subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...

subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...

subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...


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G.2. Let now be an arbitrary l<strong>in</strong>ear form on g with (b + )=0.<br />

Lemma: Each projective U (g){module is a direct summand <strong>of</strong> some E Z (, )<br />

with E a G{module.<br />

Pro<strong>of</strong> : It su ces to look at the projective cover QL <strong>of</strong> a simple U (g){module L.<br />

There exists a weight 2 X such that L is a homomorphic image <strong>of</strong> Z ( ). In<br />

fact, we can nd a dom<strong>in</strong>ant weight such thatL is a homomorphic image <strong>of</strong><br />

Z (, + w0 )s<strong>in</strong>ceZ ( ) depends only on + pX and s<strong>in</strong>ce each coset <strong>in</strong> X=pX<br />

has a representative <strong>of</strong> the form , + w0 as above. Now take E as the simple<br />

module with highest weight . Then E Z (, ) has a ltration with factors<br />

Z (, + 0 ) with 0 runn<strong>in</strong>g over the weights <strong>of</strong> L. The factor Z (, + w0 )<br />

occurs thus as a homomorphic image <strong>of</strong> E Z (, ). So does then L. Because<br />

E Z (, ) is projective, this imp<strong>lie</strong>s that QL is a direct summand <strong>of</strong> E Z (, ).<br />

G.3. Let be as <strong>in</strong> G.2. We saythataU (g){module M has a Z{ ltration if<br />

there exists a cha<strong>in</strong> <strong>of</strong> submodules <strong>in</strong> M, beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g with 0 and end<strong>in</strong>g with M,<br />

such that all subsequent factors are isomorphic to some Z ( )with 2 X. If so,<br />

then also each E M with E a G{module, and each pr (M) with 2 X has a<br />

Z{ ltration, cf. the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>in</strong> B.3. Therefore all modules <strong>of</strong> the form<br />

pr r (Er pr r,1 (Er,1 pr 2 (E12 pr 1 (E1 Z (, ))) :::)) (1)<br />

have aZ{ ltration. All these modules are projective, s<strong>in</strong>ce Z (, ) is projective,<br />

see [7], Thm. 4.1.<br />

Set P equal to the Grothendieck group <strong>of</strong> all projective U (g){modules. So<br />

this is a free Abelian group with the projective covers <strong>of</strong> the simple U (g){modules<br />

as a basis. We shall usually write Q also for the class <strong>in</strong> P <strong>of</strong> a projective U (g){<br />

module Q.<br />

Let P 0 denote the subgroup <strong>of</strong> P generated by all modules as <strong>in</strong> (1). For each<br />

2 X let P be the Grothendieck group <strong>of</strong> all projective modules <strong>in</strong> C , and set<br />

P 0 = P 0 \P . Then P is the direct sum <strong>of</strong> all P (and P 0 that <strong>of</strong> all P 0 ) with<br />

runn<strong>in</strong>g over a suitable set <strong>of</strong> representatives. It is clear that<br />

for all ; 2 X.<br />

T P 0<br />

Lemma: Let 2 X, let Q be aprojective module <strong>in</strong> C . If there exists an <strong>in</strong>teger<br />

m>0 with Q m 2P 0 , then we have<br />

[Q] =<br />

<strong>in</strong> the Grothendieck group<strong>of</strong>allmodules <strong>in</strong> C .<br />

P 0<br />

61<br />

(2)<br />

dim Q<br />

[Z ( )] (3)<br />

pN Pro<strong>of</strong> : S<strong>in</strong>ce this Grothendieck group is free over Z, it su ces to prove the claim<br />

for Q m .Sowemay assume that Q 2P 0 .SoQ is a Z{l<strong>in</strong>ear comb<strong>in</strong>ation (<strong>in</strong> P 0 )<br />

<strong>of</strong> modules as <strong>in</strong> (1) [with r = ]. S<strong>in</strong>ce the claim <strong>in</strong> (3) is additive <strong>in</strong>Q, wemay<br />

assume that Q is a module as <strong>in</strong> (1), hence that Q has a Z{ ltration. But then<br />

the claim follows from the fact that [Z (w )]=[Z ( )] for all w 2 W .

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