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Όλνκα: Γηώξγνο Κσλ/λνο Παπαδήκαο<br />

Γηεύζπλζε: Γακάξεσο 25, Παγθξάηη<br />

Τειέθσλν: 213-0056798<br />

Κηλ. Τειέθσλν: 6947650825<br />

E-mail address: gkpapad@yahoo.gr<br />

Ηκεξνκελία γέλλεζεο: 6 Ινπιίνπ 1973<br />

Ιζαγέλεηα: Διιεληθή<br />

Σηξαηησηηθή ζεηεία: Δθπιήξσζε Σηξαηησηηθήο ζεηείαο ζηελ Πνιεκηθή Αεξνπνξία<br />


Ιατρική ΢τολή Πανεπιστημίοσ Αθηνών, Δργαστήριο Πειραματικής<br />

Φαρμακολογίας (3/02-7/07)<br />

Δθπόλεζε δηδαθηνξηθήο δηαηξηβήο κε ζέκα: «Ο ξόινο ηεο ζεξνηνλίλεο<br />

ζηελ εμέιημε ηεο επαηηθήο αλαγέλλεζεο κεηά από κεξηθή επαηεθηνκή<br />

ζε επίκπο» θαη γεληθό βαζκό “Άξηζηα"<br />

Ιατρική ΢τολή Πανεπιστημίοσ Πατρών (9/93-7/99)<br />

Δηζαγσγή ζηελ Ιαηξηθή Σρνιή ηνπ Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Παηξώλ κέζσ παλειιελίσλ<br />

εμεηάζεσλ θαη απνθνίηεζε κε γεληθό βαζκό “Λίαλ Καιώο"<br />


Υπνηξνθία Διιεληθήο Νεπξνινγηθήο Δηαηξείαο (2008)<br />

Δξεπλεηηθό Πξόγξακκα “Ηξάθιεηηνο” Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Αζελώλ, γηα ηελ εθπόλεζε<br />

δηδαθηνξηθήο δηαηξηβήο (2002)<br />


6/2011-12/2011: Νεπξνινγηθή Κιηληθή Παλεπηζηεκίνπ Μνλάρνπ, Γεξκαλία (Ludwig<br />

Maximilians Universitat)<br />


11/2008 – ζήκεξα: Δπηζηεκνληθόο Σπλεξγάηεο Α’ Νεπξνινγηθήο Κιηληθήο Παλεπηζηεκίνπ<br />

Αζελώλ<br />

11/04-8/08: Δηδηθεπόκελνο Ιαηξόο ζηε Νεπξνινγηθή Κιηληθή ηνπ Αηγηλεηείνπ<br />

Ννζνθνκείνπ<br />

11/02-5/03: Δηδηθεπόκελνο Ιαηξόο ζην Γεξνςπρηαηξηθό ηκήκα ηνπ<br />

Ψπρηαηξηθνύ Ννζνθνκείνπ Αηηηθήο (Γαθλί)<br />

7/01-7/02: Υπεξεζία Υπαίζξνπ ζηε Μνλάδα Τερλεηνύ Νεθξνύ ηνπ<br />

Ννκαξρηαθνύ Ννζνθνκείνπ Κππαξηζζίαο<br />

8/00-5/01: Δηδηθεπόκελνο Ιαηξόο ζηε Β’ Παζνινγηθή Κιηληθή ηνπ 251<br />

Γ.Ν.Α. (Γεληθό Ννζνθνκείν Αεξνπνξίαο)<br />


12th EUSI-ESO Stroke Summer School, Lausanne (6/2008)<br />

4 th Pompe Disease expert day, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam<br />

(6/2007)<br />

Καλόλεο Γηεμαγσγήο θαη Πξαθηηθά Θέκαηα Κιηληθώλ Γνθηκώλ, Omega Mediation -<br />

Clinical Research Services (11/2006)<br />

A.T.L.S. (Advanced Trauma Life Support) από ην “American College of Surgeons<br />

Committee on Trauma” (6/2001)<br />

Σεκηλάξην Δμεηδηθεπκέλεο Καξδηναλαπλεπζηηθήο Αλαδσνγόλεζεο από ηελ Διιεληθή<br />

Δηαηξεία Καξδηνπλεπκνληθήο Αλαδσνγόλεζεο (11/2000)<br />



Σπκκεηνρή ζηε κεηάθξαζε ηνπ βηβιίνπ Duus – Δληνπηζηηθή Γηάγλσζε ζηε<br />

Νεπξνινγία, Ιαηξηθέο Δθδόζεηο Κσλζηαληάξα, ΑΘΗΝΑ, 2009<br />

Grypioti A.D., Papadimas G.K., Papastefanou V.P., Mykoniatis M.G. A molecular<br />

view of liver regeneration: the role of hepatic stimulating factor (HSS), platelet<br />

activating factor (PAF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Current<br />

Research in Hepatology 1, pp:39-71, Research Media 2007<br />


Αγγιηθά (Proficiency of Cambridge)<br />

Γαιιηθά (Certificat)<br />

Γλώζε Η/Υ (ECDL)<br />


1. Terzis G., Krasse A., Papadimas G., Papadopoulos C., Kavouras S.A., Manta P.<br />

Effects of exercise training during infusion on late-onset Pompe disease patients<br />

receiving enzyme replacement therapy. Mol. Genet. Metab. 2012; 107:669-673.<br />

2. Papadimas G.K., Areovimata A., Papadopoulos C., Manta P. Re: consider muscle<br />

disease in children with elevated transaminase. J. Am. Board Fam. Med. 2012;<br />

25:937.<br />

3. Papadimas G., Terzis G., Papadopoulos C, Areovimatta A., Spengos K., Kavouras<br />

S., Manta P. Bone density in patients with late onset Pompe disease. Int. J.<br />

Endocrinol. Metab. 2012; 10:45-49.<br />

4. Kokotis P., Papadimas G.K. Electrophysiological contribution of both sensory<br />

branches of the superficial peroneal nerve in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy.<br />

Neurodiagn. J. 2012; 52:291-300.<br />

5. Kokotis P., Schmelz M., Papadimas G.K., Skopelitis E.E., Aroni K., Kordossis T.,<br />

Karandreas N. Polyneuropathy induced HIV disease and antiretroviral therapy. Clin.<br />

Neurophysiol. 2012; (Epub ahead of print).<br />

6. Papadimas G.K., Tzirogiannis K.N., Mykoniatis M.G., Grypioti A.D., Manta G.A.,<br />

Panoutsopoulos G.I. The emerging role of serotonin in liver regeneration. Swiss Med.<br />

Wkly. 2012; 142:w13548. (Review).<br />

7. Papadopoulos C., Papadimas G.K., Spengos K., Manta P.Pretreatment antibodies<br />

against acid α-glycosidase in a patient with late-onset Pompe disease. Muscle Nerve.<br />

2012; 45:452<br />

8. Papadimas G.K., Spengos K., Papadopoulos C., Manta P. Late onset glycogen<br />

storage disease type II: pitfalls in the diagnosis. Eur. Neurol. 2012; 67:65-68.<br />

9. Terzis G., Dimopoulos F., Papadimas G.K., Papadopoulos C., Spengos K., Fatouros<br />

I., Kavouras S.A., Manta P. Effect of aerobic and resistance exercise training on lateonset<br />

Pompe disease patients receiving enzyme replacement therapy. Mol. Genet.<br />

Metab. 2011; 104:279-283.<br />

10. Papadopoulos C., Papadimas G.K., Spengos K., Manta P. Bent spine syndrome in<br />

facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Muscle Nerve. 2011; 43:615.<br />

11. Papadimas G.K., Spengos K., Konstantinopoulou A., Vassilopoulou S., Vontzalidis<br />

A., Papadopoulos C., Michelakakis H., Manta P. Adult Pompe disease: clinical<br />

manifestations and outcome of the first Greek patients receiving enzyme replacement<br />

therapy. Clin. Neurol. Neurosurg. 2011; 113: 303-307.<br />

12. Vassilopoulou S., Paraskevas G.P., Anagnosotu E., Paapadimas G.K., Spengos K.<br />

Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in an adult with sickle β ν -thalassemia. Eur. J.<br />

Neurol. 2011; 18:e51.<br />

13. Andreadou E, Papadimas G.K., Sifakis N., Sfagos C. Corpus callosum infarct<br />

associated with combined variants in circle of Willis. Neurol. India. 2010; 58:785-786.<br />

14. Papadimas G.K., Terzis G., Methenitis S., Spengos K., Papadopoulos C.,<br />

Vassilopoulou S., Kavouras S., Michelakakis H., Manta P. Body composition analysis<br />

in late-onset Pompe disease. Mol. Genet. Metab. 2911; 102:41-43<br />

15. Papadimas G.K., Terzis G., Spengos K., Methenitis S., Papadopoulos<br />

C.,Vassilopoulou S., Manta P. Bone mineral density in adult patients with Pompe<br />

disease. Bone. 2011; 48:417<br />


16. Papadimas G.K., Terzis G., Papadopoulos C., Spengos K., Manta P. The<br />

importance of nutritional status in the prognosis of late onset Pompe disease. Mol.<br />

Genet. Metab. 2010; 100:389<br />

17. Papadimas G.K., Rentzos M., Zouvelou V., Kilidireas C., Konstantinopoulou A.,<br />

Kokotis P., Evdokimidis I. Superficial siderosis of CNS mimicking multiple sclerosis.<br />

Neurologist. 2009, 15: 153-155<br />

18. Andreadou E., Papadimas G., Sfagos C. A novel heterozygous mutation in the<br />

NOTCH3 gene causing CADASIL. Swiss Med. Wkly. 2008, 138:614-617<br />

19. Spengos K., Vassilopoulou S., Papadimas G., Tsivgoulis G., Karandreas N.,<br />

Zambelis T., Manta P. Dropped head syndrome as prominent clinical feature in<br />

MuSK-positive Myasthenia Gravis with thymus hyperplasia. Neuromuscul. Disord.<br />

2008, 18:175-178<br />

20. Tzirogiannis K.N., Demonakou M.D., Papadimas G.K., Skaltsas S.D., Manta G.A.,<br />

Kourenzi K.T., Alexandropoulou K.N., Hereti R.I., Mykoniatis M.G., Panoutsopoulos<br />

G.I. Effect of 5-HT2 receptor blockade on cadmium-induced acute toxicity. Dig. Dis.<br />

Sci. 2007, 52:2351-235.<br />

21. Tzirogiannis K.N., Papadimas G.K., Kondyli V.G., Kourentzi K.T., Demonakou M.D.,<br />

Kyriakou L.G., Mykoniatis M.G., Hereti R.I., Panoutsopoulos G.I. Peliosis hepatis:<br />

microscopic and macroscopic type, time pattern and correlation with liver cell<br />

apoptosis in a model of toxic liver injury. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2006, 51:1998-2006.<br />

22. Papadimas G.K., Tzirogiannis K.N., Panoutsopoulos G.I., Demonakou M.D.,<br />

Skaltsas S.D., Hereti R.I., Papadopoulou-Daifoti Z., Mykoniatis M.G. Effect of<br />

serotonin receptor 2 blockage on liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy in the<br />

rat liver. Liver Int. 2006, 26:352-361.<br />

23. Tzirogiannis K.N., Panoutsopoulos G.I., Papadimas G.K., Demonakou M.D., Hereti<br />

R.I., Manta G.A., Kourentzi K.T., Kondili V.G., Alexandropoulou K.N., Mykoniatis M.G.<br />

The effect of hepatic stimulator substance (HSS) on liver regeneration arrest induced<br />

by 5-HT2 receptor blockade. In Vivo. 2005, 19:841-847.<br />

24. Tzirogiannis K.N., Papadimas G.K., Kourentzi K.T., Kondili V.G., Androutsos C.D.,<br />

Hereti R.I., Triantaphyllou M.I., Panoutsopoulos G.I. The role of hepatic stimulator<br />

substance (HSS) on liver regeneration arrest induced by cadmium. In Vivo. 2005,<br />

19:695-704.<br />

25. Grypioti A.D., Theocharis S.E., Papadimas G.K., Demopoulos C.A., Papadopoulou-<br />

Daifoti Z., Basayiannis A.C., Mykoniatis M.G. Platelet-activating factor (PAF)<br />

involvement in acetaminophen-induced liver toxicity and regeneration. Arch. Toxicol.<br />

2005, 79:466-474.<br />

26. Kondili V.G., Tzirogiannis K.N., Androutsos C.D., Papadimas G.K., Demonakou<br />

M.D., Hereti R.I., Manta G.A., Kourentzi K.T., Triantaphyllou M.I., Panoutsopoulos<br />

G.I. The hepatoprotective effect of hepatic stimulator substance (HSS) against liver<br />

regeneration arrest induced by acute ethanol intoxication. Dig. Dis. Sci. 2005, 50:297-<br />

307.<br />

27. Tzirogiannis K.N., Panoutsopoulos G.I., Demonakou M.D., Papadimas G.K., Kondili<br />

V.G., Kourentzi K.T., Hereti R.I., Mykoniatis M.G. The hepatoprotective effect of<br />

putrescine against cadmium-induced acute liver injury. Arch. Toxicol. 2004, 78:321-<br />

329<br />

Σπκκεηνρή ζε πνιιά ζπλέδξηα (ειιεληθά, επξσπατθά, παγθόζκηα) κε αλαξηεκέλε<br />

αλαθνίλσζε ή πξνθνξηθή νκηιία<br />


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