Introduction to elliptic algebras Exercises 1 A family of associative ...

Introduction to elliptic algebras Exercises 1 A family of associative ...

Introduction to elliptic algebras Exercises 1 A family of associative ...


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<strong>Introduction</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>elliptic</strong> <strong>algebras</strong><br />

<strong>Exercises</strong><br />

1 A <strong>family</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>associative</strong> <strong>algebras</strong><br />

Let p, q ∈ C, p, q = 0 and n ∈ N. Let F (n)<br />

m (for m = 1, 2, 3, ...) be a linear space <strong>of</strong> symmetric<br />

polynomials in m variables <strong>of</strong> degree less than n in each variable. For f(z1, ..., zm) ∈ F (n)<br />

m and<br />

g(z1, ..., zl) ∈ F (n)<br />

l define a function f ∗ g in m + l variables by the formula:<br />

f ∗ g(z1, . . .,zm+l) =<br />

= 1<br />

m!l!<br />

<br />

σ∈Sm+l<br />

f(zσ1, . . .,zσm)g(p m zσm+1, . . .,p m zσm+l )<br />

where λ(x, y) = x−qy<br />

x−y and Sm+l is the symmetric group.<br />

1 Prove that f ∗ g ∈ F (n)<br />

m+l .<br />

<br />

1 ≤ i ≤ m<br />

m + 1 ≤ j ≤ m + l<br />

2 Prove that (f ∗ g) ∗ h = f ∗ (g ∗ h) for all f ∈ F (n)<br />

m , g ∈ F (n)<br />

l , h ∈ F (n)<br />

k .<br />

Does f ∗ g = g ∗ f hold for all f, g?<br />

λ(zσi , zσj )<br />

Let F (n)<br />

q,p be the algebra with underlying linear space F (n)<br />

1 ⊕ F (n)<br />

2 ⊕ . . . and product ∗.<br />

3 Prove that F (n)<br />

q,p is generated by F (n)<br />

1 for generic q, p.<br />

Let ei ∈ F (n)<br />

1 where i = 0, ..., n − 1 be defined as follow: ei(z) = zi . Let ei,j ∈ F (n)<br />

2 be<br />

defined as follow: ei,j(z1, z2) = zi 1z j<br />

2 + z j<br />

4 Calculate ei ∗ ej, ei ∗ ej,k and ei,j ∗ ek.<br />

1z i 2 and so on.<br />

5 Prove that F (n)<br />

q,p ⊂ F (n+1)<br />

q,p as <strong>associative</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>.<br />

6 Find quadratic relations (if any) between e0 and e1.<br />

7 Find quadratic relations (if any) between e0, e1 and e2.<br />

8 Find quadratic relations (if any) between e0, e1, e2 and e3.<br />

9 Find quadratic relations (if any) between e0, ..., en−1.<br />

10 For which q, p is the algebra F (2)<br />

q,p commutative?<br />

11 For which q, p does the algebra F (4)<br />

q,p have central elements <strong>of</strong> degree 2? Find these<br />

elements.<br />


12 For which q, p does the algebra F (3)<br />

q,p have central elements <strong>of</strong> degree 3? Find these<br />

elements.<br />

13 Classify representations <strong>of</strong> the algebra F (n)<br />

q,p with basis v1, v2, ... and action <strong>of</strong> the form<br />

eivj = xi,jvj+1 where xi,j are nonzero complex numbers.<br />

14 Classify representations <strong>of</strong> the algebra F (n)<br />

q,p with basis vj,k where j, k = 1, 2, ... and action<br />

<strong>of</strong> the form eivj,k = xi,j,kvj+1,k + yi,j,kvj,k+1.<br />

15 Generalize exercises 13, 14 for representations with basis vi1,...,il .<br />

16 Prove that the algebra F (n)<br />

q,p is generated by F (n)<br />

1 if and only if q is not root <strong>of</strong> unity.<br />

17 Prove that if q N = 1 then F (n)<br />

N<br />

2 θ-functions in one variable<br />

is not generated by F (n)<br />

1 .<br />

Let n ∈ N and c, τ ∈ C where Im τ > 0. Let Γ be the integral lattice in C generated by 1 and<br />

τ. We denote by Θn,c(τ) the vec<strong>to</strong>r space <strong>of</strong> holomorphic functions φ : C → C such that<br />

φ(z + 1) = φ(z), φ(z + τ) = (−1) n exp (−2πi(nz − c)) φ(z).<br />

1 Prove that dim Θn,c(τ) = n.<br />

2 Prove that every function f ∈ Θn,c(τ) has exactly n zeros modulo Γ (counted with<br />

multiplicities).<br />

3 Prove that the sum <strong>of</strong> zeros <strong>of</strong> every function f ∈ Θn,c(τ) modulo Γ is equal <strong>to</strong> c.<br />

Let θ(z) be a nonzero element <strong>of</strong> Θ1,0(τ).<br />

4 Find the Fourier decomposition <strong>of</strong> θ(z).<br />

5 Prove that θ(0) = 0, and this is the only zero modulo Γ.<br />

6 Prove that θ(−z) = −e −2πiz θ(z).<br />

7 Prove that any element f(z) <strong>of</strong> Θn,c(τ) has the form λθ(z−u1)...θ(z−un) where λ, u1, ..., un ∈<br />

C and u1 + ... + un = c.<br />

8 Prove that the following functions θ(z −u)θ(z +u), θ(z −v)θ(z +v) and θ(z −w)θ(z +w)<br />

are linearly dependent as functions in z. Find linear equation between them.<br />

Let us introduce the following linear opera<strong>to</strong>rs T 1<br />

n<br />

<strong>of</strong> one variable:<br />

T 1 f(z) = f<br />

n<br />

<br />

z + 1<br />

<br />

n<br />

and T 1<br />

τ acting on the space <strong>of</strong> functions<br />

n<br />

1 n−1<br />

−<br />

, T 1 τf(z) = e2πi(z+ 2n 2n<br />

n τ) <br />

f z + 1<br />

n τ<br />

<br />

.<br />

9 Prove that the space Θ n−1<br />

n, (τ) is invariant with respect <strong>to</strong> the opera<strong>to</strong>rs T 1<br />

2<br />

n<br />

2<br />

and T 1<br />

n τ.

10 Prove that T 1 T 1<br />

τ = e2πi n T 1 1 τT n n n n<br />

Θ n−1<br />

n, (τ) satisfy the relations T<br />

2<br />

n 1 = T<br />

n<br />

n 1 = 1. τ n<br />

and the restriction <strong>of</strong> these opera<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>to</strong> the space<br />

11 Prove that there is a basis {θα; α ∈ Z/nZ} in the space Θ n−1<br />

n, (τ) in which our opera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

2<br />

α<br />

2πi act as follows: T 1 θα = e nθα, and T 1<br />

n<br />

nτθα = θα+1. Prove that this basis is unique up <strong>to</strong><br />

multiplication by a common constant.<br />

12 Find the zeroes <strong>of</strong> the functions θα(z).<br />

13 Find the Fourier decomposition <strong>of</strong> the functions θα(z).<br />

14 Prove the following identity:<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

θ0(z1) θ1(z1) . . . θn−2(z1) θn−1(z1) <br />

<br />

<br />

θ0(z2) θ1(z2) . . . θn−2(z2) θn−1(z2) <br />

<br />

<br />

=<br />

<br />

<br />

. . . . . <br />

<br />

θ0(zn) θ1(zn) . . . θn−2(zn) θn−1(zn) <br />

µ exp(2πi(z2 + 2z3 + . . . + (n − 1)zn))θ(z1 + ... + zn −<br />

where µ is a constant.<br />

3 An algebra with three genera<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

n − 1<br />

)<br />

2<br />

<br />

θ(zi − zj),<br />


4 Skew polynomials<br />

Consider the <strong>associative</strong> algebra defined by n genera<strong>to</strong>rs x1, ..., xn and the following quadratic<br />

relations xjxi = qi,jxixj, where i < j and qi,j = 0. This algebra is called the algebra <strong>of</strong> skew<br />

polynomials.<br />

1 Prove that the monomials {x α1<br />

1 . . .x αn<br />

n ; α1, . . .,αn ∈ Z≥0} form a basis <strong>of</strong> the algebra <strong>of</strong><br />

skew polynomials.<br />

2 Find a formula for the product in this basis.<br />


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