Template tracking methods

Template tracking methods Template tracking methods

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München Winter
2009/2010 TRACKING
VISION Templatetrackingmethods Slobodan

München<br />

2009/2010<br />

<br />

VISION<br />

<strong>methods</strong><br />


<strong>Template</strong> based-<strong>tracking</strong><br />

• Energy-based <strong>methods</strong><br />

• The Lucas-Kanade(LK) algorithm<br />

• Compositional Algorithm<br />

• Inverse Compositional Algorithm (IC)<br />

• Efficient Second Order Method (ESM)<br />

• Learning <strong>methods</strong><br />

• Learning linear predictors(Hyperplane template<br />

matching of Jurie-Dhome)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


template image<br />

Motivation<br />

Follow a template image in an<br />

image sequence by estimating<br />

the warp.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


<strong>Template</strong> warping<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


<strong>Template</strong> warping<br />

Given the template which we want to track:<br />

<strong>Template</strong> image<br />

T (x)<br />

T<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


<strong>Template</strong> warping<br />

Given the template which we want to track:<br />

• Take all pixels form the template and<br />

<strong>Template</strong> image<br />

T (x)<br />

x<br />

T<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


<strong>Template</strong> warping<br />

Given the template which we want to track:<br />

• Take all pixels form the template and<br />

• Warp them using the function parameterized in<br />

terms of parameters p<br />

to the input image<br />

<strong>Template</strong> image<br />

T (x)<br />

x<br />

T<br />

warp<br />

W (x; p)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

4<br />

W (x; p)<br />

Input image

<strong>Template</strong> warping<br />

Given the template which we want to track:<br />

• Take all pixels form the template and<br />

• Warp them using the function parameterized in<br />

terms of parameters p<br />

to the input image<br />

• Assign the pixel value of the input image at the warped<br />

location to the template image<br />

<strong>Template</strong> image<br />

T (x)<br />

x<br />

T<br />

warp<br />

W (x; p)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

4<br />

W (x; p)<br />

Input image<br />

I(W (x; p))

The <strong>tracking</strong> task<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The <strong>tracking</strong> task<br />

The goal of template-based <strong>tracking</strong> is to find the<br />

parameters p such that:<br />

I(W(x; p)) = T (x)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The <strong>tracking</strong> task<br />

The goal of template-based <strong>tracking</strong> is to find the<br />

parameters p such that:<br />

I(W(x; p)) = T (x)<br />

Using a prediction ˆp as an approximation of ¯p we can reformulate<br />

the goal:<br />

• Find the parameter increments ∆p such that:<br />

¯p ← ˆp + ∆p<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The <strong>tracking</strong> task<br />

The goal of template-based <strong>tracking</strong> is to find the<br />

parameters p such that:<br />

• by minimizing the norm of:<br />

I(W(x; p)) = T (x)<br />

Using a prediction ˆp as an approximation of ¯p we can reformulate<br />

the goal:<br />

• Find the parameter increments ∆p such that:<br />

¯p ← ˆp + ∆p<br />

This is a non-linear minimization problem.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

5<br />


Assumptions<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Assumptions<br />

• No errors in the template image<br />

boundaries:<br />

only the appearance of the object to be<br />

tracked appears in the template image.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Assumptions<br />

• No errors in the template image<br />

boundaries:<br />

only the appearance of the object to be<br />

tracked appears in the template image.<br />

• No occlusion: the entire template is<br />

visible in the input image.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Assumptions<br />

• No errors in the template image<br />

boundaries:<br />

only the appearance of the object to be<br />

tracked appears in the template image.<br />

• No occlusion: the entire template is<br />

visible in the input image.<br />

• Brightness constancy assumption: the<br />

intensity of the object appearance is<br />

always the same.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The Lucas-Kanade<br />

Uses the Gauss-Newton method for<br />

minimization:<br />

• Applies a first-order approximation<br />

• Minimizes iteratively<br />

The warp has to be differentiable.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The derivation<br />

of Lucas-Kanade<br />

Linearize the error function of Eq. (1) on slide 5 by using a<br />

first-order Taylor series approximation of<br />

warped source image :<br />

And minimize the following function:<br />

=<br />

(2)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The derivation<br />

of Lucas-Kanade<br />

Linearize the error function of Eq. (1) on slide 5 by using a<br />

first-order Taylor series approximation of<br />

warped source image :<br />

And minimize the following function:<br />

Image gradient evaluated at W(x; p)<br />

=<br />

(2)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


The derivation<br />

of Lucas-Kanade<br />

Linearize the error function of Eq. (1) on slide 5 by using a<br />

first-order Taylor series approximation of<br />

warped source image :<br />

And minimize the following function:<br />

=<br />

(2)<br />

Image gradient evaluated at W(x; p) Jacobian of the warp<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Jacobian of the warp<br />

If warp is a function:<br />

then its Jacobian is:<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Typical warps<br />

• Translation, like in optical-flow:<br />

• Affine, like in template <strong>tracking</strong>:<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


LK derivation<br />

Minimizing the Eq. 2 from slide 8 is a least-square problem<br />

and has a closed form solution. The partial derivatives of<br />

Eq.2 in respect with the parameter update is:<br />

setting equation to zero gives closed-form solution:<br />

where H is nxn (Gauss-Newton) approximation of the<br />

Hessian matrix:<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

11<br />


The LK alg. summary<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

12<br />

Iterate<br />

until ∆p < ɛ

Alternative approaches<br />

Lucas-Kanade approximately minimizes:<br />

with respect to ∆pand<br />

updates the parameters is step 9<br />

like ¯p ← ˆp + ∆p<br />

BUT, these are not the only ways to minimize this function,<br />

thus 3 other approaches are introduced:<br />

• Compositional Image Alignment<br />

• Inverse Compositional Image Alignment<br />

• Inverse Additive Image Alignment<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Compositional Image<br />

Alignment<br />

The warp is composed of two warps:<br />

which can be written as:<br />

and the solution is sought for the warp<br />

instead of additive update of the parameters<br />

Thus the problem to minimize becomes:<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

14<br />

∆p<br />


Compositional Affine Warp<br />

• Affine warp:<br />

• Compositional affine wrap:<br />

W(W(x; ∆p); p)) =<br />

<br />

1+p1 p3 p5<br />

p2 1 + p4 p6<br />

⎛<br />

⎝ 1+∆p1<br />

⎞ ⎛<br />

∆p3 ∆p5<br />

∆p2 1 + ∆p4 ∆p6⎠<br />

⎝<br />

0 0 1<br />

x<br />

⎞<br />

y⎠<br />

1<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Derivation<br />

After applying first order Taylor approximation to<br />

I(W(x; ∆p); p))<br />

the Eq. 3 from slide 14 becomes:<br />

where I(W)(x) denotes the warped image I(W(x; p))<br />

and in order to proceed we assume that the warp<br />

W(x; 0) =x<br />

simplifies to:<br />

is identity warp, thus the above eq.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


•<br />

•<br />

Compositional vs.<br />

Additive Approach<br />

Forward additive approach:<br />

Compute image gradient and warp it with W(x; p)<br />

Compositional approach:<br />

Compute image gradient of<br />

the warped image I(W) Jacobian of the warp is<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

17<br />

Jacobian of the warp<br />

is evaluated at (x; p)<br />

evaluated at (x; 0)<br />

and is constant

Compositional vs. Additive<br />

Differences<br />

• The gradient of I(W(x; p))<br />

should be used in<br />

step (3) of the algorithm from slide 12.<br />

• The Jacobian of the warp can be pre-computed<br />

because it is evaluated at (x;0) rather then being<br />

recomputed at each iteration in step (4).<br />

• The warp is updated<br />

in step 9 and not warp parameters.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Inverse Compositional (IC)<br />

T(x)<br />

W(x; ∆p)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> image<br />

Approach<br />

W(x; p) ← W(x; p) ◦ W(x; ∆p) −1<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

19<br />

(4)<br />

W(x; p)<br />

Source image

Derivation<br />

• After first order Taylor expansion Eq. 4 becomes:<br />

• and assuming that W(x; 0) =x<br />

is the identity warp the<br />

solution is:<br />

• where the Hessian of image is replaced by the one of the<br />

template:<br />

• since the there is nothing in H which depends on p it is<br />

constant and can be pre-computed<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


IC Algorithm<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

(5) dp = [½(J p=0 + J p=dp)] + (I - T) [from Equation (4)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

(5) dp = [½(J p=0 + J p=dp)] + (I - T) [from Equation (4)]<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

(5) dp = [½(J p=0 + J p=dp)] + (I - T) [from Equation (4)]<br />

Like Gauss-Newton but replace J p=0 by ½(J p=0 + J p=dp).<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM (Efficient Second-order<br />

Method)<br />

(1) I = T + J p=0dp + dp T H p=0dp [second-order Taylor expansion]<br />

(2) J p=dp = J p=0 + 2dp T H p=0 [derivation of (1) wrt p]<br />

(3) dp T H p=0 = ½(J p=dp - J p=0) [from Equation (2)]<br />

(4) I = T + J p=0 + ½(J p=dp - J p=0)dp [by injecting (3) in (1)]<br />

(5) dp = [½(J p=0 + J p=dp)] + (I - T) [from Equation (4)]<br />

Like Gauss-Newton but replace J p=0 by ½(J p=0 + J p=dp).<br />

Need to compute J p=dp at each iteration, and a pseudo-inverse at each<br />

iteration, but need much less iterations.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


ESM Convergence<br />

Gauss-Newton ESM<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Learning a Linear Predictor<br />

• From the IC approach we had:<br />

• Where we can denote Jɛ = ∇T to be<br />

Jacobian of the error function we minimize<br />

∂W<br />

∂p<br />

• Thus we can rewrite it:<br />

• or<br />

[Jurie&Dhome PAMI02]<br />

∆p =(J T ɛ (0)Jɛ(0)) −1 J T ɛ (0)ɛ<br />

∆p = Aɛ<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Hyperplane<br />

approximation<br />

If for each pixel we write an error function:<br />

yi(∆p) =T(W(xi; ∆p)) − I(W(xi; p)<br />

and the total error function is<br />

with the solution being:<br />

we can rewrite it like:<br />

∆p = Aɛ<br />

we see that a11, . . . , aij . . . anN are coefficients of n hyperplanes<br />

that can be estimated using linear least-squares<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

25<br />

E = <br />

i<br />

yi(∆p) 2<br />

∆p1<br />

∆pj<br />


Training<br />

• Can we learn A and make computation even<br />

faster?<br />

A is computed offline by regression:<br />

{( , ) , ( , ) , ... ,( , )}<br />

∆p0<br />

∆p1<br />

∆pNp<br />

y1(0) y2(0) image differences<br />

N<br />

by minimizing: (∆pk − Ayk(0)) 2<br />

By writing<br />

k=1<br />

and assuming N > n<br />

=⇒<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

26<br />

yNp(0)<br />

H =(yi(0), . . . , yN(0)) Y =(∆p1, . . . , ∆pN)<br />

Y = AhH Ah = YH T (HH T ) −1

Advantages<br />

Can "jump" over local minimums.<br />

Handle faster motion.<br />

O<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

27<br />


Active Shape Models<br />

For deformable objects:<br />

(u i, v i)<br />

€<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

28<br />

p =<br />

⎡ x⎤<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎢<br />

tu⎥ ⎢ t ⎥ v<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎢<br />

θ<br />

⎥<br />

⎣ ⎢ s⎦<br />

⎥<br />

with x =<br />

⎡<br />

⎢<br />

⎢<br />

⎢<br />

⎢<br />

⎣<br />

<br />

u i<br />

v i<br />

<br />

⎤<br />

⎥<br />

⎥<br />

⎥<br />

⎥<br />

⎦<br />

(t u, t v): 2D translation;<br />

ϑ: 2D rotation;<br />

s: scale.

Dimensionality Reduction<br />

Training set:<br />

{ x } i<br />

Covariance matrix of the training data: Cov = ( x i − x ) ( x i − x ) T<br />

⎛ λ1 ⎜<br />

λ2 SVD of the covariance matrix: Cov = U⎜<br />

⎜<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

Keep only the first columns of U : U = ( Rx ).<br />

x = x + R xc<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

29<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

<br />

⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎟<br />

⎟<br />

⎟<br />

λn⎠ U T<br />

U 2<br />

c<br />

U 1

First Modes<br />

€<br />

Can constrain with c i < 3 λ i<br />

x = x + R x c<br />

Can be considered<br />

as a linear warp:<br />

W(x; c) =¯x + Rxc<br />

c are parameter of<br />

the warp we are<br />

searching<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Fit Function<br />

min<br />

c,t u ,t v ,θ ,s<br />

∑<br />

i<br />

dist( Tr ( x ),y )<br />

tu ,tv ,θ ,s i i<br />

Optimum can be found with linear algebra operations.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Convergence<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Active Appearance<br />

€<br />

g<br />

Models<br />

g = g + R gc<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


min<br />

c,t u ,tv ,θ ,s Tr ( tu ,tv ,θ ,s g( c)<br />

) − I 2<br />

Fit Function<br />

= min<br />

c,t u ,t v ,θ ,s<br />

( )<br />

[ Tr ( tu ,tv ,θ ,s g( c)<br />

) ] − Ii i<br />

Non-linear least-squares.<br />

Optimization can be performed with the Gauss-Newton algorithm.<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />

34<br />

∑<br />

i<br />


Convergence<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


Example<br />

http://www.ri.cmu.edu/research_project_detail.html?project_id=448&menu_id=261<br />

<strong>Template</strong> Tracking Methods Ilic Slobodan<br />


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