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3. Multi-Threaded Programming<br />

decouple the execution, that is, to make object interaction asynchronous but<br />

still based on the methods at hand. Hence, the normal case is to hide the<br />

mailbox as an attribute inside the object. There is a subclass of Thread that<br />

provides that feature, namely class se.lth.cs.realtime.JThread.<br />

The featured Java Thread class – JThread<br />

To support the most common case that the mailbox in terms of an RTEventBuffer<br />

is handled locally within the receiving thread, and encapsulated by the methods<br />

of that thread, class se.lth.cs.realtime.JThread contains the following<br />

(see volatile on Page 72):<br />

public class JThread extends java.lang.Thread {<br />

/** The event inbut buffer. */<br />

protected volatile RTEventBuffer mailbox;<br />

}<br />

/**<br />

* Put the time -stamped event in the input buffer of this thread.<br />

* If the buffer is full , the caller is blocked.<br />

*/<br />

public RTEvent putEvent(RTEvent ev) {<br />

mailbox.doPost(ev); // Subclasses may use tryPost.<br />

return null; // Subclasses may return resulting event.<br />

}<br />

// etc. etc.<br />

The J in JThread is to stress the fact that this type of thread still is a (concurrent)<br />

Java thread (that is, not specified to be real time as will be the case<br />

in following chapters).<br />

To simplify programming in the case that the same thing should be repeated<br />

over and over again, there is a default run method that calls perform<br />

according to the following:<br />

public void run() {<br />

while (!isInterrupted ()) {<br />

perform();<br />

}<br />

}<br />

When implementing the thread behavior, in run or perform, the the doFetch<br />

and tryFetch methods are useful, like is this exemplifying perform method:<br />

class MyEventProcessor extends JThread {<br />

public void perform() {<br />

serverObject.process(mailbox.doFetch ());<br />

}<br />

}<br />

In addition to the methods of the base class Thread as shown on Page 55, this<br />

means that the class JThread provides the following simple to implement but<br />

convenient methods:<br />

RTEvent putEvent(RTEvent ev) // Generic event input<br />

void terminate() // Interrupt and join<br />

static void sleepUntil(long wakeUpTime) // Sleep until that absolute time<br />

void perform() // Override to define cyclic work<br />

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