pSOSystem System Calls - Read

pSOSystem System Calls - Read

pSOSystem System Calls - Read


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All <strong>pSO<strong>System</strong></strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>Calls</strong> Tables of <strong>System</strong> <strong>Calls</strong><br />

TABLE A-1 All <strong>pSO<strong>System</strong></strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>Calls</strong> (Continued)<br />

Name Component Description Page<br />

isupper pREPC+ Tests for an uppercase letter. 3-84<br />

isxdigit pREPC+ Tests for a hexadecimal digit. 3-85<br />

k_fatal pSOS+ Aborts and enters fatal error handling mode. 1-40<br />

k_terminate pSOS+ Terminates a node other than the master<br />

node.<br />

labs pREPC+ Computes the absolute value of a long integer.<br />

ldiv pREPC+ Performs a division operation on two specified<br />

long integers.<br />

link_f pHILE+ Creates a hard link between two files on the<br />

same volume.<br />

1-42<br />

3-86<br />

3-87<br />

2-53<br />

listen pNA+ Listens for connections on a socket. 4-38<br />

localeconv pREPC+ Obtains the current locale settings. 3-89<br />

localtime pREPC+ Converts the calendar time to broken-down<br />

time.<br />

localtime_r pREPC+ (Reentrant) Converts the calendar time to<br />

broken-down time.<br />

3-92<br />

3-93<br />

lock_f pHILE+ Locks or unlocks part or all of an open file. 2-56<br />

log_event ESp Logs an event on ESp’s target-resident application<br />

monitor, pMONT.<br />

lseek_f pHILE+ Repositions for read or write within an open<br />

file.<br />

A-6 <strong>pSO<strong>System</strong></strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>Calls</strong><br />

6-6<br />

2-58<br />

lstat_f pHILE+ Gets the status of a symbolically linked file. 2-61<br />

m_ext2int pSOS+ Converts an external address into an internal<br />

address.<br />

m_int2ext pSOS+ Converts an internal address into an external<br />

address.<br />

1-44<br />

1-46<br />

make_dir pHILE+ Creates a directory file. 2-65

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