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to lose one's way<br />

48<br />

pogodan, -dna, -dno : adj., favourable,<br />

propitious<br />

pogoda : f., weather (fine)<br />

pogclem : adj., fairly large<br />

: pogoreti to burn<br />

pogotovo : adv., in any case, about<br />

: pogreb m., funeral, burial<br />

pogrebni : adj., funereal<br />

to bury, inter<br />

(pogrebem) : to podjednak, -a, -o : adj., the same,<br />

equivalent, like<br />

: podjednako adv., the same,<br />

pogi'eteati<br />

pogrepsti<br />

bury,<br />

inter<br />

pogrean -Sna, -sno : adj., faulty,<br />

imperfect<br />

: pogresiti to make mistakes, to fail,<br />

equally j<br />

: podnarednik m., sergeant<br />

: podne n., mid-day, po.sle podne,<br />

afternoon<br />

: podnevak m., meridian<br />

: podozrevanje, podozrenje n., suspicion<br />

podozrevati : to suspect<br />

podozriv, -a, -o : adj., suspicious<br />

: podocne adv., too late<br />

podoficir : m., non-commissioned<br />

: pogreska f., fault, mistake, error<br />

pogtibiti : to execute (a criminal)<br />

pogubljenje: n., execution, capital<br />

present<br />

podatak (podaci)<br />

podbuniti<br />

podvaliti<br />

podveza, podvezica: f., garter<br />

podvezati (veiem) : to attach, fix<br />

podvodan, -dna, -dno : adj., sub-<br />

marine, under-water<br />

: podvodnik m., procurer<br />

: podvodnica f., procuress<br />

: podvorenje n., audience<br />

: n., courtyard<br />

podvorje<br />

: podgradje n., suburb<br />

: podela f., division<br />

: podeliti to divide<br />

: poderati to tear, wear out<br />

podzemaljski, podzemni : adj., sub-<br />

terranean, underground<br />

: podignuti, podici (podignem) to<br />

lift, lift up, hold up, raise<br />

podignuti se : to rise up (from a<br />

chair, etc.) (is also used of dust<br />

and the sea)<br />

officer<br />

: podrazavati to imitate, copy<br />

: podrepnjak m., crop<br />

podrobni : adj., detailed<br />

punishment<br />

: pogusiti to stifle<br />

pod: prep, (ace., inst. ), under, underneath,<br />

below, beneath<br />

pod : m., floor<br />

podaleko : adv. , rather far<br />

:<br />

j^odanik m., subject (people)<br />

podariti : to : podrobnost f., detail<br />

: podrobno adv., in detail<br />

: podrum m., cellar<br />

podrueJan, -Sna, -5no : adj., subordinate<br />

: podstava, postava f., lining (of<br />

present, to give a<br />

clothes)<br />

: podstavljati, podstaviti to lin<br />

podug<br />

: m., detail, fact<br />

: to rebel, insurrect, rise<br />

: to cheat, deceive<br />

: adj., long enough<br />

poduzi : adj., longer<br />

poduziti : to lengthen<br />

poduzece : m., undertaking, enter-<br />

prise<br />

poduzeti<br />

take<br />

: (poduzmem) to under*<br />

poialiti se : to complain<br />

pozar : m., fire (house on fire)<br />

: poiedi (poieiem) to burn, set fire<br />

to<br />

pozuda<br />

: f., desire, eagerness, greed<br />

po Sudan, -dna, -dno : adj., desir-<br />

ous, greedy<br />

: poiudnost f., desire, greed, cupidity<br />

pozuriti se : to hurry,<br />

: adv., behind<br />

hasten<br />

pozadi<br />

a time<br />

pozadugo : adv., too long<br />

: pozaimanje n., loan<br />

: to lend<br />

pozaimati, pozajmiti<br />

: pozajmenik m., lender<br />

: pozajmica f., loan<br />

Pronounce : dj, dz, as j in James ; as in measure ; j as y in you ;<br />

Ij as li in million ; nj as m in opinion ; 6, 6, as ch in church ; u as oo<br />

in room ; h as ch in loch ; c as ts in cats ; s as sh in shout.

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