October - Webs

October - Webs

October - Webs


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~~<br />

;ff!lapfIower~rtbers<br />

Est. 1988<br />

Incorporating: Mayflower Junior's (Est. 1995)<br />

Another warm.welcome from<br />

here at newsletter HQ.Someof you<br />

may have detected by now, that<br />

there has been a slight and even<br />

noticable change in the layout of<br />

this newsletter, and I can assure all<br />

readers, that this is not just a one<br />

off. Yes the wonders of new<br />

technology have allowed me to<br />

introduce Desktop publishing to<br />

the newsletter. It certainly<br />

impresses me; but then most new<br />

ideas do!<br />

By now most, if not all, new<br />

members should have received<br />

their GNAS No's and membership<br />

cards, (Yesthey do take a long time<br />

to process don't they,a little bit like<br />

met~gtog~togripswiththis<br />

new fangled CD-ROMor whatever<br />

its called,) Sothere is no excusefor<br />

you not to enter some competitions<br />

with me throughout the winter<br />

indoor and summeroutdoor season.<br />

We have some very competent<br />

archers amongst us, and there is no<br />

reason why you should not help to<br />

promote the club by joining in. so<br />

lets get a few more of you giving it<br />

a go and joining in with the few of<br />

<strong>October</strong> 1999. Issue No. 2<br />

us whodocompete.TheJuniors are<br />

alwaysthere in large numbers, and<br />

usually go home with quite a hoard<br />

of medals and trophies to add to<br />

their already large collections.<br />

Not wishing to tread on anyones<br />

toes here, but it has been suggested<br />

to me that perhaps I can arrange<br />

the entries for the adult<br />

competitions from now on, A task<br />

that I am quite happy to do for the<br />

moment at least, but If there is<br />

anyone else out there who would<br />

like to take onthis role, then please<br />

be my guest.<br />

There are a number of winter<br />

competitions that I am aware of at<br />

the moment, these include an open<br />

Portsmouth round organised by<br />

Racketts Archery club, and held in<br />

their indoor venue at Woodlands<br />

School sports hall on Sunday 24th<br />

<strong>October</strong>, 1999. There are three<br />

sessions available for this shoot, as<br />

there are for the majority of indoor<br />

events, as they don't last all day,<br />

unlike the outdoor competitions<br />

which are much larger rounds.<br />

Details ofthese events can be found<br />

later on in the newsletter, but if you<br />

have any particular interest in any<br />

ofthese, please let me know,I could<br />

do with the company when I'm<br />

there on behalf of the club, along<br />

with all the juniors of course!<br />

I don't wishto sound patronising<br />

Here, but I know we do have a<br />

number of new members that have<br />

joined us this year, including<br />

myself,who are probably not fully<br />

conversant with the general format<br />

of Archery competition.

~7Jrel1er!l-- ,,-9port or-pIIssioo' .<br />

(s personR/ view)<br />

Well, I don't know about anyone else at the moment, but I have had<br />

a fantastic first year in Archery, and rm really looking forward to the<br />

indoor season, and improving upon my personal bests from this year: In<br />

just a very short space of time (seven months) I have progressed very swiftly<br />

into competition, at a very modest level - No 80/100 yard distances just yet.<br />

And I have to say, I really am enjoing myself. Who would have thought a<br />

Forty-one year old man taking his Son to his first Archery lesson at<br />

Mayflower School back in March of this yeal; armed with only a flask of<br />

coffee because he believed he was going to sit outside in the car doing a<br />

crossword puzzle, would show so much interest! Well, it happened to me;<br />

I got hooked! Prior to this gathering of hopeful new recruits, I hadn't the<br />

slightest interest in Archery, or perhaps even wanted too. But then, rd<br />

never tried it before, and nobody had shown me how. I came away from<br />

that first session completely fulfilled and wanting more, and more rm still<br />

seeking, always aiming for that elusive perfect gold. Ever hungry for<br />

success, I have been entering as many competitions as I can, and yes rve<br />

had a win or two and a few second places, but the competitors have been<br />

shooting a lot longer than I have, and I think rve done pretty well to have<br />

achieved this much this soon. And after all, it's not just me rm trying to<br />

win fOI;I represent the club as well, and a medal for me is one for the club.<br />

So, what happened to the Son I took to Mayflower School for his<br />

first Archery lesson. Well, aliI can say there is "That's my Boy"!More about<br />

him further on in the news letter under the Junior section.<br />

Just before I end my little piece on how I got involved; I would<br />

just like to say a big thank you to everybody who got me involved in the<br />

first place. Abig thank you to all you keen Archer's who coached me,<br />

Particularly Mitch & Astrid, Brian Edwards, and of course Nigel to whom<br />

I am very grateful, and to anyone else who has said to me" You don't wanna'<br />

do it like that, you wanna' do it like this."<br />

Alan Bally.<br />

,,{tems +"or ~I;IIle<br />

RS.E. Intruder 7Hcompound .w finished In red, superb condition.<br />

Draw length:28 - 81 inches. Peak Weight: 45 - 60 lbs. Complete with rest,<br />

peep sight, carbon arrows to suit, limb savers, Bow stand, short front<br />

stabiliser rod, R/H clip-on quiver: £175 complete ono, or will separate.<br />

Please telephone Alan Bally on Basildon 01268 - 557576<br />

or 0411 - 988495 (mobile) or see me at the club.<br />

Wllotell (urlJeotltJ)<br />

Photocopier in good working order, either black and white or colour,<br />

prefer small type to sit on a desk and capable of A4 size.<br />

Please telephone Alan Bally on Basildon 01268 - 557576<br />

or 0411 - 933495 (mobile) or see me at the club.<br />



I am very pleased to have this opportunity to add a little bit to this editicn of<br />

the Mayflower Newsletter, now under a new editor. It is good news for the Club that<br />

Alan Bally has now stepped in to produce the Newsletter, since the previous edltor has<br />

moved on to "pastures new", or should I say "woodland new", as Mick GregoI;' has<br />

now moved over to Field Archery and a compound bow, leaving our league tean a bit<br />

short of recurve archers. Alan already has the compound bow, so let's keep OUl'<br />

fingers crossed; Good Luck Alan!!<br />

This edition will coincide with the start of the indoor season at Mayflower<br />

School, at a cost of £25 per term or £3 per night. I hope to see you all there on c<br />

Fritlay night, passing on your scores to our League secretary. Our recurve and<br />

compound "A" teams both won their divisions last season, so let's see if we can do it<br />

again this year.<br />

We have provisionally booked the sports hall for coaching sessions, one<br />

Saturday morning per month, so anyone who is interested, please get in touch ¥'ith<br />

Astrid or myself and we will advise you on dates and cost.<br />

Reminder; Bonfire Night Party at 15, Norsey View Drive as usual on 511<br />

November, fire lighting at 6.30pm, fireworks at 7.30pm. Cost this year will be £1-50<br />

per head, for refreshments. Please let us know before the 1si Nov, how many will be<br />

coming and if any are vegetarian. Tickets available on Friday nights at the schc·ol.<br />

Good Shooting, Mitch<br />


Over the last year or two we have had many of you successfully come tr rough<br />

the Beginners Course, join the Club and buy your own equipment. But we dont see<br />

you around the Club anymore. Is there a good reason for this? If you would like to<br />

gt}t7jntouch with me or any other club member, we would be only too pleased t) hear<br />

from you.<br />

We are all enthusiastic about our Archery and we want you to be the same.<br />

You don't have to be the most skilled Archer in the world, or possess the most<br />

expensive equipment, to have fun and having fun is one of the most important clspects<br />

of Archery.<br />

We don't know why you haven't been along to the club lately, but if it i,<br />

because of shooting or equipment problems, then do please get in touch so that we can<br />

offer assistance. In the past we have had only a limited number of Coaches available,<br />

we now have a number of qualified Leaders/Instructors in the Club, so this doe~;<br />

provide additional resources to help you along.<br />

If you feel that extra coaching or equipment setting-up and tuning sessic,ns<br />

would help you, then we will happily arrange this for you.<br />

So once again, vlease ~et in tOllch, so that even if we can't help you, it ,;an<br />

provide guidance for the way we present courses for the new Beginners as they come<br />

along.<br />

Good Shooting, Mitch

Division 2<br />

Positions<br />

Division 3<br />

Positions<br />

Compound League Results - 1999<br />

Match 1<br />

MayflowerA<br />

Racketts<br />

Oakfield<br />

MayflowerA<br />

Rayleigh A<br />

Racketts<br />

Ascham A<br />

AschamB<br />

MayflowerB<br />

West Essex<br />

CTRA<br />

Colchester A<br />

MayflowerB<br />

Braintree B<br />

West Essex A<br />

Points Match 2<br />

1655 Mayflower A<br />

1566 Ascham B<br />

1792 Oakfield<br />

1655 Mayflower A<br />

1641 Racketts<br />

1566 Rayleigh A<br />

o Ascham A<br />

o Ascham B<br />

1561 Mayflower B<br />

862 Bye<br />

1790 CTR A<br />

1736 Mayflower B<br />

1561 Colchester A<br />

1734 Braintree B<br />

862 West Essex A<br />

Points<br />

1688<br />

840<br />

3592<br />

3341<br />

3194<br />

1641<br />

1780<br />

840<br />

1591<br />

3596<br />

3152<br />

3479<br />

1734<br />

862<br />

BA Postal League Results - 1998/99<br />

Recurve: Division 15 Winners. Compound: Division 27 Winners<br />


Medals:- John Bloomfield<br />

Tommy Hodder<br />

Kerry Pritchard<br />

Martin Thompson<br />

Terry Harris<br />

Lynne Burdett<br />

Medals:- Mitch Vaughan<br />

Brian Edwards<br />

Brian Manhood<br />

Gravs Power Archers Open Western Round 11/07/99<br />

Recurve:- Terry Harris (Silver) Sam Wootten (Gold) Junior<br />

Compound:- Alan Bally (Gold) Robert Bally (Gold) Junior<br />

Herts Championships - July 1999 - Junior's<br />

Compound:- Tim Nash (Gold) County Record & Personal Best<br />

Recurve:- Paul Bishop (Gold)<br />



Division 1<br />

Oeben 'A' 1876 Beat Braintree 'A' 1790 by 86 points<br />

Oeben -'A' Paul Peart 954<br />

Braintree 'A' Terry Howland 896<br />

Oeben 'B' 1812 Beat Priory' A' 1788 by 24 Points<br />

Deben 'B' Gordon Brown 922<br />

Priory' A' Alan Wilson 912<br />

Richard Wilkins<br />

Oavid Lamb<br />

Andy Palmer<br />

George Brown<br />

Albermarle 1706 Beat G.SA 'A' no score received by 1706 points<br />

Albermarle Arthur Toy 866 Oavid Hawkins 840<br />

Division 2<br />

Rayleigh' A' 1804 Beat Oakfield 'A' 1776 by 28 points<br />

Rayleigh' A' George Benson 918<br />

Oakfield . A' T any Ikel 892<br />

Ascham .A' 1796 Beat Mayt10wer . A' 1735 by 6 I points<br />

Ascham 'A' Stephen Wall ace 932<br />

Mayt1o'vver .A - Nlitch Vaughan 871<br />

Alf Brunswick<br />

Paul Whiteman<br />

lan Felgate<br />

Nigel Wells<br />

Ascham 'B' 1596 Beat Racketts no score received by 1596 points<br />

Ascham . B' Claire Fledge 8-+2 Danny Freeland 75-+<br />

Division 3<br />

Colchester' A' 1718 beat West Essex -.-\' no score received by 1718 points<br />

Colchester -X Chris \IcCril\e 863 Roben Knight 85:'<br />

Chelmsford Tudor Rose -A' 1772 beat \Iavtlower 'B' 1018 by 15-.+ Points<br />

eTR 'A'<br />

Mavt10wer 'B'<br />

Braintree 'B' 17-.+0 Vs BYE<br />

Braintree -B'<br />

John Holden<br />

John BUI-det!<br />

Dennis Lun'!lev<br />

890<br />

818<br />

870<br />

John :Ylansell<br />

Brian Edwards<br />

CilklIl Lun'!b<br />

922<br />

894<br />

890<br />

876<br />

886<br />

88-+<br />

864<br />

864<br />

882<br />

800<br />


Division 4<br />

Colchester' B' 1502 Beat W.E.B. 'B' no score received by 1502 points<br />

Colchester 'B' Mark Huff 820 Colin Markham Lei 682<br />

Oeben 'C' 1680 Beat Priory' B' 1615 by 65 points<br />

Oeben 'C' Ron Knight 860<br />

Priory 'B' Alan Wilson 890<br />

Rayleigh 'B' no score received 'V' BYE<br />

Division 5<br />

Oakfield 'B' 1712 beat Southend 1702 by 10 points<br />

Oakfield 'B' Keith Darkins 870<br />

Southend Harry Shaw 860<br />

CT.R 'B' 1672 beat Woodford 1641 by 31 Points<br />

CT R'B' Martin Skinner 840<br />

Woodford Oave Shrimpton 874<br />

Ardleigh no score received Vs BYE<br />

Divisioll 6<br />

Oaktleld 'C no score received v G SA' B' no score received<br />

Priory 'C 712 beat Braintree 'C bv 712 Points<br />

Priorv 'C Sharon W\lson 712<br />

Elizabeth Bennett<br />

Bernie Rowtey<br />

Joan Ikel<br />

Clive Redmond<br />

Jill J\;'[cGregor<br />

Colin Love<br />

Stortford 1771 'V' BYE<br />

Stortford Eamon McManus Rob Vlallerman 848<br />


Woodford 1643 beat Southend 1638 by :')points<br />

Woodford Dave Shnmpton<br />

Southend Harrv Sha\\<br />


DIVISION 1<br />

DIVISION 2<br />

DIVISION 3<br />

DIVISION 4<br />

DIVISION 5<br />

DIVISION 6<br />


TEAM 22 400 310 13 POINTS WON 7200 7145 6569 7462 5460 7255 LOST DRAWN 24<br />

2 28<br />

6 0 001<br />

D.N.S AGG. SHOT 4 43<br />

4<br />

TEAM 22 30 22 12 310 12 WON POINTS 6757 3194 3254 5388 3445 7210 LOST DRAWN 24<br />

26<br />

46<br />

001<br />

02 01 02 D.N.S AGG. SHOT 4 2 24<br />

3<br />

TEAM 40 310 22 13 12 POINTS WON 7184 6829 5238 6367 1812 LOST DRAWN 28<br />

26<br />

4 0 001<br />

02 D.N.S AGG. SHOT 4<br />

32<br />

TEAM 03 40 30 22 04 6719 POINTS 4372 WON LOST 5021 1353 DRAWN 46<br />

80<br />

00 0<br />

03 01 04 D.N.S AGG. SHOT 4 3 31<br />

0<br />

TEAM 40 04 22 31 22 WON POINTS 6713 6584 6292 6718 LOST DRAWN 84<br />

00 64<br />

0<br />

04 D.N.S AGG. SHOT 4<br />

0<br />

TEAM 30 22 2102 31 04 WON POINTS 4280 6523 2954 LOST 5258 DRAWN 64<br />

64<br />

00<br />

0<br />

01 04 D.N.S AGG. SHOT 40<br />

34<br />




My computer and J apologise for not sorting the rows in the original Table sent to you with the<br />

final results. The points and aggregate scores were correct but, unfortunately, they were not<br />

placed in the right order. Hope this new list will keep your records straight and, once again,<br />

Sorry'<br />

Marlene<br />


DIVISION 1<br />

Deben 4 0 4 0 0 8 16344<br />

i~~~i~A ....••<br />

··IJ m1±<br />

..···*~l~-E=i=l-i<br />

6~d-~--~+-- --4--~~o~-~1--6-<br />

.J.L-l:[=lt;ii~<br />

DIVISION 2--t--- -- 1 4- 0- --~F--15798<br />

~- ------<br />

West Essex A i 4 0 I 4 0 0 8 16203<br />

Racketts i 4 i 0 i 2 2; O-+-- 4 i 15690<br />

Colchester I 4 0 2 2 0 i 4 15590<br />

Hoidens -: 4 0 2 2 0 I 4 15467<br />

DCA I 4 0 0 4 0 0 14888<br />

DIVISION 3 I<br />

I\rdleigh '! 4 0 3 1 0 i 6 15351<br />

~udor 4 0 3 1 0 6 15051<br />

West Essex B 1 4 0 2 2 0 I 4 , 14592<br />

~helmsford Tudor Rose __~__ ~ __ Q.. 2 2 _9 __ + 4 14586<br />

~~~J~~ ~-·_-~f~-''=::i~~<br />

:=i: J:-T~-:j-~~:~::-<br />

~~~~~:n~------------- +--- r~--4-- -~-l-;---~--L-~_u --~~------H~:1----<br />

Grays Power i i 4 0 2 2 0 4 14045<br />

SEAC<br />

Woodford DIVISION 5<br />

I<br />

iI 1_ 4<br />

i j 4<br />

I 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

4<br />

4<br />

0 I<br />

0 i 0<br />

0~'Ij-+a 13674<br />

15353<br />

Mayflower ] I 4 0 2 2 i 0 4 i 13371<br />

lWest Essex C<br />

Noak Hill<br />

V\scham C<br />

:<br />

~!<br />

I I<br />

4 0<br />

3 1<br />

4 -+ii<br />

0 i<br />

2<br />

2<br />

0 I<br />

2 0<br />

4<br />

2! 0<br />

0<br />

!<br />

4<br />

4,<br />

i 0<br />

--r-<br />

:<br />

I<br />

12537<br />

11196<br />

10521<br />

I<br />

I ! !<br />

111-11 !i- ,--<br />

I I I I , I ! I


BRAY<br />




4th PORTSMOUTH<br />


vRECURVE v RECURVE v v 3Jr.d v v vvBRAY<br />

v v8th 7th 12th Ho1.den~ A1.bemak~e<br />

Akd1.e~gh.<br />

Oak6~e1.d Co1.~he-6tek Southend Akd£e,{gh<br />

Debe.n Co1.~he-6te.l[A<br />

BYE Ho1.den~ Bka,{ntkee DCA Deben<br />

Pk~Mtj(ha-6 A. B<br />


AB<br />

A AtoA<br />

A be LEAGUE ~hot) FIXTURE LIST 1999/2000.<br />





v<br />

Compound<br />

v<br />

Thanktjou.<br />

v vP£ea-6e OakMe1.d Rad

1999 - July Nationals (Junior's) Scores<br />

POINTS<br />

I.ADAM BRIITON 590<br />

2.TIM NASH 584 5<br />


4.JAMES ALLCHURCH* 546<br />

5.PAUL BISHOP* 539<br />

6.JANE RICHMOND* 531<br />

7.ROBERT BALL Y* 500<br />

8.SAM WOOITEN* 453<br />

9.JAMES MAY* 440<br />

1O.NIKKl RICKWOOD 421<br />


12.ROBIN WELLS 388<br />

13.ROBBIE HOTCHKlSS* 351<br />

14.JENNY RICKWOOD* 293<br />

15.ALEX PURSER 278<br />

*=Personal best scores (14 Junior's did not compete).<br />

Prizes given for best handicap improvements ...<br />

Junior Girl:- Jane Richmond by 5points.<br />

Junior Boy:- Robert Bally by 7points.<br />

GOLDS<br />

46<br />

45<br />

38<br />

27<br />

32<br />

28<br />

24<br />

18<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

16<br />

16<br />

5<br />

9<br />

May I first of all apologise for not being able to include a<br />

Junior Section in this edition of the newsletter, but I have had so many<br />

results to publish, and as the Newsletter is already quite large, I have<br />

decided to include the section in the next edition, where there will be a<br />

complete run down of Junior successes throughout the year; and believe<br />

me, there have been quite a few that I am aware of, and I'm quite sure<br />

there will be plenty more before this year has ended.<br />

But just to add this, if any of you Junior members are<br />

reading this newsletter,( and I hope some of you do!), keep up the good<br />

work, it's really satisfying to see all the medals you are winning, and of<br />

course the trophies. The Club are very proud of you. Well done. The Editor.<br />

The indoor season is very much with us again, and a number of open shoots<br />

are being arranged for those wlw wish to tahe part. Ken has very hindly persuaded me (how does<br />

he manage to do thatl) to arrange a few indoor ,neetings lor us 'oldies', sorry, I mean adult<br />

members. So if any of you are interested in heeping Terry and myself company whilst we are<br />

wauing the {lag for the club, please let ,ne know as soon as possible. Details of the competitions<br />

are on the next page. and as soon as I hear of any more, I will heep you all posted.<br />

You can telephone me on Basildon 01268 - 5575761'm usually home most evenings and<br />

during the weehends, or alternatively, my mobile nwnber is 0411 - 933495 or see me at the club.<br />

(i~ continued ...


Open Portsmouth Round - at Woodlands School, Basildon.<br />

Sunday 24th <strong>October</strong>, 1999. 5<br />

Sessions available:- (a) 9.30am, (b) 1.00pm, and (c) 4.30pm.<br />

Late entries available, but please see me now for full details.<br />


Open Portsmouth Round - at Panfield Lane, Braintree.<br />

Sunday 31st <strong>October</strong>, 1999.<br />

Sessions available:- (a) 9.30am, (b) 12.30pm, (c) 3.30pm.<br />

Closing date for entries: 17th <strong>October</strong>, 1999.<br />

Please see me now for full details, or telephone me so I can book you in.<br />

For all Queries reeardine this Newsletter, future contributions, Items for<br />

sale or wanted, or entry details to any of the above competitions or those in<br />

the future. Please telephone Alan Bally on Basildon 01268 - 557576<br />

or 0411 - 933495 (mobile)<br />

It has recently been brought to the attention of the committee that several<br />

members are not displaying their membership cards whilst using the club's facilities.<br />

Would all members please note, that they must at all times whilst shooting, and using<br />

the Mayflower Archery Club facilities both indoor and outdoor, display their club<br />

membership card, and also ca,orywith them or display their GNAS cards. This is both a<br />

requirement of the GNAS and that of the Mayflower Archery Club.<br />

.:fflapflohJer ~rcberg QCommittee .:fflemberg &: QContact .i!umberg.<br />

Chairman I Coach<br />

Club Secretary<br />

Treasurers<br />

Membership Secretary<br />

Equipment Officer<br />

League Secretary<br />

Open COlnpetitions Secretary<br />

Field Captain<br />

Junior Liaison Officer<br />

Records Officer<br />

Newsletter Editor<br />

Mitch Vaughan<br />

Brian Manhood<br />

Lynne & John Burdett<br />

Astrid Vaughan<br />

Brian Edwards<br />

Terry Harris<br />

Alan Bally<br />

Andreu' Paice<br />

Ken Gray<br />

John Innocent<br />

Alan Ball)'<br />

Good shooting and best wishes from the editor.<br />

But above all else, - ENJOY YOURSEL VES.<br />

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