rowell J., 119 Michigan ave. cor. First. (See advt.)<br />

Smith J. M., 100 Michigan Ave.<br />

VanBaalen I., 90 Michigan aLve.<br />

VanBaalen Be, 40 Michigan ave.<br />

Vanherpen G. E, 19 E. Fort.<br />

Walters Lewis, 166 Gratiot.<br />

Seeds, (FIower and Trees).<br />

Ferrand & Osborne, cor. Fort and 24th. (See advt.)<br />

Seed Merchants.<br />

Ferry D. Me BG GO., 189 and 191 Woodward ave. (See advt).<br />

N. En Car, Randolph & ells s ! H s n<br />

This House under its present management is First Class in ail its<br />

appointments, while the charges are moderate.<br />

GEO. H, FREINCH, Supt,<br />

20<br />

33. EX- SICINNER, P~o*


PRICE ONLY $45.00.<br />

Is a Perfect Machine for Purnily and Manufacturing purpose s<br />

o,2 Cloth or Leather. With the Machine is furnished all the<br />

Extras for Felling, Cording,. Braiding, Tuckin g,<br />

And work generally done on a Sewing Machine,<br />

AND ALL 37033 FOI&TY FIVE D(B3jLAX3S.<br />

BInchines Sent to all parts of the State with perfect safety.<br />

@T We want$ Agents in1 every Town in the State. Salary from $1,200 to<br />

$2,000 per snnum.<br />

For further particulars, call or send red stamp, and address<br />

1). B. HERRINGITON & CO., Gen'l Agents.<br />

35 Monroe Ave., DETROIT, Dlich.

Sewing Machines.<br />

Andrews G. V. N., 115 Bates.<br />

Bartram Bi Fanton Sewing Machines, A. Ashley, :general agent,<br />

63 Randolphl (See advt.)<br />

Domestic Sewing Machine, J. V. D. Eldredge &. Co., sole agents,<br />

185 Jefferson ave. (up stairs). (See advt).<br />

Elliptic Sewing Machine, M. B. Cook, agent, 196 Jefferson ave.<br />

Empire Sewing Machine, M. 33. Cook, agent, 196 Jefferson ave.<br />

Florence Sewing Machine Co., E. W. Gleason gen'l agt., 158 Jeff'n av.<br />

Grover $ Baker 8; I. Co., S. C. Randall gen'l agt., No. 4 Opera<br />

House block. (See front paster and cover.)<br />

Kowe Machine Co., A. H. West & Co. gen'l agts., 50 Woodward av.<br />

The Singer Manufacturing Co., H. R. Joslyn agt., GO Woodward<br />

av. (See advt.)<br />

Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, West & Comly agts., 178 Jef'n as.<br />

Wilson's Shuttle TYlachines, Herrington & Co. agts. 35 Monroe av.<br />

(See advertisement). -<br />

Sewer Pipes.<br />

Thompson F. P. & Go., Woodward av. nr. Brady.<br />

Shawls.<br />

Frisbie James Wa9 53 and 55 Woodward av. (See advt.<br />

Sheet Music.<br />

Whitternore J. Henry & Co., 179 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Shingles (Mnfrs.) -<br />

Parkes J. & C., 405 W. Woodbridge. '<br />

Cook J. & Son, 285 Atwater.<br />

Ship Blocks.<br />

Ship Builders.<br />

Campbell, Owens & Co., Atwater foot DeQuindre.<br />

Jones J. M., 421 Woodbridge.<br />

Ship Chaudlers.<br />

IXinchman Guy F. & Co., 16 and 18 Atwater.<br />

Kanter Edward, 4 and 6 Woodward.<br />

Ship Owners.<br />

Campbell W. P., owner of ferry boats and tugs, 4 Woodward av.<br />

Carey C. H., on dock foot of Bates.<br />

Demass John, foot of Bates,<br />

. ..


Hackett Robert J., foot of Griswold.<br />

Hart W. W., 4 Woodward aye.<br />

Pridgon Charles J., foot of Bates.<br />

Ralph P. J., foot First.<br />

Scott J. B. 4 Woodward ave.<br />

Sheehan Daniel, foot Woodward ave.<br />

Strachan J., foot of Griswold.<br />

Strong H. M., foot of First.<br />

Ward Eben, foot of Griswold.<br />

Whitaker & Parker, foot of Bates.<br />

Brady & CO,, 1 Woodward ave.<br />

Shippers.<br />

Shirts, (M anufrs.<br />

Chandler George C., 1 W. Larned.<br />

Show Cases.<br />

Chappen & Phillips, 38 Monroe ave.<br />

Whitternore T.-E., 50 Jefferson ave.<br />

Frisbie Jamee W., 53 and 55 Woodward ave. (See advt).<br />

Silversmiths.<br />

Ward C., 12 Grand River.<br />

Silver Plated Ware.<br />

Smith M. $. & Co., 51 Woodward and 169 Jefferson ave. (See advt).<br />

Traub Bros., 206 Jefferson ave. (See advt).<br />

Wetmore F. & Go., 68 Woodvard ave. (See advt). .<br />

Silver Platers.<br />

Clay & Allen, 10 TV. Larned. (See advt).<br />

Giddg J. lk Son, 5 Ledyard.<br />

Slate Roofing.<br />

Smokers' Articles.<br />

Sutter Bros., core Jefferson and Woodward aves. (See advt).<br />

Bell & Go., foot 18B.<br />

Clydesdale Soap Works, 3, 5 R: 7 Frank!in.<br />

Hartness James, 166 Franklin.<br />

Hack & Co., 23 Antoine.<br />



.Metsner J. & Go., Michigan ave. bet. 18th and 19th.<br />

Scott T. G. & Co., corm High and Hastings.<br />

Shulte & Bro., cor. Eivard and Franklin.<br />

Sutton A M., -62 Woodbridge.<br />

Wiggins L McMillan, 124 W. Larned.<br />

Soda Water, (Manufrs).<br />

Cronk Warren, 48 Jefferson ave.<br />

Funkey Anthony 249 Maple.<br />

Solder.<br />

Blinds Magic Solder, Douglas & Co., agents, 32 W. Larned.<br />

Kent We J. & Co., room 8, Fisher's Block.<br />

Spice Mills.<br />

Linn 8. R. & W. T., 120 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sanderson Walter, 154 Woodward ave.<br />

Spring Bed, (Manufrs).<br />

Gaffney & Dunks, 157 Jefferson ave..<br />

Partello B., 54 Jefferson ave.<br />

Secomb J. L. L Co., Randolph core Cratiot.<br />

Whipple & Co., 59 hlonroe aye.<br />

Springs and Axles.<br />

Bayden $t Baldwin, 88 Woodward sv. (See advt.)<br />

Statuary (Mnfrs.)<br />

Zeni Amabile, 162 Em Lafayette.<br />

Steam Engines.<br />

Kennedy & Greig, on 3d bet. Congress and Larned.<br />

Willits W. J., cor. Congress and 3d.<br />

Steamboats (Lines and Agencies.)<br />

Iieena John C., office Cac~<br />

block 3d and Jefferson av.<br />

Merritt W., office foot of Randol~h.<br />

Bodier N.'J., agt. for North'n !Piansportation Co., office foot Randolph.<br />

Whiting J. T., foot of 1st.<br />

~ctroi;& levela and Steam Navigation Go., D. Carter, wharf and office<br />

foot ~f Shelby.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, St. Clair Eiver, Lake Huron shore, Saginam and Toledo, foot<br />

of Wayne.<br />

Erie Railway Line Steamers, John S. Patten, foot of Griswold.<br />

Lake Superior, lake shore, Baginaw & Thunder Bay, office foot Griswold.

I<br />

'<br />

--<br />


Northern Transportation Co., office foot of Randolph.<br />

... .... -*. .--.<br />

Steamship Agents.<br />

lYIcCabe Charles, (European and California,) cor. Jefferson av. and<br />

Griswold st. (See advt.)<br />

Mdy E., agent for Canard and Montreal Mail and Inman lines, cor.<br />

Woodward and Jefferson aves. (See advt.)<br />

Stencil Cutting.<br />

Hochgraff Maximilian, 246 Jefferson av.<br />

Perkins J. E., room 16 Merrill Block.<br />

Seagrave E. P., 155 Woodward av.<br />

Stenographer.<br />

Flowers Charles, 24 Bank building.<br />

Stereotypers<br />

The Calvert Lithographing, Engraving and Ha Publishing<br />

Co., cor. Jefferson sve. and Griswoid st. (See ii%vt).<br />

Stock and Bond Brokers.<br />

Wilkins Alvan, 83 Griswold.<br />

Stone Ware.<br />

Alexander & Co., foot of Shelby.<br />

Amphlett John W., 58 and 60 Woodbridge.<br />

Mann I?. P., 66, 68 and 70 Atwater.<br />

Stone Yards.<br />

Batchelder & Cook, Woodbridge near Shelby. .<br />

Fett C., 153 Muller.<br />

~indlater & Brunton, on Dock next to D. & M. E. R.<br />

Lochbihler W., 156 Clinton.<br />

Michigan Concrete Stone Co., 278 Atwater.<br />

S renger Wm., cor. Beaubien & Macomb. (See advt.)<br />

Qan de Werken D. L., 421 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Stoves and Tinware.<br />

Battle James, 321 Jefferson ave.<br />

Baumeister John, 282 and 284 Gratiot. (See advt.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works, 15 and 17 Woodbridge.<br />

Gill James, 31 Michigan ave. and cor. Cass. (See advt.)<br />

Glover BE Powell, 98 Woodward ave. (See card front cover).<br />

Haller M., cor. Michigan ave. and Second.<br />

Hengstebeck Christian, 71 Croghan. (See advt).<br />



,PEensien John P., 128 and 130 Antoine. (See advt).<br />

Iiopson H. C. & Co., 293 and 295 Woodward ave.<br />

Jerome E. &. Co., 171 Woodward ave.<br />

Kellogg E. P., 44 Jefferson ave.<br />

Limbach M., 100 Woodward ave. (See advt.)<br />

Motz P., 16'1. Grand River.<br />

Noyes A. G., 276 Michigan ave., oEce 10 Larned.<br />

Sales & Pelgrim, 18 Michigan ave. and 52 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sweeney E., 196 Gratiot.<br />

Tyrrel R. A., 58 Jefferson av.<br />

Ulrich F. & Go., 423 Jefferson av.<br />

Welz di Bros., 176 Woodward av.<br />

Straw Goods.<br />

Forsyth & Co., 150 Woodward av.<br />

Kelley Geo. B. BG CO., 182 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Icuhlman A. & Co., 102 Randolph.<br />

SurgicaI and Dental Instruments.<br />

Tailors. (See Mercl.nant Tailors.)<br />

Tailors' Trimmings.<br />

Hit~hcock gt Esselstyn, 147 Jefferson av.<br />

Tanners,<br />

Holthoefer, Millenbach Bt Bro., 184 Croghan.<br />

Koenig & Wenzell. cor. Maple and Orleans.<br />

Lutticke & Bro., cor. hIullet and Riopella.<br />

Renz Henry, 326 Gratiot.<br />

Schehr J. cYs A., 184 Catherine.<br />

Schmidt Trangott, 56 and 58 Croghan.<br />

Stone H. R., 519 Woodbridge.<br />

Tomlinson & Graves, 39 Atwater.<br />

Teas, Coffees and Spices.<br />

Evans & Walker, 96 Jefferson av.<br />

Fish &. Schroder, 40 V?. Larned.<br />

IIill lk Bro., 122 Jefferson av.<br />

Linn A. R. BE We F., 120 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Sanderson Walter, 154 Woodward av.<br />

Teas, C0ffee.s and Spices (Wholesale.)<br />

Hinchman T. 11. & Co., 75 and 80 Jefferson av.

Telegraph Go.'s<br />

Western Union Telegraph Co., C. Fox manager, 50 Griswold and 3<br />

Board of Trade building.<br />

Ticket Agents<br />

Brown James, agt. M. S. & N. I. R. R., Merrill block. (See ad.)<br />

Goodale George S., M. S. & K. I. E. R., depot foot of Brush.<br />

McCabe Charles, (Great Western of Canada,) J. 8. Peilding chief<br />

cbrk, cor. Jefferson av., and Griswold. (See aclvt.)<br />

McKenam John, Cass Hotel ~efferson av.<br />

Morton B. F., cor. 3d and Woodbridge.<br />

Reidy E., agt. M. C. Re R. Bt G. T. R. P., E. J. Pierce chief<br />

clerk, cor. Woodward and Jefferson am. (See advt).<br />

Thompson & Wagner, cor. Jefferson av and 2d.<br />

Tinners.<br />

Aegerden C., 160 Rivard.<br />

Dimler Andrew 234 Croghan.<br />

Haller M., 1 Porter.<br />

Hock J. J., 221 Michigan av.<br />

Kesfelem H., cor. Prospect and Marion.<br />

Labruzy John, cor. Lafayette and Riopelle.<br />

McBreaity James, 281 Woodward av.<br />

Rivenet Theodore, 569 Croghan.<br />

Thierry A., 465 Gratiot.<br />

Wilkie D., 205 Gratiot.<br />

Tobacco, (Manufrs. & Dealers in.) (See also Cigars).<br />

Baby Henry, 1 Campus BIartins.<br />

Bagley John J Sr. Co., cor. of Dates itlid ~~Tooclbri~ge.<br />

Barker K. C. cPr Co., 74 c% 76 Jefferson nve.<br />

Boggs Thomas K., 317 and 319 Jeire~sorl ave.<br />

Duncan & Hana, 11 and 13 TVood~vard ave.<br />

Jelsch t Tannahill, opposite <strong>City</strong> IIaII.<br />

Lichtenberg G. B.. 46 and 48 Congress, East.<br />

Mordhorst John, Jetferson ave. bet. Bd anti 311. (See advt).<br />

Nevin & Mills, 193 and 195 Jefferson ave.<br />

Schuneman Bros., Jefferson ave.<br />

Scotten Lovett & Co., 104 to 110 Randolph.<br />

Sutter Bros., cor. Jefferson and Woodward aves. (See advt).<br />

Tobacconists, (Wholesale)<br />

Hanns & Co., 112 and 114 Woodward ave.<br />

Mordhorst John,Jefferson ave. bet. 2d and 3d. (See advt).<br />

Bothschild Bros., 232 Jefferson ave.

m<br />

: .- --L<br />


Stahl F., cor. Third and Front.<br />

Toilet Articles.<br />

Bartholomew W. E., 227 Michigan ave. (See advt).<br />

Farrand, Sheley 8E Co., 83 Woodwood ave. (See advt).<br />

Haigh Henry, s e cor. Jefferson and Brush. (See advi).<br />

Trimmings, (Dress and Cloak).<br />

Van Mowrick Y. & Bro., 66 Woodward ave.<br />

itemansky Mrs. S., 188 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Trunks (Mnfrs. and Dealers in).<br />

Maier 8t Weber, 63 Monroe av.<br />

Mannebach-& Good, Atrater, foot St. Aubin av.<br />

Wolff Bros., 211 Jefferson av.<br />

Granger E., 53 Orleans.<br />

Tubing.<br />

Tug and Vessel Owner.<br />

Grummond S. B., on Dock, foot Bates.<br />

Turners (Wood>.<br />

Parkes J., cor. Cbngress and 3d.<br />

Muller J., 266 Michigan av.<br />

Whitehill William, 60 E. Fort.<br />

Seitz Charles, cor. Franklin and Brush.<br />

Fisher & Bachan, 20 Woodbridge.<br />

Twines.<br />

Umbrellas. .<br />

Gagel Peter, 25 E. Port.<br />

Kelley Geo. B. BG CO., 182 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Lingeman C., 30 Monroe av.<br />

Stenton F. S., 181 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Undertakers.<br />

Bronson R., 92 and 94 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Geist Valenteine, cor. Monroe and Parrer.<br />

Latimer G. W., 181 Woodward av.<br />

Roche Thomas, 81 Randolph.<br />

Sutherland J., 91 Gratiot.<br />

Vieson Frederick; 159 Maple.<br />

21<br />


Under takers Trimmings.<br />

Bronson R., 92 and 94 W. Larned. (See advt.)<br />

Upholsterers.<br />

Janssen Lewis, 79 E. Croghan.<br />

Ray A. T., 229 Grand River.<br />

Stevens & Co., 142 Woodward av.<br />

Yeaton & Swain, 230 Woodward av.<br />

Varnish, Mnfrs.<br />

Bevy Bros., 22 Woodbridge.<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co., 80 Woodward av. (See advt.)<br />

Vegetables, DeaIers in.<br />

Green D. D., 558 Michigan av.<br />

Matthewson W., 415 Grand River.<br />

Morphey R., Grand River corm Orleans.<br />

Purcell Mary, 123 Larned.<br />

Sullivan John P., 125 W. Woodbridge.<br />

1 Sullivan W. H., 133 and 135 W. Woodbridge.<br />

Williams H., Adams cor. Cass av.<br />

Veterinary Surgeon.<br />

Murray A. J., 265 Beaubien.<br />

Vinegar, Mnfrs.<br />

Heutter Casper, 310 Riopelle.<br />

Landsberg 8.;<br />

57 Griswold, manufactory. 88 Jefferson av.<br />

Woolley S. R. & Co., 36 1st.<br />

Violins and Guitars.<br />

Whittemore J. Henry $G Co., 179 Jefferson av. (See advt).<br />

Wagon Makers : (See also Carriages).<br />

' Chope E. 8G Sons, 80, 82 and 84 Randolph.<br />

Cullen A. Bros., 151 Grand River.<br />

Dupont D., 92 Franklin.<br />

Gemeinhart A., 145 Grand River.<br />

Lightcap B., 356 Grand River.<br />

Ochsenhirt A,, Gratiot cor. Antoine.<br />

Thompson Henry, cor. Riopelle and Atwater.<br />

Wall Paper.<br />

Baker J. B., 87 Griswold.<br />

Elder Adam, 164 Jefferson aye, (See advt)<br />

Wright Wm, & CO., 92 Woodward ave. (See back pa ster).<br />

Washinq Machines.<br />

Cummings & ward, 83 Randolph.<br />

Thayer A,, agent for Dexter machines, I? Miama aye.<br />

Watches : (See als~ JeweIers).<br />

Garretson A. T., 93 Grand River.,<br />


92 and 94 Lamed Street, West,<br />

Near Wayne.<br />


Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds<br />


undertaker^' Trimmings. Etc.<br />

0-<br />

Hearses and Ca~2~inges 3wazishecE at aW =rimes.

-<br />

Kaiser A,, 179 Jefferson rtve. (See advt).<br />

Smith M. S. $ GO., 51 Woodward and 169 Jefferson aves. (See advt).<br />

Traub Bras., 206 Jefferson ave. (See sdvt).<br />

Watches 8 Jewelry, (Wholesale).<br />

Schuler George, 160 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith M. S. & C3., 57 Woodward & 169 Jefferson aves. (See ad.)<br />

Weavers, (Carpets)' .<br />

Fauser William, 118 Clinton.<br />

Gottschow Nicholas 193 Michigan.<br />

Grieve Mrs., 384 Sixth.<br />

Nahoney James, Sixth, cor. Labrosse.<br />

Massates Joseph, 410 E. Lafayette.<br />

fiobert O., 131 12th.<br />

Schmooclc William, 115 Croghan.<br />

Seymour Charlotte, 571 Fort.<br />

Shopenhour J., 477 Gratiot.<br />

Whips and Lashes.<br />

Nobie S., 105 Woodward av.<br />

White Lead and Zinc.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> White Lead and Zinc Works, Worcester, Laible & Stand-<br />

ish, proprs., 14 and 16 E. Congress. (See advt.)<br />

Whitewashers.<br />

Dolton William, 135 E. Lafayette.<br />

Warren W. H., 185 Macomb.<br />

Wig Makers.<br />

Clay William, 119 Jefferson ay.<br />

Willson E C., 198 Jefferson av. (See advt.)<br />

Willow Ware.<br />

Engel C., 257 Gratiot.<br />

Dondero A., 47 E. Fort.<br />

Window Glass.<br />

Eari G. Y., 50 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wright William & Co., 92 Woodward ave. (See back paster).<br />

Window Shades.<br />

Elder Adam, 164 Jefferson ave. (See ndvt).<br />

Lynch William, 203 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wright Wm. & Co., 92 Woodward ave. (See back paster).<br />

Wines and Liquors.<br />

Bagard E. G. & Co., 73 and 75 Griswold.<br />

Brede & Hasselbach, 34 Monroe av:<br />

DeForest &. Co., cor. Congress and Randolph.<br />

Diederich & Breisacher, 72 Congress.

Nagle P. W. At322er cor. Riopelle.<br />

Peabody D. W., Williams cor. Miami. ave.<br />

Peacock L., Griswold cor. Clifford.<br />

Ross A. & Co., cor. Grand River and 2d.<br />

Ryan M. & M. J., 305 Atwater.<br />

Wool Dealers.<br />

Folsom S. & GO., 90 Woodward av.<br />

McGraw BE CO., 2 Atwater.<br />

Standish & Ives, 38 Michigan Grand av. (See advt.)<br />

Woolen, Mnfrs Supplies.<br />

Eaton Theodore H. & Son, 18 Woodward av.<br />

Worsted Goods.<br />

Solomon Edward, 244 Jefferson av.<br />

Wringing Machines.<br />

Hill W. R., 188 Woodward av.<br />

Yankee Notions.<br />

Austin A. C., 190 Jefferson av.<br />

Beck J., 147 E. Fort.<br />

Brown S:, 174 Michigan av.<br />

Burhans Mrs. A., 239 Grand River.<br />

Clapp B. F., 299 Woodward av.<br />

Cornehl F., cor. Sherman and Riopelle.<br />

Doetsch E., cor. Antoine and Napoleon.<br />

Engelman Mrs. B., 416 Croghan.<br />

Fisher Mrs. S., 228 Woodward av.<br />

Held Louis, 153 Antoine.<br />

IIiggins M. Charles, 111 Jefferson av.<br />

Illick 8. F., 290 Woodward av.<br />

Knoll $ Wiseman, 209 Jefferson av.<br />

Koenig L. M., 45 Catherine.<br />

Kraeing Wm., 392 Gratiot.<br />

Kresy Mrs. C., 275 Woodmard avc.<br />

Leech Mrs. J., 207 Gratiot.<br />

Machris Charles, 5 Clinton ave.<br />

Merrill Robert, 40 Clinton ave.<br />

Pierce, Farrington & McMillan, 77 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

Robinson Marcus, 158 Woodbridge.<br />

Roth M., 366 Antoine.<br />

Schlinger E., cor. High and Hastings.<br />

Setz George, 198 Macomb.<br />

Shaw BL: ~arvin,<br />

162 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stern E., 207 Gratiot.<br />

Van Damme B., 193 Congress.<br />

Yankee Notions, (Wholesale).<br />

Jacobson S. & Co., 247 Jefferson aye.

AND<br />

With Corrections to November 1868.

This House under its present mu?ta.gement is Fi~st Class in all its<br />

appointments, while 8the charges are moderate.<br />

3% 13, SEIINNER, Pro,<br />

@E0. FRENCH, Supt,<br />

First Class in all respects, centrally located, considerablgl mlarg-<br />

ed and bhoroughly refurnished. Accomrnoclation for 600 Guests.<br />




For the following valuable inforination we are indebted to a work by C. N. Emerson,<br />

Pittsfield, BIassachusetts :<br />

me statutes.<br />

Early in the history of the war to suppress the rebellion, it was perceived by Congress<br />

that in order to meet the vast clisbursements incident to such a contest, and<br />

at the same time meet the ordinary expenses of the Government, it .cvould be necessary<br />

to introduce an "excise" or internal revenue system, as wide in its details and<br />

extensive in its operation as the nxignitucle of the contest. The first enactment<br />

was made on the 1st of July, 1862, followecl during the same year with explanatory<br />

acts, not now requiring particular notice. On the Yd of March, 1863, another statute<br />

~vt~s eaacted, sonietvhat amendatory, and generally increasing the rates of tax. On<br />

June 30, 1864, the system and previous enactments were thoroughly revised; tlie<br />

text of the law re-written ; and the same has been lllade the basis of all subsequent<br />

amendments, the more important of which were niade on July 13th and 2?th, 1866,<br />

and March 261, 1867 (I).<br />

The law has thus beell in operation more than five years; it has received extensive<br />

alterations and modifications; the decisions and rulings under it have beell<br />

large in number, and most importailt in their bearings upon tlie collstruction of the<br />

statutes, and the ,zclaninistration of the systeln.<br />

The Ofleers of the Lati.<br />

1. The Comlnissioner of inlernaz Revenwe and the Deputy Comm,Psione~.-These<br />

oacers are charged with llle general administration of the system, (the latter acting<br />

as Coinmissioner in tlre absence of that officer.) The @o~nmissioner superintends<br />

the collection of the taxes ancl duties, prepares instructions, regulations, forms,<br />

blanks, stamps, etc., provicles cotton marks, hydrometers, stamps, dies, and renews<br />

the same, contracts for the printing of forins and decisions, etc. ; and has the franking<br />

privilege. His ruling and decision is final upon all matters pertaining to the law,<br />

upon all appeals made to him by assessors or other officers. He acts under the general<br />

direction of the Secretary of the Trcasurey, but he is substantially the head of<br />

his own Department or Bureau, and controls this now most important branch of the<br />

revenue service. His sdnry is six thousand dollars, and his office has an assignment<br />

of clerks made by the Secretary of the Treasury. Upon the re-organization of the<br />

office in 1866 two additional cleputy coiilillissioners were appointed, each with<br />

salary of three ,thousand dollars, one solicitor wit11 a salary of four thousand ciollars,<br />

and seven heads of divisions, to mhich mere also assigned two hundred anrt<br />

twenty clerks, and wit11 a corps of nlessengers and laborers (2).<br />

It is made a part of his duty to pay over a11 monies daily to the United States Treasnry,<br />

and to render monthly an account of all monies received and paid out, or paid<br />

to the Treasurer of the United States, and upon the settlement of these accounts<br />

by the Auditor and Comptroller to transmit a copy to the Scretary of the Treasury,<br />

to whom he at all times submits his accounts for inspection. He also gives a bond<br />

in one huudrcd thousand dollars for the fhitllfi~l perfor~llance of his duties as prescribed.

He also has charge of all real estate which has been or shall be assigned, set off, or<br />

conveyed, by 11urcllase pr otherwise, to the United States, in payment of debts arising<br />

under the laws relating to internal revenue, and of all trusts created for the use<br />

of the United States, in payment of such debts due them ; and, with the approval of<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury, may sell ancl dispose of, at public venclue, upon not<br />

less than twenty days' notice, lands assigned or set off to the United States in payment<br />

of such debts, or vested in them by mortgage or other security, for the payllleilt<br />

of such debts ; and cases where real estate has already become the property<br />

of the Cnited States by conveyance or otherwise, in payment of or as security for a<br />

debt arising under the laws relating to internal revenue, and such debt shall have<br />

heen paid, together with the interest thereon, at the rate of one per centum per<br />

lllonth, to the United States, within two years from the date of the acquisitioil of<br />

such real estate, it shall be lawful for the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, wit11<br />

the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, to release by deed, or otherwise convey,<br />

such real estate to the debtor froin whom it was talien, or to his heirs or other<br />

legal representatives. As before stated, he has the general charge of internal revrllue<br />

matters, and his connection with the administration of tlie system is seen in all<br />

its provisions.<br />

2. 2I~e Depz~ty Commissio~wm are also charged with such duties in the Bureau of<br />

Internal Revenue as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury or as may<br />

be required by law, and also have the franking privilege. Their annual salary is<br />

twenty-five hundred dollars.<br />

g. jYea.enue Agents.-The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to appoint tell<br />

revenue agents to aid in the prevention, detection ancl punislunent of frauds upon<br />

the internal revenue, whose compensation is not to exceed two thousand clollars<br />

eilcll together with their expenses reasonable incurracl.<br />

The Assessor. *<br />

In each of the congressional districts of the United States, or the territories ancl<br />

the District of Columbia, there is commissioned by the President an Assessor of<br />

Illternal Revenue, who duties are as extensive and comprehensive as the provisiolls<br />

of the law. These will be here stated generally, leaving. to their appropriate place,<br />

the particular recital of his varied authority in colinectlon with the adnlinistratioll<br />

of the system ; premising that by him and llis assistailts is initiated the steps by<br />

wlhich tile collection of iiiternal revenue is effected.<br />

1, He divides his districts into conveilieilt sub-divisions within each of whic]l the<br />

Secretary of tlie Treasury appoints an assistant.<br />

2. Before entering upon the performance of his duties, he takes the oat11 for the<br />

fi,itllfull execution of his office.<br />

3. For willfully neglecting to perform his prescribed duties, or for innking false assessments,<br />

for receiving fees or. rewards not provided by lu~, or for being guilty 0 f<br />

extortion or wilful oppression in office, he shall, up011 conviction, be subject to fine<br />

of not exceeding one thousand ciollars, be subject to imprisonment, be disnlissecl<br />

from office, and disqualified forever from holcling any office uncler the Government.<br />

4. IIis salary is fifteen llundred dollars per year payable quarterly, and commis<br />

I sions graded by the amount of collections in his district; the entire salary and cornlllissions<br />

not to exceed four thousand dollars. He is allowed the reasonable sun19<br />

expended for office rent, after;the same have been approved by the proper officers of<br />

the Treasury. He is also allowed his necessary clerks, the allowance for which is<br />

arranged and fixed by the Secretary of the l1reusury ; also for stationery, blank<br />

books, postage and sue11 printing as may have been previously approved by t]le<br />

Conlmissiouer. Adclitiontll compensation in certain cases is also allowed assessors<br />

w]len the district is larger than t>c congressional district, and in certain enumerated<br />

states where the expense of llvlllg and traveling is extraordinary. For frauc\ud<br />

in tile nppointiuent of all assistant assessor, or for accepting any gift, etc., for the<br />

settlement of any charge of violation of law, or for other official misconduct he is<br />

subjected to severe penalties.<br />

His accounts for seruices, salary, commission, and other expenditures necessarily<br />

made, his bills are made out quarterly and monthly, and rendered severally to the<br />

Collector and the4Departlnent.<br />

He supplies his asssistants with blanks and stationery ; he furnishes them with<br />

tile decisions of the depttrtment, and superintends the perfbrnlance of their labors.<br />

He llcars appeals from thcir ~~Se~Slllents ; he sulnmoiis all persons before wl~o

neglect or refuse to render their returns, to give testimony and answer interrogato<br />

ries; he returns the lists, both annual and monthly, to the collector cluly certified.<br />

His office is kept open during the business hours of each day for the hearing of appeals,<br />

etc., being bound by the instructions which he receives from Washington.<br />

He has full power to enter any distillery, brewery, Pdctory, or other place where taxable<br />

merchandise or goocls are made, produced or deposited, ancl to inspect the same<br />

or accounts of the same. He certifies to the reasonableness of his assistants' aecounts,<br />

before they are rendered to the collector, and generally has the superinteizclence<br />

of the assessments and business of his district.<br />

In case of a vacancy in his oGce by reason of death or other cause, the assistant<br />

of tlre divisipn in wllicli the assessor resided, shall act as assessor until the vacancy<br />

is filled.<br />

For approving any assistant's account for a sun1 larger than is due, he is liable to<br />

a suit against him for excess, and a deduction from his own compensation.<br />

Commissions, etc., are apportioned in case of s new appointment, the aggregate<br />

not to exceed the colnpensation of a single assessor.<br />

No salary or colvrnissioiis are paid to hiin witho~zt the certificate of the comi~zis-<br />

sioner, that due reports have been received, or satisfactory explanation made of the<br />

cause of delay.<br />

His offlcial communications to assistants, collectors, etc., are sent free of postage.<br />

He directs his assistants on the 1st of March in each year to assess the annual tax,<br />

and before the fifteenth of each month to rencler the monthly returns of ~nanufac-<br />

turers, etc. The annual lists are by him tubinittecl to the inspection of any and all<br />

persons who may apply for that purpose,<br />

He hears and determines in a summaryway upoil all appeals ag2inst the proceed-<br />

ings of assistant assessors, such appeals to be mscle in writing. X-Ie re-examines and<br />

determines upon assessment and valuation, and rectifies us may be just and reasona-<br />

ble. No assessment is increased without five clay's notice. He has power upon ap-<br />

peals to summon and examine witnesses, and cause the proctuction of books, and<br />

certify to the costs of the hearing.<br />

The Assistant Assessors<br />

Tllese officers having been duly appointed and commissioned, each by diligent in-<br />

quiry aild perambulation, makes hiinself fainiliar with the division to wllich Ile<br />

is assigned, and a11 taxable persons and products therein, and lz~alres out his annual<br />

and nlontllly assessments. These he rei~cters to the assessor, wlio revises them, corrects<br />

errors, makes additions wlien necessary, and proper ~nodificntions. EIe is also<br />

vested with authority to enter up on premises, and make the necessary examinations<br />

of taxable property, the books and accounts of procl~~ct~s, and test the accuracy of<br />

the returns that are made. His compensation is five dollars per day for every clay<br />

eri~ployed in the performance of llis cluties, and tivcnty-five cents for each permit to<br />

tlie lnskers of tobacco, snuff and cigars, together with his reasonable charges for<br />

stationery, blank books, ancl postage actually paid in official business. His bills for<br />

tliese items are allowed when cluty certified by tile assessor, and verified by oath or<br />

affirmation.<br />

I-Ie is also allowed the franking privilege in communication to his principal.<br />

On tlie failure of a person to make his return, but who coilsents to disclose the<br />

particulars of property, etc., li2ble to tax, the assistant shall make the proper list in<br />

his behalf, which being consented to, is received as tlie list of sucli person.<br />

In case a person shall be absent from his residence or place of business when tlie<br />

assistant assessor calls for the annual list, and no such return has been u~ade, said<br />

nssistsnt leaves a notice requirin,: such list to be made within tell days. And if any<br />

person, on being notified or required as aforesaid, shall refuse or neglect to rendcr<br />

such list or return within tlle time required as aforesaid, or if any person without<br />

notice, as aforesaid, shall not cleliver a montllly or otl~er list or return at the tinle<br />

required by law, or if any person s1i:tll deliver or disclose to any assessor or assistniit<br />

assessor any list, state~lzeiit, or Pet urii wliicli, in the opinion of the assessor, is false or<br />

fraudulent, or contains any understatei~zerlt or unclervaluation, it shall be lawful for<br />

the assessor to sunilnon such person, his agcnt, or other person having possession,<br />

custocly, or care of books of account containing entries relating to the trade or business<br />

of such person, or any other person he may deem proper, to appear before sucli<br />

assessor and produce such book, at n time and place therein nnnled, and to give testimony<br />

or ansx7er interrogatories uncler oath or tlffir~nation respecting any ob-

jects liable to tax as aforesaid, or the lists, statements, or returns thereof or any trade,<br />

business, or psofession. And the assessor may summpon, as aforesaid, any person<br />

residinl; or found within the State in which his district is situated. And when the<br />

erson intended to be summoned does not reside and cannot be found within the<br />

tnte, the assessor may enter any collection district where such person may be found,<br />

and there make the examination hereinbefore authorized. And to this end he shall<br />

there have and may exercise all the power and authority he has or may lawfully exercise<br />

in the district for which he is commissioned. The summons authorized by<br />

this section shall in all cases be served by an assistant assessor of the district where<br />

the person to whom it is directed may be founcl, by an attested copy delivered to such<br />

person in hand or left at his last and usual place of abode, allowing such person at<br />

the rate of one day for each twenty-five miles he may be required to travel, computed<br />

from the place of service to the place of examination ; and certificate of service<br />

signed by such assistant assessor shall be evidence of the facts it states on tllc<br />

hearing of an application for an attachment ; and when the summons requires the<br />

production of books, it shall be sufficient if such books are described with reasonable<br />

certainty. In case any person so summoned shall neglect or refuse to obey such<br />

summons, or to give testimony, or to answer interrogatories as required, it shall be<br />

lawful for the assessor to apply to tlie judge of the district court or to a commissioner<br />

of the circuit court of the United States for the district within which the person so<br />

suinmoned resides for an attachment againt such person as for a contempt.<br />

The Collector and his Deputies.<br />

A collector is appointed in each congressional district of the United States, who<br />

must be a resident within the same. A provision is, however, made for incorporating<br />

any of the States or territories into one district, and for the appointment of additional<br />

collectors in California, not, however, to exceed tile aggregate number of<br />

senators and representatives. There are, also, additional collectors comn~issionecl in<br />

New York city and elsewhere, to meet the necessities of populous and wealthy<br />

localities.<br />

I. Before the collecto~ enters upon the duties of his office lie executes a bond to<br />

the United States, for the faithful perfornlance of his duties, subject to renewal<br />

and increase.<br />

2. He appoints as many deputies as he deems proper, or revokes their appointments.<br />

3. He may require bonds or sureties from these deputies, but he is personally<br />

responsible for their acts and for every omission of duty. In case of the sickness or<br />

temporar disability of the collector, he may devolve h ~s official duties upon any one<br />

of these $ eputies, for which he is also responsible to the United States.<br />

In case of the death or vacancy in the office of collector, the deputy longest in<br />

service shall discharge the duties of such collector until the vacancy is filled, the<br />

official bond of the latter being held for any default of the deputy. The Secretary<br />

of the Treasury may, homTever, designate solne new deputy to act. Tlne bond or<br />

security taken from the deputy by the collector is available to legal representatives<br />

and sureties in case of loss, etc., from tlie acts of such deputy.<br />

4. The compensation of collectors is fifteen hundred dollars per year, as salary, to<br />

be baid !quarterly. He is also allowed a c~mmission of three per centuin upnia<br />

the first hundred thousand dollars, and a commission of one per centuin upon all<br />

sums above one hundred thousand dollars and not exceeding four hundred thousand<br />

dollars, and a commission of one-half of one per centum on all sums above four<br />

hundred thousand dollars and not exceeding one million of dollars, and one-eighth<br />

of one per centum on 411 sums above one million of dollars, such commissions to be<br />

computed upon the amount by them respectfully collected and paid over ancl ticcounted<br />

for under the instructions of the Treasury Department. And there shall<br />

be lurther paid, after the account thereof has been rendered to and approved by the<br />

proper officers of the treasury, to each collector his necessary and reasonable cl1arg.e~<br />

for advertising, stationery, and blank books used in the performance of his officlal<br />

duties, and official postage after the account is properly verified. The Secretary may<br />

also make further allowances in proper cases.<br />

5. It should also be noted, that the fiscal year is to be observed in adjusting his<br />

nccounts for services, and in case of two officers in the mine year the commissions<br />

are to be apportioned. All payments of salary or commissions are made upon the<br />

certificate of the commissioner that all reports, etc., required by law have been duly<br />

received, or satisfactory explanation made of the cause of the delay.<br />


6. The collector makes triplicate receipts of all annual, monthly or special lists re-<br />

ceived from the assessora, which receipts are delivered up to the assessor for his files,<br />

and for transmission to the Colnmissioner and the first Comptroller of the Treasury (2).<br />

7. Collectors failing to account for taxes due aye liable to a, warrant of distress issued<br />

by the solicitor of the Treasury, and a seizure and sale of the property thereupon, by<br />

the marshal of the clistrict. The manner and effect of sale is fully set forth in the<br />

statlute (3).<br />

8. For extortion or wilful oppression in his office, or for receiving unbwful fees, or<br />

for accepting sny gift for settlement of any charge of a violation of law, the collector<br />

is subject to the severe penalties of the statute (4).<br />

9. Collectors are also authorized to enter breweries, distilleries, and other places<br />

where goods, etc., are manufactured, to inspect the same, and their books, etc., and<br />

may seize goods held by any pcrPon with intent to evade the law, and deliver the same<br />

to the United States for the district (5).<br />

10. One of them shall be designated by the Secretary of tlie Treasury to have<br />

charge of all matters relating to the exportation of articles subject to tax under the<br />

internal revenue laws. Also in relation to all matters of exportation and drawback (6).<br />

11. When collectors employ counsel in suits upon information for penalties or lor-<br />

feitules, in the courts of the United States, their fees shall not be allowed in settlement<br />

of their account unless such employment mas authorized by the Commissioner of In-<br />

ternal Revenue, either expressly or by general regulations (7).<br />

12. (a) They keep record of sales of real estate for taxes. (b) Transmit lists to<br />

other coIlectors for collection. (c) Transmit monthly statements of collections to tlie<br />

Commissioner. (d) Pay collections into the treasury daily. (e) Act as disbursing<br />

agents, an$ give bonds as such. (f) Collect taxes, and render final account when re-<br />

quired. (g) Are credited with taxes of insolvent persons. (11) Nay seize goods held<br />

by any person with intent to evade the lam. (i) May take possession of property taxed<br />

when no person is in possession (8).<br />

Revenue Agents and litspectors.<br />

These agents are appointed to aid, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treas-<br />

ury, in the prevention, detention, and punishment of frauds upon the internal revenue,<br />

and in the enforcernen t of the collection thereof (9).<br />

Their compensation shall be such as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem just<br />

and reasonable, not exceeding, however, two thousand dollars per annum, in addition<br />

to the expenses necessarily incurred by them (10).<br />

The inspectors are appointed in such districts as may be deemed necessary for the<br />

proper enforcement of the revenue laws, etc., the detection of frauds, and are subject<br />

to the rules and regulations of the Secretary, with all necessary powers for the pcr-<br />

formancc of their duty. Their compensation is four dollars per day, and their just<br />

and proper traveling expenses (11).<br />

For demanding or receiving unlawful fees or rewards, or for extortion nr wilful<br />

oppression in offlce, they are subject to a fine of not exceeding one thousand clollars,<br />

and imprisonment not exceeding one yaw, or both, dismissal from office, and disquali-<br />

Ecation from afterwards holding any office under the United States (12).<br />

Special Commissioner of Bevenue.<br />

By the act of July 13, 186G, the Secretary of the Treasury was autherized to appoint<br />

nn officer in his department, styled "The Special Commissioner of the Revenue," his<br />

office terminating July I, 1870. His duty is to inquire into all the sources of national<br />

]sovenue, and the beet methods of collecting the revenue ; tlie relations of foreign<br />

trade to domestic industry; the mutual adjustment of the systems of taxa.0ion by cus<br />

toms and excise, with the view of insuring the requisite revenue with the !east disturbance<br />

or inconvcnlence to the progress of industry and the development of tlle<br />

~.esources of the coui~try ; and to inquire, from time to time, under the direction of the<br />

Secretary of the Treasury, into the manner in which officers charged with the administration<br />

and collection of the revenues perform their duties. And the said Special<br />

Commissioner of the Revenue shall from time to time report, through the Secletsry<br />

of the Treasury, to Congress, either in the form of s bill or otherwise, such modifications<br />

of the rates of taxation, or of the methods of collecting the revenues, and such<br />

otherzfncts pertaining to the trade, industry, commerce or taxation of the country, as

he may find, by actual observation of the operation of the law, to be condncive to the<br />

public interest; and, in order to enable the Special Conlmissioner of the Revenue to<br />

properly conduct his inve~tigat~ions, lie is hereby empowered to examine the books,<br />

papers and accounts of any officer of tlie revenue, to administer oaths, examine and<br />

summon witnesses, ancl take tcstirnony ; and eacli and every such person falsely swearing<br />

or affirming shall be subject to the penalties and disabilities prescribed by law for<br />

1l1e punishment of corrupt and wilful perjury ; a.nd all officers of the government arc .<br />

hereby required to extend to the said Comnlissioner all reasonable facilities for the<br />

collect.ion of information pertinent to the duties of his office. And the said Special<br />

Colllmissioner shall be paid an annual salary of four thousand dollars, and the traveling<br />

expenses necessarily incurrcd while in the discharge of his duty ; and all letters .<br />

and document.^ to mil from the Special Commissioner, relating to the duties and business<br />

of his office, shall be transmitted by mail free of postage.<br />

The country has reaped inestimable wc1v;~uta~ges fro91 the labors of the present incumbent<br />

of tlic office, Ron. David A. Wells, in an intelligent discrilnilnation in the<br />

assessment of the internal revenue, on the variorzs subjects of taxation, and philosophical<br />

and exl~austing discussions of the various topics pertaining thereto.<br />

The Assessment of the Taxes.<br />

The general u~achinery for the assessment of taxes Bas been in part detailed in stating<br />

the duties of the assessor and-his assistants.<br />

It will be perceived that the lists of assessments include the annual, the monthly<br />

and the special lists.<br />

I. The Annual List includes the annual tax upon income, articles in Schedule A,<br />

and the special taxes (formerly styled "licenses ") dating from May 1st in each year.<br />

The list must be completed and forw(zl.ctecl to the assessor oq or before the last clay of<br />

March, the assessor delivering the snnle to the collector on or before the 30th day of<br />

April. (This is the requirement ; but in the large districts this is hardly accomplished,<br />

and further time is generally allowed by permission of the department, and annual<br />

taxes are entered upon some monthly list.)<br />

2. The Monthly Lists, which include the taxes, ad valorem or specific (not included<br />

in the annual), which properly belong to the monthly list, all quarterly returns, and<br />

tohose for which no special provision is made. All these returns which can be collected<br />

by tlie fifteenth day of the month are put upon the monthly list, and forwarded<br />

to the assessor. The latter must deliver the same to the collector on or before the<br />

twentieth of each month.<br />

3. Specid Lists. These, at the discretion of the assessors, ox when the tax-payer<br />

requests it (for immediate payment), shall be made out and forwarded at any period of<br />

the month. (This is the case frequently with those persons who wish to pay their<br />

special taxes at once, and procure a receipt, which authorizes them to commence business.)<br />

It will not be forgotten Qhst it is made the duty of all persons to declare in their<br />

returns or lists whether the sales and amounts therein contained are stated in legal<br />

tender currency, or according to the anzounts in coined money. This is under a penalty<br />

for neglect or refusal. And all returns, etc., stated in coin, will be reduced by the<br />

assessor to legal tender currency.<br />

In case there is found taxable property in a division owned by a non-resiclent, of<br />

which no list has been made, the a.ssistant assessor may enter upon the premises where<br />

it is contained, and make lists of the same in the prescribed form.<br />

A person having taxable property in another district may make a return in tllc<br />

district where he resides, ancl the assistant assessor transmits the list to such other dis-<br />

Irict for examination, and if approved, it is returned, or alterations are made, and it<br />

becomes a good and sufficient return.<br />

All the lists, whether annual, monthly'or special, are to be taken with reference to<br />

the day fixed by law; and after being collected are arranged into two alphabetical<br />

lists, showing respectively residents and non-residents, and the taxes to which each<br />

pmon is liable. The forms are prescribed by the Commissioner, and are known as<br />

" Form 23."<br />

It mas provided by statute of March 2d, 1867, tiat the Commissioner may appoint<br />

one or more assistant assessors to make assessnlents in any part of a collection district,<br />

upon specified objects of taxation, and to him all other assistants shall report all mattors<br />

thus specially designated for him to make the due assessment. When two or

more districts are embraced in one County, such special assistant may make assessments<br />

on the specified objects of taxation anywhere in the county as may be required<br />

by the Commissioner.<br />

The assessor for each collection district shall give notice by advertisement in one<br />

newspaper published in each county within said clistrict, and if there be none published<br />

in the district, then in a newspaper published in the collection district ad,joining<br />

thereto, and shall post notices in at least four public places within each assessment<br />

district, and shall mail a copy of such notice to each post~master in his district,<br />

to be posted in his ogce, stating the time and place mithin saicl collection district<br />

when and where appeals will be received and determined relative to any erroneous<br />

or excessive valuations, assessments, or enumerations by the assessor or assistant<br />

assessor returnecl in the annual list, and such notice shall be advertisecl and posted by<br />

the assessor and mailed as aforesaicl at least ten days before the time appointed for<br />

hearing said appeals.<br />

The said list shall then and there be submitted to the inspection of all persons whts<br />

may apply for that purpose, and the assessor determines in a summary way, upon all<br />

appeals from his assistants.<br />

No appeal is allowed to a party after he has been duly assessed, and the list has<br />

been sent to the collector.<br />

A11 appeals shall be in writing, and shdl state the ground of - appeal.<br />

The assessor may re-examine lists, and corrects the assestments as may be just and<br />

reasonable.<br />

The assessor of each collection district shall, immediately after the expiration of<br />

time for hearing appeals concerning tax~s returnecl in the annual list, and from time<br />

to time, as taxes become liable to be assessed, make out lists c0ntainin.g the sums<br />

payable according to law upon every subject of taxation for each collectloll district ;<br />

which list shall contain the name of each person resicling within the said district, c,r<br />

owning or having the care or superintendence of property lying within the said<br />

district, or engaged in any business or pursuit which is hable to any tax, when such<br />

person or persons are known, together with the sums payable by each ; and where<br />

there is any property within any collection district liable to tax, not owned or occupied<br />

by or under the superintendence of any person resident therein, there shall be<br />

a separate list of such pr~perty, specifying the sum payable, and the names of the<br />

respective proprietors when known. And the assessor making out any such separate<br />

list shall. transmit to the assessor of the district where the persons liable to pay such<br />

tax reside, or shall have their principal place of business, copies of the list of prop-<br />

erty held by person so liable to pay such tax, to the end that the taxes assessed un-<br />

der the provisions of this act may be paid within the collection district where the<br />

persons liable to pay the same reside or may have their principal place of business.<br />

And in all other cases the said assessor shall furnish to the collectors of the several<br />

collection districts, respectively, within ten clay after the time of hearing appeals<br />

concerning taxes returned in the annual list, and from time to time thereafter as re-<br />

quired, a certifiecl copy of such list or lists for their proper collection districts. Anci<br />

in case it shall be ascertained that the annual list, or any other list, which may have<br />

been, or which shall hereafter be, delivered to any collector, is imperfect or inconl-<br />

plete in consequence of the omission of the names of any persons or parties liable to<br />

tax, or in consequence of any omission, or understatenlent, or undervaluation, or false<br />

or fraudulent statement contained in any return or returns macle by any persons or<br />

parties liable to tax, the assessor may from time to time or at any time within fif-<br />

teen months from the time of the passage of this act or from the time of the delivery<br />

of the list to the collector as aforesaid, enter on any monthly or special list the<br />

names of such persons or parties so omitted, together with the amount of tax for<br />

which they may have been or shall become liable, and also the names of the persons<br />

or parties in respect to whose returns, as aforesaid, there has been or shall be any<br />

omission, undervaluation, understatement, or false or fraudulent statement, toogether<br />

with the amounts for which such persons or parties may be liable over and above<br />

the amount for which they may have been, or shall be, assessed upon any return or<br />

returns made as aforesaid, and shall certify or return said list to the collector as re-<br />

quired by law.<br />

The Collection of the Taxes.<br />

I. Within twenty days after receiving his annual list from the assessor, the collec-<br />


tor gives notice to all tax-payers by newspaper publications and posted notices, that<br />

the taxes have become due and payable, stating also the time when he will be ready<br />

to receive the same, which notice shall be not less than ten clays from tlie clate of the<br />

notification.<br />

2. In casc of neglect to pay the tax duc the collector shall give notice personally or<br />

by mail, demanding such payment, and twenty cents for the notice, with four cents<br />

per mile, travel fee.<br />

3. If taxes are not paid within ten days tlftcr such clcmand, a penalty of five per<br />

cent. is added.<br />

4. With respect to taxes not incluclecl in tllc annual lists, the collector gives notice<br />

within ten days after receiving tlie list, or within twenty days after the expiration cf<br />

the time within which the tax should have been paid.<br />

5. Upon non-payment of these or the annual taxes, the collector may make distraint<br />

and sale of the goods and effects of the dclinquent.<br />

6. In case of distraint, it shdl be the duty of the officer charged with t.he collection<br />

to make, or cause to be made, an account of the goods or effects distrained, a copy of<br />

which, signed by the officer making such distraint, sl~all be left with the owner or<br />

possessor of such goods or effects, or at his or her dwelling or usual place of business,<br />

with some person of suitable age ancl discretion, if any such can be found, with a<br />

note of the sum demanded, and the time and place of sale ; and the said officer shall<br />

forthwith cause a notification to be published in sollie newspaper within the county<br />

wherein saiddistraint is made, if there is a newspaper published in said county, or to<br />

be publicly posted at the postoffice, if there be one within five miles, nearest to the<br />

residence of the person whose property shall bc distrained, and in not less than two<br />

other public places, which notice shall specify the articles distrained, and the time and<br />

place for the sale thereof, which time shall not be less than ten nor more than twenty<br />

days from the date of s~zch notification to the owner or possessor of the property ancl<br />

the publication or posting of such notice as herein providecl, and the place proposed<br />

for sale shall not be more than five miles distant from the place of making such distraint.<br />

And said sale may be adjourned from time to time by said officer, if he shall<br />

think it advisable to do so, but not for. a time to exceed in ail thirty days. And if<br />

any person, bank, association, company, or corporation, liable to pay any tax, shall<br />

neglect or refuse to pay the same after demand, the amount shall be a lien in fdvor of<br />

the United States from the time it was due until paid, with the interest, penalties, and<br />

costs that may accrue in addition thereto, upon all property and rights to property<br />

belonging to such person, bank, association, company, or corporation; and the collector,<br />

after demand, may levy, or by warrant may authorize st cleputy colleclor to<br />

levy upon all property and rights to property belonging to such person, bank, ctc.,<br />

in which the lien exists, for the payment of the sum clue with interest and penalty,<br />

fees and costs.<br />

1. The eEect of the certificate of sale, shall be, to transfer the interest of the clelinquent<br />

in the property sold.<br />

8. All books relating to the subject of the distraint must be exhibited on demand.<br />

9. Goods distrained for taxes may be restored to the owner if the taxes are paid<br />

before sale ; otherwise they are sold at auction, and the taxes, penalties, commissions,<br />

etc., are taken from the proceeds of such sale, and the balance returned to the person<br />

entitled to the same.<br />

10. The following property is exempt from distraint for taxes, if belonging to the<br />

head of a family, viz : The school boobs and wearing apparel necessary for such family ;<br />

also irrus for personal uce, one cow, two hogs, five sheep and the wool thereof, provided<br />

the aggregate market value of said sheep shall not exceed fifty clollars ; the necessary<br />

food for such cow, hog, and shcep for a period of not exceeding thirty days ;<br />

fuel to an amount not greater in value than twenty-five dollars ; provisions to an<br />

amount not greater than fifty clollars ; household furniture kept for use to an amount<br />

not greater than three hundred dollars ; and the books, tools, or implements of n trade<br />

or profession to an amonnt not greater than one hundred dollars shall also be exempt<br />

; and the officer making the distraint shall summon three disinterested householders<br />

of the vicinity, who shall appraise and set apart to the owner the amount of<br />

property herein declared to be exempt.<br />

11. In case any tax is not duly paid when payable, the collector shall make proper<br />

demand, and if not paid within ten days after the demand, distraint shall be made as<br />

aforesaid and five per cent. shall be added as a penalty, with an interest at the rate of

one per cent. a month from the time when the same became due, excluding portions<br />

of a month.<br />

12. In ease when property is indivisible, the whole may be sold, and the surplus,<br />

after satisfying the taxes, penalties and costs and charges, shall be paid to the person<br />

entitled to the same, or if he cannot be found, deposited in the treasury.<br />

13. If the amount bid for the propert is not equal to the amount of, tax, etc., the<br />

property may be bid in for the United ti! tates, aud subsequently sold by the collector,<br />

under regulations prescribed by the Commmissioner.<br />

14. When goods and chattels are not found sufficient to satisfy the taxes, real estate<br />

may be seized and sold after due notice and advertisement of time and place of sale.<br />

The manner of such seizure ancl sale is specifically set forth in § 30 of law of 1864,<br />

and may be referred to. A certificate of the sale is given to the purchaser, to be surrendered<br />

and deed given, (if the property is not redeemed) in accordance with State<br />

laws.<br />

The owner my redeem before the sale, upon satisfaction of the taxes due and<br />

. costs and fees.<br />

15. The collector may sieze and sell other lancl in any other district of the State.<br />

16. In all sales by the collector of lands, full recorcl of wch sales sllalI be made duly<br />

certified, aacl in case of the death or removal of the collector, the record shall be<br />

delivered to his successor, and be evidence in any court. Eecord shall also be duly<br />

made of the redemption of such land.<br />

15'. 0 ther property may be seizecl and sold by the collector when the tax is not<br />

satisfied.<br />

18. If a collector shall find in his district property charged with a specific tax which<br />

is not paid, such property not being owned by a person resident, or having a place of<br />

business in the United States, it may bc seizecl, distrained and sold in the same manner<br />

as other distrained property.<br />

19. A collector n~ay transmit lists to another district, where a person liable to tax,<br />

resides, or where he has property, for the purpose of having the taxes clue collected.<br />

The coliector in such other clistrict shall proceed to collect the tax, and transmit a<br />

receipt for the same to the ofKcer sending the same to him.<br />

20. At the end of every month collectors shall transmit a statement of their collections<br />

to the Commissioner, and pay over monthly or as often as may be required, the<br />

monies collected. Ancl the same shall be depositecl for safc: keeping in certain designatecl<br />

depositaries, under speciefid regulation.<br />

21. Each collector is charged with the aruouut of all lists delivered to him-with<br />

the par value of all stamps depositecl with him-for all passports, penalties, forfeitures,<br />

fees or costs. He shall also be credited with all stamps returned uncancelled-with<br />

the amount of all lists transmitted to other collectors-wlth the taxes of persons sbscolidecl<br />

or insolvent and all other uncollectable taxes, clue diligence having been<br />

used. He is also credited with the amount of all property purchased by him for the<br />

United States, accounting fbr the proceecls of a re-sale.<br />

22. All lists ancl accounts of taxes uncollected are transfcrred to his successor for<br />

collectioa.<br />

The Annual Tax.<br />

This list includes the taxes upon incomes, the articles in schedule A, and the special<br />

taxes (formerly licenses) from May 1. It is thc duty of each assistant assessor to com-<br />

plete his annual list, and forward it to his principal on or before the last of March,<br />

the latter forwarding it to She collector before the 30th of April.<br />

Within twenty days after receiving the annual list from the assessor the collector<br />

must advertise in one newspaper in each. county in his clistrict, and by notices to be<br />

posted in at least four public places, and mailed to every postmaster in each county,<br />

stating the time and place within said county at which he or his deputy mill attend<br />

to receive the duties, which time must not be less than ten days after the publication<br />

of said notice.<br />

At the expiration of ten clays from the advertised time, it is the duty of the collec-<br />

tor to serve demands upon all persons who have neglected to make payment. Form<br />

9 has been prepared for this purpose, and for tho issuing and service thereof the col-<br />

lector is entitled to a fee of twenty cents, and to four cents for each mile actually and<br />

necessarily traveled in sewing the same. No travel fee can be charged when the

notice is sent by mail, and none for the distance traveled in returning, when personal<br />

service is made.<br />

If payment is not made within ten days after the service of demand the collector<br />

will proceed to collect the duties, with the penalty of five per centum, interest at the<br />

rate of one per cent. per month, and the proper costs and expenses by distraint. No<br />

interest is required for a fraction of a month.<br />

The following taxes, dating from said 1st of May are paid by all persons possessing<br />

the same, and the tax is a lien upon such articles until paid.<br />

Schedule A.<br />

Carriage, phaeton, carryall, rockaway, or other like carriage, and any coach, hack-<br />

ney coach, omnibus, or four-wheeled carriage, the body of which rests upon springs<br />

of any description, which may be kept for use or hire, or for passengers, and which<br />

shall not be used exclusively in husbandry or for the transportation of merchandise,<br />

valued at exceecling three hundred dollars and not above five hundred dollars each,<br />

including harness used therewith, six dollars.<br />

Carriages of like description, valued above five hnndred dollars, each ten dollars.<br />

On gold watches, composed wholly or in part of gold or gilt, kept for use, valued<br />

at one hundred dollars or less, each, one dollar.<br />

On gold watches. composed wholly or in part of gold or gilt, kept for use, valued<br />

at above one hundred dollars, each two dollars.<br />

Billiard tables kept for use, each, ten dollars.<br />

Provided, Thnt billiard tables kept for hire, and upon which a special tax has been<br />

imposed, shall not be required to pay the tax on billiard tables kept for use, as afore-<br />

said, anything herein contailled to the contrary notwithstanding.<br />

0 n plate, of gold, kept for use, per ounce troy, fifty cents.<br />

On plate of silver, kept for use, yer ounce troy, five cents.<br />

Prrovided, That silver spoons or plate of silver used by one family to an amount not<br />

exceeding forty oullces troy belonging to any one person, plate belonging to religions<br />

societies, and souvenirs and keepsakes actually given and received as such and not<br />

kept for use ; also all premiums awarded as a token of merit by any agricultural soci-<br />

ety, corporation, or association of persons, for any. purpose whatever, shall be exempt<br />

from tax.<br />

The 1;nconae Tax.<br />

The provisions of the income tax upon individuals, ancl the tax clue annually from<br />

banks, insurance companies, etc., upon the dividends declared by them, are so impor<br />

tant and are so succintly set forth in the language of the statute, that it is deemed<br />

best to set them forth in full. They are as follows :<br />

Income.<br />

There shall be levied, collected, and paid annually upon the gains, profits, and in-<br />

come of every person residing in the United States or of any citizen of the United<br />

States resicling abroad, whether derived from any kind of property, rents, interest,<br />

tliviclencls, or salaries, or from any profession, trade, employment, or vocation, carried<br />

on in the United States or elsewhere, or from any other source whatever, a tax of five<br />

per centum on the amount so derivecl over one thousanci clollars, and a like tax shall<br />

be levied, collectecl, and paid annually upon the gains, profits, and income of every<br />

business, trade, or profession carried on in the United States by persons residing with-<br />

out the United States, and not citizens thereof And the tax herein provided for<br />

shall be assessecl, collected anci paid upon the gains, profits, and income for the year<br />

ending thc thirty-first clay of December next preceeding the time for levying, collect-<br />

ing and paying snicl tax.<br />

That, in estlmatinq the gains, profits, and income of any person, there shall be in-<br />

cluded all income derlved from interest upon notes, bonds, and other securities of the<br />

United States, profits realized within the year from sales of real estate purchased<br />

within the year or within two years previous to the year for which income is esti-<br />

mated, interest received or accrued upon all notes, bonds and mortgages, or other<br />

forms of indebtedness bearing interest, whether paid or not, if good and collectable,<br />

less the interest which has become due from said person during the year ; the amount<br />

of nll premium on gold and coupons; the amount of sales of live stock, sugar, wool

utter, cheese, pork, beef, mutton, or other meats, ha and grain, or other vegetable<br />

or other productions, being the growth or produce o ? the estate of such person not<br />

hcluding any part thereof consumed directly by the family ; all other gains, profits<br />

and income derived from any source whatever, except the rental value of any homestead<br />

used or occupied by any person or by his family in his own right or in the<br />

right of his wife ; and the share of any person of the gain8 and profits of all corn<br />

panies, whether incorporated or partnership, who would be entitled to the same, if<br />

divided, whether divided or otherwise, except the amount of income received from<br />

institutions or corporations whose officer~, as required by law, withhold a percentum<br />

of the dividends' made by such institutions, and pay the same to the officer authorized<br />

to receive the same ; and except that portion of the salary or pay received for<br />

services in the civil, military, naval, or other service of the United States, including<br />

senators, representatives, and delegates in Congress, from which the tax has been<br />

deducted. And in addition to one thousand dollars exempt from income tax as hereinbefore<br />

provided, all national, state, county, and municipal taxes paid within the<br />

year, shall be deducted from the gains, profits, or income of the person, who has<br />

actually paid the same, whether such person be owner, tenant or mortgager ; losses<br />

actually sustained during the year arising from fires, shipwreck, or incurred in trade,<br />

and debts ascertained to be worthless, but excluding all estimated depreciation of<br />

values and losses within the year on sales of real estate purchased two years previous<br />

to the year for which income is estimated ; the amount actually paid for labor or interest<br />

by any person who rents lands or hires labor to cultivate land, or who conducts<br />

any other business from which income is actually derived ; the amount actually paid<br />

by any person for rent of the house or premises occupied as a residence for himself<br />

or his family ; the amount paid out for u'sual or ordinary repairs: Provided, That no<br />

deduction shall be made for any amount paid out for new buildings, permanent improvements,<br />

or betterment, made to increase the value of any property or estate :<br />

And promided further, That only one deduction of one thousand dollars shall be made<br />

from the aggregate income of all the members of any family composed of one or<br />

both pareqts. and one or more minor children, or husband and wife; that guardians<br />

shall be allowed to make such deduction in favor of each ward, except that in case<br />

where two or more wards are comprised in the family, and have joint property interest,<br />

only one deduction shall be made in their favor : dnd provided fu~ther, That<br />

in case where the salary or other compensation paid to any person in the employment<br />

or service of the United States shall not exceed the rate of one thousand dollars per<br />

mnum, or shall be by fees, or uncertain or irregular in the amount or in the time<br />

during which the same shall have accrued or been earned, such salary or other compensation<br />

shall be included in estimating the annual gainsJ profits, or income of the<br />

person to whom the same shall have have been paid.<br />

That it shall be the duty of all persons of lawful age to make and render a list or<br />

return, on or before the day prescribed by law, in such form and manner as may be<br />

prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to the assistant assessor of the<br />

district in which they reside, of the amount of their income, gains, and profits, as<br />

aforesaid ; and all guardians and trustees, executors and administrators, or any person<br />

acting in any other fiduciary capacity, shall make and rencler a list or return, as aforesaid,<br />

to the assistant assessor of the district in which such person acting in a fiduciary<br />

capacity resides, of the amount of income, gains, and profits of any minor or person<br />

for whom they act ; and the assistant assessor shall require every list or return to be<br />

verified by the oath or affirmation of the party rendering it, and may increase the<br />

amount of any list or re turn, if he has reason to believe that the sallle is understated ;<br />

and in case any such person shall neglect or refuse to make and render such list or<br />

return, or shall render a false or fraudulent list or return, it shall be the duty of the<br />

assessor or the assistant assessor to make such list, according to the best information<br />

he can obtain, by the examination of such person, or his books or accounts, or any<br />

other evidence, and to add fifty per centum as a penalty to the amount of the tax clue<br />

on such list, in all cases of wilful neglect or refusal to make and render a list or return,<br />

and, in all cases of a false or fraudulent list or return having been rendered, to<br />

add one hundred per centum, as a penalty, to the amount of tax ascertained to be<br />

due, the tax and the additions thereto as a penalty to be assessed and collected in the<br />

manner provided for in other cases of wilful neglect or refusal to render a list or return,<br />

or of rendering a false and fraudulent return : Provided, That any party, in his<br />

or her own behalf, or as such fiduciary, shall be permitted to declare, under oath or<br />

affirmation, the form and manner of which shall be prescribed by the Commissioner

of Internal Revenue, that he or she, or his or lrer ward or beneficiary, wa.s not possessed<br />

of an income of one thousand dollars, liable to be assessed according to the<br />

provisions of this act ; or may declare that he or she has Been assessed and paid an<br />

income tax elsewhere in the same year, under authority of the United States, upon<br />

his or her income, gains and profits, as prescribed by law ; and if the assistant assessor<br />

shall be satisfied of the truth of the declaration, shall thereupon be exempt from<br />

income tax in the said district ; or if the list or return of any party shall have been<br />

increased by the assistant assessor, such party may exhibit his books and accounts,<br />

and be permitted to prove and dedare, under oath or affirmation, the amount of income<br />

liable to be assessed ; but such oaths and evidence shall not be considered as<br />

conclusive of the facts, and no deductions claimed in such cases shall be made or<br />

allowed until approved by the assistant assessor. Any person feeling aggrieved by<br />

the decision of the assistant assessor, in such cases, may appeal to the assessor of the<br />

district, and his decision thereon, unless reversed by the Commissioner of Internal<br />

Revenue, shall be final, and the form, time, and manner of proceedings shall be subject<br />

to rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Conmissioner of Internal Revenue<br />

: Provided further, That no penalty shall be assessed upon any person for such<br />

neglect oz refusal, or for making or rendering a false or fraudulent return, except<br />

after reasonable notice of the time and place of hearing, to be regulated by the<br />

Commissioner of Internal Revenue, so as to give the person charged an opportunity<br />

to be heard.<br />

That the taxes on incomes herein imposed shall be levied on the first day of March,<br />

and be due and payable on or before the thirtieth day of April, in each year, until<br />

and including the year eighteen hundred and seventy, and no longer; and to any<br />

sum or sums annually due and unpaid after the thirtieth of April, as aforesaid, and<br />

for ten clays after notice and demand thereof by the collector, there shall be levied,<br />

in addition thereto, the sum of five per centum on the amount. qf taxes unpaid, and<br />

interest at the rate of one per centum per month upon said tax from the time the<br />

same became due, as a penalty, except from the estates of cieceasecl, insane or insolv-<br />

ent persons : Provided, That the tax on incon~es for the year eighteen hundred and<br />

sixty-six shall be levied on the day this act takes effect.<br />

That there shall be levied and collected a tax of five per cellturn on all dividends<br />

in scrip or money thereafter declared due, wherever and whenever the same shall be<br />

payable to stock-holders, policy-holders, or depositors or parties whatsoever, includ-<br />

ing non-residents, whether citizens or aliens, as part of the earnings, income or gains<br />

pf any bank, trust company, savings institution, and of any fire, marine, life, inland<br />

insurance company, either stock or mutual, under whatever name or style known or<br />

called, in the United States or territories, whether specially incorporated or existing<br />

under general laws, and on all undistributed sums, or sums made or added during the<br />

year to their surplus or contingent funds ; and said banks, trnst companies, savings<br />

institutions, and insuranca companies shall pay the said tax, and are hereby author-<br />

ized to deduct and wit.hhold from all payments made on account of any dividends or<br />

sums of money that may be due and payable, as aforesaid, the said tax of five per<br />

centum. And a list or return shall be made and rendered to the assessor or assistant<br />

assessor on or before the tenth day of the month following that in which any divi-<br />

dends or sums of money become due or payable as aforesaid ; and said list or return<br />

shall contain a true and faithful account of the amount of taxes as aforesaid ; and<br />

there shall be annexed thereto a declaration of the president, cashier or treasurer of<br />

the bank, trust company, savings institution, or insurance company, under oath or<br />

affirmation, in form and manner as may be prescribed by the Comlllissioner of Inter-<br />

nal Revenue, that the same contains a true and faithful account of the taxes as afore-<br />

said. Ancl for any default in the making or rendering of such list or return, with<br />

such declaration annexed, the bank, trust company, saviilgs institution, or insurance<br />

company making such default shall forfeit as a penalty the sum of one thousand dol-<br />

lars ; and jn case of any default in making or rendering said list or return, or of any<br />

clef'dult in the payment of the tax as recluired, or any part thereof, the assessment anci<br />

collection of the tax and penalty shall be in accordance with the general provisioils<br />

of lam in other cases of neglect and refusal: Provided, That the tax upon the divi-<br />

dends of life insurance companies shall not be deemed clue until such dividends arc<br />

payable; nor shall the portion of premiums returned by mutual life insurance com-<br />

panies to their policy-holders, nor the annual or semi-annual interest a110 wed or paid<br />

to the depositors in savings banks or savings institntions, be consiclered as dividends.<br />

That any bank legally authorized to issue notes as circulation, which shall neglect

or omit to make dividends or adclitions to its surplus or contingent fund as often as.<br />

once in six months, shall make a list or return in cluplicate, under oath or aflrmation<br />

of the president or cashier, to the assessor or assistant assessor of the district in<br />

which it is located, on the first day of January and July in each year, or within thirty<br />

clays thereafter, of the amount of profits which have accruecl or been earned ancl re-<br />

ceived by said bank during the six months next preceding said first clays of January<br />

and July ; and shall present one of said lists or returns, and pay to the collector of<br />

the district n duty of five per centum on such profits; and in case of default to make<br />

such list or return and payment within the thirty days, as aforesaid, shall be subject<br />

to the provisrons'of the foregoing section of this act : ProuiM, That when any divi-<br />

dend is made which includes any part of the surplus or contingent fund of any bank,<br />

trust company, savings institution, insurance or railroad company, which. has been<br />

assessed ancl the duty paid thereon, the amount of duty so paid on that portion oi<br />

the surplus or contingent fund may be deducted from the cluty on such cliviclend.<br />

That any railroad, canal, turnpike, canal navigation, or slackwater company in-<br />

debted for any money for which bonds or other eviclence of indebtedness have been<br />

issued, payable in one or more years after date, upon which interest is stipulutecl to<br />

be paid, or coupons representing the interest, or any such company that may have<br />

declared any cliviclend in scrip or money clue or payable to its stockholders, including<br />

non-residents, whether citizens or aliens, as part of the earnings, profits, income,<br />

or gains of such company, and a11 profits of such company carried to the account of<br />

any fund, or used for construction, shall be subject to and pay a tax or five per centtm<br />

on the amount of all such interest, or coupons, dividends, or profits, whenever and<br />

wherever the same shall be payable, and to whatsoever party or person the same<br />

may be payable, including non-residents; whether citizens or aliens ; and said com-<br />

panies are hereby authorized to deduct and withhold from all payments on account<br />

of any interest, or coupons and dividen~is, due and payable as aforesaid, the tax of<br />

five per cellturn; and the payment of the amount of said tax so deducted from the<br />

interest or coupons, or dividends, and certified.by the president or treasurer of said<br />

company, shall discharge said company from that amount of the dividend or interest,<br />

or coupon on the bonds or other evidences of their indebtedness so held by any per-<br />

son or party whatever, except where said companies may have contracted otherwise.<br />

And a list or return shall be made and renclered to the assessor or assistant assessor<br />

on or before the tenth day of the month following that in which said interest, cou-<br />

pons or dividends become due and payable, ancl as often as every six months ; and<br />

said list or return shall contain a true and faithful account of the amount of tax, and<br />

there shall be annexed thereto a declaration of the president or treasures of the com-<br />

pany under oath or affirmation in form and manner as may be prescribed by the<br />

Commissioner of Internal Revenue, that the same contains a true and faithful account<br />

of said tax. And for any def'dult in making or .rendering such list or return, wit11<br />

the declaration annexed, or of tlie payment of the tax as aforesaid, the company<br />

making such default shall forfeit as a penalty the sum of one thousand dollars ; and<br />

in case or any clefanlt in making or rendering said list or return, or ef the payment<br />

of the tax or any part thereof, as aforesaid, the assessment and collection of the tax<br />

and penalty shall be made according to the provisions of law in other cases of neg-<br />

lect or refusal : Provided, That whenever any of the companies mentioned in this<br />

section shall be unable to pay the interest on their indebtedness, and shall in fact fail<br />

to pay such interest, that in such cases the tax levied by this section shall not be paid<br />

to the United States until said company resume the payment of interest on their<br />

indebtedness.<br />

That there shall be levied, collected, and paid on all salaries of officers, or payment<br />

of services to persons in the civil, military, naval or other employment or services of<br />

the United States, including senators and representatives and delegates in Congress,<br />

when exceeding the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, a tax of five per centum<br />

on the excess above the said one thousand dollars ; and it shall be the cluty of all<br />

paymasters and all disbursing officers, under the government of the United States, or<br />

persons in the employ thereof, when making any payment to any officers or persons<br />

3s aforesaid, whosf: compensation is determined by a &.xed salary, or upon settling or<br />

adjusting the accounts of such officers or persons, to deduct and withhold the afore-<br />

said tax of five per centum; and the pay-roll, receipts, or account of officers or per-<br />

sons paying such tax as aforesaid shall be made to exhibit the fact of such payment.<br />

And it shall be the duty of the accounting officers of the Treasury Department, when<br />

auditing the accounts of any officer withholding his salary from lhoneys received by

him, or when settling or adjusting the accounts of any such officer, to require evidence<br />

that the taxes mentioned in this section have been deducted and psicl over to<br />

the Treasurer of the United States, or other officer authorized to receive the same :<br />

P~ovided, That payments of prize money sball be regarded as income from salaries,<br />

ancl the tax thereon shall be adjusted and collected in like manner : Prou&d further,<br />

That this section shall not apply to payment made to mechanics or laborers employed<br />

upan public works : And prouided furi?~r, That in case it should become necessary<br />

for shewing the true receipts of the government under the operations of this section<br />

upon the books of the Treasury Department, the requisite amount may by carried<br />

upon frcm unappropriated moneys in the treasury to the credit of said account ; and<br />

this section shall take eEect upon salary and compensation for the month of March,<br />

eighteen hundred and sixtv-seven.<br />

The law provides that the portion of the premium returned by mutual life insurance<br />

companies to their policy holders shall not be consiered as dividends unless the<br />

company pays to the policy holders more than the premium received from him.<br />

Where any mutual life insurance company has a capital stock and the profits of the<br />

company are divided between the stockholders and the policy-holders, the amount<br />

paid to the 2olicy-holders is exempt from tax under $120, provided it falls within the<br />

rule above stated.<br />

To these provisions are added the instructions issued from the department, with<br />

such other rulings and clccisions more especially practical and important.<br />

1. The farmer's profits from ea7es oi" live stock are to be found ky deducting from<br />

the gross receipts for animals sold, the purchase money paid for the same.<br />

2. No deduction can be made by the farmer lor the value of services rendered by<br />

his minor children, whether he actually pays for such services or not. If his adult<br />

chilclren work for him and receive compensstion for their labor, they are to be regarded<br />

as other hired laborers in determiuing his income.<br />

3. Money paid for labnr, except snch as is used or emplo ed in domestic service,<br />

or in the production of articles consumed in the family o P the producer, may be<br />

deducted.<br />

4. NO decluction can be allowed in any case for the cost of improductive labor. If<br />

house servants are employed a portion of the time in productive labor, such as the<br />

making of butter and cheese for sale, a proportionate amount of the wages paid<br />

them may be deducted.<br />

5. Expenses for ditching and clearing new land, are plainly expenses for permanent<br />

improvements, and not deductable.<br />

6. The whole amount expended for fertilizers applied during the year to the farmer's<br />

lands may be deducted, but no deduction is allowed for fertilizers produced on<br />

the firm. The cost of seed purchasecl for sowing or planting may be deducted.<br />

7. Farmers will not be required to make return of produce consumed in their own<br />

immediate families.<br />

8. If a person selIs timber standing, the profits are to be ascertainecl by estimating<br />

the valr-te of the land after the removal of the timber, and adding thereto the amount<br />

received for the timber, and from the sum thus obtained, deducting the estimated<br />

value of the land, on the first day of January, 1862, or on the clay of purchase, if<br />

purchased since that date.<br />

9. A farmer should make return of all all his produce sold within the year ; but a<br />

mere executory contract for a sale is not a sale,--delivery, either actual or constructive,<br />

is essential. The criterion by which to judge whether a sale is complete or not<br />

is to determine whether the vendor still retains in that character a right over the<br />

property-if the property were lost or destroyed, upon which of the parties, in the<br />

absence of any other relation between them than that of vendor and vendee, would<br />

the loss fall.<br />

10. Tax-payers frequently claim deductions for losses from depreciation in the value<br />

of stock or other property of a like natnre. No deduction can in any case be allowed<br />

for depreciation of value of such property until it is actually disposed of and rl<br />

" loss realized."<br />

11. Costs of suits and other legal proceedings, arising from ordinary business, are<br />

to be treated as other expenses of such business, and may be deducted from the gross<br />

profits thereof.<br />

12. Where physicians are obliged to keep a horse for the transaction of business,<br />

they may deduct so much of the expense so incurred as is fairly referable to the business<br />


13. Expenses for medical attendance, store-bills, etc., are not groper subjects for<br />

deduction. Expenses for repairs of implements, tools, etc., used ~ rr business, may be<br />

deducted.<br />

14. If the members of a family have separate incomes, tlie returns may be nlade<br />

separately by tlie proptlr parties, and a ratable proportion of the $1000 exempted<br />

from the income of each. The parent, as the natural guarclian of the minor child, id<br />

required to make a return for him. But where any other guardian or trustee has<br />

been appointed, the retprn should be made by the latter. 'If the minor has no guard-<br />

ian or trustee, he should make return himself. If he refuse or neglect, an independ-<br />

ent assessment niust be made as in other cases, omitting penalty.<br />

15. For the purpoee of the exemption of $1,000, husband and wife are to be rc-<br />

gurded as members of the same family, though living separate, unless separated by<br />

clivorce or other operation of the law so as to break up the family relation. Minor<br />

cliilclren ancl their parents should be counted members of the same family, whether<br />

living together or not.<br />

16. If a tax-payer has a minor child in the service of the government, receiving a<br />

salary, such parent shouId include in his income return so much of the salary of his<br />

child as is not subject to salary tax.<br />

17. Rent of a homstead sctudly paid may be deducted, but the rcnf d value of prop-<br />

erty owned by the tax-payer is not suljject to a deduction; . but where the tau-<br />

payer rents a furnished house, that portion of tlle rent paid in considerutioll of the<br />

use of the furniture should not be allowed as a deduction.<br />

Any person claiming a decluction on account of expense for room rent, must satis-<br />

fy the assessor that the room or rooms occlnpiecl by him constitute his home, and that<br />

IIC has no residence elsewhere, and this b'cing shown, he may be ~llowed to deduct<br />

what he actually pays for rent of such roonis, but nothing can oe allowcd for rent of<br />

furniture or care of rooms. When rent is included and deducted as an expense of<br />

business, it must not be again cleducted as rent, nor should a person hiring a house,<br />

itncl sub-letting a poltion of it, be allowed to deduct more th~n the excess of his pay-<br />

ments over his receipts.<br />

18. Marriage fees, gifts from members of a congregation to their pastor, etc., a1.c<br />

taxable as income, when the gifts or donations are in the nature of compensation for<br />

services rendered, whether in accordance with an understanding to that efl'ect at the<br />

time of settlement, or with an annual custom.<br />

10. Gifis of money, when clearly not in the nature of payment for services ren-<br />

dered, or other valuable consideration, are not liable to tarration as income. Amounts<br />

received on life insurance policies, and damages recovered in actions of tort are ex-<br />

empt from income fax.<br />

20. Lawyers and physicians may return either the actual' fees rcccived during the<br />

year, without regard to the time when they accrued, or the amounts due to the busi-<br />

ness of the year. But when the tax-payer has heretofore adopted one iuetbod, be<br />

cannot now be allowed to make use of the other.<br />

21. Tf the manufacturer or dealer has been in the practice of estimating his annual<br />

profits by taking inventories of stock, he should take the cost value of such stock,<br />

unless he has taken the market value in making previous returns. Whichever<br />

method has been adopted by the tax-payer shoulcl be aclllerecl to uniformly.<br />

22. If interest accrued during the year on notes, bonds, etc., js.good and collectible<br />

at the end of the year, it should be returned as income, whether actually collected<br />

or not.<br />

23. The Fdct that income is devoted to the payment of debts does not release the<br />

same from liability to income tax.<br />

24. If an inventor sell his invention at mce for x gross sum, he should return as<br />

illcome the whole amount, less the expenses actually illcurred in perfecting the in-<br />

vention, or in procuring a patent right. But no allowance can be made for the labor<br />

ol personal expenses of the inventor. If he sell only a, portion of his right during<br />

the year, he may decluct a proportionate amount of such expense.<br />

25. Wherever the snlary or pay received by any person in goverumcilt employ<br />

does not exceed the rate of $1000 per annum, or is made up of fees, or is uncertain<br />

or irregular in the amount or time, and has not thercfore been subjected to salary<br />

tax, it should be included with other taxable income. Where such salary exceeds<br />

the rate of $1000 per annum, the amount of salary from which the tax has been de-<br />

dllcted may be deducted from the ross income.<br />

f<br />

26. Incomes of persons who cliec after December 31st arc taxable, and should.' be<br />


eturned by executors or administrators, anct also all income which accrued in 1866,<br />

to persons who died within that year. Income which accrued from t.he estates of<br />

such persons in 1866, after the date of decessc, should be returned by the heirs or<br />

other persons who received the benefit of the same.<br />

27. Residents should make return in the district where they reside at the time of<br />

making return. The residence required under section 116, for the purpose of taxing<br />

income, is held to be a residence during the year for which income is " derived." If<br />

any person subject to income tax resides abroad, his return should be made in the<br />

district where he last resided.<br />

28. Citizens of the United States residing abroacl are subject to tax upon their entire<br />

incomes, from all sources whatever ; anct the same is true of foreigners residing<br />

in this country.<br />

29. The law provides that a like tax slrall bc levied, collected and paid upon the<br />

gains, profits and income of every business, trade or profession carried on in the<br />

United States by persons resicling without the United States, and not citizens thereof.<br />

30. A lease for years or for life is personal estate, and any profits on the salc of<br />

such a lease are taxable as ilncoine for the year of sale.<br />

31. Where any portion of a legacy llns been transferred by the executor to the<br />

legatee, so that the executor in his capacity of guardian or trustee has no longer any<br />

control of the profits arising from such legacy, the return of such profits as inco~ne<br />

must be required of the legatee.<br />

32. The payment of legacy or succession tax on the bequest of an annuity does not<br />

relieve the annuitant from liability to income tax on his annuity.<br />

33. Assessurs should be careful not to allow the deduction of tbniounts clnilncci to<br />

have been lost in business, when in reality they should be regarded as invest~ucnts<br />

or expenditures : as when merchants expend money in faruling or gardening for rccreation<br />

or adornment, rather than pecul~iary profit.<br />

34. Whenever scrip dividends are returnable as income they siould be returned at<br />

their market value.<br />

35. It is believed that in many instances, in the assessment of income for former<br />

years, persons holding United States securities have not includecl the aceruin5 interest<br />

in their return of income. Assessors shoulcl inquire especially into this subject,<br />

and if the omission has been made, the deficiency should be assessed, but withoul<br />

penalty when it appears to have been due to a misapprehension of the law.<br />

36. The attention of assessors is particularly called to the terms of the act in force<br />

which require to be included in returns of income the share of any person of the<br />

gains and profits of all companies, whetller incorporated or partnership, who would<br />

be entitled to the same if divided, whether dividecl or otherwise.<br />

The amount received by a farmer from the salc of farm proclucts, inclucling cotton,<br />

should be returned for the year iu which sold, regardless of the year when raised.<br />

The expense of carrying on a farm or plantation may be declucted horn the income<br />

of the year when paid, and for the income of that year only.<br />

The amount paid for Internal Revenue stainps are to be deducted from income returns<br />

as general business expenses.<br />

A gift or testimonial of money for services or faithfulness may be deducted from<br />

income returns, but not if in any sense considered as compensation.<br />

The expense of replacing an old or deficient furnace or heating apparatus with a<br />

new or better one cannot be deducted from income as " usual and ordinary repairs."<br />

Loss occasioned by accomn~odation enclorsexnents, or voluntary liabilities incurred<br />

for another cannot be deducted from income.<br />

Loss sustained as a stockholder in n corporation cannot be deducted from personal<br />

income, it being a loss of capital.<br />

The undivided earnings of a corporation are taxable as income of stockholders,<br />

even if applied to pay back: clebts of the corporation.<br />

Losses from fixed investments, such as banks, manuf'&cturing, gold, oil, and coal<br />

stocks are not to be deducted from income returns.<br />

Manufacturers.<br />

1. A11 persons, partnerships, companies, etc., before commencing or continuing<br />

any manufacture hable to tax under the law, shall furnish to the assistant assessor a

sworn statement as to the place where the manufacture ia to be carried on, the articles<br />

manufactured, and the proposed market of the same, with a general description of<br />

the kind and quality of the proposed manufacture.<br />

2. Within ten days after the first of any month, he shall make sworn returns of the<br />

products and sales of such manufacture.<br />

3. The yriseribed duty shall be paid within ten days from the 20th of each month,<br />

or in case of neglect, his real and personal property uay be levied upon : the tax to<br />

be tt lien in favor of the government.<br />

4. In case of goods macle on commission, or when another party furnishes the article<br />

to be manufactured, the person paying the tax has a lien on the goods, for the<br />

amount so paid.<br />

5. For neglect or refusal to pay the prescribed tax, the goods undisposed of, are<br />

forfeited to the United States, and sold for its benefit. The collector in pursuing this<br />

remedy takes possession of the goods, summons the party interested before the assessor,<br />

and if before the hearing the summons in this behalf shall have been adjudged<br />

sufficient by the assessor, and the tax is not paid, the goods, etc., are declared forfeit,<br />

and are sold and turned over by the collector to the government, and the proceeds<br />

after declucting the taxes due, and all expenses, are paid to the owner, or if he cannot<br />

be found, to the manufacturer from whose custody they were taken. The @ommissioner<br />

of Internal Revenue, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

may review the whole proceedings; and if tile forfeiture has been wrongly declared,<br />

idemnity is made from the treasury to the party aggrieved. Immediate notice of all<br />

seizures must be made to the Commissioner.<br />

6. Failure to comply with the requirepent as to notice the monthly returns, is a<br />

good cause for forfeiture, the taxes due to be first ascertained.<br />

7. Perishable articles adjudged to be such by the collector, may be sold at once.<br />

8. In case the manufacturer fails to comply with the required regulations, the assistant<br />

assessor, upon such information as he may have, assumes and estimates the<br />

amount and valne of the goocls ; ancl upon the assumed amount assesses the tax and<br />

adds fifty per cent. thereto. Failure to comply with the requirements of the law in<br />

this behalf, shall also be visited by a fine of five hundred dollars.<br />

,9. Any person, firm, company or corporation, manufacturing or producing goods,<br />

wares ancl merchandise, sold or removed for consumption or use, upon which taxes<br />

are irnposecl by law, shall, in their return of the value and quantity, render an account<br />

of the full amount of actual sales macls by the manufacturer, producer, or agent<br />

thereof', and shall state whether any part, and if so, what part, of said goods, wares<br />

and merchandise, has been consumed or used by the owner, owners or agent, or used<br />

for the production of another manufacture or product, together with the market value<br />

of the same at the time of such use or consumption ; whether such goods, wares and<br />

nierchandise mere shipped to a foreign port or coxsigned to auction or commission<br />

nlerchants, other than agents, for sde ; and shall make a return according to the<br />

value at the place of shipment, whcn shippecl for a foreign port, or according to the<br />

value at the place of manufacture or prociuction, when removed for use or consumption,<br />

or consignecl to others than agents of the manfacturer or producer. The value<br />

and quantity of the goods, mares and n~erchanclise required to be stated as aforesaid<br />

shall be estimated by the actual sales macle by the lllanufacturer or by his agent.<br />

And where such goods, wares and merchanclise have been removed for consumption<br />

or for delivery to others, or placed oil shipboard, or are no longer within the custody<br />

or control of the manufacturer or his agent, not being in his factory store or warehouse,<br />

the value shall be estimated at the average of the market value of the like<br />

goods, wares and merchandise at the time when the same became liable to tax.<br />

10. Manufactures, when the procluct clocs not exceed one thousand dollars per year,<br />

and is the production of a firm or family of persons manufacturing, are exempt from<br />

tax. When it exceeds one thousand dollars and does not exceed three thousand dolxrs,<br />

the tax is levied on the excess above one thousand dollars. This provision does<br />

not apply to refinccl petroleum, refined coal oil, cotton, gold and silver, spirituous<br />

and malt liquors, rnanufa~t~urecl tobacco, snuff and cigars.<br />

11. When a manufacturer uses or cousumes articles, which, if removed for sale,<br />

etc., would be taxable, he is assessed for the same as if used or sold by others.<br />

I. A distiller is deemed to be every firm, person or corporation, who distills or

manufactures spirit or alcohol, or who brews or makes mash, wort or wash for distillation<br />

or the production of spirit : and the possession of these materials or of the<br />

stills, etc., is presumptive evidence of the business being carried on : and a "rectifier<br />

" is deemed to be any one whorectifies, purifies or refines distilled spirits or wines,<br />

- or who.mixes or. compounds any liquors under the name of whidcey, brandy, gin,<br />

rum, wine, " spir~ts, or wine bitters.<br />

2. The penalty for distilling or rectifying without having paid the special tax, is<br />

not less than double the tax imposed upon the spirits distilled, or double the special<br />

tax due for the spirits rectified or found upon the premises, and to imprisonment for<br />

a term not exceeding two years, and forfeiture to the United Stateq of the liquors distilled<br />

or rectified found upon the premises, and of the stills, materials and vessels<br />

used thereon.<br />

3. Notice shall be given of the names and places of business or residence of persons<br />

by whom business is to be carried on : also in case of a distillery the capacity of the<br />

stills, etc.: and if the property is leased, the terms of the lease: also notice of all<br />

changes in the ownership or otherwise, of the business. Bonds are also to be given,<br />

conctitioned that the requirements of the law shall be complied with under the penal<br />

ties last provided for.<br />

4. Distilling is forbidden where fermented liquors, vinegar or either are made,<br />

where sugar is refined, where llquors are retsilecl, or any other business is carried on,<br />

under penalty of forfeiture of the stills, etc., and all vessels~used, and the spirit<br />

distilled, and a fine of one thousand dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding one<br />

year.<br />

5. Notice shall be g-hen toethe collector by the manufacturer of any still, boiler or<br />

other vessel to be used far the purpose of distilling, and when the same is to be usecl,<br />

and no such still, etc,, shall be set up without a permit from the collector, under penalty<br />

of five hundred dollars, ancl a forfeiture of the distilling apparatus. Saleratus<br />

may however be made in a distillery and the boiler for generating steam, or heating<br />

water may be located in another building.<br />

6. Every rectifier and distiller shall enter daily in a book or books kept for the purpose,<br />

under such rules and regulations as the Commission of Internal Revenue may<br />

prescribe, the number of proof gallons of spirits purchased or received, of W~OIH<br />

purchased and received, and the number of proof' gallons sold or delivered ; and<br />

every rectifier or wholesale dealer who shall neglect or refuse to keep such record<br />

shall forfeit all spirits in his possession, together with the apparatus, tools, and implements<br />

used, and be subject to a fine of five hundred dollars, or inlprisonment<br />

for not less than six months nor more than one year, in the cliscrction of the<br />

court. And every rectifier shall mark with a stencil-plate on each package of five<br />

gallons or more of distilled or reclified spirits sold by him, his name and place of<br />

business,<br />

7. It was provided by the act of 1866, 27, that the owner or owners of any distillery<br />

shall provide at his or their own expense a warehouse suitable for the storage<br />

of bonded spirits, of his or their own manufacture only ; or he or they may provide<br />

a secure room in a suitable building, to be used as such warehouse, but no dwellinghouse<br />

shall be used for such purpose ; and no door, window, or other openii~g shall<br />

be made or permitted in the walls thereof, leading to any other room or building used<br />

for any other purpose, or into the distillery ; and after a bond has been given, as hereinafter<br />

provided, such warehouse or room, when approved by the Secretary of the<br />

Treasury, on report of the district collector, is hereby declared to be a boncled warellouse<br />

of the United States, and shall be used only for the storing of spirits manufacturccl<br />

by the owner, agent, or superintendent of such distillery, and shall be under<br />

the custody of the inspector as hereinafter provided ; anci shsll be kept locked up by<br />

the proper officer in charge, at all times, except when he shall be present ; ancl the<br />

tax on the spirits stored in such warehouse shall be paid before removal from such<br />

4<br />

warehouse, unless reinoved in pursuance of law. And the owner or owners of such<br />

warehouse shall execute a general bond to the United State with two or more sureties,<br />

to be approved by the collector; and such boncl shall be for not less than the<br />

amount of taxes on the spirits to be covered thereby, and in such form, and containing<br />

such conclitions, as shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall<br />

be changed or rencwcd fro111 time to time in regard to the amouilt and sureties<br />

thereof, as the collcctor, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, may rcquire.<br />

And by the statute, 1867, March 2, that whenever, in the judgment of the<br />

collcctor, there shall be a general boncled warehouse so locatecl as to be convcnielltly

accessible to a distillery, and in the same collection district, the said collector shall<br />

direct all spirits which may be stored in the bonded warehouse attached to such<br />

distillery to be transferrek directly to a general bonded warehouse ; and all spirits<br />

thereafter produced in such distillery shall be removed to a general bonded ware-<br />

house within the time and in the manner heretofore required for the removal to tho<br />

bonded warehouse attached to the distillery.<br />

S. The general bonded warehouses for the storage of liquors.distilled, are established<br />

under the regulation of the secretary, bearing date of August 29,1867, providing for<br />

the withdrawal, transportation and exportation of the merchandise deposited there-<br />

in ; and for tlie keeping of proper account thereof, together with rules for the allowe<br />

ance of leakage, but it does not comport with the purpose of this Book, to give<br />

them in full. OEcers of the revenue, and those otherwise interested, will give par-<br />

ticular attention to tlre same.<br />

9. By the act of 1866, and inspector was appointed for each distillery, whose duties<br />

mere to take an account of all material used for the purpose of producing spirits,<br />

when put into the mash tub, or otherwise used-to inspect, gauge and prove all spirits<br />

clistillecl-to take charge of the bonded warehouse established for the distillery, tho<br />

same to be in the joint custody of the inspector and the owner, his agent or super-<br />

intendent ; and when any spirits are placed in the " warehouse " to cause entry there-<br />

of to be luacle, the same also to be signed by the owner of the spirits, with the en-<br />

dorsement of the inspector by certificate, that the same had been duly inspected ; such<br />

entry and certificate to be filed with the collector.<br />

This inspector was precluded from engaging in any other business, and has for com-<br />

pensation five dollars per day while so engaged as inspector, to be paid by assessment<br />

upon the distiller. EIe was also allowed a prescribed fee for every proof gallon of<br />

distilled spirits inspected.<br />

10. An assistant inspector might be appointed when the duties could not be per-<br />

formed in full by the principal inspector.<br />

11. If any distiller allowed any distillation, e tc., in the absence of the inspector, he<br />

incurs apenalty of the forfeiture of double the amount of taxes on the apirits so pro-<br />

cluced and removed, and also a fine of one thousand dollars.<br />

12. The penalty for shipping or removing any distilled spirit;^ or fermented liquors<br />

or wines without s proper brand, was the forfeiture of the spirits, etc., and a fiue of<br />

five hundred dollars.<br />

13. By the statute of March 3, 1867, it was provided that spirits should be inspect- -<br />

ed by a GENERAL INSPECTOB, who shall, before the spirits are .removed from the dis-<br />

tillery, duly brand the packages, and the provision, requiring the appointment of<br />

an inspector for each distillery, was repealed.<br />

14. Every distiller shall make or cause to be made an &act entry of all the mate-<br />

rials used in the production of spirits, the number of gallons distilled and placed in<br />

warehouses, the proof thereof, and the number of gallons sold, and the name or place<br />

of business or residence of the person to whom sold.<br />

I-Ie also, tliree times a month, is to render his account to the assessor or his assis-<br />

tant in duplicate, under oath, of these entries. This book of entries must always<br />

be open to tlie inspection of the government officers. The violation of these<br />

provisions subjects the offender to a fine of five hundred dollars. For rendering<br />

a false account, the pcnalty is the same, or to imprisonment not less than six<br />

nlont hs.<br />

15. The proprietor and possessor of a still or its apparatus is jointly and severally<br />

liable for the taxes due, and the tax is a lien upon the distillery, the spirits distilled,<br />

the apparatus used and the land upon which the distillery is situated.<br />

16. The tax upon any spirits distilled and removed, not being deposited in tl bond-<br />

ed warehouse may be assessecl by the assessor or assistant assessor, but not to the ex-<br />

clusion of any other remedy or proceeding provided by law.<br />

I'd. Tlle tax upon all spiritqs is collected upon the basis of first proof, which proof<br />

~11311 be held and taken to be that alcoholic liquor which contains one-half its volume<br />

of alcohol of a specific gravity of seven thousand nine hundred and thirt -nine<br />

(.7939) tan tl~ousandtlis at sixty degrees Fallrenheit ; and the Secretary of the $reasury<br />

is also authorized to adopt, procure ancl prescribe for use such hydrometers,<br />

weighing and gauging instrumcnts, meters, or other means for ascertaining tlm<br />

strength and qusnlity of spirits subject to tax, or for the prevention or detection of<br />

fittucls by distillers of spirits, and to prescribe such rules and regulations as he mag<br />

cleeni necessary to insum a ulliforrn and .correct system of inspection, mighiag and

gauging of spirits subject to tax throughout the United States. And whenever the<br />

Secretary of the Treasury shall adopt and prescribe for use any meter or meters, it<br />

shall be the cluty of every owner, agent or superintenclent of a distillery, to make<br />

application to the collector of his district for such meter or meters, to be used in his<br />

distillery, and the same shallbe fi~rnished and attached t+o the distillery rtt lhe expense<br />

of the distiller, whose duty it shall be to furnish all the pipes, materials, labor and<br />

facilities necessary to complete such attachtnent in accordance with the regulations of<br />

the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who is hereby further authorized to order<br />

and require such changes of or additions to clistilling apparatus, connecting pipes,<br />

pumps or cisterns, or any machinery connected wit11 or used in or on the distillery<br />

premises, or may require to be put on any of the stills, tubs, cisterns, pipes or otrlier<br />

vcssels such Fastenings, locks or seals as he may deem necessary. And in all sales of<br />

spirits hereafter made, where not otherwise specially agreed, a gallon shall be taken<br />

to be a gallon of first proof, according to tlie foregoing standard set forth and deck-~red<br />

for the inspection and gauging of spirits throughout the United States.<br />

18. The distiller is required to erect cisterns for the receiving of the spirits distilled<br />

during the day of twenty-four hours, (a particular descriptioii of which is set<br />

forth in fthe statute ;) uncter locks and keys provided by the Secretary of the<br />

Treasury.<br />

19. For knowingly or frauclulently using false weights or measures in ascertaining<br />

material of distillation usecl, or for making false rccorcis, or destroying locks or seals<br />

upon cisterns, etc., subjects tlie offender to a penalty of imprisoilment for the term<br />

of two years, and a fine not exceeding one tl~ousancl dollars, and for using beer, mo-<br />

kisses or other substances for the purpose of producing spirits, before an account of<br />

the same is registered, to a pellalty of one thousancl dollars for each offence.<br />

20. The distiller supplies all neeclecl assis~;lnce for the inspection of the clistillery,<br />

under a penalty for refusal or neglect of two liunclretl dollars for each offcnce.<br />

21. The thirty-eighth section of law of 1866 gives full direction as to the mode of<br />

inspection of spirits, the marking of tlle same, ancl the returns to the collector and<br />

assessor, with a penalty for each evasion, false marking or other fraucl. Tlie inspec-<br />

tor is also made subject to severe penalties, for neglect of his duties, or connivance<br />

with the distiller. Severe penalties are jlso provided for fraudulently using, purchas-<br />

ing or selling any casks, etc, bearing inspection marks ; also for fraudulent use of<br />

iaspector's brancls or plates ; also for the negligent or wilful leaving of these brancls,<br />

ek., on tlie part of an inspector, where they may bs frau(1ulently used.<br />

28. A fine of one thousand dollars ancl irnpr~sonll1ent for not less than one, nor<br />

more than two ycars, is imposed upon a person who adcls ingredients, etc., for the<br />

purpose of creating rc, fictitious proof on spiriils, with forfeiture of contents of casks,<br />

etc., to the Unitecl States.<br />

23. Spirits may be removecl from bonclecl warcl~ouse, owned by distiller, under the<br />

prescribed regulations, wliich will bc carefully coasultccl.<br />

24. spirits may be removed froxu bonded warel1ouse for exportation upon giving<br />

bod, to be c:~ncelled upon presentation of the proper certificate that the spirits have<br />

been landecl, etc., or lost.<br />

25. Tlrllen a bond, under vhich spirits lmve bccn removed from bonded ware-<br />

house, is forfeited, the obligors therein must pay the taxes cloc and fifly per cent. ad-<br />

nitional, and the collector may distrain for tlie same. I11 case no property is found,<br />

tlie collector forpy;lrds tlie boncl to the Unitccl States district attorney for suit,<br />

notice is given the Coni~nissionel* of Internal Eevenue.<br />

2(1. For executing or signing any false or fraudulent bond, permit, etc., to evade<br />

tax on distilled spirits, for withdrawal of the spirits from wareho~ise or otherwise the<br />

penalty is tlie forfeiture of such spirits, tt~lcl i:nprisonment of not less than one, nor<br />

more than five years, at thc discretion of the court<br />

27. Persons owning spirits manufactul-ecl previons to the operation of the act, exceeding<br />

fifty gallons, must notify the co~lcctor to gauge the s;ime ; and upon the receipt<br />

of the notice the collcctor sllall cause the ssn~c to be gauged aiici provecl, and<br />

Illre casks to be rntbrkecl. Such spirits slid1 not be gauged in cisterns, but only in barrels,<br />

etc. That in leccli tubs sllilll be cstiluat,ed by the inspector, and the collector<br />

f :rmards a copy of tho return to the Commissio~cr. A refusal to mtity the collector,<br />

is ~isited with a penalty of five llunclrecl clollars.<br />

28. Spirits founcl on distillery l~remiscs after the tax is paid, are forfeited.<br />

29. When removecl from original paclruge for purposes of rectification, etc., they<br />

sllall be re-inspected and the absence of tllc braad is cause for forfeiture.

30. All forfeited boilers, stills, etc., arc to be solcl at public auction, alld proceeds<br />

clisposed of by the Commissioner for the benefit of the gwernu~ent.<br />

31. The Cornmissio~ler is authorized to exempt distillers froin apples, pcaclles and<br />

grapes, from thc provisious above recited, if he deem it cxpeclient.<br />

33. When any still not exceeding one thousand clollars in value, has been seized<br />

for violation of the law, the same shall not be rclensecl to tlre clainlant, but slialZ bc<br />

destroyed. If worth lore tlian one thous;~nd dollars it shall be rclcased only at the<br />

discretion of the court.<br />

33. Severe penalties are inflicted in case spirits are removed, except as provicled by<br />

law, and the bhrclen of proof sliall be upon the claimant to show that the requirements<br />

of tlx law have been collzplied with.<br />

34. Spirits are to be removed from the place of storage, etc., only between sunries<br />

and sunset.<br />

35. The Cornmisssioner may authorize any internal rcvenoe officer to sieze prb.Opcrty<br />

subject to seizure and the packages in wllich they are cont.aincc1.<br />

36. Selling or offering the spirits for szlc at less than the tax imyosed by law, shall<br />

be p~ima facie evidence of fraucl.<br />

37. Immediately upon barrels, etc., of spirits being cnip tied, the inspectors' marlrs<br />

shall be e@aced under a penalty of ten dollars for each ofknce, and the said packages<br />

shall be forfeited, and be seized wherever fountl.<br />

35. Additional penalties are providecl by the act of 1867, for neglect or refusal to do<br />

or cause to be done, anytlling required by law, concerning cli~t~illecl spirits.<br />

39. Spirits forfeited are not to bc used for less than the tax required by Ia~v, and if<br />

not sold within nienty days are to be destroyed.<br />

40. All inspectors are requirecl to gike bond with security in a sum not less thau<br />

five thousand dollars. This applies also to inspectors of cigars.<br />

41. The statute of March 3, 1865, section 1, providect fully tll

opinion of the assessor, the brewer will be liable to one month. This bond shall be<br />

renewed on the first of May in each year.<br />

No brewer shall be required to pay a special tax as a wholesale dealer, by rcasou. of<br />

selling his products at a place other than his brewery.<br />

4. He shall keep a book, where he shall enter the quaRty of the fermerited liquors<br />

made, and the quality removed for sale or consumption. This book to be open at all<br />

times to assistant assessors. Verified returns are to be made monthly, and sent both<br />

to the assessors and the collector, on or before the tenth of each month.<br />

5, Any brewer who fraudulent1 y attempts to evade the tax, or who makes Kdse entries,<br />

or procures the same to be dome, shall forfeit his productions, and the barrels,<br />

etc., containing the same, and be liable to a penalty of not less than five hundred dollars,<br />

nor more than one thousand clollars; shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeitnor,<br />

and shall be imprisoned for not less than a year.<br />

6. For refusing to keep books, or render an account hc shall for each refusal or neglect,<br />

forfeit three hundred dollars.<br />

7. The payment of the tax upon fermented liquors is made by stamps denoting ibc<br />

amount ot tax, rand sold by collectors to brewers only: an account of the same is<br />

kept by the collector, a deduction of seven and a halt' per cent. is allowed on sale,<br />

ancl the amount realized is included in estimating the commissions of the collectors<br />

and assessors.<br />

8. The fifty-third section of the law of July 13, 1866, gives particular directions as<br />

to the manner of affixing the stamps to the barrels, etc., and the cancellation of tlie<br />

eame, and s penalty for the fraudulent use of the same. The reader will also carefully<br />

consult Series 2, No. 6, for regulations of the department in this behalf.<br />

9. Severe penalties are provided for removal, for sale or otherwise, of fermented<br />

liquora before the proper stamp is affixed, for making, sclling or using false stau~ps or<br />

'dies.<br />

10. Stamps are required on hopheads, etc., when fermeated l&uor is sold at retail,<br />

and an account of the same is to be made to the assessor monthly.<br />

3.1. Brewers may remove malt liquors of their own manufacture to a place of storage<br />

within the same district in quantities not less than six barrels, without stamps.<br />

The same shall be affixed when liquor is sold, or removed from the place of storage.<br />

Particular provisions are made for removal to another collector's district. Sourccl<br />

liguors may be removed without stamps.<br />

12. Every brewer shall mark or caused to be marked, in such manner as snall be<br />

rescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, upon every hogshead, barrel,<br />

Reg or other vessel containing the fermented liquor made by him, before it is 801~1 or<br />

removed from the brewery, or brewery warehouse, or other place of manufacture,<br />

the name of the person, firm or corporation by whom such liquor mas manufactured,<br />

and the place where the same shall have been made ; and any person, other than the<br />

owner thereof, or his agent, who shall intentionally remove or cleface such mark<br />

therefrom, shall be liable to a penalty of fifty dollars for each cask from which the<br />

mark is removed or defaced.<br />

13. Every person, other than the purchaser or owner of any fermented liquor, or<br />

person actin cm his behalf, or as his agent, who shall intentionally remove or deface<br />

the stamp a xed upon the hogshead, barrel, keg or other vessel in which the same<br />

may be contained, shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars for each such vessel from<br />

which the stamp is removed or defaced, and to render cornpensatioll to such purchaser<br />

or owner for all damages snstained by him therefrom.<br />

14. The ownership or possession by any person of any fermented liquor after its<br />

safe or removal from brewery or warehouse, or other place where it was made, upon<br />

which the tar required shall not have been paid, shall render the same liable to<br />

seiznre wherever found, and to forfeiture; and that the want of the proper stamp or<br />

stamps upon any hogshead, barrel, keg or other vessel in which fermented liquor may<br />

be contained after its sale or removal from the brewery where the same was made, or<br />

warehouse as aforesaid, shall be notice to all persons that the tax has not been paid<br />

thereon, and shall be primafacie evidence of the non-payment thereof.<br />

15. Every person who shall withdraw any fermented liquor from any hogshead,<br />

barrel, keg, or other vessel upon which the proper stamp or stamps shall not have<br />

been affixed, for the purpose of bottling the same; or who shall carry on, or attempt<br />

to carry on, the business of bottling fermented liquors in any brewery or other<br />

place in which fermented liquor is made, or upon any premises having communication<br />

with 8uch brewery or any warehouse, shall be liable to a fine of five hundred

dollars, and the property used in such bottling or business shall be liable to for-<br />

feiture.<br />

Cigars and Tobacco.<br />

I. The tax on cigars, etc., is as follows : On cigarettes, cigars, and cheroots of<br />

all descriptions, made of tobacco, or any substitute therefor, five dollars per<br />

thousand.<br />

2. The Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

prescribed reg~~letions for the inspection and valuation and collection of the tax.<br />

3. For the tax on tobacco, see schedules.<br />

4. The manufacturer of tobacco, snuff, or cigars shall in addition to the other provisions<br />

of law, furaish to the assessor a sworn statement, setting forth his place of<br />

business, a description of the article he manufactures, etc' He should also give a bond<br />

in the sum of three thousand dollars, with one or more sureties to be approved by the<br />

the collector of the district, for each cutting machine kept for use, in the sum of one<br />

thousand dollars for each screw-press kept for use in making plug or pressd tobacco,<br />

in the sum oi five thousand dollars for each hydraulic press kept for use, in the sum<br />

of one thousand dollars for each snuff mull kept for use, and in the sum of one hundred<br />

dollars for each person employed by said person, firm, company or corporation<br />

in making cigars, conctitioned that he mill comply with all the requirements of the law<br />

in regard to the manufacture of tobacco, snuff or cigars ; that he will not employ<br />

others to manufacture cigars who have not obtained the requisite permit for making<br />

cigars ; that he will not engage in any attempt, by himself or by collusion with others,<br />

to defraud the government of any tax oq any manufacture of tobacco, snuff or cigars ;<br />

that he mill render truly and correctly all the returns, statements and inventories<br />

prescribed for manufactures of tobacco, snuff or cigars; that whenever he shall<br />

add to tlre number of cutting rnacliines, presses, snuff mulls or cigar makers, used<br />

or employed by him, he will immediately give notice thereof to the collector who<br />

holds the bond, that he will pay to the collector of the district all the taxes which<br />

may or should be assessed and due on any tobacco, snuff or cigars so nmanufactured,<br />

and that he will not knowingly sell, purchase or receive for sale any such tobacco,<br />

snuff or cigars which have not been inspected, branded or stamped as required by<br />

law, or upon which the tax hss not been paid if it has accurred or become payable.<br />

And the said bond may be renewed or changed from time to time, in regard to the<br />

sureties or amount thereof, according to the discretion of the collector, under the<br />

instructions of the Commissioner of Internal Bevenue. And every person, firm,<br />

company or corporation aforesaid shall exhibit, whenever demanded by an officer of<br />

internal rcvenue, a certificate from the collector, who is-hereby authorized and directed<br />

to issue the same, setting forth the kind and number of machines, presses,<br />

snuff mulls, and number of cigar-makers for which the bond has been given. And<br />

any person, firm or corporation manufacturing tobacco, snuff, or cigars of any description<br />

without first furnishing the bond in the case herein required, shall be subject<br />

to a fine of three hundred dollars, and in addition thereto, upon conviction<br />

thereof, shall be liable to imprisonmt for a term not exceeding one year, at the discretion<br />

of the court.<br />

5- It shall be the duty of the assistant assessor of each district to keep a record, in<br />

a book or books to be provided for the purpose, to be open to the inspection of any<br />

person upon reasonable request, of the name of any and every person, firm, company<br />

or corporation who may be engaged in the manufacture of tobacco, snuff, or<br />

cigars in his district, together with the place where such manufacture is carried on<br />

and the place of residence of the person or persons engaged therein ; and the assistant<br />

assessor shall enter in said record, under tlie name of each manufacturer, an abstract<br />

of monthly returns ; and each assessor shall keep a similar record for the entire<br />

district. All cases where tobacco, snuff, or cigars, of any description, are manufhctnred,<br />

in whole or in part, upon commission or shares, or where the material from<br />

which any such articles are made, or are to be made, is furnished by one party and<br />

manufactured by another, or where the material is furnished or sold by one party kt11<br />

an uncierstanding or contract with another that the manufactured article is to be received<br />

in payment therefor, or ally part thereof, the tax imposed by law thereon may<br />

be assessed upon the party for whom the same was made, or to whom the same was<br />

delivered as aforesaid, or upon the person or party who made the same, as the assessor<br />

shall deem best for the collection of the revenue. And it case of fraud on the part of<br />


either of sdd parties in respect to said manufacture, or of any collusion on their part,<br />

to defraud the revenue, the materials, etc., shall be forfeited and the articles shall be<br />

assessed at the highest rate of tax.<br />

6. The manufacturer of cigars, snuff and tobacco, is required on the first of January<br />

in each year to make an inventory of the quantity of tobacco, etc., etc., owned<br />

by him at said date, and an account is to be kept by him of all articles purchased by<br />

him thereafter, and of the qhantity manufactured, sold, consumed er removed, a<br />

copy of which is to be furnished to the assistant assessor ; under a penalty of five<br />

hundred dollars, and an examination may be made, under the general provisions, if<br />

the account is deemed fraudulent.<br />

7. The tax upon cigars, f etc., accrues upon the removal from the place of manafacture.<br />

8. A transfer may be made to a bonded warehouse upon the payment of the duty,<br />

and the regulations as to distilled spirits apply so far as applicable; no drawback<br />

being allowed.<br />

9. All manufactured tobacco, snuff and cigars before the same are used or removed<br />

must be inspected, and each box or package stamped by the inspector, the fee for the<br />

same to be paid by the manufacturer.<br />

10. For affixing a fraudulent stamp or inspector's mark, the penalty is not less than<br />

fifty dollars, and imprisonment not exceeding two years.<br />

11. All cigars shall be packed in boxes or paper packages, and if sold without inspection,<br />

are forfeited.<br />

12. The Commissioner shall keep an account of a11 stninps delivered to inspectors,<br />

and the latter keep an account of 311 used, ancl the persons for whom used and the<br />

date of the inspection, to be returned to the assessor.<br />

13. The inspectors give bond in five thousand clollars for the faithful performance<br />

of their duties, and for the return of all stamps not used by thew.<br />

14. If any other than the manufacturer parts with the possession of tobacco, snug,<br />

or cigars, on which the duties have not been paid, with the knowledge thereof, he<br />

incurs a penalty of one hundred dollars for each offence, and the purchaser of any<br />

uninspected or unstamped cigars, etc., with the knowledge thereof incurs a penalty<br />

of fifty dollars for each offence, and fol' receiving these from a manufacturer who has<br />

not paid the special tax, the penalty is one thousand dollars, and a forfeiture of the<br />

articles.<br />

15. The manufacturer of cigars, etc., must have a permit, also the maker of the<br />

cigars ; and before making in any other district than his residence, he must procure<br />

the endorsement of the assistant assessor in said district, for which the assistant is<br />

entitled to a fee of ten cents.<br />

16. The assistant keeps a record of all these permits, sllowing the date of the same,<br />

the name, residence and place of employment of the party named therein, and other<br />

particulars.<br />

I?'. Every maker of cigars shall keep a monthly account of all cigars he makes,<br />

and for whom made, and deliver a sworn copy to the assistant assessor on the first<br />

Monday of every month. And if any person shall make any cigars without procuring<br />

such permit, or the proper endorsements thereon, or neglect to keep such account<br />

in book form, he shall be punished by a fine of five dollars for each day he shall so<br />

offend, or by imprisonment for suchxtime as the court may order for each day's<br />

offence, not exceeding thirty days in the whole, upon any one conviction. And if<br />

any person making clgars shall fail to make the return herein required, or shall make<br />

a false return, he shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by<br />

imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. And any person may apply to the assistant<br />

assessor or inspector of the district to have any cigars of his own manufacture<br />

counted ; and on receiving a certificate of the number, for which such fee as may be<br />

prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue shall be paid by the owner<br />

thereof, may fell and deliver such cigars to any purchaser, in the presence of said<br />

assistant assessor or inspector, in bulk or unpacked, without payment of the tax.<br />

A copy of the certificate shall be retained by the assistant assessor, or by the inspector,<br />

who shall return the same to the assessor of the district. The purchaser shall pack<br />

such ci ars in boxes or paper packages, and have the same inspected and marked or<br />

8<br />

stampe according to the provisions of the law,.and shall make a return of the same,<br />

as inspected, to the assistant assessor of the district, wherein the same was manu-<br />

factured, and, unless removed to a bonded warehouse, shall pay the taxes on such<br />

cigars within fifteen days after purchasing them, to the collector of the district

wherein they were manufactured, and before the same have been removed from the<br />

.store or building of such purchaser, or from his possession ; and if such purchaser<br />

shall neglect for more than fifteen days to pack and have such clgars duly inspected,<br />

and to pay the taxes thereon according to law, he shall be fined not exceeding five<br />

hnndred dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding six months, at the discretion of the<br />

court, and the cigars may be seized by the collector and shall be forfeited'to the United<br />

States. And if any person, firm, company or corporation shall employ or procure<br />

any person to make any 2igars, who has not the permit, or the indorsement thereon<br />

required by this act, be shall be punished by a fine of ten dollars for each day he<br />

shall employ such person, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days. And if any<br />

person shaB be found making cigars without such permit, or the indorsemsnt thereon,<br />

the collector of the district may seize any cigars, or tobacco for makin cigars, which<br />

may be found in possession of such person, and the same shall be orfeited to the<br />

United States and sold ; and the proceeds of such sale shall be distributed between<br />

the United States and the informer, if there be any, as provided by law.<br />

18. Any person who shall sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of, any empty<br />

cigar box or boxes which have been stamped, without first defacing or destroying<br />

such stamps, or shall refill any cigar box without first defacing or destroying such<br />

stamp, shall on conviction of either offence be liable to a penalty of one hundred<br />

dollars or to imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or both, in the discretion of the<br />

court, with the costs of the trial, and it shall be lawful for any cigar inspector or<br />

revenue officer to destroy any empty cigar box upon which a cigar stamp shall be<br />

found.<br />

Xpetial Taxes.<br />

No person or firm shall carry on certain specified trades, business or professions,<br />

until they have paid a special tax, (or as was originally styled " had taken license.")<br />

As preliminary to this special tax, the trade .or business must be registered with the<br />

assistant assessor, the place where the busines is to be carried on is to be stated ; if a<br />

rectifier the number of barrels he purposes to rectify; if a peddler, the number of<br />

horses or niules he designs to employ or whether he designs to travel on foot; the<br />

tax is to be paid, and the proper receipt given therefor by the collector. The<br />

receipt is equivalent to the former license. It should also be stated that in case of<br />

distillers, brewers, makers of tobacco, etc., a bond must also be filed, and special<br />

notices given; for the particulars of which the reader will refer to those subjects<br />

herein.<br />

The receipt should state the name, the place and character of the business ; if by 8<br />

peddler, whether a foot peddler, or traveling with horses or mules, and the number<br />

of them, and the time for which payment is. made. Ordinarily these receipts are<br />

given annually on May first ; but if the business, etc., is subsequently commenced,<br />

the receipt will bear date as of the first of the month in which applied for, terminat-<br />

ing on May first following.<br />

Auctioneers, produce brokers, commercial brokers, patent right dealers, photograph-<br />

ers, builders, insurance agents, insurance brokers and peddlers, unlike others, are not<br />

confined to a stationary place of business.<br />

Partners in business requires the payment of but one special tax for the partner-<br />

ship, with the exception of lawyers, physicians, surgeons, dentists, cattle brokers,<br />

horse dealers, peddlers, produce brokers, comnlercial brokers, patent right dealers,<br />

photographers, builders, insurance agents, insurance brokers and auctioneers. Each<br />

of these must pay the special tax though in partnership. No special tax is required<br />

for the storage of goods at other places than the place of business, nor for the sale<br />

of goods at the place of manuf'ctcture, and at their principal place of business, if no<br />

such goods are kep t (except as samples) at the said office or place of business.<br />

This receipt for the special tau must be produced on demand by the internal<br />

revenue officer; and if it is not produced the presumption shall be that no tax has<br />

been paid.<br />

In case a peddler shall refuse to exhibit his receipt when demanded, his pack,<br />

wagon, horse or mule, with his goods, may be seized, and after due proceedings,<br />

may be forfeited and sold, and the proceeds after the payment of expenses, shall<br />

be paid by the collector to the United States.<br />

The executors or administrators of a person, who has paid the special tax, may<br />

carry on the business after the death of such person, without payment of an addi-<br />


tional tax. SO with the wife or child, or other legal representatives of a person deceased.<br />

The place of business may also be changed upon a registration with the assistant<br />

assessor and collector of such new place of business.<br />

A special tax is to be paid for each pursuit carried on, when more than one is so<br />

carried on by the same person. In cases, however, where the population of a city or<br />

town is less than six thousand persons, according to the last preceding census, one<br />

special tax shall embrace the business of land warrant brokers, claim agents and real<br />

estate agents upon paying the highest tax applicable to either.<br />

The succinct and comprehensive language of the statute, in defining the several<br />

occupations subject to a special tax, is given, in the words of the enactment, and the<br />

author adds thereto a summary of the more important rulings and decisions upon this<br />

subject. No part of the law has become more distinct and definitely settled ; and<br />

there neecl to be no misunderstanding in this behalf.<br />

1. Banks chartered or organized under a general law, with a capital not exceeding<br />

fifty thousand dollars, and bankers using or employing a capital not exceeding the<br />

sum of fifty thousand dollars, shall pay one hundred dollars ; when exceeding fifty<br />

thousand dollars, for every sdclitional thousand dollars in excess of fifty thousand<br />

dollars, two dollars. Every incorporated or other bank, and every person, firm, or<br />

company having a place of business where credits are opened by the deposit or collection<br />

of money or currency, subject to be paid or remitted u on draft, check, or or-<br />

der, or where money is advanced or loaned on stocks, bonds, bu lion, bills of exchange,<br />

or promissory notes, or where stocks, bonds, bullion, bills of exchange, or prorn-<br />

issory notes are received for discount or for sale, shall be regarded as a bank or as a<br />

banker : Provided, That any savings bank having no capital stock, and whose busi-<br />

ness is confined to receiving deposits and loaning or investing the same for the benefit<br />

of its depositors, and which cloes no other business of banking, shall not be subject<br />

to this tax.<br />

The tax upon a bank should be assessed upon its chartered capital ; that of a banker,<br />

upon the amount of capital used or employed.<br />

2. Wholesab deders, whose annual sales do not exceed-fifty thousand dollars, shall<br />

pay fifty dollars ; and if their annual' sales exceed fifty thousancl dollars, for every<br />

aciditional thousand dollars in excess of fifty thousand dollars, they shall pay one dol-<br />

lar ; and the amount of all sales within th!: year beyond fifty thousand dollars shall<br />

be returned monthly to the assistant assessor, and the tax on sales in excess of fifty<br />

th.mnd dollars shall be assessed by the assessors and paid monthly as other month-<br />

ly taxes are assessed and paid. Ewry person shall be reparcled as a mholesde clealer<br />

whose business it is, for himself or on commission, to sell or offer to sell any goods,<br />

wares, or merchandise of foreign or domestic production, not including wines, spirits<br />

or malt liquors, whose annual sales exceed !twenty-five thousand ciollars. And the<br />

payment of the special tax as a wholesale dealer shall not exempt any such persoil<br />

acting as a commercial broker from the payment of the special tax imposed upon<br />

commercial brokers : Prouided, That no person paying the special tax as a wholesale<br />

dealer in liquors shall be required to pay an additional special tax on account of the<br />

sale of other goods, wares or lnerchanclise on the same premises : And provided fils.-<br />

t7~, That in estimating the amount of sales for the purposes of this section, any<br />

sales made by or through another wholesale dealer on colnmission shall not be again<br />

estimated and included as sold by the party for prhom the sale was made.<br />

Selling at wholesale under this paragraph, means selling to others to sell again,<br />

without reference to the quantity sold.<br />

Wholesale dealers may do business as confectioners and apothecaries at the same<br />

place, without additional special tax.<br />

The fractional part of oie thousand dollars cannot be assessed, but the amount is<br />

carried forward to the next month, and when it amounts to one thousand dollars<br />

it is taxed.<br />

3. Retail dealers shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose business or occupntion<br />

it is,to sell orjoffer for sale any goods, wares, ormerchandise of foreign or domestic<br />

production, not including spirits, wines, ale, beer, or other malt liquors, and<br />

whose annual sales exceed one thousand dollars aud clo not exceed twenty-five<br />

thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a retail dealer.<br />

Retail dealers may do business as apothecaries or confectioners at the same place<br />

for business without additional special tax.<br />


They may sell butchers' meat without being licensed as stall-butchers.<br />

When retailers sell more than twenty-five thousand dollars they must be re-<br />

'assessed*<br />

They must be assessed upon the basis of all sales made by them, except through<br />

wholesale dealers or Commission.<br />

If a farmer sells his tobacco after its manufacture, he is a dealer or peddler, as tlie<br />

case may be.<br />

4. Wholesale dealers in liquom whose annual sales do not exceed fifty thousand dol-<br />

lars shall pay one hundred dollars, and if exceeding fifty thousand dollars, for every<br />

additional thousand dollars in excess of fifty thousand dollars, they shall pay one<br />

dollar, and euch excess shall be assessed and paid in the same manner as required of<br />

wholesale de,alers. Every person who shall sell or offer for sale any distilled spirits,<br />

fermented liquors, or wines of any kind, whose annual sales, including sales of other<br />

merchandise, shall exceed twenty-five thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a whole-<br />

sale dealer in liquors.<br />

5. Retail dealers in liquors shall pay twenty-five dollars. Every person who sha 1<br />

sell or offer for sale foreign or domestic spirits, mines, ale, beer or other malt liquors,<br />

and whose annual sales, including all sa,les of other merchandise, do not exceed twenty-<br />

five thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a retail dealer in liquors.<br />

A retail limor dealer may sell liquors in quantities of not exceeding three gallons<br />

at a time, without wholesale liquor tax. (Act of March 2, 1867.)<br />

Wholesale liquor dealers may sell liquors and other merchandise at retail, also liquor<br />

to be drank on the premises, but all sales must be included in the basis of special tax,<br />

re-assessment, etc.<br />

A retail dealer of liquors selling out' his stock at one time is not thereby made a<br />

wholesale liquor dealer.<br />

When a retail dealer changes his business to that of a retail liquor dealer, he should<br />

be re-assessed in the difference in the rate of tax, for a proportionate part of the year.<br />

6. Lottery ticket dealers shall pay one hundred dollars. Every person, association,<br />

firm, or corporation. who shall make, sell, or offer to sell lottery tickets, or fractional<br />

parts thereof, or any token, certificate, or device representing or intending to represent<br />

a lottery ticket, or any fractional part thereof, or any policy of numbers in any<br />

lottery, or shall manage any lottery, or prepare schemes of lotteries, or superintend<br />

the drawing of any lottery, shall be deemed a lottery ticket dealer : Provided, That<br />

the managers of any lottery shall give bond in the sum of one thousand dollars, that<br />

the person paying such tax shall not sell any tickets or supplementary ticket of such<br />

lottery which has not been duly stamped according to law, and that he will pay the<br />

tax imposed by law upon the gross receipts of his sales.<br />

7. Horse deabrs shall pay ten dollars. Any person whose business it is to buy or<br />

sell horses or mules shall be regarded a horse dealer: Provided, Tbat, one special tax<br />

having been paid, no additional tax shall be imposed upon any horse dealer for keeping<br />

a livery stable, nor upon any livery stable keeper for clealing horses.<br />

8. Livery stable keepers shall pay ten dollars. Any person whose business it is to<br />

keep horses for hire, or to let, or to keep, feed, or board horses for others, shall be regarded<br />

as a livery stable keeper.<br />

Hotel keepers may feed the horses of their guests, witshout paying tax as a livery<br />

stable keeper. It is otherwise if he makes it his businless ts keep, feed and boaxd<br />

horses, for others than the sojourners of his house.<br />

9. Brokers shall pay fifty dollars. Every persbn, firm or company, whose business<br />

it is to negotiate purchases or sales of stocks, bonds, exchange, bullion, coined money,<br />

bank notes, promissory notes, or other securities, for themselves or others, shall be<br />

regarded as a broker : Provided, That any person, harillg paid the special tax as a<br />

banker, shall not be required to pay the special tax as a broker.<br />

10. P~wnbrohrs using or elnploying a capital not exceeding fifly thousand dollars<br />

shall pay fifty dollars ; and when using or employing a capital exceeding fifty thousand<br />

dollars, for every additional thousand dollars in excess of fifty thousand dollars,<br />

shall pay two dollars. Every person whose business or occupation it is to take or<br />

receive, by way of pledge, pawn, or exchange, any goods, mares, or merchannise, or<br />

any kind of personal property whatever, as security for the repayment of money lent<br />

thereon, shall be deemed a pawnbroker.<br />

11. Land-urcmant brokers shall pay twenty-five dollars. Any person shall be re-

garded as a land-warrant broker who makes a business of buying and selling land<br />

warrants, or of furnishing them to settlers or other persons.<br />

12. Cattle brokers, whose annual sales clo not exceecl ten thousand dollars, shall pay<br />

ten dollars ; and if exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars, one dollar for each<br />

additional thousand dollars ; and such excess shall be assessed and paid in the same<br />

manner as required of wholesale dealers. Any person whose business it is to buy or<br />

sell or deal in cattle, hogs, or sheep, shall be considered as a cattle broker.<br />

13. Produce brokers, whose annual sales do not exceed the sum of ten thousand dollars,<br />

shall pay ten dollars. Every person other than one having paid the special tax<br />

as re commercial broker or cattle broker, or wholesale or retail dealer, or peddler,<br />

whose occupation it is to buy or sell agricultural or far111 products, and whose annual<br />

sales do not exceed ten thousand dollars, shall be regarded as a produce proker.<br />

14. Commercial broke?*s shall pay twenty dollars. Any person or firm whose business<br />

it is, as a broker, to negotiate sales or purchases of goods, wares, or merchandise,<br />

or to negotiate freights and other business for the owners of vessels, or for the shippers,<br />

or consignors, or consignees of freight carried by vessels, shall be regarded a<br />

commercial broker,<br />

15. Cwtom-house brokers shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose occupation it<br />

is, as the agent of others, to arrange entries and other custom-house papers, transact<br />

business at any port of entry relating to the importation or exportation of goods,<br />

wares, or merchandise, shall be regarded a custom-house broker.<br />

If a produce broker's sales exceed ten thousand dollars annually he should be treated<br />

as a commercial broker or dealer, as the case may be.<br />

Persons traveling about the country as the agents of manufacturers or dealers,<br />

seeking orders for goods as agents of one person or firm only, and who are paid a<br />

salary, but receive no commissions are not required to pay tax as produce or colllmercial<br />

brokcrs.<br />

If s commercial broker solicits an order, and it is filled, thore is a, sale by the broker<br />

which should be included in his monthly returns.<br />

16. Distillers shall pay one hundred dollars. Every person, firm, or corporation,<br />

who distills or manufactures spirits, or who brews or makes mash, wort, or wash for<br />

clistillation or the production of spirits, shall be deemed a distiller: Provided, That<br />

distillers of apples, grapes or peaches, distilling or manuf~ctusing fifty and less than<br />

one hundred and fifty barrels per year from the same, shall pay fifty dollars : And<br />

proaided further, That no tax shall be imposed for any still, stills, or other apparatus<br />

used by druggists and.chemists,for the recovery of alcohol for pharmaceutical and<br />

chemical or scientific purposes which has been used in those processes.<br />

Parties who make blackberry and old catawba wine by mixing distilled spirits<br />

with blackberry wine in one instance, and catamba wine in the other are rectifiers :<br />

but the liquor itself is not subject to tax.<br />

17. Brewers shall pay one hundred dollars. Every person, firm, or corporation<br />

who manufactures fermented liquors of any name or description, for sale, from malt,<br />

wholly or in part, OJ from any substitute therefor, shall be deemed a brewer: PTO-<br />

sided, That any person, firm, or corporation, who manufacture less than five hun-<br />

dred barrels per year, shall pay the sum of fifty dollars.<br />

18. Rectifiers who shall rectify any quantity of spirituous liquors not exceeding .<br />

five hundred barrels, packages, or casks, containing not more than forty gallons to<br />

each barrel, package, or cask, shall pay twenty-five dollars ; and twenty-five dollars<br />

additional for each additional five fiunclred such barrels, packages, or casks, or any<br />

fractional part thereof. Every, person, firm, or corporation, who rectifies, purifies,<br />

or refines distilled spirits or wines by any process, or who, by mixing distilled spirits<br />

or wine with any inaterials, manufactures any spurious imitation, or compound liq-<br />

uors for sale, under the name of whisky, brandy, gin, ruin, wine, " spirits," or "wine<br />

bitters," or any other name, shall be regarded as a rectifier<br />

19. Ooal oil distillers shall pay fifty dollars. Any person, firm, or corporation, who<br />

shall refine, produce, or distill petroleum, or rock oil or oil made of coal, asphaltum,<br />

shale, peat, or other bituminous substances, or shall manufacture illuminating oil,<br />

shall be regarded as a coal oil distiller.<br />

20. Keepers of hotels, inns, or taverns sliall be classified and rated according to the<br />

yearly rental, or, if not rented, according to the estimated yearly rental of the house<br />

and property intended to be so occupied, as follows, to-wit: when the rent or valua-<br />

tion of the yearly rental of said house and property shall be two hundred dollars, or

less, they shall pay ten dollars ; and if exceeding two hundred dollars, for any additional<br />

one hundred dollars or fractional part thereof in excess of two hundred doldars,<br />

five clollars: Provided, That a payment of such special tax shall be construed e<br />

to permit the person so keeping a hotel, inn, or tavern, to furnish the necessary food<br />

for the animals of such travelers or sojourners without the payment of an additional<br />

special tax as a livery stable keeper. Every place where food and lodging are provided<br />

for and furnished to travelers and sojourners for pay sha.11 be regarded as a<br />

hotel, inn, or tavern : Prouihd, That keepers of hotels, taverns and eating-houses, in<br />

which liquors are sold hy retail, to be drank upon the premises, shall pay an additional<br />

tax of twentylfive dollars. The yearly rental shall be fixed and established by the<br />

assistant asseasor of the proper assessment district at its proper value ; but if rented,<br />

st not less than the actual rent agreed upon by the parties. A11 steamers and vessels,<br />

upon waters of the United :Ctates, on board of which travelers are provided with<br />

food or lodgings, shall be subject to and required to pay twenty-five dollars : Providd,<br />

That any person who shall make a false or fraudulent leturn concerning the actual<br />

rent mentioned in this paragraph shall be subject to a penalty therefor of double the<br />

amount of the tax.<br />

The tax is based upon the rent or rental value of that portion of the premises used<br />

for hotel purposes. Usual concomitants of a hotel are barber's saloons, billiard<br />

rooms, and liquor, cigars, and news-stand. No deduction should be ma'de from the<br />

rent or rental value of the entire premises on acco~~nt of portions leased to these<br />

people. It should be other when portions are leased for ordinary stores.<br />

The keeper of a hotel, etc., is 1.iable if his gross receipts exceed one thousand dollars,<br />

regardless of the amount of his grQss profits.<br />

21, Keepers of eating-houses shall pay ten dollals. Every place where food or refreshments<br />

of any kind, not including spirits, wines, ale, beer, or other malt liquors,<br />

are provided for casual visitors and sold for consumption therein, shall be regarded<br />

as an eating-house. But the keeper of an eating-house, having paicl the tax therefor,<br />

shall not be required to pay a special tax as a confectioner, anything in this act to<br />

the contrary notwithstanding. And keepers of hotels, inns, tavens, and eating-houses,<br />

having paid the special ta,x therefor, shall not be required to pay additional tax for<br />

selling tobacco, snuff or cigars on the same premises, anything in this act to the cont~ary<br />

notwithst,anding.<br />

22. Confectioners shall pay ten dollara. Every person who sells at retail confectionery,<br />

sweetmeats, comfits, or other confects, in any building, shall be regarded as a<br />

confectioner. But wholesale ancl retail dealers, having paid the special tax thereior,<br />

sha,ll not be required to pay the special tax as a confectioner, anything in this act<br />

to the contrary notwithstanding.<br />

23. Claim agents and agents for procu7dng patents shall pay ten dollars. Every<br />

person whose business it is to prosecute claims i'n any of the executive departments<br />

of the federal government, or procure patents shall be deemed a claim agent or patent<br />

agent, as the case ma.y be.<br />

24. Patent-right dealers shall pay ten dollars. Every person wllose business it is to<br />

sell, or offer for sale, patent rights, shall be regarded as a patent-right dealers.<br />

Persons whose business it is to sell patent rights, should pay tau as pateut-right<br />

dealers, even though they sell their own inventions.<br />

(Note the difference between a patent-right dealer, and " patent-right agent.")<br />

25. Real-estate agents shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose business it is to sell<br />

or offer for sale real estate for others, or to rent houses, stores, or other buildings or<br />

real estate, or to collect rent for others, except lawyers paying a special tax as such,<br />

shall be regarded as a real estate agent.<br />

Trustees and guardians are not required to pay tax as real estate agent for renting<br />

or selling property held in trust.<br />

26. CYonveyancem shall pay ten dollars. Every person, other than one having paid<br />

the special tax as a lawyers or claim agent, whose business it is to draw deeds, bonds,<br />

mortgages, wills, writs, or other legal papers, or to examine titles of real estate, shall<br />

be regarded as a conveyancer.<br />

Every person other than lawyer or claim agent, who makes it his business or part<br />

of it to draw deeds, etc., or to examine titles to real: estate, or who holds himself out<br />

as ready to do the business is a "conveyancer," ancl must pay special tax. So with<br />

the preparation of claims against the General Government.

27. IhtdZigen,ce oBm hpers shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose business it<br />

is to find or furnish places of employment for others, or to find or furnish servants<br />

npon application in writing or otherwise, receiving compensation therefor, shall be<br />

regarded as an intelligence office keeper.<br />

28. Insurance agents shall pay tell dollars. Any person who shall act as agent of<br />

any fire, marine, life, mutual, or other insurance company or companies, or any qerson<br />

who shall negotiate or procure insurance for which he receives any comrnisslon<br />

or other compensation, shall be regarded as an insurance agent : Provided, That if<br />

the annual receipts of any person as such agent shall not exceed one hnndred doEars,<br />

he shall pay five dollars only : And provided furtlher, That no special tax shall be imposed<br />

upon any person for sslling tickets or contracts of insurance against injury to<br />

persons while traveling by land or water.<br />

29. Foreign insurance agents shall pay fifty dollars. Every person who shall act as<br />

agent of any foreign fire, marine, life, mutual or other insurance company or companies,<br />

shall be regarded as a foreign insurance agent.<br />

30. Auctionems, whose annnal sales do not exceed ten thousand dollars, shall pay<br />

ten dollars ; and if' exceeding ten thousand dollars, shall pay twenty dollars. Every<br />

person shall be deemed an a.uctioneer whose business it is to offer property at public<br />

sale to the highest or best bidder: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph<br />

shall not apply to judicial or executive officers making auction sales by virtue of any<br />

judgment or decree of any court, nor public sales made by or for executors, administrators,<br />

or guardians of any estate held by them as such.<br />

31. Manzcfactum shall pay ten dollars. Any person, firm or corporation who shall<br />

manufacture by hanCl or machinery any goods, wares, or merchandise, not otherwise<br />

provided for, exceeding annually the sum of one thousand dollars, or who shall be<br />

engaged in the manufacture or preparation for sale of any articles or compounds, or<br />

shall put up for sale in packages, with his own name or trade-mark thereon, any articles<br />

or compounds, shall be regarded as a manufacturer : Prouided, That no special<br />

tax shall be required of any person for the manufacture of butter or cheese.<br />

Sugar-cane is a farm product, but sugar is not. A person who manuf'dctures sugar<br />

should pay a tax as manufacturer, even thengh the cane is the product of his own farm.<br />

The carding of wool into rolls for hand spinning is not manufacturing, and no special<br />

tax is imposed upon it.<br />

When a manufacturer makes both exempted and taxable articles, the taxable articles<br />

also are to be taken into account in determining his liability to taxation.<br />

The publisher of a newspaper is liable to a special tax as manufacturer, if his paper<br />

and job work exceed one thousand dollars.<br />

The exemption or non-exemption of articles produced from a specific or ad valorenl<br />

tax does not affect the liability of the manufacturer to a special tax. So the manufacturer<br />

of any articles or compounds, or who puts up for sale, with his own name or<br />

trade-mark, is liable to special tax, without regard to the amount.<br />

If a person manufactures above one thousand dollars in two or more places, he<br />

pays special tax on each.<br />

When a manufacturer is engaged the entire year in the production of a taxdle article,<br />

but his sales are, from the character of the article, or other causes, not made<br />

monthly, he is entitled to the exemption of one thousand dollars per annum, if his<br />

sales do not exceed three thousand dollars annually, though this may exceed two hundred<br />

and fifty uollars per month.<br />

Blacksmiths and stencil cutters are deemed manuf~tcturers, if they manufacture exceeding<br />

one thousand dollars annually.<br />

Journeymen tailors making clothing, etc., at their houses, are manufacturers, if<br />

they make exceeding one thousand dollars annually. But they may employ others<br />

at the place named.<br />

Manufacturers may, witllout additional liability, sell their wares at the place of<br />

manufacture or at principal office, provided no wares except as samples are kept at<br />

such office. If they sell goods not of their own make, it is otherwise.<br />

32. Pe&dlers shall be classified and rated as follows, to-wit : When traveling with<br />

more than two horses, or mules, the first class, and shall pay fifty dollars ; when<br />

traveling with two horses, or mules, the second class, and shall pay twenty-five dollars;<br />

when traveling with one horse, or mule, the third class, and shall pay fifteen<br />

dollars : when traveling on foot, or by public conveyance, the fourth class, and shall<br />

pay ten dollars. Any person, except persons pedcUng only charcoal, newspapers,

magazines, Bibles, religious tracts, or the products of his fixrm or gsrden, or traveling<br />

on foot and peddling fruits, vegetables, pies, cakes, and confectionery, who sells or<br />

cjffers to sell, at retall, goods, wares, or other commodities, traveling from place to<br />

place, jn the town or through the country, shall be regarded a pedcller : P~oviclecl,<br />

'rhat ally peddler who sells, or oflers to sell, distilled spirits, fern~ented liquors or mines,<br />

clry goods, foreign or domestic, by one or more original packages or pieces, at ouc<br />

time, to the same person or persons, or who pecldles jewelry, shall pay fifty dollars :<br />

Provided Y~trther, That mtinufacturers and producers of agricultural tools and imple-<br />

ments, garclen seeds, fruit and ornamental trees, stoves and hollow ware, brooms,<br />

wooden ware, charcoal, ancl gunpowder, clelivcring and selling at wholesale ally of<br />

said articles, by themselves or their authorized agents, at places other than the place<br />

of mauufactdre, shall not theretore be required TO pay any special tax : P~ouicZecZ fur-<br />

tl~er, That persons who shall sell shell or other fish, or both, traveling froin place to<br />

pltzce, and not from any shop or ststud, shall be required to pay five clollrtrs on17 ; and<br />

110 special tax sljall be imposed f'or selling shell or other fish fro111 1l:~nd-carts or<br />

wheel barrows.<br />

Every pedcller sl~ould be able to produce a special ti^^ receipt i?~ his o m I~COI~E.<br />

Peddlers of spirits, fermeiltecl liquors, or wines, may also pecldlc tobacco ancl otller<br />

merchandise.<br />

Pedcllers may buy produce to sell again as peddlers, without liability as procluee<br />

bro1rer.s.<br />

"Original paclcages" are lield to be pieces, etc., as they come froin the in:~iiuf'dcturcr<br />

or importer.<br />

Peclcllers may sell watches and watch-chains uncler an ordinary tax receipt as pcilcller.<br />

These articles are not "jewelrj~." -<br />

33. ApotAecarics shall pay ten dollars. Every person who lteeps a shop or boilcliny<br />

wllere niedicincs are coxripounclecl or prepared, accorcling to prescriptions of physlcians,<br />

or where medicines are sold, shall be regarded as an apothecary. But wholesale<br />

:mcl retail clealers, who have paid the special tax therefor, shall not be required to pay<br />

3 tax as a11 apotliecary ; nor shall apothecaries wlio have paicl the speciil tax be rcciuirccl<br />

to pay the tax as retail dealers in liquor in consequence of selling alcohol, or<br />

of selling or of dispensing, uaon pliysicitms' prescriptions, the wines and spirits<br />

officinal in the United States and other national pharmacopmias. ia quantities not cscceding<br />

half-a-pint of either at any one time, nor exceeding ia aggregate cost value<br />

1 lie suln of three llunclred clollars per annnm.<br />

Apotl~ecaries ~vho have paid tax as such are not required to pay tax as retail clenlers<br />

in liquor for selling, on prescriptions of physicians, the wines and spirits officinal in<br />

pharmacopceias, not exceeding half-a-pint at a time, nor exceecling three hunclred clollars<br />

per anmull, nor for selling alcohol.<br />

34. PI~otogrc~pI~ers shall pay ten dollars. Any.person who malres for sale photographs,<br />

ambrotypes, daguerre~t~ypes, or pictures, by the action of light, shall be rcgarded<br />

a photographer.<br />

35. Tobcicconzats shall pay ten clollars. Any person, firm, or corporation, whose<br />

business it is to nlsnufacture cigars, snuff, or tobacco, in any form, shall be reg~rcled<br />

a tobacconist.<br />

36. Butc7~el.s shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose business it is to seli butchers'<br />

meat at retail shall be regarcled as a butcher : Provided, That no butcher having paid<br />

tile special tax therefor shall be required to pay the special tax as a retail clealer, on<br />

account of selling other articles at the same store, stall or premises: YrovidedJSu.rt7~e~~<br />

That butchers who sell butchers' meat exclusively, by themselves or agents, traveling<br />

from place to place, and not from any shop or stand, shall be required to pay five dollars<br />

only, any existing law to the contrary notwjthstanding.<br />

Butchers whose sales do not exceed one thousand dollars per year, and those who<br />

sell butcher's meat exclusively by themselves or agents traveling from place to place,<br />

pay five dollars only : but all butchers whose annual sales exceed twenty-five thousand<br />

dollars make return of sales and pay as wholesale dealers.<br />

37. Prop~ietors of theatyes, rnuseqrms, and concert hulls, shall pay one ll~mdred clolhrs.<br />

Every edifice used for the purpose of dramatic or operatic or other representstinns,<br />

plays, or performances, for admission to which entrance money is received, not<br />

including hlls rented or used occasionally for concerts or theatrical repre~eut~ations,<br />

shall be regarded as a theatre : Provided, That when any such edifice is under lease at<br />

the passage of this act the tax shall be paid by the lessee, unless otherwise stipulated<br />


etween the parties to said lease.<br />

The proprietor of a theatrical colnpany pays special'tax in each and every state in<br />

which he exhibits in any other places than those of the proprietors of which are taxed<br />

udder 737 of the same section.<br />

38. The proprietor or proprietors of circuses shall pay [one] hundred dollars. Every<br />

building, tent, space, or area., where feats of horsemanship or acrobatic sports or<br />

threat ical performances are exhibited, shall be regarded as a circus : Provided, That<br />

no special tax be paid in one State shall exempt exhibitions from tlie tax in another<br />

State. And but one special tax shall be imposed for exhibitions within any one<br />

Btate.<br />

39. Jugglers shall pay twenty dollars. Every person who performs by sleight of<br />

hand shall be regarded as a juggler. The proprietors or agents of all &her public<br />

exhibitions or shows for money, not enumerated in this section, shall pay ten dollars ;<br />

Bmvided, That n special tax paid in one State shall not exempt exhibitions from the<br />

tax in another State. And but one special tax sllall be required for exhibitions within<br />

any one State.<br />

40. Proprietors of bowling aZZeys and billiard room shall pay ten dollars for each<br />

alley or table. Every place or building where bowls are thrown or billiards played,<br />

and open to the public with or without price,' shall be regarded as a bowiiilg alley or<br />

billiard room, respectively.<br />

41. Proprietors of gift e?aterprises shal: pay one hundred and fifty dollars. Every<br />

person, firm Or corporatinn who shall sell or offer for sale any real estate or article of<br />

~nerchandise of any description whatsoever, or any ticket of admission to any cxhibition<br />

or performance, with a promise, express or implied, to give or bestow, or in<br />

any manner hold out the promise of gift or beetomal of any article or thing for and<br />

in consideration of the purchase by any person of any other article or thing, shall Ile<br />

regarded as a proprietor sf a gift enterprise : Provided, That no such proprietor, in<br />

\ consequence of being thus taxed, shall be exempt from paying any other tax im-<br />

\ 1 posed by law, and the special tax herein required shalI be in addition thereto.<br />

42. Owners of statZions orjacks sliall pay ten dollars. Every person who keeps a<br />

horse or jack for the use of mares, requiring or receiving pay therefor, sl~all be re-<br />

1<br />

i garded as the owner thereof, and shall furnish a statement to the assessor or assistant<br />

1 assessor, which shall contain a brief description of the animal, its age, and plilce or<br />

places where used or to be used : Provided, That all accounts, notes, or demands for<br />

the use of any such horse or jack, the owner or keeper thereof not having paid the<br />

tax as aforesaid, shall be void.<br />

Lawyers do not need to pay tax as conveyancers, and there is no partnerspip special<br />

x . One special tax, however, a.llows them to have as many offices as they choose-<br />

They cannot do the business of a claim-agent or commercia,l broker under their<br />

special tax receipt, but they may collect rents, etc., for clients without being considered<br />

real-estate agents.<br />

43. Lawyers shall pay ten dollars. Every person who for fee or reward sl~all prosecute<br />

or defend causes in any court of record or other judicial tribunal of the United<br />

States, or oi any of the States, or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation<br />

to any cause or matter whatever, shall be deemed to be a lawyer.<br />

44. P?bysiciuns, surgeons and dentists sliall pay ten dollars. Every person (except<br />

apothecaries) whose business it is, for fee and reward, to prescribe remedies or perform<br />

surgical operations for the cure of any bodily disease or ailing, shall be deemed<br />

16 physician, surgeon or dentist. .<br />

Veterinary surgeons are liable to special tax as other surgeons.<br />

45. Architects and civil engineers sh,z21 pay ten dollars. Every person whose business<br />

it is to plan, design or superintend the construction of buildings, or ships, or of<br />

roads, or bridges, or canals, or railroads, shall be regarded as an architect and civil<br />

engineer: Prouided, That this shall not include a practical carpenter who labors on ct<br />

building,<br />

46. Builders and cont?*actors shall pay ten dollars. Every person whose business<br />

it is to construct buildings, or vessels, or bridges, or canals, or railroads, by contract<br />

whose receipts from building contracts exceed two thousand five hundred dollars in<br />

any one year, shall be regarded as a builder and contractor.<br />

If a builder commence-business in Harch, and makes a contract for one hundred<br />

thousand dollars, he should pay a special tax for the balance of the year, and the tax<br />

is estimated as follows : The lowest special tax baing twenty-@ye dollars per annnum,

the proportion for two months is four dollars and one-sixth, to which is to be added<br />

one dollar for each thousand dollars in the contract in excess of twenty-five thousand<br />

dollars. The same rule would apply to sub-contrectors.<br />

47. Plvmbers and gns$ztters shall pay ten dollars. Every person, firm or corporation,<br />

~vhose business it is to fit, furnish or sell plumbing materials, gas-pipea, gas-burners<br />

or ot.her gas-fixtures, shall be regarded a plumber and gas-fitter.<br />

48. dsaayers, assaying gold and silver, or either, of a value not exceeding in one<br />

ear two hundred and fifty thousand dollare, shall pay one hundred dollars, and two<br />

K<br />

undred dollars when tlie value exceeds two hunclred and fifty thousand dollars and<br />

does not exceed five hundred thousand dollars, and five hundred dollars when the<br />

value exceeds five hundred thousand dollars. Any person or person or corporation<br />

whose business or occupation it is to scparate gold and silver from other metals or<br />

mineral substances with which such gold or silver, or ooth, are alloyecl, combined, or<br />

united, or to ascertain or determine the quantity of golcl or silver in any alloy or<br />

combination with other metals, shall be deemed an assayer.<br />

49. Miners shall pay ten dollars. Every person, firm, or company, who shall employ<br />

others in the business of mining for coal, or for golcl, silver, copper, lead, iron,<br />

zinc, spclier, or other minerals, not hrving paid the tax therefor as a manufacturer,<br />

and no other, shall be regarded as a miner: p~ovided, That this shall not apply to<br />

any miner whose receipts as such shall not exceed, annually, cine thousand dollars.<br />

[A miner nlay employ one person in the business, without license.]<br />

50. Ezpre,w carriers and agents shall pay ten dollars. Every person, firm, or company,<br />

engaged in the carrying or delivery of nnoney, valuable papers, or any articles<br />

for pay, or doing an express business'mhose gross receipts therefrom exceed the<br />

sum of one thousand dollars per annum, shall be regzrded as an express carrier: PPOvided,<br />

That but one special tax of ten dollars shnll be imposed upon any one person,<br />

firm, or company, in respect to all the business to be done by such person, firm or<br />

company, on a continuous route, and the payment of such tax shall cover all business<br />

done upon such route by such person, firm, or company, anywhere in the<br />

United States; and such tax shall be required only from the principal in such business,<br />

and not from any subordinate : I'rouided furthw, That clraymen and teamsters<br />

owning only one dray or team shall not be required to pay such tax.<br />

[A person employing more than one dray or team whose gross receipts exceed one<br />

thousand dollars per year pays the special tax of ten dollars.]<br />

An express carrier or agent is subject to a tax of three per cent. on his gross receipts,<br />

although his business does not amount to one thousand dollars per year.<br />

Any person who shall carry on any trade, business or profession without ayment<br />

of the. special tax on that behalf provided, shall in addition to the payment o the tax<br />

be subject to a fine or penalty of not less than 'ten dollars, nor more than five hun-<br />

dred dollars. If a manufacturer of tobacco, snuff or cigars, or wholesale or retail<br />

dealer in liquor, he shall further be liable to imprisonlllent for a tern1 of not less than<br />

sixty days, and not exceeding two years.<br />

51. Grinders of coffce and spices shall pay one hundred dollars. Any person who<br />

manufactures or prepares for use and sale, by grinding or other process, coffee,<br />

spices or mustard, or adulterated coffee, spices or mustard, or any article or compound<br />

intended for use in the adulteration of or as substit.utes for coffee, spices, or mustard,<br />

shall be regarded as a grinder of coffee or spices : Prouided, That any person who<br />

shall roast coffee for use and sale shall be required to pay the special tax herein im-<br />

posed upon grinders of coffee or spices.<br />

It was also expressly provided by the lam of March 2,1867, apothecaries, butchers,<br />

confectioners, and plumbers and gas-fritters, whose annual sales exceed twenty-five<br />

thousand dollars, shall pay, in addition to tlie special tax now required by law, one dol-<br />

lar for every thousand dollars in excess of said twenty-five thousand dollars ; and<br />

the taxes on such excess shall be assessed and paicl in the manner provided in the<br />

case of wholesale dealers. And by the law of July f 3, ISGG, that the special tax shall<br />

not be imposed upon apothecaries, confectioners, butchers, keepers of eating-houses,<br />

hotels, inns, or taverns, or retail dealers, except retail dealers in spirituous and malt<br />

liquors when their annual gross receipts shall not exceed tohe sum of one thousand<br />

dollars, any provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding ; the amount of such<br />

annual receipts to be ascertained or estimated in such manner as the Commissioner<br />

of Internal Hevenue ahall prescribe, as well as the amount of all other annual sales<br />


'or receipts where the tau is graduated by the amount of sales or receipts ; and wherc<br />

the anlo~znt of the tax has been increased by law above the amount paid by any person,<br />

firm or company, or has been ullderstated or underestimated, such person, firm<br />

'or coinpany shall be again assessed, and pay the amount of such increase : P~oz(icZec7,<br />

That when any person, before the passage of this act, has been assessed for a license,<br />

the amount thus assessed bcing equal to the tax herein imposed, for the basilless<br />

co vered by such license, no special tax shall be assessecl until the expiration of the<br />

1,criocl for which such license was assessed.<br />

No special tax is imposed upon vintners who sell wine of their own growth at the<br />

place where the sallle is made, nor upon apothecaries for spiritxtous liquors nsecl cxelusively<br />

in the putting up of ~neclicines; nor are physicians taxed for keeping cn<br />

11,znd medicines ~lsect solely for making up pres~ript~ions for their own patients, nor<br />

fttrmers as nlanufacturers of butter and clleese from milk from their own cows, or fir<br />

any other fdmi products.<br />

The payment of a special tax gives no authority to carry on pro1libitc.d employment<br />

in tile several states.<br />



These taxes are given in detail in 94 of the act of 1864, 9 of the act of July<br />

,<br />

13,1866, and $ 9 of the act of 1867. The amended statute of 1864, $ 94, will be<br />

tound in the Appendix. We here insert the abbreviated detail of these enumerated<br />

provisions, with notes of the prominent decisions and rulil~gs in regard to them, being<br />

the latest construction of this important section of the law.<br />

*The numbers which precede each item are the numbers adopted originally by the<br />

Department for the use of the revenue officers and preserved in the amendments.<br />

Where the order of numbering is not preserved, it indicates that such numbered<br />

item has l~ecome an exempt article" by subsequent statutes.<br />

*I. Agricultural implements, not specially exempted, 5 per cent.<br />

The castings for these are considered taxable castings. .<br />

3. ~oilefs, water tanks, and sugar tanks, 5 per cent.<br />

4. Boots and shoes, iizcluding those made of India rubber, :inti shoe-strings, 2<br />

per cent.<br />

356. Brandy made from grapes, per gallon, $1 00.<br />

If any person shall put up, sell or dispose of any fluid under this name, whicl~<br />

shall not be really such, he sl;all.be punished for each offence by a fine not esceeding<br />

one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both. at the<br />

discretion of the court, and such fluid or compound shall be forfeitecl.<br />

6. Br~zshes, 5 per cent.<br />

5'. Bullion, gold in lumps, ingots or bars, ;g of 1 per cent.<br />

8. Bullion, silver in lumps, ingots or bars, of 1 per cent.<br />

9. Csadles, 5 per cent.<br />

10. Carpeting made of wool, or of which wool is the chief colnponent material<br />

or co~nponent material of chief value, 234 per cent.<br />


17%. Cigars, cigaretts and cheroots of all descri y tions, per tho~~sand, $5 00.<br />

. 13. Clocks, clock movements and cases, 5 per cent.<br />

18. Cloth and all textile knitted or felted f'abrics made of Cotton, 5 per cent.<br />

21. Cloth and all textile, lrnitted or feltecl fdbrics, other than those made of flux<br />

or jute esclusivcly, and not otliewise enumerated, 5 per cent.<br />

22. Cloth, painted, enameled, shil-red, tarred, varnished or oiled, 5 per cent.<br />

23. Clothing, articles of, made from India rubber, or gutta percha, 5 per cent.<br />

24. Clothing, articles of, not of wool, made by weaving, knitting or felting, or<br />

from fnr or lur skin, 5 per cent.<br />

25. C1othing;articles of, made from fur, valued at $20 or less, 2 per cent.<br />

The changes made by thc act of Narch 2,18G7, with regard to the tax on clothings<br />

nre inade with a view to the reduction of tax in all cases.<br />

The tax or hats, caps, bonnets, and hoods of all descriptions, two and a half per<br />

per cent., no matter of what material made, or thc mode of making, whether by sewing,<br />

weaving, knitting, braicling or felting.<br />

On clothing or articles of clress for the wear of men, women or children, made by<br />

weaving, knitting or felting, from wool, or of tr~hich wool is the component material<br />

of chief value, the tax is two and a half per cent. ad valorern. If n~ool ns not the article<br />

of chief component, value the tax is five per cent.<br />

Clothing or articles of clress not specially enumerated made by seminy, for the wear<br />

of men, women or chilclren, from cloths or fdbrics, on which a tax or duty has been<br />

paid, are emempt.<br />

The act of July 13, ISGG exempts lL articles of clrcss made or trimmed by milliners<br />

or dress-n~akers for tht: wear of women-and children." This exemption does not apply<br />

to articles made or trimmed by parties who inerelyv carry on the business of maauftcturing<br />

them, who furnish material and employ otilers to do the work, but do not<br />

~~ersonally engage in the actual manual labor, nor to dealers in millinery goocts who<br />

iritn laclies bonncts and hats. The act of Blarch 2, lSCi'7, makes no change in this<br />

respect.<br />

When a dealer purchases bonnets or hats upon which a duty has been paid, ancl<br />

trims and sells the same hc becomes liable to a tax on the increased value.<br />

Ready-made clothing is to be taxed where it is sold, even if it be put out by the<br />

dealer to be made up in another district. Hats bonnets, leatliel., boots, shoes, etc.<br />

are to be taxed where made.<br />

27'. Coffee, roasted or ground, and all substitutes therefor, per pound, 1 cent.<br />

RS. Confectionery, valued at 20 cents per pound or less, per pound, 2 cents.<br />

29. Confectionery, vnlued at over 20 cents per pound and not over 40 cents pcr<br />

pound, 4 cents.<br />

30. Confectionery, valued at over 40 cents per pound or when sold otherwise than<br />

by tlae pound, 10 per cent.<br />

31. Copper, zinc and brass tubes, nails and rivets, 5 per cent.<br />

32. Cotton, raw, per pound, 2j4 per cent.<br />

1. The former tau was three cents per pound, but after the first of September, 186'7,<br />

the rate is two and one-half cents-upon all cotton produced in the United States,<br />

subject to a decl~iction of four per cent. from gross weight for tare: the tax to be a lien<br />

till paid.<br />

2. The drawback on ram cotton is allowed, but no tax is imposed on imported<br />

cotton.<br />

3. The tax is levied on the producer, owner or liolcler, and to be paid in the district<br />

where produced, and before reu~ovecl. The evidence of payment of the tax is to be<br />

marked on the bale and the collector gives " permit " for its removal, stating the payment<br />

of t.he tax, the place ancl time of payment, and the weight nlnrked on. Of<br />

tliese he keeps careful record, and inakes due return to the Coinmissioner of Internal<br />

Revenue, monthly.<br />

4. The Colnmissioner designates certlain places where cotton nlay be marked, or in<br />

difl'erent places if the expenses are paid.<br />

3. A11 cotton having been weighed and marked as herein provided, and for which<br />

permits shall have been duly obtained of the assessor, may be removed from the clistrict<br />

in which it has been produced to any one other district, without prepayment of<br />

the tax due thereon, upan the execution of such transportation bonds or other sacurity<br />

and in accorclance with such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Commis-

eioner of Internal Revenue, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

The said cotton so removed shall be delivered to the collector of internal revenue or<br />

his deputy forthwith upon its arrival at its point of destination, and shall remain<br />

mbject to his control uutil tlie taxes thereon and any necessary charges of custody<br />

thereof shall have beell paid, but nothing herein con tainecl shall authol~ize any delay<br />

of the payment of taxes fbr more than ninety days from the date of the permits;<br />

and when cotton shall have been weighed and il~arbc-d, for which a permit shall have<br />

been granted without prepayment of the tax, it shall be the duty of the assessor<br />

granting such permit to give immediate notice of such permit to the collector of internal<br />

revenue for the district to which said cotton is to be tranported, ancl he sh:;ll<br />

also1 transmit therewith a statement of the taxes due thereon, and of the bonds or<br />

other securities for the payment thereof, and he shall make full returns and statements<br />

of the same to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.<br />

6. Transportation of cotton is unlawfi~l without payment of the tax is shown, and<br />

the permits for removal of same to be obtained before lauding the same, under penalty<br />

of one hunched dollars for each bale, or imprisonwellt not exceeding one gear, or<br />

both, and the seizure and forfeiture of the vessels employed in the conveyance. The<br />

cotton shall also be forfeited.<br />

'7. Every manufdcturer of cotton in a producing district, shall make montllly statements<br />

of the cotton he had l1 on hand" on the first of August, 18ti6 ; each subsequent<br />

statement shall ~1101%- the amount purchased ancl consumed in the last preceding calendar<br />

month, and the goods manuf~ctured ; which particulars shall be entered in n<br />

book kept for the purpose ; also of the aames of tlie parties from whom he purchased<br />

said cotton, etc. ; which book shall be open to inspection.<br />

8. This lax shall be paid monthly by such manufhcturers, on all cotton so consumed,<br />

on which the tax had not been previously ptticl, under a penalty of a fi>rfeitulse<br />

of all cotton in his possession, and a fine of not less than onecthousand dollars, nor<br />

rliore than five thousand clollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding two years ; but<br />

nothing herein contained shall aEect the liability for any tax imposed by law on<br />

the goods ~nanufactured from such cotton.<br />

9. The provisions of law in relation to the assessment of and collection of tax, and<br />

the remedies therefor shall apply to cotton, and the appointment of all necessary<br />

weighers, inspectors, etc., sl~all be by the Secretary of the Treasury, and the compensations<br />

determined by the Commissioner as in the case of inspectors of tobacco.<br />

34. Cutlery, 5 per cent.<br />

36. Diamonds, emeralds, precious stones, and imitations thereof, and all other jewelry,<br />

5 per cent.<br />

37. Fermented liq~~ors, per barrel, $1 00.<br />

See subject of lL Fermented Liquors."<br />

38. Fire arms, 5 per cent.<br />

30. Furniture, 5 per cent.<br />

40. Gas, montllly prociuct not over 200,000 cubic feet, per thousand cubic feet, l0cts.<br />

41. Gas, mon:hly product over 200,000 and not over 500,000 cubic feet, per thousand<br />

cubic feet, 15 cents.<br />

42. Gas, nlontlily product over 500,000 cubic feet ancl not over 5,000.000 cubic feet,<br />

per thousand cubic feet, 20 cents.<br />

43. Gas, monthly product over 5,000,000 cubic feet, per thousand cubic feet, 28 cts.<br />

44. Gas fixtures ancl chandeliers, 5 per cent.<br />

45. Glass manufactnres, exclvsively of other than window glass, 3 per cent.<br />

48. Guu cotton, 5 per cent.<br />

49. Gunpowder, blasting, in kegs or casks, per pound, 3.,/ cent.<br />

50. Gunpowder, sporting, in kegs, per poui~d, 1 cent.<br />

50%. Gunpowder, canister, per pound, 5 cents.<br />

61. Gutta yercha, nlanufactures of, not otherwise enumerated, 5 per cent.<br />

53. Hats, caps, bonnets and hoods, of all descriptions, 2 per cent.<br />

54. Hoop skirts, 2 pel cent.<br />

55. India rubber, manufactures of, not otherwise en~zmerated, 5 per cent.<br />

60. Iron castings, not especially exempted, per ton, $3 00.<br />

1. Castings made for particular articles, m~chines or structures, all of which$are<br />

enumerated, as for instance, castings for locks, safes, looms, spinning machines, steam<br />

engines, hot air and hot water furnaces, sewing machines, cars and scales, and castings<br />

for iron bridges, are exempt.

2. Castings of a partic~~lar kind or for a particulars use, as malleable iron castings,<br />

unfinished, a,nd castings for hollow aa,re, are exempt.<br />

3. Castings for articles which are not enumerated, but which articles are taxable in<br />

a finished st,ate, are exempt.<br />

4. Castings for machinery are exempt.<br />

A11 other ca,stings are taxable at three dollars per ton, viz:<br />

1. Castings for buildings or permanent structures, except castings for iron- bridges.<br />

2. Those which are complete 'rticles in themselves, and not made constituent or<br />

component parts of other articles.<br />

3. Castings which are intended for the constituent parts of other articles, except<br />

st~ch as are used in the manufacture of shafting or gearing (xnachinery) ; and of cars,<br />

scales, articles, machines, or en ines on which a tax is paid in the finished etat,e.<br />

Any article of casting, comp f ete in itself, is taxable in casting of three dollars per<br />

ton, and again for increased value as a fin;shed article when completed by japa,nni~g,<br />

plating, etc., at the rate of five per cent. ad valorem.<br />

Castings for furnaces to be set in brick are taxable as castings ; portable furnaces<br />

are to be taxed five per cent. ad valorem, at tmhe place where they are set up.<br />

61. Iron, cut nails and spikes, not including nails, tacks, brads or finishing nails<br />

usually sold in papers, ;>er ton, $5 00.<br />

64. Iron railings, gates, fences and statuary, 5 per cent.<br />

65. Iron stoves, per ton, $3 00.<br />

66. Iron tubes, wrought, per ton, $5 00.<br />

6'1. Iron, manufacturers if not specially exempted, aiid not elsewhere enumeritted,<br />

5 per cent.<br />

Iron and copper lightning rods are taxed at five per cent.<br />

68. Lamps and lanterns, other than n~a.gnesium lamps, 5 per cent.<br />

69. Lead, sheet, lead pipes and shot, 5 per cent.<br />

70. Leather of all descrlptlons, curriecl, finished or oil dressecl, 29; per cent.<br />

The art.icle made of the scraps ot waste leather, pasted to~ether and pressed, of<br />

various thickness, used for boot and shoe heels, inner soles, thickenings and stiEenings<br />

for shoe counters, and known as shoddy leather, is n manufdcture, not otherwise<br />

provided for.<br />

71. Leather of all clescriptions, tanned or partially tannecl, in the rough, 2% per<br />

cent.<br />

Leather belting is taxable for its full value as belting; the leather if purchased in<br />

the rough and prepared, is liahle to a manufacturing tax.-<br />

72. Leather, patent, enameled, or japanned, and skins, 2% per cent.<br />

When leathcr or skins have paid tax in the rough or as tanned leather, the additional<br />

tax is to be assessed on the illcreased value only, when dressed, curried or fin<br />

ished, and at the rate of two ant1 a half per cent.<br />

73. Machinery, including shafting aud gearing, and mechanics9 tools not specially<br />

exenlpted, 5 per cent. .<br />

75. Mouldings of wood not specially exempted, 5 per cent.<br />

76. M~nument~s of stone, valued at orcr $100, 5 per cent.<br />

'77. Oil produced from petroleum, marking not less than 36 degrees, or more than<br />

fifty-nine degrees Baume, per gallon, 20 cents.<br />

78. Oil produced from petroleum, marking inore than 50 degrees and not more than<br />

70 degrees Baume, per gallon, 10 cents.<br />

79. Oil produced from coal, shale or other bituminous substances, marking not less<br />

than 36 degrecs nor more than '70 degrees Baume, per gallon, 10 cents.<br />

SO, Oils, essential, of all clescriptions, 5 per cent.<br />

81. Paper, not specially exempted, 3 per cent*<br />

52. Paper collars, and all articles of clress made of paper, 3 per cent.<br />

83. Photographs, or other pictures taken by the action of light not specially exempted,<br />

5 per cent.<br />

84. Piano Fortes, and other musical instruments, 6 per cent.<br />

85. Pins, 5 per cent.<br />

86. Plated and brittania ware, 5 per cent.<br />

$8. Saddlery, harness, trunks and valises, 5 per cent.

89. Safes, fire or burglar proof, 5 per cent.<br />

91. Scales, 3 per cent.<br />

92. Screws, commonly called wood screws, 3 per cent.<br />

93. Sewing machines, 5 per cent.<br />

94. Silk, manufacturers of, 5 per cent.<br />

95. Silver mare, 5 per cent.<br />

96. Snuff, of all descriptions, per pound, 40 cents.<br />

97. Soap, common brown in bars, sold for seven cents per pouacl or over: salt<br />

water soap, made of cocoanut oil and soap, valued at three cents per poulzd, not per-<br />

fumed, per pound, %cent.<br />

98. Soap, perfumed, per pound, 3 cents.<br />

Any soup, other than "conlrnon brown in bars," sold above three cents per pound,<br />

and "common brown in bars" if sold above seven cents a pound is taxable. The<br />

priceat whichsoap isisold cleterminesitsliability. Tliisprice isthe sumpaidby tile<br />

purchassr for the soup, without any deduction for the expenses of sale. If the box<br />

containing the soap is charged to the purcllaser as a sepelvate and distinct item i111 he<br />

bill, according to t,he cuqtom of the tracle, it would not be inclnded in fixing the valuc<br />

of the soap for purposes of taxation. In such case the charge for the box must not<br />

exceed its cost or value, and an undervaluation of the soap or an overvaluation of<br />

the box, mould pe regarded as an attempt at fraud upon the revenue.<br />

99. Spices, ground, dry mustard, ancl all substitutes therefor, per pouncl, 1 cent.<br />

100. Spirits, distilled from apples or peaches, per gallon, $8.00.<br />

101. Spirits, distilled from other materials, per gallon, $2.00.<br />

102. Steam locomotives and marine engines, 5 per cent.<br />

104. Sugar, per pound, 1 cent.<br />

107. Sugar, refined, 2 per cent,<br />

108. Threacl, 5 per cent.<br />

109. Tin mare, other than for dolilestic or culin~try purposes, 5 per ccnt.<br />

Tin ware manufiilcturecl fi-on1 sl~eets which are first stanlped, ancl a,ftel.t~arcls tianccl,<br />

rf made for clomestic or culinary purposes, is exempt from tax the same as though<br />

tinned before stamping.<br />

110. Tobacco, chewing, per pound, 40 cents.<br />

111. Tobacco, smoking, sweetened, stemmed or butted, per pound, 40 cents.<br />

112. Tobacco, smoking, not sweetened, stemmecl or butted, including that made<br />

of stems or in part of stems, per pouncl, 15 cents.<br />

113. Tobacco, twisted by hand, and not pressed, sweetened or oihawiae prepared,<br />

and frcm cut sheets, per pound, 30 cents.<br />

114. Turpentine spirits of, per gallon, 10 cents.<br />

115. Watches and watch chains, 5 per cent.<br />

117. Wine, produced by being mixed with other spirits, and not othern'ise provided<br />

for, per gallon, 50 cents.<br />

118. Wine, made in imitation of imported sparkling wine, when put up in bottles<br />

containing not more than one pint, per dozen, $3'00.<br />

119. Wine, nlacle in imitation of imported sparl~ling wine, in bottles containing<br />

more than one pint, anci not more than one quart, per clozen, $6.00.<br />

120. Manufactured articles which are increased in value by being polishccl,<br />

painted, etc., etc., on such increasccl value, 5 per cent.<br />

121. Blanufactures, not elsewhere enumerated nor specially exemptecl, 5 per cent.<br />

121%. Woolen cloth, and all fabrics or articles macle of wool, or of whicli wool is<br />

the chief component material of chief value, not elsemhcre enumerated, 2% per ceni<br />

Muslin window shades are taxed five per cent.. upon their entire value, although<br />

the muslin may have paicl a tax.<br />

A person who dresses cloth for farmers or others whicli they have macte for their<br />

own use pay a tax on entire value.<br />

Harnesses are taxed at five per cent.; but mheila party buys a harness on which a<br />

tax has been paid, and sells again, or part of the harness, he may clecluct the cost 01'<br />

the collars.<br />

Table of G~oss Bece+ts.<br />

122. Briclges,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2>;<br />

124. Canals, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2%

0<br />

1-25, Express companies,. ........................................ D<br />

126. Ferries, ................................................... 236<br />

1.27. Insurance companies,. ....................................... I $$<br />

128. Lotteries. and dealers,. ............................. : .......... .5<br />

129. R,ailroads,. ................................ : ................. 9 d,2 1,'<br />

130. Ships and barges,. ....................................... ; .. .2f 8<br />

131. Stasge coacl-res, ............................................... .2? o(?<br />

132. Steamboats, ................................................ .&,g<br />

133. Telegraph companies,. ....................................... (7<br />

134. Theatres, operas, circuses and ~lluseums, ..................... .2<br />


By the acts of &larch 3, 1865, $ I, July 13, 1866, $ 'PO, auci BiIal.cIi 2, 1867, litrge<br />

lists of articles and products were nkcle exempt from tax. By the ~batut;e of<br />

1865,-<br />

Alcohol made or rnanufheturecl of spirits or materiels upon which the cluties imposed<br />

by law shall lrave been pa.id.<br />

B~)nrc\s, sl~ingles, laths and other lumber.<br />

I3one dust, plaster or gyps~zni.<br />

Butter, cheese, coi~centrated milk, cicler, ancl cider vilicg:~-~r, ant1 sugar or ~nola,ssca<br />

nl;lcle from other articles than the sugar-cane.<br />

Charcoal, coke, all flour and meal made from grain, breacl and breadstugs.<br />

l'lax prepared for textile or felting purposes until actually woven.<br />

Xalt, burning fluid, printers' ink.<br />

Marble and slate or other building stones in block, rough and unmrought.<br />

~ilu tchwood, uinbrella stretches.c,<br />

Xewspapers.<br />

Pczraffiae, whale rtncl fish oil.<br />

Staves, hoops, shooks, headings, snci timber partially nr~ougllt and uiifiuishcd for<br />

chairs, tubs, pails, hubs, spolces, felloee, snaths, lasts, shovel and fork handles.<br />

Value of bullion used in the manufacture of silver ware.<br />

Silver bullion rolled or prepared for platers' use exclusively, ancl cut tapes and<br />

slilall wares usecl in the manufacture of hoop skirts, sliail be, ancl hereby are, exemp~<br />

from duty.<br />

And also all goods, nrares and merchanclise, and articles not specially namecl alltl<br />

taxed, and which. are made or maizufactured froin materials which have bcen subject<br />

to and upon which internal duties have been actua.lly paicl, or materials importecl<br />

upon which cluties have becn paid or upon which no duties have been imposed by<br />

law, where the increased value of such goods, wares or rner~ha~adise, and articles not<br />

~nade or msmuF~ct~urec1, shall not exceed the amount of five per centum ad valorem,<br />

shall be, aid hereby are, exenlpt from duty.<br />

13y the statute of 1866,ill~~nl<br />

; aluminuin ; alunlinous cake. patcnt aluni, sulphate of ;alunlii~a, and cobalt.<br />

Aniline a.nd aniline colors.<br />

Animal charcoal, or carbon.<br />

Snvils.<br />

Articles i~lanufacturecl in institutions for the blind, and in institutior~s for tile clca f<br />

and dumb, vhich are sold to aid in their support, or the support of the pupils, but<br />

not including distilled spirits, mineral oil, tobacco, snuff. and cigars.<br />

SmreIs ancl casks, other than those used for tlie reception of fluids ; pacliing-boxes<br />

10<br />


made of wood ; and boxes of wood or paper for friction matches, cigar light and wax<br />

tapers.<br />

Barrels and casks made from material other than of wood are taxable.<br />

Beeswax, crude or unrefined.<br />

Bi-chromate and prussiate of potash.<br />

Bleaching powders.<br />

Blue vitirol.<br />

Borax, and boracic acid.<br />

Brass not wore advanced than rods or sheets.<br />

Brick,'fire-brick, draining tiles, cement, drain and sewer pipes, earthen and stone<br />

water pipes, retorts and tiles made of clay.<br />

Bristles.<br />

Brooms made from corn-brush cr palmleaf.<br />

Building stone of a11 kinds, including slate, marble, freestone, and soapstone, and<br />

rock, and ground gypsum.<br />

Bunting and flags of the United States, ant1 banners made of bunting of domestic<br />

manufacture.<br />

Burrstones, millstones, and grindstones, rough or wrought.<br />

This does not include whetstones.<br />

Candle wicking.<br />

Chronometers.<br />

Coffins and burial cases.<br />

Copperas.<br />

Copper, lead, and tin, in ingo!s, pigs or bars.<br />

Copper and yellow sl~eating metal, not more advanced than rods or sheet.<br />

Crates, a-nd grain or farm baskets made of splints.<br />

Crucibles of all kinds.<br />

Crutches and artificial limbs, eyes, and teeth.<br />

Deer-skins, smoked, or not oil-clressed.<br />

Feat.her beds, mattresses, palliasses, bolsters, and pillows.<br />

Fertilizers of all kinds.<br />

Flasks and patterns used by founders.<br />

Flax and the manufacturers thereof.<br />

Flavoring extracts solely for cooking purposes.<br />

German silver in bars or sheets.<br />

Gold leaf and gold foil.<br />

Hemp and jute prepared for textile or felting purposes.<br />

Hulls of ships and other vessels.<br />

Illuminating gas manufactured by educational institutions for their own use exclusively.<br />

India-rubber springs used exclusively for railroad cars.<br />

Iron bridges, and castings for iron bridges.<br />

Iron drain and sewer pipes.<br />

Keys, actions, aud strings for m~~sicd instruments.<br />

Lithnrge and orange mineral.<br />

Machines driven by horse-powcr and used exclusively for cutting fire-wood, staves.<br />

a~cl shingle bolts ; and hand-saws.<br />

Hagnesium, calcined magnesia, and carbonate of magnesia.<br />

Malleable iron castings, unfinished.<br />

Manganese. 7<br />

'<br />

Mqsts, spars, ship and vessel blocks, and tree-nail wedges and deck plugs, cordage<br />

ropes, and cables macie of vegetable fibre*<br />

Medicinal and mineral waters, of all kincls, sold in bottles or from fountains, and<br />

mead.<br />

Mounting and machinery of telescopes for astronomical purposes.<br />

Mills and machinerry for the manufacture of sugar, sirup, aud molasses from sorghum,<br />

imphee, beets and corn.<br />

Mineral coal of all kinds, and peat.<br />

Monuments of a11 kinds, not exceeding in value the sum of one hundred dollars :<br />

Pro~idecl, That monuments exceeding the value aforesaid, erected by public or private<br />

contributions to comlnemornte the service of union soldiers who have fallen in<br />

battle, shall be exempt from taxation,

Xouldings for looking glasses and picture frames.<br />

A11 other mouldings are liable to a tax of five per cent. acl valorem.<br />

Muriatic, nitric, and acetic acids.<br />

Nickel, quicksilver, and sodium.<br />

Nitrate of lead.<br />

Oakum.<br />

Original paintings, statutes, and groups of statuary and casts made thereof by th<br />

artist lrom the original designs.<br />

Oxide of zinc.<br />

Paints, painters' and paper stainers, colors.<br />

Printing paper of all descriptions ; and tarred paper for roofing and other purposes<br />

; books, maps, charts, and all printed matter, and book-binding ; parafine ; parf.<br />

fine oil, not exceeding in specific gravity thirty-six degrees Baume's hydrometer, a<br />

residum of distillation or the products thereof ; lubricating oil macle from crude petroleum,<br />

coal, or shale, not exceeding in specific gravity t hirty-six degrees Baume'ia<br />

hydrometer : Prozided, That such oil shall be subject to the same inspection as illuminating<br />

oil ; crude petroleum, and crude oil the product of the first and single distillat~on<br />

of coal, shale, asphaltum, peat, or other bituminous substances.<br />

Ph~t~ographs or any other sun plcture, being copies of engravings or works of art,<br />

when the same are sold by the producer at wholesale at a price not exceeding fifteen<br />

cents each, or are usecl for the illustration of books.<br />

Pickles when sold by the gallon and not contained in glass packages.<br />

Pig-iron ; muck bar ; blooms, slabs and loops.<br />

Ploughs, cultivators, harrows, straw and hay cutters, planters, seed-drills, horserakes,<br />

hand-rakes, cotton-gins, grain cradles, and winnowing mills.<br />

Pot and Pearl ashes.<br />

Productions of stereotypers, lithographers, engravers, and electrotypers.<br />

Putty.<br />

Quinine, morphine, and other vegetable ilkaloids, and phosphorus.<br />

Railroad iron, and railroad iron re-rolled.<br />

Railroad chairs and fish plates ; railroad, boat, and ship spikes . axe polls ; iron<br />

axles ; shoes for horses, mules, and oxen ; rivets, horseshoe nails, nuts, washers, and<br />

bolts ; vises, iron chains and anchors ; when such articles are nude of wrought iron<br />

which has previously paid the tax or duty assessed thereon.<br />

Reapers, mowers, threshing machines, and separators ; corn shel!ers and wooden<br />

ware ; cotton and hay presses.<br />

Repairs of articles of all kinds.<br />

Residuums, the product of mineral, vegetable, or animal substances drawn from<br />

stills after distillation.<br />

Roman and, water cements and lime.<br />

Roofing slate, slabs, and tiles.<br />

Saleratus, sal soda, caustic soda, crude soda, alumino-silicate of soda ; slunlinate of<br />

soda ; bicarbonate of soda ; and silicate of soda.<br />

Sails, tents, awnings, and bags made by sewing from fabrics or other articles upon<br />

which it duty or tax has been paid ; and bags made of paper.<br />

Saltpetre.<br />

Salts of tin.<br />

Silex used in the manufacture of glass.<br />

Soap, valued at not above three cents per pound.<br />

Spelter.<br />

Spindles and castings of all descriptions made specially for locks, safes, looms,<br />

spinning machines, steam engines, hot-air and hot-water furnaces, and sewing machines,<br />

and not sold or used for any other purposes, and upon which a tax is assessed<br />

and paid on the article of which the casting is a part<br />

Spokes, hubs, bows, and felloes; poles, shafts, arms, and wheels mot ironed or<br />

finished for carriages or wagons; wooden handles for ploughs, and for other agricultural,<br />

household, and mechanical tools and implements ; and pail and tub ears and<br />

handles ; and wooden tanks, and cistcrns for crude mineral oil.<br />

Starch.<br />

Steel, made from iron advanced beyond muck bar, blooms, slabs, or loops in ingots,<br />

bars, rails made and fitted for railroads, sheet,, plate, coil, or wire, hoop-skirt wire,<br />

covered or uncovered; car-wheels, thimble slcerus and pipe boxes, and springs, tire

aid axels niacle of steel, used exclusive?y for vehicles, cars or locomotives ; and clock<br />

springs, faces and hands.<br />

Stoves, composeci in part of cast iron and in part of sheet iron, or of soapstone,<br />

fire-brick, or freestone, with or without cast-iron or sheet-iron : Provided, That the<br />

cast and sheet-iron shall have paid the tax or duty previously assessed thereon.<br />

Sugar, molasses, or sirup made from beets, corn, sugar, maple, or fro111 sorglluin, or<br />

imphee.<br />

Tin cans for tramporting milk to cheese factories, to market or fro111 which milk is<br />

solcl by milkmen are not exempted<br />

Sulpl~ate of bczrytes.<br />

Sulphur, flowers of s~zlphur, and sulphur flour.<br />

Tar and crude turpentine.<br />

Tin cans used for preserved meats, fish, shell-fish, froits, oegetnbles, jams, jellies.<br />

paiiats oils and spices.<br />

Ulnbrellas and parasols, and sticks and frames for the same.<br />

Valuc of buliion used in the manufacture of wares, watchee, and watch-cases, and<br />

bullion prepared for the use of platers and watchmakers.<br />

Vegetable, sliiinal, and fish oils of all description, not otherwise provided for, ineluding<br />

red oil, oleic, acid, and admixtures of the same with paraffine oil, not exceed<br />

ing in specific giavity thirty-six degrees Baume's hyclrometcr.<br />

Veriligr~s.<br />

Vinegar.<br />

White and recl lead.<br />

Whiting ; Paris white.<br />

Window glass of all kinds.<br />

Wine made of grapes, currants or other fruits, and rhubarb.<br />

Wire made from wire less than number twenty wire guage, dpon which a tax haa<br />

been assessed ancl paid as wire : and no manufactured wire shall pay a greater tax<br />

than that imposec'l on number twenty wire guage.<br />

Tarn and warp for weaving, braiding or manufacturing purposes exclusively.<br />

powclers and baking powc'lers.<br />

Zinc, in ingots or sheets.<br />

By statute of 186G, 5 12, it is provided that apothecaries who manufacture, for<br />

their own ilispensation ancl sales to consuiners and to physicians, the medicines coinpnuncled<br />

according to the United States or other national pharmacopoeias, or of which<br />

the full and proper formula is published in any of the clispensstories llow or hitlierto<br />

in coiiimon use among physicians or apothecaries, or in any pharmaceutical journal<br />

now issued by any incorporated college of pharmacy, shall not be regarded as manufacturers<br />

under this act. But apothecaries and all other persons who manufacture<br />

for the dispensing and. sales of others, or who make and advertise any article, medicinal<br />

or otherwise, simple or compouncl, with any special proprietary claim to meritl,<br />

or to special adrantage in use or effect, whether such claim be based on the properties,<br />

qualities, price, or any other distinctive or distinguishing characteristic, whether<br />

real or pretended, of the articles so made and advertised, whether such article be or<br />

be not mot made according to the authorities above cited in this section, shall be rrgczrded<br />

as manufacturers under this act.<br />

By tlie statute of DIarcll 2,1867, the following aclclitional list of exempt articles and<br />

proil~~cts was macle, viz :<br />

A41coholic and ethereal vegetable extracts, when sold and used solely for n~eclicinsl<br />

pnrp oses.<br />

Bale rope, seines and netting for seines, twine, anci lines of all kinds.<br />

Bar, rod, hoop, band, sheet and plate-iron of all descriptions, and iron prepared for<br />

the manufacture of steel : Prozided, That the exemption aforesaid shall be coxifined<br />

exclusively to said articles in the states and condition specified in the foregoing enumeration,<br />

and shall not be construecl as exempting spikes. nails, or any other manuhctures<br />

of iron from the taxes now imposed by law.<br />

Brush blocks.<br />

Canned ancl preserved meats, and shell-fish.<br />

Clirbolic acid and carbolate of lime, used soiely for clisinfcctants.<br />

Carpet bags ancl cabas frames.<br />

Canned and preserved vegetable and fruits.<br />

Casks, churus, barrels, wooden brushes and broom-handles, tanks, and kits made of

wood, including cooperage of all kinds, bungs and plugs, packing boxes, nest boxes.<br />

.and match boxes, whether lnacle of wood or other materials ; wooden hames, plougli<br />

beams, split-bottom chairs, and turned nzaterials for the same unmanufdctured, and<br />

saddle-trees macle of wood, sncl mxtcll boxes heretofore made on which n tax has not<br />

been paid.<br />

The 7~andles of certain agricultural, housellold ancl mechanical tools; are exempt,<br />

but not the tools themselves necessariiy.<br />

Castings of iron, copper or harass macle for machinery, cars of scales. and castilzgs<br />

rnnde to form a part of any article upon ~vllich, in a finisbed state, a tax is nssessed<br />

an~l paicl.<br />

Cast-iron-hollow-mare, ancl cast-iron liollow-ware tinned, enamelled, jiipunnetl, or<br />

galvanized.<br />

Clo2k trimmings, namely: Cloclr work, clock pillars, sash fastenings for clocks,<br />

winding keys, reryes ancl penclulum rods.<br />

Clothing or articles of dress not especially enumerated, made by sewing, for the<br />

war of men, women or children fro111 cloths or fabrics on wl~ich a tax or duty llriv<br />

heen paicl.<br />

Chffee-mills, coffee grinders and roasters, and apple-paring nmcl~ii~es.<br />

Copper bottoms for articles used for delllestic and culinary purl~oses.<br />

noc~rs, wiu~low sash, blincls, frames and sills of whatever nlhteria1.<br />

Cast-jron window sills are exempt.<br />

Drain, gas and water-pipes made of wood, or cement3.<br />

Frames and handles for saws and buck-same.<br />

'<br />

Glue and gelatine, of all clesctiptions, in the solid state,<br />

Clue and cement made wholly or in part of glue in the liquid state.<br />

1-Iorse-rakes, horses-powers, tedders, bames, scythe-snaths, hayforks, lloes and portable<br />

grincling-mills.<br />

Horse-blankets, made froin cloth on whiclia tau or duty has been paid.<br />

Licorice and licorice paste.<br />

~Vagnesiurn lamps.<br />

Manufacturers of jute.<br />

Molasses, concentrated inolnsses or melado, syrnp of lnolasses or sugar-cane juice,<br />

and cistern bottoms.<br />

Oil naphtha, benzine, benzole, or gasoline, mnrlting more than seventy ciegrees<br />

Baume's llydrometer, the prod~lct of the di~tillnt~io~i, or re-clistillation, or refining of<br />

crude petroleum, or of crude oil produced by n single clistillstiou ot coal, shale, peat,<br />

asphaltum or other bitun~inous substances.<br />

Palm-leaf and straw, bleachecl, split, prepared, or advanced by being braided or<br />

woven, but not inzlcle up into hats, bonnets or hoocls.<br />

Potato hooks, pitchforks, manure and spading forks.<br />

Pott ery-ware of all descriptions, including stone, earthen, brown and yellow earthen,<br />

aucl common or gray stone-ware.<br />

Pumps' garden engines, ancl hydrq c u 1' 1c ra111s.<br />

Rock and root-diggers or excavators.<br />

Root-beer and other sn~all beer.<br />

Salt.<br />

Saws for cotton gins, - when usecl by the m~1;ier in the mannF~cture of gins.<br />

Hand-saws are exempt, i. e., those used by carpenters and joiners. It does not include<br />

pit-saw, cross-cut-saws or ~vood-saws with frame.<br />

School-roonl seats and clesks, blnckbosrc7s, and globes of all kincls.<br />

Sleds, wheelbarrows and hand-carts, auci fence mncle of wood.<br />

Sole or lreel-taps made of India-rubber or of India-rubber and other materials.<br />

Shirt-fronts or bosoms, a~ristbancls or cuffs for shirts, escept those made of paper.<br />

Snap, common brown, in bars, sold for less than seven cents per pound.<br />

Spiral springs used in the illanufwture of furniture.<br />

Stove polish or other manufttcture exclusively of plumbago, back-saws, stump machines,<br />

potato-diggers.<br />

Steel of' all clescriptions, whether rmde from muclr-bar, biooms, slabs, loops or<br />

otherwise.<br />

Scythes. b<br />

Straw or binders' board and binders' cloths, and straw wrapping-paper.<br />


Tags for merchandise and direction of cloth, paper or metal, whether blank or<br />

printed ; thim~le skeins and pipe boxes, made of Iron.<br />

Tinware for domestic and culinary purposes.<br />

Ult ra-marine blue.<br />

Varnish.<br />

Wagons, carts, and drays made to be used for farming, freighting, or lumber purposes.<br />

Washing, mangling and clothes-wringing machines, zinc washboards, spinning and<br />

flax wheels, hand-reels, hand-looms, wooden knobs and beehives.<br />

To each of these statutes there was attached the proviso, "that the exemptions<br />

aforesaid shall, in all cases, be confined exclusively to said articles in the state and<br />

condition specified in the foregoing enumeration, and shall not extend to articles in<br />

any other form, nor to manufactures from said articles."<br />

Manual labor schools and colreges are also exempt from a manufacturer's cr special<br />

tax while the proceeds of the labor of these institutions are applied exclusively to<br />

the support or maintenance of such institutions. This, however, is not to apply to<br />

tobacco, snuff or cigars manufactured, or to spirits distilled or petroleum refined in<br />

or for such schools or colleges.<br />

It is also provided that manufacturers delivering goods under contract made prior<br />

to the act are allowed to add to the price of such goocis, so much as will be equivalent<br />

to the duty subsequently imposed, and that when the United States is the purchtrser<br />

under such prior contract, a proper certificates of the Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

is taken and received in discharge of the duties so subsequently imposed. Also that<br />

goods may be purchased by the Government free of the tax.<br />

By a supplemental act of March 26,1867, wrapping-paper made of wood, cornstalks,<br />

or any otha materials, also ladders made wliolly of wood, are -placed among the exempt<br />

articles.<br />

By the act of February 5,1867, it was enacted, that alcohol made or manufactured<br />

of distilled spirits upon which the taxes imposed by law shall have been paid, and<br />

burning fluid made or rnan~fa~ctured from alcohol or spirits of turpent~ne, or camphene,<br />

upon mhich the taxes imposed by law shall have been paid, shall be, and<br />

hereby are, exempt from tax ; and so much of 5 96 of the act of June 30, 1864, as re<br />

lates to alcohol and burning fluid, is hereby repealed, and all proclucts of distillation,<br />

by whatever name known, which contain distilled spirits or alcohol on which<br />

the tax imposed by law has not been paid, shall be considered and taxed as distilled<br />

spirits.<br />

A manufacturer of bureaus may deduct from the amount of his sales thereof, the<br />

actual cost of the marble tops, and looking-glasses used in their construction, provicted<br />

the tax has alrezdy been paid on such tops and glasses.<br />

The insigaia and regalia of Masons, Odd Fellows, etc., are to be taxed, as a manu-.<br />

facture not otherwise provided for, five per cent.<br />

Boot and shoe uppers are not now held subject to taxation as distinct articles of<br />

manufacture.<br />

"Leather board" made from waste leather, rags, etc., is liable to a tax of five<br />

per cent-<br />

Iron railings are taxed five per cent, on their entire value, but the castings of which<br />

they are made are exempt.<br />

A manufacturer of turpentihe 111ust make his monthly returns like any other<br />

manufacturer.<br />

Manufacturers who sell their products on time, without interest, return their sales<br />

at the present worth of the sum for which they sell.<br />

A tax does not accrue on the bleaching of fabrics when the same have not previously<br />

paid a tax. The tax accrues on the full value of the fabrics thus bleached.<br />

When cologne water is put up by the gallon, it is considered as manufactured and<br />

pays five per cent. when in bottles, etc., it must be stamped as perfumery.<br />

When a person manufactures cloth from yarn and warps, and makes such cloth into<br />

garments, he is liable first on the cloth and then upon the garments.<br />

Tascels on which the tax has been paid and which are not a part of the curtains,<br />

are not taxed as part of the curtain.<br />

Kaolin or china clay, being a preparation of clay, by washing the crude materials<br />

and freeing it from extraneous matter and'impurities, is not a manufacture taxable.

P<br />

#ales at Auction.<br />

The tax n on the sales at auction of real estate, goods, waree, mercbaadise, articles<br />

inctuding a1 sales of stocks, bonds and other securities, is onewtenth of one per cent.<br />

upon the gross amount of such sales. But no duty is levied upon sales made by<br />

judgment or decree of court, nor public sales made by guardians, executors or ad-,<br />

min~strators.<br />

This tax is le~ied, collected and paid monthl;y.<br />

Bro hers,<br />

Brokers, banks or bankers, whether their sales are made for others, or on their owa<br />

account, pay the following taxes :<br />

1. On all sales and contracts for sale of stocks, bonds, gold and silver, bullion and<br />

coin, promissory notes or other securities, one per cent. for every one hundzed dol-<br />

lars of such sales or contracts.<br />

2. Upon all such sales or contracts for sale llbade by other persons than brokers,<br />

banks or bankers of this property, not their own, a tax of five cents for every one<br />

hundred dollars of value.<br />

3. The sale is to be made by bill or memorandum, and stamps are to be affixed to<br />

such bill or memorandum equal in value to the amount of tax, under a penalty of<br />

five hundred dollars for each and every offence when the tax so evaded does not ex-<br />

ceed one hundred dollars ; and a penalty of one thousand dollars mhen the tax ex-<br />

ceeds one hundred dollars, to be distributed between the United States and the in-<br />

former; unless it appear that the omission to affix the proper stamp was not with<br />

fraudulent intent.<br />

4. Commercial brokers shall pay on all their sales of goods, wares and merchandise,<br />

a tax of one-twentieth of one per cent., upon the amount of such sales; the returns<br />

to be made monthly to the assistant assessor.<br />

Bales made by or through another broker, upon which a tax has been paid shali<br />

not be included as sold by the broker for whom the sales were made.<br />

Gross Rece+ts.<br />

Upon the gross receipts of railroads, canals, steamboats, ships, barges, canal boats,<br />

vessels, stage coaches, and vehicles transporting passengers or property for hire, or<br />

in transporting the mails of the United States upon contracts made prior to August<br />

1, 1866, there shall be levied on the owners or managers thereof tt tax of two anti<br />

one-half per cent.<br />

It is provided that the tax shall not be imposed upon the steamers and vessels<br />

plying between t.he United States and foreign ports, unless such foreign port or terri-<br />

tory is intermeclide.<br />

Upon the gross receipts of every description of toll roads ferries or bridges, au-<br />

thorized to receive toll for passengers or freight, a tax of two and one-half per cent.,<br />

unless the receipts are less than the expenses for repairs.<br />

The tax may be added to the rates of fare, one cent to be added, mhen the addition<br />

to the fare shall amount to the fractien of one cent ; tickets to be kept at convenient<br />

points in packages of twenty or multiplies of the same, on which the tax only shall<br />

be added.<br />

These taxes shall not be imposed unless the annual receipts exceed one thousand<br />

dollars.<br />

Tug-boats or horse-boats used exclusively for carrying coal, oil, minerals or agricul-<br />

tural products shall pay a special annual tax in lieu of ''enrollment fees" or "ton-<br />

nage tax," viz : When exceeding twenty-five and not exceeding one hundred tona,<br />

five dollars ; when exceeding one hundred tons, ten dollars.<br />

Express Companies.<br />

Persons, firms, companies or corporations carrying on the express business, pay a<br />

duty of three per cent. on the gross receipts of the business.<br />

Iusurance Companies.<br />

They pay one and one-half per cent. upon gross receipts of premiums, by inland,

fire or marine insurance, including tickets and contracts of insurance against injury<br />

Go persons traveling.<br />

Foreign compauiesQhaving agents in the United States pay the same tax (one and<br />

one-half per cent.,) their returns to stake the alnount issued, nlld the gross amount of<br />

the premiums, and the duties thcreon.<br />

For every passport issued from the office of the Secretary of the State there sllall<br />

be paid the sum of five clollars ; which amount may be paid to any collector appointed<br />

under this act, and his receipt therefor shall be forwarded with the application ffir<br />

such passport to the office of the Secretary of State, or any agent appointed by him,<br />

to be transmitted to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, there to be charged to<br />

the account of such collector. And the collectors shall account for all moneys received<br />

for passports in the manlier llcreiilbefore provicled, and a like amount shall be<br />

paid for every passport issued by any minister or consul of the United 'States, who<br />

sI1;111 acco~lnt therefor to the treasury.<br />

Telegraph Companies.<br />

Any person, firm, company, or corporation owning or possessing or having the<br />

care or management of any telegraphic line by which telegraphic dispatches or messages<br />

are received or transnlitted, shall be subject to and pay a tax of three per cent.<br />

on the gross aniouilt of all receipts of such person, firm, company, or corporation.<br />

Operas, Circuses and Museums.<br />

Any person, firm, or corporation, cr the mauager or agent thereof, owning, con-<br />

ducting, or having the care or msnagement of any theatre,. opera, circus, museum, or,<br />

other public exlibition of dranlatic or operatic rcyresentations, plays, performances,<br />

musical entertainments, feats of horsemanship, acrobatic sports, or other shows which<br />

are opened to the public for pay, but not including occasional concerts, school eshi-<br />

bitions, lectures, or exhibition of works.of art, shall be subject to and pay a duty of<br />

two per centurn on the gross amount of all receipts derived by such person, firm,<br />

company, or corporation from such representations, plays, performances, exhibitions,<br />

shows, or n~usical entertainments.<br />

neturns of the last named Companies.<br />

1. They shall make returns within twenty clays after the end of eachuonth, to the<br />

assistant assessor, which shall state the g~oss receipts of the month, verified by oath,<br />

and in the form prescribed by the Comruissioner of Internal Revenue, and duly pay<br />

the tau to the collector of the district.<br />

2. In case of refusal or neglect to inake their returns for tcn clays, the assessor or<br />

assistant is authorized lo estimate their receipts, and acld ten per cent for the delinquency.<br />

3. The books of owners or iimnagers of these companies are subject to the inspection<br />

of the assessor or his assistant on clemancl.<br />

4. Upon refusal or neglect to pay the tax, wit11 the penalty, for ten clays after the<br />

same are payable, an additional penalty of ten per cent. is imposed; and a penalty of<br />

one th~usa~nct clollars fbr any attempt to evade the payment imposecl upon these<br />

companies.<br />

Banks and Banki'~zg.<br />

The following taxes are paicl by all banks and bankers, axcept national banks.<br />

(These latter, llowever, uow coilstitute. much the larger proportion of all banking<br />

institutions of the United States:)<br />

1. Upon the average amount of their deposits subject to payment by checlc or other-<br />

wise, one-twenty-fourth of one per cent. per month.<br />

2. Upon the capital employed beyond the average amount illvested in United States<br />

bonds, a tax also of one-twentyfourth of one per cent. per month.<br />

5. Upon the average amount of circulation, including all certified checks and other<br />

obligations intended to circulate as money, not including that in the vault ot the bank,<br />

or recleerned or on.deposit for the bank, oneetwelfth of one per cent. per month, and

nil additional monthly tax of one-sixth of one per cent,. upon the average amount, of<br />

circulation beyond ninety per cent. of the capital of snch bank.<br />

These returns are macle inont hly to tlie assessor of the district, verified by t hc on t h<br />

of the president or cashier in the the form presentecl by the Columissior~er, under n<br />

penalty of two hundred dollars, besicles the additional perjalties and forfeitures, prescribed<br />

by law ; the proper tax on failure of due return to be estinlatecl by the nssessor<br />

or assistant assessor.<br />

In case of banks with branches, the tax is assessed upon the circulation of etlch<br />

branch, and the, capital of each branch properly to be allotted.<br />

The deposits made in savings banlrs, or " institutions for savings," !~avi~~g no cdpital<br />

st-ock and cloing no other business than receiving deposits to be loaned, or investocl<br />

for the sole benefit of depositors, without profit to the companjr, are escmpt from<br />

the tax, on so much of tlieir cteposits as are invested in securities of the United<br />

States, and on all cteposits less than fire hundred dollars mncle in tile llail~e of any<br />

one person.<br />

These returns of savings banlrs or savings institutions arc made on the first B1011day<br />

of July and January in each year.<br />

4. Every national banking association, State bank, or State banking association,<br />

sl~all pay n tax of ten per cc~lturn on the amount of notes of any pcrson, State bank,<br />

or State banking association, used for circulntion all? paid out hy tllcn~ a!tcr the<br />

first day of August, eighteen hunnred and sixty-six, and sucli tax shall be assessed<br />

nlld paid in such manner as shall be prescribed by tlie Commissioner of Internal<br />

Revenue.<br />

5. It is also further provided that the capital of a,ny Stnte banlc or banking association<br />

which h:~s ceased or shall cease to -exist, or which has been or shall I:e assunied<br />

to be the capital as it existed immediately beiore such bank censccl to exist or was<br />

converted as aforesaid ; and whenever the outstanclisg circ~~lation of any bank, acsociation,<br />

col-poration, conlpanp or person shall be reduced to an amount not exceeding<br />

five per centuln of t,he charterect or declared capital existing t~t the time the same<br />

was issued, said circulation shall be frce from taxation ; and tvllenever any bank<br />

which 118s ceased to issue notes for circulation shall deposit in the treasury of tke<br />

United States, in lawful money, the amount of its outstanding circulation, to be rcdeemed<br />

st par, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe,<br />

it sllall be exempt from any tar upon such circulation ; and mhenever any State bank<br />

or banking association has been converted into a national baalring association ant1<br />

such national banking association has assumed the liabilities of such State bank or<br />

banking association, including the redemption of its bills, by any agreement or uncILerstanding<br />

whatever wit11 the representatives of such State bank or Lanking association,<br />

such national banking association shall be held to make the r~cluirecl return and<br />

~ayment on tlie circulation outstanding.,. so long as such circulation shall exceecl five<br />

per centum of the capital before such conversion of such State bank or banking association.<br />

Lotteries.<br />

Every incliviclual partnership, firm or association, being p~oprietors, inanagelms, or<br />

agents of lottteries, and all lottery dealers, pay n tax of five per cent. upoil the gro:n<br />

receipts of the business; the returns of which aim to be made monthly and in duplicate<br />

to the ascistant assessor with the amouot of the duty, verified by the oath or<br />

affirmation, and in the prescribed form ; the payment of the duty to be made to the<br />

collector on or before the 20th day of each month, under penalty of one thousad<br />

dollars in case of not making tl~e lists or returns besides the orclinary penalties prc-<br />

vided for failure of returns ; and in case of the non-payment of the tax a penalty of<br />

one thousand dollars, ailcl imprisonmeilt of such proprietors, managers or agents SO<br />

delinquent, not to exceed one year.<br />

2. It is, however, provided, that the Coinmissioner iuay grant free permits to man-<br />

agers of certain fairs, whosc proceeds are to be applied to the relief of sick or woLIl1-<br />

ded soldiers, or other cllaritable purposes ; and they shall not be subject to nny<br />

charge for special tax (license) or otherwise in respect thereof. This includes maes<br />

or gilt enterprises : nothing contailled in this provision to be construed to legalize any<br />

lottery.<br />

3. Each lottery ticket or certificate supplementary thereto shall be stamped at the<br />


time of sale with tho name of the vender and the date of sale under a penalty of fifty<br />

dollars. .<br />

4. Purchasers of lottery tickets frorn venders not duly licensed, may recover<br />

twice the amount paid for such tickets at any time within three years, with just ancl<br />

legal costa.<br />

5. Lottery ticket dealers, and those who enP3g.e in the business without paying the<br />

special tax therefor proviclecl, forfeit and pay one thousand clollars as penalty there-<br />

for, to be duly assessed and collected, and in addition, shall on conviction before a.<br />

court of competent jurisdiction, be imprisonecl for a period not exceeding one year<br />

at the discretion of the court.<br />

6. The managerg, proprietors or 8gento shall keep books of account of all their<br />

transactions, subject to ancl open to inspection of the revenue officers, subject on re-<br />

fusal or prohibition of such inspection to n penalty of one thousand clollars, and to<br />

imprironment for a period not exceeding one year.<br />

The former tax upon advertisements was expressly repealed by the act of March<br />

2, 1867, and also all tax upon the gross receipts of ail toll roads.<br />

Legacies aud Bistribu.tiue Sl,?nres of Personal Property.<br />

' +<br />

These interests in personal and real estate or property by the statutes of 1862 and<br />

1864, were made aubject to the following taxes, slightly modified by a~nenclments<br />

made subsequent to 1864. They are given in detail substa.ntially as in the marginal<br />

digest of the official compend ot the law issued from the revenue department.<br />

I. A11 person8 having in charge or trust, asadministrators, executors, or trustees of<br />

lcgacies or distributive shares of personal property, when t.he whole amount exceeds<br />

one thousand dollars in actual value, passing after the passage of the act from ally<br />

person possessed of such property by will or intestate lams, or by deed taking effect<br />

after the death of a grantor, are made subject to the following taxes :<br />

(a) When the person beneficially interested is the lineal issue or lineal ancestor,<br />

brother or sister, one per cent.<br />

(b) When the person or persons beneficially interested, is the descendant of s<br />

brother or sister, two per cent.<br />

(c) When the person or persons beneficially interested is t.be brother or sister of<br />

of the father or mother, or descendant of the same, four per cent.<br />

(d) When the person or persons are beneficially interested is the brotlier or sister<br />

of grandfather or grandmother, or descendant of the same, five per cent.<br />

(e) When the person or persons beneficially interested is of any other degree of<br />

consanguinity or a stranger in blood, six per cent.<br />

It is also provided, that all property passing by mill or otherwise to the husband or<br />

wife of the person who diecl possessed, is excmpt from this tas ; and also that lega-<br />

, cies or shares of personal property passing to minor children to the extent of one<br />

thousand dollars shall also be exenlpt.<br />

2. This tax is payable when the party interested sllall be entitled to the possession<br />

thereof, or right to the beneficial interest in the profits thereof, and shall be a, lien<br />

upon the property for twenty years.<br />

3. The administrator, or other person having the estate in charge, shall give notice<br />

to the assessor or his assistant, of this liability within thirty days after he sha!l have<br />

assumed the trust, and pay the taxes before payment of any legacy to the collector<br />

or his deputy, and render a return to tlie assessor' office under oath, with schedules<br />

of the amount of the legacy or distributive shares, with full particulars of names and<br />

amount, etc.<br />

Upon the payment of the tax due, the receipt of the collector shall be sufficient<br />

evidence for the person who makes the payment, and representing the estate, to credit<br />

therefor in the settlement of his accounts in the surrogate, orphan, or brobate court,<br />

having jurisdiction.<br />

5. In case of neglect or rcfusal to make the. proper return, or to pay tlie tax due,<br />

or in case of a f'dlse return, of value or otherwise, the assessor shall make out such<br />

lists and valuation, as in other cases of neglect or refusal or fraud, and shall assess<br />

the duties thereon.<br />


6, In case of willfill neglect, tile party shall be subject to ti penrlty of not exceee-<br />

.ing one thousand dollars and costs of suit, and the collector shall commence appropriate<br />

proceedings to cause the property to be sold, upon the decree of the proper<br />

court.<br />

7. The cieeds of the property so sold shall vest in the purchaser of all the property<br />

of the delinquent*, in the property so sold, and shall release the property from the lieu<br />

created by the act.<br />

8. All persons who shall llave the custody of and paper, record, etc., mhicli sllall<br />

contain illformation concerning the ;?roperty so passing, and so subject to tax, shall<br />

exhibit all such papers, records, etc., to any revenue officer who may desire to exatnine<br />

the same uqder a penalty five hundred clollara.<br />

9. The recitals in such cieeds of sale of this property shall be pima. facie evidellce<br />

of their truth, and that the requirments of the law have been complieci with.<br />

10. A11 taxes paid under these provisions shall be deciucted from the particular<br />

legacy or share, on account of which the same is chnrgecl.<br />

When distribution is made in any case without pa.yment of the tax, not only does<br />

the executor or administrator become liable to a penalty, but the tax may be collected<br />

of the person. lmaving the actual or constructive possession of the property in respect<br />

of which the tax is due, and the collector may proceed either by restraint or<br />

suit as provided by law.<br />

When return is nlacie by the executor at the time the tax become payable,<br />

demand may be made by the collector after the close of the month. When the estate<br />

is distributed before payment of the tax, the collector may serve demand as soon as<br />

the assessment reaches him. In eslthhr case the penalty of five per centum will sttach<br />

upon failure to pay within ten days after demand.<br />

When an estate is settled without the issue of letters or administration., the per.<br />

son who shall assume the control of the estate will be liable in ail respects as adadministrator.<br />

By the amendatory act of 185G, the tax upon legacies and distributive shares of<br />

pellsonal property is made payable whenever the party interested in such legacy or<br />

distributive snare shall become entitled to the possession or enjoyment thereof, or to<br />

the beneficial interest in the profits accruing therefronl. Under the former statute it<br />

was merely required thrtt the t.ax should be paicl before distribution, so that jt mas ,<br />

somewhat doubtful whether an assessment could be made so long as the property remained<br />

in tee hands of the executor or administrator.<br />

The act of 1866, provides that ewry executor or administrator, having in share GY<br />

legacy or distributive share, shall give notice in writing to the assessor or assistant<br />

assessor of the distritt in which the deceased last rcsicled, within thirty clays ..after<br />

taking charge of the estate. While no specific penalty is attached to a neglect to<br />

give this notice, it can hardly be doubted that such neglect would put the executor or<br />

administrator so far in default as to authorize an assessment by the assessor as soon<br />

as the tax becomes payable.<br />

1. A tax on succession to real estate was provided for b<br />

cession is defined in the statute to be " every past and fu<br />

tate by will, deed or laws of descent, by reason whereof a<br />

beneficially entitled, in possession oT evpectancy, to any rc<br />

thereof, upon the death of any person dying after the pits<br />

deemed to confer on the person entitled, by rcason of any suc<br />

don ;" and the term "successor" shall denote the person so enti<br />

" predecessor" shall denote the grantor, testator, ancestor, or ather person fionl<br />

,<br />

whom the interrest of the successor has been or shall be derived.<br />

2, Also an increase of benefit accruing upon the extinction of any estate by death,<br />

shall be s survivorship.<br />

3. When persons take successisns jointly, they pay a tax p~oportionate to their<br />

respective interests; and beneficial interests accruiug by successorship, shall be<br />

deemed a new succession.<br />

4. Any disposition ot real estate with reservation of benefit for any term of life,<br />

shall be deemed to confer a succession at the time of the determination of such ben-

ecl~el in a~luual value to tile yearly value of the benefit so reserved, on the pep<br />

son ~n whose favor the disposition is macle.<br />

5. When a beneficial ownership is reserved by a secret trust, arrangements, etc.,<br />

for any term of life, and capable of being enforced in equity or law, such disposition<br />

shall be deemed to confer a succession upon the person milking the disposition as the<br />

predecessor. Q<br />

6. A conveyance by deed of gift or otherwise without reliable ancl adequate consideration,<br />

shall be deemed to confer a successions<br />

5'. J$%en a successor dics, before becoming entitled in possession, but one duty or<br />

tax shall be payable ; but it shall be at the highest rate chargeable upon either suecession.<br />

8. When a succes3ion is alienated before the successor becomes entitlecl in possession,<br />

the duty shall be paid at the same rate ancl time as if no alienation hacl been made<br />

or derivative title createcl ; ancl when a title is accelerated by surrencler of prior interest,<br />

the nppropriate tax shall pe paid at the time of the surrender or extinction of<br />

the prior title.<br />

9. As in case of legacies or distributive shares, the duty shall be payable 'when tile<br />

successor beconles elltitled in possession.<br />

10. The interest of a success(>r in nloilies to arise from sale of real estate under trust<br />

shall be deemecl to be a stlccession, and the duty shall be paid by the trustee or execn-<br />

tor, or other person, having control of the funds.<br />

11. The interest of a* successor in personal property subject to a trust to be ~011-<br />

verted into realty, shall be changeable as a succession, ancl the tax shall be paid by<br />

the trustee or executor, or other person having control of the funds.<br />

12. A colltingellt incumbrance shall not be estimated in valuing a succession, but<br />

wlicn such incumbraace takes effect as an actual burden, n proportionste amount of<br />

the duty paid, shall be refunded.<br />

13. If the estate of the successor is applied in whole or part, to the payment of tlle<br />

dtlbts of the purchaser, the representative of the estate shall pay out of the sale there-<br />

of, for said purposes, the duties from the proceeds.<br />

14. If the estate of the successor is defected by any person claiming title under tlle<br />

predecessor, such person shall be chargeable with the duties so reft~ndecl.<br />

1.5. Wlren a successor has not obtained the whole of his succession when the duty<br />

becomes payable, he shall be charged only with the value from time to time obtained<br />

by him. And wllenever duty has been paid on any succession, and the Secretary of<br />

the Treasury sllnll subsequently be satisfied that the amount of duty was erroneously<br />

punid, the anloullt shall be refunded to the person so paying such duty.<br />

16. \lThen froln the nature of the successioa or a coinplication of circumstances<br />

affecting the value of rt succession or otherwise. the Commissioner shall deem it expedient,<br />

he may compound the duty or enlarge the time of payment.<br />

17. At tlre cliscretion of the Commissioner, upon an application of a person entitled<br />

to succession in expectancy, he may commute a duty presumptively payable, for n.<br />

certain sula to be paid at once, regard to be ha6 to its present value, and the contingencies<br />

aEecting it,, ii~tcrest of the many, etc.; and upon receipts of such present ~~111,<br />

tile successor ]nay be discharged.<br />

18, The duty upon succcssrorls shall be a lien upon the interest of the succesor for<br />

five years froill the time the same was payable.<br />

19. Tile Com~l~issioi~er may, upon request of the successor, make separate assessrnellts<br />

upon defineci portions or tracts of land ; and in sucli cases the respective tracts<br />

shall be changeable with their separate duty.<br />

30. The succession taxes are as follows :<br />

(:I) When the successor shall be the lineal issue or lineal ancestor of the predeceasc;r,<br />

n duty at the rate of one dollar per cent. on its value.<br />

(b) When the successor shall be a brother or sister or a descendant of a brother or<br />

sister at tlle rate of two dollars per cent. on its value.<br />

(c) When the successor shall be a brother or sister of the father or mother, or a cleceudnut<br />

of a brother or sister of the f'dther or mother of the predecessor, fit the rate<br />

of follr dollars on its value.<br />

(d) When the successor shall be a brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother,<br />

or a clescendant of the brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother of<br />

the preclessor., a duty at the rate of five dollars per cent. on it value.<br />

(e) When the successor is in any other degress of consanguinity or a stranger in<br />

blood, a duty at the ate of six dollars per centum on its value.

(f) No duty is levied in respect of my succession, when the successor is the wife<br />

of the predecessor (otherwise the husbancl.)<br />

21. \Then real estate is subject to a charitable tiust, t~uder such disposition as would<br />

confer a succession if made in favor of an inclividual, the duty shall be at the rate of<br />

six per cent. upon the z~~llount or principal value of such real estate.<br />

22. Any trustee having in trust any real estate subject to tax shall give notice in<br />

writing within thirty clays after he has ass~~.mecl the trust, ancl prior to distribution,<br />

to the assessor or assistant acsessor, with the names of the persons interested, under<br />

rt penalty of five hundrecl clollars and costs.<br />

23. Returns of tax up011 successions shall be made to the assessor or assistant<br />

nssessor., by the person entitled to possession within thirty clays after such person is<br />

entitled to the receipt of the income or property thereof, with full particulars to enable<br />

the asssessor to properly assess the taxes clue ; and if satisfactorily to the assessor<br />

tl~e taxes shall be assessed. If the assessor is dissatisficii he may assess upon the best<br />

infornlation attain ble, snbject to appeal.<br />

If no appeal is taken against such assessment, at the cliscretioll of the assessor lle<br />

inny assess the whole or any part of the expenses of the assessment in aclclition to the<br />

tax. If there is no appeal, the expenses shall be in the cliscret ion of the Commissioner<br />

of Internal Revenue.<br />

24. Failure to give the required notices or to render the reciuireil account wi!lf~~lly<br />

made, is visited with an a~lclit~ional assessmellt of ten per cent. 'upon the amount of<br />

tax payal~le. A neglect to pay the cluty within ten days after being notified, makes<br />

the person liable to ten pcr cent. upon the amount of tax so unpaid, as penalty.<br />

25. An appeal may be talcell from the assessment of an assistant assessor to<br />

the assessor, and from the latter to tlle -Commissioner of Internal Revenue, a statement<br />

to be furnished of the grouncls of the appeal by the assessor, assistant assessor<br />

or such party, which ctecision of the Commissioner on sucll appeal shall be<br />

final.<br />

1, $s 121 anci 132 impose a tax am all successions of real estate by deed, will, or<br />

laws of descent, whether arising from the acts of persons who diecl before or since the<br />

30th 'of June, 1864. But by 137 it wonlci see111 that succession cannot be taxed if<br />

any person possesses any intervening interests which prevent the legal possession or<br />

iln~nediate right of possession. But a alere right to possess, which cannot without a<br />

suit at law clebar the party from the present possession, is not, by reasons of provisions<br />

in $131 to be regarded as a11 inc~ullbrance or estate intervening between inheritance<br />

or cfevise and possession.<br />

2. The executor or administrator cloes not return for taxation red estate, but return<br />

thereof is to be made by the cievisee or heirs-at-law, except on cases arising under $,<br />

135 and 139, where the cluty is payable by .the person having control of the funds.<br />

If the estate is to be llelcl in trust fix life or term of years, the trustee returns the interest<br />

which is intrusted to hiin ; anci when that trust expires, the person who legally<br />

takes possessioil is to return what is nozo a reinaiuder or reversion in expectancy.<br />

3. In cases where real estate is devisecl to one person for life with remainder to aaother,<br />

the life tenant should be recluirecl to pay the tax upon the value of his life<br />

cstate imnlecliately upon his entering into possession ; and the remainder man wilI<br />

be tarred upon the full value of the real cstate at the termintion of the life estate.<br />

4. The same rule applies to property which was incumbered by a life estate at the<br />

passage of the act of July 30th, 1854. 111 this case, as in all others, the devisor should<br />

be named in the return as the "p~edecesso~."<br />

5. The value of a, life interest is to be computed according to the age of beneficiary<br />

at the time when the testator died. No regarc1 is to be paid to the state of l~alth of<br />

s life tenant in estimating probabilities of life.<br />

6. Succession returns sl~ould always contain a snfflciently distinct description of<br />

the several parcels of estate, to enable the assessor properly to estimate the value<br />

thereof, and also to enable ally person mho may examine the records in the assessor's<br />

office to determine whether the tax has been assessed upon any particular parcel.<br />

7. Each and every clescl.ibcd parcel must be seperately valued, according to the<br />

market value, at the time the successor becomes entitled in possession.<br />

8. All successions taxes must be assessed ancl paid in the collectiou dis5ricts in which<br />

the real estate lies. Returns may, however, bc made in the district in which the<br />

successor lives ; and when any real estate returned lies in another district, the assessor<br />

will transmit the return to the assessor of such other district.

9. The valuation of successions must always be in accorclance with the juclgement<br />

of the asssistant assessor of the division where tlie estate lies, subject of course to<br />

tlint of the assessor.<br />

10. In cases where several heirs succeed to an estate which for any cause remains<br />

unclividecl, a single return, if this course be pref'errecl, may be illacle therefor by any<br />

successor in behalf of himself and the other heirs, proviclecl that tlie fact be macle<br />

known to ancl approved by the msessor.<br />

11. Succession cluties ancl rcturns are in all cases due immeiliately nficr the successor<br />

becomes entitled in possession, or to tlie receipt of the inco~lle of the estate.<br />

A conveyance in consideration of marriage creates no succession.<br />


~ly?aee.ment or contract, other tlian clolnestic and iiiland bills of lading, ancl those<br />

specified in this schedule ; any slppraisement of value or damage, or for any other<br />

purpose ; for every sheet or piece of paper upon wllic11 either of the same shall be<br />

writ ten, five cents.<br />

P~ouicled, That if more than one appraisen~ent, agreemeat, or contract shall be<br />

written upon one sheet or piece of paper, five cents for eacli and every adclitional appraisement.,<br />

agreement, or contract.<br />

Bank check, clratt, or order for the payment of ally sum of money tvhatsoever,<br />

drawn upon any banlc, banlcer, or trust company, or f'or any sum exceeding ten doll-trs<br />

clrawn upon any other person or persons, companies, or corporations, at sight or<br />

on demand, two ceuts.<br />

Bill of ezc7~ange, (illland,) draft, or order for the payment of any SLI~ of money not<br />

exceeding one hunclred dollars, otherwise than at sight or on demand, or ally promissory<br />

note, (except baillr notes issued for circulation, nncl cliecks made and intended<br />

to be fortliwitli presented, ancl ~vhich shall be presented to a bank or banlcer for payment,)<br />

or any memorandum, check, receipt, or other written or printed evidence of<br />

an allloulnt of money to be paicl on demand, or at cz time designated, for 5 sulil not,<br />

esceecling one hundred ciollars, five cents.<br />

And for every aclditional huildrecl clollars, or fractional part tliereof in excess of<br />

one liunclred dollars. five cents.<br />

Bill of exclbange, (foreign) or letter of creclit, drawn in but payable out of the United<br />

States, if clrawn singly, or otherwise than in n set of three or more, according to<br />

the custom of merclinilts ancl bcznliers, shall pay tlie sanle rates of duty as inland bills<br />

of exchange or promissory notes.<br />

If clrawn in sets of tliree or more : For every bill of each set tvliere the sum inacle<br />

payable shall not exceed one hundred dollars, or tlie equivalent tliereof, in any foroign<br />

currency in wliicll such bills may be expressed, according to the standard of valne<br />

fixecl by the Unitecl States, two cents.<br />

And for every adclitional hundred c1ollar.s or fractional part tliereof in excess of<br />

one hundred dollars, two cents.<br />

Bills of lc~ding or receipt, (other t11311 charter-party,) for any goocls mercli:~ndise, 01.<br />

effects, to be exported fro111 a port or place in tlie United States to any foreign port<br />

or place, tea cents.<br />

Blll of sale by which any ship or vessel, or any part thereof, shall be conveyecl to<br />

or vested in any other person or persons when the consideration shall not exceecl five<br />

husdred dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Exceeding five hundred and not exceeding one tliousand dollars, one dollar.<br />

Exceeding: one thousand clollars, for every additional amount of five hundred dollars,<br />

or fractional part tliereof, fifty cents.

Bond.-For indemnifying any person for the payment of any sum of money, where<br />

the lnoney ultimately recoverable thereupon is one thousand dollars or less, fifty cts.<br />

Where the money ultimately recoverable thereupon exceeds one thousand dollars,<br />

for every additional one thousand dollars or fractional part thereof in excess of one<br />

thousand dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Bond for the clue execution or perfor~nance of thecluties of any office, one dollar.<br />

Bond of any clescription, other than such as may be required in legal proceeclings,<br />

or used in connection with mortgage deecls, and not otherwise chargecl in this scheclule,<br />

twenty-five cents.<br />

C6ertz$icute of stoclr in any incorporated company, twenty-five cents.<br />

Cert@cate of profits, or any certificate or llleluorandom showing an interest in the<br />

property or acc~~mmulations of any incorporated company, if for a sum not les than<br />

ten dollars ancl not exceeding fifty dollars, ten cents.<br />

Exceecling fifty dollars and not exceccling one thousand, twenty-five cents.<br />

Exceeding one thousancl dollars, for every additional one thousand clollars, or fractional<br />

part thereof, twenty-five cents.<br />

Cert@cute.-Any certificate cli damage, or otherwise, and a11 other certificates or<br />

documents issuecl by any port warden, marine surveyor, or other person acting as<br />

such, twenty-five cents.<br />

Certr@cute of deposit of any sum of money in any bank or trust company. or mith<br />

any banker or person acting ns sucli-<br />

If for rt sum not exceeding one hunclred clollars, two cents.<br />

For a sum exceecling one hunclre~clollars, five cents.<br />

Certicficute of any other description than those specifiecl, five cents.<br />

O/~mter-party.-Contract or agreement- for the charter of any ship or vessel, or<br />

any letter, rnemorand~~m, or other writing between the captain, .master, or owner, or<br />

person acting as agent of any ship or ressel, or steamer, ancl ally other person or<br />

persons for or relating to to the charter of such ship or vessel, or steamer, or any rcilewal<br />

r? transfer thereof, if the registered tonnage of such ship or vessel, or steamer?<br />

does not exceecl one hundrecl ancl fifty tons, one ctollar,<br />

Exceecling one hunclred ancl fifty tons and not exceeding three liundred tons, three<br />

dollars,<br />

Exceeding three hundred tons ancl not exceeding six hundred tons, five dollars,<br />

Exceeding six hundred tons, ten clollars.<br />

C~ntract.-Broker's note, or melnorandum of sale of ally goocis or merchanclise,<br />

real estate, or property of any kind or clescription, issued by brokers or persons acting<br />

as such, for each note or me~uorallduln of sale, ten cents.<br />

Bill or ~nemoranclum of the sale or contract for thc sale of stocks, bolzds, gold or<br />

silver bullion, coin, promissory notes, or other securities, shall gay a stamp tax at the<br />

rate providecl in section ninety-nine.<br />

Conveyance.-Deed, instrument, or writing, whereby any lands, tenements, or other<br />

sold shall be grantecl, assigned, transferrecl, or otherwise conveyed to, or vested in,<br />

the purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons, by his, her, or their clirection,<br />

when the consideration or value does not exceed five hundred dollars, fifty<br />

ccnts.<br />

When the consicleration exceeds fivc hunclrecl dollars ailcl docs not exceed one<br />

thousand dollars, one dollar,<br />

And for every additional five hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof, in excess<br />

of one thousancl dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Bntry of any goods, wares, or n~erclianclise nt any custom-house, either for consumption<br />

or warehousing, uot exceeding one hunclred clollars in value, twenty-five<br />

ccnts,<br />

Exceeding one hunclred dollars ancl not exceeding five hundred clollars in value,<br />

fifty cents,<br />

Exceediclg five hunclrecl clollars in value, one dollar.<br />

Entry for the withdrawal of any goods or nlerclianclise from boncled warehouse,<br />

fifty cents.<br />

hsurance, (Zve.)-Policy of insurance, or other instrument, by whatever name the<br />

same shall be callccl, whereby any insurance shall be made upon any life or lives-<br />

When the amount insurecl sliizll not exceed one thousand clollars, twenty-five cents<br />

Exceeding one thousand clollars ancl not exceeding five thousancl dollars, fifty cents,<br />

Exceeding flve thousancl cloll,z:s, one clollar. y<br />

l?zsu~ance, (marine, Xand and fire.)-Each1 policy of insurance or other instrume nt,

y whatever name the same shall be called, by which insurance shall be made or renewcd<br />

upon property of any description, whether against perils by the sea or by<br />

fire, or other peril of any kind, made by any insurance company, or its agents, or by<br />

any other company or person, the premium upon which does not exceed ten dollars,<br />

ten cents.<br />

Exceeding ten and not exceeding fif'ty dollars, twenty-five cents.<br />

Exceding fifty dollars, fif~y cents.<br />

Lease, agreement, memorandum, or contract for the hire, use, or rent of any land,<br />

tenement or portion thereof, where bhe rent or rental value is'three hundred dollsurs<br />

per annurn or less, fifty cents.<br />

Where the rental value exceeds the sum of three hundred dollars per annum, for<br />

each additional two hundred dollars, or fractional part thereof in excess of three hundred<br />

dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Mant$eest for custom-house entry or clearance of the cargo of any ship, vessel or<br />

steamer for a foreign port-<br />

If the registered tonnage of such ship, vessel or steamer does not exceed three hundred<br />

tons, one dollar.<br />

Exceeding three hundred tons and not exceeding six hundred tons, three dollars.<br />

Exceeding six hundred tons, five dollars.<br />

Xortgage of land, estate or property, real or personal, heritable or movable whatsoever,<br />

where the same shall be macle as a security for the paynlent of any definite<br />

and certain sum of money lent at the time or previously clue and owing or forborne<br />

to be paid, being payable ; also any conveyance of any lands, estate or property<br />

whatsoever, in trust, to be sold or otliervrrise convertecl into nloncy, which shall be<br />

intended only as security, and shall be redeemable before the sale or other disposal<br />

thsreof, either by express stipulrttio or otherwise; or any personal bond given as<br />

security for the pnyuicnt of ally ctefinite or certain sun1 of mmey exceeding one hundred<br />

dollars, and not exceecling tine: huilclred dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Exceeding five hundred dollars, am1 not exceeding one thousand dollars, one clollar.<br />

And for every additional five hundred dollars, or fractional. part thereof, in excess<br />

of one thousand dollars, fifty cents.<br />

Upon every assignment or transfer of a mortgage the same stamp tax upon the<br />

amount remaining unpaid thereon as is herein ililposed upon a mortgage for the same<br />

amount : Prouided, That upon each and every assignnient or transfer of a policy of<br />

insurance, or the renewal or continua.nce of any agreement, contract or charter, by<br />

letter or otliermise, a stamp duty shall be required and paid equal to that imposecl on<br />

the original instrument: And providcd fu.rther, That on each ancl every assignment<br />

of any lease a stanlp duty shall be required and paid equal to that imposed on the<br />

original instrument, increased by a stamp duty on the consideration or value of the<br />

assignment equal to that imposed upon the conveyance of land for similar consideration<br />

or value.<br />

Passage ticket, by any vessel from a port in the Unitecl States to a foreign port, not<br />

exceeding thirty-five dollars, fifty cents.<br />

.Exceeding thirty-five dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars, one dollar.<br />

And for every additional fifty dollars, or fractional part thereof, in exzess of fifty,<br />

one dollar.<br />

Power of Attorney for the sale or transfer of any stock, bonds or scrip, or for the<br />

collection of any dividends or interest thereon, twenty-five cents.<br />

Power of attorney or proxy for voting at any election for officers of any incorpornted<br />

conlpany or society, except religious, charitable, or literary societies, or public<br />

cemeteries, ten cents.<br />

Power of attorney to receive or collect rent; twenty-five cents.<br />

Pozoer of attorney to sell and convey real estate, or to rent or lease tlie same, one<br />

dollar.<br />

Potter of attol18ney for any other purpose, fifty cents.<br />

P~ob~~te of will, or letters of administration : Where the estate snd effects for or in respect<br />

of which such probate or letters of administration applied for shall be sworn or<br />

declared not to exceed the valueaf two thousand dollars, one dollar.<br />

Exceeding two thousand dollars, for every additional thousand dollars, or fractional<br />

part thereof; in excess of two thousand dollars, fifty cents :<br />

P~ocidecl, That no stamp either for probate of wills, or letters testamentary, or of<br />

administration, or on adlninistlator or guardian bond, sliall be required when the

- 'I<br />

' , - , "<br />

90<br />

Where such packet; box, bottle, pot, phial, or o$hcr ,enclosure, with i;s contents,<br />

shall exceed the. retail price or.value of fifty cents, Bnc]<br />

s . @all not'exceed the're tail price<br />

t .<br />

or value of sevcnty-five cents, three cents. .. -<br />

Where such packet, box bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents,<br />

shall exceed the retail price or value of seventy-five cents, ancl shall not exceecl the<br />

retail price or v ~l~~e of one dollar, four cects. - . s+,3<br />

Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other in,closure, with ii s contents,<br />

shall exceed the retail price or value of on? dollar, for -each every fifty cents or<br />

fractional part thereof over and above the one clollar, ss )@j~.re<br />

i8 mentionccl, an additional,<br />

two cents.<br />

Friction matches, or lucifer matches, or other articles {lpde in part of wood, and<br />

used for like purposes, in parcels or packages coni:zining one:hu+clrecl matches or less :<br />

,<br />

for each parcel or packczgt:, one cent.<br />

When inpnrcels or p:~cltages containing more than one hundred and not inore '<br />

thau two hundred matches, for each parcel o~ package, two cents.<br />

And for every additio1l:il one hundred matche's c(r:fi.actional part lliereof, one cent.<br />

For wax tapers, double the rates herein iinposecl upon friction or lucifer inatclies ;<br />

cigar lights, made in part of wood, was', glass, tpaper, {lr other materials, in pnrccls or<br />

packages containing ihcnty-five lights or less io cucli parcel or paclwge, one cent.<br />

When in parcels or pwkages containing more than twenty-five ancl not more than ,<br />

fifty lights, two ccnts.<br />

For wery ncidiiional twenty-five lights or fractional part of that numhf~, one cent<br />

additional.<br />

PZnying ocwds.-For aud npon every pack not csceeding fifty-t117o cards in number<br />

il-respective of p1-ice or valrze, five ccnts.<br />

Calmed fid~, sauces, etc.-For a ~ upon d every Caan, bottle, or other single package, ,<br />

containing fish, shell fish, frilits; vegetable, s:tuces, syrups, prepared must:ird, jams, or<br />

jellies contained tnerein or~cl pricked or setllecl, made, prepared, a,ncl sold, 01. on'erccl<br />

for sale, or rcmovecl fix- con.+nmption- in tlre United States, on and- af~ar tfir first clay<br />

of October, eighteen hundred aild sixty-six, milen such can, bottle, or otllsr siirgle '<br />

package, with its co~lten:~, rl~.!l! not exceed two pounds in weight, the suin of one ct. ,<br />

When such c:m, l~ottlc, or ot tier single package, wjr ll its coi~teuts, stlull exceecl two<br />

poumcls in mciglit, for every additional pouiid or fractional pa: t thereof, one cent.<br />

Cigar lights and playing c:~rds, in tile llands of manuhcturelg ancl dealers, sh(mlt1<br />

be stampecl accol-ding to t12c rai.cs iisod by the law now in force. The fact t1i:~t they<br />

were manufiicturecl 1) rim to AII~LTS~ 1, 1866, and are stanipcd in accorc1anc.e with the<br />

law in folace 211 the time of ~nslluf~ic~u~~~, dces not relieve them Irom llaJTiUellt of the ,<br />

iac,rease:i rates by :iffixi!lg ntl~litio~;nl st~l~~ps.<br />

No stnnlp tax is inlposerl ripon ally unc~mpou~~clccl medicinal drug or clremical, nor<br />

upon :my lnediciile comp~~unclc~l nccwling lo the Unite~l Stales or othcr national<br />

phari1lacc)pocis or of wliiu!r th!: full an(i pisoper formula is p~tblished in any of the<br />

dispens~tories now or hit!let.to i 11 cimlmon use among physicians or apothecaries, or<br />

in any pharnisceutical joo;.ilxl now issued by ally incorporated college of pharmacy,<br />

u~less solcl or off'ercd for sale or atlvc rt isecl uncli r some other I I ~ I forin, ~ , or guise<br />

than that uilder which they a PC' sev~rally ~le~~olninatccl :~:lcl laid cl( )\irll in 'such phar-<br />

ImcopEas, dispensat orics, or jouz.l;;~is.<br />

No stamp tax is imp::secl ul)on n1er;it.h~~ sold to or for tlx usc of alp pcrson,<br />

~vhich may be mixed anrl colnl~ouncl.c.cl for aui+i pcrs:!n acc rl.c!i~~g in the written recipe<br />

or presc~iptio~l of ix physici:~~~ 01. sorgeon. Bui rtll ir~(~~;icin:;i articles, wli -[her sim-.<br />

ple or compounded by any rolv, au:.Iiaril,y, fonnoia, p::blishcd or1 ur!pn?~lisllecl, which8<br />

are put up in n style o~ manner sit~ibr to tililt of patent or pr{;prii#ii;;y uledicincs ill<br />

general, or ndvertiscd in newspape~-s or by public hauclbilla, 'or popular sill(: itlld us:.,<br />

as Ilnving my special pr.opriett\rjr claim to meri!, or i o any l~cculiur :\Gvan!3,rr~ in<br />

mode of preparation, quality, use, or effect, whether such claim be ruiil 01. pretcudctl,<br />

are liabla to the tax.<br />

Thc stamps must bc clenonlinateil propriet(try Y~CL??Z~S. I! will I:O; (10 to USC' stamps<br />

for leg81 clocumen ts, sucll as check stamps, etc. Every s! ;1$4,' p:uat bc c;!ncellcil wi tli<br />

the date ancl name of the party using it.<br />

All dealers in Drolte':;, Hostettcr's or ally silllilar bitters or alcoholic comj~ou~lcls,, '<br />

which may be used its hevcrzges, most D R tllc ~ special tax (fr~rmerig licensr:) of ;L retail<br />

dealer.<br />





Moneys, VaInnabXes, Freight ts and f arcel[§,<br />


Connecbg mth other responsible Exlress Companies to all garb of the World,<br />


Baaaol?!? @FFI@B, Has, 64,58 & 68 (#rgsw@la @$.<br />


I. H a ARNETT, Ce J. PETTY,<br />




HENSSP SIP, General Sup%, D, H. BABNEY, President,<br />

15 West Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y.<br />

82 Broadway, N. Y.<br />

DETBOIT OFFICE-52 Griswold St. Fe He CONE, Agmt.<br />

*<br />

@~ea$<br />

wegg&e~a<br />

Dggjga&g$b F~gjag&$<br />

U. S. EXPRESS CO., Proprietors.<br />

From New York, Roaton, and all points in the New England States, to all Points in the West<br />

and South-west. h'ext in Speed to tias regular Exprwx Companies. Our rates are<br />

always as low as any other Despatch or Railroad Line.<br />

H. H. PERBY, Superintendent, He<br />

C e HINMAN, Ass't Snp,t,<br />

291 Broadway, N. Y. U. S. Exp. Co.'s Office, Cleveland, 0.<br />

m. H. HOVEY, Gen'l Agent, GEO. J. DOCEIXAY, Agent,<br />

291 Broadway, N. Y. 76 & 78 Washingion St., Boston.<br />

DETaoIT OFFIGS39 Griswvld St*, JOHN HOBX EB, Agmt.<br />




Nos. 21 and 23 WOODWARD AVENUE,


- - - -<br />







F. BUHL. - HENRY A. NEWLAND. -<br />

- AND -<br />

JOSEPH DEAN. W. BUHL. - -<br />


Bnrck Mittens, Gloves anxd BnnflaIo Robes,<br />

I46 and 148 JEFFERSON AVENUE,<br />



25 Woodward Avenue,<br />


The Publisher of THE DETROIT CITY DIRECTORY deems it but proper to add a few<br />

words to the card of blessrs. IT. P. BALDWIN & CO., whicli appears above. This house<br />

affords palpable evidence of the success which almost always crowns a steady and earnest<br />

pursuit of a legitimate enterprise, having been established on a comparatively small<br />

basis, over thirty years ago, until it has grown to be one of the most extensive manufacturing<br />

establishments in the West, giving employment to bundreds in <strong>Detroit</strong> as<br />

operatives, and using the products of Michigan in manufacturing. Since July lst, 1867.<br />

Messrs. H. P. BALDWIN & CO. have had their manufactory in the upper part of the<br />

building formerly known as the Jlercliants' Exchange, corner of Woodbridge and<br />

Grismold streets, adjoining their present wareroorns. This house continues to pay<br />

particular attention to the manufacture of their warranted hand made boots and shoes,<br />

so long and favorably known throughout the West. Michigan dealers should patronize<br />

Michigan manufactories.-EDITOR.

PEASE & SMITH, Proprietors,<br />


Envelopes, Blank Books, Twines,<br />





0 EVERY ZCXND-<br />

We have Sole Agency for the State of Johnson, Hagar's, Farmer, Little & Co.<br />

and all other first-class Type Foundries.<br />

Also for Hoe & Co., Campbell, Taylor, Gordon, Degener and Globe Printing Pressea.<br />



PEABE & SMITE,<br />

208 & 210 JEFFE~SON Am.



- AND -<br />





For Towns, Counties, Merchants, Bankers, Mining an& RaiZpoad<br />

Compunim, Etc., Etc.,


Baop<br />

Or- po8 **a 9<br />

Importers and Dealers in<br />




No. ';rO Woodward Avenue,




In Bond, an& Duty Pagd.<br />


Near Michipan Exchange,<br />

No. 100 Jefferson Avenue,

84 Randolph St,, Chicago, Ill. 31 Third St., St, Joseph, MQ,<br />

mere we keep constantly on hand a Large Stock ahd Rich Variety of<br />

BiXl[iard[, Pigeon Hole & fenny Lintd Tables.<br />

Also, Cloths, Balls, CneTips, and all kinds of Billiard Goods and Materials of the<br />

very best quality.<br />

Tables Re-cushioned, and Tops and Rails applied on old frames, and all kin& of<br />

Bepairing and Removing done at Extremely Low Hates and on Short Notice.


ANNUAL<br />

OF THE<br />



OF THE<br />


FOR <strong>1869</strong>-70.<br />

DETROIT:<br />


Over Firzt National Bank, southwezt tor. Jejerson avr. and Grizwold st.<br />



EUE3B-AmD & DAVIS,<br />


. .<br />

r - 01<br />



Perhenas, Dahbins, BwZhs, Fitower Seeds, &.,<br />


Greenhouse, Corner of Cass and Lamed Streets,<br />


(Forty Rods from Fort sheet),<br />

A. C. HIDBARD,<br />

B. M. DAVIS. \ DBP'Hg8ET8 &EEQEl,e<br />





No. 471 Woodbridge Street West,<br />

Bills of White and Norway Pine Sawed to order at Short Notice.

Page .<br />

Page .<br />

Abernethp. S. ...................... -421 Dewey. Middlewood & Co... ........... 72<br />

~dair. LVilliam. ......... .fly leaf and 427 Doeltz. G.. & Bro.,. ................... 10<br />

Adams. Samuel. .................... 14 Dondero. A.. ........................ -4%)<br />

Anierican Rlercliants' Union Ex . Co... .. 3 .)onovan. J . W... ................... -425<br />

~mphlrtt.. .<br />

1 Jolin ITT.,. ................. 100 Dower. H . E.. ....................... 428<br />

Armstrong. B.. 6: Co.. ................. 75 Dlel~er. Cas!)ar. ...................... 428<br />

Armstrong. Underwood. .............. 422 - Dry D ~li Engine Works. ............ 26<br />

~uringer. Cllarles. .................... 428 Dnbois. L... .......................... 424<br />

Baiscli . J . F.. ......................... 428 Dun. R . G.. tk Co... ................... 450<br />

Baldwin. H . P.. & Co... ............... 7 Duncan. William. & Co... ............. 23<br />

Barnurn. E . T... ...................... 79 D~t.i~llt. W . 19.. & Co... .............. -424<br />

Batchelder St Cook. .................. 428 Earl. t- . P... ......................... 87<br />

Beach. W . P.. ........................ 426 Engel . Carl. ........................ -489<br />

Ber~y. J . A... ........................ 432 Elsey. S... .......................... 430<br />

Berry. J A.. & Co... 432 Estabrook & Wright. 66<br />

. .................<br />

PilIings. P . A .................... .88. 421<br />

..................<br />

...................<br />

Birch. Plliletus P... 420<br />

Black S: Le~verenz. 54<br />

Boehnlein. G . St. M... ................. 422<br />

Borcllard . F.. ........................ 429<br />

Botsford. H . ITT... ..................... 426<br />

Bourke . Oliver. ....................... 11<br />

Bradst'reet. J . M., 9: Son. .............. 99<br />

Brennan. the Misses. .......... ..... 43 1<br />

Bronson. K.. ......................... 421<br />

Brooks 9: Bdanls. 13<br />

.....................<br />

13ulil. Ducliarme S: Co... .............. 5<br />

Buhl . F.. & Co... .................... G<br />

Hurt Manufacturing Co... ............. 80<br />

Bu+ch. Charles. ...................... 73<br />

Bush. E . S.. & Co... ................... Sl<br />

C'alvert Lit11 . and Map Pub . Co... .. .fly leaf'<br />

..<br />

Christa. P.. ....................... 4.30<br />

Conibs. John W... ................... -425<br />

Chandler. George C... .outside back cc~ver<br />

Conklin . J . S.. ....................... 84<br />

Creasry. Bletcher. .................... 426<br />

Daniels. Israel. ....................... 422<br />

Date & Berry. ....................... -424<br />

Dee & Brennan. ..................... .48, 6<br />

Deinzer. F.. ........................ -429<br />

Derroit Fire and Marine Ins . Co... ..... 24<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Advertiser and Tribune ....... 95<br />

Detro~t Daily Union. 94<br />

.................<br />

i Fair. Robert. ......................... 432<br />

Farrand. Slleley Sr Co... ............... 28<br />

Fergusor~ . S.. & Co.,. .................. 65<br />

....<br />

Ferner . S.. ....... ............... 428<br />

Ferrand & Osborne. ................... 428<br />

Ferry. D . M.. S; Co... ................. 67'<br />

Findlater SE Brunton. ................. 77<br />

Forspth S; mrebster. .................. 438<br />

Fraser. A ............................ -430<br />

Frazer. James H ..................... 438<br />

Friedericlls & Staffin. ................. 65<br />

Frost. George S... ............. .197. 310<br />

Frilmviller. A... ..................... -432<br />

Fyte. Kicli:~rd H... .................... '19<br />

Gravier. J . C . R... ................ .430<br />

(.3eorge. Henry. ...................... 428<br />

tiiRurd. George ....................... 432<br />

Gilbert. J LV.. & Co... 81<br />

. ................<br />

Glendenning. D . nr... ................. 419<br />

.....................<br />

Glover 6: P~\~ell. 92<br />

Hagadorn. A . hl... .................... 429<br />

Huisclier. Andrew. .................. -431<br />

Hull . R . H... ........................ 90<br />

Hamblen. Baker & Co.. .. out.siee back cover<br />

Halntranick Irp \Yorks. ........... :425<br />

Hansing. Id .......................... 423<br />

Hawley. Joseph. ..................... 435<br />

Hebbard. C . B... ....... .outside front cover<br />

................ Heffron. J.. St Co... ................. 429<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gaslight Co... ................. 90 Henipel. Charles. ..................... 92<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Locum6tire Works. ............ 87 Hengstebeek . C... ............,....... 430<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Co.. ................... 8 H ens~en. J . P.. ...................... 420<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Poet. ........................ 96 Hesselbacher. Oswald. ................ 78<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> River Lumber Co.. ............ 425 Huebner. E . N.. ..................... 428<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steain Forge. J . N . Ford & Co.. . 425 Hinchman. Guy F.. & Co... ............ SG<br />

net. roit VITooden\~are VSTorks. .......... 86 Hind en. M . J.. ....................... 4522<br />

......<br />

..................<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railroad, 449 I Hintermister. Henry. 82


Page .<br />

.......................<br />

.................<br />

.................<br />

..........<br />

............<br />

.........................<br />

.........<br />

. ..................<br />

...........<br />

.................<br />

. ...<br />

........................<br />

..<br />

......................<br />

.....................<br />

.....................<br />

.................<br />

......<br />

.................<br />

..................<br />

....................<br />

...................<br />

........<br />

Page .<br />

Hochgraef. M.. & Co.. .................. 420 Pittman. James E.. ................... 78<br />

Holmes & t'Vebster. ................... 71 Priest. Joram. ....................... 430<br />

Hopkin & Bro... ...................... 420 Rasch & Bernart. ..................... 80<br />

Hopson. H . C.. & Co... ................. 430 Raymour. E . H.. .................... 420<br />

Hosie. Robert. ......... .outside front cover Raymond. F.. & Son. .. outside back cover<br />

Hubbard 8t Davis. .................... 13 Reichle. F... ......................... 424<br />

Hutchings. John. ..................... 88 Kichmonds & Backus. ................ 75<br />

Hpde . V . &I.. ......................... 431 Roberts S: Hanley. .................... 432<br />

Inkster, Robert. ...................... 432 Robinson. H . S.. ..................... ;$2L<br />

Jackson St Wiley. ...... .inside front cover Roehler. Antoxl. ...................... 429<br />

Jenks. James. ........................ 01 Rolshoven. F... ........... -. .......... 422<br />

Kegel & Richter, ..................... 431 Scnderson. TVal ter. ................... 419<br />

Kennedy & Greig. .................... 431 Schaefer. J.. & Bro.. ................. 430<br />

Kent. W . J.. &Co... .................. 90 Schulenbur.cr 2.. & Co... .............. 12<br />

King. C . P.. ......................... 424 Scott . H . I%'... ....................... 422<br />

Kirby. George. ....................... 76 Seaton & Etitchie. ..................... 427<br />

Knapp. David. ....................... 77 Secomb. J . L.. & Co.. .................. 72<br />

Knowles. B . M... ..................... 426 Shaw. William S... ................... 76<br />

Krenlre SE Bessler. .................... 423 Slielden. Allan. 8: Co... ................ 4<br />

Kuhlman. A.. & Co... ................. 54 8ibley. F . B.. 5: Co.. .................. 425<br />

Landsberg. A... ...................... 424 Sievw7right & Hobart. ................ 422<br />

Lara. R... ........................... 421 Slocum . C . H... ...................... 42G<br />

Lesvenworth. T . B... ................. 431 Srni tll. J . V.. ........................ 423<br />

Leech. C . E... ....................... 90 Smith. 0 . 0 ......................... 487<br />

Leete. T . T .......................... -421 Smith. Sheldon. & Son. ............... -428<br />

Lindsay. A . G... ...................... 83 Smith & Heeve. .................... -421<br />

Linn.A . R . & W . F ................... 419 Sprenger. William. .................. 430<br />

Livingstone. & Co... .................. 67 Stalker. H . W... ..................... -431<br />

Lovett. S . W... ..................... 73 Stange. Charles. ...................... 92<br />

Lynch. William. ..................... 432 Stevens: bfarcus. & Co., . .inside back cover<br />

BlcC'ausland . W . H.. ................. -42 1 Stone. Dr . B.. ........................ 429<br />

McCloskey. C . C.. ..................... 431 Sut .on. Moses. ....................... 421<br />

BlIcElroy. Solon. ...... 85 and running card Traub Bros... ........................ 420<br />

McIntyre. J . M... ..................... 424 Tappan . McKillop & Co.. .............. 418<br />

McKimnrie & Pollock. ................ 420 Thrombley. H... .................... 429<br />

Blanchester & Bristol. ................. 98 Throop. W . A.. & Co.. ................. 9<br />

Marsh. Henry. 431 Tillman. Silsbee & Co.. ............... 21<br />

Blellus. (1. & P... ..................... 80 United States Express Co... ........... 3<br />

Merchants' Deapatcli. 69 Van Buren & Son. 93 and outside front ccver<br />

Merrill. S . L.. & Co.. 4% Wade. William. ..................... 423<br />

Michigan Bolt and Nut Co.. .42. 5 UTaiker. C . H.. ...................... 424<br />

Michigan Central Railroad. 448 i.anle~s. A.. ......................... 432<br />

hilohn. 3 011n. 423 Waterfall. John. .................. 423<br />

Morlious. Mitchell & Byram. 82 Waterman. Joon. ..................... 4.26<br />

Neubronner. J C... 429 Watson &- Brummitt ... .outside cover & 20<br />

Newcomb. Endicott & Co... 25 Weller. John. ........................ 421<br />

Nicholson. Y ickering. 423 Welz Broe.. .......................... 427<br />

Norris. P . W.. & A E... .fly leaf and 427 White & Cameron. .................. -419<br />

O'Brien. J... 423 Wlli te & Debegary. ................... 485<br />

Parke. Jennings & Co.. .outside cover and Whitehall. William .................. -429<br />

running card Whitternore. T . E... .................. 426<br />

Parkes. Joseph. 421 Whittle. L... ........................ 422<br />

Parry. J . C... ........................ 424 Whiting. J . P.. & Co... ................ 20<br />

Patterson. David. 4'26 Widman. C . D.. & Co... ............... 432<br />

Peavey. Frank. 42 1 Weight. H . A . & S . G... ............. 89<br />

Penfield. Willston S.. 74 Wilcox & Bro.. ....................... 427<br />

Peninsular Dressed Lumber Co... 91 Wilkie. Aitken. ...................... 423<br />

Peninsular Iron Co... 89 Wilkins. Alvan. ..................... 22<br />

Peocock. Charles W -427 Woodhanls. Thomas. ................. 423<br />

Peocock. Leister. 420 Wyandotte Rolling Mill Co... ......... 70<br />

People's Despatch. 68 Yentsch. H... ....................... -431<br />

Pierce. Farrington & McMillan. 21 Young Men's Christian Association. 97<br />



&so Additions, AZterations, Corrections, etc.<br />

Antor, Antoine, shipcarpenter, h. 342 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Ashley, Edgar P., clerk, h. 305 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Atherton, Daniel W., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Austin, Benjamin F., gilder, h. 21 Spencer.<br />

Ball, Franklin G., moulder, bds. o. 182 n.<br />

158 Mullett.<br />

Barry. Michael, chair varnisher, bds. 331<br />

Third.<br />

Beach, Myron E., bookkeeper, bds. 87 Shelby-<br />

Beckbissinger, Christian (Beckbissinger &<br />

Bro.), h. 516 Clinton ave.<br />

Beckbissinger, Frederick (Beckbissinger &<br />

Bro.), h. 516 Clinton ave.<br />

Beckbis~inger &r Bro. (Frederick and Christian<br />

Beckbissinger), butchers, 516 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Berrnett, A. A., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Bertrand, Basil, laborer, h. 197 Chene.<br />

B~ardman. G. B., Bank Block, Griswold,<br />

bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Bradford, E., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Brown, Giles L., fruits, removed from 57<br />

Michigan ava. to 256 Woodward ave.<br />

Brush, James A., photographer, removed<br />

from 127 .Jefferson ave to s. w. cor. Woodward<br />

ave. and Larned.<br />

COCKLE, SAMUEL E., carpenter, 27<br />

Sixth, h. same. (See adz.)<br />

Courville, Ottaro (Penault & Courville), h.<br />

,320 Atwater.<br />

Cowdery, Jay W., agent school books, 116<br />

Woodward ave., bds. 248 same.<br />

Dreyer, George C. S., emigrant agent M. C.<br />

R. R., bds. 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Duffy, Mathew, h. n. e. cor. Morse and Prospect.<br />

Eldrich, Mrs. (wid. Francis), h. 301 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Farley, A. D. F., chief clerk Quartermaster's<br />

Department, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Gill, James, hardware, removed from 45<br />

Michigan ave to cor. Michigan ave. and<br />

Cass.<br />

Goldenberg, Mark, bookkeeper, bds. 172 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Henry, Nicholas, expressman, h. Chene, s.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Irion, John, saloon, 29 Clinton.<br />

Kengel, Joseph, carriage.and wagon manfr.,<br />

55 Gratiot, h. 42 Farrar.<br />

Maville, Louis, carpenter, h. 271 Guoin.<br />

McInt.oah, D. J., confectioner, 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

McMillan, Farrington & Co. (successors to<br />

Pierce, Farrington & McMillan), wholesale<br />

dry goods, 77 and 79 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adz.)<br />

Pierson, Thomas F. (Pierson & Swain),h. 311<br />

Fourth.<br />

Pierson & Swain (Thomas F. Pierson and<br />

Mathew W. Swain). fu~niture and upholsterers,<br />

Preston Block, 13 Grand R.iver.<br />

Stevenson, Mrs. Anna, bds. o. 173 n. 307<br />

Fourth.<br />

Swain, Mathew W. (Pierson & Swain),<br />

h. 13 Grand River.<br />

Trowbridge, Wilcos & Co., ship chandlers,<br />

dock, bet. Bates and Woodward ave.<br />

Wuelfing, F., & Co. (Frederick Wuelfing,<br />

Robert Wolfertz and Franz Huetteman),<br />

cutlers, cor. Bates and Atwater.



Entrance in Elder's Picture Frame Store. DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Bein,a practical Artists ourselves, and doing a11 our own work, we have the adrantwe over other<br />

Galleries that have to employ artists t,o do the work.who usually receive one-half the price of the picture.<br />

which M-e propose to let the public have the bencfit of. We respectfully ask that our work be compared<br />

with that of other Galleries, no matter what their prices may be.<br />

We will endeavor to be prompt and obliging, and, by so doing, we hope to merit your patronage.<br />

Satisfaction Guaranteed or no Claa~ge.<br />


A New FraqaTia- The Mexican Euerbemrinq Strawbwq/ (F'raga~a GiZlmani, Clinton.)--<br />

This wonderful plant, eo peculiar in its appearance and habit, so different from any other known errawberry,<br />

has hardly been fairly introduced to the public : yet already its reputation far and near is an enviable<br />

one. It has even passed the ordeal of a critical examination by botanists eminent in the scientific<br />

world, and has been recognized as a new species.<br />

The following 18 from the Western Rural, May 6, <strong>1869</strong>.<br />

A communication from Henry Gillman, Eeq., of <strong>Detroit</strong>, of the U S. Lake Coast Survey, a scientific<br />

botanist, who has recently examined the Mexican Everbearing Strawberry. and also brought it to the<br />

notice of the Society of Natural Solences at Buffalo. It u4l he seen that the plant has been subjected to<br />

rcri tical examination, and pronouncerl a new species of the Fracraria, or Strawberry, by some of the best<br />

botanists in the country. It is scarcely necessary to say that ~n8ge Clinton and Messre. Bigelow and Day<br />

are authority in such matters, and their opinion establishes what has been claimed for it. thsr, it differs<br />

from any known variety, and vindicates it from the premature and unjust cntici~m, in thi* particular, to<br />

nrhich it ha* been snhjected. Tts remarkable fruiiiag habit will be teeted by a large number of perhonb<br />

who have secured pl nts, and if that proves equally sativhctory it will achieve a very enviable position<br />

as among the most valuable berries known.


ESTABLISHED 1836.<br />


No. 144 Jefferson Avenue,<br />



At howest Market Prices.<br />


PAR L 0 R S UI TES in Rosewood, TValnut. Mallogany. Tulip Wood and Oil t, Uphol-<br />

stered in the best manner in Brocatelle, Terry, Reps, Hair Cloth, etc.<br />

BED R 0 0 S UITES of every description.<br />

DINTL'YG ROOM and LTBRABY FURNZTURE of all kinds.<br />

BESKS and all Binds of OFFICE FUBNrTURE.<br />

ELEGANT dIL-dNTL E arld Pf ER MlBRORS in Walnut and Gilt.<br />


EOICTEBS, BLALVKEZ'S, aud BEDDING of every description.<br />

Specialty of Fine Ordered Work of every Description,<br />


We invite the attention of all to our MAGNIFICENT WAREROOMS, and take .<br />

pleasure in showing our goods.<br />



THE 1 Remember the Advantages :<br />

Best Moae of Employin! Money 1 1st-Security in your own hanls.<br />


With everyone who hae Money to employ. I<br />

For Safety, Profit & Convenience<br />


2d-Liberal Rate of Interest,<br />

ad--Interest begins at once,<br />

4th-~onvenienc; of drawing at any tune.<br />

If yon have only $100. don't think it is too<br />

small ; or if you have $100,000. don't fear you have<br />

too much for us to employ safely and profitable.<br />

STAND UNRIVALED, ( First-Class Investments<br />

A8 ia evidenced by the fact that Banks take<br />

them at the<br />


This most desirable mode of employing money<br />

for any length of time.frm one day to a year, for<br />


THOUSAND, is open to all wbo chooze to avail<br />

themselves of its benefits. I aball be happy to explain<br />

it to all who do not already nndt.r+tand it,<br />


and call >ference to scores of THE BEST<br />



\ivho have favored me<br />

with their patronage. All whn try it-once, repeat<br />

the operalion and cummend it to their fmnds.<br />








And given Satisfaction to ALL. I<br />


If yon have $100, $1,000 or $10,000 unemployed,<br />

don't "hidelit in a napkin, hllt put it on! t: the<br />

exchaszers, that on your comln,a to need ~t you<br />

msv receive your owri with usury," and hare the<br />

added satbfaction of benefiting some one else in the<br />

ueing,<br />


Ten per cent. Mortgages.<br />

Ten per cent. <strong>City</strong> Bonds.<br />

Ten per mt. County Bonds.<br />

Ten per cent. Real Estate Bonds.<br />

Ten per cent. School District Bbnds.<br />

Ten pw cent. Mercant iZe Paper.<br />

Ten per cent. Bank Stocks.<br />

Ten per cent. Manufacturing Stocks.<br />

Twelve per eent. Manufacturing Stocks.<br />




i<br />



Who have good Bonds or Stocks on which they de-<br />

sire to obtuin Loans, are invited co give me a all.<br />


Stock, Bond & Note Broker<br />

(Old No.) 83 Griswold Street,<br />





Carriage Goods, Horse Blankets and Hoods,<br />

Whips and Lashes, Sheets and Fly Nets,<br />



b d all kinds of Leather Goods usually kept in like establishments.<br />


No. 165 Jefferson Avenue,


Insurance Colapang,<br />

O F -<br />


Capstat Stock, - I I) $500,000<br />

- Cash Capital and Surplus, $230,000<br />






<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

i6<br />

I6<br />

66<br />

6;<br />

Grand Rapids.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Sturg1s.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Jon esville.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

I6<br />

66<br />

Ann Arbor.<br />

K alamazoo.<br />



(Successors to JAS. W. FARRELL,)<br />


GOODS,<br />



Camel Hair Shawls!<br />

- French Crtshmcre Sl~anclsf<br />

Thread Lace Points!<br />

Dress Goods, eta., etc.<br />




Marine, 8 t ationar y anrl Portable, Condensing and Non-Condensing<br />

Mill Gearing and Mining Machinery of all Descriptions,<br />


Particular Attention given to Steam boat Repairs and Ship .Work,<br />


WM. COWIE,<br />

P~*ea. and Freasurer<br />

Oface & Works, Atwater St., bet. Orleans & Dequindre Sts.,<br />




DR-Y GOODS<br />



Fa, S. & C ds Strdctly Pare m t e Lead,<br />

Belle Isle White Lead,<br />

Windsor WhZte Lead,<br />

HapZe Leaf Permanent, Green,<br />

Parlor Snow White Zinc.<br />



Colors, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Glass Ware, Brushes<br />

Tar, Rosin, Naphtha, Alcohol, Fancy Goods, Toilet Soaps,<br />

Perfumeries, Etc., Etc.<br />

*H<br />




8 Woodward Awemue9<br />

Warehouses, Nos. 10, 11 and 19 Larned Street East, and 75 and TT Bates Street,


George C. Codd, Philip Kling. Seventh<br />

AInyor-William 1'. \Vheaton.<br />

Ward-Frederick Ruellle, Frank Blum.<br />

Eiglltll ~~Tard-Timotl~_v Jlallonyv, Jiihn<br />

Recorder-George S. Swift.<br />

Considine. Xinth Ward-Peter Hill, Wil-<br />

<strong>City</strong> Clerk-Henry Starkey.<br />

liaun S. Bond. Tenth Ward-David Knapp.<br />

Clerk of Becorcler's Cozs~t-John T. Meldrurn.<br />

J~zlien TVillianls.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Attornc)?y-James J. Brown.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Col~~tselor-LTTillium Gray.<br />


<strong>City</strong> T/*eczsurer-Edward S. Leadbeater. Wn?/s and JIenn.9-Howe, Ruehle, Adams.<br />

<strong>City</strong> S/lrzeyor-Eugene Robinson.<br />

,V(ctior~al ~ifuirs - Mellus, Considine,<br />

Director 01' tho Poor-Luther 13. Willard. Langley.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Co~~iroller-Benjamin (+. Stirnson. E'ctzlcation -Adams, Phelps, Considine.<br />

Receiccr of Taxes-LViIliam Y. Kumney. Judiciary-Adams, Williams, Blum.<br />

A.ssessor-Jeremiah God thy.<br />

Clainzs at~d Accounts- Wiliianis, Kuehle,<br />

Superi~zte~lde/ct oj'the House of Correction Codd.<br />

-Z. It. Brockway.<br />

St reets-Tyrrell, Mallon y , Coots.<br />

C'ity Collector-Edgar W. Flint.<br />

Pire Depart met^ t-Codcl, Considine, Hen-<br />

I/z.spector of Gns .Meters-Alfred Marsh. derson.<br />

Harbor Jfirste~a-Arthur Gore.<br />

House of Correction - Kremer, Howe,<br />

<strong>City</strong> Printers - Detroi t Free Press Corn- Plrelps.<br />

panv.<br />

P ublic B Knapp, T y r-<br />

C'itg Sexton-Valent ine Geist.<br />

rell.<br />

Ckrk of t7~e illicrket -Peter Dunn. Se wers-Coots, TVilliams, Hill.<br />

Stryerintende12t of Plrrk.3-Geo. Henrion. Ynres-Phelps, Howe, Blum.<br />

Prexident of the C'u~nrnon Co~~t~cil- Wil- Police-Yallony, Kling, RIellus.<br />

lia~n S. Bond.<br />

Ptcrk-Q-Henderson, Kremer, Emery.<br />

President pro tern.-William 13. Honre. Street Opelzi~~gs-Hill, Knapp, hlrtllony.<br />

Cl~rk of the Com~non COUILCU-Henry Pt.inti/~q-\Villiatl~s, Kuellla, Langlej-.<br />

Starkey.<br />

Markets-Bluul, Kremer, Hill.<br />

Aldermen-First Ward-Aaron W. Tyr- Licenses-Adams, Emery, Kling.<br />

rell, FI ancis Adams. Second Ward-Wil- ~ealt/~-Howe, Kretner, Emery.<br />

liam H. Langley, Augustus H. Emery. Gtrs Lig7~ts--Kling, Codd, Mallonp.<br />

Third Ward-Cllrisrian JSellus, CVillianl B. Hyd/lazdics-Knapp, Mellus, Tyrrell.<br />

EIowe. Fo~u.th Ward - Frank Krerner, POI~ILCZS-llellus, 3fallouy. Emery.<br />

Tllomas Henderson. Fi ftlr Ward- Wit1 ter Street Rail WU~-Considine, Henderson,<br />

H. Coots, William Phelps. Sixth Ward- Coots.<br />



Oscers-President-\%'illiam B. Howe,<br />

Secretary-Henry Starkep.<br />

Members-Ald. Francis Adams, Augustus<br />

H. Emery, William B. Howe, Thornas Hen-<br />

derson, William Phelps, Philip Kling, Frank<br />

Blum, John Considine, TVilliam S. Bond,<br />

David Knapp ; Drs. Zina Pitcher, J. 31. Al-<br />

den, William Brodie, Richard Whiteford.<br />

Health Inqectors-First District-Ald.<br />

Aaron W. Tyrrell. Second District-Ald.<br />

William H. Langley. Third District-Ald.<br />

Christian hlellus. Fourth District-Ald.<br />

Frank Kremer. Fifth District-Ald. Wal-<br />

ter H. Coots. Sistll District-Aid. Geo. C.<br />

Codd. Seventh District-Ald. Frederick<br />

Ruehle. Eighth District-Sld. Timothy<br />

Mahony. Ninth District-Ald. Peter Hill.<br />

Tenth District-Ald. Julien Williams.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Plqsicians-First District-Henry<br />

F. Lyster. Second District-Charles H. Bar-<br />

rett. Third District - Casper Schulte.<br />

Fourth District-William A. Chandler.<br />


Oflcers and Members of the Board of Education<br />

for <strong>1869</strong> - President, Robert W.<br />

King ; Secretary, Duane Doty ; Treasurer.<br />

A1 bert Ives ; Superintendent of Sch3ols;<br />

Duane Doty.<br />

Members of the Board-First \TTard-<br />

James A. Brown, James M. Welsh. Second<br />

Ward-D. 0. Farrand, Charles K. Backup.<br />

Tliird Ward-William Y. Rumney, George<br />

&I. Rich. Fourth Ward-James A. Venn,<br />

J. W. Bomepn. Fifth Ward-H. \IT. King,<br />

D. IV. Brooks. Sisth Ward-Nark Flani-<br />

gan, Oliver Bourke. Seventh Ward-Sid-<br />

ney I?. Miller, 15'm. 13. Wilkins. Eighth<br />

WTard-Robert Finnegan, Charles Schumnl.<br />

Ninth Ward-James W. Bartlett, James<br />

Daly. Tenth Ward-P. J. Watson, James<br />

A. Bailey.<br />


Wm. Barclay, A. Sheley, A. E. Bissell.<br />


J. Houghton, J. Godfrey, W. Stead.<br />


Geo. 6. Frost, M. F. Dickinson, John N.<br />

Ford.<br />

Street Commzksioners-Eastern District-<br />

Robert Reaume. Western District-John<br />

Hogan.<br />

Weighmasters-Eastern District-Nicho-<br />

las Schwartz. Western Distric t-Patrick<br />

Shanahan.<br />

Wood hspectors-On the dock, E. D.-<br />

John Caspary. On the dock, W. D.-<br />

Michael Hays. On the market, E. D.-<br />

Charles H. Dainm. On the market, W. D.<br />

-Michael Nolan.<br />

Pound Keepers-Eastern District-Au-<br />

gnstus Daubitz. West.ern District-George<br />

Bidet t .<br />

Janitors-Mayor's OBce-George Ridett.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall-Anthony Kremer.<br />

Ward Collectors-First Ward-'TrVilliam<br />

Harsha. Second Ward-Charles O'Neil.<br />

Third Ward-J ames McGrath. Fourth<br />

Ward-Joseph Funke. Fifth Ward-Wil-<br />

liam Kydd. Sisth VCTard-Edward Gre-<br />

vels. Seventh I'5.Tard-Geo. L. R. Steckel.<br />

Eighth Ward - Patrick Dwyer. Ninth<br />

Ward-Albert Bluma. Tenth<br />

liam Wunsch.<br />

Ozerseers qf Highzcnys-First Ward-<br />

Henry Smith. Second Ward-Herman Steh-<br />

fest. Third Ward-Frederick Vernleulen.<br />

Fourth Ward-Rudolplr Ortll. Fifth Ward<br />

-Francis McDonald. Sisth Ward-Casper<br />

Geist. Seventh Vlrard-John Blankenheilu.<br />

Eighth Ward- John Downey. Ninth<br />

Ward-Thonlas blcCowan. Tenth Ward<br />

-Lucian Zink<br />

Co12stc~blesFirst Ward-James McKen-<br />

zie. Second Ward-James Duck. Third<br />

Ward-Peter bIcDo\vell. Fourth V'ard-<br />

John Gnau. Fifth Ward-Charles ander-<br />

son. Sisth Ward-James Love. Seventh<br />

Ward-Nicholas Tisler. Eighth \Yard-<br />

John 07Connell. Xinth Ward-Charles<br />

Doherty. Tenth Ward-David L. Bishop.<br />


Headquarters, wouilbridge street, between Woodward<br />

avenue and Batcs street.<br />

Commissionem-Jacob S. Farrand, Prrsident<br />

; John J. Bagley, Alexander Lewis.<br />

Secretary-J. S. Booth.<br />

Super'i/~tendent-31. V. Borgman.<br />

Captoin-A. J . Rogers.<br />

Sergeant.s--Daniel W. Fales, Charles S.<br />

Leetch, Chas. E. Keynolds, Thomas Hally.<br />

Roundsman ur~d Acting Sergeant-A . H.<br />

Bachlnann.<br />

Doo~*men-Abijah Joy, Dennis Drisccll.<br />

Detectizes-D. K. Sullivan, J. B. Stadler.<br />

Pat)~olrnen-G. W. Burclrell, Char:es<br />

Bruckner, A. J. Bishop, H. M. Bailey,<br />

W. Bendall, A. H. Britton, W. C.<br />

Clark, I oseph Burger, James Camfield, Patrick<br />

Considine. D. B. Crossnlan, (;. W.<br />

Cook, A. E. Danielson, P. N. Girardin,<br />

Peter Graham, A. J. IIinkle, J. J. Scanlon,<br />

H. D. Surles, J. T. Hewson, John Halley,<br />

A. B. Hall, Martin Kelley, Jas. McBelvey,<br />

Henry Miller, J. 0. Massey, Timothy O'Sul-<br />

, livan, Jesse Mack, W. H. Myler, D. C.


Overton. Jeremiah O'Connor. John Pigney, ings, thence down Hastings to eratiot,<br />

James Purdue, D. Phillips, William Nolan, thence up Gratiot to Rivard, thence down<br />

L. E. Pierce, C. M. Reed, J. P. Southwick, to Croghan, thence all south of Croghan<br />

John Stoolre, John Schultz, J. M. Sheen, and east of Rivard street to city limits.<br />

I?. J. Spinning, Wm. Thompson, T. Thomp- Eagine No. 3--Will run east of St. Anson,<br />

Dorr Tillotson, Geo. Thompson, James toine street as follows : from the River up<br />

Thompson, G. H. Thomas, G. A. Winslow, St. Antoine to Gratiot street, thence down<br />

Johll \lTtlalen, H. M. Lane, Josiah Fulton, Gratiot to Randolph street, thence up Ran-<br />

H. 13. Eggeman, JV. H. Whisson, S. R. dolph street to Adams avenue, and thence<br />

lJTe bb.<br />

all north of Adanls avenue and west of St.<br />

Attorney for the Force-J. Logan Chip- Antoine street to city limits.<br />

man.<br />

Engine No. 4-Runs in all territory west<br />

Surgeon-Dr. D. 0. Farrand.<br />

of Third street, south of Michigan avenue,<br />

Tlie following act as special policemen and in all west of Third street north of<br />

without compensation from the city : W. H. Michigan avenue to the western city limits,<br />

Patterson, at the D. & M. depot ; John and in all territory west of Woodward ave-<br />

Southwick, at the Micli. Central depot ; F. nue and north of Adams avenue to the<br />

C. Chambers, at <strong>Detroit</strong> Opera House. northerly limits of the city.<br />

Engine No. 5-Will run thus, from the<br />

River up St. Antoine to Croghan street,<br />


thence up Croghan to Rivard street, up<br />

Office, on the south-east corner of Randolph and Rivard to Gratiot street, thence down Gra-<br />

Larned streets.<br />

tiot to St. Antoine street, tlience up St. An-<br />

Board of Fire Commissione~s-TrYtn. Dun- toint to northerly city limits and easterly<br />

can, Theodore 13. Hinchman, James W. to city limits.<br />

Sutton, L. H. Cobb.<br />

Et~gine No. 6-Will run all north of<br />

Secretary-B. Franklin Baker.<br />

Croghan street and east of St. Antoine<br />

Chief ES~gi~zeer and Fire Marshal-James street, but running from St. Antoine down<br />

Battle.<br />

Gratiot to Randolpll street, thence up Ran-<br />

LOCATION OF STEAMERS. dolph street to Adatns avenue, thence all<br />

Steamer No. 1-First Ward, near corner<br />

north of Adams avenue and east of Woodof<br />

Wayne and Larned streets.<br />

ward avenue to city limits.<br />

I<br />

Stenmer No. 2-Third Ward, corner of LOCSTION OF FIRE ALaRM BOXES.<br />

Larned and St. Antoine streets.<br />

NO.<br />

8teamer No. 3-Fifth Ward, north side of 2. <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

Clifford street, between Washington and 3. Engine House No. 3.<br />

\lTood ward avenues.<br />

4. Engine House No. 4.<br />

Stenmer 30. 4-Eighth Ward, north side 5. Engine House No. 5.<br />

of Orchard street, between Fifth and Sixth 6. Engine House No. 1.<br />

streets.<br />

7. Engine House No. 2.<br />

Steamer No. 5-Seventh Ward, corner<br />

S. Corner \j700dbridge and Second streets.<br />

Larned and lttiopelle streets.<br />

12. Police station.<br />

13. Corner St. Aubin avenue and Atwater<br />

Steameq* No. (;-Sixth Ward, corner Rus- street.<br />

sell and High streets.<br />

14. Corner Jefferson avenue and Dubois<br />

Hook end Ladder Company-First Ward, street.<br />

corner Larned and Wayne streets.<br />

, 15. South side Jefferson ave., near Elmmood<br />


avenue.<br />

16. Wight street, at Frost's Wooden Ware<br />

The city is divided into six districts,<br />

works.<br />

known as Nos. I, 2, 3, 4, 5 a.nd 6.<br />

17. Corner Clinton ave. and Chene street.<br />

Eugine No. 1-In all the territory west 21. At the Car works on Croglian street.<br />

of St. Antoine street and south of Congress 22. Corner Russell and Croghan streets.<br />

street to Woodward ave., and in all west of 23. Corner Rivard and Atwater streets.<br />

Woodward avenue, north of Adams ave. 24. Corner Crogllan and St. Antoine streets.<br />

to the easterly line of First street nortli of 25. Corner Randolph and Griitiot streets.<br />

Michigan avenue, and in all south of Mich- 26. Corner Orntiot and Atwuter streets.<br />

igan avenue to the westerly city limits. 27. Corner Rivard and Gratiot streets.<br />

Engine No. 2-This company runs in 31. Corner Maple and Riopelle streets.<br />

district east from Third street to Tirood- 32. Corner Gratiot and Dequindre streets.<br />

ward avenue and ~0~1th of Congress street 33. Engine House No. 6, corner Russell and<br />

to River front, thence up IF-oodward ave- High streets.<br />

nue to Adams avenue, thence east of Hast- 34. House of Correction. '

35. Corner Beanbien and Marion streets. Tlie boxes m~tst not be opened except to<br />

36. C'orner Beaubien street ancl Adams ave. sound an alarm for fire, and the persons<br />

37. Woodward ave., near George.<br />

who are intrusted with tlle keye to the<br />

41. Corner C'ass are. and Siblq- street. boses are req~iest~ed to report to the office<br />

42 Corner Grand River and hlidtlle streets. of the Board of Fire Commissioners when<br />

43. Corner Tllird and Grand Kiver streets. any accident occurs, either to the instru-<br />

4.5. Corner Seventh and Grand Hirer streets. ment or boxes, or if any unanthorized per-<br />

46. Corner Sevcntll and Locust streets. sons are found tampering \vit.h them.<br />

47. Corner Pu'ational ave. and Locnst street.<br />

51. Corner Tllonlpson street and Michigan<br />


avenue.<br />

Office, Bicldle House Block.<br />

52. Corner Lasalle and b1ichigan avenues. Members qf tile Board of I.firte.1. Comnzis-<br />

53. Corner Trowl~ridg and Step!!ens streets. siorters-Alexander I). Fraser, Jacob S. Far-<br />

64. Corner First street and bliclligan ave. rand, John Owen, Caleb Van Huean and C.<br />

56. Corner Porter and Fourth streets. Hurlbut,.<br />

57. Corner Abbott and Seventh streets. Standing Conznzittees - On Ways and<br />

61. Corner Tlio~npson and Xbbott streets. Means-(lommissioners E'raser and Owen.<br />

62. Corner Fort and Elevent11 streets. On Extc:nsion ana Hepairs-Commissioners<br />

63. Corner Stan ton and \JToodbridge streets. Farrand and Van Husan. On Supply of<br />

64. Corner Lafferty and IYoodbridge streets. ~7Tuter-Coinmissioners Van Husan and<br />

65. Xichardson's 31 atcli Factory.<br />

H urlb~zt. On Claims-Con~nlissionsrs in ro-<br />

67. Corner Fifth and Woodbridge streets. tation.<br />

G8. Cor~ler Truxnbull aye. and Baker street,. O$ce~vs-Alesandt\r D. Fraser, President ;<br />

71. Corner l'lroodward avenue and Larned Robert E. Roberts, Secretary ; Benjamin B.<br />

street.<br />

Moore, Superintendent of Estension and<br />

72. Comer Jefferson aye. and 'Brush street. Repairs ; John K. Edwards, Engineer ;<br />

Sl. At the Gas IVorks.<br />

George Icunze, lieceiving Clerk ; Janles<br />

121. Fire Commissioners' office, corner Ran- Fenton and L. N. Case, Collectors ; Henry<br />

do1 yll and Larned streets.<br />

Tschope, lieservoir Kt:eper.<br />

To sound an alar~il for fire. first owen the<br />

circuit, wilicll is done by turning tl;e slnall<br />


handle off' from the button near the centre<br />

Russell Street, near the <strong>City</strong> Reservoir.<br />

of the instruruent board ; this will cause<br />

the hammer to sound upon the gong, sho117- Superiutendent, Z. It. Brockwuy ; Assisting<br />

that the instrunlent is in circuit and the ant Superintendent, H. 13. Brockway ; Chapline<br />

in working order.<br />

lain, ltev. C. C. Foote ; Pl~ysician, Dr. J.<br />

Then with the Bey at tlie bottom of the A. Brown; Foreman of Manufacturing, I.<br />

instruxnent board sound ten (lo), wllich is B. Coleman ; Board of Inspectors, L. hl. Maan<br />

alarm li)r fire, tlien pause, and then son, ti. V. N. Lothrop, N. 'CV. Brooks, and<br />

sound the number of the box.<br />

the May or.<br />

These must be given three times in the<br />

order stated as follows :<br />


Sound the aiarm 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I I 1 (pause). OEces in County Court House, south-cast corner<br />

If the number c:f the box is 24, sound 1 1 of C;ri>\vold and Congress streets.<br />

!pause), 1 1 1 1, or if the number of the box Circuit Judge-Jared Yatcllen.<br />

1s 43, sound 1 1 1 1 (pause), 1 1 1.<br />

C'o~~/rt~C'le~~lL-Stel)l~enP. Purdy. Depu-<br />

The pauses sllould be but about two sec- ties-Daniel B. Brown and 31. J. hloyr~ahan.<br />

onds, or the time in wllicli a person would Circuit Cou 1.t Comnz iuxione~.s-Browse T.<br />

ordinal ily count three.<br />

Prentiss and Ed~~ard hlinock.<br />

Care sllould be taken that the operation Judge of Probate-James D. Weir.<br />

is distinct and at ~egular intervals.<br />

12eyi8te~ of Probute-Hiram B. Nowland.<br />

After sounding the alarm and the number 2reclu urer-Paul G ies. Depllty- James<br />

of the box, as above directed, wait a few Collins.<br />

moments, and if it has not been disrinctly Cirunty SUTZ'PYO~-A. H. ivilmarth.<br />

understood, a call may be made from some IieqBter cf Deeds-hlonzo Eaton. Depuother<br />

locality for " repeat," which is 231, ty-Jolin B. C'anlpau.<br />

thus ; 1 1 (pause) 1 1 1 (pause) 1. This be- Proueczrt.ing Attorl~ey-Philip J. D. Van<br />

ing heard in tlle instrument, the alarm and Dyke.<br />

number of the box must all be given again, Corone~s-John Gnau and James Callill.<br />

as first directed.<br />

Sl~erif-John Pat ton. C'icil Dep z~ties-A.<br />

Before locking the box, close the circuit, S. Johnson and Jesse F. Jollnson.<br />

by turning tlle small handle on to the but- Bor~s.cZ oj' County Audit~0rs-~4lesander<br />

ton near the centrb of the instrumcct Blue, 3licliacl licnncdg, Jaihes -4. Vi~gar.<br />

board; this must in all cases be done, and Hold sessions January, April, July and Ocin<br />

no event must the circuit be left open. tober.


J~lstir~s qf the Peace. <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Detroit</strong>-<br />

Aloya IVuertlz, Steyllen B. McCracken,<br />

Petc r B. Austin, Timothy McCarthy, Garry<br />

Spencer: Peter Guenther.<br />


General Statle and Count.y elections are<br />

held on the first Tuesday after the first<br />

Monday of November of each year, ending<br />

wit11 an even figure. The general city<br />

election is held cn tlie first Tuesday follow-<br />

ing tlie first Monday of Noveillber in each<br />

alternate year. Ward officers are elected<br />

annually.<br />

ASYLUMS.<br />

Gcrrnnn Orp7~nn A.q;luna-For German<br />

orphans of St. RIary's Congregation, St An-<br />

toine, near Crogllan street. Under charge<br />

of St. Mary's Cllurch.<br />

Home of the Friendless-New number 53<br />

High street. President, Mrs. David Pres-<br />

ton ; Vice President,, hfrs. 17.'. \IT. Wheeler ;<br />

Recording Secretary, Mrs. Wm. Oakes ; Cor-<br />

responding Secretary, Mrs. IValdo 31. John-<br />

son ; Treasurer, 31 rs. Di~vid Carter ; Direc-<br />

tors, Mrs. IYasllington Throop, Mrs. E. G.<br />

hlericlr. Mrs. Allen Shelden, Mrs. Ira<br />

Davis ; Reference ('ommit tee, Mrs. JJT. W.<br />

\Vlieeier, Mrs. IYashir,gton Throop, Mrs.<br />

IT. C. Hay, Mrs. John Harvey ; Snpply<br />

Committee, Mrs. Ira Davis, Mrs. C. F.<br />

Henry; Matrons, Xrs. A. D. Roberts, Mrs.<br />

Allen.<br />

Protestant Orphan Asy171m-942 Jefferson<br />

avenue. Meet annually on the second<br />

Thursday in Janurry, and montllly as<br />

agreed upon. First Directress, Mrs. Lewis<br />

Allen ; Second ~irectress, Mrs. Mary C.<br />

Canfield : Tliird Directress, Mrs. Jmnes<br />

Burns ; Secretary, Mrs. P. E. Curtis ; Treas-<br />

urer, Mrs. E. A. Davis.<br />

St. An tlron 9's Boy.9' Orphan A,~yZum-<br />

(Catholic)--Situated four miles o~zt on the<br />

Gratiot road. Under charge of t.he Sisters<br />

of ohe Immaculate Heart. OfEicers for <strong>1869</strong>-<br />

SO : President. 33. B. Iiean ; Vice President,<br />

H. lJT. Deare : Secreriiry, P. J. D. Van Dyke ;<br />

Treasurer, \V. Bucllanan ; Board of 'l'rus-<br />

tees, Jtlmrs K. Elliott, ilu'eil Flattery. repre<br />

seilting Catlledral parisli ; Alfred Ducllarme,<br />

Alesander Chapaton, St. Ann's parish ;<br />

~l'illiam Buchanan! Jeremiah Calnon, Trin-<br />

ity parish ; Ilichael 13. Bean, P. J. 1). Van<br />

Dyke. St. Patrick's purislr ; Bernard J. Do-<br />

Ian, James Daly, St. Vincent de Paul's<br />

parish ; Henry W. Deare, Jeremiah Dwyer,<br />

Our Lady of Help parish ; Esecutire Corn-<br />

mittee-H. W. Deare, A. Ducharme, J.<br />

Calnon, M. B. Keiin, P. J. Tj. Van Qlce ;<br />

Committee on Orphans -W. Buchanan,<br />

Neil Flattery, Jalnes Daly ; Superintendent,<br />

Sister Mary Agnes, Sr. Servant I. H. 15.;<br />

Chaplain, Hev. P. J. Andre ; Physician, E.<br />

Leach ; Farm Manager, Dennis D~znn ; Honorary<br />

and Advisory Members-Very Rev.<br />

Peter Hennaert, V. O., Biallop of the Diocese,<br />

and Pastor Cathedral of St. Peter and<br />

St. Paul ; Itev. B. 6. Soffbrs, Pasr.or St.<br />

Ann's church ; Rev. A. F. Bleyenberg, Pastor<br />

Trinity church ; Rev. J. A. Heunessy,<br />

Pastor St. Patrick's clinrcll ; Rev. b1. Uytdewillegen,<br />

Pastor St. Vincent de Paul<br />

church ; Rev. G. Limpens, Pastor Church of<br />

Our Lady of Help; Rev. E. Joas, Director<br />

of the Sisters oi' I. H. RI., Monroe, hlicli.;<br />

Rev. P. J. Andre, Cllaylaiil of the Asylum.<br />

St. Tf'ncent's Orpl~n~z Asylzim-Handolph<br />

St., between Congress and Lamed. Organized<br />

July, 1851, under charge of the Sisters<br />

of Charity.<br />

The Retreat, A.sylum for t7~e 1n.sc~n.e-<br />

Two miles from t.1~ Cit.y Hall, on the Chicago<br />

road. Under charge of the Sisters of<br />

Charity.<br />

BANKS.<br />

First ,Vatzjnal Bctnk of <strong>Detroit</strong>-Southwest<br />

corner of Jeft'erson avenue and Griswold<br />

street. Capital, $500,000. President,<br />

Jacob S. Farrand ; Vice Yresident, L. E.<br />

Clark ; Cashier, Emery Wendell ; Direct.ors,<br />

J. S. Farrand, Jol~n O~ven, A. Slleltt~, h1. I.<br />

Mills, L. E. Clark, t'aleb Van Husan, Emory<br />

Wendell.<br />

Seco~z& Nationnl Ban E-southwest corner<br />

of Griswold and Congress streets. ('apital<br />

$1,000,000. President, H. P. Baldwin ;<br />

Vice President, C. H. Buhl ; Cashier, C. M.<br />

Davison ; Assistant Cashier, H. 31. Reilly ;<br />

Directors, H. P. Baldwin, Kathaniel nr.<br />

Broolis, C. H. Buhl, C'liauncey Hurlbut, Jas.<br />

F. Joy, Allan Shelden, John Stephens, Fred.<br />

Buhl. Eber B. Ward.<br />

T7~e American ni-ctiional Bunk- Seitz<br />

Block, Oriswold street. Capital $250,000.<br />

President. A. H. Dey ; Vice President, L.<br />

31. blason ; Cashier, Geo. 3. Sartwell ; Directors,<br />

Henry E. Benson, Eber Ward,<br />

Chas. Root, I\I. S. Snlitll, Friln'lilin Moore,<br />

John J. Bagley, L. i\1. Mason, A. H. Dey,<br />

Bernhard Stroll.<br />

,Werclran ts7 and .&Inn ?tfacturer,sr' Bank of<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>-Organized May 13, <strong>1869</strong>. Conrmenced<br />

business June 1, 1SG9. Office, Bank<br />

Block, Griswold street,. Cztl)it.al $100,000.<br />

President, Theo. H. Hincllman ; Vice President,<br />

C'llarles I


Oflcers for t l year ~ ending Miw*ch, 1870-<br />

President, C. A. Sheldon. First Vice President,<br />

William Phelps. Second Vice President,<br />

Janles Aspinall. Directors, H. J.<br />

Buckley, T. P. Hall, John (3. Erwin, Jacob<br />

Beeson, John H. Wendell, D. Showerman,<br />

Andrew RIcPherson, Peter Voorhees.<br />

C'omnzittee qf Appeals - fiicllard Hawley,<br />

John Pratt, John Belknap, A. (3. Lindsay,<br />

S. M. Holmes, Jerome Croul, A. Chesebrough,<br />

E. W. Moore. John Babiljion.<br />

Co~nnzittae of Arbitration for tltc! term<br />

ending September, <strong>1869</strong>-Ales. Lewis, Jno<br />

H. Gsrret't, H. P. Bridge, 31. W. Field, Morgan<br />

Johnson.<br />

For te~?~t ending *arch, 1870-Geo. IV.<br />

Bissell, A. E. Bissell, C. 31. Garrison, A,<br />

Smith Ragg, Walter Bourke.<br />

Copnplzittee of' Fi~~rcnce- Jno. H. Wendell,<br />

T. P. Hall, A. RIcPherson.<br />

Committee on Ii~spection of FZoul* and<br />

Grain-John ti. Erwin, P. Voorhees, T. Y.<br />

Hall.<br />

Committee on Azspection of Proz;isio?zs-<br />

H. J. Buckley, Jacob Beeson, D. Shon-erman.<br />

C'ommittee on Jfembership-A. McPherson,<br />

John G. Erwin, Jacob Beeson.<br />

Trea.r.urer-Peter Young.<br />

Sccretnr?/-Ray Haddock.<br />

fizspector of Flout. und G~ain-Joseph<br />

Hatch.<br />

Inspector of Provi.rions-Benj amin Clark.<br />

Jauitor-Xichard Cullen.<br />


EZmzuood Cemetery-On Elmmond are.,<br />

between Croghan street and Clinton ave.<br />

Board of T rustees-A. D. Fraser, President;<br />

John Owen, Treasurer ; D. B. Duffield, Sec-<br />

retary ; A. D. Fraser, D. Betllune Duffield,<br />

C. C. Trowbridge, John Owen, Caleb Van<br />

Husan. Executive Conlnlittee-C. C. Trow-<br />

bridge, C. Van Husan, D. 73. Duffield. Sn-<br />

perintendent -W-. H. Hamilton. Agent-<br />

Robert R. Bell, at the Savings Fund Insti-<br />

tute.<br />

,Mount Ellzott Cemetery-On Mount Eili-<br />

ott ' avenue. Prthsident- Charles Yeltier.<br />

Vice Pre-ident-P. b1cTerney. Treasurer<br />

--Frederick Gies. Clerk-A. H. Schinitt-<br />

diel. Finance Comrni ttee--John Hetiron,<br />

John Scllulte, F. U. Rlaillous. Committee<br />

on Grounds-P. Blake, llicl~ard R. Elliott,<br />

John Scllulte, Trustees-Charles Yeltier,<br />

Hichard 12. Elliott, P. McTerney, Frederick<br />

Gies, A. H. Schmittdiel, \Yilliam Bucllannn,<br />

J. Mulry, A. Lingeman, J . Schulte, J. Het-<br />

fron, Y. Blake. Superintendent and Seston<br />

-Y. Burns, at the Cemetery.<br />

Woodlncre Cenzete~?,~-Located 4% miles<br />

from <strong>City</strong> Hall, at j unct.ion of Fort street<br />

and Dearborn road. President--John J.<br />

Bagley. Vice President-E. W. Hudson.<br />

Secretary-C. I. Walker. Treasurer, M. Y.<br />

Smith. Trustees--John J. Bagley, E. LV.<br />

Hudson, C. I. IYalker, D. M. Etichardson,<br />

M. \Tr. Field, Bela Hubbard, George Kirby,<br />

E. A. Elliott, M. S. Smith, (3. LY. Lloyd,<br />

Daniel Scotten, TVn1. PlleIps, Amos C. Hub-<br />

bard. Esecative Committee-M. W. Field,<br />

Bela Hubbard.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Cemetery-On Russell street, be-<br />

tween Cemetery and Moore streets. Agent<br />

-V. Geist, 91 Michigan avenue.<br />

,Te?oish Cefnetery-M t. Elliott avenue, near<br />

Gratiot street.<br />


BAPTIST.<br />

First Baptist-Corner of Fort and Griswold<br />

streets. Erected, old, 1833; new,<br />

ISGO. Organized October SO, 1887. Nurnber<br />

of nleilll~ers, 200. Pastor, Kev. G. 8.<br />

Chase, residence, 387 Cass avenue. Clerk,<br />

J. L. Vaughn, corner Clifford and Duffield<br />

streets. Services morning and evening.<br />

Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Sa b-<br />

bath school at 2 o'clock P. R1.<br />

First B'rench BaptGt-Sherman street,<br />

between Russell and Kivard. Society organized<br />

September 20,1857. Church erected<br />

May, l8G 1. Nurrrber of mcmbers, 120.<br />

Services at 10+ o'clock A. &I., and 7$ P. M.<br />

Pastor, Bomuald B. DesRoches, residence<br />

adjoining tlle Church. Clerk, Alexander<br />

Lalry, residence 9 Maple street.<br />

German Bnptist-Hold services in French<br />

Baptist Church, Sherman, bet ween Rivard<br />

and Russell streets. C. Jung, Pastor, residence,<br />

387 Mullett street.<br />

Lafayette ace ue Baptist-On Lafayette<br />

avenue, between Caas and First streets.<br />

Organized June 29,1860. Nu~n ber of inembers,<br />

212. Services morning and evening.<br />

Prayer meeting \TTednesday evening. Sabbath<br />

scllool 2 o'clock P. M. Pastor, Rev.<br />

Alfred Owen. Clerk, 0. S. Gulley.<br />

Second Baptist - (Colored) - Croghan<br />

street, between Brush and Beaubien. Society<br />

organized 1849. Church erected January<br />

26, 1857. Number of members, 180.<br />

Service at 10+ A. $1. and 74 P. M. Yastor,<br />

Hev. S. Chase, residence '73 Larned street<br />

west. Clerk, N. H. Page.<br />


Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PauE,<br />

Cutl~olic-Corner of Jefferson avenue and<br />

St. Antoine street. Services at 69, 8+ and<br />

10+ A. 31. Sunday School at 2 P. M. Ves-<br />

pers at 3 P. h.1. Pastor, Very Rev. Peter<br />

IIennaert, V. G. Assistant Clergymen,<br />

Revs. James Gillese and James Donovan.<br />

Most Hoiy Trinity, Cvatholic-Corner of<br />

Porter and Sixth streets. Organized 1849.


-<br />

Church erected lS55. Service every morning<br />

at 8 o'clock. On Sundays and holydays<br />

at 8 and 103 A. M. Veapers at 3 P. &I.<br />

Pastor, Rev. A. F. Bleyenbnrgh. Assistant<br />

Priest. Rev. William De Bever, resideuce<br />

adjoining Church.<br />

Our Lady 07 Be@, Catholic-Elmwood<br />

avenue. Rev. G. Limpens. Pastor. Services<br />

at 8 and 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.<br />

St. Anney$, C(ltholie-(French) -- North<br />

side of Laraed, between Bates and Randolph<br />

streets. Pastor, Rev. Bernard U.<br />

SoRers. Assistant Pastor, Rev. T. Anciaus.<br />

Sexton, Peter Coureur. Residence of Pastor<br />

and sexton, Larned street, northeast<br />

comer of Bates.<br />

a. ~nne's' Cl~npel, Cntl~olic-(Colored)-<br />

Corner Congress and Bates streets. Pastor,<br />

the liev. B. Soffers. Services every Sunday<br />

at 8 and 10* A. M. and 3 P. 31.<br />

St. Joseph, Cat7roli~--(Gern1an)-Corner<br />

of Oratiot and Orleans streets. Erected<br />

March, 1Se5G. Pastor, Rev. J. Friedland.<br />

Schliter, residellce in rear<br />

of Church.<br />

St. ~fil?/'~, Catholk-(German)-Corner<br />

St. Antoinr and ('roghat1 streets. Erected<br />

1811- Pastor, Rev- John DeD~ker. Asdstants7Rev-<br />

Father Urban,C.S-lZ.R,Kev.<br />

W. Wingerton, C- S. R- R-Y Her- Adam<br />

Kreiss and four lay brothers. Services in<br />

cliurcll on Sundays and festival days<br />

throughout the year at 53, 'i*, 9 and 10 8.<br />

31. and 3 P. 31. Organist and Director of<br />

the Choir. A. Wuerth.<br />

St. Pat~ic:~'~ C~UP~, CLT~ILOZ~C-Adelaide,<br />

Discipks of Christ-Corner Fourth and<br />

Plum streets. Services at 103 A. M.. and<br />

'74 P. M. Sunday scl~ool at 2+ P. M, Tl~nrsday<br />

evening meeting at 7+. Elders, A. Linn,<br />

P. C. Gray, 51. Rifarr.<br />

Jcfer,von Azenue Cl~risticcn C71u7 ch -<br />

Southwest corner of Beaubien street and<br />

Jefferson avenue. Organized lS40. Number<br />

of members, 100. Pastor, 0. P. Miller,<br />

residence Tretilont House. Services at the<br />

usual hours. Sunday school at 2 P. M.<br />

Prayer meeting at 7?. 0'~lo.lock Wednesday<br />

evening.<br />


First Con,qre,qntionnl- Sou tliwest corner<br />

of llTayne and Fort streets. Organized De-<br />

cember 25, 1844. Churcl~ erected lSS4.<br />

of members, 2i0. at<br />

A. 31. and '79 P M. Pastor, Rev. Addison<br />

Ballard, residence 159 First street. Trus-<br />

tees, Charles I. Walker, iVm. A. Butler,<br />

pllilo parsons, N. S. Folsom.<br />

Second co n,qye gntioncct-Cor. Wood\vard<br />

avenue and Sibley street. Society organ-<br />

ized April 3,1866. Number of members,<br />

180. Srrrice at 10) .4. M. and 7'4 P. M.<br />

Sabbath scl,ool at 2 P. M. Pastor, Rev. S.<br />

M. Freeland, reaidace. &]den street. Sex-<br />

ton, E. C. Kt?tcllum, 14 Sibley stieet.<br />

Trustees, Augt. Currier, Wm. Bn~nson, J.<br />

~ ~ i ~ 0. bT. i sabine, ~ , G. S. wonner, H.<br />

Esselstyn, G, B.<br />


Clkrist, &i.vcqul-South side of Jefferson<br />

avenue, betmeen Hastings and Rivard sts.<br />

corner Jbhn a street. Church co~nmenced Society organized >lay 29, 1845- Cllnpel<br />

June 24. 1860. Organized nilarch 17, 1862. erected 1861. ~ l ~ ~ ~ 1~~;3. . ~ xum- l ~<br />

Services at 8 and 1Of O'C~OC~ A. M., and Y her of members, 336. Services at 109 1.<br />

P- Pastor, lier- Jalnes A- He1]ness~, 31. alld 7 ) P. 31. Colored sufiday scllool at<br />

residence corner Adelaide and<br />

9 A. 31.. 100 scholars. Paris11 scliool at 2f<br />

streets.<br />

3. &I., 374 scholars. Cllri st church rectory,<br />

St. Vincent De Paul, CathoZ;c- Four- 2.34 TITood bridge street east. Senior<br />

teentll street, neur hiichigan avenue. Mass Warden, C. C. 'l'rowbridge ; Junior Warden,<br />

at S and lo+ A. RI. Vespers at 3 Y. M. LV. N. Carpenter; Vestrymen. C. C. Trow-<br />

Pastor: the Rev. 31. Uy tdewillegeu. brige, A. H. Adatne, H. P. Bridge, James E.<br />


Pittlnan, S. D. Rliller, 13. F. Lyater, E.<br />

Christian C,%urcli, or Cony regntion of<br />

Trowbridge, (ieorge Hendrie ; W. N. Car-<br />

ChyiiQthn niscQle8-St. Ball,<br />

penter ; Treasurer, 8. H- adan's ; "cretary<br />

torner<br />

Woodward avenue and State street, un-<br />

James E. Pittman ; Sexton, G(3.o. W. Mooreti1<br />

they can be more pern~anently located, Grace Clzurc7~, Episcopal-St. Andrew's<br />

which, they trust, will be soon. The nuin- IIall, cs;.. Woodward ave. and State street,<br />

ber of members can not at present be temporarily. Church now being erected<br />

accurately stated, but probably not over corner Fort and Second streets. The<br />

100 reliable names, with two elders, two Iiev. M. C. Ligl~tner, R(:ctor. Senior<br />

deacons, and a fair sunday school. Elders, tT7arden, E. \V. Hudson ; Jullior Warden,<br />

Mathew S. Clapp, Pastor, residence corner Marcns Stevens ; Vestrymen, J. W. Water-<br />

Edmund and John I-1 streets ; Colin Camp- man, S. Medhury, Dr. Wnl. Brodie, H. C.<br />

bell, residence corner Woodward avenue Barker, A. W. Copland, Geo. Kirby, H. G.<br />

and George street ; Deacons, George White, Jones, A. H. Walcott ; Secretary, H. G.<br />

W. W-. Stewart; Tr~zstees, George White, Jones ; Marcus Stevens. Services ~norning<br />

ITT. W. Stt;wart, J. 31. L. Campbell ; Sex- and evening at the usual hours. Sunday<br />

ton, Richard Thompson.<br />

school at 9 A. M.

--<br />

Jfari~zers', Epzscopal-Woodward avenue,<br />

corner Woodbridge street. Services at 10%<br />

A. &I., and 35 P. M. The Rev. 9. &I. Lewis,<br />

Rect.or. Seats free.<br />

St. John's, Episcopal-Corner Woodward<br />

avenue and High street. Chapel erected<br />

1839. Cllurcll erected 1860. Society or-<br />

ganized December 9, 1858. Number of com-<br />

municants, 600. Services at 10;- 9. 11. and<br />

7; P. 31. Sunday School, at the church<br />

at 2$ P. &I.. at mission at 9 A. 31. Rector,<br />

Rev. Geo. 11-orthington, residence, adjoin-<br />

ing the church. Senior Warden, H. P.<br />

Baldwin ; Junior Warden, B. G. Stimson ;<br />

Vestrymen. John Roberts. A. Richmond,<br />

Thonlas Mc(iriiw, Jolln Hutchings, Wm.<br />

A. 3lcKenna, Tlleo. 0. Leonard, J. F. Con-<br />

over ; Secretary, J. F. Conover ; Treasurer,<br />

H. P. Baldwin.<br />

St. Paul's, Episcopal -Corner Congress<br />

and Shelby strebts. Organized Nov. 22,<br />

1821. Present church rebizilt 1831. Ser-<br />

vices at 103 9. 31. and '7+ P. J1. Pastor,<br />

Rev. T. C. Pitkin, D. D. ; Senior Warden,<br />

P. E. Delnill ; Junior Warden, 13. Vcrnor ;<br />

Vestrymrn, J. V. Campbell, L. $1. Mason,<br />

R. H. Hall, A. A. Habineau, IV. Parker,<br />

A. S. Sweet, H. IValker, T. Kadcliff: Col-<br />

lector, hlonzo Coombs ; Seston, Joseph<br />

Paddock.<br />

St. Peter's, Epivcopal-Corner of Church<br />

street and Ninth avenue. Services morning<br />

and afternoon. Sunclay scirool at 2 o'clock.<br />

Tlle Rev. G. E. Peters, Rector. Senior<br />

Warden, Thomas Maybury ; J unior1l7arden,<br />

Joseph Desotell; Vestrymen, Henry Hackett,<br />

Joseplr Harvey, W. Walthew, E. Pittman,<br />

T. 0. Leonard, Henry Doty ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, F. Wallington.<br />

St. Step7~e?z's, Episconal-Xortlr side Catharine,<br />

between Dequindre street and St.<br />

Aubin avenue. Organized April 3, <strong>1869</strong>.<br />

Opened for Divine service, May 2, <strong>1869</strong>.<br />

Seats free. The ltev. Milton Ward, Rector,<br />

residence, 328 Catharine street. Services at<br />

108 A. M. and 7;t Y. A1. Sunday scllool at<br />

3 P. 31. Frederick J. Thomas, Suyerintendent,<br />

residence, 347 Clinton street.<br />


Bethel, German Ez;n,~gelical-Corner of<br />

Hastings and Mou tcalni streets. Society<br />

organized 1857. Church erected 1858. Number<br />

of ~nernbers, 40. Services at lo$ A. A1.<br />

and '7 P. 11. Tuesdays and Fridays, 7 P. JI.<br />

Pastor, Rev. $1. Speck, residence, 366 Hasting~<br />

street. Sexton, C2lristol>lrer Haar.<br />

First German Beformed - Russell, between<br />

Catharine and Sllerrnan streets. Society<br />

organized August 15, 1812. Cllurcll<br />

erected 1857. Number of members, 120.<br />

Services at 10; A. AI. Pwstor, Itev. P. Greding,<br />

residence nest to church.<br />

German Bnngelical Lut7~eran Salem<br />

ChurcJ~Catharine street, near Gratiot. Organized<br />

March 9, lS(i2. Pastor, Rev. John<br />

Jacob Schmidt, residence, new 18 Cat harine<br />

street. Service at 10 A. M. Sunday<br />

Scllool at 2 P. hi.<br />

Immccnuel Gcrman Lutheran C7~urch-<br />

Trumbull avsnue near 31iclligan avenue.<br />

Society organized August, 1863. Number<br />

of nlembers, 60. Services at 10 A. M. and<br />

2 P. 31.<br />

St. Jo17L~z's, German Eonngelical--Corner<br />

of blonroe avenue and Furrar street. Society<br />

organized 1833. C'liurcll erected 1831.<br />

Sumber of members, 1,103. Pastor, ltev.<br />

Chas. I-Iaas, resi.!ence, 2313 Brush street.<br />

Scbston, Henry Hvnkel, residence 2'38 31acorn<br />

b.<br />

St. ,M,tthezo's, German Euan.qelical-Near<br />

the corner of Congress and ltivard streets.<br />

Church erected 1845. Services at 9f A. h1.<br />

and 24 P. &I. Wednesdays 75- P. A$. Pastor,<br />

Rev. Charles Schadow, residence in rear<br />

of tlre Church.<br />

ZTrinit,y, Gernzn?a finngelical-Corner of<br />

Gratiot and Prospect streets. Organized<br />

1851. Old church erected 1852. New<br />

cllurclr erected 1867. Xunlber of nlembers,<br />

500. Services at 10 A. Af. and '7;- P. 31.<br />

Pastor, Rev. John 9. Heugli, residence, 37'7<br />

Gratiot street. Seston, Freilericlc Beuernlann.<br />

residence, Marion, between Prospect<br />

and Hastings streets.<br />


Cc12t1-al AW~~t?..ocli.ut Epiuroprcl- Corner of<br />

Woodward and Aclains avenues. Society<br />

organized 3larch 21, 1823. Present churcll<br />

erected lSCi'7. Xuinber of nlembera, 740.<br />

Services at 103 A. >I. and 7+ P. 31. Sabbath<br />

sell001 at 13 P. M. Ite~llur meetings<br />

Tllurad8y an4 Friday evenings. Pastor,<br />

Rev. L. Ht. Fisk, residence, old number 14,<br />

Columbia, street, east.<br />

First German 131. E.-Corner of Beaubien<br />

and Crogllan streets. Society organized<br />

1847. Clrurc.11 erected 1830. Services at<br />

10.: A. 31. and 7 P. 31. Pastor, Rev. Geo.<br />

Sclrwinn, residence 37 Croghan street. Seston,<br />

David Gessman, residence, basement of<br />

the churcll.<br />

Jefc'rsor~ Awaue Chapel, 1W. E.-So~~tlrwest<br />

corner Jefft:rson and St. A~zbin avenues.<br />

Organized January, 1867. Sutn1)er of members,<br />

100. Services at 104 A. &I. and '78 P.<br />

A$. Rev. A. F. Bourns, Pastor, residence,<br />

312 Mullett street.<br />

Lafa-yette Street 1W. 23.-Corner of Lafayette<br />

ave. and Fourtli street. Society organized<br />

1830. Cllurcll occupied 1830. Number of<br />

menlbers, 150. Services at 10+ A. 31. and 7+<br />

I? 1. Sabbath school at 2 P. b1. Pixstor,<br />



Sewnd German M. E.-Lasalle avenue,<br />

near Michigan avenue. Church erected,<br />

1858. Kumber of members. 40. Services<br />

every second Sunday, at 104 A. M. and 7)<br />

P. M.<br />

Seaenth Street M. 8.-Corner of Walnut<br />

and Seventh streets. Services at 104 A. M.<br />

and 7+ P. M. The Rev. W. J. Campbell,<br />

Pastor.<br />

African M. E.-Lafayette street, Between<br />

Bsaubien and Brush. Society organized<br />

1840. Church erected June, 1845. Number<br />

of members, 200. Services at lo+ A. M.<br />

and 73 P. M. Pastor, Rev. W. S. Lankford.<br />

Sexton, H. D. Vena.<br />


First Presbyterian-Corner of Gratiot<br />

and Farmer streets. Society organized<br />

1824. Church erected in 1334. Number<br />

of members, 320. Pastor, Rev. FIT. A.<br />

McCorkle, residence 52 Adalas avenue<br />

west Services at 10& o'clock A. M. and 34<br />

P. M. Members of Session, Edward Bing-<br />

ham, Jacob S. Farrand, Alanson Sheley,<br />

Gleorqe S. Frost, David Cooper and Chas.<br />

Noble. Deacons, John C. Brovn, J. W.<br />

Farrell.<br />

Fort Street Ptesbyterian. -Corner of<br />

Fort and Third streets. Society organ-<br />

ized February 21, 1849. Present church<br />

occupied November 18th. 1835. Number of<br />

members, 225. Service at 104 o'clock A. M.<br />

aed 73 P. M. Pastor, Rev. A. T. Pierson,<br />

residence, 179 Lafayette avenue. Sexton,<br />

John Waterfall, residence, 318 Sixth street.<br />

Elders, Edward C. Walker, Frederick Buhl<br />

and Samuel P. Wilcox. Trustees, Geo. E.<br />

Hand, J. H. Jones, Geo. McXillan, Allan<br />

Shelden, and Bob't Hosie. Deacon, J. G.<br />

Ray. Lecture and Prayer Meting on Fri-<br />

day evening at 74 o'clock. Sabbath school,<br />

2 o'clock, P. M.<br />

Jenrson Atwnue Presbyteqian-Jefferson<br />

avenue, between Hivard and Hussell streets.<br />

Society organized January 25 th, 1854.<br />

Church erected 18S5. Number of members,<br />

250. Hours of service, 104 o'clock A. M.,<br />

and 7% P. M. during summer, and ?+o'clock<br />

in winter. Pastor, Rev. Win. Hogarth, D.<br />

D.; residence, 389 Jefferson avenue. Treas-<br />

urer, L. C. C'atlin; Trustees, L. E. Clark,<br />

E. D. Fitch, James R. Muir, James McMil-<br />

lan and Frederick Wal ke! .<br />

Scotch Presbgterian-Corner Bates and<br />

Farmer streets. Society organized and<br />

church erected 1848. Number of members,<br />

300. Services at 104 o'clock A. M. and 73<br />

Y. M. Sexton, David Kendall, residence 13<br />

Macomb street. Sabbath school from 1.8 to<br />

3 o'clock P. N. Library 600 volumes.<br />

David Kendall, Librarian.<br />

United Presbgterian-Corner of Wayne<br />

street and Lafayette avenue. Organized<br />

6<br />

1853. Services at 10:30 A. M. and 3:30 P. M.<br />

Sunday school at 2 P. M. Number of mem-<br />

bers 280. Pastor, Rev. J. P. Scott, residence,<br />

112 Wayne street. Trustees- John MG<br />

Bride, Wm. J. R.ay, Thomas Lawrence,<br />

Samuel Moore, Robert McKenzie.<br />

Westminster Presbyterian, 0. 8.-East<br />

side of Washington avenue, between State<br />

and Grand River streets. Erected 1860.<br />

Society organized October 6 th, 1857. Ser-<br />

vices at 10) A. M. and 7+ P. M. in winter,<br />

and 10+ A. M. and 7% P. M. in summer.<br />

Pastor, Rev. W. E. McLaren, residence, 35<br />

Rowland street. Elders, Hovey K. Clarke,<br />

W. F. Rnynolds, D. McCormick, Allen<br />

Chanep, Geo. Dunlap, \Fr. P. Kellogg;<br />

Trustees, John U. Erwin, B. B. Noyes, D.<br />

McCormick, W. F. Raynolds, Peter Voor-<br />

hees, J. S. Conant.; Treasurer, H. K. Clarke;<br />

Sexton, G. 0. Walker, residence, No. 584<br />

Croghan street.<br />


Beth El Temple-Corner of Washington<br />

avenue and CliB~rd street. Organized September,<br />

1852. New Temple erected 1867.<br />

Divine service on Friday evening at 64<br />

o'clock and Saturday at 9 o'clock A. M.<br />

Number of members, 120. Rabbi, Rev. Dr.<br />

Eppstein. President, Simon Heavenrich ;<br />

Vice President, M. Cohen ; Secretary, M. C.<br />

Fechheimer ; Cashier, S. Freedman ; Trustees,<br />

M. C. Fechheimer, D. J, Workum, L,<br />

Lambert, S. Freedman.<br />

Christadelpi~kn Societ!/-The Christadelphians<br />

meet every Sunday atternoon, at 3<br />

o'clock, in the Claswiwl School Room, corner<br />

of Lafayette and Randolph streets.<br />

Delroit Society of $pi?.it~lcctists-Organized<br />

January 24, <strong>1869</strong>. Sunday meet.ings<br />

at Kanter's Hall, morning and evening.<br />

Children's Progressive Lyceum, at 2 P. M.<br />

President, S. B. McCracken.<br />

First Congregatw na2 Unitarian-Corner<br />

Shelby street and Lafayette ave. Number of<br />

members, 300. Services at 1O.t o'clock A.<br />

M. and 73 P. M. Pastor, Rev. W. R. G.<br />

Mellen.<br />

First Methodist-In Good Templar's Hall,<br />

Grand River street, near the corner of Seventh.<br />

Services at 10+ A. M. and 73 P. M.<br />

Sabbath school 2+ P. M. Rev. W. H. Bakewell,<br />

Pastor.<br />

New Jerusalem, (Swedenborgian)-Macomb<br />

avenue, near Grand Circus. Services morning<br />

and evening. Sunday school immediately<br />

after morning service. Church dedicated<br />

August 2Gth, 1860. Number of members,<br />

GO. Rev. E. C. Mitchell, Pastor.<br />

Ninth Avenu.e M&wion-Corner of Ninth<br />

avenue and Howard street. Sunday School<br />

at 230 P. M. D. H. Richardson, Superintendent.

Pine St~eet Mtjhodist, (Methodist Protest- Tuesday in every month. Court room, P.<br />

ant)--Pine street, be1 ween Sixth and Sev- 0. building.<br />

enth. Services at 10.4 A. Bl. and 7+ P. M. Supreme Court, Stnte of Miclrigan-Chie f<br />

The Rev. W. M. Goodner, Pastor.<br />

Justice, Benjamin F. Cira~ee ; Associate<br />

&yr2 agogue of Shaarey Zedeck-Corner of Justices, Thomas M. Cooley, Isaac P. Chris-<br />

Congress and St. Antoine Ftreets. Society tiancy and James V. Campbell ; Attorney<br />

organized September 27,1861. Number of General, Dwight hlay ; Reporter, VITm. Jenmembsrp,<br />

70. Service Friday evening from nison.<br />

6 to 7 o'clock. Saturday morning from 8 to Terms, first Tuesday after first Monday<br />

11. President, M. Mendelssohn ; Vice Presi- in January and July at Lansing, and same<br />

dent, M. Herzberg.<br />

days in April and October at <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Union Mission ScJ~ooZ-Near the House of Court rooms. <strong>Detroit</strong>, old Odd Fellows' Hall.<br />

Correction, on H.ussel1 street. Mr. Z. R. Wayne County Circuit Court- Circuit<br />

Brocakway, Superintendent. Services at Judge, Jared Patchen ; Clerk, Stephen P.<br />

2:30 P. AX.<br />

Purdy ; Deputy Clerk, Daniel B. Brown.<br />

Union illi~siun School No. 2-Third st,reet. Terms, first Monday in each month.<br />

near Alexandrine avenue, Services at 230 Recorde98's Court-Recorder, Geo. S. Swift;<br />

P. M.<br />

Clerk, John T. bleldrum.<br />

Terns, first and third Mondays in each<br />


month. Court House, <strong>City</strong> Hall.<br />

Cangent of the Skters of Ciram't?y-Ran- Probate Court- Judge, James D. Weir ;<br />

dolph, between Congress and Larned streets. Register, Hiram R. Kowland.<br />

Sister Superior, Mary Edmonds.<br />

Terms, first Monday in each month, also<br />

every Tuesday. Court room, Congress<br />

Con~ent of the Smred Eemrt-310 Jeffirstr~et,<br />

corner of Griswold.<br />

son aven ue. Organized 1800. Lady Superior,<br />

Madame M. Brennan.<br />

Police Cmrrt-Police Justice, Julius Stoll ;<br />

Assistant Police Jnstict?, Stephen B. blo<br />

Conzent of Notre Dame-(German)-155<br />

Cracken ; Clerk, Edward E. Kane. Court<br />

St. Antoine. Organized 1840. Establislled<br />

room, Clinton strret, rear of Jail, and also at<br />

in <strong>Detroit</strong> in 1848. Sister Superior, Mary<br />

Sam uella.<br />

Central Police Station.<br />

United States Commissioners - Addison<br />

Mandell, Geerge G. Bull, Wm. D. Wrilkins,<br />

George Jerome, Sidney D. Miller, William<br />

Jennison, Thomas S. Blackmar.<br />

Masters in C?~nncer?j-George E. Hand,<br />

George G. Bull, Addison Mandell, Garwood<br />

T. aheldon, James V. Campbell, Levi<br />

Bishop, Wrm. Jennison, J. 1%'. A. S. Cullen,<br />

D. J. Davison, T. S. Blackmar, George A.<br />

Wilcos.<br />

U. 8. Marslial-Joseph R. Bennet.<br />

Assistant Mar87tal-H. G. Blanchaxd.<br />

Beputy Marslinls- James Henry, Theodore<br />

W. Ray, Frederick Freiburger, D. D.<br />

Marshall, George Davie, Ezra Wright, H.<br />

Bartlett, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; H. D. Spalding, Monroe ;<br />

M illialn Bronson, St. Johns ; Horace Becker<br />

and H. H. Alvord. Bay <strong>City</strong> ; M. H. Dickey,<br />

East Stlginaw ; \Yilliam Buck, llarshall ;<br />

Charles C. Lamb, Mt. Clemens ; Stephen<br />

Henry, Lapeer; Uage Inslee, Port Huron;<br />

Lenman Beebe, Romeo ; John C. Barbour,<br />

Battle Creek.<br />

COURTS.<br />

U. S. Circuit Court, Enstern Distlist of<br />

Mic7iigan.-The United States are divided<br />

into nine judicial Circuits, in each of whicll<br />

a Circuit Court is held fbr each distrjct<br />

within the Circuit by a Justice of the<br />

Supreme Court, assigned to the Circuit, and<br />

by the District Judge of the District in<br />

which the Court sits. The St.ate of Michi-<br />

gan, by theact of February 24th, 1863, was<br />

divided into two Judicial Districts. The new<br />

Western 1)istrict has its centre at Grand<br />

Rapids, and the Eastern at <strong>Detroit</strong>. Both<br />

districts are attached to the Sixth Judicial<br />

Circuit, which comprises the States of Ohio,<br />

Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky.<br />

Circuit Judge, Hon. N. A. Swayne ; Dis-<br />

trict Judge, Hon. Hoss Wilkins ; Clerk,<br />

Wm. D. Wilkins; U. S. Marshal, Joseph<br />

R. Bennett: U. S. District Attorney, A. B.<br />

Maynard ; Assistai~t U. S. Attorneys, J. IV.<br />

Finney and 1). J. Davison.<br />

Terms of Court, first Tuesdays in March,<br />

June and November. Court room P. 0.<br />

building.<br />

17. 8. District Court, Eastern District-<br />

District Judge, Hon. Hoss Wilkins ; U. S.<br />

Attorney, A. B. Maynard ; U. S. Marshal,<br />

Joseph K. Bennett ; Clerk, John Winder.<br />

Xugular Terms, first Tuesdays ir, March,<br />

June and November. Special Terms, fist<br />

COSTOhl HOUSE.<br />

Postoffice Building, Griswold St., Corner Larned.<br />

Collector of C'zrstoms-George Jerome.<br />

Deputy Collector-Digbp V. Bell, Jr.<br />

Coslkier-Mraslli ngt on Tbroop.<br />

Bond JVare7louse-F. G. Baker.<br />

licports and Accoun ts-V. B. Bell.<br />

E'rwoUing Clerk--W m. R. Dodsley.


Entry Clerk-A- bert 3f. Edwards.<br />

Dep. Collector, foot of Woodward A~enue--<br />

Ransom Curtis.<br />

Messenger-Hamilton Rankin.<br />

Irkspectors-A. W. S~uith, Virgil W. Mc-<br />

Graw, J. D. Allison. Frank Porter, George<br />

La Poiute, Jolin iVitherjpnnn, A. W. Leg-<br />

gett, H. G. Blanchard, J. W. Funke. John<br />

Esser, W. Smith. John Higqs, Otto Wilcos,<br />

Chas. E. Bloss, M. Lamb, W. W. Howland,<br />

& M, Sewell, Geo. Jackson, Mrs. Sarah<br />

Horn.<br />


Franklin Literary Society-Meets every<br />

Monlay evening, at old Adelphi Hall, south-<br />

east corner of Handolph and Lafayette<br />

streecs. President, F. S. Campbell ; Vice<br />

President, W. B. Rice ; Secretary, George<br />

Hunt ; Treasurer, J. Johnson.<br />

Celtic Literczrg Society-Organized May<br />

17, 1863. Meets every Monday evening, at<br />

Celtic Hall, Michigan avenue, between<br />

Shelby and Wayne streets. Presid. nt, H.<br />

J. Brown ; Vice President, '1'. J, Heiliy ; Sec-<br />

retary, James Kiilin ; Treasurer, Dennis<br />

McCarthy ; Librarian, J. \V. Fisher ; Critics<br />

-H. J. Brown, James Hanley, A. 31. Smith,<br />

J. I. D. Bristol.<br />

Literary Adelphi of <strong>Detroit</strong>-Organized<br />

September, 1867. Meetings every Thurs-<br />

day evening at their Hall, Alaconib avenue,<br />

near Cass street. The society numbers<br />

about 30 active, and 25 " privileged " mem-<br />

bers. President, T. D. Hawley ; Vice Presi-<br />

dent, J. W. McUrath; Secretary, JohnT.<br />

Hall ; Treasurer, Charles Zeigler ; Critics,<br />

J. I. D. Bristol, James Jacklin.<br />


0Bers and ,Members of the Board of Edu-<br />

cation for <strong>1869</strong>-President, Robert W. King;<br />

Superintendent and Secretary, Duane Doty ;<br />

Treasurer, Albert Ives ; Xesseuger, John B.<br />

Cousins.<br />

Members of the Board-First VTard-<br />

James A. Brown, James M. Welch. Second<br />

Ward-I). 0. Farrand, Charles 8. Backus.<br />

Third Ward-Wxn. Y. Bumney, George M.<br />

Rich. Fourth Ward-James A. Veun, J.<br />

W. Eomeyn. Fifth Ward-El. W. King, I).<br />

W. Brooks. Sistli Ward-Mark Flanigun,<br />

Oliver Bourke. Seventh Ward-Sidney I).<br />

Miller, Wm. L). Wilkins. Eighth Ward-<br />

< Charles Schumm, John Finnigan. Ninth<br />

Ward-3 ames Ualg, James W. Bartlett.<br />

Tenth Ward-F. J. Watson, James A.<br />

J Bailey.<br />

3 Standing Committees-On Teachers-In -<br />

spectors Wilkins, Bourke, Brown and Fin-<br />

i nigan.<br />

1 On Sc7hools-Inspectors Farraud, Romeyn,<br />

3 Bartlett, Uch and Welch.<br />

I<br />

3<br />

I<br />

1 OR LGrav-Inspectors Baclius, Miller<br />

and Brown.<br />

On Clnims and Accounts - Inspectors<br />

Mrelch, Rulnney and Watson.<br />

On CVays a.nd Merans-Inspectors Romeyn,<br />

Rumney and Schurnm.<br />

On, School Hor~qes, Weste1.n District-In-<br />

spectors Daiy, Sclluulm and Finnegan.<br />

On School Ho.rue8, Bustern D6t &t--In-<br />

spectors Venn, Rich and Watson.<br />

On Red Estate and Building-Inspectors<br />

Flanigan, Bourke, Brooks, Bailey and Bart-<br />

lett.<br />

-- -- --<br />


Bi.gh School- Ur. H. Chaney, Mr. J. Jacklin,<br />

M.ss S. Hunt, Miss E. Rlorton.<br />

C'ms Union Scl~ool-31r. J. F. Nicl~ols,<br />

Miss E. Capron. Miss E, Belrnan, Mrs. S.<br />

Perkins. Miss C. Penfield, Miss V. Post, &I rs.<br />

L. M~K;tl~itn, Miss H. IVatkins, Miss H.<br />

Clark, Miss. M. Hall, Miss. L. Mnnger, Miss<br />

C. Sanders, Miss L. Gilruore, Miss L. Perkins.<br />

Bishop Union School--Mr. H. Tarbell,<br />

Miss C. Young. Miss K. Dee, Miss M. Russell,<br />

Miss E. Tracy, Miss M. Dahmer, Miss<br />

&I. Gordon, Miss A. Ames, Miss V. Smith,<br />

Miss S. Bartemly, Miss H. Marsh, Miss M.<br />

Miller, Miss H. Caverley, Miss hf. Sabine,<br />

Miss M. Wickware, Miss Itohnert.<br />

New Nirith Ward Sci~oo!-Mr. J. Jones,<br />

Miss L. Burouglis, Miss C. Pomeroy, Miss<br />

S. Sinitl~, Miss M. Ruddimann, Miss C. Richardson,<br />

Miss S. Warren, Miss J. Morse. Miss<br />

C. Webster, Miss H. Finney, Miss M. hlc-<br />

Dermott, i\Iiss N. Patten, Mies C. Newhall,<br />

Miss A. Clarke.<br />

Barstow Union S.~hod-Mr. H. Potter,<br />

Miss C. Crossman, Miss S. Carrier, Miss L.<br />

Bull, Mr. F. Hart, bliss E. Taylor, Miss L.<br />

Smith, Miss I. Curtiss, Miss H. Holbrook,<br />

bliss E. Gilliss, Miss M. Capron.<br />

LToughton Union ISci~ool-Mr. L. E. Hall,<br />

Mies M. F. Buchanan, Miss M. Bassett., Miss<br />

M. A%ybury, Miss S. Howe, Miss M. Turner,<br />

bliss A. H. Elliott, bliss E. Foote, Miss A.<br />

3Sichae1, Miss M. Munson, Miss I. Van<br />

Dorp.<br />

Dufild School-Miss F. Truas, Miss T.<br />

Wilct ,s, Miss A. Ke~ley, Niss S. Hen~psted,<br />

Miss M. Barber, Miss L. Bromley, Miss J.<br />

Colville, Miss E. Mason.<br />

FranX lin Scoool-Miss M. Hodge, Miss M.<br />

Sullivan, Miss 1. Mackay, Miss N. Farwell,<br />

Miss 31. Tate, Miss M. Moore, Miss J. Carmichael,<br />

Miss M. Carmichael.<br />

Miami Azenue School-Miss E. McClellan,<br />

Mrs. H. Sheldon, Miss I. Ross, Miss S.<br />

Perry.<br />

Willis Aaenue School-as F. Wingert,

Miss L. Stephens, Miss R. Lumsden, Miss L.<br />

Allen.<br />

Old Tenth Ward SchooZ-Miss M. Red-<br />

mond, Miss L. Little, Miss A. Laurence.<br />

Trmdge &hood-M iss G. Snow, Miss I.<br />

Snow.<br />

Capitol SchooZ-Miss C. Blodgett, Miss A.<br />

Goldsmith, Miss L. Hawley.<br />

Abbott Street Mood-Miss S. NcGoldrick,<br />

Miss M. Kielp.<br />

Lye22 Aaenue Sk7tool-Miss M. Moore, Miss<br />

C. Paton.<br />

Guild Xall SchooZ-Miss H. Clements,<br />

Miss N. Fancher. '<br />

Third Ward &hoot-Miss I. Thirkell,<br />

Miss A. Joyce,<br />

Pourth Ward SchooZ-Miss S. Hartmeyer,<br />

Miss A. Ives.<br />

Colored School, No. I-Mr. J. Whitbeck,<br />

Mr. P. Whitbeck.<br />

Thompson Street Schood-Miss B. Riel1 y.<br />

Colored School. No. 2.-Miss F. Richards.<br />

Colored School. No. 3-Miss Sarah Webb.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> to Windsor, from dock foot Wood-<br />

ward azlenue- Argo, Capt. J. Forbes ; E~sex,<br />

Capt. George Jenkins ; <strong>Detroit</strong>, Capt, Thos.<br />

Chilvers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> & Nilwaukee R. R. Ferry, rom D.<br />

& M. R. R. Depot-Union, Capt. s' ohn Do<br />

Sullivan ; Great Western, Capt. Edward<br />

Stone.<br />

Mi' higan Central R. R. Femj,.from M. C.<br />

R. R. Depot-Union, Capt. John D. Sullivan;<br />

Great Western, Capt. Edward Stone.<br />

Night Ferries-Gem, Cayt. J. R. Innes ;<br />

Favorite, Capt. John Cary.<br />


Board of T~ade Building Company-<br />

Office, No. 1 Board of Trade Building. Incorporated<br />

March 12th, 1864. Capital<br />

$41,000. shares, $25 eacli. The following<br />

are the officers and directors for <strong>1869</strong> : President,<br />

Geo. I?. Bagley ; Secretary, James<br />

Aspinall ; Treasurer, C. H. Wilkins ; Directors,<br />

Ueo. F. Bagley, Theo. H. Hinchman,<br />

Chauncey Hurlbut, Charles Ducharme,<br />

James Aspinall, C. H. Wilkins, H. J. Buckley,<br />

Geo. McMillan, Jas. E. Pittman.<br />

Burt Manufacturing Company-Manufacturers<br />

of car wheels and iron mineral<br />

paint. Hamtramck, near Peninsula Iron<br />

Company's works. Incorporated April, 1868,<br />

Capital, $25,000. Shares $25 each. President,<br />

Austin Burt ; Secretary, H. E. Burt ;<br />

Superintendent, Lee Burt.<br />

Hamtramck. Incorporated March, 1825.<br />

Capital, $150,000. President, Edward C.<br />

\Jralker. Vice-President, W. H. Barnum.<br />

Secretary and Treasurer W. M. Gaylord.<br />

Board of Directors, E. C. Walker, W. H.<br />

Barnum, W. B. Ogden, W. M. Gaylord,<br />

Fredvrick Wetmore.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Lake Superior Copper Om-<br />

pang-An Eastern corporation,with branches<br />

at <strong>Detroit</strong> and Portage, L. S. Agent at De-<br />

troit. John R. Grout. Office and works,<br />

Springwells, near Fort Wayne.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge and Iron Worh-Office<br />

and works, corner Foundry street and M. C.<br />

H. R. Incorporated 1863. Capital $200,000 ;<br />

$00 shares at $25 each. Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Wm. C. Colburn; Engineer, Wil-<br />

lard S. Pope.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Building and &zing Society-Or-<br />

ganized January 4, <strong>1869</strong>. Incorporated<br />

April 4, <strong>1869</strong>. Capital Stock, $250,000.<br />

Number of shares, 2,000, at $125 each.<br />

Meeting every Saturday evening at Arbeiter<br />

Hall, corner Russell and Catharine streets.<br />

President, August Marsliausen ; Vice Presi-<br />

dent, Carl Schu1t.z ; Financial Secretary,<br />

Carl Schmemann ; Recording Secretary,<br />

Carl Heuer ; Treasurer, Carl Werner ; Board<br />

of Directors, August Marshausen, Carl<br />

Schultz, Fred. Fulda, Andrew Haisclier,<br />

Henry Spitzley, Jacob Zerbe, W. Boen-<br />

ninghausen, Sr., Carl Kauffmann, William<br />

Albrecht.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car W~eel Chipan?/-Office and<br />

works, 407 Atwater street east. Incorpor-<br />

ated July, 1866. Capital, $40,000. Shares<br />

$25 each. President, John S. Newberry;<br />

Treasurer, E. C. Dean ; Secretary, James<br />

McMillan ; Superintendent, Samuel Nelson.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car and Manufadu? ing Cornpan?/<br />

-Office and works, corner of Croglian and<br />

Deauindre streets. Incorporated January<br />

21til,1867. Capital, $100,600. Shares, $5b<br />

each. President, Edward C. Mralker ; Seo<br />

retary and Treasurer. George W. Gilbert ;<br />

Managing Director. George W. Sutherland.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mills 6'0.-Mills, Wood-<br />

bridge between Eighth and Tenth streets.<br />

Office, 61 Jefferson avenue. Incorporated<br />

September, l8G8. Capital, $60,000. Shares<br />

$25 each. President*, J. D. Hayes ; Vice<br />

President, J. M. Brown ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Geo. W. Balch.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Fi~e and Marine Insurance Compang-Office,<br />

124 Jefferson avenue. Capital<br />

stock, $600,000. Paid up capital, $150,000.<br />

Cash capiital and surplus, $290,000. President,<br />

Caleb Van Husan ; Vice-President,<br />

Edward Kanter , Secretary, James J. Clark.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gas Light Comptcn y-Chartered<br />

in 1849 for fifty years. Commenced supy7yin9<br />

gas September 21st, 1851. Works loca-<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Lake Superior lion &nu- / te& %n ~ iier had, between Twenty-First<br />

fcccturing C'ompany - OtGce at Works in and Twenty-Second streets. Office, 8 Lar


-<br />

ned street east. Directors, Alexander H.<br />

Deg, Samuel Lewis, P. E. Demill, Jacob S.<br />

Farrand, John If. Berrien, G. V. N. Lothrop.<br />

Henry Cartwright. President, Alexander<br />

H. Dey ; Treasurer, Jacob 0. Farrand ; Secretary<br />

and Superintendent, P. B. Demil ;<br />

Assistant Secret,ary, K. McMaster.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Loconwti~c;e Wwks-Office, corner<br />

Larned and Third streets. Works, Larned,<br />

between Third and Fourth streets. Incorporated<br />

April 1, 1854. Capital, $200,000.<br />

Shares, $25 each. President, C. 11. Buhl ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, D. R. Peirce.<br />

Directors, C. H. Buhl, J. Owen, C. Van<br />

Husan, J. H. Eaton, C. Hurlbut ; Mechanical<br />

Superintendent, J. W. Bartlett.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Nmelty Works - Manufacture<br />

brass goods and machine knives. Office<br />

and works, north-west corner Brush and<br />

Woodbridge streets. Incorporated March<br />

6th, <strong>1869</strong>. Capital $50.0U0. L. R. Casey,<br />

Secretary and Manager ; Walter Thompson,<br />

Mechanical Superintendent.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Railroad Elezator Company-<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Hailway dock. Incorporated<br />

May, 1868. Capital $72,000.<br />

President, John S. Newberry ; Secret.ary<br />

and Treasurer, James McMiilan ; Manager,<br />

Henry E. Gould.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> River Lumber Company-Office,<br />

315 Atwater street, between Rivard and<br />

Riopelle ; saw mills at Ecorse. Incorporated<br />

October, 1868. Capit.a1$30,000. President,<br />

James Mchlillan; Secretary, P. Vandermuelen<br />

; Managers, James S. HUE, Henry<br />

S. Benson.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Sqfe Company-Office and works,<br />

Atwater Street,, between Russel and Rivard.<br />

Incorporated 1865. Capital, $40,000. Pres<br />

ident., John J. Bagley; Secretary and Treas<br />

urer, 2. R. Brockway ; Superintendent, D.<br />

0. Paige ; Directors, John J. Bagley, B. N.<br />

Rice, Charles Fargo, 2. R. Brockway, D. 0.<br />

Paige.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Stoze Works-Foundry, Mt. Elliott<br />

avenue. Hamtramck. near U. S. Marine<br />

~os~itth. ~ncor~orated 1866. Capital<br />

$100,000. Shares $25 each. President, W.<br />

H. Tefft ; Vice-President, M. I. Mills ; Secretary,<br />

H. J. Fiske ; Superintendent, J.<br />

Dwyer. Office and store, 15 and 17 Woodbridge<br />

street west.<br />

mreka Iron C'ompan?j-Office, dock foot<br />

of Wape street. Furnace at Wgandotte,<br />

U7ayne county. Incorporated 1855. Capital,<br />

$117,500. Shares, $85 each. President<br />

and Treasurer, E. B. Wari. Secretary and<br />

Agent, W. H. Zabriskie. '<br />

Pulton Iron and Engine Worh-Brush<br />

street, near D. & M. depot. Incorporated<br />

November, 1867. Capital , $80,000. Presi-<br />

. dent. John S. Newberry ; Secretdry, James<br />

McMiIlan ; Treasurer and Superintendent,<br />

James B. Wayne.<br />

Hnmtmmck Iron Works-Office at foun-<br />

dry in Hamtramck. Incorporated April<br />

17th, 1866. Capital, $1 00,000. Shares, $25<br />

each. President Edward C. Walker ; Busi-<br />

ness Manager, R. S. Dillon ; Secretary, Oeo.<br />

H. Russell. The Company own a blast<br />

furnace for manufacturing pig iron from<br />

Lake Superior ore. They also n~anufacture<br />

mstinjis of all descriptions, and car wheels<br />

from Lake Superior iron.<br />

Lake St. Chir and Up Rimr fie Company<br />

-Office, 53 Griswold street. President, E.<br />

Chope ; Manager, J. H. Seitz ; Secretary,<br />

F. L. Seitz.<br />

Mechn,n.ics' and In pen tors' Association--<br />

Head office, Arcade building, Larned street<br />

west, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Branches at Chicago, New<br />

York and Washington. Incorporated Feb-<br />

ruary 27th, 1667. Capital $20,000. Shares<br />

$25 each. President, Hon. 31. McGee. Jack-<br />

son ; Secretary and Solicitor, Tnonlas S.<br />

Sprague, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Treasurer, Oeorge Roh-<br />

landt, Arago, Neb. llle business of the<br />

association is confined to obtaining foreign<br />

and American patents, and all litigation<br />

connected with patents.<br />

Zwhigan Car Cornpan?/-Office and works,<br />

corner Larned and Fourth streets. Incor-<br />

porated March, 1564. Capital, $100.000.<br />

Shares, $25 each. President, John S. New-<br />

berry ; Treasurer, E. C. Dean ; Secretary,<br />

James McMillan ; Manager, E. C. Dean ;<br />

Superintendent, Jatnes McBregor.<br />

Michigan Concrete Stone Cbmpany-Capi-<br />

tal, !$50,000. Office and works, 278 At wat,er<br />

street east ; President., A. Carrier ; Secre-<br />

tary, G. W. Lloyd ; Treasurer, F. Palms ;<br />

Directors. A. Carrier, F. Palms, G. Mr. Lloyd,<br />

E. .W. Ladd, Gt. Morhous, C. H. Kichmond,<br />

Samuel Lewis.<br />

Mkltigan G2a.w Company-Salesroom at<br />

the store of WTilliam &lcMillan & Co.. 44<br />

Woodward avenue. Incorporated Mayz<br />

<strong>1869</strong>. Capital $50,000. President, John S.<br />

Newberry ; Secretary and Treasurer, James<br />

Mchlillan ; Managcr, Korman McAllister;<br />

Directors, N. W. Brooks, Francis Adams, C.<br />

H. Davison, Wm. McMillan.<br />

Il-lchignn Mutual Health Ins?~rance on&<br />

RaZief Society-Incorporated February 19,<br />

<strong>1869</strong>. Capital stock. $100,000. Paid-in<br />

capital, $10.000. 10,000 shares, at $10 each.<br />

Preaiden t, It. Diepenbeck ; Secretary, Herman<br />

Huhn ; Directors, Edw. Kanter, Fred.<br />

Behr, Francis Eccard, Charles Busch, Traugott<br />

Schmidt, Leo Breisacher, Julius Stoll,<br />

Anthony Lederle, Joseph Kuhn, Azthony<br />

Scllul te, Charles Stange, 0. Heusel bacher,<br />

P. Babillion, biichael Martz, Mrm. Barie.<br />

MiciLz'gan Mixtual Life Insurance Cmpnn y<br />

-Commenced business under cbarter,<br />

Novelrlbsr 12t11, 1867. Capital, $lS0,000.<br />

Office, Bank Block, Griswold street. Eleo

tion of officers, second Tuesday in January.<br />

President, John J. Bagley ; Vice-Presidcni;,<br />

Jacob S. Farrand ; Secretary, John T. Lig-<br />

gitt ; Actuary, James C. Watson. Michigan<br />

University ; Medical Examiner, Dr. D. 0.<br />

Furrand ; Dirt!ctors, Jolin J. Bagley, George<br />

Foote, GTustavus Doeltz, C has. D. Stevens,<br />

William Oakes, Geo. W. Lee, Jno. Robertson,<br />

T. H. Hiuchman, William Lluncan, E. S.<br />

Heineman, Geo. S. Frost, Dr. H. Kiefer, R.<br />

W. King, Arthur C. Porter, Wm. Phelps,<br />

Edward LeFavour, Jacob S. Farrand, of<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> ; T. M. Cooley, of Ann Arbor ; Byron<br />

GI. Stout and Horace C. Thurber, of Pontiac ;<br />

F. W. Judd, of Flint; John F. Driggs,<br />

East Saginaw ; Amos Root, of Jaclcson ;<br />

Latham Hull, of Kalamazoo ; Thotnas H.<br />

Stephenson, of Pam Paw ; C. J. Dickerson,<br />

of Hillsdale ; E. 0. Groscenor, of Jonesville ;<br />

J. I. Knapp and F. J. Hough. of Adri:~n ;<br />

Aaron F. Leopold, of Houghton, L. S. ; John<br />

Johnston, of Port Huron.<br />

Michigan Nut and Bolt Cornpan?/--Incorporated<br />

April 4th. 1868. Capital stock,<br />

$30,000. President, Elijali Srnit 11; Secretary,<br />

J. H. Briscoe : Treasurer, George B. Hill.<br />

Peninsukar Irolc C'ompnny - Office, foot<br />

First street. Works, Hautramck, near<br />

Marine Hospital. Incorporated July, 1856.<br />

Capital, $500:000. Shares, $25 each. President,<br />

John Burt ; Secretary and Treasurer,<br />

Austin Burt ; Directors, John Burt, Austin<br />

Burt,, Lee Burt, S. L. Fuller, P. J. Ralph.<br />

Protect& Fuel Compan?j-0 ffice, foot of<br />

Griswold street, corner Atwater. Incorporated<br />

September 1867. Capital paid in,<br />

$30,000 ; nominal, $200,000. President,<br />

Orrin Staples ; Vice-Pre$idrnt, W. H. TeRc ;<br />

Secretary and Superint.endent, S. W. Walker.<br />

8pra'ngweZk Brkk ancl IiZe Company-<br />

Works at Grand Trunk Junctiou. Oiiice,<br />

399 Sixth street. Incorporated May 23d,<br />

1865. Capital $12,000. Shares $23 each.<br />

President, Ed ward C. Dean ; Vice-Yresiden t,<br />

Albert T. Putnzrin ; Secretiry and Treasurer,<br />

George P. Tenny ; Superintendent. Henry<br />

Hamilton. Directors, Edward C. Dean,<br />

Albert T. Putnaru: George P. Tenny.<br />

The Caiuert Lithographing Company-<br />

Capital, $40,@03. Office and operatiag<br />

rooms, Arcade Building, Larned street west.<br />

President and Superintendent, Thonlas<br />

Calvert ; Secretary, C. H. Candler ; Treasurer,<br />

C. B. Calvert.<br />

WiIder Plnning Machine Cornpan?/-Incorporated.<br />

August, 1865. Capital $230.000.<br />

Shares. $25 each. President, Geo. H. Kennedy,<br />

New York ; Vice President, Charles<br />

F. Clark, Philadelphia ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer. James W. Farrell, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Llirectors,<br />

Ueo. El. Kennedy, New Tord ; Charles<br />

F. Clark, Philadelphia; Stephen M.<br />


Crosby, IMassachusetts ; James W. Farrell,<br />

A. A. Wilder, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Wyar~dotte Rollir~g Z1t Compan y-0 ffice,<br />

dock foot of Wayne street. Mill at Wyandotte,<br />

Wayne County. Incorporated 1855.<br />

Crtpi tal, $600.030. Shares, $50 each. President,,<br />

E. B. Ward ; Secretary and General<br />

Agent, IT. H. Z~tbriskie ; Superintendent,<br />

S. L. Potter, Wyandotte.<br />


FELL0 WS.<br />

Grand Lodge-Meets annually at <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

on tliird Wednesday of January. Oficers<br />

5)r <strong>1869</strong>. J. S. Curtis, Grand Master; E. H.<br />

\Vhit;nt.y, Deputy Grand Master; Isaac<br />

Sides, Grand Warden ; F. M. Foster, Grand<br />

Secretary ; \Y. S. Wood, Urand Treasurer;<br />

J. Sprague, Grand Rep. to Grd. Lodge U. S.;<br />

S. H. Blacknian, Grand Rep. to (ird. Lodge<br />

U. S.; E. M. Plimpton, Grand Marslial ; L.<br />

C. Tii'lotson, (;rand Conductor ; B. F. Tayler,<br />

Grand Guardian ; W. J. Chaplin, Grand<br />

Cllaplzrin.<br />

Grand Encampmen t-Meets annually at<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> on the third Tuesday of January.<br />

Officers for the year <strong>1869</strong>. George Dean,<br />

Grand Patriarch ; J. H. ~McFarlan, Grand<br />

High Priest ; D. G. Palmer, Urand S. War-<br />

den ; F. M. Foster, Grand Scribe ; R. H.<br />

Xorrison, &and Treasurer ; B. H. Faircl~ild,<br />

Grand J. Warden ; A. Furguson, Grand<br />

Sentinel; Thos. Cummins, Grand Rep. to<br />

(3rd. Lodge U. S.; Jno. N. Ingersoll, Grand<br />

Rep. to Urd. Lodge U. S.<br />

Michigan Encampment, No. 1-Meets on<br />

second and fmrtll Wednesdays in each<br />

month. Officers-W. S. Wood, C. P.; A.<br />

M. Harris: H. P.; C. C. Jones, S. W.; J. C.<br />

Wallace, J. IV.; Mr. A. Stewart, Scribe ; J.<br />

McKinley, Treasurer.<br />

IngersoZZ Encampment, No. 29-Meets on<br />

the first and third Wednesdays in each<br />

month. Officers-C. J. Bradg, C. P.; C. B.<br />

Eddy, H. P.; S. Adanls, S. W.; Martin<br />

Pratt, J. \IT.; Thos. F. Parent, Scribe ; Carl<br />

Engel, Treasurer.<br />

Michigan Lodge, ,No. 1-Meet s everyiMonday<br />

evening. John McAffee, N. G.; John<br />

Boydell. V. G.; J. Reithard, Secretary; W.<br />

J. Gould. Treasurer ; R. P. Allen, P. S.<br />

Olive Branch Lodge, No. 38-Meets every<br />

Thursday evening. C. B. Eddy, N. G.;<br />

Carl Engei, V. (3.; Thomas F. Parent,<br />

Secretary ; Martin Pratt, P. S.; Jacob Martin,<br />

Treasurer.<br />

Wayne Lodge, No. 2-Meet s every Friday<br />

evening. \'. A. Stewart, N. (3.; A. Bare,<br />

V. G.; Wm. Mitchell, Secretary ; Geo. Dean,<br />

P. S.; J. McKinley, Treasurer.<br />

Wasl~,ington Lodge, No. 54-(German)meets<br />

every Tuesday evening. John


Menke, N. (3.; Joseph Giefel, V. Cit.; Jacob tiac, G. Commander; Eminent J. L. Mit-<br />

Zerbe, Secretary ; Francis Heme, P. S. chell, Jackson, D. G. Commander : Ehjnent<br />

D~troit LoCJ~P, NO. 128- Meets every D. Boon, Coldwater, (3. Generalissimo; E~ui-<br />

Wednesday evening at old Odd Fellows' nent L. C. Starkep, Kalamazoo, G. Captain-<br />

Ball, Woodward avenue. Simon S. Wert- General ; Eminent Bev. I. Coggshall. @rand<br />

beimer, N. G.; Bernard Prell, V. (3.; Abrnm Hapids, (3. Prelate ; Eminent J. Goldsmith,<br />

Arnspach, K. 8.; Louis M. Freedman, P. S.; Jr., Jackson, G. Senior Warden ; Eminent<br />

Louis MueUdr, 'l'reasurer.<br />

C. C. Curtis, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Junior Warden ;<br />

Eminent W. Barclay, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Treasurer;<br />


Eminent 0. Burke, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Recorder ;<br />

Eminent I. S. Sinitl~, East Saginaw, G.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bar LtZwary- Room 21, Bank Standard Bearer ; Enljnent S. C. Kandall,<br />

Block. Organized, 1853. 3,000 volumes. Flint, G. Sword Bearer; Eminent E. M.<br />

Sears Steevens, Librarian.<br />

Stevens, Fentonville, G. Warden ; Eminent<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Pd~lic Lil,rar?j-First floor Capi- VV. V. Griffith, <strong>Detroit</strong>, GI. Capr. of Guards.<br />

tol Union School, Griswold street. Organ- Grand Council of Royd and Select Masized,<br />

1865. 17,000 volnmes. Open from 9 ters, of the State of Michigan--Annual con-<br />

A. M. till 2 P. &I., for consultation of books, vocation, on the Monday preceding the<br />

and from 4 to 8 P. M. for delivery of books second Wednesday of January. Grand<br />

to all citizens. free of cha:.ge. Professor officers for <strong>1869</strong>-70. Charles H. Putnam,<br />

Chaney, Librarian.<br />

T. I. G. P.; 0. L. Spalding. Dep. I. ti. P.;<br />

Mechunics' Society Library-111 Grismold E. Sprague, G. T. RI.; H. S. Noble, P. C.<br />

street. 4,000 volumes. John Farrar, Li- W.; W. Bttrclay, G. Treasurer ; 0. Bourke,<br />

brarian.<br />

G. Hecorder; J. E. Marvin, t3. C. ef Gds.;<br />

Young Mefi'.~ Library - Young Men's G. E. Peters, G. Chaplain ; Cl~arles Lowe,<br />

Hall. Organized, 1833. 11,000 volumes. G. Steward ; W. V. Griffitli, G. Sentiuel.<br />

James E. Fiske, librarian. Library open Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, of<br />

from 10 A. M. to 9.30 P. M.<br />

the State of Michigan-Annual convocation,<br />

second Monday of January. Grand offirers<br />

MASONIC ORGANIZATIONS. for <strong>1869</strong>-70. William L. Webber, East Saginaw,<br />

(3. H. P.; Charles H. Brown, Iiala-<br />


mazoo, D. G. H. P.; Hugh M'Curdp, Cor-<br />


runna, G. K.; Leonard H. Randall, Grand<br />

42" 19' 41".1, N. L., 5" 59' 49".0, W. L. Rapids, G. S.; J. Eastman Johnson, Centre-<br />

Carson Grand Lodge of Perfecti~n-J . J. ville, G. Secretary ; Rufus W. Landon,<br />

Bardwell, 32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, T. P. G. M.; J. E. Til- Niles. G. Treasurer ; Rev. VTTilliam Stowe,<br />

ton, 32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, D. G. M.; Wm. Cahoon, 32", Port Huron, G. Chaplain ; John MT. Finch,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, S. G. W.; A. J. Brow, 38", <strong>Detroit</strong>, Adrian, G. C. H.; George W. Wilmot,<br />

J. U. W .; R. W .Landon, $do, Xiles, G . Treas.; Fenton, G. R. A. C.; Stillman Blanchard,<br />

Jas. Fenton, 82", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Sec'y ; J. J. Tecumseh, G. Lecturer.<br />

Speed, 32". <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. K. of S.; J. M. Arnold, Grand Lodge of 3-ree and Accepted dda-<br />

33"- <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Chap.; A. G. Hibbard, 32", sons, of the State of Nicltignn-Annual<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Orator ; J. J. Rhodes, 32", De- communication, second M'edne~day in Jantroit,,<br />

G. M. of C.; J. S. Patten. 32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, uary. Grand Officers for <strong>1869</strong>-70. M. W.<br />

G. C. of Q.; J. 1'. Frisbie, 38", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. A. T. Metcalf, Iialamazoo, G. Master; R.<br />

H.os. Bro.; W. V. Griffith, 38", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. W. A. Partridge, Birmingham, D. G. blaster;<br />

Tiler.<br />

R. W. Thos. H. Lee, Jr., Houghton, D. D.<br />

Curson Council of Princes of Jerusnlem G. M. for U. Pen.; R. W. E. K. Landon,<br />

-S. C. Coffinbury, 32", Constantine, Sov. <strong>Detroit</strong>, S. G. Wtirden ; R. W. J. V. Lam-<br />

P. G. M.; Geo. Taylor, 32", Ann Arbor, G. berzson, Rochester, J. G. Warden ; R. W.<br />

H. P.; J. S. Conklin, 32", <strong>Detroit</strong>. S. G. M7 .; Rufus W. Landon, Kiles, GI. Treasurer ; R.<br />

A. Bisby, 32", Lansing, J. Q. W.; R. W. i9-. James Fenton, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Secretary;<br />

Landon, 33", Niles, G. Treas.; James Fen- R. nT. H. 31. Look, Pontiac, G. Visitor and .<br />

ton, 32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. K. of S. St A.: Hobt. Lecturer ; M. Hev. C. C. Yenians, Negaunee,<br />

Bird, 32". Wayne, G. Chap.; A. Ci. Hibbard, (3. Clltiplain ; Mr. Reuben Bull~nao, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. M. of Cer.; J. J. Bardwell, C;. Architect ; W. Carlos U. cur ti^, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. Capt. of G.; W. V. Griffitll, S. (3. Deacon ; W. Seth Pettibone, Corunna,<br />

32", <strong>Detroit</strong>, G, Tiler. Stated meetings are J. G. Deacon ; Frederick Hart, Adrian, G.<br />

held at Masonic Temple, <strong>Detroit</strong>., due notice Narslial ; J. L. ;Ilitchell, Jackson, G. S.<br />

of which will be sent to each Member. Bearer ; W. C. Ransom, Kalamazoo, G.<br />

Grand Commn&r$ of Knights Templar, Pursuivant ; W. V. Griffiith, <strong>Detroit</strong>, G. S.<br />

of the State of Michigan-Ann u.al conclave, and Tyler.<br />

first Tuesday of June. Grand officers for <strong>Detroit</strong> Commandcry No. 1, qf Knights<br />

<strong>1869</strong>-70-R. Eminent T. A. Flowers, Pon- I Templar-Statad meetings first Friday of


each month. Sir Knight Jolin A. Barns, Treasurer ; G. S. Adams, Secretary ; A. E.<br />

E. C.; Sir Knight John P. Fiske, G.; Sir Smith, S. D.; R. D. Robinson, J. D.; F. P.<br />

Knight E. I. Garfield, C. G.; Sir Knight H. Ma tller, E. F. Church, Stewards ; Ales.<br />

H. Johnson, P.; Sir Knigllt Jos. B. Bamp- McGregor, Tiler.<br />

ton, S. W.; Sir Knight S. C. Randall, J. W .; Monroe Chapter N~. 1, R. A. ~.--~egu-<br />

Sir Knight D. Cf. Preston, Treasurer ; Sir lam, Tllursday on or before the full moon<br />

Knight E. L. Ivrs. Recorder ; Sir Kaight S. eacll montll-W. A. Carpenter, H. P.; W.<br />

Grunlmond, 5- Bearer ; Sir Knight H- L. A. Moore, h.; Geo. Eaton, S.; F. 0. Hetfield,<br />

Rutter, S. Bearer ; Sir Knight J. A. Brow, C. of the H.; E. R. Landon, P. S.; S. W.<br />

Warder ; Sir Knigllt Wm. V. Griffitll, Sen- Lovett, R. A. C.; J. F. Fennet?. M. 3 V.; L.<br />

tinel ; Sir Knight C'. Terry, 1st Guard ; Sir Armstrong, M. 2 v.; V. W. Rich, M. 1 V.;<br />

Knight E- Burke, 2d Guard ; Sir Knight R- W rn. Wn 1 ker, Sec.; 0. Bourke, Treasurer ;<br />

Rowland, 8d Guard ; Sir Knight Jos. Nich- W. V. Grifith, Sent.; Jrx Bardwell, P. H.<br />

olson, Commissary.<br />

P.; S. B. Morse, P. H. P.; G. B. Noble, P.<br />

Monroe Council No. 1, R. and S. M.-Reg- H. P.; H. T. Backug, P. H. P.<br />

ular meetings Monday succeeding tlie lull peninsular cb,ter, N~. 16, R. A. M..-moon<br />

each month- E. A. Elliott, T- 1- G- Regulars, Wednesday on or before full<br />

M.; kVm. A. Carpenter, D. I. Gi. M.; Jos. J- moon, each month. J. A. Barns, H. P.; R.<br />

Khodes, P. C. W.; John Stracllan, C. G.; Rowland, K.; C. (3. Curtis, S.; Wm. Brown,<br />

John Moore, Treasurer ; Wm. Walker, Re- C. H.; J Findlater, P. S.; 1%. A. Dillon, K.<br />

corder ; Thos. Adams, GI. S.; Wm. V. Urif- A. c.; J. R. perkins, M. 3 V.; Wm. Saxby,<br />

fith, Sentinel.<br />

M. 2 V.; Wm. Bougl~ton, M. 1 V.; Chas. E.<br />

Zion Lodge, No. I-Meets every Wednes- Saflord, Sttc.; John Y. Fiske, Treasurer ; A.<br />

day evening, at Masonic Hall. Andrew J. McUregor, Sentinel.<br />

Brow, M-; J. Orme rod, S. We; E- G- &uin Detr&t fiaonic JfutuaZ Relief Adso&<br />

by. J. W.; Alex. Hosie, Treasurer ; John Lew- tkn-President, Jolln P. Fiske ; Vice Pleaiis,<br />

Secretary ; H. Rowe, S. D.; James Hougll, dent, Garry Noble ; Treasurer, Oliver<br />

Jr. J. D-; W. T- Aldous. R. Dunn, Stew- Bourke ; Secretary, Jex Bardwell ; Directors,<br />

ards ; W. V. Uriffith, Tiler.<br />

W. A. Carpenter, E I. Garfield, W. F.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge, Aro. %Meets every Tues- Moors, Wm. Anderson, Seth Eves. Memday<br />

evening at Masonic Hall. John Stra- bership fee, $6.25. Information and blanks<br />

chin, W. M.; Edward Mayes, S. W.; James can be obtained ot Jex Bardwell, Sec'y, lG2<br />

S. Booth, J. W.; H. Granger, Treasurer; A. Jefferson avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Every brother<br />

J. Rogers, Secretary ; J . W. Lawson, S. D. ; L. who respects his wife and children ought<br />

Whittle, J. D. ; J. Boydell. R. Lawson, to become a member.<br />

Stewards ; W. V. Griffith, Tiler.<br />

Meetings of tle Several llimnnic Bodies at<br />

Utzion Lodge of S. O., No. 3-Meets every Miuonic Hall- -Zion Lodge, No. 1, VTrednes-<br />

Monday evening, at Masonic Hall. Joseph day ; <strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge, No 2, Tuebday ; Union<br />

B, Bampton, W. 34.; Getbrge W. Sparks, S. of S. 0. Lodge, No 3, Monday ; Ashlar<br />

W.; E. Miner Clark, J. W.: James W. Cand Lodge. No. 91, Thursday ; Charity Lodge,<br />

ler. Treasurer ; Geo. A. Winslow. Secretary; No. 94, Monday ; Oriental Lodge, No. 240,<br />

R.ichard S. Dillon, S. D.; (feo. W-. Hallam, Tuesday; Monroe Chapter, No. 1, Thurs-<br />

3. D.; Wm. S. Can field, H. P. Baldwin, 2d, day ; Peninsular Cllapter, No 16, Wednes-<br />

Stewards ; Alex. McUregor, Tiler. day ; Monroe Council, R. & 8. M., Monday ;<br />

A&ay Lodge, fi. 91 - ~ epts every <strong>Detroit</strong> Commandery, No. 1. Friday ; Scotch<br />

Tllursduy evmi~~g, at Masonic Hall. K. Bite, at called meetings-<br />

Rowland, W. &I.; William Saxby, S. W.;<br />

Jolla Pratt, J. W.; Thos. Ledbeter. Treas- TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES.<br />

urer ; E- S. Hibbard, Secretary ; T- N- LidlNDEPENDEX.T<br />


my, S. D.; Tllonlas Eoberts, J. D.; A. J.<br />

hotcllem. J. S. Thompson, Stewards ; Alex. nth Lodge, No* 23sMeets every<br />

McGrttgor, Tiler.<br />

Thursday evening at No. 87 Woodward<br />

Charity Lodge, No. 9PMeets every Monavenue.<br />

day evening, at Masonic Hall. George Albertson Lodge, No. Ml-Meets every<br />

Eaton, W. M.; John D. walker, S. w.; Tuesday evening at NO. 87 Woodward ave.<br />

James M. Rich, J. W.; E. G. Booth, Treas- <strong>Detroit</strong> Lodge, No. 257-Meets every<br />

urer ; C. S. Letach, Secretary ; D. McAllister, Tuesday evening at No. 180 tYoodward<br />

S. D.; Geo. Nudollick, J. D.; J. C. Harris, T. avenue.<br />

H. Griffith, Stewards ; W. V. CfriEth, Tiler. Recc&ite Lodge, No. 271-Meets every<br />

OrZen tnl Lodge, No. 240-Meets every Wednesday evening at KO- 180 Woodward<br />

Tuesday evening. at Masonic Hall. Harvey avenue-<br />

W. Burr, Mr. M.; Carlos GI. Curtis, S. W.; R~fuge Lodge, No. 506-Meets every Fri-<br />

James Stewart, J. W.; Theo. G. Lyster, day evening at 180 Woodward avenue.




F. M. T. A. B. Society. No. 1, of <strong>Detroit</strong>-<br />

Meets every Sunday evening, a,t their Hall,<br />

corner of Fourth and Porter streets.<br />

F. B. 2'. A. B. Catholic Society, No. 2-<br />

Meets every Sunday evening, at their Hall,<br />

203 Jefferson avenue.<br />

Y. M. Father Mathew Society, No. 3-<br />

Meets every Sundny evening, at their Hall,<br />

No. G5 Nichigan avenue.<br />

Fatiter Mathew Cadets (Junior)-Meets<br />

every Friday evening, at corner Fourth and<br />

Porter streets.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Medical Cyollege-Wood.rvard ave.,<br />

near the terminus of the street railway.<br />

Organized April, 1865. President, James F.<br />

Joy ; Vice President, A. C. McGraw ; Secre-<br />

tary, Philo Parsons ; Treasurer, Wrn. A<br />

Butler ; Trustees, Buclinlinster MTight,<br />

Allar. Sheldsn. C. H. Buhl, h1. I. Mills,<br />

Cttleb Van Husan, John Owen, Geo. S. Frost,<br />

Hiran1 Walker, H. P. Baldwin, Wln. B.<br />

Wesson, Edward W. Jenks, M. D., Theo.<br />

A. Md3ra.w. M. D.. Geo. P. Andrews, M. D..<br />

8. P. Duffield, M. D.; Faculty, Edward W.<br />

Jenks, President and Professor of Obstetrics<br />

and Diseases of Women and Children ;<br />

Theodore A. blcGraw, Secretary. and Pro-<br />

fessor of Principles and Practice of Surgery<br />

and Clinical Surgery; Geo. P. Andrewe,<br />

Professor of Principles and Practice of Bled-<br />

icine and Microscopy ; Samuel P. Duffield,<br />

Ph. D., Professor of (:henlistry and 'l'osicol-<br />

ogy; C. B. Gilbert, Professor of Materia<br />

Nedica and Therapeutics ; William H.<br />

Latllrop, Professor of P11y siology and Gen.<br />

era1 Pathology : James F. Noyes, Professor<br />

of Optllalmology ; N. W. Webber, Profes-<br />

sor of (ieneral and Descriptive Anatomy ;<br />

J. M. Bigelow, Professor of Medical Botany;<br />

P. P. (iilmartin, Adjunct Prolessor of Ob<br />

stetrics and Lecturer on Medical Jurispru-<br />

dence ; H. 0. Walker, Demonstrator of<br />

Anatomy.<br />

Wqne County Medicat Society-Organ-<br />

ized May, 186G. Annual election of officers,<br />

first Wednesday in June. President,, Dr.<br />

Wm. Brodit. ; First Vice President, Dr. C.<br />

B. Gilbert ; Second Vice Presidenr., Dr. H.<br />

F. Lyster ; Secretary, Dr. Wm. A. Chandler ;<br />

Treasurer, Dr. H. E. Smith.<br />

State Medical Society- Organized May,<br />

1866. Meets annually at <strong>Detroit</strong>, on the<br />

second Wednesday in June. President,<br />

Dr. DeC!amp, of Grand Rapids ; Vice Yresi-<br />

dents, Drs. J. C. Wilson, Flint, Alanson<br />

Cornell, lonia, Charles T. Southwick, Mon-<br />

roe, Kicllurd Ingalls, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Hecorditlg<br />

Secretary, Dr. Gieo. E. Kanney, Lansing ;<br />

Corresponding Secretary, Dr. (ieo. P. An-<br />

7<br />

1 drems, Derroit ; Treasurer, Dr. William<br />

Rrodie, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Wtzgr~e Count?/ Eomceopnt7~z'c hstitute-<br />

Organized July 3, 1865. Regular meetings<br />

first Tuesday in each month. Electlon rjf<br />

officers first Tuesday . in July. President,<br />

Edwin A. Lodge, M. D.; Vice President,<br />

Wm. R. Glorton, M. D.; Secretary, E. W.<br />

Fish, M. D.; Treasurer, E. T. Adam, M. D.;<br />

Censors, E. H. Dralre, M. D., F. X. Spranger,<br />

M. D., E. R, Ellis, M. D.<br />


Department of the Lakes-Embracing the<br />

States of Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and<br />

Tndiunrt, excepting the post of Jeffersonville,<br />

Ind. Headquarters, s. w. corner of R.ivard<br />

and Woodbridge streets, <strong>Detroit</strong>. Brevet<br />

Major General John Pope, Brigadier-General<br />

U. S. Army, commander. The following<br />

comprise the department staff: Brevet<br />

Brig. Gen. L. H. Pelouze, Ass't. Adjt. Gen.<br />

U. S. A., Adjt. Gen. of the Department;<br />

Brevet Major William McK. Dunn, Jr.,<br />

Captain U. S. Army, Aide-de Camp ; Bre~et<br />

Captain Charles S. Ilsley, First Lieutenant<br />

U. S. Army, Aide de-Camp and Commissary<br />

of Musters; Brevet Major General W. L.<br />

Elliott, Lieutenant Colonel 1st U. S. Cavalry,<br />

Acting Assistant Inspector General ; Second<br />

Lieutenant George A. Garretson, 4th U. S.<br />

Artillery, Acting Signal Officer; Brevet Brig.<br />

General Judson D. Bingham, Major and<br />

Quartermaster U. S. Army, Chief Quarter-<br />

master ; Bret-et Colonel Hobert Macfeely,<br />

Major and Commissary of Subsistence U. S.<br />

Army, Chief Comnliseary of Subsistence.<br />

(Station-Chicago, Ill.) ; Brevet Col.William<br />

8.. King, Major and Surgeon U. S. Anny,<br />

Medical Director ; Brevet Captain David 0.<br />

Farrand, Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S.<br />

Army, attending Surgeon ; Brevet Lieuten-<br />

ant Colonel Henry C. Pratt, Major and<br />

Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster.<br />

Temporary Special Duty-Brevet Lieuten-<br />

ant Colonel James A. Bates, Captain U. S.<br />

Army; Captain Charles D. Viele, U. S.<br />

Army. Troops are stationed in Wayne<br />

county, as follows : Companies A. H. and I.,<br />

1st U. S. Regular Infantry, and Battery G.,<br />

4th U. S. Artillery, Brevet Major General<br />

Kobert C. Buchanan commanding, at Fort<br />

Wayne ; Detachment Ordnance Corps,<br />

Brevet Captain 0. E. Michaelis, First Lieu-<br />

tenant Ordnance Department. at Dearborn-<br />

ville. <strong>Detroit</strong> arsenal at Dearbornville.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Light Guard-Armory in Fire-<br />

men's Hall, s. w. corner Jefferson ave. and<br />

Randolph st. This Company was organized<br />

on the 16th of November, 1855. On the<br />

31st of October, 1859, the Company was<br />

divided, and two companies, A and B, were<br />

organized, but on the yth day of January,<br />

1860, the Guard were reorganized as one

Comljany. Many of i:s niembers serrecl 14, 1840, and nmerlded April 3d, 1F69.<br />

~vi ti1 distinction (Inring tlie late war. Tl~e President, 'I'lreodore H. Hinchmttn ; Vice<br />

Compttnp lias now 011 its 1011s over 80 Pi esidzilt,, C'llus. H. Lf'etnlort?. Srci etary,<br />

active nienibers, and llolds its regu'ar (3. W. osborn ; Trustees, H. \V. Ne\vLury,<br />

m!)ntlily nieeti~~gs on tlie firct .\.londt~y of ('hi's. S. Cole, L. H.'Cobb, \V~ii. Duncan,<br />

r!acli month, and its drills on Monday and Jert,me Croul, LYil liam Hopki~, John Hen-<br />

Tliursday evenings of each week. Offict rs dull, Ed. S. Le~db~atttr, Ed. LeFuvour, R.<br />

--Cieo. L. Maltz, Captain ; Joseph 0. Bel-<br />

1 IV. King, W. S. Penfield. Stanley G.<br />

lair, First Lieutenant ; J. Edward blarum, Wight. The niembers, numbering a bout<br />

S~cond Lieutenant ; Ed. Jerome, Q R.1.; 180. are persons \vllo served during the<br />

who, together with 11re follo\ving, comprise existence of the vo1:lnteer fire systeul as<br />

the Board of Directors : Pre$ideiit. John firenlen, their duti~s in that res; ect ceasing<br />

A. Bel~n~tii ; 'J're~surrr, Ales. Hosie ; Secrta- rrt the inauguration of tlle paid bystein.<br />

tury, Geo. (3. CtTilcos ; David Fox. George Their charter is perpetual. They are<br />

Cllandler, H. F. Eberts.<br />

authorized to acquire zrnd hold real e~tate<br />

Det~ oit Scott Guard-Armory in Fire- to an anlount n, t escetading sisty tllousand<br />

men's Hull, s. w. corlrer of Jeff;-rson avenue dollars. 'L'lle 1)reseiit 01 lj ec ts of the organiand<br />

Randolph street. This Co~np~ny was zation are the relit-1 of dis;rbled merllbers of<br />

orgatbizetl on the 36th of Oc:tol)er, 1841. It tile dryartment, tlirir widows and orpllans,<br />

has now on its r dls over 65 fictive nlen1bt.r~ and the nluin tenan e 01' suclr insti turions<br />

in good standing. Tile following are the for the relief of the poor as t1it.y may deofficers<br />

of tl~e Co~t~pany : Captain, I?. Krenier; terrniue. 'S11c.y own Firen~en'a IIu.1, conlsc<br />

Lirut.. John Orth ; 2d Lieut ., Martin taiuing stores, offices. and a large audieilce<br />

Beach ; Quartermaster, Juhn J. Ortlr. or eslribiiion 1iu11, situated corner JeHerson<br />

Sherman Zoztcr.vcs-Ar~nory in Firemen's<br />

areuue and l


h? ? ~ P , D ~ A ) L ~<br />

Vozel ; C: ~llector, Rrunq K!+es ; Librarian, .7!.9t4? iwcry JI.P?~'L swioty<br />

Adwn Lolir ; Teac!ler of (iyiurla*tics, tie>. (*3.?rni.~n)--lt.)!)tn at St.. 31 L~S'Y SC!~ B )I llwlse.<br />

Iiulltl ; Ji~11i tcw, Adolph Wei3shof.<br />

PresiJent, ,"r' cliolas K~letten ; Vice Presi-<br />

D.,tri)it Tyl~.t./r{~phiml U,t.ion, No. 18- dent, H. ShstFer; S.:crei.ary, 31ath. Doetsch ;<br />

President, Eqbert H jekstra ; Vie? Pl-el;i Lent, Treasurer, Jacob Hanssn.<br />

P. H. Vu:~Dvne; liird of Direct brs, Geo. montllly fro111 October to April. Annual<br />

K:.iiser ; A-socit~te Ilirectors. Ji)hn H olt, meeting on first T~ues:lay in January of<br />

Fred. Bornman, L1. S. Cheuey, W. CV. CVal- each year. President, Mrs. Ge:)r: e V. N.<br />

dron.<br />

Lothrop : Fil st Vice Presidctn t., Mrs. CVil-<br />

Bctroit Workingmen's Aid 89cirt,z/-Ar- lard Parker ; Second Vice President, Mrs.<br />

beiter Hall, corner Russel 1 and Cat llarine Jarnes F. Joy ; Corresp:)nding Sacrrtary,<br />

streets. S ciety organized 1852. S u:)lber Mrs. Howart1 Webster ; Hecording Secreof<br />

niembers. 450. Aleet.ings everv Tuesday tar?, Mrs. C. Hunt ; Treasurer, Mrs. Colin<br />

evening. President. F. My11 ; Vice Presi- Campbell.<br />

de~~t. John Molln ; Cor. Si+creti~ry, J. Pope;<br />

Rec. Secretary. Juii us Ja1i11 ; Treasurer, PI1.<br />

L~fciyrtte Ba~~ewlent Slciety-Organized<br />

Weiler ; Librarians, Theodore May, Aciolp!~<br />

February. 1837. Meeting., the sec )nd<br />

Buchlintler ; Board of Mariagers, F. My 11,<br />

Ti1 uraday evt:uing of every niotutli, at La-<br />

(:. hlarsl~ar~sen, Fn~ncis Ecciird, L. Richter,<br />

fayette Hall, Grariot, between B:;tubien and<br />

\iTlll. Alyll. C. Lieberll~anb. F. Siedermiiiler.<br />

Sc. Antoine stredts. An eleciion of offic1:rs<br />

first lf~)~~(li~~ in July. President., J. B. R.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Young Men's C'I~nktian Ass~ca'(~t ion eravier; Vice President, F. 5. Dzlfay ; Re-<br />

--Koonis 12 al~d 13 hlerrill Block, up stairs, cording Secretary, E. N. Lacrois ; Cot-rescorner<br />

Jefferson and M't~odward tlves. The ponding Secretary, 0. Beaulieu ; 'l'reasurer,<br />

reading roc,ni is open from 8 A. M. to 10 P. Chas. 1,ongtin ; Marshal, JosepI1 Pic-ard ;<br />

M., and free to all, and cont.(ir~s all the 'I'rusrees, Chas. Dostin, John Fillion, H.<br />

leading periodicals, American and English. Defer, S. Visina.<br />

Prayer meeting every Monday eveuing.<br />

President. Siltls Farmer ; Vice Presidents,<br />

St. Andrezo's Society-Rooms 133 Jeffer-<br />

Arthur Tredway, J. F. Conover; Corresson<br />

ave. Meeting, tl~e first Monday in each<br />

por~ciing Secrt+tary, J. F. Henderson ; Re-<br />

~no~ltli. President. Nicol Mitcl~ell ; First<br />

cording Secretary, H. E. Burt ; Treasurer,<br />

Vice President,Alesander Macadam; Second<br />

1Viilter (:. SliitY; E~nl)lo.vtuent Co~ntrlit,tee,<br />

Vice President, Mr. W. Stewart ; Secretary,<br />

F. D. Taylor, J. H. Miuir, D. ,4. Ross; Btmrd-<br />

(korgt: Uruy ; Treasurer, Robert Hosie ;<br />

ing House Co*tmlittt.e. H.. (ii;lis, C1. H. Barblaniigers,<br />

Ko1)ert Linu, 'i'llomas Linn, Jas.<br />

l)our, (:. B. Ciray. Tt~ese Comtnittees hav-<br />

Forsyth. W. LV. Strwi~rt, George Common ;<br />

ing been tornled for the assistance and active<br />

Physician, Dr. Henry Clelttnd.<br />

aiding of tlre young nlen of our city, we St. Qewge'x Soriety->fee t s second Mondesire<br />

that any opportunity fi)r so dokg day in every ~uon~h, at their Hall in the<br />

may be brought to our nolice by those need Musonic Block. Oljeccs, to relieve and ading<br />

aid, or their friends.<br />

vist: disrreasect Englishmen, and tlwir sons,<br />

Firern eu's E1u it d 11 ssocint ion for tile Re- and gmndst jns, w11erevt.r born. President.,<br />

lief' (! j' Uiucdled Fim?1len-~4ssenlbly room. Henry Hea111es ; Vice president^. Jolin A.<br />

corner U'ayne and IArtrnetl st wets. Presi- M( jrton, Thonlas IA1-dbeter ; Treasurer, Jodent,<br />

Dennis Dullea; Vice President, seph Granger; Secretary, T. C. Prosser;<br />

Joseph Arnold ; Secreiary, Micllael Qainn ; Assist ant Secretary, Henry Powell ; Direcr7<br />

I reaeurer, Antllony Mc1,ogan ; Trustees- tors, John (5ibzon, Willialn Gilbert, John<br />

for Engineers, James R. Elliott ; Hook and Horn, A. B. Burton, Edwin Heeder, William<br />

Ladder (.lo.. Tllonlas P. Tuite, and Wtn. C. Haste, Geo. Bates, Mrilliatn Wade ; Stew-<br />

Cn)well : Engjl:lue Co. No. 1, P. W. Nolan ; ards, liobert Hodgkin, ll'illiam H igginson ;<br />

Engi~re. Co. ho. 2, Rlartin Caylia; Engi~~e Cllapltiins, Rev. Geo. Worthi~jgton. Rev.<br />

Co. No. 3, Anthony McLogan, James Brod- W. J. Ctrnlljbell; Physician, Dr. E. T.<br />

erick ; Engine Co. No. 4, Michael Qilinn ; Ad lams ; Auditors, Arthur Tress, John<br />

Engine Co. Xo. 5: Frank Beauhit, Louis Po~vell.<br />

Leb: lt.<br />

St Jo~cph Benevolent Society (German)--<br />

Hi.~torical Swiety of Mi~h[ynn-Young Room at St. Mary's school house. Presi<br />

Men's Hull. Incoryorat~+d, 1828. Meets on dent. A. Schulte ; Vice President, Peter Multhe<br />

first 'I'hl~rsday ir. each month frcm No- lenbacli ; Secretary. Henry Kuberz ; 'Lrzasvenlber<br />

to Aljril. Treasur~r and acting urer, John M'iesenlioter.<br />

~~ec;or~iil~g Serretar-y, Henry R Brtjwn ; Cur- St. Put:+k7s Bcneaolrnt Society-Organrespondiug<br />

Secretary, C. I. Walker. ized, April, 1867. Holds quarterly meetings

- -<br />

on last Mondays in March, June, September<br />

and December ; and celebrates tlie anniversary<br />

of Ireland's patron saint.. Their object<br />

is to relieve destitute immigrants. President,<br />

James Sherlock ; Vice president, John<br />

hfcKan~ara ; Secretary, Timothy McCarthy;<br />

Treasurer, Hugh Flynn ; Relief Committee,<br />

Mark McGraw, Patrick McTerney, Charles<br />

Fitzsimmons.<br />

Tug Associcttion - Composed of the<br />

owners of tugs plying in <strong>Detroit</strong> and St.<br />

Clair Rivers. President, E. G. Merick ; Vice<br />

President, B1.13. Kean ; Superintendent, C!.<br />

H. Carey ; Secretary and Treasurer, William<br />

Livi ngston.<br />

Wayne County Bible Society-Deposi tory<br />

at F. Raymond & Son's, 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

President,Jacob S. Farrand ; Vice Presidents,<br />

John Owen, H. P. Baldwin, C. C. Trowbridge,<br />

R. W. King, N. Mitchell, Thos. Baster. H.<br />

K. Clarke, E. C. Walker, F. Bulil, 0. S.<br />

Gulley, B. Hall, Z. R. Brockway ; Executive<br />

Committee, E. D. Fitch, Jas. W. Farrell, D.<br />

Preston, A. Tredway, W. H. Bronson ;<br />

Secretary, F. D. Taylor; Treasurer, Cdeb<br />

Van Husan.<br />

Young Men's Sbciety-Young Men's Hall.<br />

President, N. ijt. Williams ; Vice President,<br />

W. C. Colburn ; Corresponding Secretary,<br />

C. H. Safford ; Recording Secretary, A. (3.<br />

Boynton ; Treasurer, J. L. Harper ; Auditor,<br />

A. G. Lindsay ; Board of Managers, for one<br />

year, Peter Young, R. R. Elliott, G. L. Field,<br />

W. J. Chhtenden ; for two years, C. H. Wetmore,<br />

T.O. Leonard, M. F. Merick, A.E.Viger;<br />

Standing Commi ttees--Executive, tlie Presi<br />

dent, ex oflcio, Messrs. Wetmore, c'olburn,<br />

Leonard, Chi ttenden, Merick ; on Library,<br />

Messrs. Elliott, Chittenden, Lindsay, Viger,<br />

Young ; On Literary Exercises, Messrs.<br />

Field, Boynton, Colburn, hlerick. Safford ;<br />

on Finances. Messrs. Lindsay, Leonard,<br />

Harper, Safiord, Boy nton.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Philharmonic Socwty-An association<br />

of vocalist^, formed for the purpose of<br />

studying classical music. Organized, January<br />

1,1868. President, Adam Elder ; Vice<br />

President, Irvin Palmer ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Wm. A. Scrippg. Bleetiilgs are<br />

held on Monday evenings, at Weiss' music<br />

store, 62 Woodward avenue.<br />

Barmonk Society-A glee club, composed<br />

of German vocalists. Organized 1849 ; incorporated<br />

<strong>1869</strong>. Meets Wednesday and<br />

Friday evenings, at Bloynk's Hall, corner<br />

Fort and St. Antoine streets. President,<br />

I?. A. Schober ; Vice President, E. Feldner ;<br />

Secretary, A. Bachmann ; Treasurer, Chas.<br />

BUEC~ ; Librarian, Joseph Voel kel.<br />

Concordia 8o~iety-Httll133 Grlitiot street.<br />

President, Kurt Henning ; Secretary, Loui r<br />

-<br />

Fiirkel ; Treasurer, Francis Kulin ; Warden,<br />

John-Jordan ; Musical Director, John Tin-<br />

nette.<br />


Audubon C'lub-Organized February 1866.<br />

Its objects are to aid in the enforcement<br />

of the game laws of the State of Michigan,<br />

and to collect specimens of natural history.<br />

Regular meetings are held on the first Tues-<br />

day evening of each month. President, K.<br />

C. Barker ; Vice Presidents, G. W. Lloyd, J.<br />

N. Ford ; Secretary, H. A. Bury ; Treasurer,<br />

R. S. Mason ; Board of Managers. George<br />

Foote, Wm. Wingert, C. C. Cadman, G. H.<br />

Parker, Wm. Wright, Charles Ducharme.<br />

Banner Boat Club-Organized April 24,<br />

ISGO. Boat House foot of Seventh strzet.<br />

Regular drill, Tuesday and Friday evenings.<br />

President, B. B. hlitchell ; Secretary and<br />

Treasurer, Henry F. Baker ; Coxswain,<br />

Frank Newcock.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Base 13 ll Club- President, D. R.<br />

Peirce ; Vice President, Jolin J. Regan ;<br />

Secretary, J. M. L. Campbell ; Treasurer,<br />

C. H. Vernor ; Directors, Eugene Robinson,<br />

A. McPherson. Frank Folsom, Frank J.<br />

Yhelps, Chas. Dupont.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Boat Club-Boat house foot of<br />

Rivard street. Drill Monday, Wednesday<br />

and Saturday evenings. President, Albert<br />

Ives, Jr.; Vice President, Levi T. Griffin ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, WT. H. Allen ;<br />

Coxswain T. TVilliams ; 1st Assistant,<br />

Haulinond Hunter; 2d Assistant, J. 31.<br />

Hinchman ; 3d Assistant, James E. Elliott.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Nnt ionul Horse A ssociir lion-Or-<br />

ganized January 17, <strong>1869</strong>, to encourage the<br />

breeding and jrnportat.ion of first class<br />

horses. Capital $80,0Q0, sllnres $25 each.<br />

President, George Jerome ; Vice Presidents,<br />

Wm. A. Owen, Wm. Duncan ; Treasurer,<br />

Geo. Hendrie ; Secretary, W. H. Williams ;<br />

Assistant Secretary, M'illiam H. Baster;<br />

Directors, A. H. Emery, C. hl. Welcli, A. W.<br />

Tjrrell. E. Ferguson, Wm. Sowersby, Thos.<br />

Venn, Nelson McGregory, John Baugh, R.<br />

C. Willson, Wm. Smith.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Rue Club-Shooting Hall and<br />

grounds, Harntrsmck, near Race Course.<br />

President, Casper Dreher ; Vice President,<br />

Max Broeg ; Secretary. Jolin Brede ; Treas-<br />

urer, Francis Hesse ; Shooting Master, John<br />

Mohn ; Color Bearer, John Black.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, River Naqj-Organized June,<br />

1867. Composed 01 tlie following boat<br />

clubs: <strong>Detroit</strong>, Excelsior, Edmund, and<br />

Gampau. Number of craft, 40. Two grand<br />

regattas will take place each year during<br />

the boating season, one in June and one in<br />

August. Commodore. K. Storrs l17illis ;<br />

Vice Commodore, S. E. Pittman ; Signal<br />

Officer, William Tillman ; Secretary and


Treasurer, F. Raymond, Jr. ; Board of Managers,<br />

R. Storrs Willis, S. E. Pittman, H. C.<br />

Munson, Q. A. Balier, Chas. H. Wetmore,<br />

F. Raymond, Jr., Thos. Campau.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Shooting and Pishing Club-Orpnized<br />

October, 1868. Meetings on the<br />

first Thursday evening of each inonth at<br />

corner Lafayette street and St. Aubin ave.<br />

President, E. McDonnell ; Vice President,<br />

Chas. Eggeman ; Secretary, John Stenton ;<br />

Treasurer, Louis Dubois.<br />

Edmund Boat Club--Organized September,<br />

1868. Boat house foot of Mt.. Elliott<br />

avenue. Drill, Tuesday, Thursday and<br />

Saturday evenings. President, Alfred Brush;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, Eliot Brush ; Coxswain,<br />

H. Whiting.<br />

Excelsior Boat Club-Organized May,<br />

1867. Number of members, 35. Boat house<br />

near foot of Chene street. Regular drill,<br />

Monday, VSTednesday and Friday evenings.<br />

President,, I?. Huymond, Jr.; Vice President,<br />

L. H. Baldwiu; Secretary and Treasul.er,<br />

N. Fol~ett ; Captain, A. hf. Backus ; Commander,<br />

James B. Ford ; Lieutenant Commander,<br />

A. Sufford ; Ensign, G. K. Stevens.<br />

Peninsular Cricket CYub - Grounds on<br />

Woodward avenue, near termintzs of <strong>City</strong><br />

Railway. Hegular meetings on first Manday<br />

of each ~llont~li. President, tieo. E.<br />

Hand ; Vice President, J. A. Barns; Secretary,<br />

H. A. Bury ; 'i'reasurer, J. llr. &laterman<br />

; Board of Managers, J. W. Waterman,<br />

J. A. Barns, U. Armstrong, F. Barnford, P.<br />

Uridge.<br />

Tam O'Shanter Shooting Club-Organized<br />

June, 1807. Kegular meetings first Monday<br />

in each month, at McAdam's, 192<br />

Woodward ave. President, Edward Cllope ;<br />

Vice President, Samuel Oiddey ; Secretiiry,<br />

TiFTilliam Mascn ; Treasurer, Jus. &Adam ;<br />

Directors. Henry T. Phillips, John E. Long,<br />

Samuel Giiddey.<br />


Opera House, Ca;tulpus Martius, between<br />

Woodward and Monroe avenues.<br />

Young blens' Ilall, Biddle House Block,<br />

Jefferson avenues.<br />

hferrill Hall, corner Jefferson and Wood-<br />

ward avenue.<br />

Board of Trade Hall, corner Shelby and<br />

Woodbridge strsets.<br />

Firemen's Hall, corner Jefferson avenue<br />

and Randol yh street.<br />

St.. Andrew's Hall, corner Woodward<br />

avenue and State street.<br />

Kctnter's Hall, Larned street, in rear of<br />

Post Office.<br />

Rfasunic Hall, Jefferson avenue, between<br />

Griswold and Shelby streets.<br />

New Odd Fellows' Hall, Campus Martius,<br />

between Woodward and Monroe avenues.<br />

Old Odd Fellows' Hall, T5Toodward ave-<br />

nue, between Larned and Congress streets.<br />

Gymnailium Hall, Congress, near corner<br />

Randolph street.<br />

Arbeiter Hall, corner Russell and Catha-<br />

rine streets.<br />

Btirtenbach's Hall, Eivard, near corner<br />

Clrogllan street.<br />

Turner Hall, Sherman, between Russell<br />

and Kiopelle streets.<br />

Gocd Templars' Hall, 180 T,Voodmard<br />

avenue.<br />

Bloynk's Hall, corner Fort and St. Antoii~e<br />

streets.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, Oampus Martius.<br />

PARKS.<br />

Adelaide Campau Park, Joseph Campau<br />

avenue, between Nullett street and Clinton<br />

avenue,<br />

Cass Park, between Ledyard and Bagg<br />

str>ets, on Cass Farm.<br />

Central Park, between Farrar and Farmer<br />

etreets, north of aratiot street.<br />

Clinton Park, St. Antoine, betwt en<br />

Glratiot and Clinton streets.<br />

Crawford Park, corner of Fifth and Oak<br />

streets.<br />

East Park, Randolph street, between<br />

Bates and Farmer streete.<br />

Elton Park, corner of Fifth and Orchard<br />

streets.<br />

Grand Circus Park, on Woodward ave-<br />

nue, from Park and Williams streets to<br />

Adams avenne.<br />

Mucomb Park, between Whiting and<br />

Trowbridge streets, south of Michigan ave.<br />

Randol pli Park, Randolph street, between<br />

Centre street and Madison avenue.<br />

School Park, State street, between Gris.<br />

wold and Rowland.<br />

Stanton Park, between Whiting and<br />

Trowbridge streets, near Stephen street.<br />

West Park, State street, between Park<br />

Place and Palmer street.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Adaertiser and Tril,une-0% ce<br />

212 Jefierson avenue. <strong>Detroit</strong> Advertiser<br />

and Tri tmne Cornpang, proprietors. Capi-<br />

ital $1 00,000. (Eey ublican ). Established<br />

in 1836. The two papers consolidated July,<br />

1862. Publislled every morn lng and even-<br />

ing. Price $10 per year. Tri-weekly Ad-<br />

vertiser and Tribune. published every Tues-<br />

day, Thursday and Saturday morning. at $5<br />

per year. Weekly Advertiser, established<br />

1827, published every Thursday morning, at<br />

$2 per gear.<br />

The <strong>Detroit</strong> Free P~ess-0 ffice, 18 Wood-<br />

bridge street west, corner of Uriawold. The<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press Corn pan y, proprietors.<br />

(Democratic). The Daily Free Press, pub- .

-<br />

lished every morning, at 20 cents per meek, The Pmin~zdlnr lfintld--Office, corner<br />

or $10 per annuru ; by-mail $8. The Tri- Wg )odw+trd avenue and Grand Hiver street.<br />

weekly Free Press, publisl~ed every 311 )nday, Russell St S In, proprir.t~)ru. Y ul)list\ed<br />

Wednesday and Friday mornings, at $4 per every Wedriesdap morning, at $3 per atiannuni.<br />

The Weekly Free Press, pub1 isl~ed num. hlakes a specialty of teinperauct:<br />

every Tuesday ~norning, at $2 per annuln. (especia llg politicallx.)<br />

Tihe Daily Post - Northeast corner of Americar~ LTom ceopnthic Obsor~er -Pub-<br />

Larned and Shelbp streets. A joint stock lislleci ~lil,ntl~lg, by HJwitl A. I~bdge. M. L).,<br />

corn panp. Cali tal, $100,000. Establislr ed 51 \Vayne street. Terms, $2 per iinnum.<br />

March 27t!~. 1866. Dailyt Tri-weekly t.nd Drtroit Retiezo of .%dieins and PIin?*nzlrc!j<br />

Werkly. Daily, publistled every morning, -Pul,.islled nion tllly. at No. 41 Congress<br />

at $10 per year. Tri weekly, publislied street wt'ht. Terrus. $3 per year.<br />

Tuesdays, 'T'llursdays and Saturdays, $5 per The TVrstern Crttholic-( Kotnan Catholic).<br />

ann urn. Weekly, published every datur- David Barry & Co., p~iblisllers. Published<br />

day, $2 per pear.<br />

weekly, at 10 alld 12 Larned street east.<br />

Det rwit Daily and Weekly Union-0 ffice, 'l'erms, $2 per annum.<br />

17 Larnnd street west. Pra~prietors, M. H. Bnpli8t I'idi~zg.u-(Regular Baptist). D. 8.<br />

Marall, Jas. A. T~ller. iVtn. F Moore, Jolln Herrir ~gta ,n, put11 islier. Office, 814 Jefferson<br />

Drew, P. Forsy tli, Becher Sliinnc*r. Edi- avenue. Terms, $2 per year.<br />

tor, (lyruu Peabody ; <strong>City</strong> Editor, L. D S4le; I'he Odd Fellolcs' 111Treat7~-(JZontl~ly). D.<br />

Business Manager, M H. Marsti. Terms. B. Herrington, publisller. Chic-ago and<br />

$6 per year by mail ; 15 cents per meek to Dstloi t. L)etroit offics, 214 Jefferson ave.<br />

city subbcri bers.<br />

'l'erms. $1.50 per year.<br />

The Miclligan Tolkuhtatt (German)- Mochnnic and 1nz;entor-Publislied month-<br />

Daily and Week lp. (Detnocratic). Math ly, at Cllicitg ) and Lktroit, 1)- the Mecllnt~icu'<br />

Iirar~ier St Co., proprirtors. Daily. $7 80 and Invent oru' Association. D'ttr~ ,i t ofper<br />

year. Weekly, $2.50. Office, Free Press tictt, Arcade building, Larned street west.<br />

building.<br />

Devoted to pra~t~ical and reiiublc iufortila-<br />

The Nichigan Jbzcrnat-(German.) Daily tion regarding patents and patenled articles.<br />

and Werkly. (Republican). C. Mtirshau- Terms, 50 centa per year.<br />

sen. proprietor, 11 and 13 Wood bridge<br />

street east. Daily, $7.80 per year ; Weekly,<br />


$2 50.<br />

Situated on the nortliwest corner of<br />

The <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily E7;enillg Post+Ger- Larned and Griswold streets. Po*tu~nster.<br />

man. Republican). August Af~rshuubeu, Col. F. IF'. Swift ; Assistant Pdstmaster, J.<br />

~~roprietor, 10 and 12 Larned street, east.<br />

. H. Kaple ; Chief Clerk (tielivery depurr-<br />

Terms. $7.80 per gear.<br />

ment). Henry H. Curgil l : Chief Clerk (clis-<br />

Tho i)elruit C'otnmercid Ad~ertiser-0 f- rri bution depart.tiient). Morris h1. \~llliams ;<br />

fice, 42 Ln ~~ntrd st wet west. M'1il. H. BUI k, The free delivery systetn is in successful<br />

editor and yml~rivtor. Wm. B. Calvert, operation. The city is divided into twenry<br />

associate editor. Publialled every Saturday districts. In addition to the regular werkmorning.<br />

at $2.50 per aunulu.<br />

day c.~llection, a collecrtion is made in business<br />

distr~cts on Sunday afterno Ins.<br />

The Weste~n RuraLA weekly journal<br />


for the fartn and ti wide. H. N. F. Lewi*,<br />

OW D1STRIC:TS.<br />

publisher and prc ~yrietor. Terms, $2 per Dist~=ict ATo. 1, G'eo. L. N~tdolleckpear.<br />

C'liicago and Det.roit. <strong>Detroit</strong> office, West side of Woodward avenue to Sl~ell~y<br />

193 Jefferson trreuue, corrler Bates street. street, fr~~ln Congress street to tht: river.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Jourfinl of Commerce-Office, 10<br />

4 delivei-ie~, 5 coll~cti.)ns.<br />

and 12 Larnetl street, east. Published Divtrict No. 2, M. V. B. Decker--East<br />

weekly, every Saturday mfbrning. James side of Wooclwartl ace. to Ba~~dolph street,<br />

Y. Uradwell, publisher. Terms, $3 per ti. )m Congrdsu street ta the river. 4 delivannum.-<br />

eries, 5 c( ~llect~ons.<br />

The Michigan Farmer and State Journal Distr-i:t No. 3, .fi)hn Rice-From Randolph<br />

of Agricc~lture-K, I?. Je>llnstone, editor. street to ltivard street, frorn JeK-rson ave.<br />

A n*eeBly newspaper, devoted t,o tlie ttg~ i- to the river. including botl~ sidtas of Jeffercultural,<br />

hort icul tural and industrial interest~<br />

of Nichignn. Publisl~e~i every Saturday,<br />

at 130 Jr#tfr.eon avenue. Dztroit,, by<br />

Jol~ustone & (iibbl mu. Trr~ns, $2 per year.<br />

Btnzilirn-Bl 'itter-(Gerulii n). LVvek lp. A.<br />

Afars!lauseu, prljprietl )r. Olficr. 10 uucl 12<br />

Larued street east. Terms, $2.50 per year.<br />

son ave. 4 deliveries, 5 collections.<br />

Dist~ict No. 4, Orson TVoodilz - From<br />

Ilarned street to tlic river. fro111 Shelby to<br />

Fifr 11 street. 4 delicerieu, 5 c ~llections.<br />

Di.strict No. 5, Geo. Dittgzo~ll-L\'e~t side<br />

of IVoodwiircl live. to SllylLy street. uucl Cuss<br />

ave., frou Congress to Adams ave.


I)i.qtrict No. 6. Seth Goodwin-East side I RBILKOADS.<br />

of Woodrvuld avenue to Knndoll)ll strert,<br />

ft-om Congress to Adams ava. 4 deliveries,<br />

6 collccr ions.<br />

fii8lriet NO. 7, P?LizZip ~eyer~iitler-From<br />

Rnndol ph t.1 Kivard street, betwet~n La rued<br />

and Mucomb streets. 2 duli~eries, 2 ~ollec<br />

tions.<br />

,, Blue Line*,-A c(ms of folfrelgllt<br />

: Roaton & A bt~ny<br />

Kailrond, Providence QE Worcester H. R.,<br />

Worcester & ~ ~ Ua R. ~ R,, 1 ~~~~~t~~ , jc R.<br />

R.. ~~d~~~ River ~ ~ road, i N~~ l york<br />

Di.~t ~Vict No. S,Snturnin Jnsnow~ki-Sou tlk<br />

of Michigan avenue to Congress street*, betwmn<br />

Cirisrvold and Fifth streets. 2 deliv<br />

eries, 2 collecr~ions.<br />

Di.~trict No. 9. Fred. Buseh-From Rivard<br />

street to St. Aubin avenue, f~.oln hl.ltlcc,nll,<br />

street to, and including Lot11 sides ot Jef&rson<br />

avenue. 2 deliveries, 2 col1t:ctions.<br />

=isl,.iCt -&T~~ 10, Ben. D. ~ ~ ~<br />

of Micsligdn avenue to Canfield street, fieonl<br />

Cuss avrllllg t,, savallth street. 2 deliveries,<br />

2 collec~ions.<br />

tral Railnlad, Oreat \Vestern Way ( Canada),<br />

Michigan Central Bailroad, Jtick~on,<br />

Lansing & Stlginaw Railroad, Louisville,<br />

New Albany antiChicago Kailroad, Chicago,<br />

Burlington Sr Qoi ricy Hail road, Chicago,<br />

Alton & St. Lonis Haif road, Illinois Central<br />

Hail road. Tlie Y residen t s and General<br />

Sul)t.rintendents of tlie se~eral routes form<br />

13oard of Directors ; the (ieneral FI eight<br />

Agents forlil the Executive Comniittee, tlic<br />

wllole ~ being k u ~ rider Ont: - ma ~ nage~ileii ~ t , with ~ ~<br />

11e"'l di-kea at Delroit. &nt.~l Mauager,<br />

J. D. Hayes- Uflice* foot of 'Lhi1.d street.<br />

M. C. 4. Et. Comptlny's buildings.<br />

l ~<br />

Diut].ict No. 11, H. W. To?/nton--From <strong>Detroit</strong>, dd?.inn, Loganvo~t and St. Lowis<br />

Adalils ilve. to Brady street, bat ween Julln Railrortd-Con11 !any organized April 9 i h,<br />

H. street Cass avenue. 2 deliveries, 2 1SCi9. Ctlllital Stock, $650,000. President,<br />

collections.<br />

I). M. Hichardson ; Srcretary, Nathan<br />

~i~t,iet N~. 12, Ferdinnn Biclhelc Reeve ; Treusurrr, Jlerrill 1. Mills ; Direc-<br />

Frl)m (irariot t~ HiKll street,, I.et\vean Ban. tors. D- 'I Kictlal'dson* Jolln J. Bagley,<br />

dolpll and Jolin H and Prospect streets. 2 Alanson Sheley, M illiam H. 'l'efft, \Vm. C.<br />

delivrries, 2 cb tllections.<br />

Duncan. <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Kobert K. Beeclier, Henry<br />

Diut rict Nu. 13, 1Y. Wkcl~,~rnutl~-Frorn<br />

Hart, Henry A. Angell, Adria11 ; James Y.<br />

Cu wley, hlorenei.<br />

Brush to Drquindre street. between Clinton<br />

and Gratiot streets. 2 deliveries: 2 coi- Uet roit and Milwn ukee Xnitrocrd-0 ffice<br />

lections.<br />

and depot, Atwater street, fi)ot of Bru>h.<br />

Ui~trict No. 14, J13~ph (;ruf8eZ-B()th<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> to Grand Haven 180 niiles. President,<br />

C. C, Trowbridge ; Vice presi(lent,<br />

side of blichiran aveilue, fn~w. Cass to<br />

Tllolllns Snin).ard ;<br />

Seventh srreet, and sc~utli of Blic~~igan uve.<br />

J. H, Muir,<br />

General Superilltendent, l'lios. Bell ; (i en'l<br />

to Laril~atte avenue, bet\"een Fif~ll and<br />

Frrigllt Agmt. A]fied \Vllite; A,ssistant<br />

Twa!fth strtAets. 2 deiireries, 2 collections.<br />

; Agmt,<br />

District fi). 15. Alt)ert fihn~ke-bll terri- W. Faule,ner ; Det. oit Agent, P. Ma,den ;<br />

tory within tlie city lit~~its east of St. Aubin I\larllanical Supt.. B. BliScoe ; Directors, (j.<br />

avenue and 111 )rt 11 of Jefferson avenue. 1 C- Trolvbridge, Tlu)inas f3\\7inYad, Joseph<br />

delivery and 1 collection.<br />

Price. E. A. Btush, H. N. iValker, 2E lrv-<br />

District No. 16, Zar~r?j Tenzcinh-le-All ing, Dr. Hamilton, C. Hunt,, C. H. Suhl.<br />

territory north (4 Nalroleon and Bmdy<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

streets, bet ween tlie ' 'I. ' Howell rind Lr,nslng R,,ilr,,ad-<br />

Brusll<br />

fit wet and Cass avenue. 1 delivery, 1<br />

FroIll <strong>Detroit</strong> to Lansing, 83 mi/es,<br />

col-<br />

Prmident,.<br />

1'. T. Lyon ; Secrernry,<br />

lection.<br />

H. Butler ;<br />

Chief Engineer, M'ui. Scott ; Treasurer,<br />

aistrirt No* 17, James Vflrd-All nortll W ni. McPherson ; Assistant Treasurer* M.<br />

of Dlicliipn avenue and west of Seventh Fisller ; Directors, M. 1 ill^, lym. A,<br />

street to city liniils. 1 delivery, 1 c O ~ ~ ~ C1. L ~ Howard, O Harvey King. \Villiam Dunean,<br />

District 18, J0lt.n S. Grifln-All with- $1. 31. Fisher, D. b1. Kicliardson, Lj7in. B.<br />

in the city limits west of Twelfth street, llTesson, \Vm. H. Tefft,. <strong>Detroit</strong> ; 1'. T. Lyon,<br />

from Fort street to and including Michigan W. Tatt, Plymouth ; E. F. All~right, Brighave.<br />

1 delivery, 1 collt.ction.<br />

ton ; Wm. hlcPherson, V. X. T. Angel,<br />

Di~trict No. 19, Jurner R'bZulsom--Sou t li of ~o~~ell-<br />

JeEirson avenue to the River, troul liivard <strong>Detroit</strong>, Monroe and Toledo Rnitroadstreet<br />

to Marine Hospital. including both Office and depot.. Atwater street, foot of<br />

sides of Jeffersbn avenue east of St. AuLin Brush. This Railroad is owned and conavenue.<br />

2 deiiveries, 2 collections. trolled by tlie Rficliigan Southern and<br />

District Nu. 20, 1 ~ M. ~ &,rL~t/Le-From<br />

.<br />

Northern Indiana Hailroad, having yrecise-<br />

Fittli street to Cia1 k's Dry Dock, and from 1.v satlle 0ffifieer~.<br />

the Hirer to and ineludiag botli sides of Ir lint and Pere Mirrquette Railvoy-<br />

Fort street. 2 deliveries, 2 collections. 1 From Holly to Pere Malquette, Franktort,

or some point between Pere Marquette and<br />

Traverse <strong>City</strong>, via Sagina~v and Midland<br />

<strong>City</strong>. Road not yet conlpleted. Take cars<br />

at <strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee Railway Depot,<br />

f;)llt of Brush street. Office of Land Department,<br />

81 Gris wold street. President, E.<br />

B. Ward ; Vice President. Samuel Farwell ;<br />

Secretary and Treasurer, H. C. Potter ; Assistant<br />

Treasurer, G. L. Denharn ; Superintend<br />

.nt, George C. Kimball ; ,4uditor and<br />

General Ticket Agent. Gilbert ktr. Ledlie ;<br />

Land Commissioner, George S. Frost ; Directors,<br />

E. B. Ward, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Sanruel Farwell,<br />

John H. Prentiss, Utica, N. Y. ; Jesse<br />

Hoyt, New York ; James K. Hitchcock,<br />

Newark, New Jersey; W. W. Crapo, New<br />

Bedford, mas^. ; H. C. Potter, W. L. Webber,<br />

Gilbert W. Ledlie, East Saginaw.<br />

Grand Trunk Rniluny-Passenger office,<br />

corner Woodward and Jefferson a.venues.<br />

Freight office, depot, foot or Third street.<br />

Extending from <strong>Detroit</strong> to Portland, 861<br />

miles, and <strong>Detroit</strong> to Buffttlo, 241 miles.<br />

Officers are ns follows : President, Edward<br />

Watkin, London, England ; Managing Director,<br />

(Jllarles J. Brydges, Montreal ; Secretary<br />

and 'I'reasurer, Joseph Hickson, Montreal;<br />

Local Superintendent, JV. J. Spicer,<br />

Toronto ; General Agent, Henry Shackell,<br />

Montreal ; General Eastern Freight Agent,<br />

E'. C. Str; tton ; General Western Freight<br />

Agent, P. S. Stevenson, Toronto ; Passenger<br />

Agent, Edward Reid y, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Freight<br />

Agent, S. E. Martin, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Great Vestern Raitwcry of Canada-<br />

Freigllt office, below M. C. U. R. Depot,<br />

General ticket office, corner Jefferson avenue<br />

and Griswold street. Freight and passenger<br />

stat.ions, Windsor, Ontario, opposite<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>. Niagara Fails to iVindsor, Ontario,<br />

229 miles. General Manager, Tiros. Swinyard,<br />

Hamiiton, Ontario ; General Agent,<br />

James Charlton, Hamilton.. Ontario ; General<br />

Freight Agent, John Crampton, Hamilton,<br />

0nt.ario ; Traffic Superintendent, FVilliam<br />

Wallace. Hamilton, Ontario ; Clricago<br />

Agent, A. Wallingford ; Freight Agent,<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, T. .J. Cratt ; Western Passenger<br />

Agent, Clrarles McCahe, corner Jeflierson<br />

avenue and Griswold street, Dstroit.<br />

Miclkigan Cenfrnl RniZrond-Office and<br />

Depot, foot of Third st.reet. <strong>Detroit</strong> to<br />

Chicago, 284 nliles. President, Jas. F. Joy ;<br />

Vice President, Nabl~aniel 'rhayer ; Treasurer,<br />

Isaac Livermore ; General Superintendent,<br />

H. E. Sargent ; Assistant General<br />

Superintendent, W. K. hiluir ; General Re-<br />

ceiver, Oliver M~cy ; Cashier, George W.<br />

Gilbert; Auditor, J. Newell ; General Ticket<br />

Agent, C. I). \\'hitcomb ; Freiglrt Agent, L.<br />

P. Knight ; Chief Clerk, Freight Depart<br />

ment. (ho. Hancock ; Superintendent of<br />

Machinery, A. S. Sweet. ; Superintendent of<br />

Car Repairs, John 13. Sutherland ; General<br />

Western Passenger Agent, Chicago, H. C.<br />

Wentworth. The Directors chosen June<br />

24t11, 1867,are: John W. Brooks, L'atlianiel<br />

Thrtger, J. M. Forbes, Sidney Bartlett, Boston<br />

; James F. Joy, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; George F. Talman,<br />

Edward Jones, Moses Taylor, New<br />

York ; Ernstus Corning, Albany.<br />

Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana<br />

Rcc~ilrond-Office and depot, Atwater street,<br />

foot of Brush.. <strong>Detroit</strong> to Chicago and<br />

branches, 496 miles. President, E. B. Phillips,<br />

Chicago ; Treasurer, Le Grand Lockwood,<br />

New York ; Secretary. D. P. Barilydt,<br />

New York ; General Superintendent, Chas.<br />

F. Hatch, C:hicago ; Chief Engineer, Chas.<br />

Payne, Chicago ; Superintendent Eastern .<br />

Division, J. E. Curtis, Adrian ; Superintendent<br />

Western Division, C. Harris, Laporte,<br />

Ind. ; Superintendent Nort.he~-n Division,<br />

P. D. Cooper, <strong>Detroit</strong> ; Superinttandent<br />

Soutliern Division, B. 3i. 'CV~-ight, Toledo,<br />

0. ; Cashier, J. H. Hinckley, Cllicago; Au-<br />

ditor, Henry Pratt, C i o ; Ueneral<br />

Freight Agent, Clrarles BI. Gray, Chicago ;<br />

Uznertll Ticket Agent and Accountant,<br />

C. P. Leland, Clricago ; Gsneral Passenger<br />

Agent, F. E. Morse. Cllicago; General Master<br />

Mechanic, J. Sedglep, Adrian ; Supply<br />

Agent and storekeeper, S. (3. Hemington,<br />

Adrian ; Passenger Agent at <strong>Detroit</strong>, J.<br />

Brown, corner JeEerson and Woodward<br />

avenues.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Railway-Opened August,<br />

1863. President, U. V. N. 1,othrop ; Lessee,<br />

George Hendrie ; Superintender~t, Thomas<br />

Cox ; Directors, G;. V. N. Lothrop, K. N. Kice,<br />

John M. Berrien, Joseph (iodfrey, H. M.<br />

Dean, D. Bethuue Dueeld, E. N. Willcos.<br />

Firt Street and Elmwgod Al~e~zue Railway<br />

-Conrnlenced o peratiuns September 7,1865.<br />

Cayi tal, $109,000. Shares 100 each. President,<br />

F. Buhl ; Treasurer, Robert Elosie ;<br />

Secretary and Deputy Treasurer, James S.<br />

Stridiron ; Superiiltendent, GF. S. Hazard ;<br />

Directors, F. Bulrl, J. Y. Clark, John El.<br />

Grout, Ueo. C. Codd, Robert Hosie, Charles<br />

Ducharme, H. J. Buckley.<br />

Grand Biuer Street IZnilzcay-Commenced<br />

operations October 23d. l8G8. Capital,<br />

$50 000. Shares, $50 each. President, '<br />

\Villiam B. Wesson ; Secretary, William S.<br />

Green ; Treasurer, Moses F. Dickinson;<br />

Directors, FVm. B. Wesson, Moses F. Dick.<br />

inson, Hdrvey King, Nathaniel Prouty, J.<br />

B. Suthsrland.<br />


d tlnntic and Paci$c Teleg~aplb Compnn y<br />

-Office, 39 Woodward avenue. George<br />

Farnswortlr, Di vision Manager. Lines con-<br />

necting the yri~cipttl cities in the Uuitecl<br />



W~starn U~~ion Tdlegraph Cornpang-Office,<br />

in B~gz's Block, GS Glriswl)ld sr.reet.<br />

C,)lin Fox. k1 .:~n:~ger and Chief Operator,<br />

Michigan District.<br />



Collector's and Assessor's offices, Bank<br />

Block, corner Griswold and Congress streets.<br />

Collector, Harvey B. Rwvlson ; Dzputp Co1.<br />

lectors, Williani W. Brewster, otfice, Bitnk<br />

B:ock, Dztr.)it ; J. Ss!rluter, .M Bnro2 couu:y ;<br />

H. H. Baker, Len:~wee county ; Charles T.<br />

Blitchell, HillsJake county.<br />

Sssessor, Mark> Flanigan ; Chief Clerk,<br />

Jacob Cook ; Copying Clerk, Mrs. A. IC.<br />

Howard. OEce, Bank Block.<br />

Wayne C~)unty is divided 21s f ~llovs, viz :<br />

Division No. 1-E. I. Garfield, Assistant<br />

Assessor, Bunk Block. .<br />

Division No. %-John Flanigan, A4ssistant<br />

Assessor, Bank Block.<br />

Division No. 3-8. F. Zeigler, Assistant<br />

Assessor, Bank Block.<br />

Division No. 4-John Hitcllcock, Assistant<br />

Assessor, Brownst )wn, Wayne Co.<br />

' wards,<br />

HOSPl'l' ALS.<br />

U. 8. Marine EA~.vpitnt-Jefferson avenue,<br />

near easterly cit,y limits. Opened in No-<br />

vember, 18.77. Pllysiciau, Dr. J. M. Bigelow;<br />

Apothecary, Geo. A. Foster ; Superintend-<br />

ent, Gtmrge Jerome ; Steward, Thos. Hurst;<br />

RIa tron, Mrs. Eiizabeth Hurst.<br />

llizrper Ho.9pi nl- Woodward avenue.<br />

For the reception of all diseases (not c!)n-<br />

tagious), and lying-in women. The build-<br />

ings have all the modern irnprovelnents ;<br />

the Pilysiciacs and Surgeons are of tlre first<br />

rank in their profession, and the greatest<br />

care is taken in the selection of nurses and<br />

attendants, and everything necessary for<br />

the comtbrt of patients is provided. Presi-<br />

dent, B~ickminster Wiglit ; Secretary, D. B.<br />

Duffield ; Treasizrer, David Cooper; Trustees,<br />

Buckminster VVigllt, Robert W. King, D.<br />

Cooper, B.C. McGraw, F. Bnlrl, J. S. Farrand,<br />

Geo. B. Eussel, M. D.; Medical Staff-Phy-<br />

sicians, Edward W. Jenks, M. D., Gievrge P.<br />

Andrews, hf. D.; Surgeons, Tlreo. A Nc-<br />

Graw, M. D., 1). 0. Furrand, M. D.; Chemist<br />

and Microscopist-S. P. Duffield, Ph. D.;<br />

House Physician, Dr. Smith ; Matron, Mrs.<br />

L. Sanborn. Ayplication for admission to<br />

the Hospital nlay be made to the Trustees,<br />

or attending Physicians and Surgeons, or at<br />

the Hospital. . Price of board in public<br />

including medical attendance and<br />

nursing, $3.50 to $5 per week, and in pri-<br />

vate rowns according to accomx~odat~ions.<br />

Michigan Volunteer Soldiers, who have<br />

been lionorably dischargcd, needing medical<br />

care, admitted free. Lying-in Departntent<br />

8<br />

- A11 pregnant females desiring skilful<br />

rnedicitl attendance and experienced nurses,<br />

can be admitted to tlre gi+narirl wards st $5<br />

per week. Those desirlng private rooms,<br />

in which the patient is entirely secluded,<br />

will be charged according to accolumoda-<br />

tions. A deposit of the amount of four<br />

weeks' board will be required, and patients<br />

leaving before that time will hav? the un-<br />

expendell amount refuuded.<br />

In addition, a public Dispensary is con-<br />

nectwd with the Itlstitution. where mdical<br />

advice and medicines are furnisaed FREE<br />

to those who are unable to pr\>vide themselves<br />

therewith. The Dispensarg is open<br />

on week days only, between the honra of<br />

10 and 12A. A$., and 2 and 4 o'clock P. M.<br />

St. ,Vary's Hospit,zl-Ciinton street, between<br />

St. Antoine and Hastings streets.<br />

Uuder charge of the Sisters of Charity.<br />

Organized, 1850.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Pest House-S t. Aubin avenue, between<br />

Sunlmer and Winter streets. 'IJnder<br />

charge of tile Sisters of Charity.<br />

St. Luke's Ho,vpital and Church Eome-<br />

Fort street, Springwells. Officers for the<br />

year <strong>1869</strong>-Presitient, Henry P. Baldwin;<br />

Vice President, Theodore H. Eaton ; Treasurer,<br />

Allell A. Rabinertu ; Secretary, Sidney<br />

D. Miller ; Presiding Physician, Dr. Zina<br />

Pitclrer ; Assistant Physician, Dr. Henry F.<br />

Lyster. Board of Trustees-term of office<br />

to expire in one year-H. P. Baldwin, C. C.<br />

Trowbridge, Richard H. Hall, Harvey B.<br />

Merrell, mason Palmer ; in two years, Theodore<br />

H. Enton, Ben-j. Gi. Stirnson, Edward<br />

Lyon, Robert SlcM lllan, James E. Pi tt.man ;<br />

in three years, Hiram Walker, Hrn1.y N.<br />

Walker, Zinn Pitcher, M. D., John Hutchings,<br />

A. C. Habbard. Executive Cornnlittee<br />

of Ladies, on Domestic Departmeut-Mrs.<br />

Wm. Jennison, 103 Fort street ; Mrs. Josiah<br />

J. Norris, 360 Lafayette avenue ; Mrs. John<br />

Roberts, Woodward avenue, near Winder<br />

street ; Mrs. H. R. Andrems, 7'7 Adalns<br />

avenue east ; Mrs. M. I?. Dickinson, Grand<br />

River street, near National avenue ; Matron,<br />

Miss Helen Riprick, at Hospital. The<br />

spiritual interests of the institution are under<br />

the direction of a Board, consisting of<br />

the Bishop and Clergy of tlre Episcopal<br />

Church of the city, who officiate monthly<br />

in their respective order.<br />

Lndies' Christian U~~ion Hospital--Ternporarily<br />

at 330 Cass avenue. Organized<br />

October, 1868. President, Mrs. L. L. Page ;<br />

First Vice President, Mrs. Henry Glover;<br />

Second Vlce President, Mrs. Bloss ; Kecord-<br />

ing Secretary, Mrs. Henry Laue ; Assistant<br />

Recording Secretary, Mrs. T. D. Hawley ;<br />

Corresponding Secretary, Mrs Elanor Howe;<br />

Treasurer, Mrs. H. R. Andrews ; Matron<br />

and Physician, Mrs. Elanor Ho we.


102 Randolph St.,<br />



Manufacturers and Dealers in<br />


Between Congress and<br />

Lurned Streets,<br />


Repairs of all kinds Promptly Attcnded to.

ABBREVIATIONS.-N. for North; N. E. for North East; N. W. far North West; S. for Sonth ; S. E. for<br />

South East ; S. W. for South West ; E. for East ; W. for West; ave. for avenue ; st. for street.<br />

~BBOTT - STREET, W. /ADEL.~IDE ST.. E. from .4RCA SrP. E. from Craw- m. Smm Woodaar(7 are.<br />

from Mlchlpul avenue Wood\vard avenue to f.)rd strt?et to western to IIutchings' ware<br />

to eastern bonndiiry of / Bn~sh st.<br />

boundary of the Jones honse.<br />

Tholnpson Farm, war JVoocl\\ral.d ave. farm.<br />

Woodward aye.<br />

Twelfth street.<br />

John It. st.<br />

Crawford st.<br />

Griswolcl st.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Brush st,.<br />

ASH ST., W. from ?a- AURELIA ST.. W. from<br />

Fir-t st.<br />

ALI?X-DDER ST-, xSw- tiOl:~1 avellue to cityi Twelfl h street north of<br />

Second st.<br />

from Fif1ettnt.h st. TO limits-<br />

Grant1 River st.<br />

Thir~l st.<br />

Eighteenth st.. parallel Kilti )rial ave.<br />

T\irelrth st.<br />

Fou tt~ st.<br />

\vi~h the track of the ~ ~ ; ~ live. r ~ i ~ ~ ) l ~<br />

Fifth st.<br />

M. C. K. R.<br />

lBAGG ST., West from<br />

T\velfth st.<br />

Sisth st.<br />

E'lftee~lth st.<br />

Woodtvard aveuue to<br />

.Fif'tel.nth st.<br />

Seventh st.<br />

Sixt~.ent.h<br />

'l'l~ir(l .-I,<br />

sr..<br />

Sisteenth st.<br />

Eighth st.<br />

Seventeenth st.<br />

Woocl~v;.urd ave.<br />

St+venfrenth st.<br />

Nl~ith ~ve.<br />

E~clitrc.ntli st.<br />

Park st.<br />

1Vhit.ing st,.<br />

Tenth st.<br />


CliKord st.<br />

Humbelltlt ave.<br />

ADAIR ST., S. from Jef- fl'('m Wooctbvar<br />

Ca$s ave.<br />

;Iv- Sulliv~lll rive.<br />

Seconfl st.<br />

fersoll aveuue to the 11''~~ ilbove Ilar~er &12iy ~~~~~~y five.<br />

Xi ver.<br />

pita1<br />

Third st.<br />

to Thin1 st.<br />

'I i llman ave.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

U'ooclward ave. Tmeliry-rllird st. BAIcER ST-, W. from<br />

Wooribridge st. C.186 HVC.<br />

Twenty fourth st. Sisth at. to Twentieth<br />

Frilnkl111 st.<br />

Sel.olid st.<br />

Mount Hope aye. st.rec.t.<br />

Widit st.<br />

Third .it<br />

Sixth st.<br />

Gnoi11 st.<br />

ATW E. fro111 ATER Woodward ST. EiST* we.<br />

Seve11:h Eizhth st. st.<br />

A wz1tt.r st.<br />

ALFK wooc]\vnrd ED .ST.. avenue E. from tu<br />

John R. at.<br />

to Aduir sr.<br />

Nint,tt ave.<br />

ADA31 S -4VENUE EAST WO()dwirrd ave. Wt~od~vilrd ave. Tellth st.<br />

E. from Woodward av. john K. st.<br />

Bilt+*s st.<br />

T\velfrh st.<br />

to Hastings st. AXX ST , W. from Cnrv<br />

Thi.1 tee -~~?-n-half st.<br />

Wootlward ave. ford to westcam bouud-<br />

St-<br />

Ft)nrtsei~t.h st.<br />

Wiliiik~i~s st.<br />

gry, .~'f Woodbridge firm<br />

st-<br />

Fifteenth st.<br />

Johrl R. st.<br />

rawf ford st.<br />

Sr. A~ttoine st. S~sreeuth st.<br />

R;~ndolph st.<br />

Fisth dt.<br />

Ha.-tinp st.<br />

Seventeenth st.<br />

Brush st.<br />

Sevc:nth st.<br />

Rivard st.<br />

Eichtt:enth st.<br />

Be~ubien st. ANTIETAM ST., N. E. BO1iver<br />

Nilleret.nth st.<br />

St.. Antoine st.<br />

E. from i

BEACON ST., E. fromlBIDWELL ST., E. from BUCHANAAN ST., West Hastings st.<br />

Braub~en st. to wester-' Ri~ssell to Riopelle. froni t lie Gocll'l oy farm Rivard st..<br />

ly bonndary of Morun Russell st.<br />

to the city limits. Russell st.<br />

farm.<br />

liiopelle st.<br />

J ifteeloth st.<br />

Riopelle st.<br />

Beauhien st. BOL]VaR ALLEP', N Sis~ec'nth st.<br />

O1'1etllls st.<br />

St. Antoi~ie st. from At water st. E. to Tillma11 eve-<br />

Dc qninclre st.<br />

BEAUBlEN ST., N. from Jefikrs~n ave.<br />

Pc ~rt er road.<br />

St. Aut~itl ave.<br />

Atwater E. to Georgia ~ t ater , st.<br />

.Johnston ave.<br />

Dubois st.<br />

strevt. ,<br />

Guoin st.<br />

T~vcnty-fonrth st. Chene st.<br />

Atwater st.<br />

Franklin st. BCEXA \%TA ST.. TV. Joe. Campan ave.<br />

Franklin st.<br />

. Woodbridge st. from Crawibrd to Sev- CA SS AVENUE, N. from<br />

Woodbridge st. Jefferiion are. enth street..<br />

311ct11gn ave. to Holden<br />

Jefferson nve.<br />

Crawtiud st.<br />

rot~d.<br />

Larncd st.<br />

ST., E. from st<br />

3lichigan ave.<br />

Congress st.<br />

T.\'oocl~~arci ave. to east-<br />

State st.<br />

Fort st.<br />

erly line of Brush farm. ~~~~~$t'st- Palmer st.<br />

L~l'ayette st.<br />

IVoodsvarc! aye. BC'TTIiRXUT ST., W. Spencer st.<br />

Croghan st.<br />

John R. st.<br />

fionl Seventh to Twen- Ltwis st,.<br />

Macomb st.<br />

Beaubien st.<br />

ty-tc burl h st.<br />

hlaconlb ave.<br />

Clinton st.<br />

BRAIFARD ST.,-W. from Pc~ent h st.<br />

Jones st.<br />

Gratiot st.<br />

Caas ave to Th~rd st. Xinth ave.<br />

Gmnd River st.<br />

Mechanic st.<br />

Cass nve.<br />

Bationel ave.<br />

hlicldle st.<br />

Harriett st.<br />

Second st.<br />

Il:~~rison ave.<br />

Atlama ave.<br />

Beacon et.<br />

Third st.<br />

Fitteenth ~ t.<br />

Elizabeth st.<br />

Acl;lms ave. BRECKENRIDGE ST., Sixteenth st.<br />

Colunlhin st.<br />

Elizuoeth st.<br />

across Fifteenth alld Fi!veatccl~th st. G~llman st.<br />

Coliimbia st.<br />

Sistccrith sts.. near and w1liiin~ st-<br />

3lontc:aIm st.<br />

Molltc~llm st. south of Grand River Humholdt. ave.<br />

Georee st.<br />

High st..<br />

strc"et.<br />

8ull1~:111 ave.<br />

Diiftield st.<br />

Nal~oleon st.<br />

Firteenth st.<br />

I\.l;~yberry uve.<br />

Hcfinry st.<br />

Marion st.<br />

Six1 eenlh st..<br />

Tillmalr ave.<br />

Sib1i.y st,<br />

Broll~on st.<br />

T\ver~tv-third st. spl oat st.<br />

Division st. BREtVSTER ST., from Tit c>ntj.-lonrth st B ~gg st.<br />

W hit.iley st.<br />

St. Ai~toine to Aospect CALIIO~N'~T., W. horn Lirnb~lrg st.<br />

Brewbter st.<br />

strcets.<br />

Rii~sc.11 st. to eastern c'harlotte bt.<br />

TVlIkins st.<br />

St. Antoinc st. bounclary 01 Brush farm. Peterboro st.<br />

Watkins st.<br />

Hastiilgs bt.<br />

huszell st.<br />

Jov st.<br />

C'alhoull st.<br />

lJrospcct st.<br />

Prospcct st.<br />

Piicher st.<br />

Benton st.<br />

BRIGHA31 bT.. W. from IIast i11gs st.<br />

Brainard st.<br />

Grove st.<br />

Crawlom to Seventh at.. S:. Antoir~e st.<br />

Partolrs st.<br />

Ohio st.<br />

Cru~vlord st.<br />

Bcan t)iei~ st.<br />

Selden st.<br />

Brady st.<br />

S.xth r;t.<br />

CABlP,.\U ST., N. from Alestlrldrine ave.<br />

Kt ntucky st.<br />

Se~cnt 11 st.<br />

At~vntcr st. E. to JeEer- Willis avc.<br />

1ncliall:l st. BROXSON ST., E. from son avenue.<br />

nolden Road.<br />

lllinois st.<br />

Brush to St. Subin aye. Atwater st.<br />

CASS ST., N. from River<br />

Sewa~ ci st.<br />

Brush st.<br />

(411oi11 st.<br />

to JIichifan ave.<br />

Ontario st.<br />

Heaubien st.<br />

Wight st.<br />

IVoocibridge st.<br />

Superior st.<br />

St. Antoil~e st.<br />

Flalrklin st.<br />

Jc'ff~r~or~ are.<br />

Georgii~ st.<br />

Hastings st.<br />

Wooc.bridgc st.<br />

Larned st.<br />

BEFCH ST., W. from Prospcct st.<br />

.I vfl ( ~FOI~ aye.<br />

Congress st.<br />

Flr~t to Seventh. Rn-st11 st.<br />

CBRlPUS .3IART!U 3.- Fort st.<br />

First st.<br />

Riopclle st.<br />

open space ~n front of Lafaycstte ave.<br />

Second st.<br />

Orleans st.<br />

the 11e\v <strong>City</strong> Hall at the Holvard st.<br />

Third st.<br />

Ltequii~dre st. il~tcrsc.cr ion of Michi- M i


Congress st.<br />

Cliford st.<br />

CUTTLER ST., W. from DIX ROAD, from Twen-<br />

Fort st.<br />

C~ss avc.<br />

Craivford et. to eastern ty-third street t.o weut-<br />

LttIayette st. CONGRESS ST. EAST, bound'y of Woodbridge ern limits of the city.<br />

('roghan st.<br />

E. fronl llroodu7ard ave. farm.<br />

Twenty-third st.<br />

Mtlcc-mh st.<br />

to M t. Elliott. ave. Crawford st.<br />

T\ven ty-fourth st.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Woodii.al*d ave. Sisrh st.<br />

DOW ST., N. of Winter<br />

Che~t~iur st.<br />

Rates st.<br />

Seventh st.<br />

and E. of Dzqaindre<br />

Antietnm st.<br />

Randolph st.<br />

st., 011 Witherell farm.<br />

Jt~v st,.<br />

Brush c;t.<br />

DALZELL ST-* W. from D R.E D STR., W. from<br />

~Gtiot st.<br />

Beaubien st.<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half at.. porter ,arm to lves<br />

CHERRY ST., W. from St- *"toine st. to e~st~rll boundary of av,nue~<br />

Gr;tl.d River st. to taast- HastilJfis st-<br />

the Cr anton Iarm. Johnston ave.<br />

ern I~il~nd'y 01 Thorny- xi't8rd st.<br />

Thirteen-and-a half sr Ives a5.e.<br />

son farm.<br />

Xusscll st.<br />

Fourteenth tit. DUB1 )IS ST., N. from<br />

Grand River st. R~opeile st.<br />

Fifieent h st.<br />

Jefferson ave. to Jay st.<br />

Third st.<br />

Orleans st.<br />

Slxteenth st.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

Dequinclre st. DEQUINDRE ST., N. LLlrn''d st-<br />

Fifth st.<br />

St. Auhili ave. frorn At water st., alonrr Congress st.<br />

Sixth st.<br />

Uubois st.<br />

the linc of the llerroit Fort st-<br />

S(.\venth st.<br />

Chene st.<br />

62 Jlil~vaul~ee Rziilr oad LarW"t,te st- .<br />

Xinth ave.<br />

Jos. Campau ave. track, to the Junction of CrOghan st-<br />

Xational ave.<br />

Elm wood we. the h1. S. & N. I. R. R. Macomb et.<br />

Harrieon ave.<br />

Leib st.<br />

Atwater st.<br />

Cllnton st.<br />

Me1 lr~im st.<br />

CHESTKUT ST., E. from<br />

Mullett st.<br />

~ t E, . llott avc.<br />

Guoin st.<br />

Russell st. to eaderly<br />

Franklin st.<br />

Catharine st.<br />

COXGHE~~ ST. TEST,<br />

hne of McDo;igall larm.<br />

Sherman st.<br />

W. ~om~oodward ave. Wood bridge st.<br />

R~~sseli st.<br />

JefTvrson ave.<br />

M~~ple st.<br />

to Seventh sr.<br />

Riopdle st.<br />

Larned st .<br />

Chestnut st.<br />

W ood\vii rd ave.<br />

Orletins st.<br />

Aatietam st.<br />

Griwold st.<br />

Congress st.<br />

Dequindre st.<br />

Fort r,t.<br />

J ty st.<br />

Shelby at.<br />

St. Allbin me.<br />

Larhyette st.<br />

Gcrman st.<br />

Way ue st.<br />

Dub'-is st.<br />

Croshan st. DCFFIELD ST., W. from<br />

Cass st.<br />

Chene st.<br />

Macomb st.<br />

Park st. to Cass ave.<br />

First st.<br />

Park st.<br />

Jos. Campau me.<br />

Cli~~toll st.<br />

Secc nd st.<br />

Clifford st.<br />

CRURCH ST.. w. from Tl~ircl st.<br />

T~llillett st.<br />

Catharine st.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Michigan ave. to Teuth Folirth st.<br />

EDMUND ST., E. from<br />

street.<br />

Sherman st.<br />

h ifih st.<br />

Woodwurd ave. to John<br />

I\.:ichi@n ave.<br />

M.lple st.<br />

Sixth st.<br />

R. st.<br />

Nir~t,h ave.<br />

Sevrnlh st.<br />

Chestnut st.<br />

W oodmard ave.<br />

Tt-nth st.<br />

Antietum at.<br />

CRAM'FORD ST., North<br />

John R. st.<br />

CLAY ST., W. from Pros from Grand Hiver st. to J,~<br />

EDWASD ST., W. from<br />

pect to Rnss(?ll st.<br />

G~~~~~<br />

Holden road.<br />

st.<br />

Russell to Riopelle st.<br />

PI ospect rt,.<br />

Gratiot st.<br />

Grand River st.<br />

Rus$ell ~ t.<br />

Russell st.<br />

Arch st<br />

Marion st.<br />

Rior~elle st.<br />

CLIST( )S AT'EXGE, E. Vine st.<br />

Bronson st.<br />

EIGHTH ST., N. trom<br />

from Dequindrc: st. to Xoyes st.<br />

North st.<br />

Wootlhrirlge st. W. to<br />

Elm\voocl avo.<br />

Mary st_*<br />

James st.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dequindre st.<br />

B~ie~lri '6/ ista st.<br />

Mary st.<br />

Woodbridge st.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Ann st.<br />

Juliette st.<br />

R.1 Fort st.<br />

Dubois st.<br />

Charles st.<br />

il road st.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Chene st.<br />

Fulton st.<br />

Detrait st.<br />

'Pierce st.<br />

Howi~rd st.<br />

dos. Cumpan ave. Irving st.<br />

Ab3ott st.<br />

Elm\#-ootl avc.<br />

Miller st.<br />

Scott st.<br />

Porter st.<br />

CLINTON ST.. E. from<br />

Hale st.<br />

Maria st.<br />

L~brosse st.<br />

Gra riot st. to Dequindre Frul~ k st.<br />

Belia~r at.<br />

Paker st.<br />

strt.et.<br />

Cllttler st.<br />

St. Joseph st.<br />

Ltwrett st.<br />

Gratiot st.<br />

31c Lea13 ~ t.<br />

Margaret st.<br />

I\fichi:*an ave.<br />

Brush st*.<br />

Brigham st.<br />

Federal ~ t.<br />

EIGHTEEN-& - A - HALF<br />

Beaubien st.<br />

J.y$i\nder st.<br />

Witherell st.<br />

ST., N. lro~il the nver<br />

St. Antoine st.<br />

Holdvn road.<br />

Spri~~g st.<br />

Slimmer st.<br />

to Fort st. W,<br />

Hasringti st. CROGHAN ST., E. from<br />

Woodbridge st.<br />

Rivarrl tt.<br />

Ilat~dolph st. to Elm- winter st.<br />

Fort st..<br />

Russell st.<br />

R- R- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~<br />

woc~d ave.<br />


Hiopclle st.<br />

Randolph st. DETROIT ST., E. from E. from Woodward ave.<br />

Orleans ct.<br />

Briz~h st.<br />

Dequindre street to St. to western boundary of<br />

Poqnindl.e st.<br />

Beanhien st.<br />

Anbin ave<br />

Rivard farm.<br />

CLlTZ ST., West from St. Antoine st.<br />

Dequindre st.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

T\vclfth st.<br />

Hastings st.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Willian~b st.<br />

Twc4frh st.<br />

Rivrrrd st.<br />

John R. st.<br />

COLUMBIA ST. EAST, Hu*scll st..<br />

DTCKTNSON STR., W. ~ ~ st. ~ . h<br />

E. from Woodwardave. Kioperle st.<br />

from Thompson st. to Beatll)ien st.<br />

to Prokpcct sr.<br />

Orleans st.<br />

Q:and River road. St. Antoine st.<br />

wood\vsrd ave. Deqnindre ~t. l'hompson st.<br />

Hastinrrs st.<br />

John R. st.<br />

St. Anbin ave.<br />

Thirteenth bt. ELTZ 1 BETH ST. WEST,<br />

Brush st,.<br />

Diibois st.<br />

Grand ltiver st. W. from Woodwerd ave.<br />

Beri~lbiel~ st. - Chene st.<br />

DIVISION ST., W. fram to Grarld River st.<br />

St. Antoine st.<br />

Campau avs.<br />

Prospect street to ea-t- Woodward ave.<br />

Bastings et.<br />

Elmwood ave. ern boundary of Brush Park st.<br />

Prospect st. CROSS ST., E. from John farm.<br />

Cliff~~rd st.<br />

COLU31 KIA ST. WEST, R to Rzmdol j)h st., be- Prospect st.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Mr. from Woodward ave. tmeen Mad~son and Hastittgs st.<br />

Grand River at.<br />

to Cas~ aye.<br />

Arlams avc8s.<br />

St. Antoille st. EL31 ST., It'. fi.o~:l Sev-<br />

Woodward ave. John R st.<br />

Beanbien st.<br />

enth st. at intersection<br />

Park st.<br />

Randolph st..<br />

Brush st. .<br />

of Grand River st. to

eastern bollndary of Fort st.<br />

Fonrteenth st. FRWR ST, W. from<br />

Thompwn farm.<br />

La fatyctte ave.<br />

Fifteenth st.<br />

Ccawi;)r:l st. to eastern<br />

Sevt-nth st.<br />

H I J N st. ~ ~<br />

Fifteen-and a-half st. lin : of B llier f;rrm.<br />

h'inth ave.<br />

Ahbott st.<br />

Seveuteentb st. Cr~wfor.1 st.<br />

National we.<br />

Porter st.<br />

Seve1ltl+t+n-and-a-h3lf. Sixth st.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

L.throsse st.<br />

Eighteerith st. FR I.\Tl


I 1<br />

GR.AND STR., W. from Elm st.<br />


Third to Fourth.<br />

Arh st.<br />

AND SOR I'H, W. from Fourth st. to Thirteen-<br />

Third st.<br />

Sycarnore st.<br />

\FTood\vard ave. to city and-:I-half.<br />

Fourtli st.<br />

My~.tle rt.<br />

limits.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

GRANT STR., W. from Lau~.el st.<br />

Woodu~ard ave. Thompson st.<br />

T~vclith st.<br />

Twelfth st. HASTINGS ST., N. from C"s ave.<br />

Th~rtt-enth st.<br />

GRA1.IUT ST.7 N.E. from A t ~~rcr st. E. to city st.<br />

~hirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Woocl~vard ave. to city<br />

limits.<br />

Third st.<br />

JAY ST.. E. from Gratiot<br />

lin~its.<br />

Atwater st.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

er. to \vestc21.1y liue of<br />

Woorlurnrd ave,<br />

Frarlklin st.<br />

Cra\vti)rd st.<br />

McDongaI 1 fa~m.<br />

Farmer kt.<br />

Woodbridge st. HOWARD ST , W. from ~ , ~ ~ i ~ ~<br />

Farrar st.<br />

Jefirson ave. Cass st. to city limns. Orltaans st.<br />

Miami we.<br />

Larned st.<br />

('n$s st.<br />

Ral~dolph st.<br />

Co~lgrcss st.<br />

First, st.<br />

Dequiildre st.<br />

Brush st.<br />

Port *t.<br />

Second st.<br />

St. .iubin ave.<br />

L)iibtria st.<br />

Beaubien st.<br />

Lnla~ette st.<br />

Third st.<br />

St. Al~toi~ie st.<br />

Croghayi st.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

Cllelle st.<br />

J 0s.<br />

Hastines st.<br />

Macomb st.<br />

Fifth st.<br />

Campau me.<br />

Clilltoi~ st.<br />

Sixth st.<br />


I-livard st.<br />

Proryect st.<br />

3111llett st.<br />

Seventh st.<br />

E. from Secvnu st. to<br />

Russell st.<br />

Catharine st.<br />

Eirhth st.<br />

city liinits.<br />

Riopelle st.<br />

Sherm~in st.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

SOU tnd st.<br />

Orlewns st.<br />

Gcltil #t st.<br />

Tenth st.<br />

First st.<br />

Adam-<br />

Dcquindre st.<br />

ave.<br />

Elcvcmth st.<br />

Cass *t.<br />

St. .Anbin aye.<br />

Elizi~ her h st.<br />

Twelfth st.<br />

M'avne st.<br />

Chetle st.<br />

Colnnihia st.<br />

'l'hirterntn st.<br />

Sl~d bv st.<br />

Jos Campsu ave.<br />

M(m~caln~ st.<br />

k'ourteeilt h st.<br />

GrisGold st.<br />

High st.<br />

Fifteenth st.<br />

Wood~vald ave.<br />

El~nwoocl ave.<br />

Mr. Elliott avcb.<br />

F:lpoleon st.<br />

Sixteenth st.<br />

Hates st.<br />

GRISWOLD S .. N. from<br />

31ari )!I st.<br />

Scvc~ntec?iith st.<br />

Xailtlolph st.<br />

the River to ClifYorcl.<br />

HronPon st.<br />

Eighteen1 11 st.<br />

Blush ct.<br />

At~vatitr st.<br />

Division st.<br />

N inetee~l th st.<br />

Beanbien ~ t.<br />

Whitney r;t.<br />

Twel~tieth st.<br />

St. A~~toine st.<br />

Woodbridge st.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

hrewster et.<br />

Twenty-third st. Hastings st.<br />

L~riied st.<br />

Wilkins st.'<br />

Twenty-lourth st. Rivard rt.<br />

M';i tson st. HUN BOLDT AYE., N.<br />

Congress ~ t.<br />

Fort st.<br />

Calhoun st.<br />

from hllchlgan ave. to $~!~~$~~~i.<br />

Benton st.<br />

Liiitlen st.<br />

Orleans st.<br />

La tkyet te ave.<br />

M ich~gan ave.<br />

Grove st.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Dequindrc st.<br />

State st.<br />

Ohio ~ t.<br />

Canfield rt.<br />

St. Anl)ln uve.<br />

JONES STR., W. from Tenth st.<br />

Geioin st.<br />


Grand R~ver st. to west- Elt*ret~th st.<br />

Wizht st.<br />

N. from it point N of<br />

ern boundary of Forsyth 'I'melfth st.<br />

FI-anklin at.<br />




fromThirteen :knd ~-1ltllf LY. fralxn Wa3divdrcl LLV. 1V. from LVO dwiircl av. Laairel st.<br />

st. :~(.ross Godfr-oy firm. to city liln!fs.<br />

to Citss ave.<br />

Grant1 lt~ver st.<br />

Tl~irreerl and-a-half at Wol)dw.trcl avc. Woo LwrJ we.<br />

Fourteenth c;t. Grlswold st.<br />

NINE PEEN llkl ST.. N.<br />

Park st.<br />

M-~RCY s'I*,, W. across IC~~l:~ud st.<br />

fror~ b'ol't st. W. to M.<br />

Cllflord st.<br />

tllc Forsj-th fam. Shelby +t.<br />

C. K. LC. track<br />

C:ltss ave.<br />

Fifth ?;t.<br />

W:whi ngton ave.<br />

Fort st.<br />

J100RE STR., E. from<br />

Cr,i \vfi rrd at.<br />

Wi~yu*. at.<br />

Ilorvurd st.<br />

lT., E. from Rus-<br />

Fout.th<br />

Sullivan nve. Sr. Auco~ne rtreet tu belt et. to St. Aublu ave.<br />

st.<br />

Nay berry ave. blcl)~u,.tl~~ l;lr~n.<br />

X~aacIl st.<br />

'J'hornpson st.<br />

Thirrcu,l~th st.<br />

Fo~lndry st.<br />

bf. --iut~iile at.<br />

Atlop. lle st.<br />

Thirrean r~xid a-halfst.<br />

Till 1ia11 live.<br />

Ha-tiugs st.<br />

Orleans st.<br />

T st. ltivarcl st.<br />

>equ~udre st.<br />

HARQI'BTTE -'Fa:., W. Ttvrl~ty-fourth st. Itu~,tll st. .<br />

St. ~uolu ave.<br />

from Tuirtcen & a-half Mt. liope ave.<br />

Rlopcl~c: at.<br />

st. t l ) Sitl~ltuu lhru.<br />

Onealla st.<br />

NOYEJ SL1., W from the<br />

Jolitl~tun ave.<br />

\ves[erLl b~uudmy 01' tne<br />

Wight st.<br />

Ives ave.<br />

Dequlnrlre st. Joues litrul LO a point<br />

Fe 1u ttcenth st.<br />

Fifree~l tli st. 111CHIGAXGRAKDAV.<br />

we5t ol Sixth at.<br />

$l,;:3hz,ave.<br />

Ssxtecnth<br />

E. lieom Wood\~~;lid ave.<br />

Fll~h st.<br />

st.<br />

Dt<br />

tu Kzlutlolph st.<br />

Lritsvfi~rd st.<br />

MARY S'L1., E. from Rio-<br />

Jo~ey il Wood\vard ave.<br />

Ctlmpau ave. S~sth st.<br />

yeits st. to St. Aubiui Bates >t.<br />

NPRTLd Sl'.. W. lrum<br />

avei~ue.<br />

tt~e *, oodbrldge faru to OAkK W. fl om Grand<br />

Ka~dolph st.<br />

Riopelle st.<br />

ciry I ~III~IS.<br />

Hlver aud l'h~rtl at^. to<br />

Llequitldre st.<br />

MICEIIf'ICUT Ex 8TR..<br />

t NalitJllal rive.<br />

~ 1 LIUU~SOU l2i1.I.u.<br />

S011th of (:ratlot, E. atici<br />

St. Aubil~ ave.<br />

.lar!.i on aye,<br />

tirii~d ltivor at.<br />

W. acr~lb!! Joseph am- T\YClftll<br />

'1 l111u FL.<br />

MATBEKRY AYE., N. ~ H U t'i~r~~i.<br />

Fife. euth st.<br />

Fuurt h st.<br />

fro111 -bllclli~all atre. to<br />

thc city liillits.<br />

MIL)DLE STR.. E. from Sisteellt 1 st.<br />

hlllll bt.<br />

1%<br />

3Iichigau ave.<br />

Gratld River to C1iffc)l.d 111ti11g st..<br />

Sixth st.<br />

streer<br />

Hi1111 b01dt ave.<br />

Sevellth st.<br />

Bntternut st.<br />

tirand River st. Tilllnall LLV~. hi~~tu UYO.<br />

Ash st.<br />

CItrli)~-d st,.<br />

Twcl~ty-third st. Sarioual ave.<br />

MECHANICS STR., W. MILLER STR., W. from Tvvellty-lonrth st. H;L~I'I.-uu ave.<br />

from Bt,aul)icn st. Slxch -t.<br />

31 t. Hupt: ave. OHIO ST., E. from the<br />

B anhiell st.<br />

sixth st.<br />

Johuc;t.ull ave. Bleuc;h lhr~. to KusseU<br />

MELUKL'.bI ST., N. fi?m MOXKOE AVEhTTE, N. Ires true.<br />

sirect.<br />

~erfe~sol~uve. to a point al,d N. E from ;llicld ;NAPOLEON ST.,E. frc g Beanbien st.<br />

north of L ~fayctte st. al~ cirnlld avcnue to kaub~c-11 to 1Cus:ell SL. kt. Au~cti~le st.<br />

Jeff~r~on :tve.<br />

fitadu~~h rt.<br />

beail bieu st.<br />

H:tst~figs s.<br />

Congress st.<br />

hlich~~~u Grand ave. St. A~tt line st.<br />

Pro=pec~ bt.<br />

Fort st,.<br />

Fa~mer st.<br />

l-lastiugs >t.<br />

k~~~aclI st.<br />

L.il'uvet~e st.<br />

Fan-ar st.<br />

Yro5pect st.<br />

0?X!DA ST., E. from<br />

M E K I ~ ST.. I ~ W. ~ ~ from &lxldolph st.<br />

&i4aselI st.<br />

Y rue p cct s~reet across<br />

Thui~son to Thirteen- MOK JE STK, E from N.IrL.~OX.4L -4VE.XCI3, Guulu fm.<br />

and-a- alf st.<br />

Yro.-l)ect to KUSS~~I st, N. from hlict~isau ave, y~,,sp,c;t st.<br />

Thompsuu st.<br />

Prospect st.<br />

to Gnti~d IGver st,.<br />

Tllil.teenth st.<br />

Rus~elt<br />

ONrJ'-UlO ST., E. from<br />

st.<br />

&li~hig,~p trve.,<br />

Thi rtet*11-aud-a-half. MONTCA IAN ST, EAST, C1~erl.y st.<br />

Brusu llrlll to ltu~cell<br />

MESSMOH i ROAD. em:- E. iro~n 'CPrJdbvard xve, Oak st.<br />

struet,.<br />

fillurction of it hicing st. to Ktlsejl at,<br />

Locust st.<br />

Reaubien st.<br />

dua north.<br />

W. rod<br />

St. Autoi~le st.<br />

\\ a rrl ave, Yiuc'st.<br />

MIAMI AI'EXUE, S. E. Jolhu R. st,i.eet. Spruce st.<br />

lia$tlllgs st.<br />

fr.oin (;~~ild Circus to )cn\sh st.<br />

Qi,ufield st,<br />

Yrosye t st.<br />

Grirtiot st.<br />

Rubber1 st..<br />

&'ILU~~~II st.<br />

\t a uut st.<br />

IVilli 1111s st.<br />

S, . Anrui~le si. Bur I e~ilut st. ORA.\Or; ST.. W. from<br />

Johil R. et,<br />

H;ISI i11gs ~ t.<br />

El111 CT..<br />

Th'rcl tu Fuulth at.<br />

GI-anu R. vw st. prorpe~ t st,<br />

Ash st.<br />

lliircl at.<br />

Gratiot rih. * Zb>.3rl! 6<br />

Syyuorq s~..,<br />

X('ourch st.<br />


ORCHARD ST., W. from PEARL ST., E. from PROSPECT ST , N: from Marion st.<br />

Grand River to Seventh Prospect to Rub~ell st. Grstiot, r;t. to a point N. BI otlson st.<br />

street.<br />

Prc~~l):.ct. 3t..<br />

of Georgia st.<br />

n'orth st.<br />

Grzlnd River st. Russell st.<br />

(;ratiot st.<br />

James st.<br />

Srco~~d st.<br />

CoIun1bia st-<br />

Nary st.<br />

Third st.<br />

PETERB, ,RO West High st.<br />

J~llietre st.<br />

Fonrth st.<br />

ft om Woodward ave. to T\'apolcon st.<br />

R:li 1 road st.<br />

Fitih st..<br />

C'N-E iIYe.<br />

3l:lrio.n st.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> st.<br />

Sixth st.<br />

\Tc ,od\vard aye. (:lay rt..<br />

P1erc.e st.<br />

Seventh st.<br />

Park st.<br />

Rronson st.<br />

Scott st.<br />

Cass ilvc.<br />

Jloorc st.<br />

ORLE.ANS ST , N. from<br />

Silver kt.<br />

tht: niYer to the wzltcr PIEItC'E ST., from De- l)ivteioli st.<br />

IIale st.<br />

x ~ ~ ~ from ~ t,.r . quind1.e ~ ~ to ~ St. Aubin<br />

bt ~ , (~1)ster st.<br />

Ed\\-alrds st.<br />

north side of tile Water<br />

Whit~tt-y st.<br />

Be1l;iir st.<br />

Re*eryoir due N. to St. l)eqllinclre st.<br />

Peiirl st.<br />

Bid\vell st.<br />

Joseph st.<br />

St Aubin at c.<br />

Brt.\v>ter st.<br />

Whipple st.<br />

A ttvater st. PIERPOST ST. \V from hlorw *t.<br />

RIV.i\RD ST, N. from<br />

Gtuoiu st<br />

Tl~lrd to Fourth st. Wi:kins st.<br />

Arm tcr kt. E. to Gratlot<br />

Franklin st.<br />

Third st.<br />

TViltr~ll st.<br />

st reer .<br />

Woorll~ridge st. Four111 si.<br />

C;II~OIIII 5t.<br />

Atwater st.<br />

J cfferson avc. PINE STR., mest from<br />

B"ttoll st.<br />

Guoin st.<br />

L:lrncsd st.<br />

C1 and. River to Sercn-<br />

Pr:u~k li~i st.<br />

Congress st.<br />

z$:esi.t.<br />

teelith st.<br />

Woodbridge st.<br />

Fort st.<br />

Gr.l~.d River st. 1ien111cky st.<br />

Je*rson ave.<br />

Latt~yette st.<br />

Inditina st.<br />

F~fth.et.<br />

L~rlie(l st.<br />

Croghan st.<br />

Tlrinc~is *t.<br />

Sisth st.<br />

Congress st.<br />

I'lncomb st.<br />

Seventh st.<br />

Le!and st.<br />

Fot t St.<br />

31ullert st.<br />

()llt~l-f~<br />

Kii~t h<br />

~t.<br />

2 1 ~ ~ .<br />

Lufi~y~tte st.<br />

Catharine st.<br />

Xatiqnal iWe.<br />

>uperior st.<br />

Crochan st.<br />

Sht.r~llan st.<br />

II~trrisoll avd.<br />

Georgia st.<br />

IIacc~n~b st.<br />

hlaple st.<br />

FI t'tee~~tl~ st,. RAILROAD STREET. E. Clinton 5t.<br />

Ci~r~srnut st.<br />

Sistet~~ltti st.<br />

;~r.rosg rhc Gl~oii~ fi~rni Illnllett st.<br />

Aut.it*tam st.<br />

Sevei~tcenth st. to Water Works Rescr- ('atharine st.<br />

Jay st.<br />

She~rntlll at.<br />

Ger~iia~l st.<br />

PITCI-IEK ST. \?. from vo!r.<br />

Mirple st.<br />

Gwic~t st.<br />

Caw il~e. to ?t'hircl st. Riopelle st.<br />

Chestnut st.<br />

hIarion st..<br />

(:t~ss ave.<br />

RASDOTAPTT ST.. North Grariot st.<br />

Bro115on st.<br />

Second st.<br />

fro 11 the river to Adam,: ROSE STREET, W. from<br />

North 5t.<br />

Third ct.<br />

ave. E<br />

Sisteel~rh to Eiyteellth<br />

James st.<br />

PLUN STR., W. from Atwater st.<br />

stwet.<br />

Mary st.<br />

Grdncl Rlver to Seventh WooaLri:l~e st.<br />

Sixteenth st.<br />

Juliette st.<br />

street.<br />

Je9t:rcon ave.<br />

Sevrnteenr h st.<br />

Scott st.<br />

(:rand River st. 1,zlriied rt.<br />

Eigl~rcentl~ bt.<br />

Hale st.<br />

SCCOII~ st.<br />

Conzre-s st.<br />

EclIt~ir st.<br />

'l'hird st.<br />

Farmer st.<br />

ROW 1,AXI) ST.. N. from<br />

St,. doseph st.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

Fot t Michigan ave. to Clifford<br />

~ t .<br />

strt't't.<br />

OSCEOLA ST., W. from st-<br />

Lafayetre st.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Third to Fourth.<br />

Sixth st.<br />

Fi1rr11r st.<br />

Sti~te st<br />

Third -t.<br />

Scv~.nt h st.<br />

Crochan st.<br />

(;*itl~d River st.<br />

Porlrth st.<br />

POSTIXC ST., E. from . MonroeavC-<br />

CliRord st.<br />

OTTAWA ST.. W. Russell st. across GUU~II l;lcOmh rt-<br />

RUSSELL ST., N. from<br />

the L:tfferty farm. f:: rm.<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Jeffcrsoll ave. to Eric<br />

'1 hirceellth st.<br />

Russell st<br />

Gn~liot st.<br />

C'nlre<br />

Etrret<br />

HII~~:I -t.<br />

POPL hR STR . from a<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

PALMER ST.. N.E. from poi~~t east of. Fllteenth ~ ~ ~ ~ $ c ~ ~ i ~ 1,zrnied st.<br />

Cass to Clifford st. .<br />

Collgrebs<br />

~ ~ . '<br />

st.<br />

t .<br />

st. to city lim~ts. I?arriet t st.<br />

Cads st.<br />

P ift.eent,h ~ t.<br />

C!ro.;s st.<br />

For1 st.<br />

Grand Rivcr st. +ixrc.eu~ h 5t.<br />

Adanls ave. E.<br />

L,tfayctte st.<br />

Clitiord st,.<br />

T~llma~i ave.<br />

('rogt~an st.<br />

PARK PLACE. N. from Lvell ave.<br />

RIOPEI,LE ST , N. from >'lacomb st.<br />

M!chigan ave. to Grand Twenty-third st. he 1:ivcr to a poiut due C1 nton st.<br />

Hlver at.<br />

Twetity-fourth st. E. of Geneva st.<br />

hlullert st.<br />

Miclrigan ave.<br />

Mt. Hope ave. ' Atwater st.<br />

Car harille st.<br />

state st.<br />

PORTER ST., W from G"0in st-<br />

Sherlnan st.<br />

Grand River st. Nichilliln ave to 'J'homp- Frauklin st-<br />

3laple st.<br />

PARK ST., N. W. and N. ,,, farlll.<br />

Wood1~1.idrc st.<br />

Chact~~lit st.<br />

fi.om Woodward ~ VC. to ~lic~lizun ave.<br />

Jt.ff;.rson ilve.<br />

31011 tcalm st.<br />

a point no~th of Peter- ~ t ~ i ~ d<br />

Lar~irlt)rst: st<br />

Dntfield st.<br />

Third t,ct Poui th st. . ~~~l~ st.<br />

Juliette st.<br />

Henry rt.<br />

Thirtl st.<br />

Cllestr~ut st.<br />

Watson st.<br />

Slb11:y st.<br />

Fourth st.<br />

Ctilhoun st.<br />

S~ro~it at. . YRTV-ATE ST., E and<br />

Bellton -t.<br />

BLI~~ >t.<br />

W. 011 G~~oiii farm. be-<br />

hloore st.<br />

Chariotte zt.<br />

.tweeu Fort ad Con-<br />

Edwards st.<br />

L<br />

Pe~srboro st. greas E.<br />

Bidwell at.<br />

Antietam st.<br />

Jay st.<br />

Gcrmtln st.<br />

Gratiot kt.<br />

High st.


Whippls st.<br />

German st.<br />

LaR~gette nve. SIXTIf ST., North from<br />

3Iai(lt:n l,ane.<br />

Gratlot st.<br />

Ho\v:~rrl st.<br />

Woodhridze st. iV. to<br />

Pol~ti:~~ st.<br />

North at.<br />

Abbott st.<br />

Brizhaln st.<br />

Gcnevu st.<br />

James st.<br />

Porrer st.<br />

Woodl~ridge st.<br />

Sel~rca st.<br />

Mal-y st.<br />

L:tbro.re st.<br />

Fort st,.<br />

Ruclid st.<br />

J~llierte st.<br />

Baker st.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

On(:~da st.<br />

Rai lroacl st.<br />

hlichi, "an ave.<br />

Ilo~vilrd st.<br />

Elsie st.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> st.<br />

Bccch ~ t.<br />

Abbott ~.t.<br />

ST. AXTO'IXE ST., N. Pier(:" st.<br />

Orcllard st.<br />

Porter st.<br />

fro111 . Attvuter E. to Bellair st-<br />

Ylnln st..<br />

Lal)ros+e st.<br />

Se~vard *r.<br />

St *Joseph st.<br />

Cherrv st.<br />

Bnkvr st.<br />

Atwiltcar st.<br />

SCOTT ST., E. f on, ~io- O~lk<br />

hlichigdn ave.<br />

Prankli~t st.<br />

pelle st. to St. Aubin LOcn"St.<br />

Beech st.<br />

M'ctotlhritlgc st. larm.<br />

Pilie st.<br />

Orchard st. .<br />

.Jeti,.r+on ave.<br />

1iiop:-lle st.<br />

Spruce st.<br />

Plum st.<br />

Larn1.d st.<br />

014e;l:1s st.<br />

Ct~~~field st.<br />

Cherry st.<br />

Co~~greus st.<br />

I)d,qaindrs st.<br />

Wulnur. st.<br />

Oak *t.<br />

Fort st.<br />

SECOND ST , N. from<br />

But~(!r~ilit st.<br />

Locust st.<br />

Lafi~yette st.<br />

River to I3oldeu road.<br />

Elm st.<br />

PIII~ st.<br />

CrozLrh.~~ st.<br />

Fronr, st.<br />

Grand River st.<br />

Spruce st.<br />

h1:lct)lllb st<br />

Wood b lei dgc st. But.ntl Vista st. Cil~~ficlcl st.<br />

Clinton st.<br />

J~tferson ave.<br />

Anti st.<br />

Wal~lut st.<br />

Mriilett st.<br />

Lwned st.<br />

Charles st.<br />

Grand River st.<br />

C I tl!n ine st.<br />

Coilgress st.<br />

Fnlton st.<br />

Nojes st.<br />

Gnttiot st.<br />

Forat st,.<br />

Irving st.<br />

illti:-cy st.<br />

Trom1)lep st.<br />

Lafiiyei te ave.<br />

Maria st.<br />

IJueua Vista st.<br />

Be;~con st.<br />

Howard st.<br />

Cut t.ler st.<br />

AIIII st.<br />

Adam?; ave.<br />

Al)l>ott st.<br />

McLe;ilr st.<br />

Ch.ill.:s st.<br />

Elizaberh st.<br />

Porter at.<br />

Rri:h:tin st.<br />

Fullou st.<br />

Co1111nbiu st..<br />

Michi~qn ave.<br />

Lysal~dcr st.<br />

I rvi I I st. ~<br />

31ontc:tlm st.<br />

Spetlccr st.<br />

Mil!er st.<br />

SEWARD ST., E. from<br />

High st.<br />

.<br />

Lewis st.<br />

3lari;, st.<br />

N;ipoleon st.<br />

Br11sh f~r:n to western ~ ~ -t. ~ , ~ ~ k<br />

Jo~~es ~t.<br />

M ~rioii st.<br />

bouiidary of C. Mortir<br />

Beach st.<br />

Bronson st.<br />

fa1.m.<br />

0rch:ird st.<br />

I\lcLecin rt.<br />

Division st.<br />

Beatibien st.<br />

l'111m st.<br />


ST(!WE ST., W. from W clstcrlo et. I'n'E7rTT-THIED STR.. WATER STR.. W. from<br />

1'11111li1n avcnue to Ives Pic.rpoiut kt.<br />

K. f1.d 111 Fu.t at. W. to Thlrcl to Fourth sts.<br />

ave~luc*.<br />

Gol~t st.<br />

city 1 ~nirs.<br />

Tliirci ~ r .<br />

Till .an ave.<br />

liuv(!n st.<br />

1 ort st.<br />

Ft.u~.tli st.<br />

Johnalon ave.<br />

Stali1c.y st.<br />

Lilli~\ ttte ave. WATSON ST., E. from<br />

Ivcs ave.<br />

l'rc.5~01 t kt.<br />

Ho\p\ ct kt.<br />

bllS>dl Sr.<br />

WEbLEY bTR., S. from<br />

ni iclugan avc. 1.0 ~llu~ch<br />

ELI c'r t.<br />

hlichigau ave.<br />

Chun I st.

Mirlrni are.<br />

3lacli eon me.<br />

Adam* we.<br />

Elizaberh st.<br />

C'Ollll~ ~ I st. H<br />

Mol;tcalm st.<br />

WILLIE ST., ~ast<br />


D[*qnindre btri~et across<br />

WII l~erell fi~rn~.<br />

l)coui~tc:re st.<br />

WITHERELL ST., East<br />

fro111 Dvguindre P treet<br />

acms Wii herell fa1-m.<br />

Dt Wlldrc! +t-<br />

Griswold st.<br />

Slichlby st..<br />

Wig ne st.<br />

( ass st.<br />

Flrsr at.<br />

Svcollti ~ t.<br />

Third st.<br />

from 1<br />

Fonr~h st.<br />

Woot\wi\~d rrveilue to WOODRRIDGE ST. E.. Filtl~ st,.<br />

BI u+h m / E. fic,nlWuud\\-~m are.. Sixth st.<br />

Wooc4wal.d ave. I ~vittl ec~me intermis- 1 Scvel~ih at.<br />

WII LIS ATE., R. from<br />

*ion to Lcib st.<br />

Eight11 at.<br />

\Vooclward we. to Third<br />

W* lod\vnrd uve. Teuth st.<br />

strecat.<br />

Rates ~ t .<br />

Elvvei~t h st.<br />

\I'o~ld\vard ave. Htclldoiph kt.<br />

T\velSth st.<br />

Cuss ave<br />

BI n ~h tt.<br />

Thirteen~h st.<br />

S(.conti st.<br />

1k.uuhie)i ~ t.<br />

Y1ftee1.-arlrl u half st.<br />

Third at.<br />

St. A~ltoilie st.<br />

Sevelitee~~-~uld-a Ilalf.<br />

I~astilig~ at.<br />

WILKINS ST., E. from<br />

Eight eel] aud-a-h..lf.<br />

Rjvartl r-t.<br />

BI.U~I f~rm to Prokyect<br />

T\i.el~ty fonri 11 *t.<br />

Riopelle at.<br />

Sl l.cnclt.<br />


Orla aljs t-t,.<br />

Re;ruh' cAn st.<br />

N. Jrom LIIC. r~ver to clty<br />

Di qnil~tlre st.<br />

St. Alltoinc. ~ t.<br />

limits.<br />

St. Aubi~ ave.<br />

Ilastings bt.<br />

At\v:rter st.<br />

Jos. C~LI\:P~IU uve.<br />

Pro-ptacr st.<br />

FVoodbritlpe st.<br />

hlrDo11ga1i st.<br />

.I efiersor nve.<br />

WWDER ST., East from M'ltlq..er bt.<br />

L:~nlecl *t.<br />

Woot,~va~d avenue to Aduir st.<br />

C'otcgrt.ss st.<br />

~111sI1 It.<br />

L( ib 5t..<br />

Pot t st.<br />

Uood\vt~rd ave. WOoDBII!DC,E ST. W.. 3llchig:1n are.<br />

Joht~ K. st. $I-. 1. OIII Wootl\~c\.tlrd 8 b e. Cilmpus Alurtius.<br />

Bru41 at.<br />

to city limits.<br />

St:~te st.<br />

WIETER ST., East from Woodward ave. Gratiot st.<br />

S- FERGUSON & GO.,<br />


Grand River st.<br />

Jot111 K. ~ t.<br />

C'litfortl st.<br />

Park st.<br />

Williams st.<br />

A(Iums we.<br />

Elizabe~ h st.<br />

('olun~b a st.<br />

Moil calm st.<br />

High ?;t.<br />

Gv(\l,ge st.<br />

Duflit-Id st.<br />

1Jcllry st.<br />

ITlntler st.<br />

Eiblvy st.<br />

Adelaide st.<br />

Sprout kt.'<br />

A lfi-ed st.<br />

Bagz st<br />

Edm~lnd st,.<br />

Cl~arlotie st.<br />

Yetar1)oro st.<br />

Stimso~~ et.<br />

Br tdg st.<br />

Par-ctna ~ t .<br />

A ex;ir:drine ave.<br />

Willis ave.<br />

Fremol~t st.<br />

Vatr L)j ke st.<br />

W~llie sr.<br />

k'tirn~\vorth st.<br />

Yrecl rick tt.<br />

Holdeu road.<br />

Special Attention given to Heating Churches and Factories by Steam.<br />


Plain and Ornamental]<br />

Par Chnrchts, Dwellings, Steamboats and B, R, Cars,<br />

- No, 100 ~efkrson Ave., at 0. Boarke's, np stairs, DETROIT, MICE.<br />



+sG==Q-cl 4P<br />


WU3R~~*<br />




Of at2 kind8 nznde to Order and Zepaired<br />




Office and Manufactory, Corner Fort and Twentieth Streets,


Office, Store aad Warehouse, 187, 189 & 191 Woodward Are,, DETROIT,<br />





Choice Superior FZotcr, White and Amber W7~cnt Floqcr, Sprirag Wheat<br />

Flour, Choice Rulcers9 Elou~, Bye FLoz1.r.<br />


.<br />


Oface and Warehouse on Dock, foot of Randolph Street.


m<br />


- VIA-<br />

HUDSON RIVER R. R., WESTERN R. R., (Mass.),<br />


NEW 0 BOSTDN,<br />

- AxD -<br />



From Points in New England, all Goods marked "PEOPLES<br />

DESPATCHv will be received by this Line at Albany, N. Y.<br />

We have Age& at a11 PlP~cipaI Points on the Road over which we m.<br />



For Bills of Lading, and further information, apply to<br />

H. W. CARR, Agent, A. H. MUIR, Agent,<br />

36.5 ard 367 Broadwrru, n'eza Pork. 36 C3.rislcoZd Street, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

CHAS. A. FRENCH, Agent,<br />

21 Court Street Boston. 3. CHITTENDEN,<br />

A. FELL, Suplt Mich. Division.



American Merchants Union Express Co., Prop'rs.<br />




RaiZroad Rates on First and Second CZasses. Specid Rates<br />

on other Uasses,<br />

E. CUMMINGS, General Superintendent. 1 13 Broadway. New York<br />

J. FARNSWORTH, Agent, 1% Murray Street, New York.<br />

G. G. KIDDER. Agent, 15 & 17 Court Street, Boston.<br />

J. W. SKINNER, 1 Clinton Avenue, Albany.<br />

A. H. MUIR. 36 Griswold Street, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

A. PELL, GenyZ Supy€ Mich. DMsZon,<br />

LNO. 36 Griswold Street, DETRQIT.



Where they are prepared to offer at LOW RATES a full ~tock of<br />


RO'17hTD and SQCARE, 1111 eizes, from W to 5 inch ; FLAT BAR. all sizw, from X to 7 inch wide<br />

SCRAP IKON, a !I, 11 asrcal.t me,, t mace f~om selected Sclap ; BOlLEH and SHEET IRON, from htlmmured<br />

Lake S.upsricr Charcoal Blooms.<br />


Xade )?om Extra ZeJfned Lake Szpe~ior Iron.<br />




The Highest P~ice will be paid, either in Cash or Iron, for<br />

wELo'tTrr=w SCELAE. I=F.LO=PV,<br />

Call :and see, or address<br />


Y<br />



& Stationary<br />



Wrought Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead, Plumbsrs' Goods, &c,<br />


No.- 115 Jeffer~on Avenue,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

. . , , .I . MICHIGAN.

J. L. SECOMB & CO.,<br />


Badger State Spring Bed Bottom<br />

'r=m 331ESW xm USIEI.<br />

- ALSO -<br />

Which we offer to the Trade at MTholeeale and Retail, at a Low Figure.<br />


Corner Atwater and RdiopeZZe Streets,<br />






Corner Atwater and Rz'opeZZe Streets,<br />

- -<br />

fi<br />






Q0 1 Jefferson Avenue,<br />



60 G-RISWOLD STREET. .<br />

The subscriber is prepared to do work in the most substantial and workmanlike manner for<br />

those who will favor him with their patronage.<br />

Bath l'u&s, Water Ctosets, Lead Pipe, Sheet Lead and<br />

- Wash BasZns alwal~s<br />

on hand.<br />

The best of references can be given.<br />

S. W. LOVETT,<br />

. - . . . . 59. GrZswoZd St., DETROIT.


Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store<br />

No, 103 Woodward Avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />




Stoves, Thz, Comer and SAeeZ Iron ?Yare, PZo~vs, Corn SfieZZers, Arne3<br />

ShoveZs, Straw Cutters, Scythes, S,zuths, CradZes, &c., &c.<br />





GARDEN TOOLS, WOO~EN ~IEASUR~S, and a thousand other articles.<br />

Every new improvement in A,gicnltural Machinery is immedirltely secnrcd by us. The attention of<br />

the Trade dealing in our line throughout the country is respectfu!ly requested to our Ge~leml Stock of<br />

Secds and Patent Agriculturtll Implements.<br />

W. S. PENFIELD.<br />


103 Woodward Avenue,<br />

Opposite Russell House, I DETROIT.<br />


Manufacturer of Brass and Iron<br />


Btr~att5<br />

for $Xouring itad $Jim @iXb<br />





Cemetery and Counter Railing Made to Order, Wholesale and Retail.<br />

Abo, Agent for Clinton Wire Clc th Co.'s Goods, and Whe Eencing.





A. RTCrnOND,<br />

I?. BACKTjS<br />

3. 3. RICHMOND. t ~ ~ mgame ~ ~<br />

33. ARMSTRONGI & CO.,<br />



Roofiarg Felt and Roofing Cement constantly on ihaatd<br />


P. VAUGHN. 5<br />

And for sale in qzcantities to suit Purchasers.<br />






g)@Jgga@)gz<br />


9<br />

la z=u ~ H Q ~ ' f & J & ~<br />

e:<br />






DETROIT,- . - I<br />


- - MICHIGAN.<br />


- -<br />




Orders promptly executed, and Cut Stone Work contracted for on the most 'reasonable terms.<br />


Om Atwater Street, betweem Rivard and RiopsZZe Streets,<br />

-- --<br />







NEXT BELOW D. & X. R. R. DEPOT,<br />

hod facilitiee for Dockage and handling of heavy goods, machinery, stone, &c., &c.<br />


t 11



Foot of Cass Street, DETBOZT, BEQBe<br />



N m DOOR TO F %~N's Hu,<br />

Pasties in <strong>City</strong> or Country supplied at the Shortest Notice.<br />

In reference to Parties, I do claim to make closer estimate8 in price and quantity of what is wanted<br />

than any other Confectioner here.<br />

To Plcnics and-Boat Excureions a liberal deduction is made on Ice Cream, if paid for in cash, or<br />

ordered by responsible parties. I also have always on hand an extensive assortment of ORNAMENTING<br />

TOOLS, of newest invention, such as Litiwgraphed Designs, !Pubs, India R&ber Bags, Plowers,<br />

Leafs, Cuppide, &c.<br />




Xanufacturer and BeaZer in<br />

83 Woodward Avenue,<br />

DETROIT, - I<br />


(Successor to SNOW & BARLVUX,)<br />

Iron, Brass and Copper Wire Cloth<br />





-9-<br />







OId No. 102 Woodward Avenue, l<br />



C- & P. MELLUS,<br />

Mannfacturem, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in<br />


6<br />

Nos. 66 & 68 EAST FORT STREET,<br />



Opposite the IBiddIe House,<br />



Jm W GILBERT iB COmF<br />


Filbert's Patent Improved Fire and Water Proof Felt and Composition<br />

The ody ReIiabIe Fire and Water Proof Roofirg in the United States.<br />

DETROIT, I<br />

No. 64 Jefferson Avenue,<br />



for nttmg on, etc.<br />

%oafs put on at short notice in m y part of the State or Canada.<br />

Rooling Mated8 constantly on hand.<br />

DETROIT,<br />


No. S59 Jefferson Avenue,<br />




200 JEFFERSON AVE.,<br />

Pour Door8 Zaet of Bates Street,<br />


all Goods belonc!ing to a fine Merchant Tailors' trade, will be constantly found on hand and<br />

made ui, (to order only) after the latest and most fashionable patterns.<br />

N. B.-U Goods made np to the satibfaction of the Customer<br />




Sash, Doors, Blinds, Window Frames & BonXdings,<br />

Woodbridge St., bet. Beanbien and St. Bntoine Streets,<br />


There is no firm in tbe <strong>City</strong> of <strong>Detroit</strong> that deserves and enjoys a higher reputation for integrity and<br />

correct dealings, than that of Messrs. Morhous, Mitchell & Byram, whose card appears above. That they<br />

do enjoy this reputation is patent from the fact of the yearly increase of their business, which Beeps pace<br />

with their enterprise and liberality. From a personal acquaintance with the members of this firm we<br />

speak knowingly when we commend them to the hberal patronage of the public.-EDITOB.



Home Izsurance Company, of New York.<br />

manhattan Insurance Company, of New York.<br />

BuffaZo Fire and 2Marine Insurance Cbmpany, of Buffdo.<br />

Irving Fire Insurance Cbmpany, of New York.<br />

dlarkef Fire Insurance Cornpang, of New York.<br />

Standard Fire Insurance Company, of' New Xork.<br />

North Americam Fire Insurance Company, of New York.<br />

AZban y <strong>City</strong> Insurance Co'tnpany, of Agbany.<br />

LiuerpooZ, London & GZoobe Insurance Co., of N. Y.<br />

MutuccZ Benest Z fe Insurance Company. Assets Over $16,000,000.<br />


Home Insurance Cbmpany, of New York.<br />

Buff& Fire and Marine Insurance Cb., of Bzcffdb.<br />

AZ6any <strong>City</strong> Insurance CO, of AZbany N. Y.<br />



EWELER,<br />

Gbr- Woodward Avenue and L a d St,,


- - - - -<br />

NEW YORX<br />

ASSBTTS OVER $1~,000,000.<br />

Income of 1868, - - - - - $5,000,000<br />

Dividends paid in 186 8, - .. - 1,225,865<br />

Interest received in 1868, - - I<br />

Losses paid in 1868, I<br />

I -<br />


766,144<br />

741,043<br />

Daily Cash Income, - - - - $15,000<br />


Manager and Agency Superintendent.<br />


GUY F. HINCHHAN & CO.,<br />

DETROIT, (I<br />



Nos. 1G AND 18 ABBOTZ' BLOCK,<br />


-<br />




Coolers, Canikens, Butter Pails & Tubs,<br />






211. PROST, GeneraZ Superintendent,<br />

960 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, MIGH.<br />











C. H. BUHL, President. D. B. PEIltCE, Sec. and Tress. J. W. BABTLETT, Mech. Supt.<br />



1<br />


Dealers furnished with all sizes at large discounts.<br />

Sash, BXinds and Doors, Sash with Glass Ready Set.<br />


B IP, EARL,<br />

50 Jeflersom Avenue,<br />


Office and salesroom of Marble and Marbleized Slate Mantles,<br />


Prices of Mantles range from $18 to<br />

$150. Made in inlitation of Egyptian,<br />

Black and Gold, Jasper, Itnlian,<br />

Spanish, Pyrinees. Agate, , Red Antique,<br />

and Verd Antique.<br />

Every variety of Grates, including the<br />

Philadelphia Low Down Grate, The<br />

French Crawing Room Grate, Bob-<br />

bins' Patent Concave Grate, and<br />

Silver or Gold Mounted Grates.<br />

Prices range from $10 to $45.<br />

Send for Circular, P. A. BILLINGS.<br />

JQHN HUTCHINCS, Agent,<br />



Leave Buckley & Co.'s Dock, foot of First Street, every Friday for<br />

Marquette, Portage Lake, Houghton, Hancock, Copper<br />

Har&or, Eagle Harhor, Ontonagon, Superior <strong>City</strong>,<br />

and aZ Points on Lake Superior.<br />

For Freight or Passage apply to<br />


Oflee, Foot of m~st Street.



(ORGMIZED, APRIL, 1868.)<br />

OfEce and Works, Hamtramck, AUSTIN BURT. President.<br />

near Marine Hospital. <strong>City</strong> H. E. BURT, Secretary.<br />

Oflice, with Secretary. LEE BURT, Superintendent.<br />

The Car Wheels of this Company are of the so-called Washburn pattern, 33 inches<br />

in diameter, wide or narrow tread, according to order, weighing respectively 542 and 510<br />

pounds.<br />

N. B.-It will be for the advantage of Railroad Companies to communicate with us<br />

before placing orders elsewhere.<br />

The B. M. Paint (dry and ground in oil), is winning the foremost place in the estimation<br />

of consumers. and for general Railroad use, as well as for DURABILITY and fine<br />

appearance on wood, bricks, iron, tin, canvas, etc., is considered unequaled.<br />

Send for Circnlarn and Samples.<br />



DETROIT, H<br />

Office foot of First St., Works just above Marine Hospital,<br />

-<br />

4 :<br />


JOHN BURT, President. AUSTIN BURT, Secretary. SOLON BURT, Ianaging Ag't.<br />

H. A, & S. Gi. WIGiHT,<br />

Manufacturers and Dealers in all kinds of<br />

Saw Mill, Atwater Street, foot of Campau Street,<br />

nBgfs@%$b lB3 = $jgg@Eg~@@,&&&q'@


C. E. LEECH,<br />



TERMS CASH. @ 3llH!~~.<br />

RICHARD H. H A L I . A ,<br />

Manufacturer and Dealer in every variety of<br />



Brick Yard at Grand Trunk Junction,<br />

W J. KENT. M. P. HUTCHmS,<br />

- -<br />

W. J. KENT & GO.,<br />

General Ofice, 1194- Woodward Ave., Room No. 8,<br />

No 8 EAST LARNED ST.<br />

- - - 9<br />

- - -<br />

-<br />

ALEX. H. DEY, o<br />


P. E. DeMILL, -<br />

-<br />

-<br />

o<br />

9 - - I<br />

- SAMUEL LEWIS, 1<br />

G. V. N. LOTHROP, 1 Directors,<br />



o<br />

President.<br />

~Geasurer.<br />


--<br />




Sash, Doors, BZinds, MouZd$ngs, Door a d Window<br />

Barnes, Casings, Etc.<br />

Scroll Sawing, Resawing and Planing. Glazed Sash, all sizes constantly on hand.<br />

Also Dealers in Siding, Ceiling, and all kinds of<br />





(ESTABLISHED 1864.)<br />





No. 29 Atwater Street East,<br />

Dgg)TBa@$'g9 8E3 = sy'@gJg@J$JS&






And a full line of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS at very low figures. We also keep<br />


P. S. Call and see the American Base Burning Coal Stove.<br />




And DeaZer in Building Stone, Water Lime, Phster and<br />

PZaster Hair, and Cord Wood,<br />

322 Atwater Street, between Russell and Riopelle,<br />


Monitor Patent Lime Kiln, 1<br />




-=<br />

Marrrxfactnrrer of Tin, Copper C Sheet Iron Ware,<br />


362 Gratiot St., bet. Rivard and RusseZZ,<br />

mrnP&@EP@ Q rnH@HZ@AN*






AT<br />


Real Estate Bought and Sold on Commission.<br />

la<br />



Directly opposite the Post Office,<br />

STEAM<br />

No. 25 Larned Street West,<br />

This Establishment will at all times be supplied with the<br />

Latest NoveIties ilrn Types, Borders, Etc.<br />

And Parties favorirg us with their patronage may rely upon having<br />

thcir work done<br />


A<br />




At 15 cents per week, Delivered in the Citw<br />

BY MAIL, $6.00 PER YEAR.<br />

-m-<br />

The Weekly Union,<br />


Contains Foreis and Home News, Correspondence, News for Worli;in,gmen, State News,<br />

the Markets, Miscellany, etc.<br />

All Communiqatione should be addressed to<br />


I I<br />


The Oldest!<br />


Most Widely Circulated I<br />

Most Carefully Edited!<br />




A 7<br />



'T<br />

HE<br />

of Michigzn. No other paper in the State pays so much for Editorial services<br />

Daily issues of this Newspaper exceed those of any other <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

journal, and both the character and extent of its circulation c~mbine to<br />

make THE POST the best and most useful Advertising Medium in the State<br />

and News, and no other has so much varied reading matter and such vigorous,<br />

cultivated and original editorial expression.<br />

THE POST is the largest newspaper published in Michigan.<br />

Advertising rates reasonable.<br />

DAILY POST C O - 3<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich2'gan.<br />

ONTAIN larger facilities for every variety of Job Printing than any<br />

other office in the State, and are not surpassed in any respect by any<br />

office in the Western States. The material is all comparatively new and<br />

modern, and is constantly being increased by all the new styles and inventions.<br />

Especial attention is invited to this department, which furnishes almost all<br />

the best Job Printing done in Michigan, and has frequent orders from sur-<br />

rounding States.





Nos. 12 and 13 Merrill Block up stairs, Corner Jefferson and Woodward Avennes.<br />

Reading room is open from S o'clock A. M. to 10 P. M. and free to all. and contains the leading secular<br />

and religous papers and magazines of England and America.<br />




Vice Presidents-A. TRED WAY, J. F. CON- Corre,'pon.ding Secretary-J. F. HENDERSON. ,<br />

OVER.<br />

Recording Secretary-H. E. BURT.<br />

Treasurer-W. C. SKIFF.<br />

Librarian-JOHN SEAGE.<br />


Pinance-W. C. SKIFF. N. D. LAPHAM, H. E. BURT.<br />

--<br />


ErnpZoprnent-F. D. TAYLOR, J. H. MUIK. D. A. ROSS.<br />

Board~ng How-R. GILIS, C. H. BARBER, C. B. GRAY.<br />

Statistics and Advertising-4. W. FARRELL, 0. S. GULLEY, H. E. BOSTWICK.<br />

Music and Socials--H. C. CL.\RK, H. HITCHCOCK, S. H. HART.<br />

Literary Exerckqm--JAMES GLASS, A. H. WILKINSON, E. E. KANE.<br />

D. W. BROOKS<br />


L. R. CASEY,<br />

J. 0. FORREST. .<br />



W. M. BOOMER, .<br />

J. B. WOFENDEN,<br />


--<br />

J. F. HENDERSON:<br />

A. TREDWAY .<br />

H. E. BURT,<br />

J. M. L. CAMPBELL,<br />

J. W. AMPHLETT,<br />


G. W. UOUGH, .<br />

DR. J. J. THOM, ' .<br />

E. E. KANE,<br />


-- 9<br />

N. D. LAPHAM, . .<br />

A. T. YEATON. . .<br />

E. B. SMITH, . .<br />

W. LONG, . .<br />

F. STCEPEL,<br />


P. A. OCUMPAUGH, .<br />



. First Presbvterian Church.<br />

. Fort Street '~resbyterian Church.<br />

. . . . . . . J(*fferson Avenue Presbyterian Chnrch.<br />

. . . . . . . Westminst er Presbyterian Church.<br />

. Central Methodist Church.<br />

. Scotch Presbyterian Church.<br />

. St. Paul's Episcopal Church.<br />

. . . St. Johrl's Episcopal Church<br />

. . . Christ's Episcopal Church.<br />

. . . First Congregational Church.<br />

. . . Second Congreg%tional Church.<br />

. . . First Bi~ptiat Church.<br />

. . . . . . Laf'ayvtte Street Baptist Chnrch.<br />

. Christian Church.<br />

. . . Jefferson Avenue Christian Church.<br />

. Jefferson Avenue M. E. Church.<br />

Walnut Street M. E. Church.<br />

. . .<br />

---<br />


. First Presbyterian Church.<br />

. Fort Street Presbyterian Church.<br />

. . . . . . Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church.<br />

. Weatminster Presbyterian Church.<br />

. Central M. E. Church.<br />

. . . Lafayett.e Street M. E. Church.<br />

. Scotch Presbyterian Church.<br />

. St. Paul's E iscopal Church.<br />

. St. John's l!piecopal Church.<br />

. Christ's Episcopal Church.<br />

. . . First Congregat~onal Church.<br />

. Second Congregational Church.<br />

. Firat Raptist Church.<br />

. Lafayette Street Baptist Church.<br />

. . . Uiiited Presbyterian Church.<br />

. Christian Church.<br />

. . . . . . Jefferson Avenue Christian Church.<br />

. JeB'erson Avenue M. E. Church.


AND<br />


DETROIT,<br />



ESTABLISHED A. C. .l849.<br />

I:<br />

.' , c<br />



<strong>Detroit</strong> OJce, over First National Bank,<br />

South-east cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold street.<br />












Subscribers to our Agency will be furnished semi-annually with a copy of<br />

our Reports, containing the standing of Bankers, Merchants, Manufacturers and<br />

professional men, in the Eastern, Western and Southern States, revised and corrected<br />

to date. Also a weekly sheet showing all the business changes, and<br />

will be privileged to make inquiries at our office, either in person or by letter.<br />

Letters will be furnished to subscribers enabling them to apply at any of our<br />

Branch Offices and receive the benefits of the Agency.<br />

The address OF RELIABLE ATTORNEYS furnished gratis to subscribers.<br />

Volume Twenty-five is now ready for delivery. Volume Twenty-six will<br />

be issued Januar) ist, 1870. Relying solely upon the merits of the work, we<br />

respectfully solicit the patronage of the business public.<br />


South-west cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold st., DETROIT, MICH,<br />

July, <strong>1869</strong>.





64 and 66 WOODBRIDGE STREET,<br />



POT jValltes not foz~~zd i72 this List, see P&ge " Too Late for fizse~tion."<br />


ah. abnve.<br />

C. or GO^. corner. n. s. n~rrh .icle.<br />

agt ;Went.<br />

e. ess:. u. w. north west.<br />

al. nllev.<br />

e. s. cast side. nr. near.<br />

asst. as-istant. cst. castilte. o. prec-eding a numher<br />

ave. tll'enlle.<br />

h. house. al.gnilie* (11~1 nnmber.<br />

bds bo;~rds. 1;1b lutwrer. op. opposite<br />

bel. I)c.low.<br />

mnfl-. m:liiaDctnrer. P. 0. l'oec Office.<br />

b. or bcr. between. n. p,.ececlii~g IL numher propr. proprietor.<br />

bltlg l~uilcling. sig,..~itias new number. r rear.<br />

bll~ block.<br />

11. 11ort11. Rev. licvcrcnd.<br />

cul'd colored. n. e. nurth east. s south.<br />

The if-ord " strzcr. " is impliecl.<br />

s. e. south east.<br />

s. F. k011tll side.<br />

s. IV. youth west.<br />

SCC. sect cttlry.<br />

eupt. rupet.i titenrlcnt.<br />

trae s. tl'nilsportatiun.<br />

treas. r reasuwr.<br />

\v. \vest.<br />

wid. wido\v.<br />

w. s. west side.<br />

A.<br />

,%lj\~)tt: 'l'ilon~ua H., st,udent, bds. 2U<br />

\.Voodtvard ave.<br />

asa, MTilliam, blacksnlith, 11. 127 310nt~- Abbott, Wayne GF., salesman bds. 8<br />

A ,a,,.<br />

JIonrcalm w.<br />

Abate, Lswis, marble finisher, 11. 65 Harri- abbot^, Willizun, bds. o. 11 Alianli ave.<br />

son ave.<br />

Abcles. Aclolyhas, lithographer, bds. Hotel<br />

Abbey, James H., drives ice wagon, h. 566 b1u uch.<br />

Lamed e. *<br />

Abcrnetlly, Anne (wid. Robert), 21. o. I72 n.<br />

Al)ble, George. mason. 11. 434 Croglian. 190 Clif~rd.<br />

Abbot, 'l'llor1ias F. (Abbot & Ketchulll), 11. Abernt~tliy? Jolln E., gas fitter. bds. o. 172<br />

297 Fort, \v.<br />

11. 1'30 Clil3'01-d.<br />

Abl~ot Jls Kt.tc!~um (T1iom:ls F. Abbot ant1 Abrrnetlly, Kobert, macllinist, bds. 172<br />

Cei lllus 13. Gerchut~l), dealers in carpets - iuntcalu e.



MANUFACTU RI W IG CHEMISTS I inrseryman and Plorist, I<br />

OHice, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take TVoodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


JEFFENSOX AYE. (Scar Elm~~oori).<br />

Trees, ~hnlbs, Vines and ants of every clcscript!on,<br />

gr ow11 allcl imporl cd, togctllcr with Bulb$,<br />

Green House Plant-, Flo\ver Sccdr, etc.<br />

Street Cars pass every ten minutcs.<br />

Abraham, John, druggist, 501 Michigan Aclame, Jacob, saloon, n. 291 Gratiot, h.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

wile.<br />

Ahram, Augustus (col'd), barber, at $2 Adalils, James, blacksnlith, h. 12 &rayberry<br />

Woodward ave., bda. Jcferaon are.<br />

a~ e.<br />

Abraln, Frederick, slloeliialrer, bds. e. s. St. Adan~s, John, tailor, 11. 152 Jones.<br />

Aubin ave., bet. Maple and Gratiot. Adauls, Mrs. Iiat?, wid. Bearclsley, h. 341<br />

Abry, Mary (wid. Charles), h. 141 Sher- L;iliiyc~tte.<br />

man.<br />

Adalils, Icing (coi'clj, cooper, 11.311 L>if:byett e.<br />

Achenbacl~, Henry, laborer, h. 353 Or- 9tla1ils, ^\iich;iel A., grocer and c~.ockeryleans.<br />

ware, 1';s Slicliigan a\-e , 11. Sitllle.<br />

Acker, Samnel, pension agent, '74 Griswold, Aclalne, lioliline D., c. erk, bds. 44 Park<br />

h. 100 F.


Agan, Peter, laborer, 11. 72 Eighth. Alesander, Thomas B., clerk I). & &I. R. R.,<br />

Agcus, Thomas, laborer, h. 171 National bds. $0 Beaubien, rooms 155 Congress e.<br />

ave.<br />

Alford, Eugene S., lake captain, h. 12<br />

Agnew, Andrew J., clerk. bds. 43 Centre. &Ion tca11n w.<br />

mew, EdFvi~rd R., bookkeeper, 11. 341 Alfi~rd, George hl., ship carpenter, h. m. s.<br />

*'I'hircl.<br />

Fi~teenth, bet. Marquette and Baker.<br />

Allll):brg, Peter, macllinist, bds. 312 Fort e. Alfred, George, carpenter, 11.70 Mumutette.<br />

Al~lers, Iienry, carpet weaver, s. 8. Ilic11- Alfred, Nicllael H., printer, h. 14 Macomb<br />

igan ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth, 11. ave.<br />

Sallle.<br />

Alger, Russel A., lumber dealer, h. o. 112<br />

dirc:p, Genrge, laborer, 11. n. v-. cor Lasalle ' n. 126 Lafayette ave.<br />

ave. and bly rt le.<br />

Slgoe, Cy re oius, lightning rod pedler, bds.<br />

Airry, John, Llzrcksmitl~, bds. 2137 Abbott. 2,9 seventh.<br />

Airey. RIicI~ael, Iaborer, 11. 337 Porter. Allan, Alesunder, machinist, bds. 241 St.<br />

Aller, JoIln, It borer. 11. 347 f-Iilstings.<br />

Aubin are.<br />

Albert. IYilliam, silk\\-earel., 11. 11 Prirate. Allan, ,4r;us, clerk, h. 40 Macomb ave.<br />

Alb;.rrs*)n, Henry hl., traveling agt., 11. o. 33 Allan, Josepl1, b-tker, 11. 41 3eech.<br />

11. 57 Siblthy.<br />

Al Ian, Ilobert, cal>inetmaker, bds. 55 Mich-<br />

Albran,l, John, laborer, 11. 511 Hastiug3. igan Grand avu.<br />

XIl)reclIt, Albert, tailor, 11. 26'7 Eliza- Allwn, Saralr (wicl. George), asst. matron<br />

beth e.<br />

IIoine of the Frieildless, 53 High, h.<br />

Albrl*cllt, T-Terman, laborer, h. 337 Sherman. same<br />

A1l)rccilt John, teall~sttr, h. n. s. Sn tietam, Allaston, James, engineer, 11. 37 Fifteenth.<br />

bet. Chene and Dab-)is.<br />

Alidlitt, Ge;)rge, pedler, 11. 124 Clifford.<br />

Albr ,ell t, \.Yilliam, mason builder, h. 262 Alltlritrs, Martha (wid. Joseph). nurse, h,<br />

Elizt~bt~tll e.<br />

212 Park.<br />

All)~zrgli, Peter. safemnker, bcls. 312 Fort e. Allen, George, wire worker, bds. 413 Fifth.<br />

AlLl:s, Xra. Angelica, pli?-sician and mid- Allelnann, Peter C., t;)rrman Nevin St Mills<br />

wife, 143 JIaple, il. sa?ue.<br />

h. War son, west of Russell.<br />

Albus. Ernil, cigarnlaker, bds. 143 Maple. Allenman, Victor, laborer, 11.121 Clinton.<br />

,41 bus, *J II lias, ci, arrllaker, bds. 143 31aple. Allen, Aaron (col d), laborer, h. 62 Clin-<br />

Albus, Williurn, cigc~r iunfr., 143 Aluple, 11. ton.<br />

Sa111e.<br />

Allen, Alesander, machinist, bds. 241 St.<br />

Slbua. William, j r., cigarmaker, bds. 143 A ubin ave.<br />

llaple.<br />

Allru, Alpheus D., bookkeeper, h. 133<br />

Alden. John M., plryvsician, 112 Griswold, Adums ave. e.<br />

1;. 11 Ltwis.<br />

Allen, Miss Ann (35. A.& E. Allen), residence<br />

Alder, EJwu~d, bntcl~er, 11. 73 Eigllth. New Yol-k.<br />

Alddr, Jacob, saloon, 133 Clinton, h. Allen, Aretus H., salesman, h. 40 Macomb<br />

same.<br />

ave.<br />

Ald:)us, Williatn T., painter, 204 Brush, Allen, Bird, saloon. 38 Front, bds. same.<br />

11. o. 71 n. 123 Columbia e.<br />

Allen, C~iarles, carpenter, bds. 411 Fort e.<br />

Aldric:h, Edgar K., stamp clerk P. O., h. Allen, Charles Al., engineer, bds. '79 Congress<br />

405 Sixth.<br />

east.<br />

Alet', John, carpenter, bds o. 472 n. 515 Allen, Clinrles T., collector, h. o. 218 n. 220<br />

0:sleans.<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Alef, Jol~n, laborer. 11. 305 North.<br />

Allen, Edward (col'd), laborer, h. 98 Mul-<br />

Alef, John P., blaclis~~litli, bds. 305 North. Iett..<br />

Alef, Peter, carpenter, bds. o. 472 n. 515 Allen, El bridge G.. 1 umber dealer, 437 At-<br />

Or!eans.<br />

wT\later, toot Orleans, 11. 67 Adelaide.<br />

Alef, \\'illiam, stonecutter, h. o. 472 n. 515 Allen, 3Jiss Elizabeth (&I. A. & E. Allen),<br />

Orleans.<br />

11. 294 Woodward ave., n. e. cor. Colum-<br />

Alesunder, Charles, tanner, h. 38 Coluin- bia.<br />

Lia W.<br />

Allen, Henry M., lake captain, h. 411 Fort<br />

Alexander, F. D., clerk, bds. Antisdel east.<br />

Hou-e.<br />

Allen, Henry S., shipjoiner, h. 172 St. Au-<br />

Alesunder. James, farmer, h. 827 Wood- bin ave.<br />

bridge m.<br />

Allen, Isaac, foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory,<br />

Alexander, James R., sailor, h. 19 Eight- 11. 883 Second.<br />

eenth.<br />

Ailen, John, carpenter, 11. 201 Third.<br />

Alesuuder, John, currier, bds. lG3 '5TTight. Allen, John, inail conductor, bds. Goodman<br />

Alesander, Maqin C., moulder, Lds. 146 I-louse.<br />

Hiopel le.<br />

Allen, John B., carpenter, bds. Goodman<br />

Alexander, Thomas, printer, 11. 143 Rlont- House.<br />

calm e.<br />

Bllen, John G., carpenter, h. 315 Mullett.


ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />


~lllison, JilnIe~ D., Custoxil louse officer,<br />

11. 493 Ii~1s~ell.<br />

Allison, Jollil, watchmiiker, bcls. '72 Miami<br />

aven UP.<br />

Allison. John H., jeweler and !vatcllnlaker,<br />

-<br />

155 LYo{)dt~iir(I il VP., 11. .'i'2 Aliairli aVe.<br />

SOLUN McELEOT, Jldni~ger and Age~~ty Snpt., Allison, Mrs.. 11. 102 Ur;i tiot.<br />

All riionc, J olln, saluon, '75 Crogllan, bds. 90<br />

Peninsular BauB Rn,lding, DETROIT, JIICH. Sillllt?.<br />

Allnocl~r, TT'illiam E., salesman, h. Fort, s.<br />

Allen. Joseph JI., printer, 11. 69 Sil)leg. e. cor. Fourtet~n tlr.<br />

A1 len. bliss Joseplliue, dresanial;er, bds. Allor, I\lic.l~wel C., sailor, 11. 161 Clinton.<br />

222 13i111d01 I 11.<br />

Al lrig!~ t, August, saloon, 331 Grand Kiver,<br />

Al'en. i a ayette R., porter. h. G1 Or. h lrd. 11. sallle.<br />

Allell, L~wis, .tuuber mL~rc1l:~nt7 h. 178 Gris- Alls )I), Henry. sailmalier. 11. 43 Pine.<br />

wold.<br />

Allsol). J Iln, forer~~:~n in luxnber yard, 11. n.<br />

Allen, Lollis, cook, 11. 51 Fort e.<br />

tv. (-or. Ville\voocl ave. and 1i;iilroi~d.<br />

Alieil, Louisa I., tt>acllcr \\'illis Avenue Xllstod t, Enir, gardener, 11. Prospect, nr.<br />

~cliool, 11. 67 Advlilide.<br />

Su j)t.rior.<br />

Alleu, Miss Maria (31. A. Yt E. Allen), h. 294 Allt. Ja111es agent 11. 9 Sproat street.<br />

iVoodwartl aye.<br />

Alow, ,4tloll)ll, +ailor, l~tis. G3,5 Lz~r.nvd e.<br />

Allen, Maria, wid. G wge, dressniaker. ill pi 11. H iralll, nlacllinist, bds. 62G AIichjgar,<br />

220 Hancloll)lr, 11. saille.<br />

avenue.<br />

Allen, A1;ir.v E. (will. J~iiiles). 11. 28 Fort e. Alsteacl Cl~risto~)lIer, It~b()rer, 11. C. R. R.,<br />

Allen, Vrville C!., cl~rk, bds. 46 Eiizab~til, 11. \Toodl)t.it!ge, nr. Letts S: Clancy's<br />

11. w. cor Park.<br />

sl~ing e y:~r(l.<br />

Allt*n, 0.-car, laborer, h. s. s. Beech, bet. Altt.nbr:lnd, A4t1g~st~~, tailor, h. ",07 Cro-<br />

Fourr,li ant1 Fi t'tli.<br />

g11;111.<br />

Allen, Peter, s111 teluwkc+r, h. 245 Lafa)-et>te. Xlter11)urgll. John, I:~l)orer, 11. 5' 5 I,afilyt*tte<br />

Ailell, Ricl~artl \V , tviginzlker, 165 L\'ood- ,%lter:iuge. Anna J3. (wid. I. J.), 11. 145<br />

ward iive., 11. same.<br />

C'ollgress e.<br />

Allen, 31 1.3. 14icii;ird IV., ladies' hairdresser, Alierauge, Julius J., clerk, bds. 145 C'on-<br />

165 Wo jdward ave., 11. saule.<br />

gress e.<br />

Allen, Hob~rt. machillist., bds. 341 St. Aubin Altt.i.nlatt, Joseph, laborer, h. 262 Cathaave.<br />

1.i ne.<br />

Allerl, Ro5ert L., arrist, 11. 58 Howard. ' Alt!~r.~llatt. T7ic:tor, cooper. 11. 138 J1:lple.<br />

Alien, Tlloulas, forenlun Jolui .J. Bagley SL ,Alt111:i:1, Isaac (I. Altnlun St Co.), h. 180 Jlich-<br />

Co., 11. 125 Cherry.<br />

iqin ave.<br />

Allen, lVilli;inl, ~ilzicllinist? bds. 1G3 Howard. Altiuan, I. Si Co. (Isaac A1tma11 and Louis<br />

Allell, \Viiliam, traveling agent, h. 400 firesle~.), furriers, $9 \\.;I )od\varit aye.<br />

Sisth.<br />

Altz, Jolln, lul~orer, 11. 388 Mary.<br />

Allen, lTrilliam H., bookkeeper, h. 89 State. Alvc~~.t, Augusr, laljorer, 11. w. s. Twenty-<br />

Allen, CIriliiam H. (with Moses Sutton), h. ii)urtll, nr. hlicl~igan :ire.<br />

46 Eiizabetll, c4 )r. P;lrlr.<br />

Alvord, Sarah (wid. Joseyhj, bds. Ill<br />

Allen, LVillis CV., plasterer, 11. Linlburg Eli~i~\)etl1 e.<br />

Allen, h1. A. & E. (Maria. ,Ann and Eliz:~bc.t,h AIII berg, Ado1 1111, l~arnessnlalier, 3'79<br />

Alien), mil ille~y aud i'an~y goods, 294 Grdtiot, 11. Sitnle.<br />

M'ood ward uve.<br />

A111 lxrg, David, 11.60 Congress w.<br />

Alleston. Jiunes, engineer, 11. 67 Fifteenth. Axnbrey, Josepli, tanner, bds. 34'7 Jefferson<br />

Alley, Jolrn O., xnach~pisr, l~ds. w. s. avenue.<br />

Twent>--tilirJ, between Fort aid I-Io~~-ard. Aillbriclge, Wiliiam. insul.ance agent, 172<br />

Alley, Sarah A.. wid. CZ'illiali~, 11. w. s. Jefferson ave.. 11. 333 Gongre~e e.<br />

'I'weaty-tliird, bet. Fort and Howard. A~lle~.ein, Peter, \vatchlllali~r, bds. Hotel<br />

Allfelt, John, laborer, 11. w. s. Twenty- l31-icllsc~n.<br />

fourtll, nr. Xiclligan ave.<br />

~inl111ia11, Brother, of the Christian Schools,<br />

Allgo, Jallles, sailor, bds. Uiirrison EIouse. 128 11 :LC( j11ll.1.<br />

Aliice, He~~ry, carpet weaver, h.' rear 354 A1llljl, C'o~lrad, laborer, 11. 597 Seventh.<br />

3i1chigau ave.<br />

Aillos, Frederick. baggage agent 31. C. R.<br />

Allis, Mrs., washerwoman, h. 12 Clin- li., bd~. 250 I(a~d~bl~,Il.<br />

toll.<br />

A311'HI,E'l"l', .JOHN W., dealer in stone-<br />

Allison, David, forzman W. Duncan & Co., ware, G 4 and 66 l\'ood!;ri,lge w., 11.537 Jefljds.<br />

n. 8. Larned, between Brush and erwn avt.11 tie. (See crdz )<br />

fclando1l)h.<br />

Anlrhei tl: John, grocer, 11. 1G2 Mnrion.<br />

Aliis j11, II~rvry, cierli, bds. 153 St. Aubin A111rh~i11, \\'iIl]alii, 11. l,,G Aliic4):1ib.<br />

ave., cur. Lalay ette.<br />

Aurhein, LViliiilm, porter, h. 1% Marion.


Amrliein, Williani. pressman, h. 1G2 Mar- Anrlrt.mz, Eliza, wid. William, h. 336<br />

ion.<br />

St~venr 11.<br />

Aillsden , Dwight S., music dealer, 137 Jef- Andrt:ws, Eugene E., druggist, Ijds. 1G Palf+rson<br />

ave., 11. sanle.<br />

mer.<br />

Andt-rays, Marian, (wid. Joseph), 11. 327 '~ntlrrivs, Eugene H., packing clerk, bds. 16<br />

blul lett.<br />

Palmer.<br />

Anclerl~alt, J~bsepll, 11. 153 blullett.<br />

An(Irt:\vs, G ewge. drucgist, bds. 16 Pnlnler.<br />

Anclersrn, Jose1111 (col'd), sleel)itig car jasitor, Antlrews, George E., salesmau, 11, 17 VYash-<br />

11 3(;9 Nwc-or~~l).<br />

ington ave.<br />

Aiiilt.rsc*n. Lizzie (col'd-wid. Thomas), Andrems, George Henry, clerk, bds. 315 Jef-<br />

11. 263 3121co111b.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Anclersen, Ann (wid. John), 11. 51G An(lrt?ws, (George P.. physician, s. w. corner<br />

('roglinn.<br />

Fort and Jllelby. 11. same<br />

Andrrsl tn, Alexander, carpenter, bas. 71 Andrews, George W , clerk. bds. 16 Palmer.<br />

Ee;tu?)ien.<br />

hncirews, Getsret V. N .. setving inaclline<br />

An(lerson, Andrew, wheel~~right, bds. Tre- * aqent,, 1 1.5 Bates, 11. 16 Pill ~ i ~ ~ r .<br />

nlont EIouse.<br />

,inci~.e w*, Janles, laborer, h. 488 Flrood-<br />

Anclt?raon, Ciitharine, wid. l17illiam, 11. '7'7 brictge e.<br />

L:tfi1yt!t te.<br />

ri ncf rc~\vs, Jamc~s, stationery, '78 Grand<br />

Andelason, C'larles, constable of First Ward, Ijiver, 11 s:ir?le.<br />

11. 30 Bet.c-11.<br />

Anclreivs. Jilllies D., clerk D. & hf. R. R.,<br />

An,lers )11, Charles, j r., carpenter. b3s. 30 his. 71 Heuubien.<br />

Brecll.<br />

Ancl:*ews. Jollu, hairdresser, 267 Jeff~raon<br />

And,-rson, Daniel, enginc?c?r, h. 235 Second. a\-rtlur. 11 sarlie.<br />

A~~tlerson, I)i\~itl, clerk. 11. 2.51 Secoud. -4nclre\vs, Jofln, st~zcl~nt, bds 29 Dnffichld.<br />

Anclc?rson, El)ent.zer. 11. G4? Fort. \iT. S~~clre\~s, Joi~n L . saiaor. 11. 4'20 Sisrli.<br />

Atldt*rson. El:i111 ('., bi I1 ljost,er, 11. 304 Fi ftli. tlndrnws, Josepll, laborer, 11. 76 Sational<br />

Anfierson, George (~igluar Cohu J;: C'o.), 11. x ve.<br />

GO Lewis.<br />

Anclreivs, Jlziria F. (wid. Hiram R ), h. 75<br />

Anclt-rson, Zames, arcl~itect~, BuhZ Block, Ad:lnls :Ire. e.<br />

80 Gl.i-n*old. 11. 152 riditllls ave. e. hnrlrr\\-s, Myron R., surgeon, Opera Houst?<br />

An(ftfirsitn, Juines, litborer, 11. 214 Frank- Hlock, cur. ~IrooJwilrci ave., h. 164<br />

lin.<br />

Irlowar-1.<br />

Anderson. Jarlies (col'd). sailor, Lds. 81 And t.rn*s, Norman S., bds. Russell House.<br />

A1:tcottll).<br />

Audrr\vs, S:i~t~uel, blztcher, G <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

Andvrson, John E., gasfitter, Geo. A. Far- rni1rlic.t. 11. 3:) 1)iltfic:lcl.<br />

well. 38 I .arr~ed e.<br />

Xnclre~v-..., Suniu-1 Ii., clt.1-k,bds. 516 C'rnghan.<br />

Ancte~.son. Osc-ar, buggageman, D. S: Bf. R. iilltlrt!\~~, \Villia~ir. sash i~nJ b~iud~llalier,<br />

H.. 11. 15i: C1llene. .<br />

bds. 51G Cr 1 ~ ,1 tr litn.<br />

Andersor~, Robert, engineer, h. $91 Larned And t ies. Jiicob. nl-rson, 11. 300 Sorrth.<br />

enst.<br />

AII(I~LIS, Elred H., pri~ter, bds. 64 Coluinbia<br />

Anderson, Iiolwrt H.. colnmission nlc~rcllant, east.<br />

50 and 52 \.Voodbridge w., 11. 102 La tily- hngirc4'. All~c~t D.. plrpiciiln, s. e. cor. Grand<br />

ettt! it7ie.<br />

I-ii\-er and (:ass ( U ~ ~ airs). S I 11. same.<br />

Antlt-rson. \ITilli:~m (col'd), waiter Russell Angell. Epl1rainl C;, tealuster, 11. cor. Ceme-<br />

IIouse, i ~d~. siinle.<br />

, tery anti Kiopelle.<br />

Anilel*sot~, LVi11i:tiii J., painter and glazier, Xnpll, Fred., laborer, bba. 136 Twentieth.<br />

11. 148 Lal) t.o~ss.<br />

A4nsel I, (ic:orge K., ~)hotograpl~ic sr.oc.lr,<br />

Anderst ,n. \I'ii iiarn W. (col'd), nr;iitcr, 11. s. 127;F Jefferson ave., up-stairs, 11.44 Stims.<br />

\Vi l kins, bet. Hasti ngs :tutl Prospect. son.<br />

Andet,t, Lvvi, tnoulder, 11. 523 Fort e. Angell, John, laborer. h. 1SG Twentieth.<br />

Andre, rin tl~i ,113'~ clerk. 11. 14.1 Orlriins. An



&a@~~ Neere,<br />

-<br />


- Eebe~s~<br />



- -<br />

Arclibold, \\-iliiaul, ~uachiuist, h. 152 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Arcllrnl~ronn, Sndreas, stonectzt ter, h. 427<br />

3lullett.<br />

A4rcllenbronn, George, stonecutter, h. 501<br />

Cat ha rim.<br />

ArcllenLronn, IIrilliam, tailor, 134 Jefferson<br />

are , 11. 327 (I1 ,nton.<br />

A4rcliiLald, liulpll, iliac?linist, 11. 471 Fort e.<br />

Anspacll, Leoyold, cigarmaker, bils. 35 Har- Argle, Cllristoylier, teaulater, bds. 179<br />

riett.<br />

Lar~led e.<br />

Antay a, John. laborer, 11. Riopelle, bet. Argle, \Villialii, Blaclrsmi tli, bds. 179<br />

Fnrnklin illid \Vooclbridge.<br />

IJarncd e.<br />

Anters, Frederick, bli~clr>lllitll, 11. Aliclligau Srglt~ben, Cliaries T., c.~bi net~naker, bds.<br />

avrnue. bet. Foundry ttllci 'l'\venry-tliirJ. S5 'l'1-c-ell'tli.<br />

Antisdel, J91111 F. (J. I'. cSt W. LV. Alltisdel), hrgleL,~~l, Fedinand, cabinetlnaker, h. 83;<br />

bds. Autisdel H )use.<br />

rr\velftil.<br />

Anlistlet, \Yil.iatu, clerk, bds. Antisdel ArxiiLri~st, John, saloon, 103 Larned w., h.<br />

House.<br />

sil me.<br />

Antisdi~l, Tilliaill W. iJ. F. 9t W. 1'. An- A 1 lnbruster, Ignaz, laborer, h. 308 Rantisciel),<br />

Ms. A11 i isdrl houst*.<br />

do1 pll.<br />

Aurisdel, J. F. & LV-. \V. (.lo1111 F. and Il'il- A~IIL~I, Henry, blaclrsinith, h. 511 Lafay-<br />

1ia11i liT. A~l~isdvl). t)roi)riet jrs Antisdel ette.<br />

Ilousr, 1licliig;~n ave., bet. Howla~ld and Ar~lii tacre. Robert, stonecutter, bds. 23<br />

Wu*liingtoll ilve.<br />

\iVnsl?inptoo are.<br />

Antiv, Jullll, laborer, h. Hiopelle, bet. Frank- Arniitagr, Wiiliulll. carpenter, 11. 253 Third.<br />

lin and LVoo:lbridge.<br />

Arnlleder, J osel~h, caryen ter, h. 232 Alont-<br />

Antoir, Antoiue, shipcaryentcr, h. 121 calril e.<br />

Baker w.<br />

Annor, Cliarles. carpenter. bds. 45 Serenth.<br />

An to11 y, Chii~les, lirborer, bds. Washington Alnlor, Saniut.1 G., p111 bician, Coy1 block,<br />

House, Wt otibl.iclgt: w.<br />

11. 38 \.i irtder.<br />

Antoyuelli, Duviuo, ljlaster works, 121 ,Arniory <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Military CO'S., Fire-<br />

C; rutiot, 11. su~ile.<br />

111e1l's Ilail, s. e. cor. Jeilierson and Kan-<br />

Ant red, Cli ristian, laborer, h. 461 Macomb. clolpl1.<br />

Al~ger, Ila, liou~e~~io\-er, 11. 397 Fi1~1~ Armst~ong. Allen, street car conduct~r, bds.<br />

A1).1tt. Clllrist~)l)lle~~, laborer, h. e. s. Wil- 1'75 Jlicllignn ave.<br />

liams ave., nr. 31yrtle.<br />

Armst rong, 136- njtlnlin !B. Armstrong & Co.),<br />

Appel, Jlhhn, stonecutter, h. 275 Jfacoml). 11. 252 liantlot 1111.<br />

A pyel. Joiln, sllgeniaker, 11. 281 Sliernlan. Armst r( brig, Charles, dgannaker, Ms. 114<br />

Appel, Miss 'l'heresa, llouselieeyer, 437 Or- Kandoli 111.<br />

lerills.<br />

,4rn:strong, Dayid, nlachinist, bds. 67 Ab-<br />

Appelt, Char:es, foreman Hargreave & Bro,, bo1 t.<br />

bds. 276 Sevrn tee11 th<br />

Arnirtrong, Edwin A., salesman, 5ds. 472<br />

Ap pel t, \Venzel, firenlan, h. 27G Seven- \Vood\\-itrd ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Armstrong, Miss Emily, sen-ing machine<br />

Apple, Henry, ash peddler, h. 13 Buena operator, Cu~uybell, Linn & Co., bds. 208<br />

Vista.<br />

Porter.<br />

Ayl~leby, Henry C. (Appleby gE Blakely), A-rmstrong. Frank S., salesman, bds. 472<br />

bds. 31 Jlitd~son are<br />

\Vood wtird aye.<br />

Ajq~feby, \i illiam \V., bookkeeper, bds. 40 hrmst rong, Ueorge, tanner, bds. 274 Jef-<br />

Cong~ ess w.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Appleby cgL Blakeley (I-Ienry C. Appleby Arxnstrong, James, carpenter, bds. 67 Aband<br />

J arilt~s H. Blake!e?), Yneulua~ic Gus bl btL<br />

Co., 196 Je6:rson ave.<br />

Art tist rong, James A., insurance agent,<br />

Arbeiter Halle ( Arbeiter UA terutuetzurlgs Stinison block, Woodbridge w., h. 55<br />

Ve~eil~), Jacob alunz, manager, cur. \l'asllillgton are.<br />

C'attuu-ine aud ltroag, John B., student, bds. 55 Wash-<br />

Archarilbeatz, Zipheran, carpenter, h. 561 ington ave.<br />

Crogllan.<br />

Arnistrong, Jolln J., 11. 314 Fourth.<br />

Arcllard, \Villiunl Y., physician, 32 Larned Armst rong, Latzncelot, shoemaker, bds. 69<br />

m., h. 222 Kuudolph.<br />

Brady .


Armstrong, 1,uzerne D. F., agent Britton's ii rnst, Christopher, laborer, 11. Sherman,<br />

copper st rip lightning contluctor and cor ('am ~ :IU ave.<br />

Oliio union fexicth, 170 Jeffel.son ave., 11. Arrivee, ,.brallam, shoe:naker, bds. Good-<br />

Calnpbell, near C'ass itye.<br />

Illill1 HOIISB.<br />

A rtlistrong, Oliver ?V., joiner, bds. Eisen- I Iiurs, George, teamster, 11.833 Rand01 ph.<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

Arzdorf, Adam, street cur cuuductor, h. 130<br />

Arnistrong, Oscar G., bookkeeper, bds. 87 Howard.<br />

Sllelby.<br />

AP~:IC~I, ~rto, locksnlitll, 11. 2G C'atllarille.<br />

Armstrong, Robert, nlnchinist, 11.48 hlarion. Asbeni~cll. LPO, chair maker, 11. 203 St. ALI-<br />

A r~llst rong, '1'11( ,mas, 11. 446 l\'ood\vard avc. bill ave.<br />

Armstrong, Thonlas, briclilaytar, 11. 69 Asc.11. S;tinuel, tailor, 11. 51 Columbia w.<br />

Brady.<br />

-4bclier. S,~lnueI, ~jedcller, 11. 288 (iratiot.<br />

Ar~nsr rong, Thomas H., hatter, 176 Jeffer- ..4scller, Sillion, tailor, 179 Clinton.<br />

son aye., 11. 4'72 LVood~vard are. hsll. l-iichard (li~chard As11 & Co.), h. 184<br />

AKJIS'L'KOSC;, UN DK1i\\'00D1 carpenter, Uriswold.<br />

cor. of M7a*llington are. :tud Clitiord, 11. Bsli, \\.'illiiir~i H., painter, bds. 304 Jlullett.<br />

27 lfr:~slling~on t~ve. (See culz.)<br />

9s!i. Hicli:trd, b Co. (Iiicllard As11 and darn-<br />

Arrnstrolig, Lt'illiarn, sailor, 11. s. s. S~ca- 1 ~ E. 1 Lawyer), grocers, 63 ~C:L~I~O! 1111.<br />

more, brt. H;lrri~ou ave. and 'i'~vel f t'll. Bslldown, 'l'honiaa, ~nacllinis~, h. 187<br />

Arni~trc ~ng, \-Villianl, traveling agt nt, 11. Porter.<br />

. 10.3 Co! utnl)i:t e.<br />

Xsllt~r, George, laborer. bds. 4G Tliird.<br />

Arrl~btrong, 11-illiam A., carpenter, 11. 113 Asl~l(by, C11~ster, broo~uulaker, house 98<br />

Httrrisoll aye.<br />

Larned e.<br />

AI%AIS'l'KOXC;, B., & CO. (B. iirrnstrong hllley, Ciiristine (wid. Alkenah), 11. 83<br />

and F. V;luglin). coulposition roofers, k'ort e.<br />

otiice 2 1.5 .l etferson ave. (See udu. ) Asl~ley, Edgar, Lookkeeper, bds. Franklin<br />

Ariiistrong. J. iY: B. (John and Benja~nin Iio use.<br />

A ~.~nstrong), biiliard lull, 215 and 217 Asliley, Henry. produce agent, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Jefcrson are.<br />

(;r;~~ld l


NE\V YORIG I Austin, Fr~incis, saloon, 533 Crogilsn, h.<br />

SOLON itIcELROY, Dli~uiiger and Agr~cy Supt.,<br />

Peninsular Bunk Builcling, DETROIT, MICII.<br />

Atkinson, Jol111, p:\inter, cor. Brush alld<br />

Woodbridge, 11. 323 Congress e.<br />

Atkinson, liobert., fruit dealer, 11. n. e. cor.<br />

Third ;tnd Plum.<br />

At.ki~ison, Tl~olliaa, painter. bds. 44 Fort e.<br />

Atterbury, Cha1.1es L., lawyer. 101 Uris<br />

~vold. 11. s. w. cor. Sist,ll and Fort.<br />

Atterbury, Henry S., clerk, Ma. 43 Congrt.<br />



B:i\)cock, K;irr.iet A. (widow CI'i lliam), il. B Lcon, lJT,is!linqtm A.. selest sc'lo31, Rus-<br />

4 ; 1 Beaabien.<br />

sell. S. e. c:)~.. 1, irned, 11.478 JzEx.< 333 ave.<br />

B;lbc)ck, H~rriet X., btts. 141 Wo ldward B.~r:tol.li, Fdr Ii:1iinJ (-;t:)ne cutter), 11. n. e.<br />

8Ve.<br />

c:)r. S.:,)tt an 1 1ti )psIle.<br />

B billion, Auzastu;, lab~rer, bJs. 33 (iris- BitC1:~cli, E I~U~LIBI, mason. bds. 92 Bronson.<br />

wold.<br />

B ~de. Fritz, plasterer. 11 363 Eighteenth.<br />

B lbillion, Jo'ln (B~billion, Hiachrn~n S1 B~tleu, (Jilttries, porter Finney's Hotel, bds.<br />

Co.), bds. 82 Gris~t-i)ld.<br />

same.<br />

Bttbil~iorl, Pctx, sttlo~n, 33 GI risrvolJ, 11. B.ider, Peter, snlesnlqn, bds. 89 Russell.<br />

Sallle.<br />

Bdi, Cilristian, lab., 11. Ciilitoll ave., near<br />

Babii lion, 11inclum:in & Co. (.John Babillion, CCepublic brewrry.<br />

Josepll I3. Hillctllnii11 an I G~ly F. llillcll BIL:~!)~, J~)seph, joiner, h. Chene, n. w. cor.<br />

111:111), <strong>Detroit</strong> city grain Llryer, 97 \Toad- Cll:?stu ut. @<br />

bridge w.<br />

Buecker, C~sper, glass stainer, h. 39.2 Lxfay-<br />

Baby, Liellrp, esprtissnlan, 11. 72 Caes are. ettc?.<br />

Baby, T tl~~lltls, E~~I~S~~IUII, bds. 78 C'il>s t l ~ ~ Bzecker, . Ge~rge (cabinet maker), h. 477 Ma-<br />

Bucll. E'redericl:, ~llttcllinist. 11. new 163 old co111b.<br />

:(i4 B~.ewst,er.<br />

B'ier, August, baker, 11. 332 bliclligzn ave.<br />

Bach, Alla:.tin, printer, bde. 51 Catllarine. 13.1er. Cort1e:ius 'I'., (BL-onsau &k B~lorj, bJ3.<br />

Bacll, 'l'heudor~, fruit dealer, bds. 98 Cl~n- (YS P;irk.<br />

ton.<br />

B ier, Elizit!)eth, seamstress, 11. 314 North.<br />

Eecl~al, Louis, cigarmalier, h. 515 Cath- Uaer, Fl.e;ioricli, bdu!


1<br />

1 L . -.., . . . . . . . ,<br />

STrIh-DA ICD I Bi:lY~:f.efr:lnli G., clerk custom lioose, B. 79 I<br />

u,J:J3: gkxx;B$S.C,'JCS Winder.<br />

B:tkt.i., Frederick, 11.202 Division.<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />

13ul;t~r. Zl'rc~clcl-it.k. ~liacl~i~iist. 11. 457 'f?~.rcsell.<br />

Uitkcr, F1.e it.ric:k iI., lawyer, SU ti ~iswoid, 11.<br />

23s Sec.ond.<br />

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Bitkt*r. Gt-oige, cabinetmaker, 11. 477 Ma-<br />

-- colll b.<br />

Baier. Pliilil) J., clc~lk, I:ds. 101 A~;III;P~Y~. e. B;Ilier, Geopce. groreriee, pro\-isions nnd<br />

Baier, \Yi 1 iiitln, u ~llc )I st tsrer, 129 \\-oocl\vard lit ~lors, 409 Alichigan ave., cvr. filiglltli, 11.<br />

a\-t?., his. 85 i4da~l~s :~vt.. e<br />

s:1111e.<br />

Bailess, Frank, lluclidriver, bds. 133 31 ul Baker, (ieorge 8 , accountant, bds. I{ ussell<br />

lett.<br />

I-louse.<br />

B~iley, A. H., pllysician, 501 Aliclligan ave.. Bi~lr. 11. $4- Jones.<br />

Bailey, Jolm C., civil engineer, h. 203 Con- Bilker, Jiic-01): cigar 11i;i lrer, 11. 9.i4 _\Jarion.<br />

gress e.<br />

13;11it.r, Jacob, c:el.l


Bak:.r, William, brewer, 11. 20.; Jcffdrs In Ballrr;~?, Glnqs & Co. (Willinn1 J. 'Bi~IIery,<br />

ave.<br />

J:)lln \IT. Kc?rmn: t nn(1 J;inzl*s G~~LsL). 1)ro-<br />

Bitkt3r, Willia-n F.. clerlr. bds. 8G Tlxrned e. prietors of Dr. iier ~lott's ~nedicines, o. 214,<br />

13aker, \Vii liiiin Y., janitor Jierrill Blocl;, 11. 203 \Yoo(l wit1.d an:.<br />

b.!s. 45 Sl~er111an.<br />

13illlett, hlrs. E!izu, 11. 182 Clinton.<br />

Baker & EIdridgc! (John B. Bzrker and EtIwin B:illep, Frerlerick, c0:~rpenter, 11. 63 Jones.<br />

U. E.d ridge;). (iy ulnasiuiu Billiard .Ko:)zn, B.1 Is, Williiim. grocer. o. 331 n. 333 Grand<br />

3G C01igro~s e.<br />

ljiver, 11. sa111e.<br />

Balcli, Beliju~uin (tvi~ll Balch St Co.), h. 115 Bliisley, S:iin~~el, stoneware manufacturer,<br />

Howu rd.<br />

11. 729 Fort w.<br />

BaIc11, George W. (Billcli & Co.), 3 Cranage B;~lsIey, 'i'heoilore L., stoneware manufact-<br />

Biock, Shelby.<br />

urer, 11. w. cor. Tilirteentll a ~ Fort, d h.<br />

Bale11 tk Go. ((Jeq)rge IV. B:~lcll ant1 .%nclreiv 414 Fort nT.<br />

Burul~uiil),fl:)ur,gri~in ttu:I l)rodt~ce coin- Biil~~'lerg, Justice, laborer, 11. 44& Cathanlission<br />

inerc.llants, Ci 4 Jt4'erson ui-e. rill*.<br />

BLLIc~I~~~, Niss I111 bg~n.3, SLLL~S~VOU~~L~~,<br />

bils. Ba~n!)[~rger, Jfnrris, fi1nc.y gods, 09 Wood-<br />

102 Jt'ff21-s en avo. I witril avc., bds. e. s. St. Antoine, nr. Con-<br />

Balderin;=, Ilellry, meJicine agent, 11. IS3 cress.<br />

l3r~*\vster.<br />

~anlii)nl, Frederick, grainer, Lds. 71 Beau-<br />

Buldi I I ~ Fre , Jerick, painter, Ms. 21 1 Catha- bitfn.<br />

ri ne.<br />

B:IIIL!~?., Ge~rre, cl.e:-k P. 0.. 11. 43 Henry.<br />

B:ilili~iger, Franz, cabinetmaker, 11. 378 3la- B:l~li;)toli, Jd111 E., It~~lrl agsnt, bJs. 63<br />

c0111b.<br />

Jones.<br />

Baldre\-, Henry, clerk. supt. office D. & 31. . 13;l:i~;)r.1111, J~sq,li B., bnoklrecpe-, 11. GS Jones.<br />

H. ll., b~ls. 1,7 Cram' cr:11111.<br />

B:i~~~it~rgit~~, Fr:i~ll;. 1:~borer. 11. 5 12 Crt )gllan.<br />

Bal(lry. George, 1ul)ort:r. 11. 127 J,af;~yettc e. Bancrot'c, tit: brge h., news de,)ot,, 89 Grisl3altIwi11,<br />

,iur4)u. clerk, bcls. 29 Cougrc

BAR BAR<br />

Burg111 #fY. Josepli, tea~iistt~r. 11. 04 Pros1 ect.<br />

13a1 ie, IJotzis. gI.oc(>r. 196 Reaulrien, 11. sarlle.<br />

62f~ Fns,uca_nc~ - G~mpa.nr, Barie. 1,ouis \Villiani, baker, shop 1% Fvrt<br />

e., 11. sanle.<br />

ASSETS, . . $13.COO.OGO Birrit.. Jol1n P., hat :lnd cap store, 1964<br />

DAILY Casn In-co~iz; $13,000 hlicl~igan ave., 11. same.<br />

SOLON DIcELROY, Bl;rui~ger and Agcncy Sapt., Ba 1.i teau, Alexander, peddler, h. 437 IAafhyette.<br />

Pe~~insular Bank Building, DETI


- - - - - - - -- - --<br />

- - - - -- - - - -- - - -<br />

Barnes, Ja~nes, fonn(1c~r. 11. Twenty-f'ourtl~, Bnrrett, Pi~trick, luborc:r, 11. Wight, near<br />

bet. l{ail rol~d and Balier.<br />

C';i~lll)au ~IV(+.<br />

Barnes, \\viliiaili 13. (Barnes Bro'a.): h. o. IGG Barrert. Richard, bds. 1'71 Tnrelftll.<br />

n. 230 Second.<br />

Burrtitt, Sumuel, carpenter, 11. 310 Congress<br />

Barnes Bro s. (Clmrles O., Cyrns B. and w.<br />

i l i i I . r e ) , r ~ i ur c Barret.t., Thomas, laborer, h. e. s. Sistll, near<br />

and ~11oI~~s~lt: dealers, 141 Jefft*rson ave. Pluul.<br />

Barnard, Cliarles, laborer, Lds. 335 Frank- Bit rret t, Tl~ornas, laborer, 11. 1 G7 Twelftli.<br />

lin.<br />

13ilrrt-11.t, \Villiani, lal~orer, 11. 31 1 Larned e.<br />

Bnrntird, Ckorge H.. litborer, bds. 'I'enth, bet. 13al*l.iBk. Marlin, peddler, h. 346 Urand<br />

Fort and LV( ~odbritJge.<br />

Iii ver.<br />

Bar nard, Shernlan S., 11. 03 Fort w. Burris, Joseph C., grocer, 200 Woodward<br />

Barnet.t, Alesander, shipcarl~enter, h. 42 ave., bds. 190 a nw.<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Bzirris, bliss L\1:~ry, S~+;LIIIS~ ress C. B. Xorthrop<br />

Btlrntbtt, Jal~es, nlacllinist,, h. G3 Baker.<br />

t% Co , btls. 300 Fifth.<br />

B:irnetr, Louis, ti~iltlr, 100 &l:~conlb, 11. same. Barren: Cillarle+ L.. engineer, 11. 65 George.<br />

Biir~le~, ('lliiries, laborer, 11. s. w. cor. At- Uurrou, Ah. Jane, 11. Dzquintlre, below Uruwater<br />

uiltl Kiva1.d.<br />

tiot.<br />

Barney, C'llarles, carpenter, 11. 233 in tie- I3:1rl.o\~, August~zs, bookl~eeper, h. 256<br />

ta111.<br />

Pit 1.1~.<br />

Barney, Clitirles, jr., teamster, 11. 178 Maple. Barrows, Jlilo IV. (C. ;\I. Garrison SE CO.), bds.<br />

Burnt ~zirr., George L., clerk, bcla. l?~.anklin hlic lig:.uu Exc11;xnge.<br />

House.<br />

Bi~i-ry: Alin (wid. John), bds. o. 82 n. 85 Ad-<br />

Biirns. Alonzo T., traveling agent, h. 19G :LIIIS ave. w.<br />

Ft)llt t1~.<br />

Burry, Daniel, clerk, bcls. o. 90 n. 113<br />

Barns, Henry, cal)inetmiilrer, 11.203 Broilson. George.<br />

Bill.ll~, Ilenr!, editor, 11. o. 13 n. 110 Aliullli Brirry, l)avicl, clerk, 11. $9 Colun~l~ia w.<br />

a \-e.<br />

B~irry, David {Di~vid Burry t!k Co.), i1. o. S2 n.<br />

Burns, Jolin, cliair~naker, 11. s. s. Plnm, bet. 88 A+atus ave., bet. Cliti)rd ;iud Cass<br />

Bar~ls, Jol111 A., bakery, 103 LVuodward :tve.<br />

ave., 11. 20 ll(~11ry.<br />

Barry, Edward, carpenter, h. \v. s. National<br />

Fourt I aid Fifth. .<br />

:lve., bet. Elill and -4~11.<br />

B.4 KS UJl, EUG EXE T., wholesale hard- Bir rry, George (Stone & Barry), res.<br />

wTiire, Ljetroit \vi re \vorks, 102 \Voodward 'l'oronto, Ontario.<br />

ave., 11. 63 Congress w. (See ads) ic:trr.y, Jalil~.s, laborer, 11. 531 Seventh.<br />

Bzlrnum, Ki l lia~n, llorse power wood caw- Bttrry, Jiim~h~. 111. )ulder, 11. 141 L'orter.<br />

yer, h. o. $2.1 11. 309 hl~zl1t.t~~.<br />

Barry, John, laborer 31. C. E. It., 11. 21'7<br />

B:il.ny:l, Ht-n,y, *;~iloi-, 11. 2.55 Franklin. Fifth.<br />

B:~i.r~tt.t~, Tllol1ii~s E., 11. 5 Furriier.<br />

B~rry, Jahn, salom, 125 Franklin, h.<br />

J3.t rretr., Xntlluny, caryen ter, h. rear 101 La- s:iiue.<br />

1) ro~se.<br />

Ba.rrj-, John, carpent,er, 11. 141 Porter.<br />

Barrett, Dilniel, clerk, bds. 390 Fifth. Barry, Louis, tailor, 315 3licliigan ave., h.<br />

Barre; t., Dauiel, engineer 31. C. li. It., h. lG5 tune.<br />

Howard.<br />

Bl~rry, AIichac+lt plumber, 11. 480 Fort e.<br />

Earrert, David, grocer, 70s I~'oodbric2ge m., Burry. bIicl;ael, laborer, 11. 501 Fort H.<br />

11. 5O.j salue.<br />

Barry. Patrick, clerk, 11. o. 9.) 11. 113 (jenrge.<br />

Barrett,. George, carpenter, bds. 310 Con- Burry, Pat rick, laborer, 11. 174 Orellard.<br />

gress w.<br />

B y t i . engraver, bds. 113<br />

Barrett, George GF., clcrk 31. C. It. R., bda. thorue.<br />

310 Conzre: -S \V.<br />

B~rr-y, 'I'homsas, labxer, h: 265 Thirteen-<br />

Barrett, George, fireman, 11. Wight, near and-a-l1zrlf.<br />

Cunlpau ave.<br />

Barry, Tilt)lllas J., clerk, 11. 72 Sibley.<br />

Barrett, James, boilermaker, bds. 132 Lar- Barry, \Vil liain, clerk. 11. 53 Aliz~~)nli) ave.<br />

ned w.<br />

Burry, IFr. lliam, grocer, 75 F~-auklin, h.<br />

Bilrrett, Jolin, laborer, bds. n. s. Plum, bet. sit 1118.<br />

Fifth and bistll.<br />

Barry, David. & CI). (Di~~id B.irrj- and<br />

Burrett, Johanuu (wid. Michael), h. 385 Aliclrael Dee). publisllers Western Catllo-<br />

Pitth.<br />

lic, 10 and 12 Larned e.<br />

Barrert, Mary (wid. Dilniel), 11. 390 Fifth. Barse, ~Villiit~ii H., j r., driver A. W. Cop-<br />

Brirrstt, Morris. lab!>rer, bds. 390 F~f'tll. li~lld, bcts. G9 Bwubien.<br />

Bnrret-o, hlaurice, sailor, 11. 103 Lzitu~ett~e. Barsley, George, carpenter, bds. lG3 Hom-<br />

Bilrretr, Pat~.ic.k, boilermaker, bds. Larn; d, atrJ.<br />

urnr Ciient?.<br />

Bnssztt. Arthur, salesmtin Farrand, Shcley<br />

Bzirrett, Patrick, ltxborer, 11. n. s. Pinrn, bet. St Co., h. o. 69 n. $3 E~izaberll \i..<br />

Fifth and Sixth. .<br />

Basset t, Uer, wachiuist, bds. 330 Fort e.



OFFER<br />

c 13 1 C A L s<br />


W e make no~la but what we can<br />

guarantee for p~~rity.<br />

Bast, Eugelbert, muson builder, h. 146<br />

Clint-oil.<br />

Bitst, J. Hugo, bds. 145 Clinton.<br />

Barton, ~!ll:irles. Inl,orer, h. Tiventy-first,<br />

bet. I-IO\\.i.;t rd and Forr.<br />

Biltcll~l, Ernest, laborer, 1.1. 13 Silver.<br />

Batc:ieliier, Jo!ln \V. (Butciieliler St Cloolr),<br />

11. 206 N~ntll ave.<br />

B:itcllel(ler SL Coolr (Jolln 1'. Bntcl~elder<br />

and Jan~e; P. ('ook), wli~~lc.~ale dei~ier~ in<br />

Ba~svtt*, George, drover, bds. 193 Grand rougli and cut stone, IVooJbridg(: w., nr.<br />

Hiver.<br />

Boarti 'l'ritde bui!dings.<br />

Bassett, Irving A., insurance, agent, h. 22 Bateluan, T!lotii;~s. street car conductor,<br />

J3,izubetll \v.<br />

bds o. 1 ;S n. 237 Four~ll.<br />

B.irtrnbucl1, George A., saloon, 232 C'ro- Bates, 14ndrew, luiilber dealer, h. 263 Conghnn,<br />

!I. satlie<br />

grvss e.<br />

B.~r;eub ~cll, Ciddrge .I., tannery, 230 Rivard, Bates. (ieorge C.. balier, bJs. 2.31) Gratiot.<br />

11. sanle.<br />

Batcbs, George L., carpenter, 11. 50 Seven-<br />

B;trtel, Cicborge, laborer, 11. 537 Clinton ave. tventli.<br />

13arte1, Jolin, ljeddler, bds. 127 Alullett. But,es. Henry C.. prod ncc clenler, foot<br />

Barrel. Nicholas, laborer, 11. 127 A1 nl lt2t.t. Sllell)p., bcis. hIiclligu11 .Esc!~iinge.<br />

Bartc=.s, \.Villiaiil, porrer, Lds. hiel Erich- Bate.;, James A., Lic:uc. Clul. U. S. ,I., Ms.<br />

sell.<br />

Bi.lcl le I-loust?.<br />

B;lrrellioff. Jolin, laborer, 11. 05 Bronson. Bates, J )sep11, jr., patternmaker, bds. 224<br />

Barteitiotf, Valentine, lakorer, Lds. (33 Bron- l{andoll)ll.<br />

s( jll-<br />

Batc?~, Jose;)ll. seur., patt rnmaker, 11. 224<br />

Bartllel, hlartin, tei~~nster, 11. Slri Laf~yette R~tlidolpl~.<br />

Bart!lololuew, Albert M., 11. 88 Lilfidyette Bi~tcbs, I Je\vis J., e:?itcr Poet.. 11. 219 Park.<br />

itVc.<br />

13iites, Pliillip, labon-r, 11. 35.) 'l'bvt-lftli.<br />

Bartllolonleu, William E., taxtracts nnd 13a tes, S:inluel, salesluan, 11. 815 LVood-<br />

~)ert'u~ner~. 273 Akliclligan i~~e., 11. sunltt. \~ii rd ave.<br />

Barriett, Eigeue F., iiiu~lli~iist, bds. 2.3 B.ttt.s, 'l'llonlas S., ~nachiniat, 11. o. 33 n. 63<br />

Sist 11. I ~i~.oil t.<br />

Bartiect.. 1Ie;lry N., Deptzty U.<br />

i<br />

S. Rlarshal Bares, \\.illiam C., grocery, S4 Abbott, h.<br />

11. 39 C'ol uri1bi;c w. 82 sa111e.<br />

Burtlert, J21111c.s. Si11;t <strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive Batc?soli, Paul, window sllade maker, 195<br />

\.Vork.i, 11. s. S. L3verett bet. Eigllill and 'l'l~ird, 11. sa111e.<br />

X~utll ave.<br />

Bi~ti'sol~, S 1101n )11 S., S ~!~SIII~II S. Iloses, ~i~t-peiltt-r, 11. FYoodbridge w. 187 C.~en;:, 11. sattie.<br />

Bas5et1, Perer, sailtr, h. 2.6 Beacon. Baudoin, Juiia (wid. Josel)ll), 11. 173<br />

Bast, Antt,n, ~rlumil, btls. 146 C'ii t~ton. 1 Or' I.allP.<br />

Bast, Uasper, usou, h. 173 Clhton. Bauer, bdreus, stonecutter, h. 129 Mullett.


B;iuc.r, Antllon~, pilint or. 1.1. I1 1 Kapolcon. Baycr, Micl~ilel, boots and shoes, 514 Gra-<br />

B:i-.e~~, AII~IIOII~, ~i~i(10n. l(M3 JAic11ig:!lt ai~e. tiot, 11. ~tt111e.<br />

Bit uer, C'c~~l~er, sll~cil1:i ker, 11. 30 1 Coluu Bity itty , Jziines Z.. clerl;, h. Lnrned, bet.<br />

Liu e.<br />

Si:co1)~1 a11c1 'l'lii~d.<br />

Ba ner. George, sl~oem;tlrc*r, 11. 1 12 Ben ton. Bi~yul I, Clln rles. laborer, 11. 344 North.<br />

Ui~ui-r, I-lt~n ry, 1)ai lltet*, 11. 141 Lafnyett o. Buz~llan, Ji)sepl~, luborvr, 11 e. s. 'l'\\-enty-<br />

Bi~utlr, J:rcob. labol.t.r, 11. 121 Ci~llloun. t0urtli. \let Alirgnolia and 1,inden.<br />

13:~11et.. J01111, ~;~t'l~et s11oe 11luf~u. 11. o. 29 11. Re:\, Jolln (col'c.). labor r, 11. 37 C'el~tre.<br />

lU9 Ni11)0lt'011.<br />

Be'rcll. B>I'OII LS., 1)ll~~i~iiin and surgeon,<br />

B;~uet.. J ~hn, grocchr, 484 Cr~gh~tll, 11. same. Dr. Icernlott's office, 11. 34 i3utt ern ut.<br />

321 tubr? J01111, 1;iLorer. 11. 4S7 A l i 1c1 ~ t. Bt*?tcli. Al:irliu l?., Ii~lIograpli~c pri~iter, bds.<br />

I3:r tier, Jolln, 111~1son. 11 121 Cal lloun. 51 Ciit,llu~ inc?.<br />

B;ini~r. Josei~ll, saloon. 93 Prosi;ect, h. Bei!c!i, Myron, bds. 25'7 Ji~fferson aye.<br />

same.<br />

13e:tcl1. \Va~tc.r P., general iiisu~.unce agent,<br />

B;r ucar, Ma t.liins, laborer, 11. 51s James. 111 Jrtfi.rson itye., res. Yl)silanti.<br />

Bailer, Matliiiis. sllc,ernitker, h. s. w. cor. I3ea(.-l1;i111, Jollu. i~g++t~L Virtne & 1-orston,<br />

Nort.11 wuci l


A~E\V ~zL'oI.


Becker, Andreas, c~~rpenter, h. 273 b1ont- i32eclier, Elgar B., clerk, rooms 61 Beaubien.<br />

cairn e.<br />

B.:?ch::r, Isaac, labarzr, h. o. 93 n. 226<br />

Becker, Anton, bricklayer, h. 235 Russell. Guoin.<br />

Becker, Clliirles S., sailor, 11. 196 Tenth. Beecller, Joseph, shipcarpenter, bds. 79 Cro-<br />

Becker, Cl)nrrtd, carpenter, bda. 59 Chestnut. ~rllan.<br />

Becb er, Conrad, laborer, 11. 269 Clint.on. ~ekclrcr, Lut,her, h. 297 Jefferson ave.<br />

Becker, Frunk, blacksmith, bds. 156 St. Beedzler, Arthur, clerk, bds. 25 Bqg.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Beedzler, JI )se yll, fruits, 101 Woodward ave.,<br />

Beeliel., Frederick, bricklayer. 11.133 Marion. 11. 26 Bagg.<br />

Bncker, Frederick. 111:.icl~ini.;t, 11. 437 Kussell. Beeler, David, shipcarpenter, h. o. 299 n.<br />

n. 353 Catharine.<br />

Beeler, John (col'd), laborer, h. 211 East-<br />

Ings.<br />

Beer, John, carpenter, h. Fifteenth, bet.<br />

Alicllig~n ave. and Alaritntet te.<br />

Beclier, FerdiuauJ, tinsruitll, h. 232 Sc. Au-<br />

bill ave.<br />

Becker, Hermann, carpenter, bds. 76 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Becker, Jacob, laborer. 11. 371 JIrtcomb.<br />

B.:cker., Johll, cari)enter, 11. 10 Silver.<br />

Becker, Jolln, curl)enter, bds. 24 Silver.<br />

Bccker, John, cooper, 433 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Becker, J. Joseph, groceries, 410 Gratiot, 11.<br />

Sa111e.<br />




Bell. ?'avia (wid. Airall), dressmaker, 19 Miami<br />

;ive , 11. sal~it?.<br />

Bell, Tlioii~:~s, Siipt. D. Ss h1. R. R., h. 125<br />

C'ongrt~~s t..<br />


Be!l. V. I3: adforrl, clelli Custonl IIouse, Lds.<br />

45 Congress w.<br />

Bell, 'a'illianl, shipcarpenter, h. 33-1 Lafay-<br />


THROCGIIOUT THE UXITED STATES. Bell, \;l-iilinrn H., ma'cllinist, h.1G Pearl.<br />

-<br />

Bell, M illiam James, carpenter, bds. 383<br />

Belanger, Joseph. clt-rli Charles Peltier & \Vood L ridge e.<br />

Son, Lds. 232 Ylio1:clle.<br />

Bellair, Jowklr 0.. clerk, 11. 289 Larned e.<br />

Belangttr, Pl'oall: carlrenter, 11. 167 Twelfth. 13ellair, Oliver, jr., clerk, bds. 293 Lamed e.<br />

Belanger, Joseph, cleric, bds. 146 St. An. Bellair. Oliver, sen., land dealer, 11. 293 Lartoine.<br />

ned e.<br />

Belgard, Joseph, jr., carpenter, hds. 308 Brl langer, Tllomas, teamster, 11.98 Division.<br />

Guoin.<br />

Bellvr, Jacob, saloon, 16 Congress w.,<br />

Belgard. Joseplr, sr., carpenter, 11 208 G uoin. bds. Hotel Mnucil.<br />

Beliel, George, slloemaker, 11. Fa ims~vorth, Bellinger, Ll'illiaxu, sawyer, h. \Voodbriclge<br />

Let. \Voodwar.d ave. and John H.<br />

w., n. tannery.<br />

Belit.1, Louis, ellgineer, 11. s e. cor. Hall and Bellisle. Joseyll, laborer, 11. o. 23 n. 299<br />

and Hioyelle.<br />

Korth.<br />

.Bslkl~ap, John (Belknap 8i Drake), h. 55 Bell pell, Joseph, saloon, 85 Woodbridge<br />

Madison ave.<br />

w., 11. same.<br />

Bellinap, Philo G., magonmaker, h. 63 Bell~vood, Robert, clerli, bds. 1Gl MTood-<br />

Fifteen t


Benfev. L.. ciisllier Fri$e:l~nrn & Bro., 11.<br />

1 Benoit & Clleii (E. B. denoit and Valero<br />

267 1Voo.l\var~l am.. 1111 stairs.<br />

C'lleli), furnitut.e, 90 (3 rii tiot.<br />

B2nfe.v. L:)uis, bda. Itt~ssel i House.<br />

I Benoit. J. P., Q Bro-. (Jolln P., Charles P.<br />

Bmlrii~n, C1i:trles. laborer, h. 47% Wood- I and C,tlnille P. Benoi t ). brass foundry<br />

I<br />

br~ ige e.<br />

ancl ~iiaclline shop, 253 C'roghan.<br />

Bsli hitin, Ebenezer, accountan t, h. 45 Clin . I Bellson. Aditm. s de leather cutter, 11. 40<br />

to 11 .<br />

Jliclligrnn Grand anA.<br />

~enllarn, Jane (wid. -Burr), bds. 41 Eliz- Brnson, Henry E , 11. 541 .Jrffersen ave.<br />

abeth e.<br />

Benson, John, clerli, 11. 303 1,nrned e.<br />

Benliam, Tlleron D.? clerk, bds. 48 Clinton. Benson, illicllael, ti~renlan Bridge and Iron<br />

Bening, J~ziius, slloenliiker, 11. 22 German. works, 11.101 Labt.osse.<br />

Benireaa, Miss Christina, nlilliner, bds. 132 Benson, Mrs. ('atllarine, vegetables, <strong>City</strong><br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hall market, 11. 40 Jficlligan Urund ave.<br />

B2niteau, Is rsel J., 11. 120 Congress e. Benster. Etxiory Jl., machinist, h. 14 How-<br />

Beni teitu, Miss Cle11ian ti~~a, milliner, bds. ard IIousj block.<br />

101) Ctttllit~.ine.<br />

Benster. bleuzt) hf., sewing machine ad-<br />

Benja, Albcrt. laborer, bds. 67 .4tw;iter e. j ustor, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Belljii~nin, Charles, saloon, 110 \\'oodbridge Bentlev, i\un C. (wid. Hirilln), h. 233 Brush.<br />

e., 11. same.<br />

Bentley, Hai~nall (wid. Sanluel). 11.179 How-<br />

Bennaitia, Mrs. Ida, ast~rologiat, h. 121 Gra- ard.<br />

toit.<br />

Bentley, Jol~n, finisller, bds. 179 Howard.<br />

Beninger, Mary (wid. Andrew), h. 221 Hasting~.<br />

Bennett., Aaron, labfwer, bds. Brighton<br />

House, 190 Grand River.<br />

Bennett, John 1-., druggist, 87 \XTood\vard<br />

ave., bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Bdnnett,, Ira (Bennett, LVood & Titlow),<br />

11. w. s. 1layberr.v aye, near 14~11.<br />

Bcn11et.t~. Joseph K., U. S. hlarslial, bds. Rus-<br />

sell House.<br />

Benuetr., ltobert, carpvnter, bds. 29 Seven-<br />

tevn tll.<br />

Bennett, Itobert (col'd), porter, h. 198 St.<br />

Aubiu aye.<br />

Benllrtt, ltobert R. (col'd), porter, postoEce,<br />

11. 2'38 :t. rlubin ave.<br />

Bcnner L. \\.'illi.i~rl, cit rl)tanter, 11. \v. s. Rlay-<br />

berry ave., bet. 31iclligun ave. and But.-<br />

ter~li~t.<br />

Benneit, 11-illium, laborer 31. C. 12. It., 11. 29<br />

Se\-e11 tf3l21l I 11.<br />

Zelitlet,t., \.V illiiim, laborer, 11. 59 B~*ady.<br />

Belrnett. \\'illinii~ ,I., sailor, bds. W. 8. Mayberry<br />

aye., bet. Jlicllig:.an aye. aiid Butten1<br />

ut.<br />

B~nllet, William C., bu:cher, 331 Fort w., 11.<br />

375 Lioward.<br />

Bellnett, \Vootl & Ti tlow (Ira Bennett,<br />

Beniley, Slonroe, bds. Perkills' Hotel.<br />

Ben tley, Otis IV., baker, 11.529 Flf'tll.<br />

Bel~tley, Martin V., oildealer, 123 Jefferson<br />

are., 11. 2 1 G Hnudolpli.<br />

Bentz, Catharine (wid. Jacob), h. 158<br />

Hivard.<br />

Bentx. Joseph. laborer, h. s. IV. cor. <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Benz, Fretlericlr, tinsniitll, bde. 332 Gratiot.<br />

Benzenberg, Cll1.istinu (wid. IIenr?), h. 324<br />

I-lastings.<br />

Benzien, Jolln. laborer, 11. 301 Cllest nut.<br />

Bellzing, ti eorge, cabilletilial;er, h. 140<br />

Si3ve1ltll.<br />

Rerbrg, Fraderirli, carpenter, 11. 10 Beacon.<br />

13erbeg, \Villiam, baker, bds. 309 Alicl~igan<br />

ave.<br />

Bercumb, Ed n-nrcl. laborer. 11. 126 Seventh.<br />

13c.ratie, L'lii,ip. clerk, ids. 210 liivard.<br />

fierg, Augitsr, b.is. 2.)7 Aion c.11111 e.<br />

Berg. C'liarles. cigur~naaer, bds. Hotel Er-<br />

~C,IS(+II.<br />

Berg, Cl~iirles(Berg & Grosman), bds. 297<br />

A10111 c~llt~le.<br />

1 Berg, Jolln, l)laclisrrlith, 11. 159 Cheslnut.<br />

1 Berg. Jt,lirl 1;\1)or~r, h. n. S. i\Iacoi1ib, bet.<br />

C'llene 21nd Di~bois.<br />

Berg, Jobel'll, curlier, bds. T17asliington<br />

i\'iliiam 1-1. CVtrod itnd George Tir low), klouse, LVoodbl.idge w.<br />

susll and L),ind ~unfrs., 8S-l.\.liclligt11 ave. Bv1.g. ],onis, engiueer Free Press, h. 95<br />

Beuoit. Ciitniile P. (J. P. Uenoit & B~.os.), C'ai hari ne.<br />

btls. 2% Crog1l:in.<br />

Bvrg, Peter, drayman, 11. 110 Clinton.<br />

Beuoit., Cliar;zs P. (J. P. Benoit & Broa.), h. Berg, Peter, laborer, 11. 147 Slier~lian.<br />

235 C'rogllau.<br />

BelSg, Peter. tilusician, 11. ::-i'2 Lafi~yette are.<br />

Benoit, E. P: (Benoi t St Cheli), h. cor. Ri. 13i:rg & Grosluan I r e s Berg and<br />

vard untl yurt.<br />

LVilliztnl Ci rossn1an), cigar mnhs., 212 Ura-<br />

Beiloit, Xulil Y., grc cer, 217 Fort e., 11. same. tiot.<br />

Ieuoit, Jiillu Y. (J. Y. Berloit & Bros.) h. 555 Berger, Adolph; broom ~ni~lier, 11. 5,5G Fort e.<br />

Crog11itn.<br />

Berger. Casl)er, gunsmith. 11. 46 Russell.<br />

Benoit, John P., sen., ma~hinisl~, h. 2.35 Bttr.g,:r, Casper, j r., eugritver, Lds. 46 Itus-<br />

L'r4 gll~~n.<br />

sell.<br />

Be11.i~. Mrs. Pauline (wid. CharleK), h. 483 B~I~cP. Charles, gluemaker, 11. 536 Fort e.<br />

Crog1lau.<br />

131=rger, Gerson, cig~~rmalrcr, Lds. Clinton,<br />

Benoit, Peter, watchman, h. 655 Franklin. bet. Bivard and Bussell.


NE\V YORIL<br />

Berry, Jolin F., carpenter, 11. e. s. Sisth, nr.<br />

Grand Hiver.<br />

bet@ Fnawance Gampan~, n erry, John G., clerk, 11. 155 Harrison aye.<br />

Berry. Jorepli H. (Date<br />

ASSETS, . . S: Berry, and Berry<br />

$12,000,000<br />

Brotlier*), h. 475 Jefferson ave.<br />


-<br />

Berry. Mary A., (wid. 11-illian~): bds. 439<br />

SOLON McELJlOT, Itlilniiger and Agene~ Snpt., Sistll.<br />

Berry, Miss Adelaide H , 11. 311 Larned e.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, NICH. Berry, Miss hltlrilia, 11. 311 1,arned e.<br />

Berry, Miss Saralr W., 11. 311 Larned e.<br />

Berger, George, wireweaver, 11.145 Mullett. Berry, Pat rick, carpentel, hds. 139 Clierry.<br />

Berger, Jacob, .rvireweu~er, L. 138 Rlacorub. Berly, Kane, macliinist, h. s. e. cor. '6/Jruod-<br />

Berger, Jolrn, cigarnlztker, h. 212 Clinton. bridge and Handolpli.<br />

Berger. Jolin, wire~veaver, 11. 145 hl ullett. Berry, Tilomas, laborer, h. Fourth, nr. Hol-<br />

Berger, Josepll J., engl.aver, bds. 46 Hussell. den lioad.<br />

Berger, Louis, gluenl:llier, bds. 556 Fort e. Berry, Thomas, laborer, h. n. e. cor. (;old<br />

Berger, Simon, ciga~lnaker, bds. 227 Clinton. and Fourth.<br />

Berger, William, locknlaker, 11. 157 Cro- Berry, 'rhomas (Berry Brother.), h. n. e.<br />

ghan.<br />

cor. JVigllt and Leib.<br />

Bergmann, Harris, peddler, bds. 224 Brusll. Berry, Tllonlas H. (Forsy th & Berry), h.<br />

Bergron, Pat rick, shoemuker, Lds. 294 216 Secoiid.<br />

Michigan aye.<br />

Berry, ii illiail1, carpenter. bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Berkery, Jolln, ca~penter, h. 98 Porter. Belry, ITilliani L., clerk, 11. 94 Furrar.<br />

Berktoid, Thaddeus, tailor, 11. 263 Catha- Berry Brotllers (Josei)h H. and 'J'liomas<br />

rine.<br />

Berry). nlanf'i s. ~arnjshes and glue, 22<br />

Berlinger, Peter, laborer, h. 275 Pu'ine- 1VoodLridge w.<br />

teelltli.<br />

BEHMY, J. A., & CO. (John 9. Berry and<br />

Berman, Jacob, peddler, 11.175 Macomb. -), pal.er box and glue nlaniks., 24<br />

Bernar, Enlanuel: laborer,540 \Voodbri,ige e. WoodLiidge w. (See adz )<br />

Bernard, Bernhard, (lerl:, b~s. 210 KUS- Bersey, William, salesnian: bds. 69 Beausell.<br />

Lien.<br />

Bernard, Charles, carpenter, h. 333 Frank- Bertlia, Alolph. tinsmith, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

lin.<br />

Orleans i~11d Gratio t.<br />

Bernard, George, carpenter, 11.358 Franklin. Bertlla, U,.sil, laborer, 11. 143 Chene.<br />

Bernard, Geoxge, cooper, h. 10 iYt-bsier. Bertralii, Henry, cal)inetmr~krr: 11.430 31al)le.<br />

Bernard, Jacob, tiusnlitli, 11. 10 Llrebster. Bertritm, Martin, laborer, bds. 216 St. An-<br />

Bernard, Juuies 'i'., painter aud paper hang- toine.<br />

er, h. 56 Abbott.<br />

Eertraln, Peter, painter, 11. 70 Lewis.<br />

Bernart, MTilliam (Kasch Sr; Bernart), h. 275 Bertrallr. L\-illiam, cabinetulaker, h. 479<br />

JeEerson ave.<br />

Ca tliarine.<br />

Bernartz, George &I., varnisher, h. 24 Craw- Bertralu, iVilliam, carpenter, h. 49'7 Cathiord.<br />

arine.<br />

Bernhardt. Joseph, glazier, 11. 15 Beacon. Bert run, Julius, clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Bernstein, Jacob, peddler, 11.98 &lull et t. Bertscli, Jilcob (Fredericks iY; Co.), bds. 130<br />

Bernstein, Solomon, peddler, h. 261 Has- St. Antoine, c, ,r. Fort.<br />

ting~.<br />

Bescl~estobiell, Elizabeth (wid. Jacob), h.<br />

Bero, Zepro, carbuilder, h. 641 Miclligan 1&2 Lufayette.<br />

ave.<br />

Behsinger, Christian F., cabinetmaker, 185<br />

Berrell, Mary (wid. Patrick), h. 3'74 Lafay- Catharine, h. IS4 sunie.<br />

ette.<br />

Bessinzer, George E., sailmaker, h. 119<br />

Berrien, Col. John M., Chief Engineer M. Sational ave.<br />

C. It. R., bds. Michigan Exchange. Bessi riger, liachel (wid. 31ichael), h. 188<br />

Berritt, William, laborer, h. 3 70 Croghan. Cat liarine.<br />

Berry, Henry, machinist, h. 96 Wood- Best, Miss AIargaret (col'd), h. in alley op-<br />

1<br />

!<br />

bridge e.<br />

Berry, Henry C., laborer, h. 263 Sixth.<br />

Berry, Henry H., macllinist., h. s. e-cor.<br />

Wood bridge and Randoll)h.<br />

Bmy, John, laborer, h. 390 Lasalle ave.<br />

Berry, John, laborer, 11.244 Sistli.<br />

Berry-, John, laborer, 11. 139 Cherry.<br />

Berry, John, laborer, 11. 217 Fifth.<br />

BERA Y , JUHX A. (J. A. Berry SL Co.), mnfr.<br />

superpllospllate, office 24 Mroocibriclge w.,<br />

h. e. s. Leib, nr. Wight. (See ade.)<br />

poslte 120 Ilastings.<br />

Besta, Jol~n, carpenter, 11. 518 Riopelle.<br />

Beste. Theodore, laborer, bds. 271 Hasting~.<br />

Eetcll, Benjamin. sailor, h. 329 Orleans.<br />

Bethel Tell1 ple (Jewisli), s. w. cor. Cl'ashington<br />

aye. and Cl~ff'ord, Rev. Dr. Eptein<br />

rabbi.<br />

Beti~eli, Francis, traveling agt., h. Lewis,<br />

xlwr 'l'1iil.d.<br />

Bethune, Donald, lawyer, h. 122 St. Antoine.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

i<br />

E<br />

k<br />



Betfierowitz, Angust, harnessmaker, h. 1G4 Bieler, George, bookkeeper, bds. 133 Clin-<br />

Clint on.<br />

ton.<br />

Betts, Francis (wid. Philip). h. n. e. cor. Bivler, John, tanner. h. 411 Rinpelle.<br />

Lasalle aye. and Ash.<br />

BielloE, F~.ederick, mason, 11. G!) Deqnindre.<br />

Belts, Ira G., n~acllinist and engineer. bds. Bierce, Sicllolas A., agent, 11. 131 I'allr, s. w.<br />

37 RIontcaIrn w.<br />

cor. Duffield.<br />

Betts. John, baggageman G. T. R. R., 11. Bierwoik, Fredericl~, laborer, h. e. s. Hum-<br />

294 Porter.<br />

boldt ave., near B~zchanun.<br />

Betts, fiiicllael, brakesman, h. e. s. Lasalle Biery. Mary Ann (wid. Jacob), 11. 235 Fort e.<br />

atTe., bet,. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Bigelow. Albert E. (IFr. C. & A. E. 1Jigelow),<br />

Betts, William 0.. macl~inist, 11. 90 Fo:t e. 11. 50 Lewis.<br />

Betz, Anton, butcller, h. I70 Russel 1. Bi,ge:ow, Halllilton, oculist and aurist, room<br />

Betz. Jonas. butcher, bds. 1'70 Wussell. 9 Jlerrill block, 11. 175 Fitch.<br />

Betzinger, Adam, grocer, 190 Russell, h. Bigelow, John Bl., ph~ sician, h. 333 Consanle.<br />

g ress e.<br />

Bentel. August, locksmith and bellhanger, Bigelow, \TTilliam C. (W. C. & A. E. Bige-<br />

225 Brush, h. same.<br />

low), 11. s. e. coy. 3lacornb aye. al~d (:ass.<br />

Beutler, Bald\vin, basketn~akcr, h. same. Bigt4ow \ir. C., & A. E. (\.\'illiam C. a ~ C'al- d<br />

Beut ler, Frederick, bootmaker, 21. 4 >.font- bert E. B~gelow), lun1l)sr and shingle<br />

calri~ e.<br />

yard. cor. hlac0111b an?. al~d Cass.<br />

Beverly, James P., shoemaker, 21 Grand Biggirt, George engineer, 11. 457 Macomb.<br />

Kiver, 11. 42 Narriett.<br />

Bigry, Cl~arlea S., 11. '7; AcIarns ave. e.<br />

Bewick. Charles, office 5 Woodward avc., I Big-IT, John, beef and pork packer. office 50<br />

11. 653 Jeffi-rz son are.<br />

I alid 52 LY~odbrid~e w., h. 77 Adsus<br />

Beyer, C1liarles H., barber, I03 Jefferson aw. e.<br />

are.. 11. 141 Congress e.<br />

Bigly, 'l'hon~as, pork and beef packer, cor.<br />

Beyer, Francis, notary, h. 3'74 Hasting s. 'l'\venty-tourth and LVoodbrldge, h. 681<br />

Beyer, Frank, ~~ainter, 11. 172 Clinton. Wood bridge.<br />

Bvyer. FI-ederick A. C., decorative painter, Bike, Frank, peddler, 11. 484 Orleans.<br />

Lamed, n. w. tor. Batess, bds. 1'71 Lafay- Bike, J~sepli, carj~euter, 11. JtjJ Ol*leans.<br />

ette.<br />

Biladeau, Cllarles, carycnter, h. 541 Con-<br />

Beyer, John, laborer, 11. 2.73 Gratiot.<br />

g1 ess e.<br />

Beyer, John B., baker, 171 Lafidyette, IJ. Birger, George, tailor. bds. 165 (iratiot.<br />

same.<br />

Bilger, Jacob, tailor, h. n. s. Beacon, e. Beau-<br />

Beyer, John G., baker, bds. 171 Lafayettc. Lien.<br />

Bt-yr. Jollti H.. balcer. 11. 21s C'ctl unll~iii e. BiJger., John, shoemalier, 138 Grand River,<br />

Beyster, John, car pninter. 11. 349 Fifth.<br />

11. sa1ue.<br />

Bezal lon, Mntor, blacksu~ith, 129 Ci!lene, h. Billr~sky, Anthony I


3Ph ysicians always specify<br />


Binga, William (col'd). barber, 42 RSichigan<br />

Grand ave., h. 251 Beaubien.<br />

Bingen, Jo1111, laborer, 11. 141 ~af~tyette.<br />

Bingham, &]ward, 11. 87 Faniier.<br />

Bingham, J. B., Quarter~naster General, h.<br />

1SG RalldoIpli.<br />

Bi1111s. Jonathan, cigarmaker, 14 Crawford,<br />

bet. Vine! and Arcll.<br />

BIRCH, PLlLLETC'S P., real estate, 138<br />

Griswold, 11. 75 Elizabeth w. (See {~clu.)<br />

Bird, Anthoby (co17d), barber, 11. 191 Hastings.<br />

Bird, Joseph F., proprietor Emmett House,<br />

SO \Voodbridge w., 11. same.<br />

Birg, Jol~n, blacksmith. w. s. St.. Aubin are.<br />

between Larued atld Coilgress, 11. 159<br />

C'liest nut..<br />

Birger. i'Villiam. laborer, 11. 392 Mullett.<br />

Bir~llillgham. Tilo~l~as N., saloon, 214 Jeff<br />

rsotl ttve., 11. 101 Lafayette.<br />

Birn~on, Bernllardt, peddler, 11. 113 Lafiyrtte.<br />

Birnbaii~n. George, gxrdner, 11. s. s. Gratiot,<br />

bet. Elm\vocci and Mount Elliotta ayes.<br />

Birnhe:irt, \I-i~lialn, saloon, ol)posit e Alichigitn<br />

Clenrrul (lepot, b.1~. Cass liotel.<br />

Biry , Felix, turner, 11. 61 Jla~ ion.<br />

Biry, Frank, turuer, 11. Antietam near Jos.<br />

Caiil~x~u ave.<br />

Biry, .Frank J.. laborer, 11. $1 JJaconlb.<br />

Bi&t.e, Jollu U., druggist, 26s Jefibrson ave.,<br />

bds. 103 L(:cust.<br />

Bisbce, Jolln H., traveling agent, 11. n. s. Locust,<br />

bet. Sevenrll and N~llth ZLI'~.<br />

Bidlo, Al! er, laborer, 11. n. e. cur. St. Josepll<br />

a~id st. Subin ave.<br />

Biscilof, Cl~arles, painter, bds. 21 Fort,<br />

cor. Bru~h.<br />

Biscllo f, Fleanlr J., ' carpenter and joiner, 11.<br />

14 ~~lttcllunic.<br />

Biailop, Andrew J., detective, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Birllop, David L., constable Tenth Ward, 11.<br />

173 lyight.<br />

Bishop, tler~uann, music teacher, h. 918 Jeflerhon<br />

ave.<br />

Bisllol), James, carpenter, bds. Woodbridge,<br />

opl~o2its ianncry.<br />

Bishop, IJevi, atrorney at law, office G Bulil<br />

Llocli, Gribwold, 11.299 Jc4h sun uve.<br />

Bisl~op, El. Henry, law studeut A1ool.e &<br />

C-fr~itin. bds. 4s ~'011~ 0 rets W.<br />

B~SIIO~J, Samuel (coi'~) tealuster, 11.405 Maple.<br />

Bishop, Wesley, sailor, h. 138 &lacomb.<br />

Bishop, William, butcher, bda. Purdy's<br />

Ho t.t?l.<br />

Bianer. Felix, laborer, h. Guoin, near Bdlliver<br />

alley.<br />

Bi~srll. Augustus E. (A. E. Bissell & Son), 11.<br />

155 Fort nr.<br />

Bis~ell. Ed ward W. (,4. E. Bissell & Son),<br />

bds. 15;3 Fort w.<br />

Bissell, George \Y ., commissinn merchant,<br />

foot3 First, h. o. 138 n. 141 Lafayette ave.<br />

Bissttll, John, car wheel maier, h. 11 Porter.<br />

Bissell, Roman A., civil engineer, 11. 155<br />

Fort wT.<br />

Bi>sell, A. E., S; Son (.4ugust us E. and Ed-<br />

\\yard \\'. Bisssll), coluluissi, )u ~uelchancs,<br />

loot First.<br />

Bissiuger, Frederick, butcher, bds. 182 Randulyll.<br />

Bissonette, David, carpenter, h. 118 Fifr<br />

eentll.<br />

Bitley, David B., blacksmith, bds. 67 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Bit teullous, Henry, fireman, bds. 320 Frank.<br />

lin.<br />

Bitnian, John, labnrer,h. 82 Jay.<br />

Uittner, Xicholas, paper peddler, h. 445 Grat<br />

iot.<br />

Bitx, Frederick, laborer, 11. 106 Antietam.<br />

13izedu, Andrew, shil;carpentcr, 1. (363 Congr'esd<br />

e.<br />

Bizeau, Leander, carpenter, bds. 67 Larned<br />

east.<br />

13isp. Joseph, engineer. bds. 98 Larned e.<br />

Biack, Andrew, !)lasterer, 11. e. s. Alaj berry<br />

ave., near Jlicl~igi~i~ nve.<br />

Blacl:, ~intirew li. (Piluck & Lemerenz), h.<br />

176 Eagg.<br />

Bl:lcli, I-)LL\.~~<br />

(Blaclr Ss Co.), res. New York<br />

city.<br />

Blaci;, Daniel, traveling agent, h. 2G Macoi~lb.<br />

Biack, Frederick U., clerk, 11. 176 Bagg. '<br />

Biuck, lietiry, laborer, 11. 1 IVulnut.<br />

Black, .Janles (Blacli & Youl~g), 11. 183 Lafa<br />

yet te ave.<br />

Biacli, John, ropemaker, 11. 169 National<br />

are.<br />

J3:i.icIi. Joseph A., painter, i1. w. s. Fourth, n.<br />

Holdell ICoud.<br />

Black, Lonis (L. Blaclr & Co.), 11. o. 34 n. 38<br />

5ladisol1 ave.<br />

131ack, Loui?, jr., 11. 62 35i1dison ave.<br />

131uck, &lal.i:~, dl ess~ua ker, 11. 462 Fifih.<br />

Black, Nobit., curk)t.ute~-, 11. s. s. Beech, bet.<br />

+is1 11 and Sevelllll.<br />

Slack, liobert, laburer, 11. w. s. Trowbridge,<br />

nr. Asli.<br />

Black, \\'illiani, bookkeeper, 11. 12 Paliner.<br />

Uiack, L)., & (Lo. (Llavicl B1:ick and A. 1).<br />

Feldier), wllolesale dyalers in Yankee noti<br />

ns. 58 \l'oodward ave.<br />

Black, - L, . Ji Co. (Louis Black and Albert<br />

La l~clsL~=rg;.), oy L~C~ULLS, 1 J t'*t'l'30~<br />



- - --<br />

BLACK S: LEiVEHEKZ (Andre\~ H. Black Blancllett, Cllaries E., agent, 11. 3% \JTood<br />

alld Ell cx! t~r~ck C. Le~~erenz), n~~rclii~ll t ma~d aye. (111) stail F).<br />

tailors and c:orliiers, 217 J~Cirson avo. Blancl~ett. J;ttln C., laborer, h. o. 400 n. 472<br />

(bka trclz;.)<br />

Cl'oodbridgc: e.<br />

Black S; Young (J~IM~s Black and Peter Blariey, Jaiiles, street car driver, bds. 175<br />

k'oulig), pr(;duce ant1 con~ulissiun nier- Michigan ilve.<br />

cllan ts, office foot of Slie!by.<br />

B:allk, 3I:irtin. carpenter, 11. 214 St. Antoine.<br />

Black burn, Gtaorge N., kaluoii and boarding Blan kii rtz, Albert, brassfinisher, bds. 274<br />

ho~ise, 47 A. wa ter.<br />

C'rogh:~n.<br />

BlackSur.11. 'I'hol~las. tinsmith, IS Michigan Blanke, Edward, butcher, 11. n. w. cor.<br />

aye., 11. 128 abbott..<br />

Cirratiot ilnd Orleans.<br />

Blakel~y, Williaxi;, gardener, h. s. e. cor. Blt~nke. John, (13lanke & Butler), h. 405<br />

.Eiqliternth and As11<br />

0 14eans.<br />

Blackvr, Frederick, laborer, 11. 635 Lar- 131anke Sr Butler (Jolln Blanke and Melviile<br />

ncd e.<br />

13utler), p~ ltash niit~ uficcturers, n. e. cor.<br />

Blaclier, John, second .hand goods, 60 Aton High i~nd Hasrings.<br />

roe ave., h. .;. Leili~e.<br />

Blankriillei~n. Jolln, supervisor Seventh<br />

Blaceker, Malxalet (wid. Edward), dress- \.Vard, 11. 301 Orleans.<br />

maker, 11. 29 Sproat.<br />

Bla~iliert, Jolla, wagonmaker, bds. 425 Gra-<br />

Black~ilan, Edward, carpenter, h. 25 Char- tiot.<br />

lotte.<br />

Blanlierts, Albert, brassfinisher, bds. 247<br />

Blackette, Bliss Mary E., dressmaking, 372 Croglian.<br />

Gratiot, bds. 298 1Cancioll)h.<br />

Blanket. John, carriagemaker, bds. 365<br />

Blackrilur, Tl~o11i:~s S., lawver, I0 Ro- Gratiot.<br />

tuilda buil(li~ig, bds. 87 ~Vashiugton ave. Blitser, John. grocery and saloon, 5GG blich<br />

Bl;rckwell, Addl~on A., tinsnlith, bds. 220 igi~n are., 11. sanie.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Bluskewitz, Jacob, sl~oemaker, h. 107 Napo-<br />

Blackwelr, Ann (wid. James), h, n. s. Or- leon.<br />

C~IHL'~, near Fifi 11.<br />

Blntriiieier, Christop11er, peddler, 11. 385<br />

Bl:~ck\vell, Jol~n, blacksmith, bds. n. s. Or- 1,asitlle ave.<br />

c.iard, near l'ittll.<br />

Blaut'eld, Henry, Yankee notions, 41 <strong>City</strong><br />

Black\vood, Wil.iam, carpenter, h. re- Hall murke~, h. cor. BeauBi-n anil Fort..<br />

nic )n t*.<br />

Blzlusky, Josepli, shoenlal;er, 11. 20 Silver.<br />

Blades, Rev. Francis A., h. o. 107 n. 410 Bluy, Frank, mason, 11. 346 Broilson.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Biay, Jolln, 1al)ot er. bds. 820 Orleans.<br />

Blades, LVilliam H., clerk, bds. 410 Cass I31a.y. Alicliael, milson. 11. 205 Napoleon.<br />

ave.<br />

Bieidon, Frederick, drwyrnan, h. 192 Clin<br />

I<br />

Biat:n, Felis, brushmaker, 11. 407 St. An- I ton.<br />

toille.<br />

Bletuings, George. teamster, 11. e. s. Ttventy-<br />

Blair, James S., 11. 50 bliidison ave.<br />

tliird, bet. Fort and Howard.<br />

Blair, Mary (wid. John), h. 101 Adams Bleak, Fredericl;, laborer, 11. 'l'wenty-second,<br />

ave. e.<br />

near Foundry.<br />

B latr, Nelson, sailor, 11. 338 Croglian. B:enru:in, Henry A., shoerrial;er, 11. n. e. cor.<br />

B.itir, --- , pilinter, 11. 198 C'oiigress e. LVigllt ant1 I\-alker.<br />

UIiti~. Benjamin, laborer, 11. 3 ;0 Congress e. Ulenluan, Tllomus, carpenter, 11. 053 Frank-<br />

B.alie, Joi111. car,,e~iter, 11. 23 pilver.<br />

lin.<br />

Bltr ke. Par ricli, undertaker and furniture Bleser, Franz! tanner. 11. 380 Orleans.<br />

dt-aler, 21 Bli~:higan ave., h. 2i Lafttyattt! Blessed, Jo1111, stage dri vrr, 11. 368 Third.<br />

8 ve.<br />

Bleyeul)c*rgh, Rev. Frailcis E., pastor oi 'l'. in-<br />

B:ake, LYilliam (col'd), coolr, h. 310 Lafay- ity Church. 11. 116 Porter.<br />

et ~e.<br />

Bliesath, Vredericl;, s!loe~uaker, h. 23s Sev-<br />

Blitliely, James H. (Appleby & Blalrely), bds. etltll.<br />

31 &ladi.

BLI BOD<br />

I<br />

NE\V YORIE.<br />

Bloomer, Frank, clerk? bcis. 711 Michigan<br />

Uf?@ Fm%arance C,Q~~&~J,X~ Bloomgarten, Louis, cigarm~lier, - h. 116 La-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,0OO,COO fay eice.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 Blondell, John, cabinetmaker, h. 299 Ma-<br />

-<br />

comb.<br />

SOLON DIcELROY, iI1an;lger and Agroey Sapt., Bloy uel le, Louis, h. 155 Clinton.<br />

1<br />

Peninsular Bank Bailding, DETROIT, MICH. Blosko, Francis, jr., tinsxuith, bds. 66 Mul- l<br />

lett.<br />

Blinn, Leroy J.. wirli IVIII. McMilian SE CO., BloFko, Francis. sr., locksmith, 11. 66 Mullett.<br />

11. o. 26 n. 39 (:olnnlbia e.<br />

Bloss, Cliarles E., clerk Custom House, bds.<br />

B'iss, Ellis J3, salesman, bds. 91 Farmer. 13 Croglian.<br />

Blitz. Israttl (I. Rosenfield & Co.), h. YO9 Bloss, Josel)h B , commission merchant, h.<br />

Congress e.<br />

13 Crog1l;ln.<br />

Blitz. Samuel, dry goods and fancy goods, Blos-;otn, ,ilouzo, firernan 11. S. R. R., h. 201<br />

154 Kandolpli. 11. same.<br />

Fit tll.<br />

Block, Edward, bartrnder: 11. 7 1 Xorth. Blow, L\'illiam, clerk G. W. R. R., h.99 Sis-<br />

Block. Paul, laborer. 11. 11 Nortll.<br />

teetlbli.<br />

B1oc.i n k. Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 297 Blo~nk, John, saloon, 1% St. Antoine,<br />

Clinton.<br />

11. same.<br />

Blodgett, Alvall. clerk, 11. IS3 Henry. Blur, J;~mes W., brakeman 31. C. R. R.. 11.<br />

Blodgett, Capt. Charles C., bds. 364 Jefferson 247 Larnecl e.<br />

/<br />

ave.<br />

Bluefieltl, Hieman, market peddler, h. 101<br />

Blodgett. Frederick, porter, bds. n. e. cor. Beuubien.<br />

CliiXhrd and Henry.<br />

Bluen, Frank, caulker, 11.24 Dequindre.<br />

Blodgett, ~redericg J., salesman, bds. IS2 B.ueuk, Joseph, cabinetmaker, ~ds. 997 Clin-<br />

Henrv.<br />

ton.<br />

~lodge;t, George L., clerk, h. 486 Ninth Blulim, Henry, silverlayer, h. 64 Howard.<br />

ave.<br />

I31u111, Clourttd, laborer., 11. 298 C'ol unlbia e.<br />

Blodgett , Silas MT., conlpositor, h. 139 Eliz- Blunl, Frzink, drover, Alderman Seventh<br />

abeth e.<br />

\\lard, 11. 283 L:~tixyette.<br />

Blodgett, ~~'illiam, porter, h. n. e. cor. Clif- Blun~, Michael, shoeiuiilier, h. 217 Columbia<br />

ford and Henry.<br />

east.<br />

Blodgett, C\rilliam J., salesman, bds. IS2 Bluilj berg. Jacob, peddler, h. 161 Hastings.<br />

Heury.<br />

Blunlb~rg, Louis, clotliler, 36 and 38 JeH2r-<br />

Bloedzl, Christian, slloernalier: 21. 348 &font- son ave, h. 37 same.<br />

calm e.<br />

Bl unlbrrg, LVllliam, cigarmaker, h. 154<br />

Hlt~eser, Xathias, h. 127 Macomb.<br />

Ca tlru 1.1 ne.<br />

Bloinberg, Frederick, woodsawy er, h. 507 Bly thy 'l'honlas, laborer, h. 93 Columbia w.<br />

Fort e.<br />

B,~ard of Health. J. Consid~ne, W. H.<br />

Blome, Frederick C., dry goods, 61 Wood- Elllory and W. S. Bond, ofict: C~ty Hall.<br />

ward aye., 11. 63 Colu~libia e.<br />

Board of Trade building, s. e. cur. L\'ood-<br />

Blome, Frederick C., sen., 11. 13 Sproat. bridge and Wayne.<br />

Blolne, Hern~an F., salesman F. C. Siome, Board vf Trade Bizilding Company, 1 Board<br />

bds. 13 Slmoat.<br />

of Trade buildiug, James Asyi~lall, Secre-<br />

Blonle, LVilliam H., salesman F. C. Blome, tary.<br />

bds. 13 Sproat.<br />

Boardman, Elijah D., commission merchant,<br />

Blomhof. Charles, teacher, 11. lS9 Fort e. 11. 15 Seveiith.<br />

Bloom, Henry, carman, h. 26 Eiglrteenth. Boardinan, H. J. (Gay, Boardman & Co.),<br />

Blooni, Henry, gilder, hds. 64 Howard. res. S en7 York.<br />

Bloolu, Henry ( Huss & Bloonl), bds. '71 Rus- Boardxi~am, 3lalclom D., commission mersell,<br />

cor. Fort.<br />

chant, Ids. 15 Seventh.<br />

Blooui, Jolin, laborer, h. 319 High. Boat, Charles, mason, h. 607 Seventh, n. w.<br />

Bloot~t, John, inilk peddler, h. w. s. Mount cor. Irving.<br />

Elliott ave., S. Gnttiot.<br />

Boaz, )lousitvery machinist, 11. 418 Fort e.<br />

Bloom, Jolln, jr., sailrllaker, 11. 55 Limburg. Bubsr, Joseph J., basketmaker, h. 158 Clin-<br />

Bloom, Jolln, sa~lmaker: h. 41 First.<br />

ton.<br />

Bloonl, Kc-lson. saill~iaker, 11. 23 Porter, Bock, Frederick, locksmith, h. 168 Russell.<br />

Blf toru, Oliver C., sailulaker, 11. 4'78 Sistl1. '8 .ck, 'I'lIeodore, woodcarver, h. 159 Abbott.<br />

Bloom, Hegina (wid: Kobert), 11.186 hlacornb. Bockheii11, Jolln, grocer, 56 Fort e.: cur.<br />

Bloom, Robert, ca binet~uaker, h. 236 Cululu- Benubien, h. sarlle.<br />

bia e.<br />

Bodde, C'aspar. tailor, h. '12 Sherman.<br />

Blooni, Silas, macllinist, bds. 41 First. Bode. Jolin, tanner, 11. 244 Mullett.<br />

Bloomer, A I let, barber sllop, '714 Michigan Rotlen, J olin, cr erk Firsc National Bank,<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

bds. Treluont House.


B ):lea. William, exprdss rnssengsr, h. 87 B )!in, Theod?re, tinsmith, bds. s. m. cor.<br />

E, iz;~l)~tll W.<br />

H.Lsc~!I~~ and Cittlrurine.<br />

B.)J;.n, LVilliitm, salesmzn, h. 11 Washing- B )!in, W~lli;im, lab:)rer, 11. 378 Croghan.<br />

ton uve.<br />

B ,hrer, ilznry, Ittbnrter, bls. Arnsrican Ho-<br />

Bdru tn, Janette (wi I.), h. 123 Lsf$~pette. tel, c w. Lwned an i Third.<br />

B ~ebjritz, John, m:~s->u, 11. 83.5 Chl=stnut. B~illetet, Joseph, s:onecuLter, h. 513 Con-<br />

Boabritz, Rachel (wid. Christopher), h. 497 gress e.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Boiasonneau, N. Joseph, shoemaker, h. 253<br />

Boebritz, William, lastmaker, bds. 497 Sixteen tlr.<br />

C rogllan.<br />

Boland, Franz, shoemaker, bds. 333 Chest-<br />

Br>eclrm Ln, Theodore, painter and glazier, nut.<br />

bda. H: )ward. nr. cor. Fourth.<br />

Boehlss, Jose;)h, laborer, 11. 241 BI~comb. I Boland. Henry, propr. Chicago House, 1<br />

Jefferson ave . lr. saine.<br />

Boallrn, August, beer peddler, 11. 149 Elm- Eo'and, Jo epli, h. 145 Maple.<br />

wood ave.<br />

Bolsud, Margaret (wid. John), h. 204 La-<br />

Bnehln, Charles, laborer, 11. 120 Twelfth. fayette.<br />

Ede!i~n. Emil, in4urance agznt, 46 hlonroe Bolund, Michael, laborer, h 384 Twelfth.<br />

ave., 11. 22.5 Bru-11.<br />

Boland, Peter. laborer, 11. 260 Croghan.<br />

B )ehm. G;?orge F., blilcBsn~i th, 11. 11 Irving. Bolanpr, Williani, carpenter, bds. 175 Du-<br />

Boeli~ne, miss Lin:~, teacher German-~1nel.i- ; bois.<br />

can Setuinury, bJs. 103 Russell.<br />

B ~lan, William, sailor, bds. Emmett<br />

Boellmer, Casper, watchmaker, bds. 271 Ma- House.<br />

comb.<br />

Bolding, R~bert (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

Bozhriier, John, cabinetmaker, h. 27 1 Ma- Hou5e.<br />

comb.<br />

B )ld!)n, Lafayette (col'd), cook. h. 232 Clin-<br />

Boehlllein, George ((3. & &I. Baehnlein) h. ton.<br />

22; L;tt:,~yet.te.<br />

B~lcls, Cllarles (col'd), bds. 130 Croghan.<br />

Boelinlei 11, Afichael (G. & nf. Boehnlein). Bolda. Eiizabet h (cul'd-wid. Samuel), h.<br />

bds. 227 Lafiiyet t#e<br />

130 Croglltln.<br />

Boellniein, (3 & M. (George and Michael Bolds, Jam~s (col'd), barber, h. Hastings, ab.<br />

Boehnleiu), walchm,tkers aid jeweiers, Gratiot.<br />

260 JetLrson ave.<br />

Boles, Jolin, clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Boell , Josepll, slroe~naker, bds. 295 Gratiot. Boles, Juhn, firr~er, h. Hasting, nr.<br />

Boen r~iogl~ausen, Hugo, bookkeeper, h. 201 Illinois.<br />

X izabet.11 e.<br />

Bolgzr, Dennis, candy store, 221 Michigan<br />

B:)nlliugiiausen, William, brewery, 285 ave., 11. same.<br />

Kusse~l, cor. ,Antfietanl, 11. saltre.<br />

Boiger, Jalues, baker, h. 33 Labrosse. '<br />

B )n~iinghause~~, Llrilliam, j r., Lre wer, bds. B.)lger, John. seaman, bds. 561 Seventh.<br />

2S$ Russell.<br />

Bolger, Pdtrick, grocery anJ bakery, 201<br />

BoepPle, J dm, slroemaker, h. 181 Fort e. Michigan ave., 11. same.<br />

Boerner, Cilarles J., wireworker, bds. n. e. Bolger, Patrick, sailor, h. 561 Seventh.<br />

cor. Alacomb a d H;tstin?s.<br />

Bolger, Robert, sailor, bds. 561 Seventh, nr.<br />

Boes, A~~biretv, tailor, 11. 5 Clinton.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Boes, Cllarles, vegetables, 34 <strong>City</strong> Hall Bolinger, John B., machinist, bds. 89 Conmarket,<br />

11. e. s. H'tstiaga, nr. Freulont. gress e.<br />

Boesly, Luuisa (wid. Kichard), 11 101 Marion. Bolio, Antoine, shoemaker, h. I66 St. An-<br />

Boectger, h1r.z. flr~derilia, 11. 322 Hastings. toi~je.<br />

Bue ttcher, kIenry, lastmuker, h. 517 Ma- Bolio, (iideon, carpenter, bds. Purdy's Hotel.<br />

colub.<br />

Bolio, Mrs. Mary, h. 546 Croghan.<br />

Bogel, kVilliam, laborer, h. 213 Calhoun. Bolitho, Mrs. FYilliam, h. 186 Second.<br />


--<br />



Office, 374 Caes Arelkne,<br />


(Take Woocl\vnrd A.ve. Cars to Henry St..)<br />


Boni~ilersllime, Ilc~nry, pl:~sterc.r, 11.17~5 P:I rk.<br />

Bonimc:rsl~inle. Jolln. l)lasttbi.er, 11. 51 0 Cubs<br />

BOS<br />

Borcllninn, Cll:~rles H., shcenlnker, G83<br />

IYooct llridge \v., 11. same.<br />

Boi chman, Otto, ~l~ot~n~aker, bc?s GS2 UTcodbi-idge<br />

w.<br />

Bordo, John, 1:iboser. bds. 5G Larn~cl ~v<br />

Uordn-e. 1, IV~rrt-n, actor, 11. 213 Catharine.<br />

Uorger, Rlartin, lal)orc~, 11.530 Orleans.<br />

Bc,ig111;1nil. Chtirles H., te;lcl~er ('linton .<br />

St I pet. Gel nlan Scllool, news depot and<br />

s~i~tiol~:~i~-, 192 R~n(!oll11, 11. 8 C~II~I(,~.<br />

Bo~~111;tnn. Martin V., Cllief of Police, h.<br />

49 31 i: conib.<br />

avcA., Let. C'llirt-lo1 tc: al~d Yrtt.1.1 ($1 o. Ror k, Jolln, 1 ds. 23 1 Brush.<br />

Bc .ne, Jol~n, \'itllli-llt~l', 11. 12.5 Grt'nd Ri~cr. Bor~~11last e~.,I,ouis, n~i~tcll tiipper: 11. Spring-<br />

B( ncl, (.'llai.lt*s C;., I;oclkkec.l!er, Lcls. 457 \Y(~!s, ii~d-an ;IYC~ , s. junc-tion.<br />

l\-o( (1 I V r~i ~ ~YV.<br />

Eor-n, (iodf I ey, laLorc:r, h. s. w. cor. Scott<br />

33011d. Il'illinn~ (Marcus Steve~s Sr C'o.), 11. and Decluil~dre.<br />

70 Higll.<br />

Born, Jt~c~,l). s;tlt~sman, 11. G LTTIIitne.<br />

Bond, \\ illiam S.. Alclcr~an Xinth Ward, Boi-n:~nua, Mthnry, carI)c.nter, 11. 203 Bron~on.<br />

1'1.inte1,ll. 287 Twei it]].<br />

Boi.nc~n~arl, C'asl er. l)lew\.cr, bds. 27s G~eatiot.<br />

Boi111, Pal lier (col'd), cooper, 11. 73 Fort e. 1301 iliilanil. Ilic dericll, 11. 234 ('rc 1gl1iin.<br />

Bonnalie, David. carllclnr er, 11. 2('S A1)bott. Borl~tl~it 1111, Fl ede~ick, printer, bds. 234 Cro-<br />

13onsalani. Lo~vnz. Iitbo; el-, 11. 2CO Mal~le. g11:111.<br />

Benvonlvoil., Alesander, wllil.suwjer, 11. Boi.nninnn, Henry, esFress messenger, h.<br />

323 I,:~fi~yette.<br />

152 l-ette. BOI II~II~I:~, J( lln. printer,11. 233 Tlnfa)-ette e.<br />

Boc;kLi~Ider, Adoll~ll, cnl lwater, h. 580 Borro\v~~lttn. Andl.e\c-, 1)hysiciitn i~nd sur<br />

(.rog11:111.<br />

geon, 310 Jttfi;.~ son :I re., 11. strale.<br />

BOOBS, \I-illiam H., saloon, 2 ll'ood~~ard Bo~.so~~ran, Jvhu N.: shocnlaker, 11. 233 Sisave.,<br />

11. s:~nle.<br />

teriitl1.<br />

Bockya, Louis. blaclismith~ 11-34 Jnp. Bortle, Ji~nles C.. carpenter. 11. 74 I\iaconlb.<br />

Broc jmer, PT i liaul &I., booklreeper, bds. 45 Bart le, J ( 1111 Ij. (Bwtle, Ed\vards Sr. Co,). res.<br />

Con2 rrss w.<br />

Ee\v 1-01 s.<br />

Boon, Freclerick, laborer, h. w. s. Williams B ~rtle, Ed\vwrds S: (lo. (John B. Bortle, Jolln<br />

a\-e , nett- city lililirs.<br />

S:cvc~ns, jr. i111d 13. lli!l Eti\vards), merliootli,<br />

Aliss A~~iia, drrssm:lker, bds ~v. s. cllandise ~~rokers, s. w. cor. \Vuudbri Jge<br />

Set (.nl11, rtcal' G~anci hivet-.<br />

an I Sltulbp<br />

Boor 11, Ail11 (\\*id. Jol~i~tllun), 11. vT. s. Sev- Bosburgli, James, clerk, bJs. Antisdel<br />

eilth, nezt1- C;ri~nd R~ver.<br />

Ho11se.<br />

Bootll. C1Iia~-les S., nlileon, 11. s. lv. cor. Bosel. J ilcob. carpenter, 11. 99 Brewster.<br />

Hunlboidt a\-e. and Batternut.<br />

B.)slla\\-, Fral~li, lake captain, 11. 21 Di-<br />

Bo;)tl~, Elisl~a G. (E'isl~e~., Uootlr & CO.), 11. vision.<br />

n. m. cot-. LI'ood\vard ave. and Henry. Br)ssclly, Francis, woodturner, h. 147 Sin th<br />

Booth, Frank A.. clerk. bds. 13icitile Ho~lse. ave.<br />

Eooth: .Jiiilles S., SecrI:tary of Puiice Board, Bossvn, Rachael (wid. James), 11. 433 Sev-<br />

11. 38 C'llerry.<br />

entll.<br />

Boorl~, \\'alter, clerk, bas. 88 Hoivtlrd. Boston, Ge~rge, sllipcarpenter, Ir. s. s.<br />

Bootllroyd, I

- -<br />

130s CITY DIRECTORY. BOY 127<br />

Bl~stwick & S )11 (Jor:l an:l .1 trnt?s B~stivick), B jnrns, I>ccr. Alfred F , pt~stor Jefferson ave.<br />

j nnl; sllolr. 105 \Iro:)clbritlge w.<br />

Ble~~iiodist Cl11lr(*ll. 11. 312 31 1111ett<br />

B )t;t~uer. Jitcol), teu~~lcter, 11. 330 C;~ll~oun. Bonrcl~iiu. Frederick, ~lliiclli~list, h. 122<br />

13 )tuni, Jnri~ri~e, painter. btls. 143 I3ronson. 1,evt.ret.t.<br />

B,)t:tni. Pet,rr, yaiiltei*. bds. 145 l3r1~11son. Bousc:~, E.Iysant,, 11. 283 Fran1i:in.<br />

B~tIlit~l~, J01111, laborer 11. 34:) L.1 rne;l e. Bonssquc~r, Frank, sai!ur, 11. o. 173 n. 179<br />

Bot.sford, Al;~nso~~. clerk, btfs. 163 1iow;trci. Ffii111ili11.<br />

B~tsford, Albert (S. & A. Ijotsford), h. 14 1 Bou.;iv:ire. Frederick, carpenter, bds. Fourth,<br />

( !(I ngress w.<br />

near 'i'uscolit.<br />

BOTS FOR D, H.1RVEY W., general agent Bent e! j e. E~vazer, second-hand clothing, 24<br />

Plloe:~is Jlutual Life 1nsur;tnce Comprlny, Fort e., 11. sa : e.<br />

office 40 Litrn -tl w., bda. Howard Htjuse. Boil tell, ,4lesancler A., booklreeper; h. 41<br />

Botsti)rd. Smicl; (3. S: A. Bot.sfurd), h. 144 R.ladis!)n ave.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Boutt. Paul, engineer, h. 8'77 Sherman.<br />

Botst'ord, 8. & A. (Srnit,h and Albert Bots- Boutt, Petrr, laborer, 11. 877 Sllr~riuau.<br />

torti coluruission luerchants, feu t Ssc- Buvret, Jest.c.r, cigarmaker, 11. i 9 Rlontonci.<br />

c:tlln e.<br />

Bottiuo, Louis, rag peddler, h. 246 'CTThit,- Bc~w, Isabella (n-id. John), 11. 4 Lewis.<br />

11ey.<br />

Bow, J; nies, carl~enrer, bds. 4 emis is.<br />

B;)ttl(?? TIenry E., harnessm:~ker, 145 Grand B.)w. Jolln, stotic~cuttt+r, bds. 4 Lewis.<br />

Kiver, 11. S;LIII~.<br />

Bow.doin, Joseph, cilbinetlllalier, h. 98 Har-<br />

B~llclrer, Biltterfield, saloon, 367 G~atiot, 11. risoil are.<br />

29.1 ,\lontc;illu. e.<br />

Bo\v.c.ii, (Illarles C. (D. 31. Ferry & Co.!, h.<br />

B UC~WP, Feiis, te:irnster, 11. 340 Clllene. 55 1 CZI 9s' ve.<br />

BOUC~~~P, I,ot~is, helper, 11. 304 C.)ngress e. Bowrn, (ieorge 11.: snleslnan. bds. I9 FTig11.<br />

Boixcllc:r, Selsou. teamster, 11. 413 ;\l~lllrtt. B,)\ve11, 1-lt~rbert, law stuJent, bJs. o. 59 n.<br />

Bouclii-r, Peter. c:trl)e~tc:r, 11 (i01 L~rueJ e. 83 C'ol~gress w.<br />

B[)uchvr, S~r:iplii~~, 11. 16 1 Rifq~cbl le. Bo n-en, 5 t ,1111, clrrli. bds. American House.<br />

I3ouclle:, IViiliam P., prin~er, bds. GO1 Lar- Bon.en, bfic:lasl (fletiroa S: Co.), h. 2u0 Secnvd<br />

e.<br />

I :nd.<br />

Bouciteiin. Alrsander, cooper, 229 Adams Boivcbr, Charles, laborer, bds. 141 SerenavtB.<br />

e.. 11. s;tiue.<br />

trt-n t.11.<br />

13 ,up, Denis (Sutton & Co.), 11. 101 Grand Bo\vers, Charles, lab.~rer, 11. 15s Seven-<br />

131\-er.<br />

tt?strtll.<br />

Bongliton, William, salesaan, bas. 71 Bower, I'l'il!iam TV., drauglltsman M. C.<br />

Be:~ubir~n.<br />

R. It., 11. 174 Porrer.<br />

Boul ter, St,el)hen, 11. 239 Fourrh.<br />

Bowler. Ed ward. blaclrs~nii h, bds. Atwater,<br />

Bouitv~, IVilli ,xn, boot an:] sl~ot: rnnn~~fact bet. Ku+sc.ll uud 1iioj)ellc..<br />

urer, 123 Grand Kiver, h. 83 2ida1ll~ i~ve. Bowit-r, Henry (c ,I'd), nuson, h. 121 Crowest..<br />

.gl~;tn.<br />

B:JuI., Augl~stns D., shoenlaker, 23 Michigan Bowler, Henry, jr. (co;'d), mason, hds. 121<br />

ave.. 11. 267 Fort e.<br />

Cropllnn.<br />

Bour, Jacob, zu:tson, 11. O. 496 n. 546 Fort e. Boivler, 'I'holllaa, porter M. S. R. R., 11. 447<br />

Bour, closepl~. bods and shoes, 231 2ef- 'l'welftll.<br />

erson avr., 11. sa111e.<br />

Boivles, Joseph, clerk U. S. pension office, H.<br />

Boux beau, Cl~ar!es, painter, 11. G29 Larned w. s. 'l'lri rd, bet. Tuscols and Li bertp.<br />

east.<br />

R:)wlnan, John S., engineer, 11. 173 Eiglith.<br />

Bourb,)nnais, Glode, house servant, bds. 573 Bow~lian, Willialu, tlleasurelnaker, bds.<br />

Congrees e.<br />

Jefferson ave., S. \I.. COY. Mot~nt El iioxtt aT7e.<br />

Bourd~in, John B : l~orseslioeing, 53 Michi-<br />

gan ave., 11. 84 i\lticollib.<br />

Boiz~get, Jo-epl), yaiuter, 11. 54.5 Fort e.<br />

Bourgeois, Henry, grocery and saloon, 211<br />

SL. Aubin ave., 11. sutne.<br />

Bourgr), Ed ward, la borrr, h. GS Porter.<br />

B.)ul.i;e. J., c!et k, bds. 'I'rrmorlt House.<br />

BL, UltB E. OLLVELi, \vholcsa!c? liquor dealer.<br />

100 Jerirsou ave., 11. 2S Madison uve.<br />



- -<br />

NJ3W YOISIC I Bradley, Anna, vestmaker, bds. l6G Woodward<br />

are.<br />

Bradley, Benjamin F., builder, 11. o. 56 n.<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.000.000 64 Howard.<br />

DAILY CASH IKCOJIE, $1 5,000<br />

Bradley, Gilbert, cigarmaker, bds. 801 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

SOLON NcEI.ROY, Rlii~~iiger and Agency Snpt., E:.ndley, John, bricklayer, h. 703 Maconlb.<br />

Pe~~insnlnr Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Bradie?, hlrs. I,ucy, h. 236 Tllird.<br />

Bradley, RLt~rr.in, teamster, 11. 108 Porter.<br />

Boyd, Margaret (wid. Daniel), 11. lG1 Cass. ~radlg~; hlicbael, tnllnsrer, 11. 208 Porter.<br />

E~gd, Robert (colored), bricklayer, h. 274 Bradley, Patrick, laborer, 11. 2( 5 Sistll.<br />

Park.<br />

Bmdley, Theodore F., clerk, bds: Goodman<br />

Boyd, Sarah (colored, wid. Robert), bds. 274 House.<br />

Park.<br />

F;:.adley, Warren, clerk, h. 291 Miclljgan<br />

Boydell, Jobn, pain* s, oils and glass, 100 ave.<br />

Eandoll,h, bds. GO Beauhien.<br />

Bradlow. Frederick. miller, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Boy dell, John (colorecl). carpenter, bds. n. Fourth and Cedar.<br />

w. cor. Ollio and Watson.<br />

Eradlotv, J ulil~s, carpenter, h. Crawford, s.<br />

Bopdell, Philip John, sr.. night watchman, w. cor. Bingl1am.<br />

11. n. .rv. cor. Ohio and Waison. Brad~tret~t~~ Improved Merctrn-<br />

Boydsll. Williilm, clerk, bds. 8.5 Larned e. tiie Ape~lcy, s. w. cor. J.*fferson ave.<br />

Bovlan, James N., sewing inachiue agent, and Grishvold. Head office 241 E:oadway,<br />

115 Bates, h. 549 bVoodtrard are.<br />

Ken- York. (See ndv.)<br />

B9y ie. Bitrtllolome\~~. tanner, h. 107 TI\-elfth. Brady, Alfred, laborer, 11. 359 Nineteenth.<br />

Bo-yle, Cat.harine (wid. PH~Y~B), h. n. e. cor. Brady. C'harles J.. carpenter, 11. 106 Rivard.<br />

Harrison ave. and Myrtle.<br />

Brz~dy, Charles W., engineer, h. 496 Lafiy-<br />

Bople, Daniel, engineer, bds. Perkins' Hotel. ette.<br />

Boyle, John (Boyle & Bro~.), h. 229 Thir- Brady, Frederick P., salesman, bds. Treteent.11.<br />

nlont Honse.<br />

Boyle, John, boilermaker, h. o. 403 n. 320 Brady. Geo~ge N. (Bradj- S: Co.), h. 142 Con-<br />

Catharine.<br />

gress e.<br />

Boyle. John A., clerk K. C. Barker & Co., bds. Bradp, H. P., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

o. 59 n. 77 Baker.<br />

Brady, James, carpenter, 11. 211 Guoin.<br />

Boyle, John D., moulder, h. 229 Tl~irteen- Hrady, James, hucknlall, bds. 37 Cass.<br />

and a-half.<br />

Braa y. John, carpen;tJr, h. 62 Chestnut, bet.<br />

Boyle,Robert (Bople & Bros.), 11.133 Clif%)rd. Hiol~elle and Orlc.ai 3.<br />

Boyle, William (Boyle gE Bros.), 11.270 ;Teffer- Brady, John, filren~an cart enter-shop D. &<br />

son ave.<br />

M. It. R., 11. $0 Cllestnut.<br />

Boyle & Bros.), John, Robert, and 'S7'illiam Erady, John, saddler, 6 Aliclligan aye., bds.<br />

Boyle), iron works, n. e. cor. Fourth and Gocbdnlan House.<br />

Congress.<br />

Brady. hf ra. (wid. Samuel P.), h. 360 Jeffer-<br />

Boynton, Albert G., attorney, 2 Butler's son ave.<br />

block, U riswold, 11.44 .Bag.<br />

Bradp, Pat rick. peddler, 11.6G7 Niclligan aye.<br />

Bozviseluch: Thomas, tailor, 11. 27 Silver. Brady, Preston (Br2dy 8r Co), 11. 30 Hussell.<br />

Brabean. Michael, carpenter, 11. 364 Cllene, Brady, Thomas, laborer, h. n. s. Canfield,<br />

bet. Maple and Cllestnu;.<br />

near Ninth a\-e.<br />

Brabier, Frank, machinist, h. 66 Mullett. Brady, \VaIlace, clerk, bds. 360 Jefferson ave.<br />

Erabyn, Mrs. Susan, 11. 19G Chene.<br />

Brady, \FTilll:in1, house mover, 11. 308 Cass<br />

Brace, William H. (Ivm. Phell~s (SZ Co.), h. aye.<br />

49 Miami ave.<br />

Brady, & Co. (George N. and Pre;ton<br />

Bracht, John, tailor, h. 309 Marion.<br />

Brad?-), comnlission merchants, Soot of<br />

Bradel, cigar manufacturer, 19 Woc:dtvard ave.<br />

Miami ave., h. same.<br />

Braetmeier, Oeorge, laborer, bds. with<br />

Braden, John, macl~inist, 11. 707 Lafayetie e. George Birill~aiui~, s. s. Grati t., bet.<br />

Bradford, John F., salesman, bds. 91 Michi- Mount Elliott and Ellnwood a ve's.<br />

gan aye.<br />

Braghtt, George, laborer, 11. 258 T.rvelttl1.<br />

Bradford, John L., bookkeeper, 11. 54 Henry. Braijoncy, Frede~ick, tanner, bds. MTashing-<br />

Bradford, Walter H., painter, h. 180 Na- ton House, Woodbridge w.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Brat)], Simon, laborer, 11.137 D:vision.<br />

Bradish, Lysander, carpenter, bds. 326 Cass Brammall, Peter, blacksmith, 11.391 Juliette.<br />

ave.<br />

13ralnn1e, kleury. 1)laclrs~~itll. 11. 391 Julie~te.<br />

Bradish, Lysnnder S., porter, B. 326 Cass Bran, Christopher, carpedter, bds. 375<br />

ave.<br />

Sevenieen I 11.<br />

B~adley, Andrew J., engineer, h. GS Bation- Branbach, Elermann J., h. 53 Michigan<br />

a1 ave.<br />

(jrrand ave.


Brand, Charles R.. painter. n. w. cor. Bates Brazel, Thomas, h. 235 Croglian.<br />

and Larned, 11. G'7 Monroe ave.<br />

Brazer, John, carpente r, bdb. 210 Hastings.<br />

Brand, Jacob. carpenter, 11. 53 Columbia e. Brazier, Daniel, sliil~carptinter, 11. s. e. cur.<br />

Brand, Jacob (E. hlalsh gE CO.), 11. 4O Colum- Franklin and \I-alker.<br />

bia w.<br />

Br;tzincton. Mary (wid. James), boarding,<br />

Brand, Meno, plasterer, bds. 208 Park. h. 103 Lariled w.<br />

Brand, Theresa (wid. C11a rles) h. 208 Park. Breuklioff, Frank, laborer, bds. Humboldt<br />

Rrandaw, August., bla ck*mitli, 11.41 5 Fort e. ave.<br />

Brando, Annrew, moulder, 11. 425 Fort e. Brean, Patrick, laborer, h. 129 Beech.<br />

Brando, Augustus, bla(.ksn1itll, h. 413 Fort e. ]

BRE<br />




DETROl2'. - JlIC'fiIGdN.<br />

Brennan, Edward, boilermaker, h. 55<br />

Adarils ave. e.<br />

Brennan, Edn-ard, grocer, 160 Grand River,<br />

11. S-1 Bdanls aye. w.<br />

Br ennan, Jallies, 11. 55 Adams aye e.<br />

Brennan, Janies, 11. 63 Fifteenth.<br />

Brennan, 1\Ii.;;sc?s (Kate and Snrali Brenn.tii),<br />

liai r \vork, IS3 ll'ood \~irrd nve.<br />

Brt.n:~er, Antoll, blaclrsmi t11, bils. 291 Ciintoll.<br />

Brttnni nq. John, mi ;ler. b:ls. An tisrlel Hq~zse.<br />

Brent, Fr.~ncis, co;~p,.r,iu.tll, 11. 375 Szventeen<br />

th.<br />

Brron, Cliarles, carpenter, 11. s. w. cor.<br />

Nort.11 and DI.qtzindre.<br />

Rresil!~, Elias, illason, 11. 333 Nigh.<br />

Bresler, Ado1 plius. tw nnery, rear 363 Tliirteent.11,<br />

11. 1.50 Congress e.<br />

Bresler, Charles, buolilieeper, bds. 140 Con-<br />

gress e. u<br />

Brennan, Junirs, blaclisnlir 11, h. Larned, Breslvr, Eoais (I. Altman & Co.). res. New<br />

bet. First i~nd Second.<br />

1-ork.<br />

Brennau, James, boilerniaker, 11. 125 Plun~. Bresslin, Frank J., coufectioner, h. 'ill La-<br />

Breunan, Janies (Brennan Sr Brothers), 11. fayette.<br />

100 Jliclligan aye.<br />

Bresniih:~n, Cornelius, laborer, 11. 203 Porter.<br />

Brennan, Jerellliah, laborer, 11. 307 Frank- Brrsn:illan, Cornell ~zu, laborer, 11. 273<br />

lin.<br />

Figlltll.<br />

Brennan, John, b-oilern~:\l;er 194, 196 and Bresni~ 1l:tn. Cornelius, ash peddler, 11. 440<br />

108 Lamed I\-., 11. $1 15on-ard.<br />

Be:l nl)ic+n.<br />

Bren I~ZIII, John, c:lr.l)e~~ter, 11. 39 Palmer. Brr~n;iliun, Jereni'ah, laborer, h. 120<br />

Brr~lnn~l, Jolln, laborer, h. o. 2-19 n. 265 Sei-en cli, cor. 1,;~brosse.<br />

FranIrliri.<br />

Bn~ssnallan, Alicllae!, blacli~mitl1, h. 503<br />

Brmnan, Jclin, plasterer, 11. 64 9daus ave. Lamed t..<br />

\vtast.<br />

Bresnahan, Morris, labo er, h. G93 hiiclligan<br />

Brennnn, J:)hn, \vatcllman lake survey, 11. ave.<br />

on tioverniuelit dock, rear Alarine lioq~i- Bresnatlan, Timothy, laborer, h. 15 Gristiil.<br />

\v1 )Id.<br />

Erenuan, Jnse;>ll, carpenter, 11. 217 Ciinton. Brrtllour, Jolln, c:\binetinalier, bds. Lar-<br />

Bren nun. Miss Kate (,\iis?es Urennan), h. 183 ned. s. uT. cor. 1311z-11.<br />

\Yo~~d\varJ ;I ye.<br />

Bh.1 t, Btrqji~l~lia, sailor, 11. 231 Frnnlr in.<br />

Brennan, ~Iilr~iret (wid. D~nnis;, h. 41: Uretz, Anton (A. Uretz & Co.), h. 179<br />

Adallis ave. e.<br />

Grat iot.<br />

Brennan, Alary (wid. Thomas), h. S2 Lnr- Bretz, Joseph, engineer, 11.248 Fort e.<br />

ned e.<br />

Bretz, Ilouis, carpt-nter. ids. 3-46 Fort e.<br />

Bren nan, Michael, clerk, bds. 154 3!liclligan Bretz, A., Yr Co. (A111 011 Ijrntz and Jol111 Shroeave.<br />

der). groci+ries, 197 Gr'utic)t.<br />

Brennan, Michael, boilermaker, h. 125 Brrrzler, Joreph, slloeliiaker, bds. Green<br />

Pi urn.<br />

Tree I-louse.<br />

Brenuan, Michael, laborer. h. 555 Congress Rrse, Josepll, painter, 11 124 Sil\-er.<br />

east.<br />

Brew, John, ciganilalrer, bds. 1S3 C!ierry.<br />

Brennan, Lawrence, laborer, 11. 144 Larned Brew, 3licliae1, painter, 11. S2 Ciierry.<br />

ea3t.<br />

Bl.e\ve, Jolln, tailor, 11. 513 Crogli:\~i.<br />

Brsuniln. Patrick (Brennan Bros.), bds. 190 Brewsrer, James E., grocer, o. 216 n. 210<br />

Micliigan ave.<br />

Woodward ave, 11. S Miami are.<br />

Brennan, P;itriclr, foreman for Hendrie -& Brewster, Mary 35. (wid. LfTilliam), 11. SO<br />

Co., 11. 333 Lnrned e.<br />

Adan~s avn. w.<br />

Brenuur~, Piltriclr, ~ilii klnau. h. Woodward J?re\\->ter, W illianl A., deputy collector inare.,<br />

bet. toll gate aad 12. It.<br />

ternal revtAnue, bdu. w. s. Shelby, near<br />

B~-e~lnan, Peter, grtlcer, 803 Sistli, 11. same. CI ~ngress ur.<br />

Brennan, Peter (Dee & Brc~nnan). plasterers, Brei\-sot-r, \Ynl. F. (Brewster & Co.), bds. SO<br />

11. S. e. cor. P~I.SIJ~S :\li(l Class a\-8.<br />

Sdailrs ave. w.<br />

Brennarl. 3li.s Sarah (8lisses Erennan), h. Brtt\vster 8~ Co. (Willit~m F. Brewster and<br />

183 Woc idward are.<br />

Get )rge Srandard). ~nercllandise brokers,<br />

Bre~inan, 'l'llomas, laborer, h. 143 Seren- o. 10 11. 14 1,arlird w.<br />

teenth.<br />

Bricliti~, Joseph, machinist, bds. 20 Michigan<br />

Bren~rarl, fT.Tillianl, cooper, h. 87 Sildey. ;tve<br />

Brennan, lViiliar11. a. crrocer~es, l>~o~-isiolis and Bricl~ter. Frank, labver, h. n. e. cor. Sulliliqllors,<br />

333 dlic.11gai1 ave., b. 831 Wichl- van ii\-e. ant1 L3~iiubiufi.<br />

gall :lye.<br />

R~.ic.i~tri, F~it~lk, l;~i)orc:r, 11. e. S. Hnniboldt<br />

Brennan Bros. (Jatiles, Decnis and Patrick aye.. 111. Butternut.<br />

Brenntm), dry goods, 190 Dlichigan ave. Brick, Chistian, laborer, bds. 98 Dequindre.


Brirkner, Cllarles, l~olicei~liitl~, 11. 184 Lafuy- Briscne, Josel)ll A., sec'y Michigan Bolt and<br />

et te.<br />

Sut Co.. 11. 112 Rivalad.<br />

Bricliner, Edward, lastlllalier, 11. 2C5 Wllit- Bl.is~oe, Willia~u, ~aloen, 201 Gratiot, h.<br />

nrg.<br />

+i\ 111e.<br />

Bridge, David, blaclismith, bds. n. e. cor. Ijri>coe, WilIiam E., salesman, h. 34 D~zf-<br />

Sisth ;I nd Wood bridge.<br />

Et-ld.<br />

Bridge, David, saluon, 296 MToodbridge w., Brisebois, Ambrose, warehouseman, 11.59 Or-<br />

11. satlie.<br />

1e:lns.<br />

Bridgv, Ebenezcr J., gardener, bds. cur. Fre. B1.i -ebf)is, Am brose, laborer, h. n. s. Rlullett,<br />

~nollt i~nd 13eaubit.n.<br />

e. ('anipau ave.<br />

Eridge, Henr?., n~acliinist, 11. 388 Third. Breslill, Frank F., pastry cook Rlichigan Es-<br />

Br;tlgr, Hr11l.y P.. co~linlis+il~n ~~icbrcllunt, 2 ~llallgt?, kls. Siilllt?.<br />

13 nrtl Trade bui'dii~g, 11. 116 (Iq)npl-c*ss e. Bristal~, J~inia~s, butcher. 209 lVood\rard<br />

l3ri(lge, Joll~?, bluclisn~iill, bds. $8 lio\vti~d. ave., brls. (ioo:lnran /It )use.<br />

Bridge. J0>1~, 11, pilciener, h cur. I~t~moat I31.istol. Charles L , ulerchunt~, 11, 15 Elizaaild<br />

l3eaubic-11.<br />

bet lr e.<br />

Bridge, \Yillialn, u1acl1ini>t7 11. 236 IYood- Bristol. Egbert L. (Ilwnchester & Bristol),<br />

L1.1dge w.<br />

btls. Ii nseil House.<br />

Bridgrii~an, Pnt rick. laborer, 11. 101 Fifth. Bristol, Hr~lry 1, , mrpenter, bds. n. m. cor.<br />

Bric.brc.11, Arldrew, cal licllter, 11. 11. s. 5ller- Seventli a~lcl IIo~vard.<br />

man. bet E111lwt t~d uutl J OS. C;i1111)i111 ;IV(+S. Bristol, Jacob, (J. B. Fox Ss Co.), bds. 8<br />

Briellleisrer, Helmunn, tailor, h. 206 Cro- 1,afllyette.<br />

g11 a n.<br />

Breisto!, J'tmes, clerk, bcls. S Lafiiyette.<br />

BI ielneister, John, \n~gonmalier, bds. 206 Bristol, J~lul I. I)., insurance agent, bda. 15<br />

CrogJl~rl<br />

l3lizubetli e.<br />

Brietot, John, carpenter, 11. St. Ailtoine, nr. Brisr o\v, Jo! ~n, laborer, 21.01 Woodbridge,<br />

\Yi,lii~~s.<br />

cur. I

BRO BRO<br />

NEFV YOIC'lE< 1 Bror ,ks, James. liil uors wholesale, 54 Uich 1<br />

L66@ Fn8gsenice - Gom~~en~~ itran uve.. 11. 34 Piirk Place.<br />

~r~jks, JIII~~, clerk, bds. ,,nney7s .,el.<br />

ASSETS, . . . . $13,000,000 Brooks, Jol111, laborer, bds. 165 Fort tv.<br />

DAILY CASH IKCUJIE, $13,000 Brooks, John, laborer, 11. w. s. Twenty-<br />

-..<br />

fourth. bet. Rlvrtle and :tIavnolia.<br />

SOLOX DIcELROF, illruiiger and Agency Sopt., Brooks, John, mi~clliais t, 11. 7d Harrison ave.<br />

Peninwlar Bank Roilding, DETROIT, MICH. Bfi)ok'k'i John, machiuist, bds. 10k Catharine.<br />

Broderick. John, lpkkeeper, 21. 94 Park. Brooks. John G., moulder, bds. 3-27' Second.<br />

Brodie, FVillianl, physician, s. w. cor. La- Brooks, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 736 Twencyjayette<br />

ave. and Slielby, 11. satne.<br />

fourtll.<br />

Brodi?, Hugh, clerk, hi. C. E. R., h. 304 Brooks, Louisa (wid. Edwin), h. o. 269 n.<br />

Fort w.<br />

I 34:) Miclligan ave.<br />

Brodkorb, TvVilliam, grocer, h. 615 Hast- Brook*, Nrcthi~lliel FY. (Brooks & A.dams), h.<br />

mgs.<br />

233 Fort w.<br />

BroJy, Henry. sailor. h. 94 Division. Brooks, Samuel, machinist, lr. 185 Henry.<br />

Broe, iVillizru1, sawyer, h. 149 Atwater, cor. Brooks, Samuel B., carriagemaker, h. 870<br />

Jos. Catupau ave.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Broeg, Mas (Gruenewald & Broeg), h. 48 Brooks. Satlluel B., sole leather cutter, bds.<br />

Clle~t~i~t.<br />

11 hliatni z~ve.<br />

Bwlll, Joseph, cigarmaker, bds. Hotel Er- Brooks, S. Iluniel, carriage maker, h. 268<br />

ici~sen.<br />

Fift 11.<br />

Broker, Josepll,coppersmi tli, h. 21 1 Labrosse. 1 Brooks, Supplin D., carriagemaker, h. 21<br />

Br,)luley, Orrill B., st~ilur, bds. 1'78 Harribon John K.<br />

ilve.<br />

Brot~lrs, Wiflinrn, cabinetmaker, 11 Larned<br />

Brornley, William. furniture and crockery, e., 11. Spri~lg~~~ells.<br />

47 Allcl~igan uve., h. 32 S,)roat.<br />

Bro ~ks, LVil1ia111 ll., laborer, bds. 349 Fifth.<br />

Broxuuler, Charles, c;onfecciouer, 112 Ran- BROOKS St -4DXAlS (Natllaniel kV. Bro,)ks<br />

dolph, 11. saiue.<br />

and F~~ncis Adatus), i ulu ber nliinfrs.,<br />

Brondilaz, Miss Hattie, dresemalrer, h. 170 FVoodbridge w., fb ,t Thirteel~tll. (Sce adv).<br />

Marion.<br />

Broolubuller, James, saloon, h. 718 Wood-<br />

Brouner, James, gilder, bds. Mullett, n. w. bridge \v.<br />

cor. Orlea~ls.<br />

Broplly, Tilomas, clerk, bds. 51 Griswold.<br />

Brollson, 13. Fioyd (Bronson & Baer), bds. 2 Broq uet, Daniel, drz~yinan, 11.352 1,-~fayette.<br />

Adams are. w.<br />

Broyuet, Franz, 11. 379 Orletins.<br />

Bro~lson. H. F., Major U. S. A., 21. S. s-, Ade- Broqut:~, John, teamster, bds. cor. Sherman<br />

laide, bet. Jolln 1C. and Woodward ave. aud 1Civard.<br />

Brouson, Jay, bl ueiug luau ulacturer, 179 Broquet, Jo.ieph, drayman, h. 3G0 Cathar-<br />

\Yood wtird ave., bds. Purdy 's Hotel. ine.<br />

Bronson, Mary (wid.). bds. 2 Xdallls ave. w- Broyuet, Joseph, lastmaker, bds 360 Or-<br />

BHOS SO&, kU SSELL. undertakvr, 98 and leans.<br />

94 Larued w., bd3. Howard House. (SCL: Brosnallam, Cornelius, fireman, bds. 149<br />

a&& .)<br />

1'1 u111.<br />

Brunbon, William H., cashier E. B. \.7'ard, Brosnallam, Daniel, laborer, h. 149 Plltrn.<br />

h. 2 Adaurs ave. w.<br />

Brassard, A iilab, laborer, h. n. s. Miclligan<br />

Brotlsurl & Baer (B Floyd Bronson and Cor- ave., city lilnits.<br />

nelius T. Uaer), Excelsior ice cream yur- Brossard, Hubert, wooddealer, h. 239 Sevlors,<br />

846 Ltluodward ave.<br />

enth.<br />

Bruakuer, Frederick, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Brossilrd, Louis, laborel*. h. 210 Franklin.<br />

Hasiings arld Fort.<br />

Urosso. Freeluau, shipcarpenter, h. 160<br />

uri,oks, l5,~jauliu I)., letter carrier, h. 227 Franklin.<br />

Secoud.<br />

Brossy, Francis, bds. 62 Randolph.<br />

Brouks, David W. {Robinson & Brooks), h. Urossy, Louis, French dyer, 62 %andoIyh, h.<br />

479 LVoodward ave.<br />

saiue.<br />

Brooks, Edward, bookkeeper, h. 6 i Pros- Brotller, Albert, blacksmith, h. 26 Alichigan<br />

pec t.<br />

ave.<br />

Bruuks, Frank, tobacconist: bds. Twenty- Bror her, John, mouldingmaker, bds. 6s Larfourth,<br />

bet. As11 and Hu~~boldt ave. nvd e.<br />

Brooks, George, patent righc agent, h. Brothers of the Christ.ian Schools, 128 bla-<br />

41'7 tiuoin.<br />

coln b.<br />

Bruolis, Hellry G., saloon, 55 Clinton, h. Srotllerston, Thomas, blacksmith, 11. w. s.<br />

sii~ue.<br />

S~venth, bet. Baker and Michigan are.<br />

Brooks, Jacob, laborer, 11. Ohio, near St. An- l31.0 LLLCII~, A1 rs. Cla~l~arine, vt~getahes, 31 <strong>City</strong><br />

toine.<br />

Hall market, h. 127 ~Uamub.


- --<br />

Bi0~3e. FreJuiicG, texnster, 11. 103 FiT- Brn~t-n, Henry B., iron moulder, bds. 348<br />

tc.c.11~11.<br />

Ilarrison ave.<br />

Brow, Andrew J. (Dam, Brow & Ce), 3 Cot- Brown, Henry B. (Yewberry, Pond &<br />

tage Wow, Elizabeth w.<br />

Brown), 11. 63 l Jefferson nve.<br />

Br.~w, George, engineer G. T. R., bds. 13 Brown, Herlry C., laborer, h. 311 Fifteenth.<br />

Sibleg.<br />

Brown, Henry D., lake captain, h. 63 How-<br />

Brow, J 011x1, sawyer, alley rear 11. cor. How ard.<br />

arJ un.1 b'l)urtatentll.<br />

Brown, Henry H.. 11.109 First.<br />

Brow, CVillisul H., blaclismith, h. 387 Rlich- r~rown, Henry AI., j r. clerk, bds.410 Cass ave.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Brown, Hiram, vessel captain, h. 920 J ef-<br />

Brown. Alden, salesillan, bds. 243 Wood- fersoa.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Brown, Jacob (J. Brown & Co.), h. 42 Eliza-<br />

Brown, Alesander K., mou!der, h. 120 DLI- bet tl e.<br />

bois.<br />

Brown, James, barber, 11. '7G Mac~rnb ave.<br />

Brown, Amos, nlillivriglit, 11. 475 Lnrned e. Uron-11, James, butcher, bds. o. 315 n.<br />

13ro\~n, Arthur, carpenter, bJa. 371 Fif- 353 (irund River.<br />

trelith.<br />

Brown, Janles 11.. passenger agent L. S. and<br />

Brown. Augustus E'., shoemaker, 11. 439 St. hi. S. K. K., Alerrill BL:)clr, 11. e. cor. Jef-<br />

An toilie.<br />

son and 1V00dwilrd aves., 11. 47 Siblry.<br />

Bro ivn, Charles, l alier, 11. 319 Hastings. Brown, James, snloonkeel)er, 189 Wood-<br />

Brown, Cliarles. fireluun, bds. 316 Frau1;lin. bridge w., bds Cass Hotel.<br />

Brown, C'llnries (col'd), sleeping car janitor, Brown, Jumes, sawyer, bds. 533 St. An-<br />

11. 282 Clinton.<br />

toi~le.<br />

Brown, Clltirles I-I., druggist, 121 Woodward Brown, James (colored), waiter, h. 96,Cath-<br />

:rve, 11. 69 G)i=orge.<br />

arine.<br />

Brown, Cl1arlt.s fl., drug clerk, h. 293 Ran- Brown, James, sexton First Baptist Church,<br />

dolpl~<br />

11. 328 Ca:. *S avs.<br />

Browu, Charles H.. salesman, bds. G9 Gwrge. Browu, Jaiiics A., physician, 39 Lafayette<br />

Bro\vn, Cllaries H. painter, h. 34G Ninth are.. 11. same.<br />

aye.<br />

Bro\\?ll, Jaines D., fruits and candies, front<br />

Br:)wn, JIrs. C. H., music teacher, h. 293 new Cicy Hall, h. 24s Kandolph.<br />

Eaddolpl~.<br />

Brown, James F., car builder, bds. 325 Con-<br />

BI own, Clesson L., oysters and groceries, 4G grthss w.<br />

Jficlligun are., 11. sii~uc.<br />

Bruw11, James J., <strong>City</strong> Attorney, bds. 80<br />

Brdwu, ~'ullen, saddl~r, G illichigan ave., Farray..<br />

11. 4-lt.2 \Vood wu1.d ave.<br />

Browrl, James S., reat market, Locust, bet.<br />

Brow.a, I)aniel, nieclianic, bds. Cass House. Ninth ave. il~d National ave., h. 87 Nit-<br />

Brown, JA~iiir~, tai,or, 11. o. 42 n. 60 Sec.,lld. \ tional aye.<br />

Brown, Llilciel B., Deputy Counr~ Clerk, h. Brown, Jaiues W. (colored), waiter Michi-<br />

159 l4 our~ll. I gan Esc;~anpe, bds. same.<br />

Brown, I)ilvi.,l, butcher, o. 315 n. 352 Bro\vn, Julln (Bro~c-u & Co.), 11. 80 Farrar.<br />

Ural~cl K~ver.<br />

Brown, Jolrn, butcher, bds. o. 31s n 352<br />

Brown, i)z~vid, laborer, 11. 261 Bcaubien. Grad Hiver.<br />

Brown, Edward. peddler, h. 385 Lasalle Brown, Julin, laborer, h. n. ~v. cor. Michiaye.<br />

gan and Ninth ares.<br />

Brown, Francis, laborer, bds. 385 Congress Brown, John, laborer, bds. 672 Cass ave.<br />

west.<br />

Brom-n, John, laborer, h. 167 Beech.<br />

Brown, Frederick (Brown 8c Brother), h. Brown, Johrl,sawj-er, h. n. w. Lor. Webster<br />

Beaubien, 11. e. tor. blacoiub.<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Brottrn , Ge01.gt.: c;~ rpen te I-, 11. 78 Baker. 3rown, John, machinist, b. 46 Lewis.<br />

131.o\\+n, George, laburer, h. 515 tIustings. Brown, Johii, m~son, h. 15 Sational ave.<br />

Brown, George, porter, bds. 287 \Vatson. Brown, John, printer. 11. $9 Fort e.<br />

Bro\vn, George, porter, 11. 178 Llrtltson. Brown, John ri., barber, 159 Woodward<br />

Brown, George (colored), sailor, n. w. cor. ave, h. '76 blacomb aye.<br />

Ciruve and fiasti~~gs.<br />

Brown, Joiin C., accountant, h. 0. 111 n.<br />

B~oivn, George F., clerk, bds. 347 Sistll. 125 Cli,iorcl.<br />

Brown, George H., shoeulaker, Lds. 60 Brown, John F., blacksmith, h. BG Twelfth.<br />

Larued w.<br />

Brown, John F., laborer, bds. 325 Congress<br />

Browli, George H., teamster, h. 23 Kine- west.<br />

tee11 t11.<br />

Brown, John Frederick, shoemaker, h. 291<br />

Bro\~u, tiiles L., fruits, 57 Blichigan ave., Orleans.<br />

Ms. 46 saule.<br />

Brown, J. D. (co17d), waiter Russell House,<br />

Brown, llurris (colored), laborer, h. 353 Na- bds. saine.<br />

corn b.<br />

Bruwu, John G., proprietor <strong>City</strong> Hotel, 11<br />

Browu, Henry, laborer, h. 231 Fifth.<br />

and 13 Lafayette ave.<br />




Bran-n, T.JT,il liam, t;~i!or. 11. ?GO Seventh.<br />

Brown S= fir01 her (11.i llj::m uiid FI ederick<br />

B~.o\vi~), turl~i~ UI e, 19,S Jt~ffvrs( n are.<br />

Bro\vn. J. T. li.. $ Uro. (John 3'. H. and Robert<br />

13. BI*o\\?I~ ). gene~.:~l insurance agents,<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue. 5 Bank Block, (3ris\vold.<br />

Bro~vn, J.. S; Co. (Jacob Brown and Reuben<br />

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Kosc~n field), tobacconists, 3 and 5 LVoodw.11d<br />

ave.<br />

Brown, John S., mac1iin;st. 11. 26 Twelfth. Brownell, Charles G., bookkeeper, h. 88<br />

Blown, John '1'. It. (J. T. K. Brown & Co.), Second.<br />

bds. 26'3 Sixteenth.<br />

Bran-nigll, Jolln, saloon) s. e. cor. Mary and<br />

Brown, John \V. G., butcher, bda. 17 liiol)elle, 11. 11. e. cor. Rlary and I3ioprllr.<br />

Grisw-old.<br />

Bro\vning, Sauinel (I., linrdware, 177 LYuod-<br />

Brown, Joseph, engineer, bds. IS1 Frank- wlrd ave., 11. 26 Eliziibetli w.<br />

lin.<br />

Bron-nson, Henry F., lawjer, IG Hutunda<br />

Brown, Laura (wid. Hensen), '11.205 Fort e. Biljldins.<br />

Brown, Mary Jn ne (colored-wid. James), Bruce, J~illes (Wardell & Bruce), bds. GD<br />

11. n. e. cor. Grove and St. Xntuintt.<br />

Bcaubien.<br />

Brown, Mich;~el, ~lsss\~are staud on mar- Ijruce, Jan~es, clerk. bds. 210 Gratiot.<br />

ket, h. 115 3liirlon.<br />

Bruce, Tllc ,mi~s J., carpenter, 11. 107 Locust.<br />

Brown, R1. C., dry and fancy goods, 257 Brucehof'er, Charles, carpenter, 11.477 Beau-<br />

Jefferson are., 11. same.<br />

biei~.<br />

Bro\vii, Minnie (wid. Jollnj, 11. 201 Third. 131-ncellofer, Henry, carpenter, h. 477 Beau-<br />

Brown, Natll;ln H., tannel.. 11. 6!) Ueol-ge. bien.<br />

Brown: Xathuniel F., hl. D., druggist, Tot? Bruceliofer, John, carpenter, h. 477 Beau-<br />

Fort w., 11. sanie.<br />

I~ien.<br />

Brown, Xoriah G., painter, bds. 94 Adatns Br~~cellofer, William, carpent.er, h. 477 Beau-<br />

8\'2. W.<br />

1)ien.<br />

Brown, Robert, laborer, 11. 325 Congress w. Bruckner, Frederick, laborer, h. n. e. cor. !<br />

Brown, Robert H. (J. T. K. Brown& Bro.), Fort and Hast'n,ga<br />

h. 269 Sixteenth.<br />

Bruckman, 'I'heodore, gas fitter, h. IS9 Mul-<br />

Brown, Robert P., switchman, h. 325 Con- lett.<br />

gress w.<br />

Brnckman, Thomas, bartender, bds. 20 Mon-<br />

Brown, Hose (wid. John), h. 49 Henry, up roe aye.<br />

stairs.<br />

Brundel, 31athias, h. 16 Croghnn.<br />

Brown, Ross, clerlr, bds. 180 Jlichigan are. Brudin, Charles L., bookbidder, bds. New<br />

Brown, I)r. Rufus, 11. 120 St. A~lco~ne. York Hotel.<br />

Brown, I


Brunner, Victor, cabinetiuaker, h. 218 Jf ulle<br />

cat.<br />

Brunnette, Jesse, sawyer. 11. lTToodbridge,<br />

bet,. Seventeenth and Eigllteenth.<br />

Brunick, Fkederick, saloon, 562 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Brunick, Joseph, laborer, 11. 118 Whitney.<br />

Brunswick. Joseph, cabinetmaker, h. 315<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Brunton, Andrew (Findlater St Brunton), h.<br />

8G E~i~i~l)~th e.<br />

Brunton, Robert., salesman, 11. I2 Jddln R.<br />

Bruso. E lwurd, carpenter, 11. 403 Hastings.<br />

Brusche, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 553 Mucorn<br />

b.<br />

Brusche, Mrs. Urchin, 11. 249 Gratiot.<br />

Brush, hli'rc:d, pllysician, 11. 166 liandolph.<br />

Brush. Alfred E.. bcls. 166 It;~ndl dph.<br />

BKUSII, HDhIUND A.. 11. 163 Ltiindr)lph,<br />

Brusll, Elliott kI., bds. 163 lt:lncloll,ll.<br />

Brush. Hwry T., dri~uzlltsitlan, 10 Merrill<br />

Bizc!lan & Co. (George Bucllan and Isaac<br />

A1 uncaster), grocers, 337 C;r*alld River.<br />

Buclli~nt~n, James, boilermaker, 11. 262 Baker.<br />

13iicll;inan, Patrick, clerk, 11.174 Fort w.<br />

Uuc!lanan, Stephen A., carpenter, h. 20<br />

hlon tcalm w.<br />

B~~cllanan, Susan (wid. James), h. 20 Baker.<br />

Buchanan, William (Buchanan St Carroll), h.<br />

62 Labrosse.<br />

Buclrauan St Carroll(~1'illiarn Bncllanan and<br />

Jol~n Carroll), I)oilermakers, Atwater, bet.<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Bnelldel, J:)sepll, blacksmith, h. o. 82 n. 126<br />

Brewster.<br />

Bucilegger, Xarian (wid. John), h. 317 Crogllan.<br />

'BizcIll~eister, Gustavus, pianotuner, h. 43<br />

Eliz~~bet~l e.<br />

Bucher, Authony, saloon, 221 Gratiot, bAs.<br />

same.<br />

Bucll, tYi1 linm, clerk Ducharme & Prentiss,<br />

bds. 75 Larnetl w.<br />

Buch\)auer, Edward, machinist, h. 217<br />

Hlgli.<br />

Buch binder, Ado1 pli, cabinetmaker, h. 581<br />

(kogllan.<br />

Buck, (;e )rge H., timekeeper hi. C. R. B.,<br />

11. 91 Po~.ter.<br />

Block. bds. 32 i\.Iontcairn w.<br />

Brlzsl~, James h., pl~otogrlil)ller, 127 Jeffirson<br />

ave., 11. 772 W4)odl)riiige e.<br />

Brlis!1, Louis, bcls. 4.59 Wl):)clivard aye.<br />

131.uslce, Ecliva1.d C., tiujmirh, bJs. 516 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Br.ust,, Peter, brewer, 351 Rizssell, 11. sanle.<br />

Brust~u;~cller, Josel)ll, saluon, o. 20.3 n. 239<br />

Micll~gan ave., 11. saxlie:<br />

Brurllcr, Frederick. laborer, bds. Tmenty- BLIC~~, \Villialn H., traveling agent, h. 401<br />

src( bncl, nr. L)e;rI)ir Iron Works.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Brlizy, John, tinsmith, 315 L~f'ayette, h. Buclic?l~ berger, Jacob, saloon, 3iacomb, S. w<br />

si1111e.<br />

cor. Mastiiigs.<br />

Bryan, Jol~n, lal,orer, I:. Franklin, bet. St. Buclii~nberger, Jacob, sawnlalier, h. 102 Ma-<br />

,411toine alicl lI:~stings.<br />

comb.<br />

Br~an, Jolin F. (J. F. Bryan S= Bro.). 11. 8 Bnc-$lee, Julien E., accountant Abbott &<br />

Jlontcitlrn w.<br />


BUR<br />

NE\V YORPF I BUHL. DUCHARIIE & ('0. (Cl~ristian H.<br />

Bulil, Chi1 rles Ducllarine, Solon Prrntis<br />

and T11eodor.e D. Bn111). \vllolesale liard-<br />

\vilre. 17 and 19 T.Qood\vnrtl a\-(?. (Sce ncT,u.)<br />

hick, David 13., nliicllinist, 11. 53 ~~~~~~~~~g.<br />

Uuicli, James S., 1~atternn1ukc.r~ 11. 28 Liin-<br />

S(1101 DXcELIOT, Blii1l;:gcr and dgt~.tr Snpt., burg.<br />

Buie, Eliza (wid. TYillZam), dress and cloak<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICkI. maker. 07 St.. Antoine.<br />

Buillrtns, Adiu F., traveling agent, Ir. 361<br />

Buckley & Co. (Henry J. Buckley and F. L. rrl.lird.<br />

Lasier), com~nission and shipping mer- Buin tkld. John, lal~orer, 11.85 Russell.<br />

chants, fi:ot First.<br />

Bulger, ~;\tl.icli, laborer, 11. 92 Plum.<br />

Buckner, Tllorntoll (col'd), boarding, 1G5 U~I leer. IVil liam. clerk. hds. 92 Plum.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Bo gley, J ol~n S , abrt klct u~ater, Co. boild-<br />

Budden, Charles F., clerli, bds. 40 Harriett. ing, 11. 36 Aila~ns are. w.<br />

Budden, Fredericir. :ircll~i.ect, 11. 40 I-Iai.ie;t. Bu1 1. Alfred, booklieeyer Finney's Hotel,<br />

Budden, Guido, n~acllinist,, bds 40 I-larrirt>ti his. saine.<br />

Budraw, Stephen, shipcarpenter, Ms. (iG Bull, Ballrew, laborer, h. Dubois, n. e. ccr.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Cllestnut.<br />

Budwich, (iodfrey, joiner, 11. 217 Calhoun. B.111, George G , 11. 102 Randolph.<br />

Budwig, Franz, itlborer, h. s. s. Rlaple, bet. Brill, James, tra~eling agent 31. C. R. R.,<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

11. o. 64 11. 30 Jones.<br />

Bucchle, Ferdi~laud, letter carrier, h. 2.74 Bull, .Joacl~i~n, laborer, 11. 246 Sllernlan.<br />

Crogllan.<br />

Bull, LYillian~, coil~rilercial tra-~eler. 11. 43<br />

Bu~chler, - , cigarmaker, bds. Hotel La I rosse.<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Bull(;cli, r ieorge FI., musician, 11. 1% Fort e.<br />

Buelller, Joseph, butcl~er, h. 182 Rsndolph. Bullock, Heury, carpenter, h. 362 St. iiubin<br />

Buellnfeld, John, Ial~orer, 11. 95 Kussell. nve.<br />

Buechtele, Joseph, b1acl~si~it.h~ h. 4S Ijrews- Builock, Josepll H., ass't clli. Recorder's<br />

ter.<br />

Court, 11. 537 Sisteentll.<br />

Buel, Mrs. Rlina, 11. 328 St. Antoine. Bullock, Julius. laborer, 11. 112 blontcaln e.<br />

Buell, Lutller L.. sl~oenlaker, 11. n. s. 3Iichi- 13~11 Iocli, Xatllan, !minter, bds. 335 C'rc ~gllnn.<br />

gan aye., nr. TI\-enty-fourth.<br />

13ullock, l


-<br />

Burdge, 3ohn F., patent-right agent, h. '7<br />

IJiil)rosse.<br />

Burdi(:k, Jolln, br altesrnan 3l. C. K. R., 11.<br />

272 1,uf'ayette: ;lye. ,<br />

Bur(jicli, Peter )IT., edgetool maker, 11. lSG<br />

Third.<br />

Burdinq:nau, Joseph, saloon, 30 1 Atwater,<br />

11. sailie.<br />

Burdoic, Jqhn, plasterer, 11. 500 Congress e.<br />

Burford. James (col'd), laborer, bds. 52<br />

hlullett.<br />

Barganger, Franz, laborer, 11. 562 Crogllan.<br />

Burge. Jacob. saloon, 18'7 Larned xv., 11. siii1.e.<br />

13urggard. Augast, roofkr. 11. 323 C'al lloun.<br />

Burger, Edw. r I G., 11. 103 Xinervel~tll<br />

Burger, 87. A la~nnzc~, corsrts al~d ladies'<br />

furnishing goods, 202 L\'oodwaril avch.,<br />

cor. (irand Hivt-r, ids. 103 Xineteelitll.<br />

Biirger, Jolln. grocer?, 1 ;i'7 Jlilcolnb, 11. stlxlle.<br />

Biirger. Josel)l1, 11. 221 EIxst iilgs.<br />

Burger, Joscl)ll, lx)lict.n~an, bds. 153 Jln!lett.<br />

B~~rgess, Alonzo J., carpenter, 11. 306 Slier-<br />

man.<br />

Burgess, Arnos (col'd j, cnoli, 11. 327 Macomb.<br />

Burgess, Jamvs lal)orer, 11. 16' bl aide.<br />

Burgess, Nellie (wid. Aaron), h. 32s Cko-<br />

gllan.<br />

Burgettie, Zietie, laborer. 11. Woodbridge,<br />

bet. Seventeenth ant1 Eigllteentli.<br />

1. Burgl~iriit, Ernst Martin, cutter, 197 La-<br />

Sajette.<br />

Burgrss, Margaret, milliner, 45 Grand Riv-<br />

er, 11. san:e.<br />

Burge~s, Henry, oilice clerk, bds. lCiG Lar-<br />

Burke, James, lal~orer, bds. 703 Franklin.<br />

Hurlre, Jol111, boilelmnl


OFFER<br />

CI.-.-3i3n!EICALfSI<br />

ett,.<br />

But-us, Margaret (wid. Thomas), h. 51<br />

Wrllry (up stairs).<br />

Burns, bl;it k, stea:iifitter, I~cls. 1% hlullett.<br />

Burns. blary (wid. Puti.ick), 11. 1% Jlul lect.<br />

Burns, Mathew (Burns & SLarun), 4 Beau-<br />

hien.<br />

Burns, Alicllael, blncksmith, bds. 130 Ran-<br />

do p I.<br />

Burn,, Jlichael, carpenter, 11. 405 Twelfth.<br />

BUR<br />

B~zrnst,ine, N. & A. (Xnrhan and Aaron<br />

Brlrnstine), dealers in fancy goods and<br />

not.ions. 85 IYood\v;zrd ave.<br />

Burpee. Burr, John, Francis blacksmith, L., carpenter, bds. 11. 736 247 Fonrt,ll. Wood-<br />


We make none but what We can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Burns, Ellen (\\?id. Edward), 11.233 Seventh.<br />

Burns, George, 11. 253 Tllirreenth.<br />

Burns, J~icob, clerk, bds. 43 LVllitnep.<br />

Burns, James, laborer, h. w. s. Seventh, nr.<br />

Locust.<br />

Burns, James, laborer, 11.. s. s. Wight bet.<br />

C'l~ene and Cumlbau ttve.<br />

Burns, James, shipping clerk, bds. 233<br />

Seven 111.<br />

Burl~s, Ju~rles (Burns & Smith), h. 15s<br />

Fort ktv.<br />

Burns, Jollanna (wid. Richard), h. 405<br />

'l'wel tth.<br />

Burns, J olln, laborer, bds. 329 C'roghan.<br />

Bul-ns, Jolln, lab[ rer, 11. 476 AIacoil~ b.<br />

Burlls, 501111, tt:aIllStrr, 11. w. S. Mayberry<br />

aye , near Blltternut.<br />

Sut.ns, Johu X., blacksmith. h. 222 Seven<br />

tvvn t 11.<br />

Burns. Leonard, ~llilli peddler, h. Sl Leverbridge<br />

w.<br />

Burr, Harrison .J.. machinist, bds. 1% First.<br />

Burr, Harvey W. (Burr Sr Leouard), bds. 34<br />

I~afayette are.<br />

Burr 5: Leonard (Harvey W. Burr and<br />

Theoilore 0. IJeontlrd), wholesale grocers,<br />

14 kjrood\vard ave.<br />

Burrell, Albert, livervstable, 24 hlichigan<br />

Grand are., 11. 50 High.<br />

B.zrrel1, Frank, .sailor, bds. 403 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Burrell, John, laborer, 11. 242 ';\lontcaltn e.<br />

Burrell, J( ,1111, sailor, 11. 400 LVooclbriclg-e e.<br />

Burrell. Alas, sailor. bds. 4$2 LVoo:lbridge e.<br />

Burrell, S;~rnui~l, sailor. 11.4 12 IVooclbriJge e.<br />

Bnrrcll. IYil lia~n, clerk, Ltis. 50 High.<br />

Burriilgt., Gec~rge, mi~rblecutter, h. 555<br />

hlid ~ ipn aye.<br />

Bizrridgt?, John, joiner, 11. 11G ( 'herry.<br />

Bi~rru~.ker, Ernst, tanner, 11. 120 \'roglinn.<br />

Bur~.oilg]ls, L ,uisa L , teacher New Sinth<br />

iVurd School, bcls. 47 IJt~f?tyettt= ave.<br />

Burrows, George H., builder, 11. $03 Second.<br />

Burrows, Orsoll, night sup't. 31. C. 12. It.<br />

rouncl house, 11.376 Sistll.<br />

Burry, J0li11. laborer, nr. K. K. on Gratiot.<br />

B~zrsvy, Jolln, clerk, bds. (5.3 BenuLic+n.<br />

Burtensllaw, Josej)ll, st~ivyer, 11. Nineteenth,<br />

s<br />

!<br />

1<br />

kt. ,Ilesan(ler and 13. (1 1- ~er<br />

Burtel~sl1a\v, James (kV. L). Robinson, Burtenslluw<br />

& C,,.), 11. 9% Congress e.<br />

Burt, liicllarcl, p:tintc-r. bt1s. 343 Lufayette.<br />

Burt, SoIon, 11. 32s Jeffers011 a\-(?.<br />

Brrr:.,Ilviu C'. (Y. J. 1Cull1Z1 & C~o.j, 11. 325<br />

Flirt w.<br />

Burns, Xicilael, laborer, h. \c-. s. Fourth, bet. Burt, Horace E , attorney, GD Griswold, 11.<br />

(301~1 and \ITesterlo.<br />

Jefirson ave., Iiamt r a~uck.<br />

Burns, Alorri~, stea~l~fitt~er, bds. 1% hlullett Burt, Jacob (col'd), laborer, 11. 59 Mullett.<br />

Burns, Patrick, sup't lllouut Elliott Ceme- BLlr.t., Jolln, Prest. of Peninsizlar Irl)n Co.,<br />

trey, 11. sanle.<br />

11. 46 :lcl:t~ns are., n. w cor. of 1';it.l;.<br />

Burns, P~ter, carpenter, 11. 103 Fifth. Burt, Alinnie (wid. --), bds. 23 LVuslling-<br />

Burl!s, Kicl~ard, carpenter, 11. 416 'I'welfth. ton ave.<br />

Burns, 'l'honli~s, c:iri)enter, 11. 225 Twelftll. BUKT AIAXUF.ACTTJRING COJfPANY,<br />

Burns, 'I'huinus, cllairnlaker., h. 113 La- Elorace E. Burt, secretary, ofice and<br />

brosse.<br />

works Hi~mtr.alnc!;, nr. Petiinsulur Iron<br />

Burns, l'homas, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Twelfth Co~llpany's works. (See A tic.)<br />

and Myrtle.<br />

Bizrtis, Harriet (wid. Elobert), h. 12 Miami<br />

Burns, Wil) jam N., photographer, bds. 27 avtA.<br />

hlay l~orry zive.<br />

Burtis, Lizzie (wid. Charles), mashing, h.<br />

Burns & Silttron (Uathem Burns and Mar- Id4 L:~brosse.<br />

cel S.~arc~n), saloon, 4 Beaubien.<br />

Burton, Anthorty I


Burston, Aliss JIury, drL,ss maker, bcls. 241 Bizsllo, Barney, coollet-, bds. 367 GI-utiot..<br />

'l1Il:rcl.<br />

Bushor, But terfield, saloon, h. 299 Jlontculm<br />

Burville, iTil1innl, peddler, 11. TV. s. Twelfth, east.<br />

nr. (irand Kivttr.<br />

Bushor, Joseph H., bartender, bds. 203 Mont-<br />

Bury, Helrry A., oil store, 46 Jefferson ave., cullu e.<br />

11. 14 3Iontcalm.<br />

Busllwa y, Joseph, blacksmitl1, h. 61 Orleans.<br />

Buscey, John, suilniaker, 11. 149 I-Iurrison Buslepl), Hermann: nlusician, 11. 220 c:linron.<br />

it :e.<br />

Busney, Sicholas, carpenter, 11. 46 Cirutiut.<br />

Busc~y, Jollll S., pl~otograpller, a. e. cor. BuFsang, Plii,ip, 111 )[el, 67 Atwwt.er r.<br />

Michigan ave. and b'.ayile, bds. <strong>City</strong> Busson, Claude, nlacliiuist,-11. 10 Eigllteenth.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Bustner, Nicholas, carpt-uter, 11. 45 Crawv-<br />

Buscll, Adolpli, cooper, 11. 263 Ca ttllarine. ford.<br />

Buacll, August, carpenter, 11. 160 Xutional Biz-ky, George, 'sailor, h. o. 334 n. 332<br />

ave.<br />

Frankiin.<br />

BUSCH, CHARLES, hardtvare, 201 Jeffer- Buttilllor, ltobert, laborer, 11 33 Seventll.<br />

son ave., 11 St. Antuine, 11. e. cor. Eliza- Butler, ~lbrilln ti. (Hulnles, Butler & Co.), h.<br />

beth. (See (l(l.u.)<br />

11.i Ho~va1.d.<br />

Buscil, Frank J., cooper, 11. 11G Jay.<br />

Butler., A1P1.ed B., painter, 11. GI Dizffield.<br />

Buscll, Fredt:rick, letter carrier Ninth dis- Butler, Udrnard, shipcarl)eater, h. iiear Attrict,<br />

h. Ci!) Jlaconlb.<br />

water.<br />

Busch, (iregc~r, slloemaker, 11. 334 Gratiot,. Butler, Charles A. (col'd), porter, bds. 134<br />

Buscll, I-Jel~ry, ~lliwrican HotL.1, 203 Larued hdatns ave. e.<br />

w., 11. satue.<br />

Butler, E,l~i-ard H. (IF7illiam A. Butler 55<br />

Busch, Jacob, tailor, bds. cor. Humboldt ave. GI-).), bds. 125 Fort tv.<br />

and Butternut8.<br />

Butler, Hanllii (wid. Horace), bds. cor. Cass<br />

Buscli, LC1 rs. Josephine, milliner, 123 Gratiot, uve and 13.ig-g.<br />

11. satne.<br />

Butler, Jarxes (.tlarsll St Burler), 11. 1GG First.<br />

Bizscll, William. hat and bonnet bleacher, Butler, Jollil, engineer Daily Yust, h. 67<br />

133 tlraciot. 11. same.<br />

'l'wenr,y-first..<br />

Busll, Edward S. (E. S. Bush & Co.), h. 130 Butler, J. H. B., 11.1G.5 Woodtvard ave.<br />

Con; c) ress e.<br />

butler, 3lt:lville (Blanke S: Butler), bds.<br />

Busll, Hiram, saloon, Atwater, nr. D. & 31. R. c.)r. Second and Congress.<br />

K., 11. 819 Ho~vi~rd.<br />

Butler, 3liltun H., lawyer, bds. H~ward<br />

Bush, Hiram 'l'., saloon, '72 Atwater e., h. House.<br />

821 tUe.<br />

Butier, Pdter, drayman, 11. rear 27.5 Franklin.<br />

Bizsll, Ira D., <strong>Detroit</strong> brass worlcs, 375 Butler, 'l'i~ot~hy, 11. cor. Lafayet~e and 'I'hirivoodbridge<br />

w., 11. n. w. cor. Twenty- tttentlr.<br />

fourtll and Kirer Koad.<br />

Bucler, William ,4. (Willia~n A. Butler &<br />

Busli, Kicllard (col'd), conductor sleeping Go.), h. 125 Fort w.<br />

car, 11. 130 Jlacotilb.<br />

Butler, LVidiam ,I., St Co. (William A. and<br />

Bush, 'l'heodole L., laborer, 11. 09 Porter. X.lward H. Bacler), bankers, Butler's<br />

Busll, LV 11 iiutil, c!erk Ducharme & Brentiss, block; opposite P. 0<br />

bds. $5 L:~rned w.<br />

Butlin, George, bds. U.lrrison House.<br />

BUSH. E S., St CO. (Edward 8. Bush and Buttt*rfie,d, ~dtvin (.John J. Bag.ey $ Co.),<br />

George 13. Hill), grocers, 239 JeBerson h. 5 t LVushiugton z~vu.<br />

ave. (Sce adv.)<br />

B~r~terfield, Jane (wid. Oliver), h. 432 Beau-<br />

Buslia, Francis, laborer, 11. 149 Franklin. bien.<br />

Busha, Jereluiah, li~bdrsr, 11. Beaubieu, nr. Butterfield, William, chairmaker, bds. 452<br />

13r;tdy.<br />

Uei~ izl)it&u.<br />

Buslla, John, sl~oemalrer, 11. 213 Beaubien. Buttert'unt, Cl~arles, bricklayer, bds. 4s Fort<br />

Busha, lJuwrence, harness~uaker, h. 18 east.<br />

I3 reivster.<br />

Buttler, J. din, ~i-e;u'a:or, 11. 1 GD Orchard.<br />

Brzsllell, CVi llianl, laborer, 11. alley e. s. Hast- Uui tier, Mary A. (cold-wid. Alesa~lder), h.<br />

ings, be1 . Lutir ye~te and Crogllan.<br />

134 Ada uls are r.<br />

Busuey, Ii'ruillc, l~ai nter, 11 202 8 iizztbet,ll e. Buttier, ltachei (c d'd-wid. Thomas), dressl3ushc:j-.<br />

Louis, blucl;sliiltli, h. o. SO4 n. OO6 111;~ker. 11. 276 C.inton.<br />

Cungress e.<br />

Buczel. Alag~lus (i3. S. Heineman 8 Co.), bds.<br />

Buslley, hlicllael, carpenter, 11. 101 Colum- 23 ridelu~cle.<br />

lunibia e.<br />

Bu~zel, Slartia (E. S. Heinelilan & Co.) h. 23<br />

Bilshman, John J., fireman anJ engineer, Adelaide.<br />

bds. 532 Il'u(;dbriclgt: w.<br />

Ruv,~. Jl)lln, engineer, 11. 298 Chestnuts.<br />

Bushman, Joseph, engiueer, 11. ';GO Wood- B~~scou, Edwiu. night watchman hl. C. R.<br />

brid, "C - W.<br />

li., 11. 244 Sixth.<br />

~ 1 1 1a 1 . (id. D l I?), . G Iiuscs)i~, l\'iliiaiu L., bookkeeper, h. 3;i2<br />

Congress w.<br />

1 Park.

140 BUY CLARK'S<br />


N=\V YO1CPC<br />

Ctrin, i\lichuel, draymnn, 11. (j0 S t,ate.<br />

Chin, hIicIlae1, labijrer, 11 14 Piirk Place.<br />

LEk nao~amee - Q~,mt)-tt cai,, ~i~~~,,l,~, b:a:l:.jmith, 121 Larnad w.,<br />

11.<br />

ASFETS, . . !$12,003,00C)<br />

20.3 Fourth.<br />

Gain, Yut~.icl;, laborer, 11.<br />

DAILY Casn ISCONE,<br />

236 Sixth.<br />

$lS,U00<br />

-<br />

Cuin, 'I'lloliius, laborer, 11. 312 'L'welfth.<br />

SOL08 JlrELP()Y, flituager nun Agent! Snpt., Ciiin, Tllott~as. ljrinter, b is. 236 Sisrll.<br />

Peninsular Bilnk Building, DETROlT, MICH.<br />

Caine, Jol1n H., books, 192 JeCdrson ava., h.<br />

19 Koivland.<br />

Cald well, A%lesander, sl~ipcnrpenter, 11. Con-<br />

Buyla, Louis, ragpeddler, 11. 473 La faye tte.<br />

gress e., s. w. c )r. Dequindre.<br />

liuye, John, sailor, Lds. Centrill liuilroud<br />

Ca,dwell, Ann (wid. 14 M~-<br />

Hotel.<br />

c mlb.<br />

Bnyssr, Louis, tailor, 11. 205 Lafayette.<br />

Cal(lwel1, Miss Bnn, dressmaker, bds. 14<br />

Buz~ell, Wilbur, studeut, bds. 35 Monroe<br />

Macol,l ,.<br />

iLvt3.<br />

Ca!dwell, Ct11)t. Chnrles, pilot stenrner Gen.<br />

Bj-er. Cllarles, cooper, h. 4jO St- Aubin ave- Dis, bds. s. w. tor. jugirdon alld >Iount<br />

Byerlnan, Frederick, ma~ou, 11. 197 Alarion.<br />

Elliott uves.<br />

liyr.a~n, Charles (hlorlu ,us, Alitcheii S: By- Ci,l(l ,, Frimcis, harnessmaker, bds 09<br />

rani), 11. 701 JeCel.son ave.<br />

B:uu lien.<br />

B~.filll', "'illi'm7 'argefit'r, bds. $0' Je'er-<br />

Cil,d 1, James, laborer, 310 A,rt e.<br />

st rn ave.<br />

C~ild~vt.rll, Jiunes. porter U. iV. R., h.<br />

Bg rue, Bernard, laborer, h. 41 Thirteenth. Fort: bet. Hlld Itaisell.<br />

Byrna, John, bds. Z'ranliliu House.<br />

Cald\vell, Juniua, cuachlliau, bds. 0. 21 n. 54<br />

By rue, Th:)ulas, saloon, 50 Front., 11. same.<br />

llenl-y.<br />

Byr''l11 llen'y, sal'ull~ Grant k'ou'e> '. 3'3 C21]d well, Jamcs7 porter, 11. 303 Riopclle.<br />

'l'llircl.<br />

Cz~ld~vell. Juilles CV., clerk, Sds. 14 Ma-<br />

By rdn, J;inies, laborer, bds. 455 Tbi rteenth.<br />

b.<br />

Bjrus, Peter, carl~euier, 11. lU5 Fit't 11.<br />

Ci~ld\~\lell, John, laborer, h. 12 St. Aubin<br />

BJ-YOU, Pe. er, la borel-, 11. 4X 'l'llirteeu tlr.<br />

ave.<br />

'~"7 Jukheth~ lvoodsawser, "li. Cald\\-ell, Jolrn, l)ral;emnn, 11. 79 Walnut.<br />

(luld \vc.ll, Miss Louisa, dresslllalier, bds. 14<br />

C'.<br />

M2I~Olllb.<br />

Caldtt-ell, :

&--+A-<br />

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:O<br />

- c4nwz-2Y 9-* Ad w K-<br />

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-<br />

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-+&,<br />

9-YA-p-7<br />

4 -d aoy<br />

-9 7'- Ad- * ~ ~ M s & . ~ a / r n W<br />

p ~ b p & - p & ~ & d ~ ~<br />

f<br />


t<br />


Calnon. Nary (wid. Tlloinas), 11. 171 Or Cn~npb:+ll. C )lin ('Jumpb~ll, Linn & Co.), 11.<br />

cllt~rcl.<br />

3:;3 WOO I I V ~ r~l ~ t~~e.<br />

Cilln )n. Phtri~k (Cdn03 8~ Fhrris), 11. ",5 C_~!ll,)!):lI, C ) 1ril;tn 1 B.. delivery clerk W.<br />

Noward.<br />

IT. 'rel. otE :e, bds. 143 F.)rt e.<br />

Caln,)n I-I:trriq (Patrick Calnqn and Ed Ca~u;)l)eil, L),iniel, tekulster, h. o. 81 n. 89<br />

win 'C. Harris), wiues an,l liquors, 1S7 Ad,r.lns ave. w.<br />

Hi~nrl?~l>ll.<br />

Cilrnl)bell, Duncan, shipcarpenter, h. 343<br />

Calter, Walter, drsughtsm~n, bds. 3Si Sec Frank1 n.<br />

onti.<br />

Ca lnpbell, Edward P., lu~nber, 12 Rotunda<br />

Cillve:~.J~ms~,pi~in$~er.317~Vo~:lwar~1~~e., B~ildi~~g,I~:1~.R~~ssellHouse.<br />

11. cor. Cus3 t~nii Alicl~ig in uiPe.<br />

Crunl)ljell, E iz tbet l! (wiJ. John), h. s. s.<br />

Cal vzrt. Cjl;~rIe.s B., t*re;Lsurdr Ccllvert Lith. L:~rnecl, b !r. Dub )is ;L~I I St. Ailbin ave.<br />

Co., bds. 13L Gc )rge.<br />

Caln phi I, Forrest S., eale~~n~n, bds. 333<br />

Calvert, Nary (wid. Thornas), 11. 8 Cutlla- L\Too~lward ave.<br />

rine.<br />

Cal~ll)bell, George, pe-ldler, 11. 283 Third.<br />

Culvert.. Miss Rosanna, dreasrndcer, 11. (;SO Carul~bc+ll, George, plasterer, bds. Guudmsn<br />

JeR~rs~11 tive.<br />

Hq )use.<br />

Culvert!, Tl~om:ts, sxp't. of Cdvert Litll. Ca~iip!)vII. George, jr., seston C. M. E.<br />

(.A)., 11. 13 1 George.<br />

C~lilrcll, 11. 13 L A1ot1 tc~~i~n e.<br />

Calv-ert Li tl~ograplr ing. Engrar- Cutul)b.Al, Gc:orge ci. S., cashier Free Press<br />

irrg and map tBubliir;llirrg d'o., Co., 11 12 Ji'y.<br />

Arcucle i3~1ildin T, 3 i Lxrn.~tl w. (Yze nclo.) Caulpbell, Gor(lon. (Campbell. Oiven & Co.),<br />

Cill~in, Jamzs, yardman, Ida 2;3L Fort w. 11. 11. w. cur. Jefferson and JOS. Campau<br />

Cameron, ,illan I?., cilsl~ier 11. C. K. R. aves<br />

freigll t office, h. s. e. cur. Ninth ave. and Ca~u.)bell, Hugl1, l,zborer, 113s. IVoodbridge,<br />

IrIo nra rd.<br />

near I~ett~s cYr Clancy's shingle ft~ctory.<br />

Cailieron, Alexander, bnsrnaker, bds. 100 Curnpbel I , Jurues, fireman, bcfs. Jlii waukee<br />

Itussell.<br />

Escl~al~gc:.<br />

Cau~eroi~, Xlexznrler, j r.. check clerk >I. C. Cirnll)Le!l, James E., physician, 335 Brush,<br />

H. It., bds. 228 Howartf.<br />

11. sunle.<br />

Cain~ron, Charles, clerk, bds. 50 31iailli Carul)bel I, James -\I ., plasterer, 11.297 3fichave.<br />

~$rall ave.<br />

Ca.me~*on, Duncan, gardener, bds. 575 Jef- Cull~pbell, Hon. Jn~ne? V., Jrd;e Supreme<br />

f'ersoil avr.<br />

C:c?ut.t,, 11. o. 127 n. 141 I,:~rl~ed e.<br />

Cam :ran, Eiizabatll (wid. Colin), h. 103 Cat~~pbrll, John, blaciislllitb helper, h. 179<br />

/ liussc~ll.<br />

F~fr h.<br />

Ca~llrron. Junles, slloemalier, bds. 5; 31ich- C:ti1l~)bell, John. c1el.k. 11. 55 Elm.<br />

ig:in Gland ave.<br />

C:itlli)lleIl, Jolin, 11. 15 Eiixabvtll w.<br />

Culuzron, J~lln, agent, bds. 45 Fort e. Ca1111)be:l, Jo1111, lilke captain, h. W. S.<br />

Calileron, Johu, carpenter, bds. 316 F~.ank- T~iircl. bet. Orange anti Grillid.<br />

I lin.<br />

Cail~ybell. Jolin, laborer, 11. e. s. Mount<br />

Cut~lcron, John, pailrtlaker. bds. n. w. cor. Hol)e are., bet. Asil and i\lprt!e.<br />

Rlount Elliott t111d Jeffkrsotl aves. Canil)bell, John (cul'cl), laborar, h 377 Ma-<br />

Cati~t-rou, John (\V hice & Citlrrerou), h. 207 comb.<br />

l'ii rl;.<br />

Canlpb~.ll, John 31. 1,. (Campbell, Linn &<br />

Caiueron, John R., clerk Blue Line, h. 172 C.). Ms. n. m. cur. iYo~clwurd ave. and<br />

Ptmer.<br />

eC:or'ge.<br />

Catl~vron~ Willianl I-I., clerk Department of Cami ,Lell, J ilia A. (wid. Thomas), h. 146<br />

L I kes, bds. Ant.is.le1 liuuse. I Forte.<br />

Ci~~ners, Peter, salesil~un, Ms. S3 &lout- Clulipl)ell, Miss JZarion, dressmaker, 289<br />

ca 1111 W.<br />

J~fi5r~l )U ZlVt!., 11. 881118.<br />

( C'a~I~iusty, Stephen, carver, h. 261 Hast- Calaybsll, Kid, saw) rr, h. cur. Franklin<br />

i agy.<br />

and Orieans.<br />

/ Cataliu, Jobn. carpenter, bds. 301 Fiftl1. Canlpbell, Ovid P., cooper, h. n. e. cor.<br />

1 Cailip, Heury, shijjcarl;eliter, h. 9 Thir- B1.onsou aud Uri~tiot.<br />

tren tll.<br />

Cau11)bell, Pet1 r, cooper, bds. 393 Bronson.<br />

1 Cumpitign, Antoine, sawyer, h. 7$B Wood- Caml)bell, P. hi., .. clerk . . Howard . House, bds.<br />

I hi Jge w.<br />

same.<br />

Caul l)al:,.n, Mrs. Antoine, tailoress, 11. 742 Carnpk!l, Ri.chard Edward, clerk, 11. 406<br />

LVoodbridge w.<br />

+ilgress t~<br />

Canll~tell, Ann (wid.), 11. 119 Sistli. Cyn,pbcll, Hobert, I\-agonmaher, h. 311<br />

Call, pbell, B;rijau1in7 tobacco ageut, h. 221 : ~ifcli.<br />

Pill B,<br />

j Cu~npbell, Robert, Bds. 27 Beaubien.<br />

Campbe I, Charles, machinist, h. 107 __. Nu-. _. . can1 y bell, Hobtrt, yorrer liailroad EXtional<br />

ave.<br />

1 , ?h.+nge, bds. same.






Adminis~raturs of L Esiate of J{tstl~h Campau,<br />

140 Jeflirson Avenue,<br />

Office Hours from 9 to 12 A. M., and 2 to 6 P. M.<br />

Farms, Lots acd Hcrscs to Bczt, cr Fcr Sale.<br />

Campbell, Robert H. (col'd), mason, h. 77 Campau, Henry, dep'y Register of Deeds, h.<br />

C'olombin w.<br />

1 Centre.<br />

Calril )bell, Samuel McLees, plumber, Lds. Campiiu, James, Clrene, s. Jefferson aye.<br />

333 Wood~~ard aye.<br />

Camltau, J umt- s J., newsdealer, 233 Jeffer-<br />

Campbe1 I. Thomas. engineer, 11. 65 Beech. son aye., 11. 24 Mac(.mb ave.<br />

Can) pbel!, Tl~onlas C., grocery and saloon, Campau, John B., copying clerlr, h. 260 Clif-<br />

301 Michigan aye., 11. same.<br />

i0l.t I.<br />

Campbell, W'altel- Scott, bookkeeper, bds. Carn;?nn, Joseph. bds. Jefferson ave., n. e.<br />

289 J&-rson ave.<br />

cor. Beaabien.<br />

Campbell, Il'illiam, carpenter, h. s. 81 n.89 Canlpau, I'lleoclore, bds. Jefferson ave., n. e.<br />

Adams ave. N-\;.<br />

cor. Beaul)ien.<br />

Canlpbell, William J., news depot, 163 Caluptlu, Theodore, mason, h. 558 Con-<br />

Miclligan aye., 11. same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Campbel I, Hev. VVilliam J., Pastor Seventh Calilpn u, Theodore J. (T. J. & D. J. Campau),<br />

Street h1. E. C'b~zrch, 11.114 Kational ave. 11. 4.50 Jrffel son aye.<br />

Campbell, \Yilliam S. (Campbell 8: tiravier), Campau, T11t odore J ., student, bds. 280 Jef-<br />

11. 365 Brush.<br />

f& *oil ave.<br />

Caml:l;ell, il'illiam P., ~e~sel cwner, h. 284 Carnpau, Theodore J., & Dennis<br />

Jefferson aye.<br />

J ., ;~duiinisrrators of the estate of Joseph<br />

Campbell, L~nn gL CO. (Colin Campbell, ('anip:~ u, ofice 140 Jt-Eir-rcn ave.<br />

'I'llcnlas Linn azld Jolin M. L. Canll)L.ell), Canlus, Peter, clerk, 140 Grand Hiver, bds.<br />

dry goods and millinery, ~vll,~lesale and 83 3loa t calm w.<br />

retall, 93 ard 95 \Voodward ave. Canlus, Petvr. F1.encll vines and liquors,<br />

Canipbell, Oiven & Co. (Gordon Campbell, 250 Grwtiot. h. ewnle.<br />

John Owen, Eldridge (3. Mericl;, John N. Canan, Sinloll, lttbor. r, 11. 150 Seventh.<br />

Fowler, Nelzer F. Brlerick and Henry Essel- Calle, Edward, engineer, h. o. 71 n. 73<br />

styn), ship builders, foot Dequiadre. Harrison ave.<br />

Canlpl~ell St Gravier (William S. Campbell, Cane, Martin, laborer, h. 366 T\velftk.<br />

and Jolin B. K. Gravjer.), ins. and real es- Cane, Alicllael, laborer, h. m. s. Lasalle aye.,<br />

tate ag'ts, oSce s. w. cur. B=.ush and Gra- near 31 y rtle.<br />

tiot.<br />

Caiie. LYillia111, sailor, b. 387 Twelfth,<br />

Calilpau, Alesander C., finisher, bds. 3'78 Canfield, Augustus H., agent, h. 23 How-<br />

V oodbridge e.<br />

ard.<br />

Campau, ~lesander Bf., real estate, 213 Cantield, Frank H.. attorney, 20 Rotunda<br />

Jetlerson ave., h. 48'7 same.<br />

Uuildlng. h. 20 Adelaide.<br />

Campau, Alexander ll., 11. 487 Jefferson Cantield, kieury O., clerk, bds. o. 220 11,224<br />

aye.<br />

\Vooclward aye.<br />

Campuu, Alexis, macllinist., bds. s. m. cor. ~t~nfield, James: policeman, L. 90 Harrison<br />

I4'oodbridge and Hiopelle.<br />

ave,<br />

Campau, Alfred F., prexriytion clerk, bds. Canfield, Jolin, baker, bds. 49 Porter.<br />

Autisdel House.<br />

Canfield, John, laborer, h. SO National are.<br />

Campau, Barney, clerk Glover & Powell, h. Candler, Clxudius H., Se(;'y Calvert Lith.<br />

487 Jefferc &on ave.<br />

Co., bds 40 Congress w.<br />

Calnp~u, Charles, 11. 378 Woodbridge e. Candler, Edwin A., carpenter, 13 State, h.<br />

Campau, Chrrles, carpenter, k. o. 42 435 Beuubien.<br />

n. 45 Nineteenth.<br />

Candler, Homer W. (Candler Bro'b), h. 73<br />

Campau, Daniel J., 11.452 Jefferson ave. Lufay ette.<br />

Campau, Dennis J. (T. J. & D. J. Campau), Cand er, James W. (Candler Bro's), h 65<br />

h. 140 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lafa yette.<br />

Campau, Edmund, laborer, bds. 558 Con- Candler, FYilliarn R. (Candler Bro's), h. 69<br />

gress e.<br />

Ln fayette.<br />

Campc~u, Cieor.s;e, clerk, bds. Franklin House Candler Bro's (Homer \TT.. W7illiam R. and<br />

Camyau, Cirt:gory, carpenter, h. 679 Jeeer- J anles ktr. Candler), builders, oEce 274.<br />

son aye.<br />

Atwater.<br />

Camyau, ~ r e ~ J., omachinist, r ~ h. Gig Jeffc'cr Canlon. \Yinifred (wid. Patrick), 11. w. Third,<br />

son ave.<br />

1 bet. Liberty and Tuskols. -


Crtn11.t-y. E 1 ward H.. groceries and provis-<br />

ions. 179 Il)bott, 11. same.<br />

CrinnifT, ..%bram C., h. o. 43 n. G3 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Canning, Bernard, baggagemaster a. T. It.<br />

R., bds. 174 Abbott.<br />

Canning, hlicllael: printer, bds. 174 Abbott.<br />

Cannon, Francis, laborer, h. n. 141 o. 132<br />

Franklin.<br />

Cannon, Mitdison, Government Inspector on<br />

lakes, 11. 333 Congres.; e.<br />

Can tin, Selson, saloon. 302 Btwater, 11. same.<br />

Calbitol Union Scli3ol, frmts State, bet.<br />

G I istvold and Rowland.<br />

Caples, James, triilkpeddler, h. Humbold t<br />

ave.. npar Rlicl~igan are.<br />

Cuplis, James, lttwger, 16 Rotunda Building,<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Caplis, John, railroad conductor, h. Campau<br />

are., s. w. cor. Crogl~an.<br />

Caplis, hlttrti~l, expressman, h. 117 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Capp, Mary (wid. John\, 11. :41 Third.<br />

Capron, Helen E.. teacher Cuss School, bds.<br />

o. 7 n 289 C: ss ave.<br />

Cara way, Leroy (colored), laborer, h. 368<br />

Rlacolll b.<br />

Carbey, MiclIael, laborer, bds. cor. Chene<br />

and Guoin.<br />

Cardell, Margaret (wid. Morton), bds. 23<br />

Si I~ley.<br />

Cardonti, Joseph, sculptor, h. 192 St. Aubin<br />

8Ve.<br />

Curdy, Ephraim, laborer, bds. 287 Atwater<br />

Carleton, George W., operator, bds. <strong>City</strong><br />

Hotel.<br />

Carleton, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 161<br />

Lariled e.<br />

earlier, Jane (wid. Arthur), h. 496 Lafayette.<br />

C?nrlirig, John, laborer, 11. 403 Twelfth.<br />

C'arlislo, Frank W., carbuilder N. @. R. R.,<br />

h. 181 Sevent,h.<br />

Carlisle, Frederick, comniission agent, h. 459<br />

kvoodwilr~l ave.<br />

Carlisle, IVilliaul, insurance agent, h. 364<br />

Sixth.<br />

Carl ton, Monroe, carpenter, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Curmicliael. Miss Jennie, teacher Franklin<br />

Scliool, bds. 323 Fourth.<br />

Ca rniiclizlel, Mrs. Jessie jwid. Archibald), h.<br />

323 Fourth.<br />

Carmichael, Miss Mary, teacher Franklin<br />

Scliool, bds. 323 Fourth.<br />

Citrrnody , George, packer, bds. G4 Lafa~ette.<br />

Carmotip, Jatnes {O'Donnell SE; Cttrmody), h.<br />

47 Wilkins.<br />

Curmodg, Maggie, bds. 388 Cass ave.<br />

Cannody, Michael, packer, bds. 64 Lafayette.<br />

Carlnody, Tliomas, clerk, 11. 35 Cass ave.<br />

Car~nody, 'l'liomas, salesmiln, bds. 325 Cass<br />

LV8,<br />

Carne, George W., brewery, 40 Woodbridge<br />

e., 11. 21i6 Jeffirs In ave.<br />

Carneal, David (col'd), laborer, h. 161 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Curneber, Thomas, laborer, 11. 170 Crog11an.<br />

east.<br />

Car~ly, John, saloon and boarding, 257 At- C'urne.v, Czlssitner, vegetables, 19 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

lva ter e.<br />

nlarlre~, 11.107 Fruulilin.<br />

Carrel I, 'l'homas, drayman, 405 Fiftli. Carney, Ed ward, laborer, 11. 404 Franklin.<br />

Carew, Thomas, clerk, bds. 106 Beaubisn. Carney, James, sailor, h. SO3 Fifth.<br />

Carew, Jolin H., fruit and oysters, 103 Jef- Carney, Jolin, moulder. bds. 628 Congress e.<br />

f rson avr., 11. 103 Beaubien.<br />

Carney, Michael, engineer, bds.233 Larned<br />

C.\re_v, 1,ieut. X C., I~ds Biddle House. east.<br />

Carey, Charles A.. bds. 2 1 Minnii are. Carns, Christopher, laborer, B. 89 Chestnut.<br />

Carvy, ('harlss ,H,. Suy't Tug Association, Carol, Horace B., clerk, h. w. s. Fourth, opp.<br />

11. 21 Miami ave.<br />

Cedar.<br />

Carey. Edtvard AX. (Thompson & Carey), 11. Carolan, John B., clerk W. Johnston, bds.<br />

44 Elizabetli e.<br />

107 Cmgress e.<br />

Carey, James, drayman, 11. 36 Duffiejd. Carpenter, Betsey (wid. Nathan B.), h. 117<br />

Carey, John, painter, 11. 43'7 Hastings. Bates.<br />

Carey, Jolin, eeanlan, 11.240 Seven tli. Carpenter, Catharine (wid. Daniel), dress-<br />

Carey, Margaret (wid. James), Ms. 36 Duf- maker, h. 511 Fort w.<br />

field.<br />

Carpenter, Charles F., teamster, bds. 69<br />

Carry, Robert J., painter, 11. 71 Brady.<br />

IValn nt.<br />

Cargill, Hel~ry Z.I., clliet clerk delivery dep't Carpenter, Delevan, printer, bds. 153 High.<br />

P. O., 11. 24 Montcalnl e.<br />

Carpenter, Edward, saloon, 55 JeEerson ave.,<br />

Cargill, James A. (J. A. Carp11 & Co.), h. bds. same.<br />

443 Fiftli.<br />

Carpenter, George, laborer, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Cargill, J. A., & Co. (James A. Cargill avd Lusalle aye. ai~d Grand Kirer.<br />

-),suction and cornniissior~, 7 Illich- Carpenter, James A., accountant, bds. 117<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Pates.<br />

Carl, Louis, shoemaker, h. 268 Whitney. Carpenter, Joseph, laborer, bds. 150 Frank-<br />

Carle, Blanlius M., traveling agent, h. 4 Ka- lin.<br />

poleon.<br />

(krpent,er, Orin R., miller, h. 101 Fifteenth.<br />

Carlund, Michael, carpenter, bds. foot Third. Carpenter, Ruth W. (wid. Jotham), h. 73<br />

Carlaw, William, laborer, h. 24 Eixth. Selden.

CAR CAR<br />

NE\V YT31C 1 Carroll, Rosa (wid. Henry), 11. 405 Clrand<br />

ASSETS. . . $12.0007C 00<br />

DAILY CASE I:KCOJIE, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON Blc):I.ROl', Biia; ger anrl Agu~.cp Fnpt.,<br />

Pcnineu1:lr Bi111k Building, DETROIT. hllCH.<br />

13ivcr.<br />

Carroll, Thomas, dray man, 11. Fiith, nr.<br />

C; 1.and Hiver.<br />

Ctt~.roll, Tlloillas R., grocer, Dubois, s. e, cor.<br />

C'ongrc~ss. 11. stlnle.<br />

Carroll. WiIliau1, carpenter, h. o. 146 n. 154<br />

Franklin.<br />

-- -<br />

Car, utlle~s. George I?., freight clerk G. T.<br />

Carpenter, San~uel, Ms. 258 Woodl)ridge e. It., bds. 32 Fourth.<br />

Carpel~ter, 'l'imotliy, nlnsoil, 11 92 Lewis. Car~.utlwrs. Cl'iliialu, edge tool finisher, h.<br />

Carpent( r, l\'illii!ll~, bric.lclayer, 11. s. s. 20 1 ('rc tgli:~ n.<br />

Cllerr?, bet. Third iti~d Fourtll.<br />

Carruthers, \Vilson, blacksmith, 11. 197 Cro-<br />

Carprntrr, \;l'illiilin A., inspector of loccmo- gllan.<br />

tives, 11. 549 Fort w.<br />

C'a rry, Mary (col'd-wid. William), 11. 161<br />

Cnrpvi~,er, Ll'il :iit~ll (3., gent,. bds 45 Fort c. B(?t ulji~n.<br />

Carpenter, William N., 11. 238 LVoodbridge Carson, il-i lliam, bool;lieeper, h. 20 Beacon.<br />

mat.<br />

Carson, Jalnes, plasterer, bds. Purdfs Ho-<br />

Carpenter, William P., pl inter, bds. Antis- tel.<br />

del l-iorise.<br />

C'ctrson, Margaret (wid. Andrew), bds. 59<br />

Carr, Jolin, plu111ber and gwfitter, bds. 1% Brady, n. e. cor. .I01111 R.<br />

Orchard.<br />

Carstt~in, Tl~onlas, engineer, bds. '76 Qtwa-<br />

Carr, Lg~~inn W., general agent for Nation- ter e.<br />

al Art As~ociat~ion, 1193 Fisher block, 11- ('arsten, Dr J. Henry. h. 25 Macomb.<br />

47 Pine.<br />

C'urri~gh, Erotller Christian tchools, 125<br />

Carr, Jlichael '(.Ir., jelvelry and fiinc~ goods, hIil~t)ll11).<br />

under Cuss House. 11. 10'2 Porter.<br />

(larter, Andrew, laborer. 11. 51 National ave.<br />

Carr, liicliuld, piuniber, 11. 186 Orcltard. C'ilj.ter, A lonxo, S ~I ilor, 11. 5 16 Croglian.<br />

Carr, Hobert. soap ma nnfact~ bry. foot Carter, C~~arles, 1abol.er. bds. Catharide, bet.<br />

Lig-11 teen-and-a-llul f, 11.668 \Vt )od bridge w. St. riubiil ;iiitl Uey ~~indre.<br />

Carr, The:)dore, clerk 8. Al. U. Es. office, Curter, David, agel~t Det~ )it and Clevt~land<br />

Ms. Biddlt: House.<br />

line ste;rnnc2rs. foot Shelby, h. LYoodt~ard<br />

Cwrr. i\'illiam S., engiueer, h. 563 Wood ave., cor. Freli~ont.<br />

brid, "C: W<br />

C;I rter, Euelinil (col'd-wid. George), 11. 205<br />

Carreyer, Servais, baker, bds. 60.5 Jefferson 11:~~ )ulb.<br />

a re.<br />

Carter, George (col'd), barber, bds. 203 Ma-<br />

Ciirrig, Micllael: laborer, h. 206 Brush. comb.<br />

Carrier, Augustus, luluber nierchant, h. 53 Citrtel-. Geor e C., patent roofing, h. o. 330<br />

&fiilllli ilVe.<br />

n. 441; Fort w.<br />

Carrier, John, carpenter, 11. rear 255 Hnr- Carter, He111.p (col'd), waiter Michigi\n EX-<br />

V:I rd.<br />

chi1 llgt?, Ids. Sil llle.<br />

Carrier, Irving, printer, bds. s. w. cor. \Vood- Curler. I wing V., bds. 284 Lafayette a\-e.<br />

bridge and Beilribien.<br />

Carter, Jiin~rs. iwborer, 11 11. s. Lufayette<br />

Carrier, Jolin. carpenter, h. 208 Howard. are., bet wee11 Seven tll and Eigl~tli.<br />

Carrier, Paul. carl~enttar, 11. 550 Clongrcbss e. Carter, John LV., clerk Hdyrs. Deyt. Lakes,<br />

Ciirroli, Dirniel, checl; clerk, 11. s. s. Spruce, t~tls. Tre:~:on t House.<br />

bet. Fifth anat Sisth.<br />

Carter, Levi, coilductor M. C. R. R., h. 281<br />

Carroll, Dir nit.1, Sliades restaurant., 49 Sllel- L I ta! ette avs.<br />

by, 11. same.<br />

Ci.~rrer, Morris, laborer, b 41 Second.<br />

Carri~l I, Eleanor ,wid. Stephen), h. 43 Na- Cartc:r, Willinul (col'd), ba~ber, h. 91 Crotinal<br />

ave.<br />

gllan.<br />

Carroll, John (Buchanan 13E Carroll), h. 191 c;;rttt*r. 11-ilson, painter. 11. G5 Abbott.<br />

Tl~i 1.d.<br />

('ill t~rigl~t, JHI!IC'S. canginevr, 11. 4 10 Fort e.<br />

Carroll, Jo~epll, brewer, 11. n. m. cor. Sistll C'uri\vrigl~t, Jolm .tFeury, painter, bds. 410<br />

and Orcllard.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Carroll, Laivreuce, boiltirn~i~ker, h. 10 Na- Ca1-a\vrigl1t, Oscar, n~arblecut ter, bds. 410<br />

tionill ave.<br />

F$lrt e.<br />

Cnrrt dl, II,I;try (wid. Michael)! 11. 24G Fonrtl~. Ca1.1 \v~.igl~t, Oscar Edgar, ma~.blecutter. bds.<br />

Carroll, Michael, Loilernlalrer. 11 I89 'I'lii rd. 410 F'wt e.<br />

Carroll. &licll:~rl, watcllulan 31. S. 1%. K., 11. ('ilrt~vl-iglrt, Waltvr, sailor, bds. 410 Fort e.<br />

436 \Voodl)riclge e.<br />

Cart-er, L)uvid, iner cllitn t t:tilor, 182 Jetfier-<br />

Carroll. Jliclluel, ~aborer, 11. 532 Third. son ave . bds. GCi (.'o~~grt~ss w.<br />

i!arl.ull: Seil, ~,aiiit~r, l~ds. 386 Laf'a~c~ttc. Carv~r, I


Case. Alnnson. agent,. b.!s. Fran1;lin Tlouse. Cavanaqli. Edward, li~borer, 11. s. s. Macomb,<br />

C'itw. 1:raiil; (col'd), 1iil)orer. 11. 3Y!) C'ntl~arine. w. H i\-ii rcl.<br />

Cast:. Hi ram P.. ~iiacl~iuist: 11. 4'70 hiact )nib. Cav~nagh. He'el. 11. 331 Fifth.<br />

Case, Leverett N., water collector, Lds. 17 Cavaixigh, Joi111, cout ructor, h. 2G8 Michi-<br />

PI utt1.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Case. Samuel, carpenter, 11. 283 Orleans. Cavanagli, Jolln. cooper. bds. 318 Russell.<br />

Case, Sidney \IT. D., carpenter M. C. H. R, C'~I\-anagli, Jos.;rpli, grocer and saloon, 558<br />

11. 170 Bilker.<br />

Rlicliigan aye.. 11. salne.<br />

Casry, Jeret~~ii~h. laborer, 11. 318 Porter. Ca~iinagil, Rlnt hew, produce dealer, 11. s. s.<br />

Citst.y, Jt~rvniiali. laborer. Ms. 2S0 La r ned, Gratld Kivvr, nr. Twelfth.<br />

Cttsry, Jolin, sliormi~ker, bds. 124 1,arned uT. Cave, ( 'llarlotte (wid. Joseph), h. 205 Cro-<br />

Cast*y, 1,ynlari H., schc'y <strong>Detroit</strong> Xovelty gllull.<br />

M'orks, 11. 47 Elizalretll e.<br />

Cave, CVilliam. tanner, bds. 20'7 Cmghan.<br />

Casrg. Alary (wid. JII~~I~), 11. 408 Orleans. Cavelery, Funnie ( witi. \\'illiiul~), boarding,<br />

Cztsey, Pt~trick, drnyn~ti~i, 11. 2!)G Fifth. 11. o (i9 n. 73 Eiizabetll w.<br />

Casc~y, P;itrick, laborer, 11. 74 Eig11tli. Cavc.11, Kic1l;~rd 'I' , shoemilker, cor. Ran-<br />

Caw$. S. t.1)llc.n. tl ra~nlan, \)(Is. 2'36 Fifth. doll)li and Gr:ttiot, 11. 243 St. Antoine.<br />

C:wil, Sicllolas, butcllrr, 11. 82 1)cqrtindre. Cavil, 'i'llo~las, bricklayer and builder, 11. 43<br />

Caclli ri, 'l'llou~as. grocer. 224 Sistll, 11. same. Canlpbc*I 1.<br />

Ca~i~i~ir, Canny, market tender, h. 10'7 Caiving, L)arid C., carpenter, 11. Nineteenth.<br />

Franklin.<br />

C'ayouette, David, carpenter, h. 338 Cro-<br />

Caskey, Isiiac, bds. 175 Fifth.<br />

glian.<br />

Cti+lrty, Sum~zel (3. (A. C. JlcGratv & Co.), 11. Ceabert, Williiim, slloenlalrer, h. s. m. cor.<br />

336 Fort w.<br />

Uubois and Sl~er~n:~n.<br />

Caslan, I,onie, gilder, 11. 215 St. Antoine. ('ell, (;c1orge, teamster, 11. 11 North.<br />

('asl)ar.i, \\'illiani, bxkc1r. 11. 303 C'rogllan. Cel1t:r. Josel)h, slloeil1akt.r, 116 Woudbridge<br />

Caslxir.v, IIc-nry, l)re\ver, bds. s. s. Sht+ruIan, \v., 11. *:1111e.<br />

bet. Dubpris iin:i St. Aub n ave.<br />

Cente11ie1-i, AJadame, music teacher, bds. Rus-<br />

C'aslxry, Jolin. tail(lr, 11. $31 Fort e.<br />

sell House.<br />

Clt~~st~ly, Patrick, t.aloon, 29 Larr~ed w., h. @errit t, J oteyh, stonecutter, bds. Goodman<br />

sar11e.<br />

House.<br />

Ca-sevan. Miss Medas, 11. 34G Higli.<br />

Ceted. Jolin, 11. G9 W iglit.<br />

Caster, Rev. EiisIla E., 1)as;or Lafa~ette Cerve~lc~j, M'illiunl. tl ~bacconist, h. e. s. Hum-<br />

Avc~nue I\.lvtllodist Episcol:ul Clluich, 11. boldt ave., 11. S ulli~an ilve.<br />

'72 F~~Ilr.tl1.<br />

Cliube, h~nil, grocer, 191 tirand River, h.<br />

Castel mans, John, saloon, 406 Gratiot, 11. Sii Illt!.<br />

satnc a.<br />

Clladeayne, Charles J., life insurance agent,<br />

Castvrron, Dani?I, bal ber and tobacconi$t, 24 Koruntia Building, 11. 121 Cot~grer~ e.<br />

272 \Vocd\vard uve .ll 146 Cuss avo. Cllndwick, Pl1ineas LV., finisher, Lds. Cass<br />

Cii*t t.rtc.11, 'i'Lc,ulue, plastel er., bds. 146 Cass Hotel.<br />

;i\-tl.<br />

Cllai.iifTlry, Julius, peddler, 11. 30 Bracon.<br />

Casterton, William, gardener, 11. 154 C'ass Cliaeviu:t., Louis, carpenter, h. 48 Crawave.,<br />

bet. Cliariot te a11d Peterl~ol-o. tc )lad.<br />

Castlt., Ft.1.n:ii~dc~, car1 enter, 11. 24';Larllrd e. CllafL~e, Ainoe, 11. 530 M-oodn-al-d ave.<br />

Cabtie, Harris P., \vood dealer, bds. 96 Eliza- C'llafer*, Bt1ic;s F., iukt: survey, bds. 22 Colbeth<br />

e.<br />

umbia \v.<br />

Ca-tie, 31 rs. Minnie, h. 352 Orleans.<br />

Cllnftee, Ill:;ria (wid. A~lios), h. 22 Colum-<br />

Castello, Thonlas F., ccniwtiauer, 137 bia w.<br />

Uranrl River, il. mnle.<br />

C1i:iffi.e. Alerrick J., bookkeeper, h. 148<br />

Castello, I\'illiam. 1:1l)orer, 11. 1'76 Portsr. Flf111.<br />

Castell ton. Alollzo, machiuibt, 11. 1% h ine- C'liaffee. Oliver N., lake sun-ey, h. 22 CoIum<br />

teen1 11.<br />

bia w.<br />

Ct e~vell. J. Newton, clerk M. C. R. R., bds. Cllul~ners, David, clt~k, bds. 34 Park Place<br />

44 Clinton.<br />

Clltti~~ie~~, 1)at id IT., 11 itin ( jsl);~tcller hl. S.<br />

Castello, 'I lio~ias, laborer. h. n. s. Porter: S; X. I. li. K , bdj. 34 Yuik 1'1ac.e.<br />

Let. Seventh and Eigllrll.<br />

Cll:tlnlcrs, Hobert, blackbu~ith, 11. 171 Six-<br />

Cnrlin, Neliry, clel-k, Lds. 200 Croglian. tse11tl1.<br />

Ca t 1 i 11, \\' i 1 l i a ni '1'. , c1rl.l~ <strong>City</strong> S~seseor's Chari~ba y n e, J sepli, tannery, h. UTood<br />

oificr, 11. 290 C'rogliau.<br />

biitlgc: w., 11-ont rannery.<br />

Catiilrr, Peter, laborer, bds. \I-i;ht, bet. Cllaiiibt.rlain, Susan (~vitl. IVilliam), h. 11<br />

C';II~~~;IU i~nd \lTitikt.r.<br />

\\ ar.rt.11.<br />

Catton, kiester (wid. 'I'llonlas), 11. 69 Colum- Cllnnlb~rlin, Alonzo, boolrlreeper Chamberl)ia<br />

w.<br />

lain & C'o , his. 44 Hvn1.v.<br />

Catton, Hichard A., ckrk Am. b1. U. Ex, Cl1trnil)er in, Alvinzie (Chamberlain & Co.)<br />

office, bds. 69 Columbia w.<br />

h. 44 Henry.

CHA CHA<br />

Physiciai~s a1w-a~~ spccif'y Chandler, Williatn H., finisher, 11. 305 Marion.<br />

PARKE, JENHiNGS & Con's Clii~ndler, €19~. Z.icl1ariali, U. S. Sznator, h.<br />

174 Fo let w.<br />

C'haney, Allen. <strong>Detroit</strong> agric~~lt~lral works,<br />

52 and 54 (;rand liiver, 11. !I. (ieorge.<br />

Chanep, Ilenr-y, principal Union Capital<br />

High School, 11. o. 101 n. 121 eeorge.<br />

Clraney, Lucien C., carpenter, bds. o. 101 n.<br />

121 George.<br />

Chamberlin, Alonzo. farn~er, 11. 44 Henry. Clinnry, A. L., printer, bds. Trernont House.<br />

Clialnl)er!in, Charles ill., clerk, bds. 234 Chantty. Sabra (wid. Luther), bda. 9 Joy,<br />

Beir ubien.<br />

bet. Second and Class ave.<br />

Cliaxnberlin, Daniel C., clerk, 11. 231 Beau- Clianey. Edward, blwcksmith, h. Fifteenth.<br />

bien.<br />

Clian ley, Jolln, laborer, bds. cur. Freuont<br />

Chamberlin, Desire (mid. Itoderic), 11. 254 and Beauhien.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Chanlev, Peter, gardener, bds. cor. Fremont<br />

Chan~berlin, Erastus H., assist. teller and Bt.au1)it.n.<br />

Aillerican National Bank, bds. 254 Beau- Chant ler, Henry, physician, 181 Woodward<br />

bien.<br />

ztve., 11. 404 Grand River.<br />

Cllaniberlin, Lewis H , clerk, h. 237 Park. Cllzipin, J. H , bds. Itizssell House.<br />

C11auiberlin, 31 arvin 13. (Chamberlin Sr Chaprllan, EJward, citrlwnter. bds. n. s.<br />

C'o.), 11. 44 Henry.<br />

Beecli, bet. Second and 'l'hird.<br />

Clla:lll)orlin, Jlillirrd. clerk, h. 218 First. Cllapmm, Henr~, currier, 11. 19 Sisth.<br />

Clia~iiberlin, Millard F., tinsmith, 'uds. 218 Chapiuan, James, keeper Wood ward ave.<br />

Fi I st,.<br />

toil gate, 11. snule.<br />

Cllaii~ berliq, Win field S. (Clark & Cliamber- Chrtpn~an, John, carpenter, h. 1'70 Sisth.<br />

lit]), 11. 61 Dufiield.<br />

Chaplnan, Joseph K. (J. R. Chapman & Co.),<br />

Cllanl berl ill & Co. (brvin H. C'liamberlin 11. 199 Jefferson nve.<br />

a 11d hlorri? Norton), wholesale liquor Cilapmi~n, S:tmrlel, clerk Farrand, Sheley &<br />

drulers, paints ant1 o~le, 58 Jcff'erson ave. Co.. Ms. 40 (!ongress w.<br />

Clltl nlberd, Francis C., \vatchillan, 11. 60 Cliaptnan, \Villia~ll. boxmaker. bds. n. s.<br />

(; eorge.<br />

Beech, bet. Second and Tllird.<br />

Cllanibers, F. W. Henry, attorney, <strong>City</strong> Chup.u.~n, William, tanner, h. 37 Con-<br />

Hall, 11. 61 Jones.<br />

grek s w.<br />

Chanibers, Kobert, shipcarpenter, h. s. m. Cilap:l~itn, .J. R,. Pt Co. (Joseph R. Chapinan<br />

cor. Dt quindre and Guoin.<br />

and 1s:tuc Dulienmineer), druggists, 199<br />

Chi11ill)i. Frederick, confectioner, 220 Grati~t, J t~fft- rsoxl a-ie.<br />

11. b811163.<br />

Chapoton, Alexander, mason builder, h. 126<br />

Cllar~~p, Funny (wid. William), 11.135 Adams Congress e.<br />

;\VV e.<br />

Cllapot on, A lesander, jr., nlasonbuilder, h.<br />

Chanlr), George (col'd), laborer, bds. 377 bfa- 155 Congress e.<br />

cc lrn b.<br />

Cliapoton, LILI~US~US B., bds. Biddle House.<br />

Champ, Willia~n, overseer House of Cor- Cha yoton, E1iz;ibe th (wrd. Charles), h. o.<br />

rection, bds. saule.<br />

102 n. 190 LC'apoleon.<br />

C11;1111l lion, Charles, miller, bds 317 Con- Cllapotctn, Eustace, 11. 301 Jefferson ave.<br />

gress \v.<br />

C'liapoton, Frederick, carriage painter, bds.<br />

Cl:anll)ion, Henry E. (D. Shonrerman & Co.), 93 Jolln K.<br />

res. Y psilanti.<br />

Chapoton, Joseph, mason, 11. 357 Croghan.<br />

Chandler, Eclward S. (Ling, Chandler & C'llapotoil, Lewis, sailor, 11 564 Gratiot.<br />

(lo.), h. 119 Farmer.<br />

C'llul)(bton, Lydia (wid. Henry), h. 337 Cro-<br />

Clla~rd ler, (icorge C., gents' fnrnish- ghm.<br />

ing goods, 1 Larned w., h. 295 Cass aye. Chit poton, Peter, carpenter, h. 95 John R.<br />

(See adz.)<br />

C11a poton, 'l'lieodore, bds. 30 1 J eCerson aye.<br />

Cllancl'et., George S. (Ling, Chandler & Co.), Ciiapoton, lvilliam, mason builder, h. 330<br />

11. 231 Brusl~.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Chandler, John A. R., gilder, bds. 119 Far- Chapllee, Belljamin (col'd), porter, h. 51<br />

mer.<br />

Cent re.<br />

Chandler, Norman, bookkeeper Fonda & Cllappee, Robert D. (col'd), porter, bds. 20<br />

Es+elstyn, bds. o. 220 n. 224 W'oodward C'el~tre.<br />

ave.<br />

Cha~peel, Albert J. (Chappeel Sr; Van Duzer),<br />

Chandler, William (col'd), cook, 132 Lztfay- res. Ad] ian.<br />

ette.<br />

Cllal )pt:il, Alonzo L., horsetrader, h. 116<br />

Chdudler, MTillinm A., phgsician, 90 Mont- Larneci e.<br />

CdlU e., h. 68Mtl.<br />

Clrayyell, Henry, farmer, h. 263 Congress e.


Chappell, Hoyal, baggagemaster M. C. R. Cliene, Josel)ll, engineer, 11. s s. Maple,<br />

H., bds. lllicliiga~i Excliange.<br />

bet. Dequinclre and St. A11l)in t~ve.<br />

Ch;~ppell, William H , carpenter, bds. 2G3 Cl~enc., Peter, carpenter, 11 499 3lullett.<br />

Col~grt. ASS e.<br />

Clicne, IViliia111, ibuilder, 11. 20 \Vigl~t.<br />

C1ial)peIl & Van Dilzer (Albert J. Chap- C'lieney, Rt.ul)en, pril~ter, h. 8$2 dccond.<br />

yell and Azipley k!. Vau Duzer), general Chequin, Audrew, carpenter and joiner, 11.<br />

agr s. Howe Machine Cu., 30 Woodward 441 Clinton ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Cherubini, Anclrew. (G. White & Co.), bds.<br />

Chu~ i pa, Josrph, tailor, bds. 7SG Twenty- w. end of Tronibley.<br />

fourt 11.<br />

ClieruLini. Paul ((5. White & Co.), bds. w.<br />

Cliarles, Frederick, gardener, bds. 363 end 'l'ronlbley.<br />

Slstoll.<br />

Clit~sebrougll, Altked, agent N. Y. C. H. R.,<br />

Charles, Thomas, shipcarpenter, h. 507 Lar- foot second, h. 171 Fort w.<br />

ned e.<br />

Chrsebl*ough, Altred L., clerk, Lds. 171<br />

Charlton, Andrew (col'd), saloon, h. s. w. Fort w.<br />

cor. Iien t ucky aid Ht~s~ings.<br />

Clirsebrough, William G. L., clerk, hds. 171<br />

Charlto I, Uavid L., clerk Y. O., h. 2G1 Fort w.<br />

Fourr 11.<br />

Cllester, Catllarine 35. (wid. Jolin), h. 353<br />

Cllarl ton, FITillianl, stonemason, bds. 51 Jefirson ilr e.<br />

lAari1ed w.<br />

Chest el., FI-auk A., gasfi tter, brls. 205 Maple.<br />

Chase, Aan E., boarcing, 11. 27 Monroe Chester, John Mr., clerl:, bds. 353 Jecerson<br />

ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Cliase, Benjamin J., cooper, h. n. w. cor. C'lievellot, Aime, carpenter, h. o. 22 n. 24<br />

North aud St. Aubin ave.<br />

3 ones.<br />

Chase, Cl~arles C., bvots and shoes, h. 87 Clievellot, Peter, shoeluaker, h. 48 Craw-<br />

Second.<br />

i'ord.<br />

Cliase, Edwin, clerk, h. o. 180 n. 186 Michi- Cllilds, Frank L., bookagent, bds. 12 Miami<br />

gan ave.<br />

ave.<br />

C1l:tsu. Egbert, clerk, 11. 83 High.<br />

Cliidsrp, Augustus A., printer, h. 301<br />

Cliase, Krv.-George, 11. o. '79 1). 387 Cass aye. 81s; h.<br />

Chase, J. I)., cvnd~lctor h1. C!. K. li., bds. Clli1~11, Gideon, carpenter, 11. 402 Grand<br />

kiu>sell House.<br />

ltiver.<br />

Chase. Laura [wid. David). 11. 83 Higli. Chi ls~)n. James Morris, clerli, bds. 141<br />

Chase, Alz~rcus A,, lawyer, bds. tivodluan Wood\t-ard ave.<br />

House.<br />

Chi!son, Iiute (wid. Rufus.), h. 141 Wood-<br />

Chare, Mrs. Kellie. confectioner, o. IS0 n. ward ave.<br />

186 Niclrigatt aye., 11. sttnie.<br />

Cliilvers, Capt. Thomas, proprietor of ferry<br />

Cha~c~,R~v.~u,)~)ly,1a,;torSecondBaptist, <strong>Detroit</strong>,li.41Beecl1.<br />

cl~urc 1, 11. SG Larneci \v.<br />

Cl~ir~g, Louis, sailor, 11 521 Lafayette.<br />

Chu>t=, iVilliam, huckster, 11. 238 Benton. C'kil)uian, J. Logan, attc,rney, Butler's<br />

C .atem, J olln B., coyyerslllith, h. cur. lius- BIUC~, opp. P. O , bds. cor. tdtlndol y h and<br />

sell and Ontario.<br />

hlonroe ave.<br />

Chateau, Susan (wid. Nicholas), h. Russell, Cllip~nitn, Lewis L slioemaker, h. s. e. cor.<br />

bet. Leland and Superior.<br />

X:rtional ave. and Oak.<br />

Chavry, Pierre J., pliybician, 212 Gratiot, h. Cliisllolm, Jr~ucs, woodagent D. Sr &I. R R.<br />

sallle.<br />

11. n. s. Crogl~un. nr. El~ilwood ave.<br />

Cheaydpe, Charles, insurance agt., bds. (:ilislholin, 'i'holuas, patternmaker, 11. 322<br />

12 1 Codg t'ess.<br />

Mullett.<br />

Chebau, Uuniel, joiner, bds. <strong>Detroit</strong> Ex- Cliisliolni, Walter, patternmaker, h. 235<br />

change.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Che, k, deorge ITr. jcol'd), barbsr, bds. 339 C'llitteiiden, Mrs. Eliza, h. 584 Jefferson aye.<br />

C:athal.liie.<br />

Chittenden, George C.: clerk, bds. Hussell<br />

Cheevrr, Henry 39. (H. M. S: W. E. Cheever), House.<br />

b. 48 hdanls ave. w.<br />

Chittenden, 11-illiam J. (Witbeck & Chit-<br />

Cheever, \I illiani E. (H. M. & W. E. Chee- tendeli), bds. Kusseli House.<br />

V~I.), res. Yl~siianti.<br />

Cliope, Cliarles H (E. Chope & Sons), h.<br />

C;iet~\-d~r., H. 81., & W. E. (Henry &I. and 185 hlontcalm e.<br />

1 il:ia n E. CI e :I e:), attorueys, S and 9 Chope, Edward (E. Chope St Sons), res.<br />

Ru, u~l,~a Buiidiug.<br />

Green field.<br />

Clieli, Valero (Benoit St CheIi), h. cor. Maple C,iope, Edward B. (E. Cliope St Sons), h. 84<br />

and ltivurd.<br />

Rantiolph.<br />

Clie~~e, Charles, 11. s. e. cor. Cllene and Lar- Cliope, Gizor-ge, clcr?i, Seitz'a office, bda<br />

lied.<br />

243 l\'oodward uve.<br />

Chcne, Gi~briel (wid.), 11. 7.15 Jefferson ave. Cho1~e. Henry, labvrer, h. n. e. cor. <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Chene, Istidore, sailor, h. . 378 - St. Aubin ave. nr. Kiuyelle.

CHO<br />

SOLO3 DIcELR'oP, Il,i~riiger alld Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICE<br />

Chi-istoyher, Kt~bb, iaborer, 11. cor. Third<br />

U U ~<br />

timud Ki ver.<br />

Chrysler, J ustus, carpenter, h. 3 Oak.<br />

CHU<br />

Cllobb, James A., car$:nter, bds. 135 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

C 11 ub!), Wit1 ter, sailor, bds. 31ansion House.<br />

Cllubl~uck. IAeander E , grain diap;~tcl1er D.<br />

& J1. K. Lt., bds. 263 Jeiterson ave.<br />

Cllubruy, Atrtoirle, laborer. 11. 132 L\lnco~nb.<br />

Clludleigll, iVil liam H.. bakery, j 59 Af ichi-<br />

gan ave., 11. saulc.<br />

Cl~llrcl~, hdanl. porter Cass Hotel, bds. same.<br />

C'liurcll, Charles, shoeluaker, bds. 310<br />

Chope, E. & Sons (Edward, Edward B. C~.o$rli;~n.<br />

and Charles H. (?llol)~). wagon and car- Cllurctl, Hlijall, nianufacturer scale powder,<br />

riage nlnfrs., 83, ti8 and ~4 Xi~ndolph 11. 84 Baker.<br />

Christ, Uc?or


Church. G~r~n.\n Evangi=!icu! Lut!leran SA- Clixr.:!l. St. .Jr)33;)'1*+ (3 ~ rm I,? C ~t!i')lic), COP.<br />

le111, htll ~ritl9. nr. Gi'ati~t, K~v. Jc):11i Grilti )t an1 Uiledn~, 1i9v. J. El. FrizJlilnd,<br />

Juch S .h ui.lt, p:tst.)r.<br />

P:LSCOT.<br />

Ch ~rch, Ciertnull Evangelical St. J )lim. cor. Cllurch, St. 1f;~thew's (Germzn Evangelical),<br />

Farrlrr and Monroe sve., Rev. C. Haass, nr. c )r. Cangreas and Kivard, Rev. Charles<br />

pastor.<br />

Shad )w, p:t.;tor.<br />

Church, Qermzn Reforme-1 Zions, Russell. Church, St. M ~ry's ,Germ.in C~tholic), s. e.<br />

btt. Catiliiriue and Sherm~u, Rev. P. Ore- c )r. Croghan and St. Antoine, Rev. John<br />

ding. 11:~s t() r.<br />

Dz Dyker. asto tor.<br />

Churcli, Grace (Episcopal), St. Andrew's Churcll, St. P~tul's (E?isco?al), n. e. cnr.<br />

Hail, s w cor. State 2t:i;l flddivard ave., Conrrzss and Shelby, Eev. Thomas C.<br />

Kev. M. C. Lightner, rector.<br />

Pitkin, asto tor.<br />

Churoii, Jetfersou ave. Cllriatiac, s. w. cor. Churcil, St. P,~trick's Chapel (C ~tliolic),<br />

Be tu~ien and JckF;rson are., Bev. 0. P. Adc?laide, cor Jdhn R., hv. Jitm2s A.<br />

JkI~ller, p:t+t ) :.<br />

Hennzssy, pastor.<br />

Church, Jefm In ave. Prt?s>yterinn, n. s. Cllurcil, S G Pjtel"~ (E~i~cop~l). COP. Trum-<br />

Jeftrs:)~ iive., b2t. J3iv~r.l rtud liussell, bill1 av2. and Church, Rev. (3. E. Peters,<br />

Rev. LVLII~.L!U H 1.4 trch, pli-;tor.<br />

rectar.<br />

Church, E.u.111 ael Ci~r1n 111 Lutheran, Trum Church, St. Stephen's (E )isc?pal), Cathabud<br />

ave., near Hichigaa ave.<br />

rine. nr. St. Aubiu ave., Rsv. Milton<br />

Churc.1, Our Lady of dzlp (C: ~tliolic), w. s. Ward, rxtor.<br />

Xi~n\vd)d ave., bet. L:~rnzJ anlC:mgrzs~, Cllrlrch, St. Vincgnt de Pi~ul (Ciltliolic),<br />

Rev. (3. Li~upens, pastor.<br />

Ft)~rteenth, nr. Mic!ligan ave., R~v.<br />

Churcil, LiGyl-.tte ;tve. B~ptist, Lafayette M Ugt iewillegen, pastor.<br />

a~e., bet. CLSS and First, Kev. Alfred Church. Unicesl Prtsbyterian, cor. Wayne<br />

0 wen, pastor.<br />

and Latayette ave., Rev. J. P. Scott, pas-<br />

Church, L~filyette nve. Methodist Episcopal. tor.<br />

cor. L~afayette t~vt.. and b'durth. Eev. Church. IVestminster Preebyterian, 0. S.,<br />

E. E. Cilster, pastor.<br />

e. s. Waahingt In ave., bet. State and<br />

Churcil, iflariners' (Egi.;copal), n. w. cor. Grand Eiver, ICev. W. E. McL~ren, pas-<br />

Woad ~ ~ ave. r anJ d WooJb~iJge, Rev. A. tor.<br />

hl. Lzwia, rector.<br />

Cicotte, E lward V., attorney and counsellor<br />

Church, Ahst Holy Trinity (Catholic), n. e. at law. 11. 309 Jeffdrson ave.<br />

cur. Sistu and Pori.er, Kcv. A. F. B.ey- Cic.)tte, Gjorge F., fruits and groceries, 317<br />

enbdrgil, past.)r.<br />

Jeti:rson ave., h. srm3.<br />

Chilrcli, Sew Jeru-;alem (Sivedenborgian), 11 Cicot te, Jatlies A., lawyer, 11. 261 Beaubien.<br />

hlaco~ub uve., Rev. E. C. L\litcilell, pastor. Cicotte, Johu, waiter, bds. liefron's saloon.<br />

Churcl~, Yiue Street b1ethodist E2iscopill, n. Ci lian, John F., laborer, bds. Franklin, bet.<br />

s. Pi~le. be^. Sixth and Sj~eiitll.<br />

Adair atld Leib.<br />

Cllctroh, Swcch Presby teriau, cur. Bates and Cill;n, 8 teplien, bds. Franklin, bet. Adair<br />

Farnler.<br />

and Leib.<br />

Church, Second Bnptist (col'cl), n. s. Cro- Ciliax, Charles, cabinetmaker, 11. 65 Mapleghau,<br />

bec. Brush aud Beaubien, Kev. Sup Cistley, (3ec)rge (col'd), waiter Michigan Esply<br />

Cuase, pastor.<br />

I change. bds. saule.<br />

Ci~urch, becuud Congregatitmal, n. w. cor. 1 <strong>City</strong> Hotel, John G. Brown, proprietor, 11<br />

U'oodward ave. aud SiblejT, Kev. S. N. anti 13 Llrfapetce aV8.<br />

Freelund, pastor.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Railway office, Woodbridge w., bet.<br />

Church, Secoud Cierman Methodist Episco- Second Third.<br />

Lasalle ave., nr. h1ichigan ave. Civalier, Sdmphin, bartender, bd~. 49<br />

Chul-ch, Seventh Stret-t Metllodist Episco. Sheiby.<br />

pal. cor. Walnut and Seventh, Bev. S. E. Claget, Thomas (col'd), blacksmith, h. 115'<br />

Il,'arren, pastor.<br />

For-t e.<br />

Chulch, S~sth Baptist, 154 Grand River, Clancey, Cornelius, h. 414 Michigan ave.<br />

1Cev. - 'l'nylor, pastor.<br />

Clancey. Pntr~ck, hose art driver h. 4,<br />

Church, S,,iricualis t, Kutners' Hall, Larned, bds. 414 Michigan ave.<br />

rear Y. 0.<br />

Clancy. James, street car conductor, h. 110<br />

Church, Sc. Anne's Cllapel (col'd-Catholic), Labro~se.<br />

cor. Congre$tj and Bates, Kev. B. S~Eers, Clancy, James, labwer, h. 13 Labrosse.<br />

pustor.<br />

Clancj7, Jolin, butcher, h. 431 Seventeenth.<br />

Church, St. Anne's (French Catliolic), n. s. Clancy, John, wood, 446 W oodbridge w., h.<br />

Larned, bet. Bates and Randolph, Bev. Fort., bet. Eleventli and Tivelfth.<br />

Bernard (3. Satf'ers, pastor.<br />

Clancy. Jolln (Letts & Clancy), h. 386<br />

Church, St. Juhn'e! (l3piscopal). s. e. cor. Woodbridge w.<br />

Wovdwar(1 uve. aud High, Rev. George Cluucy, Juh, yotashmakar, h. 28 Seven-<br />

M'ort~1~gton, r~ctor.<br />

teeuth.<br />


\<br />




Ofilce, 374 Cass Avemue,<br />


Clark, Georce (M'jliitlms, ('1~111; 8; C'o.), h.<br />

n. P. bJic11iga11 ave.. cor. Eighth.<br />

Clark, George A., bootmaker, h. 34 Mo~Lca11n<br />

w.<br />

Clark, Gideon F , bookkeeper <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper<br />

( 'o . bds. 'l'remont House.<br />

(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,) Cla 1.k. Harry, ba~ ber, Michigan Eschange<br />

DETROIT, - MICHIC+AN, Block, bds. 91 Jolln H.<br />

Clark, Harvey C., sales~uan, h. 55 Adams<br />

Clancp. William, ltikorer. 11. 621 Larned e. ave. w.<br />

CLAPP, EE& JAMlN F., Yankee notions, Clark, Miss Helen, teacher Cass Union<br />

229 IYcodward ave.. 11. same.<br />

Scliool, 11. 60 Sllelby.<br />

Clal p: Eliza (wid. Allen B.), l~. 352 Congress Clark, I-lenrj , paintt~r. bds. Perkins' Hotel.<br />

east.<br />

Clarli , Henry O., cat hier, bds. 39 Congress<br />

Clapp, Rev. Matllurin S., h. John R., s. m. west.<br />

cor. Edmund.<br />

Clark, Henry O., cornn~is~ion merchant, 48<br />

Cla pp, Martin, saloon, 298 Woodbridge and 50 Woodbridge w., 11. 59 Congress w.<br />

w., 11. same.<br />

Clark, Hirani, traveling agent, h. 351 St.<br />

Clugue, Henry, assistant U. S. Lake Sur- Antoine.<br />

vey, cor. tirand Hiver and Park, Lds. Jef Clark. James, cooper. 11. IG Howard.<br />

ferwn ave., bet. Cumpu aud St. Au- CLAHIi, JAMES J., Sec'y I). F. & M. Inbin<br />

aves.<br />

surance Co., h. s. e. cur. Congress and<br />

Clare, Theodors, city espl essn-. an, h. o. 149 Wayne.<br />

n. 165 Abbott.<br />

Clalk, Jc ~hn, draym~n, 1.1. 12 Bronson.<br />

Clu~k. Adonivan J., produce, I1 <strong>City</strong> Hall Clal k, Joseph (col'd), laborer, h. 381 Manlaifret,<br />

11. 118 Michigan ave.<br />

coni b.<br />

Clark, Alesander, car1 enter, h. 66 Cllerry. Clark, Joseph J. (Clark & Yost), h. 83 Na-<br />

Call;, Al~lcd, sllc.emaker, 11. 412 Guoin. tional ave.<br />

Clark, Alfred, jr., shoemaker, bds. 412 Clark, Josiah, meat market, 257 Seventh, h.<br />

Guoin.<br />

same.<br />

Claik, Alice C., teacher New Kinth Ward Clark, Lorenzo E., Vice Pres't First Eat 1<br />

School. bds. 244 Stcond.<br />

Bani;, 11. 453 VVoodwarci aye.<br />

Cla~ k, Benjamin, <strong>City</strong> Inspector of beef, Clark. Lorenzo N. (Clark & Chalnberlin), h.<br />

fish, kc., foot First. 11. 1'15 Seventeentll. 244 Second.<br />

Clark, Burton L. (col'd), physician, 276 Clark, hleltiah, shipcarpenter, h. 102<br />

Clinton, 11. same.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Clark, Charles hlason, h. 94 Porter. Clark, 31ichael (col'd), b~rtender, bds. 135<br />

Clark, Charles P.. pub,isher <strong>City</strong> Fort e.<br />

<strong>Directory</strong>, s. w. cor. Je%erson ave. and Clark, hlicl~ael J., clerk G. IV. R. It., h. 135<br />

Gribwcld.<br />

'1 hi rd.<br />

Clark, Cl~auncey, policenian, 11. 75 Brady. Clark, l& )bert, carpenter. bds. 107 Rivard.<br />

Clark, Cyrus (col'd), 0. K. barbershop, CJal k, Samuel J. (Clark Bros.), h. 231<br />

n. e. col . Mroodward ave. and C'ongrebs, First.<br />

Ir 224 Macotllb.<br />

Clark, Septimns, courier, 11. 103 Farmer.<br />

Clark, David C., joiner, h. 317 High. Clark. Stepllen J.. bds. $51 St. Antoine.<br />

Claik, l)ellnis, elloeulaker, h. 30 C'linton. Clark, 'l'l~omas, sailor, h. '710 Crogl~an.<br />

Cia1 k, Duval, clerk, bds. 72 Jethi-r*on ave. Clark. \tTalter Y. (col'd), laundrer, h. 323<br />

Clark, Edward, fu~nirule, 11. 72 C'atLari~e. Fort e.<br />

Clark, Edward C. I)., bookk .eper Mr. Yhelps Clal k. U'illiam, street car conductor, h. 8.<br />

& Co., 11. 77 High.<br />

8. (!li~rry, near Sixth.<br />

Clark, Eiuwa (wid. G. 8.). h. 69 Shelby. Clark, William, meat market, 144 Larned<br />

Clark. h. C. Delavan, bouklieper, h. 37 TV., 11. same.<br />

High.<br />

Clark, IYilliam, mason, bds. 94 Porter.<br />

Clarli, E. Miner, boots and shoes, 206 Wood- Clark, liev. \Yjllianl C1. (Presbyterian), h. o.<br />

ward ave., 11. 24 Yti1zut.r.<br />

59 11. 55 Adanls ave. \v.<br />

Clark, E. &I., p11ysic:an and propr. <strong>Detroit</strong> Clark, blTilliti~n J., buokkeeper, bds. Fin-<br />

Opera House, 11. 124 Fort W.<br />

neg'a Hotel.<br />

Clark, F. Howard, draughtsman, bds. 2% Clark Bras. (Samuel J. and E. F. Clark),<br />

Congress e.<br />

6teanl baker?, 5, 7 and 9 Orchard.<br />

Clark, George, butcher, h. rear 400 Michi- Clark& C'll;tnlberlin (Lorenzo N. Ciark and<br />

g,~u aye.<br />

ll-irdieid S. Chaillberlin), life insurance<br />

Clark, George. butcher, 11. 91 Congress m. agents, 1 10 G riswuid.<br />

Cla~ k, George. moulder, Lds. 2% ~Lbott. Clal.k, George, & Co. (George Clark and<br />

Clark, George (George Clark & Co.), rsai- George XI. Uisorl), fish and oysters, o. 309<br />

dence Ecorse.<br />

u. 329 Woodward ave


Clark & Yost (Joseph J. Clark an3 William Clement, Samuel, turner, h. 1'76 \J1ood-<br />

Yi )st), pain~ers, 28 Lliclligan ave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

C~arkj. Alexander, with Ling S: Chandler, 11. Cietrlmer. Nathan B., porter Ciky Hotel, 85<br />

1.52 Lame 1 e.<br />

At water.<br />

Clarke, 13enjamin, teamster, bds. 337 Frank- Clencli, Freernan S., foreman Rrl. C. R. R., 21.<br />

lin.<br />

13s Al1bott.<br />

Clarlre, Franklin S. (Clarke & Co.), h. 276 Clenclr, Jal.nes, carpenter, h. 173 Abboft.<br />

Congrcqs e.<br />

Clessen, Peter, grocer and undertaker, 150<br />

Clarke, Fre lerick, blacksmitli, h. Fort e. Hussr,ll, 11. sn:ue.<br />

Clarke, Frederick H., architect, bJs. 276 Clevelaud, Ja!ne;. mqson, 11. 13 3 Third.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Clevel:u~d, T h ~inas.(col'd): candy maker, bds.<br />

Clnrke. Henry W., office clerk, bds. Frank- 2 11 Hastings.<br />

lin House.<br />

Cliff, Frederick William, saloon, 27 Fifth, h.<br />

Clarke, Hovey K., attorney and register in same.<br />

bankruptcy, 14 13,1nk Block, Griswold, h. Cliff. John W. (hykroyd Sr; Cliff), h. 366<br />

72 Lafayette ave.<br />

Sistli.<br />

Clarke, James. laborer, Ms. 128 Franklin. CliH;)rd, Daniel J., saloon, 290 Michigan<br />

Clarke, Jonathan T., carpenter, 11. 130 Sev- ave., 11. same.<br />

en t h.<br />

Clitfl)rd, Henrv, tinsmith, 171 Woodward<br />

Clarke, Joseph J., painter, h. 85 National ave., 11. cor. Third and Cedar.<br />

ave.<br />

Cliff John, sailor, 11. 534 Fort e.<br />

Clarke, Wiliiam J., bookkeeper C. B. James Clirf


ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />


-.<br />

SOLON DIcELROT, Dlhnrger and Apeney Sapt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Ruilding, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Codde, Angust, jr., trlilor, bde. 65 Rnndoll h.<br />

Codde, August, tailor, 65 Hundoll,h, h.<br />

s:1111e.<br />

Code, Mrs. Elimbeth, bds. s. s. Beech, bet.<br />

Sist 11 and Sev~nth.<br />

Codp. Edward, laborer, h. 502 VToodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Cody. Edward, laborer, 'bds. 502 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Cody, Frank, sllipcarpenter, h. 256 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Cody, James, shipcarpenter, bds. 256 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Cody, John. freighthoureman, h. o. 453 n.<br />

565 Congress e.<br />

Coe, Mrs. Adeline, boarding, 96 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Coe, James ,4., traveling agent, h. 96 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Coe, Willis II., grocer, 333 Fort w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Coellrler, Julius, tailor, 11. 303 Larned e.<br />

Cloud, Carrie (col'd!, 11. 269 Catharine.<br />

Clough, James E. (Simnlons,. Clough & (lo.),<br />

h. o. 10 n. 22 Montcalm e.<br />

Clougli, Willia~li H., conductor Fort Street<br />

Railway, 11. 268 Congress e.<br />

Clourier, CIlarles J., joiner, bds. 15 Napoleon,<br />

nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Cloutier, John, shoemaker, h. 155 Abbott.<br />

Cloutier, Oliver, jt~iner, 11. 15 Napoleon.<br />

Cluc-kie. Charles, calpenter, h. 609 Riopelle.<br />

Cl uckie, Oliver, c~rpent er. h. 609 Riopelle.<br />

Cluckey , Frank, joiner, bde. 420 Lafapette.<br />

Cluterp, John, el1oem;tker, 11. 133 ALbott. ('offee, Jolln. hatter, bds. 112 Alhott.<br />

Clyde, Joseph, laborer, h. 37 Bronson. C'oflee, Patr:ck. lal~orer, h. 131 Cherry.<br />

Coukes, John, hostler Eisenlord's Hotel, .bds. Cofeg, Enlily, seamstress, 11. 15 L Brolisnn.<br />

same.<br />

O ,ffin, John P., shoemaker, bds. Franklin<br />

Coal, Edward, painter, bds. 181 Second. House.<br />

Coilrs, David J., agent, 11. 8 Pine.<br />

Col~en, Abraham, peddler, 11. 402 Crogllan.<br />

*<br />

Coats, Edgar A., clerk, bds. 38 Park Place. ('ohen, Aaron, peddler, 1)ds. 161 Hasrings.<br />

Coats, Harvey. sawyer, h. 326 C'roghan. Cohen, Cllarles, auctioneer, h. 127 C'atha-<br />

Coats, Henry, teanlsler, h. Wight, bet. line.<br />

Mrullier and Adair.<br />

Pollen, Daniel, auctioneer. h. 26 Catharine.<br />

Coats, James G., salesman, h. 83 Vlrillnut. Cohen, Daniel (-L. C'ohen & Bro.), 11. 22 C'uth-<br />

C'obb, Elbridge U., sewing mach. agt., h. 81 arine.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Col~en, David, salesman. 11-28 Lafarette ave.<br />

Cobb, Elisha M., butcher, 315 Woodward C'011t.n~ Harris. yiii11tt.r: 11. 348 Hastings.<br />

ave., btls. Biddle House.<br />

Collen, Herman, traveling agent, bds. 28 La-<br />

CoLb, Howard A., picture-framemaker, bds. fayette aye.<br />

153 Fifteenrh.<br />

Collen. Jacob, glazier. h. 5 Glass Row, Rla-<br />

Cobb, John G., bookkeeper, bds. Franklin ple.<br />

House.<br />

Collen, Louis (L. Cohen & Bro.), h. 145<br />

Cobb, 1,ucretius H., physician and member Gratiot.<br />

Boald Fire Commissioners, h. s. w. cor. Cohen. Xlarcus, h. 31 Miami ave.<br />

Jef%erson aw. and Kioprl le.<br />

Cullen, Ma~cus, h. 28 Lafagette aye.<br />

C'oLb, blathilda (wid. J ckiah), h. 159 Rlul- Collen, bloses (S. & hl. Cohen), h. 2d Lafaylett.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Coburn, Miss Anna, bds. 4SG Ninth ave. Colien, Simon (S. & M. Cohen), h. 18 Lafay-<br />

CocL, Herbert, cleik, bcls. 50 G'eoige. ette tive. L<br />

Cocbmn. Ettpliexuia C. (wid. William), h. Cohen, Solornon, huckster, bds. 54 Lafay-<br />

142 Cliff brd.<br />

ette.<br />

Cochrane, George B., student, bds. 242 Clif- ('ohen, Solomon, clerk, 11. 28 Lafayette ave.<br />

fi )rd.<br />

C'ohen, Solonion, cigarmaker, 11. 173 Or-<br />

Cochrane, John, brakeman M. C. R. R., Bds. leans.<br />

Michigan Escllunye.<br />

C'ohen, & Bro. (Louis and Daniel Cohen),<br />

Cochrane, John P., messenger U. S. Ex. Co.. dry and fancy uoods, 145 (iratiot.<br />

h. 46 Rlarion.<br />

Collm, S. B M. (*Simon and illoses Coben),<br />

Cucllrane, Lyman, lawyer, h. 10'2 Clifford. miliinery and hncy goods), 151 W-uod-<br />

Cockroft, Joseph, musicprinter, h. 454 St. ward aye.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Cohn, Frank, laborer, h. 281 Antietam.<br />

Cocup, Henrietta (wid. John R.), h. 194 C'ol~n, Henry D., cigalmaker, bds M'estern<br />

First.<br />

Horel.<br />

Coda, Jacob, saloon, 95 St. Aubin ave., h. Cohn, Nicholas, gardener, b. Hastinge, nr.<br />

same.<br />

ludiana.<br />

Codd, George C., Alderman Sixth Ward, h. Cohn, Sigmar (Sigmar Cohu & Co.), bds.<br />

94 Adelaide.<br />

Howard House.


Colrl~, Signlar, & ('0. (Signlar colln and Coleman. Isaiah B., fi lre~nan House of Chr-<br />

George A i~derson). dealers in llides and rection, 11. n. w. cor. Pearl and Knssell.<br />

furs, yawnbroke1 s, 110 Gri: wold.<br />

Coleman, John, marble works, h. 22 Catha-<br />

C'oi~r. Eolc:iilon, lruits HI!^ candies, 3 <strong>City</strong> rine.<br />

Hail malket, bds. cor. OeauLien and La- Coleman, John, plasterer, h. n. e. cor. Benfayette.<br />

ton and Prospect.<br />

Cokes, Jolin, hcstler, 11. 297 Tliird.<br />

Colenlan, St.t.pl1c.n G., bds. 1G Warren.<br />

Collar, Jun!es, esyl ess nles$enger, h. 25 Colesby. Altred, l~ostler. bds. 129 Cliinton.<br />

hlc,ntcu1~11 w.<br />

Colesby, Altred, shoenluker, 11. 129 Cllinton.<br />

C'oll~ert. John, laborer, bds. 78 Wood- Collar, Edmund E., clerk Davis St dons, bds.<br />

bridge w.<br />

69 ColuluLia e.<br />

Colbert, Jolln, tobacconist, h. Larned, s. w. Collar, Jolin, 11. 121 Columbia e.<br />

cor. Second.<br />

C'ol li~ r, Cieorge W ., carpen ter, bds. Purdy 's<br />

Colbnrn, George W., bookkeeper Bridge Hotel.<br />

and lron \i'o~ks, bds. 333 Howard. Coilas, William, 11. 80 Sherman.<br />

Colburn, Seth E., cooper, 11. 143 Lafay ette. C'olleary, Martin. teanlstrr. 11. 18 Fort e.<br />

C'olLurn, \\ illiitnl B., 11. 333 Howard. Collian. Victor, draughtsl~~an D. 5! 31. K. R.,<br />

Colburn, IViiliuiil C., sec'y and treas Bridge 11. 191 (;rand River.<br />

aud lron Works. bde. 333 Ho\vurd. Collivr, Benjaruin. plasterer, h. e. s. May-<br />

Colburt, Hichard (col'd), cook, h. 326 Lafay- berry ave., nr. Michigan are.<br />

ette.<br />

Collier, George W., cn rpt-nter, 11. 90 Plum.<br />

Colby, Cllarles E , slioecutter, 11. 63 Wayne. Collins, Adelia, dressmaker, bds. Third, bet.<br />

Co~by, ltaac, traveli~~g agent, 11. 50 Jonrs. Gr;tnd and C'e .ar.<br />

Colclvug11, Jal~rvs, clerk, L~ds. 17 Crogllan. Collins, Ann (wid. John), 11. 357 Lafayet.te.<br />

Cole, August, pol maker, Lds. ight, bet. Collins. Charles,clerk Ci t,y 'l'i-easu rer's oilice,<br />

Il'allrer and Adair.<br />

11. Alesandrine aw., nr. Stwnd.<br />

Cole, Ber~juu~in, wlreworlrer, 1 ds. 59 Spruce. Collins, Charles F., buokkeeyer~ bds. 46<br />

Cole, Charles s., lawyer, 147 Jeeerson ave., Howard.<br />

11. sa111e.<br />

Collins, Charles P., sailnlaker, bds. 42 Sl~er-<br />

Chit., Frederick, vegetables, s. s. <strong>City</strong> Hall illan.<br />

~uarltet, 11. 193 C1 igl~t.<br />

Collins, Dennis, laborer, h. e. s. Fourth, bet.<br />

Cole. Henry, bltrck~mith, bds. Goodman Li l.ert,y a~ld Tuscola.<br />

House.<br />

Collins, Francis, mason, h. 252 Second.<br />

Cole, Henry, 1%-atchn~an If. S. R. R., h. 37 C'ol lins, Frank, mason, bds. 2.52 Second.<br />

T wrl~ty-becond.<br />

C'ol iins, Henry, bricklayer. 11. 47 Jonc~s.<br />

Cole, Her man 1-l., life insurance, 40 Larned Collir~s Hoube, John Burk, proprietor, 42<br />

u ., 11. s. e. cor. Shelby auct Lar~~ed. Tl~ird.<br />

Cole, Isaac H., produce and col~lmission Collins;;, James, deputy County Treasurer, h.<br />

dealer, 3 Kussell House block, h. 87 162 Second.<br />

lie11 ry.<br />

Collins, Johanna (wid. Dennis), 11. 293 Ab-<br />

Cole, Jacob H., machinist, 11. 404 Juliette. bott.<br />

Cole, Jarnvs ((-oi'd), boarding stable, 155 Coliins, John. bookkeeper, 11. 46 Howard.<br />

(Sratiot, 11. 64 Hurriett.<br />

Collins. Jolln, carpenter, h. 454 St.Atzbin ave.<br />

Cole, Jzlllltrs A., car painter, 11. 156 Orchard. Collins, John. gardener, 11. e. s. Einlw~ood<br />

Cule, Juiues P., cllairmaker, bds. 156 01.- aye., n. Elinwood Cemetery.<br />

cllard.<br />

Collins, John, laborer, h. w. s. Third, bet.<br />

Cole. Jeremiah S., salesman, bds. Goodman U rand and Cedar.<br />

House.<br />

Coljins, John, laborer, h. Third, cor. Ales-<br />

Cole: John C., farmer, bds 78 Henry.<br />

anciriue ave<br />

Ctlle John C., suloon, s. e. cor. ahelby and Collins, John D., mason, bds. 252 Second.<br />

La rued, bds. su me.<br />

Collins, Lot (col'd), laborer, h. 386 St.. An-<br />

Cole, h1ul.y (ct)l'ci), eating stall, <strong>City</strong> Hall toine.<br />

marlrrt, 11. 208 Congress e.<br />

Collin~, Patrick, carpenter, bds. Purdy's<br />

Cole, Martin, house nlover, h. 59 Spruce. Hot el.<br />

Cole, Osboru (col'd), waiter, bds. Bb8 Con- Collills, Patrick. pipeman No. 3 Engine<br />

gress e.<br />

HI )use, 10 ('lifford.<br />

Cole, IValter B., gents' furnishing goods, Collins. liicliard, drayinan, h. 314 Third.<br />

108 Cjriswold, 11. 124 Wayne.<br />

C'ollil~s, Thomas, 11. W oodbridge, bet. Or-<br />

Cole. \Yillialn, machiuist, his. 141 Adams leans and Hio1)elle.<br />

ave. 8.<br />

Collins, Williain H., clt.rk. bds. Woodbridge,<br />

Cole. \Villi;lm H., chairmaker, bds. 156 Or- Let. First autl Sr~ol~d.<br />

chard.<br />

Col ~y t'o~.d, 'I'Iioirl;ts, printer, 11. 09 Plnm.<br />

Coie~l~i~n, Edward, peddler, 11. 51 \l'ilBins. C'oiiu;~n, Ue ~rge, s;rdtilel*. 11. 'rroinbley.<br />

Coleman, Ueorge, hurnessmaker, h. 5 'Srom- Colillun, Heury W., jr., clerk, Ms. 90<br />

Iley.<br />





Bp&& N9(S&pe8<br />

m@&@pgb<br />


D ETXOl T, - JIIC'HIGAN.<br />

Conul, John, labnrer, h. rear of 82 S3venth.<br />

Conant, John S. (LMzlson Ss; Conant), h. 107<br />

Fort w.<br />

Conai~t~ W. J., clerk. bds. Tre~nont Rouqe.<br />

Concordia Vocal Music Sociacy, Jolin Tinnet<br />

te, leader, 173 Oratiot.<br />

Condon, Bridget (wid. Michael), h, rear 266<br />

Fifth.<br />

Colman, Henry W., trunks and furnishing Condon, John, laborer. h. 272 Fifth.<br />

goods, 129 Jefferson ave., 11. 90 George. Condon, James, time keeper, h. G(i4 Wood-<br />

Colmnn, John, laborer, bd-. 22 Catharine. bridge w.<br />

Colruau, Hichard (col'd), h. 57 Jlullett. Condou, John, loader M. C. R. R., h. 272<br />

Caiman, Stephen, clerk, bds. 410 High. Fifth.<br />

Colman, Williatu, cooper, bds. 317 Kussell. Condon, John B., soapmaker, h. 305 RIul-<br />

ColquI~oun. John. clerk, h. 84 Third.<br />

lett.<br />

Colv~lle, John G. (Scottea, Lovett St Co.), h. Cobdon, Joseph, car builder, h. 335 Mul-<br />

97 High.<br />

lett.<br />

Combs, Elijah (col'd), whitewasher, h. 59 Di- Co~ldon, Joseph, soapmaker, bds. 305 Mulvision.<br />

let.<br />

COJIRS, JOHN W., sculptor and tombstone Condon, Peter, laborer, bds. 305 Sfullet.<br />

manufacturer, 671 JeEerson ave., h. 550 Condruy, Tllo~nas, drap~nan, h 9ii Abbott.<br />

Croghan. (See adz..)<br />

Cone, Cliarles. carpenter, 11. 51 Cilal-!otte.<br />

Combs. \.Frillia~n, carpenter, h. s. s. Leverett, COXE, FHEDEKICB H., Ageat U. S. Exnr.<br />

cor. Eigl~tll.<br />

press, h. 40 Adelaide.<br />

C'onler, Patrrck, drayman, h. 193 \lTood- Cone, John, dealer in Yankee notions. h. 359<br />

bridge e.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Comer, Hobert, C.. clerk, bds. 123 Brush. Congdon, David (Fitch & Congdon), bds. 1%<br />

Coiner, \fTilliam E., lake captain, h. 185 Niaini aye.<br />

T we1 fth.<br />

Conger, Abraham, carpenter, h. 99 Whit-<br />

Comfort, Cornelia (wid. MTilliam C.), h. 333 ney.<br />

Sisrll.<br />

Conger, John, carpenter, 11. 261 Watson.<br />

Co~nfort. John C., student, bds. n, s. blichi- Conger. CVasllington, c erk, 11. 26 1 Hatoson.<br />

gan ave., bet. Hulllboldt and Sullivan C011lrii11, Uestvr, ~mintrr, h. 100 Larned FV.<br />

a ves.<br />

CONBLIN, J.3MES S., jeweler, s. w. cor.<br />

Comfort, Newel1 B., carpenter, h. n. s. Mich- ivoodward ave. and Larncd, h. 72 Adams<br />

igan ave., bet. Sullivan and Humboldt ave. e. (See ado.)<br />

ares.<br />

Couklin, John, palnter, 11. 100 Larned w.<br />

Comfort, Silas H. (Comfort Bros.), bds. 333 Conk [in, Williatl; H., ~ilbiuet~u~ker, 31 Far-<br />

Sistli. 8<br />

rar, 11. 230 tlarrison ave.<br />

Comfortv. Thomas B. (Comfort Bras-j, bds. Conlan, Peter, laborer, h. 491 Lafayette.<br />

353 Sistll.<br />

Conley, James, carpenter, h. 203 Fourth.<br />

Comfbrt Bros. (Silas H. and Ti~ornas B. Corn- Conlin, Edward, boilermaker, bda. 178<br />

fort). druggists, s. w. cor. l'hird and Oak. Twelfth.<br />

Comm, Augustus, sawfiler, 11. 881 Fort ~v. Cuul~n, Malachi, boilermaker, h. 172<br />

Corutl~er, Curtis, wool pucker, 11. Six- Twelfth.<br />

teenth. bet. Baker and Micliigan ave, Conu, David, tinsmith, Bds. 103 Larned m.<br />

C 0 hi 31 E K C I A L FLOUHlh G) NLLLS, C'unllall, Charles. agent Howe Sewing Ria-<br />

Woodbridge, s. w. cor. Bandolph.<br />

chine, h. 398 Kiopelle.<br />

Common, George, tailor, 11. 38 Larned w. Connt.11, E(,ward, laborer, h. 12 Harrison<br />

Conimon, Richard, mason, h. 26 Colum- ave.<br />

bia w.<br />

Connell, Dennis, laborer, 11. 63 Colum~ia w.<br />

Common, Robert. builder. h. 40 Centre. Connell, John, laborer, 11. '75 Columbia w.<br />

Corni~lons, Dennis, laborer, 11. 546 Lafay- Cunnell, 31ary (wid. &licllael), 11. 186 E1ort e.<br />

ette.<br />

Connely, FI-~I~ k, sawyer, h. 133 Guoin.<br />

Companey, Charles. laborer, bds. 299 Clin- Connely, J?: auk, 'ore man mill, h. 284 Gaoin.<br />

ton.<br />

Con uer, Henry, la borer, k. 330 Franlil~n.<br />

Cornyton, Harry E., salesman James Nall, Canner, Heury, laborer, bds. 356 Fraukiin.<br />

jr., & Co., 11. 191 Tlli: d.<br />

Canner, MTillianl, painter, h. 278 Woodward<br />

Compton, Henry, clerk, 11. 191 Third.<br />

ave.<br />

Co~nstock, hliss , mma. teacher <strong>Detroit</strong> Fe- Connerton, Cornelius, peddler, 11. 80 Sisth.<br />

inale Seminary, bds. 84 Fort w.<br />

Conneg, James, carpenter; 11. 203 Fourth.<br />

Comstock, Fleming, blacksmith, h. 419 Cuunolly , Alfred, trunkmaliar, bds. 603 Con-<br />

Seventll.<br />

gress e.<br />

Comstock. William H., traveling agent, h. C!onuo:ly, Alfred Xasou, truukrultker, Ws.<br />

216 Howard.<br />

295 Congress e.

Cox CITY DIRECTORY. coo 155<br />

Connolly, Alexander, carpenter, h. 115 La- Conto, William H., laborpr, 11. 30G Clinton.<br />

brosse.<br />

Con1 on, Jacob, blacl

156 coo CLARK'S DETROIT COR<br />


CZh C wgavana~ - Gsrn;pany,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.001).000<br />

D.QIJ,Y CASE INCO~IE, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON McEI,ROT, Dlatlnger and Ageocy Snpt.,<br />

Coonev, Thomas, b!aclisniith, b3s. 245<br />

Fifth.<br />

Cooper, Dlivid, 21 Michiqan Grand ave.<br />

Col)l)er, Jdseplr, carpenter, 11. 218 Con-<br />

giaas W.<br />

Cooper, Pat rick, laborer, 11. 370 Fifteenth.<br />

Cooper, Peter D , supt. nortllern division<br />

M. S. J3 K., 11. 96 Lurned e.<br />

Cooper, I-tich.ird, yluluber iind gas fitter, n.<br />

Pe.,inbular Bank Building, D ET IIOIT, MICH.<br />

e. cor. Michigan ave. and 'rulrd, h. 105<br />

Cook. Jolln B., rnaclli~~ist, h. 17 George. Che~ ry.<br />

Cot ~k, J. Mason, clerk D. Sr; &I. E. H.. bds. 71 Cooper, Thomas W., jeweler, h. 14 Eiiza-<br />

Rttaul)ien.<br />

bet11 e.<br />

Cook. Jolln P., scroll sawyer, 203 Second, Cooper, Walter, ce)nfectionzry, 5 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

11. 78 George.<br />

market, Ids. 430 Beaubien.<br />

Cock, Joseph. U. S. Sreanlboat Inspector, Cooper, 1Vi.liam H., carpenter, h. 218 Con-<br />

Y. 0. 1)tiilding: 11. 167 Lafiiyette ave.<br />

. gress w. I<br />

Cook, 1,elantl E.. cunctuctor I). & M. kt. R. Cooper, \li illia~n, foreman Hook and Lsdder<br />

11. 371 C'linton.<br />

Co, h. 53 Shelby.<br />

Cook. 1,olnau U. (col'd), barber, 121 At- Coorts, Wi:liilm S., carpenter, h. 141 E izawater<br />

e., L. 105 L\lullett..<br />

beth e.<br />

Cook. Major, sIl.)e~ilakt.r, h. 122 Russell. Cuots, Charles, liverptable, e. e. cor. State<br />

Cook. hliirgaret Ailn (wid. Edwil~), h. 371 and Urlsn~old, bJs. Eis~tllord's Hdtel.<br />

C'li~~ton.<br />

Coots, Ciiurley. laborer, tl. 103 Jag.<br />

Cot-k, Miss Mary, d ressmaker, bds. 31 Chest- Coots. Waiter H., butcher, 4 <strong>City</strong><br />

nut.<br />

Hill nltlrliet, Aldeimsn Fifth Ward, h. 62<br />

Cook Myron B., Elliptic and Empire Sew- Elixubetl~ \-v.<br />

i g tl~aclline, 17 Opera House block, h. Copally. CLlarles, carpenter, h. 93 Nine-<br />

49 Vol uiubia m.<br />

teen th.<br />

Cook. Oln.+y, farmer, n. a. Grand River, nr. Copella, Louis, tanner. 11. 5 49 C )n(rress e.<br />

toll gtite.<br />

Copland, Lilesttllder \T., bakery, 20 &.Mouroe<br />

Cook. 0 ~ ~ B., e g salesn~an, h. 80 Shelby. ave , h. 72 Farrar.<br />

Cook, Orrin S., bookkeeper, 11. 47 L)uffield. Copland. Jdru (John Coplaud St Co.), res.<br />

Cook, Otis, clerk, bds. 167 Ltrfil-ette ave. Ecorbe.<br />

Cook, Peter, ctr ryen ter, 11. 52 Palmer. CoijIand. ~lrilliam F., clerk, h. 62 R*lssell.<br />

Cook, Kobert (co19d), barber, bds. 122 Rus- Copland, Joht~, ste;tni bakery, Woodbridge,<br />

tell.<br />

n. w. cur Kundolph.<br />

Cook, Sara11 E, teacher select school, 108 Copland, john, & C,). (John Copland and<br />

Division. h. sume.<br />

l\'illiaul Curti?.), bakers, a. e. cur. Bau-<br />

Cook, Sinleon O., bookkeeper, h. 47 Duf- doll~il and lvooclbridge.<br />

field.<br />

Copp, James, grocer, 11. n. s. Grand River,<br />

Cook, Thomas B., lockmaker, bds. 361 Catll- Let. rl'honlpcon and 'l'hirtee~~th.<br />

mine.<br />

Cop1 ), Jalllrs, soduwater manti.., bds. 103<br />

Cook, Walter, blacksmith, h. 15G St. Au- C'atllariur.<br />

bin uve.<br />

Copper, Henry (col'd). waiter Michigan Ex -<br />

Cook, Mrs. William, h. 55 Lafayette aye. change, bds. salue.<br />

Co )k, lVi1li:lrtl W., printer, h. e. s. Park, Copper, Peter, haxkman, h. n. w. cor. Brewbet.<br />

Ct lltlmbitt a ~ lklo~ltcalm. ~ d<br />

ster and Prc,spcct.<br />

Cook, Wilson, suilor. 11. 108 1)ivision. Coquiii d, Edward, dentist, Bds. Franklin<br />

Cookel, Alichael, laborer, h. 9 Silver. liuuse.<br />

Coon, Xichard Marlis, teamster, h. o. 527 n. Coquatd, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 27 Abbott.<br />

63 1 C't tngress e.<br />

C'oy uillurd, Henry, c:el k, h. 76 C'ongress \v.<br />

Coon, C! il~iam H., druggist, 173 'CVood- Coquillard, 'l'ho~~as, 1)rls. 110 Hiv'trct.<br />

ward ILV~.., 11. bame.<br />

Curbett, Charles J.. machinist. h. 14 Pearl.<br />

Con mey , Cathal-ine (wid. Pat rick), h. 245 COI bett, Cornelius, chief oprator W. U.<br />

Fitth.<br />

Telegraph ofice: bds. 120 Howard.<br />

Couney, Jolin, laborer, h. 42 Spencer. CorLet.t, Ja[ut s. painter, h. 18 Private.<br />

C'ooncy, Jol~n, boilerllltiker, h. 38 Spencer. Corbett. Patlick, driver omniblw line, h.<br />

C'oont-y, Blichael, bout stewart, h. 2'74 206 Abbott.<br />

La111ed e.<br />

Corbett, Tl11 #mas, grocwy, 219 Michigan<br />

C'oont:y, Patrick, laborer, h. 203 Third. ave., bds. 106 lioward.<br />

C'oobrg, Putlick, bailor. bds. 223 Second. Corby, Capt. Louis, suilor, b. s. s. Frank-<br />

Coouey , Patrick, tinsmith, bds. 245 E-itth. lin, t.. liiopelle<br />

C'ooliey , binloll, laborel, lids. cur. Frnnkliu Corcoran, AII t h( ~ny, laborer, btl~ 241 Second.<br />

aud Olleans.<br />

Corcoran, John, clerk, h. 841 Secund.


C3rcoran, John, carpenter, h. e. s. Fourth,<br />

bet. B~ech and Orcl~ard.<br />

Corcoran, John, citrpxter, 11. 122 Seventh.<br />

Corcorau, John W., clerk, 11. 23 Brilinztrd.<br />

Cor~~~ran, Thomas, cashier U. S. Espres, h.<br />

146 Ms~ntcalru e.<br />

Cord, Williarn, brewer.bds.327 lrlicllig~ n ave.<br />

Cordes, Henry, runner American Hotel,<br />

cor. Larned and Thlrd, bds. same.<br />

Cordonia, Philip, plaster paris worker, h.<br />

192 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Corey, Aayon (Barclay & Corey), bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Corey, Jarnea W., painter, bds. 59 Locust.<br />

Corey, Jer,lms B., washing machine mnfr.,<br />

50 L~cust. h. same.<br />

Corey, ~ohh Braduer, carpenter, h. 192<br />

Firat.<br />

Corkins, Abner A., bds. 12 Columbia w.<br />

Corkins, Jane (wid. Ephri~im), Ms. I:! Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Corkins, William L.. clerk, bls. Cass Hotel.<br />

Corlan, Carrie, dressmaker, bds. 218 Woorlward<br />

ave.<br />

Corlan, Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds. 218<br />

CVoodwrird ave.<br />

Corlies, Hubbard, laborer, bds. 7 Labrosse.<br />

Cormitck, \'Villiam, carpenter, h. 171 Seventh.<br />

Cornehl, Frederick, boardinz. h. 29 Clinton.<br />

Cornehl, Nrs. Frederick, Yankee notions,<br />

345 Etiopelle, 11. saxne.<br />

Cornehl, Frederick, jr., printer, h. 34#5 Rio<br />

pelle.<br />

Cornehl, William, bookbinder, bds. 29 Clinton.<br />

Cornelius, Emma jrvid. Josiali), h. 149 Clinton.<br />

Cor~;elius, Rev. Samuel, jr., 11. 274 Brush.<br />

Coruell, Morris, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Franklin<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Coruell, Wasliington E., clerk, bds. Garririson<br />

House.<br />

Cornetet, Cllarles, laborer, h. cor. National<br />

ave. and C:llerr.y.<br />

Cornevin, Alphonse, teacher, bds. Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Cornevin, Paul, clerk, bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Corning, Cliarles, clerk, bds. 87 Shelby.<br />

Cornier, d oseph, carpenter, h. 848 Lafayette.<br />

Cornier, Moses P., laborer, h. Twentieth,<br />

nr. cor. Howard.<br />

Corno, Alexander, drayman, h. 341 Dubois.<br />

Corno, John, laborer, 11. 1'73 Dubois.<br />

Corns, George, cigannalier, bds. 215 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Corns. Joseph, furniture, 121 Grand River,<br />

11. 211 same.<br />

Cornwell, Cornelius (Cornwells, Price &<br />

Co.), res. Ypsilan ti.<br />

Cornwell, Cornwell, shoemaker, h. n. s.<br />

Chestnnt, bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Cornwell, Jay 31. (Lloyt, Cornwell & Co.),<br />

Ms. 71 Beaubien.<br />

Cornwells, Price & Co. (Cornelias Cornwell,<br />

Jolln B. Price and Morris M. Peck),<br />

wholesale dealers in paper, 1lG Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Corrigtn, John, laborer, h. e. Chene and n.<br />

German.<br />

Corston, Cliarles J., painter, 11. 265 Clinton.<br />

Corsten, Mary A. (wid. Wiliiam), h. 319<br />

Fifth.<br />

ors st en, William H., machinist, bds. 319<br />

Fifth.<br />

Corrigan, James, saloon, 180 Woodbridge<br />

w., bds. same.<br />

Cortnev, Peter, laborer, h. 92 Clinton.<br />

Cory, John B.. carpenter. h. 460 Third.<br />

Cosgrove, James, tinsrni th, bds. 10 1 0 rcliard.<br />

Cosgrove, John, crtrpenter, bds. Sl First.<br />

Cosgrove, Lawrence, blac:i~mith, bds. 81<br />

F~rst.<br />

Cosgrove, Peter, laborer, h. 101 Orchard.<br />

C~sgrove, William, painter, 11. s. s. Labrosse,<br />

bet. Eigllth arid Ninth ave.<br />

Cosnobal. I-Ienry, laborer, h. 333 Chestn~zt.<br />

Costage, Frank, mail wagon driver, bds. 164<br />

drisrvold.<br />

Costello, John, laborer, 11. 173 Chene.<br />

Costel lo, Luke, laborer, h. 201 Sisth.<br />

Costello, Michael, brass finisher, h. 120 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Costello, Samuel, laborer, h. e. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., near Pine.<br />

Costigan, James, shoemaker, h. 140 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Cotchett, Valentine, artist, h. 400 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Cothrin, George, clerk, bds. Finnefs Hotel.<br />

Cotlirin, John D., boots and sl~oes, 119<br />

Woodward ave., bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Cotter, James, cvachruan, 11. 212 Second.<br />

Cotter, Patrick, laborer, h. 201 Fifth.<br />

Cotter, Richard, laborer, 11. 52 Spencer.<br />

Cottillion, John (col'd), laborer, 11. 1G5 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Cottkus, Mas., baggage inaster M. C. R. R.,<br />

11. o. 176 n. 206 'l'welfth.<br />

Cotton, James P., capt. schooner Delaware,<br />

11.257 Second.<br />

Cotton, Kowland J., carpenter, bds. Howard,<br />

bet. First and Ctiss.<br />

Cottor, Morris, laborer, h. 241 Second.<br />

Coughlon, Cornelius, h. o. 117 n. 123 Sisth.<br />

Coughlin, David, laborer, h. 671 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Couylilin, Dennis, laborer, h. 135 Porter.<br />

Coughlin, Jeremiah, engineer, 11. 257 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Coughlin, John W., moulder, bds. 33 Bea-<br />

con.<br />

Conghlin, Margaret (wid. Daniel), h. 33<br />

Beacon.<br />

Coughlin, Michael, drayman, h. 282 Porter.<br />

Couglllin, Thomas, teamster, h. 783 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Coughliu, Thomas. joiner, h. s. s. Lafaj-ette,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois. .


PARKE, JENNINGS & CO.'S Cotvan, John, blacksmith, bds. 83 Congress<br />

cast.<br />


Cowan, Miss Celia, seamstress Nortlrrop &<br />

Co., bds. 171 Orchard.<br />

Cowan, Robert, laborer, 11. w. s. Lafontaine<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue. ave., bet. Poplar and Linden.<br />

Cowan, Samuel, salesman, bds. Antisdel<br />


Cow an, Willia~n , farmer, bds. cor. Gratiot<br />

and Cl~ene farm.<br />

Coulin, Patrick, waiter, bds. Heff ron's sa- Cowan, William, switchman, h. 741 Twenloon.<br />

ty-tourtli.<br />

Coulon, Ann (aid. John), 11. 345 Sixth. Co\very, John Jay, traveling agent, ids. 12<br />

Couls, Miss Elizabeth, dressmaker, 53 Brush, Miami ave.<br />

h. same.<br />

Cowey , James, laborer, bds. 134 Fort e.<br />

Coulson, Amos, house servant, h. 101 Cow hey, Edward, carpenter, bds. 169 Or-<br />

Beau bien.<br />

chard.<br />

Coulson, Amos, laborer, bds. n. e. cor. First Cobvie, Henry, dentist, s. w. cor.<br />

and Lafayette ave.<br />

\Yoodward aye. and Lamed, h. o. 11 n. 22<br />

Coulson, Nicl~o! as (Coulson, Fisher & Stod Columbia e.<br />

dard), bds. 58 She1 by.<br />

Co~vie, \ITilliam, sr., president and t~easurer<br />

Couloon. Fisller and Stoddard Dry Dock Engine Wrorks, 11. 42 Russell.<br />

(Nicholas Coulson, Jtlrnes 1,. Fisher and Cowie, CYillianl, jr., sec7y. Dry Dock Engine<br />

E. W. Stoddard), hardware dealers, 77 \Tiol.ks, bds. 42 Hussell.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Cos, Georpe, h. 23 Centre.<br />

Cotzlter, William T., baker, bds. 309 Rlich- Cox, George, omnibus agent, h. 233 Third.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Cos, Martin, laborer, 11. Wight, nr. Campau.<br />

County Building, s. e. cor. Congress and Cos. Tllomas. boilermaker, h. 218 Twelfth.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Cox, Thomas, suyt. <strong>City</strong> liail\vay, h. 21<br />

County Treasurer's office, Paul (iies, Treas- C'li~iton.<br />

urer, n. e. cor. Griswold and Congress. Cowles, George, machinist, bds. 37. 3Iont-<br />

Courtney, James, receiving clerk Nr. U. Tel- calm w.<br />

egraph ofice, bds. 501 Congress .e. Cowles, Miss Rhoda A., h. 104 Michigan ave.<br />

Courtney, John, grocer and saloon, n. e. cor. Cowley, Michael, sailor, bds. 181 Wood-<br />

Fifth and Jones, h. same.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Courtney, Lewis, switchnlan D. & 3%. R. R., Cowing, David C., carpenter, h. 93 Ninebds.<br />

209 Congress e.<br />

teen tll.<br />

Courtney, Willialu, carpenter, h. n. s. Con- Cope, Hugh (Coyne, Strong 9t Co.), h. 149<br />

gress, bet. Dequi~lilre and St. Aubin ave. Lafayette ave.<br />

Couse, Adam, dealer in piano fortes and or- Cope, Strong Ss Co. (Hugh Coyne, Willinm<br />

gans, 137 JeEerson ave., bds. Ckss House Strong and John Wr. Strong), wholesale<br />

Cousller, Haur. sawyer, h. 124 Twentietll. grocei-s, '70 Jefferson ave.<br />

Coupins, John B., agent BoardEducation, h. Coyl's Block, Camp us Jlartius, cor. Wood-<br />

259 Elizabeth e.<br />

ward ave.<br />

Coutier, Michael, mason, h. 256 Antietam. Coyl, Sitnluel B., 11. 91 Leverett.<br />

Couture, Augustin, carpenter, h. 362 Con- Coyl, Timotlly, laborer, h. '3'3 Franklin.<br />

gress e.<br />

Coyl. William K., propr. Coyl's Block, bds.<br />

Couvault, J. E., clerk F. Buhl gE CO., bds. Antiedel House.<br />

Howard House.<br />

Coyle, Edward, jr., leather, h. 215 Watson.<br />

Covel, James S., shoemaker, h. cor. Park Coyle, Edward, sr., shoemaker, h. o. 57 n.<br />

and Sibley.<br />

215 \Vatson.<br />

Covert, Amelia (wid. Isaac), bds. 141 Eliza- Coyle, Hugl~ A., plasterer, bds. o. 57 n. 215<br />

beth e.<br />

Watson.<br />

Covert, Henry H., inventor, 11. o. 81 n. 89 Coyle, James J., trunkmaker, bds. o. 57 n.<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

215 Watson.<br />

Covert, Joseph W., bds. 0. 81 n. 89 Adams Coyle, Jane, h. G4 Farrar.<br />

ave. w.<br />

C~jyle, John, printer, bds. 131 Orleans.<br />

Covert, William S., carpenter, h. 141 Eliza- Coyle, Peter, nailer, bds. 0. 57 n. 215 Watbeth<br />

e.<br />

son.<br />

Corille, Lucius (Clee and Coville), h. 258 Cozzens, William, laborer, h. 396 Nine<br />

Second.<br />

teentll.<br />

Covgeon, George, enginer, h. 394 Wood- Crabb, Christopher C., salesman, bds. 26<br />

bridge.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Covgew, George, eugiueer, L. 304 Wood- Crabb, George, grocery and provision, cor.<br />

bridge.<br />

Baker and Twentieth, 11. same.


- - - -<br />

Crabb, James, janitor County Clerk's office, Crashan, John, carpenter, h. 122 Baker.<br />

h. 390 Grand River.<br />

Cratty, \V illiam, laborer, h. 1'78 Sixth.<br />

Crabb, James S., bds. 309 Grand River. Crawe, Stephen, sailor, 11. 15 Abbott.<br />

Crabb: Joseph R , shoetnalier, bds. 55 Michi. Crawford, Alesander, grocer, St. Aubin ave.,<br />

gan (irand ave.<br />

S. e. cor. Forc, 11. same.<br />

Crackel. George, painter, h. 561 Lafayette. Crawford, Charles, tailor, h. 219 Fort e.<br />

Craden, Dennis. laborer, 11. 112 Eighteenth. Crawford, David, laborer, h. o. 138 n. 144<br />

Craddock, Humphrer, bricklayer, h. 3 1 Franlilin.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Cra\vfi>rd. EIizabeth (col'd-wid. Earrison),<br />

Craddock,Jarnes, tobacconist, bds. n. w. cor. h. 63 MuZlett.<br />

Larned and S1:cond.<br />

Crawford. Francis, land dealer, 70 Fort w.,<br />

Craddock, John, engineer, h. 183 Wight. 11. same.<br />

Craft, Johanna, seamstress, h. 479 Ztussell. Crawford, George, laborer, b6s. 128 Crank-<br />

---Craft, Tlromns J., freight agent M. C. H. R., lin.<br />

11. 337 Abbott.<br />

Crawford, Harrison (col'd), porter, h. n. s.<br />

Craig, Henry, blacksmith. h. 2% Abbott. Mtzllett, bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Craig, James, fish dealer and commission C:a\\-ford, Harry, office clerk, bds. 248<br />

merchant, dock, bet. Wayne and Cass, Woodward ave.<br />

1.1. 280 Congress w.<br />

Crawford, Mrs. Jaunt, boarding, h. 220<br />

Craig, Samuel D., clerk Probate office, bds. Congress w.<br />

230 Congress 1:.<br />

Crawford. Oliver H., wood dealer, s. w. cor.<br />

Craig, Tllolnas E., engineer, h. 19 Baker. Michigan ave. and Shelby, h. 238 Fifth.<br />

Craig, Thomas J., clerk. bds. 280 Congress w. Craivtord, Hobert, peddler, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Craig, William, ~afemalier, 11. 237 Fort e. Grand River and Twelfth.<br />

Cr'lig, William F , surveyor, bds. Alfred, Crawford, Robert J., clerk, bds. St. Aubin<br />

bet. John B and Woodward ave.<br />

ave., s. e. cor. Fort.<br />

Craig, William H., lanci agent, 37 Wood- Cra~vford, Samuel, bds. $0 Fort w.<br />

ward ave., h. Alfred, bet. John R and Crawford, Tilomas, engineer, h. 47 Lewis.<br />

Wood ma rd ave.<br />

('rawford, Thomas, laborer, h. 98 Thir-<br />

Craig. William J., bds. 230 Congress w. teenth.<br />

Craine, Charles R., chairmaker, h. 309 Craivley, Cornelitzs, groceries, provisions<br />

Fourth.<br />

and liquors, 01 Porter, cor. Fifth, h. same.<br />

Cram, Gen. Thomas J., U. S. Engineers, Crawley, Janles, carbuilder, h. 527 Michioffice<br />

11 1 Grisivold, bds. l

CRO CRO<br />

iYE\V YORX ( Crosby, Edward. tracklny er, bds. 17 Monroo<br />

ave.<br />

bb Cnaurance - 6~~panyi, Crosby, Elizabeth (wid. '5.Yilliam), saloon,<br />

ASFETF, . . !$13,000,000 17 Monroe are., 11. same.<br />

DAILY CASH IKCOME, $15,000 Crosby, George I+'., carlwuter, 11.319 Third.<br />

-<br />

Crosby. Mary A. (col'd-wid. Cl~arles H.), 3-1.<br />

SOLON McELROF, Nanager alld Agency Snpt., 130 Lafayette.<br />

Peninsular Bunk Builcli~,a, DETROIT, MICH. Crosby, Michael, porter, Bds. 55 Wayne.<br />

Crosby, Norvinus (col'd), sailor, bds. 139<br />

Crofoot, Elbert, Ian-~er, h. 137 Bates. Lafayette.<br />

Crofoot,, Chauncy N., printer, 11. 36 Beech. Cross, Caleb, h. 46 Plum.<br />

Crofts, Cliarles, sawmaker, h. 108 Bagg. Cross, Charles \IT., carpenter, bds. 435 St.<br />

Croghan, Peter, laLorer, h. n. m. cor. Thir- Antoine.<br />

teenth and Chestnut.<br />

Cross, Donald, meat nlarket, s. s. Michigan<br />

Crohn, hlyer, salesman, bds. Goodman ave., bet Fourth and Fifth, h. same.<br />

House.<br />

C'ross, Elisha, 11. 68 Abbott.<br />

Croma, Henry, laborer, 11. 115 Sisth. Cross, Elias TIT., lake captain, h. 66 Henry.<br />

Cromer, Samuel F., grocer and saloon, 133<br />

1 Cro$s, Thomas, machinist, h. 435 St. An-<br />

Grand Kiver, 11. same.<br />

toine.<br />

Crommer, Henry, teamster, h. 42 Seven- Crossley, Luke, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Baker<br />

teenth.<br />

and Yourteentli.<br />

Cronan, Edmucd, printer, bds. 200 First. Crossman, Cllarles, in lighthouse dep't, h.<br />

Cronan, John J ., confectioner, 284 Wood- 360 (:ongrttss e.<br />

ward aye., h. same.<br />

Crossman, Daniel B., patrolnlan, h. 42 Co-<br />

Cronan, Michael, porter, 11. 200 First. lumbia w.<br />

Cronnn, Thomas, picture framer, bds. 114 Crossman, John, drayman, h. 42 Bellair.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Crotty, Dennis, laborer, bds. 450 Se;en-<br />

Cronberg, Peter, moulder, h. 481 Clinton tee~l~h.<br />

ave.<br />

Crottp, Thomas, watchman 6. T. I{., h.<br />

Crone, Jacob, milkman, h. m. s. Chene, south 450 blicliigan aye.<br />

of Uratiot.<br />

Crouclier, Robert, sawwrig11t, w. s. Second,<br />

Cronenweth, Frederick, car builder, h. 121 nr. Miclligan ave., 11. same.<br />

Leverett.<br />

Crougl~, Isabella (wid. Patrick), h. 41 Ab-<br />

Cronenweth, George, clerk at Newman's sa- bott.<br />

loon and store, Woodward ave., opp. Har- Croul, Almon, T., forenla11 Croul Brc's, h.<br />

per Hospital, bds. same.<br />

350 Larned e.<br />

Cronenwet 11, Gottlieb, laborer, h. 438 Sist,ll. C'roul, Jerome (Croul Bro's), h. 502 Jeffer-<br />

Cronenwetli, John L., engineer Steamer No. son are.<br />

6, 11. 335 High.<br />

Croul, Joseph L. (Croul Bro's), bds. Biddle<br />

Cronenweth, Simon, laborer, h. 115 Benton. House.<br />

Crongey er, Alesander Vincent., trunk- Croul, ~1'ill;am H., (Croul Bro's), h. 519 Jefniaker,<br />

bds. 235 Jefferson ave.<br />

ferson aye.<br />

Crongeyer, Charles A., watchmaker, 155 Croul Brotliers (William H., Jerome and<br />

M'oodward ave., h. 235 Jeferson ave. Jose;)h L. Croul), Peninsu7nr Tannery,<br />

Crongeyer, John, watchmalier, h. 235 Jef- 1 ofice cor. Woodbridge and Bates.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

, Crouse, Charles, copyist, bds. 66 Spruce.<br />

CKONCiEYER, THEODORE, carver of to- Crouse, Charles, clerk. bds. 62 Spruce.<br />

bacco signs, 235 Jefferson ave., bds. same. Crouse, Charles D., painter, h. 700 Michigan<br />

Cronin, Alexander, printer, bds. 94 Park. ave.<br />

Cronin, Bridget (wid. Jeremiah), h. 237 Crouse, Jacob, carpenter, 11. GG Spruce.<br />

Sisth.<br />

Crouse, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 152 Antie-<br />

Cronin, Cornelius, bricklayer, bds. 237 tam.<br />

Sisth.<br />

Crowden, Mrs. Mary. 92 Franklin.<br />

Crouin, Daniel, clerk, h. 192 Orchard. Crowe, Bernard, h. 233 Crogl~an.<br />

Cronin, Michael, clerk, 11. 200 First. Crowe, Cornelius, porter, 11. 46 Jones.<br />

Cronk, Albert, pedciler, h. 49 .National ave. Crcme, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 324 Fort e.<br />

Cronk, Edward Y., ginger beer manufactur- Crowe, Thomas, teamster, h. 41 Twentyer,<br />

28 Macomb, 11. sarue.<br />

second .<br />

Crouk, George, laborer, 245 Macomb. Crowe, \TTilliam, blacksmith, 11.324 Fort e.<br />

Cronk, Holton, printer, bds. 228 Howard. Crorvell, IVillia ni C., steersman Houk and<br />

Cronk, Peter, carpenter, 11. 228 Howard. LadJer Co., bds. 54 Wayne.<br />

Cronk, Warren: soda water manufacturer, Crowley, Charles T., clerk, bds. Sheinan<br />

300 hliclligan ave, h. 46 Abbott.<br />

House.<br />

Cronn, Amelia (col'd-wid. Henry), h. 219 C'rowltty, Cornelius, clerk, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Second and W oodbridge.


Cr< n~ley, Daniel, ! aborer, w. s. C'rawford, Cullen, Patrick, teamster, 11. 358 Fifteenth.<br />

bet. Maria ancl Irving.<br />

Cullen, Hichard, janitor Board of Trade,<br />

Crowley, 3 ames, laborer, h. 227 Michigan 11. 41 Plum.<br />

ave.<br />

Cullen, U'illianl F., finisher, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Crowley, Jeremiah, 11. '74 Montcalm e. Fourth and Orchard.<br />

Crowley, John, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Lye11 Cullen Bro's (Andrew, John and James<br />

aye. and Butternut.<br />

Cullen), blacksmith and carriage shop,<br />

Crowley, John J., drugs and medicines, 423 165 Grand Kiver.<br />

Michigan ave., 11. same.<br />

Cul lilian, Margaret- (mid. Timothy), board-<br />

Crow ley, Michael, glocery, 78 Seventeenth, ing. h. 55 Howard.<br />

11. same.<br />

Cull um, John, carpenter, h. 380 Lafapette.<br />

Crowley, Patrick, plumber, 11. 6 Grove. Cullp, Hezekiah, conductor, h. 61 Columbia<br />

Crownen, Charles, clerk, bds. Goodman west.<br />

House.<br />

Cully. Nettie, milliner, h. 61 Columbia w.<br />

Crozineki, Hermann, peddler, h. 218 St. An- Culver, Edin und F. (Culver & Patterson), h.<br />

toine.<br />

266 Second.<br />

Cruin, William, show agent, h. 115 CSfford. Culrer, George \IT.. merchant tailor, 3 Con-<br />

C'uddy, Alexander, laborer, 11. 226 Third. gress w., h. 254 Woodward ave.<br />

Cuddy, David, saloon and boarding, h. Culver, Henry H., sailor, h. '74 Macomb ave.<br />

o. 152 n. 1GB Franklin.<br />

Culver Ss Pabterson (Ednlund F. Culver and<br />

Cuddy, Jtunee, carpenter, 11. 337 Fourth. Daniel W. Patterson), fancy brackets and<br />

Cuddy , James, mason, 11. 460 Croghan. scroll sawyers, 208 Second.<br />

Cuddy, U7illianl (Cuddy S: Doran), h. 260 Culllberlidge, John, nlacllit~ist, bds. 21 Jones.<br />

Brnsli.<br />

Cumnling, Henry, engineer, 21.319 Congress<br />

Cuddy & Doran (IVilliam Cuddy and James west.<br />

Doran), carpenters and joiners, Atwater, Cumnling, Mathew, laborer, h. 446 Woodbet.<br />

G iswold and Shelby.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Cudmore, Mit hael, fireinan, bds. 75 Nine- Cumiliing, Samuel W., salesman, h. 70 Mateen<br />

tll.<br />

comb ave.<br />

Cuenant, John B., laborer, h. 53 Eight- Cumnling, F+'illiam, laborer, h. 498 Woodeenth.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Cueny, Edmund, tinsmith, h. 477 Fort e. Cumnlings, Anqie (wid. David), h. 97 St.<br />

Cuenp, Josepll, h. 243 Lafayette.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Cue11 y, Joseph J., groecery and saloon, 217 Cuinnlings. James, laborer, h. 498 Wood-<br />

Lafayette, 11. same.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Cuer, Robert F., druggist Geo. M. Wheeler, Cuinmings, Rlathew, saloon, 746 Woodbds.<br />

Howard House.<br />

bridge w., h. same.<br />

Cuerier, Antl~onp, salesman S. Freedman St Culnmi ngs, Thomas R., bds. Russell<br />

Brother, res. Windsor, Ont.<br />

Hou~e.<br />

Cuilell, George, foreman lumberyard, h. 512 Cuinmins. John M., packer, bds. 277 Fifth.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Cuniinins, Patrick, steward ferry Union, h.<br />

Culbert, Anthony, painter, 11. 41 Sherman. 2'77 Fifth.<br />

Culham. James, musician, bds 23(i Crogllan. Cummiskey, James, cigarmaker, h. 491<br />

Culham, James, painter, bds. 185 Franklin. Catharine.<br />

Cul ham, Patrick, stove finisher, bds 2% Cumroe, Adolph, laborer, h. 82 Harrison<br />

Croghan.<br />

ave.<br />

Culllam, Sarah (wid. Thomas), h. 236 Cro- Cungge, Theodore, laborer, bds. 344 North.<br />

ghan.<br />

Cun ninghatn, Ecl ward D. (Cunningham<br />

Culnan, John, grocery and saloon, 912 Mich- Bras.), bds. 100 Farrar.<br />

igan ave., 11. same.<br />

Cuuninghum, Eliza (wid. Daniel GI.), h. 100<br />

Cull, Arthur, carpenter, 11. 539 Beaubien. Farrar.<br />

Cullan, Iiicllard F., bartender, bds. 405 Cunningliam, Eugene, engineer, h. 337<br />

Grand River.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Culleeney, Patrick, gardener, h. 13 Bronson. Cunningl~am, Francis C., laborer, bds. 165<br />

Cullen, Andrew (Cullen Bro's), h. 163 urand Franklin.<br />

Hiver.<br />

Cunningllam, Fulton, laborer, h. 143 Baker.<br />

Cullen, Frank, salesman, bds. 303 llTood- Cun~~inghatn, Fulton, drayman, h. o. 1'78 n.<br />

ward ave.<br />

200 Twelfth.<br />

Cullen, James, grocer, 303 Woodward ave., Cunningliam, George W., gunsmith, 33<br />

11. same.<br />

hlonroe ave.. h. 295 Sixth.<br />

Cullen, James (Culleu Bro's), h. 147 Grand Ci1nning11am, Hi rat11 G. (Cunningham Bros.)<br />

Rivtr.<br />

bds. 103 Farrar.<br />

Cullen, John (Cullen Bro's). 11. 235 First. Cunningham, Capt. James, sailor, h. 40<br />

Cullen, John LV. A. S., lawyer, 154 Jeffer- Clifford.<br />

son ave., res. Ann Arbor.<br />

Cunningham, Jolm, laborer, h. 249 Orchard.



OFFER<br />



W e malie none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Cunningllam, John W., stove moulder, bds.<br />

202 Kiopelle.<br />

Cunninghanl, Mary (wid. Bartholomew), h.<br />

49 Spencer.<br />

Cunningllam, Michael, laborer, h. 138<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Cunningham, Patrick, sawyer, h. Woodbridge<br />

e., nr. Walker.<br />

Cunningham, Sopllia E. (wid. John), h. 292<br />

Hio pelle.<br />

Cunni~lgllam, Thomas, driver, h. 132<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Cunni~gharn Bros. (Edward D. and Hiram<br />

GI. Cunningllani), boat builders, on dock,<br />

Bet. Etandolph and Brush.<br />

Cure, llobert F., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Curl, John, switchuian M. C. R. R., h. 14<br />

hlaconlb.<br />

Currie, Daniel, machinist, bds. 12'7 Twelfth.<br />

Curran, Arthur, laborer, h. e. s. Third, nr.<br />

Lewis.<br />

Curran, Charles, turner, Frank street, n. w.<br />

cor. of Sisth.<br />

Curran, Patrick, laborer. h. 204 Grjswold.<br />

Currie, John, grocery, 127 Tw-elfth, h. same.<br />

Currie, Laughlin, engineer, h. 142 Rlontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Currie, Stlepherd, captz~in, h. 69 Labrcsse.<br />

Currier, Jaala M. (C. J. \Irhitney $; Co.') h.<br />

83 Mianii ave.<br />

Currier, 'l'llomas, carpenter, h. 125 Dnbois.<br />

Currey. Adolphus, carpenter, h. w. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., near Butternut.<br />

Currep, Timothy, laborer, 11.123 Orchard.<br />

Currey, Willialn, bds. 08 Larned e.<br />

Currey, William B., carpenter, h. 8 Lafayette.<br />

Curtin, Dennis J., compositor, h. 304 Brush.<br />

Curtin, .lohn, carpenter, 11. 75 dloutcalnl w.<br />

Curtin, Michael, laborer, h. 116 Franklin.<br />

Curt in, blichael, laborer, bds. Fifteenth,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Curtis, Alfred G. (E. C. & A. G. Curtis), h.<br />

24 Randolph.<br />

Curtis, Mrs. Anna L., dressmaker, h. 352<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Curtis, Carlos G. (George E. Curtis & Co.),<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Curtis, Charles S., commercial agent, bds.<br />

12 Montcalrn w.<br />

Curtis, Charles, cooper, Ir. cor. Sherman and<br />

Hivard.<br />

Curtis, Cornelius, clerk, 211 Woodaard ave.,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Curtis, Edward C. (E. C. & A. G. Curtis),<br />

bds. 24 Bandolph.<br />

Curtis, George E. (George E. Curtis & Co.),<br />

h. 303 Jeerson ave.<br />

Curtis, James, cooper, 11. 375 Gratiot.<br />

Curtis, Jttruea (col'd), laborer, bds. 199 Macorn<br />

b.<br />

Curtis, John B., carpenter, h. 17 Private.<br />

Curtis, Lewis M., bookkeeper, h. 123 Park.<br />

Curtis, Martha (.wid. Philo), bds. 125 Park.<br />

Curtis, Hansom E., depucy collector customs,<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Curtis, Stephen W., ship carpenter, h. 407<br />

Fort w.<br />

Curtis, William, street car conductor, h. 38<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Curtis. i4'illiarn (Copland & Co.), h. cor.<br />

Woodbridge and Randolph.<br />

Curtis, William L., carriage painter, h. n. e.<br />

cor. Locust and Seventh.<br />

Curtis, William S., 11. 352 St. Antoine.<br />

Curtis, E. C. & 9. (4. (Edward C. and Alfred<br />

U. Curtis), baliera, 288 JeEerson ave.<br />

Curtis, George E.? & Ctr., (George E.<br />

and Carlos (3. Curtis), lertt*ller and findings,<br />

215 Jefferson ave., last manufao<br />

tory. 58 Fort e.<br />

Curry, IJawrence, drayman, h. 127 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Curry, Rficliael, laborer, bds. 265 Franklin.<br />

Cuslling, Charles S., h. s. e. cor. Brady and<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Cushing, Otis, salesman, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Cnshion, Edward, laborer, 11. 253 Guoin.<br />

Cushman, Porter J.. fireman, bds. 344 Chene.<br />

Cushrvay, 3lichae1, mason, 11. 37 Orleans.<br />

Cuson, Augustus, conductor Street Railway,<br />

11. cor. Howard and Fifteenth.<br />

Cuson, Richard, sailor, 534 Woodbridge m.<br />

(:uthbert, John S., bds. Russell House.<br />

Cuthbert, William, grocer, h. 71 Winder.<br />

Cutter, Dcnnis, clerk Blue Line, bds. 204<br />

Howard.<br />

C'zeschinsky, William, laborer, h. w. s. Dubois,<br />

s. Gratiot.<br />

Czizek, Anton, tailor, bds. 102 Brush.<br />

ACEY, JOHN, iaborer, h. 212 Abbott.<br />

D h~cey, Mary (wid. Lawrence), h. 21<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Dacey, Michael, laborer. bds. 21 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Dacey, Patrick, laborer, h. rear 101 Lab<br />

rosse.<br />

Dadignon, Joseph, ~hoemaker, h. Franklin,<br />

bet. Rivard and Kiopelle.<br />

Dadow, John, laborer, h. 70 Jay.<br />

Dahartp, Richard, laborer, bds. 40 Fifteenth.<br />

Dallarty, Thomas, carpenter, h. 40 Fifteenth.<br />

Dallartp, Thomas, laborer, 11. 11'7 Labrosse.<br />

Dalil inger, Frederick, carpenter, h. 193<br />



-<br />

Dahlinger, Geo ge, laborer, 11. 142 Map!e. Dnly, John H., bds. 10 Labrosse.<br />

Dahlinger Jacob, teamster, h. 42 Maple. Daly, John, boarding, 11. 1'74 Larned w.<br />

Dahlinger, Jchn, carpenter, 11. lS9 Fort e. Daly, John, laborer, bds. 133 1,arned w.<br />

Dahlinger, Joseph, teamster, h. 19G Bron- Daly, John, laborer, h. s. s. Leveret t, near<br />

son.<br />

cor. Eighth.<br />

Dahlmann, William, laborer, h. 376 Catha- Ditly, John, painter, bds. 16.5 Michigan ave.<br />

rine.<br />

Daly, John, teamster, bds. 338 Seventeenth.<br />

Dahmer, George, h. 35 Lafayette.<br />

Daly, Luke, janitor, 11. e. s. Thirteenth, bet.<br />

Dallmer, John C., carpenter, h. 405 Beau. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

bien.<br />

Daly, &lichael, grocer, 144 Abbott, h. same.<br />

Dahnke, Frederick, laborer, h. 175 Six- Daly, Michael, shoemaker, bds. 118 Eioteen<br />

th.<br />

pelle.<br />

Dahnke, John, brewer, 11. 65 Twelfth. Daly, Patrick, porter Union Hotel, 210 and<br />

Dahmar, John, laborer, 11. 516 Mullett. 218 Woodbridge w., bds. same.<br />

Dailey. Miss Annie, seamstress, bds. 55 Daly, Thomas, engineer, h. 126 Abbott.<br />

Michigan are.<br />

Daly, FITilliam, mason, 11. 193 Eiglltll.<br />

Dai ley, Bradly, schoolteacher, bds. Good- Daly, William J. (Daly & Bro.), h. 249<br />

man House.<br />

Tliird.<br />

Dailey, Dennis. laborer, h. 91 Park Place. Daly & Bro. (James and William J. Paly),<br />

Dailey, Henry P. (Daiiey gL Rogers), h. 310 grocers, 699 Fort w.<br />

Fourth.<br />

Dalzell, John, lumber, bds. Michigan EX-<br />

Dailey & Rogers (Henry Y. Dailey and Hi- change.<br />

ram Hogers). slate roofers, 340 Fourr ll. Danlbert, Miss Annie, h. 189 Crogl~an.<br />

Daily, Aclnlir (wid. Thomas, h. 330 Orleans. Damitio, Anthony, carpenter, h. 288 St. Au-<br />

Dale, Henry, engineer, 11. 223 Abbott. bin ave.<br />

Dale, Henry. fireman M. C. K. K.. h. 223 Ab- Damm, Charles, gardener, h. 229 Whitney.<br />

bott.<br />

Damnl, Charles H.: wood inspector eastern<br />

Dalem, Daniel, laborer, h. 203 Porter. district, 11. 855 Riopelle.<br />

Daletzki, John, shoemaker. 53 Farmer, h. Damm, Elizabeth (wid. Henry), h. 225 La-<br />

'70 Clinton.<br />

fayette.<br />

Daley, Peter, drayman, h. 196 First. Darnm, Frederick, trunkmaker, bds. 226<br />

Daley, Thomas, clerk, bds. 196 First.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Dalher, Cristal, brewer, 11. 94 Twelfth. Damrn, Henry, laborer, bds. 7G Catharine.<br />

Dallas, Anthony, macl~inist, h. s. s. Ger- Dtlmnl, Henry, truulimaker, bds. 2% Lafayman,<br />

bet. Derluindre and St. Aubin ave. ette.<br />

Dallas, John, tailor, 11. 103 3Iullett. Damm, John A., clerk, bds. 355 Riopelle.<br />

Dallas, Josepll, gardener, h. 145 Croghan. Di~mm, Louis, joiner, h. 96 Jay.<br />

Dalloz, John, tinsmith. h. 1 Glass Eo~, Ma- Danlnl, Louis, machiniso, h. e. s. Labrosse,<br />

ple.<br />

bet. Chestnut and Antietam.<br />

Dalloz, John, jr., cigarmaker, bds. 1 Glass Damm, Mary Ann (,wid. .John), h. 159 Croliow,<br />

Ma pl:.<br />

@an.<br />

Diii~llall. Julia (wid. Gabriel:, 11. 52 Jay. Daiuln, Nicholas, laborer, bds. 51 Crogllan.<br />

Daluian, Johu, laborer, h. 519 Mullett. Damm, William, gardener, h. Third, near<br />

Dul ley mple, John M., accountant, bds. 263 Orange.<br />

Jrf erson ave.<br />

Dammeky, Frank, butcher, 298 St. Aubin<br />

Dalton, Peter, laborer, 11. 381 Clinton. ave., 11. same.<br />

Dalton, M illiam (col'd), laborer, h. 149 La- Dammeky, Joseph, jr., butcher, bds. 295 St.<br />

fay e tte.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Dalton, William J. (Dalton & O'Dmyer), bds. Da~nphlet, John, carpenter, h. 299 Colum-<br />

45 Congress w.<br />

bia e.<br />

Dalton & 071)wyer (William J. Dalton and Dampiere, Joseph, shipcarpenter, h. 99 St.<br />

James G. 071)wyer), fancy goods, 187 Jef- Aubin ave.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Dan, Anthony, sailor, h. 392 Franklin.<br />

Dalp, Cutllarine (wid. Owen!. h. 338 Sev- Dan, Frederick, laborer, 11. 378 Franklin.<br />

enteen th.<br />

Pan, Olivel., sailer, 11. 392 Franklin.<br />

Daly, D~niel, draymnu: h. 10 Labrosse.<br />

' Dan, Peter P., h. 893 Franklin.<br />

Daly, Daniel, saddler, 6 Michigan ave., h. Dana, William H. H., engineer, h. 127 .<br />

98 Jeifiersou ave.<br />

E~ghth.<br />

Daly, Eugene, laborer, 11. 2GS Baker. Danahay, Bridget (wid. Michael), h. 34<br />

Daly, George J., clerk fi-eigll t department D. Pine.<br />

& M. H. K., bds. 310 F'ourtl~.<br />

Danahan, Cornelius, student, bds. 34 Pine.<br />

Daly, James, carpenter, 11. 305 Fourth. Danaher, Margaret (wid. Dennis), h. 91<br />

Daly, Janles (Daly & 13ro.), 11. 699 Fort w. Ylu111.<br />

Daly, John I-I., clerk <strong>City</strong> Clerk's office, bds. Danahey, Daniel. porter Ducharme & i'ren-<br />

185 Labrosse.<br />

tiss, h. 130 Labrosse. .


Davis, Charles, carpenter, h. o. 37 n. 67 Sibley.<br />

Davis, Daniel, physician, 53 GFrismold, bds.<br />

161 Adams ave. e.<br />

Davis, D. Darwin, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 1'7<br />

Mayberry ave.<br />

Davis, David W. (Davis & Sons), h. 160 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Davis, George M., machinist, h. 30 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Davis, George L., bookkeeper, h. Thirteenth,<br />

bet. Baker aucl Marantette.<br />

Davis, George S.(Parke, Jennings & Co.), bds.<br />

19 Farmer.<br />

Davis, George T., bookkeeper, h. e. s. Thirteenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan nve.<br />

Davis, Henry, drayman, h. 471 Fort e.<br />

Davis, Ira, steamboat owner, h. cor. Tremont<br />

and Woodward ave.<br />

Davis, James, collarmaker, 94 Michigan<br />

ave., h. 231 Seveuth.<br />

Davis, James, porter, h. cor. G~and River<br />

and Woodward ave.<br />

Davis, James E., clerk, bds. 19 Farmer.<br />

Davis, James M., clerk. bds. 96 Larned w.<br />

Davis, J. G., clerk J. Calnon, bds. Franklin<br />

Ilouse.<br />

Davis, Lewis C., h. 388 Franklin.<br />

Davis, Ilouis, merchant tailor, 196 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Davis, Martin, laborer, h. o. 277 n. 297 Sherman.<br />

Davis, Mary (wid.), h. s. s. Locust, bet. Seventh<br />

and Xinth ave.<br />

Davis, Mary A. (wid. William), h. 18 Lafayette.<br />

Davis, Monroe (col'd), cook, h. rear 326 Lafayette.<br />

Davis, Oliver, produce dealer, h. 139 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Davis, Patrick, laborer, h. 234 Sisth.<br />

Davis, IEeason (col'd), saloon, 40 Clinton, h.<br />

same.<br />

Davis, Samuel H. (Davis & Sons.), h. 2'74<br />

Brush.<br />

Davis, Si~lo~oi~, brassfoundry, 11G Bates, h.<br />

19 Farmer.<br />

Davis, Violet, engineer, h. 197 Eighth.<br />

Davis, William, llackman, 11. 91 Congress w.<br />

Davis, JVilliam C. (Davis S: Sons), h. 18 Lafaye<br />

t t e.<br />

Davis, \lTilliam H., cutler, bds. Peninsular<br />

saloon, Jefferson ave.<br />

Davis & Xewberry (Alonzo C. Davis and<br />

Henry IV. Newberry), Western Brewery,<br />

cor. Abbott and Seventy.<br />

Davis St Sons (William C., Samuel H. and<br />

David \IT. Davis, and Joseph Harrison),<br />

fruit and produce dealers, 2 l3ussell House<br />

block.<br />

Davison, Blanchard, student, bds. 48 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Davison, Clement A., bds. 12s Lafayette ave.<br />

Davison, Clcmc~t If., cashicr Sccond National<br />

Bank, h. 128 Lafayette ave.<br />

22<br />

Davison, Darius J. (Maynard, Meddaugh &<br />

Davison), h. o. 99 n. 111 Eliza1,eth e.<br />

Davison, John, bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Davison. J. Mason, corresponding clerk<br />

Second National Bank, bds. 45 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Davison, Samuel, bookkeeper, bds. St.JohnYs<br />

Rectory, Wood ward ave.<br />

Davison, Samuel (Pisk & Davison), bds.<br />

34 Lafayette ave.<br />

Dawson, Mary (wid. Patrick), h. 165 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

DAY, AUGUSTUS, inventor, 15 Merrill<br />

block, L.469 Congress e.<br />

Day, Mrs. Caroline, dressmaker, h. o. 9'7 n.<br />

389 Oratiot.<br />

Day, Daniel, homoeopathic physician, o. 1'7<br />

n. 21 R~~wland, h. same.<br />

Day, Edward H., clerk, bds. 21 Rowland.<br />

Day, James I., clerk, bds. 21 Itowland.<br />

Day, James R., tinsmith, h. 137 Mullett.<br />

Day, John, carpenter, h. 197 National ave.<br />

Day, Joseph (col'd), laborer, bds. 136 Fort e.<br />

Day, Lycurgus W. (A. Ross & Co.), bds. 258<br />

\\roodward ave.<br />

Day, Tlleodore S., clerk U. S. land office,<br />

bds. 21 Rowland.<br />

Dayton, Dorusilla (wid. Sabin), bds. cor.<br />

Fifth and Union.<br />

Daze, Vincent, shoemaker, bds. 74 Larned<br />

west.<br />

D'Arcus, Benjamin R., shipping clerk, bds.<br />

o. 25 n. 46 Sibley.<br />

D'Arcus, Claude H., clerk, h. o. 28 n. 46<br />

Si bley.<br />

D'Arcus, Helen (wid. John), h. o. 28 n. 46<br />

Sibley.<br />

D'Arcus, Henry, shipping clerk, bds. 0.28 n.<br />

46 dibley.<br />

Deacon, John, carpenter, h. o. 66 n. 144<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Deahl, John C., laborer, h. o. 90 n. 174 Napoleon.<br />

Deale, Henry S., sailor, h. e. side Twelfth,<br />

bet. Baker and JIichigan ave.<br />

Dzaler, John, shoeinaker, h. 183 Maple.<br />

Dean, Charles A., clerk, bds 324 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dean, Edmund, salesman, h. 0. 9 n. 17 Sibley.<br />

Dean, Edward. mason, h. n. e. cor. Porter<br />

and Ninth ave.<br />

Dean, Edward C. (Michigan Car Co.), h. 324<br />

Congress e.<br />

Dean, George, blacksmith, h. 174 Henry.<br />

Dean, Horace M. (Dean, Brow S: Co.), h, 85<br />

State.<br />

Dean, James, builder, h. s. w. cor. Ninth<br />

ave. and Church.<br />

Dean, James (Dean Bros.), h. 223 Ninth ave.<br />

Dean, James, ship owner, h. Guoin, nr.<br />

Cami.au.<br />

Dean, James N. (Dean, Brow St Co.;, h. 30<br />

Palmer.<br />

Dean, John, grocer, h. 439 Woodmard ave.

DEA<br />




Dean, John. moulder, bds. n. e. cor. Porter<br />

and Ninth ave.<br />

Dean, Joseph (F. Buhl & Co.), h. o. 290 n.<br />

324 Michigan ave.<br />

Dean, Xichard W. (Dean Bros.), h. 250<br />

Ninth aye.<br />

Dean, Thomas, bricklayer, h, n. w. cor.<br />

Ninth ave. and Spruce.<br />

Dean, Thomas, drayman, h. 137 Beech.<br />

Dean, Thomas, teamster, h. 237 Beech.<br />

Dean, Walter J. e., student, bds. 439 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Dean, 'Ciiiiliam, birds, 14 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

h. Wesson block, Grand River.<br />

Dean, William, paper dealer, 146 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Dean, William Henry, ship captain, bds.<br />

G uoin, e. Campau.<br />

Dean Bros. (James, Edward P. and Richard<br />

W. Dean), bricklayers and builders, 223<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Dean, Brow & Co. (Horace M. Dean, Andrew<br />

J. Brow, James N. Dean and Robzrt Hop-<br />

kin), painting and frame mnfrs., 161 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Deatz, Henry, shoemaker, bds. Croghan, nr.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Deatz, John, shoemaker, s. e. cor. Randolph<br />

and Atwater. h. Croghan, nr. Hastings.<br />

DeBaptist, Catharine (wid. Edward), h. 262<br />

Beaubien.<br />

DeBaptist, Edgar (col'd), bds. Jefferson ave.,<br />

n. w. cor. Beaubien.<br />

DeBaptist, George (col'd), caterer, Jefferson<br />

ave., n. w. cor. Beaubien, 11. same.<br />

DeBaytist, William E. (col'd), barber, h. 163<br />

Mullett.<br />

Debbaudt, Eugene, physician, h. 563 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

DeBeer, Emanuel, laborer, h. 476 Lafayette.<br />

Debegarrie, Adolph (White & Debegarrie),<br />

h. cor. Larned and Dubois.<br />

DeBever, Father Wrilliam F., ass't priest of<br />

Trinity Church, h. 116 Porter.<br />

Deboers, Salomon, second-hand clother, 242<br />

eratiot, h. same.<br />

Debuise, James, painter, bds. 537 Beaubien.<br />

Debuise, William, painter, h. 248 Maple.<br />

Debus, Samuel, chairmaker, h. 531 Reau-<br />

bien.<br />

DeCarter, James (col'd), carpenter, h. 336<br />

BIacomb.<br />

Dechere, Frank. sailor, bds. 287 Atwater.<br />

Decker, Christina (wid. William), h. 291<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Decker, Frank, upholsterer, bds. 291 Lafayette.<br />

Decker, Josiah E. (Decker & Ramsdell), h<br />

172 Michigan ave.<br />

Qecker, Martin V. B., letter carrier, h. 108<br />

Beech.<br />

Decker, Samuel, butcher, h. 189 Croghan.<br />

Decker, William, printer, bds. 291 Lafayette. 1<br />

Decker & Ramsdell (James E. Decker and<br />

George R.amsdell), wholesale liquors, 172<br />

Michigan ttve.<br />

I<br />

DeClair, Louis, tailor, h. 224 Sherman.<br />

/<br />

Declair, Theodore, tailor, h. 125 St. Aubin i<br />

ave.<br />

Declaire, Alexis, t,ailor, h. 65 Larned e.<br />

DeConinck, Joseph, produce dealer, 296 St.<br />

Aubin ave., s. e. cor. Catharine, h. same.<br />

Decorte, Dennis, currier, h. 717 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

DeCoster, James, laborer, bds. 726 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

DeCoster, Peter, organist Cathedral, h. 424<br />

Congress e.<br />

Dederichs, John J., h. 181 Clinton.<br />

Dederichs, Mathias (Dederichs Bros.), h. cor.<br />

Orleans and Bronson.<br />

Dederichs, Peter (Dederichs Bros.), h. 183<br />

Clinton.<br />

Dederichs Bros. (Peter and Mathias Dederichs),<br />

carpenters and builders, 181<br />

Clinton.<br />

Dedtrick, Mathew, engineer, bds. 114 Randoll~h.<br />

DeDycker, Rev. J., assistant pastor St. Mary's<br />

Ciierman Catholic Church, h. 120 Cro-<br />

&an.<br />

Dee, John, fireman Neptune No. 2, bds. 123<br />

Larned e.<br />

Dee, Michael J. (D. Barry & Co.), bds. 173<br />

Park.<br />

Dee, Patrick (Dee & Brennan), h. 173 Park.<br />

DEE S; BREXNAN (Patrick Dee and Peter<br />

Brennan), centre and plaster ornament<br />

work, 30 GrismolcZ. (See adv.)<br />

Deegan, Murty, boilermaker, h. 116 Franklin.<br />

Deerey, Charles, caulker, h. 275 Guoin.<br />

Deering, James, h. 251 Seventeenth.<br />

Deering, James, jr., clerk, bds. Larned, bet.<br />

Chene and Jos. Campau are.<br />

Deering, John M., clerk, bds. 251 Seventeenth.<br />

Deering, William J. (William J. Deering &<br />

Co.),-h. 112 Leverett.<br />

Deering, William J., & Co.(William J. Deering<br />

and Alexander hlcGaw), millinery and<br />

drygoods, 329 Michigan ave.<br />

Dees, Cl~fford, cabinetmaker, bds. 80 Wayne.<br />

Deeter, Charles, huckster, h. 411 Guoin.<br />

Defer, Henry, peadler, 11. 365 Franklin.<br />

Defer, Joseph (Conway & Co.), bds. 300<br />

Franklin.<br />

Defer, Pet,er, clerk, bds. 300 Franklin.<br />

DeE'nberg, Martin, laborer, h. s. c. cor.<br />

Willjrins and St. htoine.


Defield, Sarah (wid. William), h. 81 First.<br />

Defoe, James, deputy sheriff, h. 235 Cass.<br />

Defoe, William J., carpenter, h. 15 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

DeForest, Benjamin, h. 100 Congress e.<br />

DeForest, Charles, baggagemaster G. W. R.,<br />

h. 240 Beaubien.<br />

Defrue, Peter, laborer, h. cor. Antietam and<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Degalon, Angeline (wid. Henry), h. e. a.<br />

Elmwood ave., nr. Gratiot.<br />

Degalon, Benjamin, turner, h. 254 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Degel, Frank, moulder, bds. 192 Seventh.<br />

Degel, Jos


NEW YORX 1 Demont. Robert,. clerk. h. 44 Marion.<br />

~emontiv, ~ewi$, drivkr, h. 381 Franklin.<br />

Dempert, John, gasfitter, b. 369 Croghan.<br />

Dempsey, Catharine, h. '74 Seventeenth.<br />

Dempsep, James, boilermaker, 11. Fift,h, opp.<br />

Crawford Yarli, nr. Orchard.<br />

SOLON McELROY, Manager and A~QDCS Sapt., Dempsey, Michael, gardener, h. 957 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Dempsey, Thomas, shoemaker, h. I1 8 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Delling, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 4 30 Mullett. Dendel, Henry, shoemaker, 181 Woodbridge /<br />

Dellon, Edward Francis, hostler, bds. Amer- w., h. same.<br />

I<br />

i<br />

ican Exchange.<br />

Dendel, Jacob, h. 44 Abbott.<br />

Delohery, Thomas, carpenter, h. 66 Walnut. Deneau, Dennis, wagonmaker, h. 4'78 Cro-<br />

De Long, Charles, clerk, bds. Franklin ghan.<br />

House.<br />

Deneje, John, carpenter, h. 101 Rivard.<br />

De Long, Bliss Mary, dressmaker, h. n. w. Deneke, Albert J., salesman, bds. 245 Fort e.<br />

cor. Baker and Sixth.<br />

llenelie, Catharine (wid. Frederick), h. 245<br />

Delorane, Cleophas L., clerk, bds. 697 Michi- Fort e.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Denhen, Joseph, clerk, bds. Shelby, bet. Jef-<br />

Delorane, Samuel, stonecutter, h. 679 Michi- ferson ave. and Larnrbd.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Dening, William, teamster, h. o. 246 n. 274<br />

DeLos, B. C., physician, 203 Jefferson ave. Congress e.<br />

Delos, Desire, saloon, 10 Hastings, bds. n. m. Denio, Ephraim, laborer, h. w. s. Fifteenth,<br />

cor. Hastings and Atwater.<br />

nr. Baker.<br />

Delos, John, cigarmaker, bds. I Maple. Denk, George, moulder, h. 219 St. Aubin<br />

Delp, Philip, cigars and tobacco, 236 Ran- ave.<br />

dolph, h. 301 St. Antoine.<br />

Denk, Joseph, butcher, h. 327 Clinton.<br />

i?<br />

Delpier, Leonard, saloon, 106 St. Aubin are., Denk. Joseph, car enter, h. 473 Croghan.<br />

h. same.<br />

Denman, Ilaniel % ., tinsmith, I55 Wood-<br />

1<br />

Delplase, Mary (wid. John), h. 145 Bronson. ward ave., h. 50'7 Seventh.<br />

Dely, Joseph N., porkpacker, h. 53 Mul- Denne, Ernst, laborer, h. 229 Elizabeth e. ,r<br />

lett.<br />

Denne, Mathias, upholsterer, bds. 229 Eliza-<br />

Dely, Mary (wid. Peter), h. 53 Mullett. beth e.<br />

e<br />

De Mars, Henry (Hamlin Sr; De Mars), h. 714 Dennert, Frederick, clerk, bds. o. 192 n. 270 k<br />

B<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Demars, John, carpenter, h. w. s. Mayberry Dennert, George, laborer, 11. 246 Russell.<br />

ave., nr. Ash.<br />

Dennert, Gustav, carpenter, bcls. 2'70 Colum-<br />

Demars, Lewis, shipcarpenter, h. 387 Frank- bia e.<br />

lin.<br />

Dennert, Jolrn, cabinetmaker, h. 0.192 n.<br />

Demars, Mrs. Sophia, h. 252 Fifth.<br />

270 Columbia e.<br />

Demarsh, Moses, laborer, h. 286 Wood- Dennieson, Ingraham, clerk, 11. 60 State.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Dsni~in, Timothy, laborer, 11.304 Guoin.<br />

Demass, John, tug owner, h. 37 Elizabeth Dennis, Donovan, laborer, bds. Chene, cor.<br />

west.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Demay, Frank X., carpenter, h. 321 Frank- Dennis, Ira, carpenter, h. 67 Grand River.<br />

lin.<br />

Dennis, Jessie, tailoress, bds. 368 Croghan.<br />

Demay, Julius, sailor, h. 178 Maple. Dennis, John D., compositor, h. 21 Abbott.<br />

Demers, Edward, sawyer, h. 668 Wood- Dennis, Joseph, finisher, h. 34 Jones.<br />

bridge w.<br />

l)ennis, Maria (wid. Jolrn), h. 21 Abbott.<br />

Demers, John, saloon, 545 Atwater, h same. Dennis, Moses, wagonmaker, h. 478 Cro-<br />

De Meyer, Levinus, carpenter, h. 2'19 Ma- ghan.<br />

comb.<br />

Dennistoun, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 155<br />

DE MILL, PETER E., supt. Gas Co., h. 44 Croghan.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Dennstedt, Andreas, basketmaker, h. 479<br />

Deming, Franklin S., city distributor Daily Croghan.<br />

Post, h. 225 First.<br />

Denoyer, Joseph, carpenter. h. 443 Franklin.<br />

Denlisikie, John, porter, h. 292 Sherman. Densmore, Jane (wid. Moses), bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Demming, Jay J., clerk C. Hurlbut, bds. 303 Fourtlr and Orange.<br />

Third.<br />

Denstard, Rudolph, carpenter, bds. 553 Ma-<br />

Democratic State Central Committee, Lever- comb.<br />

ett B. Walker, sec'y, rooms 159 Jefferson Dentest, John, sailor, h. 671 Franklin.<br />

ave.<br />

Denton, Alonzo, clerk P. O., h. 4 Twent.iet11.<br />

Demond, Margaret (mid. John), bds. 133 ' Denut, John, carpenter, h. Croghan, bet.<br />

High.<br />

1 Bussell and Orleans.


--<br />

Denyer, Daniel, lithographer, h. 229 Fort e. Desile, Benjamin I?., painter, h. Franklin,<br />

Denyer, John, conductor M. C. R. R., h. 205 bet. Adair and Leib.<br />

Abbott.<br />

Desner, Edward, shipcarpenter, h. 347<br />

Deor, John, blacksmith, o. 30 n. I12 Nnpo- Franklin.<br />

leon.<br />

Desnoyer, Anthony, laborer, h. 322 Franklin.<br />

Depfer, George, laborer, h. 15 German. Desnoyer, Charles A., h. 115 Russell.<br />

Depfer, Henry, plasterer, h. s. w. cor. Brew- De Soden, Charles, clerk, bds. 75 Lewis.<br />

ster and Prospect.<br />

Desotell, Joseph (Desotell & Hutton), h. 127<br />

Deppart, John, carpenter, h. Beaubien, bet. Abbott.<br />

Illinois and Seward.<br />

Desotell & Hutton (Joseph Desotell and<br />

Deppel, \Villiam, blacksmith, 356 Grand William Hutton), boilermakers, 411 At -<br />

River, bet'. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

water.<br />

Depper, Charles, upholsterer, h. o. 431 n. Des Roches, Rev. Romuald B., pastor First<br />

527 St. Antoine.<br />

French Baptist church, h. 93 Sherman.<br />

Ueyy~e~., Henry, laborer, h. o. 421 n. 521 St. Desruisseaux, John, carpenter, h. 30s Cro-<br />

Antoine.<br />

&an.<br />

Depper, Julius, clerk, h. 425 St. Antoine. Dessinger, Joseph, foreman Hanna & Co.,<br />

&q:pn~, M illlam, carpenter, h. 525 St. An- h. 581 Juliette.<br />

toine.<br />

De Sutter, Vital, cabinetmaker, bds. 290<br />

Deppert, John, laborer, h. Beaubien, bet. Mon tcalm e.<br />

Illinois and Leland.<br />

Detering, Jacob, h. o. 83 n. 243 Watson.<br />

Depue, Cleniy, teacher German-American Dether, Nicholas, laborer, 11. 460 Croghan.<br />

Seminary, h. 11'7 St. Antoine.<br />

De Thomas, Nicola, musician, h. 131 Brush.<br />

Deques, Joseph, manufacturer ginger beer, Detlaf, Antoine, laborer, 11. 148 Antietam.<br />

h. 284 Franklin.<br />

Detlaf, Charles, ldborer, h. w. s. Dubois,<br />

Deranger, Michael, saloon, 926 Michigan s. Ciratiot.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Abend-Post, A Marshausen,<br />

Dericks, John, chairmaker, h. 277 Macomb. proprietor, 10 and 12 Larned e.<br />

Dermont, Robert, bookkeeper, h. 44 Marion. <strong>Detroit</strong> and Cleveland Steamboat Line, of-<br />

Dermont, William F., fireman, bds. Franklin fice foot She1 by. .<br />

House.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> & Howell R. R., office over 154 Jeff-<br />

Dernbrock, Frederick, laborer, h. n. s. Ma- erson ave., William Scott, Chief Engineer,<br />

comb, bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave. res. Windsor, Ont.<br />

Deroese, Polit, laborer, h. n. s. Larned, bet. <strong>Detroit</strong> and Lake Superior Copper Co., of-<br />

Chene and Jos. Campau aves.<br />

fice and works Springwells, nr. Fort<br />

Derragon, Eugene, laborer, h. 585 Fort e. Wayne, Jolin It. Grout, agent.<br />

Derrick, Adaline (wid. David), h. e. s. Sulli- <strong>Detroit</strong> and Lake Superior Iron Marzfr. Co.,<br />

van aye., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

office and works Hamtramck, W. M. Gay-<br />

Derrick, Alfred (col'd), fancy store, 58 Mich- lord, Secret.ary and Treasurer.<br />

igan ave , h. 43 Mullett.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge and Iron Works, cor. Foun-<br />

Derrick, Martin, laborer, h. 313 Michigan dry and Michigan Central K. R., William<br />

ave.<br />

C. Colburn, Sec'y and Treas.<br />

Derrick, Michael, printer, bds. 313 Michigan <strong>Detroit</strong> Building and Saving Society, Hall<br />

ave.<br />

cor. Russell and Catharine, Carl Schme-<br />

Derry, Edward, watchman Pitt's lumber mann, Secretary.<br />

yard, h. 150 Guoin.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Car and Manfr. Co.. cor. Croghan<br />

Deruchie, Joseph, carpenter, 11. 85 Mullett. and Dequindre, George W. Sutherland<br />

Dreveaus, l%Tilliam, h. 166 Sliermun. manager.<br />

Dreveaus, William, saloon, 455 Gratiot, h. <strong>Detroit</strong> Car Wlieel Co., 407 Atviater, James<br />

same.<br />

AlcAiii lan, Secret.ary.<br />

Derwin, Louis, tailor, h. 44 Catharine. <strong>Detroit</strong> Central Mills Co., Woodbridge, bet.<br />

De Sales, Sister M., superior St. Mary's Eighth and Tenth, office 64 Jeferson<br />

Hospital, 95 Clinton, h. same.<br />

ace. and 122 Woodbridge w.<br />

De Sales, Sister Mary, superior of Trinity <strong>Detroit</strong> Com~me~cial Advertiser,<br />

(Catholic) school, n. s. Porter, bds. 71 IVilliam H. Burk, editor and proprietor,<br />

Porter.<br />

42 Larned w.<br />

Desautels, James, cooper, 154 Maple, 11. same. Dotroit Classical and Mathematical School,<br />

Desbrough, Henry, meatmarket, 332 Michi- 108 Griswold.<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

IDeeroit Daily Post, n. e. cor. Larned,<br />

Desbrough. William, butcher, h. 332 Michi- and Shelby, F. Morley, manager.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Uetroit Daily Union, 25 Larned w.<br />

De Schryver. Mrs. Mary A., Canada House, <strong>Detroit</strong> Female Seminary, 84 Fort w., J. M.<br />

198 tvoodhridge w., h. same.<br />

B. Sill principal.<br />

Dasllon. G. Goulcl, tin wl~istle rutinufacturer, Beeroie Fire & Mariue Iusura~rce<br />

51 Griswold, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Co., ofice 124 Jefferson ave. (See Ad,v.)<br />



- - -<br />

Physicians always specify<br />




<strong>Detroit</strong> Flouring Mills, n. e. cor. Michigan<br />

ave. and First, Clee 5; Coville, proprietors.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press, office n. w. cor.<br />

Gris wold and Woodbridge.<br />

DETROIT UAS LIGHT Co., office 8 Lar-<br />

ned e., Peter E. De Mill, Sec'y and Supt.<br />

(See Adv).<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>, Jannette (wid. Franciscus), h. 299<br />

Macomb.<br />

Detro~it Journal of Commerce,<br />

James F. Gradwell propr., 10 and 12 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />


cor. Larned and Third, D. B. Peirce, Sec'y<br />

and Treas. (See Ada).<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Medical Colleee, Woodward ave .,<br />

nr. Brady, Edward %. Jenks, M. D., Pres.<br />

of Faculty, h. 92 Fort w., Theodore A.<br />

McGraw, M. D., Sec'y of Faculty, h. 491<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Novelty Works, n. w. cor. Brush<br />

and ilToodbridge, Lyman R. Casey, Supt.<br />

DETROIT PAPER CO. (Pease & Smith),<br />

Deutchkof, Joseph, tobacconist, h. 108 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Deuter, William, tailor, 15'7 Fort e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Devandelet, Charles, painter, h. 376 Ura-<br />

tiot.<br />

Develoa, John, slioemaker, h. e. s. Fourth,<br />

bet. Grand and Cedar.<br />

, Deverell, Frederick, confectioner, bds. s. w.<br />

1 cor. Elizabeth and Woodward ave.<br />

I Deville, John N., brewery, 244 Russell, h.<br />

same.<br />

Devine, Edward, blacksmith, h. 346 Third.<br />

Devine, Philip, laborer, bds. 56 Sullivan<br />

I ape.<br />

I Devine, Thomas, laborer, h. 217 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Devinney, George A., student, bds. o. 296 n.<br />

334 Sistli.<br />

Devinney, William, h. o. 296 n. 334 Sisth.<br />

Devinney, William H., clerk, bds. o. 296 n..<br />

334 Sisth.<br />

De Vlieghere, Ferdinand, gardener, h. 328<br />

Croghan.<br />

Devlin, Henry, clerk, bds. 172 Larned w.<br />

Devlin, Patrick, sexton St. Peter and St.<br />

Paul's Cathedral, h. rear Cathedral buildi<br />

ng.<br />

Devreaux, Patrick, carpenter, h. o. 218 n. !<br />

256 Fifth. 1.<br />

i<br />

Dewey, Adolphus, carbuilder, bds. 440 Clin-<br />

208 and 210 Jefferson ave. (See adv.) ton ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Railroad Elevator Co., D. & &I. R. Dewey, Alexander, carbuilder, bds. 440<br />

R. dock, James McMillan, Sec'y.<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

DETROIT RlVER LUMBER Co., 315 At- Dewey, George H. (Dewey, Middlewood &<br />

I<br />

water, bet. Etivard aud Kiopelle, P. Van- Co.), h. 411 Lafayette.<br />

j<br />

dermuelen, Sec'y. (See Ade).<br />

Dewey, Harvey, carpenter and joiner, h. t L<br />

I:<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co., Atwater, bet. Russell and 386 Lafayette.<br />

Rivard, Z. R. Brockway, Sec'y and Treas: Dewey, James (J. L. Secomb 8t Co.), h. 824<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Savings Fund Institute, Hon. Elon Jefferson ave.<br />

Farnsworth, Pres., Griswold, opposite Dewey, James S., carpenter and joiner, bds.<br />

Post Office.<br />

386 Lafayette.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Socialer Turnverein, Adam Ochsen- DEWEY, MIDDLEWOOD & Co. (Ziba<br />

hirt, Pres., hall Sherman, bet. Russell and Dewey, George Bliddlewood and eeorge<br />

1 R-iopelle.<br />

H. Dewey). sash and blind mnfrs., foot<br />

DETElOlT STEAM FORGE, foot Mount I Riopelle. (See ads.)<br />

Elliott ave., John H. and John N. Ford, Dewiak, Frank, laborer. h. 13 Sherman.<br />

proprs. (See adz;.)<br />

Dewson, Henry, saloon, 205 Third, h. same.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works, office cor. Griswold Dey, Alexander H., Pres. American Nationand<br />

Woodbridge, H. J. Fisk, Sec'y. al Bank, h. 403 Jeferson ave.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Velocipede and Skating Rink, De YonBe, Emil, cooper, 538 Fort e.<br />

George F. Fuller, propr., W'oodward ave. Dezellia, Alexander, lake captain, h. o. 362 1 i<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> White Lead and Color Works, n. s. n. 346 Woodbridge e.<br />

Jones? bet. Third and Fourth.<br />

Dezot, Peter, shoemaker, h. 98 Orleans.<br />

DETROIT WOODEN WAKE VFTORIiS, Diack, Alexander, machinist, h. 2'25 Fourth.<br />

960 Jefferson ave., M. Frost., supt. (See czdo.) Diack, ,4rchibald W., ironmoulder, h. 80<br />

Detroyer, Anton, mason, bds. 216 Sherman. Beech.<br />

Detzoyer, Henry, mason, bds. 216 Sherman. Diack, James S., draughtsman, h. 78 Beech.<br />

Detroyer, Josepli, mason, 21. 816 Sherman. Dias, Emanuel C. (S. E. & E. C. Dias), bds.<br />

Dettling, Frederick, cigarmaker, h. 116 156 Brewster.<br />

Bronson .<br />

Dias, Eatkaniel, painter, bds. 156 Bremster.<br />

Detton, Alexander, (col'd), barber, h. 189 Dias, Sauiuel E. (S. E, & E. C. Dias), h. 156<br />

Hastings.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Deutchkof, John, blacksmith, bds. 108 Dias, S. E., & E. C. (SamuelE. and Emanuel<br />

Bronson.<br />

C. Dias), cigarmakers, 212 Gratiot.<br />



Dibble, John, painter, bds. 267 Twelfth.<br />

Dibble, Margaret, teacher Cass school, bds.<br />

o. 7 n. 289 Cass ave.<br />

Dibble, Captain Noah H., h. 19 Columbia e.<br />

Dibel, John, painter, h. 267 Twelfth.<br />

Dick, John, cabinetmaker, h. 166 Labrosse.<br />

Dick, John J., carriagepainter, h. 85 Porter.<br />

Dickerson, Charles H., hats, caps and furs,<br />

157 Jefferson ave., h. 71 State.<br />

Dickerson, Howard A., clerk, bds. 134<br />

Fort w.<br />

Dickerson, William, conductor M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 286 Second.<br />

Dickey, Ellen (wid. Young), h. 229 Seventh.<br />

Dickinson, Asa C., farmer, h. 1'7 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Dickinson, Charles R., farmer, bds. s. s.<br />

Grand River, bet. National ave. and<br />

Turelfth.<br />

Dickinson, Don bf. (Dickinson & Dickinson),<br />

11. 17 Columbia w.<br />

Dickinson, George B., commission merchant,<br />

Board Trade Building, h. 168 Congress w.<br />

Dickinson, George W., farmer, bds. s. s.<br />

Grand River, bet. National ave. and<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Dickinson, John S., clerk, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Larned and First.<br />

Dickinson, Mrs. Julia, bds. 39 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Dickinson, Edward J., shipping clerk C. B.<br />

James & Co., bds. 39 Washington ave.<br />

Dickinson, Moses F., h. s. s. &and River,<br />

bet. National ave. and Twelfth.<br />

Dickinson, Samuel, laborer, h. 36 Clifford.<br />

Dickinson, Thomas P., printer, h. 298<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Dickman, Caspar, laborer, h. s. s. Antietam,<br />

bet. Chene and Duboia.<br />

Dickman, Catharine (wid. William), h. 86<br />

3 ay.<br />

Diclrs, Henry, laborer, h. 283 Seventeenth.<br />

Dicks, John, varnisher, h. 279 Seventeenth.<br />

Dicks, Oliver, butcher, o. 396 n. 40G Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Dickson, David, grocer, 117 First, h. same.<br />

Dickson, David W., clerk, bds. 117 First.<br />

Dickson, Mathew, boilermaker, h. 395 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Dickson, Richard, tinsmith, h. 187 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

. Dickson, William J., clerk, h. o. 318 n. 448<br />

Third.<br />

Didow, John, laborer, h. 79 Jay.<br />

Diebel, Frederick, bricklayer, h. 171 Mu1 -<br />

lett.<br />

Diebel, Frederick, builder, h. 211 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Diebel, Lawrence, carpenter, h. 198 Divis-<br />

ion.<br />

Dieche, Nicholas, laborer, h. 116 Maple.<br />

Diederich, August F. (Diederich St Breisa<br />

cher,) h. 208 Fort e.<br />

Dicdcrich, John (J. Metzncr 8: Co.), h. 796<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

- -<br />

Diederich & Breisacher (August F. Diederich<br />

and Leo Breisacher), wines and<br />

liquors, '72 Congress e.<br />

Diedler, John, shoemaker, h. 183 Maple.<br />

Diedler, Jacob, laborer, bds. 203 Maple.<br />

Diedrich, John, laborer, h. 133 Marion.<br />

Diedrich. Mathew, carpenter, h. 496 Orleans.<br />

Diegel, Adolph, locksmith, h. 51 Maple.<br />

Diegel, George, builder, h. 443 Clinton ave.<br />

Diegel, Henry, machinist, h. 130 Grove.<br />

Diegel, John, teamster, h. 337 Dubois.<br />

Diegel, Philip, laborer, h. o. 481 n. 426 Mdlett.<br />

Diehl, Henry, shoemaker, h. n. e. cor. Ger.<br />

man and Dequindre.<br />

Diehl, Jacob, butcher, n. w. cor. Macomb<br />

and Dubois, h. same.<br />

Diehn, August, tobacconist, h. 315 Maple.<br />

Dieler, John, physician, h. 26 North.<br />

Diener, John, baker, 333 Russell, h. same.<br />

Diener, John, baker, h. 337 Husserl.<br />

Dienst, Herman, machinist, bds. 208 Rus-<br />

*ell.<br />

DIEPENBECK, RUDOLPH, insurance<br />

agent, 72 Congress e., h. 193 Fort e.<br />

Dierodot, Mary (wid. Casper), h. 111 CLinton.<br />

Diesner, Frederick, blacksmith, h. 458<br />

Fort e.<br />

Dietell, George, collector M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

318 Clinton.<br />

Dietz, George, shoemaker, h. 167 Bronson.<br />

Dietz, John, blacksmith, h. 212 Montcalm e.<br />

Dietz, Peter, laborer, 11. 43 Croghan.<br />

Dietzel, Casper, laborer, h. 316 Clinton.<br />

Uietzel, George, laborer, bds. 316 Clinton.<br />

Dillman, Barbary (wid. Ira), h. 408 Third.<br />

Ilillman, George L., clerk, bds. 408 Third.<br />

Dillman, Louis, Hotel Mauch, 43 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Dillon, Alice, housekeeper, n. s. Stimson,<br />

bet. Cass and lFroodward ayes., h. sarue.<br />

Dillon, Richard S., foundryman, Mount Elliott<br />

ave., s. Jefferson ave.<br />

Dilton, Patrick, policeman, h. 123 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Dilts, Charles, cl~rk general ticket agency<br />

oilice, h. o. 92 n. 102 Sixth.<br />

Dilworth, Cornelius, la borer, h. 371 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Dilworth, David, street car conductor, h. s.<br />

s. Labrosse, bet. Eighth and Ninth ave.<br />

Dilwort h, James, la borer, bds. 3 95 Lafayette.<br />

Dill worth, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 175<br />

Franklin.<br />

Dilworth, Thomas, laborer, h. 214 Franklin.<br />

Dilworth, Thomas, laborer, h. 175 Franklin.<br />

Dilyot, Joseph, saloon, 216 St. Aubin ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Dimcl~o, Joseph, laborer, h. o. 47 n. 364<br />


DIM DOE<br />

NEW YORE<br />

BEb Brnsuc.amm - @smpmy,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-.<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Diuller, Andrew, tinsmith, 286 Croghan, h.<br />

284 same.<br />

Dirnler, Christopher, drayman, h. 481 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Dimmick, John, drayman, h. 328 Sherman.<br />

Dimmick, Joseph, agent, 11.235 Park.<br />

Dimmick, Stowel II., druggist, 173 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. same.<br />

Dimming, Marcus (col'd), laborer, h. 236<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Dingeman, Frank (Dingeman, Van Loon &<br />

Note), h. 253 Grand Xlver.<br />

Dingeman, Peter, h. 357 Third.<br />

Dingeman, Van Looil 8 Note (Frank Dinge-<br />

man, John Van Loon and Leopold Note),<br />

sash, door and blind factory, s. w. cor.<br />

Grand River and Third.<br />

Dings, Levi. saloon, 368 Twentieth, h. same.<br />

Dings, Wilber, carpenter, bds. 49 Adams ave.<br />

\'rest.<br />

Dingwell, Alexander, street car driver, bds.<br />

o. 1'73 n. 207 Fourth.<br />

Dingwell, George, mailcarrier, h. s. s.<br />

Campbell, bet. (:ass at id Woodward aves.<br />

Dining, Michael, laborer, h. 74 Abbott.<br />

Dinnan, Blathe\v, laborer, h. m. s. Lasalle<br />

ave.. near Chestnut.<br />

Dinnehy, Jeremiah, cigarmaker, bds. n. e.<br />

cor. Second and Larned.<br />

Dinnen, Michael, laborer, h. 70 Abbott.<br />

Dinnen, William, brass finisher, h. 350<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Dion, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 160 Franklin.<br />

Dionesia, Sister Mary, teacher Trinity<br />

(Catliolic) School, bds. 71 Porter.<br />

Dirnberger, John, soapmaker, h. 186 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Disch, Kudolph, carpenter, h. 09 Mullett.<br />

Distel, Henry, porter Antisdel House, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Distin, Amos T., tinsmith, h. o. 473 n. 589<br />

Croghan.<br />

Ditcher, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 469 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Dittluen, Andrew, engineer, h. 237 Thir-<br />

teen-and-a-half.<br />

Dittmer, Christian, laborer, bds. 316 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

ljittnler, Frederick (Sullivan & Dittmer), h.<br />

316 Eastings.<br />

Dis, Henry, laborer, h. 282 Seventeenth.<br />

Dis, John, h. 284 Hastings.<br />

Dis, John, bds. 291 Croghan.<br />

Uis, Joseph (col'd); laborer, h. Paton alley.<br />

])ison, Andrew, machinist, h. n. e. cor. Por-<br />

ter and Seventh.<br />

Dison, Anna (wid. Ambrose M.), h. 106 Adams<br />

are. e.<br />

Dison, Miss Annie, dressmaker, bds. 23<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Dison, Charles P., salesman, h. 250 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Dison, Curtis K., marine agent, foot Woodward<br />

ave., h. 38 Park Place.<br />

Dison. David. ~ainter. h. 95 Columbia w.<br />

ino on; ~redeii'ck A. elark & Co.), bds. 315<br />

Fourth.<br />

Dison, George F. (Clark & Co.), h. 315<br />

Fourth.<br />

Dison, Jane (wid. David), h. 153 Lafayette.<br />

1<br />

Dison, John, engineer, h. 196 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dison, Michael, laborer, h. 71 Harrison ave.<br />

Dison, Peter, laborer, 11.220 Twelfth.<br />

Dison, Rostlnna (wid. David), bcla. 262 Park.<br />

Dison, Sidney B., clerk, h. 1% Napoleon.<br />

Dison, William C., lake captain, h. 170<br />

Park.<br />

Dison, William N., carpenter, h. 260 Grand<br />

Kiver.<br />

Doane, Moses P., engineer, h. 39 Thirteenth.<br />

Doapfer, Henry, carpenter, h. 521 St. Antoine.<br />

Dobes, Artl~ur, supt. Cox farm, rear skating<br />

rink, 11. same. c<br />

Dobie, WTilliam, salesman, 11. 71 George.<br />

Dobie, William, jr., salesman, bds. 71<br />

George.<br />

Dobier, James W., gilder, bds. 263 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Dobrovolni, John, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth, y i<br />

nr. Walnut.<br />

Dobson, Charles, carpenter, bds. 74 Baker.<br />

Fobson, Cllarles D., carpenter, h. 07 Baker.<br />

Dobsun, Edward J., carpenter, h. 07 Baker.<br />

Dobson, George, carpenter, h. 90 'CTTilkins.<br />

Dobson, John E., printer, bds. 436 Sisth.<br />

Dobaon, Linus E., lake survey, h. 466 Sisth.<br />

Doddard, James, carpenter, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

Dodds, John, clerk, h. 142 Adanls ave e.<br />

Dodds, John, clerk, bds. 256 Jeferson ave.<br />

Dodds, John J., clel~k, bds. 170 Xclatt~s ave. e.<br />

Dodenlroff, Peter, shoemaker, h. '707 Croghan.<br />

Dodge, Alvan, lake captain, h. 89 Ledyard.<br />

Dodge, Oliver, insurance agent, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Dodlaw, Campbell, laborer, h. 275 Guoin.<br />

Dodlaw, John, blacksmith, h. 125 Chene.<br />

Dodsley, William R., custom house officer,<br />

bds. 324 Xichigan ave.<br />

Dodt, Ernst, laborer, h. s. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

Chene and St, ~lubin ave.<br />

Dod t, Herman, laborer, h. $9 North.<br />

Doeltz, A ugust us, salesman, bds. 493 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Doeltx, Gustavus (G. Doeltz & Brother), k.<br />

493 ~e~erson ave.


Doeltz, William (a. Doeltz & Brother), h.<br />

144 Congress,<br />

DOELTZ, G., & BROTHER (Gustavus and<br />

MTilliam Dceltz), Yankee notions and<br />

fancy goods, 70 Woodward ave. (See adu.)<br />

Doencli, Louisa (wid. Henry), 68 Maple.<br />

Doench, Nicholas, laborer, h. 59 Marion.<br />

Doepfer, Elizabeth (wid. William), h. 15<br />

German.<br />

Doepfer, William, laborer, bds. 15 German.<br />

Doeren, John, drayman, h. 11 Trombley.<br />

Doering, Charles, painter, bds. 29 Clinton.<br />

Doering, Christine (wid. John Y.), h. 234<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Doering, George, laborer, h. 238 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Doering, Henry, varnisher, bds. 234 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Doering, William, carpenter, h. 299 Coluill-<br />

bia e.<br />

Doern, Jacob, laborer, h. 108 Clinton.<br />

Doerwald, Henry, cabinetmltker, h. o. 165<br />

n. 235 Columbia e.<br />

Doetsch, Helarius, Yankee notions, h. 430<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Doeteh, Mathias, grocer, n. m. cor. Napoleon<br />

and St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

Doetcli, Nicllolas, clerk, 11. 59 Marion.<br />

Dogan, Michael, blacksmith, bds. 253 J effer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Dolierty, Charles, constable Ninth Ward, h.<br />

12 National ave.<br />

Doherty, Edward, blacksmith helper, h. 86<br />

Oak.<br />

Doherty, Jolrn, janitor, h. 127 Orchard.<br />

Dolierty, John, niglit watchman Savings<br />

Bank, h. 143 Orchard.<br />

Dolierty, Josepll, steward, h. 330 hlullett.<br />

Doherty, CVilliau M., carpenter, h. s. w.<br />

cor. Fulton and Crawford.<br />

Dolin, Hubert, moulder, bds. o. 332 n. 398<br />

Croghan.<br />

Doidge, William, carpenter, bds. 205 Cro-<br />

glian.<br />

Dolan, Bernard J ., machinist, h. 96 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Dolan George, coachman, bds. o. 56 n. 62<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Dolan, Henry, laborer. h. 140 Franklin.<br />

Dolan, Thonlas M., cigarmaker, h. 28s High.<br />

Doland, John, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Dolbeer, John, ph5-sician, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Woodward and Lf'illis aves.<br />

Dole, Henry, engineer, 11.223 Abbott.<br />

Dolfiner, Henry, machinist, bds. S Porter.<br />

Doll, John, conductor, bds. 278 Mullett.<br />

Doll, Joseph, sawyer, bds. Macomb, bet.<br />

Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Doll, Magdalena (wid. John), h. 208 Ma-<br />

comb. -<br />

Doll, hlathew, mason, h. 105 Chestnut.<br />

Doll, Peter, laborer, h. 166 Clinton.<br />

Dollar, Anthony, laborer, 11. 19 German.<br />

Dollar, James Wm., peddler, h. n. s. Ann,<br />

bet. Sisth and Seventh.<br />

23<br />

Ddlar, William, confectinnary. <strong>City</strong> all<br />

market stall, Randolph, 11. 559 Sisth.<br />

Dollarii, Patrick, varnisher, 11. 289 Abbott.<br />

Dollarson, Mrs. Maria (col'd), embroidery<br />

and stamping, 11. 179 Russell.<br />

Dollarson, Ltose E. (col'd-wid. George), h.<br />

1'79 Russell.<br />

Dollarson, William (col'd), cook, h. 179 Russell.<br />

Dolph, Anson, drover, h. 161 Clifford.<br />

Dolph, Jacob S., drover, 21.183 Grand River.<br />

Dolaon, Levi, tanner, 11. 331 Congress w.<br />

Do1 ton, Patrick, laborer, 11. 219 Seventh.<br />

Dominie, albert F., painter, bds. 85 Gratiot.<br />

Dominie, Charles, teacher, 11. $8 Gratiot.<br />

Dominie, Eugene, cabinetmaker, bds. 90<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Dominie. Frank, machinist, h. 145 Bronson.<br />

Donilnoleton, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 199<br />

Eighth.<br />

Dompier, Joseph, ship carpenter, h. St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dompier, John, telegraph builder, h. 175<br />

&la ple.<br />

Donahoe, Owen, laborer, bds. 287 Thirteen-and-a-ha1<br />

f.<br />

Donalioe, Patrick, drayman, h. 106 Abbott.<br />

Donahoe, T-llotnas J., laborer M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. 411 Ninth ave.<br />

Donohue. Micllael, carpenter, h. 215 Second.<br />

I)onahue, Patrick, dray man, h. 106 Abbott.<br />

Donahue, Thomas S., salesman, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Fourth and Howard.<br />

Donaldson, Anne (wid. Peter F.), bds. 18<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Donaldson, Asa, painter, 76 Grand River,<br />

h. 38 State.<br />

Donaldson, David, shipcarpenter, h. 9s Maple.<br />

Donaldson, Eugene D., painter, bds. 136<br />

Grand River.<br />

Donaldson, James, bds. n. e. cor. Third and<br />

Jones.<br />

Donaldson, James (Donaldson & Son), h. 166<br />

Clifford.<br />

Donaldson, James H. (Donaldson & Son),<br />

bdr. 106 CliE~rd.<br />

Donaldson, James P. (Dunlap, Donaldson &<br />

Co.), 11. 18 Elizabeth e.<br />

Donaldson, John \V. D. (J. Donaldson & Co.),<br />

11. 90 Napoleon.<br />

Donaldson, Mary (wid. John), h. 426 Croghan.<br />

Donaldson, Robert, machinist, h. o. 445 n.<br />

537 Congress e.<br />

Donaldson, William, seaman, h. 348 Sisth.<br />

Donaldson, William C., painter, bds. 136<br />

Grand River (up-stairs).<br />

Donaldson, J., & Co. (James, John W. D.<br />

and James H. Donaldson), merchant tailors,<br />

242 Jefferson ave.<br />

DOXL)EHO, ANTONIO, willow ware manfr.,<br />

51 Monroe ave., h. same. (See adv.)<br />

Dondero, Louis, basketmaker, bds. 51 Monroe<br />





Omce, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Donker, Edward, carpenter, 11. 140 Porter.<br />

Donmall, Charles, music teacher, h. 143<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Dounau, MTilliam, traveling agent, bds. 64<br />

Congress w.<br />

Donnell, Timothy, shoemaker, h. 590 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Donnelly, Alexander, cabinetmaker, bds. 354<br />

I<br />

Doran, Ann (wid. Patrick), h. 184 Orchard.<br />

Doran, Edward, carpent'er, bds. 91 Grand<br />

~iver.<br />

Doran, Edward A., salesman, h. 116 Harri-<br />

son ave. I<br />

Doran, Eugene, carpenter, bds. 91 Grand<br />

Kiver.<br />

Doran, Frank, engineer, bds. 90 Adams<br />

ave IT. i<br />

Doran, George, carpenter, bdw. 163 Fourth.<br />

Doran, James (Cuddy & Doran), h. 61 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Doran, John, drayman, h. 11 Trombley.<br />

Doran, John, laborer, bds. 184 Orchard.<br />

Doran, John, pipeman 3 engine house, 10<br />

Clifford.<br />

Doran, Michael, laborer, h. o. 84 n. 90 Adams<br />

ave. my.<br />

1 Dorian, Michael, laborer, h. 18 Front.<br />

Doran, RIichael, carpenter, bds. Railroad<br />

Eschange.<br />

Doran, Miles, clerk, bds. Enlmet House.<br />

Doran, Miles, packer, bds. 184 Orchard.<br />

Doran, Thomas, peddler, h. 186 Labrosse.<br />

Doreo, Joseph, tannei-, bds. Woodbridge, n. I<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Donnelly, John, bookkeeper, bds. 254<br />

Third.<br />

Donnelly, John H., bookkeeper, bds. Lafayette<br />

aye.. bet. First and Second.<br />

Donnelly , joseph F., shipping clerk, bds.<br />

256 Third.<br />

Donnelly, Patrick, coppersmith, h. Twentysecond,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Croul Bros.' tannery.<br />

Donnelly, Pet.er, clerk, 11. 254 Third. Dores, eeorge, saloon, bds. foot Third,<br />

Donnelly, William, carpenter, h. 259 Mul- Dorethy, Michael, laborer, h. s. s. F~ilton,<br />

lett.<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Donnelson, Joseph, grooni, bds. 84 Larned Doring, John, miller, 11. 161 Abbott.<br />

east.<br />

Dorles, Gilian, h. 306 Croghan.<br />

Donough, Roger, laborer, h. '17 Jay. Dorman, Ernst, grocer, 77 Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Donovan, Daniel, laborer, h. 290 Abbott. Dorman, Frank FV., clerk, bds. 45 Spencer.<br />

Donovan, James, laborer, bds. 36 Clinton. Dorn~an, Frances (wid. John B.), h. 45<br />

Donovan, James, laborer, 11. 15 Labrosse. Spencer.<br />

Donovan, James, laborer, h. Lafayette ave., Dorman, Freqerick, mason, h. 200 Sbbott.<br />

bet. Tenth and Eleventh.<br />

Dorman, Henry, laborer, bds. 119 Elizabeth<br />

Donovan, James, laborer, h. w. s. Sullivan east.<br />

ave., bet. Chestnut aud Butternut. Dorman, Michael, carpenter, h. 225 Cal-<br />

Donovan, John, laborer, h. 578 Congress e.<br />

1 houn,<br />

Donovan, Joseph W., general agent Dorman, William, plasterer, bds. 225 Gal-<br />

Guardian Mutual Life Ins. Co. of N. Y., houn.<br />

61 Griswold, h. 226 First. (See adz..) Dorman, George, barkeeper, bds. n. s. Mich-<br />

Donovan, Michael, teamster, h. 605 Con- igan ave., bet. Third and Fourth.<br />

gress e.<br />

Dorner, Frederick, cigarmaker, h. 189 Ma-<br />

Donovan, William, clerk, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel. comb.<br />

Doody, Jeremiah, boilermaker, h. e. s. Fif- Dorrjer, John J., printer, h. e. s. Riopelle,<br />

teenth, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

bet. Catharine and Mullett.<br />

Dooley, Daniel, engineer, h. 50 Orchard. Dorongo, Andrew, sawyer, h. Guoin, on<br />

Dooley, Edward, laborer, bds. n. s. Grand Carnpau farm.<br />

River, nr. toll gate.<br />

Dorr, Henry, saloon, 449 Michigan ave., h.<br />

Dooley, John, la borer, h. 315 Abbott. same.<br />

Dooley, Thomas, h. 389 Franklin.<br />

Dorr, John, blacksmith. h. 112 Napoleon.<br />

Dooley, Thomas, dray man, h. 45 Harrison Dorr, Johu, laborer, h. 326 St. Aubin ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Dorr, Philip, machinist, h. 114 Twelfth.<br />

Dooley, Thomas, laborer, h. 399 Franklin. Dorrsn, James, shipcarpenter, h. 97 Colum-<br />

Dooley, William, laborer, h. '708 Fort e. bia e.<br />

Dooley, William, drayman, h. 87 Harrison Dorrier, Jacob, sawyer, h. 108 Clinton.<br />

ave.<br />

Dorrington, J ohn, wooddealer, h. 324 Frank-<br />

Doolittle, George E. (Smith & Doolittle), h. lin.<br />

o. 50 n. 60 Elizabeth w.<br />

Dorrity, John. teamster, h. 94 Orleans.<br />

Doolittle, George L., bookkeeper, bds. o. 50 Dorsey, Allen (col'd), waiter Kussell House,<br />

n. 60 Elizabeth w.<br />

11. 384 &lacomb.<br />

Door, Philip, laborer, h. 586 Seventh. Dorsey, Edward (col'il), cook, h. 101 Clin-<br />

Doorflinger, Henry, finisher, h. 203 Porter. ton.<br />

I<br />

i<br />


Don CITY DIR'ECTORY. DOw 1'75<br />

- - -<br />

Dorsep, Michael, laborer, h. 492 Fifth. Doun, Antonie, laborer, h. 60 Catharine.<br />

Dxsey, Williurn (col'd), plasterer, 11. 232 Douville, I-Ienry, carpenter, 11. 215 Rivard.<br />

Adz~tus ave. e.<br />

Dorv, John, sailor, 11. 203 Wight.<br />

Dorsey, William H., clerk, bds. 20 Cass ave. Dow, Joseph, snilor, h. 303 Wight.<br />

Dorsey, William H., clerk, bas. Finney's Dow, Marcus F., asst. cashier Dztroi t Saving<br />

Hotel.<br />

& Fund Institute, res. Qrosse Point.<br />

Dorton, Peter (col'd), waiter Russell House 7 Dow, William A., produce, 12 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

bds. same.<br />

market, h. 4 Park Place.<br />

Dnrward, David, carpenter, h. 358 Michi- Dowd, Michael J., propr. Commercial Hotel,<br />

gan ave.<br />

25 Bates, 11. same.<br />

Dossin, Charles, joiner, h. I18 Jay.<br />

Dowd, Pasrick, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Wil-<br />

Dost, Frederick, laborer, 11.522 Macomb. liams ave. and Myrtle.<br />

Doster, Louise (mid. Nichael), h. 4G Catha- Dowdle, Thomas, laborer, h. 400 Twelfth.<br />

rine.<br />

Do~very, Emeline (col'd-wid. Harvey), h.<br />

Doty, Abel, peddler, h. 242 Antietam. 365 Croghan.<br />

Doty, Austin, teamster. 11. 433 Clinton aye. Dowling, Mrs. Julia, h. 72 Porter.<br />

Doty, Duane, supt. Public Schools, h. 84 Dowling, Nichael, cigarmaker, bds. 72 Por-<br />

Columbia w.<br />

ter.<br />

Doty, George, jeweler, 39 Woodward are., h. Do wl ing, Patrick, carpenter, h. 270 Eliza-<br />

302 Jefferson ave.<br />

beth e.<br />

Dotp, Henry, lumber dealer, 12 Rotunda D~wling, Richard, laborer, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Building, h. 83 Lafayette ave.<br />

Eighth and Fort.<br />

Doty, John, mason, 11. 10 Clinton.<br />

Dowllng, William, farrier, h. 553 Gratiot.<br />

Doty, Miss Rose, dressmaker, h. 448 Clinton Downer, Andrew O., carpenter, h. 12 Colave.<br />

umbia e.<br />

Dou :an, Joseph, blacksmith, bds. 313 Con- DOWNER, HENRY E., engraver on wood<br />

" gress w.<br />

and metal, 83 Woodward ave., h. 12 Col-<br />

Doughertp, Catharine (wid. Lawrence), h. umbia e. (See adv.)<br />

173 Sixth.<br />

Downer, Martin L., baggagemaster M. C. R.<br />

Dougherty, Edward, salesman, bds. Garri- R., bds. Garrison House.<br />

son House.<br />

Downes, Catharine (wid. James), h. n. s.<br />

Douglrerty, Edward, laborer, h. 86 Oak. Arclr, bet. Fifth and Crawford.<br />

Dougherty, John, laborer, h. 315 Franklin. Downes, James, clerk, bds. n. s. Arch, bet.<br />

Dougherty. John, laborer, 11. 401 Tivelit.11. Fifth and Crawford.<br />

Doughertp, John, porter M. C. Et. .It., bds. n. Downes, John, h. 169 Seventeenth.<br />

e. cor. Fifth and Pine.<br />

Downey, Catharine (wid. Hugh), h. n. s.<br />

Dougherty, John H., picture dealer, h. 253 Fulton, bet. Sisth and Seventh.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Downey, Hugh, bda. 331 Hastings.<br />

Douglass, Alexander. clerk Blue Line, h. Downey, .Jeremiah, drayman, 11. 178 Beech.<br />

cor. Fourteenth and Lafayette ave. Downey, John, blacksmith, bds. 216 Third.<br />

Douglass, Anthony T., broorntnaker, h. Downey, John, meatmarket, s. s. &Iichigan<br />

Wight, bet. Walker and Campau.<br />

ave., bet. Sixteenth and Seventeenth, h.<br />

Douglass, Augustus (col'd), barber, bds. I78 same.<br />

Marion.<br />

Downey, John J., clerk P. O., h. 559 Beau-<br />

Douglass, George A,, gilder, h. 87 Washing- bien.<br />

ton ave.<br />

Downey, Margaret (wid. Owen), bds. 306<br />

Douglass, James, clerk Rf. C. R. R., h. cor. Grand - -- River.<br />

Fourteenth and Lafa>-sete ave.<br />

Downey, SIa~zrice, boots and shoes, o. 209<br />

Douglass, James, traveling agent, h. 93 n. 243 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

hlia~ni ave.<br />

Downey. Michael, drayman, bds. o. 209 n.<br />

Douglass, James F., bookkeeper, bds. Good- 243 Michigan ave.<br />

man House.<br />

Downey, Michael, laborer, h. 96 Labrosse.<br />

Douglass, John, engineer, h. 177 Harrison Downey, Michael, machinist, h. 96 Laave.<br />

brosse.<br />

Douglass, Luther, engineer, bds. Garrison Downey, William, carriagepainter, h. 221<br />

House.<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Douglass, Samuel T. (Douglass & Miller), Downey, William, laborer, h. 437 Trowrep.<br />

Grosse Isle.<br />

bridge.<br />

Douglass, Wi1lia.m M., clerk Headquarters Downie, Andrew, bookkeeper, h. 113 Win-<br />

Dept. of the Lakes, 11. 291 Macomb. der.<br />

Douglass Qs; 31 iller (Samuel T. Douglztss and Do~vnie, Charles, clerk, bds. 113 Winder.<br />

Sidney D. hliller), attorneys at lam, 3 Downie, John, clerk, bds. s. e. cor. Eight-<br />

Butler Block, Griswold.<br />

eenth and Fort.<br />

Doulan, JeRersou jeol'd), whitewashzr, h. Downic, Kobert, grocer, s. e. cor. Eighteenth<br />

340 Lafayette.<br />

and Fort, h. same.

DOW DRI<br />

NEW YORX 1<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,0OO,COO<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON DIeELBOY, Illanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Drake, James W., carriagemaker, h. 183<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Dredge, Thomas, carpenter, h. 7 Butternut.<br />

DREHER, CASPER, carriaqe and wagon-<br />

maker, 266 Bivard, h. 164 same. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

Drelier, Henry (Dreher Bros.), h. 68 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Drelier, Jolin B. (Sanders & Dreher), h.<br />

222 Gratiot.<br />

Dreher, Joseph (Dreher Bros.), h. 68 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Dreher Bros. (Joseph and Henry Dreher),<br />

grocers, 68 Columbia e.<br />

Drennau, Joseph, patt ernmaker, bds. Brigh-<br />

ton House.<br />

DrescIler. Anna E. (wid. Ferdinand), h. 375<br />

Macomb.<br />

Dressler, Christian A., cooper, h. 224 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Drew, Caroline (wid. W7illiam), doctress and<br />

midwife, 11. 103 Brush.<br />

Drew, Edgar H., salesman, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Drew, George, tinsmith, bds. 103 Brush.<br />

Drew, John (<strong>Detroit</strong> Daily Union Co.), h.<br />

318 Fourth.<br />

Drew, John U., melodeon tuner, bds. 12 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Drew, William, laborer, 11.174 Beech.<br />

Drewery, William J., carriagemaker, h.<br />

270 Fifth.<br />

Drews, Frederick, cigarmaker, h. 0.425 n.<br />

503 Croghan.<br />

Downing, Nortimer, stonecutter, bds. 27<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Downing, William C., plasterer, bds. 161<br />

Park.<br />

Downs, Miss Annie, tailoress, bds. Seventeenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Lafayet'te aye.<br />

Downs, William, laborer, bds. SG Labrosse.<br />

Doyle, Dennis, carpenter, h. 22 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Doyle, Edward, h. o. 16 n. 26 Lafayette<br />

are.<br />

Doyle, Edn-ard W., baby-carriagemaker, h.<br />

84 Seventeenth.<br />

Doyle, John, blacksmith, bds. 101 Baker.<br />

Doyle, John E., bookkeeper, bds. Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Doyle, John, carpenter, h. 123 Eighth.<br />

Doyle, John, cutter, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Doyle, John, porter, bds. 1'79 Larned e.<br />

Doyle, John F., jr.. tailor, bds. 236 Third.<br />

Doyle, John F., tail~r. 11. 236 Third.<br />

Doyle, Joseph, carpenter. h. 197 Marion.<br />

Doyle, Martin, blacksmith, h. 105 Franklin.<br />

Doyle, Martin, carpenter, h. 128 Oak.<br />

Doyle, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Fourth, opp.<br />

Joy.<br />

Drews, John, saloon, h. 246 Chene.<br />

Doyle, Mary (wid. Lawrence), h. 400 Cro- Dresel, Mary (mid. John 9.), drugstore, 182<br />

ghan.<br />

St. Antoine, 11. same.<br />

Doyle, Mary (wid. Martin), h. s. e. cor. Sev- Dreselius, Peter, grocer, 270 Macomb, h.<br />

enth and Abbott.<br />

same.<br />

Doyle, Patrick, sawyer, h. 531 Larned e. Dresler, Frank J., pressman, bds. 240 Mont-<br />

Do3 le, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 235 Brush. calm e.<br />

Doyle, Thomas, millwright, bds. 602 Lafay- Dri brek, William, laborer, h. 370 Juliette.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Drifiill, William, laborer, h. 387 Twelfth.<br />

Doyle, Thomas, tailor, h. 296 Abbott. Drig~s, Frederick E., lawyer, 16 Bank Block,<br />

Drahner, Joseph, machine operator, 1.1. Mary, Ciriswold, bds. GS Congress w.<br />

bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave. Drile, Charles, saloon, 143 Woodbridge w.,<br />

Drake, Aaron S. (Belknap & Drake), h. 183 11. same.<br />

Cass.<br />

Drinker, Hermann, wood seller, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Drake, Charles C., foreman Car Wheel Ohio and Kussell.<br />

Works, h. 329 Fort e.<br />

Drinkwater, Jonah, bonnetbleacher and<br />

Drake, Cllester P., boarding, h. 68 Howard. blockmaker, 206 Riopelle. h. same.<br />

Dralie, Daniel, salesman, h. 258 Lafayette. Driscoll, Cornelius, engineer, bds. 200 Frank-<br />

Drake, Daniel C., clerk, B. 73 Monroe ave. lin.<br />

Drake,. Elijah H., homeopathist, 34 Fort w., Driscoll, Dennis, laborer, h. 4-55 Trowbridge.<br />

h. ame.<br />

Driscoll, Dennis, policeman, h. 200 Frank-<br />

Drake, Frederick, tanner, bds. 50 Twenty- lin.<br />

second.<br />

Driscoll, Dennis, sailor, bds. 44 Front.<br />

Drake, Frederick, overseer House of Correc- Driscoll, John, check clerk Mer. & Peo. Distion,<br />

bds. same.<br />

patcli, bds. 158 Porter.<br />

Drake, George, manager Am. Ex. Co., h. 312 Driscoll, John, laborer, h. o. 144 n. 152<br />

Randolph.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Drake, Harlow B., medical student, bds. 34 Driscoll, John, moulder, bds. 238 Third.<br />

Fort w.<br />

Driscoll, Margaret (wid. Patrick), h. 238<br />

Drake, Henry, preparer, bds. Franklin Third.<br />

House.<br />

Driscoll, Mary (wid. Michael), h. 216 Sixth.


Driscoll, Pat.i.ick, laborer, h. Thompson, n.<br />

w. cor. Dickinson.<br />

Droelle, John, jr., drayman, h. 329 Bronson.<br />

Droelle, John, sr., laborer, h. 329 Bronson.<br />

Drolet, Charles, butcher, h. 296 Franklin.<br />

Drolet, Peter, shipcarpenter, h. 165 Rio-<br />

pel le.<br />

Drolshagen, Franz, bartender, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Drolshagen, Clemens, brewer, h. Elmwood<br />

ave., n. w., cor. Macomb.<br />

Droste, Henry, wireweaver, bds. 334 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Drouhor. Julian, mason, 11. 575 Lafayette.<br />

Drouillard, James P., carpenter, h. 364 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Droullet, Charles, butcher, h. 305 Franklin.<br />

Drawley, Richard, boilermaker, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Sixth and Congress.<br />

,Douebel, Ferdinand, blacksmith, bds. 80<br />

Front.<br />

Drullet, Charles, butcher, h. 296 Franklin.<br />

Drummie, Michael, drayman, h. 233 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Drummond, Charles, boilermaker, h. 251<br />

Franklin.<br />

Drumnlond, Daniel, cigarmaker, h. 486 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Drummond, Daniel, ttailor. h. 5'72 Congress e.<br />

Druror, hlrs. Julia, boarding, h. Hastings,<br />

bet. Pine and Atmater.<br />

Druror, Oliver, sailor, h. Hastings, bet. Pine<br />

and Atwater.<br />

Drury, Thomas. porter, h. w. s. Twelfth, bet.<br />

Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Drjdame, John, cigarmaker, h. 162 High.<br />

Dryden, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 700 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />


bet. Orleans and Dequindre. Directors,<br />

Wm. Cowie, Edward D. Jones, Robt.<br />

Donaldson, Wm. Cowie, Pres't and Treas.<br />

(See a&.)<br />

Dryer, Alice (wid. Hiram), bds. 100 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Dryer, John, cigarmaker, bds. 369 Mary.<br />

Dryer, Joseph, carpenter, h. 360 Mary.<br />

Dri-go, Louis, laborer, h. o. 260 n. 268<br />

Franklin.<br />

Drj-man, John, laborer, h. 23 Cram ford.<br />

Drysdale, Alexander, clerk Rl. C. R. R., h.<br />

91 Abbott.<br />

Drysdale, Hallock, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 91<br />

Abbott.<br />

Duamel, Foster, shoemaker, h . 58 Harriett.<br />

Dubach, John, carpenter M. C. R. It., o. 105<br />

n. 135 Baker.<br />

Dube, Mrs. Elizabeth, h. 585 Fort e.<br />

Dubois, Charle;, bricklayer, h. 209 Whit-<br />

neY.<br />

Dubois, Charles, carpenter, h. 178 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Dubois, Charles, teamster, h. 128 Hastings.<br />

Dubois, James, farmer, h. 642 J eferson ave.<br />

Dubois, John, tailor, h. 231 Croghan.<br />

Dubois, Louie, sash and blinds, 585 Atwater,<br />

11. 642 Jeffirson ave.<br />

Dubois, William, teamster, bds. 128 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Dubuque, Michael, cabinetmaker, h. 311<br />

Orleana.<br />

Dubuque, Michael, carpenter, h. 57 Orleans.<br />

Duchain, Charles, laborer, h. 223 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Ducharme, Alfred J. (Ducharme & Prentiss),<br />

h. 348 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ducharme, Charles (Buhl, Ducharme & Co.),<br />

1.1. 8G Congress w.<br />

Ducharme & Prentiss (A. J. Ducharme and<br />

George Prentiss), wholesale hardware, 13<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Ducher, Clinton, soda water manufr., bds.<br />

69 Second.<br />

Duck, James, constable Second WTard, ship-<br />

ping office and boarding, 49 Atwater.<br />

Duclo, Antoine, laborer, h. 304 Chestnut.<br />

Dudgeon, John A., salesman, h. Porter Road,<br />

Springwells.<br />

Dudley, Freeman, crockery and glassware,<br />

52 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 83 .E:lizabeth e.<br />

Dudley, John, sailor, bds. 83 Elizabeth e.<br />

Dudley, Thomas, clerk, h. 134 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Dudley. Thomas R., bookkeeper, bds. Michi<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Duemlnel, Christian, laborer, h. 510 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Duengel, Louis, farmer, h. Hastings, nr.<br />

railroi. d crossing.<br />

Duennebacke, Catharine (wid. Casper), h. 34<br />

Jay.<br />

Duerselen, Amandus, laborer, h. 760 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Duerselen, Willlelmina (wid. Gustav), millin-<br />

er, 138 Randolph, h. same.<br />

Duewack, Frank, laborer, h. o. 18 n. 31<br />

German,<br />

Duff, John, butcher, bds. Brighton House.<br />

Duff, Lockard, butcher, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Duff, William L., meatmarket, 290 Michigan<br />

ave., 71. w. s. Fifteenth, nr. Orand Xiver.<br />

Duff, William S. , butcher, bds. .rv. s. Fif-<br />

teeuth, nr. Grand Rlver.<br />

Duffield, D. Bethune (D. B. & H. Rf. Duf-<br />

field), h. 169 Congress w.<br />

Duffield, Henry M. (D. B. & H. M. Duffield),<br />

bds. '741 Jefferson ave.<br />

Duffield, D. B., & H. M. (D. Bethune and<br />

Henry M. Duffield), lawyers, 154 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Duffield, Samuel P., Ph. D., chemist, h. 141<br />

Park.<br />

Duffield, TVilliaur, U. S. army, h. 165 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Dutfus, George, chairmaker, bds. 331 Third.<br />

Duffy, James, laborer, bds. 36 Fort e.<br />

Duffy, John, hackman, bds. 87 Cass.<br />

Duff', Mary (wid. Mathew), k. 444 Congress<br />





@ @<br />


. DETROIT, - dlICHZGAx<br />

Duffy, Mary Ann (wid. Charles), h. 469<br />

Croghan.<br />

Duffy, Micllael, blacksmith, h. 213 Second.<br />

Duffey, Peter, laborer, h. 133 Porter.<br />

Dutiy, Philip, laborer, bds. 36 Fort e.<br />

Dufour, Gregory, engineer, h. 3U Alontcalm<br />

east.<br />

Dufresne, Anthony R., grocer, 94 Rivard,<br />

cor. Congress, 11. same.<br />

Dufresne, T. O., joiner, bds. 3'77 Croghan.<br />

Duggan, George A., milkdealer, 43 Congress<br />

e., h. 167 Eighteenth.<br />

Duggan, Hugh, blacksmith, bds. 313 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Duggan, James, blacksmith, h. 187 Nineteenth.<br />

Duggan, John, bartender, bds. 3'7 Third.<br />

Duggan, Thomas, tanner, h. 16'7 Eighteenth.<br />

Duggan, Timothy, tinsmith, h. 38 Clifford.<br />

Dugger, Archibald (co17d;, barber, h. 308<br />

Clinton.<br />

Duhring, Frederick, h. e. s. Twenty-fourth,<br />

nr. cor. Fort.<br />

Duhsbiber, Peter, butcher, bds. 316 Croghan.<br />

Dukenmineer, Isaac (J. R. Chapman 8E Co.),<br />

res. Fletcher, Miami county, 0.<br />

Dulack, John, laborer, h. o. 344 n. 448 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Dullea, Dennis, brewer, h. 264 Howard.<br />

Dullea, Dennis, brewer, foreman steamer<br />

No. 4, bds. 264 Howard.<br />

Duloss, Patrick, laborer, h. cor. Chene and<br />

Guoin.<br />

Dulso, John P., blacksmith, h. 321 Napoleon.<br />

Dulso, John, sailor, h. 348 Croghan.<br />

Dumar, Peter, fireman, 11. 10 Thirteenth.<br />

Dumas, Joseph, carpenter, h. 235 St. Subin<br />

ave.<br />

Dumas, Leoni, carpenter, h. 435 Macomb.<br />

Dumas, Louis, laborer, h. Bolivar aliey .<br />

Dumask, Peter, fireman, h. 142 Thirteenth.<br />

Dumbrecht, Lena (wid. William), h. 107<br />

Russell.<br />

Dumir, Peter, laborer, h. 15 Mayberry ave.<br />

Dumon, Sabin, shoemaker, h. 197 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Dumont, John, carpenter, 11. 296 Orleans.<br />

Dumontier, Alexander, sailor, u. 450 Cliuton<br />

ave.<br />

Dumoy, Jacob, corker, h. 24 Dequindre.<br />

Dumpliry, James! porter, h. 424 Henry.<br />

Dumpl~y, Michael, drapman. h. 485 Fort e.<br />

Dumptier, August, laborer; bds. 337 Frank-<br />

lin. same.<br />

I<br />

DUN, R. G., & CO., mercantile agency, 159<br />

Jefferson ave., George H. Minchener, su-<br />

perintendent. (See adv.)<br />

Duncan, Alesander, barber, h. 170 Clinton.<br />

Duncan, A rchibald, shipcarpenter, h. 73<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Duncan, Dougal, captain, h. o. 91 n. 107<br />

Twelth.<br />

Duncan, Eliza (wid. James), h. 312 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Duncan, Ellison, entry clerk, bds. 72 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Duncan, Ellison E., malt house, 41 and 43<br />

Woodbridge e., h. 72 Congress w.<br />

Duncan, Harriet (wid. Henry), h. 3 Win-<br />

der.<br />

Duncan, Harriet (wid. John L.), bds. 631<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Duncan, Jane (wid. Peter), h. 344 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Duncan, John (col'd), barber, bds. S. s. Clin-<br />

ton, bet. Etivurd and Hrtstings.<br />

Duncan, John, carpenter, h. 324 Beaubien.<br />

Duncan, Leslie H., student, 11. 3 Winder.<br />

Duncan, Miss Louisa, millinery goods, 257<br />

Woodward ave., bds. Tweltth.<br />

Duncan, Margaret (wid. Nathem), h. e.<br />

s. Fifteenth, nr. Sycamore.<br />

Duncan, Moses (flhliam Duncan & Co.), h.<br />

168 Clifford.<br />

Duncan, Norman R., engineer, h. 699 Ma-<br />

coru b.<br />

Duncan, Theodore, tanner, bds. Washington<br />

House, Wood bridge w.<br />

Duncan, William (William Duncan & Co.),<br />

h. 74 Xiami ave.<br />

Duncan, MTilliam C. (Duncan & Hanna), h.<br />

90 Lafayette ave.<br />

DUNCAN, WILLIAM, & CO. (William Dun-<br />

can, William C:. Rlontgomery and Moses<br />

Duncan), saddlery hardware, etc., 1G5<br />

Jeserson ave. (See ado.)<br />

Duncan & Hanna ( Williarn C. Duncan and<br />

William Hanna), tobacconists, 11 and 13<br />

IY ood ward ave.<br />

Duncklee. Benjamin F., printer, h. 182 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Duncklee, William S., mail clerk Adveriiser<br />

and Tribune, 11. o. 193 n. 210 Congress e.<br />

Dung, Adolph, slloemaker, h. s. s. Pearl, bet.<br />

Russell and Prospect.<br />

Dunkin, Thoruas, sailor, bds. Emmet House.<br />

Dunks, Charles H. (Gaffney Ss Dunks), also<br />

gold pen manufacturer, 137 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 22 Gratiot.<br />

Dunlap, Dvuglass C., clerk, bds. s. s. Lar-<br />

ned, bet. Cass and First.<br />

Dunlap, Mrs. Elizabeth (col'd-wid. John),<br />

h. 156 Fort e.<br />

Dunlai), George (Dunlap & Donaldson), h.<br />

il Elizabeth w.<br />

Dunlay, John A. (col'd), plasterer, fi. 156<br />

Fort e.<br />

Dunlap, William H., tailor, 15 Griswold, h.


Dunlap, Donaldson & Co. (George Dunlap<br />

and J. P. Donaldson), ship chandlers, 4<br />

and 6 Woodward ave.<br />

Dunn, Adolph, shoemaker, h. 6 Pearl.<br />

Dunn, Catharine (wid. Thomas), h. 177 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Dunn. Frank, moulder, bds. 282 Croghan.<br />

Dunn, James, engineer, bds. 292 Croghan.<br />

Dunn, James, laborer, bds. 327 Franklin.<br />

Dunn, John, blacksmith, h. 86 Locust.<br />

Dunn, John, hackman, h. 82 Lafayette.<br />

Dunn, John, jr., carpenter, bds. 334 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Dunn, John, sr., carpenter, h. 334 Crass ave.<br />

Dunn, Joshua, lumber dealer, bds. Michigan<br />

Escliange.<br />

Dunn, Lawrence, laborer, bds. 177 Orchard.<br />

Dunn, Bliss Lydia, dressmaker, bds. 300<br />

Sisth.<br />

Dunn, Margaret (wid. Edward), bds. 84<br />

Grand River, up stairs.<br />

Dunn, Martin, engineer steamer No. 4, bds.<br />

1G3 Jones.<br />

Dunn, Mary Ann (wid. Owen), h. 163 Jones.<br />

Diznn, &lorrip, lumber dealer, bds. Michigan<br />

Esclrange.<br />

Dunn, Patrick, laborer, h. 98 Franklin.<br />

Dunn, Philip, drayman, h. 292 Croghan.<br />

Dunn, Peter, saloon, Congress, n. w. cor.<br />

Chene.<br />

Dunn, Itichard, school teacher, bds. 47 At-<br />

water.<br />

Dunn, Kiclrard H., brass founder, h. n. m.<br />

cor. Thirteen-and-a-halfand Milrantette.<br />

Dunn, Robert, D. SL M. K. R. car dept., h. o.<br />

33 n. 65 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dunn, Thirza (wid. Thomas), notions, h. 187<br />

Hastings.<br />

Dunn, Thomas, brea er, h. 177 Orchard.<br />

Dunn, Thomas, laborer, bds. 7 77 Orchard.<br />

Dunn, Thomas ti., laborer, h. 84 Pine.<br />

Dunn, Thomas P., bricklayer, h. 147 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Dunn, William McK, jr., Brevet Major U.<br />

S. Army, Dep't Lakes, bds. Kussell House.<br />

Dunn, William, comlllercial traveller, h. 54<br />

Abbott.<br />

Dunn, FVilliarn, hackdriver, rooms 213 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Dunn, William, laborer, h. Congress s. m.<br />

cor. Dequindre.<br />

Dunn, William, machinist, bds. 65 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Dunnebacke, Anthony (Sommer SE Dunne<br />

backe), bds. n. w. cor. Grand Hiver and<br />

Cass.<br />

Dunnebacke, Ferdinand, baggageman M. C.<br />

R. R., h. 213 Fifth.<br />

Dunnebacke, William, bookkeeper, bds. 69<br />

Fort e.<br />

Dunnebaclie, John H., grocer, s. e. cor. Riv-<br />

ard and Franklin, 11. sanie.<br />

Dunnebacke, Joseph, saddle and harness-<br />

nlalier, 99 c+mtiot: h same.<br />

Dunnebssk, Henry, laborer, h. 509 James.<br />

Dunnin, William, traveling agt., bds. 76<br />

Congress w.<br />

Dunning, Dowan, carpenter, bds. 16 Beech.<br />

Dunning, George W., carpenter, h. 16<br />

Beech.<br />

Dunning, Sarah (wid. Samuel), h. 508 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Dunning, Thomas, carpenter, bds. I6 Beech.<br />

Dunning, William H., real estate agt., h. 0.<br />

12 n. 25 Columbia e.<br />

Dunnivan, Jeremiah, laborer, h. e. s. Harri-<br />

son ave., nr. Grand River.<br />

Dunny, John, shoemaker, bds. 109 Russell.<br />

Dunplry, James. salesman, h. 42;F Henry.<br />

Dunphy, Richard, laborer, 11.142 Orchard.<br />

Dunphy, William, carpenter, h. o. 57 n. 69<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Dunster. Michael, laborer, h. 367 Sixteenth.<br />

Dupont, ~lerander, cigarmaker, bds. 239<br />

High.<br />

DU p&t, Ann, machine operator, bds. 220<br />

Sisth.<br />

Dupont, Catherine (wid. Leon), h. 239 High.<br />

Dnpont, Charles, jr., clerk <strong>City</strong> Assessor's oC<br />

fice, bds. 102 Franklin.<br />

Dupont, Charles, senr., h. 102 Franklin.<br />

Dupont, Charles A., carpenter, h. 220 Sisth.<br />

Dupont, Elizabeth (wid. Thomas), h. 197<br />

Chene.<br />

Dupont, George, liveryman, bds. 239 High.<br />

Dupont, Jolln, engineer, bds. High, bet.<br />

Prospect and Russell.<br />

Dupont, Louis, confectionery, cor. Gratiot<br />

and Brush, 11. cor. Park and Sproat.<br />

Dupont, Louis, jr. (Dupont & Son), bds. 196<br />

Park.<br />

Dupont, Louis, senr. (Dupont & Son), h. 196<br />

Park.<br />

Dupont, Mary (wid. James), h. 191 Chene.<br />

Dupont, Peter. carpenter, h. 340 High.<br />

Dnpont, Samuel A., clerk, bds. 196 Park.<br />

Dupont, William T., drugclerk, h. 275<br />

Fourth.<br />

Dupont gL Son (Louis Dupont, senr., and<br />

Louis Dupont, jr.), confectioners, 281 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Duprat, Cbarles, clerk, h. 283 St Antoine. -<br />

Duprsy, Paul, painter, h. 383 Twelfth.<br />

Dupry, Peter, carpenter, h. 356 Macomb.<br />

Duyuis, Augustus J., engineer, bds. Guoini<br />

bet. Jos. Campau ave. and Walker.<br />

Dupuis, Gaynor, caulker, h. 557 Congress e.<br />

T)ul)uis, Oenevieve (wid. Bartho;ome\v), h.<br />

Guoin, bet. Jos.Campau ave. and Walker.<br />

Dupuiti, Henry, clerk, bds. 336 Franklin.<br />

Dizpuis, Joseph, fireman, Guoin, bet. Walker<br />

and Adair.<br />

Duquette, John, laborer, h. 300 Croghan.<br />

Durand, John H., carriagemaker, h. o. 163<br />

n. 203 Howard.<br />

Dure, Nartin, hostler Franklin House, bds<br />

same.<br />

Durette, Oliver, carpenter, h. 193 Sisth.<br />

Durfee, Benjamin, peddler, h. 283 Cro-<br />



NEW YORK<br />

ASFETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH I ~ C O XE, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Banager aud Ageneg Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Durfee, Edward D., lawyer, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Durfee, E. O., law student, bds. n. s. Con-<br />

gress, nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Durfee, Miss J. M., physician, 254 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. same.<br />

Durham, Henry, carpenter, bds. 279 Cro-<br />

ghan. fi<br />

Durkee, Michael, shoemaker, h. 347 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Durken, William, laborer, h. 146 Porter.<br />

Durling, George U., 11. lC0 Farrar.<br />

Durney, Henry R., printer, h. s. e. cor.<br />

woodbridge and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Durney, Owen J., shoemaker, h. 178 Nation-<br />

al avs.<br />

Durning, Patrick, harnessmaker, h. 115<br />

Beech.<br />

Duross, John, helper, h. Wight, s. w. cor.<br />

Jos. Carnpau ave.<br />

Duross, Michael, grocer, Congress, n. w. cor.<br />

Hastings, h. same.<br />

Duross, Patrick, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Chene<br />

and Guoin.<br />

Duross, Peter, engineer, h. 374 Franklin.<br />

Duross. Peter, laborer, h. 476 Franklin.<br />

Duross, Thomas, laborer, h. 13 Chene.<br />

Durst, Adam (Y. Durst & Bro.), bds. 408<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Durst, Peter (P. Durst and Bro.), bds. 408<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Durst & Bro. (Peter & Adam Durst), furni-<br />

ture, 441 Michigan ave.<br />

Duryea, A braham, shoemaker, h. 164<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Dury ea, RuliK printer, h. 430 Woodbridge e.<br />

Dusha, Peter, laborer, h. cor. Walker and<br />

Uuoin.<br />

Dustin, Selah, lake captain, h. 134 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Dusty, Adelaide, (wid. Edward W.), nurse,<br />

h. 259 Mullett.<br />

Dutton, James B., clerk M. C. R. R., h. 199<br />

Howard.<br />

Dutton, John (col'd), laborer, h. Hastings,<br />

bet. Lafayette and Croglian.<br />

Dutche, Joseph, machinist, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Prospect and Napoleon.<br />

Duting, Joseph, tanner, h. Thirteenth, bet.<br />

Lafayette ave. and Fort.<br />

Dutton, K. 'I'., bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Duvernois, Frederick n'., notary public, fire<br />

and life insuranc and real estate agent,<br />

room 1 Hilseudegen Block, h. 77 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Duyen, George A., carpenter, bds, Eight-<br />

teenth, bel. Michigan ave.<br />

Dwight, Alfred A., lumberdealer, h. 683<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Dwight, Lyman B., telegraph operator, h.<br />

30 Madison ave.<br />

Dwight, William M. (W. M. Dwight St Co.),<br />

bds. 653 Jefferson ave.<br />

DWIGHT, W. M., St CO. (William M.<br />

Dwight, B. A. Leonard and E. C. Morse),<br />

hardwood luniber, Atwater, foot Riopelle.<br />

(See adu.)<br />

Dwrieske, John, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Hastings<br />

and Watson.<br />

Dwyer, Ann (wid. Daniel), h. 06 Division.<br />

D~vyer, Catharine (wid. John), h. 243 Abbott.<br />

Dwyer, Cornelius, porter, h. 52 Napoleon.<br />

Dkvyer, Daniel, clerk, bds. 96 Division.<br />

Dwyer, James, gilder, bds. 140 Second. I<br />

Dwyer, James, machinist, h. Mount Elliott<br />

ave., nr. Stove Works.<br />

Dwyer, James, sailor, bds. 96 Division.<br />

D~vyer, Jeremiah, confectionery, 104 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 68 same.<br />

Dwyer, Jeremiah, supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove<br />

\Vorks, h. Hamtramck.<br />

Dwyer, John, grocery and saloon, 92 Por-<br />

f,<br />

ter, h. same.<br />

1<br />

Dwyer, John, laborer, h. 151 Seventh.<br />

Dwyer, John, shipcarpenter, h. 94 Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, John M. (Dwyer & Vhay), h. 68<br />

J eft:rson ave. i I<br />

Dwyer, Bf ichael, laborer, h. 103 Porter.<br />

i<br />

Dwyer, Patrick, drayman, h. 85 Plum. \<br />

Dwyer, Patrick, laborer, h. 103 Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, Timothy, carpenter, h. 264 Franklin.<br />

Dwyer, William, blacksmith, bds. 243 Abbott.<br />

Dwyer, William, laborer, bds. 92 Porter.<br />

Dwyer & Vhay (John M. Dwyer and James<br />

H. Vhay), wholesale fruits, 68 Jefferson'<br />

ave.<br />

Dyer, James, saloon, 21 St. Aubin ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Dyer, John W., bookkeeper, bds. 207 Randolph.<br />

Dyer, Joseph, coremaker, bds. 320 Franklin.<br />

Dyer, Martha (wid. Patrick), h. 207 Randolph.<br />

Dggert, Isaac, engineer Neptune Fire Engine<br />

No. 2, h. 83 St.. Antoine.<br />

Dyke, Phirip J., lawyer, h. s. s. Adelaide,<br />

bet. John R and Woodward ave.<br />

Dykman, WTalker B., pop peddler, h. 87<br />

1 Second.<br />

Dymond, John, carpenter, bds. 220 Congress.<br />

Dyson, Miss Jane, bds. 103 Washington<br />

aye.<br />

Dyson, William, builder, h. 215 Park.<br />



I Eston, William, engraver, bds. Nichols<br />

Ho~zse.<br />

ACLY, JOXATHAN, machinist, bds. n. Eaton, T. H., & Son (Theodore H., sr., and<br />

E w. cer. Eighth and Labrosse.<br />

Theodore H. Eaton, jr.), wholesale drug-<br />

Eagan, Francis B., printer, bds. 172 Porter. gists, 1s Woodward ave.<br />

Eagan, Frank, clerk, bds. 87 Washington Ebe, George, caulker, h. 318 Lafayette.<br />

avenue.<br />

Ebel, Henry, lumber inspector, h. 420 Cro-<br />

Eagan, James, h. GS Lafayette.<br />

glian.<br />

Eagan, Micliael, labr~rer, h. 91 Seventeenth. Ebel, Louis, saloon, Randolph, nr. Jefferson<br />

Eagan, Patrick, laborer, h. 259 Sisth. ave., h. same.<br />

Eagstn, Stephen F., clerk (3. W. R., bds. Ebel, Robert, printer, h. 322 High.<br />

87 Washington ave.<br />

Ebeler, Frederick, painter M. C. R. R., h.<br />

Eagc~n, Thomas, boilermaker, h. 4'76 St. e. s. Twelfth, n. Howard.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Eber, Louis, sawyer, 11 684 TVoodbridge w.<br />

Eagan, William, drayman, h. 84 Abbott. Eberle, Frederick (Eberle, Taylor & Kam-<br />

Ertgen, James, laborer, h. 93 Park Place. mon), 11. 229 Cass.<br />

Eagen, Patrick, laborer, bds. 109 Porter. Eberle, John. cabinetmaker, s. w. cor. Hast-<br />

Eagen, Thomas, laborer. bds. 109 Porter. ings and Whitney, h. same.<br />

Eagen. Timothy, laborer, bds. 109 Porter. Eberle, Peter, butcher, Cass Market, h. 137<br />

Eagen, Winifred (wid. Thomas), h. 488 Grand River.<br />

Congress e.<br />

El;erle,Taylor SI; Kammon (Frederick Eberle,<br />

Eagle. Joseph, photograph printer, bds. 289 John Taylor and Frederick Kammon),<br />

Jetierson ave.<br />

meat market, 230 Cass.<br />

Eagles, Joseph D., plrotographer, Powelson Eberllard, Andreas, carpenter, bds. 278<br />

& Co.'s gallery, cor. Monroe and Campus Gratiot.<br />

Martius.<br />

Ebert, John, shoemaker, h. s. w. cor. Fort<br />

Eaxlles, William, butcher, h. 273 Jefferson and Hasbings.<br />

ave.<br />

Eber cs, Harry, carpenter and joiner, bds.<br />

EAKL, EDWARD P., glass works, -50 Jef- 294 Fifth.<br />

ferson ave., 11. 44 same. (See ado.) Eberts: H. Frederick, editor Mechanic and<br />

Earle, Jefferson, bds. 177 Lafayette ave. Inventor, h. 216 Third.<br />

Earl, VCTilliam, jr., wood engraver, bds. 305 Eberts, Jerome, bds. 294 Fifth.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Eberts, Margaret (wid. Peter), h. 19 Ger-<br />

Earl, William E., wood engraver, 214 Jef- man.<br />

ferson ave., 11. 305 Croghan.<br />

Eberts, Matilda (wid. Roberts), h. 294 Fifth.<br />

Earnshaw, Elizabeth (wid. Abraham), h. Eberts, M7iliiam H., sash maker, h. 294<br />

178 Harrison ave.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Earnst, Charles W., overseer House Correc- Ebling, Charles, baker, h. 521 Croghan.<br />

tion, bds. same.<br />

Ebling, Charles, shoemaker, h. 290 Fort e.<br />

Easson, David, blacksmith, h. 277 Sher- Ebling, John, shoemaker, h. 290 Fort e.<br />

man.<br />

Eby, John F., foreman Free Press job room,<br />

East, Henry (col'd), teamster, h. 308 Ma- h. 490 Kinth ave.<br />

comb.<br />

Eby, William, carpenter, bds. 490 Ninth ave.<br />

Easton, James T., clerk D. & 35. R. R., bda. Eccard, Edward, tobacconist, 126 Randolph;<br />

34 Four&<br />

h. 136 same.<br />

Easton, Thomas C., Howard House saloon, Eccard, Francis, tobacconist, 128 Randolph,<br />

h. 54 Jones.<br />

11. 134 same.<br />

Eastweli, Martin, blacksmith, 11.8 Spruce. Eclllin, Koger, painter, h. 148 Montcalm e.<br />

Eatherly, Florence D., bookkeeper &1o&atys Eckel, Michael, moulder, bds. 920 Jefferson<br />

mill, bds. Larned e.<br />

ave.<br />

Eaton, Alonzo, County Register, h. 44 Ma- Eckel, Nicholas, moulder, bds. 920 Jefferson<br />

comb ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Eaton, Charles H., artist, bds. 329 Congress Eclierman, Henry, carriage painter, h. 135<br />

east.<br />

German.<br />

Eaton, Caroline (wid. George), h. 329 Con- Eckert, Joseph, h. 101 Gratiot.<br />

gress e.<br />

Eckiiff, Andrew, engineer House of Correc-<br />

Eaton, Ezra, clerk, bds. 44 Macomb ave. tion, h. 447 St. Antoine.<br />

Eaton, Joseph H., laborer, h. 139 Seven- Eckstein, John, stonecutter, bds. 68 Sherteenth.<br />

man.<br />

Eaton, Peter, fish dealer, 86 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar- ECONOMICAL MUTUAL LIFE INSURket,<br />

11.112 Michigan ave.<br />

ANCE CO. of Bhode Tsland, Green &<br />

Eaton, Theodore H., jr. (T. H. Eaton & Son), Miller, managers, 30 and 32 Larned w.<br />

bds. 434 Jefferson ave.<br />

Edding, George, conductor (3. IV. B., bds.<br />

Eaton, Tlieodore H., sr. (Eaton & Son), h. Cass House.<br />

434 JeEerson ave.<br />

Ecldiugtou, John, carpenter, h. 59 D field.<br />



!<br />

PABKE, JENNINGS & CO.'S Edwards, George W., clerk H. D. Edwards<br />

& Co., bds. s. e. cor. Washington ave. and<br />


State.<br />

Edwards, Henry D. (H. D. Edwards & Co.),<br />

h. s. e. cor. Washington ave. and State.<br />

Edwards, John, builder, h.<br />

Omce,<br />

55 Adelaide.<br />

374 Cass Avenue.<br />

Edwards, John, stage carpenter, h. 8 Rowland.<br />

I<br />

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Edwards, John, painter, h. 35 Farrar.<br />

Edwards, John E., engineer water works,<br />

Eddy, Charles C., upholsterer, h. 0.75 n. 89 h. Congress. s. e. cor. Riopelle.<br />

Adan~s ave. e.<br />

Edwards, R. Hill (Bortle, Edwards & Co.),<br />

Eddy, George H., salesman, bds. 314 Fort w. bds. 13 John R.<br />

Eddy, John, machinist, bds. 169 Eighth. Edwards, Sarah (col'd-wid. Elias), h. 260<br />

Eddy, John (col'd), teamster, h. 375 Ma- Macomb.<br />

comb.<br />

Edwards, VSTilliam E., engineer, h. 479 Lar-<br />

Eden, Slfred, carpenter, bds. 331 Third. ned e.<br />

Edens, George, carpenter, 11.450 Fifth. Edwards, H. D., & Co. (Henry D. Edwards<br />

Ederlen, Jacob, laborer, h. 137 Twelfth. and - -), rubber goods, 87 Wood-<br />

Edgar, Andrew. laborer, bds. G6 Twentieth. ward ave.<br />

Edgar, James (W. H. Edgar & Son), bds. 26 Edmick, William H., carpenter, h. 83 Lim-<br />

Finder.<br />

burg.<br />

Edgar, John, laborer, h. 80 Howard. Ep e, Frederick, lockemith, Brush, between<br />

Edgar, Marion (widow William &I.), h. 80 Lafayette and Croghan, h. 12 Catharine.<br />

Howard.<br />

Ege, Herbert, plasterer, h. 192 Napoleon.<br />

Edgar, William H. (W. H. Edgar & Son), h. Ege, Titus. mason, h. cor. Cross and John R.<br />

26 Winder.<br />

Eger, Henry, carpenter, 11.155 Jay.<br />

Edgar, W. H., 8: Son (William H. and Eggers, August, blacksmith and wagon<br />

James Edgar), wholesale sugars, 4 At- maker, 830 Michigan ave., h. same. i<br />

water.<br />

Eggemann, Bernhardt (Kolb & Eggemann),<br />

Edgen, John, laborer, h. 3552 Franklin. h. 279 Lafayette.<br />

I<br />

Edgerton, Mrs. Fannie L., 11. 24 Howard. Eggemann, Charles, butcher, h. 305 Lafay-<br />

r.<br />

Edgerton, Oliver &I., h. 24 Howard.<br />

stte.<br />

Edick, William, blacksnli th. 11. 130 Jones. Eggemann, God frey, carriage painter, bds.<br />

Edinger, George, carpenter. h. 278 Bronson. 2'79 Latayette.<br />

Edington, James, book agent, h. 226 Russell. Eggemann, Henry B., policeman, h. 256<br />

Edloff, Levi, peddler, h. 93 Mullett st. Grand Rirer.<br />

Edloff, Moses. peddler, h. 20'1 Macomb. Egnew, Edwin R.. book keeper Allan<br />

Edman, Frederick, shoemaker, bds. 522 Shelden & Co., h. 241 Third.<br />

W oodbridge e.<br />

Ehle, John, butcher, Croghan, s. w. cor. !<br />

{<br />

Edmonds, John, laborer, h. 101 Plum. Rivard, 11. adjoining. a<br />

Edmonds, Thomas B., auctioneer, bds. Ehlert, Charles, shoelnaker, h. 109 Bronson.<br />

1<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Ehrenbach, Otto, shemaker, bds. '73 Monroe<br />

Edmonds, William, clerk, h. 121 Dubois. avenue.<br />

Edmondson, George D., optician, 157 Jeffer- Ehrenbach, Philip, boots and ahoes, -73 .1<br />

son ave., h. 404 Sixth.<br />

Monroe ave., h. sama.<br />

Edson, Alesander B., painter, h. 44 Fort e. Ehrmann, Adam, huckster, h. 319 Mont-<br />

Edson, Henry, agent Fairbanks' scales, bds. calm e.<br />

!<br />

Russell House.<br />

Ellrmann, Michael, cigarmaher, 280 Wood-<br />

Edson, James L. (Allan Shelden & Co.), h. ward ave., h. same.<br />

81 Adanls ave. e.<br />

Eib, Dorothea (wid. John F.), h. 389 Orleans.<br />

Edward, Benjamin T., drayman, h. 68 Mont- Eib, John, shoemaker, h. 389 Orleans.<br />

calm.<br />

Eichbauer, John Qeorge, gardener, h. e. s.<br />

Edwards, Albert IM., inspector of customs, Chene, south of Gratiot.<br />

h. 54 Baker.<br />

Eichelberg, Frederick, tailor, h. 260 High.<br />

Edwards, Clement J., clerk, bds. o. 220 n. Eichelberg, Frederick W., carpenter, bds.<br />

224 Woodward ave.<br />

260 High.<br />

Edwards, Davld, clerk, bds. 50 George. Eichelsaoerfer, Nicholas, marble polisher,<br />

Edwards, Edmund, joiner, h. 46 Harrison bds. cor. Hastings and Montcalm.<br />

avenue.<br />

Eichler, Anthony, cigarmaker, h. 104 Maple.<br />

Edwards, Edwin G., mason, h. 66 Montcalm Eiden, Peter, fish dealer, h. 112 Michigan<br />

east.<br />

avenue.<br />

Edwards, Ellen (wid. Edward), h. 50 George. Eigenbrod, Adam, grocery and saloon, n. e.<br />

Edwards, El~xa R. (wid. Samuel), h. 283 cor. Fifteenth and Dalzell, h. same.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Eikoff, Philip, laborer, h. 511 Lafayette.


Zimfield, John, shoemaker, h. 356 Michigan<br />

avenue.<br />

Einfeldt, Henry, shoemaker, h. 372 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Einstein, Albert, clerk, bds. 23 Harriett.<br />

Einstein, Aaron S., tanner, bds. 150 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Eirca, Anthony, bricklayer, h. o. 125 n. 225<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Eisenacli, Anna (wid. Henry 1, h. 233 Fort e.<br />

Eisenach, George, tailor, h. 233 Fort e.<br />

Eisenhardt, Charles C., machinist, bds. 101<br />

Baker.<br />

Eisenhut, Lorenz, locksmith, bda 28 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Eis*nlord7s Hotel, s. w. cor. Cass and Lewis,<br />

Eisenlord & Ocis, proprietors.<br />

Eisenlord, Nathan, agent Free Press, h.<br />

Cass ave., bet. Stimqon and Grant ave.<br />

Eisenlord. William (Eisenlord & Otis), bds.<br />

Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

Eisenlord & Otis (William Eisenlord and<br />

Ney 0 tis), proprietors of Eisenlord's Hotel,<br />

s. w. cor. Cass and Lewis.<br />

Elbert, ~Mrs. John Nicholson, h. 961 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Elder, Adam, wall paper and picture frames,<br />

161 Jefferson ave., h. 55 Second.<br />

Elder, Esther (wid. Henry), garderer, h.<br />

Russell, nr. Fremont.<br />

Elder, Frederick H., reporter Tribune, h. 101<br />

bCiami ave.<br />

Elder, James, gardener, h. 330 Russell.<br />

Elder, John, laborer, bds 131 Clifford.<br />

Elder, Jolin, mattrass manufacturer, 126<br />

Michigan ave, 11. same, up stairs.<br />

Elder, Joseph, house mover, h. 125 Clifford.<br />

Elderkin, James D., musician, Ir. 110 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Eldredge, Barney (Eldredge & Co.), res.<br />

Cleveland, 0.<br />

Eldredge, Edwin G. (Baker & Eldredge), h.<br />

368 Abbott.<br />

Eldredge, John V. D. (Eldredge & Co.), h.<br />

266 Bandolph.<br />

Eldredge St Co. (John V. D. Eldredge, Bar-<br />

ney Eldredge and George Presley), gen-<br />

eral agents Domestic Sewing Nachine,<br />

185 Jeiferson ave.<br />

Eler, Frank, shoemaker, bds. 522 Gratiot.<br />

Eley, Frederick, painter, bds. 29 Clinton ave.<br />

Elfeldt, Charles, laborer, 11. 215 Chene.<br />

Elingwood, Walter S., joiner, h. 440 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Elkey, Michael, laborer, h. 367 Twelfth<br />

Ellaire, Archibald E., clerk George S.<br />

Frost, bds. 40 Congress w.<br />

Ellai re, Charles, carpenter, h, Lafayette, nr.<br />

Chene.<br />

Ellenstein, Jacob (Ellenstein Bro's), h. 121<br />

Mullett.<br />

Ellenstein, Joseph (Ellenstein Bro's), h. 106<br />

Mullett.<br />

Ellenstein, Nathan (Ellenstein Bro's) h. 108<br />

Mullett.<br />

Ellenstein. Solomon (Ellenstein Bro's), h.<br />

197 Mullett.<br />

Ellenstein Bro's (Solomon, Nathan, Jo-<br />

seph and Jacob Ellenstein), groceries, 161<br />

Hastings.<br />

Ellenwood, Walter S., builder, h. 462<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Elliot, Alfred. grocer, s. w. cor. Franklin<br />

and Walker, 21. same.<br />

Elliot, Llavid, drayman, bds. 360 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Elliot, Mary (wid. William), h. Jefferson<br />

ave., n. e. cor. Dubois.<br />

Elliot, Robert, blacksmith, bas. 35 First.<br />

Elliot, Adinijah B., machinist, bis. 30 La-<br />

faye t te.<br />

Elliott, Andrew, salesman, bds. Fort, near<br />

Fourth.<br />

Elliott, Miss Annie, teacher public school,<br />

bds. 18 Lafayette.<br />

El1io;t. Charles M., carpenter, h. 18 Lewis.<br />

Elliott, EJward A., h. 44 Michigan ave.<br />

Elliott, James E., bookkeeper, bds. 63 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Elliott, James R. (Elliott & Bro.), h. 134<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elliott, John, saloon, 111 Woodbridge e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Elliott, Mrs. Mary, h. 211 Second.<br />

Elliott, Richard G., bookkeeper, h. 113 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Elliott, Richard R. (Elliott & Bro.), h. 146<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elliott, Robert, baker, 296 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Elliott, Gen. Washington L., U. S. A., h.<br />

553 Jefferson ave.<br />

Elliott, William, engineer, h. 213 High.<br />

Elliott, William H., salesman, bds. 73 Eliz-<br />

ab3th w.<br />

Elliott & Bro. (Richard R. and James R.<br />

Elliott), clotli house, 89 Woodward ave.<br />

Ellis. Eliza (col'd-wid. James), h. 850 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Ellis,Erastus R., homeopathic physician and<br />

surgeon, 122 Griswold, h. 118 LVztyne.<br />

Ellis, Frederick A., bookkeeper, bds. 19 High.<br />

Ellis, Frederick W., carpenter, h. 131 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Ellis, James (col'd), plasterer, h. 262 Beau-<br />

Bien.<br />

Ellis, John (col'd), barber, bds. Western Ho-<br />

tel.<br />

Ellis, Richard, butcher, bds. Brighton House,<br />

190 Grand River.<br />

Ellis, Kobert, sailor, bds. 37 Third.<br />

Ellsey, Levi, carpenter, h. 11 Plum.<br />

Elmar, Aaron W., h. 813 Fort w.<br />

Elmar, Edward S., bookkeeper, bds. 121<br />

Congress e.<br />

Elmore, Latimer S., entry clerk, h. 245 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Elndy, Christopher, laborer,h. Fifteenth, nr.<br />

Grand Itiver.<br />

1 Elser, Gottlieb, laborer, h. e. s. Hurnboldt<br />

1 ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.

ELS EPP<br />

NEW YORK '<br />

btk b R ; s ~ @ ~ GQsrnpa;ny, @<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCONE, $15,000<br />

SOLON IcELEOY, Manager and Agrncj Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

ELSEY, SAMUEL, marble works, 420 to<br />

424 St. Antoine, h. 426 same. (See adv.)<br />

Elsie, Levi, carpenter, h. 11 Plum.<br />

Elston, Thomas, expressman, bds. 9 Front.<br />

Elvy, George M., cigarmaker, h. 358 Sisth.<br />

Eln700d, S. Dow, bds. 502 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ely, m-illiam P., wireweaver, h. 124 Russell.<br />

Embach, Mathew, salesman, bds. 222 Napoleon.<br />

Embach, Mathew. tailor, h. 222 Xapoleon.<br />

Emerick, Charles, butcher, bds. 200 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Emerson, William, carpenter, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Third and Lewis.<br />

Emery, Andrew J., moulder, h. Franklin, nr.<br />

Campau aye.<br />

Emery, Augustus H., Alderman Second<br />

ward, proprietor Franklin House, Bates, s.<br />

e. cor. Larned.<br />

Emery, Frank, clerk Franklin nouse, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Emery, John W., clerk Franklin House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Emery, Samuel, traveling agent, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Emig, Peter, huckster, h. 229 Macomb.<br />

Emmel, Henry, blacksmith, h. 507 Lafayette.<br />

Emmet House, Joseph F. Bird, proprietor,<br />

80 Woodbr~dge<br />

IT.<br />

Emmett, John, ash peddler, h. 22 Korth.<br />

Emmons, Haliner H.. lawyer, 15 Bank Block,<br />

Griswold, res. Ecorse.<br />

Emmons, Harriet S. (wid. Adenigia), bds. 49<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Emmons, Isaac T., laborer, bds. n. e. cor. Mt.<br />

Elliott and Jefferson aves.<br />

Emmonsquizer, John, pailmaker, bds. 46<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Empey, Henry, h. 215 Randolph.<br />

Encke, James F., st~zdent, bds. 213 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Encke, James F., medical student, bds. 19<br />

Croghan.<br />

Endicott, Charles (Newcomb, Endicott &<br />

Co.), h. 238 Charlotte.<br />

Endres, Christian, laborer, h. 464 Macomb.<br />

Endres, Conrad, meat market, 288 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Endres, (ieorge, farmer, h. eor. Jos. Campau<br />

ave. and Uratiot.<br />

Endriss, Charles, brewery, cor. Rirard and<br />

Maple, h. same.<br />

Endriss, George, upholsterer, h. 18 Clay.<br />

Eneat, George, tailor and repairer, cor. Lar<br />

ned and Case, h. same.<br />

Enfree, bn,, shoemaker, h. 367 Sixteenth.<br />

ENGEL, CARL, willow ware manufactur-<br />

er, 299 Gratiot, h. same. (See adv.;<br />

Engel, Conrad, saloon, cor. Rivard and Mul-<br />

letto, l~ same.<br />

Engel, Daniel, butcher, h. 249 Macomb.<br />

Engel, George, laborer, h. 243 Russell.<br />

Engel, George D., carpenter, bds. 243 Rus-<br />

se 1,<br />

Engel, Henry, laborer, h. 39 Sherman.<br />

Engel. Joseph, laborer, h. 243 Antietam.<br />

Engelhardt, Adolph, salesman, h. 396 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Engzlhardt, August, clerk, bds. 278 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Engelhardt, Mary (wid. William), h. 279<br />

Kintli aye.<br />

Engelhart, William, harnessmaker, h. 396<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Englhart, Anton, cabinetmaker, bds. Lar-<br />

ned, s. w. cor. Beaubien.<br />

Engelhart, John, cabinetmaker and saloon,<br />

Larned, s. w. cor. Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Engelmann, Edward, csrpenter, h. 10 Jay.<br />

Engelmann, Barbara (mid. John), 11.496 Cro-<br />

ghan. i<br />

Engelund, Peter P., repairer of musical in-<br />

strnments, 225 Rivard, 11. same.<br />

Engill, William, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Lafon-<br />

taine ave. and Magnolia.<br />

Engine House No. 1, nr. cor. Wayne and<br />

Larned.<br />

Engine House No. 2, cor. Larned and St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Engine House No. 3,10 Clifford.<br />

Engine House No. 4, n. s. Orchard, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sisth.<br />

Engine House No. 5, Larned, n. w. cor. Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Engine House No. 6, cor. Russell and High.<br />

Englander, Leopold, Yankee notions, 63<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 233 St. Autoine.<br />

Engles, John, saloon, 268 Grand Biver, h.<br />

same.<br />

English, William, Sherman House, 5 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Engstler, John, saloon, 469 Clinton ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Engstler, John, mason, h. 469 Clinton ave.<br />

Ennis, George, carpenter, h. 138 Seventh.<br />

Enriglit, David, engineer, h. 11 Sibley.<br />

Ens, Alexander, chalrlnaker, h. 266 Ilussell<br />

Ensign, Henry P., salksman, h. 98 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Ensign, Lewis A.. clerk, h. 98 Elizabeth e.<br />

Ensign, Louis S., printer, h. w. s. Foulth,<br />

opp. Grand.<br />

Entriss, Frederick, upholsterer, h. 81 Clay.<br />

Epperson, William. confectioner, bds. 81<br />

First.<br />

Eppins, John W., cutter, h. o. 208 n. 274<br />

High.<br />

Epplyard, James, contractor, h. 338 Fourth.<br />

I<br />



Eppstein, Rev. Elias, rabbi Bethel Temple, Euclide, Devon, laborer, h. n. s. Baker, bet.<br />

h. 383 Brush.<br />

Eighteenth and Nineteenth.<br />

Eppst~in, Isaac, peddler, h. 257 Fort e. Eulian, Brother of the Christian Schools,<br />

Eppstein, Rose (wid. Louis), Yankee notions, 128 Macomb.<br />

67 Cit.y Hall market, h. 218 St. Antoine. Eureka Iron Company, office foot Wayne,<br />

Erb, George, tinsmith, bds. 278 Gratiot. TV. H. Zabriskie, secretary.<br />

Erb, Peter, laborer, 11. 73 Dequindre. Euting, Anthony B., tanner, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Erhard, John, clerk, h. o. 101 n. 189 Napo- Russell and Catharine.<br />

leon.<br />

Evans, Frank, lithographer, bds. 247 Colum-<br />

Erichsen, Claus Detlef, proprietor Hotel bia e.<br />

Erichsen, 122 and 124 Randolph. Evans, Frederick, blacksmith, bds. 222 Sev-<br />

Erman, Leon, cigarmaker, h. Grand River, enteenth.<br />

bet. Adams ave. and Elizabeth.<br />

Evans, James R., salesman, bds. 18 Lafay-<br />

Errnann, Rudolph, grocer, 267 Wiodward ette.<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Evans, James R., clerk, bds. 199 Woodward<br />

Em, Margaret (wid. Jeremiah)? h. 175 Beech. ave.<br />

Ernest, Henry, laborer, Farnsworth, bet. Evans, John, clerk P. 0, h. 116 Howard.<br />

Woodward ave. and John K.<br />

Evans, John (Evans & Walker), 11. 61 High.<br />

Earnesti, Hermann, grocer,' 369 Orleans, h. Evans, John M., clerk, bds. 199 Woodward<br />

same.<br />

ave.<br />

Erp, Peter, tailor, h. 345 Antieham. Evans, John W., carpenter, h. 337 Franklin.<br />

Errenbasker, Arnold, carpeater, St. An- Evans, Lyman, clerk, bds. 705 Fort m.<br />

toine, n. e. cur. Wilkins.<br />

Evans, Patrick, dairyman, h. 1044 Michigan<br />

Ersch, A1 bert, carriagemaker, bds. 160 Na- ave.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Evans, Samuel (col'd), laborer, h. 46 Har-<br />

Erwin, Arthur, teamster, bde. 89 Congress e. riett.<br />

ERWIN, JOHN G., comlnission merchant, Evans, MTilliam F., carpenter, h. 480 Lafon-<br />

Board of Trade building, h. o. 38 n. 56 taine ave.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Evans & Walker (John Evans and Freder-<br />

Erz, ~illn (Fuchs & En), h. 337 High. ick Walker), wholesale grocers, 96 Jeffer-<br />

Ertz, Peter, carpenter, h. 7 Silver.<br />

son ave.<br />

Escherich, Etnil. baker. h. 214 R~zesell. Evelpar, Frederick, blacksmith, 11. s. e. cor.<br />

Esdale, ~ames, moulder, bds. 316 Franklin. Sco ,t and Dequindre.<br />

Eshmann, Uottfried, machinist, h. 366 La- Everbeck, Joseph, carpenter, h. 331 St. Anfayette.<br />

toine.<br />

Esselstyn, Elton A. (Fonda & Esselstyn), Evers, Frank, gardener, h. 13 Warren.<br />

bds. 339 Woodward ave.<br />

Everest, Barney, cigarmaker, bds. '74 North.<br />

Esselstyn, Harriet B. (wid. John), h. 97 Everest, Ellen (wid. James), h. 74 North.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Everett, Cliarles, grocer, s. w. cor. Michigan<br />

Esselsty n, Henry (Merick, Fowler & Essel- ave. and Fifth, h. same.<br />

stpn), h. 339 UToodward aye.<br />

Everett, Charles. sailor, h. 249 Beaubien.<br />

Esselstyn, Justus N., salesman, bds. IS Co- Everett, Gregory (col'd), laborer, h. 406 Malumbia<br />

e.<br />

ple.<br />

Esselstyn, Willard A. (Hitchcock & Essel- Everett, James (col'd) sailor, h. 191 Congress<br />

stayn), bds. 339 MToodward aye.<br />

east<br />

Esser, John, custom officer, saloon, h. 343 Ewald, Jacob, mason, h. 280 Sixteenth.<br />

Eeaubien.<br />

Ewers, Jant: (+. (wid. Alvah), h. 224 First.<br />

Fsser, IVilliam, bartender, h. 249 Clinton. Eykier, M., salesnlan, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Essick, John, carpenter, 11. 50 Baker. EXPRESS, AMERICAN MEBCHAXTS'<br />

Essick, Louis P., machinist, bds. 30 Baker. UKION, s. e. cor. Griswoid and Larned,<br />

Est.oman, (iodfrey, carpenter, h. 320 Lafay C. J. Petty. agent. (See ndc.)<br />

etts.<br />


Estabrook, Arthur S. (Estabrook &Wright), wold. F. H. Cone. agent. (See adv.)<br />

bds. 34 Lafayette are.<br />

Ezekiel, Jacob W., auctioneer, 11. 26 Gratiot.<br />

Estabrook & Wright (Artllur S. Est- Ezekiel, hloses. clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

abrook and Henry &I. Wright), proyrs. Eyre, Charles F., carriage painter, bds.<br />

Michigan Agricultural Works, cor. Fort Farnsworth, nr. W oodward ave.<br />

and Twentieth. (See ad%.)<br />

L___<br />

Estell, Hiram, ~ailor, 11. o. 13 n. 149 Napo-<br />

w.<br />

leon.<br />

Esterling, George, printer, bds. 58 Baker. ABER, Adam, san7filer, 178 Lafayette, h.<br />

Esterling, Joseph, carpenter, h. w. s. Thir- F same.<br />

teen-and-a-half, bet. Baker and Michigan Faber, David, tailor, h. 102 Calhoun.<br />

ave.<br />

Faber, Mathias, stonecutter, h. 117 Croghan.<br />

Etzler, August, cigarmaker, h. 11 Mechanic. Faber, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 490 Orleans.



OFFER<br />



We make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Faber, Nicholas, teamster, h. 39 National<br />

ave.<br />

Faber, Peter, sawmaker, h. 242 Gratiot.<br />

Faber, William, tailor, h. 102 Calhoun.<br />

Fader, Augustus, saloon, 82 Wood bridge<br />

w,, h. same.<br />

Faer, Louis, laborer, h. 296 Eighteenth.<br />

Faer, William, laborer, h. 117 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Fafeita, Bartholomew, tailor. bds. 105 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Faffier, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 145 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Fahey, John, laborer, h. w. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., nr. Chestnut.<br />

Fahey, Thomas, laborer, bds. 130 Larned w.<br />

Fahle, Philip, laborer, 11. 392 Macomb.<br />

Faille, Charles, ostrich feather dresser, h.<br />

95 Catharine.<br />

Fair, Bernard, ass't sup't car dep't M. C. R.<br />

R., 11.336 Fort w.<br />

Fair, Robert, builder and house joiner, 346<br />

Fourth, h. 110 Harrison ave.<br />

Fairbairn, George D., carpenter, bds. 338<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Fairbairn, James, carpenter, h. 338 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Fairbairn, James, collarrnalrer, 231 Gris-<br />

wold, bds. Brighton House.<br />

Fairbairn, James R., carpenter, h. 536<br />

Third.<br />

Fairbairn, Thomas, carpenter, h. 94 Colum-<br />

bia.<br />

Fairbairn, Thomas A., physician, office 234<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Fairbairn, Walter, mason, h. cor. Brush and<br />

Columbia.<br />

Fairbrother, George W., clerk, bds. 171<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Fairchild, Frank H., clerk, bds. 85 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Faircloth, William. printer, bds. 140 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Faldus, John, laborer, h. Wight, bet. Walker<br />

and Adair.<br />

Fales,, Daniel W., sergeant police, h. Wood-<br />

ward ave., opp. Harper Hospital.<br />

Fales, Timothy, h. Woodward ave., opp.<br />

Harper Hospital.<br />

Faley, James, laborer, h. 213 Porter.<br />

Faley , Jeremiah, tinsmith, h. 266 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Faley, Michael, h. 266 Lafayette ave.<br />

Faley, Robert, clerk, bds. 266 Lafayette aye.<br />

Falk, Mrs. Caroline, Antietam, s. e. cor. De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Fallen, Hugh, laborer, h. w. s. Trowbridge,<br />

nr. Pine.<br />

Falon, Jennie, milliner, bds. 148 Division.<br />

Falvey, David, boilermaker, bds. 71 Baker.<br />

Falvey, Daniel, h. 324 Sisth.<br />

Falvey, Daniel J., match peddler, h. 277<br />

Montmlin e.<br />

Falvey, Dennis, laborer, h. 71 Baker.<br />

Falvey, Jeremiah, tinsmith, bds. 71 Baker.<br />

Falvey, Michael, plumber and gasfitter, bds.<br />

324 Sixth.<br />

Fancher, Eleazer T., drover, h. 165 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Fancher, Frederick, salesman, bds. 165<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Fancher, Loren, foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive<br />

Works, h. 131 Abbott.<br />

Fancher, Miss Nancy, bds. 131 Abbott.<br />

Fank, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. o. 416 n.<br />

504 St. Antoine.<br />

Farlin, Charles D., lumber dealer, 5 Merrill<br />

Block, h. 568 Jefferson ave.<br />

Farley. Edward, clerk, bds. 161 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Farley, Euqene, laborer, bds. 135 Larned w.<br />

Farley, John H., clerk Quarter Master's office,<br />

h. 258 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Farley, Owen, maltster, bds. 133 Larned w.<br />

Farnan, Michael, drover, h. 614 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Farmer, Felix, moulder, bds. cor. Russell<br />

and Lafayette.<br />

Farmer, Henry, moulder, bds. 356 Franklin.<br />

Farruer. John H., dentist, 35 Monroe ave.,<br />

h. 27 Farmer.<br />

Farmer, Rosanna (wid. John), bds. 37 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Farmer, Silas (J. &I. Arnold & Co. and S.<br />

Farmer & Co.), h. 37 Montcalm w.<br />

Farmer, Sylvester, machinist, h. 332 Third.<br />

FARMER, S., & CO. (Silas Farmer and -),<br />

map publishers, 35 Monroe ave. (See ada.)<br />

Farnsworttl. Andrew (John Johnson & Co.),<br />

bds. 702 Jefferson ave.<br />

Farnsworth, Benjamin S., h. 118 St. Antoine.<br />

Farnsworth, Ron. Elon, h. s. s. Jefferson ave.,<br />

e. Rivard.<br />

Farnsworth, Frederick E., bookkeeper, h.<br />

cor. Woodward ave. and Frederick.<br />

Farnsworth, George, ag't A. & Y. Telegraph,<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Farnley, Thomas, auctioneer, bds. 210 Gratiot.<br />

Farnsworth, James H:, dentist, 99 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 702 same.<br />

Farnsworth, Leander L., boots and shoes,<br />

cor. Woodward and Michigan aves., h.<br />

cor. m700dward ave. and Frederick.<br />

Farnsworth, Terry B., agent <strong>Detroit</strong> Fire &<br />

Marine Insurance Co., bds. Nichols House.<br />

Farquharson, Robert, tailor, h. 376 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

1 Farquharson, Robert James, car builder,<br />

bds. 376 Croghan.<br />



Farquhar, Samuel S. M. (Farquhar & Co.),<br />

b. 172 Second.<br />

Farqubar & Co. (Samuel S. M. Farquhar<br />

and Charles T. Cook), grocers, 175 Woodward<br />

aye.<br />

Farr, Mary (wid. Joseph), h. 22 Sibley.<br />

Farral, Ellen (wid. Lawrence), h. o. 71 n. 81<br />

La brosse.<br />

Farrand, David O., physician, n. w. cor.<br />

Wayne and Congress, h. e. a. Shelby bet.<br />

Fort and Laf'ayette ave.<br />

Farrand, George, clerk, h. 268 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Farrand, Jacob S. (Farrand, Sheley & Co.)<br />

h. 455 Woodward ace.<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co.(Jacob S. Far<br />

rand, Alanson Elleley and William C.<br />

Williams), wholesale druggists, 80 Woodward<br />

ave. (See ads.)<br />

Farrar, John, Sec'y Mechanics' Society, h.<br />

148 Howard.<br />

Farrar, John W.. carpenter, h. 407 Sixth.<br />

Farrar. Eelson M., machinist. h. 325 Seventeenth.<br />

Farrell, Annie (wid. Philip), h. 15 Sixth.<br />

Farrell, Charles I., brewer, h. 176 Howard.<br />

Farrell, Dennis, machinist, h. 308 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Farrell, James, laborer, h. 221 Sixth.<br />

Farrell, James, saddler, 11. 461 Beaubien.<br />

Farrell, John, tailcr, 11. 57 Labrosse.<br />

Farrell, Samuel, bookkeeper, h. 13 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />

Farrell, Morris, laborer, h. 462 Fort e.<br />

Farrell, Timothy, tanner, h. 246 Whitney.<br />

Farren, James. loader M. C. R. R., h. n. e.<br />

cor. Beech and Sisth.<br />

Farren, Michael, laborer, h. 384 Fifth.<br />

Farrington, Benjamin F. (Pierce, Farrington<br />

& Mc&lillan), h. 5 Howard.<br />

Farrley, James, laborer, h. 390 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Farstei, Thomas, laborer, h. 552 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Farwell, Alfred A., shipping clerk, h. 79<br />

Pine.<br />

Farwell, George A., plumber and gasfitter,<br />

38 Larned e , h. same.<br />

Farwell, Jesse H. (Smith, Cook & Co.), h.28<br />

Palmer.<br />

Farwell, Miss Nettie, teacher, bds. 88 Locust.<br />

Farwell, Simeon, chair manfr., rear 79 Pine,<br />

h. 88 Locust.<br />

Fase, Ferdinand, cabinetmaker, h. 169 Bronson.<br />

Fasler, John, laborer, h. 266 Columbia e.<br />

Fassett, Solomon N. (Goodale & Fassett),<br />

bds. 32 Park Place.<br />

Fassnacht, Philip, sewer and celler contractor,<br />

h. 55 Chestnut.<br />

Fateau, Peter, carpenter, h. 149 Marion.<br />

Faulkner, Robert C., bds. Russell House.<br />

Fau~er, Christian, sewing machine repairer,<br />

359 Gratiot, h. 295 High.<br />

Fauser, Martin, butcher, n. e. cor. Marion<br />

and Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Fauser, M'illiam, carpetweaver, 122 Clinton,<br />

h. same.<br />

Faussett, Henry (co17d), laborer, h. 305 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Faviour, Anthony, carpenter, s. e. cor. Sev-<br />

enth and Cuttler.<br />

Fawcett, Robert, boots and shoes, 119 Mich-<br />

igan ave., h. 146 Adams are e.<br />

Fawcett, Robert, laborer, h. 20 Front.<br />

Fay, Conrad, saloon, 835 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Fay, Edmund, captain, h. 86 Marion.<br />

Fay, George, salesman, h. 99 Adams ave. w.<br />

Fayram. Amos, general a@. and attor-<br />

ney for Michigan of the Asbury Life Ins.<br />

Co. of N. Y., ofice 114 Griswold, h. o. 116<br />

n. 172 George.<br />

Fays, Louis, laborer, h. 349 Fifth.<br />

Featherstone, George, hostler, h. w. s. Sec-<br />

ond, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Fearnley, Thomas, bds. cor. Columbia and<br />

Brush.<br />

Fearson, John, painter, bds. 10 Marion.<br />

Fechheinler, Hermann C. (Fechheimer &<br />

Workum), bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Fechheimer, Morris C. (Fechheimer &<br />

W ork um), h. 27 Adelaide.<br />

Fechheirner, Si,gmund,. salesman, bds. 2'1<br />

Adelaide.<br />

Fecllheimer & Workum (Morris C. Fech-<br />

heimer, David J. Workum and Herman<br />

C. Fechheimer), liquor dealers, 230 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Fecht, Eugene, lawyer, h. 167 Gratiot.<br />

Fechte, Elizabeth, h. 185 High.<br />

Fecteau, Frank, carpenter, h. 177 Twelfth.<br />

Fecteau, John, clerk, bds. 70 Larned e.<br />

Fecteau, Magloire, laborer, h. German, n. e.<br />

cor: Dubois.<br />

Fecteau, Octave, machinist, bds. 559 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Fecteau, Rose (wid. Frank), h. 481 Croghan<br />

Fedel, Frank, laborer, h. 16 Webster.<br />

Federer, Ernst C., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Federlein, Christopher, cabinetmaker, h. 80<br />

-<br />

Sllerman.<br />

Federlein, George, carver, h. 498 Croghan.<br />

Federlein, IVilllam, gilder, bds. 63 Atwater.<br />

Feely, Daniel, laborer, h. 107 Abbott.<br />

Feely, Jeremiah, boilermaker, h. e. s. Eighth,<br />

nr. cor. Abbott.<br />

Feeney, Thomas, painter, h. 55 National<br />

ave.<br />

Feiertag, Rudolph, shoemaker, h. 0.187 n.<br />

207 Congress e.<br />

Feil, Henry, moulder, h 380 Seventeenth.<br />

Feilding, James R., chief clerk (3. W. Rail-<br />

way Western passenger agency, bds. Bid-<br />

dke House.<br />

Feldheim, Adolph (D. Black & Co.), bde.<br />

Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Feldherr, Bernhardt, mason, h. 159 Mullett.

- -<br />

FEL<br />

NEW YORE<br />

Bite Omisc~acnee<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 -<br />

- @ompamy.<br />

SOLON HcELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Feldmann, Anthony, carpenter, h. 371<br />

North.<br />

Feldmann, Engelbert, switchman M. C. R.<br />

R., h. lG7 Macomb.<br />

Feldmann, Emst, mason, h. n. e. cor. St.<br />

Joseph and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Feldmann, Frederick, carpenter, bds. 371<br />

North.<br />

Feldmann, Henry, jr., turner, h. 692 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Feldmann, Henry. sr., turner. h. 693 Grat-iot.<br />

Feldmann, Mathilde (wid. Bernhardt), bds.<br />

167 Macomb.<br />

Feldner, Edward, director German-Ameri-<br />

can Seminary. h. 269 Lafapette.<br />

Felix, Mrs. Ann (col'd), h. 210 Lafapette.<br />

Felix, William, baker, h. 306 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Felkner, John, carpenter, h. 455 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

FELL, ABRAHAM, supt. Merchants' and<br />

Peoples' Despatch, 36 Griswold, up-stairs,<br />

h. 319 Fort w.<br />

Fells, Nancy (col'd-wid. John), h. 14 Bea-<br />

con.<br />

Fellers, Morgan S. (Gould & Fellers), h. 20<br />

High.<br />

Fellmann, Joseph, cooper, 239 Elizabeth<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Fellman, Joseph, clerk, bds. s. s. Elizabeth,<br />

nr. Hastings.<br />

Fellows, Henry E. (Fellows & Burnett), bds.<br />

Howard House.<br />

Fellows St Burnett (EIelzry E. Fellows and<br />

Orson Buruett), jewelers, cor. Michigan<br />

and Woodward aves.<br />

Felt, John Q., clerk Assessor's office, h. 251<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Felt, John W., engineer, h. 181 Franklin.<br />

Felter, Ebenexer, carpenter, h. 289 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Felter, Henry, brakeman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

289 Columbia e.<br />

Feltior, Patrick, poultry dealer, 3 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market. h. s. s. Pine, bet. Fourth and<br />

Fifth.<br />

Fenner. David E.. mason. h. 42 Crawford.<br />

~ennek~, John F., plloto~rapher, cor. Brush<br />

and Gratiot, h. 67 National ave.<br />

Feuske, Jollet, laborer, h. s. s. Baker, bet.<br />

Sixteenth and Seventeenth.<br />

Fente, Theodore, foreman saw mill, h.<br />

Woodbridge, bet. Fourteenth and Fifteeuth.<br />

Fenton, Daniel, plumber, bds. 125 Jones.<br />

FER<br />

Fenton, Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds. 125<br />

Jones.<br />

Fenton, Henry L., clerk D. & M. R. It., bds.<br />

34 Macomb.<br />

Fenton, James, collector water office, h. 34<br />

Macomb.<br />

Fecton, James, Yankee notions and toys, 128<br />

Michigan ave., h. satne.<br />

Fenton. Nancy (wid. Patrick), h.-125 Jones.<br />

Fenton, William M., clerk A. Af. U. Ex.<br />

office, h. 165 Abbott.<br />

Ferdel, John, boilermaker. h. 235 Franklin.<br />

Ferguson, Slbert (A. Ross & Co.), h. 108<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Ferguson, David, machinistt, h. n. s. Michi-<br />

gan ave., bet. Humboldt and Sullivan<br />

aves.<br />

Ferguson, Donald, boilermaker, bds. 53;<br />

Howard.<br />

Ferguson, Ellen (wid. aillard), n. 121 Sisth.<br />

Ferguson, Eralsey, depot master &I. C. R.<br />

R., 164 Griswold.<br />

Ferguson, John, laborer, h. 133 Thirteen-<br />

and a-half.<br />

Fergnson, John, mason, h. 139 Thirteen-<br />

aud-a-half.<br />

Ferguson, Joseph, grocer, 764 Fort w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Ferguson, Joseph (col'd), physician, 189 Con-<br />

gress e., h. same.<br />

Ferguson, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 90 Porter.<br />

Ferguson, Mary (wid. John), h. 123 Cal-<br />

lloun.<br />

Ferguson, Philo L., plasterer, h. 272 High.<br />

Ferguson, Ikobert, sailor, bds. Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Ferguson, Samuel (S. Ferguson & Co.), h.<br />

91 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ferguson, Stephen A., tanner, bds. 556<br />

Woodbridge m.<br />

Ferguson, Thomas (Merrell & Ferguson), h.<br />

381 Larned e.<br />

Ferguson, Thomas, plasterer, bds. 139 T hir-<br />

teen-and-a-half.<br />

I Ferg_uson, William (col d), whitewasher, h.<br />

1% Beaubien.<br />

' FEKUUSON, S., & CO. (Samuel Ferguson,<br />

Archibald BlcEiay and John D. Mouat),<br />

plumbers, steam and gasfitters, 91 Jeffer-<br />

son ave. (See adu.)<br />

Ferl, Peter, iron finisher, h. 203 Fifth.<br />

Ferner, Sinioo, wholesale clothing, 10 Con-<br />

gress e.. h. 104 St. Antoine.<br />

Ferrand, Eutrope (Ferrand & Osborn), h.<br />

Springweils.<br />

Ferrell, Edward, stovemounter, h. Wight,<br />

bet. Adair and Leib.<br />

, Ferris, Albert, clerk &I. C. R. R., bds. 0.<br />

1 232 n. 98i) Michigan ave.<br />

i Ferris, Frederick A., clerk M. C. R. R-., h.<br />

230 Michigan ave.<br />

Ferris, George, conductor M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

o. 252 n. 280 Michigan ave.<br />

I Ferris, Miss .Jnlia, teacher <strong>Detroit</strong> Female<br />

1 Seminary, bds. 84 Fort w.<br />



FERRAND & OSBORN (Eutrope Ferrand<br />

and David S. Oab~rn), nurserymen, florists,<br />

seedsmen and landscape gardeners, n.<br />

e. cor. Twenty-fourth and Fort. (See adu.)<br />

Ferrin, Isaac, engineer, 11. 248 Congress w.<br />

Ferry, Dester M. (D. h1. Ferry & Co.), h. 31<br />

Winder.<br />

FERRY, D. M. & Co. (Dester, M. Ferry,<br />

Henry K. White and Charles C. Bowen,<br />

seedsmen, 187, 189 and 191 Woodward<br />

ave. (See adz.)<br />

Ferachneider, James, tailor, h. 140 Rivard.<br />

Fessler, John, laborer, h. 266 Columbia e.<br />

Fessard, Honore (Fessard & Stouder), h. 232<br />

Kussell.<br />

Fessard St Stouder (Honore Fessard and<br />

Peter Stouder), brewery, 232 Russ:ll.<br />

Fester, Joseph. tailor, h. 313 High.<br />

Fetes, Louis, sailor, h. cor. Ctlene and<br />

Franklin.<br />

Fett, Charles, stoneyard, Beacon, e. St. Antoine,<br />

11. o. 153 n. 189 Mullett.<br />

Fetters, Edward J., grocer, 347 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

Fetters, Gustavus, clerk, h. 1'79 Lafayette.<br />

Fetter, Sebastian, cabinetmsker, h. 84<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Fettig, William, carpenter, h. 55JChestnut.<br />

Feuctlt, Jacob, watchman, h. 423 Macomb.<br />

Feucht, John, tealuster, h. s. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Chene and Dub:jis.<br />

Feuer, Louis, peddler, h. 237 Montcalm e.<br />

Feure, Felis, carpeuter, h. 64 hIarion.<br />

Feurst, Lawrence, tailor. h. 480 James.<br />

Feurster, Edward, melodeon maker, 49 Marion.<br />

Fey, John, grocery and saloon, 717 and 719<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Feys, Louis, machinist, h. 349 Fifth.<br />

Fiala, Frank, laborer, h. e. s. Tillman ave.,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Ficto, Francls, laborer, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Walker and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Field, Daniel D., insurance agt., h. 95 Colunlbia<br />

e.<br />

Field, E~astus H., conductor M. S. R. It.. bds.<br />

338 Jefferson ave.<br />

Field, George L., dentist, 87 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 54 Stimson.<br />

Field, John B., clerk, h. 14 Columbia e.<br />

Field, Joseph, machinist 31. C. R. R., bds.<br />

307 Lafayette ave.<br />

Field, Moses W. (Moses W. Field & Co.),<br />

res. Harntramck.<br />

Field, Moses W ., & Co . (Moses W . Field and<br />

U eorge S. Tarbell), wholesale grocers,<br />

foat Uriswold.<br />

Fielding, Henry, bartender, bds. Heffrons<br />

saloon.<br />

Fielding, James, clerk P. O., h. 123 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Fifley, Frederick, shoemaker, h. Macomb.<br />

Fifiher, John, machinist, h. 273 Croghan.<br />

Fildew, Francis, locksluith, Lds 120 St,<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Fildew, Henry, senr., joiner, h. 120 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Fildu, Henry, joiner, h. 428 Congress e.<br />

Files, Frederick, brewer, bds. 213 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Fillert, Josepli, laborer, h. 180 Division.<br />

Filyeau, John, beltmaker, h. 299 Franklin.<br />

Finan, James, laborer, h. 2 14 Third.<br />

Findlay, John, laborer, h. o. 156 n. 162<br />

Franklin.<br />

Findler, Ferdinand, tailor, h. n. e. cor. Beau-<br />

bien and Division.<br />

Findlater, James (Findlater & Brunton), h. 6<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Findlater & Brunton (James Find-<br />

later and Andrew Brunton), dealers in<br />

stone, office and yard on dock foot Brush,<br />

adjoining D. & M. R. R. depot. (See adu.)<br />

Finehart, Joseph, engineer. h. 145 Clinton.<br />

Finllart, Isaac, mason, 11. 216 St. Antoine.<br />

Fink, George, Carpenter, h. Crawford, n. w.<br />

cor. McLean.<br />

Finken, George, laborer, h. 300 Montcalm e.<br />

Finken, Henry, cigar manfr., 100 Catharine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Finkelstein. Hymann, peddler, h. 8 Beacon.<br />

Fink, Isaac, peddler, bds. 270 Beaubien.<br />

Fink Jacob, grocer, 417 Hastings,. h. same.<br />

Fink, John C., tobacco, 89 Michigan ave.,<br />

Ir. same.<br />

Fink, Philip, peddler, h. 35 Mullett.<br />

Fink, Pingus, peddler, h. 96 Mullett.<br />

Fink? Simon, grocer, 270 Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Finlayson, John, engineer, h. 651 Franklin.<br />

Finlayson, Philip, bds. 651 Franklin.<br />

Finley, James, laborer. 11. 97 Sixth.<br />

Finley, R. A., bds. 46 La$ayette ave.<br />

Finley, Thomas, clerk, bds. 210 Gratiot.<br />

Finley, William, expressman, bds. 175<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Finn, John, carpenter, bds. 82 Eighth.<br />

Finn, Jeremiah, carpenter, Lds. 82 Eighth.<br />

Finn, Mi tthew, carpenter, h. 953 Fort w.<br />

Finn, Richard, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Third<br />

and Osceola.<br />

Fina, Thomas, saloon, 501 Michigan ave., h.<br />

sanle .<br />

Finn, Timothy, printer, h. 19 Abbott.<br />

Finn, \\Tilliam J., carpenter, h. S2 Eighth.<br />

Finnard, Michael, carpenter, h. w. s. Thir-<br />

teenth, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Finnean, Charles J., shoemaker, h. 366 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Finneghan, Edward, laborer, h 164 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Finneghan, Jerremiah, fireman, h. 21 Por-<br />

tier.<br />

Finney, Hattie, teacher new Ninth Ward<br />

school, bds. 345 Cass ave.<br />

Fiuney, Hiram S., clerk, bds. 345 Cass ave.<br />

Finney, Jared W., lawyer, Lds. 345 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Finney, Seymour, h. 345 Cass ave.<br />

Finney, Sylvester S., engineer, bds. Pinney's<br />


FIN FIS<br />




Finney, Theodore (col'dj, sailor, h. 123 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Finney's Hotel, James Parshall, propr., 160<br />

'CYoodward ave.<br />

Finnigan, John, school inspector, bds. 253<br />

Seventh.<br />

Finnigan, Lawrence, drayman, h. 253 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Finster, Jonas, painter, h. 90 Macomb.<br />

Finsterwald, Meier, cigars, candies, &c., 236<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Finsterwald, Meier, cigarmaker, h. 80 Ad-<br />

ams are. e.<br />

Firby, Thomas (Mack & Co.), h. 112 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Fire Commissioners' and Chief Engineer's<br />

ofiice, s. e. cor. Randolph and Larned.<br />

Fire Commissioners (William Duncan, The-<br />

odore H. Minchman, James 17'. Suttcn,<br />

Lucretius H. Cobb), office s. e. cor. Ran-<br />

dolph and Larned.<br />

Firemen's Hall, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Firmilian, Brother of Christian Schools, 128<br />

Macomb.<br />

Firnane, William, baker, bds. 9 Vine.<br />

Fisbee, Sophia (wid. Richard), h. 306 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Fischbach, Clara (wid. Philip), grocery, 208<br />

Russell, h. same.<br />

Fischbach, Nicholas, grocery and saloon, 56<br />

and 58 Michigan Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Fischbach, Philip, clerk, bds. 58 Micliigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Fischer, Albert, laborer, bds. 272 Sherman.<br />

Fischer, Albert, watchmaker, bds. 442 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Fischer, Benedict, laborer, h. 79 Sherman.<br />

Fischer, Charles C., bootmaker, 333 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. 78 Columbia e.<br />

Fischer, Christian Frederick William, car-<br />

penter shop, 120 Chene, h. 140 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Fischer, Edward, watchmaker, bds. 442<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer. Francis, bookkeeper, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Fischer, Franz, cooper, bds. cor. Hastings<br />

and Elizabeth.<br />

Fischer, George, tailor, bds. 159 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Fischer, Joseph, carpenter, h. 14 Mechanic.<br />

Fischer, Peter (P. & W. Fischer), h. 442<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, William (P. & W. Fischer), h. 4-40<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, William, jr., watchmaker, bds. 440<br />

Larned e.<br />

Fischer, P. & W. (Peter and William<br />

Fisclier), watchmakers and jewele~s, 213<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Fisett, George S., sailor, h. 167 Sherman.<br />

Fish, Abraham, clock repairing, 358 St. An-<br />

toine, h. same.<br />

Fish, Albert, boots an6 shoes, 118 Mich-<br />

igan ave., h. 172 First.<br />

Fish, David D. (Fish & Schroder), h. 178<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Fish, Everitt W., homeopathic physician,<br />

49 Wayne, bds. same.<br />

Fish, William S., bookkeeper, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

Fish & Schroder (David I). Fish and Ed-<br />

ward E. Schroder), wholesale teas, 60 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Fisher. Aaron C. (Fisher, Baker & Co.), h.<br />

227 Woodward rtve.<br />

Fisher, Albert, baker, bds. 309 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Fisher, Albert, ?ainter, h. 256 Rivard.<br />

Fisher, Almeria (wid. Simon), h. 28'7 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Fisher, Augu~t, bartender, bds. 113 Bates.<br />

Fisher, Benjamin, mason builder, h. 383<br />

Brush.<br />

Fisher, Catharine (wid. Henry), h. 72 ElizabetG<br />

w.<br />

Fisher, Elam (Fisher & Long), h. 33 Rowland.<br />

Fisher, Esther (wid. Isaac), h. 302 Brush.<br />

Fisher. Frederick H., bookkeeper J. V.<br />

~ehling, bds. ~ott.1 .~auch.<br />

Fisher, Geoqe W., bricklayer, h. s. a. Selden,<br />

near cor. Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher, Isaac, bricklayer, bds. 383 Brush.<br />

Fieher, Jalnes L. (Coulson, Fisher & Stoddard),<br />

bds. 30 Winder.<br />

Fisher, James W., clerk, bds. 11 Baker.<br />

Fisher, John, clerk: 11.287 Marion.<br />

Fisher, John, clerk, 11. 171 Twelfth.<br />

Fisher, John G., grocer, 364 Sisth, h. same.<br />

Fisher, Henry, engineer, h. 90 Walnut.<br />

Fisher, Henry, soapmaker, h. 37 Bronson.<br />

Fisher, Maxwell hi. (Fisher, Booth Sr; Co.),<br />

11.233 Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher, Thomas (Fisher & Buchan), h. 328<br />

Congress e.<br />

Fisher, William, builder, h. 227 Cass.<br />

Eisher, Baker & Co. (Aaron C. Fisher, D&<br />

vid Baker and William Weitzel), carriage<br />

furnishing goods, 156 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Fisher, Booth & Co. (Rlaswell M. Fisher,<br />

Elisha G. Booth and David GC. Preston),<br />

bankers, 58 Woodward ave.<br />

Fisher & Buchan (Thomas Fisher and ~ illiam<br />

Buchan), woodenware, 24 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Fisher Sr; Long (Elam Fisher and John E.<br />

Long), guns and fishing tackle, 110 woodward<br />



Fisk, Edward E. (Fisk & Davison), h. Miami Fitzhugh, Charles M., plasterer, h. 21 Sproat.<br />

ave., near Peabody's woodyard.<br />

Fitzhugh, Mark, agent, h. 10 Joy.<br />

Fisk, Henry J., Secretary <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Fitzpatrick, Cornelius, bootmaker, h. 23<br />

Works, h. 680 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Fisk & Davison (Edward E. Fisk and Sam- Fitzpatrick, Daniel, laborer, h. 340 Abbott.<br />

uel Davison), coal and wood, dock foot Fitzpatrick, Dennis, cutter H. P. Baldwin<br />

Third.<br />

& Co., h. 188 Michigan ave.<br />

Fisk, Rev. Louis R.. pastor Central M. E. Fitzpatrick, Edward C., ornamental plas-<br />

Church, h. 14 Columbia e.<br />

terer, bds. 162 Third.<br />

Fiske, Edwin D., salesman F. Buhl & Co., h. Fitzpatrick, James, grocery and liquors, 687<br />

34 Alexandrine ave.<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Fiske, James E., librarian Y. M. Society, Fitzpatrick, James F., moulder, bds. 162<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Third.<br />

Fiske, John P. (Fiske & Moses), h. 249 Con- Fitzpatrick, Job.n, dairyman, h. w. s. Nagress<br />

e.<br />

tional ave., bet. Oak and Locust.<br />

Fiske & Moses (John P. Fiske and Lucien Fitzpatrick, John, laborer, h. rear 205<br />

Moses), wholesale and retail crockery, 92 Sixth.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Fitzpatrick, John, shipcarpenter, bds. 386<br />

Fitch, Edward D. (Fitch & Congdon), h 413 Franklin.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Fitzpatrick, John M., carpenter, h. 103 Gra-<br />

Fitch, John. M., with Johnson & Wheeler, tiot.<br />

h. 3 69 Park.<br />

Fitzpatrick, Lawrence, butcher, bds. 681<br />

Fitch, Louis R., scrap iron, h. 118 Bates. Michi8an ave.<br />

Fitch, William E., bookkeeper, bds. 68 Con Fitzpatrick, blichael, laborer, h. 200 Frankgress<br />

w.<br />

lin.<br />

Fitch, William L., engineer, h. 85 Sibley. FITZPATRICK, PETER J., butcher, 2 <strong>City</strong><br />

Fitch & Congdon (Edward D. Fitch and Hall market, h. 687 Michigan ave.<br />

David Congdon), merchant tailors and Fitzpatrick, Stephen A., asst. editor Jourclothiers,<br />

64 Woodward ave.<br />

nal of Commerce, bds. Michigan Ex-<br />

Fitchen, William, teamster, h. 792 Wood- change.<br />

bridgz w.<br />

Fitzpatrick, Thomas, h. 162 Third.<br />

Fitzgerald, Bridget (wid. William), h. 217 Fi tzpatrick, Thomas R., drover and butcher,<br />

National ave.<br />

bds. 687 Michigan ave.<br />

Fitzgerald, Catharine (wid. James), h. s. w. ' Fitzsimmons, Charles, grocery and produce<br />

cor. Fourth and Union.<br />

dealer. 380 Grand River. h. 376 same.<br />

Fitzgerald, Charles, laborer, h. 199 Abbott. Fitzsimmons, James, carpinter, bds. 159<br />

Fitzgerald, David, blacksmith, h. n. s. Con- Fifth.<br />

gress, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings. Fitzsimmons, John, laborer, bds. 10 Marion.<br />

Fi tzgerald, David, blacksmith, h. 10 Brady . Fit~simmons, Michael, laborer, bds. 270<br />

Fitzgerald, Edward, laborer, h. 256 How- Fiftli.<br />

ard.<br />

Fitzsimmons, telegraph operator, M. C. R.<br />

Fitzgerald, John, laborer, h. 103 Fifteenth. R., bds. 317 Third.<br />

Fitzgerald, John W. (Peters & Fitzgerald), Fitzsimons, Patrick (Beatty & Fitzsimons),<br />

h. s. s. Grand River, near Twelfth. h. 55 Congress w.<br />

Fitzgerald, Martin, mason, h. 429 Twelfth. I Fitzsimons, Thomas, sea captain, h. 159<br />

Fitzgerald, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. 331 Fifth. Fifth.<br />

Fitzgerald, Michael, drayman, h. 16 Nation- Flach, Adeline (wid Samuel), h. 183 Conal<br />

ave.<br />

gress e.<br />

Fitzgerald, Michael: laborer, h. 108 Porter. ; Flach, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 375 La-<br />

Fitzgerald, Patrick, drayman, h. 117 Jones.<br />

Fitzgerald, Richard, laborer, h. 135 Twen- 1 F1zrtgederick, cabinetmaker, h. 362 Fort<br />

ty-first.<br />

east.<br />

Fitzgerald, Richard, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Flaherty, Mary (wid. John), h. 121 Labrosse.<br />

Fifth and Porter.<br />

Ylanigan, Ann (wid. Michael), h. 110 Cherry.<br />

Fitzgerald, Thomas, shoemaker, bds. 47 Flanigan, Ann (wid. Patrick), saloon, 54<br />

Wayne.<br />

Front, h. same.<br />

Fitzgerald, William, laborer, h. 23 Nation- Flanigan, Henry, moulder, bds. cor. Lye11<br />

al ave.<br />

ave. and Butternut.<br />

Fitzgerald, William, peddler, h. 447 Fifth. Flanigan, James, currier, res. Hamtramck.<br />

Fitzgibbons, James, blacksmith, h. 4G1 Cro- Fianigan, James, laborer, h. 117 Twentyghan.<br />

fourth.<br />

Fitzgibbons, Miles, tailor, 5'0 Grand River, Flanigan, Jeremiah, boilermaker, h. 13 Lah.<br />

184 Michican ave.<br />

b-rosse.<br />

Fitzgib1,0ns, ~ibrris, blacksmith, h. n. s. La- Flanigan, Jolm, cabinetmaker, h. 327 Fiffayette<br />

ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth. teenth.

- -<br />

NEW YORE<br />

SOLON ilIeELROY, i?Janager and Agene y Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Flanigan, John, asst. U. S. revenue assessor,<br />

h. E. s. Limburg, bet. Second and Third.<br />

Flanigan, John, laborer, h. 230 W hitney .<br />

Flanigan, Mark, U. S. Assessor and propr.<br />

Pioneer Cotton Mills, h. 44 High.<br />

Flanigan, &lark, butcher, bds. 37 Blontcalm<br />

W.<br />

Flanigan, Michael, agent, bds. Peninsular<br />

Hotel.<br />

Flanigan, Patrick, laborer, bds. 110 Cherry.<br />

Flanigan, Thomas, laborer, h. 187 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fla~igan, William, butcher, h. 223 Third.<br />

Flanigan, William, butcher, 327 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 603 Fort w.<br />

Flanigan, William, blacksmith, h. 100<br />

Cherry.<br />

Flanigan, William, laborer, bds. 110 cherry.<br />

Flanigan, William, teacher,,h. Clifford, near<br />

No. 5 engine house.<br />

Flanley, Anthony,' carpenter, bds. 112 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Flannery, Patrick (C. D. Widman & CO.),~.<br />

560 Seventh.<br />

Flattery, Dennis (Flattery & Bros.), bds. 175<br />

Larned e.<br />

Flattery, James (Flattery & Bros.) h. 175<br />

Larned e.<br />

Flattery, Neil (Flattery & Bros.), h. 94 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Flattery, William, cabinetmaker, h. 280<br />

Congress e.<br />

Flattery St Brothers (Neil, Dennis and James<br />

Flattery), wholesale furniture, 26 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Fleischer, Adolph, machinist, bds. 75 &Ion-<br />

roe ave.<br />

Fleischer, Peter, notary public, intelligence<br />

office, 15 Monroe ave. h. same.<br />

Fleischmann, Charles, butcher, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 114 Larned e.<br />

Fleischmann, Henry, butcher, h. 83 Fort e.<br />

Fleishmann, Samuel, butcher, h. 114 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Fleischmann, Samuel, butcher, h. 83 .ti'ort<br />

east.<br />

Fleichman, Mathew, laborer, h. 227 High.<br />

Fleming, Constantine, blacksmith, h. 419<br />

Seventh.<br />

Fleming, David, saloon, 880 River Road, h.<br />

842 Woodbridge w.<br />

Flenling, David, laborer, h. 135 Sixteenth.<br />

Fleming, Duncan, plasterer, h. Wilkins, cor.<br />

Bean bien.<br />

Fleming, James, harnessmaker, h. 273 Sec<br />

ond.<br />

Fleming, James S., saddler, h. 205 Second.<br />

Fleming, John, commission merchant, h. 441<br />

Fort e.<br />

Fleming, Lroseph, tinsmith, bds. 97 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Fleming, Marion (wid. Joseph), h. cor.<br />

Woodbridge and Walker.<br />

Fleming, Miss Mary, washerwoman, h. 150<br />

La brosse.<br />

Fleming, Philemon, laborer, h. 191 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Fleming, Patrick, laborer, 1.1.185 Sixteenth.<br />

Fleming, Thcmas, moulder. bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Fleming, William, laborer, h. 100 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Fler, John, laborer, h. 191 Wilkins.<br />

Fleraimont, Peter, shoemaker, h. 318 At-<br />

, water.<br />

Fleschans, Thomas, laborer, h. w. s. Sulli-<br />

van ave., nr. Ash.<br />

Flese, John, laborer, h. 196 VSTilkins.<br />

Flesser, Daniel, clerk, h. 291 Clinton.<br />

Fle~ cher, i?enjamin, salesman FV. E. Tunis,<br />

' b. 65 BIontcaIm w.<br />

Fletcher, Charles, switchman M. C. R. R.,<br />

, bds. 220 Congress w.<br />

Fletcher, Frank E., druggist, 238 Randolph,<br />

h. 81.4dams ave e.<br />

Fletcher, George, tobacconist, bds. 103 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Fletcher, George, peddler, h. s. w. cor. Grand<br />

Hiver and Fifteenth.<br />

Fletcher, George C., salesman, h. 23 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Fletcher, George N., lumber merchant, 536<br />

Jefferson ave., nr. R. K. bridge.<br />

Fletcher, James, clerk, bds. 58 Beaubien.<br />

Fletcher, James, clerk. bds. Tremont House.<br />

Fletcher, Jonn, carpenter, bds. 455 Sixth.<br />

Fletcher, John H., law student D. C. Hol-<br />

brook, room 101 Griswold.<br />

Fletcher, John J., carpenter, h. 458 Sixth.<br />

Fletcher, William, gardener, h. s. e. cor. Ciold<br />

and Fourth.<br />

Fleury, Francis, painter, 217 Woodmard<br />

ave., h. 191 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Fleury. John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. First and<br />

Larned.<br />

Flewelling, Anthony Powers, carpenter, h.<br />

541 Croghan.<br />

Flick, John, laborer, bds. 233 Watson.<br />

Flick, George H., laborer, b. 119 Larned w.<br />

Flierl, Peter, grocer, blacksmith, 357 Hasting~,<br />

h. same.<br />

Flinn, Bridget, h. 27 Sproat.<br />

Flinn. Daniel, laborer, h. Franklin, bet. Riopelle<br />

and Hivard.<br />

Flinn, Elisha H., attorney, 649 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. 14 Columbia e.<br />

Flinn, John, cabinetmaker, h. 124 HOWard.<br />

Flinn, James, laborer, h. e. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., bet. Ash and Butternut.<br />

Flint, 9bel R., U. S. lake survey, bds. 56<br />

Adams ave e.<br />



FOR 193<br />

- ---<br />

Flint, Edgar, <strong>City</strong> Collector, <strong>City</strong> Hall, h. 248<br />

Congress e.<br />

F'lintermaan. John, physician, 278 St. Attoine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Flishaunge, Albert, laborer, h. e. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., bet. Poplar and Buchanan.<br />

Flood, Catharine (wid. James), h. 101 Beaubien.<br />

Flood, Jennie (mid. John), h. 54 Brush.<br />

Flood, John, saloon, s. e. cor. Woodward<br />

ave. and Brady, h. same.<br />

Flood, John B.. machinist, bds. 117 Oak.<br />

Flood, Mary (wid. James), h. 117 Oak.<br />

Flood, Patrick, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Porter<br />

and Tenth.<br />

Florie, Frank, carpenter, h. o. 39 n. 323<br />

Whitney.<br />

Flower, eeorge (James Flower & Bros.), h.<br />

52 Lafayette.<br />

Flower, James (James Flower & Bros.), h.<br />

113 Larned e.<br />

Flower, Thomas (James Flower & Bros.),<br />

h. 118 Woodbridge e.<br />

Flower, James, & Bros. (James, Thomas<br />

and George Flower), machinists and<br />

brassfinishers, n. e. cor. Brush and Woodbridge.<br />

Flowers, Charles, short-hand reporter Circuit<br />

Court, 218 Woodward ave.<br />

Floyd, Andrew (col'd), laborer, hds. 52 Mullett.<br />

Floyd, Sarah (wid. William), h. 102 National<br />

al-e.<br />

Floyd, Thomas, boilermaker, h. 102 National<br />

ave.<br />

Fluer, Peter, blacksmith, h. n. w. cor. Hastings<br />

and Elizabeth.<br />

Flynn, Edward, porter, h. 27 Sproat.<br />

Flynn, Hugh, sash and blind factory, cor.<br />

Congress and Third, h. 71 Third.<br />

Flynn, James W., clerk, h. 238 Park.<br />

Flinn, John, bds. 27 Sproat.<br />

Flinn. John, foreman Hugh Flynn's sash<br />

factory, h. 140 Iiou~ard.<br />

Flynn, Patrick, laborer, h. 234 Sixth.<br />

Flynn, Timothy, moulder, h. 259 Thirteenand-a-ha1<br />

f:<br />

Foerster, Edward, cabinetmaker, h. 47 Marion.<br />

Foex, Charles, currier, bds. Woodbridge,<br />

opp. Croul's tannery.<br />

Foes, Francis, tanner, h. Woodbridge, opp.<br />

Croul's tannery.<br />

Fogarty, John, saloon, 137 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Fogarty, Timothy, laborer, h. 1G9 Beech.<br />

Folirman, Peter, tanner, h. 9 Marion.<br />

Foisey, Aatoine. clerk, 11. 227 Franklin.<br />

Foley , Charles, machinist, h. 90 Larned w.<br />

Foley, David, tanner, 11. w. s. Sixteenth. bet.<br />

Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Foley, Dennis, teamster, h. e. s. Third, bet.<br />

Willis ave. and Holden Road.<br />

Foley, James, laborer, 11.6; Sullivan ave.<br />

Foley, Jofuz, baker, h. 506 Michigau ave.<br />

-<br />

Foley, Michael, laborer, h. Third, nr. Hol<br />

clen Road.<br />

Foley, Robert, clerk, bds. 266 Lafayette ave<br />

Foley, Timothy, laborer, h. alley rear 11<br />

Jones.<br />

Foley, Timothy, laborer, h. s. w. cor. La,<br />

brosse and Tenth.<br />

Foley, William, engineer, bds. o. 154 n. 156<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Follett, Christopher, mason, h. 255 Fifth.<br />

Follett, Nathaniel, receiving teller Second<br />

National Bank, bds. 45 Congress w.<br />

Folsom, Frank (S. Folsom & Co.), h. 90<br />

Washington aye.<br />

Folsom, Simeon (S. Folsom & Co.), h. 90<br />

13Tttsl~ington ave.<br />

FOLSOM, S., St CO. (Simeon and Frank Fol-<br />

som), wool, 90 Woodward ave.<br />

Foluette, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 428 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Fonda, Isaac H. (Fonda & Esselstyn), h. 18<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Fonda St Easelstpn (Isaac H. Fonda and Elton<br />

A. Esselstyn), dry goods, 146 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Foote, Rev. Charles C., chaplain House of<br />

Correction, h. SO Columbia w.<br />

Foote, George (Moore, Foote & Co.), h. 231<br />

Fort w.<br />

Foote, Col. Henry R., U. S. army, h. 379<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Foote, Lewis, assistant U. S. lake survey, h.<br />

20 Limburg.<br />

Fop, C. H., clerk, bds. Tremoni Eouse.<br />

Forbes, Frank, machinist, h. 200 Macomb.<br />

Forbes. Frederick, telegraph operator, bds.<br />

110 Randolph.<br />

Forbes, Frederick J. B., auctioneer, h. 310<br />

Randolph.<br />

Forbes, Francis T., machinist, bds. 200 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Forbes, James, shoemaker, h. 141 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Forbes, John, clerk, h. 23 Washington ave.<br />

Forbes, Michael, shipcarpenter, bds. 200<br />

Macomb.<br />

Forbes, Richard, blacksmith, 241 Griswold,<br />

h. 94 Columbia w.<br />

Forbes, Robert S., druggist, bds. 310 Ran-<br />

dolph. +<br />

Forbes, Thomas, clerk, bds. 189 Croghan.<br />

Forbes, William A., clerk, bds. 210 Ran-<br />

do1 ph.<br />

Force. John, peddler, 11 228 Adams ave. e.<br />

Ford, Charles, sailor, h. 384 Franklin.<br />

Ford, George, macllinist, h. w. S. Twelfth,<br />

cor. railroad crossing.<br />

Ford, George (Belknap, Hill & Ford), h.<br />

cor. Lafayette ave., and Twelfth.<br />

Ford, James H., clerk, bds. 644 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ford, John, gardener and florist, h. 4-49<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Ford, John H. (J. N. Ford & Co.), h. 657 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.

FOR FOU<br />

Physioians always specim<br />




Ford, John F., gardener, bds. 449 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Ford, John N. (J. K. Ford & Co.), h. 644 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Ford, Mrs., h. 164 Franklin.<br />

Ford, Patrick H., gardener, bds. 449 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Ford, William, shoemaker, bds. 8 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

FORD, J. N., & CO. (John N. and John H.<br />

Ford), steam forge, foot Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

(See ad%.)<br />

Forgey, Alfred, salesman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Forgey, Alfred V., chemist, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Formar, Fritz, laborer, h. 358 Seventeenth.<br />

Forn, Patrick. laborer, h. 418 Seventh.<br />

Forni, Vital, grocery and saloon, 479 Gra-<br />

tiot, h. same.<br />

Forni, Vital, jr., painter, bds. 479 Gratiot.<br />

Forrest, Alexander, laborer, bds. Wight, bet.<br />

Walker and Adair.<br />

Forrest, Daniel, carpenter, h. 352 Howard.<br />

Forrest, Frank, laborer, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Walker and Adair.<br />

Forrest, James O., bookkeeper, h. 41 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Forst, Augustus, carpenter, h. 560 Croghan.<br />

Forster, John, photographer, 41 Monroe<br />

ave., h. 414 Mullett.<br />

Forst-r, Thomas, photographer, 41 Monroe<br />

ave., h. 414 Mullett.<br />

Forst'ck, Horace, painter, h. 305 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Forsyth, Xlijah, clerk, bds. 255 Brush.<br />

Forsyth, George (Forsyth & Co.), h. 3 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Forsyth, James (Forsyth & Co.), h. 76 Far-<br />

rar.<br />

Forsyth, James, laborer, h. 43 Spencer.<br />

Forsyt -1, John, clerk, h. 20 Spencer.<br />

Forsyth, Patrick (Forsyth & Berry), h. 401<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Forsy th, Patrick, engineer, bds. 43 Spencer.<br />

Forsyth, Peter, (Daily Union Co.), h. 43<br />

Spencer.<br />

Forsyth, Thomas R. (Forsyth & Mrebster),<br />

h. 251 Larned e.<br />

Forsyth & Berry (Patrick Forsyth and<br />

Thomas Berry), furniture, 35 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

FORSYTB & WEBSTER (Thomas R. For-<br />

syth and M. Howard Webster), life insur-<br />

ance agents, 13 Hotunda building. (See<br />

aclc.)<br />

Forsyth & Co. (James and George Forsyth),<br />

millinery and fancy dry goods, 150 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Fortain, Frank, carpenter, h. 1 Glass Row,<br />

Maple.<br />

Fortain, James M., carpenter, h. 420 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Fortain, Napoleon, joiner, h. 420 Lafayette.<br />

Porter, Rosa, seamstress, h. 403 Franklin.<br />

Fortsick, Horace, painter, h. 305 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-h ? lf.<br />

Fortune, Thomas, wheelwright, bds. 1:6<br />

Clinton.<br />

Fose, Frank, machinist, h. 4'77 Fort e.<br />

Foskel, Louis, tinsmith, bds. 156 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Foster, Arthur, carpenter, h 260 First.<br />

Foster. Charles E. (Foster St Son), bds. 143<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Foster, Charles J.. engraver, 16 Merrill<br />

block, bds 44 Centre.<br />

Foster, Edward D., (&lumford, Foster St<br />

Co.), h. 12 Macomb.<br />

Foster, Frederick S., clerk, h. 137 Cass ave.<br />

Foster, George, carpenter, h. 432 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Foster, Harvey C. (W. L. Foster & Co.), bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Foster, James (Foster & Son). h. 145 MTood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Foster, James A., artificial limb manfr., 172<br />

Jefferson ave., bds. American House.<br />

Foster, John J., engraver, h. 159 St. An- ! i<br />

toine.<br />

Foster, John W., clerk, bds. 143 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Foster, John Y., clerk, bds. 143 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Foster, Joseph, boarding, h. Woodbridge, nr.<br />

M. C. R. K. crossing.<br />

Foster, Joseph, blacksmith, bds 495 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Foster, Joseph E., lumber dealer, h. 44<br />

Centre.<br />

Foster, Kicholas, shoemaker, bds. 424<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Foster, Robert J., vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. s. s. Gralld River, nr. Twelfth.<br />

Foster, Susan (wid. Thomas), h. 90 Rivard.<br />

Foster, Thoiilas, sailor. 11. 495 Larned e.<br />

Foster, William 1,. ( W. L. Foster $ Co.), Bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange. g C<br />

Foster, Wiiliam N., saloon, 94 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Foster, W. L., & Co..( William L. and Harvey<br />

C. Foster), books abd stationery, 121 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Foster & Son (James and Charles E. Foster),<br />

barbers, 143 W700dbridge w.<br />

Foston, Frank, carpenter, h. 411 Fort-e.<br />

Fotier, Sarah (wid. Charles), h. 59 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

Fough, William, foreman machine shop, h.<br />

496 \Voodbridge m.<br />

Fountain, Edward, laborer, h. 441 Guoin.<br />

5 1


Fountain, Frank, blacksmith, h. 163 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Fourby, Thomas J., printer, bds. 81 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Fournier, Abraham, carpenter, h. n. s. Ger<br />

man, e. St. Aubin ave.<br />

Fournier, John, machinist, h. 151 Wight.<br />

Fowler, Alexander D., lawyer, 75 Gr.swold,<br />

bds. o. 40 n. 46 Montcalm w.<br />

Fowler, Caroline (wid. Richard), h. 5 Cottage<br />

Row, Elizabeth w.<br />

Fowler, Frederick W., boxmaker, bds. 28<br />

Orchard.<br />

Fowler, George, stonecutter, h. o. 44 n. 46<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Fowler, George H., salesman, h. o. 44 n. 46<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Fowler, Henry, box factory, 17 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 28 Orchard.<br />

Fowler, John N. (Merick, Fowler & Essel-<br />

styn), h. 444 Woodward ave.<br />

Fowler, Silas T., mason, h. 22 Montcalln w.<br />

Fowler, William H., boxmaker, bds. 28 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Fowler, William J. (George Rice & Co.), h.<br />

108 Congress e.<br />

Fox, Augustus E., telegraph operator D. St<br />

B1. R. I%., bds. Tremont House.<br />

Fox, Colin, manager W. U. Telegraph office,<br />

h. 272 Randolph.<br />

Fox, David F., lawyer, n. w. cor. Congress<br />

and Griswold, 11. 225 Brush.<br />

Fox, Edward, b. 58 Colurubia e.<br />

Fox, George, pr nter, h. 252 Brush.<br />

Fox, George B., printer, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Fox, Jacob B. (J. B. Fox & Co.). h. 44 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Fox, James L. T., lawyer, h. 348 Third.<br />

Fox, John, ca: penter, h. 134 Labrosse.<br />

Fox, John, laborer, h. 107 Bronson.<br />

Fox, John C., cabinetmaker, h. 120 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Fos, Lucien H., insurance agent, bds. 89<br />

State.<br />

Fos, Martin (M. Fox & Co.), h. 305 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Fox, Michael M., engineer, h. 68 Harrison I<br />

ace.<br />

Fox, Philip L., h. 169 First.<br />

Fox, Robert, h. 225 Brush.<br />

Fox, William F., confectioner, bds. 44 Eliz-<br />

abeth e.<br />

Fox, J. B., & Co. (Jacob B. Fox, Jacob Bris<br />

tol, William Phel ps Ss; Co.), wholesale con-<br />

fectioners, 221 Jeft'eraon ave.<br />

Fox, Rfartin, & Co. (Martin Fox and Conrad<br />

May), mnfrs. pocketbooks and fancy box-<br />

es, 79 Fort e.<br />

Foxen, William, real estate agent, BUM<br />

block, 80 Oriswold, h. 23 Howard.<br />

Foy, Michael, laborer, h. s. e. cor. National<br />

ave. and Locust.<br />

Foy. William, bookkeeper, h. 14 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Foyal, Barney, laborer, h. 123 Clinton.<br />

Foysie, Augustus, drayman, h. 234 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Foysie, Joseph, bds. 234 Catharine.<br />

Fram back, Harry. clerk, bds. Howard House.<br />

Franconi, Francis, sailor, h. 384 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Francis, Mrs. John, milliner, 140 Marion, h.<br />

same.<br />

Francis, John, cook, h. 144 Marion.<br />

France, John, insurance agent, h. 163<br />

Rivard.<br />

Franger, Frank, barber, 2408 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Frank, Abraham, clerk, bds. 119 St. Antoine.<br />

Frank, Adolph, carriagetrimmer. h. 183<br />

Clinton.<br />

Frank, Andrew, basketmaker, h. 74 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Frank, Anton, laborer, h. 352 High.<br />

Frank, Anthony, stone mason, h. 56 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Frank, Henry, laborer, h. Dubois, s. e. cor.<br />

Antietam.<br />

Frank, Henry (Sickler & Frank), h. 191 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Frank, Miss Julia, h. 328 Macomb.<br />

Frank, John, carpenter, h. 295 Mary.<br />

Frank, John, upholsterer, bds. 74 Antie-<br />

tam<br />

Frank, Louis, saloon, 384 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Frank, Michael, bricklayer, h. 217 Maple.<br />

Frank, Nicholas, shoemaker, bds. 420 Ilio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Frank, '5TTilliam, clerk, bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Frank, William H., grocer, 465 Lafontaine<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Franke, A1 bert, letter carrier fifteenth dis-<br />

trict, h. 22 (:lay.<br />

Frankenstein, Jacob, tailor, h. 29 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Frankenstein, Morris, shoemaker, 59 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. 93 same.<br />

Franker, Xichard, boarding, h. 705 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Franklin, Abraham G., clerk, h. 308 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Franklin, Abraham J., traveling agent, h.<br />

n. e cor. Randolph and Harriett.<br />

Franklin, Alfred B., mason, h. 202 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Franklin, Benjamin (col'd), laborer, h. rear<br />

326 Lafayette.<br />

Franklin, Benjamin (col'd), laborer, h. 294<br />

Catharine.<br />

Franklin, Daniel, carpenter, h. 336 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Franklin, David, painter. bds. 94 Napoleon.<br />

Franklin, Elias, cooper, h. 94 Napoleon.<br />

Franklin House, cor. Bates and Larned, A.<br />

H. Emery proprietor.<br />

Franklin School, n. w. cor. Seventh and Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Franklin, William, teamster, h. Guoin, on<br />

Chene farm.

FRA FRE<br />

NEW YORE I Frederick. Edward P.. clerk, bds. 347 Grand I<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH &COME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON l!IeELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Frantz, Charles, foreman K. C. Barker &<br />

Co., h. 6 Clay.<br />

Frantz, Joseph, machinist, h. 189 Clinton.<br />

Frantz, Julius, bricklayer, h. w. s. Antietam,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Frantz, Margaret (wid. Samuel), dressma-<br />

ker, 251 Brush, 11. same.<br />

Frantz, SamueliS., saloon, 30Woodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Franz, Frederick, potash maker, h. 16 Wil-<br />

kine.<br />

Frary, Thomas J., tinsmith, h. 32 Harriett.<br />

Fraser. Alexander, carpenter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Fraser, Alexander D., lawyer, h. 326 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

. Fraser, Alexander James, lawyer, h. s. e.<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and Chene.<br />

Fraser, David, laborer, h. 107 Russell.<br />

Fraser, David, porter, h. 95 Elussell.<br />

Fraser, Donald, baggagemaster G. W. R.,<br />

h. 339 Tenth.<br />

Fraser, John, peddler, h. 180 Beech.<br />

Fraser, John C., carpenter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Frast, Origm, conductor M. C. R. R., h. 217<br />

Howard.<br />

Frauser, Christian, finisher, h. o. 229 n. 295<br />

High.<br />

Frauser, John, laborer. h. o. 229 n. 295<br />

High.<br />

Frawley, DanieI, laborer, h. 495 Trow-<br />

bridge.<br />

FRAZER, ALEXANDER, carpenter and<br />

joiner, 45 Larned w., bds. Goodman<br />

House. (See da.)<br />

Frazer, Carl E., conductor, bds. 474 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Frazer, David C., millwright, bds. First, bet.<br />

Larned and Congress.<br />

Frazer, Francis, sail or, h. 143 Napoleon.<br />

Frazer, James, sailor, h. o. 71 n. 147<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Frazer, James H. (Frazer & Grove), h. 139<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Frazer, John, machinist, bds. 189 Croghan.<br />

Frazer, John C., showcase maker, bds. Good-<br />

man House.<br />

Frazer: Thomas, h. 164 Lafayette ave.<br />

Frazer (iL Grove (James H. Frazer and Caa-<br />

sius G. Grove), Home Mutual Life Insur-<br />

ance Co., 126 Jefferson ave.<br />

Freddolin, Linz, shoemaker, h. 121 Clinton.<br />

Frede, Frederick, drayman, h. 68 Maple.<br />

Frede, Hermann, droy man ,.h. 312 High.<br />

River.<br />

Frederick, John, butcher, h. 542 Croghan.<br />

Frederick, Peter, butcher, h. 548 Croghan.<br />

Frederick, Thomas, cooper, 11. 307 Mary.<br />

Fredericks, Frank, carpenter, 21. 343 High.<br />

Fredericks. John J. (Fredericks & Co.). h.<br />

130 St. Antoine.<br />

Fredericks & Co. (John Jacob Fredericks and<br />

Jacob Bertsch), butchers, 130 St. Antoine.<br />

cor. Fort.<br />

Freedman, Herman (S. Freedman & Bro's),<br />

h. 63 Lafapette ave.<br />

Freedman, Jacob, peddler, h. rear 174 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Freedman, Simon (S. Freedman & Bro's), h.<br />

119 St. Antoine.<br />

Freedman, Solomon (S. Freedman & Bro's),<br />

res. New York.<br />

Freedman S., & Brothers (Solomon, Simon<br />

and Herman Freedman), dry goods and<br />

millinery, 82 and 84 Woodward ave.<br />

Freeland, Charles, carpencer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Bnena Vista and Seventh.<br />

Freeland, Bev. Samuel M., pastor Second<br />

Congregational Church, h. 37 Selden.<br />

Freeland, William H., machinist, bds. 220<br />

Congress w.<br />

Freeman, August, teamster, h. 318 Whit-<br />

ney.<br />

Freeman, Bolivar, Deputy Sheriff, h. 459 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Freeman, Frederick, tailor, h. 135 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Freeman, George, engineer, h. 508 Atwater.<br />

Freeman, George, sailor, h. 450 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Freeman, George, painter, bds. 304 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Freeman, George L., billiard table manu-<br />

facturer, h. 134 Lafayette ave.<br />

Freeman, John A., laborer, h. 73 Labrosse.<br />

Freeman, John D., clerk, bds. 459 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Freeman, Julius, carpenter, h. 454 Fort e.<br />

Freeman, Mathew M., carpenter, h. n. w.<br />

cor. Dubois and Franklin.<br />

Freeman, Otis L., laborer, h. 47 Watson.<br />

Freeman, Seth, engineer, h. 41 Sherman.<br />

Freemen, Seth, carpenter, lS9 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 44 Sherman.<br />

Freeman, Seth, sr., laborer, h. 44 Sherman.<br />

Freeman, William, blacksmith, bds. 168 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Freeman, Ziber, sailor, h. 677 Franklin.<br />

Frehle, August, laborer, h. 236 Whitney.<br />

Freibel, Frederick, machinist, bds. SO<br />

Front.<br />

Freiburger, Charles, clerk, bds. 916 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Freiburger, Frederick, Deputy Marshal, h.<br />

916 Jefferson ave.<br />

F'religh, William. carpenter, h. 265 Second.<br />

French, Albert, draughtsman, bds. 55 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

. ,<br />


FRE m y DIRECTORY. FUE 197<br />

GEO. S. FROST & CO.,<br />

• DEALERS IN<br />


Griswold Street, near Post Office,<br />

Geo. S. Frost,<br />

Chas. Noble<br />

has. W. ~bble, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

French, George W., carpenter, h. 421 La- Fritz, Joseph, currier, h. s. w. cor. Croghan<br />

salle ave.<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

French, George, cook, h. 339 Macomb. Fritz, Mary Ann (wid. Charles), h. 382 Cro-<br />

French, James, contractor, h. 10 Sproat. ghan.<br />

French, Joseph, cashier Tribune, h. 123 Fritz, Thomas, tailor, bds. 18 Jay.<br />

Abbott.<br />

From, John, tanner, h. 50 Twenty-second.<br />

French, Lafayette, cooper, h. 106 Fifteenth. Frombgen, Peter J., shoemaker, bds. s. s.<br />

French, Norman T., sawyer, h. 69 Fif- Grand River, near Lasalle ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Fronhard, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. St. Jo-<br />

French, Samuel (col'd), laborer, h. 105 Ben- seph and Dequindre.<br />

ton.<br />

Fronrath, Stephen, blacksmith, h. 26 Web-<br />

French, Thomas P., auction and real ster.<br />

estate, 209 Jefferson ave., bds. Michigan Frost, George S. (George S. Frost & Co.),<br />

Eschange.<br />

h. s. tv. cor. Third and Fort.<br />

French, William H., painter, bds. 10 Frost, Milton,Superintendent <strong>Detroit</strong> Wood-<br />

Sproat.<br />

enware Works, 11.960 Jefferson ave.<br />

Frensch, John, meat market, 335 Hastings, Frost, Robert M., clerk, bds. 960 Jefferson<br />

h. same.<br />

ave.<br />

Freund, Adolph, bookkeeper, bds. Hotel FROST, GEORGE S., & CO. (George S.<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Frost, Charles and Charles W. Noble),<br />

Freund, Charles, carpenter, h. 378 Macomb. deal- rs in Michigan lands, 31 Griswold.<br />

Freud, Marcus, h. 11 Harriett.<br />

Frumviller, Alexander, clerk, bds. 289 Jef-<br />

Fress, John, musician, h. 383 Lafayet te e. ferson ave.<br />

Frey, Oottlieb, tinsmith, h. 149 Gratiot. Frumvil ler, Anton, copper and tinsmith, 5<br />

Frey, Joseph, boots and shoes, 224 Miami ave., h. 7 same.<br />

Woodward ave., h. 186 Croghan. Frumviller, John, tinsmith, I77 Woodward<br />

Friedland, Rev. John T., pastor St. Joseph's ave., bds. Monroe aye., nr. Randolph.<br />

Catholic Church, h. 437 Orleans. Frumviller, Joseph. salesman 151 Wood-<br />

Friedlander, Aaron, h. 149 St. Antoine. ward ave., 11. 154 Beaubien.<br />

Friedlander, Isaac, wireworker, bds. Rail- Frumviller, Louis, jr., tinsmith, bds. 354<br />

road Exchange.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Friedman, Louis M., clerk, h. o. 170 n. 192 Frumviller, Louis, coppersmith, h. 184<br />

Lafayette e.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Friedmann, Meier, boarding, h. 107 Clinton. Freuder, John, shoemaker, h. 185 Division.<br />

Friederichs, Charles (Friederichs & Staffin), Fryer, David, teamster, h. 3 Union.<br />

h. 301 Lafapette.<br />

Fry, Jatnes B., gilder, h. SO Elizabeth e.<br />

Friedrichs, William, printer, bds. 230 La- Fry, James W., gilder, bds. 80 Elizabeth<br />

fayett.e.<br />

east.<br />

FRlEDERICHS & STAFFIN (Charles Fry, John H., clerk, bds. SO Elizabeth.<br />

Friedericl~s and Peter Staffin), glass Fry, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 186 Croghan.<br />

stainers, 100 Jefferson ave., up stairs. (See Fry, Robert, laborer. h. 312 Third.<br />

adv.)<br />

Fry, Sarah A. (wid. Andrew C.), h. 368<br />

Frieling, Henry, grocer, 517 Clinton ave.. h. Sisth.<br />

Sa1ll8.<br />

Frj er, Simon, drayman, h. 41 Jones.<br />

Frink, Charles A., bartender, bds. 397 Lar- Fuchs, Ehrhard, turner, h. 119 Sherman.<br />

ned e.<br />

Fuchs, Charles, clerk, bds. 101 Macomb.<br />

Friuk, John, bookkeeper, bds. 41 Congress Fuchs, John C. (Fuchs & Erz), h. 157 Mulwest.<br />

lett.<br />

Frisbie, James W., drygoods, 53 and 55 Fuchs, Joseph, laborer, h. 135 Lafayette.<br />

Woodward ave., h. s. e. cor. Bagg and Fuchs, Theresia (wid. Veit), h. 307 Cro-<br />

Cass ave.<br />

ghan,<br />

Fritsch, Charles, rag carpet manfr., h. 371 Fuchs & Erz (John C. Fuchs and John En),<br />

Dubois.<br />

carpenters and builders, 30 Chestnut.<br />

Fritsch, John F., peddler, h. 399 Macomb.<br />

1 Fuehrer, Frank, teamster, h. o. 237 n. 265<br />

Fritzner, Herman, tinsmith, bds. 58 Rivard, 1 Sherman.<br />

26<br />

GEO, S. FROST,<br />




FUE GAF<br />



Omce, 374 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


-<br />

Fuerstenau, Martin, carpenter, h. 448 Cath.<br />

arine.<br />

Fuernstein, Wolfgang, painter, h. 215 Rus<br />

sell.<br />

Fuhrmann, Anthony, h. s. w. cor. Fifteenth<br />

and Michigan ave.<br />

Fuhrmann, Peter, tanner, h. 9 Marion.<br />

Fulda, Frederick, clerk Postoffice, h. .I82<br />

Mullett.<br />

Fuljan, John, laborer, h. 343 Sherman.<br />

Fulkner, Charles, shoemaker, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

Fuller, Antony, carpenter, bds. 720 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Fuller, Charles W., conductor street cars,<br />

h. 51 Sisteenth.<br />

Fuller, George F., propr. skating rink, h. o.<br />

19 n. 35 Brady.<br />

Fuller, Henry, engineer, h. 473 Congress e.<br />

Ful'ler, Hiram, harnessmaker, h. 51 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Fuller, Jacob D., traveling agent, bds. 210<br />

Second.<br />

Fuller, John J., bookkeeper, bds. 272 Second.<br />

Fuller, Silas L., h. 697 Jefferson ave.<br />

Fuller, William P., news editor Tribune, h.<br />

208 Fourth.<br />

Fulton Iron and Engine VSTorks, J. B.<br />

Wayne, treasurer and manager, n. e. cor.<br />

Franklin and Brush.<br />

Fulton, Josiah, policeman, h. 174 Locust.<br />

Funk, Charles P., laborer, h. S9 Antietam.<br />

Funk, Gustavus, peddler, h. e. s. Eighth,<br />

bet. Fulton and Irving.<br />

Funke, Anthony, manfr. sodawater, 353<br />

Rivard, h. same.<br />

Funke, Caroline (wid. Frederick), h. 7s Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Funke, Casper, laborer, bds. 241 Xontcalm<br />

e.<br />

Funke, Casper, carpenter, h. 116 Cat,harine.<br />

Funke, Charles, clerk, bds. 78 Macomb.<br />

Funke, Frederick, watchmaker, h. 54 Clinton.<br />

Funke, John W., shoe dealer, h. 39 Sproat.<br />

Funke, Joseph, sodawater manfr., h. 241<br />

Montcal~ e.<br />

Funke, Joseph, Fourth Ward Collector, h.<br />

125 ~acomb.<br />

Funke, Julius, cigarmaker, bds. a. e. cor.<br />

Bellaire and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Funke. Theodore, carpenter, h. Dequindre,<br />

nr. St. Joseph.<br />

Fuulre, TT7illiam, teanister, h. a. e. cor. Bel-<br />

laire and St. Aubin ave.<br />

1<br />

Furber, Catharine (wid. Zachariah), h. o.<br />

252 n. 280 Michigan ave.<br />

Furgiskie. Joseph, teamster, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Fort and St. Antoine.<br />

Ferguson, Charles, saloon, Cass Hotel, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Fnrie, Andrew, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Furie, James, machinist, 11. 149 Abbott.<br />

Furie, John, h. 344 Howard. .<br />

Furie, John, bricklayer, bds. 149 Abbott.<br />

Furie, John, carsmith, bds. 149 Abbott.<br />

Furras, AmeliaIt., tailoress, h. 529 Seventh.<br />

Furry, Andrew, loader M. C. R. B., h. n. e.<br />

cor. Fifteenth and Michigan ave.<br />

Fury, John, peddler, h. s. s. Oak, bet. Seventh<br />

and Sinth ave.<br />

Furlong, William, saloon, 173 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Furnann, Michael, laborer, h. s. s. Vine, bet,<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Furney, John, sawyer, h. 141 Wight.<br />

Furtan, Henry, sailor, h. 26 Beacon.<br />

Furtan, Israel, sailor, bds. 26 Beacon.<br />

Furtunat, Jnlius, painter. h. 552 Fort e.<br />

Fuss, Hermann, optician, bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

Fussey, Timothy, foreman R. Hawley &<br />

Sons, h. 54 Bates.<br />

Futvoye, Susan (mid. Charles F.), h. 418<br />

Third.<br />

Futvoye, Charles (J. Moore & Co.), bds. n.<br />

~v. cor. Sixteenth and Magnolia.<br />

FYFE, HICHARD H., boots and shoes, 101<br />

'CTToodward a7e., h. o. 101 n. 107 Elis<br />

belh w. (See adv.)<br />

Fyfer, Thomas, gardener, h. Twenty-fourth,<br />

bet. R. R. and Baker.<br />

Fytain, Jeremiah, joiner, bds. 320 Franklin.<br />

AB, Sible (mid. Conrad), h. 77 Jay.<br />

G Gaebel, Christian, stonemason, h. 340<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Gabler, Anton, laborer, h. 73 Chestnut.<br />

Gabler, Lorenz, harnessmaker, 482 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gabriel, -8illiam (Smith & Gabriel), h. 154<br />

Grand River.<br />

Gadd, VTTillialn, messenger D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

foot Hastings, nr. Atwater.<br />

Gadway, John, engineer, h. n. e. cor. Fort<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Gadway, Pet,er, engineer, h. n. e. cor. Fort<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Gaengerke, George, laborer, h. 488 Lafayette.<br />

Gaetsch, Hermann, wagon maker, h. 474<br />

Orleans.<br />

Gaffney, Charles, dry goods peddler, h. e. s<br />

Mount Hope ave., bet. Butternut and<br />

Ash.<br />

Gaffney,Matthew, laborer, h. 569 Congress e.


Gaffney, Owen, sailor, h. o. 327 n. 343<br />

Franklin.<br />

Gitffney, Thomas J. (Gaffney & Dunks), bds.<br />

o. 94 n. 116 Cass.<br />

Gaffney & Dunks (Thomas J. Gaffiiey and<br />

C harles H. Dunks), springbed manfrs.,<br />

157 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gage, David C., salesman, h. s. e. cor. Ninth<br />

ave. and Fort.<br />

Gage, Harrison, salesman, bds. 2.5 Sisth.<br />

Gage, Jerome, bds. 131 Adamv ave. e.<br />

Uage, Lucian R., laborer, h. Ninth ave., bet.<br />

Oak and Locust.<br />

Gage, Russell, machinist, h. o. 55 n. 61<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Gage, William H., bookkeeper, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Tenth and Abbott.<br />

Gagel, George (Gage1 & Son), bds. 25 Fort e.<br />

Gagel, Peter (Gagel & Son), h. 2.5 Fort e.<br />

Gagel St S3n (Peter and George Gagel),<br />

parasol and umbrella mnnfrs., 25 Fort e.<br />

Gagneau, Emery, sailor, h. sti7 Lahyette.<br />

Gagneau, Julius, carpenter, bds. 12.5 Dubois.<br />

Gagneau, Madelaine (tvid. Louis), h. St.<br />

Aubin are.<br />

Gagneau, Nazareth, sailor, h. 490 Catha-<br />

rine.'<br />

Gagnik, Alexander, painter, h. Beaubien,<br />

nr. Farnsworth.<br />

Uagnier, Barnard, peddler, bds. s. s. Grand<br />

River, nr. Seventh.<br />

Gagnier, Charles, mason, bds. 197 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Gagnier, Dorrick, laborer, h. s. s. Grand<br />

River, nr. Seventh.<br />

Gagnier, Eli, painter, h. Woodbridge w., nr.<br />

Tannery.<br />

Gagnier, Frederick, slrip carpenter, h. 183<br />

St. Anbin ave.<br />

Gagnier, Henry, stewart str. Xorthwest, h.<br />

528 Fort e.<br />

Gagnier, Oliver F., omnibus agt., h. 115<br />

Cherry.<br />

Gagnier, Sophia (wid. Savier), h. 197 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Gagnon, Emery, sailor, 567 Lafayet te.<br />

Gagnon, J osey h: carpenter. h. At water,<br />

Campau farm.<br />

Ga.iley, James, salesman h., s. s. Parsons,<br />

bet. Cass and Woodward aves.<br />

Gailey, James S., receiving clerk, h. 45 Par-<br />

sons.<br />

Gain, John, blacksmith, bds. 36 Fort e.<br />

Gaines, Alfred (col'd), drayman, h. 390 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Gaines, Arthur, sailor, bds. 135 Larned w.<br />

Gaines, John, clerk, h. 190 Cass ave.<br />

Galaven, Bartholomew, laborer, h. 24 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Gale, Benjamin H., billposter, h. 50.5 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Galena, Miss Ann, dressmaker, h. 130 Fort e.<br />

Galerneau, Isaac, stonecutter, h. 474 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Gales, Amos (col'd), laborer, h. 123 Macomb.<br />

-<br />

Galey, John (col'd), hostler, h. 127 Larned e.<br />

Galey, Joseph W., lather, bds. 272 High.<br />

Galey, Samuel, sailor, bds. 272 High.<br />

Gallagher, Catharine (wid. Patrick), h. 17<br />

Buena Vista.<br />

Gallagher, Dominic, laborer, bds. 184 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Gallagher, Edward, tailor, h. 103 Larnel e.<br />

Gallaglier, Francis, foreman M. S. R. R., h.<br />

280 Sherman.<br />

Gallagher, James, engineer, h. 10 Crawford.<br />

Gallagher, James, laborer, h. 356 Franklin.<br />

Gal lagher, Nicholas, grocer, 750 Xichigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Gallagher, Patrick, rope works, h. 400<br />

Grand River.<br />

Gallagher, Mrs. (wid. Tllomas), h. 25 State.<br />

Gallagher, William H., carpenter, bda.<br />

403 Grand River..<br />

Gallen, Joseph patternmaker, h. 87 Marion.<br />

Galley, William, machinist, h. 114 Marion.<br />

Galligher, James, engineer, h. 10 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Gnllise, Christian. laborer, h. 76 Jay.<br />

Galt, William, carpenter, h. o. YG n. 66<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

1 Gallivan, Martin, bricklayer, h. I1 Lim-<br />

I burg.<br />

1 Gallivan, Mary (wid. Nartin), h. I1 Lim-<br />

burg.<br />

Gallivan, Michael, laborer, h. 17 Franklin.<br />

Gallivan, Patrick, laborer, h. 82 Fifteenth.<br />

Galloway, Mary (wid. William), boarding,<br />

h. 321 Con,qress w.<br />

Galloway, William, laborer, h. o. 278 n. IS9<br />

Sinth are.<br />

Galvin, Dennis, teamster, h. 281 iJorter.<br />

Galvin, John, brass finisher, bds. 281 Porter.<br />

Galvin, Michael, mason, 91 Montcal~n w.<br />

Galvin, Thaddeus, brass finisher, bds. 281<br />

Porter.<br />

Gamble, Hugh, butcher, bds. 263 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gamble, Jolm, manufacturing chemist, h.<br />

584 Franklin.<br />

Gambol, Sarah, dressmaker, bds. 401 Sisth.<br />

Gamel, Foster, shoemaker, h. 38 Harriett.<br />

Gamrnie, John, shoemaker, 21 Grand River,<br />

bds. 21 9 Randolplr.<br />

Ganger, Mrs. Catharine, h. 287 Columbia e.<br />

Ganger, Louis, printer, bds. 287 Columbia.<br />

Gangwer, James, mason, h. 163 Rivard.<br />

Ganieke, William, blacksmith, h. 431 hful-<br />

lett.<br />

Ganier, Samuel, mason, h. 404 Guoin.<br />

Ganley, William, laborer, h. 202 Abbott.<br />

aannon. Joseph H., patternmaker, h. 87<br />

Marion.<br />

Gannon, Thomas, city expressman, h. 20<br />

Seventh.<br />

I Gannon. Thomas, laborer, h. 242 Howa.rd.<br />

1 Ganz, Elizabeth (col'd-wid. George), h. 5<br />

1 Paton alley.<br />

1 Garbert, John, teamster, h. 785 Twenty-<br />



--<br />

NEW YORE I Garrett, Nellie, dressmaker, bds. 332 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

~SUF@~C@ - @Q~P@~M. Garriepy, Louis, laborer, h. 53 Eighteenth,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000 Garrison, Charles M. (C. M. Garrison & C'o.),<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

11. 113 Cass.<br />

--<br />

Gaudron, Adolph, patternmaker, h. 356<br />

SOLON MeELROF, Manager and Agenq Snpt., Hio~elle.<br />

Garrison. John J., bds. Russell House.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Garrison, Thomas (co17d), billiard saloon,<br />

169 Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Gardner, Esther A., carpet weat-er, h. s. w. Garrison, C. M., gE CO. (Charles M. Garrison<br />

cor. Grand River and Xirlth ave.<br />

and Milo W. Barrows), m~holesale grocers,<br />

Gardner, Alesander, news agent W. E. Board of Trade Building, s. e. cor. Wood-<br />

Tunis, bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

bridge and Shelby.<br />

Gardner, George A. (Gardner & CO.), h. 187 Garroherd, Charles, laborer, h. 124 Lafay-<br />

Cass.<br />

ette.<br />

Gardner, Henry (Gardner & Co.), h. 107 Garry, Enos, joiner, h. nr. n. e. cor. Morsa<br />

Miami ave.<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Gardner, Hiram T., printer, h. 104 Gratiot. Garry, Martin, engineer M. C. R. R., h. 334<br />

Gardner, James, founder, bds. 5 Cass are. Sisteent h.<br />

Gardner, James M., iron moulder, 11. 5 Cass Gartland, Helen (wid. Patrick). h. 10 Park<br />

ave.<br />

Place.<br />

Gardner, Magfie M., carpetweaver, bds. s. Gartland, lT7illiam, drayman, h. 223 Fourth<br />

w. cor. Grand River and Ninth ave. Garvey, John, cooper, h. 68 Sixteenth.<br />

Gardner, Solomon, Pres't Kiver and Lake Gascoigne, Mark H., Ass't Engineer Fire<br />

Shore Steamboat Line, office foot Dep't, h. 98 Lnrned w.<br />

Wayne, h. 364 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gascon, John, carpenter, h. 508 Fifth.<br />

Gardner & Co. (George A. and Henry Gard- Gascon, John, sawyer, h. n. e. cor. Marcy<br />

ner), commission merchants, 59 Michigan aria Fifth.<br />

ave.<br />

Gasser, Joseph, grocer, n. e. cor. Beaubien<br />

Garfield, Ellery J., Ass't U. S. Assessor, h. and Urhitney, h. same.<br />

162 Congress ~ v.<br />

Gassman, George, merchant tailor, 255 Jef-<br />

Garfield, John, laborer, bds. 295 Brush. erson ave., h. same.<br />

Gargraef, William, mason, bds. 295 Brush. Gassxnan, George, shoemaker, bds. 10 Clap.<br />

Gariepy, Mrs. Baptis, tailoress, h. 253 Uassman. Jacob, shoemaker, h. o. 125 n. I97<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Division.<br />

Garin, John, city express. bds. 87 Porter. Gassmann, Michael, peddler, h. 101 Chest-<br />

Garinger, John G., watchman, h. 571 Sev- nut.<br />

ent h .<br />

Gassner. Alois, mason, bds. 362 Lafayette.<br />

Garity, Frank, fireman, bds. 320 Franklin. Ga~per, John P., turner, bds. lSS St. An.<br />

Garity, Peter, blacksmith, h. 110 Clinton. toine.<br />

Garland, Michael, carpenter, h. 34 Locust. Gaston, Charles H., clerk, bds. 2 Walnut.<br />

Garlick, Edward E., grocer, Lamed, s. e. Gaston, Ogden, porter, h. cor. Sisth and<br />

cor. Beaubien.<br />

Grand Rlver.<br />

Qarlick, James, sawyer, h. 448 Trowbridge. Gaston, Ogden, porter, h. 2 Walnut.<br />

Garling, Charles, laborer, h. 211 Twelfth. Gates, John M., laborer, bds. 550 Sisth.<br />

Garling, John, street car driver, h. 118 Sev- Gates, Lev-is, carpenter, h. 530 Sisth.<br />

enteenth.<br />

Gatewood. Richard (col'd), cook, h. rear 130<br />

Garner, Frederick T., upholsterer, bds. 48 Lafayette.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Gatland, James N., theatrical costumer, h.<br />

Garretson, Allen T., watchmaker and jew- 26 Lafayette.<br />

eler, 43 Michigan ave., h. $8 Brainard. Gatlick, James, sawyer, h. 448 Seventeenth.<br />

Garretson, Lieut. George A., Headquarters Gauchsr, Francis, laborer, h. 554 Congress e.<br />

Department of Lakes, s. w. cor. Wood- Gauclrer, Louis, tub and pail maker, h. e. s<br />

bridge and Rivard, bds. Russell House. Dubois, bet. Macomb and Croghan.<br />

Garrett, Charles F., pailmaker, bds. n. s. Gaudron, Lucien, cabinetmaker, h. 356<br />

Plum, nr. Fifth.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Garrett, Edward, carpenter, 66 Clifford, h. Gains, John, clerk, h. 130 Cass ave.<br />

60 same.<br />

Gaunt, Joseph, baker, h. 61 Croghan.<br />

Garrett, Elijah, tailor, h. n. s. Plum, nr. Gaul, Mathew N., printer, h. 83 Elizabeth w.<br />

Fifth.<br />

Gaul, Rlerritt M., printer, h. 49 Elizabethw.<br />

Garrett, Hiram C. (Irving & Garrett), h. 108 Gaulka, Charles, tailor, bds. 410 Eighteenth.<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Caulin, Peter Paul, cabinetmaker, bds 108<br />

Uarrett, John H., comluission merc2laut, Rivard.<br />

foot First, h. 124 Bagg.<br />

Gavett, William, h. 129 Clinton.


Gavitsic, John, clerk <strong>City</strong> Assessor's ofice,<br />

bds. 41 John R.<br />

Gawley, George C., bookkeeper, bds. Frank<br />

lin House.<br />

Gawley, W. V., bde. Franklin House.<br />

Gay, Hiram (Gay, Boardman &. Co.), h. 121<br />

Cass.<br />

Gay, Boardman & Co. (Hiram Gay, H. J.<br />

Boardman and - ), dollar store, 66<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Gaylord, Frank A., shipping clerk, bds. 138<br />

First.<br />

Gaylord, John, clerk, 11.138 First.<br />

Gagney, Mathew, laborer, h. 356 Seventh.<br />

Geahen, Martin, shipcarpenter, h. 26<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Geardy, Mrs. Mary, h. 531 Macomb.<br />

Gearin, Miss Ellen, millinery and dressmaking,<br />

89 Porter, h. 87 same.<br />

Gebel, Anthony, shoemaker, h. 566 Bronson.<br />

Gebhardt, Christian, h. 55 Sherman.<br />

Gebhardt, Christian, t.anner, h. 44 Twentysecond.<br />

Gebhardt, Christian, jr., carpenter, h. n. w.<br />

cor. Tenth and Grand River.<br />

Gebhardt, Gottlob, laborer, h. 17s Clinton.<br />

Gebhardt, Peter, laborer, h. 219 Clinton.<br />

Gedd, William, messenger D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

foot Hastings.<br />

Geddes, John, bookkeeper, bds. 284 Crass.<br />

Gee: Jane (wid. Martinj, h. 315 Fort e.<br />

Gee. John. butcher. bds. 32 Larned w.<br />

~ee: ~yrbn, carpenter and joiner, h. 185<br />

Third.<br />

Geer, Peter, butcher, h. cor. Whitney and<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Geffels, John, joiner, h. 118 Mullett.<br />

Gegirrky, Anna, dressmaker, 468 Beaubien,<br />

h. same.<br />

Geigir, Benjamin F., clerk, h. 46 Larned e.<br />

Geiger, Martin, h. 32 Adams ave. w.<br />

Geimer, Balthasar, cooper, 267 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Geisel, George, teamster, h. 151 Twelfth.<br />

Geiser, Frederick, blacksmith, h. 458 E'ort<br />

east.<br />

Geisinger, Samuel, carpenter, h. 48 Abbott.<br />

Geisse, Augustus Henry, h. 331 Larned e.<br />

Geisse, Henry Philip, clerk, bds. o. 275 n.<br />

331 Larned e.<br />

Geissner, Anton, brewer, h. 214 Columbia e.<br />

Geist, adam, cabinetmaker, h. 327 St. Antoine.<br />

Geist,, Casper, Supervisor Sixth Ward, bds.<br />

327 St. Antoine.<br />

Geist, Henry, macliinist, bds. 20 VT7ilkins.<br />

Geist, Valentine, <strong>City</strong> Sexton, Farrar, bet.<br />

Monroe ave. and Gratiot, h. 20 Wilkins.<br />

Geistler, August, cigarmaker, b. 132 Wilkins.<br />

Gelaw: John, laborer, h. 114 Seventeenth.<br />

Geleno, Antoine, laborer, 11. 91 Fifteenth.<br />

Gellectx, August, shoemaker, h. 194 &onson.<br />

Gemein, John J., bookkeeper, bds. 253 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Gemein, Mathias, laborer, h. 253 Macomb.<br />

Gemeinhart, Abraham, wagonmaker, 143<br />

Grand River, h. 287 First.<br />

Geming, Catharine (wid. Frederick), h. 211<br />

Congress e.<br />

Genay, John. h. 108 Porter.<br />

Genay, John E., machinist, bds. 108 Por-<br />

t,er.<br />

Genay, Thomas R., driver <strong>City</strong> Express, bds.<br />

10s Porter.<br />

Gengerki, George, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Du-<br />

bors and Lafayette.<br />

Glenicke, William, blacksmith, h. 431 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Genn, William C., clerk, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Gensler, Charles, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Gensler, Louis, salesman, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Genter, Uottfried, stonecutter, h. 203 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Genther, Charles, baker, bds. 464 Mullett.<br />

Genther, Frederick, meatmarket, 393 Grand<br />

River, 11. same.<br />

Gentle, William, carpenter, h. 324 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Gentner, Christopher, baker, 193 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 96 Catharine..<br />

Gentsch, Charles, dgarmaker, h. 216 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Geochel. Frederick, blacksmith, bds. o. 86 n.<br />

166 Napoleon.<br />

Geochel, William, laborer, h. o. 86 n. lt6<br />

Bronson.<br />

Geocht, Charles, tanner, h. 26 Silver.<br />

George, Amos, millwright, h. 208 Second.<br />

George, Charles J., gardener, bds. Ham-<br />

trarnck.<br />

George, Henry, carpenter, h. 394 Beaubien.<br />

George, Rachel (wid. Thomas), h. 175 Ma-<br />

ple.<br />

George, Mrs. Sarah (col'd), h. 336 Macomb.<br />

George, ~Villiam H. !col'd), waiter Michigan<br />

Exchange, bds. same.<br />

Gerald, Jesse, porter, bds. 99 Larned w.<br />

Gerard, Edward, laborer, bds. 655 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Gerard, Francis, h. 175 Orleans.<br />

Gerardin, John B., clerk, h. 140 Cass.<br />

Gerber, Joseph (Gerber & Pfromm), h. 301<br />

Croghan.<br />

Gerber, Peter, saloon and boarding, h. 101<br />

Macornb.<br />

Gerber & Pfromm (Joseph Gerber and Mar-<br />

tin Pfromm), meatmarket, 319 Croghan.<br />

Gerhard. Anthony, grocer, 482 St. Antoine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gerl~ardt, Charles, safemaker, h 124 Lafay-<br />

et t,e.<br />

Gerhartz, Nicholas, bartender, bds. 237 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

UerBe, Joseph, carpenter, h. 112 &lacomb.

GER GID<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS & CO., ( Gettess, William, clerk, bds. YOG Montcalm<br />


east.<br />

Geur, William, teamster, h. 560 Dequindre.<br />

,&#&~@~~9 Gewoa, Charles, broommaker, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and Leib.<br />


Gewin, Philip H., clerk, h. 331 Larned e.<br />

DETROIT, - MICHIGAN. Geyer, Ernest L., agent Nutual Life Insurance<br />

Co., Butler block, bds. '76 Con-<br />

Gerkes, William, laborer, h. n. s. Chestnut, gress m.<br />

bet. Chene and Pubois.<br />

Geyer, Guenther, shoemaker, h. 147 Catha-<br />

Gerling, Frederick, machinist, h. 174 Ma- rine.<br />

comb.<br />

Geyer, Jacob, carpenter, h. 41 Sherman.<br />

Germain, Daniel, clerk, bds. 25 Abbott. Gepann, John, machinist, h. 491 Beau-<br />

Germain, Henry, sailor, h. 360 Congress e. bien.<br />

Germain, Isadore, shipcarpenter, h. 349 Geymann, Joseph, wagonmaker, h. 266 Mul-<br />

Franklin.<br />

lett.<br />

Germain, Isaiah, joiner, h. 349 Franklin. Geymann, Joseph, jr., printer, bds. 266 Mul-<br />

Germain, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 556 Cro- lett.<br />

ghan.<br />

Geymann, Joseph T., printer, bds. 252 Mul-<br />

Germain, Joseph, blacksmith, 103 Dubois, lett.<br />

h. 156 Croghan.<br />

Geyman, Louis, cigarmaker, h. 540 Catha-<br />

German, Anthony, confectionery, 39 Michi- rine.<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

Gianque, James D., clerk, h. 163 Sixteenth.<br />

German, Ignatius, fruits and confectionery, Gibbings, Thomas, carpenter, h. 22 Park<br />

cor. Woodward and Michigan ave., h. 39 Place.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Gibbings, William, carpenter, 42 Palmer, h<br />

German-American Seminary, 251 to 259 36 Park Place.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Gibbons, Robert (Johnstone & Gibbons), bds.<br />

German, George, bookkeeper, bds. 125 293 Larned e.<br />

Woodbridge ~ v.<br />

Gibbs, E. B., student, bds. 294 Woodward<br />

German, John W., bookkeeper, bds. 55 ave.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Gibbs, Frederick George, salesman, bds. 135<br />

Germer, Louis, shoemaker, h. 134 Clinton. Park.<br />

Gerney, Anthony, captain steamer Gen. Gibbs, Mary (wid. George), h. o. 21 n. 25<br />

3rady, h. 466 Beaubien.<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Gerold, Henry, mason, bds. 278 Gratiot. Gibbs, William H., traveling agent, h. 143;<br />

Gerret, Octave, carpenter, bds. 225 Sixth. Park.<br />

Gerrett, Edward. jr., bds. 60 Clifford. Gibbs, William, machinist, h. 343 Lafayette.<br />

Gerring, Henry, scalemaker, bds. 175 Third. Gibloe, Louis, laborer, h. 65L Atwater.<br />

Gerry, Jacob, tailor, h. 146 Maple.<br />

Gibloe, Louis, drayman, h. Guoin, nr. Chene.<br />

. Gerry, James, tar roofer, bds. 81 First. Gibson, Caroline 1\11. (wid. John M.), music<br />

Ger~sy, Sophia (wid Peter), h. 35 Croghan. teacher, bds. 136 Grand River.<br />

Gerschow, Ernst, teamster, h. Bates, nr. Gibson, Elizabeth, h. 120 Wayne.<br />

Farrar.<br />

Gibson, Emerson J., billiard rooms, 151<br />

Gerstenberger, John G., shoemaker, bds. 183 Woodward ave., h. 21 Grand River e.<br />

Wilki~s.<br />

Gibson, George, gilder, h. 100 Michigan ave.<br />

Gert, Herman, shoemaker and saloon, 218 Gibson, George, gilder, bds. 263 Jefferson<br />

Fort e., h. same.<br />

ave.<br />

Gervis, Peter, laborer. bds. cor. Macomb ave. Gibsqn, George, shoemaker, bds. 862 Michiand<br />

Park.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Gerwens, Edward, brewer, bds. 217 Catha- Gibson, James, painter, h. 53 Second.<br />

rine.<br />

Gibson, John, builder and land dealer, h.<br />

Geschwind, Dominick, dairyman, h. s. s. 377 Sixth.<br />

Grand River, bet. Twelfth and Thir- Gibson, Lydia (wid. George), h. 16 Jones.<br />

teenth.<br />

Gibby, M7illiam, watchman Match Works.<br />

Geske, Joseph, carpenter, h. 112 Macomb. Giddey, Frank, grocer, 329 Woodward ave.,<br />

Gsssenhard, August, carpenter, h. 352 Ma- h. same.<br />

comb.<br />

Giddey, James, mason, h. 87 Cass ave.<br />

Gessmann, Daniel, sexton German Me'hod- Giddey, Samuel J., slateroofer, Atwater, bet.<br />

ist Episcopal Church, h. cor. Croghan and Brush and Randolph, h. 5 Ledyard:<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Giddey, 14 illiam, c1e1.k~ 11. 87 Cass ave.<br />

Glessner, John, laborer, h. 180 Sherman. Giddings, Benjamin F., engineer, bds. 228<br />

Gest, Charles, laborer, h. 386 Jlaple.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Gettess, i\hs Susan, seal~lstress, Ldci. 306 Giddy, Richard, juuk shop, 11 Griswold,<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

bds. same.


Gidley, Thomas, chairmaker, h. 413 Guoin.<br />

Gieake, Charles, laborer, h. Maple, n. w. cor.<br />

Ci~ene.<br />

Giefel, Joseph, boot and shoemaker, 62 Larned<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Gieffels, Stephen, cabinetmaker, h. 125 Mullett.<br />

Gierschke, Frederick, trunkmaker, h. 291<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Gierschke, Henry, laborer, h. 350 Mullett.<br />

Giersch (re, John, grocery and saloon, 191<br />

Adams ave. e., h. same.<br />

Gies, Charles, clerk, bds. 466 Gratiot.<br />

Gies, Conrad, h. 188 St. Antoine.<br />

Gies, Conrad, carpenter, h. 241 Rivard.<br />

Gies, Edward, blacksmith, h. 508 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Gies, Frederick, salcon and grocery, 91 and<br />

93 Congress e., h. same.<br />

Gies, George H., saloon, 1 6 Monroe ave., h.<br />

20 same.<br />

Gies, Gustav, clerk, bds. 466 Grat.iot.<br />

Gies, Henry, saloon, 213 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Gies, John, saloon, h. Gratiot, s. e. cor. Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

.Gies, Paul, County Treasurer, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Gratiot and Cliene.<br />

Gies, William, s~lesman, h. 198 Marion.<br />

Giffles, John, carpenter, 11.118 Bfullett.<br />

Giffles, Stephen, cabinetmaker, h. 125 Mul-<br />

Itttt.<br />

Gifford, George, State agent St. Louis Mutual<br />

Life Insurance Co., over Fir,-t Nat;c;na1<br />

Bank, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Griswold, h. 23 Pu'ineteen1.11.<br />

Gifferd, Joseph. painter, h. 386 Cass ave.<br />

Giger, Frank, clerk. bds. 62 Lamed w.<br />

Gijur, Joseph, shcemaker, I~ds. 18 Clay.<br />

Gilbert, Caleb B , physician, o. 37 n. 39<br />

Adams ave. e., h. same.<br />

Gilbert, George, laborer, h. o. 87 n. 111<br />

Baker.<br />

Gilbert, George W., cashier M. C. R. R., h.<br />

146 First.<br />

Gilbert, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 382 Fort e.<br />

Gilbert, Charles T., clerk, bds. 376 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Gilbert, James lV. (J. W. Gilbert & Co.), h.<br />

44 Cass.<br />

Gilbert, John, carpenter, h. 640 Seventh.<br />

Gilbert, Martin, bds. Garrison House.<br />

Gilbert, Milton M., pngineer M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

o. 237 n. 281 Lafayette ate.<br />

Gilbert, Thomas, c.lerk, bds. '71 Beaubien.<br />

Gilbert, Thomas, sailor, h. m. s. Williams<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Gilbert, WTilliam (J. W. Gilbert & Co.), h. 54<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

GILBERT, J. W., & CO. (James W. and<br />

William Bilbrrt), felt and composition<br />

gravel roof's, 54 Jefferson ave. (See Adv.)<br />

Giibey, Bate, hairdresser, bds. 190 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Gilbey, Thomas, saloon, 190 FTToodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gilboy, Patrick, laborer, h. n. s. Second, cor.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Gileczek, Albert, shoemaker, bds. 194 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Giles, John H. (col'd), barber, 58 Michigan<br />

ave., bds. Beaubien.<br />

Gilinas, Brother of the Christian Schools,<br />

128 Macomb.<br />

Giliesce, James, assistant .priest Cathedral,<br />

bds. 343 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gill, Bartholomew, laborer, bds. 16 Beau-<br />

bian.<br />

Gill, Frank, wagonmaker, h. 22G Marion.<br />

Gill, James, peddler, h. 148 Ilivision.<br />

GILL, JAMES, stores and tin ware, 109<br />

Michigan ave., h. 95 same.<br />

Gill, John, sailor, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

Gill, John, painter, bds. 226 Marion.<br />

Gill, Mathias, blacksmith, bds. 428 Gratiot.<br />

Gill, William, butcher, h. e. s. Twentieth,<br />

bet. Baker and Mich. ave.<br />

Gillam, Charles H. (col'd), barber, h. 303<br />

hlacomb.<br />

Gillender, David, hackdriver, h. 10 Harriett.<br />

Gillett, John R., bookkeeper, h. 108 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Gillett,' Rufus W. (Gillett & Hall), h. 97 Cass.<br />

Qillett, Samuel O., importer of fashions, 288<br />

Wcodward are., h. same.<br />

Gillett, Shadrech, h. 17 John R.<br />

Gillett, Thaddeus K., ,attorney, 2 Buhl<br />

Block, h. 281 First.<br />

Gillett St Ha11 (Rufus W. Gillett and Theo-<br />

dore P. Hall), commission merchants, s,<br />

w. corner Woodbridge and Sheiby.<br />

Gillies, Nargaret (wid. Hugh), h. 487 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Gillies, Robert B., clerk, bds. 487 Congress e.<br />

Gillies, William, machinist, h. 487 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Gilligan, Patrick, boat builder, bds. 337<br />

Franklin.<br />

Gillis, Ransom, clerk, bds. '73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Gillis, Samuel W., clerk, h. 55 Elizabeth e.<br />

Giilispie, Jacob, machinist, h. 55 Jones.<br />

Gillispie, Joseph, machinist, h. 55 Jones.<br />

Gillman, Edward, grocer, 135 St. Au bin ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gillman, Ellen M.. h. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillnlan, George E., trader, bds. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gillman, Henry, civil engineer, h. o. 63 n.<br />

61 Adams ave. w.<br />

Gillman, Herman M., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Gillma,n, William H., bds. 91 Farrar.<br />

Gilloy, Peter, grinder, h. 145 Sherman.<br />

Gilman, Baxter, traveling agent, bds. Fin-<br />

ney's Hotel.<br />

Gilman, Daniel H., traveling agent, bds.<br />

Finney's Hotel.<br />

Gilman, Henry M., manager D. D. Mal-<br />

lory & Co., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Gilmartin, Peter P., physician, h. 31 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Gilmore, George N., blacksmith, h. 93 Ab-<br />


204 GU CLARK'S<br />


NEW YORE<br />

Girod , Philemon, cabinetmaker, h. 275 ~ roghan.<br />

bmg@~@~@@ - @ @ Girodat, Jacob, ~ cigarmaker, ~ h. 324 Macomb. ~ ~ ~<br />

ASSETS, . . . $12,000,000 Girodot, Margaret (wid. Joseph), h. 138<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 Macomb.<br />

-<br />

Gisbert, Hubert, laborer, h. 464 Sixteenth.<br />

SOLON DIeELBOY, Illanager and Agweg Snpt., Gisler, Michael M., carriage factory, 135<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICE. Larned w., h. Farnsworth, nr. Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Gilmore, James, dry goads and millinery, Oittar, John, laborer, h. 101 Jay.<br />

167 Jefferson ave., bds. Franklin House. Gladewitz, William, gardener, h. e. s. Elm-<br />

Gilmore, James, painter, h. 78 Clifford. wood ave., bet. Elmwood Cemetery and<br />

Gilmore, Julius B., bookkeeper, h. Alexan- Gratiot.<br />

drine ave., m. Cass are.<br />

Glaeser, Gottlieb, painter, h. 55 Sherman.<br />

Uilmore, John, boiler inspector, h. Orleans, Glaesner, Anton, brewer. h. 214 Columbia e.<br />

below Jay.<br />

Glaesner, Robert, jeweler, 21. 148 Catharine.<br />

Gilmore, hliss Leonora, teacher Cass Union Glaser, Henry C., mason, h. e. s. Thirteenth,<br />

School, 11. 93 Abbott.<br />

nr. Locust.<br />

Gilmore, Lucian B., clerk F. Raymond & Glaser, William (Glaser St Matgen), 625<br />

Son, bds. 93 Abbott.<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Gilmore, Margaret (wid. Francis), h. 238 Glaser & Matgen (LViiliam Glaser and Xa-<br />

High,<br />

thias Matgen), grocery and liquors, 625<br />

Gilmore, Robert B., bds. 169 First.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Gilmore, Thomas, bds. e. s. Twelfth, bet. Glass, Archibald O., agent, bds. 375 Cass<br />

Walnut and Chestnut.<br />

ave.<br />

Gilmore, \Jralter, clerk D. & M. R. R., bds. Glass, James (Balleray, Glass & Co.), bds.<br />

27 Congress w.<br />

375 Cass ave.<br />

Gilroy, Mrs. Ann (wid. Hugh), h. w. s. Glass, John, boot and shoe mnfr., 93 Jeffer-<br />

Twenty-fourt h, nr. Michigan aye.<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Qimbel, Henry Edward, cabinetmaker, bds. Glasser, Henry, mason, h. 210 Hastings.<br />

107 Larned e.<br />

Giate, Albrectlt, cigarmaker, h. w. s. Eight-<br />

Qimbel, Martin, cabinetmaker, 107 Larned eenth, bet. Baker and Michigan ave. i<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Glaubenfritz, Charles, laborer, h. 174 Jay.<br />

j<br />

Gimerfield, Victor, laborer, h. 465 Guoin. Glazier, Alzina, dressmaker, Ms. 197 Urand I<br />

Gimley, James, painter, h. 458 Wood- River.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Glazier, Jennison F., h. 197 Grand River.<br />

Gingrase, Joseph, carpenter, h. 346 High. Gleason, Edward W., agent Florence sewing<br />

Ginno, Thomas, laborer, bds. 15 Twentieth. machine, bds. Tre~nont House.<br />

Ginsburg, Moses, dry and fancy goods, 227 Gleason, James, chair painter, bds. 41 La-<br />

Crog'han, h. same.<br />

brosse.<br />

Ginter, Charles, laborer, h. w. s. Twenty- Gleason, Johansh (wid. John), h. 322<br />

first, bet. Howard and Fort.<br />

Sixth.<br />

Ginsterblum, Mathias, carpenter, h. 5 Gleason, John, boilermaker, h. 286 Sixth.<br />

Trombley.<br />

Gleason, John, boilermaker, bds. 322 Sixth.<br />

Gtippen, Christopher, tanner, h. Twenty- Gleason, John, employed, St. Mary's hospital,<br />

second, nr. Bellogg's foundry.<br />

bds. same.<br />

Girard, Jacob, carpenter, h. 176 Beech. Gleason, Mrs. Kate (wid. Morris), h. 41 La-<br />

Girard, John, carpenter, bds. 176 Beech. brosse.<br />

Girardin, Charles, ship carpenter, h. 472 G leason, Marcellus, meat market, 231 Grand<br />

Macornb.<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Girardin, Charles F., boilermaker, h. s. s. Gleason, Mathew, drayman, h. 343 Twelfth.<br />

Maple, bet. St. Aubin ave. and Dubois. Cileason, Nrs. Mary, cloakmaker, 127 Wood-<br />

Girardin, Elizabeth (wid. Peter), h. 308 Or- ward ave., bds. 68 Henry.<br />

leans.<br />

GZeason, Morris, boilermaker, h. 234 Sixth.<br />

Girardin, Frank S., bookkeeper, bds. 236 Gleason, Patrick, drayman, h. s. e. cor. Sev-<br />

Beaubien.<br />

enth and Oak.<br />

Girardin, James A., agent and notary public, Gleason, Thomas P., printer, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

78 and 80 Griswold, h. 140 Plum.<br />

Wooodbridge and Eleventh.<br />

Girardin, John B,, salesman Gage Bros., bds. Gleason, W'illiam, laborer, h. w. s. St. Au-<br />

140 Casa.<br />

bin ave., bet. Larned and Congress.<br />

Girardin, Joseph, clerk, h. 591 Gratiot. Gleason, William J., checker D. & M. R. R.,<br />

Girardin, Peter N., policeman, h. Mt. Elliott bds. 183 Franklin.<br />

ave., bet. Fort and Lafayette.<br />

Glees, Jolm, tinsmith, bds. 42s Gratiot.<br />

Giirgirsky, Michael, cabiuetmaker, h. 446 Glen, John, cooper, h. 182 Marion.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Gleim, Henry, wood, 21.438 Clinton ave.

GLE GOL<br />

Glendinning, Andrew, machinist, h. 75<br />

Orchard.<br />

Glendinning, Henry, butcher, h. 447 Eighteenth.<br />

GILENDINNING, DAVID W., foundry and<br />

iron railing manufr, 164, 166 and 168<br />

Michigan ave., h. 47 Spencer. (See adv.)<br />

Glennig, Simon, peddler, h. 198 Lafayette.<br />

Glessnsr, August, agent <strong>Detroit</strong> Abend Post,<br />

h. 237 Adarns ave. e.<br />

Gliem, Henry, butcher, 11.495 Gratiot.<br />

Glogner, Ernst, marble polisher, h. 411<br />

Sherman.<br />

Oloster, Morris, laborer, bds. 296 Fifth.<br />

Glover, Arthur (Glover & Powell), bds. 47<br />

Congress w.<br />

Glover, Charles A., agent, bds. 112 Fort e.<br />

Glover, Charles B., produce, h. 37 Rowland.<br />

Glover, Henry, h. 47 Congress w.<br />

Glover, James, porter, h. 163 Franklin.<br />

GLOVER & PO WELL (Arthur Glover and<br />

James Powell), hardware, 114 Woodward<br />

ave. (See ado.)<br />

Gluecklfch, ~nthon~, salesman, h. 275<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Glueckstein, Abraham, shoemaker, h. 122<br />

Clinton.<br />

Glutte, John, tailor, 11. 83 North.<br />

Glynn, John, cigarmaker, h. o. 250 n. 280<br />

Micliigan ave.<br />

Glynn, John, laborer, h. 146 Jones.<br />

Glynn, Micliael, bds. 146 Jones.<br />

Gmsiner, Clemcns, cabinetmaker, h. rear<br />

231 Lafayette.<br />

Gmeiner, Frank, lithographer, bds. rear<br />

251 Lafayette.<br />

Gmeiner, Julius, engraver and stencil<br />

plate cutter, 187 Jefferson ave., bds. rear<br />

251 Latjyette.<br />

Gnake, John, carpenter, bds. 245 Mullett.<br />

Gnau, John, constable Fourth Ward, h. 110<br />

Blullett.<br />

Gnau, William, blacksmith, bds. cor. St.<br />

Aubin ave. and Woodbridge.<br />

Gobb, John, carpenter, 11. 530 Orleans.<br />

Goble, Benjamin, paver, h. 210 EIastings.<br />

Goble, Ezra, paver, bds. 210 Hastings.<br />

Godbout, Theophile, tinsmith, h. 172 Cro-<br />

&an.<br />

Goddard, S. May, architect, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Godfrey, Frederick, clgarmaker, bds. 81<br />

Fifth.<br />

Clodfrey, Harry, laborer, bds. 43 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Godfrey, Jeremiah, <strong>City</strong> Assessor,l8 Monroe<br />

ave., h. 45 Rowland.<br />

Godfrey, Joseph (Godfrey & Co.), h. 99 Winder.<br />

Godfrey, Lorenzo D., attorney, 32 Larned<br />

w., bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

Godfrey, Marshall H. (Godfrey & CO.), h. 45<br />

Rowland.<br />

Godfrey, Thomas, laborer, h. 16 Marian.<br />

' Godfrey, Thomas, shoemaker, bds. 43 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Godfrey & Co. (Joseph and Marshall H.<br />

Godfrey), wall paper and paints, 251 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Godfroy, Charles F., bookkeeper, bds. 76<br />

Congress IV.<br />

Godfroy, Miss Cornelia, milliner, bds. 275<br />

Congress e.<br />

Godfroy, Frank A, clerk, bds. 76 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Godfroy, Mrs. P., h. n. w. cor. Congressan<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Godfroy, William H., boarding, h. o. 52 n.<br />

76 Congress w.<br />

Godley, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 120 Whit-<br />

ney.<br />

Godnan, Henry, butcher, 524 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Godrich, Frank, driver, bds. 377 Croghan.<br />

Goebel, Augustus, grocer, 355 Fort e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Goebel, John, teamster, h. 70 Antietam.<br />

Goeller, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 514 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Goeller, Peter, grocery and saloon, 466<br />

Gratiot, 31. same.<br />

Goellner, Gustav, saloon, 163 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Goettmann, George, printer, h. 185 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Goetsch, Herman, h. 478 Orleans.<br />

Goetscli, William, carpenter, h. 188 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Goetz, Adolph, cigarmaker, bds. 226 Adam<br />

ave e.<br />

Goetz, Mrs. Anna, h. 226 Adams ave. e.<br />

Goetz, Christ.ian, peddler, h. 55 Sherman.<br />

Goetz, Edward, butcher, bds. 199 Gratiot.<br />

Goetz, GGorge, carpenter, h. 82 Maple.<br />

Goff, Charles W., clerk Blue Line, 11. Eliza-<br />

beth w., bet. Woodward ave. and Park.<br />

GoK William C., clerk, bds. o. 29 n. 33 Eliz-<br />

abeth w.<br />

Goffinet, James, wines and liquors, 66 Lar-<br />

ned e., h. same.<br />

Gogger, John, mason, bds. 42 George.<br />

Gogger, Richard, con tractor, h. 42 George.<br />

Golns, Thomas (col'd), whitemasher, h. 141<br />

Fort e.<br />

Golden, Edward H., clerk Department of<br />

Lakes, bds. Tremont House.<br />

Golclen, Hugh, laborer, h. 35 Harrison ave.<br />

Goldenberg, Louis, h. 172 Lafayette ave.<br />

Goldenbogen, Charles, laborer, h. 438<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Goldenbogen, Frederick, wagonmaker, h.<br />

248 Bussell.<br />

Goldenbogen, William, saloon, 41 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Goldman, Moses, hairdresser and wi,o;maker,<br />

190 Woodward ave., h. 120 Lafayette.<br />

Goldmann, Abraham, peddler, h. 218 St.<br />

Bntoine.<br />

Goldrick, William, moulder, h. 244 Porter.




s$-tgy~?? jjg~g3?&&@$8<br />

0 L -<br />

office, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


Goldschmidt, Catb arine (wid. William), h.<br />

196 Maple.<br />

Goldsmith, Miss Anna M., teacher Capitol<br />

Union School, bds. 232 Second.<br />

Goldsmith, Charles L., bookkeeper, bds. 0.<br />

168 n. 232 Second.<br />

Goldsmith, Ueorge W., salesman, 292<br />

Woodward ave., bds. 307 same.<br />

Goldsmith, James H., propr. Goldsmith,<br />

Bryant & Stratton <strong>Detroit</strong> Business<br />

College, h. o. 168 n. 232 Second.<br />

Goldsmith, John, printer, h. 311 Benubien.<br />

Goldsmith, Margaret, h. 307 Wood ward<br />

ave.<br />

Goldsmith, Oliver, cigar manfr., 163 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., h. 353 same.<br />

Goldsmith, Bryant & Stratton <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Business College, Seitz Block, 73 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Goldstein, Jacob, peddler, h. 50 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Goldstein, Louis, cigarmaker, h. 170 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Goldstein, Louis, cigarmaker. h. 141 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Goldstone, Nathan, peddler, h. 221 Cass.<br />

Golorneau, Isaac, drayman, h. 59 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Golovsky, Harry, fancy goods, 303 Wood-<br />

ward ave., bds. 111 Port e.<br />

Goltz, Frederick, laborer, h. 458 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Golz, George, h. 411 St. Antoine.<br />

Golz, William, laborer, h. 6'7 Dequindre.<br />

Golze, William, brickmaker, bds. 278 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Gtombensky, Jacob, peddler, B. 214 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Gonas, William, laborer, bds. 197 Twelfth.<br />

Qondorf, Charles, agent M. Rosenfield, h.<br />

325 Michigan ave.<br />

Good, Bernard, laborer, bds. 419 Fort e.<br />

Good, Ellen (wid. William), h. 197 Maple.<br />

Good, Fanny (wid. Bernard), h. 419 Fort e.<br />

Good, James, assistant baggage master M.<br />

S. &N.I. R. It., bds. 197 Maple.<br />

Good, Jacob, watchman, h. o. 219 n. 359<br />

High.<br />

Good, John (Kremer & Co.), bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Good, Mary (col'd-wid. Archibald), h. 389<br />

Macomb.<br />

Good, William, carpenter, h. 508 Lafayette.<br />

Goodale, Charles, printer, bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Goodale, David C., propr. Tremont House,<br />

n. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and dandolph, h.<br />

same.<br />

Goodale, George P., city editor Free Press,<br />

11. 6 Clinton.<br />

Goodale, George S., insurance agent, h. 150<br />

Congress e.<br />

Goodbrod, Theophile, tinsmith, h. 177 Hasting~.<br />

Goodchild, Robert, painter, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Third and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Goodell, Phipps B. (Goodell & Fassett), h.<br />

52 Park Placc.<br />

Goodell &- Fassett (Phipps B. Goodell and<br />

Solomon N. Fassett), commis.' elon merchants,<br />

28 ~oodbridie w.<br />

Goodfellow, John, bookkeeper Flower &<br />

Bro's.<br />

Gooding, Charles M., engineer, h. 128 Abbott.<br />

Gooding, E. D., comedian, bds. 253 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gooding, William, lumber dealer, h. 97 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Goodman,Alfred, grocer, 28 Grand River,and<br />

proprietor Goodman House, 22 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Goodman, Daniel (col'd), laborer, h. 505 Macorn<br />

b.<br />

Goodman, Robert, tailor, h. 582 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Goodman, Selig, clerk, bds. 37 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Goodmann, Benjamin, dry gooods, 226 Gr&<br />

tiot, h. same.<br />

Goodmann, Theodore E., h. 330 Gratiot.<br />

Goodner, William M., pastor Pine street<br />

Rlsthodist Cilurch, h. '72 Pine.<br />

Goodrich, Charles B., bookkeeper W. (3.<br />

Vinton, h. 132 Cass.<br />

Goodrich, Ichabod, boots and shoes, 70<br />

Grand River, h. 37 Abbott.<br />

Goodrich, James S., clerk, bds. 31 Madison<br />

aye.<br />

Goodral, Frank, carpenter and joiner, h. 434<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Goodsell, J. A. (J. A. Goodsell & Co.), h. 80<br />

Jones.<br />

Goodsell, John B., Capt. str. <strong>City</strong> of Frenlons,<br />

h. 80 Jones.<br />

Goodsell. Oliver C., grocer, 148 Randolph,<br />

bds. 2'7 Monroe ave.<br />

Goodsell J.A., & Co. (J. A. Goodsell 1,<br />

fancy dress patterns, 80 Jones.<br />

Goodship, Charles U., teamster, bds. Railroad<br />

Exchange, Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Goodson, J. Harvey, insurance agent, 156<br />

Jefferson ave., bds. Russell House.<br />

Goodwill, Henq, painter, bds. 327 Lafayette.<br />

Goodwill, Robert, carpenter, h. 116 Cherry.<br />

Goodwin, Hon. Daniel, Judge Circnit Court<br />

Upper Peninsula, h. 520 JeEerson ave.<br />

Goodwin, George, bds. o. 207 n. 275 Sec-<br />

I ond.


Goodwin, J. Merrill, office clerk, bds. 520<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Goodwin, Seth, letter carrier, h. n. s. Fre-<br />

mont, nr. Woodward ace.<br />

Goodwin, Wallace, hay dealer, h. o. 207 n.<br />

275 Second.<br />

Goodyear, John, peddler, bds. 399 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Goodyear, John, teamster, bds. 301 Sixth.<br />

Goodyear, Nicholas, laborer, h. w. s. Sev-<br />

enth. bet. Cherry and Oak.<br />

Goodyear, T homas, teamster, h. 301 Sixth.<br />

Gooley, Ash, carpenter, Larned e.<br />

Goos, Ludwig, shoemaker, n. e. cor. Beau-<br />

bien and Harriett.<br />

Goosman, William, cigarmaker, bds. Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Gopplob, Istrichen, blacksmith, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and Nineteenth.<br />

Goranwyne, John, baker, h. Michigan avd.,<br />

bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Gordon, George, plasterer, bds. 24 Henry.<br />

Gordon, George, plasterer, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Gordon, Henry, h. 152 Abbott.<br />

Gordon, James, salesman Robert Inkster, h.<br />

114 Rivard.<br />

Gordon, James (col'd), laborer, h. 56 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Gordon, John (S. W. Morgan & Co.), h. 15<br />

George.<br />

Gordon, John, tailor, h. w. s. Sullivan ave..<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Chestnut.<br />

Gordon, Linus, saloon, h. o. 55 n. 60 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Gordon, Mary A. (col'd), seamstress, 123 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Gordon, Richard (col'd), barber, 6 Larned<br />

e., h. 65 Harriett.<br />

Gordon, Etobe~t B., carpenter, h. rear 182<br />

Hc ward.<br />

Gordon, Samuel S., clerk, bds. 183 Park.<br />

Gordon, Thomae, machinist, bds. 521 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Gordon, Timothy, bartender, bds. 8 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Gordon. William, mason. h. 24 Henry.<br />

Gordon, Wi liam, moulder, h. 130 Beech.<br />

Gordson, I. H., bds. Bussell House.<br />

Gore, Arthur, harbor master, saloon, At-<br />

water, n. e. cor. Bates, 11. same.<br />

Gore, Bridget (wid. John), h. 119 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Gore, John, boilermaker, bds. 152 Larned m.<br />

Gore, Julia (wid. James), h. 25 Atwater.<br />

Gore, Ralph, laborer, h. e. s. National ave.,<br />

bet., Locust and Pine.<br />

Gorrell, Henry (col'd), waiter, h. Kentucky,<br />

nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Garenflo, Theodore, brewer, bds. 275 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Gorep, Catharine (wid Edward), h. 43 Lewis.<br />

Gornan, Henry, clerk, bds. 1'70 First.<br />

Gorharn, James, tanner, 11. 1'70 First.<br />

Gorie, David, carpenter, bds. 197 Bivard.<br />

Gorie, John, carpenter, bds. 197 Rivard.<br />

Gorie, Magnus, carpenter, bds. 197 Rivard.<br />

Goring, John, bookkeeper, h. w. s Elmwood<br />

ave., bet. Larned and Congress.<br />

Gorius, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 109 Nullett.<br />

Gor~nan , Ann (wid. Michael), washerwoman,<br />

h. 123 Larned w.<br />

Gormon, James, carpenter, h. 130 Locust.<br />

Oorman, John O., blacksmith, h. 277 Eighteenth.<br />

Gorman, Martin, laborer, h. 297 Seventh.<br />

Gorman, Martin, maltster, h. n. e. cor. Abbott<br />

and Eleventh.<br />

Gorman, Michael, carpenter, h. 53 Fifteenth.<br />

(;Forman, Robert (col'd), h. rear 479 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Gorman, Thomas, boilermaker, bds. 123<br />

Larned w.<br />

Gorman, Thomas, boot and shoemaker, h.<br />

527 35ich. ave.<br />

Gorman, Timothy, h. 323 Fifth.<br />

Gorton, Frank, foreman lumber yard M. C.<br />

R. R., h. 541 Second.<br />

Gorton, clerk, h. 144 Rivard.<br />

Gorton, William R., homceopathicphysician,<br />

255 Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Goshen, Thomas, headsawyer, h. Fort, bet.<br />

Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Gossow, Edward, tailor, bds. 267 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Gotenau, Girard, grocer, 391 Orleans, h.<br />

same.<br />

Gotie, Joseph, laborer, bds. 98 Prospect.<br />

Gotier. Paul, caulker, h. 155 Chestnut.<br />

Gokel, Edward, shoelnakex, h. Dequindre,<br />

nr. James.<br />

Gottlive, Teufel, shoemaker, h. Fourth, cor.<br />

Grand.<br />

Gottsclialk, John, laborer, h. 433 Mullett.<br />

Gottschalk, William, jr., lastmaker, h. 523<br />

Macomb.<br />

Gottsclialk, William, sr., lastmaker, h. 519<br />

Macomb.<br />

Gottschau, Nicholas, carpetweaver, 193<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Gottwarth, Christian, peddler, h. 525 Seventh.<br />

Gotz, Caroline (wid. Antoine), h. 289 Juliette.<br />

Goucher, Louis, mason, h. 171 Dubois.<br />

Goucher, William, tailor, bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Goudreau, Frank, joiner, h. 434 Lafayette.<br />

Gough, Mrs. Giles M., confectioner, 228<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Gould, Henry E., supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> R. R. Elevator,<br />

bds. Tremont House.<br />

Gould, James, machinist, h. 300 Fort e.<br />

(iould, Jacob, cook Russell House, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Gould, Marshall, shoemaker, bds. 37 Bates.<br />

Gould, Uriah, machinist, bds. 0.266 n. 300<br />

Fort e.<br />

Gould, Walter J. (Gould & Fellers), h. 270<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

- -

YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON DIcELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Gould & Fellers (Walter J. Gould and Mor-<br />

gan S. Fellers), wholesale grocers, 22<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Goulden, Charles, clerk, h. 344 Montcalm e.<br />

Goulet, Hilare, carpenter, h. 583 Laraed e.<br />

Goulet, Peter, shipcarpenter, h. 568 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Gourlay, William, engineew, h. 504 Con-<br />

gl ess e.<br />

Gouycliea, Gabriel, engineer, h. 257 Clinton.<br />

Gous, James J., carpenter, 11. 402 Third.<br />

Govin, Charles, merchant tailor, 13 Larned<br />

e., h. 61 Wayne.<br />

Gow, George B., shoemaker, h. s. s. Church,<br />

bet. Pu'inth avt.. and Tenth.<br />

Gowan, William J., tinsmith, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Gowdy, Francis, machinist, bds. 173 Abbott.<br />

Gowdy, Frank H., carpenter, bds. 173 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Gowdy, James, sailor, h. s. s. Parsons, bet.<br />

Cass and woodward aves.<br />

Gowdy, Norman D., printer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Ninth ave. and Butternut.<br />

Gowan, Eliza (wid. Dennis), h. e. s. Fif-<br />

teenth, bet. Howard and Marquette.<br />

Goyer, Edward, laborer, h. 385 Lafayette.<br />

Goyette, Louis, peddler, h. 597 Gratiot.<br />

Goyette, Xicholas, salesman, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Goyette, Mrs. Nicholas, fancy goods, 1468<br />

Woodward avt.., bds. Finney 's Hotel.<br />

Grabe, VSTilliam, night watchman, h. e. s.<br />

Humboldt ave., nr. Poplar.<br />

Grabherr, Marcus, painter, bds. 125 Croghan.<br />

Grabo, C. Gottlieb, h. 63 La,fayette.<br />

Grabowsky, --, peddler, h. 218 Ada~ns<br />

ave. e.<br />

Grace, Richard, laborer, h. o. 420 n. 490 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Gradwell, James T., editor Journal of Com-<br />

merce, h. 326 Brush.<br />

Gradwell, James W., tailor, bds. 3526 Brush.<br />

Graeber, Gottlieb, waiter Hotel Rlauch, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Graebner, William, marblecutter, bds. 216<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Graf, Frederick, laborer, h. 167 Chest.nut.<br />

Graf, Susanna (wid. Samuel), midwife, h.<br />

176 Clinton.<br />

Graff, August, laborer, h. w. s. Lafontaine<br />

ave., nr. Poplar.<br />

Grafi, Charles, laborer, h. w. s. Lafontaine<br />

ave., nr. Poplar. .<br />

Gragh. Anton, carpenter, bds. Eighth, bet.<br />

Fulton and Irving.<br />

Gragh, Pauline (wid. Henry), h. Eighth, bet.<br />

Irving and Fulton.<br />

Graham, Alexander, sailor, h. 456 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Graham, Andrew, stone polisher, h. 41<br />

Lewis.<br />

Graham, Andrew, clerk, bds. 140 Cass.<br />

Graham, Mrs. Ann (wid. R~bert), h. 342<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Graham, Colin, sailor, h. 37 Seventeenth.<br />

Graham, Daniel, blacksmith, bds. 63 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, Henry, tanner, h. 114 Michigan ave. .<br />

Graham, John, patternmaker, bds. 37 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, Joseph H., grocer, 342 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Graham, Peter, grocer, s. e. cor. Michigan<br />

ave. and Fourteenth, h. same.<br />

Graham, Peter, policeman, h. Michigan<br />

ave., bet. Thirteen-and-a-half and Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Graham, Soloma (wid. J. J.), vegetables, 26<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. n. s. Macomb, bet.<br />

St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Graham, Thomas, laborer, h. E. s. Plum, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Graham, Thomas, mason, h. 72 Montcalm e.<br />

Graham, William, book and job printer, 51<br />

Bates, 11. 621 Cass ave.<br />

Grall, Sebastian, laborer, h. 230 Clinton.<br />

Gram, John, fresco painter, h. 108 Crogha~.<br />

Grand ltiver Street Railway Depot, Cirand<br />

River, n. w. cor. Eighth.<br />

Grand Trunk Railway Depot, s. w. cor.<br />

Mroodbridge and Third.<br />

Grander, Charles, shoemaker, bds. 616<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Grando, Henry, blacksmith, h. 421 Fourth.<br />

Grandon, Joseph, laborer, bds. 347 Fort a.<br />

Graneist, Otto, cigar manfi.., 165 Fort e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Graney, Thomas, laborer, h. 46 Orchard.<br />

Granger, Charles, pumpmaker, bds. o. 53 n.<br />

101 Orleans.<br />

Granger, Edward, pumpmaker, 51 Orleans,<br />

h. o. 53 n. 101 same.<br />

Granger, Frederick, pumpmaker, bds. o. 53<br />

n. 101 Orleans.<br />

Granger, Frederick, with J. M. B. Sill, bds.<br />

84 Fort.<br />

Granger, Hiram (Granger, Carter & Co. and<br />

Granger & Sabin), h. Woodward ave., n.<br />

w. cor. Alexandrine nve.<br />

Granger, John H., mason, bds. 66 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Granger, Joseph, mason, h. 66 Adams ave.<br />

west.<br />

Granger, Matilda (wid. Sylvester), bds. 50<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Granger, Sidney, carpenter and builder, h.<br />

a. s. Mayberry ave., nr. Butternut.<br />

GRANGER, CARTEK. 85 CO. (Hiram Gran-<br />

ger, David Carter and Orrin T. Sabin),<br />

plug tobacco manirs., 33 Atwater.


Granger & Sabin (Hiram Granger and Orrin<br />

T. Sabin), bankers, 37 TVoodward ave.<br />

Graney, Daniel, laborer, b. 394 Fifth.<br />

Graney, Daniel, laborer, h. Woodbridge,<br />

bet. Hastings and Atwater.<br />

Gransinger, Peter, butcher, bds. 615 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Grant, Archibald, dyer, 26 Congress e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Grant, Donald, carpenter, bds. 331 Third.<br />

Grant, Edward, palnter, h. 253 Sherman.<br />

Grant, James, clerk, bds. 253 Jefferson ave.<br />

Graut, James, clerk, bds. cor. Congress and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Grant, James, moulder, h. 530 Fort e.<br />

Grant, Richard, watchman b1. C. R. R., h.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Grant, Samuel (col'd), h. s. e. cor. Ohio and<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Grant, Strothe (col'd). porter, h. s. s. Ohio,<br />

bet. St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Grant, Theodore, painter, h. 167 Brewster.<br />

Grant, Thomas H., pressman, bds. 305<br />

Sisth.<br />

Grant, Thomas W., foreman news room<br />

Daily Post, h. 305 Sisth.<br />

Grant, Wakeman, conductor, bds. 377 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Grant, William, cook, h. rear 458 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Grant, William, saloon, 217 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Grant, William C., mathematical instru-<br />

ment maker, h. 34 Montcalm w.<br />

Grant, William H., night watchman bl. C.<br />

R. R. depot, bds. 305 Sisth.<br />

Granville, Miss Sarah A., teacher, bds. 289<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Grarard, John, laborer, h. 172 Beech.<br />

Grasser, Frederick, laborer, h. 509 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Grasser, Frederick, tanner, h. 81 Sherman.<br />

Gratz, John, laborer, h. Fort, s. e. cor.<br />

Lei b.<br />

Graul, Charles, music teacher, h. 2'71 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Graulich, William L., carpenter, h. 216 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Graumann, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 292<br />

bIontealm e.<br />

Graumann, Christian, brewer, bds. 244 Xi-<br />

vard.<br />

Graumueller, Hermann, laborer, bds. 76<br />

Croghan.<br />

GI avaling, Antoine, shipcarpenter, h. 565<br />

Fort w.<br />

Gravelin, Antoine, carpenter, h. 13 Fort w.<br />

Gravelin, Emanuel, carpenter, 11. 594 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Gravelin, Seril, laborer, h. 586 Croghan.<br />

Braves, Henry, h. 220 Harrison ave.<br />

Graves. Henry A. (Tomlinson & Graves), h.<br />

62 Miami ave.<br />

Graves, Horace A., painter, h. 135 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Graves, Horace P., salesman, h. Seventeenth,<br />

bet. Fort and Congress.<br />

Graves, John, clerk in Bankruptcy, h. 54<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Graves. John, lawyer, h. 54 Montcalm e.<br />

GRAVIER, JOHN B. R., wines and liquors,<br />

general agt. Protective Mutual Life Ins.<br />

Society of N. Y., 106 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Gray, Adam, carpenter, h. 36 Columbia w.<br />

Gray, Alexander, check clerk G. W. R., h.<br />

139 Columbia e.<br />

Gray. Alfred A ., upholsterer, h. National<br />

ave., nr. Grand River.<br />

Gray, Archibald Y., clerk, h. 146 Howard.<br />

Gray, Catharine (wid. Nicholas), h. 211<br />

Second.<br />

Gray, Charles, h. 306 Randolph.<br />

Gray, Charles B., clerk &I. C. R. R., bds. 75<br />

Larned w.<br />

Gray, Charles W., office clerk, bds. 544 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Gray, David W., grocer, 230 Congress w., h. -<br />

same.<br />

Gray, Elizabeth (wid. George), h. 65 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Gray, Miss Emma, boarding, 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Gray, George T., machinist, h. 466 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Gray, James, laborer, bds. 211 Second.<br />

Gray, James, machinist, h. 255 Howard.<br />

Gray, John, laborer, bds. 101 Atwater.<br />

Gray, John, machinist, h. 700 Lafayette.<br />

Gray, John H., shoemaker, h. 219 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Gray, John S. (Gray & Toynton), h. 290 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Gray, Laura (col'd-wid. Henry), h. 117'<br />

Fort e.<br />

Gray, Mary L., dressmaker, o. 291 n. 311<br />

Woodward ave., up stairs.<br />

Gray, Nicholas, laborer, bds. 211 Second.<br />

Gray, Philip C., clerk, b. 288 Randolph.<br />

Gray, Robert M., salesman, h. 40 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Gray, MTilliam, chairmaker, h. n. s. Porter,<br />

bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Gray, William, machinist, bds. 275 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Gray, William (Gray & Moran), h. 544 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Gray, Mr. H. H. (C. D. Widman & Co.), bds.<br />

40 Congress w.<br />

Gray & &loran (William Gray and William<br />

B. Moran), lawyers, 17 and 18 Rotunda<br />

Building.<br />

Gray & Toynton (John S. Gray and Joseph<br />

Toynton), wholesale confectioners, 143<br />

Jeferson ave.<br />

Great Western Passenger Agency, n. e. cor.<br />

Jefferson ave. and Oriswold.<br />

Greb, Martin, blackslnith, 206 Watson.<br />

Grebbin, John, painter M. C. R. R., h. 249<br />


GRE GRE<br />


I<br />

Green, William G., tailor, h. s. s. Rivard,<br />

bet. Croghan and Macomb.<br />

OFFER<br />

Green, William S., accountant, bds. 40 Con-<br />

CHEMICALS gress w.<br />

GREEN & MILLER (William C. Green and<br />

AT EASTERN MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Louis M. Miller), managers Economical<br />

Mutual Life Ins. Co., 30 and 32 Larned w.<br />

We make none but what we can Greenbaum, Joseph, clothing, 47 Jefferson<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Greenbaum, William G., cutter with Ferner,<br />

areding, Rev. Peter, pastor German Re- 10 Congress e.<br />

formed Zion's Church, 11. 214 Russell. Greene, Andrew C., h. I1 Bronson.<br />

Greebner, Mary (wid. Christian), h. Gratiot, Greene, John, conductor, h. 507 Seventh.<br />

s. e. cor. Dubois.<br />

Greene, John, laborer, h. 413 Fort w.<br />

Green, Andrew, yardman Michigan Ex- Green, D. W., salesman Standish, Green<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

& Co., h. 653 Jefferson ave.<br />

Green, Ann (wid. Charles), h. 150 Marion. Green.ly, John, fireman, bds. 320 Fra,nklin.<br />

Green, Anna (wid. William), h. 280 Michi- Greenway, William, painter, h. 84 Seventh.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Greenfield, Francis, machinist, h. 68 Twen-<br />

Green, Arcadus, fruit dealer, h. 12 Lewis. tieth.<br />

Green, Charles, saloon, 68 Woodbridge w., h. Greening, Herman, dry goods and carpets,<br />

same.<br />

63 Woodward ave., h. n. e. cor. Twenty-<br />

. Green, Charles P., bricklayer, h. 6 Porter. third and Fort.<br />

Green, Daniel, accountant, h. 633 Jefferson Greenslade, John A., vinegar, h. 54 Madiave.<br />

son ave.<br />

Green, Daniel, produce dealer, h. 592 Michi- Greenwood, John, h. 165 Grand River.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Greenwood, Joseph W., shoemaker, bds. 110<br />

Green, Edward H., carpenter, bds. 16 Beau- Rivard.<br />

bien.<br />

Grew, James, streetcar driver, bds. 202<br />

Green, Emma (wid. George), h. 121 Gratiot. Eighth.<br />

Green, George, bds. 633 Jefferson ave. Greer, Mary (wid. William), h. 202 Eighth.<br />

Green, George B. (Standish, Green & Co.), Greese, Charles, shoemaker, bds. 436 Woodh.<br />

633 Jefferson ave.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Green, George \IT., sailor, h. 66 Baker. Greffley, Jacob, saloon, 303 MicLigan ave.,<br />

Green, James, groceries and liquors, 223 h. same.<br />

Sixth, h. same.<br />

Greffly, Leo, <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange, 52 Front.<br />

Green, James W., salesman, bds. 161 Clif- Gregg, John, carpenter, h. 220 John It.<br />

ford.<br />

Gregor, Bernard, founder, h. 125 Twenty-<br />

Green, Jeremiah, farmer, h. Hastings, nr. fourth.<br />

railroad crossing.<br />

Gregor, William H., bds. 93 Fort w.<br />

Green, John, drover, h. s. w. cor. National Gregory, Charles (col'd), laborer, bds. 379<br />

ave. and Ash.<br />

Maple.<br />

Green, John, laborer, h. 529 Fort w. Gregory, Everett (col'd), laborer, h. 408 Ma-<br />

Green, John, laborer, 11. 67 Abbott.<br />

ple.<br />

Greeu. John, plasterer, bds. 280 Michigan Gregory, Helen, (wid. Mark), h. rear 11<br />

ave.<br />

Jones.<br />

Green, J. Watson, druggist, bds. 161 Clif- Gregory, Lieut. James F., U. S. Engineer<br />

ford.<br />

Corps, bds. Russell House.<br />

a re en, Maria (wid. John), h. 304 Croglian. Gregory, John C., veterinary surgeon, 71<br />

Green, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 126 Gratiot, Larned, h. 74 Stlerman.<br />

bds. same.<br />

Gregory, Reuben (col'd), shoemaker, h. 210<br />

Green, Preston (col'd), laborer, h. 38 Clif- Lafayette.<br />

ford.<br />

Gregory, Vir,gil H., bookkeeper, bds. 49 La-<br />

Green, Robina (wid. James H.), bds. 161 fayette ave.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Gregory, Wllliam H. (col'd), sailor, h. 379<br />

Green, Sarah J. (wid. Jacob), h. 121 Con- Maple.<br />

gress e.<br />

Grehn, Henry, laborer, h. s. s. Catharine,<br />

Green. Sullivan D., reporter Free Press, h. bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

274 First.<br />

Greig, David, tailor and clothes cleaner, 60<br />

Green, Thomas, laborer, h. 169 Beech. Larned w,. h. same.<br />

Green, Wesley A., attorney-at-law, SO Gris- Greig, David (Kennedy & Greig), h. 372 Siswold,<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

teenth.<br />

Green, William, teamster, bds. 48 Labrosse. Greig, Pu'orman, steward, h. 54 Wayne.<br />

Green, JYilliam C. (Green S;, Miller), bds. Grcincr, Ercdcriclr, carpenter, h. 242 Colurn-<br />

It ussell House.<br />

, bid e.<br />



Greiner, Theodore, trunkmaker, bds. 242<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Greinke, Joseph, laborer, h. w. s. Dubois,<br />

south of Gratiot.<br />

Grelling, Gottschalk, photograph gallery,<br />

219 Jefferson ave.. h. 166 E1izabet.h w.<br />

Grenier, George, shipcarpenter, h. 189 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Gresbeck, Frederick, watchmaker, 10 Monroe<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Gieser, Frederick, laborer, h. 509 Macomb.<br />

Gressler, Charles, carpenter, h. 106 Brewster.<br />

Gressler, Joseph, gardener, h. 57 Watson.<br />

Gressler, Louis, carpenter, bds. 106 Brewster.<br />

Greusel, Joseph, lettercarrier District No.<br />

14, h. 101 Baker.<br />

Gretz, Miss Theresia, h. 271 Riopelle.<br />

Greusel, Isaac (John Greusel & Sons), res.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Greusel, John (John Greusel & Sons), h. 235<br />

Third.<br />

Greusel, John, jr. (John Greusel & Sons), res.<br />

Springwel Is.<br />

Greusel, Joseph (John Greusel & Sons), res.<br />

Springweils.<br />

Qreusel, Sylvester, machinist, bds. 101 Baker.<br />

GEEUSEL, JOHN, & SONS (John, Joseph,<br />

John, jr., and Isaac Greusel), brick and<br />

tile, 237 Third, mnfry. Springwells.<br />

Grevels, Edward, collector Sixth Ward, h.<br />

435 Hastings.<br />

Orey, James, machinist, h. 255 Howard.<br />

Grey, John H., shoemaker, h. 219 Randolph.<br />

Grey, William D., machinist, bds. 255 Howard.<br />

Gridley, William H., messenger Canadian<br />

Express, h. 141 Montcalm e.<br />

Griffin, Daniel, laborer, h. Crawford, n. w.<br />

cor. Maria.<br />

Griffen,. Flory, laborer, n. w. cor. Crawford<br />

and Buena Vista.<br />

Griffen, James, laborer, h. w. s. Fourth, opp.<br />

Joy.<br />

Griffin, John, teamster, h. 153 National ave.<br />

Griffin, John S., lettercarrier, h. 255 Eighteenth.<br />

Griffin, Thomas, grocer, 179 National ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Griffin, Thomas S. artin in & Griffin), bds.<br />

n. w. cor. Fourth and Marcy.<br />

Griffin, William, carpenter, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Jetierson and Mount Elliott aves.<br />

Griffin, Hiram, machinist, bds. 19 Sixth.<br />

Griffin, MTilliam (~ol'd), h. 61 Mullett.<br />

Griffin, James Francis (col'd), sailor, h. rear<br />

145 Fort e.<br />

Griffin, Levi T. (Noore & Griffin), bds 43<br />

Congress w.<br />

Griffin, Norah (col'd), tobacconist, h. 212 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

Griffin, Patrick, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Grand<br />

River and Adams aye.<br />

Griffin. Thomas J., teamster, h. 157 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

Griffin, William (col'd), porter, bds. 61 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Griffing, Sarah A. (wid. Joseph), h. 114<br />

Cass.<br />

Urifiith, Alfred, chairmaker, h. 137 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Griffith, Edward B., printer, bds. 52 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Grifith, Edward W., salesman, bds. 194<br />

Fourth.<br />

Griffith, John H., druggist, I06 Jefferson<br />

ave.. h. 133 Cass.<br />

Griffith, John J., laborer, h. 194 Fourth.<br />

Griffith, Thomas H., apothecary and drug-<br />

gist, o. 241 n. 287 Michigan ave., h. Ill<br />

Cass.<br />

Griffith. Vanvalsa. laborer. bds. 48 Abbott.<br />

~riffi th; William if. (col'd), laborer, h. 262<br />

Park.<br />

Griffith, William S., telegraph operator,<br />

bds. 194 Fourth.<br />

Griffith, William V., janitor Masonic Hall,<br />

h. 31 Larned w.<br />

Griffitlis, John E., clerk M. C. R. R., h. I<br />

Stimson.<br />

Griffley, Joseph, propr. Monroe House, 37<br />

Third.<br />

Griggs, Stephen (Griggs, Mott & Co.), h. 66<br />

Congress m.<br />

Griggs, Stephen A., clerk P. O., bds. 66<br />

Congress w.<br />

Griggs, Matt & Co. (Stephen Griggs, John<br />

T. ~Mott and Thomas S. Donahue), manufacturers<br />

Griggs' Aroxnatic Bitters, 15 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Griem, John, laborer, h. 219 Maple.<br />

Grier, Thomas M., laborer, h. 234 Abbott.<br />

Ories, Frederick, mechanic, bds. Chestnut,<br />

bet. Orleans and Dequindre.<br />

Gries, Jacob, laborer, h. Sherman, bet. Hast<br />

ings and Rivard.<br />

Grieser, Frederick. brewer, h. s. s. Sherman,<br />

bet. Uubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Grieshaber, Burghard (Grieslraber & St.<br />

Jorre), h. 393 Congress e.<br />

Grieshaber & St. Jorre (Burghard Grieshaber<br />

and Dexe St. Jorre), manir's of gold<br />

pens, 164 Jefferson ave, up stairs.<br />

Uriesinger, Louis, masonbuilder, saloon, 178<br />

Etussell, 11. same.<br />

Grlew, Frank, laborer, bds. n. w. cor. Bronson<br />

and Orleans.<br />

Grills, Elizabeth (wid. James), h. 156 Seo<br />

ond.<br />

Grimberg, Harris, peddler, h. 152 Lafayette.<br />

Chimes, John (col'd), sailor, h. 268 Watson.<br />

Grimes, Samuel (col'd), tanner, h. 136 Fort e.<br />

Grimm, Augustus, la borer, h. 338 Sherman.<br />

Grimm, Engelbert, watchmaker, bds. 26<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Grimm, Henry, tailor, h. 18 Palmer.<br />

Grimm, John, tailor, h. 382 Michigan ave.

- -<br />

GRI GRU<br />

NEW YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON NeELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, 116ICH.<br />

- -<br />

Grimm, John, bds. 129 Macomb.<br />

Grimm, Peter, music teacher, bds. 260 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Grimm, Salome (wid. John J.), vegetables,<br />

26 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 129 Macomb.<br />

Grimpf, Hubert, matchmaker, h. 141 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Orimshaw, John A., printer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Maberry ave. and Ash.<br />

Grindley, David, laborer, h. s. 8. Parsons,<br />

bet. Cass and Woodward aves.<br />

Grindlp, James, machinist, h. ,510 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Grist, Peter, groom, bds. 84 Larned e.<br />

Gristophel, Frederick, cigarmaker, bds. s. s.<br />

Irving bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Griswold, Albert, broommaker, h. 189 Third.<br />

Griswold, Charles W., clerk Farrand,<br />

Sheley & Co., h. 73 Selden.<br />

Griswold, Cynthia L. (wid. Aaron), h. 73<br />

Selden.<br />

Griswold, Hezekiah, insurance a@., 2 Lar-<br />

ned e., h. 89 Farmer.<br />

Griswold, Hinman, mechanic, h. 189 Third.<br />

Griswold, John, bricklayer, h. 109 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Griswold, William, broommaker, bds. 189<br />

Qroll, Julius, tailor, h. 374 Hastings.<br />

Qroll, Philip, soldier, bds. 451 St. Antoine.<br />

Gromletesky, Jacob, carpenter, h. 92 Bron- I<br />

son.<br />

Grones, Paul, shoemaker, h. 294 Juliette.<br />

Groomshaw, John M., laborer, h. w. s. May-<br />

berry ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Groper, Christian, cigarmaker, h. Spring-<br />

wells, s. e. cor. Camyau and Wood-<br />

bridge.<br />

Grosbeck, Jacob, cigarmaker, h. 278 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Grosfield, Anthony (Grosfield & Son), bds.<br />

1015 Michigan ave.<br />

Grosfield, Theodore (Grosfield & Son), h.<br />

1015 Michigan ave.<br />

Grosfield & Son (Antony and Theodore<br />

Grosfield), grocery and feed store, 1011<br />

to 1013 Michigan ave.<br />

Groshaw, John, carpenter, h. 122 Baker.<br />

Groskinsky , Sebastian, bds. 282 St. Antoine.<br />

Grosman, William (Berg & Grosman), bds.<br />

297 Montcalm e.<br />

Gross, Ferdinand, tailor, bds. 455 Sherman.<br />

Gross, Henry, pork packer, bds. 179 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Gross, Henry, foreman pork packer, bds. 10<br />

woodbridge w.<br />

Gross, Jacob, laborer, h. 405 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Gross, John: tailor, h. 144 Macomb.<br />

Gross, John P., shoemaker, saloon, 238 Rus-<br />

sell, h. same.<br />

Gross, Louis, carpenter, h. '76 Catharine.<br />

Gross, Willialu, tailor, h. 453 St. Antoine.<br />

Grosshans, Frederick, cigarmaker, bds. 428<br />

Gratiot .<br />

Grossman, Adam, carpenter, h. 248 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Grot, Hermut, laborer, h. n. s. Chestnut,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Groth, Char i es, shoemaker, h. 476 Orleans.<br />

Grotheyn, Ernst, laborer, h. 123 Leverett.<br />

Grotmarsh, Joseph, carpenter, h.118 Twenty-<br />

third.<br />

Grout, John R., agt. <strong>Detroit</strong> & Lake Super-<br />

ior Copper Co., h. 86 Fort w.<br />

Grove, Edwin H., office clerk, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Grove, William, painter, h. 211 Antietam.<br />

Grovenberg, William F., deputy sheriff, h.<br />

209 Handolph.<br />

Groveland, Charles L., painter, 6.109 Lev-<br />

erett.<br />

Grover, Frank, furniture, 305 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Gruendhal, John, clerk, bds. 16 Fort e.<br />

Uruenewald, Henry (Gruenewald & Broeg),<br />

h. 31 Miami ave.<br />

Gruenewald & Broeg (Henry Gruenewald<br />

and Max Broeg), saloon, 53 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Grueninger, Theodore, cabinetmaker, bds.<br />

1 Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Third.<br />

Gritman, Sa~nuel , foreman furnishing room<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory, h. 180 Fifth.<br />

Gritz, Hermann, shoemaker, h. 414 Riopelle.<br />

Grix, George. blacksmith, h. 235 Lafayette.<br />

Grix, John, blacksmith, h. 235 Lafayette.<br />

Grob, John, tailor, h. 344 Croghan.<br />

Grobber, Daniel, wagonmaker, h. 369 Antietam.<br />

Grober. Elizabeth (wid. George), h. 12 Silver.<br />

Groes, John, teamster, h. 79 Marion.<br />

Groestick, John, teamster, h. 80 North.<br />

Groest.ick. William, laborer. h. 111 Marion.<br />

~roff, ~uiust, laborer, h.' Fifteenth, nr.<br />

Grand Eiver.<br />

riff, Harry, cabinetmaker, bds. Garrison<br />

House.<br />

- Grogan, Lawrence, laborer, h. 133 Cherry.<br />

Grogan, Peter, laborer, bds. cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Canfield.<br />

Groh, Nicholas, gilder, h. 108 Elizabeth e.<br />

Grohans, Bernard, teamster, h. 124 Seventeetnh.<br />

Grohns, George, laborer, h. 133 Seventeenth.<br />

Groll, John, h. 10 Jay.<br />

/ Gruenmiller, Adam, tailor, h. nr. a. w. cor. I ,<br />

Groll, John, blacksmith, h. 451 St. Antoine. I Benton and Hastings.


Uruenstein, Jacob, peddler, h. 74 Lafay Guinan, James, laborer, h. s. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

ette.<br />

Larned and Jefferson ave.<br />

Gruenthal, Louis, peddler, h. 379 Hastings. Guinea, James F., grocer, h. 490 Grand<br />

Gruenthal, Maurice, peddler, h. 158 Colum- River.<br />

bia e.<br />

Guinea, Timothy, musician, h. 70 Columbia<br />

Uruetz, Gottfried, laborer, h. 405 Riopelle. west.<br />

Uruser, Albert, machinist, bds. 24 Brush. Guiney, Benjamin., tin and sheet iron, bds.<br />

Grug, Josephine (wid. Lawrence), h. w. s. 70 Columbia w.<br />

Twenty-fourth, nr. Fort.<br />

Guiney, Daniel, grocer, 247 Sixth, h. same.<br />

Urultge, Albert, laborer, h. 419 Maple. Guinno, Francis, nlachinist, bds. Seventh,<br />

Grummond, Delia (wid. George), h. 248 near Michigan ave.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Guirk, John, sailor, bds. Mansion House.<br />

Grummond, Stephen B., tugs and barges, Guiterman, Martin (Smith & Guiterman),<br />

dock bet. First and Cass, 11. 357 Seveuth. h. 16 Montcalm e.<br />

Grundahl, John, clerk Peter Voorhees, s. e. Gulde, Gott iieb, carpenter, h. 291 Riopelle<br />

cor. At water and Bates.<br />

Gulden, Charles, clerk, h. 344 Montcnlm<br />

Grundahl, John C. (H. R. Ziegler & Co.), east.<br />

bds. 1064 Michigan ave.<br />

Guldenpfennig, Andreas, mason, bds. 184<br />

Grunow, Albert, gardener, 11.196 Macomb. Clinton.<br />

Grunow, Hermanu, cigarmaker, h. 136 Clin- Gu 1 ley, Orrin S., book and job printer,<br />

ton.<br />

10 and 12 Larned e., h. o. 108 n. 136 Cass.<br />

Grupe, Henry, billiard table maker, h. 189 Gulley, Sanford T., printer, bds. 136<br />

Rivard.<br />

Cass.<br />

Gruschov, Frederick, laborer, h. 436 Maple. Gumbine, Nissen, peddler, h. 218 St. An-<br />

Gubby, Charles, coppershith, bds. 90 Fort toine.<br />

east.<br />

Gumbrecht, Augustus, bookbinder, h. 347<br />

Gubby, James, tinsmith, h. w. s Hasting, Bronson.<br />

bet. Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Gumelton, John, boltcutter, bds. 199<br />

Gubby, James A., tin and sheet iron, h. n. s. Eighth.<br />

Calhoun, near Prospect.<br />

Gumelton, Thomas, laborer, h. 199 Eighth.<br />

Gubby, Mary (wid. Francis), h. 139 Adams Gutnm, Lewis, salesman Campbell, Linn &<br />

ave. e.<br />

Co., bds. 'Goodms n House.<br />

Gubby, Mary (wid. Charles), h. 397 Lafay- Gundlach, Frederick, lastmaker, h. 367<br />

ette.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Gubby, William C., bds. 139 Adams ave. e. Gundlach, William, bookkeeper, h. 124<br />

Guenans, Andreas, cabinetmaker, 228 Ad- Mullett.<br />

ams are. e., h. same.<br />

Gunyew, Joseph, carpenter, h. Jos. Campau<br />

Guenther, Christian, baker, h. 38 Catha- ave., near Wight's mill.<br />

rine.<br />

Gunkel, Henry, painter, h. 102 Macomb.<br />

Guenthe~, John, wood peddler, h. 564 Mul- Gunn, Caleb I(. (Gunn & Locke), bds. Etussell<br />

lett.<br />

House.<br />

Guenther, Peter, Justice of Peace, 23 Lar- Gunn, George, vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall marned<br />

~v., h. 206 Macomb.<br />

ket, h 20 Fort e.<br />

Guenther, William, shoemaker, bds. 564 Gunn. Thomas, shipcarpenter, h. 460 Cro-<br />

Mullett.<br />

ghan.<br />

Guentherodt, Frederick, tailor, h. 294 Cro- Gunn & Locke (Caleb K. Gunn and<br />

ghan.<br />

Charles H. Locke), drygoods, 96 Wood-<br />

Guenzel, Joseph, blacksmith, h. s. s. Gra- ward ave.<br />

tiot, w. Eltllwood ave.<br />

Gunning, Mary A. (wid. James), h. s. s. Ma-<br />

Guerin, Thomas, clerk, bds. 202 Griswold, comb, w. Rivard.<br />

Gueterslo. William, wagonmaher, bds. 43 Gunsolley, James O., physician, 181 St. Au-<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

I bin ave., h. same.<br />

Guilleno. Antonio, laborer, h. 91 Fifteenth.<br />

- Gunthur, Frederick, yardman, bds. s. w.<br />

Guillerd, Constantine, sawfiler, h. 568 Cro- cor. Port and Third.<br />

ghan.<br />

I Guoin, Pontiff', bricklayer, h. 349 Larned e.<br />

Guilloz, Frederick, baker, 517 Gratiot, h. Gupert, John, laborer, h. o. 418 n. 462 Lasame.<br />

salle ave.<br />

Guilloz, James, peddler, h. n. e. cor. Scott Gurette, Joseph, saloonkeeper, 299 Woodand<br />

I-tiopelle.<br />

bridge w., h. same.<br />

Guilloz, John, baker, bds. 517 Gratiot. Guri, Stephen, laborer, h. 339 Lafayette.<br />

Guiiloz, Paul, baker, bds. 517 Uratiot. Gurneau, Prudence, carpenter, h. 483 Cro-<br />

Guiltey, Dennis, laborer, h. o. 289 4. 349 ghan.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

1 Gornell, Thomas G., grocer, 209 Watson,<br />

-<br />

Guina, Uavid, porter G. W. R., bds. 52 Du- I h.same.<br />

bois.<br />

Gunell, William, clerk, bds. 209 Watson.<br />


214 Gus CLARK'S DETROIT HA(;:<br />





--<br />

Gustel, Antoine, laborer, h. 760 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Gustell, Joseph, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., near Butternut.<br />

Gustin, William C., surgeon, 33 Adams ave.<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Gutchau, Charles, laborer, h. 135 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Gute, Anthony, teamster, h. o. 181 n. 247<br />

High.<br />

Gutekunst, John G., shoemaker, h. 385<br />

'I'm-elfth.<br />

Gutekunst, William, stonecutter, h. 113<br />

Catharine.<br />

Gutenau, Cornelius, meat market, 390 Or-<br />

leans, h. same.<br />

Gutersloh, John W., carriagemaker, bds. 42<br />

Monroe aye.<br />

Guth. J., shoemaker, bds. Tremont House.<br />

Guthart, Henry, grocer, 380 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Guthart, Jacob, clerk, bds. 380 St. Antoine.<br />

Gut hrie, Hugh, bds. Goodman House.<br />

Guthrie, Eachel (wid. John), h. 256 Rirard.<br />

Gutoe, Joseph, laborer, h. 514 Mullett.<br />

Gutschmidt, John, plumber, h. 526 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Guy, Hugh, jr., engineer, bds. 17 Beacon.<br />

euy, Hugh, sr., engineer, h. 17 Beacon.<br />

Guy, Kobert, patternmaker, bds. 17 Beacon.<br />

Guyger, John, carpenter, h. 465 Lasaile<br />

ave.<br />

Gyer, Nicholas, gardener, h Dequindre,<br />

near St. Joseph.<br />

BACK, Margaret (wid. John), h. 246<br />

H Gratiot.<br />

Haack, Valentine, painter, 68 Sherman, h.<br />

same.<br />

Haacker, John, cooper, h. 310 Maple.<br />

Haags, Frank, laborer, h. 323 Sherulan.<br />

Haar, Woltgang, laborer, h. 81 Chestnut.<br />

Haas, Augustus, cabinetmaker, h. s. s. Ger-<br />

man, bet. Chene and Jos. Carupau ave.<br />

Haas, George, cabinetmaker, h. cor. Xio-<br />

pelle and Gratiot.<br />

Haas, George, laborer, h. 96 Bronson.<br />

Haas, Joseph, stonemason, h. 78 North.<br />

Haase, Charles, tailor, bds. 675 Gratiot.<br />

Haase, F. William, shoemaker, h . Gratiot,<br />

near Dubois.<br />

naase. William, homccopathic physician, h.<br />

678 Gratiot.<br />

Haase, William, shoemaker, h. 590 Gratiot.<br />

Haass, Rev. Carl, pastor German Evangelical<br />

Protestant St. John's Church, h. 253<br />

Brush.<br />

Haass, John B., laborer, h. 263 Twelfth.<br />

Habbin, Harriett E. (wid. Henry G.), h. 103<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Habbin, Henry G., clerk D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

103 Adarns ave. e.<br />

Habbin, Richard N., entry clerk D. & M. R.<br />

R., h. 103 Adams are. e.<br />

Habbin, \\'alter E., clerk, bds. 103 Adams<br />

ave. east.<br />

Habbjn, W. F., commercial agent, bds. s. e.<br />

cor. Adams ave. and Brush.<br />

Habenicht, Paul, musician, bds. 219 Lafayette<br />

e.<br />

Haberkorn, Henry, carpenter, h. 437 St. Antoine.<br />

Habermann, Christian, carpenter, h. 124<br />

Sherman.<br />

Habmeyer, Maximilian, milkman, h. o. 68<br />

n. 368 North.<br />

Hack, Henry, carpenter, h. 258 Russell.<br />

Hacliett, Henry, taptain, h. 368 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Hackett, Henry (ROSS & Hackett), bds.<br />

Western Hotel.<br />

Hackenjos, Jacob, tanner, h. 239 Rivard.<br />

Hackett, James, sailor, bds. Emmet House.<br />

Hackett, Kobert J., agent N. T. Co., h. 380<br />

Howard.<br />

Hackett, Thomas, laborer, h. 639 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Haddock, Harry D., clerk str. Keweenaw,<br />

bds. Mrs. VSTall's, Beaubien.<br />

Haddock, Ray, com. editor Daily Post, h.<br />

168 Adams ave. e.<br />

Haddow, Arehibald, shipcarpenter, h. 540<br />

Lasalle ave.<br />

Haddom, William, machinist. h. 157 Abbott.<br />

Haddom, William, shipcarpenter, bds. 540<br />

Lasalle ave.<br />

Hadger, Joseph F., job printer, 208 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 37 Cherry.<br />

Hadgilch, Gecrge, clerk, bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Hadskis, Hugh, turner, h. 307 St. Antoine.<br />

Halberlein, Mrs. Emma, bds. 124 Gratiot.<br />

Haeffele, Melchior, shoemaker, bds. 217<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Hagey, Thomas, cooper, 11.419 High.<br />

Hafften, Alexander, cigarmaker, h. o. 655 n.<br />

6% Michigan ave.<br />

HAGADORN, ABRAHAM M., gunsmith, 8<br />

Gratiot, h., 141 Adams ave. e. (See ada.)<br />

Hagan, John A., telegraph operator, h. 240<br />

Howard.<br />

Hagan, Michael, blacksmith, h. 240 Twelfth.<br />

Hagan, W., bds. Biddle House.<br />

Hageman, Anthony, clerk, bds. 259 Gratiot.<br />

Hagsman, Charles, laborer, h. 215 Maple.<br />

Hagensick, John George, cigarmaker, bds.<br />

46 Fort e.

HAG CIT Y DIRECTORY. I3.A.L 215 .<br />

Hager, Charles, wagonmaker, h. 268 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Hager, John, clerk, bds. 265 Mullett.<br />

Hagert, Jeremiah, shoemaker, h. 60 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Hagerty, Daniel, machinist, h. 515 Fort w.<br />

Hagerty, Robert J., laborer, h. 103 Gra-<br />

t1ot.<br />

Hagley, William, laborer, h. 312 Clinton.<br />

Hague, John, clerk, 11.463 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hahn, Amandus, saloon, 123 Randolph, h.<br />

same.<br />

Hahn, Rev. Charles, assist. pastor St. Mary's<br />

German Catholic Church, h. 120 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Hahn, Frederick L., clerk, h. 25 Brainard.<br />

Hahn, Henry, baker, 25 First, h. same.<br />

Hahn, Henry, tailor, h. 277 Marion.<br />

Halrn, Hermann, laborer, 11. 355 Bronson.<br />

Hahn, Louis, umbrella maker, bds. 94 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Hahn, Louis, jr., marblecutter, bds. 103 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Hahn, Louis, sr., marblecutter, h. 103 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Hahn, William, carpenter, h. 151 High.<br />

Hahn, \Yilliam, marblecutter, h. 103 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Hahn, William F., clerk Hotel Mauch, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Haien, John, joiner, h. Chestnut, s. e. cor.<br />

Jos. Carnpau ave.<br />

Haigermoser, John, laborer, h. 178 Marion.<br />

Haigh, Henry, druggist, Jefferson ave., s. e.<br />

cor. Brush. h. 273 Larned e.<br />

Haight, l'ITilliam J., bookkeeper, h. 21<br />

Charlotte.<br />

HAISCHER. ANDREAS, house and sign<br />

painter, 296 St. Antoine, h. -same. (See<br />

a&.)<br />

Halberg, Frederick, drayman, h. 7 Pearl.<br />

Hale, Caroline(wid. George), h. 540 Third.<br />

Hale, James j r., pattermaker, h. 106<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Halel, Hiram, tanner, bds. 68 Larned e.<br />

Haley, Charles, rags and j unk, 313 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Haley, Daniel, butcher, bds. 326 Michigan<br />

aye.<br />

Haley, Andrew, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Ann<br />

and Cramford.<br />

Haley, Helen (wid. Daniel), h. 326 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Haley, James, barber, h. 363 Franklin.<br />

Haley, John, fruit dealer, 54 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, h. 701 Fort e.<br />

Haley, Patrick, laborer, h. w. s. Thirteenth,<br />

nr. railroad crossing.<br />

Haley, Samuel, carriagemaker, h. 246 Sec<br />

ond.<br />

Halford, *Richard, carpenter, bds. 46 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Halford, Richard, sawyer, h. 440 Franklin.<br />

Halihy. Patrick, city express, h. 99 At-<br />

water.<br />

--<br />

Hall, Albert H., salesman, bds. 4 St inlson.<br />

Hall, Anna (wid. James), h. 297 Cn~gllan.<br />

Hall, Anson B., policeman, h. 153 Hlgh.<br />

Hall, Burgess (B. Hall S: Co.), h. 284 Third.<br />

Hall, Charles E., bartender, h. 250 Clinton.<br />

Hall, Edmund, attorney,4 Rotunda Building,<br />

h. 68 Adams ave. e.<br />

Hall, Elizn (wid. Charles), h. 4 Stimson.<br />

Hall, George, tailor, h. 196 Third.<br />

Hall, Harry, merchant, h. Alfred, n. ~ v. cor.<br />

John R.<br />

Hall, Henry, shoemaker, h. 45 Macomb ave.<br />

Hall, Henry, plasterer, h. 152 Wilkins.<br />

Hall, Hiram. tanner, bds. GS Larned e.<br />

Hall, John, coachman, bds. 42 Henry.<br />

Hall, John, porter, h. o. 298 n. 271 Watson.<br />

Hall, John, tanner, h. 172 Twentieth.<br />

Hall, John T., law student, bds. Eisenlord's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hall, John W. (Hall & McDonald), marine<br />

reporter, h. 61 Clifford.<br />

Hall, Lucius E., principal Houghton Union<br />

School, bds. 35 George.<br />

Hall, Mrs. Louisa (col'd), 11. 139 Fort e.<br />

Hall, Mary (wid. Thomas), bds. 264 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Hall, Miss Mathilda E., aeacher Cass Union<br />

School, h. 58 Adams sve. w.<br />

Hall, Michael, shoemaker, h. Beaubien, nr.<br />

Division.<br />

HALL, MILES W., foreman Clayton Mills,<br />

h. 411 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hall, Milton, carpenter, h. 155 Oak.<br />

Hall, Milton M., traveling agent, h. 72<br />

Jones.<br />

Hall, Reuben H., conductor M, C. R. R., h.<br />

313 Third.<br />

Hall, Richard, plasterer, bds. 264 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

HALL, RICHARD H., brick and drain tile<br />

manfr., 115 Griswold, h. 368 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adz.)<br />

Hall, Robert, laborer, h. 211 Nineteenth.<br />

Hall, Sarah (wid. Charles), h. 92 Washingtdn<br />

ave.<br />

Hall, Theodore P. (Gillett & Hall), h. 30<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Hall, Thomas, bricklayer, bds. 360 Michigan<br />

are.<br />

Hall, William, jeweler, 131 Jefferson ave , h.<br />

62 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hall; William B., fruits and candies, 99<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 19 Fort e.<br />

Hall, B., & Co. (Burgess Hall and Samuel<br />

W. Nash), leather, hides and findings, 88<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hall $ McDonald (John W. Hall and Stewart<br />

McDonald), produce and commission<br />

merchants, foot Shelby.<br />

Halla, John, huckster, h. 141 Macomb.<br />

Hallam, George W., traveling agent, h. o.<br />

92 n. 85 Farrar.<br />

Hallar. John, tinsmith, h. 362 High.<br />

H allebisk, Frederick, confectioner, h. n. e.<br />

cor. Bellair and Kiopelle.


26<br />

NEW ,TORE<br />

Hamberger, John F: copper, h. 114 Twelfth.<br />

b8f?@-' N fi6@~@ - @ @<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON NeELROY, Manager and Agency Sapt.,<br />

Hamblen, Cornelius, jr. (Hamblen, Baker &<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

~e=ininsila= Bang E@ildi?g, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

H~ller, John, drayman, h. 346 St. Antoine.<br />

Haller, Michael, tinware and stoves, 1 Porter,<br />

h. same.<br />

Haller, Nicholas, porter, h. 50 ~arriett.<br />

Halliday, William, carpenter, bds. 307 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Halligan, Hugh, h. Twentieth, nr. Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Halligan, Hugh, moulder, bds. w. s. Sullivan<br />

rave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Halligau, John, laborer, h. 3639 Sixteenth.<br />

Hallister, William B., h. 149 Tenth.<br />

Hallock, Charles, laborer, h. 250 Porter.<br />

Hallock. Francis R. (Hallock & CO.), bds.<br />

Rli chigan Exchange.<br />

Hallock, Frank, clerk, bds. 460 Jefferson<br />

J ape.<br />

Hallock, Horace (Hallock & Co.), h. 460<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hallock, Horace R. (Hallock & Co.), h. 46<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Hallock, H., bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hallock, Lewis W., clerk, bds. 460 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hallock & Co. (Horace, Horace R. and Francis<br />

It. Hallock), merchant tailors, 168 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hallohan, Daniel, drayman, h. 107 Labrosse.<br />

Halloran, Jeremiah, laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Ann-and Sixth.<br />

Halloran, John, sea master, h. 134 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Halloran, Michael, clerk <strong>City</strong> Assessor's office,<br />

h. 134 Seventh.<br />

Halloran, Patrick, carpenter, h. 294 Fifth.<br />

Halloran, Thomas, grocery and liquors, 134<br />

Seventh, h. same.<br />

Hally, John, policeman, h. 190 Orchard.<br />

Hally, Morris, shoemalier, bds. I51 Jones.<br />

Hally, Thomas, sergeant police forbe, h. 111<br />

Cherry.<br />

Halpin, Catharine (wid. Martin), grocer, 211<br />

First, h. same.<br />

Halpin, John, car cleaner, bds. Larned,<br />

bet. First and Second.<br />

Halt, John, hackdriver, bds. GO Henry.<br />

Halter, John, teamster, h. 768 Woodbridge,<br />

.eaL... , ; a I.<br />

Halter, William, teamster, bds. 768 'Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Halvor, Nelson, clerk Bdqrs. Dept. Lakes,<br />

h. 48 Adams ave. e.<br />

Baley, Michael, laborer, bds. 379 Atwater.<br />

Hambaur* Frederick, ~hoeluaker, 11. 457<br />

Hastings. , ,<br />

co.), re,. Fairmount, Md:<br />

' Hamblen: Joseph G., agent, h. 20 Cass ave.<br />

HAMBLEN, B,4KER & CO. (Cornelius<br />

Hamblen, Cornelius Hamblen, jr., and<br />

..Benjamin .Baker), fruits and oysters,<br />

Woodward ave. (See adz.)<br />

Hambujer, Epbraim, ~invmtor, 1; 192 -Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Hamburg, Edward, stonecutter, bds. 22<br />

Catharine.<br />

Hamburger, Solomon, peddler, h. 59 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Hamel, John, carpenter, h. 269 Nineteenth.<br />

Hamel, Maser, carpenter, bds. 350 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Hamill, Wiiliam, brakeman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

130 Twelfth.<br />

Hamilton, Ann (widow John), bds. 54 Char-<br />

lotte.<br />

.Hamilton, Frank, agent M. C. R. R., h. w. a<br />

Fourth, bet. Orchard and Plum.<br />

Hamilton, George A., clerk, 86 Lafayette.<br />

Hamilton, George A., clerk, bds. 52 Lafapette<br />

ave.<br />

Hamilton, James, packer, h. 43 National<br />

ave.<br />

Hamilton, James, tanner, h. 116 National<br />

ave.<br />

Hamilton, James T. (col'd), barber, bds. 300<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hamiiton, John, laborer, h. 20'7 Porter.<br />

Hamilton, John, stonecutter, h. 44 Spencer.<br />

,Hamilton, Milton A.? patents, bds. 103 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Hamilton, Palmer, patentee, h. 103 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Ha?ilton, Richard, teamster, h. 519 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Hamilton, Robert, blacksmith, h. 249 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Hamilton, Robert, saloon, 862 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hamilton, William R., supt. Elrnwood Cemd<br />

etery, h. same.<br />

Hamley, John C. G., telegraph operator, bds.<br />

165 Cass.<br />

Hamley, usa an (wid. John), h. 1G5 Cass.<br />

Hamlin, Alfred E. (Hamlin & DeMars), h.<br />

'716 Woodbridge w.<br />

Hamlin, Charles N., agent, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Hamlin, Henry H., clerk, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Hamlin, Louis Alexander, carpenter, 31. 144<br />

Fort e.<br />

Hamlin & DeMars. (Alfred E. Hamlin .,and<br />

Henry DeMars), grocers, ..TI& and- 916<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Hammel, Elizabeth, h. 134 Catharine.<br />

Hammon, Charles. C., .machinist, bds. 142<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Hammon, John, fireman, h. foot Third.<br />

IIAAlAlOXD, FEEDEBICE, grocery, 143 - '1<br />

Third, h. same.<br />

."r(<br />

I<br />

. . *.-T<br />

.o -*<br />

3-- ...-<br />



-<br />

VACAXT LOTS, i<br />

r<br />

i<br />


I<br />

I<br />

-+++ 0 +-<br />

f i<br />

1 Garden Plats, Small Farms and Villas 1<br />

!<br />

I<br />

f<br />

AtO-b-': .Ef:;%'i)12. HI!-EII -4SD X..LliE ST. CX.4Zfi.<br />

?<br />


I I<br />

1 i Collect Rents: Pay Taxes, Make Investments,<br />

!<br />

f<br />

/ 111 :::c

- -- ---<br />

-<br />

I<br />

i<br />

- I j<br />

j 1 ! !<br />

In addition to our very heavy list of <strong>City</strong> Property, we now have<br />


Or exchange on liberal terns for property in DETROIT, TOLEDO, or<br />

CHICAGO, good<br />


I<br />

!<br />


1<br />

I!<br />


I I i<br />

Fn,m six to t\vel\-e ~iiilrs from <strong>Detroit</strong>, at Great Bargains, for those \r.ishing 1 ' .<br />

lands for Cheap Holues. 1 : .<br />

1 ; I I<br />

I I<br />

i<br />

Believing a General Exchuge ofice for Kaal Estate men to Look their wants<br />

((:oilfiJentially, if desired), and correspond, or quietly meet and brrgoin, the best plan<br />

I for a cheap and prsmpt exchange of Real Estate, our office, books, Be., are arranged<br />

! specially for that purpose.<br />

I \Tri th long and extensive esyzrience, central office, and attempting nothing but<br />

j REIL ESTATE, we h3pe to c~n3uct that business chsapl-, promptly, and to the<br />

1 sarisfaction of all faroring us with their patronage. .<br />

I<br />


Opposite the post Office, DETROIT. )I.<br />

. -. -- .---<br />

, .<br />

: , .<br />

i ;<br />

j 1:<br />

i t<br />

- _ __ _ - _ _-.- - --<br />

-- ----- i<br />

1<br />

1 ,\<br />

. I


Hammond, George H., pork packer, 36 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. s. w. cor. Third and<br />

Howard.<br />

Hammond, John, sailmaker, h. 474 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Hammond, Joseph M., salesman, h. 162<br />

Cass.<br />

Harnmond, Rachel (wid. S. C.), h. 48 Pa.rk<br />

Place.<br />

Hammond, Sereno P., bookkeeper, bds. 48<br />

Park Place.<br />

Hammond, Thomas, meatmarket, 145 Third,<br />

cor. Howard, h. same.<br />

Hamner, Massa W., bds. 229 First.<br />

Hampel, Frederick, laborer, h. 269 Seventeenth.<br />

Hampshire, Charles, framemaker, h. 26<br />

Brady.<br />

Hamt,ramck Iron Works, Hamtramck, Geo.<br />

H. Russel, Secretary.<br />

Hanaford, William, tailor, h. 5 W hitney.<br />

Hanay, James, shoemaker, bds. 78 Wayne.<br />

Hanck, Bertha, paper folder, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Bronson and Kiopelle.<br />

Hanck, Mary (wid. John), h. 222 Hastings.<br />

Hancke, John, German Home, 39 Third.<br />

Hancock, Frank, clerk M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

240 Cass ave.<br />

Hancock, George, Auditor &I. C. R. R., h.<br />

240 Cass ave.<br />

Hancock, Rachel (wid. Julet), dressmaker,<br />

10 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Hancock, \Jrillianl H., clerk, h. 240 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Hand, George E., lawyer, s. e. cor. Griswold<br />

and Jefferson ave., bds. Russell House.<br />

Handler, John, laborer, h. 620 Larned e.<br />

Handley, Peter, laborer, bds. Larned, nr.<br />

Chene.<br />

Handron, Joanna (wid. Michael), h. 96 Orleans.<br />

Handy, Miss Carrie, select school, 42 Columbia<br />

w., h. Sibley.<br />

Handy, Robert (col'd), waiter, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Hanes, John (clerk), bds. Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Haney, Bridget (wid. Heber), h. 333 Mullstt.<br />

Hanford, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Wilkins<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

Hanford, William P., bookkeeper, h. 121<br />

Clifford.<br />

Hanglin, Edward A., cigamaker, h. 39 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Hanglin, John, engine despatcher, h. 213.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Hanglin, John A., machinist, h. 308 Congress<br />

m.<br />

Hanglin, Joseph W., cigarmaker, bds. 39<br />

Larned w.<br />

Hank, Frederick, lastmaker, h. 287 Bronson.<br />

Hank, Henry, lithographer, bde. 2,S7 Bronson.<br />

Hankey, Lewis, stre o-t car driver, h. 190<br />

Sisth.<br />

Hanley, Daniel, laborer, h. a. e. cor. Noyes<br />

and Crawford.<br />

Hanley, George (Roberts & Hanley), h. 65<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Hanley, James, painter, bds. 365 Larned e.<br />

Hanley, James, plasterer, bds. 70 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Hanley, John, laborer, h. 635 Larned e.<br />

Hanley, Patrick (Hanley & Bro.), h. 167<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hanley, Peter, laborer, h. 635 Larned e.<br />

Hanley, Richard, laborer, h. 114 Marion.<br />

Hanley, Thomas, (Hanley & Bro.), h. 167<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hanley & Bro. (Thomas and Patrick Han-<br />

ley), dry goods and notions, :67 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Hanlon, John, currier, bds. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hanmer, James, clerk, h. 42 Jones.<br />

Hannier, Lewis C., maltster, 29 Bates, h. 99<br />

Congress w.<br />

Hanna, Constantine, laborer, h. 51 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hanna, James, clerk D. & M. R. R., bds. 47<br />

Congress w.<br />

Hanna, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Hastings<br />

and Catharine.<br />

Hanna, Mary (wid. John-Hanna & Co.), h.<br />

4.5 Lafay ette ave.<br />

Hanna, William (Duncan & Hanna), h. 53<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Hanna, William H., agent, h. 514 Sixth.<br />

Hanna & Co. (Mrs. Mary Hanna and Robert<br />

Meginnity), tobacconists, 112 and 114<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Hannan, Mathew, laborer, h. 97 Eighth.<br />

Hannes, Julius, bartender, h. 131 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Hannifan, John, laborer, h. n. s. Plum, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sisth.<br />

Hannimann, John B., grocer, 154 Sherman,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hanning, Charles, laborer, h. s. s. Jay, bet.<br />

Chene and Campau.<br />

Hanrahan, David, laborer, h. 47 Orleans.<br />

Hanrahan, John, laborer, h. n. m. cor. Sisth<br />

and Michigan ave.<br />

Hanrahan, Patrick, machinist, h. a. w. cor.<br />

Sullivan ave. and Butternut.<br />

Hznratty, Patrick, drayman, 11.110 Fifth.<br />

Hansas, Ferdinand, lastmaker, h. 151 Na-<br />

poieon.<br />

Hansas, Henry, lastmaker, h. 137 Napoleon.<br />

Hanscombe, A. H. (wid.), h. 19 Farmer.<br />

Hansef, George, shoemaker, h. 282 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Hanselman, John, clerk, bds. n. e. cor. Fif-<br />

teenth and Chestnut.<br />

Hansen, Jacob, limeburner, h. 253 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Hansen, Mathias, ragdealer, 211 Adams ave.<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Hansen, Peter B., laborer, bds. 233 Colum-<br />

bia e.

HAN<br />

Physicians always specify<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS & Con's<br />

Hansen, Thomas, painter, h. 172 Mullett.<br />

Hanser, George, shoemaker, h. 282 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Hanses, Adam, barber, 478 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Hansing, C. Frederick, salesman, bds. 2<br />

Lewis.<br />

HAXSING, HENRY, bellhanger and lock-<br />

smith, 67 Randolph, h. same. (See adv.)<br />

Hansmann, John, trunkmalier, bds. 93 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Hansmann, Mina (wid. Martin), saloon, 93<br />

Catharine, h. same.<br />

Hanson, A., machinist, h. 300 Sisth.<br />

Happe, John, cigarmaker, I?. 524 Croghan.<br />

Earaghy, Edward, tailor, 59 Randolph, bds.<br />

89 Congress e.<br />

Harbaugh, David B., clerk, bds. 481 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Harbaugh, David E., lawyer, h. 481 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Harbaugh, William A., clerk, bds. 481 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Harbeck, Anton, carpenter, h. 115 Mullett.<br />

Harberd, Edward (col'd), laborer, h. 51 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Harbison, Alexander, carpenter, h. 361<br />

Sisth.<br />

Hard, Elisha S., foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Fac-<br />

tory, h. 149 First.<br />

Harden, Owen (col'd), laborer, h. 283 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Harden, Thomas, tailor, bds. s. e. cor. Fort<br />

and Brush.<br />

Harden, William, laborer, h. 147 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hardie, James, stonemason, h. 227 Twelfth.<br />

Hardie, John, shoemaker, h. 150 Jones.<br />

Hardie, William, laborer, bds. 227 Twelfth.<br />

Hardie, William, shoemaker, h. 150 Jones.<br />

Hardier, William, laborer, h. Dix Boad,<br />

Springwells.<br />

Hardies, William, laborer, h. 437 Sherman.<br />

Hardigan, Johanna (wid. Mathew), h. 341<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hardigan, Mathew, boilermaker, bds. 341<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hardin, John, baker, bds. 7 Beaubien.<br />

Harding, Henry, laborer, h. 246 Porter.<br />

Harding, Thomas, tailor, bds. 26 Fort e.<br />

Hardman, Lawrence, clerk, h. 168 First.<br />

Hardoin, Daniel, laborer, h. 334 Chene.<br />

Hardy, Alexander, carpenter, h. 23 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Hardy, Catharine (wid. Wchael), h. 342 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hardy, Charles, bds. 103 Lttrned w.<br />

Hardy, Charles M., tin and sheet iron works,<br />

bds. e. s. Brush, bet. Congress and Fort.<br />

Hardy, George, laborer, h. rear 98 Brush.<br />

Hardy, James, stonecutter, h. 227 Twelfth.<br />

Hardy, John C., clerk postoffice, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

Hardy, Patrick, drayman, bds. 342 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hardy, Rufus D., printer, bds. 78 Wayne.<br />

Hare, Albert, paver, h. 513 Fort e.<br />

Hare, Frederick. carpenter, h. 248 Seventh.<br />

Hare, Thomas, shipcarpenter, h. 534 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Hargraves, George (Eargraves & Bro.), h. IS<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Harpraves, Robert, traveling agent, h. n. e.<br />

cor. Twelfth and Spruce.<br />

Hargraves, Samuel (Hargraves & Bro.), h.<br />

61 Seventeenth.<br />

Hargraves, George, & Bro. (George and Sam-<br />

uel Hurgraves), mnfrs. picture frames and<br />

baby wagons, 77 and 82 Seventeenth.<br />

Harff, George, cigar mnfr., 18 Seventh, h.<br />

same.<br />

Harkes, John, painter. bds. 91 Grand Rivzr.<br />

Harkins, Daniel, machinist, bds. 407 Fort w.<br />

Harkins, Margaret (wid. Charles), h. 177<br />

Abbott.<br />

Harland, .John, butcher, 7 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

res. suburb$.<br />

Harlow, Alonzo, physician, 13 John R, h.<br />

same.<br />

Harlow, John, vegetables, 4 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, h. 141 Macomb.<br />

Harm, Fritz, laborer, h. 556 Macomb.<br />

Harman, Jeremiah, bartender, bds. 52 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Harmann, Ferdinand, meatrrrarket, 236 Nul-<br />

lett, h. same.<br />

Harmer, James, carpenter, h. 248 Sixteenth.<br />

Harmon, Henry, notary public, bds. 88 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Harmon, Joachim, laborer, h. 47 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Harmon, John, actor, bds. 253 Jefferson ave.<br />

Harmon, Seth E , foreman Free Press nems-<br />

room, h. 242 Second.<br />

Harmon, William, printer, bds. 242 Second.<br />

Harms, Adolph, laborer, bds. 522 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Harning, John, tailor, h. 410 Eighteenth.<br />

Harnisch, Mrs. Caroline, h. 202 Russell.<br />

Harper, Edward P. (col'd), barber, hds. 313<br />

Watson.<br />

Harper Hospital, Wood ward ave., above<br />

Brady, Dr. S. T. Smith, physician, Mrs.<br />

L. A. Sanborne, Matron.<br />

Harper, John C., laborer,. h. Rivard, bet.<br />

Fort and Lafayette.<br />

Harper, John Charles, packer, h. 215 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Harper, John L. (David Preston St Co.), bds.<br />

300 Wood ward ave.<br />

Harper, Ulrich, carpenter, h. 338 Wood-<br />

bridge w.

- -<br />


Harper, William, laborer, bds. 93 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Harrer, Charles, cabinetmaker, bds. Lar-<br />

ned, s. w. cor. Beaubien.<br />

Harriman, Moses, shoemaker, h. 52 Henry.<br />

Barrington, Dennis, car inspector D. & M.<br />

R. R., h. o. 57n. 'i3Jones.<br />

Harrington, D. B., publisher Baptist Tid-<br />

ings, 214 Jefferson ave., up stairs, bds.<br />

Nichols House.<br />

Harrington, Eliza (wid. John), h. 56 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Harrington, James, drayman, h. 154 Cherry.<br />

Harrington, Richard B., machinist, h.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Harrington, Robert, sailor, h. 14-5 Croghan.<br />

Harris, Albert M., clerk, h. 105 Leverett.<br />

Harris, Edwin T. .(Canron & Harris), h. 174<br />

Lewis.<br />

Harris, Frederick H., statistic clerk D. & &I.<br />

It. R., h. 175 Adams ave. e.<br />

Harris, Henry D., conductor &I. C. R. R., h.<br />

769 Michigan ave.<br />

Harris, James, laborer, h. Woodbridge,<br />

bet. Riopelle and Rivard.<br />

Harris, John, carpenter, bds. 163 Wight.<br />

Harris, John, shipcarpenter, h. 94 Franklin.<br />

Harris, John C., printer, h. 83 Park.<br />

Harris, John H., carpenter, h. 163 Wight.<br />

Harris, John L., laborer, h. 335 Sixteenth.<br />

Harris, Joseph, boarding, h. 320 Franklin.<br />

Harris, Joseph, porter, bds. 68 Madison ave.<br />

Harris, Miss Mary, clerk Florence Sewing<br />

Machine, bds. 145 hdams ave. e.<br />

Harris, Merritt L., drover and liquor dea-<br />

ler, h. 369 Congress e.<br />

Harris, Moses, tailor, h. 157 High.<br />

Harris, Nancy (wid. George), boarding 165<br />

Howard.<br />

Harris, William (col'd), laborer, h. 199 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Harris, William H., furnace setter, h. 355<br />

Congress e.<br />

Harris, William H., jeweler, bds. 301 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Harrison, Abraham, hats, caps and furs,<br />

260 Gratiot.<br />

Harrison, Edward, engineer, h. 112 Twelfth.<br />

Harrison, Eli, woodturner, bds. 76 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Harrison, Francis, street car conductor, h.<br />

256 Randolph.<br />

Harrison, Green C. (col'd), barber, 50 Fort e.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Harrison, James (col'd), barber, bds. 50<br />

Fort e.<br />

Harrison, John (col'd), whitewasher, h. 193<br />

Congress e.<br />

Harrison, Joseph (Davis & Co.), h. 256<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Harrison, Lisle, clerk, bds. 5'73 Larned e.<br />

Harrison, Miss P. (Misses Harrisonj, h. 214<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Harrison, Miss R. (Misses Harrison), h. 214<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

-<br />

--<br />

Harrison, Samuel, porter, h. 76 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Harrison, Thomas, agt. Duncan's Central<br />

Brewery, h. 81 Fifth.<br />

Harrison, Thomas, baker, 279 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 271 same.<br />

Harrison, Thomas, saddler, h. 99 Plum.<br />

Harrison, William, sailor, h. 127 Eighth.<br />

Harrison, The Xisses (It. & P. Harrison),<br />

dressmakers, 214 Woodward ave.<br />

Harrow, Joseph (col'd), waiterBiddle Eouse,<br />

h. 435 Clinton ave.<br />

Harryman, Albert, sailor, h. 8 National<br />

ave.<br />

Harryman, Charles: clerk, bds. 52 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Harryman, Elijah, moulder, h. 65 Xational<br />

ave.<br />

Hart, Abraham, clothier, 188 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 116 Larned e.<br />

Hart, Adolph, cooper, h. 218 Napoleon.<br />

Hart, Arthur L., confectioner, bds. 147 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Hart, Christian, tanner, bds. Woodbridge,<br />

nr. Twenty-fourth.<br />

Hart, Dewitt C., printer, h. 416 Congresa e.<br />

Hart, Frederick C., sailor, bds. 147 Rivard.<br />

Hart, Frederick D., schoolteacher, bds. 147<br />

Hivard.<br />

Hart, Gilbert, Supt. Michigan Concrete<br />

Stone Co., h. 228 Lafayette.<br />

Hart, Henry, laborer, h. Catharine, e. Jos.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Hart, Henry H., salesmttn, bds. 138 First.<br />

Hart, Isaac, merchant, h. 29 Adelaide.<br />

Hart, John, laborer, h. 453 Larned e.<br />

Hart, John, laborer, h. 559 Larned e.<br />

Hart, Parker, tollgate keeper, h. Gratiot, s.<br />

w. cor. Elmwood ave.<br />

Hart, Richard, pattern maker, h. 149 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Hart, Rudolph, teamster, h. 436 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Hart, Noah, cooper, h. 147 Rivard.<br />

Hart, Welcome W., vessel owner, h. 147<br />

Rivard.<br />

Harte, Peter, shipcarpenter, h. 207 Sixth.<br />

Hartenstein, Bieus, shoemaker, h. alley e. s.<br />

Hastings, bet. Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Harter, Frederick A., salesman, bds. 322<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Ear t er, Lafayette, cashier Daily Post, h.<br />

322 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hartey, James, laborer, h. 356 Fifteenth.<br />

Hartfbrd, J. W., omnibus agt., bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Harthan, John, carpenter, h. 549 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Hartig,Charles, musician, h 259 Mullett.<br />

Hartigan, Mathew, moulder, bds. 341 Fifth.<br />

Hartman, Charles, laborer, h. 229 Chestnut.<br />

Hartman, George, carpenter, h. 180 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Hartman, John, blacksmith, h. o. 170 n. 190<br />



NEW YORH.<br />

Btf~ Ol;osu~@ome~ - @ompamy,<br />

ASSETS, . . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH IKCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON McELBOY, JIanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

-<br />

Hartman, John D., brewer, h. 600 Sixth.<br />

Hartman, William, carriagemaker, 99 Hasting~,<br />

h. 293 Fort e.<br />

Hartman, Michael, boilermaker, h. 411 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Hartmann, Michael, bds. 191 Adams ave e.<br />

Hartmann, Michael, laborer, h. 159 Maple.<br />

Hartmeyer, Frederica (wid. Christopher), h.<br />

144 St. Antoine.<br />

Hartmeyer, Henry, carver, bds. 144 St. Aubin.<br />

Hartmeyer, Miss S., teacher Fourth Ward<br />

school, bds. 144 St. Antoine.<br />

Hartmeyer, William, carriagemaker, bds.<br />

144 St. Antoine.<br />

Harmer, John, sawyer, h. 203 Marion.<br />

Hartness, Andrew, soap and candle maker,<br />

26 ~ivird.<br />

Hartness, George T., soap and candle maker,<br />

bds. 26 Rivard.<br />

. Hartness, Jacob, soap and candle maker, bds.<br />

26 Ilivard. \<br />

Hartness, James, soap & candle maker, cor.<br />

Hastings and Rivard, h. n. e. cor. Rivard<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Hartness, James, jr., sailor, bds. 23 Rivard,<br />

Hartnett, Dennis, laborer, h. 19 Beaubien.<br />

Hartnett, Ellen (wid. James), h. 63 Nineteenth.<br />

Hartnett, Timothy, laborer, h. 126 Seventh.<br />

Hartshor~ William, clerk, bds. 88 Howard.<br />

Hartshorri, ~ illiam N., bookkeeper, rooms<br />

158 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hartt, Miss Ellen J. C., music teacher, bds.<br />

174 Adams are. e<br />

Hartt, Joel R., h. 174 Adams ave. e.<br />

Hartt, Lionel B., carpenter, h. Fourth, n. w.<br />

cor. Arch.<br />

Hartung, Charles, mason, bds. 197 Twelfth.<br />

Hartung: Pcter, painter, h. 350 Macomb.<br />

Hartwell, Philip. portrait painter, h. n. e.<br />

cor. Fourth and Grand.<br />

Hartwig, Frederick, grocer, 264 Beaubien,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hartwig, Henry, machinist, h. 270 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Harty, John, laborer, h. 338 Fifteenth.<br />

Harta, Frederick, carpenter. h. 248 Seventh.<br />

Harvey, Albert, clerk, bds. 370 Lafayette.<br />

ave.<br />

Harvey, Andrew, jr. (A. Harvey & Son), h.<br />

72 Montcalm w.<br />

Harvey, Andrew, sr. (A. Harvey & Sonj, h.<br />

342 Clinton ave. '<br />

Harvey, Hannibal, carpenter, bds. 584 Seventh.<br />

Harvey, James S., brassfounder, bds. 242<br />

Clinton.<br />

Harvey, James, drug clerk, bds. 242 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Harvey, James, lake captain, h. 524 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Harvey, James, sailor, bds. 524 Seventh.<br />

Harvey, John, druggist, 187 Woodward ave.,<br />

182 Michigan ave., and Woodward ave.,<br />

cor. Elizabeth, h. 333 Woodward ave.<br />

Harvey, Joseph, :conductor M. C. R. R., h.<br />

3'70 Lafayette ave.<br />

Harvey, Ozro H., painter, h. 108 Rivard.<br />

Harvey, Patrick, laborer, h. 337 Beech.<br />

Harvey, Thomas, sailor, h. 9 Coiulnbia w.<br />

Harvey, Thomas G., carpenter, h. 121 Elm-<br />

wood ave.<br />

Harvey, Thomas G., carpenter, bds. 164<br />

Elmlvood ave.<br />

Harvey, William, clerk, h. 119 Beech.<br />

Harvey, A., & Son (Andrew, sr., and Andrew,<br />

jr., Harvey), macliinists and brass-<br />

founders, 123 and 125 Woodbridge w.<br />

Harvie, James, bds. 2 Bettubisn.<br />

Harwood, Hev. George W., chaplain Marine<br />

Hospital, bds. 254 First.<br />

Has, George, carpenter, h. 220 Riopelle.<br />

Has, Michael, h. 157 Maple.<br />

Hasburn, James, fireman, bds. 320 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Hascall, Erastus R., clerk, bds. 40 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Hascall, Tarcus H., clerk, h. s. s. Second,<br />

bet. George and Henry.<br />

Haselhuhn, Henry, laborer, h. 223 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hasenbusch, Gottlleb, laborer, h. 271 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Hasenburg, Gottlieb, tanner, h. 291 Clinton.<br />

Haser, Jacob, cigar manf'r., h. 402 Fort e.<br />

Hrrskins, Abram, saloon, 51 6 Michigan ave.<br />

h. same.<br />

Hasket t, William, carpenter, h. 363<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Haskett, William, grocer and saloon, 117<br />

Harrison ave., h. same.<br />

Haslam, George, machinist, h. 226 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Hass, William, blacksmith, h. 221 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Hass, John, laborer, h. 555 Croghan.<br />

Ha~selbach, Y hilip, wines and liquors, 18<br />

Giriswold, h. 250 Brush.<br />

Hassinger, James, bartender, h. 52 Abbott.<br />

Haste, M7illiam, baker, bds. 77 Lewis.<br />

Hasting, John, night watchman D. & M. It.<br />

R. depot, h. 461 Trowbridge.<br />

Hastings, Charles, physician, h. 100 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Hastings, Henry, contractor, h. 343 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Hastings, Patrick, clerk, h. 95 Labrosse.<br />

Hastings, Patrick, stonecut.ter, h. '78 Plum.<br />

Haswell, Louis, laborer, h. Fourth, cor. Os-<br />



Hatch, Joseph (J. Hatch & Co.), h. 87 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Hatch, Joseph C. (J. Hatch & Co.), h. 190<br />

Oongress w.<br />

Hatch, .T., & Co. (Joseph and Joseph C.<br />

Hatch), bakers, 87 Congress e.<br />

Hatcher, William, traveling agent, h. 8'7<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Hatcb icli, George, salesman, bds. Hot el<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Hatie, Christian, carpenter, h. 245 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hatticli, Adam. stonecutter, h. 84 Chestnut.<br />

Hatzenbuhler, David, bartender, bds. 3<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Hatzenbuliler, Johu, saloon, 3 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Haubert, John, laborer, h. o. I10 n. 294<br />

'CVhitney.<br />

Haubrich, Jacob, tanner, h. 245 Montcalm e.<br />

Haubricli, Joseph P., tobacconist, h. 93 Jef-<br />

ferson : I ve.<br />

Hauer, Felix, carpenter, bds. 305 Catharine.<br />

Hauer, Joseph, painter, 11. 305 Catharine.<br />

Haug, Christian F., grocer, cor. Watson and<br />

Hastings, h. same.<br />

Haughey, William, mason, h. 112 Farrar.<br />

Haumintine, Henry, porter, bds. 31 Bow-<br />

land.<br />

Haupt, Frederick. laborer, h. 124 Twentieth.<br />

Haupt, John, laborer, nr. n. w. cor. Ken-<br />

tucky and Russell.<br />

Haupt. John, tinsmith, bds. 362 Fort e.<br />

Haupt, Michael, gardener, h. Fourth, nr.<br />

Holden Road.<br />

Haupt, William, tinsmith, bds. 128 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Hausherr, William, clerk, bds. 485 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Hauser, Charles, shoenlaker, h. 119 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Hauser, Engelbert, teamster, h. o. 71 n. 81<br />

Catharine.<br />

Hauser, John, ropemaker, h. 406 Riopelle.<br />

Hauser, Joseph, currier, h. 549 Orleans.<br />

Hauser. Joseph, milkman, h. 5.34 Orleans.<br />

Hauser, Simon, harnessmaker, bds. 99 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Hauser, Theodore, cigarmaker, h. o. 363 n.<br />

405 Macomb.<br />

Hausmann, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 510<br />

Alacomb.<br />

Hauter, M7illiam, blacksmith, h. 22 Web-<br />

ster.<br />

Havens, Elizabeth A., bds. o. '7 n. 259 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Haverty, Patrick, laborer, h. e. s. Tillman<br />

ave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Haviland, George R., clerk Antisdel House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Haviland, nTilliam, sailor, h. 102 Leverett.<br />

Havis, William, saloon, 752 Woodbridge w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Havlat ko. Joseph, cabinet maker, h, e. s.<br />

Humboldt ave., nr. Bqttersut,<br />

29<br />

Havley, Daniel, laborer, 11.267 Abbott.<br />

Hawes, Alfred M., student, bds. 102 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Hawes, Benjamin, sailor, h. 90 Abbott.<br />

Hames, Daniel H., traveling agent, h. 102<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Hawes, Frederick W., patternmaker, h. 148<br />

Baker.<br />

Hawes, Theron, millwright, h. 261 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Hawes, Thomas J., millwright, 354 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Hawke, Charles B., bds. 31 Madison ave.<br />

Hawlie, Harry W., bookkeeper, bds. 31 Madi-<br />

son ave.<br />

Hawke, William R., bookkeeper, bds. 31<br />

Madison ave.<br />

Ha~vke, William W., sec'y of Protective<br />

Fuel Co., 11.31 Madisen ave.<br />

Hawkes, Henry C., shoemaker, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

Hawkins, Daniel, laborer, bds. 20 Front.<br />

Hawkins, Edward, sawyer, h. 484 Fort e.<br />

Hawkins, George C. (col'd), cook, h. 244Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hawkins, Henry (col'd), barber, bds. 35<br />

Center.<br />

Hawkins, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 35 Cen-<br />

ter.<br />

Hawkins, James S., baggagemaster M. C. R.<br />

R., 21. 211 Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Hawkins, John, 11. 186 Orchard.<br />

Hawkins, Patrick, brewer, h. 20 Front.<br />

Hawkins, Theron (col'd), waitar, h. 306 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Hawkins, Thomas, fireman, h. o. 38'1 n. 405<br />

Franklin.<br />

Hawkins, Thomas, machinist, bds. 220 Con-<br />

gress m.<br />

Hawksley. Joseph, carpenter, h. 345 Fifth.<br />

Hawley, John G. (R. Hawiey, jr., & Co.), res.<br />

Bethany, Va.<br />

HAVC'LEY, JOSEPH, wood dealer, 331 At-<br />

water, h. 344 Mullett. (See adu.)<br />

Hawley, Richard (R. Hawley & Sons), h. 379<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Hawley, Xichard, j r. (R. Hawlew. j r., & Co.),<br />

h. 140 Congress w.<br />

Ha~vley, Rollin S., clerk, bds. 0. '7 n. 289<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Hawley, Sophronia (wid. Elijah), h. 0. 7 n.<br />

. 289 Cass ave.<br />

Hawley, Thomas D. (R. Hawley, jr., & Co.),<br />

h. 155 Congress w.<br />

Hawley, R , jr., & Co. (Richard Hawley, jr.,<br />

Richard Hawley, Thotnas D. Hawley and<br />

John G. Hawley), dealers in hops, 36<br />

Bates.<br />

Hawley, R., & Sons (Richard, Thomas D.,<br />

John G., and Bichard Hawley, jr.), malt<br />

and hops, 123 Congress tv.<br />

Haworth. Willistn (Hobart & Haworth), h.<br />

o. 25 n. 37 Macornb ave.<br />

Haworth, 'ail littm, upholsterer, bds. Brigh-<br />

ton House, 190 Grand River.<br />


HAY HEC<br />

PARKE, JENrJINGS 6 co.,<br />


Ornee, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Koodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />

DETROIT, - idICHIG1.m-<br />

Hay, James, grocer, 390 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Hav Scale, Eastern District, Nicholas<br />

hhwartz, weighmaster, cor. Sherman and<br />

Hastings.<br />

Haycos, Edward, engineer, h. 330 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Hayden, Louis P., night clerk Michigan EX-<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Hayden. Peter (Hayden & Baldwin), res.<br />

Sew York.<br />

Hayden, Peter H., grocer, 328 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Hayden, Thomas H., agent, bds. '78 Winder.<br />

Hayden, Thomas L., agt. N. Y. Life Ins.<br />

Co.. h. 40 Winder.<br />

Hayden & Baldwin (Peter Hayden and Ly-<br />

man Baldwin), saddlery hardware, 104<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Hayes, Albert, butcher, 327 Woodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hayes, Frederick W., clerk Second National<br />

Bank, h. cor. Fort and Fifth.<br />

Hayes, John, laborer, h. 324 Fifteenth.<br />

Hayes, Josiah D., gen71 manager Blue Line,<br />

foot Third, h. 275 Fort w.<br />

Hayes, Mary (wid. William), h. o. 201 n. 247<br />

Howard.<br />

Hayes, Miss Mary A., dressmaker, 80 Ad-<br />

ams ave. e., 11. same.<br />

Hayes, Michael, shipcarpenter, h. 110 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hayes, Patrick, blacksmith, h. w. s. Eight<br />

eenth, bet. Abbo~t and Howard.<br />

Hayes, Rose (wid. John), saloon, 165 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Hayes, Thomas, clerk, bds. 134 Labrosse.<br />

Hays, John, laborer, h. 260 Fifteenth.<br />

Hays, John, laborer, h. 192 Franklin.<br />

Hap, John, laborer, h. s. s. Marcy, bet.<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Hays, John, shoemaker, h. s. e. cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Chestnut.<br />

Hays, John, teamster, h. 433 Eighteenth.<br />

Hays, Michael, laborer, h. 119 Jones.<br />

Hays, Mrs. Nora, washerwoman, h. 206<br />

Brush.<br />

Hays, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 192 Franklin.<br />

Hays, Thomas, laborer, h. 163 Fourth.<br />

Hayward, George, carpenter, h. e. s. Lasalle<br />

ave., nr. Magnolia.<br />

Haywood, Thomas J. (McDonald, Haywood<br />

& Co.), h. 257 Second.<br />

Hazard, George S., supt. Fort Street and<br />

Elmwood Bailway, h. 51 Eighteenth.<br />

Hazard, James, drayman, h. 701 Franklin.<br />

Haze, Simon, waiter Biddle House, h. s. e.<br />

cor. Hastings and Brewster.<br />

Hazleton, Benjamin G., clerk, bds. 83 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Hazlett, William M., bookkeeper, bds. 42<br />

Cass.<br />

Healey, Nicholas W ., foreman pressroom<br />

Daily Post, h. 140 Columbia e.<br />

Healy, Catharine (wid. John), h 289 Third.<br />

Healy, Edward, peddler, h. 325 Watson.<br />

Healy, Joseph, clerk, bds. Oak, bet. Fourth<br />

and Fifth.<br />

Healy, William, wireworker, bds. 99 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Heames, Henry, supt. gas works, h. 926<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Heames, William E., bookkeeper, bds. 926<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Hearns, Walter Zames, laborer, h. 491 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Hearsley, Morris, brewer. h Sullivan ave.,<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Butternut.<br />

Hearley, William, teamster G. T. R., bds.<br />

95 Howard.<br />

Heartenstein Pius, shoemaker. h . Hastings,<br />

bet. Croghan and Lafayette.<br />

Heaseng, August, machinist, h. 179 Fort e.<br />

Heath, Joseph L., h. 64 Elizabeth w.<br />

Heath, Leroy J., traveling agt., bds. 64Eliz-<br />

abeth w.<br />

Heath, Richard, wagonmaker E. Chope &<br />

Sons, 116 Randolph.<br />

Heath, Spencer D., express messenger, h.<br />

423 Larned e.<br />

Heath, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 298 Fifth.<br />

Heaton, Abram S., physician, h. 38 Winder.<br />

Heavenrich, Samuel (Heavenrich Bro's), h.<br />

120 Adams ave. e.<br />

Heavenrich, Simon (Heavenrich Bro's), h.<br />

15 Winder.<br />

HEAVEN RICH BRO'S (Simon and Samuel<br />

Heavenrich), wholesale clothing aud piece<br />

goods, '78 Woodward ave.<br />

Heazlit, WTilliam M., bookkeeper, bds. 42<br />

Cass.<br />

Hebbard, Charles B., insurance and<br />

real estate agent, office 70 Griswold, bds.<br />

Michigan Eschange. (See adv.)<br />

Hebaen. George, lawyer, rear 73 Griswold,<br />

bds. 75 same.<br />

Hebel, Adolph, clerk, h. s. w. cor. Riopelle<br />

and Scott.<br />

Hebel, William, laborer, h. 73 Chestnut.<br />

Hebestreit, August, baker, bds. 317 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Hechtner, John C., grocer, 40 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. 264 Lafayette.<br />

Heck, George, farmer, bds. 547 Gratiot.<br />

Heck, Jacob, saloon, 347 Gratiot, h.' same.<br />

Heck, John, porter, h. 381 Gratiot.<br />

Heckel, Jacob, baker, 135 Marion, h. same.<br />

Hecker, John, laborer, h. 164 Twentieth.<br />

Hecker, Joseph, carriagemaker, h. 108<br />



Hector, George, horse jockey, h. 105 Benton.<br />

Hedges, John, painter, h. 450 Fifth.<br />

Hedstrom, Charles, carpenter, h. s. s. Spruce,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Hedstrom, Elias, bookkeeper, h, 56 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Headstrom, Sarah (wid. Elias), h. 56 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Heed, William, printer, bds. 153 Ninth ave.<br />

Heenan, Edward, laborer, h. 153 Porter.<br />

Hees, Henry, printer, bds. 252 Ninth ave.<br />

Hees, John H., jr., jeweler, bds. 252 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Hees, John, laborer, h. 252 Ninth ave.<br />

Hees, William, printer, bds. 232 Ninth ave.<br />

Heffron, John, fruit and oysters, 220 Jeffer-<br />

Porter.<br />

- Heffron, John (Heffron & Co.), h, 19 Adelaide.<br />

Heffron, William, express driver, bds. 72<br />

son ave.<br />

Heffron & Co. (John Heffron and Michael<br />

Bowen). dining and oyster rooms, cor.<br />

Woodward and Jeflerson aves.<br />

Hegarman, VVilli~m, laborer, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Adair and Walker.<br />

Hegeman, Aathony, builder, 301 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Hegge, Henry, painter, h. 43 Maple.<br />

Hegge, Herman, clerk, bds. 43 Maple.<br />

Hegge, William, painter, h. 23 Prospect.<br />

Heide, Henry, wagonmaker, h. 351 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Heide, John, laborer, h. 136 Macomb.<br />

Heideke, Edward (F. Heideke & Bro.), bds.<br />

86 Gratiot.<br />

Heideke, Frederick (F. Heideke & Bro.), h.<br />

86 Cjratiot.<br />

Heideke, F., & Bro. (Frederick and Edward<br />

Heideke), meat market, 86 Gratiot.<br />

Heidenreich, August, tinsmith, bds. 124<br />

Hastings.<br />

Heidenreich, Frederick, currier, h. 124.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Heidt. Pauline (wid. Louis), h. 19 Mechanic.<br />

Heig, Theresa (wid. Frank), h. 151 Twelfth.<br />

Heighton, George, carpenter, h. Jos. Campau<br />

me., cor. German.<br />

Beil, Lorenz, butcher, bds. 270 Congress e.<br />

Heilemann, Joseph, laborer, h. 119 Lafayette.<br />

Heims, Christian, carpenter, bds. 299 Catharine.<br />

Heimsch, Mary (wid. Adam), h. 173 Clinton.<br />

Hein, Christopher, laborer, h. 131 Lafayette.<br />

Hein, Frederick W., laborer, h. 352 Seventeenth.<br />

Rein, John, shipcarpenter, h. 148 Mullett.<br />

Heineke, Frederick, shoemaker, h. 109 Calhoun.<br />

Heineman, Emil S. (E. S. Heineman & Co.),<br />

h. n. e. cor. Woodward ave. and Adelaide.<br />

Heineman, Henry, clerk, h. 51 Macomb.<br />

Heineman, Henry S., with E. S. Heineman<br />

& Co., h. 52 Macomb.<br />

Heineman, E. S., & Co. (Emil S. Heineman<br />

and Magnus Butzel), wholesale clotlliers,<br />

5 and 7 Fort w., and retail Russell House<br />

block.<br />

Heinicke, Charles, saloon, 31 Fort e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Heinicke, Christian, wireweaver, h. 282 ,Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Heinicke, Christopher, wirewearer, h. 144 I!<br />

Macomb. it<br />

Heinicke, Frederick, wireweaver, h. 280 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Heinicke, Henry, wagonmaker, h. 252 Ma,-<br />

comb.<br />

Heinrich, Theodore, basket maker, h. 144 i; I(<br />

9<br />

Clinton.<br />

i<br />

Heinz, John, laborer, 11. 201 Crogllan.<br />

Heinzluann, Charles, lab~rer, h. 312 Watson.<br />

1!<br />

Heinzmano, FreJerick, teamster, h. 312<br />

Watson. I<br />

!.<br />

Heinzmann, .Reinhard, laborer, h. 312 Wat-<br />

li<br />

son. I*<br />

Heise, William, butcher, h. 20% Clinton.<br />

,I<br />

Heiser, Augustus, cigarmaker, bds. 408 Fort 1<br />

east. i!<br />

Heiser, Peter, laborer, h. 179 Division.<br />

i!<br />

Heiser, Theodore, cigarmaker, bds. 402 For<br />

6<br />

i:<br />

east.<br />

Heizer, George, laborer, h. 232 Montcalm e.<br />

I/<br />

Heizer, Hieronymus, varnisher, bds. 232<br />

1:<br />

I<br />

Montcalln e.<br />

Helbling, Philip, street car driver, h. 418<br />

Fort w.<br />

Held, John L., mason, h. 174 Macomb.<br />

Held, Louis, fancy goods, 153 St. btoine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Helf, Margaret (Ivid. mTilliam), h. 261<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Helfknbein, Joseph, tinsmith, h. 540 Macomb.<br />

Helfir, Philip, carpenter and builder. h. 251<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Helferich, Otto F., boatbuilder, h. 745 Atwater.<br />

Hellah, John, cigarmaker, bds. n. s. b,<br />

bet. Sisth acd Seventh.<br />

Hellenbach, Frederick, turner, Bell, bet.<br />

Prospect and Russell.<br />

Hellar, Abraham, clothing, 111 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 33 Harriett.<br />

Hellers, John, joiner, h. 236 Brush.<br />

Hellers, Lina (wid. Nicholas), h. 244 Brush.<br />

Hellers, Nicholas, cabinetmaker, bds. 244<br />

-Brush.<br />

Hellers, Peter, cabinetmaker. bds. 244 Brush.<br />

Hellings, Peter, carpenter, h. 181 Adam<br />

ave. e.<br />

Hellmann, Bernllardt, brewer, 142<br />

Sherman.<br />

Hellmuth, Andreas, stonecutter, h- 209 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Hellwig, Frederick, baker, bds. 171 Lafayette.<br />

I<br />

i rt

HEL HEN<br />

NEW YORK 1 Hendricks. Thomas. lamith. h 255<br />

~hirteen.and-a-haif.<br />

t;mggcgne~<br />

-<br />

Hendrie, George (Hendrie & Co.), h. 559 Jef-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,OOO,COO<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Hendrie, John, laborer, h.<br />


s. e. cor. National<br />

$15,000<br />

-<br />

ave. and Sycamore.<br />

SOLON DIcELROY, Nanager and Agency Snpt,, Hendrie, John, laborer, h. 400 Tenth.<br />

Hendrie, William (Hendrie & Co.), res. Ham-<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. ilton. Ont.<br />

~endrik & Co. (William and George Hen-<br />

Hellwig, William, grocer, 254 Rivard, h. drie), cartage agents G. W. and D. & M.<br />

same.<br />

H. R.'s. office D. & M. R. It. dock.<br />

Helm, upholsterer; h. 344 Lafay- Hener, William, saloon, 267 Uratiot, bds.<br />

ette.<br />

same.<br />

Helvenbeam, Joseph, tinsmiih, h. 540 Mbr HENGSTEBECH. CHRISTIAN, hardware,.<br />

comb.<br />

83 Crogllan, h. same. (See adu.)<br />

Hembert, George, laborer, h. 116 Twentieth. Hengstebeck, John, grocer, 314 Croghan, h.<br />

Hemens, John, eating house, 87 Atwater, h. same.<br />

same.<br />

Henion, Burk G., salesman, bds. Antisdel<br />

Hemmen, Peter, laborer, h. 303 St. Antoine. House.<br />

Hemmings, Catharine (wid. Thomas), wash- Henk, Charles, blacksmith, bds. 185 Antieerwoman,<br />

h. 36 Woodbridge w.<br />

tam.<br />

Hempsl, Adolph, laborer, h. 408 Macomb. Henk, Conrad, butcher, bds. 2'71 Fort e.<br />

HEMPEL, CHAKLES, hardware, tin and Henk, Jacob, planer, h. 322 Macomb.<br />

. coppersmith, 3@2 eratiot, h. same. (See Henk, John, clerk, bds. 189 Antietam.<br />

"'rctda.)<br />

Henk, Peter, carpenter, h. 222 St. Antoine.<br />

Hempsted, Charles A., salesman, bds. Eisen- Henke, August, laborer. bds. 297 Clinton.<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

Henke, Frederick, drayman, h. 84 Chest-<br />

Hemstreet, James, carpenter, h. s. s. Pine, nut.<br />

nr. Sixth.<br />

Henke, Joseph, clerk, h. 104 Macomb.<br />

Henderson, Davis, physician, h. 200 Lafay- Henkel, Charles V., painter, bds. 2'79 Montette<br />

ave.<br />

calm e.<br />

Herderson, E. P., machinist, NoveltyWorks, Henkel, Conrad (Stickel & Henkel), h. 388<br />

cor. Brush and Beaubien.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Henderson, Henry, laborer, h. nr. cor. Pvarl Henliel, Henry. janitor German Evangelical<br />

and Prospect.<br />

St. John's School, h. Farrar, bet. Monroe<br />

Henderson, James, painter, h. 158 Beaubien. ave. and Gratiot.<br />

Henderson. James F., bookkeeper, h. s. e. Henkel, Henry, laborer, h. 348 Macomb.<br />

cor. Brady and Woodward ave.<br />

H~nksl, Jacob, laborer, h. 322 Macomb.<br />

Henderson, John, crockery, 251 Jefferson Henkel, John, carpenter, h. 279 Montave.,<br />

h. s. e. cor. Woodbridge and Has- calm e.<br />

ting~.<br />

Henkel, John, tailor, h. 271 Columbia e.<br />

Henderson, Lavina (wid. John), 84 Seventh. Henkel, Peter, wholesale grocer, 100 and<br />

Henderson, Michael, contractor, h. n. e. cor. 102 Randolph, h. n. w. cor. Fort and Fif-<br />

Fremont and John R.<br />

teenth.<br />

Henderson, Rosanna (wid. Minard), saloon, Henkel, Philip, tailor, h. 91 Columbia e.<br />

n. s. b1ichie;aa avs., bet. Third and Fourth. Henn, Louis, carpenter, saloon, 183 Russell<br />

Henderson, Thomas, Alderman Fourthward, h. same.<br />

h. 210 Congress e.<br />

Hennaert, Very Rev. Peter, V. G. and Ad-<br />

Henderson, Thomas, laborer, h. 113 Twenty- ministrator Diocese of <strong>Detroit</strong>, h. 343 3efthird.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Henderson, William, h. 11 Miami ave. Henner. John, blacksmith, h. 68 Catharine.<br />

Henderson, William, contractor, bds. n. e. Hennes, Louis, merchant, h. 219 St. Ancor.<br />

Fremont and John R.<br />

toine.<br />

Henderson, William, dry goods, boots and Hennessey, Cecelia (wid. John), h. Beaushoes,<br />

kc., 175 Rtjchigan ave., h. same. bien, nr. Brush.<br />

Henderson, William, salesman, h. 175 Mich- Hennessey, Kev. James A., pastor St. Patigan<br />

aye.<br />

rick's Church, h. 219 John It.<br />

Hendren, Roger, laborer, h. 259 Abbott. Hennessey, John, porter, h. 217 Lafayette.<br />

Hendricks, Albert B., peddler, bds. Finney's Hennessey, Joseph, agent, h. o. 252 n. 280<br />

Hotel.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hendricks, Ann (wid. Eli), h. 370 Croghan. Hennessey, Nicholas, drayman, h. 213<br />

Hendricks, John William, laborer, bds. 370 Beech.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hcnncssey, Patrick, teamster, h. s. e. cor. St.<br />

Hendncks, Peter, carpenter, h. 293 Macomb. Aubin ave. and Woodbridge.<br />

~ . ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ,


Hennessey, Selah (wid.), fruit dealer, 20 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. w. s. Beaubien, nr. Fre-<br />

mont.<br />

Hennessey, Thomas, laborer, h. s. e. cor. St.<br />

Aubin ave. and Woodbridge.<br />

Hennessey, Timothy, laborer, h. 59 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Henney, Timothy, laborer, h. 59 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Henning, Albert, shoemaker, h. 102 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Henning, Charles, clerk, h. s. w. cor. Jay<br />

and Jos. Campan ave.<br />

Henning, Frederick, clerk, h. 180 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Henning, Gustav, watchmaker, h. o. 242 n.<br />

270 Rlacomb.<br />

Henning, John, porter, h. 217 Lafayette.<br />

Henning, Joseph, teamster, h. 528 Croghan.<br />

Henning, William, laborer, h. 350 Sort e.<br />

Henning, William, tanner, h 350 Fort w.<br />

Henry, David, clerk, h. 267 Elizabeth.<br />

Henning, John, cooper, h. 218 Montcalm e.<br />

Henri, Alexander, brewer, 144 Abbott, h.<br />

881118.<br />

Henri, Ernst, painter, h. 475 Clinton ave.<br />

Henrich, William, carpetweaver, h. 21<br />

Charlotte.<br />

Henrien, Ann (wid. Morris), h. 92 Farrar.<br />

Henrihan, John, laborer, h. 210 Sisth.<br />

Henrion, George, cigarmaker, bds. 233 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Henrion, George, superintendent city parks,<br />

grocery and saloon, 267 Lafayette, h.<br />

same.<br />

Henrion, George II., salesman, bds. 19 High.<br />

Henrion, John, carbuilder, h. 32 German.<br />

Henrion, John, carpenter, h. 32 German.<br />

Henrion, Joseph, baggagemaster M. C. R. R.,<br />

h o. 277 n. 355 High.<br />

Henrion, Margaret (wid. Bernhard), h. 233<br />

Clinton.<br />

Henrion, Nicholas, bds. 267 Lafayette.<br />

Henrion, Philip, tanner, bds. 235 Clinton.<br />

Henris, Anna M. (wid. Jacob), h. 2'79 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Henris, Elizabeth (wid. Jacob), seamstress,<br />

h. 265 Clinton.<br />

Henris, Harmon, tobacconist, h. 355 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Henris, Michael, boilermaker, h. 157 Maple.<br />

Henris, William, coppersmith, h. 2'79 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Henry, Adam, teamster, h. n. s. Ann, bet.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Henry, Daniel F., assistant lake survey, h.<br />

111 Congress e.<br />

Henry, James E., bill poster, h. 23 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Henry, John H., boots and shoes, 10 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Henry, John, brewer, h. n. s. Ann, bet.<br />

Sixtli and Seventh.<br />

Henry, John, saloon and boarding, 165<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Henry, John, teamster, bds. w. s. Third,<br />

bet. Howard and Michigan ave.<br />

Henry, Thomas, grocery and liquors, 215<br />

Abbott, h. same.<br />

Henry, Thomas (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Henry, William A., billposter, h. 86 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Henry, William G., vessel owner, h. 126 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Henshaw, Warren B., painter, bds. 142<br />

Grand River.<br />

Hensien, John, teamster, h. 163 Prospect.<br />

HENSIEN, JOHN P., hardware, 128 St.<br />

Antoine, h. same. (See adv.)<br />

Hensien, Peter, wooddealer, h. 12 German.<br />

Hensler, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. 87 C ath~<br />

rine.<br />

Hentig, Frederick G., h. 112 Howard.<br />

Hentz, Frederick, laborer, h. 415 Dubois.<br />

Henza, Frederick, laborer, h. cor. Dubois<br />

and Chestnut.<br />

Hepburn, James H., deputy clerk revenue,<br />

h. 551 Fort.<br />

Hepfer, Ulrich, carpenter, h. 538 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Herber, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 112 Elizs<br />

beth e.<br />

Herbert, Andrew J., clerk, h. 161 Fifth.<br />

Herbertz, Franz, architect, h. 276 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Herbertz, William, machinist, h. s. e. cor.<br />

St. Aubin ave. and Maple.<br />

Herbst, Conrad, painter, h. 489 Michigan ave.<br />

Herbst, Cllarles, plasterer, h. w. s. La Fon-<br />

taine ave., nr. Magnolia.<br />

Herbst, Frederick, farrier, bds. 346 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Herbst, Frederick, mason, h. 116 Division.<br />

Herbst, Louis, baker, h. 346 St. Antoine.<br />

Herbst, Peter, carpenter, h. 146 Croghan.<br />

Herch, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Dequindre<br />

and James.<br />

Herchman, Edward, painter, 232 Calhoun,<br />

h. same.<br />

Herfurth, Charles, furniture, 100 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Herfurth, Mrs. Elizabeth, furniture, 136<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Hergenhan. Jerome, carpenter, h. 153 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Herig, John, painter, h. 233 Fort e.<br />

Herley. M. Logan, chemist, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Herlighan, Morris, iaborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Chestnut and Butternut.<br />

Hermann, Gottlieb, teacher, h. 77 Macomb.<br />

Hermann, John L., cigarmaker, bds. 301<br />

I Croghan.<br />

Hermann, Ludwig, draughtsman, bds. 87<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Hermann, Mary (wid. Joseph), h. 354 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Herma.nn, Mathias, brewer, h. 711 Clinton<br />





8 @ m<br />


DETB OIT, - MxcHIGAX<br />

Hermann, Mathias, marblecutter. bds. cor.<br />

Jos. Campau ave. and Croghan.<br />

Hermann, Otto, clerk, rooms 139 Bates.<br />

Hermann, William J., clerk, bds. Eisen-<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

Hermus, Sebastian, miller, bds. 31 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Herrick, Charles D., measuremaker, h. w. s.<br />

Mount Elliot ave., bet. Fort and Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Herrick, Stephen, carpenter, h. w. s. May-<br />

berry ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Herring, Julius, cabinztmaker, 11. 294 High.<br />

Herring, Julius, carpenter, h. 63 Hnstings.<br />

Herrington, Willard, commission merchant,<br />

49 3lichigan ave., b. 43 Lafayette ave.<br />

Herrinton, David B., agent Wilson shuttle<br />

sewing machine, 55 Farmer, h. 31 same.<br />

Herrnberger, John, cooper, h. 193 Bronson.<br />

Herron, George, hat dealer, h. 278 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Herschback, Godfrey, engineer, h. 446<br />

North.<br />

Herschback, William, turner, bds. 44G<br />

North.<br />

Hersel, Louis, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Fourth<br />

and Osceola.<br />

Hersen, Charles J., wireworker, bds. 46 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Hersheib, John, laborer, h. w. s. Lafon-<br />

taine ave., near Grand River.<br />

Eesler, Herman, ~aloon, 84 Prospect, h.<br />

same.<br />

Hertford, James J., conductor, h. o. 417 n.<br />

497 Congress e.<br />

Hertwig, Charles, salesman, bds. Hotel Er-<br />

ichsen.<br />

Herwig, Caroline (wid.), h. 303 St. Antoine.<br />

Herz, Theodore, carpenter, 'h. 193 Clinton.<br />

Herza, Xrs. Elizabeth, h. 179 Mullett.<br />

Herzberg, B., hoopsliirt manfr., 23 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Herzog, Hermann, traveling agent, bds. Ho-<br />

tel Erichsen.<br />

Hess, Albert, laborer, h. 316 Sixteenth.<br />

Hess, Andrew (Reynolds & Hess), h. 22 Me-<br />

chanic.<br />

Hew, August, carpenter, h. 374 Riopelle.<br />

Hess, August, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 385<br />

Frankl~n.<br />

Hess, August, laborer, h. 283 Franklin.<br />

Hess, Charles I)., tinsmith, 'h. 16 Marion.<br />

Hess, Henry, printer, bds. 952 Ninth ave.<br />

Hess, Peter, musician, h. 271 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hess, Theodore, painter, h. 518 Gratiot.<br />

Hesse, Francis, saloon, 12 Monroe aye., 11.<br />

same.<br />

- -<br />

Hesse, William, porter M. C. R. R., h. 16<br />

Clay.<br />

Hessed, Mrs., washerwoman, h. 222 Frank-<br />

lin-<br />

Hesselbacher, Jacob, laborer, bds. 31 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

HESSELBACHER, OSWALD, confection-<br />

er, 228 Jeffei-son ave., h. same. (See adv.)<br />

Hessett, James, laborer, h. 173 Oak.<br />

Hessing, Augustus, safemaker, h. 199 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Hesslein, Bernhard (Hesslein Bros.), bds.<br />

Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Hessler, Herman, plasterer, h. o. 73 n. 115<br />

Brewster.<br />

Hesslein, John, salesman, bds. Hotel Er-<br />

icl~sen.<br />

Heislein, Samuel, salesman, bds. 239 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Hesslein, Sigmund (Hesslein Bros.), bds. Ho-<br />

tel Erichsen.<br />

Hesslein Bros. (Sigmund and Bernhard<br />

Hesslein), cigars, 75 .Monroe ave.<br />

Hest?r, Frank, clerk, 11.145 Maple.<br />

Hester, Joseph, sawyer, bds. 53 Fort e.<br />

Hetchen, Jacob, laborer, 11. 238 M'atson.<br />

Hetcher, John, tailor, h. 357 Juliette.<br />

Hetfield, Lidurania (wid. John), h. I41<br />

High.<br />

Heuer, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 101<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Heugh, Archibald, laborer, h. o. 490 n. 472<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Heuss, Ama.ndus, carpenter, h. -80 Jay.<br />

Heusted, John, farmer, b. s. w. cor. Congress<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Heustis, Charles D. (J. &C. D. Heustis), bds.<br />

45 Montcalm w.<br />

Heustis, Joseph (J. & C. D. Heustis), h. 45<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Heustis, J., & C. D. (Joseph and Charles D.<br />

Heustis), fruits and vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market and cor. Park and Montcalm.<br />

Hewitt, Elizabetb (wid. Samuel), h. 433<br />

Congress e.<br />

Hewitt. Isaac B., boiler inspector, h. 64<br />

Limburg.<br />

Hewitt, John, engineer, h. 342 Dubois.<br />

Hewitt, Robert, blacksmith, bds. Monroe<br />

House, Third.<br />

Hewson, John, coatman Russell House, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Hewson, John, porter Russell House, h. I30<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hewson, J. G., policeman, h. cor. Fort and<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Heyer, Charles, billiard table maker, h. 319<br />

Montcalm.<br />

Heyerman, Charles, lawyer, h. 40 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Heymann, James, peddler, h. 262 Lafay-<br />

stte.<br />

Hibbard, Bugustine G., bds. h2 Brainard.<br />

IIibbard, Eliphaz S., account,ant, h. 52<br />

Brainard.<br />



Hibbard, Sarah (wid. Jedediah), h. 145 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Hibbles, David, boilermqker, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Jos. Campau ave. and Sherman.<br />

Hibner, MTilliam, laborer, h. 471 Macomb.<br />

Hickey, Cornelius, drayman, bds. 225 Fifth.<br />

Hickey, Daniel. carriagedriver, h. 182<br />

Sisth.<br />

Hickey, Daniel L., blacksmith, h. 275 Fifth.<br />

Hickey, Helen, machine operator, bds. 218<br />

Sixth.<br />

Hickey, James, blacksmith, bds. Sherman<br />

House.<br />

Hickey, John, drayman, h. 273 Sisth.<br />

Hickey, Lawence, bds. 278 Fifth.<br />

Hickey, Lawrence, blacksmith, h. 283<br />

Sixth.<br />

Hickey, Mary (wid. William), h. w. s.<br />

Fourth, near Marcy.<br />

Hickey, Morris, meat market, 315 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Hickey, Nicholas, drayman, h. 39 Jones.<br />

Hickey, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 281 Sist h.<br />

Hickey, Patrick, grocer, 347 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hickey, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 571 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Hickey, Thomas, laborer, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Gold and Fourth.<br />

Hickey, kVilliarn, laborer, h. 473 Sisth.<br />

Hickman, Martha (col'd-wid.). h. s. s. Pri-<br />

vate, bet. Kivard and Ru~sell.<br />

Hickmatt, Mary (wid. Herbert), h. 52 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Hickok, William A., keeper tollgate, Mich-<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

Hicks, George, shoemaker, h. 121 Hastings.<br />

Hicks, Joseph, carpenter, h. 263 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Hickson, Martha (wid. John), h. 7 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Hiestand, Anton, brewer, bds. 244 Russell.<br />

Higginbotham, John, engineer, h. Willis<br />

ave., bet. Woodward and Cass aves.<br />

Higginbotham, John H., clerk, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Higgins, Charles, clerk, h. s. e. cor. Michi-<br />

gan ave. and Tenth.<br />

Higgins, Charles R., agent, h. 194 Park.<br />

Higgins, Clara (wid. Patrick C.), bds. 194<br />

Park.<br />

Higgins, Elizabeth (wid. Timothy), h. I79<br />

Orchard.<br />

Higgins, George, moulder, bds. 101 Baker.<br />

Higgins, Henry, confectioner, bds. 140<br />

Second.<br />

Hjggins, Hiram H., boots and shoes, 282<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Higgins, James, moulder, bds. 101 Baker.<br />

Higgins, Jane (wid. Justin), 11. 307 Brush.<br />

Higgins, John, painter, h. 440 St. Antoine.<br />

Higgins, Mathew, saloon, 340 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Higgins, Michael C., Yankee notions. 61 Jcf-<br />

ierson ave., h. o. 80 n. 86 Elizabeth w.<br />

Higgins, Nelson, (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Higgins, Peter, laborer, h. 378 Lafayette.<br />

Higgins, Sylvester W ., machinist, bds. 307<br />

17rush.<br />

Higgins, Thomas, inspector customs, h. 162<br />

Larned e.<br />

Higgins, Thomas, laborer, h. 57 National<br />

ave.<br />

Higginson, Joseph, patternmaker, h. 223<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Higginson, William, clerk, h. 109 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Hi~gs, John, Custom House officer, h. 153<br />

bixteenth.<br />

Higham, Elvira (wid. Robert), h. 36 Russell.<br />

Higham, William J., bookkeeper D. & M.<br />

E. R., bds. 36 Russell.<br />

Hi@, Januarius. teacher St. Joseph's school,<br />

h. 123 Antietam.<br />

Hilbert, Andrew, laborer, h. o. 80 n. 240<br />

Watson.<br />

Hilbert, Charles, harnessmaker, h. 159 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hilhert, John, gardener, h. o. 80 n. 249<br />

Watson.<br />

Hild, Henry, mason, h. 306 Marion.<br />

Hildebrandt, Conrad, mason, h. 133 Napoleon.<br />

Htldebrandt, ~erdinaid, laborer, h. 225<br />

Croghan.<br />

Hildebrandt, Frank, saloon, 426 Woodbridge<br />

w.. h. 436 same.<br />

Hildebrandt, Frederick, laborer, h. 181 Croghan.<br />

Hildebrandt, Henry, musician, bds. 219 Lafayette.<br />

Hildebrandt, John, gilder, h. o. 3 n. 43 Sixteenth.<br />

Hilder, Arthur, cabinetmaker, bds. 44 Fort e.<br />

Hilderscheit, John, butcher, 72 Russell, h.<br />

271 blort e.<br />

Hildersclieit, Peter, butcher, 316 Croghan,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hilderscheit, Stephen, laborer, h. 91 Russell.<br />

Hildreth, William J., conductor, h. 462<br />

Fifth.<br />

Hills, Benjamin C. (William Wright & Co.),<br />

h. 17 Elizabeth w.<br />

Hill, Catharine (wid. John), h. 470 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Hill, Charles (col'd), waiter Russell House.<br />

Hill, David, laborer, h. 286 Fourth.<br />

Hill, Cieorge, h. 411 Woodward ave.<br />

Hill, George B. (Michigan Bolt & Nut Co.,<br />

and E. 8. Bush B Go.), 11. 545 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hill, George H. (Hill & Bro.), h. 411 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Hill, Harry, carpenter, bds. 27 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Hill, Hugo, millinery and fancy goods, 181<br />

JeEerson ave., h. 86 Congresl~ e.


NEW YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 -<br />

SOLON McELROY, 3Ianager aud Agene y Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Hiil, Isabella (col'd-wid. Dennis), h. 132 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Hill, James, h. 77 Monroe ave.<br />

Hill, James, machinist, h. 386 Larned e.<br />

Hill, James F., clerk D. & IM. R. R., bds.<br />

114 Cass.<br />

Hill, Mrs. Jane, candies and fruits, 25'7 Gra-<br />

tiot, h. same.<br />

Hill, John, carriage driver, bds. 8 Spruce.<br />

Hill John B., millwright, bds. 566 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hill, John H., machinist, h. 426 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Hill, Joseph P., flagman D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

rear 306 Lafayette.<br />

Hill, Miss Mary, seamstress, bds. 262 Brush.<br />

Hill, Nazareth, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Lasalle<br />

ave. and Grand River.<br />

Hill, 0. s., traveling agt., bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hill, Peter (Belknap, Hill & Ford),Alderman<br />

Ninth Ward, h. o. 68 n. 90 Baker.<br />

Hill, Hichard, brewer, h. 394 Woodbridge e.<br />

Hill, Robert G., machinist, h. o. 68 n. 90<br />

Baker.<br />

Hill, Samuel B. (Hill & Trollope), h. 183<br />

Second.<br />

Hill, Sarah E. (wid. Joseph G.), h. 56 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Hill, Thomas, machinist, h. Fifteenth, bet.<br />

Howard and Lafayette aye.<br />

Hill, Thomas, steward str. R. N. Rice, h.<br />

214 Montcalm e.<br />

Hill, Thomas S., h. 19 High.<br />

Hill, Thomas W., bookkeeper W. U. tele-<br />

graph oilice, bds. 28 Fort e.<br />

Hill, William, laborer,h. e. s. Fifteenth, bet.<br />

Michigan aye. and Dalzell.<br />

Hill, William E. (Hill & Brother), h. 411<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Hill, William George, fireman D. &. M. R.<br />

B., bds. rear 306 Lafayette.<br />

Hill, William P., cabinetmaker, 42 John R.,<br />

h. 50 Centre.<br />

Hill, William R., manfr. and repairer cloth-<br />

es wringers, Randolph, ab. Gratiot, h. 213;<br />

Randoly h.<br />

Hill b: Brother (George H. and William E.<br />

Hill), wholesale grocers, 118 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hill & Trollope (Samuel 13. Hill and Albert<br />

Trollope), architectural Iron Works, 179<br />

Larned w.<br />

Hillebrand, John, shoemaker, h. 406 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Hiller, John G., shoemaker, 260 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 187 Fort e.<br />

Hiller, William, switchman M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. Springwells, nr. (3. T. Junction.<br />

Hillhouse, John, fancy goods and millinery,<br />

188 Abbott. h. same.<br />

Hillright. Eugene, carpenter, h. 70 Fourth.<br />

Hilly, Owen, tobacconist, h. 114 Farrar.<br />

Hilmau, John, laborer. h. 82 North.<br />

Hilsendegen Block, cor. lMonroe ave. and<br />

Randolph.<br />

Hilsendegen, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 225<br />

Whitney.<br />

Hilsendegen, Theodore, laborer, h. 208 Lafayette.<br />

Hilsendegen, Valentine, h. 446 eratiot.<br />

Hilt, Charles, engineer, bds. cor. Mount<br />

Elliott and Jeff'erson aves.<br />

Hilton, Henry, carriagetrimmer, h. 47 Butternut.<br />

Hilton, John, shoemaker, h. 56 Harriett.<br />

Hilton, Thomas (Woolley & Hilton), h. 146<br />

Howard.<br />

Hilts, Frederick, carpenter, h. 133 John R.<br />

Hilts, Henry, carpenter, h. 133 John R.<br />

Hilts, John, carpenter, bds. 133 John B.<br />

Hilts, William, carpenter, h. 76 Brady.<br />

Himburg, Frederick W., tailor, h. 215 Croghan.<br />

Himes, Christopher, steward, h. 215 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Himmel,William, tanner, h. 216 St. Antoine.<br />

Hinchey, Patrick, laborer, h. 2.3 Fourteent<br />

11.<br />

Hinchma~, Charles C., bookkeeper, bds. o.<br />

77 n. 117 Fort w.<br />

Hincl~man, Ford D. C. (T. H. Hinchman &<br />

Son's, bds. o. 77 n. 117 Fort w.<br />

Hinchman, Guy F. (G. F. Hinchman & Co,), h.<br />

s. e. cor. Fort and Griswold.<br />

Hinchman, James A., produce and commission<br />

merchant, 130 Woodbridge w.. h. 231<br />

Fort w.<br />

Hinchman, John, bds. 568 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hinchnnan, John M. (T. H. Hinchman &<br />

Sons), bds. o. 77 n. 117 Fort w.<br />

Hinchman, Joseph B. (Babillion, Hinchman<br />

& Co.), h. 79 Shelby.<br />

Hinchman, Theodore H. (T. H. Hinchman Sr;<br />

Sons), h. o. 77 n. 117 Fort w.<br />

HINCHMAN, GUY F., & CO. (Guy F.<br />

and Theodore H. Hinchman), wholesale<br />

ship chandlers, 16 and 18 Atwater. (See<br />

adu.)' '<br />

Hinchrnan, T. H., & Sons (Theodore H., John<br />

hi. andFord D. C. Hinchman), wholesale<br />

druggists and grocers, 78 and 80 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hind. John, laborer, h. w. s. Eighteenth, bet.<br />

Michigan are. and Baker.<br />

Hind, iMrs. (wid. John), artiste in was<br />

flowers, h. w. s. Nineteenth, bet. Baker<br />

and Alichigan ave.<br />

Hirrden, Mathias J., manufacturer of<br />

optical and mathematical instruments,<br />

and modclrnalier, 813 Jefferson ave., bds.<br />

Hotel Erichsen. (See adv.)


Hindenburg, Emilie (wid. John), h. 175 Ma-<br />

colub.<br />

Hinds, -, fireman, bds. 27 Beaubien.<br />

Hines, Captain, agent, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Hines, Edward, laborer, h. w. s. Fifth, bet.<br />

Noyes and Marcy.<br />

Hines, John, tanner, h. 201 Croghan.<br />

Hink, Anthony, laborer, h. 189 Antietam.<br />

Hinkle, A. J., policeman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Hinman, Alfred B. (A. B. Hinman & Co.), h.<br />

499 Woodward ave.<br />

Hinman, A. B., & Co. (Alfred B. Hinman<br />

and Sanford R. Smith), wholesale oils, 52<br />

Shelby.<br />

Hins, Miss Kate, dressmaker, 108 Elizabeth<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Hinsdale, Edmin C., lawyer, 2 Larned e., h.<br />

139 Lafayette ave.<br />

Hinsdale, Hiram. plasterer, h. 46 Fort e.<br />

HINTEEtMISTER, HENRY, merchant tai-<br />

lor, 200 Jefferson ave., bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Hinton, Rev. John, State agent American<br />

Bible Society, h. n. e. cor. Limburg and<br />

Third.<br />

Hinze, Rudolph, gardener, bds. 447 Fort e.<br />

Hipp, Joseph, teamster, h. 375 Fort e.<br />

Hirbour, Robert, cabinetmaker, bds. Brush,<br />

s. e. cor Larned.<br />

Hirons, Mary Ann (wid. Thomas), dressmak-<br />

er, bds. 36 Grand River, up-stairs.<br />

Eirsch, Adam, butcher, 8 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

h. 270 Congress e.<br />

Hirsch, Anthony, melodeon maker, h. 258<br />

Randolph.<br />

Hirsch, Nathan S., tobacconist, 2'75 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. Franklin House.<br />

Hirschbach, Gottfried, engineer, h. North,<br />

nr. Dkquindre.<br />

Hirschbach, William, turner, bds. North, nr.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Eirschman, Fanny, millinery, 61 Michigan<br />

ave., bds. 233 Congress e.<br />

Hirschman, Jacob, laborer, 21.157 Chene.<br />

Hirschman, Louis, merchant, h. 233 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Hirschman, Martin, laborer, h. 14 Webster.<br />

Hirschman, Michael, tinsmith, bds. 89 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Hirschman, Minnie (wid. Morris), h. 52<br />

Wayne.<br />

Hirst, John C., laborer, h. 275 Croghan.<br />

Hisc, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 367 Abbott.<br />

Hiss, Edward, varnisher, bda. 244 bfacomb.<br />

Hitchcock, Frances (wid. Aaron), h. 1'72<br />

Congress w.<br />

HITCHCOCK, HORACE (Hitchcock &<br />

Esselstyn), h. o. 77 n. 85 Montcalm w.<br />

Hitchcock, James, salesman, bds. 27 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />


Hitchcock and Willard A. Esselstyn),<br />

wooiens and trimmings, 147 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

30<br />

Hite, Louis (col'd), h. e. s. Beaubien, n.<br />

Farnsworth.<br />

Hite, Frederick (col'd), whitewasher, h. 193<br />

Congress e.<br />

Hittel, Samuel, jeweler, h. s. e. cor. Woodward<br />

ave. and Farnsworth.<br />

Hoadley, James (Hoadley & Morgan), bds.<br />

New York Hotel.<br />

Hoadley & Morgan (James Hoadley and<br />

William M. Morgan), proprs. New York<br />

Hotel, Franklin, bet. Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Hoaran, Patrick, laborer, h. Ill Labrosse.<br />

Hobart, John N. (Hobart & Hawarth), h. s.<br />

w. cor. Cherry and Fourth.<br />

Hobart, William (Sievwright & Hobart), h.<br />

698 Woodbridge w.<br />

Hobart & Haworth (John N. Hobart and<br />

William Haworth), furniture, 11 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Hobbs, Peter, clerk, bds. 87 Washington<br />

aye.<br />

Hoberkorn, Henry, carpenter, h. 437 St. Antoine.<br />

Hobart, James M., produce agent, h. 488<br />

Sixth.<br />

Hochgraef, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. 256<br />

Beaubien.<br />

HOCHGRAEF, MAX (Hochgraef & Co.),<br />

bds. 25 Macomb.<br />

Hochgraef, William, carpenter, h. 25 Macomb.<br />

HOCHGRAEF' & CO. (Mas Hochgraef and<br />

Charles Klnwiter), engravers and door<br />

plate manfrs., 246 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Hochstet, Louisa, hairbraider, h. 169 Fort e.<br />

Hocnell, Samuel, lithographer, h. 80 Sherman.<br />

Hock, Henry, frescoe painter, bis. 155 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Hock, Jacob, hardware, 221 Michigan ave.,<br />

11. 179 Twelfth.<br />

Hock, Joseph, wood seller, h. 22 Bronson.<br />

Hock, Joseph, h. 155 St. Antoine.<br />

Hock, Louis, laborer, h. 233 Watson.<br />

Hock, Sebastian, shoemaker, h. 176 Division.<br />

Hodder, Winchell, blacksmith, h. 22 Webster.<br />

Hodge, Charles J., bds. 78 Henry.<br />

Hodge, Miss Myra, principal Franklin<br />

School, bds. 95 Locust.<br />

Hodge, -- Samuel F. (Hodge & Christie), h. 78<br />

Henry.<br />

PBodge Rt Christie (Samuel F. Hodge<br />

and Thomas P. Christie), iron founders and<br />

machinists, n. TV. cor. Rivard and Atwater.<br />

Hodges, Beatty, seaman, bds 34 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hodges, Charles C. (Hodges Bros.), h. 97<br />

Fort w.<br />

Hodges, Franklin D., shipping clerk, bds.<br />

16 Elizabeth e.<br />

Hodges, Greenbary (col'd), porter, h. 165<br />

Fort tt.


8 a& \<br />



-3c-? vxa $j$~yJjzljZ\~~gP~<br />

-<br />

LL, d<br />

Office, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


- -<br />

Hodges, Henry C. (Hodges Bros.), h. s. e.<br />

cor. Lafapette ave. and Tenth.<br />

Hodges, Josiah P., captain, h. 34 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Hodges, Lothrop S., lawyer, h. 226 Wood-<br />

bndge e.<br />

Hodges Brothers (Henry C. and Charles C.<br />

Hodges), agents Conn. Mutual Life Ins.<br />

Co., 11 Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

Hodedon, Humphrey C. shoemaker, h. 21<br />

Oak.<br />

Hodgdon, Otis C., shoemaker, h. 21 Oak..<br />

Hodgkin, Mrs. John W., h. 48 George.<br />

Hodgkin, Robert, fly net manfr., 286 Ran-<br />

dolph, h. same.<br />

Hod? son, Frederick, carpenter and joiner, h.<br />

96 Columbia w.<br />

Hodgson, Henry H., merchant, h. 30 Win-<br />

der.<br />

Hoefner, Gottlob, h. 216 Adams ave e.<br />

Hoeffman, John, laborer, h. 484 Clinton ave.<br />

Hoeflein, Leopold, la borer, h. 40 Catharine.<br />

Hoeft, Hermann, laborer, h. n. s. German, e.<br />

Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Hoehnow, Augusta (wid. Charles), h. 217<br />

Columbia e, .<br />

Hoehnow, Ferdinand, bds. 70 Catharine.<br />

Hoehnow, Frederica (wid. William), mid-<br />

wife h. '10 Catharine.<br />

Hoehnow, Mary, sewing machine operator,<br />

bds. 217 Columbia e.<br />

Hoekstra, Egbert (Ostler & Hoekstra,), h.<br />

64 Pine.<br />

Hoenebach, Jacob, clerk, h. 279 Croghan.<br />

Hoenebach, Peter, laborer, h. 279 Croghan.<br />

Hoenninghausen, Joseph, news agent, h. 141<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Hoenninghausen, Joseph, jr., trunkmaker,<br />

bds. 141 Lfayette.<br />

Hoeper, William, cabinetmaker, bds. 95<br />

Congress e.<br />

Hoetger, Conrad (Hoetger & Bro.), h. 436<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Hoetger, John (Hoetger & Bro.), h. cor. Ju-<br />

liette and Dequindre.<br />

Hoetger & Bro. (Conrad and John Hoetger),<br />

merchant tailors, 436 Qratiot.<br />

Hoey, John, groceries and provisions, 280<br />

Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Hof, Frederick, joiner, h. Antietam, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Hof, Valentine, grocery, 327 Montcalm e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Hofenrnair, Louis, cooper, h. 8 Chestnut.<br />

Hoff, Casyar, laborer, h. w. s. Sullivan am.,<br />

nr. Butternut.<br />

I ave.,<br />

Hoffer, Frederick, coppersmith, h. 380 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Hoffman, Adam, laborer, h. n. s. Chestnut,<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Hoffman, Christian, carpenter, 31. I Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Hoffman, Conrad, engineer, h. 408 Twelfth.<br />

Hofiinan, Frederick, teamster, h. Dubois, s.<br />

e. cor. Chestnut.<br />

Hoffman, Frederick, tailor, 60 Michigan ave.,<br />

bds. cor. Randolph and Michigan Grand<br />

ave.<br />

Hoffman, Frederick, laborer, h. 232 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Hofinan. George, carpenter, bds. 121 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hoff'man, George, livery stable and hacks,<br />

Congress, bet. Bates and Randolph, h. 103<br />

Bates.<br />

Hoffman, 'Henry, laborer, h. 97 Sixteenth.<br />

Hoffman, John, saloon, 222 Woodbridge w.<br />

h. same.<br />

Hoeman, John, restaurant, 4-4 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Hoffman, Leopold, confectioner, bds. 100<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hoffman, Michael, laborer, h. 211 Fort w.<br />

Hoffinan, Peter, boots and shoes, 405 Gra-<br />

tiot, h. same.<br />

Hoffman, Bischt, blacksmith, h. 116 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hoffman, Sanluel, groceries and pro-<br />

visions, 230 Randolph, h. 39 Rlacomb ave.<br />

Hoffman. Sperry, saddler, bds. 102 Brush.<br />

Hoffman, Wenzel, upholsterer, h. 336 Brush.<br />

Hoffman, William, laborer, h. 484 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Hotfnlan,William, shoemaker, h. 85 Twelfth.<br />

Hoffman, -, bricklayer, h. 268 Bronson.<br />

Hoffmeier, Charles, carpenter, h. 349 Mullett.<br />

HoEmeier, Louise (wid. Adolph), vegetables,<br />

h. 249 Beziubh.<br />

HoBmeier, William, watchman, h. 208<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Hoffineyer, George W., painter, h. 104 Napoleon.<br />

Hoffner, George, tanner, h. 369 Orleans.<br />

Hoffner, John (Hoffner & Mayes), h. s. w.<br />

cor. Ledyard and Second.<br />

Hoffner & Mayes (John Hoffner and Edward<br />

Mayes), sailmakers and riggers, foot Bates.<br />

Hofschmitt, Joseph, laborer, h. 110 Jay.<br />

Hogan, Daniel, laborer, h. 5S3 Congress e.<br />

Hogan, James, carpenter, h. 271 First.<br />

Hogan, James P., drayman, h. 241 Second.<br />

Hogan, James, teamster American Express<br />

Co., h. 92 Marion.<br />

Hogan, John, drayman, h. 240 Sixth.<br />

Hogan, John, Street Commissioner, h. 379<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Hogan, John, laborer, h. 685 Michigan ave.<br />

Hogan, John, peddler, h. 339 Lafayette.<br />

Hogan, Michael F., grocer, 292 Michigan<br />

h. same.<br />



-- -<br />

Hogan, Patrick, laborer, h. 161 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Hogan, Patrick, laborer, h. 98 Marion.<br />

Hogan, Patrick, laborer, h. 222 Thompson.<br />

Hogan, William, machinist, h. 59 Lafay ette<br />

ave.<br />

Hogarth, Ralph A., painter, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Third and Orange.<br />

Hogarth, Rev. William, pastor Jefferson<br />

ave. Presbyterian Church, h. 389 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hogarth. William H., express clerk, bds.<br />

389 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hogarthy, Daniel, laborer, h. 41'7 Fort w.<br />

Hogg, James, jr., patternmaker, bds. w. s.<br />

Mount Elliott ave., n. Cemetery.<br />

Hogg, James, sen., gardener, h. w. s. Mount<br />

Elliott ave., n. Cemetery.<br />

Hogg., Peter, blacksmith, bds. w. s. Mount<br />

Elliott nve., n. Cemetery.<br />

Hogguer, Ferdinand F. W., druggist, 118<br />

Rivard, h. same.<br />

Hogle, Albert, saloon, 193 Woodbridge w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hogreve, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. 256 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Hohenrit ter, Michael, cabinetmaker, bds.<br />

208 Russell.<br />

Hohenstein, Albert, dancing teacher, h. 131<br />

Hastings.<br />

Hohenstein, Richard B., upholsterer, h. 131<br />

Hastings.<br />

Hohlfeld, Caroline (wid. Carl), h. 352 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hohlfeld, Charles, nailsmith, 138 Antietam,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hohman, Frederick, plasterer, h. 222 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Hokeway, Thomas, carpenter, h. 231 Ben-<br />

ton.<br />

Holb, Frank, cabinetmaker, h. 166 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Holbert, John N., furniture, h. 301 Fourth.<br />

Holbrook. Dewitt C., lawyer, 101 Griswold,<br />

h. 6 Adams ave. w.<br />

Holbrook, Dewitt C., jr., student, bds. 6<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

Holbrook, Gilbert M., cutter, h. 60 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Holbrook, Miss Hattie, teacher, bds. 347<br />

Third.<br />

Holbrook, J. M., M. C. R. R,, h. 348 Third.<br />

Holbrook, Theodore, sailor, h. 171 Rivard.<br />

Holcomb, Eugene B., printer, bds. American<br />

House.<br />

Holden, Edward G., editor Daily Post, bds.<br />

61 Congress w.<br />

Holden, John, machinist, bds. 325 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Holden, William, machinist, bds. 325 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Holderied, Anthony (A. Holderied & Son),<br />

h. 279 High.<br />

Holderied, George C. (A. Holderied cPs; Son),<br />

bds. 279 High.<br />

Holderied, A., & Son (Anthony and George<br />

C. Holderied), scale mnfrs., 67 Monroe ave.<br />

Holdritter, Julius M., cabinetmaker, bds. 89<br />

Catharine.<br />

Holdsworth, James, wool grader, h. 298<br />

Third.<br />

~oldskorth, William, carpenter, bds. 298<br />

Third.<br />

Holfed, Mrs. Thoretta, h. 82 Jay.<br />

Holister, Solomon, conductor 31. C. R. R., h.<br />

47 Baker.<br />

Holland, Albert, bricklayer, bds. 397 Sisth.<br />

Holland, Daniel, clerk, bds. 85 M. ami ave.<br />

Holland, David, cigarmaker, h. 156 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Holland, Ferdinand, painter, bds. Hotel<br />

Jfa uch.<br />

Holland, Frank, seaman, bds. 397 Sixth.<br />

Holland, John, laborer, h. 246 Howard.<br />

Holland, -John E., mason, h. 397 Sisth.<br />

Holland, Norah (wid. Patrick), saloon, 336<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Holland, Peter, laborer, h. 268 Fifth.<br />

Holland, Peter, carpenter, h. 140 Seventh.<br />

Holland, Richard, plasterer, h. 95 Division.<br />

Holland, Timot,hy, ashpeddler, h. n. w. cor.<br />

National ave. and Butternut.<br />

Holland, VSTilliam, macyinist, h. 450 Hast-<br />

- ings.<br />

Hollander, Peter, teamster, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Fort and St. Antoirie.<br />

Hollenback, Nathaniel P., physician, h. 297<br />

Fourth.<br />

Holler, John, tinsmith, 21. 362 High.<br />

Holligan, Helen (wid. Thomas), h. 223 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Hollings, John, upholsterer, h. 246 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Holliss, Justin, painter, bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Hollunh, MicLaei, carpenter, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Fourth and Pierpont.<br />

Hallp, John, policeman, h. 403 Gratiot.<br />

Holly, Richard, saloon, h. 106 Marion.<br />

Hollywood, Mrs. (wid.), h. 19 Sproat.<br />

Holman, Samuel, tinsmith, bds. 62 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Holmes, A. B., traveling agent, bds. 32 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

TTolmes, Allen F., bricklayer, h. 255<br />

- .<br />

~r ush.<br />

Holmes, Betsy (wid. John.), h. 95 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Holmes, Charles P., carpenter, h. w. S.<br />

May berry ave., near Miohigan ave.<br />

Holmes, David, dgarmaker, h. o. 465 n. 561<br />

Sisth.<br />

Holmes, F. H., clerk, bds. 121 Congress e.<br />

Holmes, Henry (col'd), barber, h. 58 Divis-<br />

ion.<br />

Holmes, Hiram, commission merchant, h.<br />

106 National ave.<br />

Holmes, James, engineer M. C. 3%. R., bds;<br />

111 Howard.<br />

Holmes, John, laborer, h .32 Dequindre.<br />

Holmes, Job, clerk, bds. 95 Miami ave,.


NEW YORE 1 Holtzemann, Joseph, porter, h. 183 Sher*<br />

B8k O a 8 nae 6 3~ a myB<br />

-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

INCOME'<br />

-- $15'000<br />

man.<br />

Holub, Franz, carpenter, h. 273 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Holz, Henry, laborer, h. 33 Twenty-second.<br />

Bolzhauer, Henry, carpenter, h. 2'72 Cro-<br />

SOLON IIlcELROY, Dlanager and Agency Snpt., gllan.<br />

Peninsdar ~~~k Bni]din g, DETROIT, MICH. Holzhauer, William, laborer, h. eor. Rivard<br />

and Mullett.<br />

Hol~ues, John C., with John Palmer, bds. Holzmann, Joseph, laborer, h. 305 Bronson.<br />

s. w. cor. Griswold and Fort.<br />

Holzmann, Joseph, porter, h. 183 Sherman.<br />

Holmes, John H., salesman, bds. 95 Miami Holzschuh, Balthaser, laborer, h. 138 Mulave.<br />

lett.<br />

Holmes, John W., carpenter, h. 14 Mayber- Homburg, George, cabinetmaker, h. 41 Mrlr<br />

ry ave.<br />

rion.<br />

Holmes, Lafa~ette, saloon, o. 16 n. 20 Co- Homburg, Henry, tailor, h. '7 Silver.<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Hom burg, IYilliam, carpenter, h. 4'73 Beau-<br />

Holmes, Oscar I?., engineer D. & M. R. R., bien.<br />

h. 533 Congress e.<br />

Homburg, William, trunkmaker, bds. 7<br />

Holmes, Robert (Holmes & Webster), h. 55 Silver.<br />

State.<br />

Home of the Friendless, 53 High, Mrs. A.<br />

Holmes, Ross, agent, bds. I7 Columbia w. D. Roberts, Matron.<br />

Holmes, Silas M. (Holmes, Butler & Co.), h. Homeles, Henry (col'dj, barber, 157 Wood-<br />

167 Congress e.<br />

bridge w., 11. 219 Division.<br />

Holmes, Thomas, laborer, h. 6 Park Place. Hommel, George, 11. 167 Third.<br />

Holmes, William, moulder, h. n. e. cor. Hommel, George W., gildtr, h. 85 Abbott.<br />

Harrison ave. and Spruce.<br />

Hommel, John G., cooper, 221 Blontcalm e.,<br />

Holmes, W'llliam, sailor, bds. Woodbridge, h. same.<br />

bet. Tenth and Eleventh. . Homjer, Cliarles, ~ailer, h. 251 Franklin.<br />

Holmes, Butler & Co. (Silas M. Holmes and Honestone, Charles, laborer, h. 54 Twenty-<br />

Abram G. Butler), wool, produce and second.<br />

commission merchants, 11 and 13 Wood- Honor, William B.. cabinetmaker, 352 St.<br />

b1 idge w.<br />

Aubin ave., h. 354 same.<br />

Holnles dk Webster (Robert Holmes Hookerstein, John, clerk, bds. 50 Miami<br />

and Edwin F. N ebster), plumbers and ave.<br />

furnace builders, 115 Jefferson ave. (See Hooley, Thomas, laborer, h. w. s. Twentyada.)<br />

fourth, bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Holohan, Thomas, laborer, h. 385 Fifth. Hooper, Charles H. (IViley, Hooper &<br />

Holst, John, tailor, 11, 324 Hastings.<br />

Co.), bds. 37 Rowland.<br />

Holstein, Caspar, laborer, h. 432 Catharine. Hooper, Edward C. (Wiley, Hooper & Co.)<br />

Holstein, Isaac, laborer, h. Jeffersou ave., bds. 37 Rowland.<br />

near Elmmood ave.<br />

Hooper, Francis W., painter, bds. rear 388<br />

Holstein, John, laborer, bds. Hamtramck. Michigan ave.<br />

Holste~n, Job, eawyer. h. 233 Lafayette. Hooper, Frank W., clerk, Ms. 386 Michigan<br />

Holstein, John (Jacobs & Eolstein), h. 246 ave.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Hooper, George W., h. rear 388 Michigan<br />

Holstein, Paul, teamster Moffatt's mill, bds. ave.<br />

375 Franklin.<br />

Hooper George. W., jr., iron finisher, bds.<br />

Holt, Ira F., clerk, h. o. 138 n. 490 Cass ave, rear 388 Michigan ave.<br />

Holt, John, printer, h. 485 Lafayette. Hooper, John, laborer, bds. n. s. Canfield,<br />

Holthoefer, Casper J. (Holthoefer & bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Keusch), h. 71 Cnss ave.<br />

Hooper, William, chairmaker, bds. n. s.<br />

Holthoefer, Joseph (Holthoefer, Millen- Canfield, bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

bach St Bro.), h. 147 hfullett.<br />

Hoops, Henry, carpenter, h. 88 Lafayette.<br />

Holthoefer, blillenbach & Bro. (-Joseph Hoose, Brazill, shipcarpenter, h. 233 Frank-<br />

Holthoefer and Peter and Nathias Rlillen- lin.<br />

bach), tanners and curriers, 232 Croghan. Hoose, David, sailor, h. 19 Woodbridge e.<br />

Holthoefer & Keusch (Casper J. Holthoefer Hoover, Virginia (eol'd-wid. Dennis), h. 219<br />

and Joseph Keusch), drygoods, 125 Adams ave. e.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Zcroydonk, Frank, mechanic, bds. 392 Gra-<br />

Holtz, John, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth, near tiot.<br />

Sycamore.<br />

Hopkin, John (Hopkin & Bro.), h. 60 Mont-<br />

Holtz, William, tailor, h. 1'74 Croghan. calm e.<br />

Holtzhauer, Henry, carpenter, h. 221 Cro- Hopkin, Xobert (Dean, Brow & Co.), h. 247<br />

ghan.<br />

E"irst .


Hopkin, William (Hopkin & Bro.), h. 127<br />

Farmer.<br />

HOPKIN & BRO. (William and John Hop-<br />

kin). carriage and wagon manfrs., s. w.<br />

cor. John R and E'armer. (See adu.)<br />

Hopkin, Andreas S., printer, h. 16 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Hopkins, Bernard, shoemaker, h. Abbott.<br />

Hopliins, Daniel B., reporter, h. o. 94 n. 116<br />

Cass.<br />

Hopkins, George, cigarmaker, h. 535 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Hopkins, James, shoemaker, h. 419 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Hopkins, John, carpenter, bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

Hopkins, Mary (wid. Norman), h. 118<br />

Bates.<br />

Hopkins, Sarah A. (wid. John V.), .h. 313<br />

Fourth.<br />

Hopkinson, John, peddler, h. 500 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Hopkinson, Reuben, clerk, bds. 500 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hopper, Josiah, plasterer and whitewasher,<br />

h. 313 Watson.<br />

Hopper, William H., traveling agent D. D.<br />

Mallory & Co.), h. 33 Abbott.<br />

Hopson, Henry C. (H. C. Hopson & Co.), h.<br />

88 Columbia w.<br />

Hopson, James, taxidermist, h. 533 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Hopson, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 416 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Hopson, Richat d H., stoves and hardware,<br />

88 Gratiot, 11.186 Howard.<br />

Hopson, blacksnlith, cor. Gratiot<br />

and St. Antoine, bds. 30 Catharine.<br />

HOPSON, H. C., & CO. (Henry C. Hop-<br />

son and Mary A. Sprague), tinsmiths.<br />

n. w. cor. Woalward ave. and Col-<br />

umbia. (See adv.)<br />

Horan, Eliza A., hairbraider, bds. 350 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Horan, Morris, blacksmith? h. 227 Sixth.<br />

Horan, Thomas, moulder, h. 207 Fifth.<br />

Horan, Patrick, farmer, h. 350 Grand River.<br />

Horen, Richard, drapman, h. 53 Olchard.<br />

Horen. Thomas, ironmoulder, h. o. 171 n.<br />

207 Fifth.<br />

Horell, Vincent, tailor, h. 313 High.<br />

Horn, Boyne L., clerk, 11. 90 Oak.<br />

Horn, Francis, blacksmith and wheelwright,<br />

355 Michigan ave., 11. same.<br />

Horn, Frank, jr., bds. 240 Montcalm e.<br />

Horn, Frederick, carpenter, h. G Jay.<br />

Horn, Henry, carpenter, h. 6. Jay.<br />

Horn, Terne, mason, h. 4'75 Russell.<br />

Horn, John, saloon and restaurant, 1 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. same.<br />

Horn, John, jr., bartender, bds. I Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Horn, Louis, cigarmaker, 155 Woodward<br />

ave. h. 275 High.<br />

norn,' Maurice, ~orscshoeing, 78 Larned m.,<br />

h. 287 Sixth. a<br />

HornSeck, Jacob, salesman H. Greening, h.<br />

279 Croghana<br />

Hornbogen, John, carpenter, h. 199 Clinton.<br />

Hornie, Ignaz, carpenter, h. 115 Mary.<br />

Hornik, John, shoemaker, bds. 194 Bronson.<br />

Horrigan, Patrick, laborer, h. 738 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Horrell, Vincent, tailor, h. 113 Napoleon.<br />

Horrion, Remie, carpenter, bds. 362 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Horseman, George, marblecutter, bds. 235<br />

Brush.<br />

Horseman, Thomas, stonecutter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Horsmar, George, captain, h. 75 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Horsie, - , tinsmith, bds. 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Horsey. Edward J., tinsmith, bds. 54 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Horton, Daniel, saloon, 93 ElmwooC ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Horton, Samuel, engineer, h. 600 Congress e.<br />

Hosacli, William C.: shipbuilder, h. s. s.<br />

Pitcher, bet. Second and Third.<br />

Hosie, Alexander, clerk, bds. 162 Fifth.<br />

Hosie, blrs. Elizabeth, h. 162 Fifth.<br />

HOSIE, HOBERT, banker, 154 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 80 First. (See adv.)<br />

Hosmer, George I?., bartender, bds. 325 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Hosmer, John, h. 239 Lafayette aye.<br />

Hospital, James, moulder, h. 69 Harrison<br />

aye.<br />

Hossannah, Charles, boilermaker, h. 53<br />

Shelby.<br />

Hoose, David, brewer, h. 11 Hawley Block,<br />

Bates.<br />

Hoste, Francis, laborer, h. Bellair, nr. St.<br />

Allbin ave.<br />

Hostetter, John, carbuilder, bds. 263 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Hostetter, Luke, laborer, h. Fourteenth, bet.<br />

Lafayette ave. and Howard.<br />

Hotchkiss, Dewitt C., printer, bds. Garrison<br />

Housc,<br />

Hotchkiss, L. L., lumber dealer, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Hotel Erichsen, 122 and 122 Randolph.<br />

Botel Mauch, Louis Dillman, propr., 43<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Hotz, Charles, gilder, bds. o. 3 n. 43 Sixteenth.<br />

Houcli, Mathias, brewer, h. 490 Orleans.<br />

Hough: Garry A., theatrical manager, h. 299<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hough, George W., traveling agent, h. w. s<br />

Lasalle ave, bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Hough, James, clerk, bds. 147 Beaubien.<br />

Hough, S. P~rter~bookkeeper, bds. 87 Shelby.<br />

Hongh, V\'illiam E., clerk, bds. 96 Sixth.<br />

Houghmeyer, William, bds. 203 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Houghton, Cyrus A,, bookkeeper, bds. 2<br />


HOU<br />


OFFER<br />



We. make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

p- --<br />

Houghton, Jacob, jr., civil en,gineer, h. 36<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Houghton, Martha (wid. Thomas), h. e. s.<br />

Thompson, bet. Grand River and Dickin-<br />

Son.<br />

Eoughton, William, produce , a@., h. n. s.<br />

Grand River, bet. Thompson and Thirteenth.<br />

Houl, Paul, huckster, h. 715 Franklin.<br />

Houlett, Robert, butcher, h. 464 Fifth.<br />

Houlihan, James, saloon, n. w. cor. Franklin<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Hour, George, woodpeddler, h. Beaubien, nr.<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Eouse, Elisha J., bds. 240 Congress e.<br />

House, Joseph, laborer, h. 42 Wight.<br />

House, William C., bds. 134 Bagg.<br />

House, William C'. (Platt & House), h. o. 89<br />

n. 97 Elizabeth w.<br />

Houston, John, laborer. h. w. s. Thirteenand-a-half,<br />

nr. Baker.<br />

Howalagan, Edward, bds. 50 Front.<br />

Howard, Alexander K., clerk, bds. o. 50 n.<br />

80 Sibley.<br />

Howard, Alfred, bookkeeper, h. 95 Ledyard.<br />

Howard, Charles, engineer, bds. 316 Franklin.<br />

Howard, Charles, clerk, h. 214 Watson.<br />

Howard, Charles J., engineer, bds. 316<br />

Franklin.<br />

Howard, Edward B., bds. Michigan Ex<br />

change.<br />

Howard, Electus B., machine agent, 111<br />

Jefferson ave., bds. Michigan Eschange.<br />

Howard, Emily (wid. John B.), h. 89 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Howard, Frank, saloon, h. 242 Adams ave. e.<br />

Howard, Mrs. Frank F., h. cor. Cass ave. and<br />

Sibley.<br />

Howard, George J., gilder, bds. 79 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Howard, Hamilton GI., law student, bds. 193<br />

Larned e.<br />

Howard, Harriet E., (wid. William H.), h.<br />

76 Columbia e.<br />

Howard, Henry, farmer, h. 8? Sisth.<br />

Howard, Henry, fireman, h. e. s. Sisth, bet.<br />

Lafayette ave. and Howard.<br />

Roward House, n. e. cor. Congress and<br />

Griswold, Qurdon 0. Williams, prop-.<br />

Howard, Hon. Jacob M., attorney and U. S.<br />

Senator, 7 Kanter Building, Larned w., h.<br />

193 Larned e.<br />

Howard, James, blacksmith, bds. o. 130 n.<br />

152 Larned w.<br />

Howard, John McLean, express messenger,<br />

h. o. 50 n. 80 Sibley.<br />

Howard, John P., gardener, h. 692 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Howard, Joseph (col'd), porter, h. w. s. Cass,<br />

bet. Jefferson ave. and Larned.<br />

Howard, Joseph, whitewasher, h. 367 Riopelle.<br />

Howard, Hepsie (wid. Joshua), bds. 18<br />

Winder. .<br />

Howard, Lewis, machinist, bds. 387 Mullett.<br />

Howard, Peter, sailor, h. 290 Fifth.<br />

Howard, William A., U. S. Minister to<br />

China, h. o. 21 n. 84 Henry.<br />

Howard, William L., salesman, bds. o. 21 n.<br />

84 Henry.<br />

Hotve, Abra'hanl, sailor, h. 280 Montcalm e.<br />

Howe, Benjamin F., clerk Grover & Baker,<br />

bds. 96 Larned w.<br />

Howe, Gecrge, plasterer, h. 132 Orchard.<br />

Howe, eeorgelv., boarding, h. 96 Larned w.<br />

Howe, Margaret (wid. William), h. 132 Orchard.<br />

Howe, Rus~ell, agent, h. 191 Napoleon.<br />

Howe, Russell D., cooper, h. nr. s. e. cor.<br />

Napoleon and Prospect.<br />

Howe, Miss Sarah, teacher Eoughton Union<br />

school, bds. 96 Larned w.<br />

Howe, Solon, carpenter, bds. 69 Walnut.<br />

Howe, Sylvanus, bookkeeper, bds. 96 Larned<br />

w.<br />

'Howe, William B., Alderman Third Ward,<br />

h. 119 Congress e.<br />

Howell, Frederick P., clerk, bds. 111 Cass.<br />

Howell, Henry, carpenter, h. 216 Twelfth.<br />

Howell, James, animal trainer, bds. Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Howell, James H., h. 124 Jones.<br />

Howell, Stephen, cigarmaker, bds. '70 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Howie, William, painter, h. 588 Franklin.<br />

Howland, B. F., salesman, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Howland, William, officer U. S. court, bds.<br />

74 Miam' ave.<br />

Howlett, Robert, butcher, bds. 464 Fifth.<br />

Howman, Joseph, laborer, h. 47 Eighteenth.<br />

Howman, Samuel, tinsmith, bds. 27 Beaubien.<br />

Howser, Charles, laborer, h. 124 Twentieth.<br />

Howser, Cyrus A., printer, h. 257 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Howser, John B., printer, bds. 259 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Howser. John, W., shoemaker, h. 259 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Howson, James G., bookkeeper, h. 215<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Hoyette, Joseph, sailor, h. 68 Dubois.<br />

' Hoyt, Charles L., watchmaker, h. 54 Twentieth.<br />

Hoyt, Edwin, jr. (Hoyt, Cornwell & Co.),<br />

bds. Michigan Exchange.


*<br />

Hoyt, Cornwell & Co. (Edwin Hoyt, jr., Jay<br />

M. Cornwell and Alfred B. Hinlnan), glass<br />

lamps and gasfixtures, 156 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hoyt, Joseph W., carpenter, h. 338 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Hoy t, William C., lawyer, 127+ Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 68 Winder.<br />

Huad, Frederick, laborer, h. 559 Trow-<br />

bridge.<br />

Huaur , Alexander, laborer, h. 153 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Hubbard, Bela (Hubbard & Kin@, real es-<br />

tate, over Savings Bank, Griswold, res.<br />

Spri~~gwells.<br />

Hubbard, Charles E., painter, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Third and Grand.<br />

Hubbard, Jacob, tanner, h. 243 Macomb.<br />

Hubbard, John, conductor M. C. K.. R. h.<br />

264 Twelfth.<br />

Hubbard, Peter, blacksmith, bds. 7 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Hubbard, Robert, meat market, I Abbott, h.<br />

same.<br />

HUBBARD & DAVIS (A. C. Hubbard and<br />

B. M. Davis), nurserymen and florists,<br />

Twenty-fourth, nr. city limits. (See adv.)<br />

Hubbard & King (Bela Hubbard and John<br />

E. King), lu~llber manfrs., 571 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hubbel, John, engraver, bds. Russell, bet.<br />

Lafayette and Port.<br />

Hubbell, Nathaniel J., supt. J. M. Brad-<br />

street & Son, h. o. 13 n. 299 Cass ave.<br />

Hubbell, William, clerk, h. 46 Charlotte.<br />

Hubbert, Nathaniel, drover, h. 23 Sibley.<br />

Hubbert, Sarah (wid. Thomas), h. 127 Park.<br />

Huber, Albert, joiner, h. 11 Clay.<br />

B;ber, Andrew, h. 95 Macomb.<br />

Huber, Casper, saloon, 540 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Huber, Frederick, tailor, h. 55 Marion.<br />

Huber, Gertrude (wid. Andrew), h. 99 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Huber, John, bds. 65 Atwater.<br />

Huber, John, grocer, 320 St. Aubin ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Hubert, Antoine, laborer, h. 318 Whitney.<br />

Hubert, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. nr. cor.<br />

Bussell and Pearl.<br />

Hubert, Frederick, tailor, h. 55 Marion.<br />

Hubert, Louis, drayman, h. 470 Fort e.<br />

Hubert, Thomas, lake captain, h. 526<br />

Fort e.<br />

Huburt, Mary (col'd-wid.), h. 232 Ma<br />

comb.<br />

Huck, August, locksmith, 136 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Huckestein, John P., clerk A.. Kirchner,<br />

bds. 50 Miami ave.<br />

Hude, John, boot and shoemaker, 167<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

Hude, Mrs. Peter, ladies' trimmings, 181<br />

Woodward ave., h. 206 same.<br />

Hude, Peter, salesman, h. 206 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Hudgins, John, farmer, h. 191 Orleans.<br />

Hudson, C. Ward, druggist, 328 woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Hudson, Elon W., vessel owner, foot Shelby,<br />

h. 183 Fort w.<br />

Hudson, George W. (Hudson & Co.), h. 12<br />

Henry.<br />

Hudson, Harriet (wid. Charles), h. 67 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Budson, Henry W., cooper, h. 326 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Hudson, Joseph, harnessmaker, 92 Grand<br />

Rirer, h. same.<br />

Hudson, Mary (wid. John), h. 330 Fort e.<br />

Hudson, Robert, photographer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Seventh and Oak.<br />

Hudson & Co. (George kV. Hudson and An-<br />

drew McPherson), cordwood dealers, 75<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Hudspith, James, engineer, h. Dequindre,<br />

bel. (3ratiot.<br />

HUEBNER, EDWARD, carpenter and<br />

manfr. sash, doors, blinds and mouldings,<br />

110 Fort e., h. same. (See adv.)<br />

Huegli, Rev. John A., pastor German Evan-<br />

gelical Lutheran Trinity Church, h. 377<br />

eratiot.<br />

Huetternann, Elizabeth (wid. Franz), h. 226<br />

Rivard.<br />

Huettemann, Franz (F. Wuelfing & Co.), h.<br />

226 Rivard.<br />

Huettemann, Joseph, grocer, 226 Rivard,<br />

h. same.<br />

Huetter, Casper, vinegar manfr., 366 Rio-<br />

pelle, h. same.<br />

Huetter, John, laborer, bds. 366 Riopelle.<br />

Hustter, William, butcher, 104 Russell, h.<br />

106 same.<br />

Huff, Henry D., ticket a@., foot Third, h. 13<br />

Sixth.<br />

Huff, James S. (<strong>Detroit</strong> River Lumber Co.),<br />

h. 14 Miami ave.<br />

Huff, Kobert D., bookkeeper, h. 162 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Huff, William A., cabinetmaker, 308 Wood-<br />

bridge w., h. 13 Sixth.<br />

Huffenbeck, Charles, baker, h. 313 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Huiienbeclr, Mrs. Mary, Yankee notions,<br />

313 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Huffrnan, Joseph B., harnessmaker, bds.<br />

102 Brush.<br />

Hufnagel, Peter, salesman, h. 129 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Hug, Albert, grocer, 345 Catharine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Hug, Henry, physician and surgeon, 220<br />

CI oghan, h. same.<br />

Hughes, Alexander, machinist, bds. 134<br />

Porter.<br />

Hughes, Anthony, carpenter, h. 114 Michi-<br />

igan ave. up-stairs.<br />

Hughes, Ezra, news depot, 157 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Hughes, Jacob T., bookkeeper, h. o. 464 n.<br />

&4 Woodbridge e.


-<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Hughes, Jane (wid. Francis mT.), woodyard,<br />

n. w. cor. Fourth and Michigan ave., h.<br />

143 Porter.<br />

Hughes, Joseph, agent, bds. 143 Porter.<br />

Hughes, Patrick, groceries and crockery,<br />

165 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Hughes, Patrick, track repairer M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. 65 Sixteenth.<br />

Hughes, Richard, grocer, 856 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Hughes, Samuel R., expressman, h. 14 Joy.<br />

Hughes, Thomas, carpenter, h. 484 Third.<br />

Hughes, Thomas F., mechanic, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Fourteenth and Dalzell.<br />

Hughes, Thomas J., clerk, bds. 165 Michi-<br />

gan ace.<br />

Hugo, George, pictures, 28G Oratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Huhmann, Benedict, rag peddler, h. 397<br />

&lacomb.<br />

Huiss, Christopher F., tanner, o. 278 n. 308<br />

Michigan ave., h, same.<br />

Hulan, John, shoemaker, h. w. s. Lafontaine<br />

ave., nr. Poplar.<br />

Hulbert, Spencer, bookkeeper, bds. 71 Beau-<br />

- -<br />

bien.<br />

Hulden, Christopher, laborer, h. 429 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Huler, Finzians, stonecutter, h. Catharine,<br />

e. Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Hulett, Chester R., bookkeeper Daily Post,<br />

bds. Franklin House.<br />

Hull, Charles E., clerk, bds. 74 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Hull, Charles B., with K. C. Barker & Co.,<br />

bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Hull, Edward E., shipping clerk, bds. 74<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Hull, Mrs. EIizabeth, dressmaking and mil-<br />

linery, 213 Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Hull, Helen M. (wid. John), h. 74 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Hull, Jacob (Hull Bros.), bds. 74 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Hull, John (Hull Bros.), bds. 74 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Hull, Joseph L., student, bds. 74 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Hull, William (Hull Bros.), h. 42 Park<br />

place.<br />

HULL - - -- BROS. (William. Jacob and John<br />

Hull), prorisiok, 19 cakpus Martius.<br />

Hullen, John, shoemaker, h. n. w. cor. Lasalle<br />

.ave. a'nd Linden. -<br />

Hnlme, William, machinist, h. 96 Sixth.<br />

Humbert, Peter, sawyer, h, 481 Franklin.<br />

-<br />

Hummel, Carl, cabinetmaker, h. 203 Russell.<br />

Hummel, Jacob, h. 207 Beaubien.<br />

Hummel, Michael, cabinet factory, n. e. cor.<br />

Third and Jones, h. same.<br />

Hnmmel, Philip, boots and shoes, 43 Xichigan<br />

ave., h. same. I<br />

Humpert, Adam, tailor, h. 205 Adams ave. I<br />

l<br />

east.<br />

Humphrey, Ambrose W., salesman, bds. 140<br />

!<br />

Cass.<br />

Humphrey, Austin, carpenter, h. 191 Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Humphrey, Charles W., carriagepainter, h.<br />

2S5 Eighteenth.<br />

Humphrey, Mrs. Elizabeth, h. 268 Crcrghan.<br />

Humphrey, William, express messenger, h.<br />

346 Sixth.<br />

Humphrey, QTilliam C., laborer, h. 258<br />

Eigh teentli.<br />

Humphrey, William H. (Humphrey, & Co.),<br />

bds. Goodman House.<br />

Humphrey, Willis C., lumber inspector<br />

Michigan Car Works, bda. 384 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Humphrey & Co. (VCTilliam H. Humphrey<br />

and -), druggists, 12 @rand River.<br />

Hunderiser, Joseph, laborer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

North and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Hundeziser, - - Martin, laborer, h. 414 Riopelle.<br />

Hunt, Charles W., machinist, bds. 47 Columbia<br />

w.<br />

Hunt, Cleveland, attorney at law, 1<br />

Buhl Block, 80 Griswold, h. 82 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Hunt, Elias G., grocer, 202 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Hunt, Ernest W,, grocer, 185 St. Aubin abe.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Hunt, Miss Frank E., beacher <strong>Detroit</strong> Female<br />

Seminary, bds. 84 Fort w.<br />

Hunt, George, hostler, bds. 17 Monroe ave.<br />

Hunt, George A., student, h. 120 Bagg.<br />

Hunt, George W., bricklayer, h. 47 Lewis.<br />

Hunt, George W., mason, h. 270 Whitney.<br />

Hunt, George W., real estate, 32 Larned w.,<br />

h. 963 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hunt, - Henry W., bookkeeper, bds. 120<br />

Bagg.<br />

Hunt, James, laborer, h. 85 Plum.<br />

Hum, Janette (wid. William B.), , - h. s. e.<br />

cor. Fort and '~0urteent.h.<br />

Hunt, John, boiiermaker, bds. 88 National<br />

ave.<br />

Hunt, John, carpznter, bds. s. s. Plum, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Hunt, John H., carpent~r, h. 430 1,asalle<br />

ave.<br />

Hunt, Maria E. (wid. James B.),. bds. w. s.<br />

Second, bet. Bagg and Ledyard.<br />

Hunt, Patrick, laborer, bds. 88 National<br />

ave.<br />

Hunt, Ronaldson, clerk D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

s. e. cor. Fort and Fourteenth.

Hunt, Miss Sarah, h. 48 Madison ave.<br />

Hunt, Susan (wid. Frank), h. a. s. Plum,<br />

bet. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Hunt, Thomas, laborer, h. 88 National ave.<br />

Hunt, William, clerk, bds. a e, cor. Fort<br />

and Fourteenth.<br />

Hunt, William, mechanic, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Hunt, William B., traveling agent, h. s. e.<br />

cor. Fort and Fourteenth.<br />

Hunt, William C., drover, h. 120 Bagg.<br />

Hunter, Brooke, assistant librarian Y. M. S.,<br />

bds. 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter, Casper C., carpenter, b. 163 Howard.<br />

Hunter, David, carpenter, bds. 143 Clinton.<br />

Hunter, David, clerk, bds. 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter, Edward M., cutter, bds. 87 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

31<br />

Hurd, Joseph L. (J. L. Hurd & Co.), res.<br />

Joliet, Ill.<br />

Hurd, Oscar, bonnet bleacher and hatter, h.<br />

5 Cass ave.<br />

Hurd, Oscar W., baker, 69 G)rasd River, h.<br />

29 Montcalm w.<br />

Hurd, Stephen, h. 228 Third.<br />

Hurd, William A., fe.3d, h. 340 Twentieth.<br />

Hurd, J. L., & Co. (Joseph L. Hurd and<br />

Duncan Stewart), shippers and produce<br />

dealers, foot Second.<br />

Hurket, Joshua, clothes horse maker, bds.<br />

318 E'ifth.<br />

Hurlbut, Chauncey, grocer, 20 7Voodward<br />

ave., h. 575 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hurlbut, Spencer N., bookkeeper, bds. '71<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Hurley, Bartholomew, teamster, h. 19 N&<br />

tional ave.<br />

Hurley, Ellen (wid. William), h. 93 Sixth.<br />

Hurley, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 57 Baker.<br />

Hurley, Mary (wid. John), h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

Hurley, Timothy, laborer, h. 459 Fort e.<br />

Hurley, William, laborer, h. 93 Sixth.<br />

Hurney, Martin, bootmaker, h. 86 Pine.<br />

Hurson, Charles, wiremaker, bds. 46 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Hurtz. Frank, soapmaker, h. 556 Seventh,<br />

t3[ urst, David, laborer M. C. R. R., bds. 270<br />

Fourth.<br />

Rulst, George, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth, nr.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Hurst, Henry, carpenter, h. 336 Grand River.<br />

Humt, John, laborer, h. 273 Croghan.<br />

Hurst, Peter, tanner, bds. Wight, bet. Cam-<br />

pau and Walker.<br />

Hurst, Samuel, bricklayer, h. 137 Abbott.<br />

Hurst, Thomas, steward Marine Hospital,<br />

bds. same.<br />

' Hurt, Peter, butcher, h 426 Woodbridge w.<br />

I Hushna, Simon, laborer, h. w. s. Thirteen-<br />

I and-a-half, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

/ Huss, Mathias (Huss & Bloom), h. 71 Russell.<br />

Hunter, El ~jah (col'd). h. 256 High.<br />

Hunter, Hammond (Stevens & Hunter), bds.<br />

149 Howard.<br />

Hunter, Jacob, miller, h. 13 Grand River.<br />

Hunter, James, engineer, h. 181 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Hunter, James, manager Grand Trunk cartage,<br />

h. 89 Eighth.<br />

Hunter, John, carpenter, bds. 112 Lamed<br />

west.<br />

Hunter, John, foreman M. C.R. R., h. 0.114<br />

n. 204 Howard.<br />

Hunter, John, lumber merchant, h. 25 Ledyard.<br />

Hunter, John, machinist, h. 85 Bronson.<br />

Hunter, John M., en,oiueer, h. 321 St, Antoine.<br />

Hunter, Joseph, sr., baker, 225 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Hunter, Joseph, jr., boilermaker, bds. 225<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Hunter, Lester, produce, 119 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. 66 Bagg.<br />

Hunter, Rev. Moses H., h. 149 Howard.<br />

Hunter, Mulford T., h, o. 90 n. 25 Miami 1 Huss & Bloom (Mathias Huss and Henry<br />

ave.<br />

Bloom), dry goods and clothing, 58 Jdon-<br />

Hunter, Robert, clerk M. C. R. B., h. 65 1 roe ave.<br />

Eighth.<br />

Husse, John, grocer, 362 St. Aubin ave., h.<br />

Hunter, Seth, with Trowbridge & Wilcox, same.<br />

bds. 171 Elizabeth e.<br />

Huesey, Augustus A., bookkeeper. bds. 25<br />

Hunter, Nancy M. (wid. Davis), bds. 370 Seventh.<br />

Cass ave.<br />

I Hnssey, Frederick A., accountant, h. 25<br />

. Hunton, Henry, ticket agent D. & M. R. R., Seventh.<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Hussey, Thomas, laborer, h. 151 St. Antoine.<br />

Huntoon, Ransom, carpenter, h. 42 John R. I Huston, Lewis, plasterer, h. 213 Whitney.<br />

Huntoon, S. B., carpenter, bda Brighton Huston, Solomon (col'd), cook, h. 280 Or<br />

House.<br />

1 leans.<br />

Huntzinger, John, h. 340 James.<br />

Hutchings, Elizabeth (wid. Richard), h. 120<br />

Huntzinger, John, cabinetmaker, h. o. 379 Columbia e.<br />

n. 411 James.<br />

HUTCHINGS, JOHN, shipping and corn-<br />

Hupert, Christopher, carpenter, h. 241 Rus- mission merchant, foot Shelby, h. 126<br />

sell.<br />

High. (See adv.)<br />

Hupertz, Conrad, laborer, h. 167 Chestnut. Hutchings, Robert W., bookkeeper, h. 165<br />

Huperz, Henry, cigars and tobacco, 228 St. Second.<br />

Antoine, h. same.<br />

1 Hutchins, Mrs. Elizabeth, dressmaker, h.<br />

Hurd, Henry S., hatter, bds. 5 Cass ave.<br />

1 187 Congress e.

238 ~U'I' CXLEZK'S DETROIT IRo<br />





Hutchins, Moses P. (W. J. Kent & Co.), h.<br />

56 Columbia e.<br />

Hutchins, William B., clerk, bds. 56 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Hutchinson, Mary (wid. William), milliner<br />

and dressmaker, 321 Jefferson ave., h.<br />

sxme.<br />

Hutchinson, William C., machinist, bds. 112<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Hutchison, George, engineer, h. 29 Fifth.<br />

Hutchison, George, engineer, h. 89 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Hutchison, Henry, carpenter, h. 281 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Hutchison, William (col'd), laborer, bds. 136<br />

Fort e.<br />

Huth, Michael, wagonmaker, h. 88 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Hutter, Lawrence, carpenter, h. I08 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Hutton, Charles, confectioner, 271 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 315 same.<br />

Hutton, George, engineer, h. 706 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Hutton, Henry, sawyer, h. 223 Nineteenth.<br />

Hutton, William (Desotell & Hutton), h. o.<br />

315 n. 32'7 Franklin.<br />

Huyser, Henry, bds. 293 Woodward ave.<br />

Huyser, Peter (P. and R. Huyser), h. 293<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Huyser, Rocus (P. & R. Huyser), h. 293<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Huyser, P., & R. (Peter and Rocus Huyser),<br />

grocers, 293 Woodward ave.<br />

Hyde, Charles A., physician, Fisher Block,<br />

119 Woodward ave., h. 385 same.<br />

Hyde, Louis C., bds. 136 Griswold.<br />

Eyde, Rev. Mortimer (Episcopal), bds. 385<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Hyde. Oliver M.. h. 136 Griswold.<br />

HYDE, VALENTINE M., crockery and<br />

glassware, 169 Woodward ave., bds. 385<br />

same. (See ada.)<br />

Hydliff, Miss Catharine C., h. 69 St. An-<br />

t oine.<br />

Hyer, Elias, tanner, h. 163 Twenty-sec:<br />

ond.<br />

Hymus, Francis A., milkman, h. 78 Twelfth.<br />

Heyslop, Homer, insurance agent, h. 142<br />

Larned e.<br />

Hyslop, Homer H., street car conductor,<br />

bds. 142 Larned e.<br />

Hyslop, Thomas, saloon, h. 142 Larned e.<br />

Hpwacher, Jolln J., laborer, h. 296 Juliette.<br />

Hyzer, Jacob, engineer, h. 207 Third.<br />

BBOTSON, Anthony O., watchman M. So<br />

1 R. R., h. 151 Napoleon.<br />

Ibbotson, James Jackson, lake captain, h,<br />

319 Mullett.<br />

Ichle, Frederick, ta,ilor, bds. Larned, s. w.<br />

cor. Beaubien.<br />

Ickler, John, farmer, h. Hastings, nr. Fremont.<br />

Illges, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 70 Harriett.<br />

Illges, Gustave, cigarmaker, bds. 70 Harriett.<br />

Illian, F., teacher German American Seminary,<br />

h. 160 Rivard.<br />

Illicli, Samuel F., dry goods, 290 Woodward<br />

ave.? h. same.<br />

Ilse, Henry, trunkmaker, bds. 249 Beaubien.<br />

Ilsley, Capt. Charles S., U. S. A., bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Ilsley, Henry, carpenter, h. 437 St. Antoine.<br />

Imber, Anton, laborer, h. 183 Sherman.<br />

Imber, John, shoemaker, bds. 183 Sherman.<br />

Imhof, Joseph, cigarmaker, h. 324 RIacomb.<br />

Ingalls, John, clerk Blue Line, bds. 88 Howard.<br />

Ingalls, Peter, clerk, Blue Line, bds. 88<br />

Howard.<br />

Ingel, William, laborer, h. Fifteenth, near<br />

Urand River,<br />

Ingersoll, Alonzo, meat and vegetables, 65<br />

Urand River, h. same.<br />

Ingersoll, Isaac W. (Ingersoll & Son), h. 139<br />

Congress e.<br />

Ingersoll, Walter, h. 30'7 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ingersoll, William H., (Ingersoll & Son), h.<br />

89 Marion.<br />

Ingersoll & Son (Isaac W. and William H.<br />

Ingersoll), builders, 66 and 68 Fort e.<br />

Inghram, Alexander, stonecutter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Inglis, David, student, bds. 21 State.<br />

Inglis, John S., clerk, bds. $8 Howard.<br />

Inglis, Richard, physician, 21 State, h.<br />

same.<br />

Ingold, George, shoemaker, h. 413 Russell.<br />

Ingler, Charles, carpeqter, h. 412 Gratiot.<br />

Inkster, Robert, dry goods, 97 Woodward<br />

ave., res. Inkster.<br />

Inman, Henry, carpenter, bds. 369 Fifth.<br />

Inslee, Cereno W. (L. J. Staples & Co.), h.<br />

19 Columbia e.<br />

Inwright, Cornelius, laborer, h. rear 194<br />

Abbott.<br />

Iodiun, Michael, shoemaker, h. 102 Franklin.<br />

Ireton, John, stonemason, h. 165 Bronson.<br />

Ireton, Joseph, sexton St. John's Church, h.<br />

57 Duffield.<br />

Ironmonger, Edward, laborer, bds. 159 Abbott.


- -<br />

Ironmonger, George, machinist, h. 159 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Ironmonger, George, laborer, h. 1'78 Sixth.<br />

Ironisky, John, laborer, h. 105 Prospect.<br />

Irvin, Arthur, clerk, bds. 89 Congress e.<br />

Irvin, George, shipcarpenter, h. 422 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Irvin, John, bricklayer, bds. 65 Atwater.<br />

Irvin, Robert, traveling agent, bds. 1 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Irvine, George, h. 81 Lewis.<br />

Irvine, Matilda (wid. John D.), h. 44 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Irvine, William, bookkeeper, bds. 44 Park<br />

Place.<br />

Irvine, William H., bookkeeper, bds. 44<br />

Park Place.<br />

Irving, Samuel, carpenter, h. 218 Orleans.<br />

Irving, David N., carver, h. 309 Second.<br />

Irving, George (Irving & Garrett), h. 138<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Irving, John, shipcarpenter, bds. 138 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Irving, John R., caulker, h. 483 Fort e.<br />

Irving, Mark E., clerk hdqrs. Dept. Lakes,<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Irving, \Villiam, machinist, bds. 75 ~arnei<br />

W.<br />

Irving & Garrett (George Irving and Hiram<br />

C. Garrett), ship builders and repairers,<br />

foot Twelfth.<br />

Irvins, John, shipcarpenter, bds. 46 Fort e.<br />

Irwin, John, produce dealer, h. 198 Fourth.<br />

Irwin, William, metropolitan police, h. s. w.<br />

cor. Church and Tenth.<br />

Irwiu, William, second-hand clothing, 95<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Irwin, W. G., clerk, bds. Franklin House,<br />

Isbell, M. H., fish and oysters, 179 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. 244 same.<br />

Isham, Charles S. (Major & Isham), h. 116<br />

Rivard.<br />

Isham, Melissa .P. (wid.), h. o. 244 n. 272<br />

Congress e.<br />

Ivers, John, grocery, 211 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Ives, Albert (A. Ives & Sons), res. Ecorse.<br />

Ives, Albert, jr. (A. Ives & Sons), h. n. w.<br />

cor. Willis and Woodward aves.<br />

Ives, Mice E., school teacher, bds. 48 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Ives, Butler (A. Ives & Sons), h. 79 State.<br />

Ives, Caleb (Standish & Ives), res. Monroe.<br />

Ives, Eardley, clerk Controller's Office, <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall, h. 42 hfacomb.<br />

Ives, Edward L., cutter, h. 288 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ives, George W., engineer D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 298 Catharine.<br />

Ives, John P., Peninsular Hotel, h. same.<br />

Ives, Knowles T., traveling agent, h. 19 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Ives, Lewis T., lawyer, h. 78 Winder.<br />

Ires, Pzmelia (wid. William), h. 48 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Ives, Peter B., billiard saloon, 61 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Ives, Stephen H., pawnbroker, s. s. Congress<br />

e., nr. Woodward ave., bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Ives, A,, & Sons (Albert, Albert, jr., and<br />

Butler Ives), bankers, 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ivor, George B. ((3. B. & M. Ivor), h. 153<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Ivor, Hanse A. (Wesley, Seeley & Co.), bds.<br />

73 Larned w.<br />

Ivor, Margaret ((3. 3. & M. Ivor) h. 153<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Ivor, GI. B., & hf. (George B. and Margaret<br />

Ivor), seeds and produce, 153 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

J ACK, Charles S., plumber, bds. 214<br />

Randolph.<br />

Jack, George T., salesman, h. 214Randolp'h.<br />

Jack, Mary A. (wid. William), h. 214 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Jack, Philip, tailor, h. 113 Russell.<br />

Jack, William, brakeman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

158 Porter.<br />

Jack, William G., painter, h. Division, nr.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Jackel, Martin, laborer, h. 366 =opelle.<br />

Jacklin, Charles, clerk, bds. 291 Sixteenth.<br />

Jacklin, James E., teacher High School, bds.<br />

233 First.<br />

Jacklin, William T., saloon, Antisdel House,<br />

h. 233 First.<br />

Jackman, Frank, stonecutter, h. 237 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Jackoper, Christopher, turner, bds. 93 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Jackson, Alonzo, engineer 31. C. R. R., h. 26<br />

Porter.<br />

Jackson, Boyd (col'd), waiter Nichigan Ex-<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Jackson, Charles, h. 103 Washington ave.<br />

Jackson, Charles, farmer, bds. n. s. Holden<br />

road, e. Gt. T. R. crossing.<br />

Jackson, Cyrus (col'd), laborer, h. 152 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Jackson, George, hatter, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Jackson, George, clerk Custom House, h. 62<br />

Sibley.<br />

Jackson, George H., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Jackson, George T., carpenter, h. o. 67 n. 141<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Jackson, James, captain steamer M. L.<br />

Coyne, h. 425 Sixth.<br />

Jackson, James (col'd), chimneysweep, h. 28<br />

Kentucky.<br />

Jackson, James (col'd), h. 126 Macomb.<br />

Jackson, John, farmer, h. n. s. Holden road,<br />

e. G. T. R. crossing.<br />

Jackson, John (col dl, cod, bilrs. 61 Macomb.

240 JAc CLBRK'B DE~OIT JA?Y<br />

NEW YORE I Jadderts, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 446 Macomb.<br />

- @ @ ~ ~ @ Jaeger, ~ ~ Anton. , carpenter, h. 261 Monk<br />

calm e.<br />

Jaeger, Conrad, currier, h. 81 Sherman.<br />

Jaeger, David, cigarmaker, bds. 48 James.<br />

Jaeger. Henry, bds- J&Terson ave., nr. Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Peninsular Bank Bnilding, DETROIT, MICH-<br />

ba~@~@m~,@<br />

ASPETF, . . 812,000,000<br />

'NCO~, - $15,000<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Jackson, John (col'd), laborer, h. 123 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Jackson, Joseph A.9 carpenter, Ms. n w. cor.<br />

National ave. and Sycamore.<br />

Jackson, Josiah (col'd), h. 133 Ohio.<br />

Jackson,Thomas, butcher, 319 Jefferson ave.,<br />

bds. 98 Larned e.<br />

Jackson, Robert, moulder, h. 3 6'7 Lafayette.<br />

Jackson, William, laborer, h. 11 Miami ave.<br />

Jackson, William A., telegraph operator,<br />

bds. 132 Michigan ave.<br />

Jackson, William (col'd), waiter, h. 267 wat-<br />

son.<br />

JACKSON & WILEY (Jefferson Wiley and<br />

William B.Robinson), founders and machi<br />

nists, cor. Woodbridge and Fifth. (See<br />

adg.)<br />

Jacob, Adolph, printer, 1.98 Jay.<br />

Jacob, August, harnessmaker, bds. I88 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Jacob, August (Jacob & HoUstein), h. 126<br />

Sherman.<br />

Jacob, Pavid, teacher, h. 215 St. Antoine.<br />

Jacob, Fischer, laborer, h. 4'71 Mullett.<br />

Jacob, J. Christian, grocery and saloon, cor.<br />

Rivard and Clinton, h. same.<br />

Jacob, Moritz, peddler, h. 0.182 n. 158 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Jacob, William, cooper, 291 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

Jacob & Hollstein (August Jacob and John<br />

Bollstein), merchant tailors, 133 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Jacobs, Cyril, laborer, h. 60 Eighteenth.<br />

Jacobs, Frederick, clerk, h. 48 Catharine.<br />

Jacobs, Frederick, laborer, h. 10 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Jacobs, Frederick, laborer, h. 203 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Jacobs, Gnido, physician, 69 Macomb, h.<br />

same.<br />

Jacobs, Henrp, laborer, h. 79 Twenty-second.<br />

Jacobs, Herman, barber, bds. 167 Lafayette.<br />

Jacobs, Hollis, saloon, 866 Woodbridge w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Jacobs, Mrs. Nathaniel P., bds. Michigan<br />

Exchange.<br />

Jacobson, Henriette (wid. Solomon-S. Si-<br />

mon & Co.), h. 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Jacobson, Louis, actor, h. 226 Randolph.<br />

Jacobson, Meier, peddler, h. 70 Catharine.<br />

Jacquemain, William, piano manfr., cor.<br />

High and John R, h. 32 Harriett.<br />

Jacques, Adolphus, ' Saloon, 136 Clinton h,<br />

same.<br />

Jaeger, Henry, currier, h. 366 Croghan.<br />

Jaeger, Henry, grocer, 338 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Jaeger, Jacob, carpenter, h. 306 Croghan.<br />

Jaeger, Mary A. (wid. Anton), bds. 338 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Jaekel, Ferdinand, safemaker, bds. 154 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Jaekel, John, manfr. of safes and iron<br />

work, 276 Hivard, h. 154 Catharine.<br />

Jagenaw, William, tdly man, h. 138 La,r<br />

ned w.<br />

Jagersky, Michael, carpenter, h. 446 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Jahn, Charles, laborer, h. 431 Dlacomb.<br />

Jahn, Julius, carpenter, h. 134 Catharine.<br />

Jaineyfield, Victor, sawyer, h. 465 Guoin.<br />

.Jakel,.Frederick, machinist, bds. 145 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Jakman, Frank, marblecutter, h. 232 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Jakober, Gustavua, woodturner, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Brush and Congress.<br />

James, Casmer P., liquordealer, bds. 52<br />

@rand River.<br />

James, Charles B. (C. B. James & Co.), bds.<br />

46 Lafayette ave.<br />

James, Eugene, joiner, h. 480 Congress e.<br />

James, Henry H., cashier C.B. James & Co.,<br />

h. 63 M. ashington ave.<br />

James, Jacob (col'd), whitewasher, h. 2%<br />

Fort e.<br />

James, John, h. 39 Washington ave.<br />

James, Joseph, sailor, h. 403 Franklin.<br />

James, Louis W., laborer, h. 99 Nine<br />

teenth.<br />

James, William V., liquordealer, 56 G)wd<br />

River, h. same.<br />

JAMF'IS, C. B., & CO. (Charles B. James and<br />

-), wholesale hardware, 85,87 and 89<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Jameson, Alexander, stonecutter, bds. 221<br />

Fourth.<br />

Jameson, Charles T., tailor, 4 Gratiot, h. 70<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Jameson, George &, bookkeeper, bds. 0.199<br />

n. 221 Congress e.<br />

Jameson, John, farmer, h. 70 Montcalm W.<br />

Jameson, Richard E., bookkeeper, h. 221<br />

congress e.<br />

Jamison, ~ose~h, stagecarpenter, h. 264<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Jamison, Samuel, engineer, h. 109 Fifth.<br />

Jandorf, Isaac, salesman, bds. 325 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jandorf, Mrs. Regina, fancy goods, 325<br />

Michigan are, h. same.<br />



JER 241<br />

Janes, - , bookkeeper, bds. o. 69 s. 13<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Janez, Charles, doon, 61 and 63 Lttnzed e.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Jannez, Joseph, clerk, bds. 89 Croghan.<br />

Janschop, John, laborer, h. 174 J ay.<br />

Jansen, Heike, city express, h. 338 St. Antoine.<br />

Janssen, Louis, upholsterer and dealer in<br />

furniture, 74 Congress e., h. o. 100 n. 118<br />

Macomb.<br />

Jantz, John, blacksmith, bds. 199 Clinton.<br />

Jantzen, JO~II, blacksmith, bds. 199 Clinton.<br />

Januwan, Andreas, laborer, h. o. 106 n. 214<br />

Antietam.<br />

Japes, Joh (Japes & Wiesenhoffer), h. 371<br />

Bronson.<br />

Japes & Wiesenhoffer (John Japes and John<br />

Wiesenhoffer), sash and door manfrs., 503<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Jaqueth, Merton P., messenger, bds. 28<br />

Henry.<br />

Jarrait, Peter, carpenter, h. 102 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jarvis, Alexander, teamster, h. 157 Fifteenth.<br />

Jarvis, George, engineer, h. 220 Guoin.<br />

Jarvis, John B., laborer, h. G6l Atwater.<br />

Jarvis, Thomas, gardener, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Gold and Fourth.<br />

Jasnomski, Saturnin, lettercanier 8th District,<br />

h. 109 Seventeenth.<br />

Jaubilb, Dat-is, laborer, h. 659 Atwater.<br />

Jeanes, James, bakery, 49 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Jeckel, Miss Louisa, machine operator, bds.<br />

n. e. cor. Maple and Riopelle.<br />

Jefekowsky, Wenzel, tailoi , h. 6 Webster<br />

Jeff, Ilobert, tobacconist, 305 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Jefferds, John G., tripedealer, bds. 12 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Jeffers, Patrick, shoemaker, bds. 81 Franklin.<br />

Jefiey, Calvin A., conductor, h. 454 Lafayette.<br />

Jeffrey, George, stonepolisher, bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Jeffrey, William, carpenter, h. 96 Oak.<br />

Jeip, John, carpenter, h. 475 Gratiot.<br />

Jelly, Henry, carpenter, h. 308 Croghan.<br />

Jelly, Jane D. (wid. R.), h. 897 Jefferson ave.<br />

Jelsch, Alexander, carpenter, bds. 425 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Jelsch, Charles, bds. 371 Lafayette.<br />

Jelscb, Francis, tobacconist, 1 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. 132 Randolph.<br />

Jelsch, Mrs. Francis, tobacconist, 311 Lafayette.<br />

Jelsch, Joseph, saloon, 425 Congress e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Jemersion, J. E. printer, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Jenfeld, John, shoemaker, h. 356 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Jenkins, Henrp (col'd), barber, h. 171 Bean-<br />

bien.<br />

Jenkins, John, ship and boat builder<br />

h. foot Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

Jenkins, Robert (col'd), barber, h. 181 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Jenks, Edward W., physician and surgeon,<br />

92 Fort w., h same.<br />

Jenks, George A., salesmas, bds. 51 Bb-<br />

comb ave.<br />

JmKS, JAMES, machine depot, 29 Atwa-<br />

ter e., h. 51 Macomb ave. (See ad^.)<br />

Jennett, James R., mechanic, h. 293 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Jenney, William, lumber agent, 21 Rotunda<br />

Budding, h. 231 Woodward aye.<br />

Jennings, Augustus F., M. D (Parke, Jen-<br />

nings & Co.), h. 223 Park.<br />

Jennings, Charles H. (Jennings & Dark),<br />

bde. Tremont House.<br />

Jennings, Christ, laborer, h. 4 1 Catharine.<br />

Jennings, Edward C., salesman, bds. 923<br />

Park.<br />

Jennings, EUen (wid. John F.), h. 223<br />

Park.<br />

Jennings, Francis A., hackman and livery,<br />

h. 37 Cass.<br />

Jennings, Hiram D., carpenter, h. 11 Jones.<br />

Jennings, John, rags and paper, 84 Wood-<br />

bridge w., h. same.<br />

Jennings, William, clerk, bds. 84 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Jennings, William H. (Jennings, Wet-<br />

more & Co.), res. Pontiac.<br />

Jennings &- Dark (Charles H. Jennings and<br />

Francis W. Dark). saloon and retaurant,<br />

19'2 Jefferson ave.<br />

Jennings, Wetmore & Co. (William H. Jen-<br />

nings, Edward A. Wetmore and Robert<br />

Shook), oils, 40 Jefferson ave.<br />

Jennison, William, lawyer, 4 and 5 Seitz<br />

Block, h. o. 103 n. 143 Firat.<br />

Jepp. William, pork packer, 407 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Jepkens, Charles, upholsterer, h. o. 277 n.<br />

335 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Jepson, Marietta (wid. William), boarding,<br />

h. 125 I~rned e.<br />

Jerkins, John, moulder, h. o. 237 n. 265<br />

Sherman.<br />

Jernay, Davis, tailor, h. 225 Atwater.<br />

Jerome, Edwin, jr. (E. Jerome & Co.), bds.<br />

htisdel House.<br />

Jerome, Edwin, sr. (E. Jerome & Co.), h. 14<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Jerome, Franklin, contractor, bds. 14 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Jerome, George, colector of customs, attorney<br />

D. & M. R. R., rooms 50 Strong's<br />

Block, bda. Biddle House.<br />

Jerome, Edwin, & Co. (Edwin, sr., and Edwin<br />

Jerome, jr.), hardware, o. 1'71 n. 185<br />

Woodaard ave.<br />

Jerrard, Jesse, porter Wheaton & Poppleton,<br />

bds. Land, bet. Fort and Cass.


Physfcians always specify<br />


Johnson, Alexander (col'd), teamster, bds.<br />

140 Lafayette.<br />

Johnson, Alexander B., laborer, bds. 758<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Johnson, Angus, sailor, bds. 86 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Johnson, Augustus, Deputy Sheriff, bds<br />

105 Farmer.<br />

Johnson, Betsy (col'd-wid. Fleming), h.<br />

Jerry, James, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Frank- 369 Macomb.<br />

lin and Rivard.<br />

Johnson, C., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Jervies, Alexander, laborer, h. 167 Fif- Johnson, Caleb D., carpenter M. C. R. R.,<br />

teenth.<br />

bds. 208 Congress w.<br />

Jervis, John, carpenter, bds. 568 Larned e. Johnson, Catharine (cord-wid. William),<br />

Jeserich, Gottlieb, tanner, bds. 222 Eliza- h. 139 Lafayette.<br />

beth e.<br />

Johnson, Charles, laborer, h. 223 Twenty-<br />

Jessop, Henry W., assistant teller D. Pres- second.<br />

ton & Co., bds. w. s. Twentieth, s. Baker. Johnson, Charles (col'd), laborer, bds. 81<br />

Jessup, Stephen, carpenter, h. cor. Baker Macomb.<br />

and Twentieth.<br />

Johnson, C. J., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Jewell, Cllarles (Jewell & Sons), res. Hart- Johnson, David E., news depot, 147 Woodford,<br />

Conn.<br />

ward ave.. h. same.<br />

Jewell, Marshall (Jewell & Sons), res. Hart- Johnson, Dewitt C., insurance agent, bds.<br />

ford, Conn.<br />

120 Bagg.<br />

Jewell, William F., teacher, h. 32 Sibley. Johnson, Edward A., bookkeeper Biddle<br />

Jewell, William D., carpenter, h. 346 Du- House, bds. same.<br />

bois.<br />

Johnson, Edward, laborer, h. 160 Division.<br />

Jewell & Sons (Marshall and Charles Jew- Johnson, Edward, jr. (Johnson & Son), h.<br />

ell), tanners, 567 Woodbridge w.<br />

212 Eighteenth.<br />

Jewett, Charles, tanner, bds. 20 Fort w. Johnson, Edward, sr. (Johnson & Son), h.<br />

Jewett, John, moulder, h. 171 Abbott. 187 Sixth.<br />

Jewett, Thomas, foreman Flower & Bros., Johnson, Mrs. Eliza, washerwoman, h.<br />

h. 92 Leverett.<br />

66 Harriett.<br />

Jeyte, Edward A., carriage painter, h. n. a. Johnson, Eugene (col'd), barber, bds. n. w.<br />

Bronson, bet. Bcaubien and St. Sntoine. cor. Jefferson ava. and Beaubien.<br />

Jims, Edward, sailor, bds. 525 Lafayette. Johnson, Frederick, bricklayer, h. 15 Ab-<br />

Jims, Metta, sailor, h. 525 Fort e.<br />

bott.<br />

Joachimsthal, Isidor, clerk, bds. 37 Michi- Johnson, Frederick, laborer, bds. 37 Eightgan<br />

ave.<br />

eenth.<br />

Jockins, Otto, carpenter, h. 266 Thirteen- Johnson, Fleming (col'd), h. 165 Mullett.<br />

and-a-ha1 f.<br />

Johnson, George, clerk, h. 770 Woodbridge<br />

Joerg, Aloie, weaver, bds. 362 Lafayette. west.<br />

Johannes, Nichols (Johannes & Schaefer), h. Johnson, George, land agent, h. 10 Catha,-<br />

205 Macomb.<br />

rino.<br />

Johannes & Schaefer (Nicholas Johannes Johnson, George A., copyist, h. 66 Pine.<br />

and Hilarius Schaefer), plasterers, 205 Johnson, George S., clerk, h. 109 Jones.<br />

Macomb and 105 Mu2ett.<br />

Johnson, Giles B., patentright, 53 Griswold,<br />

Johes, Henry A., mechanic, h. 35 Monroe bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson, Hamilton (Johnson & Son), h. '79<br />

John, Charles, bricklayer, h. 272 Sherman. Adams ave. w.<br />

John, Miss Cessarie, teacher, 95 Chestnut, Johnson, Hanlon (col'd), barber, h. Riopelle,<br />

h. same.<br />

below Macomb.<br />

Jc hncheau, Benjamin, h. 506 Woodbridge Johnson, Harow D., hat, cap and bonnet<br />

east.<br />

bleaching, 356 Macomb, h. same.<br />

Johns, David, blacksmith, h. 463 Macomb. Johnson, Henry, shoemaker, bds. Tremont<br />

Johns, Eobert (col'd), sailor, h. 106 Clinton. I House.<br />

Johns, Richard, barber, h. 113 Clinton. . Johnson, Henry (col'd), roofer, h. 393 Ma-<br />

Johns, William, shoemaker, bds. 463 M& ple.<br />

comb.<br />

Johnson, Henry H., policeman, h. 132<br />

Johns, William, jr., lawyer, 32 Larned w., Brush.<br />

. h. 228 Randolph.<br />

Johnson, Hiram R., h. 74 Lafayette ave.<br />

Johnson, Adelaide (wid. George), h. 133 Johnson, Hugh, car] iage manfr., 9 Monroe<br />

Beaubien.<br />

ave, h. 85 Adelaide.<br />

Johnson, Albert S., traveling agent, h. 242 Johnson, I ~LL~C (col'il), laborer, bd8. 81 Ma-<br />

Fourth.<br />


JOH - CITP DIRE~OEY. JOL 243<br />

Johnson, Jacob (J. Johnson & Co.), h. 27<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Jollnson, James (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Johnson, James A., telegraph operator U.<br />

W. R., res. Windsor, Ont.<br />

Johnson, James H., policeman, bds. 3 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson, John, laborer, h. 160 Clinton.<br />

Johnson, John, lab., h. 774 Woodbridge w.<br />

Johnson, John, steamboat mate, h. 271<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Johnson, Joseph (col'd), laborer, h. 280 Orleans.<br />

Jollnson, Lewis E., clerk P. O., bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Jonhson, Linsy (col'd), teamster, h. 391<br />

Maple.<br />

Johnson, Louis, sawyer, h. 513 Lafayette.<br />

Johnson, Lurency (wid. William), h. 101<br />

Farmer.<br />

Johnson, Morgan (M. Johnson & Son), h. w.<br />

8. First, bet. Lewis and Jones.<br />

Johnson, Nathaniel, machinist, h. 259 Sherman.<br />

Johnson, Norman (col'd), laborer, bds. 391<br />

Maple.<br />

Johnson, Peter W. (P. W. Johnson & Co.), h.<br />

265 Elizabeth e.<br />

Johnson, Philip (col'd), waiter Michigan<br />

Exchange, bds. same.<br />

Johnson, Richard (col'd), carpenter, h. 303<br />

Clinton.<br />

Johnson, Richard M., shipping clerk, bds.<br />

105 Farmer.<br />

Johnson, Sampson, brewer, bds. 187 Sixth.<br />

Johnson, Samuel, teamster, h. 257 Twelfth.<br />

Johnson, Samuel, engineer, h. 107 Fifth.<br />

Johnson, Mrs. Sarah (col'd), h. 96 Catharine.<br />

Johnson, Sidney C., salesman, h. 244 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson, Stephen (col'd), h. 136 Lafayette.<br />

Johnson, Theodore, sawyer, h. 758 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Johnson, Waldo M. (Johnson & Wheeler),<br />

h. o. 129 n. 189 Fort w.<br />

Johnson, William, carpenter, h. 96 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Johnson, William (col'd), laborer, h. Paton<br />

alley.<br />

Johnson, William, peddler, h. 348 Franklin.<br />

Johnson, William, sawyer, h. 272 Whitney.<br />

Johnson, William (col'd), laborer, bds. 272<br />

Whitney.<br />

Johnson, William H. (col'd), barber, 95 Atwater.<br />

Johnson, William N., traveling agent, bds.<br />

212 Lafayette ave.<br />

Johnson, Wilmont (col'd), waiter Michigan<br />

Exchange, bds. same.<br />

Johnson, J., & Co. (Jacob Johnson and -<br />

-), liquors, 27 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnson, Y. W., & Co. (Peter W. Johnson<br />

and Pcter Bettinger), painters, 137 Griswold.<br />

Johnson & Son (Edwin Johnson, m. and<br />

Edwin Johnson, jr.), brewers, n, w. cor.<br />

Sixth and Michigan ave.<br />

Johnson, M., & Son (Morgan Johnson and<br />

Hamilton Johnson), commission mer-<br />

chants, 62 Woodbridge w.<br />

Johnson & Wheeler (Waldo M. Johnson,<br />

Richard 0. Wheeler, George C. Fletcher<br />

and John M. Fitch), wholesale grocers, 15<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Johnston, Alfred, clerk, bds. 336 Franklin.<br />

Johnston, Anthony, tailor, h. 218 Sixth.<br />

Johnston, Benjamin, sawyer, h. 306 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Johnston, Edward, sailor, h. 27'7 Quoin.<br />

Johnston, George, clerk, 770 Woodbridge e.<br />

Johnston, George R., teamster, h. 10 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Johnston, James, ass't teller <strong>Detroit</strong> Savings<br />

Fund Institute, bds. 321 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnston, James, laborer, h. 449 Franklin.<br />

Johnston, James, photographer, cor. Larned<br />

and Bates, h. o. 312 n. 332 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnston, Jesse F., deputy sherifij h. 148 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Johnston, John, sailor, h. 38 Sibley.<br />

Johnston, John, sailor, h. 335 Lafayette.<br />

Johnston, John W., land dealer, Butler's<br />

block, opp. P. 0.. h. n. w. cor. Sixteenth<br />

and Chestnut.<br />

Johnston, Joseph B. W., brakeman M. C. R.<br />

R., bds. 313 Third.<br />

Johnston, Rlathilda, machine operator, bds.<br />

218 Sixth.<br />

Johnston, Louis, sawyer, h. 573 Lafayette e.<br />

Johnston, Miss Sarah M., dressmaker, bds.<br />

s. e. cor. Brush and Congress.<br />

Johnston, Wheaton (col'd), laborer, h. 119<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Johnston, William, druggist, n. w. cor. Jef-<br />

ferson ave. and Second, 155 Jefferson ave.,<br />

and n. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and Ran-<br />

dolph, h. n. w. cor. Sixth and Fort w.<br />

johnston, IVilliam, dry goods and millinery,<br />

282 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Johnston, William (col'd), laborer, h. 106<br />

Clinton.<br />

Johnston, William E, engineer, h. 45 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Johnston, William H., mason, h. 10 Sibley.<br />

Johnstone, Henry, clerk, h. 14 Palmer.<br />

Johnstone, John (John Johnstone & Co.), h.<br />

286 Woodward ave.<br />

Johnstone, Robert F. (Johnstone & Gib-<br />

bons!, Secretary Mich. State Agricultural<br />

Society, res. Kalamazoo.<br />

Johnstone, John, & Co. (John Johnstone and<br />

Andrew C. Farnsworth), manfrs. and deal-<br />

ers in tin and japanned ware, 286 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Johnstone & Gibbons (Robert F. Johnstone<br />

and Robert Gibbons), publishers Michigan<br />

Farmer, 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johr, H. A., bds. Franklin House.<br />

Julech, John, tailor, h. o. 71 n. 227 Watson.

JOS<br />

NEW YORE<br />

Jones, John, laborer, bds. 99 Lamed w.<br />

Jones, John, cigarmaker, bds. Goodman<br />

Lit@ Dm$eneem~e - B~mpeniy, House.<br />

Jones, John tailor, h. 99 Larned w.<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000 Jones, ~ohnk., <strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> Flour Mills, cor.<br />

Dm= Cam INCOME, $15,000 -<br />

Second and Larned, h. 54 High.<br />

SOLON &ELBOY, Manager and Agency SnpL, Jones, Joseph C.9 principal new Ninth Ward<br />

School, h. 69 Leverett.<br />

Penins* Bank Building, DETROIT, HICK Jones, Jurdon, plasterer, h. 641 Riopelle.<br />

Jones, Mary (wid Daniel), h. 77 Brady.<br />

Jollenstein, Solomon, peddler, h. 106 Md- Jones, Nellie (wid Henry), dressmaker, 79<br />

lett.<br />

Larned e., h. same.<br />

Jollum, Emst, plasterer, h. 280 Clinton. Jones, Owen, chief engineer M. C. R. R, h.<br />

Jolliet, William, cabinetmaker, h. 215Adams 16 Sibley.<br />

ave. e.<br />

Jones, Paul J., machinist, h. 250 Fort w.<br />

Jolliffe, W'iam, machinist, h. 258 Howard. Jones, Richard (col'd), barber, 333 Atwater,<br />

Jonas, Ferdinand, tinsmith, h. 249 Cathrt h. 113 Clinton.<br />

rine.<br />

Jones, Robert (col'd), laborer, h. 10 Indiana,<br />

Jonas, John, carpenter, bde. 297 Grati~t. Jones, Robert, ticket agent, foot Third, bds,<br />

Jonas, Louis, mason, h. 249 Catharine. Cass Hotel.<br />

Jones, Alexander, machinist, h. o. 44 n. 70 Jones, Samuel, shoemaker, h. 354 Michigan<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

ave.<br />

Jones, Ann (wid. Thomas E), h. 88 Rivard. Jones, Sarah (wid. Henry A.), h. 33 Monroe<br />

Jones, Charles (col'd), sailor, h. Ohio, nr. St. ave.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Jones, Thomas, hostler Peninsular Hotel,<br />

Jones, Charles, yardman M. S. R. B, h. 139 bds. same.<br />

Division,<br />

Jones, William (coi'd), city scavenger, h,<br />

Jones, Christopher J., laborer, rear 82 336 Lafayette.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Jones, William (col'd), laborer, bds. 81 Ma-<br />

Jones, Claudius, mason, h. 64 Locust. comb.<br />

Jones, Ebenezer, saloon, a w. cor. Caw and Jones, William, gardener, h. rear 11 Jones.<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Jones, William, shoemaker, 34 Jefferson<br />

Jones, Edward D., blacksmith, h. 314 Forte. ave., h. same.<br />

Jones, Emma (wid. William), h. 285 Clinton, Jomes, William R., laborer, h. 105 Abbott,<br />

Jones, E. Seldon, clerk, bds. 121 Congress e. Jorch, Daphyr, plasterer, h. 298 Lafayette.<br />

Jones, Elias W., grocer, 105 Larned w., h. Jordan, Frederick, sawyer, h. 16 Sevensame.<br />

teenth.<br />

Jones, Evan, with Tappan, McKillop & Co., Jordan, Henry, porter, h. 100 Napoleon.<br />

bds. 47 Fort e.<br />

Jordan, James, boot and shoe manfr., 113<br />

Jones, Frank, butter and eggs, 8 <strong>City</strong> Hsll Griswold, h. 424 Twelfth.<br />

market, bds. 139 Division.<br />

Jordan, James H. (col'd), laborer, h. 65 Mul-<br />

Jonea, Frederick J., polisher M. U. R, R. lett.<br />

machine shop, h. 114 Fifth.<br />

Jordan, John, clerk, bds. 424 Twelfth.<br />

Jones, George (wl'd), plasterer, h. Beaubien, Jordan, John, shoemaker, h. 108 Mullett.<br />

nr. Indiana<br />

Jordan, John, shoemaker, bds. 424 Twelfth,<br />

Jones, George C., flour and feed, n, w. cor. Jordan, Louis, carpenter, h. 245 Lafayette.<br />

Gratiot and Randolph, h. 87 Miami ave. Jordan, Maggie, seamstress, h. 466 iiiopelle-<br />

Jones, George C., jr., clerk, bds. 87 Miami Jordan, Paton (col'd), laborer, h. Ohio, nr,<br />

ave.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Jones, Henry, bookkeeper, bda 64 Locust. Jorisky, Nicholas, baker, h. 475 Hastings.<br />

Jonss, Henry L., clerk Merrell& Ferguson, Joseph, Emanuel, cigarmaker, h. 7 Mabds.<br />

42 Locust.<br />

comb.<br />

JONES, HORATIO G., Principal of School Joseph, Joseph, drover, h. 192 Macomb.<br />

for Boys, a. e. cor. Lafayette and Ran- Joseph, Joseph, salesman, bds. 40 Columbii<br />

dolph, bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

west.<br />

Jones, Lsrael (col'd), waiter, h. 162 Russell. Josephelt, Frederick, saloon, 235 Seventh.<br />

Jones, James, bartender, bds. 151 Michigan Josephelt, Henry, shoemaker, h. 235 8evave.<br />

enth.<br />

Jones, J. Clayton, clerk, bds. 54 High. Joslin, Andrew, sailor, h. 27'1 Rastings.<br />

Jones, J. Hd, real estate agent, 250 Fort Joslin, Benjamin, machinist, bds. 12 Columw.,<br />

h. same.<br />

bia e.<br />

Jones, James A., insurance agent, h. 125 Joslin, Chelatte, laborer, h. 348 Chene.<br />

Park<br />

Joslin, John M., carpenter, h:w. s:Crawford,<br />

Jones, James M., shipbuilder, h. 628 Fort. bet. Fulton and Charles.<br />

Jones, John, carpenter, h. 93 Jefferson ave. t Joslin, Shollett C., laborer, h. 257 Mullett.


Joslin, Samuel, clerk, bds. w. s. Crawford,<br />

bet. Fulton and Charles,<br />

Joslin, Theodore M., agent, h. 262 Park.<br />

Josselyn, Alanson K. (Josselyn Bros. & Co.),<br />

res. Toledo, 0.<br />

Josselyn, Homer R. (Josselyn Bros. & Co.),<br />

h. 139 Cass ave.<br />

Joeselyn, Theodore M., traveling agent, h.<br />

262 Park.<br />

Josselyn Bros. & Co. (Homer B. and Alan-<br />

son K. Josselyn), general agts. Singer<br />

Sewing Machine, 60 Woodward ave.<br />

Jost, 'Charles, planer, bds. St. Aubin ave.,<br />

cor. Jay.<br />

Joy, Abijah, policeman, h. 108 Beech.<br />

Joy, Ecimund, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Maria<br />

and Crawford.<br />

Joy, Edward, laborer, h. 78 Guoin.<br />

Joy, Frederick S., agent, h. 109 Clifford.<br />

Joy, Garrett, laborer, h. n. s. Canfield, nr.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Joy, James F., Pres't M. C. R. R., h. 82 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Joy, John, laborer, bds. 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy, Mary (wid. Robert), h. 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy, Michael, drayman, h. '75 Cherry.<br />

Joy, Michael (Purves & Joy), h. 910 Third.<br />

Joy, Morris, laborer, bds. 292 Fifth.<br />

Joy, Thomas, laborer, bds. n. s. Canfield,<br />

nr. Ninth ave.<br />

Joy, Thomas, laborer, bds. 292 Fifth.<br />

Joyce, Ann (wid. John), h. s. s. Jones, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sisth.<br />

Joyce, Henry M., shoemaker, h. 345 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Joyce, Luke, clerk. h. 179 Oak.<br />

Joyce, Thomas, assistant <strong>City</strong> Clerk, h. 73<br />

Howard.<br />

Joyce, Jesse, bds. 61 High.<br />

Jubenville, Charles T., painter and paper<br />

hanger, h. 185 Franklin.<br />

Jubenville, Mrs. M. L. J., h. 210 Franklin.<br />

Judd, Edward D., money clerk Am. &I. U.<br />

Ex. Co., h. 46 Pitcher.<br />

Judd, William M., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Judd, Aaron A., butcher, h. 424 Franklin.<br />

Judd, Elizabeth, (wid. Charles), seamstress,<br />

h. 207 Jefferson ave.<br />

Judd, Mrs. Mary, vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, Randolph.<br />

Judge, Thomas, painter, bds. 208 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Judge, Thomas, porter Central R. R. House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

1 Judson, Otis, boots, shoes, hats and caps,<br />

166 Woodward ave., h. o. 35 n. 39 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Judson, William, bookkeeper, bds. o. 35 n.<br />

39 Croghan.<br />

~uenemab, August, cigarmaker, bds. 54<br />

Sherman.<br />

JuC Ann (wid. Henry), h. 1045 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Juff, Edward, bds. 1045 Michigan ave.<br />

- - -<br />

Juillerat, John B., carpetweaver, 325 Lafay-<br />

ette, h. same.<br />

Julius, Felix, carpenter, bds. 27 Atwater.<br />

Julius, Peter, carpenter, bds. 27 Atwater.<br />

Jument, Peter, carpenter, bds. 441 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Jung, Rev. Conrad, Baptist minister, h. 381<br />

Mullett.<br />

Jung, Charles, upholsterer, bds. 186 Bagg.<br />

Jung, George, fruits and candy, 100 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 142 Clinton.<br />

Jung, Jacob, brewer, bds. 217 Catharine.<br />

Jung, Ludwig, whitewasher, h. 520 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Juni, Ernst, laborer, h. 4-54 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Junker, , carpenter, bds. 43 Mon-<br />

roe ave.<br />

Junker, Peter, saloon, Hastings, nr. Railroad,<br />

h. same.<br />

Junker, Gottlieb, wagonmaker, bds. 156 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Junz, David, architect, bds 168 Bagg.<br />

Jupp, William T., salesman, h. 112 George.<br />

Justen, Anton, laborer, h. 489 Croghan.<br />

AANEN, Timothy, caller D. & M. R. R.,<br />

K bds. 31 Sproat.<br />

Kaass, Nicholas, bds. cor. Gratiot and Hasting~.<br />

Kabiel, Augustus, laborer, h. w. s. Dubois, s.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Kaeding, Charles, carpenter, bds. 115 Antietam.<br />

Kaeding, John, laborer, bds. 115 Antietam.<br />

Kaeding, Julius, carpenter, h. 115 Antietam.<br />

Kaeding, Wilhelmina (wid. John), h. 115<br />

Antietam.<br />

Kaestle, John, painter, h. 260 Rivard.<br />

Kahl, Louis, cooper, h. 12 Mechanic.<br />

Kahler, Carnelius, laborer, bbs. 391 Sisth.<br />

Kahler, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 391 Sisth.<br />

Kahler, VTTillialll, laborer, h. 466 Trowbridge.<br />

Kahn. Louis. laborer. bds. 432 Catharine.<br />

Kahoik, ~harles, laborer. h. 489 Laf'ayerte.<br />

Kai. John, laborer, h. 300 Maple.<br />

Kaichen, Arnold,U. S. pension agt . and attor<br />

ney, 1,2 and 3 Kanter's building, Larned<br />

w., h. 92 Adams ave e.<br />

Kaichen, Herman, wines and cigars, 50 and<br />

52 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Kail, John, blacksmith, h. 13 Silver.<br />

Kain, Daniel, soda water, h. 144 Porter.<br />

Kaiser, Adam, vinegar manfr., h. 132 Macomb.<br />

Kaiser, Adolph, currier, bds. 357 Clinton.<br />

Kaiser, Anna M. (wid. Joseph), h. 185 Maple.<br />

Kaiser, Anthony, watchmaker, 179 3efferson<br />

ave., h. 254 Clinton.<br />

Eaiser, August, laborer, h. 573 Fort w.




OBBce, 37'4 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Kalschnick, Albert, laborer, h. 66 Antietam.<br />

Kalsow, Ferdinand, cigarmaker. bds. 121<br />

Clinton.<br />

Iialsom, John, laborer, h. 121 Clinton.<br />

Kalsow, John, laborer, h. 350 Dubois.<br />

Balt, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. rear 141 La-<br />

fayette. 1<br />

Halthoff, August, saloon, 86 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

Kaltenbach, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 306 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Hamaile, James (col'd), rag assorter, h. 71<br />

Fort e.<br />

Kamhous, TVilliam, shoemaker, h. 570<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Kaiser, Augusta (wid. Honest), h. 573 Fort<br />

m.<br />

Kaiser, Augustus, butcher, h. 486 Catharine.<br />

Kaiser, Casper, carpenter, h. 30 Beacon.<br />

Kaiser, Casper, laborer, 11. 26 Jay.<br />

Kaiser, Charles, cabinetmaker, bde. 30 Clay.<br />

Kaiser, Christopher, groceries, 235 Mullett, Kemin, John, laborer, h. 775 Twenty- Z<br />

h. same.<br />

fourth. I a<br />

Kaiser, Mrs. Dorothea, washerwoman, h. 20 Iiamling, Christopher, accordeon repairer,<br />

Beacon.<br />

h. 403 Seventh.<br />

Kaiser, Frank, cigar manufacturer, h. 221 Kammerhof, Frederick, bricklayer, h. 85<br />

Mullett.<br />

Jay.<br />

Kaiser, Frank, joiner, h. 13 Clay.<br />

Kammon, Frederick (Eberle, Taylor St<br />

Kaiser. Francis Y., butcher, h. 7 Clay. Iiaanmon), h. 13 Jones.<br />

Kaiser, Franz X., currier, bds. 165 Gratiot. Kamp, Charles, grinder, h. cor. Congress<br />

Kaiser, George, printer, bds. 357 Clinton. and Fifth.<br />

Kaiser, Hugh, marblecutter, bds. GS Larned Kanady, Samuel C. (Kanady & Taylor), h.<br />

east.<br />

107 George.<br />

Eaiser, Jacob, tanner, h. 357 Clinton. Kanady, William S., bookkeeper, h. 107<br />

Kaiser, John, grocer, 520 Gratiot, 21. same. George.<br />

Kaiser, Joseph, laborer, h. 318 Juliette. Iianady & Taylor (Samuel C. Kanady and<br />

Kaiser, Joseph, meatmarket, 359 IIastings, K. Terry Taylor), bankers and brokers, 61 i<br />

h. same.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Kaiser, Maximilian, edgetool grinder, bds. Kanane, Michael, clogdancer, bdP. 253 Jef-<br />

164 Maple.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Kaiser, Peter, laborer, h. 9 Silver.<br />

Kane, Dennis, h. 144 Porter.<br />

Kaiser, Robert, brewer, bds. 213 Grand Hane, Edward, physician, office Grand<br />

River.<br />

River, bet. Woodward ave. and Farmer,<br />

Eaiser, William, tanner, bds. 165 Gratiot. h. 236 JYood\vard ave.<br />

Kaistner, Leopold, laborer,h. s. w. cor. Rus- Kane, ECward E., clerk police court, bds.<br />

sell and Clay.<br />

236 \%roodward aye.<br />

Kalb, John, laborer, h. Ohio, nr. Hastings. Kane, Hugh, policeman, h. 108 Madison<br />

Kale, Demmick, plasterer, h. 595 Gratiot. ave.<br />

Kale, Mary Ann, milliner, h. 595 Gratiot. Eiane, James, printer, bds. 312 Twelfth.<br />

Kaler, Bernard, st,onecutter, h. 520 Mullett. Kane. Mary (wid. Michael), h. 220 Sixth.<br />

Kaler, Charles, laborer, h. s. s. Chest,nut, Kane, Michael. driver, h. 135 Macoulb.<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Kaue, Michael, engineer, h. 560 Se~ent~h.<br />

Kalkbrenner, William, carpenter, h. 328 St. Hane, Rlichael, laborer, h. 280 Eighteenth.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Kane, Michael, laborer, h. 330 Franklin.<br />

Kallaheed, Jeremiah, carriage trimmer, bds . Kane, Tllomas, laborer, h. 312 Twelfth.<br />

23 Wasllington ave.<br />

Kane, Thomas, pressman, bds. 23G Sixth.<br />

Kallenbach, B~I bara (wid. Joseph), mid- Kannan, Charles (Messmore & Co.), h. e. s.<br />

wife, h. o. 40 n. 46 Croghan.<br />

Middle.<br />

Kallenbach, Peter J., plumber, 42 Crogban, Kannan, Michael, peddler, h. n. s. Arch, bet.<br />

h. same.<br />

Fifth and Crawford.<br />

Haller, Frederick, teamster, bds. Twenty- Hannedy, David, machinist, h. 69'~orter.<br />

second, nr. Bridge and Iron Works. Kannenberg, Charles, laborer, bds. 438 Ma-<br />

Kallman, Charles, traveling agent, bds. 69 ple.<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Kannenberg, Frederick, laborer, h. 438 Ma-<br />

Kallmeyer, Marcus (Lehnhoff & Kallmeyer), ple.<br />

h. 199 First.<br />

Hanter, Edward (E. Kanter & Co.), h. 85<br />

Ealorzaschick, Jacob, laborer, h. e. s. St. Congress w.<br />

Aubin ave., s. Gratiot.<br />

Kanter, Charles E., clerk E. Kanter St Co.,<br />

Kalowsky, Hannah (wid. Abraham), Yankee bds. 85 Congr~ss w.<br />

notions, 65 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. Fort, nr. Kanter, IIenry L. (E. Kantcr & Co.), bds. 85<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Congress w.


-- - -<br />

Kanter, E., & Co. (Edward and Henry L. Katoll, John, cabinetmaker, h. 245 Mullett.<br />

Kanter), Germania Savings Bank, 30 Lar- Katus, Adam, blacksmith, bds. 147 Maned<br />

w.<br />

comb.<br />

Kapishment, Michael, tanner, h. 172 Mul- Katus, Aloys, blacksmith, 147 Macomb, h.<br />

lett.<br />

same.<br />

Kaple, Johanna D. (wid. Thomas), h. I77 Hatus, John, saloon, 157 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Porter.<br />

Katus, Joseph, locksmith, bds. 163 Ma-<br />

Kaple, John H., asst. P. hI., h. 54 Miami comb.<br />

ave.<br />

Katus, Peter, blacksmith, 213 Macomb, h.<br />

Kapschinsky, Henry, cigarmaker, bds. 278 163 Rivard.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Katus, Eobert, cabinetmaker, bds. 34 Fort<br />

Karcher, Jacob, bartender, bds. St. Lawrence east.<br />

Hob el.<br />

Kat.z, Ludwig, cabinetmaker, bds. 156 St.<br />

KarkhofT, Frederick, tobacconist, h. 173 Antoine.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kaul fersch, Frank, upholsterer, bds. 29<br />

Karpy, Frank, salesman, h. 342 Orleans. Clinton.<br />

Karpp, John A., clerk, h. 286 Mullett. Kaulfersch, Mrs. (wid. Frank), midwife, h.<br />

Karpp, Peter, laborer, h. 404 James.<br />

138 Clinton.<br />

Karpp, Peter, laborer, h. 276 Mullett. Kwffiann, Alexander, bartender, bds. 116<br />

Karr, Joseph, tanner, h. 294 St. Aubin ave. Macomb.<br />

Barrer, Aaron (Karrer & Bro.), h. cur. St. Kauffmann, Charles, gilder, h. 180 Adams<br />

Aubin ave. and Mullett.<br />

ave. e.<br />

Karrer, Frank, roofer, 11.490 Lafayette. Kauffmann, Charles, harnessmaker, bds. 13<br />

Karrer, Joseph (Karrer & Bro.), h. 284 St. Mechanic.<br />

A.ubin ave.<br />

Kauffmann, Christian, blacksmith, h. 11G<br />

Karrer, Louis, engineer, h. 327 Montcalm e. Macomb.<br />

Karrer, Peter, harnessmaker, h. St. Aubin Kauffmann, Frank Joseph, saloon, 111 Ranave.,<br />

n. e. cor. Gratiot.<br />

dolph.<br />

Karrer, Peter, saddler, h. 534 Gratiot. Kauffmann, Franz J., h. IS1 Brush.<br />

Iiwrer, Peter, h. 801 Lafay-ette.<br />

Kauffmann, Isador, wholesale ', clothier, 135<br />

Karrer, Severin, grocer, 560 Gratiot, h. Jefferson ave.. h. 32 Elizabeth m.<br />

same.<br />

Kaufmaan, Mrs. Magdalene, h. 92 Clinton.<br />

Karrer, J., & Bro. (Aaron and Joseph Ear- Baufmann, Margaret (wid. Frederick), h.<br />

rer), tanners, leather and findings,38 Mon- 13 M echanic.<br />

roe ave.<br />

Kaupp, Christopher, tailor, h. 482 Mullett.<br />

Karschnick, Charles, laborer, L. 22 Ger- Kavanaugh, Peter, laborer, h. 32 Larned w.<br />

man.<br />

Kay, Edward F., grocer, 81 Gratiot, h.<br />

Karsten, August, laborer, h. e. s. Humboldt same.<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Kay, Edward F., slate roofer, h. 55 Colum-<br />

Karsten, Henry, medical student, bds. 25 bia w.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Kean, David W., insurance agt., 156 Jeffer-<br />

Karwick, Thomas, laborer, h. 386 Franklin. son ave., bds. 45 Congress w.<br />

Kasno, Joseph, cooper, bds. 393 Bronson. Kertn, Hugh, policeman, h. 108 Harrison<br />

Kasner, Mary (wid. John), h. o. 112 n. 107 aye.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Kean, 1111ichael B., boat owner, h. 9 Mont-<br />

Kasper, Jacob, laborer, h. 499 Lafapette. calm e.<br />

Kassal, John, ca!,inetmaker, bds. 273 Co- Kean, Thomas, engineer, h. o. 120 n. 124<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Michigan ave., up stairs.<br />

Kasselman, Conrad, tailor, bds. 256 Beau- Keane, Daniel, engineer, h. 49 Porter.<br />

bien.<br />

Keane, John, engineer, h. 49 Porter.<br />

East, Adolph, clerk, bds. 225 Russell. Keane, Mathew, laborer, bds. I00 Abbott.<br />

Bast, Christian, grocer, 225 Russell, h. Kearns, Edward, cooper, h. 5 Walnut<br />

same.<br />

Kearney, James, pressman, bds. w. s. Mount<br />

Kast, Gustavus? clerk Charles Schwartz, Hope we., nr. ~klichigan ave.<br />

h. e. s. Kiopelle, bet. Catharine and Sher- Keasley, Adam, cooper, Western Brewery,<br />

man.<br />

bds. n. w. cor. Abbott and Seventh.<br />

Kast, Louis, clerk, bds. 225 Russell. Beating, Morris, engineer, h. o. 159 n. 215<br />

Kastel, Frank, shoemaker, h. 360 Sixteenth. First.<br />

Kastolf, Frederick, laborer, h. e s.. Chene, n. Keavy, John, engineer, h- 351 Sixth-<br />

German.<br />

Heavy, Martin, machinist, bds. 255 Lafay-<br />

Kath, Christian, shoemaker, bds. s. e. cor. ette ave,<br />

Larned and Beaubien.<br />

Heavy, Miles, carsmith, bds. 351 Sixth.<br />

Kathol, John, carpenter, h. 296 High. Heavy, Norah (wid. Patrick), b. 290 Michi-<br />

*Katruan, Flora (wid. Authony), h. G9 T.lTil- gan ave.<br />

kins.<br />

Heavy, Patrick, machinist, bds. 351 Sixth.


NEW YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH I&COME, $16,000<br />

--<br />

SOLON BIeELBOY, Dlanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Keavy, Thomas, carpenter, h. 255 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Keavy, Thomas, fireman D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

290 Michigan ave.<br />

Keavy, William, bookkeeper, bds. 255 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Kehl, Anthony, plasterer, h. 177 Macomb.<br />

Kehl, John, plasterer, h. 93 Maple.<br />

Kehl, Martin, h. 150 Clinton.<br />

Kehlmann, John, laborer, h. 0.42 n. 493<br />

Railroad.<br />

Kehrig, B., clerk, bds. 405 Riopelle.<br />

Kehrig, Mathias, veterinary surgeon, 205<br />

Riopelle, h. same.<br />

Keidel, John, carpenter, bds. 146 Croghan.<br />

Keifler, William, bartender, bds. 20 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Keil, John. h. 13 Silver.<br />

Keiller, James, agt., h. 372 Cass ave.<br />

Keily, Thomas, painter M. C. R. R., h. w.<br />

s. Fourteenth, bet. Baker and Dalzell.<br />

Keavy, William, clerk M. C. R. R., jh. 303 Heily, John, cigarmak~r, h. e. s. Sixteenth,<br />

Lafaye~te ave.<br />

bet. Dalzell and Michigan ave.<br />

Kedall, James H., mac.l~inist, h. 51 Elm. Heine, Peter. carpenter, h. 414 Riopelle.<br />

Keding, Charles, laborer, h. s. s. Chestnut, Keiter, Samuel, Yankee notions, '13 <strong>City</strong><br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Hall market, h. 119 Lafayette.<br />

Keefe, A1 thur, shipcarpenter, h. 153 Chene. Keith, Alexander T., clerk, h. 16 High.<br />

Keefe, Michael, hodcarrier, h. 75 Colum- Keith, John W. (J. W. Keith & Co.), h. 16<br />

bia w.<br />

Winder.<br />

Keefe, Nicholas, laborer, h. 102 Beech. Keith, Michael, carpenter, h. 1'72 Beech.<br />

Keefe, Patrick, laborer, h. 386 Wood- Keith, Michael, jtliner. h. 1'75 Orchard.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Keith, J. W., & Co. (John W. Keith and<br />

Keegan, Charles, shoemaker, h. Fifth, nr. John L. Lewis), forwarding and cornmiscor.<br />

Michigan aye.<br />

1 sion merchants, foot Bates.<br />

Keegan, John, saloon, 513 Fort w., h. same. Kelholz, 'C'I.Tilliam, shoemaker, h. Scott, nr.<br />

Keel, Charles A., fruits and vegetables, Dequindre.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Ball market, res.:Hamtramck. Heligher, James, saloon, 28 Griswold, h.<br />

Keel, Matilda (wid. William), bds. 311 same.<br />

Woodward aye., up stairs.<br />

Kelleher, James, carriagemaker, bds. 98<br />

Keeler, Frank A., clerk Richmonds & Larned e.<br />

Backus, bds. 138 First.<br />

Kelleher, James, fruit and confectionery,<br />

Keeler, Harriet (wid. Henry), h. 138 First. 327 Jetlerson ave., h. 98 Larned e.<br />

Keeler, James J., engineer, bds. 138 First. Kelleher, Jeremiah, carriage trimmer, pipe-<br />

Keeler, John A C., Merchants' Despatch, man engine No. 3, bds. Wasllington ave.,<br />

bds. 138 Third.<br />

nr. Clifford.<br />

Keeler, S. C., captain, h. 33 Croghan. Keller, Aloys, engineer, bds. s. w. cor. Fort<br />

Keeler, William, laborer, h. 460 Seven- and Beaubien.<br />

teenth.<br />

Keller, Augustus, carpenter, h. 359 Dubois.<br />

Keen, Joseph, farmer, h. s. s. Gratiot, bet. Keller, Conrad, carpenter, bds. 101 Ma-<br />

Elmwood and Jos.Campau aves.<br />

comb.<br />

Keen, Joseph S., bookkeeper, h. n. s. Keller, Cosmas, carpenter, a. s. Lafayette,<br />

Willis stve., bet. Cass ave. and Second. bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave., h. 336 St.<br />

Keena, John C., ticket a@. Cleveland boats, Aubin ave.<br />

foot Third, h. 147 Abbott.<br />

Keller, John (Ackerman & Keller), bds. 354<br />

Keenan, Daniel, laborer, h. 155 National Gratiot.<br />

ave.<br />

Keller, Ludovika (wid. Aaron), h. 84 Clin-<br />

Keenan, James, h. 185 Elizabeth e.<br />

ton.<br />

Keenan, Michael, flourpacker, h. 134 Na- Keller, Marston E., bookbinder, Bds. 144<br />

tional ave.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Keenan, Michael S., carpenter and joiner, Keller, Nicholas, carpenter, bds. 244 Brush.<br />

h. 124 Sixth.<br />

Kellerman, Charles R., clerk, bds. Finney's<br />

Kees, Frederick, tailor, h. 9 Napoleon. Hotel.<br />

Keevan, John, laborer, h. 232 Seventh. Kellerman, Frederick, laborer, h. 203 Antie-<br />

Keevey, Margaret (wid. Patrick), bds. tam.<br />

Fourth, s. w. cor. Vine.<br />

Kelley, A. S., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Kegel, Julius (Kegel & Richter), h. 96 Mont- Iielley, Daniel, laborer, h. 27 Eighteenth.<br />

calm e.<br />

Kelley, George B. (Geo. B. Kelley & Co.), h.<br />

KEGEL & RICHTER (Julius Kegel and 54 Elizabeth w.<br />

Frederick Richter), dealers in furniture Kelley, Henry, painter, h. 304 Seventeenth.<br />

and upholstery, 248 Woodward ave. (See Kelley, James, engineer, h. 170 Fourteenth.<br />

adw .)<br />

Kelley, James D., painter, h. 93 Baker.


- - -<br />

Kelley, James, mail clerk Daily Post, bds.<br />

369 Michigan ave.<br />

Kelley, John, h. 360 Michigan ave.<br />

Kelley, Joseph H. A., conductor, h. 700 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kelley , Margaret (wid. John), h. 20 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Kelley, Mrs. Mary, h. a. e. cor. Mt. Hope<br />

ave. and Ash.<br />

Kelley, Owen, tobacconist, h. 114 Farmer.<br />

Kelley, Patrick, shoemaker, h. 266 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Kelley, Samuel, laborer, bda. 602 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Kzlley, Thomas, h. 304 Seventeenth.<br />

Kelley, Thomas, seaman, bds. 20 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Kelley, Thomas S., grocer, 744 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Kelley, William, h. 100 Winder.<br />

Kelley, Geo. B., 8L Co. (George B. Kelley, Ed-<br />

ward Knight and George Stevenson),<br />

wholesale hats and caps, 182 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Kelliger, Elizabeth (wid. Joseph), bds. 45<br />

Prospect.<br />

Helliger, Oswald, foreman engine No. 6, h.<br />

45 Prospect.<br />

Kelliher, bliss Margaret, cloak and dress<br />

maker, 99 Beaubisn, h. same.<br />

Kellmer, Richard, blacksmith, h. 243 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kellogg, Benjamin P., sawyer, h. 294 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Kellogg, Charles, Vice-President Merchants'<br />

and Manufacturers' Bank, h. 450 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Kellogg, Charles, h. n. w. cor. First and<br />

Lewis. .<br />

Keilogg, Charles, salesman, bds. 46 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Kellogg, Dewitt C., engineer M. S. R. R., h.<br />

309 Thirteenth.<br />

Kellogg, Edward, oil store,:& Jefferson ave..<br />

bds. Garrison House.<br />

Kellogg, Frank E. D., grocer, 60 Grand<br />

River, h same.<br />

Kellogg, Henry, painter, h. 207 Lafayette.<br />

Kellogg, James L., hardware, h. 568 JeEer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Kellogg, T., mail agent D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

Kellogg. W. P., bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Kelly, Andrew, baker, bds. 49 Larned w.<br />

Kelly, Andrew, clerk, bds. 18 St. Antoine.<br />

Kelly, Mrs. Anna, washerwoman, bds. 116<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Kelly, Antonio, shoemaker, bds. 32 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Kelly, Charles, varnisher, bds. s. s. Locust,<br />

bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Kelly, Christopher, tailor, bds. 15 Griswold.<br />

Kelly, Daniel, moulder, bds. 19 St. Antoine.<br />

Kelly, Frederick, printer, bds. 81 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Kelly, George W., painter, h. 170 Eliz*<br />

beth e.<br />

Kelly, Henry (col'd), waiter Michigan Ex-<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Kelly, Hugh, sawyer. h. 431 Lafayette.<br />

Kelly, James, engineer, h. 66 Locust.<br />

Eelly, James, laborer, h. 106 Porter.<br />

Kelly, James, wooddealer, h. 309 Atwater.<br />

Kelly, James H., pinter, h. 81 Adams ave.<br />

Kelly, James W., bds. 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kelly, John, blacksmith, h. 3'70 Lafrtyette.<br />

Kelly. John, bookkeeper, bds: Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Kelly, John, farmer, h. Russell, nr. Junction.<br />

Kelly, John, laborer, h. 39 1 Fifth.<br />

Kelly, John, shipcarpenter, h. 373 Croghan.<br />

Kelly, Joseph, shipcarpenter, bds. 128<br />

Franklin.<br />

Kelly, Mathea F., bookkeeper, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Clifford and Elizabeth.<br />

Kelly, Michael, grocer, 908 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Kelly, hlichael, laborer, h. rear 148 Orchard.<br />

Kelly, Martin, policeman, bds. 163 Fourth.<br />

Kelly, Patrick, laborer, h. 19 St. Antoine.<br />

Kelly, Patrick, laborer, h. 569 Beaubien.<br />

Kelly, Philip, driver, h. 602 Congress.<br />

Kelly, Robert, laborer, h. s. s. Locust, bet.<br />

Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Kelly, Robert B., painter, bds. 19 Howard.<br />

Kelly, Ronald, agent Charter Oak Life Ins.<br />

Co., I1 Rotunda Building, bds. s. s. Jeffir-<br />

son ave., nr. Brush.<br />

Kelly, Thomas, clerk, h. 129 Harrison ave.<br />

Kelly, Thomas W., plumber, h. 214 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Kelly, William, pailor, hds. Emmet House.<br />

Kelly, William F., carpenter, h. 19 Porter.<br />

Kelly, William W., bookkeeper, bds. 19<br />

Howard.<br />

Kelly, -, laborer, h. 10 Napcleon.<br />

Kelsey, j Eberleet, lumber clerk, h. 5 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Kelso, Charles, teamster, h. 420 Mullett.<br />

Kelso, John, laborer. h. o. 230 n. 2'78 Maple.<br />

Kelso, Samuel J., clerk, h. 60 Bronson.<br />

Kelso, William, laborer, h. 547 Macomb.<br />

Kempf, Conrad, tailor, bds. 74 Maple.<br />

Kernpel, Lawrence, wagonmaker, h. o. 18 n.<br />

122 Bremster.<br />

Kempstour, Samuel, groom, bds. 33 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Kemstry, Nancy (wid. Jerubal), h. 75 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Kendall, David, h. 13 Macomb.<br />

Iiendall, James, telegrapher, h. 13 Macomb.<br />

KendaM, James G., manager Western Union<br />

Telegraph. office, h. 9 Grand River.<br />

Kendall, John, carpenter, h. 137 Cass ave.<br />

Kendall, John, foreman steamer No. 5, h.<br />

384 Larned e.<br />

Kendall, Joseph W., carpenter, h. upper end<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Kendall, Xichard, ne~sdealer, 90 Gratiot,<br />

bds. 13 Macomb.



@@@@, JJqg,@@@, rn@&@F@,<br />



Kendrick, Frank, laborer, h. 143 Porter.<br />

Kendrick, Russell, milkdealer, h. 394 Lafay<br />

ette ave.<br />

Kendrick, Thomas, moulder, h. Franklin<br />

nr. Campau.<br />

Kenely, John, blacksmith, h. e. s. Fifteenth<br />

nr. Baker.<br />

Kennedy, Albert, marblecutter, bds. 4f<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Kennedy, Mrs. Catharine (wid. James), h. 41<br />

Atwater.<br />

Kennedy, Charles G., gatekeeper D. & M. R<br />

R., h. 364 Lafaystte.<br />

Kennedy, Daniel, brassfinisher, bds. Lafay.<br />

ette, nr. Orleans.<br />

Kennedy, David (Kennedy & Grieg), h. 79<br />

Porter.<br />

Kennedy, Delotia K. (widow John), h. 19<br />

Washington are.<br />

Kennedy, Dennis, laborer, bds. 132 Cherry.<br />

Kennedy, Donald, brassfinisher, bds. 364<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Kennedy, George (col'd), carpenter, bds. 81<br />

Macom b.<br />

Kennedy,'James, laborer, h. 560 Fort e.<br />

Kennedy, James, carpenter, h. w. s. Beaubien,<br />

between Watson and Calhoun.<br />

Kennedy, Jeremiah, teamster, h. 144 Clinton.<br />

Kennedy, John, laborer, bds. 132 Cherry.<br />

Kennedy, John, shoemaker, bds. 46 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Kennedy, John, tailor, h. 46 Brady.<br />

Kennedy, John, teamster, bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Kennedy, John D., carpenter, h. 201 National<br />

ave.<br />

Kennedy, Michael, engineer, bds. 411<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Kennedy, Michael, engineer, h. 102 Cherry.<br />

Kennedy, Michael, laborer, h. 132 Cherry.<br />

Kennedy, Patrick, laborer, h. 47 Labrosse.<br />

Kennedy, Patrick, laborer, h. 307 Abbott.<br />

Kennedy, Samuel, coppersmith, h. 151<br />

Jones.<br />

Kennedy, Stephen (col'd), barber, bds. 280<br />

Congress e.<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, carpenter, h. 412 Beaubien.<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, gardener, h. 354 Beaubien.<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, jeweler, 160 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. o. 294 n. 334 Randolph.<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, laborer, h. 332 Croghan.<br />

Kennedy, Thomas, melter, h. 332 Croghan.<br />

Keunedy, Tl~olutts II., grocery and liquors,<br />

91 Sixth, h. same.<br />

Kennedy, William, laborer, h. 174 Port e.<br />

Kennedy, William, bds. 6.56 Franklin.<br />

Kennedy, William, lab~rer, h. 188 Fort e.<br />

KENNEDY S: GRIEG (David Kennedy and<br />

David C; rieg), manfrs. steam engines,<br />

Third, bet. Congress and Larned. (Ses<br />

adv.)<br />

Kennelay, Patrick, moulder, h. 334 Croghan.<br />

Kennett, Samuel, wagonmaker, h. 99 Macomb.<br />

Kennevan, John, laborer, h. 120 Wilkins.<br />

Kenney, Alice (wid. John), h. 411 Twelfth.<br />

Kenngott, Gottlieb, baker and grocer, 309<br />

Alichigan ave., h. same.<br />

Keuny, iMrs. Elizabeth, boarding, 23 Seventh.<br />

Kenny, John, beer peddler, h. 488 Fifth.<br />

Henny, Thomas, bricklayer, h. 23 Seventh.<br />

Kenrick, Henry, packer, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Kensller, Joseph, foreman D. & M. Elevator,<br />

h. Guoin, nr. Chene.<br />

Keni;, Charles A. (Walker & Kent), bds.<br />

139 Lafayett-e ave.<br />

Kent, Edward, hackdriver, bds. 123 Mullett.<br />

Kent, Frederick, laborer, h. 233 Calhoun.<br />

Kent, John, coachman, 11.17 Sproai.<br />

Kent, Thomas, engineer M. C. R. B., h. 14'7<br />

Porter.<br />

Kent, William J. (J. W. Kent & Co.), bds.<br />

62 Randolph.<br />

KENT, W. J., &. CO. (William J. Bent and<br />

Moses P. Hutchins), domestic solder, room<br />

8 Fisher's block, 1194 Woodward ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Kenter, Samuel, peddler, h 119 Lafayette.<br />

Keppner, August, basketmaker, h. 104 Maple.<br />

Keppner, Herman, basketmaker, h. 104 Maple.<br />

Kerber, George, mason, h. o. 32 n. 114 Napoleon.<br />

Kerchival, Maria (wid. B. B.), h. 203 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Kerl, Margaret (wid. William), h. 146 Afarion.<br />

Kerins, Peter, printer, bds. o. 138 n. 154<br />

Sixth.<br />

Kerl, Henry, laborer, h. 502 Fort.<br />

Kermott, Dr. John W.(Balleray, Glass & Co.),<br />

h. 375 Cass ave,<br />

Bern, Anthony, bds. 22 Beacon.<br />

Kern, Anthony, baggagemaster D. & M. R.<br />

R., bds. 124 La; ned e.<br />

Kern, Christopher, laborer, h. 89 Chestnut.<br />

Kern, Christian, laborer, h. 432 Catharine.<br />

Kern, Conrad, butcher, 1'70 Sherman, h.<br />

same.<br />

Kern, Conrad, butcher, 144 Lafayette, h.<br />

e. s. German, bet. Orleans and Riopelle.<br />

Kern, Elizabeth (wid. John F.), h. 83 Chestnut.<br />

Kern* Miss Elizabeth, seamst~ess, bds. 22<br />

Beacon.<br />

Kern, George, shipcarpenter, h. 56 Chestnut.


Kern, Henry, musician, bds. 300 Orleans.<br />

Kern, Herman, salesman, bds. 37 Harriett.<br />

Kern, Jacob, carpenter, h. 16 Buena Vista.<br />

Kern, John J., laborer, h. 243 Rivard.<br />

Kern, John L., baker, h. 15 South.<br />

Kern, Louis, traveling agent, 11. 35 Harriett.<br />

Kern, Nicholas, baggageman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 124 Larned e.<br />

Kernaghan, William, hatter, h. 38 Dufiield.<br />

Kerney, James, laborer, h. 148 Orchard.<br />

Kerney, Lawrence, drayman, h. 20 Warren.<br />

Kerney, Patrick, gardener, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Twenty-fourth and Howard.<br />

Kerney, Thomas, clerk, bds. n. e. cor. Twenty-fourth<br />

and Howard.<br />

Kerns, James, painter, bds. 238 Roward.<br />

Kerns, John, painter, bds. 238 Howard.<br />

Kerns, Patrick J., cooper, h. e. s. Wjlliams<br />

ave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Kerns, Peter, printer, bds. 154 Sixth.<br />

Kerns, Thomas, painter, h. rear 388 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Kerns, Winifred (wid. Patrick), h. 238 Howard.<br />

Kerr, James, machinist, h. n. e. cor. Seventh<br />

and Tenth.<br />

Kerr, James, painter, h. 319 National ave.<br />

Kerr, Peter, gardener, h. e. s. Woodward<br />

ave., near tollgate.<br />

Kerr, Robert, tanner, h. 215 Seventeenth.<br />

Kerr, Thomas, sailor, h. 264 Seventeenth.<br />

Kerre. John. mason, h. 272 Montcalm e.<br />

Kerremans, William, artist, h. 361 Third<br />

Kersllaw, James, ironmoulder, h. 211 Sixth.<br />

Kershner, Conrad, mason. bds. cor. Antietam<br />

and Jos. Campau ave. ,<br />

herschner, Mary (;id. Valentine), h. 170<br />

Hid.<br />

Kerszhner, Philip (Kerschner & Rae), h. 283<br />

Howard.<br />

Kerschner & Rae (Philip Kerschner and<br />

\Y illiam J. Rae), lumber, 283 Howard.<br />

Kerscht, Baptiste, clerk, bds. 195 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Kerscht, Biatllias, tanner, h. 354 Maple.<br />

Kerscht, Peter, 11. 195 hdams ave. e.<br />

Kerst, Stephen, laborer, h. 53 Columbia e.<br />

Kersting, Charles, cabinetmaker, bds. 77<br />

Macomb.<br />

Kerwin, Jobn, blacksmith, h. e. s. National<br />

ave., bet,. Locust and Pine.<br />

Iierwack, Thomas, joiner, h. 336 Franklin.<br />

Keslem, Herbert, tins~uith, h. 23 Prospect.<br />

Kessler. Christopher. carpenter, h. 95 Maple.<br />

Kessler, John, show case maker, bds. o. 89<br />

n. 95 Naple.<br />

Keston, Louis, gilder, h. 215 St. Ant.oine.<br />

Iiester, Adolph, bosmakel; bds. 97 Twentysecond.<br />

Ketchum, Cephas B. (Abbot & Ketchum),<br />

h. 316 Lafayette ave.<br />

Ketchum, Elias, carpenter, h. 22 Sibley.<br />

Ketel, August, teamster. h. 68 Sisteenth. .<br />

Eieter, Job, laborer, h. Spring wells.<br />

-<br />

Ket tel. Maximilian, teamster, bds. 522<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Kettle, William, carpenter, h. 372 Abbott.<br />

Keuler, John, saloon, 425 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Keurick, Henry T., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Keusch, Joseph (Holthoefer & Keusch), h.<br />

258 Lafayette.<br />

Keuter, Elizabeth (wid. Anton), boarding,<br />

h. 32 Clinton.<br />

Keuter, William, clerk, bds. 32 Clinton.<br />

Keveney, Patrick, 'clothier and tailor, 29<br />

Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Keveney, Thomas, tailor, bds. 29 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Kew, John, groceries, mines and liquors,<br />

127 Porter, h. same.<br />

Keyes, Ann (mid. John), h. s. s. Abbott, bet.<br />

Ei.ght11 and Ninth ave.<br />

Keyes, James, macl~inist, h. s. s. Abbott,<br />

bet. Eighth and Ninth ave.<br />

Eieyes, John F., clerk D. &. M. R. R., h. o.<br />

59 n. 83 Congress w.<br />

Keyes, Thomas, clerk A. M. U. Ex. Co., h.<br />

210 Howard.<br />

Keys, Thomas, agent American Express,<br />

h. s. s. Orchard, bet. Third and Fourth.<br />

Keys, William, carriage painter, h. 299<br />

Fourth.<br />

Kibbee, Charles, hostler, bds. 12 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Kibbee, Charles, salesman, bds. 12 Colum-<br />

bia m.<br />

Kibbee, Henry C., stock dealer, 66 Ran-<br />

dolph, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Kibbee, Porter, bookkeeper M. H. Butler,<br />

bds. Howard House.<br />

Kidd, John, laborer, h. 332 Fifth.<br />

Kidd, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 16 Labrosse.<br />

Kidd, Thomas (Kidd St McComb), h. n. e.<br />

cor. Fifteenth and Marquette.<br />

Kidd, William, carpenter, h. 12 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Kidd & McComb (Thomas Kidd and Robert<br />

hlcCoinb), groceries and liquors, n. e. cor.<br />

Fifteentll and Marquette.<br />

Kiefer, Christian, laborer, 11. 496 Fort e.<br />

Kiefer, George, butcher, 204 Wilkins, h.<br />

same.<br />

Iijefer, Hermann, physician, 48 to 52 Gra-<br />

tiot, h. same.<br />

Kieler, Christian, cigarmaker, h. 320 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Kieler, George (G. & H. Kieler), bds. ' 5<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Kieler, Henry (G. & H. Kieler), h. 5 Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Kieler, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 343 Croghan.<br />

Kieler, John, laborer, 11. 414 Eighteenth.<br />

Kieler, G. & H. (George and Henry Kieler),<br />

saloon, 5 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Kiener, August, cigarmaker, bds. cor. Ri-<br />

vard and Clinton.<br />

Kienitz, Samuel, carriagemaker, h. 91 Ma-<br />


. .<br />


-<br />

NEW YORE<br />

SOLON NII~ELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Kienle, Christopher, laborer, h. 339 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kier, Henry, student, bds. 33 George.<br />

Kier, Jacob S., physician, h. 33 George.<br />

Kier, William, salesman, bds. 33 George.<br />

Bier, William F., drug clerk, h. 33 George.<br />

Kiernan, James R., h. e. s. Lasalle ave., near<br />

Magnolia.<br />

Kies, John, sewer contractor, h. 300 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Kiess. John, shoemaker, h. 222 Hastings.<br />

Kiess, Walter, bookkeeper, bds. 222 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Kil born, John, saloonkeeper Purdy 's Hotel,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Kilcannon, Duine (wid. Michael), h. 256<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Kilcannon, Mary, tailoress, bds. 224 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Kile, Robert, clerk, bds. 70 Congress e.<br />

Kiley, Miss Margaret E., teacher Abbott<br />

Street School, bds. 139 Orchard.<br />

Kilfetter, Edward, harnessmaker, bds. 69<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Kilfoy, Patrick, laborer, h. 302 Guoin.<br />

Kilian, John, laborer, h. 405 Riopelle.<br />

Kilian, Michael, carpenter, h. 411 Riopelle.<br />

Kilian, Michael, sailor, h. 93 Park Place.<br />

Killin, John J., h. 311 Grand River.<br />

Killin, Mary (wid. James), h. 311 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Killin, Patrick, laborer, h. 566 Seventh.<br />

Killhan, James, laborer, h. n. s. Canfield,<br />

near Sinth ave.<br />

Kilmar, Richard, machinist, h. 243 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kilroy, Lawrence F., agent, bds. 244 Fifth.<br />

Kilrop, Mary (wid. Martin), h. 244 Fifth.<br />

Kimball, Frank E., student, bds. 18 Henry.<br />

Kimball, Hanna (wid. iVilliam), h. 101<br />

Benton.<br />

Kimball, Isaac W., engineer M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 201 Howard.<br />

Kimball, James E., grocer, 317 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. 18 Henry.<br />

Kimball. John H., clerk, bds. Railroad Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Bimball, John H., traveling agent, h. 114<br />

Howard.<br />

Kimball, Rachel (wid. Eleazor), h. 365<br />

Congress.<br />

Kinder, Williarr;, saloon and boarding, h.<br />

406 Wood bridge w.<br />

Kindle, Joseph, carpenter, h. Riopelle.<br />

King, Arthur? carpenter, h. s. s. Brainard,<br />

bet. Cass ave. and Second.<br />

King, Caroline (wid. George S.), h. 32 Ma-<br />

com b.<br />

KING, CHARLES, boatbuilder, n. w. cor.<br />

Guoin and Dequindre, bds. 337 Franklin,<br />

(See adu.)<br />

King, Charles A., custom house officer G.<br />

W. R., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

King, Duncan, shoemaker, fi. 557 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

King, Francis, merchant, h. 26 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

King, George, lake captain, bds. 26 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

King, James (col'd), laborer, h. St. Antoine,<br />

below Gratiot.<br />

King, James J., farmer, h. n. s. Holden<br />

Itoad, bet. Third and Cass ave.<br />

King, John, ash peddler, h. 460 Bagg.<br />

King, John, boilermaker, h. s. s. Butternut,<br />

bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

King, John, printer, h. s. s. Beech, bet.<br />

Second and Third.<br />

King, John, sailor, h. 205 Wight.<br />

King, John B., carpenter, bds. 273 Hastings.<br />

King,. John E. (Hubbard & King), res.<br />

Sprlngwells.<br />

King, J oh It., clerk, bds. Brighton House.<br />

King, John W., express messenger, h. 7 Joy.<br />

King, Jonathan L., clothier, 174 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 184 Woodbridge e.<br />

King, Joseph, sailor, h. 394 Franklin.<br />

King, Louis, student, bds. n. w. cor. Wood-<br />

ward ave. and Bagg.<br />

King, Robert J., bookkeeper, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

King, ltobert W ., crockery, 90 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. n. w. cor. Woodward ave. and Bagg.<br />

King, Patrick, laborer, h. 300 Guoin.<br />

King, Stephen B., saloon, 185 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

King, Thomas, gilder, bds. 557 Lafayette.<br />

King, Thomas, spring bed maker, bds.<br />

Goodman House.<br />

King, William, clothing, 116 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. 237 Woodward ave.<br />

King, Colonel William D., U. S. A., h. 97<br />

Congress w.<br />

King's Cattle Yard and Sheds, cor: Grand<br />

River and glizabeth.<br />

Kingsley, Lizzie (mid. William), h. 435 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kingsley, Albion T., manager Garrison<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Kingsley, William P., machinist, h. 93<br />

Walnut.<br />

Kingston, Charles H., salesman, bds. Os-<br />

ceola.<br />

Kingston, Daniel, clerk, h. Fourth, s. e. cor.<br />

Osceola.<br />

Kingston, George, porter M. C. R. 8., h. 262<br />

Abbott.<br />

Kingston, Joseph, drayluau, h. 0.104 n. 132<br />

Baker.<br />

Kingston, Richard, stoneware and potter,<br />

bds. 553 W oodbridge w.


Kingston, Samuel, h. 263 Howard.<br />

Kingston, Thomas, drayman, h. 268 Abbott.<br />

Kinley, Frederick, painter, bds. 339 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kinner, Aaron C., mason builder, h. 274<br />

Brush.<br />

Kinner, Alesander, mason, bds. 274 Brush.<br />

Kinner, Andrew J., mason, h. 52 Sherman.<br />

Kinner, John N., contractor, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Kinney, Abraham S., architect, h. 113 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Kinney, Charles A., builder, h. 56 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Kinney, John (col'd), cooper, bds. 73 Fort e.<br />

Kinney, Joseph O., builder, h. 56 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Kinney, Michael, car cleaner M. C. R. R., h.<br />

186 Sixteenth.<br />

Kinney, Samuel F., salesman, h. 291Fort e.<br />

Kinney, Thomas, fireman M. C. B. R., bds.<br />

o. 165 n. 325 Howard.<br />

Kinnicutt, George W., engineer, h. 164<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Kinnie, Bridget (wid. James), h. 236 Third.<br />

Kinsel, William, tailor, h. 215 Napoleon.<br />

Kinsella, Patrick, carpenter, h. 109 Baker.<br />

.Kinsley, Job, pensioner, Wight, nr. Cam-<br />

pau.<br />

Kintz, John, machinist, 11.383 Whitney.<br />

Iiinnican, James, machinist, h. 138 Porter.<br />

Kirby, Annie (wid. Zebulon), h. 441 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Kirby, Elijah, upholsterer, 124 Rivard, h.<br />

sarne.<br />

Kirby, George, bricklayer, h. Chene, n. e.<br />

cor. Maple.<br />

Kirby, George, ornamental painter, h. 70<br />

Butternut.<br />

flirby, George, upholsterer and furniture,<br />

184 Rivard, h. same.<br />

KIRBY, GEOBGE, tanner and leather, 33<br />

Woodward ave., h. 44 Fort w. (See adv.)<br />

Kirby. George T., salesman, bds. 44 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Kirby, Robert Z., bds. 441 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kirby, Timothy, porter, h. 123 Orchard.<br />

Kirch, Paul, shoemaker, h. 117 Brewster.<br />

Kirchberg, Christian, upholsterer, h. 84<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kirchner, Anthony, dry goods, 22 Monroe<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Kirchner, Frank, cook Russell Eouse,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Kirchner, Frederick, cook, h. 14 Napoleon.<br />

Kirchner, Henry, laborer, bds. 93 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Kirchner, Henry, laborer, h. 387 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Kirchner, Otto, attorney, 14 Rotunda Build-<br />

ing, bds. 1'77 Lafayette ave.<br />

ICirchweih, Casper, carpenter, h. 22 Me-<br />

chanic.<br />

Kirchner, Sebastian, dry goods, IS Monroe<br />

ave., h. 270 Congress ~2,<br />

Kirk, William R., mason, h. n. s. Fulton,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Kirkwood, Jennett (wid. John), h. 13 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Kirn, Peter, ropemaker, h. o. 455 n. 552<br />

Sisth.<br />

Kirny, 0. L., clerk Advertiser and Trib-<br />

une, bds. 113 Abbott.<br />

Kirsch, Louis, hotel, 65 Atwater.<br />

Kirschner, Conrad, tanner, h. Jos. Campaa.<br />

ave., s. e. cor. Antietam.<br />

Kirschner, George, tanner, h. s. s. Antietam,<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Kirschner, George, laborer, h. s. s. Abbott,<br />

bet.:Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Kirsten, August, printer, h. 117 Division.<br />

Hirsten, Charles, lastmaker, h. 117 Division.<br />

Kirstein, Reinhart, cabinetmaker, h. 305<br />

Marion.<br />

Kirtindoff, Henry, laborer, bds. 806 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Iiirvis, Christian, upholsterer, h. Catharine,<br />

bet. Rivard and Russell.<br />

Kisliny, Emil, mason, h. 168 Marion.<br />

Kissune, Thomas, teamster, h. o. 522 n. 517<br />

Seventh.<br />

Kist, Philip, painter, h. 144 Maple.<br />

Kistner, Charles, painter, bds. 30 Clay.<br />

Kitch, Elijah A., clerk, h. 148 National<br />

ave.<br />

Kitchen, Joseph A., carpenter, bds. 321 Na,-<br />

tionnl ave.<br />

Kitchen, William, carpenter, h. 323 Nation-<br />

al ave.<br />

Kit telberger, George, flour and feed, 224<br />

Randolph, h. same.<br />

Kittleton, Sarah, dressmaker, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Ninth ave. and Spruce.<br />

Kitton, Edmin D., drugs and medicines, o.<br />

107 n. 121 Michigan ave., h. 160 Cass.<br />

Hitton, Frank, telegraph operator, bds. 132<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Kiaas, John, grocer, 210 Russell, E. same.<br />

Klaeger, Julius, baker, h. 126 Marion.<br />

Klnibe, Carl, painter, h. 249 Macomb.<br />

Klapp, Valentine, shoemaker, h. 241 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Klaren, Maria (wid. Franz), bds. 99 Nul-<br />

lett.<br />

Klasen, Christian, carpenter, h. w. s. Na-<br />

tional ave., nr. Locust.<br />

Klatt, Frederich, saloon, h. Fourth, cor. Lib-<br />

erty.<br />

Klawiter, Carl (M. Hochgraef & Co.), bds.<br />

234 Brush.<br />

Klawiter, Sophia (wid. Carl), h. 234 Brush.<br />

Hlawiter, William, boilermaker, h. 489 Lar<br />

ned e.<br />

Kleck, Joseph P., carriagepainter, bds.<br />

Michigan ave., opp. Antisdel House.<br />

Kleefuss, Sebastian, laborer, h. 3172 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Klein, Anton, laborer, h. 248 Rlullett.<br />

Hlein, Catharine (wid. Mathias), h. 451 La-<br />


KLE<br />



S:?&Pf =,sf<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


Klein, Charles, conductor M. C. R. R., h. 38<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Klein, Charles H., painter, h. w. s. Sixth,<br />

bet. Beech and Orchard.<br />

Klein, Edward, clerk, bds. 77 Adams ave. e.<br />

Klein, Elizabeth (wid. Peter), saloon and<br />

boarding, 171 Michigan ave.<br />

Klein, Ferdinand, coppersmith, h. o. 110 n<br />

210 Fort east.<br />

Klein, Hermann, boilermaker, h. 330 High.<br />

Klein, John F., grocer, 1% St. Subin ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Klein, John G., machinist, bds. 77 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Klein, Joseph, saloon, 337 Franklin.<br />

Klein, Mary E. (wid. Charles), h. 77 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Klein, Mathew J., physician, h. 486 Orleans.<br />

Klein, Peter, physician, h. 257 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Klein, William M., brakeman M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds 77 Adanls e.<br />

Kleinhands, George, butcher, h. 388 Eighteenth.<br />

Kleinknecht, John, carpenter, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Third and Liberty.<br />

Kleinknecht, Gottlieb, flowers, 46 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market. h. cor. Waterman ave. and Fort.<br />

Kleinow, Frederick, confectioner, 73 Uratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Kleinow, Otto, confectioner, bds. 73 Gratiot .<br />

Klenlm, Louis, teacher German-American<br />

Seminary, h. 15 Rivard.<br />

Klie. Ignatius, laborer, h. 386 Fort e.<br />

Klimsch, Antoine, carpenter, h. 267 Jay.<br />

Klimisky, Mathias, laborer, h. 107 Napoleon.<br />

Klinck, Jacob, trunkmaker, bds. 333 Russell.<br />

Klink, George, tailor, h. 248 Macomb.<br />

Klinck, John, tanner, h. cor. Hastings and<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Klinck, Ulri~h~trunkrnaker. h. n. s. Marion,<br />

bet. Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Iiline, Aury, commission merchant, bds.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Kline, Hermann, laborer, h. cor. Prospect<br />

and Hlgh.<br />

Kline, John, tanner, h. 12 Pearl.<br />

Kline, Martin, moulder, bds. <strong>Detroit</strong> Eschange.<br />

Kline, Peter, tobacco cutter Mowry & Co.,<br />

bds. 171 Michigan ave.<br />

Kling, John, saloon, h. 133 Napoleon.<br />

Kling, John, trunkmaker, h. 333 Russell.<br />


Kling, Philip (P. Kling & Co.), cooper, cor.<br />

Hastings and Gratiot, Alderman Sixth<br />

Ward, h. 283 Gratiot.<br />

g\@,&Q"$$<br />

Kling, Ulrich, trunkmaker, h. o. 365 n. 415<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Kling, P., & Co (Philip Kling, Henry Webber,<br />

Louis Tohmsticke and William<br />

Dietz), proprs. Peninsular Brewery, Hamtramck.<br />

Klingel, George, tailor, h. 302 Whitney.<br />

Klinger, Leopoldt, porter D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

90 Sherman.<br />

Iilintwort, Peter, saloon, 459 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Klippel, Jacob, watchxllaker, h. 161 Chestnut.<br />

Klippert, Conrad, clerk, h. 158 Rivard.<br />

Klippert, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 271 Ma,comb.<br />

Kloenhammer, Henry, butcher, bds. 39<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Klose, Charles, carpenter, 113 Jay.<br />

Klotz. John, painter, bds. Chestnut, bet. De<br />

quindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Klotz, John, painter. bds. 45 Antietam.<br />

Klotz. John A., watchman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 110 Antietam.<br />

Klotz, Michael, baker, h. 382 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Klotz, Michbel, baker, h. 93 Chestnut.<br />

Kiotz, Valentine, barber, bds. Chestnut, bet.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Klotz, Valentine, sr., stonecutter, h. Chestnut,<br />

bet Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Kluesner, J ohn, carpenter, h. 471 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Kluko, mTilliam, laborer, h. 197 Antietam.<br />

Klump, Cyrus C., engineer, h. 190 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Knaack, John, laborer, h. 398 Catharine.<br />

Knab, Jacob, trunkmaker, bds. 200 Abbott.<br />

Knack, John, laborer, h. 516 Macomb.<br />

Knapman. John H., clerk, h. 15 Lewis.<br />

Knapp, Charles, jr., stonecutter, bds. 238<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Knapp, Charles, sr., stoneyard, Adams ave.<br />

and Elizabeth, bet. St. Antoine and Has-<br />

ting~, h. 238 Elizabeth e.<br />

Knapp. Charles M., clerk, bds. 44 Lafayette.<br />

KNAPP, DAVID, Alderman Tenth Ward,<br />

stoneyard' rear 301 Atwater, h. Clinton, s.<br />

w. cor. St. Aubin aye, (See adv.)<br />

Knapp, Eliza (wid. Samuel), h. Twentyfourth,<br />

bet. Railroad and Fort.<br />

Knapp, Michael, stonecutter, bds. 238 Elis<br />

abeth e.<br />

Knapp, P. W., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Knapp, William, stonecutter, bds. Clinton,<br />

s. w. cor. St. Aubin ave.<br />

Knau, John, blacksmith, h. o. 58 n. 216<br />

Watson.<br />

Knau, John D., laborer, h. 44 Bellair.<br />

Knaupe, Charles, laborer, h. 566 Clinton ave.<br />

Knecht, Conrad, laborer, h. 247 Eighteenth.<br />

Knedler, John, tailor, h. w. s. Dequindre,<br />

bet. North and Water Works.


Kneeland, Miss Jennie, select school, 49 Far- Knowles, Benjamin, carpenter, 5 Middle, h.<br />

mer, bds. 548 Second.<br />

same.<br />

Kneeland, Lorenzo P., agent, h. 584 Second. Knowles, Charles R., chemist, h. 105 Lar-<br />

Iineelanci, Philo N., agent, o. 276 n. 296 ned e.<br />

Woodward ave., 21. 40 Pine.<br />

Knowles, George, carpenter, 11. 38 Macomb<br />

Knell. Jacob, machinist and millwright, cor. ave.<br />

Baker and Nineteenth, h. same.<br />

Knowles, Henry, carpenter, 44 Palmer, h.<br />

Knies, Charles, bookkeeper, h. 152 Croglmn. 46 same.<br />

Knight, Edward (Geo. B. Kelly St Co.), h. 201 Knowlton, C. Fletcher, dentist, bds. 143<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Knight, Elizabeth (wid. Henry). h. 183 Na- Knowlton, John, laborer, h. Franklin, e.<br />

tional ave.<br />

Walker.<br />

Knight, Fanny (wid. Henry C.), h. 252 Knos, John, saloon, 46 Third, h. same.<br />

First.<br />

Boalman, Ernst, teamster, h. 478 Mullett.<br />

Knight, Lemuel P., freight agent, M. C. R. Kobilskey, Wenzel, tailor, h. n. w. cor. La-<br />

R., 11. 55 Miami ave.<br />

salle ave. and Poplar.<br />

Knight, Mary (wid. James), blariners' Home, Kocli, Amand, grocer, 216 Prospect, h. same.<br />

cor. First and Front.<br />

Koch, August, shoemaker, h. 67 Maple.<br />

Knight., Mrs. (wid. Peter), h. 12 Park Place. Kocli, Charles, billiard-table manfr., bds. 70<br />

Knight, Theodore, plarer, 11. 50.5 Larned e. Larned e.<br />

Knitter, John, tailor, h. Dequindre, be:. Koch, Charles, blacksmith, h. 105 Maple.<br />

North and Water Works.<br />

Icoch, Edward, bds. 79 Miami ave.<br />

Knittweiss, Conrad (F. Ss; C. Knittweiss), h. Koch, Frank, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Humboldt<br />

o. 40 n. 46 Croghan.<br />

ave. and Butternut.<br />

Knittweiss, Frank (F. & C. Knittweiss), h. Koch, Jacob, cooper, h. 305 Montcalm e.<br />

234 Macomb.<br />

Koch, John, sr., laborer, h. 8 Chestnut.<br />

Knittweiss, John, carriagemaker, h. 168 Koch, John (Koch & Co.), h. 8 Chestnut.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Koch, Martin, joiner, h. 596 Macomb.<br />

Knittweiss, John: clerk, h. 1GS Rlacomb. Koah, Peter G., attorney, 32 Larned w., h.<br />

Knittweiss, F. & C. (Frank and Conrad 76 Congress m.<br />

Knittweiss), merchant tailors, 44 Nonroe Kocll St Co. (John Koch and August Trockave.<br />

enbrod), brewers, cor. Russell and Chest-<br />

Knickbein, Gottlieb, tailor, h. 151 Lafay- nut.<br />

ette.<br />

Koehler, Anton, carpenter, bds. 366 Orleans.<br />

Knocli, Jannette (wid. Isaac), bds. 285 St. Koehler, Charles E., dry goods, 1'76 Michi-<br />

Sntoine.<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

Knoche. John, laborer, h. 226 Mullett. Koehler, Gustav, furs, 79 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Knodt, Henry (Knodt & Co.), bds. 122 Sher- Koehler, Herman L., clerk, bds. 32 Clinman.<br />

ton.<br />

Koodt, Henry, jr. (Knodt & Co.), bds. 122 Koehler, Henry, tailor, bds. 366 Orleans.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Koehler, Henry, laborer, h. 435 Mullett.<br />

Knodt, - John, slioemaker, bds. Monroe ave., Koehn, Cl_iarles, foreman Wight's mill, h.<br />

nr. Farrar.<br />

3'79 St. Aubin ave. .<br />

Knodt, Peter (Knodt St Co.), bds. 122 Sher- Koehn, Ernst, laborer, h. 314 Maple.<br />

man.<br />

Koehn, Frederick, laborer, h. 315 Sherman.<br />

Knodt & Co. (Peter and Henry Knodt), boots Koehn, John, laborer, h. 315 Sherman.<br />

and shoes, 252 Gratiot.<br />

Koehn, Willialn. laborer, 11. s. s. Sherman,<br />

Knoll, Samuel L. (Knoll & Weismann), h. bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

258 Gratiot.<br />

Koehn, William, tailor, h. 196 Lafayette.<br />

Knoll St Weismann (Samuel L. Knoll and Koenig, Antou, laborer, h. G5 Chestnut.<br />

Benedict Weismann). drj-goods, 258 Gra- Koenig, August, laborer, bds. 65 Chestnut.<br />

tiot.<br />

Koenig, Bernhardt, grinder, h. 51 Catha-<br />

ICnops, Charles, baker, h. 160 l?eaubien. rine.<br />

Bnorr, Charles, grocer, 214 Prospect, B. Koenig, Charles, laborer, bds. 65 Chestnut.<br />

same.<br />

Koenig, Mrs. Louise, notions, 51 Catharine.<br />

Knorr, Frederick, stoves and hardware, 424 Koepcke, William, bookkeeper, h. 140 Con-<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Knorr, Herman, saloon and boarding, 63 At- Koepcke, William, shoemaker, h. 818 Michwater.<br />

igan ave.<br />

Iinoth, Catharine (wid. Nicholas), h. 201 I Koepen, John, laborer, h. 197 Twenty-se~<br />

Croghan.<br />

i onci.<br />

Knoth, George, laborer, bds. 201 Croghan. Koerner, Conrad, turner, h. 154 Orleans.<br />

Knoth. Hileard. filemaker, bds. n. s. Cro- I Koeseh, Anthony, shoemaker, h. Mary, nr.<br />

glluu, bet. I-Iastings and Hirard.<br />

Deqni ndre.<br />

Knoth, John, tiusluith, bds. 201 Croghan.<br />

1 Koester, Henry, laborer, h. 66 Chestnut.

KOE<br />

NEW YORX I hopp, Theodore, trunkmaker, bds. 357 La-<br />

L%f@ b m%@~@a - me@ @lampa a$,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCONE, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON McELROY, Manager and Agency Sopt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Koester, Louis, butcher, 2 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

h. 533 Gratiot.<br />

Iiohane, John, laborer, h. 148 Seventh.<br />

liohler, Jacob, shoemaker, h. 207 Riopelle.<br />

Iiohler, John, plasterer, h. 454 Beaubien.<br />

Kohlhaus, Jacob, baker, h. 271 Hastings.<br />

Kohlmas, Nicholas, shoemaker, h. 520<br />

James.<br />

Kohn, John, laborer, h. 137 Seventeenth.<br />

liohn, Joseph, saloon. 479 Gratuiot, 11. same.<br />

Hohn, Louise (wid. Frederick), h. 206 Croghan.<br />

Kolar, Albert, cooper, bds. 113 Prospect.<br />

Holar, John, vinegar maufr., h. 398 St. Antoine.<br />

Holar, Joseph, vinegar manfr., h. 113 Pros<br />

pect.<br />

Kolb, Frank (Kolb & Eggemann), h. 39<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Holb & Eggemann (Frank Kolb and Bernhard<br />

Eggemann), meatmarket, 39 Alichigan<br />

Grand are.<br />

Kolbe, Christian, carpenter, h. 438Beaubien.<br />

Holbe, Jeremiah, gardener, h. Dequindre,nr.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Holbe. William, tailor, h. 456 Lafayette.<br />

Koll, Wiliiam, barber, bds 101 Macomb.<br />

Hellender, Jacob, peddler, h. 102 Mullett.<br />

Kollinger, John, laborer, h. 70 Harriett.<br />

Kollinger, Joseph, engineer, h. 233 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Kollmorgen, Charles, trunkmaker, h. 317<br />

, Russell.<br />

Kollmorgen, Frederick, jr., cooper, 11. 315<br />

Russell.<br />

Kollmorgen, Frederick, sr., cooper, h. 317<br />

Russell.<br />

Kollmorgen, %'illiam, cooper, bds. 317 Rus<br />

sell.<br />

Kominski, Christina (wid. Andrew), h. 251<br />

Hastings.<br />

Kominski, Louis, peddler, h. 292 Lafayette.<br />

Kominski, Stephen, carver, bds. 251 Hastings.<br />

Konkle, Alfred, teamster, h. 86 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Koch, Andrew, house and furniture jobber,<br />

58 Larned w., h. same.<br />

Kocher, John, shoemaker, h. 13 Clay.<br />

.Kooney, Bartholomew, laborer, h. 36 Twentieth.<br />

Kophal, Charles, laborer, h. 113 German.<br />

gopfie, John, carpent.er M. C. R. R., h. 89<br />

Twelfth.<br />

K~PP, Annie (wid. Adolph), h. 115 Henry.<br />

fayette.<br />

Kopp, William, editor Michigan Journal, h.<br />

359 Lafayette.<br />

Koran, Henry, tailor, h. 231 Mullett.<br />

Koren, Catharine (wid. John), milliner, 165<br />

Gratiot, h. same*<br />

Kornman, Henry, tailor, h. 231 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Kornn, Augustus, filler, h. 821 Fort w.<br />

Korpp, Peter, laborer, h. 27G Mullett.<br />

Korst, Henriett, grocer, h. 186 Marion.<br />

Korte, Berhardt, wagonmaker, h. 128 Col-<br />

umbia e.<br />

Korte, John, carpenter, h. 220 Antietam.<br />

Korth, Charles, bookkeeper, bds. Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Iiorth, Joseph, laborer, h. S9 Antietam.<br />

Koschert, Charles, currier, h. 2G Silver.<br />

Iiossuth House, Leo E. Tauf liirch, propr.,<br />

189 Larned w.<br />

Kost, John B., painter, h. 236 Mullett.<br />

Koj, August, shoemaker, h. 67 Maple.<br />

Krabbe, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 98 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Kraetz, Angustus, cabinetmaker, h. 9 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Kraft, John, meatmarket, 589 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Kraft, Frederick, butcher, h. 71 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Krnft, Philip, painter, bds. 377 Croghan.<br />

Krakow, William, shoemaker, h. 66 Clinton.<br />

Kramer, Andrew C., printer, bds. 170 Fort e.<br />

Kramer, Eberhard, brewer, h. 379 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Hramer, Ferdinand, h. 379 Dequindre.<br />

Kramer, George (Kramer & Steiner), h. 170<br />

Fort e.<br />

Kramer, John, machinist, h. 172 Fort e.<br />

Kramer, Louis, barber, Atwater, w. Hast-<br />

ings. v<br />

Kramer, Allathem (M. Hramer & Co.), h. 232<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Kramer, Peter, laborer, h. 277 Bronson.<br />

Kramer, Peter, porter, bds. 87 Atwater.<br />

Kramer, Philip, tailor, h. 170 Fort e.<br />

Kramer, Philip (M. Kramer S; Co.). h. 130<br />

Mulletr,.<br />

Kramer, M., & Co. (Mathew and Philip<br />

Kramer), Michigan Volksblatt, cor. Gris-<br />

wold and Woodbridge.<br />

Kramer & Steiner (George Kramer and Pe-<br />

ter C. Steiner), plumbers and gasfitters, 21<br />

Congress e.<br />

Kranich, Catharine, (wid. J.). washerwo-<br />

man, h. 82 Maple.<br />

Kranke, John (Kranke & Schwikert), h. 67<br />

Larned e.<br />

Kranke & Schwikert (John Kranke and<br />

Henry Schwikert), show case manfrs., 84<br />

Randolph<br />

Krantz, John, blacksmith, 11. w. s. Sullivan<br />

avc., bet. Chestnut and Butternut.<br />

Kranz, John, laborer, h. 182 Sherman.

Kranz, Joeeph, laborer, h. 250 Lafayette.<br />

Iirap, Joseph, shoemaker, Bds. 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Iiraper, John, cooper, h. 217 Antietam,<br />

Iirapp, Ernst, cabinetmaker, bds. 22 Catharine.<br />

Krapp, William, grocer, 624 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Krappman, Tobias, basketmaker, h. 299<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Kratz, Augustus, cabinetmaker, h. 19 German.<br />

Kratz, John, laborer, h. Leib, nr. Larned.<br />

Kratz, William, watchman, h. 27'7 Guoin.<br />

Eiraus, Anton, wagonmaker, h. 152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus, Charles, mechanic, bds. 152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus, Christian, laborer, h. e. s. Dubois,<br />

bet. Crogl~an and Lafayette.<br />

Iiraus, Ferdinand, blacksmith, h. 239 Lafayette.<br />

Kraus, George, clerk, bds. 85 Marion.<br />

Kraus, Lcuis, carpenter, 11.152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus, P. Joseph, blacksmith, bds. 152 Antietam.<br />

Kraus, William, shoemaker, h. 169 Fort e.<br />

Krause, Carl, veterinary surgeon, 296 St.<br />

Antoine, h. same.<br />

Krause, Edward D., peddler, h. 329 Chestnut.<br />

Krause, Jacob, laborer, h. 336 Riopell e.<br />

Kraushaar, John, coppersmith, h. 329 Croghan.<br />

Kraushaar. Hyams, h. 148 Congress e.<br />

Krausmann, Adam, upholsterer, bds. 20<br />

Jay.<br />

Krausmann, John P., cigarmaker, 209 Mullett,<br />

h. same. .<br />

Iirausmann, Mathias, baker, h. 20 Jay.<br />

Krausmann, Philip, cigarmaker, bds. 203<br />

Mullett.<br />

Krausmann, Philip, laborer, h. 20 Jay.<br />

Krausmann, Philip, baker, h. 2'7 North.<br />

Kream. John, boilermaker, h. 219 Maple.<br />

Krebbell, Pauline (wid. Donald), grocer and<br />

cooper, 354 Grand River.<br />

Erebs, Charles, carpenter, h. 255 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Erebs, Martin, grocer, 359 Watson, h.<br />

same.<br />

Krecke, Florence, insurance agent, h. 298<br />

Clinton.<br />

Kreckel, Christian, clothing, hats and caps,<br />

293 Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

Kregar, William, painter, 11.241 Croghan.<br />

Kreibich, Hajetan, cabinetmaker, h. 26 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Kreis, Arthur, upholsterer, bds. 136 Catharine.<br />

Iireis, Charles, painter, h. 449 Clinton ave.<br />

Kreie , Christian, upholsterer, h. 136 Catharine.<br />

fireis, Louis, machinist, bds. 449 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />


Kreit, Ulrich, barber and saloon, 282 St.<br />

Antoine, h. 280 same.<br />

Kreitz, Herman, cabinetmaker, h. nr. cor.<br />

Juliette and Dequindre.<br />

Kreemann, Christian, sawyer, h. Twenty-<br />

second, bet. Fort and Mlchigan ave.<br />

Kremar, Ann E. (wid. Peter J.), h. 503<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Kremer, Anthony, janitor <strong>City</strong> Hall, h. 66<br />

Catharine.<br />

Kremer, Bernhardt. carpenter, bds. 145 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Kremer, Bernhardt, carpenter, bds. 208<br />

H ussell.<br />

Kremer, Eberhardt, shoemaker, cor. Clinton<br />

and Brush, h. 491 St. Antoine.<br />

Kremer, Ebert, shoemaker, h. 491 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Kremer, Edmund, cigarmaker, 155 V700d-<br />

ward ave., h. same.<br />

Kremer, Frank (F. Kremer & Co.), Alderman<br />

Fourth Ward, h. 180 Fort e.<br />

Kremer, Frederick (Kremer Bros. & Co.), h.<br />

s. e. cor. Brush and Larned.<br />

Kremer, George, h. s. e. cor. Fort and Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Kremer, Hubert, carpenter, h. 68 Catharine.<br />

Kremer, Hugo (Kremer Bros. & Co.), bds.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Kremer, Jacob, laborer, bds. 145 Croghan.<br />

Kremer, Jacob, carpenter, bds. 208 Hussell.<br />

Kremer, John, confectioner, bds. 124 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Kremer , John, laborer, h. I72 Fort e.<br />

Kremer, Joseph, janitor <strong>City</strong> Hall, bds. 66<br />

Catharine.<br />

Kremer, Moritz, shoemaker, Jefferson ave.,<br />

n. e. cor. Dubois, h. same.<br />

Kremer, Peter, tailor, h. o. 522 n. 562 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Kremer, Philip, tailor, h. s. e. cor. Hastings<br />

and Fort.<br />

Kremer, William, lastmaker, h. n. s. Maple,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Kremer, William, carpenter, h. 184 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Iiremer Brothers & Co. (Frederick and Hugo<br />

Iiremer and Louis Peters), tobacconists,<br />

231 Jefferson ave -<br />

Kremer, F., & Co. (Frank Kremer and John<br />

Good), boot manfrs., 246 Jefferson ave.<br />

Krenke, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 188 Sher-<br />

111an.<br />

Krenning, William, hats and caps, I <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market and 392 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Krentler, George F., lastmaker, h. 300 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Kress, Catharine (wid. Christian), Yankee<br />

notions, 275 Woodmard ave.. h. same.<br />

Kress, Christian, bootmaker, bds. 305 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Iiress, Edward, harnessmaker, 215 Twelfth.<br />

Kress, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 253 Xullett.<br />

Kretch, Herrnann, Yankee notions, 4 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 114 Bates.


--<br />


OFFER<br />



-<br />

We make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Kretzschmar, Ernst, bakery, 49 Chestnut, h.<br />

same.<br />

Kretszchmar, Hermann, laborer, bds. 26<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Kreucher, Joseph, porter, h. 165 Benton.<br />

Krieger, John Gustav, machinist, h. n. s.<br />

Croghan, bet. Rivard and Russell.<br />

Krier, Mathias, cooper, h. 196 Maple.<br />

Krier, Peter, cooper, bds. 278 Gratiot.<br />

Krikawa, Ferdinand, shoemaker, 193 Ran-<br />

dolph, bds. cor. Orleans and North.<br />

Krimlika, Jacob, carpenter, h. 92 Bronson.<br />

Krink, John G., saloon, 620 Woodbridge w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Kringle, Casper, grocer, a. e. cor. Beaubien<br />

and Napoleon, h. same.<br />

Kringle, Casper, gardener, bds. cor. High<br />

and Napoleon.<br />

Kringle, Frank, lather, bds. n. e. cor. Beau-<br />

bien and Napoleon.<br />

Krings, Philip, carpenter, bds. 102 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Krise, Louis, machinist, h. 449 Clinton ave.<br />

Krimp, Hubbart, laborer, h. 141 Chestnut.<br />

Kroege, George,carpenter, h. Scott, nr. D. &<br />

M. R. R. crossing.<br />

Kroeper, Franz A., cooper, 343 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Kroetsch, Ambrose, brushmaker, bds. Scott,<br />

nr. Dequindre.<br />

Krohel, Frank, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Lasalle<br />

aye. and Ash.<br />

Krom, George, painter, h. e. s. Rlayberry<br />

a\-e., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Kromer, Henry, engine cleaner, 181 Divis-<br />

ion.<br />

Kropech, John, laborer, h. 351 Sixteenth.<br />

Kros, Jacob, laborer, b. n. e. cor. St. Aubin<br />

ave. and Jay.<br />

Kroupkt. Christopher, blacksmith, bds. 159<br />

Larned w.<br />

Krouse, Frederick, engineer, h. 575 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Krousersu, Frederick, engineer, h. 557<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Krouze, Edward, flowers and fruit, 80 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, 11.329 Chestnut.<br />

Krove, John, laborer, h. 225 Fineteenth.<br />

Krueger, Albert, Yankee notions, 51 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 42 Sherman.<br />

Krueger, Gottfried, cabinetmaker, h. 411<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Krueger, John, laborer, h. Sherman, cor.<br />

Jos. Campau arc.<br />

Krueger, John: shoemaker, h. 22 Sixth.<br />

Krueger, William, blacksmith, h. 130 Grove.<br />

Kruger, William A., hats, caps and furs,<br />

104 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Krug, Aloys, clerk, bds. 99 Croghan.<br />

Krug, George, Catholic bookstore, 99 Cro-<br />

ghan. h. same.<br />

Krug, Josepll F., sailor, h. 169 Eighteenth.<br />

ruer Anthony, cigarmaker, h. 265<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Kruger, Gottlieb, cabinetmaker, h. 414 Ri-<br />

opelle.<br />

Kruger, Joseph, sailor, h. 1G9 Elizabeth.<br />

Kruger, William, blacksmith, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Grove and Russell.<br />

Krumbach, George, locksmith, bds. cor.<br />

Russell and Sherman.<br />

Iirutnbac\l, Henry, laborer, bds. cor. Russell<br />

and Sherman.<br />

Krumbach, Herman, shoemaker, h. cor.<br />

Russell and Sherman.<br />

Krumhorn, Peter, teamster, h. 352 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Krumhorn, Peter, jr., teamster, hds. 352 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Kruse, Francis, carpenter, h. 25G Porter.<br />

Krust, Frederick, carpenter, h!' 256 Porter.<br />

Iirus, John, bricklayer, h. 420 Riopelle.<br />

Kuckowski. John F., furrier. bds. 29 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Kuepler, Adolph, laborer, h. 113 Bronson.<br />

Kuehling, Nary (wid. Frederick), dressmak-<br />

er, 220 St. Aqtoine, k. same.<br />

Kuehn, Albert, tailor, h. 1% Macomb.<br />

Kuehn, August, carpenter, h. 126 Napoleon.<br />

Kuehn, Charles, laborer, h. 397 Catharine.<br />

Kuehner, Albert, painter, bds. 37 Maple.<br />

K~teliner, Charles, painter, bds. 37 Maple.<br />

Kuehner, John, gardener, h. 37 Maple.<br />

Kuehner, John, teamster, h. '76 Croghan.<br />

Kuell, Joseph, stonecutter, bds. 161 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Kuelmel, Franz, laborer, h. 131 Macomb.<br />

Kuernmel, Henry, saloon, 316 St. Antoine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Kuenzel, Johanna (wid. Franz-J. Kuenzel<br />

& Co.), h. 256 Gratiot.<br />

Kuenzel J., & Co. (Rlrs. Johanna Kuenzel<br />

and Colin McClellan), furniture, 256 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Kuester, Theodore, cabinetrnakcr, bds. Gra-<br />

tiot, opp. Paton alley.<br />

Kuetten, Nicholas, shoemaker, h. 111 Clin<br />

ton.<br />

Kuhhagen, Charles, laborer, h. 131 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Kuhle, Charles, cigars and tobacco, 58 Monroe<br />

ave., h. 238 Randolph.<br />

Kuhlman; August (A. Kuhlluan & Co.), h.<br />

134 F ~rt e.<br />

Kuhlman, A,, St Co. (August Kuhlman and<br />

Otto Wieser), manufacturers of surgical<br />

and dental instruments, 102 .Randoiph.<br />

Huhlow, Fredexick, laborer, h. 410 Maple.<br />

Kul~lo~v, Frederick, jr., laborer, h. 422 &la,-<br />

; ple.<br />



Kuhlow, Joseph, cigarmaker, bds. e. s. Ma- Kunsky, Alois, carpenter, h. 56 Division.<br />

ple, bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave. Kuntze, George, saloon, 428 Woodbridge w.,<br />

Kuhn, Aaron, peddler, h. 84 Clinton. h. same.<br />

Kuhn, Mrs. Anna, Yankee notions, 410 Or- Kuntze, Henry, carver, h. 193 Clinton.<br />

leans, h. same.<br />

Kunze, Carl, saloon, 74 Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Kuhn, August, laborer, h. 410 Orleans. Hunze, Emily (wid. Augustus), h. 814 Jef-<br />

Kuhn, Casper, peddler, h. 121 Mullett. ferson ave.<br />

Kuh~, Christian, clerk, h. 132 Fort e. Kunze, Frederick, shipping clerk, h. 120<br />

Kuhn, Frank, laborer, h. n. s. Antietam, bet. Woodbridge e.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Kunze, George, clerk water office, h. 260<br />

Kulin, Frank, tailor, h. 508 Croglian. Randolph.<br />

Kuhn, Franz, tailor, h. 198 Beaubien. Hunze, George, shoemaker, h. 428 Wood-<br />

Kuhn, Franz (F. Kuhn & Son), h. 141 era- bridge w.<br />

tiot.<br />

Kunze, Henry, drayman, h. 176 Lafayette.<br />

Kuhn, Frederick, gilder, bds. 68 Larned e. Kunze, Miss Henriette, saleswomen Camp<br />

Kuhn, Frederick, grocer, Antietam, bet. bell, Linn & Co., bds. 814 Jefferson ave.<br />

Chene and Dubois, h. same.<br />

Kunzie, Lewis, shoemaker, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Kuhn, George (F. Kuhn St Son), bds. 141 Woodbridge and Beaubien.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Kunzluann, Anthony, cutter, h. 280 St. An-<br />

Kuhn, Gottfrisd, gilder, bds. 70 Larned e. toine.<br />

Kuhn, Henry, tailor, h. 509 Croghan. . Kunzmann, Stephen, bookkeeper, bds. 280<br />

KUHN, HEKMANN, agent Germania Life St. Antoine.<br />

Insurance Co., office 72 Congress e., h. 336 Kupperschmidt, John, maltster R. Haw-<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

ley & Sons, h. 123 Congress w.<br />

Iiuhn, John, clerk, h. 132 Fort e.<br />

Kupperschmidt, Michael, tanner, h. 196<br />

Kuhn, Joseph, foreign passage, insurance Mullett.<br />

agent, Congress, s. e. cor. Woodward ave., Kurny, Mathias, laborer, h. 318 St. Aubin<br />

h. 141 Croghan.<br />

ave.<br />

Kuhn, Miss Helene, milliner, 141 Gratiot, Kurth, August (Kurth & Bro.), h. 414<br />

bds. same.<br />

W oodbridge w.<br />

Kuhn, bIichae1, engineer, h. 107 Chestnut. Kurth, Frank (Kurth & Bro), h. 414 Wood-<br />

Kuhn, Oscar, painter, bds. 141 Gratiot. bridge w.<br />

Kuhn, William, lastmaker, h. 268 Clinton. Kurth, Louis, machinist, h. 332 Seven-<br />

Kuhn, F., & Son {Frailx and Geo~ge Kuhn), teenth.<br />

merchant tailors, 141 Gratiot.<br />

Kurth St Bro. (August and Frank Kurth),<br />

Kuhnart, Frederick, laborer, h. 454 St. Au- grocers, 414 Woodbridge w.<br />

bin ave.<br />

Kurtz, Joseph A., propr. Ackerman Hotel,<br />

Kullnert, Gotthilf, laborer, h. 216 St. An- n. w. cor. Atwater and Brush.<br />

toine.<br />

Kurtzman, Frederick, vegetables, 38 <strong>City</strong><br />

Kuhnle, John, carpenter, h. 552' Seventh. Hall market, h. 568 Gratiot.<br />

Kukle, Frank, tobacconist, h. 118 Division. Kurtzwek, Charles, blacksmith, h. 296 Clin-<br />

Kull, Charles F.. butcher, 11. 82 Dequindre. ton.<br />

Kull, Jacob, h. 82 Dequindre.<br />

Kurzer, Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 58 Lar-<br />

Kull, William, barber, bds. 192 Macomb. ned w.<br />

Kullmann, Rev. Anthony, asst. pastor St. Kurzrock, Charles A., locksmith, h. 396<br />

Joseph's Catholic Church, h. 437 Orleans. Clinton.<br />

Kullmann, Catharine, h. 86 Rivard. Kusch, Frederick, laborer, h. 89 Nonh.<br />

Kullmann, Frederick, laborer, bds. 65 At- Kusel, John, carpenter, h. o. 245 n. 271<br />

water.<br />

Sherman.<br />

Kulow, Charles, bricklayer, bds. 307 Du- Kuster, Theodore, cabinetmaker, bds. 165<br />

bois.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Kulow, Christian, shoemaker, h. 307 Du- Kusterar, Frank, mason, h. w. s. Fourbois.<br />

teenth, bet. Railroad crossing and Mar-<br />

Kumer, Joseph, tailor, bds. n. w. cor. Lasalle quette.<br />

ave. and Poplar.<br />

Korte, Barney, wagonmaker, h. 128 Colum-<br />

Kumrow, Adam, laborer, h. 358 Seven- bia e.<br />

teenth.<br />

Kutz, Charles, laborer, h. 102 Jay.<br />

Kumrow, Charles, tailor, h. 317 Seventeenth. Kydd, William, boot and shoemaker, 278<br />

Kumrow, Charles, jr., blacksmith, bds. 377 Third, h. same.<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Kydd, William, shoe shop, 89 Abbott, h.<br />

Kumrom, Louis, laborer, bds. 377 Soven- same.<br />

t,eenth.<br />

Kydd, William H., clerk Poor Master, h.<br />

Kunce, Christian, laborer &I. C. R. R., h. o. 280 Third.<br />

306 n. 646 Fort w.<br />

I Kyle, Robert, bookkeeper White & Cam-<br />

Kundinger, Erhard, clerk, h. 362 Foit e. eron, bds. '79 Congress e.



ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Naniger aud Ageneg Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

ABOLD, Louis, with Moses Labold, bds.<br />

L 135 Larned e.<br />

Labold, Moses, clothier, 36 Woodward ave.,<br />

h. 135 Larned e.<br />

Labrec, German, caulker, h. 59 Orleans.<br />

Labrey, Alexander, physician, bds. 80<br />

Wayne.<br />

Labreicy, Victoria (mid. Blase), h. 117 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Laburne, David, shoemaker, bds. Canada<br />

House, 162 Woodbridge w.<br />

Lacey, Hernan A., assist. Controller, <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall, h. 632 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lacey, Edmund M., law student, bds. 28<br />

Fort e.<br />

Lachance, Joseph, carpenter, h. 511 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lachappelle, Abraham, boatbuilder, h. 313<br />

Franklin.<br />

Lachappelle, William, boatbuilder, h. 325<br />

Franklin.<br />

Lnchman, Francis, h. 185 Lafayette.<br />

Lachman, Francis, jr., c!erk, bds. 185 La<br />

fayette.<br />

Lacknir, Frank, laborer M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

180 Hastings.<br />

Lacroix, Edward N., h. 152 St. Antoine.<br />

Lacrois, Henry, h. 678 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lacy, Morgan, surgeon, h. 289 Fifth.<br />

Ladd, Carie N., painter, bds. 233 Brush.<br />

Ladd, Edward \V., marble & slate, 280 At-<br />

water e., h. 254 Woodbridge e.<br />

Ladd, Sosiah, conductor M. C. R. R., h. 251<br />

Fourth.<br />

Laddy, Rose (wid. John), h. 178 Abbott.<br />

Ladensack, Anthony, laborer, h. s. e. cor.<br />

St. Joseph and St. Aubin.<br />

Laderoot, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 113<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Laderoot, Ely, saloon, 75 Macomb, h. same.<br />

Laderoot, John, trunkmaker, bds. 113 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Laderoot, Peter, painter, h. cor. St. Aubin<br />

ave. and Atwater.<br />

Laderoot, Tuchint, laborer, h. 24 Dequindre.<br />

Ladies Christian Union Hospital, Miss<br />

Elaner Howe, M. D., Matron, 330 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Ladue, Austin Y., with Jewel & Sons, bds.<br />

239 Congress e.<br />

Ladue, George N. (J. T. Ladue & Co.), h.<br />

239 Congress e. .<br />

Ladue, John T. (J. T. Ladue gE CO.), h. e. s.<br />

Shelby, bet. Fort and Lafayette ave.<br />

Ladue, Mary (wid. John), h. 239 Larned e.<br />

Ladue, Timothy, carpenter, bds. 66 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Ladue, J. T., & Co. (John T. and George N.<br />

Ladue), tanners, 567 Woodbridge m.<br />

Laduke, Joseph, carpctuter, h. 168 Benton.<br />

Laduke, Louis, blacks~rrith, h. 101 Dubois.<br />

Laduke, William, carpenter, h. 115 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Laepp, David, porter, bds. 269 Beaubien.<br />

Lafayette Hall (Lafayette Benevolent So-<br />

ciety), 189 Gratiot.<br />

Lafferty, Alesander J., salesman Stephen<br />

Sinith & Co., res. Windsor, Ont.<br />

I Lafferty, Clement, h. 454 Fort m.<br />

Lafferty, Eugene, bricklayer, bds. Larned,<br />

n. e. cor. Beaubien.<br />

Laffirty, Felix, h. Larned, n. e. cor. Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Lafferty, Joseph, clerk, bds. 111 Larned e.<br />

Latierty, Joseph A., bookkeeper, bds. 463<br />

Fort w.<br />

Lafferty, Peter, h. 560 Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

Lafferty, Valentine (wid. Alexander), h. 463<br />

Fort w.<br />

Laflam, Duffield, laborer, h. 7 Thirteenth.<br />

Laflam, Frank, fireman, h. 12 Thirteenth.<br />

Laflam, Orillia (wid. Charles), tailoress, h.<br />

576 Fort w.<br />

Lagorio, Dominick, speculator, h. Hastings,<br />

nr. Fremont.<br />

Lagorio, Thomas, milkman, h. Russell, nr.<br />

Jnnction.<br />

Lahaut, Mary (wid. Flank), h. 55 Fifteenth.<br />

Lahey, James, drayman, h. 112 Beech.<br />

Lahy, John, laborer, h. 156 Franklin.<br />

Lahiff, Michael, maltster, h. n. s. Wood-<br />

bridge, bet. Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Laiable, Abbey (wid. James), h. o. 542 n.<br />

732 Fort w.<br />

Lai ble, Eugene (Worcester, Laible & Stan-<br />

dish), res. Ypsilanti.<br />

Laible, E. Forrest, shipping clerk, bb. 320<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Laible, Joseph, h. 461 Fort w.<br />

Laic hinger, Gustavua, foreman <strong>Detroit</strong> Lead<br />

Works, h. 295 Third.<br />

Lailiee Michael, laborer, h. 117 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Laing, John, machinist, h. 40 Abbott.<br />

Laird, James, laborer, h. 404 Twelfth.<br />

Laitner, Aloysius, jr., (Laitner Bros.), bds.<br />

40 Monroe ave.<br />

Laitner, Aloysius, sen., h. 40 Monroe ave.<br />

Laitner, Casimir (Laitner Bros.), res. Cleve-<br />

land, Ohio.<br />

Laitner, Lorenz (Laitner Bros.), h. 40 Mon-<br />

roe ave. .<br />

Laitner Bros. (Lorenz, Aloysius and Casi-<br />

mir Laitner), brush manfrs., 40 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Lake, George, painter, bds. 166 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Lake St. Clair and Up River Ice Co., office<br />

53 Glriswold, F. L. Seitz, Secretary.<br />



Lally, Celia (wid. William), h. 393 Twelfth.<br />

Lally, Martin, bricklayer, h. 333 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lalord. ' Theophile, shoemalcer, bds. foot<br />

Hastings.<br />

Lamartine, Mrs. (mid. Frederick), h. I22<br />

Macomb.<br />

Lamb, Henry, Deputy U. S. Marshal, h.<br />

289 Catharine.<br />

Lamb, John, blacksmith, h. 323 Sixteenth.<br />

Lamb, John, scrollsa\vyer, 11. 237 Catharine.<br />

Lamb, John, fretsawyer, h. 281 Maple.<br />

Lamb, Martin, Inspector of Customs, h. 237<br />

Catharine.<br />

Lamb, Nathaniel, scrollsawyer, bds. 237<br />

Catharine.<br />

Lamb, Ricllard, cgrpenter, 11. 271 First.<br />

Lambert, Benjamin, laborer, h. 375 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Lambert, Hannibal D. (col'd), tailor, bds.<br />

497 Larned e.<br />

Lambert, Louis, shipcarpent.er, h. 207 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Lambert, Louis (Robinson & Lambert), h.<br />

239 Woodward ave.<br />

Lambert, Michael, shoemaker, bds. 278 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Lambert, Modest, carpenter, h. 264 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lambert, Robert, horseman, bds. Peninsular<br />

Hotel.<br />

Lambert, Thomas, laborer, h. 499 Fort e.<br />

Lambert, Touissant, porter sleeping car,<br />

bds. 497 Larned e.<br />

Lambert, \lTilliam (col'd), tailor and clothes<br />

cleaner, 15 Congress e., h. 497 Larned e.<br />

Lambie, Francis (Lambie & Bro.), h. 53<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Lambie, John (Lambie & Bro.), bds. 53<br />

MTashington ave.<br />

Lambie, F., & Bro. (Francis and John Lam-<br />

bie), commission merchztnts, foot Cass.<br />

Lambreth, Joseph, tanner, bds. 247 Jeffer<br />

son ave.<br />

Lamere, Raphael, engineer, h. Fort, bet.<br />

Ttvelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Lamirande, Edward, shoemaker, h. 345 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Lamourtaine, Andrew, painter, h. 383 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Larnont. Harry, sawyer, bds. s. e. cor. Fort<br />

and Brush.<br />

Lamont, Hugh, laborer, h. 380 Seventeenth.<br />

Lamont, John, carpenter, bds. Canada<br />

House.<br />

Lamore, John, carpenter, h. 96 Abbott.<br />

Lamont, John, joiner, bds. 162 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Lamont, Robert, carpenter, h. o. 218 n. 236<br />

Fifth.<br />

Lamson, Alvan C., asst. U. S. Lake Survey,<br />

ofice cor. Grand Kiver and Park Place,<br />

bds. Russell House.<br />

Lamsou, William M., carpenter, bds. 88<br />

Fourteenth,<br />

34<br />

Lamson, William F., machinist, h. 88 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lamp, Michael, switchman, h. 356 Franklin.<br />

Lamp, Nicholas, cooper, h. n. w. cor. Na-<br />

tional ave. and Sycamore<br />

Lampert, Levy, second hand clothing, 15<br />

Fort e., h. same.<br />

Lampert, Moses, cigarmaker, h. 299 Gratiot.<br />

Lamphere, Leman, h. s. w. cor. Grand River<br />

and Second.<br />

Lamport, William F., clerk, h. 8 Bradg.<br />

Lampman, Gerhardt, tailor, bds. IS0 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Lanallan, Patrick, tinsmith, h. Plum, bet.<br />

Sistll and Seventh.<br />

Landis, Edwin, brakeman, bds. 27 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Landon, Albert, tailor, h. St. Aubin ave., n.<br />

w. cor. Clinton.<br />

Landon, Charles, peddler, h. 356 Catharine.<br />

Landon, Edward R., conductor D. & M. R.<br />

R., h. 131 Adams ave. e.<br />

Landon, John A%., ecgineer, h. 342 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Landon, John, laborer, bds. 356 Franklin.<br />

Landre, Joseph, laborer, h. 108 Wilkins.<br />

Landrush, Louis, blacksmith, bds. 289 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

LANDSBERG, ALBERT, vinegar manu-<br />

facturer, 8s Jefferson ave., h. 60 Madison<br />

ave. (See ads.)<br />

Landsberg, Albert (L. Black & Co.), h. 40<br />

Madison ave.<br />

Landsiedel, George, teamster, h. 756 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Lane, Daniel, bricklayer, bds. 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane, Daniel, plumber, bds. 214 Howard.<br />

Lane, Mrs. Delia, dressmaker, 223 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Lane. Eliza A., h. 223 Michigan ave.<br />

Lane, Ellen (wid. Daniel), h. 214 Howard.<br />

Lane, George, gasfitter, bds. 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane, George, M.,commercial editor Tribune,<br />

175 Fifth.<br />

Lane, Henry, carpenter, h. o. 105 n. 167 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Lane, Henry N., policeman, h. 45 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Lane, James, gasplumber, bds. 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane, John, laborer, bds. 109 Porter.<br />

Lane, John, laborer, h. 54 Orchard.<br />

Lane, John, jr., blacksmith, bds. 54 Or<br />

chard.<br />

Lane, Mary (wid. Timothy), h. 216 Abbott.<br />

Lane, Michael, moulder, bds. 215 Atwater.<br />

Lane, Minot T., h. 47 Miami ave.<br />

, Lane, Morris. laborer, h. 215 Atwater.<br />

Lane, William, shoemaker, h. 110 Clinton.<br />

Laner, Andrew, painter, h. 295 North.<br />

Lang, August, clerk, bds. 240 Gratiot.<br />

Lang, Charles, carpenter, h. 182 Sherman.<br />

Lang, Charles, shoemaker, b Williams ave.,<br />

n. Michigan ave.<br />

Lang, Ernest F., cigarmaker, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Brush and JeEirson ave.


Langley, William H., builder, Alderman<br />

Second Ward, h. 135 Bates.<br />

Langlois, Francis, joiner, h. 461 Fort e.<br />

Langlois, George, laborer, h. 519 Fort e.<br />

Langlois, Theophilus, saloon, o. 573 n. 661<br />


Atwater.<br />

LEADING DRUGGISTS Langmann, Frederick, shoemaker, bds. 136<br />

Marion.<br />

THROCGHOUT THE UNITED STATES. Langridge, Henry, carpenter, h. 98 Frank-<br />

-<br />

lin.<br />

Lang, Frank, joiner, bds. n. e. cor. Whitney Langton, Albert, shoemaker, h. 98 Chestand<br />

Hastings.<br />

nut.<br />

Lang, Gottlieb, with L. Lang, bds. 246 Gra- Langton, Charles, bds. 98 Chestnut.<br />

tiot.<br />

Langton, Charles, plasterer, bds. 141 Lo-<br />

Lang, Gottlieb, agent L. Lang, h. 136 Gra- cust.<br />

tiot.<br />

Langton, Francis, plasterer, h. 141 Locust.<br />

Lang, Gustave, macl~inist, h. 354 Riopelle. Langston, Stephen, captain, 11. Seventeenth.<br />

Lang, Henry, carpenter, h. 353 High. Langston, William H., peddler, Ir. 281 Clin-<br />

Lang, Henry, baker, h. cor Mullett and Du- ton.<br />

bois.<br />

Languisch, William, cigarmaker, bds. 3G4<br />

Lang, Isaac, salesman, bds. 311 Congress e. Chene.<br />

Lang, Jacob, h. 311 Congress e.<br />

Langl-er, John J., laborer, h. Fort, n. e. cor.<br />

Lang, John C., fur buyer, bds. 246 Gratiot. Leib.<br />

Lang, Louis, fur dealer, 165 Woodward ave., Lanhoff, Alexander, milkman, h. St. Joseph,<br />

bds. 346 Gratiot.<br />

nr. Orleans.<br />

Lang, Otto, machinist, bds. 246 Gratiot. Lanhoflt: Joseph, shoemaker, bds. St. Joseph,<br />

Lang, Theresia (wid. Lorenz), h. 263 Catha- nr. Orleans.<br />

rine.<br />

Lanigan, Andrew, a@. U. S. Fire Extin-<br />

Lang, Peter, shoemaker, h. 169 Clinton. guisher, h. 5 Farmer.<br />

Lang, William, carpenter, h. 251 Whitney. Lanigan, Catharine (wid. John), h. 225 Sec-<br />

Langbecker, Ernest, safemaker, h. o. 332 n. ond.<br />

354 Sisteenth.<br />

Lanigan, David, engineer, bds. 225 Second.<br />

Lang, Frederick, cabinetmaker, h. 124 Cath- Lanigan, John, clerk, bds. 225 Second.<br />

arine.<br />

Lanigan, Joseph, engineer, bds. 225 Sec-<br />

Lange, Henry, baker, h. 407 Mullett.<br />

ond.<br />

Lange, Isaac, peddler, h. 180 Lafayette. Lanigan, Michael, carpenter, h. 201 St. Au-<br />

Lange, Joseph, carpenter, h. 218 James. bin ave.<br />

Langer, Charles, bookbinder, h. 128 Fort e. Lanigan, Michael, piasterer, h. 355 Sisth.<br />

Langerwisch, Michael, cigarmaker, bds. e. Lansing, Miss Carrie, seamstress, h. 376<br />

s. Chene, bet. Maple and Chestnut. Gratlot.<br />

Langdon, George C. (Langdon & Co.), h. 171 Lansing, E. A. (wid. Edward), h. 248 Wood-<br />

Lafa yette ave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Langdon, James W., life insurance, h. 1 Lansing, Richard R., architect, bds. 245<br />

Sisteenth.<br />

VCToodbridge e.<br />

Langdon, William W., conductor M. C. Lansion, William F., carpenter, h. 224 Four-<br />

B. R., h. 42 Cass.<br />

teenth.<br />

Langdon &: Co. (George C. Langdon and Na- Lanstor, William, laborer, h. 104 Harrison<br />

than G. Williams', brewers, 232 Wood- ave.<br />

bridpe w.<br />

Lanstra, Lanibert, laborer, h. s. w. sor. Rus-<br />

~an~fgrd, Rev. Whitney S. (col'd), h. 258 sell and Clinton.<br />

Wilkins.<br />

Lanstree, Henry, painter, bds. 104 Harrison<br />

Langford, William, bds. Railroad Ex- ave.<br />

change.<br />

Lanstree, Willia~, laborer, h. 104 Harrison<br />

Langgut, Charles, moulder, bds. 208 Maple. ave.<br />

Langgut, Martin Ci., engineer, h. 208 Ma- Lanter, Augustus, carpenter, bds. s. s. Crople.<br />

ghan, bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Langhaber, Henry, mason, h. I16 Calhoun. Lantz, Frederick J., painter, h. 185 Ma-<br />

Langley, George S., bricklayer, bds. Purdy7s ple.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Lantz, Jacob, laborer, h. 407 St. Antoine.<br />

Langley, Henry, builder, h. 31 Lafayette. Langon, Albert C., machinist, bds. 101 Ba-<br />

Langley, Henry W., mason, h. 268 High. ker.<br />

Langley, John, shoemaker, bds. 107 Michi- , Lapert, Charles, finisher, h. Sherman, bet.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Xussell and Hiopelle.<br />

Langl ey, William, grocer, 217 Sixteenth, h. I Lapham, Hiram S. (Ilapllam & Bedell), 11. 78<br />

same.<br />

1 Wayne.

u? CITY DIRECTORY. LAu 263<br />

Lapham, Noah D. (E. B. Smith & Co.), h. 48<br />

S timson.<br />

Lapham St Bedell (Hiram S. Lapham and<br />

Henry Bedell), new and second hand furn-<br />

' iture, 63 Michigan ave.<br />

Lapine, John, hack driver, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Lapierre. .Benjamin, tanner, h. Woodbridge<br />

w., nr. tannery.<br />

Lapierre, Frank, builder, h. 332 Franklin.<br />

Lapi-eve, Frank, sailor, h. 209 Sherman.<br />

Lapierre, Mary Ann (wid. John B.), bds. 32<br />

Winder.<br />

Lapierre, Mrs. (wid. Robert), h. 183 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Lapoint, Francis, carpenter, h. 266 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

La point, George W., Inspector of Customs, h.<br />

182 Griswold.<br />

Lapoint, Louis E., clerk, h. 182 Griswold.<br />

Lnporte, Joseph, clerk, h. 289 Marion.<br />

Lapradd, Gilbert, teamster, h. 106 Porter.<br />

LARA, RICHARD, blacksmith, h. 91 Adams<br />

ave. IV. (See ndv.)<br />

Larabell, Stephen, brakeman D. St M. R. R.,<br />

h. 134 Clinton.<br />

Larabell, Stephen, hostler, h. cor. Croghan<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Largess, Moses, peddler, bds. 31 National<br />

ave.<br />

Largess, Peter, peddler, bds. 31 National<br />

ave.<br />

Larkin, Andrew, drayman, h. 169 Orchard.<br />

Larkin, Bridget (wid. John), h. 201 C!!ngress<br />

east.<br />

Larkin, George W., machinist, bds. 94<br />

Farrar.<br />

Larkin, James, machinist, h. 304 Twelfth.<br />

Lark'n, John, joiner, bds. 70 Porter.<br />

Larkins, Andrew, carpenter, h. 97 Porter.<br />

Larkins, Enis (col d), laborer, h. e. s.<br />

Twenty-fourth, bet. Magnolia and Lin-<br />

den.<br />

Larkins, John, laborer, h. 97 Porter.<br />

Larkins, Margaret (wid. James), h. 97 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Larned, Sylvester, attorney at law, Buhl<br />

Block, h. n. e. cor. Woodbridge and<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Larose, Charles F., painter, bds. 97 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Larose, Joseph. carpenter, h. 565 Croghan.<br />

Larose, Paul, laborer, h. 227 Chestnut.<br />

Larvenstein, John, saloon and boarding, 182<br />

Larned, h. same.<br />

Larvey, Thomas, laborer, h. w. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Michigan are. and C lestnut.<br />

Lasch, Gustav, cooper, h. 232 High.<br />

Lasier, Frederick L. (Buckley & Co.), h. 100<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Lason, Charles, carpenter, bds. &It. Hope<br />

ave., ab. Michigan ave.<br />

Las-ar, Adolph, laborer, H. 460 Fort e.<br />

La tcl~son, Charles, watchmaker, h. 210 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Laterno, Philip, carpeoter, h. n. s. Pine,<br />

bet. Ninth and National ares.<br />

Latham, James C., bookkeeper, h. 130 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Lathrop, Daniel, fruit and confectionery,<br />

1 225 Jefferson ave., h. 23 Elizabeth e.<br />

, Lathrop, Henry K., jr., dentist, bds. 341<br />

Fort w.<br />

Lathrop, Joseph, dentist, 148 Woodward<br />

are., h. 347 Fort w.<br />

Lathrop, John, carpenter, h. 392 Sisth.<br />

Lathrop, William H., physician, 92 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Latimer, Burdett G., clerk, bds. 130 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Latimer, George W., undertaker, 181 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. 130 Lafityette ave.<br />

Latour, Charles, turner, bds. 226 Riopelle.<br />

Latour, Dominic, collector, 158 Elizabeth e.<br />

Latour, Henry, mason, h. 257 Sherman.<br />

Latour, Louis, mason, h. 392 Croghan.<br />

Latscha, Albert, harnessmaker, bds. 448<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Latscha, George, harnessmaker, h. 448<br />

Uratiot.<br />

Latscha, Philip, harnessmaker, bds. 448<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Lattison, Harris, peddler, h. 89 Mullett.<br />

Lattrey, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 155 Abbott.<br />

Lattulippe, Henry, turner, bds. 407 Rail-<br />

road.<br />

Latulip, George, shipcarpenter, bds. 256<br />

Franklin.<br />

Laube, Andrew, blacksmith, h. o. 15 n. 89<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Laubentage, Joseph, clerk, h. 317 Juliette.<br />

Laucker, John, bookbinder, bds. American<br />

Hotel.<br />

Lautien, Albert, tailor, h. cor. Clinton and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Lauder, James B., grocer and liquor dealer,<br />

6 and '7 Bussell House Block, h. 87 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Laue;, Joseph, laborer, h. o. 455 n. 549 Ma,-<br />

comb.<br />

Lauer, Louis, bookkeeper Backus St Bro., h.<br />

262 Thirteenth.<br />

Lauer, Magnus, carpenter, h. 546 Rfacomb.<br />

Lauer, Ilaphael, laborer, h. Fort, n. e. cor.<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Lauer, Theodore C., carpenter, h. w. s.<br />

Seventh, opp. Plum.<br />

Lauge, Charles E., laborer, h. e. s. Wiilliams<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Laughray, Hugh, mason, h. 97 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Laughray, William, mason, bds. Perkin's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Laukel, Michael, carpenter, h. 26 Silver.<br />

Laumer, John, laboler, h. s. w. cor. Fort<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Launigan, Miss Annie, dress maker, h. 311<br />

Sisth.<br />

Launir, George A., policeman, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.

LAU LEA<br />

NEW YORE 1<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH IKCONE, $15,000<br />

-..<br />

SOLON NeELROT, Dlanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, M ICH.<br />

Launspricht, Edward, cooper, h. 331 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Laurense, Cornelius L., clerk, h. Mount<br />

Elliott ave.<br />

Laurense, Leonard, clerk, h. Hamtramck.<br />

Laurense, Nicholas, clerk D. S; M. It. R.,<br />

bds. cor. Mount Elliott ave. and Congress.<br />

Laureut, Bicholas, carpenter, h. 115 Cal-<br />

. houn.<br />

Lauren t, Kicholas, carriagepaint er, h. 2,99<br />

Fourth.<br />

Laurut, Kanhaert, machinist, bds. 115 Cal-<br />

houn.<br />

Lauth, Catharine (wid. Hartmann), h. 315<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Lauth, Charles, laborer Il.lillerYs Brewery,<br />

bds. n. e. cor. Jefferson and Elmwood<br />

aves.<br />

Lauth, John Charles, carpenter, bds. 148<br />

Croghan.<br />

Lauth, John, foreman Rliller's Brewery, bds.<br />

n. e. cor. JeEersou and Elmwood aves.<br />

Lauth, Mary E. (wid. John), h. 146 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Lavell, John, laborer, bds. 333 Thirteenth.<br />

Laven, Frank, carpenter, h. 502 St. Antoine.<br />

Laven, Peter, tealnster, b. 494 St. Antoine.<br />

Lavender, George H., lake survey, bds.<br />

60 Beaubien.<br />

Lavia, Marsell, laborer, bds. Franklin.<br />

Lavender, Robert H., ~ockbuilder, h. 60<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Lavigne, Mrs. Theresa, saloon, 725 Croghan,<br />

h. same.<br />

Law, Frederick, laborer, h. 451 Catharine.<br />

Latv, George, produce merchant, bds. 87<br />

Shelby.<br />

Law, Joseph, h. 77 Larned w.<br />

Law, Joseph; laborer, bds. 272 Gratiot.<br />

Law, John A., baggagemaster M. S. E. R.,<br />

bds. 72 Brush.<br />

Law, John B., printer, bds. 97 Larned e.<br />

Law, Mrs. Margaret, h. 72 Brush.<br />

Law, William, tailor, h. 136 Adams ave. e.<br />

Lawier, John, porter Central Kailroad Hotel,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Lawler, Mary (wid. Edward), h. 117 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Lawler, Patrick, sailor, h. 117 Labrosse.<br />

Lawrence, George W. (col'd), tailor and re-<br />

pairer, 98 Bates, h. 256 High.<br />

Lawrence, John, carpenter, h. 3 Glass Row,<br />

Maple.<br />

Lawrence, John, moulder, h. 60 Abbott.<br />

Lawrence, Michael, carpenter, 326 \lToocl-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Lawrence, Thomas, carpenter, h. 36 Sibley.<br />

Lawrence, INilliam, carpenter, h. 348 mToodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Lawrie, Mrs. Anna L., bds. 210 Park.<br />

Lawrie, Charles A., physician, bds. 210<br />

Park.<br />

Lawrie, Robert, carpenter, h. 263 Mullett.<br />

Lawrie, Thomas, contractor, h. 210 Park.<br />

Lawson, Daniel, policeman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Lawson, Edward, merchant, h. 154 milkins.<br />

Lawson, George W., sailor, h. 20 Beaubien.<br />

Lawson, James, butcher, h. 87 Elizabeth w.<br />

Lawson, Jane (wid. Alexander), h. 138<br />

Catharine.<br />

Lawson, John W., tinsmith, h. 232 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Lawson. Robert, clerk P. O., h. 260 Fort e.<br />

Lawson, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner, h. 167<br />

W ilkins.<br />

Lawton, James, carpenter, bds. 360 Michipan<br />

aye.<br />

Lav-ton, Thomas, moulder, h. 167 Wilkins.<br />

Lawyer, Joseph, sawyer, bds. 655 Franklin.<br />

Lawyer, Samuel E. (Richard Ash & Co.), h.<br />

68 Randolph.<br />

Lay. Ezra D., druggist, 173 Woodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Lay, John, laborer, h. Franklin, bet. Hast-<br />

ing~ and Hivard.<br />

Lay, Thomas, laborer, bds. 152 Larned w.<br />

Lay, William F., clerk, bds. Michigan Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Lay man, John, carpenter, h. 171 Sixteenth.<br />

Layng, Gsorge F. (LayngBros.), bds. 204<br />

JeEerson ave.<br />

Layng, Iticliard W.(Layng Bros.), h. 204 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Layng Bros. (Richard W. and George F.<br />

Layng), bleachers, 204 Jefferson ave.<br />

Leach, Elisha, physician, h. 212 Second.<br />

Leach, Frederick, bookkeeper, h. w. s. Cass<br />

ave., bet. Selden and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Leach, Hubert, stonecutter, 11. 145 Division.<br />

Leach, Susie, bds. 113 Larned w.<br />

Leachy, James, drayman, h. 112 Beech.<br />

Leadbeater, Edward S., <strong>City</strong> Treasurer,<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, 11. 95 Cass.<br />

Leahy, James, night watchman, h. e. s.<br />

Thirteenth, nr. Chestnut.<br />

Leal, James B., clerk, h. 210 Fourth.<br />

Leal, John H., clerk, bds. 210 Fourth.<br />

Leard, George, h. Guoin, e. Campau.<br />

Leard, Robert Y., mechanic, h. Guoin, e.<br />

I Campau.<br />

Leary, James, horseshoer, h. 502 Seventh.<br />

Leary, J ohn, tobacconist, h. 473 Lafayette.<br />

Leare, Joseph, blacksmith; bds. 162 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

LEAVENWORTH, THOMAS B., silver<br />

spoon and fork maker, 155 Woodward<br />

ave., h. w. s. Fourth, bet. Orchard and<br />

Plum. (See adv.)


-- -<br />

Leavenworth, Thomas B., jr., bds. w. s.<br />

Fourth, bet. Orchard and Plum.<br />

Leavitt, Alvah E., real estate agt., h. 182<br />

Henry.<br />

Lebens, John (Lebens & Schubnell), h. 43<br />

Croghan.<br />

Lebens 8L Scllubnell (John Lebens and Leo<br />

Schubnell), soap and candle manf'rs., 236<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Lebot, Dennis, grocer, 335 Franklin, h.<br />

same.<br />

Lebot, Enos, grocer, s. w. cor. Orleans and<br />

Franklin, h. same.<br />

Lebot, Lewis, clerk, bds. 335 Franklin.<br />

Ledbeter, Joseph, bookkeeper, bds. 654<br />

Michigan are.<br />

Leddy. Dennis, plasterer, bds. 45 Labrosse.<br />

Leddy, Michael J., clerk, bds. 45 Labrosse.<br />

Lederle, Antoine, lighthouse superinten-<br />

dent, h. n. s. Jefferson ave., east of De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Lederl e, Louis, foreman lighthouse works,<br />

h. 36 Dequindre.<br />

Lechel, August, labodbr, h. 344 North.<br />

Lecbner, Francis, h. 1'76 Hastinge.<br />

Leckie, John F., engineer, bds. 260 Second.<br />

Leckie, Thomas, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 260<br />

Second.<br />

Leckinger, George, comb manfr., 283 High,<br />

h. same.<br />

Leclair, Lewis, tailor, h. n. w. cor. German<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Le Clerc, Frank (Le Clerc & Bro.), h. 255<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Le Clerc, John (Le Clerc & Bro.), h. 218 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Le i'lerc & Bro. (John and Frank LeClerc),<br />

boots and shoes, 131 Jefferson ave.<br />

Leconte, Alphonse, laborer, h. 251 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Ledbeter, Thomas, Supt d f Sewers, office 18<br />

Monroe ave., h. 654 Michigan ave.<br />

Leduc, John B., carpenter, h. 95 Catharine.<br />

Leduc, Louis, re~etables, <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, 11. 101 Dubole.<br />

Lee, Andrew J., engineer, h. 179 Larned e.<br />

Lee, Bridget, washerwomen, h. e. s. Third,<br />

bet. Beech and Orchard.<br />

Lee, Charles E., coachman, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Elizabeth and Park.<br />

Lee, Edward (col'd), barber, bds. 343 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Lee, George W., telegraph operator, bds. 28<br />

Fort e.<br />

Lee, George W., vessel propr., office No. 1<br />

Merrill Block. h. 3 Madison ave.<br />

Lee, Henry, boots and shoes, 81 Gratiot, h.<br />

88 Miami ave.<br />

Lee, James, clerk, bds. 20 Spenc~r.<br />

Lee, John, bookkeeper, h. 317 Cass ave.<br />

Lee, john, mason, h. 45 Winder.<br />

Lee, John, h. 17 Oak.<br />

Lee, Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds. 44 Front.<br />

Lee, Peter, baker, h. 3'75 Congrcss c.<br />

Lee, William, baker, 130 Randolph, h. same.<br />

Lee, William (col'd), carpenter, h. 343 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Leech, Charles E., lime and bricks, office<br />

810 Atwater, h. 31 Lafayette.<br />

Leech, John, chairmaker, 45 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

Leech. Mrs. John, millinery, 45 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Leech, Thomas, laborer, h. Franklin, nr.<br />

Campau.<br />

Leet.ch, Charles S., sergeant police, office<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

LEETE, THOMAS F., furnitcue manfr., 10<br />

Gratiot, h. same. (See adu.)<br />

Leete, Robert, bds. 10 Gratiot.<br />

L'Esperance, Alexander, laborer, h. 781<br />

Fort w.<br />

LeFavour, Edward, boots and shoes, o<br />

108 n. 124 Woodward ave., h. 177 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Lefavour, Jessie, laborer, bds. 20 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Le Favour, Latimer, bookkeeper, bds. 45<br />

Congress w.<br />

Lefebere, Masinlilian, saloon, 144 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Lefevre, Alexander, cooper, h. 318 Russell<br />

Lefevre, Emanuel, sailor. h. 414 Lafayette.<br />

Lefevre, Frank, frame mounter, bds. 414<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Lefevre, Julius, laborer, bds. 223 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Legg, Edward L., fruitdealer, h. 288 blul<br />

lett.<br />

Leggett, Augustus W., h. 129 Elizabeth e.<br />

Leggett, Edwin, clerk M. C. R. R. freigh<br />

ofice, h. 44 Clinton.<br />

Leggett, G. Henry (col'd), laborer, bds. 81<br />

Macomb.<br />

Leggett, William H., miller, h. 564 Third.<br />

Lehman, Adolph, h. 3'79 Brush.<br />

Lehman, George, carpenter, h. 146 Brew-<br />

ster.<br />

Lehmann, Henry, stonecutter, h. 193 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Lehmann, Margaret (wid. John), h. 300<br />

Mary.<br />

Lehmann, Peter, hackman, h. 116 Antietam.<br />

Lehnartz, Frederick W., draughtsman, res.<br />

Fort Wayne.<br />

Lehndorff, Reinhard, trimmer, h. 296 Fifth.<br />

Lehuhotf, Lewis, ready made ctotlzing, 127<br />

Jefferson ove., h. 160 Third.<br />

Lehnhoff, Joseph (Lehnhoff & Kallmeyer),<br />

h. 52 Howard.<br />

Lellnhoff & Kallmeyer (Joseph Lehnhoff<br />

and Marcus Kallmeyer), clothing, 69 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Leho, Andrew, laborer, h. 594 Franklin.<br />

Lehr, Conrrtd (J. F. Weber S: Co.), h. n. w.<br />

cor. St. Aubin ave. and German.<br />

Leib, Clara, sister superior St. Joseph Cath-<br />

olic School.<br />

Leib, William, mason, he Scott, bet. Rail-<br />

road crossing and Riopelle.

LEI LEP<br />

Physicians always specify<br />


Leich, Hubert, stonecutter, h. Division, bet.<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Leist, Jacob, laborer, bde. 101 Macomb.<br />

Leitch, Alexander (Haskes & Leitch), 11. 11<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Leithead, James, h. 436 Franklin.<br />

Leithead, Robert, clerk A. E. Bissell & Son,<br />

h. 182 Michigan ave.<br />

Leland, Charles B., messenger American<br />

Express, h. 84 Montcalm e.<br />

Leman, Jacob, laborer, bds. Larned e., nr.<br />

Randolph.<br />

Lemaj r, John, laborer, h. Guoin, on Campau<br />

Farm.<br />

Lemaire, Louis, importer French and<br />

Hhenish wines, 93 Larned e., h. same.<br />

Lemaire, Mas, salesman, bds. 93 Larned e.<br />

Lemay, John, captain. h. 272 Whitney.<br />

Lemke, Charles, blacksmith, 571 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Lemke, Frede-ick, blacksmith and wagon<br />

maker, 369 Grand River, h. 365 same.<br />

Lemke, John, tailor, h. 185 Clinton.<br />

Lemke, Louis, cigarmaker, h. 143 Brewster.<br />

Lemm, Hermann, basketmaker, bds. 156 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Lemme, William, blacksmith, h. 71 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Lemmer, August, marblecutter, bds. 160<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Lemmer, Henry, marblecutter, h. 193 Mari-<br />

on.<br />

Lemmings, James I., painter, h. 139 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Lemming, Jane (wid. Charles), h. 62 Farrar.<br />

Lemon, Charles, laborer, bds. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Michigan ave. and Chestnut.<br />

Lemon, Ezra hl., self raising flour, 277 Mich-<br />

igan aye., h. same.<br />

Lemon, Frank, machinist, bds. 14 Sullivan<br />

a ve.<br />

Lemon, Harry, jeweler, bds. 277 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Lemon, Harry, clerk, bds. 248 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Lemon, Joseph, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Michigan ave. and Chestnut.<br />

Lemon, Joseph, shoemaker, h. $68 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Lemon, Louis, sailor, h. 195 Croghan.<br />

Lemon, Magdalene (wid. John), h. 260 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Lemon, Timothy, wagonmaker, 601 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Lempie, John, carpenter, h. 101 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

-<br />

Lenahan, Benjamin, laborer, h. 143 Plum.<br />

Lenahac, Dennis, carpenter, bds. 192 .Oak.<br />

Lenahan, John, soap peddler, h. 192 Oak.<br />

Lenau, Gottfried, tailor, h. 333 Montcalm e.<br />

Lenau, Miss Mary A., bds. 116 Maple.<br />

Lenenberg, Simon, watchmaker, 171 Wood-<br />

bridge w., h. same.<br />

Lenfesty, James, broom manfr., 820 Jeffer-<br />

Lenfesty, John, miller, bds. 53 Seventh.<br />

son ave., bds. 725 same.<br />

Lengsfeld, Adolph, clerk, bds. Hotel Erich-<br />

sen.<br />

Lenhardt, George, machinist and dealer in<br />

sewing machines, 51 Bates, h. 244 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Lenman, Henry A., shoemaker, n. e. cor.<br />

Walker and Wight.<br />

Lennafest, Mrs. Catharine, h. 53 Prospect.<br />

Leniesal, Bernard, carpenter, h. o. 122 n. 192<br />

Division.<br />

Lennon, Robert, shipcarpenter, h. 628 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Lennos, James, painter, bds. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lenstra, Lambert, laborer, h. 240 Clinton.<br />

Lenter, Henry, carpenter, h. 220 Watson.<br />

Lentez, Mathias, gardener, h. 383 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Lentez, Nicholas. h. 251 Hastings.<br />

Lenth, August, clerk. bds. 163 Sherman.<br />

Lentah, Frederika (wid. Joachim), h. 163<br />

Sherman.<br />

Lenth, William, painter, bds. 163 Sherman.<br />

Lents, Peter, laborer, h. 259 Baker.<br />

Lentz, Augustus, barber, bds. 164 Hastings.<br />

Lentz, John, laborer, h. 179 Bronson.<br />

Lentz, Minnie. midwife, h. 179 Bronson.<br />

Lenz, Frederick, painter, bds. 22 Catharine.<br />

Lenz, -- , cooper, h. o. 342 n. 442 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Lenzen, Henry, ca@enter, h. 326 Sherman.<br />

Leonard, Bernard A. (W. R1. Dwight & Co.),<br />

bds. 683 Jefferson ave.<br />

Leonard, Frederick, laborer, bds. 219 Ma-<br />

ple.<br />

Leonard, Edward, laborer, h. 368 TwJfth.<br />

Leonard, Harvey, painter, h. 357 Sherman.<br />

Leonard, John J., insurance agt., 124 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. 2174 Woodward ave.<br />

Leonard, John W., grocer, 88 Grand =ver,<br />

h. 72 George.<br />

Leonard, Julius, carpenter, h. o. 698 n. 100<br />

Franklin.<br />

Leonard, Oliver, bds. 103 Larned w.<br />

Leonard, Theodore 0. (Burr & Leonard), h.<br />

60 Stimson.<br />

Leonard, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 58 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Leonhardt, Georg'e, machinist, h. 244 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Leopold, Ernst, tinsmith, 124 Bronson.<br />

Lepere, Benjamin, laborer, h. Woodbridge,<br />

bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth. .<br />

Lepper, Maxwell, law student, h. 258 First.<br />

Leyper, Maxwell, bookkeeper, h. 258 First.


LePratte, Frank, caulker, h. 511 Fort e.<br />

L equhar, Francis, saloon and grocery,<br />

Wight, bet. Campau and Walker.<br />

Lerchen, Edward, butcher, bds. 66 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Leriche, Alfred, saloon, 71 Monroe ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

LeRoy, Henry H., builder, h. 253 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

LeRoy, Rhoda (wid. William H.j, seam-<br />

stress, h. 714 Lafayette.<br />

Lerry, James, blacksmith, h. o. 434 n. 502<br />

Seventh.<br />

LeSage, Alphonse, shoemaker, h. 354 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

LeSage, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 354 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lesotte, Julius, tanner, h. 535 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

LeSeur, William, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Ba-<br />

ker and Ninth ave.<br />

Eeshangues, Francis, carpenter, h. 510<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Leshel, Charles, laborer, bds. 344 North.<br />

Lesher, Joseph H., cutter, h. 252 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Leslie, James H., clerk D. gi; M. R. R., h.<br />

Larned, bet. St. Antoine and Beaubien.<br />

L'Esperance, Francis, lime dealer, saloon,755<br />

Woodbridge w., h. same.<br />

L'Esperance, Gilbert, plasterer and foreman<br />

lime kiln, h. 761 Woodbridge w.<br />

Letiker, Adam, carriagemaker, 11.46 Beech.<br />

Letourneau, Joseph H., carpenter, bds. 140<br />

Plum.<br />

Letts, Frederick, carbuilder, bds. Eight-<br />

eenth, nr. Michigan rtve.<br />

Letts, Charles, teamster, 175 Woodward<br />

a\-e., bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Letts, Cllarles E. (Letts & Clancy), h. 386<br />

\\'oodbridge w. I<br />

Letts S: Clancy (Charles E. Letts and John<br />

Clancy), cord wood, 399 Woodbridge w.<br />

Leuschnvr, Caroline (wid. Otto), h. St. Aubin<br />

ave., s. e. cor. Mullett.<br />

Lerally, Peter, carpenter, h. 40 Wight.<br />

Levassant, George, saloon, 56 Brush, h.<br />

same.<br />

Levi, Abraham, tailor, h. 346 Hastings.<br />

Levi, Harris, cigars and tobacco, 96 Gratiot,<br />

h. 28 Beacon.<br />

Levi, Isaac, Yankee notions, <strong>City</strong> Hall mar<br />

ket, h. 138 Clinton.<br />

Levi, Leopold, notions, 6 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 29 Fort e.<br />

Levi, Morris, dothing store, 37 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Levi, Moses, peddler, h. 279 St. Antoine.<br />

Levi, William, dry and fancy goods, 313<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Levi, William, peddler, h. 248 Macomb.<br />

Levin, Samuel, peddler, 11. 8 Beacon.<br />

Levitt, Jacob, filecutter, h. 259 Mullett.<br />

Levy, David, clothier, 169 Woodbridge w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Levy, Henry, saloon, 161 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Levy, Ludwig, merchant tailor, 258 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Levyn, Jacob, cigarmaker, h. 8 Beacon.<br />

Lewerenz, Frederick C. (Black & Lewerenz),<br />

bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Lewis. Alexander, (Alexander Lewis & Co.),<br />

h. 458 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewis,Rev. Ammi &I., pastor Mariners' Free<br />

Church, h. 67 Lewis.<br />

Lewis, Anthony J., carpenter, h. 114 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Lewis, Criprin, carpenter, h. 335 Sixteenth,<br />

Lewis, Ebenezer (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

House, h. 156 Fort e.<br />

Lewis, Edward, fireman Russell House, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Lewis, Frank S., Western Rural, bds. How-<br />

ard House.<br />

Lewls, George, carpenter. h. Macomb, bet.<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Lewis, George Washington Henry (col'd),<br />

teamster, h. s. s. Private, bet. Rivard and<br />

Russell.<br />

Lewis, Harriet (col'd-wid. George), h. 37<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Lewis, Hartman, car cleaner M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. 2?0 Jos. Campau ave.<br />

LEWIS, HORATIO N. F., publisher and<br />

proprietor Western Rural, 192 Jefferson<br />

ave., res. Chicago.<br />

Lewis, James, foreman M. C. R. R., h. s. w<br />

cor. Fifth and Labrosse.<br />

Lewis, James, physician, bds. cor. Third and<br />

Orange.<br />

Lewis, Joseph J.,printer, h. 153 Larned e.<br />

Lewis, John L (J. W. Keith & Co.), h. Wal-<br />

nut, s. e. cor. Seventh.<br />

Lewis, Julius C., lather, h. w. s. Sixth, bct.<br />

Pine .and Spruce.<br />

Lewis, Saxnuel, office over Savings Bank,<br />

opp. P. O., bds. 504 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lewis, Thomas, lime dealer, 404 Atwater,<br />

h. 375 Congress e,<br />

Lewis, Thomas, policeman, h. 195 Howard.<br />

Lewis, Walter C., clerk, bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lewis. William, yardman D. & &I. R. R.,<br />

11. 209 Congress e.<br />

LEWIS, ALEXANDER, B;s CO. (Alexander<br />

Lewis and Henry K. Lincoln), commission<br />

merchants, foot Randolph.<br />

Leyden, Mary (wid. Patrick), h. 69 Labrosse.<br />

Leyhart, Wllliam, shoeniaker, bds. White<br />

Swan Hotel, Larned w.<br />

Lezott, Peter, drayman, h. 384 Lafayette.<br />

Lezott, Peter, drayman, h. 172 Twelfth.<br />

L'Hommedieu, Charles A., bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

L'Hommedieu, George, cheese dealer, h.<br />

Woodward ave., s. c?. cor. Fremont.<br />

Lian ce, Exnile, cabinetmaker, h. 169 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Libby, Jcsiah, shoemaker, h. 298 Randolph.

NEW YORK<br />

Uff@ I!~I%F~F~~G@<br />

- @~ttqjm1;~y~<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

DAILY<br />

-<br />

SOLON McELROY, Manager and Aganey Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Libert, Carlos, French teacher <strong>Detroit</strong> Fe-<br />

male Seminary, bas. 40 Congress w.<br />

Libke, Christian, laborer, h. n. s. Jay, e. Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Libold, Theodore H., clerk, bds. Canada<br />

House.<br />

Lichtenberg, Abraham, fruit dealer, 36 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 141 Division.<br />

Lichtenberg. Catharine (wid. J. George), h.<br />

133 Croghan.<br />

Lichtenberg, Christian J. (Lichtenberg Sr;<br />

Sons), bds. 133 Croghan.<br />

Lichtenberg, Christopher, laborer, h. 493<br />

Mullett.<br />

Lichtenberg, Gustav B., tobacconist, 64 and<br />

66 Congress e., h. 88 Adams ave e.<br />

Lichtenberg, Henry, laborer, h. 497 1Slul-<br />

lett.<br />

Lichtenberg, John G. (Lichtenberg &T Sons),<br />

bds. 133 Croghan.<br />

Lichtenberg: Louis, laborer, h. s. s. Maple,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Liciltenberg, William (Lichtenberg & Sons),<br />

h. o. 183 n. 203 Fort e.<br />

Lichtenberg & Sons (George, Wil-<br />

liam and Christian J. Lichtenberg and<br />

Joha C. Reibeling), grocers, 34 Michigan<br />

Grand are.<br />

Lichtfeld, Ernst, blacksmith, h. 434 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Lick, Martin, laborer, h. 211 Maple.<br />

Lickfeld, Emst, carpenter, h. 434 Mullett.<br />

Licking, George, blacksmith, h. 76 Eighth.<br />

Liddell, Andrew A., carpenter, h. w. s. La-<br />

salle ave., bet. Chestnut and Butternut.<br />

Linderman, John, drayman, h. 380 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Liebermann, Constantine, shoemaker, h. 86<br />

Fort e.<br />

Liebermann, Emanuel, wholesale clothing,<br />

34 Woodward ave., h. 39 Winder.<br />

Liebetrau, Christian, plumber, h. 297 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Liebke, William, laborer, h. 317 Sherman.<br />

Liebschultz, Joseph, peddler, h. 136 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Lieby, Jacob, engineer, 11. 233 Orleans.<br />

Lief'eck, Mary, seamstress, h. 473 Orleans.<br />

Liegrist, Ernst, mason, bds. n. w. cor. Gra-<br />

tiot and Chene.<br />

Liegrist, Frank, blacksmith, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Gratiot and Chene.<br />

Lient, August, blacksmith, h. 24 Silver.<br />

Liepold, Charles, lastmaker, h. 124 Bronson.<br />

Lievere, Xavier, machinist, h. 489 Hastings.<br />

-- - - - - - -- - -<br />

Liggett, John T., Sec'y Michigan Mutual<br />

Life Ins. Co., h. 169 Adams ave. e.<br />

Liggett, Robert A., clerk, bds. 169 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Lightcap, Albert H., carriagemaker, bds. 14<br />

Pine.<br />

Lightfoot, James (col'd), carpenter, h. 199<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Lightfoot, James (col'd), house servant, h.<br />

206 Congress e.<br />

Light foot, Joseph (col'd), mason, h. 269<br />

Catharine.<br />

Lightfoot, Madison (col'd), h. 269 Catharine.<br />

Lightfoot, William, carpenter, h. 281 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Lighthill, Charles, physician, h. 275 Brush.<br />

Lightner, Edwin N. (E. N. Lightner &- Co.),<br />

bds. 159 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lightner, Kev. Rlilton C., rector Grace<br />

Church, 11. IS9 Etizabeth e.<br />

Lightner, P. Baldy, student, bds. 159 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Lightner, Edwin N., S: Co. (Edwin N. Light-<br />

ner and -- ), mallufacturers phar-<br />

maceutical and toilet goods, 13 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lilien, Wiiliam, draughtsman, bds. . Antis-<br />

del House.<br />

Lill, Ferdinand, harnessmaker, bds. 183 Ma-<br />

ple.<br />

Lilley, John, traveling agent, h. 95 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Lilley, John VST., confectioner, bds. 95 Ad-<br />

ams aye. w.<br />

Lillis, Michael, foreman, h. o. 140 n. 150<br />

Franklin.<br />

Limbach, Martin, hardware dealer, 100<br />

Woodward ave., h. o. 29 n. 57 Winder.<br />

Limbacher, Alois, porkpacker, h. 346 Juli-<br />

ette.<br />

Limpens, Rev. George, pastor Church of<br />

Our Lady, h. 23 Elmmood ave.<br />

Limus, William, laborer, h o. 144 n. 152<br />

Franklin.<br />

Linabury, Albert, printer, bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Linabury, Joseph, clerk, bds. Tremoaf<br />

House.<br />

Lincoln, Henry K. (Alexander Lewis & Co.),<br />

h. 132 Lafayette ave.<br />

Lindanman, Charles (Charles Linda.nman &<br />

Co.), h. 200 Woodbridge w.<br />

Lindanman, Charles, jr., bds. 200 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Lindanman &. Co. (Charles Lindanman and<br />

Richard P. Osgood), meat market, 200<br />

Woodbrid e w.<br />

Lindemann, killiam, wagonmaker, bds. St.<br />

Antoine, second door below Montcalm.<br />

Lindschnider, Conrad, blacksmith, bds. 26<br />

Silver.<br />

Lindsay, Archibald B., insurance<br />

agt., Bank Block, Griswold, h; 124 Lafay-<br />

ette ave. (See adv.)<br />

Lindsay, James, carpenter, h. 203 Seventh.<br />


Lindsay, John, messenger American Na-<br />

tional Bank, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Lindsay, Mary (wid. John R.), h. w. s. Du-<br />

bois, nr. Chestnut.<br />

Lindsay, Thomas N., carpenter, h. 467 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Lindsay, William N., accountant, bds. 40<br />

Congress w.<br />

Lindo, Justina (wid. Gottlieb), h. n. s. Ma-<br />

ple, bet. Chene and Uubois.<br />

Lindow, Frederick, tailor, bds. s. s. Macomb,<br />

w. Rivard.<br />

Lindow, John, tailor, h. s. s. Macomb, w. Ri-<br />

vrtrd.<br />

Lindu, Augustus, laborer, bds. 436 Mullett.<br />

Linena, Patrick, laborer, h. 168 Porter.<br />

Lines, Edward, shipcarpenter, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Twenty-third and Howard.<br />

Ling, Conrad (Ling & Chandler), h. 233<br />

Brush.<br />

Ling & Chandler (Conrad Ling and George<br />

S. Chandler), organ and melodeon manu-<br />

facturers, 15 Campus Martius.<br />

Lingemann, Andrew, machinist, h. 100 Ba-<br />

ker.<br />

Lingemann, Anthony, sawyer, h. 100 Four-<br />

teenth.<br />

Lingemann, Caspar, manufacturer and<br />

dealer in umbrellas and parasols, 30 Mon-<br />

roe ave., h. same.<br />

Lingemann, Frank, butcher, n. w. cor Di-<br />

vision and St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

Lingemann, Frederick, jeweler, h. 213 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Lingemann, Mrs. Frederick, midwife, h. 133<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Lingemann, John, h. 133 Seventeenth.<br />

Lingemann, Joseph, butcher, 1 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, 11. cor. Orleans and Marion.<br />

Linginger, Albert, painter, bds. 460 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Link, Henry, carpenter, bds. 310 Macomb.<br />

Link, Peter, shoemaker, h. 310 Macomb.<br />

Linka, John C., cabinetmaker, e. s. Thir-<br />

teen-and a-half, nr. Chestnut.<br />

Linn, Alexander R. (A. R. & VST. F. Linn),<br />

h. 89 Fifth.<br />

Linn, Jane R. (wid. William), bds. 333<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Linn, John D., clerk, bds. <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange.<br />

Linn, John, clerk, h. 469 Fort w.<br />

Linn, Robert, h. 594 Fort w.<br />

Linn, Thomas (Campbell, Linn & Co.), 5ds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Linn, William A., carpenter, bds. 444 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Linn, William F. (A. R. & W. F. Linn), bds<br />

364 Abbott.<br />

Linn, William J., bds. Eisenlord's Hotel.<br />

LINN, A. R., & W. F. (Alexander R. and<br />

VSTilliam F. Linn), tea, coffee and spices,<br />

320 JeEerson ave. (See adu.;<br />

Linnehan, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 223 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Linnenberg, Ripert, carpenter, h. 17 Clay.<br />

35<br />


Linsell, Frederick, grainer, h. 51 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Linsell, Joseph, clerk, h. 80 Walnut.<br />

Linsey, James, carpenter, h. 301 Seventh.<br />

Lintello, Alvah, parasol repairer, 589 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Linteman, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. 429 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Linto, August, roofer, h. 436 .Mullett.<br />

Linto, Joseph, saloon, 480 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Liuton, William J., machinist, h. 214 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Linton, Wlliam, laborer, h. n. Jones' Dry<br />

Dock.<br />

Lintz, Elias M. cooper, h, o. 355 n. 352<br />

Bronson.<br />

Lippmeyer John, h. 165 Sherman.<br />

Lippold, Henry H., steam dyer, 81 Congress<br />

e., h. 297 Gratiot.<br />

Lips, Elizabeth (wid. Cornelius). bds. o. 505<br />

n. 598 Seventh.<br />

Lips, Johannes, laborer, h. o. 505 n. 598 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Lipscomb, John, carpenter, h. n. s. Sev-<br />

enth, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Liscon, Charles, carpenter, bds. 16 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Liseu, Joseph, clerk, h. 80 Catharine.<br />

Lisee, Joseph V., clerk, bds. 80 Catharine.<br />

Liskiner, Frank, tobacco manfr., bds. 120<br />

Rrewster.<br />

List, Charles, blacksmith, h. 183 Clinton.<br />

List, Philip, cigarmaker, h. o. 27 n. 307<br />

North.<br />

Lister, Frank, laborer, h. e. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

Larned and Jefferson ave.<br />

Lister, William M., bookkeeper, h. 76 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Litch, George, painter, bds. Beaubien, nr.<br />

Bradv.<br />

Litey, john, carpenter, h. 287 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />


MAP PUBLISHING CO., The Calvert,<br />

Arcade Building, 36 Larned w. (See<br />

ad%)<br />

Litke, Emil, tailor, h. 486 Lafayette.<br />

Little, Charles, express driver, h. 20 Beech.<br />

Little, Charles (F. B. Sibley & Co.), bds. 725<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Litttle, Eliza (col'd-wid. George), h. 126<br />

Macomb.<br />

Little, Simon A., h. n. s. Michigan ave., bet.<br />

Humboldt and Sullivan aves.<br />

Little, William, shoemaker, Bds. Larned, nr.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Littlefield, Arthur E., clerk, bds. o. 97 n. 111<br />

George.<br />

Littlefield, Justus, h. o. 97 n. 111 George.<br />

Littlejohn, Adam, drayman, h. 754 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Littleton, Capt. W., seaman, h. 56 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Litzenburger, George, shoemaker, h. 229<br />

1 Macomb.




OiUce, 374 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Liverenz, Joechen, laborer, h. 360 Dubois.<br />

Livermore, Charles F., clerk, h .68 Farrar.<br />

Livingston, Alexander, stonecutter, bds.<br />

\ Goodman House.<br />

Livingston, Allen, lather. h. 563 Beaubien.<br />

Livingston, Charles H., clerk, bds. Tremont<br />

House.<br />

Livingston, Edward D., salesman, h. 144 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Livingston, John, ironpolisher, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Livingstone, Charles H., clerk, bds. 58 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Livingstone, James, boarding, h. 112 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Livingstone,William, jr. (Livingstone & Co.),<br />

h. 231 Park.<br />

Livingstone, William, sr. (Livingstone & Co.),<br />

h. 33 Center.<br />

LIVINGSTONE & CO. (William, sr., and<br />

William Livingstone, j r.), commission and<br />

wood merchants, . foot Kanaolph. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Liguar, Thomas, milkman, h. n. e. cor. Erie<br />

and Railroad.<br />

Lloyd, George O., steward Garrison House,<br />

h. 58 Larned west.<br />

Lloyd, Gordon W., architect, 81 Griswold,<br />

bds. 168 Congress e.<br />

Lloyd, Owen, laborer, h. 41 Harrison ave.<br />

Lloyd, Richard, engineer, bds. 27 Atwater.<br />

Lloyd, Robert C,, bookkeeper, bds. o. 3 n.<br />

17 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lloyd. Zina, farmer, h. 156 Lamed e.<br />

Lobdell, Joseph B., propr. Railroad Ex-<br />

change Hotel, 30 and 32 Michiran Grand<br />

ave.<br />

Lochbihler, John, carpenter, h. 233 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Lochbihler, Michael, tailor, h. 361 Riopelle.<br />

Lochbihler, Wendelin, stonecutter, h. 156<br />

Clinton.<br />

Locke, Charles H. (Gunn & Locke), h. 337<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Locke, Edward J., clerk, bds. Garrison<br />

Y<br />

Lo ckwood, Albertine (wid. Thomas W.), h.<br />

o. 6 n. 20 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lockwood, Charles H., butcher, h. 176 Nineteenth.<br />

Lockwood, Dexter S., laborer, h. w. s. Nineteenth,<br />

bet. Alexander and Baker.<br />

I~ockwood, Edward, printer, h. 350 Sixth.<br />

Lockwood, James K., lumber dealer, 12 Rotunda<br />

Building, h. 84 Howard.<br />

Lockwood, Mrs. Mary N., h. 71 Fort w.<br />

Lockwood, William W., bookkeeper, bds. 0.<br />

6 n. 20 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lodge, Edwin A, homceopathic physician;51<br />

Wayne, h. 49 same.<br />

Lodge, Edwin, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 49<br />

Wavne.<br />

~odew~ck, Henry (Lodewyck Bros.), bds. 121<br />

Rivard.<br />

Lodew? ck, John, ' foreman Car Works, h.<br />

627 \Voodbrid~e e.<br />

Lodewjck, peter I. (Lodewyck Bros.), bds.<br />

121 Rivard.<br />

Lodewyck, Regina (wid. John P.), h. 121<br />

Rivard.<br />

Lodewyck Bros. (peter I. and Henry Lodewyck),<br />

coopers, 117 Rivard.<br />

Loeffler, John L. (Keith & Co.), h. 31 Wali<br />

nut.<br />

, Loeffler, William, cabinetmaker, h. 244<br />

i Catharine.<br />

Loeher, John, carpenter, h. 204 Itussell.<br />

1 Loehof, William, tanner, h. 188 Grove.<br />

I Loenicker, Adam, jeweler, h. 68 Harriett.<br />

Loeser, Theresa (mid. Auguss j, saloon, 119<br />

Russell, h. *anle. 2<br />

Loewe, Gottfried, saloon, 465 Clinton ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Loewe, Leithold, cabinetmaker, bds. 461<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Loewe, Oscar, moulder. h. 491 Macomb.<br />

Loewenstein, Max, peddler, bds. 7 Porter-<br />

Loewer, Henry, tailor, 52 Brush, h. 350 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Loewer, .John, tailor, h. 451 Riopelle.<br />

Loewitt, Jacob, h. 225 Fort e.<br />

Loftus, James, waiter, h. 393 Fifth.<br />

Logan, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 258 Sixteenth.<br />

Lohmann, Berhardinus J.,ci,aar manfr., h. e.<br />

s. Fourth, bet. Liberty and Tuscola.<br />

' Lohmann, Clements F., cigarmaker, h. 603<br />

Seventh.<br />

Lohn, John (cord), waiter Russell House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

House.<br />

Lohr, Adam W., printer, bds. 98 Sherman.<br />

:Pe, George, clerk, bds. 408 Third. Lohr, Edward, captain, h. 569 Lafayette.<br />

* -:ocke, =eph, grocer, 2 Beaubien, h. same. Lohr, Francis, sailor, h. 388 Franklin.<br />

Lockhad; George, machinist, h. 86 La- Lohre, John, porter, h. 220 Clinton.<br />

brosse.<br />

Lohre, Margaret (wid. J ustus,, bds. 220 Clin-<br />

Lockhart, William, machinist, h. o. 401 n. ton.<br />

479 Congress e.<br />

Lohrmann, Frederick, teamster, ' h. 49 Ma-<br />

Lockhoff, Edward, engineer, bds. ,201 Cro- ple.<br />

ghan.<br />

Loman, Benjamin, cigarmaker, h. Fourth,<br />

Lockmann, James, conductor D. & M. R. R, n. Liberty.<br />

h. 779 Larned e.<br />

Lomas, James, blacksmith, h. 48 Labrosse.

L8M CIXY DIRECTORY. Lou 271<br />

Lomas, William, machinist M. C. R. R., h.<br />

141 Baker.<br />

Lomasney, James, carpenter, bds. 93 Michi-<br />

gan Live.<br />

Lornasney, Michael, shipcarpenter, h. e. s.<br />

Sisth, bet. Orchard and Plum.<br />

Lomasney, William,tailor. 93 blichigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Lombier, Louis, shipcarpenter, h. o. 260 n.<br />

268 Franklin.<br />

Lom bird, William, tobacconist, h. 156 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

London, Frederick, carpenter, h. 408 Sisth.<br />

Eonergan, Michael, shoemaker, bds. w. s.<br />

Rowland, nr. Grand River.<br />

Lonergan, Michael, fruit dealer, 53 Row-<br />

land, h. same.<br />

Loney, Mathew, gardener, h. 93 Baker.<br />

Long, Andrew, yardman Michigan Es-<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Long, Ann (wid. William), h. 102 Orchard.<br />

Long, August, painter, h. 102 Marion.<br />

Long, Fredricka (wid. Jacob), h. 102 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Long, George, cigarmaker, bds. 46 Fort e.<br />

Long, Henry, painter, bds. 48 Seventh.<br />

Long, Henry, fireman Michigan Exchange,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Long, James, h. 127 Third.<br />

Long, Jeremiah, blacksmith, bds. 102 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Long, John, horseshoeing, 235 Gratiot, h. 58<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Long, John, foreman Gas Works, h. 127<br />

Third.<br />

Long, John, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Third and<br />

Howard.<br />

Long, John B., livery stable, 55 Jefferson<br />

sve.,h. 149 Congress w.<br />

Long, John E. (Fisher & Long), h. n. s. Mont-<br />

calm. bet. Park and Clifford.<br />

Long, joseph, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth, nr.<br />

Poplar.<br />

Loni Levi, peddler, h. 163 Clinton.<br />

Long, Morris, la borer, h. 42 Seventh.<br />

Long, Richard, grocer, Hamtramck, h. 357<br />

Franklin.<br />

Long. Samuel, blacksmith, h. n. s. Walnut,<br />

nr. Seventh.<br />

Long, William, bookkeeper, h. 604 Seventh.<br />

Long, William, plumber, bds. 102 Orchard,<br />

Loagberry, Oswald, laborer, h. 575 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Longbottom, Mrs. Mary, h. 204 Riopelle.<br />

Longeran, Mrs. Catharine, h. cor. Chene<br />

and Guoin.<br />

Longhorn, Margaret (wid. Robert), h. 204<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Longranger, Eugene A., sailor, h. Fort, bet.<br />

Fourteenth and Fifteenth.<br />

Longtin, Charles, foreman Pitts' saw mill,<br />

h. 232 Riopelle.<br />

Longtin, Charles, h. 381 Gratiot.<br />

Longton, Moaes, shipcarpenter, 1L I25 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Longton, Paul, blacksmith, bds. 123 Dubois.<br />

Lonzon, Niss Theodora, h. 179 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Lonzo, Anthony, sailor, h. 260 Franklin.<br />

Look, Arnold, carpenter, h. 193 Macomb.<br />

Look, Henry, tailor, bds. 193 Macomb.<br />

Lcok, Peter, carpenter, bds. 193 Xacomb.<br />

Loomer, Elliott, painter, bds. 355 Clinton.<br />

Loomer, George, lumber measurer, h. 355<br />

Clinton.<br />

Loomer, Caroline (wid. John), bds. 42 Co-<br />

lumbia w., upstairs.<br />

Loomis, William H. (col'd), laborer, h. 365<br />

Macomb.<br />

Looney, Pzter, laborer, h. 112 Franklin.<br />

Loranger, Amos J., grocer, cor. Fort and<br />

Eighteen-and-a half, h. 497 Fort w.<br />

Loranger, August, cooper, h. 235 Sisth.<br />

Loranger, Clement C., h. 811 Woodbridga<br />

west.<br />

Loranger, John B., engineer, h. 799 Fort w.<br />

Loranger, Soseph, wood dealer and<br />

fisher, h. 811 Woodbridge w.<br />

Loranger, Philip J., shingle manfr.<br />

and fisheries, h. foot Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

Loranger, William, steward William Cowie,<br />

h. 774 Woodbridge w.<br />

Lorch, Gabriel, clerk, bds. 199 Lafayette.<br />

Lord, Albert, shipper, bds. Purdy's Hotel.<br />

Lord, John M., bartender, 'bds. 44 Larned w.<br />

Lord, J. Pratt, policeman, h. Seventeenth,<br />

nr. cor. Howard.<br />

Lordon, Dennis, laborer, h. 196 Labrosse.<br />

Lorencin, Henry, laborer, h. 37 Eighteenth.<br />

Lorf, Charles, tailor, bds. 260 Clinton.<br />

Lorf, Franz, brickmaker, h. 260 Clinton.<br />

Lorf, Gottlieb, tailor, h. 260 Clinton.<br />

Lorenz. Carl, laborer, h. 97 Twentv-second.<br />

Lorenzen, Henry. laborer, h. 37 Eighteenth.<br />

Loreon, More, carpenter, h. 406 Guoin.<br />

Lorimer, John S., bookkeeper, h. 586 F'ort<br />

east.<br />

Loring, Frank L., boots and shoes, 109<br />

Woodward ave., bds. 257 .Jefferson ave.<br />

Loring, Daniel A., bds. 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lorman, Charles A., manager Belle Isle Ice<br />

Co.. h. 78 Bagg.<br />

Losey, Frederiqk C., machinist, bds. 2%<br />

S econd.<br />

Losky, Frederick, laborer, h. Sixteenth, n.<br />

Micliigztn ave.<br />

Lotharius, Mathew, butcher, h. 153 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Lothemmer, Louis, tailor, h. 153 Marion.<br />

Lothrop, George V. N., attorney, 154 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.., h. 236 Woodbridge e.<br />

Lott, Adam, coppersmith, h. 407 Riopelle.<br />

Lotterkaus, Mas, baggageman M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 206 Twelfth.<br />

Lottier, Thomas W., supt. Granger & Car<br />

ter, bds. Howard House.<br />

Lotz, Charles, grocer, 273 Hastings.<br />

Lotz, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 200 Eighth.<br />

Loud, John, carpenter, h. w. s. Elmwood<br />

ave., bet. Fort and Lafayette.<br />



xmW YORE<br />

-<br />

@Qmpa~v,<br />

~ & ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~<br />

ASPETF, . . $12,000,000<br />

. DAILY CASH &COME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROF, lana~er and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Louden, George, painter, h. 69 Pine.<br />

Loughed, Noah, stonecutter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Louis, Abraham, peddler, h. 15 Beacon.<br />

Louis, Harris, peddler, h. 148 Mullett.<br />

Louis, Henry D., mason, bds. 7 Glass Row,<br />

Maple.<br />

Louis, Jacob E., tannery, 346 Orleans, bds.<br />

cor. Chene and Chestnut.<br />

Love, James, constable Sixth Ward, h. 231<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Love, John, carpenter, h. 390 Twelfth.<br />

Love, William, blacksmith, h. 215 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Loveland, Horace, lumber contractor, h. 184<br />

F'irst.<br />

Lovetot. John, tinsmith, h. 265 Franklin.<br />

LOVETT, STEPHEN W., plumber, gas<br />

and steam fitter, 43 Griswold, h. 231<br />

Fourth. (See adv.)<br />

Lovett, William, drover, h. 182 Henry.<br />

Lovett, William E. (Scotten, Lovett & Co.),<br />

h. 169 Fort m.<br />

Low, Catharine (col'd-wid. William), h. 91<br />

Croghan.<br />

Low, Joseph, salesman, h. 16 Columbia e.<br />

Lowe, Edward P., printer, bds. 40 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Lowe, Eugene S., kth J. M. Bradstreet &<br />

Son, bds. 73 High.<br />

Lowe, Henry C., salesman, h. 8 Columbia e.<br />

Lowe, John (col'd), barber, h. 363 Croghan.<br />

Lowe, John, salesman, h. 65 Sibley.<br />

Lowe, Peter J., engineer, h. 428 Grand<br />

Hiver .<br />

Lowe, Robert M., machinist, h. 306 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lowe, Thomas, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 8 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Lowe, Thomas, sr., policeman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 8 Columbia e.<br />

Loweler, Samuel, millwright, bds. 602 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Lowell, Sarah A., bds. 48 Miami ave.<br />

Lowenburg, Emerl, fancy goods, 171 Michi-<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

stein, Jacob, bookkeeper, h. 12 Beacon.<br />

Lowenstein, John, saloon, 182 Larned w.,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Lowrie. Ann (wid. John), h. 120 Columbia e.<br />

Lowrie, George (James Lowrie & Sons), h.<br />

321 Third.<br />

Lowrie, James (Jarnee Lowrie & Sons), res.<br />

Grosse Isle. .<br />

: Lo.~rie, William (James Lowrie & Sons),<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Lowrie, James, & Sons (James, George and<br />

William Lowrie), dry goods, 148 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Lowry, Joseph T. (Scotten, Lovett & Co.), h.<br />

300 Randolph.<br />

Lowson. James, harnessmaker, 400 Michi-<br />

gan ave,, h. same.<br />

LOWSON, VJILLIAM Re7 saddle and bar-<br />

nesemaker, 388 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Loy, Patrick, laborer, h. w. s. Lasalle ave.,<br />

nr. Chestnut.<br />

Loynon, Gilbert (Loynon & Co.), h. 470<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Loynon & Co. (Gilbert Loynon and George<br />

W. Lapoint), grocers, 410 M700dbridge W.<br />

Lozer, John, laborer, bds. Wight, bet.<br />

Walker and Adair.<br />

Lozo, David, laborer, h. 69 Wight.<br />

Lozo, Isadore, laborer, h. Guoiu, nr. Chene.<br />

Lubliner, Sigismund, bookkeeper A. Lands-<br />

berg, bds. 60 Madison ave.<br />

Lucas, Mrs. Eliza (col'd-wid.), h. 242 M*<br />

comb.<br />

Lucas, Joseph, carpenter, bds. Ward's Hotel,<br />

Mich. ave.<br />

Lucas, John, huckster, 12 Crawford.<br />

Lucas, John, laborer, bds. 69 Sixteenth.<br />

Lucas, Willian, cooper, 11.181 Second.<br />

Luccea, John, mason, h. 143 Columbia e.<br />

Luce, Benjamin, oil dealer, bds. 321 Second.<br />

Luce, Charles R., engineer M. S. R. R., h.<br />

216 Guoin.<br />

Luce, David, fireman M. S. R. R., bds. 62<br />

Randolph.<br />

Luchsinger, Rudolph, carriagemaker, h. 0.<br />

103 n. 281 Tl'hitney.<br />

Lucht, Frederick, laborer, h. e. s. Chene, n.<br />

German.<br />

Lucia, Joseph, bricklayer, bds. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Lucker, Edward (col'd), saloon, 100 Bates,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Lucker, Henry. musician, h. 260 Riopelle.<br />

Luclier, Henry, clerk, bds. 115 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Lucker, Hubert, musician, bds. 312 Macomb.<br />

Lucker, John, musician, h. 0. 396 n. 470<br />

Croghan.<br />

Lucker, John, h. 312 Macomb.<br />

Lucker, Pancratius, musician, bds. 312 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Lucker, Peter, musician, bds. 312 Macomb.<br />

~~ckhoff, Edward, shoemaker, h. 197 Croghan.<br />

Lucking, Joseph, butcher, 18 Clifford, h.<br />

same.<br />

Lucking, Joseph, csrpenter, bds. &mhmn<br />

House. .<br />

Lucky, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 179 Mulktt.<br />

LUCY, John, grocer. 84 Grand River, h. same.<br />

LUCY, John, saloon, 48 Front, h. same.<br />

Ludden, Henry D., surveyor, .Ms. S. W. core<br />

Gratiot and Elmwood ave.<br />

Lnderbecker, Frederick, wood turner, h. 453<br />

Riopelle. I ,

I<br />

Jefferson Ave~aue, opposite EZmw400d Avenue.<br />

Annual importations of the Sovelties of Europe.<br />

Flower SMl! of ths Best and Most Popular Varieties. 1 ,<br />

' :I I I

i-.<br />

L m 6 CITT DIRECTORY. LPN 273<br />

Luderer, August William, collector, h. 90<br />

Congress e.<br />

Ludgeuber, James, clerk, bds. Garrison<br />

House.<br />

Ludington, James, stove moulder, h. 276<br />

Third.<br />

Ludlow, Richard C., engineer, h. 0.173 n.<br />

207 Fourth.<br />

Ludwick, John, foreman D. & M. car works,<br />

h. n. a cor. Woodbridge and Jos. Campau<br />

ave.<br />

Ludwig, Albert, stonecutter, h. nr. s. w. cor.<br />

Hastings and Benton.<br />

Ludwig, Charles, soldier, h. 165 Sherman.<br />

Ludwig, Christoph, basketmaker, h. 243<br />

Macomb.<br />

Ludwig, Conrad, boarding, h. 16 Fort e.<br />

Ludwig, Conrad, laborer, bds. 471 Port e.<br />

Ludwig, Dewald, basketmaker, h. 501 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Ludwig, Frederick, cabinetmaker, h. 19<br />

Beacon.<br />

Ludwig, George, clerk, bds. Goodman House.<br />

Ludwig, Henry, carver, h. 236 Croghan.<br />

Ludwig, Jacob, basketma ker, h. 300 J uliette.<br />

Ludwig, John, mloon, 222 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Ludwig, Joseph, jr., basketmaker, h. 300<br />

Juliette.<br />

Ludwig, William, basketmaker, h. 25 Ger.<br />

man.<br />

Luebner, Frederick, shoemaker, n. e. cor.<br />

Beaubien and W oodbridge, h. same.<br />

Luecht, Charles, blacksmith, h. 180 Clinton.<br />

Lueckel, John, bookbinder, bds. 184 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Luedinghausen, Oscar W., gen'l ag't Peoria<br />

Mutual Benevolent Association, office 305<br />

Congress e., h. same.<br />

Lueman, Herxnann, tailor, bdo. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Luetge, Frederick, photographer, 61 Mon-<br />

roe ave., h. same.<br />

Luetge, Mrs. Kate. h. 276 Macomb.<br />

Luetticke, Adam, wheelwright, h. 46 Beech.<br />

Luetticke, Henry (J. Luetticke & Bro.), h.<br />

145 Croghan.<br />

Luetticke, Joseph, grocer, 165 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

Luetticke, Joseph, jr., currier, bds. 145 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Luetticke, J., & Bro. (Joseph and Henry<br />

Luetticke), tanners, cor. Riopelle and<br />

Mullett.<br />

Luettmann, Abraham, peddler, h. 218 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Luettman, Jacob, peddler, h. 218 Clinton.<br />

Luettmann, Louis, peddler, bds. 218 Clinton.<br />

Luetz, George, laborer, h. 120 High.<br />

Lugenbell, James P., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Luger, Frank, bookbinder, bds. 173 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Luger, Mary (wid. Caspar), h. 195 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lugger, Otto, asst. lake survey, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Lukes, Frank, butcher, h. 592 Gratiot.<br />

Lukes, Francisco (wid. Frank), h. 595 Grrt-<br />

tiot.<br />

Lum, Charles M., h. 190 Lafayette ave.<br />

Lumsden, David, insurance agt., ;h. 100<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Lumsden, John, gardener, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Woodward and Alexandrine aves.<br />

Lumsden, Rachael, teacher Willis ave.<br />

school, h. Woodward ave., n. w. tor.<br />

Alexandrine ave.<br />

Lumsden, Thomas O., baker, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Woodward and Alexandrine ave.<br />

Lumsden, William O., gardener, bds. n. e.<br />

cor. Woodward and Alexandrine aves.<br />

Lumbacher, Louis, laborer, h. 380 Juliette.<br />

Lunger, John, carpenter, h. 292 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Lungershausen, Charles (Au'ener, Lungera-<br />

hausen & Voelker), h. 38 Beaubien.<br />

Lupman, Hermann, tailor, bds. 247 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Luscheir, Louis, laborer, h. 465 Mullett.<br />

Luscomb, Elizabeth (wid. William), h. 35<br />

Sixth.<br />

Lust, John, baker, bds. 87 Atwater.<br />

Lutes, Lorenzo, sailor, h. e. s. Thirteen and-<br />

a-half, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Luther, Herman, tailor, h. 247 Sherman.<br />

SLutman, John, bookkeeper, bds. 33 Abbott.<br />

Lutman, William, clerk, bds. I11 Third.<br />

Lutny, Jacob, wagonmaker, h. 61 Eliza-<br />

beth e., up stairs.<br />

Luttenbacher, Caroline, cashier S. Kirchner,<br />

bds. 270 Congress e.<br />

Lutwycke, Edgar, cabinetmaker, bds. 643<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lutwycke, Edgar,moulding manfr., bds. 643<br />

Congress e.<br />

Lutz, Christopher, laborer, h. 220 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Lutz, Frederick, laborer, h. 153 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Lutz, Henry, butcher, h. 181 Michigan ave.<br />

Lutz, Hermann, pavement maker, h. 224<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Lutz, Jacob, wagonmaker, h. 75 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lutz, John, machinist, bds. 224 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Lutz, John, upholsterer, bds. 142 Gratiot.<br />

Lutz, Peter, currier, h. Wight, bet. Adair<br />

and Leib.<br />

Luycks, Theodore, carpenter, h. 251 Grand<br />

Biver.<br />

Lybolt, Oliver D., agt., bds. Perkin's Hotel.<br />

Lycet, Michael, laborer, h. 129 Plum.<br />

Lyell, Harris, dry goods and clothing, 275<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

i Lynch, Andrew, laborer, h. 69 Montcalm w.<br />

Lynch, Catharine (wid. Patrick), boarding,<br />

h. 91 Grand River, up stairs.<br />

Lynch, Cornelius, laborer, h. n. s. Lafayette<br />

ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Lynch, Edward, carpent,er, bds. 3 Walnut.<br />

Lynch, Eliza (wid. Patrick), h. 180 Fort e.




Bp@@e Nfirn@@ B@&@P@@<br />



Lynch, James, plumber and gas fitter, bds.<br />

567 Fort 8.<br />

Lynch, James, saloon, 4 Woodward ave., h.<br />

s. e. cor. Larned and Shelby.<br />

Lynch, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 557 Fort e.<br />

Lynch, John, coppersmith, h. s. s. Beech,<br />

bet. Secoud and Third.<br />

Lynch, John, laborer, h. 567 Fort e.<br />

Lynch, John, h. 162 First.<br />

Lynch, John, tailor, h. 97 Larned w.<br />

Lynch, Joseph, sailor, bds. 287 Atwater.<br />

Lynch, Mary (wid. John), h. 69 Montcalm w.<br />

Lynch, Miss Mary A., dressmaker, h. 121<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Lynch, Michael, turner, h. 121 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lynch, Patrick, plasterer, h. 70 Columbia e.<br />

Lynch, Patrick, laborer. h. 3 Walnut.<br />

Lynch, Patrick, jr., plasterer, bds. 3 Wal-<br />

nut.<br />

Lynch, Miss Rebecca, sewing machine op-<br />

erator, h. Labrosse, bet. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Lynch, Thomas, steward, h. 105 Orchard.<br />

Lynch, %Tilliam, chairmaker, bds. 121 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

LYNCH, WILLIAM, slat shade manfr., 208<br />

Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Lynn, August, blacksmith, h 24 Silver.<br />

Lyon, Adolph, brewery, 228 Napoleon, h.<br />

same.<br />

Lyon, Alexander, druggist, h. 42 James.<br />

Lyon, Anson E., house mover, h. 35 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

Lyon, Edward (E. Lyon & Co.), bds. Michi-<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Lyon, Edward O., house mover, bds. 35<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Lyon, Farnham (E. Lyon & Co.), bds. Mich-<br />

igan Exchange.<br />

Lyon, George W., house mover, h. 215 High.<br />

Lyon, Hiram (Fisk & Lyon), h. 203 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Lyon, Joseph M., painter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Lyon, Martin, shipcarpenter, h. 527 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Lyon, Martha M.. h. 354 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lyon, William D., h. s. w. cor. Lafontaine<br />

ave. and Butternut.<br />

Lyon, E., & Co. (Edward and Farnham<br />

Lyon), proprs. Michigan Exchange, s. w.<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and Shelby.<br />

Lyons, Albert B., physician, bds. 61 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Lyons, Amelia M., boarding, h. o. 154 n. 156<br />

Woodbridge e. .<br />

Lyons, Gdorge, traveling a@., h. 301 Brush.<br />

Lyons, George, laborer, h. 387 Franklin.<br />

Lyons, George, laborer, bds. 324 Franklin.<br />

Lyons, James, cooper, h. rear 98 Brush.<br />

Lyons, James, lab ore^, h. 481 Trowbridge.<br />

Lyons, J'ames, painter, h. 15 Silver.<br />

Lyons, John, hackman, h. 73 Harriett.<br />

Lyons, John, machinist, n. e. cor. St. An-<br />

toine and Bronson.<br />

Lyons, John, hackman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Lyons, Joseph, peddler, h. 33 Lafayette.<br />

Lyons, Joseph J., laborer, h. 134 Eighteenth.<br />

Lyons, Rudolph J., physician, 3 Farmer,<br />

h. same.<br />

Lyons, William, salesman, bds. 55 Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Lyons, William, confectioner, bds. 55 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Lyons, William, h. 68 Macomb ave.<br />

Lyons, Mrs. (wid. William M.), carriage<br />

maufr., 56 and 58 Grand River, h. same.<br />

Lyster, Henry F., physician, 107 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Lyster, Theodore G., teller First National<br />

Bank, bds. 105 Congress e.<br />

Lzaick, Joseph, laborer, h. 293 Eighteenth.<br />

M.<br />

AAS, John, laborer, h. 572 Gratiot.<br />

M Maas, William, laborer. h. n. s. Macomb,<br />

bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Maby, Mrs. Sarah (col'd), h. 31 Lafayette.<br />

Maca, Charles A., bookbinder, h. 511 Qratiot.<br />

Macadam, Alexander, h. 144 Woodward<br />

avenue.<br />

Macadam, Mrs. Alexander, millinery and<br />

dressmaking, 144 Mroodward ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Macadam, James, Tam 0' Shanter saloon,<br />

192 Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Macard, William W., produce dealer, 427<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

Macauley, James, seamaster, h. 427 Sixth.<br />

Machan, David, laborer, h. 553 Seventeenth.<br />

Machar, Mathew, laborer M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

180 Hastings.<br />

Machleid, Henry, laborer, bds. 120 Maple.<br />

Machris, Charles, carpenter, h. 474 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Machris, Charles, jr., printer, h. 166 Lafayette.<br />

Machris, H. Joseph, printer, h. 166 Lafayette.<br />

Machris, Peter, shoemaker, bds. 261 Fort e.<br />

Mack, Annie (wid. ;John), h. 501 Croghan.<br />

Mack, Charles A. (Mack & Price), h. 32 Russell.<br />

Mack, Jesse, policeman, h. 465 Macomb.<br />

Mack, Joel H., insurance agent, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Marcy and Sixth.<br />

Mack, John F., carpenter, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Riopelle and Orleans.<br />

Mack, Patrick, caller M. C. R. R., bds. 205<br />

I Abbott.


! Mack, Stephen, traveling agent, h. 193<br />

Third.<br />

Mack. William B. (Mack & Firby), h. 23 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Mack & Firby (William B. Mack and<br />

Thomas Firby), soap and candle manu-<br />

facturers, o. 23 n. 29 St. Antoine.<br />

mack & Price (Charles A. Mack and<br />

Thomson Price), tea,coffee and wine house,<br />

~<br />

80 Griswold.<br />

McAdam, John, painter, h. 25 Bmdy.<br />

McAfee, John, boots and shoes, o. 345 n. 421<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

McAllister, David, boots and shoes, 283<br />

M ichigan ave., h. same.<br />

McAllister, Edward, clerk, 46 Michigan ave.,<br />

bds. same.<br />

McAllister, Edward H., conductor, h. o. 236<br />

n. 244 Park.<br />

McAllister, Eli, fish dealer, h. 11 Mechanic.<br />

McAllister, Frank, conductor, bds. o. 236 n.<br />

244 Park.<br />

McAllister, James, h. n. s. Woodbridge, e.<br />

Campau.<br />

McAllister, Laura (wid. Joseph), h. o. 236 n.<br />

244 Park.<br />

McAlvey, James, policeman, h. 31 Elmwooa<br />

ave.<br />

/ McAndrews. Bryan, night watchman M. C.<br />

B. R., h. 319 Sixth.<br />

Mc Arthur, Angus, bookkeeper, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

McArthur, Archibald, machinist, h. o. 211 n.<br />

241 St. Aubin nve.<br />

McArthur, Daniel, bartender, bds. Biddle<br />

i House.<br />

McArthur, John B., millwright, bds. 206 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

McAuliff, John, shoemaker, h. 253 Brush.<br />

McBrearty, James, tinsmith, h. 37 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

McBride, John, grocer, 82 Grand River, h.<br />

78 Columbia w.<br />

McBride, Mary (wid. Robert), bds. 78 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

McBride, Samuel, baker, h. 33 National<br />

ave.<br />

McCabe, Charles, western passenger agent<br />

G. W. R., n. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Griswold, bds. Russell House.<br />

McCabe, Hugh, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 391<br />

1<br />

i<br />

Fort e.<br />

McCabe, Michael, undertaker, h. 131 Clifford.<br />

McCabe, Thomas, salesman, bds. 55 Homard.<br />

McCaffery, James, cooper, h. 405 Orleans.<br />

McCaffery, James, sawyer, h. 385 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

McCahill, John K., cabinetmaker, bds. 55<br />

Howard.<br />

McCain, Hiram, builder, h. 377 Clinton.<br />

! McCain, William, traveling agent, h. 32<br />

i Jones.<br />

McCd, Charles, engineer, bds. 316 Franklin<br />

McCall, Michael, Union Hotel, 210 and 212<br />

Wroodbridge w., h. same.<br />

McCallum, Alexander, carpenter, h. 45 Fort<br />

east.<br />

McCann, Johanna (wid. James), boarding,<br />

127 Larned w.<br />

McCarn, William R., laborer, bds. cor.<br />

Eighth and Grand River.<br />

McCarran, Annie (wid. Patrick), fruit dealer,<br />

40 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 8 Eighth.<br />

McCarran, Michael, laborer, h. 10 Bronson.<br />

McCarran, Neal, tinsmith, h. 325 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

McCarran, Patrick, tinsmith, bds. 325 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

McCarran, William, laborer, bds. 8 Eighth.<br />

McCarran, William, tinsmith, bds. 325 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

McCart, James, laborer, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

McCtirt, William, laborer, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

Mecarthy, Charles, laborer, bds. 430 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McCarthy, Charles, moulder, bds. Wood-<br />

bridge, nr. Orleans.<br />

McCarthy, Dennis, clerk M. C. H. R., bds.92<br />

Labrosse.<br />

McCarthy, Dennis, omnibus driver, h. 146<br />

Third.<br />

Mecarthy, Dennis, laborer, h. o. 326 n. 338<br />

Franklin.<br />

McCarthy, Dennis P., clerk, h. 188 Orchard.<br />

McCarthy, Eugene, porter GF. W. R., 21.256<br />

Sixth.<br />

McCarthy, Garrett, coremaker, h. 374 La-<br />

f;. yette.<br />

McCarthy, Helen (wid. John), h. 229 Fifth.<br />

McCarthy, James, brakeman A$. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 69 Clifford.<br />

McCarthy, John, conductor M. C. R. R., h.<br />

69 Clifford.<br />

McCartliy, John, laborer, h. 306 Franklin.<br />

McCarthy, John, laborer, h. o. 327 n. 842<br />

Franklin.<br />

McCirthy, John, porter, h. s. e. cor. Howard<br />

and Second.<br />

McCarthy, Letta S. (wid. William), grocer,<br />

276 Lafayette ave., h. same.<br />

Mecarthy, Miss Marion, sewing machine op-<br />

erator, bds. 521 Buena Vista.<br />

McCarthy, Morris, laborer, bds. 430 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Mecarthy, Patrick, laborer, h. 46 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mecarthy, Stephen, clerk, h. 74 Abbott.<br />

McCarthy, Thomas, laborer, h. 395 Franklin.<br />

RfcCarthy, Timothy, justice of the peace and<br />

notary public, office 39 Larned w., h. 151<br />

Orieans.<br />

McCarthy, William, blacksmith, 181 Larned<br />

w., h. '72 Orchard.<br />

McCarty, Daniel, laborer, h. 109 Labrosse.<br />

McCarty, Dennis, express driver, h. 142<br />



NEW YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Nanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

-<br />

McCarty, Eugene, laborer, h. rear 182 Sixth.<br />

McCarty, Omen, laborer, h. 93 Labrosse.<br />

McCarty, Patrick, laborer, h. 46 Thirteenth.<br />

McCarty, Patrick, laborer, h. 398 Sisth.<br />

McCarty, William, bds. Franklin House.<br />

McCarty, William, bds. 186 Michigan ave.<br />

McCarty, William, blacksmith, h. 41 Or<br />

chard.<br />

McCausland, Frank, carpenter, bds. 97 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

McCAUSLAND, WILL1A.M H., carpenter<br />

and joiner, rear 56 Larned w., bds. 188<br />

Fort e. (See ad^.)<br />

McCaw, Thomas, sailor, bds. 86 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

McChesney. Martin H., prof. music, bds. o.<br />

59 n. 83 Congress w.<br />

McClasky, Hugh, ironmoulder, h. 118 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

McCleary, James, carpenter, bds. 400 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

McClellan, Colin (Kuenzel & Co.), h. 256 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

McClellan, Miss Eliza, principal Miami Ave-<br />

nue School, bds. 103 Miami ave.<br />

McClelland, Archibald, shoemaker, bds. 202<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

McClelland, Robert, attorney, 3 Butler<br />

Block, opp. P. O., h. 3'70 Jefferson ave.<br />

McClenahen, William, engineer, h. 398<br />

Twelfth.<br />

McCLOSKEY, CHARLES C., hatter, 14<br />

Michigan ave., h. 9 Warren. (See adv.)<br />

McCloud. Augus, express driver, bds. St.<br />

Lawrence House.<br />

McCloud, Daniel, maltster, bds. 10 Hawley<br />

Block, Bates.<br />

McCloud, John, cooper, h. 300 Fort e.<br />

McClure, Beujamin, teamster, h. 272 First.<br />

McClure, Colin, a@. Western Brewery, h.<br />

162 Porter.<br />

McClure, George, confectionery, cor. Wayne<br />

and Michigan ave., bds. 147 Congress w.<br />

McClure, George, sailor, bds. 436 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

McClure, George, sailor, h. 259 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

McClure, George I., fru!t dealer and confec-<br />

tioner, 87 Michigan ave., h. n. a. Joy, nr.<br />

Second.<br />

McClure, John, sailor, h. 286 Macomb.<br />

McClure, Robert, engineer, bds. 289 Third.<br />

McClure, William J., sailor, h. 81 Porter.<br />

McClusky, Hugh, moulder, h. 118 Rivard.<br />

McClusky, James, ' peddler, bds. Fimey's<br />

Hotel.<br />

- -<br />

McCoUater, James, tinsmith, h. 553 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

McCollif, Timothy, laborer, h. alley, rear 161<br />

Grand River.<br />

McCollough, Charles, bookkeeper, bds. 107<br />

Congress e.<br />

McCollum, Alexander, carpenter, h. 88<br />

Guoin.<br />

McCollum, Alexander, carpenter, h. 224<br />

Guoin.<br />

McCollum, Duncan, carpenter, h. 540 Seventh.<br />

McCollum, Isaiah H., bookkeeper, h. 130<br />

George.<br />

McCollum, Jenny (wid. John), h. 44 Croghan.<br />

McCollum, Miss Margaret, cloak and dress<br />

maker, 99 Beaubien, h. same.<br />

McCollum, William, perfumer, bds. 265<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Mchm b, Alexander, groceries, provisions<br />

and liquors, 266 Howard. h. same.<br />

McComb, Alexander (Kidd & McComb), h.<br />

n. e. cor. Fifteenth and Marquette.<br />

McConnell, Charles H., foreman job room<br />

Daily Post, bds. 257 Jefferson ave.<br />

McConnell, James K., bookkeeper, bds. 413<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

McConville, John, laborer, h. w. s. Sixth,bet.<br />

Porter and Abbott.<br />

McCorkle, Rev. William A., pastor First<br />

Presbyterian Church, h. 52 Adams ave.<br />

west.<br />

McCormick, Bridget (wid. Peter), h. rear<br />

601 Michigan ave.<br />

McCormick, Charles, carpenter, h. 87 Crawford.<br />

McCormick, David, crockery, 12 Michigan<br />

ave., h. 78 Lewis.<br />

McCormick, David, jr., clerk, bds. 0. 72 n.<br />

78 Lewis.<br />

McCormick, Edward, printer, bds. 601<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

McCormick, Hugh, gardener, h. e. s. Elmwood<br />

ave., nr. Gratiot.<br />

McCornlicB, James, clerk, bds. 166 Second.<br />

McCormick, James, printer, h. 325 Thirteenth.<br />

McCormick, John, laborer, bds. rear 601<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

McCormick, Levi W., wagonmaker, bds.<br />

Peninsular Hotel.<br />

McCormick, Patrick S., wood dealer, 324<br />

Atwater. h. 309 same.<br />

~c~ormish, Patrick, carpenter, h. 124<br />

Sixth.<br />

McCornish, Owen, keeper base ball grounds,<br />

Woodward ave., 11. same.<br />

McCoskry; Rt. Rev. Samuel A., Bishop<br />

Protestant Episcopal Church, h. 226 Fort<br />

W.<br />

McCowel, Patrick, laborer, h. Twelfth, bet.<br />

Michigan ave. and Baker:<br />

McCoy, Robert, painter, bds. 91 Grand<br />



McCoy, Timothy, fireman D. &. M. R. R., h.<br />

430 Woodbridge e.<br />

McCrackm, R. Grover, printer, bds. 274<br />

First.<br />

McCracken, Stephen B., justice of peace, 78<br />

Gri swold.<br />

McCracken, Thomas, bds. 6% Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

McCracken, William, moulder, h. 686 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

McCready, Delivan (Swan & McCready), bds.<br />

50 Shelby.<br />

McCreary, Benjamin, gardener, h. 220 See<br />

ond.<br />

McCreary, L. A, bookkeeper, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

JfcCrickett, Margaret (wid. Bernard), h. n.<br />

m. cor. Elizabeth and Clifford.<br />

McCrickett, Peter H.. bookkeeper, bds. n. w.<br />

cor. Elizabeth and Clifford.<br />

McCrie, James. carpenter, bds. 110 Rirard.<br />

McCrocket, Nichael, carpenter, bds. 144<br />

Grand River.<br />

McCroy, Michael, laborer, h. 334 Mu1<br />

lett.<br />

McCuaig, James (Aspinall & Co.), h. 241<br />

First.<br />

McCue, Ann (wid. Lawrence), saloon, 36<br />

Woodbridge w., h. same.<br />

McCuen, William, shoemaker, h. 35 Croghan.<br />

~Euleff, Jeremiah, drayman, h. 121 Grand<br />

River.<br />

~c~ulle~, George E., harnessmaker, 226 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. o. 371 n. 383 Brush.<br />

McCulloch, Gijlbert C., clerk, bds. 107 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McCulloch, William, turner, bds. 143; Fourteenth.<br />

McCune, George, butcher, 311 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 7 Elizabeth e.<br />

McCune. George H., teller Preston's Bank,<br />

bds. 29 Elizabeth e.<br />

McCune, James, butcher, h. 12 Adams ave.<br />

west.<br />

McCune, James N. M., meat and provision<br />

dealer, 220 Woodward ave., h. 12 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

McCune, Michael, sailor, bds. 2 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

McCune, William J. (Ten Winkel & Rlc-<br />

Cune), bds. 21 Elizabeth e.<br />

McCurdy, Catharine (wid. John), h. 101<br />

Larned e.<br />

McCurdy, Frederick T., machinist, h. 326<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McCurdy, John T., check clerk A. M. U. Ex.<br />

Co., bds. 101 Larued e.<br />

McCurcly, Samuel, painter, bde. 196 Third.<br />

McCurdy, Samuel, clerk, bds. I01 Larned<br />

east.<br />

McCutcheon, \Villiam, merchant, 11. 13<br />

Sibley.<br />

McDermott, Barnett, laborer, h. 172 Fourteenth.<br />

- - -<br />

McDermott, Bridget (wid. James), h. w. s.<br />

Ninth ave., bet. Howard and Porter.<br />

RlcDermott, James, patternmaker, bds. w. s.<br />

Ninth ave., bet, Porter and Abbott.<br />

McDermott, James, porter Russell House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

McDermott, James, shoemaker, bds. 162<br />

Franklin.<br />

McDe.mott, James, saloon and billiards, s.<br />

e. cor. Michigan ave. and Church, h.<br />

same.<br />

McDermott, James L., telegraph operator<br />

D. & M. R. R., h. 17 Howard.<br />

bfcDermott, John, carpenter, bds. 124 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

McPermott, Mary, teacher new Ninth<br />

Ward School, bds. 17 Howard.<br />

McDermott, Michael, traveling agent, h. 156<br />

Orleans.<br />

McDermott, Peter, drayman, h. 226 Russell.<br />

McDermott, Thomas, clerk, h. 173 Fort e.<br />

McDoff. John, carpenter, h. 142 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

McDonald, Alexander, carpenter, h. 313<br />

ChestnL~t.<br />

McDonald, Alexander, cashier, h. 163 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

McDonald, Allan. lawyer, h. n. s. Gilman,<br />

near Second.<br />

McDonald, Anna (wid. James), candies and<br />

fruit, 225 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

McDonald, Arthur, h. s. s. ~Michigan ave.,<br />

bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

McDonald, Miss Bell, dressmaker, bds. s. e.<br />

cor. Cass ave. and Elizabeth.<br />

McDonald, Bosiel, tinsmith, bds. 93 Congress<br />

east.<br />

McDonald, Colin, stonecutter, h. 258<br />

Twelfth.<br />

McDonald, David, shipcarpenter, h. 433<br />

Franklin.<br />

McDonald, Donald, bookkeeper, bds. 43<br />

Congress w.<br />

McDonald, Edward, peddler, h. o. 95 n. I01<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

McDonald, Ezekiel, plumber, h. 438 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McDonald, Firth A., agent, h. 18 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

McDonald F. Albe, t (McDonald, Haywood<br />

& Co.), bds. 18 hlontcalm w.<br />

McDonald, Cieorge, laborer, 11.214 F ranklin.<br />

McDonald, Harriet (wid. B.), h. 6 Spruce.<br />

McDonald, James, carpenter, bds. 307 Larned<br />

e.<br />

McDonald, James, grocer, h. 179 Wight.<br />

McDonald, James, laborer, h. n. s. Lafayette<br />

ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

McDonald, James, painter. h. 46 Henry.<br />

McDonald, Joel C. (McDonald, Haywood &<br />

Co.), h. o. 99 n. 123 Cass.<br />

McDonald, John, laborer, h. 223 Howard.<br />

hlcDonald, John, laborer, 11. 123 Seventh.<br />

McDonald, John, laborer, 11. n. s. Lafayette<br />

ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth.

2'78 McD CLARK'S DETROIT McF<br />



s&,vg@<br />

\ @g@Jg~Tgll@~~<br />

- LL -<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


McDonald, John, moulder, h. 662 Franklin.<br />

McDonald, John, sailor, h. 596 Fort e.<br />

McDonald, John C., mould~=r, h. 82 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

McDonald, Margaret (wid. Christopher), h.<br />

197 Rivard.<br />

McDonald, Robert, carpenter, bds. 10.2<br />

Franklin.<br />

McDonald, Stewart (Hall & NcDonald), h.<br />

104 Cass.<br />

McDonald, Thomas, h. 215 Sherman.<br />

McDonald, Thomas, laborer, h. n. s. Lafay-<br />

ette ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

McDonald, 'CYilliam F., mason, h. s. s.<br />

Pitcher, bet. Second and Third.<br />

McDonald, Hay wood & Co. (Joel C. McDon-<br />

ald, Thomas J. Haywood and F. Albert<br />

McDonald), commission merchants, 33<br />

W oodbridge w.<br />

McDonnell, Donald L., real estate, h. 111<br />

Shelby.<br />

McDonnell, John, tinsmith, bds. 204 How-<br />

ard.<br />

McDonough, Patrick, boilermaker, h. 442<br />

Congress e.<br />

McDonough, Patrick, butcher, bds. s. e. COT.<br />

Wayne and Lamed.<br />

McDoole, George, baker, h. 116 Rirard.<br />

McDoole, Margaret (wid. James), h. alley<br />

opposite I20 Hastings.<br />

McDougall, Alexander, tinsmith, h. 216 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

McDougall, Michael, carpenter, h. 685<br />

Franklin.<br />

McDougall, William D., traveling agent, h.<br />

320 Fourth.<br />

McDowd, J ames, bookkeeper, bds. Commer-<br />

cial Hotel.<br />

McDowd, Michael J., Commercial Hotel, 25<br />

Bates.<br />

McDowell, Amo:, brakeman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

bds. 68 Larned e.<br />

McDowell, John, shoemaker, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Fourth and Orange.<br />

McDowell, Peter, saloon, 152 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

McDowell, Richard (col'd), h. 2 Paton alley.<br />

McDowell, William, engineer, h. w. s.<br />

Humboldt ave., bet. Michigan ave. and<br />

Chestnut.<br />

McDuff, Andrew, builder, h. 69 Beech.<br />

McDuff, Gilbert, bookkeeper, bds. 69 Beech.<br />

McDuff, John, carpenter, h. 142 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Mcnnnham, John, moulder, bds. s. s. Ann,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

-<br />

McDunham, Michael, laborer, h. s. s. Ann,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

McEachran, Daniel, carpenter, n. w. cor.<br />

Charles and Eighth.<br />

McEchran. Archibald, blacksmith, bds. 142<br />

Hastings.<br />

McElligatt, Richard, express driver, h. 82<br />

Sisth.<br />

McElroy, Martin, engineer M. C. R. P,., h.<br />

286 Seventeenth.<br />

McELROY, SOLON, agent N. Y. Life Ins.<br />

Co., Peninsular Bank Building, Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 36 Howard. (See adz.)<br />

McEnhill, Andrew, carpenter, bds. 236 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

McEnhill, Michael, laborer. h. 236 Porter.<br />

McEnnally, Bernard, patternfitter, h. 675<br />

Franklin.<br />

McEntee. Thomas M., lawyer, h. 3'7 George.<br />

McEvel., Patrick, porter G. W. R., b. 164<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

McEver, Robert, laborer, bds. Fourteenth, n.<br />

Et. R. track.<br />

McEvoy, Patrick, laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Crawford a nd Noyes.<br />

McEwen, A. Bruce, salesman, bds. 13'7 Park.<br />

BIcEwen, D. Bruce, cashier, h. 13'7 Park.<br />

McEwen, Michael, painter, h. 114 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

McEwen, Mrs. (wid. James), h. 137 Park.<br />

McEwing, Thomas, carpenter, h. 72 Sulli-<br />

van ave.<br />

McFadden, James, carpenter, h. 314 Third.<br />

McFadden, James, laborer, h. 177 Dubois.<br />

McFadden, Robert, watchman Brooks &<br />

Adams, h. 279 Thirteen-and-a half.<br />

McFadden, Robert C., cutter, h. 252 ,Grand<br />

Xiver.<br />

McFadden, \F7illiam J., laborer, h. 49<br />

Henry.<br />

McFarland, Frank, machinist, bds. 44<br />

Front.<br />

McFarland, George W., overseer House<br />

Correction, bds. same.<br />

BlcFarland, .James F., carpenter, bds. 193<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

McFarland, John Albert, carpenter, bds. 132<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

McFarland, Miss Maggie, steamstress Nor-<br />

throp & Co., bds. 66 Baker.<br />

McFarland, Patrick, groceries, provisions,<br />

&c., 159 Seventh, h. same.<br />

McFarland, Samuel, carpenter, h. 103 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

McFarland, William, shoemaker, h. 83 Na-<br />

tional ave.<br />

McFarlaud, William W., engineer <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Free Press, h. 432 Trowbridge.<br />

McFarlane, Capt. Archibald, sailor, bds.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

McFarlane, Daniel, captain prop. Guiding<br />

Star, h. Wight, bet. Campau and Walker.<br />

&Farlane, John, clerk, bds: 47 Fort.<br />

McFarlanc, John, salesman, bds. Michigan<br />


McFarlane, Mrs. Martha, milliner, 48 Mich-<br />

gan ave., bds. Antisdel -louse.<br />

McFarlane: Patrick, laborer, h. a. e. cor.<br />

Jefferson and Mt. Elliott nves.<br />

McFarlane, Walter, gilder, bds. 27 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

McFarlin, William, drover, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

McFarren, Alexander, h. 464 Woodward ave.<br />

McFedries, Alexander C., h. 50 Miami ave.<br />

McFee, Andrew, carpenter, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Fulton and Crawford.<br />

McFerguson, John W ., miller, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

McGannon, Hugh, patent right dealer, bds.<br />

Nichols House.<br />

Mc(jiarry, Mrs. Frances E., h. 318 Fort w.<br />

McGarvin, Mathew, laborer, h. 163 Thir-<br />

teen and a-half.<br />

McUaw, Alexander J. Deering &<br />

Co.), h. 112 Laverett.<br />

McGaw, Hugh, captain tug Tawas, h. 442<br />

Lasalle ave.<br />

McGee, John, street car conductor, h. 56<br />

Columbia w.<br />

McGee, William, butcher, bds. cor. Xivard<br />

and Congress.<br />

McGill , Andrew B., steward, bds. Michigan<br />

Eschange.<br />

McGill, Francis B., grocer, 206 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

McGill, William, iron moulder, h. w. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Howard and Baker.<br />

McGillicuddy, Daniel, billiard saloon, 212<br />

Gratiot, h. 272 Brush.<br />

McGillicuddy, Valentine, physician, bds.<br />

272 Brush.<br />

McGillvery, Malcolm, laborer, bds. 280 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

McGinn, Margaret (wid.), h. 26 St. Aubin<br />

avenue.<br />

McGinnis, Bernard, ' laborer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Fourteenth and Dalzell.<br />

McGinnis, Charles A., bookkeeper, bds. 115<br />

Cass ave.<br />

McGinnis, Edward, engineer, h. 306 Mullett.<br />

McGinnis, John, tinsmith, bds. 184 Beech.<br />

McGinnis, Margaret (wid. Peter), h. 34<br />

Jones.<br />

McGinnis, Patrick, auctioneer, 54 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.. h. 115 Cass ave.<br />

McGinnis, Peter J., boilermaker, h. 184<br />

Beech.<br />

McGinnis, William, carpenter, h. 53 Rivard.<br />

Mc(ilachlin, Martha (wid. Joseph), h. 480<br />

Macomb.<br />

McGlynn, Edward, laborer, h. w. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Chestnut.<br />

McGFoldrick, John, carpenter, h. 230 Third.<br />

McGoldricli, Miss Sarah, teacher Abbott,<br />

street school, bds. 244 Porter.<br />

McGoldrick, Thomas, moulder, h. 244 Por.<br />

ter.<br />

McGoldrick, William, moulder, bds. 244<br />

Porter.<br />

CITY DIR ECTORY. Mc(;: 279 .<br />

' McGonal, Patrick, laborer, h. 427 Howard.<br />

McGonegal, James, wood dealer, h. 295<br />

Croghan.<br />

McGonegal, James, jr., clerk, bds. 295 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

McGoutey, Owen, laborer, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Noyes and Fifth.<br />

McGovern, Anthony, shoemaker, h. 41<br />

Sproat.<br />

McGovern, John, plumber, bds. 41 Sproat.<br />

McGowan, John, agent, bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

McGowan, Michael, moulder, bds. 172 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

McGowan, Stewart William, boilermaker,<br />

bds. 178 Franklin.<br />

McGowan, Thomas, steamboat mate, bds.<br />

Mansion House.<br />

McGowan, Thomas, supervisor Ninth Ward,<br />

h. 172 Sixteenth.<br />

McGrady, Patrick, night wat.chman M. C.<br />

R. R. car works, h. 317 Lasalle ave.<br />

McGrane, Daniel, boilermaker, h .I72 Cherry.<br />

McGrane, Donald B. M., h. o. 148 n. 172<br />

Cherry.<br />

McGrane, Michael, bds. 172 Cherry.<br />

McGrane. Patrick (McGrane & Walker), h.<br />

91 Larned w.<br />

McGrane, Thomas, laborer, bds. 172 Cherry.<br />

McGrane, Thomas F. (Falvey & McGrane),<br />

bds. Central Railroad Hotel.<br />

McGrane d: Walker (Patrick McGrane and<br />

James Walker), boilermakers, n. s. Jef-<br />

ferson ave., bet. Cass and First.<br />

McGrath, Daniel, drayman, h. 127 Jones.<br />

McGrath, Henry, telegraph operator G.T.R.,<br />

bds. 346 Fifth.<br />

McGrath, James, clerk, h. 160 Beaubien.<br />

McGrath, James, merchant tailor, 12 Con-<br />

gress e., h. 20 31 acomb.<br />

Mccjrath, James, jr., salesman, h. 163 Beau-<br />

I bien.<br />

McGrath, Jobn, drayman, h. 16 Bronson.<br />

McGrath, John W., lawyer, 2 Lamed e., bds.<br />

20 Macomb.<br />

McGrath, John, tinsmith, bds. 147 Jones.<br />

McGrath, Joseph, clerk <strong>City</strong> Attorney's<br />

office, bds. 20 Macomb.<br />

McGrath, Joseph N., clerk, bds. 2 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

McGrath, Joseph R., lawyer, bds. 20 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

McGrath, Martin, picture frame repairer,<br />

bds. 818 Fort w.<br />

McGrath, Patrick, laborer, h. 554 Third.<br />

RIcGrath, Richard, laborer, h. 46 Eighteenth.<br />

McGrath, Terrance T., machinist, bds. 69<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McGrath, Theodore, machinist, bds. 69<br />

Beaubien.<br />

McGrath, Thomas, brewer, 409 Grand River,<br />

h. 25 South.<br />

McGrath, Thomas, machinist, bds. 20 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

McGraw, Alexander C. (A. C. McGraw &<br />

Co.), h. 416 Jefferson ave.

- -<br />

McG McH<br />

NEW YORE I McGregor, Alexander, stone cutter, h. 509<br />

~mlsa~a - G Q ~ my,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH IRCOME, $15,000<br />

--<br />

SOLON NrELROT, Dlmager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Penin~nlar Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

McGraw, Augustus C., saleenlan, bds. 416<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

McGraw, A. H., clerk First National Bank,<br />

bds. 151 Fifth.<br />

McGraw, Daniel, laborer, h. 121 Grand<br />

River.<br />

McGraw, James, brewer, h. 470 Fifth.<br />

NcGraw, James, laborer, h. Fifth, n. w. cor.<br />

Marcy .<br />

McGraw, James, tinsmith, bds. 17 Brewster.<br />

McGraw, John, laborer, 21.17 Brewster.<br />

McGraw, John, student, bds. 17 Brewster.<br />

McGraw, Mark, grocer and wood dealer, 200<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

McGraw, Mary (wid. John), h. 208 Cherry.<br />

McGraw7, Michael, laborer, h. 53 Fifteenth.<br />

McGraw, Michael, laborer, h. 87 Fifteenth.<br />

McGraw, Michael, teamster, h. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

nr. Spruce.<br />

McGraw, Patrick, drayman, h. 12 Park<br />

Place.<br />

McGraw, Patrick, laborer, h. 109 Benton.<br />

BIcGraw, Patrick, laborer: h. 190 Franklin.<br />

McGraw, Patrick, laborer, h. 504 Third.<br />

McGraw, Roger, laborer, h. 46 Eighteenth.<br />

McGraw, R. C., physician, 227 Jefi'erson ave.,<br />

res. Livonia.<br />

McGraw, Theodore 8.: M. D., Secretary of<br />

Faculty <strong>Detroit</strong> Medical College, h. 491<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

McGraw, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 504 Third.<br />

McGraw, Thomas, moulder, bde. 554 Third.<br />

McGraw, Thomas (Thomas &1cGraw & Co.),<br />

h. 458 Woodward ave.<br />

McUraw, Thomas S., salesman, h. 309 How-<br />

ard.<br />

McGram, Timothy, laborer, h. Springwells,<br />

nr. R. R. track.<br />

McGraw, Virgil W., custom house officer,<br />

h. 151 Fifth.<br />

McGraw, William A., clerk, bds. 416 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

McGraw, A. C., & Co. (A. C. McGraw and<br />

Samuel G. Caskey), manufacturers and<br />

wllolesale boot and shoe dealers, 69<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

SlcGraw, Thomas, & Co. (Thomas McGraw<br />

and Jesse E. Saxton), wool merchants, 2<br />

Atwater.<br />

McGreevy, Cornelius, moulder, h. 131<br />

Plum.<br />

McGreevy, John, switchman M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. 124 Sixth.<br />

McGreevy, Patrick, M. C. R. R., bds. 124<br />

Sixth.<br />

~istz.<br />

McGregor, Allen, bookkeeper, bds. 69 Bean-<br />

bien.<br />

McGregor, Donald, bookkeeper, bds. 142<br />

Baker.<br />

McGregor, Gregor W., capt. W. R. Clinton,<br />

h. lT1 Harrison ave.<br />

&Gregor, Miss Hden, teacher, bds. w. s.<br />

Twenty-fourth, bet. Hailroad and Fort.<br />

McGregor, James, foreman Michigan Car<br />

Co., h. o. 154 n. 178 Howard.<br />

McGregor, John, boilermaker, bds. 112 Ba-<br />

ker.<br />

McGregor,Jolin (J. & T. McGregor), h. o. 112<br />

n. 142 Baker.<br />

McGregor, John M., apt. tug Gen. Burnside,<br />

h. I96 Harrison ave.<br />

McGregor, Miss Rebecca, music teacher, bds.<br />

55 Elizabeth e.<br />

McGregor, Thomas (J. & T. McGregor), h.<br />

76 Leverett.<br />

McGregor, William, moulder, h. 579 Cro-<br />

g'han.<br />

McGregor, J., & T. (John and Thomas Mc-<br />

Gregor), boiler works, 183 Atwater, and<br />

Clydesdale soap works, Franklin, bet<br />

Randolph and Brush.<br />

McGregory, Henry, horse trainer, h. n. s.<br />

Lafayette, nr. Elmwood ave.<br />

McGrogan, Michael, clerk, h. 308 Grand<br />

River.<br />

McGuckin, Edward, tailor, h. o. 187 n. 207<br />

Congress e.<br />

McGuinness, Ann (wid. John), h. 27 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

RlcGuire, Frank, carpenter, bds. 221 Fort e.<br />

McGuire, Hugh T., varnisher, bds. 16 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

McGuire, James, carpenter, bds. 165 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

McGuire. James, laborer, bds. 475 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

McGuire, James, sailor, h. 174 Abbott.<br />

McGuire, John, bookkeeper, h. 253 Fort e.<br />

McU uire, John, shipcarpenter, bds. 165 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

McGuire, John F., saloon, 169 Orleans, h.<br />

same.<br />

McG uire, John H., clerk Register's office,bds.<br />

253 Fort e.<br />

McUuire, Paul, bartender, bds. 165 Orleans.<br />

McGuire, Patrick H., seamaster, h. 17<br />

Lewis.<br />

McGuire, Peter, blacksmith, bds. 165 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

McGuire, Robert, confectioner, Atwater, nr.<br />

Randolph.<br />

McGuire; William, caulker, bds. 165 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

McHale, Thomas J., engineer, h. 163 Porter.<br />

McHugh, Andrew, laborer, h. 184 Hastings.<br />

McHugh, Eden, carpenter, bds. 184 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

McHugh, John J., clerk, bds. 184 Hastings


McHugh, William, engineer, h. 124 Michigan<br />

ave., up stairs.<br />

Mcl nerny, Michael, carpenter, bds. 342<br />

Franklin.<br />

McInerny, Patrick, labdrer, h. 196 Cherry.<br />

Mcinerny, Patrick, night watchman M. C.<br />

R. R., h. 177 National ave.<br />

McIntosh, Daniel, sailor, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

McIntosh, Davld J., tanner, h. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

McIntosh, John, foreman car shop, h. 462<br />

Blacomb.<br />

McIntyre, John, boiler maker, bds. 55 Howard.<br />

McIntyre, John, conductor Q. T. R., bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

McIntyre, John, team~t~er, bds. Woodbridge<br />

w., bet. Rivard and Hastings.<br />

McIntyre, John, boiler maker, h. 55 Howard.<br />

MclNTYRE, JOHN M., plumber and gas<br />

fitter, 20 Shelby, h. o. 54 n. 78 Sibley. (See<br />

adv.) q<br />

McIntyre, Theresa (wid. Michael), h. e. s.<br />

Soath, bet. Mary and Buena Vista.<br />

BIcKahan, Miss Linda, teacher Cass Union<br />

School, bds. 24'7 First.<br />

McKanna, John, painter, h. 169 Rivard.<br />

McKay, Alexander, sailar, bds. 1G Beaubien.<br />

McKay, Amelia, dressmaker, bds. 331 Third.<br />

McKay, Archibald (S. Ferguson & Co.), bds.<br />

Frtlnkli n House.<br />

Mcb'ay, David I., clerk, bds. o. 192 n. 230<br />

Fifth.<br />

McKay, Miss Isabella, teacher Franklin<br />

Scllool, bds. o. 192 n. 230 Fifth.<br />

McKay, James, clerk, bds. 384 Congress e.<br />

McKay, James, Notary Public, with McDonald,<br />

Haywood & Co., bds. 331 Third.<br />

McKay, James, with Tappan, McIiillop &<br />

Co., bds. 103 Miami ave.<br />

McIiay. James A., life insurance agent, h.<br />

232 Third.<br />

McKay, James N., carpenter, h. 236 Third.<br />

McKay, John, bartender, h. o. 121 n. 191 Division.<br />

McKay, John H., sailor, h. 189 Orleans.<br />

McKay, John D., brewery, s. e. cor. Beech<br />

and Fifth, 1.1. o. 192 n. 230 Fifth.<br />

McKay, Joseph, street car driver, bds. 175<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

McKay, Niel, laborer, h. 119 Labrosse.<br />

McBay, William C., lake capt., h. 77 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

NcKechnie, Archibald, clerk, h. 69 Beaubien.<br />

McBee, Thomas, engineer, h. 148 Twelfth.<br />

McKelligan, John, clerk Am. Mer. U.<br />

Ex. Co., bds. 55 Wayne.<br />

McKelvey, Archibald, car builder, h. o. 397<br />

n. 463 Lafayette.<br />

McKendrick, Daniel, painter, h. 23 Silver.<br />

McKendrick, Ann (wid. William), h. 304<br />

Mullett.<br />

McKenley, James, blacksmith, h. 136 Ab<br />

bott.<br />

McKenna, Charles E., clerk, bds. 136 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

McKenna, John, cooper, h. 664 Congress e.<br />

McKenna, Patrick, shoemaker, h. 81 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

McKenna, William A. (McKenna & Rad-<br />

cliff), h. 54 Adams ave. w.<br />

McKenna & Radcliff (William A. McKenna<br />

and Thomas Radcliil ), wholesale grocers,<br />

28 Woodward' ave.<br />

McKenney, Alexander, laborer, h. e. s. Mt.<br />

Hope ave., bet. Ash and Myrtle.<br />

McKenney, James, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Mt.<br />

Hope ave. and Myrtle.<br />

McKenzie, Alexander, insurance a@., bds.<br />

148 Twelfth.<br />

McKenzie, Charles, grocer, 237 Third, h.<br />

same.<br />

McKenzie, David, bds. 237 Third.<br />

RlcKenzie, John, carpenter, bds. 331 Third.<br />

McKenzie, John, sash, door and blind maker,<br />

h. 186 Fifteenth.<br />

McKenzie, James U., ticket agent G. T. R.,<br />

h. 148 Twelfth.<br />

McKexzie, Malcolm, carpenter, bds. 331<br />

Third.<br />

McKenzie, Robert, blacksmith, h. 483 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

McKeogh, Timothy, blacksmith helper, h.<br />

571 Ninth ave.<br />

McKeoth, Patrick, mason, h. 327 Croghan.<br />

McKeown, John, physician, 260 vTeEersc=:<br />

aye., h. same.<br />

RlcKernan, James J., fireman Neptune No<br />

2, h. 87 St. Antoine.<br />

McKernan, John, fireman engine No. 3, h<br />

13 Washington ave.<br />

McKernan, John J., ticket agent, bds. 89 St.<br />

Ant.:ine.<br />

McKerrow, John P., news depot, 191 Wood-<br />

bridge w., h. 211 Howard.<br />

McKervin, Hugh, h. '71 Lewis.<br />

McKilver, Holmes, laborer, h. Dequindre,<br />

bet. Franklin and Woodbridge.<br />

McKimmie, John, chairmaker, h. 67 Beech.<br />

McKimmie, John A., clerk and bookkeeper,<br />

bds. 695 Fort w.<br />

McKimmie, Joseph A., patternmaker, h. 149<br />

Oak.<br />

McKimmie, William W. (McKimmie & Pol-<br />

lock), 11. 466 Brand River.<br />

McKlMMIE St POLLOCK (William W.<br />

McKimm ie and Samuel Pollock),?ruggiats<br />

and manufacturers, 466 Grand xiver.<br />

(See adz;.)<br />

McKinley, Edwin, teamster, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

McKinney, James, carpenter, h. e. s. Twen .<br />

tieth, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

McKinney, Patrick, shoemaker, h. 81 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

McKinnon, Duncan, lumberman, h. 54 Rus<br />




OFFER<br />



We make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

McKinzie. Jaues U., ticket agt. U. T. R.,<br />

h. 148 Twelfth.<br />

XcKinzie, Robert, blacksmith, h. 483 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McKinzy, Daniel, lake captain, h. 259 Park.<br />

McKirchey, William, sailor, h. 189 Orleans.<br />

McKittrich, -, engineer, h. 237 Abbott.<br />

McKnight, A., news agent, bds. Franklin<br />

Rouse.<br />

McKnight. George W., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

McKnight, James, shipcarpenter, h. 165 Rjo.<br />

pelle.<br />

McKnight, Lucius L., commission merchant,<br />

foot First, bds. Biddle House.<br />

McKron, John P., news depot, Woodbridge,<br />

bet. Second and Third, h. 211 Howard.<br />

McLanathan, Mrs. (wid. Samuel), bds. 16<br />

Henry.<br />

McLaren, Ann (wid. Samuel), h. 39 Twentysecond.<br />

McLaren, John, engineer, h. 102 Orleans.<br />

McLaren, Rev. John F., h. 242 Congress e.<br />

McLaren, Peter, coachman, bds. 166 Randolph.<br />

McLaren, Rev. William A., pastor Westminster<br />

Church, h. 35 Rowland.<br />

McLaughlin, Bridget (wid. Henry), h. s. s.<br />

Holden Road, nr. G. T. R. crossing.<br />

McLaughlin, Samuel, mail agent, h. s. s.<br />

Elm, nr. Grand River.<br />

McLaughlin, Andrew S., lumber dealer, h.<br />

1334 Park.<br />

McLaughlin, Frank, farmer, bds. s. s. Holden<br />

Road, first h. w. G. T. R. crossing.<br />

McLtiughlin, Henry, farmer, h. s. s. Holden<br />

Road, first h. w. G. T. R. crosssing.<br />

McLaughlin, James, carpenter, bds. 7 Beaubien.<br />

McLaughlin, James, carpenter, bds. 321<br />

Congress w.<br />

McLaughlin, James, laborer, h. w. s. Lafontaine<br />

ave., nr. Grand River.<br />

McLaughlin. John, rodsman and chain<br />

bearer, h. 6 Brady.<br />

McLaughlin, John, teamster, h. n. s. Pine,<br />

bet. Ninth and National aves.<br />

McLauzhlin, Joseph, farmer, bds. n. s. Holden<br />

Road, bet. Casa ave. and Third.<br />

McLaughlin, Martha (wid. Joseph), h. 129<br />

Clinton.<br />

McLaughlin, Mathew, maltster, h. 66<br />

Wayne.<br />

McLaughlin, ~icharl, moulder, h. 157 and<br />

159 Labrosse.<br />

McLaughlin, Michael, paver, h. 6 Brady.<br />

McLaughlin, Thomas, laborer, h. 126 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

McLaughlin, Thomas, moulder, 21.34 Cass.<br />

McLaughling, -, laborer, h. Fifteenth, n.<br />

Grand River.<br />

McLean, Alexander H., insurance agt., 101<br />

Griswold, h. 16 Henry.<br />

McLean, Archibald, clerk, bds. 52 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

McLean, A., clerk First National Bank, h.<br />

cor. Madison ave. and Randolph.<br />

Mc l-esn, David, laborer, h. 216 Seventh.<br />

McLean, John, clerk, h. 52 Madison ave.<br />

JklcLean, Miss Mary, bds. 293 Randolph.<br />

McLellan, Andrew, teller V. J. Scott's Bank-<br />

ing office, bds. 103 Miami ave.<br />

McLellan, Rev. John, h. 103 Miarni ave.<br />

McLeod, Albert, carpenter. h. 44 Pine.<br />

McLeod. Alexander, watchman D. St M. R.<br />

R., 11. 78 Guoin.<br />

McLeod, Isabella (wid. Norman), seamsi;ress,<br />

11. s. e. cor. Wayne and Woodbridge.<br />

McLeod, John C., business agency, 51 Gris-<br />

wold, h. same.<br />

McLeod, Joseph A., bookkeeper, h. 68 Sib-<br />

ley.<br />

McLeod, Sandy, laborer, h. 78 Guoin.<br />

McLogan, Anthony, engineer steamer No. 3,<br />

h. 201 Fourth.<br />

McLogan, Anthony, grocer, h. 309 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

McLogan, Cornelius, laborer, h. 356 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

BicLogan, Michael, salesman, h. 308 Grand<br />

River.<br />

McLogan, Patrick, gardener, h. 306 Grand<br />

River.<br />

McLougEllin, James, carpenter, bds. 521<br />

Congress w.<br />

McLoughlin, Thomas, porter, h. I Aspinall<br />

Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

McLott, John, carpenter, h. 94 Adams ave.<br />

west.<br />

McMahon, Bridget (wid. James), bds. n. e.<br />

cor. Grand Etiver and Fourth.<br />

McMahon, Bridget (wid. Peter), h. 524<br />

Third.<br />

McMahon, Eugene, laborer, h. 257 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

McMahon, Frank, laborer, h. 97 Beech.<br />

McMahon, Henry, fireman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

114 Labrosse.<br />

McMahon, Martin, laborer, h. Beaubien, n.<br />

e. cor. Fremont.<br />

McMahon, Petel, laborer, h. 394 Ninth ave.<br />

Mchlahon, Sarah, saleswoman, bds. 222<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

McMahon; Timothy, baggageman D. & M.<br />

R. K., h. 695 Larued e.<br />

McMan, Thomas, labxer, h. 251 Mullett.<br />

McManemy, Dennis, engineer, h. 703 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

McManman, Kate (wid. Cornelius), h. 70<br />


McM CITY DIRECTORY. McQ 2.8 3<br />

- -<br />

McManman, Thomas, laborer, h. 251 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

McManus, George, bartender, bds. Atwater,<br />

n. e. cor. Bates.<br />

McManus, Thomas, shoemaker, 293 Con-<br />

gress e., h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

McMara, Dennis, laborer, h. 63 Sixteenth.<br />

&Master, William, blacksmith, bds. 245<br />

Rlullett.<br />

McMichael, Charles, carpenter, bds. 42<br />

Jones.<br />

McMichael, Charles, piyeman engine house<br />

KO. 3, 10 Clifford.<br />

McMichael, Joseph, carpenter, h. 42 Jones.<br />

McMillan, Archibald, laborer, h. 263 Sixth.<br />

McMillan, Archibald, real estate agt., 149<br />

MToodward ave., h. 55 Elizabeth e.<br />

McMillan, Daniel, baggageman M. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

McMillan, Donald, sergt. U. S. Infantry, bds.<br />

79 Larned w.<br />

McMillan, Fronia (wid. Archibald), h. 55<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

McMillan, George (G. & R. McMillan), h.<br />

194 Lafayette ave.<br />

McMillan, Gordon, h. 204 First.<br />

McMillan, Harriet (wid. Jesse), bds. 101 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

McMillan, Hugh (Pierce, Farrington & RXc-<br />

Millan), h. o. 171 n. 179 Woodbridge e.<br />

McMillan, James, preat. <strong>Detroit</strong> Hiver Lum-<br />

ber Co., h. 279 Jefferson ave.<br />

NcMillan, James, manfr., 19 Buhl Block, h.<br />

479 Jefferson ave.<br />

McMillan, dames, watchman House of Cor-<br />

rection, bds. same.<br />

Mclllillan, John, bds. 169 Congress e.<br />

McMillan, John, bookkeeper <strong>Detroit</strong> Car<br />

Wheel Co., bds. 153 Congress e.<br />

McMillan, John F., asst. <strong>City</strong> Surveyor, h.<br />

14 Montcalm w.<br />

McMillan, John W., asst. U. S. Assessor, h.<br />

55 Elizabeth e.<br />

McMillan, Jordan P., printer, h. 58 Joy.<br />

McMilian, Mary (wid. Ananias), h. 101 Mi-<br />

ami ave.<br />

Mc&lillan, Robert (G. & R. McMillan), h. 45<br />

Washington ave.<br />

McMillan, William (McMillan & Co.), h. 475<br />

W oodbrid, ae e<br />

Mc;\rlillan, G., & R. (George and Robert Mc-<br />

Millan), grocers, wine and tea dealers, 113<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

McMillan & Co. (William McMillan and<br />

-- ), wholssale hardware merchants,<br />

44 Woodward ave.<br />

McMorris, James, shoemaker, bds. 103 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

McMullin, Michael, machinist, h. 204 How-<br />

ard.<br />

McNally, George, laborer, h. 269 F'ranklln.<br />

McNally, James, shoemaker, bds. 32 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

McNally, James, shoemaker, bds. n. s. Fort,<br />

bet. Blush and Beaubien.<br />

--<br />

McNally, Thomas, peddler, h. o. 54 n. 84<br />

Si bley.<br />

McNamara. Bernard, laborer, h. 117 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

McNamara, Daniel, machinist, h. 578 Fort e.<br />

McNamara, John, grocery and liquors, 189<br />

Michigan ave., h. sane.<br />

McNanlara, John, machinist, h. 578 Fort e.<br />

McNamara, John, stovemounter, h. 559<br />

Congress e.<br />

McNamara, Mary. (wid. Thomas), h. 65 Labrosse.<br />

McNamara, Michael, engineer, h. 259 Mullett.<br />

McNamara, Michael, laborer, h. 559 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McNamara. Michael, laborer. h. 16 <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

~c~amara; ~ichael, drayman, h. 240<br />

Third.<br />

~c~amara, Michael, laborer, h. 55 Thirteenth.<br />

McXamara, Patrick, clerk, bds. Congress, n.<br />

w. cor. Hastings.<br />

McNamara, Patrick, clerk, h. 81 Franklin.<br />

McNamara, Patrick, laborer, bds. 203 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McNaspy, Sarah (wid. Henry), h. 0.135 n.<br />

153 Sixth.<br />

McNeal, Edward, conductor D. &. M. R. R.,<br />

h. 353 Larned e.<br />

McNearney, ~homas,'laborer, bds. 127 Jones.<br />

McNeil, George, stonecutter, h. 102 Eighteenth.<br />

McNeil, Halmer, E., attorney <strong>Detroit</strong> and<br />

Howell R. R., 15 Bank Block, Griswold, h.<br />

243 Woodward ave.<br />

McNeill, Charles, clerk G. & R. McMillan,<br />

bds. 87 Shelby.<br />

McNerney, Cornelius, laborer, h. 129 Beech.<br />

McNoah, John, clerk Custom House , h.<br />

316 Fourth.<br />

&Noah, William M., sheetironwork, 17<br />

Maimi ave., Bds. Franklin House.<br />

NcXicholl, Hugh, tailor, h. 17 Beech.<br />

McNiel, Jane (wid. William), h. 143 Clinton.<br />

McNulty, John, laborer, h. 145 Fort e.<br />

McPartlan, John, teamster, h. 112 Beech.<br />

McPes'he, sailor, h. 540 Franklin.<br />

blcPilail, Thomas, shoemaker, bds. Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

McPherson, Andrew (A. McPherson & Co.)<br />

h. o. 130 n. 168 Congress w.<br />

McPherson, George, laborer, h. 193 Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

McPherson, John, clerk, bds. 603 Seventh.<br />

McPherson, Peter, agt. M. C. R. R., h. s. e.<br />

cor. Woodbridge and Tenth.<br />

McPherson, William P., inventor, bds. 818<br />

Fort w.<br />

I McPhrrson, A., & Co. (Andrew McPherson<br />

I and Albert h. Walcott), produce commission<br />

merchants, 65 Griswold.<br />

McQuan, Charles (col'd), cook, bds. IlG<br />


NEW PORK<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

McQuarters, James, masonbuilder, bds. Antiadel<br />

House.<br />

McQueen, James, forwarder, h. 275 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McQueen, James (McQueen, Teagan &<br />

Kerr), bds. 811 Woodbridge w.<br />

McQueen, Teagan & Kerr (James<br />

McQueen, Jonathan Teagan and James<br />

Kerr), soap and candle works, manfrs.<br />

of pearl, st earine,erasive and family soaps,<br />

foot Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

McQuinn, Malcolm, carpenter, h. 30 Silver.<br />

McQuinn, Patrick, laborer, h. 251 Franklin.<br />

McRae, Alexander, sailor, bds. 86 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McRae, Christopher, traveling agt ., bds. 12<br />

John R.<br />

McRae, Duncan B., salesman, h. 49 Macomb.<br />

McRae, Duncan T., carpenter, bds. St. Lawrence<br />

Hotel, cor. Stwater and Randolph.<br />

McRae, James, conductor G. T. R., bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

McRorey, John, blacksmith, bda. 130 Randolph.<br />

McRoy, Daniel, brewer, h. 244 Fifth.<br />

McSloy, Ella (wid. Edward), boarding, Jef-<br />

ferson ave , s. ~v. cor. Mount Elliott ave.<br />

RlcSoner, John, laborer, bds. Fort w., nr. R.<br />

R. bridge.<br />

McSorley, John, laborer, h. cor. Wight and<br />

Campau.<br />

McSween, John F., student, bds. 294 Wood-<br />

8<br />

ward ave., up stairs.<br />

. McSweeney, Alexander, blacksmith, h. I8<br />

Spruce.<br />

McSweeney, Edward, laborer, h. 586 Congress<br />

e.<br />

McTerney, John, bookkeeper, bds. 480 Jefferson<br />

me.<br />

McTerney, Patrick, merchant tailor, 207<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 480 same.<br />

McUdh, Thomas, switchman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

116 Abbott.<br />

McVader, Walter, carpenter, bds. 91 Grand<br />

River.<br />

McVa.y, Henry, laborer, h. 702 Fifteenand-a-half.<br />

McVay, Henry, teamster, h. 722 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

McVicar, John, foreman Commercial Advertiser,<br />

h. 49 Orchard.<br />

McVitte, Alexander, bookkeeper, h. 401 Atwater.<br />

McVitte, A., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

MAD<br />

McVi t te, James, bookkeeper, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

McWilliams, Bridget (wid. Edward), h. 156<br />

Porter.<br />

Mc Williams, Edward (Teuton, McWilliams<br />

& Co.), 11. 185 Woodbridge w.<br />

McWilliams, Michael, machinist, h. 103 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

McWilliams, Patrick, carpenter, h. 153 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Mackay, Margaret (wid. Duncan), h. 384<br />

Congress e.<br />

Mackay, Thomas, bookkeeper, h. cor. Por-<br />

ter and Sixth.<br />

Mackay, William, grocer, n. w. cor. Fourth<br />

and Locust, h. same.<br />

Mchenzie, James U., ticket agt. (3. T. R.,<br />

M. C. R. Depot, h. 148 Twelfth.<br />

Mackey, Miss Isabella, teacher, bds. 230<br />

Fifth.<br />

hf ackey, James, masonbuilder, h. 395 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Mackey, John, pugilist, h. 83 Prospect.<br />

Mackey, Joseph, drayman, h. 555 Larned e.<br />

Mackey, Mrs. (wid. Michael), saloon, h. 8<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Macklin. Miss Mary, bds. cor. Gratiot and<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Macklin, Neil, clerk M. C. R. R., bds. 283<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Mackofsky, Charles, turner, h. 192 Fort e.<br />

Mackrodt, Gottfried, mason, h. n. s. Clinton<br />

ave., bet.. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Macnider, Thomas, with Tapyan, McKillop<br />

& Co., bds. Biddle House.<br />

Macy, Oliver, Gen. I-tecelver M. C. R. R., h.<br />

'70 George.<br />

Macy, Powell, clerk, bds. 70 George.<br />

Madden, Archibald (col'd), barber Howard<br />

House. bds. 334 Macomb.<br />

Madden, John (col'd), barber, bds. 334 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Madden, John, laborer, h. Gratiot, s. w. cor.<br />

Mount Elliott ave.<br />

Madden, John B., shoemaker, h. 79 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Madden, Walter (col'd), blacksmith, h. 334<br />

Macomb.<br />

Madel, Francis, sawyer, h. 110 Chestnut.<br />

Mademann, Frederick, laborer, h. 504 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

bfademann, ~acob, carpenter, h. 352 Mullett.<br />

Madigan, Cornelius, laborer, h. 555 Seventh.<br />

Madigan, Honora (wid. Cornelius), bds.<br />

555 Seventh.<br />

Madigan, John, drayman, h. 109 Cherry.<br />

Madigan, Patrick, drayman, h. 286 Sixth.<br />

Madigan, Paitrick, moulder, h. 530 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Madigan, Simon, laborer, bds. 91 Montcalm.<br />

Madison, Joshua (col'd), laborer, h. 149<br />

Fort e.<br />

Madison, MTinfield, blacksmith, bds. 290 Laiayette<br />



Maeke, Jacob, laborer, h. 148 Antietam. Maier, Charles, butcher, h. 195 Clinton.<br />

Maengott, Herman, cooper, bds. 453 GFratiot. ItIaier, Charieu, wagonmaker, bds. 365<br />

Magee, Rev. Edward, h. 330 Gratiot.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Magerman, Angelus, groceries, 297 Croghan, Maier, Emile, carpenter, h. o. 159 n. 175<br />

h. same.<br />

Sixtlr.<br />

Magill, Robert, h. 98 Abbott.<br />

Maier, Felix, stonecutter, h. 81 Wilkins.<br />

Magos, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 565 Cro- Maier, John, boots and slloes, 277 St.<br />

ghan.<br />

Antoine, h. same.<br />

Mahan, John, laborer, h. n. s. Lafayette ave., Maier, John, laborer, h. 428 Mullet.<br />

bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Maier, Martin (Maier & Weber), h. 200<br />

Mahan, Lawrence, carpenter, h. n. w. cor. Abbott.<br />

Porter and Eighth.<br />

Maier, Mathias, tailor, h. 63 Maple.<br />

Mahan, Lawrence, laborer, 244 Sixth. Maier & Weber (Martin Maier and Philip<br />

Mahan: Lawrence, moulder, bds. n. e. cor. W eber), trunk and harness makers, 63<br />

Porter and Eighth.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Mahan, Lawrence, tinsmith, h. 241 Sixth. Maischein, Louis, tailor, h. 154 High.<br />

Mahan, Michael, bricklayer, bds. 245 Jeffer- Maish, John M., carpenter, h. 878 Gratiot.<br />

son ave.<br />

Maitland, Daniel, tinsmith, bds. 102 Brush.<br />

Mahan, Peter, flourpacker, h. cor. Cherry Maitland, Daniel, tinsmitlr, h. 171 Sixteenth.<br />

and Ninth ave.<br />

Major, George J. (Major & Isham), h. 157<br />

Mahan, Thomas, fireman, h. n. e. cor. Porter Park.<br />

and Eighth.<br />

Major, Henry, shipcarpenter, h. 464 Congress<br />

Mahany, Michael, laborer, h. Franklin, bet. east.<br />

Beaubien and Brush.<br />

Major. John, brassmo~~lder, h. 254 Beaubien.<br />

Mahar, Daniel, boilermaker, h. 500 Michi- Major, John R., machinist, h. s. w. cor. May<br />

gan ave.<br />

berry ave. and Butternut.<br />

Mahar, Daniel, grocer, 500 Michigan ave., Major, Joseph. commercial agt., bds. 66<br />

h. same.<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Mahar, Daniel, porter, bds. w. s. Sullivan Major, Joseph, traveling agt., bds. 248<br />

ave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Woodward ave. ,<br />

Mahar, Helen (wid. Michael), bds. 484 Major & Isham (George J. Major and<br />

Fifth.<br />

Charles S. Isham), commission merchants,<br />

Mahar, James, carpenter, h. e. s. Thirteenth, 73 Atwater.<br />

bet. Pine and Spruce.<br />

Makrod, ~enry, carpenter, h. 551 St.Antoine.<br />

Mahar, Michael, blacksmith heiper, h. s. e. Malosh, Morris, clerk, bds. 55 -Michigan<br />

cor. Canfield and National ave.<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Mahar, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Sullivan Malchow, Frederick, horse collar maker, bds.<br />

ave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Goodman House.<br />

Mahar, Patrick, clerk, bds. 484 Fifth. Malchow, John, horse collar maker, bds.<br />

Mahon, John J., law student, bds. Biddle Goodman House.<br />

House.<br />

Malcomson, Robert, grocer, 415 Michigan<br />

Mahon, Lawrence, check clerk M. C. R. R., aae., h. same.<br />

h. 28 National ave.<br />

Malclc~uronne, Charles A., bookkeeper, h.<br />

Mahon,Mary (wid. Thomas), h. n. s. Pine, 467 Larned e.<br />

bet. Ninth and National aves.<br />

Malden, Peaclrey, freight a@. D. St. M. R. R.,<br />

Mahon, Thomas, check clerk M. C. R. R., h. bds. Biddle House.<br />

302 Ninth ave.<br />

Maleau, Valentine, laborer, h. 467 Croghan.<br />

Mahone, John (col'd), laborer, bds. 81 Ma- Maler, August, carpenter, bds. 43 Monroe<br />

comb.<br />

ave.<br />

Mahoney, Daniel, detective, h. 4-1 Labrosse. Malkof, Herman, laborer, h. 360 Dubois.<br />

Mahoney, Daniel, laborer, bds. 80 Labrosse. Mallery, Lieut. John C., U. S. Corps of<br />

Mahoney, Daniel, laborer, h. 316 Third. Engineers, office Lake Survey, cor. Grand<br />

Mahoney, James, laborer, bds. 265 Lafayette. River and Park Place, bds. H.ussel1 House.<br />

Mahoney, John, tailor, h. 309 Fifth. Malleton, Adam, machinist, h. 340 Antie-<br />

Mahoney, Michael, blacksmith, h. 147 tam.<br />

Seventh.<br />

bfalloch, Mary (wid. James), h. 163 Seventh.<br />

Mahoney, Michael W., guardroom officer Mallory, Dwight D. (D. D. Mallory & Co.),<br />

House of Correction, bds. same.<br />

res. Baltimore.<br />

Malroney, Timothy,Alderman Eighth ward, Mallory, Jeremiah D. (D. D. Rlallory & Co.),<br />

bds. 44 Labrosse.<br />

bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Mahoney, Timothy, boilermaker, h. Charles, Mallory, D. D., & Co. (Dwight D. and Jerebet.<br />

Sixth and Seventh.<br />

miah D. &Jtillory), dealers in oysters, for-<br />

Mahoney, Timothy, clerk M. C. R. R., h. eign fruit., 94 Jefft?rson ave.<br />

166 Baker.<br />

, Malloy. Edward, 11. o. 11 n. 13 Baker.<br />

Mai berger, Mathias, sailor, h 236 Sherman. 1 Malloy, Michael, carpenter, h. 53 Abbott.<br />







-<br />

Malloy, Patrick, tinsmith, bds. s. s. Cherry,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Mally, Peter, boilermaker, bds. 338 Clinton.<br />

Malo, Alexis, carbuilder, bds. 440 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Malo, Frank, carbuilder, h. 440 Clinton ave.<br />

Malone, John (col'd), blacksmith, h. 341<br />

Macomb.<br />

Malone, John, laborer, h. Crawford, s. w. cor.<br />

RlcLean.<br />

Malone, John, salesman, h. 18 Palmer.<br />

Malone, Thomas .H., bookkeeper, h. 474<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Maloney, Ann (wid. Martin), h. e. s. Harri-<br />

son ave., near Locust.<br />

Maloney, Catharine: dressmaker, bds. e. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Michigan ave. and Locust.<br />

Maloney, David, blacksmith, bds. 152 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Maloney, Honora (wid. Edward), h. 129<br />

Beech.<br />

Maloney, James, grocery and saloon, 307<br />

Fifth, h. same.<br />

Maloney, John, laborer, h. 187 Thirteen-<br />

and-a. half.<br />

Maloney, John, teamster, bds. Peninsular<br />

Hotel.<br />

Maloney, John B., peddler, h. w. s. Hum-<br />

boldt ave., nr. Butternut.<br />

Maloney, Martin, clerk, bds. 11 Baker.<br />

Maloney, Rlary (wid. Martin), h. e. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Michigan ave. and Locust.<br />

Maloney, Patrick, laborer, h. 213 Fifth.<br />

Maloney, Patrick, laborer, h. rear 262<br />

Franklin.<br />

Maloney, Patrick, laborer, h. s. s. Labrosse,<br />

bet. Eighth and Ninth ave.<br />

Maloney, Thomas, laborer, bds. Harrison<br />

ave., nr. Locust.<br />

Maloney, Thomas, plasterer, boards e. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Michigan ave. and Locust.<br />

Malosh, Emery, soap and candle maker, h.<br />

n. s. Antietam, bet. Chene and Joseph<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Malsh, Myer (E. Malsh & Co.), h. 53 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Malsh, E., & Co. (Myer Malsh and Jamb<br />

Brand), wholl.sale dealers in wines and<br />

liquors, 113 Jefferson ave.<br />

Malt~ron, Jacklin, cigarmaker, h. 291 Sixteenth.<br />

Malton, Peter, shoemaker, bds. 483 Cro-<br />

&an.<br />

Maltz, George C., tailor, 184 Third, h. 190<br />

083318.<br />

-<br />

Maltz, George L. (J. P. Whiting & Co.), h.<br />

205 Woodward itve.<br />

Mamea, John, cooper, bds. 354 Grand River.<br />

Mamer, George. carpenter, h. 46 Lafayette.<br />

Managhan. Martin, h. 207 Baker.<br />

Manchester, 911en E., clerk, bds. 245 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Manchester, Eugene, pressman, bds. 162 !<br />

Uriswold.<br />

Manchester, Mrs. (wid. Thomas), h. 162<br />

Griswold.<br />

Manchester, Thomas C. (Manchester St Bris-<br />

tol), h. 245 Woodmard ave.<br />

Manchester St Bristol (Thomas C. Manches-<br />

ter and Egbert L. Bristol), merchant<br />

tailors, 205 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mancus, Philip, carpenter, h. 47 Sherman.<br />

Mandelbaum, Simon, h. 83 Fort w.<br />

Mandeley, Joseph (cold), barber, h. 116<br />

Bronson.<br />

Mandell, Addison, attorney and Register U.<br />

S. Land office, 7, 10 and 11 Kanter building,<br />

Larned w., h. 584 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mande=.nach, Mathias, mason, h. s. e. corner<br />

Bellair and Riopelle.<br />

Mangan, George w., boilermaker, bds. 384<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mangan, James, laborer, h. 340 Twelfth.<br />

Mangan, J ames, laborer, h. 384 Twelfth.<br />

Mangan, John, laborer, h. 411 Lafontaine<br />

ave.<br />

Mangan, John, plumber, bds. 316 Ninth<br />

ave. - -.<br />

Mangan, Joseph, boilermaker, bds. 384<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mangan, Michael, laborer, h. 316 Ninth ave.<br />

Mangan, Patrick, laborer, bds. 316 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Manger, William C., laborer, h. near n. e.<br />

cor. Benton and Hustings.<br />

Mangil, James, boilermaker, h. 103 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Mango, Eliza (wid. John), h. 354 Orleans.<br />

Mango, Frank, teamster, h. s. w. cor. Juliette<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Mango, John, laborer, 257 Sherman.<br />

Mango, John B., laborer, h. 360 Bronson.<br />

Mango, Julius, h. 89 Croghan.<br />

Manifold, William, carpenter and joiner, h.<br />

o. 99 n. 151 Orleans.<br />

Manion, James, tailor, h. rear 41 Spencer.<br />

Manion, Johu, cooper, h. alley rear 173<br />

Fourth.<br />

Manley, James (cd'd), barber, 249 Gtratiot,<br />

h. 116 Bronson.<br />

Manley, William, carpetweaver, h. 263<br />

Second.<br />

Mann, Capt. Alexander M., h. s. s. Elm, third<br />

door frbm Grand River.<br />

bfann, Andrew, wagonmaker, bds. 16 Maple.<br />

Mann, Charles S., cabinetmaker, bds. 63<br />

Abbott.<br />

Mann, Chester M., cigar manufacturer, h.<br />

42 Abbott.<br />

Mann, Christian, brewer, bds. 16 Maple.<br />



Mann, Francis G., shoemaker, bds. 63 Ab.<br />

bott.<br />

Mann, Frank P., bookkeeper, bds. 244 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Mann, George R., cabinetmaker, bds. 63 Ab-<br />

@<br />

bott.<br />

Mann, Godfrey, cabinetmaker, h. 63 Abbott.<br />

Nann, Jacob, vegetables and poultry, 3 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 16 Maple.<br />

Manu, Jacob, jr., brewer, 30 Maple, h.<br />

same.<br />

Mann, Josiah M., agt. Onondaga Salt Co.,<br />

78 Atwater, h. 244 Congress e.<br />

Mann, Louis, bds. 16 Maple.<br />

Mann, Robert, cabinetmaker, bds. 63 Abbott.<br />

Mann, Stephen B., agt. Florence sewing<br />

machine, 159 Jefferson ave., h. 250 Park.<br />

Mannallan, John, iron moulder, bds. s. w.<br />

cor. Eighth and Leverett.<br />

Mannebach, John, laborer, h. 363 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Mannebach, Nicholas, baker, h. 409 Riopelle.<br />

Mannebach, Nicholas, varnisher, h. 409 Riopelle.<br />

Maunebeck, Peter, h. n. e. cor. Benton and<br />

Prospect.<br />

Mannerns, Mathias, laborer, h. 427 Eighteenth.<br />

Mannerns, Mathias, jr., laborer, bds. 427<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Mannerns, Nicholas, soap maker, bds. 427<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Mannheim, Mas, peddler, h. 292 St. Antoine.<br />

Manning, James, carpenter, h. 50 Pine.<br />

Manning, Thomas, turner, h. 185 Lafkyette.<br />

Manning, William, street car conductor,<br />

bds. 23 Washington ave.<br />

Manning, William, silver plater, bds. 67<br />

Larned e.<br />

Mannion, Michael, tailor, h. rear 165 Sevent<br />

h.<br />

Mannion, Thomas, laborer, h. rear 36 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Manquen, John M., carpenter, bds. 22 Beacon.<br />

Manquen, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 22 Beacon.<br />

Mans, Joseph, clerk, bds. 214 Columbia e.<br />

Mansack, William, carpenter, 11.124 Marion.<br />

31 ansbach, Peter, laborer, h. 350 Hastings.<br />

Mansfield, Ezra. cierk, bds. 164 Second.<br />

Mansfield, James P., h. 363 Sisth.<br />

Mansfield, Rich'd, plasterer, h. 358 Twelfth.<br />

Manske, August. shoemaker, h. 101 -1laple.<br />

Manske, Frederick, laborer, h. 444 Maple.<br />

Manson, William, shoemaker, h. 118<br />

Eighth.<br />

Manypenny, Albert, harnessmaker, bds. 88<br />

Larned e.<br />

Manz, Charles, laborer, h. 271 Clinton.<br />

Maple beck, James, eating house, 179 NToodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Maples, William, farmer, h. 398 Third.<br />

Maples, William C., farmer, h. 398 Third.<br />

Maples, William E., clerk, bds. 398 Third.<br />

Maples, William, jr., clerk, bds. 395 Third.<br />

Mnran, Mathias, baker, 11. 18 Clay.<br />

Marble, Charles C., messenger Am. Mer.<br />

Un. Esp., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

March, Frank P., photographer, bds. 24<br />

Gratiot.<br />

March, Henry, painter, h. 286 Sixteenth.<br />

March, Philip, laborer, h. Dequindre, near<br />

Scott.<br />

Marchiner, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 100 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Marchisi, Mrs. Jennie (wid. Alexander), h.<br />

s. e. cor. Michigan ave. and Shelby.<br />

Marcotfe, Israel, salesman, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Seventh and Cherry.<br />

Marcus, David, cigarmaker, bds. 30 Fort e.<br />

Marice, Louis. joiner, h. 251 Dubois.<br />

Marin, Joseph, engraver, bds. 230 Seventh.<br />

Marine Hospital, s. s. Jefferson ave., near<br />

Mt. Elliott ave.<br />

Marker, John J., fireman steamer No. 1, h.<br />

114 Randolph.<br />

Marker, Frederick, brakeman M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 162 Fourteenth.<br />

Markey, Edward, hackdriver, h. 121 Beech.<br />

Mark hoff, Ferdinand, blacksmith, h. 459<br />

Macomb.<br />

Marks, Emanuel, cigarmaker, h. 115 Fifth.<br />

Marks, Isaac M. (a. Marks & Bro.), h. 238<br />

Brush.<br />

Marks, John, laborer, h. 312 Macomb.<br />

Marks. Moses (M. Marks & Bro.), h. 102<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Narks, Moses, peddler, h. 15 Trombley.<br />

Marks, William, watchman D. & N. R. R.,<br />

h. 358 Woodbridge e.<br />

Marks, X., & Bro. (Moses and Isaac Marks),<br />

grocers, 102 Gratiot.<br />

Marleau, Lucy (wid. Thomas), saloon and<br />

boarding. h. 45 Atwater.<br />

Marnagh, Patrick, carpenter, h. o. 138 n.<br />

154 Sisth.<br />

Mttrnell, John. boxmaker, bcis. 302 Thir-<br />

teen-and a-half.<br />

Marney, Cain, laborer, h. 184 Oak.<br />

Marnin, Simon, founder, h. 116 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Maronda, John, laborer, bds. 53 Jay.<br />

Marotzka, Ferdinand, milkman, h. 425 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Marotzki, John, blacksmith, h. 471 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Marquet te, Peter, carpenter, bds. 441 Clin-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Marquis; J. W., shipcarpenter, h. 455 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Marr, Charles, cooper, bds. 256 Riopelle.<br />

Marr, George A., assis-ant U. S. Lake Sur-<br />

vey, bds. cor. howard and First.<br />

Marr, Jeremiah, cooper, h. 455 Gratiot.<br />

Marr, John, cooper, h. 256 Kiopelle.<br />

Marr, Lawrence, coqer, bds. 256 Rio<br />



NEW YORE 1 Marshall, John F., tinsmith, bds. 105 Adams<br />

are. e.<br />

b ~ B@F@~G@<br />

p<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

@@m@a 1 Marshall. Robert, machinist, bds. 118 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Marshall, Robert, sailor, h. 348 Franklin.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $1 5,000<br />

- Marshall, Thomas, machinist, h. 128 Harri-<br />

SOLON BIeELBOY, ~ao&er and dgcne~ Snpt., I M::,"E*~~illiam. shoemaker. h. 286 Wat-<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. . SOE .<br />

Marshall, William (col'd-Marshall &<br />

Marr, Malcolm, printer, bds. 88 Adams ave. Warsaw), bds. 19 Cass.<br />

west.<br />

Marshall & Warsaw (col'd-William Mar-<br />

Marr, Maurice, machinist, h. 224 Fourth. shall and Thaddeus Warsaw), carpenters<br />

Marr, Thomas H., cooper, bds. 256 Riopelle. and jobbers, 19 Cass.<br />

Marrion, Nszarie, carpenter, h. 386 Wood- Marston, D. Howard, engraver, bds. Trebridge<br />

e.<br />

mont House.<br />

Marriott, Frederick, tinsmith, bds. 63 Or- Mart, Charles, sailor, bds. Larned, bet. St.<br />

I eans.<br />

Aubin ave. and Dnbois.<br />

Marrio~t, Mrs. Rebecca, dressmaker, h. 63 Martel, Prosper, engineer, bds. 88 Wood-<br />

Orlean s.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Marriott, Richard, laborer, h. 137 Orleans. Martelle, Antoine, teamster, h. 176 Fort e.<br />

Marriott, Samuel, clerk, h. 63 Orleans. Marten, Joseph, machinst, h. 345 Catharine.<br />

Marron, Bernard, laborer, cor. Guoin and Martens,Henry, cigarmaker, h. s. s. willrins,<br />

St. Aubin.<br />

bet. St. Antoine and Haet.ings.<br />

Marron, Patrick, laborer, h. 20 St. Aubin Martens, William, boarding, h. 156 St. Anave.<br />

toine.<br />

Marrow, John, carpenter, h. 282 Guoin. Marter, Charles J., tobacconist, 142 Ran-<br />

Marachner, Frederick, saloon and boarding, dolph, h. same.<br />

h. 278 Gratiot.<br />

Martin, Ann (wid. John), h. 292 Sixteenth.<br />

Marscliner, Frederick, tobacconist, h. 250 Martin, Catharine (wid. Martin), washer-<br />

Antietam.<br />

woman, h. 106 Adams ave. w.<br />

Marsden, Joseph, machinist, h. 329 Cro- Martin, Charles, laborer, h. e. s. Chene, bet.<br />

ghan.<br />

Maple and Chestnut.<br />

Marsh, Alfred, inspector gas and lamps, h. Martin, Charles, laborer, bds. Perkins2Rotel.<br />

212 Park.<br />

Martin, Charles, teamster, h. 297 Whitney.<br />

Marsh, Harriet A., teacher Bishop Union, Martin, Charles, tobacconist, bds. 204 Fort<br />

bds. 212 Park.<br />

east.<br />

MARSH, HENRY, horse collar maker, 237 Martin, Charles C., engraver, h. 160 Earri-<br />

Grismold, h. 197 Rlacomb. (See adv.) son ave.<br />

Marsh, Mark H (Daily Union Printing Co.), Martin, David, grocer, 175 Michigan ave., h.<br />

h. 262 Brush.<br />

same.<br />

Marsh, Robert J. (R. Marsh & Son), h. 99 Martin Daniel W. (31 cMillan & Co.), agent,<br />

Catharine.<br />

room Merrill Block.<br />

Marsh, R., & Son (Robert and Robert J. Martin, Edward, drayman, h. s. s. Michigan<br />

Idarsh), brewers, 103 Catharine.<br />

ave., bet. Fifteenth and Sixteenth.<br />

Marsh & Butler (Robert and Robert J. Martin, Emanuel, clerk, h. 72 Macomb.<br />

Marsh and James Butler), sodawater Martin, Frank, sawyer, h. 364 Antietam.<br />

manfrs., 103 Catharine.<br />

Martin, Franz, carpenter. h. 259 RIullett.<br />

Marshall, Charles N., lumber, h. 375 Clin- Martin, George, coremaker, h. Sixteenth,<br />

ton.<br />

bet. Myrtle and Ash.<br />

Marshall, David D., Deputy U. S. Marshal, Martic, George, laborer, h. 0. 139 n. 161<br />

h. 265 Second.<br />

Clifford.<br />

Marshall, Euphemia (wid. Adam), h. o. 66 n. Martin, George, moulder, h. e. s. Lasalle<br />

18 Labrosse.<br />

ave.. near Myrtle.<br />

Marshall, Francis, laborer, h. 73 Jay. Martin, George. plumber, bds. 2G Brady.<br />

Marshall, George G., clerk M. S. R. R., bds. Martin, Hugh, bartender, h. 484 Fifth.<br />

52 Montcalm e.<br />

Martin, Mrs. Ida, dressmaker, h. 72 Ma-<br />

Marshall, George, machinist x. C. R. R., comb.<br />

h. 2 Marquette.<br />

Martin, Isaac, clerk, bds. 211 Fourth.<br />

Marshall, Harriet (wid. William), h. 67 Martin, Jacob, h. 1112 Twelfth.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Martin, Jacob, carpenter, h. 211 Fourth.<br />

Marshall, Henry, laborer, h. 66 Seven- Martin, James (col'd), hotel, waiter, h. 13'7<br />

teenth.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Marshall, Horace, sawyer, h. 245 Mullett. Martin, James, machinist M. C. R. R., h-<br />

Marshall, John, laborer, h. 278 Clinton. 503 Slichigan ave.


Martin, James (Martin Bros.), h. 166<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Martin, James, mason, h. 424 Fort e.<br />

Martin, James, tinsmith, bds. 334 Croghan.<br />

Martin, James J., sign painter, h. e. s.<br />

Sullivan ave., near Chestnut.<br />

Martin, John, boilermaker, h. 121 Seventh.<br />

Martin, John (col'd), laborer, h. 361 Croghan.<br />

Martin, John, laborer, h. 404 Fort e.<br />

Martin, John, laborer, h. 384 Frankiin.<br />

Martin, John, mason, bds. 424 Fort e.<br />

Martin, John, meat market, 1032 Michigan<br />

ave., bds. n. e. cor. Tillman ave. and Myr<br />

tle.<br />

Martin, John, painter, bds. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., nr. Chestnut.<br />

Martin, John, pri~~ter, h. 191 Grand River.<br />

Martin, John E., bookbinder, h. w. s. Ninth<br />

ave., bet. Porter and Abbott.<br />

Martin. John F., bartender Russell House,<br />

h. 382 Mullett.<br />

Martin, John F., shoemaker, h. 186 Orleans.<br />

Martin, John S., printer, h. 190 Grand River.<br />

Martin, John T. (Martin & Griffin), bds. e. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Baker and Labrosse.<br />

Martin, Joseph, actor, bds. Union Hotel.<br />

Martin, Joseph, bricklayer, h. 75 Leverett.<br />

Martin, Joseph, laborer, h. Catharine, bet.<br />

Rivard and Ha-tings.<br />

Martin, Joseph, painter, bds. 110 Rivard.<br />

Martin, Joseph, steward, h. 18 Twentieth.<br />

Martin, Joseph R., painter, bds. 21 1 Fourth.<br />

Martin, Samuel S., printer, h. 183 Clifford.<br />

Martin, Louis, laborer, h. 188 Clinton.<br />

Martin, Margaret (wid. James), h. 26 Brady.<br />

Martin, Michael, sign painter, bds. 6 Sullivan<br />

ave.<br />

Martin, Nancy (col'd-wid. John), h. 282<br />

Clinton.<br />

Martin, Patrick, laborer, h. o. 346 n. 356<br />

Franklin.<br />

Martin, Peter, laborer, h. 109 Twelfth.<br />

Martin, Peter, notions, 3 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

h. 203 Russell.<br />

Martin. Robert (Martin Bro's), h. 166<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Martin, Robert, stock agent Q. T. R., h.<br />

n. e. cor. Tillman ave. aud Myrtle.<br />

Martin, Robert, watchman, bds. 253 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Martin, Stephen, flour and feed, 258 Michian<br />

ave., h. 260 same.<br />

Martin, Stephen J., agent Tribune, h. 280<br />

Second.<br />

Martin, Stephen S., morocco finisher, h. 701<br />

Fort w.<br />

. Martin, S. C., freight agent Q. T. R., bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Martin, Williau, salesman, bds. 601 Fort w.<br />

Martin, William H.. tinsmith. bds. 26<br />

Brady.<br />

Martin, William H. C., electric and cancer<br />

physician, 15 Merrill block, bds. 469 Congress<br />

e.<br />

-<br />

Martin, William J., timekeeper M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 168 Baker.<br />

Martin Bro's (James and Robert Martin),<br />

boots and shoes, 141 Woodward ave.<br />

Martin & Griffin (John T. Martin and Thom-<br />

as S. Grifiin), boots and shoes, 114 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Martindale, George D., grocer, h. 436 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Martini, Julius (Martini & Snyder), h. 152<br />

Catharine.<br />

Martini & Snyder (Julius Martini and John<br />

Snyder),tailors, 5 Hilsendegen block,third<br />

floor.<br />

Martinique, Jacob, laborer, h. 346 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

Martinique, John, cigarmaker, h. 364 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Martinstein, VTilliam, I!. 296 St. Antoine.<br />

Martmar, William, laborer, h. 508 Fort e.<br />

Martz, Frank (Martz & Frank), h. 331 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Martz, George, brewer, bcis. 327 Marion.<br />

Martz, Henry, teacher, bds. 87 North.<br />

Martz, John, upholsterer, bds. 331 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Martz, Joseph, tool maker, bds. 473 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

B1art.z. Michael, boots and slloes, 220<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 409 Congress e.<br />

Martz, Philip, blacksmith, h. Dequindre, nr.<br />

Scott.<br />

Martz, Philip H., carpenter, h. 319 North.<br />

Martz & Co. (Frank Martz and John Steiner),<br />

brewers, s. w. cor. Orleans and Bronson.<br />

Marum, J. Edward, clerk, h 343 Third.<br />

Marurn, Hamill, music teacher, h. 343<br />

Third.<br />

Marvin, Charles H., salesman, bds. 19 High.<br />

Marvin, Charles L., printer, h. 62 Duffield.<br />

Marvin, Daniel, salesman, h. n. e. cor. Madi-<br />

son ave. and John R.<br />

Marvin, Everett S., clerk, bds. 61 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Marvin, Frank W., clerk, bds. 102 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Marvin, Josephine (wid. James), h. 340 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Marvin, Russell (Shaw & Marvin), h. 102<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Marvin, William, carpenter, h. 61 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Mars, Abraham, peddler, 11.238 Orleans.<br />

Mars, Eras, tailor, bds. 238 Orleans.<br />

Mars, George F., foreman H. Weber, h. 438<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Marx, Henry. carriage trimmer, h. 409 St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Marx, Hermann, carpenter, h. o. 331 n. 401<br />

Larned e.<br />

Mars, Jacob, cabinetmaker, h. Labrosse,cor.<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

Marx, John, confectioner, bds. 413 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Mars, Marcus, peddler, h. 197 Mullett.


Physicians always specify<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS & Corn's<br />



Mars, Theodore, laborer, h. Dequindre, bet.<br />

North and water works.<br />

Mars, William, blacksmizh, h. St. Aubin<br />

ave., nr. Joseph.<br />

Mars, William, laborer, h. St. Aubin ave.,<br />

above Gratiot.<br />

Marshausen, August, publislier Ahend Post,<br />

10 and 12 Larned e., h. 267 St. Antoine.<br />

Marshausen, Conrad, Michigan Journal, 11<br />

and 13 Woodbridge e., h. 23 Columbia e.<br />

Marzajune, Auga~tus, laborer, h. e. s. St.<br />

Aubin ave., s. Gratiot.<br />

Masa, Joseph, laborer, h. St. Joseph, nr. St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Masacek, Joseph, carpenter, bds. Prospect,<br />

s. w. cor. Bronson.<br />

Masch, Charles, h. 253 Mullett.<br />

Maser, Louis, peddler, h. 224 Brush.<br />

Maska, Frederick, boilermaker, h. 144 Map1<br />

e.<br />

Maske, Adolph, boilermaker, h. 0.331 n. 401<br />

Larned e.<br />

Maskill, William, carpenter, h. 43<br />

burg.<br />

Maskill, William, salesman, h. 43 Limburg.<br />

Mason, Charles E. (Mason & Conant), h. s. e.<br />

cor. Lafayette ave. and First.<br />

Mason, Edward, asst. editor Western Rural,<br />

h. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Edward, salesman, bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Edward, jr., clerk J. J. Bagley & Co.,<br />

bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Edward James, carpenter and joiner,<br />

h. 384 Lafayette.<br />

Mason, George, carpenter, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Mason, John, blacksmith, bds. 351 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason, John, sailor, h. 114 Baker.<br />

Mason, John T., butcher, 11.355 Eighteenth.<br />

Mason, John W., stair builder, h. 283 Park.<br />

Mason, .Joseph, boots and shoes, 222 St. Antoine,<br />

h. same.<br />

Mason, Joseph, farmer, bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Joseph, printer, h. 284 Lafayette.<br />

Mason, Joseph, jr., clerk, bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Joseph 'l'., clerk, bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, Lorenzo M., lumber dealer and Vice<br />

President Am. National Bank, office 1 Botunda<br />

building, h. s. w. cor. Lafayette ave.<br />

and First.<br />

Xason, Richard, painter, bds. 284 Lafayette.<br />

Mason, Robert, grocer and meat market, s.<br />

e. cor. Wayne and Larned, h. same.<br />

Mason, Robert S., paying teller First Na-<br />

tional Bank, h. Second, bet. George and<br />

Henry.<br />

Mason, Thomas, bookkeeper, bds. 283 Park.<br />

Mason, Thomas, carpenter. h. 237 Seventh.<br />

Mason, Thomas, clerk House Correction,bds.<br />

same.<br />

Mason, William, carpenter, bds. 253 Park.<br />

Mason, William, clerk, bds. 100 George.<br />

Mason, William T., butcher, h. 36 Eight-<br />

. eenth.<br />

Mason & Conant (Charles E. Mason and<br />

John S. Conant), lumber dealers, Wood-<br />

bridge, foot Twelfth.<br />

Mass, Frederick, laborer, h. 407 Sherman.<br />

Mass, William, laborer, h. 191 Maple.<br />

Massey, Henry R., policeman, bds. 460<br />

Third.<br />

Massey, Jane (wid. Hugh), professor of<br />

music, h. 339 Fifth.<br />

Massey, John O., policeman, 339 Fifth.<br />

Maesilus, Joseph, tanner, h. 480 Lafayette.<br />

Massnar, Albert, tailor. bds. 55 Howard.<br />

Massnick, Anna (wid. Gottlieb), h. 187 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Massnick, Ernst, gilder, bds. 187 Macomb.<br />

Massnick, Henry, englneer, h. 294 Riopelle.<br />

Massnick, Oawald, cooper, Ms. 187 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Massnick, William, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 59<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Masson, George, civil engineer, bds. 251 '<br />

Larned e.<br />

Masten, Mortimer C., printer, h. 293 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Masterser, John, laborer, h 517' Hastings.<br />

Masterson, Mary (wid. John), 21. 66 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Matgen, Mathias (Flaser & Matgen), bds.<br />

139 Thirteenth.<br />

Mathauer, Paul, saloon, 237 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Mather, Rev. Asher E., Baptist, h. 643 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Mather, Atela E., h. 244 Woodward ave.<br />

Mather, Francis P., crockery, china and<br />

glassware. 169 Woodward ave., bds. An-<br />

tisdel House.<br />

,Mather, George B., salesman, bds. Eisen-<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

Mather, Spencer I., hats and capi, 119<br />

Woodward ave., h. Selden, bet. Second<br />

and Third.<br />

Mathes, Herman (Schimmel & Mathes), bds.<br />

Hotel Mauch, Michigall Grand ave.<br />

Matheson, Donald, foreman wooden ware<br />

works, h. Woodbridge, bet. Adair and<br />

Leib.<br />

Matheson, John, carpenter, h. 165 Bronson.<br />

Matheson, Roderick, machinist, h. Locust,<br />

bet. Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

hlathews, Battias, bar tender, bds. 17 Mich-<br />

igan (;rand ave.<br />

Jllatllews, George, caryeuter, h. '7% Ltrrned<br />



Mathewe, Isaac Smith, sailor, h. 521 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Mathews, James L. (Mathews & Wilson),<br />

h. 99 Congress w.<br />

Mathews, John H., night foreman Daily<br />

Post news room, h. 111 Jones.<br />

Mathews, Louisa (wid. George), h. 14 Pearl.<br />

Mathews, Marcus J., traveling agent, h. 56<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Mathews, Samuel, carpenter, h. 431 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Mathews & Wilson (James L. Mathews and<br />

George B. Wilson), cigar manufacturers,<br />

184 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mathewson, Charles M., grocer, 51 Larned<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Mathewson, Cornelia (wid. James T.), h. 70<br />

Larned e.<br />

Mathewson, Warren H., dentist, Opera<br />

House block, bde. 258 Woodlvard'ave.<br />

Mathewson. William, produce dealer, h. n.<br />

w. cor. Grand River and Twelfth.<br />

Mathias, Dorothea (wid. Henry), h. 123<br />

Antietam.<br />

Mathias, John. hatter, h. 146 St. Antoine.<br />

Mathison, Alexander, engineer, bds. 80 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Mathison, John, builder, h. 165 Bronson.<br />

Matllison, Robert, engineer, h. 446 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Matt, Miss Charlotte, hairdresser, h. 96 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Matt, Victoria (wid. Sylvanus), h. Twenty-<br />

first, bet. Fort and Howard.<br />

Mattice, Frederick, teamster, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Woodbridge and Seventh.<br />

Mattice, James A., drug clerk, bds. 107 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Ma ttice, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 699 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Mattice, Sarah J., boarding house, 107 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Mattison, Byron D., painter, bds. 39 Beech.<br />

Mattison, Eliphalet D., intelligence ofice,<br />

196 Woodward ave., h. 39 Beech.<br />

Mattison, Elmore Y., painter, bds. 39 Beech.<br />

Mattoon, Edmund S., music teacher, h. 274<br />

Woodward ave., up stairs.<br />

Matzka, Emst, gilder, h. n. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Russell and Riopelle.<br />

Matzner, Philip, shoemaker, bds. 23 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Mauch, David, laborer, h. 553 Trowbridge.<br />

Mauermann, Mathias, veterinary surgeon,<br />

444 Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

Maul, John, drayman, h. 292 Montcalm.<br />

Maul, John, laborer, h. Ohio, nr. Hastings.<br />

Plraul, John C.'., peddler, h. 579 Seventh.<br />

Maul, Paul, laborer. h. Ohio, nr. Hastings.<br />

Maurer, Louis, h. I8 Chestnut.<br />

Maurer, Peter J., laborer, h. n. e. cor. Bellair<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Maurey, John, carpenter, bds. 370 Michigan<br />

a 763.<br />

Maurice, George, h. 70 Farrar.<br />

Maurice, George, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 70<br />

Farrar.<br />

Maurice, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 251 Dubois.<br />

Maus, Henry, tailor cutter, h. 101 Maple.<br />

Maus, Julius. bakery, 378 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Maville, Anthony, saloon, 19 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Maville, Peter, caulker, h. 441 Guoin.<br />

Maville, Richard, caulker, ah. 480 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Mawley, Joseph, laborer M. C. R. R., h.<br />

Michigan ave.,. bet. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Mawley, Joseph, pain~~er, h. s. s. Jones, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Max, Harris, tailor, bds. cor. Orleans and<br />

Croghan.<br />

Masfieid, Samuel, teamster, h. 53 Prospect.<br />

Masson, Charles B., engineer, h. 64 Russell.<br />

Maxwell, B. W., plumber, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Rlaxmell, George, clerk, 493 Congress e.<br />

Maswell, G. Howard, cashier T. A. Parker,<br />

h. 335 Congress e.<br />

Maxwell, George NT. (col'd), barber, h. 342<br />

blacomb.<br />

Maxwell, James, restaurant, 20 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Maxwell, John, carpenter, h. 235 Seventeenth.<br />

Maxwell, Samuel, carpenter, bds. 235 Baker.<br />

May, Alfred Francis, bookkeeper, h. 267<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

May, Conrad (M. Fox & Co.), bds. 90 Larned<br />

west.<br />

May, Elisha, carpenter, h. 280 Franklin.<br />

May, Francis, bricklayer, h. o. 168 n. 188<br />

Twelfth.<br />

May, George, painter, 217 Woodward ave.,<br />

h. 169 Porter.<br />

May, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 57 Mullett.<br />

May, Henry, grocer and saloon, 421 Clinton<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

May, Henry, turner, bds. 392 Sixth.<br />

May, Isaac, carpenter, h. 258 Croghan.<br />

May, James R., show card writer, bds. 267<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

May, John. express messenger, h. 209 Fifth.<br />

May, Louis C., pocketbook maker, bds. 90<br />

Larned w.<br />

May, Nelson H., grocer, 91 Michigan ave., h.<br />

83 Montcalm w.<br />

May, Paul, butcher, 100 Woodbridge w., h.<br />

same.<br />

May, Theodore, bookbinder, bds. 93 Congress<br />

e.<br />

May, Theodore, peddler, h. o. 505 n. 5'74<br />

Gratiot.<br />

May, Thomas, porter, h. 160 Oak.<br />

May, William, maltster Miller's brewery,<br />

bds n. e. cor. Jeffel son and Elmwood aves.<br />

Mayberry, Henry, contractor, h. o. 43 n. 71<br />

Eighth.<br />

Mayberry, Henry, laborer, h. 140 Porter.<br />

blayberry, Thomas, contractor, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Lafayette ave. and Eighth.<br />

Mayberry, Willianl, bds. s. w. cor. Lafayette<br />

ave. and Eighth.

MAY<br />

- - - - --<br />

NEW YORE<br />

-<br />

SOLON McELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MTCH.<br />

Mayer, Charles Adolph, clerk, h. 140 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Mayer, Christian, carpenter, h. 410 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Mayer, Elisha, joiner, h. o. 270 n. 280 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Mayer, Gustav, cigarmaker, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Mayer, Jacob L., tailor, h. 279 Columbia e.<br />

Blayer, John, sailor, h. s. s. Larned, bet.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Mayer, John A., lake survey, h. o. 74 n. 70<br />

Bagg.<br />

Mayer, Paul, lake survey, bds. o. 74 n. $0<br />

Bag:.<br />

Mayes, Edward (Hoffner & Mayasj, h. 87 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

hlayes, Mary (wid. James), bds. 87 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Mayeus, Charles, carpenter, h. s. s. Lafay-<br />

ette, bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Mayhew, Francis, carpenter, h. 225 Sixth.<br />

Mayhea, Ira, h. 249 Larned e.<br />

Mayhew, John, carpenter, h. 271 Hi&<br />

Maynard, Aaron B. (Maynard, Meddaugh &<br />

Davison), bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Maynard, Albert, chairmaker, bds. 105 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Maynard, August, chairmaker, h. 105 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Maynard. George H. (E. Pullan & Co.), bds.<br />

38 Abbott.<br />

Maynard, William D., printer, bds. 75<br />

Lewis.<br />

Maynard, Meddaugh & Davison, (A. B. May,<br />

nard, E. W. Meddaugh and D. J. Davi-<br />

son), lawyers, 7,. 8 and 9 Bank Block,<br />

Gris wold.<br />

Mayor, Charles, laborer, h. 173 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Mayot, Alexander (Mayot & Beaubien), bds.<br />

101 Montcalrn e.<br />

Mayot Cis; Beaubien (Alexander Mayot and<br />

Israel Beaubien), manfrs. of rustic frames,<br />

212 Gratiot.<br />

Mayotte, Charles, teamster, h. s. s. Larned,<br />

bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Mazeer. Francis, laborer, h. St. Joseph, nr.<br />

Dequindre.<br />

Meacham, Richard, conductor M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 67 Seventeenth.<br />

Mead, Elizabeth (wid. James), b. 159 Park.<br />

Mead, Emanuel, machinist, bds. 402 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mead, George, machinist, h. 402 Sixteenth.<br />

Mead. Samuel L., salesman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Meader. Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 65 Har-<br />

rie tt.<br />

Meadows, John, machinist, h. o. 138 n. 184<br />

Beech.<br />

Meagher, Mrs. Honora, h. w. s. Sixth, bet.<br />

Porter and Abbott.<br />

Meagher, Patrick, carpenter, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Humboldt ave. and Butternut.<br />

Mears, John, nigh twatchman, h. 25 Cram-<br />

ford.<br />

Mears, Stephen, blacksmith, bds. 25 Craw-<br />

ford.<br />

Meath, James, plumber, h. w. s. Seventh,<br />

bet. Cherry and Oak.<br />

Meathe, Richard, laborer, h. 82 Lafayette.<br />

Meathe, Richard, jr., blacksmith, bds. 82<br />

Leverett.<br />

Mechala, E., plaster works, bda. 109 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Mechala, Felix, plaster works, bds. 109<br />

Franklin.<br />

Mechala, John, plaster works, bds. 109<br />

Franklin.<br />

Mechanics' [and Inventors' Association, Ar-<br />

cade Building, Larned w., Thomas S.<br />

Sprague, sec'y.<br />

Meclrleburg, Henry, laborer, h. 432 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Medbury, Lewis, h. e. s. Woodward ave.,<br />

bet. Adelaide and Alfred.<br />

Medbury, Samuel, h. e. s. Woodward ave.,<br />

bet. Adelaide and Alfred.<br />

Meddaugh, Elijah W. (btaynard, Meddaugh<br />

& Davison), h. o. 38 n. 44 -\ladison ave.<br />

Medden. John, confectioner, h. 33 Juliette.<br />

Meder, Albrecht, painter, h. 343 Croghan.<br />

Meek, George, carpenter, h. 653 Macomb.<br />

Meek, William, sailor, bds. o. 479 n. 595<br />

Croghan.<br />

Meeker, Oliver, pulleyblock maker, 208 Seo<br />

ond, h. 413 Lafayette ave.<br />

M e 1 William, ironmoulder, h. 175<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Meginnity, Mrs. Flora, h. 229 Seventh.<br />

Meginnity, Robert (Hanna & Co.), h. 20<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Mehe, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 532 Orleans.<br />

Melding, Frederick, h. 119 Clinton.<br />

Mehling, George F., vanisher and polisher,<br />

h. 83 Henry. '<br />

Mehling, John V., wholesale grocer, 25 and<br />

27 Michigau Grand ave., h. 468 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Mehling, John V., salesman, bds. 468<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Meiche, Jacob, laborer, h. 148 Antietam.<br />

Meick, Constant, cabinetmaker, h. 305 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Meier, Charles, tailor, h. 144 Catharine.<br />

Meier, Christian, cigarmaker, h. 266 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Meier, George, plasterer, bds. 91 Croghan.<br />

Meier, Jacob, laborer, h. 34-3 Fort e.


Meier, John, laborer, h. 240 High.<br />

Mellus, Peter (C. & P. Mellus), h. 53 Fort e.<br />

Meier, Joseph, butcher, bds. 39 Michigan M ;.:LLUS, C. & P. (Christan and Peter Mel-<br />

Grand ave.<br />

lus), saw manfrs., 66, 68 and 70 Fort e.<br />

Rleier, Lazarus. peddler, h. 148 M-dlett. (See adz.)<br />

Meier, Peter, tailor, h. 28 Prospect. Meleche, J. M., salesman, bds. 55 Michigan<br />

Meile, Charles, machinist, h. Dequindre, nr. Grand ave.<br />

St. Joseph.<br />

Melody, James, laborer, h. 142 Third.<br />

Meind, John, laborer, h. 220 James. Melody, Patrick J., grocer, 146 Third. h.<br />

Meingott, Charles, cooper, o. h. 97 n. 389 same.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Melrose, Charles A., laborer, h. 577 Cro-<br />

Meingott, Mrs. Catharine, vegetables, 27 gllan.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market. h. Gratiot, ab. Russell. Melville, John, horsenail maker, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Meinkoth, Julius, salesman, 11. 94 Russell. Wiliiams ave. and Ash.<br />

Meisch, Michael, carpenter, bds. 278 &a- Melville, Willia~n, laborer, h. 12 Locust.<br />

tiot.<br />

Melvin, Alexander, carpenter, h. 315 Catha-<br />

Meissner, Ferdinand, laborer, h. 111 Ger- rine.<br />

man.<br />

Melzer, Ignatz, laborer, h. 117 Twenty-<br />

Meissner, Frederick, laborer, 21.200 Twelfth. fourth.<br />

Meissner, Frederick, sign pain ,er, bds. 200 Mende, (Iharles, laborer. h. 283 Maple.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mende, Gottlieb, saloon, 2 Catharine, h.<br />

Meissner, Joseph, laborer, h. o. 496 n. 546 same.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Mend, Augustus, laborer, h. 456 St. Aubin<br />

Meissner, William, barber, 119 Woodward ave.<br />

ave., h. 160 Adams ave e.<br />

Mendelsohn, Aaron, peddler, h. 111 Fort e.<br />

Meisner, Got tlieb, shoemaker, h. cor. Hast- Mendelsohn, Isaac, clerk, bds. 141 St. Aning~<br />

and Fort.<br />

toine.<br />

Meizer, Frank, carpenter, h. nr. s. e. cor. Mendelsohn, Louis, architect, bds. 141 St.<br />

Riopelle and Railroad.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Mekle, George, carpenter, 11. 377 Catharine. Menclelsotln, Morris, h. 141 St. Antoine.<br />

Blelancon, bloise, shoemaker, bds. 565 Cro- Mene, Olive, laborer, h. 65 Atwater.<br />

ghan.<br />

Menge, ~dolph, laborer, h. 63 Atwater.<br />

Melanophy, Peter, sailor, h. 594 Lafayette. Mengel, Moritz, tanner, h. 192 Lafayette.<br />

Melchers, G~istavus, tobacconist, 63 Ran- Men ke, Frederick, stonecutter, bds. 51<br />

dolph, bds. 230 Croghan.<br />

Maple.<br />

Melchers, Julius, sculptor, 63 Randolph, h. Menlie, Mary (wid. Henry), h. 51 Maple.<br />

2S0 Crogllan.<br />

Menlrus, Elias, I agdealer, h. 271 Clinton.<br />

Melchior, Cathariue (wid. Louis), h. 171 Mennel. Henry, laborer, 'h. 100 Maple.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Mens, John, laborer, 11. 392 Macomb.<br />

Melchior, George, blacksmith, bds. 171 Clin- Menseul, Henry, jr., clerk, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

ton.<br />

Hastings and Benton.<br />

Melcllior, John, carpenter, bds. 171 Clinton. Menseul, Henry, sr., laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

~~eldrurn, John T., clerk Recorder's Court, Hastings and Benton.<br />

h. o. 130 u. 148 Larned e.<br />

Menten, Anton. laborer, h. 610 Riopelle.<br />

Meledy, James, laborer, h. 110 Third. Menth, Adam, butcher, 11. 325 Fort e.<br />

Melet, James N., carpenter, bds. 377 Cro- Menwagen, Madison, blacksmith, bds. 420<br />

ghan.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Melick, James O., agent, h. 384 Sixth. Menwagen, Peter, painter, h. 420 Beau-<br />

Melin, Alexander, blackstuith, bds. 161 Clin- bien.<br />

ton.<br />

Menwegen, Peter, h. 23 Beacon.<br />

Melin, Frank, tailor, h. 161 Clinton. hlenzies, Alesunder, carpenter, h. 460 Ma-<br />

Melin, John, painter, bds. 161 Clinton. comb.<br />

Melius, Fredricka (wid. August us), h. w. s. Menzies, David, machinist, h. 153 Third.<br />

Mount Elliott ave., s. Gratiot.<br />

Menzies, Margaret (wid. Peter), boarding,<br />

Mellen, Rev. IV. R. G., pastor Unitarian 46 Lafayette are.<br />

Church, h. 84 Lafayette ave.<br />

Menzner, Solomon, barkeeper Theatre<br />

Melley, Peter, h. 220 First.<br />

Comique, h. 161 Hastings.<br />

Mellicli, Peter, carpenter, h. 128 Dlichigan Merchants' & Manufacturers' Bank of Deave.,<br />

up-stairs.<br />

troit, Bank Block, Griswold. .<br />

Mellon, Koss, steward U. S. lake survey, h. MEKCE-IANTS, AND PEOPLES DEScor.<br />

Park and Grand River.<br />

PATCHES, office 36 Griswold, A. H.<br />

lblellus, Christian (C. & P. blellus), Alderman Muir, agt. (See adv.)<br />

Third Ward, h. 84 Port e.<br />

Mercer, Charlotte (Misses Mercer), bds. I08<br />

Mellus, George, sawmaker, bds. 84 Fort e. Farmer.<br />

Mellus. Henry, sawmaker, 1.1. 196 Lafayette. Mercer, Elizabeth (Mimes Mercer), bds. 108<br />

Mellus, Louis, flemaker, bds. tkt Fort e. Fanner.<br />


MER<br />



Omce, 374 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Merrill, Mrs. Robert, millinery and confectionery,<br />

St. Aubin ave., s. w. cor. Clinton.<br />

Merrill, Rollin W., machinist, h. 42 Seventeenth.<br />

Merrill, Silas L. (S. L. Merrill & Co), h. 198<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Merrill, Thomas R. (S. L. Merrill St Co.),<br />

bris. Cass House.<br />

MEREILL, S. L., & Co. (Silas L. and<br />

Thomas R. Merrill), fish, game and<br />

Mercer, Esther (wid. Benjamin), h. 108<br />

Farmer.<br />

Nercer, John, carpenter, h. e. s. Mayberry 1 oysters, 137 and 139 Larned w. (See adv.)<br />

ave., nr. Butte; nut.<br />

I hferriman, George M., clerk, 323 Nichigan<br />

Mercer, Joseph, shoemaker, 80 Grand River, ave., bds. 320 Seventh.<br />

h. same.<br />

Merriman, Jackson W., cabinetmaker, h. 90<br />

Mercer, the Misses (Charlotte and Elizabeth Plum.<br />

Mercer), mantrs. of cloaks and dealers Merrit, Adolphns, painter, 40 Grand River,<br />

in fancy goods, 244 Woodward ave. h. same.<br />

Mercien, Michael, shipcarpenter, h. 577 Lar- Merritt, Ann (wid. Edney), h. 364 Fifth.<br />

ned e.<br />

Merritt, Clara (wid. Michael), h. 54 Jay.<br />

Merdian, Conrad, carpenter, h. 667 Con- Merritt, Edson T., clerk, bds. Finney's<br />

gress e.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Merdian, Henry, machinist, h. 416 Cro- Merritt, Edwin, clerk, bds. Goodman House.<br />

ghan.<br />

Blerritt, Eclwin, bookkeeper Finney's Hotel,<br />

Merick, Daniel, machinist, h. 428 Congress bds. same.<br />

east<br />

I Rlerritt, Henry, clerk, bds. 49 Grand River.<br />

Herick, Eldridge G. (Merick, Fowler Essel- Merritt, James P., 11. 66 Howard.<br />

styn), h. o. 88 n. 150 Fort w.<br />

hlerritt, Joseph, teamster, h. w. s. Thomp-<br />

Ibierick, Melzar F. (Campbell, Owen & Co.), son. bet. Grand Kiver and Dickinson.<br />

bds. 150 Fort w.<br />

Rlerritt, Peter, teamster, h. 162 High.<br />

Merick, Moses B., bookkeeper, h. 267 La- Rlerritt, Purdy, engineer, bds. 66 Howard.<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Alerritt, William, passenger agt. Northern<br />

Merick, Orin, sailor, h. 3-50 Franklin. Transportation Co., h. 19 Campus Mar-<br />

Merick, Trutbert. masonbuilder, h. 320 tius.<br />

H igi.<br />

Merritt, Mrs. W., dressmaker, 19 Campus<br />

Nerick, Fowler S; Esselst.yn (Eldridge G. Martius, h. same.<br />

Merick. John M. Fowler and Henrv hlero, Jacob, shipcarpenter, h. 435 Fort e.<br />

~ssels~~n), lumber and shipping me;- Blero, John, carpenter, h. Guoin, Bolivar<br />

chants, foot Mroodu~ard are.<br />

Alley.<br />

Mering, John, laborer, h. 57 Dequindre. Mershall, John, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Ger-<br />

Meringer, Christopher, tanner, h. 324 Whit- man and Dequindre.<br />

ney.<br />

Mertz, Henry, traveling agt., h. 134 Fort e.<br />

Merker, Catharine (wid. Jacob), h. 244 La- Merz, Casper, teamster, bds. 2'18 Gratiot.<br />

fapette.<br />

Mes, Michael, gardener, h. w. s. Mount<br />

Merker, Joseph L., glass stainer, h. 240 La- Elliott ave., s. Gratiot.<br />

f'ayette.<br />

Mesler, Herman, baker, bds. 133 Franklin.<br />

Merrell, Harvey B. (Merrell & Ferguson!. hlesse, Miss Hortense (Misses Messe), h. 75<br />

MERBELL, HERVEY, County Drain Com- Larned e.<br />

missioner. 1 third floor Seitz Block, bds. Messe, Miss Mary (Misses Messe), h. 75 Lar-<br />

Finney 's Hotel. res. Sumpter, Michigan. ned e.<br />

Merrell, John, traveling agt., h. 144 Eliza- alesse, the Misses (Hortense and Mary<br />

beth e.<br />

Rfesse), stamping nnd embroidery, 75<br />

- -<br />

Merrell & Ferguson (Harvey B. Larned e.<br />

Merrell and Thomas Ferguson) , general Xessinger, Hiram K., h. 124 Cass.<br />

agts. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New Messingar, Marcus E., farmer, h. 54 Third.<br />

York, oEce No. 1 Butler Block, Gris- Messmore, Albert, b~akeman, h. 401 Sixth.<br />

wold.<br />

Messmore, P. J. (Messmore & Co.), h. 90<br />

Merrill Block, n. e. cor. Woodward and Jef- Grand River. .<br />

ferson aves.<br />

Messmore,. William, carpenter, bds. 91<br />

Merrill, Charles, lumber dealer, 5 Merrill Grand Kiver.<br />

Block, h. MToodward ave., n. e. cor. Farns- Messmore & Co.) P. J. Messmore and Charworth.<br />

les Kannan), butchers, 90 Grand River.<br />

Merrill, Kandolph, bookkeeper, h. 69 Cass Meston, James, carpenter, h; o. 259 n. 307<br />

ave.<br />

1,arned e.<br />

Merrill, Robert, carpenter, h. 392 Clinton. Mette, Anton, laborer, h. 381 Orleans.


Mette, August, bookkeeper, bds. 282 Cro- Meyers, John, moulder, h. 454 Clinton ave.<br />

glum.<br />

Rleyers, John, silversmith, 11.155 Woodward<br />

Mette, Clements (Moody & Mette), bds. o. ave.<br />

385 n. 395 RIichigan ave.<br />

Meyers, Louis, clothing at Au Sable, h. 124<br />

BiIette, John, peddler, h. ",2 Croghan. Adaxns ave. e.<br />

Blette, John, upholsterer, bds. 156 St. An- Meyers, Wjlliam, furniture manufacturer,<br />

toine.<br />

400 Gratiot, 11. o. 279 n. 307 St. Antoine.<br />

Metty, Peter, painter, h. 391 Clinton. Mezatti, Michael, plasterworker, bds. 121<br />

Mettener, Bernhard, laborer, bds. 297 Clin- Gratiot.<br />

ton.<br />

I Michael, Abraham, laborer, h. 296 Lafayette.<br />

Metz, Henry, builder, h. 21 Adelaide. Michael. George, saloon and boarding, 379<br />

Rletz. Howard W., builder, bds. 21 Ade- Atwater, 1.1. same.<br />

laide.<br />

Michael, George, laborer, h. 379 Ninth ave.<br />

Metz, John, confectioner, bds. 471 St. An- Michael, Henrietta (wid. Moses), h. 216 St.<br />

toine.<br />

Antoine.<br />

hletz, Joseph, blacksmitll, bds. 471 St. An- Michael, Jacob, laborer, bds. 296 Lafayette.<br />

toine.<br />

Nichael, Jacob, machinist, h. 112 Elizabeth<br />

bfetz. Michael, laborer, h. 471 St. Antoine. east.<br />

~etzen, Joseph, carpenter, h. Orleans, cor. Michael, John, laborer, bda. 296 Lafayette,<br />

R. R.<br />

blichaelis, Charles, printer, h. 156 Lafayette.<br />

hletzen, Christian, saloon, 457 Michigan ave., 31ichaelis, Henry, carpenter, bds. 270 Sher-<br />

1.1. same.<br />

man.<br />

Metzger, Christina (wid. Frederick), h. 169 Rlichaelis, Joseph, printer, h. 166 Lafayette.<br />

blacomb.<br />

Michaels, Lewis, merchant tailor and cioth-<br />

Metzger, Ernest, gilder, h. 6 Glass Row, ing, 110 Woodward ave., h. 200 Fort e.<br />

Maple.<br />

Michaels, Jacob, machinist, h. 112 Elizabeth<br />

Metzger, Henry, painter, bds. 208 Russell. ea.t.<br />

Metzger, Jacob, laborer, h. 248 Afullett. Michaels, Mathews, clerk, h. 249 Lafayette.<br />

Metzger, William, shoemaker, h. 354 Eight- Michaels, Peter, joiner, h. n. w. cor. St.<br />

een t 11.<br />

Antoine and Brewster.<br />

hfetzner, John (J. Metzner & Co.), h. 784 Michaloffsky, Rfichael, peddler, h. 93 Mul-<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

lett.<br />

METZNER, J., & CO. (John Metzner and hfichels, Mrs. Catharine, h. 211 Catharine.<br />

John Diederich), soap and candle manu- BIichels, Catharine (wid. Michael), h. 59<br />

facturers, 790 hlichigan ave.<br />

Sherman,<br />

hfeurer, John, carpenter, h. 140 Croghan. Michels, Mathew, bookkeeper, h. 249 La-<br />

Rleyer, Alexander, laborer, h. 43 Mullett. fayette.<br />

Meyer, Bernhardt, cigarmaker, 11. 17'7 Michels, Michael, tanner, h. o. 266 n. 292 St<br />

Russell.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Meyer, Charles, check clerk D. & 31. R. R., Jfichels, Peter F., machinist, bd~. 112 Elizh.<br />

253 St. Antoine.<br />

abeth e.<br />

Meper, Franz, carpenter, h. 527 Lafayette. Michels, Philip, cigarmaker, bds. 59 Sher-<br />

Meyer, Hermann, tailor, h. 204 Hastings. man.<br />

Meyer, Henry, laborer. h. 57 Clinton. Michenfelder, Anton, brewery, 61 Sherman,<br />

Meyer, John, bookkeeper, bds. 25 Jefferson h. same.<br />

ave.<br />

Michenfelder, Benhardt, h. 65 Sherman.<br />

Meyer, John, shoemaker, h. 490 Macomb. Michigan Agricultural Works,<br />

Meyer, John. shoemaker, h. n. w. cur. High Estabrook & Wright, proprietors, cor. Fort<br />

and Riopelle.<br />

and Twentieth. (See adv.)<br />

Meyer, John B., produce dealer, 337 Grand Michigan Bolt and Eut Company, J. E.<br />

Iliver, h. same.<br />

Briscoe, Secretary.<br />

Rleyer, Jonas, cigarmaker, h. 1.55 Wilkins. Michigan Car Company, cor. Larned and<br />

Meyer, Julius, rnercl~ant, h. 252 Brush. Fourtu, Ja~nes McMillan, Secretary.<br />

Meper, Julius, tailor, h. 322 Hastinge. Michigan Central Depot, s. w. cor. Wood-<br />

Meyer, Martin, cigarmaker, bds. Finney's bridge and Third.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Michigan Concrete Stone Company. Gilbert<br />

Meyer, Michael, cabinetmaker, 11.266 Beau- Hart, Supt., 278 Atwater.<br />

bien.<br />

Michigan Exchange, Edward and Farnham<br />

Meyer, Xicholas, laborer, h. 340 North. Lyon, proprietors, 110 and 112 Jefferson<br />

Meyers, Alexands~, to baccoworker, h. 225 ave.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Nichigan Glass Company, 44 Woodward<br />

Meyers, Daniel, sewing machine agt., h, 166 ave., James McMillan, Secretary.<br />

Hastings.<br />

Michigan Mutual Health Insurance and Renlej-ers,<br />

Daniel, with IFT. BIepers, bds. o. 279 lief- Societ~, 72 Congress e., Hcrmann<br />

n. 307 St. Antoine.<br />

Kuhn, Secretary.

f@<br />

YORE<br />

Q~mpanr,<br />

!!~RSWC~~Q@ -<br />

. $12,000,000<br />

ASFETF, .<br />

DAILY CASH IKCONE, $15,000<br />

SOLON BcELBOY, Manager aud Agency S~pt.,<br />

peninsular ~ a ~ guildinp, l ; DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company,<br />

Bank Block, Griswold, John T. Liggett,<br />

Secretary.<br />

Michigan News Company, booksellers and<br />

stationers, 153 Jefferson ave.<br />

Michigan State Military Oflices, Firemen's<br />

Elall, s. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Michil, George, laborer, h. 46 Locust.<br />

Michros, John, cabinetmaker, h. 333 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Mickey, Lena (wid. Christopher,) h. n. s.<br />

Clinton ave., nr. Elmwood ave.<br />

Middlemuss, Walter, blacksmith, h. 90 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Middleton, George, painter, h. 62 Baker.<br />

Middleton, James, pressman Daily Post, bds.<br />

71 Brady.<br />

Middlemood, George, carpenter, h. 363<br />

Catharine.<br />

Miden, Anr.hony, laborer, bds. with Mrs.<br />

Melius, Mount Elliott aye.<br />

Midgley, Richard, huckster, 11. 406 Fifth,<br />

Miero, Louis, laborer, h. 248 Sherman.<br />

Miers, Charles, laborer, h. 173 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Miers, Otto, carpenter, bds. 350 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Mignaalt, John, tinsmith, bds. s, w. cor. St.<br />

An toine and Congress.<br />

Mignault, John B., physician, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

St. Antoine and Congress.<br />

Mignault, John G., coppersmith, bds. s- w.<br />

cor. St. Antoine and Congress.<br />

Mignault, Theodore, grocer, s. w. cor. St.<br />

Antoine and Congress, h. same.<br />

Milan, James, laborer, h. nr. n. e. cor. Grove<br />

and St, Antoine.<br />

Milan, John, laborer, h. m. s. Fourteenth,<br />

bet. R. R. crossing and Marquette.<br />

Milan, Patrick, tanner, h. nr. n. e. cor. Grove<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Milburn, Henry, salesman, h. 76 Sibley.<br />

Milburn, Henry J., clerk, bds. s. s. Alexan-<br />

drine ave., bet. Second and Third.<br />

Milburn, Joseph, fur buyer, bds. 233 Park.<br />

Mildon, Walter, mason, h. 188 Abbott.<br />

Miler, John, bricklayer, h. cor. Chene and<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Miles, Alice (wid. John), h. alley, rear 165<br />

Fourth.<br />

Miles, Charles (col'd), laborer, h. 144 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Miles, Henry, gardener, h. n. e. cor. Michigan<br />

and May berry aves.<br />

Miles, Henry, street car conductor, h. 596<br />

Fort east.<br />

Miles, James, laborer, h. alley, rear 165<br />

Fourth.<br />

Miles. John, printer, bds. alley, rear 165<br />

Fourth.<br />

Milrs, Luke (col'd), carpenter, bds. m. s.<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ city - flimits. o ~ ~ t h ,<br />

Miles, Thomas, jeweler, room 3 127+ Jefferson<br />

ave., h. o. 56 n. 66 Madison ave<br />

Mill, George, blacksmith, h. n. w. cor. German<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Millar, John, blacksmith, 303 Atwater, h.<br />

494 Congress e.<br />

Millar, Robert (Mr. & R. Millar), h. e. s.<br />

Twelfth, bet. Walnut and Butternut.<br />

Millar, William (W. St. R. Millar), h. n. e. cor.<br />

Twelfth and Walnut.<br />

MILLAR, W. & R. (%Tilliam and Robert<br />

Millar), wholesale grocers and liquor<br />

dealers, 178 Woodward ave.<br />

Miller, Albert, grocer, 510 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Miller, Andrew, carpenter, h. n. e. cor. Sullivan<br />

ave. and Ash.<br />

Miller, Andrew J., cooper, bds. n. e. cor. Sullivan<br />

ave. and Ash.<br />

Miller, Anthony, carpenter, h. 205 Lafayette.<br />

Miller, Antoine, laborer, h. St. Aubin ave.,<br />

nr. Jay.<br />

Miller, August, teamster, h. 161 Benton.<br />

Miller, Charles, barber, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Miiler, Charles, barber, e. s. Michigan ave.,<br />

bet. Third and Fourt,h.<br />

Miller, Charles, laborer, h. 4'70 Croghan.<br />

Miller, Charles, laborer M. C. R. H., h. 316<br />

High.<br />

Miller, Charles, servant, bds. 202 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Miller, Charles, turner, 296 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Miller, Christian F., saloon, 221 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Miller, Edward, shoemaker, h. 235 Calhoun.<br />

Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth, physician, h. 21 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Miller, Miss Ellen, sewing machine agent,<br />

bds. 67 Larned e.<br />

Miller, E. M., sailor, bds Tremont House.<br />

Miller, Frank, shipcarpenter, h. 702 Franklin.<br />

Miller, Frederick, boilermaker, h. 300 Clinton.<br />

Miller, Frederick W. C., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Miller, Fredericka (wid. Jacob), h. s. s. Irving,<br />

bet: Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Miller, George, h. 144 Orleans.<br />

Miller, George M., carriagemaker, h. 141<br />

Catharine.<br />

Miller, George W., maltster, h. 87 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Miller, Henry, bds. 279 Lafayette.


Miller, Henry, brewer, Jefferson ave., n. e.<br />

cor. Elmwood, h. same.<br />

Miller, Henry, policeman, h. 384 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Miller, Henry, policeman, h. 403 Gratiot.<br />

Miller, Henry, grocer and saloon, 370 Michigan<br />

aye., h. same.<br />

Miller, Henry, saloon, h. 354 Grand River.<br />

Miller. Henry G., bowling saloon, 44 Larned<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Miller, Henry T., t,icket agent M. S. R. R.,<br />

bds. Rlichigan Exchange.<br />

Miller, Hern~ann, fish dealer on market, h.<br />

201 Gratiot.<br />

Miller, Hermann, laborer, bds. 152 Antietam.<br />

Miller, Humphrey T., ticket agent M. S. &<br />

N. I. R. R., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Miller, Jacob, fireman M. C. R.. R., bds. 165<br />

Hcward.<br />

Miller, Jacob, laborer, h. n. w. cor. St. Aubin<br />

ave. and <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Miller, Jacob, painter, bds. 297 Marion.<br />

Miller, Jacob, porter Michigan Exchange,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Miller, John, blacksmith, h. 494 Congress e.<br />

Miller, John, carpenter, h. 792 Larned e.<br />

Miller, John, carpenter, h. 320 Ninth ave.<br />

Miller, John (col d), cook, h. 208 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Miller, John, drayman, h. o. 197 n. 209 Seventeenth.<br />

Miller, John, locksmith, bds. 93 Congress e.<br />

Miller, John H., carpenter, h. e. s. Crawford,<br />

bet. Vine and Noyes.<br />

Miller, John P., prof. music, bds. Canada<br />

House, 163 Wood bridge w.<br />

Miller, Joseph, laborer, h. 181 Jay.<br />

Miller, Joseph, night watchman, h. 3973<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Miller, Joseph, tobacconist, h. I02 Twelfth.<br />

Miller, Joseph, vegetables, 62 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 86 Clinton.<br />

Miller, Joseph R. J., laborer, h. 177 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Miller, Josephine (wid. Joseph), h. 173 Clinton.<br />

Miller, Louis M. (Green and Miller), h. 221<br />

Larned e.<br />

Miller, Lncy (wid. John), h. 35 Montcalm w.<br />

Miller, Michael, laborer, h. 207 Lafayette.<br />

Miller, Micllael, carbuilder, bds. 196 Marion.<br />

Miller, Michael, shoemaker, h. Whitney,bet.<br />

Hastings anit Prospect.<br />

Miller, Rlichael, laborer, h. 639 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Miller, Michael, painter, h. 297 Marion.<br />

Miller, Orville J., gilder, h. 406 St. Sntoine.<br />

." Miller, Rev. 0. P., pastor Jefferson ave.<br />

Christ.ian Church, bds. Tremont House.<br />

iller, Peter, fireman, bds. Central Railroad<br />

Hotel.<br />

Miller, Richard, painter, bds. 297 Marion.<br />

willer. Richard E., clerk G. W. R., bds. Western<br />

Hotel, Windsor, Ont.<br />

Miller, Robert, laborer, bds. 313 Congress w.<br />

Miller, Sebastian B., finisher, bds. 243 Rivard.<br />

Miller, Samuel E., salesman, bds. 93 Beech.<br />

Miiler, Sidney D. (Douglass & Miller), h.<br />

462 Jefferson ave.<br />

Miller, Stephen, joiner, 11. Mullett.<br />

Miller, 1 homas, hair dresser, 322 Woodward<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Miller, Thomas K., advertising agent, 23<br />

Brady, h. same..<br />

Miller, nTilliam (col'd), sailor, h. 3 George.<br />

Miller, William, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Howard.<br />

Miller, MTilliam, laborer, h. 243 Rivard.<br />

Miller, William A. C., watchmaker, bds .I03<br />

M Adams ave. e.<br />

Millet,, John, laborer, h. 10 Park Place.<br />

Milligan, James, laborer, h. e. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

Macomb and Croghnn.<br />

Millis, Isaac G., photographer, bds. Tremont<br />

Bouse.<br />

Millmin, John, cigarmaker, bds. 128 Clinton.<br />

Mills, Andrew H., captain, h. 365 Larned e.<br />

Mills, Daniel (col'd), barber, h. 153 Clinton.<br />

Mills, George, blacksmith, h. n. w. cor. German<br />

and Dubuis.<br />

Mills, John, blacksmith, bds. 81 First.<br />

blills, John, sailcr, bds. IS Wight.<br />

Mills, Mrs. Margaret, .h. 106 Porter.<br />

Mills, Mary (wid. William H.), dressmaker,<br />

h. 23 @:and River.<br />

Mills, Merrill I (Nevin &. Mills), furs, 193<br />

AiJ efferson ave., h. 44 Washington ave.<br />

Mills, Robert, porter, h. n. s. Pearl, nr. Russell.<br />

Mills, Robert, foreman Barnes & Bro., h. 29<br />

Silver.<br />

Mills, Thomas, maltster Western Brewery,<br />

bds. 48 Seventh.<br />

Mills, William T., piano tuner, bds. 12 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Milmore, John (col'd), plasterer, h. 398 Lafayette.<br />

Milspaugh, Daniel, conductor M. C. R. R., h.<br />

56 Seventeenth.<br />

Milsom, Joseph, tds. 21 Charlotte.<br />

Milton, Darius, mason, bds. 407 Sixth.<br />

Milward, Henry G., merchant tailor, 186<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Milwaukee Brewery, cor. Cherry and Grand<br />

River, William Voigt, propr.<br />

Mims, Edward, laborer, h. 317 Catharine.<br />

blims, Mathilda (wid. Henry), h. 361 Macomb.<br />

Mims, Mrs. Mathilda (col'd), washerwoman,<br />

h. 355 Macomb.<br />

Minard, Charles, blacksmith, h. 91 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Minard, Charles W., brewer, 583 Michigan<br />

ave., h. 577 same.<br />

Minch, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

near Grand River.<br />

MINCHEXLR, GEORGE H., manager R.<br />

G. Dun & Co., h. 21 Winder.




@p@~~ mBh@p@a<br />



Minckler,Charles, carpenter, h. 101 Mullett.<br />

Miner, Cornelius, laborer, w. s. Nineteenth,<br />

bet. Alesander and Baker.<br />

Miner, Edward (Edward Miner & Son), h.<br />

33 Beacon.<br />

Miner, Henry, bricklayer, h. 225 5fullett.<br />

Miner, John (Edward Miner & Son), bds. 33<br />

Beacon.<br />

Miner, John, mason, 11. 231 Mullett.<br />

Miner, John, lake captain, h. 361 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Miner, Joseph, h 383 Franklin,<br />

Miner, Nancy (wid. Oliver), h. n. e. cor.<br />

Howard and Twenty-third.<br />

Miner, Oliver, carpenter, bds. 361 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Miner, Edward, & Son (Edward and John<br />

Miner), merchant tailors, 64 Bates.<br />

Blink, Constantine, cabinetmaker, h. 308<br />

Marion.<br />

Minster, Frederick, moulder, e. s. Fourth,<br />

bet. Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Minster, Henry, helper, h. w. s. Fourth, nr.<br />

Holden Road.<br />

Minock, Edward, lawyer, bds. 133 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Miner, Thomas E., clerk. bds. 33 Beacon.<br />

Blintefaring, John, laborer, h. 469 Fort e.<br />

Mintern, Adam, carpenter, h. 386 Michigan<br />

aye.<br />

Minto. Mrs. Sarah, nurse, h. 249 Beaubien.<br />

Minwager, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 433 Cro-<br />

gllan .<br />

Minwagen, Madison, blacksmith, h. 420<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Minwagen, Peter, painter, h. 420 Beaubien.<br />

Mire, Frederick, engineer, h. 185 Sixth.<br />

Miro, Harriet (wid. Oliver;, h. 215 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Mission Sunday School, w. s. Ninth ave.,<br />

bet. Abbott and Howard, David M. Rich-<br />

ardson, Superintendent.<br />

Mitchel, John, painter, bds. 33'7 Eleventh.<br />

Mitchell, Anthony S., tailor, h. 23 Abbott.<br />

JbIitchell, Barrett B., clerk, bds. o. 29 n. 33<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Mitchell, Charles, fresco painter, h. 364<br />

Congress e.<br />

Mitchell, Rev. Edward C., pastor New Jeru-<br />

salem Church, h. n. w. cor. Cass ave. and<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Mitchell, Frank, drug clerk, bds. 199 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Mitchell, Henry, plasterer, h. n. e. cor. Ger-<br />

man and Dequindre.<br />

Mitchell, James, clerk, bds. 234 Randolph.<br />

Mitchell, James F. (col'd), whitewasher, h.<br />

44.6 Croghan.<br />

Mitchell, Jolm, blacksmith, h. 50 'National<br />

ave.<br />

Mitchell, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. German<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Mi~clrell, John h., clerk, bas. Russell House.<br />

Afitchell, Miss Lizzie, actress, bds. 235 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mitchell, Maria (wid. Thomas), h. 251<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mitchell, Nicol (Morl~ous, Mitchell & Byram),<br />

h. o 188 n. 224 Lafayette ave.<br />

illitchell, Peter, miller, h. 168 Fourteenth.<br />

Mitchell, Peter, grocer, 433 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Mitchell, Susan (wid. Timothy), h. 234<br />

Randolph.<br />

Mitchell, Thelly, hostler, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

Mitchell, William, carpenter, bds. ~afaiette<br />

ave., bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Mitchell, William, engineer, h. 13 Marion.<br />

Mitchell, William, machinist, h. 147<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Mitchell, William, shoemaker, h. 303<br />

Fifth.<br />

Mitclrell, William W., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Nitchell. Zobeide (wid. Julius C.), bds. 505<br />

Sixth.<br />

Mitchell, William, butcher, bds. 92 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Mitchiey, Richard, poultry, 21 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 406 Grand River.<br />

Mitmesser, Anton, laborer, h. 54 Catharine.<br />

Mitoche, Augustus, laborer, h. Jay, e. Dubois.<br />

Mittelhof, Conrad, 'laborer, h 22 Maple.<br />

Mittentag, Aaron, peddler, bds. 72 Lafayeite.<br />

Mittentag, Henry, nlarket peddler, h. 72<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Mittenthal, Henry, Yankeenotions, 49 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 72 Lafayette.<br />

Mittler, Ludwig, shoemaker, bds. 7 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Mitzelteld, Charles, machinist, h. 262 Whitney.<br />

Mix, Lawrence W., carpenter, h. 329 Crogl-ran.<br />

Mix, Wesley, carpenter, h. 329 Croghan.<br />

Moe, Ann (wid. Stewart), h. 163 Park.<br />

Moe, George, grocer, 223 Jefferson ave., h.<br />

30 !3enry.<br />

Moe, William C., salesman, bds. 163 Park.<br />

Moebs, George, cigarmaker, h. cor. Hastings<br />

and Kentucky.<br />

Moebs, Juliana (mid.), bds. 88 Croghan.<br />

Moellick, Wenzel, shoemaker, h. o. 29 n.<br />

111 Bronson.


-<br />

Moell er, Andrew, organbuilder, 245 Russell,<br />

h. same.<br />

Moeller, August,, organbuilder, bds. 245<br />

Russell.<br />

Moeller, John, boilermaker, h. 169 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Moeller, John Adam, carpenter, h. 78 Jay.<br />

Moench, Jacob, gardener, bds. e. s. Elmwood<br />

ave., near Uratiot.<br />

Moench, John, grocery and saloon, 99 Ma-<br />

comb, h. same.<br />

Moeps, George, laborer, h. 321 High.<br />

Bloerschel, Jasper, laborer, h. 372 Franklin.<br />

Moeschert, Mary (wid. Jacob), h. 393 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Moesta, Henry, macllinist and blacksmith,<br />

cor. Bates and Atwater, h. Hamtramck.<br />

Moffat, Hugh, saw mill, foot Dubois, h. 668<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Moffat, Samuel (col'd), chimneysweeper, h.<br />

45 Grove.<br />

Moffat, William (Ibfoffttt's Mills), bds. 668<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Mogk, Andrew, porter, h. 172 Mullett.<br />

Mogk, John VET., tailor, h. 63 Chestnut.<br />

Mogk, J. William, bartender, h. 63 Cheat-<br />

nut.<br />

Mogridge, Thomas, laborer, h. 377 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Mohan, Francis J., clerk, bds. 53 Labrosse.<br />

Mollan, James. watchmaker, h. 53 Labrosse.<br />

MOHN, JOHN, locksnlith, Brush, bet. La-<br />

fayette and Croghan, h. 28 Croglian. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Mohr, Peter, cabinetmaker, 11. 159 Mullett.<br />

Rloir, August, laborer, bds. 381 Fifteenth.<br />

Moir, George, bds. 126 High.<br />

Moir, George S., upholsterer, bds. 55 bfichi-<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Moir, Jennie, teacher in new Ninth Ward<br />

school, bds. 35 Abbott.<br />

Moir, Mrs. Mary, h. 25 Abbott.<br />

Moir, blelville, accountant, h. 255 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Moir, William, shoemaker, h. 238 Third.<br />

Moir, William K., fireman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

25 Abbott.<br />

Mok, Andrew, trunkmaker, h. 19G Mullett.<br />

Molan, Clement, boilermaker, h. 349 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Molis, Peter, moodsawyer, h. o. 379 n. 427<br />

Maconlb.<br />

Molitor, Slbert, U. S. Lake Survey, h. 139<br />

Larned e<br />

Rlolitor, Edward, asst. U. S. Lake Survey,<br />

h. 168 Bagg.<br />

Rloloney, David E., blacksmith, bds. 152<br />

Larnec! w.<br />

Moloney, James, grocery and saloon, o. 148<br />

n. 160 Sisth. and 60 Labrosse, bds. 160<br />

Sisth.<br />

Moloney, John F., grocery and saloon, 160<br />

Sixth and 60 Labrosse, h. 160 Sixth.<br />

Moloney, Mathew, clerk,' h. 253 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moloney, Patrick, blacksmith, bds. 170 Lafayette.<br />

Moloney, William, laborer, bds. 135 Hastings.<br />

Molony, William P., h. 273 Fort w.<br />

Moloney, John B., student, bds. 273 Fort w.<br />

Moll, I-lev. Conrad L., pastor Emanuel<br />

Lutheran Church, h. 275 Seventh.<br />

Moll, Louis, physician, 7 Glass Row, Maple,<br />

11. same.<br />

Moll, Peter, bricklayer, h. o. 95 n. 183 Napoleon.<br />

RIoll, Theodore, machinist, h. 253 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Mollison, James, laborer, h. 271 Atwater.<br />

Molte, Frederick, carpenter, h. 12 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

Mombauer, John, laborer, h. Dubois, n. w.<br />

cor. Jay.<br />

Mommer, John, carpenter, h. 4 Pearl.<br />

Momne, Charles, laborer, bds. cor. Mount<br />

Elliott and Jefferson aves.<br />

Momnz, Noah, engineer, h. c. e. cor. Campau<br />

and Wight.<br />

Mompas, Elsior, laborer, h. 712 Franklin.<br />

Rlonaghan, Bernard, teamster, h. 149<br />

Chene.<br />

Monaghan, George, clerk, bds. n. s. Oak,<br />

bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Monaghan. James, bookkeeper, bds. s. e.<br />

cor. Orleans and Lafay ette.<br />

Monaghan. John, grocer. 155 Woodbridge<br />

w.. h. 54 Oak.<br />

Monaghan, John, laborer, h. 590 Beaubien.<br />

Monaghan, John, laborer, h. o. 346 n. 362<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Monaghan, John, moulder, h. 58 Howard.<br />

hlonaghan, John, teamster, bds. 109 Randolph.<br />

Monaghan, Joseph, clerk, h. 45 Labrosse.<br />

Monaglian, Martin, cabinetmaker, h. s. e.<br />

cor. Baker and Twelfth.<br />

Monaghan, Xicholas, druggist, 95 and 97<br />

Orand River, bds. 50 Oak.<br />

Mo~aghan, Patrick, bookkeeper, bds. 48<br />

Oak.<br />

Monaghan, Patrick, brewer, bds. Union<br />

Hotel, Woodbridge e.<br />

Monaghan, Patrick. clerk, bds. n. s. Oak,<br />

bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Monaghan, Patrick, grocery,300 Baker, cor.<br />

Thirteen.and-a-half, h. same.<br />

Monaghan, Patrick, laborer, h. n. s. Oak,<br />

bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Monaghan, Patrick H.(Teuton, McWilliams<br />

& Co.), h. s. w. cur. Woodbridge and<br />

Second.<br />

Monaghan, Thomas, bartender, bds. s. e.<br />

cor. Larned and Shelby.<br />

Monaghau, Thomas (Jfonaghan & O'Brien),<br />

h. 76 Twelfth.<br />

Monaghan, Timothy, Back driver, bds. 55<br />

LITa y ne .<br />

Monaghan, William, grocer, 222 Orleans, h<br />



NEW YORE<br />

SOLOX NeELROT, Unnager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Monaghan & O'Brien (Thomas Monaghan<br />

and Thomas E. O'Brien), builders and<br />

jobbers, 73 and 75 Beaubien.<br />

. Monchant, Jerome, machinist, h 789 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Monderall, Peter, clerk, h, 475 Croghan.<br />

Mondery, Henry, hackman, 122 Clinton, h.<br />

same.<br />

Monell, James, laborer, h. 302 Thirteen-and-<br />

a-ha1 f.<br />

Monen, Jolin, laborer, h. 117 Franklin.<br />

Mooney, Henry, plumber, bds. rear 98<br />

Brush.<br />

Monfort, Mary A., school teacher, h. 108<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Monier, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Hastings and Division.<br />

Monk, Frederick, matchmaker, h. 3 Maple.<br />

hlonnich, Frederick, painter, h. 316 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Monnier, Francis X., French wines and<br />

liquors, 62 Congress e., h. same.<br />

Monroe, Alexander, grocer, 195 Chene, h.<br />

same.<br />

Monroe, Alice (wid. Charles), h. 236 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Monroe, eeorge, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Williams avs. and Myrtle.<br />

Monroe, Henry, laborer, bds. MToodbridge,<br />

bet. Seventeenth and Eighteenth.<br />

Monroe, John, tanner, bds. 49 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Monroe, 1,ucy (wid. Andrew), h. 538 Tort e.<br />

Montague, Augusta, dressmaker, h. 70<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Montague, Bernard, fireman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

14 Piith.<br />

Montague, Louis, agent, h. 353 High.<br />

. Blontague, Xavier, laborer, h. 113 Mullett.<br />

Montaign, Emil, painter, h. 141 Sherman.<br />

Montan bault, John, laborer, h. o. 482 n. 500<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Montarman, Mathew, blacksmith, h. 301<br />

Croghan.<br />

Montei, Anthony, laborer, h. 200 Maple.<br />

Montgomery, Campbell, clerk P. O., h. 70<br />

Sibley.<br />

Montgomery, Miss Emma V., forewoman<br />

stamping dey't <strong>Detroit</strong> Match Works,<br />

bds. 173 Fifth.<br />

Montgomery, Harvey, Bds. 86 Congress w.<br />

Montgonlery, Robert L., captain, bds. 55<br />

Adelaide.<br />

Montgomery, Thomas, engineer corps, bds.<br />

70 Sibley.<br />

Montgomery, Thomas S., confectioner, n. e.<br />

cor. Michigan ave. and Third, h. e. s.<br />

Twentyfourth, bet. Rlagnolia and Linden.<br />

Montgomery, William C. (William Duncan<br />

& Co.), h. s. s. Willis ave., near Cass.<br />

Montique, Augustus, driver engine No 6, h.<br />

353 Montcalm e.<br />

Montleki, Michael, laborer, h. 545 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Montreal, Lambert, laborer, h. 251 Hastings.<br />

Montreal, Peter, laborer, h. 475 Croglian.<br />

Moody, Ueorge, salesman, bds. 49 Baker.<br />

Maody, Hugh, teamster, h. 286 Franklin.<br />

Moody, Kobert, barber, 179 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. 49 Baker.<br />

Moody, Kobert, blacksmith, bds. 349 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Moody, Robert (Moody & Mette), h. 349<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Moody. Snnluel B., salesman, bds. 39 Baker.<br />

bloody & Mette (Robert Moody and Clem-<br />

ents hlette), blacksmiths and wagon<br />

makers, 323 Michigan ave.<br />

Moon, Hannah (wid. Thomas), h. 7 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

%looney, Hugh, laborer, h. o. 275 n. 281<br />

Franklin.<br />

Mooney, Joseph, bds. rear 98 Brush.<br />

Mooney, Richard, laborer, bds. rear 98<br />

Brush.<br />

Mooney, Rosetta (wid. Henry), h. rear 98 -<br />

Brush.<br />

Mooney, Thomas, laborer, h. 121 Labrosse.<br />

Moore, Slesander (col'd), barber, 72 Wood- ,<br />

ward are., h. 257 Macomb.<br />

Moore, Benjamin B., Supt. Water Works,<br />

h. 45 Elizabeth w.<br />

Moore, Catharine (wid. Richard), bds. 136<br />

-Grand River. uw stairs.<br />

Moore, ~harles H. (Moore & Co.), h. 3G3<br />

Sixth.<br />

Moore, Charles (col'd), teamster, h. 151 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Moore, Charles B., clerk, bds. 45 Elizabeth<br />

west.<br />

h.foore, Charles W., clerk, h. 52 Russell.<br />

Moore, Christopher F., lake captain, h. 62<br />

Abbott.<br />

Moore, Edward S., carpenter, bas. 78<br />

Pitcher.<br />

Moore, Everett W. (Moore & Co.), h. 106<br />

Elizabeth w. .<br />

Moqre, Franklin (Moore, Foote & Co.), res.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Moore, Frederick, butcher, 8 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, h. 66 Montcalm w.<br />

Moore, Frederick, laborer, h. Porter, bet.<br />

Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Moore, George, peddler, h. 144 Beech.<br />

Moore, George, bookkeeper, bds. 46 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Moore, Ueorge (col'd), sexton Christ Church,<br />

11. 52 Mullett,<br />

Moore, George E., machinist, bds. 97 Sev-<br />



I Noore, George F. (Allan Shelden & Co.), h.<br />

34 Winder.<br />

Moore, George H., bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

&loore, George H., supt.. saw mill, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and T wenty-fourth.<br />

>loore, James, painter, 11. 86 Macomb.<br />

Moore, Jatnes (John Stephens & Co.), h. 10<br />

I<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Moore, James W., salesman, bds. 10 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Moore, John, carpenter, 11.10 Lewis.<br />

Moore, John, clerk, bds. 412 Third.<br />

Moore, John, market gardener, bds. 412<br />

Third.<br />

Moore, John, frame moulder, bds. 173 Porter.<br />

Moore, John, ship owrer, h. 93 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Moore, John (J. Moore & Co.), h. n. ~v. cor.<br />

Sisteenth and Magnolia.<br />

Moore, John N., clerk, h. 450 Twelfth.<br />

Moore, John 'CV., clerk, bds. 93 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Moore, John W., seaman, bds. 232 Fifth.<br />

Moore, John 'CY., mason, bds. 45 Elizabeth<br />

west.<br />

Moore, J. Wilkie, U. S. Custom House, h.<br />

428 Ilafayette ave.<br />

Moore, Joseph, bricklayer, bds. 548 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Moore, Joseph, machinist, bds. 97 Seventh.<br />

Moore, Joseph B., clerk, bds. 428 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Moore, Josiah WT. (J. W. Moore S; Co.), h.<br />

239 Park.<br />

Moore, Lucien S., supt. saw mill, bds. cor.<br />

Fort and Twenty-fourth.<br />

Moore, bliss, dressmaker, 274 Woodmard<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Moore, Miss Rlary, principal Lyell Avenue<br />

School, bds. 280 Porter.<br />

Moore, Michael, carpenter, h. o. 74 n. 150<br />

Nap01 eon.<br />

Moore, Nicholas, cooper, h. 121 Antietam.<br />

Moore, 0. Dwight, photographer, 158 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 99 Adams ave e.<br />

Moore, Peter. cabinetmaker, h. 195 Mullett.<br />

Moore, Peter, laborer, bds. 144 Beech.<br />

Moore, Reuben, filemaker, h. 91 Marion.<br />

Moore, Samuel, carpeuter, 11. 217 Park.<br />

Moore, Samuel, ~nachinist,, bds. 26 Fort e.<br />

Moore, Stephen (T. & S. Moore), res. Springwells.<br />

.<br />

3Ioore. Susan, washerwoman, 11. 91 Marion.<br />

Moore, Thomas, carpenter, h. 233 Larned e.<br />

Moore, Thomas, machinist, h. 97 Seventh.<br />

Moore, Verdine K. (J. W. Moore & Co.), res.<br />

East Sa,' wlnaw.<br />

Moore, William, bds. 88 Howard.<br />

Moore, William, laborer, h. n. s. Porter, bet.<br />

Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Moore, \\Tilliam, livery stable, 72 Larned e.,<br />

11. 84 same.<br />

Moore, William A. (Moore.& Griffin), bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

39<br />

Moore, William E. (Moore & Co.), h. 106<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Xoore, William F. (Daily Union Printing<br />

Co.), h. 40 Cherry.<br />

Moore S: Co. (Everett W. and Charles H.<br />

Moore), commission merchants, 5 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

bloore, J., & Co. (John Noore and Charles<br />

Futvoye), hulled corn, n. w. cor. Sisteenth<br />

and 31 agnolia.<br />

Moore, J. LIT., St Co. (J. Whitney and Ver-<br />

dine K. Moore), clothiers and gents' furn-<br />

ishing goods, o. 106 n. 122 Woodward ave.<br />

Moore, Foote & Co. (Franklin Moore, George<br />

Foo te and George F. Bagleg), wholesale<br />

grocers, foot Cass.<br />

Moore & Griffin (William A. Moore and<br />

Levi T. Griffin), lawyers, 151 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

moore, F. & S. (Franklin and Stephen<br />

Moore), lumber merchants, 775 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Moorey, James. mason, h. e. s. Cass ave., bet.<br />

Bagg and Sproat.<br />

R1oorhouse, Sylvester, bds. 219 Howard.<br />

Rloors, Cyrus F., mason, h. o. 101 n. 125<br />

Cass.<br />

Mar, Nicholas, cooper, h. 251 St. Antoine.<br />

Jlorahan, Thornas, grocer, saloon, IS4 Rlich-<br />

igan aye., h. same.<br />

Moran, Charles, 11. 373 Jefferson ave.<br />

Moran, Charles I>., clerk, 11-81 Brady.<br />

&loran, Jarnes, laborer, 11. s. w. cor. Lafon-<br />

taine ave. and Grand River.<br />

Noran, John, bookkeeper, bds. 373 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moran, John, saloon and boarding, 566<br />

Woodbridge w., h. same.<br />

Moran, John, traveling agt., h. 207 Cass.<br />

Moran, John, painter, bds. '76 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Moran, Joseph, laborer, h. 456 Catharine.<br />

Moran, Mary (wid. Peter). h. 409 Twelfth.<br />

Moran, Mathias, peddler, h. 433 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Noran, Patrick, laborer, bds. 409 Twelfth.<br />

Moran, Peter, clerk, bds. 70 Porter.<br />

RIoran, Thomas, saloon and boarding, 1030<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Moran, MTilliam, janitor Cass Union School,<br />

h. same.<br />

N~ran, William, engineer, h. 3s Twentieth.<br />

Moran, William B. lawyer, h. 373 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Moran. William J., painter, Willis Block,<br />

h. 1274 Jeffersou ave.<br />

Moranda, John, laborer, h. 54 St. Aubin<br />

aye.<br />

Morass, Antoine, land agt. h. o. 283 n. 339<br />

St. Auljin ave.<br />

Morass, Walter, bds. o. 59 n. 83 Congress w.<br />

310rdhorsto, John, jr., cigar ruanfr., 202<br />

woodbridge w., il. same.<br />

&Iorahorst, John, sr., h. 202 Woodbridge w.<br />

Mordian, George, carpenter, h. 2 Morse.




E,,n?fa<br />

EX%S\&+QT&<br />

F>!,. \.: 4 (- CZJ C-<br />

OfTIce, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />

Morhous, George (Morhous, Mitchell & Byram),<br />

h. 134 George.<br />

Morllous, William A,, bookkeeper, h. 296<br />

Third.<br />

Morllous, William A., clerk, bds. 134 George.<br />

RPorhous, Mitchell & Byram,<br />

(George Biorhous, Nicol blit,chell and<br />


Charles Byram). builders, sash and blind<br />

manufacturers, 132 and 134 Woodbridge<br />

More, Charles, salesman, h. 52 Russell. e. (See adz/.).<br />

More, William S., gardener, h. 354 Congress ~oriHrt?, ~hdget (wid. Michael), h. 2%<br />

east.<br />

Sisth.<br />

Morehead, John, conductor, h. s. m. cor. Moriarty, Michael, plasterer, h. 245 Sisth.<br />

Fourth and Arch.<br />

Blorisettee, Mrs. Emily, h. 68 Dubois.<br />

Moreie, Tllomas, butcher, h. 39 Duffield. Morkupp, Frederick, h. 403 Maple.<br />

Rlorency, Frank, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Mich- Rlorlan, John 9., bds. 46 Lafapette ave.<br />

igan and Williams aves.<br />

Blorley, Frederick, manager Daily Post, h.<br />

Morenus, Rose A. (wid. William S.), fancy 133 Congress e.<br />

goods, 307 Wood~vard ave., h. 12 bfont- Moross, Christopher, h. 291 Beaubien.<br />

calm m.<br />

&loross, Cleophas, bds. 291 Beaubien.<br />

&loreton, James A. M., clerk, bds. 1'71 Sev Moross, Joseph, mason builder, h. '79 Adams<br />

enth.<br />

ave. e.<br />

Morewitz, John, rag peddler, h. o. 6 n. 109 Moross, Victor, nlason, bds. 291 Beaubien.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Morass, Victor, conductor, h. 474 Jefferson<br />

Morgan, Ann (wid. George), 11. 234 Abbott. ave.<br />

Morgttn, A. Richard, Loot and shoe manu- Morphy, Robert, produce dealer, h. n. s.<br />

facturer and dealer, o. 91 n. 109 Wood- Grand Kiver, nr. Twelfth.<br />

ward ave., h. n. e. cor. Cass ave. and Morrell, Alexander w., tobacconist, h. 362<br />

Elizabeth.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Morgan, Benjamin A. (B. A. Morgan & Morrell, Ferdinand, vessel owner, h. 163<br />

Bros.), bds. 153 Grand Biver.<br />

Co~gress e.<br />

Morgan, Daniel, sailor, bds. 254 Abbott. Morretski, John, blacksmith, bds. s. s. Ma-<br />

Morgan, David, sailmaker, 11. 1'72 Abbott. conib, bet. Dubois and St. Subin ave.<br />

Morgan, David E., sewing machine adjuster, Morris, Adner, sa~~yer, h. 84 Twentieth.<br />

h. 172 Abbott.<br />

Morris, Arthur, mason, h. 216 High.<br />

Morgan, Elizabeth (wid. James), h. n. e. cor. Morris, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 355 Cro-<br />

Seventh and Locust.<br />

ghan.<br />

Rlorgan, George S., bookkeeper, bds. How- Morris, Mrs. Catherine (wid. Miles), h. 119<br />

ard Holise.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Morgan, George W., salesman, bds. Antisdel Morris, George, hats, caps and furs, 116 Jef-<br />

House. -<br />

ferson ave., h. same.<br />

Morgan, James, druggist, h. 1'73 Seventh. Morris, Ivers P., civil engineer, h. 538 Fort<br />

Morgan, James W., clerk, bds. 98 Lewis. west.<br />

Morgan, John, moulder, bds. n. e. cor. Sev- Morris, James, gardener, bds. 119 Twentyenth<br />

and Locust.<br />

fourth.<br />

Morgan, Kingslep S. (B. A. Morgan &. Bros.), Morris, John, carpenter, bds. Perkins'<br />

bds. 153 Grand Kiver.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Morgan, Maroni, engineer, h. 344 Chene. Morris, John, laborer, h. n. s. Lafayette ave.,<br />

Morgan, Capt. Quinton, sailor, bds. 310 bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

W oodbridge w.<br />

Morris, Joseph &I., physician, 196 Wood-<br />

Morgan, Richard L. (B. A. Morgan & Bros.), ward ave., h. same.<br />

bds. 153 erand River.<br />

Morris, Lynlali R., insurance agent, bds.<br />

Morgan, Samuel, carpenter, h. 215 Twelfth. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Morgan, Sanfbrd W. (S. W. Morgan & Co.), Morris, Peter K., agent, bds. 60 Grand<br />

h. 88 Lewis.<br />

River.<br />

Morgan, William, harnessmaker, h. 237+ Morris, Richard D., fireman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

Seventh.<br />

538 Fort m.<br />

Morgan, William, laborer, bds. 144 Twelfth. Morris, Robert (Morris & Co.), h. 197 Por.<br />

Morgan, William H., sailmaker, h. 94 Wal- ter.<br />

nut.<br />

Morris, William, grainer, bds. 71 Beau-<br />

Morgan, William H., sawyer, h. 85 Fif- bien.<br />

teenth.<br />

Morris, William, foreman Clark's dry dock,<br />

Morgan, B. A., & Bros (Benjamin A., Rich- h. 87 Twelfth.<br />

ard L. and Kinghley S. Morgan), meat Morris, William, patternmaker Hodge &<br />

market, 153 Grand Biver.<br />



Morris Sr, Co. (Robert Morris and Jonathan<br />

T~agan), groceries and provisions, 197 Porter.<br />

Morrison, Abraham, carpenter, bds. e. s.<br />

Eiphtli, nr. cor. Michigan ave.<br />

Morrison, Alesander, commercial reporter<br />

Daily Post, h. 106 Adams aye. e.<br />

Morrison, Alexander, ca mpenter, h. 106 Fi f-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mor~~ison, Alepander, machinist, h. 361<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Morrison, Alesander W., carpenter, bds.<br />

Howard, bet. Sistti and Seventh.<br />

Morrison, Angus, shipcarpenter. h. 433 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Morrison, Charles H., salesman, bds. 35<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Morrison, George E., student, bds. 35 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Blorrison, ha mil to^, truck builder M C. R.<br />

R., h. 405 Lafayette ave.<br />

Morrison, James. engineer, 11. 1'71 Twelfth.<br />

Morrison, James, sailor, 11. 157 {'liene.<br />

Morrison, John, laborer, bds. GS Labrosse.<br />

Morrison, John, patternmaker, h. Guoin, e.<br />

Campau.<br />

Morrison, John, sailor, bd~. 435 Larned e.<br />

Morrison, John H., ice merchant, 11. 35<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Mor:ison, Moses R., clerk, h. 106 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Morrison, Robert, boilermaker, h. 191 Porter.<br />

Morrison, Robert (col'd), saloon, 145 Beaubien.<br />

Morrison, Thomas, moulder, bds. Dequindre,<br />

below G ratiot.<br />

Morrison, William (col'd), cook, h. 206 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Morr;son, IYilliam G., carpenter, bds. 443<br />

Atwater.<br />

Morrissey, Edward, stonecutter, bds. 132<br />

Abbott.<br />

Morrissey, John, laborer, h. 163 Franklin.<br />

Morrissey, John L., laborer, h. 163 Franklin.<br />

Morrissey, Mary Ann (wid.), h. 359 Franklin.<br />

Rlorrissey, Thomas, stonecutter, bds. 112<br />

Abbott.<br />

blorriz, Morriz, peddler, h. 169 St. Antoine.<br />

Morrman, Asa, carpenter, h. 43 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Morrman, Henry C., carpenter, bds. 43 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Morse, Caroline W. (wid. Francis), h. 79<br />

First.<br />

Morse, Edward, salesman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Morse, Ella (wid. John ItT.), h. 193 Larned e.<br />

hlorschel, Eva (wid. Anton), 11.59 Chestnut.<br />

Morse, James F., student, bds. IS Macomb<br />

aye.<br />

Morse, Jennie C., teacher new Ninth MTard<br />

School, bds. 71 First.<br />

Morse, John, clerk, bds. 35 Sixth.<br />

Xorse, Julia (wid. Ebenezer), h. 18 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Rlorton, Andrew, lithogrzxplr printar, bds.<br />

431 Latayette.<br />

Morton, Barbara (wid. James), h. 171 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Morton, B. Franklin, general ticket agent.<br />

s. w. cor. \TToodbridge and Thrrd, bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Morton, Fraser, engineer, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Morton, James (col'd), vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, s. s. on Rlicliigan Grand ave., h.<br />

37 Latayette.<br />

Morton, John D., steel stamp cutter, h. 47<br />

Montcalni w.<br />

Morton, Mrs. (wid. Julius D.), h. 335 Jeffer-<br />

son aye.<br />

Morton, Kornulus (col'd), plasterer, h. 282<br />

Orlvans.<br />

hlorton: William, fireman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

163 Howard.<br />

Morwitz, Thomas, rag dealer, h. 215 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Morwood, David, shoemaker, h. 163 Clifford.<br />

Mosley, Richard, laborer, h. 35s Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Mosbeck, Peter, machinist, h. 350 Hastings.<br />

Moser, Theodore, druggist, 234 Randolph, h.<br />

same.<br />

Moses, Andrew, teamster. h. 246 Beaubien.<br />

Rloses, Lucien (Fiske & Moses), bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Moses, Zekiel, clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Mosher, Alonzo, carpenter, h. 50 Limburg.<br />

hlosher, Amasa A., carpenter, h. 50 Llm-<br />

burg.<br />

Moss, John, sailmaker, h. 522 Mullett.<br />

Moss, 'CJTilliam, h. Macomb, bet. Dubo!s and<br />

Chene.<br />

Mosser, Christian R., painter, h. 209 Park.<br />

Mott, Henry, machinist, h. 391 Eighteenth.<br />

Mott, Henry. machinist, h. 280 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Mott,, John T. (Griggs, Matt & Co.), bds. Cass<br />

House.<br />

Mott. Joseph, vegetables, 18 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

ket, h. 10 Clay.<br />

Mott, H., contractor, h. 280 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Motz, Frederick, sheet iron and tin ware,<br />

16 Grand River, h. satfie.<br />

Mouat, John D. (S. Ferguson & Co.), bds.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

i'vlouer, John, carpenter, bds. 110 Rivard.<br />

Mowat, Angus, car builder M. C. I1. R., h.<br />

120 Eig1iteent.h.<br />

Mowry, (irant G., clerk, bds 97 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Alowry, Israel (I. Mowry & Co.), h. 97 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Mowry I., & Co. (Israel Molvry and H. Nor-<br />

ton Strong), tobacconists, 60 and G2 Jef-<br />

ferson avc.<br />

Moyer, Peter, shoemaker, h. 152 Russell.


LEk F l%8~~.&<br />

w QB @&!llX Pr B C ~ ~ ,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH IXCOME, $1 5,000<br />

-..<br />

SOLOX BcELROF, Jla~lr~er and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Bailding, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

hfueller, Renry, tailor, 11. 435 Mullett.<br />

Mueller, Henry, h. 87 Mullett.<br />

Mndler, Hermann, boilermaker, bds. 227<br />

Adams ave e.<br />

Blueller, Hermann, laborer, bds. 152 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Mueller, Herrnann, veget'ables 79, fish 89,<br />

Hall market, ll. 202 Gratiot.<br />

Mueller, John, bell llanger and lccksmith,<br />

bds. congress, n. v7. cor. Brush.<br />

Moynahan, Jeremiah, 11. 123 Porter. Mueller, John, laborer, h. 432 Rfullett.<br />

hloynallan, Jeremiah, jr., street car driver, blueller, ,John, printer, bds. 156 St. Antoine.<br />

11. 226 Michigan aye.<br />

Rlucller, John, tanner, 11.120 Mullett.<br />

Moynalian, Jolin, boilermaker, h. 90 La- Mueller, John U., asst. Lake Survey, h. 84<br />

brosse.<br />

George.<br />

Moynahan, RIat1ie~~- J.,deputy County Clerk, Mueller, Joseph, fish dealer, 87 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

h. s. e. cor. Third and Jones.<br />

inarket, h. 86 Clintou.<br />

hloynahan, Timothy, laborer, h. 145 La- Rfuel ler, Joseph, peddler, h. 457 Macomb.<br />

brosse.<br />

Mueller, Louis, boots and shoes, 81 and 83<br />

Moyridge, Thomas, laborer, h. 377 Six- Lafayette, h. same.<br />

teenth.<br />

Rlueller, Louis, tailor, bds. 212 Clinton.<br />

Muckel, James. laborer, 11. 241 Second. Mueller, Louis, teamster, h. 449 Sherman.<br />

Mucklejohn, John, laborer, bds. 187 Larned Alueller, Mathias J ., clerk, bds. 102 Maeast.<br />

comb.<br />

Muehleck, John, baker, 116 Woodbridge e., RIueller, Michael, laborer, h. 229 Sherman.<br />

11. same.<br />

R1 ueller, Otto, confectioner, 124 Gratiot, h.<br />

Muelrlmann, Jacob, grocery, o. 128 n. 134 same.<br />

Clinton, h. same.<br />

Mueller, Peter, butcher, 385 St. Aubin ave.,<br />

Muehring, Joachim, laborer, h. 580 Cro- h. same.<br />

ghan.<br />

Mueller, Rudolph, miller, bds. 31 Catharine.<br />

Mnellenbach, J. Sylvester, tanner, h. IG7 Mueller, Sebastian, laborer, h. 432 Catha-<br />

Mullett.<br />

rine.<br />

Muellenbach, Mathias (Holthoefer, Muellen- hlueller, Valentine, laborer, 11. IS4 Clinton.<br />

bach & Bro.), h. 232 Croghan.<br />

Mueller, William, meat market, 330 Orleans,<br />

Murllenbacl1,Yeter (Holtlioefer. Muellenbach h. same.<br />

& Bro.), h. o. 160 n. 149 Blullett.<br />

RIue~lz, Anton, carpenter, h. GO Maple.<br />

Muvller, Andrew, carpenter, bds. 156 St. An- Muer, Anton, cigar manfr., 454 Gratiot, h.<br />

toine.<br />

same.<br />

Mucller, Anna (mid. Philip), h. 105 Rio- Muer, Joseph, salooon, 436 Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

pelle.<br />

bluer, Theresia (wid. Joseph), h. 454 Gra-<br />

Mueller, Anthony, drayman, h. 108 Clinton. tiot.<br />

Blueller, Anthony, laborer, h. St. Aubin Muesch, Simon, butcher, h. 317 Croghan.<br />

ave., s. w. cor. German.<br />

Mueser, Catharine (wid. Franz), L. 233 Beau-<br />

Mueller, Anton, stonecutter, h. €37 Mullett. bien.<br />

J!fueller, Catharine (wid. August), h. 311 La- &ftzeser, William, laborer, h. 233 Beaubien.<br />

fayette.<br />

MUIR, ALEXAKDER H., agt. Merchants<br />

Mueller, Catharine (wid. Louis), h. 227 Ad- and Peoples Despatch, office 36 Griswold,<br />

am~ ave. e.<br />

bds. 78 Farrar.<br />

Mueller, Catharine (wid. Kicholas), h. 10s Muir, Asa J., carpenter, h. 236 Clinton.<br />

Clinton.<br />

JMuir, James H., Sec. D. & M. R. R., h. 78<br />

Mueller, Charles, confect'r, h. 185 Croghan. Farrar.<br />

Mueller, Charles, laborer, 11. S1G High. Muir, John, bartender <strong>Detroit</strong> Exchange,<br />

Mueller, Charles F., merchant tailor, 117 bds. 52 Front.<br />

Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Rluir, Willialu K., Asst. Gen'i. Supt. blichi-<br />

Mueller, Edward, shoemaker, h. 235 Cal- igan Central K. R., h. 353 Fort m.<br />

houn.<br />

hlulch, John, vegetables, 40 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

Mueller, Frederick, tanner, bds. cor. Hast- ket, h. 131 Lafayette.<br />

ings and Macomb.<br />

M~zldany, William, dra~man, h. 124 Sev-<br />

Mueller, Frederick, upholsterer, bds. 212 en th. '<br />

Clinton.<br />

Muldenhauer, John, laborer, h. 414 Antie-<br />

Mueller, George, laborer, 11.151 Clinton. tam.<br />

Mueller, (jleo~~ge, grocery, 234 I-lastings, h. Muldry, John, foreman M. C. R. R., h. 238<br />

same.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

31 ueller, G. Blichael, wheelwright, h. 141 Blulford, George, collector Free Press, bds.<br />

Catharine.<br />

22 Catharine.

Mulford, Rebecca (wid. Eelson), boarding,<br />

h. 22 Catharine.<br />

Mulharon, Thomas, laborer, h. o. 396 n. 414<br />

Franklin.<br />

3Iulholland, James, foreman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

101 Sisth.<br />

Mulholland, Michael, teamster, 11.232 Fifth.<br />

blulholland, Peter, laborer, bds. 232 Fifth.<br />

Muilen, Annie (wid. Patrick), h. 411 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Mullen, Lawrence, telegraph operator, bds.<br />

297 hl iclligan ave.<br />

Mullen, Michael, blacksmith, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Fifth and liiver.<br />

3lullen, Michael, laborer, h. 119 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

31 ullen, Patrick, carpenter, bds. 411 Lasalle<br />

aye.<br />

&lullenback, John S., tanner, bds. 167 Mullett.<br />

31ullens, Patrick, sawyer, bds. 411 Sisteen<br />

tll .<br />

Biuller, Andrew, laborer, h. 318 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Biuller, Francis, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Hale<br />

and Dequindre.<br />

Muller, Jacob: gardener, bds. Hastings, ab.<br />

Gentucky .<br />

Muller, Jacob, porter, 11. 33 Scott.<br />

Muller, Jacob, laborer, h. 227 Marion.<br />


Munk, Johanna (wid. Edward!, h. 4 Glass<br />

Ito\v, Maple.<br />

Blunro, Alrnun B., carpenter, h. 96 Park.<br />

blunro, John F., surveyor, 1193 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 38 Bagg;<br />

Munro, William b., carpenter, h. 160 Hastings.<br />

Munroe, Daniel, sailor, bds. Guoin, on<br />

Cllene farm.<br />

Riuuroe, Donald, carpenter, bds. 235 Brush.<br />

Rfunroe, Mrs. Lucy, Yankee notions, 11 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 338 Fort e.<br />

Munson, C. A. (wid. Almira), h. 303 Third.<br />

MUNSON, HENRY C., insurance agt., 34<br />

Griswold, bds. 3iddle House.<br />

Munson, Lewis, carpenter, bds. o. 154 n. 156<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

biunteral, Lambert, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Bastings and Mullett.<br />

Munterman, Paul, h. 295 Bronson.<br />

Muna, Jacob, manager Arbeiter Hall, h. 215<br />

liussell.<br />

3lurchison, Carrie, dressmaker, bds. 23<br />

Urand River.<br />

Murdock, - , engineer, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Murdock, James, laborer, 11.172 Clinton.<br />

Murdock, Jasper, bds. 22 Lafayette.<br />

Murdock, Mathew, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Bluller, Mathe~v, clerk, h. nr. n. w. cor. Ken- Mnrdock, Robert, check clerk D. St Rl. R. R.<br />

tucky and Hussell.<br />

Murphy, Aaron (col'd), laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Mulvey, James, switchman M. C. W. R., h. St. Antoine and Benton.<br />

405 Fort e.<br />

Murphy, Ann (wid. Mathew), h. 181 Or-<br />

Mulveg, Miss Mary, dressmaker, 134 Cro- chard.<br />

ghan, h. same.<br />

Riurphy, Arthur, laborer, h. w. s. Trow-<br />

Blumford, Benjamin P. (Mumford, Foster SL bridge, nr. Ash.<br />

Co.), bds. 4 Cyanage Block, Shelby. Murphy, Bartholomew, grocer, n. w. cor.<br />

Jlumford, George, teamster, h. 29 Watson. Miclii~an and Harrison aves.. h. same.<br />

3lumt'ord, James, barber, bds. 164 Marion. ~nr~hy; Bridget (mid. ~imoih~), h. 262 -,.<br />

Rlumford, Samuel K. (Mumford, Foster S: Fifth. -<br />

Co.), 11.28 hlouroe ave.<br />

Murphy, Catharine (aid. James), h. 190<br />

IkIurntbrd, William (col'd - Numford & Cass.<br />

Parker), 11. 161: Marion.<br />

Murphy, Catharine (wid. John), h. 145<br />

Mumford, Foster & Co. (Samuel R. and Ben- I Plum.<br />

jamin P. hiurnford, Edward D. Foster and Murphy, Cllarles (col'd), teamster, h. Beau-<br />

Douglas Payne), leather and findings, 28 bien, nr. Indiana.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Murphy, Charles S., soapmaker, h. o. 59 n. 77<br />

Mumford & Parker (col'd- William Mumford Baker.<br />

and Hobert Parker), barbers, 233 JsEer- 1 Murphy, Daniel, plumber, bds. 135 Larned<br />

son ave.<br />

west.<br />

Muncaster, Isaac (Buchan & Co.), h. 387 Murplly, Rev. Daniel, pastor United Pres-<br />

Grand River.<br />

byterian Church, h. o. 84 n. 88 Larned<br />

Blund, Christian, laborer, h. 186 Maple. east..<br />

Mundt, John, laborer, h. n. s. Maple, bet. Murphy, Dennis, fish inspector, h. 225<br />

Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Third.<br />

Mundy, Jolm, laborer, h. 164 Franklin. Murphy, Dennis, laborer, h. 59 Abbott.<br />

Munge-, Alonzo N., toll gate Xo. 1 Grand Murphy, Dennis, laborer, h. 386 Franklin.<br />

River Road, <strong>Detroit</strong> and Howell Plank. Murphy, Dennis, laborer, h. 254 Franklin.<br />

Munger, Miss Lilly, teacher Cass Union Murphy, Dennis, laborer, h. n. s. Latayette<br />

School, h. 50 Elizabetli w.<br />

ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Mungo, Joseph, engineer, bds. 31 Catharine. >lurpliy, Elizabeth (wid. Martin), h. n. s.<br />

Munli, Charles, butcher, bds. 512 Gratiot. Michigan ave., nr. National ave.<br />

Blunli, Frederick il., matchmalicr, 11.3 Glass Murphy, Henry, hit dealer, 1 outside<br />

Row, Maple.<br />

market, Randolph, h. 706 Croghan.


OFFER<br />

I A<br />


We make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Murphy, Henry,peddler, h. 702 Croghan.<br />

Murphy, Hugh, carpenter, h. 190 Cass.<br />

Mnrphy, James, engineer, h. 189 Cass.<br />

Murphy, James, laborer, h. 240 Hotvard.<br />

Murphy, James, laborer, bds. 181 Orchard.<br />

Murphy, James, laborer, h. 610 Larned e.<br />

Murphy, James, sam-yer, h. 545 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Murphy, James, shoemaker, bds. 112 Abbott.<br />

I\IIurphy, James S., clerk, bds. 190 Casa.<br />

Murphy, John, laborer, bds. 17 Beaubien.<br />

Murphy, John, boolikeeper, bds. 181 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Murphy, John, laborer, bds. 631 Larned e.<br />

Murphy, Jolin, laborer, 11. 124 Seventh.<br />

Murphy, Jolin, porter, bds. Fifth, bet. Or-<br />

chard and Plum.<br />

Murphy, John, warehouseman, h. 631<br />

Larned e.<br />

Murphy, John J., printer, h. 113 blTood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Iklurphy, Margaret (wid. Felix), boarding,<br />

h. 135 Larned w.<br />

Murphy, Margaret (wid. Jeremiah),boarding,<br />

h. 158 Larned w.<br />

Murphy, Martin, grainer, 11. 238 Howard.<br />

Murphy, Slathew, laborer, h. 262 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Mary Ann, dressmaker, bds. n. s.<br />

Michigan ave., nr. Xational ave.<br />

Murphy, hlichael, laborer, h. 44 Eighteenth.<br />

Murphp, LMichael. laborer, h. w. s. Fifth, bet.<br />

Beech and Orchard.<br />

Murphy, Rlorria, grocer and saloon, 306<br />

Fifth, h. same.<br />

Murphy, Morris, laborer, h. w. s. National<br />

ave., bet. Ash and Sycamore.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, drayman, h. 622 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, drayman, bds. 101 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, laborer, h. 276 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Patrick, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Fort<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Murphy, Peter, laborer, h. 114 Franklin.<br />

Murphy, Peter, maltster, alley Third,<br />

bet. Abbott and Porter.<br />

Murphy, Richard, laborer, bds. 163 Fourth.<br />

Murphy, Samuel A., bookkeeper, bds. 315<br />

Congress e.<br />

Murphy, Sham, peddler, h. Porter, bet.<br />

Tenth and Eleventl~.<br />

Murphy, Simon J., lumberman, office 7 Mer-<br />

rill Block, h. 238 Port w.<br />

Murpliv, Stephen, laborer, h. alley bet.<br />

Third and Fourth.<br />

MYE<br />

Murphy, Thomas, carpenter, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Harrison ave. and Locust.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, espresF messenger, h. 269<br />

Second.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, porter, h. 195 Fifth.<br />

Murphy, Thomas, porter, bds. 631 Larned e.<br />

Murphy, Tllomas, laborer, bds. 181 Orchard.<br />

Murphy, Tllomas, laborer, h.33 Sproat.<br />

Murphy, William C., student, bds. 190 Cass.<br />

Murray, Alexander, clerk, h. 132 Twelfth.<br />

Murray, Alexander, salesman, h. o. 89 n.<br />

93 Adams ave. ~ v.<br />

Muri ay, Alexander J., veterinary surgeon,<br />

h. 2(i5 Beaubien.<br />

Murray, Charles, bookkeeper, h. 152<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Murray, Charles Turner, sailor, bds. 363<br />

hf acomb.<br />

Bf~lrray, David N., clerk, 11.142 Larned e.<br />

Murray, Francis, strset car conductor, h. 73<br />

Orellard.<br />

Murray, Frank, painter, bds. 233 Jefferson<br />

aye.<br />

Murray, Hugh, bds. 373 Ninth ave.<br />

Murray, Miss Jane, milliner, bds. 93 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Murray, John, boilermaker, h. IS2 Sixth.<br />

Murray, John, salesman, bds. GS Congress<br />

west.<br />

Murray, John, laborer. h. I05 Bronson.<br />

Murray, John, peddler, h. 444 Grand River.<br />

Uurray, John A., jr., salesman, bds. cor.<br />

Winder and John R.<br />

Murray, Joseph, peddler, h. 59 Balier.<br />

Murray, Margaret (wid. John), h. 363 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Murray, Martin, marble polisher, bds. 43<br />

Fort e.<br />

Murray, Robert, grocer, 323 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Murray, William, cigar dealer, h. 309 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Rlurray, IVilliam, laborer, h. 09 Fifteenth.<br />

Murrell, William, blacksmith, h. cor. Hastr<br />

ing~ and Bronson.<br />

Murrer, Jacob, milkman, h. 135 Benton.<br />

Murrer, John, milkman, bds. 135 Benton.<br />

Murri, Apolonia (wid. Anthony), h. 271 Macomb.<br />

Murri, Peter, painter, bds. 271 Macomb.<br />

Mussclle, John B., <strong>Detroit</strong> marble works, 42<br />

Monroe ave., h. cor. Croghan and Jos.<br />

Campau ave.<br />

Mussche, J ul~us (Wambecq & Mussche), h.<br />

Beacon, nr. St. Sntoine.<br />

Blussow, Mrs. Louise, seamstress, h. 169<br />

Clinton.<br />

Muston, Thomas, mason, bds. 159 Abbott.<br />

Blutte, August, laborer, h. 133 Prospect.<br />

Mutzon, Robert, mason, bds. o. 49 n. 88 Sibley.<br />

Myer, Charles, tailoring and clotlies cleaner,<br />

97 Jefferson ave., h. 144 Catharine.<br />

Myer, Conrad, gunsmith, h. 363 St. Antoine.

I MYE<br />

I Myer,<br />


NEC 30'7<br />

Frederick, carpenter, h. 381 Lafon-<br />

taine ave.<br />

Rlyer, Joseph, carpenter, h. I74 Division.<br />

blyer, Joseph, clerk E. Malsh & Co., bds. 46<br />

Columbia w.<br />

Blyer, Jonas, cigannaker. h. 155 Wiikins.<br />

Myers, Charles (coi'd), laborer, h. 154 La-<br />

y; Fayette.<br />

'<br />

Myers, Dennis (col'd), h. 331 Macomb.<br />

Myers, Henry, moulding dresser, bds. 527<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Myers, James, laborer, n. w. cor. Woodward<br />

ave. and Parsons.<br />

Myers, John H., gilder, h. 223 Orleans.<br />

Myers, Louis, laborer. h. 21 0 Franklin.<br />

Myers, Morris S., tobacconist, 108 Michigan<br />

aye., 11. same.<br />

Myers, Peter, blacksmitli, foot Jos. Campau<br />

aye.<br />

Myers, Thomas, billiard table maker, h. 184<br />

Orleans.<br />

Myers, Thomas, cabinetmaker, h. s. s. Ri-<br />

vad, bet. Congress and Fort.<br />

Myers, William H., omnibus driver, h. 595<br />

Fort e.<br />

Rlylan, Patrick, tanner, h. Grove, bet. St.<br />

Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Myler, Andrew, carpenter and joiner, h. 279<br />

Larned e.<br />

Myler, James, printer, bda. 279 Larned e.<br />

Rlyler, William H., policeman, 11.604 Third.<br />

Myll, Frederick (E. Roberts Sr; Co.), h. '76<br />

Croghan.<br />

Rlpll, Fritz, foreman paint shop M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 88 Croghan.<br />

My11, Henry, carver, 85 Croghan, h. same.<br />

Rfyll, William, saloon, 86 Croqhan, h.same.<br />

Nplne, William, bookkeeper, bds. 148<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Myrar, Jolrn, fruit dealer, 30 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, 11.140 Croghan.<br />

Myrtle, George, hostler, bds. 106 Elizabeth<br />

west.<br />

ADEAU, Adolph, laborer, h. 485 Cro-<br />

N ghsn.<br />

Nadolleck, George L., letter carrier, h. 105<br />

Farrar.<br />

Naeve, Datlef, wagonmaker, h. 248 Seventh.<br />

Nagel, John, laborer, h. n. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Na~el, Ludwig, wagonmaker, h. s. s. Gratiot,<br />

w. Ellnmood ave.<br />

Nagle, Maurice B., shipping clerk, h. o. 253<br />

n. 301 Larned e.<br />

Nagle, Philip W., wood, foot Rivard, h. 133<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Nahorn,-Augustus, shoemaker, bds. 156 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Nahorn, John, mason, h. 52 Sherman.<br />

Nahrgang, Charles, laborer, h. 94 Twelfth.<br />

Nall, Arthur A. (James Nall, jr., & Co.), bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Nall, James, jr. !James Nall, jr., & Co.) h.<br />

399 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nail, .Barnes, jr., & Co. (James, jr.,<br />

and Arthur A. Nall), carpets and dry<br />

goods, n. e. cor. Woodward ave. and Lar-<br />

ned.<br />

Nash, Alexander, clerk, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Nash, Alonzo (col'd), gardener, h. Hastings,<br />

nr. Fr emont.<br />

Nash, Homer W., bookkeeper Michigan Ex-<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Nash, Mrs. Margaret, h. 121 Baker.<br />

Nash, Samuel W. (B. Hall & Co.), rcs. Buf-<br />

falo, N. Y.<br />

Nash, Thomas, laborer, bds. 121 Baker.<br />

Nash, Warren C., printer, h. 316 Riopelle.<br />

Kash, William, turner, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

Naseck, Frederick, upholsterer, h. 456 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Nathan, Moses, watches and jewelry, 198<br />

Randolph, 11. same.<br />

Nathsel, Ferdinand, laborer, h. w. s. Uu-<br />

bois, s. Gratiot.<br />

Nattie, Henry, teamster, bds. 55 Howard.<br />

Natus, John, painter, h. 209 Lafayette.<br />

Nau, Henry: bricklayer, h. 214 Clinton.<br />

Nauck, William, upholsterer, h. 456 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Naugle, James, boilermaker, bds. 103 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Naugle, Owen, boilermaker, h. 103 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Navarre, Alexander, lake captain, h. 224<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Navey, David, wagonmaker, h. a48 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Nay,Da-cid D., clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Nay, Noah N., bookkeeper, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Naylor, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. 255<br />

Fourth.<br />

Neagle, Michael, laborer, h. 145 Beech.<br />

Neal, Benjamin, insnrance agent, h. s. s.<br />

Pitcher, bet. Seccnd and Cass ave.<br />

Neal, Jonas M. S., State agent Btna Ins.<br />

Co., bds. 294 Woodward ave., up-st.airs.<br />

Neal, LevenJ., mason, h. 2 Glass Row, Ma-<br />

ple.<br />

Neamarn, William, laborer, h. 355 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Near, John, laborer, h. 185 Nineteenth.<br />

Neausel, Henry, clerk, h. 35 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kebe, Henry (J. & H. Nebe), bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Nebe, Jonas (J. & H. Nebe), h. 400 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Nebe, J. & H. (Jonas and Henry Nebe), gro-<br />

cers, 49 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Nebel, Joseph, farmer, h. 305 Lafayette.<br />

Neckel, Anthony, shoemaker, 14 Grand<br />

River, h. same.

- --<br />

NEE NEV<br />

NEW YORK<br />

8 - 8<br />

ASSETS, . . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASE INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON IIIcELBOY, Nanager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Needham, John, laborer, h. 230 Seventh.<br />

Needham, John, tailor, h. 236 Seventh.<br />

Needhaln, Madison (col'd), cook, h. 462 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Neef, Jacob, shoemaker, h. 199 Marion.<br />

Neef, William A., salesman, 21.27 Brady.<br />

Neeley, Bridget (wid. John), h. 149 Fort e.<br />

Neff, Edwin W. (E. W. NeE SL Son), h. 39<br />

Fifth.<br />

Neq Franz A., mason, bds. IS Jay.<br />

Keg, Mary Ann (wid. Peter), h. 3'70 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Neff, Newton N. (E. W. Neff & Son), bds.<br />

39 Fifth.<br />

NeE, E. IV., & Son (Edwin W. and<br />

Newton N. Neff), safes, mantles and<br />

grates, 17'7 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nehls, Charles, clerk, bds. 341 Catharine.<br />

Neibert, Frederick, laborer, 11. 371 Orleans.<br />

Neidig, Anton, stonecutter, h. 139 Mzple.<br />

Neidig, John, cigarnlalrer, bds. 139 Maple.<br />

Neil, Miss Emma, seamstress, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Second and Pitcher.<br />

Xeil, James, carpenter, h. 108 Rivard.<br />

Neil, James, laborer, h. 513 Fort e.<br />

Neis, John, tailor, 5ds 208 Macomb.<br />

Neithart, August, butcher, bds. 11s Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Nelson, George, saloonkeeper, bds. Cass Ho-<br />

tel.<br />

Nelson, Halvor, clerk Department of the<br />

Lakes, h. 48 Adams ave. e.<br />

Nelson, J. Wesley, life ins. agent, h. o. 196<br />

n. 240 Fourth.<br />

Kelsoa, James, clerk, h. 682 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nelson, Bobert, clerk, bds. Goodman Iiouse.<br />

Nelson, Samuel, foreman A. C. McUraw &<br />

Co., h. 86 Fort e.<br />

Nelson, Samuel, supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Car Wheel<br />

Co.. h. 3 Ledyard.<br />

Nelson, Simon, clothes cleaner, 105 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Nelson, Theodore, cooper, h. 587 Lafayette.<br />

Neltner, Joseph, carpenter, h. 258 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Neltner, Joseph, jr., machinist, h. 248 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Neltz, Charles, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Howard<br />

and Sixth.<br />

Nerneita, Anton, blacksmith, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Clay and Prospect.<br />

Nemetz, Ferdinand, laborer, h. e. Chene<br />

and n. German.<br />

Nemsgern, Clernens, carpenter, h. 409 Cro-<br />

ghan. -<br />

Neptune Fire Engine Steamer No. 2, n. w.<br />

cor. Larned and St. Antoine.<br />

Nesbitt, the Misses, 11. 37 Wayne.<br />

Nesbitt, William J., surveyor, bds. 51<br />

Wayne.<br />

Nessel, John, machinist, h. 147 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Nestor, John, laborer, 11. 230 Abbott.<br />

Nestor, John, laborer, h. 125 Seventll.<br />

Nest or, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 5 1 Hqrrison<br />

ave.<br />

Neth erly, Nelson (coi'd), laborer, h. 172<br />

Woodbridge m.<br />

Nett, Jacob, laborer, h. 197 Catharine.<br />

Natte, Henry, butcher, bds. 55 Howard.<br />

Nette, Richard, varnisher, 11. 229 Napoleon.<br />

Netting, George, restaurant, n. w. cor. Lar-<br />

ned and Shelby, h. same.<br />

Neubauer, Adam, cigarmaker, h. 255 Abbott.<br />

Ne~zbauer, Nichol, cigarmaker, bds. 253 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Neuber, William, painter, h. 41 Marion.<br />

NEUBRONNEB, JOHN C., wagon and car-<br />

riagemaker, 33 Fort e., 11. 187 same. (See<br />

uda.)<br />

Neuendorf, Frederick, laborer, h. 197 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Neugen, Patrick, expressmagon driver, h. 72<br />

Orchard.<br />

Neuhaeuser, Anton, cabinetmaker, h. 144<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Neuhaeuser, Francis, wireweaver, h. 225<br />

C'rog han.<br />

Neuhoff, John, carpenter, h. 195 Macomb.<br />

Neuhor, Joseph, upholsterer, bds. 195 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Neumann, Charles, hackman, h. 399 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Neumann, Mrs. Emilie, midwife, h. 291<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Neulnann, Frederick, cooper, h. 291 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Neumann, George, cooper, h. 570 Gratiot.<br />

Neumann, Ludwig, blaclis~th, h. 60 Napoleon.<br />

Neumann, S., peddler, h. 169 St. Antoine.<br />

Neundorf, Frederick, laborer, 11. s. s. German,<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Neumo, Louis, blacksmith, h. 64 Napoleon.<br />

Neuscliaefer, Jacob, potter, h. 534 LasaUe<br />

ave.<br />

Neusel, Henry, porter Tillman, Silsbee &<br />

Co., bds. n. s. Jefferson ave., bet. Cass and<br />

First.<br />

Neusel, Sophia, fancy goods, n. s. Jefferson<br />

ave., bet. Cass and First, h. same.<br />

Neusiur, Peter, f'ar~uer, 11. 410 Hasti~gs.<br />

Neveus, George A., entry clerk, bds. 166<br />

Larned e.<br />

Neville, James, laborer, h. 738 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Neville, James, laborer, h. 337 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Neville, William, shoemaker, h. 758 Woodbridge<br />



Nevin, David, agent Nevin St Mills, bds. Newkirk, William (Showerman & Co.), h.<br />

Howarcl House.<br />

56 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nevin, Frank (Nevin & Mills), bds. Michi- Newland, Henry, physician, 14 Merrill<br />

gan Exchange.<br />

Block, h. 181 Congress e.<br />

Nevin, James, baker, bds. 277 Woodward Newland, Henry A. (F. Buhl & Co.), h. s.<br />

ave.<br />

w. cor. Fort and Second.<br />

Nevin & Mills (Fmnk Nevin and Merrill Newman, Charles, saloon, Woodward ave.,<br />

I. Mills), tobacconists, 193 and 195 Jeffer- opp. Harper Hospital, h. same.<br />

son ave.<br />

Newman, Henry, carpenter, h. w. s. Twenty-<br />

Nevis, Joseph, laborer, h. 503 Mullett. first, bet. Howard and Fort.<br />

Nevins, Albert, perfumer, bds. 6 Lewis. Newman, Henry. laborer, 11. 355 Twelfth.<br />

Nevins, Hugh, machinist, bds. 204 Howard. Newman, Janles, laborer, h. 174 Sixteenth.<br />

Nevins, Mrs. Louisa, boarding, h. G Lewis. Newman, John, carpenter, h. 195 Twenty-<br />

Newberry, Charles, clerk, bds. 83 Howard. second.<br />

Newberry, George, 11. 179 Third.<br />

Newman, John, grocer, 438 Hastings, h.<br />

Newberry, Henry W. (Davis & Newberry), same.<br />

h. 193 Third.<br />

Newnlan, L. L., patent rights, bds. <strong>City</strong><br />

. Nemberry, Jacob, laborer, bds. 1'75 Williams Hotel.<br />

aye.<br />

Newman, Nicholas, blacksmith, h. 114 Mar-<br />

Nemberry, John S. (Newberry, Pond tk ion.<br />

Brown), 11. 443 Jefferson ave.<br />

Newson, James, farmer, h. Griitiot, nr. Jos.<br />

Newberry. Josh~a, carpenter, 11. e. s. Wil- Campau ave.<br />

liams ave., bet. Asll and My~tle. Newth, Edwin, joiner, h. 551 Lafayette.<br />

Newberry, Oliver, (Sllia wassee Paper Co.), Newton, Alfred, mason, 11. s. s. Grand River,<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Newberry, William E., clerk, bds. Tremont Newton, Thomas, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

House.<br />

Newberry, Pond & Brown (John S. New- KeWton, William A., trunkmaker, h. 407<br />

berry. Ashley Pond and Henry B. Brown), Etiopelle.<br />

attorneys, G Bank Blocli, Griswold. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO.,<br />

Newcomb, Altred, porter, bds. Ackerman 13.6 Jefferson are., Solon McElrop, agent.<br />

Hotel.<br />

(See a&c.)<br />

Newcomb, Cyrenius A. (Newcomb, Endi- Nicaize, Nicholas, harnessmaker, h. 402<br />

cott. & Co.), h. 457 Woodmard aye.<br />

BIullett.<br />

Iir'ewcomb, Edwin, stonecutter, bda. Good- Nicaize. Nici1olas, salesman. h. 402 Mullett.<br />

man House.<br />

Sicaize, Peter, 12 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 169<br />

Newcomb, George, laborer, h, 189 Napoleon. G ra tiot.<br />

Newcomb, Lucy A. (wid. George), bds. 293 Nicholas, Andrew, salesman, bds. 42 Ma-<br />

Elandolpll<br />

comb.<br />

Newcomb, William, machinist, h. 852 Nlclloll, Robert, ropemaker, h. 349 Michi-<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

gan avr.<br />

?SEWCOMB, ENDICOTT & CO. (Cyrenius I Nicholl, William, carpenter, h. 161 Sir-<br />

A. Newconlb, Charles Endicott and Frank teenth.<br />

D. Taylor), dry- goods, 2 and 3 Opera Nicllols, Charles TV., ca pta in propeller<br />

House, Can~pus Martius. (See ah.) Edith, 11. e. s. Leverett, bet. Eighth and<br />

Newell, John, Auditor N. C. B. K., h. Dorr Ninth ave.<br />

House, Woodbridge w.<br />

Kichols, Daniel B., deputy sheriff and propr.<br />

Newell, Richard G., teamster, h. 488 Sixth. Nichols' House, 283 Jeferson ave.<br />

Newell, Miss Carrie, teacher new Ninth Kichols, Jeremiah L., drayman, h. 397 Lar-<br />

Ward School, bds. 439 Seventh.<br />

ned e.<br />

Newhall, Clark W.,' ship broker, ir. 439 Nichols, John F.. supt. Cass Union School,<br />

Sevent.h.<br />

bds. 2s (ir.,nd Iiiver.<br />

Newhall, Elijah B., ship broker? bds. 391 Nichols. John S., accountant, bds. Biddle<br />

Second.<br />

House.<br />

Newhoff, Joseph, upholsterer, h. 197 Ma- Nichols, Tliomas (col'd), barber, 1'71 Woodcomb.<br />

bridge w., h. 341 Clinton.<br />

Newhouse, Anton, cabinetmaker, h. 144 La- Nichols, Thomas, blacksnlith, h. 207 Crofayette.<br />

ghan.<br />

Newington, Edward, janitor Young Men's Nichols, Wallace, engineer, h. 86 Eight-<br />

Hall, h. nr. s. e. cor. Napoleon and Pros- eenth.<br />

pect.<br />

Nicllols, William, porter, h. 185 Second.<br />

Newington, James, carpenter, bds. Perkins' Nicholson, Andrew, salesman, bds. 48 Miami<br />

Hotel.<br />

ave.<br />

Nclvlii rli, Abram, baggagemas ter, bile. 27 Kicllolsou, Ann (wid. Francis), boarding, 52<br />

Beau bieil.<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />



E&i&7)[m<br />

1 J@jzFB QQTfiJ)<br />

GEO. S. FROST & CO.,<br />

I<br />


u 1 J-UUl<br />




Nicholson, George, drayman, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Myrtle and Magnolia.<br />

Nicholson. George, blacksmith, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Fifteenth and CV alnut.<br />

Nicholson, Joseph, insurance agt., h. 416<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Niclrolson, Joseph, painter, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Nicholson, Matbew B., carpenter, bds. 43<br />

Limb~zrg.<br />

NICHOLSON, PICRERING, builder, n. s.<br />

Gilrnan, bet. Cass ave. and Second, h. 7<br />

Led yard. (See a&.)<br />

Nicholson. Richard, blacksmith, bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Nicholson, Richard, moulder, h. 84 Labrosse.<br />

Nicholson, 'CT7illiam, stonecutter, h. 95 Fifteenth.<br />

Nicholson, VCTilliam, moulder, bds. cor.<br />

Wayne and Lafayette ave.<br />

Pu'ichterlein, Christopher, cabinetmaker, bds<br />

5'75 Lafhyette.<br />

Nick, John, shoemaker, h. 302 \5T11itney.<br />

Nickles, Thomas (col'dj, barber, h. 343 Clinton.<br />

Niwl, John M., accountant American National<br />

Bank, bds. Russell House.<br />

Nicolai, Philip, carpenter, h. 22 Chestnut.<br />

Nicoll, James, brewer, h. 125 Michigan ave.<br />

Nieboer, John, carpenter, h. 406 Riopelle.<br />

Niebling, August, clerk, h. o. 309 n. 311 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Niebling, Peter, shoemaker, 256 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 32 Lafayette.<br />

Niecpath, Frederick C., sawyer, h. 314 Sixteen<br />

th.<br />

Nied, John, maltster, h. 225 Macomb.<br />

Niederlaender, Zorah, cigarmaker, h. 100<br />

Macomb.<br />

-Niedermueller, Christian, barber, 164 Hastings,<br />

21. same.<br />

Niedermueller, Frederick, surgeon and barber,<br />

243 Hastings, h. same.<br />

Niedling, Leopold, saloon, 278 Russell. h.<br />

-same.<br />

Niekrantz, John, carpenter, h. 333 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Niekrantz, ~ose~h; carpenter, h. 492 Croghan.<br />

Nielson, James, salesman, h. s. s. Napoleon,<br />

bet. Hastings and Prospect.<br />

Nismann, Charles, laborer, 11.306 Catharine.<br />

Niepoth, Christian, laborer, h. 314 Sixteenth.<br />

Nizr, M'illiam, safe agent, b. o. 17 n. 36<br />

Centre.<br />

Griswold Street, near Post Office,<br />

,,,. , ,<br />

cI~~s. Noble DETROIT, 2MICH.<br />

Cbss. W. Able,<br />

Nierendorf, Sy billa (wid. Joseph), bds. 84<br />

Macomb.<br />

Nietsch, Joseph, laborer, h. n. s. German, e.<br />

Jos. Calnpau ave.<br />

Nigent, CVilliam, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Nihelson, George, traveling agent, h. 50<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Nihls, John, carpenter, h. 341 Catharine.<br />

Xilands, Abraham, carpenter, h. 186 Fort e.<br />

Niles, Charles Mr., student, bds. 62 Henry.<br />

Niles, George, billiard saloon, 14 Larned w.,<br />

11. o. 78 n. $4 Elizabeth w.<br />

Niles, Ira, salesman, 11.62 Henry.<br />

Niles, Silas M., salesman, bds. o. 78 n. 84<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Nilson, llTilliarn, baker, h. s. s. Napoleon,<br />

bet. Rivard and Hastings.<br />

Nison, Edward, collector, h. 23 Napoleon.<br />

Noack, William, drayman, h. 187 Lafayette.<br />

Noaks, John, teamster, 21. Park.<br />

Noble, Charles (Geo. S. Frost & Co.), h. 385<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Noble, Charles W. (Geo. S. Frost & Co.),<br />

bds. 355 Jefferson ave.<br />

Noble, Emery A., porter, bda. 171 Henry.<br />

Noble, Emery E., clerk, bds. 171 Henry.<br />

Noble, Frank W., bookkeeper, h. 405 Cass<br />

aFe.<br />

Noble, Uarry B., bookkeeper, h. 359 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Noble, James, bookkeeper, h. 180 Bagg.<br />

Noble, John, booker, h. 54 Whitney.<br />

Noble, John C., bookkeeper, h. 18 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Noble, Lucy L. (wid. Albert G.), h. 239 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Noble, Sylvester, manfr. and dealer in whips<br />

and lashes, 105 Woodward ave., upstairs,<br />

bds. Tremont House.<br />

Noble, Thomas, sailmaker, bds. 263 Jeffer-<br />

son ave..<br />

Noble, Thomas J., fireman, h. 171 Henry.<br />

Nockely, V17illiam, vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 705 Fort e.<br />

Noeckel, George. tailor, bds. 145 Croghan.<br />

Noecker, Anton, carpenter, h. 241 Russell.<br />

Noecker, August, porter, h. 99 Sherman.<br />

Noecker, Hermann, laborer, h. 99 Sherman.<br />

Noeh, Cliarles, laborer, h. 215 Mullett.<br />

Koeh, Frank, upholsterer, h. 217 hlullett.<br />

Noeh, Frank, cabinetmaker, bds. 217 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Noeh, Urban, shoemaker, h. 318 Clinton.<br />

Noeh, Virginia (wid. Ueorge), Ir. 256 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />



Noffye, Theodore, laborer, h. Sherman, n. e.<br />

cor. Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Nogker, Angust, teamster, h. n. e. cor.<br />

German and Russell.<br />

Nogle. John, boilermaker, h. 462 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Nogle, John, grocer and saloon, 234 Third,<br />

h. same.<br />

Nohe: Michael, laborer, h. 98 Catharine.<br />

Nokes, John, laborer, h. 43 Columbia w.<br />

Nolan, Christopher, laborer, 11. 152 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Kolan, Gregory, h. 118 Chene.<br />

Nolan, Henry, tdegraph operator, bds. 28<br />

Fort e.<br />

Nolan, James L., clerk, bds. 74 High.<br />

Nolan, Lawrecce,foreman Locomotive W'ks,<br />

11. 249 Lafayette are.<br />

Nolan, Luke, h. 222 Second.<br />

Nolan, Martin E., laborer, bds. Commer-<br />

cial Hotel, Bates.<br />

Nolan, Nicholas, bricklayer, h. 381 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Nolan, Patrick, laborer, bds. 502 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

NOLAN, PATRICK W., grocer, o. 120 n.<br />

124 Michigan ave., h. 11 Baker.<br />

Nolan, Thomas, moulder, bds. 222 Second.<br />

Nolan, William, drayman, h. 103 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Nolan, LTTilliam, policeman, 11. 553 Fort w.<br />

Noland, Alfred, boilermaker, h. Guoin, bet.<br />

St. Aubin ave. and Chene.<br />

Noland, Michael, laborer. h. 38 Locust.<br />

Nolaud, Michael, jr., laborer, bds. 38 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Nold, Edward, foreman Match Factory, h.<br />

383 Randolph.<br />

Nolds, Frederick, carpenter, h. 12 Buena<br />

Vista.<br />

Kollett, Charles, laborer, h. Chene, s. Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Nollett, Peter J., laborer, h. 4 Grove.<br />

Noon, Patrick, boilermaker, h. 117 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Noon, Patrick, laborer, h. 170 Sixteenth.<br />

Noon, William, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Etio-<br />

pelle and Maple.<br />

Noon, William, planer, h. 180 Lafayette.<br />

Noonan, James, laborer, h. 174 Sixteenth.<br />

Nordan, Frederick, clerk, bda. 133 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Normile, James, laborer, h. 189 Fifth.<br />

Nornioyle, James B., clerk, 11. 206 First.<br />

Norman, Joseph B., plasterer, h. s. s. Grand<br />

River, bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Norman, Paul, shipcarpenter, h. 463 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Normandie, John, h. 38 Maple.<br />

Norris, Charles, soda water factory, 63 and<br />

65 Second, h. 69 same.<br />

Norris, Edward A. (P. W. & E. A. Norris),<br />

bds. 231 Cass.<br />

Norris, George, porter str. Keweenaw, h. 47<br />

Larned w.<br />

Norris, James, baker, bds. 151 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Norris, John, tailor. h. 299 Mary.<br />

Norris, John, veterinary surgeon, h. 36<br />

Woodbridge m.<br />

Norris, Josiali J., bookkeeper, h. o. 360 n.<br />

432 Ilafayette av2.<br />

Norris, Philetus 7%-. (P. W. & E. A. Norris),<br />

h. 231 Cass.<br />

Norris, P. W. & E. A. (Philetus W.<br />

and Edward A. Norrisj, real estate dealers,<br />

office 3 Butler Block, Griswold. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

North, Jesse, slater, h. 142 National ave.<br />

Northern Transportation Co., foot Griswold.<br />

Northrop, Charles B. (Northwp 62 Co.), h.<br />

13 High.<br />

Northrop & Co. (Charles B. Northrop &<br />

-), furnishing goods, 170 Jefferson ave.<br />

Northup, John W., espress messenger, h.<br />

539 Seventh.<br />

Northway, Aurelia (wid. Luman), bds. 121<br />

Clifford.<br />

Norton, Archibald (co17d), laborer, h. 98<br />

Mullett.<br />

Norton, Catharine (wid. Thomas), bds. 29<br />

South.<br />

Nortoon, Charles W., marine artist, office<br />

foot Bates, 11. o. 134 n. 138 Lxrned e.<br />

Norton, Georgians (wid. Joseph A.), h. 19<br />

Croghan.<br />

Norton, Horace, bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Norton, Jarnes R., carpenter, 11. 230 Abbott.<br />

Norton, John, laborer, h. 91 Plum.<br />

Norton, John E., patternmaker, 11. 572 Lafayette.<br />

Norton, John W., laborer, h. 29 South.<br />

Norton, Morris (Chamberlain & Co.), bds.<br />

Lafayette ave., bet. Shelby and Wayne.<br />

Norton, Stanley, clerk, bds. s. e. cor. Fifth<br />

and Locust.<br />

Norton, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 363 Sisth.<br />

Norton, Thomas, shoemaker, 11. w. s. Mayberry<br />

nve., bet. Eutternut and Ash.<br />

Norton, Warren d., clerk, h. 349 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Norvell, Alfred C., collector Free Press, bds.<br />

45 Congress w.<br />

Norvell, Edwin F., draughtsman, bds. 248-<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Norvell, Col. Freeman (Secy. Free Press<br />

Co.), res. Grosse Isle.<br />

Norwood. Clarence,tinsmith, h. 601 Seventh.<br />

Nosick, Joseph, furrier, h. 148 Lafayette.<br />

Note, Leopold (Dingeman, Van Loon &<br />

Note), h. 266 Second.<br />

Nothas, John, shoemaker, h. 407 St. Antoine.<br />

Nothefer, Siegmund, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Chestnut and Walnut.<br />

Notley, William, laborer, 11. 705 Fort e.<br />

Nourse, John P., clerk, bds. 26 Sisth.<br />

Novak, Villiam, laborer, h. 117 Twentyfourth.

312 Now CLARK'S DETROIT O'BR<br />

NEW YORK<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCONE, $15,000<br />

SOLON ~IcELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsnlar Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

h'owak, Wenzel, shoemaker, h. e. s.<br />

Williams am., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Xowen, Francis, mason, h. 611 Riopelle.<br />

Xowlan, John C., laborer, bds. 75 High.<br />

Nowlan, Mary (wid. Thomas), 11. 75 High.<br />

Nowlan, James, salesman, bds. 75 High.<br />

Kowlan, Thomas E., lead worker, bds. '75<br />

High.<br />

Nowland, Benjamin, bds. o. 123 n. 137 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Nowland, Hiram R., Register Probate, h.<br />

137 Larned e.<br />

Noyes, Alexander G., insurance agt., 10 Larned<br />

w , h. s. w. cor. Lafayette ave. and<br />

Cass.<br />

Noyes, Caroline L. (wid. William R.), h. s.<br />

uT. cor. Lafayette ave. and Cass.<br />

Noyes, James F., physician, 99 Shelby, h.<br />

same.<br />

Nuessle, Gallus, grocer, n. e. cor. Franklin<br />

and Hastings, 11. same.<br />

Nugend, William, shoemaker, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Nugent, Ellen (wid. John), h. 409 Fort e.<br />

Nugent, Martin, moulder, bds. 99 Larned w.<br />

Nunn, George, hostler, bds. Yerkins' Hotel,<br />

Nuppenau. Ernst, carpenter, h. 313 Russell.<br />

Nuttall, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 163 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Nuttall, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 1 G5 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Nutter, Littleton (col'd), laborer, h. 149<br />

Clinton.<br />

N utzinger, August, harnessmaker, bds. St.<br />

Lawrence Hotel.<br />

Nye, Miss Emma, teacher <strong>Detroit</strong> Female<br />

Seminary, bds. 84 Fort m.<br />

Nye, George B., farmer, bds. n. s. Holden<br />

Road, bet. Cass ave. and Third.<br />

Nye, James S., hotel clerk, bds. Brighton<br />

House.<br />

ADES, John, shipcarpenter, bds. 44<br />

0 Itussell.<br />

Oades, Walter, boatbuilder, bds. 44 Russell.<br />

Oak, Charles, carpenter, bds. Ontario House,<br />

Wood bridge w.<br />

Oakes, Jeremiah (D. A. Ross & Co.), b. 162<br />

Second.<br />

Oakes, Peter, ironmoulder, h. 126 Beech.<br />

Oakes, William, lumber dealer, o. 80 n. 112<br />

Griswold, h. o. 540 n. 612 Jefferson ave.<br />

Oakland, Nelson, caulker, b. 296 Franklin.<br />

Oakley, Dewitt J., student, bds. 32, Second.<br />

- - -<br />

Oakley, Edwin C., student, bds. 321 Second.<br />

Oakley, George, street car driver, h. 99<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Oakley, James, machinist, bds. 193 Fifth.<br />

Oakley, John H., h. 16 Spencer.<br />

Oakley, John J., physician, 128 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 321 Second.<br />

Oakman, John, groceries and liquors, o. 228<br />

n. 260 Howard, 11. same.<br />

Oats, Michael. laborer, b. rear 85 National<br />

ave.<br />

Oberhalt, Charles, tailor, h. 298 Juliette.<br />

Oberhoff, William, drover, h. 94 Macomb.<br />

Oberliesern, Joseph, watchaker, bds. Monroe<br />

ave., nr. Opera House.'<br />

Oberst, Frank A, bookkeeper, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

O'Brien, Charles, laborer, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

O'Brien, Edward, laborer. h. n. s. Michigan<br />

ave., nr. Mayberry ave.<br />

O'Brien, Ellen (wid. John), l~. 364 Rlacomb.<br />

O'Brien, Daniel, boilermaker, h. 90 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

O'Brien, Dauiel J., clerk, h. 324 Congress e.<br />

O'Brien, Denis, school teacher, h. 60 Russell.<br />

O'Brien, Dennis, clerk, Ms. 88 National<br />

ave.<br />

O'Brien, Herbert L., bookkeeper, Ms. 45<br />

Congress w.<br />

O'Brien, Humphrey, machinist, bds. 300<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

O'Brien, Jeremiah, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Third and Cedar.<br />

O'Brien, James, laborer, h. 168 Abbott.<br />

O'Brien, James, laborer, 11. 3 Baker.<br />

O'Brien, James, wood engraver, h. 48 Adarns<br />

ave. e.<br />

O'Brien, Johanna (wid. William), h. 189<br />

Twelfth.<br />

O'Brien, John, clerk. h. 334 Congress e.<br />

O'Brien, John, draj-man, h. o. 2G8 n. 334Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

O'Brien, John, laborer, h. 542 Michigan ave.<br />

O'Brien, John, laborer, 11.145 Seventh.<br />

O'Brien, John (col'dj, peddler, h. Ohio, near<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

O'Brien, Jol~n, time keeper, h. 375 Fort e.<br />

O'Brien, Jobn F., grocer. 423 Franklin, h.<br />

same.<br />

O'Brien, Lawrence, clerk, bds. 334 Congress<br />

east.<br />

O'Brien, Mrs. Mary, saloon, 67 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. Ill Porter.<br />

O'Brien, Michael, laborer, h. \'tToodbridge,<br />

bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

O'Brien. Bliss., h. 51 St. Aubin ave.<br />

O'Brien, Patrick, grocer, 88 National ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Noel C., bookkeeper, bds. 207 Larned<br />

e.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas, builder, bds. 69 Beau-<br />

?)icn.<br />

07Brien, Thomas, laborer, h. 197 Abbott.


O'Brien, Thomas, machinist, h. 255 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas B., merchant tailor, 56<br />

Larned w., h. same.<br />

O'Brien, Thomas E. (Monaghan & O'Brien),<br />

11.69 Beaubien.<br />

O'Brien, Timothy, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., bet. Chestnut and Butternut.<br />

OYBrien, William, laborer, h. 200 Cherry.<br />

O'Callaghan, Bartholomew, sailor, h. 270<br />

Fifth.<br />

O'Callaghan, Catharine (wid. Jeremiah), h.<br />

197 Fifth.<br />

09Callaghan, Lawrence, tailor, bds. 1 Con-<br />

gress w .<br />

O'Callaghan, Michael, fireman, h. 217 Por-<br />

ter<br />

O'Callaghan, William, produce and cattle<br />

dealer, h. o. 41 n. 45 Lafayetote ave.<br />

Oclls, August, butcher, h. o. 514 n. 430 Cro-<br />

&an.<br />

Oclis, Henry, laborer, 11. 366 Riopelle.<br />

Oclrs, John, laborer, h. 471 Fort e.<br />

Oclrsenfeld, Anthony, tailor, h. Orleans, nr.<br />

North.<br />

Ochsenfeld, Joseph, printer, bds. 205 Adams<br />

ave e.<br />

Ochsenfeld, Lawrence, tailor, bds. Orleans,<br />

nr. North.<br />

Ochsenfeld, Thomas, tailor, h. Orleans, nr.<br />

North.<br />

Ochsenhirt, Adam, carriage and wagon man-<br />

ufacturer, cor. St. Antoine and Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Ockford, Enos N., painter, h. 255 Twelfth.<br />

Ockrey, Gordon (col'd), h. 62 Maconib.<br />

O'Connell, Denis, grocery, 527 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

O'Connell, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 1 Walnut.<br />

O'Connell, John, cigarmaker, bds. 114 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

O'Connell, John, clerk, h. 22.5 Fifth.<br />

O'Connell, Joseph M., clerk, bds. 181 Beech.<br />

O'Connell, Mary (wid. Joseph F.), h. 234<br />

Sixth.<br />

O'Connell, Patrick, laborer, h. 97 Porter.<br />

07Connell, Thomas, shoemaker, h. 442 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

O'Connor, Andrew, carpenter, h. 98 Plum.<br />

O'Connor. Mrs. Catharine, vegetables, 9 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 268 Michigan ave.<br />

O'Connor, Daniel, livery stable, 51 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 219 Congress w.<br />

O'Connor. Denis, sailor, bds. 32 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

O'Connor, Elizabeth (wid. Thomas), h. 243<br />

Brush.<br />

O'Connor, Eugene, stonecutter, h. 13 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

O'Connor, Eugene, millwright, bds. 35<br />

First.<br />

O'Connor, Helen (wid. James), h. Crawford,<br />

n. e. cor. Xarcy.<br />

07Connor, James, bntchcr, e. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

Larned and Jefferson ave.<br />

i<br />

O'Connor, James, butcher, h. 477 Thir-<br />

I<br />

teenth.<br />

O'Connor, Jeremiah, laborer, h. e. s. Craw-<br />

,<br />

ford, cor. Marcy.<br />

I<br />

O'Connor, Jeremiah, policeman, h. 209<br />

Sixth.<br />

I<br />

O'Connor, John, h. 213 Congress e.<br />

O'Connor, John, printer, bds. 403 Sixth.<br />

O'Connor, Mrs. Judy, saloon, 32 Woodbridge<br />

w., 11. same. !<br />

O'Connor, Norris, .laborer, Crawford, n. e.<br />

cor. Marcy.<br />

O'Connor, Patrick, tinsmith, bds. Fifth, n.<br />

w. cor. Beech.<br />

07Connor, Patrick, tinsmith, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Noyes and Crawford.<br />

O'Connor, Roderick, machinist, h. 172 Howard.<br />

O'Connor, Thomas, laborer, h. 382 Fifth.<br />

O'Connor, Thomas, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., nr. Lxutternut.<br />

O'Connor, Tlmothy, machinist, h. 56 Clinton.<br />

O'Connor, Timothy, paver, h. 331 Fifth.<br />

O'Connor, William, clerk, h. 349 lTTatson.<br />

O'Connor, William, laborer, 11. n. w. cor.<br />

Twelfth and Spruce.<br />

O'Connor, William, spring bed maker, h.<br />

345 \TTatson.<br />

O'Connors, Jcseph, lab.orer, h. 220 Second.<br />

O'Connors, Patrick, laborer, h. 99 Plum.<br />

O'Connors, Patrick, laborer, h. 4S Labrosse.<br />

Ocumpaugh, Peter, shirt and collar cutter,<br />

h. o. 227 n. 253 Congress e.<br />

07Day, Patrick, laborer. h. n. s. Lafayette<br />

ave., bet. Sevelltli and Eighth.<br />

Odell, Miss Arminda, h. 297 Croghan.<br />

Odell, Angustus May, fireman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

bds. 345 Fort e.<br />

Odell, Benjamin, fireman D. & M. R. R.,<br />

bds. 345 Fort e.<br />

Odell, Eliza L. (wid. Jeremiah), h. 345 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Odell, Henry, sailor, h. 158 Porter.<br />

Odell, Henry James, baggageman D. & M. R.<br />

R., bds. 345 Fort e.<br />

Odell, Henry P., engineer, h. 382 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Odell, Hiram M., builder, h. 407 Sisth.<br />

Odell, James A., cabinetmaker, bds. 15 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Odell, Lewis blanserth, brakeman, bds.<br />

345 Fort e.<br />

Odell, Stephen, painter, bds. 93 Congress e.<br />

O'Donahoe, John, baggagemaster GF. T. R.,<br />

11. 77 Rfonroe ave.<br />

07Donnell, Edward, mason, h. 293 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

O'Donnell, James, grocer, 7 Colnmbia w.<br />

O'Donnell, James, laborer, h. 76 Porter.<br />

O'L)onnell, John, grocer, 335 Woodward<br />

ave., 11.293 same.<br />

O'Donnell, John J., drayman, h. 97 Beech.<br />

O'Donnell, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. Sevent,eenth,<br />

cor. Howard.


- - - - -- - - -<br />

Physicians always specify<br />




07Donnell, Michael, laborer, h. 392 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

07Donnell, Stephen, laborer, h. 390 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

O'Donnell, Thomas, blacksmith, h. 678 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

07Donnell, Thomas (O'Donnell St Carmody),<br />

E. 640 Congress e.<br />

07Donnell, Thomas, carpenter, h. IS1 Beech.<br />

O'Donnell & Carmody (Thomas O'Donnell<br />

and James Carmody), horseshoers, 19 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

O'Donougl1, Daniel F.. machinist, h. w. s.<br />

Humboldt ave., bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

O'Donough, Humphrey, laborer, bds. 441<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

O'Donough, John, meat market, 184 Michi.<br />

gan ave., h. same.<br />

O'Donough, Joseph, laborer, h. w. s. Hum-<br />

boldt ave., bet. Butternut and Chestnut.<br />

O'Donough, Michael, blacksmith, bds. w. s.<br />

Humboldt ave., bet. Butternut and Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

O'Donough, Thomas, laborer, bds. 441 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

O'Donough, Timothy, laborer, h. 441 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

O'Donovan, Rev. Michael, Catholic priest,<br />

bds. 343 Jefferson ave.<br />

07Dough, John, mason, h. s. e. cor. Bronson<br />

and Hastinge.<br />

O'Dkvyer, James G. (Dalton & 07Dwyer), res.<br />

Jackson.<br />

Ody, Patrick, laborer, h. 109 Labrosse.<br />

Oehlke, Godfrey, laborer, h. 313 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Oehlke, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Oak.<br />

Oelandt, Joseph, laborer, h. 450 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Oettinger, John, blacksmith, h. 210 Sher-<br />

.man.<br />

Oettinger, William, propr. Green Tree Hotel,<br />

cor. JeEerson ave. and Second, h. same.<br />

Offener, George, tanner, h. 363 Orleans.<br />

Offermann, Joseph, drayman, h. 81 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Offinger, John, baker, h. 43 Catharine.<br />

07Flagherty, Miss Catharine, dressmaker, h.<br />

28 First.<br />

O'Flynn, Cornelius J., attorney, 5 Rotunda,<br />

h. 32 Winder.<br />

O'Flynn, C. (wid. ~ornelius), h. 500 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

- -<br />

O~le, James, farmer, h. 24 Sproat.<br />

0 Gorman, Michael, printer, Bds. 70 Larned<br />

east.<br />

O'Qorman, Patrick, steward, h. 170 Cherry.<br />

O'Grady, Bernard, h. 72 Adelaide.<br />

O'Grady, George J., agent, h. 45 Duffield<br />

07Grady, John, shoemaker, h. 393 Franklin.<br />

O'Grady, John, laborer, h. 100 Plum.<br />

O'Grady, John, jr., laborer, bds. 100 Plum.<br />

07Halloran, Edward, blacksmith, bds. 250<br />

Fifth.<br />

O'Hearn, James, laborer, h. rear 204 Fifth.<br />

Ohlert, Peter, clerk, bds. 410 Gratiot.<br />

Ohlert, Peter, groceries, provisions and liquors,<br />

o. 325 n. 395 Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Ohlhorst, William, blacksmith, h. 403<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

0' Honlon, Orell, carpenter, h. 250 Abbott.<br />

Ohrens, Herman, laborer, h. s. s. Chestnut,<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

0' Kearn, James, laborer, h. rear 250 Fifth.<br />

07Keefe, Daniel, gardener, h. w. s. Third,<br />

bet. Liberty and Tuscola.<br />

O'Heefe, Dennis, plasterer, h. 610 Third.<br />

O'Keefe, John, gardener, bds, 610 Third.<br />

O'fieefe. John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Crawford<br />

and Noyes.<br />

O'Keefe, John, laborer, h. 274 Larnede.<br />

O'fieefe, John, laborer, h. 200 Sixth.<br />

O'Keefe, John, saloon and restaurant, 208<br />

Woodbridge w., 11. same.<br />

O'Keefe, John, tobacconist, h. 340 Michigan<br />

aye.<br />

I O'Keefe, Nicholas, laborer, h. 102 Beech.<br />

1 O'Heefe, Patrick, laborer, h. 386 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

O'Lsrp, Patrick, sawyer, 11. 208 Abbott.<br />

Oldebrant, Francis, laborer, h. 164 Abbott.<br />

Oldekop, George, grocer, 296 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Oldenburg, John, laborer, h. 505 Lafayette.<br />

Oldfield, Alexander, bookbinder, h. 159<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Oldhaln, William, engineer, h. cor, Howard<br />

and Fifteenth.<br />

Oldridge, John W., boots and shoes, 237<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

O'Leary, Catharine (wid. Cornelius), h. 479<br />

Lafayette.<br />

07Leary, Daniel, blacksmith, h. 49 Labrosse.<br />

O'Leary, Daniel, carpenter, h. 93 Prospect.<br />

O'Leary, Daniel, moulder, bds. 49 Labrosee.<br />

O'Leary, Daniel, bds. 142 Larned w.<br />

O'Leary, James, blacksmit.h, h. 142 Larned<br />

west.<br />

07Leary, James, boilermaker; h. 142 Levarett.<br />

O'Leary, Martin, painter, bds. 83 Congress<br />

east.<br />

O'Leary, Patrick, teamstvr, bds. 149 Chene.<br />

O'Leary, Quinlan, laborer, h. o. 444 n. 490<br />

Fort e.


L%k<br />


Orn~a~~ani~~a G~apamy.<br />

-<br />

ASFETF, . 812~000'000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

SOLON JIeELROY, Dlaoager aud Agency Sapt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Orr, Edward, wholesale dry-goods, 120 and<br />

182 Jefferson ave., h. n. e. cor. Fort and<br />

Third.<br />

Orr, Thomas, blacksmith, $36 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Ors tadt, Catharine (wid. Peter), h. Hastings,<br />

bel. RSontcalln.<br />

Orstadt, Henry, peddler, h. Hastings, below<br />

Rlontcalm.<br />

Ort, Adam, butcher, bds. 2'70 Congress e.<br />

Ortenburger, Rudolph, shoemaker, h. 188<br />

Sherman.<br />

Ortenburger, William, shoemaker, h. 139<br />

Catharine.<br />

Orth, Adam, moulder, h. 194 Columbia e.<br />

Orth, Adam, tinsmith, h. 111 Maconlb.<br />

Orth, Anthony, trunkmaker, bds. 111 Ma-<br />

, comb.<br />

Orth, George, moulder, bds. 194 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Orth, Jacob, laborer. h. 194 Columbia e.<br />

Orth, Jacob P., trunkmaher, bds. 111 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Orth, John, jeweler, bds. 251 Whitney.<br />

Orth, John, shoemaktr, 107 Macomb, h.<br />

same.<br />

Orth, John, wagon maker, bds. 43 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Orth, John J., bookbinder, bds. 107 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Orth, John, jr., bookbinder, bds. 107 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Orth, John L., jeweler, bds. n. w. cor. Whit- '<br />

ney and Hastings.<br />

Orth, Louis, carpenter, bds. 251 Whitney.<br />

Orth, Mary (wid. Michael), h. 251 \lrhitney.<br />

Orth, Nicholas, grocer, 727 Crogllan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Orth, William. brakeman, bds. 316 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Ortmann, Frank, porter M. C. R. R., h. 63<br />

Harriett.<br />

Ortmann, Frank, jr., laborer, bds: 63 Har-<br />

riett.<br />

Ortwein, John, tinsmith, 81 Grand River,<br />

bds. cor. Macomb and Chane.<br />

Ortwein, Peter, tinsmith, bds. 416 ~ioghan.<br />

Ortwein, William. plater, h. 366 Third.<br />

Osborne, Charles (Perrand & Osborne), bds.<br />

Lafayette ave., Bet. Twenty-third and<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Osborne, Charles F., lumber yard, bds. w. s.<br />

Twenty third, bet. Fort and Howard.<br />

Osborne, David S., . nurseryman and florist,<br />

h. e. s. Twenty-fourth, bet. railroad and<br />

Fort.<br />

Osborne, Emery Wallace, contractor, bds.<br />

109 First.<br />

aborne, Cleorge B., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Osborne, George W., clerk Receiver Taxes,<br />

bds. cor. Jefferson and Woodward aves.<br />

Osborne, John H., nurseryman, bds. e. s.<br />

Twenty-fourth, bet. railroad and Fort.<br />

Osborne, James IV., foreman A. B. Morgan,<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Osborne, Louisa (wid. Thomas), bds. o. 79<br />

n. 57 Adams ave. w.<br />

Osborne, Miss Maria C., bds. 143 High.<br />

Osborne, N., contractor and builder, bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

Osborne, Sarah A. (wid. Elihu), h. 143<br />

High.<br />

Osbose, Goono, machinist, bds. 71 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Osburu, B. A., bds. 46 Lafayetteaoe.<br />

Osebold, Joseph, tailor, h. 500 Kiopelle.<br />

Osgood, Daniel, gardener, h. Hastings, nr.<br />

Farnsworth.<br />

Osgood, David, gardener, bds. Hastings, nr.<br />

Farnsworth.<br />

Oseood. Richard P. (Lindarman St Co.), h. 55<br />

becond.<br />

Osgood, William, baker, h. 61 Abbott.<br />

O'Shannessy, Michael, laborer, h. 256<br />

Sixth.<br />

O'Sliaughnessy, Daniel, carpenter, h. 134<br />

Locust.<br />

O'Shaughnessy, James, laborer, h. 152<br />

Cherry.<br />

O'Shaughnessy, Jeremiah, shoemaker, 11.33<br />

Labrosse.<br />

O'Shaughnessy, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Ninth ave. ani Canfield.<br />

O'Shaughnessy, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 103<br />

Orleans.<br />

O'Shea, Michael, laborer, h. 184 Cherry.<br />

07Shea, Patrick, laborer, bds. 184 Cherry.<br />

Osiger, Charles, engineer, h. s. e. cor. Third<br />

and Lewis.<br />

Oskin, Meli, laborer, h. 281 Gooin.<br />

O'Slager, Herman, foreman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

103 Leverett.<br />

Osperslaw, Leo, chairmaker, h. 203 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Ostler, Cono, laborer, h. cor. Walker and<br />

tiuoin. .<br />

Ostler, William (Ostler & Hoekstraj, h. 125<br />

Orchard.<br />

Ostler St Hoekstra (William S. Ostler and<br />

Egbert Hoekstra), job printers, 164 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Ostent, Nicholas, mason, h. o. 44 n. 392<br />

Juliette.<br />

Ostling, John, mason, h. 58 Baker.<br />

O'Suliivau, Daniel, boot treer, h. 133<br />

Fourth.<br />

07Sullivan, Dennis, bricklayer, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Harrison ave. and Cherry.<br />

O'dullivan, John, grocer, 117 Franklin, h.<br />



O'Sullivan, Michael, iron moulder, bds. s. e.<br />

cor. Harrison ave. and Cherry.<br />

O'Sullivan, Timothy, policeman, h. 304<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Oswald, Peter, laborer, h. 226 Watson.<br />

Otam, Christian, laborer, h. Catharine, e.<br />

Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Oters, Mary (wid. John), bds. 612 Seventh.<br />

Otis, Ney (Eisenlord & Otis), bds. Eisen-<br />

lord's Hotel.<br />

O'Toole, James, sailor, h. 123 Larned w.<br />

O'Toole, Martin, farmer, h. e. s. Woodward<br />

ave., nr. tollgate.<br />

O'Toole, Michael, farmer, h. e. s. Woodward<br />

ave., nr. tollgate.<br />

O'Toole, Tllomas, farmer, h. e. s. Woodward<br />

ave., nr. tollgate.<br />

Ott, A(lolplr, stone cutter, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Cliriton and St. Aubin aves.<br />

Ott, George, shoemaker, 11. 371 Orleans.<br />

Ott, John, cooper, 295 Columbia e., h. same.<br />

Ott, John G., shoemaker, 54 Brush, h. 371<br />

Orleans.<br />

Ott, Ludwick, laborer, h. 17'7 Twenty-sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Ottley, Oswald S., sign painter, 46 Larned<br />

w., h. 275 Bussell.<br />

Ottmar, Paul, laborer, h. 282 Montcalm e.<br />

Otto, Amelia (wid. Carl), h. 153 Croghan.<br />

Otto, Emst, cigarmaker, h. 2& Monroe<br />

aye.<br />

Otto, Frederick, cabinet maker, bds. 467<br />

Macomb.<br />

Otto, Frederick, shoemaker, h. 466 Lasalle<br />

ave. .<br />

Otto, James, carpenter, h. 266 Thirteen-<br />

and-a-half.<br />

Otto, John, laborer, bds. with Mrs. Melius,<br />

Mount Elliott ace.<br />

Otto, Julius, bookkeeper, h. 249 Fort e.<br />

Otto, Martin, tanner, h. cor. Baker and Sev-<br />

enteenth,<br />

Ouellette, Patrice, carpenter, h. 159<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Ouellette, Robert, stableman Cootes' stables,<br />

Ms. same.<br />

Ough, Stephen, porter Western Hotel, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Ounger, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 390 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Ounters, Antoine, blacksmith, h. Twenty-<br />

second, bet. Michigan ave. and railroad.<br />

Overton, Dewitt C., policeman, h. 205 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Overton, Jeremiah H., pddler, h. rear 42<br />

Fort e.<br />

Owen, Rev. Alfred, pastor Second Baptist<br />

church, h. 140 George.<br />

Owen, Charles V., engineer, h. 15 Abbott.<br />

Owen, Charles, painter, h. 15 Abbott.<br />

Owen, George W., printer, h. 308 Third.<br />

Owen, Humphrey (Standish, Green & Co.),<br />

h. 328 Franklin.<br />

Oneu, John, office over Fizirat Xational &mi,<br />

h. 61 Fort m.<br />

41<br />

Owen, J. Emery (Campbell, Omen & Co.),<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Owen, Lafaye~te, clerk, bds. 61 Fort w.<br />

Owen, B., clerk Postoffice, h. 369 Fifth.<br />

Owen, William A., butcher, 7 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, 333 Larned e.<br />

Omens, Miss Eliza (co:'d), h. 251 Beaubien.<br />

Owens, Peter, sailor, h. 504 Lafayette.<br />

0 wens, Thomas (col'd), barber, Antisdel<br />

House, h. 322 Lafayette.<br />

Ox, John, laborer, 469 Fort e.<br />

Oxford, Cornelius, planer, bds. 255 Twelfth.<br />

Osward, John E., bookkee,)er, h. 422 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

ACHA, John, laborer, h. 477 Hasting.<br />

P Paclm, Mathew, laborer, h. 477 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Pack, Adam, laborer, 11. 94 Twenty-second.<br />

Packard, Lucy A., h. 100 Twenty-third.<br />

Packhard, Marcus W., sailor, h. 115 Wil-<br />

kins.<br />

Padberg, Bernqrd, cabinetmaker, h. 175 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Padberg, John B., teller E. Kanter & Co.,<br />

bds. 175 Lafayette.<br />

Paddler, Albert, carpenter, h. 443 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Paddock, Joseph, seston St. Paul's, bds. 179<br />

Larned e.<br />

Paete, Joseph, candlemaker, h. 173 Franklin.<br />

Paetz, George, maltster, bds. 455 St. Antoine.<br />

Pagah, Jossph, sawyer, h. Wight: bet. Cam-<br />

pau and Walker.<br />

Page, Catharine (wid. William), h. 415<br />

Seventh.<br />

Pagf? Charles R., bartender, bds. 209 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Page, Charles A., harnessmaker, h. 125 Fif-<br />

t,eenth.<br />

Page, Charles R., picture frame maker, h.<br />

128 Fifteenth.<br />

Page, Douglass M., mechanic. h. 331 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Page, Francis, harnessmaker, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Campau and Walker.<br />

Page, Frederick, clerk, bds. 96 Elizabeth e.<br />

Page, George A., grocer and saloon, n. S.<br />

Michigan ave., nr. Harrison ave., h. same.<br />

Page, James, American House, 20'2 Jefferson<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Page, Noburn R. (col'd), barber, 71 Monroe<br />

ave., h. 264 Maconlb.<br />

Page, William, hostler, bds. Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Page, William, laborer, bds. 415 Seventh.<br />

Pagel, Ernest, laborer, h. e. s. Dubois, bet.<br />

Croghan and Lafayette.<br />

Pagel, Frederick, wagonmaker, h. 571 Gra-<br />

t1ot.<br />

Pager, Frederick, laborer, h. 197 Antietam.<br />

Paget, James, wagonmaker, h. 51 Harrison<br />



OfEce, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Aye. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


I'aige, David O., supt. <strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co., h. o.<br />

173 n. IS3 Woodbridge e.<br />

Paine, Albert, h. 13 Mechanic.<br />

Paine, Nelson (col'd), whitewasher, h. 57<br />

Diviaion.<br />

Paisley, Hector, carriage painter, bds. 140<br />

Second.<br />

Pajot, Thomas, wagonmaker, 11. 117 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Pallman, August, shoemaker, 142 Itandolph,<br />

h. same.<br />

Palmer, ~harles'~., painter, bds. 285 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Palmer, Corden B., physician, h. 34 Croghan.<br />

Palmer, David, fruit dealer, 256 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Palmer, Eli W., treasurer Opera House, h.<br />

o. 239 n. 285 Larned e.<br />

Palmer, Ervin (Ward & Palmer), h. 19<br />

Mon tcalm w.<br />

Palmer, Friend (Clarke & Co.), Quarter<br />

Master General, h. 564 Jefferson ave.<br />

Palmer, George, clerk, bds. Howard House<br />

Palmer, George, street car driver, bds. 399<br />

Grand River.<br />

Palmer, James B. (J. & N. Palmer), h. 121<br />

Wayne.<br />

Palmer, John, insurance agt., 2 Merrill<br />

Block, h. s. w. cor. Griswold and Fort.<br />

Palmer, John, nightwatchman, h. 374 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Palmer, John D., bookkeeper, bds. 71 Beaubien.<br />

Palmer, John H., bookkeeper, bds. Purd y 's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Palmer, Joseph, carpenter, h. 171 Antietam.<br />

Palmer, Joseph S., potter, h. 141 Seventeenth.<br />

Palmer, Louis, picture frame repairer, bds.<br />

374 Sixteenth.<br />

Palmer, Luther S., machinist, h. 70 Baker.<br />

Palmer, Luther T., machinist M. C. K. R., h.<br />

72 Baker.<br />

Palmer, Mrs. Mary, bds. 54 Montcalm e.<br />

Palmer, Mary A. (wid. Elias), h. 254 Howard.<br />

Palmer, Mason, h. 107 Grismold.<br />

Palmer, Nathan C., fireman &/I. C. R. R., h.<br />

254 Howard.<br />

Palmer, Nehemiah (J. & N. Palmer), h. 237<br />

Second.<br />

Palmer, Richard (Palmer & Bentley), h. 174<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Palmer, Ripley M., brakesman M. S. & N. I.<br />

R. B., h. 40 Locust.<br />

Palmer, Stutely D., traveling agt., k. 229<br />

Cass.<br />

PAR<br />

Palmer, Thomas Mr.,<br />

lumberdealer, 5 Mer-<br />

rill Block, 11. n. e. cor. Woodward ave. and<br />

Farnswortll.<br />

Palmer, IVilliam, clerk, h. 211 Catharine.<br />

Palmer, \17illiam Henry (col'd), cook, h. 232<br />

Macomb.<br />

Palmer, William P., clerk, h. s. s. Catharine.<br />

nr. Orleans.<br />

Palmer & Bentl ey (Richard Palmer and John<br />

Bentley ), bakery and confectioners, 1'74<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Palmer, J. St N. (James B. and Nehemiah<br />

Palnler), builders, 121 Wayne.<br />

Palms, Augustus, clerk D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Palms, Francis, real estate a@., h. 345 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

PandofF, George, laborer, h. 344 Bronson.<br />

Pape, Franz, German boarding, h. 43 Mon-<br />

roe aye.<br />

Pankhurst. John C., clerk, h. 220 Randolph.<br />

Panko, John, laborer, h. s. s. Chestnut., bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Pannell, Henry, laborer, h. 264 Clifford.<br />

Pants, albert, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan ave.,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Pappa, Louis C., physician, bds. 68 Ma-<br />

comb ave.<br />

Papps, Barbara (wid. Albert), h. 289 High.<br />

Paquette, Jarvis, joiner, h. 4'72 Congress e.<br />

Parcher, William K., clerk, h. n. s. Mont-<br />

calm, bet. Brush and John R.<br />

Pardberg, Joseph, tailor, 11.500 Riopelle.<br />

Pardie, Felix, carpenter, h. 589 Larned e.<br />

Pardie, Sylvester, carpenter, h. 585 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Parent, Eugene, carpenter, h. 486 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Parent, Gideon, salesman, bds. 486 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Parent, Margaret (wid. Elias), h. 77 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Parent, James, clerk, h. 504 Sixth.<br />

Parent, Joseph, butcher, bds. '77 Nineteenth.<br />

Parent, Samuel, shipcarpenter, bds. 400<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Parent, Thomas F., printer, h. 510 Sixth.<br />

Paris, Henry, produce, 218 Woodward ave.<br />

and 13 market, h. 269 \JToodward ave.<br />

Paris, Henry B., grocer and produce, 4<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market and 273 Second, h. same.<br />

Parish, Hubbard El., printer, h. 178 First.<br />

Parish, Mary J. (wid. Elijah), h. 2 Paton<br />

alley.<br />

Park, Henry M., thin lumber manufacturer,<br />

1'7 Jones, h. 182 First.<br />

Park, John (col'd), bricklayer, h. 239 Fort e.<br />

Parke, Herrey C. (Parlie, Jennings & Co.),<br />

h. w. s. Second, bet. Ledyard and Bagg.<br />

Parke, John Q., clerk, h. 317 Fifih.<br />

Parke, gennings & Cm. (Herrey<br />

C. Parke, George S. Davis and Augustus<br />

F. Jennings. M. D.) manufacturing chem-<br />

ists, laboratory o. 73 a. 374 Cass ave. (Sea<br />



-<br />

Parker, Aaron ( Whittaker & Parker), bds.<br />

491 Congress e.<br />

Parker, A. Barbara, vegetables, 29 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 122 Macomb.<br />

Parker, Benjamin F., auctioneer, h. 218<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Parker, Charles H., clerk, bds. 40 Congress<br />

W.<br />

Parker, Elizabeth, washerwoman, h. 292<br />

Sixth.<br />

Parker, Ferdinand F., bds. 68 Congress w.<br />

Parker, Francis W., printer, h. G9 Elizabeth<br />

west.<br />

Parker, George H. (co17d), barber, h. 300<br />

Croghan.<br />

Parker. George H., tanner, 28 Gratiot, h. 30<br />

same.<br />

Parker, Henry (col'd), headwaiter Biddle<br />

House, h. 200 St. Aubin are.<br />

Parker, Homer, laborer, h. e. s. Mt. Hope<br />

ave., bet. Michigan aye and Ash.<br />

Parker, James, carpenter, h. 74 Rivard.<br />

Parker, John, laborer, 11.26 German.<br />

Parker. Robert (colJd-Mumford & Parker),<br />

11.265 Russell.<br />

Parker, Sa~nuel A., commercial agent, bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Parker, Silas A., carpenter, h. 24 South.<br />

Parker, Thomas, beltmaker, 11.98 Jay.<br />

Parker, Thomas, sailor, h. 239 Sixth.<br />

Parker, Thomas A., wholesale grocer, 75<br />

Woodward ave., h. 405 Jefferson ave.<br />

Parker, Willard (Willard Parker & Co.), h.<br />

56 Lafayette ave.<br />

Parker, Willard F. (Willard Parker &<br />

Co.), Bds. 5G Lafayette :~ve.<br />

Parker, William, moulder, h. 65 Larned e.<br />

Parker, l\Til!ia~n, tanner, bds. 180 Fort w.<br />

Parker, W~llard, S. Co. (FVillard and Willard<br />

F. Parker), pork packers, 32, 34 and 36:<br />

CITood bridge e.<br />

Parkes, Charles (J. & C. Parkes), h. COP.<br />

Howard and Seventeenth.<br />

Parkes, Jolln B., carpenter, h. 310 Cass are.<br />

Parkes, John F. (J. & C. Parkes), h. s. e. cor.<br />

Howard and Seventeenth.<br />

Parkes, Joseph, wood turner, h. 127 Sixteenth.<br />

Parkes, S. GI., cutter, bds. Tremont House.<br />

Parlies, J. & C. (John and Charles Parkes),<br />

shingle manfrs., 390 Woodbridge m.<br />

Parkhouse, John, boilermaker, h. 478<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Parkllouse, William, laborer, h. 478 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Parlihurst, Rperson J., conductor M. C. R.<br />

It., h. 163 Abbott.<br />

Parkin, Charles, patternmaker, h. 391 Lafay<br />

ette.<br />

Parkins, Benjamin, teamster, h. 187 Fort e.<br />

Parkinson, Joseph, grocer, s. w. cor. Grand<br />

River and Oak, h. same.<br />

Parkinson, William, harnessmaker, h. 96<br />

FVrtsliington ave.<br />

Parks, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. 165 Baker.<br />

Parks, Thomas (col'd), sailor, h. 3 Grove.<br />

Parlee, Peter, plaster works, h. 109 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Parnacott, Mrs. (wid. Henry), washerwo-<br />

man, h. 7 Beaubien.<br />

Paro. Nary (wid.), h. Atwater, nr. Chene.<br />

Parmto, Frank, capt. sail vessel, bds. 562<br />

Congress e.<br />

Parrants, Thomas, b~tclier, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Woodbridge and Dequindre.<br />

Parrault, Charles, laborer, h. 300 Fort e.<br />

Parrish, Charles, driver, 11.365 Larned e.<br />

Parrish, J. Hebbard, insurance agent, office<br />

Kanter's building, h. Woodward, bet. 81-<br />

exandrine and Willis aves.<br />

Parrish, Lee, h. Woodward, bet. Alexan-<br />

drine and Willis aves.<br />

Parrish, Ramous H., shipcarpenter, h. 633<br />

Congress e.<br />

Parro, Frank, saloon. 97 Atmater.<br />

Parry, Antoine, blacksmith, s. s. Wood-<br />

bridge e., nr. Walker.<br />

Parry, Domincie, shoemaker, h. Franklin,<br />

bet. Hastings and Etivar.2.<br />

Parry, George. mason, h. n. w. cor. National<br />

ave. and Sycamore.<br />

Parry, Henry, carpenter, h. 479 Sixth.<br />

PARRY, J. CAMPBELL, manfr. excelsior,<br />

foot Dnbois, h. w. s. Dubois, s. Jefferson<br />

ave. (See nda.)<br />

Parshall, Charles H. (Clarke & Co.), h. I42<br />

Cherry.<br />

Parshall, James, propr. Finney's Hotel, 160<br />

Wl~odward ave., h. same.<br />

Parsons, Edward, chemist, h. 13 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Parsons, Edwin 8., lawyer, 154 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. Franklin House.<br />

Parsons, Philo, real estate, S1 Griswold, h.<br />

460 Woodward ave.<br />

Parsons, Robert, draughtsman, bds. 800 Croghan.<br />

Parsons, Samuel, mason, h. 129 Fort e.<br />

Partello, Byron, spring bed manfr., 54 Jefferson<br />

aye., h. 138 Abbott.<br />

Partello, Charles C., painter, h. 49 Lewis.<br />

Partello, Dwight, bookkeeper, bds. o. 183 n.<br />

243 Jefferson ave.<br />

Partello, George, carpeater, bds. 130 Ab.<br />

bott.<br />

Partlan, John, gas nlanfr., h. 246 Third.<br />

Partlan, Michael, gas lighter. h. 13 Plum.<br />

Partlan, Peter, gardener, 11. w. s. Cass ave.,<br />

bet. Willis ave. and Holden road.<br />

Partlan, Peter, laborer: bds. 47 Lewis.<br />

Pasco, Mark, popmaker, bds. 88 Larned w.<br />

Pasco. Albert M., salesman, bds. 88 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Pasco, Charles E., laborer, h. 107 Russell.<br />

Pasco, Emeline (wid. Charles) h. 58 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Pasha, Angelo, laborer, 11. 57 Orleans.<br />

Pasner, Frank, turner, h. Marion, bet. Hastings<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Pason, Frederick, laborer, h. 85 North.


I NEW YORE Patterson, Edward, laborer M. C. R. R., h.<br />

w. s. Eighth, nr. cor. hlichigan ane.<br />

bPfe F esesence Gem Patterson, Edward H., clerk, bds. 206<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000 Fourth.<br />

DAILY CASH IRCO?IIE, $15,000 Patterson, Hamilton E., clerk P. O., h. 20G<br />

--<br />

Fourth.<br />

SOLON McELROY, DIanager and Agency Snpt., I Patterson, James, physician, h. 7l~Columbia<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. west.<br />

Patterson, John, carpenter, bds. 347 Fourth.<br />

Passman, John, cooper, h. 512 Lafayette. Patt.erson, John, laborer, h. e. s. Seven-<br />

Passman, Louis, carpenter, L. 511) Lafayette. t,eentli, nr. Bnker.<br />

Patchett, William, 11. 89 Seventh.<br />

Patterson, John, machinist, h. 66 National<br />

Patchin, Abel, 11. 340 Third.<br />

ave.<br />

~at,chin. on: Jared, judge circuit court, h. Patterson, Joseph, porter, h. n. s. Labrosse,<br />

16 Plum.<br />

bet. Ninth ave. and Tenth.<br />

Paterson, Sarah Ann (wid. James), h. St. Patterson, Peter, engineer, bds. 42 Harri-<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

son ave.<br />

Paterson, William, cigarmaker, bds. 81 Con- Patterson, Peter &I., school teacher, bds.<br />

gress e.<br />

322 Woodbridge w.<br />

Pato, Fritz, laborer, h. 57s Croghan. Patterson, Phil M.. principal <strong>Detroit</strong> class-<br />

Paton, Agnes (wid. Walter), h. 200 Park. ical and mathematical school, 109 Uris-<br />

Paton, Alexander, h. 331 Third.<br />

wold, h. 322 \IbToodbridge w.<br />

Paton, Miss Christina, school teacher, bds. Patterson, Robert, switchman, bds. 54<br />

o. 173 n. 331 Third.<br />

Front.<br />

Paton, James, hackman, h. 48 Catharine. Patterson, Thomas, laborer, bds. 9'7 How-<br />

Paton, James B., adjuster sewing machines, ard.<br />

h. 30 Monroe ave.<br />

Patterson, Thomas R., sailor, h. e. s. Four-<br />

Paton, Peter, sewing machine agent, h. 290 teenth, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Patterson, William, bottler, h. 278 Twelfth.<br />

Paton, Robert (Paton & Son), bds. 170 Gra- Patterson, William, clerk, h. 2'78 Twelfth.<br />

tic bt.<br />

Patterson, William H., policeman, h. 787<br />

Paton, William (Paton & Son), h. 170 Gra Congress e.<br />

tiot.<br />

Patterson, William H., mason, h. 787 Lar-<br />

Pnton & Son (William and Robert Payton), ned e.<br />

furniture, 172 Gratiot.<br />

Patterson, William J., sailor, h. 534 Grs<br />

Patriarche, Charles, clerk D. & M. R. R., tiot.<br />

bds. 36 Russell.<br />

Pattison, George W., old books, 51 Gris-<br />

Patriarche, P. Harding, clerk, bds. 36 Rus- wold, h. 115 Larned e.<br />

sell.<br />

Pattison, Joseph, salesman, h. Labrosse,<br />

Patrick, Alexander L., excelsior manfr., h. bet. Ninth ave. and Tenth.<br />

105 Elmmood aye.<br />

Patton, Henry, blacksmith, bds. 162 Frank-<br />

Patrick, Edward, joiner, bds. 268 Franklin. lin.<br />

Patridge, James, laborer, h. 346 Lafayette Patton, James, porter Goodman House, bds.<br />

ave.<br />

same.<br />

Patten, John S., agent Erie R. R.. office cor. Patton, John, sailor, h. 864 Michigan ave.<br />

Jefferson ave. and Second, h. o. 272 n. 280 Patton, John (John Patton & Son), sheriff,<br />

Brush.<br />

h. 210 Beaubien.<br />

Patten, John H., drover, h. 323 Caas ave. Patton, John J. (John Patton & Son), bds.<br />

Patten, John W., h. 250 Brush.<br />

210 Beaubien.<br />

Patten, Nettie, teacher new Ninth Ward Patton, John, jr., bookkeeper, bds. 210<br />

school, bds. 280 Brush.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Patten, Silas, clerk, h. 572 Fifteenth. Patton, John, & Son (John and John J. Pat-<br />

Patten, William H., printer, h. 702 Beau. ton), carriagemakers, s. w. cor. Woodbien.<br />

bridge and Brush.<br />

Pattenfield, Henry, shoemaker, h. w. s. Paul, Albert, jr., laborer, bds. o. 45 n. 498<br />

Woodward ave., bet. Holden road and Railroad.<br />

base ball grounds.<br />

Paul, Albert, sr., laborer, h. o. 45 n. 498<br />

Patterson, Alexander, clerk, bds. 347 Fourth. Railraad.<br />

Patterson, Charles, carpenter, h. 347 Fourth, Paul, Bradford, fireman, bds. 320 Franklin.<br />

Patterson, Daniel W. (Culver & Patterson), Paul, Charles, grocery and saloon, 749<br />

bds. 283 Second.<br />

and $51 Michigan ave.<br />

Patterson, David, marble works, 43 Larned Paul, Henry, cigarmaker, h. o. 44 n. 392<br />

w., h. Elmwood Cemetery.<br />

Juliette.<br />

Patterson, Donald W., machinist, bds. 283 Paul, Kainc,us, grocery, 1'45 Adams ave. e.,<br />

Second.<br />

h. Eame.


--<br />

Paul, Thomas J., lawyer, h. 40 Montcalm e.<br />

Pauli, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 18 Jay.<br />

Paulicht, Peter, carpenter, h. 91 North.<br />

Paulishaw, Joseph, laborer, h. e. s. Hum-<br />

boldt ave., nr. Linden.<br />

Paull, Gideon, bookkeeper, h. 114 First.<br />

Paulus, august, groceries and provisions,<br />

159 St. Antoine.<br />

Paulus, Charles, tin and hardware, 53 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Paulus, Charles H., tinsmith, bds. 53 Mich-<br />

igan Grand ave.<br />

Paulus, Emil J., clerk, bds. 159 St. Antoine.<br />

Paunattan, George, saloon, 171 Woodbridge<br />

w., 11. same.<br />

Paut, Paul, tanner, h. 360 Catharine.<br />

Pavey, Samuel, stock agent Q. W. R., h.<br />

127 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pawley, William, eating house, 76 Atwater.<br />

Paston, Ethelbert B., fishdealer, h. 151 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Paye, John, shoemaker, h. 195 Napoleon.<br />

Payette, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 562 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Payette, Peter, shoemaker, h. 67 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Payette, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 69 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Payment, Alfred (C. Payment & Bros.), h.<br />

324 Kiopelle.<br />

Payment, Clovis (C. Payment & Bros.), res.<br />

Sugar Island, $1 ichigan.<br />

Payment, Michael G. (C. Payment & Bros.),<br />

h. 324 Riopelle.<br />

Payment, Richard (C. Payment & Bros.),<br />

res. Sugar Island, Michigan.<br />

Payment C., & Bros. (Clovis, Richard, Al-<br />

fred and Michael G. Payment), steam<br />

saw mill, office 324 Riopelle.<br />

Payne, Douglas (Mumford, Foster & Co.), h.<br />

99 Elizabeth m.<br />

Pay ne, Joseph, boarding, 27 Beaubien.<br />

Payne, Thomas, conductor, 11. 98 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Payton, Christine, teacher Lyell ave. school,<br />

bds. 175 Third.<br />

Peabody, Cyrus, editor Daily Union, h. 277<br />

Third.<br />

Peabody, David W., wood, s. e. cor.<br />

Williams and Miami ave., bds. 439 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Peabody, Jeremiah N., physician, h. 12<br />

High. 4<br />

Peabody, Sherwood R., student, bds. 12<br />

High.<br />

Peabody, William C., street car conductor,<br />

bds. 390 Grand lliver.<br />

Peakes, Simeon I?., cutter, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Pearce, Charles A., plasterer, h. 19 Oak.<br />

Pearce, Edn-in, tin and sheet iron worker,<br />

bds. 46 Brady.<br />

Pearce, Henry, harnessmaker, 331 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h. same.<br />

Pearce, John, carpenter, h. 54 Brady.<br />

Peares, S. P., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Peasl, Gilbert F., porter, bds. American<br />

House.<br />

Pearsall, Corneite, pump and block maker,<br />

11.274 Fort w.<br />

Pearson, George, carpenter, bds. 222 Brush.<br />

Pearson, James, maltster, h. 222 Brush.<br />

Pearson, John (col'd), barber, h. 288 Macomb.<br />

Pearson, Lawrence, carrier, bds. Fort, bet.<br />

Jos. Cam~au and Elmwood aves.<br />

Pearson, Mrs., h. 262 Clinton.<br />

Pearson, Thomas, teamster, h. 222 Brush.<br />

Pearson, William O., clerk, bds. e. s. Ninth<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Walnut.<br />

Pearson, William S., cabinetmaker, h. e. s.<br />

Ninth ave,<br />

Pease, E. Brooks, clerk <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Co.,<br />

bds. 32 Fort W.<br />

Pease, George B., h. 32 Fort w.<br />

Pease, George L. (Pease & Smith), res. New<br />

York <strong>City</strong>.<br />

Pease, John, blacksmith, bds. 48 Abbott.<br />

Pease, Perry L., night watchman House of<br />

Correction, h. 468 Eiopelle.<br />

PEBSE & SMlTH (George L. Pease and<br />

George H. Smith), proprs. <strong>Detroit</strong> Paper<br />

Co., 208 and 210 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Peate, George, tailor, h. 103 Ilivision.<br />

Peaton, William, carpenter, h. 94 Sixth.<br />

Peavey, Charles C (by. & C: C. Peavey), res.<br />

Battle Creek.<br />

Peavey, Frank (F. & C. C. Peavey), h. Fort<br />

w., city limits.<br />

PEAVEY, F. & C. C. (Frank and Charles C.<br />

Peavep), agts New England Mutual Life<br />

Insurance Co., 4 Merrill Block. (See<br />

ah.)<br />

Pecard, Alexander, carpenter, bds. 385 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Peczird, Joseph, carpenter, h. 385 Fort e.<br />

Pecard, Joseph, carver, 50 Itiopelle, h. 96<br />

same.<br />

Pecor, John, carpenter, h. 486 Croghan.<br />

Peck, George, dry goods, 127 Woodward<br />

ave., h. o. 47 n. 80 Miami ave.<br />

Peck, Morris M. (Cornwells, Price & Co.), h.<br />

73 Grand River.<br />

Peek, William, h. 29 Washington ave.<br />

Peers, David, carpenter, h. Fourth, nr.<br />

Orange.<br />

Peers, James, carpenter, h. w s. Fourth, opp.<br />

Grancl.<br />

Peil, Peter, laborer, h. 315 Blontcalm e.<br />

Peirce, David R., Sec'y and Treas. <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Locomotive Works, h. 17 Madison ave.<br />

Peirce, John C., bookkeeper First National<br />

Bank, h. s. s. Grant ave., w. Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Peirce, L. E., policeman, h. 287 First.<br />

Pelkie, Angeline (wid. Fabien), h. 390<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Pelkjer, Patrick, laborer, h. 12 Wight.<br />

Pelgrim, Christopher, hard\vare, 18 Michipan<br />

ave., h. o, 37 n. 45 same,




~$@v@,<br />

~6&@pgb<br />



Pelham, Joseph (col'd), conductor sleeping<br />

car, bds. 210 Congress e.<br />

Pelham, Robert (col'cl), Bricklayer and plas-<br />

terer, 11. 210 Congress e.<br />

Pellan, Edward, laborer, bds. e. s. Elmwood<br />

ave., n. Cemetery.<br />

Pellan, Nelson, shoemaker, h. 89 National<br />

ave.<br />

Pellerin, Louis, shoemaker, bds. n. s. Lar-<br />

ned, bet. Randolph and Brnsh.<br />

Peloud, Prosper, laborer, bds. 298 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Pel tier. Miss Ann, bds. 148 Adams ave e.<br />

Peltier, Charles (Charles Peltier & Son), h.<br />

143 Congress e.<br />

Peltier, Charles F. (Charles Peltier & Son),<br />

bds. 143 Congress e.<br />

Peltier, John, painter, bds. 19 Catharine.<br />

Peltier, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 102 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Peltier, Peter, carriagemaker, h. o. 36 n. 46<br />

Moutcalln e.<br />

Peltier, Thomas, laborer, h. 19 Catharine.<br />

Peltier & Son (Charles and Charles F.<br />

Peltier), insurance agents, 2 Botunda<br />

Building.<br />

Pemberton, Horatio N., carpenter, bds. 13<br />

Buena Vista.<br />

Pen berthy, James, machinist, bds. 55 Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave.<br />

Penkoff, Cristopher, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Lasalle ave. and Poplar.<br />

Penkoff, Frederick, laborer, h. 476 Trow-<br />

bridge.<br />

Pender, Michael, blacksmith, h. 52 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Pendergast, Thomas, turner, h. 70 Abbott.<br />

Pendleton, William, porter Cass Hotel, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Penfield, Miss C., teacher Cass Union<br />

School, bds. 41 Macomb ave.<br />

Penfield, David O., clerk W. S. Penfield, h.<br />

41 Macomb ave.<br />

Penfield, William, millwright, h. 477 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

PENFIELD, WILLISTON S., agricultural<br />

warehouse and seed store, 103 Woodward<br />

ave., 11. 26 Adams ave. w. (See adc.)<br />


J. hf. Jones, supt. planing mill and lum-<br />

ber, Atwater, bet. Rivard and Biopelle.<br />

(See ad%.)<br />


Hamtramck, above Marine Hospital, of-<br />

fice foot First, Solon Burt, agent. (See<br />

adv .)<br />

Penniman, George H., attorney, 7 Rotunda<br />

Building, h. o. 82 n. 88 Elizabeth w.<br />

Pennington, Drury, sailor, 538 Woodbridge<br />

ennock, east. Charles, currier, bds. 247 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Penny, Henry C., steamboat agent, h. 313<br />

Fort w.<br />

Penny, Orville, sailor, h. 15 Eighteenth.<br />

Penny, Percy C. (wid. James T.), h. 29<br />

Sixth.<br />

Pennycook, Miss Jane, teacher, bds. 154<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Pennycook, Robert, tanner, h. o. 134 n. 154<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Penwell, Peter H., nlillwright, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Dubois and Larned.<br />

Peocock, Charles W., wood, 37Congress w.,<br />

h. 15 Jones.<br />

PEOCOCK, LEISTER, wood dealer, s e.<br />

cor. Griswoid and Clifford, h. o. 345 n.<br />

410 Seventh. (See adv.;<br />

Peoples, Andrew, blacksmith, h. 413<br />

Fifth.<br />

Peppin, Elizabeth, saleswoman, bds. 51<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Pepin, Francis, express porter, h. 261 Sherman.<br />

Peppercorn, Gottfried, peddler, h. 502 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Pequignot, Augustus, ship carpenter, h. 66<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Percival, Jenny (wid. Henry), h. 436 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Perdam. Richard, printer, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

High and Beaubien.<br />

Perin, Abiel, bds. Railroad Eschange.<br />

Perkins, Andrew, engineer M. C. Et. R., h. .<br />

232 Howard.<br />

Perkins, Byron (Perkins R~os.), bds. 27 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Perkins, Charles, huckster, 11. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

bet. Grand River and Dickerson.<br />

Perkins, Elizabeth, clerk, bds. 452 Seventh.<br />

Perkins, Elizabeth (mid. Andrew), h. n. s.<br />

Grand Biver, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Perkins, Horace, lumber, h. 322 Fort w.<br />

Perkins, John, gardener, h. 225 Orleans.<br />

Perkins, John J., grocer, o. 06 n. 102<br />

Grand River, 11. 2G9 First.<br />

Perkins, John R., stencil cutter, 16 Merrill<br />

Block, h. %1 Charlotte.<br />

Perkins, Miss Louisa, teacher Cass Union<br />

School, 11. 60 Adams ave. w.<br />

Perkins, Nelson, tailor, bds. n. w. cor. Larned<br />

and Second.<br />

Perkins, Paul (Perkins Bros.), bds. 27 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Perkins, Mrs. Sarah, teacher Cass Union<br />

School, h. 60 Adams ave. w.<br />

Perkins, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Perkins, William, peddler, bds. n. s. Grand<br />

River, bet. Twelfth and Thirteenth.


Perkins, William H., saleslnan, bds. 65 Ad-<br />

ams ave. w.<br />

Perkins, William, jr., Perkins' Hotel, n. e.<br />

cor. Middle and Grand R~ver.<br />

Perkins Bros. (Paul and Byron Perkins),<br />

patentees and manfis. drag sawing ma-<br />

chines, near D. &. BI. R. R. depot.<br />

Permontea, J~seph, laborer, h. rear 430<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Perpetua, Sister Mary, teacher Trinity<br />

(Catholic) School, bds. 71 Porter.<br />

Perrault, eeorge, carpenter, h. 42 Clifford.<br />

Perrault, Louis (Perrault & Courville), h.<br />

320 Atwater. ,<br />

Perrault, Napthila, sand and gravel, h. 144<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Perrault, Zephren, carpenter, h. 684 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Perruult & Courville (Louis Perraul t and<br />

Octave Courville), grocers, 320 Atwater.<br />

Perren, Jacob, porter Marine <strong>City</strong>, h. 333<br />

Seventh.<br />

Perren, John J., bartender Russell House,<br />

bds. 175 Mullett.<br />

Perren, ilTilliam H., operator A. Ss P. Tel.<br />

Co., bds. 333 Seventh.<br />

Perrenoud, Henry A., watchmaker, h. 41<br />

Sproat.<br />

Perrian, Charles. laborer, h. 556 Fort e.<br />

Perrien, Dominic (Perrien Bros.), h. 31<br />

Catharine.<br />

Perrien, Etienne (Perrien Bros.), h. 36 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Perrien, Joseph (Perrien Bros.), bds. 31<br />

Catharine.<br />

Perrien Bros. (Dominic, Joseph and Eti<br />

enne Perrien), merchant millers, 236 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Perrin, John, bookbinder, bas. n. s. Fort,<br />

bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Perrin, Thomas, bookbinder, bds. 411 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Perrin, Peter, laborer, h. 50 Benton.<br />

Perry, Charles, gardener, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Twelfth and Ash.<br />

Perry, Danvers H., carpenter, h. e. s. Sulli-<br />

van ave., near Michigan ave.<br />

Perry, Mrs. D., washing, h. 1'70 Franklin.<br />

Perry, Emmet A., clerk, bds. 142 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Perry, George, carpenter, h. 81 Leverett.<br />

Perry, George H., furs, h. 64 Miami ave.<br />

Perry, Isaac, machinist, bds. 220 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Perry, James A. (col'd), laborer, C ds. 218 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Perry, Joseph N., machinist, b. 153 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Perry, Mary (wid. Charles A.), h. 377 Fort e.<br />

Perry, Mary (col'd-wid. \Villiam), h. 218<br />

St. Antohe.<br />

Perry, Miss Sarah E., teacher Miami ave.<br />

school, bds. 64 Xiami ave.<br />

Perry, Samuel E, agt. for Sherman IIouae,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Perry, Thomas J., clerk, bds. 98 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Perry, William C., engineer, h. 414Twelfth.<br />

Perry, William J., clerk, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Twelfth and Ash.<br />

Person, Hiram B., boarding, 83 Congress a.<br />

Pervis, James, shipcarpenter, bds. 27 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Pesha, Mrs. Michael, h. 22 Wight.<br />

Pesha, Peter, sailor, h. 38 Wight.<br />

Petak, Emanuel, ornamental painter, h. 92<br />

Bronson.<br />

Peterin, Miss Mary, h. 211 Croghan.<br />

Peterkin, David, street car conductor, bds.<br />

175 Michigan ave.<br />

Peterkin. James, butcher, bds. 219 First.<br />

Peters, August, sailor, bds. 49 Atwater.<br />

Peters, David, machinist, h. o. 165 n. 181<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Peters, Rev. Garret E., pastor St. Peter's<br />

Church, bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Peters, James, marbleworks, 159 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Peters, Jay B., produce, s. s. Grand River,<br />

nr. Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Peters, John, drayman, h. 328 Seventeenth.<br />

Peters, John B., carpenter, h. 134 Orchard.<br />

Peters, John B., jr., carriagetrimmer,lcds. 228<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Peters, John B., sr., netmaker, h. 228 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Peters, Louis (Kremer Bros. & Co.), h. 294<br />

Beaubien. J<br />

I!<br />

Peters, Louis, upholsterer, bds. 228 Napoleon.<br />

I<br />

Peters, Louis, laborer, bds. Macomb, bet. '1<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

Peters, Mary E. (wid. Samuel), h. w. s.<br />

t<br />

Third, bet. Grand and Cedar.<br />

Peters, Richard, plasterer, h. 46 Wilkins.<br />

h<br />

Peters, Samuel E., marbleworks, bds. Pur-<br />

1 L<br />

dy's Hotel.<br />

4<br />

Peters, William, shoemaker, 61 Monroe ave.,<br />

?<br />

$<br />

h. 0.151 n. 165 Macomb.<br />

:<br />

Peters. William E. (Peters & Fitzgerald), h.<br />

116 Michigan ave.<br />

Peters & Fitzgerald (\Yilliarn E. Peters<br />

and John W. Fitzgerald), marble works,<br />

149 Grand River.<br />

Peterson, Charles, carpenter, h. 116 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Peterson, George, sawmaker, bds. 0.102 n,<br />

100 Clinton.<br />

Peterson, Minnie (mid. J. G.), saloon, 113<br />

Elmwood ave., h. same.<br />

Peterson, Nicholas, shoemaker, h. 100 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Peterson, Niels, joiner, h. 97 National ave.<br />

Peterson, Rudolph, carpenter, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Crawford and &Lean.<br />

Peterson, Thomas, laborer, h. 187 Franklin.<br />

Petier, Adolph, captain, h. 0. 85 n. 161 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Petlcy, James, jr., bookkeeper, bds. o. 412 n.<br />

498 Sixth.

PET PHE<br />

NEW YORK<br />

B8ff~ Dwsat.arm~s<br />

- @smpatrniy,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICII.<br />

Petley, James, sr., laborer, h. o. 412 n. 498<br />

Sixth.<br />

Petre, Joseph, carpenter, h. 31 Bronson.<br />

Petrequin, Elijah, carpenter, bds. 126 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Petrequin, Peter, baker, 126 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Petri, Franz. teamster, h. 298 Riopelle.<br />

Petrick, Frank, carpenter, h. 417 Maple.<br />

Petrick, John, mason, h. 418 Maple.<br />

Pettee, George M., propr. Clayton Mills, 539<br />

Gratiot. h. 240 Congress e.<br />

Pettie, John, painter, 11. o. 294 n. 332 Fort e.<br />

Petty, Courtland J., division supt. A. M. U.<br />

Es. Co., h. 38 Adams ave. w.<br />

Petus, August, sailor, h. 671 Atwater.<br />

Petus, John, laborer, h. n. s. German, e. St.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Petz, Anton, butcher, 3 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h.<br />

170 Russell.<br />

Petz, Francis (F. & J. Petz), h. 26 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Petz, John, butcher, bds. 170 Russell.<br />

Petz, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 426 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Petz, John (Petz & Yung), bds. 26 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Pet-z, Joseph (F. & J. Petz), bds. 26 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Petz, William, penstockmaker, h. n. s. Ma-<br />

comb, bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Petz, F. & J. (Francis and Joseph Petz),<br />

watchmakers and jewelers, 54 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Petz & Yung (John Petz and Franz Pung),<br />

boots and shoes, 26 Monroe ave.<br />

Petzholt, John, .rvireworker, h. 142 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Petzold, Miss Emily, clerk P. O., bds. 2'70<br />

Sherman.<br />

Petzold, Herman, carpenter, h. 270 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Peugeot, George, farmer, h. n. s. Holden<br />

Road, e. (3. T. R. crossing.<br />

Peugeot, George L , farmer, h. n. s. Holden<br />

Road, e. G. T. R. crossing.<br />

Peuger, Antoine, carpenter, h. 248 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Peureus, Hubert, gardener. h. 255 Seventh.<br />

Pezan, John, laborer, h. 375 Woodbridge e.<br />

Pfannensclimidt, Charles, herb doctor, 217<br />

Croghan, h. 278 Macomb.<br />

Pfannenschmidt, Frederick peddler, b. 278<br />

Clinton.<br />

Pfannenschmidt, Frederick, h. o. 59 n. 217<br />

Watson.<br />

Pfeffer, Bdol ph, painter, h. 397 Hastings.<br />

Pfeffer, David S., saloon, 201 Napoleon, h.<br />

same.<br />

Pfeffer, Hieronymus, bds. Hastings, s. e. cor.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Pfeffer, John, painter, bds. e. s. Beaubien, n.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Pfeffer, Joseph, cigarmaker, bds. 450 Beaubien.<br />

Pfeffer, Gustus, machinist, bds. 206 Croghan.<br />

Pfefferkorn, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 29<br />

Clinton.<br />

Pfeifer, John, laborer, h. 273 Croghan.<br />

Pfeifer, Joseph, tailor, bds. 786 Twentyfourth.<br />

Pfeifer, Wenzel, tailor, h. 786 Twentyfourth.<br />

Pfeifle, Adam, brewer, h. 309 Columbia e.<br />

Pfeifle, Christian, watchmaker, h. 102 Bagg.<br />

Pfeifle, Frederick, bookbinder, bds. 210<br />

Bronson.<br />

Pfeifle, Frederick, shoemaker, h. 306 Montwin1<br />

e.<br />

Pfeifle, Jacob, bootmaker, 305 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Pfeifle, John, cabinetmaker, bds. wr. Hastings<br />

and Watson.<br />

Pf'eifle, John, cabinetmaker, 96 Lafayette,<br />

h. 226 Macomb.<br />

Pfister, Peter, laborer, h. 99 Sherman.<br />

Pfister, Joseph (dchaefer & Pfister), h. 166<br />

Brews ter.<br />

Pfitzner, Hermann, tinsmith, h. 85 Rivard.<br />

Pflueger, William, tanner, bds. 145 Croghan.<br />

Pflugk, Augustus, potter, h. o. 512 n. 576<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Pfromm, John, brewer, h. 141 Jay.<br />

Pfromm, Martin (Gerber & Pfromm), bds.<br />

301 Croghan.<br />

Pnaneuf, Julius, sailor, h. 254 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Pharis, George, clerk, bds. 88 Griswold.<br />

Phayer, Lansing C., carpenter, h. 255 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Phelps, Athalinda (wid. James), h. 96 Leverett.<br />

Phelps, Caroline (wid. William), h. o. 47 n.<br />

55 Adams ave. e.<br />

Phelps, Frank J., city billiard rooms, h. 22<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

Phelps, Francis Marvin, teamster, h. Hamt<br />

ramck.<br />

Phel~s, George E., agent city billiard rooms,<br />

228 Jefferson ave., h. 438 Woodbridge e.<br />

Phelps, Ralph, builder, h. 155 Fourteenth.<br />

Yhelps, Samuel, confectioner, 41 Farmer,<br />

Ms. Finney7s Hotel.<br />

Phelps, Truman, oysters, e. s. Fourteenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Phelps, William (W. Phelps & Co.), Alderman<br />

Fifth Ward, h. 52 Washington ave.<br />

Phclps, William J., sailor, h. 121 Lafayette.


Phelps, W., & Co. (William Phelps, Orrin Phillips. William O., engineer, h. 108 Mar-<br />

Staples and William H. Brace), wholesale ion.<br />

grocers and commission merchants, 81 Phillips, H. T., & Co. (Henry T. Phillips and<br />

and 53 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hobert M Baker), commission, fish and<br />

Pbeffer, George, joiner, h. cor. Beaubien and game, 42 Michigan Grand ave;<br />

Whitney.<br />

Pliilo, Asther (wid. Johnj, 11. 159 Mullett.<br />

Philbrick, Elbridge G., 11.703 Jefferson ave. Pliipps, George, commission merchant, 28<br />

Philips, David, policeman, h. 99 National Woodbridge w., bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

ave.<br />

Phiser, Luke (col'd), sailor, h. s. tv. cor.<br />

Philips, Francis, plasterer, h. 158 Cliene. H,jstings and Indiana.<br />

Philips, George, carpenter, h. 388 Michigan Phister, Joseph, jr., carpenter, bds. 166<br />

ave.<br />

Brewster.<br />

Philips, George, sailor, h. 158 Chene. Pliister, Joeeph, sr., cheese dealer, h. 166<br />

Phili ps, James, blacksmith, bds. 370 Cro- Brewster.<br />

ghan.<br />

Pibble, Louis, sailor, h. 836 Prospect.<br />

Phllips, James H., submarine diver, bds. 69 Picard, Leander, carpenter: h. 2s Beacon.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Pickert, Charles, musician, h. 294 Riopelle.<br />

Philips, James W., clerk, bds. 669 Jefferson Pickett, John J., groceries and liquors, 180<br />

ave.<br />

Abbott, 11. same.<br />

Philips, Jolin, painter,bds. 206 Jefferson ave. Pickett, Patrick, laborer, h. 184 Oak.<br />

Philips, John P., lumber merchant, h. o. 176 Pickford, Thomas, cooper, h. s. e. cor. Larn.<br />

27s Fort m.<br />

ned and First.<br />

Philips, Lewis, Yankee notions, 47 <strong>City</strong> Pickhart, Henry, cigarmaker, bds. White<br />

Hall market, h. Trombley.<br />

Swan Hotel, Larned, cor. Third.<br />

Philke, Theodore, joiner, bds. 92 Prospect. Pielon, Charles, laborer, h. n. s. aoward, nr.<br />

Phillips, Alonzo H., traveling agt., bds. 80 Thirteenth.<br />

Wayne.<br />

Pieper, Franz, cabinetmaker, h. 297 Clinton.<br />

Phillips, Alonzo W., salesman, h. 254 Wood- Pieper, Jolin, carpenter, bds. 297 Clinton.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Pieper, William, editor Abend Post, bds.<br />

Phillips, Augusta (wid. John), h. 96 Maple. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Phillips, Christopher, carpenter, h. 145 Pierce, Albert D. (Pierce, Farrington & Mc-<br />

Wight.<br />

Millan), h. 81 2 JeHerson ave.<br />

Phillips, Rev. Daniel, bds.166 Woodward ave. Pierce, David, artist, h. 146 Oak.<br />

Phillips, Edward, machinist, bds. 97 Jeger- Pierce, Edward J., clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

erson ave.<br />

House.<br />

Phillips, Eli J., frame maker, h. 63 Brady. Pierce, Frank, carpenter, bds. Brighton<br />

Phillips, Evan D., clerk, h. o. 21 n. 27 House.<br />

John It.<br />

Pierce, Hanna (wid. Edwin), 21.46 Brady.<br />

Phillips, George, plasterer, bds. 99 Grand Pierce, Jolin, carpenter, h. 38 Brady.<br />

Hiver.<br />

Pierce,. Leroy, policeman, h. 28'7 First.<br />

Phillips, Henry, butcher, h. 247 Fifth. Pierce, Origen A., machinist, h. I45 Ab-<br />

Phillips, Henry T. (H. T. Phillips & Co.), h. bott.<br />

0. 9 n. 11 Spencer.<br />

Pierce, William L., plasterer, h. 48 Brady.<br />

Phillips, Horace, clerk, h. 163 Wilkins. Pierce, Farrington & RPcBIillam<br />

Pliillips, Hugh, dragman, h. 60 Whitney. (Albert D. Pierce, Benjamin F. Farrington<br />

Phillips, Jasper E., miller, h. 267 Fifth. acd Hugh McMillan), wholesale dry goods,<br />

Phil iips, Jerenliah, agent, h. 163 Wilkins. '77 and 79 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Phillips, J ohn, blacksmith, bds. 218 Wood- Pierre, Jonathan Y., bookkeeper, h. 42 Cenward<br />

ave.<br />

tre.<br />

Phillips, John, bootmaker, b. '72 Henry. Pierson, Rev. Arthur T., pastor Fort street<br />

Phillips, John (Pollard & Phillips), h. 300 Presbyterian Church, h. 179 Lafayette<br />

Brush.<br />

ave.<br />

Phillips, Louis, carriagetrimmer, h. 69 Ma- Pierson, E. D., clerk, bds. 15 Jones.<br />

ple:<br />

Pierson, Celsey R., tinsmith, bds. Finney's<br />

Pfillips, Nary N., carpet weaver, h. 148 Hotel.<br />

&l arion.<br />

Pierson, Smith, express manager, h. 63 Mar-<br />

Phillips, Philander, agent, h. 76 Brady. ion.<br />

Phillips, Peter Dl., bds. Perkins' Hotel. Pierson, Thomas F., traveling agt., h. 319<br />

Phillips, Schuyler, slioemaker, h. 27 Silver. Fourth.<br />

Phillips, Simon A., carpenter, h. 99 Grand Pierson, William H., carriagepainter, h. o.<br />

Hiver.<br />

76 n. 134 Columbia e.<br />

Pliilliys, Wellington, with Pollard & Pieszgnski, Julius, laborer, bds. s. e. cor. -<br />

l'hillips, bds. 300 Brush.<br />

Trowbridge and Ash.<br />

Phillil)~, Williaru, carpenter, Ms. 25 Char- 1 Piggocr, Henry, cabinetmaker, h. Pine, near<br />

lotte.<br />

Nichigan ave.


-<br />



Office, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


Pigney, John, policeman, h. 13 Abbott.<br />

Pillen, William, grocer, 27 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Pillfold, Thomas A., barber, bds. 143 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Pincha, \TTilliam, saw setter, h. 346 \Vatson.<br />

Pindar, Edward IV., h. 145 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pindar, Hiram E., bds. 145 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pindergast, James, laborer, 11. 100 Cherry.<br />

Pine, Jonathan P., bookkeeper, h. 42<br />

Centre.<br />

Pinegar, John, machinist, h. 101 Sixteenth.<br />

Pinegar, \Villiam, finisher, 11. 115 Balier.<br />

Pinet, Slphonse, clerk, h. 500 Congress e.<br />

Pingar, Thoil~as, carpenter, h. 431 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Yingcr, Bficllael, tailor, h. 324 Lafayette.<br />

Pingleton, Mary A. (wid. John), h. 1'70 Sisteenth.<br />

Pingree, Frank, stock fitter, bds. Peninsular<br />

saloon, Jefferson ave.<br />

Pingree, Hazen S. (Pingree St Smith), bds.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Pingree S: Smith (Hazen S. Pingree and<br />

Charles H. Smith), ~l~anfrs. machine<br />

sewed shoes, 31 Woodbridge ~v.<br />

Pinkerton, Stephen, bartender, bds. . 28<br />

Griswold.<br />

Pinneil, Henry, saloon, 227 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Pioneer Cotton 'lPIiIls and Spring<br />

Bed Bottom Manufactory, cor.<br />

John R. and Alfred, office 1 Bank Block,<br />

7'7 Griswold, 31. Flanigan proprietor.<br />

Pipp, Casper (Pipp S; Co.), h. o. 204 n. 254<br />

~roghan.<br />

Pipp, George, butcher, bds. 301 St. Antoine.<br />

Pipp St Co. (Casper Pipp and Henry apd<br />

Joseph Spitzley), builders, cor. Beacon<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Piposlr, albert, tobacconist, h. 289 High.<br />

Piquette, Angelique (wid. John B.), h. 361<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Pirou, Charles, laborer, h. 300 Fort e.<br />

Pisha, Frank, teanlster, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Walker and Adair.<br />

Pisha, Louis, laborer, h. 435 Guoin.<br />

Pisha, Peter, laborer, h. Wight, bet. Chene<br />

and Campau.<br />

Pitcher, Natlraniel, bookkeeper, h. 149<br />

Second.<br />

Pitcher, Zina, physician, 86 Congress w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Pitkin, Rev. Thomas C , rector St. Paul's<br />

Church, h. 42 Congress w.<br />

Pitscli, Antoinc, bartender, bds. 202 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Pittis, Willianl, hospital steward, Head-<br />

quarters Dep't Lakes, h. 385 Clinton.<br />

Pittmann, Charles, carpenler, bds. 208 Rus<br />

sell.<br />

Pittman, Cllristopher, mason, h. 455 Sher-<br />

nian.<br />

PITTMAN, JAMES E., coal and pig iron,<br />

119 FV-oodbridge w., h. 252 Woodbridge e.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Pittnlan, John H., tanner, h. 103 Locust.<br />

Pittman Peter, lastmaker, h. 417 Antie-<br />

tanl.<br />

Pit.tnran, Philip. mason, h. 423 Antietam.<br />

Pittman, Samuel E., produce cornnrission<br />

merchant, foot Second, h. 323 Larned e.<br />

Pitts, Thomas (Pitts & (so.), bds. '741 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Pitts S: Co. (Thomas Pitts and Thomas<br />

Cranage, jr.), saw mill, foot Dubois.<br />

Pisley, Albert, real estate and insurance<br />

agt., 108 Griswold, bds. 180 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Plachance, Peter. slioemaker, h. 205 Dubois.<br />

Plager, Ferdinand, bookkeeper, h. 175 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Ylager, Ferdinand J., bookkeeper, h. 159<br />

Fort e.<br />

Plain, William S.. carpenter, h. 233 Cass.<br />

Plansker, Joseph J., shoenlalier, h. 29 Sil-<br />

ver.<br />

Plant, John, tanner, h. 73 Fifteenth.<br />

Plan tz, Adam, blacksmith, 199 Beaubien,<br />

h. same.<br />

Plantz, Edward F., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Plass, Charles, boa.tbuilder, bds. 687 At-<br />

water.<br />

Plass, Henry,. sr., saloon, 687 Atmater.<br />

Plass, Willianl, sailor, bds. 687 AtmTater.<br />

Platner, James, bds. 3'70 Rlichigan ave.<br />

Platner, Marshall, clerk, h. 4 Park Place.<br />

Platt, A. Pardee (Platt & House), h. 71<br />

State.<br />

Plat t, Richard J., teamster, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Platt St House (A. Pardee Platt and<br />

\TTilliam C. House, jr.), grocers, 185 M-ood-<br />

ward aye.<br />

Platz, Ambrosius, h. s. s. Mullett, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Platx, Frank, tailor, h. 91 Orleans.<br />

Playfbrd, Esau J., bookkeeper, h. w. s.<br />

Fifth, bet. Noyes and Marcy.<br />

Plemondon. Catharine (wid. John), h. o. 189<br />

n. 209 Congress e.<br />

Plemondon, John J., carpenter, h. 209 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Plinks, Peter, laborer, h. 102 Catharine.<br />

Plodel, Christian, boot treer, h. 348 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Pluger, John, laborer, h. GOS Tllil*teenth.<br />

Plunkett, Eliza, tailoress, bils. 45 Lewis.


-<br />

Plumer, George, drover, h. 726 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Plumer, Samuel A., cattle dealer, h. 12G<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

Plummer, William, cabinetmalier, h. 199<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Plynlley. Alfred, brakeman AX. C. R. R., h.<br />

158 Fourteenth.<br />

Podvan, Francis, shipcarpenter, h. 146<br />

Guoin.<br />

Poggensee, John C., tanner, 21. 199 Twelfth.<br />

Pohl, Anton, jeweler, h. 139 Congress e.<br />

Pohl, Frederick D. A., bookbinder, n. e.<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and Griswold, h. 133<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Poiter, Mary (wid. Napoleon, h. 51 Fort e.<br />

Points, George (col'd), laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

St Antoine and Benton.<br />

Polanski, Albert, tailor, h. 120 Bronson.<br />

Polaskey, Louis, peddler, h. 335 Lafayette.<br />

Polglase, William, shipcarpenter, h. w. s.<br />

Lafontainc ave., nr. Grand River.<br />

Polhe~nus, Edward, bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Polhemus, Frank, clerk, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Polhe~nus, John B., clerk P. O., h. 143 Park.<br />

Police Court (Judge Julius Stoll), cor. Clinton<br />

and Paton alley.<br />

<strong>Polk</strong>inghorn, William, carpenter, h. 9 Abbott.<br />

Pollard, Frederick (Pollard & Phillips), res.<br />

Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

Pollard & Phillips (Frederick Pollard and<br />

John Phillips), manfrs. of show cases, 38<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Polllnar, Emil, teacher German American<br />

Semiiiary, 11. 94 Afullett.<br />

Pollock, Samuel (Mciiimmie & Pollock),<br />

bds. 149 Oak.<br />

Poilock, Wenzel, tanner, h. 123 Seventeenth.<br />

Polnofski, Augustus, laborer, h. 99 Dequindre.<br />

Polzine. Frederick, joiner, b. e. Chene and<br />

n. German.<br />

Pomeroy , A. B., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Pomeroy, Emma L., teacher New Ninth<br />

'vlTard scllool, bds. 422 Lafayette ave.<br />

Pomeroy, George W., clerk, bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Pomeroy, Thomas F., homeopathic physician,<br />

99 Congress e., h. sanle.<br />

Ponlmerschein, Justus, laborer, h. 316<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Ponlmerville, Octave, carpenter, h. 311 Croghan.<br />

Pornmerville, Ovid, bookbinder, h 251. Riopelle.<br />

Pommerehnlie, Frederick, uabinetmaker, h.<br />

Eiglit.eenth, bet. Baker and Jlicllig~n ave.<br />

Pond, Ashley (Newberry, Pond & Brown),<br />

h. 21 Madison ave.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Ponne, Herman B., shoemaker, bds. 367 Pospisliill, ~enry, gunsmith, bds. 19 Mon-<br />

Gratiot.<br />

roe ave.<br />

Pontius, John C., express messenger, bds.<br />

122 Park.<br />

Poole, Itichard, saloon, 8 Monroe ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Poor, John A., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Poore, Charles H., carpenter, h. 114 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Poore, Freeman, carpenter, h. 579 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Pootrisky, Charles, machinist, 21.184 Marion.<br />

Pope, John, brevet Major General U. S. ar-<br />

my, commander Department of the<br />

Lakes, bds. Russell House.<br />

Pope, will arc^ S., civil engineer <strong>Detroit</strong><br />

Bridge and Iron Works, h. 82 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Popp, Ferdinand, messenger Second Na-<br />

tional 'Bank, 11. 186 Hastings.<br />

Popp, Jacob, printer, 11. 186 Hastings.<br />

YOYP, JOSEPH E., editor Michigan Volks-<br />

blatt, h 162 Hivard.<br />

Pol'pe, William, laborer, h. James, nr. De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Poppleton, Emory E. (Wheaton St Popple-<br />

tonj, bds. o. 41 n. 83 High.<br />

Porath, William, laborer, h. S. W. cor.<br />

Twenty-fourth and Myrtle.<br />

Pordon, John, laborer, h. 247 Antietam.<br />

Porritt, Mrs. Elizabeth, h. 64 Baker.<br />

Port, Francis, peddler. h. 65 Clinton.<br />

Porter, Arthur C., hardware, 35 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 465 Jefferson ave.<br />

Porter, hsahel, lake captain, h. w. s. Fourth,<br />

opp. Cedar.<br />

Porter, Charles C., teamster, h. 116 Baker.<br />

Porter, Edward L., bds. 12 High.<br />

Porter, Eliza (wid. George J.), h. 290 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Porter, E~nmet E., clerk M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

44 Ciinton.<br />

Porter, Frank, Custom House officer, h. 408<br />

Seventh.<br />

Porter, Prederick B., real estate agent, h.<br />

142 St. Antoine.<br />

Porter, Uove (W. A. Throop & Co.), h. 15<br />

John 12.<br />

Porter, Henry, clerk Michigan Exchange,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Porter. James, student, bds. 213 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Porter, John S., bds. 142 St. Antoine.<br />

Porter, Sarah E. (wid. Frank W.), h. 156<br />

Second.<br />

Porter, William, shipping clerk, h. 88 Lar-<br />

ned east.<br />

Portevus, William, clerk D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

22s Elizabeth e.<br />

Portinie, George, laborer, h. 9 Chestnut.<br />

Portinie, John, laborer, bds. 9 Chestnut.<br />

Posey, Charlotte (wid. Sebastian), h. s. s.<br />

Joy, bet. Secmd and Third.<br />

Posl~isliill, Francis, gunsmirh, 19 Monroe


NEW YORX<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON DIcELROY, blanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Pospishill, Joseph, gunsmith, bds. 19 Mon-<br />

roe ave.<br />

Possellius, Adolph, furniture manufacturer,<br />

412 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Possellius, Alphonse, with A. Possellius,<br />

bds. 412 Gratiot.<br />

Post, Charles, cooper, h. 243 Mullett.<br />

Post, David D. (D. D. Post & Bro.), h. 332<br />

Brush.<br />

Post, Hoy t (Wilkinson & Post), h. 46 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Post, Henry, cooper, h. 291 Montcalm e.<br />

Post, Joseph H. (D. I). Post &Bro.), bds. 332<br />

Brush.<br />

Post, Joseph T., sailmaker, h. 203 Howard.<br />

Post, Mrs. Mary, tailoress, h. 291 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Post, bliss Verona, teacher Cass Union<br />

School, bds. 350 Sixth.<br />

Post, William, brewer, bds. 244 Rivard.<br />

Post, D. D., & Bro. (David D. and Joseph H.<br />

Post), meat market, 2 Clinton.<br />

Posten, John (col'd), barber, bds. First, nr.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Posten, John (col'd), barber, bds. Fort, bet.<br />

Beaubien and St. Antoine.<br />

Potecet, Joseph, tobacconist, h. 108 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Potratz, August, laborer, h. 58 Chestnut.<br />

Potre, Edward, bakery, o. 295 n. 307 Frank-<br />

lin, h. same.<br />

Potter, George W. (G. W. Potter & CO.),~.<br />

371 Lafayetfe ave.<br />

Potter, Hemy Z., principal Barstow Union<br />

School, h. 404 Congress e.<br />

Potter, John, carpenter, 11. 390 Franklin.<br />

Potter, Julian C., paper merchant, h. 7<br />

Rowland.<br />

Potter, Sarah, nurse. h. o. 291 n. 311 Wood-<br />

ward ave., up stairs.<br />

Potter, Sarah (wid. John), bds. 45 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Potter, Thomas, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Fif-<br />

teenth and Magnolia.<br />

Potter, William K., joiner, bds. I61 Cass.<br />

Potter, G. W.,&. Co. (George W. Potter and<br />

Charles B. Northrop), gents' furnishing<br />

goods, 1 Opera House, Campus Martius.<br />

Potts, Joseph, clerk, bds. 166 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Potz, Catharine (wid. Mathias), h. 18 Web-<br />

ster.<br />

Poulioz, Joseph, shipcarpenter, h. 392<br />

Franklin.<br />

Pound, James, machinist, h. s. w. car. Har-<br />

rison ave. and Pine.<br />

-<br />

Powell, Elijah (co17d), laborer, h. 280 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Powell, Henry, salesman, h. 53 Columbia w.<br />

Powell, James, clerk D. St M. R. R., h. 124<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Powell, James, machinist, bds. 124 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Powell, James, shoemaker, h. 233 Abbot*t.<br />

Powell, dames (Glover & Powell), bds. 166<br />

Larned e.<br />

Powell, John, clerk, h. 53 Columbia w.<br />

Powell, Joseph, carpenter, h. 496 Third.<br />

Powell, Michael, sailor, bds. 2'70 Fifth.<br />

Powell, Ottilie (wid. James), h. 334 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Powell, James W., salesman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Powell, William, salesman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Powell, William W., salesman, bds. 40<br />

Congress w.<br />

Powelson, Benjamin F. (Pornelson St Co.),<br />

bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Powelson & Co. (Benjamin F. Powelson and<br />

- -), photographers, Hull's Block,<br />

entrance Campus Martius.<br />

Power, John, laborer, bds. 120 Franklin.<br />

Power, John, yardman M. S. R. R., h. 206<br />

Hastings.<br />

Powers, Catharine (wid. John), h. 210 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Powers, Catharine (wid. William), h. 23<br />

Beacon.<br />

Powers, George F., brass finisher, bds. 153<br />

Fifteenth.<br />

Powers, James, h. 191 Abbott.<br />

Powers, John, switcllman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

210 Howard.<br />

Powers, Joseph M., carpenter, h. 153 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Powers, Roswell, laborer, h. s. s. Franklin,<br />

bet. St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Powers, William, laborer, h. 170 Porter.<br />

Powers, William, switchman IM. C. R. R.,<br />

bds. 210 Howard.<br />

Powers, William, blacksmith, h. e. s. Third,<br />

bet. Orchard and Plum.<br />

Pramstaller , Francis, clerk Receiver of<br />

Taxes, h. 279 Russell.<br />

Prange, Anton, cabinetmaker, h. Dubois, nr.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Prasher, Michael, laborer, h. 448 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Prater, Joshua (col'd), plasterer, h. Bean-<br />

bien, bet. Ontario and Superior.<br />

Pratt, Frederick, carbuilder, h. 378 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Prat t, Capt. Frederick P., insurance agt.,<br />

Bank Block. Griswold. bds. Russell House.<br />

Pratt, ~eorge; engineer 'D. & N. R. R., h. 211<br />

Howard.<br />

- ----<br />

Pratt, Col. Henry C., U. S. paymaster, 12<br />

Buhl Block, Uriswold, h. w. s. Cass, bet.<br />

Fort and Lafayette avo.<br />

Pratt, Isaac H., clerk, bds. Goodman House.


-<br />

Pratt, James, machinist, bds. 58 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pratt, James E., clerk D. & M. R. R., bds.<br />

226 Howard.<br />

Pratt, John, produce merchant, cor. Wood-<br />

bridge and Shelby, bds. 58 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pratt. Marvin T., clerk, bds. Perkins'<br />

~otel.<br />

Pratt, Martin V. B., carpenter, h. 251 Thir-<br />

Pratt, Robert, laborer, h. Maple, bet.<br />

Campau and Elmwood ave.<br />

Pratt, Stephen, jr., boilermaker, bds. 115<br />

Baker.<br />

Pratt, Stephen, painter, h. 58 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pratt, Stephen (Stratton & Pratt), h. o. 91 n.<br />

115 Baker.<br />

Pratt, William, cabinetmaker, h. M on tcalm<br />

east.<br />

Pratt, William S., bookkeeper, bds. 40 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Preck, Christian, roofer, h. 99 Chestnut.<br />

Prell, Abraham B., clerk, bds. 174 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Prell, Andrew, planer, h. n. e. cor. Jay and<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Prell, Jewel B., clothing, 107 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 174 Lafayette ave.<br />

Premm, Alexander, moulder, bds. 920 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Premo, Gilbert, shoemaker, h. 43 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Prentis, Browse T., lawyer, n. w. cor. Gris-<br />

wold and Cdngress, bds. Bussell House.<br />

Prentis, George H.. lawyer. n. w. cor. Gris-<br />

wold and Congress, h. 141 Second.<br />

Prentis, John F , lawyer, n. w. cor. Gris-<br />

wold and Congress, h. 178 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Prentiss, George (Ducharme & Prentiss), h.<br />

26 Palmer.<br />

Prentiss, John F., broker, bds. Nichols'<br />

House.<br />

Prentiss, Perry, hardware, 94 Woodward<br />

ave., bds. Michigan Exchange.<br />

Prentiss, Solon (Buhl, Ducllarme & Co.), h.<br />

91 Farmer.<br />

Prentiss, Wilton E., clerk J. M. Bradstreet<br />

& Son.<br />

Presc~tt, Dudley J., confectioner, 207 Sec-<br />

ond, h. same.<br />

Presley, George (Eldredge & Co.), res. Cleve-<br />

land, 0.<br />

Presley, Solomon, engineer, h. 408 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Preston, Bridget (wid. Edward), h. 287 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Preston, David (David Preston & Co.), h. 437<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Preston, David (3. (Fisher, Booth & Co.), h.<br />

12 Sproat.<br />

Preston, Edward, house servant, bds. 373<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Preston, George (col'd), barber, h. 361 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Preston, James, blacksmith, bds. 177 Brush.<br />

Preston, Jane (wid. William), h. 266 Beaubien.<br />

Preston, Joan (wid. John), h. 87 Eighteenth.<br />

Prestou, Kendrick, salesman, bds. Cass<br />

House.<br />

Preston, Marvin (Smith, Doolittle & Co.), h.<br />

210 Second.<br />

Preston, Sylvester G., engineer, h. 177<br />

Brush.<br />

Preston, Wellington, laborer, h. 266 Beaubien.<br />

Preston, David, & Co. (David P~eston and<br />

John L. Harper), bankers, 72 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Pretzer, John W., clerk, bds. I1 Miami ave.<br />

Preuss, Ferdinand, cigarmaker, bds. 297<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Prevost, Fabian, tanner, h. 20 Nineteenth.<br />

Price, Caroline (wid. John W.), boarding, h.<br />

69 Beaubien.<br />

Price, John B. (Cornwells, Price & Co.), h. o.<br />

190 n. 183 John R.<br />

Price, James T., bookkeeper, h. 133 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Price, Joseph (col'd), laborer, h. 384 Macomb.<br />

Price, Major (col'd), waiter Michigan Exchange,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Price, Nelson, blacksmith, h. 574 St. Antoine.<br />

Price, Philip, h. 18 Jones.<br />

Price, Shem, traveling agt., h. 321 National<br />

ave.<br />

Price, Thomson (Mack & Price), h. 10 Adams<br />

ave w.<br />

Price, mTalter, h. 18 Jones.<br />

Price, William, carpenter, bds. 321 National<br />

aye.<br />

Price, Wilson Q. (col'd), shoemaker, 138<br />

Croghan, h. same.<br />

Pridgeon, Eliza (wid. Robert), h. 122 Franklin.<br />

Pridgeon, John, vessel owner, h. 443 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Priest, Allen B., engineer M. C. R. R., h. 376<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Priest, John, laborer, h. 287 Thirteen-and-ahalf.<br />

PRIEST, JORAM, carriagemaker, cor. Randolph<br />

and Franklin, h. 21 Croghan. (See<br />

ada.)<br />

Priest, Joseph, carpenter, h. 151 Division.<br />

Priest, Thurlow W., telegraph operator, h.<br />

112 Fifth.<br />

Primeau, Gilbert, shoemaker, h. 41 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Primer, Eugene, laborer, h. 369 Juliette.<br />

Primer, Lucas, blacksmith, h. s. s. Gratiot,<br />

w. Elmwood ave.<br />

Primrose, Frank H., cashier ti. T. R., h. o.<br />

103 n. 127 Cass.<br />

Prince, Edward, engineer, h. 133 Orleans.<br />

Prince, Ed~vin, engineer, h. 159 Beaubien.<br />

Prince, H. Hunt, clerk, bds. 71 Monroe ave.



OFFER<br />



W e make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Prince, William, engineer, bds. 159 Beaubien.<br />

Prince, William, engineer, bds. 133 Orleans.<br />

Prindl, Peter, saloon, 415 Hastings, h. same.<br />

Prior, Miss Catharine H., dressmaker, bds.<br />

271 First.<br />

Prior, Maria A. (wid. William H.), h. 271<br />

First.<br />

Pritcliard, Samuel, engineer, b 419 Guoin.<br />

Pritcliard, William, tallor, h. 543 Larned L..<br />

Probasco, Frank H., clerk, bds. 166 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Probecker, Francis, laborer, h. 396 Railroad.<br />

Probell, William, laborer, h. w. s. Lasalle<br />

ave., nr. Magnolia.<br />

Prober, August, cabinetmaker, h. o. 61 n.<br />

217 Wllitney.<br />

Prochaska, Jacob, cooper, bds. 311 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Proctor, Arthur, laborer, h. 29 Montcalm.<br />

Proctor, Patterson (co17d), laborer, h. 3GG Macomb.<br />

Prosser, John W., clerk, h. 77 Lewis.<br />

Prosser, T. C., inventor and patentee of<br />

concrete brick, h. 77 Lewis.<br />

PROTECTIVE FUEL CO., Samuel W.<br />

Walker, supt., foot Griswold.<br />

Protestant Orphan Asylum, bliss Mary Bartlett,<br />

matron, 942 Jeeerson ave.<br />

Proudfit, Ransom S., seaman, bds. 47 Atwater.<br />

Prout, Robert, blacksmith, bds. 29 Fifth.<br />

Prout, R. J., blacksmith, bds. Fifth, n. w.<br />

cor. Congress.<br />

Prouty, Fayet (Prouty & Son), h. 201 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Prouty, John, carpenter, h. 156 Guoin.<br />

Prouty, Nathaniel, land dealer, h. 441<br />

Sixth.<br />

Prouty, William C. (Prouty & Son), bds. 201<br />

Cass.<br />

Prouty, William F., laborer, h. 346 Twentieth.<br />

Prouty & Son (Fayet and William C.<br />

Prouty), grocers, 71 Grand River.<br />

Provan, Walter, laborer, h. 354 Twelfth.<br />

Provan, William, laborer, h. 354 Twelfth.<br />

Provis, William, captain, h. 27 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Provo, Francis, laborer, bds. 424 Guoin.<br />

Provo, Israel, turner, h. 663 Atwater.<br />

Provo, John, c,arpen'ter, h. 424 Gil~oin.<br />

Provost, Fabian, tanner, h. 20 Nineteenth.<br />

Pruber, Frederick, cabinetmaker, h. 181<br />

Fort e.<br />

Prucha, Mathias, cooper, bds. 113 Pros-<br />

pect.<br />

Prudell, William, blacksmith, h. 183 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Prue, Boniface, drayman, h. 460 Fort e.<br />

Prumpe, Augustus, carpenter, h. 363 Na-<br />

comb.<br />

Prungy, Anthony, cabinetmaker, h. e. Chene<br />

and n. German.<br />

Prussian, Michael, laborer, bds. 76 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Pruyn, William, teamster, h. e. s. Brush,<br />

bet. Congress and Fort.<br />

Przewozniak, Joseph, laborer, 11. Orleans, nr.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Psy libski, Felix, slippermaker, h. 333 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Puddefoot, Charles, tinsmith, bds. 313 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Pueschelt, Anton, wagonmaker, bds. 428<br />

Gratiot .<br />

Pugeot, George, macllinist, h. Holden Road.<br />

Puhl, John, grocery and saloon, 311 Michi-<br />

gan ave., 11. same.<br />

Puhl, Michael, foreman M. C. R. R., h. 248<br />

Brush.<br />

Puhl, Peter, baggagemanM. C. R. R., h. 204<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Puigli, John, florist, h. w. S. Mount Elliot<br />

ave., bet. Lafayette and Croghan.<br />

Pulaski, Michael, watchman, h. 35 hlullett.<br />

Pulcifer, William, carpenter, h. 10 Mt. El-<br />

liott ave.<br />

Pulciplier, Ann (wid Joseph J.), h. n. e.<br />

cor. Sullivan are. and Ash.<br />

Pulfer, Charles, tinsmith, 11. 405 Larned e.<br />

Pullan, Edwin (E. Yullan & Co.), h. 38 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Pullan, E., SL CO. (Edwin Pullan and George<br />

H. Maynard), furniture manfrs., n. e. cor.<br />

Atwater and Rivard.<br />

Pulling, Henry Y , Prest. Peninsular Bank,<br />

h. 19 Elizabeth e.<br />

Pulte, Anthony, jr. (A. Pulte & Son), h. s.<br />

w. cor. St. Aubin ave. and Chestnut.<br />

Pulte, Anthony, sr. (A. Pulte & Son), h. s.<br />

w. cor. Gratiot and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Pulte A., & Son (Anthony, sr., and Anthony<br />

Pulte, jr.), wholesale grocers, 36 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Pulvermacher, Louis, clerk, h. 285 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Pungs, George, machinist, bds. 180 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Pungs, John G., machinist, bds. 13 Hum-<br />

boidt ave.<br />

Pungs, W illinm A., machinist, bds. 13 Hum-<br />

boldt ave.<br />

Pungs, W. Gustav, clerk, h. 13 Humboldt<br />

are.<br />

Purchase, h. 225 Elizabeth e.<br />

Purchase, Willittrn, delivery clerk Am. Mer.<br />

U. Ex., h. 197 Congress e.


-<br />

Purcell, James, laborer, h. 739 Twenty- Quester, Mathias, carpenter, 11.706 Macomb.<br />

fourth.<br />

Quick, James T., butcher, h. 497 Jefferson<br />

Purcell, James E., clerk <strong>City</strong> Treasurer's ave.<br />

ofice, bds. 78 Sixth.<br />

Quier, Henry, carpenter, bds. 1030 Michigan<br />

Purcell, James W., tailor, h. 585 Trow- ave.<br />

bridge.<br />

Quigley, Jane (mid. John), h. 188 Congress<br />

Purcell, VTTilliam, foundry, cor. Woodbridge east.<br />

and Seventh, 11. 78 Sixth.<br />

Quigley, John, coppersmith, 76 Woodbridge<br />

Purdie, John, tanner, 11.96 Fourteenth. w., h. n. s. Jones, nr. Third.<br />

Purdom, Richard H., printer, bds. s. .rv. cor. Quigley, William, tinsmith, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Beaubien and High.<br />

Third and Jones.<br />

Purdon, John, patternmaker, h. 385 Sixth. Quimby, Edwin, salesman, h. 5 Spencer.<br />

Purdue, Mrs. Eliza, milliner and dressma- Quilnby, Mabel (wid. Jacob), h. 7 Ledyard.<br />

ker, 526 hlichigan ave., h. same. Quimby, Edward G., clerk, h. 9 Spencer.<br />

Purdue, James, policeman, 11. 526 Michigan Quinby, E., managing editor Free<br />

ave.<br />

Press, h. 681 Jefferson ave.<br />

Purdy, Horace E., editor Free Press, h. 42 Quinkert, John, grocer, 361 Franklin, h. o.<br />

Cherry.<br />

484 n. 502 Woodbridge e.<br />

Purdy, Joseph, plasterer, bds. Purdy's Hotel. Qiziun, Ann-(wid. Edward), h. 86 Locust.<br />

Purdy, Lemis W., deputy sheriff, h. o. 15G Quinn, Arthur, fireman Ikfof3dt's mill, h. 144<br />

n. 164 Flanklin.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Purdy, Levan G., printer, bds. 42 Cherry. Quinn, Delia (mid. Thomas), h. n. w. cor.<br />

Purdy, Louis, plasterer. 11. G Jay.<br />

Fourth and Union.<br />

Purdy, Mary (wid. William T.), Purdy's Quinn, Edward, whipsawyer, h. 127 Beech.<br />

IIotel, 272 Woodward ave.<br />

Quinn, Frank, stonecutter, bds. Goodman<br />

Purdy, Stephen P., County Clerk, h. o. 242 House.<br />

n. 280 Handolph.<br />

Quinn, James, machinist, bds. s. s. Jones,<br />

Purrucker, Ernst, tanner, h. 129 Croghan. bet. Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Pur~ail, Sidney, laborer M. C. K. It., h. Oak, Quinn, James, watchman, Langdon & Co.,<br />

bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

11. 248 Twelfth.<br />

Purtel, William, laborer, h. 568 Lafayette. Quinn, John, laborer, ids. 109 Orchard.<br />

Purvis, Granville S. (col'd), druggist, bds. Quinn, Joseph, saloon, n. w. cor. Larned<br />

499 Jefferson ave.<br />

and Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Purvis, W7illiam (Purvis & Joy), h. 308 Quinn, Louis, pmyr. Fanchon House, 9 Jef-<br />

Third.<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Purvis & Joy (Vlrilliam Punis and Michael Quinn, Margaret (wid. Thomas), h. 478 Ma-<br />

Joy), blacksmiths, 241 (iriswold.<br />

comb.<br />

Putnam. Albert T., urickmaker, h. 26 Eliza- Quinn, Michael, drayman, h. IS7 Fifth.<br />

beth w.<br />

Quinn, Michael, engineer steamer KO. 4, h.<br />

Putnam, Thomas R., clerk Assessor's office, 273 Fifth.<br />

11.452 Seventh.<br />

Quinn, Patrick, laborer, h. w. s. Lafon-<br />

Putrow, Charles, carpenter, h. n. s. Charles, taine ave., near Linden.<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Quinn, Peter, butcher, 406 Grand River,<br />

Putro\v, Joseph, laborer, bds. 7G Atwater. bds. 396 same.<br />

Putt, Charles, roofer, h. 22 Orleans. Quinn, Peter, laborer, h. cor. Campau and<br />

Yutze, Gustavus, laborer, h. s. s. Chestnnt, Franklin.<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave. Quinn, Peter, laborer, h. 105 Labrosse.<br />

Quinn, Thonlas, carriagemaker, bds. 478<br />

Macomb.<br />

Q*<br />

Quinn, Tholnas, moulder, bds. IG Beaubien.<br />

TJACKENBOS, Gordon D., bookkeeper, Quinn, William, h. 480 Fort e.<br />

bds. 53 Second.<br />

Quinn, William, Victor Hotel, n. e. cor.<br />

Qualter, William, vegetables, '70 <strong>City</strong> Hall Franklin and Beaubien.<br />

market, h. s. w. cor. St. Antoine and Ma- Quinnin, Alexander, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

comb.<br />

Howard and Twenty-third.<br />

Quandt, Frederick, clerk, h. 126 Catharine. Quirk, Co:nelius, laborer, h. 334 Fifteenth.<br />

Quay, Anderson B., printer, h. 91 Miami Quirk, James, laborer, h. 233 'i hirteenth.<br />

ave.<br />

Quirk, John, laborer, h. 123 Labrosse.<br />

Quapley, John,founder, h. 117 Twenty-third. Quirk, Michael, laborer, bds. 334 Fifteenth.<br />

Quelch, Henry, carpenter, bds. 253 Larned Quirk, Michael, laborer, h. 201 Abbott.<br />

east.<br />

Quirk, Michael, watchman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

Quenby, William M., butcher, h. 31 Duf- 18 Abbott.<br />

field.<br />

Quirouet, Henry, confectioner, with J. B.<br />

Qucnlrart, Frank, grocer, 300 Maple, h. Fox 6; Co., 2.21 Jefferson ave.<br />

same.<br />

* Quito, Ryne, h. 667 Atwater.


NEW YORK<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager aud Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

R<br />

AAS, Henry, shoemaker, bds. 49 Pro-<br />

R spect.<br />

Ram, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 49 Prospect.<br />

Rabaut, Charles P., manfr. French laces,<br />

159 St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

Rabbarge, 11-illiam, carpenter, h. s. s. Larned,<br />

bet. Duhois and Chene.<br />

Rabbitts, David, ship carpenter, h. 555 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Rabedeau, Jane (wid. Joseph), h. 413 Railroad.<br />

Rabedeau, John, turner, bds. 415 Railroad.<br />

Rabedeau, Louis N., carpenter, h. 299 Clinton.<br />

Raber, Henry, engineer, h. 88 Twelfth.<br />

Raberty, Peter, laborer, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Marquette and Baker.<br />

Rabineau, Allen A., bookkeeper, h. n. s.<br />

Congress, near First.<br />

Rach, Christian, tanner, h. near s. w. cor.<br />

Morse and Russell.<br />

Rach, Albert, tailor, h. 316 Seventeenth.<br />

Racicot, Frank, ship carpenter, h. Chene, s.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Racisco, Jane (mid. Antoine), nurse, h. o.<br />

1'73 n. 207 Fourth.<br />

Ractt, Frank R., teamster, h. 557 Hastings.<br />

Radcliff, Charles H., paints, oils and glass, 59<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 56 same.<br />

Radcliff, John T., grocer, 140 Grand River,<br />

h. 64 Henry.<br />

Radcliff, Lavina (col'd-wid. Henry), h. 68<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Radcliff, Thomas (BlcKenna & Radcliff), h.<br />

201 Lafayette ave.<br />

Radeke, William, cabinetmaker, h. 477<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Rademacher, Burkhard, tailor, h. 302 Clin<br />

ton.<br />

Rademacher, John, cabinetmaker, h. 573<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Rademacher, Frank, cabinetmaker, h. 194<br />

Hastings.<br />

Rademacher, John, plasterer, h. 359 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Rademacher, John J., cabinetmaker, h. 573<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Radford, John, painter, h. e. s. Eighth, bet.<br />

Grand River and Charles.<br />

Radiger, Edmund F., clerk, bds. o. 2'77 n.<br />

301 Beaubien.<br />

Radiger, John, clerk, h. o. 277 n. 301 Beaubien.<br />

Raliilre, Albert, locksmith, h. 350 Croghan.<br />

1 Radloff, John, laborer, h. 485 Macomb.<br />

Radmann, Henry, porter, h. 14 Clay.<br />

Rae, James, blacksmith, 141 Grand River,<br />

h. 270 First.<br />

Raenche, George, laborer, h. 120 Jay.<br />

Raester, Simon C., bricklayer, h. 365 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Raetz, Ernst, carpenter, h. 203 Antietam.<br />

Rafferty, Peter, salesman, bds. 119 Ade-<br />

laide.<br />

Regan, Catharine (wid. Patrick), h. 109 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Rago, Frederick, laborer, h. 325 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Rahaley, Michael, saloon, 17 Griswold, h.<br />

same.<br />

Rallaley, Patrick, boilermaker, h. 220 First.<br />

Itahasau, Adolphus, baggageman, bds. 220<br />

Congress IT.<br />

Raid, James, sailor, h. Guoin, near Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Railroad Exchange Hotel, 30 and 32 Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave., J. B. Lobdell, propr.<br />

Rairden, John, teacher languages, 114<br />

Griswold, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Ralph, Peter J. (P. J. hlph & Co.), h. 328<br />

Fort w.<br />

Ralph, P. J., & Co. (P. J. Ralph and A. C.<br />

Burt), commercial brokers, foot First.<br />

Ralston, Alexander, painter, h. 87 Walnut.<br />

Ramsay, Alexander, clerk, bds. 53 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Ramsay, A1 esander, ship carpenter, h. 101<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Ramsay, Charles S. (R. T. St C. S. Barnsay),<br />

h. s. s. Howard, bet. Eighth and N!nth.<br />

Ramsay, David, engineer, bds. 316 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Ramsay, Robert T. (R. T. & C. S. Ramsay),<br />

h. I61 Fourth.<br />

Ramsay, R. T. & C. S. (Robert T. and<br />

Charles S. Ramsay 1, furnishing goods and<br />

barber shop, 120 Woodmard ave.<br />

Ramsdell, George (Decker & Hamsdell), h.<br />

172 Michigan ave.<br />

Ramsey, Sarah 3. (wid. James), h. 235<br />

Third.<br />

Ramsey, Thomas, boilermaker, bds. 235<br />

Third.<br />

Ramsey . William (col'd), sailor, bds. 264<br />

Macomb.<br />

Rampton, mna (wid. Henry), h. 52 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Rand, Mrs. Laura G., select school, h. 0.300<br />

n. 410 Fort w.<br />

Rand, Samuel G., insurance agent, h. 0.300<br />

n. 410 Fort w.<br />

Randall, Corodon C., photographer, bds. 430<br />

Second:<br />

Randall, Mrs. Eliza, h. 299 Croghan.<br />

Randall, Frank E., clerk, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Randall, Harriet (wid. Jame~), bds. 223 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Randall, James 9., lawyer, 80 Griswold,<br />

bds. 430 Second.


Randall, James J., photographer, Fisher<br />

Block, 119+ Woodward ave., h. 430 Sec-<br />

ond.<br />

Randall, John H., printer, h. 32 Croghan.<br />

Randall, Joseph, saloon, 63 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Randall, Samuel C., agent Grover & Baker<br />

sewing machines, 4 Opera House, Campus<br />

Martius, h. 4 Cot8tage Place, Elizabeth w.<br />

Randolph, Edmond D., bookbinder, h. 250<br />

Rand01 p h.<br />

Randolph, Lucius G. N., drygoods, 30 Grand<br />

River, h. 33 Bowland.<br />

Rankin, David, city editor Daily Union, bds.<br />

25 AbbAt.<br />

Rankin. Elizabeth (col'd-wid. Alfred), h.<br />

Riopelle, below Macomb.<br />

Rankin, Hamilton R., Custom House officer,<br />

h. 55 Montcalm w.<br />

Rankin, Henry, agent, bds. 16 Sproat.<br />

Rankin, James, brass founder, 97 Eight-<br />

eenth, h. cor. Seventeenth and Baker.<br />

Rankin, James E., brass finisher, bds. 818<br />

Fort w.<br />

Rankin, William, mounter, bds. 21 Spencer.<br />

Hano, Thomas, carpenter, h. 334 Mullet t.<br />

Hansom. Capt. Asa W., h. o. 15 n. 33 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Ransom, Joel, carpenter, h. 58 Chestnut.<br />

Ran tz, Theodore, grocer, 394 and 396 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Raper, John M., commercial agent, h. 61<br />

Baker.<br />

Raquet., David, tanner, bds. n. s. Michigan<br />

ave., nr. Thirteenth.<br />

Raquet, Jacob, tanner, n. e. cor. Lasalle and<br />

Michigan aves., h. n. s. Michigan ave., nr.<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Rardin, Timothy, laborer, h. rear 101 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Rarick, Frank, laborer, h. 530 Orleans.<br />

Rasch, August (Kasch & Bernart), h. cor.<br />

Winder and Bru - h.<br />

RASCH & BERNART (August Rasch and<br />

William Bernart), merchant tailors, 245<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Raschar, Frank, mason, bds. cor. Hastings<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Rasenkak, Wensell, laborer, h. o. 67 n. 109<br />

Bre wster.<br />

Rash, Andrew, turnez, h. 307 St. Antoine.<br />

Rasico, Fredwick, cooper, bds. 393 Bronson.<br />

Rasico, Joseph, jr., cooper, bds. 393 Bron.<br />

son.<br />

Rass, George, h. 257 Lafayette ave.<br />

Rass, Henry, shoemaker, 32 Fort e., h. same.<br />

Rastan, Henry, painter, h. n. s. Vine, bet.<br />

Walker and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Rat, James H., laborer, h. w. s. Thirteenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Ratar, John, machinist, h. Woodbridge w.,<br />

nr. Jefferson ave.<br />

Hatcliffe, John, engineer, h. 124 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Rath, Job, laborer, h. 2% Nineteenth.<br />

Rathbone, William P., land agent, 44 Griswold,<br />

h. 483; Jefferson ave.<br />

Rathbun, William, canvasser, h. 139<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Rathman, Henry, laborer, h. 14 Clay.<br />

Raths, Mathias (Peter Raths & Bro.), h. 587<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Raths, Nicllolas, clothes cleaning and repairing,<br />

103 Bates, h. same.<br />

Raths, Peter (Peter Baths & Bro.), h. 587<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Raths, Peter, & 331-0. (Peter and Mathias<br />

Baths), grocers, 587 Michigan ave.<br />

Rattenbury, George H., agent, h. 114 Bagg.<br />

Rattenbury, George W., clerk Blue Line,<br />

bds. 1 14 Bagg.<br />

Rattenbury, John, carriagemaker, h. w. 8.<br />

Lasalle ave., nr. Ash.<br />

Rattery, Capt. Alexander, sailor, bds. Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Rattery, Andrew, sailor, bds. Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Ratzel, Rudolph, tailor, n. 185 Fort e.<br />

Rau, Frederick, shoemaker, h. 181 Napoleon.<br />

Rau, George, shoemaker, h. 211 Twelfth.<br />

Raubarge, Louis, shipcarpenter, h. 559 Lar<br />

ned e.<br />

Rauch, Alexander, carriagemaker, h. 156<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Raue, Leopold, bookkeeper, bds. Hotel<br />

Erichsen.<br />

Rausch, Henry C., musician, h. 235 Clinton,<br />

Rausch, ,Miss Mary, tailoress, bds. 132 Chestnut.<br />

Rauss, Bernard (J. &. B. Rauss'), h. 118<br />

Randolph.<br />

Rauss, John (J. & B. Eauss), h. 145 Catharine.<br />

Rauss, J. & B. (John and Bernard Rauss),<br />

butchers, 118 Handolph.<br />

Ravell, Henry, drayman, h. 111 Fifth.<br />

Kawley, Catherine (wid. John), h. 158 Seventh.<br />

Rawley, Walter, moulder, h. 132 Seventh.<br />

Rap, Alonzo T., chairmaker, 229 Grand<br />

Biver, h. same.<br />

Ray, Delia D. (wid. Gilbert H.), boarding,<br />

h. 253 Jefferson ace.<br />

Ray, Gilbert, mailing clerk, bds. 263 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ray, Gilbert A., printer, bds. 253 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ray, John A., bookkeeper, h. 300 Beaubien.<br />

Ray, Joseph G. (John Stephens & Co.), h. 23<br />

Labrosse.<br />

Ray, Joseph J., builder, 31 Harriett, h. 300<br />

Beau bien.<br />

Ray, Theodore, U. S. Deputy Marshal, h.<br />

138 Montcalm e.<br />

1<br />

Raymond, Burrows, carpenter, bds. 140 Sec-<br />

R:;:ond, Charlea W. I., carpenter, h. '312<br />







--<br />

Raymond, Edward R., clerk, bds. 25 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Raymoud, Francis, jr. (F. Raymond & Son),<br />

h. 247 Congress e.<br />

Raymond, Francis, sr. (F. Raymond &<br />

Son), h. 25 Croghan.<br />

Raymond, James F., photographer, 73<br />

Woodvard ave., h. 68 High.<br />

Raymond, Lavina (wid. Jarvis), h. 66 High.<br />

Raymond, William, laborer, 11. 58 St. Jo-<br />

seph.<br />

Raymond, William, sailor, h. 522 Fort e.<br />

Raymond, William C., carpenter, h. 372<br />

Chene.<br />

Raymond, F., RE Son, (Francis, sr.,<br />

and Francis Raymond, jr.). booksellers<br />

and stationers, 130 Jeferson ave. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Raymour, Edward H., Northwest-<br />

ern Detective Agency, 12$& Jefferson ave.,<br />

bds. 139 Adams aye. (See adv.)<br />

Raynal, Charles M., physician, bds. Penin-<br />

sular Hotel.<br />

Raynolds, Nelson (col'd), porter, h. 410<br />

blullett.<br />

Raynolds, Brig. Gen. William F., Supt. Lake<br />

Survey, h. 418 Wuodward ave.<br />

Raynolds, William I?., lieutenant revenue<br />

cutter Fessenrlen, bds. 105 Farmer.<br />

Raynor, Albert H., printer, 11. 127 Croghan.<br />

Raynor, William, printer, h. 127 Croghan.<br />

Razemann, Charles, sailor, h. 181 Croghan.<br />

Mea, Wiiliarn J., printer, h. rear 247 Sixth,<br />

Rea, William J. (Hersher, Rea & Co.), h.<br />

381 Howard.<br />

Read, Ueorge, bookkeeper, h. 131 Howard.<br />

Read, Henry A., sailor, h. 58 Twentieth.<br />

Read, John R., paper box manufacturer, 26<br />

Woodbridge w., bds. Wight, bet. Mt. Elli-<br />

ott ave. and Leib.<br />

Reaford, George, butcher, h. 91 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Reagan, Cornelius, laborer, h. 28 South.<br />

Reagan, Patrick, boarding, h. 377 Cro-<br />

ghsn.<br />

Reah, Frank, clerk, h. 90 Twenty-fourth.<br />

Reahem, William, teamster, h. 100 Eighth.<br />

Reahen, William, tailor, h. 314 Marion.<br />

Realbach, Martin, baggagemaster M. C. R.<br />

R., h. 38 Twelfth.<br />

Ream, Daniel, engineer, bds. 45 Spencer.<br />

Ream, Pavid NT., painter, h. 957 Fort w.<br />

Reamer, William, tanner, h. 319 Fifteenth.<br />

Reanry, Patrick, laborer. h. rear 205 Sixth.<br />

Reardon, 3 ohn, laborer, h. 442 Seventh.<br />

Reardon, Michael; peddler, h. Eighth, n.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Reardon, Patrick, plasterer, 146 Chene.<br />

Reasner, Francis M., traveling agent Wor-<br />

cester, Laible & Standish, 14 & 16 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Reath, Thomas S., dining rooms, 8 Wood-<br />

ward ave., h same.<br />

Reaume, Ado1 phus, salesman, h. 110 Rivard.<br />

Reaume, Alexander, laborer, bds. a. s. Plum,<br />

bet. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Reaume, Augustus, butcher, h. 348 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

I Reaume, Frank, laborer, bds. Wight, nr.<br />

campau.<br />

Reaume, John, laborer, h. cor. St. Aubin<br />

ave. and Pine.<br />

Reaume, John, laborer, h. Wight, nr. Cam-<br />

pau.<br />

Reallme, John, laborer, h. COT. Guoin and<br />

St. Aubin ave.<br />

Reaume, Joseph, laborer, h. 48 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Reaume, Mrs. -, h. s. w. cor. Rivard and<br />

Atwater.<br />

Reaulne, Peter, laborer, bde. 488 Franklin.<br />

Reaume, Robert, Street Commissioner, h.<br />

313 Franklin.<br />

Rebbeck, Benjamin, ~oapmaker, h. w s.<br />

Third, bet. Tuscola and Orange.<br />

Reblin, Ferdinand, wagonmaker, h. 212<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Rector, Benjamin (col'd), hostler Franklin<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Reday, William, sawyer, h. 647 Congress e.<br />

Redel, Frederick, machinist, h. 288 LCiopelle.<br />

Reder, William, cigarmaker, h. 135 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Redtield, Alexander H., lawyer, h. 516 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Red field, Thomas H., agent <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair<br />

Factory, bds. 516 Jefferson ave.<br />

Redgrvell, Joseph, teamster, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Wight and Campau.<br />

Redhead, Mary J. (wid. John), seamstress,<br />

h. 306 Montcalm e.<br />

Redlof, Charles, blacksmith, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Macom b anri Dubois.<br />

Redman, Edward, shoemaker, h. w. s. Hast-<br />

tings, nr. Macomb.<br />

Redman, James, shipcarpenter, h. 659<br />

Franklin.<br />

Redman, John, laborer, h. 117 Frankiin.<br />

Redman, John, laborer, bds. 46 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Redman, William, carpenter, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Fourth and Oak.<br />

Redmond, James, shipcarpenter, h. cor.<br />

Franklin and Campau.<br />

Redmond, Nathaniel H., lawyer, Rotunda,<br />

building, Oriswold, bds. 263 Jefferson ave.<br />

Redmond, Nicholas, sawyer, h. 335 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Redmund, Edward, shoemaker, h. 232 Hast-<br />

tings.<br />

Reeber, Charleo, clerk, bds. 22 Monroe ave.<br />

Reed, Albert, clerk, h. 306 Beaubien.

REE CITY DIRECTORY. RE1 335. -<br />

Reed, Alexander, stonecutter. bds. Good.<br />

man House.<br />

Reed, Alonzo, lumber merchant, h. 8 Madi-<br />

son ave.<br />

Reed, Charles M., policeman, h. o. 276 n.<br />

310 Sisth.<br />

Reed, Edward C., h. 314 Third.<br />

Reed, Edward F., bricklayer, h. 562 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Reed, Prank, miller, bds. 306 Beaubien.<br />

Reed, Frederick, salesman, h. Harntramck.<br />

Reed, George C., patents, h. 306 Beaubien.<br />

Reed, George H., bookkeeper, bda. 306<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Reed, Harvey S., transportation master A.<br />

R1. U. Espress Co., 11. 48 Macomb ave.<br />

Reeti, Isaac R., baker, bds. Hotel LMauch.<br />

Reed, Janies, check clerk D. & M. K. R., h.<br />

47 Grand River.<br />

Reed, Jane (wid. John), boarding, h. 104<br />

Adams ave. w.<br />

Reed, Jessie, 11. 279 Second.<br />

Reed, John, painter, h. 148 Orchard.<br />

Reed, Joseph, tinsmith, bds. 48 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Reed, Mrs. Mary Ann, h. 414 Croghan.<br />

Reed, Robert, painter, bds. 138 Orchard.<br />

Reed, Rudolph J., bds. 8 Madison ave.<br />

Beed, Samuel, quarryman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Reed, Stephen, plumber, h. 123 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Reed, Thomas, shipcarpenter, bds. 29 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Reed, Thomas, night watchman, h. 358<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Reed, William, clerk, bds. 358 Twelfth.<br />

Reed, WTillianl H., conductor, h. e. a. Sisth,<br />

nr. Grand River.<br />

Reeg, Leonard, dry goods, 211 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Reekie, Alexander, bookkeeper, h. 139 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Reekie, James F. (J. & W. Reekie), h. 300<br />

Third.<br />

Reekie, William (J. & W. Reekie), bds. 139<br />

Howard.<br />

J. & W. (James and William Ree-<br />

kie), grocers, 117 Michigan ave.<br />

Reeve, Louis, commission, lurnber dealer,<br />

Butler Block, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Reeve, Nathan (Smith & Reeve), bds. Rus-<br />

sell House.<br />

Reeves, Eugene, painter. h. n. s. Michigan<br />

ave., bet. NintLand Nationa.1 aves.<br />

Reeves, Frank A., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Reeves, Frank N., clerk, bds. cor. Congress<br />

and Btmdolph.<br />

Reeves, Henry L., insurance agent, h. 62<br />

Kandolph.<br />

Reeves, Thomas, builder, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Westerlo and Fourth.<br />

Reeves, Thomas, carpenter, 115 Fort e., h.<br />

Joy, n. e. cor. Third.<br />

Reeves, William, lake survey, h. 296 Lafayette.<br />

Reeves, William EX., carpenter, h. 28 Joy.<br />

Refio, John, tailor, h. 287 Lafayette.<br />

Regan, Catharine (wid. Domil~ick), h. o. 89<br />

n. 99 Abbott.<br />

Regan, James, h. o. 89 n. 99 Abbott.<br />

Regan, John J., bookkeeper, bds. o. 89 n. 99<br />

Abbott.<br />

Regan, William, boilermaker, h. 398 La-<br />

+alle ave.<br />

Regetz, Rudolph, omnibus driver, h. 62<br />

Rand01 y h.<br />

Begnery, Jacob (Regnery & Becker), h. 442<br />

Fort e.<br />

Regnery, William. butcher, bds. 442 Fort e.<br />

Regnery & Becker (Jacob Regnerp and Margarethe<br />

Becker), grocers, 158 Crogllan.<br />

Rehahn, Louis, clerk, h. 2.55 Macomb.<br />

Rehahn, William, clothing, 228 Randolph,<br />

h. 314 Marion.<br />

Rehberg, Louis, laborer, h. 281 Bronson.<br />

Rehmer, 0 tto, cigarmaker, bds. 1.58 Xarion.<br />

Reibeling, John C. (Lichtenberg & Co.), h.<br />

208 Croghan.<br />

R.eich, Frederick, tailor, h. 176 Hastings.<br />

Reich, Frederick F., clerk, h. 189 Marion.<br />

Reichenbach, Bernhardt, teamster, h. 268<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Reichenbach, George, meat market, 158<br />

Macomb. h. same.<br />

Reichle, Charles, carriage trimmer, bds. 156<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

REICHLE, FERDINAND, carriage maker,<br />

Randolph, n. e. cor. Franklin, h. Larned,<br />

n. e. cor. Riopelle. (See adv.)<br />

Reichle, Otto, cabinetmaker, h. 55 blonroe<br />

ave.<br />

Reichle, - , carpenter, bds. 43 Monroe<br />

cqve.<br />

Reichman, Benedict, blacksmith, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Grove and Prospect.<br />

Reid, Alexander, stonecutter, bds. 338<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Reid, Andrew, with W. Wright & Co., bds.<br />

103 Elizabeth e.<br />

Reid, Bridget (wid. Ansel), h. 216 Second.<br />

Reid, David, carpenter, h. n. e. cor. Fifteenth<br />

and Walnut.<br />

Reid, Edward F., mason, h. 552 Croghan. .<br />

Reid, Henry J., laborer, bds. 94 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Reid, James H., engineer, h. 31 Sibley.<br />

Reid, John J., h. 14 Pine.<br />

Reid, Margaret (wid. John), h. 103 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Reid, Robert (Wood & Reid), bds. 161 Abbott.<br />

Reid, Samuel, stonecutter, h. 338 Twelfth.<br />

Reid, William (William Wright & Co.), h.<br />

o. 103 n. 115 Elizabeth e.<br />

Reidel, George, laborer, h. o. 268 n. 374<br />

Fort w.<br />

Reidel, Peter, shoemaker, h. 13 Mechanic.<br />

Eeid~, Ed ward, agent G. T. R., 170<br />

Jeflerson ave., h. 135 Howard. (See ada. J

--<br />

NEW YORE I Remick, James A.. lumber merchant, bde.<br />

33 Lafayette ace.<br />

Rernick, Royal C?., lumber merchant, h. 33<br />

Lafayet e ave.<br />

Renlington, William L., baker, h. 67 Grand<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Manager and Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Reidy, Joseph, night watchman Howard<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Reif, H ermann, German books and<br />

gen. news depot, 126 Gratiot.<br />

Reif, John, tailor, h. 308 Blon tcalm e.<br />

Reif'ert, John, plasterer, h. 299 Juliette.<br />

Reifsnider, Joseph T., salesman, bds. 20<br />

Cass ave.<br />

Reigler, Antllony, painter, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., nr. Myrtle.<br />

Reiher, Charles, black~mith, h. e. s. H um-<br />

boldt ave., bet Pine and Chestnut.<br />

Reiker, Frederick, shoemaker, n. e. cor.<br />

Congress and Riopelle.<br />

Reilich, Edward, tobacconist, bds. 481 St.<br />

An t.oine.<br />

Reilich, Frank, tobacconist, h. 481 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Reilich, Joseph, tobacconist, h. 481 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Reilly, Frank, boarding, h. 97 Jefferson ave.<br />

Reilly, John, glas~cu~ter, bds. 34 Larned w.<br />

Reilly, Kobert M., asst; cashier Second National<br />

Bank, 11. 48 High.<br />

Reimanr?, Theodore, h. 43 Catharine.<br />

Rein, Henry, wooddealer, h. s. s. Clinton<br />

ave., bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Reiner, Philip, locksmith, bds. 282 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Reinhard, Christopher, laborer, h. 87<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Reinhart, John, cabinetmaker, h. ni e. cor.<br />

Fort and Hastings.<br />

Reinhart, Julius, shoemaker, 515 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Reinstein, .Joseph, watchmaker, h. 181 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Reis, Augusta (wid. Louis), grocer, 287 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Reis, George J., tanner, 251 Catharine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Reischmann, Benedict, blacksmith, h. cor.<br />

Russell and Grove.<br />

Itsiter, Henry, laborer, h. 378 Antieta,m.<br />

Reithard, Jacob, signwriter, 100 Randolph,<br />

bds. 69 Beaubien.<br />

Reithart. Conrad. saloon, n. s. Michigan ave.,<br />

nr. H umboldt ave., h. same.<br />

Reithart, John, laborer, h. <strong>Detroit</strong>, nr. St.<br />

Aubin are.<br />

Reithanpt, Anthony, carpenter, h. 0. 365 n.<br />

413 St. Antoine.<br />

Remar, Joseph, lumber salesman, h. 114<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Remick, George B., attorney, Peninsular<br />

Bank building, bds. 33 Lafajette ave.<br />

Kiver.<br />

Remus, William, laborer, h. 279 Maple.<br />

George, h* 68<br />

Renaud, James, teamster, h. 191 Orleans.<br />

Henchard, Joseph, machinist, h. 79 Twenty-<br />

Second.<br />

Rendt,, Frederick, porter, h. o. 289 n. 349<br />

Michigan are.<br />

Renick, Christ,ian, vegetables, 10 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. n. s. Woodbridge, nr. St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Renick, John, laborer, h. 157 Chene.<br />

Kenick, Lawrence, planer, h. o. 518 n. 526<br />

Wood bridge e.<br />

Renke, Charles, carpenter, h. 166 Lafayette.<br />

Renner, Carl Daniel, laborer, h. 387 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Renner, Frank, barber, h. o. 406 n. 434<br />

Franklin.<br />

Rennie, John J., auctioneer, 203 Jefferson<br />

ave., l~ds. Biddle House.<br />

Reno, Anderson, machinist, h. 81 First.<br />

Reno, Angeline (wid. Frank), h. 38 Clinton.<br />

Reno, George, expressman, h. 193 Croghan.<br />

Reno, Gl eorge F., expressman, bds. Goodman<br />

. House.<br />

Reno, George L., clerk, bds. 524 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Reno, Henderson, engineer, bds. 81 First.<br />

Heno, John, grocer, 524 Jefferson aye., h.<br />

same.<br />

Reno, John S., jeweler, bds. 209 Jklacomb.<br />

Reno, Michael, carpenter, h. 209 Macomb.<br />

Keno, Peter A., machinist, bds. 524 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Reno, Thomas, carpenter, h. Dubois, nr.<br />

river.<br />

R.enshaw, John, brassfinisher, bds. 18 Har-<br />

rison ave.<br />

Renshaw, Henry, clerk, h. I8 Harrison ave.<br />

Itlenshaw, William B., machinist, bds. 18<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Rensliea, John, machinist, h. 103 Abbott.<br />

Rente, Frederick, wireworker, h. 14<br />

Mechanic.<br />

Renterop; Charles, clerk. bds. Franklin<br />

house.<br />

Renterop, John Caspar, tailor, h. 403 Mullett.<br />

Bentschler, John, cooper, h. 281 Russell.<br />

Kentschler, John, tailor, 1%. 127 Clinton.<br />

Bentle, H., policeman, bcis. Franklin House.<br />

Rentz, Alfred, cogpersmith, h. 95 St. An-<br />

toine..<br />

Rentz, Frank, butcher, h. 516 Lafapette.<br />

Hsntz, Henry, tanner, h. o. 21 n. 301 Bron-<br />

son.<br />

Renz, Henry, tanner, 324 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Renz, Leonard, cutter, bds. Rotael Erichsen.<br />

Heome, Alexander, laborer, bds. B. s. Plum,<br />

bet. Fifth and Sixth.


Repp, Philip, wood peddler, h. 474 Lafayette.<br />

Repp, William, tailor, h. 246 Montcalm e.<br />

Republic Brewery Co. (J. H. M'inemann,<br />

Pres't), cor. Elmwood ave. and Clinton.<br />

Reschke, Carolina (wid. Michael), h. 409<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Reschke, William, laborer, bds. 409 Riopelle.<br />

Resco. Edward, carpenter, h. 18 Wight.<br />

Rescue Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, n. e. cor.<br />

Larned and Wayne.<br />

Retall, Henry, painter, h. Guoin, e. Canlpau.<br />

Retallack, Cl~arles W. clerk, bds. 368 Sisth.<br />

Retallack, John, bookkeeper, bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Retamer, August, cigarmaker, h. 152<br />

Marion.<br />

Retell. Charles, sailor, h. 141 Catharine.<br />

Rett, Magdalena, operator, bds. s. s. Antietam,<br />

nr. Riopelle.<br />

Retter,George, engineer, bds. s. e. cor. Hast-<br />

i~gs and Macomb.<br />

Rettke, August, laborer, h. 377 North.<br />

Retz, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 280 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Retz, Joseph, laborer, h. 259 Broneon.<br />

Retz, Nicholas. laborer, h. 56 Bronson.<br />

Reusch, Christian, grocer, 126 Catharine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Reuter, George, tanner, bds. cor. Fort and<br />

Russell.<br />

Reuter, Hermann, stovemounter, h. 207<br />

Russell.<br />

Reuter, Peter, tanner, h. cor. Fort and Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Reuter, Anton, milkman, h. 380 Riopelle.<br />

Reuther, Hermann, trunkmaker, h. 107<br />

Maple.<br />

Reutter, Conrad, laborer, h. 126 Calhoun.<br />

Reutter, Dorothea, brewery, cor. St. Antoine<br />

and Napoleon, h. 419 St. Antoine.<br />

Reutter, Jacob, mason, 11. 126 Calhoun.<br />

Reutter,. John, shoemaker, bds. 126 Calhoun,<br />

R, utter, Mathew, brewer, h. 64 Napoleon.<br />

Reutter, Philip, mason, bds. 126 Calhoun.<br />

Reycraft, Joseph, laborer, 11.158 Porter.<br />

Reynolds, Albert, mechanic, bds. 197 Cass.<br />

Reynolds, Albert (Reynolds & Hessj, h. 230<br />

Sherman.<br />

Reynolds, Charles E.,sergeant police,bds. 197<br />

Cass.<br />

Reynolds, Daniel, expressman, bds. 15<br />

Seventh.<br />

Reynolds, James D., bookkeeper. bds. Com-<br />

mercial Hotel.<br />

Reynolds, John, laborer, h. 507 Sixth.<br />

Reynolds, John J., clerk, bds. e. s. Twelfth,<br />

bet. Howard and Porter.<br />

Reynolds, John N., painter, h. 281 Orleans.<br />

Reynolds, Julius, clerk, h. 762 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Reynolds, Nelson (col'd), laborer, h, 410<br />

B fullett.<br />

Reynolds, Ruth A., select school, 110 Adams<br />

ave. w., bds. 412 Third.<br />

Reynolds, Whitney (col'd), cooper, 71 Fort<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Reynolds, Willard, engineer, h. 197 Cass.<br />

Reynolds & Hess (Albert Reynolds and An-<br />

drew Hess), painters, 54 Croghan.<br />

Rhaesa, Adolph, clerk, bds. 220 Congress w.<br />

Rheio, Joseph, butcher, h. o. 73 n. 81 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Rheiner, William, gunsmith, 63 Randolph,<br />

h. 133 Hastings.<br />

Rheines, William,. soapmaker, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Gratiot and Chene.<br />

Rhenes, John, h. 245 Whitney.<br />

Rhode, Joseph, patternmaker, h. 37 Mullett.<br />

Rhode, John, tailor, bds. 37 Mullstt.<br />

Rhode, Ludwig, mason, h. 370 Nineteenth.<br />

Rhodes, Ebenezer, joiner, h. 31 Croghan.<br />

Kholles, John B., steward, h. 257 Fourth.<br />

Rllodes, Joseph J., propr. Garrison House,<br />

n. e. cor. JeEerson ave. and Cass.<br />

Ribson, Frederick, carpenter, bds. 112 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Ricci, Louis, saloon, 64 Randolph, h. same.<br />

Rice, Abraham W., accountant, h. 85 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Rice, Alvan, carpenter, h. 170 Wilkins.<br />

Ric :, Benjamin B., builder, h. 388 Sisth.<br />

Rice, Charles S., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Rice, Cyrus B., salesman, bds. 131 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Rice, Delos E., foundry and machine shop,<br />

191 Atwater, h. 30 Lafiiyette.<br />

Rice, Elmira (wid. S. BI.), h. 92 Locust.<br />

Rice, Francis, laborer. h. 508 Clinton ave.<br />

Rice, George, sailor, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Rice, George, sleeping car porter, bds. 20<br />

Marion.<br />

Rice, George (George Rice & Co.) , h. 106 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Rice, George W., lithograph printer, bds.<br />

166 Adams ave. e.<br />

Rice, Jallles B., bds. 92 Locust.<br />

Ltice, James L., shipbuilder, h. n. e. cor. Har-<br />

rison ave and Oak.<br />

Rice, John, bookkeeper, h. 166 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Rice, John, letter carrier, h. 374 Grand River.<br />

R.ice, John, watchmaker, bds. Clinton ave.,<br />

bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

Rice, John D., h. 131 Columbia e.<br />

. Hice . Maria E. (wid. Charles P), bds. 233<br />

Brush.<br />

Rice, Mary (wid. Aaron), h. 211 Second.<br />

Hice, Oscar W., hostler House of Correction,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Rice, Preston, Verandah restaurant, 48 and<br />

50 Shelby, h. same.<br />

Rice, Robert, carpenter, bds. 417 Wight.<br />

Rice, Theophilus J. jr. (col'd), porter sleep<br />

ing car, bds. 20 Marion.<br />

Itice, Theophilus J., sr. (col'd), porter sleep<br />

ing car, h. 20 Marion.<br />

Rice, William B., carbuilder, h. o. 359 n. 395<br />

Fort e.


Ph ysicirtns always specify<br />


Rice, TVilliam B., bookkeeper, bds. 30 La-<br />

fapette.<br />

Rice, George, & Co. (George Rice and Wil-<br />

liam Fowler), boots and shoes, 263 Jeffer<br />

son ave.<br />

Rich, George M., h. 120 Randolph.<br />

Rich, James W., clerk P. O., h. 250 Third.<br />

Rich. John, plumber and gas fitter, h. 101<br />

Larned w.<br />

Rich, Sylvester, clerk, bds. 120 Randolph.<br />

Richalen, Hanley, carpenter, h. 31 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Richard, Joseph, laborer, h. w. s. Dubois, a.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Richard, Peter, laborer, h. 433 Hastings.<br />

Richards, Adolph (col'd), plasterer, h. 315<br />

Congress e.<br />

Richards, Miss Fanny M. (col'd), teac&r,bds.<br />

315 Congvess e.<br />

Richards, Francis, sawyer: h. 373 Franklin.<br />

Richards, Frank, shipcarpenter, h. 400<br />

Franklin.<br />

Richards, Henry (col'd), baker, h. 130 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Richards, Henry A., planer, h. 433 Hastings.<br />

Richards. Israel, baggagemaster GF. W. K.,<br />

h. 54 Jones.<br />

Richards, James (col'd), painter, h. 329 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Richards, John C., painter, h. 62 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Richards, John D. (col'd-Richards & Bro.),<br />

h. 260 Congress e.<br />

Richards, Thomas J., painter, h. 415 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Richards, Undrill, carpenter, bds. 235 Brush.<br />

Richards, William B. (col'd-Richards &<br />

Bro.), h. 315 Congress e.<br />

Richards & Bro. (William B. and John D.<br />

Richards), barbers, 50& Griswold.<br />

Richardson, Camilla, teacher new Ninth<br />

Ward school, bds. 471 Lafayette ave.<br />

Richardson, David M., match factory,<br />

Eighth, bet. Fort and Wood bridge, h. s. e.<br />

cor. Lafayette ave. and Tenth.<br />

Richardson, Francis A., clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Richardson, George, physician, bds. a. e. cor.<br />

Third and Orange.<br />

Richardson, John, laborer, h. w. s. May-'<br />

berry ave., near Butternut.<br />

Richardson, John, mason, bds. 430 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Richardson, Richard B., brass moulder, h.<br />

82 Labrosse.<br />

Richardson, Samuel, brewer, h. 471 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Richel, John, tanner, h. 91 Twenty-wecoud.<br />

Kichley, Frank, carpenter, h. 17 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Richlen. Henry, carpenter, h. 31 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Richmond, Miss Ada, actress, bds. 253 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Richmond, Arouet (Richmonds & Backus), h.<br />

10 Henry.<br />

Richmond, Benjamin B. (Richmonds & Back-<br />

us), h. 26 Henry.<br />

Richmond, Eliza (wid. Horace), bds. 26<br />

Henry.<br />

Richmond, Naby (wid. Wellington H.), h.<br />

116 Elizabeth e.<br />

Richmonds Rt Backpls (Arouet R ch-<br />

mond, Frederick H. A. Back us and Be ; ja-<br />

min B. Richmond), stationers and blank<br />

book manfrs., 185 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Richter, Charles, saloon, 24 Larned w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Richter, Frederick (Kegel & Richter), h. o.<br />

73 n. 75 Sherman.<br />

Richter, Gustav, painter, h. Woodbridge,<br />

cor. Beaubien.<br />

Richter, Leonard, saloon, 38 Beaubien, h.<br />

same.<br />

Rickaby, William, plasterer, bds. e. s. May-<br />

berry ave., near Michigan ave.<br />

R,ickel, Henry, jr., clerk, bds. 315 Croghan.<br />

Rickel, Henry, sr., grocery, 315 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Rickel, Renry W., grocer, 282 St. Antoine.<br />

Hickerick, Conrad, tanner, bds. n. s. Michi-<br />

gan ave., nr. Thirteenth.<br />

Rickeston, James C., clerk, h, 29 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Ricketts, Samuel C., confectionery, 43 Jef-<br />

ferson rtve., h. same.<br />

Rickey. William, ticket agent (3. T. R.,<br />

h. 155 Second.<br />

Riddett, George, clerk, h. 20 Bagg.<br />

Riddett. Richard (3 , messenger, Am. Mer.<br />

Un. Ex., bds. 20 Bag&<br />

Rider, William, commission merchant, 65<br />

Monroe ave., h. same.<br />

Rider, William F.. clerk M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

Howard, bet. Sisth and Seventh.<br />

Ridgewell, Joseph, teamster, h. 139 Wight.<br />

Ridgeley, Robert B., agent Welch &<br />

Griffiths. bds. Russell House.<br />

Ridgley, Alfred, joiner, h. 181 Chene.<br />

Riederer. John, laborer, bds. cor. Hastings<br />

and High.<br />

Riedel, John, carman, h. 414 Eighteenth.<br />

Riefstahl, Charles, sawmaker, h. 448 Ma-<br />

comb.'<br />

Riefstahl, John, sawmaker, h. 527 Macomb.<br />

Riege, Frederick, laborer, h. 9 Silver.<br />

Riehm, Charles, carpenter, h. 211 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Riemer, E de (wid. August), h. 253' Rio-<br />


I<br />


Riemer, William, tanner, h. 319 Fifteenth.<br />

Rienke, Christopher, carpenter, h. 99 Napo-<br />

leon.<br />

Ries, Anton, laborer, h. 337 Orleans.<br />

Ries, John, laborer, bds. 43 Monroe ave.<br />

Ries, Joseyll, driver, h. 337 Orleans.<br />

Ries, William, tailor, h. 51 Marion.<br />

Riester, John, carpenter, h. 126 Antietam.<br />

Riesthal, Charles, sawmaker, h. 448 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Riethmueller, Michael, carver, h. 144 Brews-<br />

ter.<br />

Rieves, Louis, clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Riggs, Jol~n H., grocers, 116 Randolph, h. 68<br />

Miami ave.<br />

Ripgs, Joseph, carpet tack manfr., 116 Ran-<br />

dolph. h. 68 Miami ave.<br />

Rigley, Charles E., painter. bds. 152 Jones.<br />

Rigley, Edward, fish dealer, 93 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 152 Jones.<br />

Rigley, George E., laborer, bds. 152 Jones.<br />

Riley, Allen, shoemaker, 100 Bates, h.<br />

same.<br />

Riley, Bernard,shipcarpenter,h. o. 346 n. 356<br />

Franklin.<br />

Riley, Cornelius J., law student, bds. 248<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Riley, David J., machinist, h. o. 147 n. IS3<br />

Howard.<br />

Riley, Dennis, plumber, 11.139 Orch - rd.<br />

Riley, Edward, tobacconist, h. 481 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Riley, Erastus, engineer, h. 265 Lafayette<br />

rtve.<br />

Riley, George, express driver, h. 100 Ab-<br />

bott.<br />

Riley, George W., shoemaker, h. 2 Glass<br />

Row, Maple.<br />

Riley, James, blacksmith, h. w. s. Thir-<br />

teenth, nr. Locust.<br />

Riley, James, blacksmith, h. 24 Mayberry<br />

ave.<br />

Riley, James, boilermaker, h. Dequindre,<br />

nr. Atwater.<br />

Riley, James, laborer, bds. 590 Beaubien.<br />

Riley, John, plumber and gas fitter, 226 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., h. Seventh, bet. Locust and<br />

Oak.<br />

Riley, John, bds. 298 Cherry.<br />

Riley, Jchn, baker, h. n. w. cor. Michigan<br />

aye. and Thirteenth.<br />

Riley, John, plumber and gasfitter, h. 279<br />

Sixth.<br />

Riley, Margaret (wid. Hugh). boarding, h. 68<br />

Larned e.<br />

Riley, Michael, laborer, bds. 220 First.<br />

Riley, Michael, laborer, h. 115 Oak.<br />

Riley, Patrick, jr., boilermaker, bds. 220<br />

First.<br />

Riley, Peter, laborer, h. 60 State.<br />

Riley, Patrick, saloon, 103 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Riley, Robert, clerk, h. 48 High.<br />

Riley, Thomas, clerk, h. 182 Howard.<br />

Riley, Thomas, laborer, h. 206 Cherry.<br />

Rinck, George J.. cigarmaker, bds. 56 Brush.<br />

Rindfleisch, Charles, laborer, h. Dequindre,<br />

nr. James.<br />

Rindskoff, hloses, h. 139 St. Antoine.<br />

Rindskoff, William, clerk, bds. 139 St. An-<br />

oine.<br />

Ringe, Charles, grocery, 447 Beaubien, h.<br />

same.<br />

Ringwald, William, grocer and saloon, 552<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Rinke, George, blacksmith, h. 338 High.<br />

Rinke, John, carpenter, h. 122 Napoleon.<br />

Rinshed, Anthony, brakeman, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Tuscola and Crawford.<br />

Riopelle, Claude N., attorney, 6 Rotunda,<br />

h. n. w. cor. Riopelle and Woodbridge.<br />

Riopelle, Dominique, land agent, h. 97 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Riorden, John, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan ave.,<br />

nr. Butternut.<br />

Ripplinger, Anna (wid. Peter), h. 231 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Risher, Silas M., pressman, h. 52 Larned w.<br />

Rising, Austin, with James Hartness, h. 49<br />

Du bois.<br />

Ritchert, Charles, baker, 133 Franklin, h.<br />

same.<br />

Ritcheson, William, machinist, h. 130 Jones.<br />

Hitchie, James, boilermaker, h. 524 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Ritchie, John, h. 327 Franklin.<br />

Ritchie, Thomas (Seaton & Ritchie), h. 51<br />

George.<br />

Ritchie, William, engineer D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 541 Larned e. 5<br />

Ritinger, Henry, tailor, h. 148 Sherman.<br />

Ritter, Frederick, engineer, h. 215 Clinton.<br />

Ritter, John, stonenlason, h. 79 North.<br />

Ritter, John, wagonmaker, h. w. s. Eight-<br />

eent h, nr. blagnolia.<br />

Ritter, Mathias, laborer, h. 216 Calhoun.<br />

Bitter, William, brewer, bds. 8 Chestnut.<br />

Rivard, h'laxim, blacksmith, h. 669 Jererson<br />

ave.<br />

Rivenet, Theodore, tinsmith, h. 569 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Rivers, Catharine (wid. George), bds. 223<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

River St. Clair and Lake Shore Steamboat<br />

Line, foot Wayne.<br />

Ris, Alice (Woodbury & Ris), bds. 82<br />

Wayne.<br />

Rix, Oel, h. Woodward ave:, opp. Willis<br />

ave.<br />

Roach, Daniel, gardener, bds. 55 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Roach, Mrs. Gertrude, midwife, h. s. w.<br />

cor. North and Riopelle.<br />

Roach, James, cigttrmaker, h. a. w. cor.<br />

John R and Montcalm.<br />

Roach James, laborer, h. 352 Beech.<br />

Roach, James, ~treet car driver, h. 171<br />

Besch-<br />

Roach, John, engineer, h. 93 Labrosse.<br />

Hoach, Eobert, laborer, h. 301 Uuoin.


NEW YORE 1 Roberts, Thomas B., carpenter, h. 237 St.<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

DAILY<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Roach, Thomas, blacksmith, bds. 320 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Robar, Joseph, blacksmith. bds. 750 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Robb. William, harnessmaker, h. 138 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Robbsone, Albert H., sailor, h. 60 Antietam.<br />

Robeson, John, collarmaker, h. 197 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Roberge, Edward A., grocer, h. 470 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Roberg, Oliver, carpenter, h. 141 Twelfth.<br />

Robeson, John H., milmaker, h.88 Joy. ("1<br />

Robert, Arnold, wagonmaker, h. 77 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Robert, James A., sawyer, h. 35 First.<br />

Robertjohn, Henry, sailor, h. 99 Franklin.<br />

Roberts, -, clerk M. C. R. R., bds. 82<br />

Larned e.<br />

Roberts. A. D. (wid. Griffith), matron Home<br />

of the Friendless, h. same.<br />

Roberts, Caroline (wid. Horace), bds. 141<br />

Fort w.<br />

,Roberts, Charles, mason, bds. Sibley, bet.<br />

Park and Elizabeth.<br />

Roberts, David, peddler, h. 137 Mullett.<br />

Lioberts, Ellis, bds. 121 Congress e.<br />

Koberts, Epllrailn K., teller Wm. A. Butler<br />

& Co.. bds. n. s. High, bet. Woodward ave.<br />

and John R.<br />

Roberts, Eugene (E. Roberts & Co.), h. 107<br />

Grand Hiver.<br />

Roberts, Frank. laborer, h. 136 Prospect.<br />

Roberts, Frederick, cooper, h. 193 Sherman.<br />

Roberts, Herbert S., clerk M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

82 Larned e.<br />

Roberts, Hugh, carpenter, bds. 237 Seventh.<br />

Rcberts, James, carpenter, 11. 405 Sixth.<br />

Roberts, John, h. 390 Woodward ave.<br />

Roberts, John, cooper, h. 207 Sherman.<br />

Roberts, John, laborer, h. 237 Seventh.<br />

Roberts. John, stonecutter, bds. o. 49 n. 88<br />

Sibley.<br />

Roberts, Joseph (Roberts & Hanley), h. 125<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Roberts, Michael, grocer, 144 Prospect, h.<br />

sami..<br />

Roberts, Mrs., h. 165 Riopelle.<br />

Roberts, Peter R., tanner, h. 455 Fort w.<br />

Roberts, Robert E., Sec'y Water Works, h.<br />

526 Jefferson ave.<br />

Roberts, Theodore H., draughtsman, bds.<br />

79 Congress e:<br />

Roberts, Thomas, carpenter, h. 237 St. Au-<br />

bin ave,<br />

Aubin ave. . •<br />

Roberts, Washington (col'd), cook, h. 151<br />

Fort e.<br />

Roberts, E., & Co. (Eugene Roberts and<br />

Frederick blills), dyers, 114 Randolph.<br />

ROBERTS & HANLEY (Joseph Roberts<br />

and George Hanley), plasterers, 130 John<br />

R. (See adu).<br />

Robertson, Alexander R., salesman, h. 202<br />

Park.<br />

,Robertson, David D., painter, h. 383 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Robertson, David W., carpenter, h. 238 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Robertson, Donald, stonecutter, h. 41 Spen-<br />

cer.<br />

Robertson, George, engineer, bds. 36 First.<br />

Robertson, J., blacksmith, h. 256 High.<br />

Robertson, James, agent, bds. Uoodman<br />

House.<br />

Robertson, James, blacksmith, h. 19 Plum.<br />

Kobertson, Jaues, sailor, h. 74 Walnut.<br />

Robertson, James P., engraver, bds. 383<br />

Clinton.<br />

Robertson, john, Adj utant.Genera1 of<br />

Michigan, office Firemen's Hall, bds. 27 '<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Robertson, Louisa (wid. James), h. 193<br />

Fitth.<br />

Robertson, Moses, peddler, h. 175 Macomb.<br />

Robertson, Eobert, blacksmith, h. 303 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Robertson, Robert, hatter, h. 202 Park.<br />

Robertson, William (col'd), laborer, bds. 81<br />

&lacomb.<br />

Robertson, William, moulder, bds. 207 Mont.<br />

calm.<br />

Robertson, V7illiam, plasterer, 19 Plum.<br />

Robinet, Henry, plasterer, h. 104 Hivard.<br />

Bobing, Randolph, bookkeeper, h. 75 M*<br />

comb.<br />

Robins, Jesse D., enginezr G. T. R., h. 170<br />

Abbott.<br />

Robinson, Adolph, with Bobinson & Lam-<br />

bert, h. 109 Adalns ave. e.<br />

Robinson, Alexander, engineer, bds. 16<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Robinson, Alexandre C., blacksmith, h. 286<br />

High.<br />

gobinson, Alfred, expressman, bds. 281<br />

Third.<br />

Robinson, Andrew, laborer, h. 282 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Robinson, Ann (col'd), laundress, h. 191<br />

c'ongress e.<br />

Robinson, A. Wilder, clerk, h. 11 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

Robinson, Catharine (wid. William), h. o.<br />

38 n. 53 Baker.<br />

Robinson, Charles, laborer, bds. 63 Seventh.<br />

Bo binson, Charles, sashmaker, bds. 389<br />

Sixth.<br />

Robinson, Charles C., coppersmith, bds.<br />

earrison House.


Robinson, Charles W., farmer, h. 408 Sisth. Robinson, Joseph, check clerk M. C. R. R.,<br />

Robinson, Cuarlotte (col'd-wid. Charles), h. 339 Sisth.<br />

washerwoman, h. 271 Beaubien.<br />

Robinson, Julius (Robinson & Lambert),<br />

Robinson, Clinton, contractor, h. 262 Cal- h. 108 Lafayette ave.<br />

houn.<br />

Robinson, Lavenia (wid. Edward), bds. 136<br />

Robinson, Cordelia (col'd-wid. Mooremow), Grand River, up stairs.<br />

h. 163 Mullett.<br />

Robinson, Livingstone, laborer, h. 0. s. Lo-<br />

Robinson, Cornelia M. (wid. Theodore P.), cust, bet. Harrison ave. and Twelfth.<br />

h. 372 Brush.<br />

Robinson, Marcus, Yankee notions, 194<br />

Robinson, Cornelius, labmer, h. 309 \Vat- Woodbridge w., h. 204 same.<br />

son.<br />

Robinson, Marsh D., advert;sing clerk, h.<br />

Robinson, Donald, stonecutter, bds. Good- 650 Uacomb.<br />

man House.<br />

Robinson, Mathew, printer, h. 281 Third.<br />

Robinson, Edward, painter, h. 253 Elizabeth Robinson, Miss 3lary J., music teacher, bds.<br />

east.<br />

o. 39 n. 53 Baker.<br />

Robinson, Eugene, <strong>City</strong> Surveyor, office 18 Robinson, Robert, h. 117 Cass.<br />

Monroe ave., h. 58 Eligtl.<br />

Robinson, Russell, carpenter, h. 21 Mont-<br />

Robinson, Frsnk (col'd), barber, h. 127 La- calm w.<br />

fayette.<br />

Robinson. Sophia (wid.), h. 450 Catharine.<br />

Robinson, George, carpenter, h. 266 Fifth. Robinson, Thomas, bookkeeper, h. 375 Sisth.<br />

Robinson, George, laborer, h. 82 Fifteenth. Robinson, Thomas, 1 umberman, bds. 263<br />

Robinson, George, shoemaker, bds. Rail- Congress e.<br />

road Exchange.<br />

Robinson, Thomas, laborer, h. Wight, near<br />

Robinson, George A., mechanic, bds. 324 Cam pau.<br />

Rio pelle.<br />

Robinson, Thomas, printer, bds. 281 Tliird.<br />

Robinson, George K., patent solicitor, h. 324 Robinson, Thomas, printer, h. 701 Macomb.<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Robinson, Thomas L., butcher, bds. 16<br />

Robinson, George 0. (Robinson & Brooks), h. Beaubien.<br />

38 -- Centre.<br />

- - -<br />

Robinson, Wellington, prin ter,bds. 489 Sixth.<br />

Robinson, George T., horseshoer, bds. 153 Hobinson, William, bricklayer, bds. 68 Lar-<br />

Uroodward ave.<br />

ned e.<br />

Robinson, George W., lumberman, bds. 307 Robinson, William. moulder, h. 227 Mont-<br />

Larned e.<br />

calm e.<br />

Robinson, Harriet (wid. Henry), h. 34 Eliza- , Robinson, William (col'd), hostler, bds. 15<br />

beth w.<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Robinson, Henry, carpenter, bds. 12 Lim- Robinson, William (col'd), whitewasher, h.<br />

burg.<br />

e. s. Twenty-fourth, bet. Magnolia and<br />

Robinson, Henry (Robinson Bros.), h. 31 Joy. Linden.<br />

Robinson, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 264 Mul- Robinson, William B. (Jackson & Wiley), h.<br />

lett.<br />

o. 241 n. 335 Fort w.<br />

Robinson, Henry S.(W. D. Robinson, Burten- Robinson, William D. (W. D. Robinson,<br />

shaw & Co.), h. 10.3 George.<br />

Burtenshaw & Co.), h. 103 George.<br />

ROBINSON, HENRY S., cigar box and Robinson, William E. (col'd), barber, bds.<br />

tea caddy manfr., office Hamtramck, h. 241 Hastings.<br />

s. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and Walker. (See Robinson, William G., fireman, bds. o. 39 n.<br />

adv.)<br />

53 Baker.<br />

Robinson, Hudson, horsepower mood saw- Robinson, W illis (col'd) brickmaker, h. 279<br />

yer, h. 119 Elizabetlr e.<br />

Watson.<br />

Robinson, Isaac, clerk, bds. 204 Wood- Robinson Bros. (Henry and John Robinsou),<br />

bridge w.<br />

builders, n. s. Charlotte, bet. Cass ave. and<br />

Robinson, Jacob, clerk, bds. 108 Lafayette Park.<br />

ave.<br />

Robinson & Brooks (George 0. Robinson and<br />

Robinson, James, soapmaker, h. 0. 161 n. David W. Brooks), attorneys, 149 Jeffer-<br />

187 Larned e.<br />

son ave.<br />

Robinson, John (Robinson Bros.), h. Joy, bet. Robinson Rt Lambert (Julius Robin-<br />

Second and Third.<br />

son and Louis Lambert), wholesale wines<br />

Robinson, John, carpenter, h. 116 Elizabeth and liquors, 30 MToodward ave.<br />

east.<br />

Robinsotl, W. D., Burtenshaw & Co. (Wil-<br />

Robinson, John, engineer, h. 388 Mullett. liam D. Robinson, James Burtenshaw and<br />

Robinson, John, housemover, h. 590 Con- Henry S. Robinson), wholesale boots and<br />

gress e.<br />

shoes, 73 and 75 Jefferson ave.<br />

Robinson. John, meat market, 401 Michigan Robison, Clrarles VST., sailor, bds. 88 Woodwe.,<br />

h. same.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Robinson, John C., carpenter, bds. 12 Robison, George, laborer, h. 74 Fifteenth.<br />

Limb urg.<br />

Robison, Henry, butcher, h. 693 Fort w.



I<br />


Omce, 3C14 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Voodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


- - pp<br />

Robison, Joseph, h. 156 Second.<br />

Robison, Orrin H., sailor, bds.Mansion House.<br />

Robison, F obert L., h. 122 . oward.<br />

Robison, ~7C7illiam (col'd), laborer, h. w. s.<br />

Twenty fourth. nr. city limits.<br />

Robson, Ann(wid. 3\. illiam), h. o. 29 n. 49<br />

Si bley.<br />

Robeon, Edmon, plasterer, h. s. s. Brainard,<br />

bet. Second and ('ass ave.<br />

Robson, James E., plasterer, h. s. s. Brainard,<br />

bet. Second and Third.<br />

Robson, John, horsecollar maker, bde. 197<br />

Rlacom b.<br />

Robson, Margaret (mid. John), washerwo-<br />

man, 21. 66 Columbia w.<br />

Roby, George, engineer, 11. 69 Cass ave.<br />

Roby, Horace, grocer, 7s Franklin, h. same.<br />

Roche, Luke, hatter, h. 478 Kinth ave.<br />

Roche, Thomas, undertaker, 109 Eandolph,<br />

h. same.<br />

Rocheford, William, shipping clerk, h. 118<br />

Franklin.<br />

Rock, Joseph, shoemaker, h. s. s. Atwater,<br />

bet. Rivard and Iliopelle.<br />

Rockelman, Frederick, laborer, 8. 388 Sev-<br />

enteenth.<br />

Rockelmann, John, laborer, h. 355 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

Rodda, Andrew, stonecutter, bds. 71 Beau-<br />

bien .<br />

Rodda, Samuel, machinist, h. 83 Labrosse.<br />

Rode, Charles, laborer, h. 362 Catharine.<br />

Rodenbosdel, William, plasterer, h. St. Jo-<br />

seph, nr. Dequicdre.<br />

Rodger, William, machinist, h. 79 Lim-<br />

burg.<br />

Rodgers, George, carpenter, bds. 23 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Rodgers, J. Graham, freight agent D. & M.<br />

R. R., bds. o. 220 n. 224 Woodward ave.<br />

Rodgers, Michael, check clerk, h. 50 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Rodgers, Moses, veget.ables, 2 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. n. s. Michigan ave., nr. Eight-<br />

een t h.<br />

Rodgers, Sullivan, carpenter, bds. 20 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Rodgers, William, clerk D. & M. R. R., h.<br />

157 Beaubien.<br />

Rodier, Charles, shipcarpenter, h. 289 Whit-<br />

ney.<br />

Rodier, 311,s. Fmily, network, h. 290 North.<br />

Roaier, Joseph, moulder, h. 313 Guoin.<br />

Rodier, Louis, upholsterer, bds. 577 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Rodier, Noel, carpenter, h. 603 Gratiot.<br />

I<br />

Rodier, Noel .T., agent N. T.'Co., h. 96 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Rodier. Peter, machinist, bds. 81 Congress e.<br />

Hodloff, John, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Macomb<br />

and Dubois.<br />

Roe, Charles, drover, h. 33 Sibley.<br />

Roe, Charles, jr., salesman, bds. 33 Wa~h-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Roe, Charles, sr., shoemaker, h. 33 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Roe, Q eorge, salesman, bds. 33 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Roe, Henry, drover. h. 65 Montcalm w.<br />

Hoe, John, carpenter, h. 156 Guoin.<br />

Roe, John, engineer, h. 480 Woodbridge e.<br />

Roe, J~hn, plasterer, bds. 125 Columbia e.<br />

Hoe, 3licbae1, laborer, h. 32 Harrison ave.<br />

Roe, Phoebe (wid. John), bds. 33 Sibley.<br />

Hoe Robert. cabinetmaker, bds. Railroad<br />

Exchange.<br />

Roe, Thon~as, laborer, bds. 32 Harrison ave.<br />

Roe. William. drover. h. 95 Columbia w.<br />

~oekk, ~hrisiian, h.' Morse, bet. Prospect<br />

and Russell.<br />

Roeder, Henry, joiner, h. 463 Lafayette.<br />

Roeder, Nicholas, shoemaker, bds. 244<br />

Brush.<br />

Roediger, Henry, saloon, 92 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Roedinger, Henry, tailor, h. 154 Sherman.<br />

Roegner, John, saloon, 95 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Roellle, Bernard, cigarmaker, h. 481 St. Antoine.<br />

Roehle, Frank, cigarmaker, bds. 481 St. Antoine.<br />

Roehle, Joseph, cigarmaker, bds. 481 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

ROEHLER, AKTON, crockery and glassware,<br />

232 Randolph, h. same. (See ad%)<br />

Roehm, Charles, bookbinder, h. 81 Lafayette.<br />

Roellm, Elizabeth (wid. David), h. 19 Mechanic.<br />

Roehm, Emil, jeweler, bds. 19 Mechanic.<br />

Roehm, Herman (Roehm Bros.), h. 118<br />

George.<br />

Roehm, Julius (Roehm Bros.), bds. 19 Mechanic.<br />

Roehm, Robert J. F., jeweler, 65 Woodward<br />

ave., h. 30 Elizabeth e.<br />

Roehm Bros. (Hzrman and Julius Roelim),<br />

woodwork and hardware, 24 W oodward<br />

ave.<br />

Roehrig, Ferdinand, grocer, blacksmith, 60<br />

Catharine, h. same.<br />

Roel~rig, Frederick, joiner, h. 530 Orleans.<br />

Roemer, Otto, cigarmaker, bds. 152 Mar<br />

ion.<br />

Roenn; John, huckst'er, h. 107 Mullett.<br />

Eoenn, Michael, h. 107 Mullett.<br />

Roenn, Weinand, laborer, h. 107 Mullett.<br />

Hozsbeck, Mathew, laborer, h. 61 Dequindre.<br />

Roeser, Guenther, butcher, 196 Orleans, h.<br />



-<br />

Roeser, Henry, butcher, bds. 196 Orleans.<br />

Roeske, Augustus, laborer, h. e. Chene, n.<br />

German.<br />

Roesler, William, h. 213 Montcalm e.<br />

Roeter. Henry, carpenter, h. 463 Lafayette.<br />

Roff, Charles, laborer, h. o. 110 n. 120<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Roger, Charles, shipcarpenter, bds. s. w.<br />

cor. Fort and Tenth.<br />

Roger, Frank, carpenter, bds. s. w. cor. Fort<br />

and Tenth.<br />

Rogers, Adock R., bartender, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Rogers, Alexander, clerk, h. 46 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers, Andrew J., captaili police, h. 63<br />

Sproat.<br />

Rogers, Benjamin, news agent, h. 324 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers, Charles H., printer, bds. 81 COIL-<br />

gress w.<br />

Rogers, Ebenezer -H., attorney, 127 Jefferson<br />

ave., Willis Block.<br />

Rogers, George C., captain, h. 58 Twentieth<br />

Rogers, George, conductor M. C. R. R., h. 25<br />

Slsth.<br />

Rogers, Hamilton, engineer M. C. R. R., bds,<br />

165 Howard.<br />

Rogers, Hiram (Dailey & Rogers), h. 340<br />

Fourth.<br />

Rogers, James, tobacconist, bds. 46 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers, Jennie (wid. Edwin), dressmaker,<br />

235 Vlroodward ave., h. same.<br />

Rogers, John, wool merchant, h. 139 High.<br />

Rogers, Moses, carpenter, h. 770 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers, Mrs., h. 152 Larned e.<br />

Rogers, Thomas B., agent, h. 119 Qris-<br />

wold.<br />

Rogers, Uriah B., bookkeeper, bds. Franklin<br />

House<br />

Rogers, William, carpenter, bds. 7'70 Michi-<br />

gan are.<br />

Rogers, William, tailor, bds. 112 Abbott.<br />

Rogers, William E., Lieut. U. S. lake sur-<br />

vey. h. w. s. Cass, bet. Fort and Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Rogers, William H. D., clerk D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 157 Beaubien.<br />

Roggeman, Henry, laborer, h. 316 Sher-<br />

man. a<br />

Roggenkomp, Heary, laborer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Joy and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Rogow sky, Raphael, confectioner, 213 La-<br />

fayayette, h. same.<br />

Rohemner, Eunice, laborer, h. 369 Tmen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Roller, Cll arles, tinsmith, h. 75 Dequindre.<br />

Roher, Felix, shoemaker, h. 305 Marion.<br />

Kohnert. Franz, h 288 Clinton.<br />

Rohnert, Franz, varnisher, 11. 85 Lafayette.<br />

Kohns, Augustus, h. 287 Fort e.<br />

Rohns, Herlnann (Rohns & Schaefer), h. 47<br />

Macomb.<br />

Rohns & Schaefer (Herman Rolins and Fred-<br />

erick Schaefer), hardware, 14 Xonroe ave.<br />

Rohr, Jacob Cravet, bds. 61 Sherman.<br />

Rohr, John. engineer, 11. 446 Fort w.<br />

Rohr. John W., millwrightl, h. 426 Fort w.<br />

Hokohl, August, agt., bds. 80 Front.<br />

Roland, Alfred, carpenter, h. 31 Che~tnut.<br />

Rolfe, Alonzo, city horse and carriage mart,<br />

13 and 15 Monroe ave., h. 3 Miami ave.<br />

Rolfe, Joseph, laborer, b. 641 Larned e.<br />

Rolfe, Philip, clerk, bds. 266 Howard.<br />

Itollbuehler, John F., laborer, h. 178 Xa-<br />

comb.<br />

Rollemsn. John, stonemason, h. 114 Marion.<br />

Roller, Christian, soapmaker, 11.192 ('1' I lnton.<br />

Rollins, Samuel (col'd), laborer, at Livingstone<br />

9; Co.'s.<br />

ROLSHOVEN, FREDERICK, jeweler, 204<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 312 Congress e. (See<br />

ad.0.)<br />

Romeck, Anton, miller, h. 73 Gratiot.<br />

Romes, Nicholas, laborer, bds. 68 Catharine.<br />

Itomeyn. James W., lawyer, 23 Bank Block,<br />

bds. 366 Jefferson ave.<br />

Romepn, T ileodore, lawyer, 23 Bank Block,<br />

11. 366 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rommeck, Anthony, miller, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Gratiot and Randolph.<br />

Ronan, Peter, freight conductor M. S. R.<br />

H., h. 56 Brusli.<br />

Roney, James M. (M. Roney & Son), bds. 76<br />

Lewis.<br />

Roney, John, clerk, h. 277 Second.<br />

Roney, Michael (M. Roney & Son), h. 76<br />

Lewis.<br />

Ronep, M., & Son (Micliael St James M.<br />

Roney). furniture, 163 Michigan ave.<br />

Ronnefeld, The;)dore, druggist, o. 143 n.<br />

185 Uratiot, h. same.<br />

Rood, Henry W., bds. o. 220 n. 224 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Rood, Sidney G., tinsmith, 5ds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Rood, Sopliia G. (wid. A. H.), boarding, h.<br />

45 Congress bv.<br />

Rood, William H., salesman, bds. 45 Congress<br />

m.<br />

Rook, Wiliiam H., saloon, 2 TtToodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

I Rookelman, Frederick, laborer. h. 388 Sev-<br />

1 enteenth.<br />

Rooks, Alfred, painter, bds. 422 Lafayette.<br />

Rooks, Frederick, fireman D. & M. It. R.,<br />

1 hds. 422 Lafayette.<br />

Rooks, Thomas, conductor D. & Rf. R. R.,h.<br />

419 Lafuyette.<br />

1 Rooks, Thomas, macllinist. h. 422 Lafayette.<br />

1 Rooney, Charles A ., shoemaker, 11. 141 Clinton.<br />

Rooney, Edward, painter, bds. 97 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Rooney, James, laborer, h. 148 Labrosse.<br />

1 ~oonei,<br />

Eooney. Jl )hn, machinist, bds. 151 Porier.<br />

>fary (mid. Micliael), h. 154 Porter.<br />

Rooney, Michael, bds. 154 Porter.


- --<br />

LI if@<br />

NEW YORE<br />

b ~ S U- P ~<br />

!ma@ @@m<br />

ASFETP, . . ~12,000,000<br />

DAILY CSSH INCOME, $15,000<br />

SOLON DleELROY, Manager aud Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Rooney, William, boilermaker, h. 124<br />

Larned w.<br />

Rooney , William, machinist, bds. 55 Wayne.<br />

Roos, Philip, saloon,l07 Larned w.,h same.<br />

Root, Charles (Root & Barbour), h. 134 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Root, Louis, engineer, bds. 79 Congress e.<br />

Root & Barbour (Charles Root and Edwin<br />

S. Barbour), wholesale dry goods, 46 and<br />

48 Mroodward ave.<br />

Roper, Susan (col'd), h. 66 Clinton.<br />

Ropert, Arnold, wagonmaker, h. 177 Ger-<br />

man.<br />

Rorer, Felix, shoemaker, h. 305 Marion.<br />

Rose, Alfred, caulker, h. 498 Woodbridge e.<br />

Rose, Charles, teamster, h. o. 444 n. 362<br />

Catharine.<br />

Rose, Christopher, tailor. h. 304 Sixteenth.<br />

Rose. Daniel W., carpenter, h. 241 Thir-<br />

teen-and-a-half.<br />

Rose, Elvira (wid. Joel), h. 191 John R.<br />

Rose, Ueorge (col'd), sailor, h. 28 Kentucky.<br />

Rose, George A., overseer House of Correc-<br />

tion, bds. same.<br />

Rose, Henry, sailor, h. o. 49 n. 63 Baker.<br />

Rose, John, laborer, h. I01 Eighteenth.<br />

Rose, John A., salesman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Rose, Levi C., physician, Fisher's Block, 119<br />

M'oodward ave., h. 60 Miami ave.<br />

Rose, William, hostler, bds. 17 Monroe ave.<br />

Rosear, August, carpenter, bds. 211 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Rosen, David, saloon and boarding, h. 104<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Rosenbauer, Rev. Michael, assistant pastor<br />

St. Mary's German Catholic Church, h.<br />

120 Croghan.<br />

Rosenberg, Gershon, cigarmaker, bds. 3'7<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Rosen berger, Gottlieb, butcher, bds. 140<br />

Grand River.<br />

Rosenberger, Rfathews, clothing, 139 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Rosenfield, Albert, peddler, h. 32 Fort e.<br />

RosenfieId, Mrs. Hannah, Yankee notions,<br />

77 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 30 Fort e.<br />

Rosenfield, Henry, traveling agt., bds. 131<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Rosenfield, Isaac (I. Rosenfield & Co.), h. 131<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Rosenfield, Louis E., clerk, bds. 32 Fort e.<br />

Hosenfield, Moses, tobacconist, 19 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 178 First.<br />

Rosenfield, Reuben (I. Brown & Co.), h. 48<br />

Howard.<br />

Rosenfield, I., & Co. (Isaac Rosenfield and<br />

Israel Blitz), tobacconists, 23 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rosengafien, Abraham, clerk, bds. 187<br />

Rivard.<br />

Rosen gar ten, Elias, Hebrew teacher, h. 181<br />

Rivard.<br />

Roeenstock, Henrietta (wid. Philip), h. 221<br />

Fort e.<br />

Rosenthal, George, cigarmaker, h. o. 124 n.<br />

224 Clinton.<br />

Rosenthal, Levi, peddler, h. I48 Mullett.<br />

Rosenthal, Saul, bookkeeper, bds. 52<br />

Howard.<br />

Rosenthal, Samuel, cigar manufacturer, 95<br />

Grand River, h. same.<br />

Rosewald, Peter, butcher, h. 226 Watson.<br />

Rosi, Andrew, laborer, h. Dequindre, nr.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Rosier, Edward, salesman, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Rosier, Frank, carpenter, h. 211 Croghan.<br />

Rosier, Francis E., grocer, 219 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Roski, Charles, bartender, bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

Roskopf, C!?ar!es, bds. 351 Seventeenth.<br />

Roskopf, Sophia (wid. Frederick), h. 351<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Ross, Andrew (A. Ross & CO.), h. n. s. Joy,<br />

bet. Second and Third.<br />

Ross, Angus, bookkeeper, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Ross, Daniel A. (D. A. Ross s5 CO.), h. First,<br />

near Porter.<br />

Ross, David B., steamboat engineer, h. 123<br />

Sixth,<br />

Ross, Edward H., plumber and gasfitter, 53<br />

' Larned w., h. same.<br />

ROSS, Emily (wid. Richard), h. 2 Clinton.<br />

Ross, Frederick, laborer, h. n. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Ross, George, lumber dealer, n. w. cor.<br />

Qriswold and Michigan ave., h. 54 Jones.<br />

ROSS, GEORGE A., central lumber yard,<br />

36 Michigan ave., h. 52 John It.<br />

Ross, Horace, laborer, h. 525 Clinton ave.<br />

Ross, Hugh, accountant, bds. 20 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Ross, Miss Isabella A., teacher Miami are.<br />

school, bds. cor. State and Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Ross, James, conductor D. & M. R. R., h. 72<br />

Russell.<br />

Ross, James E., saddler, bds. Larned, s. w.<br />

cor. Brush.<br />

Ross, Barnes M., Capt. U. S. Navy, h. 23<br />

Sib1 ey. O<br />

Ross, John, laborer, h. n. s. Michigan ave.,<br />

bet. Ninth and National aves.<br />

Ross, John, shoemaker, h. 555 Gratiot.<br />

Ross, Henry, teamster, h. 347 Dubois.<br />

Ross, Melvin B , bookkeeper, bds. 23 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Ross, Robert B.. tailor, bds. 112 Abbott.<br />

Boss, 'rhomas, laborer, h. Lafayette ave.<br />

Ross, William, h. 277 Lafayette.


Ross, Timothy (Ross & Hackett), bds. Western<br />

Hotel.<br />

Ross, William A., lithograph printer, bds.<br />

263 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ross, William C., lumber dealer, h. 277<br />

Larned e.<br />

Ross, A., & Co. (Andrew Ros~, Albert Ferguson,<br />

and Lycurg~zs W. Day), lumber dealers,<br />

s. e. cor. Williams and Columbia,<br />

and s. w. cor. Grand River and Second.<br />

Ross, D. A., & Co. (Daniel A. Ross and Jeremiah<br />

Oakes), lumber dealers, 297 Atwater,<br />

foot Rivard.<br />

Ross & Hackett (Timothy Ross and Henry<br />

Hackett), proprs. Western Hotel, n. w.<br />

cor. Woodbridge and Third.<br />

Rossbach, Henry, laborer, h. 387 Hastings.<br />

Rossbach, Mathias, cigarmaker, h. 230<br />

Mullett.<br />

Rossiter, Boaz, machinist, h. 412 Fort e.<br />

Rossenburg, Samuel, jeweler, 37 Mlchigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Rost, Christopher C., laborer, h. 319 Clinton.<br />

Bostucher, Jacob, laborer, bds. 621 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Rostucher, Joseph, gardener, h. 621 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Rote, Charles, engineer, h. 401 Sixth.<br />

Roth, George, tailor, h. 152 Lafapette.<br />

Roth, Henry. locksmith, 11. 135 Mullett.<br />

Roth, John, blacksmith, h. 121 Sherman.<br />

Roth, John, peddler, h. 271 Riopelle.<br />

Both, Mrs. Louis, 11. 169 Mullett.<br />

Koth, Mathias, saloon, 469 Riopelle, h. same.<br />

Roth, Meinrad, cooper, 293 Mullett, h.<br />

same.<br />

Roth, Morritz, Yankee notions, 75 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 92 Fort e.<br />

Roth, Philip, laborer, h. 289 North.<br />

Roth, Philip, tailor, h. 112 Montcalm e.<br />

Roth, Robert, machinist, bds. 169 Mul~ett.<br />

Roth, Rudolph, cigarmaker, bds. o. 271 n.<br />

293 Riopelle.<br />

Roth, William, butcher, h. o. 133 n. 145<br />

Catharine.<br />

Roth, William, cooper, bds. 293 Mullett.<br />

Rothaug, John, carpenter, bds. 125 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Rothenberg, Charles I?., grocer, o. 291 n.<br />

311 Woodward are., h. same.<br />

Rothenberg, Frank, clerk, bds. 139 Sherman.<br />

Rothenberg, Henry, watchman, h. 139 Sherman.<br />

Rother, Charles F., cigarmaker, h. 186 Hastings.<br />

Rothnar, Joseph, upholsterer, bds. 50 Locust.<br />

Rothschild, Feist (Rothschild & Bro.), h. 13<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Rothschild, Hauffmann R., cigar manfr., 193<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 36 Columbia \v.<br />

Rothschild, Sigmund (Rothschild & Bro.),<br />

h. 13 Montcalm w.<br />

Rothschild & Bro. (Sigmund and Feist Roth-<br />

schild ), tobacconists, 232 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rothmell, James, cooper, h. 546 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Rotz, Joseph. mason, h. 295 Bronsor.<br />

Rouean, Ellen (wid. Timothy), h. 111 Porter.<br />

Rouff, Henry, blacksmith, h. 93 Napoleon.<br />

Rourigh, Ferdinand, blacksmith, h. 60<br />

Catharine.<br />

Rouland, Peter A., sash and blind maker,<br />

h. 540 Fort e.<br />

Roulet, Charles, shoemaker, h. 244 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Roulet, Victor, laborer, bds. 244 Antietam.<br />

Rourke. Garrett, shoemaker, e. s. Third, nr.<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Rourke, Helen (wid. William), h. 95 Plum.<br />

Rourke, John, drayman, h. 121 Jones.<br />

Rourke, John, laborer, 11.163 National ave.<br />

Rourke, John, porter, h. 145 NationaI ave.<br />

Rourke, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

nr. Grand River.<br />

Rourke, Patrick, laborer, h. 773 Michien<br />

ave.<br />

Hourke, Thomas, drayman, h. 321 Abbott.<br />

Rourke, William, fireman, Ms. Porter, n. e.<br />

cor. Sixth.<br />

Rouse, Frank H., machinist, h. 74 Lewis.<br />

Rouse, William H., physician, 62 Macomb<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Rousseau, Charles M., printer, h. 285 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Rousseau, Joseph, engineer, h. 456 Macomb.<br />

Rousseau, Mary (wid. Joseph), h. 285 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Rousseau, Thomas, grocer, 364 Riopelle, h.<br />

same.<br />

Iioutlidge, Mary (wid. John), h. 352 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Rowe, Charles, machinist, h. o. 49 n. 88<br />

Si bley.<br />

Rowe, George, butcher, h. 806 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Rowe, Henry, machinist, h. 418 Lafayette.<br />

Rowe, John, machinist, bds. o. 49 n. 88<br />

Sibley.<br />

Rowe, William, sea captain, h. 263 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Rowell, John, furniture, 147 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Rowland, Richard, grocer, 232 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Rowley, Edwin W., salesman, bds. 7<br />

WTilliams.<br />

Rowley, Frank C., clerk, bds. 7 Williams.<br />

Rowley, Harvey E., auctionerr, h. 7 Wil-<br />

liams.<br />

Rowley, Morris N., manfr. tea caddies and<br />

japanned ware, 19 Woodbridge e., bds. o.<br />

147 n. 175 Third.<br />

Rowley, Norton B., agent Buffalo Scale<br />

Works, 19 Woodbridge e., h. o. 147 n.<br />

175 Third.<br />

Rowlson, Harvey B., Revenue Collector,<br />

bds. Russell House.


PARKE, JENNINGS & CO., I Ruelle, Alexander, captain, h. 193 St. Aubia<br />

ave. I<br />


Ruelle, Israel, mason, bds. 125 Dubois.<br />

Rueso, Jason, laborer, h. alley, nr. Milwau-<br />

&y&8s Nfi$peg &&&gpggs kee depot.<br />


Ruetz, Henry, laborer, h. 403 Riopelle.<br />

Ruetz, Louis, laborer, h. 403 Riopelle.<br />

DETROIT, - MTCHIGAN. Ruff, Henry, blacksmith, h. 93 Napoleon.<br />

Ruff, Martin, laborer, h. Woodbridge w.,<br />

Rowse, George, carpenter, h. 85 Harrison nr. Letts & Clancy's shingle factory.<br />

ave.<br />

Ruffner, Lieut. E. H., asst. U. S. lake sur-<br />

Roy, John, shoemaker, h. 24 Michigan ave. vey, bds. Russell House.<br />

Roy, Julien, carpenter, h. n. w. cor. May- Rugg, Levi H., commercial student, h. 62<br />

berry ave. and Ash.<br />

Clinton.<br />

ROYS, JAMES A., news dealer, cor. Lar- Ruhl, Charles, propr. <strong>City</strong> Hotel, 8.5 Atned<br />

and Griswold, h. o. 15 n. 305 Cass water.<br />

ave.<br />

Ruhl, Mary A. (wid. Jacob), h. 59 Clinton.<br />

Ruan, Walter, bookkeeper, bds. o. 68 n. 86 Ituhl, Louis, printer, bds. 59 Clinton.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Ruhlandt, John, draugfitsman, bds. Etotel<br />

Rubert, Adam, laborer, bds. o. 505 n. 598 Mauch.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Ruhlman, James, laborer, h. 532 Wood-<br />

Rubie, Paul, peddler, h. s. w. cor. Twelfth bridge w.<br />

and Orand River.<br />

RUHHKORF, WILLIAM, cooper, 457 Gra-<br />

Ruckmann, Christopher, shoemaker, h. 413 1.i0t.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Rumney, John, salesman, h. 91 High.<br />

Rucker, Jesse (col'd), engineer, h. 309 Wat- Rumney, John G)., clerk, bds. 91 High.<br />

son.<br />

Rumney, Mason P., student, bds. 91 High.<br />

Rudden, Hugh, moulder, h. 87 Elmwood Rumney, William Y ., Receiver of Tases,<strong>City</strong><br />

ave.<br />

Hall, h. 104 Congress e.<br />

Ruddiman, Mary, teacher new Ninth Ward Rumpa, Karl, laborer, h. w. s. Twentyschool,<br />

bds. 12 Hemp.<br />

fourth, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Ruddon, Patrick, gardener, h. 100 Twe~ ty- Runge, John, boots and shoes, 332 Hastings,<br />

fourth.<br />

h. same.<br />

Ruddy, Joseph, carpenter, h. 356 Fifth. Rungle, George, laborer, Standish, Greene<br />

Rudolph, Benjamin, pb ysician, 144 Ran- & Co.<br />

dolph, h. same.<br />

Runkel, John, laborer, h. 350 Macomb.<br />

Rudolph, Henry, coppersmith, h. 262 Ma- Runkel, Philip, stonecutter, h. 3171 Macomb.<br />

comb.<br />

Ruoff, August, brewery, 301 Gratiot, saloon,<br />

Ruebelmann, Charles, trunkmaker, bds. 270 32 bionroe ave., h. 301 Uratiot.<br />

Russell.<br />

Ruoff, Charles, saloon, rear 262 Jefferson<br />

Ruebelmann, Elias, h. 270 Russell.<br />

ave., h. sates, nr. Farrar.<br />

Ruebsam, Frederick, carpenter, h. 112 Eliza- Ruoff, Henry, shoenraker, h. 302 Lafayette.<br />

beth e.<br />

Ruoff, John, brewer, bds. 301 Gratiot.<br />

Rueckert, Jacob, laborer, bds. 271 Macomb. Rupel, Jacob, mason, h. s. s. Chestnut, bet.<br />

Ruefer, Joseph, laborer, h. 238 Clinton. Chene and Dubois.<br />

Rueger, Christian, ragpeddler, h. 329 Rus- Rupke, Elelmwood, bricklayer, h. 288 St.<br />

sell.<br />

~ubin ave.<br />

Ruehle, Christoph, shoemaker, h. n. s. Ben- Rupp, Jacob, cook Russell House, bds. same.<br />

ton, bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin avs. Euppel, Henry, stonemason, h. s. s. Chest-<br />

Ruehle, Edward, brewer, bds. 217 Catha- nut, bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

rine.<br />

Ruppel, Jacob, stonemason, h. s. s. Chest-<br />

Ruehle, Frederick, Alderman Seventh Ward, nut, bet. Chene and Dubois.<br />

grocer, 70 Russell, h. 274 Fort e. Ruppel, John, butcher, h. e. s. Mayberry<br />

Ruehle, Frederick, j r., engineer, bds. 274 ave., nr. city liml ts.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Rusaer, Jacob, tanner, h. 28 Silver.<br />

Ruehle, George, h. 124 Antietam.<br />

Rusch, Charles, laborer, h. s. s. Xorth, bet.<br />

Ruehle; George T., engineer, bds. 274 Fort Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

east.<br />

Rush, Joseph, sailor, h. 437 Latayette.<br />

Ruehle, Jacob, laborer, bds. 124 Antietam. Rush', Michael, fur dresser, h. 198 Congress<br />

Ruehle, John GI., carpenter, h. 355 Mont- east.<br />

calm e.<br />

Rush, Peter, actor, h. 245 Brush.<br />

Ruehle, John V., customsofficer, h. s. s. La- Rushing, Lowrttnna (wid. Robert), h. e. s.<br />

fayette, nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Twenty-fourth. nr. Magnolia.<br />

Ruehle, Miss Julia, dressmaker, bds. 355 Russel, Carel N., harnessmaker, bds. Pe-<br />

BIontcalm e.<br />

ninsular Hotel.

Rus CMT DIRECTORY. RY .A 347<br />

Russel, George B., physician, h. Jefferson<br />

ave., above Marine Hospital.<br />

Russel, George H., Sec'y Hamtramck Iron<br />

Works, bds. Jefferson ave., above Marine<br />

Hospital.<br />

RUSSELL, ALFRED, att'y and counsellor,<br />

2 and 3 Seitz Block, 78 Glriswold, h. 220<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Russell, A. Hermann, furrier, h. 159 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Russell, Charles P. (J. Russell & Son), h. 64<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Russell, Edward, carpenter, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Franklin and Rivard.<br />

Russell, Frank GC., lawyer, 1 Seitz block, 75<br />

Uriswold. h. 31 Sproat.<br />

Russell, George H., butcher, bds. 191 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Russell, George S., butcher, bds. 190 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Russell, Henry, carpenter, bds. 415 Russell.<br />

Russell House, C. S. Witbeck and William<br />

J. Chittenden, proprs., cor. Woodward<br />

and &lichigan Grand aves.<br />

Russell, John (J. Bussell & Son), res. Jack-<br />

son.<br />

Russell, Leonard (col'd), sailor, h. 195 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Russell, Margreth (col'd-wid. Isaac), h. 152<br />

Macomb.<br />

Russell, Mary E., teacher Bishop Union,<br />

bds. n. w. cor. Park and Charlotte.<br />

Russell, Peter, laborer, h. 73 Butternut.<br />

Russell, Reuben, sawyer, h. 190 Eighteenth.<br />

Russell, Reuben J., laborer, bds. 190 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Russell,\Villard, clerk, bds. 43 Lafayette ave<br />

Russell, M'iiliam, carpenter, h. 415 Russell.<br />

Russell. ~Yilliam, clerk. h. 135 Fifth.<br />

Russell, William, laborer, bds. 190 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Russell, William, watchman House Cor-<br />

rection, bds. same.<br />

Russell, J., & Son (John and Charles P. Rus-<br />

sell), publishers Peninsular Herald, o.<br />

214 n. 218 Woodward ave.<br />

Rutelsterz, Peter, stonecutter, h. 236 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Rutherford, Cassius A., clerk, bds. e. s.<br />

Woodward aye., bet. Fremont and Brady.<br />

Rutherford, Robert, marblecutter, bds. 560<br />

Croghan.<br />

Rutledge, George, teamster, h. 36 Dequin-<br />

dre.<br />

Rutledge, Maria (wid. William), boarding,<br />

h. 313 Congress w.<br />

Rutson, Alfred. plumber, bds. 310 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Rutson, Charles, machinist, bds. 310 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Rutson, William, plumber, h. 310 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Butter, Mrs. Anna, bds. 39 Wasllington ave.<br />

Rurter, Henry L., salesman, bds. Russell<br />

House.<br />

Rutter, Richard, stonecutter, h. 317 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Rut,tman, Joseph, upholsterer, bds. 296<br />

Fifth.<br />

Rutzel, Charles, laborer, h. 72 Sherman.<br />

Ruye, Nelson, laborer, h. cor. North and Ri-<br />

opelle.<br />

Ryan, Miss Catharine, h. 254 Mullett.<br />

Ryan, Catharine (mid. John), h. 146 Spencer.<br />

Ryan, Charles, merchant tailor, 123 Jaffer-<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Ryan. Charles, plasterer, bds. 355 Sixth.<br />

Ryan, Daniel, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Harrison<br />

ave. end Sycamore.<br />

Ryan, Dennis, clerk, bds. 46 Spencer.<br />

Ryan. Edmond, carpenter, h. 275 Croghan.<br />

Ryan, Edward, carpenter, h. 287 Riverd.<br />

Ryan, Edward, iron moulder, h. 303 Abbott.<br />

Ryan, Frank T., book keeper, bds. 38 Fourth.<br />

Eyan, Jacob, brakeman, bda. 320 Franklin.<br />

Kyan, James, milkman, h. Bussell, nr. rail-<br />

road crossing.<br />

Ryan, James, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Bronson<br />

and Hastings.<br />

Ryan, James, laborer, h. 1 17 Franklin.<br />

Ryan, James, laborer, h. 131 Bronson.<br />

Ryan, James, porter, h. 240 Howard.<br />

Ryan, John, blacksmith, h. s. e. cor. Rivard<br />

and Franklin.<br />

Ryan, John, blacksmith, h. Russell, on Mul-<br />

lett farm.<br />

Ryan, John, clerk, bds. 46 Spencer.<br />

Ryan, Jotln, cigarmaker, bds. s. e. cor. Brush<br />

and Jefferson ave.<br />

Ryan, John, grocer, 187 Michigan ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Ryan, John, laborer, h. 332 Beaubien.<br />

Ryan, John, laborer, h. 178 Cherry.<br />

Kyan, John P., clerk, bde. Franklin House.<br />

Ryan, Joseph P., clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Kyan, Martin (M. & &I. J. Byan), h. 201<br />

Franklin.<br />

Ryan, Martin J. (M. & M. J. Ryan), bds. 201<br />

Franklin.<br />

Ryan, Mrs. Mary. h. 275 Croghan.<br />

Ryan, Michael, blacksmith, h. 288 Franklin.<br />

Ryan, Michael, check clerk G. T. R., h. 132<br />

Beech.<br />

Ryan, Micbael, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Ninth<br />

ave. and Spruce.<br />

Ryan, Michael, saloon, h. 408 Franklin.<br />

Ryan, Patrick, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Frank-<br />

lin and Rivard.<br />

Ryan, Patrick, bds. 101 Orchard.<br />

wan, Patrick, porter, 21. 387 Woodbridge e.<br />

Ryan, Richard, machinist, h. 459 Beaubien.<br />

Ryan, Tholnas, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Frank-<br />

lin and Rivard.<br />

Ryan, Thomas R., steamboat steward, h. 32<br />

Fourth.<br />

Byan, Thomas, teamster, bds. cor. Sherman<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Ryan, Timothy, bds. 236 Abbott.<br />

Ryan, William, bartender, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Larned and Beaubien.


NEW YORE<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,c>oO,OOO<br />

DAILY<br />

CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager and Ageuey Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

-- --<br />

Ryan, William, carpenter, h. s. s. Beech,<br />

bet. Fifth and Sixth.<br />

Ryan. William C., coppersmith, h. 4-5<br />

Palmer.<br />

Ryan, William T., painter, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Ryan, M. & M. J. (Martin and Martin J.<br />

Ryan), wood yard, 305 Atwater.<br />

Ryder, Edmund S., lake captain, h. 13 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Ryder, Hannah (wid. George), h. 200 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Ryder, John, sailor, bds. 49 Atwater.<br />

Ryle, George, eating house. 177 mToodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Rynar, William, laborer, bds. 80 Twelfth.<br />

s AARLO, Theodore, laborer, h. 556 Macomb.<br />

Saber, Morris, sawyer, h. 24 Twentieth.<br />

Sabin, Alvin P., commission merchant, on<br />

dock bet. Glriswold and Shelby, h. 230<br />

Park.<br />

Sabin. Marv (wid. Jeremiah). bds. 176 Park.<br />

&bin; 0rei T. (Granger &'Sabin), h. 235<br />

Park.<br />

Sabine, Alfred, harnessmaker, 129 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Sabine, Henry G., clerk GF. W. R., bds. 177<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Sabine, James W., harnessmaker, bds. 311<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Sabine, John C., harnessmaker, 111 Gris-<br />

wold, h. 311 Woodward aye.<br />

Sabine, Mary (wid. John), bds. 38 Winder.<br />

Sabine, William E., harnessmaker, 35 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., h. 28 Henry.<br />

Sabine, William H., bookkeeper, bds. 28<br />

Henry.<br />

Srtchane, Henry, shoemaker, h. 246 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Sachs, Jenny, notions, <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h.<br />

269 Brush.<br />

Sachs, Louis, Yankee notions, 50 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. cor. Harriett and Brush.<br />

Sackmann, Adolph, drayman, h. 186 Lafay-<br />

ette e.<br />

Sackmann, Frederick, painter, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Fort and Hastings.<br />

Sackmann, Theodore, cabinetmaker, h. o.<br />

94 n. 108 Russell.<br />

Saegelmyer, David, laborer, h. o. 70 n. I10<br />

Brewster.<br />

- -<br />

-<br />

Saeger, Anton, Yankee notions, 230 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Saeger, Frederick, blacksmith, bds. 186<br />

Clinton.<br />

Saegwitz, George, gardener, h. 111 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Saenger. Alexander, bookkeeper, bds. 132<br />

Fort e.<br />

Saenger, Christopher, laborer, h. e. Chene<br />

n. German.<br />

Saenger, Emst, bookbinder, h. 132 Fort e.<br />

Saenger, Franzisca (wid. Ferdinand), h. 297<br />

Clinton.<br />

Saenger, Frederick, vegetables, 25 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 133 Macomb.<br />

Safford, Alfred, carpenter, bds. 320 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Satford, Arthur, bookkeeper, bds. 156 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Safford, Charles E., bookkeeper, h. 320 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Safford, Charles H., Commercial Flouring<br />

Mills, n. w. cor. Woodbridge and Ran-<br />

dolph, h. 165 Congress e.<br />

Safford, Horace, teamster, h. n. e. cor. Fif-<br />

teen-and-a-half and Woodbridge.<br />

Safford, Mary (wid. Charles L.), h. 165 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Safford, Hason S., sailor, bds. 99 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Sage, Ellen (wid. James), h. 49 Palmer.<br />

Sage, J. Hoadely, traveling agent, bds. 161<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Sage, Michael, h. 180 Mullett.<br />

Sagmeister, Michael, teamster, h. 272 IWz*<br />

beth e.<br />

Salbeet, Augustus, straet car conductor, h.<br />

n. e. cor. Fort and Hastings.<br />

Sale, Leonard D., editor Daily Union, h. 166<br />

Larned e.<br />

Sales, John, stove moulder, h. 708 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Sales, William (Sales & Tillotson), h. '77<br />

Sibley.<br />

Sales & Tillotson (William Sdes and 'CYii-<br />

liam K. Tillotson), hardware, 155 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Salinger, Nathan, Yankee notions, 45 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 126 Macomb.<br />

Sallsy, Mary, dressmaker, bds. 348 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

sallow^, James, shoemaker, h. 49 Centre.<br />

Salomon, Edward, fancy goods, 244 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. 183 Larned e.<br />

Salter, Charles H., grocery, 534 Fort w., h.<br />

50 Seventh.<br />

Salter, John, clerk, bds. Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Salter, John, teamster, bds. 31 Catharine.<br />

Salter, Martha (wid. Robert), bds. o. 114 n.<br />

128 Clifford.<br />

Salter, Volney, h. 146 Beech.<br />

Saltze, Simon, laborer, h. 382 Clinton.<br />

Sambs, John, painter, h. 116 Leverett.<br />

Sammel, Magdalena (wid. Philip), bds. 65<br />



Sample, George (col'd), barber, bds. 295<br />

Macomb.<br />

Sample, James, carpenter, h. 1G Crawford.<br />

Sample, Samuel, brakeman, D. & M. R. R.,<br />

h. 135 Beaubien.<br />

Sampler, Samuel, brakeman, bds. 16 Beaubien.<br />

Sampson, George L., agent, bds. 69 Winder.<br />

Sampson, Ruth (col'd-wid. Andrew), h.<br />

Paton alley.<br />

Samter, Simon, German teacher, h. 111<br />

Grand River.<br />

Samuels, Louis, peddler, h. 143 Lafayette.<br />

Sanborn, Charles E., bookkeeper, bds. 60<br />

Henry.<br />

Sanborne, Mrs. L. A., matron Harpel Hospital,<br />

h. same.<br />

Sanborn, William, agent Glen & Hall, Rochester,<br />

N. Y., Arcade Building, Larned<br />

w., h. 60 Henry.<br />

Sanders, George, laborer, bds. 439 Frankiin.<br />

Sanders, Aaron, barber, h. 490 St. Antoine.<br />

Sanders, Adam (Sanders St Dreher), h. 222<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Sanders, Alfred (col'd), laborer, bds. 446<br />

Cro,' man.<br />

Sanders, eeorge, clerk Sewer Commissioners'<br />

office. h. 87 r 'M' ic h', lean ave.<br />

Sanders, James, clerk Blue Line office, h,<br />

156 First.<br />

Sanders, John, scavenger, h. 600 St. Antoine.<br />

Sanders, Moses, saloon, 107 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Sanders, Nathaniel, laborer, h. 181 Clinton.<br />

Sanders, Peter, grocer, 537 Macomb, bds.<br />

222 Oratiot.<br />

Sanders & Dreher (Adam Sanders and John<br />

B. Dreher), grocers, 222 Gratiot and cor.<br />

Hastings and ( 'olumbia.<br />

SANDEKSON, WALTER, teas, coffee,<br />

spices, etc., 154 IVoodward ave., h. 102<br />

Adams ave. e. (See a&.)<br />

Sandlon, William, bookkeeper, h. 577<br />

Franklin.<br />

Sandmann, Christian (wid. C. August), h.<br />

164 Clinton.<br />

Sandorf, Henry, peddler, h w. s. St. Aubin<br />

ave., bet. Larned and Congress.<br />

Sands, John, foreman painter M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. 116 Leverett.<br />

Sands, Peter, laborer, 11.139 Baker.<br />

Sands, William, laborer, bds. 97 Larned e.<br />

Saner, Charles, bds. 183 Russell.<br />

Sanford, Charles, saloon, 76 Griswold, h.<br />

same.<br />

Sanford, John H., clerk <strong>Detroit</strong> Car & Manufacturing<br />

Co., bds. 45 Sisteenth.<br />

Sandfor, Thomas, insurance agent, 4<br />

Burchard Block, 108 Griswold, h. o. 79 n.<br />

87 Adams ave. w.<br />

Sanford, William N., clerk, h. 45 Sixteenth.<br />

Sanger, Henry P., h. 20 Lafayette.<br />

Sanger, John T., carpenter, bds. 356 Franklin.<br />

Sanqer. Jahn T., laborer, h. 356 Franklin.<br />

Sankus, Jacob, cabinetmaker, h. 147 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Sanner, Adam, farmer, h. cor. Dequindre<br />

and St. Joseph.<br />

Sanner, Bernhard, carpenter, h. 173 Abbott.<br />

Sanner, Charles, bds. 11 Chestnu;.<br />

Sanner, Frank, bricklayer, h. 11 Chestnut.<br />

Sanner, Peter, saloon, n. w. cor. Fort and<br />

St. Antoine, h. same.<br />

Sanner, St,ephen, mason, h. 3'71 Lafayette.<br />

Sansom, John, sailor, bds. 312 Clinton.<br />

Sanstra, Jacob, laborer, h. Jefferson ave., nr.<br />

Elluwood ave.<br />

Santan, Jacob, laborer, h. Guoin, e. Walker.<br />

Santon, Ombraiz, laborer, h. 649 Atwater.<br />

Sapp, Larued, laborzr, h. w. s. Hu~nboldt<br />

ave., nr. Myrtle.<br />

Sargent, Oscar, laborer, 11. e. s. Twentieth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Sartwell, George B., Cashier American Na-<br />

tional Bank, bds. 246 Congress e.<br />

Sasher, Charles, engineer, h. 105 Baker.<br />

Sasler, John, carpenter. 11. 163 Fifth.<br />

Sass, Augustus, laborer, h. 451 Catharine.<br />

Sass, William, laborer, h. w. s. Mount EL<br />

liott ave., nr. Gratiot.<br />

Sasse, Charles, carpenter, h. 481 Mullett<br />

Sassmann, Louis, Yankee notions, 1 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 131 Second.<br />

Satter, John, traveling agent Hanna &<br />

Co., h. 148 Elizabeth e.<br />

Sattler, William, laborer, h. 66 Clinton.<br />

Sauer, Nicholas, shoemaker, 522 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Sauer, William, cooper, h. 574 Gratiot.<br />

Sauerteig, Gottlie b, laborer, bds. 240 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Saunders, Miss Charlotte, teacher Cass<br />

Union School, h. 289 Cass ave.<br />

Saunders, James D., dentist, bds. 12 Colum-<br />

bia.<br />

Saunders, Jolm, painter, h. 169 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Saunders, John W., engineer, bds. 44<br />

High.<br />

Saunders, Maurice, Yankee notions, 10 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 185 Congress e.<br />

Saunders, M. V., foot doctor, 70 Griswold, h.<br />

same.<br />

Saunders, William J. H., clerk D. & h1. R.<br />

R., bds. 225 Elizabeth e.<br />

Saur, Adam, vegetables, 64 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market. h. w. s. Dequindre, nr. St. Joseph.<br />

Sauter, Gottlieb, clerk, bds. 13 Montcalln w.<br />

Savage, Daniel, laborer, h. 14 Calhoun.<br />

Savage, Helen F., machine operator, bds.<br />

112 Abbott.<br />

Savage, James, engineer, h. 17 Labrosse.<br />

Savage, Itowland, painter, h. 540 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Savage, William E., editor Commercial Ad-<br />

vertiser, h. 210 First.<br />

Savarain, Cllristiana (wid. Henry), h. w. a.<br />

Woodward ave., nr. base ball grounds.


PARKE, JENNINGS & CO.'S Schaeberle, Adam, with Frederick Sclimied,<br />

I h. 117 Catharine.<br />

STANDARD I Schaefer, Amand, peddler, h. 200 Congress<br />

east.<br />

8 &v 1 If 3 $@ xz @% 8 I Scllaefer, AnErew iSchaefer & Bra.), h. 228<br />

Clinton.<br />

Office, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />

( Schsefer, Ann (wid. Joseph), h. 2'i9 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Schaefer, Anthony, plumber, 291 Hastings.<br />

Schaefer, Anthony, butcher, h. 206 Cro-<br />

Savercool, Mathias, carpenter, h. 332 Cass ghan.<br />

ave.<br />

Schaefer, Anton, blacksmith, h. 228 Clinton.<br />

Savercool, Samuel, lumber dealer, 11. n. e. Schaefer, Anton, plasterer, 11. 294 Juliette.<br />

cor. Serenth and Pine.<br />

Schaefer, Christian, laborer, h. 87 Lafayette.<br />

Savini, Louis, <strong>Detroit</strong> Bolt and Nut Co., h. I Scl~aefer, Eli, plasterer, 11. 105 Mullett.<br />

148 Adams aye. e.<br />

Schaefer, Frederick (Rohns & Schaefer),<br />

Savoy, Joseph, caulker, h. 1'77 Chene. bds. 278 St. Antoine.<br />

Sawney, Michael, engine driver Steamer No. Schaefer, Frederick, sawmalier, bds. 279<br />

3, h. 202 Griswold.<br />

Mo~ltcalm e.<br />

Sawyer, Alvah L., engineer, h. o. 13 n. 48 Schaefer, Henry (Schaefer & Pfister), h. 201<br />

Centre.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Sawyer, Lemuel, agent Canadian Express, Schaefer, Henry, tailor, h. 145 Macomb.<br />

h. 158 Lafayette aye.<br />

Scllaefer, Hilarius (Johannes & Schaefer), h.<br />

Sasby, Walter, traveling agent, h. 26 Park 105 Mullett.<br />

Place.<br />

Schaefer, Jacob, carpenter, bds. 32 Clinton.<br />

Sasby, William (Sasby & Wetherbee), h. Scllaefer, John, h. 105 hlullett.<br />

19 Spencer.<br />

Schaefer, John, laborer, h. 59 Sherman.<br />

Sasby & lTTt.therbee (W-illiam Sasby and Schaefer, John (Schaefer & Bro.), h. 80<br />

George C. W etherbee), wooden and ~vil- Mullett.<br />

low ware, 66 Jefferson ave.<br />

Schaefer, John, stonemason, h. 267 Twelfth.<br />

Saston, Jesse E. (Thonlas ISIcGraw & Co.), Schaefer, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 228 Elizabds.<br />

455 WToodv-ard ave.<br />

beth e.<br />

Scadding, Charles (Sutton & Co.) bds. 101 Schaefer, Peter, blacksmith, bds. 228 Clin-<br />

Grand River.<br />

ton.<br />

Scallen, Sarah (wid. Corneiius), h. 119 Schaefer, Philip, laborer, bds. 224 Sherman.<br />

Eighth.<br />

SCHAEFEK. & BRO. (Andrew and John<br />

Scalley, Michael, laborer, h. e. s. Fourteenth, Schaefer), blacksmiths and wagonmakers,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

76 Larned w. (See ado.)<br />

Scanlan, Jane, 11. 50 Spencer.<br />

Schaefer & Pfister (Henry Schaefer and Jo-<br />

Scanlan, John J., policeman, h. 2 Clinton. seph Pfister), tailors, $5 Rlonroe aye.<br />

Scanlon, John, laborer, h. 218 Abbott. Schaeffer, John, basketmaker, h. 298 Juli-<br />

Scanlon, Patrick, laborer, h. 392 Seven- ette.<br />

teenth.<br />

Schaeffler, Christian, shoemaker, h. 722<br />

Scanlon, Sarah (wid. Patrick), h. 118 La- Michigan ave.<br />

brosse.<br />

Schaeffler, Jacob, saloon, 404 Michigan ave.,<br />

Scarratt, ~ohn, clerk, bds. o. 69 n. 73 Eliza- h. same.<br />

beth w.<br />

Schaeffler, Valentine, baker, h. 464 Mullett.<br />

Scayn, James, engineer M. S. R. R., h. 124 Schaetylein, Eva (wid. Sebastian), h. 204<br />

Hastings.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Scerl, Frederick, clerk, bds. 292 Macomb. Schaf, Peter, h. 48 Catharine.<br />

Scerl, eottlieb, shoemaker, h. 292 Ma- Schafbeiter, Joseph, teamster, h. 536 St.<br />

comb.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Scerverance, James C., carpenter, bds. 135 Scbaible, Frederick, tanner, h. 53 Nine<br />

National ave.<br />

teenth.<br />

Schaale, Hermann, butcher, h. 174 Sher- Schaiblt?, Michael, drayman, h. 55 Chestnut.<br />

man.<br />

Schaker, Francis, painter, 34 Marion.<br />

Echachtler, Emil, saloon, 159 bfacomb, h. Schaldenbranclt, Albert, boxmaker, h. 248<br />

same.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schackitt, Peter, sailor, h. 143 Marion. Schalden brandt, Joseph, carpenter, h. 248<br />

Schade, Conrad, blacksmith, h. 15 Wil- tllzrrine.<br />

kins.<br />

Schalk, Charles, laborer, h. 406 Fort m.<br />

Schade, Herman, stonecutter, h. o. 513 n. Schalk, Frederick, shoemaker, h. rear 515<br />

553 Beaubien.<br />

(iratiot.<br />

Schadow, Miss Theresa, milliner and dress- Schalles, Cyriacus, rulemaker, h. 420 Cro.<br />

maker, 83 Croghan, h. same.<br />



Scllamaden, Thomas. blacksmith, bds. 157 Schemlie, Christian, carriagemaker, h. 401<br />

Sixth.<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Schamader, William, boltcutter, bds. 156 Schemliska, Michael, laborer, h. e. s. Hum-<br />

Sixth.<br />

boldt ave., nr. Linden.<br />

Schamberg, Augustus, tailor, bds. 344 North. Schenck, John B., clerk, h. 288 St. Antoine.<br />

Schamtnadan, James, blacksmith, 34 Fort Schenck, Mathias J., peddler, h. 61 St.<br />

e., 11. 36 same.<br />

Joseph.<br />

Schante, Louis, laborer, h. 108 Benton. Schenher, Christopher, laborer, h. 146 Jay.<br />

Schantz, George, laborer, 11. 187 Division. Schenning, Christian, laborer, h. 441 Cath-<br />

Schantz, Michael, boots and shoes, 2G Cro- arine.<br />

ghan, h. 29 Centre.<br />

Schenning, John, laborer, h. 437 Catharine.<br />

Schappi, Jacob, brewer, bds. Canada House. Scherat. Michael, brewer, bds. s. s. Sher-<br />

Scharf, Charles. laborer, 21. 248 Sherman. man, bet. St. Aubin ave. and Dubois.<br />

Scharina, Mrs. Rosalia, h. 2613 Beaubien. Scherer, Daniel, carpenter, h. 194 Chestnut.<br />

Scharnweber, Henry C., lake captain, h. 394 Scllerer, Frederick, butcher, h. 719 Lafay-<br />

Third.<br />

ette.<br />

Schatlein, Peter, printer, h. 202 Fort e. Scherer, John C., druggist, 41 Michigan<br />

Schaub, Charles, shoemaker, h. 213 Ma- Grand ave., h. same.<br />

comb.<br />

Scllerer, Martin, mason, h. 303 Eighteenth.<br />

Schaun~, Joseph, machinist, h. 179 Macomb. Scherer, Nicholas, music teacher, h. 159<br />

Schaumburg, Louis, laborer, h. 154 Clinton. Wilkins.<br />

Scheave, Joseph, stonenlason, h. w. s. Sulli- Scherr, August, laborer, 11.104 Benton.<br />

van ave., bet. Chestnut and Butternut. Scherr, Christian, carpenter, h. 56 Whit-<br />

Scl~eere, Charles, carpenter, h. 297 Clinton. neg.<br />

Scheere, Miss Ida, dressmaker, 297 Clinton, Scl~e~zer, Franz, marble polisher, bds. Riobds.<br />

same.<br />

pelle, nr. <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Sclieere, Michael, carpenter, h. 7 Harriett. Scheuer, Mathias, marble polisher, h. cor.<br />

Scheere, Oscar, harnessmaker, bds. 2 97 Clin- Riopelle and <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

ton.<br />

Schieber, Andrew, shoemaker, h. 415 Sev-<br />

Scheers, Martin, bartender, bds. 46 Third. enth.<br />

Scheffler, Jacob, carpenter, h. 264 Russell. Schieber, George, shoemaker, bds. 415<br />

Schehr, Adam (J. & A. Schehr), h. 192 Seventh.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schiefler, August, teacher, 156 Bronson.<br />

Schehr, Henry, tanner, bds. 192 Catharine. Schiefler, Joseph, milkman, h. 235 Whitr<br />

Schehr, John (J. & A. Schehr), h. 237 Clin- ney.<br />

ton.<br />

Schiffer, Peter, shoemaker, 77 Croghan, h.<br />

Schehr, John, jr., tanner, bds. 192 Catharine. 67 Chestn~zt.<br />

Schehr, J. 8t A. (John and Adam Schehr), Schiffer, Peter, shoemaker, 11. 75 Chestnut.<br />

tanners, 196 Catharine.<br />

Schifferle, Theodore, shoemaker, h. 216<br />

Scheibeck, Ignatz, butcher, h. 273 High. Elizabeth e.<br />

Sclleibeck, John, painter, h. 275 High. Schiller, Elizabeth (wid. George), h. 76<br />

Scheibel, Jolin M., mason, 11. 286 Macomb. Chestnut.<br />

Scheich, Catharine (wid. Adam), h. 18 Jay. Schiller, George, bookkeeper, bds. 76 Chest-<br />

Scheich, Thomas, mason builder, h. 18 Jay. nut.<br />

Scheid, Mathias, carpenter, h. 421 Rail- Schilling, Augustus, laborer, bds. 448 Cathroad.<br />

arine.<br />

Scheid, Nicholas, carpenter, h. n. e. cor. St. Schilling, Charles, laborer, bds. 428 Wood-<br />

Joseph and St. Aubin ave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Scheidt, Belsazar. carpenter, h. 522 James. Schilling, Ernst, tobacconist, bds. s. s. Cal-<br />

Sclleik, Joseph, printer, bds. 508 Wood- houn, bet. Russell and Prospect.<br />

bridge m.<br />

Schilling, Frederick, saloon, s. m. cor. Hast-<br />

Scheldenbrandt, Albert, laborer, bds. 248 ings and Franklin, h. same.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schilling, Herman, bricklayer, h. n. s. Clin-<br />

Sclleldenbrandt, Joseph, laborer, h. 248 ton ave., nr. Elmwood ave.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schilling, John, locksmith, h. cor. Sher-<br />

Scheldenbrandt, Mary (wid. Joseph), h. 218 man and Rivard.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schilling, John, machinist, h. 396 Wood-<br />

Schellbert, Benjamin, tanner, h. Wight, bet. bridge e.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

Schilling, Oscar, file maker, h. 510 St. An-<br />

Schelle, Anthony, h. 200 Croghan.<br />

toine.<br />

: Schelp, Charles, silver plater, h. 218 Napo- Schilling, Rosalia (wid. Ignatz), h. 96 Ma-<br />

I leon.<br />

comb.<br />

i Schelt, Charles, laborer, h. 33% Sherman. Schilt, Joseph, laborer, h. 451 Catharine.<br />

'<br />

scheltenbrandt, August, tinsmitn, bds. 128 Schimanslii, John, laborer, 11. o. 34-4 n. 448<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

St, Aubin ave.


- -<br />

NEW YORE I Schlossmacher, Emil, butcher, h. 89 Mallett.<br />

ms@ t ~ - m@@ @ @~mpamy@ Schlueter, Leopold, ca,binetmaker, Ms. 183<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

Schmeller, Louise (wid. Charles), h. 129 Ma-<br />

-<br />

comb.<br />

SOLON IcELBOY, Manager and Agency Snpt., Schmemann, Carl. notar? public, fire and<br />

life insurance agent, 5 Hilsendegen block,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. h. 191 Lafayette.<br />

Schmetu, Herman, laborer, h. Beaubien, bet.<br />

Schimert, Martin, laborer, h. 314 Mary. Gratiot and Adams ave.<br />

Schimell, Anthony, laborer, h. 77 Wilkins. Schmetz, John, stonecutter, h. 196 Maple.<br />

Schimmel, Frederick, butcher, bds. 330 Or- Schmid, B enry, shoemaker, 101 Gratiot,<br />

leans.<br />

11.211 Calhoun.<br />

Schimmel, Louis (Schimmel & Mathes), h. Schmidt, Andrew, laborer, h. 302 Colum-<br />

112 Mullett.<br />

bia e.<br />

Schimmel 8! Mathes (Louis Schimmel and Schmidt, Augustus, carpenter, b. 484 Ma-<br />

Herman Mathes), dealers in hats, caps comb.<br />

and furs, 190 Jefferson ave.<br />

Schmidt, Augustus, cigarmaker, h. 407<br />

Schindler, George, caller M. C. R. R., bds. St. Aubin ave.<br />

277 High.<br />

Schmidt, Charles, architect, h. 176 Macomb.<br />

Schinitke, Herman, blacksmith, h. e. Chene Schmidt, Charles, carpenter, h. 49 Pros- I<br />

I<br />

n. German.<br />

pect.<br />

I<br />

Schipanski, Hermann, shoemaker, h. 85 Schmidt, Charles, grocer, 29 Prospect, h.<br />

Jay.<br />

same.<br />

Schirir, Joseph, joiner, h. 400 St. Aubin Schmidt, Christina (wid. Frederick), h. 126<br />

aye.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Schlach, Mathias, brewer, h. 445 Orleans. Schmidt, Christopller, laborer, h. w. s. La-<br />

Schlag, Christina (wid. Charles), bde. 571 salle ave., nr. Myrtle.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Schmidt, Frank, driver engine No. 5, h. 307<br />

Schlaut, Joseph, yarnisher, h. 405 Hastings. Croghan.<br />

Schlee, John, laborer, bds. with Nicholas Schmidt, Frank, grocery and saloon, 455<br />

Walsch, Mount Elliott ave.<br />

Hastings, h. same.<br />

Schleppinski, Samuel, peddler, h. 8 Beacon. Schmidt, Frederick, porter, bds. 350 Gratiot.<br />

Schlesinger, Adolph, tanner, bds. 396 Hast- Schmidt, Frederick. tanner, h. Thirteenth,<br />

ing.<br />

bet. Howard and Porter.<br />

Schlesinger. Bernhard, cigarmaker, bds. Schmidt, Gustavus A., tanner, h. 214 St. An-<br />

396 Hastings.<br />

toine.<br />

Schlesinger, Emanuel, groceries, 396 Hast- Schmidt, Henry, 11.164 First.<br />

ings, h. same.<br />

Schmidt, Jacob, boilermaker, h. 537 Has&<br />

Schlesinger, Wolf, grocer, 94 Fort e., h. ings.<br />

same.<br />

Schmidt, Jaccb, shoemaker. bds. 187 Napo-<br />

Schleper, Ernst, cabinetmaker, bds. 278 leon.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schmidt, John, carpenter, bds. 154 Antie-<br />

Schlicker, Xavier, clothes cleaner, h. 227 tam.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schmidt, John, joiner, h. 21 German.<br />

Schlief, John, laborer, h. e. s. Dubois, bet. Schmidt, John, stonecutter, h. 196 Maple.<br />

Macomb and Croghan.<br />

Schmidt, John, tailor, h. 172 Marion.<br />

Schlitt, Catharine (wid. Martin), h. 98 Clin- Schmidt, John G., foreman Rothchilds9, h.<br />

ton.<br />

326 Hastings.<br />

Schlitt, Conrad, vegetables and seeds, 5 Schmidt, Rev. John J., pastor Evangelical<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 32 Croghan.<br />

Lutheran Salems Church, h. I8 Catharine.<br />

Schlitt, George, machinist, bds. 32 Croghan. Schmidt, John P., plasterer, h. 521 Gratiot.<br />

Schlitt, Henry, potter, bds. 200 Croghan. Schmidt, Joseph, peddler, h. 287 North.<br />

Schlitt, John, painter, bds. 93 Clinton. Schmidt, Joseph, plasterer, bds. 101 Ma-<br />

Schlitt, John, tailor, 71 Croghan, h. same. comb.<br />

Schlorff. Henry, salesman, h. 356 Seven- Schmidt, Julius, carpenter, bds 350 Gratiot.<br />

teenth.<br />

Schmidt, Julius, mason, h. 501 James.<br />

Schloss, Emanuel (Schloss & Bro.), h. 140 Schmidt, Julius, shoemaker, bds. 43 Monroe<br />

Congress e.<br />

ave.<br />

Schloss, Seligman (Schloss & Bro.), h. 201 Schmidt, Karl, house mover, h. e. s. Eighth,<br />

Congress e.<br />

bet.. Fulton and Charles.<br />

Schloss & Bro. (Emanuel and Seliprnan Schmidt, Louis, peddler, h. 96 Mullett.<br />

Schloss), wholesale dealers in clothing, Schmidt, Louise (wid. IT7illiam), bds. s. 3.<br />

180 Jefferson ave.<br />

Eighth, bet. Fulton and Charles.


-<br />

Schmidt, Mrs. Margaret, h. 299 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Schmidt, Martin, wagonmaker, h. 187 Maple.<br />

Schmidt, Mathias, laborer, h. 154 Antietam.<br />

Schmidt, Peter, shoemaker, bds. 81 Lafayette.<br />

Schmidt, Philip, engineer, h. 233 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Schmidt, Polycrates, prof. music, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Scli.nidt, Th. William, grocery, 350 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Schmidt, Traugott, carpenter, h. 399 Mary.<br />

Schmidt, Traugott, tanner, 62 and 64 Croghan,<br />

h. 80 same.<br />

Schmidt, William, printer, h. 381 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

Schmidt bauer, Jacob, gilder, bds. 64 Howard.<br />

Schrnidter, Andrew, shoemaker, h. 268 Clinton.<br />

SCHMIED, FREDERICK, meat market,<br />

117 Catharine, h. same.<br />

Schmied, John, laborer, bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

Schuiieder, Anton, h. 265 Clinton.<br />

Schmieding, Gustav, compounder of liquors,<br />

h. 116 Russell.<br />

Schmieding, William, clerk, bds. 104 Russell.<br />

Schmiel, Charles, carpenter, h. s. s. Crawford,<br />

bet. Brigham and Lysander.<br />

Schmitt, Snthony, carpenter, h. 202 Croghan.<br />

Schmitt, Anton, h. 284 Catharine.<br />

Schmitt, Casper, meatmarket, 327 Clinton,<br />

h. same.<br />

Schmitt, Charles, peddler, h. 613 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Schmitt, Charles H., furrier, h. 541 Croghan.<br />

Schmitt, Ernst L. (J. Schmitt & Sons), bds.<br />

37 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Schmitt, Franz, cigarmaker, h. 596 Lafayette.<br />

Scliniitt, Frederick, carpenter, h. 347 Mullett.<br />

Schmitt, Frederick, joiner, h. 596 Lafayette.<br />

Schmitt, Frederick, laborer, h. 442 Catharine.<br />

Schmitt, George, billiard table manfr., 65<br />

to 69 Larned e., h. same.<br />

Schmitt, George, blacksmitli, h. 194 Chestnut.<br />

Schmitt, George El. (J. Schmitt & Sons), bds.<br />

37 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Schmitt, Henry, carpenter, h. 495 Lafayette.<br />

Schmitt, Henry, laborer, h. 225 Sherman.<br />

Schmitt., John. laborer. h. 447 Catharine.<br />

Schmitt, ~ohn', porter,'bds. 100 Bates.<br />

Sellmitt, John (J. Schmitt & Sons!, h. 31<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Schmitt, Philip, varnisher, h. 198 Lafayette.<br />

Schmitt, Richard H., grocer, 539 Croghan.<br />

Sclimitt, Theodore, mason, h. 325 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Schmitt, \lTilliam, blacksmith, h. 460 Cathrt.<br />

rine.<br />

Sclimitt, William, carver, bds. 541 Croghan.<br />

Sclimitt, J., & Sons (John, George H. and<br />

Ernst L. Schmitt), groceries, 37 Michigan<br />

Grand aoe.<br />

Schmittdiel, Andrew H., boots and shoes,<br />

65 Michigan ave., h. 200 Eighth.<br />

Sch mittdiel, Conrad, gardener, 11. Hastings,<br />

nr. Indiana.<br />

Schmittdiel, John B., h. 129 St. Antoine.<br />

Schmittdiel, John H., h. 202 Eighth.<br />

Sclimittdiel, John S., bookkeeper, bds. 129<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Schmitz, Jaudenz, brushmaker, bds. 6<br />

Peari.<br />

Schmitz, Julius, laborer, h. 168 Mullett.<br />

Schmitz, Peter, laborer, h. 187 Macomb.<br />

Schmook, William, carpetweaver, 143 Cro-<br />

ghan, h. same.<br />

Schmutz, John, laborer, h. 364 Fort e.<br />

Schneberger, Jacob, shoemaker, h. 12 Sil-<br />

ver.<br />

Schneck, Augustus, teacher German-Ameri-<br />

can Seminary. h. 130 Kivard.<br />

Schneck, Frederick, cabinetmaker, bds. 260<br />

Brush.<br />

Schenck, William A., cabinetmaker, h. 260<br />

Brush.<br />

Scllneck, William C., cabinetmaker, h. 258<br />

Brush.<br />

Schneider, August, upholsterer, h. 84 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Schneider, August F., upholsterer, h. 288<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schneider, Casper, peddler, bds. 456 Gratiot.<br />

Sclineider, Christian, teamster, h. n. s. Clin-<br />

ton ave., nr. Elmwood ave.<br />

Schneider, Conrad, cabinetmaker, h. 241<br />

Watson.<br />

Schneider, Daniel, cabinetmaker, h. 81<br />

Brewster.<br />

Schneider, Frank, stonecutter, bds. 157 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Schneider, George, printer, bds. 157 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Schneider, Gerhardt, boilermaker, bds. 80<br />

Front.<br />

Schneider. Gerhard, silverplater, bds. 102<br />

Brush.<br />

Schneider, Henry, fireman, h. 209 Maple.<br />

Schneider, Henry, joiner, h. s. w. cor. Mul-<br />

lett and Riopelle.<br />

Schneider, Herman, clerk, bds. 240 Clinton.<br />

Schneider, Herman, laborer, h. Morse, bet.<br />

Prospcet and Russell.<br />

Schneider, Jacob, laborer, h. 456 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Schneider, Jacob, peddler, h. 169 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Schneider, Job, h. 43 Croghan.



OFFER<br />



We make pone but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

Schneider, John, carpenter, h. 131 Mullett.<br />

Schneider, John, clerk, bds. 446 Orleans.<br />

Schneider, John, harnessmaker, h. 269 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Schneider, John, joiner, h. 448 Gratiot.<br />

Schneider, John, laborer, h. 370 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Schneider, John, tailor, h. 20 Beacon.<br />

Schneider, John, wagonmaker, 11. 85 North.<br />

Schneider, J ohn, wireweaver, h. 61 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Schneider, John Philip, baker, 605 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Sclineider, Joseph A., cooper, 49 Mullet t,<br />

h. same.<br />

Schneider, Louis, carpenter, bds. 129 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Schneider, Mathias, laborer, h. 178 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Schneider, Micliael, foreman Ro, enfield's<br />

tobacco factory, bda. 65 atwater.<br />

Schneider, Sebastian, drayman, h. 160 Na-<br />

poleon.<br />

Schneider, Stephen, lumber, 279 Grand<br />

River, h. s. m. cor. Third and Oak.<br />

Schneider, William, fishdealer, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, 11. 240 Clinton.<br />

Schneider, William, laborer, bds. 4 Glass<br />

ROW, Maple.<br />

Schneider, William, joiner, h. 13 Clay.<br />

Schneider, William, teamster, h. 532 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Schneiderheinzen, August, carpenter and<br />

grocer, n. e. cor. Cllene and Congress.<br />

Schneiderwinth, Charles, carpenter, h. 254<br />

Whitney.<br />

Schneidt, Christian, baker, bds. 133 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Schnell, John, boilermaker, h. 222 Howard.<br />

Schneitzer, George, shoemaker, h. 102 Wil-<br />

kins.<br />

Schnitker, Sophia (wid. Henry), h. 294<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Schnitzling. Ferdinand, painter, bds. 480<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schnitzling, Henry, carpenter, bds. 480<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Schnoering, Julius, insurance agent, h. 270<br />

Macomb.<br />

Schober, Emil (F. A. Schober & Bro.), h. 63<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Schober, Frederick A., (F. A. Schober &<br />

Bro.) h. 184 Lafayette.<br />

Schober, F. A., & Bro. (Frederick A. and<br />

Emil Schober'), book and job printers, 90<br />

Woodnvard ave., up-staim.<br />

Schoder, Frank, laborer, h. 195 Adams ave. e.<br />

Schoeb, Anton, laborer, bds. 35 Chestnut.<br />

Schoeb, John, laborer, h. 35 Chestnut.<br />

Schoedel, Martin, cabinetmaker, bds. n. s.<br />

Croghan, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

Schoellhammer, Frederick, brewer, h. 138<br />

Maple.<br />

Shoell hammer, William, brewer, h. 134<br />

Mullett.<br />

Schoemann, John B., notary public, h. 185<br />

Cat harin*.<br />

Scl~oen, Joseph, engineer, h. Maple, bet.<br />

St. Aubin ave. and Dequindre.<br />

Schoenbet, Frederick, laborer, h. e. Chene<br />

and n. German.<br />

Schoenewald, Christian, laborer, h. 262 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Schoenherr, John, laborer, bds. 326 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Sch oeppe, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 481 Gratiot.<br />

Schoeppe, Henry, carpenter, h. 345 High.<br />

Schoeppenhauer, Louis, carpet manfr., 2'71<br />

Uratiot., h. same.<br />

Sclioettle, Carl, propr. Elmira House, 163<br />

Larned w.<br />

Schoettler, John, h. 196 Lafayette e.<br />

Scholes, Miss Fanny. seamstress, bds. 47<br />

Bates.<br />

Scholes, Adam, shoecutter, h. 49 Porter.<br />

Sclioles, James, engineer, h. 34 Limburg.<br />

Scholes,Jane (wid. Etobert r, bds. 34 Limburg.<br />

Scuoles, Richard G., shoemaker, 173 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Scholes, Thomas, machinist, bds. 165 Franklin.<br />

Scholes, William, shoemaker, h. 47 Eighth.<br />

Scholles, NichoIas, laborer, h. 112 Clinton.<br />

Schone, Antoine, tailor, h. :6 Marion.<br />

Scllonnleyer, Frederick, painter, h. 308<br />

Fourth.<br />

Schooff, Theodore A., carpenter, h. 383 De<br />

quindre.<br />

School, Abbott Street, Abbott, bet. Second<br />

and Third. .<br />

~bhool, Barstow Union, cor. Larned and<br />

ltliopelle.<br />

School, Bishop Union, n. s. Marion, bet.<br />

Hastings and Prospect.<br />

School, Capitol, cor. State and Rowland.<br />

School, Cass Union, cor. Grand River and<br />

Second.<br />

School, Clinton Street German, Clinton,<br />

bet. Rivard and Russell.<br />

School (col'd), No. 1, Fort, bet. St. Antoine<br />

and Hastinp.<br />

School (col'd), No. 2, Itiopelle, bet. Croghan<br />

and Rfacolnb.<br />

School (col'd), Sisth Ward, No. 3,0hio, bet.<br />

Ha'stings and St. Antoine.<br />

School, Duffield Union, Clinton ave., bet.<br />

Chene and Jos. Carupau ave.<br />

School, Fourth Ward, Fort, bet. Hastings<br />

and Rivard.<br />

Scllool, Franklin, w. s. Serenth, bet. Locmt<br />

and Pine.


-<br />

School, German American Seminary, 219<br />

Lafayette.<br />

School, German Evangelical Lutheran Im-<br />

manuel's, Trumbull ave., near Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

School, German Evangelical Lutheran<br />

Salems (Rev. J. J. Schmidt, teacher). 18<br />

Catharine.<br />

School, German Evangelical Lutheran Trin-<br />

ity, Sherman, bet. Hivard and Russell.<br />

School, German Evangelical St. John's,<br />

Farrar, bet. Nonroe ave. and Gratiot.<br />

School, German Reformed Zions, Russell,<br />

bet. Catharine and Sherman.<br />

School, Guild Hall, Michigan ave., bet. Fifth<br />

and Sixth.<br />

School, Houghton Union, cor. Abbott and<br />

Sixth.<br />

School, Ladies' Industrial, Grand River,<br />

bet. Palmer and Washington ave.<br />

School, Lafontaine, Fifth, near Dalzell.<br />

School, Lyell ave., cor. Michigan and Ly-<br />

ell aves.<br />

School, Miami Avenue, e. s. Miami ave.,<br />

above Gratiot.<br />

School, New Ninth Ward, cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Marantette.<br />

School. Old Tenth Ward, s. s. Larned, bet.<br />

Dubois and Chene.<br />

School, Pestalozzi (German), cor. Prospect<br />

and Watson.<br />

School, St. Joseph's Catholic (Januarius<br />

Higi, teacher), cor. Jay and Orleans.<br />

School, St. Mary's Cat,holic German, s. w.<br />

cor. Crogllan and St. Antoine.<br />

Schooj, Sisters de Notre Dame ( Sister Sam-<br />

uella, Superior), 155 St. Antoine.<br />

School, Thirc! Ward, n. s. Fort, bet. Brush<br />

and Beaubien.<br />

School, Thompson Street, Thompson, near<br />

Grand River.<br />

School, Trowbridge, cor. Fort and Seven-<br />

teen th.<br />

School, W7illis Avenue, Willis aye., near<br />

VSToodward ave.<br />

Schooley, Alfred B., agent, h. 122 Park.<br />

Schoolcraft, Emmet I). Z., grocery and pro-<br />

visions, 483 Grand River, h. same.<br />

Echoop, Peter, coremaker, h. 536 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Schopp. Henry, saloon and boarding, h. 43<br />

Atwater.<br />

Schottler, Philip, shoemaker, h. 2'7 Silver.<br />

Schrage, Joseph, harnessmaker, n. w. cor.<br />

Gratiot and Orleans, h. same.<br />

Schrein, Joseph, blacksmith. h. 113 Naple.<br />

Schrievy, Joseph, peddler, h. 362 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Schrikel, Ernest, laborer, h. 353 North.<br />

Schrocoler, Valentine, saloon, 361 Franklin,<br />

h. same.<br />

8 Scl~rode, William, laborer, h. 361 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Schroeder, Charles, grocer, 246 Beaubien, h.<br />

same.<br />

Schroeder, Charles, 'laborer D. & M. R. R.<br />

freight department, h. 403 Antietam.<br />

Schroeder, Charles, laborer M. C. R. R.,bds.<br />

7 Sixth.<br />

Schroeder, Charles. pressman, h. 419 Maple.<br />

Schroeder, Christian, barber, 96 Gratiot,<br />

bds. Macomb, bet. St. Antoine and Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Scliroeder, Christian, laborer, h. 398 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Schroeder, Edward, h. 160 Lafayette ave.<br />

Schroeder, Edward, physician, 446 Gratiot,<br />

h. sanie.<br />

Schroeder, Edward C. (Fish & Schroeder),<br />

bds. Adams ave. w., n. Woodward ave.<br />

Scliroeder, Frederick, laborer, h. 518 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Schroeder, Frederick, tinsmith, h. 26 Chestnut.<br />

Schroeder, George, brewer, h. 141 Jay.<br />

Schroeder, Henry, carpenter, bds. 497 Croghan.<br />

Schroeder, Henry, laborer, h. $0 Clinton.<br />

Schroeder, Henry, tinsmith, h. 26 Chestnut.<br />

Scliroeder, John, bds. 293 Uratiot.<br />

Schroeder, John (A. Bretz & Co.), h. 86<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schroeder, Lawrence, blacksmith, bds.<br />

E ourth Ward Hotel.<br />

Schroeder, Vincent, clerk, bds. 160 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Schroeder, William, engineer, h. 12 Jay.<br />

Schroeder, William, laborer, h. cor. Riopelle<br />

and Maple.<br />

Schroeder, William, laborer, h. 213 Antietam.<br />

Schroeder, William, trunkmaker, bds. 403<br />

Antietam.<br />

Scliroeder, Mary (wid. John), h. s. w. cor.<br />

Fort and Hastiags.<br />

Scliryer, Edward T., h. 145 Fourteenth.<br />

Schubert, Henry, carpenter, bds. 180 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Schubert, Jolin G., saloon, 240 Gratiot.<br />

Schubert, Mina M. (wid. Henry), h. 180<br />

Adams aye. e.<br />

Schubnell, Leo (Lebens & Schubnell), h. 232<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Schuck, Conrad, grocer, 441 St. Antoine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Schudles, George, slioemaker, h. 217 High.<br />

Schuell, Edward, mason, h. 74 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Schuetter, Anton, sexton St. Joseph's<br />

church, h. Dequindre, bet. Jay and Gratiot.<br />

Schuetz, John C., saloon, 65 Bates, h. same.<br />

Scliuetz, Nicholas, silverlayer, h. '72 Russell.<br />

Schuholz, Christian, teamster, h. 97 Catharine.<br />

Schuhmacl~er, Mrs. A., h. 107 Mullett.<br />

Schuhmacl~er, Emilie, grocer, 352 Macomb,<br />

h. same.<br />

Schuhmacher, Fredericke (wid. Adam), bds.<br />

302 Bandolph.<br />



NEW YORX I Schulte, Csspar (C. & P. Schulte), h. 221<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, RIanager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Schuhmacher, John, laborer, h. 241 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Schuhmacher, Joseph, tinsmith, h. 106 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schuhmaclier, 'Martin, blacksmith. bds. 262<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Schuhmacher, Mary (wid. Mathias), h. 77<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schuhmacher, Nicholas E., printer, h. 1 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schuhmacher, Reinhard, printer, bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Schuknecht, Frederick, trunkmaker, bds.<br />

313 maple.<br />

Schuknecht, John, laborer, h. 313 Maple.<br />

Schuknecht, John C., bookbinder, h. 292<br />

Maple.<br />

Schule, Christian, laborer, h. 122 Twentieth.<br />

Schulenburg, Charles (C. Schulenburg &<br />

Co.), h. 318 St. Antoine.<br />

Schulenburg, John, carpenter, bds. 516<br />

Rlichigan ave.<br />

SCEULENBURG, C., & CO. (Charles<br />

Schulenburg and Adolph Zeller), billiard<br />

table manufacturers, 98, 100 and 102 Kan-<br />

dolph. (See adu.)<br />

Schuler, (jieorge, jeweler, 160 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 307 Congress e.<br />

Schuler, John, laborer, h. 248 Macomb.<br />

Schuler, Lawrence, laborer, h. 111 Marion.<br />

Schuler, William H., sawyer, h. rear w. s.<br />

Thirteenth, bet. Spruce and Chestnut.<br />

Schuliegh, Joseph, stonecutter, h. rear s. e.<br />

cor. Bellair and Riopelle.<br />

Schulmeyer, Andrew, baker, h. 59 De<br />

quindre.<br />

Schulte, Adolph, clerk, h. 232 Seventeenth.<br />

Schulte, Anthony, carpenter, h. 522 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Schulte, Anthony, groceries, 102 Macomb, h.<br />

same.<br />

Schulte, Anthony, jr., clerk, bds. 102 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schulte, Anton, h. 241 Clinton.<br />

Schul te, Augustus, upholsterer, h. 170 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Schulte, Mrs. Caroline, vegetables, 11 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. Hamtramck.<br />

Schulte, Catharine (wid. John P.), h. 0.27<br />

n. 307 North.<br />

Schulte, Caspar, carpenter, h. 114 Rtacomb.<br />

Schulte, Caspar, joiner, h. o. 98 n. 102 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schulte, Caspar, physician, 30 Monroe we.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Schulte, Elizabeth (wid. Frank), h. 168 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Schulte, Frank, j r., carpenter, bds. 63 North.<br />

Schulte, Frank, sr., shoemaker, h. 63 North.<br />

Schulte, Ferdinand, cigarmaker, bds. 37<br />

Mullett.<br />

Schulte, Frederick W., moulder D. & M. R.<br />

It., h. 232 Seventeenth.<br />

Schulte, Henry (Schulte & Co.), bds. 65 De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Schulte, Herman (Schulte & Co.), h. 65 De<br />

quindre.<br />

Schulte, John, bds. 221 Clinton.<br />

Schulte, John, carpetweaver, h. 156 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Schulte, John, grocer, 404 Riopelle, h. sarns.<br />

Schulte, John, tailor, h. 230 Mullett.<br />

Schulte, John (Schulte Bros.), h. 288 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Schulte, Joseph, laborer, h. 147 Sherman.<br />

Schulte, Joseph (Schulte Bros.), h. 187 hf ul-<br />

let t.<br />

Schulte, Ludwig, plasterer, h. 313 North.<br />

Schulte, Peter, clerk, h. 152 Hastings.<br />

Schulte, Peter (C. & P. Schulte), h. 177<br />

Croghan.<br />

Schulte, Theodore, laborer, bds. 65 De-<br />

quindre.<br />

Schulte, Theodore J., clerk, h. 117 Macomb.<br />

Schulte, Theodore J., salesman, h. 172 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Schulte, \lTilliam, laborer, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Mullett and Itiopclle.<br />

Schulte, wagonmaker, h. 381 La-<br />

fontaine ave.<br />

Schulte Bros. (John and Joseph Schulte),<br />

soap and candle manufacturers, 186<br />

Franklin.<br />

Schulte, C. & P. (Caspar and Peter Schulte),<br />

soap and potash manufacturers, Blver<br />

Road, foot Twenty-third.<br />

Schulte & Co. (Herman and Henry Schulte),<br />

grocers, 65 Dequindre.<br />

Schul tsr, Williau, carpenter, h. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Grand River.<br />

Schultheis, J ohn, shoemaker, bds. 93 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Schultheis, Philip, painter, h. 72 Maple.<br />

Schultheis, William, marble works, 31<br />

Michigan Grand ave., 11. 160 Elizabeth e.<br />

Schultz, Charles, blacksmith, bds. 365 (hand<br />

Itiver.<br />

Schultz, Charles, cigarmaker, h. 203 Adama<br />

ave. e.<br />

Schul tz, Charles, gardener, h. 544 Seventh.<br />

Schultz, Frank, carpenter, h. 72 Columbia<br />

east..<br />

Schultz, Frederick, bricklayer, h. 496 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Schulsz, George, saloon, 533 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

Schultz, Gustave, jeweler, bds. 263 La-<br />



-<br />

Schultz, Herman, cabinetmaker, h. 455 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Schultz, John, policeman, h. 101 Baker.<br />

Schultz, Jolin, tanner, bds. n. e. cor. Howard<br />

and Thirteenth,<br />

Schultz, Jolin, jr., tanner, h. n. e. cor. How-<br />

ard and Thirteenth.<br />

Schultz, Pauline (wid. Godfrey), h. e. s. La-<br />

salle ave., nr. Linden.<br />

Schultz, Wilheltnina (wid. Charles), vege-<br />

tables, 22 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. suburbs.<br />

Schultz, William, blacksmith, h. 115 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Schultze, John, laborer, h. cor. Howard and<br />

Thirteenth.<br />

Scliulze, Adam, clerk American Express, h.<br />

152 Montcalm e.<br />

Schulze, Frederick, grocery, 311 Orleans, h.<br />

same.<br />

Schulze, Richard, clerk, bds. 311 Orleans.<br />

Schumacher, Conrad, laborer, h. 114 Rus-<br />

sell.<br />

Schumacher, Hermann J., tinsmith, h. I06<br />

Macom b,<br />

Schumacher, Peter, tinsmith, bds. 77 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Schuman, Hartman, shoemaker, h, 372 Fif-<br />

teenth.<br />

Schurner, Mathias, clothesclea ner, 98 Bates,<br />

h. 80 Lafayette.<br />

Scliumer, Peter, tailor, bds. 80 Lafayette.<br />

Schumm, Charles E., steamboat messenger,<br />

h. o. 13 n. 17 Baker.<br />

Schuneman, Albert (Schuneman Bros.), bds.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Schuneman. Theodore (Schuneman Bros.),<br />

bds. Franklin House.<br />

Schuneman Bros. (Theodore and Albert<br />

Schuneman), tobacconists, 63 Griswold.<br />

Schunicuck, Rudolph, bds. 406 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Schuwerk, Adam, peddler, 21. 6 North.<br />

Scliure, Peter, laborer, h. 551 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Schury, Charles, laborer, bds. 218 Marion.<br />

Schury, John, boilermaker, bds. 218 Marion.<br />

Scliury, Simon, mason, 11. 218 Marion.<br />

Schurz, Louis, pianomaker, h. o. 126 n. 154<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Schute, Nicholas, gilder, bds. 72 Russell.<br />

Schuter, William, painter, h. 490 Clinton.<br />

Schutt, Cat harim (wid. Wolfgangj. h. 92<br />

Sherman.<br />

Schutter, William, painter, h. 490 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Schutz, Frank, painter, h. 480 Clinton ave.<br />

Schutz, Frederick, painter, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Thirteenth and Howard.<br />

Schutz. Rosa, fancy dry-goods, h. 243 Fort e.<br />

Schwaben, Eichard, sailor, bds. 185 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Schwanebeck, Benjamin, bds. 337 Mont-<br />

calm e.<br />

Gchwanebeck, Frederick, porter, h. 337<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

46<br />

I River,<br />

-<br />

Schwanebeck, William, porter, h. 453 Oatharine.<br />

Schwarm, Frederick, laborer, h. 168 Mullett .<br />

Schwartz, Charles, bds. 222 Orleans.<br />

Schwartz, Charles, toys and fancy goods, 59<br />

Wovdward ave., h. 321 Congress e.<br />

Schwartz, Conrad, carpenter and builder, h.<br />

34 Prospect.<br />

Schwartz, Franz, carpenter, 11. 317 Clinton.<br />

Schwartz, Jacob, tailor, h. 180 Elizabeth e.<br />

Schwartz, Jacob, tobacoonist, h. 517 Mullett.<br />

Schwartz, John, cabinetmaker, h. 430 Mullett.<br />

Schwttrtz, John, grocer, 320 St. Aubin ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Schwartz, Louis, laborer. h. 131 Maple.<br />

Schwartz, Ludwig, boilermaker, h. 231 Maple.<br />

Schwartz, Nicholas, saloon, cor. Gratiot and<br />

Hastinis, h. same.<br />

Schwartz, Nicholas, wood sawyer, h. o. 82<br />

n. 184 Bronson.<br />

Schwarzenberg, Frank, polisher, h. 197 Russel.<br />

Schwarzfischer, Savier, cooper, bds. 337<br />

Hastings.<br />

Schweiger, Casper, carpenter, h. 408 Mullett.<br />

Schweikart, Walter, saloon, Croghan, n. w.<br />

cor. Elmwood ave., 11. same.<br />

Schweikert, John, cabinetmaker,bds. 90 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Schweikert, ~ra,nk&binetmaker, h. 65 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Schweitzer, Christian. meat market, 2 Jay,<br />

bds. Biopelle, nr. Marion.<br />

Schweitzer, David, soap and candle maker,<br />

11. n. s. Grand River, nr. toll gate.<br />

Scliweitzer, Edward, gilder, bds. 98 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Schweitzer, Frank, currier, bds. 65 Croglian.<br />

Sch weitzer, Frederick, teamster, h. 88 Xullett.<br />

Schweitzer, Frederick, wagonmaker, h. 140<br />

Catharine.<br />

Schweitzer, George, grocery and saloon, n.<br />

e. cor. Hastings and Franklin, h. same.<br />

Schweitzer, Mrs. Gattlieb, milk peddler, h.<br />

527 Clinton ave.<br />

Schweitzer, Joseph, h. 79 Croglian.<br />

Sch~veitzer, Ludwig, laborer, bds. 4 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Schweitzer, William, tanner, h. 79 Croghan.<br />

Schweitzer, William, wagonmaker, - h. 83<br />

Catharine.<br />

Scl1weizberger, Bernhard, butcher, bds. Jay,<br />

cor. Dequindre.<br />

Schwemler, Nicholas, cigarmaker, h. 88<br />

Russell.<br />

Schwenderman, Martin, shoemaker, 41 Congress<br />

e., h. 523 Clinton ave.<br />

Schwenk, Edward, turner, 11.18 Beacon.<br />

Schn-enk, John B., shoemaker, 11 9 Grand<br />

h, same.

SCH<br />




Schwerdt, John, sailor, bds. 80 Front.<br />

Schwertzniek, John, sawfiler, 387 Hastings,<br />

bds. 455 same.<br />

Schwieger. Michael, carpenter, h. 151 Jay.<br />

Schwienel, Mathias, laborer, h. o. 37 n. 115<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Schwierad, Hubert, laborer, bds. 338 Bronson.<br />

Schwierad, Mathias, carpenter, bds. 338<br />

Bronson.<br />

Schwietz, George. porter, h. 291 High.<br />

Schwindeman, Martin, shoemaker, h. 523<br />

Clinton ave.<br />

Schwinden, Frank T., clerk, bds, 335 Franklin.<br />

Schwinesburgh, John, milk man, bds. e. s.<br />

Fourth, nr. Holden road.<br />

Schwinn, Rev. George, pastor German Methodist<br />

Episcopal Church, h. 63 Croghan.<br />

Schwoob, Michael, laborer, h. 504 Kiopelle.<br />

Schwoppe, Frederick, carpenter, h. 85 Sherman.<br />

Scoantick, Steinlol, laborer, h. o. 62 n. 220<br />

Whitney.<br />

ScoEeld, Joseph, barber, h. o. 115 n. 167<br />

Marion.<br />

Scollan, James, laborer, h. cor. Jos. Campau<br />

ave. and W oodbridge.<br />

Scott, Albert, merchant, bds. 62 Sibley.<br />

Scott, Alfred J., pork packer, h. 131 First.<br />

Scott, Alexander C., photographer, bds. n. e.<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and Brush.<br />

Scott, Alesander J., bds. Uarrison House.<br />

Scott, Andrew, paver, h. w. s. Fourth,<br />

opp. Tuscola.<br />

Scott, Andrew J., agent, h. 482 Cass ave.<br />

Scott, Benjamin, carpenter, h. 32 Locust.<br />

Scott, David, shipcarpenter, h. Congress, s.<br />

w. cor. Dequindre.<br />

Scott, David &I., currier, bds. a. w. cor. Elmwood<br />

ave and Fort.<br />

Scott, Henry (col'd), cook, h. 62 Macomb.<br />

Scott, Henry C., pork packer, bds. 151 First.<br />

Scott, Henry W., blacksmith, bds. 32 Locust.<br />

Scott, James, painter, h. 65 Larned e.<br />

Scott, James D., carpenter, h. 324 Fourth.<br />

Scott, Miss Jessie, sewing machine instructress,<br />

bds. 398 Riopelle.<br />

Scott, John, hose cart driver steamer No. 1,<br />

h. 298 Abbott.<br />

Scott, John A., grocer, 251 Clrand River, h.<br />

same.<br />

Scott, Rev. John P., pastor First United<br />

Presbyterian dhurch, h. 112 Wayne.<br />

Scott, Joseph B., ship broker, h. 133 Henry.<br />

Scott, Lucia (col'd-wid. Avery), h. 308 Mg<br />

comb.<br />

Scott, L. S., jr., express messenger, bds. Bid-<br />

dle House.<br />

Scott, Mary (wid. John W.), h. 43 Abbott.<br />

Scott, Philip, shoemaker, bds. 55 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Scott, Samuel, sailor, h. 201 Atbott.<br />

Scott, Samuel B. (Scott r9t Perry), h. 54<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Scott, Sidney L., express messenger, bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Scott, Sylvester, teamster, h. 38 Pine.<br />

Scott, Thomas G)., bookkeeper, h. 417 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Scott, Vincent J., banker, 159 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. n. e. cor. Brush and Columbia.<br />

Scott, Walter, bds. 131 First.<br />

Scott, Mrs. William, milliner and dressma-<br />

ker, 16 Labrosse, h. same.<br />

Scott, William B., painter, h. 88 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Scott, William B., ailo or, h. 261 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Scott, William H., produce dealer, 389 Grand<br />

River, h. same.<br />

Scott, William J., shoemaker, bds. 16 h-<br />

brosse.<br />

Scotten, Daniel (Scotten, Lovett & Co,.), h.<br />

Vinewood ave., Riverside.<br />

Scotten, Lovett & Co. (Daniel Scotten, Wil-<br />

liam E. Lovett, Joseph T. Lowry and<br />

John h. Colville), tobacconists, 104,106,<br />

108 and 110 Randolph.<br />

Scovell, Mrs. H. M., bds. Russell House.<br />

Scovell, John B., physician, 208 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 110 St. Antoine.<br />

Scovell, Massie W., carpenter, h. 382 Sixth.<br />

Scri bner, Soule, carpenter, h. 199 fil ullet t.<br />

Scrimger, William A., laborer, h. 182 See<br />

ond.<br />

Scrimger, William A., laborer, h. 142 Seo<br />

ond.<br />

Scri pps, James E., gen'l manager Advertiser<br />

and Tribune, h. 135 Lafayette ave.<br />

Scripps, William A., clerk Advertiser and<br />

Tribune, h. 135 Lafayette ave.<br />

Scroeger, John, Illason, h. n. w. cor. Orleans<br />

and Rronson.<br />

Scudder, John, clerk, bds. 159 Fort w.<br />

Scully, Andrew, boilermaker, bds. 32 Wood-<br />

brid, me ' w.<br />

Scully, Catharine (wid. John), h. 331 Fifth..<br />

Scully, James, brass finisher, h. 373 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Scully, John, h. n. e. cor. Jones and Fourth.<br />

Scully, Lawrence, clerk, bds. n. e. cor. Jones<br />

and Fourth.<br />

Scurypck, Felix, clerk, h. 15 Jefferson ave.<br />

Scurynck, Johu G., teamster, bds. Cass Ho-<br />

tel.<br />

Scuyder, Charles E., bosmaker, h. 70 Baker.<br />

Seaberry, Thomas, engineer, h. 263 Sixth.<br />

Seaforth, Heury, cigarmaker, 21. n. s. Clin-<br />

ton ave., bet. Chene and Dubois.


-- - -<br />

Seage, John, h. 329 Mullett.<br />

Seagrave, Frederick S., agent S. K. Taft,<br />

bds. n. e. cor. Woodward ave. and GFra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Seals, Thomas (col'd), collarmaker, h. 55<br />

Mullett.<br />

Sealy, Henry A. (Wesley, Sealey & Co.), h.<br />

12 Brainard.<br />

Sealy, Thomas, grocery, o. 225 n. 267 Mich-<br />

igan ave., 11. 90 Leverett.<br />

Seaman, George, machinist, h. 365 Lafay-<br />

ete ave.<br />

Seaman, James M., joiner, bds. 161 Cass.<br />

Seaman, John D., lake captain, h. 59 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Searle, Daniel C., carpenter, h. 62 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Sears, Asa B., builder, h. w. s. Woodward<br />

ave., bet. Campbell and Parsons.<br />

Sears, Julian (wid. Ithmer), h. e. s. Mount<br />

Hope ave., bet. Ash and Myrtle.<br />

Sears, W ~lliam H., brickmaker, office 36<br />

Micliigan rtve., h. Hamtramck.<br />

Searing, William R., bookkeeper, bds. 47<br />

Fort w.<br />

Seaton, Henry, sailor, bds. Emmet House.<br />

Seaton, John, clerk, h. 154 Benton.<br />

Seaton, ftobert (Seaton & Ritchie), h. o. 19<br />

n. 21 eeorge.<br />

SEATON & RITCEIIE (Robert Seaton and<br />

Thomas Ritchie), buildels, n. w. cor.<br />

Cass and Spencer. (See adv.)<br />

Seaver, Charles, laborer, h. 220 Eighteenth.<br />

Seat-er, Herman, shoemaker, bds. Eight-<br />

eenth, nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Sebary, Thomas, engineer, h. 263 Sixth.<br />

Sebe, Henry, tailor, h. 102 Napoleon.<br />

Seber, Martin, laborer, h. 486 Lasalle ave.<br />

Sebill, Julius, laborer, bds. Washington<br />

House, Woodbridge w.<br />

Secomb, John L. (J. L. Secornb 6r; Co)., h.<br />

324 Kiopelle.<br />

SECOMB, J. L., & CO. (John L. Secomb and<br />

James Dewey), spring bed manfrs., foot<br />

Itiopelle. (See ads.)<br />

Secord, Napoleon, laborer, bds. 20 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Sedlow, Gilbert, shoemaker, h. 269 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Sedlow. Joseph, shoemaker, h. 205 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Sedlow, Louis, shoemaker, h. 370 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Seefred, John C., carpenter, h. 195 Fort e.<br />

Seefred, Silas S., clerk, bds. 195 Fort e.<br />

Seegsr, Frederick, blacksmith, bds. 186<br />

Rivard.<br />

Seeger, Frederick, carpenter, h. 116 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Seeger, Frederick, jr., printer, bds. 116<br />

Catharine.<br />

Seeger, George, laborer, h. 292 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Seeley, Daniel, furniture, 130 and 132 Gris-<br />

wold, h. same.<br />

- ---<br />

Seeley, Henry, beer peddler, h. 468 Fifth.<br />

Seeley, John, furniture, h. 152 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Seeley, Merritt, route agent A. M. U. Espress<br />

Co., bds. 87 Washington ave.<br />

Seely, James M., perfumer, 263 and 265<br />

Woodward ave., h. same.<br />

Seely, Marcus A., traveling agent, h. 282<br />

Randolph.<br />

Seereiter, John, billiard rooms, Russell<br />

House, h. o. 95 n. 115 Croghan.<br />

Seereiter, John, jr., bds. o. 95 n. 115 Croghan.<br />

Sefner, John, carpenter, 11. 428 Croghan.<br />

Seg, Simon, porter, h. 153 Woodward ave.<br />

Segan, John, laborer, h. 110 Seventeenth.<br />

Segden, -- Frederick, stonecutter, h. 109 RUSsell.<br />

- -<br />

Seibert, Allgust, brakeman M. C. R. R., h.<br />

lG'2 Napoleon.<br />

Seibert, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 419 James.<br />

Seibert, John, shoemaker, h. 184 Clinton.<br />

Seibert, William, stonecutter, h. 151 Antietam.<br />

Seible, Philip, laborer, h. 136 Division.<br />

Seichmann, Jacob, carpenter, h. 101 Whitney.<br />

Seidel, Christian, cigarmaker, h. 176 Napolet<br />

)n.<br />

Seidig, August, teamster, h. 29 National<br />

ave.<br />

Seife, Anthony, laborer, h. w. s. Fourteenth,<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Seifert, John, hackman, h. 296 Macomb.<br />

Seifert, Julius, bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

Seigel, Gottieb, vegetables, 16 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. suburbs.<br />

Seila.mer, Mrs. Catharine, h. 537 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Seiler, Jacob, carpenter, h. 199 Clinton.<br />

Seiler, John L.,gardener. h. e. s. Mayberry<br />

ave., bet. Myrtle and Magnolia.<br />

Seitz, Charles B., woodturner, h. 215 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Seitz, Frederick L. (I?. L. Seitz & Co.), h. 50<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Seitz, George, Yankee notions, 150 Macomb,<br />

h. same.<br />

Seitz, George F., h. 58 Russell.<br />

Seitz, John H. (F. L. Seitz & Co.), h. o. 136<br />

n. 154 Larned e.<br />

Seitz, Lorenz, h. 116 RSullett.<br />

Seitz, F. L., & Co. (Frederick L. and John H.<br />

Seitz), bankers, 53 GFriswold.<br />

Seiz, Jos .*ph, tailor, h. 131 Bronson.<br />

Selak, Martin, insurance agent, h. 467 St<br />

Antoine.<br />

Seleno, Andrew, harnessmaker, h. 19 Pros.<br />

pect .<br />

Sell, Daniel, carpenter, h. 62 Hsrrison ave.<br />

Seller, Frederick, carpenter, h. 63 WTilkins.<br />

Sellin, Adolph, cabinetmaker, h. 298 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Selling, Louis, tobacco dealer, 292 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.


NEW YORE<br />

Liffe~ Inis~c.aww<br />

- E~rn;pamy~<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON IUeELROF, DIanager and Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Seltzer, George, butcher, bds. 115 Randolph.<br />

Selvice, John, bookkeeper, bds. 120 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Sernenek, Peter, tailor, h. 199 Marion.<br />

Sen~pry, Bernard, sailor, h. s. e. cor. Grove<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Sems, Charles, carpenter, h. 345 Rlullett.<br />

Seaador, Anthony, h. s. w. cor. Lasalle ave.<br />

and Linden.<br />

Senftleben, Charles, carpenter, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Eighteenth and Pine.<br />

Senecle, Alphonse, painter, h. 543 Clinton<br />

ave.<br />

Senecle, Henry, painter, h. 530 Macomb.<br />

Senecle, John, bds. 543 Clinton ave.<br />

Seneoh, William, yardman Russell House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Senninger, Nicholas, cooper, saloon, 359<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

SenryucB, Felix, laborer, h. 13 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Senter, Peter, shipcarpenter, h. o. 466 n.<br />

488 Woodbridge e.<br />

Seorll, George (col'd), plasterer, h. 157 Lafayette.<br />

Sequin, Louis, boatowner, h. 459 Macomb.<br />

Serenberg, Christian, clerk P. O., h 7<br />

Sixth.<br />

Seroff. Frederick, gardener, h. 375 Seventeenth.<br />

Sertmann, Robert, shoemaker, h. 271 Hastings.<br />

.Serveme, Eugene, laborer, bds. 135 National<br />

ave.<br />

Servise. John, bookkeeper, bds. 220 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Setler, Albertine (wid. John), h. 119 Clinton.<br />

Seurenck, Peter, laborer, h. n. w. cor. St.<br />

Aubin ave. and Larned.<br />

Severd, John, shipcarpenter, h. 280 Franklin.<br />

Sevigne, Louis, Supt. Rlichigan Bolt and<br />

Nut Co., h. Adams aye., cor. Brush.<br />

Sewald, John, clerk, bds. 138 Sherman.<br />

Sewell, Augustus R., Custom House officer,<br />

bds. Purdy's Hotel.<br />

Sexton, Cornelius, with R. Bronson, h. 55<br />

Wayne.<br />

Seston, Elmina (wid.), h. 69 Walnut.<br />

Seston, John, gardener, h. 215 Nineteenth.<br />

Sexton, John, machinist, bds. 55 Wayne.<br />

Seston, Jolin M., carbuilder, bds. 78 Wayne.<br />

Seyforth, Edward, cigarmaker, h. 1'75 James.<br />

Seyforth, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 65 Clinton<br />

aTe.<br />

Seymour, Abraham, caulker. h. 461 Magomb.<br />

Seymour, Alfred, shipcarpenter, h. 57'? Larned<br />

e.<br />

Seymour, Arba M., bookkeeper, h. 61 Sibley.<br />

Seymour, August, fa] mer, bds. s. e. corner<br />

Mary and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Seymour, George, carpenter, h. 203 Maple.<br />

Sliackleford, Henderson (col'd), tanner, h.<br />

94 Brewster.<br />

Sllackleton, Richard, clerk, bds. Franklin<br />

Hcuse.<br />

Shader, Catharine (col'd-wid. Lord), h. 361<br />

Macomb.<br />

Shaenert, Frederick, carpenter, h. 215 Whitney.<br />

Shafer, Ellen, dressmaker, h. 5 Park Place.<br />

Shafer, Frederick, painter, bds. 279 Montcdm<br />

e.<br />

Sha,?r, Joseph W. (col'd), coachman, h. 147<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Sliaffer, Andrew, sawyer, bds. 206 Crogllan.<br />

Shafer, Philip, laborer, h. s. s. Holden Road,<br />

e. G. T. R. crossing.<br />

Shahan, Catharine (wid. Michael), h. 156<br />

Seventh.<br />

Shahm, Daniel, laborer, h. 253 Porter.<br />

Shallow, Ambrose, watchman M. S. R.. R.,<br />

h. 8 Glass Row, Maple.<br />

Shanahan, John, teamster, h. s. w. corner<br />

Fourth and Vine.<br />

Shanahan, Patrick, weighmaster, h. 215<br />

Fifth.<br />

Shank, Christopher, grocer, 486 Macomb, h.<br />

same.<br />

Shanness, Michael, mason, bds. 109 Cherry.<br />

Shannessy, James, carriagepainter, h. o. 131<br />

n. 165 Adams ave. e.<br />

Shannessy, Timothy, laborer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Seventh and Plum.<br />

Shannon, James, machinist, h. 64 Jones.<br />

Shannon, Mary (wid, James), h. 258 Seventh.<br />

Shannon, Patrick, plasterer, h. 360 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Shannon, Richard, moulder, bds. 333 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Shano, George, laborer, 11.111 Antietam.<br />

Shapeton, Anthony, plasterer, h. 84 Antietam.<br />

Shapeton, Mary (wid. Henry), h. 356 Macomb.<br />

Shappa, .Charles, shoemaker, hds. w. s.<br />

Woodward ave., bet. Base Ball Grounds<br />

and Holden Road.<br />

Share, Moses A., joiner, h. 485 Cass ave.<br />

Sharqn, Angeline (wid. Michaelj, h. o. 266<br />

n. 292 St. Antoine.<br />

Sharon, Henry, laborer, h. 206 High.<br />

Sharon, Henry, machinist, h. 109 Antietam.<br />

Sharo~i, Marcel (Burns & Sharon), bds. 4<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Sharp, Chauncey, laborer, bds. 304 Second.<br />

Sharp, George H., carpenter, h. 231 Fifth.<br />

Sharp, John, carpenter, h. 304 Second.<br />

Sharp, Lucinda (wid.), h. 22 Howard.


Sharp, Richard, engineer, h. 135 Harrison Shay, Honora (wid. John), h. 84 Orchard.<br />

ave.<br />

Shay, Michael, laborer, h. 184 Cherry.<br />

Shattuck, Alfred L., clerk, h. 79 Howard. Shay, Michael, laborer, h. alley rear 173<br />

Shaughnessy, Mary (wid. William), h. 91 Fourth.<br />

Michigan aye.<br />

Shay, Patrick, clerk Peoples Despatch, bds.<br />

Shaughnessy, Michael, laborer, h. 754 Fort Antisdel House.<br />

west.<br />

Shay, Roger, shoemaker, bds. 32 Wood-<br />

Shauglmessy, Patrick, blacksmith, h. 155 bridge w.<br />

Orleans.<br />

Shay, Timothy, drayman, h. 316 Third.<br />

Shaughnessy, Patrick, cooper, b. 251 Mul- Shea, John, laborer. h. 180 Franklin.<br />

lett.<br />

Shea, John, shoemaker, h. 118 Riopelle.<br />

Shaver, David, laborer, h. Springwells, nr. Shear, Charles, carpenter, h. 251 Clin-<br />

G. T. Junction.<br />

ton.<br />

Shaver, Timothy, laborer, bds. cor. Tenth Shear, Frederick, laborer, h. e. s. Lasalle<br />

and Woodbridge<br />

ave., nr. Buchanan.<br />

Shavlin, Michael, grocer, s. w. cor. Michigan Shear, Harmon, restaurant, M. C. R. R. deave.<br />

and Sixteenth, 11. same.<br />

pot, h. 70 Howard.<br />

Shaw, Albert E., lumber, h. 279 Howard. Shearer, Mitze, laborer, h. Washington<br />

Shaw, Alfred W., bds Michigan Exchange. bet. Eighteenth and Nineteenth.<br />

Shaw, Andrew, cierk, h. 116 Cherry. Shearer, Peter, laborer, h. Eighteenth, bet.<br />

Shaw. Chester J., salesman, bds. 94 Michi- Fort and Howard.<br />

gan ave.<br />

Shebe, Joseph, ashpeddler, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

Shaw, Daniel L., saddler, 94 Michigan ave., nr. Hazel.<br />

h. same.<br />

Sheedy, Thomas, laborer, h. 133 Twenty-<br />

Shaw, Frank, engineer, h. 334 Fort e. third.<br />

Shaw, George Lt., student, bds. 52 Columbia Sheeha, John, laborer, h. Third, bet. Abbott<br />

west.<br />

and Porter.<br />

Shaw, Henry H., clerk, bds. 22 Macomb. Sheehan, Catharine (wid. Timothy), h. 60<br />

Shaw, James, engineer M. S. R. R., h. s. s. State.<br />

Elin, nr. Grand River.<br />

Sheehan, Daniel, shipbroker, Brady's Block,<br />

Shaw, James C., clerk. hds. 293 Larned e. h. 392 Congress e. .<br />

Shaw, Joseph H., saddler, bds. 94 Michigan Sheehan, James, porter, h. 150 Jones.<br />

ave.<br />

Sheehan, James, clerk, bdo. 150 Jones.<br />

Shaw, Morse S., saddler, bds. 94 Michigan Sheehan, John,, drayman, h. 150 Jones.<br />

ave.<br />

Sheehan, Patrick, porkpacker, bds. 79 Por-<br />

Shaw, Philip, laborer, h. 236 Mullett. ter.<br />

Shaw, Robert, track repairer M. C. R. R., Sheehan, William, butcher, 80 Porter, h. 18<br />

bds. Franklin House.<br />

same.<br />

Shaw, Samuel, edgetool manfr., h. 22 Ma- Sheehy, Cornelius, traveling agent, h. 261<br />

comb.<br />

Second.<br />

Shaw-, Samuel, jr., notions, 54 Shelby, h. Sheehy, John, sailor, h. 42 Beech.<br />

103 Cass ave.<br />

Sheeler, Andrew, collarmaker, bds. Good-<br />

Shaw, Thomas M., carpenter, h. 165 Fourth. man House.<br />

Shaw, Thomas, jr., bds. 165 Fourth. Sheely, Franklin, street car driver, bds. o.<br />

Shaw, \TTilliam, farmer, h. 52 Columbia w. 173 n. 207 Fourth.<br />

Shaw, William, painter, h. 97 Columbia Sheen, John M., policeman, h. o. 320 n. 450<br />

west.<br />

Third.<br />

Shaw, William C., machinist, h. 21 Jones. Sheer, Michael, carpenter, h. 9 Harriett.<br />

Shaw. William H. (Shaw & Marvin), 11. 97 Sheeran, Richard B., bartender, bds. 97<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Shaw, William El., traveling agent, h. 88 Sheeran, Thomas, billiard room, 97 Michigan<br />

Labrosse.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

SHAW, WILLIAM S., merchant taiior, Shefferly, Adolph, clerk, bds. Croghtin, bet.<br />

224 Jefferson ave., h. 17 Croghan. (See Hastings and Kivard.<br />

ad a:)<br />

Shefferly, Francis X., bookkeeper, hds. s. s.<br />

Sliaw & Marvin (William H. Shaw and Croghan. bet. Hastings and Rivard.<br />

Russell Marvin), wholesale Yankee no- Shefferly, John, carpenter, h. s. s. Croghan,<br />

tions. 162 Jefferson ave.<br />

bet. Hastings and Rioard.<br />

Shay, Anthony, laborer, h. s. w. corner De- Shefferly, John B., crockery and glassware,<br />

quindre and Lafay ette.<br />

' 138 and 140 Woodward ave., h. o. 65 n.<br />

Shay, Daniel, clerk, h. s. s. Jones, bet. 113 Henry.<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Shelby, August, grocer and saloon, 487<br />

Shay, Edward, laborer, h. 115 Plum.<br />

1 Grand River, h. 485 same.<br />

Shay, George, botanic physician, h. near n. Shelden, Allan (Allan Shelden 8t Co.), h. 64<br />

m. cor. Beaubien and Bronson.<br />

1 congress w.

--<br />

SHE SHO<br />

Physicians always specify I Sheridan, Thomas, laborer, h. 16 Park<br />

Place.<br />

She~dan, Thomas, printer, bds. 88 Larned<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS eo.,s<br />

g&ugIJ B,XTBAQ!IJB<br />


OTmB Mm~~cTmEs iuAy BE Smp~mD*<br />

Shelden, Allan, 4%. (Allan ahel-<br />

den, James L, Edson and George F.<br />

&loore), wholesale dry goods, 21 and 23<br />

Woodward am. (See adu.)<br />

Sheldon, Charles A., commission merchant,<br />

s. e. cor. Front and Second, h. 237 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Sheldon, Frank W., salesman, bds. 49 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Sheldon, Garwood T., lawyer, h. 49 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Sheldon, Henrietta C. (wid. Edgar B.), teach-<br />

er Miami ave. school, bds. 60 Miami ave.<br />

Sheldon, Henry A., omnibus driver, bds.<br />

Cass House.<br />

Sheley, Alanson (Farrand, Sheley & Co.), h.<br />

172 VFToodward ave.<br />

SHELEY, GEORGE A., wholesale and re-<br />

tail grocer, 164 Woodward ave., h. 172<br />

same.<br />

.Sheley, John, machinist, h. 396 woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Shell, Daniel, brakeman M. C. R. R-, bds.<br />

242 Seventh.<br />

Shelle, htoine, carpenter, h. 200 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Shelling, George, laborer, h. 226 Calhoun.<br />

Shelp, Charles, silverplater, 26 Monroe ave.,<br />

h. 218 Napoleon.<br />

Shemeld. John, bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

She~k, Rudolph, csrpenter, h. 295 Whit-<br />

ney.<br />

Shenre, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 224 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Shepard, Edward P., clerk, bds. 172 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Shepard, Ellen, invoice clerk, bds. 199<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Shepard, John H., salesman, h. o. 29 n. 33<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Shephard, Alfred E., booklreeper, bds. Bid-<br />

dle House.<br />

Shephard, Edward, clerk, bds. 45 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Shephard, Edward, painter, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Washingbton ave. and Grand River.<br />

Shephard, Edwin, stonecutter, bds. 578 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Shephard, Jane (wid. Francis), h. 139 Ma-<br />

corn b.<br />

Shephard, Joseph, clerk, bds. 87 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Shephard, William,' stonecutter, h. 578 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Sheron, George, machinist, h. 113 Antietam.<br />

Sheridan, Frank, laborer, h. 248 Howard.<br />

east.<br />

Sherigan, Francis, laborer, h. 248 Howard.<br />

Sherlock, Ellen (wid. John), h. 138 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Sherlock, James, h. 327 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sherlock, James E., bds. 82 First.<br />

Sherlock, Mary J. (wid. Edward T.), h. 82<br />

First.<br />

Sherlock, Patrick, painter, bds. 260 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Sllerman, James G., conductor M. C. R. R..<br />

he Lafayette ape.<br />

Sherman, John, saloon, 61 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Sherman, L. Albert, editor Daily Post, h. I?' ;<br />

plum. I<br />

Sherman, Lucius B., salesman, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Sherow, Henry, machinist, h. 109 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Sherratt, George, tailor, bds. 426 Grand ,<br />

River.<br />

Sherratt, Richard, stairbuilder, h. 81 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Sherrill, Miss Mary, preceptress <strong>Detroit</strong> Fe-<br />

male Seminary, bds. 84 Fort w.<br />

Slierwood, Anson S., lightning rods, h. 190<br />

Bagg.<br />

Sherwood, Charles, porter Western Hotel,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Sherwood, David B., printer, h. 54 Wayne.<br />

Sherwood, Minna (wid.), 11. 184 Macorr~b.<br />

Shibley, Lewis, machinist, h. 211 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

bhields, Peter, Steward Cass Hotel, bds.<br />

sarne. 1<br />

Shiell, Robert, shipping clerk, h. 20 Eliza- 1<br />

beth w. 1<br />

Shiels, Michael, moulder, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Franklin and Rivard.<br />

Shifley, Joseph H., tailor, h. o. 66 n. 102<br />

Division.<br />

, Shilinger, Frederick, baker, h. 369 Sis-<br />

teenth.<br />

Shipman, George E. H., cigarmaker, h. 155<br />

Division.<br />

Shipman, Richard A., telegraph as., h. o.<br />

4 n. 17 Brady.<br />

Shipman, Roger M., agent Pullman sleeping<br />

cars, h. 306 Lafayette ave.<br />

Shippey, Clark W., builder, h. 444 Seventh.<br />

Shippey, George W., traveling agt., h. 279<br />

Sixteenth.<br />

Shleger, Wolf, switchman, h. 11 Beech.<br />

Shoales, Melanchton, painter, h. 594 Cro-<br />

@an,<br />

Shoemaker, Anthony, drayman, h. Division,<br />

bet. St. Antoine and Beaubien.<br />

Shombeau, Lawrence H., stonecutter, h. 310<br />

Croghan.<br />

Shompia, Sophia (wid. Vitau), h. Wight,<br />

bet. Walker and Adair.


-<br />

Shook, Edgar H., clerk, h. 275 Beaubien. Sickler & Frank (Benjamin E. Sickler and<br />

Shook, Robert, clerk, h. 43 Palmer.<br />

Henry A. Frank), druggists, 191 Jefferson<br />

Shoope, Peter, coremaker, h. 536 Wood- ave.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Sidebottom, Peter, butcher, h. 92 Larned<br />

Shore, Thomas, painter, h. 293 Catharine. west.<br />

Shotwell, Abel, grocer, cor. Nineteenth and Sieb. Jacob, upholsterer, h. 401 Clinton.<br />

Alexander, h. same.<br />

Siegel, John, gardener, h. s. w. cor. St. Jo-<br />

Showerman Delos (D. Showerman & Co.), ' seph and Stl. Aubin ave.<br />

res. - - Y~silanti.<br />

Siegel, Joseph, musician, h. 96 Maple.<br />

I<br />

Showerman, Irving, telegraph operator, h.<br />

1<br />

Sieger, John, maltster, h. cor. Maple and<br />

315 Third.<br />

Showerman,. Walter, clerk, bds. Garrison Sizgd, John G., furrier, h. 223 Cass.<br />

House.<br />

Siegrist, Louis, tailor, h. s. e. cor. Grove and<br />

Showerman, D., & Co. (Delos Showerman, Prospect.<br />

Henry E. Champion and William R. New- Siehler, Michael, ash peddler, h. 109 Diviskirk),<br />

commission merchants, 56 Jefferson ion.<br />

ave.<br />

Sielaf, Franz, laborer, h. 184 Antietam.<br />

Shrives, Andrew, h. e. s. Twentieth, bet. Sieorse, John, laborer, h. 435 Maple.<br />

Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

Siering, Aloys C., locksmith, h. 263 Colum-<br />

Shuck, Richard, tuckpointer, h. 417 Lafay- bia e.<br />

ette.<br />

Sievert, Ernst, shoemaker, h. 264 Brush.<br />

Shuell, Anthony, moulder, h. n. e. cor. Arch Sievwright, George (Sievwright & Hobart),<br />

and Crawford.<br />

h. 279 Twelfth.<br />

Shuell, Anthony, h. s. s. Oak, bet. Seventh STEV WRIGHT & HOBART (George Sievand<br />

Ninth ave.<br />

wright and William Hobart), sailmakers,<br />

Shuell, Ellen {wid. Edward), h. 98 Seventh. dock, bet. Cass and First. (See adv. j<br />

Shuell. John, boilermaker, h. 2'22 Seventh. Siewert, Louis, wagonmaker, h. 280 Beau-<br />

Shuell, William, bricklayer, bds. s. s. Oak, bien.<br />

bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Siggins, Elizabeth (wid. William), h. 39<br />

Shuilier, Nellie (wid. Emil), h. 725 Jefferson Church.<br />

ave.<br />

Siggins, Louis, chairmaker, bds 39 Church.<br />

Shuiter, mTilliam, shipcarpenter, h. 480 Siggins, William, chairmaker, bds. 39<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Church.<br />

Shulingburgh, John, carpenter, bds. 184 Sigler, Theodore, gilder, bds. 98 Michigan<br />

Second.<br />

ave.<br />

Shultz, Christian, laborer, h. 122 Twen- Sigler, Mrs. Theodore, dressmaking and<br />

tieth.<br />

trimmings, o. 96 n. 98 Michigan ave., h.<br />

Shultz. Henry, matchdipper, h. 263 La- same.<br />

brosse.<br />

Si-gmann, Frederick, upholsterer, bds. 101<br />

Jhul~z, Leopold, laborer, h. e. s. Williams W hitney.<br />

ave., nr. city limits.<br />

Sihler, John, saloon, 268 Crogllan, h. same.<br />

Shultz, Wilhelmina (wid. Charles), bds. Sihler, Ludwig, music teacher, h. 219 La-<br />

Maria, n. w. cor. Seventh.<br />

fayette.<br />

Shuppe, Ferdinand, joiner, h.181 Gratiot. Silberman, Jacob, tobacconist, 69+ Jefferson<br />

Shurburn, Thomas, liveryman, h. 85 Con- ave., h. 91 Shelby.<br />

gress e.<br />

Silberstein, Kallman, Yankee notions, 43<br />

Sl~ury, Charles, tabacconist, bds. 218 Marion. <strong>City</strong> Hall market, b. 4 Clinton.<br />

Shye, James (col'd), ho:tler, bds. 19 Cass. Silinsky, Louis, peddler, h. 186 Macomb.<br />

Sibley, Charles L., salesman, bds. 60 Grand Silkenstedt, Justus, cigarpacker, h. 32 Har<br />

River.<br />

riett.<br />

Sibley, Anson L , patternmaker, bds. 62 Silks, Walter, farmer, h. s. s. Holden Road,<br />

Randolph.<br />

near (3. T. R. crossing.<br />

Sibley, Col. E. S., bds. Biddle House. Sill, J. M. B., principal <strong>Detroit</strong> Female Sem-<br />

Sibley, Frederick B. (B. B. Sibley & Co.), inary, 82 Fort w., h. 84 same.<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Sill, Joseph, carpenter, h. M7ilkins, near<br />

Sibley, Louis, machinist, h. 211 Elizabeth Beaubien.<br />

east.<br />

Silsbee, Chades E. (Tillman, Sillsbee & Co.),<br />

SIBLEY, F. B., & Co. (Frederick B. Sibley h. 75 John R.<br />

and Charles Little), lime and stone deal- Silsbee, James W., clerk, bds. 75 John R.<br />

ers, 292 Atwater. (See ada.)<br />

Silver, Peter, caulker, h. 36 Dequindre.<br />

Sickle,Mrs. Frieda, milliner and dressmaker, Simmons, Alfred A. (Simmons, CIough &<br />

114 Randolph, h. same.<br />

Co.), h. 26 Madison ave.<br />

Sickle, Solomon, h. 114 Bandolph.<br />

Simmons, Bridget (wid. Nicholas), h. 274<br />

Sickler, Benjamin E., druggist, 162 Wood- Montcalm e.<br />

ward ave., k. 116 George.<br />

Simmons, C. M., clerk, h. 138 Orleans.


NEW YORE<br />

1 Simpson, James, conductor M. C. R. R., h.<br />

' 111Howard.<br />

Simpson, John (col'd), teamster, h. 132<br />

Clinton.<br />

Simpson, John F., saloon, 46 St. Aubin ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

SOLON McELROY, 3Iaoager aud Agency Sopt., Simpson, Louis, carpenter, bds. 215 Rivard.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Simpson, Lyon L., clerk, bds. 85 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Simmons, Frederick J. (Simmons, Clough & Simpson, William H. (col'd), cook, h. 381<br />

Co.), bds. 26 Madison ave.<br />

Maple.<br />

Simmons, George, check clerk, h. n. e. cor. Sinclair, Alexander, grocer, n. w. cor. Park<br />

Hastings and Elizabeth.<br />

and Sproat, h. same.<br />

Simmons, George, printer, h. 93 St. An- Sinclair, John, butcher, bds. Brighton<br />

toine.<br />

House.<br />

Simmons, Solomon, clothing, 139 Jefferson Sinclair, John, clerk, bds. Crawford, n.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Simmons, William, laborer, h. Twelfth, n. Sinclair, John, lake captain, h. 94 Brai-<br />

Baker.<br />

nard.<br />

Simmons, William, mate, h. 612 Seventh. Sinclair, John, laborer, h. 69 Franklin.<br />

Simmons, Clough & Co. (Alfred A. Sim- Sinclair, Peter, painter, h. n. e. cor. Vine<br />

mons, James E. Clough, Granville Wood and Crawford.<br />

and Frederick J. Simmons), manfrs. cabi- Sinclair, Robert, salesman, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

net organs, 15 Miami ave.<br />

Park and Sproat.<br />

Simms, Alesa*nder, laborer, h. 120 Jones. Singer, Mrs. Mary. vegetables, 25 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

Simms, Allen (col'd), laborer, h. 580 Ma- market, h. 133 Macomb.<br />

comb.<br />

Sinick, George, laborer, s. e. cor. Fifth and<br />

Simms, John, gardener, bds. 86 Fort w. Rlarcy .<br />

Simms, John (col'd), waiter Michigan Es- Sink, John E., carpenter, h. 51 Brady.<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Sinn, Augustus, laborer, h. 283 Brush.<br />

Simms, William, clerk, bds. 211 Catharine. Sinn, Charles, blacksmith, h. 29 Twenty-<br />

Simon, Julius, prof: music, 11. 262 Beau- second.<br />

bien.<br />

Sinnasack, Gilbert, printer, h. 200 Gtris-<br />

Simon, David, peddler, h. o. 182 n. 158 Xul- wold.<br />

lett.<br />

Sinnock, Walter, laborer, bds. o. 13 n. 41<br />

Simon, Nicholas, tanner, bds. 235 Nullett. Charlotte.<br />

Simon, Peter, tanner, h. o. 230 n. 278 Ma- Sinnock, William, porter, h. 148 Park.<br />

ple.<br />

Sinz, Anton, tailor, bds. 121 Clinton.<br />

Simon, Sigmund (S. Simon & Co.), h. 152 Sinz, Christian, jeweler, bds. 121 Clinton.<br />

Woodward avs.<br />

Sinz, Fridolin, shoemaker, bds. 121 Clinton.<br />

Simon, Sigmund, jr., salesman, bds. 152 Sinz, Joseph, painter, h. 132 Clinton.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Sisco, Abraham, painter, bds. 229 Mont-<br />

Simon, S., & Co. (Si,pund Simon and Hen- calm e.<br />

riette Jacobson), drygoods and Yankee Sisman, Otto, laborer, h. 591 Larned e.<br />

notions, 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,<br />

Simonds, George D., printer, bds. 69 Beau- 169 Larned e.<br />

bien.<br />

Sittig, Judall, h. 136 Congress e.<br />

Simonds, Sumner J., undertaker, h. 47 Co- Sitz, George, fancy goods, h. 160 Macomb.<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Siveke, Louis, cigarmaker, 3 Franklin, h.<br />

Simons, George B., bookkeeper, bds. 43 Con- same.<br />

gress e.<br />

Sjoestedt, ,Antoine, blacksmith, h. 342 La-<br />

Simons, Jacob, tanner, h. 311 Lafayette. fayette.<br />

Simons, Peter H., cooper, 281 Michigan Skelding, Daniel, conductor M. C. R. R., h.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

402 Lafayette ave.<br />

Simonton, Alfred, carpenter, h. o. 12 n. 112 Skelton, James, gardener, h. Prospect, near<br />

Division.<br />

Superior.<br />

Simpson, A., clerk, bds. Franklin House. ~kelton, Jordon, gardener, h. Prospect, nr.<br />

Simpson, Andrew, laborer, h. 194 Abbott. Su~erior.<br />

Simpson, Charles, laborer, h. n. w. cor. ~kerhtt, John, clerk, bds. 73 Elizabeth w.<br />

Eighteenth and W oodbridge.<br />

Skiff. Walter C. (H. P. Baldwin & Co.), bds.<br />

Simpson, David J., mariner, bds. 29 5 Con- 45 Congress w.<br />

gress e.<br />

Skillington, Thomas, shoemaker, h. rear 63<br />

Simpson, Frederick, laborer, bds. 9 Front. Jones.<br />

Simpson, Halsey, brakeman M. C. B. R., h. Skillman, Isaac (col'd), laborer, h. 58 Clin-<br />

219 Howard.<br />

ton.<br />



Skinner, Beecher (Daily Union Co.), h. 53 Sloman, Mas, skins, h. 13 Miami ave.<br />

George.<br />

Slout, John, cooper, bds. 55 Howard.<br />

Skinner, Edmin A., Assistant Paymaster M. Slgke, Itesler, clerk, h. o. 107n.129 George.<br />

C. H. R., h. 114 St. Antoine.<br />

Smadmer, William, preacher, h. o. 413 n.<br />

Skinner, Eugene, attorney, 8 and 9 Seitz 501 Larned e.<br />

Block, bds Biddle House.<br />

Smale, William, painter, h. 160 hfacomb.<br />

Skinner, Frederick F., clerk M. C. R. R., Small, Frances (wid. Charles), h. 79 Miami<br />

bds. 158 Lafayette ave.<br />

ave.<br />

Skinner, Henry W., bookkeeper, bds. 114 Smalley, Darwin, h. 197 Congress e.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Smalley, Darwin A., clerk Biddle House,<br />

Slack, Charles E., shipping agent, bds. 12 bds, same.<br />

Montcalm w.<br />

Smediey, Jackson (col'd), porter, 21. 284<br />

Slack, John R., baker, h. s. s. Grand River, Watson.<br />

nr. Twelfth<br />

Smelz, Henry, cigarmaker, h. nr. cor. Pearl<br />

Slackford, Edward T., capt.ain, h. 50 Sibley. and Russell.<br />

Sladden, Thomas, sailor, h. 460 Macomb. Smetzer, John, mason, h. 369 Juliette.<br />

Slade, Ira. conlmission merchant, 4 Russell Stlietzer, Peter, laborer, h. 369 Juliette.<br />

House Block, h. 55 Grand River. Smi;, Charles, carpenter, h. w. s. Crawford,<br />

Slater, Gilbert H., sailmaker, h. 59 Six- bet. Bingham and Lgsander.<br />

teenth.<br />

Smiley, Delevan P., clerk, bds. 316 Congress<br />

Slater, James M., h. o. 71 n. 75 Adams ave. east.<br />

west.<br />

Smit, Isaac M., pawnbroker, 85 Randolph,<br />

Slater, John, clerk, bds. Eisenlord'a Hotel. h. same.<br />

Slater, John, clerk, bds. 73 Adams ave. w. Smit, Joseph M., clothing, 100 Nichigan<br />

Slater, Thomas, laborer, h. s. s. Benton,bet. ave., h. same.<br />

Brush and Beaubien.<br />

Smit, Mathias, butcher, h. 384 Juliette.<br />

Slater, William J., insurance agent, h. 108 Smit, Moses J., clothing and furnishing<br />

National ave.<br />

goods, 24 Monroe ave., li. same.<br />

Slater, William J., jr., student, bds. 108 Na- Smith, Abijah IV., Deputj- Collector custional<br />

ave.<br />

toms, h. o. 15 n. 40 Centre.<br />

Slater. Jacob, shoemaker, bds. 80 Front. Smith, Adalbert E. (Smith Brothers), h. 370<br />

Slattery, Jeremiah, farmer, bds. n. s. Grand Howard.<br />

Kiver. nr. tollgate.<br />

Smith, Albert, agent, h. 231 Fort e.<br />

Slattery, John, farmer, h. n. s. Grand River, Smith, Albert C., bookkeeper, bds. 501<br />

nr. tollgate.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Slattery, John, laborer, h. 1060 Michigan Smith, Albert C., machinist, h. 307 Lafayave.<br />

ette ave.<br />

Slattery, Michael, farmer, bds. n. s. Grand Smith, Allen, carpenter, h. 355 Russell.<br />

Riv~r, nr. tollgate.<br />

Smith, Ann (mid. James), boarding, h. 23<br />

Slaughter, Mrs. Ellen (col'd), h. 55 Mullett. Washington ave.<br />

Slawson, Alonzo L., printer, h. 435 Hast- Smith; Anna bf. (wid. John), seamstress, h.<br />

ings.<br />

19 Miami ave.<br />

Slawson, John L., fireman M. C. R. R., bds. Smith, A. Harvey, physician, 280 JeEerson<br />

235 Lafayette ave.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Sleeper, Daniel, mechanic, h. 125 Michigan Smith, A. Judson, clerk, h. 14 Beech.<br />

ave.<br />

Smith, Applet.on 31., acsistant editor Penin-<br />

Sleman. John J., carriagemaker, bds. 4.22 su?ar Herald, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Smith, Benjamin (col'd). sailor, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Sleinmetz, Anthony, rno~ddin~paker, +h. St. Antoine and Benton.<br />

293 Chestnut.<br />

Smith, Bernard, laborer, h. 24 Michigan<br />

Slevin, Andrew, machinist, bds. 321 Con- ave.<br />

gress w.<br />

Smith, Bradford, real estate and insurance<br />

Sligh, James M., clerk Custom House, bds. agent, Burchard Block, Griswold, h. 180<br />

56 Adalns ave. e.<br />

Lafay ette ave.<br />

Sloan, Ann &I. (wid. John), h. 129 Adams Smith, Mrs. Catharine, millinery and fancy<br />

ave. e.<br />

goods, 249 Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Sloan, Barnard, engineer, h. 379 Franklin. Smith, Charles, blacksmith, bds. Perkins'<br />

Sloan, John A., captain, h. 127 Adams ave. Hotel.<br />

east.<br />

Smith, Charles, carpenter, h. 323 Macomb.<br />

SLOCOM, CHARLES A., birds, 288 Wood-<br />

1 Smith, Charles, carpenter, h. 49 Prospect.<br />

ward ave., h. 135 Michigan ave. (See adv.) Smith. Charles, cigarmakt:r, .h. 408 Clinton.<br />

Slocom, James, baggageman M. C. E. E., h. Smith, Charles, machinist, bds. 111 Fitth.<br />

132 Michigan ave.<br />

Smith, Charles, painter, h. 12 Catharine.<br />

Slocum, Addie (wid. George), bds. 158 How- Smith, Charles, tailor, h. s. s. Franklin, e.<br />

ard.<br />


366 EM1 ~ K ' DETROIT S<br />

SMI<br />


OfBee, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodw7ard Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Smith Charles (col'd), waiter, bds. 175<br />

Clinton.<br />

Smith, Charles H. (Pingree & Smith), bds.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Smith, Charles M., porter, h. 83 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Smith, Charles T., salesman, bds. 254 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Smith, Christian J., laborer, bds. Sixteent.h,<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Grand Hiver.<br />

Smith, Daniel, painter, bds. 42 Croghan.<br />

Smith, Daniel, fireman, h. 242 Antietam.<br />

Smith, Darwin B., news and fruit depot, s.<br />

e. cor. Third and Front, bds. foot Third.<br />

Smith, David, teamster, h. rear 98 Brush.<br />

Smith, Elijah (Smith, Doolittle & Co), Pres.<br />

Michigan Bolt & Nut Co., h. 461 Jeffer-<br />

*on ave.<br />

Smith, Elizabeth, h. w. s. Tillman ave., bet.<br />

Michigan ave. and Butternut.<br />

Smith, Emily, vestmaker, h. 69 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Smith, Eugene, physician, 258 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Smith, Eugene A., painter, h. 40 Maple.<br />

Smith, E. Burnham (E. B. Smith & Co.),<br />

bds. 48 Stimson.<br />

Smith, Miss Emma M., school teacher, bds.<br />

70 Lewis.<br />

Smith, Eugene P., blacksmith, h. 305<br />

Third.<br />

Smith, E. Willard, architect, 108 Griswold,<br />

res. Grosse Isle.<br />

Smith, Frank, carpenter, bds. 6 Pearl.<br />

Smith, Frank, cigarstripper, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and Sixth.<br />

Smith, Frank, carriage painter, bds. 83 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Smith, Frank G. (M. S. Smith & Co.), h. o.<br />

11 n. 35 Winder.<br />

Smith, Frederick G., bookkeeper, bds. 461<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith, George, agent, h. w. s. Woodward<br />

ave., bet. Campbell and Parsons.<br />

Smith, George, clerk, bds. s. e. cor. Wayne<br />

and Larned.<br />

Smith, George, laborer, h. 146 Twentieth.<br />

Smith, George (col'd), porter, h. 306 Macomb.<br />

Smith, George, telegraph operator D. & M.<br />

R. R., bds. 26 Fort e.<br />

Smith, George (col'd), waiter, bds. 175 Clinton.<br />

Smith, George Ad., bookkeeper, bds. 283 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Smith, George B., agt. Alabaster Works, foot<br />

First, h. 327 Ho~vard.<br />

Smith, George H., student, bds. 70 Lewis.<br />

Smith, George H. (Pease & Smith), bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

Smith, George Ii., h. 97 Elizabeth e.<br />

Smith, Gottlieb, plasterer, h. 15 Silver.<br />

Smith, Hamilton E., physician, 133 Jefferson<br />

are., bds. 47 Fort w.<br />

Smith, Harris, cabinetmaker, h. 358 Seventh.<br />

Smith, Henry, bartender, bds. 279 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Smith, Henry, saloon, instructor on guitar,<br />

basement 183 Randolph, h. same.<br />

Smith, Henry, saloon, 79 Congress e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Smith, Henry, produce dealer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and Third.<br />

Smith, Henry, laborer, bds. 21 German.<br />

Smith, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 167 Beaubien.<br />

Smith, Henry, tanner, h. 720 Nacomb.<br />

Smith, Henry, treas. <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory,<br />

h. 670 Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith, Henry, tinsmith, bds. 86 Clinton.<br />

Smith, Henry, laborer, 11.102 Larned w.<br />

Smith, Henry A., bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Smi tli. Henry D., bookkeeper, bds. Finney 's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Smith, Henry H., dentist, 163 Woodward<br />

ave., bils. Russell House.<br />

Smitlr, H. H. H. C., lumber dealer, 268 Atwater,<br />

h. 7SD Jefferson ave.<br />

Smith, Hubbard, painter, bds. 321 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Smith, Hubbard (Smith, Cook & Co.), h. 29<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Smith, Hugh, laborer, h. 85 Franklin.<br />

Smith, Ira A., salesman, bds. 199 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Smith. Isaac A. (Smith Brothers), bds. 3'70<br />

Howard.<br />

Smith, Jacob (col'd), laborer, h. 425 Lafayette.<br />

Smith, James, drapan, bds. n. w. cor. Fort<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Smith, James, fireman, h. 71 Fifteenth.<br />

Smith, James, hotel clerk, Ms. Mansion<br />

House.<br />

Smith,, James, laborer, bds. 295 Third.<br />

Smith, James, laborer, bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

Smith, James S., salesman, h. 125 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Smith, Miss Janet, clerk, bds. 182 Catharine.<br />

Smith, Mrs. Janet, midwife, h. 182 Catharine.<br />

Smith, John, blacksmith, bds. 365 Ciinton.<br />

Smith, John, carpenter, bds. o. 154 n. 156<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Smith, John, carpenter, h. 117 Chene.<br />

Smith, John, clerk, bds. 286 Seventeenth.<br />

Smith, John, drayman, h. 230 Porter.<br />

Smith, John, gardener, h ,149 Thirteen-and-ahalf.


Smith, John, grocer and saloon, 822 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Smith, John, housemover, h. 147 Cass.<br />

Smith, John, laborer, h. 447 Catharine.<br />

Smith, John, diver, h. 162 Larned e.<br />

Smith, John, porkcutter, h. 348 Juliette.<br />

Sll~ith, John, laborer, h. s. s. Maria, bet.<br />

Sisth and Seventh.<br />

Smith, John, laborer, h. 384 Juliette.<br />

Smith, Jolin, laborer, 11. 434 Fort e.<br />

Smith, John, mason, 11.40 Seventh.<br />

Smith, John, moulder, 11. 728 Maconlb.<br />

Sniith, John, moulder, h. 341 Fort e.<br />

Smith, John, musician, h. 249 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Smitlr, John, peddler, bds. 24 Chestnut.<br />

Smith, John, plasterer, 21.335 Itiopelle.<br />

Smith, John, teamster, h. 1SG Fort e.<br />

Snzitl~, John, teamster, bds. 187 Lariled e.<br />

Smith, John, wago~lllaker, h. 1'74 Third.<br />

Smitlr, John (col'd j, waiter Russell House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Smith, John A., huckster, 66 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 313 Cass ave.<br />

Srnit,li, John B., laborer, h. 544 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Smith, John C., physician, 182 Catharine, h.<br />

same.<br />

Snlitll, John J., clerk? h. 453 Seventh.<br />

Smith, John, jr., moulder, bds. 341 Fort e.<br />

Smith, John, M., laborer, h. rear 2G2 Franklin.<br />

Smith, John Thomas, clerk, bds. 70 Lewis.<br />

Smith, John T., engineer, h. 30;) Third.<br />

Smith, John T., clerk at Allan Shelden &<br />

Co.'s, h. Henry.<br />

SMITH, JOHK V., arcliitect, 10 Merrill<br />

Block, h. n. e. cor. Third anci Ledyard.<br />

(See ndu.;<br />

Smith, John W., shoemaker, h. 68 Henry.<br />

Smitli, John w., shoemaker, h. 257 Fourth.<br />

Smith, John W., painter, bds. 181 Beech.<br />

Smith, John W., painter, bds. 235 Bates.<br />

Smith, Jonas, shipcarpen er, h. 313 Mullett.<br />

Smith, Jordan, brushmaker, bds. 6 Pearl.<br />

Smitlr, Joseph, agt., h. 14"Jherry.<br />

Smith, Joseph, gilder, bds. s. s. IAarned, nr.<br />

Shelby.<br />

Smith, Joseph, grocer, n. e. cor. Henry<br />

(and Park, h. same.<br />

Smith, Joseph, laborer, h. Columbia e.<br />

, Sniith, Joseplr (col'd), laborer, h. 269 Cath-<br />

! arine.<br />

Smith, Joseph. laborer, h. 389 Mary.<br />

Smit.h, Joseph, shoemaker, h. 34 Park.<br />

Smith, Josliua W. (Smith & Guiterman),<br />

h. 51 Madison ave.<br />

Smitli. Julius, shoemaker, h. 34 Henry.<br />

Smith, Leamond, check clerk, bds. 256 Sisth.<br />

Snrith, Leliman, laborer, h. rear 182 Sixth.<br />

Sniith, Louise (wid. VVilliam), h. 148 Chestnut.<br />

Smith, Lucien A. (Burns & Smith), bds. 390<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Smith, Lucy, dressmaker, bds. 413 Fifth.<br />

Smith, Lyman B., salesman, h. s. s. Catharine,<br />

nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Smith, Margaret, vestmaker, h. 69 Columbia<br />

west.<br />

Smith, Maria (wid John), h. 70 Lewis.<br />

Smith, Martin S. (M. S. Smith & Co.), h. 74<br />

Congress w .<br />

Smitil,Milo A.,cashier <strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory,<br />

bds. 670 Jefferson aye.<br />

Smith, Mortimer L. (Slleldon Smith & Son),<br />

bds. 22 Macomb ave.<br />

Smith, Mrs. (wid. Sheldon), h. 28 Macomb<br />

ave.<br />

SmitJi, Nathaniel, refreshments, 78 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, 11. 133 Miclrigan ave.<br />

Smith: Nelson, 11. 206 Brush.<br />

Smith, Nelson Rf. (Smith & Gabriel), bds.<br />

154 Grand Kiver.<br />

S>IIrI'H. 0. G., architect, bds. Howard House.<br />

(Bee adv.)<br />

Smitlr, Peter, butter, 39 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

11. 269 Park.<br />

Smith, Peter, fireman steamer No. 5, h. 433<br />

Larned e.<br />

Smith, Peter, laborer, h. 432 Eighteenth.<br />

Smith, Peter, laborer, h. 169 Macomb.<br />

Smith, Peter, painter, h. n. e. cor. Fort and<br />

Hastings.<br />

Smith, Peter, sawyer, h. 259 Labrosse.<br />

Smith, Peter, peddler,h. n. e. cor. Mt. Hope<br />

ave. and Ash.<br />

Smith, Peter J., laborer, h. 389 Marion.<br />

Snlit11, Ralph C. (Smith & Reeve), h. n. e.<br />

cor. Woodward ave. and Brady.<br />

Smith, Robert (col'd), cook, h. 167 Mullett.<br />

Smith, Robert B. (col'd), mason, h. 133<br />

Catharine.<br />

Smith, Robert M., h. 21 Eighteenth.<br />

Smith, Samuel A., baker, h. 14S Brewster.<br />

Smith, Sanford A., watchmaker, h. 48 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Smith, Sanford R. (A. B. Hinman & Clo.), h.<br />

501 Flroodward ave.<br />

Smith, Sarah, teacher new Ninth Ward<br />

school, bds. 126 Howard.<br />

Smith, Mrs. Sarah, h. 504 Lafayette.<br />

Smith, Sarah A. (wid. Andrew), h. 397 Ma.<br />

comb.<br />

Smith, Seth, dry goods and groceries, 377<br />

and 379 Grand River, h. same.<br />

Smith, Seth E., bookkeeper, bds. 379 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Srnith, Sidney D., teacher at Goldsmith's,<br />

bcis. Nicliols' House.<br />

Smitll, Stanley B., bookkeeper, bds. Ham-<br />

- tramck.<br />

Smith, Stephen, laborer, h. 399 Twelfth.<br />

Smith, Stephen (Stephen Smith & Co.), h.<br />

254 L~lfay ette ave.<br />

Smith, Stephen F. (Stephen Smith & Co.),<br />

bds. 254 Lafay ette ave.<br />

Smith, Stephen H., moulder, h. 190 Napoleon.<br />

Smith, S. T., house physician Harper HOBpital,<br />

bds. same.

NEW YORX<br />

BEfe Frn~~~amm - Clonpajmy.<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLOX JIcELROF, Manager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Smith, Stephen W., salesman, bds. 501<br />

Woodward are.<br />

Smith, Theodore (col'd), coachman, h. 89<br />

Laf'ayette.<br />

Smith, Thomas, drayman, h. n. s. Labrosse,<br />

bet. Xintlr ave. and Tenth.<br />

Smith, Miss Virginia Bf., school teacher,<br />

bds. 97 Elizabeth e.<br />

Smith, C'Vashiisgton (col'd), porter, h. 151<br />

Crogl~an.<br />

Smith, William, blacksmith. h. s. s. Catharine,<br />

bet. Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Smith, William, butcher, 137 Woodbridge<br />

w., 11. same.<br />

Smith, William, butcher, h. 724 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Smith, William, butcher, h. 556 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Smith, William, builder, h. w. s. Second,<br />

bet. Ledyard and Bag.<br />

Smith, William, carpenter, h. 243 Fifth.<br />

Smith, ~Villiarn, carver, bds. n. e. cor. Chene<br />

and Croghan.<br />

Smith, William, clerk, h. 49 Sixteenth.<br />

Smith, FVilliam, cooper, h. 99 Franklin.<br />

Smith, William, currier, h. 82 Miami ave.<br />

Smith, 1'17 ill jam, Custom House officer, h.<br />

177 Third.<br />

Smith, William, farmer, bds. 352 Sixth.<br />

Smith, William, laborer, h. 243 Fifth.<br />

Smit,h, William, laborer, h. 46 Eighteenth.<br />

Smith, William, moulder, bds. Michigan<br />

are., bet Mayberry and Williams aves.<br />

Smith, William, sailor, h. 41 Orchard.<br />

Smith, William, salesman, h. 49 Sis-<br />

tsenth.<br />

Smith, MTilliam A., liquors and cigars, 534<br />

TVoodbridge w., h. same.<br />

Smith, William D., carpenter, bds. 232<br />

Xinth ace.<br />

Smith, William E., telegraph operator D. &<br />

M. R. R., bds. Tremont House.<br />

Smith, \Yilliam G., clerk, bds. 97 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Smith, W. Harry, bookkeeper, h. 95 Wash-<br />

ington ave.<br />

Smit 11, William H., engineer. h. o. 366 n.<br />

376 Franklin.<br />

Smith, William S., produce, s. s. Grand<br />

Iliver, nr. Twelfth, h. same.<br />

Smith, William S., saloon, 113 Larned w.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Smith, Zachariah, 11. 161 Adams are. e.<br />

Smith, Cook & Co. (Hubbard Smith, Calvin<br />

A. Cook and JeRse H. Farwell), pavers and<br />

contractors, 62 Uriswold.<br />

SNO<br />

Smith, Doolittle & Co. (Elijah Smith, George<br />

E. Doolittle, John H. Webster and Marvin<br />

Prestoc), wholesale liquors, 16 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Smith Bros.(Adalbert E. and Isaac A. Smith),<br />

general insurance agents, 30 and 22 Lar-<br />

ned w.<br />

Smith & Guiterman (Joshua W. Smith and<br />

Rlartin Guiterman), furniture and elastic<br />

sponge bedding, 174 'Woodward are.<br />

Smith & Gabriel (Nelson M. Snlith and Wil-<br />

liam Gabriel), painters, 154 Grand River.<br />

Snlith, E. B., & Co. (E. Burnham Smith and<br />

Noah D. Lapham), books and stationery,<br />

116 and 11s 'II.'oodward ave.<br />

Smith, h1. S., & Co. (Martin P. and<br />

Frank (3. Smith), jewelers and silver-<br />

smiths, n. w. cor. Woodward and JeEcrson<br />

aves.<br />

Smith, Sheldon, & Son (Sheldon and .<br />

Mortimer 1,. Smith), architects, 125 and<br />

127 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Smith, Stephen, St Co. (Stephen and Stephen<br />

F. Smith), boots and shoes, 76 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

S3J ITH & REEVE (Ralph C. Smith and<br />

Nathan Keeve). real estate agents, over<br />

Savings Bank, Griswold. (See adz..)<br />

Smithberg, Peter, machinist, bds. 280 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Smithers, Samuel H., merchant, h. 31 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Smitllson, Simms (col'd), groom, bds. 92<br />

Fort m.<br />

Smithzer, Joseph, mason, h. o. 377 n. 391<br />

Franklin.<br />

Smolk, Abraham (A. & C. A. Smolk), h. 24<br />

Ada111s ave. w.<br />

Smolk, Charles A. (A. & C. A. Smolk), bds.<br />

24 Sdams ave. w.<br />

Sruolk, A. & C. A. (,4braham and Charles A.<br />

Smolk), livery, boarding and sale stable,<br />

53 Farmer.<br />

Smoots, John, macllinist, bds. 36 Fort e.<br />

Smorlein,, Jacob, harnessmaker, bds. 100 :<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Smorlein, Vincent, cabinetmaker, h. 100 ,<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Srnythe, William M., letter carrier, h. 80<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Sneckel, Joseph, laborer, h. 149 Fifteenth.<br />

Sneider; John B., laborer, h. o. 54 n. 244<br />

\lTatson.<br />

Snell, Amanda (wid. Dr.), saleswoman, bds.<br />

248 \Voodward ave.<br />

Snell, Sanluel C., plumber,l7 Fort e., h. same.<br />

Snellgrove, George, carpenter, bds. Perkins'<br />

Hotel.<br />

Snider, Peter, carpenter, h. s. e. cor. Eight-<br />

eenth and Pine.<br />

Snider, Peter, laborer, h. 300 Mary.<br />

Sniggell, Joseph, sawyer, h. 149 Fifteenth.<br />

Snoud, George, laborer, h. 163 Fourth.<br />

Snow, David S., agent, bds. 294 Woodward<br />

ave., up-stairs.


Snow, Edward, clerk, bds. 46 Miami ave.<br />

Snow, Frank A.. clerk, h. 190 Congress w.<br />

Snow, Georgians F., teacher Trowbridge<br />

school, bds. 190 Labrosse.<br />

Snow, Henry E., clerk, hds. 46 Miami ave.<br />

Snow, Isabella, teacher Trowbridge school,<br />

bds. 3 99 Congress w.<br />

Snow, William, hardware, wire goods, 166<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 46 Miami ave.<br />

Snow, William H., clerk, bds. 190 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Snuggs, Arthur, miller, bds. cor. Riopelle<br />

and High.<br />

Snyder, Benjamin E., watchman, h. o. 70 n.<br />

92 Baker.<br />

Snyder, Charles, boxmaker, h. 0. 70 n. 92<br />

Baker.<br />

Snyder, Jacob, carpenter, h. 71 Eighteenth.<br />

Snyder, John (Martini & Snyder), h. 20 Bea-<br />

con.<br />

Snyder, William, laborer, h. 226 Abbott.<br />

Soast. Joseph, shoemaker, h. 387 Bronson.<br />

Sobotnek, Joseph, tailor, bds. 102 Brush.<br />

Sobriro, Angelo, machinist, h. 601 Uratiot.<br />

Soeter, C:harles, edge tool grinder, h. 36<br />

Fort e.<br />

Soleau, Charles, machinist, h. 54 Wayne.<br />

Solger, Charles, laborer, h. 143 Macomb.<br />

Solomon, Joseph, peddler, h. 288 Gratiot.<br />

Solomon, Samuel, optician, h. 190 Sixth.<br />

Somer, Frank, carpenter, h. 5% Beaubien.<br />

Somers, L. H., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Sommer, Frank, 11. 131 Antietam.<br />

Sommer, Franb (Som~~l er & Dunnebacke),<br />

h. n. w. cor. Grand River and Cass ave.<br />

Sommer, George, ash peddler, h. 326<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

Soinnler, Joseph, printer, h. 167 Fort e.<br />

Sommer, Julius, confectioner. 222 Woodward<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Sommer, Julius C., confectioner, 247 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 222 FTToodward ave.<br />

Somnler, Paul, bds. 222 WToodward ave.<br />

Sommer & Dunnebacke (Frank Sommer<br />

and Snthony Dunnebacke), furniture, n.<br />

w. cor. Grand River and Cass ave.<br />

Sommerhof, Peter, butcher, h. 90 Catharine.<br />

Somniers, Anthony, blacksmith, h. w. s.<br />

Tillman ave., nr. JYlichigan ave.<br />

Sontag, Charles F., tailor, 11. 114 Lafayette.<br />

Soper, Miss Sarah, h. 329 Jlontcalm.<br />

Sorg, John, ragdealer, 11. 75 Sherman.<br />

Souley, Robert, shoemaker, h. 20% Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Soults, Jameu H., clerk, h. 131 Orleans.<br />

Sour, August, laborer, bds. Woodbridge w.,<br />

nr. Match lvorks.<br />

Southard, Jacob G., clerk M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

111 Howard.<br />

Southard, Walter, moulder, bds. 275 Fourth.<br />

Southee. William W., fruits and vegetables,<br />

3 Abbotb, h. same.<br />

Southwick, James P., jr., policeman, h. w. s.<br />

Fourth, nr. Gold.<br />

Southwick, James P., sr., blacksmith, bds.<br />

w. s. Fourth, nr. Gold.<br />

Southwick, John P., policeman, h. Fourth<br />

nr. Alesaudrine ave.<br />

Southwick, John VI., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Souza, Theodore, liquors, 136 (hand River,<br />

h. 3 Aspinall Terrace, Macomb ave.<br />

Sovey, Richard, laborer, h. 201 Wight.<br />

Sowersby, William, h. 23 Winder.<br />

Spangler, Antoine, watchman, h. 480 Wood-<br />

brldge w.<br />

Spann, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. 163 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Spann, Christian, tailor, bds. 165 Gratiot.<br />

Spann, Peter. fanner, bds. Grand Kiver, bet.<br />

Twelfth and Thirteenth.<br />

Sparks, George W., roofer, 10 Merrill Block,<br />

h. 24 Park Place.<br />

Sparks, Henry, clerk, h. n. e. cor. Park and<br />

Cl iEord .<br />

Sparks. Henry, crockery, h. e. s. Clifford,<br />

bet. Columbia and Elizabeth.<br />

Sparks, Joseph, bookkeeper, h. 33 Locust.<br />

Sparks, Joseph E., jr., architect, bds. 33 Lo-<br />

cust.<br />

Sparling, Benjamin, h. 229 First.<br />

Sparling, Charles, salesman, bds. 74 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Sparling, Hannah (wid. Joseph), h. 74 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Sparling, Joseph, clerk, h. 74 Columbia w.<br />

Sparling, Walter, salesman, bds. 74 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Sparling, William H., student, bds. 74 Co-<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Spath, Adam, laborer, h. 291 Hastings.<br />

Spaulding, Burr, clerk, bds. 107 Congress e.<br />

Spaulding, Charles, chairmaker, h. 210<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Spaulding, Dewitt C., agent, h. 50 Brainard.<br />

Spaulding, James M., agent Illinois Leath-<br />

er Co., bds. Sherman Kouse.<br />

Spaulding, Robert, machinist, bds. 53 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Speck, Conrad, cutter, h. 577 Clinton.<br />

Speck, Ferdinand, sailor, h. as0 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Speck, H.ev. Martin, pastor First Church of<br />

Evangelical Association, h. 266 Hastings.<br />

Speckmaa, Jacob, blacksmith, h. 182 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Speed, John J., lawyer, 124 Jefferson ave.,<br />

11. 69 Shelby.<br />

Speikermann, Herman, laborer, h. 458 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Speirs, Andrew D., laborer, h. 158 Porter.<br />

Spellbanker, Christian, laborer, bds. 451<br />

Wood bridge w.<br />

Spello, Charles, laborer, h. cor. Thirteenth<br />

and Howard.<br />

Spenterin, Adam, grocer, 575 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

S pence, Thomas, agent, bds. 71 Beauhien.<br />

Spencer, Ann (wid. George), h. 182 Wood-<br />

bridge e.



@p@~~ '@$&ep~~<br />



SPR<br />

Spindler, Rlichael, porter, h. 41 Sherman.<br />

Spindler, Michael, painter, h. 285 High.<br />

Spindler, Veit, shoemaker, h. 177 Macomb.<br />

Spinning, Daniel J., policeman, h. 296 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Spinning, George W., machinist, h. 371<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Spi tzlein, Peter, butclier, 92 Croghan, h.<br />

same.<br />

Spencer, Garry, justice of the peace, 12 Lar- Spitzley, Henry (Pipp & Co.). h. 181 Montned<br />

w., h. 64 same.<br />

calm e.<br />

Spencer, George, teacher penmanship, h. 12 Spitzley, Joseph (Pipp & Co.), h. Beacon, e.<br />

S yencer.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Spencer. Isaac (col'd), barber, h. 261 Clin- Splenn, John. boilermaker, h. 345 Sixth.<br />

ton.<br />

Spoetter, William, cabinetmaker, h. 201<br />

Spencer, James (col'd), cook, h. 261 Clinton. Mullet$.<br />

Spencer, Orin S., painter, h. 0. 190 n. 184 Spotts. Benjamin (col'd), porter Franklin<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Spendlein, Henry, ragpeddler, h. 108 Cal- Sprague, Charles S., laborer, h. 396 Twenhoun.<br />

tieth.<br />

Spengler, Charles, saioon, 189 Gratiot, h. Sprague, Christopher C., millwright, h. cor.<br />

same.<br />

Guoin and Campan.<br />

Spengler, Henry, abinetmaker, bds. 90 Lar- Sprague, Edward, gasfitter, bds. 260 Fifth.<br />

ned e.<br />

Sprague, Mary Ann (wid. George-H. C.<br />

Sperry, Edward M., salesman, bds. 37 Mont- Hopson & Co.), h. 88 Columbia w.<br />

calm w.<br />

Sprague. George H. (H. C. Hopson & Co.),<br />

Sperry, Emeline M. (wid. Volney), h. 180 bds. 85 Columbia w.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Sprague, Lawrence, clerk M. C. R. R., h.<br />

Sperry, George I?., clerk, h. 77 Montcalm w. 260 Fifth.<br />

Sperr~, Joseph, grocer, 77 and 79 Mont- Sprague, Margaret H. (wid. Thomas), h. o.<br />

calm w.<br />

203 n. 2.53 Howard.<br />

Spey, Joseph, tailor, h. 35 North.<br />

Sprague, Thomas S., sec'y &Iechanics' and<br />

Speyer, Jacob, carpenter, h. 112 Montcalm Inventors' Association, h. 30 Columbia e.<br />

east.<br />

Sprague, William B., bookkeeper, h. o. 52 n.<br />

Spiegel, Ernst, grocer, 100 Russell, h. same. 82 Sibley.<br />

Spiegel, Frederick, musician, h. 208 High. Spranger. Francis X., homeopathic physi-<br />

Spiel, Peter, stonemason, h. 120 Napoleon. cian. 36 Monroe ave., h. same.<br />

Spielas, Conrad, carpenter, h. 514 Fort e. Spranger, Lawrence, bds. 36 Monroe ave.<br />

Spielas, Jacob, laborer, h. 358 Catharine. S pranger, Nichael J., homocopathic physi-<br />

Spielas, Mathias, laborer, bds. 372 Cath- cian, 11. n. s. Michigan ave., near Sevenarine.<br />

teenth.<br />

Spies, Adolph, gunsmith, bds. 100 Jay. Spreng, Joseph, painter, h. 378 St. Antoine.<br />

Spiess, Sophia (wid. Adam), h. 313 Russell. Sprenger, Mrs. Catharine, seamstress, bds.<br />

Spilas, Mathew, carpenter, h. 497 Lafay- 265 Clinton.<br />

ette.<br />

Sprenger, Cieorge, tanner, bds. Jay, nr. De-<br />

Spillane, Ellen E. (wid. Morris), h. 94 Ab- quindre.<br />

bott.<br />

Sprenger, George, grinder, bds. 265 Clinton.<br />

Spillane, James, telegraph messenger, bds. Sprenger, Henry, stonecutter, h. 287 St. An-<br />

363 Grand River.<br />

toine.<br />

Spillane, Jane (=id. Thomas), h. 12 Me- Sprenger, John, mason, h. 316 Orleans.<br />

chanic.<br />

Sprenger, Michael, currier, bds. 257 Catha-<br />

Spillane, Jane J. (wid. Thomas), refresh- nne. .<br />

ments, 2 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 363 Grand Sprenger, William, stoneyard, h. 291 St.<br />

River.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Spillane, John, musician, bds. 363 Grand Sprich, Gustav, clothes cleaner and saloon,<br />

River.<br />

246 Clinton, h. same.<br />

Spillane, John T., musician, bds. 12 Me- Sprink, Gottfried, wagonmaker, h. 409 Riochanic.<br />

pelle.<br />

Spillane, Patrick, porter, h. 30 Sproat. Spring, George, engineer, h. 481 Beaubien.<br />

Spillman, Job, grocer, 0. 540 n. 516 R~O- Springer, Anna M. (wid. Conrad), h. 7OLapelle,<br />

h. same.<br />

brosse.<br />

Spindier, Conrad, laborer, h. 5 15 Beaubien. Springer, Joseph, boilermaker, 11. 55 Baker.<br />

Spindler, George, laborer, h. 183 Muliett. Springer, Joseph, laborer, h. o. 18 n. 96 Na-<br />

Spindler, Michaell, fireman Russell House, poleon.<br />

bd~. same.<br />

Springer Michael, tanner, bds. 22 Sherman.

1 SPR CITY DIRECTORY. STA 3'11 .<br />

6<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Springsteen, Nelson E., agent G. T. R., h.<br />

370 Cass ave.<br />

Springsteen, Silas, sash and Mind manfr., h.<br />

52 Colum, ia w.<br />

Springsteen, William E., clerk, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Springwells Brick and Tile Company, office<br />

399 Sixth, Geo. P. Tenney, Sec'y.<br />

Sproetge, William, hairdresser, 322 Wood-<br />

ward ave., bds. same.<br />

Sproul, Hugh, plasterer, bds. Purdy's Hotel.<br />

Sproul, Wilson W ., groceries and liquors,<br />

252 JGghth, h. same.<br />

Sproule, Benjamin B., clerk, bds. Collins<br />

House.<br />

Sproule, Gusi;avus, plasterer, h. 39 Colum-<br />

bia w.<br />

Sprout t, Richard, stonemason, h. 63 Nation-<br />

al ave.<br />

Spurway, George, plasterer, h. 512 Cass ave.<br />

Squair, Robert, miller, h. o. 92 n. 102 How-<br />

ard.<br />

Squires, A. J., bds. Garrison House.<br />

Squires, Charles, carpenter, h. 171 Porter.<br />

Srock, Carl, laborer, h. w. s. Mt. Hope ave.,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

St. Aubin, B. (wid. Francis), h. 612 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

St. Aubin, Francis C., h. 612 Jefferson ave.<br />

St. Aubin, Louis, farmer, h. s. e. cor. Mary<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

St. Aubin, Peter, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Chene<br />

and Guoin.<br />

St. Amour, Francis E., clerk, h. 520 Fort e.<br />

St. Amour, Francis X., builder, h. e. s. St.<br />

Aubin ave., bet. 31acorub and Clinton ave.<br />

St. Clair, Colin C'., clerk, bds. 395 Catha-<br />

ri ne.<br />

St. Clair, George, machinist, h. 395 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

St. Clair, James, laborer, h. 154 Seven-<br />

teenth.<br />

St. Clair, Julius, laborer, h. 251 Dubois.<br />

St. Clair, Margaret (wid. Patrick), h. 154<br />

Seventeenth.<br />

St. James, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 599 Gra-<br />

tiqt.<br />

St. James, Michael, plasterer, bds. 21 Jones.<br />

St. John, Edward, blacksmith, h. 31 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

St. John, Richard, blacksmith helper, bds.<br />

163 Fourth.<br />

St. John, Xavier, carpenter, 11.209 Chene.<br />

St. John's blission Sunday School, n. w. cor.<br />

Sixth and Orand Biver.<br />

St. Jorre,Dex (Grieshaber & St. Jorre), h. 651<br />

Congress e.<br />

St. Mt~ry's Catholic School, s. w. cor. Cro-<br />

ghan and St. Antoine.<br />

St. Mary's Hospital, Sister Mary De Sales,<br />

superior, 95 Clinton.<br />

St. Mary's School (girls' department), Sister<br />

Samuella, superior, 155 St. Antoine.<br />

Staats, Henry, wagonmaker, 289 Bastings,<br />

h. 354 Michigan ave.<br />

Stabler, Josephine (wid. Albert), h. 116 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Stacey, Gorakin, baggageman G. T. R., h.<br />

111 Abbott.<br />

Stackpole, James, driver steamer No. 4. h.<br />

246 Fifth.<br />

Stackpole, Martin, laborer, h. w. s. Hum-<br />

boldt ave., nr. Chestnut.<br />

Stackpole, Thomas, laborer, h. 250 Fifth.<br />

Stackpole, Thomas, laborer, h. 212 Fifth.<br />

Stackpole, Thomas, laborer, h. 301 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Stadler, Christian, saloon, 926 Jeffersoaave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Stadler, Christopher, restaurant, 66 Ran-<br />

dolph, h. same.<br />

Stadler. John B., police detective, h. 432 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Stadler. Joseph. carpenter, h. 201 Marion.<br />

Stadman, Caspar, h. n. s. Atwate,; bet. Ri-<br />

vard and Riopelle.<br />

Stadt Theatre, 230 and 232 Rivard,<br />

George A. Bartenbach, propr.<br />

Staffin, Adam, glass thinner, bds. 91 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Staffin, Peter (E'riederichs & Staffin), h. 91<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Staffin, Peter C., moulder, h. 310 Seventh.<br />

Stafford, James, laborer, bds. 118 Harrison<br />

ave.<br />

Stafford, Lafferty, engineer, h. 326 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Stafford, Michael, laborer, h. 271 Fifth.<br />

Stafford, Patrick, 11. 67 Front.<br />

Stag, Henry, laborer. h. 160 Twentieth.<br />

Stagerman, John, tailor, h. Beaubien, nr. Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Stagg, William, clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Stahl, Frederick, cigars, Russell House blk.,<br />

h. 517 Lafayette.<br />

Stahl, Louis, laborer, h. 372 Nineteenth.<br />

Stahl, Louis, laborer, h. 517 Lafayette.<br />

Stahl, Ludwig, tobacconist, h. 517 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

STALKER, HERBERT W., builder, n. e.<br />

cor. Third and Cherry, bds. n. e. cor. Third<br />

and Ledyard. (See adv.)<br />

Stalker. John, teamster, h. 81 Larned e.<br />

Stamlen, Frank, collarmaker, h. 503 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Stamm, Benjamin F., grocer, 259 Second, h.<br />

, same.<br />

/ St.amm, Charles, wagonmaker, h. 283 First.<br />

Stamm, Christian, shoemaker, h. 361 Nine-<br />

teenth.<br />

Stanberg, David, peddler, h. 186 Macomb.<br />

1 Stanberg, Morris, peddler, h. 186 Macomb.<br />

Standard, George (Brewster & Co.), h. 86<br />

Park.<br />

Standart, George G. ((3. (3. Standart & Co.),<br />

h. 20 Howard.<br />

Standart, Henry W. (Standart Bros.), h. 97<br />

Lafayet te ave.<br />

Standart, Joseph G. (Standart Brothers), h.<br />

121 Park.

STA STE<br />

NEW YORE<br />

Blfa BOrnisuraw~a @~ngaay,<br />

-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Dlanager and Agency Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Standart, Robert (Standart Bros.), h. 97<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Standart Brothers (Joseph G.. Henry W., jr.,<br />

and Robert, S tandart, j r.), wholesale hardware,<br />

72 Jefferson ave.<br />

Standart, G. G., & Co. (George G. Standart<br />

and George R. Watson), hardware, 81<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Standish, James D., cashier Standish &<br />

Ives, bds. 10 High.<br />

Standish, John D: (Worcester, Laible &<br />

Standisli, Standish & Ives, and Standish,<br />

Green & Co.), h. 10 High.<br />

Standish, Green & Co. (George B. Green,<br />

John D. Standish, Caleb Ives and William<br />

C. Colburn), sawmill, 491 Atwater.<br />

Standiah & Ives (John D. Standish and<br />

Caleb Ives), pork packers and wool dealers,<br />

38 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

STANGE, CHARLES, lime and stone. 322<br />

Atwater, h. 895 Jefferson ave. (See adz..)<br />

Stange, Charles, mason builder, h. 11 Beacon.<br />

Stange, Charles F., h. 107 Gratiot.<br />

Stange, Edward, grocer, 107 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Stange, John, mason, h. 775 Larned e.<br />

Stangler, A4dolpll, laborer, h. 406 Railroad.<br />

Stanlzer, William, laborer, h. 89 Brady.<br />

Stanke, Herman, tinsmith, h. n. e. cor. Lafayette<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

Stanktine, Michael, teamster, h. o. 502 n.<br />

622 Seventh.<br />

Stanley, John M., artist, 159 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 37 Madison ave.<br />

Stanley, Lizzie (wid. Melt.on), h. 268 Croghan.<br />

Stanley, Thomas, h. 293 Randolph.<br />

Btansell, Hiram, commission merchant. 3<br />

Russell House Block, h. 69 Elizabeth w.<br />

Stanton, Alesandrina (wid. Gen. Stanton),<br />

h. 144 Congress e.<br />

Stanton, Elmer, teamster, h. 365 Nineteenth.<br />

Stanton, Jacob, laborer, h. 316 St. Antoine.<br />

Stanton, Marvin M., insurance agent, 5<br />

Bank Block, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Stanton, Robert, laborer, h. Nineteenth, nr.<br />

Baker.<br />

Staper, Jacob, laborer, h. 374 Nineteenth.<br />

Staples, Lyman J. (L. J. Staples & Co.), h.<br />

s. e. cor. Woodward ave. and Adelaide.<br />

Staples. Orrin (Wilfiam Phelps & Co.), 11.127<br />

Congress w.<br />

Staples, L. J., & Co. (Lyman J. Staples and<br />

Cereno W. Inslee), wholesale grocers, 7<br />

and 9 Woodward ave.<br />

Stapleton, John, plasterer, 11. 85 Cherry.<br />

Stapleton, Michael, storemoulder, bds. 241<br />

Sisth.<br />

Stapleton, Simon J., painter, bds. 65 Adams<br />

ave. w.<br />

Stapperfenne, Hermann, cabinetmaker, h.<br />

11 Private.<br />

Staring, George A., bds. 229 First.<br />

Staring, Mrs. H. Farrar, clerk Postoffice,<br />

bds. 148 Howard.<br />

Stark, Leonhardt, tailor, h. 75 Maple.<br />

Stark, William, machinist, h. 91 Baker.<br />

Starkey, Henry, <strong>City</strong> Clerk, Ir. 128 Gratiot.<br />

Starkey, Richard, bds. 125 Gratiot.<br />

Starkloff, Charles, saloon, 161 Michigan<br />

are., h. same.<br />

Starks, James, farmer, h. 190 Wilkins.<br />

Starks, Robert (col'd), barber, h. 14 Beacon.<br />

Starks, William (col'd), carpenter, h. o. 194<br />

n. 312 Congress e.<br />

Starrat, Charles (Starrat & Osborne), bds.<br />

Elmer's, 818 Fort w.<br />

Starrat. Jarnes, traveling agent, h. 85 Joy.<br />

Starrat, James, traveling agent, h. 303<br />

Third.<br />

Starrat & Osborne (Charles Starrat and<br />

Charles F. Osborne), lumber cjertlers, cor.<br />

Michigan ave. and Twenty-first.<br />

Stasser, Jacob, meat market, 564 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Stauch, Charles, tinsmith, bds. 224 Macomb.<br />

Stauch, George M., carpenter, h. 254 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Stauch, GeorgeP., printer, bds. 235 Crogllan.<br />

Stauch, Louis, shoemaker, h. 235 Croghan.<br />

Steack, Eichard, laborer, h. 249 Abbott.<br />

Stead, John, drover, h. Thirteen-and-a-half,<br />

near Michigan ave.<br />

Stead, Robert, gardener, h. e. s. Woodward<br />

ave., 2d door above Brady.<br />

Stead, William, banker, h. o. 121 n. 225<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Steadly, John, watchman, h. 400 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Stean, Peter, plasterer, h. 237 Thirteenth.<br />

Stean, Susan (wid. Tilman), h. 237 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Stearns, Frank, clerk, bds. 69 Cass ave.<br />

Stearns, Frederick, druggist, 71 Wuodward<br />

ave., h. o. 54 n. 80 Congress w.<br />

Stearns, Hubbard C., salesman, h. 244<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Stearns, Joseph A., cooper, h. 439 Fifth.<br />

Stearns, Willard E., bds. Brighton. House.<br />

Stebbens, Frank, shoemaker, h. 311 Or-<br />

leans..<br />

Stebbins, N. D., physician, 28 Congress<br />

w., h. 26 same.<br />

Stebbins, Theodore W., medical student,<br />

bds. 26 Congress w.<br />

Stebbins, William, blacksmith, bds. 136<br />

Woodbridge w.


Steckel, Alfred, foreman Michigan Volks-<br />

blatt, bds. 486 Glratiot.<br />

Stechocv, Carl, carpenter. 11. 197 Gratiot.<br />

Steckel, George L. K., Catholic bookstore,<br />

notary public, and Collector Seventh<br />

Ward, 426 Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

Steele, Albert M. (A. M. Steele & Co.), h. o.<br />

510 n. 6 12 Jefferson ave.<br />

Steele, Edward, painter, 11. 25 Joy.<br />

Steele, Leven S., bookkeeper, bds. 125 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Steele, Samuel H., painter, h. 104 Cherry.<br />

Steenstra, Thomas H., printer, h. 38s St.<br />

Ant ;ine.<br />

Steele, A. M., & Co. (Albert M. Steele and<br />

William Oakes), lumber, office 90 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Stevens, Sears, lawyer, Bank Block, h. 166<br />

Lafayette ave.<br />

Steffes, Jacob, laborer, h. 213 Nineteenth.<br />

Steffes, John, laborer, 11. 246 Russell.<br />

Stefis, Peter, farmer, bds. n. e. cor. Gratiot<br />

and Cliene farm.<br />

Steger, Frank, tailor, h. 105 Prospect.<br />

S tegmeyer, Franz, brewery, 325 Hastings,<br />

h. same.<br />

Stehfest, Herman, saloon, 2 Monroe ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Stelilin, Christina (wid. Anton), h. 125 An-<br />

tietam.<br />

Steiger, Carl, cabinetmaker, h. 334 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Steiger, Jacob, laborer, h. 225 Columbia e.<br />

Stein, Christian, laborer, h. 180 Division.<br />

Stein, Mathias, tinsmith, bds. 229 Iiichigan<br />

are.<br />

Stein, Rosa (wid. Bernhardt), h. 35 Mullett.<br />

Steinbach, Louis, accountant, h. 27 Mont-<br />

calm w.<br />

Steinberg, Amelia (mid. Lucas), h. 84 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Stein berg, Isaac, peddler, h. 95 Macomb.<br />

Steinberg, Isaac, peddler, h. o. 94 n. 178<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Steinberg, John, ashes collector, h. 92 Jay.<br />

Steinborn, Gustavus, tailor, bds. 156 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Stein brecher, Henry, drayman, h. 315 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

Steitlbrecher, Mary (wid. John), h. 180<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Steinbrunn, Gustave, tailor, bds. 226 Beau-<br />

Lien.<br />

Steincke, Hermann, tinsmith, bds. 136 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Steiner, Augustus, porter, bds. 185 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Steiner, Conrad, laborer. 11. 79 Croghan.<br />

Steiner, George, bartender, bds. 87 Atwater.<br />

Stainer, Henry, saloon, s. w. cor. Jefferson<br />

and Klmwood aves., 11. same.<br />

Steiner, John, brewer, 11. 327 Marion.<br />

Steiner, John, cigarmaker, 11. 246 Mullett.<br />

Steiner, Peter C. (Kramer & Steiner), h. 284<br />

Lahyette.<br />

48<br />

Steiner, William, clerk, bds. 362 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Steinllauer, Conrad, shoemaker, h. 233 Macomb.<br />

S teinllauer, John, laborer, h. 306 Whitney.<br />

Steinheiser, John H., laborer, h. w. s. Beaubien,<br />

bet. Grove and Ohio.<br />

Steinheiser, John W., laborer, h. 88 Brady.<br />

S teinheiser, Lizzie (wid. William), b. 215 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Steinmann, Edward, laborer, h, 145 Maple.<br />

Steinmann, Daniel L., produce, 9 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market. h. 259 Second.<br />

Steinnlann, Victor, h. 271 Clinton.<br />

Steinmetz, Anthony, moulder, h. 293 Chestnut.<br />

Steiskal, Franz, clothing, 119 Gratiot, h. o.<br />

55 n. 103 Prospect.<br />

Steiskal, John, tailor, bds. 105 Prospect.<br />

Stekel, Barta, laborer, h. e. s. Humboldt ave.,<br />

nr. Butternut.<br />

Stellberger, Barbara X. (wid. David), h. 260<br />

mullet t.<br />

Stellberger, Christian, grocer, 220 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Steller, Henry, nurseryman, h. 140 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Stelt, Martin, carpenter, h. 360 Dubois.<br />

Steltman, Jacob, tailor, h. n. w. cor. Humboldt<br />

are. and Butternut.<br />

Stemmlein, Frank, horse collar maker, h.<br />

503 St. Aubin ave.<br />

Stendel, Mrs. Anna, Yankee notions, 7 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 193 Lafayette.<br />

Stendel, Louis, bookkeeper, bds. 193 Lafayette.<br />

Stendel, Henry, h. 193 Lafayette.<br />

Stender, George, .saloon, 20'7 Cass, bds. 6<br />

Lewis.<br />

Sten ton, Ann (wid. Francis), h. 222 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Stenton, Frank, lake captain, bds. 170 Park.<br />

Stenton, Frederick S., hats, caps and furs,<br />

184 Jefferson ave., bds. '70 Fort w.<br />

Stenton, Goff, butcher, 655 Jefferson ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Stenton, John, grocer, 880 Jefferson ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Stepert, W-illiam, carpenter, h. Canfield,<br />

bet. Woodward and Cass aves.<br />

Stephens, Alexander D., carpenter, h. 292<br />

Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Stephens, Aln~on, h. 152 Michigan ave.<br />

Stephens, Cl~arlotte (wid. Jonathar! T.), h.<br />

631 Cass ave.<br />

Stephens, Eliza J. (wid. Samuel H.), bds. 50<br />

Butternut.<br />

Stepllens, George, drayman, bds. 50 Butternut.<br />

Stephens, Henry M., clerk, bds. Howard<br />

House.<br />

Stephens, James M., bookkeeper, h. 50<br />

Butternut.<br />

Stephens. James M., bookkeeper, bds. Finney's<br />





Offlce, 374 Cass Avenue.<br />


. Rloore and Joseph J. Hag), w11olesale<br />

grocers, n. w. cor. Woodward ave. and<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Steptoe, Charles. painter, h. w. s. Elmwood<br />

ave., nr. Gratiot.<br />

Steptoe, \Villiam, street car conductor, h.<br />

241 Fifth.<br />

Sterling, Alva, carpenter, bds. 402 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Sterling, James T. (Bugbee & Sterling), bds.<br />

s. w. cor. High and Beaubien.<br />

Sterling, Jesse, carpenter, h. o. 50 n. 101<br />

Nineteenth.<br />

Stern, Abraham, Yankee notions, 255 Gra-<br />

tiot, 11. sarne.<br />

Sternad, Mart .n, shoemaker, h. 61 Prospect.<br />

Sternberg, Daniel, currier, bds. 291 Clinton.<br />

Sternberger, Casyer, laborer, bds. 51 Maple.<br />

Sternet, John, shoemaker, h. 398 St. Antoine.<br />

Stetson, Turner, blacksnlith, 11. 61 Second.<br />

Stevenk, Max, moulder, h. 213 Dequindre.<br />

Stevens, Andrew J., American consul, bds.<br />

73 Adams ave. e.<br />

Stevens. Anthony, dyer, h. Fort, nest s. w.<br />

cor. Hasti tlga.<br />

Stevens, Charles D. (Stevens & Hunter), h.<br />

o. 24 n. 42 Sibley.<br />

Stevens, Clark, commission merchant, bds.<br />

Railroad Exchange.<br />

Stevens, Douglass B., agt., h. 54 Henry.<br />

Stevens, Edwin, salesman, bds, 73 Adelaide.<br />

Stevens, Mrs. Fannie, boarding, h. 294 VTTood-<br />

ward ave., up stairs.<br />

Stevens, Frederick, bookkeeper, h. 396 La-<br />

fapette ave.<br />

Stevens, Frederick A., commercial agt., bds.<br />

Michigan Exchange.<br />

Stevens, George K., clerk, bds. 154 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Stevens, Hiram, chairmaker, h. 161 Abbott.<br />

Stevens, Jacob, laborer, h. 813 Nineteenth.<br />

Stevens. James S., clerk. bds. '79 Congress e.<br />

stevens: John, undertaker, 11. 73 ~deTaide.<br />

Stevens, John, engineer, h. 85 Russell.<br />

Stevens, John, jr. (Bortle, Edwards & Co.),<br />

rea. New York,<br />

Stevens, John M., salesman, h. 171 Henry.<br />

Stevens, Rlarcus (Marcus Stevens & Co.),<br />

h. 154 Lafavette ave.<br />

Stephens, John (John Stephens & Co.), res.<br />

New York city.<br />

SI ephens, LUC~; teacher Willis ave. school, Stevens, ~ a i B., k bookkeeper, bds. n. 8.<br />

bds. 63 1 Cass ave.<br />

Adelaide, nr. John R.<br />

Stephens, Thomas B., capt. U. 8. Navy, h. Stevens, Mary (wid. John), h. 203 Fort e.<br />

243 Larned e.<br />

Stevens, Seth, wood turner, h. 168 Sixth.<br />

Stephens, Mary A. (col'd-wid. Henry), h. Stevens, Washington &I., chairmaker, h. 65<br />

280 Orleans.<br />

Beech.<br />

Stephens, Martin, carpenter, h. 147 Chest- Stevens, Marcus, & Co. (Marcus<br />

nut.<br />

Stevens and W-illia~n Bond), manufactur-<br />

Stephens, Montruiel, saloon, 129 St. Aubin ers and dealers in rich and plain furniture,<br />

ave., 11. sarne.<br />

142 CVoodmard ave. (See adv.)<br />

Stephens, Newton, patent right agt., h. 395 Stevens & Hunter (Charles D. Stevens and<br />

Bronson.<br />

Hamn~ond Hunter), insurance agts., 1<br />

Stephens, Roe (J. Henry Whittemore & Merrill Block.<br />

Co.), h. 277 Congress e.<br />

Stevenson, George E. (Kellep & Co.), h. 284<br />

Stephens, Willianl. sailor. h. 118 Calhoun. Randolph.<br />

Stephen~, John, & Co.(John Stephens, Janles Stevenson, Isaac, cigarmaker,l05 Woodward<br />

ave., bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Stevenson, Isaiah, saloon, s. s. Michigan<br />

ave., bet. Tenth and Eleventh, h. s. a.<br />

Michigan ave., bet. Eleventh and Twelfth.<br />

Stevenson, Isaiah, mason, h. 13 National<br />

ave.<br />

Stevenson, James, bonnet bleacher, 255 Jeffel<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Stevenson, James, builder, h. 418 Miclligan<br />

ave.<br />

Stevenson, Lemi s, bookkeeper, h. 348 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Stevenson, Nellie, d~ess and cloakmaker,<br />

346 Xichigan ave., 11. 345 same.<br />

Stevenson. Hobert . cigar manufacturer, 105<br />

Vl-o:)dward ave., bds. Cit,y Hotel.<br />

Stewart, Andrew, furniture, 184 Uratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Stewart, Andrew (Stewart & Son), h. 20<br />

Lewis.<br />

Stewart, Alexander (col'd), physician, h. 128<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Stewart, Barbara (mid. Henry), boarding, h.<br />

166 Second.<br />

Stewart, Benjamin, car builder, h. s. e. cor.<br />

Orchard and Third.<br />

Stewart, Charles B., printer, h. Jefferson<br />

ave , Hamtranlck.<br />

Stewart, David, h. 147 Congress w.<br />

Stewart, Duncan (J. L. Hurd & Co.), h. 0.<br />

172 n. 264 Fort w.<br />

Stewart, Elijah WT., saloon, 13 Michigan<br />

Grand ave., h. same.<br />

Stewart, Horatio C., traveling agt., h. 170<br />

Second.<br />

Stewart, Isaac, clerk, bds. Franklin House.<br />

Stewart, James, boilermaker, h. 256 Abbott


-<br />

Stewart, James, brassfinisher, bds. 342 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Stewart, James. plumber, h. 39 Macomb.<br />

Stewart, James (col'd), 11. 2 Paton alley.<br />

Stewart, John (col'd), barber, h. 363 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Stewart, John, ship broker, B. 151 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Stewart, John, clerk, bds. 259 Jefferson ave.<br />

Stewart, John, clerk, bds. 114 Cass.<br />

Stewart, John (Stewart & Son), bds. 20<br />

Lewis.<br />

Stewart, John M., painter, h. 463 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Stewart, Lawrence, laborer, bds. 197 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Stewart, Morse, physician, '73 Brush, h. 96<br />

Congress e.<br />

Stewart, Peter, physician, h. o. 122 n. 176<br />

George.<br />

Stewart, Patrick, moulder, h. 31 Fifth.<br />

. Stewart, Robert, bookkeeper, h. 199 Cass.<br />

Stewart, Robert S., clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Stewart, Sarah (wid. David), bds. 289 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Stewart, William, h 249 Beaubien.<br />

Stewart, William, blacksmith, bds. 53 De-<br />

troit.<br />

Stewart, William, laborer, bds. Larned, bet.<br />

Second and Third.<br />

Stewart, Wil-iam, vessel owner, h. 168 La-<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Stewart, Mriiliam 8.. blacksmith, h. 53 Pe-<br />

troit.<br />

Stewart, William H., clerk, bds.' 168 Lafay-<br />

etre are.<br />

Stewart, William I., broommaker, h. 278<br />

Congress e.<br />

Stewart, William W., boots and shoes, 105<br />

Woodward ave., h. o. 246 n. 252 Itan-<br />

dolph.<br />

Stewart & Son (Andrew and John Stewart),<br />

sewer contractors, 28 Lewis.<br />

Steypsie, Louis, laborer, h. w. s. Lasalle<br />

ave., nr. Ma~nolia.<br />

Stich, Peter, furrier, h. 249 Lafayette.<br />

Stich, Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. s. e. cor.<br />

Macomb and St. Antoine.<br />

Stickney, Leroy, photographer, bds. Ameri-<br />

can House.<br />

1 Stickel, Frederick (Stickel & Henkel), h. 392<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Stickel & Henkel (Frederick Stickel and<br />

Conrad Henkel), merchant tailors, 204<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Stief, Edward, carpenter, h. 334 Hastings.<br />

Stieger, Theodore, cabinetmaker, bds. 32<br />

Clinton.<br />

Stieler, John, shoemaker, h. 207 Labmsse.<br />

Stiff, Charles, cashier (3. W. H., h. 7'75 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Stiller, August, porter, 11. 343 Montcalm e.<br />

Stillwag, Michael, stonemason, h. 507 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Stilson, Henry, clerk, bds. 3 1 Macomb.<br />

Stimson, Benjamin G., <strong>City</strong> Controller, <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall, h. GiG \fToodward ave.<br />

Stimson, George, baggagernaster M. S. R.<br />

R., h. 199 Congress e.<br />

Stinison, John D., clerk E. D. Kittons, h.<br />

same.<br />

Stimson, John T.. clerk, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Stimson, William, bartender, bda. 243 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Stinbuling, Jacob, laborer, 11.18 Bronson.<br />

Stinson, Samuel A., joiner, 11. 85 Russell.<br />

Stirling, Archibald, weighmaster M. C. R.<br />

R., h. 254 Thirteentl1.<br />

Stirling, John, h. 11 Abbott.<br />

Stirling, Mary (wid. James), h. 56 Larned w.<br />

Stitdzer, Augustus, clerk, bds. <strong>City</strong> Hotel.<br />

Stobbe, Jacob, fireman, h. 288 Lafayette.<br />

Stlocker, Adam, butcher, 167 Fort e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Stockfish, Albert, yardman, bds. 233 Fort w.<br />

Stockhani, Schuyler J., foreman saw mill,<br />

11. 457 Fort w.<br />

Stocking, William, editor Daily Post, bds.<br />

143 Fort w.<br />

Stockman, James, laborer, h. m. s. Humboldt<br />

ave., nr. Chestnut.<br />

Stockmann. Aloys, drug clerk, bds. 41<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Stockwell, Peter W., carpenter, h. 497 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Stocum, William H., basketmaker, bds. 141<br />

Seven teen th.<br />

Stoddard, Averil, chairmaker, h. e. s. Four-<br />

teenth, bet. Michigan ave. and Baker.<br />

Stoddard, Edward W. (Coulson, Fisher and<br />

Stoddard), bds. 434 Lafayette ave.<br />

Stoddard, Elizabeth (wid. William), h. 205<br />

Bronson.<br />

Stoddard, William, carpenter, h. 250 Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Stoddard, William E., trunkmaker, bds. 205<br />

Bronson.<br />

Stoddart, Nathan, clerk, bds. Finney's Ho<br />

tel.<br />

Stoepel, Frederick C., salesman, bds. s. s.<br />

Campbell, nr. Woodward ave.<br />

Stoapel, William, jr., bookkeeper, s. s. Camp-<br />

bell, bet. Cass and Woodward aves.<br />

Stoepel. VT7illiam, sr., carpenter, h. 8. s.<br />

Campbell, bet. Cass and Woodward aves.<br />

Stoer, John, carpenter, 11. 430 Croghan.<br />

Stqffel, John G., clerk, bds. 522 Gratiot.<br />

Stokes,Caroline (mid. Frederick), h. 337 Con<br />

gress e.<br />

Stokes, Frank, clerk, h. 118 Macomb.<br />

Stokes, Samuel, draughtsman, bds. 76 Con<br />

gress W.<br />

Stolden, Daras (wid. Frederick), h. n. s<br />

Frank, bet. Crawford and Sixth.<br />

Stolder, Godfrey, carpenter, h. 157 Marion.<br />

Stolder, Ulrich, carpenter, h. 157 Marion.<br />

Stoll, Albert. drug clerk, bdu. 80 Macomb<br />

Stoll, Charles, laborer, h. 224 Seventh.<br />

Stoll, George, city express, bds. foot Third

Ltf@<br />

NEW YORE<br />

Q6QmIp,amy6<br />

1 ~ g!J~@~(g@<br />

-<br />

STR<br />

- -- -<br />

Stork, Jacob, saloon, 247 Columbia e., h.<br />

same.<br />

St.ork, John, marblecutter, h. 208 Lafayette.<br />

ASSETS, . . . $12,000,000<br />

Stork, Paul, laborer, bds. 247 Columbia e.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

Storm, John, trunkmaker, h. 207 Lafayst,te.<br />

-<br />

Storm, Stephen, fruits, 24 <strong>City</strong> Hall market,<br />

SOLON McELROY, Blanxger and Agency Snpt., h. 181 Lafayette.<br />

Peuinsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Storm, Stephen, peddler, h. 205 Lafayette.<br />

Stortz, John J., cabinetmaker, h. 298 St.<br />

Stoll, Henry, wagonlnaker, h. w. s. Eight- Aubin ave.<br />

eenth, nr. Magnolia.<br />

Stouder, Peter (Fessard & Stouder), h. 232<br />

Stoll, John, tailor, h. e. s. Fifteenth, nr. Russell.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Stough, Louis, shoemaker, h. Croghan, bet.<br />

Stoll, Julius, Police Justice, h. 80 Macomb. Hivard and Russell.<br />

Stoll, hlina (wid. John), h. 429 Mullett. Stoutbourg, Frederick, baker, 462 Wood-<br />

Stoll, Wenzel, tanner. h. 148 Lafayette. bridge w., 11. same.<br />

Stoll, William, shoemaker, h. 41 Eightl~. Stowe, Charles H. P., clerk Cit.y Assessor,<br />

Stoll, William, tobacco, 20 Third, bds. 517 bds. 96 Elizabeth e.<br />

Lafay ette.<br />

Stowe, Edwin C., art.ist, h. 235 Park.<br />

Stommel, Hermann, saloon, 398 Gratiot, h. Stowell, Alexander H., custom house office,<br />

same.<br />

h. 255 First.<br />

Stone, Mesander, tanner, St. Clair, h. I Strachan, Alexander, clerk, bds. 136 How-<br />

Gratiot,<br />

ard.<br />

Stone, Alonzo, clerk, bds. Franklin House. Strachan, James H., bookkeeper, bds. 136<br />

Stone, Amos, Yankee notions, 8 <strong>City</strong> Hall Howard.<br />

market. 11. 241 Harrison ave.<br />

Strachan, John, a gent Eagle Transportation<br />

STONE, BESJAMIN, 'hygiene physician, Co., foot Griswold, h. 136 Howard.<br />

80 and 82 Wayne, h. 80 same. (See adc). St4rack, Henry, carpenter, h. 224 Gratiot.<br />

Stone, Charles, currier. bds. 1 Gratiot. Strackbein, Henry, carpenter, h. 100 Na ple.<br />

Stone, Elias, 11. 281 Brush.<br />

Strange, F~*ederick, clerk G. T. R., bds. 32<br />

Stone, George, bookkeeper, h. 291 Macomb. Fourth.<br />

Stone, Horatio (Stone & Barry), h. 572 La- Strange, Martin, teamster, 11.452 Seventh.<br />

fayette ave.<br />

Strange, Mary (wid. Henry), h. 69 Grand<br />

Stone, Isaac, sashmaker, bds. 372 Gratiot. River.<br />

Stone, Lorenzo, operator, bcls. Franklin Strassburg, Charles, teamster, bds. 280<br />

House.<br />

Congress w.<br />

Stone, Maurice, hats and caps, 372 Gratiot, Strassl~urg, Hermann, prof. music and danch.<br />

same.<br />

ing, 11. 264 St. Antoine.<br />

Stone, Moses, laborer, h. Wight, nr. Cam- St.rassburg, \.lTilliam, saloon, 24 Fort e., h.<br />

pau.<br />

same.<br />

Stone, W. H., bds. Russell House.<br />

Straub, Bartholomaeus, stonecutter, h. 43<br />

Stone & Barry (Horatio Stone and George Catharine.<br />

Barry), morocco manfis., 699 Woodbridge Strauss, Charles, bosmaker, h. Fort, near<br />

west.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Stonebrecher, William, blacksmith, h. 653 Strauss, Frederick, saloon, 313 Lafayette, h.<br />

Fort w.<br />

same.<br />

Stonehouse, Peter, laborer, h. 135 Twenty- Stratton, William (Stratton & Pratt), h. o.<br />

second.<br />

242 n. 272 Howard.<br />

Stoner, John, brakeman M. C. R. R., bds. Stratton & Pratt (William Stratton and Ste-<br />

Franklin House.<br />

phen Pratt), boilermakers, n. e. cor. wood-<br />

Stoner. Xicholsrs B., ironmoulder, h e. s. bridge and Eigllth.<br />

Mayberry ave., bet.Michigan ave. and But- Streeter, William H., bricklayer, bds. 15<br />

ternut.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Stooke, John, policeman, h. 69 Sproat. Stzeeter, William L., clerk, h. 15 Prospect.<br />

Storey, Albert, machinist, h. 118 Harrison Strehler, Philip, engineer, h. 142 Maple.<br />

ave.<br />

Strelinger, Julian, saloon, 113 Bates, h.<br />

Storey, Catharine (wid. Daniel), h. 50 Miami same.<br />

ave.<br />

Streng, Jacob, cook, h. 350 Croghan.<br />

Storey, Joh~, carbuilder, bds. 50 Miami ave. Streng, John, saloon, 165 Hast,ings, 1.1. same.<br />

Storey, Mrs. Nellie V., h. 33 Beacon. Strengson, Christian, h. 158 St. Antoine.<br />

Storey, Mrs. 0. Maria, h. o. 20 n. 51 Centre. Strengson, Gustavus, jeweler, 158 St. An-<br />

Storey, William H., machinist, h. 307 toine, h. same.<br />

Brush.<br />

Strep, George, laborer, hi 402 James.<br />

Stork, Henry, harnessmaker, h. 53 Pros- Stribing, Frederick, teamster, h. 771 Michipect.<br />

gan ave.

ST'R CITY DIRECTORY. sUL( 3'7?<br />

Stricher,-Gottlob, blacksmith, h. n. e. cor. Stuckel, George, meat market, 181 Michigan<br />

Michigan and Humboldt ares.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Strickel, Martin, butcher, h. 242 Elizabeth Studdy, John, tanner, bd9.145 Croghan.<br />

east.<br />

Studi~g, Henry, porter, h. 171 Division.<br />

$taricker, George, laborer, h. 242 Elizabeth Studcr, John, stonecutter, h. 205 Orleans.<br />

east.<br />

Stuebing, August, cooper, 11. n. e. cor. North<br />

Stridiron, James S., sec'y and dept7y treas- and Dequindre.<br />

urer Fort Street and Elmwood Railway, h. Stueckel, Jacob, meat market, 195 Clinton.<br />

27 Xineteenth.<br />

Stueckel, Louis, laborer, 11. 193 Catharine.<br />

Stridiron, William (Stridiron *& Williams). Stueckmann, Frederick, laborer, h. 372<br />

h. 398 Fort w.<br />

Catharine.<br />

Stridiron & Williams (William Stridiron Stuedel, William, porter, bds. 125 Woodand<br />

Thomas Williams),wholesale leather, bridge w.<br />

26 Woodbridge w.<br />

Stnenkel, Frederick H., school teacher, bds.<br />

St ringer, John, sailor, h. 146 Chene.<br />

438 Eighteenth.<br />

Stringer, lblarshall, clerk, bds. Franklin Stuermer, August, tailor, bds. 273 Hastings.<br />

House.<br />

Stunlm, Robert, clerk. bds. 235 Third.<br />

Stringham, Henry T., insurance agent, h. Stumpf, Henry. carpenter, h. 92 Sherman.<br />

115 Cass.<br />

Stupey, John, laborer; h. w. s. Lasalle ave.,<br />

Strobel, Jacob, laborer, h. Russell, near nr. Poplar.<br />

work house.<br />

Sturm, J oh, trunkmaker, h. 21 6 Napoleon.<br />

Strobel, Johanna (wid. Joseph), h. 474 Cath- Stutte, Andrew, Bookkeeper, h. 230 Ranarine.<br />

dolph.<br />

Strobel, John Henry, saloon, 138 Mullett, h. , Stutts, John, barber, 262 Jefferson are., 11.<br />

same.<br />

same.<br />

Stroh, Bernhard, brewery, Gratiot,, bet.Hast- Stntz, Albert, cooper, h. 154 Catharine.<br />

ings and Hivard, 11. 57 Catharine. Sucker, Henry, teacher German Evangelical<br />

Stroll, Frederick, brewer, h. 242 Mullett. St. John's scllool, h. suburbs.<br />

St] ohmer, Catharine (wid. John), h. n. e. cor. Suckert, William, book binder, Arcade<br />

Lasalle and Michigan aves.<br />

Building, Larned w., h. 207 Fort east.<br />

Stroker, Eva (wid. Casper), h. 242 FlThitney. Sudzinski, Emil, laborer, bds. s. s. <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Strong, bliss Anna J., 11. 93 Eli~abeth e. bet. Dequindre and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Strong, Edward R., cashier Merchants Des- Sue, Paul, medical student, bds. 108 Farrar.<br />

patch, bds. Kussell House.<br />

1 Sugarmann, Louis, tailor, bds. 187 High.<br />

Strong, Ellen (wid. Elisha B.), h. 219 Larned<br />

1 Sullivan, Catharine (wid. Daniel), h. 125<br />

east.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Strong, H. Norton (I. Momry & Co.), ship Sullivan, Catharine (wid. Daniel), h. 104<br />

o~v11er. foot First, h. 105 Fort w.<br />

Cherry.<br />

Strong, John, machinist, bds. 114 Fifth. Sullivan, Catharine (wid. Donald), h. 482<br />

Strong, John W. (Coyne, Strong & Co.), in- Grand River.<br />

surance agent, 111 Jefferson ave., h. 18 Sullivan. Charles, laborer, h. 357 Fifteenth.<br />

Winder.<br />

Sullivan, Charles, painter, 11. 66 George.<br />

Strong, Joseph, upholsterer, bds. 89 Con- Sullivan, Cornelius, policeman, 11.324 Sixth.<br />

gress e.<br />

Sullivan, Cornelius, teamster, h. 177 Oak.<br />

Strong, Mary (wid. William), boarding, h. Sullivan, Cyrenius, dry goods, 91 Grand<br />

48 Seventh.<br />

Kiver, bds. Perkins' Hotel.<br />

Strong, Thomas, baggageman 0. T. R., h. Sullivan, Daniel, boilermaker, h. o. 94 n. 116<br />

'72 Linlburg.<br />

Oak.<br />

Strong, William N.,cashier A. M. U. Ex. Co., Sullivan, Daniel, bricklayer, h. 208 Fifth.<br />

h. 68 Adanls ave. w.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, laborer, h. t3l Thirteen-<br />

Strong, William 0. (Coyne. Strong & Co.), and-a-half.<br />

k. 1 Ledyard.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, laborer, h. 519 Fort e.<br />

Strubel, Cli~istian D., stoves and hardware, Sullivan, Daniel, laborer, 31. 139 Plum.<br />

265 and 267 Jefferson ave., 11. Adelaide, Sullivan, Daniel, mason, h. 136 Elizabeth e.<br />

bet. Brush and Jobn E.<br />

Sullivan, Daniel, teamster, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Strubel, Mary (wid. John), h. 352 Clinton. Ninth ave. and Oak.<br />

Strubenk, WTillirtm, laborer, h. Chene, n. e. Sullivan, Dennis, h. 16 Clinton.<br />

cor. herm man. -<br />

Sullivan, Dennis, boilermaker, h. 180 Na-<br />

Strup, Joseph, porter, h. 232 Hastings. poleon.<br />

Struving, J ohn, teanlster, h. w. s. Lye11 ays., Sullivan, Dennis, boilermaker, h. s. e. cor.<br />

bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Harrison ave. and Cherry.<br />

Stuart. Charles. moulder. bds. 31 Fifth. Sullivan, Dennis, laborer, h. 54 Marion.<br />

stuart; Isaac, Laker, bdi. Franklin House. Sullivan, Dennis, machinist, bd s. 482 Grand<br />

Stuart, Job, salesman, bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

1 Kiver.<br />

ave.<br />

1 Sullivan, Dennis, moulder, h. 261. Sixth.<br />


378 sm CLARK'S DETROIT SIX<br />


OFFER<br />



-- --<br />

Sullivan, John D., vegetables, 1 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. rear 42 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Sullivan, John D., blacksmith, bds. 274<br />

Michican ave.<br />

~ullivac Jolm J. (Sullivan Bros.), h. 352<br />

W e 1 Sixth.<br />

make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

1 Sullivan. J~hn P., commission merchant<br />

and saloon, 125 Woodbridge w., h. same.<br />

Sullivan, Dennis (Sullivan Bro's). bds. s. w. 1 Sullivan, John R., carpenter, h. 320 Fifth.<br />

cor. Cass and Larned.<br />

Sullivan, John T., clerk &I. C. R. Lt., h. 181<br />

Sullivan, Dennis K., detective, h. 228 Fort Oak.<br />

east,<br />

Sullivan, Joseph, carpenter, h. Woodbridge,<br />

Sullivan, Donald, laborzr, h. s. e. cor. Porter e. Campau.<br />

and Tenth.<br />

Sullivan, Mary(wid. Daniel), vegetables, 6<br />

Sullivan, Ellen (wirl. James), h. 133 Watson. <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. o. 274 n. 304 Michi-<br />

Sullivan, Eugene, vegetables, fruit and gan ave.<br />

poultry, 25 Jefferson ave., h. same. Sullivan, Mary (wid. John), h. 115 Leverett.<br />

Sullivan, George, baggageman M. C. R. R., Sullivan, Mary, teacher, bds. 170 Orchard.<br />

bds. '77 Leverett.<br />

Su llivan, Michael, laborer, bricklayer, bds.<br />

Sullivan, Honorah (wid.), h. alley, rear 141 208 Fifth.<br />

Gra~d River.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, laborer, h. 81 Plum.<br />

Sullivan, Humphrey, lamplighter, bds. 109 Sullivan, Michael, laborer, 11. 13 Griswold.<br />

'Porter.<br />

Sullivan, Michael, laborer, bds. 100 Ab-<br />

Sullivan, James, laborer, h. Abbott, nr. bott.<br />

Holt.<br />

Sullivan, Micliael, laborer, h. n. s. Walnut,<br />

Sullivan, James. laborer, bds. 220 Second. nr. Ninth ave.<br />

Sullivan, James, laborer, h. 213 Labrosse. Sullivan, Michael, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Fifth<br />

Sullivan, James, laborer, h. 356 Macomb. and Union.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, drayman, 11. e. s. Six- Sullivan, Michael, moulder, bds. 30 Harriteenth,<br />

bet. Howard and Baker.<br />

son ave.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 112 La- Sullivan, Michael, steward. h. n. s. Brainard,<br />

brosse.<br />

bet. Second and Third.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, laborer, h. 568 Fort e. Sullivan, Myron D., mason, h. 148 Maple.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, laborer, h. Woodbridge, Sullivan, Patrick, boilermaker, h. 251<br />

bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Sullivan, Jeremiah, tailor, h. 89 Bronson. Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, h. 216 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, John, blacksmith, h. 13 Mariun. Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, h. 161 Beech.<br />

Sullivan, John, blacksmith, bds. n. e. cor. Sullivan, Patrick, bds. 115 Leverett.<br />

Fourth and Union.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, h. Porter, bet.<br />

Sullivan, John, cigarmaker, h. o. 322 n. 454 Eighth and Xinth ave.<br />

Third.<br />

Sullivan, Patrick, laborer, h. 526 Sixth.<br />

Sullivan, John, laborer, h. Third, nr. Holden Sullivan, Rodger, boilermaker, h. o. 230 n.<br />

Soad.<br />

2132 Porter.<br />

Sullivan, John, laborer, h. 71 Labrosse. Sullivan, Rodger, blacksmith, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Sullivan, John, laborer, h. 202 Sisth. Maria and Crawford.<br />

Sullivan, John, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Seventh Sullivan, Rodger, drayman, h. 141 Plum.<br />

and Plum.<br />

Sullivan, Simon, h. 77 Leverett.<br />

Sullivan, John, lather. 11. e. a. Third, bet. Sullivan, Stephen, laborer, h. 220 Abbott.<br />

Willis ave. and Holden Road.<br />

Sullivan, Sylvester J., clerk Erie Lt., b.<br />

Sullivan, John, moulder, bds. 488 Grani 343 Watson.<br />

River.<br />

Sullivan, Thomas, fireman, bds. 316 Frank-<br />

Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 263 Sisth. lin. .<br />

Sullivan, John, moulder, h. 361 Sixth. Sullivan, Thomas, laborer, h. n. s. Orchard,<br />

Sullivan, Jokn, moulder, h. 315 Sixth. bet. Sist.h and Seventh.<br />

Sullivan, John, sailor, bds. 16 Beaubien. Sullivan, Thomas, sailor, bds. foot Wood-<br />

Sullivan, John, sailor, h. 256 Franklin. ward ave. I<br />

Sullivan, John, tailor, h. 285 Thirteen-and- Sullivan, Thomas, laborer, h. 300 Fifth.<br />

a-half.<br />

Sullivan, Thomas H., dray man, 11.96 Frank-<br />

Sullivan, John C., cigarmaker, h. 454 Third. lin. -<br />

Sullivan, John C., telegraph operator, h. 34 Sullivan. Timothy, laborer, h. n. s. Frank,<br />

Baker.<br />

bet. Sisth and Seventh.<br />

Sullivan, John C. (Sullivan & Dittmer), h. Sullivan, Tilllothy, laborer, h. 100 Abbott.<br />

454 Third.<br />

Sullivan, Timothy, bricklayer, h. 134 La-<br />

Gullivan, John C., telt~graph operator, h. n. brosse.<br />

s. Labrosse, bet. Ninth sve. and Tenth. Sullivan, Timothy, laborer, h. 34 Sibley.

Thirteen-and a-half and Baker.<br />

Sundiland, Thomas, bds. 59 Jones.<br />

Sunlep, George, baggageman G). T. R., h.<br />

19 1 Porter.<br />

Sunley, Robert, shoemaker, 195 Third, h.<br />

202 Miclliyan ave.<br />

Super, Jacob, servant, bds. 461 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Super, John, sawyer, h. 203 Thirteen-and-a-<br />

half.<br />

Supple, Joan T., clerk, bds. n. w. eor. Lar-<br />

ned and Second.<br />

Supple, Michael, shoemaker, h. 393 Sixth.<br />

Supple, Philip, teamster, h. 493 Woodbridge<br />

east.<br />

Supple, William R., druggist, 271 Jefferson<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Suppus, Mrs. Eliza, vegetables, <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. Hastings, above Bloody<br />

Run.<br />

Suppus, Henry, vegetables, 7 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, 21. Hastings, nr. Fremont.<br />

Surles, Henry, policeman, h. n. w. cor. Con-<br />

gress and Dequindre.<br />

Surles, John IV., foreman bl. C. R. R. ele-<br />

vator, h. 293 Lafnyette ave.<br />

Surles, John \.V. (Surles & Bro.), h. 263<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Surles, Ulysses B. (Surles & Bro.), bds, 263<br />

Rlichigan ave.<br />

Surles & Bro. (John nT. and Ulysses B.<br />

Surles), grocers, 263 Michigan ave.<br />

Surmont, Felix, saloon, s. w. cor. Fort<br />

and Orleans, 11. same.<br />

Sus, George, crimper, h. Dequindre, bet.<br />

North and waterworks.<br />


Sullivan, William Baldwin, attorney and Sutherland, Brainard, tailor, h. 246 Sevnotary<br />

public, with Tappan, RlcKillop & en t h.<br />

Co., h. 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

Suttlerland, Daniel W., carpenter, h. 445<br />

Sullivan, W'illiam H., marine grocer and Macomb.<br />

vegetables, 161 Woodbridge w., h. Sutherland, David, assistant car dispatcher,<br />

same.<br />

bds. 125 Gratiot.<br />

Sullivan Bros. (John J. and Dennis Sulli- Sutherland, David, foreman Car Works, h.<br />

van), plumbers and gasfitters, 196 Wood- 437 Clinton ave.<br />

bridge w.<br />

Sutherland, George L. G., foreman car de-<br />

Sullivan& Dittmer (John C. Sullivan and partment &I. C. R. R., h. 310 Thirteen-<br />

Frederick Dittmer), cigar manufacturers, and-a-half.<br />

155 Jeffer, con ave.<br />

Sutherland, George W. (Sutherland & Ave-<br />

Sultan, Willia~n, clerk, bds. 248 Woodward ry), h. 227 Brush.<br />

ave.<br />

Sutherland, James, undertaker, 125 Gratiot,<br />

Summerfield, Andrew, sailor, h. 273 Frank- h. same.<br />

lin.<br />

Sutherland, James Chub, carbuilder, bds.<br />

Sumner. James D. (Sumner & Son), bds. 657 125 Gratiot.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Sutllerland, John B., superintendent car<br />

Sumner, Frederick 7%. (Sumner & Son), h. department h1. C. R. R., h. n. w. cor.<br />

657 Jeffirson ave.<br />

Woodb~idge and Tenth.<br />

Sumner, Samuel H., druggist, bds. 657 Jef- Sutherland, Neil M., shipping clerk, bds.<br />

ferpon aye.<br />

Antisdel House.<br />

Sumner & Son (Frederick M. and James D. Sutherland, Thomas, builder, h. 13 Led-<br />

Snmner), grocers, 657 Jefferson ave. yard.<br />

Sunday, Robert, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Eighth S11 therland, William G., physician. 341<br />

and Irmiu.<br />

Jlic'higau ave., h. same.<br />

Sunderland, Henry, fitter M. C. R. R., h. Sutl~erland & Avery (George W. Suther-<br />

247 Abbott.<br />

land and Wriliam D. Avery), grocers, 55<br />

Sunderland, Tlio~l~as, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Sutter, Adolph (Sutter Brothers), h. 180<br />

IIenry.<br />

Sutter, Jacob (Sutter Brothers), bds. 180<br />

Henry.<br />

Sutter, Louis (Sutter Brothers), bds. 295<br />

First.<br />

Sutter, Rudolph, shoemaker, h. 115 Division.<br />

Sutter, Samuel C., clerk, h. 172 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Sutter, Victor, saloon, 295 First, h. same.<br />

Sutter Brotltaa$rs (Adolph, Louis and<br />

Jacob Sutter). tobacwy+ts and cigar<br />

manfrs., Blerrill Block, n. e. cor. Jefferson<br />

and Woodward aves, factory 150 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Sut ton, Amos &I., soap and merchandise, h.<br />

234 Randolph.<br />

Sutton, James W., tub and pail manfr., 472<br />

Fort w., 11. 470 same.<br />

Sutt.on, Joseph D., bookkeeper, h. 721 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

SUTTUN, MOSES, pllotograph gallery and<br />

goods, 205 and 207 JeEerson ave., h. 207<br />

same. (See adv.)<br />

Sutton. Noah, contractor, h. o. 219 n. 261<br />

Larned e.<br />

Sutton, Thomas C. (Sutton & Co.), res.<br />

Windsor, Ont.<br />

Sutton , William, shipcarpenter, h. 234 Croghan.<br />

Sutton & Co. (Tliomas C. Sutton,<br />

Charles Scadding and Denis Bogue), druggists,<br />

101 Grand River.<br />

Swail. John. carpenter, h. 214 Sdams ave. e.<br />

S wail, William, printer, h. 168 Xapo!son.

SWA TAC<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Nanager rud Agency Snpt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Swain, Albert (col'd), plasterer, h. 322 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Swain, Charles, cigarmaker, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Swain, Ahthew W., upholsterer and spring<br />

bed manfr., 230 CVoodward ave., h. 190<br />

same.<br />

Swalton, Thomas, carpenter, h. 54 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Swan, Charles F., clerk P. O., bds. 89 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Swan, Henry H., lawyer, bds. 89 Miami ave.<br />

Swan, John (Swan & McCready), bds.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Swan, John P., reporter, bds. 89 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Swan, Joseph, tobacconist, h. 147 Maple.<br />

Swan, Joseph A. (J. Henry Whittemore &<br />

Co.), bds. 89 Rl iami ave.<br />

Swan, Joseph G., commercial broker, h. Mi-<br />

ami ave., cor. Uratiot.<br />

Swan, John G., porter, h. 506 Congress e.<br />

Swan, Thomas, news agent, 11.207 High.<br />

Swan, William H., machinist, bds. o. 426 n.<br />

506 Congress e.<br />

Swan & McCready (John Swan and Delivan<br />

McCready), fruits and liquors, n. e. cor.<br />

Larned and Grisi~old.<br />

Swanbeck, William, porter, h. 453 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Swanton, Jarnes. laborer, h. 54 Jay.<br />

Swanton, Elobert, laborer, 11. St. Aubinave.,<br />

bet. Frankiin and Woodbridge.<br />

Swartout, John H., macllinery depot, 50<br />

Larned w., h. 185 Cliford.<br />

Swartout, John J., laborer, bds. 185 Clif-<br />

ford.<br />

Swasey, D. L., clerk, bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Swatwood, Charles, clerk, bds. 175 Park.<br />

Swayz, M. Hugh, stonecutter, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Brush and Larned.<br />

Swceney , Alexander, blacksmith, h. 18<br />

Spruce.<br />

Sweeney, Bernard, saloon, 24 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Sweeney, Dennis, teamster, h. w. s. Twelfth,<br />

bet. Spruce and Chestnut.<br />

Sweeney, Edward, furniture, 182 Gratiot,<br />

h. 123 Brush.<br />

Sweeney, Francis, fireman, h. 21 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Sweeney, John, h. 387 Lafontaine ave.<br />

Sweeney, John, blacksmith, bds. 117 Jones.<br />

Sweeney, John, clerk, h. o 120 n. 124 Mich-<br />

igan ave., up-stah<br />

Sweeney, John, salesman, 11. 120 Szc~nd.<br />

S~veeney, Joseph, drayman, h. rear 150<br />

Guoin.<br />

Sweeney, Mary Bernard, 11. 36 Cass.<br />

Siveeneg, Michael, express driver, 11. 55<br />

Harrison ave.<br />

Sweeney, Michael, gardener, h. Woodward<br />

ave., near Medical College.<br />

Sweeney, Michael, teamster, h. alley, rear<br />

Fifth, bet. Beech and Orchard.<br />

Sweeney, Roger, laborer, h. 85 National ave.<br />

Sweeney, Sarah, seamstress, bds. 659 Fort<br />

west.<br />

Sweeney, Thomas, drayman, 11. 285 Maple.<br />

Sweet, Albern K., cutter, h. 505 Sixth.<br />

Sweet, Albert, carbuild,-r, bdu. 55 Wayne.<br />

Sweet, Albert, carpenter, bds. 149 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Sweet, Allan S., locomotive superintendent<br />

hl. CC. R. R., 11. s. w. c:Jr. Fort and Tenth.<br />

Sweetl, Horace W., painter, h. 324 Cass ave.<br />

Sweet, Stucky, printer, bds. n. e. cor. Larned<br />

and First.<br />

Sweet, Tucker, carpenter, bds. 55 Wayne.<br />

Sweinsberg, John, wagonmaker, 11. Fourth,<br />

nr. Holden Road.<br />

Swetze, George W., clerk Headqrs. Dept.<br />

Lakes, h. 311 Clinton.<br />

Swift, Edward y., attorney, Odd Fellows'<br />

Hall, 85 Mroodward ave., 11. 21 Rowland.<br />

Swift, Frederick W. (H. F. Swift & Bro.),<br />

Postmaster, L. 126 Miami ave.<br />

Swift, George F., <strong>City</strong> Recorder, attorney, 10<br />

Rotunda Building, 11.183 Park.<br />

Swift, Henry F. (H. F. Swift & Bro.), bds.<br />

68 Congress w.<br />

Swift, Susan A. (wid. George F.), h. 52 Elizabet11<br />

e.<br />

Swift, H. F., gE Bro. (Henry F. aud Frecierick<br />

W. Swift), druggists, 0. ,104 n. 120<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Swingbar~ks, Frank, watchman, h. 390 Blullett.<br />

Swink, John, carpenter, h. 462 Croghan.<br />

Swinscoe, Henry H., h. 3 Labrosse.<br />

Swortfiguer, Frederick, engineer M. C. R.<br />

R., h. 337 Nineteenth.<br />

Sy kes, Mitcliell, peddler, 193 Woodward<br />

ave.. h. same.<br />

Sylvester, Charles, shoemaker, h. e. s. Fifteenth,<br />

near Linden.<br />

Sylvester, J. B. X., bookkeeper, bds. 108 Rivard.<br />

Symons. Charles, clerk Merchants' Despatch,<br />

h. 240 Orleans.<br />

Sy riac, Edward, shoemaker, proyr. Quebec<br />

House, 385 Atwater.<br />

T.<br />

ABER, Augustus B., proprietor Biddle<br />

T House, s. e. cor. Randolph and JeEer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Tack, John, laborer, h. s. s. Maple, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.


7<br />

Tacke, Joseph, laborer, h. 105 Twenty-<br />

second.<br />

Taegler, Ferdinand, painter, h. 92 Russell.<br />

Taeson, John, laborer, h. s. s. Sherman, bet.<br />

Chene and Jos. Cttmpau ave.<br />

Taff, Samuel S. (S. S. Taff & Son), h. 94<br />

Fiftsh.<br />

Taff, William, block and pump maker, h.<br />

219 Lafayette ave.<br />

TaK William H. (S. S. Taff & Son), bds. 94<br />

Fifth.<br />

Taf, S. S., & Son (Samud S. and William<br />

H. Taff ), block manfrs., 19 Griswold.<br />

Taft, Stephen K., commission merchant,<br />

109 Griswold, 11. n. e. cor. Woodward ave,<br />

and Gratiot.<br />

Tagen, George, clerk M. C. R. R., h. 126<br />

Cherry.<br />

Tagert, Robert, blacksmith, bds. n. s. Beech,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Taggart, John M., sportsman, h. 28 May-<br />

berry ave.<br />

Tagge, Charles, carpenter, h. Ohio, nr. n. e.<br />

cor. Hastings.<br />

Tait,, William, bookkeeper, h. 293 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Talan, Michae!, laborer, h. 549 Sixth.<br />

Talman, William S. (Talman & Co.), h. o.<br />

257 n. 305 Larned e.<br />

Talman & Co. (William S. Talman and<br />

Edwin S. Wheeler), commercial brokers,<br />

dock bet. Cass and First.<br />

Tallent, Peter, carpenter, bds. 70 Larned e.<br />

Taming, John. bds. Garrison House.<br />

Tammiven, .lolln, New York Hotel, 7 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Tanner, Frank, tobacconist, bds. 824 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Tannahill, James, h. 70 Columbia e.<br />

Tannenholz, Alexander, cigarmaker, h. 30<br />

Beacon.<br />

Tanner, Alexander, sailor, h. 142 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Tapert, August, woodpeddler, h. 120 Maple.<br />

Tapert, Charles, varnisher, h. 149 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Tapert, Emil, meatmarket, 512 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Tapert, Henry, meatmarker, 351 Riopelle,<br />

h. same.<br />

Tapert, Hermann, butcher, bds. 351 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Tapke, Charles, laborer, bds. 761 Twenty-<br />

fourtll.<br />

TAPPAN, BICKILLOP & CO., mercantile<br />

agency, 53 and 54 Strong's Block, 11 1<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Tarbell, George S. (hloses W. Field & Co.),<br />

h. 235 Woodward ave.<br />

Tarbell, Horace S., principal Bishop Union<br />

school, h. 35 George.<br />

Tarbell, John, salesman, h. 316 Congress e.<br />

Tarbell, John Ci., salesman, h. 45 Wash-<br />

ington are.<br />

Tarrell, William, laborer, h. 431 Twelfth.<br />

Tarren, Edward, tinsmith, bds. 95 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Tart, Charles, engineer, h. 154 Croghan.<br />

Tasker, Wiliiam, fanner, h. e. s. Wood-<br />

ward ave., n. Toll Gate;<br />

Taski. Charles, laborer, h. 207 Antietam.<br />

Tate, Daniel C., cook Michigan Exchange,<br />

h. 27G Sixth.<br />

Tttte, Edward, boarding and saloon, h. 74<br />

IVoodbridge w.<br />

Tate, Miss Maria, teacher, res. Mt. Clemens.<br />

Tate, Robert, cook Biddle House, h. 109<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Tatr, William, baggageman M. S. R. R.,<br />

hds. 109 Adams ave. e.<br />

Taterli ng, Theodore, painter, h. Dequindre,<br />

nr. North.<br />

Tatreau, Alesander (Alesander Tatreau &<br />

Co.), h. 684 Michigan ave.<br />

Tatreau. Joseph (Alexander Tatreau & Co.),<br />

bds. 684 Michigan ave.<br />

Tatreau, Alexander, & Co. (Alexander and<br />

Joseph Tatreau), grocers, 684 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Taufkirch, Leo, propr. Kossuth House, 189<br />

Larned w.<br />

Tawcett, Fanny (wid. Henry), h. 17 Beech.<br />

Taylor, Albert, painter, bds. 43 Adam ave.<br />

east.<br />

Taylor, Andrew G., blacksmith, h. 0. 149 n.<br />

185 Howard.<br />

Taylor, Cassius P., vessel owner, bds. 75 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Tzylor, Charles, grocery, 285 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Taylor, Charles B., clerk, h. 481 Sixth.<br />

Taylor, Dewitt H., salesman, bds. 274 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Taylor, David, boilermaker, h. 350 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Taylor, David, teamster h. 277 Guoin.<br />

Taylor. Edward P., clerk, bds. 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor, Elisha, attorney, 156 Jefferson ave.,<br />

h. 274 same.<br />

Taylor, Frank (col'd), laborer, h. 340 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Taylor, Francis, painter, h. 43 Adams are.<br />

east.<br />

Taylor, Frank D. (Newcomb, Endicott & CO.),<br />

h. 16 Madison ave.<br />

Taylor, Francis P., clerk G. T. R., bds. 0.41<br />

n. 47 Labrosse.<br />

Taylor, Georqe, painter, h. 11 Sisth.<br />

Taylor, Henry, boilermaker, bds. 220 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Taylor, Henry, brass finisher, bds. 18 Harri-<br />

son ave.<br />

Taylor, Henry D., messenger A. M. U. Es-<br />

press, h. 92 Adams ave. w.<br />

Taylor, Henry P., train despatcher M. C. R.<br />

H., 11.194 Congress w.<br />

, Taylor, James, carpenter, h. 309 Seventh.<br />

Taylor, James, clerk. Ms. 189 Howard.<br />

Taylor, James, macllinist, h. 523 Larned e.<br />

Taylor, James H., carpenter, h. 309 Seventh.


Teagan, Mathias, carpenter, bds. 152<br />

North.<br />

Teagwn, iITilliam, clerk P. O., h. 793 Fort m.<br />

'I'eagan, William, drayman, h. 30'2 Lafayette<br />


ave.<br />

Teahen, Timothy, laborer, h. 270 Sixth.<br />


1 I<br />

Teak, Charles, laborer, bds. 105 Twenty-<br />


second.<br />

, \<br />

Teakle, Robert, butcher, bds. 23 VCTashington<br />

Taylor, James W., boottreer, bds. 102 ave.<br />

Brush.<br />

Tebeatz, Louis, boilermaker, 11. 56 Dtzbois.<br />

Taylor, Joliu, engineer, h. 17 Harrison ave. Tebo, Francis, engineer, h. 256 Thirteen-<br />

Taylo!, John, printer, 11. 30 Jlontctl~rn m. and-a-half.<br />

Taylor, .I oh, printer, bds. 59 George. Tefft, MTilliam H., prest. <strong>Detroit</strong> Stove<br />

Taylor, Jolrn, teamster, 11. 489 Fifth.<br />

\lrorks, 11. o. 173 n. 203 Lafayette aye.<br />

Taylor, John, runner, 11. 104 Montcalm e. Tegeler, Chzirles, sash and door manfr.,<br />

Taylor, Jolrn (Eberle, Taylor S: Kammon), High, bet. Beaubjen and St. Antoine, h.<br />

11. 239 ('ass.<br />

rear same.<br />

Taylor, John A., peddler, 193 Woodward Teichner, En~anue!, tanner, 11. 70 &lacomb.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

'Seicliner. Jacob, silernlan, bds. '70 hlacomb.<br />

Taylor, John, jr., clerk, bds. Grand River, Teicbner, Samuel, traveling agent, bds. 70<br />

bet. T\~elfth and Thirteenth.<br />

hlacom b.<br />

Taylor, John, sr., peddler, 11. n. s. Grand Teidlir, Lpo, tobacconist, bds. 117 Rfaple.<br />

ICiver, bet. Tsvell th and Tllirteenth. 'I'eipel, Fvrdinand. carpenter, h. 9 German.<br />

Taylor, Jonatllan JI ., agent, 11. '75 Sibley. Teiss, Christian, carpenter, h. Antietam, n.<br />

Tayior, J ul ia (col'd --wid. William), washer- w. cor. Jos. C'amyau ave.<br />

woman, 11. $1 Macomb.<br />

Teizen, A1 ieh;~el, la borer, 11. 335 Bronson.<br />

Taylor, Rev. r\lalachi, 11. 57 George. Teizen, Peter. melter, h. SS North.<br />

Taylor, Jlary (col'd-wid. Charles), h. 210 Telegraph office, Atlantic and Pacific,<br />

Lafa~ette.<br />

George Farnsworth, manager, 39 Wood-<br />

~a~ lor; Nannie E. (wid. James N.), bds. 93 ward ave.<br />

High.<br />

Telegraph office, Western Union, Colin<br />

~aglor, Neil, carpen t,er, h. 102 Fifteenth. Fos, manager, 50 Griswold.<br />

Taylor, N. Terry (Kanady S: Taylor), bds. Telfair, Frederick A., upholsterer, h. 101<br />

53 Biianli ave.<br />

Adums ave. mT.<br />

Taylor, Kobert, gold pen maker, 157 Jef- Telfer, (iarin, student, bds. 163 \JTi,llt.<br />

ferson ave., 11. same.<br />

Telfer, Gordon, carpenter, 11. 163 \.L ~gllt.<br />

Taylor, Robert J., sash and blind factory, 'f elfer, Robert, currier, bds. 163 Wight.<br />

Ft)urteentll, nr. Fort, h. cor. Fort and 'l'eller, Ann E. V. (wid. James P.), h. 175<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Aciams ave e.<br />

Taylor, Samuel, carpenter, 11. 59 George. Teller, William C. B., teller American Na-<br />

Taylor, Sunruel, clerk, bde. 266 Beaubien. tional Bank, 11. 94 Adelaide.<br />

Taylor. Savedra W., weighmaster h.1. C. R. Telnme, \.lTilliam, wagonmaker, h. 25G Ger-<br />

H., 4'7 Labrosse.<br />

man.<br />

Taylor, Tllomas L., carpenter, h. '78 Lim- Temple, George, blacksmith, bds. Western<br />

burg.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Taylor, Wiiliam, baker, 11. 425 Twelfth. Tenant, James H., stonecutter, bds. 97 Jef-<br />

Taylor, painter, h. 43 Adarns ave. ferson ave.<br />

east.<br />

Tenant, John, stonecutter, bds. 99 Jefferson<br />

Taylor, \JTilliam, sailor, h. rear 261 Frank- ave.<br />

lin.<br />

Tennette, Arnold, laborer, bds. 32 Rivard.<br />

Taylor, William H., carpenter, h. Beaubien, Tenney, i'eorse P., sec'y Sl~ringwells Brick<br />

nr. \lTatson.<br />

and 'I'ile Co., h. 39'3 Sixth.<br />

Tea, Willian~, huckster, h. 409 Sererth. Tennison, J ames, bricklayer, bds. 154 La-<br />

Teagan, Charles, laborer, 11. 246 Twelfth. brosse.<br />

Teagan, George, carpenter, h. 367 Lafay- Ten hyinkel, Charles (Ten Winkle and Me<br />

ette ave.<br />

Cuue), h. o. 130 n. 144 Lafayette ave.<br />

Teagan, George P., clerk M. C. R. R., h. I29 Tenwin kel, August, crayon artist, bds. 16<br />

Cherry.<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Teagan, Jonathan, blacksmith, h. 206 Por- Tenwinliel, Henry, letter carrier, h. 0. 16 n.<br />

ter.<br />

26 Columbia e.<br />

Teagan, Jonathan (Morris & Co.'), h. nr. cor. Ten Wilrkel &McCune (Charles Ten<br />

Porter and Eighth.<br />

Win kel a~ld M'illianl J. RlcC'une): general<br />

Teagan. Jonathan, 'laborer 31. C. R. R., h. agents C:ontinvntal Lii'r Ins. ('o. of N. Y.,<br />

242 Thirteenth.<br />

s. e. cor. Woodn7ard ave. and Congress.<br />



Tepke, Henry, laborer, h. 761 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Teplie, Julius, fireman, bds. 761 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

TerlneI, Alexander, stonecutter, bds. 22<br />

Catharine.<br />

Termote, Joseph. laborer, h. 100 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Terres, Peter, laborer: h. 437 Eighteenth.<br />

Terrien, Heurietta (wid. Valliero), h. Guoin,<br />

bet. Adair and Walker. .<br />

Terry, C:harles, 1 umber merchant, 5 Merrill<br />

Block, 11.104 Winder.<br />

Terry, Dwight, clerk, 11. o. 103 n. 127 Cass.<br />

Terry, John F., oculist, h. 82 Winder.<br />

Terry, Noah, clerk, bds. 76 Coawrsss w.<br />

Terry, Xorval E., salesman, bdsaa78 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Ten:,., Oliver L., wooddealer, h. 176 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Terry, Uriah, soda wbter peddler, bds. 69<br />

Second.<br />

Terryll, William (col'd), porter, h. 302 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Tettert, Herman, cigarmaker, 11. 340 North.<br />

Teufel, Jacob, cabinetmaker, h. 229 Colum-<br />

bia e.<br />

Teufel, Johanna (wid. John), h. 137 Sher-<br />

znan.<br />

Teuton, ,4lfred, butcher, bds. 194 Wood<br />

bridge w.<br />

Teuton. James, baker, 21. 104 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Tenton. Robert C. (Teuton, McFTTilliams St<br />

Co.). bds. n. t.. cor. Front and Second.<br />

Teuton, 31c\17illiams St Co. (Robert C. Tell<br />

ton and Edward McIVilliams), grocers,<br />

189 Wood bridge w.<br />

Teyner, Jlichael, laborer, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Aduir and Leib.<br />

Teyner, \\'illiam, laborer, bds. Franklin,<br />

bet. Adair and Leib.<br />

Thaiss, Chris ian, carpenter, h. Antietam,<br />

n. e. cor. Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Thaus, Ferdinand, shoemaker, 141 St. Subin<br />

ave., h. 137 same.<br />

Tbayer, A1 bart, agent Dexter washing ma-<br />

chine, 17 Miami ave.<br />

Thayer, David, carpenter, h. 14 Orchard.<br />

Tliayer, David A., bill poster. h. 44 Orcllard.<br />

Thayer, Henry, carpenter, h. 150 Grand<br />

River, upstairs.<br />

Thayer, Lansing, machinist, h. 255 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Thager, Louis B.. agent, 11. 178 Maple.<br />

Thayer, Lgman M., general agent ,llicbigan<br />

Mutual Life Ins. Co., bds. Hussell House.<br />

Thabo, Esther (wid. Frank), h. 358 Clinton.<br />

Thebodo, Louis, blaclismith, h. 466 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Thee, Charles, drover, 11. 64 George.<br />

Thdle. Augustus, grocer, 192 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

Their)-, Rebecca (wid. Tlleodore), h. o. 34 n.<br />

376 3 uliette.<br />

Theisen, Peter, carpenter, h. 606 1.lichigan<br />

ave.<br />

Thele, Michael, laborer, 11. 15 Silver.<br />

Thelen, Anthony, tinslnitl1, 1). IS9 Brewters.<br />

Tllelen, Maggie (wid. Nicllolas), 11. s. w. cor.<br />

St. Aubin ave. and Marv.<br />

Themer, August, cigarlilaker, bds. 114 Randolph.<br />

Theree, George, carpenter, bds. 217 Napoleon.<br />

Theree, John, carpenter, bds. 217 Napoleon.<br />

Theree, Josel)l1, c trpenter, 11. 217 Napoleon.<br />

Thetreau, Peter L., clerk, bds. 335 Franklin.<br />

Tlltb~it, John, blacksmith, 198 Fort e.<br />

Tlliel, Albert, salesman, bds. s. s. Clinton<br />

ave., nr. Elmwood are.<br />

Thiel, Elias, gardener. 11. 693 Clinton ave.<br />

Tlliel, Frederick, stonecutter, h. 2633 Gratiot.<br />

Thieler, Williain, tailor, Lds. 185 Gratiot.<br />

'rlliemer, Ernst, cigars, 322+ Woodward<br />

ave , 11. saine.<br />

Tllierry, August, hardware, 507 and 509<br />

Gratiot, bds. 224 Xlizsl~eth e.<br />

Thierry, James, h. 224 Elizabeth e.<br />

Tllierry, James, draughtsman, res. Springwells.<br />

Tllierry, John, bzrtender, bds. SG Brush.<br />

Thierry, Joseph, cabinetmaker, bds. 90 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Thierry, Peter, grocer, 284 Cl~ene, 11. same.<br />

Thiesen, Jolin U., cigar manufacturer and<br />

tobacconist. 139 Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

Thiesen, Xicholxs, laborer, bds. 87 Atwater.<br />

Thilet, Arelius, tailor, h. 438 Besubien.<br />

Thirkell, Mrs. William, 11. 123 Llrayne.<br />

Thoens, Franx A., laborer, h. '76 Shern~an.<br />

Thomas, Albert E., clerk, bds. a e. cor. Riopellt:<br />

and Larned.<br />

Thomas. Alfred, Ida110 saloon, 133 %TToodtvard<br />

ave., 11. o. 357 n. 439 Beaubien.<br />

Thomas, Anthony, sashmaker, h. 477 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Tl~omas, Charles J. T., agent, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Thomas, Charles R., bds. 518 Fort w.<br />

Tho~nae, Erastus A., teamster, bds. 100<br />

Brush.<br />

Thomas, Francis A., bookkeeper, h. 40 Congress<br />

w. *<br />

Thomas, Francis, shoemaker, h. 111 Marion.<br />

Thomas, Frederick J., paymaster D. & 31. R.<br />

R., h. 3'73 Clinton.<br />

Thomas, George H., policeman, h. 477 Fort<br />

east.<br />

Thomas, George R., dentist, Opera House<br />

Block, 11. cor. John 12. and Edmnnd.<br />

Thomas, Henry (col'd), laborer, bds. 81 BIacomb.<br />

Thomas, Henry (col'd), waiter, bds. 365 Croghan.<br />

Thomas, Henry L., machinist, bds. 32<br />


THO<br />


NEW YORE<br />

Thonlpson, Elmira A. (wid. Lucius), bds. e.<br />

s. Third, bet. Joy and Pitcher.<br />

!Uf@ Fm~urane~ - @,~mtp@lay, Thompson, Ephraim, teamster, h. 289 Chest-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,00O,COO nut.<br />

DAILY CASH 1h-COME, $15,000<br />

Thompson, Francis F. (F. F. Thompson &<br />

-<br />

Co.), h. 84 Selden.<br />

SOLON NcELROP, l!l;~nager and Agency Snpt;, Thompson, Frederick W., clerk, bds. 910<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Jefferson ave.<br />

- - - - - - - - - Thompson, George, policeman, h. 700 Michi-<br />

Thomas, Herena, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan gan ave.<br />

ave., nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Thompson, George, painter, h. 110 Croghan.<br />

Thomas, Horatio, clerk, bds. 153 Woodward Thompson, George A., tailor, bds. 112 Abave.<br />

bott.<br />

Thomas, Jacob D., clerk, h. 107 Congress e. Thompson, George F., bookkeeper, bds. 43<br />

Thomas, J. Paul, with Douglass & Niller, h. Hastings.<br />

40 Montcalm e.<br />

Thompson, Henry, clerk, bds. 43 Hastings.<br />

Thomas, John. engineer, h. 296 Macomb. Thompson, Henry B., bookkeeper, bds. n. s.<br />

Thomas, John S., carpenter, 13 Congress e., Congress, bet. Rivard and Hastings.<br />

h. 219 Second.<br />

Thompson, Horace H., h. e. s. Woodward<br />

Thomas, Justice, butcher, bds. 62 Second. ave., nr. toll gate.<br />

Thomas, Mrs. Louise (col d), h. 51 Muliett. Thompson, James, boilermaker, h. 403 Fort<br />

Thomas, Martjn, laborer, h. rear 362 Lafay- east.<br />

ette.<br />

Thompson, James, clerk, h. 268 Beaubien.<br />

Thomas, Peter (col'd), vegetables, 8 Citp Thompson, J times, gardefier, h. 359 Eight-<br />

Hall market. h. 16'7 Rlullett.<br />

eenth.<br />

Thomas, 13apl.&el, carpenter, h. 442 Trow- Thompson, James, policeman, h. 170 Porter.<br />

brid pe.<br />

Thompson, James A., clerk, bds. 40 Con-<br />

~homgs, Mrs. (wid. Raphael), h. 258 Eight- gress w.<br />

eent,h.<br />

Thompson, John, blacksmith, h. Foundry,<br />

Thomby, John, laborer; h. 93 Park Place. nr. Michigan ave.<br />

Thonipson, Agnes (wid. Neil), h. 134 Baker. Thompson, John, cabinetmaker, h. 95 Har<br />

Thompson, Alexander, h. 104 Adams ave. rison ave.<br />

east.<br />

Thompson, John, carpenter, bds. 330 FOI t e.<br />

Thompson, Alexander, laborer, bds. 160 Thompson, John, salesman, bds. o. 22 n.<br />

Porter.<br />

40 Sibley.<br />

Thompson, Benjamin F., agent Standard Thompson, John, laborer, h. e. s. Twentieth,<br />

Lite Ins. Co., room 10 Arcade building, bet. Baker and Michigan ave.<br />

bds. American Hotel.<br />

Thompson, John. real estate agent, Rotunda<br />

Thompson, Bradley H., deputy sheriff, liv- building, h. 268 Jegerson ave.<br />

ery stable, n. s. Woodbridge, bet. sates Thonlpson, John, stonecutter, h. 260<br />

and Handolph, h. n. s. Congress, bet. Ri- Twelfth.<br />

vard and Hastings.<br />

Thompson, John H., clerk, bds. 40 Sibley.<br />

Thompson, Charles, painter, bds. 110 Ri- Thompson, Joseph GI., brakeman M. C. R.<br />

vard.<br />

R., h. 47 Adams ave. e.<br />

Thompson, Charles &I., fireman Neptune No. Thompson, Joseph M., bookkeeper, h. o. 23<br />

2, h. 91 St. Antoine.<br />

n. 40 Sjbley.<br />

Thompson, Charles VCT. (col'd),laborer, h. 305 Thompson, Mary (wid. David), h. 27 Fort w.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Thompson, Neil, clerk, bds. 134 Baker.<br />

Thompson, Christopher, laborer, h. 136 Or- Thompson, Rev. Oren C., Congregational,<br />

chard.<br />

h. e. s. Woodward ave., near toll gate.<br />

Thompson, Cyrus (~ol'd), laborer, h. 366 Ma- Thompson, Preston, clerk prop. Meteor,<br />

comb.<br />

bds. 43 Hastings.<br />

Thompson, David, check clerk G. T. R., h. Thompson, Itichard, porter, h. 160 Hasts.<br />

e. cor. Porter and Eleventh. .<br />

ing s.<br />

Thompson, David, stonecutter, bds. Twelith, Thompson, Robert, stonecutter, bds. 69 Ats.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

water.<br />

Thompson, Daniel, stonecutter, bds. 27 Thompson, Samuel, agent, h. 312 Fort w.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Thompson, Samuel K., agent, h. 335 Fort<br />

Thompson, Delia (wid. James), h. o. I8 P. 20 east. -<br />

Plum.<br />

Thompson, Sears P. (Thompson & Wagner),<br />

Thompson, Edward H., jr., clerk, bds. 13 h. 158 Howard.<br />

Croghan.<br />

Thompson, Thomas, carpenter, h. nr. cor.<br />

Thompson, Elisha M., chairmaker, n. w. cor. Prospect and Watson.<br />

John R tuud ElizaLetk, k. e. 8. Third, bet. Thompson, Thomas, policeman, h. o. 320 n.<br />

Joy and Pitcher.<br />

418 Twellth.

THO CITY<br />

Thompson, Thomas S., pilot, bds. 23 Eight-<br />

eenth.<br />

Thompson, Walter, brass founder, h. o. 334<br />

n. 402 Larned e.<br />

Thompson, William, boilermaker, bds. 101<br />

Atwater.<br />

Thompson, William, machinist, bds. Wind-<br />

sor, Ontl.<br />

Thompson, William, policeman, h. 141 La-<br />

brosse.<br />

Thompson, William G)., lawyer, 154 Jeffer-<br />

son ave., h. same.<br />

Thompson, William H., foreman Tunis'<br />

printing office. h. 338 Sixteenth.<br />

Thompson, W. T., <strong>Detroit</strong> Broom Factory,<br />

h. 910 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thompson, F. F., & Co. (Francis F. Thomp<br />

son and Edward M. Carey), Drain and<br />

Sewer Pipe Works, XIToodward ave., near<br />

Brady.<br />

Thon~pson & Wagner (Sears P. Thompson<br />

and Robert Wagner), railroad and steam-<br />

boat ticket agents, a. w. cor. Woodbridge<br />

and Second.<br />

Thone, Frank A., laborer, 1?. 76 Sherman.<br />

Thorburn, Dennis, watchman, h. 36 Brady.<br />

Thorburn, Elizabeth (wid. Andrew), h. 263<br />

Larned e.<br />

Thorburn, William, carpenter, h. 37 Sproat.<br />

Thorley, Thomas, clerk, bds. 301 Franklin.<br />

Thormann, August, cooper, 86 Sherman, h.<br />

same.<br />

Thormann, Edward, cooper, h. 68 Maple.<br />

Thorn, Charles, butcher, 11.55 National ave.<br />

Thorn, Henry, tailor, h. 298 Fifth.<br />

Thorn, John J., physician, 1.1. o. 46 n. 54<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Thorn, Lewis, sailor, bds. 298 'Fifth.<br />

Thorne, Nathaniel, clerk Light House office,<br />

h. 381 Fort e.<br />

Thorne, William, clerk, h. o. 446 n. 478 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Thornton, Mrs. F5'illiam, h. 590 Croghan.<br />

Thorpe, George, jr., printer. h. 270 Fourth.<br />

Thorpe, George W., painter, bds. 81 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Thorpe, Horace, chairmaker, h. 130 Abbott.<br />

Thorye, Jane (mid. Hamilton), h. 75 Lewis.<br />

Thorpe, James, baker, h. 678 R.iopelle.<br />

Thorpe, John. carpenter, bds. 35 Larned w.<br />

Thorpe, Thomas, carpenter, bds. 36 First.<br />

Thorpe, Thomas, laborer, h. 50 Harrison ave.<br />

Thorpe, Thomas, upholsterer, h.12 Limburg.<br />

Thourlby, Sarah (wid. John), 11. 108 Rivard.<br />

Threber, Frederick, boilermaker, h. 313<br />

Clinton.<br />

Threyon, Wick, laborer, h. e. s. Sullivan<br />

ave., nr. Chestnut.<br />

Thrombly, Alexander, laborer, bds. 338<br />

Clinton.<br />

Thrombly, Batis, teamster, h. 282 GCratiot.<br />

Thrombley, Bernard, carpenter, bds. 243 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Thrombly, Charles @.,painter, bds. 241 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

DIRECTORY. l'IL 385<br />

THROMBLY, HIPPOLITE, hackowner and<br />

wagonmaker, 241 Gratiot, h. same. (See adv.<br />

Thromblp. Michael, laborer, h. 232 Gratiot.<br />

Throop, Washington, clerk, h. 88 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Throop, William A. (W. A. Throop & Co.),<br />

h. o. 45 n. 84 Miami ave.<br />

Throop, William A., dk CO. (WiG<br />

liam A. Throop and Gove Porter), whole<br />

sale stationers and law booksellers, 90<br />

Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Thude, Adolph, grocer, n. w. cor. Twentieth<br />

and Howard, h. same.<br />

Thuemling, G. Henry, boots and shoes, 288<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Thuener, Henry, patentee, h., 218 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Thuerwaechter, Jacob, carpenter, h. 214<br />

Clinton.<br />

Thuerwaechter, Philip, carpenter, h.o.277 n.<br />

283 Franklin.<br />

Thullen, Philip, shipcarpenter, h. 315 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Thurber, Philip, with J. G. Erwin, 2 Board<br />

of Trade Building.<br />

Thurkow, John, student, bds. 328 Hastings.<br />

Thurkow. Louis, tailor, h. 388 Hastings.<br />

Tibble, Edmnnd, brass finisher, bds. 325<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Tibble, George B., laborer, bds. 325 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Tibble, James, machinist, bds. 325 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Tibble, Thomas, machinist, bds. 325 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Tiebo, Victor, engineer, h. cor. Lafayette<br />

ave. and Twelf't a.<br />

Tied, Henry, laborer, h. n. s. Antietain, bet.<br />

Chene and Dubois.<br />

Tiel, Kicholas, coppersmith, h. 245 Thir-<br />

teenth.<br />

Tiemann, John, laborer, h. 581 Lafayette.<br />

Tierney, James, laborer, h. 345 Franklin.<br />

Tiess, John, servant, bds. 465 Jefferson ave.<br />

Tietsort, Ira, clerk M. C. R. R.., h. Indian<br />

ave., Springwells.<br />

Tietsort, Perry A., clerk M. C. R. R., h. Scot-<br />

ten ave., Springwells, nr. railroad track.<br />

Tiffany, Elizabeth S. (wid. Lewis L.), h. 105<br />

Farmer.<br />

Tiffany, Mary {wid. Johni, h. 216 Second.<br />

Tiffenbach, Charles, laborer, h. 70 Jay.<br />

TitFn, William H. (eol'd), barber, bds. 165<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Tiller, James A., printer, h. 81 Plum.<br />

Tillman, Martha (wid. James W.), h. 170<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Tillman, William (Tillman, Silsbee & Co.),<br />

h. n. e. cor. Beaubien and Congress.<br />

TILLMAN, SILSBEE $ CO. (William Till-<br />

man and Charles E. Silsbee), furniture, 144<br />

Jefferson aoe., factory, 117 Woodbridge w.<br />

(Sde adv.)<br />

Tillotson, Charles N., printer. h. 133 High.<br />

Tillotson, Dorr, policeman, bds. 1% High.


Physicians zbl~vays specify<br />


-- -<br />

Tillotson, Whiting, agt , h. 133 High.<br />

Tillotson, Vtrilliam R. (Sales & Tillotson), h,<br />

48 Lewis.<br />

Tilton, James E., 11. 72 Farrar.<br />

Tinan, Tllornas, laborer, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Adair and Leib.<br />

Tinaus, JFTilliarn, bds. Wight, bet. Adair<br />

and Lei b.<br />

Ting, Bernard, sawyer, 11.151 Catllarine.<br />

Tingley, Tllomas S., bds. 383 Brush.<br />

Tinker, 91son H., saloon, o. 8 n. 12 Larned<br />

w., u. 237 First.<br />

Tinker, Lowell W. (1;. W. Tinker & Co.),<br />

bds. Russell House.<br />

Tinker, L. W., QL CO. (Lowell W. Tinker and<br />

- - ), wholerale grocers, G At water.<br />

Tinnette, J. George, musician, bds. 232 Hi-<br />

vard.<br />

Tinnette, John N., musician, bds. 232 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Tinnet te, J . Peter, music saloon, cor. Rivard<br />

and Catharine.<br />

Tinnette, Josepl~, musician, bds. 232 Ri-<br />

vard.<br />

Tiotzke, Frank, laborer, h. w. s. Lyell ave.,<br />

bet. Butternut and Ash.<br />

Tipal, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 9 German.<br />

Tirney, Patrick, laborer, h. s. s. Cherry, bet.<br />

Fifth and Sisth.<br />

Tirrell, William (col'd), porter, h. 264 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Tisler, Elizabeth (wid. George), h. 282 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

Tisler, John, drayman, h. 1'73 Division.<br />

Tisler, Nicholas, constable 7th ward, h. 367<br />

Croghan.<br />

Titelow, George (Bennett, Titelow & Wood),<br />

h. e. s. Tillman ave.. nr. llliclligan ave.<br />

Titus, N. Donning, printer, h. 49 Madison<br />

ave.<br />

Titus, Smith, farmer, h. 65 Adams ave. m.<br />

Tizen, Peter, laborer, h. 412 James.<br />

Tobe, Anton, laborer, 11. 266 Clinton.<br />

Tobell, George, carpenter, h. 283 Third.<br />

Toberer, Charles, butcher, bds. 117 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Tobin, James, laborer, h. o. 132 n. 144<br />

Franklin.<br />

Tobin, Mary, saloon. 2'71 Sisth, 11. sanie.<br />

Tobin, Micllael, boilermaker, h. 2'78 Seventh.<br />

Tobin, Patrick W., salesman, h. 201 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Tobin, Thomas, cigarmaker, bds. 15 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Tobin, William, laborer, h. 15 Griswold.<br />

Todd, David, clerli, li. 69 Sllvrman.<br />

Todd, David, jr., clerk, bds. 69 Sherman.<br />

-<br />

Todd, Miss Mary, dressmaker, bds. 235<br />

I Montcnl ... e.<br />

1 Todd, William. mechanic, h. 144 Labrosse.<br />

Todd, William, tailor, h. 235 Montcalm e.<br />

Todt, Mas, laborer, 11. 3G Dequindre.<br />

Todtenbier, Frank, printer, bds. 132 An tie-<br />

tam.<br />

Todtenbier, John, clerk, bds. 132 Antietam.<br />

Todten bier, Mathias, carpenter, h. 223 Eliz-<br />

abeth e.<br />

Tod ten bier, William, cooper, h. 132 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Toeller, John, painter, h. nr. cor. Pearl and<br />

Prospect.<br />

Toepel, J. Henry. stoves and hardware, 110<br />

Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Toeyfer, Julius, sale man, h. 42 St. Antoine.<br />

Togan, Rlichael, sailor, bds. 13 Labrosse.<br />

Toolier, Nanley, painter, h. 504 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Toles, Betsy (wid. Nathan H.), h. 167 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Tolcs, Charles H., undertaker, h. 54 Macomb<br />

aye.<br />

Toles, Edward W., undertaker, bds. 167<br />

Grand Kiver.<br />

Toles, Frank H., painter, bds. 1G7 Grand<br />

Kiver.<br />

Toles, William D., painter, bds. 167 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Toley, Charles, school teacher, h. 418 Mich-<br />

igan ave.<br />

Toll, A., bds. Russell House.<br />

Toll, John, laborer, 11. 437 Mullett.<br />

Tolland, Charles, carpenter, h. 233 Twelfth.<br />

Tolland, Edward, carpenter, h. 140 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Tonles, James, painter, bds. 332 Franklin.<br />

Tomlinson. Mrs. Miranda, h. o. 232 n. 280<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Tomlinson, Xelson (Tomlinson & Graves),<br />

res. Broolil y n, N. Y.<br />

Tonllinson Ss Qrrtves (Nelson Tomlinson<br />

and Henry A. Ciraves), sole-leather tan-<br />

ners, 33, 34 and 36 Atwater.<br />

Toms, Xobert P., lawyer, 124 Jefferson ave.,<br />

11. 11 Farmer.<br />

Toms, Thomas, mason, h. n. s. Fulton, bet.<br />

Sisth and Seventh.<br />

Toms, William, stonecutter, h. 19 Spencer.<br />

Tonbeer, \TTilliam, coolier, h. 132 Antietam.<br />

Toner, Charles, carpeu ter, bds. 402 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Tongne, Clement, carpenter, h. 498 Or.<br />

leans.<br />

Toolley, Dennis, laborer, h. 152 Seventh.<br />

Toohqv, Peter, laborer, h. Michigan ave.,<br />

near National ave.<br />

Toole, John, tailor, h. 80 Cherry.<br />

Toorney, Bartl~olo~new, laborer, bds. 404<br />

Larned e.<br />

Toomey, Catharine (wid. Michael), h. 16<br />

Howard.<br />

Toorney, Jlichael, porter, bds. 165 Fraukliu.<br />

Toomey, Hichard, moulder, bds. 1G Howard.


-<br />

Toomey, Thomas, drayman, h. IG5 Frank- Towsey, Charles, saddler Hayden & Baldlin.<br />

win's.<br />

Toomey, Thomas, jr., laborer, bds. 165 Toynton, Henry W., letter carrier, h. 52<br />

Franklin.<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Toomey, William, fireman, bds. 165 Frank- Toynton, Joseph (Gsay & Toynton), h. 34<br />

lin.<br />

Macomb ave.<br />

Toomey, William, laborer, h. 151 National Tracy, Dennis, watchman, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

ave.<br />

Sullivan ave. and Butternut.<br />

Top, Braba, laborer, bds. 14 Miclligan are. Tracy, Edward, carpenter, bds. 179 Brew-<br />

Topel, Ephraim, carpenter, h. 228 Brush. ster.<br />

Torcott, John, carpenter, h. 500 Wood- Tracy, Henry G., joiner, bds. 179 Brewster.<br />

bridge e.<br />

Tracy, John, carpenter, h. 179 Brewster.<br />

Tornaway, James P., cabinetmaker, h. 93 Tracy, John, engineer, 11. 227 Fourth.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Tracy, John, grocer, 11. 77 liiopelle.<br />

Torrance, Alexander, engineer, bds. o. S4 n. Tracy, Mary (wid. Arthur), vegetables, 17<br />

:S Montcalm w.<br />

<strong>City</strong> Hall mi rket, 11. 1034 Jlicliigan ave.<br />

Torrance, Andre~v, engineer, h. o. S4 n. 88 Tracy, Patrick, laborer: h. 91 Sullivan ave.<br />

&lo11 tcalm w.<br />

Traliey, W'illiam, laborer, h. m. s. Xational<br />

Torrance, Andrew. bds. 218 Congress e. aye., near Sycamore.<br />

Torrance, A., bookkeeper, bds. 121 Congress Trapold, Peter, laborer, 11. 86 TC1ontcalm e.<br />

east.<br />

Trapp, Plrilip, vegetables. 33 <strong>City</strong> Hall mar-<br />

Torry, Abel R., <strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Laundry, s. ket, 11. o. 108 n. 118 Rfaple.<br />

w. cor. Bates and Congress, h. 110 Lar- Traub, Christian M. (Traub Bros.), h. 6<br />

ned r.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Torry, Clara, carpet sewer. bds. 413 Fifth. Tranb, Herman, cigar manfr., 196 Michigan<br />

Torry, Frank )I., bds. 110 Lamed e.<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Torry, George G., lime burner, 11.212 Park. Traub, Jacob (Traub Bros.), h. 206 Jeffer-<br />

Tortellet, George, carpenter, h. s. s. Lasnlle son ave.<br />

ave., near Poplar.<br />

TRACB BROS. (Jacob and Christian<br />

Tortellet, Hiram, carpenter, bds. s. s. La- Traub), jewelers, 206 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

salle ave., near Poplar.<br />

adz.)<br />

Tossey, Frank, laborer, bds. 24C2 Catharine. Traver, Gilbert: sea master, 11.209 Third.<br />

Tossey, John, blacksmith, h. 242 Catha- Traver, Mary (wid. Jones), h. 28.1: Second.<br />

rine.<br />

Traver, WTilliam, cabinetmaker, bds. 33 Ad-<br />

Tossey, Louis, shipsmith, h. 372 Croglian. ams ave. e.<br />

Totten, Hester (wid. Jonah), bds. 38 Duf- Traver, Zachariah, traveling agent, h. 32<br />

field.<br />

Prospect.<br />

Totten, \Villiam, machinisto, 11. 3SO Rlullett. Traynor, Peter, carpenter, h. 124 Hast-<br />

Toncy, Charles, collarmaker, bds. Goodman ing~.<br />

House.<br />

Treacey, John E., carpenter, h. 175 Brew-<br />

Tough, James, laborer, h. 74 Eighth.<br />

ster.<br />

Tough, Janlee, machinist, 11. 149 Bronson. Trcadmell, Henry J., painter, h. D1 Brady.<br />

Tough. Jolln, laborer, 11. 14'7 fironson. Trel~ull, Gusta~us H., h. w. s. Lye11 aye., bet.<br />

Toulmin, Alired P., steamboat owner, h. 119 Butternut and Ash.<br />

High.<br />

Tredway, Arthur, clerk, h. 259 Lafayette<br />

Tourongo, Andrew, sawyer, h. Guoin, on are.<br />

C'anll~au farm.<br />

Tregaskis, Richard, cashier U. S. Revenue,<br />

Towar, Charles A., machinist, h. '739 Fort 11. lSl Third.<br />

west.<br />

Trehey, Thomas, laborer, h. 163 Porter.<br />

Tower, Albert S., U. S. Army clerk, bds. G 'l'reichler, John, teacher, Bds. 101 Jlaple.<br />

Palmer.<br />

Tremont House, n. e. cor. Jefferson ave.<br />

Tower. Fletcher, U. S. Lake Survey, bds. 6 and Randolph, Dr. D. C. Goodale. propr.<br />

Pulnler.<br />

Tre!i!plt.r, John F., harnessmaker, s. s.<br />

To~irer, George, jr., physician, bds. G Pal- Ajichipn ave., bet. Seventh and Eighth,<br />

mer.<br />

h. same.<br />

Tower, George W., milkman, h. Palmer. Trent, Morris, carpenter, h. n. s. Canfield,<br />

Towers, Janies O., 11. 189 Larned e.<br />

bet. Seventh and Ninth ave.<br />

Towle, Eveline (m-ic!. Simon M.), boarding, Tress, Arthur (Tappan, McKillop & Co.)<br />

11. o. 173 n. 207 Fourth.<br />

bds. Biddle House.<br />

Town, Himm, fireman, 11.317 Congress m. Trevallick, Richard, lecturer, h. 290 Fort e.<br />

Town, Jennie, seamstress, 11. 305 Marion. Trey, Catharine (wid. Nartin), llousekeeper<br />

Town, Nathan F., clerli, bds. 218 \Yood- Adams House, bds. same.<br />

ward aye.<br />

Trezise, Oscar W., carpenter, bds. 164 Lar-<br />

Ton-nsend, Sngeline (mid. William), h. 246 ned w.<br />

Cozgress e.<br />

1 Trezise, Philip, miner, h. 164 Larned w.

TRI TUG<br />

NEW YORE<br />

B8ff' Omi~~l~ano~e<br />

- G~mp@omgl,<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOXE, $15,000<br />

--<br />

SOLON MeELBOY, Manager and Ageney Snpt,,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICE.<br />

Tribune, Edward (col'd), laborer, h. 302 Macorn<br />

b.<br />

Triebe, Frederick, boilermaker, h. 313 Clinton.<br />

Trildt, Frederick, laborer, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Walker and Adair.<br />

Trildt, Henry, laborer, h. Wight, bet. Walker<br />

and Adair.<br />

Trinder, Raymond, patternnaker, bds. 257<br />

Howard.<br />

Trinder, Thomas, h. 257 Howard.<br />

Trinder, Thomas, laborer, h. 330 Xinth ave.<br />

Trinkhaus, Christian, laborer, b. 201 Chestnut.<br />

Trinkhans, Philip, laborer, h. 181 Chestnut.<br />

Tripler, Eunice (wid. Charles S.), h. 86<br />

Howard.<br />

Tripp, B ~so~, wagonmaker, bds. 87 Adelaide.<br />

Trockenbrod, August (Koch & Co.), h. 8<br />

Chestnut.<br />

Troert, John, teamster, h. a. w. cor. North<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Troester, Conrad, cooper, B .314 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Troester. J. Conrad, cooper, h. 314 Mont-<br />

' calm e.<br />

Troester, John S., carriage trimmer, h. 62<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Trollope, Albert [Hill & Trollope), h. 185<br />

Second.<br />

TBOMRLEY, CHARLES J., real estate ag't,<br />

h. o. 76 n. 42 Miami ave.<br />

Trombley, Charles K., clerk F. Stearns, bds.<br />

42 Miami ave.<br />

Trombly, Alexander, bedsprinpaker, bds.<br />

s. s. Franklin, nr. Riopelle.<br />

Trombly, Frank, teamster, h. Wight, bet.<br />

Campau and Walker.<br />

Trombly, blrs. - (wid. Hamburch), h. s. s.<br />

Franklin, e. Riopelle.<br />

Trombly, John, carpenter, h. 168 Ftran klin.<br />

Trombly, Joseph, sailor, h. 50 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Trombly, Leon, shipcarpenter, h. 396 Franklin.<br />

Trombly, Levi, carpenter, h. 24 Dequindre.<br />

Trombly, Levi, carpenter, h. 225 Sherman.<br />

Trombly, Mary (wid.), 11. 557 Croghan.<br />

Trombly, Peter, dragman, h. 4'53 Fort e.<br />

Trombly, William, carpenter, h. w. s. Beaubien,<br />

bet. Leland and Ontario.<br />

Trondle, John, laborer, h. 214 Abbott.<br />

Trosell, Peter, truckman, h. 239 Thirteenth.<br />

Trounstine, Morris, clothier, 189 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 199 Larned e.<br />

Trowbridge, Charles C., President D. & M.<br />

R. R., h. 440 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Charles 3., clerk, bds. 624 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Edmund (Trowbridge, Wilcox<br />

& Co.), h. 342 Jeffernon ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Frank C., clerk J. Trowbridge<br />

& Broe., bds. Ecorse.<br />

Trowbridge, Henry H., clerk D. & M. R. R.,<br />

bds. 440 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Iiubbard, h. 3 Farrar.<br />

Trowbridge, John, h. 44 Russell.<br />

Trowbridge, Luther S., lawyer, Seitz Block,<br />

h. 547 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trowbridge, Smith, h. 624 Jefferson ave.<br />

Troy, James, porter, bds. 149 Larned e.<br />

Truax, Lucinda (wid. George B.), h. 455<br />

Woodmard ave.<br />

Truba, Charles, carpenter, h. 201 High.<br />

Trudell, Samuel, physician, h. 476 Fort w.<br />

Trudell, William, blacksmith, h. 183 Bronson.<br />

Truffner, Albert, porter, bds. American<br />

Hotel.<br />

Trumbull, Alexander, harnessmaker, bds.<br />

88 Larned e.<br />

Trumbull, Charles D., cabinetmaker, bds.<br />

(Joodlnan House.<br />

Trumbull, Walter, machinist, h. 89 Fifth.<br />

Trumbull. William, carpenter, h. 36 Dequindre.<br />

Trump, Simeon, carpenter, h. 266 Fourth.<br />

Trumpter, Frank, shoemaker, h. 391<br />

Mary.<br />

Trunk, Henry, peddler, h. 241 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Tubbs, Jane (wid. Jacob), h. 510 Sixth.<br />

Tubbs, Lavinia S., tailoress, bds. 510<br />

Sixth.<br />

Tuck, Adam, lawyer, h. Twenty-second, nr.<br />

Foundry.<br />

Tuck, Charles, sailor, h. Franklin, bet.<br />

Beaubien and Brush.<br />

Tucker, Anson, staffdealer, h. 12 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Tucker. Cassius M. (col'd), barber, h. 340<br />

Macomb.<br />

Tucker, Delavan, gents' furnishing goods,<br />

Biddle House Block, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Tuclizr, John (C. J. Whitney), bds. 85 Miami<br />

ave.<br />

Tuck.-r, J. L., laborer, h. 244 Mullett.<br />

Tucker, Samuel H., bds. 90 Grand River.<br />

Tucker, Samuel H., boottreer, h. 97 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Tufts, Francis, sailor, h. e. s. Williams ave.,<br />

nr. Myrtle.<br />

Tug Association (<strong>Detroit</strong> & St. Clair River<br />

Towing Association), E. G). Merick, President<br />

; W. Livingst,on, Secretary and<br />

Treasurer ; C. H. Carey,'Superintendent ;<br />

office dock, bet. Bates and l'CTooclward<br />


Tuite, John, porter G. T. R., h. 300 Tenth.<br />

Tuite. John W., cigarmaker, h. 370 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Tuite, Thomas, tinsmith, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Tuke, Samuel, cashier, bds. 71 Beaubien.<br />

Tulip, Henry, turner, bds. 407 Railroad.<br />

Tull, Charles H., shoemaker. 11.75 Macomb.<br />

Tulle?, John, laborer, h. 142 Jones.<br />

Tully, Michael, laborer, h. w. s. Fifth, nr.<br />

Spruce.<br />

Turner, Frank, plasterer. bds. 72 Harriett.<br />

Tunis, Williarn E., 5ookseller, printer and<br />

binder, 153 Jefferson ave., h. 209 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Tunny, John, shoemaker, h. 109 Russell.<br />

Tunny, bliclrael, laborer, h. 18 Sixteenth.<br />

Tupper, Leroy, cooper, h. 481 Russell.<br />

Turnbnll, Alexander, harnessmaker, bds. 88<br />

Larned e.<br />

Turnbull, \T-illiam, baker, h. 80 Abbott.<br />

Turner, Albert (col'd), cooper, h. rear 142<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

* Turner, Alexander (col'd), rag assorter, h.<br />

71 Fort e.<br />

Turner, Alexander, carpenter, h. 509 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Turner, Calvin B. (Watkins & Turner), h.<br />

279 Miclligan ave.<br />

Turner, Cornelius, carpenter, h. 265 Jeffer-<br />

son aye.<br />

Turner, Elizabeth (wid.), h. n. e. cor. Third<br />

and Jones.<br />

Turner, Francis W., glue manufacturer, h.<br />

n. w. cor. Woodbridge and Walker.<br />

Turner, Horace, wood and coal, 11 Larned<br />

IF., h. 60 Lafayette ave.<br />

Turner, James, salesman, bds. 78 Winder.<br />

Turner, Jenny A. (wid. Porter G.), h. 105<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Turner, Lewis, salesman, bds. 23 Washing-<br />

ton ave.<br />

Turner, Miss M. J., school teacher, bds. 123<br />

Wayne.<br />

Turner, Richard, carpenter, h. 241 Howard.<br />

Turner, Robert, carpenter: h. n. e. cor. Pa~k<br />

and Charlotte.<br />

Turner, Scott (col'd), sailor, bds. 81 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Turner, Septimus, cappenter, bds. 61 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Turner, Septimus W., teamster, h. 167<br />

Cass.<br />

Turney, William, laborer, h. 400 Baker.<br />

Turnverein, Freier, Weber's Hall, cor. Mul-<br />

lett and liussell.<br />

Tuton, Charles E., machinist, bds. 141<br />

Baker.<br />

Tuttle, Charles, clerk, bds. Finney's Hotel.<br />

Tuttle, Xancy (mid. Almin), boarding, h. 311<br />

hfontcalm e.<br />

Tuttle, Thomas, fireman steamer No. 1<br />

bds. Congress wT.<br />

Tuttle, William, painter, bds. 311 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

50<br />


Tyfer, John, carpenter, h. 465 Beaubien, up<br />

stairs.<br />

Tyfer, Joseph, carpenter, h. 465 Beaubien,<br />

up stairs.<br />

Tyler, Henry J., traveling agent, h. 75<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Tyler, Robert, laborer, h. Harrison ave., nr.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Tyler, Rowland G., grocer, cor. Randolph<br />

and Congress, bds. Howard House.<br />

Tynan, Thomas, clerk, bds. 210 Gratiot.<br />

Twombley, L. Cass, asst. paying teller<br />

First National Bank, bds. 2 Cranage<br />

Block, Shelby.<br />

Twombly, Luke, shipcarpenter, h. 202 Xa-<br />

comb.<br />

Tyre, *4ndrew, laborer, bds. e. s. Harrison<br />

ave., nr. Myrtle.<br />

Tyre, James, h. e. s. Harrison ave., nr. Lau-<br />

rel.<br />

Tyre, John, laborer, bds. e. s. Harrison ave.,<br />

nr. Laurel.<br />

Tyre, Robert, laborer, bds. e. s. Harrison<br />

ave., nr. Laurel.<br />

Tgrrell, Aaron \V. (Tyrrell & Bro.), Alder-<br />

man Fir-t Ward, bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Tyrrell, David W. (Tyrrell & Bro.), bds.<br />

(lass Hotel.<br />

Tyrrell, Robert A., hardware, 58 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Tyrrell & Bro. (Aaron W. and David W.<br />

Tyrrell), proprs. Cass -Hotel, cor. Wood-<br />

bridge and Third.<br />

Tyrzisliie, Joseph, teamster, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Fort and St. Antoine.<br />

U<br />

u.<br />

EBELSOER, Frederick, laborer, h. 216<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Uebelhoer, Jacob, carpenter, h. 297 St. Antoine.<br />

Ueberhart, Charles, laborer, h. 163 Fort e.<br />

Uebroth, Peter, janitor Opera House, h.<br />

same.<br />

UEord, Alfred, teamster Jollnson S;: Co., h.<br />

s. s. Leverett, bet. Seventh and Eighth.<br />

Uielhaucli, Henry, laborer, h. 74 Eighth.<br />

Vjka: Frank, shoemaker, bds. 133 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Glley, James, wire mcrker, h. s. s. Butternut,<br />

nr. Ninth ave.<br />

Ulman, Andreas, blacksmith, h. 91 Antietam.<br />

Ulnier, Charles, clerk, bds. 101 Macomb.<br />

Ulich, Bruno, clerk, bds. SO Front.<br />

Ulrich, Ferdinand, shoemaker, h. w. s. Dubois,<br />

s. Gratiot.<br />

Ulrich, Ferdinand, tinsmith, 423 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. 263 Congress e.<br />

Ulrich, Henry, printer, h. 235 Brush.<br />

Ulrich, John, laborer, h. 240 Brush.<br />

Ulrich, Jolln, laborer, 11. 285 Maple.<br />

Ulrich, Joseph, blacksmith, h. 394 Mullett.<br />





Omce, 314 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take Woodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Ulrich, Joseph, hats, caps and furs. 202 Jef-<br />

ferson ave., h. 319 Cass aye.<br />

Ulrich, Joseph, tailor, h. s. e. cor. Beaubien<br />

and TYhitney.<br />

Ulrich, Bliss Mary, bds. 248 Brush.<br />

TTlrich, Margaret H., boarding, 11.285 Brush.<br />

Ulrich, Victor, hatter, h. 142 Porter.<br />

Ul~icb, Peter, hatter, bds. 17 Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Ulrich, Peter, saloon, 17 Michigan Grand<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Ulrich. William, blacksmith, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Morse and Kussell.<br />

Enden, Jacob, carpenter, bds. n. s. Michi-<br />

gan ave., nr. IIuluboldt ave.<br />

Underhill, Jacob, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Hast-<br />

iugs and Brewster.<br />

Underwood, Francis W., clerk, bds. Antis-<br />

del House.<br />

Unruh, Eii (Unruh & Bachman), h. 508<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

UNKUH & BACHAIAN (Gustave Bachman<br />

and Eli Unruh), saloon and vinegar<br />

works, 508 &lichigau ave.<br />

Unsold, John, laborer, h. 197 Catharine.<br />

Unsold, John, jr., moulder, bds. 197 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

Unziker, George, laborer, h. 310 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Uyham, James B., clerk. bds. 158 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

Upt on, Albert B. (W. Upton & Co.), bds. 119<br />

Wayne.<br />

Upton, Frederick, seaman, bds. 10 Rowland.<br />

Upton, Hannah (wid. Frederick), h. 10 Row-<br />

land.<br />

Upton, Sidney, seaman, bds. 10 Rowland.<br />

Upton, %'alter (W. Upton & Co.), bds. 10<br />

Bowland.<br />

Upton, \Ir., & Co. (Walter and Albert B. Up-<br />

ton), cigar manfrs., o. 274 n. 268 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Uricll, Joseph, tailor, h. 108 Napoleon.<br />

Uridge, George, carpenter, s. w. cor. Third<br />

and Tuscola.<br />

Uridge, Philip, mason, h. e. a. Cass ave.,<br />

bet. Bagg and Sproat.<br />

Urnley, William, clerk, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

Grand River and Oak.<br />

Urpdyke, Irvin, fireman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

Cass Hotel.<br />

Usher, John, laborer, h. 213 Park.<br />

United States Express Co., 52 GI-iswold.<br />

United States subsistance warehouse, 79<br />

and 81 Larned w.<br />

,i<br />

Uteck, Herman, refreshments, 58 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market., 11. cor. Congress and Brush.<br />

utley,~~enr)-~.:cit,yrditor~ai~y post, h.<br />

s. w. cor. Woodward ave. and George.<br />

Ut,tich, Hermnnn, painter, h. 117 linto on.<br />

Uytclewillt.gen,Rev. Marinus, pastor church<br />

St. Vincent de Paul. h. Fourteenth.<br />

v.<br />

AIR, George, shoemaker, h. 15 Gris<br />

V wold.<br />

Valave, Joseph, painter, bds. 125 Larned e.<br />

Valentine, Agnes (wid.), dressmaker, h. 303<br />

hl on tcalm e.<br />

Valentine, Anthony, jr., printer, bds. 99<br />

Jay.<br />

Valentine, Antoine, policeman, h. 320 Con-<br />

gress W.<br />

Valentine, Catharine (wid Joseph), h. 164<br />

hlaple.<br />

Val en tine, Ferdinand, trunkmaker, bds.<br />

221 Elizabeth e.<br />

Valentine, George, clerk, bds. 446 Orleans.<br />

Valentine, George, wagonmaker, bds. 303<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Valentine, John, clerk, bds. Railroad Ex-<br />

change.<br />

Valentine, John, laborer, h. 221 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Valentine, Stephen, cigarniaker, h. 99 Jay.<br />

Valley, John (col'dj, cook, 11. 94 Brewster.<br />

Valley, John, laborer, h. 184 Second.<br />

Vallier, Abraham, shoemaker, bds. 84 Wal-<br />

nut.<br />

Vallier, Angus, carpenter, h. 92 Catharine.<br />

Vallier, Augustus, drayman, h. 432 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Vailier, Augustus, Montreal Hotel, Frank-<br />

lin, bet. Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Vallier, Edward, drayman, h. 434 W-ood-<br />

bridge east.<br />

Vallier, John, shoemaker, h. 84 Walnut.<br />

Vallier, John, shoemaker, h. 236 Sixth.<br />

Vallins. George, painter, h. 593 Seventh.<br />

Van Anden, Barriett (wid. Joshua W.),<br />

boarding. h. o. 145 n. 181 Congress w.<br />

Van Anden, James, clerk, bds. o. 14:) n. 181<br />

Congress w.<br />

Van Allen, Henry (col'd), laborer,h. 330 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Van dlstine, Sydney, grocer, 018 Jefferson<br />

ave.. h. same.<br />

Van Antwerp, Charles, blacksmith, h. 180<br />

Rivard.<br />

Van Antwerp, Francis, wood dealer, foot Ri-<br />

opelle, h. 196 Congress e.<br />

Van Baalen, Abraham, second-hand cloth-<br />

ing, n.' n7. cor. Uriswold and Michigan ave.,<br />

h. 151 First.<br />

Van Baalen, Abraham E., clerk, bds. 151<br />

First.<br />

Van Baalen, Emanuel, clothier, 16 Michi-<br />

gan ave., h. same.

--<br />


Van Baalen, Emanuel H., clerk, bds. 17<br />

hliclligan ave.<br />

Van Battlen, Henry, clothier, 17 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Van Baalen, Isaac, clothier, 40 Michigan<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Van Baalen, Israel, clothier, 10 Michigan<br />

ave., 11, same.<br />

Van Baalen, Joseph, clerk, bds. 17 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Van Baalen, Louis, clothier, n. w. cor. Michigan<br />

ave. and Griswold, bds. 151 First.<br />

Van Baalen, William, clothier, 233 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Van Buren, James (Van Buren & Son), h. 29<br />

Winder.<br />

Van Buren. Pliny H. (Van Buren4 & Son),<br />

bds. 29 Winder.<br />

Van Buren, Samuel, harnessmaker, h. 243<br />

Brush.<br />

Van Buren, lTTilliam, foreman Trrbune news<br />

room, 11. cor. Twenty-fourth and Dis Road.<br />

Van Buren & Son, (Janies and Pliny<br />

-<br />

Vandland, Herman, laborer, h. 442 Eighteent<br />

h.<br />

Vandor, IVilliam, carpenter, h. 365 Clinton.<br />

Vandorp, Louisa (wid. Dr. L. G.), h. 2'74<br />

Sixth.<br />

Vanduren, Antoine, saloonkeeper, 724 Croglian,<br />

h. same.<br />

Van Dusen, Charles T., clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Van Duzer, Ashley M. (Chappel1 & Van Duzer),<br />

h. s. e. cor. Second and Henry.<br />

Van Dyke, Elizabeth (wid. James), h. 300<br />

Jefferson nve.<br />

Van Dyke, George, bds. 300 Jefferson ave.<br />

Van Dyke, Henry, engineer, hds. Eagle Hotel,<br />

Wood bridge.<br />

Van Dyke, Philip J. D., Prosecuting Attorney,<br />

19 Rotunda Building, bds. 32 Adelaide.<br />

Vandyne, Peter H., printer, h. 478 Ninth<br />

ave.<br />

Vanevery, Celilia (wid. Samuel), boarding,<br />

h. 208 Congress w.<br />

Vangallo, John, ship carpenter, h. 543 Congress<br />

e.<br />

Van Nnnwermeiren, Sophia (wid. Casmere),<br />

bds. 144 Grand Itiver.<br />

Van Havermere, William, carpenter, h. 98<br />

Sllerman.<br />

13. Van Buren), i~isurance and real estate<br />

agents, 74 Griswold. (See adv.)<br />

Van Courtland, Mathew, saloon, 44 Front,<br />

h. same.<br />

Van Damme, Bruno, drover, h. 209 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Van Damme, Camille, cabinetmaker, bds.<br />

229 Beaubien.<br />

Vanl~ayse, -, cooper, 5'71 Gratiot, h. 569<br />

Van Damtne, Felix, cabinetmaker, 229 Beau- same.<br />

bien, h. same.<br />

Vanhayse, Ignatius, carpenter, h. 569 Gra-<br />

Van Damme, Gustavus, cabinetmaker, bds. tiot.<br />

229 Beaubien.<br />

Van Herpen, George E., clothier, 92 Michi-<br />

Van Damme, Peter, carriagemaker, h. 605 gan ave., h. same.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Van Hollstien, Hiram, laborer, hds. 351<br />

Van den Broucke, Augustus, cooper, bds. Ssventli.<br />

349 Fort e.<br />

Van Horn, Charles, printer, bds. o. 220 n. 224<br />

Van den Broucke, David, cooper, h.349 Fort Woodward ave.<br />

east.<br />

Vanhorsen, Bernard, joiner, h. 569 St. Au-<br />

Vandeplas, Francis, cooper, 74 Napoleon, h. bin ace.<br />

same.<br />

Vanhouton, Peter, laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Vanderbeck, Egan, horsejockey, h. 229 Clin- Woodbridge and Dequindre.<br />

ton.<br />

Van Husan, Caleb, pr,nst. <strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and<br />

Vandergyp, Jolin, carpenter, h. 183 Cliene. Marine Ins. Co., 11. 165 Fort w.<br />

Vanderheit, August, laborer, h. <strong>Detroit</strong>, Vanilla, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 36 Third.<br />

near Dequindre.<br />

T-an Laer, Peter, h. 202 Fort e.<br />

Vanderli p, Frederick, laborer, h. 872 Cro- Van Larber, Peter, laborer, h. 155 Wight*.<br />

glian.<br />

Vau Lenth, Thomas, mason, h. 84 Chest-<br />

Vandermand, Francis, laborer, h. 110 Chest- nut.<br />

nut.<br />

Van Leyen, John, carpenter, h. 28 Mont-<br />

Vandermeulen, John P., bookkeeper, h. o. calm IV.<br />

584 n. 690 Woodbridge w.<br />

Van Leyen, John, tailor, bds. 28 Montcalm<br />

Vandermeulen, Peter, sec'y and treas'r De- west.<br />

troit River Lumber Co., h. o. 548 n. 690 Van Loon, John (Djngeman, Van Loon &<br />

Woodbridge w.<br />

Note), h. 424 Gratiot.<br />

Van der Swalem, Martin, joiner, h. 104 Van Mens, Tt~oinae, painter, 11. 11 Private.<br />

Porter.<br />

I Vanmeter, John, laborer, 1x1s. 65 Franklin.<br />

Van de Sand, Nicholas, cabinetmaker, h. Van klourick, Cornelius (P. Van Mourick<br />

422 Congress e.<br />

$ Co.). 11. 283 Russell.<br />

Van Deusen, Charles H., photographer, 196 1 Van Mourick, Peter (P. Van Mourick 8: C0.b<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 24 Gratiot.<br />

h. 133 Park.<br />

Van de Worken, Dirk L., cordwood and Van Mourick, William, fancy goods, b. 123<br />

stone, 421 Woodbridge w, 4. 254 'I'welfth. Park.


NEW YORX<br />

Vau~el, Eliza (wid. John H.), h. rear 326<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Ltfb ~ ~ ~ - ~ G ~ Q ~ a @ n~ ~ c, Veal, Y @ B Julius, laborer, bds 140 Grand River.<br />

AS~ETF, . . $12,000,000 Vccliesky, Godf'rey, joiner, 11.218 Calhoun.<br />

DAILY CASB I~COME, $15,000 Yehar. Anthony, carpenter, 11. 34s MTatson.<br />

-<br />

Veigel , Ferdinand, lithographer. bds. Hotel<br />

SULOK IIIeELROF, DIanwger and Agency Sopt., Rlauch.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, D ETROIT, MICH. Veiller, Plrilip, ehOemak-er, 23<br />

Vein, Ferdinand, carpenter, h. 479 Orleans.<br />

Van &iourick, P., & Co. (Peter and Cornelius Vein, John ,gardener, 11.327 North.<br />

Van Mourick), laces and trimmings, 62 Veinhand, John, laborer, h. 123 Division.<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Veinhand, Peter, laborer, h. 123 Division.<br />

-'an Kess, Jacob, soapmaker, h. 223 Frank- Veitch, Alfred, currier, bds. Fort, bet. Jos.<br />

lin.<br />

Ca~n~au and Elrn~~rood ayes.<br />

Van Nearing, William, milor, bds. Penin- Vellger, Charles, brewer, 142 Sherman, h ' 1<br />

sular Hotel.<br />

same.<br />

Vanni, Pietro, plasterwork, bds. 121 Gra- Vellger, Mary (wid. Samuel), vegetables,<br />

tiot.<br />

23 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 510 James.<br />

Vannier, Edmond, teacher French, 11. 108 Vena, Henry D. (col'd), carpenter, h. 175<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Clinton.<br />

Van Norman, Arthur, bookkeeper, bds. 164 1 Venaps, James, cooper, h. 318 St. Aubin<br />

Second.<br />

ave.<br />

Van Korman. Jonathan M., physician and Venfliet, Jacob, baker, h. 395 Mullett.<br />

surgeon, 160 Jefferson aye., h. 164 Second. Venn, Charles, paiater, bds. 46 Seventeenth.<br />

Van Paucke, Ferdinand, laborer, h. Wight, Venn. James, clerk, bds. 177 Franklin.<br />

bet. U'alker ard Adair.<br />

Venn, John, bricklayer, bds. 46 Seven-<br />

Van Hans: elaer, H. Dwight, bookkeeper, teenth.<br />

bds. 53 High.<br />

Venn, Thomas, butcher, 273 Jefferson ave.,<br />

Van Schoick, John H., h. IS6 First.<br />

h. same.<br />

Vanson, Theodore, machinist, h. 108 Ri- Venn, Thomas, druggist. h. 236 Second.<br />

yard.<br />

Venn, I-lobert, morocco finisher, h. 46 Sev-<br />

Van Syckle, James E., moulder, h. 80 Lim- enteenth.<br />

burg.<br />

Venn, William, carpenter, h. 40 Seven-<br />

Van Tifflen, Myron, carpenter,"h. 114 Clin- teenth.<br />

ton.<br />

Vent, Henry, works American Express Co.,<br />

Vanvlack, Gilbert J., physician and sur- h. SO1 Fort w.<br />

geon, 95 Grand Hiver, bde. 101 same. Veragut, Mrs. Mary, millinery, 94 Gratiot,<br />

Van Wicklin, Perry, cabinetmaker, bds. h. same.<br />

Goodman House.<br />

Veragut, Thomas, 11. 94 Gratiot.<br />

Van IYinkle, Delford, tobacconist, bds. 80 Verbeck, Louis, laborer, h. 44 Twelfth.<br />

Wayne.<br />

Verdon, Henry, tinsmith, bds. 232 Seventh.<br />

VanV17inkle, Reuben H., bookkeeper Scot- Verdon, Lawrence, carpenter, h. e. s. Sevten,<br />

Lovett & Co., bds. €32 Wayne.<br />

enth. bet. Orchard and Plum.<br />

Vara~, Ferdinand, cabinetmaker, h. 169 Verhoeff, Julia (wid. Peter F.), h. 22 Sp~oat.<br />

Bronson.<br />

Verlautigue, Charles. laborer, 11. 63 Atwater.<br />

VarnbueMer, Jacob, tailor, h. 323 Hast- Verleucten, Peter, chairmaker, h. o. 99 n. 1<br />

ings.<br />

391 Bronson. I<br />

Varnham, William, laborer, h. Wood- Verlin, John, poster, b. 173 Sherman.<br />

bridge, near Twenty-fourth .<br />

Vermette, Antony, currier, h. 433 Eight-<br />

Vaseyman, Frederick, laborer, h. 306 St. eenth.<br />

Aubin ave.<br />

Vermette, Joseph, watchman, h. 58 Tmen-<br />

Vatelsk~, Bernhardt, peddler, h. 108 Maple. ty-second.<br />

Vatelsky, Julius, peddler, h. 108 Maple. Vermeulen, Frederick, h. 71 Fort e.<br />

Vatelsky, Lewis, peddler, bds. 108 Maple. Vermeulen, Peter, grocer, s. e. cor. Fort and<br />

Vaughan. John L., bookkeeper, h. s. w. cor. Chene, 11. same.<br />

Clifford and Duffield.<br />

Vernor, Benjamin, insuraace agent, Bank<br />

Vaughan, Levi, carpenter, h. w. s. Sullivan Block, 99 Gris~vold, h, 222 Fort w.<br />

ave., bet. Michigan ave. and Chestnut. Vernor, Charles H., clerk, h. 50 Montcalm<br />

Vaughan, William, carpenter, h. 13 Ma- west.<br />

rion.<br />

Vernor, Cliarles, shipcarpenter, h. 510 St.<br />

Vsughn, Frank, roofer, bds. 425 Seventh. Antoine.<br />

Vaughn, George, ticket agent G. W. R., bds. Vernor, Charles, cigarmaker, h. 228 Rus-<br />

425 Seventh.<br />

sell.<br />

Vaughn, Harriet (wid, Louis), h. 425 Sev- Vernor, James, druggist, 235 Woodward<br />

enth.<br />

ave., bds. 74 Farrar.

I<br />


Vernc r, Jeremiah S., insurance agent, with<br />

B. Vernor, h. '74 Farrar.<br />

Vernor, John T., bookkeeper, bds. 74 Far-<br />

rar.<br />

Vernier, Lorenzo, laborer, h. 506 Cllinton<br />

ave.<br />

Vernier, Victor L., grocer, bds. 320 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Versar, John, laborer, bds. Springmells, near<br />

Junction.<br />

Vervier, Claudius, machinist, h. 109 Dubois.<br />

Vester, Henry, cigarmaker, h. Sl Chest-<br />

I<br />

I.<br />

nut.<br />

Vhay, James H. (Dwyer St Vl~ay), fruit<br />

dealer, 57 Griswold, h. 129 Second.<br />

Vick, Henry H., carpenter, h. 281 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Vick, Joseph, laborer, h. Twenty-fourth, nr.<br />

Porter road.<br />

Vick, Mrs. Susan, dry goods and millinery,<br />

o. 235 n. 381 Michigan avt-., h. same.<br />

Victan, Frank, laborer, h. 6'7s Franklin.<br />

Victorson, Herman, saloon, 149 Michigan<br />

aye., h. 151 same.<br />

Victorson, Leipman, fancy goods, 307 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Videau, William, blacksmith, h. 223 Eighteenth.<br />

Vieblerhaus, Caspar, laborer, h. 220 Calhoun.<br />

Vieckor, Aflug, cabinetmaker, bds. E;. e. cor.<br />

Lafayette and Hivard.<br />

Viele, Capt. Charles D., Head Quarters Department<br />

Lakes, bds. Russell House.<br />

Vie1 hauer, Charles, shoemaker, bds. 25<br />

Eighth.<br />

Vielhauer, Frederick, laborer, h. 333 North.<br />

Vielhauer, Henry, laborer, h. o. 25 n. 74<br />

Eighth.<br />

Fielhohl, Edmund, carpenter, bds. 25'8 Gratiot.<br />

Viesehon, F. Joseph, shoemaker, h. 138 Maple.<br />

Vieson, Frederick, undertaker, 159 Maple,<br />

h. satue.<br />

Vieth, Carl, grocery, 297 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Viger, Alexander N. (Viger Bros.), h. 157<br />

I<br />

.j<br />

1<br />

Congress e.<br />

Viger, Edward R.: captain str. Korthwest, h.<br />

99 Farmer.<br />

Viger, Ezra (Viger Bros.), bds. 157 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Viger Bros. (Alexander E. and Ezra Viger),<br />

coal yard, 44 At water.<br />

Vilare, Alesan der, saloon, h. 294 Franklin.<br />

Villenlez, Eugene, carpenter, 11.112 Clinton.<br />

Villinger, John, laborer, h. 183 Sherman.<br />

Villinger, John, shoemaker, h. 219 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Vincent, James, cabinetmaker, bds. 221 St.<br />

Aubin aye.<br />

Vincent, \Yilliam, surveyor, 81 Griswold,<br />

bds. 32 Twelfth.<br />

Vinton, Warren G., builder, rear 167 Cass,<br />

fi. 186 Bagg.<br />

Virtue, James (Virtue & Yorston), res. New<br />

k'ork.<br />

Virtue & Yorstson (James Virtue and<br />

( 'harles H. Yorston), publishers and im-<br />

porters, Room 11 Fisher's Block, 119+<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Vieger, Charles J., mason, h. Twenty-second,<br />

near Foundry.<br />

Visger, Francis O., plasterer, h. Foundry,<br />

near Kellogg's foundry.<br />

Visineau, Frank, laborer, h. 185 Chene.<br />

Visineau, Louis, drayman, h. 489 Croghan.<br />

Visineau, Xavier, sawyer, h. 185 Chene.<br />

Visna, Odilon, laborer, bds. 51'3 Fort e.<br />

Visna, Simeon, teamster, h. 519 Fort e.<br />

Vivier, Jedd, bricklayer, h. 41 Chestnut.<br />

Vizthum, John, carpenter, h. 595 Seventh.<br />

Vlier, Ade~zaun, butcher, bds. 144 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Vlier, Gosewinus, butcher, bds. 144 Larned<br />

west.<br />

Vocht, John, laborer, h. 282 Jay.<br />

Voegler, Mrs. Mary, milliner, 487 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Voegler, Reinhart, laborer, h. near cor, Pros-<br />

pect and Pearl.<br />

Vodkei, Joseph, brewery, 54 Maple, h.<br />

same.<br />

Voelkel, Julius, gunsmith, h. 264 Clinton.<br />

Voelker, Jacob (Buener, Lungershausen &<br />

Voelker), bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Voesel, Oliver, shipcarpenter, h. 179 St. Au-<br />

bin ave.<br />

Voester, Jacob, laborer, h. 333 Lafapette.<br />

Vogel, Bernhardt, laborer, h. 123 Clinton.<br />

Vogel, Christian, beer peddler, h. 85 Fort e.<br />

Vogel, Edward H., saloon, 45 Monroe ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Vogel, Simon, laborer, bds. 2'76 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

1 Vogelsang, Sophia (wid. Dietrich), dressma-<br />

ker, h. 265 Hastings.<br />

Vogelsang, T,TTilliam, carver, bds. 265 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Voght, John, mason, 11. 384 Mary.<br />

Vogler, Ferdinand, moulder, h. 199 Clinton.<br />

Vogler, Henry, tailor, h. s. w. cor. Rioyelle<br />

and <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Vogler, Michael, laborer, h. 1'75 Macomb.<br />

Vogt, Andrew, peddler, h. 436 Croghan.<br />

I Vogt, John, carpenter, h. 22'7 Wllitney.<br />

Vogt, Charles, teamster, h. 483 Clinton ave.<br />

Vogt,, Daniel, cigarmaker, bds. s. w. cor.<br />

FortandHastings.<br />

Vogt, Emil, butcher, bds. 493 Gratiot.<br />

Vogt, John, foreman lumber yard, h. 288<br />

Jay.<br />

Vogt, John, planer, h. n. s. Whitney, bet.<br />

Hastings and St. Antoine.<br />

Vogt, Peter, jewelry peddler, h. 521 Con-<br />

gress e.<br />

Vogt, Simon, butcher, bds. 533 Gratiot.<br />

Vogt, William, boot and shoemaker, h. 39<br />

Hastings.<br />

I Vohlcr, Henry, tailor, h. 150 Xarion.


PARKE, JENXINGS & CO., Vorsaenger, Samuel N., salesman L. Smit,<br />

bds. 15 Michigan Grand ave.<br />


Vorzeila, Evo, teamster, h. 512 Lafayette.<br />

Vos, ~ enr~, laborer, h.' s. e. cor. ~htietam<br />

ma8pe8 I and Dubois.<br />


Vosborg, William F., plumber, h. 46 Fort e.<br />

Vosburgh, James, clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

DETROIT, - mICHIGAX - House.<br />

-<br />

Vosburgh, James, clerk, bda 248 MToodward<br />

ave.<br />

Volter, Aug ust, laborer, h. 169 Twenty-second.<br />

Votry, Alexander, laborer, h. 56 Grand<br />

River e.<br />

Votrv, William E., bds. 56 Grand River e.<br />

~radenburgh, Elijah, grocer, 14 Ormd<br />

River, 11. same.<br />

Vsinke, Joseph, laborer, h. n. w. cor. Korth<br />

and St. Aubin ave.<br />

Vuegli, Joseph, laborer, bds. 186 Macomb.<br />

Vyse, Bernard, shoemaker, h. 74 Croghan.<br />

Vyse, Charles, teamster, h. 332 Lafayette.<br />

Voight, Edward, brewer, bds. 213 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Voigllt, IVilliam, brewery and malt house,<br />

213 Grand River, h. same.<br />

Voigt, Eruil, clerk, bds. 232 Randolph.<br />

Voigt. Gottlieb, shoemaker, 382 Sisteenth.<br />

Voigt, Oswald H., blacksmith, 11. o. 13 n. 89<br />

Napoleon.<br />

Voigt, Oswald, blacksmith, h. 174Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Voigt, William, butcher, n. e. cor. Ss. Aubin<br />

ave. and Fort, h. 44'7 Fort e.<br />

Volaber, Peter, laborer, h. 155 Wight.<br />

Volk, Ernst, painter, bds. 275 Beaulien.<br />

Volk, Hermann, jr., painter, bds. 275 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Volk, Hermann, sr.. painter: h. 275 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Volkenstein, George, jr., laborer, bds. 64<br />

Mullett.<br />

Volkenstein, George, sr., laborer, h. 64 Mul-<br />

lett.<br />

Volliert, Thomas, plasterer, h. 606 Sixth.<br />

Volkmer, Mas, furrier, bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Volio, Francis, boarding, h. 5 Abbott.<br />

Vollancl, Jacob, magnetic operator, room 14<br />

Burcliard Block, 108 Griswold.<br />

Vollbacli, William, tailor, h. 341 Bronson.<br />

Vollratll, Peter, sawyer, 11. 323 Clinton.<br />

Vollweiler, Martin, tanner, h. 180 Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Von der Heide, Christian (F. Deinzer &,<br />

Von der Heide), h. o. 202 n. 236 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Von der Heide, Henry, saloon and billiards,<br />

175 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Von der Heide, Henry (Weber & Von der<br />

Heide), h. 260 Fort e.<br />

Von der Himmel, W~lliam, carpenter, bds.<br />

413 Croghan.<br />

Von der Krabben, WTilliam, carpenter, h.<br />

112 Chestnut.<br />

Von Essen, Henry, clerk, bds. 160 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Von Scliloss, Frederick, stonecutter, bds. 320<br />

Clinton.<br />

Vonsele, Felix, laborer, h. n. s. Larned, bzt.<br />

Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Voodre, Peter, laborer, 11. 304 Catharine.<br />

Voorhees, Peter, cornniission merchant, s. e.<br />

cor. Atwater and Bates, h. o. 3 n. 17 Eliz<br />

abeth e.<br />

Vorn, Uottlieb, laborer, h. e. s. Tillman ave.,<br />

near city limits.<br />

Vornick, Charles, laborer, h. 160 Eighteent<br />

h.<br />

w.<br />

Jv ACHSMUTH, William, letter carrier,<br />

h. 452 Fort e.<br />

Wachter, John, shoemaker, 221 Macomb, h.<br />

189 saine.<br />

Wacker, Charles, laborer, h. 312 Sherman.<br />

Wacker, Christian, cooper, 311 Columbia<br />

e., h. same.<br />

Wacker, Christiana (wid. Daniel), h. 163<br />

Catharine.<br />

Wacker, John, cooper, 12 Maple, h. same.<br />

Wacker, John, laborer, h. s. s. Catliarine,<br />

bet. Dubois and Chene.<br />

WacGer, William, marble polisher, bds. cor.<br />

Antietam and Kiopelle.<br />

Wnckermann, Peter, mason, h. 210 Fort e.<br />

Wackwitz, Elise, teacher German-American<br />

Seminary, bds. 316 St. Antoine.<br />

VITaddell, John, gardener, bds. 375 Cass ave.<br />

Wade, Charles M., clerk U. S. Pension office,<br />

bds. 110 Miami ave.<br />

WADE, WILLIAM, blacksmith, 11 State,<br />

h. 187 Third. (See ads.)<br />

Wadly, George, teamster, h. Dequindre, nr.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wado, Charles, laborer, h. 288 Eighteenth.<br />

Wadsworth, Thomas, shipcarpenter, h. 283<br />

Croghan.<br />

Wadsworth, Thomas A., boxmaker, h. 16<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Wadstvorth, Richard, salesman, h. 47 Elizabeth<br />

w.<br />

\ITadsworth, William, flour and produce, h.<br />

222 Brush.<br />

Waechter, August, cabinetmaker, h. 542<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Waecker, Conrad, laborer, h. 244 Croghan.<br />

Waelde, Charles F'., boots and shoes, 228<br />

Gratio~, h. 78 Harriett. .<br />

W-aelde, Charles, jr., marblecutter, bds. 72<br />


WAE CITY DIRECTORY. w,i 3 95<br />

Waelde, George F., tailor, h. 146 Macomb.<br />

MTaelje, William, shoemaker, h. s. s, Railroad,<br />

nr. Riopelle.<br />

Waethat, August, shoemaker, h. 460 Sixteenth.<br />

Wafer, John, tanner, bds. 163 Elizabeth e.<br />

WTafer, Margaret (wid. Moses), h. 163 Elizabeth<br />

e.<br />

Wagar, John, harnessmaker, h. 98 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Wagenbach, John W., porter, h. 152 Montcalm<br />

w.<br />

Wagenbach, William, porter, h. 352 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Wagg, David, gardener, h. IS0 Lafayette.<br />

Wagman, Andrew J., printer, bds. 71 Beaubien.<br />

Wagmann, Frederick, laborer, h. 446 Catharine.<br />

Wagner, Albert M., filecutter, h. 129 Eighteenth.<br />

Wagner, August (A. & J. Wagner), h. 160<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Wagner, Christian, carpenter, h. 277 Columbia<br />

e.<br />

Wagner, Edward (J. P. Wagner & Co.), b.<br />

326 Wood ward ave.<br />

Wagner, Henry, h. 326 Woodward ave.<br />

Wagner, Henry, clerk, h. 270 Beaubien.<br />

VSTagner, Henry, clerk, h. 234 Beaubien.<br />

Wagner, John, h. 199 Iiussell.<br />

Wagner, John, cabinetmaker, h. 171 Clinton.<br />

Wagner, John, carpenter, bds. 301 Chestnut.<br />

\TTagner, John, laborer, h. 143 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Wagner, John, tailor, h. 256 MulIett.<br />

Wagner, John (A. & J. Wagner), h. 28 Monroe<br />

aye.<br />

Wagner, John P. (J. P. Wagner & Co.), h.<br />

326 \TToodward ave.<br />

Wagner, Jose1)h. ashpeddler, 11.39 Railroad.<br />

Wagner, Mathias, clerk, bds. 197 Gratiot.<br />

Michael, currier, bds. 143 Elmwood<br />

ave.<br />

Wagner, Morris, filecutter, h. 129 Eighteen<br />

tli.<br />

WTagncr, Nicl~olas, laborer, h. o. 78 n. 143<br />

Elmwood ave.<br />

Wagner, Philip, carpenter, h. 97 Chestnut.<br />

Wagner, Robert F. (Thompson & lT7agner),<br />

h. 105 Abbott.<br />

Wagner, \Yilliam, barber, h. 18 Silver.<br />

Wagner, William, laborer, 11. 380 Gratiot.<br />

Wagner, William, machinist, h. 144<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Wagner, A. S: J. (August and John Wagner),<br />

furniture, 56 Monroe ave.<br />

Wagner, J. P., 5; Co. (John P. and Edward<br />

Wagner), bakers and confectioners, 326<br />

Woodward ave.<br />

Wagnitz, Heinrich, carpenter, 11.147 Twenty-second.<br />

IVagsou, James, painter, bds. 450 Sixth.<br />

Wahrmann, Frederick, laborer, h. 108<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Wain, Thomas, engineer, h. 97 Larned e.<br />

VSTain, William, laddermaker, boarding, h.<br />

97 Larned e.<br />

Wait, David, teamster, h. 291 Seventeenth.<br />

Wait, Ira, drover, h. s. e. cor. Fifth and<br />

Unian.<br />

Wakeman, Major C., agent American Mer-<br />

chants' Union Express Co., h. 237 First.<br />

Wakeman, Xrs. Marie L., h. 87 Shelby.<br />

Walcott, Albert H.. (A. McPherson & Co.),<br />

h. 21 Howard.<br />

'CValcott, Edward, laborer, h. 379 Fifth.<br />

Walcott, Thomas, laborer, h. 1'7 Third.<br />

W7a,idecker, Nicholas, grocer, 130 St. Aubin<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Walder, Charles, laborer, h. city limits, nr.<br />

Twenty-fourth.<br />

W-aldner, George, butcher, h. Clay, bet.<br />

Prospect and Kussell.<br />

Waldon, George, h. o. 357 n, 459 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Vialdron, James, tailor, h. 10 Private.<br />

\JTaldron, Miss Mary A., music teacher, h.<br />

205 Elizabeth e.<br />

Waldron, Willard E., ornamental bracket-<br />

maker, h. 491 Larned e.<br />

Waldron, LVilliam W., printer, h. 241<br />

Brush.<br />

W7alenteng, Anthony, tailor, h. 99 Jay.<br />

Walja, William, shoemaker, h. 418 Rail-<br />

road.<br />

VV alker, A1 ?sander, shipcarpenter, bds. 555<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Walker, Alexander (col'd), waiter, bds. 238<br />

lldams ave. e.<br />

Walker, Ancil W., carpenter, h. 102 Far.<br />

rar.<br />

Walker, Ancil w., jr., carpenter, bds. 102<br />

Farrar.<br />

Walker, Charles H., clerk, h. 104 Howard.<br />

Walker, Charles I., counselor at law, 2<br />

Larned e., h. 39 Fort w.<br />

Walker, Charles J., joiner, bds. 102 Far-<br />

rar.<br />

WALKER, CLARANCE H., stone ware,<br />

dock foot I-livard, bds. 121 High. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

WTalker, Dugald, carpenter, h. 74 Porter.<br />

Wallier, Edward, bookkeeper, bds. 54 Fort<br />

west.<br />

'CTTalker, Edmard, cabinetmaker, h. 100<br />

hlontcalm e.<br />

Walker, Edward C. (Walker & Kent), res.<br />

Springwells.<br />

Walker, Eugene R., h. 121 High.<br />

Walker, Frederick 8. (Evans & Walker), h.<br />

693 Jefferson ave.<br />

Walker, George, carpenter, h. 102 Abbott.<br />

Walker, George, carpenter, h. 209 Abbott.<br />

15' alker, George, ship carpenter, h. 380 La-<br />

fayette.<br />

Walker, George O., sexton Westminster<br />

church, h. o. 470 n. 582 Crogllan.


NEW YORK<br />

Wallace, Alexander, h. 154 Seventh.<br />

Wallace, Ann (wid. John), h. 275 Sisth.<br />

Wallace, C. E., shoema,ker, bds. Franklin<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.000,000 House.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 Wallace, David, clerk, bds. 87 Shelby.<br />

-<br />

Wallace, David, laborer, h. 201 Thirteen-<br />

SOLON IUcELBOF, BIanager and Agency Snpt., and-a-half.<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Wallace, David, lake surveyor, bds. 30<br />

Winder.<br />

Walker, Henry, ironmelter, h. o. 123 n. 147 Wallace, Elisha M., carpenter, 21-87' George.<br />

Oak.<br />

VC7allace, Elmer D., bds. 14 Blontcalm e.<br />

Walker, Henry L., bds. 22 Howard. Wallace, Francis BI., carpenter, h. 64 Butter-<br />

Walker, Henry N., President Free Press nut.<br />

Co., res. Groase Isle.<br />

Wallace, George, macllinist, h. e. s. Dubois,<br />

Walker, Henry O., physician, Opera House bet. Catharine and Mullett.<br />

Block, Ms. Antisdel House.<br />

T.76.rallace, George, blacksmith, bds. 119 Hom-<br />

Walker, Henry T., pllysician, h. 22 Ann. ard.<br />

Walker, Hiram, distiller, h. 54 Fort w. Wallace, George (col'd), laborer, h. 275 Fort<br />

Walker, Jabez, watchman House of Correc- east.<br />

tion, bds. same.<br />

Wallace, Harriet (wid. Robert), bds. 90<br />

Walker, James, moulder, bds. 102 Franklin. Brainard.<br />

Walker, James (McGrane & Walker), h. o. Wallace, Hugh W., clerk, h. 282 Third.<br />

287 n. 327 Sistll.<br />

Wallace. Isaac C., machinist, h. 130 St. Au-<br />

Walker, James E., carpenter, h. o. 61 n. 65 bin ave.<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

Wallace, James, engineer, h. s. w. cor. Fifth<br />

Walker, James H., printer, h. 77 Plum. and Noyes.<br />

m7alker, Joh~l, carpenter, h. 210 Labrosse. Wallace, James, moulder, h. s. s. Campbell,<br />

Walker, John (col'd), 11. 129 Croghan. bet. Cass and Woodward ares.<br />

Walker, John D., billposter, 32 Larnsd w., Wallace, James, stone dealer, h. e. s. VSToodh.<br />

48 Jones.<br />

ward ave., nr. toll gate.<br />

Walker, Leverett B., Secretary Democratic MTallace, J. C., shoemaker, bds. Franklin<br />

State Central Committee, res. Hamtramck. House.<br />

Walker, Kichard J., mason, bds. 10'2 Farrar. Wallace, John, 'laborer, h. 118 Twenty-<br />

Walker, Itobert (col'd), laborer, h. 255 fourth.<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Wallace, John, laborer, h. 215 Thirteen-and-<br />

Walker, Mrs. Sarah E., select school, 116 a-ha1 f.<br />

Elizabeth e., bds. 99 Adams ave. e. Wallace, John, machinist, bds, 476 St. An-<br />

Walker, Sanuel W., Superintendent Pro- toine.<br />

tecti~e Fuel Co., h. 121 High.<br />

Wallace, John H., boot and shoe manfr., 294<br />

Walker, Thomas, laborer, h. 17 South. Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Walker, William, 11. 22 Montcalm w. Wallace, John, jr., laborer, bds. 118 Twenty-<br />

Walker, William, carpenter, h. 230 Colum- fourth.<br />

bia e.<br />

Wallace, Patrick, cabinetmaker, bds. 215<br />

Walker & Kent (Edward C. Walker and Thirteen-and-a-half'.<br />

Charles A. Kent), lawyers, s. e. cor. Lar- Wallace, Robert H., commission merchant,<br />

ned and MToodward ave.<br />

5 Eussell House Block, h. o. 14 n. 28 Alont-<br />

Walkoe, Alexander (col'd), waiter Michigan calm e.<br />

Exchange, bds. same.<br />

Wallace, Robert W., carpenter, h. 90 Brai-<br />

Walkoe, Frederick, carpenter Michigan Es- nard.<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

Wallace, Thomas, clerk, h. 154 Hastings.<br />

Walkoe, John F., porter Michigan Es- Wallace, Thomas, fireman, h. 1 Bolivar<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

alley. .<br />

Wall, Catharine (wid. Nicholas), h. 94 Far- Wallace, William, laborer, h. w. s. Lasalle<br />

rar.<br />

ave., nr. Pine.<br />

Wall, Charlotte (mid. Thomas), boarding, Wallace, W-illiam, sawyer, h. 325 Frankh.<br />

'71 Beaubien.<br />

lin.<br />

Wall, Edward, drayman, h. 31 Baker. Wailich, Joseph C., builder, 3.50 Cass ave.,<br />

Wall, Henry $I., billiard saloon, 226 Jeffer- 11. 4% same.<br />

son ave., bds. Antisdel House.<br />

Walling, August, stenciller, bds. n. s. Brew-<br />

Wall, John U., laborer, h. 300 Michigan ster, bet. St. Antoine and Hastings.<br />

ave.<br />

'Walling, Conrad, shoemaker, h. 105 Brew-<br />

Wall, Thomas J., printer, h. 143 Adams ster.<br />

ave. e.<br />

Wallington, Frederick, baggagemaster M.<br />

Wallacr~, Agnes (ccil'd-wid. James), h. 63 C. K. K., h. 333 Abbott.<br />

I-larriett.<br />

Wallis, Franz, joiner, h. 66 Antietam.<br />



VSTallis, Thomas, laborer, h. 1'71 Thirteen- TValton, George (col'd), laborer, h. n. e. cor.<br />

and-a-ha1 f.<br />

St. Antoine and Benton.<br />

MTalpole, Edward, laborer, h. 262 Twelfth. \TTalton, J. B., civil engineer, h. 17' Madison<br />

VSTalsh, Edward, laborer, h. 637 Larned e. ave.<br />

Walsh, glizabeth (wid. Patrick), h. 703 La- Waltz, Bernard, laborer, h. Benton, nr. Defayette.<br />

quindre.<br />

Walsh, Francis, plumber, bds. 503 Lafay- Waltz. D. Frederick, music teacher, h. 97<br />

ette.<br />

Maple.<br />

Walsh, Ferdinand B., salesman, bds. 43 Waltz, Frederick, gardener, h. e. s. Elm-<br />

Congress w.<br />

wood ave.. nr. Gratiot.<br />

Walsh, James, laborer, bds. o. 52 n. 62 Waltz, Frederick, vegetables, 14 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

Seventh.<br />

market, h. 28 Catharine.<br />

WTalsZl. James H., laborer, h. 137 Twelfth. Waltz, Jacob, baker, 11. 201 Sapoleon.<br />

Walsh, James W., bartender, bds. 38 Gris Waltz, Jacob, butcher, bds. 589 Michigan<br />

wold.<br />

ave.<br />

Walsh, John, poulterer, bds. 384 Woodward T't'alw-ick, William J., engineer, bds. Manave.<br />

sion House.<br />

Wwlah, John R., laborer, h. 384 Woodbridge II'alz, Albert, bds. 44 St. Aubin ave.<br />

east .<br />

ITralz, George, tailor, 11. 131 Lafayette.<br />

WaIs11, Mary (aid. Robert), h. 557 Larned FFralz, John, grocer, 44 St. Aubin ave., h.<br />

east.<br />

same.<br />

Walctl, Xicholas, gardener, h. w. s. Mount \Valzer, Uustav, upholsterer, bds. 240 Clin-<br />

Elliott ave., north cemetery.<br />

ton.<br />

Walsh, Patrick, carpenter, h. 10 Bronson. iJTanbecq, Joseph (Wanbecq 8: Mussche), h.<br />

MTalsh, Patrick J., jeweler, I%ussell House Beacon, nr. St. Antoine.<br />

Block, h. 328 Gong-ess e.<br />

\TTanbecq SI &f ussche (Joseph TTTanbecq and<br />

W alsh, Kichard, l)lurnher and gzsfitter, 66 Juliizs Alussche), marble works, 221 and<br />

Larned w., h. s. s. Beech, bet. Fifth and 223 Gratiot.<br />

Sixth.<br />

TTrandell, Xoses, j en~eler, 11 Jefferson ave.,<br />

\TTalsh, Richard, macl~inist, h. 'il* Fif- h. same.<br />

teenth.<br />

Wanderer, Christopher, laborer, h. 425<br />

Walsh, Thoxnas, engineer D. St M. R. B., h. Maple.<br />

480 Congress e.<br />

Wanderle, Albert, joiner, h. 101 Chestnut.<br />

'CYalsh, Thomas, laborer, h. 124 Larned w. W*iNIAESS, AXDKEIIr, bookbinder, 133<br />

\TTalsh, \JTilliam, 11. 411 Fifth.<br />

Jefferson ave., 11. 103 Orchard. (See adu.)<br />

Waltensberger, Frederick, clerk, h. 461 Wanzer, \TTilliam H., traveling agt., bds.<br />

Fort e.<br />

1.58 Lafayette ace.<br />

Walter, Frank, laborer, 11. 95 Marion. Wanzor, Francis B. (col'd), barber, bds. n.<br />

George, gardener, 11. 363 Macomb. w. COI. Beaubien and Croghan.<br />

\lralter, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 407 Macomb. TV-arbick, 'Ct7illiam J., moulder, bds. 44<br />

\Val ter, Henry, gardener, bcls. 365 Macomb. Twelfth.<br />

Walter, Jolln, sailor, bds. 365 Jlaconlb. Ward, Charles, jeweler, 16 Grand River, h.<br />

\Iralter, John J., tanner, h. Jos. Campau same. $<br />

ace., cor. Sherman.<br />

Ward, Charles. carpenter, bds. 251 Grand<br />

Walter. Julius, tanner, h. s. s. Jay, bet. River.<br />

Cllene and Jos. C'aulpau are.<br />

Ward, Charles, h. 368 Fifth.<br />

VTalter, Ludwig, laborer, B. 719 CrogZlan. Ward, Charles, drayman, h. 74 Sibley.<br />

Walter, Nicholas, cabinetmaker. h. '7 (:lay. WTard. Cllarles H., clerk, bds. Fort, bet.Eight-<br />

MTaltere, Hiram A., engineer I>. lk Ysl. I.,. R., eent.11 and Nineteenth.<br />

bds. 29 Lafayette.<br />

Wa: d, Daniel, laborer, h. 351 Hastings.<br />

'CITalters, James, saloon, foot Third, bds. FT7ard, Dennis, laborer, 11. 44 Crawlord.<br />

same.<br />

IVard,Eber, stealnboat owner, foot Griswold,<br />

Waiters, Lewis, secondhand clothing, 322 11. s. m. cor. Kintll ave. and Howard.<br />

Uratiot, 11. same.<br />

Ward, Eber H., ship owner, treas. IVyan-<br />

XTalters, \.Irestern (col'd), laborer, h. rear 65 dotte Holling Mill Co.. foot \.Vape, h. n.<br />

hl ullett.<br />

s. Fort, nr. Eighteenth.<br />

Waltersberg, Frederick, salesman,h. w. s. St. Ward, Edward, cooper, bds. 323 Catharine.<br />

Aubin ave., bet. Larned and Congress. IVard, Edward, photographer, 28 Michigan<br />

TValt her, Uernllardt, h. 161 hlaple.<br />

ave.<br />

IValtllew, Adam, painter, 98 Congress e., h. Ward, Edward N., cooper, bds. 401 Cath-<br />

423 Twelfth.<br />

arine.<br />

TT7altman, Jacob, saloon, 506 Grand River, Wa~d, Francis R., farmer, h. 5 Oak.<br />

11. same.<br />

Ward, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 269 Cath-<br />

Walton, Cllarlas A., architect. bds. 254 arine.<br />

First.<br />

Ward, James, letter carrier, h. 419 Sixth.


- -<br />

-<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS & (10.'S Warren, Edward, clerk, bds. 289 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />


Warren, Ed ward, shoemaker, bds. 55 Michi-<br />

S'&g?@Jyg$ Z,Xf -2 a\@&@%@ gan Grand ave.<br />

Warren, Edwin, painter. h. 253 Fourth.<br />

Ofnce, 374 Cass Avenue. Warren, George, hostler, h. 10 Middle.<br />

Warren, John L., 2icture frame maker, h.<br />

o. 233 n. 259 Twelfth.<br />

FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Warren, Landon S. B., clerk, bds. 64 Congress<br />

w.<br />

Ward, James, omnibus driver, h. 107 At- Warren, Mary (wid. Archibald), h. o. 61 n. 89<br />

water.<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Ward, James, saloon, 107 Atwater, h. same. Warren, Maurice, clerk, bds. Goodman<br />

Ward, John, blacksmith, h. 82 Sevent 11. House.<br />

W ard, John (Ward St Palmer), bds. Biddle Warren, Robert H. (col'd), mason, h. 203<br />

House.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Ward, Michael, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Grand Warren, Sarah, teacher new Ninth Ward<br />

and Fourth.<br />

school, bds. 410 Seventh.<br />

Ward, Michael, saloon and boarding, h. n. e. Warren, Thomas, bricklayer, h. 80 Plum.<br />

cor. Michigall aye. and Third.<br />

Warren, T7STilliam A., dentist, 1'70 Michigan<br />

Ward, Rev. Milton, rector St. Stephen's aye., h. same.<br />

Church, h. 323 Catharine.<br />

Warrenton, Henry, sailor, h. 31 Chest-<br />

Ward, Thomas, brewer, bds. cor. Third and nut.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Warriner, James M., agent, h. 32 Mont-<br />

Ward, William A., salesman, bds. 199 calm w.<br />

\Toodward ave.<br />

Warriner, William E., lumber dealer, 1 Ro-<br />

Ward, WiIliam O., clerk, bds. Woodward tunda building, h. 75 High.<br />

ave., bet. Urand Eiver and Clifford. Warring, Elbert M., sailor, bds. 126 Jeffer-<br />

Ward, William S., music teacher, h. s. s. son ave.<br />

Gratiot, bet. Elmwood and Mt. Elliott Warring, George, engineer, h. 251 Abbott.<br />

aves.<br />

Warring, George W., engineer, h. 22 Ab-<br />

Ward & Palmer (John Ward and Irvin bott.<br />

Palmer,) attorneys, 6 and 7 Seitz Block, '73 Warring, 3Iichael L., saloon, 126 Jefferson<br />

Griswold.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Wardeil, Mathew, auctioneer, bds. cor. Co- Warsaw, Thaddeus (col'd-Marshall &<br />

lumbia and Brush.<br />

Warsaw), 11. 19 Cass.<br />

Wardell, Orin, auctioneer, 219 Jefferson Warshauer. Isaac, hatter, 41 Michigan ave.,<br />

ave., h. cor. Columbia and Brush.<br />

11.137 Rivard.<br />

Ward lope, Peter, Catholic priest, bds. 343 Wartelsky, Meyer, peddler, h. 2'79 St. An-<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

toine.<br />

Warmentz, Thomas, laborer, bds. 11 Pri- Washington, Albert (col'd), waiter, h. 81<br />

vate.<br />

Macomb.<br />

Warner, Augustus, gardener, 90 Miami Washington, George (col'd), h. Paton Alley.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Washington, George (col'd), sailor, h. 58<br />

Warner, Charles, cigarmaker, bds. Goodman Clinton.<br />

House.<br />

Washington, George (col'd), laborer, bds. 81.<br />

Warner, Edward J., shoemaker, h. 384 Clin- Macomb.<br />

ton.<br />

Washington, George H. (col'd), carpenter?<br />

Warner, Frances S. (wid. William), h. 91 h. 3 63 Beaubien.<br />

Larned e.<br />

Washington, Hanson (col'd), laborer, h. 152<br />

Warner, Hubert, carpenter, bds. 90 Miami Croghan.<br />

aV8.<br />

Wasllington, James (col'd), barber, h. 123<br />

Warner, Jared C., h. 184 Woodward ave. Gratiot.<br />

Warner, Morris W., saloon, 189 Noodbridge Wasllington, Laura (colJd-wid. Nelson), h.<br />

w., bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

139 Fort e.<br />

Warner, Seeley, painter, bds. 435 Seventh. Wasllington, Martin (col'd), cook, h. 102<br />

Warner, Kev. Silas P., h. 17 Ledyard. Mullett.<br />

Warner, Thomas E., printer, bds. 87 Shel- Washington, Mary (col'd-wid. George), h.<br />

by-<br />

rear 145 Fort e.<br />

Warner, William, gardener, bds. 90 Miami Washington, M. (col'd), ailo or, h. 283 Coave.<br />

lumbia w.<br />

Warren, Charles, printer, h. 21 Washington Washington, Susan (col'd), washerwoman,<br />

ave.<br />

bds. 77 Columbia w. .<br />

Warren, Charles A., ticket agt. M. C. R. R., Washington, Willis R. (col'd), nurse, h. 211<br />

h. 156 Lafayette ave.<br />

Lahyette.<br />



Wasmuth, Louis, mason, h. 222 Russell. Watkins, Edgar B., express messenger, h.<br />

Wastrofsky, Anthony, laborer, h. 66 Antie Brush.<br />

tam.<br />

Watkins, George, laborer, bds. m. s. Sullivan<br />

Watch, Mathew, teamster, h. 539 Lafay- ttve., nr. Myrtle.<br />

ette.<br />

Watkins, henry A., machinist, h. 325 Con-<br />

Watchrod, Henry, laborer, bds. Peninsular gress .cv.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Watkins, Isabella (wid. James), h. w. s.<br />

Watco, Albert, beltmaker, 11. 197 Chestnut. Mayberry ave., nr. Butternut.<br />

Watco, Johanna (wid. Joseph), h. IO2 Jay. Watkins, James M. (Watkins & Turner), h.<br />

Watco, Simon, tanner, h. 256 Maple.<br />

279 Michgan ave.<br />

Waterburgh, Charles, gardener, h. IV. s. Watkins, James M., cabinetmaker, h, 276<br />

Crawford, bet. Bingllam and Lysander. Michigan ave.<br />

Waterburgh, Charles, jr., gardener, h. w. s. Watkins, John. laborer, bds. rear 182<br />

Crawford, bet. Lysztnder and Holden Road. Sixth.<br />

Waterbury, Elizabeth, dressmaker, h. o. 339 Watkins, Rachel (col'd--wid. Stephen), h.<br />

n. 371 Franklin.<br />

301 Clinton.<br />

Waterbury, George A., lawstudent, bds. S5 Watkins, Miss Rosa, teacher Cass Union<br />

Miami ave.<br />

scll~ol, bds. 12 Montcalm w.<br />

Waterbury, 'Trlrilbur W., carpenter, h. 359 lTTatkins, Wasllington F ., shoemaker, h.<br />

Franklin.'<br />

34'7 Congress e.<br />

WATER FSLL, JOHN, carpenter and bnild- Wtttliins, William S., bds. Woodward ave.,<br />

er, s. w. cor. Fourth and Oak, h. same. s. e. cor. Edmund.<br />

(See ad.&.)<br />

Watkins & Turner (James M. Watkins and<br />

Waterfall, John B., builder, h. 150 Fort e. Calvin B. Turner), manfrs. pop corn cakes,<br />

Waterman, Amelia (wid. George W.), bds. 279 Michigan ave.<br />

77 High.<br />

Watkinson, Henry, salesman, bds. o. 79 n.<br />

Waterman, Cameron,student, bds. 67 Wash- 87 Adztms ave. w.<br />

ington a.ve.<br />

Watman, John, laborer, h. 387 St. Aubin<br />

Waterman, David, bookkeeper, h. 160 ave.<br />

Grand IZiver.<br />

Watson, Mrs. (wid. Alexander), h. 67 Ab-<br />

Waterman, James, physician, B. 229 Sec- bott<br />

ond.<br />

Watson, Andrew, supt. J., L. & S. R. R., h.<br />

WATERMAN, JOHN, machine shop, n. w. 338 Howard.<br />

cor. Congress and Third, res. country. (See Watson, Ann (wid. Charles), h. 137 Cathrtadv.)<br />

rine.<br />

Waterman, Joshua W., attorney at law, Watson, Edward C., painter, h. 252 Twelfth.<br />

Butler Block, opp. P. O., h. 67 Washing- Watson, Edward R. G., painter, bds. 252<br />

ton ave.<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Waterman, William J., lawyer and real es- Watson, Eugene, h. 577 Jefferson ave.<br />

tate exchange, Butler Block, opp. P. O., Watson, Frederick, chairmaker, h. s. s.<br />

h. 77 14Tasl~ington ave.<br />

Pitcher, bet. Second and Cass ave.<br />

Waters, Ann (wid. Thomas), h. rear 213 Frederick J., clerk, bds. 577 Jeffer-<br />

Second.<br />

son ave.<br />

Waters, Benjamin, engineer G). T. R., h. 8 Watson, Geor e (Watson & Brummitt), h.<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

o. 2 n. 14 # arren.<br />

Waters, Edward, laborer, h. 12 Private. Watson, George, carpenter, h. 113 Nine-<br />

Waters, Frank S., insurance agt., 110 Gris- teenth.<br />

wold, bds. Howard Houss.<br />

Watson, George R. (GI. G. Standart & Co.),<br />

Waters, John, boilermaker, h. 26 National bds. 20 Howard.<br />

ave.<br />

Watson, Henry C., salesman, h. 261 First.<br />

U'aters, John, h. 107 Griswold.<br />

Watson, Horace C., clerk, h. 264 First.<br />

Waters, Martin, boilermaker, h. 21 National Watson, James (col'd), waiter, bds. Russell<br />

ave.<br />

House.<br />

Waters, Thomas, h. 62 Lafayette.<br />

Watson, Jane (wid. Robert), bds. 161 Clif-<br />

Watkins, Aaron L., salesman, h. 379 Con- ford.<br />

gress e.<br />

Watson, Juliet (wid. Sallluel G.), h. 82 How-<br />

Watkins, Alexander, grocery, 167 Michigan ard.<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Watson, Mrs. L., h. 568 Beaubien.<br />

Watkins, Balfour S., teamster, h. 14 Spen- Watson, Norman (col'd), laborer, bds. 391<br />

cer.<br />

Maple.<br />

Watkins, Charles, h. w. s. Humboldt Watson, Peter, machinist, bds. 81 First.<br />

ave., nr. Myrtle.<br />

Watson, Hichard, carpenter, bds. 197 Ri-<br />

Watkins, Dumas (col'd), h. 301 Clinton. vard .<br />

Watkins, Edgar, evpreas messenger, h. 111 Watson, Robert, carbuilder, h. 309 Tk-<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />



NEW 'SL70RI:C<br />

Sisth.<br />

kit@ tn8@ranc_@ - EQ~P~~YQ Wayson, Joseph W., moulder, bds. 450<br />

Wapon, - - Mary A. (wid. Israel), h. 450<br />

ASSETS, . '12~000~000<br />

Sisth.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOJLE, $1 5,000 Weathburn, James, laborer, 11.282 Lafayette<br />

ave.<br />

SOLON BIcELILOF, Manager and Agency Sopt., I Weatherby, Wilbert, printer, h. 16 Ms-<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. corn b aye.<br />

Weathers, Clarissa . (wid.), h. 11 Colum-<br />

Watson, Robert, saloon, 523 blichigan ave., bia w.<br />

h same.<br />

Weaver, Joseph, shoemaker, 11.211 Fort e.<br />

WATSOS, SAMUEL C. (col'd), druggist, Webb, Agnes (col'd-wid. UTillian1), h. 336<br />

409 Jefferson are., h. same.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Watson, Sylvester X., traveling agent, h. VSTebb, Albert, salesman, bds. 65 Grand<br />

273 Brush. I River.<br />

Watson. Thomas, carpenter, h. 14C2 La- Webb, George, conductor D. & M. R. R.,<br />

brosse.<br />

bds. 333 Congress e.<br />

Watson, TJTellington, photographer, bds. 98 Webb, Harvey G. (col'd), traveling agent, h.<br />

Larned e.<br />

36'7 Congress e.<br />

TVatson, Urilliam B., engineer, o. 11. 237 n. Webb, Reuben C., baggageman D. & M. R.<br />

281 Lafayettv ave.<br />

R., bds. Goodman IIouse.<br />

Watso~l & Brwmmitt (George Wat- Webb, Samuel E., policeman, bds. Sevenson<br />

and 1Yillialn H. Brunlrnitt), artists, teenth. nr. cor. Howard.<br />

164 JeEerson ave. (See ctdv.)<br />

Webb, IVilliam (co17d), whitewasher, h. 19<br />

Watt, Henry, clerk, 11. 452 Xaple.<br />

Ca ss.<br />

Watt, Henry, painter, bds. n. e. cor. Clay \lTel)b, William H., engineer, bds. 79 Conand<br />

Prospect.<br />

gress e.<br />

Watt, Jolln, shoemaker, h. n. e. cor. Clay TTebber, Fernin, sl-ioemaker,h. 570 Seventh.<br />

and Prospect.<br />

Webbrr, George, laborer, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Watt, John W., shoemaker, h. 341 Bron- Fourth and Rlarcy.<br />

c.<br />

son.<br />

lyebber, Jacob, 1)aggagemaster hi. C. R. R.,<br />

Watt, Robert, tanner, h. 452 Maple.<br />

h. s. w. cor. Webster and Russell.<br />

Watters, Etobert, hotel runner, bds. 87 Webber, John A., carpenter, h. 186 St. Au-<br />

Third.<br />

bin aye.<br />

mTattley, George, miller, h. Uequindre, bet. Webbar, Sathaniel ITT., physician, 92 Con-<br />

Jay anti Gratiot.<br />

gress e., bds. 79 same.<br />

Watton, iJ-alter ('CITright & Watton), bds. Webbe,, Kobert, warehouselnan, h. 78<br />

50 Alianli ave.<br />

Eiglltli.<br />

Watts, Charles H., 11. 68 Ranaolph. Weber, August, laborer, h. 95 Benton.<br />

Watts, James, boilermaker, bds. 58 Eliza- \'C.'eber, Ausrin B., tobacco and cigars, 27<br />

beth e.<br />

JefKerson ave., bcls. Cass Hotel.<br />

Watts, Joseph J., grocery, 19 Nineteenth, Weber, Charles, Weber's Hall, cor. Riullett<br />

h. sacle.<br />

and Hussell, h. same.<br />

Watts, Hobert, cooper, h. 316 Russell. Weber, Edward, boilermaker, bds. 335 Clin-<br />

Watts. Kobert, jr., cooper, bds. 316 Hussell. ton.<br />

Way, Burdett, builder, bds. 135 Alontcalm Weber, Edward J., h. 33 C1i::ton.<br />

east.<br />

IVeber, Eugene, painter, h. 461 Fort e.<br />

Way, Frank B., printer, h. 133 Park. \lTeber, Frank, meatmarket, 199 Gratiot, h.<br />

MTay, George, sailor, h. 189 Chene.<br />

same.<br />

Way, H. Lawrence, carpenter, bds. Perkins' Weber, Frank, stonecutter, h. s. m. cor.<br />

Hotel.<br />

Sort11 and Itiopelle.<br />

VS7ay, Nathan, carpenter, 11. 211 High. Weber, Ferdinand. brewer, h. 59 Napoleon.<br />

Way, lVesley, builder, 11. 138 Montcalm e. Tl'eber, Frederick: h. 12s Sl1er1nan.<br />

Wayland, Frank G., carpenter, h. 81 Harri- Weber, Frederick F., shoemalier, h. 570<br />

son ave.<br />

Seventh.<br />

Wayland, George F., carpenter, h. 81 Harri- Weber, George, baker, h. 79 Crogllan,<br />

son ave.<br />

Weber, George, carpenter, h. 154 Catharine.<br />

Wayne Ccunty Jail, n. e. cor. Clinton and Weber, George, carpenter, h. 108 Itivard.<br />

Beaubien.<br />

W-eber, George L., butcher, bds. 199 Gra-<br />

Wayne, James B., Fulton Iron St Engine tiot. '<br />

Works, h. o. 363 n. 443 Larned e. Weber, Henry, furniture manfr. and dea-<br />

Wayne, James W., machiuist, bds. 443 Lar- ler, 129 Woodward ave., manfry. 30 and<br />

ned e.<br />

32 High, h. 24 High.<br />

Wayne, William, engineer, h. o. 575 n. 661 VSTeber, Henry, shoemaker, h. 78 Lafayette.<br />

Franklin.<br />

Weber, Jacob, cooper, h. 263 Glratiot.

-<br />


Weber, Jacob, brewer, h. Bronson, bet. Hasting~<br />

and Prospect.<br />

\JTel)er, Jacob, cooper, bds. 102 Catharine.<br />

Weber, John, cooper, h. 229 Columbia e.<br />

Weber, John, sailor. h. '70 Lewis.<br />

Weber, Joseph (Weber & Von der Heide), h.<br />

211 Fort e.<br />

Weber, Joseph F. (J. F. Weber & Co.), h.<br />

50 Front.<br />

Weber, Leonard, upholsterer, h. 433 St. Antoine.<br />

WTeber, Lorenz, tailor, o. 651 n. 673 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Weber, lllatthias J., saloon, 13 and 15 Porter,<br />

h. same.<br />

VSTeber, Nicholas, joiner, h. 583 Orleans.<br />

Weber, Xicholas, stonecutter, h. 180 Marion.<br />

\JTeber, Peter, tailor, h. 338 Clinton.<br />

\Veber, Peter, tinsmith, bds. 128 St. Antoine.<br />

lTTeber, Philip (hlaier & Weber), h. 226 Lafayette.<br />

\lTeber, William, laborer, h. 288 Lafayette.<br />

CJTeber, J. F., 8L Co. (Joseph F. Wnber and<br />

Conrad Lehr)? sash and blind fdctorp,<br />

Shernlan, nr. Hastings, lumber yards, 2S0<br />

Gratiot, and cor. Rliclligan and Trunlbull<br />

aves.<br />

Weber & Von der Heide (Joseph Weber and<br />

Henry Von der Heide), boots and shoes,<br />

51 Alichigan Grand ave.<br />

Webster, Albert, clerk, bds. o. 104 n. 136<br />

G eorge .<br />

Webster, Carrie, teacher New Ninth Ward<br />

scl1oo1, bds. 288 Lafayette.<br />

. Webster. Charles H., gardener: h. e. s.<br />

Woodward ave., ur. toll gate.<br />

Webster, Daniel, patent right agt., h. 471<br />

Orleans.<br />

Webster, Daniel E., lithographic printer, h.<br />

79 Le\\.is.<br />

Webster, Edwin F. (Holmes Sr; Webster), h.<br />

o. 145 n. 201 First.<br />

Webster, Frank, foreman Car WTorks, bds.<br />

415 Lafityette.<br />

\TTebster, Frank B., clerk, bds. 115 Leverett.<br />

VTTebster, Hugh, merchant, h. o. 104 n. 136<br />

George.<br />

Webster. James, boilermaker, bds. 220 Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

Webster, James, carpenter, h. 220 Thirteenand-a-half.<br />

\T7ebster, John, carpenter, 11. 413 Sllerman.<br />

\TTebster, Joseph (col'd), waiter, 11. 257 Wat.son.<br />

\TTebster, M. Howard (Forsyth & Webster),<br />

h. 143 Fort w.<br />

Webster, Moses R., shipcarpenter, h. 149<br />

Fourteenth.<br />

Webster, 0. H., overseer House Correction,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Webster, Robert, sawyer, h. 220 Thirteenand-a-half.<br />

Webster, Thomas, laborer, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Franklin and Rivard.<br />

Webster, \lTilliam, general agent, 227 Jefferson<br />

ave., bds. 143 Fort w.<br />

Webster, William A., clerk, bds. 115 Leverett.<br />

Webster, \YilIiam C., music teacher, h. 115<br />

Leverett.<br />

Wechsler, Gottlieb, shoemaker, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Fort and Hastings.<br />

Wedge, James, teamster, bds. 187 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Weed, Arthur B., student, bds. 69 Bagg.<br />

Weed, Po: ter L., bookkeeper, h. 69 Bagg.<br />

Weed, Winslow, clerk, bds. 141 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

WTeekes, William, caryer, bds. 231 Fort e.<br />

Weekes, William, laborer, h. 64 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Weelces, William H., machinist, h. 64 Montcalm<br />

e.<br />

Weeks, Frederick, sailor, bds. I W'oodmard<br />

ave.<br />

Wveks, Jacob IV., with J. 1%. Bradstreet &<br />

Son, bds. R~zssell House.<br />

Weese, Catharine (wid. John), h. 329 Orleans.<br />

Wegener, Anton, engineer, bds. 278 Gratiot<br />

.<br />

Wegmann, Andrew J., printer, bds. 81<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Wegmann, John, shoemaker, e. s. Lasalle<br />

ave., bet. Butternut and Bsh.<br />

Welller, Frederick, bricklayer, h. 393; Eighteenth.<br />

>VeLr. Alfred (nTehr & Co.), L ds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

QTellr & CO. (Alfred Wehr and Wiliiam<br />

Sier), cigars and tobacco, cor. Campus<br />

Martius and CVoodivard ave.<br />

Weibel, George, blacksmith, h. 372 Croghan.<br />

Weibel, Henry, carpenter, bds. 189 Catharine.<br />

Weibel, Jacob, carpenter, bds. 180 Catharine.<br />

Weibel, Michael, cooper, 11.2'79 Marion.<br />

Weibo. John, carpenter, bds. n. w. cor. Fort<br />

and St. Antoine.<br />

IVeichel, Erasmus, basketmaker, bds. 299<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Weicliselbauln, Charles, fur dealer, h. 119<br />

Hastings.<br />

Weicllselbaum, Solomon, cigars, 62 Monroe<br />

ave., 11. 119 Hastings.<br />

\I~eicllsler, Charles, cap and glove maker, h.<br />

1'79 Mullett.<br />

Weick, Jacob F.: blacksmith, h. 106 Sixt<br />

eenth.<br />

Weide, Joseph, laborer, h. 299 Columbia e.<br />

\\-eideberner, Henry, carpenter, h. 530 Croghan.<br />

Weitlemann, Heniy, foreman Abend Pbst,<br />

h. 87 Catharine.<br />

TITeidBn, Stephen, carpenter, h. 366 High.

--<br />

PABKE, JENNINQS & (30.<br />

OFFER<br />



We make none but what we can<br />

guarantee for purity.<br />

--<br />

Weidenbach, Mathias, clerk, bds. 446 Or-<br />

leans.<br />

Weiermueller, Philip, letter carrier, h. 102<br />

Macomb.<br />

Weigert, Frederick, carver, h. 240 Lafayette<br />

east.<br />

Weigert, Gustavus, carver, h. 240 Lafayette.<br />

Weigert, Hermann, machinist, bds. 240 La-<br />

fayette.'<br />

Weigle, Andrew, confectioner, bds. 23<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Weihl, Theodore, confectioner, bds. 112<br />

Randolph.<br />

Weik, Frederick, laborer, h. 237 Columbia<br />

east.<br />

Weik, Frederick, teamster, h. 426 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Weikert, Frederick, carver, bds. 212 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Weil, John, laborer, h. 341 Mullett.<br />

Weiler, Anton, clerk, bds. 446 Orleans.<br />

Weilei , Severen. grocery and saloon, h. s. s.<br />

Qratiot, bet. Elmwood and Mount Elliott<br />

aves.<br />

Weimar, Christian, blacksmith, h. 85<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Weinand, Joseph, varnisher, bds. 123 Di-<br />

vision.<br />

Weiner, Anthony, shoemaker, h. o. 217 n.<br />

237 Twelfth.<br />

Weiner, William, bds. 237 Twelfth.<br />

Weingarten, Jacob, watchman, h. 233 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Weingarten, Solomon, laborer, bde. 233 St.<br />

An toine.<br />

UTeinhold, Fzederick, woodsawyer, h. St.<br />

Joseph, near Riopelle.<br />

Weinhold, G., furrier, bds. Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Weins, John B., saloon, 223 Atwater, h.<br />

same.<br />

Weir, Hon. James D., Judge Probate, h. 695<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Weir, John, bds. 272 Howard.<br />

Weirs. John M., painter, h. 113 Fifth.<br />

W eisenhofer, John (Japes & Weisenhofer),<br />

h. 223 Beaubien.<br />

Weiser, H. Joseph, chairmaker, bds. 7 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Weiser, Joseph, carpenter, h. 138 Lafayette..<br />

Weiser, William, cabinetmaker, h. 7 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

MTeiser, William, chairmaker, bds. 7 Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Weismann, Benedict (Knoll & Weismann)<br />

h. 258 Gratiot.<br />

Weiss, Bernhart, shoemaker, h. 221 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

WEL<br />

Weiss, Charles, patternmaker, bds. 193<br />

Catharine.<br />

Weiss, C. Emil, coppersmith, h. 12s Sher-<br />

man.<br />

Weiss, Edward, peddler, h. o. 353 n. 443<br />

Hastings.<br />

Weiss, Ernst, patternmaker, h. 193 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Weiss, Fanny (F. & S. Weiss), h. I22 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Weiss, George, jr., laborer, bds. 475 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Weiss, George, sr., laborer, h. 475 Hast-<br />

ings.<br />

Weiss, Qottlieb, laborer, h. 170 Sherman.<br />

WEISS, JOHN P., music and piano dealer,<br />

62 Woodward ave., h. 297 Larned e.<br />

Weiss, hleyer, Yankee notions, 9 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market, h. 112 Michigan aye.<br />

Weiss, Philip, Yankee notions, 5 <strong>City</strong> Hall<br />

market and 77 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Weiss, Samuel (F. & S. Weiss), h. 112 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

TYeiss, Sebastian; blacksmith, bds. 43 Mon-<br />

roe ave.<br />

WEISS, F. & S. (Fanny and Samuel Weiss),<br />

dry goods and millinery, 112 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Weissenburg, John, saloon, 86 Woodbridge<br />

w., h. same.<br />

Weissenstein, Carl H., meat market, 255<br />

Beaubien, h. same.<br />

Weissenstein, Charles, baker, h. 48 Harriett.<br />

Weisshoff, Adolph, tailor, bds. Hotel Mauch.<br />

Weissmueller, August, watchman, h. 88<br />

Catharine.<br />

Weisthoff, Louis, machinist, h. 205 Rio-<br />

pelle.<br />

Weitner, George, butcher, h. 26 Clay.<br />

Weitz, Adam, pain I er, h. 319 Lafayette.<br />

Weitz, Charles, painter, h. 85 Catharine.<br />

Weitz, Christian, shoemaker, h. 194 Lafay-<br />

ette.<br />

Weitzel, Alexander, ecrollsawyer, bds. 152<br />

An tietam.<br />

Weitzel, Conrad, laborer, h. 289 Marion.<br />

Weitzel, Mrs. Elizabeth, milkwoman, h.<br />

405 Railrozid.<br />

M7eitzel, George, clerk, h. 199 Fort e.<br />

Weitzel, Jacob, drover, h. 62 Limburg.<br />

Weitzel, Jacob, drover, h. 332 Riopelle.<br />

W eitzel, Leonhard, musician, h. 151 Antie-<br />

tam.<br />

Weitzel, William (Fisher, Baker & Co.), h.<br />

79 Sibley.<br />

Welch, Ann (wid. John), h. 207 Abbott.<br />

Welch, Barnard, peddler, h. o. 500 n. 620<br />

Seventh.<br />

Welch, Charles M., saloon, 23% Jefferson<br />

ave. and Theatre Comique, 239 same, h.<br />

99 Larned e.<br />

Welch, Daniel 8.. laborer, h. Quoin, bet.<br />

Chene and Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Welch, Edward, boat builder, bds. 337<br />



--<br />

Welch, Ellen (wid. Thomas), h. rear 220<br />

Abbott.<br />

We1 ch, George, carpenter, h. Franklin, near<br />

Campau.<br />

Welch, James, laborer, h. 600 Seventh.<br />

llTelch, Jarues M., claim agent, office 145<br />

Jefferson ave., h. 94 Lafayette ave.<br />

Welch, John, laborer, h. Ohio, near Hast-<br />

ing~.<br />

Welch, Jolin, laborer, h. e. s. Fourth, bet.<br />

Orange and Grand.<br />

Welch, John, laborer, h. 257 Park.<br />

Welch, Jonathan, carpenter, h, Jos. Campau<br />

ave., s. Jefferson ave.<br />

Welch, Mary (wid. Thomas), h. 140 Sisth.<br />

Welch, Michael, laborer, h. 30 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Welch, Michael, plasterer, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Welch, Owen, sawyer; h. 127 Larped w.<br />

Welch, Robert, laborer, bds. o. 193 n. 207<br />

Abbott.<br />

Welch, Thomas, laborer, bds. 140 Sisth.<br />

Welch, Timothy, tinsmith, h. 97 Pluni.<br />

Welch St Griffiths (Charles Griffiths, James<br />

E. Bailey and Albert Griffiths), saw man-<br />

ufacturers, 42 Woodbridge e.<br />

Welde, Charles, marblecutter, bds. 72 Har-<br />

riett.<br />

Welfare, Alfred, steward, h. 152 National<br />

ave.<br />

Welkenbach, Henry, painter, h. Wood-<br />

bridge, bet. Rivard and Riopelle.<br />

Welkie, Charles, magonmaker, bds. 137<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Well, Peter, tanner, h. 109 Woodbridge w.<br />

Wellendorf, Frederick, cigars and tobacco,<br />

5 Brush, 11. 129 Catharine.<br />

Weller, David, peddler, h. 114 Lafayette e.<br />

Weller, George S., sailor, bds. 755 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

\TTeller. James, clerk, h. 22 Mechanic.<br />

Weller, James, paving, bds. 31 Park Place.<br />

Weller. John, gold and silver plated<br />

tableware, 1 19 Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

(See adu.)<br />

Weller, John, marblecutter, h. 22 Catha-<br />

rine.<br />

Weller, Nicholas, shoemaker, h. 491 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

Wellette, Peter,drayman, h. 520 Lafayette e.<br />

-#elling, Samuel, patternmaker, bds. 330<br />

Fort e.<br />

Wellington, John, engineer, h. 69 Labrosse.<br />

Wells, Job, carpenter, h. 15' Eighteenth.<br />

Wells. Joseph, clerk, bds. o. 69 n. 73 Eliza-<br />

beth w.<br />

MTells, MTilliam, blacksmith, bds. 313 Con-<br />

gress w.<br />

Wells, William, maltster, h. 98 Brush.<br />

Wells, Williams P., attorney, 81 Griswold,<br />

h. 103 Congress w.<br />

Welsh, Ann (wid. John), h. 91 Plum.<br />

Welsh, Charles, teamster, h. 458 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

- -<br />

Welsh, James, laborer, h. 172 Oak.<br />

Welsh, Mrs. Jane, boarding, h. 458 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Welsh, John, laborer, bds. 172 Oak.<br />

Welsli, John, laborer, 11. 319 Fifth.<br />

Welsh, John, painter, h. 323 Sisth.<br />

Welsh, John, poultry and vegetables, 7 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market and 284 Woodward ave., h.<br />

same.<br />

Welsh, Patrick, carsmith, h. n. s. Jones, bet.<br />

Fourth and Fifth.<br />

Welsh, Thomas, .laborer, h. 146 Larned w.<br />

Welsh, Thomas, photographer, bds. 55<br />

Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Welsh, Timothy, laborer. bds. 73 Cherry.<br />

Welsh, Walter, ash peddler, h. s. s. Walnut,<br />

near Ninth ave.<br />

Welton, Everard B., clerk, h. 261 Park.<br />

Welton, Ferdinand, express messenger, h.<br />

252 Clinton.<br />

Welton. Harrison, bds. 45 Spencer.<br />

Welton, Lucien, foreman American Espress<br />

Co.'s stable, h. 230 Abbott.<br />

Welton, L. C., mail agent G. T. R., bds. Russell<br />

House,<br />

Welton, William S. H., salesman, h. 71 Adams<br />

ave. e.<br />

Welz, George (Welz Bros.), h. 536 St. Antoine.<br />

Welz, Jacob (Welz Bros.), h. 179 Lafayette<br />

east.<br />

Welz, Philip (Welz Bros.), h.179 Lafayette e.<br />

WE LZ BROS. (Philip, Jacob and George<br />

IVelz), hardware and stoves, 176 MToodward<br />

ave. (See adu.)<br />

Welzing, Helmer, blacksmith, h. 442 Eighteen<br />

t 11.<br />

Wendell, Arthur B.. agent U. S. Life Ins,<br />

Co., 156 Jefferson ave., bds. 110 Larned e.<br />

Wendell, Emory, cashier First National<br />

Bank, h. 381 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wendell, John B., commission merchant,<br />

48 and 50 Woodbridge w., bds. 110 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Wendler, William, laborer, h. Catharine, e.<br />

Jos. Campau ave.<br />

Wendriner, Augustus, millinery and fancy<br />

goods, 27 Michigan ave, h. same.<br />

Wendt, John, tanner, 11. 88 Marion.<br />

Wendt, John F., boots and shoes, 295 Gratiot,<br />

h. same.<br />

Wendt, William, laborer, h. 181 Twentysecond.<br />

Wener, Mrs. Matilda, h. 185 Rivard.<br />

Wenger, Christian, tanner, h. 324 Whitney.<br />

Weuheim, Andrew, gilder, h. 64 Howard.<br />

Wenig, J. H., hotel, 368 Twentieth, h.<br />

same.<br />

Went, Ernest, teamster, bds. Twenty-second,<br />

near foundry.<br />

Went, Louis, lawyer, h. Twenty-second,<br />

near Kellogg's foundry.<br />

Went~vorth, Edwin, shoemaker, bds. Franklii<br />


WEN WHA<br />

NEW YQRK<br />

West. George *I., broommaker, h. 723 Fort 1<br />

east.<br />

L%fe Ftt8a~alllc,@ - G0mpmyo West, John, carpenter, h. 69 National ave.<br />

1<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

West, Joseph, carpenter, h. 90 National ave.<br />

DA~LY CASH INCOJIE, $15,000<br />

West, Levi (col'd). waiter Michigan Ex-<br />

--.<br />

change, bds. same.<br />

SOLON ItIcELROY, BIanager and Agency Snpt., West, William, salesman, h. 4 Limburg.<br />

Westaivay, James, blitcksulith, bds. Jones,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. nr. Fifth.<br />

Westaway, James, tinsmith, bds. 30 Miami<br />

\Ventworth, Jalnes F., shoemaker, bds. ave.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

Westawap, John, lake captain, h. 5 Joy.<br />

Wenzel, Andrew, h. 97 Adams are. e. estaway, William, 21. 154 Kandolph.<br />

Wenzel, C. H., tanner, bds. 278 Gratiot. West away, Wiilia,m, liqaors, 54 .Michigan<br />

W7enzel, Moidleg, shoenlaker, h. 11 1 Bron- Grand ave., h. n. w. cor. Harrison ave. and<br />

son.<br />

Cherry.<br />

l!Terbeck, Augnst, engineer, h. 406 Fort w. Westbrook, Abraham, laborer, bds. s. w.<br />

Werdisky, Albert, gardener, h. s. e. cor. cor. Beaubien and High.<br />

Hastings and Watson.<br />

Westdorf, Martin, painter, h. 232 St. An-<br />

W erken, Peter L., laborer, h. 254 Twelfth. toine.<br />

Werner, Charles, cabinetmaker, h. s. s. La- Western Brewery, Davis & Newberry, profagette,<br />

e. St. Antoine.<br />

prietors, n. w. cor. Abbott and Seventh.<br />

Werner, Charles, cigarmaker, h. 228 Rus- Western Union Telegraph, 50 Griswold<br />

sel 1.<br />

and 3 Board of Trade Building.<br />

Werner, Charles L., gunsmith, 111 Bates, Westfall, Spencer D., cigarmaker, h. 14<br />

bds. w. s. blonroe ave., bet. Farmer and Craw ford.<br />

Farrar.<br />

~hsthofer, Dloritz, shoemaker, bds. 101 Ma-<br />

Werner, Ludwig, machinist, h. cor. Mt. comb.<br />

Elliott. ave. and Fort.<br />

Westle, John, stonecutter, h. 125 Sherman.<br />

Wert. Peter, saloon, 818 Michigan ave., h. Weston, Andrew J., clerk, h. 21 Limburg.<br />

same.<br />

Weeton, Robert, painter, h. 801 Eigllteenth.<br />

Wert, Peter, cabinetmaker, h. 818 Michi- VTTeston, Stephen, blacksmith, h. 86 Brongan<br />

ave.<br />

son.<br />

Werth, Gottl:eb, laborer, h. 314 Clinton. Westover, Morris C., shoemaker, bds. 101<br />

Wertheim, Louis, cigarmaber, bds. 185 Macomb.<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wetehler, Nicholas, porter, h. 191 Bronson.<br />

Wertheimer, Simon S., cigar manfr., 160 Wetherbee, George C. (Sasby Ss Wether-<br />

WToodbridge w., 11. same.<br />

bee), 11. 83 Ho\vard.<br />

Werthmann, Theresia (wid. Anton), gro- Wetnlore. Cllarles H. (F. Wetmore & Co.),<br />

cery, 2:)l Clinton, h. same.<br />

h. 541 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wertsmith, Frederick, engineer, bds. 316 Wetmore, Edward d.(Jennings, Wstmore &<br />

Franklin.<br />

Co.). h. 453 Jefferson a\-e.<br />

Werupt, Iviiclrael, milkman, h. e. s. Fourth, Wetmore, Frederick (J?. Wetmore & Co.),<br />

nr. Holden Road.<br />

h. 450 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wescott, Leodine P., engineer, h. 127 Ba- Wetmore, Henry P., chairmaker, h. 295<br />

ker.<br />

Second.<br />

Wesll, John, laborer, 11 73 Cherry. W TAIORE, F., & CO. (Frederick and<br />

Wesinburgh, Frederick. laborer, h. n. s. Ir- Charles H. We tnlore), crockery and glassving,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

ware, 68 Woodward aye.<br />

\lresley, John, bookkeeper, bds. 73 Larned Wetterl, Charles A. J., supt. Biddle House<br />

west.<br />

billiard room, bds. same.<br />

Wesley, John (Wesley, Sealy & Co.), h. WTettlaufer, Frclderick, tailor and saloon, 533<br />

'73 Larncd w.<br />

Gratiot, 11. salne.<br />

Wesley, Sealp 8; Co. (John Wesley, Henry Wetzel, August, carpenter, h. 342 Rlont-<br />

A. Sealy and Jolln A. Ivor), commission calm e.<br />

rnerchan ts, 68 W oodbridge w.<br />

lvt:ymouth, Charles A., clerk, h. 90 Eliza-<br />

Wessel, Frank, porter, h. n. e. cor. Riopelle bet11 w.<br />

and Xorth.<br />

Wey ranch, Ferdinand, bds. Hotel 31 auch.<br />

Wesson, William B., real estate, n. w. cor. Wejse, Fidel Damion, gardener, 11. 414 La-<br />

Griswold and Congress, res. Hamtralnck. fayette.<br />

West. August us H., gen. agent Wheeler t!k Whalebone, Henry, drayman, h. 30 Cro-<br />

Wilson sewing machines, 178 Jefferson gllan.<br />

ave., bds. Biddle House.<br />

Wlialen, Charles N., clerk, bds. 154 Hast-<br />

West, Edwin 54 , bookkeeper, bds. Jefferson ing~.<br />

ave., near city limits.<br />

' Whalen, John, laborer, h 372 Sixteenth.


Whalen, John, policeman, bds. 321 Seventh.<br />

Whalen, Mary, (wid. James), h. 287 Fifth.<br />

W hnlen, Michael S., bds. 259 Fifth.<br />

Whalen, Patrick, laborer, h. 210 Abbott.<br />

Whalen, Richard, laborer, h. 584 Congress<br />

east.<br />

Whaleq, William, grocer and saloon, 321<br />

Seventh, h. same.<br />

Wharman, Frederick, fireman, h. 108 Twen-<br />

tieth.<br />

Wheaton, Horace, bookbinder, h. 62 Or-<br />

chard.<br />

Wheaton, Hon. William W., Map-<br />

or (Wheaton & Poppleton), h. 159 Fort w.<br />

W heaton & Poypleton (William FV. Whea-<br />

ton and Exnery E. Poppleton), teas, cof-<br />

fees, etc., 112 and 114 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wheelan, Malcolm, stonecutter, h. 568 Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Wheeler, Adelaide (wid. Norman A), h. 14<br />

Lewis.<br />

VlrTheeler, Alexis (col'd), laborer, h. 62<br />

Mullett.<br />

Wheeler, Benjamin C., cooper, h. 177 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Wheeler, David P., student, bds. Alexandria<br />

ave., bet. Cass ave. and Second.<br />

Wheeler, Eben S., Assistant U. S. lake sur-<br />

vey, bds. cor. Howard and First.<br />

Wheeler, Edwin S. (Talman & Co.), bds.<br />

Biddle House.<br />

Wheeler, George, h. 280 Michigan ave.<br />

Wheeler, George M., druggist, 85 hriswold,<br />

bds. 46 Lafayette ave.<br />

Wheeler, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 23 Wat-<br />

son.<br />

Wheeler, James, machinist, bds. 68 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Wheeler, Orlando B., lake survey, h. 63<br />

George.<br />

Wheeler, Richard 0. (Johnson & Wheeler),<br />

h. 421 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wheeler, William (col'd), cook, h. 138 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Wheeler, William, porter, h. 146 Wilkins.<br />

Wheeler, William H., bookkeeper, bds. 183<br />

Cass.<br />

Wheeler, William T., clerk, bds. 97 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Wheeler, W. M'ard, lumber dealer, h. 563<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Wheelock, Franklin (col'd), laborer, h. 294<br />

Catharine.<br />

Whelpley, Richard, carpenter, bds. w. s.<br />

Second, bet. Bagg and Ledyard.<br />

Whipple, Carlyle, insurance agent, h. 108<br />

Larned.<br />

Whipple, Miss Carrie, clerk Florence Sew-<br />

ing machine, bds. Foundry, nr. Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Whipple, Daniel, Bds. Nichols ~ouse.<br />

M7hipple, Daniel, mechanic, h. 199 Russell.<br />

Whipple, Ueorge, butcher, bds. 104 Rivard.<br />

W hipple, John L. (Whipple Manufacturing<br />

Co.), h. 88 Ciratiot.<br />

Whipple, Mason, plasterer, bds. cor. Cross<br />

and John R.<br />

Whipple, Nelson S., traveling agent, h. 213<br />

Grand River.<br />

Whipple Manufacturing Co. (John L. Whipple,<br />

Edmund Trowbridge and G. H.<br />

Parker), springbeds, car seats, etc., 59<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Whisson, Wilson H., policeman, h. 94<br />

Lewis.<br />

Whitaker, Byron (Whitaker & Parker), h.<br />

o 461 n. 491 Congress e.<br />

W hitaker & Parker (Byron Whitaker and<br />

Aaron Parker), shipbrokers, foot Bates.<br />

Whitbeck, B., brakeman M. C. R. R., bds.<br />

Franklin House.<br />

W hi tbeck, Frank, clerk, bds. Goodman<br />

House.<br />

Whit beck, John, teacher colored school No.<br />

1, h. 34 Grand River.<br />

Whitbeck, Preston, teacher, bds. 34 Grand<br />

River.<br />

W hitbrook, Agnep (wid. Charles). h. 4 Grove.<br />

Whitcomb, Cumrning D., general tick't ag't<br />

M. C. R. R., h. Abbott, bet. Tenth and<br />

Eleventh.<br />

TNhitcomb, Henry B., printer, h. 131 Sixteenth.<br />

Whitcomb, James AX., bookkeeper, h. 435<br />

La~ned e.<br />

W hitcom b, Mirtella (wid. William), h. 61<br />

Adam, c ave. W.<br />

White, Alfred, clothing, 371 Grand River,<br />

h. same.<br />

White, Alfred, freight agent D. & M. R. R.,<br />

bds. 169 Congress e.<br />

White, Andrew E., clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

White, Tharles, shipcarpenter, h. Larned,<br />

bet. Dubois and St. Aubin ave.<br />

White, Eli C., painter, h. 52 Pine.<br />

White, Mrs. Elizabeth, h. 169 Congress e.<br />

White, Frederick G., tanner, Twenty-third,<br />

nr. Michigan ave.<br />

White, George (G. White & Co.), bds. west<br />

end Trombley.<br />

White, George (White & Cameron), h. o. 98<br />

n. 118 Cass.<br />

White, Harriet (wid. James), h. 50 Sibley.<br />

White, Henry, bds. 45 Fort e.<br />

White, Henry, boilermaker, h. 317 Clinton.<br />

White, Henry, meat market, 373 &and<br />

River, bds. 371 same.<br />

White, Henry (White & Debegary), h. 347<br />

Clinton.<br />

White, Henry K. (D. M. Ferry & Co.), h.<br />

195 Third.<br />

White, Jackson, sailor, h. 328 Lafayette.<br />

White, Mrs.- (wid. James C.), h. Chene, s.<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

White, Jarvis, mechanic, h. 538 St. An-<br />

toine.<br />

White, Jerome, blacksmith, cor. Larned and<br />

Dubois.<br />

White, John, clerk Q. T. R., h. 144 Baker.



Whiting, J. Talman, vessel owner, h. o. 276<br />

n. 288 Woodbridge e.<br />

Whiting. Josepll W., blacksmith, bds. o.<br />

E&lggD A i FqqFB -- - - dA - ~ d a ~ 196 - - - -- n. 240 -- Fourth.<br />

ARE SOLD BY THE I U'liiting, William, laborer, h. 62 Brewster.<br />

LEADING DRUGGISTS WHITING, J. P., & Co. (Joseph P. MThit-<br />

THROUGHOUT THE mITED STATES. ing and George L. Maltz), proprietors of<br />

the Mexican ever-bearing straw berry,<br />

White, John, laborer, h. 13 Porter.<br />

Bank Block, 97 ariswold. (&e adn)<br />

White, John, laborer, h. w. s. Thirteenth, Whitlark, William VV., bookkeeper, h. 18<br />

bet. Howard and railroad crossing. Macomb.<br />

I%'hite, Joseph, turner, h. 279 Sixth. Whitnian, Benjamin H., engineer, h. 97<br />

White, Lawrence, laborer, h. 69 Harrison Adams ave. w.<br />

ave.<br />

Whitman, Dewitt C., finisher, h. 112 Ab-<br />

White, Lysander (col'd), porter. h. 19 Cass. bott.<br />

White, Lpander (col'd), porter, h. 380 Gra- Whitman, George W., carpenter, h. 313<br />

tiot.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

White, Michael, drayman. h. 409 Fifteenth. Whitman, Lafayette, grocer, 123 Michigan<br />

White, Morris, milkman, h. 661 Congress ave., 11. same.<br />

east.<br />

Whitmore, Abijah J., engineer, h. 135<br />

White, Nicholas, sailor, h. 505 Fort e. Maple.<br />

White, Orlando, printer, bds. Goodman Whitmore, Charles, tinsmitb, Ms. 02 Ran-<br />

House.<br />

dolph.<br />

White, Orpheus, washboard maker, h. s. s. Whitmore, Joseph, boarding. h. 316 Frank-<br />

Parsons, bet. Cass and Woodward ayes. lin.<br />

White, Patrick. laborer, h. 65 Locust. Whitney, Addison, miller, h. 101 Baker.<br />

White, Patrick, laborer, h. 51 Harrison ape. Whitney, Clark J., music dealer and pubm7hite,<br />

Philip, sailor, h. 5'77 Larned e. lisher, 197 Jefferson ave., h. 40 Fort w.<br />

VTiliite, Robert, clerk D. & &I. R. R., h. 169 Whitney, David. jr. (C. & D. Whitney,jr., &<br />

Congress e.<br />

Co.), h. 351 Woodward ave.<br />

White, Kobert H., captain, h. 295 Montcalm W hi tney, Chstavus, painter, h. 438 Fifth.<br />

east.<br />

W hitnep, Silas, messenger A. h1. U. E. Co.,<br />

White, Samuel, mechanic, bds. 149 Howard. 11. 74 Montcalm w.<br />

TVhite, Theresa (wid. James), h. 599 Con- Whitney, V\rilliam, laborer, h. 162 Brewgress<br />

e.<br />

ster.<br />

White, Thomas, sailmaker, h. 723 Wood- Whitney, C. & D., jr., & Co. (Charles and<br />

bridge w.<br />

David W hitney, jr., and - ), lumber,<br />

White, Zephire, shipcarpenter, h. 516 Fort office 5 Merrill Block.<br />

east.<br />

Whittelsey, Franklin W., cashier A. 33. U.<br />

White, G., & Co. (George and White Paul and Ex. Co., h. 25 George.<br />

Andrew Cherubini), ornamental plaster Whittemore. Charles Edward, tinsmith, bds.<br />

work, w. end Trombley.<br />

Tremont House.<br />

WHITE & CAMERQN (George White and Whittemore, J. Henry (J. Henry Whitte<br />

John Cameron), plumbers, steam and gas- more & Co.), h. 99 High.<br />

fitters, 102 Bates. (See ndc.)<br />

Wllittemore, Joseph P., lawyer, h. o. 47 n.<br />

WHITE & DEBEGARY (Henry White and 93 High.<br />

Adolph Debegarj ), blacksmiths and boil- W hittemore, Maria (wid. William), bds. 18<br />

ermakers, 6 St. Aubin ave. (See a&.) Henry.<br />

W hi teford, Richard, physician, h. 695 Mich- WHITTEMORE, THOMAS E., showcase<br />

igan are.<br />

rooms, 44 Jefferson ave., bds. 278 Fort w.<br />

W HITEHILL, %lTILIJIAM, woodturner, 68 (See adu.)<br />

Fort e., h. 38 Sixteenth. (See adv.) Whittramore, J. Henry, & Co. (J. Henry<br />

Whitenburgh, Albert, matchdipper, h. 220 Whitternore, Joseph A. Swan and Roe<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Stephens), music publishers and pianos,<br />

Whitenburgh, August. laborer, h. Michigan 179 Jefferson ave.<br />

ave., nr. Sisters' Retreat.<br />

Whitten, Gilman, shipcarpenter, bds. o. 154<br />

Whiting, John, proprietor Hamtramck n. 156 Woodbridge e.<br />

House, h. '774 Larned e.<br />

Whittle, Dwight, salesman, h. 103 Adams<br />

Whiting, John L., insurance, 69 Griswold, ave. w.<br />

11. 504 Jefferson ave.<br />

WHITTLE, LEWIS, horse shoeinq, 12<br />

Whiting, Joseph E., actor, bds. Garrison Cass ave.. h. 103 Adalns ave. w. (See adv.)<br />

House.<br />

Wtitwood, Deodatus C., h. 85 Washington<br />

Whiting, Joseph P. (J. P. \T7hiting & Co.), b. aye.<br />

e. s. Woodward ave., nr. Farnsworth. Wholfacher, John, laborer, bds. 174 Third.


Whyte. Michael, laborer, h. s. e. cor. Fifth<br />

and Marcy.<br />

Whyte, William, pattern maker, n. w. cor.<br />

Second and Orchard, h. 40 Orchard.<br />

Wiard, Charles, engineer, h. 314 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Wich, Henry, marble cutter, h. Grand River,<br />

nr. First.<br />

Wichnuwski, John, labover, h. 145 Antie-<br />

tam. = .<br />

Wick, Henry, laborer, h. 578 Gratiot.<br />

Wick, John, tailor, h. 566 Gratiot.<br />

Wick, Joseph, laborer, h. w. e. Twenty-<br />

fourth, bet. Fort and Baker.<br />

Wick, Joseph, laborer, bda. n. e. cor. Wood-<br />

bridge and Seventh.<br />

Wick, Luawig, laborer, bds. 566 Gratiot.<br />

Wickessor, John, laborer, h. 233 Macomb.<br />

Wickmar, Frederick, laborer, h. n. s. Chest-<br />

nut. bet. Chene & Dubois.<br />

Wick ware, Cornelius W., 21.43 Congress w.<br />

Widdefield, Joseph, sawyer, h. 337 Dubois.<br />

Wideman, John N., chair painter, bds. 152<br />

Sixth.<br />

Wideman, Michael, jr., chair painter, bds.<br />

1-33 Sixth.<br />

Wideman, Sarah (wid. Rlichael), h. 152<br />

Sisth.<br />

Widenmann, Henry, painter, lr.180 Clinton.<br />

Wideumann, Jolrn, tailor, 11. 134 Mullett.<br />

Widenlnann, John, j r., carpenter, bds. 134<br />

hlullett.<br />

Widman, Cosmus D. (C. D. Widman & Co.),<br />

h. 44 Centre.<br />

WIDXAX, C. D., & CO. (Cosmus D. Wid-<br />

man, William H. K. Gray, Patrick Flan-<br />

nery and Mary C. Aspinall), manfrs. of<br />

mouldings, ovals and arch-toy frames, 36,<br />

38 and 40 Congress e. (See adz;.)<br />

Widmann, Peter J., laborer, bds. nr. n. w.<br />

cor. North and Riopelle.<br />

Widow, Dettloff, porter, h. 22s Catharine.<br />

Wieber, Ignaz, blacksmith, h. 2.57 Gratiot.<br />

Wieber, Peter, blacksmith, 289 Hasting@, h.<br />

same.<br />

Wiederhold, Adam, blacksmith, h. 147 Cath-<br />

arine.<br />

~iedeihold, And reas. carpenter, h. 362<br />

Hiall.<br />

Wiec John, joiner, h. s. s. Antietam, bet.<br />

Cllene and Dubois.<br />

Wieland, John, painr,er, bds. Canada; House.<br />

Wien. Jacob, shoemaker, 31 Bates, h. same.<br />

Wienbeck, George, machinist, h. 175 Divis-<br />

ion.<br />

Wienbeck, Henry, teamster, h. 175 Division.<br />

Wieni ker, Joseph, butcher, h. 242 Third.<br />

Wiers, John M., house and sign painter, h.<br />

113 Fifth.<br />

Wierschern, Henry, laborer, h. 409 Riopelle.<br />

Wiesner, eottlieb, laborer, h. 188 Sherman.<br />

Wiethoff, Adam, peddler, h. 38'7 Lasalle<br />

ave.<br />

Wiethoff, Anthony, saloon and boarding, h.<br />

91 Atwater.<br />

Wiet-hoff. John, grocer, 155 Xaple. h. same.<br />

Wigel, Martha (wid. Joseph R.), bds. 76 Co-<br />

1 um bia w.<br />

Wigen, Anthony, laborer, h. 353 Bronson.<br />

Wiggi n, Auguatus H., foreman safe works,<br />

h. 312 Fort e.<br />

Wiggins, John, chairmaker, h. 417 Lasalle<br />

ave .<br />

Wiggins, Seba, carpenter, h. 32 Montcalm<br />

west.<br />

W iggins, William A. (Wiggins & Hyde), h.<br />

156 Adams ave. e.<br />

Mriggins & Hyde (William A. Wigpins and<br />

Valentine M. Syde), manfrs. and dealers<br />

in extracts, perfumery, etc., 146 Larned w.<br />

Wiggle, Charles, grocery and saloon, 409<br />

Milllett, h. same.<br />

Wight, Alpheus, livery stables, s. s. Michi-<br />

gan Grand ave., bet. Bates and Randolph,<br />

bds. Franklin House.<br />

Wight, Buckminster, lumber manfr., h. 395<br />

Jetierson ave.<br />

Wight, Catharine (wid. Richard), h. rear 98<br />

Brush.<br />

Wight, Edwin B., bds. 395 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wight, Henry A. (H. A. & S. G. Wight), bds.<br />

395 Jefferson ave.<br />

' Wiglrt, Stanley G. (H. A. & S. G. Wight), h.<br />

503 Jefferson ave.<br />

WIGHT, H. A. gt S. G. (Henry A. and Stan-<br />

ley @. Wight), sawmill, foot Campau.<br />

(See adu.)<br />

Wightman, John A., salesman, bds. 32<br />

Fourth.<br />

Wightman, Moses B., mason, h. 93 National<br />

ave.<br />

IVigney, George W., bookkeeper, bds. o. 348<br />

D. 114 Seventh.<br />

Wigzell, Egbert, baker, h. s. s. Grand Rilrer,<br />

nr. Twelfth.<br />

Wike, Frederick, laborer, h. 297 Columbia<br />

eass.<br />

Wilber, Henry, shoemaker, h. 79 Lafay ette.<br />

Wilbur, Sanford H., sawj er, h. 602 Lafay-<br />

ette ave.<br />

Mrilcox, Alexander F., lawyer, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Wilcos, Charles H. (Wilcos Bros.), h. 17 and<br />

19 Grand Hiver.<br />

Wilcos, David B. (Wilcos Bra%), h. 20<br />

Adanls ave w.<br />

Wilcox, Edward C., bookkeeper, h. 303<br />

Randolph.<br />

VITilcos, George A., attorney, 4 Rotunda,<br />

Building, bds. Russell House.<br />

Vilcos, Georgtt G., clerk Adjt. Gen. ofice,<br />

h. 45 Macomb.<br />

Wilcos, Hiram O., custom house officer, h.<br />

69 Butternut.<br />

Wilcos, Levi, house servant, bds. 485 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

W-ilcos, Mason A., student, bds. 294 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Wilcox, Orval (Trowbridge, Wilcox & Co.), h.<br />

171 Elizabeth e.

NEW YORK I Wilk. Charles. wagonmaker, - bds. 370 I<br />

Fnaepanse &enpang. I ~i~higanave-'<br />

- W ilkerson, William, laborer, bds. Sherman<br />

ASSETS, . . $12.000,000 House.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000 I Wilkes, Charleg, mechanic, bds. 119 Lafay- 1<br />

-<br />

et.te. I<br />

SOLON McELROY, Manager and Agcoey Snpt., W ilkes, George, grocer, bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Pel~ineular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. Wilkes, John C., spring bedmaker, bds. 171<br />

Porter. *<br />

Wilcos, Samuel P. (H. P. Baldwin & Co.), W ILKIE, AITKEN, edgetool and machine<br />

h. 73 High.<br />

knife manfr., n. e. cor. Franklin and St.<br />

WILCOX BROTHERS (Charles H. and Antoine, h. 201 Catharine. (See adv.)<br />

David B. Wilcox), hardware, I7 and W il kie, A ndre~v, groceries and provisions,<br />

19 Grand River. (See adv.)<br />

147 Beaubien, h. same.<br />

N7ilcoxen, Adeline (wid. John R.), h. Cross, Wilkie, Charles, carpenter, bds. 297 Gr*<br />

nr. John R.<br />

tiot.<br />

Wilcosen, Antoine, laborer, bds. Cross, nr. W ilkie, David, tinsmith, 425 Grand River,<br />

John R.<br />

h. same.<br />

Wilcoxson, John B., painter, h. 61 Grand Wilkie. Edward B., machinist, bds. o. 141<br />

River e.<br />

n. 147 Beaubien.<br />

Wild, Elizabeth (wid. Jerome), h. 152 Porter. Wilkie, Ernst, carpenter, bds. 297 Gratiot.<br />

Wild, Frederick, saloon, 483 Lafajette, h. Wilkie, Frederick, carpenter, h. 107 Biosame.<br />

pelle.<br />

Wild, Jerome, laborer, bds. 152 Porter. Wilkie, John, clerk, bds. 147 Beaubien.<br />

Wild, Martin, carriage trimmer, h. 63 IS7ilkin, Theodore S., saw agent. 50 Larned<br />

Micl~i?: crdn ave.<br />

w., bds. 183 Clifford.<br />

Wild, M ~lliam, laborer, bds. 337 Franklin. Wilking, Philip, horaes~~oer, h. 108 Fifth.<br />

W-ilde, John, carriage trimmer at E. Chope WILHINS, ALVSN, stockbroker, 83 Gris-<br />

& SODS, h. Springwells.<br />

wold, bds. Biddle House. (See adv.)<br />

n7ilde, Louis, teamster, h. 266 Morse. VT7ilkins, Charles H., stockbroker, 83 Gris-<br />

\Tilde, Martin, carriage trimmer, h. 63 wold, bds. Biddle House.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

MTilkins, John, potter, bds. 566 Woodbridge<br />

Wilder, Aretus A., machinist, h. 29 Lafay- west.<br />

ette.<br />

Wilkins, Samuel, painter, h. 267 Whit,ney.<br />

Wilder, Charles H., baggasgeman M. C. R. \TTilkins, Lemuel, <strong>Detroit</strong> Ink Manufactory,<br />

R., h. s. s. Locust, bet. F~fth and Sixth. 72 Woodbridge w., bds. Adelaide, bet.<br />

Wilder, Edwin A., machinis;, bds. 29 La- John B. and Brush.<br />

fa~ette.<br />

wilkins, Philip, blacksmith, h. 100 Michi-<br />

Wilder, Edward, engineer, h. 198 First. gan ave.<br />

Wilder, John, machinist, h. 14 Montcalm w. Wilkins, Hon. Ross, U. S. District Judge, h.<br />

Wilder, Joseph T., h. 344 Sixth.<br />

349 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilder, Royal H., carpenter, bds. 344 Sixth. Wilkins, William D., U. S.Commiesioner, h.<br />

Wilderspin, James, carpenter, h. 596 Sev- 557 Jetierson ave.<br />

enth.<br />

Wilkinson, Albert, shoemaker, h. e. s. Fif-<br />

Wildi, John, physician, 281 Russell, h. teenth, nr. Sycamore.<br />

same.<br />

Wilkinson, Albert H. (Wilkinson & Post),<br />

Wilds, Bernard, captain, h. 640 Congress e. h. o. 26 n. 44 Sibley.<br />

Wildt, Emanuel F., tinsmith, bds. n. e. cor. Wilkinson, Anthony, stonecutter, h. 233<br />

Russell and Lafay ette.<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Wiler, Francis, laborer, h. 406 Juliette. Wilkinson, Archibald, shoemaker, h. 156<br />

Wiler, M7illiam, blacksmith, bds. Riopelle, Porter.<br />

nr. Juliette.<br />

Wilkinson, Edwin, grocery and saloon, 183<br />

Wiley, Dennis 0, (Wiley, Hooper & Co.), St. Aubin ave., h. same.<br />

bds. 37 Rowland.<br />

Wilkinson, George, laborer, h. 498 Fourth.<br />

W iley, Jefferson (Jackson & Wiley), h. 300 VTTilkinson, George, moulder, h. 552 Fort e.<br />

Fort w.<br />

Wilkinson, Isaac (col'd), tobacconist, h. 269<br />

Wiley, Rev. Henry, h. 172 Marion.<br />

W hitney.<br />

Wiley, William, h. 384 Lafayette ave. Wilkinson, James, saloon. h. 177 Franklin.<br />

Wiley, Hooper & Co. (Dennis 0. Wiley and W7ilkinson, James, carpenter, bds. 177<br />

Edward C. and Charles H. Hooper), pro- Franklin.<br />

ducea nd fruit, 33 Michigan @rand ave. Wilkinson, John, painter, h. 53 Rowland.<br />

and <strong>City</strong> Hall market.<br />

Wilkinson, Oliver, shoemaker, h. 51 Wat-<br />

Wilhahn, Adam, carpenter, h. w. s. Four- son.<br />

e<br />

teenth, bet. Baker and Dalzell.<br />

Wilkinson, R., express messenger G. T. R.,<br />

. Wilhelm, Carl, chemist, h. 126 Park<br />

I bds. Russell House.


Wilkinson, Thomas A,, engraver, h. 488<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wilkin~on, Thomas J., plumber, bds. 488<br />

Congress e.<br />

Wilkinson & Post (Albert H. Wilkinson and<br />

Hoyt Post). attorneya, 17 and 18 Bank<br />

Block, Griswold.<br />

Wilks, Charles, mechanic, h. 119 Lafayette.<br />

Wilks, George, flour and feed, 39 Jeeerson<br />

ave., bds. Cass Hotel.<br />

Wilks, John, waiter, bds. Heffron's restau-<br />

rant.<br />

Willard, Charles, carpenter, h. 153 Fort e.<br />

Willard, Frank, clerk, bds. Goodman House.<br />

Willard, James, laborer, h. 133 Macomb.<br />

Willard, Luther B., Director of the Poor, h.<br />

o. 99 o. 139 First.<br />

Willard, Richard, laborer, h. 185 Six-<br />

teenth.<br />

Willcoxson, George, carpenter, h. 484 Cass<br />

ave.<br />

Wille, Robert, brewer, bds. 64 Maple.<br />

Wille, Steplien, basketmaker, h. 296 Juli-<br />

ette.<br />

Willebrands, Peter H. O., bookkeeper, h. 51<br />

Columbia e.<br />

Willett, Dennis, carpenter, h. 113 National<br />

ave.<br />

W illett, James N., sawyer, h. 183 Macomb.<br />

Willett, Michael, tin and hardware, 227<br />

Michigan ave., h. same.<br />

Williams, Abram (col'd), dining room, 159<br />

Woodbridge w., 11.302 Macomb.<br />

Williams, Catharine (wid. Thomas), h. 154<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Williams, Charles (col'd), laborer, h. 384 Ma-<br />

, comb.<br />

Williams, Charles, laborer, bds. 65 Atwater.<br />

Williams, Charles. sailor, h. 191 Atwater.<br />

Wrillianls, Charles, sailor, bds. 63 Atwater.<br />

Williams, Charles H., cigarmaker, h. 103<br />

Howard.<br />

Williams, Christopher C., laborer, h. Wood-<br />

bridge, bet. Adair and Leib.<br />

Williams, David, machinist, h. Vinewood<br />

ave., n. Railroad.<br />

WILLIAMS, EDWARD, livery stable, 26<br />

Larned w., h. 85 Larned e.<br />

Williams* Emily (wid. G. Mott), h. 365 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Williams, Emma (wid. William), h. 293<br />

Randolph.<br />

Williams, George (col'd), cook, h. 159 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Williams, George E., bookkeeper, bds. An-<br />

tisdel House.<br />

Williams, George P., horseshoer, bds. near<br />

n. w. cor. Woodward ave. and Grand<br />

River.<br />

Williams, George W., clerk, h. 248 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Williams, Ciurdon O., propr. Howard House,<br />

12 Congress w.<br />

Williams, Henry, huckster, Cass market, h.<br />

Springwells. . .<br />

Williams. Henry H. (col'd), porter, h. 154<br />

Calhoun.<br />

Williams, Herbert, clerk, bds. 365 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Williams, James, drayman, h. 201 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Williams, James, Mason, bds. 48 Labrosse.<br />

Williams, James, porter, bds. o. 209 n. 243<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Williams, James H., clerk, bds. Biddle<br />

House.<br />

Williams, Jay, ' engineer M. C. R. R., h.<br />

350 Lafayette ave.<br />

Williams, Jeremiah, (col'd), yardman Franklin<br />

House, bds. same.<br />

Williams, Jeremiah (col'd), laborer, h. 56<br />

Di vision.<br />

Williams, Jeremiah, laborer, bds. 178<br />

WTilkins.<br />

Williams, Jesse,carpenter, bds. o. 387 n. 305<br />

Catharine.<br />

Williams, Jesse, detective, h. 377 Croghan.<br />

Williams, J ohn, carpenter, h. 495 Congress<br />

east..<br />

VITilliams, John, shoemaker, h. s. s. Grand<br />

Kiver, nr. Twelfth.<br />

Williams, John, st.eward Russell House,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Williams, John (col'd), waiter Russell<br />

House, h. 208 Croghan.<br />

Williams, John A., bookkeeper, h. 21 Charlotte.<br />

Williams, John C., blacksmith, h. 246 Fifth.<br />

Williams, Joseph T., bds. 27 Charlotte.<br />

Vl7illiams, Joshua, laborer, h. cor. Alexander<br />

and Nineteenth.<br />

Williams, Julien, Alderman Tenth Ward,<br />

lawyer, 194 Jefferson ave.<br />

Williams, J. R. Devereux, h. 357 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Williams, Llewellyn, bookkeeper, bds. Cass<br />

Hotel.<br />

Williams, Louis, laborer, h. 178 Wilkins.<br />

W il liams, Morris L., bookkeeper American<br />

Natioual Bank, h. 77 Howard.<br />

Williams, Morris M., clerk P. O., bds. 242<br />

Congress e.<br />

Williams, Nancy (col'd-wid. Peter), h. 341<br />

Macomb.<br />

Williams, Nathan G. (Langdon & Co ), h. o.<br />

47 n. 75 Fort w.<br />

Wiliams, Olive (wid. James), h. 91 Griswold.<br />

Williams, Owen, engineer, h. 358 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Williams, Pliilo, laborer, h. 206 Abbott.<br />

Williams, Ralph, carpenter, bds. o. 154 n.<br />

n. 156 Woodbridge e.<br />

Williams, Richard (col'd), shipcarpenter, h,<br />

442 Beaubien.<br />

Williams, Richard P., clerk, bds. 40 Congress<br />

west.<br />

Williams, Robert, jr., carpenter, h. 439 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Williams, Robert, sr., carpenter, h. 439 St.<br />



Physicians always speclfy Willner, Franz, cabinetmaker, h. 270 Clinton.<br />

PARKE, JENNINGS & CO.'S Willover, Sarah A. (wid. Jonathan), . - bds. 11<br />

Washington ave.<br />

Willson, Robert C., ornamental hair work,<br />

198 Jeffirson ave., h. same.<br />

Wilmarth, Asa H., County Surveyor, 80<br />

Griswold. h. 54 S~ruce.<br />

Wilmot, ~illiarn,~ restaurant and cigar<br />

Williams, Samuel. peddler, h. 10 Beacon. store, 243 Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Williams, Susan S. (wid. Thomas S.), bds. Wilson, Charles, captain, bds. 12 Miami<br />

s. s. Campbell, bet. Cass and Woodward ave.<br />

aves.<br />

Wilson, Daniel, grocer, cor. St. Antoille<br />

Williams, Theodore, brewer, h. 164 Oak. and Columbia, h. same.<br />

Williams, Thomas, clerk, h. 210 Larned e. Wilson, David, bookkeeper, h. 221 Ran-<br />

Williams, Thomas, tailor, bds. 89 Plum. dolph.<br />

Williams, Thomas N., clerk. bds. 12 Lewis. Wilson, David, carpenter, h. 48 Adams ave.<br />

Williams, Walter (col'd), mason, h. 400 La- east.<br />

fayette.<br />

VCTilson, David,sawfiler, 17 Congress e., h. 47<br />

Williams, William, h. 296 Jefferson ave. Adams ave e.<br />

Williams, William, h. 264 St. Antoine. Wilson, Edward, boilermaker, h. o. 88 n.<br />

Williams. William, huckster, Cass market, 140 Division.<br />

h. Springwells.<br />

Wilson, Elizabeth (wid. John), h. 71 Ab-<br />

Williams, William B., laborer, bds. 178 bott.<br />

l%Tilkins.<br />

Wilson, Eunice (wid. Charles), bds. 3%<br />

Williams, William C. (Farrand, Congress 13.<br />

Sheley & Co.), h. 20 Macomb ave. Wilson, Eunice F., bds. 68 Congress w.<br />

Williams, William H., reporter Free Press, Wilson, Frederick, blacksmith, bds. s. e.<br />

h. 197 Fort e.<br />

cor. Third and Larned w.<br />

Williams. W. Lloyd, clerk D. & M. R. R., h. Wilson, Frederick (col'd), laborer, h. 273<br />

188 Congress e.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Williamson, Robert L., agent bl. C. cattle Wilson, George (col'd), labofer, bds. 134<br />

yard, h. Twentieth, bet, M. C. R. R. and Adams ave e.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Wilson, Oeotge, captain, h. 524 Labrosse.<br />

m'illitirnson, Tho-mas, bookkeeper, bds. 181 Wilson, (+eorge, printer, bds. 71 Abbott.<br />

Congress w.<br />

WTilson, George, la borer, bds. n. w. cor. Rlt.<br />

Willing, Samuel GI., patternmaker, Ms. 322 Elliott and Jefferson aves.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Wilson, George B. Mathews & Wilson), bds."<br />

Willing, Samuel J., patternmaker, h. 322 Michigan Exchange.<br />

Fort e.<br />

Wilson, George W.. sailmaker, h. e. s. &fay-<br />

Willis, Charles R., broommaker, h. s. w. cor. berry ave., bet. Myrtle and Magnolia.<br />

Wood bridge and Walker.<br />

Wilson, Helena C. (wid. Robert), bds. 283<br />

Willis, Frank C., carpenter and joiner, h. Park.<br />

235 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wilson, Henry, gardener, h. 771 Michigan<br />

Willis, Hiram W., carpenter, h. 98 Farrrtr. ave.<br />

W illis, John, wagonmaker, h. 154 Cat ha- Wilson, Henry (col'd), laborer, h. 181 Rusrine.<br />

sell.<br />

Willis, ~ ohk (col'd), <strong>City</strong> Scavenger, h. 600 Wilson, Hiram, cigarmaker, bds. 236 Third.<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Wilson, J. A. (wid.), h. 195 Croghan.<br />

U'illis, R. Storrs, res. Belle Isle.<br />

Wilson, Jacob, moulder, h. 359 Franklin.<br />

Willis, William (col'd), cook, h. s. e. cor. Wilson, James, laborer. h. 41 Dubois.<br />

Hastings and Watson.<br />

Wilson, .James S., harnessmaker, bds. 69<br />

Willis, William, sailor, 11. 229 Macomb. Beaubien.<br />

Willits, Henry T. (Willits & Danielson), h. Wilson, John, baker, bds. ail road Es-<br />

20 Beech.<br />

change.<br />

Willits, Martha (wid. Wellington), h. 67 Wilson, John, brass finisher, bds. 97 Lar-<br />

Locust.<br />

ned e.<br />

Willits, William J., engineer, h. o. 23 n. 25 Wilson, John, machinist, bds. 41 Dubois.<br />

Limb urg.<br />

Wilson, John, merchant tailor, 114 Gris-<br />

Willits & Danielson (8. T. Willits and Asa wold., h. 91 Fifth.<br />

T. and W. C. Danielson), painters, 76 Wilson, John, painter, h. 115 Grand River.<br />

Grand River.<br />

Wilson, John (col'd), saloon, 153 Gratiot, h.<br />

Willmarth, Hannah (wid. Ora~mus), h. 279 same.<br />

Third.<br />

wildon, John, street car conductor, bds. 331<br />

Willmarth, Hiram D., h. 279 First. I Third.<br />

1<br />



Wilson, John, yardmaa D. &M. R. R., h.<br />

439 Franklin.<br />

Wilson, John B., foundry, s. w. cor. Fort<br />

and Thirteenth, h. 175 Howard.<br />

Wilson, John G)., clerk, h. 74 Baker.<br />

IVilson, John H. (col'd), waiter Michigan<br />

Exchange, bds. same.<br />

Wilson, John S., carpenter, h. 428 Sixth.<br />

Wilson, John W., musician, h. 405 Maple.<br />

Wilson, Joseph, carpenter, bds. 331 Third.<br />

Wilson, Mary A. (wid. Francis), bds. e. s.<br />

Crawford, n. s. cor. Arch.<br />

Wilson, Michael, turner, b. 202 Beaubien.<br />

Wilson, M. S. (wid. John P.), h. 355 Seventeecth.<br />

Wilson, Nathan (col'd), barber, h. 320 Macon1<br />

b.<br />

Wilson, Richard, housemover, bds. e. R.<br />

Crawford, n e. cor. Arch.<br />

Wilson, Robert, showcase maker, h. Williams<br />

ave., nr. Butternut.<br />

Wilson, Robert, carpenter, bds. 91 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Wilson, Mrs. Rosetta (col'd), h. 153 Clinton.<br />

M7ilson, S. Rosse, life insurance agent, 4<br />

illerrill Block.<br />

Wilson, Thomas, machinist. h. 96 Baker.<br />

Wilson, Thomas, shoemaker, bds. 97 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Wilson, Thomas, saloon, 40 Woodward ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Wilson, ~ hoias H., picture frame dealer,<br />

194 W'oc~dward ave., h. same.<br />

Wilson, Thomas H., carriagemaker, bds.<br />

Finney 's Hotel.<br />

Wilson, Virginia (col'd- wid. Lazarus), h.<br />

339 Macomb.<br />

V7ilson, MTalstine S., clerk, h. 92 Cass.<br />

't\'ilson, William, blacksmith, h. o. 104 n.<br />

166 Division.<br />

Wilson, William H., captain. h. 184 Sixteenth.<br />

Wilson, William, gamekeeper, bds. 44 Larned<br />

w.<br />

Wilson. William, laborer, h. s. w. cor. Cnttler<br />

and Crawford.<br />

Wilson, William, machinist, h. 222 Guoin.<br />

Wilson, William, sailmaker, h. 259 Twelfth.<br />

U'ilton, Frank, cigarmaker, bds. 478 Woodbridge<br />

e.<br />

VErilton, Henry, sawyer, h. o. 496 n. 478<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Wilton, Joshua, bds. 4.78 Woodbridge w.<br />

Wilton, William H., joiner, h. s. w. cor.<br />

Russell and Eenton.<br />

VE7iltsie,Van Rensselaer G., clerk, h. 53 Howard.<br />

Winans, Allan, switchman &I. C. R. R., bds.<br />

2'20 Congress w.<br />

Winchell, Addison H., clerk, h. o. 76 n. 82<br />

Elizabeth w.<br />

VSTincht=ll, Charles G., clerk William A.<br />

Bntler & Co., bds, e. s. Beaubien, nr.<br />

High.<br />

Winchell, Edward G., dentist, office Odd<br />

Fellows' Hall Campus Martius, bds. Kussell<br />

House.<br />

Winchell, Emma D. (wid. Guerdon), bds. o.<br />

76 n. 82 Elizabeth w.<br />

V'inchell, John, bookkeeper, h. 262 First.<br />

Winchell, John, carpenter, h. 121 Fort e.<br />

VTTincllrster, Francis E., photograph gallery,<br />

20 hlerrill Block, bds. Jeffersou ave., n. e.<br />

cor. Brush.<br />

lTTinck ler, William, h. 262 Second.<br />

Winder, John, clerk U. S. District Court, h.<br />

n. e. cor. Woodward ave.and High.<br />

Windish, Henry, barber, bds. 89 Bivard.<br />

Wineburgh, George, blacksmith, h. 175<br />

Division.<br />

Winecoop, Gerard, tinsmith, h. 31 Beacon.<br />

Winegardenner, Mrs. Hannah, h. 544 Macorn<br />

b.<br />

Winemann, Jacob H., confectioner, 229 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. 100 Larned e.<br />

Winemann, Henry, confectioner, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Brush and Marion.<br />

Winfield, Henry, painter, h. 79 Croghan.<br />

U ing, Franklin &I., grocer, 83 Congress e.,<br />

h. SG Lartied e.<br />

Wing, Gottlieb, carpenter, h. 193 Baker.<br />

Wing, John, laborer. h. o. 99 n. 123 Baker.<br />

W ingert, Fannie, teacher, bds. Frsmont,<br />

cor. John R.<br />

Wingert, William, 'butcher. 655 Jefferson<br />

ave., h. Frenlont, n. w. cor. John R.<br />

W ingert'william, peddler. h. 537 Larned e.<br />

Win heim, Andrew, gilder, bds. 64 Howard.<br />

Winiker, W indolen, tailor, 200 Larned e., h.<br />

same.<br />

Winke, William, laborer, bds. 338 Clinton.<br />

Winkelmeyer, Andrew, laborer, h. 374 Juliette.<br />

Winkelmeyer, Anthony, porter A. Pulte 93;<br />

Son, bds. s. W. cor. Gratiot and St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Winkelmeyer, Joseph, harnessmaker, bds.<br />

374 Juliette.<br />

Winkelmeyer, Joseph, laborer, bds. 60 Hastings.<br />

Winkelmeyer, Julius, saddler, bds. 374 Juliette.<br />

Winkelmeper, William, laborer, bds. 374<br />

Juliette.<br />

Winkle, Andrew J., policeman, bds. Franklin<br />

House.<br />

Winekoop, Harris, messenger American<br />

Express, h. 102 Montcalm e.<br />

Winn, Owen, blacksmith, h. Sevecth,<br />

nr. Ann.<br />

Winn, Warren, laborer, h. 546 Seventh.<br />

Winnette, Thomas, actor, bds. Oarrison<br />

House.<br />

MTinship, Clarence A., engineer, h. 278 St.<br />

Antoine.<br />

Winship, Cyrus, saloon, 186 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Winslow, George A., policeman, h. 710 La,fay<br />


WIN WOC<br />

NEW YORE<br />

AS PET^, . . $12,000,000<br />

DAILY CASH INCOME, $15,000<br />

-<br />

SOLON MeELROY, Manager aud Agency Sapt.,<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Winslow, George H., clerk, bds. Central<br />

Railroad House.<br />

Winsoll, White, mason, h. 305 Marion.<br />

Winter, Augustus. laborer, h. 365 Fort e.<br />

Winter, Booth, salesman, h. 262 Montcalm<br />

east.<br />

Winter, Charles, saloon, 356 Hastings, h.<br />

same.<br />

Winter, George, hatter and news dealer,<br />

250 Jefferson ave., h. 270 same.<br />

Winter, James, botbkkeaper, h. 61 Croghan.<br />

Winter, William, h. 175 Macomb.<br />

Win terhal ter, eeorge, upholsterer, h. 149<br />

Croghan.<br />

Winterich, Mathew, painter, h. o. 126 n.<br />

154 Adams ave. e.<br />

Wintermuth, August, laborer, h. o. 179 n.<br />

159 Mullett.<br />

Wintersdorf, Mathias, saloon, 100 Lafay -<br />

ette, h. same.<br />

Wintler. Mlchael, laborer, h. n. s. Irving,<br />

bet. Sixth and Seventh.<br />

Wipert, Joseph, foreman (3. T. R., h. w.<br />

s. Twenty-fourth nr. <strong>City</strong> Llmita.<br />

Wipfler, August, carriagetrimmer, bds. 213<br />

Macomb.<br />

Wipfler, Charles, carver, bds. s. s. Macomb,<br />

bet. Rivard and Russell.<br />

Wipfler, Elizabeth (wid. Aloys), h. 213 Ma-<br />

comb.<br />

Wirfs, Michael, peddler, h. cor. Jay and<br />

Riopelle.<br />

Wirth, Adam, grocer, h. 22 Division.<br />

Wirth, George, teamster, h. 12,i Division.<br />

Wirth, Henry, laborer, 1.1. 148 Antietam.<br />

VTirth, John, clerk, Ms. 408 Gratiot.<br />

Wirth, John, groceries, 408 Gratiot, h. same.<br />

Wirtz, Charles, milk peddler, h. 133<br />

Twelfth.<br />

Wirtz, Jacob, tinsmith, bds. e. s. Porter, nr.<br />

T welfqh.<br />

Wisdom, CharIes, carpenter, bds. o. 330 n.<br />

446 Fort w.<br />

Wise, Jeremiah, plasterer, h. 5'7 Division.<br />

Wise, John, moulder, bds. 50 Miami ave.<br />

Wise, Sebastian, blacksmith, bds. 42 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Wiser, Otto (A. Kuhlman & Co.), bds. Hotel<br />

Mauch.<br />

Wislited, Cornelius, laborer, h. 267 Guoin.<br />

-<br />

Wisner, George Y., civil engineer, h. 12<br />

Si bleg.<br />

Wisner, John, laborer, h. 22 Orleans.<br />

Wiste, Henry, cigarmaker, h. 81 Chestnut.<br />

Wisthoff, Louis, machinist, h. 205 Riopelle.<br />

W itbeck, C. S. (Witbeck & Chittenden), bds.<br />

Russell House.<br />

Witbeck & Chittenden (C. S. Witbeck and<br />

W. J. Chittenden), proprs. Rnssell House,<br />

s. e. cor. Woodward and Michigan Grand<br />

aves.<br />

Witershiem, Randolph, laborer, h. w. s.<br />

Crawford, bet. McLean and Bingham.<br />

Withecomb, William, baker, 67 Larned e.,<br />

h. same.<br />

M7itheral, Charles, lawyer, h. 567 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Witherspoon, Alexander, Custom House officer,<br />

h. 119 Baker.<br />

Wit tierspoon, John, baker, h. 67 CSeorge.<br />

Witherspoon, John, sr., fish dealer, 82 <strong>City</strong><br />

Hall market, h. 67 George.<br />

Witherspoon, Robert, clerk, h. 6'7 George.<br />

Witherspoon, William, carpenter, bds. 119<br />

Baker.<br />

Witherspoon, William, mason. 11.67 eeorge.<br />

Witherston, John, bookkeeper, bds. 71<br />

Beaubien.<br />

Withey, Charles A., blacksmith, bds. 209<br />

Fourth.<br />

Withey, Jerome B., manfr. patent wheels,<br />

42 Larned e., h. 209 Fourth.<br />

Withe?, Joel J., express messenger, h. w. s.<br />

Fourth. bet. Abbott and Porter.<br />

Wi they, William, foreman Stephen Smith<br />

& Co.), h. 243 Fourth.<br />

Withing, William, plumber, h. 701 Croghan.<br />

Witman. . . Frank. car builder, h. 246 Twelfth.<br />

Witt, w7i1liam, la borer, h. German.<br />

Witte, Frederick, laborer, h. 597 Hastings.<br />

Witte, Henry, tailor, h. 454 Catharine.<br />

Wittenberg, Albert, laborer, h. 220 Eighteenth.<br />

IVi t ten burg, Ludwig, shoemaker, h. 220<br />

Eighteenth.<br />

Wittels berger, Conrad, farmer, h. 352<br />

Twentieth.<br />

Wit telsberger, Frank, baker, 317 Michigan<br />

1 ave., h. same.<br />

1 Wit tdsberger, Joseph, baker, 271 Hastings,<br />

h. same.<br />

Wittharnmer, Isaac, peddler, h. 4 Clinton.<br />

Wirtman, Tobias, plumber, 183 Macomb, h.<br />

I w:;, Ignatius, locksmith, h. 304 Lafayette.<br />

I W i tzki, Charles, wagonmaker. bds. 556 Gratiot.<br />

Witzki, William, cigarmaker, - h. 75 Cro-<br />

Wisker. - , George. laborer, h. 199 Eigllteenth. &an; h. same.<br />

Wisker, Mrs."~ar~, refreshment{ 44 <strong>City</strong> W'ixted. Henry, laborer, h. o. 396 n. 414<br />

Hall market, h. 199 Eighteenth.<br />

Franklin.<br />

'flismar, Frederick, laborer, h. 306 St. Au- Wockrudd, Christian, h. e. s. Fourteenth,<br />

I bin ave.<br />

bet. Baker and Michigan ave.


Woelk, Edward, cigar manufacturer, 254<br />

Gratiot, 11. same.<br />

Woelk, Frederick, clerk, h. 269 Beaubien.<br />

tVoel ke, Frederick, cabinetmaker, h. 107<br />

An tietam.<br />

Wolllfartli, Gottlieb, St. Lawrence Hotel,<br />

cor. Itandolpll and Atwater.<br />

Wohifelder, Albert, brewer, h. 420 Riopelle.<br />

Wohlford, Ferdinand, grocer, - h. 468 Grand<br />

River<br />

Wohlgemuth, Felix, edgetool maker, h. 217<br />

La fa yet te.<br />

Wohlrab, Charles, h. 62 Beaubien.<br />

Wohnlick, Louis, brass finisher, bds. 381<br />

Woodbridge e.<br />

Wolaver, George, brakeman, bds. 114 Fifth.<br />

Wolbert, Margaret, seamstress, h. 231<br />

Whitney.<br />

Wolcott, George T., porter, h. 2'78 Park.<br />

Wolf, Bernard, saloon, 482 Orleans, 11. same.<br />

Wolf, Christian, carpenter, h. 471 Sixth.<br />

Wolf, Christopher, laborer, h. 252 Antieta~n.<br />

Wolf, Frederick, saloon, 782 Woodbridge<br />

w., 11. same.<br />

Wolf, George, laborer, h. 522 Woodbridge e.<br />

Wolf, George Frank, laborer, 11. 250 Naple.<br />

Wolf. Henry, carpenter, h. 3G8 Fort e.<br />

Wolf, Jacob, laborer, h. 313 Bronson.<br />

Wolf, Jatues. gardener, h. e. s. Crawford,<br />

bet. Lysander and Eolden Road.<br />

Wolf, John B., carpenter, h. 248 Maple.<br />

Wolf, John C., laborer, h. o. 393 n. 471<br />

Sistll.<br />

Wolf, Powell, pop factory, 399 Seventeenth,<br />

h. sanie.<br />

Wolf, William, carpenter, h. 396 St. Antoine.<br />

W 01 f, , confectioner, bds. 43 Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Wolfertz, Robert (F, Wuelfing & Co.), h.<br />

190 Macomb.<br />

Wolff, Frederick, laborer, h. 338 Riopelle.<br />

Wolff, Henry (IVolff Bro's), h. o. 179 n. 201<br />

Latayette.<br />

Wolff, Jacob, carpenter, h. 313 Bronson.<br />

WolfY, Julius, bartender, bds. 113 Bates.<br />

Wolti, Ludwig H. (Wolf Bro's), h. 249<br />

Elizabeth e.<br />

Wolff, William, shoemaker, 11. 548 Orleans.<br />

Wolff Bro's (Ludwig H. and Henry Wolff),<br />

trunk manfrs., 211 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wolfinden, George, ass't teller Second National<br />

Bank, h. cor. Second and Selden.<br />

Wolfschlager, Andrew, carpenter M. C. R.<br />

R., h. 22 Seventh.<br />

Wolfschlager, Hermann J., baggageman<br />

M. C. R. R., 11. 198 Lafayette.<br />

Wolfschlager, John Peter, carpenter, bds.<br />

o. 387 n. 305 Catharine.<br />

Wolfschlager, LOUIS, carpenter, h. 273 Thirteen<br />

-and-a-half.<br />

Wolfsclllager, Luke, carpentq, h. 273 Thirteen-and-a-half.<br />

63<br />

Wollaster, Nicholas, carpenter, h. 261 Lafapette.<br />

Tiidlensawyer, Charles, baker, h. o. 418 n.<br />

506 St. Antoine.<br />

Wollenweber, Anthony, stonemason. h. 234<br />

Marion.<br />

Wollenweber, Peter, saloon, Hilsendegen<br />

Block, cor. Nonroe ave. and Randolph, h.<br />

o. 100 n. 116 Macomb.<br />

Wollenzien, Charles, baker, h. s. e. cor. St.<br />

Antoine and Whitney.<br />

Wolter, Edward, stonemason, bds. 504 Macomb.<br />

Wolverton, George F., bookkeeper, bds. 25<br />

Col urn bia w.<br />

lJrolvert80n, George Mr., insurance agent,<br />

office 48 Griswold, 11. 25 Colurnbia w.<br />

Wol vertm, Samuel W ., shipcarpenter, h.<br />

60 Clinton.<br />

Wolz, George, tailor, 18 Palmer, h. 131 Lafayette.<br />

Wonders, Elias, clerk, bds. I Gratiot.<br />

Wonsell, Ruffiu (col'd), barber, bds. 52 Mullett.<br />

Wood, Albert, turner, bds. 475 Larned e.<br />

Wood, Alexander, blacksinitti, 11. w. s. Fifteenth,<br />

bet. Howard and Baker.<br />

Wood. Charles, carpenter, h. GS L)ul)ois.<br />

Wood, Charles D., clerk U. S. Es. office, h.<br />

85 Fifth.<br />

Wood, David, blacksmith. bds. 124 Larned<br />

east.<br />

Wood, Edward H., carpenter, 21. 84 Grand<br />

River, up stairs.<br />

Wood, Elimbeth (wid. John), h. 22 Colwbia<br />

e.<br />

Wood, Emory, clerk, bds. 23 Washington<br />

ave.<br />

Wood, Frank, carpenter, bds. 75 Larnd e.<br />

Wood, Frank, upholsterer, h. 81 Larned e.<br />

Woad, Frederick, clerk <strong>City</strong> Hotel, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Wood, George, gas fitter, h. 13'7 Sisteenth.<br />

Wood, Granville (Simmons, Clough & Co.),<br />

h. cor. Brush and Bronson.<br />

Wood, H. Clay, Major and A. A. GF.Dept.<br />

Lakes, bds. Russell House.<br />

Wood, Jackson B., grocer, 174 Williams<br />

are., h. same.<br />

Wood, James W., salesman, h. 285 Park.<br />

Wood, John, carpenter. 11.213 Watson.<br />

Wood, John, saloon, 400 Woodbridge w., h.<br />

same.<br />

Wood, John S., salesman, h. o. 109 n. 139<br />

George.<br />

Wood, Joseph, gardener, h. 34 Seventeenth.<br />

Wood, Joseph, laborer, 11.3'76 Macomb.<br />

NTood Market,Eastern, C. Damm, inspector,<br />

cor. Slierman and Hastings.<br />

Wood, OEediah (col'd), musician and barber,<br />

11. 241 Congress e.<br />

Wood, Peleg, speculator, bds. 275 Fort w.<br />

Wood, Robert (col'd), laborer, h. rear 154<br />

Lafayette.<br />

Wood, Sarah (wid. Henry), h. 122 Oak.

--<br />

woo woo<br />



OfBee, 374 Cass Avenue,<br />


(Take FToodward Ave. Cars to Henry St.,)<br />


Wood, Solomon F., commission merchant,<br />

h. 85 Elizabet.11 e.<br />

Wood, Theodore T., carpenter, h. 213 Watson.<br />

Wood, Thomas B., car builder M. C. R. R.,<br />

h. s. w. cor. Fifteenth and Baker.<br />

Wood, Thomas M. (Wobd & Reid;, bds. 161<br />

Abbott.<br />

Wood. Walter, agent Mansion House, bds.<br />

same.<br />

Wood, William H. (Bennett, Titelow &<br />

Wood), h. 37 Harrison ave.<br />

Wood, \lTilliam I,., bookkeeper, bds. 161<br />

Adams ave. e.<br />

Wood, l%'illiam S., Secretary Republican<br />

State Central Committee, Congress w.,<br />

under Second National Bank, bds. Antisdel<br />

House.<br />

Wood & ~ eid (Thomas M. Wood and Ro-<br />

bert Reid), meat market, n. e. cor. Kinth<br />

aye. and Baker.<br />

Woodbridge Grove, n. s. Michigan ave., bet.<br />

Ninth and National aves.<br />

MToodbridge, John T., clerk, bds. n. w. cor.<br />

Grand River and Trumbull ave.<br />

Woodbridge, Silas (col'd) waiter, bds. Rus-<br />

sell House.<br />

Woodbridge, William L., real estate, h.<br />

n. w. cor. Gland River and Trumbull<br />

aye.<br />

Woodbury, Carrie (Woodbury & Ris), bds.<br />

82 Wayne.<br />

Woodbury & Ris (Carrie n7oodbury and<br />

Alice His), millinery and dressmaking,<br />

114 Michigan ave.<br />

TVoodcock, Alfred C., millsaw filer, h. 459<br />

Fort e.<br />

WOODHARIS, THOMAS, furniture manu-<br />

facturer, w. s. Gilman, bet. Cass ave. and<br />

Second, h. 52 Elizabeth w. (See ada.)<br />

Woodhams, Thomas, furniture, h. 135 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Woodhouse, Charles, L., artist, bds. Frank-<br />

lin House.<br />

Woodhull, John C. H., 21. 526 Fifteenth.<br />

Woodhull, Joseph C., clerk, h. w. s. Lafon-<br />

taine ave.. bet. Pine and Chestnut.<br />

Woodin, Orson, lettercarrier, h. 49 Pine.<br />

woodlock, Helen (wid. Michael), h. 146<br />

Beech.<br />

Woodlock, Mathew, laborer, h. 247 Sev-<br />

ent,h.<br />

Woodrow, Charles, mason, bds. 160 First.<br />

TTToodrow, Charles M., mason, h. 75 Pitcher.<br />

Woodrow, Henry, mason, h. 160 First.<br />

Woodruff, Charles B., clerk, bds. 387 Jef-<br />

ferson aye.<br />

Woodruff', Cllarles P., h. 387 Jefferson ave.<br />

Woodruff, Thomas H., carpenter, h. 135<br />

National ave.<br />

UToods, Charles, boilermaker, h. 254 Pearl.<br />

Woods, Charles, clerk, bds. 73 Lewis.<br />

llToods, Edward, laborer, 11. 14 Spruce.<br />

Woods, Edward, hackowner, h. 60 Henry.<br />

TVoods, Enlily (wid. John), h. 73 Lewis.<br />

m-oods, Frank, clerk. bds. 73 Lewis.<br />

IT-oods, George, laborer, h. 142 Porter.<br />

Woods, George, laborer, h. 57 Jay.<br />

Woods, James A , lithographer and plate<br />

printer, bd;. s. s. alley Fort, bet. Hastings<br />

and Kivtird.<br />

\Voods, Miss Mary, h. 111 Porter.<br />

Woods, Nicllolas (col'd), whitewasher, h<br />

Grove, nr. Hastings.<br />

M'oods, Peter, laborer, h. 157 Lahrosse.<br />

Woods, Thomas, laborer, h. 18 Front.<br />

Woods, Williarn. salesman, h. 2 Lewis.<br />

Wood ward,*4ndre w,bookkeeper, bds.Russel1<br />

House.<br />

Woodward, John, drayman, h. 73 Eighth.<br />

Woodward, Susan (wid. Samuel), dress and<br />

cloaknlaker, 58 Brush, h. sanie.<br />

Woodwortll, Benjamin R., bookkeeper, h.<br />

53 George.<br />

Wood~vorth, Stephen E., groceries, 94<br />

Adaxus ave. e., 21. same.<br />

TVoodworth, Stephen E., merchant tailor,<br />

339 Franklin, h. same.<br />

Woolfenden, Anne (wici. James), h. n. s.<br />

Se,den, bet. Second and Cass ave.<br />

Wool fenden, Edward, bookkeeper, bds. n.<br />

s. Selden, bet. Second and C'ass ave.<br />

Woolfenden, Frank, clerk, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Second and Selden.<br />

Woolfenden, Frederick, clerk, bds. n. e. cor.<br />

Second and Selden.<br />

Woolfenden, George R. A., assistant teller<br />

Second National Bank, bds. n. s. Selden,<br />

bet. Second and Cass ave.<br />

Woolfenden, Joseph B., salesman, h. 14<br />

Charlotte.<br />

Woolham, John, laborer, h. 375 Lasalle .<br />

ave.<br />

Woolhouse, Henry, saloon, 94 Woodbridge<br />

w., bds. same.<br />

UToolhouse, William A., laborer, bds. 94<br />

Wood bridge w.<br />

Woollacott, John Henry, clerk, bds. o. 144<br />

n. 165 Larned e.<br />

Woollet, Richard, hostler Finney's Hotel,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Woolley, James K., foreman Standish &<br />

Ives, h. 73 Sibley.<br />

l%Tool,ley, Smith R. (Woolley & Hilton,) h.<br />

158 Congress w.<br />

Woolley & Hilton (Smith R. WooIey and<br />

Thomas Hilton), distillers and vinegar<br />

manufacturers, 36 First.<br />

Woolnough, Eliza (wid. William), h. 273<br />



-<br />

Woolsey, John W., milkman. 11. 249 Park.<br />

Woolvison, Francis, laborer, h. 97 Porter.<br />

Worcester, Ira, insurance agent, 45<br />

Griswold, h. 14 Adams ave. w.<br />

Worcester, James E. \LTorcester, Laible &<br />

Standish), 11.91 Elizabeth e.<br />

Worcester, James M., clerk, bds. 91 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Worcester, Laible & Standish (James H.<br />

Worcester, Eugene Laibie and John D.<br />

Standish), manufacturerv of wlrite lead,<br />

etc.. 14 and 16 Congress e., factory n. s.<br />

Jones, bet. Third and Fourth.<br />

Worden, Sarah A. (wid. Joseph), h. 60 Clin-<br />

ton.<br />

WTorkin,o?laen's Hall, cor. Catharine and<br />

Russell.<br />

Workman, Francis, lumber inspector, 11. w.<br />

s. Thirteenth, bet. Howard and railroad<br />

crossing.<br />

Workman, Joseph (col'd), porter, h. 160<br />

Maple.<br />

Workman, William, machinist, h. 148 Sev-<br />

enteenth.<br />

Workum, David J. (Fechheimer & Work-<br />

urn), 11. 29 Adelaide.<br />

\T70rlds, Harrison (col'd), barber, 86 Wood-<br />

bridse w., bds. 96 Cass.<br />

Worlick, John, marble polisher, h. 313<br />

High.<br />

Worlie, Daniel (col'd), laborer, bds. 136<br />

Gris\%-old.<br />

Wormer, Clarkson C., agent American Fence<br />

Co., bds. 25 High.<br />

Wormer, Frederick F., student, bas. 25<br />

High.<br />

Wormer, Grover S. ((3. S. Wormer & Son),<br />

h. 25 High.<br />

Wormer, Henry 6. (6. S. Wormer & Son),<br />

bds. 25 High.<br />

\TTormer, G. S., 8L Son (Grover S. andHenry<br />

G. Wormer), Michigan machinery depot.<br />

99,101 and 103 Jefferson are.<br />

Worpell, John, shoemaker, 354 Michigan<br />

ave., h. same.<br />

Worswick, Harry. cooper, bds. 3'75 Gra-<br />

tiot.<br />

Wortham, Rosalvo E., blacksmith, h. 223<br />

Map1 e.<br />

Worthington, Rev. George, rector St. Jol~n's<br />

church, h. rectory, adjoining church, cor.<br />

High and Woodward ave.<br />

Wortnlann, Charles, foreman C. Kuhle's,<br />

bds. 238 Randolph.<br />

Wortmann, John, laborer, h. 387 St. Aubin<br />

ave.<br />

Wortley, Rumbel, laborer, h. 52 Seren-<br />

teenth,<br />

Worton, James. safemaker, h. Twenty-<br />

fourth, bet. railroad and Fort.<br />

Wostebalt, John, car cleaner, h. 277 Du-<br />

bois.<br />

Wrader, Albert, painter, bds. 1'79 Croghan.<br />

'Sl'rsther, John, gunner on Fesscnden, h. 98<br />

National ave.<br />

Wray, James, laborer, h.'406 Larned e.<br />

Wray, William, engineer, h. 573 Larned e.<br />

Wreford, William, butcher, 497 Jefferson<br />

ave. and 5 <strong>City</strong> Hall market, h. 357 Lar-<br />

ned e.<br />

Wren, James, watchman M. C. R. R.,h. 224<br />

Howard.<br />

Wreshle, John, stonecutter, 11. 125 German.<br />

VSTright1, Amos A., railroad conductor, h. 62<br />

George.<br />

Wright. B. Franklin, reporter Daily Post,<br />

bds. Franklin House.<br />

Wright. Charles, machinist, bds. 204 Howard.<br />

Wright, Charles, chemist, bds. 156 Adams<br />

aye. e.<br />

Wrigll t, 1)orsey (col'd), waiter Blicliigan Exchange,<br />

bds. same.<br />

Wriglrt, Edwin M. (Wright & Watton),<br />

bds. 50 Miami ave.<br />

Wright, Ezra, Deputy U. S. Marshal, h. 270<br />

Fort w.<br />

Wright, Frances C. (wid. Huglr H.), h. 76<br />

Howard.<br />

Wriglrt, Franklin L., blacksmith, h. 104<br />

Porter.<br />

Wright, Frederick, tailor, h. 86 Harrison<br />

aye.<br />

Wright, Henry, carpenter, bds. o. 27 n. 37<br />

Atwater.<br />

Wri-111, Henry 81, (Estabrook &<br />

~r?ght), bds. 435 Woodward are.<br />

Wright, Hiram F., carpenter, h. 223 Orleans.<br />

Wright, Hugh, bds. 42 Russell.<br />

Wright, James H.', machinist, h. 160 Orleans.<br />

Wriglrt, James M., clerk, bds. 203 First.<br />

WTright, James T., glassware, room 5, 1279<br />

Jefferson ave., res. New York.<br />

Wright, Jesse 'l'., hammerman steam forge,<br />

h. 717 Macomb.<br />

Wright, Jolln, furniture, 19 Michigan ave.,<br />

h. 132 Griswold.<br />

V7riglrt, Rlalcolnl, currier, h. 206 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

Wright, Mary, h. 4; Michigan ave.<br />

Wriglrt, Mary (wid. Henry), h. 6.5 Sherman.<br />

Wright, Moses, salesman, bds. 160 Third.<br />

Wright, Philo E., steamboat proprietor, h.<br />

12 Madison ave.<br />

VSTright, Pllineas P., agent M. S. & N. I. R.<br />

R.. 11. 150 fi oobridge e.<br />

Wriglit, Orange, teamster, h. 157 Seventeenth.<br />

Wright, Ralph, bds. 270 Fort w.<br />

Wright, Ralph, printer, bds. aoodman<br />

House<br />

Wright, Ralph F., agent Florence sewing<br />

machine, h. 203 First.<br />

Wright, Robert M., tailor, 29 Larned w.<br />

Wright, Sarah (wid. Henry), grocer, 423<br />

Congress e., h. same.<br />

TTTright, Sidney, clerk M. C. R. R., bds. o.<br />

31 n. 41 Michigan ave.

416 'WaT CLARK'S<br />


NEW YORK<br />

Yager, Frederick, harnessmaker, bds. 314<br />

Marion.<br />

Uff@ !n8tmm~@ - G~rn~amy, ya ger, George. gardener, h. 190 Chestnut<br />

Yager, Henry, bookkeeper, bds. 895 Jeffer-<br />

ASSETS, . . $12,000,000<br />

son ave.<br />

DAILY CASH INCOII~E, $15,000<br />

-.<br />

Yager, Jacob, carpenter, 11. 308 Croghan.<br />

SOLON HeELkOT, Nanager and Ageueg. Sapt., Yagerq John, saloon, 125Rando1ph9 lr. same-<br />

Tager, John G., sr., stonemason, h. SO1<br />

Peninsular Bank Building, DETROIT, MICH. High.<br />

Yager, John U., jr., plasterer, h. 301 High.<br />

Wright, Susan (mid. George), h. 306 Mont Yager, Peter, carpenter, 1). 301 High.<br />

calm e.<br />

Yager, William, shoemaker, h. 208 Cal-<br />

Wright, NTilliam, ~onfect~ioner, bds. 132 lioun.<br />

Griswold.<br />

Yanden, Paul, bricklayer, h. o. 35 n. 121<br />

Wright, William (&'illiam Wright & Co.), Napoleon.<br />

h. w. s. IVashington ave. two doors n. Yarbro, Nelson (col'ci), laborer, h. 381 Ma-<br />

Clifforcl.<br />

comb.<br />

Wright, W. \IT., printer, bds. Franklin Yarndley, Joseph W., music teacher, bds.<br />

House.<br />

25 Brady.<br />

WRIGHT. WILLIAM, & CO. (IVilliam Yarndley, Richard T., music teacher, h. 25<br />

MTrigZrt, TViliaul Heid and Benjaruin C. Bradg.<br />

Hills), wall paper and window glass, 92 Yates, Alice (wid. Abraham), bds. 289 Jef-<br />

Uroodward ave. (See ado.)<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Wrock, Patrick, laborer, h. 219 Four- Yates, John, maltster R. Hawley & Sons, bds.<br />

teenth.<br />

IVindsor, Ont.<br />

Wrot, Tennis, broommaker, bds. 81 Con- yates, John W., express messenger, h. 592<br />

gress e<br />

Crogllan.<br />

Wuelfing, Abraham, bds. 47 Catharine. Yates, Thomas A., bookkeeper, h. o. 68 n.<br />

Wuelfing, Frederick (F. Wuelfing & Co.), 70 Nontcalm w.<br />

h. 4'7 Catharine.<br />

Yeaton, Artlrur T., clerk, bds. Antisdel<br />

Wuelfi~~g, Iteinllardt, bds. 47 Catharine. House.<br />

Wuerth, Aloys, jnstice of the peace, h. 158 Yeilding, J. R., clerk G. \Y. R., bds. Biddle<br />

St. Antoine.<br />

Hou~e.<br />

Wuestewalt, Caspar, mason, h. 327 Sher- Yeilding, Richard, inventor, h. 432 Clinton<br />

man.<br />

ave.<br />

Wunderlich, Alfred, carpenter, h. 101 Chest- YENTSCH, HERMANN, jeweler, 230<br />

nut.<br />

Woodward ave., h. 265 Croghan. (See<br />

Wunsch, William, saloon, 459 Clinton adz..)<br />

ave., 11. same.<br />

Yeoman, Arthur, chairmaker, h. 360 Sistlh.<br />

Wurlet, Iuund, shoemaker, h. w. s. Six- Yerkjs, Lyman A,, suyt. Lake Shore Steamtoeentll,<br />

bet. Michigan ave. and Balier. boat Liae, 11. 364 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wustlewaici, John, laborer, h. w. s. Dubois, Yeub, Peter, laborer, bds. 60 Chestnut.<br />

s. Chestnut.<br />

Tirrell, Thornas, bds. Garrison House.<br />

WusthofY, John J., carpenter, h. 89 Jay. Tocter, Frederick, laborer, h. o. 306 n. 664<br />


PANY, office foot FfTayne, works Wyan- Yoder, Henry, laborer, h. o. 306 n. 664 Fort<br />

dotty, W. H. Zabriskie, sec'y. (See aclu.) west.<br />

Wyljrancls, Hartman, shipcarpenter, h. 262 Yodtke, Frederick, laborer, h. o. 89 n. 381<br />

Franklin.<br />

Bro11 son.<br />

Wyckofl', Phillip, laborer, 11. 511 Lafayette. Yond, Thomas, shipcarpenter, h. 632 Con-<br />

Wyclioff, Robert, builder, 99 Seventh, h. 109 gress e.<br />

same.<br />

Yonker, Peter, saloon, bds. 136 Franklin.<br />

Wyckoff, William E., printer, h. 393 Sec- Yoost, Henry J. (Yoost & Co.), bds. 774<br />

ond.<br />

Michigan ave.<br />

Wylde, George, clerk Viger Bros., bds. St. Yoost, Peter (Yoost & Co.) h. 774 Michigan<br />

Lawrence Hotel.<br />

ave.<br />

Wynn, Peter, grocer, 601 Michigan ave., h. Yoost 8L Co. (Peter and Henry J. 1-oost),<br />

same.<br />

broom manfrs., 7'76 Michigan ave.<br />

Yoran, Oscar, carpenter, h. 170 Marion.<br />

Yorston, Charles H. (Virtue & Yorston), h<br />

'Y<br />

12 Dey, New York.<br />

Yoset, Joseph, laborer, h. n. e. cor. Orleans<br />

YAEGER, Martin, laborer, h. n. e. cor. and Oratiot.<br />

Kioye~ie arid Jiiiyle.<br />

Tost, August, cabiuetnlaker, 140 Randolph,<br />

Pager, David, cigarmaker, bds. 410 James. h. 405 St. Aubin ave.<br />



Yost, William (Clark & Yost), bds. Purdy's<br />

Hotel.<br />

Young, Albert, eawyer, bds. 423 Fifteenth.<br />

Young, Albert, tailor, bds. 786 Twenty-<br />

fourth.<br />

Yonng, Aifred, meat market, h. 18 Sibley.<br />

Young, Charles, lastmaker, h. 3G5 Fort e.<br />

Young, Charles P., engineer, bds. 71 Beau-<br />

bien.<br />

Young, Elizabeth (wid. George), bds. 60<br />

Montcalm e.<br />

Young, Evilena, hairdresser, bds. 212 La-<br />

fay ett.e.<br />

Young, Fleming (wid. Duncan), h. 50<br />

Plum.<br />

Young, Frank, painter, bds. Peninsular Ho-<br />

tel.<br />

Young, George, 11. 342 Third.<br />

Young, Henry Godfrey, lastmaker, h. 339<br />

Fort e.<br />

Yoling, James, gunsmith, h. w. s. Grand<br />

River, bet. Lasalle ave. and city limits.<br />

Young, Jtrnles D., carver, 11. 50 Plum.<br />

Poung, Jane (wid. William), h. 52 George.<br />

Young. Jolin, plumber, h. 62 Columbia w.<br />

Young, John, reporter Tribune, bds. 77<br />

High.<br />

Young, John J., painter, h. n. e. @. Wester-<br />

lo and Fourth.<br />

Young, Capt. Jolin P., h. 328 Beaubien.<br />

Young, Margaret (wid. John), washerwo-<br />

man, h. 138 Ant,ietam.<br />

Young Men's Hall, 848 Jefferson ave.<br />

Young, Michael, lunlber, h. 90 Adams ave.<br />

east.<br />

Poung, Oliver B., clerk. bds. 704 Frank-<br />

lin.<br />

Poung, Perry (coI'd), cook, h. 66 Clinton.<br />

Young, Peter (Black & Young), h. 2 Cottage<br />

Row, Elizabeth w.<br />

Young, Rebecca (wid. William), h. 8. s. Pri-<br />

vate, bet*. H.ivard and Xussell.<br />

Young, William, butcher, h. 423 Fifte~nth.<br />

Young, William E., engineer, h. n. w. cor.<br />

Grand River and Macomb ave.<br />

Young, William, shoemaker, h. 130 Eliza-<br />

beth e.<br />

Young, William G., clerk, h. 39 Sproat.<br />

Young, William, jr., engraver, bds. 55 Ma-<br />

rion.<br />

Young, William, sr., shoemaker, h. 55 Mar-<br />

ion.<br />

Youngblood, Bernard (B. Youngblood &<br />

Bro.), h. o. 458 n. 522 Gratiot.<br />

Youngblood, Catliarine (wid. Andrew-J.<br />

Youngblood & Co.), h. 518 Grat.iot.<br />

Youngblood, George, bcokagent, h. 107<br />

Gratiot.<br />

Youngblood, Jacob (J. Youngblood & Co.),<br />

h. 518 Gratiot.<br />

Youngblood, Jacob D., bookbinding, 221<br />

Jeeerson aye.. up-stairs, h. Greenfield.<br />

Youngblood, Nicholas, bds. 518 Gratiot.<br />

Youngblood, Peter (B. Youngblood & Bro.),<br />

h. 371 Russell.<br />

You~gblood: B., St Bro. (Bernard and Peter<br />

Youngblood), groceries, 522 Gratiot.<br />

Youngblood, J ., & Co. (Jacob and Catharine<br />

Youngblood), dry goods and notions,<br />

518 Gratiot.<br />

Youset, Joseph, laborer, h. 465 Grcrtiljt.<br />

Erukla., Mathias, tanner, h. 305 Eighteenth.<br />

Yung, Franz (Petz & Yung), h. 18 W ilkins.<br />

Y unker, Charles, carpenter, 11. 143 Chestnut.<br />

Yup, Anthony, laborer, h. 178 Antiet,am.<br />

Purgens, Anthony, jeweler, bds. 566 Gratiot.<br />

Yurgens, Prank, saloon, 566 Gratiot, h.<br />

same.<br />

Yusten, Andrew, gardener, 11. 489 Croghan.<br />

Yusten, Anthony, lastmaker, bds. 489 Croghan.<br />

Yutkyns, Charles, laborer, h. 89 North.<br />

ABRISKIE, William H., sec'y Wyandotte<br />

Rolling Mill Co., foot Wayne, h.<br />

477 Jefferson ave.<br />

Zack, Hermann, tanuer, bds. 216 Elizabeth<br />

east.<br />

Zachereder, Joseph, boots and shoes, 123<br />

Gratiot, h. 21 Clay.<br />

Zachmann, Rudolph, carpenter, bds. 32 Clinton.<br />

Zachringer, Anton, blacksmith, h. 107 Mullett.<br />

Zahn, Aaron, peddler, h. 119 Mullett.<br />

Zander, Joseph, shoemaker, 225 Sherman, h.<br />

same.<br />

Zanger, Ferdinand, brewer, h. 49 Prospect.<br />

Zapf. Hermann, tanner, bds. 145 Croghan.<br />

Zartll, Martin, laborer, bds. 405 Macomb.<br />

Za~s, Louis, sailor, bds. 20 Fort e.<br />

Zaumbrecher, Hermann, cigarmaker, bds.<br />

129 Catharine.<br />

Zaumbrecher, Hermann, saloon, 78 Fort e.,<br />

h. 80 same.<br />

Zaumbreclier, Hermann, jr., cigarmaker, Ms.<br />

129 Catliarine.<br />

Zavitz, Tl~omas A., driver, bds. '700 Croghan.<br />

Zefinsky, Jonas, peddler, h. 183 Mullett.<br />

Zehner, Christoph, plasterer, h. 94 Mullett.<br />

Zeisler, John, shipcarpenter, h. n. e. cor.<br />

Sulliccrn ave. and Myrtle.<br />

Zeisler, Valentine, furrier, h. 64 Congress e.<br />

Zeisler, Caroline (wid. Christian), hats and<br />

caps, 375 Hastings, 11. same.<br />

Zeiter, Paul, furrier, bds. 3'75 Hastings.<br />

Zelazny, Samuel, salesman. 11. 105 Crogl~an.<br />

Zeller, Adolph (C. Schulenburg & Co.), bds.<br />

Hotel Erichsen.<br />

Zemansky. Mrs. Sarah, millinery and fancy<br />

goods, 183 Jefferson ave., h. same.<br />

Zemlin, Ernst, laborer, h. 205 Kineteenth.<br />

Zemmin, IYilliam, painter, h. 18 Beacon.<br />

' Zender, Henry, gardener, 11. s. s. Gratiot,<br />

I bet. Elmwood and Mount Elliott sves.


- -<br />

Zendler, Viezentine, mason, 11. 117 Jay.<br />

Zeni, Amabile, plaster worker, 180 Lafay-<br />

ette, h. same.<br />

Zens, Peter, grocery and saloon, 753 and<br />

'755 31iclligan ave., 11. same.<br />

Zerbe, Henry, taslor, h. 10'2, Napoleon.<br />

Zerbe, Jacob, tailor, 11. 146 Maple.<br />

Zernikow. William, tanner, bds. 65Atwater.<br />

Zick, Henry, laborer, bds. 43 Monroe ave.<br />

Ziebell, Louis, shoemaker, 11. 248 Macomb.<br />

Ziegler, Augustus F., asst. Assessor Internal<br />

Revenue, 2 Bank Block, bds. 98 Larned e.<br />

Ziegler. Charles, bricklayer, bds. 2.56 Hast-<br />

in@.<br />

Ziegler, Charles G., clerk. bds. 65 Columbia e.<br />

Ziegler, Frederick, mason. h. 356 Hastings.<br />

Ziegler, Henry R. (H. R. Ziegler & Co.), h.<br />

1064 Jrlichigzn ave.<br />

Ziegler, Hermann, ins. agent, bds. 65 Co-<br />

lumbia e.<br />

Ziegler, H. R., & Co. (Henry R. Ziegler and<br />

John C. Grundahl), grocers, 1064 Michi-<br />

gan ave.<br />

Zielke, Frederick, bds. Chestnut, nr. Russell.<br />

-Zielke, Herman, shoemaker, bds. 65 Chest-<br />

nut.<br />

Zielke, Joseph, tailor, h. 65 Chestnut.<br />

Ziene, Frederick, joiner, cor. St. Antoine<br />

and Bronson.<br />

Ziener, Frederick, grocery, 289 Orleans, h.<br />

same.<br />

Zieske, Frederick, tailor, h. o. 34 n. 376<br />

Juliette.<br />

Ziesoho, August, laborer, h. 377 North.<br />

Ziesse, Adolph, saloon, n. w. cor. Fort and<br />

Beaubien, 11. same.<br />

Ziesse, Henry, laborer, h. 126 Mullett.<br />

Ziesse, Henry, shoemaker, h. 90 Marion.<br />

Ziesse, William, carpenter, 11. 237 Clinton.<br />

Zima, Jacob, tanner, h. 31 1 Lafayette.<br />

Ziman, Peter, tanner, h. 278 Maple.<br />

Zimmer, Charles (Geis & Zimmer), h. 8 Sil-<br />

ver.<br />

Zimmerman, John, saloon, 4 Moriroe ave.,<br />

h. same.<br />

Zimmerman, John, jr., bartender, bds. 4<br />

Monroe ave.<br />

Zimmennan, John, h. 31 Fort e.<br />

Zlmmerinan, kvilliam, cabinetmaker, h. 262<br />

Catharine.<br />

Zimmerman, William, jr., magonmaker, h.<br />

533 Larned e.<br />

Zimmerman, William, sr., wagonmaker, h.<br />

583 Larned e.<br />

Zindler, Constantine, shoemaker, h. n. w.<br />

cor. Seventeenth and Ash.<br />

Zink, Lucien, Supervisor Tenth Ward, h.<br />

508 Croglian.<br />

Zinser, lTTilliam, carpenter, h. s. s. Antie-<br />

tam, bet. Dsquindre and St. Aubiil ave.<br />

Zinn, Justus, laborer, 11. 1'3 Marion.<br />

Zinnbauer, John, laborer, h. 199 Sixteenth.<br />

Zinner, Jolin P., gardener. bcls. Hamtramck.<br />

- Zinnet, William, teamster, h. 207 Mullett.<br />

Zittel, George, j r., brewery, w. s. Russell,<br />

bet. Croghan and hlacolnb, h. same.<br />

Zittel, George, sr., machinist, h. 265 Cro-<br />

ghan.<br />

Zohn, William, shoemaker, h. 556 Gratiot.<br />

Zoll, Charles, cigarmaker, h. 351 Sherman.<br />

Zoll, Henrietta (wid. Peter), h. 331 Sherman.<br />

Zorn, William, currier, h. 74 Croghan.<br />

Zopf, Wrilliam, hostler Antiadel House, h.<br />

196 Maconlb.<br />

Zuck, Elizabeth (wid. Henry), 11.485 Sistl1.<br />

Zuck, Henry, gardener, bds. Fourth, near<br />

Holden road.<br />

Zug, Samuel, h. 350 Woodbridge w.<br />

Zuhn, Herman, blacksmith, bds. 568 Gratiot.<br />

Zuhn, William, shoemaker, 11. 568 Gratiot.<br />

Zur hlueiilen, Christian, shoemaker, h. 85<br />

Prospect.<br />

Established i.n New Pork 1842.<br />

This establishment supplies to subscribers a Register containing the name, business and commercial<br />

standing of almost every trader, Bank and Company in the Unitecl States and British Provinces, an,<br />

furnishes full information necessary for the guidance of those granting credits.<br />

Branch and Associate Offices in all the principal cities in the Union.<br />


1 1<br />


A. R, & W, F. LINN,<br />


Ground Coffee. Spices, Mustard, Cream Tartar, &c.<br />


Ho. %2Q 3efferso~ Avenae, DZTROXT, IIGE.<br />

THE T STORE.<br />

Teas,CoEees, Spices, &e.<br />

154 Woodward Awenuel<br />

N. 33.-Coffee Roasted and Ground Daily.<br />



Plumbin[, Steam anl Gas Fittinp; / DEALERS IN GAS FIXTURES<br />


All our Work is Warranted.<br />


Chandeliers, Brackets, Pendants, Reading<br />

Lights and everything in the trade.

Abiohigan Plating Worxs.<br />

(Established in 1W.)<br />



Fire Plating Done at four Cents per Square Inch. Electro Plntiw at Equally<br />

Low Rutes. Door Plates, House Nzcmbws, &c. Large Assortme~~t<br />

of ever~thing in otcr line aZu0a?/s on hand.<br />

The Trade Supplied with Fine Rolled Silver and Plated Xaterials.<br />

TRAUB BIROS., 206 Jefferson Avenue,<br />





I;. l?EOCCEL,<br />


( Sawed and Split wood of aZZ kinds<br />


Cor. Clifford & Griswold streets.<br />

1 I Northwestern Detective Agency<br />

Room No. 4 Willis Block,<br />

~3G'~~~3ETfl ( No. 127 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT, MICE.<br />


WX&@&QW<br />

w -2 @gqP$&g&,s<br />

Sofas, Chairs, \Vorfistands, Flower Stands,<br />

,,--I<br />


Fancy Willow Ornaments,<br />

51 Monroe ave., cor. Farrar Street, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />


Door Plates, House Numbers,<br />

And all kinds of<br />





Msnnfaotarer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in<br />

1 19 Jefleleson A zqenue, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

A -<br />

I bee a Large Stock and the Latest Styles constantly on hand. Jewelers will do well to wive me a call.<br />

dlso,%oor Plates and House Huinbers. Hand Plating. Fire Gilding, and Re-Phtiog of old ~a$e,TVrrre.<br />


- -<br />

SMITH & REEVE,<br />

Michigan Real Estate,<br />


Opposite the Post Office, DETROIT.<br />

Purchase and Sale of <strong>City</strong>-Propertv and Eaaminrt-<br />

tion of Records llladc a Specialtv. *pine Lands for<br />

Sale.& Will nezotiate purcliasc and sale of Real<br />

Estace at Reasonable gates.<br />

R. BRONSON.<br />


92 & 94 Larned St. West, nr. Wayne,<br />





ardware and CutXery,<br />


Nanofactorer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Fw,<br />

Cor. Grand Biver St. $ Macomb Ave., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

T. T. LEETE'S<br />

Cabinet Shop & Wareroom<br />


Opposits Dr. DdEeld's Gbmh, DETROZT.<br />

SUTTON'S<br />

Likenesses in India Ink Water or Oil Colors, from<br />

a ~iniatu;e to Life Size.<br />


Photographic Goods & Picture Frames<br />

206 & 207 Jefferson Ave., DETBOIT.<br />

WM. H. McCAUSLAND,<br />

f oiner &: Jobbintg Shop,<br />

No. 66 Larned Street,<br />

Bet. Wayne and Shelby Sts.,<br />

I<br />

i R. LARA,<br />

1 Bugu anil Wagon Manufacturer,<br />

I Also .Tobbin,o, Repairing, and all Kinds of<br />

~<br />

Blacksmithing done.<br />

Shop, 9 Iiddle St,, rear Perkins' Hotel,<br />


H. W. STALKER,<br />

Corner Third & Cherry Streets,<br />


Window Frames, Mouldings, Scroll Sawing. etc.<br />


General Agent of the<br />

New En~;land Mntnal Life Ins. Go.<br />

ASSETS, $7,5OO9OOO.<br />

Office, No. 4 Herrill Black, DETROIT.<br />


Newels. Bannisters, Table Legs, Deck Plugs,<br />

Hitching Posts, and every description of<br />

Fancy Turning.<br />

COT, Con!r;ress & Third Sts,, DETROIT,



DETROIT, - I<br />



L. WHITTLE, 1 H. W. SCOTT,<br />

f@<br />

Horses shod on the most approved principle. and<br />

the following diseases remedied ; Contracted Feet,<br />

Hoof-~ound, Corns. Week Heels, Quarter Cracks*<br />

Thrushes, Interfering, Forglng, or other dlseases<br />

of the feet.<br />

NO, 12 Cass Ave., DETROIT.<br />

-<br />

ypwpaDd ixcapFJ,a<br />

1 Manufacturer of<br />




Blacksmithing, Repairing 81 Painting of all liinda.<br />

14 & 16 Cass Avenue,<br />

Near perkins' Hotel,<br />

L~ u a ij-p<br />

Corner of Gratiot and Beaubien Sts., DNTROJLT.<br />

DETROIT,<br />

c 3 -e,~ I W-J-L ~ ~ e/d 1.&r<br />

7~ 0 (f,<br />

Wood, Sawed and Split, or Full Length, for sale and delivered to any part of the<br />

city. Also Pressed Hay by the Bale for sale.<br />

G. db BK. BOEHNLEIN,<br />

No. 260 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

Importers and Dealers in<br />

Watchmakers and Jewelers,<br />


Dealers in Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.<br />

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired, and work<br />

warranted.<br />

S. L. MERRILL & CO., 1 M. I. HINDEN,<br />

Retail Dealers and Shippers of all kids of<br />

Nanufacturer of<br />

~re~b<br />

B~B& gg~b @~tItma#sa! mil @p#~at<br />


NOS. 137 and 139 ~arned Street West,<br />




Sail Makers & Riggers,<br />

Foot of First Street,<br />

Won the Dock, DETROIT,<br />



213 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT.<br />

Engineers' and Surveyors' repaired. Instruments carefully<br />


Manufacturer of Fine Jewelry !<br />

Hair .Braiding, 31 ountings and Diamond Settings.<br />

Dealer m Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plated<br />

Ware, Fancy Goods, etc.<br />

i 204 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT.<br />

Sails. Flags. Tents anh Awnines, Made and Repaired<br />

on the Shortest Notice. ORDERS SOLICITED. I also Silver Plating. Galvanizing & Fire Gilding.<br />

I<br />



Jobber and Builder I<br />


Window and Door Frames,Stair Builder, and all Fnds<br />

of House Work done to order on the shortest notlce.<br />

North Side Gilman Street,<br />

Near Cass Union school, DETROIT.<br />


( 3. V- SMITH,<br />


-& .H ~ ~~@'w<br />

lqp<br />

No. 10 MerriZZ Block,<br />



Houses and Lots in all the Principal Parts of the <strong>City</strong> for Sale.<br />


aerman Silver Monldi ngs, kc.,<br />

-<br />


Corner Fourth and Oak: Streets, 33ET'RQXTN<br />





/<br />

HEARTHS, QRATES, &c.<br />

ALSO,<br />


84 BANlWLPH ST.,<br />


Bet. Larned and Congress Sts., DETROIT, MICH ( 23 Woodbridge Street West.<br />

-- - - - --- --<br />

Wedding and Visiting Cards, seals, Stencil Plates*<br />

Stan~ps, Door Plates, &c., neatly engraved.<br />

187 Jefferson Avenue, DETROIT.<br />


Sail Makers & Riggers<br />

Foot of First Street, on the Dock.<br />


Made and repaired on the shortest notice, and<br />

wsrrsnted to fit. Orders solicited.<br />

P. A. BILLINGS,<br />


Marbleized Slate Mantles<br />

WM- WADE,<br />



Horses shod on the most a proved principle, with<br />

neatness and gispatch.<br />

No. 11 State Street,<br />

opposite Finney's Barn, DETROIT. MICK<br />



klarti,ng Knives, ~ i . 1 ~ -<br />

picks and aU kinds<br />

of Edg R tool.^,<br />

Corner Antoine and Franklin Streets, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Special attention given to repairing be8 and<br />

Ship Tools.<br />

Busineea Hours, 5' A. M. to 7 P. M.

-<br />

F, REICHLE,<br />

Coach and Light Carriage HaBer,<br />


Factory, cor. Randolph & Franklin Sts.,<br />


A -<br />

Orders Promptly Attended to.<br />


DET.HDXT5 M m<br />

-0-<br />

ElrBIEf FHXGANm<br />

Pumps, Bath Tubs, Wash Stands, Watcr Closets, and all kinds of Plumbers' Materials.<br />



All kinds of Iron Sash Work Done. I<br />

I OrrxamentaX MoxxXdlngs,<br />

I<br />

DdTE Q BERHYy<br />

Manufacturers of<br />

Gilt, Rosewood, Walnut and<br />

SoUd Ovals, Arc78 Tops, & Backing,<br />

Shop 67 Randolph Street, cor. Larned St. I CO~. Randolph & Atwater Sts., DETROIT.<br />

C. H. WASEER,<br />




Office and Warehouse foot of Rivard Street.<br />

W. RI[. IDWXGHT & CO.,<br />

j@HRX)W00D<br />


Including Black Walnut, Butternut, Cherry,<br />

Chestnut, Ash, Oak, Whitewood, Basswood, Ma-<br />

ple, &c.,<br />


W. M. DWIGHT,<br />

E. C. MORSE,<br />

B. A. LEONARD. 1 D&E)~$~<br />


mi,@h8<br />

Manufacturer of<br />

dash, ~oors, ~linds, loor ring,<br />

WIND0 W FEAlMES,<br />

Mouldings of all Kinds,<br />

Manufactory on Atwater, bet. Chene & Dnbois sts. ,<br />


7 7, ->-- *\Cl<br />

Boa& B.licB&~@~~<br />


Near Campbell & Owen's<br />

Ship Yard, DETROIT.<br />

Vessel Captains will do well by calling on the<br />

above, either for a new boat, or repairing their old<br />

ones. Private gentlemen wanting a pleasure boat, by<br />

calling on the above will find it to their advantage.<br />

All work guaranteed.<br />

3. C. PARRY,<br />

OETROlT EX[[ 181 0 R 10 RKS<br />






DR. CHAS. AURINGER, State Agent for Michigan.<br />

A S S E T S, $5,000,000. I OVER 30,000 MEMBERS.<br />

OFFICE 111 JEFFERSON AvE., opposite Michigan Exchange,<br />



Manufacturers of<br />

Machine Bolts, Bridge Bolts,<br />

Bolt Ends, Hot Hammered Nuts Cold Pressed<br />

Nuts, and ~abhersl<br />

WIGHT STGEET, above Marine Hospital,<br />


DETROIT.<br />


JOHN N. FORD & Co., Proprietors,<br />

Near Marice Hoepi tal, DETROIT,<br />



And Every Description of Castings.<br />


Near Terminus of Jefferson Avenue Railway.<br />

E. C. WALXEB, Pres. GEO. H. RUSSEL, Sac. R. S. DILLOS, Sup't.<br />

F. B. SIBLEY & CO.,<br />

Dealers in<br />

LIME & STONE,<br />


J. HAWLEY,<br />


No. 336 ATWATER STREET,<br />


Manufacturer of<br />



Factory, River front two blocks above terminus of<br />

Jefferson Ave. Street Railway,<br />



Repairing, Ship Blacksmithin[,<br />

And Sheet Iron Work of all kinds.<br />


St. Aubin Ave., bet. Atwater and Gnoin Sts.<br />

Guardian Mutual Life Ins. Go.<br />

ORGANIZED 1859.<br />

J. mT. DONOVAN, Gen. Agent,<br />




J. S. HUFF snd HESBY BESSON, Jx., Managers,<br />

Manufacturers and Dealers in<br />


Lath, Shingles, Etc, Bridge and Car Timber, of'<br />

Norway and White Plne, Cut to Order.<br />


P. VANDERYEC.LEN, Sec. and Trear.<br />

DETROIT.<br />

JOHN W. COMBS,<br />

Sculptor and Modeler !<br />

Also, Monuments and Headstones made good style.<br />

Carving on Sandstone.<br />


Near Foot Riopelle St., DETROIT. 1 DETROIT, MICHIGAN.

B, CREASEY,<br />

@&~SSrn%SS &l!lrs S W Z & ~ ~<br />




-<br />


BU~~~@E?<br />

2@,?Bd!!, ?&,@D~~F@P<br />

C1<br />

1.0. 5 Middle Street, I<br />

Near Perkins' Hotel. DETIIOIT. I<br />

w- Work executed in a worhrmanlike manner<br />

and with all reasonable dispatch.<br />



Marble and Freestone Monuments<br />


Lamed St, west, bet. Shelby & Wayne, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

P~FERENCES.-N. W. Brooks, J. J. Bagley, T. K.<br />

Adame, A. D. Fraser.<br />

I Mutual Life Insurance Company<br />

EdRTFORU, CO2V.W.<br />

H. W. BOTSFORD, General Agent,<br />

I No. 45 Larned Street West,<br />

Arcade Building. DETROIT, MICH.<br />


Importer of and dealer in all kinds of<br />

Foreign and Demestic Singing Birds<br />


Buys and Sells Fanoy Pigeons, Babbits, Guinea Pigs,<br />

Dogs and other Household Pets.<br />



IEACH,<br />





Omce, I I I. Jefferson Avenue, opp. Michigan Exchange.<br />

--- -<br />

DEE & BRENNAN,<br />


Plain and Ornamental Plasterers<br />



Of Every Description.<br />

30 Criswold Street. DETROIT.<br />

- -<br />


Manufacturer and dealer in<br />





44 Jefferson Avenue, <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />



Pure White Wine, Cider & Malt<br />

Ofice and Works, 88 Jeflmsor& Avenue.<br />

Diploma awarded in 1858, and two Premiums in<br />

1860 and lS6? at the Michigan State Fair.<br />


Steam Engines, Patent Saw ~angings, and<br />

Machinery of Every Description.<br />



Dealers in<br />

Stoves, Tin, Hardware and Housekeeping Goods,<br />

-<br />

Wholesale and Retail. Manufacturers of<br />

Tin, Cbpper and Sheet Iron H'are, Ice Bozes, Refrigwators,. Etc., Etc.<br />


116 WOODWARD<br />



BUILDERS, I'<br />

193 & 195 Cass Street.<br />

Corner Spencer, DETROIT.<br />

C. W. PEOCOCK,<br />

Dealer in<br />

Long, Sawed & Split Wood<br />

Yard corner Congress and Griswold Street,<br />

near Post Office,<br />






17 & 19 Grand River St.,<br />

D B WILCOX,<br />

{ (2: H: ~I~CoX,<br />

1 DETROIT, MICH.<br />

0. G. SMITH,<br />


108 Griswold Street, DETROIT, MICHIGAN.<br />


For Plans, Specifications and Details-for Wholesale Stores, costing over $10 000 ..................... .I% per cent.<br />

For same, ~ lth Offices, Hotels, Dwelllugs and all publlc bulldlngs, costlog o+er $20,W.. ............ .14: per cent.<br />

Same, costing under $20,000 ............................................................................... -2 per cent.<br />

For Superintendence of Construction,. .............................................................. .I% per cent.<br />

--<br />


Nurseryman and Florist !<br />

P. W. & E. A. NORRIS,<br />


Jefferson Ave . , near Elmwood, 1<br />



Street Cars run every ten minutes.<br />

Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Plants, of every<br />

description, grown and imported, together<br />

with Bulbs, Green Hou..e Plants, Flower<br />

Seeds, etc.<br />


Butler'e Block, opposite P, O., D ETIK. 0 IT,



Dealers in Sawed and Wrought<br />

OHIO BLUE FREE STONE Bell Hanger, Locksmith<br />


Flagwino Door Sills, Steps and Landin@,'loindow Caps*<br />

sllrs, Water Tables, Ashlar, Curb and Cross walk.<br />

Office at Stone Yard, on Woodbridge Street,<br />



J. P. coor., 1 DETRQmT, mo@&,<br />



Nos. 125 and 127 Jefferson Avenue,<br />

Saa~no~ S m ,<br />

MOE~MEE I. Srrm. [ @<br />

a. E'. BAISCH,<br />


Dealer in Razors, Shears, Table and Pocket Cutlery<br />

Brass and Iron he s. ~ cand n Poc$et Kn~pes ~~~~~~~d<br />

gtn$F.aded- Articular attention pald<br />

No. 111 Bates Street, Corner congress.<br />


Practical Carpenter, Joiner,<br />

JBB~R a BumLQgA<br />

:No. 30 ~ w Street, o ~<br />


Orders solicited and promptly attended to. Orders<br />

can be left at Shop, 3U Grisrold Street, up stairs.<br />




Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Fruit Trees, G,rape 'C.'ilzes, Nursery Stocks and Seedlings,<br />

Shrubs, evergreen^, Flower Seeds, Tree Seeds, Lilies, Gladwl,m and Dutch Fbwer<br />

Bulbs, Pmniw, Roses, &c., &c. ,41so, Lnndvcape Gurdeners.<br />

Office and Greenhouses, Fort Street West, mr. 84th Street, 1 &@Ga,<br />


, LJL L--2 & @ , @a@<br />

Perpetual Imrance Guaranteed after the Papent of Or~e Annuul P~emium !<br />

Rates Lower than offered by any other Company! Bxamine our Plan!<br />

FORSYTH & WEBSTER, General Managers,<br />

Ofice, Room 13 Rotunda BuiZding, DETROIT, MICH.<br />



WNem Pork Branch Clothing Emporium.<br />


Manufacturer and Dealer in<br />

Aben's and Boys' Clothing<br />

-<br />


Whole~ale and Retail,<br />

No. 12 Congress Street East,<br />



Manufacturer of<br />

Sash, Doors, Blinls, Monllings, I Carriages, Bn~gies and Wagons,<br />

DoOB AND WIneow FBAHJ3S, TUBS, kc., I 266 RlVARD STRE-,<br />

236 and 240 Fort Street East,<br />

Between Rivard and Russell Streets.<br />

Between Macomb and Clinton Sts., DETROIT. -<br />

All orders promptly attended to.<br />

, Repairing done in good style and at low prices.


-<br />



Is now open for Patients and a few Boarders. The best facilities are afi>rded for the<br />

Treatment of all forms of Chronic Diseases. Special treatment given to wornen by Mrs.<br />

STONE.<br />

Address, DR. B. STONE, or MRS. J. E. STONE,<br />

82 Wayne Street, DETROIT, MICH.<br />


hianufacturer of<br />

F. BOKCHARD,<br />

3ianufrrcturer of<br />

And lvl~olesale Dealers in Arm Chairs, Rocking<br />

Chairs, Flower Stands, 'l'ables, Ladies' Work I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.<br />

Stands, Traveling Baskets of all Binds, etc.<br />

NO. 299 Gratiot Street, 1 Corn Rivarl e( Macomb Streets, <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

I --<br />

DETROIT, MICHIGAX. I Improved Ice Boxes Made to Order.<br />

HEFFRON U' CO.'S<br />

Dining and Oyster Rooms !<br />


DETROIT, -- C<br />


Dinner from 12 h1. to 2 1-2 o'clock P. hl.<br />

I .<br />



h'eurel Posts, Stair-Bannisters. kept constantly on<br />

hand. Jobb~ng promptly attended to.<br />

Xu. 60 FORT STREET EAST,<br />

Over Jlellus' Saw Factory, DETROIT.<br />

F. DEINZER &- CO.,<br />

Manufacturers of all kinds or'<br />


DETROIT, -- b41CHIG-IX.<br />



I~nporter of Enzlish, French and (:erman<br />

Crocliery, China, Glassware<br />

Also Dealer in Coal Oil and Lamp< look in^ Glasses<br />

Plated 9; Britannia 1i7are,Tea Tray;;: Table C'utlerx, &d<br />

No. 232 RBXDOLPH<br />

STREET,<br />




And Carriages at all hours,<br />

: 241 Gratiot Street, DET ItOI'<br />

A. M. HAGADORN,<br />


Funiture and Upl~olstery ! 1 Gunsmith & Model Maker,<br />

DETROIT,<br />

No. 243 GRATIOT STREET,<br />

65<br />


I<br />


Keys Fitted. Sewinz Jlacliinrs Repaired. Ammnni<br />

tinn of all k~ncta constantly on hand. K. B.-irlabrw a<br />

specralty of Double Barrel Rifles and Shot Guns.


I<br />

31tinufacturer of<br />

Ba~rIagea~ Bagg&eg<br />

SLEIGHS, WAGONS, &c.,<br />

Franklin St.. bet. Brush & Randolph Sts.,<br />

DETROIT, - ~ ~ I C I ~ 3. ~ GCor. A Gmtiot & Brush Sts., DETROIT.<br />

Carpenter, Joiner and Jubber,<br />

4,' LarnecZ Street West,<br />

DBVRQOT, a MI CHrG4-N,<br />



REPAIRIKG 3'Ed l%T DONE.<br />

H. C. HOPSON & CO..<br />


General Agent for<br />

Life, Fire & Marine Insurance,<br />

Real Estate and Comm.ission Age&,<br />

und ,Vota~mj Public,<br />



Door Sills, Steps and Landings,<br />

MOKU1\IEXT BASES, kc.<br />



Cor. Bec~ubien rc~, d Mncornb Sts.<br />

Stoves, Tin Br Hardware 1 IZead Stones, fVXofiumeats<br />

iWa?zzrfact~rrers of Ti,?, C~IIICT nr~d Sheet I And Marble Mantle Pieces.<br />

Iror~ Il nr-e. Marble Tiles Furniehtsd and Laid to Ordcr. All<br />

Particular attention paid to Roofing, Gutter- Works Warranted to give Satisfrrct~on.<br />

ing,.Tinning, and 311 killus of Job Wo~k.<br />

Cor. St. Bntoine & Sapolean Scs., DETROIT.<br />

313 6: 31.5 Wood~vard .4ve., DETROIT. PLEASE GIVE ME A CALL.<br />



Manufactup*er crnd Dealer in PCain agad Ornam~ntat Marble<br />

Jlctr~tCes, nr~d &Iarble Works in G' er~ernl.<br />

WAREROOM AND SHOP No. ST and S9 Columbia st. east, DE'~PROX'~CS<br />




No. 83 Croghan St., DETROIT,<br />

-<br />

The Highest Price paid for Eags, Copper, Brass<br />

etc., etc.,<br />

Ofice, 138 GriswoZd St., bettoeen dlich-<br />

igan Aue. & State St.,

V, M, HYDE.<br />



China, Crockery, Glassware, Silver Plated Ware<br />


169 IVOODIPARD AVEXUE, Sip of the Red Pitcher<br />



I<br />

C. C'. MoCLOSZFEY,<br />


llanufacturcr and dealer in<br />

8TzAm3<br />

L:2 L-..<br />

--. 8>'!@QX~nx 8 1<br />

\ . c.-, L.2 1<br />

Globe Valves. Oil Globes. Oil CTI S, Steam Whistles, 1 Bats9, a.&@s pups<br />

water. stcam and Gas corEs. and arery<br />

description of BI-HsS Work,<br />

On Third Street, bet. Congress .k Larned, DETROIT.<br />

Engines and Machinery repaired. Dealers in Iron Pipe, Fittinz, kc.<br />



PEP S~~VC~P S~QQ~B,<br />

I<br />

FORKS, ETC,,<br />

- ~!!mbo~&b;CI~<br />

AVO. 155 WOOD WARD A.VE'NU.3,<br />


DZTROIrr, - - BII(JH1GAN.<br />


SPCG~~SS~~S<br />

to MRS. WM. TAT&<br />

DEALERS rx<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Orders Promptly ~ Attendad F to. D<br />



No. 237 Qrisnold Strect, in Goodmau Home Block,<br />


W e H. YENTSCIX,<br />

5ewder and PBatchmake~<br />

1 WORE(<br />

Of Ewry IPencrfpfiota, for Eadfes,<br />


I<br />

I<br />

,<br />



Dealer in Watches and Jewelry I<br />


AISO, Lake Superior Agates cut and set. I 209 ST. ANZOTNE STREET.<br />


Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of<br />




All hinds of Furniture repaired, upholstered and varnished.


ORDER OF<br />

6. A. BERRY & CO.,<br />


24 Woodbridge Street West, DETROIT, BIICH.<br />

Manufactured exclusively from Raw Bone,<br />



3. A. 33ERLZY. <strong>Detroit</strong>, Mich.<br />

MonMi~ngs, Ovais and Arch-Top Frames<br />


36, 38 and 40 Congress Street Eas*, DETROIT, MICH.<br />


Builder and House Joiner<br />

No. 346 Fourth Street,<br />

Kearc'orncrGrandRiver, DETROIT, MICH.<br />

Orders for all kinds 0.f Shop Work and Store Fittin<br />

~oli~ited, wllicli )\-ill be neatly and pronlptly enecurccf!<br />


w2T5a<br />

Plain and Ornamental<br />

76 and 78 Congress Street East.<br />


In Sfiade f rot.@ry<br />


dSSETS over - $4,000,000.00<br />

A. WANLESS,<br />


BZan k Book Manzuf~xctu~mr,<br />

133 Jefferson Ave., Masonic Block, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

Orders taken for all kinds of Printing, Cards, Bill<br />

Heads, etc.<br />



lFor MicJ~lgan and Northern Indiana,<br />


1 Tin CoOler and Sheet Iron Wort<br />

J<br />


A, FJ3'UDXvILLX!!R,<br />

Manufacturer and Repairer of<br />


Also 208 Jefferson Avenue, 3Ialt Kilns. Copper anti Sheet Iron Strainers for<br />

3(9EVrROX?& I M,; Tubs, and Tin Coolcrs, kc. ~lso dealer<br />

WUP STA1RS.a<br />

I in Stoves, Stan~ped and Japan Ware.<br />

Our Shades. bcing nlanufactured by improved steam Car; 31 iiimi Avenue and Htlntlolgh Street,<br />

machlnerr are cheaper and better than anr other In<br />

market. Grcters by mail or otherwise solicited. 1 DBP44fT. %FGBl@&m.<br />


@utui12 &fa iIJ~t$ur~.nt~ 60,<br />

CEO. CIFFORO, State Agent,<br />

Office, 30. 2 First Pu'ationtil Bank Building, <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

- -<br />


97 Woodward ' Avenue,<br />

0 . 3tIChTZGA.X

-<br />

Agencies. I Bakeries.<br />

Northwestern Detective Agency,<br />

E. H. Kttpmuur, 127+ JeEerson ave. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Agricultural Implements.<br />


Bryan. J. F., & Bro., 180 iTToodward ave.<br />

C1 aney, Allan, 58 and 54 Grand River.<br />

Esta~rsok & Wright, cur. Fort and<br />

Twentist 11. (See ad(!.)<br />

Penfield, \%'illiston S., 103 Woodward ave.<br />

(See adrv.)<br />

Architects.<br />

Lloyd, Gordon W., 81 Griswold.<br />

Smit,h, J. V., 10 Merrill Block. (See ndu.)<br />

Sxnitl~, 0. G., 108 Griswold. (See adv.)<br />

Smith, Sheldon, & Son, 125 and 127 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adz.) --<br />

Architectural Iron Works.<br />

Hill & Trollope, 179 Larned w.<br />

--<br />

Aromatic Bitters.<br />

Griggs 8L Mott, 15 Jefferson ave.<br />

--<br />

Art Associatj on.<br />

Carr, L. W., agent, Fisher Block, 119+<br />

W-oodward are.<br />

Auctioneers.<br />

French, T. P., 200 Jefferson ava.<br />

Bennie, Jno J;, 203 Jeiferson ave<br />

Barns, John A*, 193 Woodward ave.<br />

Copland, John. & Co.. s. e. c,or. Randolph<br />

and Woodbridge.<br />

Bankers.<br />

Butler. William A., & Co., Butler's Block,<br />

opposite Post Office.<br />

Fisher, Booth & Co., 55 Woodward ave.<br />

Hosie, Hobsrt, s. e. cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Griswold. (See ndu.)<br />

@ranger & Sabin, 37 Woodward ave.<br />

Ive,s, A., & Son, 149 Jetierson ave.<br />

Kanady & Taylor, 61 Griswold.<br />

Preston, D., & Co., 78 lT700dward ave.<br />

Seit.2, F. L., & Co., 53 Griswold.<br />

Banks.<br />

American National. 73 Griswold.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Savings ~ nk, n ~~iswGd, opposite<br />

Post Office.<br />

First National, s. w. cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Griswold.<br />

Germania Sa\-ings Bank. 30 Larned w.<br />

Marchan ts and -blanufa~turers of <strong>Detroit</strong>,<br />

Bank Block, Giriswold.<br />

Second Xational, Bank Blo'ck, Griswold.<br />

--<br />

Barbers.<br />

Auener, Eungerhausen St Voellier, 240 Jef-<br />

ferson ave.<br />

Baths.<br />

Stone, Dr. B., 80 and 82 Wayne. (See adw.)

Bell Sangers and Locksmiths.<br />

Baisch, J. F., 11 1 Bates. (See adz..)<br />

Hansing, H , 67 Randolph. (See ado.)<br />

Mohn, John, cor. Croghan and Brush. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Billiard Table Manufacturers.<br />

SCHULENBURG, C., & Co., 08,100 and 102<br />

Rando! yh. (See ndc.)<br />

--<br />

Bird Dealers.<br />

Slocum, C. H., 288 Woodward ave. (See<br />

ad 0.)<br />

--<br />

Blacksmiths.<br />

Lara, Richard, 9 Middle. (See ad^.)<br />

Scott, H. JV., 14 Class ave. (See adv.)<br />

White & DeBegary, St. Aubin ave., bet. At-<br />

water and Guoin. (See ndv.)<br />

Wade, William, 11 State. (See ah.)<br />

Whittle, L., 12 Cass ave. (See adz:.)<br />

Blank Book Manufacturers.<br />


E1AYbfOND. F., & SON, 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

n -<br />

(See aclo.)<br />

Richuronds & Backus,, 185 Jeffer-<br />

son ave. (See adc.)<br />

THKOOP, W. A., & CO., 90 Woodward ave.<br />

(Sea adv.)<br />

Boat Builders.<br />

King, Charles, cor. Dequindre and Guoin.<br />

(See adz.)<br />

OADES, WALTER H., foot Dubois.<br />

Boiler Manufacturers.<br />

Desotell & Hutton, 479 Atwater.<br />

McGregor, J. & T., 183 Atwater.<br />

Bolt and Nut Manufacturers.<br />

hlichigan Bolt and Nut Co., Wight above<br />

Marine Hospital.<br />

Book and Job Printers.<br />

Advertiser and Tribune Printing Co., 212<br />

Jefferson ave. (See ado.)<br />

Aykrogd & Cliff, s. w. cor. Jefferson and<br />

Woodward zlves., up stairs.<br />

Daily Post Printing Co.. n. e. cor. Larned<br />

and Shelby. (See a&.)<br />

Daily Union Printing Co., 25 Larned w.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press, n. w. cor. Woodbridge<br />

and Griswold.<br />

Graham, W'm., 51 Bates.<br />

Guiley. 0. S., 10, and 12 Larned e.<br />

Badger, Joseph I?., 208 Jefferson ave.<br />

Ostler & Hoekstra, 51 Griawold.<br />

Schober, F. A., & Bro., 90 Woodward ave.,<br />

up stairs.<br />

Tunis, IV. E., Bates, bet. Woodbridge and<br />

Jefferson ave.<br />

Books and Stationery.<br />

ARNOLD, J. M., & CO., 123 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

RAYMOND, F., & SON. 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

(Spe adv )<br />

REIF, HERMhPTN (German books), 126<br />

Gratiot.<br />

RICi-I&lONDS & BACHUS, 185 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />

Roys, J. A., cor. Larned and Griswold.<br />

Smith, E. B., & Co., 116 and 118 Woodward<br />

aye.<br />

THKOOI', W. A., &. Co., 90 Woodward ave.<br />

(See ad%.)<br />

Tunis, PV. E.. 153 Jefferson ave.<br />

Boot and Shoe Manufacturers<br />

and Dealers.<br />

Beverley, J. P., 21 Grand River.<br />

FAKNSWORTH, L. L., cur. Woodward<br />

anci Miclligan aves.<br />

FYFE. LIICH...RD H., 101 i%Toodward ave.<br />

(Soe hdv.)<br />

1,eFavour. Edward. 124 Woodmard ave.<br />

~br~an, A. R., 109'~oodaard ave.<br />

Rice, Geo., & Co., 263 Jefferson ave.<br />

-<br />

Boots and Shoes, Wholesale.<br />

Baldwin, H. P., & Ca., 23 Woodward<br />

ave. (See ed~.)<br />

hlcGraw, A. C,, & Co., 69 TT.Too6ward ave.<br />

Robinson, W. I>., Burtenshaw & Co., 73 and<br />

'75 Jvfferson ave.<br />

Smith, Stephen, & Co.,'76 'CVoodword ave.<br />

Bouquets and Flowers.<br />

ADAIK, WILLIAM, Jefferson ave., oppo-<br />

1 site Elmwood ave. (See adt..)<br />

I<br />

I Box Manufacturers.<br />

Berry, J. A., & Co., 24 Woodbridge w. (See<br />

a&.)<br />

Dewey, Middlemood & Co., foot Riopelle.<br />

(See adc)<br />

Brass Founders.<br />

BCSH, IRA D., 273 Woodbridge w.<br />

FLOIVEK, JAMES, & BBO., n. e. cor.<br />

Brusli and Wood bridge.<br />

HARVEY, A., & SON, 123 and 125 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Brewers.<br />

Davis & Newberry, cor. Abbott and Sev-<br />

enth.<br />

Endriss, Charles, s. e. cor. Rivard and<br />

Maple.<br />

Langdon & Co., 232 Woodbridge w.

Brick Manufacturers.<br />

Greusel, John, SI Sons, office 237 Third.<br />

HALL, KlCHAIiD H., office 115 Griswold.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Brush Manufacturers.<br />

Laitner Bros., 40 Monroe ave.<br />

Builders.<br />

ARMSTROKG, UNDER\.VOOD, Clifford,<br />

cor. kVasliington ave. (See adu.)<br />

Candler Brot.lier.s, 274 Atwater.<br />

Cockle, Samuel E , 27 Sixth.<br />

CHEASEY, B., 239 Uriswold. (8ee ndv.)<br />

Fair, Robert, 346 Fourth. . (See ndz..)<br />

George, Henry, 20 Uriswold, up-stairs. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Ingersoll, I. IV., & Son, 66 and 68 Fort e.<br />

KlXLUER. JOHN N , builder and contract-<br />

or, bds. Goodman House.<br />

Knonrles, Benjamin hl., 5 Middle. (See<br />

adz..)<br />

McCuusland, William H., 56 Larned w.<br />

(See adz..)<br />

Morhous, Mitchell & Byram, 132<br />

and 1.;4 n7oodbridge e. (See adv.)<br />

Nicholson, Pickering, Gilman, bet. Cass ave.<br />

and Second. (See ndc.)<br />

Seaton & Kitcllie, 193 and 195 Cass. (See<br />

ad.^.)<br />

Stalker, H. W., cor. Third and Cherry.<br />

(See ad%.)<br />

Wat,erfall, John, cor. Fourth and Oak. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Builders' Hardware.<br />

VTTilcos Bros., 17 and 19 Grand River. (See<br />

ad.&.)<br />

Business College.<br />

Goldsmith, Bryant 8t Stratton:Seitz Block,<br />

Urisv-old.<br />

Butchers.<br />

Clark, T?IC,Tilliam, & Co., 144 Larned m.<br />

Lindanman, CLarles, & Co., 800 Woodbridge<br />

w.<br />

MAY, PAUL, $00 Woodbridge w.<br />

Smith, 157 Woodbridge w.<br />

Carriage and Wagon Makers.<br />

Chope, E.. & Sons, 80,82 and 84 Randolph.<br />

Dreher, Casper, 266 Rivard. (See udv.)<br />

Hopkin & Bro., cor. Jolin R and Farmer.<br />

(See a&).<br />

Keargel, Joseph, 55 Gratiot. (Sce<br />

a&.)<br />

Lara, Hichard, 9 Middle. (See adv )<br />

Neubronner, John C., 31 Fort e. (See adz,)<br />

Priest., Joraln, Frauklin, bet. Brush and<br />

Bandolph. (See adv.)<br />


Reicl~le, F., cor. Randolph and Franklin.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Scilaefer, John, & Bro., 76 Larned w. (See<br />

adz: .)<br />

Scott. H. w., 14 and 16 Cass ave. (See ndv.)<br />

Thrombley, H., 211 Uratiot,. (See adv.)<br />

Carpet Dealers.<br />

Abbot & Ketchurn, 142 Jefferson ave.<br />

NALL, JAMES, JIt., & CO., Woodward<br />

ave., n. e. cor. Larned.<br />

Chair Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Chair Factory, cor. Fourth and Por-<br />

ter.<br />

Cigar Manufacturers.<br />

Dias, S. E. S: E. C., 212 Gratiot.<br />

Jeff, Robert, 305 Woodward ave.<br />

Thie~ner, Ernest, 3223 M'oodtvard are.<br />

Clothing, Wolesale and Retail.<br />

Ferner, S., 10 Congress e.<br />

HALLOCK. H., & CO., 168 Jefferson ave.<br />


ward ave.<br />

Heineman, E. S., &; Co., 5 and 7 Fort w.<br />

Cloth Houses.<br />

Elliott Bro., 89 \TToodward ave.<br />

Hitchcocli & Essels tyn, 147 Jefferson ave.<br />

Coal Dealers.<br />

Fisli & Davidson, dock foot Third.<br />

Pit3man, James E., 119 Woodbridge<br />

w. (See adz.)<br />

Viger Brothers, 44 Atwater.<br />

Commission Merchants.<br />

BEESON, JACOB, & CO., 63 Woodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Black S- young, foot Shelby.<br />

'fSotsford, S. & 9.. foot Second.<br />

BBADY & CO., office, dock foot VTToodward<br />

ave.<br />

Gillett & Hall, s. w. cor. mToodbridge<br />

and Shelby.<br />

Holines, Butler & Co., 11 and 13 Wood-<br />

bridge w.<br />

Hurd, J. L.. & Co., foot Second.<br />

HUTC'HlXGS, JOHX, foot First. (See adv.)<br />

Johnson, M., & Co., 68 Woodbridge w.<br />

Livingstone & Co., foot Bates. (See adv.)<br />

McDi bnald, Hay wood & Co., 33 Weodbridge<br />

west.<br />

McPherson, A., & Co., 62 Griswold.<br />

MOORE cY: CO., 5 Woodward ave.<br />

PKATT, JOHN, s. w. cor. Mroodbridge and<br />

She1 by.<br />

Sheldon, Charles A., s. e. cor. Fort and Sec-<br />


Slade, Ira. 4 Russell House Block, Michigan<br />

Grand ave.<br />

Voorllees, Peter, s. s. Atwater, bet. Bates<br />

and Kandolph.<br />

Wendell, John A., \Voodbridge opp. Board<br />

Trade Building.<br />

Confectioners.<br />

Fox, J. B., & Co., 221 Jefferson ave.<br />

Gray & Toyuton, 148 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hesselbacher, Ostvald, 228 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Kleinow, Frederick, 73 Gratiot.<br />

Concrete Stone Works.<br />

Michigan Concrete Stone Co., 278 Atwater.<br />

Coopers.<br />

Lentz. Elias M., 353 Bronson, rear Clayton<br />

Mills.<br />

Thormann, August, 16 Sherman.<br />

Corset Manufacturer.<br />

Burger, F. Alouzo, 202 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Cotton Mills.<br />

Pioneer Cotton Mill, Mark Flanigan, propr.,<br />

cor. John R and Alfred.<br />

Crockery and Glassware.<br />

Fiske & Moses, 92 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hyde, Valentine M., 169 Woodward ave.<br />

, (See adz.)<br />

King, Robert I$'., 90 Jefferscn ave.<br />

i\/icCor~nick, David, 12 Michigan ave.<br />

Roehler, Anton, 232 Kandolpil. (See ad^.)<br />

Shefferly, John B., 138 and 140 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

WETXORE, F., & CO., 68 Woodward ave.<br />

Dentists.<br />

Farnsworth, James H., $19 Jefferson ave.<br />

Thomas, George R., D. 1). S., Opera House<br />

Block, Campus Martius, cor. W oodward<br />

ave.<br />

Despatches.<br />

Merchants' Despatch, A. Fell, agent, 36<br />

cjriswold. (See adz.;<br />

People's Despatch, A. H. Muir, agent, 36<br />

Griswold. (See adv.)<br />

Dining Saloon.<br />

Heffron, J., & Co., cor. V'oodward and 3 ef-<br />

ferson aves. (See ad%)<br />

Drain and Sewer Pipe.<br />

TIIO~VIPSON, F: F., S CO., works Wood<br />

ward ave., nr. Brady.<br />


Drugs, Wholesale.<br />

Eaton, T. H., & Son, 18 Woodward ave.<br />

Farrand, Sheley &z Co., 80 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See (r.du.)<br />

Griffith, John H., 106 Jefferson ave., and<br />

Branch 121 Woodward ave.<br />

Hinchman, T. H., & Sons, 78 and 80 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

McBi~nmie & Pollock, cor. Grand River<br />

and Seventh. (See udv.)<br />

Stearns, Frederick. 71 Woodward ave.<br />

Swift, H. F., & Bro., 104 Woodward ave.<br />

Druggists.<br />

BROTVN, DR. NATHAN S., $05 Fort w.<br />

C 3AP31AN, J. H., & CO., 109 Jderson ave.<br />

Haigh, Henry, cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Brush.<br />

Harvey, John, 187 \TTood\vard ave.<br />

Johnston, LT-illiam, 155 Jefferson ave.<br />

Kennott, Dr. J. W.. 208 \Vo;)dward ave.<br />

Lay. Ezra D., 173 Woodward ave.<br />

Rlcliimmie & Pollock,4(iG Grand River. (See<br />

cnda<br />

V EH.XOR. JAMES, 23.5 Woodward ave.<br />

Supple, W. K., 271 Jefferson ave.<br />

Dry Goods, Rstail.<br />

Bums & Smith, 57 WToodward ave.<br />

Campbell, Linn St Co., 93 and 95 tFroodmard<br />

ave.<br />

Fonda & Esselstyn, 146 VSToodward ave.<br />

Freedman, S., & Bro., 82 and 54 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Frisbie, James W., 53 and 55 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Gun11 & Locke, 96 Woodward are.<br />

ILLJCB, SAJI UEL F.. 290 CVoodward ave.<br />

Inkster, Robert, 97 Woodward ave. (See<br />

ad%.)<br />

Nall, James. ..jr., & Co., cur. Woodward ave .<br />

and Larned.<br />

Dry Goods, Wholesale.<br />

Orr, Edward, 120 and 122 Jefferson ave.<br />


77 and $9 Jefferson ave. (See adz:.)<br />

Root 9t Barbour, 46 and 48 Woodward ace.<br />

SHSLUON, ALLAN. & CO., 21 and 23<br />

Woodward ave. (See ado.)<br />

Edge Tool Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Edge Tool RIanufactory, 175 Lar<br />

ned w., Samuel Shaw, manager.<br />

Wilkie, Aitkin, cor. St. Antoine and Frank<br />

n. (See adz.)<br />

Excelsior Works.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> lVoodt.n Ware Works, 960 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See a&.)<br />

Parry, J, Campbell, foot Dubois. (&e adv.)

Downer, H. E., 85 Woodward ave. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

Hnchgraef, Mas & Co., 246 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See a&.)<br />

O'Brien, J., Arcade Building, Larned w.<br />

(See adz..)<br />

Express Companies.<br />

American Mercllants' Union, s. e. cor. Gris-<br />

wold and Larned. (See adu.)<br />

United States, F. H. Cone, Agent, 32 aris-<br />

wold. (Setz ad.0.)<br />

Fire Brick and Clay.<br />

PRATT, JOHN, s. w. cor. Woodbridge and<br />

She1 by.<br />

Fish and Game.<br />

CLARK, GEORGE, &CO., 309 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Craig, James, dock, bet. Wayne and Cass.<br />

Rlerrill, S. L., 9i Co., 13'7 and 139 Larned w.<br />

(See ad.8.)<br />

Florists.<br />

Adair, William,, Jefferson ave., near<br />

Elmwood ave. (See a.dz.)<br />

Flour and Grain.<br />

BEESON, JACOB, & CO., 63 VIToodbridge<br />

west.<br />

Jones, George C., cor. Gratiot and Ran-<br />

dolph.<br />

Flouring Mills.<br />

Commercial Flouring Mills, s. w. cor.<br />

\Troodbridge and Randolph.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Central 31ills Co., bYoodbridge, bet.<br />

Eighth and Tenth.<br />

Clayton &lills, cor. Gratiot and Dequindre.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> <strong>City</strong> iklills, J. R. Jones, cor. Second<br />

and Larned.<br />

Foundries.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Bridge and Iron Works, cor. Foun-<br />

dry and bl. C. K. B.<br />

Glendinning, D. W., 164,166 and 168 RIich-<br />

igan ave. (See adv.)<br />

Hamtramck Iron Co., Jefferson ave., near<br />

city limits.<br />

Jackson & Wiley, cor. Woodbridge and<br />

Fifth. (See (zda.)<br />


Fruit and Oysters.<br />

Carew, J. H., 193 Jefferson ave.<br />

CLARK, GEORGE, & CO., o. 309 n. 329<br />

Woodmard ave.<br />

Hamblen, Baker & Co., 168 Woodward ave.<br />

(See ndl;.)<br />

Heffron, John, 220 Jefferson ave.<br />

blallory, D. D., & Co., 94 Jefferson ave.<br />

Furniture Manufacturers.<br />

Borchard, F., Macomb, w. Rivard. (See<br />

ndrz; .)<br />

Caille, Joseph, 593 Gratiot.<br />

Deinzer. F., & Co., 243 Gratiot. (See adu.)<br />

Herfurtll, Charles. 100 Gratiot.<br />

HOBART & H9WOKTH. 11 Grand River.<br />

Kegel & Richter, 248 Woodward ace. (See<br />

ah.(<br />

Leete, T. T., 6 Gratiot. (See adn.)<br />

Ray, S. T., 229 &and River.<br />

Smith & @:literman, 174 IToodward iive.<br />

STEVENS, 31-IKCUS St CO., 142 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See ad%.)<br />

TILLMAN, SILSBEE & CO., 144 Jefferscn<br />

ave. (See adc.)<br />

Weber, Henry, 129 \'brood\\-ard aye.<br />

Woodhams, Tllomas, Gilman, near Second.<br />

(See adz.)<br />

- --<br />

Gas Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Gaslight Co., Peter E. Demill, supt.,<br />

office 8 Larned e. (See ud~u.)<br />

Gents' Furnishing Goods.<br />

C[-JAXDLER, GEORGE C., 1 Larned w.<br />

(See nd,u.)<br />

KORTHROP, C. B., & CO., 170 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Tucker, D., 240 Jefferson ave.<br />

Glass Stainers,<br />

Friederichs & Staffin, 103 Jefferson ave., up-<br />

stairs. (See adz;.)<br />

Gold and Silver Platers.<br />

HOCHGRAEF, M., & CO., Bid~le House<br />

Block. (See adu.)<br />

THAUB BBOS., 206 Jefferson ave. (Sea<br />

ado.)<br />

Grain Dryers.<br />

Babillion, Hinchman & Co., cor. Wayne<br />

and Wood bridge.<br />

Green Houses.<br />

Adair, William, Jefferson ave., opposite<br />

Fruit and OrnameIltal Trees. I Elmwood ave. (Bee adr.)<br />

Adair, William, Jefferson ave., opposite<br />

Elmwood ave. (See adu.)<br />

Hubbard & Davis, Twenty-fourth, near city<br />

limits. (See adv.)<br />

Ferrand St Osborn, 'cor. Twenty-fourth and<br />

Fort. (See adv.)<br />

Hubbard & Davis, Twenty-fourth, near city<br />

limits. (See adz.)

Grocers, Retail,<br />

Bretz. A., St Co., 197 Gratiot.<br />

Bush, E. S.. & CO., cor. Jefferson ave. and<br />

Brush. (Sre adz.)<br />

FITZSIMOSS, CHAELES! 380 Grand<br />

River.<br />

Hn11 Bro~., cor. Monroe ave. and Campus<br />

Afarti us.<br />

Sctasolcraft, Emmet D. Z., 483<br />

Grand Ricer.<br />

SINCLAIH, ALEXAXDER, n. w. cor. Park<br />

and S proa t.<br />

Vrade~burgh, Eiijah, 142 Grand River.<br />

Grocers, Wholesale and Re-<br />

tail,<br />

Ash, R., & Co , 68 Randolph.<br />

Coyne, Strong & Co., 70 Jefferson aye.<br />

Ellic.t, l.lfred, s. w. cor. Fra~iklin and<br />

Walker.<br />

FAKQUHAR & CO., 175 Woodward ave.<br />

Hcflman, S8mue1, 230 Handolph.<br />

blehling, J. V.: 25 and 27 Michigan Grand<br />

aye.<br />

Miller, Mi., &. R.. 178 Woodward aye.<br />

Pulte, A., &- Son, 36 bl(lnroe ave.<br />

Sheley, George A., & Co., 164 Woodward<br />

aye.<br />

Grocers, Wh.olesale.<br />

Beatty and Fitzsinlmons, 10 and 18 Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

BKATSHAW, JOSEPH B. H., 98 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Burr & Leonard, 14 Woodward ave.<br />

EDGAR, WILLIAhl H., & SON, 4 At-<br />

water.<br />

Farrand, Sheley & Co,, 80 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See adc.)<br />

Field? Moses b'., Sr Co., foot Grismold.<br />

Garrison, C. M., St Co., Board Trade Building.<br />

Hill & Bro., 118 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hurlbut, Chuuncy, 20 Woodward ave.<br />

Moore. Foote S; Co., foot Cass.<br />

STEPHEXS, JOHN, & CO., cor. Woodbridge<br />

and Woodward ave.<br />

Gunsmiths.<br />

Hagadorn, A. M., 8 Gratjot. (See adv.)<br />

Rlreiner, kY illiam, 63 Handolph.<br />

Guns and Fishing Tackle.<br />

FISHER & LOXG, 110 Woodward ave.<br />

Hair Workers.<br />

Brennan, Misses; 183 iVoodward ave.<br />

Willson, B. C., 198 Jel5erson ave.<br />

Hardware, Wholesale.<br />

BUHL, DC('HAKME & C'O., 17 and 19<br />

Woodward ave. (See aclv )<br />

Ducharme S: Prentiss, 73 M'oodward ave.<br />

James, C. B., & Co., 85, 87 and 89 Jeff'erson<br />

avc!.<br />

Porter, A. C., 85 Woodward are.<br />

Prentiss. Perry, 194 Woodward are.<br />

Rotthm Bros.. 24 Woodward aye.<br />

Standart Bros., $2 Jefferson rtve.<br />

Hardware, Retail.<br />

Abernethy, Samuel, cor. Grand River and<br />

iVlucoml) aye. (See acl~.)<br />

Barnunl, Eugene T., 102 Woodward ave.<br />

(See adr.)<br />

Buech, Cllzrrles, 201 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

Coulson, Fisher & Stoddard, 77' Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Glover & Powell, 114 Woodward are. (See<br />

ada.)<br />

Henlpel, C., 362 Gratiot. (See adu.)<br />

, I3ebgstebeck. C!., 83 Crog!lan. (S:e ada.)<br />

I Hensien, John P., 128 and 130 Fort e. (See<br />

I adv.)<br />

Hopson, H. C., & Co.. 293 and 295 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See adu.)<br />

1 JEKUME, EULIIN. St CO., o. 1'71 n. 185<br />

Wood ward ave.<br />

Lirnbach, M., 100 1TToodward ave.<br />

PELGRIM, CHRISTOPHER, 18 Michigan<br />

ave.<br />

Welz Bros., 176 Woodward ave. (See ado.)<br />

ITilcox & Bro., 17 and 19 Grand Hiver.<br />

(See ad%.)<br />

Hats, Caps and Furs.<br />

Buhl, F,, & Co., 146 and 148 Jefferson<br />

aye, (See adv.)<br />

KELLEY, GEORGE B., & CO., 182 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Dickerson, Charles H., 157 Jefferson ave.<br />

McCloskey, C. C.,14 &lichigdn ave. (See adzl.)<br />

Hoop Skirt and Corset Ma~ufac-<br />

turers.<br />

Burger, E Alonzo, 202 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Burnstine, N. & A., 85 Woodward ave.<br />

Horticulturists.<br />

Whiting, J. P., & Co., Bank Block, Gris-<br />

. wold. (See adz.)<br />

Horse and Carriage Mart.<br />

Ilolfe, Alonzo, 13 and 15 &Ionroe ave.

Horse Collars.<br />

Marsh, Henry, 837 Griswold. (See adu.)<br />

Horse Shoers.<br />

Wade, William. 11 State. (S:?e a&.)<br />

Whittle, L., 12 Cass ave. (See ado.)<br />

Hotels.<br />

Ackerman House; J. A. Kurtz, cor. Atwater<br />

and Brush.<br />

Adams' Hotel, John Moreman, propr., 80<br />

Front.<br />

American Hotel, Henry Busch, propr., 202<br />

Larnlrd w,<br />

Antisdel House, J. F. Antisdel & Bro,<br />

proprs., cor. Michigan and Washington<br />

aves.<br />

Biddle House, A. B. Taber, propr., cor. Randolph<br />

and Jefferson ave.<br />

Brighton House, Harvey King, propr., 190<br />

Orand River.<br />

Canada House, Mary A.DeSchruyver, propr.,<br />

198 Wood bridge m.<br />


Cass Hot el, cor. Goodbridge and Third.<br />

Chicago House, Henry Holaud, propr., 1 Jefferson<br />

are.<br />

Fancllon House, Louis Quinin, yropr., 9 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Finney's Hotel, James Parshall, propr., cor.<br />

Woodward ave. and State.<br />

Franklin House, A. H. Emery, propr., R. e.<br />

cor. Bates and Larned.<br />

Garrison House, cur. Jeffers ,n ave. and<br />

Cass.<br />

Goodman Honse, Alfred Goodman, propr.,<br />

cor. Grand River and Griswold.<br />

Green Tree Hotel, William Oettinger,<br />

propr., cor. Jefferson ave. and Second.<br />

Hotel Ericlisen, C. D. Erichsen, propr.. cor.<br />

Randolph and Fort.<br />

Hotel Maocl~. COI. Louis Dillman, propr.. 43<br />

Michigan (3 rand ave.<br />

Howard House, Gurdon 0. Williams. propr.,<br />

Congress, bet. ?Voodward ave. and Griswold.<br />

Michigan Exchange, E. Lyon & Co., proprs.,<br />

cor. Jefferson ave. and She1 by.<br />

New York Hotel. John Tarnminen, prop:.,<br />

7 Jeffxson ave.<br />

Peninsular Hotel, Jobn T. Ives, propr., cor.<br />

Grand River and Macomb ave.<br />

Perkins' Hotel, LV. Pvrkins, jr., propr., n. e.<br />

cor. Middle and erand River.<br />

Russell House, Witbeck St Chittenden,<br />

cor. CVoodward and Michigan Grand<br />

aves.<br />

Sherman House, William English, propr.,<br />

5 Jeffersm ave.<br />

Tremon:. House. D. C. Goodale, propr., n. e.<br />

cor. Jefferson aye. aud Handolph.<br />

Union Hotel, hlicllael Md'all, yropr., 210<br />

and 212 Woodbridge w.<br />

western Hotel, Iiackett & Boss, proprs.,<br />

n. w. cor. Woodbridge and Third.<br />

House Furnishing Goods.<br />

SALES & TILLOTSON, . 155 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ice Companies.<br />

Belle Isle Ice Co., C. A. Lorman, manager.<br />

Det>roit and Lake St. Clair Ice Co., office 53<br />

Griswold.<br />

' -<br />

Importer Smokers' Goods.<br />

ROTHSCHIIID cP; BRO., 233 Jefferson ave.<br />

India Rubber Goods.<br />

Edwards, H. D., & Co., 57 Woodward ave.<br />

Insurance Agents.<br />

Auringer, Charles, office 11 1 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Reach, W. P., 111 Jefferson ave. (See adz..)<br />

Birch, Yl~iletus P.. 138 Griswold. (See ado.)<br />

Uotsford, H. W., 40 Lamed w.<br />

Brown, J. T. R., 9r; Bro., 5 Bank Block,<br />

Gris wold.<br />

Donovan, J. W., 61 Griswold. (Sse adex)<br />

Fa~ram, A., general agent and attorney<br />

for M~chigun for tlre Asljury Ins.<br />

Co. of N. Y., office 116 Griswold.<br />

Forayth S; Webster, Butler Block, opp. P. 0.<br />

Fruzer, James H., Ho:ne Mutual, 124 Jefferson<br />

ave. (See adz.)<br />

Giffi~rd, George, St Louis Mutual Life,<br />

over First National Bank. (See nda.)<br />

Gravier, J. B. K., cur. eratior ancl Bru~h.<br />

(See frda.)<br />

GKEEX S: JITLLEK, 30 and 32 Larned w.<br />

HEBBARD, C. B.. 70 Griswold. (See adz.)<br />

HoJgea Brorhers, Bank Block, Griswo!d.<br />

Belly, Ronald, 11 Rotunda Building, Griswold.<br />

Lindsay, Arcl~ibald G., Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

(See ado.<br />

McElroy, Solon, agt. Xu'. Y. Life Insurance<br />

Co., Peninsular Bank Building. jSee<br />

adz.)<br />

Blerrell 9E Ferguson, 1 Butler Block, Griswold.<br />

Munson, Henry C., 34 Griswold.<br />

Palmer, John, 2 Merrill Block.<br />

Peavey, F. & C. C., 4 Merrill Block.<br />

Ralph St Co.. foot First.<br />

Stevens S- Hunter, Rferrill B1f:ck.<br />

Ten Winkle S: BlcCune, cor. Woodward<br />

avr. and Congress.<br />

Van Buren & Son, 74 Oriswold. (See ndv.)<br />

Vernor, Ben., Bunk Building, cor. Congress<br />

and Griswold.<br />

\VQRCESTER, IRA, 45 Chiswold.

Insurance Companies. I Justices of the Peace.<br />

BTNA FIRE AXD TORNADO, J. T. Stanton.<br />

Secrc?talsy, 5 Bank BIOcIi, Qris\vold.<br />

2Et)na Life, of HartA'ord, Conu., H. Grisw-old<br />

general agent,, 2 Larmetl s.<br />

Asbury Life, New York, Amos Fayram,<br />

general agent, room 1 Howard House<br />

Block, 1 14 Griswold.<br />

Oontinental Life. .New York, Ten<br />

Winkle 6r McCune, gGnrral agents, s. e.<br />

cor. CYoodward ave. and Congress.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Fire and Marine, 121 Jefferson ave.,<br />

Jas. J. Clark, Stacretary. (See a&.)<br />

Economical Mutual Life, of Kllode<br />

Island, Green & Miller, managers, SO aud<br />

32 Larn d w.<br />


RELIEF SOCIETY, Rudolph Dieyenbeck,<br />

President, '72 Congress e.<br />

Michigan Mutual Life, Bank Block ih-ismold.<br />

Mutual Life, Sew of York, hlerrell &<br />

Eerguson, general agents, 1 Butler Siock,<br />

Griswold.<br />

Northwestern Life, of Blilwaukee, Chas.<br />

Auringer, State agent, 111 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adz;.)<br />

Iron Manufacturers.<br />

Burt Manufacturing Co., H. E. Burt, Secre-<br />

tary, works I-Ianitramck. (See ntiv.)<br />

Hamtramck Iron IVorks, Geo. H. Russel,<br />

River above <strong>City</strong> limits.<br />

Peninsular Iron Compary, office foot First,<br />

works Hamtramck, ab'ove Marine Hos-<br />

pital. (See udv.)<br />

Iron Works.<br />

BOYLE & BRO., n. e. cor. Fourth and<br />

Congress.<br />

Japanners.<br />

Rowley, Morris N., manfr. tea caddies, 19<br />

W oodbridge w .<br />

Jewelers.<br />

Boehnlain, G. & M., 260 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Conklin, J. S.. s. w. cor. Woodward ave. and<br />

Larned. (See ads.)<br />

FELLOWS -<br />

S! BUKNETT, n. w. cor. Michipan<br />

and U'oodward aves.<br />

Fiscller, P. & W ., 213 Jeffvreon ave.<br />

Ro1.-lioven. F., 204 Jefferson ave. (See a&.)<br />

SC'HULEH, GEOKGE, 160 Jefferson ave.<br />

Trrtub Bros., 206 .Jeff+rson ave. (8~8 ndv.)<br />

Yentsch, H., 173 Woodward ave. (See adv.)<br />

Austin, Peter 3., 31 Larned w.<br />

Uuenther, Peter, 33 Luned w.<br />

RlcCurthy, Timotllp, 3s IIarned w.<br />

McCracken, Stvyllen B.. 78 Cirismold<br />

Spencer, tiarry, 12 Larned w.<br />

W uerth, Aloys, Hisendegen Block, Monroe<br />

ave.<br />

Ladies' Furnishing Goods.<br />

Burger, F. Alonzo, 202 Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Laundries.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Steam Laundry, F. M. Torry, pro-<br />

prietor, cor. Congress and Bates.<br />

Laundry Bluing Manufactory.<br />

BRONSON, JAY, 179 TVoodmard ave., up<br />

stairs.<br />

Lawyers.<br />

Atterburp, Charles L.. 10 1 Griswold.<br />

Bishop, Levi, 6 Buhl Block, Griswold.<br />

Clarke. Hovey K., Bank Building, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Douglass & Miller, Butler Block, Griswold<br />

Jennison, \lTilliarn, Seitz Block, Griswold.<br />

McNeil, Hal. E., Bank Block, Griswold.<br />

Maynard, Meddaugh & Davison.Bank Biock<br />

Griswold.<br />

Moore & Griffin, 151 Jefferson ave.<br />

Newberry, Pond & brow^, Bank Block,<br />

(3 ris\t7old.<br />

Prentis, Browse T., n. w. cor. Congress and<br />

(;ria\\-old.<br />

Robinson & Brooks, 149 Jefferson ave.<br />

Russell, Alfred, '73 Griswold.<br />

Taylor, E., 156 Jefferson ave.<br />

Toms, Robt. P., 124 Jefferson ave.<br />

Walker, Charles I., s. e. cor. Woodward ave.<br />

and Larned.<br />

Ward & Palmer, Seitz Block, Griswold.<br />

Leather and Findings.<br />

Cur,tis,, George E., & Co., 215 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Kirby, George, 33 Woodward ave.<br />

Stridiron &W illiam s, 26 Woodbridge w.<br />

--<br />

Lime and Stone.<br />

L'Esperance, Fmncis, 756 Wood bridge w.<br />

Sibley, F. B., & Co.. 298 Atwater. (See adv.) ~<br />

STANGE, CHBR;LES, 322 Atwater. (See ~<br />

ads.) i<br />


Lithographers.<br />

Caltert Lithographic and Map Publishing<br />

Co., 4S Larned w. (See adv.)<br />

Livery Stables.<br />

Burrell, A., 24 Michigan Grand ave.<br />

Ltng, J. B., 55 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lumber Dealers.<br />

Allen. E. G., 437 Atwater.<br />

BACKI?S & BRO., 273 woodbridge w.<br />

BIGELOW, W. C. & A. E., cor. Macomb<br />

and Cass aves.<br />

Brooks & Adams, T.TToodbridge, - foot Thir-<br />

teenth. (See ad.0.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> River Lumber Co., 315 Atwater e.<br />

Dwight, W. M., & Co., cor. Atwater and<br />

Riopelle. (See adc.)<br />

MASON & CONANT, Woodbridge, foot<br />

Twelfth. (See adz..)<br />

Moore, F. & S., 775 Woodbridge w.<br />

Pelrinsular Dressed Lumber Co.,<br />

foot Riopelle. (See adv.)<br />

Pitts, Tlios., & Co., foot Dubois.<br />

Ross. D. A., 8 Co., 297 Atwater.<br />

ROSS, GEORGE A., cor. Xichigan ave. and<br />

(iiriswold.<br />

WIGHT, H. A. & S. G., foot Campau. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Machinery Dealers.<br />

JENKS JAMES. 29 Atwater e. (See acl~.)<br />

Wormer, G. S., 6 Son, Jefferson ave., oppo-<br />

site Michigan Exchange.<br />

Machinists,<br />

Waterman, John, cor. Third and Congress.<br />

(See adv. )<br />

Kennedy & Greig, Third, bet. Congress and<br />

Larned. (See adv.)<br />

Malt and Hop Dealers.<br />

Duncan, E. E., 41 and 43 Woodbridge e.<br />

Hawley, It., & Sons, 123 Congress w.<br />

I Manufacturing Chemists.<br />

j<br />

i<br />

l<br />

Parke, Jennings & Co., 374 Cass<br />

ave. (See adv.)<br />


Marble Works.<br />

Christa, Philip, 87 and 89 Columbia e. (See<br />

ah.)<br />

Lttdd, E. W., 280 Atwater.<br />

Patterson, David, Larned, bet. Shelby<br />

and Wayne. (See adz).)<br />

Schultheis, William, 31 Xichigan Grand<br />

ave.<br />

Marbleized Slate.<br />

Billings, P. A., 23 Woodbridge w. (See ad^.)<br />

Match Works.<br />

Richardson, D. At., Eighth, bet. Fort and<br />

Woodbridge.<br />

Mathematical Instruments.<br />

Hindsn, M. J.. 213 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Mercantile Agencies.<br />

Bradstreet, J. M., & Son, s. w. cor.<br />

Jefferson ave- and .Griswold. (See ads.)<br />

Dun, R. G., & CO., 159 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adz..)<br />

Tappan, McKiIlop & Co., 111<br />

Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Merchant Tailors.<br />

Black & Letverenz, 217 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

ndv.)<br />

Donaldson, J., & Co., 242 Jefferson ave.<br />

Hintermister, Henry, - - 200 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Ivlal~chester & Bristol, 205 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ndv.)<br />

MISER, EDWARD, & SON, 64 Bstes.<br />

Rasch & Bernart, 245 Jefferson ave. (he<br />

adv.)<br />

Shaw, William S., 224 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

--<br />

Millinery Goods.<br />

Allen, M. A. & E., 294 Woodward ave.<br />

COHEN, S. & M., 151 Woodward ave.<br />

Dalton Sr, OJDwyer, 187 Jsffersoa ave.<br />

Forsyth & Co., 150 Woodward ave.<br />

MOORE, MISS. 274 Woodward ave.<br />

Simon, S., & Co., 152 Woodward ave.<br />

Mouldings and Picture Frames.<br />

Date & Berry, 39 Atwater. (See ado.)<br />

Widman, C. D., & Co., 40 Congress e. (See<br />

. &.)

Music Dealers.<br />

Couse, Adam, 137 Jefferson ave.<br />

WEISS, JOHN P.. agent Steinway piano,<br />

62 Woodward ave.<br />

Wl~itney, C. I., 197 Jefferson ave.<br />

Whittenlore, J. Henry, & Co., 179 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

News Depots.<br />

Roys. James A., s. w. cor. Larned and Gris.<br />

wold.<br />

Thiemer, Ernest, 332+ Woodward ave.<br />

Tunis, W. E., 153 Jefferson ave.<br />

News Papers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Abend-Post (German), 10 and 12<br />

Lamed e.<br />


BUYE, 212 Jefferson ave. (See ad,v.)<br />


48 Larned w.<br />

DETEtOIT DAILY POST, n. e. cor. Larned<br />

and Sh.. .:by. (See ad.v.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Free Press, n. w. cor. M'oodbridge<br />

and Griswold. '<br />

DETROIT DAILY UNIOX, 25 Larned 6.<br />

(See a&.)<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Journal of Cdmmerce, 10 and 12<br />

Larned e.<br />

Familien Blaetter (German), 10 and 12 Larned<br />

e.<br />

Michigan Farmer and State Journal of<br />

Agriculture, 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mechanic and Inventor, Arcade Building,<br />

48 Larned w.<br />

Michigan Journal (German), 11 and 13<br />

Wood bridge e.<br />

Micliigan Volksblatt (German), n. w. cor.<br />

Gris\vold and Woodbridge.<br />

Peninsular Herald, J. Russell and Son, n. e.<br />

cor. Woodward ave. and Grand River.<br />

Western Catholic, 10 and 12 Larned e.<br />

Western Xural, 192 Jefferson ave.<br />

Notions, Wholesale.<br />

Austin, A. C., St Co., 133 Jefferson ave.<br />

Burnstine, N., & A., 83 LVoociwartl ave.<br />

Boellz, G., & Bro., 70 Woodward.<br />

ave. (See adu.)<br />

Shaw & Marvin, 162 Jefferson ave.<br />

Nurseries.<br />

Adair, William, Jefferson ave, near<br />

El 11wond ave. (h'ee adv.)<br />

FERKANL) & OSHORNE, Fort, cor.<br />

Twenty-fourth. (See ad0.j<br />


HURB ARD & DAVIS, Twenty-fourth, near<br />

city limits. (See adu.)<br />

Oil Dealers.<br />

Bentley, 33. V., 128 Jefferson aw.<br />

Bury, Henry A., 46 Jeff? rson ave.<br />

Hinman, A. B.; & Co.. 52 Shelby.<br />

JEXNINGS, WETMORE & CO., 40 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

Opticians.<br />

-OT: ave.<br />

Black, L., & Co., 191 Jeffer:<br />

Hinden, M. J.. mathematical instrument<br />

manfr., 213 Jefferson ave. (See ndv.)<br />

Ornamental Brackets.<br />

Waldron, Willard E., foot Dubois.<br />

Packers, (Pork and Beef).<br />

Belknap 8L and Drake, COP. Woodbridge<br />

and Oriswold.<br />

Parker, Willard & CO., 32,34 and 36 Wood-<br />

bridge e.<br />

Standish & Ires, cor. hliclligan Grand<br />

ave. and Bates.<br />

Painters.<br />

Dean. Brow & Co., 161 Jefferson ave.<br />

Godfrey & Co.. 251 Jefferson ave.<br />

IIaischer, Andrew, 269 St. Antoine. (See<br />

adu. )<br />

Walt hew, A., s. e. cor. Brush and Co~gress.<br />

Wright, W illfam, & Co., 92 Wo:)d-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Paper Dealers.<br />

Barnes Bros., 141 Jefferson ave.<br />

C'ornwells, Price 81 Co , 116 Jefferson ave.<br />

DETROIT PAPER CO., 203 and 210 Jef-<br />

ferson .ave. (See adu.)<br />

Passenger Agents.<br />

Busch, Charles, 301 Jefferson are.<br />

Elliott, R. R., 89 Woodward ave.<br />

Photographers.<br />

Cadwallader, John , 223 Jefferson ave.<br />

Sutton, Moses, 205 and 207 Jefferdon ave.<br />

(See ade)

VAN DEUSEN, CHAR,LES H., 196 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Watson & Brummitt, 164 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Physicians.<br />

Campbell, James E.. 365 Brush.<br />

ZIYDE, CHAKES A., room 4 Fisher<br />

Block, 1194 Woodward ave.<br />

ROSE, LEV1 C., room I Fisher Block,<br />

119% Woodward ave.<br />

Pi cture-Frame Mouldin gs.<br />

Date & Berry, cor. Russell and Atwater.<br />

(See ado.)<br />

Picture Frames.<br />

Dean, Brow & Co ,161 Jefft.r, son ave.<br />

Elder, Adam, 164 JeE~rson ave.<br />

Godfrey QE Co., 251 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wright, William, & Co., 92 Woodward ave.<br />

Plasterers.<br />

Dee & Brennan, 30 Gris~vold. (See adv.)<br />

JOHANXES & SCHAEFER, 205 Macomb,<br />

and 105 Jlullett.<br />

Roberts & Hanley, 76 and 78 Congress e.<br />

(See adc.)<br />

Plumbers and Gas Fitters.<br />

Fergnson, S., & Co., 91: Jefferson are. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

EEolmes & Webster, 115 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Lovett,, Stephen M1., 43 Grismold. (See<br />

adz.)<br />

McIntyre, J. M., 20 Shelby. (See adv.)<br />

Hutson. A.. 282 Jefferson ave.<br />

WHITE & CAMEKON, 102 Bates. (See<br />

adv.<br />

Portrait Painters.<br />

Watson &: Brummitt, 164 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />


Restaurants.<br />

Bapard, Edward G., 73 and 75 Griswold.<br />

Heffron, John, & Co., cor. Jefferson and<br />

Wood ward ayes.<br />

'MAY WELL, JANES, 20 Grand River.<br />

Railroad Agents.<br />

Chesebrough, A., foot Second.<br />

Patten, John S. Erie Railway, cor. Jefferson<br />

ave. and Second.<br />

Railroads.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> and Milwaukee, Thomas Bell, supt.,<br />

foot Brush. (See ad^.)<br />

Michigan Centzal, depot foot Third, W. K.<br />

Muir, ass't gen. supt. (See adu.)<br />

Real Estate Agents.<br />

Campan, Theodore .T. & Dennis<br />

J., 140 Jefferson ave. (See ndu.)<br />

Fosen, William, Buhl Block, Gr~swold.<br />

Frost, George S., & Co., Griswold, near<br />

cor. Congress. (See ndv.)<br />

Norris, P. W. & E. A.. Butler Bank, oppo-<br />

site Postoffice. (See ado.)<br />

Smith & Reeve, Grismold, opposite Post-<br />

office. (See adu.)<br />

Thompson, J , Rotunda Building, Griswold.<br />

Waterman. William J., Butler Block, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Wesson, William B., cor. Congress and<br />

Chiswold.<br />

Rolling Mills.<br />

Wyandotte Rolling Mill Co., works Wyan-<br />

dotte, office foot Wayne. (See adv.)<br />

Roofers.<br />

Armstrong, B., & Ca., 215 Jefferson ave. (Ses<br />

adv.)<br />

Gilbert, J. W., & Co., 56 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Saddlery Hardware.<br />

Curtis, Geo. E., & Co., 215 Jefferson ave.<br />

DUXCAN, PIrilliam,& C0.,165 JeEirson ave<br />

(See ado.)<br />

Hayden & Baldwin, 104 Woodward ave.<br />

Mumford, Foster & Co., 28 Monroe ave.<br />

Publishers I Safe Manufacturers.<br />

V jrtue & Forpton, roo111 11 Fisher <strong>Detroit</strong> Safe Co., Atwater, bet. Hastings and<br />

Block, 1194 Woodwz.rd ave. I Rivard.

Sail Makers. I Sewing Machine Agents.<br />

Sievwright & Hobart, dock, foot First. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Saloons. .<br />

Demers, John, 545 Atwater.<br />

Schrocoler, Valentine, 361 Franklin.<br />

Sash and Blinds.<br />

Dubois, Louis, Atwater, bet. Chene and<br />

Dubois. (See adv.)<br />

FLYNN, HUGH, cor. Congress and Third.<br />

Huebner, Edward, 236 to 249 Fort e. (See<br />

adv )<br />

JAPES & WIESENHOFFER, 503 Gratiot.<br />

Morhous, ~91itchell dlr. Hyram, 132<br />

and 134 Woodbridge e. (See adv.)<br />

Saw Manufacturers.<br />

Mellus, C. & P., 66, 68 and 70 Fort e. (See<br />

adl;.)<br />

Welch & Grifflths, 48 Woodbridge e.<br />

Welz Bros., 1'76 Woodward ave. (See ad,a.)<br />

1<br />

CHAPPELL & VAN DUZER, agents Howe<br />

sewing machine, 50 Woodward ave.<br />

Eldredge & Ca., agents Domestic sewing<br />

macliine, 185 Jefferson ave.<br />

Josselyn Bros. & Co,, agents Singer sewing<br />

' machine, 60 \ITood ward ave.<br />

Randall, S. C:., agent Grover & Baker sewing<br />

~nachine, Opera House Block.<br />

West, A. H., & Co., agents \V\~eeler & Wilson<br />

sewing machine, 173 JeEerson ave.<br />

Shingle Mandacturers.<br />

Letts & Clancy, 399 VTToodbridpe w.<br />

Loranger, Philip, foot Eigliteen-and-<br />

a-half.<br />

Ship Brokers.<br />

Brady & Co., foot Woodward ave.<br />

Dison. C. K.. foot Woodward ave.<br />

~erick, ~ol;ler & Esselstyn, foot Woodward<br />

ave.<br />

Ship Builders.<br />

saw Kills.<br />

CAMPBELL, OWEN & CO., 401 Atwater,<br />

I yard foot, Dequindre.<br />

BROOKS & ADAMS, woodbridge, Perkins, John, toot EigIlteen.and-~<br />

Thir teentli. (See ad%.)<br />

half.<br />

Hubbard & King, 571 Woodbridge m.<br />

Pitts 8i Co.. foot Uubois.<br />

WIGHT, H. A. & S. G., Atwater, foot Ship Chandlers.<br />

Campau. (See adu.)<br />

Coyne, Strong S; Co., 70 Jeff- ~rson ave.<br />

Dunlap, Donaldaon & Co., 4 and 6 Wood-<br />

Scale Repairing, etc.<br />

I II$c'k~&. GUY F.. & CO., 16 and 18<br />

Rowley, Morris N., 19 Woodbridge w. Atwater w. (See adz;.)<br />

I Trowbridge, Ailcox & Co., doc; foot Bates.<br />

Scale Works.<br />

Rowley, Morris N.. manufacturer and dealer<br />

U. S. standard scales, and agent Buffalo<br />

Scale Works, 19 \'Voudbridge w.<br />

Sculptors.<br />

Corn bs, John W., 661 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Melchers, Julius, sculptor, modeler and<br />

carver, 63 Randolph.<br />

Seedsmen.<br />

FERRY, D. M., &.CO., 187. 189 and 191<br />

Woodward ave. (See adz.)<br />

Shipping and commission.<br />

Buckle?, H. J., & Co., foot First.<br />

Keith, J. W., & Co., foot Brush.<br />

Ship Owners,<br />

STEW ART, WILLIAM, office foot Wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Show Case Manufacturers.<br />

Krenke & Kessler, 84 Randolph. (See adv.)<br />

Pollard & Philips, 35 Monroe ave.<br />

Whitternore, T. E., 44 Jefferson ave.<br />

1 (See adv.)

Silver and Gold Platers.<br />

Hochgraef, Max & Co., 246 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Traub Bros., 206 Jefferson ave. (See ada.)<br />

Weller, John,ll9 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

Silver Spoon Manufacturer.<br />

Leavenworth, T. B., 155 Woodward ave.<br />

Slat Shade Manufacturer.<br />

Lynch, William, 208 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adu.)<br />

Soap and Candle Manufacturers.<br />

CARR, RO BERT, .:sot Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

HARTNESS, JAMES, 166 Franklin.<br />

Mack & Firby, o. 23 ,n. 29 St. Antoine.<br />

McGREGOR, J. & T., Franklin, bet. Brush<br />

and Randolph. C<br />

EEcQueen, Teagara & =err, foot<br />

Eighteen-and-a-half.<br />

Soda Water Manufacturers.<br />

mack & Price, 80 Griswold.<br />

Solder.<br />

Kent, W. J., & Co., D ~mestic, 1194 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (8ee ad%.)<br />

Spring Bed and Cotton Manu-<br />

facturers.<br />

Flanigan, mark, factory cor. John R<br />

and Alfred, office 1 Bank Building, Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Eecomb, J. L., & Co., Atwttter, foot Riopelle.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Stationers.<br />


<strong>Detroit</strong> Paper Co., 210 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

ada. j<br />

Richmonds & Backus, 185 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

Raymond, F., & Son, 130 Jefferson ave.<br />

(See ada.)<br />

THROOP, WILLIAM A., & CO., 90 Wood-<br />

ward ave. (See &.)<br />

a k - f67<br />


St earn Engine Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Locomotive Works, Larned, from<br />

Third to Fourth, D. R. Peirce, Sec'y and<br />

Treas. (See ada.)<br />


bet. Orleans and Dequindre. (See adv.)<br />

Fulton Iron and Engine Works, cor. Frank-<br />

lin and Brush.<br />

Hodge & Christie, cor. Rivard and Atwater.<br />

Kennedy & Greig, Third, bet. Congress and<br />

Lamed. (See adu.)<br />

Rice, D. E., 191 Atwater.<br />

Steam Forge.<br />

Ford, J. N., & Co., nr. Marine Hospital. (&<br />

adv .)<br />

Stencil Cutters.<br />

Hochgraef, Max, & Co., 246 Jefferson hve.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Rheiner, William, 63 Randolph.<br />

Stock and Note Broker.<br />


-<br />

83 Griswold. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Stoneware, etc.<br />

Amphlett, 3. W., 64 and 66 Wood<br />

bridge w. (See adv.)<br />

Walker, C. H., foot Rivard. (See adzr.)<br />

Stone Yards.<br />

Batchelder & Cook, Woodbridge w., near<br />

Board of Trade Building. (See adv.)<br />

Elsey, S., cor. St. Antoine and Napoleon.<br />

(bee ado.)<br />

Findlater St Brunton,foot Brush. (See adv.)<br />

Knapp, David, 301 Atwater. (See ado.)<br />

Leech, Chas. E., 310 Atwater. (See adw.)<br />

Sprenger, Wm., cor. Beaubien and bf acomb.<br />

^(se;ada)<br />

Stange, Charles, 322 Atwater. (See adzr.)<br />

Stove Manufacturers.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Stove Works, W. H. Tefft, Pres.,<br />

works Mt. Elliott ave., nr. Jefferson ave.<br />

Surgical and Dental Instrument<br />

Manufacturers.<br />

Kuhlman, A., & Co., 102 Randolph. (Ses<br />


Tanners.<br />

Jewell, Marshall, & Sons, 567 Woodbridge w.<br />

KIRBY, GEORGE, 33 Woodward ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

SCHEHR, J. & A., 19 Catharine.<br />

Teas, Coffees and Spices.<br />

Evans & Walker, 96 Jefferson ave.<br />

Lina, A. R. & W. F., 120 Jefferson ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Mack & Price, 80 Griswold.<br />

Sanderson, Walter, 154Woodward ave. (See<br />

adv.)<br />

Wheaton 8; Poppleton, 112 and 114 Jeffer-<br />

son ave.<br />

Telegraph Companies.<br />

Atlantic and Pacific, 89 Woodward ave.<br />

We~tern Union, C. Fox, manager, 48 Gris-<br />

wold.<br />

Tin and Coppersmiths.<br />

Abernetby, Samuel, cor. Grand River and<br />

Macomb ave. (See adv.)<br />

Frumviller, Anthony, cor. Miami ave. and<br />

Randolph. (See adz.)<br />

Hopson, Henry C., & Co., 293 and 295 Wood-<br />

ward ave. iSee adz.)<br />

HOPSON, RICHARDH., 88 bratiot.<br />

Tobacconists.<br />

Bagley, J. J., & Co., 40 and 42 Bates.<br />

Barker, K. C.,.& Co., 14 and 76 Jefferson<br />

ave.<br />

BROWN, J., & CO., 3 and 5 W oodward ave.<br />

Goldsmith, Oliver, 163 Jefferson ave.<br />

GtRASGER, CARTER & CO., 33 Atwater.<br />

Jeff, Robert, 305 Woodward ave.<br />

KREMER, EDMUND, 155 Woodward ave.<br />

Lichtenberg, G. B., 64 and 66 Congress<br />

east. '<br />

Mowry, I., & Co,, 60 and 62 Jefferson ave.<br />

Rothschild & Bro., 232 JeEe~son ave.<br />

Scotten, Lovett 8; Co., 104,106, 108 and 110<br />

Randolph.<br />

$utter Bros., 150 Grand River, store Mer-<br />

rill Block, n. e. cor. Jefferson and Wood-<br />

ward aves.<br />

Trunk and Box Makers.<br />

Wolff Bros., 211 Jefferson ave.<br />


Umbrella Manufacturer.<br />

Gagel & Son, 25 Fort e.<br />

Undertakers.<br />

Bronson, R., 92 and 94 Lnrned w. (See adv.)<br />

Latimer, George M'., 181 Woodward ave.<br />

T hrombley, Hypolite, 241 Gtmtiot. (See<br />

adw .)<br />

--<br />

Varnish Manufacturers,<br />

Berry Bros., 22 Woodbridge w.<br />

Vinegar Manufacturers.<br />

Landsberg, A., 88 Jefferson are. (See adv.)<br />

Wagon and Carriage Makers.<br />


Chope, E., & Sons, 80,s and 84 Randolph.<br />

Dreher, C., 266 Rivard. (See adv.)<br />

Hopkins & Bro., cor. John R. and Farmer.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

NEUBHONNER, JOHN C., 33 Fort e.<br />

Priest, Joram, cor. Randolph and Franklin.<br />

(See ndv.)<br />

Reichle, F., cor. Randolph and Franklin.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

Schaefer, J., & Bro., 76 Larned w. (See at%.)<br />

Thrombley, H., 241 Gratiot. (See adv.)<br />

Watchmakers and Jewelers,<br />

Traub Bros., 206 Jefferson ave. (See adv.)<br />

White Lead Works.<br />

Worcester, Latble & Standish, 14 and 16<br />

Congress e.<br />

Willowware Manufacturer;,<br />

Dondero, A., 51 Monroe ave. (See adv.)<br />

Engel, Carl, 299 Gratiot. (See &.))<br />

!<br />

I Wines and Liquors.<br />

1 Bonrke, Oliver, 109 . Jefferson ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

1 Darling, Geiorge, 19 Miami are.

De Forest, Benjamin, & Co., s. w.<br />

cor. Randolph and Congress.<br />

Fechheimer & Workum, 230 Jefferson ave.<br />

Johnson .& Co., 27 Jefferson ave.<br />

Mack & Price, 80 Griswold.<br />

SMITH, DOOLITTLE & CO., 16 wood-<br />

ward ave.<br />

Wire Works.<br />

ADAMS, SAMUEL, 103 Woodward ave.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

BARNUM, E. T., 102 Woodward ave. (See<br />

ads.)<br />

SNOW, WILLIAM, 166 Jefferson ave.<br />

Wood Carver.<br />

Melchers, Julius, 63 Randolph.<br />

Wooden Ware Works.<br />

<strong>Detroit</strong> Wooden Ware Works, M. Frost,<br />

supt., Wight, bet. Adair and Leib. (Sde<br />

adv.)<br />

Wood Turners.<br />

Parkes, Joseph, cor. Congress and Third.<br />

(See adz.)<br />

Whitehill, William, 66 Fort e. (See ad^.)<br />


wood Yards,<br />

Brinker, 325<br />

Daniels, Israel, cor. Gratiot and Beaubien.<br />

(~!8e adz.)<br />

Hawley, J.9 336 Atwater e. (See adv.1<br />

Hudson, G. W., & Co., 75 Woodbridge w.<br />

Loranger, Joseph, 811 Woodbridge w.<br />

Peocock, Charles W., 37 Congress w. (See<br />

&.)<br />

Peocock, Lester, cor. Griswold and Clifford.<br />

(See adv.)<br />

-<br />

Wool Dealers,<br />

Folsom, S., & Co., 90 Woodward ave.<br />

Woolens and Trimmings.<br />

Hitchcock & Esselstyn, 147 Jefferson ave.<br />

Yankee Notions.<br />

Austin, A. C., & Co., 183 Jefferson ave.<br />

Doeltz, G., & Bro., 70 Woodward ave. (Sa<br />

I ada.)<br />

1 Schwartz, Charles, 59 Woodward ave.<br />



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The Michigan Central Railroad is acknowledged to be the Model Railroad of the Country. with<br />

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Two Express Trains Leave <strong>Detroit</strong> Daily with Passengers for<br />


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D. & M; I& R. Omc~, <strong>Detroit</strong>, <strong>1869</strong>.<br />

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R; G. DUN & CO., San Francisco.<br />

R. G. DUN & CO., St. Louis.<br />

R. GI. DUN & CO., <strong>Detroit</strong>.<br />

R. GI. DUN & CO., Toledo.<br />

R. G. DUN & CO., Lo~itiville.<br />

R. G. DUN & CO., Memphis.<br />

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E. RUSSELL & CO., Portland.<br />


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