NEWSLETTER MAY 2013.pdf - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach ...

NEWSLETTER MAY 2013.pdf - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach ...

NEWSLETTER MAY 2013.pdf - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach ...


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Getting my weight under control has come from a process of treating myself as well as I treat others in<br />

every way.<br />

-Oprah Winfrey<br />

Dear Reader,<br />

Consciously In Balance<br />

For Conscious People Who Prefer a Life In Balance – May Edition<br />

As we enter a new season, with (finally) sunny weather upon us in Europe, we all get into our summer mood.<br />

We want to enjoy the sun as much as possible, as well as our well-deserved holidays somewhere by the beach<br />

or a nice cool swimming pool, or cycling in the mountains, etc. And then we see the weight the body has put on<br />

during the winter period, from toxins the body wasn’t able to deal with at that time… We want to lose those extra<br />

kilo’s, so we again look great when showing ourselves to the world. Isn’t that right? Before you rush off into one<br />

or another crash-diet, please read through this newsletter first.<br />

Additionally, to help you to achieve a more healthy lifestyle, where you love yourself, those around you, as well<br />

as the food you eat, please read on as I am offering a great discount in this newsletter for you!<br />

Why Weight? Diets Don’t Work<br />

You can’t turn on the TV, drive down the road or go to a party without being confronted<br />

with most of Europe’s hottest obsession: weight. Diets are a billion-dollar industry;<br />

companies spend millions and millions luring you to try the latest diet (low carb, high<br />

protein, low fat, no fat, you name it) with promises that this will (finally!) be the solution—<br />

your shortcut to a thinner body. Advertising efforts also deeply affect our children, who<br />

develop distorted body images and are often on diets as early as nine or 10 years of<br />

age.<br />

Our culture touts diet pills, celebrity workouts, convenience foods and trendy diets to<br />

help us achieve our desired weight, but these quick-fix solutions have backfired.<br />

Europe’s populace has reached its highest weight in history. A lot of Europeans are<br />

overweight, investigations reveal that one quarter of our European children are<br />

overweight or obese. It is expected that every year another million will be added to that figure, of which more<br />

than 300.000 children will become obese! Diets steer us away from our common sense and dip deeply into our<br />

pocketbooks while eliciting few, if any, lasting results. Why?<br />

Diets don’t work because each person is unique, with different needs based on gender, age, ancestry<br />

and lifestyle; how could one diet be right for everyone?<br />

Diets don’t work because they are extreme solutions. As in physics, if a pendulum swings to one<br />

extreme, it has to swing equally to the other. A diet might work for a short amount of time, but research<br />

shows that almost all diets result in a 10-pound gain once off the diet.<br />

Diets don’t work because they are too restrictive. People who fail on diet plans are not flawed or weak.<br />

Diets by nature require discipline and restriction at levels that are unsustainable by a healthy human<br />

body.<br />

Diets usually are the cause of nutritional imbalances which are created. They may not be visible at first,<br />

but later one often develops illnesses which were caused by (one of) the diet(s) in the first place.<br />

Most people are disconnected from why they gain weight and see diet as the only culprit. For example,<br />

ignoring or discounting emotions is often the first thing to cause weight imbalances.<br />

In our fast-paced world, we have lost sight of many aspects of life that truly nourish and balance our bodies,<br />

such as slowing down, eating a home-cooked meal, spending quality time with loving people, surrounding<br />

© <strong>Integrative</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>

oneself with people that have a positive influence on one’s life, etc. Eating consciously and making simple<br />

lifestyle changes (without all the suffering and craving that goes along with dieting) will create positive results<br />

and release you from the endless cycle of dieting.<br />

Given half a chance, your body will balance out by itself, but this is only possible by getting out of the diet<br />

mentality and listening to what you truly need. Imagine taking all of the outward energy you expend on diets,<br />

fads and gimmicks and turning it inward, so that you can listen to your heart and inner wisdom. There is no such<br />

thing as a quick fix; you already have everything you need within you. With careful thought and loving reflection,<br />

you can feed yourself in a nourishing way. Working with your body rather than against it will bring you increased<br />

energy, stabilized weight and sustainable health.<br />

Food Focus: Sprouts<br />

In the spring season, seeds flaunt their vitality and energy by sprouting. Sprouts of all varieties contain the<br />

building blocks of life in the form of vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and simple sugars. In their early growth<br />

state, sprouts are very easy to digest, allowing our bodies to access many wonderful nutrients. Recent research<br />

by the American Cancer Society has backed what holistic nutrition has known for years: that sprouts contain<br />

anti-cancer properties, high levels of active antioxidants, concentrated amounts of phytochemicals and<br />

significant amounts of vitamins A, C and D.<br />

In their raw form, sprouts have a cooling effect on the body, and therefore are best consumed in warm weather<br />

or by robust, warm body types. Those who tend to feel cool can try steaming spouts or adding them to warm<br />

dishes such as stir-fries and soups, to reduce the cooling effect. There is a wide<br />

variety of edible and delicious sprouts, each with a different texture and flavor:<br />

alfalfa, mung bean, lentil, radish, clover, sunflower, broccoli, garbanzo and adzuki.<br />

Here are some great ways to serve up sprouts:<br />

Add to salads.<br />

Combine with other vegetables in wraps, roll-ups or stir-fries.<br />

Use as garnish on top of soups, stews, omelets or scrambled eggs.<br />

Add to rice or whole-grain dishes.<br />

Use in sandwiches instead of lettuce.<br />

Spring has arrived! Eat sprouts and feel alive!<br />

The sun is out: Vitamin D and sunscreen<br />

With a scare created on skin cancer and the possible link with sunbathing without sunscreen, many people have<br />

been using sunscreen inappropriately, unknowingly creating a problem for themselves by not getting enough<br />

sun to make sufficient Vitamin D in the body. With far-reaching consequences!<br />

About 40 years ago is when our problem with regards to this subject started. At that point the cosmetics industry<br />

realized it could increase sales by going beyond beauty issues to target health concerns, put sunscreen into<br />

beauty products and then scared people into believing that any sunlight is dangerous.<br />

While it appears to be possible that too much sun may indeed cause cell carcinoma, there’s overwhelming<br />

evidence that the sun both causes common skin cancer and prevents internal cancers. While getting frequent<br />

sunburns, especially as a child, does increase the risk of malignant melanoma, few people know that frequent<br />

sun exposure, without burning, actually decreases melanoma risk. Nor do most people know that melanoma are<br />

most likely to occur on areas of the body not chronically exposed to sunlight, such as the back and upper legs.<br />

So, how much sun do we need to get sufficient Vitamin D?<br />

The wisest course is to get safe, reasonable, and regular full-body sun exposure during the warm months and<br />

either judiciously use sun tanning parlors or supplements in the winter, recognizing that scientists and doctors<br />

don’t know everything.<br />

One should be out in the sun, around noon is best, or at least at a time when your shadow is shorter than you<br />

are, without sunscreen for about 15-30 minutes with as much bare of your body as possible. The important thing<br />

© <strong>Integrative</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>

is to not get sunburned! For some this will mean less time at first, and slowly increasing it as the body gets used<br />

to being in the sun. If you then want to continue to be in the sun, use sunscreen or cover your body up with<br />

clothes, so no sunburn occurs.<br />

One may also be able to help the body to not burn so easily by taking supplements. Someone who took 5.000IU<br />

of vitamin D for a year before starting to sun-tan, found that she did not burn so easily early in the year, like she<br />

usually did. She also developed a dark rich tan, to the envy of many of her friends.<br />

(Source: Athlete’s Edge, Faster-Quicker-Stronger with Vitamin D, by John Cannell)<br />

<strong>Health</strong>y Dark Chocolate<br />

In my last newsletter I wrote about the possible health benefits of healthy dark<br />

chocolate, as well as my own personal experience while using it. I offered the<br />

first 25 to respond a free bag of healthy chocolates, remember? Well, the<br />

response was a huge success! My apologies for anyone who fell out of the boat<br />

and was too late to get their free bag of healthy chocolates. Because of the huge<br />

success, I am offering a 20% discount for the rest of this month only on the<br />

price of a trial bag. The normal price is 44€ (including transport costs). The<br />

discount price is only 39,60€.<br />

What do you get for this? You get a 14-day supply of the various healthy chocolates, so you can experience the<br />

health benefits of it for yourself.<br />

Interested? Please let me know on http://www.mxi.myvoffice.com/ilsevandewiele/Feedback.html<br />

and we will arrange for you to get your very own trial bag!<br />

Recipe of the Month: Detoxifying Juice<br />

Prep Time: 5 minutes<br />

Blend Time: 1 minute<br />

Yield: 1 serving<br />

This one can be drunk to help you detoxify the body from the winter<br />

toxins, or whenever you don’t feel so good. Whilst detoxifying, it also<br />

is a great refreshing drink!<br />

Ingredients:<br />

2 apples<br />

120 grams of peeled honeydew melon, cut in squares<br />

¼ cucumber<br />

50 grams of watercress<br />

50 grams of wheatgrass (can be grown by yourself – see The Wheatgrass<br />

Book by Ann Wigmore)<br />

Directions:<br />

Juice all of the above ingredients. Serve immediately.<br />

Cheers!<br />

Free Consultation<br />

Have you become inspired by this newsletter? Are you a parent wanting to stay young as long as possible and<br />

finding ways to age healthy and gracefully, while also finding out more healthy ways of living for your children? I<br />

may be able to help you. As I value you, as reader of my newsletter very highly, I offer you a free health<br />

consultation. If you are interested, please contact me: consciously.in.balance@gmail.com so we can schedule<br />

one right away!<br />

Free Kangen Water – free information<br />

Are you looking for a good source of healthy ionized water? You can freely try out Kangen Water and pick up as<br />

© <strong>Integrative</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>

many bottles as you can carry from Ninove, Nieuwerkerken (near Aalst), Oordegem or Oudenaarde. There<br />

are addresses in each of these places where you can pick up free Kangen water. Just drop me a line and I’ll<br />

send you the exact address!<br />

If you wonder what it exactly the water does, if you have questions, would like to get some to try or want to order<br />

a machine for yourself, don’t hesitate to send me a question at the following e-mail address:<br />

consciously.in.balance@gmail.com and I will send you the required information.<br />

Forward to a Friend<br />

It’s such a pleasure to help those closest to us become happier and healthier. Please feel free to forward this<br />

newsletter to friends, family members or colleagues who might be interested and inspired by it. Any questions,<br />

guest articles or feedback are also very welcome!<br />

To a more healthier you!<br />

Ilse De Kegel-Van de Wiele<br />

Certified Holistic <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Coach</strong><br />

www.consciously-in-balance.com<br />

Thank you for Liking me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/ConsciouslyInBalance<br />

LinkedIn: be.linkedin.com/pub/ilse-van-de-wiele/17/3a6/b03<br />

Follow me on Twitter: ilske1972<br />

Blog: http://consciouslyinbalance.wordpress.com<br />

2nd website: http://www.mxi.myvoffice.com/ilsevandewiele/<br />

Add to mailing list: If you know someone who would like to receive this monthly newsletter, you can inform me of this by sending an e-mail<br />

with the text “newsletter Consciously In Balance” and the e-mail address to consciously.in.balance@gmail.com and he/she will be added to<br />

the list.<br />

Unsubscribe: If you do not wish to receive any further newsletters from Consciously In Balance, please let me know by sending an e-mail, stating<br />

“unsubscribe newsletter Consciously In Balance” to: consciously.in.balance@gmail.com<br />

© <strong>Integrative</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong>

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