Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...

Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...

Survey 1979: Equational Logic - Department of Mathematics ...


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and only if V is closed under the formation <strong>of</strong> products, subalgebras, homomorphic<br />

images and co mp lex algebras.<br />

(An equation is linear iff each side has at most one occurrence <strong>of</strong> every variable.<br />

If A = (A,Ft)tC T is any algebra, the complex algebra <strong>of</strong> A is B = (B,Gt)tC T, where B is<br />

the set <strong>of</strong> non-emp ty subsets <strong>of</strong> A, and<br />

Gt(u 1,...,unt) = { Ft(a 1 .... ,ant): a i u i (1<br />

i nt) .)<br />

The next important result really goes back to J.C.C. McKinsey [303] in 1943 (he<br />

proved a theorem which, in combination with the above theorem <strong>of</strong> Keisler and<br />

Shelah, immediately yields our statement). The present formulation was probably first<br />

given by A. I. Malcev [280, page 214], [279, page 29] ;many other pro<strong>of</strong>s have been<br />

independently given [166], [307], [394], [145], [28] - although the precise<br />

formulation differs from author to author. See also [85, Theorem 6.2.8, page 337],<br />

and for related results[33],[239],[186] and [187].<br />

THEOREM. V is definable by equational implications iff V is closed under the<br />

formation <strong>of</strong> products, subalgebras and direct limits.<br />

An equational implication is a formula <strong>of</strong> the form<br />

(e l&e 2&-..&en)-e,<br />

where e,e 1,...,e n are equations, for example the formula<br />

(xy = xz - y = z)<br />

defining left-cancellative semigroups among all semigroups. For direct limits see<br />

[163], [143] (or any other book on category theory). For some interesting classes<br />

defined by equational implication, see [417] and [40]. For some infinitary analogs <strong>of</strong><br />

Birkh<strong>of</strong>f's theorem see [402], and <strong>of</strong> McKinsey's theorem, see [186]. In the next<br />

result, infinitary formulas are in a sense forced upon one, even though it is a result<br />

about ordinary finitary algebras. A generalized equational implication is a formula<br />

ii ei - e,<br />

where e, e i (i I) are equations (possibly infinitely many). The next theorem was<br />

perhaps first stated in [33], although maybe some other people knew <strong>of</strong> it.<br />

THEOREM. V is definable by a class <strong>of</strong> generalized equational implications iff V

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