10. Commutative Banach algebras - Aarhus Universitet

10. Commutative Banach algebras - Aarhus Universitet

10. Commutative Banach algebras - Aarhus Universitet


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<strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong><br />

Klaus Thomsen matkt@imf.au.dk<br />

Institut for Matematiske Fag<br />

Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet<br />

<strong>Aarhus</strong> <strong>Universitet</strong><br />

September 2005<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

We read in W. Rudin: Functional Analysis<br />

Chapter 10, <strong>10.</strong>14, followed by the beginning of Chapter 11.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand-Mazur theorem<br />

Let A and B be <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>. An isometric isomorphism or just<br />

an isomorphism between A and B is a linear bijection α : A → B<br />

such that α(ab) = α(a)α(b) and α(a) = a for all a,b ∈ A.<br />

We write A ≃ C in this case.<br />

Theorem<br />

(Theorem <strong>10.</strong>14) Let A be a unital <strong>Banach</strong> algebra with the<br />

property that every non-zero element is invertible. Then A ≃ C.<br />

Proof.<br />

Define α : C → A by α(λ) = λ1. Note that α is an algebra<br />

homomorphism and α(λ) = λ1 = |λ|1 = |λ|. It remains<br />

only to show that α is surjective. To this end consider an element<br />

a ∈ A. By Theorem <strong>10.</strong>13 there is an element λ in the spectrum of<br />

a. Then λ1 − a is not invertible. Under the present assumption this<br />

implies that a = λ1.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

<strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong> - the definition<br />

Let A be a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra. A is commutative or abelian when<br />

ab = ba for all a,b ∈ A.<br />

Let A be a commutative <strong>Banach</strong> algebra. An ideal in A is a<br />

subspace J ⊆ A such that aj ∈ J when a ∈ A and j ∈ J.<br />

Lemma<br />

(Proposition 11.2) Let A be a commutative and unital <strong>Banach</strong><br />

algebra.<br />

(a) The only ideal in A which contains an invertible element is A<br />

itself.<br />

(b) If J ⊆ A is an ideal then the closure J of J is also an ideal in A.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

<strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong> - ideals<br />

An ideal J ⊆ A is proper when J = A. A proper ideal J ⊆ A is<br />

maximal when there is no proper ideal I ⊆ A such that J ⊆ I and<br />

J = I.<br />

Theorem<br />

(Theorem 11.3) Let A be a commutative unital <strong>Banach</strong> algebra.<br />

Then<br />

(a) every proper ideal is contained in a maximal ideal in A, and<br />

(b) every maximal ideal is closed.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The proof of Theorem 11.3<br />

Proof.<br />

(a) : Let J be a proper ideal in A. The proper ideals in A which<br />

contain J constitute a partially ordered set when ordered by<br />

inclusion. By Hausdorff’s maximality theorem there is a maximal<br />

totally ordered set Ω in this partially ordered set. Let I be the<br />

union of the ideals in Ω.<br />

It follows I is an ideal since Ω is totally ordered.<br />

If 1 ∈ J there must be an ideal from Ω which contains 1. By (a) of<br />

Lemma 2 this is not possible since the ideals in Ω are proper. This<br />

shows that J is a proper ideal.<br />

Note that J ⊆ I. By maximality of Ω there can not be a proper<br />

ideal J ′ in A such that J ⊆ J ′ and J = J ′ , i.e. J is a maximal ideal.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The proof of Theorem 11.3<br />

Proof.<br />

(b) Let J be a maximal ideal in A. Then J is an ideal in A by (b) of<br />

Lemma 2.<br />

If 1 ∈ J there is an element x ∈ J such that 1 − x < 1. But then<br />

x = 1 − (1 − x) is invertible, which is not possible since J is a<br />

proper ideal, cf. (a) of Lemma 2. Thus 1 /∈ J, proving that J is a<br />

proper ideal.<br />

Since J ⊆ J and J is maximal, we conclude that J = J, i.e. J is<br />

closed.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Quotients<br />

Let X be a <strong>Banach</strong> space and J ⊆ X a closed subspace. Then the<br />

quotient space X/J comes equipped with the norm<br />

x + J = inf {x − j : j ∈ J} ,<br />

called the quotient norm.<br />

The reader should check that this is indeed a norm on the quotient<br />

space. E.g the triangle inequality is established as follows:<br />

When x,y ∈ X and j,j ′ ∈ J,<br />

x + y + J ≤ x + y − j − j ′ ≤ x − j + y − j ′ .<br />

By taking the infimum over all j ′ ∈ J we conclude that<br />

x + y + J ≤ x − j + y + J;<br />

then we take the infimum over all j ∈ J to conclude that<br />

x + y + J ≤ x + J + y + J.<br />

In the following we will often write q(x) = x + J and consider<br />

q : X → X/J as a linear surjection - the quotient map. Note that<br />

q(x) ≤ x for all x ∈ X.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Quotients<br />

Lemma<br />

Let X be a <strong>Banach</strong> space and J ⊆ X a closed subspace. Then X/J<br />

is a <strong>Banach</strong> space in the quotient norm.<br />

Proof.<br />

Let {yn} ∞<br />

n=1 be a Cauchy sequence in X/J. For each n there is an<br />

Nn ∈ N such that yi − yj < 2−n−1 when i,j ≥ Nn. We arrange<br />

that N1 < N2 < N3 < ....<br />

Set zj = yNj and note that zj − zj+1 < 2−j for all j = 1,2,3,... .<br />

and note that<br />

Choose any x ′ j ∈ X such that q(x′ j ) = yj. Set x1 = x ′ 1<br />

x1 − x ′ 2 + J < 2−1 . It follows that there is a j2 ∈ J such that<br />

x1 − x ′ 2 − j2 < 2 −1 . Set x2 = x ′ 2 + j2 and note that q (x2) = z2<br />

and that x1 − x2 < 2 −1 .<br />

Note that x2 − x ′ 3 + J < 2−2 . It follows that there is a j3 ∈ J<br />

such that x2 − x ′ 3 − j3 < 2 −2 . Set x3 = x ′ 3 + j3 and note that<br />

q (x3) = z3 and that x2 − x3 < 2 −2 .<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Quotients<br />

Proof.<br />

We continue by induction to construct a sequence {xj} ∞ j=1<br />

such that<br />

a) q (xj) = zj = yNj ,<br />

b) xj − xj+1 < 2 −j ,<br />

in X<br />

for all j.<br />

It follows from b) that xm − xn ≤<br />

xm − xm−1 + xm−1 − xm−2 + · · · + xn+1 − xn ≤ m−1<br />

j=n 2−j .<br />

Thus {xj} is a Cauchy sequence in X and x = limj→∞ xj exists in<br />

X because X is complete.<br />

We finish the proof by checking that y = q(x) is the limit {yn} in<br />

X/J:<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Quotients<br />

Proof.<br />

First we observe that y − zj = q(x) − q(xj) ≤ x − xj,<br />

proving that that y = limj→∞ zj in X/J.<br />

Let ǫ > 0. Since {yn} is Cauchy there is an M ∈ N such that<br />

yn − ym < ǫ when n,m ≥ M. In particular, zj − ym < ǫ for all<br />

m > M and all sufficiently large j.<br />

By letting j tend to infinity we deduce that y − ym < ǫ for all<br />

m > M.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Quotients<br />

Let A be a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra - not necessarily abelian. A closed<br />

two-sided ideal in A is a closed subspace J ⊆ A such that<br />

aj ∈ J, ja ∈ J when j ∈ J and a ∈ A.<br />

Lemma<br />

Let A be a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra and J ⊆ A a closed two-sided ideal.<br />

Then A/J is a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra in the quotient norm, and the<br />

quotient map q : A → A/J is an algebra homomorphism.<br />

Proof.<br />

Except for some algebraic trivialities - which we omit here - it<br />

remains only to prove the submultiplicativity of the norm in A/J,<br />

i.e. we must show that q(x)q(y) ≤ q(x) q(y) for all<br />

x,y ∈ A.<br />

Let j,j ′ ∈ J and note that q(x)q(y) = xy + J ≤<br />

xy − xj ′ − jy + jj ′ = (x − j)(y − j ′ ) ≤ x − j y − j ′ .<br />

The desired inequality follows by taking the infimum over j and j ′ .<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Theorem 11.5<br />

Let A be a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra. Recall that a complex homomorphism<br />

or character on A is a non-zero homomorphism A → C.<br />

Theorem<br />

Let A be a unital commutative <strong>Banach</strong> algebra and ∆ the set of<br />

characters on A.<br />

a) Every maximal ideal in A is the kernel of an element of ∆.<br />

b) Let ω ∈ ∆. The the kernel of ω is a maximal ideal in A.<br />

c) An element a ∈ A is invertible if and only if ω(a) = 0 for all<br />

ω ∈ ∆.<br />

d) An element of A is invertible if and only it is not contained in<br />

a proper ideal of A.<br />

e) Let x ∈ A. Then<br />

σ(x) = {ω(x) : ω ∈ ∆}.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Theorem 11.5<br />

Proof.<br />

a) Let J be a maximal ideal in A. Then J is closed by b) of<br />

Theorem 11.3. Hence J is a closed two-sided ideal in A, and we<br />

conclude that A/J is a <strong>Banach</strong> algebra by Lemma 5.<br />

We assert that every non-zero element of A/J is invertible. To see<br />

this, let z ∈ A/J be a non-zero element. Then<br />

z (A/J) = {zξ : ξ ∈ A/J} is an ideal in A/J, and it follows that<br />

q −1 (z (A/J))<br />

is an ideal in A.<br />

Note that J ⊆ q −1 (z (A/J)) and that J = q −1 (z (A/J)). Since J<br />

is maximal ideal, q −1 (z (A/J)) can then not be a proper ideal in A,<br />

i.e. A = q −1 (z (A/J)). In particular, 1 = q(1) ∈ z (A/J), proving<br />

that z is invertible.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Theorem 11.5<br />

Proof.<br />

It follows that A/J = C1 by the Gelfand-Mazur theorem. Define<br />

ω : A → C such that ω(a)1 = q(a), where q : A → A/J is the<br />

quotient map. Then ω ∈ ∆ and J = ker ω.<br />

b): Let µ ∈ ∆. Then ker µ is clearly (!) an ideal in A. Let I ⊆ A be<br />

a proper ideal such that ker µ ⊆ I and ker µ = I.<br />

Let x ∈ I be an element such that µ(x) = 0. Then λµ(x) = 1 for<br />

some λ ∈ C, and it follows that µ (x − µ(x)1) = 0. Hence<br />

x − µ(x)1 ∈ ker µ ⊆ I, and we deduce that µ(x)1 ∈ I.<br />

This contradicts the properness of I, and we conclude that ker µ is<br />

a maximal ideal.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Theorem 11.5<br />

Proof.<br />

c) If x ∈ A is invertible, xx −1 = 1 and it follows from Proposition<br />

<strong>10.</strong>6 that 1 = µ(1) = µ(x)µ x −1 , and we conclude that µ(x) = 0.<br />

Conversely, if x is not invertible, the set xA = {xa : a ∈ A} is a<br />

proper ideal in A. By (a) of Theorem 11.3 it is then contained in a<br />

maximal ideal in A, and it follows from (a), proved above, that it is<br />

contained in the kernel of an element ω ∈ ∆.<br />

d) : If x ∈ A is invertible, it is not an element of any proper ideal<br />

by (a) of Proposition 11.2 in Rudin.<br />

Conversely, if x lies in no proper ideal, it does, in particular, not lie<br />

in any maximal ideal. Hence ω(x) = 0 for all ω ∈ ∆ by (a) and<br />

thus x is invertible by c).<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

Theorem 11.5<br />

Proof.<br />

(e) : If λ ∈ σ(x), λ1 − x is not invertible, and hence<br />

µ (λ1 − x) = 0 for some µ ∈ ∆. It follows that<br />

λ ∈ {ω(x) : ω ∈ ∆} since µ(1) = 1 by Proposition <strong>10.</strong>6.<br />

If λ = ω(x) for some ω ∈ ∆, we conclude from (c) that λ1 − x is<br />

not invertible (since ω(λ1 − x) = 0), and it follows that λ ∈ σ(x).<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - Theorem 11.9<br />

Let A be a commutative <strong>Banach</strong> algebra with unit. For any<br />

character ω : A → C of A,we know from (c) of Theorem <strong>10.</strong>7 that<br />

x < 1 ⇒ |ω(a)| < 1.<br />

This shows that every character is continuous and has norm ≤ 1.<br />

(Since ω(1) = 1 by Proposition <strong>10.</strong>6 we have in fact that ω = 1).<br />

Thus<br />

∆ ⊆ {τ ∈ A ∗ : τ ≤ 1} .<br />

In particular, ∆ comes equipped with a natural topology - namely<br />

the weak*-topology inherited from A ∗ .<br />

By Theorem 11.5 there is a bijective correpsondance between the<br />

character space ∆ and the set of maximal ideals of A. That’s why<br />

Rudin calls it the maximal ideal space of A. We will here call it the<br />

character space.<br />

Now, every a ∈ A defines a continuous function â : ∆ → C such<br />

that<br />

â(ω) = ω(a). (1)<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - Theorem 11.9<br />

The map<br />

is called the Gelfand transform.<br />

Theorem<br />

A ∋ a ↦→ â ∈ C(∆)<br />

a) The character space ∆ is compact in the weak*-topology.<br />

b) The Gelfand transform is a homomorphism from A onto a<br />

subalgebra  of C(∆) whose kernel is the radical of A, i.e. the<br />

intersection of the maximal ideals in A.<br />

c) For each a ∈ A,<br />

max {|â(t)| : t ∈ ∆} = ρ(a) ≤ a.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - the proof of Theorem 11.9<br />

Proof.<br />

a): Since ∆ is contained in the unit ball of A ∗ , and the latter is<br />

compact in the weak*-topology by <strong>Banach</strong>-Alaoglu theorem<br />

(Theorem 3.15), it suffices to show that ∆ is closed in the<br />

weak*-topology.<br />

Let therefore ω ∈ A ∗ be an element of the closure ∆ of ∆ in A ∗ .<br />

We want to show that ω ∈ ∆.<br />

There is a δ > 0 such that |st − ω(a)ω(b)| < ǫ when |s − ω(a)| < δ<br />

and |t − ω(b)| < δ.<br />

Let a,b ∈ A, and let ǫ > 0. Since U =<br />

{ν ∈ A ∗ : |ν(a) − ω(a)| < δ, |ν(b) − ω(b)| < δ, |ν(ab) − ω(ab)| < ǫ}<br />

is an open neighborhood of ω in the weak*-topology of A ∗ there is<br />

a character ξ ∈ ∆ contained in U because ω ∈ ∆.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - the proof of Theorem 11.9<br />

Proof.<br />

Since ξ(ab) = ξ(a)ξ(b) and ξ ∈ U it follows that<br />

|ω(a)ω(b) − ω(ab)| < 2ǫ.<br />

Since a,b ∈ A and ǫ > 0 were arbitrary we conclude that<br />

ω(a)ω(b) = ω(ab) for all a,b ∈ A.<br />

In order to conclude that ω ∈ ∆ it remains only to show that<br />

ω = 0. But {ν ∈ A ∗ : |ν(1) − ω(1)| < 1} is an open neighborhood<br />

of ω in the weak*-topology of A ∗ and hence it contains an element<br />

ξ from ∆.<br />

Since ξ(1) = 1 we conclude that ω(1) = 0, and the proof of a) is<br />

complete.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - the proof of Theorem 11.9<br />

Proof.<br />

b): It should be obvious that the Gelfand transform is a<br />

homomorphism:<br />

a +<br />

λb(t) = t(a+λb) = a(t)+λt(b) = â(t)+λˆ <br />

b(t) = â + λˆ <br />

b (t)<br />

and<br />

ab(t) = t(ab) = t(a)t(b) = a(t) b(t)<br />

The kernel of the Gelfand transform is {a ∈ A : t(a) = 0 ∀t ∈ ∆}.<br />

By Theorem 11.5 this is the same as the set of elements of A that<br />

lie in every maximal ideal of A.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

The Gelfand transform - the proof of Theorem 11.9<br />

Proof.<br />

c): By e) of Theorem 11.5 σ(a) = {â(t) : t ∈ ∆} so we see that<br />

sup {|â(t)| : t ∈ ∆} = sup {|λ| : λ ∈ σ(a)} .<br />

Thus a∞ ≤ ρ(a). By Theorem <strong>10.</strong>13 ρ(a) = infn an 1<br />

n. But<br />

a n 1<br />

n ≤ (a n ) 1<br />

n = a.<br />

Klaus Thomsen <strong>10.</strong> <strong>Commutative</strong> <strong>Banach</strong> <strong>algebras</strong>

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