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3.3. Objects providing mutual exclusion – Monitors<br />

outside the monitor class, you better use a private lock object which is<br />

locked by a synchronized block in each monitor operation. A monitor<br />

then looks like:<br />

public class RobustMonitorExample {<br />

private Object lock = new Object();<br />

// More attributes are declared here ....<br />

}<br />

public void methodOne(int x) {<br />

synchronized(lock) {<br />

// Attributes are accessed here....<br />

}<br />

}<br />

This way, other objects cannot interfere with the synchronization. Again,<br />

the unfortunate Java design decision to support synchronized blocks but<br />

not synchronized classes with appropriate semantics causes extra trouble<br />

when developing reliable software. Still, the situation is better than<br />

in other major languages. Recall this item when reading about wait and<br />

notify below. Another example will be the non-native Java implementation<br />

of semaphores.<br />

3. Do not synchronize on public attributes. That is, if you (against the<br />

general guideline) synchronize on an attribute like the lock in the previous<br />

item, that attribute should be private or final. Otherwise, that<br />

object reference may change from one synchronization point to another,<br />

thereby removing the synchronization. Locking cannot be ensured if the<br />

look can replaced by anyone.<br />

4. Do not remove synchronization by subclassing (unless it is a final class<br />

and you really know what you are doing). If a base class declares a<br />

method as synchronized, the subclass should do so too. There is nothing<br />

in Java enforcing such a practice, and you might want to optimize<br />

methods in a subclass by omitting synchronized, but the risk for hardto-find<br />

concurrency errors normally is too high considering the interplay<br />

between monitor methods.<br />

5. If synchronization is needed between multiple monitors, such as interconnected<br />

buffers, they of course need an object in common to synchronize<br />

on. An alternative would be to merge the different monitors to form one<br />

monitor with all the functionality included, but suitable monitor classes<br />

may be available already; just the signaling and mutual exclusion between<br />

them need to be added. Using synchronized blocks to synchronize<br />

on some shared lock object (such as one of the monitors if that code has<br />

been prepared for it) is clearly preferable compared to rewriting the<br />

application.<br />

As mentioned in the last item, the need for synchronization between objects<br />

can be due to the need for signaling (which we earlier accomplished<br />


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