subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...

subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...

subregular nilpotent representations of lie algebras in prime ...


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52<br />

factors shows that Z (s ; ) has only one submodule with this property; this<br />

submodule is by (6) isomorphic to M. Therefore also Z (w0 ; ) has a submodule<br />

isomorphic to M; wegetthus a short exact sequence<br />

0 ! M ,! Z (w0 ; ) ,! L0 ! 0: (8)<br />

Compar<strong>in</strong>g (5) with (8) and (6) with (7) we get now (1) also for the rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<br />

four elements <strong>in</strong> W .<br />

Wenow turn to s<strong>in</strong>gular . Suppose rst that h + ; _ i > 0 and h + ; _ i =<br />

0. Then Z ( ) has length 2 with composition factors L and L0. Wehave now<br />

and<br />

Z (s ; )=Z ( ; ) ' L ' Z (s ; )=Z (s s ; )<br />

Z (s ; )=Z (s s ; ) ' L0 ' Z (s s s ; )=Z (w0 ; ):<br />

So the claim follows <strong>in</strong> this case.<br />

If h + ; _ i =0=h + ; _ i, then w = for all w 2 W and the claim is<br />

trivial. So we are left with the case where h + ; _ i = 0 and h + ; _ i > 0. We<br />

have now w = s w for all w 2fs ;s s ;s s ;s s s g, so the claim is trivial<br />

for these elements. On the other hand, we have now<br />

and<br />

Z (s ; )=Z ( ; )=Z ( ) ' Z (s )<br />

Z (w0 ; )=Z (s s s ; )=Z (s s s ) ' Z (s s ):<br />

So it su ces to show that there are non-zero homomorphisms (<strong>in</strong> both directions)<br />

between Z (s ) and Z (s s ). But there exists a non-zero homomorphism<br />

from Z (s )toZ ( ) for all 2 X: This is trivial <strong>in</strong> case h + ; _ i2Zp;<br />

otherwise take ' as <strong>in</strong> A.4(2).<br />

F.4. We now beg<strong>in</strong> the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Proposition F.1 <strong>in</strong> general. Set<br />

X1 = f f 2 h j f(h )= (h );f(h )= (h ) g: (1)<br />

Recall the notation Z(f; ; ) from A.6(3). Note that Z ( ; )=Z( ; ; )and<br />

Z (s ; )=Z( , a ; ; ) where a is the <strong>in</strong>teger with 0 a

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