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3. Multi-Threaded Programming<br />

user interface using the javax.swing classes and only some threading for handling<br />

the network will probably inherit graphical properties and implement<br />

Runnable when needed. For an embedded control application, on the other<br />

hand, threading (and timing) is a primary issue and inheritance from class<br />

Thread is a natural choice.<br />

Some programmers prefer to always use the Runnable alternative as their<br />

standard way of doing things, whereas others always create Thread subclasses<br />

(sometimes having an internal thread object when there is a need to inherit<br />

from other classes). In the sequel, threading is the primary issue so we will<br />

mostly use Thread as a base class, but utilizing interface Runnable is covered<br />

as well.<br />

3.1.2 Time<br />

Even though concurrent programs do not ensure timing, it is very useful<br />

to let actions depend on real time, i.e., reading the real-time clock which<br />

is available on any useful computing platform. In Java the default time<br />

unit is milliseconds, and the current clock time is obtained by calling System.currentTimeMillis<br />

which returns the time in milliseconds counted from<br />

beginning of 1970. Since the return value is of type long, the y2k type of<br />

problem that comes with the finite time range is quite far in the future (year<br />

292272993, which should mean no problem for most applications).<br />

The advantage with currentTimeMillis stored in a built in numeric datatype<br />

(long) is that it can be conveniently used for computations. For humanreadable<br />

time Java also provides a Date class which also copes with time<br />

zones, locales, and the like. That is, however, a matter of formatting and for<br />

our needs it is the system time in milliseconds that is relevant.<br />

Assume we want to compute the trend (or numerical derivative) of an<br />

analog input signal. Further assume we have a method inValue that handles<br />

the AD conversion and returns a scaled value as a float, and let us say that we<br />

have an infinite resolution in value. Concerning resolution in time, we have the<br />

millisecond time described above. That time is updated via a clock interrupt<br />

routine in the JVM or OS. Some embedded computers are equipped with a<br />

high resolution real-time clock, but using it would require a native method<br />

and loss of portability. Using only the standard 1 ms resolution, an attempt<br />

to compute the trend could be:<br />

1 float trend() {<br />

2 float x, x0 = inValue(); // [V]<br />

3 long t, t0 = System.currentTimeMillis ();<br />

4 while ((t=System.currentTimeMillis ())==t0) {/*Busy waiting.*/};<br />

5 x = inValue();<br />

6 return (x-x0)/(t-t0)*1000; // [V/s]<br />

7 }<br />

With an input signal that increases constantly with 1 V/s we would like to<br />

obtain the value 1.0, but already with such a small piece of software it is hard<br />

44 2012-08-29 16:05

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