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pec] 45 [pla<br />

: pecenica f., peSenka, f., pefienje,<br />

n., roast beef, roast meat<br />

pecurka : f., mushroom<br />

: pe&idija f., infantry<br />

: pesak, pesac m., foot-soldier, infantry-man,<br />

pedestrian<br />

peaiti : to : pisac m., author, writer<br />

: pisme (pismena) n., letter, character<br />

; veliko p., capital letter ;<br />

malo p., small letter<br />

pismen, -a, -o .- adj., in writing, able<br />

to write<br />

walk, go on foot pismo<br />

pea6k, -i, -a, -o : adj., walking, on<br />

: n., letter; sveto pismo,<br />

the Holy Scriptures ; krSteno<br />

foot<br />

: peske adv., on foot<br />

peskir : m., towel<br />

: piva f., pivo, n., beer<br />

pivar : m., brewer<br />

pivara : f., brewery, beer-house<br />

: pivnica f., cellar<br />

: f., leech<br />

pijavica<br />

pijan, -a, -o : adj., drunk, tipsy;<br />

pijan kao zemlja, dead drunk<br />

pijanac : m., pijanica, f., drunkard<br />

: pijanstvo n., drunkenness<br />

: pijac m., pijaca, f., market-place<br />

: pijuk m., pick, pickaxe<br />

pila : f., file<br />

: pilav m., pilaf (Turkish<br />

rice and mutton)<br />

dish of<br />

pilad, pilei : m., poultry /<br />

pile : n., fowl (chicken)<br />

: pilence n., chick<br />

: piliti to file, to saw<br />

pilidi : m., pi., chicken, fowl<br />

pilica<br />

: f., hen<br />

: pilotina, piljevina f., sawdust<br />

pionir : m., pioneer, sapper<br />

pipati : to feel, to grope<br />

pipajuci (u mraku) : groping<br />

pipun : m;, sweet melon<br />

: piramida f., pyramid<br />

: pirac m., bat<br />

.- pirinaC m., rice<br />

: piriti to blow<br />

pisalac : m., author, writer<br />

pisaljka, : pisaljica f., pencil, slate-<br />

pencil<br />

: pisanje n., writing, composition<br />

pisar : m., secretary, clerk<br />

pisarnica : f., bureau, counter<br />

pisr.ti : (piiem) to write, compose;<br />

pismo, certificate of baptism<br />

: pismonosa m., postman<br />

pitak, -tka, -tko : adj., drinkable<br />

: pitanje n., question, problem<br />

: pitati to ask, question, interrogate<br />

: piti (pijem) to drink<br />

pitljiv, -a, -o : adj., curious<br />

: pitljivost f., curiosity<br />

pitom, -a, -o : adj., tame, cultivated<br />

pitomac, -mca : m., scholar (founda-<br />

tion)<br />

: pitomiti to tame<br />

: pica f., food, forage<br />

: pi6e n., drink<br />

: pisaca f., pisanjak, m., urine<br />

pisati, piskati : to pass water<br />

: f., fife, whistle-<br />

pistalica, pistaljka<br />

pipe<br />

: pitolj m., pistol<br />

: pjenije n., chant<br />

plav, -a, -o : adj., blue, blonde, fair<br />

: plaviti, plimati to flood, inundate<br />

plavka, plavojka : f., a fair woman<br />

: plavljenje n., flood, inundation<br />

: plajvaz m., pencil<br />

plakati (plaCem) : to weep, cry<br />

pi am : m., flame<br />

plamtetirto flame, flare<br />

: plamen m., flame<br />

plamen, plamenast, -a, -o, plamenit.<br />

-a, -o : adj., flaming<br />

planina : f., mountain range<br />

: planinac m., mountaineer<br />

: planinka f., mountaineer,<br />

guide<br />

:<br />

planinski j., mountainous<br />

: plast m., hay-stack, heap<br />

: plastid m., hay-cock<br />

: plata f., pay, wages, stipend<br />

platiti : to pay<br />

: n., linen, cloth<br />

girl-<br />

dobro, rdjavo, ditko, well, badly,<br />

I<br />

legibly<br />

platno<br />

Pronounce : dj, d, as j in James ; i as in measure ; j as y in you ;<br />

Ij as li in million ; nj as ni in opinion ; 6, 6, as ch in church ; u as oo<br />

in room h ; as ch in loch ; c as ta in cats 6 ; as ih in shout.

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