Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming

Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming

Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming


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32 <strong>Programming</strong> with the STL<br />

An outline of the class (BitsetStorage is the type of the word that contains the bits):<br />

class BitReference {<br />

public:<br />

BitReference(Bitset::BitStorage* pb, size_t p)<br />

: p_bits(pb), pos(p) {}<br />

// Operations will be added later<br />

protected:<br />

Bitset::BitStorage* p_bits; // pointer to the word containing bits<br />

size_t pos; // position of the bit in the word<br />

};<br />

Now, operator[] in class Bitset may be defined as follows:<br />

BitReference operator[](size_t pos) {<br />

return BitReference(&bits, pos);<br />

}<br />

The actual bit fiddling is performed in the BitReference class. In order to see what we need to<br />

implement in this class, we must study the results of some expressions involving operator[]:<br />

bs[3] = true; // bs.operator[](3) = true; =><br />

// BitReference(&bs.bits,3) = true; =><br />

// BitReference(&bs.bits,3).operator=(true);<br />

From this follows that we must implement the following operator function in BitReference:<br />

BitReference& operator=(bool x); // for bs[i] = x<br />

This function should set the bit referenced by the BitReference object to the value of x (just like<br />

the set function in the original Bitset class). When we investigate (do this on your own) other<br />

possibilities to use operator[] we find that we also need the following functions:<br />

BitReference& operator=(const BitReference& bsr); // for bs[i] = bs[j]<br />

operator bool() const; // for x = bs[i]<br />

A4. Use the files bitset.h, bitset.cc, bitreference.h, bitreference.cc, and bitsettest1.cc. Implement<br />

the functions in bitreference.cc and test. It is a good idea to execute the program line<br />

by line under control of gdb, even if your implementation is correct, so you can follow<br />

the execution closely and see what happens (turn off the -O2 switch on the compilation<br />

command line if you do this).<br />

2.3 Iterators<br />

From one of the OH slides: “An iterator “points” to a value. All iterators are DefaultConstructible<br />

and Assignable and support ++it and it++.” A ForwardIterator should additionally be<br />

EqualityComparable and support *it, both for reading and writing via the iterator.<br />

The most important requirement is that an iterator should point to a value. A BitsetIterator<br />

should point to a Boolean value, and we already have something that does this: the class<br />

BitReference! The additional requirements (++, equality test, and *) can be implemented in a<br />

derived class. It will look like this: 11<br />

11 This class only contains the constructs that are necessary for the bitset test program. For example, we have not<br />

implemented postfix ++ and comparison with ==.

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