Dislocation Model of Grain Boundaries Hirth and Lothe : chapter 19 ...

Dislocation Model of Grain Boundaries Hirth and Lothe : chapter 19 ...

Dislocation Model of Grain Boundaries Hirth and Lothe : chapter 19 ...


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<strong>Dislocation</strong> <strong>Model</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Grain</strong> <strong>Boundaries</strong><br />

<strong>Hirth</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Lothe</strong> : <strong>chapter</strong> <strong>19</strong><br />

<strong>Grain</strong> boundaries can be constructed by placing the two misoriented crystal<br />

together along the desired grain boundary place rigidly in a st<strong>and</strong>ard reference<br />

position <strong>and</strong> then relaxing the entire ensemble.<br />

In this process, the atoms in the boundary region will relax their positions to<br />

minimize the total energy by a rigid body translation without rotation ( )<br />

In general, eight geometric parameters are required to give a complete<br />

macroscopic specification <strong>of</strong> a grain boundary<br />

3 parameters - crystal orientation<br />

2 parameters - orientation <strong>of</strong> boundary<br />

3 parameters - rigid translation <strong>of</strong> crystal 2 with respect to crystal 1.<br />

: rotation axis<br />

θ<br />

The orientation <strong>of</strong> the boundary<br />

3 parameters<br />

a unit vector normal to the boundary plane

2 parameters<br />

has 3 components 3 parameters<br />

Tilt boundary : boundary plane is parallel to ( )<br />

Twist boundary : boundary plane is perpendicular to<br />

mixed boundary : intermediate case<br />

( )<br />

simple boundaries<br />

a) (100) symmetric tilt boundary<br />

: dislocation separation distance<br />

In tilt boundary tilt angle θ is fixed then will be fixed<br />

All (100) planes intersecting the surface region<br />

within ABC must end as incomplete planes<br />

at the boundary<br />

number <strong>of</strong> incomplete planes<br />

mean separation between dislocations<br />

for small angle θ<br />

θ<br />

b) (100) non-symmetric tilt boundary<br />

θ<br />


φ : angle between the tilt boundary <strong>and</strong> symmetry boundary<br />

Two set <strong>of</strong> dislocations are required to construct even a simple boundary.<br />

In the present case, both (100) <strong>and</strong> (010) planes must terminate in the boundary,<br />

thus dislocations <strong>of</strong> both sets <strong>and</strong> are present<br />

similarly<br />

ψ<br />

θ<br />

θ ψ<br />

ψ<br />

θ θ<br />

θ ψ<br />

arbitrary large angle boundary<br />

Frank's formula<br />

recall definition <strong>of</strong> Burgers vector in perfect reference crystal<br />

Net dislocation density in an arbitrary small angle boundary<br />

consider a wall containing several sets <strong>of</strong> dislocations<br />

in each set dislocations<br />

parallel<br />

every spaced<br />

same burgers vector<br />


: a vector in the GB in terms <strong>of</strong> crystallographic coordinates <strong>of</strong> grain<br />

A<br />

: the same vector in terms <strong>of</strong> crystallographic coordinates <strong>of</strong> grain B<br />

if there should be no in the wall, <strong>and</strong> should be identical<br />

In terms <strong>of</strong> sets <strong>of</strong> dislocations<br />

-<br />

: number <strong>of</strong> dislocations <strong>of</strong> burgers vector cut by<br />

The above equation valid for wall <strong>of</strong> dislocations<br />

If has positive component along ξ ( : a unit normal to the boundary<br />

pointing from grain A to grain B )<br />

a dislocation cut by is counted as a positive contribution to<br />

If the dislocation wall is true grain boundary crystal B is merely rotated with<br />

respect to crystal A <strong>and</strong> not deformed.<br />

For small angle rotation<br />

θ ( : a unit vector along axis <strong>of</strong> rotation)<br />

θ should be small, θ θ<br />

θ -<br />

equation <strong>and</strong> : Frank's formula

Arbitrary large-angle boundary<br />

The same as previous case<br />

burgers circuit<br />

Take circuit in right h<strong>and</strong>ed manner about<br />

In fig <strong>19</strong>-18 (a)<br />

A crystal : rotation θ from reference crystal<br />

B crystal : rotation θ from reference crystal<br />

: in boundary plane<br />

<strong>and</strong> = rotation by θ <strong>and</strong> θ with respect to<br />

θ θ θ<br />

Burgers circuit in fig. b closure failure<br />

in fig. b the same as equation<br />

For a given grain boundary, reference crystal can be oriented such that the grain<br />

boundary is produced by rotations θ θ θ ( fig. c)

then<br />

rotation matrix for A <br />

<br />

<br />

rotation matrix for B <br />

<br />

<br />

From equation Frank's formula<br />

θ<br />

θ θ <br />

<br />

θ θ<br />

<br />

θ θ <br />

<br />

θ θ<br />

<br />

θ θ θ θ<br />

θ θ θ θ<br />

θ θ θ

<strong>Dislocation</strong> spacing in the boundary<br />

By introduction <strong>of</strong> a reciprocal vector notation, Frank's formula for general GB<br />

can be reduced to convenient parametric expressions for dislocation density<br />

: dislocation spacing between boundary dislocation<br />

: number <strong>of</strong> dislocation/unit length in directioni normal to ξ<br />

ξ : sense vector <strong>of</strong> dislocation type<br />

: reciprocal vector lying in the boundary <strong>and</strong> perpendicular to ξ<br />

ξ<br />

ξ<br />

Determination <strong>of</strong> for a given <strong>and</strong><br />

from <strong>and</strong><br />

θ<br />

θ -<br />

-<br />

If this equation is satisfied for two independent direction <strong>of</strong> , it is satisfied for<br />

all in the boundary.<br />

With a given <strong>and</strong> , equation constitute 6 equations for determination<br />

<strong>of</strong> values <strong>of</strong><br />

For the case <strong>of</strong> 3 sets <strong>of</strong> dislocations with independent Burgers vectors, 3<br />

value represent 6 unknowns (as each has two components in the boundary)<br />

Thus for 3 independent , can be uniquely defined.

This is equivalent to considering a mixed boundary as a mixture <strong>of</strong> a tilt<br />

boundary<br />

(1 set) <strong>and</strong> a twist boundary (2 sets)<br />

Given <strong>and</strong> 3 independent , the solution for is as follows<br />

Define reciprocal lattice vector as<br />

δ<br />

multiplying equation by gives<br />

Since is any vector in the boundary, is component <strong>of</strong> in the<br />

boundary<br />

Note that the long range stress fields <strong>of</strong> the primary dislocations essentially fall<br />

to zero at distances from the boundary larger than about the wavelength <strong>of</strong> the<br />


<strong>Grain</strong> boundary energy<br />

Read <strong>and</strong> Shockley (<strong>19</strong>50)<br />

assume<br />

small angle symmetric tilt boundary<br />

isotropic (elastically)<br />

dislocation spacing<br />

for small θ<br />

θ θ<br />

energy/unit length <strong>of</strong> edge disloaction<br />

μ<br />

π ν<br />

: extent <strong>of</strong> dislocation stress field<br />

μ<br />

π ν θ<br />

number <strong>of</strong> dislocation/unit length

: energy/unit area <strong>of</strong> boundary<br />

θ<br />

π ν θ<br />

μ<br />

π ν<br />

π ν<br />

μ<br />

for twist boundary<br />

μ<br />

π<br />

π<br />

μ<br />

θ<br />

θ θ γ<br />

When the boundary contains several arrays <strong>of</strong> dislocations the same form <strong>of</strong><br />

γ can be expected<br />

consider the symmetric tilt boundary<br />

: energy associated with a strip<br />

( )<br />

suppose boundary misorientation decreases by θ , leading to increases in <strong>and</strong><br />

given by<br />

θ<br />


change <strong>of</strong><br />

If dislocation spacing is large enough , does not change<br />

: volume <strong>of</strong> strip increases but elastic energy density decreases<br />

elastic energy density (elastic strain) 2<br />

elastic energy density<br />

cylindrical element <strong>of</strong> area<br />

: stress in this region depends on only the included dislocation<br />

elastic energy density does not change<br />

radius <strong>of</strong> the cylinder<br />

The elastic stress field in the increased area<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> radius <strong>of</strong> the cylinder :<br />

increase <strong>of</strong> area <strong>of</strong> slip plane by<br />

stress in any point : τ<br />

work done τ<br />

τ τ<br />

integration <strong>of</strong> the above equation<br />

τ θ<br />

energy/unit area <strong>of</strong> boundary γ<br />

γ τ θ θ<br />

If boundary contains more than one array <strong>of</strong> dislocations<br />

the arrays should be considered.<br />

interaction between<br />

From above, interaction energy contributes only to elastic strain energy for<br />

each array<br />

The interaction energy absorbed into the constants <strong>of</strong> integration<br />

Then, γ θ θ<br />

θ<br />


In this derivation - is uniformly spaced<br />

(This is possible, dislocation spacing corresponds to some crystal repeat distance)<br />

Uniformly spaced dislocations occur only at particular misorientation.<br />

For intermediate angles, irregularities in dislocation spacings introduce additional<br />

terms in energy (a partial type dislocation)<br />

For small derivation δθ from the nearest rational angle θ<br />

(for rotation about axis in cubic crystal<br />

extra energy is <strong>of</strong> order<br />

δθ<br />

δθ ( Burgers vector : )<br />

δθ , slope<br />

γ<br />

θ<br />

becomes infinite

The above treatment is valid only for low angle boundary (10 15°)<br />

Wolf's observation<br />

Computer simulation for relaxed grain boundary energy at 0 K.<br />

for several series <strong>of</strong> boundary, tilt <strong>and</strong> twist angle varied.<br />

common features as follows<br />

Read-Shockley formula fitted very well to the calculated results for the entire<br />

misorientation range when θ was replaced to θ.<br />

γ θ θ θ<br />

according to Frank's formula, at large angle θ,

θ can be replaced as<br />

θ but no θ

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