A Deterritorialized History: Investigating German Colonialism ...

A Deterritorialized History: Investigating German Colonialism ...

A Deterritorialized History: Investigating German Colonialism ...


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45 Patton quotes Deleuze from his Negotiations work in: Paul Patton, “Conceptual<br />

Politics and the War-Machine in Mille Plateaux,” SubStance 44/45 (1984): 61, 63.<br />

Lambert.<br />

46 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, “Can the Subaltern Speak?” in Marxism and the<br />

Interpretation of Culture, eds. C. Nelson and L. Grossberg (Basingstoke: Macmillan<br />

Education, 1988), 273, 279, 286, 290.<br />

47 Paul A. Passavant and Jodi Dean, Empire’s New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri<br />

(New York: Routledge, 2004), 262. Slavoj _i_ek, Organs Without Bodies: Deleuze and<br />

Consequences (New York: Routledge, 2004), 48. Patton, “Marxism and Beyond,” 129.<br />

Alistair Welchman, “Machinic Thinking,” in: Deleuze and Philosophy: The Difference<br />

Engineer ed. Keith Ansell Pearson, (London: Routledge, 1997), 211-226. Jameson,<br />

“Marxism and Dualism in Deleuze,” 20-21, 26-29, 31, 34. Fredric Jameson, “Marxism<br />

and Historicism,” New Literary <strong>History</strong> 11, no. 1 (Autumn 1979): 41.<br />

48 Jay Cantor, Review of Anti-Oedipus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia by Gilles Deleuze<br />

and Felix Guattari in New Republic 177, no. 26/27, (December 24 and 31, 1977): 37.<br />

Manfred Frank, “The World as Representation: Deleuze and Guattari’s Critique of<br />

Capitalism as Schizoanalysis and Schizo-Discourse,” Telos no. 57 (Fall 1983): 167, 173.<br />

49 Noyes, Colonial Space. Said, 278, 331. Alfred J. López, Posts and Pasts: A Theory of<br />

Postcolonialism (Albany, NY: State University of New York, 2001), 6.<br />

50 In this manner, their deterritorialization mirrors Marx’s idea of the colonizing<br />

government as a “conqueror, who, with each new land, only conquers a new border.”<br />

Karl Marx, Das Kapital: Kritik der politischen Ökonomie (23) I, 147. is cited in: Noyes,<br />

Colonial Space, 59.<br />

51 This study understands such scholars to be Rudolf Hilferding, John A. Hobson, Karl<br />

Kautsky, Rosa Luxemburg, Nikolai Bukharin, Mao Tse-Tung, Eugen Varga, Joseph<br />

Schumpeter, Max Weber, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Hannah Arendt, David K.<br />

Fieldhouse, and Herbert Lüthy.<br />

52 Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus, xx.<br />

53 Thomas, 19. More specifically, the authors contend that their schizoanalytic<br />

perspective should be utilized in the study of colonialism, for Freudian psychoanalytic<br />

discourse grounded colonial power relations and therefore schizoanalysis must correct its<br />

misrepresentations. Deleuze and Guattari, Anti-Oedipus, 170.<br />

54 Phillip Pomper, “World <strong>History</strong> and its Critics,” <strong>History</strong> and Theory 34, no. 2 (May<br />

1995): 5, 7.<br />

55 Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus, 53.<br />


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