Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...

Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...

Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...


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9.24. The variety <strong>of</strong> disassociative groupoids (Clark [88]). (The axioms <strong>of</strong> this<br />

theory consist <strong>of</strong> all two-variable consequences <strong>of</strong> the associative law for a single<br />

binary operation. Cf. 14.4 below.)<br />

9.25. The two theories axiomatized by T O and T 1 (<strong>of</strong> Tarski [413] ):<br />

T O = {Fn+lyxl--'XnY = Fn+lyx2 --'xnxly: n C co)<br />

T 1 = T O t_J { Fnyxl--.x n = Fn+lyxl..-xnFyy: n C<br />

(Here F is a binary operation and F n is defined recursively via Fn+lxl--'Xn+2 =<br />

F(Fnx 1" 'Xn+l)Xn+2')<br />

PROBLEM 1. Is the algebras (R, xy,l-x) finitely based? (Here R denotes the real<br />

numbers.) (J. Mycielski [136]; R. McKenzie discovered a non-trivial identity <strong>of</strong> this<br />

algebra - again see [ 136] .)<br />

PROBLEM 2. Is (co, 1,x+y,xy,x y) finitely based? (Tarski) Cf. 9.21 and Problem 2<br />

<strong>of</strong> õ8. For a discussion <strong>of</strong> this problem see Henkin [ 181 ].<br />

PROBLEM 3. Is A finitely based if A is finite and all subdirectly irreducible<br />

algebras in HSP A are in HS A? (B. Jdnsson).<br />

We close with three "problems" which are no longer problems - they were solved<br />

just as final preparations were made on this survey. Pigozzi showed that the answer to<br />

Problem 4 is "no"; his example is actually generated by a finite algebra.<br />

S. V. Polin has answered negatively Problems 5 and 6. His work (see<br />

supplemental bibliography) has been replicated and improved by M. R. Vaughan-Lee.<br />

Their example is a non-associative ring <strong>of</strong> characteristic 2 having 64 elements. Other<br />

examples have since been found by I. V. Lvov, Yu. N. Mal'tsev and V. A. Parfenov.<br />

"PROBLEM" 4. Is every equationally complete (see õ 13 below) locally finite<br />

variety finitely based? (McKenzie [299] ).<br />

"PROBLEM" 5. Is every finite algebra which generates a congruence-permutable<br />

variety finitely based? (McKenzie [299] ).<br />

"PROBLEM" 6. Is every finite algebra which generates a congruence-modular<br />

variety finitely based? (Macdonald [269] ). (Cf. 9.11 above.)<br />

10. One-based theories. Taking Z0 and Z as in õ8, we say that Z (or<br />

V = mod Z) is one-based iff there exists a set <strong>of</strong> axioms 2; 0 with I01-- 1. Here are

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