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tha] 243 [tbo<br />

thankfulness : n., zahvalnost, blagodarnost,<br />

f.<br />

thick : adj., debeo, -bela, -belo,<br />

: thanksgiving n., blagodarenje, n.<br />

that : dera. pron., onaj, ona, ono ;<br />

is, to jest ; what is to me ?<br />

Sto se to mene tie ? at time,<br />

u ono vreme ; rel. pron., koji,<br />

gust ; skinned, adj., debele<br />

koze ; skull, n., tupoglavac,<br />

m.<br />

thicken : v., zagustiti, u&niti da<br />

bude deblje, debljati<br />

thickness : n., debljina, gustina,<br />

koja, koje; conj., da, Sto, jer<br />

thatch : n., slamka, slamara, f.<br />

f.<br />

thief:<br />

m.<br />

n., lopov, kradljivac, -vca,<br />

thieve : v., krasti (kradem)<br />

thievish : adj., kradljiv, lopovski<br />

: thigh n., bedro, n.<br />

thimble : n., naprstak, m. ; kocka<br />

thaw: v., otapati, otopiti ; it ia<br />

thawing, kopni, jugovina je<br />

thaw : n., otapanje, n. ; jugovina,<br />

f. ; silver<br />

the : def. art.<br />

, n., poledica, f.<br />

There is no definite<br />

article in Serbian<br />

theatre : n., pozoriSte, kazaliste,<br />

n. ;<br />

vojiSte,<br />

of war, n., ratiste,<br />

n.<br />

theatrical : adj., pozoriSni<br />

thee : pron., tebe, tebi ; to say<br />

and thou, v., tikati se<br />

theft : n., kradja, lopovluk, m.<br />

their : pron., njihov, -a, -o<br />

them : pron., njima, njih ; all of<br />

, svi oni<br />

themselves : pron., se, sebe, sami<br />

sebe, oni saini<br />

then : adv., onda, tada, zatim ;<br />

now and , katkad, kad i kad ;<br />

since , od onda ; till , do<br />

tada<br />

thence : adv., odatle, odande,<br />

thin : adj., mrsav, -a, -o, suv, tanak.<br />

-nka, -nko<br />

thine: pron., tvoj, tvoja, tvoje<br />

thing : n., stvar, f. ; predmet, m. ;<br />

things, n., stvari, poslovi, roba,<br />

f. ; (clothes) haljine, f., pi. ; that<br />

is quite another , to je sasvim<br />

nesto drugo<br />

think : v., misliti, umiti, razmis-<br />

dakle<br />

: theology n., bogoslovlje, n.<br />

: theory n., teorija, nacela, f.<br />

therapeutics : n., nauka o lecenju, f.<br />

there : adv., onde, onamo, tu,<br />

tamo ; I shall go , idem onamo ;<br />

and back, onamo i natrag ;<br />

is, are, je, irna in ; , utome,<br />

unutra ; out , onde vani<br />

therefore : adv. and conj., zato,<br />

radi toga, dakle, tako<br />

thermal : adj., topal, -pla, -plo ;<br />

Ijati<br />

baths, n., toplice, f., pi.<br />

thermometer : n., termometar, m.<br />

these : pron., ovi, ove, ova<br />

: they oni, one, ona who, oni<br />

koji ; say, govore, govori se<br />

; of, pasti na um (padnem)<br />

; nothing of, ne mariti,<br />

prezirati ; (impers); it seems to<br />

me, cini mi se<br />

third : n., tre6ina, f. ; adj., treci,<br />

-6a, -6e ; time, tre6i put, m.<br />

class, trede klaae, f.<br />

: thirdly adv., trece<br />

thirst : n., zedja, f.<br />

thirsty : adj., zedan, -dna, -dno<br />

thirteen : num. trinaest<br />

: thirty num. trideset<br />

this : pron., ovaj, ovo, taj, ta, to ;<br />

or that, ovo ili ono ; like ,<br />

ovako ; day, danas ; adj.,<br />

danaSnji ; evening, veceras ;<br />

year's, adj., ovogodisnji<br />

thistle : n., fikalj, stridak, m.<br />

thither : adv., ovamo, tamo ;<br />

hither and , tamo amo<br />

thorn : n., trn, m. ; bodljika, f.<br />

thorough : adj., potpun ; thoroughly,<br />

adv., sasvim, posve, potpuno<br />

thoroughbred : adj., cistokrvan,<br />

-vna, -vno<br />

Pronounce : dj, At, as j in James ; i as s in measure ; j as y in you ;<br />

Ij as /j in million ; nj as m in opinion ; 6, 6, as ch in church ; u ad oo<br />

in room ; h as ch in loch ; c as ts in cats ; s as h in ehout.

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