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Commutative algebra - Department of Mathematical Sciences - old ...

Commutative algebra - Department of Mathematical Sciences - old ...


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8.4. POWER SERIES RINGS 97<br />

8.3.11. Exercise. (1) Show that if R[X] is noetherian, then R is noetherian.<br />

(2) Show that the subring Z[2X, 2X 2 , . . . ] ⊂ Z[X] is not noetherian. Conclude that the<br />

extension is not finite.<br />

8.4. Power series rings<br />

8.4.1. Proposition. Let R be a noetherian ring. Then the power series ring R[[X]]<br />

is noetherian.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let P ⊂ R[[X]] be a prime ideal. Then P +(X)/(X) = (a1, . . . , an) ⊂ R<br />

is a finite ideal. If X ∈ P then P = (a1, . . . , an, X) is finite. Suppose X /∈ P<br />

and choose fi = ai + terms <strong>of</strong> positive degree ∈ P . If g ∈ P then Xg1 =<br />

g − b11f1 + · · · + bn1fn ∈ P ∩ (X) for some bi1 ∈ R. Since P is prime, g1 ∈ P .<br />

Now Xg2 = g1 − b12f1 + · · · + bn2fn ∈ P ∩ (X) and so on. Put hi = bikX k ,<br />

then g = hifi. P is finite and R[[X]] is noetherian by 8.2.12.<br />

8.4.2. Proposition. Let R be a principal ideal domain. Then the power series ring<br />

R[[X]] is a unique factorization domain.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. Let P ⊂ R[[X]] be a minimal nonzero prime ideal. Then P + (X)/(X) =<br />

(a) ⊂ R Suppose P = (X) and choose f = a + terms <strong>of</strong> positive degree ∈ P .<br />

If g ∈ P then Xg1 = g − b1f ∈ P ∩ (X) for some b1 ∈ R. Since P is prime,<br />

g1 ∈ P . Now Xg2 = g1 − b2f ∈ P ∩ (X) and so on. Put h = bkX k , then<br />

g = hf. P = (f) is principal. The conditions <strong>of</strong> 1.5.3 are satisfied since R[[X]] is<br />

noetherian 8.4.1.<br />

8.4.3. Proposition. Let I ⊂ R be an ideal in a noetherian ring. Then there is a<br />

canonical isomorphism<br />

R[[X]]/IR[[X]] R/I[[X]]<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. The projection R[[X]] → R[[X]]/IR[[X]] factors over R/I[[X]] since I is<br />

finitely generated. Then there is an inverse to the homomorphism 1.9.8.<br />

8.4.4. Corollary. If P ⊂ R is a prime ideal in a noetherian ring, then P R[[X]] ⊂<br />

R[[X]] is a prime ideal.<br />

8.4.5. Proposition. Let R be a noetherian ring.<br />

(1) The inclusion R[X] ⊂ R[[X]] is a flat homomorphism.<br />

(2) The inclusion R ⊂ R[[X]] is a faithfully flat homomorphism.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong>. (1) Let I ⊂ R[X] be an ideal and let ai ⊗ fi ∈ K = Ker(I ⊗R[X] R[[X]] → R[[X]]. Then aifi = 0. Write fi = gi + Xnhi and get ai ⊗ fi =<br />

Xn (ai ⊗ hi). It follows that K ⊂ <br />

n Xn (I ⊗R[X] R[[X]]). I ⊗R[X] R[[X]]<br />

is a finite R[[X]]-module and 1 + aX is a unit, so conclusion by 8.3.8. (2) The<br />

homomorphism is flat by (1). For any maximal ideal P ⊂ R the homomorphism<br />

RP → RP [[X]] is local and flat.<br />

8.4.6. Exercise. (1) Show that if R[[X]] is noetherian, then R is noetherian.

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