ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL-1771 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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values were given for the "equilibrium constants" obtained with UF, and the metal as starting ma- terials. During the past quarter, the values have been checked with various ratios of UF, to UF, as starting materials in the NaZrF, solution. The apparatus and details of the experimental technique were the same as in previous experiments. The results of the recent series of experirnents in which 2 g of hydrogen-fired (120QOC) Cro and various UF,-to-UF, ratios were used are shown in Table 5.4. In the table with the concentrations expressed as mole fractions by using the formula weight NaZrF, = 2 moles. Pt was necessary to calculate the final UF, concentration, since accurate analyses for u3+ in the presence of Crft could not be made; any error arising from this calculation would be important only at low UF, concentrations. The data show that at both 600 and 800°C the PERIOD ENDlNG SEPTEMBER 70, 1954 values of Kx remain constant at low UF,-to-UF, ratios but increase rapidiy as this ratio rises above 3. This rapid increase in Kn may be due to in- complete removal by filtration of small amounts of chromium metal or to uncertainties in analysis of these trace quantities. Since, as shown above, the UF,-to-UF, ratio in NaZrF, solution in equilibrium with uranium metal is about 9 at 800"C, it is not likely that disproportionation of the UF, is re- sponsible for the increase in Kx. In any case, the agreement between the mean of four values of the constant ut each temperature with previously published values is extremely good. Agreement among the various initial UF,-to-UF, ratios seems to show that a state of equilibrium is reached in these experiments. When equilibrium data for the reaction Fe" t 2UF4&2UF, i FeF, were obtained by the addition of UF, UF, and FeF, to NaZrF, in the same way as for the chra- mium reaction, the results obtained were not so reproducible. The data obtained are shown in Table 5.5. The mean of the values obtained at TABLE 5.4. EQUILIBRIUM DATA FOR THE REACTION Cr" t 2UF,f==! CrF2 + 2UF3 IN MOLTEN NoZrF5 Experimental Cond it ion s Equi I i bri um* Concentroti or? Temperature UF, Added UF3 Added of Cr++ ("C) (moles/kg of melt) (moles/kg of melt) (PP4 600 0.358 0.267 0.178 0.089 0.035 0.029 0.078 0.158 0.238 0.287 0.318 800 0.360 2660 7.4 io-, 0.280 0.08 1 1 I25 6.1 IO-, 0.194 0.165 210 3.3 lo-, 0.111 0.244 55 4.2 x lo-' 0.064 0.295 30 1.8 0.032 0.325 35 7.9 10-3 +t *Values shown ore mean of closely agreeing values from duplicate experiments. Blank contained 200 ppm of Cr . **Kk values previously obtained: at 6OO0C, Kx = 4.2 4 W4, at 8OO0C, Kx - 4.1 x lo-,. K calculated from -l\P= RT InK by uslng Brewer's values for AP: at 6Q0°C,Kcq - 1; at 800"C,Keq: eq "4 0.1. 2080 9 50 150 35 50 40 3.0 x 5.1 2.7 x KX** 4.4 10-4 5.7 lo-, 1.1 x 10-2 61

ANP QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT ~~ - TABLE 5.5. EBUlLlBRlUM DATA FOR THE REACTION FeO + 2 U F 4 4 2UF3 + FeF2 IN MOLTEN NaZrF5 .- Experimental Conditions .-...... I_ Concentration of Temperature UF, Added UF3 Added FeF2 Added Fe" in Filtrate K, (OC) (moles/kg of melt) (rnoledkg of melt) (moles/kg of melt) (PPld ~ 600 0.322 0.322 0.326 0.326 0.053 0.03 19 0.053 0.083 0.083 0.0346 0,0347 0.0347 6 20 1.2 x 10-6 735 1.2 x 10-6 660 9.3 x 10-6 6 55 9.3 x 10-6 0.321 0.036 0.0 168 995 2.1 10-~ 0,321 0.036 0.0168 9 40 1.9 10-~ 800 0.242 0.113 0.206 8600 1.2 x 10-5 0.242 0.1 13 0.103 3210 3.2 10-~ 0.242 0.1 13 0.103 3270 3.7 0.277 0.077 0.103 41 10 2.7 0.277 0.077 0.103 4050 2,2 10-~ 0.0318 0.322 0.213 3110 3*4 x 10-6 0.0318 0.322 0.210 3300 2.5 10-~ 0.103 0.27 1 0.210 4530 1.1 10"~ 0.103 0.271 0.207 4645 3.7 10-5 0.207 0.152 0.213 7940 1.3 10-5 0.245 0.1 15 0.053 495 4.2 x 0.245 0.1 15 0.053 435 2.8 x 10-6 _..___. 0.245 __ .......... 0.1 15 0.053 ........ ~ _ _ _ _ ..... _ 265 . ~ 1.3 10-~ ....... ____ *Values previously reported: ot 6OO0C, Ku = 1.2 x at 8OO0C, Kr 7 1.5 x lo-'. K calculated from --/\F0 = RT In K by using Brewer's values for AF0: ' q eq at 6OO0C, Keq= 2x at 8OO0C, Keq= 1.4~ 6QOOC (1 x lom5) agrees with the previously re- ported value of 1.5 x loa5, although agreement among the individual determinations was not en- couraging. The values obtained at 80O0C, however, $0 not agree well with the value of 1.5 x reported when UF, and ferrous metal were used as starting materials. In an attempt to explain this discrepancy, the experiments in which UF, and ferrous metal were used os reactants at 80OOC were repeated. The values obtained, as shown in Table 5,6, yielded a mean of 0.9 x and agreed more closely with the previously reported values. It appears possible that the reaction of ferrous metal with UF, had not reochedequilibrium in the reaction time allowed. 62 lo-,. TABLE 5.6. EQUlLlBRlUM DATA FOR THE REACTlON OF FERROUS METAL WlTH UF4 IN MOLTEN NaZrF5 AT 800°C UF4 added: 0.360 niolekg of melt .. . -... ~ ___ Concentration* of ~e++ in Filtrate Kx (PPm) 520 390 330 480 1.7 x 5.4 x 10-7 2.8 x lo-' 1.1 x 10-6 *Blank of 100 ppm to be subtracted from determined values in calculations.

values were given for the "equilibrium constants"<br />

obtained with UF, and the metal as starting ma-<br />

terials. During the past quarter, the values have<br />

been checked with various ratios of UF, to UF, as<br />

starting materials in the NaZrF, solution. The<br />

apparatus and details of the experimental technique<br />

were the same as in previous experiments. The<br />

results of the recent series of experirnents in which<br />

2 g of hydrogen-fired (120QOC) Cro and various<br />

UF,-to-UF, ratios were used are shown in Table<br />

5.4. In the table<br />

with the concentrations expressed as mole fractions<br />

by using the formula weight NaZrF, = 2 moles.<br />

Pt was necessary to calculate the final UF, concentration,<br />

since accurate analyses for u3+ in the<br />

presence of Crft could not be made; any error<br />

arising from this calculation would be important<br />

only at low UF, concentrations.<br />

The data show that at both 600 and 800°C the<br />


values of Kx remain constant at low UF,-to-UF,<br />

ratios but increase rapidiy as this ratio rises above<br />

3. This rapid increase in Kn may be due to in-<br />

complete removal by filtration of small amounts of<br />

chromium metal or to uncertainties in analysis of<br />

these trace quantities. Since, as shown above, the<br />

UF,-to-UF, ratio in NaZrF, solution in equilibrium<br />

with uranium metal is about 9 at 800"C, it is not<br />

likely that disproportionation of the UF, is re-<br />

sponsible for the increase in Kx.<br />

In any case, the agreement between the mean of<br />

four values of the constant ut each temperature<br />

with previously published values is extremely good.<br />

Agreement among the various initial UF,-to-UF,<br />

ratios seems to show that a state of equilibrium is<br />

reached in these experiments.<br />

When equilibrium data for the reaction<br />

Fe" t 2UF4&2UF, i FeF,<br />

were obtained by the addition of UF, UF, and<br />

FeF, to NaZrF, in the same way as for the chra-<br />

mium reaction, the results obtained were not so<br />

reproducible. The data obtained are shown in<br />

Table 5.5. The mean of the values obtained at<br />


Experimental Cond it ion s<br />

Equi I i bri um*<br />

Concentroti or?<br />

Temperature<br />

UF, Added UF3 Added of Cr++<br />

("C) (moles/kg of melt) (moles/kg of melt)<br />

(PP4<br />

600<br />

0.358<br />

0.267<br />

0.178<br />

0.089<br />

0.035<br />

0.029<br />

0.078<br />

0.158<br />

0.238<br />

0.287<br />

0.318<br />

800<br />

0.360<br />

2660<br />

7.4 io-,<br />

0.280<br />

0.08 1<br />

1 I25<br />

6.1 IO-,<br />

0.194<br />

0.165<br />

210<br />

3.3 lo-,<br />

0.111<br />

0.244<br />

55<br />

4.2 x lo-'<br />

0.064<br />

0.295<br />

30<br />

1.8<br />

0.032<br />

0.325<br />

35<br />

7.9 10-3<br />

+t<br />

*Values shown ore mean of closely agreeing values from duplicate experiments. Blank contained 200 ppm of Cr .<br />

**Kk values previously obtained: at 6OO0C, Kx = 4.2 4 W4, at 8OO0C, Kx - 4.1 x lo-,.<br />

K calculated from -l\P= RT InK by uslng Brewer's values for AP: at 6Q0°C,Kcq - 1; at 800"C,Keq:<br />

eq "4<br />

0.1.<br />

2080<br />

9 50<br />

150<br />

35<br />

50<br />

40<br />

3.0 x<br />

5.1<br />

2.7 x<br />

KX**<br />

4.4 10-4<br />

5.7 lo-,<br />

1.1 x 10-2<br />


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