Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming

Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming

Laboratory Exercises, C++ Programming


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24 Strings and Streams<br />

char type is the type of the characters in the string. size type is a type used for indexing in the<br />

string. npos (“no position”) indicates a position beyond the end of the string; it may be returned<br />

by functions that search for characters in a string. Since size type is unsigned, npos represents<br />

positive infinity.<br />

1.2 Operations on Strings<br />

We now show some of the most important operations on strings (actually basic string’s). The<br />

operations are both member functions and global helper functions. We start with the member<br />

functions (for formatting reasons, some parameters of type size type have been specified as<br />

int):<br />

class string {<br />

public:<br />

/*** construction ***/<br />

string(); // create an empty string<br />

string(const string& s); // create a copy of s<br />

string(const char* cs); // create a string with the characters from cs<br />

string(const string& s, int start, int n); // create a string with n<br />

// characters from s, starting at position start<br />

string(int n, char ch); // create a string with n copies of ch<br />

}<br />

/*** information ***/<br />

int size(); // number of characters in the string<br />

int capacity(); // the string can hold this many characters<br />

// before resizing is necessary<br />

void reserve(int n); // set the capacity to n, resize if necessary<br />

/*** character access ***/<br />

const char& operator[](size_type pos) const;<br />

char& operator[](size_type pos);<br />

/*** substrings */<br />

string substr(size_type start, int n); // the substring starting at<br />

// position start, containing n characters<br />

/*** finding things ***/<br />

// see below<br />

/*** inserting, replacing, and removing ***/<br />

void insert(size_type pos, const string& s); // insert s at position pos<br />

void append(const string& s); // append s at the end<br />

void replace(size_type start, int n, const string& s); // replace n<br />

// characters starting at pos with s<br />

void erase(size_type start = 0, int n = npos); // remove n characters<br />

// starting at pos<br />

/*** assignment and concatenation ***/<br />

string& operator=(const string& s);<br />

string& operator=(const char* cs);<br />

string& operator=(char ch);<br />

string& operator+=(const string& s); // also for const char* and char<br />

/*** access to C-string representation ***/<br />

const char* c_str();<br />

• Note that there is no constructor string(char). Use string(1, char) instead.

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